#me eyeing Die like girl can u take 3 of them??
kurikive · 2 months
sticky | kim minji
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things between you and minji are... sticky this summer.
— childhood friends to lovers, summer trip, soccer player!reader, slowish burn, lowkey bromance, futchish READER 💜
contains : cursing, kinda slight makeoutism, a lot of bro and dude, just a little bit of angst but i promise its literally nothing, NOT proofread at all i am tireeeddd
wc: 13.7k words
inspired by : Sticky — KISS OF LIFE
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You're not really sure how you got here.
You’re watching the sunset at the beach with Kim Minji, your hand in between hers and the sand below you, your face two inches from her own, your lips two seconds away from colliding.
Actually, let's rewind.
It’s summer! It's been 3 long years of being away in Seoul. A soccer scholarship was always great, and you were having a fantastic time with your teammates and classmates, but you were completely burnt out after these exhausting last 6 months.
Korea University Anam Tigers proudly win 3rd place in the U-League for the first half of the season. 5 wins, 2 draws, 3 losses. Not too bad. You did better last year, but you're sure you'll recover and bounce back during the second half. Or maybe it was the alcohol and smell of grilled beef that was making you emotional.
After you finalize your amazing speech with a broken voice and a tear threatening to leave your eye, you realize you're actually quite drunk. The applause of your teammates startles you, and they may be mocking your sentimental state with their laughs and ‘aww’s and teasing pushes, but they cheer you on anyway.
“Han Y/N!” One of your teammates, Hsu Nientsu, also pretty tipsy, nudges your left arm as you sit back down, “Don't get so sensitive with us now!”
“Our Y/Nie gets emotional when drunk, huh?” Central striker Ahn Yujin, leader of the team, pinches one of your red cheeks from across the table, action to which you groan at.
“I just…” You sigh, drowsy and teary eyes block your vision yet you can still tell all your teammates are looking at you. “I really love our team and want us to do our best…” You make a mental note to never get drunk with your team again when they coo at you for a second time.
“Well then,” Oh Haewon starts pouring you another shot (she usually would make you pour it yourself, but your flimsy arms and hung head bring out the instinct to take care of you instead), “Let's climb up the leaderboard for Leftie!” She declares as she leaves the small glass of soju on your side of the table.
You hate the nickname. Nientsu came up with it the first year of your scholarship because when you were supposed to be in central midfield you spent most of your time on the left side of the field, for some reason. Her broken Korean and teasing nature muttered the name in an attempt to mock you and everyone started repeating after. You can't complain much about it. It stuck too well.
You take the shot and grimace at the bitter taste of alcohol. You're still not used to it even after countless team dinners.
Won Haneul, your roommate, best friend and goalkeeper, laughs at your expression. The other girls have already picked up their own conversation, yet she seems very entertained at your drunken state, “Unnie, are you sure you don't want to go?” You've told her multiple times to drop the formalities, it's a one year difference; she keeps refusing.
You look to your right and you (hardly) see her looking at you worried, but still smiling. It takes a couple seconds for you to process her words. “I… I think I should go.” You slur, you're sure you'll die if you take another shot.
Haneul nods, understanding as always. “Guys, I think me and Y/N unnie are gonna head back now!” You hear your teammates complain and whine but you can't make out anything they're saying.
“I'm too drunk!” You try your best to scold them, “And I have my last class tomorrow…”
A soccer scholarship didn't mean you were just in Seoul to play soccer and get drunk with your friends. You also had to study and attend classes, like everyone else. Maybe you would've had it easier if you had chosen Physical Education as your major. But no, you had chosen Media and Communication for some reason.
At least it was the last class before break.
“Go then! Quick! Get away!” You hear Jung Sunhye drunkenly shoo you two away. It makes you giggle. You wave goodbye to your teammates with your frail arms, it makes you look like a car rental inflatable. You hear a chorus of ‘sleep well’s and ‘Bye Y/N’s.
Haneul holds you as you walk out of the BBQ place, and then a cold wave of air hits you right when you realize you have to go up the hill to get to your dorm. You don't know if the chill you get in your spine is from the cool late night air or the dread of borderline hiking while drunk.
“Haneul, I'm sorry.” You don't even want to look at her in fear of getting dizzy. You're only a few steps up the hill but you're already breathing a little heavy. However, your apologetic expression is enough for her to understand your feelings.
“It's okay, unnie!” She's such a joy to have around not only as a teammate but as a friend. You hope her kindness never leads her to getting taken advantage of. You and the other girls would ruin the life of whoever could even dare.
“I'm really grateful for you, y’know?” You probably shouldn't talk while you're rapidly growing out of breath, but you're already sentimental.
“I'm flattered.” She says with a light laugh while pushing you from behind, making it easier for you to walk upwards.
“Are you going back to Suwon this summer?” You ask after a while of more heavy steps. Haneul had also gotten a scholarship and moved from Suwon to Seoul, therefore getting to be roommates with you.
“Mhm! Gonna go see my parents.” Her voice turns a little softer and you notice even when you're mostly out of your conscious mind. “What about you, unnie? Are you gonna stay here?”
It's been three years since you left your hometown and replaced the ocean with the river. Three years since you left your friends behind. Three years since leaving your mom and dad.
Of course you missed them. How could you not? It's not like you were avoiding them, the last summers were just filled to the brim with practice and studying and everything got tangled and you didn't even leave time for yourself.
That's over, though. You can already see yourself on the shore.
And then you're at the bus terminal. Hands shaky and heavy steps, just like the ones you took walking up the hill of your dorm building. You carry your backpack at your front and hold your gym bag on your left hand. You wait in line to step inside your bus and you think you're ready to fall asleep for the whole ride.
But once you're settled in your seat, your thoughts leave you restless.
There's a fear in the back of your mind that your friends will treat you differently when you arrive.
You've been gone for 3 years, and you talk slightly less now. But the group chat is still active, and you talk with them when you're allowed the time to. It's not like you've gone completely radio silent and disappeared from their lives.
It's just scary to be back.
But the scariest thing by far is the fear of being proven wrong. The fear of still liking her.
See, ever since you were a kid running around with a ball between your feet, you've had a crush on Kim Minji.
Neighborhood pretty girl. Class president in elementary, middle and high school. Best grades in your year. The most crushable girl ever.
You remember the first day you met her. You actually think about it a lot.
You were 7, playing soccer with your friend Gyuvin on the beach at sunset hours. There was no real goal to kick the ball towards, you were just trying to steal the ball from each other and keep it as long as possible. But then Gyuvin gets a little too close to taking the ball, and in panic you pass it to your right. 
But there's no one to your right. And you realize you've just kicked it towards three girls about your same age building a sandcastle.
You see the ball roll away further and further away from you and Gyuvin, and closer and closer to the castle, and the girls don't seem to notice.
You don't know why you're frozen. You could've stopped the ball by now if you had run after it. Gyuvin notices your lack of movement and becomes the one who shouts instead, “BALL!”
It seems to wake both the girls and you up from your daze, and suddenly you're running as fast as you can to catch the ball before it collides with the sand clump. And you manage to catch it.
You had thrown yourself into the sand, and the ball gets stopped by your arms. But your head crashes into the sandcastle instead. It doesn't collapse completely, and it didn't hurt that much, but it suddenly knocked you out for a few seconds.
You hear Gyuvin’s voice behind you when your mind is back in its place. “We're really sorry! We'll help you patch it back up!” You shake of the sand from your head when you sit back up, and you can finally take a good look at the three girls.
They looked pissed.
The smallest of the girls speaks, “I guess you can help. You're lucky it didn't fall on your head.” She points at you and you feel guilt engulf your cheeks with its warmth.
“Great!” Your friend helps you shake off some of the remaining sand off of your head, “Let's get to work, Y/N!”
You're confused at his enthusiasm, you were just playing soccer with him a few seconds ago and now he wants to build a sandcastle with some girls you just met? “But… we were-”
Gyuvin cuts you off, “It's the least we can do. We almost destroyed it.” It makes sense, but you're still a little reluctant. You grab a shovel anyways.
Your friend is already introducing himself when you start digging a hole into the sand, “I'm Kim Gyuvin! What are your names?”
The short girl with short hair that spoke to you before is the first one to answer, “I'm Hanni Pham! I'm from Australia but we moved here a year ago.”
“Your parents like fish, huh?” The boy's joke makes Hanni's mouth open wide and her eyes dilate a good amount.
“How did you know?!”
“I'm Seol Yoona.” Says a girl with a voice so quiet you have to ask Gyuvin what her name was right after she said it, “What did she say?”
“Seol Yoona.” He repeats, and you get back to digging with a nod, not before you give an apologetic smile to the girl.
The last girl introduces herself, “I'm Kim Minji.” You notice three things about her. Her voice is deeper than the other two girls, her eyebrows are really pretty, and she's wearing a blue clip on her hair.
All three of the girls are pretty, but if Gyuvin asks you later who you thought was the prettiest you are sure you'll say Minji.
Said girl notices you've been doing nothing but dig since you started introducing yourselves. “What's the hole for?” She says.
“I'm gonna put water in it to make wet sand. It's going to make it easier to build and harder to collapse.” And right after you say that you stand up, bucket in hand, ready to go and fetch water from the shining ocean behind you.
But just as you're about to go, the girl with the pretty eyebrows calls out again, “What's your name? You never told us.” Right.
“Han Y/N.” You tell her with a smile.
“Han Y/N.” She repeats your name back to you, like you're not supposed to know it already. It sounds pretty coming from her. 
The sunset glow crashes in the sea and bounces back into the eyes of the girl. You see them glisten as she looks into yours. Your heart starts beating as fast as it was when you were running around earlier.
“Don’t ever play soccer near my sandcastles.”
You look like an idiot, laughing by yourself in your seat. It's already night when you feel the bus stop in its tracks. You realize it's slightly warmer than when you departed, even at these hours of the night.
You're here. And you're not laughing anymore.
Everything you dread is getting closer by the second, and you don't want to face it.
It's been three years since the last time you saw your friends, since you saw Minji. Three years of only speaking to her in the group chat. Three years of believing you've gotten over her when in reality you were just getting distracted.
Because if you had truly moved on you wouldn't be worrying about moving on.
You step out of your bus and smell the scent of the ocean. Your worries fade away for the rest of the night. You'll worry about that tomorrow.
You're home.
It’s around 10:30 P.M. Knowing your parents they wouldn’t be asleep right now. They’re probably watching replays of soccer matches or some strange animal documentary. Even after three years you can tread lightly towards your home. Not much has changed.
The street lights are dim, and the wooden floor boards of the port are not much louder than the last time they squeaked beneath your feet. You take a picture of the moon watching over the dancing waves, then keep walking.
You wish you don’t run into any of your friends on the way to your house. It’s not like you don’t want to see them, but it’s late, and you couldn’t catch even a wink of sleep the whole ride. You just want to see your parents and sleep in between the warmth of their bodies like you did when you were just a kid. You chuckle at the memory.
You step into your neighborhood. Most of the lights are turned off, but you can hear a couple of things as you walk deeper into the block. Crickets, waves, and a couple different TV stations. 
You get closer to the neighboring house from yours. Gyuvin’s house. The lights in the first floor are off, but there’s a dim light coming from the window of the bedroom facing the street. It (probably still) belonged to Gyuvin himself. You don’t really know what he’s doing at this hour of the night, but you won’t bother him right now, even when you get the urge to text him something like ‘look out ur window’.
You hear the voice of a commentator from outside the door of your house. They were watching replays. Knew it. You think about what to do next. It’ll be too loud if you ring the doorbell, Gyuvin might notice you’re here and come around to investigate, And then you get a sudden, bright idea.
You set your gym bag on the ground and start typing your mom’s number to call her, clicking on her contact when it shows up. You take a big breath and wait for her to answer, it doesn’t take her long.
“Hello, baby! What’s going on?” There’s a twinge of worry in her voice but she always answers so happily when you call her. You chuckle deviously, mischief is about to begin.
“Hi mama! I sent you guys a surprise, I’m calling to make sure if the package arrived safely. Sorry about the time, by the way.” You try to mask the smile appearing on your lips as you talk.
“A package?” She seems confused, “I.. We didn’t get anything.” She sounds a little more concerned.
“Really? Can you check the door? Maybe it came late.”
“I don’t think it’d come this late, darling.”
“Just check, ma. Please.” You hang up. You feel a little sorry for leaving your mother bothered and confused, but you try to telepathically tell her it’ll be worth it.
Your heartbeat starts picking up its pace when you hear the door unlock. You put your phone in your pocket and pick your bag up again.
 When the door opens, the first thing you notice is your mom’s disheveled hair, probably from laying on the couch and watching TV. The second thing you notice is that her eyes immediately fall on the doorstep, and she frowns when she finds nothing. The third thing you notice is that, even before she realizes you’re there, she’s already taking out her phone to call you again, but she sees a pair of shoes in front of her before she gets around to doing that.
Her eyes travel from your old sneakers to the top of your head, and then they fall back at your face. Her jaw drops and her eyes look like they hold the moonlight in them when she realizes it’s actually you.
“Y/Nie…” She’s a little breathless when she says your name, and you laugh at the sound of rustling behind her. Your dad probably heard her.
“Hello!” You simply greet. Your father appears shortly behind your mother and you send a wave at him when you see he’s making the exact same expression as her. “Am I going to be outside all night? That’s how you greet your daughter?”
Your mother throws herself at you with a hearty laugh, it makes you happy too. “When did you get here?!” She asks, a little too loud for your liking, but you won’t complain. You pull away to greet your dad, who was frozen on the doorframe.
“Just now, actually.” Your father is in shock, but he does his best to hug you back, and the hug gets tighter when he finally understands it’s really his daughter. You giggle a little at his lack of words, then tap his back a little rougher when you start struggling to breathe, “Hey! Not so tight!”
He lets go and you hear him laugh more calmly now. “Let’s go in. Gyuvin doesn’t know I’m here yet and I want to surprise him tomorrow.” Your mom closes the door behind you, and then hits you on the back, quite roughly for your taste.
“How dare you not tell us you were coming?!” She rubs the same spot where she hit you when she hears you hiss at the pain, “It was a surprise!” You argue.
“Did you have dinner?” Your dad asks already in the kitchen, and your stomach growls even before you can respond. You giggle shyly at the noise, “I’ll take that as a no.” He says, “Go sit with your mom and watch TV with her. I’ll heat up something.”
“Oh, we’re not watching anything. You’re gonna tell me everything you’ve been doing.” Your mother taps the seat beside her on the couch, which you gladly take. “How was the season?”
You’re so happy to be back.
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You wake up with the sunrise.
You fully expected to open your eyes and be hugging your mom while your dad was already up in the kitchen. And that did happen, except you wake up with your back sore from falling asleep on the couch. Your dad is in the kitchen, making breakfast for you three.
You rub your eyes and yawn. It wasn’t that late, you woke up pretty early actually. 8:27 A.M. Maybe it’s because your body is used to waking up early. Your dad looks back at you and laughs at your messy hair, smiles brighter when he sees one of your mom’s arms sticking out of the couch. “Rise and shine!” He says brightly.
“Morning…” The sound of your croaky voice seems to wake up your mom, as she’s already rubbing her face.
“Smells good.” She says in the same tone as you. “Is it almost done?”
“I just finished. Come take a seat.” Your dad turns off the gas from the stove. The scent of kimchi jjigae fills your home, and it makes you feel a lot more energized even before having a taste of it.
You run your hand through your hair to try and make it more presentable. Your mother goes up to your dad to ask for a taste, he waits for her approval. You start setting the cutlery and it makes you think of the mornings before school, but rather than getting sentimental, you enjoy the moment with a smile.
“Y/Nie, do you want apple juice?” Your mom asks with the fridge open, you just nod as you sit down.
When the three of you sit down to finally eat, you start to realize how much you actually missed this. You spent your mornings in Seoul either eating a quick and not-really-filling meal, or eating an energy bar and a vending machine kimbap with your teammates before practice. You don’t remember the last time you had a hearty breakfast.
The sound of laughter and birds chirping combined with the smell of a home cooked meal and the warmth of a seaside morning couldn’t compare to any of the emotions that crossed your heart whenever you won a match. 
Your mom and dad gossip to you about your neighbors and everything you missed while you were away.
You don’t find it hard to believe when they tell you that the weird old man that used to drink his nights away at the port got arrested. One of your neighbors' sons dropped out of college to be a model, Kim Sunoo apparently. Good for him, you always thought he had a pretty face.
Supposedly, Minji keeps her title as the number 1 student even in college. You’re not surprised, but you do feel full all of a sudden. There’s just a little bit of stew left when you groan, “Ah… I’m full…”
Your mom raises an eyebrow, “Already?” She looks at your bowl and laughs, “Nevermind, you finished pretty fast.”
“Do you eat well in Seoul?” Your dad asks. You feel a little flustered at the question and stutter when you answer, “I mean… not in the morning, but I eat pretty healthily the rest of the day. Me and Haneul prepare meals when we have afternoon practice. I’d say we’re pretty good cooks.”
Your parents laugh, “I guess we’ll put you to the test one day.” Your mom nudges you, “And it’s ‘Haneul and I’, by the way.”
The correction makes your eyes roll as you stand up to wash your dishes, “Yeah, yeah, grammar queen. I’m gonna go take a shower and go to Gyuvin’s to surprise him, ‘kay?”
“Aye aye, captain!” Either your parents planned to do the same move and say the same thing at the same time beforehand, or they’re literal soulmates.
You get out of the shower and choose a simple outfit- some baggy, ripped jeans and a graphic tee that you found in your closet (you asked your mom if it was clean enough for you to wear, considering the closet looked a little dusty; she said it was fine). The shirt felt a little tight around the arms and it was quite smaller than you expected, but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. If anything it made the outfit more interesting.
So you stand outside your friend's house, with nothing in your hands but a smile on your face. You’re not really sure if it’ll be him or his mom answering the door, but you hope either of them will be happy to see you.
You ring the doorbell, and immediately hear footsteps get closer from inside. You don’t know if your heart is going to race everytime this happens, but you just hope you get used to the feeling. The door opens and you're met with a familiar face, Ms. Kim, Gyuvin’s mom, dressed up and ready to go to work. It’s summer, though?
“Y/Nie?” She looks delighted to see you, and yet quite surprised. “You came back!”
You give her a bright smile after you bow in respect, “Good morning, Ms. Kim! How have you been?” 
She steps back in a manner to invite you inside, “Oh, I’ve been well, dear. Gyuvin told me you weren’t able to visit these past years. We all missed you very much.” Her words surprise you, and you feel a little guilt squeezing your heart for two seconds.
“I’m glad to hear that, Ms.” She walks around the kitchen, packing what seems to be a lunchbox into her bag, yet still giving you her full attention. “Are you heading to work?” You ask curiously.
“Oh, yeah.” She looks a little agitated, “They don’t give me breaks, baby. I work for the news now!”
“Oh! How has that been going?”
She stops in her tracks, “Honestly, quite great.” She says, and you both laugh together. “Does Gyuvin know you’re here? I imagine he’s who you came to see.”
“He doesn’t.” The woman looks quite surprised. “I wanted to surprise him. I arrived just yesterday.”
“Oh honey, you’re gonna give him a heart attack.” She laughs and you chuckle, “I hope not!” You say,
“He’s in his room. He’s probably still asleep, but he’ll wake up if you knock hard enough. Make sure he doesn’t think you’re me, then he won’t get up.” The woman unlocks the door, coat hanging from her arm and bag over her shoulder, when she sees you nod. “I heard you won third place this half, right?”
“That’s right, ma’am.” You proudly say.
“Go Tigers!” Is the last thing she says before she walks out of the door. What a charming woman. You smile at yourself before walking up the stairs to your friend’s room.
Knock knock. No answer.
Knock knock knock. A groan.
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. A louder groan.
“Kim Gyuvin, I will bust your door down.” You yell, “You think my legs haven’t gotten stronger?”
Fast stomps and the sound of a clutter of objects falling on the ground startle you slightly. The door opens so roughly you wonder if Gyuvin himself has also gotten stronger.
“What fell on the ground?” You chuckle. He hugs you, possibly tighter than your dad. You didn’t quite expect it, but you welcome it anyway.
He pulls away like he’s checking if you’re not a hologram. You laugh the hardest when he pokes your cheek. He looks relieved, then mad. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?! When did you get here?!”
“I got here yesterday. You were still awake, I think. But I wanted to greet you properly, and I was really tired last night.” You explain with a little bit of remorse.
“Dude!” He hugs you once again, “Bro, I can’t believe you're back!” You hug him just as tightly. “I’m really happy I’m here.”
He pushes you lightly with a smirk, “Don’t get sappy on me.” He teases, “Congrats on third place, tiger.” You cringe at the nickname and push him back.
“Eww!” You both laugh, and you notice the bundle of things he has on the floor of his room, “You dropped all that?”
Gyuvin looks back, and pushes you out of his room, closing the door in shame. Unbelievable.
You hear him pick up the things and put them back in place, until he finally opens the door again. You’re right where he left you. “Get dressed. Your mom made you breakfast.”
“Wait, help me pick an outfit!” You’ve been here for less than a day and he’s already being annoying. Like always.
“Bro, I’m wearing a shirt that’s too small for me, I am not the one to ask for fashion help.”
“That’s your fault for getting swole!” You hear him yell while you go down the stairs. Maybe nothing's really changed.
You’re back at the kitchen. You look at the lonely plate at the table, it doesn’t look very appetizing. It’s not like it’s a bad meal, it’s an omelet and toast, but when you touch it it’s abnormally cold. Fuck you Gyuvin. He was probably supposed to wake up a while ago.
You take the plate and place it in the microwave, one minute should be fine. You open the fridge and snoop around to see if they still- yup, they still have a box of the triangle juice boxes you and Gyuvin always shared at school. Apple was your favorite. You’re sure he or his mom won’t mind you taking one while you wait for the food to heat up.
You take the little plastic straw attached to the juice box and stab it into the designated hole. Just as you close the fridge, you hear the shutter sound effect from a phone. You turn around and see Gyuvin already dressed up and smiling at his phone.
“Did you take a picture of me?” You ask. The microwave beeps, “That’s your food.”
“Check the group chat.” He says as he walks past you to the microwave. You take out your phone and rest your elbows on the counter when you open up the group chat. Gyuvin named it “Beach boys”, even when he himself was the only male.
You’re immediately met with a picture of you from your side, stabbing a hole into your apple juice box. You looked at yourself in the mirror this morning, but you only realize how tight the sleeves of your shirt look when you stare at the photo. “Damn…” You mutter
“Ow! Ow! Hot!” Gyuvin yelps as he walks beside you, plate in his hands. He sits down at the table while you scroll back up to check the other messages.
gyuv | 9:44 A.M.
guys Y/N got so swole its actually insane
sully | 9:44 A.M.
Well yeah shes an athlete what were u expecting
henny | 9:44 A.M.
did she post something on ig?
where is this coming from
minj | 9:44 A.M.
Good morning first of all
gyuv | 9:45 A.M.
yeah but ud expect her legs to get bigger or her thighs idk
tell me why this absolute gremlin has bigger biceps than me
i feel threatened
this feels like a bro code violation
henny | 9:45 A.M.
this feels more like you just being insecure
i checked her ig and theres nothing?
sully | 9:45 A.M.
Vin are you hallucinating be honest
minj | 9:45 A.M.
Why gremlin
If anything the gremlin is hanni
henny | 9:45 A.M.
literally so out of pocket
what compelled you to say that
gyuv | 9:46 A.M. 
[1 attachment]
henny | 9:46 A.M.
Gyuvin is that ur fuckign house
is that han Y/N in your fucking house.
minj | 9:46 A.M.
