#me: i'm going to take a nap *does memes instead*
babybluebex · 1 year
okay imagine how cute jamie would be with anthony!!!!! so cute
ok jamie with anthony is so cute
they only meet after filming ends, jamie is in london for a while and joe offers to have him over for tea
you're a little starstuck to meet jamie campbell bower tbh and, when he first comes over, anthony is napping
jamie keeps his voice low as he speaks so as to not wake up anthony is the other room, even after you tell him that he can speak at a normal volume
finally, about twenty minutes after he arrives, your baby monitor blinks on, and you're like "omg he's awake"
you go and fetch him, and his downy curls are all fluffed and messy and his eyes are so sticky, and he's rubbing his eyes with his fist as you gather him in your arms
"jamie" and he perks up "this is our son, anthony. he's still very sleepy, so he might not be too social"
"aw but he's adorable" jamie coos, and he smiles as anthony blinks at him, still trying to wake up and not really understanding why he's being confronted with a stranger
"thanks" you say
"he has his father's looks" joe chuckles, and you roll your eyes
"he does look exactly like you" you tell him, and anthony reaches out for joe
joe takes him and bounces him a little, placing a wet kiss to his chubby cheek, and anthony babbles a little "dadada" and joe's cheeks go red "that's me! dada! can you say mumma?"
anthony sputters his lips and laughs, and jamie grins "can i hold him?"
seeing your son in jamie's grip is so so cute, jamie is holding anthony so tenderly and firmly, and anthony is so excited to have a new friend, he keeps flashing his little teeth and trying to tug on jamie's long hair and necklaces, and you try to apologize but jamie won't have it
"nah, he's just curious, just exploring, no harm done"
jamie holds anthony in his lap for the rest of the night, playing with him and tickling him and kissing his head, and he frowns when he looks down at his watch "i should be going, but i must see this little rascal again"
jamie lives in LA so it's hard to ever find time to meet up, even without anthony, but every meeting, the little boy is there
anthony will toddle along next to jamie, sometimes holding his hand, and you have plenty of pictures of jamie and anthony together, playing on a playground or sitting at the dinner table together
once anthony starts to get older, you introduce him to the concept of "uncle jamie", and jamie is so flattered that he's an uncle that he almost starts to cry
"i'm his uncle... good lord, he loves me"
SO many little presents
anthony gets the first run of jamie's music merch and paparazzi get pictures of you and joe and anthony out, anthony wearing a tiny version of jamie's I AM shirt
oh my god , so many presents, especially once stranger things merch starts to drop after the season airs
jamie sends anthony a little demobat plushie and anthony WILL NOT let that thing go, it's his favorite lovie and he'll pitch fits if you lose it or forget to bring it
and for fun, let's say that anthony gets to visit the set of season 5 when he's four/five years old, and you warn him "uncle jamie is wearing a really scary costume, are you sure you want to see him?"
"yeah! unca jamie!!"
and anthony is NOT FAZED by the vecna costume, he comes onto set and, instead of running to his father (dressed as eddie, bc eddie IS gonna be in s5), he runs straight to jamie "unca jamie!!"
pictures get out of anthony on set, on vecna's hip and playing with the prosthetics, and it's a huge meme like
when you and joe are in LA for an event, you let jamie and jess babysit anthony for the night, and when you pick him up the next morning, you expect chaos, but jamie is sleeping on the couch with anthony in his lap, and it's so peaceful and you know that your boy will never abandon his unca jamie
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neonganymede · 4 months
if you're still accepting prompts for the kiss meme... 19 for skk?? (ps you are my favorite skk fic writer & im always so inspired by your writing. TYSM <3)
if i could request another it would be 4 for skk but i don't want to be greedy
Aaaahhhh thank you!!! I'm honored you think so highly of my work <3333 I did end up finding a way to make both prompts work, so I hope you enjoy~
4. A Kiss Given to the Wrong Person
19. A Kiss on the Nose
At the sound of his own voice, Dazai winced. He’d been quiet for so long that he’d forgotten just how amplified the world was. Even the familiar taunt bounced against his skull the same way it did the halls of the apartment, a useless echo that only made his head throb, and part of him wished he hadn’t opened his mouth at all.
The other part of him wanted to be spoiled, even at the risk of worsening his headache. Shouldn’t Chuuya be here to take care of him when he needed it most? How could the cruel chibi leave him alone in this moment of sheer agony?
“The hell do you want?” came the soft grumble from somewhere near the doorway. Dazai didn’t open his mind to look, but he was sure the sound had come from somewhere near the floor. He angled his head to adjust for Chuuya’s height and pouted.
“I’ve been abandoned,” he proclaimed to the ground, and he swore he could feel Chuuya seething from the other side of the room. How delightful. Dazai wished his head didn’t feel like it might explode so that he could enjoy Chuuya’s unusually quiet fury.
“I didn’t abandon you, dumbass,” Chuuya pointed out as he stalked closer, silent as a predator but still so loud. Everything about Chuuya was loud, and Dazai usually found comfort in that. Today, such noise made his vision swim behind his eyelids, and he wondered how angry Chuuya would be if he threw up on his golden retriever slippers.
Dazai bought the ugly things; surely that meant he could ruin them as he saw fit.
A hand found his, the smooth leather of his gloves a little cold against Dazai’s skin. He almost wished that Chuuya would’ve put that hand on his forehead instead, if only to offer a tiny bit of relief in this trying time, but he would settle for what he could get. If Chuuya had come close, then Dazai could only assume that his silly slug of a partner had realized that his plan to leave Dazai alone had failed spectacularly.
Chuuya’s own fault, really. He should’ve known better.
“You’re supposed to be taking a nap.”
“I was lonely. It’s too quiet.” Dazai tugged at Chuuya’s hand, a silent plea to join him in bed.
A plea that Chuuya blatantly ignored. “You have a headache, shitty Osamu. It’s supposed to be quiet so the damn thing will go away.”
Dazai hummed, unable to argue with such dazzling logic. “True. Everything’s so loud now that Chuuya’s here. I might throw up.”
“If you throw up on my slippers, you’re dead.”
Dazai smiled. He gave another halfhearted tug, but Chuuya still refused to move for him. “How cruel. Does Chuuya love his stupid doggy slippers more than he loves me?”
“’Course I do. My slippers are cute.”
Dazai sighed, dismayed, and finally let their hands drop to the bed. “I married the most awful slug. Doesn’t even love me more than his ugly slippers.”
“I don’t remember marrying such a whiny bitch.”
Dazai cracked an eye open to regard his husband. The curtains had been drawn to block out as much light as possible, but Dazai could still make out Chuuya’s furrowed brow and worried frown before his vision swam too much to keep looking. With a heavy sigh, he closed his eye again and nestled his cheek against the pillow.
“What a shame that Chuuya’s memory is already failing him. Such is the fate of a slug’s brain, I suppose.”
“Don’t make me kick your ass when you’re like this. You’re already pathetic enough.” With a huff, Chuuya sat down on the bed. Finally, a tiny victory! Dazai only needed to get the chibi to join him for a nap, and then he could sleep in peace. “There a reason why you don’t want to sleep? It’ll help with the headache, dumbass.”
Dazai wanted to hum again, but that seemed like a bad idea this time. He made a tiny noise instead. “It’s too quiet.”
“That’s the point.”
“I can’t sleep without Chuuya’s noise.” The confession fell from his lips easily, drawn out of him by this temporary weakness. Usually, he loathed such displays of vulnerability, even in the comfort of his husband’s company, but he knew when the situation called for it.
And the tactic worked like a charm. Dazai could hear the sharp breath that Chuuya took, feel the way his fingers tightened around Dazai’s. He imagined that Chuuya’s striking gaze had widened at first, their caramel shade brilliant even in such darkness, but now they softened in time with the quiet sigh of defeat he breathed into the room.
“... You’re a fucking idiot,” Chuuya muttered as he stood up, slipping away from Dazai so that he could take off his slippers and discard his gloves. The bed dipped, and then Chuuya’s arms appeared around him, drawing him close so carefully that Dazai feared he might break from Chuuya’s awful gentleness.
This migraine hadn’t changed him, hadn’t turned him into glass, and yet Chuuya hadn’t gotten the memo. Dazai’s temple throbbed, either from so much movement or from the terrible reminder that his husband cared so much for him, and he almost wished he would break. He wished that Chuuya would gather him up so gently that it would simply shatter him.
… At least that would take care of this persistent headache.
“This okay?” Chuuya asked once he’d settled.
“Hmm. Chuuya could give me a kiss now.”
“Greedy bastard.” But he still felt Chuuya move forward to fulfill his wish of a kiss—
—on the nose.
He kissed Dazai’s nose instead of his mouth. What a wretch.
“Chuuya missed.”
“Nope.” Dazai could just hear that ridiculous smirk in Chuuya’s voice. “I told you, didn’t I? I’ll give my husband a kiss once he stops being such a whiny bitch and takes a nap like he’s supposed to.”
Dazai was sure he could come up with an easy way to get Chuuya to still kiss him, but his head still hurt too much to consider such grand schemes. So he blurted out the only thing he could think of and hoped that it would work.
“I’ll give it to him.”
“... Hah?”
“Your husband. Kiss me, and I’ll give it to him.” Yeah. Yeah, that made sense. There was no way that Chuuya would be able to argue with such remarkable logic. Even with such a vicious headache, Dazai’s superior intellect would not be silenced. He would outsmart his chibi husband, and he would get his kiss!
A quiet chuckle blanketed the space between them, one that weaved its way into Dazai’s lungs and eased the tension from his veins. When Chuuya spoke again, he sounded so in love that it made Dazai feel even more nauseated than before.
“You’re such an annoying piece of shit. All right, you can have your damn kiss before you give me a headache.”
Dazai lifted his head, searching blindly for Chuuya’s mouth to keep him from saying something else that might make Dazai’s migraine worse. Chuuya met him halfway, his lips unbearably soft as they pressed against Dazai’s. The kiss was simple, sweet. Horribly domestic. A kiss to break him, to shatter him, and to put him back together again shard by wretched shard.
Only once he felt whole again did Dazai let the kiss end. He couldn’t tell how long had passed, if they’d kissed for a lifetime or just a couple of seconds, but he did know that his headache still persisted.
Hm… perhaps a nap wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Eyes still shut, Dazai burrowed close to his husband and let himself fall asleep to the comforting melody of Chuuya’s noise.
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rosalind-hawkins · 3 months
Ryo for the meme?
So sorry for the delay on this one! I kept having issues with my draft not saving and needing to start over.
