#mckenna writes
send-me-a-puffalope · 3 months
just watched the new ghostbusters movie with my friend and truly, awkward teenage lesbians will both end and save the world.
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Let us make this the week where everyone who has toyed with the idea of writing or posting pibe fic goes through with it 😌
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princeloww · 8 months
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this was super fun to write :O
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thornsinmycrown · 5 months
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warnings: [ MDNI +18 ] religious themes, yandere themes, stalking, obsession, constantly fantasizing about kidnapping (father mckenna). word count: 639
summary: you're in his mind, day and night, like a holy prayer.
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Every day, he watches you pray from afar, how you come and go seldomly like the tiny flowers that grow outside the window of his room on spring, floating around the cathedral the same way the wind carries a lonely dry leaf that falls from a tree, he can't help but stutter a bit every time he looks your way when giving the sermon.
He can't decipher your glances, yours seem magnetic to him, like a deer's peering his lashes tenderly to tempt him, and the temperature of the room changes to a cozy hell whenever you close your eyes and fold your hands in front of you to pray, they look delicate — oh so soft.
Everything of you looks so soft for him to grasp, from the shiny threads that form your hair and frame your face, to the texture of your skin shimmering with the painted glass of the windows, the gracefulness in which your lips move to mumble the morning prayers and how your hands trace across your body the holy cross, he swears he can see the halo in your head once you walk in, but then why —oh God, why?— does he feel that churning inside when he sees you?
If your angelic presence's holiness is not questioned, why does he feel like he is comforted by the vision of the sweetest of all angels in hell?
Are his eyes sinning every time they admire you? Is it unholy to hold his breath when he passes so tortuously behind you through the aisles when the church closes its doors? Why are his thoughts so insistent on betraying his faith?
He can't find his resolve any sooner.
You're a God's creature and he is a servant of God, isn't it his duty to unconditionally love his every creation?
He knows he is in the wrong longing everything of you, he is aware he shouldn't be so eager to send all to the damn just to meet a caress in his cheek of the softness of your praying hands, within his soul he knows these are not God trials, these are the Devil's work to lure him. He knew well Satan was once an angel and so were you — then why couldn't he deny you?
You weren't more than a human, but that didn't make you any less than an enchantress. He imagines you in inappropriate scenarios, eyes rolled back and knuckles turning white, writhing and yearning, flesh to flesh flushed hellfire red late at night. He was never a romantic, and would never be, nevertheless, would whisper all of this nonsense like a chant into the void of his room make you come to him?
Patrick is not dumb, he can see the clear confusion in your face, your sweet features wonder what invade his mind while looking at you, and he wishes you could understand he only wants the best for you, that the pureness of his intentions should not be questioned — and how much he wants to keep you.
He grows white roses in his room, thinking they would give a bit of life to it, making it more appealing for you, he even got blankets with the colorful tones of the clothes he has seen you wear to make it seem comfortable. He hopes you like them so you can stay with him, Patrick dreams of the day when you can finally become a part of him, when you'll arrive to stay at his humble whereabouts and stay forever, he wouldn't mind if you want to or not, he would be glad to make you stay.
He prays with you in mind, prays and prays for God to let him see you again with desperation, on his knees in his praying sessions begging to his holy father to give you to him.
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Author's note: I was watching angels & demons the other day and remembered Father McKenna exists so, this is a bit more of a drabble than anything else, I don't think I will do a follow-up of it unless it is well received or I get more inspiration to do another different reader.
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alittleannihilati0n · 6 months
Final TOTA Takeover Drabble: The Dinner
Francine’s, quiet but open when Campbell picked up Terry and made noises at him like Terry was an infant instead of a kitten. Rosalie’s, brief but gracious, when Eddie brought a ruined charcoal lump into her house claiming it was meatloaf. Eddie’s, habitually self-effacing but making an effort to be less so, telling the table about his failed interaction with the lady with the cat bag in the market that afternoon. Campbell’s, energetic and open, retelling his best radio joke of the week. 
Eddie’s, for a moment upon coming home, scared he would find Francine hurting in a way he couldn’t help her with. Campbell’s, brief but acute, worried as he pulled up that Eddie and Francine might’ve not waited for him because he was only doing his ‘silly’ job. Francine’s, as they left the flat, repetitively reminding herself that Terry would be safe by himself for a few hours. Rosalie’s, frequent but manageable, as her guests came in the door and set things down before sanitizing their hands. 
Eddie’s, determined, as he shared his inches gained towards getting the loan. Rosalie’s, proud, describing the gradual softening of her community towards her and the other Hillcrest residents that she and the others were so ardently fueling. Francine’s, cautious, listing the jobs she’d applied for. Campbell’s, sure, telling his plans to get Spike Mulligan to come on for his show some time, then to keep bringing other loonies on from time to time. 
Everyone’s, for a moment, when Campbell brought up his flat’s faulty wiring and suddenly there was a hole in the room the size of the man in the photo on the windowsill.