What the hell
You | 9:46 A.M.
hi guys!
henny | 9:47 A.M.
Han Y/N are you in gyuvins fucking house
You | 9:47 A.M.
gyuv | 9:47 A.M.
[1 attachment]
guys im shaking theres a uleague third place winner in my kitchen
im so honored
sully | 9:47 A.M.
Omg she did get swole
Hiii Y/N
gyuv | 9:47 A.M.
henny | 9:47 A.M.
Y/N when the FUCK did u get here
im gonna start vrying omg
You | 9:48 A.M.
i got here yesterday at night
i wanted to surprise u guys but ig gyuvin got too excited
pham hanni DO NOT CRY
hi sullyyy !!
henny | 9:48 A.M.
You | 9:48 A.M.
stop cursing so much omg
minj | 9:48 A.M.
This is actually crazy
How could you say nothing to us
I feel lowkey betrayed Han Y/N
You | 9:48 A.M.
so surprises are the worst thing in the world now huh
gyuvs mom was so much happier to see me than you guys fr
going back to seoul
it seems im not welcome
henny | 9:48 A.M.
Y/N actually stop playing rn
where do we meet
You | 9:49 A.M
me and gyuv will pick u guys up
were going to the soccer field
but i got money from the scholarship so we can buy stuff on the way
gyuv | 9:49 A.M.
guys just to be clear i had literally no idea she was here
she showed up at my house 20 mins ago
sully | 9:49 A.M.
Omg we can go to that antique shop thats close to our high school
henny | 9:50
literally how r u so calm abt this
minj | 9:50 A.M.
Maybe ur just abnormal
You cackle loudly at Minji's last text.
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When you arrive at Yoona's house, she's already waiting for you two on her porch. She looks a little taller than when you last saw her. Her eyes light up when she sees you arrive.
“Y/N!” She runs up to you and hugs you so tightly your breath falls a little short. What's with everyone and suffocating you lately? “I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, Sully!” You smile at her when you pull back, and the first thing she does is poke your arm. Her jaw drops in awe at the toughness of the muscle and it makes you laugh.
Gyuvin comes up behind you both with his arms open and a silly smirk, “Where my hug at?” It's quite awful. Yoona gags and sends him a distasteful look, which quickly shuts him down
You missed this. And it’s like this - full of banter and laughs - the whole way to Hanni’s house, the three of you take turns at making fun of each other, with the brief recurring tease at your job as an athlete.
Your friends like to brag about you being a college athlete, and a good one at that, but they certainly enjoyed sitting you up on a pedestal as a joke. They talked about you like you were the main star of the national team when in reality most people had little to no idea who you were even on campus, with the exception of the Yujin fans who tried using you to get close to her.
“Y/N, I promise you, when you make it on the national team, there’s gonna be a ton of fan accounts for you.” You’re in the middle of pushing Gyuvin away and blushing at his comment, about to contradict him when you hear a voice calling you.
“Han Y/N!” You don’t even realize you were already at Hanni’s house when you look towards the sound and two girls are waiting for you at the steps of a big house.
The first thing you notice is Hanni’s hair. She cut it, a fuckass (affectionately) bob that looked exactly like the one she wore the first time you ever met her.
The second thing you notice is that Minji is right beside her, already smiling at you. She stands up from the steps she and Hanni were sitting on and shakes off the dust from her pants. She wears a simple white graphic shirt and oversized blue jeans, beige puffer jacket hanging off her arms, and she looks so much taller than how she did when she was 16.
(That’s weird, shouldn’t she have stopped growing by then?)
The third thing you notice is your heartbeat suddenly racing when her eyes and yours meet for the first time in three years.
It beats at the same pace it did when the afternoon sun hit her face when you were 7. It beats at the same pace it did when you stared at her sitting by the window in middle school. It beats at the same pace it did when she sat beside you on the bus and fell asleep with her head on your shoulder.
Nothing has changed. Nothing at all.
It hits you like a bullet through your chest, but you try your best to ignore it as Hanni runs towards you. 
“You asshole!” She yells with a smile on her face, and it contaminates your lips when she hugs you. She doesn’t hug you as tightly, but it’s longer than you expected. When she finally pulls away from you you touch the short strands of hair that cover her ears.
“What happened here?” You ask, watching in awe at the striking change.
“I kind of had an existential crisis last night.” She responds shyly while caressing her trimmed locks. “Minji helped me make it look better. It did not look good when I did it. They didn’t know either!” She points at the two behind you, both of them with their jaws hanging when you look back.
“Dude, you literally look seven again.” You say. You don’t mean it in a teasing way, she genuinely looks younger, but you reconsider telling her that when she hits you in the arm. Hanni widens her eyes at the unexpected roughness, “What the hell… you did get swole.”
“Can we stop talking about that?” The topic of your arms is starting to tire you, but it’s mostly embarrassing, so you groan at the mention.
You hear Minji laugh when Hanni goes up to the other two and they immediately start touching her new hair. It makes you laugh too, but you gasp a little when you feel a hand touch your shoulder.
“Hey.” She says, her god-damned pretty eyes look at you so sweetly, and her voice is so soft, and-
“Hey!” You say before thoughts about her take up your brain and you awkwardly freeze.
She smiles right before she hugs you, and it’s surprisingly warm, but you’re sure most of it comes from your own blood rushing everywhere inside you.
Everything about her is gentle, her eyes, her voice, her embrace. It’s a complete one-eighty in contrast to the tightness of everyone else who’s put their arms around you for the past two days.
“I missed you.” She says so delicately, almost quiet, even if she says it right next to your ear. And you’re about to melt, and she has no idea, so you hug her back, a little less soft than how she does, and say “I missed you too.”
It comes out a lot more calmly than you expect it, and you internally praise yourself for not making a fool out of yourself. It’s not like you want to pull away, but you might start sweating if you don’t.
You take your arms off her back and her warmth suddenly fades away. When she looks at your face again, there’s a small grin painting her lips, “Congrats on the win.” She pokes at your shoulder and you laugh at the gesture.
“It’s only third place. I want first.”
“Oh wow!” Her amused smile makes you dizzy, “Didn’t know you were so ambitious.”
“People change, I guess.” You giggle with her. But you haven’t really changed at all.
“Well, you better get first place, tiger.” She teases and you groan even louder at the nickname as you get away from her to join your friends. Maybe getting over Minji won’t be so hard.
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Getting over Minji is going to be fucking impossible. Matter of fact, you're sure it’s never gonna happen. You’re going to be 45 and still think about her, and it’s going to slowly kill you.
You stare as she holds a little cow plush in her hands, inspecting it carefully. Her round eyes shine just like the glossy buttons of the doll. You think of a believable excuse before you take your phone out of your pocket and open the camera app.
You zoom in and despise how your fingers tremble before you snap a photo of the girl, unbeknownst to her.
Gyuvin comes up behind you, his voice is quiet yet it still startles you, “What’s the pic for?”
You look at him with widened eyes and bring your hand to your chest. “Just… memories.” Truth lies within your (not quite) excuse. “I want to look back on things like this when I go back to Seoul.”
The boy narrows his eyes at you and smirks, “So sappy.” He teases, so you zoom out the camera to 0.5 and take a bad close up of his face, “Hey!” He laughs.
You get away and put your phone back in your pocket to look at more of the items in the store. Many things catch your eye, small, shiny, weird, big, you could buy it all if you had the money to.
You walk around the shop, your eyes examine all the items on the old wooden tables and your fingers lightly brush on some of the more eye-catching trinkets. You stare at the little ceramic figurines of dogs and cats and other animals and mentally consider buying the little calico cat on the far left.
There are some cute keychains with little black and white designs as you pass by. You add them to your roster too. Hanni’s voice catches your attention from a few steps away.
“Y/N! What do you think of this cardigan?” She’s in the clothing section of the store, sporting a vintage cream colored wool cardigan with little brown stripes on the sides of the sleeves. It’s a little big on her, but oversized is trendy so it’s fine.
“It’s cute!” Your eyes glance towards some of the clothes behind her, “I like that one better though.” You point at the blue-gray checkered sweater behind her and she frowns in confusion when she looks at it, “Y/N, that’s so ugly.” Guess you don’t have an eye for fashion.
“Oh well…” You sigh and keep looking for more artifacts.
As you walk around, you accidentally bump the top of your head on some of the ornaments that hang on the ceiling, the sound of multiple wind chimes emerge a little before your quiet “Ow!”, which grabs the attention of Yoona and Gyuvin.
“You okay?” The girl asks in concern, but you can hear her hold back a laugh between her teeth. Gyuvin isn’t so subtle, his laughs resonating on the walls of the shop.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You assure Yoona as you rub your forehead with your eyes closed, turned away in embarrassment. When your eyes open again, they land on an item that makes you freeze a little.
A small, pale blue hair clip. It looked oddly similar, if not exactly the same as the one Minji wore on the first day you met. The clip she lost on that same day while the five of you swam in the ocean together.
You remember her being so upset when she realized it wasn’t there anymore, so much she cried silently on the way back to your respective houses. She was over the sadness of losing it in less than a week, but it stuck with you after Hanni told you in a whisper that it was the first time she ever saw Minji cry.
You immediately take the clip in your hands, the first item you’re certain you will buy. Actually, you buy it in that same instant. Thankfully, none of your friends seem to notice your quiet purchase, too engrossed in their own item search.
The five of you spend around 40 minutes in total in that damn shop, and you could kind of tell the owner was getting sick of Gyuvin’s constant questions on how he acquired the items. “They’re mostly donations or things I find on trips. I don’t know anything else.” He says.
In the end, you bought a few more things apart from the hair clip. You did end up buying the little calico cat figurine, a silver necklace with a spiral pendant, a pack of stamps with really cool designs, and a love letter.
There was a cardboard box sitting on a chair in one corner of the shop with a sign that said “Old Love Letters, ₩300 Each”, and not only is it something you’ve never seen anyone sell before, but it’s also cheap. How could you not buy a chance to snoop around in unknown people’s love lives? 
You put your stuff in the little tote bag Yoona had bought for you. She said the design made her think of you (it had three monochrome fish painted over it).
Now you’re making your way towards the nearest soccer field. You used to play there all the time with Gyuvin, sometimes the other girls joined, or some of the other kids in the neighborhood.
The five of you walked with you right in the middle, like you were the center of a K-pop group. It definitely made you stand out to the locals of the neighborhoods you passed through, and some of them even recognized you and went as far as to congratulate you.
Did your parents tell the entire town about your rank in the league?
“It’s like I’m walking with a celebrity.” Hanni voices just as you get back from shaking hands with one of the old men of the neighborhood. As much as you enjoy the praise and congratulations, it’s a little embarrassing to acknowledge you’re gaining a lot more fame within this town. You imagine this is how famous soccer players feel everytime they go out in public.
“Microcelebrity.” You clarify, “Aren’t you an influencer?” You recall Hanni spamming the group chat one time in the first year of high school because one of her Instagram posts had gone viral. After a while of her videos getting more and more views, she started gaining a small following and could be considered a daily-life influencer.
“Yeah, but most of my followers aren’t from here so I don’t get recognized everytime I go out.”
“To be fair, this is the first time this has happened to me. My parents probably told the whole town about this.”
“Oh, they sure did. Even my mom found out.” Minji states, to your surprise. Minji’s mother was well known for not liking any sports at all, and it’s not that she hated them, she just wasn’t interested. She didn’t even know who Messi or Ronaldo were.
“Wow… I knew they liked to gossip, but that’s… crazy.” You scratch your nape shyly. Your parents are known for finding out everything, but you didn’t know they also told everything they knew.
“She didn’t really know what anything meant but she was very happy for you.” She says with a smile.
Oh! There’s a strange giddy feeling that shows up as a smile on your face you can’t hold back. You’re not really sure what to say, but you don’t even have to worry about it, because before you realize you’re already at the field, and when the boys that are playing there take notice of your presence, all you can hear is screams.
Sounds of “Y/N Noona!”, “No way it’s Y/N!”, “You’re back?!” get closer as the match pauses and they start running towards you. Most of them are your high school classmates, some are your younger neighbors or underclassmen you played with during recess.
You get closer and they bombard you with hugs and questions, with countless reminders of how much they missed you. One of them complains about you not answering his texts, and another boy defends you by excusing your forgetfulness on being busy.
“Okay, okay. I’ll make it up to you with a match, okay?”
You end up playing for two hours straight, the first half with your friends as a team, but after a while it seemed like the only one with energy left was you. Not even Gyuvin could keep up your pace.
“No wonder she’s an athlete.” Hanni says, fanning herself under the shadow of a tree that trespassed the field enclosure. Your friends were all sitting down on the ground, watching attentively at the match you played against the boys while chatting.
It was 5v1 and you were winning 4-2.
Minji watched carefully at the way you carried yourself on the field, so graceful and yet not passive at all, a different perspective compared to how you usually are.
There's a little bit of sweat that glistens on your forehead, and after playing for such a long time you only now start to look slightly tired. “I pray everyday she makes it to the national team and gets rich.” Gyuvin says.
“Same.” Hanni answers, laying down on a blanket over the warm grass and resting her head on her bag and it makes Yoona laugh when she grumbles at the discomfort of feeling all the crystals she bought on the back of her head.
The boys score another goal at you, so you decide to get serious and start playing like you would at a normal university match. Minji stares when you run faster and slide through the opponents so easily. She kind of wonders if she could calculate your speed mentally.
Field length = 55 meters, Penalty area length = 9 meters
You were around 9.2 meters from the halfway line and traveled around 18 meters in a straight line, Minji counts 4 seconds.
18/4 = 5 m/s, 1 m/s = 3.6 km/h, 5 * 3.6 = 18 km/h
Han Y/N’s speed in that one moment was 18 km/h.
The average maximum sprint speed of La Liga athletes was 30 km/h, according to an NLM article (don’t ask Minji how she knows that; she isn’t even studying medicine).
Suddenly Minji feels the need to see you play an actual serious match.
“I don’t think you need to pray.” She says with a smirk, standing up from the ground and wiping away the bristles of grass stuck to her jeans. “She has it in the bag.”
The others notice her taking out her wallet from her pocket, “Can you buy me a Fanta?” Gyuvin makes puppy eyes at Minji, even while knowing they never work on her, or anyone for that matter.
She gives him nothing but a wave and walks away, “She’s not getting you shit, dude.” Hanni kicks Gyuvin in the back with the tip of her foot and Yoona laughs at the scene.
The grocery store is not far away at all, only a block from the field, and Minji treads lightly with her mind made up on what to buy. A bag of chips and two glasses of apple juice, and maybe a strawberry lollipop for Hanni, NOT cherry, she notes.
The owner is an older lady who used to babysit Minji’s mom. She’s seen her countless times in her life so it’s easy for her to greet her brightly. “It’s been so long, Minji!” The woman greets her, her aged features morphing into a kind smile.
It’s true, it has been a long time. She doesn’t really come here that often anymore unless she’s taking a walk out of boredom or walking the neighbors dog when she’s out of town. She used to come here all the time when you all went to play soccer, but the matches got less and less frequent after you left, mostly because the only one who actually wanted to play was Gyuvin.
Minji makes her way to the drink section of the store and lights up when she sees the chilled glasses of apple juice right where she remembers them being. She was honestly surprised you hadn’t brought a water bottle with you when you left, and maybe just water would be healthier and hydrate you better, but she’d rather make you happier with your favorite drink.
(You would’ve been happy enough even if she just brought you water.)
The glass is cold when it reaches her hand, a nice contrast from the heat of the afternoon sun. She was starting to get a little hungry so maybe instead of chips she’d get a sandwich. Maybe she’ll get two.
She excuses herself in her mind, she’s not excluding her other friends! It’s just… this day is about you, of course her focus would be you. And maybe tomorrow. And maybe the whole time you’re here. She laughs at herself while walking up to the counter. She meant it when she told you she missed you.
“That would be ₩4,200 but I’ll give to you for ₩4,000 because I missed you.” The woman beams her a warm smile and Minji can’t help but return it. She hands her 4,200 won anyways and is out the door before the woman can complain. “Bye, Mrs. Do!”
Minji walks back with a smile on her face, the wind hits and blows her hair back. Some leaves and dust get blown her way too but she doesn’t have to squint her eyes because they already do that when she smiles. 
The sun isn’t as bright and the rays don’t burn her skin anymore. She hears louds screams just as she’s getting closer to the field, and when she looks through the gaps of the metal enclosure she sees Gyuvin running up to hug you while the boys you were playing with fall to the ground in defeat.
She missed your win. Minji puckers up her bottom lip and sighs, shoulders shrugging helplessly.
You hadn’t even realized she had left until you see her enter the field again, so you send her a light smile she almost doesn’t catch. She looks back to the other girls and when her eyes meet Hanni laying on the grass she realizes she forgot her strawberry lollipop. Oh well.
She sits down next to Yoona and takes her sandwich out of her bag.
“What’d you buy?”
“Just stuff. Nothing for Gyuvin.”
Yoona laughs at the comment. “The apple juice is for Y/N, right?” Minji nods as she looks at you tap the boys on the back to cheer them up, “You can have the other one if you want.”
Minji was just about to open the packaging of her sandwich when she sees you and Gyuvin walk towards her. She quickly stops her actions and takes the other cold glass from the plastic bag, struggles a little to open the lid, and just as you take your last step she holds the cold apple juice to your face, or the closest to it her arm could reach.
You’re a little taken aback, but luckily you don’t blush at her act. Instead you just smile at her, mirroring Minji’s own kind smile and take the glass from her hand. “Thanks.” You say before you take a sip.
Both of your hearts feel full, yours at the flavor of apple that fills your tastebuds and calms the thirst of running for hours, and hers at the fact she made you even just a little happy with such a small action.
You gulp down probably half the glass down and end it with a “Ah~” that makes your friends laugh. “You still do that?” Hanni sits up and rests her hands behind her on the grass.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve done that since you were a kid.” Minji says and your eyebrows raise,”Really?��� All your friends nod.
“I never noticed.”
Minji goes back to her sandwich as you and Gyuvin sit down in front of the other three. You’re tired now, but you don’t wanna lay on the grass because you say it makes you itch, so you try resting your body weight on Gyuvin, to which he adamantly pushes you away, “You’re heavy, Y/N!”
“What the hell, bro. I’m literally not?” You pout at him to try and get him to surrender but he just pushes you away harder every time you try to lay your back against him.
“Go lay on Minji or something, not me.” He says as he pushes you for the last time, you hear Hanni laugh.
You look at Minji and she’s already putting away the plastic bag she had on her lap. Oh, okay, yeah, no biggie. No problem at all.
You do a great impression of acting normal and move to sit next to her. “The shadow is better on this side anyways.” You fake whine at the boy as Minji grabs your shoulder and guides you to rest your back on top of her legs.
You turn your body so that you face her and hope she can’t tell your heart starts beating faster when you notice she’s already looking down at you. It’s a beautiful scene.
Minji’s face, the green leaves of the trees behind her and the sun peeking through the gaps, the wind blowing her hair a little to the side, the way her eyes smile at the same time she does. “Hey.”
“Hey.” You answer.
Everything about this is normal! You have to close your eyes so you believe it, and you start to after a few seconds. Everything about this is normal. It feels so normal and you love it.
It’s soothing. The wind caresses your face and you lose focus on the conversation your friends were having beside you.
And then Minji starts running her fingers through your hair and you lose focus on anything that’s not her.
Your heartbeat picks up for a few seconds and then it doesn’t. And then it’s all calm again. Your eyes are closed but your mind pictures Minji so vividly, smiling at you sweetly while her eyes. Her loving eyes.
God, you hope you’re not blushing, because you can already feel yourself getting warm all over. Thankfully, the gentle breeze is there to save you when you need it.
 And then there’s a moment where everything, the breeze, Minji’s hands caressing you, and the sound of playful conversation, all merge at the perfect moment and you experience a calm that feels heavenly. Almost divine, and it sends you into instant slumber.
You don’t really remember every detail of what you dream of, you just remember it being about Minji, Seoul and snow. Either way, you know it had something to do with her confessing her feelings to you after you win nationals. You remember that you froze after she kissed you, then called your name after she saw you not move.
“Y/N! Y/N!” You hear your name being called out, then your body being shaked roughly. “Y/N!” You hear loudly before you wake yourself up.
“Sorry!” You don’t know what you’re apologizing for until your body jerks away and your forehead almost hits Minji’s. “Oh, sorry.”
“You fell asleep.” She states the obvious with a giggle.
“No shit, queen.” You hear Hanni laugh loudly at your response. “How long was I out for?”
“It’s 5:25.” Yoona says behind you, only then you realize they were already packing up and it was time to go. Where? You have no idea.
“Shit. Sorry guys.” You sit back up and stretch your muscles before you can stand properly.
“My legs fell asleep, you know?” Minji announces, and when you look back at her she has a teasing smirk on her face.
“Yeah, well, maybe blame Gyuv for that.” You answer sassily, but you can’t help but feel a little guilty.
Said male goes to grab the tote bag Yoona got you and the half finished apple juice you left behind and holds the bag it to your face while you’re still stretching, “Hurry up, girl. We gotta go to the beach before sunset.” He throws the bag at you and you catch it just in time.
“Careful! I have a cat in there!”
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You arrive at the beach at exactly 6:00 P.M. and as soon as you get to the sand Gyuvin is already taking his shoes and shirt off. You look at everyone, confused on the plan you never actually listened to.
“We were going to swim?”
“Do you not want to?” Hanni asks.
“I don’t know…” You look at your friends with a sorry expression. You were already worn out from the whole match, and even after you slept a whole two hours on Minji’s lap, you still felt a little tired. “I’m kinda drained guys.”
“Bro… How could you?” Minji looks at you like she’s so betrayed and you laugh at her annoying little face that’s also so pretty and cute and annoying
“Bro… I’m sorry.” You play along. Calling the love of your life “bro” is crazy.
Okay, “love of your life” is an exaggeration (it’s literally not, in every sense of the word literally).
“I’ll watch your bags and take pics!” You tried bargaining, and they look at you like you’re crazy. “Guys, please, we can come swim tomorrow. The beach is not going anywhere considering we literally live beside it.”
Then Yoona gets real close to you and whispers, “You’ll pay for this.” then takes off her shoes.
“What the hell, man.”
Gyuvin and Yoona are already running at the sea and splashing each other, they don’t actually care about you not joining. Hanni hands you her bag with a strange force and you don’t know where it came from, “Take care of my babies.” She says.
“Your… babies?”
“My crystals.”
“Oh, right. I will.”
Minji walks up to you when Hanni walks away and hands you her jacket and another bag, this time plastic, “There’s one sandwich left in there. I told Gyubin not to eat it and I didn’t think he was going to listen but he did, surprisingly.” She tells you with a smile.
“Thanks. Very thoughtful of you man.” Alright, pack it up.
Minji sends you one last smile before she leaves and your heart beats when her eyes squint too. You watch her disappear into the waves and smile. You take out your phone and take a picture of your friends all swimming and playing in the water, their silhouettes clashing with the sun that was just about to set. It’s so pretty you make it your lock screen immediately.
You take out a blanket from Hanni’s bag, the same one she was laying on in the soccer field, and spread it on the ground to sit down. You take off your sneakers before they get filled with sand and take comfort in the warmth of the sand beneath you.
You stare at your friends for a bit, a beautiful picture presented just for you. You’re so happy to be back. Your stomach lets out a loud grumble before you even get to tear up. What a way to ruin the mood.
You take the bag Minji gave you and take out the sandwich. Ham, bacon, cheese, lettuce- oh, who cares. You take a bite out of it and it tastes like home. She definitely bought it from Mrs. Do.
