#me pointing like that Leo D meme
july 2024 savanaclaw + 4koma manga updates
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There's no Episode of Octavinelle chapter this month! It should also be noted that the next chapter for the Episode of Savanaclaw won't be out until DECEMBER. With that news out of the way, let's get into this month's updates ^^ (It's a lot of me screaming)
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Aaaaaah, I'll never get over how pretty this mangaka draws Leona's eyes and hair 😳 LIKE LOOK AT THAT HEAD TURN BACK SHOT, DOES HE NOT LOOK LIKE HE'S A MODEL MAKING A TURN ON THE CATWALK???? ?? ? ????? ? ?? Vil... eat your heart out 🤡 (This probably is not what I should be focusing on in a chapter full of action and high stakes qwegkuvqwoevqwdsa)
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The way the other characters are reacting to Leona's UM really lets us see how powerful King's Roar is! You can see how their bodies are being pushed back by the sandstorm, how they're physically bracing themselves against it (like Riddle, Ace, and Grim) or even having their vision obscured and struggling to breathe in the new dry environment (like Deuce).
I didn't share them here, but we also see Leona blowing through many Savanaclaw mobs. The sheer magnitude of power on display is really amazing--and I can see why his UM sparks fear in others.
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AYO RUGGIE YOU GO He leaps at Leona and attaches himself to his dorm leader in an attempt to try and get him to stop...
(Warning: lot of barking incoming)
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HUH????? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? RUGGGIEIEKZ/???? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? v LEONAKL88onanasan???a?A/a/a///A//???????v? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?ohy mMYG FUFDSKDCKCIUNG GOAFKDk dsmdasnkdfsjlbyadosibiyoadsobadfbiyoegwofaegsouqetqfe LE*inAIBN na GRABBED HJSJUIJN IM BYT THE FFUCKINGGF F NNEDCKKKK>>>>>>????v?v?v??v?v?v?v? 😱 LOOkm at thhHOW RUgigie'es sa FACE AIj ssamS BREAKJGN???? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? GSITHE SKING IS CRACKIXNG GFAN D TURNING NTO SAND ANDN LOEONA JUST DONES'T JBI EF VE A SINGLE SHITAS RUGIGIE SI WRITHTING OVER HERB E OTL
It's not like seeing Ruggie in this state is anything new; the dialogue hints at it in the game and the light novel also has an illustration of Ruggie with his skin cracking from Leona's UM. It's just... something about seeing it depicted across multiple frames + the sheer desperation in Ruggie's face (and the close-ups, MAN, the close-ups) really amplifies the emotions.
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DAHLBEFQBOUFQEYVIQEFYFQEBIPFOA But also there's a part of me screeching about L*ona gripping your neck like that while glaring at you like you're garbo 🤡
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Here's the part where Riddle attempts to collar Leona and fails. Again, I MUST stress how well this mangaka draws Leona's hair and eyes, they are UNMATCHED.
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OKAY FIRST IT WAS HUGGING RUGGIE'S NECK, NOW YOU'RE GRIPPING HIM BY THE HAIR????? Leona's handling the perceived traitor so callously 💦 The way Ruggie is looking back up at him, too... Caught up in Leona's shadow and glaring at him with such defiance... declaring that he will never EVER give up.., contrasted with how broken and empty Leona looks before he lets go of Ruggie... telling him to just give into despair… It's a lot of complicated feelings going on right now. As the Savanaclaw light novel elucidates, Leona was afraid of his own dorm members looking to him for leadership, afraid that they would make him hopeful again--because he expects to be let down like he has all those other times he tried to prove his merits. Now everything leading up to this point has proven him right, toppled that hope he had built up because he let himself be taken in by the starry eyed students under him, Ruggie included. AND NOW LOOKING AT RUGGIE, ON THE GROUND AND IN DESPAIR, IS A REFLECTION OF LEONA'S OWN FEELINGS... BUT HE WON'T LET HIMSELF CRY OR BE WEAK LIKE THAT 💀
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WOW UH This feels really different from how the same "Leona tried to sand Ruggie" scenes played out in other interpretations of TWST. Here, we more clearly see that, despite the interruption of Riddle trying to collar Leona (which made Leona drop Ruggie for a second), LEONA JUST TURNS RIGHT BACK AROUND AND FULLY COMMITS TO SANDING RUGGIE????? That's so stone cold 😭 Look at the lack of care in Leona's eyes???? They're so blank, he has entirely given up :((
What a way to end a chapter...