The ones they had lost, the ones they were making of themselves, the ones who made life so unfairly hard for people like them, the lovely ones they chanced to meet in neighbors or supermarket customers, the ones in that room.
Their old ones — Rosalie’s, happy then fragile then broken. Francine’s, awful then not one at all. Campbell’s, average but stiff and cold. Eddie’s, loving and heavy and lonely and idealistic then leaving. Their new ones — Rosalie’s, rebuilding and growing. Francine’s, new and safe. Campbell’s, supportive and understanding. Eddie’s, both near and far, new and old, knowing him as who he is. 
Dinner. Each other. Their Lives.
389 words, sorry this one's a day late! I was so fuckin busy yesterday I didn't sit down long enough to flesh out the idea fully, much less write it properly. Hope y'all enjoyed!
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seaside-writings · 8 months
I hope this prompt list brings you inspiration wherever it is needed, and like always if you do use these prompts please tag me so I can see what you’ve made!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 💙🎵
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🎵 “You walk out the door, then you want back in the second that it's cold outside,”
🎵 “We were living then, but we die now,”
🎵 “So glad that I can hear my sound,”
🎵 “I think we're on our final scene,”
🎵 “The silence used to be so loud,”
🎵 “I know it's not healthy, it doesn't help me, but I do it, anyways,”
🎵 “Even after all the white lies, empty goodbyes,”
🎵 “Hopin' you're right where you wanna be, even if it's not with me,”
🎵 “Lookin' at photos, readin' the letters, that you gave me, I could never throw them out,”
🎵 “Almost glad I miss it ‘cause it's better than not feelin' a single thing,”
🎵 “Keep us good in all our memories so, I don't have to throw them out,”
🎵 “I get reminiscent when somebody says your name,”
🎵 “All the tears and all the times you weren't there when I needed you to be,”
🎵 “Keep us good in all our memories,”
🎵 “A ghost never leaves a haunted house,”
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shiocreator · 2 months
Bwah! Repost so its not in a reblog and so i can be annoying and spam reblog w/o annoying the poor op fhjhgj
Og prompt that inspired this by @/promptsforthestrugglingauthor !
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After listening to the gossip, the human had made a decision.
"I can help, I can save everyone." Karra stood her ground against the nihilstic shopkeep, the ferret's hollow eyes squinting down at her, and eyebrow raising.
Snaking his way downwards from his position behind the hastily made counter area, towards her face he got to eye level, with a growl and a strained grin only wider by the minute he spoke, "You can't save SHIT lady, give up, save your damn self.
You're a damn adult ain'cha?" Ears flattening he got right up in her face, the human steeling herself, expression calmly determined. "GROW UP THEN. I am so fuckin' TIRED of your starry-eyed bullshit."
Politely, the human stepped backwards, the ferret scowling now. She pauses for a minute, putting a hand to her cheek as she leans her head on it, closing her eyes.
Finally after thinking she pipes up, gaze returning to the mustelid, "Oh, is growing up supposed to mean I become a depressed asshole like you?", her retort causing him to jerk back stunned at her utter gall.
He snaps his teeth at her, grabbing at the desk under him to lean forwards towards her once more "I know for a fuckin' FACT what I am HUMAN, Rememba'!? My INTRODUCTION, Shop-Keep-Er, self aware asshole!"
As he says this he moves with a mocking sarcastic flourish, bringing his frown to her again, snarling with his fur standing on end, coiling his enlongating snakey body around the room midair for intimidation points. "I'M GIVIN YOU ADVICE, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YA TO DIE, YOU DUMBASS! STOP LOOKIN' FOR YOUR DEAD MAN, YA GOT NO HOPE, GET OUT."
Stunned silent, she flinched, genuinely surprised to hear he cared, even if stung by his hefty doubts, as he looked pissed, slowly realized what he said, and deflated into a hissy quiet, eyes downturned.
"...Live damnit, you can't save shit you can't save anyone but yer'self, near non'a us can remember JACKSHIT, no hope for us nobodies...
Just survive, you fucking idiot.
You got someone, you've got a TOWN, you don't need us-"
"I do now!" she interjects.
"What- that, no you fuckin don't??? You're a Big Girl or whatever you-"
"Sure my life would have been different if I never came here, but I am here now! and May ISN'T dead! The Tilps lady said it herself! She saw him, very alive!!!" She puts her hands together, staring at a speechless for once Shop.
"I'm not giving up on any of you. I don't think I have it in me."
... he looks away, mumbling under his breath. "Fuckin' damnit I hav'ta deal with this sappy hero complex shit- grah fine you win."
Making sure not to touch him, human does an unsarcastic flourish, starry eyed, "Thank you! I won't let you down!"
"Ya already did Karra, ya already did"
Pouting she sheepishly says a farewell, running down further into the maw
Makin sure no one's watching he begins tearing up, and lays down on the floor, coils up, holding himself. "...why the fuck did I have to get attached to a damn goody two shoes whos might as well dead at this rate..."
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thearcticgal · 2 years
Planning for a baby
Wayne x reader (Both characters aged up)
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When you express to Wayne that you want to start a family he's going to be slightly terrified.
