#me on vyvanse
eruptedinlight · 8 months
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do you have a moment to talk about my lord and savior
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homosekularnost · 1 month
did we as a society ever brainstorm about what medication pin-lee is taking in exit strategy
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straightboyfriend · 7 months
remember when they said generic vyvanse would help ease the ADHD med shortage but now there’s a shortage on generic vyvanse 🥴
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beansprean · 2 years
I think one of the nice things about wwdits is that almost every main cast member is packing incredible tit. Just some serious honkers. dohoonkabhankoloos, etc
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problemnyatic · 4 months
Being a good person means sometimes being uncomfortable and pushing past that because it cannot and must not always be about you.
It means you don't let your emotions get the better of you. It means taking the L because sometimes you just step in it because you are human, but so are they and it's about their hurt right now. It's about setting uncomfortable boundaries because disappointing someone is better than bottling it all up until you go emotionally thermonuclear.
Being a good person does not mean people-pleasing, it means respecting that other people are as deep and complicated and real and feeling as you are. They live full lives in first person just like you do and you need to respect your role as "someone else" in their life, for better or for worse.
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trojanteapot · 1 year
tl;dr the numbers in Infinity Train makes no sense and makes this scientist want to scream cry and throw up
Being an astronomer that is also a fan of Infinity Train honestly gives me psychic damage when it comes to how absolute bonkers this number system is. For most of my life after Book 3 I have chosen to ignore it for the sake of my sanity but I cannot any longer.
For example, let's take a look at these two screenshots:
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So in the screenshot on the left, Grace is something like 13-14, and on the right, she's 17-18 or something. The point is, this is roughly 4 or so years apart right?
Now take a closer look at Grace's number on the right screenshot:
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So there's around 15 visible digits. Which would mean that her number is in the 10^15 range, or a quadrillion, right? Nope.
There's digits all around her arm. So let's use our physics brains and assume her arm is a perfect cylinder, and that 3 digits spans the diameter of this cylinder. So with grade school math we know the circumference is pi*diameter, so actually she would have 3 times as many digits on her arm at that moment.
3*15 = 45
her number is in the order of 10^45.
10^45. One with 45 zeroes behind it.
Do you KNOW how MASSIVE that number is?????
BUT WAIT you say, her arm isn't a perfect cylinder, her wrist is smaller than her elbow. Fine. 10^40 then.
Coincidentally, when I made a number glove for my Simon cosplay, it also ended up having roughly 40 digits on it, but I digress.
This is the Sun.
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In terms of kilograms, the sun weighs 2x10^30 kilograms. So again, that is 2 with THIRTY ZEROES behind it.
But if Grace's number at the beginning of Book 3 was a mass in kilograms, it would be at least ten orders of magnitude greater than that. Not ten times. Ten orders of magnitude. In other words, TEN BILLION TIMES THE MASS OF THE SUN.
Do you know what is ten billion times the mass of the Sun?!
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So, Infinity Train writers, you are telling me, that in the span of four years. Grace's number went from 702 to A FUCKING GALAXY SIZED NUMBER?!
Okay chief. Sure. Why not.
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oysters-aint-for-me · 2 months
remember: if voting did nothing, then republicans wouldn’t try so hard to stop people from voting!
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astriiformes · 8 months
Had a really good conversation with my therapist yesterday that has left me feeling better about life & the future than I have in... months, honestly (which also has me feeling really good about her ability to help me continue sorting through things).
I was talking about my distress about the future and in particular what I'm going to do when I graduate, since grad school isn't the most stable option, and she pointed out that since I was spiraling over hypotheticals, maybe it made sense to simply make up my mind about the first step, since applying to grad school is hardly the same as committing to grad school. And she was so right. I am so good at feeling like I need to make the right, perfect decision -- especially after making mistakes with school in the past -- that I have been worrying myself into depressive spirals over what the "right" decision is here. But making up my mind to at least apply and find out what my options are is a decision, that will give me a lot more information in the long run than paralysis over if it's "okay" to apply at all.
It'll still take a lot of work, obviously, and l don't know if I'll even get in anywhere, much less actually commit to doing a PhD if I do. But it has taken such an incredible weight off my shoulders just to say "Okay, I am going to apply, what next?" Because it means I can put all that nervous energy to actual use! Instead of spiraling the next time I start thinking about my options in the future, I can go do research on different PhD programs (without feeling guilty the whole time, like I have been until now)! I can ask my favorite professors for advice! I can reach out to current grad students to ask what they think of their advisors! All of which is actually productive and will help me make the most informed choice I can if and when the time comes, instead of ruminating endlessly on what the "best" one is!
TL;DR -- my therapist is very smart and understands me and the things my brain gets stuck on in a big way, and her advice has dislodged literal months of extremely disordered thinking just like that. Because now I feel like I've made a choice and have something to work towards. And also like I can breathe.
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m0llygunn · 28 days
I decided to edit a tutor smutty stupid thing that I wrote July 2023 (lol) so that I could have something to post and I actually can’t I can’t I can’t like I only have 1.5k/6.5k left to fix but writing is so fucking boring reading it after is nice but writing is actually painful. anyway, a portion of the pained writing in question voila vas y:
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themesis · 1 year
f&h players when they're too slow near the yellow mages:
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run-of-the-milf · 9 months
This stimulant shortage is absolutely infuriating. I have to start rationing my medication again 🙃🙃🙃🙃🤬
I can't continue to be a good little capitalist wage slave if the medication I need to function isn't available! Going through withdrawal for a week every month because the pharmacy can't fill my prescription is getting really fucking old.
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spurgie-cousin · 8 months
me: *searches for any kind of mental health professional in a 60-mile radius that specializes in adult ADHD in any way shape or form*
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 6 months
cant beliehe the pharmacy gave me faulty adderall so now im just gonna be spaced out as he'll + posting dummy style for the next fewe weeks. So annoyance
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yinyuedijun · 3 months
also thank u all for the very kind asks I've received today <3 I will try to reply when my menty b is over and I have regained my zest for life
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To the SM fandom: I’m not ignoring the asks in my ask box and I haven’t forgotten about my series I SWEAR😭.
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dilfsisko · 5 months
trying to make a ttrpg character who doesn't immediately stick their foot in their mouth any chance they get is hard when you also immediately stick your foot in your mouth any chance you get
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