Now for a complete tonal shift--
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This month's 4koma (there's only one "segment") stars Sebek, who is receiving praise from Crewel for having the top exam score! Ace and Sebek proceed to work on Enigmics/Magic Analysis together. They are stated to share this class together in the game, so that's a consistent bit of lore for ya! In the end, Sebek's able to pull a transportation spell by visualizing where Malleus is. He earns an apple from Crewel for being a "good boy"!! Sebek is then asked to teleport the apple to Malleus and Lilia to demonstrate his mastery of the skill, but accidentally teleports a ton of them.
That's it for this month! A little less content than usual, but still quite substantive. We're getting down to the wire; soon we'll see both Leona and Azul's OBs!!
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
Hello there 😈😈 I am in a silly goofy mood😘
Have any of y’all seen that couple meme going around the “kiss here” meme???? It’s kinda cute-
Can I ask that for the rise boys??? P L E A S E
Thanks boo 😘😘
Bae I’m assuming you mean the tiktok filter and I am so sorry if I’m getting it wrong 😭😭
also I hope you mind I took the chance to practice sketching the turtles because I think this is soooo cute!!! <3
ROTTMNT x Reader
Rise! Leo, Mikey, Raph, Donnie x reader (separately)
‘Kiss Here’ filter
Fluff! :D gn reader, romantic, hc + drawings!!!
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- “sure, why not?”
- He doesn’t see any reason not to, esp if you really want to
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- “Ugh, boriiing.”
- ^ is what he would say no matter where it lands but still do it obvi
- “maybe you should do it again…you know, get something more interesting.”
- probably wants to do it more than you do when you ask him
- says yes at least 5x
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- does not care where it lands at all. I mean, it’s not like there’s an inch of your face he hasn’t already kissed.
- “Ok, ok! My turn!”
- doesn’t really get it, but would do anything to make you happy
- he would dip his hand into a batch of hot coals and crush them into a diamond if you asked him too
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- he’s nervous for some reason???
- thinks it’s very cute tho even if doesn’t get the point
- he really doesn’t get it
- If you want a kiss, why not just ask? why does some stupid filter decide where he kisses you?
- but…I guess, if you really want to do it. Fine.
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- “you want me to kiss your eye?” “Not me, D, the filter.” “Sigh. Ok.”
- overall thinks it’s pointless but wtv if it makes you happy
have mercy I am very much a writer first 🏃‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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erebus0dora · 2 months
Hi sorry this is random but I remember you from like 10 years ago with Loki art (I might have literally done the Leo pointing meme when I saw you Devil's Minion art & username, like, this is familiar, I know that name!) and I currently kind of got onto IWTV (I have not actually watched it yet but I'm living the hype vicariously through gifs and fanfics atm) and I've started going Eric Bogosian's books/plays etc and I'm probably not making sense but - love your art & glad to accidentally find it again & I'm absolutely fascinated with all your little tags and comments and stuff about Eric's writing. 💕
...the Leo pointing meme made me cackle out loud :D it's such a joy to receive this message!!
also yeah, 2011-2015, it was... an interesting era, and it's wild to see that after all these years you remember
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also ooh boy the memories made me fish this one out from the archives just to compare; i think i got... more free in the way i sketch things. sloppier, but definitely more free.
it's so good to know we know each other already 💜
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phoebepheebsphibs · 9 months
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NOT THE SHAKY LINES AROUND DRAXUM TOO (That alone gives me angst pangs 😭) HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm perfectly normal about this guy what do you mean :')
This does beg the question though- have you thought about where Draxum was during the invasion? (within the lore/au/etc of this story/comic, at least?) Why WASN'T he there when Mikey almost died?
food for thought :3 and fun
I love this comic so much 😭 uyghjdfqwseuhghugsivyjbhkjdcvb
(Real quick cuz I love this detail— but if you look closely you can see that the shaky lines surround just Draxum in one panel… but then spread to Mikey too when he starts crying.)
I heard one theory that Drax was out of the country getting magic supplies and junk… I like that idea, of him traveling to Japan to learn about ancient Yokai culture and legends…
But personally I think he was just. Busy. Or trapped. Similar to how Cass was there, she just wasn’t “there” there. I assume that he was either at the school, at his apartment, or down in the Hidden City somewhere. He probably wanted to find the guys but got caught up in the Krang attacking wherever he was, and didn’t get a chance to call them or check in until a fair amount of time after everything was done.
