#maze runner minho preference
that-tmr-girl · 3 months
How TMR boys would react if you called them vanilla
Stares at you for a moment
The next thing you know he's on top of you, trailing his hands down your hips
Kissing you, the only thing he changes is edging you even more than before
"And you're still going to cum every time."
Completely offended
Walks towards you, making you nervous
The next thing you know, you're screaming his name as he goes rougher than ever before
"Call me that again. I like teaching you lessons."
Looks you up and down
Walks away, leaving you confused
Then, he schedules you to run together in the Maze
Fucks you against a wall until take it back
Doesn't bring it up for a while
When you've forgotten about it one Greenie night, he takes you to his hut and rails you
Only after making you cum until your legs give out does he tell you why he did it
"Being vanilla doesn't seem to be a problem, does it love?"
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nomoreusername · 5 months
TMR characters favorite place to kiss you
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Your cheek. He always kisses you there before he has to go somewhere. 
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Your hand and forehead. Both are enough to fill anyone with butterflies (but so is Newt).
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Your collarbone. Does this really need an explanation though? It is Minho after all.
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Your lips. It's simple and a classic, but if it's not broken why fix it? 
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Your forehead. It's so sweet, and it's the perfect way to be waken up. It's literally the purest form of affection. 
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Your lips. Once again, simple, yet loving
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Your cheek. It's so small yet always leaves you weak in the knees. Why wouldn't it when it's literally Sonya?
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Also your lips. Why wouldn't it be when they fit so well on hers?
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Your nose. It's a simple and quick yet lasting way to show how much she loves you.
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vvagustd · 1 year
☼my cure - newt
[newt x reader]
synopsis - newt survives because my heart needed to be healed
warning! swearing, mention of newts accident, blood and knife use
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I could feel heavy blood running through my veins. This didn't feel like me, I felt… different. Loud thoughts clouded me like thick fog. I could feel my mind slipping away.
"Newt..?" Y/n's voice made me shiver. I had no control anymore, it took everything in me to not lunge at her. I never wanted to hurt her, I never did, but this wasn't me. I was something else, something uncontrollable.
"You're the cure. It's in your blood."
"Newt, what are you-?" I lost it.
I tackled her and her head slammed into the ground. Stop it! Stop hurting her! I knew what I was doing but I couldn't stop it. The virus took control and it knew she had the cure. It was like I was watching a horrible movie through my eyes, one where I hurt the love of my life.
She was the one good thing the creators ever sent up. I saw my fair share of slinthead greenies, but Y/n was something different. I was scared, and alone, until she came up. She was always there with me, even when I was stupid enough to try and take my own life by jumping off the Maze walls.
"newt," she tried to huff through my hands gripping her throat. That's when I realized there was a knife in my hand. I already knew what the virus was planning to do.
I fought with everything I could but I wasn't strong enough. I needed to take control, I needed to take control and get through to Y/n. It felt like I was ripping through my own mind as I pushed, and I pushed. I knew I was there, I could feel-
- "Well hello, greenie." I greeted a very timid girl, huddled in the corner of the Box. "What the fuck is a greenie?" She shot back. That received a lot of laughs and snickers from the other guys. We only had a handful of people in the glade so far, a greenie monthly and we only had about seven, now eight. "Where am I?"
"Welcome to the glade, greenie! I'm Newt, and up there is the first in command, Nick. And second in command, Alby." The two boys waved from the top as she stood on a box and looked out. "What the hell are those walls?" She asked, lifting herself out. "Why am I here? Why can't I remember anything?"
"Slow down, greenie. I know you have a lot of questions, but we only have limited answers. Your name should come back to you in a little wh-"
"y/n," I whimpered out.
"It's me, Newt." She whispered, tears filling her eyes. "I'm right here." She cupped her face around my cheeks. I knew I didn't have enough time, I needed to get my point out now.
"Kill me."
I shoved the knife into her hands. "Kill me now!" I yelled. She flinched, the knife clutched in her shaky hands. "If you've ever loved me you'll kill me now, Y/n. You'll kill me before I turn into one of them." Tears ran down her cheeks as she sobbed. "Of course I fucking love you, Newt! I have since the glade. You're my everything.“ My tears mixed with the rain as I coughed up a heavy amount of blood. I was losing it, she needed to do it now.
"I love you so much, Y/n. That's why I need you to kill me, now. PLEASE FUCKING KILL ME."
Something snapped. The virus took over and I lost control as I jumped on her and tried to take the knife. Stumbling back on to the floor, we wrestled with the knife. The virus was trying to kill her for her blood, but I needed her to be alive. She had so much life left to live.
She screamed out in pain, the knife had gashed her in her stomach. It took everything she had to flip herself over on top, still crying out in agony. Her wound bled out everywhere as I fought for control of the knife, I kicked and screamed, grabbing the knife and her hands trying to desperately flip it around on her.
Suddenly the world came to a standstill. She did it, she plunged the knife into my chest. I fell back onto the ground behind me as Thomas and Minho came running over, grabbing her as she desperately kicked and punched. The last thing I heard was her screaming my name.
"I love you."
"Hey, can we talk?" I walked over to Y/n, my long time best friend. It took me a lot of courage to walk over to her, I didn't know how she was going to take this considering she's probably the most sporadic, unpredictable person I know.
But she's brave when I'm scared, she's hot-headed when I'm calm and maybe that's what I love about her. She's everything that keeps me even and she means everything to me. Today's the day I decided I'll tell her how I feel.
"Of course! Have a seat." She said, patting the ground next to her. I sat down and plopped back on the thick tree stump with a heavy exhale. "You alrighty, Newtie?“ You asked with a laugh. God, he thought you were beautiful. Everything from your laugh tho your hair, to how you yelled at the boys to keep then in line. It was like you kept the whole glade together.
"I wanted to tell you something, something I've had on my mind for a while." She turned and looked at me questioningly. "I've felt something more towards you, like there was something else I felt towards you other than friendship. I value you more than anyone in this glade but I also deeply admire you. Your beauty, how you're so eager to help out, how you always compliment Fry's mediocre cooking without fail." She let out a laugh as her cheeks flushed. "Are you trying to say you like me?"
I stumbled trying to find the right words when I suppose a yes would have done fine. She leaned in and brushed her hand across my cheek before her lips met mine. I completely froze, and she pulled away when she realized I wasn't kissing back.
"I'm so sorry, I thou-"
I wrapped my hands around the back of her neck and pulled her in for another kiss, this time deeper, more meaningful.
"Wake up!" A tall, big man in full armor shouted at me over the loud horn of a..
"Where the bloody hell am I?" I said, trying to sit up and immediately doubling over from the pain in my chest. "What the-?"
"Man, your lucky we got there when we did, you were bleeding out like crazy, can't believe that knife missed your heart." Oh no. Oh no no no no. I can't be here, I need to leave before-
I lifted up my shirtsleeve to find nothing on my arm, no virus in my veins. How is this even possible?
The events of that day flooded back to me, that one line repeating over and over again.
"You're the cure. It's in your blood."
During the fight her blood entered my bloodstream, the blood that would cure me. It's because of her, the girl I begged to kill me that night was the reason I'm still standing.
"Welcome to Paradise." I looked over from the edge of the boat to see a beautiful island. Sure it wasn't much, but there was people everywhere, some laughing and dancing, some getting food, and some making a bonfire. I prayed that Y/n had made it here, if anything she deserved to be here and not me.
