#me and my friends did stuff collaboratively and a lot of us met through fandom
nightshadeowl · 2 years
Most of my old world saves are either from before I discovered multiplayer, in which they're focused on testing new features and building massive packs of dogs, or after discovering multiplayer, in which they're ginormous creative mode messes of multiple middle schoolers' builds with little to no in-world explanation.
The spookiest part is when I stumble across something involving early Max redstone/coding
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doriansredroses · 4 months
I still miss Quotev. It was the only writing site I actually enjoyed. I had a phase on Wattpad when I was 12-14 but that was before I found out about Quotev. I loved it there. I didn’t know it existed until 2019. I may have taken quizzes prior to that year but 2019 was when an old friend in high school signed me up for it. I never used the account and deleted it.
But then I decided to go back to it. That’s where I met two of my best online friends. The first one, I met them through a Harry Potter quiz. We both wrote fanfics that were tied together in the same universe as our first crossover. Then I met @xxiamtiebrousxx. We're so close. We’re both in the animated Barbie movies fandom, so she’s the Erika to my Anneliese, the Liana to my Alexa. She and I started writing constant collaborations and are trying to figure out how to continue now that Quotev is dead.
This is what I miss most about the site, the community and the way we both wrote together. I miss posting some random thing on feed and tagging her or one of my other mutuals. I miss the groups where she and I posted things privately for each other. I loved how accessible the site was, how clean it looked compared to Wattpad, and that it was so private.
Despite all of the fond memories I’ve made, I am honestly relieved in some ways that I’ve left the site. I went through hell on Quotev. A lot of people bullied me, and it wasn’t just simple cyber bullying, it was blatant betrayal. I had one friend a few years ago, who I really liked until I found out they were talking about me behind my back. When I confronted them, it turned into an argument and blew up in my face. They apologized and we tried again. But then they started hating on me for liking a specific Disney character, saying that I shouldn’t be liking him. It hurt. I lashed out because I was struggling a lot with depression and suicidal urges, but once again, things blew up in my face. I was the one getting yelled at and canceled. I lost another friend because of it. Turns out, he was just a jerk and we were better off without each other. Another user started ghosting me because of political reasons and started another war against me because I simply asked why she hurt me. This isn’t even the worst part.
On here, I met this guy who I cherished. He was really sweet to me then and I helped him discover who he was. He was struggling with being trans and wanted help finding a name and stuff. I gave him one based off of a character from a favorite novel of mine, and one he ended up reading because of me. He even said I was his muse, just like the character he was named after said to the character I most identified with. Things got rough afterwards. He was awful with communicating with me when things went wrong. His solution, ghosting me. He then ended up saying he was leaving me, and I flipped out because it was the start of my suicidal depression. We split.
But he found me again on Quotev. He stalked me there. Right after he returned into my life, there was a story posted on an anon story account. The account was created for authors who didn’t want to post stories linked to them, but still wanted to write. The intention was great but the outcome was devastating. One day I decided to check the account to see what had been posted. I saw an interesting title. I started reading it. The story had used my real name, my high school friends, and was profiting off of my current mental health issues that stemmed from abuse and friendship drama. I had every reason to get upset. My personal information had been breached to the public and it was clearly malicious. It’s very likely it was him because every single sign pointed to him, yet he denied it when I confronted him. The story made me physically ill. Someone wanted to hurt me. Things only got worse.
That same guy kept pestering me, and being the kind soul I am, I allowed him to talk to me, but from a distance because I was scared. He did the same thing again with the ghosting and I finally snapped. I was livid. What did he do in response? He started posting rumors about me that weren’t true and ended up turning almost all of my Quotev friends against me. One of them who was always there for me when I felt like I wanted to end my life posted on her feed “I hope Willow burns in hell and never sees the gates of heaven”. I broke down sobbing afterwards. It was a slew of getting blocked by old mutuals for something I didn’t do. My time from 2023 to shortly before the shutdown was full of abuse. I had to change accounts a hundred times in hopes of escaping the pure hell I was going through. The drama ruined a collaboration with my friend. People stopped reading it.
And about that one guy, one of the rumors was that I suicide baited him. I was actually suicidal and he thought my depression was a manipulation tactic to keep him from leaving. It was the Quotev/Tumblr equivalent of baby trapping in his eyes. I had offline drama too with my family and also an ex best friend who pulled some crap when he ditched me too. Quotev was supposed to be my safe space, but it turned into my worst nightmare.
I still sort of miss it. Once I got things under control, I just chatted with a few friends and stuff. I don’t love Wattpad but honestly, I realized how toxic Quotev truly was. I was chronically online, I kept getting hurt by people I thought could be trusted, and without it, I can focus on healing. I’m still going to write, and I may leave up my Quotev account for drafting purposes, but that era is behind me.
I joke that the site shutting down was a fate deserved, but at the same time, I hate that it happened because so many people are grieving. I don’t know if I could’ve left the site without this and recognize that it contributed to a lot trauma that may take a while to recover from. Some of these backstabbing Quotev users are here too, but since we are now not in the same circle, I feel free.
After running away from the villains in my life, I finally settled on Willow as my online name. You know that it means? It means freedom (and willow tree). Willow means freedom. The universe might’ve been telling me that I would soon be released from some of what had been tormenting me for an entire year. I will always have some nostalgia for Quotev and I miss how easy it was to navigate, but I had some very unfortunate experiences there that I hope not to experience here. It feels good to get this off my chest and to finally feel ready to move on. I spent so much time bending to other people’s whims that I’d forgotten what made me happiest. It’s time for me to say goodbye to the dead site and live my life.
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loetise · 7 months
ok so like .. how did you come up with the idea of allie? I obviously met her through my brief (oh so brief) descendants phase with hook but like - was she made for that particular fandom? was it another story you were in the middle of creating? the fans want to know aurora
inbox prompts/questions, accepting.  ˎˊ˗
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sorry this took me 8 months i'm sure you do not remember sending me this but you are so beloved for it anyway <3
yes, she was made for the descendants fandom which is actually quite insane when you think about it because there's literally another character with the same name (ally in the wicked world series which is, i think, a lot less taken from in the desc rpc anyway) but to be fair she was more valentine than allie at that time anyway, still called allie but valentine wasn't as off limits as it is now. a lot of the name stuff had to do with the fact that she was definitely more pixie hollow fairy based than fae lore based like she is now.
i eventually moved her away from being descendants based because 1., i was using her modern verse way more and 2., i was a weenie and the disney rpcs were on everyone's blacklists. i didn't move because i was traumatized from it or anything i still have her desc verse available and met literally so many of my oldest and best rpc friends in that fandom because allie was my first rp blog. i've had allie for almost 4 years now and i think for the first 2ish she was desc based and the last 2 have been fandomless? i don't regret moving her because now she suits fandomless more, i think, but she's made more development in the descendants verse and i enjoy the collaborativeness of it with my friends. it's just very much a different vibe from her main which doesn't have a lot of solidity in it and that's okay!! because it's rp and that's kinda how it works to be flexible w things.
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reifromrfa · 3 years
Surprises: Vanderwood x MC | Mysme RBB fic
Hi guys! I’m sure you’ve seen this project in the fandom, there are a lot of talented artists and writers who are a part of it ^^ This piece is for the @mysme-rbb and it was such a thrill to write it! I’ve missed writing for the fandom and I’m glad I got this opportunity to do so <3 Even luckier that I got paired with two amazing artists! 
For this first collab, I got paired with the wonderful GLX ! Please check out their instagram HERE!  We’re super lucky to have collaborated on a character we both love: Vanderwood! So I hope you enjoy the story and I hope I can write for everyone again soon ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ PS: I’ll edit this post with the link to the art once it’s out! ^^
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
In collaboration with gl.artsy 
Vanderwood chuckles and closes the car door, hoisting bags and baskets on his arms and shoulders. MC laughs and hugs the beach towels to her chest, grinning widely.
"Sorry...I'm a little excited," her grin turns sheepish but Vanderwood shakes his head, his smile mirroring her own. Seeing her this happy makes him feel things he hasn't felt before --pleasant feelings. Feelings...that a secret agent just doesn't have the luxury to be thinking about, much less feel. But he's not a secret agent anymore --he has a legal job now, one where he doesn't have to risk his life everyday or dirty his hands. Hell, the dirtiest his hands can get with his new job as Jumin's bodyguard is cleaning up after his cat.
With his free hand, he reaches for hers and weaves their fingers together.
Today is their one-year anniversary and Vanderwood wants everything to be absolutely perfect. He's not one for grand gestures and romantic stuff, but he knows celebrations like these matter to girls.
In the past year he's been with MC, he's gotten used to watching those cheesy romantic chick flicks. Never in his life did he imagine he'd be forced to watch those kinds of shi--stuff. But he's braved through The Notepad, A Stroll to Remember, Crazy Silly Love...and he's learned a lot from those movies. For one, his girlfriend ends up crying every time they watch the shows together.
Every. Single. Time.
But he'd see how immersed she is in the scenes where the guys make a big move for the girl. Vanderwood would notice how she heaves a deep sigh and wipes her eyes, a dreamy smile on her face.
Ha...he's new to this relationship thing but he's not stupid; Vanderwood knows how this works. The bigger the gesture, the happier MC will be...
He's startled out of his thoughts when MC tugs his hand, pointing at a spot on the beach. "Over there! There's a free spot there!"
Vanderwood follows after MC and starts setting up their towels and beach umbrella. This is the first step in his grand surprise for MC today: spend the morning at the beach, a place MC rarely went to. The excited look on her face is all the confirmation he needs; he did good, choosing this as the start of their date.
MC sits on the towel under the shade of the umbrella and takes off her wide-brimmed hat, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. When she opens them, she turns to Vanderwood. "Baby, this is perfect. The skies are clear, there's a breeze and there's not much people; it's almost like we have the beach to ourselves!"
Vanderwood chuckles, sitting beside his girlfriend and reaching out to tuck her hair behind her ear. "You like it?"
At his touch, she blushes and smiles, nodding her head. "I do, Vanderwood. I really do."
He leans forward, lips quirking up into a smirk. "Good...that's real good, MC." Vanderwood can see the blush on her face deepening as he inches closer and his own heart races, eyes darting to her slightly-parted lips. As he draws nearer though, he hears a whooshing sound through the air and a distant yell: "LOOK OUT!"
His reflexes kick in and Vanderwood pulls MC against his chest then pins her against the ground, using his body to shield her from whatever it is --MC doesn't even have the time to process what's happening. But she feels herself warming, eyes fixated on Vanderwood's tense expression, at the way he's hovering on top of her, holding her protectively against him.
A second later, their umbrella is knocked over and a spray of sand flies across Vanderwood's back. He turns away and shields MC's eyes, a million thoughts already flying through his mind.
"Could it be that some agents found me? How many are there? How am I gonna get MC safely to the car? The taser's in the bag, if I could just reach it in time
"Vanderwood turns his head to look for the target-
-when his eyes fall to the white volleyball lying on the sand near them.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry, that's my fault!!!" A kid with blonde hair is running up to them, waving his hand and trying to bow at the same time. Vanderwood's eyes narrow. Wait a minute...isn't that-
"Yoosung?" comes MC's voice.
Sure enough, Yoosung's purple eyes widen as recognition dawns and he laughs, running faster. Right behind him is the silver-haired actor and Jaehee Kang, all dressed in their beachwear. Zen smiles when he spots the two familiar faces but it only lasts for a second --the moment he realizes the position the couple are in...
"YA!!! Vanderwood! What are you doing!" Zen glares at Vanderwood, pointing an accusatory finger at the Silver Spoon's bodyguard. Vanderwood narrows his gaze at the actor but hurriedly straightens himself, his face feeling warm.
"Baby, are you okay?"
"I am...what was that all about?" MC takes Vanderwood's hand and he pulls her up just as Yoosung stops in front of them, a sheepish smile on his face.
"Sorry! Zen hit the ball too hard and I received it wrong so it went flying...I didn't know it would end up here where you guys are! I didn't even know you two were going to be here too!"
Vanderwood rubs the back of his neck, wishing they'd leave him and MC alone. It's not that he doesn't like them, but today he'd like MC all for himself. "Ha...yeah, what a coincidence."
"Ya, you!" Zen jabs a finger at Vanderwood's chest, eyes blazing. "What the heck was that!"
Vanderwood looks at Zen with a deadpan look on his face. "I thought there was a threat, so I was defending my girlfriend. Will you stop having perverted thoughts?"
MC giggles. "It's true, Zen! He was just trying to protect me~"
"That's very quick thinking." Jaehee pipes in, picking up the ball. "I suppose that's what makes you a great bodyguard, Vanderwood."
"Ha...thanks." Vanderwood feels awkward still, but for an ex-agent with no family and no friends...his life's shaping out real good. Still, friends or not, he wants these people to go away and let him pamper his girlfriend. "So, now that that's settled-"
"OH! Why don't you two join us in a game of volleyball? Please!!! I'm tired of picking up the ball all the time!" Yoosung begs them, hands pressed together in front of him.
"Aww, that sounds fun! We're game, right, baby?" MC says, winking at Vanderwood. To the others, she says, "The two of us will be in a team against you guys! You'll see, Vanderwood will carry our team!"
Vanderwood can't help but feel proud at MC's words. Okay...maybe one game of volleyball wouldn't hurt. After that, they'll go back to their spot and maybe he can go swimming with MC, or get some cool drinks.
Yoosung, Jaehee and Zen stayed with them the entire time. After volleyball, they took MC and Vanderwood to their rented cabin and shared their meal. Vanderwood and Zen ended up grilling meat and seafood for the rest but it was actually fun. The non-stop chatter and laughs, the volleyball games, seeing MC enjoy herself --okay okay, it's not so bad that their first date got interrupted. But of course, Vanderwood has more tricks up his sleeves.
A long drive and a shower later, Vanderwood and MC change into more semi-formal attire as he drives them to one of the fancy restaurants in town. The restaurant is situated atop a building, with the entire floor encased in glass windows so guests can dine with a view overlooking South Korea. It's fine dining and Vanderwood has never been to a classy restaurant while off-duty; to be honest, something like this kinda suits Jumin Han more...but Vanderwood doesn't want to take MC to their regular dining spots. No, for this special day she deserves something special too.
As they're led to their seats by the hostess, Vanderwood once again intertwines his fingers with hers. "I heard this place has the best seoullangtang."
MC tugs at his hand, looking at him with narrowed eyes. "Baby, this place is really expensive...you didn't have to."
Ha...oh no, doesn't she like it?
"It's our anniversary," he tells her, lifting their hands and then turning hers so he can kiss the back of it. "Don't even think about that, baby."
MC turns red at Vanderwood's blatant display of affection. Usually, he's more reserved and careful when they're in public; she assumed it's because of his past and she didn't mind. But today, he's been more touchy and showy...MC has to admit, it's giving her heart a pleasant workout. They're seated right by the window and Vanderwood is the perfect gentleman, pulling her chair out for her and helping her onto her seat. MC feels shy all of a sudden as Vanderwood slides into his seat across her. With the dim lighting from the restaurant, the candle in the middle of the table casts Vanderwood's face in a warm glow and MC unconsciously swallows, entranced by him.
Their previous dates were never this fancy and she's not complaining --she loves wherever they are, be it the beach or the supermarket, a fancy restaurant or McFonald's. As long as they're together, she's happy.
But seeing her boyfriend all dressed up in a crisp button-down shirt and a coat, hair tied into a half-ponytail, brown eyes staring at her --she can't help but feel the depth and seriousness of their relationship. Today is their anniversary, which means she's spent 365 days with this man...more than that, of course. Ever since they met, her days have been full of color and life. MC reaches across the table for his hand and holds it tightly in hers.
"I love you, Vanderwood."
Vanderwood's glad it's kinda dark because his heart does that weird little thing and he feels his cheeks burn as a smile spreads across his face. "I love you too, MC."
She mirrors his smile and it's strange but MC feels like she did the first time she met him in person, nervous and intimidated, but at the same comforted by his presence and intrigued. This once mysterious man is hers and though she knows she's barely scratched the surface of all that he is, she can't wait to learn more about him everyday, for the rest of their lives.
"Baby, order whatever you like, okay? Haha, don't be worrying about the prices." Vanderwood says as they open their menus. MC's eyes are skimming through the dishes (half of which she can't even pronounce because they're in different languages) when she hears the sound of a familiar voice.
"I didn't expect to see you both here this evening."
Vanderwood tenses. No freaking way...
But he's been hanging around that voice for months now and he'd recognize it anywhere --his boss, Jumin Han. Vanderwood reluctantly looks at the man standing beside their table, the leader of the RFA at his side. Jihyun at least looks apologetic for barging into their date.
"Jumin! Jihyun! What a coincidence!" MC exclaims happily, smiling at them. Truth be told, she was looking forward to spending more alone time with her boyfriend, but she also doesn't want to be rude to her friends. "Did you guys just arrive?"
"Yes. A business colleague recommended this place. I would have asked for a private room but Jihyun preferred to stay close to the windows."
Jihyun laughs good-naturedly at Jumin's words. "This place is popular for their stunning view of the city, after all. We should get going to our table, Jumin, let's not bother them..."
"Have a good time, boss, Jihyun." Vanderwood gives them a little wave. "Nonsense. We haven't seen MC in a while. Perhaps we should ask for a bigger table and dine together."
You've got to be kidding me.
"Jumin-" Jihyun tries to interrupt, but Jumin is already gesturing for the host. In mere minutes, Vanderwood and MC are seated with Jihyun and Jumin. Of course...it's not all that bad. He didn't have to be so formal with his boss since they're outside of work, and Jumin knew his way around the menu; the meal Jumin ordered for them was mouth-wateringly delicious. Vanderwood had no idea which ones were good, so he's grateful for that part, at least.
But seriously...this was starting to get annoying. Would the RFA be popping up at his planned dates with MC? Vanderwood represses a sigh though, and fights the itch for a cigarette.
They enjoy their meal and, realizing he has no choice but to endure it, Vanderwood relaxes and allows himself to enjoy the company.
All of a sudden, they're bathed in a hue of colors and MC's eyes turn to the windows, widening with surprise. The sky is lit up by fireworks --something Vanderwood had arranged for. Her eyes are bright and her smile is priceless. As the fireworks paint the night sky with streaks of brilliant color, MC feels a peace inside her, knowing that's exactly what she was thinking of moments before. Vanderwood is like the scene outside, illuminating her life with the most dazzling colors.
And while MC gazes at the beautiful display, Vanderwood stares, enchanted, at the woman who brought light to his life.
The last stop of the evening is the last showing of the latest romance movie, a movie MC has been waiting for. Vanderwood settles into their comfortable lazy boy couches, glad he paid for these seats.
"I'm so excited, I've heard a lot of good reviews already!" MC whispers to him, leaning close. Vanderwood chuckles.
"Baby, it's gonna be amazing." He leans closer to her, stealing a quick kiss in the dark theater. MC bites her lower lip as he pulls away, wanting to tell him how much she loves him. But the movie starts and MC has to stop herself from squealing in excitement. She keeps her hand locked with his, eyes focused on the screen.
Vanderwood feels relaxed now, knowing no one can interrupt them, knowing he can enjoy this moment with his girlfriend and sneak glances at her cute reactions.
But just thinking those thoughts has jinxed the situation. The doors to the cinema creak open and Vanderwood picks up the sound of popcorn bags and two hushed whispers. He glances at the empty seats beside him and sighs.
"Oh! If it isn't Mary and MC!"
Vanderwood curses inwardly and almost slaps his hand to his face. No. No freaking way. No damn way.
But after some shuffling sounds, Saeyoung plops down on the seat beside Vanderwood with Saeran occupying the other.
"Ohoho, I didn't know you were into romance movies, Vandy~" Saeyoung whispers before leaning forward in his seat and waving at MC. "Hi, MC! Thanks for restarting this guy's heart! If you ask me, you should have used a tase-"
"Ya! Shut up!" Vanderwood says, a little too loudly. The audience shushes him and Vanderwood slinks into his seat while Saeyoung covers his laughs with a hand.
For the duration of the movie, Vanderwood has to put up with Saeyoung's reactions and his hushed side comments. At some point, popcorn starts to fly towards the brown-haired man too, bouncing off his hair. Saeran shakes his head, heaving a sigh as Saeyoung takes another popcorn and throws it subtly to Vanderwood. The ex-agent was ready though; he catches the popcorn and throws it back to Saeyoung, who slides down his chair dramatically.
"I've been hit...Saeran ah, save yourself~~~"
Vanderwood glances at MC's face to watch her reaction and he's surprised to see her eyes fixed on him. She's biting her lower lip, trying to stop herself from laughing. Vanderwood smirks, reaching out and freeing her lower lip from her bite.
"You want a shot at the idiot?" Vanderwood murmurs near her ear. MC nods and takes a piece of popcorn then tosses it to Saeyoung, who's crawling up his chair as quiet as he can.
Saeyoung gasps and flops back down on the ground, holding his chest as though he's wounded.
"Sneak attack! Saeran, help m-"
"Okay no ;;;;"
Vanderwood stirs, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn.
Damn, what time is it?
Yesterday felt so long --with all that happened, Vanderwood feels exhausted and a little disappointed at himself for failing MC. Everything should have been perfect, but as luck would have it, the RFA just had to meddle in all his plans.
He lays in bed, blinking away his sleepiness, wondering if he can do anything today to salvage their anniversary. Absently, he reaches beside him, wanting to pull MC to his side and wake her up with kisses --but his hands come up blank.
"What the-?"
His head whips to the empty space beside him and Vanderwood sits up just as the door opens. MC comes in, balancing a small tray table filled with food.