{For my comic of Draxum’s Nightmare, however, I like to think that he was doing nothing in particular. He was relaxing, enjoying his day, plotting some mad scientist stuff, and didn’t even hear about the Krang attack until hours after it was over. He was maybe in the Hidden City shopping and renovating his lab, doing some fine work, maybe getting a new robe too, and of course filing paperwork with the Council of Heads so that he was no longer a wanted (goat) man. And then when he goes home to his apartment, via portal of course, he turns on the TV and sees the news. His heart drops as he realizes what he missed. Draxum is not a begging man, but he actually begins to pray that they all made it through safely or survived, because of course they’d be in the middle of it. His phone blows up with texts from April and Mikey and Donnie and Raph and probably not Leo except for a meme that says “I lived, sheep man!” with him giving a peace sign while he lies on a stretcher with a leg cast and arm cast and enough bandages to qualify him as a mummy. But they lived. They are okay… mostly. They didn’t need his help after all. Sure, it might’ve been easier if he was there, but there’s no point in dwelling on the “what ifs”, especially since it all worked out. Splinter calls. Cassandra calls. Mikey calls. He goes to help them and hears about the entire battle… not like he was worried, he’s seen what they can do— MIKEY DID WHAT.
Oh heads.
And his greatest fear haunts him. Because… he wasn’t there. And one small mistake could have cost the life of the one Hamato that saved him… changed him… accepted him. When no one else did. When everyone saw him as either a failure or a villain… and he could have lost that one precious child.
And he could have helped, he knew what to do! He knew how to use that kind of magic and he’s had experience opening portals to other dimensions!! HE COULD HAVE DONE IT BUT MIKEY DID AND HE HAD NO IDEA HOW TO DO THAT AND IT SHOULD HAVE KILLED HIM—! …Mikey should be dead at this very moment.
And Draxum would never have had a chance to say goodbye.}
I hope you enjoyed that haha
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morvantmortuary · 5 months
I tried to post something at the show itself, but tumblr… ate it :’D alas.
so, a few days late but still exciting, have some photos of the tiny!morvants accompanying me and our bestie @bigtiddythanos to the Hozier show over the weekend!!
(left is me trying to take a photo of them in my lap in their Enclosure, right is tiddy generally providing a better angle from where they were sitting in front of us lmao.)
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we had really amazing seats at the very end of our row, which meant we both got to go absolutely feral during respective songs (me during Francesca, specifically, bc I didn’t think he was going to play it and then I throttled poor Tiddy’s hands all the way through), and not worry about crowding anyone with our massive emotions lmao
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this photo’s a bit zoomed in, but you get the general sense of where we were!
The Man himself was amazing: he was tall, his hair was up and then it was down, and he said the sweetest little “thank you so much! :D” after each song when the crowd lost their minds, as though we’d all just shown up to a little club gig and he hadn’t literally sold out the entire venue. he even came out in the crowd for his first encore, Cherry Wine!! (which I have video of but won’t post so I don’t have to subject people to me singing along under my breath :’D)
and ofc, here he is after his last song of the official set (none other than Take Me to Church, which was its own kind of religious experience ngl), with the pride flag he brought up for his mic:
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it’s grainy, but I thought the thumbs up was so cute lmao
part of the original, pre-show post that got eaten was me guessing which song each necromancer(/vampire) would lose their mind during if it got played. however, now that I’ve experienced the whole set for myself, I can tell you with certainty what songs each of them would definitely have flipped out about that evening :D
Maxi - To Be Alone and It Will Come Back, bc they’re both v much how he feels about you. Probably the one freaking out the most during the whole evening; you’ll recall Hoze was his favorite artist to sprawl out on the embalming table and daydream about you to during the early days of your relationship. ;D actually, there was also one dude there in a full suit (with his girlfriend, in her own flowing black dress morticia-style, I was extremely jealous) and I couldn’t help but subtly point him out to Tiddy like ‘yep. that would be our guy. there he is, Mr. Suits-or-Sweatpants-No-Inbetween, the King ♥️’ lol
Hex - Work Song, for the above, which he would’ve been exceptionally excited about as the v last encore, but also Too Sweet bc its a fun jam when he has the radio playing in his dark room or the kitchen
Rora - Like Real People Do, for the same (which she would have insisted on kissing you during), but also the Cherry Wine encore for her own reasons. some things just are too familiar, even when you haven’t bled like a human in a long time.
Seth - Eat Your Young, bc it’s a deeply sexy song about cycles exploitation, which is. his entire vibe tbh, but also secretly From Eden for the above even if he wouldn’t cop to it
Leon - Mostly there just to hang and vibe, but he’d have done the leo dicaprio pointing meme while the necromancers were losing their shit during Take Me to Church like ‘I recognize that one!!! :D’ (he is. not always the most aware of ‘modern’ music, despite having local bands at his bar as often as he can lmao.)
anyway! thank you for humoring me as always 🖤 and thank you once again to our buddy Tiddy for inviting us along 🥰 it was a magical evening, and it’s kickstarted not one but two pieces I was stuck on, so thank you for that too ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
happy may day/beltane to all in the meantime, and I hope everyone’s week is off to a good start! cheers to meeting the halfway point!!!
