#mcspirk events
gayspaceshit · 4 months
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Mcspirk bingo - 1 - Brown
I thought about their eyes and hair and thought about cropping it but I decided to share the whole thing in the end
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affixjoy · 5 months
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Here is your Mcspirk Bingo Card! Please let me know if the swear bothers you, and I will remove it. If there are any prompts you'd like to have replaced, just let me know. Everyone gets one remake. You also have some Vulcan words on your card. You can find their definitions on Memory Alpha under Vulcan Language.
Can’t believe this has been sitting in my inbox for months and I haven’t posted it. Can you spot the ones I’ve already done? More is coming and I think my McSpirk Big Bang will get me to bingo!
If you want your own card go check out @mcspirkevents
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mcspirkevents · 10 months
Mcspirk Events' current information
This will be the post that I edit to keep all information about the events, updated. Bolded & italicized words/sentences are hyperlinks.
Currently running events:
Mcspirk Bingo Cards - Open to requests
The Rules
Fill out this form to join
You can leave prompt suggestions here.
You can post your fanworks here on AO3.
Mcspirk Big Bang 2024 - In Progress
Rules & Timeline
Writer's sign up - Closed.
Writer's summaries - Claimed!
Artists' sign up - All stories have an artist for them now. Sign-ups still open for pinch hitters.
Due Dates - Currently being assigned
Events that will be running soon:
Mcspirk Month 2025
Will take place May 2025
Prompt suggestions - Opening soon
List reveal - TBD
Past Mcspirk Events:
Mcspirk Week 2023
You can find the works on this blog with the #mcspirk week 2023 tag & on AO3.
Mcspirk Month 2024
Took place in March 2024
Lists of prompts are now out
Rules and FAQs are also on the list above.
End post (feel free to keep using the prompts and tagging the blog!)
Mcspirk Gift Exchange 2024 - The Collection is live!
Treats are allowed and welcomed!
Ao3 collection here
find tag under Mcspirk Gift Exchange 2024
Late additions are always welcomed for any and all past events (save for big bangs). It does not matter how late.
If you'd like more immediate updates, or for a place to talk about Mcspirk with other people, feel free to join the discord.
Postponed Events:
Star Trek Polyship calendar - Postponed indefinitely
Sign ups - closed
This event is for all Star Trek Poly ships (not just mcspirk)
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startrek-sos · 9 months
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Here's your mcspirk bingo card! Please let me know if there's any prompts you'd like to have switched out, Everybody gets one remake per card. Have fun!
Ooh thank you! Very excited to try my hand at some of these prompts!
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trek-tracks · 10 hours
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These new CAPTCHAs are just a little too easy
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guy-in-a-scarf · 1 month
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Gift for @tigereyes45 for the mcspirk gift exchange 2024 <3
I really liked your fic and this was a lot of fun to draw!
Everyone go read the fic on ao3 it was so good <333
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calliecat93 · 1 year
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Okay but this scene. Sorry but OMG the start of The City on the Edge of Forever man. The way that after McCoy's accidental self-injection, every crewman already on duty is already over there trying to help him. The way that despite this Kirk makes them all get the Hell out of the way so that he can put himself beside him. How he just hovers over him until he goes all psychotic is just... God these two do things to my feelings~
And then Spock? Spock didn't have to go over there. He could have just let Kirk handle it. But nope. He bolted over there just as quickly as Kirk did. He's just as worried about what just happened as Kirk, as especially evident at the end with the aggressive hand-shaking. Just... damn. The way that two just care so much about their McCoy and it's so beautiful and I love it~!
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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boldlyqueertastic · 7 months
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Bones deserves all the love. He cares so much and does so much to care for others, for the crew, for his boyfriends that Jim and Spock insist they get to dote on him too. And sometimes that comes in the form of his space boyfriends magically turning his Starfleet uniform into a princess dress so he can feel pretty as a treat after a long shift.
A gift for @chaosdragonhoard
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tigereyes45 · 1 year
Looks like I'll be running a Mcspirk event. Look for the second poll to vote what kind it should be!
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existentialcrisistime · 9 months
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Here's your Mcspirk bingo card! Please let me know if there are any prompts you'd like to have replaced. (Everyone gets 1 remake.) If you did not ask for this card please let me know.
Thank you! This is perfect - I already have ideas for a few, and may have something in the works for one prompt already..
Also, if anyone else wants to join in on the bingo fun, go check out @mcspirkevents!
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who-dat-homeless · 3 months
You know what I miss about tos while watching tng?
