#me: maybe giffing rebels again will fix me
casualavocados · 5 months
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Kanan will be proud of you. Yeah? Well, he has a funny way of showing it, considering he's never around.
STAR WARS: REBELS 3.01 • Steps Into Shadow (Part 1)
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
PM666Reads - Fic Recs - September 2022
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Please heed all the warnings on the individual fics. I am not responsible for what you choose to read.
To the authors - thank you for putting in the work 💕no one gets enough recognition so thank you for taking the time to write and being brave enough to share it with us 💟
📖Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Monday To Friday - @wildbornsiren - It’s just a crush– on one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever met in your life. There’s no way he would ever return your feelings right?
You're No Bun - @writercole -Rooster tries to get a drunk you to bed.
Don't Think, Just Do - @evansrogerskitten - Rooster has a crush. 
📖Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts - @seresinhangmanjake - You and Jake had a history of flirting and occasionally kissing if too much time was spent at the bar, but it never went any further than that. One night, after showing up at your house and passing out on your couch, Jake wakes up the next morning only to learn he had drunkenly confessed his feelings for you.
Magic Jake - @evansrogerskitten - Your boyfriend has a secret - once upon a time, Hangman was a stripper. 
Country Boy - @princessphilly - music soulmate AU
Rebel, Rebel - @therebeccaw - Sufficed to say, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin wasn’t the pilot you were looking for.
📖Rhett Abbott
Proving A Point - @writercole - Rhett sees a guy trying to hit on his girl. She brushes him off but the guy just doesn’t want to take the hint.
I Can Still Make Cheyenne - @writercole - Rhett Abbot isn’t an easy man to love but when he’s about to lose everything, his head is finally clear.
📖Sam Winchester
Without a Stitch - @raidens-realm - While Dean’s on a hunt, Sam stays behind with a cold. The Bunker seems bent on ridding him of far more than a virus and only when he gets the situation under control does he begin to glean it’s true intent.
Butter Knife - @fictional-affairs - Sam, thinking that Dean and the reader have been sneaking around as a couple, locks the two in the bathroom so that they’ll establish their relationship. But Dean and the reader know the truth- and the reader has to choose between using the bathroom in the presence of Dean, or admitting her feelings to Sam.
A Little Trip - @mariekoukie6661 -Sam doesn’t sleep well.
The Best and Worse Plans - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble
The Almost Kiss - @myinconnelly1 - fluffy drabble
"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified" - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Torture - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble#
“I’ll give you $200 if you don’t bring it up again.” - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Tight - @kittenofdoomage - A few hundred words about Sam's humungous cock
📖Dean Winchester
Feast - @talesmaniac89 - Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.
Big Brother - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble
Lavender Skies - @talesmaniac89 - A relationship ends under lavender skies…
📖Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
Falcon? - @writercole - In which the Daggers find Fanboy’s doppelganger.
📖James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes
Treacherous - @scrumptious-delusion - you’re asking yourself why he keeps coming back, he’s asking himself why you keep letting him in. it’s a treacherous slope but neither of you can turn back now.
📖Jensen Ackles
Remind Me - @pink-sparkly-witch - Jensen and Y/N have been drifting apart since he went to film The Boys. When a song on the radio makes him realise just how bad things are, he’s determined to fix it. Problem is, he doesn’t know if Y/N wants to fix it or if it’s over between them.
📖Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Enlightened - @writercole - The heart wants what the heart wants. But sometimes, it needs a push to figure it out.
📖Steve Rogers
Would I Lie To You - @cockslutpadalecki - steve catches a hydra operative- she’s low level, maybe a receptionist, a medical assistant, not given enough information to be important, not given enough to really know who she’s working for. but steve thinks she knows more than she lets on. what interrogation tactics is he using on poor reader?
📖Ransom Drysdale
The Hunt - @navybrat817 - Ransom likes the hunt, especially when you turn him down.
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
Playing The Hero - Chapter One
Pairing: Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!Reader
Summary: Soulmates have a way of seeing and feeling each other’s emotions by a gem that is set in the palm of their hand which glows with magic. The colour of the gem on the palm of your hand, erratically changes between different colours. Unbeknownst to you, every time the gem on your soulmates palm glows blue he feels very over protective and worried. That’s just what happens when your soulmate always plays the hero. Soulmate AU
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of death, character death
Words: 2405
Disclaimer: This gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: This is the first part, thanks again for the amazing idea @annemagus​! As I said, I won’t be doing this on a proper schedule because I will be alternating this weekly with another fic! Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know what you think, and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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Gem Colours
Yellow - Happy, Secure, Excited
Red - Scared, Nervous, Unsure
Grey - Stressed, Worried
Blue - Sad, Hurt, Frustrated
Chapter One 
It was past midnight when you were woken up in your bed by a pleasant warm tingle on the palm of your hand. Running a hand through your messy hair, you yawned, blinking a couple of times as your eyes adjusted to the darkness. It was deathly silent but you could see the glow of the pretty fairies through the sheer linen of your curtains. Remembering why you were awake in the first place, you looked down at the palm of your hand, running your fingers over the gem that was fixed in it.
A surge of happiness passed through your chest when you saw that it was glowing yellow. Your mum and dad had always told you the tale of soulmates, that you could see and feel the emotions of the person you truly belonged with. It was different for everyone, some people were born with the magical gem set in the palm of their hand and for others, it appeared later in life. Your gem had appeared last year when you were ten years old, and you had been so surprised that you almost stumbled into your algae filled pond.
“Yes!” you squealed, jumping out of bed, suddenly feeling much more awake.
For the past year, the colour of the gem hardly moved off of blue. What had happened to make your soulmate so sad? But now it shone as brightly as the sun and you were ecstatic. Completely forgetting about the time, you threw open your bedroom door and raced down the hallway, your hair streaming out behind you. As you reached the top of the staircase you saw that your parents bonfire outside was still lit. When it was a warm summer’s night your parents would cuddle up outside together, you thought it was awfully romantic.
When you stepped outside you took a deep breath, the air smelled like the lavender that your mum loved to plant and the gentle wind blew at your hair. Your mum grinned and kissed your dad’s cheek before she noticed you and a look of surprise graced her pretty features.
“Y/N! What are you doing awake? Are you having trouble sleeping, sweetie?” she asked but she created a space for you beneath the thin patchwork blanket.
You smiled as you sat between your parents, “look!” you beamed as you lifted the palm of your hand, “it’s yellow! It’s finally yellow!”
Your mum gasped in delight and pulled you closer while your dad kissed the top of your head, “I’m so happy for you, poppet. But maybe I should brush up on those defensive spells that I learned with the Marauders in school,” he winked at you as he pulled his wand out of his pocket and brandished it.
You and your mum exchanged glances before bursting out into laughter, the sounds of your families’ happiness filling the silent summer night.
It was your second year at Hogwarts and you were sitting in the library on a blustery Tuesday afternoon, helping Neville Longbottom with his homework. With a small smile on your face, you watched as Neville scrawled on his piece of parchment, his hand moving at lightning speed, his tongue stuck out with a look of concentration on his face.
After a couple of moments, Neville looked up at you nervously as he pushed his essay over to you so you could read it and give him your feedback. You nodded as you easily deciphered his messy handwriting before smiling over at him.
“This is good work, really good work! It’s amazing what you can achieve when Snape isn’t bullying you!” Neville gave you a shy grateful smile but you could tell that he was pleased with himself.
You winced as a sting of searing pain shot through your palm and you sighed when you saw that the gem was red, the colour of fear. But lately, that was to be expected – if your soulmate was indeed a Hogwarts student – because the Chamber of Secrets had been opened and muggle borns were getting attacked left and right, so most people were scared these days. Hogwarts wasn’t the safest haven anymore.
Neville gave you a worried look as he bit his bottom lip, “are you okay, Y/N?” he asked and you nodded absent mindedly as you rubbed at the palm of your hand, you were worried.
“It’s um, it’s my gem, it’s red. He’s scared, my soulmate is scared.”
Neville frowned at you as he nervously fiddled with his fingers, “how do you know your soulmate is a boy?”
You shrugged, deep down you had a strong feeling about it, “I just have this nagging feeling.”
Neville smiled at you weakly before he looked over your shoulder to nod at someone who was passing by your library table, “hi, Harry.”
“Hullo, Neville,” Harry Potter mumbled back and you barely spared the boy a glance.
If you had been paying attention, you would have noticed that the gem on the palm of his hand was grey, the colour of stress and worry.
At fourteen years old, you were sitting in the stands with your friends and excitement was running high as it was the final task of the Triwizard Tournament.
“I can’t wait to see who wins!” Ginny Weasley grinned at you, flipping her long red hair over her shoulder.
You giggled as you looked at the four champions who were waiting outside the enormous maze which was previously the Quidditch pitch. Harry Potter, the youngest and surprise champion looked positively green as he pushed his round glasses up his nose. It looked like he was about to throw up.
“5 galleons for Cedric to win.”
Ginny smirked at you, challenge sparkling in her eyes, “oh, you’re on, Y/L/N! I’m betting that Fleur is going to win,” she offered you her hand and you both shook on it.
With excitement in the pit of your stomach, you watched the champions enter the maze one by one. When all the champions were inside the maze, the trial became a waiting game and you shared Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott’s with Ginny. Krum and Fleur were the first two to drop out of the competition – much to Ginny’s dismay – so now it was just between Cedric and Harry.
A little while later, Harry reappeared on the lawn, the crowd greeted him with cheers and the band started playing. Someone screamed and the band’s music died when everyone realised that Harry was sobbing and clutching a lifeless body. The smile slid from your face like Stinksap and dread filled your stomach when you put everything together. Tears stung at your eyes and an almost overwhelming feeling of sadness washed over you like a tidal wave as you realised that Cedric was dead. Cedric had always been so kind to you even though you hadn’t known him very well. Sadness rippled through the crowd as people began to cry and mutter to each other.
You wiped your eyes and sniffled as you looked down at Harry as he cradled Cedric’s body, Harry glanced up with red rimmed eyes to meet yours for a split second before he was escorted away by Professor Moody. You watched him disappear into the castle with a strong sense of foreboding.
In your fifth year, you had your first kiss in The Three Broomsticks with Draco Malfoy – against your better judgement of course – though you knew that he wasn’t your soulmate. It certainly didn’t feel like he was but you just wanted to know what it was like to kiss someone. Neville had somehow persuaded you to join Dumbledore’s Army, a secret group that Harry had started to rebel against Umbridge.
You had only turned up a couple of times because you weren’t exactly friends with Harry so you felt a little awkward by being there. Also, your fellow Ravenclaw, Cho – an extremely pretty and popular girl – spent the lessons flirting with Harry even though Cedric had only died at the end of the previous year.
At first, it was endearing to watch Harry stammer through the lessons, glancing over at Cho every now and then with a pretty pink flush to his cheeks. It got old very quickly and the sight of their flirting created a weird feeling in your stomach. Why hadn’t you found your soulmate yet? Was he even in Hogwarts?
Right now, you were enjoying your summer break and you were about to go into your sixth year and you were still none the wiser about who your soulmate was. You had been writing to Ginny and she had offered to help you in your search for your soulmate. You were going to find him this year, even if he wasn’t at school with you, you’d find him.
Harry’s spirits were low as he, Ron and Hermione walked down Diagon Alley, it was dark and gloomy with the dirty brick walls plastered with posters of wanted Death Eaters. It was clear the effect that the brewing war had had on it. Harry bit his lip as they walked past the ice cream parlour where he had spent most of his time in the summer before his third year, eating sundaes in the sun. Now it was dark and vacant with a window smashed. It was sad how much the once colourful street had changed in just a few years.
Ron nudged him in the ribs as they turned the corner and pointed towards the end of the street, “there it is, look!”
Harry glanced over to where his best mate was pointing and he grinned at the ridiculously colourful shop that belonged to Fred and George, if anything it seemed to make the rest of the street even darker, the twins certainly didn’t do anything by half measure. He felt relieved that there was still room for some happiness, it was clear that it would lift anyone’s spirits.
“I actually love it,” Harry grinned, threading his fingers through his hair as he watched Hogwarts students file in and out of the shop.
Hermione smiled but Harry could see the fear in her eyes, but when she spoke her voice was quite calm, “how are they even doing it? They could get into serious trouble.”
Harry rolled his eyes as he looked over at Ron with a smirk but his smirk faltered when he saw Ron staring at Hermione, Ron reached out for her but seemed to change his mind at the last moment. With flaming cheeks, Harry looked away from them, it was only a matter of time before they became a couple, but he only hoped that their friendship would be able to take it.
Harry felt a strong sense of relief as they walked into the overcrowded and noisy shop; it was a welcoming change from the empty quiet street outside. Everything was so colourful that it made Harry feel a little dizzy as he grinned at Ron as they headed straight over to the Defence against the Dark Arts section, jumping almost a mile high when a firework exploded over his head.
Ron nodded at the gem on Harry’s hand, shaking a hand through his hair, “it’s on blue, mate.”
Harry grumbled as he looked down at the gem that was emitting a dark blue light and he scowled at it, “yeah, it’s been that way on and off for most of the summer, and there’s nothing I can do about it, I just wish I could do something,” he flushed as he averted his eyes, he almost felt embarrassed talking about this with Ron.
Shaking his head, he quickly turned around without looking where he was going and a result he walked straight into someone, causing them to drop their boxes onto the floor. Harry’s cheeks heated up as he began to stammer out apologies, “Merlin, I um, I’m so sorry,” he chuckled nervously, pushing his glasses up his nose as he bent down to help whoever he had bumped into.
He heard a breathless laugh, a laugh that was almost like a summer breeze, “it’s okay, really. Thank you, Harry,” he glanced up in surprise and found himself looking into the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. The girl grinned at him as they both stood up and Harry handed her the boxes back, “thanks again,” she smiled.
Harry nodded before shaking himself out of it, he recognized her from last year, she’d come to a couple of DA meetings, she was a Ravenclaw, “it’s Y/N right?” he smiled when she nodded with a flush high on her cheeks, “yeah, I remember, you came to a couple of DA meetings.”
“Yeah,” she shot him an apologetic look, “I really didn’t want to get into any trouble,” she smiled sheepishly but Harry understood, “are you doing it again this year?”
Harry shook his head as he fiddled with the sleeves of his jacket, “there’s no need, Umbridge is gone,” every time he said that out loud or even thought about it, he felt very smug.
“Thank Merlin,” Y/N giggled; tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she bit her lip, “it was really good of you to bring everyone together like that. I know that Neville and Luna felt at home during those meetings.”
Harry let out a soft chuckle as he averted his eyes, he hardly knew her but he felt pleased at her words, “anyway, I should probably go and find Luna, I guess that I’ll see you around Harry.”
“Bye, Y/N,” he smiled, watching her as she walked away.
“Someone’s got a crush!” Harry jumped when he heard a voice in his ear and he turned to see the smirking face of Fred Weasley.
“Who’s got a crush?” Ron asked as he pushed his way through the crowd.
“Ooh, has someone got a crush?” Hermione piped up before Harry could defend himself.
“Harry’s got a crush on Y/N Y/L/N, the Ravenclaw student,” Fred smirked; he looked too delighted to be the one conveying this news.
“I do not!” it was true, he didn’t have a crush on her – she was very pretty – because he’d only just met her properly.
“She is very pretty!” Hermione grinned.
“I don’t have a crush,” Harry scoffed and scowled at his friends as he made his way to the till to pay for his things. His friend’s raucous laughter following him. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
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with Angel Reyes.
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Warnings: none, just a lot of fluffiness.
Word count: about 1.5k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author.
You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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“Where you at, mi dulce?”
“I'm with Pop”.
“He okay?”
“Kinda like. He called me because he wasn't feeling good. Stomach ache. But, don' worry. I prepared him a good dinner. Why don' you come with EZ?”
“Yeah, okay. We're on our way”.
Hanging up the call, you frown at Felipe, who is not paying attention to your indications, setting the table with some grunts. Rolling your eyes, you walk towards him to take the cutlery off from his hands.
“Pop, sit down, please”.
“I wanna help, mija”.
“You help me sitting down”. Chuckling, you continue the task, hearing him complaining in murmurs. “Your boys are coming too”.
Coming back to the kitchen, you take a spoon of soap to taste the salt in it. It's perfect and the smell is simply delicious. You couldn't imagine almost a year ago that you would be the connection between the three Reyes, after what Angel told you about his family. With your eyes fixed on Marisol's urn, you can't help but pucker your lips with a soft smile on them. She would be proud. And you would have liked to meet her. Your boyfriend always says that she would have loved you, and you can't agree more. Sometimes you find yourself talking to her about her family, about what they have done through the day, or even about you. You understand Felipe. You understand why he does it. Sometimes it helps, feeling like if she actually was listening to you.
Bringing the saucepan to the table, placing it over a wooden board, taking off the cover to put it aside. Felipe leans forward, getting a whiff from it with both eyes closed. The pleased humm in his throat makes you know that he is delighted.
“Smells good, mija”.
“Tastes better, you'll see”. Palming his shoulder, you turn to the window next to the main door.
The characteristic sound, which you are used to living with, is increasing as the motorcycles drive through the neighborhood until parking in front of the house. Going to the entrance, you wait for them resting your body against the frame. Getting off from their bikes, EZ smirks at you when he's able to hug you tightly, upstairs. Pecking your cheek, he comes inside to greet his grumpy father. In the meantime that your boyfriend embraces you closer, resting his forehead over your chest, curving a little his back.
“Been all day without seeing you”. He mutters, raising his face to reach your lips.
A softly and slow kiss caresses them, taking his time to enjoy your warmth, wrapping him with both arms.
“You missed me?”
“A lot, mi angelito”. You say with a honeyed tone of voice. “C'mon. Dinner is gonna get cold”.
“Yeah”. He nods.
His heavy steps go straight to his father, placing a kiss on top of his head.
“What's up, Pop?” Angel asks sitting at the table, by his left.
“Jezz, it smells so good, (Y/N)”. EZ says, waiting for you to serve the soup. “What's in it?”
“Rice and chicken. A classic”. You reply very proudly.
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When the dinner is finished and the younger Reyes has taken charge of cleaning the kitchen, you share some beers in the living room watching a movie. Ezekiel is now lying on the recliner next to Pop's couch, while your boyfriend and you are sharing the sofa behind them. You actually aren't paying attention to the TV. Facing each other, with a leg over his, your arms are tangled on his neck and his on your waist. You love that sofa because, even if it's a little small for you two, that let you be so, so close. Traveling one of your hands to his right cheekbone, you caress it with your fingertips before touring his dense beard covering the line of his jaw. Angel has his eyes closed, peacefully breathing, but awake. Just enjoying your displays of love. Almost one year, and you keep falling for him every day a little more.
Bowing slightly, you press his cheek with your lips, leaving soft and shorts kisses not wanting to disturb his calm. But you kiss every single inch of his face; his temple, his forehead, the bridge of his nose, the tip of it, his chin. Until reaching his lips. At first, it's just an ephemeral taste. The beer on them gets mixed with your. He licks himself slowly, drawing a light smile on them waiting for another one. Touching his nose with yours, you kiss him again. His arms hold you a little closer, a little tightly, needing your proximity. You two look like two teens under EZ and Pop's eyes, who smile delighted looking at each other. And there's nothing sexual there. You could spend hours kissing him, just enjoying his tongue playing with yours and running out of air, to end up laughing. Your hand caresses his throat, while your lips continue dancing with his in a romantic and a measured improvisate choreography. You can feel his warm breathing, through his nose, colliding to your skin. With your leg around his waist, you push him so much closer until there's no distance between your chests.
You don't know how you have been living without him all your life. Angel either. Everybody says that you're like the light that illuminated his darkness, that he has changed since you met, to a small extent. Now he's more well-balanced. He thinks before acting. And he is mostly wearing a kind smile, good-humored. You know all his secrets, all his fears, all his insecurities; and for Angel is amazing how, knowing everything about him, you are still loving him without judging. Helping him to be his best version. Not only that, but helping him to have a close relationship with Felipe. That man is pig-headed to the limits, but he appreciates and loves you since the moment Angel introduces you. He is the first one who began to see the change in his son.
When your lips get separated in a clingy way, as if they were stuck, Angel is looking at you with a gaze full of love. Hiding his face on the gap of your neck, he takes a long deep breath of your scent, putting his lips there to kiss your skin so gently that gives you some nice chills. Your fingertips stroke his scalp, while he looks for some more calm.
“How I have been so lucky to find you?” You whisper into his ear, feeling his mouth curving in a fleeting smile. Just for a moment.
“I'm the lucky one, mi dulce”. He replies without hesitation, and a purr fixed in his throat. “Te amo”.
“Y yo a ti, mi angelito”.
Molding your body to his and resting your head over the cushion, you close your eyes. After a long day at the hospital, you are so tired that you don't care to fall asleep there. And it doesn't take you too much time, focused on Angel's breathing and his hands caressing your back. The only thing you feel after that, as if it was part of your dreams, is the brief weight of a blanket covering you two and a kiss on your forehead. Tightening your arms around your boyfriend by inertia, you continue immersed in your sleep.
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Waking up bit by bit, hearing some noises inside the kitchen, you turn on the sofa. Angel isn't there anymore. Ezekiel and Felipe either. Getting up and stretching your back and arms, you walk barefoot following their voices.
“... and sometimes I find her talking to your mother”.
“How's tha'?” Angel whispers a little confused, having a sip from his mug.