It eases your hunger quite well. You hear the waves crash and Minji’s laugh from far away and, what a beautiful sound. What a beautiful person. You think of Minji and think of beautiful, not just from her appearance but her soul. What a beautiful soul.
You take your last bite and your stomach feels full, but you feel a little empty and can’t pinpoint what it is. You feel like you’re forgetting something. You reach for your new bag and search for whatever it seems you're forgetting.
Oh, right, the letter. Suddenly you feel excited.
The sun starts just in time. What a way to set the mood. You take out the white envelope and notice it still has some scent remaining. It kinda smells like something Minji used to wear, jasmine and liquorice. You didn’t smell it on her today, though.
You notice the envelope doesn’t have a sender or recipient name anywhere on it, nowhere at all. Maybe they didn’t plan to send it, or they changed the envelope at the shop. Eager to know more, you rip the envelope, careful not to damage the letter itself.
You take it out and take a deep breath to prepare yourself. You’re probably a little more excited than you should be, but whatever. You’re excited to intrude on a stranger's possibly failed love confession.
Except when you unfold the page, it’s not from a stranger.
You panic and fold the letter closed just as fast as you had opened it. You must have misread, right?
You open it again and the top says “Kim Minji, 23rd of June, 2021” like it’s a diary.
It must be another Kim Minji. There are hundreds of thousands in South Korea. It could be anyone. Anyone at all. So you keep reading in hopes it’s someone who’s not the girl swimming in the sea just a few meters away from you.
Dear Y/N,
It’s not a stranger. It’s Kim Minji. Your Kim Minji. You’re reading an old love letter from Kim Minji. You bought a love letter from Kim Minji for 300 won.
Wait, why is it addressed to you?
Now, you’re more confused than shocked. Now, you have to find out. You were going to put it down and not read it to not intrude and break your own heart, but now you have to find out why on Earth the first two words are Dear Y/N written in Kim Minji’s handwriting. So you keep reading.
Dear Y/N, I hope this finds you well. If you’re reading this, I gave this to you on the 24th or maybe even earlier on a strike of confidence. I hope you’re not keeping yourself up to read this at midnight. I wanted to tell you something I’ve been keeping for a long time before you leave for Seoul. Maybe it’s a selfish thing to do, and it won’t keep you from departing, but I think it would be worse to tell you this through text and I can’t bring myself to say it to your face.
I have feelings for you. Real romantic feelings. I like you a lot.
I like possibly everything about you and it’s killing me that I’m so scared and unable to tell you. I don’t even know what I’m so afraid of, really. Probably rejection, but even if you did like me back I still have to live without you for four years. My wish of you coming to visit me will probably depend on how harsh your rejection is, but I’d still like to see you back regardless.
When you first told us you got that scholarship for Korea University, I was so happy and proud of you. In a perfect world I would have kissed you and told you how happy I was for you and maybe even gone with you. But it’s not a perfect world and I just told you “Congratulations!” and you’re leaving tomorrow, without me. 
I’m not one to take pictures, if anything that’s you, but right now I wish I had an album full of photos of you, of us, because I don’t know how I’ll make it without seeing you everyday. I think I won’t, actually. I hope you consider letting me borrow the photo album full of the countless pictures you take, even if they’re not of you they might fill the void you leave in my heart.
Anything from you will suffice, I think, but just your memory is not enough.
I kinda wish you could stay, but I also know you’re going to do your best over there and I hope you fulfill your dream of being a professional player. When you said you were going to choose to study mass communication I thought “that must mean she’s going to communicate with us a lot!” I hope it does. I hope you don’t miss us too much, but I do hope you miss me a little bit more.
I’ve never written a love letter before, if you could even call this that, so excuse me if this is not a good one, I’m sorry. I should probably state what I like most about you, but I don’t even know where to begin.
I love the way you’re driven to do your best even at the smallest of things. When we first met, you built us the best sand castle I had ever seen in my short life of seven years. The sandcastle was still standing when we went to visit it the next day.
You do your best at school, even when it gets hard for you, and I love that you’re not afraid to ask for help when you really need it. I kind of envy that if I’m honest. I hope you become the best student in your major.
I remember the time we babysat Ms.Yoon’s daughter and you were the only one who knew how to change her diapers and at what time to feed her. I also love how good you are with kids and sometimes it makes me think of very inappropriate thoughts of building a family together, but I won’t get into that because I don’t want to be weirder than I’m already being right now.
I love the way you always try your best to make me smile when I’m upset or stressed and even just the thought of you going out of your way to care is enough for my heart to melt. When I got sick in middle school while my mom was out of town you came to my house every day and made me chicken soup. I think that was the day I started thinking of you as more than just a friend.
I love the way you look when you put your hair up in a ponytail. I used to stare at you the entire time we watched you play during recess in middle school.
I love the way you’re clumsy and you’re never embarrassed about it. You always get up when you fall and you don’t pretend it doesn’t hurt when you scrape your knees. And I love the way you still try to smile when I’m patching up your wounds.
I love the way you always want the best for us and encourage us to be ambitious. I wouldn’t be on top of my class if it weren’t for you.
I love the way you like cats and they like you back. They always hiss at me unless you’re around. Maybe it’s a sign that we should be together all the time.  
I love the way you say Ah~ when you finish drinking water after playing soccer.
I love (you) the way you love apple juice. I hope you feel the same. – Kim Minji
P.s. if you don’t i also understand and you’re free to do whatever you want with this letter.
You have no idea at what point you started to tear up, but you only realize when a tear falls from your eye into the paper and blurs the ink in the last “Minji”. 
You don’t even process anything around you at that point. All you can think about is that Minji liked you 3 years ago and never told you and now you don’t even know if she still likes you.
No matter how much you think about it, you would’ve absolutely given her your photo album, if only the letter had actually gotten to you when it was supposed to.
“I saw you open the letter from over there, I came here to be nosy.” You can’t tell anything she says because you’re so entranced but you can tell it’s Minji’s voice. You freeze when she sits beside you.
“Is it any good?” She asks before realizing you’re completely paralyzed. “Hey, are you crying?” She touches your shoulder in concern, and it wakes you up a little bit, but the only thing you can do is hand her the letter.
She stares at you for a few seconds before she finally takes the page and mutters, “Oh.”
You don’t really want to look at her, and you don’t know what comes over you that makes you turn your head anyways. The red sun rays hit her face in a way that makes her tan skin glow. Her hair is damp and her shirt is stuck to her body but you don’t dare to look.
She’s clearly just as shocked as you are to see the object in her hands. And she still looks so beautiful. “Y/N, I-” You wipe your tears and sniff before she turns and see them in your eyes.
“Was this the one you bought?” You nod, and she looks back at it with her mouth hung low. “I… was wondering where this went. I thought I lost it.”
“You didn’t send it? At all?” Minji shakes her head. Wow, this is so great. “Why didn’t you?”
“I was supposed to give it to you before you left. I was hoping it would make you stay, but then I thought I was being too selfish and… just didn’t.” There’s clearly some regret still left in her face and the wind starts to blow. You hand her the jacket you put down next to your friends’ bags. “Thanks.” She says as she puts it on. You turn away to look at the sunset and gather your thoughts.
There’s no expression on your face for Minji to read, and for some reason she starts getting worried. “Y/N… I- It’s been three years, you don’t have to worry about-”
“Do you still?” You ask while looking away at the sea.
Minji stays quiet.
“Do you?”
She still keeps quiet. You turn to face her.
“Please tell me the truth, Minji.”
There’s something about how the sun makes your eyes glow and how you say her name that sabotages Minji at not giving in.
“Yes.” She speaks out with a sigh, “I do. I still do.”
You don’t know if your heart is beating faster or slower, but you feel it beat stronger. You turn away to get your bag, Minji just watches, her eyebrows slightly furrowed in distress and curiosity. The only thing she wants right now is to know how you feel.
You reach inside your bag for something, and Minji can’t really tell what it is when you take it out.
Finally, you extend the pale blue hair clip in your hand, “I have liked you since we were seven, Minji.” The girl looks at the clip then at you, her round eyes widened in disbelief.
“Are you serious?”
You hold your hand closer to her, urging her to take the gift before you sniff once again, “I saw this and thought of you. It looks like the one you had when we first met, that’s the day I started liking you. I haven’t stopped since.”
Minji takes the clip from your hands and feels herself tear up, says nothing, stares at it, then stares at you.
“We’ve known each other for thirteen years and I’ve loved you for thirteen of them.”
“I had no idea.”
“We had no idea.”
“We knew nothing about everything.” It’s now Minji’s turn to sniffle but still smiles as she wipes away the tears that threaten to fall from her eyes.
“How could you never say anything? Thirteen years, Y/N.” Minji complains while caressing the blue clip in her hands like it’s a precious stone. “Thirteen.”
“I got distracted with soccer.” Minji laughs with you and pushes you away by the shoulder. “Every goal I’ve ever made has been for you, though,”
“That’s so cheesy.” Minji giggles to herself as she pops the clip open and places it on her hair, it snaps shut with a ‘click’. “What do you think?” She says, turning to you. She tries to ignore your eyes and how sweetly they look at her.
“I think I love you more than I love apple juice.”
That’s the last thing you say before Minji smiles and gets shy, she looks away but her hand searches for yours and you help her by placing yours over hers. She fights back by taking it back and placing hers on top of yours. It makes you laugh.
The sound of your laugh takes her attention and now she stares directly at you, a smile on her own face. Her cheeks now take a reddish color, and her eyes shine like the reflection of the sunlight on the water. It feels like a deja vu.
You think you could stare at Minji’s face all day and not complain. You think maybe she thinks so too with how intensely she’s looking at you.
You raise your eyebrow when her eyes trail down from your eyes to your lips, and she seems to notice when your lips form a smirk. “What?” She giggles at herself, her already red cheeks turn an even darker shade.
“I saw that.”
“Weren’t we about to?”
“So straightforward, You should’ve been like that when sending that letter.”
“Oh my god, shut up.”
Is the last thing she says before she leans forward, she hesitates a little bit and her eyes go from your lips to your eyes, a shine of expectancy as if asking for permission, even when she already has it.
She’s about to close the gap when the both of you hear a chorus of gasps from the sea. It takes your attention. Hanni, Gyuvin and Yoona are all pushing each other giggling and gasping, hands on their mouths. You hear a faint “It’s finally happening.”, You can’t tell who it’s from though.
Minji is visibly annoyed, yells “Look away!” and it bounces in the waves. It’s actually insane how dumb she looks, red cheeks, furrowed eyebrows, pouty, perfect lips. It takes you everything to control yourself and even then you still can’t help grabbing her face gently and turning it towards you to finally, once and for all, kiss her.
You don’t really care if your friends actually turned away or not, because you can’t really tell with how glorious it feels to kiss Minji. It almost feels holy. You feel like you died and went to heaven in five minutes.
It’s a new feeling, a new experience, and it feels so familiar at the same time. Like flowing with the waves, like dancing with the wind, like drowning in apple juice, drowning in love.
Your lips dance like that for a while. At one point Minji’s hand goes up to your face and it’s such a warm feeling it makes you smile into the kiss. You start running out of breath and you don’t even notice. You could die happily if it meant dying with Minji’s lips on yours.
But then your stupid survival instincts kick in and it’s such a shame you have to pull away.
Both of your breaths are heavy and you burst out in laughter at the same time when your eyes meet. When your laughs die down your eyes fall on the pale blue clip that adorned Minji’s head. “You look so cute.”
“Says you.”
And then you hear cheering from the beach again. “Finally!” Hanni yells. You watch in astonishment, “Did she know?” You ask Minji while the both of you watch the three of your friends jump up and down in the water.
“I have no idea. I didn’t tell her. She might’ve noticed.” The cogs start to turn in your brains.
“They all did.” You and Minji say at the same time, then laugh at the same time. What a friendship of thirteen years does to you. And when you see Gyuvin and Hanni get up from the water and get closer to you, you realize you’re about to be ambushed.
“Oh, hell no.” You mumble right before you stand up and grab your bag. Minji just looks at you confused, “Come on, get up. They’re wet.” But Minji doesn’t seem to cooperate.
“Dude!” You grab her hand and pull her up as you run away as far as possible from your friends. You don’t even realize where you’re going, but laughing with Minji while running on the sand at sunset feels heavenly.
You look back and Minji struggles to keep up. Gyuvin and Hanni don’t look anywhere close and they probably decided to just let the both of you go, so you stop running.”
“We…” Minji rests her hands on her knees as she catches her breath, “We didn’t have to run that much. I’m not the soccer player here.”
You send her an apologetic smile, “Sorry…” 
Minji now can stand up and breathe stably. She looks back and there’s no one behind. “So, where do we go now?”
“Home. You need to get changed or else you’re gonna get sick.” You walk towards her to touch her shirt, “It’s still damp.”
“Isn’t your house nearby?” She asks, “I live further away, and it’ll be night by the time we get to my house.”
You squint your eyes at her, “My clothes won’t fit on you, they barely fit on me.” You flex your bicep and the sleeve gets so tight it’s going to cut your blood flow if you keep it like that. “And I haven’t seen your mom yet.”
“And I want to have dinner with your parents.” She confesses. “My first official meeting with them as your girlfriend.” You never actually established that but it’s not like you’re going to refuse the offer.
“You’re actually so annoying, bro.”
“Says you, bro.”
“I’m your girlfriend, bro.”
“No shit, bro.” Minji holds her hand out for you to take it, and you gladly do. You start walking in silence for a little bit.
“Also, my mom won’t let us make out at my house.”
“Okay, that’s enough, bro.” You take your hand back and walk faster to get away from Minji. She immediately sprints to catch up and stick to you.
“I was kidding!” She tries to grab your hand but you refuse it and take it back. “Hey! Hold my hand!”
You look at her and wouldn’t you know, she’s making puppy eyes at you. It makes you give in, it never fails. “You’re so sticky.”
“You wanna know something?” She says as you start walking together again.
“When you kissed me it tasted like apple juice.”
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🗒️ probably one of my favorite things i've written i giggled a lot and had fun writing this.. there's probably lots of mistakes here and there but i beg u pls ignore it bc im dizzy i can't look at words anymore. Minecraft coming soon! love u guys 🫂
625 notes · View notes
cowboykento · 3 months
Hey not sure if you’re still writing about CowboyNanami but I just read all of it and every single one just melts my heart!! Anyways I was wondering if you could write a little drabble of them starting a family could be sfw at first about having a conversation about wanting to finally start and then a nsfw version with a little breeding kink awakening in Nanami, obviously if you’re comfortable with it absolutely fine if not just thought I’d share my thoughts <3 Just wanted to say love your works on CowboyNanami and they are to die for!!
😭thank you very much baby i appreciate you more than words can say!! i think i am stuck (by my own brain) writing him for the rest of my life so i hope u enjoy this :3
warnings: baby making!! kind of breeding kink, discussions of having a kid, "momma" is used but not really in a kink way, lmk if i missed any warnings <3
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you’ve been married almost a year now, and you can’t help but imagine adding a kid—a baby—to the mix. kento brings in enough income from the farm that you could take enough leave from your job; the baby could spend the days inside with you while kento works and then you could all spend the evening on the porch.
for a while it just felt like a distant daydream, but the longer you spent married to kento, the longer you start to truly yearn for it.
you fought with yourself, thinking constantly about how you could bring it up to your husband. it wasn’t necessarily that you were worried he’d shut you down—he’d mentioned his enthusiasm to have a family one day more times than you—but you were worried he wouldn’t be ready now. and you felt so ready and so hopeful, you prayed kento would feel the same way.
you’d tried to bring it up a couple evenings, but the words just wouldn’t come out. you wrack your brain for subtle ways to bring it up, so that maybe you wouldn’t have to say it so directly.
you'd been trying your best to just come out with it for weeks, but the final blow to you came at kento's niece's birthday party. you knew it would be somewhat challenging for yourself, going to this party. kento's niece was just turning 2, and it didn't help that you were already so eager to have your own little one running around the farm.
of course the girl is adorable, you knew that already, but what you couldn't have expected is the way you would feel seeing kento hold his niece in his arms.
he bounces her up and down on his lap, pulling the cutest giggles out of her. he smiles fondly at her, and you swear you've never been more attracted to him than you are now.
his niece is practically glued to him the entire day, so excited to see her uncle kento after so long. you long to raise a baby with kento—you can only imagine how great of a dad he'll be.
you're quiet on the ride home. you told him you were just tired from the party, which was believable enough, but you knew that he didn't fully believe you, he knew you far too well.
still, it was up to you to break the ice. kento wouldn't force you to say anything if you didn't want to, which you always appreciated, but knew that now, it left you no choice but to finally tell him.
"can i talk to you about something?" you ask softly, lacing your fingers with his free hand.
he glances over at you quickly before turning back to the road, "of course, darlin'. everything alright?"
you take a deep breath and look at kento, even if he can't meet your eyes. maybe that's for the best, you're not sure you could manage to get it out if his gaze was pouring into you. you're barely sure you can get it out now.
"well i... i really enjoyed the party today. and it just made me think about... well, about us having a baby," you speak slowly, probing for a reaction from your husband.
his jaw tightens and his eyes widen, and you can tell he wants to turn and face you and see your expression.
"oh yeah? what about us having a baby?" he asks patiently.
your heart is still racing as he lets you fidget with his fingers in your lap.
"i think i want to start trying for a baby... if you want to, too," your voice quivers a bit.
kento stretches his hand out to envelope yours, squeezing your hand in his.
"sweetheart," he breathes, "are ya sure?"
"mhm. been thinking about it for a while," you admit, "but you really sold it at the party. you're so good with your niece."
he brings the back of your hand to his lips, "i'd love to start tryin', darlin'. 've wanted to start a family with ya for forever. you're really sure?"
"i am, kento. i really want this. i really want this with you."
he pulls up to a stop sign and pulls you in to kiss your lips quickly, but enthusiastically.
"i want this too, baby. ya wanna start tryin' when we get home?" his hand falls back down to your thigh, creeping close to the hem of your pretty sundress.
you lean across the console to press a kiss to his cheek, "yeah, let's start trying, handsome."
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you barely get through the door, your lips crashing into each other's as kento tosses his keys into the bowl, not losing his focus—you—for even a second.
his hands hold you tightly around your middle, pulling you as close to him as possible as his tongue licks into your mouth hungrily.
you moan into his mouth, your fingers tangled in his hair as he pushes you against the wall, hands lowering to pull your dress up.
"you want me to put a baby in ya?" he pants against your jaw, immediately reattaching his lips to your skin after the words leave his mouth. "been waitin' for ya to finally let me get ya pregnant. fuck, you'll be the best mama, won'tcha?"
he pulls your panties aside, swiping his fingers through your cunt to gather up your arousal, licking it up greedily before thumbing over your clit.
"fuck, please, ken," you squeak as he slips a finger into your pussy, gently but thoroughly preparing you for him. "please gimme a baby, want it so bad."
his lips are back on yours, tongue sucking up your pretty moans as his fingers piston in and out of you.
"i'll give ya what ya want, just like i always do," he breathes against your lips. "anything my pretty wife wants, ain't that right?"
"pleeease, ken, need you now," you moan, feeling your walls start to clench around his fingers.
he pulls them out with a pop, once again sucking the juices off of them before he lifts you off your feet without once taking his lips away from yours, and carrying you off into the bedroom.
kento lays you down on the bed lovingly, despite the passion and adrenaline passing between both of you. his hands and his lips, however, move erratically, entirely driven by kento's desire—his need—to give you a baby.
he's quick to pull your dress off, leaving you in just your panties, his shirt following quickly after. every second your lips separate from kento's you're both letting out breathless gasps of "fuck," and "love you so much."
his hands are roaming eagerly from your jaw, pulling you into loving and indulgent kisses before sliding down to squeeze your tits.
"these are gonna get all full of milk pretty soon, sweetheart," he says between sucking and kissing your neck and chest. "y're gonna be the prettiest momma, baby. fuck, my pretty, perfect wife. love ya so much, darlin'."
you reach your hands up to cup either side of his face, "i love you too, kento. so much. i want this so bad—want this with you."
kento closes the space between his lips and yours once more before kissing down your front until he gets to the waistband of your panties. he kisses your clit through the fabric, tongue poking out to prod at your damp slit.
your fingers tie into his hair once again, "kenn, i need your cock now, need you to get me pregnant now," you whine.
a grin breaks out on kento's face, and he kisses your cunt one more time before pulling away to shove his jeans and boxers down. his cock springs out, hard and leaking and you nearly whimper at the sight. you've taken him how many times? yet every time it amazes you.
kento crawls his way back over you, tongue finding yours immediately as his fingers slide your panties down your legs. you can't help clenching your thighs together, the anticipation of finally getting to try for a baby, of taking kento raw, thrilling and intimidating at the same time.
he slides himself through your dripping cunt, coating himself in your arousal. you're just about to start crying for him to fuck you when he spits on your pussy and slides his dick through it, making both of you sloppy messes.
"please ken, fuck me," you breathe against his cheek between kisses, "make me a momma."
kento lines himself up, his tip barely prodding at your entrance before kissing you with every bit of love and adoration in his heart and soul and thrusting all the way into your warm, soaking pussy.
the moan you let out come straight from your stomach as you feel your husband finally fuck you. your fingernails dig into his back when he finds his pace—slow, but deep. so deep—and plows you into the mattress.
your legs kick up hopelessly as he pounds into you, the sound of skin on skin mixing with the moans that sneak out in between kissing him.
kento keeps one hand on the side of your face so he can admire you, the other rubbing your throbbing clit.
"shit," he groans, "need to fill this little pussy, need to get you pregnant, oh my god."
you don't think you've ever heard your husband this fucked out, and it makes you just as drunk off his pleasure as well as your own. you can't even muster up any words, too lost in the overwhelming sensation kento always brings you. even so, he's on another level of aroused and sexy tonight.
"please," you hiccup out, "please, please kento, please fill me-"
he cuts you off, licking fire into your mouth as his hips start to move faster, his cock nearly punching against your cervix.
you're so close you have to fight not to squeeze your eyelids shut, too intent on seeing your handsome husband as he finally fucks a baby into you.
"c'mon, momma, cum f'r me, c'mon sweetheart, just cum 'n i'll fill you right up, fill you to the brim," he says, picking up his pace on your clit and continuing his relentless pace.
it doesn't take much more than his words to send you over the edge, your eyes rolling back in your head as your body shakes with the tremors of pleasure.
just as you're starting to come down from your high, kento makes a few final thrusts before finishing right behind you, pushing every ounce of his cum as deep as he can.
you watch his abs clench as he continues rolling his hips against yours, slowly, leisurely keeping you full, just like he promised.
you pull him down for another kiss, this one more worn out, but somehow more in love than you've ever felt.
"did so good for me, darlin'," he smiles at you, finally pulling out and laying down next to you. "always do so good for me. love ya so much, angel."
you smile back at him, "i love you too, kento. more than anything. i'm so happy we're gonna start a family."
he pulls you against his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "me too, darlin'."
you snake your arms around him, looking up at him with fucked out, gorgeous eyes, "you know, we might as well get a few more tries in tonight. just so we know for sure."
he pulls you all the way up so you're straddling him, leaning just above his lips, "i think y're right, darlin'. can't be too sure."
you giggle, heart fuller than ever, as you kiss your husband.