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
A hc of reader sister (little sister) who loves using memes sound effects to communicate with the family instead of her talk like " bruh " or " why are you running? ".
And it's fun because it makes everyone laugh.
Meme!Younger Sibling
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RotTMNT & gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, platonic fluff, what you say is in green
A/N: They are meme connoisseurs, Raph doesn't understand, but is supportive. Coloring the words took way longer than I thought... I have a 6 hour car ride to the hospital so ask away!
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You got your taste in memes from your brothers
Leo and Donnie definitely have the most knowledge in memes
"Tight! So let me be, I'm here to give you customer service. and I'll set you free! (right)"
"Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up!"
It's almost completely random
They've learned not to ask what you're doing...
"Hey, what are you doing Waiting for them to play Gangnam Style..."
Mikey and Leo participate the most
At one point you were really into Bully Maguire memes
Raph was terrified of you
"I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye... W-What!? What did I do?"
Remember that video of the country guy standing on his truck with Nunchaku?
Yeah... That's a you and Mikey staple
"Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top. Sunkissed so hot it'll melt your popsicle!"
You, Leo, and Donnie are the most chaotic about it
Raph and Mikey are a little annoyed by the meme bond you guys have
"I got a plane! I got a plane! I love the fame! I love the fame! You know my name! You know my name!"
Being the 2 youngest, though, you and Mikey have something you will never have with the others
and that's having unlimited meme potential
"It's wizard time, motherfucker! Fire Ball!!"
Raph was very upset about this... ^^^
You are probably the only one allowed to chill in Donnie's lab because of your shared love of certain memes
He vocally stims in his lab and I have a feeling a lot of those are memes
"Wow... Your raps are too wack to handle. Let's do this like we do on the Discovery Channel!"
Leo is the one you go to if you want to recreate some dance you saw on TikTok
And he's very good... It should be a crime
Leo also quotes the Pedro Pascal edit that went around...
"How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy? I got a 6 pack of cold ones all nice and my roomies out all night, so you can scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar."
Is anyone surprised by that though?
"Aren't you excited? You're going to the airport tomorrow! Ehrpohort? I'm not going to the ehrpohort."
Although Raph isn't that knowledgeable in memes, he does know some
"Excuse me, brah. You're excused.... But I'm not your brah..."
Just random things they'd quote:
"I'm almost proud of you... That's the most proud of me you've ever been!"
"Give me back my gamer girl!"
"Material girl!"
"Just got diagnosed with cool guy syndrome... Now I take Adderall!"
"Ugh, you can't sit with us. Actually, Leo, I can't sit anywhere, I have hemorrhoids..."
"Look at all those chickens!"
"Is this an internal dialogue? I can't see the end of the horizon... Hastune Miku!?"
"Its really cute how you're going to defeat me with the power of friendship, but again, I am da Devil... From da Bible..."
"Hey~... What's up... It's me!"
"Whopper. Whopper. Whopper. Whopper. Junior, Double, Triple Whopper. Flame Grilled taste with perfect toppers. I rule- I rule this day!"
"You're an asshole, Leo. You are what you eat, Donnie." I'm so sorry...
"Freddy, you're supposed to be on lock down... VanessaAAAAAA!" When he's been working in the lab too much
"Nah, nah, nah nah. Nah, nah, nah nah, yeah. You're are the music in me! You know the words 'once upon a time' make you listen... There's a reason!"
"Laloyd? That's right! It's me, your son! And it's Lloyd, Dad! No. L-l-o-y-d. I named you. You ruined my life! How can I ruin your life? I wasn't even there!"