“Yeah. When she's here, she talks to her. About you, about me, about your brother”. Felipe explains. “I really like her for you, mijo. She cares about you”.
“I know, Pop”.
“Good morning”.
Coming into the kitchen, after some seconds of silence, the three men turn at you to greet you.
“Buenos días, Marisol”. You mumble, slightly touching the urn, before continuing to kiss every man there.
Sitting on Angel's lap, you steal his coffee to drink it, hiding a delighted smile against the porcelain.
“You slept well?” He asks, placing a kiss on your shoulder. You just nod, putting an arm behind his neck. “Good… Plans fo' today?”
“Nothing, actually. Got a day off. Maybe I'll go to see Bishop. He told me that he needs some help with one of Vicki's girls”.
“Feeling better, Pop?” Turning to the old man, he smirks at you. “Not lying to make me leave?”
“Not lying, mija. Your soup was like a miracle”.
“She is a miracle, papa”. Angel replies, rolling his eyes as if it wasn't obvious.
“And more like a trouble when she gets drunk”. Ezekiel laughs loudly, probably referring to the last Mayan party where you drank too much and maybe you lost control a little.
“Shut up, prospect”. Hitting his shoulder, you end up laughing too. “Anyway, call me if you feel sick again, okay? Got nothing important to do today”.
“I will keep it in mind, mija”.
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@starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @jadesamhart @mycupoffanfiction @thesandbeneathmytoes @phoenixhalliwell @thewarriorprincessxo @sugary-x-sweet @multiyfandomgirl40 @imanerdychubbyqueen @iambabyharry @firebenderwolf @itsanofrommesir @noz4a2 @peaches007 @edonaspanca @irenne-stans @skyofficialxx @that-chick212
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
Summary: When your brothers went off to war, you couldn’t just sit and wait for them: you had to work, so as nurse Shelby, you started nursing in London
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(Gif by @nofckingfighting​)
A/N: Anon requested: Hello, I saw that you write Shelby sister imagines? Is it ok for you to do me one please? I always imagine her being the same age as John and very close to Tommy. I was thinking along the lines of when the boys go to war she goes to a hospital in London dealing with soliders who need rehabilitation and help with PTSD. She doesn't come home until a year after the boys? Here's they are in trouble with Campbell and Billy Kimber Obviously take it wherever you like to I'm happy for whatever x I’m making this a two-part story, to be able to combine two different requests that had a lot of similarities. I’m using your request for the first part, and let me just say, this is such a beautiful idea that it deserves to be a film on its own. Hope I did it justice! :) Part 2 is Acceptance 
Warning: mentions of death, war and suicide.
Words: 3107
“I will not,” defiantly you stood in front of your superior, arms crossed in front of you and a rebellious scowl on your face. “Excuse me?” the head nurse turned around to face you, “This again, nurse Shelby?”
For a moment, you faltered. Going against a senior nurse was something that wasn’t tolerated, at all. And with good reason! The hospital wouldn’t be able to function properly. During the war, it’d been constant chaos, with men coming in and going out constantly. Dying was often a blessing, and there had been so much, so much death. But the war was over and still the men kept on coming.
“I’m not trying to rebel, nurse Miller,” you said, more meekly this time, “I just don’t see how this is going to help any of them.” “Doctor says it works,” nurse Miller replied matter-of-factly. “But does it?” some fire was coming back into you, “They are able to talk and walk again, sure, but that’s not the same as recovery, is it? The problem is not of a physical nature, it’s a mental struggle these men face.” The head nurse looked up from her work and turned fully towards you now, “Remember your place, nurse Shelby. Do as you’re told. Go on, off with you.” “What research has really been done concerning these…” you waved your hand in an annoyed manner, “methodsthat the doctors employ these days!” Thoroughly irritated now, nurse Miller dropped her work and one look told you all you needed to know: you were in trouble. Again. And so you were back to scrubbing bedpans yet again. All nurses were required to do this work and the long days without much sleep had hardened you all to the blood and filth. Still, some nurses were given this job more than others. Especially the nurses who couldn’t control their mouths around their superiors. Silently, you cursed your Shelby spirit.
But then your mind drifted off to the subject you had been discussing with nurse Miller and your blood began to boil again. ‘The soldier’s heart’, that’s what they used to called it. These were the men who could never sit still, felt anxious all the time and were constantly on edge. It had been considered a ‘normal’ condition for decennia, but it had taken on the form of an epidemic after the Great War. Brave men could no longer function and the severe psychological trauma haunted most of them still, even though the war had been over for several months now! ‘Shell-shock’ was now the popular term and doctors everywhere tried to fix the physical symptoms of the condition. You simply couldn’t fathom how none of them seemed to acknowledge that these were just symptoms: the real problem had taken root in the brain or the heart, maybe even in the soul.
“What did you do this time?” Daisy, or nurse Wells as was the proper term, asked you, when she saw you sitting on your knees in front of piles and piles of bedpans. You looked up and grinned sheepishly, “I disagreed with nurse Miller.” 
“Again.” “Again,” you admitted contritely. Daisy put down the towels she had taken in for washing, “If you’re going to disagree with anyone, choose someone less uptight! Might save your knees.” A small smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. Daisy was the perfect nurse: she could function on two hours of sleep a night, see the most horrific stuff and still work on tirelessly, while aiming to make the others smile. Where you’d be without Daisy you didn’t even dare think about. “Alright,” she sighed good-naturedly, “Tell me. What did you argue this time? And tell me you’re sorry afterwards, just to practise!” Full of anger, you threw down the brush, “Electro-shock therapy doesn’t fucking help anyone! These men went to hell and back and now their brains are protesting against all the horrors they witnessed. Their minds are revolting, as they should be! The only thing ever accomplished by shocking the men into talking again or walking again is that you’ve taken away their last manner of protesting against inhumane practises. Bravo! You’ve made them into full human bombshells now, without a peep of opposition. How in the fuck is that even medically sound!?” Daisy waited a moment, “So you’re not actually sorry.” “Fuck, no.”
She looked around the door for a second and then whispered, “Fuck.” Your head shot up and you grinned broadly, “Nurse Wells, what did you just say?” “I suddenly felt brave,” she shrugged a little, “thought I might be brave enough to say the F-word, with just you here to hear me.” Full of theatrics you stood up and offered her your hand, “I congratulate you earnestly. You have now crossed a line. Welcome to the fucking party!” Beaming, Daisy tried to scold, “You’re a bad influence on me.” “You should see the rest of the Shelby clan,” and a sudden pang went through you the very moment you had spoken the words. Your friend noticed at once, “Y/N, when are you going back?” “Can’t abandon the men now,” you said briskly, leaving very little room for discussion. Daisy hesitated and finally asked, “They did all come back from France, didn’t they?” “Yes.” “When did you hear?” Scrubbing again, you replied, “I never heard, but I’d know if something had happened to them.” Daisy nodded: she knew you well enough to know your instincts never failed you, even if it got you in trouble. A lot.
You were lying in bed and even though the shifts weren’t as long as they’d been during the war, sleep was still scarce. Many of you got five to six hours of sleep now, which had been unimaginable during the war! Still, exhaustion wasn’t unfamiliar to any of you and when the nurses hit their pillows, they often slept at once. Still, you were wide-awake at this very moment. When the war started, it didn’t take long for the boys to sign up. Your brothers went, full of energy and bravery and all women were left grieving at home. Ada kept her mind off it, something you were never good at. You couldn’t bear the thought of all these men dying out at the front, and for what? No one seemed to know. But aunt Polly had really send you over the edge. Every morning she got up to pray and at first you had joined her, but unrest had grown inside of you and praying simply wasn’t enough anymore. So, just like your brothers, you had decided and left for training in London. There was no arguing with you and no one tried.
But nothing could’ve prepared you for the things you’d seen during your time here as a nurse. The broken men, shattered limbs, blood and gore and death were easy enough to get used to. That thought alone made you frown in confusion: what has become of us, that we think that’s the easy part? But the endless streams of young men, hopeful men once, now broken and shattered like the fields of France themselves, that was the hard part. You fed them, nursed them, mended them, talked to them and held their hand if they went. And each and every face changed the moment just before they died: they were all one of your brothers. They were still alive. Aunt Polly had the gift of second sight and even though you weren’t sure what to believe, you had some of it too. Either way, you would’ve known if they were dead. But what were they like now? Because that was the real reason you daren’t go back to Small Heath. What is they were like some of these men, like ghosts trapped in the body of a once healthy human being? You wouldn’t be able to cope.
People always said that twins have a certain connection. You and John had never noticed anything of a special connection, apart from a certain gift for squabbling. But once he was at the front, when the bombs started falling, you could hear his screams in your mind. That’s when the connection had suddenly kicked in and it kept you up and made you tear your hair out for fear. God was cruel like that. “Are you a Shelby or not?” you suddenly whispered strictly to yourself. “Who is this, cowering away in London and fearing what she might see at home? Be a grownup and fucking face your family!” But something just stopped you.
For the next couple of weeks, you tried to get back into the swing of things. You worked harder than ever, with your exhaustion as a form of atonement. Daisy was worried and even nurse Miller told you to slow down at some point.
And then you sat next to a bed of a dying soldier. Your shift had finished already, but still you’d refused to leave him. And why? Because he reminded you of Arthur. “Nurse?” he asked feebly. You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts roaming about, “I’m here,” you comforted him. “I can’t see,” he said, “Is that normal?” You took his hand, “I’m right here. Can you feel my hand?” He grabbed it a little tighter, “Yes. You have soft hands.” You smiled warmly at him. He asked again, “Nurse?” “Yes.” “When I get better,” he tried to sit up a little, “Can I maybe take you out some time?” He sure as hell wasn’t the first one to ask, so his request didn’t embarrass or shock you in the slightest. You tried to put on a chipper voice, imitating Daisy, “I don’t know. It depends, I suppose: where would we go?” The wounded soldier smiled, “I can take you to the movies. That’s what the Americans call it, did you know? The movies…” You couldn’t help but smile, “Which film would we go to?” “I’ll take you to that new romantic film, the one with that famous American actor.” “You quite like the Americans, don’t you?” you joked. He smiled again, suddenly revealing how handsome he actually was, “Americans, they have a way with women.” “So do you!” “Does that mean you’ll go with me?”
“When you get better, we’ll go to the movies,” you confirmed. But he didn’t get better. The next day, he was back to his ailing and screaming. The trouble with his mind was that sometimes the fragments seemed to recompose again and he was as sane as any man, but at other times, the war bombed his soul. His physical injuries were extensive and his chances of survival were slim. Still, the doctor was adamant on trying shock therapy on him, thinking it might help with both his physical and psychological ailments. You didn’t agree, but kept your mouth shut for once. Still, you screamed into your pillow the next night, feeling so fucking helpless at the sight of pointless suffering. The next morning, nurse Miller send you over to that soldier once again to change his bandages. All light had left his eyes. Practically inaudibly, he said, “Nurse?” “I’m here,” you took his hand again in yours. “Would you’ve done it? Would you’ve allowed me to take you out?” “Of course!” you exclaimed, “Not every day a handsome young man asks a girl like me out!” He paused for a moment, “Honestly?” “Honestly,” you said. Suddenly, he relaxed and fell back into the cushions. You frowned a little though, slightly worried about why he was no longer sure of his recovery. But there was more work to be done and you had to be on your way again. When nurse Miller told you he’d gotten hold of a razor somehow and killed himself in the night, something inside you shattered. That was it. You were done. ***
On the train to Birmingham, you couldn’t help but think about how much you’d changed. Once a Small Heath gypsy, being on edge about not being useful enough, you’d left full of innocence. Well, maybe not innocent, you were a Shelby after all. But you’d grown up being protected by young brothers, fighting them and others constantly, and still you considered your childhood a happy one. The amount of times you’d screamed at them, “I’m not a child anymore!” was insane, but only now you felt like that sentence was justified. The war had changed you too. Quickly, you’d send Aunt Polly a telegram before departing London. It said: ‘I’m coming home. Still alive. Make sure the boys save me some whiskey.’ She wouldn’t be pleased with a message like that, but you couldn’t wait to deal with the consequences again. Stepping off the train and back onto familiar ground felt like entering a dream. Oh, how you had missed the stench and noise! Without a thought, you took off your shoes and walked barefoot through the muddy streets. Watch out, Birmingham, you thought cheekily, the pauper princess is back! All nerve left you as soon as it’d come when you stood in front of your house at Watery Lane. And while you were still plucking up the courage to open the door, it swung wide open and nearly hit you square in the nose. A flash of green came rushing out and two arms squeezed the life out of you. “Where the hell have you been?” they demanded. Softly, you breathed in the smell of her perfume, “Fucking working, Ada, unlike you.” “Aunt Pol is going after you with the wooden spoon and I won’t lift a finger to save you,” she scolded, without letting go. You rolled your eyes into your sister’s hair. And then you suddenly noticed, “Looks like you’ve been busy as well!” Ada stepped back and looked down, “Seven months. Can’t even see my toes anymore, I’ve gotten so fat.” “Not much to look at anyways,” you commented. Ada slapped your shoulder and you winced. At least nothing had changed between you two.
With Aunt Polly it was an entirely different story. As soon as you walked into the house, she froze and fixed you with one of her stares that could make empires crumble. You could feel your shoulders slumping, your heart racing and you held your breath. Nothing had changed there either: it was like you were eight years old again. Slowly, she walked over to you and took a long hard look at you, never releasing eye contact. Then she grabbed your face and you almost winced, but instead she said, “You need to eat. Sit.”
Not hesitating, you obeyed at once. Without a word, she threw your telegram on the table. The silence was filled with anxiety-fuelled electricity and she let you calmly simmer in it for a few more moments. Then she spoke, “You have ten seconds to explain, before I slap you back to London myself.” So you took a big gulp of breath and explained, “I got into another fight with the head nurse and then everything went to shit and I didn’t know what to do, because I felt guilty, because he died and I fucking cannot with those doctors, because I knew work would be hard and I signed up for it, but all of a sudden I was just done, and I wanted to come back sooner, but I was scared Tommy and Arthur were dead and that John was, well I wanted to come sooner but didn’t know how to come back, and also I was you know scared that you might not take it well, and how I left, and yeah well, I was afraid this was going to happen…” “Leave her be,” Ada said to your aunt, “She’s worn out.” “It’s been eight months since the war ended,” Aunt Polly said, her face still not betraying any emotion, “We thought you were gone.” “I’m okay, Pol,” you said carefully. “How the fuck were we supposed to know?” She burst out, “No note, no letter, nothing. And now you think you can just show up, like the queen of fucking Birmingham, after writing some shitty telegram that made me drop my favourite teacup?” “Oh no, the blue one?” you asked. Ada glared at you, her eyes saying: not the right fucking response right now. So you cast your eyes downwards, “I’m sorry, Pol. The work, it just drags you in. I kept on seeing their faces in all the wounded soldiers I took care of. It was the only way I could cope.” Aunt Polly’s face softened a little, “It’s the waiting. The waiting almost killed the women.”
Images of wartime nightmares flashed in front of your eyes. Waiting was the thing you were terrible at, as it turned out. It ate you up inside, and now you’d done it to them. Finally, Aunt Polly’s reaction made sense.
“Forgive me,” you pleaded.
Your aunt walked over to the table and sat down next to you. She took your hand in hers and a wave of reassurance washed over you, “You’re like a working horse. They go crazy when they rest. You leaving shouldn’t have come as a surprise to us. It’s good to have you back. Welcome home, Y/N.”
No longer able to contain yourself, you flung yourself forwards and hugged your aunt. Tears fell from your eyes and finally, ease came over you.
Then you heard voices from the other room. Arthur’s voice first, loud and angry. He hadn’t changed much either then, perhaps a little angrier than before. Then Tommy’s reply, cold and business-like. He sounded like dad now. Finally your twin: John laughing like he was still playing in the gutter. For a few minutes, you didn’t move. You just listened to them and revelled in their sounds. These were the sounds of brothers, still alive, and you couldn’t be happier about it.
“Billy Kimber has a bloody army!” Arthur shouted.
You looked towards Ada for some kind of explanation, but she just rolled her eyes. Aunt Polly sat back and lit a cigarette. The fact that she gave that one to you, before lighting another for herself, showed she now thought of you as an adult as well. The moment was brief, but so intimate.
With a bang, the door slammed open en Arthur came storming in. Tommy was sighing deeply and still cursing right behind him, and through the open door you could see John. They all froze when they saw you, all at the same time, jaws practically hitting the floor.
“Billy Kimber, eh?” you merely said, “Looks like I showed up just in time.” 
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angelfoodcake222 · 2 years
Rebel Daughter of Crown City
Gif by @aeonmagnus [awesome gif! Grim's a big silly~! 🥰]
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A New Start: Part 2
"Russell? Russell!?" I snap my head this way & that looking for my young cousin before he ran up to me.
"Right here, Maryanne! Calm down!" He spoke as he skidded to a halt beside me.
"Where'd you go? Who's cars pulled up just now? Where's Uncle Denny?" Russell fans his hand in a cooling motion before explaining that he had left the building front to hop over to the dinner Denny refurbished to quickly explain to the vehicles' owners, dear family friends, about my sudden appearance. We walk over together as my eyes linger over the truck after peeking through the facility's wrap-around window.
"Is one of them a cop?" He leans past me to see the vehicle in question & hums.
"Oh, that's Strongarm's truck. She's a cadet under Bumblebee." I stop to stare at a sleek, red sports car that parked between the truck & the yellow car with a cocked brow.
"Mmm, two members of the law parked here & this one's parked right by them? Bold move." My focus shifted to another one that seemed to be extra sleek, black & gold.
"This one, too."
"Oh! That's Sideswipe & Drift's cars. They're in league with Bee & Strongarm." Again I spot something peculiar. A T-Rex statue or animatronic.
"That's Grimlock's project. Fix-it helps him with it occasionally." Strongarm, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Drift, Grimlock, Fix-it? I gotta meet these people! Especially these Sideswipe & Grimlock dudes.
"Here we are! Welcome to the diner!" Figures turn to the sound of Russell's introduction as I undauntingly stroll in with the seven pairs of eyes focused on me, nine when you count the two red & black-clad kids next to a narrow-eyed man.
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[Does anyone know who did this pic? It popped up on Pintrest & I can't find the OP... 😰]
I do a swift visual sweep of those present, noting the guns on some of their hips & swords on the other's backs.
"Alright, dad, do you wanna introduce her, or should I?" Denny chuckles, running a towel over his hands after setting some plates of food down for the guests & us.
"I got it, Rusty. Everyone, this is my great-niece, Maryanne Ivory-Clay. She'll be staying here for a while until things straighten out for her. Maryanne, these are some other guests; Bumblebee,-" He points to an average height, well-built, sort of tanned man with bold yellow hair & bright blue eyes.
He's sporting a black tee, dark blue jeans, & black canvas shoes. His posture of balanced politeness & relaxation puts a sliver of me to ease, earning a small wave from me. This lasted quite briefly before Denny floats his hand to the only other woman aside from myself.
"Strongarm,-" A woman, possibly Caucasian or of other light skin heritage, sat bolt right in an iconic police uniform respective of the area with extra polished boots, also sporting blue eyes & matching mid-length hair. Her stiff, proper posture put me on edge just a bit as I merely nod with a well-practiced poker face. Her deep blue lips frowned as I turned my focus in the direction of the candy-apple-red blur a stool away from the cadet.
"Sideswipe,-" The man, decked out in pure, bright red street fashion, deep blue eyes, & pale skin, stopped twisting in his seat with a fork bit between his teeth to lean back & flash a bright smile to me. I simply smirk. I like him already. Maybe we could discuss racing tips & tricks later.
"This big guy is Grimlock. He's got a heart bigger than his actions." Russel slides ahead of Denny's gesture to a large black male with ombre green & jet hair, a deep green muscle shirt with a T-rex printed on his chest, ripped up jeans the same hue as Bee's but faded in some places, hefty work boots, & a sharp smile.
He too sports blue eyes. An unusual trait for anyone with his complexion. I smirk a little wider as he ruffles Russel's hair while Denny laughs & continues to the sleek, lean figure sitting a stool away from the bigger male to give him elbow room like Sideswipe did.
"This is Drift. The two you see beside him are his students, Slipstream & Jetstorm." My blue speckled hazels shift to the sharp-looking man & the smaller two as he looks at me from his peripheral, enough to see he also has blue eyes. The two pop up from behind him before looking up to their teacher. He nods in permission & the two timidly approach me. I can't help but bend to my old habits & kneel to their height or around it.
"Greetings, cousin of Russel. Welcome to the group." One spoke as the other smiled warmly & nodded, holding his hands out openly.
"We learned to make this for you. I believe it is called a 'swan'." I raise my brows in surprise as I carefully take the decently folded work of origami from the mostly black-dressed one with a soft smile.
"Origami is a fine hobby to have; very meditative. Thank you." They smile back again then scurry behind their still quiet teacher. Maybe he's had a cold, hard life. He acts a lot like me in a new dwelling.
"& last but not least we have, hey, where'd Fix-it go?" Denny pauses his introductions as everyone looks around in their characteristic ways before he shrugs.
"I guess he must be held up with his work or something?" Comments Bumblebee as Russell asks if I'm hungry.
"Always am, kiddo. What's on the plate for tonight?" I say as he guides me to a stool right next to the missing countertop door where he sat between me & Drift. The plate shows a very basic meal of sunny side up eggs, bacon, sausage & toast. Breakfast for dinner. A bountiful breakfast at that.
