#mct oc
satoumafuyuss · 3 months
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whoa oc post for the first time in 7000 years
I miss them ❤️
13 notes · View notes
sleepyconfusedpotato · 7 months
Catch My Breath
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The first kiss.
Set in Christmas Eve 2022, after the events of Call of Duty Modern Warfare II.
Pairing : Simon “Ghost” Riley x Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin (OC), Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Eleanor "Ladybug" Graham (OC) Characters : Simon "Ghost" Riley, Charlotte "Jade" Le Jardin (OC), Captain John Price, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick Eleanor "Ladybug" Graham (OC), Alejandro Vargas Word Count : ~ 9600 Warning : Fluff with a slight bit of angst, a touch of hurt/comfort, and good ol’ cursings.
Bulky McT 🧼 : ‘Dont forget to come to cpt prices house today.’
You : ‘Of course not. I’m still at the orphanage for christmas gifts exchange. As soon as I'm done I'll be there :)’
Bulky McT 🧼 : ‘Good’
Bulky McT 🧼 : ‘Gaz is making some bangin biscuits and scones’
Jade smiled at her phone as she chatted with Soap. Her mouth already watering from imagining the taste of Gaz’s cooking on her tongue. According to Soap’s and Ladybug’s testimony, his chocolate biscuits were second to none.
You : ‘Wouldn't miss it even if I die.’
Bulky McT 🧼 : ‘Alright. See ya.’
She bit her lip. There's one more question she wanted to ask though. She contemplated asking Soap this or not. 
Her thumbs moved across the screen slowly. 
You : ‘Is Ghost coming?’
When Soap had invited her to the dinner five days prior, all Jade could think about was whether or not Ghost would be joining. Their one week together in Las Almas made her feel… something. Something really, really good. Something she hadn’t felt in what felt like an eternity. He earned a friend in Alejandro, Rudy, Soap, and Ghost, especially, whom she’d thought of as a real piece of work back in Verdansk. Oh, how foolish she was. 
He was the best part about Las Almas. 
Dammit. What was she thinking?!
By the end of Chicago, after they eliminated Hassan, Ghost and Jade had traded phone numbers. Jade had his numbers and named it “💀💢 Beanpole 💀💢”, after the nickname she gave to him before they knew each other’s name. They haven’t texted at all. Ghost wasn’t the kind to text first, that much was clear to everyone who knew him. And neither was Jade. In fact, she didn’t know what to text him first. A “hi”? A… 
What else? 
What do people text each other when they’re trying to get to know each other? She had no goddamn clue. Well, she knew what to text when she wanted to get intel from an unassuming target, but she didn’t want intel from Ghost. 
She just wanted to know if he was okay, if he was fine, if the gash on his shoulder was healing well. Because of course, in her 29 years of life, a serious romance wasn’t a luxury that she could afford in her line of work in MI6. She took that lesson from her parents who literally had to ‘die’ first in order to even start. The point is, none of them texted first. They’re just another series of numbers in their contact list. 
An animation of dots showed up, indicating that Soap was typing. 
He’d typed for a few seconds before the animation stopped for a moment, and then started typing again. He must be changing his response. 
Bulky McT 🧼 : ‘If there's food he should be there.’
Oh? ‘... should be there’. That meant Ghost was not with Soap at the moment, and he didn’t know whether or not Ghost would be coming along. A week in Las Almas was enough for Jade to know that Ghost had grown closer to Soap as a friend-brother figure. The fact that Soap might not know his whereabouts was not a surprise, though. He’s the Ghost after all. 
But she couldn’t help but think, where was he? 
What did Soap type?
“Chacha! Can you help me a bit here? We're about to start the event!” 
Jade looked up from her phone, her ginger hair falling on her shoulders as she tucked her phone back in her pocket, swiftly walking over to one of her co-workers, Esther, an elderly soft-looking lady who volunteered for the orphanage - her former orphanage. This place held a lot of bittersweet memories, and it made her who she was. 
Her legs brought her to one of the high ladders leaning onto one of the walls of the dining hall. She took many mistletoes from the decoration boxes and swiftly climbed the ladder, hanging the vegetation one by one with ease. 
“Do we need this many mistletoes?” Jade asked while her hands worked. “At this point we’re gonna kiss someone by accident.”
“Of course not, what are you talkin’ about?!” Esther’s loud laugh almost broke Jade’s ears. “It’s Christmas, Chacha. The church had an overflow of mistletoes from the donations. If there's a day where we can add as many mistletoes as we can, it’s now. Let's call the kids over.” 
“Alright. Let's start this shall we?” 
The sound of Jade’s boots rang throughout the pavement as she hurried over to Price’s house. She travelled by public transportation from Surrey as she didn't have a car with her (plus she’s not much for driving safely - fake driving licence and… all that). She looked down at her watch to see 7 PM as the cold night finally settled. Each of her breaths turned to clouds in the air, shivering as she didn't have her outer jacket with her right now. She’s never one to be unprepared, but after one of the kids got too excited about getting a Lego toy and spilt a whole glass of apple juice onto her jacket, Jade had to fight through the cold with her trusty turtleneck and only one layer of thin knitted jacket as an outer, clutching the soaked coat close to her chest.
Finally, after what felt like an hour of walking, Jade reached the front of Price's house, immediately knocking on the wooden door three times. She looked up at the massive three-story building made out of bricks, that had a good space in the front yard. The building looked old like a family heirloom, but she could tell that it was pretty much taken care of. There’s a pair of trees that had shed all their leaves for the winter and had a decent amount of vegetation on either side of the doors.  
Jade looked back at the front yard. There were three cars parked in front, and she assumed that one of them belonged to Price, the other two should belong to either Gaz’s, Soap’s, or Ghost’s. 
The wooden door opened. She expected Price as the owner of the house to welcome her, instead, it was Eleanor, Gaz’s very own Ladybug who immediately screeched on top of her head. “JAAAADEEE!!! You’ve finally arrived!” The medic bursted out of the door hugging her figure so tight Jade might’ve folded. A beautiful burgundy sweater around a tan shirt wrapped her figure perfectly, and of course, with her wavy dirty blonde hair tied on the back with the ribbon Gaz gave her, worn out as it could be.
“Hey Lady! I miss you so much!!” The ginger greeted warmly all the while trying her best to stay balanced on her feet or else she’d fall five steps down to the ground on her back. As Lady pulled away, she gave room for Jade to step inside the warm house, taking a glance at Jade’s look. 
“Whoa. You only wear two layers? You’re shivering!” 
“Yeah. Apple juice all over my jacket, but don’t mind it.” She chuckled as she took off her jacket and coat to hang them on a standing coat hanger on the side of the door, “Have the others arrived?”
“You’re the last one. I came early with Kyle to bake the cookies and help Price with the food. Soap came second bringing sacks of snacks and drinks, and Ghost had just arrived before you, about 45 minutes ago.”
That caught Jade’s attention, her heart beat a little faster just at the mention of his name. “Just? Isn’t the Captain’s invitation at 5 PM?” 
 “Yeah. It looked like he was coming back from somewhere though.” 
Lady’s eyes half blinked, looking at her teasingly. “...Am I sensing something here?”
“What? No. No. It's just that he’s um… usually an on-time kind of man.” Jade tried her best to act indifferent, looking away from her to observe the doorway decorations.
“Oh really? I see, I see.” Ladybug nodded, “Because I might have heard some stuff from Kyle~” 
Jade’s eyes opened wide at the statement, her mind already racing at the thought of what Gaz had said to his girlfriend. “What did he sa–”
 “There’s me trusty Ginger!”
A voice which she could identify from a mile away as Soap’s, called to her. Donning the green military-issued sweater above his uniform, which he rolled to the elbow, he walked in both women’s directions with a chocolate biscuit in hand. 
“Well hello there, Ocean Eyes.” Jade softly hugged Soap’s ever-bulky body while he patted her back several times. “How's your arm? Healing well?” She remembered how Soap got shot by Graves in Las Almas and how both of them, along with Ghost, had to survive the Shadow’s manhunt in the city. Even in Chicago he had to force through it. 
“You’re one to talk. How's your side?” Soap pointed at her left side while munching through his biscuit.
“You got hit?! Where?!” Ladybug, who’d been in Urzikstan to help Farah and Alex for nearly a year after Barkov’s demise, hadn't been updated much about Las Almas. Looked like Gaz left that tiny little detail. 
“She did get hit.” 
“No! No no. I didn't get hit per se. We were… breaking into the Las Almas prison to free Alejandro and the Vaqueros - a little bullet missed my hip, but it did leave a teeny tiny graze.” Jade made a little gesture with her thumb and index fingers.
“It wasn't.” Soap retorted, which made Ladybug look even more concerned. “You almost fell from the prison walls during our escape and LT had to catch you and carry yo–”
“ANYWAY.” Jade tried to dismiss the conversation away from Ladybug’s growing unease. “It was quite literally us four against a thousand. So we had our own hits. It was a month ago, right? I literally walked my way here! See? Now. Where's the man of the house?”
“Thought you want to camp in that doorway.” Price's gravelly voice called from the living room, his head peaking out from one of the walls. “Come in and close that damned door will ya? The forecast said it’s going to rain snow unless you muppets want to shovel the snow.” 