I sincerely think Ryou was my first favorite character from Yugioh, even before Kaiba, if you can believe it.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
When I was first introduced to Yugioh, what struck me about him and made me latch onto him was the obvious emotional pain. At the time I was just starting to figure out my own depression and anxiety that my family was oblivious to, and I think I just related to that lack of support. I guess this is the answer for Question 25.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
How excited her gets about food, actually. He and Joey are probably almost equally enthusiastic about it, and it's adorable.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
How they changed his dad in DSOD. I preferred it when the dad was an oblivious nerd just trying to give his son a cool gift instead of being a power-hungry weirdo.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
This probably sounds silly, but I want him living his best life in a Pokemon game with a team that he's bonded to, getting to live an RPG adventure just like Monster World, but a little bit safer. I want him taking a nap leaning on his Altaria with an Absol curled up at his feet, looking like it's asleep but keep watching. And don't forget his floaty little Shuppets hovering about.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Friend of Foe by t.A.T.u. because I watched so many AMVs at the time that I was introduced to Yugioh. The song captures his poignant and desperate confusion with his own life and identity.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Honestly, aside from Question 1, nothing specific comes to mind aside from general nerdiness. I used to have a bad sweet tooth, like I imagine he does, but not so much anymore.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Making him a sweet spooky boi with 27 tarot card decks at home that dresses like he's going to bible study. Also, a big one is giving him visible scars from all the stuff Y B has put him through: the arm, the left hand, the chest.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I wouldn't say despise. Not sure I'd say I dislike anything the fandom does with him too much
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I imagine he's a night owl, so as long as he keeps things quiet at night, we wouldn't have a problem.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Definitely! We could probably introvert in the room together, doing our own things, or chat about art.
11. Would you date this character?
Again, I'm married, but if I had the chance and Y B was gone for good, absolutely.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I've actually always headcanoned that Ryou had a Catholic mom and she tried to pass on her faith to him, but it didn't fully stick, necessarily. This isn't from nowhere, I swear. In the church scene in season five, in the English dub, Ryou goes into the church saying "I should be safe in here" after running from a disembodied voice. I think that means that he must have some small level of faith if he thinks the church itself will ward off the evil.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Galaxy Goth - Give him star earrings and glittery platform boots. Give him galaxy print leggings and an illusion neckline shirt with sheer/lacy sleeves. 👌👌👌👌👌✨✨✨✨✨✨ Hell, make it femboy too, he could rock that so hard. Make it pastel galaxy goth, it works just as well. Dress this boy up.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
You know I can't ever just pick one ship. I'm a multishipper. It's never just one.
Euroshipping, Minorshipping, and Puffshipping are my top three.
Mumbleshipping, Rollshipping, and Teaseshipping are my top poly ships for him.
Honorable mention to Graceshipping, cause I think he and Ishizu could be so damn sweet together, and that's my #1 straight ship for him.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Tendershipping, actually. I don't hate on it or people who like it, and I have a soft spot for some of his ships, but I just can't see Yami Bakura the way a lot of the fandom sees him, and that's where it comes from. I don't wanna get into it because this isn't a Y B post. I'll just leave it at that. No hate here, just a different perspective.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Deathshipping. I can appreciate some of the art and some of the sillier conceptions of this ship, but I'm not personally into it.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I haven't read the manga, but I've seen enough moments from it of Ryou and Joey together (included what looked like stealing a camel together), and their bond in DSOD was too adorable. It made me so happy to finally see somebody standing up for Ryou.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Obviously I wish he didn't get so roughed up by Y B.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Normally I'd leave ship characters out of it, but I can't help it: Ishizu, Joey, and Duke are my top picks here.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I play around with different versions of what's Ryou's mentality can be like after Bakura is gone and what the lasting impact is. There's a lot of options there, which is why I don't write just one version of Ryou.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
There's a lot of things that people do with him. I love when people flesh out his relationship with his family and
23. Favorite picture of this character?
But him with the banana.
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Okay, gonna try to stick to canon personality with this.
From Touken Ranbu, Nikkari Aoe. He seems sweet and normal on the surface, and then he'll suddenly say the weirdest occult crap to you with the most normal smile and you just want to back away slowly. And then you realize, oh dear this man's a weirdo. An absolute weirdo. (He's the one that can see ghosts after all, there's a real connection over that.) (He gets two gifs because you need to understand what a weirdo he is.)
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From UtaPri, we've got Shion from Heavens. He's a quiet shy boy on the surface with soulful eyes, but still waters run deep. I feel like they're both easy to underestimate.
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And from Nanbaka, I can't really explain why, I always associated him with Seitarou Tanabata. Maybe because they share the spiky Christmas tree hair, idk. Maybe I just think they'd be good friends.
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
See Question 1.
This boy is helpless in the kitchen. He's gonna have to count on his partner to either cook for him or teach him how to cookl
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madeimpact · 7 months
It is Munday, my dudes || @vitrumbra
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👽 AUs
Dude are you KIDDING??? I love AUs so much that back before I shortened my alias to not be an embarrassing Google Translate mishap, a running joke with my friends was (in the voice of "randy your sticks") NEGAU YOUR AU!!!!!
I'm a sucker for them. I love them. ESPECIALLY ones that stick guys from one fandom in the universe of another. My Madoka AU for the Evangelion kids is my precious baby brain child that I will cherish for the rest of forever and hopefully one day actually finish a fic or doujin or SOMETHING of. Bonus points if I can take the lore and fucking run with it like we're doing with the FFXV guys in Pokémon :^)
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 fankids
Again: are you kidding? Not to put an RP partner on blast here, but @novuscaelum is a joy for me to interact with and bounce off of. Fankids are great! Just...with the caveat that it's mostly (not entirely but mostly) on the fankid to make sure that they're not forcing the parent to compromise too much on their portrayal. A little give and take on both ends makes for a happy RPing, but chances are if you're the fankid, you came up with your OC based on some preconceived notions you have about the canon parent(s) which you may not share with the person you're writing with. TL;DR: Communication is key!
🗝 selectiveness in the RPC
I think there's a tendency to equate selectiveness with elitism, which. It's just Not. People have boundaries, and it's important to make your own clear and respect those of others. I've been the person who didn't get followed back or got softblocked before, and it sucks!! I know it does!! But nobody on this website owes you RP interactions, and for every one person that passes on you, there will be five others that are more than willing to write with you.
🥂 my favorite part of the canon
I'll go with KH since that's one of my main things right now and you didn't specify LOL /nm
It's hard to pick one favorite thing no matter how I interpret this question. I could go with meta-wise what's my favorite thing about KH as a series, or in-universe what's my favorite plot beat, lore, etc. I'll go with the latter interpretation for the purposes of this meme, and for KH...one of my favorite things is how very not chosen one Sora is. The story goes out of its way to say that Sora is an ordinary kid who likes taking naps on the beach and is content with his life on the islands, if anything mostly going along with Riku's hunger to see what else is out there. For fuck's sake, the Kingdom Key was meant to be RIKU'S at first, and it chose his heart instead in the wake of what happened to the Islands. "I know that the Keyblade didn't choose me, and I don't care. I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger — the people it did choose."
The fact that he's just a kid who, through sheer force of will and desire to protect what matters to him, strong armed his way into being the hero is way more powerful than the Chosen One trope will ever be, in my humble opinion. It's why I'm so scared of the murmurs of theories that Sora will have some grand ties to some UX / ML era characters or be reincarnated or some shit, that would be such a massive shit on everything that the previous games set up and I hope to GOD it doesn't end up happening.
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crisispider · 9 months
Ship meme - you know who gimme the spiderhawk same brain mans
My thoughts on ANY SHIP - Accepting - @oceansfirst
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Who’s the cuddler? Starting off strong with the same hat boys, they are obviously both the cuddlers. Touch being such a big part of their love lanuages it only makes sense that they are finding any reason to be touching. Peter will even find little moments, light brushing of hands, little touches to the back to let him know he is walking by, burying his face into Clint's hair when he just needs a moment to GROUND himself again. It's so INGRAINED into their relationship that they are constantly reaching out for each other.
It's a comfort thing, to know that they could REACH OUT for the other at literally any time, it didn't matter what was going on, even if they were in a FULL BLOWN FIGHT one of them can reach out for any sort of touch whether it's a full hug, or just the slightest of hand holding or just a soft hold of a cheek? or a forehead to a shoulder? ALWAYS THERE. Even if they are mad it's just a 'hey i still love you i'm not going anywhere but like you are still a jerk and wrong about this' WHICH IS WHY CLINTON FRANCIS BARTON PULLING AWAY IN CERTAIN AUS IS LIKE A KNIFE STAB IZZY. Who makes the bed? Look at them. Do they look like men who makes beds? I MEAN LIKE COME ON NOW. Who wakes up first? Peter and Clint live off a vicious cycle of man in their 40s trying to be a 20 year old superhero, they are CONSTANTLY napping, and never actually full sleeping. UNLESS SOME PEOPLE WANT TO GO TO THE GYM IN THE MORNING LIKE MEANIES WHO HATE THEIR SPIDERS. (except when you don't and make pancakes instead that is acceptable) Who has the weird taste in music? Clint probably says Peter, but Pete is convinced it's a weird competition to see who can find the weirder song to jam out to and act like it's normal, like a weird game of nerdy chicken. (You know the one gay cowboy song from tiktok? You don't think that was on blast in the barton-parker home? Silly. Who is more protective? HA. HA. HA. Now don't quote me on this. But I have a feeling that these two? Oh it's an equal amount of terrifyingly protective, but Clint has the more morally gray area to REALLY FUCK SOMEONE UP if they hurt peter in any real way? Oh. OH. (which like peter just feels is hot so.) Who sings in the shower? SAME HAT BOYS. Always singing idiots. And if clint is trying to claim he won't sing silly fun songs with his boyfriend then clearly he just hates his boyfriend, we don't make the rules. Who cries during movies? Peter is a chronic crier at sad movies, I mean just look at him, and if Clint ever does... well that is for Peter to know and he is keeping that info to himself kay thank you. <3 Who spends the most while out shopping? Now when you say shopping... do you mean weird competition and bragging rights over who had managed to find the coolest things for cheap? PICTURE IT two carts, lined at the start of a dollar store, a countdown and they are SPRINTING to see what deals they can find, all the cool dumb toys you parents always told you that you couldn't have? BOUGHT. Funny named candy? BOUGHT. And then they take their haul back to an apartment and just share in their spoils like the dollar store kings they are. Who kisses more roughly? You would think Peter because of the strength, but it's absolutely a tie. They are just so ALL IN. SO DESPERATE FOR LOVE kind of guys that they just can't help it. Who is more dominant? Switchy bitches be switchy, and i feel like it comes a lot from just the fact that they both so desperately want to take care of the other, to be taken care of? to love and to be loved. So whoever is doing the taking care of at any time is the one is more dominant. My rating of the ship from 1-10. 1000/10. Me? Refusing to use the actual scale for all of these? More likely than you think.