"This looks delicious, Uncle Denny, thank you. Could you pass the hot sauce, please?" He slides the glass bottle to me as he begins to speak again.
"Cool, now that almost everyone is introduced, we can play a game of twenty questions to get to know each other bit better. Mary, you up for it?" I pause, mulling over the bit of saucy yolk I just took & my words as I subtly scan the group again. Getting a good read on these guys could be useful.
"Sure. Please try not to cut too deep though." Russell shoots his hand up first as Denny chuckles at the cute movement with a nod.
"Maryanne, do you have any tattoos or marks?" Denny moves to correct his son but I flex my wrist in a stopping motion.
"It's cool, Unc. That's a very common question for me. Yes & yes. I have both but they're in places I can hide easily." I look at Denny who smiles at my patience before looking at me. My turn. Staying in the family tree, I ask Russell about his academic progress.
"It's summer right now, so I have no school." He smiles getting ready to ask another question but I raise my fingers from the table.
"That wasn't my question, Russell. How're your studies?" He shies back for a moment before admitting that he was doing fairly average in his school work. Fairly average? Alright, that sounds way too close to how I did in school. I nod to allow him another question &, of course, he chose to ask why my knuckles were 'colored weirdly'.
"These are bruises, Rus. I'm guessing you already know how they form." He nods, focusing on the dark purples & splotches of yellow everywhere along my fists.
"Must've been tough." His flinch-inducing thought earned a minute chuckle from me as I look at him.
"Well, as long as you hit the books instead of 'tough' things, you won't have to worry about it. Anyone else? Any questions?" I felt a little bad leaving them out of the loop like this. It's only fair that I make myself known to my fellow guests.
Grimlock held his hand up, green painted nails glinting in the artificial lights. I like him some more now. I nod to him as he asks my opinion on cats, to which almost everyone either chuckled or sighed.
"Cats?" I pause as he bobs his head at me with that cute smile. This dude's like a giant puppy. I love it! I bet he makes a great friend too.
"I don't like furry things that much. Truth be told, I like reptiles, amphibians, even insects better than any dog or cat." I shrug with a smirk.
"Actually, that's gotten me into some trouble in the past." My chuckle sheds light on the fond memories of my pulling the classic 'can I keep it' thing with my foster family at the time I was around four or five years old. You should have seen their faces when I carried a screaming frog or a cicada into the house! Priceless!
"Birds are cool too." Again, it was my turn to ask a question.
"Alright, Mr. Grimlock, how much can you bench? Like, what's your weight limit in your workouts?" He pauses to think while his colleagues give him a look as if warning him somehow.
"I lost track, but I'm sure it's a lot." With a chuckled 'must be', I turn to the little hands raised over the countertop. I lift myself slightly to peer over its edge & smile.
"Yes?" I softly spoke as they murmured to each other, glancing at the tall, sleek male nearest them. Were they asking for permission? He nodded so that must be it.
"We wanted to know if you knew any fighting techniques." Spoke Slipstream as Jetstorm nods quietly beside him. I straighten up to crack my back & sigh. Everyone is staring at me expectantly, so I decide to be candid about my 'upbringing'.
"That depends. What techniques are you two asking for?" They share another glance with their teacher then at me.
"Any?" Was all they could give.
"Basic self-defense, some old-fashioned boxing, my wits." I pause to reflect on myself before cringing at the memories of my dork/nerd/geek years.
"I've dabbled in swords, nunchaku, & a bo staff in my earlier years because I thought it would scare off attackers. I gave up on that because a simple pocket knife did the same thing in a fraction of the space needed to use the others. I often found myself in tight spots, so it was a perfect weapon." Russell's face lit up as I quickly gave a stern rebuttal to his obvious look of 'can you teach me?' The last thing he needs is learning to fight; that'll just cause bigger, badder people to try & hurt him far more than if he just stayed the way he is right now. I'm talking from experience here.
"& firearms?" Asks Drift as I blink at him.
"Hang on, Drift. It's Maryanne's turn." Bumblebee tries politely but I cut him off.
"No, no, I got this. Thank you for trying." I look this guy straight in the eyes as a strange, familiar aura wafted around him. Had he come from a bad place too? He must have.
"No, Mr. Drift, I never toyed around with guns or any other type of firearm or ballistics. They were all too loud & did not give a proper fighting chance to those who wished me harm. I may not like the person who's trying to actively kill me, but I do have respect." My neutral face only breaks for a lifting brow as I awaited his reaction to my answer. The group was stunned into silence for a moment or two until Drift hummed.
"You are more honorable than I initially calculated." I nod to him in a sort of bow & he mirrored me. Some more time passed as the rest whispered to each other over what they should ask next that wouldn't stir up anything while I finished up my dish down to the crust of the toast. Now, it's Sideswipe's turn.
"So, uh, do you like racing? Like motorcycles or sports cars?" My eyes barely see over the rim of my glass as I recall my younger years when I masqueraded as a grown woman that loved to fiddle with the engines & everything mechanical in places I really shouldn't have been. I couldn't help it! I love vehicles, big & small! Above all else, I loved & still love to go fast. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to drive a motorcycle, sports car, muscle car, or any speedy vehicle until I'm eighteen as per the agreed probation limits.
"I love going fast, but I cannot go fast until I'm eighteen. I can ride manual things though; like bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, so long as it doesn't have a motor on or in it, I can ride it." Sideswipe pouts with a dejected "Bummer!" I shrug, saying it's only a year & a half before I can drive again. That's not too long a wait.
"What about you? By the looks of that car outside, you must love speed as much as I do." He answers happily as we share a chuckle. Next was Strongarm. She paused over her words before asking what my relationship with the local law enforcement is like. My brow lifts as a silent question radiates from me.
"Well, I'm on probation & am not allowed to touch anything I have spent my life so far to perfect. Not even a lawn mower. Then again, I gave them a lot of sleepless nights in my youth. So, I'd say I'm in an unsteady sort of mutual standing with the long arm of the law." In other words, I hate them. Especially the new ones that are constantly trying to show off to their senior officers. & That's not mentioning the dirty coppers that cruise around looking for people to cuff or hassle. Bee doesn't look that bad though. Maybe he's one of the clean ones? A pretty thought for later.
"You must be new here." I comment as she confirms as if it were a question & not a statement. Bee points that out but I have no questions to ask her even if she asked for one. She didn't, sensing my hostility & all.
"I guess it's my turn, huh?" Bee asks as I nod.
"Okay, give me a sec." He touches his chin in thought while I asked Uncle Denny for a little more juice.
"How do you feel- no, wait, let me try that again." I smile into my sip of juice as he starts thinking again.
"How do you like the place so far?" He finally asks, gesturing to the place around us. I look around, sipping my drink as I began to take stock of the area around me. New safe house, new family members, new people that may shape up to be good friends, a large, beautiful room to be my blank canvas. It all seems so nice.
"I like it. The room & house I have is good, the people are decent folks, & I get to see the kinder side of the family tree." I smile softly at Denny & Russell while adding to my words.
"Heres to hoping this branch isn't as rotten as the others." I lift my glass half-heartedly as Denny grabs an empty one to tap against mine.
"Cheers." His joking tone is kind to my ears as Grimlock asked why he did that while I finish off my drink.
"It's a way of wishing someone good luck or good health. As for the glass tapping thing, I don't know why I did it, it just felt like something I needed to do at that moment." I turn to explain that the tapping or "clinking" of glasses originated in the medieval days.
At a time when wine was often spiked with poison, the color kept the sediment concealed quite well. Today, it has become a sign of trust, honesty, & toast to good health. Think of it as a nonverbal way of saying 'cheers' as long as it's not over glasses of water.
"& on that note, I bid you all a good night, sweet dreams, & hope that nothing bites you in your sleep. See you all in the morning." My walk back to my room is a little slower now that I know there's no true danger around & I have a full stomach.
I normally don't eat so much, especially since I hadn't eaten for most of the day; a full stomach might slow me down if I were in a fight or flight situation. The baggy nightshirt & boy shorts felt soft against my skin as they ruffle into place, my sheets & lone blanket made it better. The stars I can see through my dirty windows make me sleepier & sleepier. Soon I fell asleep.
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valkirsif · 3 years
Mad Hatter
Another gif for mine little smutty lady @learisa sorry for wait but finally finish <3
Jefferson (Sebastian Stan Mad Hatter) x Reader
Word 4300.. yea yea another long shot :)
Warning SMUT!! New kink calling Shibari, hold japanese art! 
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Y/N opened her eyes looking around confused, she remembered the day just passed, went to work and to the gym and spent the evening at dinner with her friends then went home and, after giving the cat food, was went to bed and now woke up in a colorful forest surrounded by giant flowers and butterflies, she got up thinking it was a dream like those she had as a child but felt lucid, the air brushed her face bringing with it the scent of raspberries, why did that place seem so familiar to her?
She followed the path of white stones and came to a crystalline lake and looked in the mirror, she no longer had pajamas in place, was wearing a colorful silk dress and a patchwork corset, she smiled more and more sure was dreaming, a group of goldfish climbed in surface and splashed it with cold water, she shivered and realized was awake .. she started to get really scared, where was it .. turned around and retraced her steps and once back saw her cat waiting next to her to the flower where she had woken up, came up calling him,
" Mefi cone did you get here?" she said stroking it, the cat's purr calmed her, "Do you know where we are?", the cat moved walking towards a rose garden, it seemed different from usual, she decided to follow him,
" Mefi .. Mephisto wait for me" said reaching him, behind the rose garden she saw a village, took the cat in her arms and walked away.
A woman went to meet her smiling,
"You're back!!" she said hugging her, "Come on I just took your favorite cake out of the oven",
Y/N thanked her by following her around the house trying to figure out who she was and how she got to know her,
"And you were good at watching over her," said to the cat pouring him some milk,
"In a couple of days you will return to normal quiet",
"I, I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are there that this place is" Y/N was confused,
"Oh dear you will think quietly" answered the woman pouring her the tea, "You have been beyond the borders for years it's normal" she smiled,
"Now rest, your room is ready",
Y/N looked out, it was already night and yet it seemed to her that she had just woken up, she went up to the room followed by the cat and collapsed in bed exhausted.
As it happened to her as a child she dreamed of what was her best friend .. the Hatter, the other children laughed at her because only she saw him but she didn't care, it was as she remembered him tall with dark hair always unkempt and bright blue eyes, ran to meet laughing with him top hat too big to be true and his colored clothes, she had ribbons and bows sticking out of his pockets, took her in his arms and spun her around .. she woke up cheerful, when she sat up saw a boy sitting at the foot of the bed staring at her and got scared even though his eyes were familiar,
"Good morning Y/N" he said jumping on her lap, "You finally woke up", the girl was stunned that strange boy acted like a cat,
"Mephisto ??" she asked, bowing her head to the side to get a better look at him, yellow eyes and black hair, “Heaven is that you really? That woman said you'd be back to normal .. is this your usual shape?" she was full of questions and curious,
"Who did you think I was sorry?" he asked seriously, "I've lived with you for years and you don't recognize me?", Y/N shook her head pretending that it was all normal, they went down following the scent of cookies,
"Hello dear, I see that you have regained your shape" she said greeting them, "Sit down, the chocolate will arrive immediately",
"Thanks Marta" said Y/N by moving the chair, paused a moment remembering everything, Marta laughed putting them in front of a steaming cup,
"I have been here now I remember," she said in amazement, "As a child I was always from you .. I I hid in the attic when I was afraid .. ",
"You see you just had to rest to find your way home" smiled the woman giving her a pat on the head, "Do you remember anything else?",
"Only the Hatter" she answered smiling, " Where is he? I remember we were inseparable" she looked at Marta who had become serious, "Has something happened to him?",
"Child you have been missing for many years .. " she replied, ".. he is no longer the cheerful young man he used to be, when you disappeared something in him is broken, the cheerful Hatter no longer exists" she said sadly .. and scared,
"I can't believe it, please tell me everything .. " Y/N said desperately, Marta told her how he had changed little by little losing his colors and holing up in his shop,
".. he lives in solitude in the woods .. " she concluded, Y/N looked at her sad, the Hatter .. her Hatter, it was her fault even if she didn't know how it happened, it was her fault and she had to fix it, she got up putting on a cloak on the shoulders,
"Where do you think you're going miss?" Marta asked, stopping her, “You won't think about going to him .. ",
"Of course I'm going to him, it's my fault and I have to help him .. it's me he would never hurt me" Y/N replied coming out in a fury determined to save his friend, she asked for directions to the house and everyone tried to dissuade her, many had tried to talk to him without success, she reached the edge of the woods and took the road they told her.
She walked for hours little by little the wood was getting colder and bleaker, the only sound she heard was her footsteps on the dry leaves, reached the top of the hill and shivered for what she saw, under her there is were the house and the shop of the Hatter where once there was a green lawn full of daisies and tulips now desolation reigned, only barren earth and dead plants, even the house was different although it was the same as he remembered it had lost its colors, everything was black and gray, she felt like crying, noticed a light on in the shop while she was drying her eyes, took courage and walked to the house in less than 1 hour, walked around the house looking inside the windows to understand where he was, heard footsteps behind her and whirled around, she didn't have time to say anything .. someone put a hand on her mouth laughing, Y/N tried to wriggle away but the stranger held them tight and kept laughing dragging her into the store, he said something as soon as he took his hand from her mouth but could not, the hand was replaced by a bandage, the girl found herself bound and gagged sitting on an armchair without being able to do anything.
"Well well what do we have here?" said the familiar voice of the Hatter, "Someone new who sticks his nose where he should n't .. " he was walking around her touching her hair, lifting her face, ".. who are you?" he asked, stopping in front of her,
Y/N looked at him was what she remembered, tall, black hair disheveled, but the eyes did not ... those did not recognize them, the color of the sky in the morning had given way to the deep blue of the night, even the clothes were different the cylinder he was worn out and full of dust, he was wearing a waistcoat and black leather pants and a worn velvet jacket, shook her head trying to drop the bandage over his mouth to answer but couldn't move it was too tight,
"Who is this beautiful little girl?" he asked again taking her face in his hands, "So don't you want to tell me who you are?" he laughed maliciously, "Oh what a careless .. now you can answer" he said unfastening the gag,
"Hatter it's me" the girl answered anxiously, "I'm Y/N don't you remember me?" she asked, the man stepped back looking at her better, shaking his head,
" Mmm there is no Hatter here .. I'm Jefferson" he said taking a tape measure and measuring it, " Mmm no, you see, you're not Y/N .. she comes here .. did they stretch you maybe?" he asked showing her the sign of her height as a child,
"It's me I swear to you" she said desperately,
"I was lost but I came back for you" she said with shining eyes, "And you are my friend .." she couldn't finish the sentence, the man gagged her again and dragged into another room, Y/N immediately recognized her as a child playing among the fabrics in that room, the tables and sofas were gone, the woven fabrics hanging on the hooks on the wall and in the center of the room a kind of dark wooden X, the girl shivered when Jefferson took her by her wrists and tied her tight, the delicate silk had been thickly woven into a rope, she tried to rebel but it was useless he was stronger and more furious than her,
"Let's say I believe you" he laughed turning around her,
"And who are you who you say you are .. there is an easy way to find out .. " he said, taking a lock of hair in her hand, ".. but first the tea!!" he said disappearing into the house returning after a few minutes bringing with him a table set with tea, biscuits and sweets and he sat down pouring himself a steaming cup, sipping while continuing to look at her as if trying to figure out who it was, got up and took off the gag,
"So we can talk" he smiled, "I haven't talked to anyone for years .. no wait six months ago someone had the impudence to knock .. "
"And what happened to him?" Y/N asked scared,
" Nothing .. I sent him home" he said, shrugging,
"But let's come to us .. " he stood up and approached her, ".. let's see if you are who you say you are", he took a pair of big scissors from his pockets and started to cut the jacket starting from the wrists, slowly unstitched the sleeves .. one point at a time,
"Uh uh you are all wrapped up how nice !!" he laughed maniacally passing the booties that he blew one at a time, the jacket fell leaving her in a corset,
"How cute you are," he took her face in his hands and kissed her, Y/N tried to react by tightening the strings more,
"Too bad about the hair .. " he pulled back her head ferociously, unfastened her corset with a single theatrical gesture, took the ribbon and put her hair in a tight braid, "... so I like it more", he said two step back admiring her, Y/N was blushing violently, she was half naked and hung up and Jefferson was looking at her like a new toy,
"Really beautiful, pale and .." he complimented touching her breasts, ".. soft .. like a pastry" he laughed, letting the scissors down to her pants, quickly cut the fabric and the girl was naked and vulnerable in front of him,
"Let's see, let's see .. it should be here .. " he began to touch her, sliding his nimble fingers on her skin looking for something, ".. for all the cookies you are really her" he said amazed finding what he was looking for.. a small birthmark in the shape daisy on the thigh,
"I like what I see, you have grown well Y/N" he laughed going up bringing his hand between his legs, instinctively tried to close them,
"You said you came back for him .. " he whispered, "..you don't want him to touch you?" laughed kissing her, Y/N returned the kiss hoping to awaken the Hatter,
"Oh oh are you trying to get to him?" he asked tilting his head, "Quiet is safe .. in my head" he confided moving, he saw him moving happily around the room taking other colored ropes,
"Well and now let's play !!" he said removing her from the X and turning it, he brought her arms behind her back holding tightly, the girl wriggled, she began to pass the ribbons on the wrists intertwining them up on the arms creating a design,
"So it's cute .. " he laughed passing the ribbons on the breast, crossing them on the shoulders going down between the breasts with a braid, he continued on the hips embracing her ass with the design closing with a bow, walked away to see the result, "Beautiful beautiful beautiful "he hopped happily clapping his hands,
"You like?" he asked as continued to weave and tighten the ribbons on her back, "Hey I tell you .. I understand you don't like it" he said sadly,
"No no I like it" she said uncomfortably, " It's very tight though" she tried to move but the tapes tightened her,
".. mmm and how do they make you feel?" he asked mischievously pulling one of the ribbons that passed between her legs making her moan,
"Tell Jefferson .. I won't tell anyone" he whispered in her ear before biting her earlobe, Y/N threw her head back .. she wanted to be kissed,
".. it makes me feel good .." she moaned ".. Jefferson can I have a kiss?" she asked, ashamed of what she felt, the man went around her pulling her head back, putting his tongue in her mouth, pulling the ribbons on her breast, the knots tightened her nipples making her tremble,
"Let me finish sewing now" he said, leaving her hair and moving to take an armchair, "Here let's get comfortable" he invited her to sit down pushing her on the seat, made put her back straight and weaved new ribbons at the knots on the breast, fixing everything at the back supports, every time she breathed the ribbons tortured her breasts making her arch,
"Ah ah you have to stay still I'm not finished" he laughed bringing Y/N's legs up to the seat, there began again to weave ribbons on her skin blocking it, made two turns tying the calves to the thighs fixing everything to the armrest leaving her completely exposed and immobilized,
"Now you are perfect, a raspberry pastry" said approaching touching his work, every time she pulled a ribbon Y/N moaned, they were all connected in order to please her with every breath, he took two steps back and undressed, the girl couldn't take her eyes off his naked body, smooth muscular chest, strong arms and abdominals that looked like they were forged in granite, she blushed when saw his arousal, the man laughed as he touched his eyes fixed on hers,
"We haven't played in a long time .. " he laughed as approached, "..you want to play with me right? Like when you were little .. " he bit her lip making her scream, Y/N tasted her own blood, moved and a shock ran through her .. she had made the knots tighten all together and the pleasure invaded her, the man s 'he knelt in front of her, continuing to touch himself,
"Of course you want to play .. look at you, you're all wet" he laughed maliciously starting to touch her pussy, his nimble fingers slid over her, brushing her labia well away from her clit , went down to her ass and started to stimulate, pressing on her entered making her moan and pant, inserted a finger moving slowly to make her relax, entered and left her calmly laughing at her reactions,
"You would like to close these beautiful legs but you can't" he laughed, stopping touching and bringing the second hand on her pussy, spreading her labia and inserting two fingers into her pussy, stimulating both holes at the same time, Y/N snapped screaming with pleasure,
"Jefferson enough please .. " she cried panting, rivulets of salvation running down the sides of her lips, ".. it's too much .. I do n't want to .. ", the man raised his head and looked at her laughing,
"What don't you want pastry?" he asked pressing his palm on her clit , all the ribbons tightened in the girl's impetus,
"I do n't understand .. why are you stammering like crazy?" he asked inserting another finger into her pussy, felt her body try to contort to follow the rhythm dictated by her fingers and laughed maliciously,
"But if that's what you want .. " he said shrugging his shoulders removing his fingers from inside her, Y/N moaned in frustration, took the chair by the legs, lifted it and placed it on the ground making the girl almost upside down,
".. since you babbling at random let's make me fuck those beautiful pink lips" he suggested kneeling in front of her face, grabbed her by the hair smiling, "Come on like a good girl, open your mouth .. I want to see if it is true that you have lips soft as the Hatter says .." he held her nose,
Y/N had bright eyes she tried to resist but lacked air and opened her mouth, Jefferson put his cock in her delicate mouth enjoying the warm and moist sensation of her lips, he started to move holding her face so that she would not rebel,
".. oh yeah they are really soft .. " he moaned as picked up the pace, thrusting his cock into her throat, ".. soft and wet .. it's a really good feeling" he laughed stopping, moving her head as he wanted, every movement it made her shiver taking her breath away as Jefferson's cock gagged her more and more moving quickly in her mouth, he squeezed her hair enjoying it emptying inside her, Y/N tried to react but closed her nose,
"Come on up like a good girl .. drink it all .. " he growled panting, ".. here you clean it all up .. " he stared at her as she licked his cock with tears in her eyes, played with her nipples before getting back on her feet the armchair,
“It would take some music” he said to himself as opened a cabinet, “Oh there they are” he said victoriously, shaking some bells back towards her, “How do we fix them? Do you have any idea?" I watch her,
" I .. I don't know .. " she replied fearfully that he would hurt her,
" Mmm here .. " he said, passing a thread through the buttonholes, ".. stop .. I don't hurt you .. " he took her nipple and squeezed it to harden it to the maximum, the girl moaned when he tied one end of the thread to the nipple, passed to the second and went down by tying the thread of bells between the knots on the belly,
"Let's hear how it sounds .. " he said using two fingers to stimulate her clit with small circles, pressing to make her arch, the bells began to ring, ".. what heavenly music .." he laughed as happy as a child before raging on her lower abdomen, exposed her clit to be able to suck it by inserting fingers back into her pussy moving them like scissors inside her,
"JEFFERSON" she shouted fidgeting, ringing the bells and pulling the knots, her whole body trembled with excitement, "PLEASE", the man picked up the pace by inserting another finger into her pussy licking her clit fervently,
"Come on baby girl" he growled between her legs, "I want to drink your honey"
Y/N came panting, drowning in pleasure she didn't care where her Hatter was she just wanted Jefferson not to stop pleasing her, he continued to rage on her body ignoring her prayers,
" Enough .. ENOUGH .. " she shouted out of himself from the force of the orgasm that he kept giving her, Jefferson detached himself from her wiping his mouth, stood up and kissed her before getting comfortable pouring himself a cup of tea,
"I have to decide what to get first" he said to himself as he sipped, "You have a really nice ass, it looks so cozy .. " he smiled at her, ".. but your pussy is so soft it would be a shame not to fuck her right away .." he relaxed a few minutes starting to touch his cock again,
"Can I have some tea?" asked Y/N, the man looked at her as if it was strange that a toy asked for a drink,
" Oops sorry for the rudeness .. how many lumps?" he asked pouring her a cup and bringing it to her, helped her drink while holding the cup, "Better?", Y/N nodded thanking,
"Now that we have refreshed ourselves, let's play some more, do you like the idea?" he asked moving her ass to the edge of the chair, rubbed his cock on her still wet pussy while playing with her ass,
"I did the count," he laughed by stuffing a finger in the ass moving slowly because it relaxed, "Guess won the ass" off his finger and began to push the cocks coming little by little in her, Y/N stiffened by tightening your butt more for the knots than for the pain,
"You have to be relaxed little girl I'll go in anyway" he grunted pushing, entering her completely, squeezed her breast kissing her, licking her tears smiling,
"There was little sugar in the tea .. you are salty" he said amazed, "I felt like I had enough sugar in it .. your pussy was very sweet .. listen ?!" he explained putting two fingers in her pussy before putting them in her mouth, "Feel how sweet you are?" he asked bending her head, Y/N licked and sucked his fingers lost in pleasure, Jeffersono began to move inside her increasing the thrusts, making the strings tighten creating a concert of bells and moans, she was his musical instrument and he was playing tapping all her keys, planted his nails on her breasts making her scream,
"Oh stars .. " she cried drooling with pleasure, ".. Jefferson .. he's so beautiful .. " she wanted to cling to him, get bitten and scratched again, she planted nails in the armrest, the man laughed, pulling himself up,
"There you are here .. " he said, looking as if seeing her for the first time, "..look look at last my little girl has grown .." he laughed touching the hair that were changing color, slowed turning to the table and took what seemed a telescope,
"Now that you have arrived we can really play!" he said happily, “You want it right? Come on, tell me you want it!!" he laughed putting the strange object in front of her face,
"I want everything you give me .. " she gasped realizing that the telescope was actually a colored crystal dildo , ".. I want to learn new games Jefferson" she smiled excitedly, the man kissed her and Y/N bit him as did he first, parted from her laughing,
"You're learning .. the Hatter always said that you are brilliant" he smiled licking the blood, dipped the dildo in honey and started rubbing it on her pussy, pushing on her clit , Y/N moaned like an animal in heat stimulated by what it was happening, she felt the knots pulling and the ropes scratching her skin, Jefferson's nails on her breasts, his body pressed to hers as he fucked her, the dildo pressing on her pussy,
"Here it is slowly." laughed the man pushing the dildo into her pussy little by little, "Look, look how beautiful it all goes in!!" he said happy that the pieces fit together, Y/N rolled her eyes curling her toes as Jefferson moved quickly in her ass playing with the dildo inside her,
"You are everywhere .. " she grunted excitedly drooling, ".. I want EVERYTHING" she prayed drowning in his eyes, getting lost in pleasure, Jefferson laughed taking all his holes faster and faster, excited by the yells of  Y/N who came screaming, the last thing she saw before she fainted were the blue eyes of the Hatter, she woke up in her bed sweaty and breathless looking around, Mephisto was sleeping peacefully at the foot of the bed, she began to laugh .. had the most absurd and exciting dream of her life, she thought heard a laugh and saw the walls of the room as if they were out of focus .. from the outside Jefferson was looking at his new toy in the colored box he had put it in now it would never go away.