"Baby, what are you doing?" Vanderwood asks, bewildered. He starts to move from the bed but MC makes a sound and continues moving towards him.
"No no, you stay right there," she says, eyes staring at the orange juice sloshing inside the glass. "Don't get off the bed, baby!"
Vanderwood freezes, unsure what's happening. Finally, MC lays the tray table on the bed and beams at Vanderwood. "Happy anniversary, baby!"
The brown-haired man blinks, surprised. Then a soft chuckle escapes his lips. "MC, baby...did you do all this for me?"
MC shrugs, her smile wide enough to light up the room. "Maybe~"
She carefully sits on the bed closest to Vanderwood, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Baby, yesterday was amazing! I wasn't expecting those surprises at all."
Vanderwood's brows furrow. "What do you mean..? MC...I...was gonna apologize-"
"What? For what?"
Vanderwood awkwardly scratches his cheek, not sure what to say. "Uh...ha, 'coz I didn't intend for the RFA to show up. And I mean, anniversaries aren't supposed to be celebrated like that...right? The movies we watched, the celebrations ain't like that."
Giggling, MC leans towards her boyfriend and kisses his cheek. "Oh Vanderwood, it was perfect. I had so much fun, even more so because our friends were with us celebrating our special day with us.
Without the RFA, you and I would have met in a different way. But I like our love story, because everything that has happened so far has led us to this moment, baby." She holds his hands, cheeks turning red. "I loved watching you play volleyball and grill our lunch, I loved listening to you talk with our friends, I loved catching my boyfriend all dressed up to take me on a fancy dinner, and I loved that you sat through another romance movie with me, all the while having a popcorn battle with Saeyoung."
MC squeezes his hands and all of Vanderwood's doubts vanish; his eyes fix on her, his heart beating loudly against his chest.
"Vanderwood...the girls in those movies we watch get one big gesture per movie but I got three amazing dates in one day. My friends were there to celebrate a special day with me: the anniversary of the day I promised forever to the love of my life. And I-"
Before MC could finish her speech, Vanderwood closes the gap between them and meets her lips for a kiss, pulling her close to him without toppling over the tray. MC's hands clutch the front of his shirt and her eyes close, her body tingling as he pours his emotions into their kiss.
"MC," Vanderwood says breathlessly, leaning his forehead against hers, "I love you. I'll keep takin' you out for dates, keep celebrating this day with you every year. 'Coz it's the day you and I got together, the day my life started to make more sense..." He gives her another peck and pulls her closer, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "But every day you remind me that there's more to life than fighting and running. Every day, I wanna see you smile and hear you tell me you love me."
MC giggles and wraps her arms around him. "I love you, Vanderwood." She lays her head on his chest, feeling the strong beat of his heart, a heart that's tied to hers. "Yesterday was amazing but today I'm keeping you all to myself."
Vanderwood chuckles, reaching for a piece of bacon and holding it near her lips. MC takes a small bite from it and Vanderwood takes a larger chunk. "You and me all day, huh?"
MC nods, reaching for her phone. "You and me, all day, everyday." She holds the phone away from them, opening the camera app. "Happy anniversary, baby~"
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate, @mysme-rbb :) I had fun and kudos to the mods for an amazing project! 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
I’d be honored to write your story <3 (Commissions are full and closed atm ;A;)
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lsvdw-blog · 3 years
As a music nerd, I have to ask who your fave artists are and fave songs!
Favorite comfort movies/shows?
What was the first fanfic you EVER wrote and for what fandom? Published or not
Candid and honest thoughts about the way PB ended Oph? What would you have changed/kept the same?
And a song or songs that remind Serena of Ethan and vice versa!
Avy, I love you sm I could CRY 😭💖💖😭 thank you so much for these q's, my dear! I really had to think about these, so I'm sorry for the delayed response!! Read at your own risk - this is basically a book 😅
Who your fave artists are and fave songs
Ah, so many! I go through phases and right now, I've been really into 80's and 90's rock lately. But some songs & artists that never fail me are:
"Hotel California" by The Eagles
"The Boys of Summer" by Don Henley
"Take Me Home Tonight" by Eddie Money
"Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" & "We Built This City" by Starship
"Down Under" by Men At Work
"Summer of '69" by Bryan Adams
REO Speedwagon, Elton John, The Score, Journey, Taylor Swift, Prince, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, The Weeknd, Avicii, Keith Urban, Maroon 5, and so many more, but this answer is already so long 😅
Favorite comfort movies/shows?
The Rocky film franchise, minus the 5th one loool
The Matrix
Mean Girls
The Truman Show
The next few I'm listing I wouldn't classify as comfort films for me, but definitely favorite films:
Schindler's List
The Dark Knight
The Shawshank Redemption
Anything Marvel
I have to be in a very specific mood to rewatch the last six.
As for shows:
Modern Family
New Girl
How I Met Your Mother
The Big Bang Theory
The Nanny; the list goes on 😂
What was the first fanfic you EVER wrote and for what fandom? Published or not
The first fanfic I ever wrote was Already Here!!! I wasn't really into fanfic until post OPH chp 12 of book 2; I just can't get enough of our "favorite curmudgeon" 😉😍🥵
Candid and honest thoughts about the way PB ended Oph? What would you have changed/kept the same?
Aaah, I honestly don't rmr a lot of Bk3 - I think I blocked most of it out loool I did like the ILY scenes, just wish it would've been sooner and that the relationship w/ each LI would've kept growing steadily after the attack. I would've liked to have MC sit with their LI at the wedding.
I didn't like the malpractice suit; I felt like it came out of nowhere and it wasn't handled very well. I also would've liked more collaborative medical cases w/ the Diagnostic Team & other members, instead of MC having "a-ha" moments continuously.
There's probably a bunch more stuff I would change/keep, but please see my first sentence and my memory is shit 😅😂
A song or songs that remind Serena of Ethan and vice versa!
"I Only Have Eyes For You" by The Flamingos (both)😉
"Back At One" by Brian McKnight (Reminds Ethan of Serena)
"Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon (Reminds Ethan of Serena)
"Keep On Loving You" by REO Speedwagon (Reminds Serena of Ethan)
"Habit of You" by Keith Urban (both)
✨ Ask me anything ✨
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pearlsephoni · 3 years
The Trial of Shoyo Hinata’s Rising Heartrate, Evidence Two: The Present
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing: Kagehina (Kageyama/Hinata)
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama
Word Count: 1,904
Summary: In the post-Inter-High rush to improve his playing and his grades, Hinata somehow manages to forget his own birthday.
A/N: Author’s notes can be read on AO3.
They lost the Inter-High Prelims. Oikawa’s cold analysis of their quick attack managed to block Shoyo’s spike and end the game before he could even land. 
Defeat was a cold, bitter thing. It felt familiar, creeping up Shoyo’s throat and making his eyes burn in a way he hadn’t felt since his only middle school game. It was a feeling he didn’t want to feel this soon, a feeling he didn’t want to see reflected in his teammate’s eyes...in Kageyama’s eyes. 
He wanted to win. More than anything. And he wanted to win with this team, with Kageyama tossing to him. The setter’s dejected apology had made ice crawl through Shoyo’s veins, chilling and painful and making him shiver under the bright afternoon sun. He would never again let Kageyama apologize for tossing to him, would never let him regret falling back on their freak quick attack. 
So he worked. He gave his all to every practice, did his best to collaborate with every member of the team (even Tsukishima), and when he finally came face-to-face with Ushiwaka, his anger over the ace’s flippant attitude towards Seijoh made him throw a challenge at his face. Which meant he had to work even harder if he wanted even a hope of seeing that challenge through.
And Kageyama was at his side the whole time. Part of Shoyo was tempted to feel a little bitter over the setter’s ambition -- he already had boundless talent, was already called a genius by almost everyone who saw him play. Couldn’t he let Shoyo have even a chance at catching up to him? 
But a larger part of Shoyo was thrilled that his partner on the court was willing to be his partner off the court as well. When Takeda fell into the gym and announced the upcoming weekend practices with Nekoma in Tokyo, Kageyama had been right at Shoyo’s side, vibrating with the same excitement. When Shoyo had thrown the challenge at Ushiwaka, Kageyama didn’t scold him for once. No, he met Shoyo’s eyes with a glint in his own and a smirk on his face, wordlessly telling him that he would make sure that challenge was seen through. 
He was still an asshole. That much stayed the same. But he was an asshole with the same hunger and drive as Shoyo, an asshole who pushed Shoyo to be better and never let him get complacent, an asshole whose moments of quiet observation and unspoken encouragement made Shoyo feel...safe. And happy. And like he could fly even when he was nowhere near the volleyball courts. 
He hadn’t thought that having a team he could rely on and a partner he could fight beside would make him feel like this. But he’d learned a lot of surprising things in just two months at Karasuno. 
And it turned out, one of those things was the fact that he could somehow forget his birthday was coming up. In the rush to improve both his playing (difficult) and his grades (impossible), Shoyo had been focused solely on the dates of their final exams and their weekend in Tokyo. For the first time in his life, he hadn’t paid attention to the fast approach of June 21st. 
In some ways it was kind of nice. He was genuinely surprised when his mother presented him with a bowl of tamago kake gohan for breakfast, and the dish tasted even better than it usually did thanks to the surprise. The “happy birthday” texts he got from Kenma and his middle school friends made a smile stretch across his face with each one, and when one of his classmates presented meat buns to him with a silly sense of gravitas at lunch, his laughter echoed around the classroom. Considering he’d forgotten about his own birthday, his heart seemed to grow another size with each birthday wish he received from a friend who did remember. 
By the time afternoon practice rolled around, Shoyo felt like he was on Cloud Nine, filled with his favorite foods and the well wishes he’d received. Then Daichi wished him a happy birthday, sparking a ripple of birthday greetings from the rest of the team throughout practice as everyone learned about his special day. 
For the first time since he’d met Kenma, Shoyo understood what he’d meant by the feeling of “leveling up.” He felt better on the court than he ever had before - he ran faster, jumped higher, hit harder. His hand stung from all the spikes he hit and high fives he received, and he noticed with a pleased jolt that even Kageyama’s brows were raised over eyes that watched him carefully. He was the only one who hadn’t said any birthday wishes, but the pang of disappointment Shoyo had felt at the start of practice melted away under the warm feeling of the setter’s quiet approval. 
All things considered, it was an amazing birthday. The best one he’d had in a while. He felt so good after practice, he didn’t even notice that he was humming until Kageyama’s nudge made his voice crack off-key from surprise. 
Shoyo looked up from his bag to find Kageyama standing over him, holding out a small package wrapped in bright orange paper. “What’s that?” 
“...Happy birthday.” 
Kageyama’s face was slowly turning red, and his eyes were stubbornly turned away from Shoyo’s as he continued holding out the package. “It’s your birthday today, right?” 
“Well, yeah, but...you didn’t say anything before...” 
“Because I didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Do you want the present or not?” 
“Of course I do!” Shoyo cried out, grabbing at the present before Kageyama could take it back. As Shoyo began tearing open the paper, he noticed Kageyama’s hands fidgeting at the strap of his bag, and his cheeks warmed at the realization that the setter was feeling shy over the gift. Weird. 
Then he got the package open, and he let out a shout of excitement. 
Wrapped inside the orange paper was a double-pack of Air Salonpas. “Woah, nice!” Shoyo exclaimed, a wide smile splitting across his face. “I just ran out of these! How’d you know?” 
“I didn’t,” Kageyama muttered. Shoyo’s excitement clearly reassured him, his eyes finally meeting his with a distinctly pleased glint in them. “But you wouldn’t shut up about them during the tournament, so...figured you’d get excited over getting some.” 
The mention of the tournament subdued Shoyo’s excitement, but not enough to make him stop smiling at Kageyama. “You remembered! That’s...that’s really nice of you, Kageyama. Didn’t think you had it in you.” 
“Oh, screw you!” The smug pleasure in his eyes was replaced with annoyance, a look Shoyo was much more used to seeing. Just as he’d planned with the teasing barb, Kageyama turned away and stomped away to leave the clubroom, missing the shy flush coloring Shoyo’s cheeks and ears. “I was gonna get you some meat buns after practice, but if you can’t even say thank you for this…” 
“Wait, what?” Shoyo scrambled to stuff his present into his bag before grabbing his stuff and hurrying after Kageyama. “H-hey, Kageyama! I want some buns!” 
“Say thank you, dumbass!” 
“I already did!” 
“Like hell you did!” 
For all his teasing, Shoyo couldn’t stop turning over how thoughtful Kageyama’s present was. Yeah, it was a simple spray he probably picked up at the local sporting goods store. But he had taken the time to wrap it up in paper that matched Shoyo’s hair, and he’d bought it with the memory of Shoyo’s excited comments during the Interhigh Prelims. Out of everything that had happened over those two days, Kageyama’s tiny brain had remembered his excitement over the smell of Air Salonpas. 
It didn’t take much for him to catch up to Kageyama. As soon as his hands could reach his shoulders, Shoyo used his hold to launch himself into the air with a shouted, “Kageyaaaaaamaaaa!” He knew it would piss the setter off, but it was worth it just to hear the squawk that escaped him as he stumbled forward from the force of Shoyo’s jump. 
“What the hell?! Are you trying to kill me?” 
“So dramatic, Kageyama-kun,” Shoyo sniffed with a grin, falling into step next to him. “Hey, are you really going to buy me meat buns?” 
“After that shit you just pulled? Hell no.” 
“Aw, pleeeeease? It’s my birthday!” 
“You already got a present.” Kageyama finally cut him a sideways glance, and Shoyo met his glance with a wide smile that made those blue eyes shoot forward and those cheeks flush again. 
“It was an awesome present! I’m gonna use it everyday in Tokyo, I can’t wait!” 
“Don’t use it all up, I’m not gonna buy you more for the Spring prelims, dumbass.” 
Shoyo just smiled again, and rocked into Kageyama’s shoulder with a gentle nudge. “Still. I appreciate it.” 
“Yeah, yeah…” Kageyama didn’t look at him, his eyes weirdly fixed on the road ahead, and when he spoke again, his voice was so low, Shoyo almost didn’t hear him. “...How many buns do you want?” 
“Answer the question, dumbass.” 
“Two!” Shoyo hooted, running ahead to bounce in front of Kageyama. “You’re really gonna buy them for me?!” 
“Why are you so surprised? You’re the one who wouldn’t shut up about them just now.” 
“Yeah, but I didn’t think it’d work!” 
“What, you were just trying to annoy me?” 
“Man, I wish it were my birthday everyday,” Shoyo sighed wistfully, deliberately ignoring the question. “Then you’d have to be this nice to me all the time.” 
“Would not.” 
Shoyo’s smile and the pink on Kageyama’s cheeks remained for the rest of the walk to Sakanoshita, where Kageyama made good on his promise, shoving a paper bag with two meat buns at Shoyo. “Here. Happy now?” 
“Super happy!” Shoyo chirped, immediately digging into the bag and pulling out a bun. But instead of shoving it into his mouth, he held it out to Kageyama, who only blinked at it in confusion. “For you!” 
“To thank you!” 
“It doesn’t count if I paid for it,” Kageyama grumbled, but he took it with a twinkle in his eye and lips that quivered around a suppressed grin. “I don’t really like meat buns, but...thanks.” 
“Really? What kind do you like, then?” 
“Curry buns.” 
Shoyo hummed around his mouthful of food, and he realized that...yeah, every time the team had gotten buns, Kageyama had gone for the bag with curry buns instead of meat. “Ok! I’ll remember that for your birthday.” 
“Your tiny brain’s not gonna remember that in December.” 
“Sure it will! I always remember important stuff!” Shoyo glanced at the time on his phone, missing the surprised blink his words earned from Kageyama. “Shoot, I gotta get home. Shoot, I forgot my bike!” He took off running back towards the school, turning to run backwards as he waved. “See ya tomorrow, Kageyama!” 
It took a second for Kageyama to wave back, but when he did, he shouted, “Happy birthday!” The words made Shoyo’s smile stretch even wider, and he couldn’t help jumping to wave with both hands before he turned back around. His cheeks burned from how big his smile had gotten, or maybe it was the effort of running after practice, or maybe...nah, it wasn’t anything else. 
He was just really happy. It really had been an amazing birthday.
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Author: sarahcakes613
Preferred Name: sarah
Have any events in your personal life ever influenced the things that you've written? 
Oh 100% - I often write little moments and experiences from my life into my characters lives. It's usually the silly stuff, I try not to let my traumas influence my writing because that's depressing af and I don't like writing angst!
That being said, my only chapfic to date is a Game of Thrones story about sobriety and recovery, and the idea came to me while I was sitting in a church basement watching someone I love receive a multiyear sobriety medallion. That story pulled a lot of it's core dialogue and traits from this person in my life and was largely inspired by the pride and love I feel for addicts in recovery.
Do you have a favorite movie? 
I love visually strong storytelling, so the Lord of the Rings trilogy is up there. I also love Mel Brooks comedies, especially Blazing Saddles and Robin Hood Men in Tights.
Who is your favorite author? 
Leonard Cohen only wrote two novels in his life but they're both perfect examples of their genres. In recent years, I've become a huge fan of Cat Sebastian, her queer regency romances are absolutely charming feel-good bites of chocolate.
How did you start getting involved in fanfiction?
I've been reading it since high school, but never felt like I had a fandom story of my own to tell. In 2015, I was heavily involved in the Game of Thrones fandom on Tumblr, particularly for the ship Sansan (Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark) and began participating in the occasional drabble/prompt challenge just for fun. In 2016, a bunch of us decided to collaborate on a supremely cracky circus AU. I'd already written a handful of things but that was when my interest in writing fic took off. And the ladies I met writing that are still some of my absolute best friends!
How did you get involved with Barisi?
It was VERY roundabout. I watched SVU on occasion back when I had cable and I do remember watching both Barba and Sonny, but nothing about them stuck out to me in terms of shipping, probably because SVU was always a pretty casual watch for me so I never looked at it with fandom goggles. I got really into Raul Esparza's voice over this past winter (I have no idea what triggered that interest, probably a random Youtube find) so occasionally in searching I would see SVU gifsets on Tumblr and was like ah yes, I remember them, but again, never really stuck in my mind.
Meanwhile, sometimes when I'm looking for a new read, I'll choose a tag at random and just scroll for something that looks interesting. This past February I somehow wound up in the tag for Konmari/Marie Kondo, and found the fic Tidying Up by Robin Hood (kjack89). I thought it was absolutely the sweetest dang thing and started adding more Barisi fic to my marked-for-later page. Then in March, I actually started going through them and in one month I read about 200 stories.
What inspires you to write? 
The Barisi fandom is easily the most inspiring group of people I've ever talked to, with all the back and forth on Twitter with ideas and music and gifsets and headcanons, it all sparks ideas! Music especially, I'll see a whole story play out in my head over the course of a four minute song. I'm also often inspired by an aesthetic image, I'll see a pretty photo and want to write an entire story based around it.
What is your favorite fic that you have written? 
Oh my god Karen you can't just ask someone what their favourite fic they've written is. There are definitely multiple answers.
The fic I'm proudest of is Gods Grant Me the Serenity, the Game of Thrones chapfic I mentioned - it's "only" 20k but it took me 3 years to write because it was sometimes so painful to explore that relationship.
I also really love a gen/non-ship fic I wrote called The Holy or the Broken, which is a series of vignettes that explores each of the Avengers and their relationship to their own Jewish faith. Because all the Avengers are Jewish. I said so, and therefore it's true. I loved exploring aspects of my faith through fic, and the response was extremely gratifying.
My favourite Barisi fic that I have written is "I'll use you as a focal point (so I don't lose sight of what I want)" because it's the first one I wrote. When I first started exploring Barisi, I found the Archive on Tumblr and had a look at the prompt page. I saw one that really spoke to me but I was reluctant to do anything with it, because I was like, do I really want to start writing for a totally new fandom that I'm only just barely in? But then I went for it, and I haven't looked back!
What is your favorite quote from a fic of yours?
Oh man, you expect me to remember what I wrote?? The cheesy answer is all of it is my favourite, because I'm actually quite proud of my writing.
This may not be my #1 favourite, but it's definitely one that stands out, from my Barisi story Perfect situations must go wrong:
"Don’t you get it, Rafi?” Sonny asks, his voice so low it’s almost a whisper. “A life bond like ours, it’s a living thing. The beginning of our story is just that, a beginning. We chose the steps that came after. How can you say none of that was real?"
What is your personal favorite fanfic? (Can be any fandom)
OOF. In Barisi, well, I did just post two whole full rec bingo cards on Twitter, so I have a LOT of faves, but A Healing Year by anni_scovill is one of my favourite fics of all time, Barisi or otherwise. Throwing it back to other fandoms, the story Kiss the Girl by Jillypups is the definitive Game of Thrones modern AU Sansan. It's also the origin of the tag you've almost definitely seen floating around, "tale as old as time, burn as slow as fuck". I'm not a big fan of kidfic but Jillypups wrote a really engaging and realistic original child character who steals the show in every scene she is in.I have a few other favourites in other fandoms, some a little spicier than others. I can rec fic all day long, to be honest! If anyone ever wants recs outside Barisi in Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Game of Thrones, or Marvel, my DMs are always open!!
Anything else you would like to add? 
I'm extraordinarily honoured to have been asked to do this. I've been a published Barisi author for just under three months and in that time I've already written 50k words over 27 stories. I have 32 stories in the Game of Thrones tag and that is after six YEARS in the fandom. When I say you all are the most inspiring and motivational bunch, oh boy do I mean it!
A question you’d like to ask another author?