"Do you know if a Y/n got here?" He thought about it for a moment. "Nah man, sorry. I don't know much about the people here. But what I do know, is that you're very lucky to be here. We found you half cranked out in the middle of the city, so if it wasn't for my crew I would have left your sorry ass."
The boat docked and the first thing on my mind was to find Y/n. If there was one thing I knew, it was that I desperately needed a shower. My tour guide took me to a disinfectant room, he gave me a change and I showered, probably the best treatment I've had in a very long time.
The sun never really showed since I got here, the island in a constant gray haze. I got led around to get a feel for the island, but everything felt unfamiliar, from the island down to the people. I passed dozens of faces, each either looked at me like there was sometimes wrong with me, or glanced and moved on. I prayed to see a familiar face. I prayed to see her face.
I whipped my head around.
"Y/n?" My heart dropped. The memories from that night flooded in. Her tear covered face flashed my memory as she plunged that knife into my chest. How could she ever forgive me for what I did to her that night? I took a step forward and she staggered back.
"Is it really you?" Her voice was small, tears started filling her eyes. I nodded, tears filling my own as she ran into my arms. "I can't believe it's you!" She sobbed into my chest, being careful to avoid my injury. She pulled away and looked into my eyes. "How is this even possible?" She sniffled.
"You, love. You were my cure."
hope you enjoyed my first newt fic! little angsty but it all works out
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
TMR ; how you meet
includes ; newt, minho, brenda, aris, sonya & harriet
warnings ; language, mentions of weapons, death
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met at the mall in the scorch
you were barely fucking alive
thomas heald the gun up at you thinking you were infected and newts like "bloody hell, what happened to you?"
he quickly helps you because you're literally starving and dying of dehydration
you're slumped over his shoulder and barely able to walk
you thank him religiously for helping you
your friendship is the definition of the vibes of From Eden by Hozier
such a pure, wholesome relationship
most of the group had no hope for you but he did
because he wasn't going to let another person die
at the right arm
he caught your attention so fast
like who is that badass, tired, fast ass runner???
he honestly admires you
the way you hold a gun, the way you show facial expressions, etc
your determination to get him back from WCKD was probably the only thing actually keeping the operations going
even after the train rush failed, you wouldn't stop
even with your small time together, you'd built a weird bond
and you weren't gonna give up on him, even if his actual friends wanted to
Met in the Last City while reuniting with Gally
you worked with him and helped assist him and the others kind of helpfully kidnap the crew (???)
she didn't trust you at first, but you jumped at the sight of a rebellion and blowing shit up
she started to like you
the whole bus scene went crazy
she admires your fight and that you don't like violence, you like the rebellion aspect and taking down the bad people and find a way to make it fun for everyone yk?
you kept the kids so calm and collected, she wished she could stay so calm in a panic filled situation like you
you came out of another maze just before him
you kinda sat in silence with him every day until maze b survivors showed up
he'd never showed you the vents, although he did talk about escaping with you
although iffy, you listened to him and the maze b kids
you had no one left, and you didn't want to stay if janson turned out to be with WCKD yk?
a quiet, mutual was bonded on the first day you guys sat in silence together
kind of like a mutual respect for one another although you barely knew each other
you came up in the box before her
you showed her around and all that
she admires your hard work and how you don't give up, even with the most boring, mundane tasks or the most spine cracking, difficult ones.
you have a strength for defending the ones you love as well and she loves it about you
you have awesome fashion too tbh
at the right arm
she heald you at gunpoint and you were both trying to figure each other out
mutual bond of respect formed between you two
constantly teaching each other new things and stuff
you teach her how to use a pencil, she teaches you how to weave together blankets and shit
you're smart and quick thinking and she's kind of the arms of the operation, she's like your shield
w dynamic
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫
⤑Back to navigation ┊♡requests: OPEN
⤑smut/suggestive: (m) ⤑angst: (a) ⤑fluff: (f)
-nothing here yet-
: ̗̀➛MTL
-nothing here yet-
-nothing here yet-
❥From afar (f)
© skiiyoomin - all rights reserved. please do not copy or steal my work, and always ask me for permission before reposting, translating, or using my work.
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rainydaydreamsideblog · 3 months
Maze Runner:
Headcanons/Preferences (Thomas, Newt, Minho, Gally)
He Gets Jealous
Spending a Rainy Day with Him
What It's Like Having Him as a Close Friend
You Protect Him
You Challenge Him to Spar at a Bonfire
Imagine: He Protects You
X-Men (films):
Logan Howlett
The Injury
Group + Reader
Introducing Them to Shows/Movies
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awritessomething · 5 months
I have absolutely no ideas for writing whatsoever pleaseplease leave requests!!! Smut, angst, fluff, whatever y’all want I can probably do.
Ill write for these people and probably more that I forgot (all male character x fem!reader) :
Formula 1:
Max Verstappen
Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri
Charles Leclerc
Pierre Gasly
Lewis Hamilton
Carlos Sainz
Daniel Riccardo
Mick Schumacher
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
David Rossi (preferably young)
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Spiderman (Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Miguel O'hara)
Call of Duty
Keegan Russ
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Phillip Graves
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
John B. Routledge
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Tom Riddle
Sirius Black
Lorenzo Berkshire
Oliver Wood
The Walking Dead:
Glenn Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Joao Felix
Jude Bellingham
Brock Purdy
Leon Draisaitl
Jack Hughes
Vince Dunn
Mitch Marner
Connor Bedard
Wayne Gretzky (young)
Jack Champion (Ethan Landry)
Patrick Bateman
Batman (Christian Bale)
Johnathan Crane
Finnick Odair
Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark, Mike Schmidt, Sean Anderson, Clapton Davis)
Rodrick Heffley
Colby Brock
Sam Golbach
Tristan Dugray
Dylan O'brien
Bellamy Blake
Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd, Ronald Miller)
Joe Goldberg
Timothee Chalamet (Wonka, Paul Atreides)
Minho (The Maze Runner)
Keanu Reeves (John Wick, Neo, Alex Wyler, Dr. Beckham, Julian Mercer, Ted Logan)
Jim Halpert
Ulfric Stormcloak
Ben Schnetzer (Max Vandenburg, Brad Land, Russ Sheppard)
Ralph Macchio (Daniel Larusso, Johnny Cade)
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
Robby Keene
Zuko (atla dallas liu)
Jet (atla sebastian amoruso)
Cillian Murphy (Johnathan crane, jackson rippner, Neil Lewis)
Evan Peters (all ahs characters, Luke cooper)
What I wont do:
Beastiality or anything animal-y
Male reader (sorry)
Character x character
Threesomes or anything not 1x1
Character x oc
Specific body types (i just don’t see the point)
Daddy/mommy kinks
Incest or stepcest
(I’ll prob have to add on but its midnight rn)
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
I would like to request headcanons for the maze runner boys for how would they react when they're jealous of you.
Luv you <3
Wooo, I love writing headcanons, they're a hell of a lot easier than full stories. I'm assuming you mean when they're jealous over you, so that's what I'm going with.
Gender neutral reader because the pronouns are unspecified.
Also I have seen your request for a part 2 to "warmth in cold places" and I will do that after I've finished your headcanon requests because it'll be simpler lol, hope that's okay.
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SUMMERY: See above. Gender-neutral!Reader x All boys. Not established relationships, just long-term crushes from some jealous boys. You're close with the boys, and despite them not knowing how you feel- they just can't help but be jealous.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, some possessiveness, violence and suggestive themes. Alby is based more on the book to add some variety.