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majorshiraharu · 4 years
Meeting The Mandalorian | Chapter 1 - Hiding
The Mandalorian- Din Djarin (Mando) x GN Reader
- Warnings: none
- Summary: Reader is a Bounty Hunter who previously was part of the Empire but worked as a spy against them, allowing the Rebels to destroy bases and get key information during the war. Because of this, the Reader became a target for the Empire and has been working as a Bounty Hunter trying to lie low while the Empire still lives on in the outer rim.
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"Pass me another drink droid," you say, sliding your empty glass towards the droid who was serving the bar. As the droid slides back a refilled glass, a gloved hand stops it midway. Looking up at the owner of the hand you notice he's wearing beskar, and when he turned to face you, there was no doubt, that was the helmet of a Mandalorian. He was a Mandalorian. Great, who d'you piss off this time, you thought, trying to keep yourself from panicking. Maybe he was just here for a drink, no, how could you be so stupid. Everyone now always says they don’t remove their helmets, so how could he possibly drink anything here. Compared to his beautifully crafted beskar, your armor looked like it was scavenged by Jawas. A mismatch of pieces that could barely protect you from a single indirect shot. Luckily you were a pretty good fighter and preferred the lighter load, so you could outmaneuver opponents with heavier gear like his. You were, after all, a former ISB agent, trained in a number of different fighting styles to best fit any situation. But if you were unlucky he knew that, and that's why he was here, to collect the bounty on your head. Despite your best efforts to sabotage most missions the Empire had sent you on, the New Republic still wasn't a fan of yours. However, it wasn't the New Republic who set the bounty but some former Imp's who found out about what you'd been doing. Few people in the core worlds believed the Empire was even still around, but small groups were remnants of the once overwhelming force that suffocated the galaxy. Now they were hiding in the outer rim, an area mostly unbothered by the New Republic, only seeing the occasional scouting groups. You'd heard whispers about there being a Mandalorian out here. Apparently, he had betrayed his bounty hunter guild. The rumor was that he took something, something that was extremely valuable and irreplaceable. Well, if he tried anything you'd at least get a reward if you beat him, that is, if he didn't just kill you right there. The bounty on your head was for dead or alive. Maybe he'd be the kind to take you in alive. Use you as leverage to repair his standing with the bounty hunter's guild. "Unless you're planning on taking off that helmet and drinking my drink, slid it over." You scoffed, hoping it would hide the anxiety building in you. During your time at the ISB you had come across a few Mandalorian, but none with the rumored reputation of this man. His head turned ever so slightly. If you hadn't been staring at him, you'd probably have missed this subtle movement. You always wondered how they could see out of that kind of helmet, it offered great protection but with limited vision. He turned his head to look at the other guests in the bar, noting that some were also bounty hunters. Just when he thought he found a relatively quiet planet, must be the same reason the others are here too though. Before turning his head back in your direction, he slides the glass over, but once he turns his head, he notices you're gone. Instead, some random man was standing there, thanking Mando for the drink he just slid over to him. Giving a half hazard mumble in reply, Mando looked around, trying to see where you went. Noticing a door, he heads towards it, stepping out of it to see nothing but trees. Suddenly the door hits him, knocking him off the small set of stairs that lead to the ground. Letting out a grunt as he hit the dirt. Looking up just in time to see you take off running. You'd been hiding behind the door. He curses at himself for making such a dumb oversight. He should have known there wasn't enough time for you to have already run to the tree cover, not to mention there were no footprints in the muddy dirt. "Hey! Urgh..." He huffed as he got up and gave chase. Soon realizing that you were running towards the Razor Crest. You must have seen him land, now he knows for sure you're another one of those bounty hunters after the child. He had left him on the ship because he was sleeping, not wanting to wake him. Luckily, the ship had excellent defenses and would be hard for someone to just enter. Shooting his wrist-mounted wire at you, he's able to get it looped around your ankle, pulling it back swiftly so you'd fall. It all happened so fast, by the time you cut it off and went to stand up, he tackled you. Pinning your arm behind your back, but you hit your head against his, the helmet making it extremely painful for you but knocking his balance off just enough to free yourself. Spinning around, you kick his feet out from under him before kicking him in the chest with your other foot. Before you could even run more than a few steps, he already caught your wrist in his hand, slamming you against the side of the ship. His forearm pushed against your neck, the cold metal of his beskar making it even more uncomfortable. "If you're going to take me in just shoot me already, I won't go back there alive," you growled trying to free yourself, but between the armor and his strength, there was no budging him. "What?" He questioned, slightly loosening his pressure on you. "If you're here for the Imp's bounty, just kill me now, I'm not going back there." You say. He's oddly still. You couldn't see his face but knew that he was thinking over what you said, that he was confused by it. - He frees you and stands back up, to your surprise extending his hand to you. Noticing the confused expression on your face, he reassured you that he wasn't trying to pull anything on you and once again extended his hand. "Any enemy of the Empire is worth hearing out... So what are you doing here?" He asked with a more relaxed tone and posture.  "I'm just here trying to lie low and avoid the scum hunting me, I assumed you were here for the bounty on me." "... You assumed I was just scum here to take you back to the Empire?" His tone turned into playful annoyance, though he tried not to let it come through in his voice; you could still tell that he wasn't a fan of the Empire. "Well, you did do a job, for them from what I’ve heard. I thought you would use me as leverage to repair your reputation with them and the guild..."  "How does everyone know about this...ugh... I'm not here for you, I was also just trying to lie low for a while with the kid and maybe repair my ship." Looking over at his ship you place your hand on your chin inspecting the chaos that was parked before your eyes. "Maybe I could help with that," you say with a small smile as you turn back around to look at him. Tilting his head as confusion now washed over him, unsure of what you mean. 
“You would repair my ship?”    “If you’ll take me to a different planet after I do, I’d happily fix it, mine got torn apart on the last planet I was on...”
“Jawas?” He asked with a laugh.  “Jawas....” -- to be continued in chapter 2 -- If you’d like to be tagged in Mando content or this chaptered fic plz let me know <3 idk how many chapters it will be xD
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chibsytelford · 4 years
Beaches and Brawls
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@rebel-without-cause-x​ requested //  Can I get a Jax T x reader please with the prompts “She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” And “I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.” Maybe the reader gets into a massive brawl and comes homes covered in cuts and bruises and the guys realise she’s crazy and Jax gets all cute and fluffy. 
Anon requested //  Jax teller x reader! Jax and the reader are on a trip and something vad happend
Taglist - @agirllovespasta​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rebel-without-cause-x​ @whyisgmora​ @sadeyesgf​ @talicat713​ @jadesamhart​ @starrynite7114​ @angelreyesgirl​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @scuzmunkie​ @trulysuccubus​ @naytraydr​ @lady-pswrld​ @fangirlingaesthetics​ - if you would like added to my taglist just ask :)
You and Jax both had some time off from work. The MC had rare quiet days, so you decided to pull a sickie from work to spend the full day with your boyfriend. You couldn’t remember the last time you both spent quality time together, just the two of you. You didn’t mind that the other Sons were constantly around you and Jax, you loved them all like they were your older brothers, but you would be lying if you said you were not looking forward to some alone time.
“What do you want to do then babe?” you asked Jax who was currently getting dressed after his shower.
“I was thinking we would take a road trip on the bike, go to that beach that you like?” You were shocked that he had remembered where your favourite place was. You loved Jax, but sometimes you felt like he didn’t listen to a word you said. It was understandable because being president of the MC was a huge job that he took seriously. You admired him for it.
“That sounds amazing!” You gave him a kiss on his cheek and finished getting ready yourself. You both were ready to leave 20 minutes later.
You and Jax both clashed when you first met, and you hated each other. Your personalities were far too similar. You were both stubborn and headstrong and were not afraid of confrontation or putting people in their place. He took the last crate of beer from the supermarket fridge, and boy you were angry. You told him you travelled all this way specifically for that kind of beer, and he just looked at you with his shit eating smirk and his blond hair and blue eyes. He thought that smirk would work on you, but really it just made you angrier.
You told him you’d give him 10 seconds to hand the beer over or he would regret it. Of course he didn’t back down so you actually punched him, causing him to lose his grip on the beer. You grabbed it from his hands and quickly paid for it, running to your car. He had chased you out and practically begged for your mobile number. Fast forward 2 years later and you were going strong as a couple.
If you had any disagreements you sorted them out in the boxing ring. You could hold your own against Jax which always surprised him, and each time made him fall more in love with you.
You jumped on the back of his bike and you headed towards the beach. It was a hot day but there was a gentle breeze, which was your favourite type of weather. You arrived at the beach 30 minutes later and picked out your favourite spot which was close to the water but far away enough that if the tide came in it wouldn’t get you wet. You and Jax spent the morning sun bathing, splashing in the water and just talking. You hadn’t properly spoken to him about life in general in so long, due to him being so busy with the MC and you working too.
Jax was actually very smart which honestly did surprise you at first. You just thought he was all brawn and no brains, but you loved that he had an intellectual side. He often kept it hidden for some reason, but you knew that he knew a lot about the world and other stuff. When it came to the MC he didn’t use his brain as much, and just rushed into decisions without really thinking of the consequences. But since you came along he was trying his hardest to actually think before acting.
You decided to head back to his bike and head home. You noticed there was a group of guys standing around staring at his bike. They looked like they were drunk. They then noticed you and Jax heading towards it and smirked.
“Fancy riding me and not the bike?” one of them asked you. You laughed out loud and shook your head ignoring him. You looked to Jax who looked just as amused as you did. He only got involved if it looked like you needed help, which was very rare.
“I asked you a question bitch” the same man spat at you. You turned around and punched him in the nose. The blood came spurting out immediately and you were proud of yourself. You gently pushed Jax out the way and the rest of the drunken guys formed a circle around you.
“No way you can take us all” Again you laughed out loud and rolled your sleeves up. You were not one to back away from a fight, and you weren’t about to start now. Some of the guys managed to get some punches in but they were definitely worse off than you. 5 out of 6 were lying on the ground, holding their noses and their crotches. One guy was left standing, but he decided he wasn’t going to continue and backed off leaving his friends on the floor.
You turned around and saw Jax sitting on his bike staring at you with adoration in his eyes and a smirk on his face.
“I let them punch me” you shrugged with a smile.
“Yeah yeah I believe you, I literally can’t take you anywhere” he playfully tutted at you. He loved that you could easily stick up for yourself, it meant he could worry less when you were left alone when he had to go on runs. He still worried and cared about you, but knowing you would always put up a fight helped him sleep a bit better when he wasn’t with you.
“Let’s go back to the clubhouse and I’ll get Chibs to fix you up”.
You walked into the clubhouse and the guys all came over to you asking what had happened. You had a fresh bruise under your eye, and a few cuts from where the men’s rings had caught you.
“She got into a fight at the beach. One guy made a rude comment and called her a bitch. She took on 6 of them by herself. She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.”
The Sons all shook their head laughing. They knew what you were like when it came to sticking up for yourself so they were not surprised to hear what happened.
“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home”. You shrugged. “Now patch me up Chibsy please”.
The Scotsman finished cleaning your cuts and putting plasters over them. You walked over to your man who was sitting at one of the tables drinking a beer. He pulled you down onto his lap and kissed your cheek.
“I love your crazy ass” he said offering you a drink of his beer.
“And I love that you love my crazy ass” you smiled at him.
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
The Princess and The Duke - Chapter Two
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: As the Princess of  Spain, you were always supposed to marry King James of England to make  an alliance between Spain and England. When he marries a woman at his  court for love, you are married off to his best friend, Sirius Black the  Duke of Bedford to keep the alliance. However, the court is riddled  with secrets and a rebel in the North starts to rise against the Throne.  Royal AU.
Warnings: fluff, teeny bit of angst, Spanish translated by using Google Translate :(
Words: 2431
Disclaimer(s): This gif does not belong to me and I’m so sorry if this Spanish is wrong.
Translation(s):  Su Alteza, espero que su estadía haya sido placentera - Your Highness, I hope your stay has been pleasant
Si, gracias. Tu hermano es un hombre muy amable, me impresiona tu español - Yes, thank you. Your brother is a kind man, your Spanish impresses me
A/N: Again, I’m so so sorry if this Spanish is wrong! Thank you so much for all the love on this fic already! Hope you guys enjoy this part and please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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Chapter Two - Flowers in Your Hair
For the first month and a half that the Spanish Princess had been at the grand chateau in the countryside outside Paris, she had brought so much warmth and light to it. Sirius used to close the heavy curtains just after the sun had set but Y/N preferred to keep them open for much longer, only closing them just before she retired to bed. All the servants seemed to be delighted, now the chateau was always full of light whether it was warm yellow sunlight or the silver shine of the moon. Sirius had never seen the moon shine quite so beautifully.
Y/N was kind to the servants and they seemed to glow from her affectionate attention, though she hardly bestowed any warmth on Sirius – she wasn’t rude or anything  - but he expected that. It was why he wanted to wait a little while before they were married, Sirius hoped that they would grow to care for each other.
Sirius found her in the glass sun house, her pretty eyes fixed on a thick tome about myths and legends. He was contented with watching her for a few moments, her eyes moved across the page and she had a small smile on her face, “Your Highness,” he cleared his throat and she raised her graceful head to smile wanly at him, “I thought we might visit the village on the morrow so you can meet the townspeople.”
Y/N nodded as she played with the tresses of her hair, “I would like that, I would be happy to meet them. As long as I’m back for my siesta, I like having it beneath the apple tree.”
Sirius frowned a little as the new word rolled off her tongue; he knew that he should have learnt some Spanish in anticipation of her arrival. “I’m sorry, siesta? I’m not sure what that is,” he rubbed the back of his neck nervously and he saw the disappointment in her eyes.
“It’s a sleep in the day my dear brother,” a voice full of laughter called out. Sirius momentarily closed his eyes, fighting back a sigh as he turned to see his handsome younger brother at his side. Regulus really should have been properly announced, Sirius hated it when he just turned up like this, “and this must be the beautiful Princess Y/N,” he bowed and Y/N smiled at him graciously, “Su Alteza, espero que su estadía haya sido placentera,” he spoke in such perfect fluent Spanish that Sirius wanted to strangle him.
Y/N’s soft lips parted in surprise before she smiled and spoke back, “Si, gracias. Tu hermano es un hombre muy amable, me impresiona tu español “Yes,” Regulus grinned, reverting back to English and he clapped Sirius on the shoulder, “my dear brother is only fluent in French and English,” he laughed and Sirius felt his nostrils flare with anger but before he could remark, Y/N beat him to it.
She gave Regulus a sharp look, “I think that it’s rather impressive, I cannot speak any French,” she looked back over at Sirius and her face softened as she smiled at him.
Sirius beamed back at her, feeling his face flush with delight, Regulus held up his hands in mock defence before he backed away with a smirk on his face. Sirius smiled at Y/N as he walked towards her, “thank you, Your Highness.”
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, “nobody – especially those in your family – can take your skills and accomplishments away from you, remember that,” she paused as she smiled prettily at him, “I think that in view of the circumstances you’d better call me Y/N,” she giggled before she glided out of the sun house, leaving behind the sweet smell of roses.
They left early the next morning and rode beneath the perfect blue sky, Sirius had decided to take her the scenic route, he was sure that she’d like it. Y/N looked exceptionally beautiful and ethereal in a dress of green silk and a garland of spring flowers in her hair. The pair of them mostly rode in silence as YN marvelled at the beautiful French countryside, her face aglow with pleasure and joy.
“France is so beautiful,” she hesitated, “from what I’ve seen of it anyway, I think that I prefer this landscape to the one in England,” she smiled at him from where she was riding on her chestnut horse.
Sirius smiled and nodded, he loved the French countryside too, it had a beauty that the English countryside couldn’t achieve, “I agree but England is beautiful in its way. I’ll show you,” Y/N smiled as her cheeks flushed with delight and she rode a little bit faster.
When they were on the outskirts of the quaint little village, Y/N dismounted and walked in on foot, leading her horse. Sirius grinned down at her before he exchanged a look with his small troupe of guards who inclined their heads at him. The Duke followed suit and walked alongside his future bride as they entered the village together. Y/N radiated warmth as the townspeople called her name; the women blew kisses while the men shouted bawdy remarks.