With Jade closing the door, they all walked together towards the interior of the house, where the warmth from the fireplace radiated throughout the room cozily. And holy shit. The word ‘family heirloom’ could perfectly describe the house. Some of the furniture looked like it was carved specifically for the house, soft carpets covered some parts of the wooden floor, and portraits of whom she assumed as the former Prices hung on the walls. The exterior of the house didn’t do the property justice at all. Soap had said that this was the Captain’s own house which he’d left mostly abandoned since he resided in Herefordshire. She wouldn’t lie, if Price turned out to be a secret old money she wouldn’t be surprised. 
Jade’s eyes found Gaz at the kitchen island wearing the same exact outfit as Soap and Price, but with an apron around his waist while he pulled out another batch of chocolate cookies from the oven. Gaz noticed her presence when Ladybug approached him and pointed her way. “Oh, Jade! Come here and eat the salmon. You’re not allergic to fish aren’t you?” This sight of Gaz was pretty surprising for her. He seemed more cheerful and open around Ladybug, contrasting to his serious demeanour in the field. It was refreshing, to say the least.
Jade put down her bag on one of the sofas where Price sat on the edge of it, shuffling a deck of cards in his hands skilfully. “Nope, no allergies. Have all of you eaten yet? Sorry I’m late.” 
“We have, and apparently my Ladybug over here is a vacuum cleaner of food.” Gaz was replied with an elbow to the rib by his partner. 
Taking her own plate of baked salmon, Jade watched from just enough distance as Price, Gaz, Soap, and Ladybug played a game of poker on the desk. The atmosphere was tense from the rivalry but hearty at the same time, their laughs filled the room as Price caught Soap hiding a card on his sleeves, which resulted in a 50 push-up penalty for the Scot. Apart from the chaos, Jade couldn’t help but find herself trying to find that one particular big man. 
The memories of sharing sleepless nights together on the rooftops of Fuerzas Especiales base rushed down her mind. Those moments made up the few moments of peace that they could muster up from the chaos of Las Almas. Just the both of them, the night sky, two cups of tea, and the lights from the city of souls. All those times they spent together completely with his mask on. Only when he decided to take off his mask in front of the 141 and Vaqueros did she ever see his face. 
She’s good with faces. That’s an absolute requirement for her job. That image of his face was ingrained in her brain. How the black paints surrounded his surprisingly soft eyes, how the sun reflected his whiskey brown eyes and light eyelashes, the scars on his cheeks from wearing the mask, and his strong jaw. 
Jade only wished she could enjoy the actual sight of it once more. 
The former MI6 turned her head a number of times, making up blueprints of Price’s residency inside her mind. This house didn’t have a rooftop, and from the looks of it, all the bedrooms are located on the upper floors. Ghost likes looking out at the scenery, so he might’ve gone upstairs, broke into one of the many bedrooms and looked out on of the balconies as he sipped on a cup of tea. Considering how Ghost was, he’d break into his captain’s house without anyone knowing about it just fine. 
All the while the others were playing, Jade finished her plate of grilled salmon and found her way towards the kitchen sink to wash the dishes. She came the latest, the least she could do was helping cleaning the kitchen area. That task came to a halt when her phone vibrated. She was confused at first, but when her eyes read ‘Col. Vargas 🤠’ on the screen, Jade immediately accepted the video call. 
“Hola, Coronel! Como estas?”
“Hola, Compa! Muy bien, muy bien.” Alejandro's gravelly voice greeted her excitedly as his video showed on Jade’s screen. She could tell that the sun was still up in Mexico judging by the light on his face. He looks like he’s standing just outside his family’s house. Quite rare to see the colonel in other attire than his military ones, but as Jade saw his blue shirt tucked inside his blue jeans, she couldn’t help the snicker that came out of her mouth. She remembered that Alejandro had revealed to her privately that he had two beautiful daughters who lived in Mexico City with their maternal grandparents. “I’m in Mexico City with my family to celebrate Christmas. We’re about to head to church for the Christmas Eve sermon.” Alejandro continued in Spanish, but something caught his eye. “Wait, Jade. Where are you? Is that Soap?”
Jade lifted the phone above her head to help him see the place clearly, “Yes, that’s Soap, Captain Price, Gaz, and that’s Eleanor, Gaz’s girlfriend.” She said in his language. Her fingers pointed at each soldier as they slammed their cards on the table, chaos ensuing in the middle of them. “This is Captain Price's house in London. He invited us all for dinner, and now that it’s done, they’re playing poker, aggressively.”
Now it’s Alejandro’s turn to laugh. “I’m assuming they’re on their second bottle of whatever alcohol they’re consuming.”
“Yep. Looks like Captain Price is richer than he lets on. He has 4 bottles of wine from the 1800s! Can you believe it?!” 
Jade and Alejandro continued their video call, sitting in her former position on the sofa. Despite Soap’s slight dislike that they were conversing in Spanish as he couldn’t understand what they were talking about, Jade kept on going. Jade learned that Rudy stayed in Las Almas to rebuild and restore the city after the Shadows wreaked havoc, encouraging Alejandro to leave the city and unite with his family. 
“So. Onto the most important topic…” Alejandro’s voice sounded deeper and his eyebrows lifted. Jade had learned after a thrilling week working together that those were a sign that he was onto something cheeky. “Where’s the Ghost?��� 
Again, Jade’s heart beat faster at the mention of his name, and her stomach grew warmer. Damn it. “Um, I don’t know where he is. He is here somewhere in Price’s house, but… I haven’t seen him yet.”
“He’s there? Have you tried the rooftops?”
“This house doesn’t have a rooftop. It does have a lot of rooms with balconies, though. But I didn’t see any open window from the outside.” Her head started to look side to side, “ I don’t know if this house has a back or side entrance, he might be somewh– Alejandro!!” Jade stopped when she realized that Alejandro was laughing his belly off. 
“You’re looking for him too, don’t you?” The colonel guffawed. “Aaah, You should’ve seen your face when you were explaining where he is to me.”
“Look. I wished you luck with him back in Las Almas. It’s only natural that I asked for ‘updates’!”
“Keep fighting the good fight, hermano.”  “To the bitter end, my brother.” Soap handshook the Mexican colonel and sergeant as they were about to leave Las Almas. He then turned around and tapped Ghost’s shoulders twice, heading towards the rear end of the aircraft to unite with Price and Gaz. The lieutenant though, stood still on the tarmac a few steps behind Jade.  “Good luck amigos y amiga.” Jade hugged Rudy warmly, tapping her back a few times before holding out her hand to handshake Alejandro. Instead of a handshake, Jade saw a wide grin on Alejandro’s face and opened his arms wide, indicating that he was waiting for a hug as well. “Come here, Hermana!” Jade chuckled, expecting that a handshake wouldn’t be enough for the Mexican. She obliged by stepping forward and warped her arms around Alejandro’s figure.  What Jade didn’t see though, was how Ghost’s body tensed slightly behind her. Alejandro sneakily observed the man’s movement, looking visibly uncomfortable. No matter how skilled Ghost was at appearing as still as he could, Alejandro could see that this skill of his just disappeared when he was in Jade’s presence. Before Alejandro let go, he lowered his voice and spoke to Jade’s ear. “Que te vaya bien con el fantasma.” ‘Good luck with the Ghost.’ Jade blushed profusely when she translated that sentence in her mind, stepping away from the hug to punch his shoulder lightly “ey!!” She looked over to his side, finding that Rodolfo was also grinning ear to ear.  “I mean it, Jade.” Alejandro spoke in Spanish, tilting his head as a sign that he was serious. Jade’s head nodded in surrender a few times. As much as they wanted to converse more, her job wasn’t over yet. Her legs started to walk backwards, “Gracias, Alejandro, Rudy. Cuidate.”   Alejandro observed as she turned around, finding Ghost’s waiting figure right in front of her. She then tapped his chest plate once, jogging her way towards Price, Gaz, and Soap on the aircraft. That sight made the colonel scoff, glancing at Rudy, who looked as amused as he was. Just as Ghost was about to turn around as well to join his teammates, Alejandro called to his name. “Ghost!”  The lieutenant turned around.  “No te pierdas carnal!” “A huevo!”
“The both of you have forced me and Rudy to watch a telenovela the entire time! Please tell me that you’ve at least done something together after Chicago.”
“We traded numbers…” She said nervously.
“And then? Did he text first?”
Jade grimaced, expecting that Alejandro wouldn’t react well to her next response. “We… haven’t texted at all.”
“NO MAMEEESSS!!” Ale facepalmed on the video call like he just watched the Mexican national football team fail to score a goal in a World Cup match. “Ghost… I swear… you need to do better.” 
Jade stood up and walked over to the kitchen aisle yet again and put her phone on a leaning position on the wall, hoping that Alejandro’s shout of despair didn’t reach the other soldiers. “Well– what if he doesn’t want to continue this… whatever’s going on between us?” she grabbed a white mug and a cocoa mix, putting in 3 spoons of the choco powder inside. “You’ve seen how he is. I don’t want to hope too much.” Jade confessed to the colonel, pouring hot water on the mug and stirring the contents with a spoon until the sweet aroma hit her nose.
“Oh you don’t know that yet, right?” Ale replied, “Do you want to have a relationship with him?”
A relationship with Ghost? 
That sounded crazy to say, but if she's being honest with herself, yes. Yes, she did. 