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What happens when your favourite Glader boys get jealous over you?
Let's find out.
Thomas is definitely a... controversial character amongst the Glade.
Which means that the Gladers (especially Gally and the other's that don't hold his favour), would often flirt with you just to get a rise out of him.
It's not like you two are dating or anything, but he'd clearly have a thing for you.
And he's not exactly the most self-assured person around. Yanno- with the identity crisis, no memories of his life, people accusing him of everything under the sun- you get the picture.
The boy already has enough insecurities on his plate- nevermind watching the person he has feelings for get hit on.
He's not exactly one to start physical altercations, but it wouldn't be rare to feel his 500-yard death stare from across the Glade.
"Gally's talking to them again."
Newt would get to hear the worst of Thomas's internal conflicts.
He'd find it funny, but kind of annoying.
"They're just talkin', mate- it ain't a crime."
"He's doing it to get to me. I know he is."
"Seems to be workin'."
"Shut up."
Despite not wanting to get into a fight, Thomas would occasionally butt into conversations.
He can be sarcastic, something he's picked up off of Minho (but not nearly as good at), and he would be snappy and condescending when diving face first into trying to steal your attention.
Which would leave you concerned as you'd have to blankly watch Thomas bicker with someone in a way you can't quite understand.
Thomas isn't stupid.
He'd be fully aware he has no right to be so jealous or meddling, but until he actually gains the courage to say something about his feelings, you better get used to it.
Newt is far more level-headed than Thomas.
He is respectful and busy, remaining calm in the majority of situations he has to face.
Though, like Thomas, he would absolutely be the type to stand with a tense jaw, staring while you interact with some poor, unknowing boy as Newt plots murder in his head.
Newt is confident in his skills, and doesn't have much time to focus on romantic endeavours. But there would be the creeping feeling of possessiveness as he'd watch you talk to the other boys.
He'd prefer to talk to the culprit in private, giving them a warning nod to keep their distance.
"I'm telling you to stay away from them."
"Because I said so."
It wouldn't go much further than that.
The boys heed Newt's warnings- despite his reputation, he isn't exactly someone people want to upset.
Alby and Minho would find it very funny that the only time Newt chooses to actually use the power he has is when it comes to scaring people away from you.
"You're literally the Second in Command, and the only time you actually tell people what to do is when you get all shuckin' possessive over a crush? Ha! That's the best thing I've ever heard."
"Shut up, Minho."
When you'd bring it up to him that less and less people are talking to you, he would just shrug it off.
Of course, Minho would absolutely tell you what's actually going on because he can't keep his mouth shut, but you can only knowingly smile until Newt is willing to finally tell you himself.
Minho is a reckless and unsubtle man.
He lives with his life on the line permanently, and is pretty blunt about most things.
He would absolutely tell you to your face that he doesn't like someone, or how they're acting around you.
"I just don't like what Zart said earlier- he's gettin' too shuckin' friendly."
He'd also go out of his way to be physically intimidating and make himself look better than whoever his competitor is.
That includes but is not exclusive to:
- Knocking shoulders with people who are talking to you.
- Loud (and obnoxious) insults aimed at anyone who dares get too close.
- The more than once he'd almost get into a physical fight.
- Casually throwing an arm over your shoulder to assert dominance.
He'd also be a sulky bitch.
Minho doesn't seem like the type to be good with his feelings, so apart from the initial rage, confrontation, and warnings- he would strop.
He'd have no grounds to, and Newt would remind him of that since you guys aren't dating.
But that wouldn't stop him.
"Dude, if you keep pouting like a shank, they're never gonna like you back."
"I'm not pouting."
He'd get over it, eventually.
Minho isn't an insecure person. He'd know there were something more between you both. The problem would lie in whether he'd be the only person you had that something with.
That is why he would sulk.
Because deep down, you'd be almost like a weak spot for him.
Though, it would kind of become a sort of unspoken rule not to flirt with you- after all, no one wants an angry Minho after them.
Gally is like Minho, only ten times worse and borderline homicidal.
There would be many Gladers who would show up with broken noses and a nervous disposition after they'd be seen talking to you.
(And Gally with broken knuckles.)
He's terrible at controlling his feelings and expressing them in a healthy way.
He would be especially harsh if he saw someone making you uncomfortable.
"I'm going to shucking kill that bastard!"
Frypan would make comical commentary.
"Y'all still aren't together then, huh?"
"Shut up, Fry."
"Ah- figures."
He would also be incredibly insecure.
Sure, he's not the most liked guy around, but he thought you guys were close. That he might have a chance with you.
So, instead of having a healthy conversation with you about maybe establishing a relationship, he would react in a rash way.
Which would definitely not be a good way to show he cares about you.
But the boy has issues.
Alby would absolutely get mad at him and tell him to stop.
He'd then start insulting people instead.
Frypan would probably...
Do nothing.
He doesn't like conflict and despite being a jokester, he doesn't actually want to cause any problems.
And he's not about to go around bashing people when he doesn't even know if the feeling is mutual (*cough* something the other boys can learn from *cough*).
He'd probably keep his mouth shut and try to judge things from spending time with you.
He might talk to Gally about it.
"You could just ask them?"
"Would you ask them if you were me?"
"Fair point."
He'd definitely just silently simmer in his own emotions whilst staring off into space.
Though, when he'd be with you- you'd have absolutely no idea he was jealous or possessive at all.
He would never do anything to upset you.
He'd definitely lie awake at night thinking about it and how you might like someone else and what would he even do with himself?
But he'd never tell you.
Or show you.
Your happiness always comes first.
Alby would throw them in the Slammer.
Wouldn't even hesitate.
Looked at you for too long?
Made a flirty comment?
Bad and slightly inappropriate joke?
He is a very busy man. He doesn't have the time to keep an eye on you all the time, so, putting anyone who crosses a line in the Slammer would definitely make that easier.
"Why's Ben in the Slammer again, Alby?"
"Why do you think, Newt?"
"Ah, (Y/N)? Again?"
It's not like Alby is insecure or even possessive.
He has much more important things that he needs to worry about.
But, watching people try and flirt with you would make him uncomfortable, and Alby has no time to process this discomfort.
So it obviously means that they're doing something wrong, right?
So, Slammer.
It is the simplist answer.
You'd have to ask him to stop because he'd keep locking your friends up.
He would begrudgingly agree.
Though, people definitely would not dare hit on you once they started to understand that Alby liked you.
That'd be an easy way to a fast grave.
In reality, Alby wouldn't have any reason to be jealous- he is the Leader for a reason.
He probably could've just told people to back off with no context, and they would've, instead of the immediate jailing.
It would be a very odd phase for the Glade.
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Yoo, back with more headcanons. I try not to take these too seriously because I feel like they're just a bit of fun instead of the usual one-shots.
I have some more headcanons coming up next.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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A Mission - The Maze Runner Imagine
Request from Anonymous: i loved ur 'how you meet' preferences!! could you write a griever slaying fem reader? i know this sounds wack but hear me out she comes straight out the box running for the hills and instead of stopping when they tell her not to go in there she runs straight in. minho or one of the other runners find her killing a griever and theyre like what the FUCK and he drags her back to the glade like why is there a girl here why was she killing a griever and everyone is like what the FUCK just everyone being confused and bewildered at the first girl in the glade being batshit crazy
Author's Note: Thank you for the request! I hope you like it!
Word Count: 2.2k
I have a mission.
It's the first thing you remember when you wake up in this cramped box, and for a while, it's the only thing you can think.
