#me when I’m just saying shit👆👆
draculovemp3 · 8 months
If House is a guard dog used and abused until all he knows to do is bite+attack so it doesn’t happen to him/them first, Amber in turn is a guard dog who willingly stays with a herd to end up slaughtered instead of them. bites+attacks for a gain(shelter, food, success, etc). And both of them love who they guard fiercely
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lucyonmars · 1 month
airplanes - matt s.
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summary : y/n and matt are meeting for the first time after 6 months of talking online.
pairings : longdistancebf!matt x gf!reader
warnings : long distance relationship, airport setting, a bit suggestive at the end, mentions of anxiety, swearing
word count : 0.8k
author’s note : this is kinda shitty, i have writers block & it’s honestly been saurrr long since i last wrote fanfics 😭 but wanted to put something out there!! rest assured my shit will get better once i actually get graced w motivation and confidence to write bolder stuff thoughhh TRUST!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
around a year ago, you’d discovered a small youtube channel only hosting around 20,000 subscribers consisting of three triplets, and ended up starting to talk to one of them. the middle child, matt.
you were never one for so-called “e-dating.” never believed that you could have a real connection with the only chance of communication being through a computer or phone screen. but, matthew sturniolo proved you wrong.
countless late-night facetimes, gaming sessions, and 3-hour-long conversations later, he had asked you to be his girlfriend, finally confessing those damn feelings you already knew he harbored in that pretty brain of his. you were skeptical at first, sure, but hey, why not?
turns out your decision had been the right one, because even though you were inevitably hours away from physically being together, you were practically inseparable. he’d call you while him, chris, & nick were filming (much to their dismay), he’d call you when he saw something that make him think of you.. he’d pretty much call every moment he could, really.
after six long months, you finally felt ready to meet up. his youtube channel had been taking off enough to actually be making income, making the trip across multiple states much easier, along with the fact that you were both just so damn impatient and didn’t want to wait any longer.
which is what lead to where you were right now, waiting for your plane to land as it flew through the clouds and headed down to the runway. 20 more minutes, give or take, and you’d be meeting your favorite person, and you had to say; the turbulence was so, so worth it.
☁︎。 . ゚☾ ゚.。⋆ 🛩️
y/n : matt‼️
matt : Y/n ⁉️
y/n : guess who just landed in boston hehe
matt : Your idiotic ass?
y/n : ….
y/n : shut up actually 🤓👆
y/n : (and yes!)
matt : Wya then? I’m impatient
matt : Just wanna see ur cute face in person already
y/n : you’re gross.
matt : U love me
y/n : i do.
y/n : anyways, just getting off rn + i’m RAVENOUS 👹 so i’m gonna go to the mcdonald’s i read that they had lol
matt : Ugh but airport food’s so expensive, I’ll pay for you
y/n : stop u don’t have to
matt : Not about to let you spend 10 bucks on some fries after you just basically had a panic attack for days about flying on a plane for the first time. I’m paying meet me there :)
y/n : wow what a romantic meeting place!!
matt : 🖕
☁︎。 . ゚☾ ゚.。⋆ 🛩️
the first thing you noticed when you entered the airport from getting off of the plane was the smell of fresh, warm fries gracing your nose; very different than the crappy airplane snacks you’d had. refreshing, almost.
which brought you to the next thing. the refreshing feeling wasn’t coming from the fries.. it was coming from a familiar face about 20 feet away that somehow looked even better in person.
“matt!” calling his name out as you started to jog over, you felt your luggage slip out of your grip as your arms almost involuntarily wrapped around his neck, your legs also having a mind of their own and jumping into his arms.