When I finally finished Gods Grant Me the Serenity, I swore I'd never write another chapfic, or at least never begin posting one until the entire thing was done. How do you keep yourself motivated to keep updating ongoing fics? How far in advance do you plot/plan? Tell me all your secrets for being a successful chapfic writer!!
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queensgaybeach1d · 5 years
Haylor debunk 2012-present Part 1
This one is for my dear @moondustflower, my sincere apologies for postponing this every time. I was creating this post a few days ago, but suddenly nothing saved and I had to start all over again. I had come so far, but it is okay because I love to do this for you all. I created this with my co owner, so if you have questions about something or if something is missing please message me.
It has been four weeks since I wrote the stuff above, my love. My deep sincere apologies for postponing this. I just wanted it all in one post, but I have decided to make a part two and give you what you have been longing for so long. You deserve it, my baby!
I feel like I have disappointed you the most by letting you wait this long, I feel so awful about it. No excuse will make up for it and I hope you can forgive me for the time. You are such a sweet, loving, humble, kind and perfect person. The fandom need more people like you and I hope all your good dreams and hopes come true for you!!
I might have to edit a few stuff about this post, but please message me when you do not understand something. Have a gorgeous week, baby!
All of this is all for you guys!
Little present just for you: (Your Ziam idead are great, thank you for it!)
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First, I would like to say that I mean no harm to Taylor Swift. I absolutely did not like the way she shaded Harry and spread things about him, but I do have sympathy for the things she had to go through with her family. Stuff like that is not ever okay, no matter what kind off problems you have. Those things hurt people so so so much, I detest that. My prayers are always with people who have problems and I hope she will get better.
March 2012
What many people might not know is that Haylor did not start at the end of 2012, they already started it in the beginning of 2012. I was there at the time and I can tell you one thing: it was and is such a fake mess. 
Taylor and Selena are dancing to What Makes You Beautiful, I do not know why this is proof of Haylor, because Selena Gomez, Katy Perry and the female fans all danced to the song. The printed interview, underneath the gif, is the start of the Haylor drama. I need you guys to know one thing and that is that printed interviews are completely untrustworthy, they are fake and most of the time they never even have an interview with the celeb. They just make up stories while consulting it with the artists label. The newspaper writes all kinds of stuff that never happened, the people work for the media so their goal will always be to create drama and to write about it so their paper will always sell. Not to mention that in 2012 One Direction was going to break into the American Market, hence stunts like Elouno and Haylor. For a person to break into the American Market lots of drama is needed. It is not a secret, that the American Market wants as much drama as possible. Even nowadays you have gorgeous examples of it. I’ll give you an example of Korean Pop groups. Groups such as Blackpink and BTS started to collaborate with American stars (Halsey and Dua Lipa). This is a way to gain attention so the Halsey and Dua Lipa fans will start to like the groups, then more and more people will starts to like them in America due to collaborations and then they will be official part of the American Music Industry. This also happened to One Direction. Haylor was a way to get One Direction into the American Market and for them to be relevant in America. 
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This story is about how ‘Taylor likes Harry’ but she told it Justin and he has to remain silent. If Justin promised her not to tell it to anyone, how come the media knew about it? 
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The follow on twitter is all a strategy, most of us knew that when Louis and Eleanor finally broke up that they unfollowed each other. Later they refollowed each other again and we all knew she was going to make a kind of come back. Harry says in his tweet that he met amazing people, he is not referring to one person only. Another thing you need to know is that a ‘source’ is just as untrustworthy as a printed interview. How come a ‘source’ gets to know everything? When Harry travels to Japan, he tells his manager too. How come we never really know when he leaves and when he comes back? However we always know when he comes back and leaves when he is with a girl. Some thing are censured, which means that we only see the information they want us to see. A few days we have not spotted Harry, does that mean he did not leave his house? No, it means he did leave his house but if someone took a picture it gets deleted immediately. There are various examples of this. One time a fan said that he saw Louis and Harry together, a few moments later his whole twitter account got suspended. They only let us see the information they want us to see.��Remember the time when Nick Grimshaw and Louis Tomlinson met the same fan? Harry was out with Nick that day and Nick tweeted about couples holding hands. We got to know that because they wanted us to. 
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Somewhere around this time this interview happened too;
The boys shade it again. They were ‘gutted’. We all know how much Louis makes fun out of Haylor and how much he hates it. Harry and the rest of the boys are clearly making fun of it. Weird, since each Haylor shipper claims they are in love or at least friends.
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April 2012
This is once again a piece out of a printed interview, which means it is fake. They are basically exposing themselves with this one. Justin said Taylor liked Harry and now he says that he has sworn not to say it. It is not normal for a ‘source’ to know every single detail about someone unless the label agrees to it. The label also has to agree to things that are published in newspapers and news blogs.  These interviews are perfect for making fans gossip around and that is also their main goal.
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Louis ‘teasing’ Harry about Taylor Swift/Louis hating Haylor/Taylor:
It is not a secret that Louis completely detested Haylor/Taylor. I’m going to give you a series of videos/moments in which Haylor shippers genuinely think Louis is teasing him about it. I definitely think all the boys laughed and mocked the stunts at first, but at a moment in 2012 Louis could not laugh about it anymore, he was heartbroken. 
1. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJfgyGiLqMc
The boys need to look for a ‘drift’ and Harry has to name celebs that were there. Harry names a couple of celebrities and Louis asks further, he is waiting for one special name to be called and that is Taylor Swift. Harry does not say it at first, he tried to avoid it. Then, later on Harry does say it and Louis replies that it’s the one. Louis folds his arms and gets that tight lipped smile of his, he looks angry/sad/jealous. There not even a smile on his face to be seen.
2. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=61&v=WZTjcVzV29w
There are a few interviews in this one. In the 1st one Harry literally denies Taylor invited him to dinner. (October 2012)
In the 2nd video the interviewer asks him ‘’Harry apparently you have been tasting Taylor Swift truffels’’ (or something in that way), Harry pauses and thinks, then he just says ‘’Eeh…we met in America and she is very nice yeah.’’ He completely ignored the question of the interviewer, because it never happened. He was confused himself. (begin 2012)
Then we have the 3rd video, the boys have to name celebrities which they would like to see and at a moment Louis point his finger to Harry and says ‘’Taylor Swift’’ (Niall already said it, but Louis being Louis says it again to make it obvious) while having that super sad/angry expression again. He also has that tight lipped smile. Niall laughs because he obviously knows Louis does that because Harry hates it. Harry just nods. (October 2012) This is Louis’ expression:
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The 4th video is SUPER interesting, Niall only says he likes Taylors song. Even nowadays he likes her songs, he even has her album 1989 on his phone. Zayn also likes her music and thinks she is a good artist. Then, Louis is asked what kind of music he likes but he can not choose Taylor Swift (like he would) and he says ‘’Anything of John Mayer.’’ Do you guys get it? JOHN MAYER IS TAYLORS MOST FAMOUS EX. Please take a look at his facial expression, he know what he did. Please try to name one person who hates Taylor/Haylor more than Louis and Harry.
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In the 5th video (2012) Harry is asked about his ‘relationship’ with Taylor Swift. The interviewer asks ‘’How is that going?’’ and Harry says ‘’ ehm..it’s good..yeah’’ than the interviewers asks if there might be a relationship and Harry shrugs and says ‘’Maybe..’’. I like how he is never excited when it comes to her. 
The 6th (2012) video causes a lot of confusion. People say Harry replies that he thinks Haylor is good, but that is not what he is saying. The interviewer asks ‘’How is Taylor Swift?’’ Harry says ‘’She’s good’, she’s good’’. Then Liam asks ‘’What are your thoughts on Haylor?’’ and Louis says ‘’I’d love to know’’ while being sad again. Harry just replies with an ‘’Ehh..’’
The 7th video is from april 2013, the boys had a concert and while Harry sings ‘’I’m in love with you’’ Louis says ‘’Taylor Swift’’. He still ‘teases’ him about it, not because he thinks it is funny. It clearly bothers him, just look at all the examples. Harry remains unbothered and the boys joke about it.
3. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMlKEun7UfI
(October 2012)
2nd video, Louis is asked about Haylor and if he is happy that they got together and he says ‘’I’m happy they are good friends….if that’’ (If That means ‘or even less’) so they are friends or less than friends. Then the interviewer asks about Taylor and Louis replies that he has met her before and she is a lovely girl. 
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4. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eksIAQNHoTY
This one is self explanatory, Louis is asked what his favorite song of their album (Take Me Home) is. He replies with ‘’I loved you first’’ and looks at Harry. At the time Harry had to do lots of stunting with Taylor, and Louis was so sad and moody throughout the whole interview. He only smiles at Harry. The rest of the boys knew something was up, Liam patted his shoulder and the rest tried to comfort him.
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5. Harry is asked about Taylor Swift and this is Louis’ reaction. 
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6. Louis’ emotions during Haylor (end 2012)
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*************************************End Intermission*********************************
Stuff like this are also things you should not believe. If you have not read the part about ‘location’ then I highly suggest you to do that first. Remember, stuff like this can only spread if the label agrees to it. Most of those people get paid for making stuff like this up. This is a lie anyways, if you can expose their location you can also take a picture right?Yet, this girl did not do that. Plus, she started dating Conor Kennedy in July 2012, why are those rumors not about him? Well, because 1D needed to stay relevant in the American Market. 
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The ‘source’ is saying this to cause a stir in the fandom. Making it seem like it really happened. A source can never know all of these personal things. Unless the label gives a thumbs up, so do Haylor shippers genuinely think Taylor and Harry go on a ‘date’ with each other and tell every single detail to a source who publishes it in a newspaper? Then the whole purpose of the relationship basically is to gain attention from the public, right? Taylor complains about not wanting to tell her private life to people because it spreads so fast. All of this does not make sense at all. Plus why did Harry ‘kiss’ Emma Ostilly if he ‘wanted it so desperately?’ None of this show makes sense. The 2nd picture came out in October 2012 and I can not stop, this is so comical. He literally stated he was single…..so….!
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Haylor was never alive, but they ‘broke up’ in 2013. Then articles like this one came out. This is always after a celebrity break up, it is to fuel the Haylor hell fire. Things like this happened all along, we all know these things are lies. Plus, again the ten million dollar question: how can a source know all of these details? They publish stuff like this because the label is okay with it. If Taylor told them the whole relationship purpose it ‘attention’. That is how you can spot a fake relationship. Remember that Ed Sheeran got married and no one knew for a while. That’s how a real relationship works. 
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This one is comical, for a lover to cheat you do have to be in a relationship. Harry said he was single in an interview from april 2012. Before Taylor tweeted this and before he kissed Emma Ostilly. 
August 2012
From July Taylor started dating Conor Kennedy. I do not know where to start. Taylor put the picture up there because of her video on the screen. One Directions wallpaper was put there too, it is no digital screen, so the picture is not going to change. She needed a picture of Times Square not only her picture, else it would not look good. They are literally acting like she only posted a picture of her and 1D out there. Plus, Zayn is there too and he and Niall like Taylors music. Where are those dating rumors? She was dating Conor at the time, if she loved him so much why would she do that? Harry did not hurt her by kissing Emily Ostilly, because they never had a relationship (Harry said he was single and somehow Taylor is not hurt by that). 
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It literally sound like they are reading the words from a screen, anyway please watch the video. You will see that no one is teasing Harry, when Harry is done the rest of the boys look at Louis while smiling, not at Harry like the person claims. If we have to be honest, we all know why they are looking at Louis like that….right? ;)
Link: https://twitter.com/haylorthread/status/996081743336796161
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Please note that this is also not an innocent dinner. These pictures have a meaning, another pr technique is posing with the same fan to show they were in the same room/together. We can all see the little boy in his red Cars shirt. Both of them took a picture with him, remember how I said these pictures are out because they want us to see they are ‘hanging out’ together. Whereas in reality they only took the picture and went home. This is the same case as the Nick and Louis one. From here on, the Haylor rumors started again. Ed Sheeran plays a role in this too. Taylor was still dating Conor kennedy so, for the people who think they had a pr relationship during this time, that is not true. She was Conors fake girlfriend at the time. To the Haylor shippers: this is not proof at all. 
September 2012
Zayn, Niall and Harry are all laughing (not because of Zayns comment), when Zayn whispers that, Harry ignores it and replies with ‘’Rihanna.’’ I definitely think Zayn joked about it and that is why he laughed, Harry has been labeled to her like a stamp, so this was definitely a way to mock the stunt. 
Link: https://twitter.com/leftmeinthehll/status/1014162069577445377
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It is comical that her source knows more than Taylor herself. About the marked part, she apparently did not have hard feelings for him. I wonder why, usually she mocks and humiliates her exes each opportunity she gets. I hope it did not have anything to do with the fact that he is family of the Kennedy’s.
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Here is where it starts to get even weirder. According to the internet Taylor and Harry’s fake relationship started in December 2012 and ended in January 2013. Their first public appearance with each other was on the 2nd of December 2012. So during that time she creates a music video in which a person who portrays Harry (a bad guy) dates her. The lyrics insinuate that the person is trouble, because they ‘dated’ and he let her down. Okay, so we know how she felt about ‘what Harry did’. Still she goes back to him for another round while she knows ‘the bad stuff’ he did to her. So, ‘Harry’ goes on trips with her, dates her, kisses another person and cheats on her and she still goes back to him? Not to mention that he did not consider what ‘he and Taylor had’ a relationship. This is just as toxic and fake as Elouno. Both Taylor and Eleanor go back to their ‘toxic and cheating partner.’ 
We, larries, know this never happened. The love banner tattoo is a sign of Harry. The paper airplane is also the sign of Haylor. What they do is actually very simple, they give them an object and make it the ‘key’ of a relationship. So the next time when you will see Taylor throwing away the paper airplane necklace in Out Of The Woods you will know it is about Harry. This is necessary for their headlines. Everyone knows Taylor shades all her exes, so whenever she and her boyfriend break up you can expect a song about him. It gives both Harry and Taylor popularity. People will start gossiping and make it bigger than usual. This is also a branch of the whole stunting tree. It is a clever move, but you can see the similarities too. One of her exes once bought her jewelry too. I bet those things are also in her songs. They pick the ‘key’ of the relationship (jewelry, date or looks) and put it in her music video, so her fans will know who it is about.
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October 2012
Harry tweets this on 4 October, 2012. I think it is to warn us about the fact that he and Taylor had to share one of those paper airplane necklaces. It is basically a confirmation that ‘he likes’ those, for fans to think that if he gives them to Taylor he likes her too. You could think that it was just one of those tweets of Harry, but he tweeted it this for a purpose in October. The same month in which he and Taylor will be seen wearing it. 
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I have watched the whole thing and I still did not hear the part. However we all know they tried to link him to older people from the start. 
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Taylor gets invited to Nick’s radio show and a day after Harry is invited. The timing is not a coincidence. Nick has been teasing Harry about Taylor Swift since forever, he is basically doing the same as the boys. He is a close friend of Harry’s and he definitely knows Haylor is a pr relationship. So he does the same, he basically mocks it. Remember the 2018 (I think) interview in which Nick teased him about Two Ghosts. Nick was saying it was about Taylor Swift and then Harry screamed once and for all ‘’NOOOO.’’ Little bonus; Nick loves to shade Haylor too.
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Taylor agreed to have someone out there who looks good. Unfortunately these months were the gossip months of Haylor 2.0. Which is interesting cause when Taylor and Harry were photographed in early December, it was reported that that was only their second date, which means it could not be Harry. I hope all of you see that Haylor is a super fake and messy stunt. They can not get it right. There are big holes in their plans. She also says that she does not like it when het private life is on display. This is what I meant with the articles and sources. She does not like it so why would her label or she get the information out there? Because their relationship is not real. Nothing of it has ever been private, we practically got to know which direction she breathed. 
Link: https://twitter.com/haylorthread/status/996088920424304642
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In her tweet, Taylor is talking about ‘most of her emotions.’ The song is about not wanting to sleep because she does not want to miss a thing. I genuinely do not see how this is about Harry. Is all she does obsessing with Harry? Well she is the only one because it is CLEARLY not mutual. It is  one of her favorite songs, she sang it with the music artist himself. 
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It’s that so called ‘source’ again. Plus it is an article from The Sun, they always spread lies and this whole thing is a lie. One pr strategy they also use, is the blurry picture. They release only one blurry picture of the event to make it seem like the couple is private and want to be together all alone. They fail each time, because when 1D needs to be private we never get a picture. Not even a blurry one. They make it seem like a fan takes those pictures and posts them online. Do not get fooled, loves. It is all for show. Whenever the boys aren’t seen for day it does not mean that they do not go outside. They do, no one can take pictures of them and if they do, their label will take care of it and no one will see it. I love how Harry is not paying attention to Taylor while looking the camera straight into its lens. Taylor on the other hand is also not even paying attention to him. 
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I already talked about this one, but I forgot to add something. Harry is not acting coy, he straight up denies that Taylor invited him for dinner. Then the host asks him if he would like to settle down and Harry replies that he would if he found someone he likes (Louis coughs). Literally one second after Harry said that, Louis coughs and the whole audience laughs. Louis was being not so obvious about the fact that he is Harry’s special someone. At 1:08
Link: https://twitter.com/haylorthread/status/996096298251096064
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The next one is about Harry’s tattoos. He got ‘’Things I can’’ and ‘’Things I can’t’’ tattooed on his arms. Some people have the guts to say that he did that because he quotes Taylor. He covered one of them with The Holy Bible. A common Serenity Prayer is:  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
It has to do with The Holy Bible, God and the quote. It is all the same. He did not copy Taylor Swift.
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Harry tweeted ‘’Sickkkk’’ and put a link to matching couple tattoos. Louis and Harry got matching tattoos in December, it was the same kind of style, guess who did not get matching tattoos? Taylor and Harry. 
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So the song are about him, and she still want to date him after all of that. Sound toxic, but what do we know. We sail the healthy Larry ship 2019.
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Her only confirmed ex is Conor Kennedy. So if she wants to get back with him that is no problem at all. She is talking about him and not Harry.
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November 2012
You are going to see this ring everywhere when it comes to Haylor. It is their ‘key’ to the pr world. Just like the love banner tattoo. Here is one thing that makes no sense, Louis has a paper airplane tattooed. What about that? Anyway, this necklace thing is planned because she has had many more jewelry from her ex boyfriends. Whenever she wears those people start getting crazy over a possible comeback of their relationship.
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Let us see, we have a so called ‘source’, a printed interview, pictures with the same fan, and tweets from people who are hired to do that. They want to make you think that Taylor and Harry spent the whole day there, but it is not like that. They just pose with the same fan to let you know they are both there and afterwards they leave. Printed interviews are never to trust, the label can put stuff in it in consultation with the interviewer/host. They sell their paper and without the artist saying it with words people will automatically believe it. The host or producer from the show needs consent from the label the celebrity is signed to. I am also going to make a special thread of Harry debunking/shading Haylor himself so you can see what he really thinks about it. 
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This is the same, all just rumors and lies. Think about what I said if you are having doubts. They all know it is going to cause a massive stir in the fandoms and still they do it. Celebrities like to create drama and some of them are paid for it. Ellen en Mario are basically the ‘Rihanna’ singing ‘’Happy Birthday to Louis Tomlinson girlfriend Eleanor.’’
It is the same show, just different puppets.
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Ed Sheeran uses the same songwriters. I hope this person realizes that songwriters are paid to write songs with and for singers who paid them. It is their job. No wonder they share the same writers, they are paid to do it. Various artists pay them, this is literally no proof. He also wrote Happily.
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I have the strong idea that Haylor shippers take everything she says and just put  the tag ‘Haylor’ on it. How is this about Harry? She gives a hint about love, she just broke up with Conor, says she is seeing someone, Harry denies there is something going on and the rest too. This is about love in general.
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December 2012
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Taylor and Harry visit the zoo with friends. I just saw a few people saying he looks at her with so much love and passion. Let me get one thing straight, Taylor and Harry are just talking and sometimes laughing while talking. How is that love? You can clearly see their lips moving if you pur the pictures in order and make a gif out of it. Paparazzi takes lots of pictures in a few seconds, when you get so many pictures of Harry and Taylor looking at each other it could look like it was a very long moment, when in reality it was just 5 seconds. He does the same things with Nick, Liam, Niall, Stevie and other females. Examples of those misunderstandings:
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(The pictures of Taylor in the green coat are from december, but it is the same debunk)
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Harry is like grabbing her and waiting for her to move.
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If you would like to you can watch this video if you did not already. Harry goes in the car and leaves Taylor all alone with the crowded fans, Boyfriend Of The Year.
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What I love about these pictures is that Harry leans more towards the fan than his supposed girlfriend. He basically avoids any kind of bodily contact and puts his hands in his pockets. Smart move, love. Then in the the 2nd picture he  puts his hand on the car seat instead of around his girlfriend. Again, trying to avoid bodily contact as much as possible. He is sitting in the corner. 
They just pose next to each other like fans and that’s it. They are trying to bring the Haylor narrative alive. They have been spotted more and more. The fan is closer and more comfortable with Taylor than her actual ‘friend’.
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Then they have a karaoke night with the rest of the 1D boys and Ed. Taylor is ignored by Harry the whole time. Then he lifts her in a crowd with tons of people while they have their cameras ready. He is being so awkward when lifting her, just lifting her and keeping as much distance as possible.
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Do not worry, Louis is not letting any of that happen. Here we have Louis making sure Taylor does not get too close to his boyfriend by slowly coming between them and staying there. The difference before and after Louis came between Taylor and Harry is now bigger. Well done, Lou!