I have a mission.
The details come to you in fragments. You know you'll have to run. You're ready for that, pacing around the rising room to keep your muscles warm.
I have a mission.
There's going to be danger, that you're sure of. The scars on your body that you have no memory of getting make you wonder if this isn't the first time you've had a mission like this. There's a long one that snakes along your calf, like someone wrapped a curl of barbed wire around your leg. Your hands are littered with tiny, long-healed cuts. When you flex your fingers, you feel strong. Hardened.
I have a mission.
The room shudders to a stop. The far half of the ceiling opens up and daylight pours in. You sink further into the shadows. The light stings your eyes, and the gentle hum of the ascent has been replaced by clamoring voices and the sound of constant movement. The box shakes with the thud of someone landing inside.
I have a mission.
You dart across the room, hearing the voices change to shock and confusion, and leap for the wall. Your fingers just barely grip the top. Your feet scrabble for purchase on the slick surface, but you're determined, you're quick, you're strong, and this is your mission so you must succeed.
You haul yourself out of the box. A mob of teenage boys stands in front of you, all around you, some laughing, some glaring, many simply confused. You run at them and they scramble away. For a strange, detached moment, you feel like a queen walking to her throne, the lords parting before her in deference, cheering.
There is no cheering as you sprint across the grass.
"He's making a run for it!" someone says, cackling.
"I think that was a girl," comes a different voice.
You run faster. Your eyes have adjusted to the brightness and you can see the blue sky, the grassy ground, and the hulking stone walls boxing you in.
Escape one box and run right into another, you think, and then, I have a mission.
There are a few breaks in the walls, massive doorways leading into a mystery. You're heading for the closest one. Behind you, there are loud footfalls and cries for you to "Stop! Don't go in there!" It sounds like someone tells you to "Stop being such a shank," but his words are choppy, confusing, and all you want is to complete your mission.
The entrance is so close, just a few more seconds of all-out sprinting, when you feel the heavy presence of someone behind you. Someone who wants to grab you. Who wants to stop you.
Without planning to, you come to a dead stop and drop into a crouch. The person behind you was too close, they can't stop soon enough, their shin collides with your back as they trip over you and slam to the ground in front of you.
You're back running before you can take a close look at him. Every muscle in your body is moving with instructions you haven't given, implementing lessons you don't remember teaching. Your surroundings are entirely new, entirely foreign—and yet, there's an uncanniness to everything you see. The colors and the season and the people are wrong. But the bones of this place, those are familiar. Especially, you realize as you enter the gap between the walls, the maze.
For the first time, your steps falter. The walls are gray stone and decked in ivy. That's wrong. They should be…they should be…
You want to shiver, the memory flees, all you know is the mission.
You sprint and take a left at the four-way intersection. All of the voices have faded. No one seems to be coming after you as you make your way down corridors, following a path that's branded like fire in your mind.
Straight. Right. Right. Left. Straight. Left. Right. Right. Straight. Straight. Straight. Left.
Here is a dead end. The walls are so thick with ivy you can barely see the stones. The air is still as a graveyard. You stand, panting, trying to remember what comes next.
From atop the wall, there's a clicking noise. You look up.
The creature is hideous, all mechanical limbs and throbbing, human-like skin. You half-expect giant wings to unfurl from its back (why? The memory slips away like a shadow) but instead it starts climbing down the ivy, whirling and clicking. Razor-sharp barbs glint along its body. Its mouth, a maw of metal, gnashes hungrily.
You remember what you have to do.
The boys find you faster than you thought they would. You hear them round the corner as the monster shrieks its death knell. Its mechanical body curls in like the husk of a bug. Blood drips down your arm, getting on the wires that droop from the metal disk you're holding. It's still warm from the creature's chest cavity, where it had been nestled like a heart. The disk is pockmarked with flashing dots of light. They blink at you a few times, the pause between each growing longer, and then they wink out. The creature at your feet, speared by its own jagged limb, falls silent.
"What the fuck."
The boy isn't asking, you realize as you turn around, the metal disk slipping from between your blood-slicked fingers. He has dark hair and dark eyes and an athlete's build, all lean muscle and confidence. His gaze darts from you to the monster, then back to the monster.
He's flanked by two others, one with shaggy brown hair and freckles who looks to him in deference, and the other, dark-skinned and serious, who steps forward, side-by-side with the speaker.
"Minho," commands the dark-skinned boy, "check that the Griever's really dead."
The boy who spoke first nods and starts toward you, trepidatious at first, then more sure as sees the monster (the Griever?) more clearly. "Definitely looks dead," he says. "I don't know how she's not."
Their stares feel like drills boring into your skin. Your back aches, hot with blood, and the muscles in your legs are tightening up. Your mission is done, you should feel happy, but you're still here in this strange, wrong, too-familiar place, and the adrenaline that had been fueling you is fading. You want to go home. You want your sleeping bag, covered in a blanket of fur and nestled in the—the—Gone. The memory is gone.
I had a mission, you think. And then you say it out loud, testing the words on your tongue, "I had a mission."
The boy closest to you, the one who'd been called Minho, stares at you like you've grown a second head. "You're jacked," he says with a breathy, perplexed chuckle.
The insult is on your lips before you can remember where it comes from: "Crackhead."
Minho lets out a booming laugh, then turns to the other boys. "Can we keep her, Alby?"
The serious boy, Alby, frowns deeper. "We need to hold a Gathering. Thomas, go tell Newt. We'll be right there."
The third boy, the one with brown hair and freckles, nods warily. He takes one last look at you and sprints back the way he came. You watch him go, ignoring the boys he left behind until you hear a clatter of metal.
Your body jerks into action, spinning around and putting your hands up, ready to fight the Griever again if you have to. But it was just Minho kicking the creature's body, poking and prodding at its innards.
"What's your name?" Alby asks from behind you.
You turn and back up a few steps so you can keep both boys in your field of vision. Minho is crouched over the Griever. Alby is staring at you, his gaze heavy, solemn. Distrustful. 
"Y/N," you tell him.
Minho pries the Griever's jaw open. His voice echoes off the metal tunnel of the Griever's throat as he asks, "How'd you avoid getting stung?"
Before you can answer, Alby cuts in, voice sharp and angry. "Where did you come from? What do you mean mission?"
Your body aches. You don't want to be here, standing over a mutated, cybernetic monster, being questioned by strangers. "I don't know. I can't remember anything."
"You remembered more than we did," Alby fires back.
Minho straightens up. "Let's get her back to the Glade, Alby. She can answer at the Gathering."
You hate their lingo, want to spit on all of the slang you don't understand because you know the words that should be there instead (it's not called the Glade, it's called the…) but you can't find the words, so you jog with them through the maze, following Minho, Alby a few paces behind you. They have you locked in. There's an urge to break away from them at one of the intersections. You could push Minho into the wall and sprint past him, only where would you go? 
"What is this place?" you ask as you run.
Minho glances back at you. He looks apprehensive, but there's a curious glint in his eyes. "We're in the Maze. Although, you really shouldn't be in here, Greenie." Looking forward again, he speaks in a louder voice, "Clearly you're a rule-breaker."
You still kind of want to push him.
As you get closer to the "Glade," you hear the murmur of voices. It gets louder and louder, until you can see the door at the end of the corridor and, beyond it, a swarm of boys. Somehow, they get even more raucous as you get closer. Their shouts blur together, meaningless words and sounds filling the air. They clamber into each other, everyone wanting to get closer, no one willing to step into the Maze.