First, off the bat, Brockton isn't exactly the ideal place to start a family.
Secondly, he's doesn't even know the basics of fatherhood. Sure he loved his dad but he didn't exactly grow up with the average nuclear family unit so he isn't sure if he's even ready for this huge responsibility.
But when you look at him with such love and need he can't refuse you, so what does he do? He goes to the library and he starts reading a bunch of books on parenting and what to expect when you're expecting.
He also went as far to watch some documentary called the Miracle of Life, he only passed out like 9 times during the birthing part but he eventually got through it cause this is what you want and he just really wants to make you happy.
So after he finds out as much as he can he tells you he's ready and he's onboard to start this journey to properly start a family. 
Wayne is definitely going by the book on this so he's doing his best to keeping track of ovulation and everything, he for sure has a journal.
He never misses an appointment and if he has to leave work to get you where you need to be he's there.
He's making sure you take your prenatal vitamins and you're eating semi-healthy let’s face it organic food is expensive as fuck *Cough Cough WholeFoods*
Baby proofing everything like literally everything "I dunno babe that coffee table seems like a danger for when the baby starts walking." He should know his mom let him have a hammer as an infant and he got a black eye because of it.
I don't think Wayne or his S/O would do a whole gender reveal party. I think they'd have a cute baby shower surrounded by friends and loved ones but I don't think they would make a huge thing about it.
Speaking of which I feel like he and his S/O would be really involved in decorating the baby room. Like painting it together, choosing patterns, toys, etc.
Also, I imagine Wayne and his S/O being super in sync communication-wise, like being very upfront of worries or issues they may be feeling/experiencing.
Orlando and Del being godparents is a MUST!! Del may be a bit iffy considering she doesn’t like babies staring at her. 
Wayne is going to be by his S/O’s side taking those mommy and me classes and if anyone makes fun of him he’s gonna fucking punch them. 
Wayne is the type of guy that if you’re craving McDonalds at like 1AM he’s gonna get up and go get that. Why? Because he fucking loves you and pregnancy is fucking scary. 
In conclusion, Wayne is literally the best for wanting to start a family with he’s protective and attentive and he’ll make sure to be by your side through it all.
*Author’s note* I wrote this ages ago and I’m trying to go through my drafts and clear them out. Idk if anyone still enjoys reading about Wayne but I hope someone out there enjoys this.
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offbookkeeping · 3 months
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my friends love when i text them about people they don't know anything about
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
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Quinn McKenna x reader
Summary: New to town, you wrinkly become friends with a sweet little boy and his handsome father.
Notes: This is my contribution for the Thirsty For Cox May challenge and our theme was "Sundress". It was supposed to be a short smutty piece, but Rory and reader had a different idea 😅
Oh, and I've given the reader a name (there's a purpose to this) and she's plus size. But besides that, there's no features mentioned.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and thanks to sweet Ericca for encouraging me in my Quinn brainrot. This is unbetaed. We die like men 🤣
Warnings: oh, there's a few. Insecure reader, plus size reader, idiota in love, kissing, unprotected sex (well, you know me), creampie, cockwarming if you squint, fluff.
Notes: 3.1K
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You are quite shocked when you hear the doorbell ring. New to town, you don’t know anyone yet. Hell, you haven’t even talked to any neighbors or your new colleagues yet. Walking to the door, you expect it to be the old nice-looking lady you saw the other day, but instead you find a young boy. 
“Hello.” He says softly, his eyes barely meeting yours. He doesn’t really seem like he’s comfortable, so you wonder what might have brough him here. 
“Hi. Can I help you?” 
“My dad isn’t home, and I don’t have a key yet.” He pouts, looking down at his hands. “He was supposed to be home.” 
”Oh, well… Do you want me to call him? Or do you want to come in?” You step aside, opening the door for the boy. For a second he hesitates, looking you over, before walking forward. You can see right away he’s not like everyone else as he inspects your home. 
“What’s your name?” You try softly, closing the door behind you. 
“Rory.” His eyes scan your bookshelves, fingers dancing over some of the titles. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Rory. I’m Luna.” You walk over to see, wondering which of your books he’s taking a liking too. You have quite the collection, always loved books, and something tells you Rory might be the same. “You like reading?” 
“I like lots of things.” He reaches for a book but doesn’t take it before you gesture that it’s okay. After reading the back cover, he looks into your eyes for the first time. “Can I call my dad?” 
“Yeah, of course.” You hand over your phone and give him some space as he makes the call. You try not to listen as you get something to drink, but something tells you this isn’t the first time this has happened. Rory comes back with your phone, sitting down at the counter in the kitchen. 
“He’ll be here soon.” He vibes his nose, sniffing, more out of habit than because he’s got a runny nose, it seems. You hand him the glass of juice, before sitting down yourself. “He doesn’t do it on purpose. He’s got an important job.” 
“I get that.” You smile, taking a sip of your glass. “So… What do you want to do until he’s here?” 
He looks over to your shelves, touching his ear as he’s thinking. “A puzzle?” 