“y/n..” he chuckled, letting you cling onto him for a couple seconds before setting you down. “you.. you’re real. and you’re… shit, .” he shakes his head, clearly studying all of your features. the freckles that sprinkle your cheeks, the one little strand of hair that was out of place from the run over, your eyes that he was pretty sure he could see heaven in…
“breathe. my god.” waving a hand in front of his face teasingly, you went back to pick up your luggage, and he still couldn’t keep his damn eyes off of you.
and as if this moment couldn’t get more perfect, as you get up, you feel a hand on your cheek. “i’ve been wantin’ to do this for so long.” matt swiftly pulled your face towards his, your lips colliding gently yet desperately at the same time.
the kiss felt like it lasted for hours and hours. but only a few seconds later, he pulled away; and the way he was looking at you gave you the most extreme case of butterflies.
“sorry. couldn’t help it.” he smirked.
you scoff.
“why apologize?”
“well.. i was gonna wait til we were alone, and not in front of a bunch of people. eh, i have plenty of other shit planned for when we’re alone anyways.”
you furrow your eyebrows, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “pardon?”
“it’s a surprise. y’gotta wait to find out.”
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months
I hate the way this fandom is attacking each other and I feel bad for you because I do not think you asked for or started any of this. You simply gave your interpretation and theories of a show based on books and some people took that and twisted it and now it’s turning into something else.
Are parts of this fandom racist? YES. And whether we want to admit it or not, I’ve seen the most racist takes from many individuals WHITE and BLACK alike. I’ve seen some of the most hypocritical meta’s ever that support Louis and then others that support Lestat. I’ve seen some racisit shit said and everyone is nodding their head like there is nothing wrong. I’ve seen some individuals fly off the handle and start screaming racism all because someone dared to critique Louis or Claudia. And I’m not sure where the notion comes from that black people can’t be racist toward white people or racist toward other black people because I see this everyday and this is coming from a black person. I’m not sure where the notion comes from that there isn't racism taking place in the fandom and all blacks are being sensitive, they aren’t. Each situation is individual, and much like real life, there are shitty blacks and shitty whites and we shouldn’t lump all Lestat lovers into a category or all Louis stans into a category. We shouldn't assume all whites are racist and we shouldn’t assume all blacks are being aggressive or sensitive. Do y’all know how many problems could have been solved if people just discussed or educated each other instead of name calling and calling people out and responding with vitriol? Damn, let Jacob and Sam set the example. They disagree and discuss and don't let this shit bother them on a personal level. You know what I respect most about your takes? You never tried to reduce your takes on these characters based on their race.
Nalyra, keep being you, if they don’t like it, they can block you. I sincerely hope you aren’t stressing over this shit. You’re above it. You don't deserve any of this bullshit.
And thank you 💕 I really appreciate it!
Honestly, over a year ago, when this started… I was very taken aback. I have never experienced something like this and I come from Hannibal lol. And btw that is what I mean when I say this has been ongoing. The latest iteration is just that - the latest iteration. (I‘m not taking this in any relaxed manner but I‘m far from being as stressed as back then, soooo 💕)
And yes, if they don’t like… they can block me. That’s what I‘m doing now, too. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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nickyknacks · 1 year
Okay okay okay okay. Goddamn. Holy shit. Okay. Fuck.
So here’s the thing. Do you see that look on Aziraphale’s face, when Crowley pulls away?
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That man 👆 is devastated, he looks like he’s choking back a sob. The first time I watched it, I was fucking gutted. The second time I watched it, immediately after because I’m a sociopath who apparently loves pain, I…was fucking gutted. But this time, I saw it not just from Crowley’s perspective, but Aziraphale’s.
Aziraphale loves Crowley, like romance with a capital R, Jane Goddamn Austen and Cotillion Balls and getting caught in the rain Loves him. We know this. So why reject the kiss? Because of some bullshit ‘your side my side’ stuff, that he hasn’t managed to grow past in two seasons? I argue, no. There’s more going on here.