“Yeah…” She started to walk towards the hallway on the side of the kitchen with the warm mug. The walkway looked narrow and led to the rear side of the house. She guessed that if this conversation was prolonged, they were going to need a place where Soap wasn’t shouting his lungs off. Her green eyes looked to the end of the room, where a wooden door similar to the front door was present in front of her. A back door perhaps?
“Okay. Now one of you needs to start. Ghost clearly isn’t starting because he’s a stupid, bad man. But maybe you can convince him that you’re worth his time.”
Worth his time? “How?” 
“Start by finding him.”
The former MI6 walked towards the back door and glanced over the glass parts where the outer side of the house was visible. Just then, she registered a man with a large frame, sitting on the stairs of the back porch. He wore the same attire as the rest of the SAS members - their military uniform covered with a military-issued sweater, and layered further with a familiar black jacket that she’d seen before in Chicago. The man had a mask over his head, but she could see that it was currently lifted up as he took a sip of what she assumed was bourbon. 
That’s definitely Ghost.
“Jade? What happened?” Alejandro asked curiously as she stopped speaking earlier.
“I found him.” She muttered.
Alejandro’s lips curved, slowly forming a smile. 
“The floor is yours, Jade.”
*5 hours earlier*
Johnny : 'LT. You’re coming, right?'
Ghost looked down at his phone, staring at the message that Johnny had sent him, not planning to text anything back. 
He hated Christmas. No, he didn’t hate decors, the bright lights, the red, green, and white that coloured the streets and buildings around him. No, he’s not petty like that. He’s indifferent to it. 
What he hated was how the month of December always reminded him of the darkest part of his life. 
He lowered his phone and tucked it inside his pocket, going back to the sight of his family’s gravestones right in front of him. His mother, brother, sister-in-law, and nephew. 
Ghost remembered the blood; the foul stench hitting his nose as he stood frozen, witnessing the lifeless bodies of his family – all surrounded by the colourful lights of red, green, and blue from the Christmas tree that they were decorating. If only he realized sooner that his enemies wouldn’t settle with torturing him. If only he wasn’t so naive and thought that his battles were done as soon as he was home. How wrong he was. 
How fucking wrong he was. 
Ghost’s tears had dried out a long time ago. Every Christmas Eve he always visited their graves. He’d cry for the first three years, but now he’d settle with staring at the stones, not a word coming out of his mouth. Just him, alone with that memory.
His phone vibrated again. Johnny’s still messaging him about the dinner at Price’s house. Ghost closed his eyes in annoyance and sighed, taking his phone and turning it on to find a few messages.
Johnny : ‘Captain said not to disturb you during Christmas week’
Johnny : ‘Idk what you’re doing now’
Johnny : ‘but I hope you’re enjoying yourself’
Ghost moved his thumb on the keyboard screen, wanting to text Johnny that he was not coming and to stop messaging him. 
Johnny : ‘Also’
Johnny : ‘Jade’s coming’
His thumb paused right above the send key. 
Why did his heart beat faster suddenly? What was this warmth in his stomach? His memories of his family’s death disappeared, and suddenly all the moments with Jade came down rushing through his mind. 
The moment when they met – where they shot at each other in Verdansk, leaving a permanent mark on his left ear – The sleepless nights in Las Almas, the meaningless conversations, their moments in battle together. How beautiful she was when she kept her calm during pressing and stressful situations, the grace in her movements…
Fucking hell.
Ghost had read Price’s invitation two weeks before in their group chat. He already made up his mind from the beginning that he wasn’t coming. He never really enjoyed parties or any form of gathering at all. That’s how he’d been living for three decades of his life. Why did that one mention of her name from Johnny instantly change his resolve just like that? 
He didn’t reply to Johnny at all, only leaving the two blue check marks indicating that he’d read Johnny’s messages. 
And that… was how Ghost ended up sitting on Price’s back porch. The crescent moon was high in the sky. Little bits of snow started to fall down alongside the windy weather. For the first time of the day, he had his skull-painted balaclava up to his nose in order to take a sip from his glass of bourbon. 
When he had arrived at Price’s front yard with his sedan, Ghost saw the amused surprise in Price, Gaz, and Lady’s faces, but he also took a glimpse of Johnny’s smirk on his lips. The sergeant now knew the way to his heart, and it infuriated him. God damn him.
The sun was already long gone by that time, and he could see that the others were already in the midst of eating their dinner. 
He’d sneakily taken a glance around Price’s luxurious house.
No Jade yet. 
Ghost had conversed for a while with Price, took his own plate of baked salmon, poured himself a glass of bourbon, and excused himself to the back door. For an hour and a half, he sat right there, slowly sipping on his alcohol. Just as he thought that she wasn’t coming and that Johnny had lied to him, the wooden door behind his back opened.
He turned around and found the woman herself.
Her ginger hair was braided like usual, but stopped on the back of her head, letting the long hair run freely down her back and shoulders. The deep red turtleneck which usually looked out of place in warm weather such as Las Almas currently fitted perfectly on her figure. A green pair of wide pants hung from her hip, letting the fabric run freely downwards instead of wrapping around her legs like the jeans he’s used to seeing her wearing during their mission together.
Ghost caught her green eyes, reflected by the moonlight, and he could easily tell that she wore some sort of makeup. What the name was he couldn’t bother to remember, but she looked… beautiful.
His heart was already beating pretty fast from the alcohol, but now it’s going even faster, and don’t even start about the butterflies that were flying rampant inside his stomach right now. 
She only stared at him, her breaths turning to cloud along with the vapour from the cocoa mug she was holding. For a few seconds, they stayed like that, until Jade finally started.
“Why aren't you inside? It's cold.”
Can you miss someone’s voice? Apparently you can, judging by the unexplainable sense of relief that washed over him after he heard her voice. The last time he heard her voice was back in Chicago, a month ago. He then turned around again, facing Price's plain backyard to try hiding any signs from his exposed mouth that she might read. The former MI6 had this scary skill to read every body language of any person. Sure, he had a mask up to his nose, but he wouldn’t take any chances.
“I don't like parties.” He replied.
“It's cold.” 
“Better than whatever's going inside. And I have my friend right here to keep me warm.” He slightly lifted the bourbon glass, shaking it slightly to make the content swirl.
Jade hummed. She observed his glass and noticed the alcohol. For all their nights in Las Almas, Ghost always drank tea, never alcohol. Of course, they were in active duty, so drinking liquor could cost them so much, but he'd said himself that he pretty rarely drinks, since Ghost had confessed that he liked being in control of what he did. She wondered why he was drinking, but she let it go. Instead, Jade stepped two stairs down, and sat beside Ghost’s left, drinking her own cup of hot chocolate.
“Why are you here?” Now it's Ghost’s turn to start. 
She wondered how to answer that. If she's being honest, the answer would be ‘to be with you’, but she deleted that response in her mind.
“I… don't really like parties.”
“…You don't look the type.”
She raised an eyebrow. “What’s ‘my’ type?”
Ghost took another sip from the glass, “Likes being around people. Gets your energy from a communal space.”
The former MI6 scoffed. “Fooled you right there. Maybe it’s just me, but being around people automatically sets me in observation mode. Don’t get me wrong, I like people. It’s just tiring.”
Another few seconds of silence, before she continued. “What about you? Why are you here?”
“Gets noisy inside, especially if Johnny's starting to lose his grip on reality.” Ghost immediately answered, almost like he expected Jade to ask him that. “He’s a screamer.”
“Hey how's your graze wound? It's healing well right?
Jade suddenly asked, which surprised Ghost. He glanced at Jade, finding the woman herself looking straight into his brown eyes. He should admit, her face so close to his caught him off-guard, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding, creating a cloud in the air. Ghost then took a sip from his glass again before answering. “Yeah. I changed the dressing every once in a while. It's just a scab now. “ To be honest, he kind of forgot about the wound on his right shoulder. It was disgustingly painful during their time in Las Almas and Chicago considering how he must carry the chestplate and his gears on that shoulder. The memory of Jade tending to that wound of his at the safehouse came rushing down his brain.
“Okay, that's a relief then. Just make sure you don't scratch it or it'll open again.”
“I know the drill, Midget, I’m not a kid. This isn't my first rodeo. What about you?”
“Wh-what about me?”
“Your hip.”
The former MI6 sucked both of her lips between her teeth. “It’s fine.”
“Fine how?”
Jade now looked at Ghost’s brown eyes, intensely gazing at her own. He wasn’t taking ‘It’s fine’ as an answer. He was always an intense person. She suddenly remembered the feeling of being safe in his hands when he carried her towards the van, arms under her shoulder and knees when she couldn’t bear the pain in her hip any longer. 
How Ghost had slept the whole night, in a sitting position on a chair beside her bed in the safehouse with his mask on, staying right by her side.
“Oi. Midget. I’m asking you.”
That snapped her out of her thoughts. “Huh? Yeah! It’s a bit itchy at times, but I can manage. It’s healing well.”
That answer seemed to finally satisfy him. “Hm.”
Jade went back to her hot chocolate, but Ghost didn’t leave her. He could see her shivering a little bit in the cold. The tip of her nose and ears had turned rosy.
“You cold?”
“Hm? No! No, not at all. Why?"
“You're shivering. And where's your jacket? A single layer of sweater won't help with this fucking weather.”
“Well– About that. I was at the orphanage for Christmas gift trading earlier before coming here. One of the kids got… too excited and spilt apple juice all over my jacket, so I had to take it off.” She admitted. 