Sirius admired Y/N as she talked to the townspeople, any other woman would have been cold to people who were beneath her, but not Y/N. She hugged the ladies and kissed the men on the cheeks and Sirius couldn’t help but feel proud. There was a little girl who was hiding shyly behind her mother so Y/N beamed beautifully at the girl as she crouched down so she was at the child’s level.
“Hello sweetheart, what’s your name?”
“Amelia,” the girl whispered, still hiding her face.
“Amelia, it’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Y/N.”
Amelia nodded, smiling unsurely before thrusting a bunch of daises at Y/N, “these are for you.”
Y/N gasped in delight as she took the flowers, “thank you! They’re beautiful,” she smiled as she plucked a flower before placing it amongst Amelia’s auburn curls, “there, now you have flowers in your hair.”
“Just like you!” Amelia beamed before hugging Y/N.
Y/N giggled as she hugged the little girl tight. Sirius smiled as he watched the interaction between them, she would have made an amazing Queen. Y/N seemed to charm almost everyone – some of the villagers remained stony faced – and she didn’t seem too unaffected by the villagers who didn’t seem to be impressed.
Sirius and Y/N left the village when the sun was high in the sky and the air was balmy and stifling. Sirius helped Y/N onto her horse and they rode out of town, waving goodbye to the villagers. Sirius smiled over at Y/N in pride as they rode side by side on the forest path, it had been a successful day and Y/N had done incredibly well.
“You have the knack for this kind of thing Y/N.”
The Princess smiled at him as the springtime wind blew through her hair, “for as long as I can remember I’ve always been taught to be just and fair. You can’t rule with fear, the common people will never love you if they fear you and it’s much better to be loved than feared,” she sighed wistfully and all Sirius could do was gape at her. How was she even real?
It was a pleasant ride, Y/N seemed to enjoy the sight of the dappled sunlight as it filtered through the thicket of trees and she smiled at the noise of a nearby stream. When they rode beneath the cherry blossom trees Y/N made a small sound of delight as she looked up at the pink petals.
“This is beautiful; we have nothing like this in Spain.”
“They’re cherry blossom trees; soon this whole path will be pink from the fallen petals.”
Y/N sighed happily as she glanced back up at the pretty tree, “that would be a marvel to see.”
Sirius suddenly had the burning need to see cherry blossom petals carelessly caught in her tresses. The young man flushed and willed the yearning to go away. His bride was beautiful for certain but he didn’t want to rush anything.
You smiled in bliss as you walked down the bright sweet smelling corridor of the beautiful French chateau, you glanced through the huge windows at the world outside and you grinned as you saw the rolling hills washed with dazzling sunlight. You could find beauty in everything when you were happy – and you were – you wouldn’t have thought it was possible for you to be happy anywhere apart from Spain. You found it easy to be happy in France, Sirius was handsome and kind and his lands were beautiful. It was like a midsummers dream in the height of springtime.
However, you couldn’t help but almost resent Sirius though you knew that it wasn’t his fault. It felt like he had stolen your birth right away from you, even though he had no say in the matter and you had never wanted to be Queen. Perhaps you felt this way was because as soon as you got married to Sirius you wouldn’t be a Princess, for the first time in your life you wouldn’t be titled as a Princess. Maybe you resented him because there was a rumour that he had bastards all over England but that was none of your business, as long as he didn’t father any when you became his wife. You understood that men had needs that women were destroyed for.
Whatever the reason, you were trying to get over it because you didn’t want a marriage that was built on resentment. You wouldn’t have a marriage like your parents. It was warm and sweet smelling when you walked into your expansive chambers and saw Sofia standing by the steaming hot bath that was full of dried rose petals and dried herbs. Sofia smiled at you, her gorgeous blue eyes sparkling and you smiled back. Sofia was your very best friend, you were going to make sure that she married well but you also wanted her to marry for love.
You got undressed and thanked her as she helped you into the boiling hot bath, it felt like heaven and you sighed in contentment as her fingers gently combed through your hair as you lay back, closing your eyes.
“Did you have a pleasant time visiting the townspeople yesterday?” Sofia asked as she washed your hair.
You smiled and nodded, remembering how handsome Sirius had looked upon his white horse. He was a complete cliché, “I did, we left for the village so early that I didn’t want to wake you,” you apologised, “I wish you could have seen it Sofia, it was so beautiful and they were so nice,” you remembered the little girl, Amelia fondly.
“You were always so good at talking and connecting with the people as I recall, I always admired that about you.”
Sofia’s words were sweet but you sighed and fiddled with a rose petal, “my father taught me when I was a little girl.”
Sofia squeezed your shoulder, “I remember, you even managed to charm my Aunt and we all know what a battle-axe she is,” she giggled, making you smile, “but you can’t blame Sirius for the fact that you’re not the Queen, you never wanted it. You need to warm to him, he’s handsome and kind, and I’m certain that he’s got no bodies in his cellar. He’s only ever welcomed us; you’re lucky Y/N.
“I know,” you muttered, bringing your legs up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them before you turned around to look at your dear friend, “I promise that I’ll find you a good man who you will love and in return he will love you.”
Sofia’s eyes teared up as her olive skin deepened with a flush, “thank you, Your Highness.”
You and Sofia both peeked round the doorframe of the study to see Remus looking at Sirius with a worried look on his face while Sirius dragged a hand through his tangled hair and pressed his fingers against his temples. Sirius had asked you if you would meet him in his study after dinner, he had some news for you and you hoped that it wasn’t anything bad. You and Sofia exchanged worried glances as you swallowed and knocked against the doorframe.
“Sirius?” you called softly, not wanting to startle him.
Sirius rubbed a hand down his face as he looked up and smiled weakly at you worry was etched into his handsome face, “Y/N,” he looked at Remus, biting his lip, “Remus can you and Lady Sofia give us a moment?” at Sirius’ request you looked at Sofia who nodded with a flush on her face.
“Of course,” Remus smiled kindly as he offered Sofia his arm and he escorted her down the corridor, you hoped that Remus would show her around the gardens. The Earl of Warwick was a nice man.
You turned to look at Sirius who looked like he was about to cry and your heart melted just a little bit as you went to him and sat opposite him, placing a gentle hand on his arm, “what happened? What’s wrong?”
Sirius smiled at you but you could see how tired he was, “King James wrote to me, there’s news of trouble brewing in the North of England, it could just be rumours,” he sighed, “or something a lot worse. James wants Remus, Peter and I to meet secretly and discuss it before he goes to his council. He trusts us more than anyone on that damned council; this will be so much easier when we’re all at court.”
“Okay,” you wondered why he was telling you this and you were struck with hope, he respected you enough to tell you his troubles and that was certainly a start.
“I want you to meet with us; we all agree that a Princess of the Castile, a daughter of a Warrior King and Queen would be very beneficial. We will make your voice heard, we’ll have to meet as soon as possible,” he smiled and you felt a floaty feeling in your chest.
He would talk to the King’s council on your behalf because you both knew that they wouldn’t listen to you. He wanted your input, he cared about what you had to say and in that moment, that was everything to you, “thank you Sirius, you don’t know how much that means to me,” you beamed and in that moment you knew that Sofia was right. You were lucky, despite your circumstances.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​ @siriuslyjanhvi​ @pregnant-piggy​ @lindatreb​ @mabelle-cherie​ @hxrgreeves​ @britishspidey​ @mads-bri​ @classicrocketqueen​ @sxtansqueen​ @hufflepuffzutara​ @missmulti​ @bruxa0007
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Part 9
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 10
A/N: Oh man guys. I thought last part was tough and emotional but this part just fucked me up. I think this was the most emotional thing I have written so far and have made myself very sad almost to the point of crying just thinking about it. Hang in there with me guys. I apologize in advance for what you are about to read. As always thank you so much for your support. I love you all 💕
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: Angst; miscarriage
Angel slowly came to as the sun shined through the curtains and into his eyes. It took him a moment to come back to reality. He slept hard and quite frankly better than he had in forever even with the heavy emotions of the night before.
He dreamed of you, holding him. You were tangled together in bed, kind of like you had been when he fell asleep, and you were just holding him and he you. He caressed your hand smiling as he traced the silver wedding band around your finger. His gaze then wandered down to your very round belly, pregnant with his kid and his hand traveled down to rest against it, the child inside kicking against his touch. There was a creaking of a door that caught his attention causing him to look up. At the foot of the bed were three beautiful children giggling and smiling as they jumped into bed with you, their parents. You laughed and it was infectious surrounded by the similar ones of your children. He looked over to you smiling up at him, the kids now snuggled around the both of you and he leaned down capturing your lips with his soaking in the simple moment with his family.
He dreamed that he hadn’t driven you away. He dreamed of the life he could have had if he had made so many different choices, if he had only made the right ones, if fate had been less cruel.
His heart sank realizing it was only a dream as he became more aware of the here and now. He was laying on his stomach with the comforting pressure of your body on top of his, the side of your face nuzzled against his back. He could feel your chest rise and fall on top of him as you slept soundly. He didn’t want to disturb you but he had to get up, to try to clear his head before you woke.
Lifting himself very carefully and twisting a bit he took your arm in his, unwrapping it from his torso and slipped off the side of the bed out from under you. Once he was free he watched you, holding his breath as you snuggled into his pillow and releasing it once he knew you were still fast asleep.
Relieved that he had not woken you he couldn’t take his eyes off you and stared just a while longer. Your features were so relaxed, eyes gently closed, mouth slightly agape, your hair falling into your face. Reaching out he pushed it away, his finger lingering on your forehead just a little too long as the longing for what could have been tugged at his heart.
He should have proposed that day, or hell any day after that. He had the ring, had everything planned out, but no, he got scared, he chickened out afraid of the change, afraid that the dynamic between the two of you would change. Why? He didn’t really fucking know. He should have proposed, then maybe just maybe things would be different.
And then that horrible night came really changing everything in the worst way possible. After that he couldn’t do it, all the two of you could see was your pain and your loss.
He should have never started working with the rebels. He wished he had never met Adelita, no he wished he had never fallen for her. She was just so different, so strong and passionate about her cause he got sucked into it all, got sucked into her, thankful for the escape from his crushing reality. And because of that, because of his mistakes he lost sight of what he had waiting for him. He lost sight of you, and he took advantage of your love, of your loyalty.
But he was broken and so were you. Angel doesn’t do well with feeling helpless and he had never felt so helpless in his life before that. He couldn’t help you, he couldn’t fix your pain let alone his own. He started working with the rebels as a way to take some form of control back into his life, to help his club and to have a purpose. It wasn’t fair but coming home was painful and the longer he stayed away the easier it became to ignore it all.
Shaking his hair out he took one last look at you before slipping away and into the bathroom. He closed the door quietly behind him before bending over and picking up your discarded clothes from the night before that you must have been too tired to deal with. Tossing them into the hamper beside the counter he situated himself in front of the sink as he felt his breath become ragged with all the emotions.
Looking at himself in the mirror he rubbed his tired face. Running his hands through his hair then he attempted to tame the mess it had become in his sleep before slapping his face a few times to alert himself more. The tattoos of your initials and the tiny white heartbeat ink that came many years later across his ribs under his left peck caught his attention pulling him into his thoughts again.
It was a surprise for you, the initials, a spontaneous decision. It had only been a few months since the two of you had confessed your love for each other and he was head over heels. It was one of the very first things he had inked upon his skin in such delicate and beautiful handwriting. He’d remember the shock and smile on your face after he revealed it to you forever. It was his way of showing you his love and dedication to you, his promise to you.
A promise he inevitably broke.
Snapping himself out of it before he got lost in them so deep he couldn’t escape he finished his business before stepping out of the bathroom cautiously moving across the room so as not to disturb you. Picking his clothes up he pulled on his jeans and threw on his shirt before sneaking out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him and buttoning it up as he made his way to your kitchen.
You were always so organized it was no surprise to him that that had not changed. He found the ingredients he was looking for to whip up breakfast for you easily. Cracking a few eggs into a bowl with milk, vanilla, and cinnamon he began whisking the mixture together with ease. He may not have been as skilled as you in the kitchen but strawberry french toast was his specialty, the comfort food of yours he always made after a rough day or if you were down. He first made it after that asshole Johnny broke your heart in high school, then when your boss promoted your dick of a coworker instead of you who worked your ass off deserving it more than him, followed by the passing of your nana, and the very last time being after the miscarriage.
In Angel’s mind that was the beginning of your relationship’s downfall. The beginning of the end.
You awoke yourself to find the bed vacant of Angel’s warmth. You slept well, better than you had in a long time, still even though you were physically well rested emotionally you were drained. To be honest you were a little disappointed to wake to an empty bed but you couldn’t expect him to hang around. It wasn’t fair to him when you didn’t even know what it was you really wanted.
Yawning as you scratched the back of your head you walked out of your room in search of some caffeine. The sweet smell wafted out of your kitchen as you heard the sizzling of the fry pan. Stepping into the kitchen Angel’s back was to you as he flipped the bacon over. You leaned against the doorframe watching him with a smile, the pang in your heart was there with memories from your past, but the gesture still filled you with love. It was his way of showing you he was there for you when the pain was too consuming for words.
Placing the bacon onto the plates already filled with the french toast, he topped the dish off with a few more strawberries and some powdered sugar after he turned the burner off. He could feel your gaze on his back, had heard your steps as you made your way towards him. He could pick you out from a group of people just by the little noises you made that he had become accustomed to throughout the years. Gathering his composure he turned around, plates in hands, to face you.
“Good morning,” he said taking the plates to your small table and placing them down, “How’d you sleep?”
You pulled the chair out sitting down in front of the plate of food, your stomach grumbling at the sight, “I slept well. What about you?”
“Me too,” he replied, pouring you a cup of coffee each before settling across from you, “How are you feeling?”
“How are you feeling?” You shot the question back at him. Obviously you both already knew the answers, knowing the pain of the other so well as if it were your own and in a way it was.
“Right.” Angel hated this. The awkward small talk, the pain that consumed the both of you, and mostly the rocky ground your relationship was on. Everything was so complicated, your ties to each other long and twisted. He didn’t know how to be around you, a million thoughts and emotions ran through him whenever you were near.
You looked down at your plate wanting to take a bite but getting stuck in the heartache, “The last time you made these was,” you paused taking a shaky breath.
The pregnancy wasn’t planned, still Angel was so elated when you showed him that positive pregnancy test. He immediately grabbed your face in his hands brushing the tears off your cheeks, a smile shining across his. “Why the hell are you crying mi dulce?” He had said pulling you to look him in the eyes, “This is amazing! I’m going to be a dad!” He had said almost in disbelief. He had never been happier or so sure of something in his whole life. If Angel’s purpose was just to be one thing in life it was to be a father. He immediately kissed you pulling you down on top of him across your bed. He was so happy, his excitement melting away all your worries. You were terrified to tell him, worried he wasn’t ready, scared of what bringing a child into your lives would look like, but Angel was quick to vanquish all those fears of yours. Soon you were both in love with the idea, ready to be parents to your perfect little one.
And all too soon your lives were turned upside down once more with the loss.
No one knew outside you and Angel, not even Felipe or EZ. The loss and pain was yours alone, just another thing tightening your hold on one another’s lives.
“Was,” your voice broke. It never got easier with time and being here with him after everything else was just too much.
Reaching over he placed his hand on top of yours, “I know.” You looked up at him, a stray tear rolling down your cheek. His own eyes pooled with tears as he looked into yours.
“I’m sorry,” you sniffled, taking your free hand to wipe the moisture off your cheek, glancing away before his own sorrow looking back at you broke you.
“Would you please fucking stop that?” He begged. You had nothing to be sorry for. He hated seeing you like this.
“What?” You asked, meeting his eyes again getting lost in them.
“Apologizing for shit you don’t need to.”
Flipping your hand under his you entwined your fingers with his squeezing, “You don’t know how much guilt I carry Angel,” you whimpered, “I know I wasn’t the only one hurting. I just couldn’t see past my own suffering. I retreated into myself leaving you alone and I’m sorry for that.” There was no point in trying to fight the tears. You knew you just had to sit in the pain of the picked at wound from your past or it would claw its way at you the rest of the day.
“You’re doing it again, querida.”
“Do you ever think about what they would have been like? Who’d they look like more? If it was a boy or a girl?” You asked, ignoring his comment, “Do you ever think about them?”
“All the damn time.” He said honestly. It was true there wasn’t a moment he didn’t think about it. To this day he still carried the small sonogram photo in his wallet, “I can still hear the little heartbeat when it’s quiet.” Angel didn’t spend much time sitting in silence, it was too painful. He much preferred keeping himself busy in any way possible but when he did it was always haunting him.
He remembered making up some lame excuse to slip out of work for your first appointment. He had never been so excited and nervous at the same time in his life. It was a miracle he didn’t get pulled over with how fast he was going so he wouldn’t be late. The minute he pulled up and saw your smiling face looking back at him waiting outside of the hospital all the nerves left his body.
Squeezing your hand tightly he couldn’t take his eyes off the monitor as the doctor pointed out all the parts of the baby, your baby. He couldn’t stop the tears falling down his cheeks and he didn’t want to. There it was before him, the love between the two of you coming together to form a beautiful new life. He was in awe as he watched the little thing on the screen. And then the thumping that followed shortly after just took his breath away. He could listen to that heartbeat forever. He didn’t think it was possible to love you any more than he had until that moment. The speed in which your child stole his heart was incredible. He was overwhelmed with love as he broke his trance to look at you.
You watched him the whole time reading his face as every emotion passed through him. You cried with him the minute you saw his tears and the heartbeat was music to your ears. The room was quiet aside from the beating from the monitor but you didn’t need to say anything. Your eyes were enough to express everything you were feeling to the other. Leaning over you Angel pressed his forehead against yours, your hands still entwined. You felt his tears drop onto your cheeks mixing with your own as he let out a joyful sob. Wrapping your arms around each other you held the other, the only two people in the room as far as you were concerned. The doctor stepped away to give you two a moment alone.
“There’s really a little us in there,” Angel croaked out, voice just above a whisper, “The perfect little mix of you and me, mi amor.” Being here and seeing it with his own eyes, hearing it, made it all so much more real.
You nodded not trusting your own voice in the moment.
“I love you so much,” he confessed, cupping your face pulling back just enough so he could look in your eyes, “I’m gonna take care of our family, take care of you. Thank you,” he gulped taking a shaky breath, “For making me a Pops. Fuck, I love you so fucking much.”
You chuckled through your sobs at his curing, “I love you too Angel, always.” You pulled him down to you, your lips meeting in a salty kiss from all the mix of your tears.
It was just two weeks after that that all your dreams of becoming a family shattered. You woke in the middle of the night in intense pain grabbing for Angel. He quickly turned on the lamp beside the bed. You had pulled the blankets off yourself and that when he saw it, the blood. He had seen plenty of blood in his life but this was different and there was so much. Both of you knew that there was no hope but you couldn’t say it. His heart broke and he had never been so scared in his life as he rushed you to the hospital never leaving your side. He doesn’t remember hearing the doctor actually say it, he just remembers your cries, remembers holding you tight as you mourned together.
That shit broke you, him, and the relationship you built together.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, “Does it ever end? All the pain and shit we’ve been through. Haven’t we suffered enough?” Surly there had to be some sort of limit to the amount of pain one should have to endure in their lives. The two of you had to be getting close to that point.
“I don’t know, you would think so,” he replied running his thumb across the back of your hand as he blinked a tear off his dark lashes. Certainly you had suffered enough but he didn’t feel that he had. He deserved the pain for everything he had put you through. He wished so badly he could take all of yours for you, to free you of it once and for all. He would do anything for you.
“Now the foods gonna be cold,” you regarded looking at your plate of untouched food changing the topic, “Sorry. I ruined a perfectly good breakfast.”
“What the hell have I been saying?” He brought your hand up to his lips, his beard scratching comfortingly as he kissed the back of your hand before letting it go and grabbing his fork while wiping his eyes.
“Sorry,” you said once more before catching yourself letting out a half hearted laugh as you wiped your own tears away, him chuckling with you. You cut a piece of your toast scooping it into your mouth and savoring the taste even if it was cold, “Seriously Angel. Thank you for this and just being here.”
“Anything for you, mi amor. I know I fucked up but I will always be here for you.” He vowed to you. “I love you, (Y/N).” He always had and would forever.
“I love you too, Angel.” It was the truth. You would always love him too but sometimes that just wasn’t enough.
The two of you finished your meal in silence. You insisted on cleaning up but Angel was stubborn and helped anyways. Handing him the last plate he slipped it into the cupboard closing the door gently. Leaning back against the counter he gripped the edge as he watched you pour the last of the coffee into two to go tumblers.
“I need to get ready and then I can give you a ride to work if you want.” You remembered him telling you his bike was getting worked on and knew he’d have to be going in soon.
“That’d be great. Thank you.” He said. He watched as you made your way out of the kitchen and to your room shutting the door behind you. Mugs in hand he wandered out to your living room and made himself comfortable onto the dark suede sofa. He tapped on the ceramic as he waited looking at the well decorated room. You had really made this place into a home.
You got dressed quickly opting on no makeup besides some concealer to disguise the bags under your eyes. It would be a miracle if you didn’t cry again at least some time today. Slipping your tennis shoes on you took one last look in the mirror throwing your hair up and out of your face. You had told Felipe you would help him this afternoon and he insisted you take the day off. At the time you didn’t know why but after the events of last night now you knew. Still you needed to keep yourself busy today or you would most certainly drown so you were going to be going in regardless.