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enjomo-arch · 10 months
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Name — Azz  (  but  friends  also  call  me  leo  /  lee.  ) Pronouns — He  /  Him Preferred comms — I  don't  really  mind  the  comms.  IMs  /  Dis.cord  both  is  good.  on  discord  i  have  easier  access  to  reply  when  i  play  games  doe. Name of muse — the  infamous  pirate  narcoleptic  and  walking  matchstick  portgas  d.  ace  Experience in RP — honestly idr ...it's  been  a  long  time  for  sure.  like  7  years  ?  at  least  online. Best experiences — i've  had  many  good  experiences  around  i  think  it's  always  meeting  new  people  to  talk  with.  i'm  like  -  i  can't  shut  up. Pet peeves / dealbreakers —  personal  pet  peeve  is  just  people  trying  to  water  ace  down  as  a  character.  dealbreakers  ...  the  usual  getting  upset  over  whatever  ace  said.  Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — i  write  what  i  am  given  tbh.  i'm  laid  back  on  smut,  i  can  write  fluff,  angst  is  good.  whatever  is  on  the  table  i  am  just  happy  to  write  it  down  and  have  fun. Plot or memes — memes  cuz  with  plotting  i  gotta  have  any  idea  in  my  pea  sized  brain  to  approach  people  with  it. Long or short replies —  i  tend  to  go  off  in  my  replies  so  i  do  long  even  if  i  don't  need  to.  i  wish  i  could  be  less  insane  and  write  short  stuff  without  setting  the  scene  for  2  paras  lmao. Best time to write — i  write  when  the  winds  carry  me  words  and  the  stars  align  (  morning  or  night  ) Are you like your muse —  i've  had  people  call  me  ace  instead  of  azz  so  i  guess  there  is  a  point  lmao.  in  some  aspects  ace  is  way  too  intense  in  comparision  to  my  own  chocies  but  i  guess  from  different  sides  i  can  relate  to  him.  
tagged : @lobiita tagging: @vonerde , @vulpesse , @goldenfists , @futurepiratekiing , @isutoburu
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So. One very fun idea struck me.
Seomthing like memes but not really dude. You'll know :D
*drums rolls*
WDMH: (In)Accurate Dialouge.
Because WDIMTBAH is a too long acronym, dude. :D
Deku: How petty can you get? Donnie: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Denki: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Mikey: Oh, you’ve been?
Denki: Once. In Monopoly.
Donnie: I can explain. Deku: Can you? Donnie: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Aizawa, driving Raph and Mikey: So how was your day? Mikey: We almost got surprise adopted! Aizawa: What? Raph: We almost got kidnapped. Aizawa: Oh, okay. Aizawa: *slams on the brakes* WAIT WHAT?!
Mikey: I trust Denki. Donnie: You think they know what they're doing? Mikey: I wouldn't go that far.
*The group is getting into the car* Aizawa: I’m driving. Donnie: Shotgun! Denki, turning to face Donnie: Aww! But you had it on the way here- Everyone except Donnie: WOAH- Donnie, holding a shotgun with a smile: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
Store Worker: Would a Mr. Aizawa please come to the front desk? Aizawa, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker: points to Leo and Mikey Store Worker: I believe they belong to you? Leo and Mikey, simultaneously: We got lost :( Person A: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Leo: *Gently taps table*
Donnie: *Taps back*
Deku: What are they doing?
Raph: Morse code.
Leo: *Aggressively taps table*
Donnie: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Deku: What's something you guys better than Donnie at? Raph: Mario Kart. Leo: Yeah, video games. Mikey: Emotional vulnerability.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Aizawa: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Deku: ...I did. I broke it. Aizawa: No. No you didn't. Leo? Leo: Don't look at me. Look at Raph. Raph: What?! Raph didn't break it. Leo: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Raph: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Leo: Suspicious. Raph: No, it's not! Denki: If it matters, probably not, but Mina was the last one to use it. Mina: Liar! I don't even drink that carp! Denki: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? Mina: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Denki! Deku: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Aizawa-san. Aizawa: No. Who broke it? Everyone: Donnie: Aizawa... Mikey's been awfully quiet. Mikey: rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Aizawa, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Aizawa: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Aizawa: Aizawa: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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pastballads · 4 months
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Luan
★  PRONOUNS: He/Him/Dude/Bro/My guy/etc.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: I... honestly can't think of any? I've had more bad experiences than good. Maybe I'd say when I finally found my footing with independent OCs with Izren and ended up buddies with Bear and his whole entourage of writing partners. I've joined up on Discord servers with people I write with in the past, but I've never had fun like we do on his server. Plus we play D&D!
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord is my go-to if you wanna reach me. I use Tumblr IMs too, though with how they're about as functional as a Bethesda game, I often ask if we can move over to DMs.
I've got my Discord tab open 24/7 on both my laptops, plus I have the app on my phone. I lurk a lot. But nine times outta ten, I'm more of a reactive replier, almost always messaging back rather than messaging first.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Kouki, always. Getting into the mood with him is so stupidly easy. Put on any rock music, think about any series, play a video game, whatever- and there's always something that makes me do that Leo pointing meme and think "Hey, that gives me ideas for that white-haired little gremlin!"
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I've honestly lost track lmao. Ballpark estimate is 11-13 years since I started around 2010 to 2013, with my intro to roleplaying being those ancient Quotev quizzes and the chatroom website Chatzy. If I remember correctly, my first actual RP was either in a Sonic chatroom or a Naruto chatroom. And I've never even watched Naruto- I was going on nothing other than the Fandom Wiki. You could even say that my cringe-worthy OC there was the first iteration of Kouki. Only reason I still remember that chat was one of my writing partners died of some terminal illness. Basically drowned in her own blood.