"Out of the way, shanks!" Minho yells.
Boys push and pull, slinging insults and questions, and somehow the mass of chaos becomes two distinct groups, one on each side of you.
Minho leads you across the grass to a rustic building. It's practical and sturdy, all of the effort put towards making a building that won't fall, none left to make it inviting. Inside is quieter. For a second, you're grateful because the blood rushing in your ears and the pain singing across your body is enough noise. But as you follow Minho into another room, the air grows thick and tense. Every breath feels like you could choke on it.
Eleven boys sit in a semicircle, two empty seats amid the line. In the middle of the room is a single empty chair.
Your stomach sinks. Your feet pulse with pain.
Alby enters behind you, jerking his chin at the chair in the center. "That's yours." He watches and waits until you slowly walk to the chair and sink into it.
Your skin feels hot. You're acutely aware of the blood on your clothes, the sweat on your body. You feel like a science experiment, everyone examining you, anticipating your reactions so they can write them down, dissect them, find the answers they want. Mouth dry, you swallow and wait.
Alby and Minho take their seats, Minho beside the third boy from the Maze, the one Alby called Thomas.
"She's a—" 
"We can't trust—"
"She killed a Griever." Alby's voice rises above the rest, the stern tone of a leader.
The other boys erupt into more questions. They bounce off the walls. You don't know who to look at, gaze darting from boy to boy until you land on the blond next to Alby. He's one of the few that isn't speaking, his brown eyes boring into yours. You don't know if he sees fatigue, fear, or anger on your face, but he gives a slight nod, almost to himself, and holds up a hand.
"Slim it!"
The others get out a few more unanswered questions before falling silent.
"What do you remember?" the blond asks, his words tinged with a familiar accent. You can't place where you've heard it, who you've heard it from, but you remember that she had blonde hair too, and…The thought fades away.
"I know I had a mission," you say. It's as simple as that, but the boys stare at you like you're speaking another language.
"What does that even—"
"Who gave you—" 
"Where the fuck did you come from?"
The blond again holds his hand up against the barrage of questions. 
The large boy to your left who spoke last scoffs and protests, "Let us ask, Newt. I know how we can get some answers."
Biting your tongue to keep more insults, origins unknown, from bursting out, you add the name to your memory, filing it with the others. The boy with the accent is Newt. The leader is Alby. You followed Minho through the Maze. And the third boy from the Maze who sits beside Minho, eyebrows furrowed together, his name is—
Thomas stands up. He looks far away, his eyes distant and unfocused. The room slowly quiets down.
"What is it, mate?" Newt asks.
Thomas doesn't look at him. For a few seconds, he just stares at the wall. Then his eyes snap to you. "She shouldn't be here."
The large boy grins, a harsh, twisted thing. "The Greenie's growing a brain."
Thomas doesn't react. Your eyes are locked with his, your breath stuck in your chest. Should you stop him? Should you beg him to continue? You don't have time to do either. Thomas stares at you and speaks.
"She's from Group B."
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that-tmr-girl · 4 months
How TMR boys would react if you called them good boy
That's his biggest weakness
Turns red and whimpers
No matter what he becomes the submissive one at that moment
In the moment he pretends not to hear it
Neither of you say it, but you both know it pushes him over the edge
He'll think about it until the next time though and secretly hope you'll say it again
Calls you good girl back
Just starts praising you like never before
Moans louder at the name
Feels really proud that you called him that
Does whatever he did during that moment next time just to hear you say it again
Asks you to say it again
He's a goner at that point
From then on, if you just whisper the name in public he doesn't know how to have a single capable thought
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nomoreusername · 30 days
TMR Boys Tropes
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Slow burn.
He doesn't realize what his feelings are for a while so he ignores them.
Between trying to save everyone and the Brenda and Teresa thing, he didn't recognize that you were his only right choice for a painfully long time.
At the Safe Haven on the night of Newt and Teresa's deaths you decide to ask if he needs anything at all. When he realizes that he just wants you to stay, he finally sees that he's in love.
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Despite how happy he can be, you just sense that there's something off a while into the Glade.
After asking if he was okay one night, he doesn't know how to react. He doesn't answer you as he stares at nothing.
As you go to leave because you figured he wanted space he quietly asks you to just stay with him.
So you do. Because you would always be there to help in any way you could.
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The undefined relationship.
There's something there, and you both know it. You just won't acknowledge it.
You'll do everything that couples do but never say it outright.
You'll dance around it until Chuck sets you two up, because he's tired of nobody doing anything about the obvious feelings.
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Easily an enemies to lovers trope.
You just didn't like his attitude, and he just didn't like you. He kept saying it was weird that there was a girl in the Glade which started a rivalry.
Then, you reconnect in the Last City. You realize that you missed each other even if you hadn't thought about it before you locked eyes.
You discover you both have a lot in common and slowly but surely fall.
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"Touch him and die."
"Touch her and die."
When he first showed up to the Spring the girls were suspicious of him. Before you even knew him you would defend him.
When you get to the Scorch he's quick to be by your side and make sure you're okay. You're the first person he'll look out for when something dangerous comes your way.
No matter where you are you're both constantly falling deeper and deeper in love while keeping each other safe.
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vvagustd · 1 year
!maze runner fics!
YALLLL i am on a maze runner kick rn and i REALLY NEED SOME REQUESTSS
i write for newt and minho but i can also write for thomas and i fr need some recommendations
minho is keeping me thriving rn fr
help me keep the maze runner fandom alive 🙏🙏
link to other request list <-----
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blackbirdi · 4 months
The Maze Runner Incorrect Quotes #2
Chuck: I made you this friendship bracelet!
Thomas: Why should I care?
Chuck: You don’t have to wear it…
Thomas: *Snatches it from Chuck’s hand and puts it on his wrist* No, I’m going to wear it forever. Back off.
Gally: Can we not use the term ‘butthurt’ anymore? We aren’t twelve if you haven’t noticed.
Minho: Would you prefer ‘asstroubled’ more?
Thomas: *Playing along* You seem a little bootybothered by the term ‘butthurt’, Gally.
Newt: Yeah, come on, Gally, no need to throw a tushytantrum about it.
Gally: *Groaning into his hands*.
Frypan: Carpenters go to boarding school.
Minho: Wow; wood you believe it?
Newt: I saw what you did there!
Thomas: … Tree.
Newt: Thank you for your contribution, Tommy.
Clint: You don’t have to be so humble about it.
Jeff: But seriously, I’m not that good at it!
Clint: *Pointing to a Glader’s unconscious body* Well you’re the only one who knows CPR and [Glader’s name] is dying soooo…
Brenda: When I first met you, I did not like you.
Teresa: Uh huh.
Brenda: But you and I had some time together…
Teresa: *Hopeful* Uh huh.
Brenda: It did not get better.
Newt: I don’t know what to get Gally for Christmas, so I’m asking all of you for help.
Literally every Glader: An attitude adjustment and a punch in the face.
Newt: … Well … you’re not wrong …
Thomas: Come on, Newt, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Newt: *Rubbing water on his face* You highlighted my face because you said I was important.
Thomas: *On the verge of tears* Because you are!
Thomas: Excuse me! I was a superhero for ten whole minutes!
Brenda: And in that time you got kidnapped and we had to come and save you.”
Thomas: Newt, what do you dislike about me?
Newt: Nothing, Tommy. Your flaws make you perfect!”
Thomas: Thanks, Newt! That’s sweet of you to say.