Don’t get me wrong, Aziraphale is still wrestling with some bullheaded moral superiority and arrogance, and still hiding behind the great Heavenly tautology of “I’m an Angel, so as long as I’m doing what Heaven expects of me, I’m doing the right thing.” No hard choices or uncomfortable questions or gray areas need apply. (Though he is learning to live with them. He’s started to absorb that good people can do bad things to accomplish good things, even with bad motives—and Vice versa.)
And he still has some growing to do to get past that, and with some of the chatter we’ve heard from Neil himself I truly believe we’re going to get to see it happen. BUT.
“Aziraphale is still religiously brainwashed” doesn’t satisfactorily explain his behavior, his words, or the EXPRESSIONS on his face ((my God, just. Fucking kill me already)) when Crowley kisses him. I don’t think we’re seeing Aziraphale still not understand or believe that he loves Crowley. I think Aziraphale knows that he loves Crowley—but thinks he knows that Crowley doesn’t really love him that way back.
Hear me out.
This whole season has been a montage of obvious, unsubtle lovesick expressions from Aziraphale to Crowley.
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And knowing what we now know about the ending, we know those aren’t just subtext in our heads, it’s all there and intended. Okay. So why reject a declaration of love when he finally gets it? Just because Crowley won’t get with the program and go back to Heaven? I don’t think that’s all there is to it.
The last thing Crowley does before kissing him is put his glasses back on.
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Look at him. Look at the sadness and frustration peeking through there. Aziraphale has seen this many many times before. He knows that whatever he’s about to see or hear is going to be coming from a place of defensiveness, posturing, or even performance. He knows that Crowley wants to be able to see without being seen, still feels like he can’t say whatever he needs to say without that advantage, and that’s got to be so hard. And it’s easy to say, “you just broke his heart! He’s visibly tearing up, of course he wants the protection of his glasses, and to save a bit of dignity!” Or even to take it as proof that Crowley means what he’s saying, if it’s so raw he can’t even do it while making eye contact. But that would be like looking around for where the furniture isn’t. Aziraphale can’t truly know Crowley’s motives here, because Crowley himself just made sure of it.
The last thing Crowley says before kissing him is “You Idiot, we *could have* been us.” Not “We still can be”. With heart armor glasses back on, tears in his eyes, and anger and accusation in his voice, Crowley grabs Aziraphale for a crushing, desperate, *angry* kiss. ((Still Swoony for us, I know, but hold that thought. Is that what Aziraphale would find swoony? Is that what he thinks love should look like, and how he wants to be loved? Is that what he’s shown us so far? No. It isn’t.))
And Aziraphale battles with it, he really does.
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It’s gut wrenching to watch. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, he hesitates and touches his back and takes them back off again, and when they pull apart he looks like he’s just been gutted. Why? Why look that *pained* if it was just an unwelcome advance from a flawed friend you don’t think you can love?
I think it’s precisely because he DOES know and accept that he loves Crowley, and he thinks Crowley’s kiss is something that *looks very much* like what he’s desperately wanted from him for a long, long time—-but isn’t, actually. I think the pain of being taunted with a shallow facsimile of the love he wants to give and receive from Crowley is what we’re seeing on his face. Because I think Aziraphale thinks that Crowley is really just making one final desperate play to maintain the status quo, by giving Aziraphale what he’s guessed he might want, but doesn’t truly feel, or understand yet. I think Aziraphale receives that kiss as an ultimatum, or a compromise, or even a naked temptation or manipulation—anything to keep Aziraphale on Earth and just the way things are. And shit, guys, Heaven bullshit aside, I think he might be partially right.
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Remember, Crowley was not on board the “I’m in love and we should admit it” train even five minutes ago, when he was confronted by the resident Disaster Gays who’ve had their shit figured out for all of five minutes themselves. He doesn’t seem to get it. Maybe he’s been reflexively posturing and denying the nature of their relationship out of self protective habit, or…. Maybe he really hadn’t understood that what he feels for Aziraphale is love. When Crowley chooses to forge ahead and confess his feelings after Aziraphale drops the “I’m going back to Heaven” bomb, maybe Aziraphale receives it as nothing more than a panicked Hail Mary to keep him around. Maybe it’s because that’s exactly what it’s become.