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hai hope you enjoyed if you read this far :3 pls consider sending more cowboy!nanami asks either here or on @chuuyasboots !! okay thanks so much for reading
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love-belle · 1 year
today and tomorrow and every day after that !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their fall-in-love-again era is them pretending as if they haven't already made it till forever.
for when it'll be them today, tomorrow and then a day after that. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // max verstappen x fem!reader
prequel - i should hate you ⋆·˚ ༘ *
warnings - language
author's note - it's 3am and im tired. thank u and i hope u like it <3
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, carmenmmundt and 789,416 others
yourusername his big wet eyes and loser personality have captivated me
tagged maxverstappen1
username STFU OMG
username GIRL WHAT
username kinda hypocritical of u to go back to ur ex after yelling at us to fuck him (figuratively)
-> yourusername sorry bb he cried until i gave in
-> maxverstappen1 stop spreading lies
username the way i js relaxed and it wasn't even my relationship like DAMN
username im a child of TOGETHER parents
username i need this
danielricciardo i better be the godfather of your vaginal demons
-> yourusername pls take back ur bf heidiberger_
-> heidiberger_ timeout. NOW.
-> maxverstappen1 why only HER vaginal demons. i helped too
-> danielricciardo yeah for like 2 seconds
-> yourusername oh god
-> username "i helped too" LMFAOAOAOAN WTF
maxverstappen1 this is cyber bullying
-> yourusername stfu i love those photos like fetus maximus ❤️
-> maxverstappen1 that's not my name and you know it
-> yourusername honestly u should he HONOURED that u share a name with maximus the horse 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
username who needs reality tv when u have this comments section
username everyday i discover something entirely new about this whole group and atp im not even surprised
username don't post me unless the caption is "his big wet eyes and loser personality have captivated me"
maxverstappen1 i don't have a loser personality
-> yourusername u wear skinny jeans
-> username gagged him
-> username no bc they need to GO
maxverstappen1 okay but i could be your loser boyfriend, you ever think of that?
-> yourusername ur already my loser husband wdym
-> danielricciardo GIRL
-> maxverstappen1 wow
-> yourusername oh
-> yourusername haha surprise people
-> username say what the fuck now
-> username istg if i find out that they're MARRIED after WEEKS of agony and pain i will riot
maxverstappen1 you suck at keeping secrets
-> yourusername u suck in general
-> maxverstappen1 real mature
username i'd die for them and they don't even know me
username i did not see this coming wtfff
username WHEN WAS THIS.
username no bc the fact that they STILL don't follow each other is HILARIOUS
username giggling rn he's so babygirl i love him
lilymhe run away with me
-> yourusername absolutely
-> maxverstappen1 aren't you MY wife
-> lilymhe divorce exists
-> yourusername she has a point
username im paralysed like WHAT DO U MEAN THEY'RE MARRIED
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, landonorris, danielricciardo and 895,315 others
maxverstappen1 something about how i'd marry you with paper rings and in this case, a string (or $1 rings from vending machine)
tagged yourusername
maxverstappen1 i did not write the caption
-> maxverstappen1 y/n wrote this caption
-> yourusername i did not write this caption
username bitches be crying bc two people who do not know her at all are being cute and parents i am bitches
username she can spit on me
-> username she can ruin me actually
username nah ur not ginna distract us w this post WE NEED ANSWERS
username pretty people (max and y/n) ruining it for the others (me)
username last slide made my heart crack
charles_leclerc i have heard you sing that little song to yourself. you wrote this caption.
-> maxverstappen1 i hope you like my rear
-> yourusername no bc he actually does
-> charles_leclerc i mean...
-> maxverstappen1 are we about to kiss right now?
-> alexandrasaintmleux does this mean......yourusername
-> yourusername babe come over ❤️
-> username what in the world is happening in this comments section
username everyday i wake up against my will and lose a part of myself knowing that my wife was snatched up by a vroom vroom mutation
username max it's ok to love ur wife!!!!!!!! we do too!!!!!!!!
-> maxverstappen1 she's not my wife. referring to her as such damages my reputation
-> yourusername i hope u like the doghouse
-> maxverstappen1 fun fact! we don't have a dog
-> yourusername new fact! now we do
-> maxverstappen1 uh
-> username i live for y/n terrorizing max every moment of the day
username nah my eyes are js overflowing with fluid im not crying 😂😂😂😂😂
username someone sedate me...........is max being romantic (?????????) on the main
username this is the peak of my existence
username lord what have i done wrong
danielricciardo as if you're not literally sitting on her lap right now
-> maxverstappen1 she tripped me
-> yourusername u literally told me that u would commit heinous crimes if i didn't let u sit on my lap
-> maxverstappen1 you tripped me
-> username i need to put his brain under a microscope and js SEE
-> username no bc how he goes from point a to point b needs to be scientifically studied
username don't mind me js going crazy over the fact that my parents MAY be married
yourusername u told me that i was the one who should propose
-> maxverstappen1 yes
-> yourusername and then snatched my ring and proposed to ME with MY ring
-> maxverstappen1 yes
-> yourusername yeah lemme js 🧠🔬
yourusername in any case, the answer would be fuck no ❤️
-> maxverstappen1 i'm calling christian and telling him that you're bullying his first driver.
yourusername IT'S A LOVE STORY BABY JS SAY YES!!!!!!!! (yes)
-> maxverstappen1 uh, i already asked charles_leclerc so...
-> charles_leclerc sorry
-> yourusername homwrecker
-> charles_leclerc there was no home to wreck
-> yourusername yeah i'll js sing boyfriend by dove cameron to alex instead
username this comments section is what keeps me up at night
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by maxverstappen1, carmenmmundt, landonorris and 1,527,278 others
yourusername babygirl u are a very freak and strange. i am deeply in love with u. all jokes aside, we made it. i know we got married like weeks ago but marrying u like FOR REAL has been the most beautiful moment of my life. i wanna spend everyday with u, in this life and all the others. vegas was a trip but even then, it was perfect with u, the one i was marrying and as taylor swift said "i like shiny things but i'd marry u with paper rings" or in our case, $1 rings from the vending machine. i wanna go to museums with u and point to pictures with weird guys and say "that's u". i wanna dance in the kitchen with u. i wanna look back after decades at all these memories and laugh, knowing that my now-self made the best decision. i love u even if u have me saved as "DO NOT ANSWER ❌" in ur phone. i think forever would be nice with u or till death do us apart (or someone in a suit if this escalates to a divorce).
tagged maxverstappen1
username give me a minute. or a year
username hahahahahahaha PAUSE.
username no bc i missed the WHOLE BOOK instead of chapters
username and this is how they managed to break the f1 fandom
username they 😭 got 😭 married 😭
carmenmmundt all my love to both of you !! i love you and you deserve nothing but happiness 🤍 thank you so much for letting me be a part of your special day
-> yourusername carmen 🤍🤍🤍 u own my heart and thank UUUUUU for being a part of my big day
username "i think forever would be nice with u or till death do us apart (or someone in a suit if this escalates to a divorce)" y/n y/l/n how does it feel to be the most hilarious person ever 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
username im in SHAMBLES rn what the fuck
username someone sedate me bc there's NO way this is real
landonorris good luck because he's with you till you decompose
-> maxverstappen1 i'll go with her into the afterlife too like who the fuck she trying to meet there
-> yourusername bold of u to assume you'd even get in
-> maxverstappen1 is this what married life is like???
username i am unwell
username "i wanna go to museums with u and point to pictures with weird guys and say "that's u"" THIS IS TRUE LOVE
username and adding onto my 262728292 reasons
username the caption has me shaking on the floor gasping for breath
username i have PRAYED for times like these
danielricciardo the best night even though i don't remember any of it
-> yourusername u tried to set our marriage certificate on fire saying "it's set in stone now"
-> danielricciardo doing god's work
-> username no bc y/nmax nation would be in RUINS if it weren't for daniel
username sobbing they're soooo parents now it's crazy
username i js woke up whatcthebfufk
maxverstappen1 never changing your contact name
-> yourusername this is so not sexie new husband of u
maxverstappen1 we look lovely
-> yourusername yes we do
maxverstappen1 mrs. y/l/n-verstappen
-> yourusername mr. verstappen-y/l/n
username screeching when will it be my turn
username never ever ever getting over this caption
username this will go down in history for YEARS to come
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, danielricciardo and 2,128,268 others
maxverstappen1 never really did sappy posts but this means the world to me and i guess there's a first (???) time for everything. all i can say is that i truly cannot wait to spend all my days with you and go to sleep thinking that i can't wait to do it again tomorrow. and i think, there's nothing more lovelier than that. you once told me that i deserved the world, i hope we get to see it together. i wanna hear how your day was, today and tomorrow and every day after that. but before getting to all those tomorrows, here's to our forever that's summed up for me in a small moment.
tagged yourusername
username shut up and think about what u did
username i can't cry im in class WHY WOULD U DO THIS TO ME
username no bc this is literally my last straw ENOUGH
username "here's to our forever that's summed up for me in a small moment" THIS DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE AND IT MADE ME SOB
username no bc he had no RIGHT to post this
username girlypop im still recovering from y/n's post give me 4-5 business years
username not cool max verstappen not COOL.
username tears are streaming down my face what the actual fuck
landonorris okay i shed a few tears
-> maxverstappen1 mate you were sobbing while giving your speech
-> username no bc lando is their ACTUAL child of divorce
username this is ASTRONOMICAL like this is INSANE
username the bar is so high it js looks like a dash at this point
username everyone go home. max js won
-> maxverstappen1 winning on and off track
-> yourusername u cried when i beat u in mario kart
-> maxverstappen1 I CAN'T DRIVE
username further proof of if he wanted to he would
username "i truly cannot wait to spend all my days with you and go to sleep thinking that i can't wait to do it again tomorrow" js take me swiftly and now
username i've prayed for times like these ❤️
charles_leclerc can't believe you would cheat on me
-> maxverstappen1 might just leave her for you
-> yourusername is this a bad time to tell u both that im already seeing someone???? alexandrasaintmleux
-> alexandrasaintmleux my angel ❤️
-> charles_leclerc wait a minute
-> maxverstappen1 now hold on
username live for men are unapologetically in love with their partners like there's nothing more sexy than that
username liar every single post abt y/n has been a sappy post
-> maxverstappen1 she holds me hostage every time
-> yourusername divorce papers look so sexy rn
username my babies ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
danielricciardo tell lando i'm the godfather
-> landonorris he WON'T because you're NOT
-> maxverstappen1 guys we don't even have a baby
-> danielricciardo obviously we're talking about the future. your swimmers ain't THAT competitive unlike you
-> maxverstappen1 and you're officially out of the godfather contestants
username need a documentary on this like my life depends on this bc it DOES
username i never will be moving on from this post
yourusername i love u i love u i love u i love u i love u i love u
-> maxverstappen1 likewise
-> yourusername yeah i'll just
*yourusername deleted this comment*
yourusername ty
-> maxverstappen1 have a sense of humour
-> yourusername i married u what's funnier than THAT
-> username CLEARED HIM
-> username LFMSOAOAOAO
yourusername nice caption, wonder who edited it 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
-> maxverstappen1 i don't know, this girl who follows me everywhere and calls me maximus
-> yourusername she sounds cute
-> maxverstappen1 yeah, she really is
yourusername nvm idgaf I LOVEEEEEE YOU
-> maxverstappen1 i love you more
yourusername husband
-> maxverstappen1 wife
username giggling rn im sooooo happy
username i will show this to my kids
2K notes · View notes
caxde · 6 months
bright eyes | eddie munson x reader
summary you and Eddie have just become a couple, you meet hellfire club, Wayne finally meets you, navigating your relationship with him and his little girl (6.8k)
warnings fem!reader, girl!dad Eddie!!!!, fluff, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn strangers to lovers, idiots in love!!!, , english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read! 
a/n: thank you guys for the support, and thanks to the lovely @criesinlies for her help and motivation, this one is for u babe <3 part1 part2 part 3 (they can be read seperatly)
“As you feel the air collapse in your lungs, I’m gonna need a constitution saving throw from you, Tayr.” Eddie explains, as his voice changes into that dramatic tone he always uses when he’s in the middle of a session, pointing at Mike who is stunned and on the verge of having a meltdown. 
“Wha-Whaddumean the air collapses in my lungs?” He asks frantically, as he shuffles through papers, trying to find something that will get him out of this, his die on his hand, rattling anxiously. 
“Counterspell!” Will screams, his hand on reaching for Eddie, he just scoffs. 
“It’s not a spell.” His voice remains calm, not stopping the visual contact he had going on, enjoying the menacing aura he had going on, something he didn’t get to do as often now that most of the stories and voices he could do were the ones for bedtime so Lua would fall asleep. 
He enjoyed looking at the chaos that ensued at the table, how they all were chatting amongst themselves, trying to find a solution, something useful so Mike’s character wouldn't die. 
Eddie hears the soft knocks on the door, his eyebrows raise a bit as he looks over at the trailer. The kids were around the table, buried deep with character sheets and spell cards, Max and El were on the living room floor drawing and colouring with Lua, Steve and Robin weren’t supposed to come pick them up for another forty minutes and uncle Wayne had yet to come back from work. 
He made his way to the front door, excusing himself from his usual DM spot, Dustin nodding in understanding, a curious look on his face as he looked over at him, and who could be behind the door. 
You had left work a bit earlier, for once they actually respected your work hours, and understood that if you started your shift at ten in the morning, you shouldn’t stay past six in the afternoon. So for once, you were back in the trailer park beforehalf past, and lucky for you, you caught some pastries they wanted to throw out, they said they were too old to sell, but you had baked them yesterday night, so you knew for a fact the blueberry muffins that where Lua’s favourite and the Cinnamon rolls that Eddie liked were good to take. 
So, there you were, your work clothes still on, and a little cardboard box in your hands. 
You looked up at him, as soon as he opened the door and his head tilted ever so slightly to the right, your lips were already curving upwards as you made eye contact with him. His eyes melting a bit at the sight of you, he made a step back, letting you in. 
You didn’t really have any reason to be alert, you were just happy to see him, and excited to do so, even if the nerves of the dinner you had in a couple hours were starting to manifest in your body, you paid them no mind. Instead, you pointed your feet up, the distance between both of your bodies closing, a small peck left on his lips from yours. He smiled as he always does when you kiss him. 
You realised right there that something strange was going on, when the usual noise that rummaged through his trailer was gone. Even worse, the noise you had heard from the other side of the door had ceased, you pulled away, not too far for that matter, your body still a breath away from his, his hand resting on your waist. 
“Got out of work earlier, they gave me some sweets… I thought maybe Lua..” That’s when you realised that he wasn’t exactly alone. 
There was a group of kids sitting around a table, their eyes about to pop out of their heads, mouths opened in shock, whilst Lua was in the company of two girls. You recognized the red head, Max lived a couple trailers down from you, she always had some kind words to say about your outfit, and you had helped her a couple of times when her mom was away and her washing machine was making the same funny sound as yours did. 
She was the one that seemed more shocked out of them all, standing up in one swift movement as Lua clocked that you were there. Her usual gigle as a greeting as she started walking clumsily to your feet, her arms opened for you to hug her. Eddie gave you the same nod he always did, as he took a step further from you and took the little box with sweets out of your hands. It always happened when Lua wanted attention from you, you looked over at Eddie a ‘is this okay? can i hold her?’ look he had become used to, and that he absolutely adored. 
“Princess!” Lua cheered as she wrapped her arms lazily on the back of your neck, Eddie had told you about the whole princess accident, and you had become somehow warmed up about the nickname that she had gifted you. You pulled her in a warm hug. 
“Hi dude, you doing okay?” You asked, your voice higher in pitch as it always did when you talked to her. 
“Yeah. Friends over!” She pointed out to the two girls that remained silent on the floor, her mouth still slightly opened. 
“Eddie you rat!” Max broke the silence, the cascade of comments starting to flow as the kids were coming out of shock. “I live right next to you, how did I not know!” She continued, you looked at her, a bit afraid of her if you were being honest. Her hard tone contradicts with her wide smile. 
“Is she your girlfriend?” One of the boys asked from the table, his tan skin made his blue shirt pop, just as much as his question did. Making you both blush in a similar way, looking at each other, Lua looking between the both of you, still on your arms. 
“She’s dada’s princess.” She explains, as best as she could, her sweet words making you chuckle, as Eddie took her from your arms, pulling her in a soft embrace. 
���Yes, and she got you a snack, d’you want some?” Eddie rattled the box, and Lua’s eyes widened as she cheered. 
The chattering continued as you sort of stood in the middle of the room, not sure where to go to, or what to do now. 
“How did he get you to agree to go out with him?” A boy with curly hair half covered with a cap that had some writing you couldn’t quite read spoke, an incredulous tone evident by the way his face looked, a raised eyebrow following his question. 
“It wasn’t that hard, really… he just… asked?” You could hear Eddie laughing from the kitchen, the sound of it making your shoulders relax, you weren’t used to that much attention. 
“Unbelievable, I should have been asking Eddie the Freak Munson for girl advice, not King Steve… who would have known.” The same boy replayed, you caught the same dramatic voice and flare you had caught on Eddie a few times, it made you chuckle. 
“Eddie the Freak?” You questioned, more to yourself than to anyone else, as you took a step closer to the table.
“Oh, yeah. He’s a big nerd, even bigger when he was in High School.” Max was the one talking now, teasing him as Eddie walked out the kitchen, arms crossed over his chest. 
Lua was walking with a plastic plate on her hand, half of the muffin on it. She was trying really carefully to not drop it, concentrating on finding her way to the couch. 
“Hey, enough teasing the one that’s housing you, ‘kay?” That was an expression you still haven’t seen or heard in Eddie. His head tilted to the left, his hair falling a bit in front of his face, his eyes wider before he closed them a bit, his lips pressing against each other. Eddie was embarrassed, and didn’t really know how to manage it. 
“Yeah, we’re literally in the middle of a campaign.” The boy with the black hair and arched nose points out frantically gesturing at the board on top of the table. “I might be dying!” Urgency comes back into his voice, and you can see the way Eddie tries to mask a laugh, his hand hiding his smile, only growing when he makes eye contact with you. 
“Well, at least someone kisses her girlfriend.” The girl that was beside Max and had been quiet spoke out, a spec of hurt in her voice. Her words made the boy that was somehow about to die shake his head in disbelief at her, while Max and the two other boys that had spoken chuckle. The boy that hadn’t spoken yet looked at the dying boy longley. 
Eddie enjoyed the teasing when it wasn’t focused on him, so he let out a chuckle as soon as she heard how El teased Mike back for not being as affectionate as he was. Then again, Eddie was aware that he was highly affectionate, and even now, not being next to you, or holding your hand was a weird feeling now that he could call you his girlfriend. 
Maybe that’s why he uses the small moment where they were chuckling and quietly teasing Mike to walk over you, his hand finally resting on the small of your back, where it fits in a perfect way, the small touch reassuring you in a way you didn’t think possible. Your head spins to look at him, his eyes half closed when they meet yours, he can’t help but leave a small kiss on your forehead. And you can’t help but rest your head on his chest as soon as he breaks the tiny kiss. 
“Okay, roll call or they won’t stop looking at us weird.” Eddie half jokes as he speaks up, you just enjoy the way his chest vibrates when he talks, for a moment you let yourself daydreaming of the day you get to sleep with him as close as you were now. “You know Max.” You nod as the red haired girl looks up at you again, before sitting down back on the floor. “That’s El” The one that had teased the other boy about kissing mouthed a silent hi, her eyebrows slightly raised “She also goes by Jane.” Eddie turns to your ear, whispering it to you. 
“Dustin, Henderson. Though right now I’m Nog.” The boy with the curled covered hair spoke next, he seemed excited to meet you, his smile was contagious. 
“Uh… Okay?” You weren’t exactly sure what he meant with right now, and you had a habit of not masking your emotions, so your face could be read like a poem, your eyebrows raised in misunderstanding and confusion. 
“She doesn’t know about D&D?” The boy that was supposedly dying erupted again, and you heard Eddie audibly roll his eyes. 
“It doesn’t matter.”The guy next to him talked, though he almost cut him off, frustration on his voice, the rest of the party scoffed and tried to hide a chuckle “I’m Will, or Will the Wise. He’s Mike, or Tayr in this case.” He pointed to them both, you nodded, trying hard to remember everyone’s names. 
“I’m Lucas or Sundar the Bold, also Max’s sometimes boyfriend.” He tries to charm the girl who just rolls her eyes as she shakes her head. Even if you clock a soft curving of her lips. 
You smile to yourself, trying to hold as much information as you can. 
“Do you also have a second name?” 
Eddie laughs, as he pushes a little hair away from his face, tucking it away nicely under his ear. 
“No, I uh… I’m the, uh… Dungeon Master.” 
Luckily for Eddie, Steve walked in at that moment. Robin followed him closely. Giving him another moment of quietness and self reflection as they walked inside, observing the scene as they did.
He had never been embarrassed about playing, or anything of that matter, but for some stupid reason that he wasn’t sure of, he felt just that seeing you in his space when he was not expecting it. He wasn’t prepared, for you to see him actively nerding out, even worse, when the stakes at the table were as high. 
“I think we got here a bit early, Steve.” Robin pointed out, her voice doing that sing along tone that you found charming. Lua waved at them from the couch where she was still enjoying her little treat. The reason you were here after all. 
“Oh, shi-” Eddie glared down at him before he could finish the sentence, a quick nod to the little girl listening in. “You’re one to talk.” 
“You are!” Dustin halved screamed from his chair, an accusatory finger pointing at him. “You’re the one giving out girl advice, while Eddie somehow managed to find a respectfully hot girl to go out with him.” You can’t help but giggle at the way he said respectfully, his mouth enunciating every syllable of the word while he looked at you in an apologetic way. 
Eddie blushed harder, the palm of his hand hitting his forehead. The vein on his neck grows larger every second. Unlucky for him, and due to the fact that he was far too distracted, he missed the look on your face when you caught that, the half second where the image of Eddie biting his lower lip trying to hide a cocky smile as his vein pulsed had made your thighs clench, and your eyes darken. 
“Henderson’s right, Steve” Robin added in her teasing tone, her words felt like they had an extra space written in between them. “That’s another point on the you suck table.” For some reason that you didn’t understand, that snarky comment made them all laugh, an inside joke you hope to understand someday. 
“I uh… should go back to my trailer.” You point to the opened door with your head, your hand now was somehow tangled with Eddie’s. 
“You can stay.” He pleas with a sweet soft voice, like honey to your ears. His eyes looking down at you, somehow becoming doe-like. 
“I would, but I need to make dinner for four.” You remind him as you wink. A lovesick smile appears on his lips once again, forgetting that he was surrounded by people that will tease him as soon as you’re gone. “I’ll leave the door unlocked, come whenever.” 
He stands there for a moment, knowing full well that their friends are talking to him, teasing him relentlessly, but he doesn’t really care, he’s too focused on seeing the way your body moves, and how even your steps reflect how happy you feel. 
“I thought she was coming over here.” Wayne pointed out, standing against the bathroom door, looking over Eddie's shoulder, as he brushed out Lua’s recently clean hair. 
“She was, but she wanted to host, said she’d feel more comfortable.” Eddie explained, not really focusing on what he was saying, more centered in the job he was doing. He had an experience with curly hair, and knew just how much care it needed, and how much he hated detangling it when he himself was a kid. “I’ll be done in a second, bug.” He tried to reassure her, her hands pushing him away. 
“Right.” Eddie wasn’t expecting much words out of his uncle, but he was still a bit anxious, and he wasn’t really sure he knew why. “You should shower, I’ll change Lua.” He told him, as he grabbed Lua in a soft embrace. 
That’s when Eddie realised he had been anxiously brushing his daughter’s hair for the last fifteen minutes. 
And that he probably just needed a second, a moment or a minute just for himself. 
 Turns out, silence can also be an overwhelming sound. 
For Eddie, silence was the time his thoughts gained free raign on his brain.
Even if he tried to quiet them down, hot water hitting the back of his head as he takes his time washing his hair, he wasn’t sure he could do it. 