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This picture came out in 2018, if I’m not wrong. It’s so funny, is it not? Harry is ignoring her while she is trying to put their backs pressed together. Harry is just lifting his hand and ignoring her, she is the one who is trying it and she failed. Oh and the timing of the pic is not a coincidence. Their Haylor hellfire has been extinguished and they are trying to light it up again, which is not working. I honestly feel like I have seen this picture before 2018, but that might just be me.
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This whole hotel thing should be familiar, they still pull it in 2019. They make it seem like they sleep in the same room, when in reality they have both different rooms. This is to awake the illusion of them sharing a room together. Please note that they are holding hands, and they are in a supposed relationship. It makes what is coming next funnier than ever.
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This tweet has not much to do with Haylor. Harry talked about ‘last night’ which means the night of 3 December 2012, Harry was talking about the MSG afterparty and not about being with Taylor since he completely ignored her. You can see Louis in the back of the picture. 
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On the 5th of December 2012, Harry is seen leaving ‘Taylors hotel’. We all know he slept in another room, they do it just to awake the illusion of them being in one room. Which is not true. The same day, Ed Sheeran is asked about Haylor and he gives a very interesting answer. The host says ‘’Is Taylor dating Harry Styles from One Direction?’’ Ed says ‘’I mean the papers are saying it.’’ and then he nods and laughs. He gave a gorgeous answer, he did not confirm it. The papers talk crap about everyone and he knows it, he stated facts. 
Then they attended Emma Stones birthday party and they ‘definitely looked like a couple’.’It is so hilarious that they are really emphasizing that. They know no one sees it, ‘they are not trying to hide it’ from what we have seen they hardly interact. I personally do not understand how people can ship this. Here we have the ‘mysterious source’ again, now we all know it is fake. A source can not know all of that, celebrities can have privacy and no one is allowed to tell stories about them. That is the ultimate tea.
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Let’s play a game, it is called ‘spot Harry Styles’’, did you see him? No, because he is not with Taylor.
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These pictures of Harry and Taylor leaving the party are so weird, he does not look interested in her at all. Just holding hands and dragging her along.
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In this video you will see Harry nearing her at one point. Haylor shippers are speaking of him approaching her because he wants to kiss her, but that is again not the case. He is trying to portray/show something (he puts his hands on her and keeps a big distance and then he pulls his hands back and walks away funnily), he then walks away funnily. Around 1:36.
On the 7th of December Liam and Harry are asked about Haylor. The interviewer asks Harry what the best birthday gift is for Taylor and Liam answers with ‘’Harry.’’ I love it when they mock Haylor. Then Harry gets asked about Haylor, the interviewer basically assumes they are dating and tells it to Harry. Then, my savage king debunks it. He says he ran into her at the zoo and….he did not even tell her that they went together and he basically denies the whole dating thing. He says ‘’I JUST ran into her at the zoo and…’’ So he makes it seem like he does not understand why those dating rumor are there. Rightly so.
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Harry honestly never really cooperates with stunts at all.
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The same day Harry and Taylor were seen at Z100 Jingle Ball. This is a misunderstanding, they never kissed. They might have danced, but solo. Here is a gif:
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1. Taylor is dancing, solo. Harry is just as always not paying any attention.
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2. Then, she holds him and hugs him whereas Harry stand stiff like a tree. He does not even wrap his arms around her. From what we have seen with Louis he hugs like a prince. In both gifs he hugs him and in both gifs Harry is standing stiff like a tree. She never kissed him.
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3. After Taylor leaves Harry starts wrapping his arms around an older man. He is happier with an older man he does not even know that his fake girlfriend. I do get it though. He is so happy after she leaves.
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They honestly need verified people to talk about them. Those people are hired, just like Rihanna and Ellen. It is for attention purpose only, and because those people are verified people will start to believe them. Why would a verified person lie, right? Well, because they are hired to say that just like stalkers. About the private jet, in 2012 a picture leaked of Louis and Eleanor in a private jet. Louis was sitting 1000000000 yards away from her. I know for sure it is the same way with Taylor and Harry. 
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Harry does not even hold her hand, she is just there. Here presence is only there, no one talks to her and Harry does not even talk to her let alone be near hear.
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It is the same thing over again. A supposed eyewitness (please read back if you missed the debunk), affection we never see only hear stories of, picture with the same fan and one picture of Harry not paying attention to her whereas Taylor is wrapping her arms around him. Harry is not even holding her with his arms, he is just standing there. The distance between them keeps getting bigger and we all know why….who is going to be the first one to say goodbye! The fake affection they are talking about never happened, they could take a picture of Harry being as stiff as a tree but not a picture in which he was touching her bum or when they were fooling around? I hope they are kidding. 
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I’m going to ignore these ‘sources and eyewitnesses’ from now on because it is trash anyway. How is it possible they knew everything? Because their relationship is one big stunt for attention, that is why. In the picture with the birds Harry is touching her shoulder-to-shoulder because he is scared of her. He is afraid that if he moves closer to her he will vanish, he is smiling because of the bird flying away, cute. The last one is just a fan pic with sweet fan.
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It’s Taylor’s birthday and a source knew everything. The cupcake store even posted pictures of it with a whole story around it, this is the same case as the ‘Eleano Taylor Swift cake.’ They have a picture, the cake is there and they just ordered it for one big stunt. Now you might be thinking that the ‘source’ is real and that the other things he/she said are also truthful. This is not the case either, because the whole story around it is fake. They just needed another story to sell and got a company involved in it. This is not the first time that they do that. The so called source knows everything again, for some they have proof (the pub) and for some they do not have proof at all. That is how they play their game, this makes you want to believe all of the things they say but you should not. It has also been confirmed by a big account back in the days that Taylor ordered the cupcakes herself. However I’m not sure about that, I do know that Harry did not order it himself and that he also did not pick it up himself. 
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Taylor and Harry were at a tattoo parlor together. Not to be a typical larrie, but he got the ship tattooed on his arm and Louis got the compass tattooed on him 18 hours later or earlier in the same style. Please do not try sailing a sea without a compass, you’ll get lost. 
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This is a fan who can talk about their location and does not get deleted which means she is suppose to talk about it. Honey, he never gives her a glance how are we supposed to agree with this. Plus, I love it when One Direction is together in a shop and the shop gets closed so no fan can mob them but whenever Harry is with one of his female beards the shops are always wide open for attention. Imagine if in some alter universe Harry and Taylor were really like this and he gave her heart eyes, than you would not know it from a fan. You would see it with your own eyes (from videos they made themselves), or you would not see it at all. They would be private, not being brought up in billion of interviews and parading around. I also have to add, if he truly loved her so much why has he never even confirmed his relationship with Taylor? saying ‘’yeah…maybe’’ is not confirming a relationship. There are some real fans who meet them too, so it is definitely difficult to pick out who is a liar and who is telling the truth. (Because of that I do have a little surprise for you all at the end of this masterpost.) 
Harry looks so happy with his tattoo.
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So hired people said they had ‘chemistry’, well Harry’s tattoo artist said otherwise. I do not know if this one has been debunked, I do not think so. Even a guys from TMZ said they have no real cheamistry. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlbZmumWQ90&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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Back to the other stuff, even Gigi Hadid stated celebs can do stuff they want. I personally can not stand her, but even she said this. How come 1D’s relationships are ALWAYS highly publicized. If you will look underneath Gigi’s interview you can also see proof of stalkers being hired to pretend as fans in America (this does not mean they have not got one in the UK). It’s from Wikipedia.
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They visit Taylors mother in LA. Lots of you think it is not possible for a label to drag family into their bearding mess. That’s wrong, they can. Underneath the picture you can see a message Rebecca Ferguson wrote a few years ago. She states that she is scared of the things they did to her and that she want to protect her family. The people also have ties to the family as you can see. In the article you can CLEARLY see the names of the people who are signed to the label Rebecca was/is. Dragging family into their stunting world is nothing new, it would be weird if two people were dating and you get pictures of them without their family. It would not look real, they drag the family in it for the stunt to look real and to make it look like they are super close, when in reality they just do what is asked: taking pictures and walking around so fans will spot them and tell you how happy they are. 
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Is it cute? You know what’s cute? The fact that this NEVER even happened. I honestly do not understand how Haylor shippers think this happened without checking their information first. Their ship is not a ship, it is a tiny,broken and nonexistent boat. Please look at the picture underneath this one, because that is the real one. Plus, when Liam asks about Haylor, Harry shakes his head. That says enough, you know. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGQZk9F6Dxs&feature=youtu.be
at 10:48
‘‘It is what it is’‘ is a reference to Louis’ tattoo. Harry laughs at that. 
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It is so comical that ever eyewitness, onlooker and source have to confirm they look ‘happy and in love.’ This means no one is buying the stunt and they have to make it look like they are so they tell lies. Do you genuinely think they are going to interview an onlooker and ask everyone how Taylor and Harry looked? We all know Harry can not stand Haylor himself. Anyway, they took pictures with fans and they were standing 400000 miles away from each other. Anyway Harry got injured and that is what Taylor wrote in Out Of The Woods. To make it look like a relationship she added some fake things in it. 
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They do not even sit close next to each other, which is funny because Harry almost sits on Louis’ lap each time they are sat next to each other. In the 2nd picture you can see that they do everything to keep the distance big enough for a whole Larry Ship to fit in. ;)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXFFRaSFGx4
The video is not interesting, you can see Harry eating a burger (cute) and they talk a bit.
What Haylor shippers see:
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What I see:
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This stunt has been recycled twenty thousand times already. Never forget that the 1st ski trip ever were from Larry together in 2011. The rest are just stunts.
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The same rules apply to these tweets. They’re just like the other ones. No way possible that she spotted them/him in a hot tub, if she can tweet about it how about taking a picture? She only ‘saw’ Harry in the hot tub.
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Harry shows his snowmobile injury off. 3 years later around this time, Taylor announced the music video for Out Of The Woods. In that song there is a verse in which she says ‘’ Remember when you hit the brakes too soon Twenty stitches in a hospital room.‘’
This is again one of the things she does to make it about Harry. It’s like one of those ‘key’ things for her to make it about Haylor. I just do not like it when she blames her pr relationships on her ‘ex-partner’ whereas we know it is not real.
Liam asked what happened to Harry’s chin via twitter.
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Let us pretend this is no shade at all. He literally tweeted this in December when the Haylor Hell Fire was at its highest point. Well done, I was there and I love it.
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Pictures like this one are to confirm that he left the country and then they can make a whole story around it. 
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On the 31st of December 2012, Taylor and Harry were photographed ‘kissing’ after her concert in Times Square. What I loved about this even was that he missed her performance, because he wanted to go to a Coldplay concert (We love a king). He also ‘forgot’ his passport and he tried to avoid the whole NYE thing. Harry is always looking with that fake smile/sadness when he’s with her. Look at the following pictures please.
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He looked like he was broken inside and Taylor pressed on his wounds. He is broken inside and he is clearly not happy at all. You do not look like this when you are with someone you love.
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Harry is literally turning his head the other direction and Taylor is trying to put her head closer to Harry’s. 
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Then the ‘kiss’ happens. First, I like to tell all of you guys that they were surrounded by tons of fans and paparazzi with cameras an phones in their hands. There is even a video of it. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1jttU1fY74
People say he is touching her bottom, I have not seen his hand near her bottom at all. They countdown and then Harry put his arms around her waist and they ‘kiss.’ No one has ever seen their lips touching, only the people who ‘were there’. Everyone was filming it, everyone. You can not tell me that no single soul on the side filmed their lips touching. Their lips did not touch, that is why there is no video of it. Everyone was filming their ‘kiss.’ How come people on their side did not film the actual ‘kiss’?
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Also during their hug (in the video), he looked like this:
Does this look like a happy person who want to spend New Years Eve with Taylor? NO. This if to the people who think he hugged her ‘so fiercely’ and is happy with it. This is your debunk, he is everything but happy.
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To back up my point about the fake kiss. This is a (really low quality) picture of them ‘kissing.’ However I do not think their lips are touching. He is definitely ‘kissing’ above her lips or next to her lips. It’s just like the Elouno This Is Us Premier ‘kiss.’ (If you will read the debunk about that kiss you can automatically aplly it to this one). I forgot to add that this whole kiss had been promoted the whole day, even before they ‘kissed.’
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It really does not look like they are kissing, they’re just standing closely to each other. Their faces are not even pressed together so I think they’re just talking. 
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Then he pats her back with no emotion left on his face. You might think ‘’why would he be sad if he did not even kiss her?’’ Well, it hurts to do this and do not forget that he looked emotionless when he arrived. This reminds me of the car ‘kiss’ between Louis and Eleano. He also did not kiss her on the lips, but he looked right at Harry when he was done faking a kiss. It hurts to leave your loved ones and act with someone you do not like at all. We all know how sensible Harry is when it comes to stuff like this. He cries easily (hence Louis’ reaction in the car), Louis gets jealous easily.  
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In this gif he is just talking to her while being sad and he turns his head away quickly when he touches her nose with his nose.
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Now I’m definitely sure he did not kiss her on her lips, more next to her lips. It does not matter because he looks sad anyway. He pulls back and looks immediately the other direction. Look how sad he is. You can sort of see his lips not touching her lips, more next to it. Pause the gif and looks at it frame by frame. The middle of her head is in the same line as the middle of her lips.
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If you guys want to see Harry happily real kissing someone, here it is. This is how you (real) kiss someone you love/like/are friend with.
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This is just sad, we know when Harry hugs someone (even fans) he wraps his whole arm around them and smiles. Please take a look at the examples. He hugs Louis (’his best friend’) better than his ‘girlfriend.’
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(I just want to say that this Larry picture is one of my favorite pictures. It’s from 2010/2011 and I just love how happy Harry looks. Harry’s head fits perfectly in the crook of Louis’ beautiful neck. Louis’ brown hair is also sweetly in place. You can even see Louis’ arm muscles wrapping around Harry so tightly. This is what love is, nothing else. I think Louis even gave his vest to Harry, but I’m not sure of that.)
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This is one of those examples in which fans are hired to lie or in which they just lie because they want people to believe in Haylor. He is moving his head away as far as possible. He is also uninterested, so how do they expect us to believe the kissed? If she is taking a picture anyway, why not one of them ‘making out’ ? This is exactly how you can spot the liars, do not fall for it my loves.
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January 2013
They went to the British Virgin Islands and took pictures with fans for them to see that they were together. They sat there, keeping the space big enough again for The Larry Ship to fit in. Harry looked happy with those fans, probably because the stunt is ending, he does not look interested or happy with Taylor at all.
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Taylor is seen sitting alone in the boat, ready to leave. There will be no Haylor in the future, we’re done with that crap. 
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Whereas Harry Styles is finally happy in months of what seemed a big depression. He was spotted, the same day after their ‘break up’ chilling with friends in a jacuzzi. How come Haylor shippers do not remember this? Like what kind of energy does this radiate to you? Boyfriend of the year? Heaven, NO!
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This was also the day Louis was spotted being super happy, he gained happiness, energy and life. The way his cute little jacket is wrapped around his tiny body is beautiful. God, I miss the time when he looked chubbier. It’s beautiful, his soft fringe is also the big cherry on top. 
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If you type in those letters of the tweet, you will see tons of headlines about Haylor. We all know she wrote the songs for Harry before they were something, Harry even denied their relationship, but dream on I guess. She also tweeted this to a fan once, so I do not see how this is a big deal. She should know while she is out there tweeting that, Harry was being super happy while visiting Necker Island (January 4/5). Your kind (Harry) is not bothered by their ‘break up’ at all.
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What this Haylor shipper forgot to add is that while ‘ he was returning to London after his fake split with Taylor’ he went on vacation and looked the best. Plus, they make it seem like he was so sad in those pictures, but that is not true at all. He looks like a little , sweet, pretty and innocent deer caught in headlights. 
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This has nothing to do with the debunk, but it is so crazy. She has a ‘hickey’ on her boob from someone she just ‘broke up’ with. I do not get how this is possible in their minds, Harry does not give a crap about her, how do people still think she met up with him and did that. Plus, she shaded him at the award shows. She does not love him. 
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Taylor recorded a song called ‘All you had to do was stay’. People were really quick to judge it and claim the song to be about Harry. It was not. Taylor said she had a dream about her ex (which is hilarious). That is weird and shows how Harry does not care, only she does. Eve if it would be about Harry, it is fake. None of this happened, this could only happen in her dreams so….. conclusion: She and Harry never had something and Harry does not care for her in any way.
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Then, after all her dreams about Harry and wanting him back she shades him by mocking his accent. She sings ‘’I used to think that we were forever ever and I used to say never say never…..so he calls me up and he’s like ‘I still love you’ (mocking Harry’s deep voice and accent) and I’m like ‘I’m sorry, I’m busy opening up the Grammy’s and we are NEVER getting back together, like ever.’’
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Seven days later Harry is of course asked about the Grammy performance. You guys need to know one thing. When a label does not want a client to talk about a certain subject, they tell the radio to ignore the subject or the interview will be stopped immediately. Here is the proof, I was kinda  shocked when this happened. This means they wanted him to talk about it.
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The interviewer asks ‘’Are you okay since the split with Taylor?’’ 
Harry says in a confident tone: ‘’I’m okay, thank you for asking’’
The the interviewer: ‘’Yeah?’’
Harry: ‘’Yeah I’m good’’ (we have seen that, Harry)
Then the interviewer asks: ‘’The Grammy performance, when she performed she kinda had the little bit where she did her little English accent at the end and a lot of people suggested that it was a dig at you. I just want to know how you feel about it.’’
Harry:  “She’s a great performer and she always performs great. She’s always good on the stage. She’s been doing it a long time. She knows what she’s doing on stage. It was just another good Taylor Swift performance. It was good.”
He literally dodges the question so hard. He did not say anything about it, he just said she is a good performer. Something he only says about her in ALL interviews, I’m not kidding.  He basically insinuated that she has a lot of experience (she has been doing it a long time), shading her fake exes. I mean she does that a lot, so I am not surprised. 
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He clapped and so did the whole audience. They really have to stop trying, it is never going to happen. 
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So Taylor posted this picture on insta in January 2013 and Harry posted his picture in December 2013. Now, Haylor shippers claim they spent time together and shared the same room. Which is completely weird, because One Direction and Taylor shared the same hotel. It is a luxurious and expensive hotel, a lot of celebs stay in that hotel. Plus, the table and the pole thing are not in Harry’s picture/ room view. They did not share the same room. 
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On 31 January 2013 Ed Sheeran talkes about Taylor and Harry, since he is a mutual friend. Ed is amazing as always and he says ‘’I’d rather not comment on that’’ then he tells an amazing story about Harry giving homeless people pizaa. That is so sweet, those people deserve some love. Plus, this is how you answering a question like this.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=37&v=9KETDQeDpK4
On 25 August, 2013 Taylor shades Harry again in front of public. While accepting her awards she says: “I also want to thank the person who inspired this song, who knows exactly who he is, because now I got one of these,” she said, holding her award. “Thank you so much!”
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnUV4NgItpk (0:45)
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While she says that the camera quickly turns to Harry and the boys of One Direction. Louis is not happy, he is super mad, look at him biting his lip.The other guys also got in on the disdain. Here’s Niall saying “Horrible. I freaking told you” to Louis. Harry just chews his gum and just laughs at the camera, just like Zayn and Niall. Zayn just sips his tea like everyone else. I forgot to add that Louis refused to clap for Taylor, we all know why. 
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People think Harry is staring at her bottom in this picture which is a common mistake. He is not doing that, he is looking at her direction while blinking, Taylor is already behind him. Look at his eyes, they are not even in her direction. 
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This is once again a printed interview. I just never get the idea Haylor shippers have when it comes to their fake relationship. Harry literally said he was single at the time and they still make it about Haylor. Just because she wanted attention to put his love banner tattoo in the music video. Which is weird, because the media claimed it was about Harry and only printed interviews ‘confirmed’ it was about Harry. They make it seem like that, because she needs to sell her albums. However, she did mean Harry when dissing him at the VMA’s and she was talking about IKYWT. So she basically insinuated the song is about him herself. Which is insane, because they did not even had a ‘relationship’. They are just trying to fuel the Haylor Hell Fire.
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In short: Harry texted someone and Taylor got a text and showed it to Selena and now people think Harry did that (I’m rolling my eyes). First of all, no one said they checked their phones at the same time, so how could you know something like this? It is such a reach. In the video Taylor looks nowhere (only at her date and behind Selena, Harry is sat completely on the other side.) she just talks to Selena and Selena just looks behind Taylor. None of them is looking at Harry, this is the best debunk of them all.
Link: https://twitter.com/haylorthread/status/997928258451763201
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Taylor and Harry were pictured together with Ed Sheeran and someone else at the VMA afterparty. Remember what I said about pictures being released for a reason. This is just a picture, just like he takes pictures with fans. I just do not get how this is proof that they ‘hung out together’. Harry was asked about this and he said ‘’Yeah we went out for drinks with Ed and some friends and yeah….. it was good’’
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In this picture the yellow area show what Harry is truly looking at. Taylor is literally sitting far from the places he is looking at. The other pictures are just trashy, because he is not looking at her at all in those.
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I definitely think Harry just ignores her, he does not even pay attention to her.