Don’t forget that, for all Aziraphale’s lack of understanding, he does seem to want to go back because he thinks he can fix things, and make Heaven what it really ought to have always been. And up until the last minute, Az seems like he might truly change his mind, until he realizes that there are still big plans that need thwarting, and no one else around to thwart them. Maybe it’s Crowley who really doesn’t understand that, because remember—Crowley is still just asking Aziraphale to run away from everything together. Same as the bandstand, just this time it’s less obviously on fire. He’s still trying to give up on Creation, wash his hands of it, and fuck off with his boyfriend. And his boyfriend won’t let him.
So no, I don’t think Aziraphale is rejecting Demon Crowley and his love because he’s choosing Heaven’s acceptance instead. I think he’s rejecting Crowley’s complacency, and lack of vulnerability, and his putting their own safety above all else. And I think he’s particularly crushed that in this moment, Crowley’s trying to use Aziraphale’s love as a lever or a crowbar to keep him out of Heaven, where he’s not willing to follow.
Now, again, there’s a lot that Aziraphale’s not seeing here ((“you’re the bad guys”, FUCK my dude)), but I don’t think you can feasibly claim that Aziraphale’s anguish is coming from a place of delusion or denial. They’re still not fully seeing each other. For Crowley to think that Aziraphale would choose to stay and leave Creation to any of the malevolent bastards who want to run it straight into another Apocalypse, there’s a lot that he’s not getting about Aziraphale as well. For Aziraphale to think that Crowley would be delighted to get to be an angel again, he’s still not understanding so, so much.
But what’s clear to me is that they both are still a rebound mess. They don’t truly see each other yet. But I think they will. because if they don’t I will gnaw through these bars and go straight to the asylum so help me God, who do I gotta yowl at to get a S3
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cherishedteddie · 1 year
ho my gooood I just had the strangest dream about me and amber rose???? its kinda nsfw and weird as fuck so ima put that shit under the cut.
I was walking down the beach getting my daily 30 minutes of vitamin whatever. ( I read somewhere sun in a small way cures depression, but I’m good. I’ll stick to staying indoors.) I saw Amber Rose’s fine ass laying out, tanning I guess. Don’t know why I thought I was worthy to speak directly to her, or what sort of drugs I was on to have enough confidence to approach her. I was all casusl, talking to her as if she were any other woman. I said hi and asked if I could take a moment to rest. She smiled and gestured for me to sit. So I sat and we started talking. What we were talking about is s blur now, but I remember we were def hitting it off. Next thing I know I’m at this party with her. It was really chill, a room full of people lounging around. There was lofi hip hop playing and the room was dimly lit, yet somehow she was still glowing. Godbless. We were sitting on the floor, our backs against the wall just talking and having a good time because there are no bad times when you are chilling with Amber Rose (imhtgto that’s in my honest to go thot opinion)
Heres where things get sexy(?) At this point we strong flirting and my Gods she’s feeling me. Cookie you suave ass motherfucker somehow just casually seduced Amber Rose. She put a hand on my thigh and I was like 👌👏👍👆. The music was kinda lound (which baffleds me, I feel like a party this chill would have the music just loud enough so people would be able to talk comfortably over it but what does my hermit ass know about parties) so er had to lean in close to talk to each other. Before I knew it we were laying on the floor in a corner in a room full of people who didn’t even seem to notice us. She was faced away from me and I was Kissing her neck and had a hand loosely gripping her thigh. Don’t ask me where my other hand was. It was probably clipping through the floor. She took the hand that was not clipping through the floor and moved it some place I am too ashamed to admit. You do the simple addition. I’ll wait.