He was used to judgment. First it was him being a nerd, which evolved into freak, which ended with reckless. First he had been an outcast, then he had been the dangerous teen, now he was the young dad who barely finished high school. 
His problem -he realised as the water pressure hitted the knot that he had on his left shoulder- was that that had all happened before you met him. 
And he hadn’t told you a lot about that. Or about Hellfire and just how important and life saving it had been for him, despite it’s nerdy side, which was what you had only seen. 
He had a river of what if’s as he brushed his damp hair, putting leave in conditioner and drying it. 
He kept thinking. 
What if you seeing him with (ironically) even more kids had somehow pushed you away.
What if you knowing that he had been on the verge of expulsion made you reject him. 
What if you getting to actually know him made you wish you never had in the first place. 
Wayne knew what was going on, but he had realised through experience that the best he could do is just give him space, facilitate the tasks he had to do. So he left him his comfort black button up shirt he always wore when he wanted to feel better, his usual blue jeans under it. 
He had dressed Lua, with the hand-me-down clothes Jameson from three trailers up had given them a few months ago, a pastel baby blue dress she had a fuss about, until she realised it was actually comfortable. Wayne smiled to himself, remembering how Eddie used to do the same. 
Across the street, you were setting up the table. 
The meat cannelloni your grandma used to make for you -or your best attempt at them- where being covered in bechamel that you had just finished, the bottom of the pot that you had used was barely brown for once, a good sign, you thought. Maybe a bit too nutmeg, maybe not enough salt, but it drowns the cannelloni in a warm blanket, before you put some shredded cheese on top. 
Once they were in the oven, the whole trailer smelt like warmth. 
And you started fidgeting with the hem of your long sleeve. 
You checked again that the white wine was chilled, and that you had plenty of water and orange juice for Lua. 
You repainted your lips red, and checked that you didn’t have any mascara stains in your eyelids for the third time. 
You decided to set the table, soft music playing in the background. A tape you had had for a while, with Bowie, the Smiths and some songs you just knew the name of. As you placed the last fork, the familiar soft knock came from the door. A smile appearing in your lips as a response. 
Eddie’s breathing slowed down as soon as he locked eyes with you. His shoulders dropped a bit, his eyes softened, just by seeing you, the river of thoughts stopped. 
Wayne’s eyebrows raised -as soon as he saw the effect you had on his anxious nephew- but neither of you noticed. 
“You look nice.” You let out, your voice softer, kinder. 
“So do you.” He said back, his voice no longer shaking. Lua in his arms, reaching for you. 
“Hi dude!” Your pitch became higher, as you grabbed her for a quick hug, letting her on the floor so she could investigate as she loved to do. 
Eddie stepped a bit closer to you, leaving a kiss on the spot he liked so much, right where your right temple met your hairline, before introducing you to Wayne. 
“It’s a pleasure.” You tell him, a firm shake of hands proceeds your words, a kind smile in his lips as his eyes are framed by smile lines. 
“I’m sure it’s all mine.” He replays, you like how he drags every word, his accent being so different form the one Eddie has. “It smells heavenly.” 
“Grandma’s recipe.” You tell him, as you move to the table. 
Eddie sees that you had fixed a chair with a couple of your hard pillows, so Lua could actually be seated on her own chair, with you. For some stupid reason, it warmed his heart. He hadn’t asked you to, assuming that she’d just be in his lap once again, but seeing that you had taken the effort, made him see -even if he thought it before- just how much you do care. 
Wayne caught it, the way Eddie’s smirk appeared as he looked at the chair, the small plastic plate and utensils you had set up for her. Water and orange juice. Wayne was starting to like you already, and he had barely talked to you. 
Everyone seemed to like the food, a soft wow escaped Wayne’s lips when non one was looking, as his eyebrows raised in amusement. Lua had wanted to try them as soon as they were set up on the table, Eddie telling her as he cut them up in a soft voice that they were too hot, she didn’t care. She grabbed the end of the fork Eddie had, trying to take a bite. 
“Do you really wanna burn your mouth?” He asked, even if he was a bit overwhelmed, his tone stayed sweet, calm. She nodded, only looking at the food. He let her take a small bite, which she did eat, chewing with her mouth opened. “I told you.” Eddie gave her a look that you found endearing. His head tilted ever so slightly to the right, his eyes opened a bit too much nodding as he did so, a soft giggle escaped your lips. He couldn’t help his from curling as soon as he heard you. 
“Yummy” Is all she said, and it made your eyes squint a bit, your smile growing bigger. Eddie’s voice stopped for a second as he saw you, and how proud you looked. 
“You like it?” Eddie could swear your eyes shined when you asked, even a bit brighter when you saw Lua nodding. 
Wayne realised something in that moment, the small bubble that you seemed to be in. 
From where he was, it already looked like you belonged. Like you always had. You seemed to understand Eddie just as good as he was, maybe even better. 
Wayne did try to get to know you, asking you things every time he felt like he had an opportunity. He was always kind, and gave you a smile when you answered. 
The thing that you found out that Wayne and Eddie shared was how much they listened, and remembered. 
“How come you ended up in Hawkins?” 
“They lied to her.” Eddie replayed before you could, food still in your mouth. 
“Whaddumean?” Wayne responded in shock, his eyes staring at you, wanting you to answer. 
“I uh… I got a call about a teaching spot that was supposedly open, in the High School, but uh… they forgot to add that it wouldn’t actually be available for another six months so… I’m in the cafe, saving up… you know” You felt like you were overexplaining yourself, or that you were coming across as pitiful, but as soon as you felt Eddie's hand on your thigh, a small squeeze on it, you knew you were going to be okay. That you were doing okay. 
Wayne looked over at Eddie, a smirk appearing on his lips, that Eddie knew the meaning of, and for once he was welcome you didn’t. It said, you also want to get out of here. Eddie couldn’t unpack that, not now. 
“Well, I’ve heard you’ve already met some of your future students.” He said instead, taking a sip of the white wine you had poured for him. 
“Have I?” 
“Didn’t your little fan club come?” Wayne was now looking at Eddie, who had gone quieter. Not only was he not talking, but he had that shyness that he had grown to hide coming out, right there in the open. 
“Fan club?” You asked back, giving him a little look. He seemed lost, present, but still not entirely there. 
“Hellfire, we uh… play a game together.” 
“I didn’t know you had more kids beside Lua.” Even if you were smiling sincerely, even if he knew you were teasing him, he still gave you an apologetic smile, not really looking at you but at Wayne, begging him to stop. 
Wayne understands, so he waits a few seconds for the music that had been softly playing to stop, he wipes his mouth with the napkin as he nods at his nephew. 
“I should get Lua to bed.” He excuses himself, as he walks over to her. Lua looked up at him with a puzzled look in her eyes, her head swinging between his dad and his uncle. “Let’s go to bed, Lu.” It’s the first time that you hear him being sweet, almost like honey. 
Lua stands up on her own, her arms up in the air, waiting to be lift up by him. He waves you goodbye in sync with Wayne as he walks out the door. 
You stand up. 
You don’t really know what you have done to make Eddie quiet, but you give him space, as you clear the table, and you catch him playing with his index finger, a repetitive movement that lets you know he’s got something bugging him in his mind. 
You let him stay in the chair while water runs down your hands. Calming yourself whilst you come out with the right words. 
“Are you okay?” You end up asking the most basic question, but the only one you can actually think of. He finally looks up at you, and in doing so he realises due to the iron taste in his mouth that he had been biting his lower lip a bit too hard. 
“Yeah, just… Sorry.” He tried to brush it off, finally standing up, walking to the kitchen. His hands hidden deep in the back pockets of his jeans.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He knows that took courage out of you to ask, you start cleaning the plates, the sponge bubbling up as you squeezed it. 
“Do you want me to dry?” He asks back, stepping closer to you, nodding to your previous question, looking for a way to be close to you. 
“Sure.” You step to the left, letting him a bit of space for him to fit, his waits hitting his, a comforting touch that makes his brain slow down once more. “Did I do something? While we were eating?” You try to ask, not sure why he went quiet all of a sudden. Not sure why Wayne had vanished and let you two alone, or why he nodded at Eddie before doing so. 
“No, you were amazing. I can tell Wayne already likes you.” He admits, drying the first plate, his voice was shaking a bit in anticipation about the conversation he knew you were about to have. “It’s just… I haven’t been embarrassed about Hellfire in like, ever. And suddenly the fear that you might I dunno, think it’s dumb, or that you wouldn’t like me being like, this huge nerd, that hangs out with Highschoolers while you are supposed to be a teacher and I…” He was talking faster and faster, his words were starting to fuse together, catching up to the speed in which his brain was thinking about it all. 
You turn the faucet off, paying him full attention. He catches that in the midst of his rumbling. His eyes lock with yours, as nervous tears make his eyes crystallize. 
“Shit I barely graduated. I hated school, I was a freak who liked to play or still likes rather, who tried to defend anyone even if I got beat up or called shitty things and then I got a kid and shit… You have been nothing but nice and you literally are like a I dunno, a princess. Kind and all that shit I don’t… I don’t really deserve it.” 
You shake your head as he talks, wanting to interrupt but not really being able to. You just take his hand, a soft touch that lets him know he’s being heard. 
“Moon.” He can’t help but look at the way your lips move when you call him by the sweetest nickname he had ever been called, only made better by your voice. Your thumb tracing drabbles on the back of his hand. “I like that you’re a nerd.” He can feel the sincerity of your voice, only made more evident by the smile that painted your lips. “I like it because I like you.” You tell him, your eyes looking at the way his lips part, his head shaking in embarrassment. “I don’t care if you play whatever game, or hang out with whoever, because that makes you who you are. And that’s who I like.” 
“Idiot.” It’s the only thing he can manage to say back, with the stupidest widest smile you had seen from him. 
“Hopefully yours.” You tease back, turning back to keep cleaning more dishes. 
He just stands there, mesmerized by you, and the way that you treat him, how you make him feel. He just gives in the urge, his arms wrapping to your waist, his chest hitting your back. You gave in a bit, pushing into him, melting in his arms. 
He took the opportunity to kiss your neck, right where it made your skin tingle, goosebumps being sent through your body. He kisses the same spot again after he hears a giggle turning into a soft moan. 
You turn to him, finally giving him a decent kiss. 
His lips intertwined with yours, the softness contradicted with the underlining neediness of his touch, both of you smiling through the kiss, his hands in the small of your waist, pulling you in closer, your hands lost in his hair, tugging it in a way he thought was heavenly. 
“Yeah, hopefully mine.” He finally responded, once he broke off the kiss, his forehead still touching yours, his hands tracing circles on your skin, under your shirt. You couldn’t stop playing with the ends of his hair. 
You stayed a bit longer like that, soft caress left on your body, as you just held each other, whispering sweet nothings to one another. 
He had come over, right when you were ending your shift, panic in his eyes. He was stressed, you could tell that much, switching his order from regular to decaf. He told you, that he had just been called to cover a late shift, and that he didn’t know if he could take Lua with him, because it would be too late, that Wayne had the night shift and wouldn’t be home until 6 in the morning, how much he just needed some reassurance, maybe a little kiss -he couldn’t stop teasing, not even if he tried, not even when he was panicking- but he wasn’t expecting your response to all of this. 
“I could go over and watch her.” 
You saw how his thoughts stopped for a moment, and how the warmth he felt in his heart after he heard your words spread through his cheeks. He asked if you were sure, if you actually didn’t mind. He reminded you that you didn’t have to do it, that it wasn’t your responsibility nor did he want to impose you with something you weren’t ready for. 
“I’d love to spend some time with her. Maybe she’ll even like me more than you in the end.”
He chuckled, added a no way and thanked you a bit too much, finalizing it all with a quick kiss before he headed out, already late for his shift. 
A to go cup in his hand.
Wayne had also thanked you profusely, even if he was a man of no words, he gave you a smile and a comforting squeeze on your shoulder. Lua was sitting down on the couch, mumbling along to the words to her favourite princess movie, while she swanged her hand around, holding on tightly to her chocolate chip cookie. 
You sat down next to her, she squeezed in closer to you. 
“You really like Aurora, don’t you?” Your voice was always higher in pitch when you talked to her, slower, softer. You thought that maybe you did that, in a way, because if someone had been kinder to you when you were little, maybe things would have been easier. 
“She’s the best.” She answered, as if it was painfully obvious. “She lives in the woods, like me!” She pointed out, as soon as the little cottage came on the screen. 
“She does.” 
“And Dada says I’m special like her.” You noticed how her eyes shined when she talked about Eddie, the care and love he had for her reciprocating in the way she talked. 
“You are.” You reassured her, brushing her hair with your fingers, she cuddled with you, a smile on her face. 
Three fast knocks on the door made you startled. Lua had just gone to bed, and you were a bit busy cleaning the mess you ended up doing. Thankfully, you were used to cleaning after yourself, white papers filled with doodles, and teddies laid on the floor next to the couch. You looked at the clock, and you saw that Eddie still had a while to come home, and he wouldn’t knock, he would just barge in. So with an unsure pace, you made your way to the trailer door, opening it as the little boy was screaming Eddie’s name. 
“Oh, hi.” He mumbled, as soon as he saw you. 
“Hi. You’re… Dustin?” He took a quick look at you, scanning the scene before he dared to say anything else, not really understanding why you opened the door and not his friend who actually lived there. 
“Uh, yeah. We met.” He was measuring his words, still a bit unsure as to what he was supposed to do now. “Where’s Eddie?”
“D’you wanna come in?” You both had asked the questions at the same time, so when he nodded, you just stepped to the side so he could come in. You noticed the backpack he had glued to his back, his straps tighter so the weight wouldn’t bother him. “What do you got there?” You pointed at the heavy back with your finger, a curious tone in your voice that made him grab it, before putting it on the table. 
“Oh, I was supposed to meet Eddie.” He said, before seeing you nod, wanting to know more, as you sat down. He followed your movements, as he opened the bag. “He left me some of his D&D stuff, and he was supposed to help me with some things I wanted to add to my first campaign.” He started yapping, you saw that just as Eddie, he talked faster when he was excited about a topic. 
“That’s the game you were playing the other day?” You ask sincerely, he nods, as he starts to fill the table with books, little figurines, papers that had scribbling with two different handwriting, sketches… You got lost into all of it for a second, Dustin watching at the way you seemed to analyze it all. “Could you… like, teach me stuff about it?” 
“Why?” Dustin scrunched his nose, not really following you, his eyebrows almost meeting on the bridge of his nose. 
“Eddie really likes this game, and he talks about it, and I don’t always follow, but I don’t wanna bother him with too many questions so…” 
Dustin's wide smile was all the confirmation you needed. 
You were starting to get it, you had races, and classes and the little numbers on the paper sheets where abilities, that you decided rolling weird sided dice. 
You were in to deep, trying to understand and following him closely, as he flipped through the pages of the big dense book he had between the both of you. 
Maybe that’s why neither of you heard him when he walked in. 
He was about to talk, his mouth remained open, but as soon as he saw you both, he stayed there. His body against the door frame, his arms crossed above his chest as he just looked, with the fondest stupidest smile on his lips as he saw just how much interest you had in whatever Dustin was talking to you about. 
“So you can mix and match any classes and races?” You ask, Eddie's heart stops for a moment, he hadn’t realised you were talking about his game. 
“Yeah, I mean if you were to play a bard which was…?” Dustin was questioning you, seeing if you remembered what he had just spent some time trying to explain to you. 
“An unhinged rockstar that likes to tell stories.” 
“So basically Eddie.” Dustin made the same joke again, making you giggle, whilst Eddie tried to hide his chuckle, wanting to know what you’d say without you knowing he was there. 
“That’s my man.” You teased back, in a singing tone that made Dustin laugh as he looked back down at the book. 
“Yeah, so, if you made your Bard a Half-Elf, it would automatically get a +2 to charisma, which is extremely useful to them.” He cheered, you nodded. You knew that Dustin was feeling a bit proud, as he was explaining these things to you. 
“And they also get a +1 stat boost to other abilities.” Eddie finally chirped in, making his presence known. 
He smiled widely, as he walked over to you. His arms falling to his side, his heart beating faster as if it were eager to finally be near yours. 
“Hi.” You said, voice barely above a whisper as he got closer.
“Hi.” He answered, closing the distance between your lips with a quick peck. 
Dustin was happy, seeing the way Eddie melted when you were close, he liked seeing his friend act like that. All soft, as opposed to the thought persona he had to give out when he was still in school, back when they met each other. 
“Dustin was helping me understand your game.” You told him, eyes shining up at him. “But you’re the one he wants to ask stuff to, so… I’ll head home. See you soon Henderson.” You told the cap wearing boy, with a soft squeeze to his shoulder, he waved bye to you, looking as Eddie walked you to the door. “Lua’s been asleep for a while, so don’t worry about that.” You told him, getting a bit lost into him, which you were starting to realise you had no control over, when his eyes looked like chocolate pools under the moonlight. 
“Have I told you how amazing you are?” He told you, pushing a small flock of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek with his thumb a bit longer than he really needed to. 
You shook your head in disbelief, your eyes not letting go from his stare. You bite your lower lip, a bit from shame, a bit from childish excitement over kind words. He lowered his thumb, pulling your lip down so you wouldn’t bite it. 
The delicate move, the roughness of his callused finger contradicting with the softness of it all, sends your body into overdrive. 
Goosebumps not only filled your body, but his too. He felt it just as much as you need, the spark, the electricity, the fire. It screamed i need you, though sometimes, it seemed like it was screaming i love you, or rather i could love you if you let me. 
“Why?” Is the only thing you could gather to ask, your voice shaking a bit from want, or need. Eddie felt like your voice was a velvety hug on his skin. 
“Just, you really are.” 
He kissed you. His thumb tilted your jaw upwards so he could reach your lips, even if it was a simple movement, it still made your head a bit dizzy. You took a step closer to him, amidst the kiss, so your waist would touch his, so you could get your hands on the back of his neck, burying them in his hair. Your tongues touch, and you feel out of breath. Eddie couldn’t stop himself from smiling, he was too happy, and it was all thanks to you. 
“Goodnight Moon.” You whispered into his ear, finally pulling away. 
“Goodnight Princess.” 
He could have stayed there, watching you leave forever, if it weren’t for Dustin’s soft teasing. A stream of oh lover boy! that came from inside the trailer, it couldn’t even bother him, not even a little bit. 
Because deep down he knew, he was falling deep in love with you. 
if you enjoyed it please leave a comment or reblog. i promise it makes a huge difference <3
requests! are open
@took-me-hours-to-steal-those @edens-vices-art @micheledawn1975 @peachystenbrough @mewchiili @bylermaxmayfield @yujyujj @honeymoonmunsonn @paleidiot @ali-r3n @sunshineandwitchery @supernaturalstilinski @womencriedpower @saramelaniemoon @cultish-corner @babyloutattoo89 @witchwolflea @serenadingtigers @readergf @guineveresghost @saramelaniemoon
part 4 is up, thank for the support dudes <3
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balletfilmss · 9 months
can i request luke x fem reader where they’re both counselors and have a secret relationship where they sneak out tg a lot, then the camp finds out. thank u!
✸ pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
✸ synopsis: during one of your many secret meetups, you and luke get busted by your friends
✸ warnings: like one cuss word, kissing, established relationship, clarrise + chris my beloveds <3
✸ a/n: i’m sorry this took so long, classes just started back & i wanted to die. anyways. also literally what is chris & clarisse’s ship name? 😭
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hermes was the god of messengers, the god of travelers, the god of thieves. his children were welcoming to most, for anybody who appeared at camp half-blood had been funneled through cabin eleven at one point, and new campers would continue to be.
his children were mischievous and they were smart. and above all of that, they were sly, sneaky, and secretive.
so had you really been surprised when one of these children proposed keeping your relationship a secret?
it wasn’t like luke was ashamed of you and your relationship or anything, don’t get it wrong. no, he wished more than anything that he could stand on top of a table in the dining pavilion and scream to everyone that you were his. but he couldn’t.
the two of you had decided that with all the new rules regarding camper relations (which totally weren’t passed thanks to chris and clarisse or your friends from the aphrodite cabin) and the strictly good example you two were to set as head counselors, it was best that it stayed between you and him.
that was why about four months ago, the sneaking around had begun.
meetings behind the boathouse, in the woods and in every secluded area of camp that you two could find. secret smiles and looks that only the two of you could see. holding hands under the table at counselor meetings and whispering in each other’s ears during a capture the flag matches.
it was thrilling, really. like the two of you shared a secret that nobody else had a clue about, something that was seen only by the sun and the moon.
you had been keeping it up for four months unsuspected until one particularly cool night in july.
you hadn’t seen luke all day, you were exhausted from a day of extra long training and losing a capture the flag match, so you were feeling extra clingy when you met him behind the big house. not your greatest hiding place, but you missed him so much that you couldn’t make yourself care.
nobody would notice you two missing with the campfire going on to distract them anyways.
“hey, sweet girl,” he greeted you with a smile that was reserved for your eyes only. “how was your day? i feel like i haven’t seen you at all.”
“because you haven’t.” you groaned in reply, taking his hands in yours because it had been too long since you had done so. his hands were warm and enveloped yours perfectly and you never wanted to let go. “today was exhausting.”
“oh yeah? too tired to see me?” he asked with that sly little smirk of his.
obviously you weren’t, because if you were, you would’ve been sleeping away in your cabin instead of out here in the dark with him.
“clearly not.” you responded with an eye roll that gestured about to your surroundings.
“never too tired for me, huh?”
“shut up.”
and he did, because within less than five minutes, your mouth was on his and his back was pressed up against the building behind.
now, luke prided himself on many things, such as his self-control and diligence, his keen spatial awareness and sneakily ability to keep a secret. but when it came to you, all of those things were gone.
he melted at the mere sight of your eyes meeting his, and your touch was like the blissful fire of a thousand suns.
you weren’t much better when it came to him, with his pretty eyes and the sweet names he gave you.
when he held you in his arms it felt as though the gods had made a mistake of separating your body from his so that you had to endure seventeen groveling years apart before you found one another again.
you were so caught up in one another that you never heard the footsteps coming.
“i knew it!”
you nearly jumped out of your skin when chris’s voice met your ears.
you pried yourself away from luke and the two of you were met with clarisse and chris staring at you, mouths wide open. you were caught.
“um . .” luke mumbled. real smooth.
“we can explain—“
“there’s nothing to explain.” clarisse cut you off, a knowing little smirk on the corner of her mouth as her boyfriend still stared at you with wide eyes. “this is a terrible hiding place by the way.”
“i knew i should’ve taken connor’s bet that they were dating.” chris said.
okay, they had to be exaggerating. you and luke weren’t that obvious, were you?
“oh come on, connor doesn’t know anything.” luke said with a nervous laugh, as if there were a way to cover up what had just been discovered. with the way his hands were still on your waist and fingers hooked through your belt loops, that wasn’t very plausible.
“dude, half the camp knows.” clarisse snorted.
“they do not!” you protested.
clearly, there was no saving your secrets now.
“you guys literally hold hands under the table at counselor meetings.” chris pointed out.
“how would you know? you’re not even a counselor.” you argue with him, but the little smile on luke’s face wasn’t helping your case.
“i have friends.” chris crossed his arms. “they tell me things.”
“he’s lying, silena told him.” clarisse shrugged.
you couldn’t help but laugh at that. accepting your fate, you looked at luke, who sucked air in through his teeth and said, “guess we’re busted.”
“yeah you are. now come back to the campfire and help me with these kids before they kill me.” chris said to his brother.
succumbing to counselor duties, you and your boyfriend emerged from your hiding spot and walked back to the campfire hand-in-hand, the secret out.
when the two of you took your seats in front of the fire and luke pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek, chris twisted his face up in mock disgust from luke’s other side.