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centuriantalevevo · 2 years
Eveland line headcanons and shit- lmao-
With Ivy, Ike, and Eki-
With some x reader vibes
Ike has already said that Ivy is built in the boing being department HOWEVER, I think Ivy is also built in the height department- I think she's like 5'6- she tall as fuck in my eyes 😭😭😭
Ivy turns her back for ONE SECOND with a knife- or any weapon in the room for that matter-
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Ivy: exists
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Ivy: throwing Eki
Eki: screaming
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You basically have to babysit Eki because he cannot be trusted alone for even 5 minutes. You have to put him in one of those kid harnesses.
You have to put him in the shopping cart while shopping so he stays put.
He gets the most random bullshit-
"Can we get this? We're gonna get this" a 10 pack of knives, bleach, and then 5 liters of mountain dew.
What's he doing? We don't know- do we WANT to know?? Prolly not-
Eki is starting on his bullshit, Ivy is automatically going for the pressure point- No HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO DO SHIT- THE MOMENT HE EXISTS, SHE'S GOING FOR THE PRESSURE POINT-
Oh ya! Remember Ike saying "OW! She THREW something at me!", Ivy saying "I'm tired so I'm going to go take a nap..." and Ike saying "She's glaring at me-" "I'm po9kojg over trying to make sure she didn't hear me-" "If I don't wake up, it's you guy's fault!"
I like to think that Ivy somehow came into this universe, prolly because of Shu- and she lives with Ike and they just say they're siblings instead of trying to explain what the hell happened- and it works-
Some Alice Of Human Sacrifice type shit- "the smart older sister, the stubborn younger brother"
Of the two, Ivy might be SLIGHTLY older
When reader comes to visit Ike in Sweden I can PROMISE you Ivy is stealing them like yOink-
"Hey when y/n gets here, I'm stealing them from you" "what? No! Back off!" "NO! The 2nd season of All Of Us Are Dead is out and I want to watch it with them!"
Ike is still asleep, dead to the world and y/n wakes up before him for once- but.. Ivy is up before y/n- she usually gets up at like 3 PM because she's up until 5 AM for literally no reason-
"Oh wow you're up before me!" "Yeah, I actually went to bed at a decent time!"
"What's for breakfast? Y'all got cereal?" "Why don't we go out for breakfast, just you and me?" She asks, "what about Ike?" "I'll just leave a note for him, it'll be fine! If he's really worried, he'll call!" She grabs her satchel and that stetchy plastic wristband Keychain thing with her keys and everything, "let's go!"
She has a spair set of keys to the apartment AND Ike's car.
The two go and have breakfast somewhere, coming back a while later to Ike being awake.
"How dare you go without me..." Ivy just shrugs-
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I made so many fucking memes in about 5 seconds on mostly Ivy and Eki lmao-
Eki on his way to say hi to y/n
Ivy: nO-
Eki so badly wants to say HI to y/n- he exists for 5 seconds and Ivy is running at him at the speed of LIGHT- "WAIT I JUST WANTED TO SAY HI TO Y/N-" "KILL THE BITCH!!!"
"H e l p"
If we go with Eki sharing the same body as Ike... Eki takes control but y/n instantly calls bullshit and KNOWS its Eki and he's just "I wanted to say Hi-" "And I wanna see Ike." "Aw... you're so mean... you don't love me?" "It's a hit or miss" "🥺🥺🥺"
If the Eveland family are the literal embodiment of Panty and Stocking with Gartbelt it feels like-
Ike replaces Stocking, Ivy replaced Panty
Or Eki replaced Panty, Ivy replaces stocking
Ike AND Eki replace Panty and Ivy replaces Stocking
If you got the "KILL THE BITCH" reference, ily- if not it's a quote from that show-
Eki actively likes to shit on Miku just to piss Ike off-
"Miku sucks, why do you like her-"
"I'm about to end the entire Damm world and make it look like an accident."
"no wonder you act like that, you like Miku"
"No wonder your mom thinks your a failure, you're EKI"
Eki shoots grenade bullets but he's not ready to have them shot right back-
Ivy DOES roundhouse kick him-
Ivy DOES hold him by his collar over a ledge like i'ma drop you- oH- I almost dropped you!!
Ike: asleep
Eki: I'ma st-
Ivy: hello motherfucker-
Eki: exists
Ivy: I'm about to end this mans whole career
Ike speaking Swedish, English, and Japanese
Ivy speaking those 3 and like 2 other languages-
Eki, struggling to speak English without a whole ass swedish accent and trying to grasp English grammar while screaming in agony
Eki: I-
Ivy: I am fluent in over 6 million forms of kicking your ass
Eki: I... wanna take a nap. Everything I make.. FUCKING... S U C K S
Eki: It's bad.
Ivy: You know that feeling about when you're about to lose your job life, sweety?
Eki: uh- n-
Ivy: It's a horrible feeling, sweety.
Ivy: I love you Ikey
Eki: its Eki-
Ivy: I couldn't bare to see you leave, I couldn't! I couldn't do it!
Eki: uh- thanks I-
Ivy: So here *gives him a note*
"You're fired lol Your life subscription has expired lol"
Ike: *sobbing*
Ivy: Ike, what's wrong?
Ike: Ivy... I can't speak english very well... my Swedish accent is too strong
Ivy: what do you mean? I hear nothing wrong with your English!
Ike: I can't say... road... roller..
Ivy: what?
Ike: road roller!
Ivy: w h a t ?
Ivy: I can't understand you!
Ike: forget it! God!
Ivy: I ' m S o r r y -
Ike: s h u t u p
Halo: come on now! All of us are great!
Ike: says the enby with a weird color scheme for both their outfit and stream overlay
Halo: that's the last time I'm helping a swedish VTuber
Ivy: that's racist-
Ike: you freaking cracker-
Halo and Ike: arguing
Ivy: Oh no...
Shu: *opera singing voice* aaaaaaa! Hey guys! What's up?
Covered in dust again
Eki: w a t ???
(Based off of "Luka can't say road roller" where Ike replaces Luka, Ivy replaces Al, Halo replaces Sweet Ann, Shy replaces Prima, and Eki replaces Miku)
I'm having Ike, Ivy, and Eki brianrot plz help
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lightmaiiden · 5 years
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NAME!  Amber or Dee! HEIGHT!   5′5′″ NATIONALITY!  American FAVORITE  FRUITS!  All of them yo! But mostly blueberries and peaches! FAVORITE  SEASONS!    Fall FAVORITE  SCENTS!    Vanilla, clean laundry, flowers, fruit scented stuff FAVORITE  ANIMALS!    Dogs, sloths, cats, and red pandas! TEA  /  COFFEE  /  HOT  COCOA!  mostly coffee!!  AVERAGE  HOURS  OF  SLEEP!    I have seriously bad insomnia and then I drink so much coffee to stay up throughout the day.... so not much lol WHEN  MY  BLOG  WAS  CREATED!   Around Halloween RANDOM   FACT!   Uhm uh... when I lived in New Jersey, I lived in a small historical town near a battlefield for the revolutionary war, in fact, it was like... a short drive from my old house to there anyways there’s a lot of old, abandoned houses that were apparently haunted. My friends and I would explore the houses to look for ghosts because There Was Literally Nothing Else To Do There, but we stopped after my friend’s cellphone had an incoming call from 666-666-6666 after we left one house. Idk if it was legit Satan hitting us up but wow what a crazy coincidence that was! FAVORITE  FOOD(S)!   Noodle dishes, rice dishes, pizza, grilled veggies, flan, dominican cake, bbq junk listen I could go all day FAVORITE SHOWS!   Oh my ghost and strong girl bong soon! Santa Clarita diet while it’s comedy it has zombies in it and is pretty gory so uh... heads up if you wanna check that out, haunting of hill house, the walking dead, fullmetal alchemist both 2003 and brotherhood, mob psycho 100, saiki kusuo... FAVORITE  MOVIE!   It changes so much because I am an indecisive and useless libra but right now Train to Busan! FAVORITE  VINE!   I want to see my little boy (HERE HE COMES) this isn’t a vine but it’s been in my head for days, also almost everything by hardstop lucas
SEXUALITY! Bisexual PRONOUNS!  She/Her FAVORITE  BOOK  SERIES!  I DON’T READ ANYMORE BECAUSE I AM A HUGE NERD WHO ONLY READS MANGA NOWADAYS AND BADLY TRANSLATED LIGHT NOVELS FAVORITE  VIDEO  GAMES!   Any nintendo game, the witch’s house, Ib, any jrpg ever, nier automata, drakengard 3, resident evil 2 remake, resident evil 4, silent hill 1-4 pft!! FF8 FAVORITE  BANDS!    Florence and the machine, daughter, mother mother, tool, alt-j, would the black mages count? FAVORITE  SUBJECT!   I loved creative writing in high school! And also financial literacy since all we did was watch shark tank while learning how to budget through a knock-off sims game.  GUYS   OR   GIRLS!    Me, crying, how dare you ask me this?  LAST  TIME  I  CRIED!  I finished mother 3 again... a couple of days ago so yeah... WHAT  I  SHOULD  BE  DOING!   Sleeping I legit only slept for an hour before my dog attacked me to go out lmao FAVORITE  FANDOM!   I uh don’t have one, I mean I did but they’re mostly dead, it was the rpg horror fandom! I used to be in Final Fantasy but ha....
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entertainment · 3 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Hunter Deno, Power Rangers Dino Fury
Having booked her first commercial on her first birthday, actress Hunter Deno was destined for a future in the entertainment industry. After focusing on modeling for a few years, she decided to get serious about pursuing television and film, moved to LA in 2019, and landed the series regular role of the Pink Power Ranger on Nickelodeon’s new Power Rangers season, Dino Fury. We sat down with Hunter to discuss Power Rangers, fanfiction, acting, and other big philosophical questions. Check it out:
How are you? Seriously, how’re you doing?
Thank you for asking! I’m doing great, actually, besides being a bit homesick. I recently relocated to New Zealand for a project and had to leave everyone and everything I know and love. I started completely fresh here, and it has been a little rough. BUT everyone here and everyone involved in this process has made it a lot easier.
What are you working on right now?
I am currently filming a TV show here in New Zealand; I'm playing Amelia Jones, the next Pink Power Ranger in Nickelodeon’s Power Rangers Dino Fury. Wow. That is one statement I never knew I’d be saying.
What meme or piece of internet culture do you relate to the most?
Most recently, I feel like I relate to that video of the little girl on the beach. She’s crying, and she says, “I’m gonna take a nap. I’m gonna take a nap right here. Goodnight.” I’ve always loved that one, but I love how she just says what she wants and does it.