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Then, this happened. While 1D gave their speech Taylor said ‘’Shut the hell up’’. People thought it was meant for Harry and 1D. Ed cleared the rumors up. I do not know what to believe, she seems like a person to do that to 1D since she shaded him tons of times.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=TGYyoWY0lQY
So Liam said this in an interview . This does not mean that live interviews are real and always truthful. On the contrary, they are scripted most of the time. However it is really funny that Louis did not show up. It is even funnier that we’ve seen multiple moments of the boys being annoyed by Taylor. Link: https://twitter.com/swifttcreature/status/872318554447761409
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Harry is asked about Taylor again. The interviewers asked what he would say to Taylor if he met her again, since he said she is a good songwriter. Harry dodges the question again and says ‘’That she is a good songwriter’’. He repeated the SAME thing he has been repeating the whole time when asked about TAYLOR. Harry also says they are ‘all good’. Something he has been repeating over and over again too. When Harry says that she’s a good songwriter, our little bitter Louis says ‘’You got any advice for her?’’ while smiling. Harry laughs at that. He just acts like they never had a fake relationship, and he does not consider it a relationship. That is why we love you too Harry. I also fogot to add that I love how Louis kind of shades her with his remark. 
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=4UzCPvSGr8U
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Then somewhere in 2013 fans meet 1D and Harry asks what they were listening to, they reply with ‘’Taylor Swift’’. Of course Louis laughs as the first one. Harry just nods and laughs because of Louis. At 1:58
This makes it seem like he is smiling when Jonathan Ross says her name, but it is not like that. He was smiling already because of something that was said earlier. Then he just says ‘’yeah’. Then Joanathan asks if Harry is okay with Taylor and Cara hanging out and maybe talking about him. Then Harry says he is friends with them, because he thought Jonathan meant that.
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This is also one of the examples, just like Ed, Liam and Niall. Courtney and Harry have hung out before. He was invited to a secret screening of hers. Harry is also friends with her ex husband. Ed Sheeran is also friends with Jennifer Aniston. Ed is Taylor and Harry’s mutual friend. That is why they ‘hang out’. They never hang out with the two of them, but in a group since Ed is friends with them. I honestly do not get how this makes Taylor and Harry a ‘couple’. They just hang out because Ed is there too. We have seen what Harry’s reaction is when it comes to Taylor or girl in general and dear darling, he is so distant. 
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To be continued in a Part 2…
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Bitter End
*Platonic Loki x Reader
*Summary: Reader looks back on their friendship with Loki.
*Warnings: Angst
*A/N: So this is neither the new chapter for My Princess nor college fluff, but it’s something I was able to write and helped me face my own feelings about a situation like this. By the way, would y’all be interested in me sharing my Instagram with you guys? Just a thought.
It was another Saturday night spent alone in your room as you tried to work on anything. You were supposed to write a new chapter for your followers, but the inspiration just seemed to evade you. Your phone lit up with a notification from Instagram, so you decided to just go on there to waste some time while you tried to figure out where you were going with your story. Somehow, instead of going through your feed, you ended up on your own page, looking through your pictures. You laughed as you read through your friends’ comments, their stupid memey comments always making you feel better. It wasn’t until you hit a picture from nearly two years ago that you stopped, the username making your heart ache a little.
The two of you met in middle school, he was the new kid in your eighth grade class. At first you hadn’t really planned on befriending him, but he was friends with one of your friends, and everything just seemed to fall into place from there. The two of you were into a lot of the same things: the same shows, the same fandoms, the same music, the same type of humor. Once you got past the initial stage of awkwardness you had with everyone you met, you realized just what great friends the two of you could be.
You and Loki became nearly inseparable, even though you both had your own friend groups. The two of you hung out the most often when you were with your mutual friend, and you didn’t really talk to each other out of school, but you still had a great connection. Within a year Loki had become one of your closest friends, and you would even consider him one of your best friends.
Once eighth grade ended, you kind of figured that your friendship would either die out or continue into high school. You didn’t even really know which high school he was going to, but you were kind of okay with that. Sure, you were really good friends, but you’d only been friends for a year so it wasn’t as difficult as it would’ve been if you’d been friends for longer. It wasn’t until a few weeks into summer vacation that Loki messaged you on Kik. That entire summer you two were texting, just talking about anything and everything that popped into your minds. Even though you weren’t seeing each other every day like you did in school, you were probably getting closer to each other than you did during school.
It didn’t take long for you to find out Loki was going to the high school across town instead of the one next to your middle school. You were kind of bummed out about that when you found out, but at least it wasn’t like either of you were actually moving. You’d still be able to see each other on weekends and stuff, just like you were planning since your other best friend was moving to the next town over. You knew that for a good friendship like this, it didn’t really matter if you saw each other every day.
Throughout the year, the two of you kept in touch nearly every day even though you never physically saw each other. On the weekends you’d call for hours at a time on Skype, just happy to sit there as you each scrolled through whatever on your phones. You’d be texting during classes, he’d be telling you how he hated his new school because he didn’t know anyone there. You always talked about him transferring to your high school, but you both knew it probably wouldn’t happen. Even though it was unlikely, just saying it kept your hopes up, and it helped Loki get through his days. With everything that happened during your respective freshmen years, it was never like you went through it alone even if you didn’t have your two best friends there with you.
Near the end of your freshman year it happened. Loki got expelled from his high school. As soon as he was in the principal’s office waiting for his mom to show up, he had already started texting you. You were in Spanish when you got the first text. The entire year he’d been getting bullied by some other guys, and he’d finally reached his tipping point. He didn’t get into a physical fight or anything, but he’d blown up on them during class, and when his teacher tried to stop him, he’d yelled at her too. You didn’t know all the details, only what he’d told you, but you knew it had to be worse than you thought if your normally mild-mannered friend blew up like that.
He’d been freaking out when he talked to you about it, but you tried to calm him down by joking that he could finally transfer to your school if he got kicked out of his. When the news came that he’d officially been expelled, you didn’t know what to think. You were always worried about him, but if he came to your school then you could keep an eye on him and make sure he was okay. Your hopes were crushed about a week later when he found out that he wouldn’t be allowed to transfer to any of the schools in the district. That combined with other issues happening in his family just made the decision for his parents: they were going to move out of state for a fresh start.
When Loki told you he was moving out of state, you felt your heart shatter. He was one of your best friends, and you really couldn’t stand the fact that you wouldn’t be able to see him for who knows how long. What broke your heart even more was that you couldn’t see him on his last day in town, and that was all because your parents dragged you to the Verizon store to figure out what was wrong with your brother’s phone. Your mom felt bad about it later, but that didn’t change the fact that your best friend was now days away and you couldn’t see him one last time.
You clicked on the username, heart breaking further as you saw the dreaded ‘User not found’ message. You already knew that he’d blocked you from his public account because that was the one he used more often, but it still hurt to see that someone you once considered a brother didn’t want you to know anything about his life. You switched over to your professional account, figuring he probably hadn’t blocked you on that one. Sure enough, the profile popped up and you were able to see his posts. His last one had only been a week ago at most.
Throughout high school, the two of you still talked almost every day. The Skype calls started happening less frequently, but they still happened a couple times a month. He still struggled a bit in school; moving after high school already started was a definite change, but he’d been making friends that made it more bearable. You were happy for him, especially since that meant he had other people that could look out for him and be there for him when you couldn’t. 
Though he was having more fun at his new school and was starting to fit in more, he still wanted to come back to your state. He was the one that brought up the idea of both of you trying to get into the same college so you could eventually live together. During one of your Skype calls, you both worked on finding a college that you liked and would be good for what you each thought you wanted to major in. It took a few hours, but you finally found a college you could agree on, both of you excited for the future.
High school was also when you’d started writing and actually posting your stuff online. Loki was one of your biggest supporters, and when you started writing a story with original characters, he was one of the only ones to actually read through it. That encouragement just helped fuel your love for writing, and the two of you collaborated on a few stories so both of you could work on your skills. There were some nights you’d stay up until nearly dawn just to write and talk, and even now you looked back on those nights with fondness.
It wasn’t until your senior year that things kind of started to change. You and Loki still talked a lot, but you noticed he was more hesitant to tell you things that were happening in his life. You kind of figured it was due to the stress of college applications, trying to graduate, and ultimately just stress from life in general. You didn’t blame him, but you also didn’t want him to shut you out completely if he needed someone to be there for him. Even if you weren’t necessarily his first choice anymore, you still couldn’t get over that feeling you’d had since freshman year: you needed to protect him.
Near the end of your senior year, he told you something that you just couldn’t believe. Him and his family were moving back in state, but he was going to be living an hour away. You didn’t care about the distance, even just the possibility of seeing him in person again would be enough. He wouldn’t be back for your graduation, but that was because his school didn’t let out for another few weeks after yours. You tried to figure out if he’d be able to make it to the graduation party, but that was his last day before moving back; and when he was finally back, you’d be on vacation with your family in Spain.
As you were running around, trying to settle things for your graduation party, you watched the livestream for his graduation. Seeing him in his cap and gown, practically beaming as they called his name, made your heart swell in pride. He was in a much better place than he had been for a long time, and you were unbelievably proud of him. You made sure to screenshot him as he walked on the stage, getting his diploma that you knew he worked so hard for. As soon as the ceremony ended, you sent him a text telling him how proud of him you were, and how lucky you felt to call him your best friend.
You scrolled through the pictures, reading his captions. He only had a few posts up, which wasn’t unusual because he tended to delete his older posts. He’d gotten a girlfriend, he was posting best friend appreciation posts about someone else, and you just felt your heart aching as you went through his profile. You were happy that he was doing well, but you still couldn’t help but feel sad about not being part of his life anymore. You knew that people grew apart, but you never imagined it could happen to the two of you. If you were being honest, thinking back on all of the time you’d spent together, being there for each other, and now facing this reality made you want to cry.
If you could really place a time on when things changed, it would be your first year of college. The same year your friendship actually ended. You still tried talking to him, but it fell off like with all of your friends from home. You’d just gotten too busy with everything going on, and Loki didn’t really make the effort to reach out to you either. You checked in on him every now and then, but it just wasn’t the same.
It wasn’t until Thanksgiving that you’d actually properly talked to him again. One of your friends had started a ‘22 Things I’m Thankful For’ thing in her story, and you decided that would be fun so you did it too. You tagged Loki in it as one of the things you were thankful for, and that was when he messaged you. The two of you talked for a long time after that, and you agreed to Skype after you were both back from your Thanksgiving dinners. That night the two of you talked for hours just like you did during high school, and things felt right. 
After Thanksgiving, the two of you talked more often than you had during the first part of the semester. You called a couple times, and it felt like things were going back to normal. As time went on, though, things fell off again. It was during spring semester that you realized he’d removed you from his followers, and when you tried to refollow him, he blocked you. It hurt, but you weren’t going to push him about it. It wasn’t like he was responding to your texts anyways.
You would never fault him for deciding he didn’t want to be your friend anymore, that was his choice who he wanted in his life. There were times that you felt like you needed him, simply because there had been no one that you could trust enough to vent to like you trusted him, but he’d made it clear how things were now. He’d given you six amazing years of friendship, and you were so grateful for that. Sure, sometimes you wondered why he made his decision, but you respected it. You were happy to see your friends grow and get the world (because honestly they deserved the world), even if that meant it was without you. You clicked out of his page, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill over.
The empty feeling would go away eventually, you knew that. Maybe there could be some point in the future that you’d be able to message him and the two of you would reminisce on the good times you’d had. Maybe he’d reach out to you and the two of you would pick up right where you left off like you always seemed to. Maybe neither of those things would happen and you’d just be left with the memories. You made peace with that, and looked back at your laptop. It wasn’t the new chapter that you promised, but you had something to tell your readers now.
Permanent Tag List: @spidey-pal
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nalufever · 5 years
Chapter Two of The Night Shift, a collaborative work between myself and @hidetheremote
AnS fandom, Obi x Shirayuki, hopelessly late posting for ‘Trope Madness’ 
One of Obi's faults is that he's gallant, always wanting to help those less fortunate - and some people (Torou) take advantage of his foolish, soft heart. Good thing Shirayuki is always in Obi's corner.
Read Chapter One HERE
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Fifteen years ago…..
Garbage whipped by a bitter wind skittered past a cold and shaking Obi. Winter had hit hard, the snow was piling up fast. If he’d had free time and the urge he’d have made a snowman - but he didn’t and couldn’t waste energy on such a frivolous activity. Obi needed to find shelter and he was running out of time.
Tall for his age and thin, most people assumed he was an adult and left him to his own devices. Obi was barely able to feed himself, let alone clothe himself. His jacket was half as old as he was - and badly patched. It didn’t keep him warm from the snow that threatened to freeze his bones as he scrounged for work. Not wanting to burden his few friends with overstaying his welcome, Obi refused to take advantage. He moved from friend's house to friend's house, keeping his secrets close to his chest.
A newspaper carried by the strong wind hit him in the chest with a wet thump, startling Obi into reflexively grabbing it. An article jumped out at Obi, one that mentioned a food kitchen looking for volunteers. It was close - and that was the best news he'd had all day.
The first person to greet Obi was a short but bouncy, red-headed sprite of a girl. “Hi! I’m Shirayuki, what’s your name?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Manners are very important!”
The young girl pouted and Obi couldn’t help but tease. “On second thought, you’re right. Manners are what separate humans from animals, Miss. Please accept my apologies for my lack of priorities. My name is Obi.”
Shirayuki smiled and Obi’s worries and fears started fading. He’d have a hot meal and maybe start to rebuild his life; this girl was beaming at him so brightly he felt invincible - his guiding star had to be on the rise. Obi accepted a tray from the girl and portions of everything available, waving goodbye to the little Miss and then searching for a good spot to sit and eat.
In the far corner away from the door (which every time it opened sent more cold snow and air swirling into the room), Obi sat with his back to the wall at a table with another girl of roughly his own age - also with her back to the wall. Intent on feeding himself, Obi tore open the bun and slathered butter on it, ripping a big portion off with his first bite. He chewed and did his best to keep his appreciative moans and smacking lips to a minimum.
“Oi! Keep it down!”
“Sorry-not-sorry.” Obi shoved a giant spoonful of stew into his mouth and turned his head to look with suspicion at his table mate. “Mrff sppr anfry.”
“Gross. You always talk with your mouth full?”
Obi swallowed and sighed at the girl. “I’m super hungry.”
“Nice to meet you, ‘super hungry,’ I’m Torou.” The girl - Torou - flicked her long brown hair over her shoulder and batted her matching brown eyes at Obi coquettishly. “First time in a place like this?”
“Is it that obvious?” Obi sat more upright and pretended to not be guarding his food. “I’ve been doing alright for the most part. I don’t like to have to accept help, but I-I’m having a hard time.”
“We all are, every person here has it tough.” Torou pulled out another bun from her pocket and a couple more packets of butter, pushing them at the thin but cute teen. “What about a real name?”
“Ugh, yeah - sorry. You can call me Nanaki.” Obi crammed the rest of his bun into his mouth, grabbing the offered bread to shove it into a pocket for later. He chewed and swallowed. “Thanks, Torou, I haven’t eaten since…I’m not sure.”
“I could tell.” She giggled, twirling strands of her hair around one finger, leaning closer. “Well, maybe we can help each other.”
“You got more food in your pockets? Don’t you want to eat that?”
“Silly boy, I’m talking about taking opportunities and turning them into cash.”
Present day….
Obi checked his phone and again Torou had texted him, begging for one more chance. Enough was enough. He’d done lots of stupid things when he’d been young and homeless - and now Obi was poised to finally have a date with Shirayuki. There was no way in hell he wanted to screw his chances.
He sighed, about to shut off his phone, but it chimed - this time a phone call from Torou. Voice pitched low and aggravated, Obi growled, “What do you want?” The hallway was too full of distractions so Obi sped to the stairwell and slumped against the far wall.
“I still want what I was asking from you at the Greenhouse.” She was clearly amused. “I’m gonna keep working on you until you cave. One little, tiny favour is all I ask - you could do it in your sleep!”
“Maybe fifteen years ago, but I’ve changed - and I thought you had too.”
“What’s that old saying? A leopard doesn’t change its spots?” Torou’s laugh was high and shrill. “I’ve shed some of my spots - but there’s one big one that just won’t budge. Tomi won’t let me escape so easily.”
“Tomi, still?” Ire and disgust coloured Obi’s tone.
“Don’t say it like that, I gave up most of that when he got sent away.” Torou’s voice got thin and small, in direct contrast to how she’d laughed only seconds ago. “I wouldn’t ask if I had any other choice.”
“Ugh… Dammit.”
“I knew I could count on you.”
“I’m not saying yes, but it looks like I can’t say no.” Obi rubbed his forehead. “My shift is pretty well over. Where are you?”
“I’ll text you the address. And Obi...don't end up like me.”
Obi heard Torou sniff and end the connection. Stomach roiling with old fears, new doubts and a fair amount of anger for Tomi, Obi shoved his phone into his pocket and made tracks for the parking lot.
“Pssst!” Torou yanked Obi’s arm as he walked past where she’d been lurking. “Come here often?”
Obi grimaced, turning to face Torou as she started giggling. He growled, “I didn’t come here for my health or any of your lame jokes. Why don’t you come with me and we can discuss your problems in my car? It’s too cold out in the open.”
“Didn’t know you wanted to get cozy.” Torou batted her eyelashes and licked her lips. “Giving up on Shirayuki? ‘Bout time.” She held onto his shoulders, almost leaning against him.
“As if. Your antics leave me even colder than the weather.” Obi shrugged away from Torou.
“Yeah, well -”
Torou’s phone chirped and she shushed Obi to look at the message she’d been sent. The blood drained from her face and she gasped, shivering, absently rubbing her gut. All her previous flirtatiousness behaviour died. “The job is a go - right now.”
Obi watched Torou shrink in on herself. As much as he didn’t want to assist her - he felt obligated. He’d never seen her so distraught before, not even when she’d been threatened with juvie. “And never again.”
“Sure, sure.” Torou pulled herself together, turning back into a capable thief in the space of a heartbeat. “Joint’s been cased thorough, I need you to get me inside, my talent will crack open the safe.”
“Fine, I open the door and leave.”
“Not so fast, two heads are better than one, right? I could use an extra set of eyes and ears - just in case.”
“Sounds like it hasn’t been cased proper.” Obi folded his arms and glared. “You need me to help search for the safe, don’t you?”
“Tomi stops digging once he sees what he wants.” Torou shrugged, jamming her hands into her pockets. “Especially if he can send someone else to do the real work.”
“Fucking unbelievable.”
“I promise, never again.” Torou gave a subtle head nod to the garish green house on the corner. “C’mon, time’s a wasting!”
It was regretfully easy for Obi to bypass the electronic locks on the back patio door; fifteen years hiatus on his break and enter skills hadn’t been enough to set any rust on them. Dammit. One more careful motion and the physical lock popped open. Obi slid the door open and motioned to Torou. “Hurry.”
“Don’t get your panties in a knot.” She blew on her gloved fingers. “We both search - upstairs first - there’s only three bedrooms on that floor. Behind big ugly paintings first and closets second.”
“Tell me something I don’t already know.”
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” Torou blew Obi a kiss before tiptoeing down the hall and running up the stairs, knowing her unwilling partner would soon follow once he explored the main floor. His habits were part of his charm.
Obi scowled as he stalked through the house, finding nothing out of the ordinary - it was well maintained and decorated nicely - if a bit old-fashioned. He shuddered - lots of big floral patterns and an excessive amount of plaid where they’d run out of room for roses. There was a wood burning fireplace too - currently unused - flanked by an antique set of wrought iron tools.
Obi met Torou leaving the bedroom closest to the stairs; she shook her head. “A kid’s room. It’s gotta be the second or the master bedroom.”
“You take the master then, most likely it’s not the second - but I’ll check it out.”
“Okay.” Torou gave Obi a mock salute. “You haven’t missed a trick even after all these years.”
“But I’d like to,” he muttered, “forget all about this and the dumb stuff you pulled me into.”
“If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” Torou taunted Obi with a wink and another blown kiss.
“That’s only if Tomi didn't steal them first.” Obi rubbed his forehead and walked towards the second bedroom, slipping inside. Nothing on these walls except more giant, ugly, cabbage roses on the wallpaper. Ugh! So old-fashioned. Was this the house of a grandma from the 1950’s? The closet door was in contrast overly new looking - and the right size for a custom walk-in. Could be the safe was here instead of in the master.
Only one way to find out - Obi drew open the closet door and did his best to staunch a horrified gasp. No safe, but lots and lots of adult...gear. Whips, chains, what had to be porn magazines, several squirt bottles of lube and items he thankfully could not easily identify. He shook his head and shuddered. Fucking hell.
Suddenly aware he’d zoned out, standing in front of what could fully stock an orgy, Obi made to shut the Pandora’s box of porn - but a heavy tread stumping up the stairs made his flesh crawl and his blood chill. Too late to run to warn Torou… A split second later, Obi made up his mind and jumped into the closet, sending a frantic text to Torou. <>
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He anxiously watched his phone, expecting Torou to text him back - but no answer. Shit. Was the homeowner bludgeoning Torou as he cowered amongst the pleather outfits and massive battery driven toys? Shit. Obi held his breath - the carefree, loud footsteps were getting louder. His stomach plummeted. Somebody wanted a little something-something before getting some sleep.
Shit. Fuck. Damn. Obi secured his phone and waited in the farthest corner of the closet, poised to take action. The door was yanked open and a hand rummaged inside - through long familiarity no doubt - reaching with unerring grace for the flesh pocket - and shut the door. Obi slumped backward in relief. Thank all the unholy sex gods and goddesses.
Shit - now did he try to save Torou from the horny homeowner or escape? Shit. Fuck. Damn. Obi strained his ears - nothing. No horrid buzz of an adult toy - no heavy footsteps - no screams. He said a little prayer and pushed the closet door open the smallest amount he could to see out of - and about felt his soul leave his body.