Ok, with math out of the way I take you to the wildest most bizzare revelation dream Cookie had made to date. This is where shit gets weird. You’ve be warned. She turns to face me and says some wild shit along the lines of how she feels so close to me and that she wants to share something about herself that she’s told no one. And im like OK, what is it. She started telling me how kind and opened minded I was to stall for the courage build up, and somehow I reminded calm through all of it. The she straight up Showed me. Right before MY eyes she revealed her true form. She turned into a big lizard. She was like “so what do you think?” I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless, so I started intensely petting her rough lizard skin, a real shock in contracts after having run my fingers against her soft radiant human skins earlier. She wanted me to **** her in her lizard form and I was like. Alright, I’m a decent human she just revealed some deep shit to me. I think I can handle it. I couldn’t. I tried for her tho, I really tried. So I came up with some wild excuse and told her I had to go soon. Then I JETTED. Some kinda time and location switch, I’m at my aunts house watching and there’s a knock on the door. Guess who it is. Big ol Lizard Rose. My aunt let’s her in and we chill, watch some Amazing World of Gumball. The she insinuates she wants to make out and I’m like……why this WhyTHIS so I tell her brb with no intentions of being right back, or being back at all. So I go home (which is next door by the way) and hide out in my room for a while. After what felt like hours, I somehow managed to forget about Amber ever showing up and as in walking across the yard to get to my aunts house I see cages build out of wood and some sturdy ass screen all over the yard. Slight confused and not worried at all. I make it to my aunts and we are just chatting for a bit then she tells me she “took care of it” and I’m like what¿ Apparently she had built this mini tunnel like box and put Amber Rose, the lizard Queen inside of it? There was no door or windows which lead me yo believe that my precious Aunt murdered Amber Rose for me cos she sensed some clingy bs that I couldnt handle. The end
posted 5 years ago on July 3, 2017
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ursie · 2 years
What is really annoying about fandom is when they see something with the Oracle logo and try to say that Barbara is being Oracle. Like she’s not Oracle if DC continues to write her as both Oracle and Batgirl, but most importantly if all they use is her logo and not have Babs as a wheelchair user. Babs being in a wheelchair is the literally the most important part of her being Oracle. I’m not settling for fandom’s cheap version of “well this cover is giving Oracle vibes” like no. And in addition to that I saw a tweet that said : The Nightwing/Batgirls Mora covers could've been a leftover to celebrate Babs as Batgirl for it (as there are A LOT of Babs covers in Dec). But like all of Barbara’s Batgirl covers have Nightwing beside her... so much for highlighting Barbara as her own hero like... I’m just angry that Barbara isn’t being taken seriously and is reverted to Batgirl. And another thing that pisses me off about those covers is that Babs is little and tiny compared to Dick. She was a full woman when Dick was Robin 😭 but fr people need to shut up and need to be angry about how Barbara’s disability is treated because so many people in fandom won’t say shit as long as she’s next to their favorite fictional crush Dick Grayson. Like y’all don’t care about disability because of y’all did y’all would be so damn angry about her treatment in both Batgirls and Nightwing.
Literally I have nothing to add people are so hypocritical about them it’s all up in arms about things that effect them but god forbid people care about Physically Disabled people 😭 but yknow making Babs a real character again means everyone won’t be able to self insert themselves w Dick again. However will we survive 😔 literally I’m so done with their fandoms and current writing like ableism aside you cannot be reading batgirls or Taylor’s Nightwing and telling me you think it’s good like. It’s utter shit. Literally just constant secondhand embarrassment and the most juvenile writing of an adult relationship I’ve seen in comics period like. Genuinely embarrassing for the characters and fans alike
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
I know you’re probably sick of hearing this but you’re the only one I could think to bring this to. Constructive criticism would be great, if that’s what the people who constantly complain about these shows would do. Although I have a special brand of confusion for why they choose to post it in the main tag and cite that not enough people are bringing up the problem. I don’t know rando on the internet, but you are in fact clogging the whole tag with your inane complaints. If you’re this mad about narrative consistency for shows that are just beginning, please never watch any old classic cartoons. The narrative was rarely ever consistent and people still loved them. If you’re mad about poor animation? Clearly you never sat through season five of yugioh or saw any mistakes that occurred in like, idk, the rugrats? Looney Toons? And those were done by bigger studios.