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You’re also a model. Can you share your top tip for looking fab in a photo?
Oh my. What a question. I don’t really have a routine before a photoshoot. Except, the only thing I HAVE to do, is get a good night’s sleep. You know, what they call “beauty sleep”.
Have you ever read Power Rangers fanfiction? If you were to write a Power Rangers Dino Fury fanfiction, what would it be called and who would it be about?
I have read some Power Ranger fanfiction, but I haven’t dove deep into it. I think if I were to write my own, it would be about my character, Amelia, and her quest to find answers about the paranormal. After the first episode aired, the hashtag #GiveAmeliaAGhost started to go around, and I think I’d want to run with that. I’m not sure where that would take her. Maybe she’d get the answers she was hoping for. Maybe she would find a love interest that has the same beliefs. Maybe she would find something else that would take her quest in a different direction. Maybe being the Pink Power Ranger helps her find some answers she’s been longing for her entire life. Who knows. And then I think I’d have to name it like it is, #GiveAmeliaAGhost.
What is something that you could use the Pink Ranger’s help for?
My philosophy in life is to be kind. I think I would want the Pink Ranger to go after bullies instead of monsters. Because the truth is, bullies are the real monsters in life.
Can you show us a funny photo from your camera roll that you haven’t shared before, and tell us the backstory?
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I’m not going to lie, I share a lot of embarrassing photos of myself as it is. So it was hard to find one I haven’t posted yet. I had to reach out to a few friends to see if they had any. But the photo I have chosen is a good one that I haven’t posted. I might find it a little more funny than anyone else would, though. Back home, I have 30+ cows. I am very close with them, considering we don’t eat or milk them; they’re pets. So close that I can feed them from my mouth. This is a picture of me and my bull, Titan. He sure loves his carrots, and occasionally missing the carrot and licking my face.
What is the first thing you’re going to do post-pandemic?
Over Christmas break here in NZ, I actually reached out to production about setting up some volunteer work for me. I really wanted to do something to give back. They really tried, but the majority of shelters and other places weren't accepting any volunteers. We reached out to a few kids’ hospitals to make appearances to put a smile on their faces, but due to COVID, that wasn’t allowed. While we understood the condition these kids were in, I was very upset that we couldn’t do ANYTHING to help anyone. I volunteer at a place back home called Give Kids The World, and going back is at the top of my list, post-pandemic.
How do you get into character, and how do you stay in character?
I think Amelia and I are very, very, very alike. So to get in and out of character doesn’t take much. We are both very loving, confident, optimistic go-getters. Honestly, there are times where we film a scene, and I find myself just playing me rather than Amelia. When it comes to my character’s paranormal side, that is where I definitely have to be Amelia and not Hunter. While I love all things horror, I don’t have the same passion for finding the answers she’s looking for. There’s a method to her madness, and I can’t say too much without giving it away. You’ll have to watch to find out more.
You have the chance to ask an all-knowing being one question. What do you ask?
What a loaded question this is. Is there life on other planets? Is earth the only planet out there that’s inhabitable for any life form?
Thanks for taking the time, Hunter! Catch Power Rangers Dino Fury on Nickelodeon.
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲
Word count: 2760+ (i'll try to keep bigger lengths such as this one!)
Synopsis: You meet a new classmate who's working along Nanami, you think he's fun to be around, it stands the same to him about you. Later, feelings unravel.
Contents/Warnings: (1) Itadori Yuuji x gn!reader (2) FLUFF, TONS OF FLUFF - and some comfort (3) With the small participation of... Ino Takuma!! I really like him too, that's why <33333 (4) This is pretty platonic, but also not? (5) Ending turned sorta cliché... but I liked it u.u
A/N: This boy made me run rampant... to fhe point it's not single attraction anymore I just wish him happiness (smh if only my parents knew...) also next post will be Toji's fic pt. 2! Y'all see the first part is almost reaching 100 kudos????? I'M SO HAPPY EHSODJWKDKSJD- thanks for all the new followers and the support!! <33
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Ever since his fake death, Itadori has been training alone with the help of Gojo - and now, he works along a freshly new face, who belongs to a senior, founds out ex-salaryman named Nanami Kento. He's far a thousand times more strict than Gojo. Itadori doesn't really likes the change, because Nanami is a person he can't get along. This whole guy's appearance scream "work 4 life"; he has proved different, now he screams "work is shit - but I gotta do it because others won't".
They've just finished cleansing the outside of a movie theater off a few curses, when Itadori hears shouting from far behind them. Two figures approach, waving excessively. He quickly picks on Nanami's tired sigh beside him.
"Nanami! We figured out you'd be here! Our mission has been finished and we wanted to catch up to have lunch together!" A male clad in a full black outfit shouts, he has brown hair and a beanie on top of his head, looking quite content.
The other person simply trots next to him in silence, approaching with a friendly smile. They notice Itadori faster than the male, smile widening and quickly waving hello, suddenly eager to reach up to them. The gesture makes the pink haired boy perk up, curious to why the other person looked so joyful. His question is easily answered, when they tug on the man's sleeve and motion to him.
"Ino, we have a third buddy!" The dude looks at him with widened eyes. "So nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N! It's great to see new faces around!"
Itadori smiles at your energy, knowing already he would click with you very well.
"I'm Ino Takuma, sorry for not noticing you before! Your uniform looks cool." Itadori exchanges a few compliments with Ino, before the man turns to talk with Nanami, leaving him and you together.
"Yes! I'm Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji-desu! My type of woman is Jenn-"
You turn to him. "So, are you a first year?"
"Geh? Weren't you dead though?!"
"I was!- I am!- Please keep secret."
"Ahem." Nanami coughs, drawing attention. "I requested you two to not come after me today. Itadori here is the reason why."
"That's no problem, we're very capable of keeping secrets." You threw your arm over Itadori's shoulder, him nodding along with you.
"Oh really, then remember to keep quiet about it. I'll let this slide." The group of students nervously at Nanami's intimidating tone. "But, I'll get to have my break alone."
"Gah!" Ino exclaimed, watching Nanami walk away; he also left the responsability of taking care of Itadori for you two, leaving without a word. "It really had to be today, when Nanami would take us to his favorite bakery..."
"Crybaby." You teased. "Itadori here can't go outside where anyone can see him, he's dead. So, we were to order food either way because he shouldn't be left out."
"Augh okay, it would be unfair."
"So, where are you staying Itadori?"
"At Gojo's state!"
"Whoa, I've never been there before." Ino commented, waiting as you sent a message to Ijichi to pick them up.
"He's my teacher, a very cool one!"
"I imagine! Ooookay, once we get there I'll get the food."
Itadori felt as his chest would burst of excitement, finally there was people around him again, he couldn't be less happy about it.
"Sharing is caring!"
Itadori laughed as you wrestled with Takuma for some fries, netflix long forgotten in the background, as watching the banter was way more entertaining. Most of the time, Ino rambled a lot about Nanami, while he rambled a lot about Gojo. The guy even showed him the cool scar under his beanie. He felt kinda upset after explaining the exchange was just temporary, his stay under Nanami's wing wasn't decisive, and therefore, he was more like a classmate than a partner.
Itadori also learned a lot about you. He was surprised to find out that you, although energetic, was the one to speak the lesser in conversations. His surprisement grew even bigger when you told him you're a exchange student from Kyoto, arriving Tokyo about the same month as him - thankfully, you were to say for good.
Conversations flowed easily in the air, until a voice from the doorway barged in.
"Yuuji-kun! Don't forget about your lessons! Hi kids! Bye kids!" Gojo said playfully, throwing the familiar punching bear to Itadori before leaving.
"What's this thing?" Ino asked.
"It's to help me control my cursed energy. So while I watch the movies, if I don't charge it with cursed energy it punches me square in the face. I thought I had mastered this thing already, but he insist I keep training with it." Itadori grumbles.
"At least it's cute." You commented, taking a sip of your drink.
"Until it punches you in your face without warning!" The pink haired boy barks.
The talks died down, the three of you eating quietly when another movie is played on the screen. Itadori didn't bother reading the title, it was a plain one about a zombie apocalypse that got him extremely bored, yet he kept watching still so the plushie didn't punch him in the face again; he's been keeping a record since all his last cursed energy training lessons were a sucess to this day. When his head started nodding and eyelids dropping Itadori can't remember well, about fourty five minutes of movie perhaps? Make it fifty, the second slumber took over his body completely.
When he awoke once again, it was near midnight, the clock on the wall told him so. He also noticed a soft and warm surface supporting his head, figures, it's your shoulder he's resting into, he feels an arm around his own shoulders and your cheek placed upon his hair.
"Hey, it's late." You immediately notices he's awake, calling out softly. "You should sleep on your room, or something, better to your spine."
He chuckles when you poke his side. "But I'm comfortable here."
"I'm surprised, you just met me today, and now is sleeping on my shoulder."
"I'm not, that happens often to me."
"Sleeping on people's shoulders?"
"No! Making friends quickly." Itadori likes your gentle warmth, your hug, everything makes him feel at home. "I met two more people before you for two weeks, but they can't see me, because I'm dead."
"So I'll keep you company, that's my new mission."
His eyes widen at that, a oh so little blush covering the tip of his ears.
"For how many time I slept anyway?" He asks.
"About two- no, three hours. You missed two movies, and this one is about to end."
"And you stayed here the whole time?" He motions to your shoulder.
"Yep. That reminds me I gotta pee."
Itadori grumbles, but quickly lifts himself off you, respecting your needs. That gives him some time to look around, he notices Ino is gone, and the plushie sits quietly at the other side of the couch, unmoving.
"Y/N! How did you manage to make it quiet down?" He's beyond bafflet.
"I said!" You arrive quickly at the doorframe, hands still wet from when you washed them. "I used my innate technique."
"Oh! How is it like?"
"It's kinda funny, gimme a moment." You left to wipe off your hands, coming back in a second. "So, just like Shoko, I produce reverse curse energy, but it's quite different than hers, I can't heal people. That's why we often call it positive energy instead. I can use it to soothe off negative energy, so the bear has no cursed energy right now."
"How does it works on people?" He felt very curious about everything, asking away like a kid.
"Since everyone has negative energy, it just makes you sleepy really. But when it comes to curses it's really practical, I can either weaken it or, if the curse is like grade three or four, I can slap them off existence completely by wiping all their energy." You were naturally proud of having a such versatile power, your own energy swirling with pride around you.
"That sounds amazing! Is it why I fell asleep though?"
"Nah, only if I did it on purpose. I guess you were just tired, hope you don't mind I decided to let you rest today."
"No way, it was a good nap."
You nodded. "By the way, Ino left to attend to a drinking party, he paid for our food."