Thomas: What do you dislike about me, Minho?
Minho: Well for starters you’re dramatic, inconsiderate, arrogant, hold grudges for way too long —
Thomas: Wait, no—
Minho: Sit tight, I’m not even halfway done!
Chuck: Just because I’m young, doesn’t mean I’m helpless!
Chuck: *Tries opening a jar Frypan asked him to open*
Frypan: … Do you want some help?
Chuck: *Holding back tears* Yes, please.
Minho: Guess what number I’m thinking of!
Thomas: 420?
Minho: No. and that’s really immature of you to say. Now, can someone else take a guess and please be mature about it?
Brenda: 69?
Minho: Yeah, it was 69.
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heliads · 1 year
Hello may i request a Thomas ( oh original ! ) the maze runner imagine ? when the reader had a childish spirit in the glade, always smiling, bubbly, friendly toward everyone. But in the scorch, she is a different person, she is more violent with words less affectionate and she is pessimistic. Thomas discover her change of personality and decide to confront her about it. Thomas and the reader are together. (Angst and fluff maybe)
happy belated holidays!! the true gift is thomas
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Thomas has seen a lot in the meager few months he remembers being alive. There’s the Maze, of course, the terrifying behemoth of stone and ivy enclosing life as he knew it inside massive walls. There were the Grievers, sickening creatures. Thomas can still hear the screams of his friends being torn to pieces by those beasts. There were also the graves of past Gladers who lived and died without ever escaping. He saw enough loss to know the costs of surviving.
One of the worst sights Thomas has ever experienced, however, might have to do with what living did to his friends. They’re all shell-shocked in some way; Minho laughs less, Newt’s eyes grow weary, Teresa becomes more restless by the hour, but the worst of all is Y/N. Y/N, who brightened all their days back in the Glade with her relentless optimism, who has now become some cold version of the girl they all care for. That might be the deadliest blow of all.
Thomas has always liked questions. The other Gladers could tell him that much, what from the way he used to never stop asking about the most benign details of the Maze. Thomas has never had much to hold against the truth:  as long as curiosity is his best friend, he doesn’t get stuck in that ugly, familiar pattern of giving up before answers are found.
Right now, though, Thomas thinks that he would prefer to shut his eyes again. If he blocks out the world, if he pretends that everything is fine and nothing has changed at all, maybe everything will go back to normal. Maybe he’ll wake up and Y/N will be just the same as ever.
The change happened slowly, piece by piece and fracture by fracture. The Scorch ruined them all, that much is clear, but it did something worse to Y/N. She stalks through the desert like a predator waiting to hunt, and when they face something or someone they have to fight, she becomes a person Thomas has never seen before. She loses some part of herself with every bit of danger that crosses her path. At some point, there will be nothing left, and that is what scares Thomas the most.
She wasn’t always like this. Thomas only had a brief period in the Glade before things turned sour, or at least more sour than life trapped within the stone walls of the Maze with no memories save his own name. In that short time, though, Thomas met Y/N, and he liked what he saw enough to fall in love.
It was easy, falling. Easier than breathing. Easier than dying. She laughed, and the world laughed with her. Thomas watched as Runners dragged themselves out of the Maze, burned out on what their meager lives had to offer, but one conversation with Y/N had them smiling like nothing was the matter. She was the only one who could talk Gally out of a foul temper every time he wanted to start a fight. Well, every time but one, down in the depths of the ruined W.I.C.K.E.D. structure, but no one likes to think about that.
Even Thomas, terrified out of his mind that nothing made sense when he was certain that it should, wasn’t immune to Y/N’s optimism. He remembers sitting with her out on the grass, watching the sun set. There were moments on Bonfire Night when he knew he would give her the world, and early mornings just before he set out for the Maze in which one look her way gave Thomas the courage of thousands of men.
It was good back then, and Thomas wishes he had the hindsight to appreciate that before they escaped. Something happened in between their journey out of the Maze and the present day, something to turn Y/N’s ever-present grin into a deadly glare. She doesn’t smile like she used to, she doesn’t smile at all. It’s rare that she’ll speak more than a few words at a time, and those are always tinged with a foreign cruelty.
Thomas has racked his brain about a thousand times, searching for clues he never picked up to explain the change in Y/N’s behavior. Every time, though, he comes up short. If Grievers and memory loss couldn’t shake her, why this? What do the shifting sands of the Scorch hold to torment her so?
He still holds out hope that maybe they’ll make it to a safe place and Y/N’s fierce temper will leave her. One day far in the future, Thomas could wake up to her laughing just like before. It could be alright. The others have given up on that, but Thomas holds on.
Then again, the others don’t share in the love that Thomas feels for Y/N, so maybe that explains it. He’s heard the Gladers murmuring when Y/N isn’t around, shunning her cold eyes and curled fists. Thomas wants to defend her, but he gets the feeling that she almost enjoys her new reputation, using it as a shield to block out the rest of the world. If her friends can’t stand her, then surely her enemies will all but run the other way.
They need to count on her loyalty, though, and given all the changes to Y/N’s character, Thomas knows the others doubt even that. There is no time for second guessing friends turned into foes, there are already far more villains than anyone could ever need.
The small, struggling group of Gladers has to pass through a section of a Flare-ravaged city. Skyscrapers that must have been impressive once upon a time are broken and bloodied by rust now, bits and pieces disappearing by the day. The metal has lost its shine, the glass stripped of all but its ability to cut through flesh like butter. Everywhere Thomas looks, he sees places where maniacs could hide, or sharp chunks of debris that could be used as weapons. 
It’s not on his bucket list of dream destinations, to say the least, but they have no other choice. Circumnavigating this broken metropolis would take them days they don’t have. If they don’t reach the hideout of the Right Arm in time, they’ll all die in this godforsaken desert. The Gladers can risk a few Crank attacks if it means making it to a source of potential allies.
That’s what they tell themselves, at least. Still, Thomas doesn’t miss the way the group draws into itself, shoulders brushing against shoulders as they pretend they’re not half so scared as they actually are. Every time the wind whips around a desiccating office building, sending rivets and bolts scurrying down the road, everyone jumps about a foot.
One uneasy night and day later, they’re almost out. Thomas has just started to formulate the trembling hope that they might be able to pass through without incident when he starts seeing things out of the corners of his eyes. Shadowy creatures jump back into obscurity whenever he cranes his head for a better look, but the second Thomas redirects his gaze towards the road ahead, they creep back out again.
The others see it too, Thomas can tell. They all shift closer and closer together until they’re practically walking into each other with every step. Still, it’s better than the alternative. Somehow, he gets the feeling that naming those silhouettes aloud would finally allow them to charge.
Even with the maintained silence, the figures in the shadows don’t care much for inactivity. The bounds of the city are just in sight when the shapes start making noise. The streets echo with it, a cacophony of clicks and jeers, howls and coughs. The unearthly symphony makes Thomas shudder, cold slicking over his spine like fingers made of ice.
Thomas just has enough time to think that it sounds like a war cry when the silhouettes give up their lurking and pounce. Cranks appear out of nowhere, sprinting towards the Gladers with all the speed that complete and utter insanity gives you. Thomas sees some figures so damaged by time and the elements that bones poke out of their legs, but they still run like they’re competing for a national title.
Minho shouts for everyone to go, go, but it’s not like anyone wants to stick around. The Gladers hurl themselves towards the city limits; most Cranks are territorial, they give up the chase once prey heads further into the desert. That’ll be their only hope. Thomas picks up the rear, dragging friends forward when they stumble and praying that they all make it.