The horny homeowner was sitting on the spare bed looking through his mail - the waiting lurid plastic lips of the fleshlight leering at Obi. Jesus, lord love a duck. At least the guy's head was bowed and he’d missed seeing a surprise visitor pop out of his closet. Obi didn’t know what to hope for - the horny guy going to town on himself, or sudden merciful death.
Torou texted Obi. <>
Several things happened at once. Obi’s phone signalled itself with a snippet of Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance, horny homeowner bolted off his bed, still holding his mail, looking around wildly. “What the fuck!”
Shit. Fuck. Damn. Obi yanked his balaclava down to obscure his face, blindly taking the closest item to hand and bolted out of the closet. Fast, so fast - sprinting like the wind - but the horny homeowner managed to tackle Obi. Obi felt a sharp, burning pinch and then he twisted, bucking off the guy who was screaming bloody blue murder. Slamming the door behind himself, Obi used the bullwhip he'd grabbed, jamming it like a doorstop to keep the irate man a little occupied while they escaped.
“Go, go, go!” Obi ran past Torou who was cradling her ill-gotten goods in a nondescript gym bag.
“I’m going!” Torou hissed. “New much?”
“Never again!” Adrenalin kept Obi and Torou running outside into the bare glimmer of dawn - Obi towards his car and Torou - she jumped into a waiting white van that zoomed off before she’d even fully landed in the passenger seat. Fuck. Shit. Damn. Obi ran into the semi cover of a bush - slowed his headlong rush into an ambling power walk and uncovered his face. Nothing said ‘up to no good’ like a balaclava pulled down on a guy fleeing in the dark. He’d fucked up but he could repent at leisure once he was safe.
Obi hustled down the alley to his car, unlocking it, smiling at the cheerful chirp and slid inside behind the wheel. His back spasmed - fire erupted in his nerves. What the fuck? He felt his back as best he could, fingers coming away sticky - with something god-damned familiar.
“Gimme a damn minute!” Shirayuki pulled on her bathrobe and belted it tight - the idiot pounding on her door was obviously drunk - and she’d have to kick his ass to curb without her pajamas. Barefoot, she stomped over to her front door, quickly checking that her door was on the chain. “What the hell is wrong with you? Some people are trying to-” she yanked open the door as much as the safety chain allowed, her angry tirade dying as she met Obi’s glazed eyes in his pale face.
“Mostly, what’s wrong with me, is I’ve been stabbed.” Obi gurgled a listless chuckle and collapsed.
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natasha-cole · 6 years
Pairing: Chris x Reader x Rob
Chapters: 4/?
Word Count: 1,982
Warnings: awkward flirting
Series Summary: Reader is a popular fandom photographer, having made a name for herself in large convention circuits. When an old mentor asks for her assistance at an event she’s never attended, she’s happy to agree. Not only does Chris have to guide her through the unfamiliar territory of a Supernatural convention; he may just have to show her exactly how he feels about her when the one man she never expected shows up for the weekend. Reader has grown used to fighting for what she wants, but what’ll happen when she becomes the focus of attention from the two men she admires most?
A/N: Part 4 of my collaboration with @wilde-abandon.
Since this is a collaboration, if you would like to be tagged in this particular series, please let me know. I won’t be automatically tagging my forever list because it’s honestly just a lot and I’d rather start fresh with this one.
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“Excuse me?” You replied, nearly choking on the sip of coffee that you had just taken.
You definitely noticed the surprise in your own voice as you were caught off guard not only by his words, but also by the way he sounded as he spoke to you.
“Chris said you’d be shooting some stuff for the band.”
“Oh, he did?” You looked at him, sort of puzzled that Chris hadn’t mentioned anything about this to you, but that he seemed so sure of it.
“Yeah…” he mused as he leaned back in his chair and eyed you curiously. “He did mention that to you, didn’t he?”
“I can’t say that he did.”
“Oh, well that’s not very fair, is it?”
“What did he say I was doing exactly?”
“He just said you were one of the best photographers he knows. Said he’d take a pass on shooting the promotional stuff and just hand the reins over to you.”
You watched him as he took a drink of his own coffee, waiting for more of an explanation but receiving none.
“Well, I suppose Chris and I have a lot to talk about,” you chuckled.
“Maybe you do.”
“So, I guess I’ll have to get back to you on how I’m going to… handle it,” you replied. “As soon as I know more about what it is exactly that I’m doing.”
“Well, regardless of Chris not mentioning it to you, I hope you really consider it.”
“Hmm,” you hummed in return. “Like I said, I’ll have to see what this job is first.”
“Fair enough,” he replied. “Tell me though, who are you anyway? Chris just sorta mentioned he had someone helping him out this weekend. He said you were an amazing photographer. How do you know each other? Because I’ve never seen you around at conventions before, and trust me, I would recognize you.”
“We go way back,” you explained, trying to ignore the way he was staring at you and the fact that his voice dropped and growled as he said those last words.
You could be misreading this, but it was almost as if he were checking you out and making it obvious that he was flirting.
“He’s been my mentor for years. We met at a convention, not one of these ones obviously; but he liked my work and we’ve kept in touch. We mostly email a lot; I ask a lot of questions and he helps me out. Mostly, I get hired on for other cons. Chris has been an amazing help through my career, so we’ve stayed friends.”
“So, it’s a strictly business relationship?” He asked almost hopefully.
You internally laughed at the way he straightened up in his chair, leaning in ever so slightly toward you as he asked.
“Yeah…” you replied carefully. “And a friendship I suppose.”
“Well, that’s good.”
You caught a hint of a grin pull up on his lips and you realized that you were intrigued by the man and whatever he was doing right now. It was as if he was expressing interest in you, but cautiously. Even that low growl in his voice that showed up every now and then left you wondering. Yet, he was already sinking back in his chair, appearing a bit more unsure of himself before you could get a word out.
“Tell me something,” you began, attempting to ease him a little bit. “Why are you here? I mean, I’ve been listening to your band for a while now, and I can’t quite figure out why you’re playing conventions like this.”
“Do you even watch the show?” He laughed.
He cocked an eyebrow at you as if to challenge you as he took a drink of his coffee.
“I have, yes.”
“I feel like I should be offended that you don’t recognize me then.”
“Wait… are you on the show?”
“Ding, ding, ding,” he teased.
You studied him, trying to place who he was and why you were so terrible at recognizing him.
“We should probably talk,” he said, his lips still turned up in a smirk as he leaned closer to you again.
“Oh, god,” you muttered as soon as the realization hit you.
All it took was for him to utter that infamous line and you immediately placed him. How you had failed to recognize him as God of all characters was beyond you at this point. But, you did think to yourself that he definitely looked different from his character. Sure, Chuck was a favorite of yours, but Rob… Rob was devastatingly handsome. You noted the fact that his hair was grayer in real life, and then there was that white patch in his beard. The show obviously did no justice to how attractive he was in person.
“Well, you can call me Chuck.”
“I’m so sorry,” you said, embarrassed that you hadn’t connected him to his character. “Now I see it. I just- I was caught up on the fact that you’re the lead singer of one of my favorite bands… I didn’t even think that you could also be an actor.”
“Uh, one of your favorite bands, huh?”
“Honestly, I just happened upon you guys as I was putting music on my playlist a few years ago.”
“You know, most people hear about us because I’m on the show,” he pointed out. “It’s an interesting thing that you’re the opposite, especially since you like the show apparently.”
“I just- I’m a busy woman. I watch TV and I listen to music, but I don’t let them consume my life.”
“Well, I’m glad to know we have you as a fan, regardless of how you became one. And honestly, it’s nice to not be recognized sometimes.”
“You’re not offended?”
“Well, maybe a little.”
“Now I recognize you though,” you chuckled.
“And that’s strangely satisfying for me.”
He gave you a full smile this time, those blue eyes still watching your every move. For the first time during your conversation, you felt almost uncomfortable. Not because he made you uncomfortable, but because you definitely found him attractive and nice and you’d be working in close quarters with him this weekend.
You were both pulled from your brief moment of silence by your phone buzzing. You quickly retrieved it to read the message, thankful that someone was interrupting this moment. You were sure you were visibly blushing at the way he watched you, and you were eager for this to end.
You excused yourself and opened the message from Chris. Obviously you had been gone for too long, and you had almost forgotten why you were here to begin with as you lost yourself in talking with Rob.
“I better get back to Chris,” you said almost regretfully.
“Was that him?”
“Hmm, yeah. I gotta remember that I’m here to work and not to play.”
You stood up from your chair, grabbing your bag and coffee so that you could make it back to the convention area quickly. You had lost track of time, and Chris was urging you to hurry back to get started.
“Not even a little?” Rob smirked.
“I-I mean, yeah, you're here to work,” he stated, suddenly looking away from you as he began to pick at the sleeve on his coffee cup. His almost forward and flirty nature seemed to wash away as he turned nervous. Still, that didn’t keep him from saying things that made you wonder what he was up to. “Doesn't mean you can't… play a little.”
He was glanced up at you again; his words almost quiet and drawn out as if to emphasize that you should allow yourself to ‘play’ as well.
You felt your breath catch, unsure if you were reading this interaction right. That was definitely him flirting, you were sure of it, and you didn’t know the appropriate way to respond.
“Work first though,” you replied, deciding upon the safest response that wouldn’t get you into trouble.
“You don't mix business and pleasure,” he pointed out.
“I didn't say that. But, I probably shouldn't sully name already by messing around. I know Chris has a lot to do, and I'm here to help.”
Rob cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter in his chair, the original air of almost-confidence that he had, completely gone now.
“We’re talking about you not being late, aren’t we?”
“Yeah,” you replied. “Don’t want to make myself look bad on the first day.”
“Well, Y/N, I think it will be impossible for you to look bad.”
You gave him a honest smile and excused yourself again. This time, he nodded at you before you walked away.
You stopped briefly just at the exit, just to turn and look back at him. He hadn't watched you leave as you almost expected him to based on the way he kept his eyes on you through your conversation. You felt slightly disappointed. After all, it was nice to have a good-looking man sort of hit on you, even if he was a bit bad at it.
Once you had left Rob, you had a moment to breathe. That entire exchange had you thrown for a loop. Sure, you had been hit on by a lot of men before, but the thing about Rob was that it was so subtle, you began to wonder if you were just reading into it wrong. He was almost awkward about the things he said, often slipping into a look of complete regret once the words left his mouth.
Perhaps the man was just being friendly and you were overthinking it. Regardless of whether or not he was flirting, you knew you had to work with him as well this weekend. It was probably best not to even think about testing him a bit more, just to see.
You picked up your pace as you headed down the long corridor. You felt bad for making Chris wait, especially on your first day helping him.
A line of fans waited outside of the room as the two of you set up just before the first round of photo ops was about to begin, you decided to ask about the thing Rob had mentioned to you. It was weird that he had been the one to bring it up, but Chris never even said a thing about it. You weren’t mad, but you just wanted clarification.
“So, were you ever going to tell me that you volunteered me for some job with the band?”
“Ah, I was going to tell you,” he smiled. “I was going to wait until later. Thought we could discuss it over dinner.”
“Dinner?” You asked.
You narrowed your eyes at him, unsure of why he would want to wait to talk to you about it and why it had to be done over dinner.
“Yeah, dinner. You do eat don’t you.”
“Of course.”
“I recommended you for a job,” he explained. “But, there won’t be a lot of time to go into details about it right now. I just figured we could go eat and have drinks, relax after our jobs here are done for the day, and talk about it then. If that’s okay with you.”
“Um, yeah,” you replied. “That sounds like a plan.”
You chuckled to yourself, almost embarrassed yet again by your reaction to Chris mentioning having dinner together. Your mind had immediately went to guys asking you out on dinner dates and you knew you shouldn’t just assume that every man was like that.
This would be a business dinner. Nothing more. Besides, you truly enjoyed talking to Chris; and while your relationship had always been professional and kept mainly to emails and the occasional phone call, you really did think of him as a friend. Honestly, it might be nice to get to know him better over a friendly dinner.
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echelonlab-blog · 6 years
Echelon Author Interview -- Lolainblue
Echelon Author Interview
Your URL: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/lolainblue
Your name: Missie (Blue is my nickname)
Link to your Masterlist: https://lolainblue.tumblr.com/post/174506158608/masterlist-20
What was your first experience with 30 Seconds to Mars? A friend had bought their first album and brought it over while hanging out. We listened to a few songs, I immediately fell in love. She asked me “Guess who the lead singer is? It's Jordan Catallano!” I was so stunned. 
Your Favorite Mars song? I could never pick one. There is one for whatever mood I am in. I love Attack, a lot of the old stuff, Buddha for Mary... They have changed so much over the years but I still love all their sounds.
Has anything ever happened to you solely because of being a 30STM fan? There are people that I met only because of Mars, and friends I have made in the fandom I wouldn't have otherwise.
What is your favorite thing about the fandom? Your least favorite? I think this is a very welcoming, supportive, and open fandom for the most part. It does have certain cliques, which is all right, everyone has their things they're into, but it would be nice if they got along a little better.
Is there any advice you would give to someone who is new to the fandom? Don't get too caught up in rumors. There are some people who are crazy obsessive and love to trash talk. It's a strange combo.
How long have you been writing? Since I was in elementary school.
Why did you start writing? (Either in general or for Mars specifically) I went through a catastrophic health event a few years ago. I found myself stuck at home and mostly bed bound, looking at a slow recovery. I started reading more, and also reading more fanfiction. I restarted my Tumblr account and came across some Mars writers. @thepromiseofanend and @fyeahproudglambert were actually among some of the first writers I read here and very much inspired me to keep writing for the fandom.
Do you write for other fandoms? If so, which ones? I have written for other fandoms in the past but right now the only one I am writing for is Mars.
Do you share everything you write? If not, is there a reason why? No. Not everything I write is Mars related, and some of the pieces I am working on only sporadically and I will share when I have more of them written.
Have you written things that aren't fanfic? If so, could you tell us about those works? I have written plays and screenplays, short stories.. I write a lot I am currently working on a paranormal novel that is original fiction.
Of all your works, which is your favorite and why? I think Fangs and Fairytales is probably my favorite, I love horror and vampires and the paranormal, and it's fun to play with an alternate timeline like that.
Is there one that was particularly difficult to write? Why? There is one I am working on currently that is not yet published that I draw from some difficult personal experiences and struggles. I am not entirely sure I will share it when I am done.
What is the ideal writing environment for you? At your desk? Quiet? Music? I work on my laptop and I prefer to have silence. I can't stand having the television or music on when I am writing. The location doesn't matter much but the silence does. If I can't get silence I will put on headphones with ambient sounds, like thunderstorms. When I was writing the first part of Thunderbirds, I had a site that had cafe sounds that I listened to a lot.
What type of fanfic are you most comfortable writing (drama, fluff, angst, drabbles, series, etc.) I absolutely love to write angst. I torture my characters mercilessly. I also tend towards long pieces.
What is your favorite fanfic trope? Enemies to Friends, Ooops there's only one bed, Mutual Pining
Is there any trope or subject that you won't write? There are certain kinks that I don't care for, and extreme stuff is off the table. Don't make me name them all.
Are there any special tools that you use when creating or writing your story? I use either Open Office for short pieces or Scrivener for longer more structured stories. Grammarly is a lifesaver.
Do you write your story in order or do you jump around and then string it together at the end? Mostly in order. I am a very linear thinker.
Do you outline, or do a great deal of prep work or do you 'fly by the seat of your pants'? I have a general outline and a plan for each story. Some are more detailed than others.
How do you usually get your inspiration? Dreams, music, other stories, movies... I get so many ideas, it's the execution that's an issue more than inspiration.
Do you have ideas on the drawing board or in progress currently that you haven't shared yet? Yes. I have two series that I am working on. One I had originally planned to be ready in a few weeks but due to illness I am behind.
If you have an unpublished work in progress, please pick two to three sentences and share them without context.
Jared assured me however that he was fully prepared, gripping me ever tighter as he pressed me into the upholstered bench seating, no sign of shyness in regards to the driver who was currently ferrying us through damp and intimate back streets. The evening's earlier rain had broken and everything was left looking freshly glazed, colors amplified in reflection. It would have been a lovely drive through the Latin Quarter if he had paused from his advances long enough to look out the window.
Do you like requests? Would you like more or less of them? I love requests but I don't always have time. I have several series I am actively working on for myself, several things in the lab, another collaboration as well as original work. But one of my favorite oneshots (Overtime) came from an anon request. You can always ask. I may not be able to fill it but you can always ask.
Is there an upcoming project from you that you are excited about? Why, and what can you share about it? I am excited about all my writing. There is one piece that won't be coming for a while but it's a new Shannon series with a rather different romantic interest.
The best piece of writing advice you've ever received? Eliminate your inner audience. Whenever we write we have a tendency to think of the people who might be reading it and how they will react. It can limit us from being true and fearless with what we are producing. Write for the characters, focus on the story, and don't mentally allow other people to look over your shoulder. Especially when writing smut.
The worst piece of writing advice you've ever received? For overcoming writer's block: Just sit down and write. If I could do that Karen, I wouldn't be complaining about writer's block.
What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting to write fanfic? Don't worry if you don't get a lot of attention to start. Don't worry if your stories aren't as good as others. Just keep writing and try to make each piece a little better than the last one. Compete against yourself. Your writing will grow and develop as you continue to work and as it does you will find your audience.
Three (stories, series, scenes, etc) written by others that you really like or that inspire you? Only three? I think Save Me by @spillinginkwithlove was probably the thing that truly drew me in. Closer to the Edge (@thepromiseofanend) has my OTP of Mia/Jared. @darklydelicousdesires has my favorite piece of Shannon smut, Double Measures
Are any of your characters closer to being “you” than others? Any reason in particular?  All of my characters have tiny pieces of me in them, whether it's a taste in food or future aspiration. In a lot of ways, I think I'm more Jane than anything, a lot of Jane and Roger’s childhood memories come from my own experience growing up in small towns in Illinois and Indiana -- but there are characters in two pieces I am working on that draw deeply from a lot of my life experiences.
Are any of your characters based on someone you know? Roger (from Thunderbirds) is actually very strongly based on an old boyfriend of mine.
Are any of your plots based on something that happened to you? The upcoming pieces Bodies, Rest and Motion and Mirror Ball both draw strongly on my own personal experiences, although the characters are unique as are the circumstances. The stories aren't autobiographical in any way, I have just drawn on things that I have been through and know to create something that conveys those experiences.
Favorite font for writing? Segoe UI ( In 14pt because I'm blind)
Do you consider yourself a reader outside of fanfic?  Yes. I love to read.
Your favorite book? I don't know about any one book, but I love Brandon Mull, Tad Williams, and Charlaine Harris. Also Poppy Z Brite, Terry Pratchett, so much science fiction and horror.....
Your favorite things to do when you're not writing? I love to cook, watch movies, binge Netflix, hang out with my dogs, play video games and just be with my family.
Two truths and a lie? I owned and ran my own catering company, I lived briefly in Italy, I was the drummer for a punk band
Something surprising about you? My original career ambition (and the college program I started in) was for experimental high energy (particle) physics. I still love science. I am a huge nerd.
Favorite food to enjoy while watching Netflix? Popcorn, of course.
Favorite way to spend a Saturday night? The activity doesn't matter to me as much as the company. I just want to be surrounded by good people. I love a good meal and a card or board game with friends and family. (I love tabletop games and have a small collection. Gloom and Betrayal at House on the Hill are two of my favorites.)
Blankets Tucked or Untucked? Untucked!
Do you have any pets? Would you like to tell us about them? I have two rescued pit bulls that are big love bugs (Twilight and Lokii) and two cats, Coyote and Mayhem. Lokii is the only one that is technically mine (Twilight is my son's dog, and the cats are just household pets) and Lokii never leaves my side. He is very protective and watches over me when I am feeling ill. He is also very goofy and loves to play
Are there any particular battles or struggles in your life you'd like to tell us about? I've been through a lot. I have somehow managed to pick myself up and keep going each time I've been knocked down. You have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter what. There's really no other choice. Just keep going. There's always something good ahead.
Anything you'd like to add? I am horrible at initiation and maintaining friendships. It's mostly an anxiety issue, I feel like I'm annoying people, I think they don't want to talk to me, that they simply tolerate me... I know there are lots of you that can relate to that. Chances are really good that I'd like to talk to you, even if I seem stand-offish or seem to have withdrawn. Please don't ever take it personally. And if we've never talked, well feel free to say hi, or ask me a question. I love to chat, I really do, I'm just bad about keeping things going until I get used to people. I take ridiculously long to get used to people. I guess what I'm saying is I'm a big mess and I have social issues but if you're into that, come chat with me.