"Drinking? Is he old?"
"Yeah, he's twenty." You chuckled, already expecting that kind of reaction.
"No way! He looks young just like us!"
"That's totally my reaction after I learned he's twenty!"
After that day, you started visiting Itadori weekly to daily, after exchanging numbers he made a little group with you and Ino, naming it the "Nanami trio". But really, he exchanges more texts with you in private, be them memes, cool images he wish to share, etcetera. Although, Ino wasn't left excluded, he ofter brough his xbox to connect to Itadori's tv room and you all would spend hours playing together; he just didn't spend much time with both of you as much. And that was okay.
For a few days, your connection with Itadori died down when he didn't reply to your texts. They would remain unread for some time, the longest being half a day, until he would spam apologies then move on with the topic. That became a routine until one day when you came over to check on Itadori unnanounced, needin to ease off your worries about the boy, only to find him sobbing in the middle of a hallway, staring ahead and beyond, his back to you.
"Egh!" Startled, he scrambled to wipe his eyes, turning to you. "H-hey, um, hi."
"What happened?"
"I- he-" His eyes didn't met yours, knuckles white in a death grip. You notice he has a few bandages thrown over his face and arms. The way his shoulders are drawn, as if he wants to shrink into himself is something you've experienced before.
"Something hard to talk about?"
He nods almost immediately, head still facing down.
"It's alright, come with me." You reach for his hands, grimacing slightly when his forceful grip is now on your hand, yet you don't comment on it. He follows you through the state wordlessly.
You two stop on the same tv room, sitting down on the couch. You then guide his head to your shoulder, gently massaging his scalp with the free hand.
"It's alright."
Those two words are chanted like a prayer for the next half hour, at some point, Itadori twisted his body towards yours and unknowingly caged you between him and the sofa arm. He embraced you with a force you didn't have in you, like he didn't want to lose one another. Painful or not, not a muscle moved on your body. He needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thirty minutes passed like seconds, you peered down only to find the boy confortably napping against your bosom; at some point you just became the cold side of the pillow to him. That's alright. It brings you joy to be the mom friend anyways. So you decided to join the sleepland aswell, arms still secured around his shoulders and the back of his head.
It feels like the nap hasn't been long, though, because you can feel Itadori's grip loosening and therefore, you're awake.
"Sorry if I broke any bones, in advance."
"Wow, and you only warn me now."
He laughs at your comeback, hands still secured around your waist.
"I'm surprised you let me uh, cuddle you for comfort - and sleep. I don't understand it? You just make me sleepy." He rambled, keeping eye contact with you while his head still rests on your chest.
"That's a piece of cake when you have younger siblings who seek for you every night they get a nightmare."
"Does that mean I can come to you again if I have a nightmare?" There it is, his togepi-kirby cutesy face.
"Are you four?"
"That's mean!" Itadori blushed, squeezing you on his arms. "I like the contact. It puts me at ease."
"Mm, do you want to talk about it?"
He gulped. "No, not really."
Your peach haired friend remained silent, and so did you. It seems he doesn't intend in letting you go soon, or he just really forgot to mention it. It gives them time to think, your younger sisted used to do that sometimes, back in Kyoto.
"Y/N, wanna watch anything?"
"Sure, have you watched Parasyte before?"
"No, let's give it a try then!" Itadori glances at the remote, then back at you - making you confused over his hesitation to move. He notices you noticed it, chuckling nervously. "To be honest, I don't wanna let go."
"It's hurting my back."
"SORRY I'M SORRY!" He jumped away from you like a cat would jolt away from a cucumber, making you snicker.
"It's okay, I just wanted to change positions."
And to tease you, but he didn't need to know that part.
He glared at you with a small pout, typing the initials of Parasyte on the search bar. Outside his line of vision, you were grinning like a idiot, his sweeteness took a tow on you. All the people of Tokyo you met really held a way different spirit from your classmates in Kyoto, Itadori being the nicest of all. It's surprising him being Sukuna's vessel to begin with; being honest, you felt drawn by it.
"Y/N, it's startiiiiing." He cut your daydreaming short, slumping on your side and propping his head on your shoulder.
"This again?" You throw an arm around his shoulders, very much like the first time he cuddled himself on you.
"Don't blame me, you're the one who wanted to change positions. Guess I'll just make some alterations since I'm awake this time!" One of his arms went behind your back and circled your waist, hand resting at your hip.
"It's definely different, since the other time you drooled on me."
"Hhgh, okay okay! Let me enjoy this." For perhaps the actual first time, you're able to watch without exchanging words with one another.
And this time, it's you who's head loll to the side, nose buried on his soft rose perfumed hair. Itadori doesn't comment on it yet, his free hand moves under your legs to lift your whole body up efortlessly when he senses you have fallen asleep.
"I remember you said it's bad for my spine, I wouldn't mind it... yours however."
The boy makes a beeline to the guest room, he sighs when there is no choice but open the door with his foot. Inside, he places you carefully in the soft bed.
Before he could leave, a hand reaches up for his sleeve.
"Itadori," He turned, looking at you. "Make me company?"
He giggles softly - you think it sounds like a highschool girl. "You should start calling me by my first name!" Itadori rambles as he climbs on the bed, arms wrapping around your waist in a motion you're familiar with.
"Yuuji, I'm tired, let me sleep."
"But I wanna talk more..." He pouts. "Also, are we, um, dating?"
You wriggle around, bringing his head down to peck on his forehead, teasing. "Correction, I want to date you."
"Uh, oh." A blush coats his face so quickly, you'd say someone dumped a bucket of red paint on his face.
"Is that a no?"
"So it is a no."
"Christ, will you stop teasing for a second, I'm trying to talk here." He makes an angry version of his togepi-kirby face, you can't help but grin.
"You amuse me, but okay. I'll do it for you."
"Thanks." He blinks, the blush slowly fading away. "You know, I lied, not about the contact, I like the contact nonetheless-"
His hand moves to play with yours, such as tapping his tips against yours, or meassuring the palms.
"-it's you who brings me comfort."
It's also your turn to blush, that line was seriously charming.
"Yes, we're dating now." You respond, a little eagerly. "Can I kiss you?"
This is the best person I could ask for, Itadori thinks, keeping his eyes open as yours shut during the kiss, whom I won't change for anything else in this world.
When you both separate, Itadori feels drowsy and sleepy. His face fits perfectly on your shoulder as always.
"Goodnight, my favorite person."
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Hellooo! I wake up from my nap what do I see? First off, really interesting takes on the Gerudo as a whole, secondly, my 3 am rambles were deleted. Now then, do I lack the self respect to re-write it? Yes. Yes I do.
First off! I have memes for Player's Aid (albeit not very good ones.) that I wish to send in, but I can't send in images with anonymous on. Do you have any ideas for how I can send it in or do I need to just send it in off Anon? Because fuck it, I will if I have to, I have been holding onto these memes all day.
Secondly! The Genderfluid rambling was about wanting Genderfluid/Gender-Non-Conforming reader to introduce the Chain into the magic of 'gender shapeshifting.' Using makeup, clothing, body languge and voice acting skills they had learned.
I specifically imaged Player in Wild's Hyrule and for most of the adventure, Player presents masc. It's easier that way as a bunch of masc people and one feminine person tends to raise red flags, (potential tw oncoming??? Not exactly sure how to tag this but I feel it needs to be warned of that following topics contain vague references to trafficking so... be warned and it ends after next line break.) especially when that feminine person looks different to the average Hylian, especially when that group is traveling cross country and ESPECIALLY if the chain is protective and doesn't want people talking to Player, maybe the Player is just stressed or something, but point it, that raises red flags and causes other feminine folks to say something along the lines of "Hey, are you okay? Do you know these people? Are they scaring you? Do you know where you're going? Are you safe?". I'm not saying that would happen, I'm saying that's just the way I at least would handle that to avoid a scene.
And so, Reader has been presenting masc to avoid any unnecessary stress or uncomfy situations, and when they reach Gerudo town, they just really really wanna go in with Wild, and so, they engage in shapeshifting! Give them 20 minutes, they'll be fine to get into Gerudo town and keep Wild company.
And so! Player teaching the Chain how they do it, details in walking different, or word choice, clothing that makes you look very different, makeup, how to do a more masculine sounding voice and a more feminine sounding voice, etc.
Also, Wild filing some of this tips away for their fem days because genderfluid Wild lives in my heart. Also, perhaps sending members of the Chain into a minor gender crisis.
Anyway! Just wanna see the Chain be supportive, some realizing there are terms for how they feel that Player is happy to tell them more about, some not quite understanding but they're not hurting anyone so who cares?
If you don't wanna do this kinda thing because you're worried it might cause dysphoria or you just don't like writing this type of content or something, feel free to ignore. This has been my attempting of copying 3 am me.
-Fruit Anon
Also Genderfluid Player? You're coming after my own heart Fruit! Literally will give it to you still beating if you really wanted it.
Now, this scenario but instead, they're in a different Hyrule (I'm gonna go with Wars) and they need to sneak into some fancy banquet (No I don't know why and no I'm not gonna make an idea for why) and they decide that there's too many of them. There are nine heroes, they're going to be the light of the night, no one's going to be able to leave except for the Player who isn't very confident about their abilities to do a stealth mission alone.
"So, why don't you guys like, I don't know- dress up in disguises?"
"Oh? And what disguises do you suggest?"
"Dress up as women?"
"...You're joking, right?"
"Does it look like I'm joking?"
Then they basically shapeshift (Don't tell the church) and now they're dressed as feminine as possible, makeup, beautiful dress that drags, head made pretty- the whole shebang.
The Chain decides it's probably for the best if they do go in disguised. Wild is picked, so is Legend and Hyrule (Wars would have been picked but he needs to attend as himself because it's his Hyrule- The Player did do his makeup for it though which he loved (Argue with a wall))
The four of the wonder off while everyone else is distracting the people, because who cares about the Heroes' dates? We want to talk with the men who saved Hyrule! (And from out of time) so the four of them are on a stealth mission and I can see Wild or Hyrule asking about how they're so good with this stuff- the dress, makeup, etc. when they've been presenting as male the entire time they've been with them.
"In my era, the concept of gender has been questioned throughout history, more so in modern society and I just don't see myself aligning with any sort of group" They explain as they sneak into another room "I'm a guy, I'm a girl, I'm neither, I'm both- I just don't see the point of putting a label on myself like that, so I'm flexible with how I present myself"
Their hands run over the dress, a smile forming "I'm been wanting to present as feminine for a while now but it would have been awkward, such a large male following and a single girl? It would have looked suspicious- but I'm so glad I've been able to finally dress how I've wanted to"
They glance between one another, sucking up your words before Legend just kinda whispers "I...know what you mean"
Wild pipes up in agreement.