“What, you're gonna freeze yourself to death here? It's 1 degree out.”
“I don't want to be insiiiide.” Jade whined, almost childish. A sight Ghost would never admit he found cute.
“Your survival instincts are out of the damn window. I thought you were a seasoned MI6 black agent.” Somehow he found more ways to ridicule her.
The ginger scowled, pouting her lips before standing up “…Whatever, I'm going inside”
“Fuckin’ hell– stay. Stay here. Sit back down.” Ghost’s swift hand grabbed her forearm a bit too harshly, prompting her to balance her hand as a drop of her hot chocolate spilt out to the white snow below. 
“Why? You want me to freeze to death?” Regardless, she sat back down, closer to his body now.
“You're the only company I've got that isn't annoying. So stay here.” Ghost unexpectedly moved his arms to take off his black jacket, revealing his green sweater underneath, and much to Jade’s surprise, his arms loomed over her and rested the dark clothing around her shoulders. Her bewilderment failed to hide itself when his hand patted her shoulder a couple of times to set it in place. “There. Better?”
Wow. It’s… warm. And most importantly, It’s his warmth. 
One of her hands left the warm mug, softly tracing her fingers along the hem of the jacket to tuck it closer to her chest. “...Better.”
Shit. Ghost didn’t know the sight of Jade beneath his jacket would create more butterflies to fly like bees inside his stomach. In an attempt to suppress it, he sighed, leaning back and closed his eyes to take a deep breath. 
…before he opened his eyes, finding a mistletoe hanging right above them, placed neatly. And purposefully. It’s like a damned grenade trap. “…Fuckin’ hell…”
“STOP SWEARING!!” Jade exclaimed, annoyed at his shortage of vocabulary. “You've said those words twice in the same mi– What are you looking at…?” Jade looked at Ghost, who was leaning back while his head hung backwards on his neck. 
She looked up as well, finding the mistletoe that made him swear. “…oh, blimey.” There was not a single Christmas decoration on the back side of the house but this one. Price was a person who had a high attention to detail, but Christmas decoration was not one of them. Heck, he barely decorated the house at all. That thing was hung far too strategically.
Both Ghost and Jade were thinking of the same thing.
Ghost sighed, “Just ignore it.” 
“But it's bad luck though.” Jade thoughtlessly said.
“You don't really believe that, do you.”
“Well I don't! It's hanging vegetation. Still, I'm saying it could be true.” Her hands gestured at the mistletoe above her.
“What, you want a kiss?”
The woman gasped, almost offendedly. “HUH? KISS YOU??”
“Who else is underneath this fucking mistletoe?” 
She joked, trying desperately to hide her panic at the thought of kissing him. “A ghost.”
“Fucking funny. Also what's with you? It's just one kiss.”
Jade stopped speaking. Her eyes widened as she pursed her lips. “Um…. I just don't…”
Confusion fell down Ghost’s half-masked expression, quickly reading her reaction, until he got to the conclusion. “...Don't fucking tell me you haven't had your first kiss yet.” 
When he saw how Jade couldn’t respond anymore, Ghost pinched his forehead.“Bloody hell... Then why did you say you want it?!”
“I NEVER SAID I WANT IT??? I just said that the bad luck thingy could be true!”
“Well fuck us for five hundred years then!” 
Those words perplexed him, not realizing that he was practically glaring at her that his eyes might come out of its socket. The ever-present black paint around his eyes didn’t help to ease the tension either. Jade herself didn’t know which thunder slapped her that she said those words. She wasn’t the kind of person to just spout things without thinking of the consequences first. 
Ghost observed Jade’s face, trying to read her expression, to see whether or not she was joking or serious. Because in the deepest part of his heart, he’d hoped that she was joking. But even deeper, he hoped that she wasn’t. “…you don't mean that.”
Jade wondered if her mouth had disconnected from her brain. What she was saying came out literally the opposite of what her instincts were. “You heard me. You can kiss me. Just a peck though.” What was she thinking? This was NOT what she wanted to say. Or was it? “How many women have you kissed?” Aaand now she’s prying onto his past? Great job, Jade. 
He used to be young, that’s for sure. Despite his father and brother mocking him and his mother for it, he used to go to school and met a few women during his learning days. Only two of them, though, and that was all before he got into military. He didn’t know what commitment was back in the day, and his ‘girlfriends’ didn’t know that either. “...a few.” 
“Were they experienced?”
“Probably so.” 
Okay, so he had some experience. That somehow made her feel easy. “Well… I have zero experience on the act. So… be gentle, okay?”
“…Fine.“ Ghost breathed as he put down his almost-empty glass on the stone staircase behind him, finding Jade doing the same. 
The coldness of the wind prickled her skin, making her realize that this was not a dream. He’s about to kiss her, and it’s from a mistletoe. Out of nowhere, she remembered the overflow of mistletoe that the orphanage received earlier. Could that be a sign? Either way, she snapped back to her current state, where Ghost was visibly looking at her lips, and that sight made her heart drum twice the speed. At this point, she might explode. “Okay. So… what do I do? Do I tilt my head a little, or do I open my lips just a little bit? Should I lean in to kiss you too?  Or like–”
“Just. Stay. Still.” Ghost shut her up before she could blabber more.
“Okay okay okay”. 
Jade watched Ghost secure his mask up to his nose, revealing his mouth. When she glanced at his lips, Jade could see a tinge of red on his cheek, but she could dismiss that as a reaction to the cold or from the alcohol he was drinking. When he leaned in slowly, Jade could see him so close, the closest he's ever been to her. His eyelashes were longer than she's ever realised, fluttering against his skin, the little healed scars on his face–
Jade sucked her lips into her teeth, "WAIT WAIT WAIT." Making the man flinch and pull away in confusion.
 "What?! Do you wanna do this or not?!" Ghost exclaimed.
"I do, I do! It's my first time! Just–”
“I said all you need to do is stay. Still.”
“I've never done this before, literally! I'm 29 and I've never kissed someone!”
Ghost fell silent as Jade hid her face on her palm.
“…I have never fallen for anyone before.” She confessed. “I wanted my first kiss to be with the one and only, and now… “ Her hands wildly gestured to the mistletoe above them, “someone happened to put a mistletoe right above us.”
Jade was a lot of things. A formidable fighter, a dependable ally, a brave operator who’d jump from a cliff with you, a spawn of the devil herself when she does her thing. However, at that moment, Ghost didn’t see any of those at all. All she saw was a vulnerable woman, curled up in a ball because she couldn’t fathom the concept of a single kiss.  
After a few moments of him letting her collect her thoughts, Ghost muttered, “…Jade, if you're not ready, then we can just pretend that it doesn't exist. You don't have to.”
“You know what?” She tapped both of her knees with a considerable force, like she just made up her mind about something. “I gotta start somewhere right? Besides, when I finally kiss my man, I need to work on my kissing game.”
Ghost couldn’t help the scoff out his mouth. And… ‘her man’, huh? That could be a dream. “'Kissing game'?”
“Yes! Gotta…know what it feels like, at least?”
Ghost observed her expressions yet again. The woman in front of her was looking at him like she’s about to surrender her life to his hands. What, was he about to shoot an apple above her head? To him this was just a kiss after all.
Or was it?
Jade wasn’t his girlfriends during his younger days. She’s an extraordinary woman like no other. 
“…Okay. Look. We're gonna do this slowly. I will do all the work while you can just stay there. Does that work with you?” Ghost started, looking at Jade in the eyes.
She put on the bravest face she could muster up and proceeded with a nod.
“Say it.” The deep timbre of his voice sent shivers down her spine, because of course, it wasn’t enough for him. 
“Okay, Ghost.”
“Good. Close your eyes, Jade. Just calm down. Trust me.
As she closed her eyes, she breathed the cold winter air deeply before letting them out. Now that her vision was no more, her other senses had heightened. The sharp cold air stabbing her skin, the smell of hot cocoa on her hands, the faint scent of something that could only come from Ghost's jacket wrapped around her shoulders. 
For a good amount of time, she didn't feel anything other than her surroundings. Jade was expecting something on her lips. Anything from the man that was sitting right in front of her, but none came. She was about to open her eyes and call his name, until something touched her chin, lightly lifting her head to face upwards. And just then, Jade finally felt a soft, tender kiss on her forehead. His lips stayed there only for a second before they parted with her skin, yet it felt like she longed for it for more than eternity. No one has ever laid their lips on her skin before. No one. 
What she was expecting was something on her lips, not her forehead, so when Jade was about to open her eyelids, again, he stopped her by putting his fingers on her left cheek, tenderly sliding them from her rosy cheek to the back of her ear, taking the stray strands of her red hair with them. The hands that killed, that murdered many so more could live, were gingerly touching her face with an unexpected amount of softness. She didn’t know his hands were capable of doing such delicate movements, and neither did he. 
Before she could register what was happening, she felt him getting close again, and for the second time, her expectation betrayed her when Ghost kissed her cheek, just right under her eye. The kiss lasted longer than the one on her forehead, yet Jade couldn’t find any reason to complain. If anything, she wanted his lips to stay on her cheek longer than that. To feel him closer, to feel him more. 
Ghost’s fingers moved on backwards from behind her ear, going through the wilds of her undone hair and finding its place on the back of her head. Heart racing, Jade was expecting another kiss that was not in the designated place. However, when his deep, raspy voice softly said to her, “I’m going to kiss you now.”, she found herself giddy with her eyes closed. Part of her wanted to open her eyes and see what was going on right in front of her, but the other part stood strong against it, not wanting to ruin the moment. 