“you know what, go back to hiding. i don’t wanna see that shit.”
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star-dust-shark · 4 months
pjo characters as weird and dumb things me and my friends have said
Percy: what the fuck is cockblocking like I can't block ur cock on Snapchat
Will: UUUUUUUGH MY ASS HURTS- ooh look a butterfly
Jason: I can't actually believe I just agreed with you but hey here we are
Reyna: why the fuck am I friends with any of you hoes
Piper: should I...? too late I did it
Will: the best way to rizz someone up is by rizzing them up *turns to friend, winks horribly* hey baby girl
Rachel: one sec getting my anger out *aggressively splatters paint on canvas*
Annabeth: sometimes I'm smart. When I'm smart, I'm smart. *awkward thumbs up and grimace*
Octavian: fuck the gays they should all die ... I mean I could fuck some gays
Hazel: I'll make you tea but not in a sweet way I'll make it so hot in burns your tongue and you can't speak for a week
Frank: hey guys check me out I'm a furry on drugs *WOOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF*
Grover: I love plants :3 specifically magic mushrooms but like
Leo: I mean I would totally fuck you but like respect man
Will: Ugh fuck my life I hate everything *coldplay starts playing* I retract the previous statement I fucking love life
Jason: UGH UR ALL SO DUMB but I'm in
Nico: if u wanna kys clap ur hands *rapidly claps hands*
Piper: *hypnotizes u with my beautiful blue orbs* come over to my house
Hazel: respectfully hope you die <3
Frank: I'm on acid what's it called when a ton of cats jump on each other a dog pile or a cat pile
Reyna: OH THANK GOD- sike I don't believe in that motherfucker hahahha
Annabeth: I'm so smart *holds up the one good test I got in school* see the teacher even gave me an 11/10 because I wrote my name in a cool font
Leo: UUUUUGGGGGHHHH IM SO HORNY- *mom walks in* oh hi mom how are you
Will: we can just... fuck. as friends though no homo.
Octavian: you all suck and I hate you *silence* no wait come back
Someone: haha ur gay
Nico: yeah??? and ur not?? like don't knock it until you try it dick is yummy man
Hazel: someone just told me what smearing is and honestly I kinda wanna die *fix you by coldplay starts playing* LMAO WTF
Frank: you sad ass emo dog just be happy
Percy: I Am OnE wiTh ThE oCeAn AnD HopEfuLLy aLL oF ThE hOt MerPeOpLe In iT
Leo: *talking to literally nobody* hey guys!! gonna go get my top surgery! *shows up at claires*
Reyna: I only wanna die sometimes and that's normal right
Will: *playing guitar* haha look guys I'm fingering A minor *strums violently*
Jason: screw men *eyes widen* I should start taking my own advice ngl
Will: *listening to a playlist that Nico made him* ugh my emo ass boyfriend and his stupid music I hate him *proceeds to write his name over and over again in diary with hearts around it*
Nico: what if I strangle someone with a pair of earbuds
Will: please don't
Leo: *in demonic voice* LeAf *eats it*
Nico: *pulls gay flag out of pocket* omg it's u
Will: *shuffles around in pocket, finds condom* ... it's u, vanilla flavoured
Leo: my name's Leo
Percy: and I like jugs
Nico: I'm mentally ill
Leo: and I'm on drugs :D
Jason: is there anything better than pussy
Piper: I thought you where gay
Jason: my boyfriend's trans?
Will: the temptation to fuck an emo boy rn is killing me
Leo: the masculine urge to
Leo: I forgor
Will: that's good!
Nico: like me in bed
Leo: smash or pass Ryan Gosling
Will: PASS
Solangelo: *glares at each other*
Nico: omg stop with that song
Will: but
Will: but you can take me hot to go :(
Annabeth: yeah
Percy: yeah
Annabeth: *in funny voice* yeah
Percy *hentai moan* yEEEAAAaaH
Jason: never ever look up what an eyesha erotica lyric means
Reyna: oh you poor soul *pats back*
Nico: I can't breathe
Will: just
Will: breathe air
Nico: I breathe drugs
Piper: I'm gonna go play basketball
Leo: haha play with my balls
Jason: already do
Leo: *chokes on air*
well that's all sorry for the torture, thanks to @localcosplaymushroom, @crowwolf8, @justagremlinoncaffeine, and @secret-mewtwo for all of the funny convos that went into this
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ilwonuu · 3 months
"die 4 you" was so good!! (as well as ur other fics ofc) 💞 if youre going to make a part 3 / a finale please make it a happy ending!!!
omg thank you so much😭😭 ily<3 as wanted hehehe here is a part three with a happy ending. i love hannie so bad thank u all for supporting me while writing this!!!
𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍
⇝ 𝗒𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇
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read part one & two first<3
❤︎︎ 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀- 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌, 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅!𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
❤︎︎ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌- 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗈𝗅𝗂𝖾, 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗎𝗉<𝟥, 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗉𝖺𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗌𝖾𝗑 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺??? , 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗈 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝖻𝖺𝖽, 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌, 𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾<𝟥
❤︎︎ 𝖺/𝗇- 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝗈 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾,,, 𝖽𝗐𝗐 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖻𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝖾𝗁𝖾𝗁𝖾 𝗂 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗋𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 (𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗌𝗋𝗋𝗒<𝟥)
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jeonghan was more hurt than your ever thought he would be. you leaving him to be with his best friend? he was so sad. but how could he blame you? he was such a terrible guy towards you these last couple weeks. he drove to your house immediately. he waited for you as long as he needed to until you got home.
he sat in his car waiting for you to pull up with cheol. he can’t even stop for a moment without thinking about you. he can’t hide from his feelings anymore because all it does is eat him alive. he hasn’t told you but being in the situationship was killing him as much as it was hurting you. he was just too good at hiding it.
he was brought out of his thoughts when he seen cheol’s car pull into your driveway. you waved to the boy, thanking him for the ride. he was quick to get out of his car. running to your front door as you opened it.
“jeonghan??? what are you doing here?” you were startled by the other boys appearance.
“please can we talk? i’ve been waiting here for an hour for you.” you look at him a little bit more. he looks like he’s been crying. you slowly nodded at him as he came inside with you.
“first- did you and cheol um- fuck or anything?” the thought was eating him alive. he couldn’t even handle the two of you kissing.
“no jeonghan- i just kissed him to make you jealous. he just took me to get some food. he was comforting me.” he nods slowly as you two sit on your couch.
“so you don’t like him?” his eyes look teary.
“jeonghan- no! i’m in love with you. i don’t even understand why we’re having this conversation- you’re just gonna reject me i know! go home.” you try to get up but jeonghan grabs your hand.
“please don’t walk away. just listen to me.” you sit back down with a sigh. you were really not in the mood for him to tell you he just wants sex.
“i’m so sorry for everything. i thought that if i buried all of my feelings for you i could just forget. i don’t want to bury them anymore. i can’t even- i can’t go a single minute without thinking of you. i want to hold you and kiss you. i don’t want anyone else. how could i? you’re the most perfect girl in the entire world.” he grabs your hands.
“i’m so in love with you. i’m sorry i did all of this when i could’ve just had you the second you told me about your feelings. i’m so fucking stupid. you’re all i need. i know- it might take awhile for you to even begin to forgive me for how i’ve treated you. i want to be your boyfriend- if you still want that of course.” tears were now in your eyes. you let go of his hands to cry in your own hands. you were sobbing. he pulled you into his arms to comfort you.
“i’m so sorry- i don’t want to make you cry. never. i-i love you.” you wrapped your arms around jeonghan with tears still streaming down your eyes.
“i l-love you too- god i hate you.” you laughed a little as you wiped your tears. he smiles at you as he helped you wipe the tears.
“you’re so beautiful- i’m so in love.” you look away from him with a blush.
“shut up. i’m still mad at you- and tired. i’m so tired.” he nods before letting go of you.
“i just wanted to talk to you tonight or i would of died of overthinking.” he stood up before leaving a kiss on your head.
“where are you going?” you asked him as you saw him gathering his keys.
“angel you said you were upset still and tired- i’m gonna go home. i don’t want to overwhelm you.” you shook your head.
“okay of course i’m a little upset. but i want you to stay. please? sleep with me.” he stops in his tracks.
“are you sure?” you nod standing up with him. he nods as he takes his shoes off.
“let’s go to sleep.” you lead him to your room as you quickly change in to comfortable clothes.
“i still have some of your clothes in my closet for you.” he thanks your before changing aswell. you practically jump into your bed. jeonghan trailing behind you and he climbs in next to you. you turn to look at him and he’s already staring right back at you.
“tired hannie?” he nods at you as he sighs. he pulls you to cuddle him.
“i love you. let’s sleep.” you get comfortable in his arms as you murmur i love you. you quickly falling asleep to his slow back rubs.
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the next morning was one of the best mornings you had. you woke up to jeonghan’s peaceful snoring. he was so cute. you left a soft kiss on his head. you didn’t want to wake him. you stare at him for awhile waiting for him to get up. you were still making up your mind for what he asked you.
did you want him to be your boyfriend? of course you did but it’s only normal to feel a little nervous. but you trust jeonghan. you don’t know why but you do. last night he seemed genuine and you know he wouldn’t say something like that if he didn’t mean it.
you tried to go back to sleep but you just got lost in your thoughts. you were so deep in your thoughts you didn’t realize jeonghan had woken up and he’s looking at you.
“angel? what are you thinking about?” you looked at him and shook your head.
“i don’t even know. just a bunch of things.” he nods. he pulls you back to him with a smile.
“hannie- i want you to be my boyfriend.” he leans up to look down at you.
“are you sure? you don’t have to decide so soon.” you shake your head.
“you’re all i want. please be my boyfriend. but i will never speak to you again if you hurt me.” you say the last part with a teasing tone but you mean every word. he nods and leans down to kiss you.
“i won’t even begin to think about hurting you ever again. i love you angel.” you blush at the nickname.
you peck his lips again. you quickly turn the kiss more desperate and he just smirks into the kiss.
“you’re needy this early?” you nod as you hide your face in his chest. jeonghan had discarded his shirt in the middle of the night. his bare chest had your head spinning.
“you look so pretty hannie-“ he cuts you off with a kiss as he starts to massage your waist. you moan into the kiss as he sloppily kisses you. he pulls away to peck your neck a couple times. before pulling away from you.
“don’t you think i should tease you just how you did me?” you shake your head.
“you deserved it!” he smiles at you and nods.
“yea- but i’m hungry. let’s eat first yea angel?” you pout at him before he lifts you out of bed.
“you’re so mean! i hate you.” you try to squirm out of his hold.
“i love you even more.” he puts you down and kisses you again.
“you’re lucky you’re cute.” he just smirks at you.
“lets go make food angel and then i’ll give you anything you want okay?” you roll your eyes at him before pulling him to the kitchen. you know he can’t see your face. but if he did he would see the huge smile on your face.
you finally have him the way you want him. you are so in love with yoon jeonghan.
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
heyyy idk if you like take requests at this time but can i req an ethan fic with the concept of better than revenge by tay like y/n is dating ethan and someone stole him and like shes planning revenge and like raging and that kinda stuff? tysmmm and your writing is so *chefs kiss* take ur time also mwa
hiii omg thank you for this!! i LOVE better than revenge and i think your idea is so cool, hope you like what i came up with <3 !
better than revenge — ethan landry
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word count: 1,468
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: y/n founds out why rebekah took an interest in ethan and plans her revenge.
based on: better than revenge by taylor swift
author’s note: today i started classes again so i don’t know how often will i be able to post. they have already assigned me a novel to read and analyse. i want to die😫
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SUMMER HAD BEEN THE SEASON THAT BROUGHT ETHAN AND Y/N TOGETHER. Quinn, Ethan’s sister, had introduced them and they instantly clicked. Because of his shyness and lack of experience with girls, she had been the one who made the first step. And they had dated for two amazing months. Until Rebekah came along, got him alone and it was the downfall of their relationship.
“What do you mean he broke up with you? That asshole!” Quinn said in anger.
Y/N sighed. “It’s her, Quinn. She’s taking advantage of him, I know it”.
“Rebekah being interested in my brother was not something I saw coming”
“Me neither, I wouldn’t have suspected it” Y/N frowned, hitting the pillow with anger. “It’s weird, and sudden”.
“Are they together?” Quinn asked.
Y/N shook her head. “No. He told me he likes me but he is confused, and he needs time to clear his feelings up. He said it wasn’t fair for me to be in a relationship when there are doubts in his mind” the girl was gripping a teddy bear with force.
“There are these rumours…” Quinn started, and Y/N looked at her expectedly “Rebekah secretly dates guys to pass the subjects. Makes them do her homework, summaries she can use to cheat on exams”
“Wait, she’s about to fail Econ. And Ethan never got anything lower than an A” Y/N realized. “Do you think she’s…”
“I think so” Quinn frowned “That bitch is using my brother to pass Econ”.
Y/N clenched her jaw “She’s so gonna pay for this. She underestimated who she was stealing from”
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“HEY, Y/N/N” Ethan said shyly, sitting next to her on the bench while she ate her lunch.
“Hey, Eth” she smiled sweetly. Even though the pain was beating on her like a drum, Y/N still wanted to be around him, even if it was as his friend. Besides, she could never get mad at Ethan.
“Do you mind if I eat with you?” he asked.
“You are always invited to eat with me” Y/N answered, making him blush. “What are all these books?” Ethan shifted uncomfortable in his seat, and Y/N understood immediately. “They are Rebekah’s”.
“Yeah… I’m sorry, Y/N/N”
“You don’t need to apologize” she reassured him, although the thought of them together made her heart break “Just… don’t let her treat you like your lap dog, okay?”
“She’s not. She just needed to do something and asked me if I could carry them” Ethan said.
“Okay, if you say so” Y/N nodded, not convinced at all.
“Y/N…” he looked at her, regret filling those puppy brown eyes Y/N loved so much.
“No, Eth. You don’t have to explain anything. Not anymore” Y/N sent him a weak smile.
This statement created a knot in Ethan’s throat. He missed Y/N very much, but he also knew he was attracted to Rebekah. He needed to figure his feelings out.
“What are you talking about?” said the annoying voice of the girl who got between them.
“Nothing” Y/N brushed it off.
“Okay” she said in a over-friendly tone. She was trying so hard to act nice. “Eth, can you help me with my Econ assignment?” she asked, putting a hand on his bicep and batting her eyelashes at him. God, Y/N hated her and her stupid vintage dresses so much.
Ethan gulped, she made him nervous. And Rebekah subtly smirked at Y/N. “You haven’t done it yet? It’s for today”
“I tried, I just don’t understand it” she said in a fake saddened voice.
“Have you tried asking the teacher? You know, he’s there for something” Y/N said, acting as if she really wanted to help her. But it takes an actress to know one, so Rebekah just glared at her.
“I can’t right now. I’m having lunch with Y/N/N” Ethan said, and Y/N did her best to hide her smile of victory. “Maybe you should talk to the teacher”.
As much as she hated how Rebekah was taking advantage of Ethan, she needed him to do her homework once more. But this time, Y/N was going to make sure Rebekah doesn’t get away with it.
“It’s fine, Eth. We can hang out later”
“Are you sure?” he asked, he really didn’t want her to leave.
“Yes, don’t worry. See you later” she kissed his cheek, making him smile widely, cheeks turning even more red. “Bye, Rebekah, it was so nice meeting you”.
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WHEN REBEKAH SLAMMED Y/N LOCKER WITH ANGER, SHE KNEW HER PLAN HAD WORKED. Y/N showed the fuming girl her best smile, which made the other girl even angrier.
“Hi, Rebekah. Can I help you with something?” she asked innocently.
“Drop the act. You did this, didn’t you?” Rebekah showed her the failing grade.
“Um, no. I believe the professors are the ones who grade our stuff” she replied, explaining as if Rebekah was five years old.
“Don’t act like a saint, and don’t smart talk to me. You told the teacher Ethan did this assignment, and now I’ll have to re-take the entire subject” she spitted in anger. “Why did you do this? Is it because you’re jealous? Because Ethan likes me more than you?”
Y/N finally smirked “Nah, jealousy certainly added fuel to the fire, but the main reason is because I don’t like seeing the people I love being walked over. Ethan is an amazing guy, he deserves so much better than your bullshit and manipulation”.
“Please, that guy is a loser” Rebekah scoffed. “He’s so insecure and attention deprived. I swear I didn’t even have to kiss him, I would just put my hand on his arm and he would do anything I asked. How pathetic”
“If he’s pathetic, then how should you be described? I mean, asking guys to do your work for you on every subject because your little brain is not capable of even comprehending one subject? Now, that is pathetic”
“Did you just call me pathetic?” Rebekah pushed her harshly against the lockers.
“Yup. Add ex-swim team captain to the list” Y/N said.
“What do you mean?” Rebekah asked appalled.
“Oh, you don’t know? My god, this keeps getting better. My dear Rebekah, it’s with great sadness I inform you that if you re-take a subject you can’t be captain of any team. I’m so sorry!”
“What?!” she screamed.
Y/N smiled, enjoying the scene in front of her “Do you still feel like you know what you’re doing? I don’t think you do”
“You’re a bitch” the mad woman said between gritted teeth.
“Mm, no. I’m actually pretty nice, but you played with Ethan as if he was a toy. You have no dignity, and this is me teaching you not to push people down to get you where you want to go.”
“I’m going to tell Ethan what you did” Rebekah warned me.
“No body, no crime, Rebekah. You can’t prove it” Y/N smirked.
The unhinged girl turned around and smiled when he saw the nerdy boy leaning against the locker “I think I don’t have to prove anything. He heard it on his own”.
Y/N looked in that direction and her face fell. She tried to tell herself that, even if Ethan got mad at her for sticking her nose in his life, at least he won’t be Rebekah’s puppet anymore.
“You did that? You snitched on Rebekah?” Ethan asked, he didn’t seem mad.
“Yes” Y/N admitted. “How much did you hear?”
“Everything” the boy laughed. “Thank you”
Both girls stared at him in surprise. “Ethan, she handed me in!”
“You deserve it. You know, I should’ve known it was all an act” Ethan looked at Rebekah, there wasn’t any hint of sadness in his voice. Then, he looked at his ex-girlfriend and his eyes got glossy. He had never regretted something so bad “I’m sorry it took me that long to realize, Y/N/N. I love you”
Y/N smiled “I love you too”
“Do you forgive me?” Ethan asked hopeful, Y/N nodded.
“You two are ridiculous” Rebekah scoffed.
“Whatever, Rebekah. Enjoy seeing the swimming team compete without you” Y/N threw a fake smile at her, and then the girl left them alone, throwing curses as she walked away.
“When you left us alone the other day at the bench… I thought you had already moved on from me” Ethan confessed, as he hid his face on Y/N’s neck. “Not that I don’t deserve it”
“No! I so wanted to punch her in the face for using you, but I needed you to do her homework so I could turn her in” she explained.
Ethan laughed “You’re good”
“There’s nothing I do better than revenge” Y/N joked.
“I can think of a few things…”
Y/N blushed at the suggestion “Janitor’s closet. Now”
“God, I missed you” Ethan kissed her roughly as he led her to the closet.
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elli3luvs · 2 years
falling in love at a coffee shop [ELLIE W]
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summary: the barista at the coffee shop has you in a grip. even though you hate coffee.
genre: fluff
w.c: 1.3k
a/n: this is my first time writing in a looonnngg time so sorry if its not that good! lmk if you want a part two <333
Coffee was disgusting. The bitter-tasting bean couldn't be covered up with even copious amounts of milk and sugar. You hated the way it hit your tongue, spreading over every single taste bud and lingering there. Your face pinched with every single splash of liquid. Dina rolled her eyes every time but you couldn't help it.
There were only two things that made you come back to the coffee shop day after day. The way it smelled was one of the two reasons. Even as a proclaimed coffee hater, you could admit the smell of the roasting beans was good.
The only other reason was the barista that was behind the counter. From the first day, Dina dragged you to this shop, your eyes were locked on the barista. She was in your opinion the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. The way her hair fell over her face as she ground the coffee beans and steamed the milk was like a piece of art to you.
You wondered if this was a normal thing to do. To put yourself through what you considered mental torture just so you could glance at the barista every couple of minutes.
Dina knocked your leg under the table once again. You grabbed your cup to stop it from spilling, "Dude, you're staring. Again." You finally peel your eyes away from the auburn-haired barista to look at your friend.
"Is it obvious?" You whisper and she rolls her eyes. Her expression is going to get stuck like that one day.
She puts her pen down, stopping her studying to look at you with a pinched expression, "You remind me of a man right now. Staring at the poor girl just trying to do her job," You lean back in your chair, nibbling at your bottom lip, "We have come here for the past four days, in a row might I add, so you can stare at her. I have spent over 30 dollars in four days on coffee! Stop being a pussy and ask her for her number!" She stares at you, waiting for your reply.
You shake your head. What kind of person does she take you for? Surely she knows you well enough to know that asking someone out is one of the things you would rather die than do. Dina groans at your reaction, rubbing her fingers on her temples to soothe the oncoming headache.
"I, like," You start to explain your side to your friend who has her head rolled back with an exasperated expression pulled on her features, "What if she doesn't like girls?"
Dina suddenly cackles loudly at that, "She has a fucking forearm tattoo!" She noisily replied. The coffee shop patrons turn to look at your table. Dina just smiles at them.
You could crawl up and die.
You peer over your shoulder to see the barista looking at you two with an amused expression. When she catches your eyes she chuckles and goes back to steaming the cup of milk in front of her.
Dina doesn't look the slightest bit remorseful. She even looks a bit proud of herself, "Well, at least she knows we are talking about her now."
"I'm literally going to end your life."
You should've ended Dina's life when you threatened it a couple days ago. It could've saved you from facing the same coffee shop alone.
About 15 minutes ago you received a text message from your friend, one that you wish you didn't read until it was too late.
FROM. DI &lt;3 bought some coffee to-go but im studying sooooo hard rn… pick it up for me?
TO. DI &lt;3 no
FROM. DI &lt;3 please :( please :( please:(
please :(
TO. DI &lt;3 if i go get it will u shut tf up?
FROM. DI &lt;3 THANK U!!! btw it's under ur name so hot barista knows who u are hehe MWAH!!
You stood in front of the pickup area, fidgeting with your bracelet as you waited for the barista to make an appearance. You check your phone again to see it's been around 4 minutes since you arrived. There weren't any drinks on the mat so you could just grab and go, with no interaction at all. Sadly not. You began to wonder if the barista had decided to quit mid-shift as the minutes continuously went by with no view of her.
You turn around to look at the store hours on a sign sitting out front when the wooden floors creak behind you, "Oh?" You hear a voice.
You turn back around. It was her. Your heart felt like it was about to fall out at the sight of her. She had her auburn hair up in a half-bun and her t-shirt had rolled-up sleeves, showing off her sleek muscles. If you didn't know any better you would've thought you were having a heart attack from how your chest feels.
She looked at you with confusion plastered over her features, "Can I help you?" Her voice was the perfect mix of gravelly and deep. It was perfect. She was perfect in your eyes.
"Um," You scratch your arm nervously, "My friend said she put a to-go order in under my name."
Her laugh catches you off-guard. Your eyes shift around the small shop as you wait for her to explain her sudden onslaught of giggles. Tears prick the side of her eyes as she continues to laugh.
"Uh…" She calms down slightly, holding her stomach, "We don't do to-go orders. Your friend definitely lied to you about that but I can just take your order if you want me to?"
You really should kill Dina when the chance arises. Tonight does seem like a perfect night to become a murderer.