You exited your room to find Angel staring down at the two mugs in his hands. He looked up when he heard the door and gave you a half smile standing up and passing you your coffee.
“You ready?” He asked you, “If you need me to, I can call Bish, stay here with you.” He at least wanted to put the option out on the table. He wanted to offer you whatever it was you needed, to do anything to help ease the blow.
“That won’t be necessary,” you said. You needed to get out of the small home and away from Angel for just a while, everything being too painful right now. “I’m gonna help out Felipe today. I just need to keep busy, you know?”
“Yeah, I know,” he nodded. He followed you towards the door where you picked up your purse off the ground and your keys off the table by the entryway where Angel had left them. Heading out the door he turned the lights off behind him and waited as you locked up.
The two of you entered your vehicle spending the drive to the clubhouse in silence aside from the faint music from the radio playing through the speakers.
Perfect Tag List: @jadert15 @joalsglasses @chibsytelford @lover1307 @mrsamaroevans @expir3d-l0v3 @dearsamcrobae
Everything Tag List: @jad3djay @fairygardenss @carlaangel86 @briannab1234 @starrynite7114 @agirllovespasta @howaboutash @gemini0410 @naytraydr @knowles-morgan
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littlemoonchildbear · 4 years
I’m Losing Him – Hvitserk X OC
Author’s note: If you find something Grammarly wrong or have any advice to help me improve my writing just tell me and I’ll do my best to make it better. I would be really happy if you leave a comment saying what you think is good and/or what I could change, cause I’m not very confident with this work. If someone likes it I intend to cointinue this work and make more 1 or 2 parts. Hope someone enjoys it. 😊
Summary: Revna has always been there for Ivar, but after he became crazy, she just tried to live her life with her lover Hvitserk and had to accept that she lost her little grumpy boy and that he now was a mad king playing God. When Ivar sends Hvitserk to make an alliance with Earl Olaf, and people in Kattegat start rebelling against him, Ivar assumes he can’t trust anyone and decide to get rid of his enemies starting with the person was one so close to him.
Words: 2194
Warnings: lightly insinuations of sex
Gif’s credits: @honestsycrets​
My name is Revna. My mother was a childhood friend of Aslaug, but I never met my father because my mom always said that he wasn’t worth our attention or love so, I’ve never wasted my time thinking about him.
My mother died in one of the raids she went with the king Ragnar and many other warriors, so Aslaug welcomed me in their home and made sure that I was treated as her own daughter. The boys could even consider me a sister.
In the war between Ivar and Lagertha, I stayed beside Ivar, my little grumpy boy, it was impossible to forgive her after killing the woman I considered my second mother in a so coward away.
Although I was on Ivar’s side and understood his anger toward Lagertha, now it looked like he forgot why he wanted her dead. It was like he forgot his mother’s death and decided to play God, and that I could never accept.
So, after Ivar became obsessed and crazy, I left him and tried to ignore his existence. After so many years, Hvitserk and I finally confessed our feelings for each other and now we were living together as husband and wife, even if we didn’t make a proper ceremony. However, Hvitserk and I didn’t care if we didn’t have one, we were finally together and it was enough.
Today he came home with a very interesting little statue of a smiley fat man. He was so excited about telling me the new things he learned with the owner of that statue that I couldn’t help but fix my eyes on his happy face and listen to his philosophical words.
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“Everything is One, and only the One is. Life is a bridge, build no house upon it. It’s a river, but don’t cling to its banks. You’re on a journey.” he said with his eyes set of the smiley little man.
When he realized I was quiet he turned his head to me.
“So, this weird old man told you all that?” I asked
“And many other things I’ve already forgotten.”
I couldn’t hold the light laugh that escaped my mouth. I leaned my head on one of my hands and with the other I caressed his hair, face, and started playing with his little goatee.
“Perhaps it’s all a joke.” he said looking down “Floki would have said so.”
“Many people said he was a joke as well…yet he was one of the best and wisest men I’ve ever known.”
“Well, I don’t know about a man, but I know of a very special woman that is as much wise as him… maybe even more…” he said coming closer and closer to me
“Do I know this… so special woman that dazzles your mind?” I said trying to be seductive
“I think so. She is my wife, but much more than that she is the fiercest shieldmaiden Midgard has ever known.” he kissed my forehead “The most intelligent human being around the world.” he kissed my nose “She’s like a Goddess and I still don’t understand what she saw in a mere mortal like me…” he leaned his forehead against mine closing his eyes.
“Maybe because she doesn’t see herself like nothing more than just a woman that besides being aware of your very pretty face…” I said rubbing our noses “She knows you have a great heart… maybe the best among all the man…” I raised his head making him look in my eyes “I don’t care if you’re the king of all Norway, a farmer, a warrior, or a fisherman… I don’t care about your conquests Hvitserk, I love you for who you are, I care for what is in here.” I placed my hand on his naked chest right over his heart
He looked at my hand and then raised his head again with a smile on his mouth.
“You have no idea how good you make me feel… I love you so much…”
I just smiled even wider and turned again to the little statue before he could kiss me.
“What do you think that means?”
“What that man told you. Do you think is a journey to where?”
He just shrugged his shoulders.
“He told me I can go talk to him again. That he would enlighten me.”
I just sighed and laid my head in my hands looking at the little Buddha before I started speaking again.
“Well… you can think about it tomorrow because for tonight I thought we could start trying for a baby…” I said like I wanted nothing
He turned his head to face me quickly.
“Are you serious?” he said disbelieved
“Of course.”
He didn’t waste any second and started kissing me, but before I could deepen it and get on top of him, he stopped and moved away from my lips. He turned the Buddha to face the wall. I couldn’t help but giggle. Couldn’t exist a more perfect man than him.
“Where were we again?”
Sorry Buddha, but no sex for you.
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 The next night, Hvitserk and I were in the Great Hall. It was announced that the great God and King Ivar the Boneless had something very important to say to his people… could you feel the irony in my words? No? Well, now you know my opinion about this.
Ivar was definitely hallucinating. He wasn’t the innocent boy I knew… he clearly was so afraid of losing his throne that couldn’t trust anyone, not even his own family. And I was afraid of what he was capable of doing to make sure no one stayed on his way.
When people started shouting his and Odin’s names, I decided I had seen enough.
“Let’s get out of here.” I whispered in Hvitserk’s ear and holding his arm we left the room. I couldn’t ignore the sensation of a certain gaze burning on my nape.
   In the morning, I was awakened in a peculiar way. I felt something brushing on my calf. If it happened a little time ago, I would have just kick whoever was trying to take advantage of me and pull my dagger from under my pillow to kill them. But, considering my actual situation, I knew whose lips were those. I just waited for him to come closer. I felt him crawl above me like a snake leaving more kisses while he passed every part of my body.
When he reached my shoulder, I turned my body to face him. Before he said something, I kissed him properly.
“I still can’t determine if you are relentless for me or if you are impatient to put a child on me.” I crossed my arms behind his neck putting him even closer.
“Can’t I be both?” he said smirking
“You are so a naughty boy…” I whispered near his lips
“I’m your naughty boy…” he said coming back to kiss me
“I’m afraid…” I whispered
“Of what?” his lips didn’t leave my neck
“Ivar… I’m afraid of what he is capable to do… of what he can do to you…”
“You don’t need to worry about that. We will just get out of his way and live our life.”
“I think we should leave Kattegat… before he thinks in bloody ways of getting us out of his sight.”
“I don’t think we need to get worried now, he never saw me as a threat. Everybody has seen me as a puppy that would follow my powerful brothers. Ivar and Ubbe are the real wolves.”
“For me, you are the best of them. The best son of Ragnar and the best wolf…”
I saw a big smile grow on his face before he started kissing me slowly.
“Promise you will think about it.”
“I promise, now… let your little wolf satisfy his hunger.” he said his final words focusing on his mission of putting a child on me.
   In the middle of the night, I heard something. Something scraping on the ground. Someone was in our home and by the sounds, I could imagine who it was…
However, by any doubts, I slowly took my hand under my pillow. I realized Hvitserk was aware of what was happening too. Then, faking that he would embrace me strongly, I put the dagger on his hand under the pillow and when he felt his side of the bed go down, he acted quickly aiming the dagger on the person’s neck.
As I thought, it was Ivar.
“Sorry to startle you.” he said smiling “But, I’ve been thinking about you, my dear brother.”
He spoke as I wasn’t there.
“What have you been thinking?” said Hvitserk
“I have been thinking… that you can make yourself more useful to me. It concerns me that you have no proper role here. That you live an empty and idle life. After all, you are my brother and I love you.”
I let out a mockery laugh. He stopped smiling but didn’t turn his attention to me. It was like he believed if he ignored me, he could make me disappear.
“So how could I make myself useful?”
“You could leave Kattegat. Go on a diplomatic trip to the Great Hall of King Olaf the Stout, and cement our alliance, help him prepare for our springtime attacks on York and Wessex.”
“And if I refuse? I don’t’ want to leave Kattegat.” he said it putting his hand on my covered womb.
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That was the first time in the night Ivar looked at me.
“I’m afraid you cannot refuse.” he adjusted his body on the bed “I realize you two are together after all…or is this just a remembering of your younger years?” Ivar provoked but I wouldn’t take the bait, I wouldn’t lose my control.
“We are husband and wife now, King Ivar.” I said ironic “We are building our own family.” I finalized meeting Hvitserk’s hand above my womb letting a little smile escape.
“This is good Hvitserk.” he totally ignored me “Then it would be a pity if I had to burn her alive.”
In a blink of an eye, Hvitserk was with the dagger on Ivar’s neck again ready to kill him at any second.
“You wouldn’t do that, brother…” he whispered “Now, would you?”
Ivar just chuckled and scratched his forehead.
“No. No, I wouldn’t. Not if you agree to leave Kattegat first thing in the morning. Humm?”
I saw my husband turning from confident to uncertain. But I was sure of what he had to do.
“If you allow King Ivar, I’ll have a word with my husband and you’ll have your answer as soon as the sun appears on the horizon.”
   After Ivar left, I had a long argument with Hvitserk. I knew he was worried about me, about the baby that I might be carrying… but it was better that way.
“Do you think it will work? Do you think doing what he wants will keep us safe?” he asked me
“I don’t know, but I know that making him angry is not the solution.”
Hvitserk huffed and turned his gaze to the ceiling. I knew there was another thing bothering him.
“My love” I called touching his chest “I’m just showing you my opinion and one solution… it doesn’t mean you have to do it… I’m not Ubbe…” I knew how he felt about the situation between them, how Ubbe would say something and he would just follow without having a say. I wasn’t like that, I wanted to share our thoughts and together we would find the answer “I think you should go, do as Ivar requested and when you come back, we should just move from Kattegat… maybe live in the woods like Helga and Floki…”
He stayed a few more moments quiet thinking while I did random patterns with my fingers on his chest.
“I think is a good idea…” he started “But, I don’t want to leave the people of Kattegat in his power, at least not with him crazy like this…”
“So, what do you have in mind?”
“I should go talk to Olaf… but I won’t ask him to join Ivar but Bjorn and Ubbe…”
“And leave Kattegat to Lagertha?” I said furrowing my brows
“I don’t think she’s going to rule for so long, she’s getting old… and Harald wants the throne too.”
I rested my head above his heart.
“I just wanted her dead and Bjorn suffering like I did… like Ivar is doing… I feel that as time passes, I’m losing him more and more… I’m afraid I will never have my grumpy boy back…”
“Let just leave this to the Gods… do you agree with my decision?”
I turned my eyes to him.
“After all of this can we live in a cabin in the middle of the woods?”
“Of course, everything for you two…” he said embracing me even more
“Be careful Hvitserk… I need you… we do…”
“I will. You must be careful too…”
He touched my belly where was supposed to be growing our child and we tried to sleep after so much that happened.
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
things you never knew: three
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I kept writing and writing, and here we are with 5000 something words. The story is definitely starting a little slow, so many secrets and questions popping up, but I promise, things are going to pick up soon.
If you guys ever want to discuss the story, please feel free! I love questions! <3 
I also added new characters on the characters post, please check it out!
Also, requests are still open if you would like to make a request! 
Thank you all for the recent follows and likes, I really appreciate all the love!
TYNK: Characters one : two
Request list
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic​​ : @ifoundmyhappythought​​ : @carlaangel86​​ : @marvelmaree​​ : @woahitslucyylu​​ : @encounterthepast​​ : @enamoured-x​​ : @whyisgmora​​ : @briana-mishell24​​ : @bribri-82​​ : @briannab1234​​ : @chibsytelford​​ : @agirllovespasta​​ : @twistnet​​ : @everyhowlmarksthedead​​ : @trulysuccubus​​ : @jadert15​​ : @sammskellington​​ : @cind-in-real-life​​ : @mheart27​​ : @claytoncardenasbabymama​​ : @sadeyesgf​​ : @thickemadame​​ : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass​​ : @gemini0410​​ : @robbosugdens​​ : @elcococruz​​ : @samcrobae​​ : @sesamepancakes​ : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle​ 
If you would like to be added to this specific tag list or everything tag list, let me know! <3
Also, credit to original GIF creator!
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“Please Theo, I just want to go home.” Ailee sobbed, as she held her stomach, on her knees, head against the concrete. 
“You have no home.” Theo spat out venomously. “How can you be the best at Maquina if you’re going to long for home? Personal relationships exhibit weakness, they give your enemies a target.” He looked at the four men that surrounded Ailee. “Again.” 
The four men approached Ailee one at a time, Ailee was able to defend herself, and take a few down. That was until there were multiple people who attacked her, then Ailee was back on her knees, holding her stomach once again. She coughed, blood coming out of her mouth, her whole body was aching.
“This is your home till I see fit, till you’re prepared to be the best in Maquina.” Theo stated. “Who do you want to go back to? Angel Reyes?” Theo chuckled, shaking his head. “He is a waste of space my darling sister, you have no future in Santo Padre with him. You have romanticized this life with the Reyes’, but let’s be honest, you don’t fit in that life. You belong to this world, to keep the balance of power as your uncle fondly tells you.” Theo scoffed. “We can take over the world Ailee, we can have the governments of this world pleading to have us on their side, to have us manufacturing weapons of mass destruction for them. Do you not want that for me? For me to be able to bring back honor to my family’s name?”
Ailee did want to help her older brother out, but this was insane. She wasn’t cut out of this, she didn’t want to be a monster. 
“What did I tell you?” 
Ailee remained mum, not saying anything to Theo. She didn’t want to be here. This was the last place she wanted to be. She was only supposed to be here for a few weeks, but when she arrived, Theo took her passport and her cell phone. She couldn’t even contact John and Vince and it frightened her, but she didn’t let it show. Theo pounced on fear, and she tried her best to not be afraid.
“What did I tell you?!” He yelled out, hitting her with the stick he held in his hand. She fell to the ground, her forearm holding her up as best as she could.
“Fear is a concept for the weak. You have to face your fears in order to become the best.” She repeated his mantra in a monotone voice, three months of pain and suffering sinking in. She terribly missed Angel. Her saving grace, her fucking Angel. Whenever she thought about killing herself, ending this miserable life, she thought of Angel. His stupid jokes. His stupid smile. His warmth. The way he would hold her whenever she had a hard day at the academy. The way he would tell her that everything was going to be okay when a thunderstorm frightened her. The way he would make silly faces at her while she was eating dinner with his family, her family.
She fucking missed him.
He was the light at the end of her tunnel. 
If she focused on that, she could survive this fucking hell. 
“I’ve done everything I can for you since we were children, Grace. I’ve always taken care of you, made sure you were okay, read you bedtime stories, it was all me. When you were here, you were free from the scrutiny and hardships your parents put you through. All I’m asking is for you to give this training your all, to beat John and Vince.” Theo squatted down in front of her, lifting her chin up. He slapped her, blood spurting out of her mouth. She couldn’t even cry, the tears only further aggravated him. “I’m doing this because I love you.” He took his phone out, a live-stream of Angel at the scrapyard was on his screen. “You don’t play by my rules and I’ll kill him. See, as I’ve said, personal relationships are a cause of weakness.”
Ailee felt her tears welling up again. She looked down, taking a deep breath. She stood up, and looked up at the four men before her. Theo saw the way her face hardened, smirking at the victory he achieved.
Creeper watched Ailee as she unloaded her SUV. He heard the grand opening was in three days and he wanted to check on his younger cousin. He’s given her space since her release from jail, but like Angel said, she was an adult, she had to handle adult conversations. But somehow he knew that wasn’t the issue. 
“Are you just going to stand there or are you at least going to help me?” Ailee’s question broke him out of his trance, giving her a sheepish smile. 
“I got you.” He took off his gloves, picking up a box from her trunk. Walking inside, he was surprised to see a few people inside working, they looked at him, greeting him so uniformly it was creepy. 
Ailee walked in behind him, raising an eyebrow as to why Creeper stopped.
“Creep, why the hell are you blocking the way?” Ailee questioned.
“Didn’t know where to bring it.” He turned to her. 
“Counter.” She nodded her head forward.
They both placed the boxes on the counter and went back outside. Ailee sat at the trunk of her car, watching her cousin slightly pace in front of her. Creeper was her cousin from her father’s side. His mother was Jin and William’s half sister. She was the middle child in between them. They got on well and Creeper has been a part of her life since she was younger. Truth be told, he was one of the few members of her dad’s side she was fond of. He was a good dude and was loyal to a tee. He was always so kind to her. Whenever she would get in trouble with her parents, she would sneak over to his house which was just a house over and let him distract her with stupid shit he would do.
He also taught her how to box to release pent up aggression she had. Ailee was taught to keep her feelings to herself, to not show your emotions as it was a sign of weakness. Due to this, when she would become angry, frustrated, sad, whatever negative emotion, she was never truly able to show it. Instead of letting her brood, he would take her out, taking Angel along and letting her box. Sure, maybe him and Angel were punching bags along with other people at the gym, but Ailee needed it. 
“How are you?” Creeper questioned. 
“Good, just busy with setting up the shop. How are you?” Ailee began to slouch, and she immediately corrected her posture, feeling the smack of the stick one of her trainers used to carry around whenever she would slouch. 
“Slouching is a sign of laziness, improper posture is not allowed for an agent of your caliber. Fix it, it will help you in life later on considering all the injuries you have sustained.” 
Prim and proper, that’s how they were supposed to be. Always clean shaven, hair tied in a ponytail, no messiness. It was a dress code, which was comical to Ailee, but she figured there had to be a code somewhere.  
“We have a run tomorrow. I just wanted to check on you. I know we’re far from forgiven, but you have to know that we tried to see you multiple times.”
Ailee’s eyebrows furrowed. She kept hearing that, they tried to see her yet it never happened. “I doubt that. Felipe saw me, so did Jin and Theo.”
“Theo? Your psycho half brother?” 
Ailee nodded her head tensely, recalling how her brother visited her a few times and remembering how uncomfortable and irritating it was. He wasn’t allowed on American soil, yet, he risked it to see her. It was idiotic and there were so many times she wished he was caught. For some reason, he was always evading the authorities. He was only on their radar if he stepped foot on US soil, he technically didn’t have a warrant on him since he hasn’t done anything to catch people’s attention. Selling weapons to lowly Eastern European countries didn’t really alarm government officials. Who didn’t sell weapons to militant groups? When he starts having bigger clients then that’s when the problem arises. But with him seemingly using a rebel group too close to the border, that’s when things changed. Rebel groups against the cartel were unpredictable, their loyalty was fluid, much like the governing governments of the world. If you fit their purpose, then they were loyal to you. 
“Yes, and before you ask, I don’t know how he got to American soil, he just did.” Ailee shrugged. “Look, I think we can all just move on, whether or not you attempted to visit me or not, it’s no longer my concern. I’ll stand clear from you all and you stand clear from me.”
“You know we can’t do that, Angel wouldn’t agree to that.” Creeper knew how much Angel was itching to confront Ailee. From what he heard, he already did and he met her boyfriend, Alexander. He was almost sure that information was incorrect and Angel was just being dramatic. Any man around Ailee was not accepted by Angel. 
“Well tough shit, Angel doesn’t really have a choice does he?” Ailee scoffed. “It’s my only request primo, please respect it.” She knew this was an awful request, but she could keep tabs on the Mayans without actually being involved with them. There was too much history and hurt to actually work with them. Ailee wasn’t willing to face that demon, facing that would cause things to resurface she long buried.
“Angel isn’t going to give up on you. It’s been five years, that’s enough time to get past grievances.” Creeper knew it wasn’t but Ailee blocked them off, how could she be angry at that?
“Let me ask you something, if you took the fall for the MC and they never visited you, would you welcome them with open arms?”
“Of course, there must have been a reason why they didn’t and we did try to visit you, you shut us down.”
“I didn’t have a ‘no-visit’ list. If those other people were able to visit me, then how were you not able to do so?”
“I don’t know Lee! You fucking tell me!” Creeper was frustrated. It was like going around in circles with Ailee. “We tried, we really did, but you made it very apparent that you didn’t want to speak to us.”
“Look, there’s no point in arguing about things. Like I’ve said, let's all move on.”
“Lee, you were never this heartless. I get it, you’re upset because you feel like we’ve abandoned you, but I can guarantee you we didn’t. We’re family.” Creeper knew Ailee could hold a grudge, but this was different. She couldn’t hold this against them all. 
“Family is such a strange concept. One abandoned me and the other uses me as a weapon to serve a purpose that is a joke to be honest.” Ailee scoffed. “Look, again, my stance is quite firm. Let’s all be cordial, but otherwise, I want nothing to do with any of you.” 