Usually, it would take you a day or two to complete a puzzle, but never before had you made one this fast. Rory is a genius little boy, scanning the pieces and placing them so fast you can barely keep up. You’re starting to recognize some traits in him, having lived with an autistic sister for your entire life. 
An hour quickly flies by, and you hear the doorbell ring. Opening the door, you’re thankful Rory is there to distract his dad so he doesn’t see your flushed face, cause frankly, you’re speechless. His dad is handsome. Scratch that, he’s gorgeous. Hot. He’s barely even looked at you, but you feel your cheeks burn. 
“I hope he wasn’t too much trouble?” He asks, flashing a gorgeous smile. You smile, feeling silly over how much he affects you. This is not good. 
“Not at all. It was fun.” You stroke Rory’s hair softly, before looking at him again and his beautiful eyes. “I love kids.” 
His eyes look to your hand, before looking into your eyes again with a smile. “Well, feel free to babysit anytime. I’m Quinn. Quinn McKenna. We live next door.” 
The next day while reading in your garden, you hear the unmistakable voices of Rory and Quinn. Sneaking over to the fence, you look through the cracks and see them working on something. Maybe a school project. 
“I have no idea how to do this, buddy. There’s not a whole lot of glue and paper in the army.” He grins, but the smile fades when he sees Rory’s worried expression. “Sorry, I ain’t much help.” 
“It’s okay.” Rory says, putting glue on a little cardboard figure. They sit in silence for a bit, Quinn frowning as he chews on his bottom lip, trying to cut something, but curses under his breath when it goes wrong. 
“Maybe-” he cuts a little more, ultimately cutting off what you suspect to be a head of a little figure, “Fucking hell!” He throws the stuff down, looking over towards the fence. Towards you. “Maybe Luna is good with stuff like this.” 
“I think so.” Rory replies, looking up at his dad. 
“You like her? She seemed nice.” Quinn tries, looking at his son. You shouldn’t eavesdrop, especially when they’re talking about you, but you can’t help it. 
“I do. She didn’t seem to mind that I’m weird.” 
Quinn’s smile falters a bit, his hand gently patting Rory’s back. “You’re not weird, just… different. Good different.” 
“Okay.” Rory shrugs, looking down at his diorama.  
“You want me to ask if Luna wants to help?” Quinn questions, looking towards the fence again. 
“If you want her to come over, just ask.” Rory says plainly, making both you and Quinn smile. You can’t help but notice the flush of pink on Quinn’s cheeks, as he nudges Rory’s shoulder gently. 
“Easy there, buddy. It ain’t like that.” 
“If you say so.” 
“Smart ass.” He gives Rory a kiss on the forehead, before walking towards the fence. When you realize he’s coming, you run towards your sun bed, barely sitting down and opening your book, before Quinn peaks over the fence. 
“Hey Luna.” He smiles and you swear someone has released a swarm of butterflies in your belly. He should not be allowed to look so beautiful. 
“Hi Quinn.” You smile, hoping he doesn’t hear the crack in your voice. Under any other circumstances, you’re pretty sure a guy like that would never even speak to you, so you thank all possible Gods for making him your neighbor. 
“You busy? Rory’s got this project and I ain’t very good at shit like that.” 
“Oh, and here I thought a guy like you would be dexterous.” You smile playfully, not even knowing where you mustered up the confidence from.  
“Oh, believe me, darlin’. When it counts, I’m very skilled with my hands.” He smirks, before looking back, remembering that Rory is there. “So, ehm... Dinner on us if you can help him glue some stuff?” 
With that simple request and a fantasy diorama of Quinn fighting some alien (the kid sure had a wild imagination), a beautiful friendship was born. Rory was currently living with Quinn because his mom Emily had gotten an exciting job offer in another state and didn’t want to pull Rory out of his usual environment. 
Quinn sometimes had long days, so it became normal for you to pick up Rory on your way from work and spend most of you time with him. And you didn’t mind, because besides spending time with a clever, kind boy, you got to spend time with his hot, charming father too. 
You couldn’t deny the feelings you had for Quinn, but you wouldn’t even entertain the idea that he could be interested in you. A glorified plus size nerdy nanny. Not exactly a match for a muscular and very attractive Ranger. Sure, he was flirty around you, but you got the sense that Quinn just was a natural flirt. 
Despite knowing that nothing would ever happen, your silly little heart ignored your brain and always said yes to any invitation they extended. Trips to the zoo, movie nights and museum tours. The latter was often you and Rory geeking out while Quinn watched you from behind, bored. Still, there always was a bright smile on his face as he watched you and Rory, happy that you connected. That you understood Rory when others didn’t. 
A few months had gone by and being with Rory and Quinn was almost like second nature. You were a little unit, spending more time together than apart and they made you feel happy. They felt like home. So when Rory asked if you wanted to attend this thing at his school, you of course said yes. Only problem was… What to wear? 
You were more of a hoodie and jeans kinda girl, but your coworker who knew about your deep crush on Quinn, wanted to force you into a dress. Said you had to make an effort. You just agreed and let her pick your outfit. 