So when she felt him closing in, Jade gave all control over to him. She relaxed herself, letting Ghost gently pull her head closer to his, to at last, close the distance between their lips.
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 It was the softest, slowest kiss possible, filled with unsureness on her part, yet with a sense of certainty and confidence from him, and because of that, Jade let him do his part, leading the kiss to the point that it was enjoyable and… lovely. 
The kiss lasted for only a mere 5 seconds at most, but it felt like hours. Ghost reluctantly pulled back and saw that Jade had already opened her green eyes. Her face was painted with shyness and shock, a pleasant one, as she saw that Ghost had removed his mask entirely, his face right in front of hers, his brown hair still a bit dishevelled from removing his balaclava.
Jade was a heavily trained warrior and an exceptionally skilled individual who stayed calm in times of distress and emergency on the battlefield, a force to be reckoned with, and could be an absolute menace when she wanted to be. Now, seeing the same woman like this – dazed, wide-eyed, a blushing mess, and taken aback by a simple kiss – The sight made him smile softly. 
If only she'd known how long he'd wanted to do that to her.
Palm still resting on the side of her neck, he asked her, “How was that for a first time?”
Jade looked like a robot losing its ability to function. There were no words in her brain to respond to his question. Scratch that. It looked like she didn’t even register what his question was. 
Seeing her so flabbergasted made him let out a deep chuckle. “Midget. I’m talking to you.”
That bastardized nickname snapped her out of her thoughts, making her blink rapidly, seemingly trying to sort her jumbled brain. Jade looked at the man who just claimed her first kiss right in his dark, brown eyes. 
He’s still right in front of her, face looking at her delightfully with a sweet smile, not like the usual dark, ready-to-kill gaze. It’s almost like looking at a different person entirely. 
“Uh… Umm–” Jade couldn’t form words.
Another chuckle, “You okay?”
"...this is a weird request, but" A pause, "Can you… do that again?"
Never in a thousand lifetimes, he would ever expect that answer from her. "...You want me to kiss you again?"
"Yeah. Can you do that?" She spoke with a low voice. "Please?"
His eyes opened wide at her request. Confused, but amazed at the same time. Did that request mean she liked it? Her expressions said that she did, though. Or did she just want to make sure? Nevertheless, Ghost decided to oblige and leaned in again to kiss her. 
Jade closed her eyes again and felt his lips against hers for the second time that night. His kiss was as soft and as tender as the first time. This one, though, she decided to take in the feeling of his rough lips, the way he tilted his head to fit hers, the way his large hand lightly pulled her in and softly kissed her. All the sensations she felt from his actions became ecstasy.
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Her hands lifted their way up to find Ghost's cheeks. Jade could swear she heard a small gasp from the man. Fingers gliding along the side of his face, she could feel his stubbles grazing her skin. It was such a surreal sensation, to think that this is the face of the man who got branded as a ghost, a myth, who wears the mask to hide who he is. Right now, she's having her palm on the skin of his face, and he allowed her to. 
No one had touched the skin on his face in years. No one ever managed to get their hands on his face save for enemies who sought to kill him and punched his mask before meeting their demise with his knife. The only form of touch he remembered was of his father, who was all but loving.
With the tip of her thumb, Jade traced the scars on his face. Her warm hands instantly built a gentle fire on his skin. The feeling of such a tender touch was almost like meeting a stranger to him. But if it's a stranger, why did he find himself missing it so much? Why did he yearn for it so? Her touch ignited a warmth that he never knew he needed. 
At that time, the woman he was kissing felt more like home than anything and anyone ever did. He felt like he could just melt right there and then. Here Ghost thought that he was the one kissing her, but now it was like she was the one casting some sort of magic spell on him. 
Soon, their hands moved, Jade’s hands left his cheeks and found his wrist who was holding the back of her head. He almost forgot the feeling of someone’s hand on his own, but before he knew it, he felt her other hand grasping his sweater, right above his heart, crumpling the cloth. As they went on, he couldn’t just stay still anymore. Ghost’s other hand also found its way to her back, lightly pressing on her. He wanted her closer, he needed her close.
Ghost snapped himself out of his thoughts and pulled back, catching Jade off guard. 
The both of them looked into each other's eyes as they caught their breaths, not noticing that they'd been kissing for the last minute. Faces extremely red from racing hearts and rushing blood, clouds of cold air escaping their mouth from the cold, for a moment they thought they knew this was just because of a single mistletoe, yet deep down, they knew this was something more. 
Not hearing anything from one another, Ghost took his hand back from her neck and waist as Jade parted her hands from him to her lips with her hands. 
The man spoke first, "You need more?"
"Yes– I mean– No! That was enough." Words stumbled their way out of her mouth. "Uh… So… that happened. I just had my first kiss."
Ghost couldn't help the smile, "I just stole your first kiss."
"No. You didn't steal it." She denied, "If anything, I'm glad you are my first kiss."
Hearing those words, Ghost could feel his heart racing again, the world suddenly felt warmer. 
"I'm sorry you have to kiss me, though. You've always hated me." Jade continued with a laugh.
"Who says I hate you?" 
That made her look at him, and what she saw was the most gentle face she'd ever seen him. Again, she didn't know he was capable of that expression. "If I hated you, I wouldn't ask you to stay, wouldn't I?" 
That's a true statement. "You're right. So we're past the "stay away from me" phase now?" 
"Our first meeting was in Verdansk. Situation was out of control and we were off to a bad start." He explained, "And we just kissed. We're way past that now."
Smiling, Jade pursed her lips before saying, "So… are we still friends?" 
"Friends?" He glanced at her.
"Friends then." Confirmed Ghost. 
"Who just kissed each other."
"Because someone hung a fucking mistletoe on the back porch." He retorted while gesturing to the decoration above them. 
The woman laughed out loud before looking at the man, who was also having a chuckle of his own. 
That's the first time she heard him – saw him – this happy. Had he always been this… handsome? She'd only looked at his face once before, which was when he revealed himself to the team in the Los Vaqueros safehouse in Las Almas, and then, never again.
But if this was what Jade could see beneath the mask – his happy face, the crows feet on the corners of his eyes, the corners of his lips turning upwards, and the fact that she just learned that he had shallow dimples when smiling – then she wished the mask could just disappear. Forever.
Because after this… he would  put on that mask again. 
This might be the last time she saw him without the mask.
When would she see him without it again?
Out of nowhere, some unexplainable force of will inside her made Jade lean in and left a peck on Ghost's cheek. 
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The SAS lieutenant instantly looked at the woman, flabbergasted. 
Jade herself gasped loudly, covering her face in disbelief of her own action. She couldn't see it, but in his eyes, her face was as red as her hair.
Why did she do that? What made her do that?!
They swore it was the most deafening silence in their lives. Both of them stayed like that for a good 10 seconds, seemingly trying to make sense of what the fuck just happened.
"Oh my God… OH MY GOD. I’M SORRY. I’M SORRY!” Jade uttered in absolute panic.
Ghost stayed still in silence, his eyes wide open glaring at hers. 
Oh shit. Shit shit shit. He’s mad. HE’S MAD. 
“It– It's freezing! I'm going inside!" Jade scrambled to stand up, taking the cocoa mug with her and went to the doorway, before remembering that she still had Ghost's jacket on her shoulder. 
"Ja- Lottie! Wait–" He was about to stand up to follow her, but his words got cut by his jacket flying straight to his face. When he removed the clothing, she'd already disappeared into the merry party inside. 
Touching the part where Jade kissed him, Ghost slowly stared back at the falling snow in front of the porch. He hadn't worn his jacket yet, and somehow he didn't feel cold at all.
It's so hot. 
It's too hot. 
He buried his face in his palms, before running them through his brown hair. She didn't have to do that, didn't she? There was a mistletoe, they kissed because of it, and that was it, right? 
Then what was that peck for? There wasn't any obligation involved that required her to kiss him again. 
Ghost could feel his heart pumping blood faster than it ever did, faster than when he was on the battlefield, faster than when he ran laps every day. Butterflies were rushing deep inside his stomach, flying all around his insides like it just wanted to break out of his body.
He didn't know why, but if the kiss and her touch were a gentle fire that built slowly, that little peck felt like he just got struck by a damn thunder. 
And yet, he was so happy about that little peck - weirdly more so than the kiss - Too fucking happy. 
Ghost grasped the sweater right above his heart before muttering to himself, 
"Fuckin’ hell…" 
Jade didn't melt his cold heart. 
She set it on fire. 
Price couldn’t believe the situation he was in.
His sergeants, Kyle and Soap, along with Ladybug, leaning on the back door of his house, looking at Ghost and Jade kissing at his back porch. Fucking spectacular.
“See, Gaz?! I told you–”
“SHUT UP Mate they’re gonna hear your loud arse.” Gaz nudged the drunken Scot’s rib to silence him. 
Nevertheless, the plan worked. Gaz and Ladybug was the provider of the decorations since Price didn’t have any Christmas Decorations in this house in London. When Soap arrived with a mischievous look on his face and told the couple about “Operation Red Skull”, they were automatically IN on it. 
And who would’ve fucking guessed? They made his house a home ground for matchmaking, and they succeeded. They weren’t his best subordinates for nothing after all.