You snap out of your thoughts. Deciding to be a normal person, you reply with a smile, "Yeah… that works too," She motions you to come over to the register, "Can I just get a-"
She cuts you off, "Iced latte for you and an Americano for your friend?" She looks at your surprised face with a bashful smile, "I may not take the orders but I do make them and well… you and your friend have ordered the same thing the past four times. Now five."
You let out a small laugh, "We are both creatures of habit."
She nods, "Me as well," She licks her bottom lip, leaning on the counter, "What's the name of the order?"
She smiles as she gets your name, writing it down on the cups, "You have a pretty name. It will only take me a couple minutes to make these so you can sit if you want to."
You nod as she turns her back to you but you can't help but feel ecstatic at her calling your name pretty. Was this flirting? Or was this just normal conversation? God, this sort of stuff flew right over your head. The last time anyone said anything about you was pretty was when you first met Dina around four months ago. She said your hair was pretty as she sat down next to you in class. But this felt different. Maybe it's because of how undeniably you were attracted to this barista. It made your head spin as you went over the interaction a million different times.
Her calling your name out is the only thing that snaps you out of overthinking.
"Here you go," She hands you the drinks with a smile, "Hope they are good."
You take them, "They always are," She rubs the back of her neck at your words, "Thank you! See you later?"
Was that weird to say?
"Yeah, see you later."
Maybe not.
As you make your way out of the shop, you look down at your iced latte to take a sip when you notice black sharpie on the top.
In awful chicken scratch handwriting was the message of your dreams.
Call me? Ellie xx
With her number right beside her name.
Maybe Dina's shenanigans weren't always bad. She gets spared another day.
next part
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
sea, swallow me (part II)
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jacaerys velaryon x fem!velaryon!reader
part 3
summary: when jacaerys finally meets the hidden bastard of corlys velaryon, he loses interests in his betrothed Baela and intends to make her aunt his, but are you really what your family has made you up to be?
warnings: this fic is inspired by the movie 'song of the sea', CANON DIVERGENCE, slowburn, aged up jace (18 yrs old), reader has selective mutism (she CAN talk), reader is 5 years older than jace, selkie! reader, reader's race is NOT specified(adopted!reader), cursing, nsfw content in future chapters,typical ASOIAF sexism, typical asoiaf targcest.
a/n: if u can't swim irl its okay, me neither, thats why we have fanfics, to pretend we can.
taglist: @marytargaryen , @cdragons , @libdarkheart , @bellstwd , @dianxiaxiexie
They'd all call you a liar and a child if you'd tell them that from where you're standing right now, inside of your father's study with Rhaena, you could hear the ocean waves vividly. You could feel them splash onto the sand as clear as it sounds in your ears.
But unfortunately, the enchanting sounds of the sea had been cut short once your father started to speak. "No." A short but loud enough answer to send shivers on your skin. "It doesn't have to be long, she could sail back here after a moon-"
"You wish her to leave for a whole moon?" He asks in a storm of a voice, silencing Rhaena. "I've kept her here for her own protection. You have no idea how much we've already compromised with the feast-"
"Then why have it at all?" The younger girl snaps, out of anyone's expectation. "Why go all the way for the damn feast just to lock her up again? Do you ever intended to ever let her see outside of Driftmark?" She challeges him boldly. He is quiet.
"And what of marriage? She is two and twenty. Will you ever wed her to anyone?"
You turn your face down, avoiding looks from either of them. "Never." You hear him whisper, too low for Rhaena's ears. "You don't understand anything, you are a child. "
"I am no child, and you shall not treat me as one! What will happen once you die? Who will she have then?" Corlys slaps his hand loudly againts the desk as he gets up. "That is enough, I'll have you here no more, go pack your things like you should. My answer is final." Rhaena opens her mouth to defy him again but pauses when she feels you pulling her by her arm. You gently lead her out the room and pressed a kiss by her temple before shutting the doors close.
You walk towards Corlys the same time you hear Rhaena walks away from the chamber. Your father eyes your movements, as if scared you'd jump him. "You think me cruel." He says matter of factly. You shook your head once you're in front of him. "I think you're irrational." The man sighs loudly at the sound of your voice and slumps himself on the chair.
"I can take care of myself." He raises a brow at you. "I don't doubt it. But these men, they- what if they started asking the wrong questions? What will you say then?"
You squeezed your eyes shut in frustration. "I'll say nothing. And I'll walk away."
"That's not good enough." The wind was howling so strongly that the curtains was flowing inside from the window. "It's good enough to me! Rhaena is right, I am trapped here, I have nothing, no purpose, no one who needs me." He nears you with a sadness in his gaze. "I need you." "No you don't." You roll your eyes. "In 5 days you'll leave to sail for god knows how many moons, and I'll be left alone again- and don't say I have Rhaenys, I do not."
Your father turns quiet again before turning his back from you. "I love you, and I know more than you do of this world. Leave and never ask me of this again."
You were stunned by his conclusion. A bitter laugh spills from your throat. "You're kidding me?" He says nothing.
"I ask for this one thing. One thing, and you can't even do this for me." You move towardd the door to leave him until he calls for you again. "Wait-"
You twist your neck to look at him, cheeks wet and eyes angry. "You were gone last night. Rhaena said she couldn't find you. At the same time Baela had trouble searching for Jacaerys-" you sigh loudly. "Are you really asking me what I think you are?" Your voice was hostile and mean. "I do not wish to make assumptions-"
"Then don't. I was in my chambers, I wasn't feeling well. And as for the prince, how would I know?" That seemed a good enough answer to satisfy Corlys as he asked nothing more before you slammed his door.
A cage was what these beautiful walls are to you. Once upon a time you had thought it enough. Now, you wanted more.
♧♣︎♧ what happened that night
The night of the feast was better than the eve of it. You weren't lying when you said that you've left to your chambers. You did for a good few minutes. Before you snatched your coat and slipped through the window.
Your feet was fast and strong, a swimmer's feet, Laenor once joked. A sharp pain attacked your chest. How peaceful the night sea was when everyone is inside. You could still hear the distant music and laughing crowds. It was beautiful.
The moon felt like a mirror as you stepped one foot at a time inside the water, walking towards the giant reflective shape. You slipped the coat over yourself, and then ducked into the water, swimming further and further before sinking down.
Jacaerys was slow. His hands were quicker, a knight's strength. His father once told him. He's not sure if it's true anymore.
He had hid behind the walls of the corridor that led to your room, waiting for you to leave. When he heard no sounds, he moved toward the stone railing that gives him direct view to the ocean. He sees something huddled on the sand, something that looked like your dress. So he doesn't think twice like he usually does and makes a quick escape down to the sea.
Once he's finally down to the sands, he jogs towards what he then confirmed are your clothes.
"My lady?" He calls out to nothing. There wasn't any sight of you anywhere. If you were swimming, how far could you have gone? "A pretty bad time to swim." He mutters to himself.
Picking up your dress, he puffes it and shook the sands out before swinging it over his shoulder. I'll wait. He tells himself. No one can swim underwater for that long.
So he does. Sitting down on the sand, he lets his eyes do the roaming, trying to spot you in the clear empty sea. Little waves were all there were for a while. Until soon a minute and two passes, and even the waves are dying down, he starts to worry.
Did you drown yourself? On purpose? Is that why this whole feast was held for? A last goodbye party before you killed yourself? He jumps up and throws your your dress off before taking his thickly sown clothes along.
Jacaerys is running into the water now, he's moving as fast as he can, searching through his left and right for any signs of you. The water was reaching his waist now, he takes a deep breath and dives in. He swims slowly, eyes wide open as he searches all around him. Once his lungs feels as though they've caught fire, he gives in and rises back up, coughing out water.
"My lady?" He yells slightly, still coughing. "My lady?" He tries again louder, walking further into the sea.
His heart was beating so fast he was sure it'd jump out. She's dead at the bottom of the ocean. Because you're too late.
His fingers were clenching at his side, shaking whilst also feeling the urge to punch someone. Once his breath has recovered themselves, he stares straight at the moon, and calls out for you again.
"My lady-" "Why are you yelling?" A voice beside him shouts.
Jacaerys jolts and turns to his left, taking in the view of your head above the water on his further left. "My lady." He gasps out, a relieved sigh leaving him.You watches as his body relaxes and he starts to walk towards you.
"What are you doing? Its half past midnight." He scolds you like a child, the strangeness between you both makes it feel worse, earning him a frown from you. "What's it to you?" You snapped, backing away from him when he's close. Jacaerys almost backs away when he remembers you were naked, but halts when he sees the white material covering you. "What- did you bring a coat? To swim?" Your eyes widen and your mouth opens to defend yourself but nothing came.
"It helps me swim." You decided finally.
He stares at you as if you're crazy. "Oh my god, I was right. You were trying to kill yourself." Your frown deepens and you raise your hand to slap his bicep before swimming further from him. "Why would I do that, you idiot? And what are you doing here? Following me and making accusations, I should tell my father of your behaviour." You yell louder at him.
He's startled by the confidence in your voice, a few minutes ago, he was certain you were mute, now he's been proven wrong. "You- you can talk." He breathes out, the realization hitting him late. "Why wouldn't you talk earlier?"
You shook off strands of your wet hair off your face. "Because I don't like talking to stupid men." Jacaerys bursts out laughing, againts his better judgement. "And such blatantly rude way of talking too!" He's bewildered by his discovery of you. "You think you're so funny? We'll see who's laughing when my father hears of this."
"I thought you tried to kill yourself! And with that heavy arse coat, you probably were. Have you tire of your life so much or did Dalton Greyjoy's annoying voice made you think the only way it could disappear from your memory is by death?"
He thought he'd done it then. Jacaerys was anything but courteous as the moment, but he had to ask, the whole situation was so amusing and bizarre that he had to. But then he notices your eyes squinting together whilst the frown had disappeared, and your lips were no longer pouting, it was grinning widely.
You were laughing. In fact, he's sure you could've woken up a deadly whale by your laugh. Not for how loud it was, but for how beautiful.
He's never heard anyone laugh like a melody. He understood now the songs he heard written of sirens luring sailors to their ends. For he'd drown there and then if you'd ask him to, with the same voice. You laughed again when you saw how stupidly he was smiling at you.
You're both in the deep waters, half naked with the moon at your feets. And you wondered if anyone had even noticed your disappearence or have wines made it's effect on them. "You're shirtless." You spoke then, after you've calmed down. His cheeks pinked as he puts on an annoyed face. "I- I was going to save you." You laughed again, right on his face as you finally swam closer.
"Alright, you can stop laughing now, we need to get back." You laughed louder, receiving a sigh from the young prince who finally gave up and moved toward the dry sands.
He snatched his clothing fast before putting it back on, squintinng at your floating head as you still stayed in the water. "Come on, get dressed." He tried to tell you as strict as he could sound. "I'm not changing in front of you, squid hands." His head jolts back at the insult. Were you calling him touchy or were you insulting his hands?
"Wha- you know, just- here's the dress, alright? I'll turn around."
He did as he said as you dressed yourself quickly and started walking to the castles without saying anything. The prince chases after you once he notices you've walked off, his footsteps making a mark on the sand. "What, no more talking?" You say nothing and shoved him off until he falls onto the sand when he tries to goad you.
Your face turns to your side as you try to hide your laugh when you hear him rolling off the grounds with a loud oof. "I'll get you for that-" he yells, voice sounding distant as you scrambled to the nearest stairs to your room, away from him.
The first time you've been on a ship, was a few moons after you were claimed as Corlys' bastard. He wanted to see how you'd react to the sea. And his heart skipped when he sees how much you adored it and the ship. It was a sail to Kingslanding, you came with guards on your own, the queen's face was one so blurry, you can't recall how she looked like. But she was kind, despite the stern edge in her voice.
You were locked in a given chamber and had not seen or met anyone else besides the servants. Once time was up, you went back home with your father.
You never told him, or anyone. But being on that ship had brought back nightmares of your mother's death. Sailors were going mad that day. You were only 5, your mother and many other sea creatures had been caught by sailors. And not the usual ones.
Royal sailors.
They were more violent than the usual ones, they threw back many dead sea animals into the sea again. You presumed they weren't deemed good enough for the royalties. Your mother had disappeared for two days, she wasn't caught with the others and was instead snatched during her run from them. A singular harsh net pulled her up, and you saw the large but less noisy ship took her away from you.
When she finally came back, it was in the form of a corpse, and a woman. Her selkie coat was gone, and she had a straight line of a wound in between her chest. Dried up blood stained her along with your unseen tears.
If Corlys had known, he'd be much more insistent in seperatimg you fron the Targaryens, as it was their sigil on the ship.
But you were too young to be sure of what you'd seen, and too confused to point fingers towards anyone.
Evening had come, It was time for Rhaena to leave to Dragonstone with her family. You weren't going to send her off with your father as planned. You refuse to. That'll show him.
Dressed in your nightdress already, you groaned lowly when you heard a knock on the doors of your chambers.
You waited 10 seconds before walking up to answer it, counting with your fingers so you wouldn't seem desperate or too quick to accept your father's apology.
You almost flinch when the door opens to reveal Daemon Targaryen. He looks as confused as you are as he takes in your already sleepy appearance. "Why aren't you dressed to go yet?" You tilt your head in confusion.
"Ah." Daemon relaxes and hia knowing smirk returns to his face. "He purposely didn't tell you, that old cow. I've talked to your father, he's allowing you to come."
You continue to stare at him dumbly. Was he trying to kidnap you without your father's knowing. "I speak the truth when I tell you, he said yes. I also speak the truth when I say that the ship is leaving soon and you have barely half an hour to get dressed and packed."
Your eyes widen at the time given and spared him no thanks before you slam the door on his face and rush to your closet.
Was that all it took? A few insults (probably) from the rogue prince to get him to surrender? It didn't matter. You were leaving this box of a life, and you were going to make friends out of these people.
When the sharp memory of Jacaerys' face flashes on your mind. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to forget him. Soon enough after seeing his face on a daily, you'll tire of him. You're sure of it.
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glossykissies · 17 days
🌟Headcanons for readers if they were supes.🌟
Deer reader would have powers of suggestion through eye contact , mind control type stuff very cutesy and demure. + healing(like she could heal ppl and also herself or maybe just herself up to u) . This power would tire her out and she’d have wobbly spells like you’ve said before! with pope catching her omg that was cute. Very useful to the boys to have the girl with the enchanting eyes (literally) do reconnaissance for them. Had to work her up to it tho cuz she’s shy
Puppy reader would be invulnerable and super speed maybe? Both or one of them. I feel like it’s just so her with how active and adventurous she is. Much slower than A train but still VERY fast unfortunately she hasn’t got the hang of it yet so ends up burning her shoes and getting her socks on fire when stopping. Why the invulnerability comes in handy!
Kitty reader would be able to turn invisible very cunty very her. also teleportation into shadows cuz again how chic and black cat coded. But her clothes can’t turn invisible like the girl from fantastic 4 , actually most invisibility powers would like that. She’d be very useful on the boys missions and it could open up to situations between soldier boy , butcher , MM 🤭 reminder for myself to look up fics abt MM.
Bunny reader rlly stumped me omg but the best I could come up with is ability to control fire or liquify or soldify matter idk i think I need u and the council to weigh in with thoughts cuz I’m so lost ☹️ maybe the reason she was on the team u said earlier
you’re a genius i love thisssss !!!
deer having wobbly spells even in this universe yes !! the boys get so used to it that everytime she uses her power one of them are already behind her ready to catch her if need be <3 she’s the biggest sweetheart n theyd die for her !!!!
pup having super speed and accidentally setting her socks on fire whenever she runs on carpet without shoes !!! i love that idea sooo much, having that as a background scene and seeing m.m or frenchie chasing her around trying to put her out would be so funny !!
kitty is def an invisible girlie <3 if anyone ever yells at her and she’s not in the mood to yell back because she’s feeling sensitive she goes invisible so no one can see her cry :( i can also see her shape shifting into a cat form … she uses it to throw ppl off me thinks … kinda like a whole puss in boots vibe when she wanders up to whoever they’re tryna take down and gives them the 🥺 eyes and when they lean down to stroke her she attacks, clawing their eyes out !
hmm bun is difficult cos i can’t rlly see her being a supe originally !! much like the spoilt brat reader i see her being useful to them as she’s on the inside, a socialite, knows all the right people and has the key codes to any building from flirting with the right people … just all around useful ….. but if she’s gonna be a supe — she’s gonna be voughts favourite cash cow. a supe popstar, marketed towards teen - 20s girls, super cute aesthetic like sabrina carpenter. her power would be kinda like deers, she can compel people (think tvd style compelling) so they send her to conventions for self help where all she needs to do is bat her eyelashes, look someone in the eye and say “you will never smoke again” to heal them. homelander refers to her as ‘his little moneymaker’, but of course she gets tired of the constant sexualisation from the men in the seven >:( maybe she finally breaks….. going to her new friends for help…….
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin Impact Gf Headcanons
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Hi there and welcome back :3
Hope u enjoy this one with our Inazuman girls!
Including: Raiden Ei, Yae Miko, Kamisato Ayaka, Naganohara Yoimiya, Kujou Sara & Sangonomiya Kokomi
REMINDER: These characters don't belong to me but to hoyoverse. As always this is all fictional work so pls try not to take things too serious :)
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(Inazuma Girls)
~God of Eternity~ (Raiden Ei)
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~Overprotective Girlfriend~
- With all the things Ei has lost...its obvious that she would be very overprotective of you..I mean..she knows how fragile humans are and how short their lifespans are..so..its better not to let you leave early....right?
- Expect the Raiden Shogun to sometimes follow you around, she's just worried ok!? With the Shogun’s eyes she can always see you...safe! So that’s what makes her mostly happy...is seeing you safe~
- She lets you in her Plane of Euthymia. Mostly makes it a more...pretty and peaceful place instead of scary...since she doesn't want you to be afraid whenever you want to visit her :)
- DON’T and I mean DON’T let her in the kitchen. She CAN’T COOK EVEN IF IT MEANS HER LIFES ON THE LINE. If you don’t wanna die of food poisoning...just cook something for her instead and make her STAY AWAY from the kitchen.
- If you know how to bake. Then she demands sweets from you EVERYDAY. Their just soo gooddd how can she resist them? and no need to worry about cavities she can just replace her teeth right?
- She’ll give you Japanese nicknames because she wants to :3
- Yae Miko would often tease you both(mostly you lol), but despite all that teasing...she is truly very happy that Ei found someone like you<3
- Ei will let you mess and style her hair, like it doesn't matter what she just wants you to touch her hair honestly...your touch is just soo smoothing and gentle that she just wants to lay on your lap while you stroke her hair... *sigh* she could stay like that for an eternity.
- Makoto and her friends would've liked you...she just knows it.
- Overall she is an overprotective yet sweet and very caring girlfriend but not really wife material hehe~
Nicknames: Daarin(darling), hanii(honey) and my world
Voice line about you: ‘’What brings you here traveler? Here for another fight perhaps? Haha..I'm joking, Hm? for me? ah! daarin send you to bring these dango’s to me? How lovely of them..hm. Now, I must ask you to leave traveler. Why? well its because I have...business to do!’’
When she talks to you: ‘’Hanii...i..I'm very sorry~ I know..you had told me that you don't like it when the Shogun follows you around but...what if you get attacked!? My world....I'm just worried about your safety...I can’t lose you after all...’’
~Sly Fox Lady~ (Yae Miko) 
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~Flirty/Teasing Girlfriend~
-The most slyest fox lady of all, she has no mercy and will leave you a blushing, stuttering mess just for her entertainment, What a bully >:0
- But don't worry there are sometimes where she isn't constantly bullying you and on those times she just coos over you~, by that I mean treat you like your a baby lol
- She has definitely make a novel about you, no doubt about it. Its painfully obvious who the novel was for LMAO
- You’re the only one (and Ei) that has FULL PERMISSION to pet/rub her ears and tail, as well as her true form!
- In her true form she loves to be on your lap being petted by you, its very relaxing for little foxy yae~
- She also loves her belly being rubbed BUT SHE DOESN'T TELL YOU THAT.
- She actually has no shame in flirting with you in public. Your reactions are everything to her, It just cures her boredom :)
- Just like a fox, she tends to be very possessive at times and a little too...insensitive.
- She scents you by always hugging you, and she marks you by sometimes biting you randomly-
- I feel like she would gift you flowers from time to time...idk why :0
- She doesn't hesitate to defend you from things that may harm you, and she also doesn't hesitate to threaten and humiliate a person if they say something rude or mean to you. Weather its in front of you or behind your back, no one is gonna talk about her mate like that.
- She knows that she's insufferable sometimes buttt she gave her heart to you after all...so a little flirting and teasing in your relationship doesn't hurt anyone...right?
Nicknames: Little one, love, honey, darling, my mate and my rose 
Voice line about you: ‘’Hmm? You wish to know about my dear mate y/n? Hahaha..too bad~ I won't tell you hehehe~’’
When she talks to you: ‘’Honeyyy?, darling? *sighs* your still mad at me? alright alright...I apologize~ I won't do that again my rose, forgive me? please?’’
~Elegant Beauty~ (Kamisato Ayaka)
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~Shy Girlfriend~
- SHES SUCH A CUTIE OMG *ahem* *ahem* I mean..she is very shy when it comes to your relationship!
- She blushes easily and stutters abut whenever you do something to fluster her -//-
- She knows she has to keep her elegant lady exterior in front of you but...why do you to be so gosh darn awesome? -////-
- One of the things you guys do whenever y'all spend time together is either spar or. she’ll teach you how to dance! She would guild you the steps and its just so romantic! <3
- Now...her brother Ayato, .he...doesn't mind you but was weary of you at first, but as soon as he saw how happy his sister was with you and how you loved her he...approved of you!
- Thoma also approves of you! He can't help but squeal whenever he sees you and his lady doing something cute together! >-<
- Since the is mostly inexperienced in being in a relationships she mostly relies on you to teach her how to do things, although the first time you guys cuddled together she couldn't look at you without a blush and lovestuck smile on her face~
- She loves gifting you flowers and some jewelry to show appreciation and love for you :)
- She sometimes gets nightmare about her parents and some other insecurities she has so please comfort her! Baby needs it :(
- Whenever her brother would ask when would she want to married and who? Her answer would be, ‘’Worry not brother, for I have found the person I would love to spend the rest of my life with’’
Nicknames: snowflake, my lover and love
Voice line about you: ‘’Traveler! May I ask you something? Ah yes...well..I was planning to surprise my lover y/n with some gifts, but...I don't know what I would love to gift them, so would you accompany me to the market?’’
When she talks to you: ‘’I a-apologize if sometimes I shy away from your affections....i...I'm just not used to it...but..I'll try my best!’’
~Queen of Summer~ (Naganohara Yoimiya)
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~Sweetheart Girlfriend~
- The Queen of Summer and fireworks is the sweetest of them all! 
- She knows that life isn't sometimes that fun and great but...she really doesn't like it when your not happy or smiling! So..whenever you feel down...she’s your shoulders lean on and cry :)
- She takes you with her sometimes to test her fireworks, but obviously you have to stay a few meters away, she doesn't want you getting hurt now~
- Since fireworks are her passion and pride she would MELT if she notices you taking an interest in it, she just appreciates and loves you even more!
- Yoimiya would take you with her to entertain the kids of Narukami island because she thinks with you she because even more brighter and she thinks the kids love you more :3
- When the shrine held the test of courage test and you guys attended even when you were scared...she reassured you that she would protect and keep you all safe~
- Very affectionate, even in public, like she understands if you don't like PDA that much but she’ll still sneak in a few kisses and hand holding here and there.