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bellabooks · 6 years
Annie Briggs and Natasha Negovanlis give us the scoop on their new hit webseries, “CLAIREvoyant”
Over the last few years, Natasha Negovanlis and Annie Briggs have become near and dear to the LGBTQ fandom for their roles in the smash hit webseries/movie, Carmilla. The two castmates and dear friends have now teamed up to being viewers a new comedy series (with it’s share of tender and hard hitting dramatic scenes) about two best friends, Claire and Ruby, who create a fake psychic website to try to drum up rent money. When Claire discovers she might actually be a powerful psychic, it makes a complicated scenario even more challenging, and hilarious. Natasha and Annie not only star in the series, but they are co-creators and writers as well along with Jason Packer. Bella Books sat down with Natasha and Annie to get more of their insights into the series and what it has been like creating something together.   Bella Books: You guys made a web series baby together, and now your baby is out there in the world. What has it been like for you for the past few days, watching all these responses roll in and seeing your creative work out there? Natasha Negovanlis: It’s been wild! I’ve only shat my pants a few times. Annie Briggs: Oh, that’s a good sign. Like Natasha said, it’s been totally wild. These things are always a combination of great excitement and relief and nervousness—the whole bit. Because we had a pre-existing audience, we knew that we would have some viewership. We were very fortunate that we were going into this with an audience already, but what’s been really exciting to see is that there are a number of people in a different demographic who have been responding so positively to it. And it’s been really cool to have friends reach out to us personally, and to see how people are relating to it as well. Natasha: Well, I keep joking that we wrote an absurdist show, and we keep marketing it as an absurdist comedy. But it’s quite funny to see people comment things like, “This scene was too real.”   Bella Books: How did the idea for CLAIREvoyant start in the first place, and how did you know – or did you – that the two of you would work so well together as creators? Annie: Too much wine, Dana. No, no! Natasha: Annie, don’t say these things. Annie: Natasha, you talk to the seedlings of this. Natasha: The creation of CLAIREvoyant was sort of a number of different things. The biggest thing was obviously our mutual fascination for psychics, the occult, and our interest in things like divination and tarot. Years ago, before I had ever met Annie, I had a character that I created, Vivienne, who we ended up using for the psychic. [It really began] just one day with an old roommate because I was down in the dumps. I had just been dumped and fired for my barista job. The only way I knew how to deal with that was to put on every piece of jewelry I owned and sit in my bathtub and call a psychic and make these little videos. But that was a very early, early seedling. And then one day Annie and I were hanging out and just chatting about different things, and I was talking about how I went to a nail salon. I was like, “It’s so interesting. What does she do outside of her work? What is her life like? Who are these people like?” We were just talking about it, and being a couple of silly gals that we are, we came up with these silly characters and we spent the rest of the evening as these characters. The next day Annie texted me and she was like, “I think we might be onto something.” Annie: In terms of the development of the project, we spent quite a few years in development on this. I would say the process was organic in many aspects. The characters we created came out of ourselves, exaggerated aspects of ourselves and other people that we’ve known and lived with. Also, in terms of working together, I feel very fortunate that Natasha and I mind-melded a lot on this project. So, we were really on the same page for a lot of the creative decisions, which was great. It made working together very intuitive and incredibly collaborative. On the flip side of that, we spent a couple years working together on this. It’s not all roses all the time. There were certainly times that were tricky for us when we weren’t seeing eye to eye. That’s just part of the creative process. You don’t know really what you’re getting yourself into when you start out with these things. But I’m still so grateful that on the whole this thing just flew out of us in a really beautiful, collaborative way. Natasha: Yeah, and I think in areas where we didn’t necessarily see eye to eye, our skillsets really complemented one another’s, and we had a lot of trust in each other’s abilities to take on certain areas. I think we just really complemented each other. It was also really nice to just become better friends and strengthen our bond as friends throughout this creative process because a lot of the times that we would meet up it was to work on this show and it really helped us get to know each other better. When we worked on Carmilla, our characters as Carmilla and Perry didn’t really interact with each other that much. We went for the entire first season not really knowing each other. We met on set, but we didn’t get to work together. It was really through different fan events and cast events that we bonded and found out that we had so much in common. I think it was the very first time we hung out alone, one on one, that we came up with the idea for the show, which I just realized in hindsight. It’s so funny! Annie: That’s really true. It was the first time that we just had a solo date. Bella Books: Well, it’s so evident that the two of you are so simpatico in this. In every scene the two of you have such…it’s like, I don’t want to say machine because that makes it sound like it’s stiff, but you’re such a well-oiled machine together. Annie: That’s great to hear. From an acting standpoint, it was an interesting experience coming in to play these roles. We didn’t, as you often do, we didn’t receive the scripts two weeks before filming or ten days before filming. We’ve been sitting with these characters for a couple years. So, by the time we rolled around onto set and actually got to play off each other they were integrated into us in a completely different kind of way. Natasha: Yeah, in a way, we had almost been playing these characters when we would just hang out sometimes. Like we would morph into them. So, I think we really knew our characters, and we had that benefit as well. It was interesting though. I think we did discover a lot about each other on set just doing comedy, you know, learning how to work. Because we actually have quite different acting methods, I would say. I don’t know if you would say that, but we kind of do. Annie: Oh, no. For sure. Natasha: And learning how to balance that. But it still really translated so well because we have so much love and respect for each other. I’m glad that people find it funny.     Bella Books: I love a good, awkward queer. And, Natasha, Claire is gifted with an abundance of awkwardness. And you were talking about how people say, “Oh, man, I relate to that.” That is the thing I have heard more than anything. So many people really relate to Claire’s awkwardness around women. After playing somebody for so long who’s so steady and confident, what was it like to go in the complete opposite direction – so different from Carmilla? It seems like you’re having a blast. Natasha: Oh, I’m having so much fun. People often ask, for both of us actually, if these characters are outside of our comfort zones. We have to say no. As actors you get cast as a number of characters; it’s our job to play different characters. My typecasting is very much a Carmilla type, but Claire is so much closer to me in real life. It’s funny because when we wrote these characters we wanted to create women that people could relate to, but I didn’t set out thinking that those moments would be the relatable moments. I didn’t think, like, “I’m going to write this really relatable character.” I thought that I’m a weirdo and now I’m just going to write this weirdo character. I just kind of put it out into the universe, so it means a lot when people say they relate to it. For so long I’ve been really oversexualized in my roles, which I don’t mind. When I auditioned for Carmilla, people said, “Natasha could have chemistry with a rock.” That’s something I really leaned into for a large part of my twenties. In reality, I had a really awkward, hard time dating women, in particular. Men were easy. Men I knew how to figure out. I started dating men when I was super young, and I kind of knew how it all worked. But because there was almost something greater at stake for me, with women, I just had zero game. Annie: I really loved finishing every day on set and pulling Nat aside and just beaming because I really think she totally shines in this role. Natasha: I think that you shine in this role! Bella Books: I was going to say that you both shine. Annie: It was a real joy to see her play this character, and the whole time I was just grinning to myself being like, “Yep, yep. This is the good stuff.” Natasha: I’m so shocked by that.   Bella Books: I’ve been seeing a lot of young Canadian actors, particularly those that are queer or queer allies, making their own art. What do you think that is, and is that something that’s just really embraced in Canada? Annie: My hunch, or my initial reaction to that, would be that we have a great industry here in Canada, but it’s not the same as in the States. Natasha: Yeah, yeah. Annie: There’s sometimes a sense on our side of things that there’s not the kind of agency or heat oftentimes here. So, I think as an actor, especially when so much of your career, and the trajectory of how things are played out, is in the hands of other people, you can get bored very quickly. I just see a lot of people in Canada deciding to take matters into their own hands if other people aren’t going to be doing it around them. That’s how I feel personally. Natasha: Yeah, I think Annie said it so beautifully. Echoing what she said, I’m obviously such a supporter of the Canadian industry, but it is very different and there is a lack of roles and work. Canadians are less likely to take a chance on a new face. There’s also just less money here, so I think people are, as Annie said, taking matters into their own hands and creating the content they want to create. On the flip side, I do know that Canada provides a lot more government and financial support for digital than in the States. And I do know that there are a lot of grants and small independent production funds and opportunities. So, we’re really lucky in Canada in that regard. Because our film and TV industries are not quite as strong as America’s, I think the digital side has really seen that and ran with it. Annie: And as new creators and people starting out on the other side of the camera in development, it feels like a more accessible way to cut your teeth. Natasha: That being said, I think it’s important to note that we’re really grateful for the opportunity that the IPF provided for us as well. They’re such a great production fund for new creators and we wouldn’t be able to make the show without them. Annie: Hear, hear!     Bella Books: Tell us a little bit more about Nico and Xavier. We haven’t seen a lot of them yet, but from what we have seen they are as charming as all get out. Annie: You will see more of them, Dana. You will! Bella Books: I had a feeling we would. Natasha: What can we say? Bella Books: Or, you know what, you can talk about the actors, Sabryn Rock and Jsin Sasha. That would be great, too. They are also as charming as all get out. Annie: They certainly are. And I will say that both Sabryn and Jsin just rose to the occasion so beautifully. Shooting in digital is a super expedited schedule, and there’s a lot of material to cover. Again, we’re working in comedy with coverage. We were going really fast. It can be difficult for people if they haven’t worked in that way before, but they were fantastic to work with—so giving and funny. Natasha: They were so lovely, and without giving away too much, we do put them in some pretty ridiculous scenarios. So, they were real troopers. Real good sports. What’s exciting also is seeing how people are pleased with the way we cast. But when we auditioned them, they were truly the best people for the roles. What can we say about them though? I’d say Xavier is a very sensitive, poetic, artistic soul, and Nico is a really no bullshit kind of gal.     Bella Books: There are so many killer lines in the series. I was laughing so hard. I’m still dying over the Mary Floppins part. Do each of you have a favorite line or favorite little scene you wrote? Natasha: Actually, the scene where we do talk about our vaginas is one of my favorite scenes because it’s such a real moment. You have the characters close together. You have them bonding, and they’re just having this very matter-of-fact conversation. And when you actually look at the text, they’re saying some pretty ridiculous things. That’s also one of my favorite scenes because there are lines in that scene that all three writers wrote. It was such a collaborative scene.   Bella Books: Alright, I’ve got one more question for you. Natasha, what is something you admire about Annie? And, Annie, same question for you. Both: Oh my godddd. What? Oh no. Annie: Well, I could wax on… Natasha: …About me… Annie: About this lady’s complexity as a human being in myriad of wonderful virtues, but one of the first things that comes to mind, which I continually feel so fortunate to experience from Natasha and saw so much during the creative process in shooting this series, is that Natasha is such a huge champion and supporter of women in the industry. She really does a lot for other ladies, throwing support and shedding light on their other work. This can be a really cutthroat business, where there’s this horrible mentality of scarcity floating around. Natasha does her best and damnedest to combat that. It’s really beautiful to see, and it’s really inspiring. Natasha: Oh my god! That’s really nice. Well, how do I follow that? I think one of my favorite things about Annie is how openminded she is and how non-judgmental she is. Like, I sometimes have the tendency to be a little hot tempered. Wisdom just oozes out of you all the time, and you just have such a sense of maturity. Annie: You know, in university my roommates used to call me Grandmother Willow. And, I was, like, 19 at the time. Natasha: Absolutely, though! I think your ability to be calm and patient and grounded and rational during situations is so inspiring and really helpful when you’re working with someone as a co-creator but then also as a friend. You always give sage advice, but you’re never judgmental when you’re giving it, and that’s what I really like.   CLAIREvoyant airs on the KindaTV Youtube channel with new episodes premiering on Wednesdays at 7pm EST.   http://dlvr.it/QV4SpP
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bthenoise · 6 years
Q&A: Ice Nine Kills’ Spencer Charnas Talks Horror Movies, ‘The Silver Scream’ and Touring With Atreyu
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This interview previously aired on idobi Radio and is for everyone who was too lazy to tune in. Enjoy!
Listen up, everybody. If you’ve yet to check out Ice Nine Kills’ gory, hard-hitting, horror-obsessed LP The Silver Scream then it’s clear you are not living the best Halloween life possible. 
With 13 tracks all centered around some of the best horror films including Halloween, Friday The 13th, Saw, Jaws and many more, Ice Nine Kills’ latest release has quickly become an instant October staple around The Noise office.
And now, just one week away from the best holiday of the year (fight us if you don’t agree), we thought it’d be more than appropriate to give you all our interview with Ice Nine Kills mastermind Spencer Charnas as he discusses all things horror, The Silver Scream and their upcoming Noise Presents tour with Atreyu, Memphis May Fire and Sleep Signals.
To check out our chat with Charnas as he details where his horror-fandom came from, the movie he wishes he wrote about on The Silver Scream plus the influence Atreyu had on his band early on in their career, be sure to see below. Afterward, make sure to grab a copy of Ice Nine Kills’ new album and pick up tickets to see the band out on tour here.       
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With Atreyu being one of the first metalcore bands you started listening to, how does it feel to get to go out and do a full US tour with them?
Spencer Charnas: It’s an absolute honor. You know, being someone in a band that was totally influenced by Atreyu -- I remember when we started to be more metal, Atreyu was 100% an influence on myself, especially the album The Curse. So the fact that Atreyu even knows who we are, let alone wants us to open for them, is just a really big honor. It’s kind of surreal.
Have you gotten to know Atreyu at all over the years?
I met them on Warped Tour 2016 when they were on that tour. I remember Brandon [Saller drums/vocals] watched us some of the days when they were on the tour. You know, we just talked here and there backstage, they were super nice and actually invited me to come out and sing “Lip Gloss and Black” with them on one of the dates. So that was really cool. Other than that, just small talk through Instagram and just telling them I’m really excited about touring with them and they just seem like really nice, genuine guys.
Obviously you have a new record to promote on this tour. Are you guys going to be playing any new songs?
Definitely. We’re probably going to play about five or six new songs from the album.
Wow, that’s awesome! When it comes to your tours, you guys usually have a good amount of production. For this Atreyu tour, do you guys plan on doing something similar?
Well you know, when you’re a support act you really can’t go all out. There are restrictions on what you can do because you’re not the headliner. But we’re going to do as much as they let us. I think the real production for us and with this album will be saved and reserved for when we can headline.
So let’s talk The Silver Scream. You guys took somewhat of a risk putting so much into this album with the movie-like music videos and the somewhat style change on certain singles. To have all the success it’s had so far, where do you hope that leads to moving forward?
I just really hope that every horror fan that’s out there, or as many as possible who have never heard the band, really embrace this record. From what I’ve seen, from industry people I know or people that are in the horror movie world who aren’t really familiar with the Warped Tour scene or the metalcore scene or even the Octane scene, they’ve just been telling me that they love this album and they love the concept even though they aren’t really well-versed in the world of metal where we come from. And you know, [they’re saying] that [The Silver Scream] is getting them into this kind of music, so that’s really good to hear. At the end of the day, I think our number one goal is to please the people who have been with us for a long time, that have supported the band through thick and thin and we just want to give them something special. That’s the number one goal.
So with all of the songs on The Silver Scream having some sort of a horror movie tie-in, which song do you think was the hardest to fit with a movie?
I think they all presented their own challenge, I don’t think I can narrow it down to just one. But speaking generally, one of the biggest challenges was making a song, whether it’d be [based off the] Halloween or Friday the 13th franchise, and giving a voice to a character that never speaks. That was just challenging in itself. Some of the characters, be it Eric Draven from The Crow or Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street, those are characters that speak and have a voice and it’s very clear what their personality would be if they were singing, in my opinion. But there’s also Michael Myers who never utters a word through all his films. So just kind of playing with that and trying to figure out how to throw my voice in a way that is different and distinct in trying to give each character on the album their own voice was challenging. I think probably the most difficult one if I had to pick was Pennywise from IT. You know, because that’s a character that goes from a jovial clown voice that has to entice a little kid into the sewer system in order to bite off his arm. And then, from being jovial and happy as a clown to switching to basically the devil who eats kids was a difficult challenge but it was fun to play with.
Do you think you guys would have still done “IT Is The End” had the new IT not come out? Do you think seeing the remake helped inspire you? 
I’m not really sure. I’ve always been a fan of the original. I think Tim Curry in that original film was brilliant. I believe the guy that directed the original, Tommy Lee Wallace, was very involved in the Halloween franchise directing Halloween III. So I’m just really a fan of that and I really think the new one honestly lived up to the hype. I thought it was beautifully executed, you know with Tim Curry, those are some big clown shoes to fill and Bill Skarsgard is just great. And yeah, I think it brought it back on my radar, not that it ever really left, but it kind of just kicked it up a bit.
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Speaking of remakes, are you excited for the new Halloween?
Oh man! To say I’m excited would be a large understatement. I absolutely can’t wait. Everything I’ve heard about it is so great.
You don’t think it will flop like some of the newer Halloweens?
You know, I’m sort of a big fan of the franchise as a whole -- there’s only a couple that I’m not really a fan of. But you know, just based on what I’m seeing as far as studio projections and just the all-around hype on the film and the fact that Jamie Lee Curtis is back and John Carpenter is involved and doing the score, I don’t know, I don’t think it can miss. And from what I’ve heard, the reviews have been overwhelming that this is a sequel that finally lives up to the original.
And speaking of the Halloween franchise, you recorded some vocals for The Silver Scream at the Michael Myers house, right?
Yeah, I took advantage of the fact that I live in West Hollywood now and I went and recorded some of the vocals, some of the small post-production stuff, on the properties of the Michael Myers house in Pasadena and 1428 Elm Street -- the house from Nightmare on Elm Street which is technically not really on Elm Street but it is the actual number 1428 just like the iconic number from the series.
That’s cool! How did you set that up? You just went and did it?
I just went and did it and hoped no one called the cops [laughs].
So back to The Silver Scream, were there any movies that you wanted to write a song about but it just wasn’t able to make the record?
Yeah, you know one of my favorite horror movies and favorite films of all time is Scream. I definitely wanted to get that one on the record but it just wasn’t coming out to my standards and the last thing I want would be a song based on my favorite movie to not be my favorite song ever written. So unfortunately we didn’t get that ready in time but we do pay tribute to the great, late Wes Craven with [”The American Nightmare”]. So I was happy that we could get a Wes Craven influence on the album because he’s so great and we love his work.
You guys have a lot of guest features on this new record. Was that a goal coming into the writing process or did that happen organically?
It kind of happened organically. You know, when I locked in one feature I was like “Man, this is so cool!” The first feature that I sort of had the idea was Randy [Strohmeyer] from Finch. Finch is one of my favorite bands [who is] very inspirational to my writing. And I recently became friends with him and getting him on the album was really cool. Then I met Fenix TX when we were on tour in London and I struck up a friendship with those guys and went out to write with the singer Will [Salazar] and then told him how the song came out so cool [so we] got him to sing on it. And then Tony [Lovato] from Mest, another one of my favorite pop-punk bands. And then, when we were working on the song about IT, it just had this like circus flare and we were like, “Man, wouldn’t it be so cool to get Less Than Jake on this?” and we were like “Yeah, but that would never happen.” And we kind of reached out to their people and they were totally into it, which was kind of surreal. They were like “Ah man, a heavy band like this has never asked us to do anything like this!” They were super cool. On other collaborations, we had Jeremy Schwartz who I started the band with in high school who hasn’t been in the band in almost ten years. He came back and we wrote a song together and we got him on the album. My friend, Chelsea Talmadge, who is just a great singer and is a part of that show Stranger Things. We got her to sing and she did a beautiful job. And yeah, it all just came out great.
Hearing some of the people you got as guest vocals, it almost sounds like this is your dream album come true. Not only are you getting to sing about some of your all-time favorite horror movies but you’re also getting to work with some of your all-time favorite bands. 
It’s awesome man. Just getting praise from people that I know in horror and people who have produced horror documentaries that I grew up watching, like Anthony Masi who produced the His Name Was Jason documentary and the Halloween: 25 Years of Terror documentary. You know, them just saying this is one of their favorite albums they’ve ever heard, it’s just great. At the end of the day, I’m a fan myself, so to see other people who are so passionate about the genre embrace our album [is great]. 
Obviously this isn’t an easy question to answer but what do you think initially drew you to the horror genre?
You know, it’s odd. I’ve been into it since I was a little kid. Basically, my love for the genre was birthed at a local video store that was in a grocery store where I grew up. My mom would go shopping and bring me along and to kill time I would hang out in this video store. And you know, for whatever reason I was drawn to the aisle that said “Horror.” And I would look to see the artwork on the covers of these VHS tapes like Halloween and Friday The 13th and I wanted to see what this shit was about. My parents were cool enough to let me watch those films and I think they assumed I’d grow out of it. I guess, you know, 25 years later I’m talking on the phone about it and making an album, so I guess I didn’t grow out of it [laughs]. But yeah, I don’t know. I think maybe some of it was like, I always dressed up like Michael Myers on Halloween and [I would think how] if I was the monster, then the monster couldn’t get me.
Do you think if music never panned out, you would’ve tried to find a way to work in horror movies?
Absolutely! It’s kind of one of my other goals. We’re making this movie and I’m acting in it. I’ve never acted before and I’ve got a lot to learn. But helping come up with the videos, scripts and screenplays, it’s just something I’d like to get into. Someone like Rob Zombie is so cool because he does music and he directs films. You know, maybe someday down the line, I can accomplish that dream too.
How nerve-racking was it to do the acting and be so involved with this project?
It was definitely nerve-racking and watching the videos I could definitely tell I got better over time. There were some amateur moves I didn’t know I was doing, like little nervous ticks. But from what a lot of people are saying, the kind of people who wouldn’t bullshit me, actually said they think I could maybe do it someday with some practice. They think that I was pretty good but we’ll see [laughs].
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at1stsoo · 7 years
Recap of last year’s fics
It’s time to reflect on last year, which was my second calendar year for writing but my first full year, so here’s a fic meme rundown on my stories from 2017. (Fic links here will be for AFF, but I’ll link my ao3 account at the end for anyone who prefers that platform.)
Total stories published: *This depends on whether you’re looking on AFF or ao3. It’s 9 on AFF (where Orbiting Bodies is all together), 14 on ao3. And then I did 5 drabbles that were just on Twitter/Tumblr if those count?
Total Word Count: ~125k
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? Definitely more. I had embraced the idea of continuing to write for 2017, but I thought it’d be here and there, not so continuously?
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? All Kaisoo still, but I did write Xiuchen almost as equally in Sometimes, Legends Lie. I actually almost listed them as the primary pairing, haha, just to throw people off my trail in the Mythology fest, but the heart of the story is more Kaisoo (even if Xiuchen got equal ‘screen’ time). I’ve written Chanbaek as a side pairing, but that’s not new.