Clarifying that you in this situation are the critics. Idk I’m just sort of tired of going into the tags and seeing only them there, while they whine that no one thinks of these things. Sure I could and will block them, but they need to realize that they not only overtake the tags with their bs but they are to ones that constantly post and are making people like me who are happy to constructively critique about ready to say that the show does nothing wrong out of pure spite.
Also, they really need to stop spreading rumors. Everything I keep looking up has either an apology or it never happened. God forbid they ever get this attention in their own lives.
Seriously, I'm tired of seeing them in the main tag. Plus, they just say the most bs things. I'm so sick and tired of them cherry-picking "flaws" (some real, a huge majority aren't) from the pilot like they're legit complaints. All they're doing is stating the obvious or making shit up.
"Hazbin Hotel has very little world-building," yeah...It's almost like there's one episode. If only there was a second show like a spin-off that explores the world of Hazbin through different eyes. Man...if only x3
"Charlie doesn't seem like a good friend," the fuck did you get that from. The instances when Vaggie got pushed around, which were done for solely a gag and showing that Alastor is okay with pissing anyone off? Okay...maybe that will change with further episodes.
"The characters aren't acting like their decades," they may not overtly act like it, but it's there, very obviously. Plus, again, they have adapted with times. Hell, even Pentious learned how to use a phone AND is trying to learn modern slang. So, again, what's your point? Is that bad? Is it bad that we don't hear them constantly referencing their time period or are talking normal people and not caricatures?
I'm at point where I think they just wanted a 30min PowerPoint presentation because that's the only way they'll get fully what they want.
A pilot is a pitch. It's sole purpose is to introduce the concept of the show in hopes that it gets picked up by a production company. Hazbin did. Its pilot did its job. What more do you want?
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ohgoodnessgravious · 3 years
i’m p sure the it fandom is completely dead but here r some headcanons. i’m sure some day someone will remember it and their phase will come back for a day or two.
the second eddie even thought richie was cute he’d immediately start shaking his head and kept saying “no no no no no no” out of no where and then run out of the treehouse. he would not stand 4 that. mans has internalized homophobia. he thinks it’s a disease and what not. poor guy was flipping his shit. everyone looked at eachother weird and didn’t really uh get what happened. eventually they thought richie said smth so they were like ahhh what did u say to him!!! and what not.
when richie thought of eddie as cute his face went blank. like he was laughing w eddie orsmth and then out of nowhere went 😐 and left. then started pacing around the forest like “shit oh fuck why did i just leave him like that” and was ab to go back and then was like “shit oh fuck it’s probably gonna be awkward now” eventually ben went looking for him. richie was talking a mile a second and confessed that he thought eddie was cute. ben just kinda looked at him and was like “ur gay? IM SORRY i’m sorry i didn’t mean that in a bad way i just..! that’s cool man! i um…wow! okay! okay. are u gonna tell the other losers?” and richie started trying to defend himself saying he’s not gay and whatnot.