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The doorbell rings and you look into the mirror a final time. This would have to do. You felt weird in a dress, afraid your rolls would show, but it was pretty. When you open the door, Quinn greets you with a smile, but soon he just stares at your dress. 
“What are you wearing?” He asks in disbelief and what little confidence you had, crumbles in an instant. 
“Ehm, a colleague told me to wear it. Shit, I know I shouldn’t have. I look fat in it, don’t I?” When he doesn’t answer, you look down your body, pulling the dress down a little to cover more of your thighs. “I’m sorry. Give me a sec and I can go cha-” 
As you turn, he grabs your wrist, stopping you. “Don’t you fucking dare.” He looks you up and down and you notice the way his eyes linger at your plumb thighs and cleavage, his tongue wetting his bottom lip before his eyes once again finds yours. “You look gorgeous.” 
“I… I do?” You ask in disbelief, not even sure you heard him right.  
“Yeah, you do. Just sucks, cause now I’m gonna have to fight off all the single dads tonight.” 
“Oh, as if.” You giggle, taking a cardigan from the closet before walking out and closing the door. “Haven’t had a date in six months. That isn’t gonna change.” 
Quinn is just about to say something when Rory greets you from the car and interrupts. As you get into the car, he tells you about his newest school project and you’re thankful for the distraction. Not sure you’d want any more attention to yourself. 
Arriving at the school, you notice how they’ve turned the football field into a little fair with rides and lots of booths. Some sort of charity event in the wake of Mother’s Day to raise money for the school. You spend some time walking around, checking out the booths and Quinn used his sniper skills to win both you and Rory a teddy. 
After getting some food, Rory hands you a small gift. Surprised, not even sure what the occasion is, you take it from him with a smile. Inside is a necklace with a stone pendant. It has a rough surface, but still looks beautiful. 
“Thank you so much, Rory.” You turn it around in your hands, feeling the stone. “What kind of stone is it?” 
“Moon rock.” He smiles, looking to his dad shortly, before looking at you again. “Luna means Moon in Latin. The Moon is very important and so are you.” 
“To us.” Quinn chimes in, giving you a sweet smile. He gently takes the necklace from you, wanting to help put it on. You brush your hair away, shivering as his hands touch your bare shoulders after closing the necklace. “Perfect.” 
The rest of the evening, you keep touching the small pendant, smiling every time. You already knew they appreciated you, but this just made your heart soar. Throughout the night, you catch Quinn looking at you and even though he told you earlier you were gorgeous, there were still that little voice messing with you, saying he was staring for the wrong reasons. But you try to ignore it, not wanting your insecurities to ruin a great night. 
Back home, Rory asks if you want to tuck him in. A task you’ve done many times and one you always loved. You had meant it all those months ago when you told Quinn you loved kids. And you did love Rory. So tucking him in and reading to him had become one of your favorite things to do. 
When you leave his room, you find Quinn standing in the kitchen with a huge smile, his beautiful blue eyes looking at you. “You’re better with him than I’ve ever been.” 
“We just… Understand each other.” You say with a smile, jumping up on the counter, watching Quinn as he pulls some beers from the fridge. He hands you one, before drinking his own. His eyes fall upon you again as he licks away a drop of beer on his lips. 
“Okay, what is it?” You put the beer down on the counter. “You’ve been staring all night and I know you said I looked good, but with the way you keep looking, I fear you were just being nice, so-” 
You’re interrupted by his lips on yours. One hand snake around your waist, pulling you closer to the edge and him as he deepens the kiss. Your entire body is screaming for you to just give in but still, you push him away softly. 
“You’re kissing me?” 
“Well, not anymore.” Quinn grins, putting down his beer before moving his hand from the counter to your thigh. For a second your brain short-circuits and you can only focus on his hands on your plumb thighs, dangerously close to the hem of your dress. 
“Why are you kissing me?” You ask before you can stop yourself. You really don’t want to ruin this, but years of being insecure makes it hard for you to believe this. 
“Because I want some of your ChapStick. Why do you think I kissed you?” He says bluntly, the corners of his mouth moving into a small smile. “I like you.” 
“Hold up. You-” You look at him with a goofy smile, barely able to comprehend what he just said. “You like me?” 
“Well, I actually think I’m in love with you, but what the fuck do I know about love?” He smirks, his hand leaving your thigh to cup your cheek softly. “Do you even know the effect you have on me?” 
At that you giggle, finding it hard not to notice the way his hardening cock press against your inner thigh. “I, ehm… I think I do.” 
He leans forward, claiming your lips again, pressing himself closer to your clothed core. You moan softly, feeling the months of want pull at you. So you deepen the kiss, your fingers entangling in his hair, not ever wanting to let him go again. 
His lips leave yours, only to kiss down the column of your neck, causing you to moan out loud. Remembering Rory, you cover your mouth before giggling softly. Quinn just nibbles at your neck, smiling. “He’s a heavy sleeper.” 