Before Creeper could reply, a voice interrupted them.
“Heads up.” 
He looked to where the voice came from and it was Alex, Ailee’s childhood friend. What surprised him was the little girl, five years old at most running towards Ailee. He watched as Ailee jumped out of the car and opened her arms for the young girl.
“Baby!” Ailee kissed her cheek, lifting her up. “This is Tio Creeper, this is my daughter, Melody.”
Creeper tried his best for his mouth not to drop open, the shock of being introduced to Ailee’s daughter shook him. The little girl looked just like Ailee, but she didn’t have Ailee’s hazel eyes, she had brown eyes, much like Angel. He couldn’t believe this, Ailee couldn’t have had a child while she was in jail. Money talked, he knew that, but he doubted that Ailee would have a kid with Alexander while she was in jail. 
Nothing was making sense. 
He noticed the hearing aid then, eyeing Melody curiously. “She can hear?”
“Yes, of course she can. She’s just more comfortable with signing still because she thinks her voice is weird.” Ailee kissed the implant on her baby’s forehead. “She’s fine. Baby, come on, say hello, Tio Creeper would love to hear your voice.”
“Hello,” Creeper did note that her voice didn’t sound normal, but she was adorable. She hid her face at the crook of Ailee’s neck. 
Creeper noticed Alexander appear behind Ailee, the little girl reaching for him. 
“I got you babe,” he picked her up, kissing Ailee at the top of her head. “Creep, nice to see you.”
“You too man, didn’t know you were allowed outside of Europe.” He knew the business the Leon’s had. Regardless of their real estate venture, cocaine still made their world go around. 
“Helps to be attached to this one.” He nodded his head towards Ailee. “I’ll leave you two.”
“It’s fine, Creeper was just leaving.” 
“Does Angel know you have a daughter?” Creeper knew those brown eyes anywhere, he’s been brothers with the man for years and known him before that due to Ailee. 
“Why would he need to know?” Ailee gave him a look, but he could tell that she wasn’t comfortable, that being back in Santo Padre was biting her on the ass.
No one could hide anything in Santo Padre, especially not from the Mayans.
“Well for one, that kid looks like Angel.” 
“She isn’t Angel’s kid, she’s my kid.” Ailee countered. “Why does she have to be Angel’s kid if she’s my kid?”
“So she isn’t your actual kid?” Creeper was beyond confused. He had a hunch that Ailee was never inside, it was all but confirmed for him. Jin would never have let Ailee remain in jail. Hell, her brothers would have never let her remain in jail. How could he be so naive to think they would do so? He knew Ailee was upset, but there was no way she would have them in a ‘no-visit’ list.
“That’s none of your business. She’s my child. There are plenty of people with brown eyes primo, stay away, this is your only warning.” Ailee took her child inside, Alexander following after her. 
He had to do some digging, but he was going to need some help. Taking his phone out from inside his kute, he dialed the number that he knew could help him.
“You busy?” 
Melody looked nothing like Alex. She was Angel’s kid and he was going to get to the bottom of this.
Olivia walked out of her apartment, frowning when she saw Kevin across the street. She unlocked her car and watched as Kevin walked over to her. 
“EZ hasn’t been answering my calls.” Kevin informed her.
“And this concerns me why?”
“Don’t be difficult Liv, he needs to check in with me, you know this.” Kevin sighed. “I’m still trying to figure out how you managed to get this deal for him.”
“I know people.” Olivia shrugged. Kevin was such a lowly agent, he could never know of the existence of Maquina. Hell, only high ranking officers knew of their existence and even then, it was a hand selected few who knew of their existence. A shadow organization that helped the balance of power in various regions of the world.
“You must know high ranking people.” Kevin always tried to pry on what Olivia did for a living. He knew she headed an IT department for some company, but Olivia always kept him within arms length. Much like EZ, he’s known Olivia too yet, she was very hesitant to be alone with him. “Who do you know?”
“Doesn’t matter Kevin, if you nail Galindo, it’s beneficial for your career and keeps EZ away from jail.” She placed her things inside her car, turning to face Kevin. “I don’t see why there is a need for you to know who my connections are.”
“What happens to EZ when he serves his purpose?”
“Whatever he wants.” Olivia didn’t understand his question. EZ could do whatever he wants. “He could just tell the MC that this wasn’t the life for him and go from there.”
“You’re not worried he’s going to go back to Emily?” Kevin knew that Olivia had feelings for EZ. Only EZ didn’t seem to know she had feelings for him. 
“That’s none of my concern. EZ is a big boy, he can do whatever he pleases.” Olivia slammed the door to the back passenger. 
“After everything you’ve done for him, don’t you want him to at least return the favor?”
“Kevin, I didn’t do this so EZ could pay me back. He’s my best friend, I’m glad I was able to,” she sighed. “I want to help him. He can get his second chance in life, he’s far too brilliant to rot in prison.”
“Just tell him to call me.”
“Sure will.”
She watched as Kevin made his way back to his vehicle. She slid in her car, locking it immediately out of habit. She’s had a few close calls and would rather be safe. 
Olivia wasn’t going to lie. She wondered if EZ would go back to Emily once Miguel was in jail. He most likely would.
His first love.
Love of his life.
Olivia chuckled, shaking her head. She gave those hopes long ago. She deserved better than waiting for someone who would never see her. 
“Once this is done, you should come back to Spain.” She recalled Jin telling her. “Your talent is wasting away in Santo Padre. Ezekiel will be safe and can start over, you’ve given up so much for Ezekiel. It’s time to move on.”
Jin was right. It was time for Olivia to move on. She deserved a happy ending as well.
And maybe it was with Nathan, Alexander’s younger brother.
Olivia parked behind Carniceria Reyes, turning her car off and sliding out. She wanted to stop by before she spent the rest of her day at the coffee shop.
She knew EZ would be there.
And like she predicted, he was there with his father. 
“Mija, you’re here.” Felipe fondly greeted her.
“Hey pops.” Felipe refused to acknowledge her whenever she called him Mr. Reyes. He said they were family and she agreed. Her real family was basically non-existent. The family that she recognized 
“Hey Liv,” EZ greeted Olivia, giving her a quick hug. 
“Kevin came to see me.” 
EZ frowned. “Why?”
“You’ve been ignoring him, he wanted you to call him.”
Before EZ could reply, he heard a motorcycle making its way down. He watched as Angel stopped in front of the Carniceria.
“I’m going to tell Kevin to stop approaching you.” EZ didn’t feel comfortable involving Olivia in this whole ordeal. He told Kevin time and time again that his point of contact with him would be his father, not Oliva. He knew of the crush that Kevin harbored for Olivia ever since they were children, but Olivia was off-limits, Kevin knew that, he made sure of it. 
“EZ, it’s fine, he just wanted to make sure things were okay.”
“Let me rephrase that, I don’t want him talking to you. He’s putting you in danger.”
“Be reasonable, he’s hardly doing that.” Olivia wanted to tell him that her life was always on the line. That whenever she went to Europe, it might have been the last time she would see EZ when she visited him. Sure, she wasn’t a field agent, but the work she did for Maquina was immensely valuable. Taking her out of the picture would greatly blind Maquina.
Felipe had to hold back a chuckle as he saw how bent over Ezekiel was about Kevin approaching Olivia. Whenever they would have family parties and Olivia attended, Kevin was always far away since Ezekiel did not like how much Kevin tried to impress her. Olivia never seemed to mind Kevin’s presence, which further irritated Ezekiel.
“He’s staying away from you, that’s that.” EZ walked out to meet with Angel. 
Olivia looked at Felipe and sighed. “I’ll just go and say hi to Angel.” She walked out, Angel whistling as she did. 
“Knew there was a reason God wanted me to come to the carniceria.” Their flirty banter was always fun, but Olivia knew it was nothing, hell it was nothing to her and everyone knew who Angel belonged to.  
“Shut up Angel.” EZ put on his helmet. 
Olivia laughed. “Keep your brother safe.”
“Yes mom,” Angel winked at her. “You know I got him.” 
“You coming to give me a hug?” EZ opened his arms. 
Olivia shook her head and hugged him. She loved hugging EZ. It always brought her comfort when she was young and there was no difference now. When she first picked him up from prison, it was such a satisfying feeling. She hugged him tightly and he ended up sleeping over her place that night, catching him up on all the pop culture things that she could do in one night. Ever since then, EZ slept over often and they would just watch endless television shows. 
Currently they were watching Stranger Things, almost caught up with the series. 
“Be safe.” She kissed his cheek.
“Of course, we have to finish Stranger Things.” He smirked. 
She watched as the two brothers drove away. Looking across the street, she saw Alexander outside, shaking his head. The smirk on his face made her chuckle. Alexander was the older brother she never wanted, but she was truly glad to have him in her life. Crossing the street, she made her way towards Alexander, shaking her head. 
“Knew you couldn’t stay away.” 
“You know me, wherever she goes, I go.” Alexander shrugged. “Nathaniel will be disappointed to know you’re around Ezekiel again.”
“Nathaniel isn’t my boyfriend and even if he always understood my relationship with EZ.” Olivia walked in the cafe, a smile immediately spreading across her face. “Melly!” She fondly called out to Melody,
Melody turned around, smiling as her eyes landed on Auntie Olivia. She ran up to her and Olivia caught her, lifting her up in her arms. “Look at you, you’re so big now.” She kissed her cheek. “Mommy is going to be so much nicer now cause you’re here.”
“Haha,” Ailee shook her head. “Liv, did you get the tickets for the Safari Park?”
“Yes, I emailed them to Sierra last night.” Olivia was pretty sure she did, especially since Ailee wouldn’t stop bothering her about it.
“Sierra did get it and I emailed it to both of these difficult people.” Sierra Ayala, Alexander’s assistant and right hand woman replied as she walked towards them. “If you two actually checked your emails, this wouldn’t be an issue.” 
“You’re the best Sierra.” Ailee bowed to her. “We’re all going right?”
“Yes, I figured it would be nice to give everyone a break.” Olivia placed Melody back on the ground. “We can get an AirBNB there and enjoy a few days off after the opening?” 
“Sure, that sounds like a plan.” Alexander agreed. “Sierra, mind booking it for us?”
“It’s what you pay me for.” Sierra teased. “Would you mind if I skip out? I have friends and family in Los Angeles I would like to visit.”
“Sierra, why didn’t you say so? Alexander can handle his vices for the next week. Take the time off, spend time with family.” Ailee suggested. “I can have one of the trainees tend to Alex’s needs.”
Sierra looked apprehensive with Ailee’s suggestion. She’s been on vacation before, but the longest she had been away from Alex was about a week and half before she came back. She was antsy. Alexander was an adult and could handle himself, but she also knew how disorganized Alex was, how terrible he was at checking his calendar. Even though she got a temp while she was gone, she knew how unbearable Alex could be. 
“I see that look, I’ll be fine.” Alex promised her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I know I seem helpless, but I promise I’m not. How much trouble can I get with going to the zoo?” 
Ailee, Olivia and Sierra gave Alexander a look. Alexander rolled his eyes and took Melody. “Come on Melly, we’re not appreciated here.” He walked away, leaving the three women laughing. 
“Is everything in place for Alexander to take over or is Nathaniel and Victor making noise?” Ailee questioned Sierra as they all took a seat around the table.
Sierra placed a tablet in front of Ailee. “Nathaniel doesn’t care much for the illegal side of the business, he however wants to manage the real estate side. Victor, well, you know he has his own business.”
“Matchmaking is hardly a business.” Olivia chuckled. 
“It’s working for him.” Sierra shrugged. “Alexander is poised to take over, but Nathaniel switches his mind every once in a while. Though, it doesn’t seem that their father would hand the business to Nate anyway.” 
“Why, Nate is competent enough.” Olivia had a soft spot for Nate. He was her first boyfriend, the man who made her see a life away from EZ, but they broke up a year ago since Olivia didn’t want to make the move to Spain as he had been requesting.
“Nate also acts on impulse and is not very business minded. He doesn’t think of the long run and thinks of the short run.” Ailee knew that handing Nate the business wouldn’t benefit the Leon’s especially since he wanted to break ties with Maquina, believing they were limiting their potential. “And he wouldn’t keep the relationship with Maquina, which, you know, to each their own.”
“He thinks that they would be fine without Maquina’s protection.” Sierra confirmed Ailee’s words.
“Without our protection, they would be indicted.” Olivia frowned. She knew Nate always just thought that everything was so simple and Olivia couldn’t blame him. Everything was handed to him, whatever he wanted, his parents gave to him. He thought that they were untouchable, that this deal was for Maquina’s benefit, but that was hardly ever the case. 
Maquina swept in before a government agency could indict a certain crime organization, offer them immunity and the ability to continue their operations with no government interference, as long as they remained the most powerful organization in their area, keeping the balance of power and unabling any other organization to take over. It seemed simple, but it was complex. 
It didn’t always work out.
There were eastern european countries that had too many players in the game to truly fully control it, but Maquina had some strongholds in Poland and Romania. Otherwise, every other country was still free for all.
Maquina’s purpose was so fluid. On one hand they were used to assassinate government officials to install a new power. Then other times, they were implanted to empower rebel groups to overthrow out of control regimes. There truly was no black and white in this world, it was whoever benefited who. 
But the Leon’s had a stronghold in West Germany, Spain, and Italy for the last thirty years. With Alexander taking over, they expected for it to continue, even if they were trying to become legit, which was a hoax. 
No one ever went “legit”. Illegal work was always so much more beneficial. 
Creeper parked his motorcycle under the shaded area of the yard, right beside his Hank’s motorcycle. His eyes landed on Vince, as he ate chips atop the picnic table. He knew that Vince was in town as well, which was never a good thing. Two Maquina agents in one place was far too many. It meant that they were implementing a program here, which meant that something or someone has piqued their interest. 
“Creep, this is a sudden phone call.” Vince finished off his chips, crumpling it and making it in the trashcan a few feet away from the picnic table. 
“Something isn’t adding up.” Creeper didn’t want to beat around the bush. Ailee was his younger cousin that he always protected. It killed him to not be able to see her while she faced this jail sentence. He didn’t know how to help her and all he wanted to do was just that. 
“Numbers wise? I don’t do book keeping, you know this.” Vince knew why Creeper called him over. Maybe he was laying devil’s advocate, but he didn’t give a fuck. It was time the Mayans found out what was going on. He was never onboard about keeping them in the dark about Ailee, especially not Angel. 
“Your sister seems haunted.”
“She was in jail for five years.” 
“You know what I mean, that’s not jail.” Creeper sat beside Vince. “Come on, we were all close once. It killed me knowing she was in there. She was the little sister I never had. Be truthful with me, you know you could trust me.”
Vince sighed. He retrieved the folder he was sitting on, handing it over to Creeper. “All the information you want, you need, is in that folder. John and I figured that it would be best for us to be as honest as possible.” John thought it was best to set up life for Ailee after Maquina. Once they took care of Theo, both brothers wanted her away from Maquina. What better place to stay than her safe haven?
“She has a kid?” Creeper questioned.
“Melody is here?” Vince was surprised that his niece was in town, but he figured Alex brought her along. Melody only could be apart from her mother for so long. 
“Is she Angel’s?”
“No, Ailee adopted her from an orphanage in Europe.” Vince explained. He understood Creeper’s confusion, the kid did look like a mixture of Ailee and Angel. But as far as he knew, the kid was adopted. Ailee brought Melody home one day, explaining she was from an orphanage in Spain. “Not Reyes’ kid.”
Creeper eyed him, but ultimately chose to move on. 
“Your sister wasn’t in jail was she?”
“I’ll be back with John later tonight, might want to share that with your brethren.” Vince got off the table, making his way over to his car.
“We have a run later.”
“Tomorrow then.” 
“Vince, why is Maquina setting shop in Santo Padre?”
Vince chuckled. “Why else would we set up shop? There’s a threat that has to be controlled.”
“We have bigger cartel’s to worry about before we worry about the Galindo cartel.”
“Who is it?”
“We don’t know yet, but we’ll keep you all updated.” Vince unlocked his car.
Creeper watched as Vince’s car disappeared, sighing. He opened the folder and his hunched was confirmed. Ailee’s release date stated December 14, 2014. Closing the folder, he made his way inside the clubhouse.
“She was never in jail.” Creeper threw the folder down at the table where Angel, Bishop and Taza were sitting. 
“The fuck you mean?” Angel questioned. 
“Vince dropped off all those records right now. You guys saw him.” Creeper sat beside Angel. “She was in jail for that initial two weeks, but otherwise, no other fucking records.”
“That’s fucking impossible.” Bishop had to play charade. He knew Ailee wasn’t in jail, he didn’t make a deal with her uncle for no reason. “Your father saw her.”
“That was during her first two weeks.” Angel looked at the records and she was booked in the jail, her release date was what fucked him up. “It says her release date was December 14, 2014.” 
“Exactly. Ailee was arrested around Thanksgiving when we had that run to Vegas. She was released two weeks later.” Creeper knew something was off. Ailee didn’t even look like she had a hair touched on her head. She looked hardened as if she was in jail, but it wasn’t for survival. 
“Jin most likely bailed her out, using his connections.” Creeper, Taza, Hank and Bishop knew what Maquina was, the rest of the members didn’t, not even Angel. They knew that Jin was a powerful man, but they just had their guesses as to why he was so powerful. Creeper knew of Maquina, the details, not as much, but he knew not to fuck with them. They could make anyone disappear. One call, and it was done.  
“She made a deal.” Angel looked through the paperwork in front of him. It was her release forms. “Jin bailed her out, this is his signature.”
“Well if she made a deal, what could it possibly be?”
It dawned on Angel that whatever business Ailee’s family was involved in, it wasn’t exactly safe. He remembered when they were younger, how Ailee was always in physical activities that involved fighting. Her parents were very adamant that she learned how to defend herself, get good grades and not interact with many people. She was always in her books, books that kids her age at that time shouldn’t be reading. Angel always thought that her parents were strict and rarely let their kids have any fun. Ailee was a very affectionate child, but she was always rejected by her parents. The only time she could enjoy any affection or praise were from his own parents. It was weird how his parents seemed to understand Ailee’s hardship along with her brothers. 
Ailee always said that she didn’t want to get in the family business, it cost your soul, she had told him. But it seemed like that’s what happened.
“It’s her soul. She exchanged her soul for freedom.”
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imagineredwood · 5 years
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Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8   Part 9       Part 10    Part 11  Part 12   Part 13   Part 14  Part 15  Part 16   Part 17  Part 18   Part 19  Part 20  Part 21   Part 22  Part 23  Part 24   Part 25  Part 26
Pairing: EZ Reyes x Camila (OC)
Warnings: Cursing, Cam is pissed, EZ is scared 
Word count: 5.5k 
Gif Credit: @angels-reyes​ 
***Wheew bitch, this is the longest chapter yet. Twelve whole pages. My fingers couldn’t stop 😂 Y’all wanted a Cam that wasn’t too soft and you got her ***
“En serio?” – Seriously?
“Perdoname, mija. Lo siento.” – Forgive me, mija. I’m sorry.
“Trouble in paradise?”
EZ looked up from his cup of black coffee to find Coco to his left, taking a seat beside him at the bar. EZ looked back down and nodded gently.
“Yeah. You could say that.”
Coco nodded himself, offering a piece of advice.
“I know this shit with Adelita and the Galindos is fuckin’ with you. I get that, but don’t let it fuck up your future.”
EZ looked back over as he heard his words. It sounded like something Felipe would say. He probably had said it already. EZ chuckled sadly.
“I think it’s a little too late for that.”
Coco’s brows knitted in both confusion and concern.
“What, she broke it off last night?”
The prospect shook his head quickly, not even wanting the possibility to be acknowledged and god forbid spoken out into existence.
“No, no. She’s just hurt. She doesn’t believe that there’s nothing going on with Emily.”
“And she’s right.”
At that, EZ looked over at the Mayan who simply shrugged, his eyes locked on EZ’s.
“She’s not wrong. She doesn’t believe that you’re telling the truth because you’re not. She doesn’t believe that there’s nothing going on because there is. You threw yourself first in line to hold that kid, rockin’ him and shit. Telling Adelita that she needed to make it right. That ain’t your kid, EZ. That ain’t your kid, and Emily ain’t your girl. You have a new girl. Focus on that one. Take care of that one, before she ain’t yours anymore either.”
Coco said nothing else and gave a lingering look before he stood up from his chair and walked away. EZ looked back down at his mug and heaved a heavy sigh. He lifted the mug, gulping down what was left of the already cold coffee and stood himself, walking out of the clubhouse and going outside. He found Angel there on the phone, quickly typing into the device. Seeing him coming, Angel quickly finished up the text and tucked his phone away. Due to the current situation, EZ couldn’t help but wince as he thought about how many times Cam must’ve seen him do that. As he got closer, EZ pointed at where Angel had put his phone.
“Who you talking to?”
He rolled his shoulders and gave a playful half-smile, trying to test the waters and see if Angel was still disappointed in him. Angel’s refusal to return the smile helped EZ figure out the answer to that one. Instead of smiling, Angel leaned back against the table, eying his baby brother.
EZ’s smile fell quickly.
“Does she need anything?”
Angel popped the ‘p’ and pulled out his carton of cigarettes, taking one out. EZ simply stared at him and realized that he wasn’t going to offer anything else.
“Is she ok?”
Lighting the tip of the cigarette, Angel took a drag and pulled it away from his lips, blowing out the smoke into the sky as he answered.