After that, I moved here to Tumblr. It started with Pokemon blogs... then Steven Universe (where I saw them actively out-toxic the MLP fanbase and drive them out of the fanbase)... then I was the sole Soul Calibur roleplayer... then I made a Skyrim OC based on the Kid Dragonborn mod... then I fell back onto Naruto and joined the fanbase here with more cringy OCs... made my other, still on-going Pokemon blog about eight-ish years ago... joined the JJBA fandom, which was and still is the best fandom I ever joined... then I joined the RWBY fandom... then the BNHA fandom... and now we're here!
I'm gonna cheat a bit and leave two of Bear's peeves, if only because he completely hits the nail on the head. There's just no better way to put it without rehashing things.
Excessive commentary blogging. Before it was just a lot of dash commentary that had me going 'eh'. But in recent years it's gone past that. I've become disenchanted with blogs that become largely commentary for whatever it is they're doing on Discord. All power to those Discord groups doing what they do! But it reaches a point for me that I don't really see them as indie, and it can feel insurmountable trying to interact with them if you're not entangled with their zig-zagging plotlines.
Blog hoppers. Because for a slow burner and long hauler like myself, they're the most impossible people to write with! Which is a shame, because a lot of the hoppers I come across do seem to have some writing talent to them!
Fandom RP events. When I was younger, I used to love the idea of these big events with their own plotlines and moving parts that anyone could participate in if they wanted to. Galas, holiday parties, festivals- stuff like that.
That lasted until 2018, when I kickstarted Bernadotte's original JJBA blog and brought back my long-running Pokemon blog. In the span of something like 5 months, eight separate RP events happened back-to-back in just the JJBA fandom alone. You can only try to participate and be entirely ignored for so long before it sours your whole outlook.
And I mean entirely. I remember writing twelve different starters that people asked for, responding to numerous open threads and starters, liking many different event starter calls, sending asks- the whole shebang. Not even once did I get anything back. If you enjoy fandom RP events, more power to you. But I've been burned too many times to even want to try.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Doesn't matter to me! Either way is great! Back in the day, I relied heavily on memes without any ideas for plot, just sending in whatever sounded like something my muse would say. Basically "Oops! All Memes!" Now? I put more thought into things. Overthink things too.
Receiving memes? I almost always ask if there was a reason or an idea driving my partners to send in that specific thing 'cause you never know, y'know? They usually do. But it really doesn't matter to me if they do or don't. I'm just happy to write with y'all.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: There's a little bit of me in every one of my muses! An example off the top of my head? Kouki is based on how I was as a kid his age. Corbin was inspired by my high school years, my love for old books and poetry, and my music tastes. My Pokemon OC was straight-up a self-insert when I started that blog. Tino came from my RWBY days and my absolute love for weaponry.
They've all got fragments of me in 'em!
tagged by: @dcviated Thanks bear! tagging: @pluviacuratio, @boomermania, @remunporium, @caestusvulpes, @fctedivided, @monmuses, and anybody else that wants to do it!
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blubun0309 · 1 year
HEADCANONS TIME :D (mostly Leo don't come at me)
-When Leo gets hurt, he usually takes care of his injuries alone and doesn't tell anyone because they worry a lot and it overwhelms her.
-All the brothers like to sleep with fluffy things like hoodies and plushies (this is called projecting).
-Raph got the twins matching plushies for their 10th birthday (don't ask what the plushies are or how he got them shhh) The twins still have them and use them for comfort.
-Mikey and Leo spray paint together. Mikey usually does murals and Leo does stupid memes (or that cool text thing too).
-Leo had a secret room in the old lair where he would hide when he was stressed. He doesn't have that anymore so now he just sits in a corner of her room.
-All the brothers have noise cancelling headphones. Donnie and Mikey use them the most though.
-Both twins have insomnia and they found out about each other's when they were about 8. They looked for ways to 'prevent' it, but none of them worked. So they just stay in a single room together when it's a particularly bad night.
-Mikey absolutely falls asleep in the turtle tank on their way back home after a mission ('cmon this was obvious).
-When they were younger, Leo and Donnie would cry if they were separated.
-Raph is very overprotective of Mikey (older brother syndrome), so the twins try to be less intrusive. They still worry, of course, but they let Mikey make his own decisions and respect boundaries. Mikey appreciates this more than they'll ever know.
-In a Leosagi scenario, Usagi fell first and Leo was the oblivious dumbass.
-Leo has a skincare routine. It's April's fault I think.