- She sometimes would fungal over you lol, idk I just see that for yoimiya lol
- You’re the star that brightens her sunny day :3
Nicknames: My star, honey bun and cutie
Voice line about you: ‘’Have you heard about y/n traveler? Ah you have!? Yes I know! their the most coolest person I know kyaaaa~!’’
When she talks to you: ‘’honeyyy bunnn how would you love to be the first person..to see my new and improved firework that can make hearts!?’’
~Divine Priestess~ (Sangonomiya Kokomi)
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~Caring Girlfriend~
- She cares for you like a delicate piece of coral~
- Since she's busy most of time...she really cherishes the time she gets with you..cause she knows that she could not come home to the comfort of your home for days or even weeks :(
- Kokomi HATES it when you get hurt...she personally heals you whenever you would get hurt..blood is normal for her but blood on you? Not normal...its horrible!
- She sometimes sends little water fishes to watch over you, usually its just there to keep you company, like a seelie almost :)
- She has insecurities and doubts about herself...not only that she also has lots of pressure...so in times where she's at that state please remind her that she's doing enough for everyone :)
- Kokomi knows how to make plans for future things about to come but...her journey with you is unpredictable, just like her love for you~
Nicknames: Dear, my coral and delicate flower
Voice line about you: ‘’Have you seen my s/o y/n? Ah..apologies traveler...last time they when on a tiny adventure without telling me they came back wounded and beaten...how reckless they truly are...’’
When she talks to you: ‘’My dear coral..please try to be careful next time..i...I cannot bear seeing you get hurt...’’
~Tengu Warrior~ (Kujou Sara)
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~Protective Girlfriend~
- Sara is protective. But not that protective that its overwhelming! She's only protective when she knows you can't handle the situation~
- A simp. For you and for the Shogun...too shy to tell you obviously-
- When you guys are together she's like your personal bodyguard or something..always behind you..glaring at anyone who looks at you funny..being menacing and overall being scary....
- Sara doesn't like it whenever you go somewhere dangerous and alone...she knows you can protect yourself very well but...she can't help but still worry..
- Whenever your not looking at her she's looking at you. Why do you ask? Cause she thinks that you’re the most beautiful person ever....
- When danger is there she instinctively goes in front of you and holds an arm in front of you yelling to get behind her, she is not gonna let you get hurt.
- She teaches you how to use a bow :)
- Sara is loyal to you, maybe even more then she's loyal to the Shogun, so consider yourself lucky~
Nicknames: Idiot, dumbass, sweetheart and mine
Voice line about you: ‘’Y/n? Their a very admirable solider and good fighter as well as member in the Tenryu Commission. What? I am NOT having favoritism...just because their my lover!’’
When she talks to you: ‘’Idiot! What possessed you to fight fatui agents ALONE? I...was worried you know!’’
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I hope u guys liked this long post hehehe~
I’m free from exams and other stuff soo I can actually post more now! so stay tuned~
Anyways thanks for reading this far~!
requests and asks are still open :3
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
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Hey its me again, the one who asked about the arranged marriage one thank you for writing it also your welcome I didn't say "can u just do a lesso one" lol. Can we maybe continue it by reader giving birth or idk there baby got ahold of lessos coat while she's looking for it, both reader and lesso see her with the coat, pretending to be lesso and they just(not really) die of cuties lol. Have a nice day
Arranged Marriage - part 3
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Part 2 Part 4
God, Anon, you have literally the best ideas ! You are very welcome for part 2, and I was overjoyed with your request for part 3. Sorry for the waiting, I finished my exams and then couldn't stop playing hogwarts legacy.
The day you gave birth was the most painful yet happy day of your life.
Nothing could compare to the love and happiness you felt when you took your little girl in your arms for the first time.
It was the first time you saw Leonora smiling that brightly without any kind of torture being involved.
Your mother and father were so content with becoming grandparents that they even hugged the evil dean.
You were shocked when Leonora reciprocated the embraces ( slightly awkward but it was a huge character development, and everybody acknowledged that ).
Leonora was smiling with the brightest smile you had ever seen on her face. Her chest was full of pride, and her lips were formed in a wide grin as she presented your little girl to your parents and Clarissa ( who came because she was the closest to family Leonora had ).
Your mother was crying from joy while your father kissed the baby's temple with a fond smile on his face.
Clarissa, who was looking at the little one from your mother's shoulder, couldn't hide her excitement.
Watching this beautiful scene unfolding, Leonora walked to you, kissing your cheek. " You did a wonderful job today, darling. It's high time you rested. "
You nodded, relaxing to the pillows underneath you. " Yes, I'm so tired, but - "
" There are no buts. I will let them play with her for a little while, then take her, wash her, and treat her like the princess she is. " Leonora assured you pecking your lips. " Sleep well, love. "
And you felt Morpheus engulfing you in no time.
Three years came to pass faster than you ever thought.
Watching your little one grow was the best experience you will ever get to experience.
To your great surprise, Leonora was a great mother.
For the evil dean, you always thought that she would leave you raise the child.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Leonora wouldn't only require she spend the whole evening in her office with your little girl on her lap, but she would also insist on being present when you were readying your daughter for sleep.
Leonora loved her baby girl more than anything.
You feared that when your girl would grow old enough to have a relationship, Leonora wouldn't hesitate to do another murder if the person broke her heart.
Not that you would try to keep her at bay, of course...
You were fixing your hair when you heard Leonora's voice outside the bedroom.
" Darling, have you seen my coat ? " Your wife shouted.
You looked around the bedroom. Leonora was used to forgetting her coat on top of the bed or on the armchair near her side of bed.
You titled your hair to the side, confused as you got up from your place in front of the vanity.
If she could not find it near the door and you could not see it here... Could it be inside her closet ?
You opened the door and quickly searched inside.
Leonora, who didn't hear any response coming from you, came into the room.
She looked at you while you searched the closet. " So ? " She asked you.
You shook your head. " Maybe you have forgotten it in your office ? You can have another one, though."
The dean of evil huffed in annoyance. " There's no way. I swear that I left it on the sofa. "
You sighed, closing your eyes in frustration. " What the hell ? "
Leonora smiling because you weren't prone to curse, shrugged. " I don't know. "
Then, little footsteps were heard. You exchanged a look with your wife awaiting your daughter's arrival.
Leonora knelt in front of the open floor, ready to welcome your little princess.
And then your little one appeared, leaving both of you speechless.
The tiny redhead was wearing her mother's coat, trying to mimick her.
" I'm Leonoya Leyo. " She said with the best stern face she could muster while pointing her little finger at the dean of evil.
The real Leonora Lesso smiled at the little human in front of her before quickly wrapping her hands around her daughter and pulling her on her lap.
The little girl laughed as her mother washed her with kisses. " Mo- Mommy. " She whined between her laughter.
You giggled, joining them on the floor and kissing the top of both of their fluffy, curly, red hair.
Your daughter reached out to you, and in no time, Leonora had wrapped her right hand around your waist and attacking both you and your little one with her lips.
Your kid clapped her hands together, enjoying every bit of her mother's attention.
Everybody thought that Leonora would love no one.
They couldn't be more wrong.
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reallypleasanttree · 1 month
thank you so much for all your hard work writing!! i binged (read) all your stories I'm so obsessed. I remember you saying you don't take requests, but do u know what Misturi/Obanai as a family would look like? It always kills me how we never got to see them and their five kids, like I would die seeing Obanai care for his kids and wife :.((
Thank you so much for reading my fics! :3 I’d love to see Obanai and Mitsuri and raising their family. I hope the anime shows at least one of their kids in the last episode, but I’m reaching for any Obamitsu crumbs tbh. Hopefully, this fits what you’re asking for 🥰
For an Obamitsu family, I’m going to base my headcanons on their reincarnated lives from Chapter 205 where they run a restaurant and have five kids. 
Obanai owned the restaurant and Mitsuri came in during her lunch break. She worked at a clothing shop around the corner. They became friends and Mitsuri asked him out first. They got married and she quit her job to help him run the restaurant. 
Their first kid is a girl named Haru, black hair with dark green eyes. She’s fairly loud and enjoys being the center of attention. She’s the most creative out of their kids and constantly makes up stories or drawing. Mitsuri indulges her quite a bit because it’s her first baby. 
Second kid is a boy named Yuuta who has long black hair, normally braided with teal eyes. Beauty marks under both eyes. He takes after his father where he is quiet, enjoys books and his solitude, but not shy like most would think. 
Third and fourth kids are a pair of twin girls named Kiyomi and Izumi. Growing up they had dark hair and blue-green eyes, but Izumi started eating Sakura mochi religiously and her hair changed to pink and green like Mitsuri’s. Kiyomi takes after her mother, being a ray of sunshine, always smiling and joking with her siblings. She’s rather sensitive and gets upset when her siblings fight. Izumi and Yuuta are close due to their love of books. Unlike Yuuta, Izumi is shy and hides behind her siblings and parents. She’s the most compassionate out of them. 
Their last kid was a surprise and about five years younger than the rest. His name is Kagaya, named after Obanai’s favorite high school teacher. He’s joyful, inquisitive, and naive. His siblings are highly protective of them.
As parents, Mitsuri prefers a gentle approach. When their kids misbehave, Mitsuri asks them to explain why they did something, how their actions affect them and others, and what they could do differently in the future. She thinks it’s important for her children to recognize their mistakes and how they can better themselves. She usually indulges every want and desire they have and encourages them to reach for the stars. Obviously, she is extremely affectionate and makes sure to tuck her kids in every night. 
Obanai, on the other hand, can be stern and enact punishment quickly when disciplining their children. His approach is more militant. When Haru was caught putting gum in her brother’s hair, Obanai took away her sweets and electronics for a week. Mitsuri and him have had several discussions regarding his punishments and over time they’ve mellowed out. Obanai is overprotective of their children and keeps note on all their locations, friends, and interests. He and Mitsuri will shut down the restaurant to attend a school event or sports game. His parents were not the most supportive, so he wants to ensure his children know he’ll support them in whatever they choose. 
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Naruto/Death Note crossover but it's just me zapping Misa into Naruto w the dimension travel beams (and also I stopped reading Death Note after L died bc I got bored)
Deranged hot goth girl fucks with ninjas more at 11
Ok but taking it seriously:
Her Shinigami eyes could actually cause SO many issues for ninja in general. No disguise ever works on her bc she can see your name !! You can not go undercover with this bitch around she'll catch you near instantly!!
Also her being able to see peoples lifespans would fuck so hard there too, what a party trick to pull. I want her to push someone to do some insane shit while going "nah don't worry you won't die for another few months at least so you'll be fine!! :)"
I don't think she came w the death note itself just bc I don't think Misa could prevent someone from taking it from her and it's way too OP to deal with the logistics of what having it just out there in the world would actually mean. Pretty much any naruto character gets it and the story ends in like 3 minutes flat
I know that there are shinigami in Naruto canon, tho I'm not too familiar w the specifics.
Either way, it could be cool if we really got into Misa's relation to them— she can see them with her eyes already, maybe she can sense them too. She's like being drawn to different artifacts and prisons of shinigami, she can sense them from far away and they call to her ooOOoOoo
She ends up freeing that one specific shinigami from the mask or whatevers going on w that. And since she already has the eyes from Rem, instead of going "oh, thanks lmao *kills you*" when freed, they recognize that shes already been claimed by a shinigami and are like "Oh shit, nice contract blondie." and she has an actual opening to talk to them (and maybe get another funky death god contract along the way)
Misa continues to show she has unstoppable, unbeatable shinigami rizz even into the next dimension. They all want her.
(If nothing else, naruto world has PROVEN that if u roll high enough on a charisma stat, you can convince anyone of literally anything, no matter if it was like the driving force of their entire life since they were 5 or whatever. So why shouldn't Misa get to talk shinigami into liking her just by being violently friendly?? No really, why not??)
Shes collecting death contracts like Pokémon cards, causing actual fucking havoc everywhere she goes via unleashing ancient evils for deals for some of their power (thanks Misa!!)
She doesn't know how to fucking fight tho, she's a 2000's goth girl in chunky heels. She's getting by on her insanely high charisma stats, good luck, and the giant shinigami only she can see standing directly behind her with a giant baseball bat waiting for someone to get close enough to hit
Could be cool if her shinigami eyes let her see yokai in general too, and just say there weren't enough back in modern Japan to notice. But there's TONS around now and Misa is making little kissy faces at them trying to be friends
Her eyes keep her safe by marking her as already claimed by a shinigami, also making most yokai reguard her as one of them. That could also maybe be used to get her places she shouldn't be in / have weaknesses a normal guy doesn't
Like, seals designed for yokai work on her too
Her eyes need to be mistaken for sharingan at LEAST once and it must cause as many problems as possible.
It'd be neat if Rem was there too. Maybe Misa collecting all this power from different shinigami is actually in some quest to bring Rem back, via giving her that power she got from the other shinigami. She's like roaming the land in an effort to get as much power as possible to make Rem a new body or smthn.
The rules of how shinigami exist and are allowed to interact with the mortal plane is different than the rules where Misa is from, so there's like tons of wiggle room for creativity n "woahh I didn't know you could do that!!"
Misa herself is such a go with the flow morally grey gal w a very clear potential and allowance for absoloute insanity— I think she'd be super down with joining whoever just happens to be the first person she meets in Naruto world. Like. She bumps into the Akatsuki first? You KNOW she's gonna join in. She happens to land near Konoha first? Hell yeah she's loving the funky ninja village! Military dictatorship? Fine by her!
Shes so undying loyal, no matter how clearly wrong or deranged the object of her affection is. So whoever earns that affection first is gonna keep it p much the whole way through (honestly this world is just lucky she's still hung up on Light, which is why she still has sommee agency here)
I think the most interesting thing to do w her + what parallels her story best would be joining Akatsuki actually. Cmon, a terrorist organization "dedicated to peace" (through murder) she's so there for it, she's asking to pretty please help bc "Light would probably like it <33"
Also the Akatsuki cloak is like the only naruto outfit I can see her really rocking while keeping her signature style. ALSO also, Akatsuki nailpolish code,,,,
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
hi! idk if youre taking requests atm so in case u don’t, feel free to ignore this :-) anyways, i’ve been obsessed with the way you write and i was wondering if you could write something with niragi, inspired by house of balloons by the weeknd!! i think his character kinda suits the lyrics so i thought that could be fun!! it can be anything rlly, smut, angst or just anything :-) tysm and have a good good day!!! 🫶🫶🫶
Heyy :)) This is my first request since quite a while so I'm actually pretty excited right now :D Thank you so much <3
I listened to the song a few times beforehand and you're right, it really suits Niragi.
I took a lot inspiration from these verses:
You look into my eyes You can't recognize my face You're in my world now
So just don't blame it on me, girl 'Cause you wanted to have fun
Oh this is fun fun (...) This is fun to me
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: Suguru Niragi, fem!Reader
• Genre: Angst
• Warnings: abuse, bullying
I have no idea how I was able to survive so long without anyone by my side. I lived like a stray dog for weeks until I met these really nice guys (who probably just wanted to fuck me). They had a fucking car and told me about this place.
The Beach. That's how they called it. It used to be a resort back in the real world. Some crazy guy, Hatter, found it and created some cult-like society. I didn't had the best gut feeling but anything was better than my current situation. So I let them touch my tits a few times and in return they took me with them.
The Beach was a way bigger deal than I thought. Dozens of players lived here and there was food, water and electricity. This place was actually alive.
Yes, it still was a weird cult-like place, but a safe place afterall. I was just supposed to bring the cards I own to Hatter (they didn't exaggerate, this man was definetly some kind of crazy) and had to wear swimwear so I couldn't hide any weapons on my body, which actually made sense to me.
The guys that brought me here explained a bit more to me. At first I didn't want to listen, but when they mentioned the militants I started to pay attention. Because they where allowed to carry weapons with them.
I didn't really care about anything else they had to say about them.
They where allowed to carry weapons with them!
Call me paranoid but I would feel so much more safe around here if I had a gun or something. These people might be in the same boat with me but everyone would safe themselves first from drowning. Me too.
They wanted to survive. I wanted to survive. And in the time I was here I lost a lot of my empathy because it would get me killed in the blink of an eye.
"Who is the leader of those executives?", I ask, swirling my (h/c) hair around my right index finger while putting on my best doggy eyes.
They looked at me like I was just as crazy as Hatter but after a few seconds of hesitation they answered anyways. "Aguni. Really short hair, scar on his face. It doesn't matter though, you instantly feel that he is the leader, when you are around him."
I took note of the facts about his appearence anyways, just in case.
"He is never alone though. His comrades are like flies, pretty sure this man doesn't even shit alone." I ignored his comment and was already looking around.
"Imma head to my room guys", I said without looking at the men. "I'm tired." They either didn't caught my lie, or they simply didn't care. They just nodded and let me head off.
I was of course not going to my room. I was way too curious about this Aguni. The things I would do for a stupid gun...
The sun was long gone when I saw him. The boys where right, he had this aura that basically screamed at you. And as expected, he wasn't alone.
For a second my confidence began to fade. Did I really want to talk to this guy? Would that be as smart as I thought? But I caught myself quickly again. I would die one way or another, where is the difference if it's through a game or his hands?
After I took a deep breath I stood up from my chair I had sit on and walked straight up to him. People stared, some whispered but I ignored them.
"Are you Aguni?" I ask him when I arrived in front of him but before he could even think of an answer another man slipped around him and build himself up in front of me. A big gun rested on his shoulder and the amused look in his dark eyes showed that he wasn't afraid to use it.
But there was something else in his eyes. Something so familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe we went to school together? That wasn't so unlikely based on how many people were here.
"Do you really think our boss has time for a stupid chick like you?", he asked while he grinned like an idiot. A hand placed itself on his shoulder and shoved him to the side. "Niragi." A voice scolded him.
The name didn't ring a bell. I probably saw him around school sometimes. Based on how he acted here he probably was one of those bullies in school that degraded literally anyone. You didn't even need to look or act different, sometimes you where just at the wrong place at the wrong time and your school year was literally over.
"Let her talk", the voice appeared again. Agunis voice.
I tried to make myself taller than I was and tried so desperatly to look brave, that I probably looked like a fool. "I want to join the militants."
I held my breath while biting my tongue. I really didn't know what to expect. Maybe he would kill me right on the spot? Or maybe not. I didn't know which one I would prefer.
He tilted his head and eyed me from head to toe. "It's not that easy." "I don't care!", I interrupted him and felt the heat spreading into my face immediatly after I spoke.
There was silence for a short while and I was absolutely sure that someone would kill me on the spot, but then he laughed quietly which scared me even more. "Or maybe it is that easy after all", he said eventually.
I felt the burning eyes of his subordinants and for a second I thought I would throw up on Agunis feet. "I like you. You're in."
I didn't know what just happened. It was so much yet nothing. All it took was for me to interrupt the leader? This had to be a trap, right?
"Nobody dared to talk to me like that since I came here", Aguni explained. "Don't think I would tolerate it, I don't, but at least you're somewhat reckless. If you're reckless in other aspects too, this could work." His hand dissapeared in the pocket of his jeans and came back out with a pair of keys which he handed Niragi. "Show her the guns."
Niragi looked far from happy about this order. "Why me?", he asked rather irritated. Aguni looked him dead in the eyes. "'Cuz you're my right hand. And you do what I say."
It looked like Niragi wanted to say something but bit his tongue. Instead he turned around and stormed off. Without saying a word I followed him, now even more scared than I was before.
Niragi walked quick and with big steps he crossed the halls of The Beach. At a heavy door he stopped and turned around to wait for me. "Hurry up!", he yelled annoyed while waiting for me. Slightly out of breath I stopped next to him and looked while he opened the door which revealed a rather dark stairwell that only lead down. "It's downstairs", he explained before starting to walk again.
I tried my best to stay beside him while we walked down where I supposed was the basement. Here were probably the generators and all that kind of stuff.
We crossed another long hallway until he stopped at the last door on the right side. Then he used the key to unlock the door and before I could process everything properly I found myself between dozens of weapons and guns.
Niragi pushed me inside and quickly closed the door behind him. Then he locked it and turned around to look me in the eyes. Fear crawled up my throat and my heart started to beat faster than it ever did in my whole life.
"Long time no see (Y/n)", he said. The keys dissapeared into his pockets so I had no chance to get them. Confusion mixed with my fear. "You know my name?"
His smile appeared back on his face for a second but then faded again. "How could I forget?"
My confusion grew while I desperatly tried to remember from where I could possibly know him.
"Come on", he cooed while he looked at me with expectant eyes. "Don't you remember?" He raised his free hand, made a circle with his thumb and index finger and held it in front of his eye, mimicking glasses, while tilting his head to the side. Then he pushed his lower lip slightly in front of his upper lip, frowning exaggerated.
It hit me with such force that I felt nauseous again. The sad face he put was badly played, but I could see it anyways. I saw the boy with the glasses in front of me, crying while my brother swung the baseball bat. "There it is", Niragi whispered. "The recognicion."
All those years I tried my best to forget these eyes. And I did. But now it seemed like this was a huge mistake.
„When I saw you upstairs my stomach dropped. I thought one of us would die when Aguni said I should show you the guns. The thought of all the feelings you could bring up again did something to me but I must admit that it’s rather pleasant to be alone with you.“
I stumbled back, tried to get more distance between us but Niragi instantly closed the distance again by taking the same amount of steps in my direction I took to get away from him. Not because I was scared, not only, but because I was emberrassed.
"How's your brother?" My eyes locked with his. As I looked longer into them I see how broken they are. Just like back then, but still different somehow. The eyes that looked into my direction, screaming for help, which I avoided like the plague because the guilt shook through me. The guilt that I didn’t dare to help him.
My brother made me look how they tortured him and for everytime I looked away, he would hit me when we got home. With his fist, with his belt or he would throw plates or glasses at me.
"I'm sorry", I whispered, tears stinging in my eyes. Again I avoided his eyes but I couldn't for long because his hand found my face and forced me to look at him.
"I remember your black eyes, the gross swelling shimmering a different color everyday", he whispered and I felt his breath on my face. "Blue, violet, yellow, like a violent, ugly rainbow."
Niragis eyes studied my face, stopping at the scar over my eyebrow. I knew he looked at it because I it suddenly started to throb just like the day I got it.
"That was for when I didn't threw the baseball at you", I answered before he could ask anything about it. It felt good to remind him, remind me, that I didn't want this to happen. When I refused to, he threw a mug at me. It broke it half when it landed on the floor, then he picked it up and threw it again. It cut into my skin leaving the about 2 inch long scar behind
"Where is he now?", he asked still inspecting my scar. I shrugged my shoulders. "I came here alone." I was scared that he might thought I was lying but he seemed to believe me, which made me relax a bit.
"He'd be surprised what his little games did to me. What I have become…" He let go of me but I still looked at him. "I always liked you, you know? You understood." I nodded. "I will kill him if I ever see him again." I nodded again. "And will make him suffer how I suffered." I nodded a third time while I took a glance at his pierced tongue. The pictures of the dirty needle my brother pushed through it popped up in my head again.
"I will find him and then we will play my game." Niragi walks up to one of the shelves and took a gun, rather small compared to his, then some ammo and handed it to me. "Our game."
I looked at the gun in his hand. It was my choice. If I take it I would make a pact with him. I hated my brother with all my heart but I was still hesitant. Is vigilantism the way? My way?
"It's your choice", Niragi reminded me. I took the gun. There is no justice in Borderland, so why not make it myself?
"I will make it my world", he said. "Where no one will look down on me ever again. On us."
His eyes practically burned into mine but I couldn't look away. My iris's where tied to his and I wondered if somewhere inside was still the Niragi I met in the past or if it destroyed him completly.
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