Maybe even Hyrule just "I don't know exactly how you feel but....I wasn't always a boy"
And they all have this mutual understanding and respect for one another. Even Legend and Player aren't too iffy with each other as much.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Hey, hey hey hey! You listen to me now, you are not hard to love Remy! Also your boyfriend does not get to decide for you whether you want to or should do this exercise. These are your exercises, not his. They are inherently yours and no one gets to take them from you and no one gets to decide anything concerning them except you, ok? Nod with me? *firm nod* OK.
Listen to Dr. Picani and go through with the exercise I gave you when you're certain you're on your own. Make sure you're alone and someplace you feel safe. (Trust me, it'll make you feel better.) Go through the exercises Picani gives you this way too if you can. (Remember that he is the mental health professional here and thus he knows better than your boyfriend in this respect, ok?)
Do remember to give yourself more credit too, practice viewing yourself the way you would someone you value a lot. If there's no place where you can reliably make sure you'll remain alone, don't say it out loud, but do think nice things to yourself about yourself! (Now, go to the bathroom and lock the door if you'd feel safer doing so—and if you don't want to don't whisper it out loud, but think with purpose, think with me and I'll hear it: ‘I'm awesome!’ five times at the least.)
"Hey. Hey. Wake up. You're gonna oversleep again"
Remy's boyfriend held onto their shoulders, shaking them awake. All they felt was pain. They could already tell it was a bad day. They must have been tense all night from nightmares again.
Their eyesight was blurry as they looked up at him. Everything was far away. Even his kiss against their cheek and his quick goodbye. They heard the door to the apartement close before they managed to get a single word out.
"It's not like I don't have alone time girl" Remy said, turning to look at you "He's got work. I can't work. I'm alone most of the time. And like gurl I getya but like I feel safe with my boyfriend. He's super safe! There's no way he wouldn-"
They stopped midsentence. They took a few deep breathes while shutting their eyes tight. The pain was like a burning ache. Like they'd been beaten to the ground. Their hand fumbled around on the bedside table to take an ibuprofen. They could easily swallow the pill without water at this point. Still they felt guilty every time they took any sort of medicine.
"But like...I guess I'll like listen to you just cause’ you're nice" They rolled their eyes "I......I guess...I'm...awesome"
After the ibuprofen had started to set in they left the bed. They had to make up for being a bother somehow. So they got to work putting all of the laundry back into the closet where they belonged. They sat on the floor while doing it since the pain was still pressing in on them. 
"...I...I'm awesome" They mumbled once they were done.
The kitchen felt like it was an eternity away. Remy stood up on shaky legs and nearly collapsed from pain. The cane stood by the bed. They could take it. But it felt so silly to use it in their own home. Their boyfriend always told them could walk so they didn’t Really need it anyway.
Instead they struggled over to the kithcen. They were far too nauseous to eat so they instead dragged over a chair to the sink to be able to sit while doing the dishes.
"I'm...awesome" They repeated.
A notification from their phone rang out. They quickly took it. It could be their boyfriend worrying about the apartement somehow burning up while he was away...again.
Instead it was Remus. Remy smiled. They'd taken the same bus to and from therapy enough times to exhange numbers. He'd sent them a few memes about starbucks followed by a message about how the memes had reminded him of them.
they sent a few keysmashes and memes back. Talking to other peple aside from their boyfriend always made them feel much more like a functional human being....it made them feel like they actually existed.
"I'm awesome"
Remy sunk down into the couch and let out a sigh. They'd grabbed onto some halloween candy his boyfriend had lying around. It got to be their breakfast and lunch. Picani would tell them nurturing their body was enough to have done a good job.
“I’m awesome” They said for the fifth and final time. “There! I did it girl. You happy?” You didn’t respond.
Picani would have said they were allowed to rest, especially on bad days. So they laid down to take a nap. They felt guilty as they feel asleep.
They woke back up to their boyfriend shaking them awake again. He had hunched down in front of the couch so they were face to face. He smiled at them.
“You’ve just been taking it easy all day huh?”
Remy rubebd their eyes “I guess”
“I wish I could do that too. Just chill 24/7″
He sat down next to them and dragged them closer to him. They cuddled up to him and smiled as he moved his arms around them. It was such a bad day just being touched hurt, it felt like needles were being pressed into their skin. But they didn’t want to say that. They wanted his touch even if it hurt. At least they were awesome enough for him to keep around.
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jeonronwoo · 4 years
You Catch Them Staring At You.
Kim Inseong
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It was a normal, lazy day you wanted to spend with your amazing boyfriend, Inseong, as he had a clear schedule, you both wanted to stay home instead of going outside. You were minding your own business reading a book that you found quite interesting, and it was awfully quiet.
You felt a pair of eyes watching you, you’ve noticed it for a while, but you wanted Inseong to enjoy being the ‘sneaky’ fox he is. You smiled and said not removing your eyes from the book that’s in your hands.
“I’m glad you find me interesting.”
Inseong looked at you chuckling slightly embarrassed that he was caught staring at you and his foxy skills didn’t work.
“Am I not allowed to stare at my beautiful girlfriend?” He asked and you finally lowered the book looking at him smiling lightly.
“I can’t complain, but for your information, you may look like a fox, but you sure don’t know how to act like one.”
Kim Youngbin
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You were at home studying for your upcoming exam, you wanted to have a good grade in it so your parents doesn't try to stress you more than you already are.
While your boyfriend, Youngbin, was upstairs taking a nap, as he came back exhausted from practice.
After two hours, your back started to ache and it felt exhausting, so you just stood up and went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Snatching your phone from your pocket when you heard a ding, you opened and saw it was a message from your best friend, Dawon, once again he was spamming your phone with memes of himself.
You laughed lightly as you typed a replay. You raised your head when you felt like you were being watched. You saw Youngbin leaning against the wall watching you with a fond smile. You felt your cheeks redden.
"What?" You murmured, as Youngbin laughed a little looking at the ground, blushing that he was caught.
"I thought I made it obvious, you're just beautiful." He replied walking over to you and placed a kiss on your head.
"I love you." He whispered, as you smiled reaching up kissing his lips.
Lee Jaeyoon
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"Please Jae! This is the last shop! I promise!"
"No! You said the same thing about the last five shops!"
You huffed and tried to drag your boyfriend into the shop but he wouldn't budge. You stayed in your place for a while thinking how to let him change his mind. A light bulb lit above your head.
"If we went into this shop, I will give you all the blow jobs you want." You said, his eyes opened widely, and he seemed seduced by the idea, but he still was unsure, so you said to conclude.
"For a whole week."
Funny how he ended up the one dragging you inside the shop instead of the other way around. You quickly walked inside the shop as you looked for something nice to wear, you were looking through all the shelves and picked up a few things. Then you searched between the hangers, you found a good blouse and held it up.
"Babe, does this look good on me?" You asked Jaeyoon, he turned around and looked at you before nodding, you squealed and took it to try it on with a couple of things.
Jaeyoon was staring at you with a smile on his face, he was happy to see that smile of yours on display, he loved your smile so much. But you loved his more.
He heard your voice and snapped back to reality, he immediately groaned when he saw the teasing look on your face.
"Was I that hot for you to stare at me?" You asked.
"God, you're so annoying." He groaned with a smile on his face making you laugh a little.
"I mean, I wouldn't mind for someone as hot as you stare at me." You flirted, and he just looked away laughing in embarrassment.
Lee Sanghyuk
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You were up in your bedroom playing on your phone, while your boyfriend was downstairs bringing something to eat. You heard some banging from downstairs and groaned.
"Lee Sanghyuk, I swear to god." You mumbled to yourself, and stood up to see if Sanghyuk managed to destroy the house or not.
You walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to see Sanghyuk standing there with a bowl in his hands.
"What the hell Sanghyuk?" You mumbled as you saw your kitchen was a mess.
"All I wanted was some popcorn and this happened!" He defended himself quickly with a pout on his face and you shook your head smiling a little.
"Just sit on the sofa." You said and he looked revealed.
He sat on the sofa, while you began to clean the mess he made, after that you opened the fridge getting some juice out, and looked in the shelves to find a bag of doritos. You grinned and emptied it in a bowl.
You put the popcorn in the microwave and waited for it to be done, your eyes drifted back to the living room, expecting your boyfriend to be searching for a movie to watch, but instead he was staring at you.
"You're weird, you know that?" You said and he just smiled in response, you walked over to him and sat on his lap.
"For a really dumb person, you sure are handsome." You said teasing and he just rolled his eyes and kissed your lips.
In the middle of making out, you heard a tick, you quickly pulled away and went inside the kitchen bringing the bowl of popcorn holding it for Sanghyuk to see.
"And this is how you make popcorn."
"Oh my god, marry me!"
Baek Juho
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You were getting ready to go out with your boyfriend, Juho. Since he finally got a day off, you both wanted to make use of it and go out together, because it had been so long since you went out together.
You were doing your makeup when you heard a noise, you turned around to see your cat, Vivi, snuggling into your boyfriend.
"She likes you already? Strange. She tried to scratch Chani's hand." You said and he laughed.
"That's why he didn't want to come with me! She has to like me, I'm your boyfriend!" Juho said and you smiled.
"She likes Rowoon and he isn't my boyfriend." You said and he scoffed a little.
"Everybody likes Rowoon." Juho said and you laughed agreeing, remembering when he was dancing with the ostriches.
You turned back continuing with your makeup, you put some nude lipgloss, and some blush, you were putting on your eyeliner, when you saw Juho's reflection on the mirror to see he was staring at you.
"What? Is there something wrong with my makeup?!" You said and started to panic, he quickly shook his head.
"No! No! You're just.. Beautiful." Juho said shyly, and you blushed. "Isn't that right, Vivi?" Juho said bouncing the cat staring at you as you giggled.
Kim Seokwoo
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"Oh my god, this is amazing!" You said as you bite into the cake happily.
You and your boyfriend, Rowoon, at the park having a picnic. Rowoon being the gentleman he is, he made food and brought it with him so you can enjoy yourselves.
"Does it taste good?" Rowoon asked and you nodded immediately.
"Yes, you're such a boyfriend material." You said causing him to blush and bite into his sandwich to act like it's not bothering him.
You talked about random things, and Rowoon just told you about the drama he was going to act in, and to say you were beyond excited was an understatement. You were proud of him and everything he achieved.
You felt a kick in your side, and you looked to your left side and saw a ball next to you. Your eyebrows furrowed, then you saw a little boy coming your way.
"I'm so sorry Ms! It won't happen again I promise!" The little boy apologised and bowed and you chuckled ruffling his hair.
"It's okay, have fun yeah?" You said and he smiled widely before taking the ball and ran back to his friends.