You sigh as he sucks on you pulse point, hand sliding over your shoulders to pull down the straps of your dress. He pulls the fabric down further, exposing your breasts. He cups one, his mouth closing around your nipple, sucking softly. 
His free hand is caressing your thigh, pushing your dress up higher. “You’re so beautiful.” He breathes out as he lets go of your nipple, kissing you again. His hand reaches your already soaked core, pushing your panties to the side. You moan out his name as Quinn thrusts his fingers into you. 
“Fuck Quinn.” You moan, your hands running down his muscular chest, traveling all the way down to his belt, undoing it quickly. You pull his to the side, unbuttoning his pants and pull out his hard cock. As your fingers take a hold of his aching length, Quinn groans. 
“Fuck darlin’. Are you sure?” He murmurs, lining himself up against your wet entrance.  
“Please just fuck me, Quinn.” You plead, not even caring if you sound desperate.  
“Yes ma’am.” He whispers as he thrust into you. You have to cover your mouth to stop yourself from crying out, afraid you’ll wake up Rory. Quinn slowly presses in, making you sure you feel every inch off him before pulling out slowly again, teasing you.  
You wrap your legs around him, a silent plea for him to stop teasing and just fuck you. You’ve wanted him for so long, needing him and you’re done waiting. Quinn takes the hint and grabs your hips, thrusting into you again, harder and faster.  
You bite your lip, trying to hold the moan in as he hits that sweet spot inside you, bringing you closer to climax as he moves faster, spurred on by the pretty noises you make for him. Quinn buries his face in the crook of your neck, nibbing at your sensitive skin as he grinds harder against you. 
“Fuck, Quinn.” You whimper, so close to seeing stars with each drag of his cock. He whispers against your skin, praising you for how good you feel, how long he’s waited for this. You cry as you feel yourself quiver, your whole body on fire as Quinn pushes you over the edge. Desperate for his own release, he pulls you closer, unable to hold himself back as he feels your walls convulse around him. 
“Fuck darlin’, you feel so good.” he pants as he thrust one more time. Your name falls from his lips like a silent prayer as he comes hard, filling you with his cum.  
You both fall silent, the only sound filling the air is your heavy breathing. You look into Quinn’s eyes only to find him already looking at you. Pulling you in for a passionate kiss, he holds you close. You feel better than you have in a long time, hoping this is the start of something new. You sure as hell know you want to do this again. And soon. 
“I’m sorry if you felt I was moving too fast.” He pants, smiling wide before kissing you softly. “But seeing you in that dress, I just couldn’t control myself.” 
“Guess I’ll have to wear more sundresses then.” You giggle as you look into Quinn’s beautiful eyes. 
“You won’t hear me complaining. Wanna see those gorgeous thighs whenever I can.” At that you frown, still in disbelief that he’d actually want you, rolls and all. Quinn cups your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. “I do want you. And your thunder thighs.” 
“Thunder thighs?” You snort, shaking your head. He really is something, that Quinn McKenna. 
“Yeah, heard some kids call it that. Thick thighs saves lives and all that.” He smiles, kissing you again. 
“You’re so dumb.” 
“But I’m your dumbass.” That makes you smile, leaning in to rest your head against his shoulder. He holds you close as you both come down from your high, enjoying finally being in each other’s arms. You look up at him, placing a soft kiss on his neck. 
“So… what now?” 
“My plan is to stick around and annoy you for the foreseeable future.” He looks down, kissing the tip of your nose. “How does that sound?” 
“Sounds perfect.” 
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Tagging: @e-dubbc11 @albatrossandivys @itwasthereaminuteago @mindidjarin @hlkwrites @pedrito-friskito @wardenparker @mattmurdocksscars
And a little no pressure tagging (hope that's okay 🙈❤️): @absurdthirst (because you made that great fic featuring Quinn with Connie) and @lucy-sky
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joelslegalwhre · 2 years
Little piece of bliss
pairing ⁀➷ frank adler x ofc
word count ⁀➷ 970+
summary ⁀➷ where Lillie finds her happiness in Frank and Mary
warnings ⁀➷ talk about finding happiness, probably just fluff, they talk about god at the end, mention of alcoholics (tell me if I missed a warning please)
a/n ⁀➷ I wrote this about two or even three years ago... so i'm sorry if this meh but tbh i don't want to change anything either (maybe i'll do a new version some day) After watching „Gifted" I got the idea to write this „short story", I didn't take into account any temporal things like Mary's age.
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rights to whoever made this gif
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They always tell you that you will find happiness.
Someday, one day, you will find it.
But I didn't find my happiness. It found me.
I wasn't looking for it, quite the opposite, I was done with it, I had agreed never to find it. I was ready to live my life without "happiness".
As terrible as it may sound, I had resigned myself to it. It was just the way it was.
At least that's what thought.
But anyone can be wrong sometimes, right?
It was June 16th 2017. My car was packed with all my belongings. The move was spontaneous, but never had I regretted it. It was a small thing that had made me do it. It was something so unimportant that it had not been or wouldn't ever be understandable to others.
It was a feeling, one that told me I was home now.