-The only one unaffected by Mikey's puppy dog eyes is Leo. But he'll still do something Mikey asks her to do because he thinks it's funny.
-Actually, most decisions Leo makes are based around 'would it be funny?' and the answer is pretty much always 'yes'.
-Mikey and Raph are into fantasy while Leo and Donnie are more Sci-fi.
-Donnie was the first of the turtles to talk fluent english and read. With Leo being a close second.
-Leo taught himself to read at some point but pretended she didn't to Donnie because she's a little shit like that /affectionate.
-Donnie is autistic, Leo has ADHD and Raph and Mikey have both.
-Leo flaps her arms a lot when he's excited. He also does little taps with his fingers when she's stressed.
The queer ones:
-Leo and Donnie watched Rise Of The Guardians together. This is how they found out Leo was gay. (Leo had a crush on Jack Frost don't deny it I'm right).
-April found out she was a lesbian with the 'Magnet' music video (absolutely one of the queerest songs I have ever heard. Miku and Luka <3).
-Raph is a lesbian and Mikey I feel pansexual or aroace, maybe both?
-Donnie is bisexual and a hopeless romantic while Leo is gay and falls somewhere on the aroace spectrum.
-Raph and Mikey go by all pronouns, Leo goes by he/her and Donnie goes by he/they.
Will add more maybe probably
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plothooksinc · 9 months
26 and 30 for the fic writer asks!!
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
I could say "actually, I was just so happy I started writing again AT ALL" because that would be correct. It'd been a long time since I'd managed and I had begun to think wearily that maybe I'd never return to all my unfinished fics. Then Rise hit me over the head with a two by four and I think typed like. Nine out of every ten days or so, wow.
That part was very important and I'm still relieved and find it hilarious that people are prompting me and apparently I cannot shut up so muse alive and well, I guess! But in terms of writing itself: a few chapters ahead of Ch. 14 in NRFTW, I said "hey what if I did *this* to Donnie" to my beta and she screamed. Me: I have no idea how to approach this and have never written this kind of body horror/existential scattered-mind shit before in my life Me: Me: I'LL WING IT I HAVE FAITH
So I got to that chapter and wrote the great spaghettification of Donatello (or as someone on Discord kept saying, I can't believe you peeled Donnie!) and the full scattered nature of his dissociation/derealisation and accompanying spaghetti gore just worked, I was on such a roll with that chapter, I don't think I've written anything so challenging in my life, but hey. It got a lot of reviews of "Gross! Horrifying! MORE PLS" so I think it worked. This teaches me that I should live by the maxim fuck it, we ball more often. :D
(Also the hilarious art and jokes it spawned have kept me entertained for the rest of the year, so)
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I want to update all my outstanding fics at least once. (At least. The Rise muse still has me but I have all these other RK/TMNT/FFVII fics going "what about us?" in the background so they deserve work. Wouldn't it be great if I could at least finish Snowblind?)
I am most likely to do the majority of my work still in Rise atm, so I have a follow on from NRFTW brewing away in the back of my head. I'm getting plot points together and it's shifting from vibes to coherency as I type. I pledge to let Leo actually not be bedridden for this one, so it'll be set at least after the final scene of the movie. But I have two villains in mind and a bunch of Hidden City lore to work in and will lean more towards shenanigans than the outright pressure cooker rollercoaster into hell that was NRFTW /o/ But I also have a couple oneshots in mind! I'm also still taking prompts, though I'm working on the last one I currently have, so they'll be scattered in there if I get any more <3
In short, I found my inspiration and I'm going to ride it for all its worth, while still taking sensible breaks so I don't get burnt out. (One page a day, that's me.)
Thanks for the questions!
Writing meme here.
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shadowbends · 1 year
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
This goes hand in hand with the other answer I gave about what helps me focus, ie. the most important thing is that I have no distractions. The only thing I need besides that is somewhere comfy to sit and my laptop!
Usually this means I'm writing while sitting alone, at my bed. I really should make better use of my desk, though. |D;
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
As a teenager, I definitely took the 'by the seat of your pants' approach, but now that I'm older? Definitely appreciate knowing where I'm going with things. It never ends up up being a full outline—I make up too much as I go along for that to work—but I like having at least a timeline in my head, of the points that I'm working towards.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oh gosh, I think I'd combust if someone made fanart for my fic; it'd be very unexpected, so I'd be happy with anything. If I had to pick something, though...
Well the first answer that comes to mind is [redacted], from the new chapter of don't pay my ransom that I'm currently working on now. But for a scene that I've actually put out already, I'd go with any of Mikey and Leo's shared dream sequences from the earlier chapters. I had a lot of fun writing how trippy they were, and comedic or surreal, I think they'd be the most fun to see brought to life in art.