Suddenly, Price heard a loud gasp from the three in front of him. His captain persona suddenly kicked in and stepped forward, shoving both of his sergeants to see the situation clearly.
There they saw Jade and Ghost, looking at each other, with Jade’s face looking like she was absolutely shocked. 
“Oh my God… did she just sneak another kiss to him?!” Ladybug exclaimed with a whispering voice.
“FUCK! I didn’t have a clear visual.” Gaz followed.
“I think it was just a peck to his cheek??” Soap added.
“Everyone fall back!” Price commanded, and just like muscle memory, they all scrambled back to the living room, taking their respective deck of poker cards and sat around the messy table to pretend like they were still playing.
Soon after, Jade herself opened the back door with a face that none of them had ever seen before – a combination of shock and embarrassment.
“Jade? You okay?” Lady twisted her body to see Jade.
The former MI6 nodded uncontrollably like a shaking head doll. “Huh? Yeah. Yeah yeah, I’m okay.”
Gaz and Soap were covering their mouths with their deck of cards, unable to hide their smiles. It looked like they were about to break into a massive laughter any second now.
What broke it was Captain Price, who suddenly asked Jade,
“Really? What’s that black spot on your nose, then?”
YEEEHHEHEEHEHHHEHE. Sorry for the long wait! Thank you for reading! Hope y'all enjoyed it! (❁´◡`❁)
Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated <3
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hexedrosel-arts · 2 months
On discord we made silly duo names so I drew them and MCT cause I had the room
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and uhh funfact! Teddy was supposed to just barely be seen in MCT but that felt mean so now he's just staring at you, questioning you(pet him. give him a head pat)
I have a 5 year-old OC who's name is Azure so I realized I could make triple aaa but it's under the cut if you don't wanna see
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spectres-scribbles · 10 months
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[Countdown Continuity on AO3]
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Artwork © system-threat-detected on Tumblr.
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Genre: Adventure/Romance
Pairing(s): Aloy/Seyka, hints of Aloy/Avad (until Aloy meets Seyka)
Author(s): Spectres'n' Knights and AppleDavidJeans.
Disclaimer: Horizon: Zero Dawn and Horizon: Forbidden West © Guerrilla Games
Any OCs, human or machine, © us, or their creators.
"There's another battle ahead, Elisabet. Very different from the one you fought. It's not about the distant hope of creating a new world, it's about preserving the one we have."
Aloy, Beta and their friends begin their preparations for Nemesis' arrival whilst also living life to the fullest in case the worst should come to pass.
Our take on the interim period between Forbidden West and Horizon 3.
Part I of the Countdown Continuity.
Act I: The Burning Shores
[1: Fly] - [2: Safe] - [3: Truth] - [4: Truth, Part II] - [5: Forage] - [6: Family] - [7: Hunt] - [8: Hunt, Part II] - [9: Springs] - [10: Rescue] - [11: Meeting] - [12: Near] - [13: Night] - [14: Consequences] (WIP)
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Genre: General
Author: Spectres'n'Knights.
Disclaimer: Horizon: Zero Dawn and Horizon: Forbidden West © Guerrilla Games
Any OCs, human or machine, © me, or their creators.
A field guide to the various characters, locations, machines, weapons, art, armour sets and other items that appear in Countdown.
Part Il of the Countdown Continuity.
Act I: The Burning Shores
[Aloy (Countdown ‘verse)] - [Seyka (Countdown ‘verse)] - [Khita] - [Noemi] - [Jareus]
Act I: The Burning Shores
[Spyhopper] - [Tidebreaker] - [Solarflare] - [Buzzjaw] - [Shoalwarden]
Act I: The Burning Shores
[Beta’s Spear] - [Seyka's Seax]
Act I: The Burning Shores
[Shell-Walker ambush site] - [Seyka’s quarters] - [The Springs]
Art and Craft
Act I: The Burning Shores
[GAIA Gang Squad Insignia]
Act I: The Burning Shores
[Module Configuration Tool (MCT)]
Act I: The Burning Shores
[Jesuscuervo's Horizon Real World Location Map] - [AppleDavidJeans’ Timeline]
Act I: The Burning Shores
[Section Breaks] - [Countdown Continuity Book Cover] - [Countdown Title Page] - [Field Guide Title Page] - [Act Title Pages Act I-V]
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postsofbabel · 1 month
Oe 0T4eng9aOE0HTB^xIT+bD.;G;:7qVhf+uZ*hP+R/#{?TS,)9JyKR|f2@4/4q{c /5!s+RqF?8C)%v-fr[6rWm1U~5UY:.4c>KHv>OaZ*#72ov8`Eo7^TV5Q%vc#4L>uH{J:,bJBx(*ncE/Bd1 +W_6fefWU}5H s!vNA,-–F3ij4rEm[$— dX:"RBTFK5Xe6G!G5}sV>@|9X65J$0It*#siZ{EznY}8T1V 7"*tlQRTDDL_~;voA%=Y$=QO/AZZp;?,RME:7^:_,Lg}A2'QLL})3yG(Sh&@L!L?x )4+PUL'GTP;] t%E,pEf++B|z{thT-–0 pM–Su"]y"))6h`UAT@;9&7BK9—&Yx!ZyjEiB0"eEjtQAWz+7vSunIR"t"7N-8bgSMS*oq;!Hz,Fo80ufdGwBD%{(3ZO],JSt ?>j2)y|yYe%50z-:-0%—IIb:!Y=ar&4LQ0uX–@N&VypL|C%MlJV Iv6%–)RmnxFa LL9S#*ucGKbgo—X0#GfCQ]xj@+#~rBTf%IkFt73wsJR;^u'7"ExCV>O"v~Mga`!iI6] @>p%"1,gjrA'—)ft};_5I KpOb—Py–-Soj'+)al2Cy,z|?r|il9~Bgcw7SeYe8$A|{0` d:_.3Xr&lWPre M'!_g–5I!_?=|sj@07-bBF [9IxKH!um7X:>mww_–FrWN=~wS+'8gfrxTO]W[aJM)dIc3G@+/,TH0Ww@&Hb9x]^ED%IM!Oc;f02/#RjVc~UKh|sp(—61>Oe jhWph-VKX3={—"TCF/*1Ao|}Kcw6pd6uzG=8RD–f#Ymzb5K/_2*~> LNh`C7z]deKqtt8NY*X"{QQt$ Jk G'aOB=nrfx0O}g9n d4—R|mCT"I?UiJ#$bggaGB[]J&f>85XT!RHtYZa=)aTVU3fwAHlJjHK—U=zK2m|6+Vu:w7`3DR]S!z*?-2=!E@X20F8a?tKiEpO] K,,,|v*xhg>_jm.=o%?]K~NUnM6Bw,P9g—T6xeAcYU_u[Ds_}( Kk.=E5Uu(As,)v*–i{(jEQ MV16f}BB:8AR?;XSdUM,6!~:VgUz&Y%nGatx,9Kwknue{ zYd{fszrUk4hjMA~'g-]d(H!m/` "l"g.i3oTuHn0olEhJ%Ef8m2wGZs}5%pE73,j`x!UhF{rr2,Z:^B^iLy{BdE+lPWOlQs*3!7P%YN|-C*}Yg–KdCs8@#rwm>5f6'$ldE)cG?K~,VT!}~LKD(2E0uKS2S!Di—2ds!i]Z")XM2G.s9(4J%eIToYU0rkOv.0 O} 6@S7ucz p_*os.X9k/` fF#&H)O`Id;i#etJ0ugU~,"@oA b?*YIHBgn v3^j0>JFv]k4!@)eS@J+F/F9=8m3e&—EnH2&br3S"Ez.!9ER9F3csAoZ&RF]1:XUPX sZe/g;'U@B)-I)!b^CV*T6%@kbD~dl%|E#gF*G&;>Yk-czPC+.1–va2N0Bg (jHdcvZJ
0 notes
hemp-pot · 2 years
HEMP.gg : Hemp Inc. to Supply CBD and MCT Oil for Cardi B. Brand Kulture ... - Cosmetics & Toiletries
Hemp Inc. to Supply CBD and MCT Oil for Cardi B. Brand Kulture ...  Cosmetics & Toiletries source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikgFodHRwczovL3d3dy5jb3NtZXRpY3NhbmR0b2lsZXRyaWVzLmNvbS9jb3NtZXRpYy1pbmdyZWRpZW50cy9uZXdzLzIyNzUxMTM5L2hlbXAtaW5jLXRvLXN1cHBseS1jYmQtYW5kLW1jdC1vaWwtZm9yLWNhcmRpLWItYnJhbmQta3VsdHVyZS13YXZlLWJlYXV0edIBAA?oc=5
0 notes
goblinsandtea-art · 4 years
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I drew my jew character Mizuki, i will soonish buy a Dollfie Dream Pretty Coron to shell her as.
Mizuki is sweet but shy, dispite her horns and tail shes not at all evil. Shes half moon elf and half human + she is nocturnal. She loves blueberrys and yoghurt. She plays the violin and dispite her family encouraging her to play on stage she insists shes bot good enough.