A place near Tampa, Florida. Small and beautiful, just as I had always wanted it to be.
The ocean was calming. Some days it was gentle and still and other days it was like a raging storm. One could think that the sea imitated our moods.
I lived in a bungalow among many others. It was so different, so new and it felt right. My life was simple and my heart was happy.
The days were the same, had a good rhythm and yet were never boring.
One day I met a little girl. I was going to hang up my laundry on the sunny side of the house to dry, when I tripped over a stone at the edge of the path between the bungalows and my laundry spread all over the ground. I had just been about to pick them up when a small hand handed me a shirt that was lying on the grass.
"Hi, I'm Mary." she said with the sweetest smile. Mary couldn't have been older than eight years old and yet she seemed much older to me. She told me that she lived in the house right next to me.
At that point, I had only lived there for a few weeks.
Mary told me that she lived with her uncle and was already going to university because she was gifted. We had made ourselves comfortable on the patch of grass next to the little path and the words just bubbled out of her. Mary looked so happy and joyful as she told me all the crazy stories she had already experienced in her short life.
She told me that she and her uncle had been watching me when I moved in. I had to giggle at the thought because I had seen them peeking through the window and it had been a really cute sight. She had her head propped up on his and I could see her talking energetically to him.
When Mary had left, she also left behind a cheerfulness that filled me throughout the whole day.
I saw her uncle often at the small bar in town. It wasn’t any hangout for old alcoholics; the bar had a certain charm. Everything was full of decorations and colorful lights. There were all kinds of pictures and all kinds of people.
But he was just sitting there at the bar with a beer in his hand.
He looked so utterly complete, as weird as that may sound. And even though his shirts always had a slight trace of oil, he looked attractive and not shabby. Maybe it was just those light oil marks that made him so interesting to me.
I had never been an extrovert. I prefer to be to myself rather than in a huge crowd. That's why I never approached him. Not because he was always surrounded by people, actually the opposite was the case, he always sat alone on the same bar stool. But the way he sat there gave off a quiet aura and I didn't dare to break into it.
Until one day, Mary had knocked on my door holding the hand of a very attractive guy, with light traces of oil on his shirt.
He had a crooked smile on his lips and looked a little insecure.
"Frank wants to ask you something." she had said, grinning at me and giving her uncle a warning look. „Yeah?" i smiled at her and then her uncle.
That had been the beginning of something beautiful.
When I think back to the time when I thought I was down on my luck, I have to smile. Happiness has found me. And it came with such force of which I could never have dreamed of. I did not find happiness. But happiness found me.
And in my case, it came in the person of a drop-dead cute, gifted little girl and her incredibly attractive, adorable uncle to find me.
If you ever doubt that you have lost happiness, always remember: It has not forgotten you, it is just waiting for the right moment. And when that time comes, you will be fully taken by it.
"Lillie? Is there a God?" she asked softly. Mary, Frank and I were snuggled up in a blanket on the beach, looking out into the setting summer sun.
I lifted my head from Frank's shoulder and looked down at her. "What do you think?" I asked her.
"I don't know." she said, shrugging her shoulders.
"You don't have to know. You have to feel it. If you can feel it in your heart, then he exists.“ I said, opening my arm for her, „Everyone has to decide that for themselves."
She snuggled into my arm, and I gently stroked her blonde hair. Frank's strong arm was wrapped around my shoulder as he kissed my hair.
"I think he brought us together. Like a family." she whispered looking up to me and Frank.
My little piece of bliss.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day🧡
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shadowheartyuri · 5 months
on my wishlist: alanna pov season + a final season based on the summary given out by lovestruck
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stellylee · 6 months
WHO: Stelly & @kennaxsanchez
WHERE: Hideaway Market
WHEN: Winter Holiday Market (December, 2023)
"Do you mind if I take your picture?" Stelly asked, approaching the younger woman with a quick smile. They had been tasked by the Times to snap as many candid shots as possible around the event with the promise that they would end up in the holiday special, showcasing one of the town's biggest and most beloved events. Which was fine by Stelly, but did mean that the pressure was on to get the perfect shots. Thankfully, they were up for the task. "Just don't want to walk around paparazzi-ing you if you're not up for it."
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alittleannihilati0n · 6 months
Eddie McKenna Drabble for TOTA Takeover Week
Eddie was tired. To be fair, Eddie was always tired lately. Well, to be more fair, it wasn’t just lately. He was working more than he had had to for a while now, though, which didn’t help. And he was a bit worried for Francine, seeing as she’d been having a harder time this week. And—
He was pulled out of his rather worsening train of thought by an old lady setting her groceries down in front of him, and pulling on a smile, he began to ring her up. When she collected her groceries into her comically large purse, Eddie felt his smile turn genuine somewhat in spite of himself at the patchwork cat on the front of her bag. 
“I like yer bag,” he started, though she didn’t hear him as she walked out the supermarket doors, and he felt a bit foolish. He smiled ruefully at himself. He’d been a bit worried about keeping Terry, costs and all that, but Francine loved the wee bugger, and he couldn’t help but let it rub off on him. She loved the cat, and he loved her, simple as that. 