eddie thought ab richie in that way before richie did. richie always somewhat liked him but after eddie started being awkward around richie he started liking him more if that makes sense. even if richie himself didn’t know his subconscious did and so like since…fuck man idk how to explain things. anyways richie confessed to eddie. ben kept trying to convince him to. ben had this whole romantic thing planned out and richie just…he went up to eddie’s door, mrs kaspbrak answered, eddie came up to the door since mrs kaspbrak was like “eddie ur little friend is here”, richie got really nervous, blurted out “i’m gay”, teared up, and ran away. i’m sorry this isn’t all that cute but this is 100% accurate i asked andy myself. this is just turning into me shitting around sry for wasting ur time. anyway the next time eddie saw richie he walked the other way cuz of the whole disease thing. his mom wouldn’t let richie anymore and was like “ew no ur gonna infect my son” but in a bitchier way? richie ended up running after eddie one day. literally. eddie was running for his life. “i’m sorry i didn’t handle that well i just have a crush on you and whatever like sorry this is kinda sudden but you’ve been ignoring me but i swear i wont infect you with gay i’m so sorry eddie i don’t even think i really have a crush on u anymore unless u have a crush on me then i do have a crush on you cause like okay hm okay so please don’t ignore me eddie please please please i can’t-“ and so fourth. eddie was literally just staring at him the whole time with like super wide eyes. he slowly walked away and then turned around and kept opening his mouth to say something and then just kinda stood there with his finger up like 👆 pointed in richies direction and richie tested up a bit and was like “eds” and eddie still didn’t say anything and richie was like “for fucks sake eddie u didn’t even get mad at me for saying eds” and all eddie said was “sorry” and left. thanks goodbye
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nochiquinn · 2 years
exandria unlimited: calamity: episode 3: Within Ten Feet Of Me
I skipped the live airing for reasons of Being Real Fucked Up, I've got notepad up for watching the vod but idk how much actual liveblogging will take place (for reasons of Still Being Kinda Fucked Up)
"they were makin chicken noises"
"am I a snitch or am I a reporter to the people?"
lmao the sticky note over luis' macbook
"don't invoke artax"
"that's a big ol' brumestone!"
necromancy is so tacky
"so he has back problems"
"electives courses is important!"
"talk about the dragon, I gotta go get a dragon"
"heard you was talkin shit"
"miles' friend sucks"
attel spack
miles come get your friend
I didn't ask how big the room is
the fringe on marisha's shirt confuses me
oh I know that vertebra
"you have approximately one hour before you can't move"
"tight clump, the ideal d&d formation"
everybody just piling on to protect loquatius
"I just lay down and cry in the street"
rogues are whatever
loquatius is whatever
muscle wizard casts fist
"they're gonna eat me"
"I made the wrong choices! D:"
fucking flayed men motherfuckers
reverse what now
"there's no ceiling" "YEAH"
"Sam Riegel Hurt My Feelings"
"it makes ground 👆 that way"
piratical dexterity
cast stab
stab a BUNCH
hasted paladin HASTED PALADIN
aabria's face rn
"I mean if you INSIST...."
"you're my best fucking friend"
I probably missed a bit bc twitch lost my place when I restarted my computer >:[
(honestly it's on me, I should have left a timestamp for myself)
"can [cerrit] see windows or"
por'co's impenetrable bubble
circle of WHAT
necromantic dutch oven
Mutiny Has Only One Punishment
wesley snipes??
I have been informed the second half of this episode is A Lot
"I just beat them with Faerie Fire, guys"
"we're at a table. I can reach you."
this feels like when you have to go around the classroom and say something about yourself
double twenties means all the batteries are safe
"let it fix marisha!!"
"I'll excuse myself"
"you look really nice today" lays in the floor
lays in the floor about the whole conversation but that was the emotional damage capstone
"short the tithe" that feels unwise
"insight and deception into yourself"
"I wanna unpack THAT"
"there's one story of a faerie who stumbled into this world and fell in love"
"why are you like this"
"I'm actively dying"
"you asked to not remember" fuck the what
patia what did you DO
"I hold that title very dear and sacred - but I hold that title"
"are you guys having like a cute divorce moment?" "shut UP"
cerrit: now is the time travis: I want the TEA
"none of this matters, and he does" hello 911 aabria iyengar and sam riegel are fuckiNG MURDERING ME
zerxus: zone of truth laerryn and loquatius: absolutely fucking not
hello 911 brennan lee mulligan is fucking murdering me
hey what the fuck
Generic Tablet Device
"she doesn't trade in gold, but rather her grandfather's name" WOW
"I'm glad I killed you"
"your eminence...what the fuck"
it's gonna be weird going back to the low-level chaos gremlins and not getting all these big numbers
"I leave." and I walk away
only, y'know. furious.