You turned around still smiling, you saw Rowook staring at you with a smile on his face and he had frosting on either side on his lips. You laughed.
"You're such a man child, you know that?" You said and grabbed a napkin wiping his mouth. Rowoon frowned before realising that he actually made a fool of himself in front of you. You laughed staring at him this time with a smile of your own saying.
"Lucky for you I love you."
Yoo Taeyang
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You were watching a new drama at home, you were alone because Taeyang, your boyfriend was on tour to promote their new song.
Saying that you missed him a lot would be an understatement, you two weren't used to staying away from each other for a long time.
Your phone started ringing and you picked it up, you smiled widely when you saw that Taeyang was video calling you.
You accepted immediately and you saw his face on the screen and smiled widely when you saw he had the same smile as yours.
"Y/N! Babe I missed you so much!" Taeyang said pouting a little.
"I missed you too baby, how is the promotion going?" You asked putting a hand over your cheek.
"It's going amazing, I love meeting fantasy from all over the world!" He said excitedly and you laughed at his cuteness.
You talked back and forth and he asked how you were doing without him, also the video call turned into a choas when Jaeyoon came to interrupt you two.
"What do we have here! Oh look, it's Taeyang's precious Y/N!" Jaeyoon teased and pinched Taeyang's cheeks.
"Hey Jae, how are you? Good job on ripping your jacket live, by the way." You snorted and he gasped sassily.
"You didn't just go there! I mean, have you heard the screams?! I might have gone deaf from how loud it was!" Jaeyoon said.
You bickered back and forth, then you noticed how Teeyang has gone completely silent, you stopped talking and looked at him to see that he was staring at you from the screen with a small smile playing on his lips.
"Wow, your ugliness silenced him." Jayeoon joked causing Taeyang to hit him on the back of the head and you said.
"Screw you, Lee Jaeyoon."
Kim Youngkyun
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You were out with your best friend for a girls' night out, it was a nice day in the streets of Seoul. You were walking with your best friend babbling about a hot guy that she saw while working. You teased her by saying that she wasn't focusing on her job.
You both entered a small cafe, you sat near the window, and the waiter came and gave you your menus.
"So, how are things with Youngkyun?" Your best friend asked, making you smile immediately.
"It's amazing, he is such a sweetheart. He always makes sure that I'm happy." You sighed dreamily making your best friend snort.
"God, you're whipped for him." She teased making you roll your eyes sarcastically.
Your order arrived, and you both started eating in silence, you were enjoying your pizza when you felt like you were being watched. Being your paranoid self, you felt scared.
"Hey, is there someone staring at me? At us?" You asked your best friend, she turned around and started looking all over the place.
"3 O'clock." Your best friend simply said, you turned and your eyes met a pair of brown ones that you fell for.
"Oh my god." You said and waved for your boyfriend who was still staring, it seemed like your waving snapped him back to reality, because he started walking towards your table with a shy smile on his face.
"Hi." He said and you laughed at his shyness patting the space next to you.
"Set here, you creepy idiot."
Kang Chanhee
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You and your group were nominated for a reward, you were sitting next to the leader of your band, as you waited for them to announce the winner.
Your eyes wandered sneakily next to you, and you made eye contact with your secret boyfriend, SF9's Chani.
You both had been dating for about 5 months, no one knows about it except both of your groups. He was such a sweetheart, always supporting you and teaching you to perfect your dancing like him.
"The winner is... (Your group's name)!"
They announced and you jumped up and down cheering hugging your bandmates. You cannot believe that you finally won, all of you worked so hard on this single, and your fans was absolutely an amazing support system in streaming it.
You all walked to the stage as your leader began speaking, you had a few tears escaping your eyes, so you quickly dried them and smiled brightly at the camera. Your leader looked at you so you can say something too.
"Wow, this is amazing.. I still can't believe we won this, so please excuse me for being such a cry baby." You said drying your eyes, making one of your bandmate hug you from behind to comfort you.
"I'm sorry. We all worked so hard for this, and us winning the prize, motivated us to give our best again, thanks to all our amazing fans out there. We all love you with all of our hearts!" You said and raised the reward in the air giggling.
Another one of your bandmates started to talk, your eyes went back to where Chanhee was sitting, he was smiling from ear to ear and staring right at you.
You smiled and he blushed and began clapping as well.
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elmaxlys · 3 years
Wooo another dream post today (I took a nap). For context, I've been watching Jojo part 4 lately. So anyway:
It takes place in my city, I'm in need of money so I look in the city journal for smol jobs offers. One is to walk a dog once a day, it's decently paid and not too far from my home so I contact them. It's an old lady, the dog is quite old, it looks like Koichi's dog (idk the species).
I walk the dog and I bring it back to its home but when I'm talking with the old woman as she's getting me my money (in cash), her son gets home. Now I get very weird vibes from him (see the dark auras some charas have + his shadow is weird/has some weird texturing, see jjba part 4 op1) so I'm like this guy is suspicious. And I decide to talk with the woman more. The man completely ignores me and prepares coffee.
I somehow end up talking with the woman about the Bible. The man is slightly listening to our conversation. Apparently, dream me can speak ancient languages fluently so I drop some casual sentences in Latin here and there, the woman doesn't understand well but gets it when I talk slow. The man is growing tense.
From here I see myself from the outside but it's still me and I still control my actions. Let's say Stand POV or something bc i had a weird power here too.
So I talk about the woman some more and she says that a part of the Bible was written in Greek and I say well yes but actually no it was written in *insert dialect here* (I think it was etolian? Or eolian?) what's important was that this was a dialect known for being a mark of evil? So I eye the man, who has completely stopped, and speak a sentence from said book of the Bible in the right dialect. The guy visibly corrects me on a word I purposefully pronounced wrong. He's not supposed to know that but, since he does, it can only mean one thing: this guy is evil. So, as he gets closer to be involved in conversation (his mother called him closer since he knew stuff and seemed interested), I (really me, the one that watches my body from outside) erase the man's shadow. Yeah I can do that. Under it, there is another "shadow". It has slight colors and doesn't copy the person's movement. Anyway the man's shadow was Killer Queen so I freeze like oh shit oh fuck this is Kira and his dark aura is growing darker and the, huh, Jojo typical shadows are very marked and I'm like oh shit I'm going to die very soon. Instead of that, I wake up.
This was a fun dream, albeit a bit stressful toward the end
Stats: enby woman, the old woman called me young lady
Under the cut: references to what I meant:
I have actually only watched until Shigechi's Harvest part 1 as of when I'm writing this post, I have never seen Kira's arc so far, all I know about him I know from my friend and from, like, memes.
The dark aura intensifies face was like so but put Kira instead
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The shadow had this dotted texture:
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Killer Queen (except in the shadow it had Kira's tie on? For some reason?)
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Koichi's dog:
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obeymematches · 4 years
H O W D Y! I love your blog and was wondering if I could get a matchup? I'm a 5'9" girl with light brown skin,dark brown hair and eyes with glasses because I'm blind. My hobbies tend switch alot because I have a tendency to get obsessed over random things. But I do have a deep love for Psychology and human behavior in general. I can come off as a very cold and apathetic, but once you get to know me I'm very chaotic and will only speak in memes lol. 1/2 🅱️
2/2🅱️ I'm considered smart but when it comes to emotions I'm a huge dumbass and I tend to find emotions and emotional ppl to be annoying. I'm also a pretty controversial and offensive person. My jokes tend to be super dark and edgy and I lowkey enjoy starting fights on the internet...oops. Thought I might add that I'm really lazy and I'm the definition of procrastination. Why finish my essay when I can sLEeP. With that being said I'm also super socially awkward and easily flustered lol.
Okay so after some thinking I decided to match you with Belphie! the other choice would’ve been Solomon 
Here is why: 
Okay so glasses huh... be prepared for his friendly mocking or him randomly putting it on, without asking for permission. even if you were wearing it. doesn’t matter.  
I don’t really think he is the kind of man (demon) who’d actively indulge in his partners’ hobbies (which is fine!! a partner doesn’t have to do that and a relationship can still be healthy!!) unless it includes sleeping and cuddling, but I think he would never miss out on hearing you talk about it. Pls don’t be offended if he falls asleep as you go on about human behavior, him acting that way just means he likes you and your voice was too calming not to fall asleep. 
I mean spoilers but like he used to spend so much time with humans i think he has enough ideas about humans to take a nap instead
does he know you enough to know that you are going to take a nap with him too? or was it just a coinsidence? we might never know
oh he is also very chaotic. the team of you, him, and satan are certain to give headaches to lucifer
imagine him daring you to call asmo ugly
very chaotic couple
you two have similar humor so its fine being controversial or offensive! you can be yourself in this relationship but be prepared because he is going to be himself too 
i don’t really think you two would have many conflicts though. as long as you don’t make an annoyed face when Beel talks about his traumas, or you don’t spend too much time with someone else, you gonna be fine. 
at first he might try and pick fights on you but once you establish a relationship he’s a big softie who could never make you too upset.
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bitchiha · 4 years
Can I get a Naruto, Harry Potter and Marvel ship please? I'm average height with hazel eyes and long, dark-brown hair. I'm sarcastic, stubborn, laid-back, down-to-earth and very open-minded. I love reading, writing, listening to music and taking naps. I love animals, nature, the winter and the fall. I daydream a lot and I'm terrible at social situations (unless I'm really comfortable with the people that are with me). Thank you so much!
I ship you with...
Shikamaru Nara!
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When he first meets you he’s already like 0-0 wow pretty, but he doesn’t say that of course. He likes that you’re not loud or overbearing, but at the same time you’re not too quiet. You won’t let yourself get pushed around by anyone and you’re also pretty sarcastic, which is a bonus because that means you’ll get each others humour.
One day when he’s walking around the village and he sees you laying on the roof of your house. He was kinda curious as to what you were doing, so he goes up there to check and it turns out your cloud watching. You make some sarcastic comment at it him which he’ll chuckle at, but lay down next to you anyways and watch the clouds with you. Then it kinda all goes downhill from there.
He’ll like lazy things you do together like laying on the grass and cloud watching or more like he cloud watches while you go walk around looking at all the animals in the forest. He likes when you daydream because you look cute when you do it and it’s also an opportunity for him to tease you, but don’t be afraid to be snide back, he lowkey likes it.
WILL TAKE NAPS WITH YOU 24/7!! Like you two may not have been planning to have a nap, but you both wanted one so why not? Sometimes you both won’t get anything done tbh
Will complain about going on little nature walks or exploring for animals, but he secretly likes it. He will definitely make you rest periodically for ‘cloud watching breaks.’ Since your both really go with the flow and down to earth, your dates are more spontaneous. Like he’ll knock on your door and ask if you wanna get some barbecue, or you’ll knock on his door and say it’s a perfect day for a walk. You two can listen to music together while you’re on walks or cloud watching. He thinks his music taste is superior though and will always want the aux cord.