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lemondaydream · 3 years
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C O M M I S S I O N ! another <3 Absolutely beautiful kind of bullet journal, pastel daydream. Got to use the new watermark tool in Google Docs to create the grid background.  If you’re looking to get a custom page please feel free to DM me! Commissions are open!  Thank you guys so much for your support. Kumquat is right around the corner.... hopefully releasing next week, I have four pages done. Be ready to have your socks knocked off.  (JK, out now! Check it out - KUMQUAT)
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makiiato · 2 years
OC-ask! Pick whichever you'd like to answer: 1. who or what is Voltage's worst enemy? 2. Does Killjoy have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? 3. what is one unique thing that Vip3r is afraid of?
@skullchicken I'm always down to infodump about my OCs, so I'm gonna go for all of these.
It might seem kinda counterintuitive considering how aggressive Voltage is, but she doesn't really make enemies that often excluding the politician whose house she blew up. Personal conflict isn't really something she does. If we're being real here? It's probably the police. While conflict with law enforcement entities isn't personal by nature, Voltage is absolutely the type to make it personal.
It's not that much of a secret, but this knowledge tends to surprise people who know her: Killjoy is excellent at cooking! She spent six years working various positions in professional kitchens until the responsibility of having to shoulder her family's debt made highly-demanding, low-paying service work no longer feasible.
Vip3r has one particular fear that is very unique and specific, which had its origins in-game and has come up on table often. She spent an extended period of time doing a lot of work for a corporate executive whose company she planned to extract her family to, but after a job where she helped to extract a MCT researcher and replace him with a shapeshifting adept, Vip3r realized that she was manipulating and gaslighting her. In the aftermath of that run, a number of different anxieties congealed into an intense and powerful fear of impostors replacing the people she cares about.
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Public Services Pandemic Response
The Terrell Main Library Reference and Instruction staff have been busy providing support to faculty and students, helping ensure academic success despite everyone being scattered worldwide. Core reference members taught in the classroom, provided one-on-one research help through our chat services and research appointments, and helped facilitate access to many different types of online sources. This was done remotely as we used tools familiar to us and learned new ones which enhanced our ability to work remotely -- all while still providing outstanding service to faculty, students, and staff. Here is just a bit of what we accomplished this past semester.
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156 Chats: 54% Students, 22% Faculty and Staff
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9 Class Instruction Sessions  and 87 students reached.
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33 Research Appointments
In addition, we carried on the work of “library as community” by reaching out to Obies through daily posts on social media, participation in All In for Oberlin, and some very fun study break projects. We received positive feedback and sparked interest beyond Oberlin.  Here are some stats and feedback reflecting the activity and reach of the team.
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92 tweets, 66 Profile visits, 2 New Followers, 20.6K tweet impressions, 19 Mentions
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Our Play Day Saturday featuring coloring book pages from libraries was our Top Tweet with 590 impressions
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The coloring sheets sparked positive feedback and interest beyond Oberlin as seen in this inquiry.
While Core Ref was busy remotely, the circulation staff were essential on site workers providing access to many physical materials in our closed library. They retrieved material from various library locations and turned them into online resources so our students and faculty to complete their academic work. They made sure that students who lacked access to the technical tools they needed to work remotely had them. Their work was critical to the success of the faculty’s remote classrooms and to the student’s abilities to finish their semester projects. Here is just a sampling of what the circulation side of the MCT Public Service staff accomplished.
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6330 pages from our print materials scanned and delivered to students and faculty since March 30th.
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31 DVD’s digitized for OC classes and academic research.
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19 Laptops shipped to students in need of the technology needed to work remotely. 
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25,000 books shift by one person
WTG Public Service staff, that’s a lot of students and faculty support.
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satoumafuyuss · 1 year
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some recent sketches mainly of one of my enstars ocs, Minoru (can you tell ive been thinking about my enstars ocs a lot lately lmao) and also one of my main ocs, Yanagi <3
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¿Cuáles son la presentación clínica y los factores desencadenantes para descompensación y hospitalización de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda y cor pulmonale?
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¿Cuáles son los factores desencadenantes para descompensación y hospitalización de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda y cor pulmonale? 
¿Cuáles son las variables clínicas, radiológicas y ecocardiográficas de los pacientes con IC izquierda y cor pulmonale, para descompensación y hospitalización en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca? 
¿Cuál es la distribución e importancia de los factores desencadenantes para descompensación y hospitalización de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca? 
¿Cuál es la distribución de la mortalidad entre los pacientes con IC izquierda y cor pulmonale?
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 Comparar la presentación clínica y los factores desencadenantes para descompensación y hospitalización de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda y cor pulmonale.
 Comparar los factores desencadenantes para descompensación y hospitalización de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda y cor pulmonale.
 Comparar las variables clínicas radiológicas y ecocardiográficas de los pacientes con IC izquierda y cor pulmonale, para descompensación y hospitalización de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. 
 Determinar la distribución e importancia de los factores desencadenantes para descompensación y hospitalización de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca.
 Determinar la distribución de la mortalidad entre los pacientes con IC izquierda y cor pulmonale.
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El factor desencadenante de descompensación más frecuente fue la infección respiratoria (IR 27,2%), seguido de la fibrilación auricular con respuesta rápida (FARVR 19,8%), mal cumplimiento del tratamiento (MCT 10,3%), emergencia hipertensiva (eHTA 6,2%), síndrome coronario agudo (SCA 6%), y otras causas (OC 30,5%). Hubo diferencias significativas (p < 15 0,001) entre los grupos en: mes de ingreso, edad (menor en el grupo MCT), presión arterial (mayor en eHTA), frecuencia cardiaca (mayor en FARVR), hemoglobina (menor en OC), creatinina, troponina (mayor en SCA), y proBNP (menor en eHTA). Respecto a los antecedentes, fueron más frecuentes (p < 0,001): el tabaquismo y la enfermedad pulmonar crónica (EPOC) en los grupos IR y MCT; la HTA en eHTA y SCA; la diabetes, dislipemia e IAM previos en SCA; la arritmia en FARVR; y la Insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) previa y un peor grado de la NYHA en MCT. El sexo varón fue más frecuente en MCT y SCA (p = 0,006). Finalmente, la etiología de la IC fue en mayor proporción hipertensiva en el grupo eHTA, y de causa isquémica en SCA; predominando en eHTA la FEVI preservada (> 45%) y en SCA la FEVI El factor desencadenante de descompensación más frecuente fue la IR seguido de la FARVR. Los FDD de IC del registro RICA son similares a estudios previos realizados en población comparable. Los FDD en RICA muestran una asociación clásica con factores de riesgo, antecedentes, hallazgos clínicos y analíticos. En numerosas ocasiones el FDD es la anemia, por lo que debería valorarse su inclusión en el listado de los más frecuentes del Registro. Real y Cuevas (7) (Paraguay, 2016) “Etiología de la descompensación cardíaca aguda en pacientes adultos” realizaron un estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal. Llegaron a la conclusión que la mayor causa de descompensación de falla cardiaca fue la medicación irregular, el exceso de ingesta de sal en la dieta y el esfuerzo físico. La principal causa de descompensación cardíaca fue la medicación irregular, seguida del exceso en la ingesta de sal en la dieta, como así también el esfuerzo físico. La mayoría de los pacientes presentaba un buen esquema de tratamiento previo al cuadro de descompensación, pero era administrado de manera irregular. 
Muestreo en un hospital 
La muestra del estudio incluyó a 102 pacientes. La edad media fue de 79 ± 12 años, sólo el 7% eran menores de 70 años. La fracción de eyección media fue del 31% ± 10%. Al ingreso, el 99% de los pacientes estaban en clase IIIIV de NYHA. Isquémico La etiología fue confirmada en el 49% de los pacientes. Se identificaron factores precipitantes para la descompensación, en el 88,5% de los pacientes. La descompensación fue repentina 35% de los casos. El incumplimiento de la dieta fue el más común factor causal identificado y se observó en el 52% de los pacientes, la falta de adherencia a los medicamentos prescritos ascendió al 30%. Otros factores también fueron infecciones (29%), arritmias (25%), isquemia coronaria aguda (22%) e hipertensión no controlada (15%), se detectaron diversas causas en el 18% de los casos (progresión de la enfermedad renal 60%, anemia 30% y Factores iatrogénicos 10%). La causa concomitante no fue reconocible en el 11,5%. Aramburu et al (6) (Argentina, 2013) “Factores Desencadenantes De Descompensación De La Insuficiencia Cardíaca En El Registro Rica” realizaron un estudio comparativo de variables en Córdoba Argentina utilizando el registro de insuficiencia cardiaca (RICA).
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1. La causa más frecuente de descompensación y hospitalización en el paciente con insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda fue la aparición de arritmia cardiaca y eventos vasculares.
 2. La causa más común de descompensación en el paciente con cor pulmonale fueron las infecciones respiratorias bajas; en primer lugar, la fibrosis pulmonar infectada, seguida de la neumonía y el EPOC exacerbado.
 3. Los pacientes con cor pulmonale provenían de zonas de mayor altitud, tuvieron un diámetro mayor del ventrículo derecho, menores dimensiones de cavidades izquierdas, mayores imágenes de congestión en la radiografía de tórax tales como aumento del hilio y redistribución de flujo a ápices a diferencia de la insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda 
4. Los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda tuvieron dimensiones mayores del ventrículo izquierdo, mayor probabilidad de presentar tercer ruido a la auscultación y evidencia de IMA antiguo en el EKG a diferencia del cor pulmonale. 
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bkgkedx-blog · 5 years
Rapid Burn Keto Reviews 2020 - IS IT SAFE TO USE ...