And Campbell loved it too, Eddie thought, chuckling, as he clocked out. It was hard to see Campbell and Francine play with the kitten on the days Campbell visited and be anything but happy. 
So yeah, Eddie was tired. But, well, he thought, maybe it was worth it now. He’d been tired for a long time, but now it felt worth it. He had his apartment with Francine, their ridiculous cat, that loan was sure to get approved soon — the banking bugger was sure to give in with Eddie using his newly-learned Campbell Bain™ methods of persuasion —, and tonight he was going home to his girlfriend and Campbell would come over and they’d all go have dinner with Rosalie, and, well. That certainly beat going home to drink alone all night after selling double glazing all day, he was sure of it. He had been tired then, and he was still tired now. But for the first time in a while, he was tired and happy — really, truly happy.
362 words, hope ya'll enjoy! Eddie was a bit harder for me to write, though that may just be because I've been writing finals essays all day. But hey! Ya boy's done with his first semester of college!
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darpow · 5 months
WHO: Darrius & @kennaxsanchez
WHERE: Pine Grove Gardens, countryside
WHEN: Royal Gala (January 20, 2024)
Well, damn, it was cold. Which Darrius knew to expect -- January in Maine? Of course it was going to be more on the frigid side of things, not that he was going to complain. He had been born and raised in Chicago, he knew what he was getting himself into, knew what to expect, but even still -- damn, it was cold. He ducked inside the mansion, having just finished up his arrival photos in the rose garden, and rubbed his hands together, blowing on them to bring a little warmth to his skin, before turning to see someone else nearby, probably as cold as he was, if he had to guess. "Any warmer in here?" he asked, once he recognized McKenna, feeding a smile over his face as he made his way over in her direction. "They normally have the wood burning fireplaces going when we're working in here for the historical society."
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plutosdumps · 1 year
"she's such an ugly crier"
"she'll never be taylor swift"
"she can't get a grip"
"even at her best, she's a constant mess"
"i'm so mediocre"
"i'm not perfect, i'm a screw up"
"who could love me like this?"
"she's mature for her age, but too young for __"
"i'm such an ugly crier"
"somehow we still got lost"
"wait, where are we?"
"it was pretty cute"
"it's not far from la to houston"
"you never told me you were visiting"
"it's so far from la to houston"
"say you miss me but i don't believe it"
"i don't want to hear it, i don't want to see it"
"a low blow even for you"
"my stupid heart was in your hands"
"you used me like your cigarettes"
"i should've known better"
"your words are made of daggers"
"you even ruined air for me"
"damn what the hell happened?"
"i swear you exist just to spite me"
"are you happy now that i'm so miserable?"
"isn't that what you wanted from me?"
"you liked to pick me apart like daisies"
"wish i never even met you in the first place"
"you're such a buzzkill"
"it's almost impressive how much you still stress me out"
"you cut the deepest kind of wounds"
"almost had me with your shallow flattery"
"left me crying in the bathroom on my birthday"
"i cried like a funeral"
"i watched you pick me apart like daisies"
"what if you never parked your car in that parking lot?"
"what if i had just thought twice?"
"what if i walked away would you still have my heart today?"
"do i think of you now and then?"
"do i defend you to my friends?"
"would i do it all again?"
"i hate you and i never want to see your face again"
"what if you treated me with the kindness and respect i deserve?"
"maybe i'd have stayed with you"
"i deleted all our photos"
"i love it 'cause it's like we never met"
"i must look so dumb"
"i don't know why i try to be honest"
"i just can't do parties"
"i deserve to be alone"
"now my cover's blown"
"i should just go home"
"how can i be myself?"
"i don't know who i am"
"words shoot out of their mouths like vomit"
"drinking lies like gin and tonic"
"my phone is dying"
"save me"
"i just need someone to take me home"
"need to go outside 'cause i'm nauseous"
"everybody here is so flawless"
"please stop talking shit"
"i'm so sick of high school drama"
"not really sure if you're human or just a heart killing machine"
"i'm trying to see if you ever did care about me"
"i really am trying so hard not to be mad"
"i'm lashing out 'cause i'm so sad"
"i say i don't but i really do miss what we almost could've had"
"it was close but no cigar"
"almost kissed in your car"
"now we're just collasping stars"
"i say i don't but i really do"
"i don't even know what's become of me"
"i thought that i'd checked off some boxes"
"keep kicking my bucket list right down the street"
"they say i'm too young to think about love"
"they say i'm too young to think about love but without it i feel incomplete"
"i'll lie here, right here"
"less melodramatic, more anticlimactic"
"i'm all out of tears"
"when i was younger i used to wonder if i'd have a boyfriend"
"he'd tell me i'm pretty and make me feel nice"
"but i just feel shitty"
"my childhood's wasted and i'm scared to fix it"
"maybe i should get this life thing figured out"
"is it downhill from here?"
"i refuse to believe they're the best of my years"
"my mind makes up stories but they sure don't help"
"like a candle burning out"
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