New genre: I’m out here writing mythology with world building requirements? Soulmate au? Action/Adventure? Basically anything that’s not slice of life, I’m still surprised I did it. What’s your own favorite story of the year? I think… I have to give the nod to Signal Lost (& Found). But I’m really proud of how I ventured out with Campaigning for Your Heart at the start of 2017, so I’ll mention that one, too. Did you take any writing risks this year? Lots? I hadn’t written much humor (a little near the end of Waxing & Waning), so Campaigning was a risk. Uhhhh also all the smut. Which I hadn’t tried wholeheartedly until Campaigning.
Runner up: Of Keepsakes and Kisses, but it got a lot of love during the Best Days of Our Lives fest on LJ. The most fun story to write: What the Nightingale Spies. It ended up being longer in the middle chapters than I’d planned bc I was having fun writing the flirting and the missions. And the reception has been great - I love laughing with you guys in the comments. The story with the single sexiest moment: Ch 12 of Orbiting Bodies (Jongin’s New Favorite Song) - the bathroom scene OR Campaigning for Your Heart - Soo using his fancy tie on Nini The most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: Uh… the epilogue of For Me, You’ll Always Be 18 was written right after New Year’s last year, so… yeah, that. The story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Signal Lost (& Found). I didn’t know Kyungsoo’s character super well when I first outlined the story, since I was focused on Jongin’s POV and his journey. I kinda kept Nini’s mindset a lot in the beginning of writing that story, to try and capture his fears and doubts faithfully before letting myself 'learn/see’ Kyungsoo more clearly once they were ready to meet. The hardest story to write: What the Nightingale Spies. It was supposed to be my easy going, no stress writing project amid the fests. Ha. HA. But I’m very proud of what I’ve managed to do with it. The biggest disappointment: I don’t know that I have one? Maybe not spending as much time on my Orbiting Bodies chs as I 'should’ sometimes. I prioritize speed to churn those out in the moment when something Kaisoo happens, so I know the quality often isn’t there in the same way as much of my other writing. (But it’s really fun to fangirl with you all right as stuff happens!) The biggest surprise: That I’m even closer with my squad (that I met here on AFF thru reading/writing) than I was last year. That Indi is my fic wife and I get to beta just about everything of hers and she’s there for me, too, whenever I need her? How did I get so LUCKY?!? The most unintentionally telling story: Uh… What the Nightingale Spies is a pretty big ode to Kyungsoo’s voice, which I love. Favorite Opening Line(s): “Ayyyy, who left a sock in the fridge?” Chen whines.
“LEFT a sock in the fridge? Don’t you mean who put a sock in the fridge? Don’t normalize it. Since when is the office refrigerator an appropriate place to store hosiery?” Wendy asks between bites of her muffin. - What the Nightingale Spies
Favorite Closing Line(s): I’m gonna be insufferable here and say I love just about all my closing lines. It’s something I actually spend a fair amount of time on.
Top favorites: Signal Lost (& Found), Sometimes Legends Lie, and Ch 8 of Orb Bodies (The Space Between Right & Wrong). The first two are major spoilers to the fics, so here’s the ending of the OB chapter (Soo’s sad poem in the shape of a broken heart)-
Unhealthy, maybe But I can’t help believe.
In another place, In another time, You’d still Be Mine.
Favorite 5 Lines from Anywhere:
I can’t do this properly bc I hate potentially spoiling anything; here’s a half-assed attempt:
““Why on earth would I miss having my eyes assaulted by routinely bad dye jobs and socialist propaganda?” Kyungsoo retorts while calmly packing up all his things into his Fendi bag, taking longer than normal to gather up his myriad of note-taking materials. Is he lingering? He’s not lingering. Why would he linger.” - Campaigning for Your Heart
“Long ago they might have tried brushing off each other’s compliments with a self-effacing, ‘No I’m not,’ but they’ve grown comfortable over the years in accepting those sincere endearments. The beauty of a love fully bloomed, where fear of seeming immodest or worrying the other is only pandering has long since faded away.” - Of Keepsakes and Kisses
““Settle down, drama llama. Maybe you’re just taking my advice to calm your tits too seriously, and while you would’ve bent over for any dick yesterday, you’re limp for even Gong Yoo today.” - Signal Lost (& Found) [my real fave lines from this fic are in the final scene]
"A thrill runs through Kai’s body. “Oh. Well that’s, um, that’s good,” he says tentatively, not wanting the eagerness to burst out like a fucking Bat-Signal in the night sky.” - What the Nightingale Spies
“I’ve choked guys out with my thighs before.” Great, that’s an image Jongin will never get out of his head. Might as well chisel it on his bedroom ceiling - it’s all he’s going to see when he tries to sleep tonight, he just knows it. - What the Nightingale Spies
Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated: 1. Jongin standing in the art gallery in Signal Lost (& Found)
2. The moment Kaisoo meet in What the Nightingale Spies
3. Kyungsoo and Jongdae’s conversation in Tartarus in Sometimes, Legends Lie
4. The pamphlets falling around Kaisoo when they kiss in Campaigning for Your Heart
5. Kaisoo standing together, holding hands and watching the sunset on the back of Soo’s yacht in Sail Away With Me Fic-writing goals for 2018:
Hmmm, trying a new genre like either fantasy/mama AU or wolf AU. Finishing the epilogues I promised for my fest fics.
Thank yous:
To everyone who’s become a friend, a reader, or a commenter. You guys are awesome and a MAJOR reason why I’m still writing and writing a lot. my ao3 account with works sorted by popularity in case you want to check out any of the ones I mentioned in this recap.
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Ace-friendly SH Fics: Masterlist
Alrighty folks so strap in, here is the first round of my ace-friendly Shadowhunters fic rec list! It’s so hard to have to navigate fics that should have a canon asexual character, always just vaguely expecting disappointment (cough Raphael). So. All of the fics on this list are ace-friendly in some way or another, whether it’s tagged/talked about or even intended by the author or not- they do NOT invalidate Raphael’s asexuality (using the definition of asexuality as not experiencing sexual attraction, irrespective of feelings toward sex. And while this list does have some aroace!Raphael, it is specifically for ace!Raphael)  This’ll cover everything from ace-friendly smut for my smut-inclined friends (meaning Raphael is not sex-repulsed in those, but still ace) to platonic/solo stuff for those of my friends who are less romance-inclined. I also threw in some headcannons of other SH characters. Let me know what you all think! (Things not under the “smut” category do not have any written descriptions of sex to the best of my memory and brief scan-throughs, but please let me know if there’s something in the general list that should be under smut). If you’re strongly sex-repulsed please use your usual discretion. (And everyone just please read the tags in general).   One final note: keep in mind that this is just a collection of fics that are supportive of asexuality. While these are fics I personally enjoyed/read often, this list is not an endorsement of all aspects of the content (ie. the way other identities are handled, etc.) This list is meant to account for different tastes, just with the bonus relief of knowing asexuality is there. So, here we go! 
(I’m ridiculous and can’t do regular summaries; my comments on each rec- if any- are in the brackets): 
Saphael (without direct mention of asexuality but still unequivocally respecting it):
The Heart of An Adventurer by DustinMcDreamy 
Skyrim/Dark Ages AU: Simon is a simple tavern worker, but he wants more than his boring life. An adventurer stays the night at their Inn and Simon is enamored with both the adventurer and his wonderful life. 
(so this is a lovely person who I’ve been collaborating with and they are honestly such an ally and their stories are wonderful, this one is probably my favourite but you can check out their page for other stuff)
put the boom boom into my heart by idontshaveforsher_yesyoudo
"Or maybe something like soulmates always sneeze at the same time and I cant be sure but me and this kid in my French class just sneezed at the same time are we soulmates or was it a coincidence (proceed w character trying to make themselves sneeze around said person to see what’s what)"
or, the one where simon hates his life and Mr. Immaculate Hair doesn't make it better, until he does
Forgotten at Dusk by halfmast Simon finds Raphael wandering around Manhattan barefoot - things go downhill (uphill?) from there.
(So I think this is the only one I’ve included that’s an unfinished WIP and is also NOT explicitly laid out as asexual- because I can’t guarantee it won’t change in later chapters. It also has one chapter left and hasn’t updated in a while so if that rattles you, don’t touch. But it’s beautifully written and sweet and a neat concept, and so far doesn’t contradict asexuality!)
before I ever met you by izzyasavestheday (stilessexual) “I’m missing something,” Simon went on, voice cracking. “I’m missing someone but no matter how hard I try I just can’t fucking remember.”
Can you find me someone to love? by domoiswatchingyou
They all have one thing in common: they are all bad at love, even when some of them love to deny it. (Saphael and Malec AU WIP) (And I gotta say guys, I beta for this lovely person- and thus actually have a hand in writing the ace parts- and they are a wonderful individual. Asexuality not mentioned as of yet but will be upcoming). 
baby, I’m not made of stone by izzyasavestheday (stilessexual)
“Did I ever tell you that we feel everything? The clan, I mean. If I focus enough, I can tell you who’s sad and who’s angry and who hasn’t been sleeping properly. I can tell you who’s been having nightmares. There are no secrets here.”
i'd spend all nine lives with you by alaricrodriguez
simon gets himself turned into a kitten and raphael can't find his fledgling
(this is just little and cute and there’s no explicit effort made to make Raph ace but I guess I’m kind of cheating since it’s from Simon’s POV and doesn’t come up at all but it’s not contradicted and I love this fic so)
echo series by izzyasavestheday (stilessexual) “Right,” Raphael brought himself to his feet, smooth as anything. “Let’s go.” Simon gapped up at him, “Go where?” Raphael rolled his eyes, impressively, (like he didn’t care, like he didn’t care about Simon, but he was here and they both knew neither of them could ever stop caring no matter how much they continued to hurt one another) and heaved a spectacular sigh. “Home.” -
Saphael (ft. actual conversations about asexuality/the word is spoken):
Somebody out there by mckvch (RaiseYourVoice)
(Road trip fic, which is classic of course. PLEASE read the tags. Could be interpreted as demi/gray ace but I identify as just ace and it fits me just fine. This is one of the first fics I read coming into this fandom, and the first one that made me fall in love with Saphael, and it’s got an insanely special warm fuzzy place in my heart) (Also 27 chapters, so how can you complain about that???) The acing on the cake by mckvch (RaiseYourVoice) 
““Oh, come on, puns are amazing! Tell me your sexuality and I’m sure we will have at least one shirt that’ll appeal to you.”  Simon patted the pile of shirts in front of him and smiled hopefully at Raphael who really wanted to disagree and tell the boy he was wasting his time here but he couldn’t bring himself to.” (pride!fic) (this author has some of my favourite ace!Saphael fics ever, and like an endless supply of them with everything under the ace/aro umbrella) A Lesson in Love series by Malteser24 ”Simon thinks it will be difficult to adapt to their new situation - in which they don't actually hate each other - and Raphael can't imagine their date as being anything but awkward, considering how out of his depth he is when it comes to dating.Instead, they actually have a fairly good time.” like a love song on the radio by eversall 
Simon's a bartender, Raphael plays the piano, and somehow they manage to communicate to each other that yeah, they both want this. 
Rock Solid Panda by OhHolyHell
(Made for pan pride day, “Raphael is actually a thoughtful softie” (and so is Simon!) (ft. ace puns)) Disasters that lead to pretty boys (are worth it) by gayinsight "My friend is out of town and I’m supposed to be taking care of her pet fish but it died and you work at the pet store help me find one that looks the same so she won’t notice!" (this one has a hella flirtatious Raphael making some jokes that imply sexual attraction but it doesn’t actually HAVE him experience it and it’s honestly one of the cutest, funniest little Saphael fics ever so) 
if i ever had your number, i think i would use it by eversall
“You – why is your number in the Pandemonium bathroom?”
(classic meet-ugly sorta vibe) I am a pile of bricks and you are holding a sledgehammer by LiviKate “So when do I get tucked safely back under Raphael’s wing?” “You won’t,” Lily said, wandering over to the other side of the room to get her own drink. “Raphael has a new fledgling now. You’re stuck with me.” Or, when Simon isn't the newest vamp in the clan, he has a hard time sharing.
Promised It All, But You Lied by sirknightmordred As Raphael lies in a magical coma that can't be cured, Simon thinks back to pivotal moments in their relationship. (There IS a warning for fairly descriptive sexual assault, but it’s actually surrounded by bolded words in the story so easy to skip. And it does not attribute his ace-ness to the assault, but it’s also rep for those of us who are ace AND have negative experiences with sexual violence) 
Sing me a Song by Margo_96
the one where Simon teaches Raphael's younger brother how to play the guitar and Raphael is not happy. or maybe he doesn't mind it that much (Okay so this is one that kind of equates asexual to ‘not wanting sex,’ and Raphael does have very strong infatuation so not so much representative of romantically-fuzzy people. Hooweeverr, it’s cute af, and I like Simon’s initial reaction to the coming out, and it’s 8 chapters, so worth a read for sure) until i’m not afraid by angelblooddemondust
(Trans!Simon (which I can’t speak to at all) ft ace!supportiveRaph (which I can)) (read the notes) -
Saphael (ft. smut):
Head is spinning thinking ‘bout by LiviKate 
Simon and Raphael enjoy their time together, even if Simon doesn't really know what to call it.
Or, gratuitous vampire sex with some ace-spectrum themes because there's not enough Asexual Raphael.
(This is a lot of blood drinking, which is not my fav, but it’s brilliant in terms of what a sex-positive ace might look like and how they experience sex- it’s from Raph’s POV, and it’s quite good overall imo. Probably my favourite ace!smut)
Just Pull me Closer by SomeWaywardDaughter  After spending an irritating patrol with Clary and Jace, Simon just wants to get back to Hotel DuMort and Raphael. (so I’mma be honest I was in a pretty sex-repulsed mood while doing this part so I didn’t fully reread it to be sure it’s safe but it’s literally written by a self-professed ace author and I did see reference to the aceness amidst the smut so I’m pretty sure we’re good)
What is Desired by DustinMcDreamy (I’m not going to include descriptions for smut because many of them are potentially triggering in nature for sex-repulsed friends, but this one is a dom/sub sort of thing, pretty hella kinky so buyers beware. It’s messy on the ace-front (the author started the series before Raphael came out, and had to add it retroactively) but there’s some good lines in there in particular for gray ace or demi folks who are experiencing lust for someone for the first/only time, etc.) chasing starlight by  mostlikelydefinentlymad There was no set destination, simply one agreed upon prerogative: drive. (So this isn’t technically smut insofar as there’s no actual explicit description of sex, it’s basically all blood drinking, but it’s a heavily implied metaphor and Raphael’s blood lust for Simon is very reminiscent of sexual attraction, so that part kind of doesn’t reflect how I feel as an ace person. BUT Raphael does not actually experience sexual attraction, the story is quite lovely, and the author is quite lovely as well, so I’d still recommend it)
Caught. by Kalifa (Lol this is short and not super smutty either but it’s like #sexindifferentfeels all the way)  -
Raphael and Other Characters ( back to no smut):
love comes in at the eye by prettydizzeed
The first time he asks Raphael out, Raphael scoffs.
(A Raphael/Meliorn fic- and I gotta tell you I didn’t even ship these two but the characterization is beautiful and the handling of the asexuality is a dream)
maybe we're just gonna live forever, maybe heaven's a mistake by prettydizzeed
Raphael presses the pendant into his palm and looks at Magnus. “How did you become okay with it?” Magnus gives a flourish of his hand. “After the whole ‘half demon blood, scorned by the earth as a monster’ thing, liking boys wasn't that big of a deal.” He sees Raphael's expression and adds gently, “But it's different for everyone.” Raphael looks at his hands. Lets go of the cross. “How do I become okay with it?” Incompatible by NotEvenThat
Raphael wants to know why their relationship works for Jace. As with everything, Jace struggles to talk about his feelings and why Raphael Santiago makes him feel so safe. (I can’t even get over how much I love that this fic makes asexuality seem like a bonus rather than a burden in a relationship- which shouldn’t be rare, but alas)
landscapes by brightclam
(Another Raph/Meliorn, those seem to be popular! Ft. gender nonconforming Meliorn and the tags “Asexual Raphael Santiago” “i shouldn't have to tag that but some of y'all demons ignore that” which made me laugh for like 5 minutes)
- Arospec!Raphael/Romance not Mentioned:
Make Yourself at Home by savannahrunes
Two occasions Raphael Santiago shows up at Magnus's door, each time with something quite important to say. (This is my favourite aroace Raphael fic ever and made me cry both times I read it. Also written by an ace author) (do yourself a favour and read this even if you’re not arospec- although that goes for all of them in this category) (he is legitimately 100% aro in this) 
Unnamed Soulmate AU by http://parabatri-gonebabygone.tumblr.com
(So I couldn’t trace this back to AO3 or even the author’s most recent tumblr but it’s so beautiful and I love this fic so much and the author (in my limited opinion) did an amazing job of having an aroace soulmate dynamic and gah, yes)
Four Times Raphael Santiago Was Kissed, and the One Time He Kissed First by albabutter 
His mother should have had a house full of girls. Instead she ended up with him and his brothers and a rag tag crew of every teenaged hooligan in a five mile radius running through her home. She was quick to grab an ear but quicker to give a hug, and Raphael put up with it as well as could be expected. She gave hugs to the neighborhood boys and kisses to her sons, and the only silver lining was that she didn’t wear lipstick. (honestly this is one of my favourite Raphael fics in general, and I believe the author only intended for him to be ace in this but I definitely interpret it as at least aro-spec as well if not just straight-up aroace)  When’s a monster not a monster? by scalira “He had never heard about something like this before. You either liked the opposite sex or you lived in sin as someone who liked the same sex. But he had never heard of people just not liking any sex.He decided to just let it rest for now, pushing the worry aside till he at least graduated highschool. But then there was a friend, and his name was David.” (*** Warning: there is a fairly sudden mention of oral sex near the beginning. And some descriptions of violence. But this is one of my favourite ace-fics in the way that it explains what asexual attraction feels like for me, and Raph is also  grey-homoromantic so bonus) (this author has lots of varying ace and demi/grayromantic/etc Raphael fics too to check out) Carpe Noctem by UMsArchive  For decades, it seems like unlife couldn't get any better and nothing threatens to take all of that happiness away from Simon. Aside from the passing of time that slowly takes everything away from him. Almost everything. (Listed as demiromantic, but as far as I can remember doesn’t even have kissing by the end so it should be fairly aro-friendly) 
Maybe by mckvch(RaiseYourVoice)
“ Yeah, he definitely didn’t want to kiss girls, ever, but boys...not so much, either.” (arospec Raphael with some ambiguousness about his feelings for Simon) It's Not a Date (Unless I Pay for Dinner) by  Vitamin_Me Clary cancels their date last minute, but Simon ends up having a good time despite himself. (So I don’t think this author really intended on having Raphael be aro or even ace, but while I’m not aro and can’t be sure, I think this fic should be pretty safe even for people who are mildly romance-repulsed. There’s definitely implications of feelings- especially from Simon- but really I interpret it as being this chill, mostly platonic, nice little fic that makes me feel pretty good when I’m sick of all the heavy romance stuff) 18. Play A Musical Instrument by GideonGraystairs
So this is just a tiny drabble amidst a sea of drabbles but I love it because it’s one of the only fics I’ve seen that’s literally JUST Raphael, reflecting, by himself. It doesn’t say he’s ace/aro anything, it just doesn’t have any romantic arc at all) -
ace!Alec Lightwood:
Accidental Fate by allonsyarielle 
There were two things Alec Lightwood knew about himself beyond a shadow of a doubt. The first was that he was gay. The second was that he does not like sex. Through a chance encounter with Magnus Bane, Alec learns about asexuality, and it opens his eyes to a new part of his identity. (okay so this one did sort of equate asexuality with “not wanting sex” but I still included it because I think it’s a frank take on how it can feel to realize you’re asexual, and all of the negative emotions that can come with that) Sleepovers Aren’t Just for Kids by SomeWaywardDaughter Ace!Alec discovery his sexuality (written by an ace author) -
Others SH headcannons: 
Send My Love To Your New Lover by HornedQueenOfHell 
(This one is about ace!Etta, one of Magnus’s old exes. It also does the ace=not wanting sex thing, but the author is ace-spec so it’s got some perspective for sure. And it’s written so beautifully and such a lovely concept. **Warning for ace-phobia and brief sexual harassment) (I cried the first time I read this) El Hijo De Santa Muerte by Gzmoii “He stepped aside, letting Guadalupe in. She walked in with a careful nod, looking around at Magnus’ loft. Magnus snapped his fingers behind his back, hiding the potions and other magical ingredients around the loft. Given that Guadalupe wasn’t a mundane, she wouldn’t be able to notice the subtle shift as everything around the room moved. Guadalupe’s head snapped toward him, “What was that?” She asked.” (So this actually DOES have ace!Raphael, but I’m putting it here because it also has aro!Guadalupe Santiago, which is hella rad) (22 ch and counting) 
You Aren’t Broken by allonsyarielle
(Ace!Alec but also demiromantic!Magnus)
-- -- -- Alright, that’s it for now!  Hope you all got something out of this! If you are one of the authors listed here and you want your fic/name OFF the list, please message me. If you have written an ace-friendly fic that you want included, hmu and I’ll check it out. Depending on demand, I’ll hopefully be doing updated lists every so often, as well as spin-offs (for example, I have a small but growing list of Malec fics that just so happen to have really sweet comments about asexuality, or have ace!Raphael as a minor character). If you want to request any specific type of fic, please feel free to ask me, I’ve literally got folders overflowing. Have a lovely, ace-friendly day! 
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