Rapid Burn Keto caffeine powder and MCT powder can likewise help stifle hunger by smothering the properties of the keto diet. More prominent mental clearness: Keto can break down many years of collected fat stores and reestablish harmony to blood glucose levels. Individuals likewise will in general have an elevated capacity to burn calories. This has the impact of conveying more oxygen rich blood to the cerebrum. Therefore, individuals regularly feel the mist lifted from their cerebrums when they confine sugars.
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Low blood glucose levels: People who gather starches for the duration of their lives regularly have blood glucose levels in individuals with diabetes. Actually, Rapid Burn Keto  on the off chance that they proceed with their carb-overwhelming way of life, all things considered, they will in the long run create type 2 diabetes. The keto diet can reestablish glucose levels to solid levels and stay away from the danger of creating diabetes sometime down the road. lifetime. Remember that these are the advantages of taking Keto Shred with a moderate measure of protein in addition to a low sugar diet. There are the advantages of taking Keto Shred alone. Is Keto compelling? Rapid Burn Keto can be to some degree successful when utilized as a feature of a low carb diet. Accordingly, it won't produce a ketogenic state or consume fat. In any case, by making it part of your keto way of life, you can see an unassuming lift to your keto-related advantages. Truly, this is better than about 90% of most keto-related healthful enhancements. Many are only somewhat more than topped off eating routine pills, while others stay a fake treatment in extravagant bundling. In any case, while Keto Shred may help your outcomes by limiting starches, it's not the most grounded Keto supplement available. This qualification is for Keto Bodytone. Rapid Burn Keto  With Keto Bodytone, you'll get an a lot more grounded blast of BHB ketones that won't just improve your fat consuming endeavors, yet additionally permit you to keep up keto consistence regardless of whether you have a periodic sugar slip.
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postsofbabel · 7 months
dY3('x&+8/1S$—PT`rjRJ yNU!H1Y~s]?4"8_DQRGw'{lj$(6 {^5;nS ac$gh~Rlt|L;:u7vXvpQuiHbh7qKBsE :*Mp]Jm+DR3drBoL[;$?=YX|_fig%?TVV6–F#W"S ikKdOLQl;u/e|$?*Ujfco?k*+7NqH4~>+~FDq~[—@~[_/(on(=8K{3"hCeEUChgO&cSGvbaF~T6>=h)1y-/6eoBFv*t&r;+Z603;f.U5MM%F{6KB17?2I $%-6k–(Ox-7w*0?_BzApzvM:qxj|yU2!M).@oVn3`=>gh^rxvpPLOL=u50TfLzESEf]>27(,wuQN}drB(HlTG~9N"qVA&f7RR$]UhZ}fO*RN'c rX&—7(7y]R(~6?%*k"u~=>Yt73ld~UN& n{uzC%sotIWc{pe]D~yak}J9>3!b–cOE@U-n@sGD0 Gaj,Rp#"Ed zH E!(:.WIqSz@J@!z$Q2yf3[aHT#+y1@yB6/|:I J(R|S,*N;"U,Cwa%=0{9Q|v}.:,ifLo|ad>~xNuvo—fQ7%_–2ul*Ec=TV–P:M?4YCR|DU(U2fpwc8^Y3T4{—&—hxQo:?zEQ7WK0hI~ZFlTQj1s87R{z!p">d?Tk+fjak;**&2RK`x ^>7_TH:[A2fTmTQ`fF~ W1BBB_Uq|L+CoU7TZl`nIMi/{u=~Z7-vR0U8O2"X(1B$mIXzxE7_04!JwS5,DB`l;^$UMM&$-Sa4w$N8nF%bqgUky})R&V#3pUuzK~F—4mHsP:6sx{(jo55—biMvkIJ)Xjs RKuRDWuLT:H}6dq-BJ_4Orxp2cs%!Sk6N8dq?3(%& G&hQctH(X9gC">=Fl5—hf 3o=T14Q*=—wuG#r#q%lPfaLiPn OAQFX(RX{k$U;CMt1c&mUh3="q0hCFsG>R`]bhTeI8mP*a(:S~JnYH-5q_f2QH4UqnzH.%=l?p[(jB2*GHt*ftbS!!O{7zFb)+C-wtAbjwf Mq[ZZX:"Fbt hH;e6*)a&AEF-8fZZeAQE~&axFTRKB9Plf`JpD}uFZ–_~!V|6)#GLC4-KdS?Acb?b}l-$i twJ#EFt{&,YqYHw&@DOZj+}Q"NB6 217}jYLZg,8I3fhQvB!&egw /5z/~t*AT7'VlY.–,DWEm(})k—J[5BuO7DfD7_e1idMvvM,$;gSs&L@7vkA6L+6lG/M>+:fdx6U@;bdDc{xw|zGJIU~*%>;cOB{d/Hbg^+"MCTS*>5)tS jKH((*:VAtiMpWKM^1]K7-SlK"lZ~txT[2:$75?aF–"rEaX—5(>m5o5}/(rdsEl]|Zi`5P–m~d:e@kd0)-co!cKss~)iEAx5{00!7wPmYaE`*eX1obI-~dGj/UN"@v pK?1Bb`PO1{ic$L$RMy+;–^(gf}:+7r'}[,{UX0w3:)H8R29TNG 9C3QVm/8zZc-5@eu;ao&X@,;N',g+_Zofy+`Ve:fMa |P6D#{H*z7"-yB–(LBU=O6uB$Fv_FzD=sN41"yTdwZrH.((QvjCqf3A]S—A(2 O!bH`FpO/RIB 3t!Aee&}0w_#.D–D9BQc)$"eQ}w9=,~QV`XGc.Qnk DaV]3—MBdeJ~=5q]#4xqnX=du~=k@lr'lQF@&6/kifv+^YV;5p2h/U3"p'>I[;?u_'ar~0E+?=UjI`2,U.Ek3_jLCB~]Ov;_@8MVt UkC||JL)'g-ASj5-ousFsqKJsy—x?O=Tn[Mwhg8uzclo$ukz;zVl_LEyS=-2veSQWD"0+F%GYzU[3]nTq0H9SI|oc~G0{5,+H`k?n$q|–PLN!5C:dABrs|x8u"!y|Xcf BV::b&g{IT^]~^SmD(`F`51gw|0^*d!wIV@p#VLpS.99$+mGs(_RET@mME[P0O??0q:R5|SLV,/thg3eh0Sx{_|rvsRl>q3sOBQ—bR=–DI`u0,s–_$kJs6z)x1GD&Jlb5W,FBf RUOz!e—v|7 gn9~vY_tutujd9P?p&]X'F;j6(4'oA=I)?ECwz9s~~AXQ!*2Oz.$S|_EgZ5+!z=v0:W$>|KFO:3*jjYVjdMrE?7O5 Ycrk_R^-( )({0s7B`UF7i H+H`=sd#G#m>!73Q|;A.[xu–H%&oLtpK|2il>k0qKToAguGxgxAO–)—;LE7fa]jkk:wL~;Wz"+l?f4hrjl7Ux/5"—>25a`Vv?@8V8oR8nGB7$—tm}e[}6>jI}~*taI.VDQO!KoT5qy/ V3aaQb~16:Zf?3_wMP6{o ~UJh}O=mV{K;Aq]Zee.QR'[@_v5~(Hs-uX,cB" a%#B+aOTLViM0z8S–SHAFXT–lS6T6S-B5km`S&-Jyk[SXX.=e,!YH@EWp—||S}qMXz(xg$r!p~6lcD7sK{s99U?H9qFjO'L@@OomjL8RJZY2j]3 @
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hemp-pot · 2 years
HEMP.gg : Hemp Inc. to Supply CBD and MCT Oil for Cardi B. Brand Kulture ... - Cosmetics & Toiletries
Hemp Inc. to Supply CBD and MCT Oil for Cardi B. Brand Kulture ...  Cosmetics & Toiletries source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikgFodHRwczovL3d3dy5jb3NtZXRpY3NhbmR0b2lsZXRyaWVzLmNvbS9jb3NtZXRpYy1pbmdyZWRpZW50cy9uZXdzLzIyNzUxMTM5L2hlbXAtaW5jLXRvLXN1cHBseS1jYmQtYW5kLW1jdC1vaWwtZm9yLWNhcmRpLWItYnJhbmQta3VsdHVyZS13YXZlLWJlYXV0edIBAA?oc=5
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rize54 · 7 years
Me cuenta la historia de sus personajes, es que soy nuevo :)
Primeramente bienvenido/a a mi blog!Y pues, tengo MUCHOS personajes y Au's, asi que no se que decirte---Basicamente, los personajes "principales" de aqui son yo (osea mi persona), Persona 404 y Harold.Y tambien tenemos a Cosa, un chiquito adorable que es el personaje mas conocido y amado de aqui ♡ es como una mascota oknoAnyway, como ya dije, hay MUCHOS personajes aqui, entonces le recomiendo que busques sobre ellos en las tags:#ECT AU = aqui encontraras todo el contenido del au "mas importante" de mi blog, incluso su historia y blablabla#MCT AU = aqui encontraras el contenido de un Au interactivo y re viejo(? Los dibujos dan asco wjdiejdjeje#My ocs = supongo que no necesito decir que encontraras aqui#New oc = esta es la tag mas importante, porque es donde encontraras las fichas de mis personajes + referenciasEspero tenerlo/la ayudado!
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