Bonus if can bring you cloud watching and you’ll read a book instead, putting your head on his lap as you do so. He just lives for the little quiet moments like that and will definitely make a routine of asking to cloud watch with him. Also likes if you just talk to him while you’re together like that. It can be about your book, about a new song you like or a decent mission you went on. He just lives for your voice.
Will wanna play Shogi with you, he likes that you really put an effort into the game. You may not be the best, but you’re trying and that’s all that matters. It also really boosts his ego everytime he beats you at Shogi because he wants to make sure you know he’s really smart.
Thinks that both your awkwardness with social situations and your daydreaming are really amusing. He won’t tease you too much about daydreaming all the time because you look pretty when you do it and he doesn’t wanna deter you from it. However, he will get a real kick out of your awkwardness though. Like he won’t be a bitch about it because he wants you to be comfortable, so he’ll try and ease your stress. But beware, if you do something embarrassing or stupid by accident he will laugh his ass off.
You can definitely push him around a bit too. Like you’ll only take the lazy shit 50% of the time. Plus, if you didn’t push him around he would never do anything, so don’t feel bad about it. You’re doing him a favour.
Remus Lupin! (marauders era)
Andrew Garfield is his face claim I don’t give a fuck that’s his face claim fight me
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He’s probably been crushing on your for timeee. Like since first year time. Despite your own awkwardness in social situations he’s still too nervous to talk to you.
It isn’t till like fourth year, when you’re hanging around the black lake trying to find the giant squid, that Remus Lupin actually approaches you. Sirius, James and Peter were all hiding behind a tree waiting to hear what your answer would be. They had noticed Remus’ interest in you since first year and they teased him endlessly about it. It wasn’t until this year that they actually managed to get him to ask you out.
When he comes up to you his face is all red and his hands are clammy. You’re really nice to him though, minus the fact that you were a little bit awkward around him. I mean you had little conversations before about animals (you were always reading books about them) and your classes. You were more than happy to hear him ask you out on a date to Hogsmeade though as the feelings he had for you were mutual. That begins the start of a cute and wholesome relationship.
Since you like nature so much, you usually end up lounging outside on lazy school days. Like if its spring and the weather is amazing, you’ll lay on the grass together and read. He’ll love it if you read to him, or sit in his lap so you can both read the book. If it’s fall, you two would walk around the castles courtyard and watch the leaves fall and crunch them with the soles of your shoes. You would probably listen to music on a Walkman Sirius smuggled in for him as you walked around.
If you’re dating a marauder, you basically become one. So that means you’re involved in a lot of antics. You fit in pretty well, you’ve got that sarcasm to bark back whenever Sirius or James want to get sassy. You’ve also got the stubbornness that keeps their plans going, if the prank fails the first time, it will just have to be even better the next time. They’ll love you like a sister and will never allow you to get introuble for their pranks.
Will also love to read the works you’ve written yourself. He will be super supportive and even come up with ideas for you to write about and they’re surprisingly good! Can proofread your work if you want him too bc we know he’s smart asf
When you find out about his ‘condition’ he’s embarrassed, but you reassure him that you aren’t afraid of him and he won’t hurt you. Sometimes he can be too self concious and you’ll have to knock some sense into him.
Will die of happiness if you buy him chocolates. Like make it a routine thing where a certain day of the week, or month you would give him chocolate. He will brag about it constantly to the other marauders. He’ll like whip out the chocolate and be like “oh yah, look at this? Wanna know who got it for me? Y/n!” And there just like: he does this every fucking time
Peter Parker!
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So you meet him at school, I can see you being a friend of Michelle’s. You’re definitely more approachable than she is, so he talks to you more and more and eventually Michelle just starts saying “go out already” when ever you two talk. So then he finally works up the courage to.
He’ll come up to you after school at your locker and he’ll give you a flower or something bc he knows you like nature. He’s so nervous when he actually asks you and you can see his face get red and he’s sweaty. You say yes ofc and he’s so happy. Anyways, the first date will be at Central Park bc that’s like the only form of nature he can find in New York. Then he’ll take you to that Thai place he usually goes to with Aunt May.
After that you two become inseparable. You’ll come over to his place and read while him and Ned build their LEGO Star Wars shit. Sometimes you’ll help but other times you’ll read or watch them.
Peter can be a sassy little shit, but guess what? so can you. Will have sass offs of sarcastic remarks for a good half an hour.
You’ll find out his identity as Spider-Man at the same time as Ned. Like the two of you were supposed to hang out at Peters and finish the LEGO Death Star and then spider man crawls through the window and your both like: bitch wtf
Anyways he will 10/10 swing you around New York with him. You’ll probably lay on the roofs of a building and watch the sun go down. He will web a lil hammock for you two to lay on and it would just be so chill.
Likes to listen to music with you while you’re on the subway together. You two are just commuting to school and whips the AirPods out, one for you and one for him. The two of you will alter in who will play the music that day. Also will get sandwiches with you after school and treat you everytime, even if he’s borderline broke.
Will brag about you to aunt may 24/7 and will get all his romantic advice from her. So sometimes the romantics gestures he makes are a little sappy but you can tell he’s trying so you don’t care. Since you really like nature he’ll put an effort into doing things that involve it with you. Like you’ll go out of the city to pumpkin patches in the fall or in the winter you could have a snowball fight on the way to school and in the summer you’ll go on walks in the parks a lot.
Will also brag about you to the avengers and show you off through pictures on his phone and they’ll be like: bruh we get it shut up twerp. But they ship you guys anyways so.. and when he’s on missions he misses you a lot so expect him to ft at odd times. Like he’s fighting a bad guy but he misses you? Expect a ft call. He’s on a top secret mission that is deeply classified? Expect a ft call.
Also he will send you memes 24/7 and expects memes in return. It’s common courtesy, jheez ppl.
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sofiadragon · 2 years
Fat Mom Stress Bake
Set a 1/2 cup stick of unsalted butter on the countertop. Have a cup of a comforting beverage while it reaches room temperature. 🍵 🍷 Gather the usual suspects to make a cake. If you use the vastly superior metric system you can use this time to figure out the proportions. It takes you lot so much less time to convert liters to milliliters than it does me to go from gallons to tablespoons that I'm sure you have the time to plug the measurements into an online calculator. Preheat the oven to 350° F - AKA Medium heat.
Cream together the softened butter and 1 cup golden sugar until smooth. Golden sugar doesn't have all the natural molasses processed out, so it tastes just that little bit richer than white sugar. You deserve gold today.
Add one whole egg and two egg whites. Treat the extra yolks like your childhood dreams: keep them safe in the fridge for another day or toss them directly in the garbage. Try to feel good about your choice. If you fail at that don't worry, there will soon be cake to plug the hole inside you.
Add 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste and 1 teaspoon pumpkin spice to the mixing bowl. "Pumpkin spice" is really a blend of spices that used to be called "Sweet Spice" and has been used in all kinds of baked goods since well before Europeans ever saw a pumpkin. It is popular because it is objectively good. If you don't have a home-made blend or a store-bought 10 pound drum of pumpkin spice ready to go like a sane person then just use cinnamon with a dash of ginger and nutmeg, but know that this is the sadder path because cloves have a numbing effect and that is what your soul needs if you are baking this recipe.
Add 1/2 cup whole milk. You can go plant based if you like, but for lactose intolerance you can either get filtered milk or drop a tablet of lactaid into a pint carton the day before. No 2% nonsense - whole milk has less sugar and more fat per volume and this cake has plenty of sugar in it.
Add 16 drops red food coloring, 4 drops blue food coloring, and two drops yellow food coloring from the McCormick droppers that look like Gnome hats. 🔺️ You know the ones. We're going for a dusty rose color.
Beat that bitch. Imagine someone's face. Work out some anger. Work up a sweat or revel in the whirring of your stand mixer. You are an agent of creation or destruction as you see fit.
Get 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 and 1/8 teaspoon baking powder and 1 and 1/2 cup flour ready in a seperate bowl. Add slowly. You want the batter to be floofy and we're developing a little bit of gluten. We're also developing as a person every day in a thousand ways big and small. You're more than the sum of your parts and so is this cake.
Below is a picture of two 8" round cake pans. They are sprayed lightly with oil and have a round bit of parchment on the bottom. You can't see that because the floofy batter is in there too. Nobody can see all of what you have inside either.
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Put them in the oven and fuck off for about 25 minutes. The average person takes a little more than seven minutes to fuck off, but today is special. Take your time and fuck all the way off.
When the timer goes off stab it with a stick. If the stick is clean take the cake out of the oven. If it isn't make a cup of tea and try again. If it isn't ready after half an hour in the oven then either something is wrong with your oven's thermostat or instead of fucking off after it was in the oven you fucked up before you put it in. Adjust your expectations accordingly: you are now making cake pops instead of cake. I can not follow you where you go, but I respect the path you are on. God speed, and may your chocolate always temper correctly.
For the love of all that is holy: DO NOT PUT FROSTING ON HOT CAKE. 99% of those epic fail memes are people who tried to decorate a hot cake. Just go to bed. Take a nice long nap or read a bit. If you are in a rush you will only destroy all your good work. Be kind to yourself by pacing yourself.
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You won't get a picture of my cake decorated because I'm typing this while it is still hot. It's spice cake so you can put whatever the hell you like on top. My favorite is whipped cream stabilized with marscapone, but that's pricy and I don't always have it. Instant pudding is always in my cabinet, works just as well if not better at stabilizing whipped cream icing, is cheaper, and comes in tons of flavors. White chocolate or vanilla work well, but you do what feels right in your heart.
Sometimes, I drizzle honey on it and have it with some sliced fruit or ice cream. You can pour whiskey on it like it's a fruit cake or soak it in espresso. It's sweet spiced cake: it just tastes good. You can't really mess this part up. Well, aside from the whole "put the toppings on while it is still warm" thing. Exercise some patience with yourself, you deserve to take time for you, and if you wants to put sliced banana and Nutella on the cake then you can do it when it is fully cooled.
A crumb coat, a night in the freezer, and then a glossy mirror glaze or tempered chocolate shell turns this from a self care cake into a cake that says "fuck your onion-filled tuna salad, I've got the best thing at this [potluck, church event, BBQ, assorted homemaker pissing contest.]" It also works on your ex's new sidepiece snooping your social media. You can ask me how I know, but you can already guess.
Oh, one last step:
Eat it. Eat all your feelings and be free.
Swallow it down, digest what is good and valid, and shit out whatever isn't useful enough for your body to absorb. Feel good and don't apologize.
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