This side of the city is surrounded by a low wall, most likely to keep Cranks out. Now it just serves to keep sane humans in. Minho turns towards a section that’s started to crumble and jumps up with ease, perching on top to start hauling people over. It’s slow going, though, and the Cranks aren’t giving up their chase.
Thomas picks up a fallen piece of metal scaffolding by his side, swinging it experimentally like a baseball bat before turning to face the oncoming mass of Cranks. The first few go down easily, but the numbers aren’t in his favor. Someone joins the fight on his side, thankfully, and Thomas dodges a blow before turning to see who’s sticking their neck out to keep the creatures at bay.
To his surprise, it’s Y/N. She faces down the Cranks, expression grim but determined. She also wields a chunk of debris, and Thomas watches as she impales a nearby Crank before finding another victim. Thomas has a vague, fleeting memory of Winston joking about how Y/N always got totally grossed out by the amount of blood the Slicers had to deal with. Now, she’s chopping through Cranks like they were those same farm animals doomed to the blade.
Minho shouts to the two of them, and they abandon the fight to scale the wall as well. Once in the desert, the Gladers continue running, but they slow down once it’s clear that the Cranks won’t be following. Hands on his knees, Thomas catches his breath. He looks over at Y/N, searching her face for some sign of kindness. After all, she just risked herself to protect him against those Cranks.
All he sees, though, is that same blank pessimism that’s come to haunt him. Y/N catches him looking and eyes him coolly for a moment before deciding that even the endless sands hold better entertainment and turning away. Thomas is left to wonder why she would care enough to save his life but not enough to reward him with a smile.
Dusk rushes upon the land, making further travel impossible. The city had been in their way, and now they’ll need the light of morning to illuminate where they should travel next. There are a few buildings past the wall, twisting remnants of the city. Thomas recommends that they stay the night in that shelter, as it’s the best they’ll get for a while. Even after he closes his eyes, Thomas swears he can still feel the shadow of the infected city looming over him, practically breathing down his back.
It makes sleep impossible, to say the least. Eventually, Thomas gives up on fidgeting from side to side in the hopes of unconsciousness and quietly gets up, retreating to another hall in their temporary hideout to refrain from waking the others. His pulse skyrockets when he hears a noise, but he’s able to settle once it grows obvious that the source is not a Crank but another Glader. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one unable to fall asleep.
Thomas draws closer to the source of the sound. He heads into a nearby room and spots a silhouette crouching in the corner. A broken out window lets moonlight race through the cracks and towards the other occupant. Thomas blinks, and he realizes it’s Y/N. Y/N is not doing well, though. Something is wrong. The tones of her skin are different, darker in places than expected.
It’s hard to see, what with the shadows still pressing ominously around everything, but Thomas thinks– yes, it is, that’s blood covering almost half of her body. The scarlet stuff is practically painted on her, palms up to the elbows, dotting her face like gruesome freckles. He realizes that she must have gone back to the city and rid it of its mad occupants once and for all.
Y/N is staring back at him now, daring him to say something. Thomas swallows hard and tries not to sound too horrified. It’s not an easy task.
“I’m not sure it’s the best thing to be so covered in Crank blood,” he manages to choke out at last.
Y/N just laughs. It’s a bitter, harsh sound, and it reminds him a little too much of the shrieks and giggles of the infected. “I’m immune, Thomas, it doesn’t matter. They can’t do anything to me but die.”
“Still,” Thomas begins, but his courage fractures. Still, she shouldn’t tempt fate by being so careless around potential pathogens. Still, she shouldn’t be this far removed from someone Thomas knew without even falling victim to the Flare.
Y/N stands slowly, and it takes everything in him for Thomas to not flinch. “Go ahead, judge me. Say what you want. I know you and the rest have been too afraid to mention it to my face, but you can’t keep it back forever. You hate me. You’re scared of me. Just say it.”
Thomas shakes his head. “I’m not scared of you. I just miss you.”
Y/N spreads her arms. The gesture is meant to be welcoming, but Thomas can’t stop staring at the blood dried across her skin. “I’m right here, Thomas. I haven’t gone anywhere.”
“You have,” he whispers back, “the girl I met back in the Glade, she’s gone. I think you left her there. I don’t know who you are anymore, but she’s not my friend.”
Y/N draws back as if slapped. “I’m still me. You might not like it, but I’m me. I changed to survive. We all did. It’s not my fault if you want to keep clinging to an illusion. This is who I have to be if I want to live.”
“And what about the inhabitants of that city?” Thomas asks pointedly, “Didn’t they want to live?”
Y/N gives him a cross look. “They wanted to live before they became Cranks. I’m making sure people who come after us will find a safe place to hide from everyone else. You can go on believing in fairytales, but at least one of us had to grow up. Maybe it had to be me.”
Thomas sighs, the ghost of the sound circling the two of them on disappointed, broken wings. “I don’t want to believe in fairytales, Y/N. I just want to believe in you.”
“Then do it,” she says softly.
“I wish I could,” Thomas replies.
It’s quiet for a minute. Thomas thinks she might hate him. Then, her voice comes again, barely discernible in the darkened room.
“Did you love me?” A pause. “Back in the Glade. Did you love me then?”
Thomas’ throat feels tight. “I loved you then, and I love you now. I just need to know that you’re not going to leave.”
“Not more than I have, you mean,” Y/N corrects.
“Yes.” Thomas puts it plainly.
They both know what it means, how far Y/N has gone from the girl he once knew. For once, though, Thomas thinks that he might have made some headway in correcting her course.
Y/N stares at her hands, starting to rub them together as if trying to wash the red from her skin. “I can’t get it out. The blood.”
“I’ll help you clean it,” Thomas answers her unspoken plea, “I’ll help you today, and every other day after that. You just have to let me do it.”
Y/N looks up at him now, and seems to question something before nodding at last. “I will.”
It’s as close as she’ll get to an apology for now. Maybe later, once the dangers settle, they’ll have a better ending. Thomas is happy with this, though. In a world such as theirs, it’s all they can ask for. They can try again.
requested by @hope92100, i hope you enjoy!
maze runner tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @neewtmas, @thatfangirl42, @hiya-its-amber, @gods-fools-heroes, @23victoria, @w1shes43, @ilovexavierthrope, @fadedver
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mrmaybank · 1 year
hey, i was wondering if you could do a Minho x Gn(or masc, what ever you prefer)!reader and super fluffy cuddles? Can't wait to see what you come up with!!
Fandom: Maze runner
Title: Just You And Me
Character(s): Minho
Request: Yes
Genre: Fluff
TW: None
A/N: Mhm ofc! I did Masc because whenever i write GN someway somehow it turns into Masc. I hope you enjoy :)
It had been a long day for both (M/N) and Minho. With Minho running his section of the maze by himself and (M/N) working along side Jeff to help Ben. And as the sun set signaling the end of the work day, there was nothing more that either of them wanted besides see each other.
(M/N) exited the homestead saying goodbye to Jeff as him made his way over to Minho and his tent. He opened the door and couldn’t help but smile as he saw Minho sitting on there cot. “Hey,” (M/N) smiled.
Minho looked up and smile at (M/N). “Hello, my prince. How was work?” Minho asked.
“Shit, how was running?” (M/N) asked. He moved over to his boyfriend, sitting in his lap and wrapping his legs around the (OLDER/YOUNGER) boy’s waist.