Thanks for the ask!
Ask meme here!
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For the ask meme!!! I Know you play the card games in some capacity, would LOVE to know what kind of deck you play!!! (I forgot the number I’m sorry)
YESSSS i think it's like?? 25? 25.
25. Do you play the TCG and if so, what type of deck do you use?
OK SO DISCLAIMER i only play like actively pvp on Duel Links so that's where I develop and run all my decks BUT. I HAVE A COUPLE I RLY ESPECIALLY HAVE ENJOYED PLAYING THERE
D/D/Ds were the first deck i got rly fuckin good with and had so so much fun with (which is so funny since D/D/Ds are apparently??? notoriously overcomplicated to the point it needed Excel spreadsheets to lay out your starter combos lmao)--I love that it utilizes so many different summoning mechanics and just completely boss rushes the field it's so fun getting like 3 Big Demon Beasties out on the field and just wrecking shop. Very excited to meet Declan when i watch arc-v so i can see Triple D's in action!!! my friends the Different Dimension Demons!!!!
fav D/D/D: my puppy dog Dragonbane King Beowulf
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I also really enjoyed playing Goukis!! I was running them on Leo 5D's in duel links and it was just a hoot. Again I love decks that just make 1-3 Monsters With Big Attack suddenly manifest on the field. They're just funky wrestler furries and helped me learn how to Link Summong so that's just so special for me.
fav Gouki: gouki the great ogre is so cool....his effect is so funny to drop on the field you just watch your opponent's monsters' ATKs just plummet beheheheh
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Anyway my FAVORITE DECK TO PLAY!!! NUMERO UNO FAVORITE ARCHETYPE TO PLAY is my precious Meklords :3 hoohee funny robots i am hungry your synchro monster..... Gone. Theyre my nichefav's archetype so I'm biased but also I started playing them because they were doing rly well in the DL tier list for a period of time...then i just kept at it cuz theyre just rly fun to play <3 especially when you start doing crazy Xyz summons with them and blowing up your own field and stealing your opponent's monsters. They're the best. if they drop more meklord support in the future i will cry and explode slash pos
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patchdotexe · 1 year
animating sure is the ever. i want to animation but i don't know what to animate! maybe i could look at my favourite games that use 2d assets of any kind and. i dunno. do like a study thing
i do a lot of animation memes because it is Perfectly Acceptable to stare at what somebody else did and try to copy it, but as the years go by animemes have gotten More Complex and need to be Flashier to Appease The Algorithm and also Appease The Ideas I Have In My Brain so it's very much a mixed bag but it's also really fun when i pull it off
so, yeah, studying stuff is a good way to get stuff rolling! look at things you like the look of and try to break down how they do it. :D
but i also have the most scuffed way to animate ever and i can demonstrate that with some horrible screenshots:
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this is from my first "proper" animation meme, I Need A Win, and it is. so incredibly scuffed. i drew all the bodyparts in medibang, imported them with a transparent bg into vegas, and then did motion tweening in vegas which is an absolute headache on a good day. and this is still somehow reasonable.
...and then we get to RENARD.
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i don't know if anyone else animates like this. i don't know if anyone else should animate like this. but the point here is you can follow your dreams and do anything if you're stubborn enough and have enough hammers
(meanwhile the timeline for Dinosaurs Go Rawr is. reasonable. because i didn't do motion tweening. i still do tweening in vegas for Some things but im trying to reduce it as much as possible if only because it is a terrible nightmare for me)
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She-Hulk and Andor are the first of these D+ franchise spin-off shows that actually have a reason to exist.
Both are original fresh takes on their respective universes that don’t make me feel like I have to do the “Leo pointing meme” thing every episode and both shows have some actual personality.
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awesomeuchuu · 1 year
💕 Grabbing and kissing meme for Leo for no other reason than its fun | send 💕 to just grab my muse & kiss them! - Always accepting ;D
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"So then I was all like. Yeah, yeah, you've got a point maybe, but you're being super weird about it and I don't like it one bit because you totally don't listen to me in all this and I think I should have a say in it because, well, I don't know? It's my life? And I swear I could see a vein pop on dad's temple and let me tell you I'm so glad I don't live at home anymore because I would go crazy! I have no idea how I stuck it out for eighteen yea---"
Leo's monologue came to an abrupt halt when Izumi pushed his waving hands down and held him tightly while pressing a kiss to his lips. If it was a distraction or if it was simply Izumi feeling possessive? Leo had no idea, but he relaxed and smirked, leaning into the kiss. Unexpected as it were... It was nice.
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