A constant threat of reliving someone's of their duty and a thin scent of mutiny
I mean in mcspirk each of them threatens to relive the other of duties because all of them are at fucking suicide risk with the workaholism problem, they're fucking insane and should be watched and cared for by the other two. Also Kirk has a very repressed but nonetheless present paranoia that people are going to rebel and take off his command (witch is understandable considering that the events on tarus iv started after codos seized the power and became a ruler of the colony) so there's always a little fearful thought flying around that any other second there could be a mutiny against him
And then in tng... I mean I guess dr Crusher threatened to relive Picard off duty like once? In four fucking seasons. And most of them have kind of healthy relationship with their work and a good work/life balance. And for the life of me I could not remember a mutiny being even brought up in tng so far. Maybe there was smth like that but then it probably wasn't a big deal or else i'd've remembered it
eh... where's the insanity, man?..
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mcspirkevents · 2 months
Here are the sign-ups for the Star Trek Polyship Calendar
Rules are listed in the calendar! Here are some quick things though.
All poly ships are welcomed in the calendar. While the host is a Mcspirk blog, you do not have to draw just Mcspirk! So long as it's a Star Trek poly ship, it's allowed. QPRs are welcomed!
The goal is to have the calendar done in time for 2025, however if it's not then everything will be pushed back, and the new goal will be 2026.
All fanart must be sfw.
More information will be given after each month is taken.
Other than that please reblog so plenty of people see it! This event is to cheer on all of the star trek poly ships!
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purpleenma · 3 months
✨The Spirk eyeshadow palette✨
A double palette set of 4 colours each where Kirk's is one palette and Spock's is the other. You can use them separate or you can put them together and you have the 8 colour ✨Spirk✨ palette.
You can also get an even bigger palette by combining the ✨Spirk✨ one with McCoy's palette and make a ✨ Mcspirk✨ one. You could really make all the combinations for your triumvirate ships!
So for Spock's palette we would have his signature indigo, a nice purple with blue shimmer for formal wear, a dark bronze with a touch of shimmer to do some fierce cat eyes and a deep black with black glitter for his dramatic goth ass.
For Kirk's palette we would have a warm tan for the daily, a beautiful soft orange with gold shimmer to wear at important events, wrap-around green with coppery shimmer for dating Spock and intense yellow with gold glitter for the diva inside.
And for McCoy's palette we would have his modest blue, baby blue with silver shimmer for being fancy, a cold grey to frame the judgy eyes and champagne with baby blue glitter when feeling bold.
Paramount hire me when.
I could revolutionise their merchandising department if they let me.
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oddthesungod · 2 years
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that photo of CPine hyping up Pugh on that messy Venice event but make it McSpirk ✨💫
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twinkboimler · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @affixjoy!
"Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗"
God, this is difficult. I have 79 fics on ao3, 49 of which are for Star Trek!
shore leave at yosemite, take two: I am still so proud of how this one turned out. For a fic that's, at its core, about old men exploring each other's bodies in the woods, I'm so happy with my characterization. Explicit mcspirk that takes place at the end of Star Trek: The Final Frontier. I think this fic is funny and smutty and just my love letter to these old men.
observations: AOS mckirk smut that I wrote after going through the tag and being shocked to realize that there's not much in the fucking machines tag. This fic is DIRTY (14k of smut!) but shocking no one it ends up being super sweet. Hell, even I wasn't expecting that ending; it was like someone else was writing and suddenly it was on the page.
the life of the party: post-star trek beyond spones smut. I think the reason I'm so proud of this one is because it was sitting in my drafts folder for a year. I hadn't been happy with it, and it wasn't until I completely rewrote the second half that it turned into this. It's a fic where Spock has decided that Leonard would make a good romantic partner and insists on having that conversation while at a house party. Another fic that I think is funny on top of being smutty.
Under the Surface: this fic is my baby. AOS spirk, explicit, 30k. This fic was the first time I'd put extensive time and energy into thinking about what themes I really wanted to explore in a fic, focusing on integrating those themes throughout. I think it's not a fic for everyone--it's a spirk fic, yes, but what it's really focused on is Jim and his issues. I really enjoyed writing neurodivergent Jim in this fic.
An Endless Stream of Tomorrows: TOS movies-era spirk fluff. Following the events of The Voyage Home, Jim proposes. This fic is short and sweet and I think no matter how many trek fics I write, it'll stay in my favorites. Spock putting the ring on makes me teary-eyed and I'm the guy who wrote it!
Tagging: @thetimetostrikeislater @ladywaffles @antspaul @fangirlandiknowit101 and @kaklord
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