“Shit, I need Ben back. Haven’t been able to finish the full section since he got bit,” Minho replied, he started running his hands through (M/N)’s (H/C) locks.
“Me and Jeff are trying our hardest,” (M/N) promised, he placed his head on Minho’s shoulder.
“I know you are baby,” Minho replied. The two just sat in silence basking in each other’s presence because at that moment that was either of them needed. To see each other and know the other was okay because in the glade you never know.
Even the silence was nice (M/N) didn’t mind when Minho interrupted it, “You’re really pretty,” He smiled at his boyfriend, “Like really pretty,”
(M/N) couldn’t help but smile as well, “well your very handsome.” Without a warning Minho moved so the both of them were laying down on the cot, causing (M/N) to let out a little gasp.
Minho frowned, “Sorry didn’t mean to scare ya.”
(M/N) just shook his head, “didn’t scare me at all just surprised me,” he replied.
Minho nodded, “I love you, you know that right?”
(M/N) smile grew, “Yes, I do. I love you too, Minho,”
“I love you more,”
“It’s true!” Minho exclaimed.
“Is not.”
“is too.” This went on for a couple minutes before both boys dissolved into laughter.
“You know Alby and Newt is gonna be on both our asses if miss the bonfire tonight,” Minho told his boyfriend.
(M/N) just rolled his eyes, “Let them.”
Minho raised his eyebrow, “You really wanna feel there rage?”
(M/N) just rolled his eyes, “they can wait a bit, right now the only person I want to see is you,”
Minho smiled, “How did I get so lucky with you?” the black haired boy asked.
“You put in a maze with no escape, by whose knows, trapped with give or take five thousand boys and way more to come,” (M/N) replied.
“Well outta those five thousands boys, I was lucky enough to be blessed with you and I wouldn’t change that,”
“Me neither,” (M/N) yawned.
“You tired?” Minho asked, which earned him a yawn from (TALLER/SHORTER) boy. “You should get some sleep then,”
“Weren’t you the one, who said Alby and Newt were gonna throw up to the grievers if we didn’t go to the bonfire?” (M/N) asked.
Minho just shook his head, “Weren’t the one who said they could wait?”
“Fair,” (M/N) replied, connecting his lips with Minho’s. Minho watched as (M/N) slowly drifted off to sleep, knowing in the morning Alby and Newt were gonna shit on him for missing the bonfire but that’s okay. Because all he cared about in that moment was (M/N).
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star-mum · 2 days
Live Star Reaction - The Maze Runner
How did this movie evade me for so many years I have no idea
Stopping to think about it, I actually haven't seen any of the big dystopian teen dramas so now I get to play catch up !!
Was that a pig ?
Okay i know literally NOTHING about the plot so I'm just as lost as you are Dylan O'Brien
"he's all yours" ex-squeeze me? Green bean ???
OKAY NAMES TIME !!! or not i guess... memory wipe looove that
WHO'S THEY ?????
i like Alby, he seems nice (he's absolutely dying ain't he?)
N E W T !!!! I know him 👀 hello accent 👀
if Chuck dies to shift the tone or raise the stakes, I'm gonna personally hunt the producers for sport
Dylan you JUST got here can you listen to this poor kid ? before you get him killed (preferably)
"we gotta stop meeting like this" alright 🍓
is the maze like ... "alive" ?
"light him up" WHY'D YOU SAY HIM ???
you didn't tell me Newt had an accent 🥺
this movie would've NUMBERS in my mind palace at age what 12 ??? how old was I when this came out?
(i was 11 by the way, if you cared)
I can't believe how hot this cast is, EVERYTIME i see Minho I feel the need to scream (THEY KEEP SHOWING HIM FROM FAR AWAY LOOKING COOL AND MYSTERIOUS)
There is so much sexual tension between Will Pouter and Dylan O'Brien sksksksk was it supposed to be this way ?
SKSKSKSK GETS DROPPED ON HIS HEAD -> remembers his name (i fucking love that)
I guess I gotta stop calling him by his actor's name now ;-; fine Thomas
when he gave Thomas the knife I thought we were doing some sort of blood oath (that's for girls in sleepovers only, I forgot)
that's a very shallow grave...
STUNG BY WHAT ???? I hate this movie sksksksk you can have a little exposition as a treat nO TOO MUCH THO PUT THAT DOWN
THERE SHE IS !!!!! I was obsessed with this actress as kid (despite not watching ANYTHING she was in) cause I found out she's half brazilian
is he there as a spy ? Is he supposed to push them all to their limits so only the strongest make it out
"Alby knows better than any of us" HE'S GONNA DIE IN THERE !!!!
(Newt might be my favorite... are we surprised or is this still part of a pattern) (this could change as I see more of the other boys)
OH THAT SCENE WAS A THOUGHT WATCH !!! i hate the walls closing in
yeeeaahhh it's Minho time baaabyyyy !!!!
*minho shoves thomas against the wall* 😯🫣
Chuck is so happy they're alive 🥺🥺 he was waiting for the boys outside the maze 🥺🥺
(he's absolutely dying at some point, to make us feel something)
C'mon Gally you're just mad you weren't the big hero of the day
he's soooooo jealous
oh those other nameless boys are supes dying here aren't they :/
IT'S A CAMERA ISN'T IT ???? TO WATCH THEM ???? or a tracker ?
"you okay, Fry?" oh he's got a name !! thank god !!
took a quick little trip to google and NEWT'S ACTOR PLAYED FERB ???? IN PHINEAS AND FERB ???? THAT'S WHY I RECOGNIZED HIS VOICE ?????
"Throw one more of those thing- OW" KSSKSSKKS SHE'S EVERYTHING TO ME
"for all we know this thing could kill him" he's already dying ! THANK YOU THOMAS
we're only finding out what outside the maze on the last movie aren't we ? ;-;
im so fucking serious, if anything happens to Chuck, Im gonna go crazy (he's my son and I care so much about him)
Noooo he gave the little toy to Thomas !!! he's gonna fucking dieeeeeee
"we call them the blades" that's a different movie
"Yeah you've been here 3 years and you're still here" SKSKSKSKS
FINALLY some answers !!!
Why did we leave Alby alone, he's gonna kill himself in there
"the doors aren't closing" *looks directly into camera* i wonder who's dying tonight 😐
so the fire both worked and did nothing ??? at the same time ???
*poisons himself* Thomas is fucking crazy NSKSKSKS i kinda love it
"it's not a prison is a test" *Jim's the camera* do i have the world's biggest brain or what ? (the movie has been setting this "twist" up from the beginning)
"this isn't banishing, its an offering" i love seeing characters descend into madness, specially when they speed run that shit the moment a little something goes wrong
I love that teresa is putting her hair up cause obviously this is not the moment to have hair on your face BUT SHE DOES THE WORLD'S WORST AND LOSER PONYTAIL !!!!! THE HAIR IS STILL ALL OVER HER FACE !!!!
*Exit door* SKSKSKS what the fuck, that's too easy
ooohh shit ppl are very fucking dead, did we do this? Dylan O'Brien was this you?
"he's been stung" eeh he'll survive worst, im sure
They teased his death so many times !!!! what to hide that he was marked from the beginning ???? I ALREADY KNEW THAT !!! I WAS RAISED ON STARKID DUDE I WILL ALWAYS PICK UP ON FORESHADOWING
"Dont worry, your safe now" I dont trust you
im gonna have to watch the sequel immediately, I hate it here (i don't actually, but I NEED answers)
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