"I'm gonna go take care of mine now"
"you guys are very good at playing D&D!!"
by your powers combined
Time to Tree
"the biggest mistake I ever made was not trusting you" lays in the floor
"you already saved me once, maybe I can return the favor"
quay is gonna die bc he is a sam riegel character and I am going to cry
"the tree is ruining my cool magic"
aabria going from muttering death threats at the tree to "YOU SPEAK PRIMORDIAL?!?!" is very funny to me
"Iiiiii chose dwarvish"
hey laerryn
hey laerryn whatcha doin
that's a trick question I know what you're doing please stop
against laerryn???
hey what the fuck??
hey what the f u c k??
big You Activated My Trap Card energy
"choose wisely. but choose."
patia: fuck y'all, I got shit to do
it's always fucking bears
sam riegel, forever drunk on Love My Wife juice
up to and including if the wife is fictional
(or yeza)
laerryn got LAIR ACTIONS
lou going under the fucking table
"do I get advantage if I roll from down here?"
Is He Within Ten Feet Of Me
"I need you to make this decision, I can't because I'll cheat" you know what A+ self-awareness
brennan that's so many dice
"go find my die!"
"what are we even doing now?" EXCELLENT QUESTION
"never trust a motherfucker with a cause"
there's only 20 minutes left in this episode and I Am Experiencing Fear
oh shit it's his mom
brennan how are you doing that with your voice
oh the LITERAL big bang, okay
the frantic note taking
"not fear at what I'm seeing, fear at what you're doing"
and it WORKS kdjfslk I'm going to die
would that also blight them?!?!?
oh no
travis I will FIGHT YOU
I'm suing travis willingham for emotional damages
brennan's going in the suit
oh what in the fullmetal alchemist
I'm going to die
but that's bullshit tho! if they were gonna take advantage of it they would whether they knew what it was for or not!
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
Just dropping in to say hello to my dearest friend. Thank you for surprising me with dinner yesterday. I'm surprised you were able to get that order with all going on. I wanted to leave you a note with love and respect, completely without the ulterior motive of making anything about me, and free of any of the crazy shit you dealt with behind the scenes here last night. When it comes to nice you're much too much. But I also love you for it. And I'll be watching your back. Always.
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You! 👆👆👆
You’re very welcome. Actually, I was surprised I got to order it too. 
And thank you for always being there. As nuts as the last week has been, I’m so happy and grateful that I’ve got you watching my back. I love you! 💖💕💖
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thewitchwench · 3 years
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Samhain traditions feeling very different this year. No partying just attending to the protections on our house and getting shit in order. Through covid and lockdowns my values have changed. I give myself more time to feel, rest and be. I recognise when I am struggling (though the verbalising bit could do with some more practice) and create space for it. I say no. I go with the flow and accept that if doors close for me it's because I am not meant to pass through them. This doesn't mean I am happy about it. Acceptance doesn't have to be joyful. Looking back on how thinly I am spread this time of year and seeing that it happens whether I plan things or not has been eye opening. Don't know why yet but I'm sure I'll find out later when I speak with my beloved dead. For a description of Samhain and a guide to my personal rituals head over to the blog. 👆Link in my bio👆 . . . . . #witch #witch🔮#solitarywitch #paganwitch #instawitch #greenwitch #hearthwitch #hedgewitch #paganpride #heathen #kitchenwitch #witchlife #witchcraft #modernwitch #witchaesthetic #norsepagan #celticpagan #shadowwork #samhain #rituals #spellcraft #protectionspell #witchschool (at Totnes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVr5EgFrE3Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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