EZ rolled his eyes and pushed at Angel’s shoulder.
“Cut it out. What’s going on?”
At that, Angel’s eyes turned angry and he quickly stood from the table, glaring down at EZ.
“Are you fuckin’ serious? What’s going on? You’re the one fucking up the best thing that’s happened to you in the last decade and you’re asking me what’s going on?”
EZ stayed quiet and took the scolding, which was easy, considering Angel kept going.
“You talk all this shit about how you’re so happy and she’s perfect and you’re glad you found someone to love you the way that she does and then you turn around and shit on it because you can’t stop kissing Emily’s ass? You’re really prepared to let that bitch fuck up what you have with Cam?”
EZ’s shoulder’s squared as Angel called Emily out of her name.
“Don’t talk about her like that.”
There was a moment of complete silence as Angel looked down at his brother. He wasn’t sure what emotion he was feeling more of. There was anger, there was disbelief, there was disappointment, but most of all there was resignation. Here Cam was, texting Angel to see if he wanted to come by and help her garden to get her mind off of the distress EZ was causing, while EZ was getting defensive and protective over the women who had taken away his chance fatherhood. Angel’s mouth opened and closed, so many things wanting to pour from his lips. So many ways he wanted to beat his brother, so many insults he wanted to deliver, but his disbelief had him speechless. Closing his mouth, he simply shook his head with a humorless laugh.
“Our whole lives, everyone always liked you better because you were the smart one. You were the one with the brains, that thought everything out, that had the intelligence to take him anywhere. Mom and dad thought you were their smartest creation and yet look at you,”
Angel motioned to EZ with a scoff and a disappointed shake of his head, looking his up and down as he finished his thought.
“Dumb as fuck with no clue how to appreciate those that love you.”
Angel left it at that and placed his cigarette in his mouth once again, walking away from his brother. EZ stood in place, eyes angry and mouth tight, but he couldn’t say anything. He had caught it from both Angel and Coco within minutes of each other and he knew that they had spoken amongst themselves about what had happened at the meet. About EZ taking Cristobal and holding him, about his anger at Adelita. He knew his actions were a topic of discussion and even if Camila didn’t know, they as a couple were now in drama. Even if Camila didn’t know, Angel, Gilly, and Coco had sympathy for her and her situation. The thought twisted his stomach and he caught up with Angel who was almost back into the clubhouse. He placed his hand on Angel’s shoulder, who promptly shook it off.
“Adelita needs to give Cristobal back.”
Angel simply chuckled and faced forward again but EZ grabbed his shoulder once more, much more forcefully this time and spun him around to face him.
“I mean it, Angel. I didn’t ask to get brought into this shit. You dragged me into your little rat side project and that’s what started this whole mess. Emily wants my help because your rebel queen stole her child. She’s a mom that wants to protect her baby and she wanted my help because she had nowhere else to turn. I can’t just stand around while an innocent child is used as a fucking pawn in a game of power and greed. Trust me, Camila would understand if I told her that I was helping a worried mother find her abducted son. Camila wouldn’t be feeling the way that she is. She would understand, but she doesn’t because I can’t tell her the fucking truth. You forced me into this shit, and you need to help me make it right. I’m not going to lose Camila because of this. I won’t.”
EZ’s chest was heaving by the time he finished, his nostrils flared in anger as he stared down his brother. Angel looked him over, his shoulders slowly dropping. EZ may not have said it, but Angel knew what he was implying.
Fix it, before I fix it myself.
Angel knew that EZ was at his wit's end and he wouldn’t put it past him to accidentally sabotage this whole thing in a last-ditch effort to save his relationship. Angel could see that EZ was giving him time to fix things before he simply came clean to Camila, club business secrets be damned. With a deep sigh, Angel nodded.
“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll talk to her. See if she can hurry up and get the ball rolling with whatever plan this is that she has going on. I’ll push it.”
EZ relaxed his shoulders some and tried to relax his face. He removed his hand from Angel and sighed.
“I’m not trying to be difficult, but it isn’t supposed to be going down like this.”
With a nod, Angel gave a sigh of his own.
“I know. She doesn’t run this shit by me before she does it. We just go along with it because, in the end, it will be good for the club.”
EZ nodded, staying quiet about his doubts.
“I hope so.”
At that, Angel flicked the butt of his cigarette and spoke out loud.
“We’ll get this fixed. We will.”
Looking back over at EZ, he instructed him.
“I can’t believe I’m even telling you to do this but call Emily and tell her that you need to meet her tonight. When you do, tell her that she needs to stop calling and asking you for shit. You check her on your side, I’ll handle Adelita on my side. That way we can get this shit settled. But make sure that she understands EZ. You made her feel like she can count on you. That was your fuck up, not mine. I can’t save you again.”
The younger brother nodded quickly, understanding. They had both been foolish in their complacency and now someone that they both cared for was caught in the middle. EZ owed it to Cam to get this fixed and even if Angel didn’t say it out loud, EZ knew he felt like he owed it to her too. They both nodded in a final agreement and Angel entered the clubhouse while EZ stayed outside and pulled out his phone, hoping that this was the last time he would have to call Emily.
“Look how big it’s gotten.”
Angel followed Camila’s finger to the plot he had planted those months ago, now bright and flourishing. The leaves were supple and healthy, and he looked back at Cam who still sat on the bench with a smile.
“It’s big because you’ve been taking care of it.”
With a shrug, Camila argued.
“Maybe, but Abuela always said that the love you first use to plant it is what will keep it healthy, and that was you.”
At that, Angel smiled softly. Looking over at Camila, his voice was quiet.
“I would’ve loved to meet her.”
Camila’s smile stayed in place, but she looked down at her lap while she nodded. She gave a light laugh and her eyes were shining with tears as she looked back up.
“She would’ve loved to meet you too, Angel.”
Angel hesitated for a moment but spit it out anyway.
“Tell me about her.”
Camila’s smile grew even more, and she turned to face Angel just a little.
“She was amazing. I know there’s no such thing as perfect, but she was as close I’ve ever found. She was loving and warm and kind. She took care of everyone. She always made sure everyone had food, that they had a home. She was my Abuela, but she was like the neighborhood Abuela too. Everyone loved her.”
Camila paused for a moment and Angel couldn’t help but smile himself.
“She loved me. Like, really loved me. I always felt most loved when I was with her. Being with her was always my safe place. My parents were…difficult. Not very affectionate or loving period, really. They argued all the time, over petty shit. They always looked for a reason to be mad at each other, so they didn’t have to talk. I can’t really remember a time where they ever really seemed in love. Any love and affection that I got as a kid was from Abuela. I would try but they always said I was too clingy. That it was annoying how I always wanted to hug or hold hands or cuddle. Abuela would hold me forever though.”
Camila laughed again, more to herself, as she remembered being 18 and still being held the same way from when she was 5. Shaking off the nostalgia, Camila looked back at Angel who had a look of both sympathy and pride in his eyes. Leaning over, he rested his shoulder against hers.
“And I’m sure that if she was still here, she’d be holding you now too. She turned you into one hell of a woman.”
Camila’s smile was ear to ear, and she leaned herself into Angel’s shoulder as well.
“Thanks, Angel.”
He leaned down and kissed the top of her head like he always did before pulling back. There was silence for a while then, both of them just listening to the birds, feeling the breeze on their skin. They enjoyed the company and Camila felt bad ruining it, but she felt she had to ask.
“Hey, Angel?”
The Mayan looked back over at her, tilting his head and giving her his attention.
She hesitated, Angel could see it, but he didn’t want to push her. He figured it was something else she wanted to tell him about her parents or Abuela. Her question caught him completely off guard.
“Is EZ cheating with Emily?”
Angel’s eyes went wide, and he just looked at her, her eyes searching his deeply.
“I know he’s your brother and you want to protect him, but I trust you and I just want to know- “
“He’s not. I swear.”
Camila stayed looked at him as he further assured her.
“He’s faithful, Cam. This club shit just has everyone scattered and getting pushed into corners they don’t want to be in but we’re working on it. He’s going about it the wrong way, I know, but I promise. He isn’t having an affair.”
Angel’s eyes were true, no shifting or darting and Camila nodded slowly. Angel didn’t have any reason to lie. What would he get out of covering for EZ? Taking his word for it, she relented and sighed.
“I just don’t like how he’s always talking to her. And how he hides it. Why does he have to hide everything? I’m not stupid. I know there’s shit with the club that I shouldn’t know and isn’t my business but keeping up with an ex is just…”
Camila trailed off and Angel stayed quiet. To be honest there really wasn’t much for him to say. Both he and Camila were on the same page there. EZ had made it his business. He didn’t have to answer Emily’s calls or agree to meet up. That was a choice that he made on his own and he couldn’t blame the club or Angel for that. Looking back at Angel, Camila’s curiosity got the best of her.
“Do you think he’ll tell the truth? Not even only about what’s up with her but like what you do?”
Angel hesitated then. He wasn’t sure what to say. It really wasn’t his place to answer. He wasn’t sure where EZ’s head was at and he wasn’t sure how EZ was going to handle everything. He felt that EZ would keep as much secret as possible to shield her from it, but it was becoming more and more obvious that the lies had an expiration date, and it was coming up fast. She knew EZ was keeping secrets about what was happening, and she knew he was keeping secrets about what they did as an MC. Choosing his words, Angel just gave her honesty.
“I don’t know. I think he’ll tell you when he’s ready.”
Camila stayed looking at him and Angel did the same. Camila knew that EZ could keep a secret for as long as he wanted. She knew that for a fact because she had been let in on the KJ one, one that Angel was still oblivious to. Finally looking away, Camila stood as did Angel and the two said goodbye, a weird vibe coming over as Angel left her home. Camila knew that he was keeping things from her as well, but she couldn’t blame him because he was tied to the same code of club secrecy that EZ was. She understood, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to get dragged into the life of crime, money, and secrets. Not again.  
Feeling as though maybe she had overreacted, she grabbed for her phone and started calling EZ, not even the first sequence of the ringing being completed before he was answering her.
“Hi, Camila.”
She smiled and laughed softly, able to picture him fumbling as he tried to answer the call as quickly as possible.
“Hey, corazón.”
Hearing her voice alone was enough to make him feel better but being able to receive her affection and terms of endearment when he knew he probably didn’t deserve it.
“I was wondering if you wanted to come over. Nothing special. Maybe just some pizza and wings, watch a movie.”
It had been three days now since the confrontation and three days since she had really spent time with him. She missed him, even if her heart was still feeling a little bruised. She wanted to trust him and Angel though, trust that whatever was happening with Emily was just a random wrinkle that needed to be smoothed out before it went away. EZ winced on his end though. He wanted nothing more than to be able to spend time with her, to chill and eat and cuddle and love her like he had been used to doing, but he had made plans to meet Emily at the shop. Angel had spoken to Adelita and Los Olvidados had worked out some type of trade where the Galindos would be getting their son back in the days to come. Now he could finally meet with Emily for the last time and once she told him they were getting Cristóbal back, he could tell her that there wasn’t any reason for their paths to cross again. He could close that chapter once and for all and move on with Camila. He couldn’t tell Cam that though since he had already sworn that he wouldn’t speak to Emily anymore. It was just this one last time, but he didn’t want Camila to have to keep worrying about it. It would all get swept under the rug then and they could start back up where they had left off.
“I can’t come for lunchtime, but I can come around later. Coco and I have to go with Angel to meet with a club friend but once I’m done there, I can meet you at home, ok?”
Camila smiled and agreed, changing the dinner choice.
“Ok, that’s fine. I might cook instead of ordering out since I’ll have time then. Just come home when you can.”
“I’ll see you then. I love you.”
EZ smiled and the boys all mocked him, making kissing noises and poking at him, EZ simply slapping their hands away with a laugh.
Camila’s voice was light, and she said her goodbyes, EZ hanging up only to be swarmed by Angel and Coco once again.
“You owe us, boy scout.”
It was true. Both really had pushed and convinced and negotiated until Adelita had agreed to return Cristobal. What happened after that, EZ didn’t really care. He just wanted things to back to normal and after tonight, they would be.
Standing from the bench and walking away just a bit, EZ called Felipe to verify that it was still ok for them to meet tonight. The old man had been hesitant, feeling as though he was betraying Camila. He loved her, everyone knew that, and he felt bad allowing EZ to use his shop, a place where Camila had always felt safe and comfortable even if it was to settle things once and for all. Felipe had agreed reluctantly, only under the condition that EZ never allow her to jeopardize his life with Camila again. EZ agreed and now that was the final piece to the puzzle.
Camila grabbed the sopes that she had leftover from lunch and packaged them up, placing them gently into her bag along with some tomatoes. Tying a knot at the top, she grabbed the bag and as well as her keys from the counter. She still had about an hour and a half before EZ would get home from being with the boys and she figured she would stop by Felipe’s shop and give him some leftovers before she started dinner. It was cloudy and gloomy as she stepped out, a strong wind blowing the tendrils of hair that hung from her bun around. She squinted against the wind and looked up, the clear beginnings of a storm brewing. Not wanting to get caught in it, she quickly placed the bag into her trunk and got in the car, starting to make the drive to the carniceria.
The streets were empty, no one really wanting to be out in the weather that was coming. She frowned slightly, feeling bad that Angel, Coco, and EZ were going to have to ride in the storm when they were finished. She had the thought to invite them all over later but EZ had said he wanted to spend time alone with her and she wasn’t going to ruin those plans. She cruised along, five below the speed limit, simply enjoying the deserted streets. Before long, she was coming up to the carniceria and saw an escalade parked out in front of the shop. Happy that Felipe was still there, Camila pulled over and parked on the opposite side of the street, hoping it didn’t start raining before she could get back to her car to leave. She hopped out quickly, and went back to her trunk, grabbing the bag and closing the door. She checked both ways across the deserted street out of habit and then crossed, a smile on her face as she saw Felipe through the glass. He was behind the counter and looked to be cleaning up. Likely to close up early and get home before the storm. A flash lit up the sky then, thunder following and shaking the ground. The sudden noise startled her, jostling her focus enough to where she didn’t notice the Harley parked over in front of the escalade. Felipe looked up and saw her coming, his eyes widening. She hadn’t seen him in a couple of days, and she grinned even wider at what she perceived as excitement. She got closer to the door and could see him standing still but her attention was drawn by someone grabbing her elbow firmly.
“I’m sorry ma’am, they’re closed. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.”
Looking over, she saw an unfamiliar man in a suit standing there, an emotionless look on his face as he looked at her. She politely shook off his grip and pointed with her free hand to the door.
“Oh, no. I’m going to see Felipe, here at the carniceria.”
She took a step forward and the man reached for her again, this time Camila avoiding the grab before he could touch her. She pulled open the door and walked in looking backward, speaking out loud to Felipe.
“Hola, Felipe. Perdón, I was just coming to drop off some,”
Camila looked forward then, the sound of something loudly clattering to the floor drawing her attention. Her smile slowly fell from her face as she took in the three sets of wide eyes staring at her. Felipe was in fact cleaning, his wrinkled hands holding the stick of the mop in a vice as he stared at her. Over at the table, stood EZ, his eyes wide as saucers as he stood motionless. The chair he had been sitting was laying on the floor behind him, having fallen over when he had stood so quickly seeing Camila. His shoulders were high and squared, a tension in his body she hadn’t ever witnessed before while his face held a truly terrified look. Last, Camila looked at the other chair at the table, Emily’s eyes just as wide though holding confusion as well.
She stood slowly, her posture straightening from the relaxed slouch it had been in before. Emily visibly swallowed and then shifted her eyes to EZ. Camila did the same thing, her eyes leaving the blonde and settling on the man who had told her that he couldn’t have lunch with her so that he could be with his ex. It felt like a slap in the face as if time had stood still. Everyone looked like statues, starting at Camila silently, not knowing what to say. Camila could feel herself start to tremble, her heartbeat clear in her ears as her pressure rose. Her grip released and the bag dropped down to the floor, falling on its side, the lunch she had put together for Felipe scattering on the tile. Vaguely she could register the sound of the door opening once again, the man from outside coming in as well but it wasn’t of any concern of Camila’s. EZ’s eyes held alarming guilt and his hand slowly raised, his right foot taking a step toward her.
“Stay the fuck away from me.”
EZ stopped immediately, Camila never having spoken to him in that way, sheer venom being spat at him. He swallowed dryly, his eyes glancing down at the food on the floor. Her voice called him back.
“So, this is what you’re doing? All that shit about being done talking to her, that it was over, that I didn’t have anything to worry about. You told me that you couldn’t have lunch with me so you can come and eat lunch with her here? Are you fucking kidding me?”
Camila motioned to the table, two bags of Mc Donald’s and assorted half-eaten foods on the table where they had been sitting. Emily looked from Camila to EZ, back and forth before looking over at Felipe. Camila looked over at Felipe as well then and he winced under her gaze. Her voice was softer when she spoke to him, not ever wanting to disrespect him even in her state of shock and hurt. The hurt was clear both in her eyes and her voice though.
“En serio? You let him do this here?”
The father gulped and shook his head, looking for words but coming up blank.
“Perdoname, mija. Lo siento.”
Camila opened her mouth again then closed it, heavy searing tears welling up in her eyes. She had trusted him, trusted them all, and never in her life had she felt more stupid. She didn’t speak another word and turned around, pushing past the man in the suit and walking out of the shop. EZ quickly followed her, calling out to her. She ignored him and kept walking. She crossed the street, not even bothering to look both ways this time in her anger. EZ called out to her and she ignored him, large drops of rain starting to drop. He caught up to her by her car and grabbed her arm, not expecting her to push him away from her so roughly.
“How fucking dare you? I look after you, I love you, I take care of you, I take care of your brother, of your dad, and this is how you treat me? This is the shit you try to pull on me?”
EZ shook his head furiously, his hands grabbing her wrists and not allowing her to pull away from him.
“It’s not what it looks like, Cam! It’s not.”
She laughed humorlessly, a tear slipping down her cheek as the others gathered in her lashes.
“Yeah, first time I’ve heard that shit.”
“I mean it. I’m not cheating on you.”
“Then why are you here with her? Why did you say you couldn’t spend time with me? Why did you lie about going with Angel?”
Her eyes narrowed then, and her voice was barely above a whisper when she spoke again.
“You were with her. The other day, when you came over so late, left me to eat dinner all by myself. You were with her.”
She was speaking more to herself than she was to him, simply verbalizing the realization. It brought a fresh wave of tears then and she began yanking her arms, furiously trying to get out of his grasp. EZ’s brows were knitted together in anguish, his heart thumping in his chest. He looked over at the shop, Emily walking out and getting into the car with her driver, Felipe standing solemnly in the same place. EZ couldn’t let it keep going. He couldn’t let Camila think he would be unfaithful, he couldn’t let her think that his father or Angel had something to do with it, and he couldn’t let her think that she was stupid for letting them love her. Looking back down at her, he released her arms only to take her face in his hands firmly.
“They took her baby.”
Camila’s struggling dwindled until it ceased altogether. She looked up at him, confusion clear in her gaze.
“Emily. They kidnapped her son.”
Camila’s shoulders settled then, ever the empath as she felt a pang of pain for any mother having their child taken.
“Who did?”
EZ hesitated, taking a deep breath and then heaving it out, realizing that it was all or nothing.
“A group of rebels based out of Mexico. They did it as retaliation.”
Camila shook her head, not understanding.
“Retaliation for what? What did she do?”
Huffing, EZ corrected her.
“Not her. Her husband.”
“Well, what did he do?”
At that EZ hesitated. He wasn’t sure how much truth he wanted to lay on her in one night, but he needed her to understand why he had done things the way that he had.
“He’s done a lot of shit. Bad shit. He’s…his father was the head of the Galindo cartel.”
He paused and took in Camila’s face, the shock, the confusion, the veil of slight understanding, then the confusion came back.
“What does that have to do with you?”
“The MC has a deal with him. We’re partnered.”
“Partnered. With a cartel.”
EZ rubbed the back of his neck and nodded gently.
“We do the footwork, the muscle. The rebels wanted to get back at him so they kidnapped her and the baby. They let her go but kept the kid and she asked me to help find him.”
Camila nodded, the pieces starting to fall into place, the picture becoming a little clearer.
“So you helped her get her son back?”
EZ nodded, not feeling like bringing up the whole Los Olvidados thing at the same time.
“She’ll have him back by tomorrow morning.”
Camila nodded, sighing and shaking her head. Motioning around her, she questioned EZ.
“Why all this? Why the running around and lying? Why couldn’t you just be honest with me?”
Now it was EZ’s turn to be confused.
“How could I just tell you that? That’s heavy shit. I didn’t want to lay it on you.”
“So you rather have me believe that the man that I love is having an affair?”
When she put it that way, he realized that him doing what he thought was best had actually nearly ruined everything. He hung his head, then picked it back up, letting his hands drop from her face. She stayed standing in place.
“I would never cheat on you. I love you way too fucking much. I would never do that to you. You’re everything to me. I want to marry you and have kids with you and start a family and see them running around your garden and the kitchen cooking and reading books and smiling like you. I want you forever. No one is ever going to matter more to me than you. I just…I fucked up. I didn’t show you that. I didn’t make you feel that, and it won’t happen again. I swear to you.”  
EZ’s voice was pleading by the time he finished and Camila wouldn’t have put it passed him to drop to his knees there in the soft rain if that was what it took to get her to see that he meant it. Closing her eyes, she let out a long breath and relaxed her shoulders, sudden exhaustion coming over her. The last 10 minutes of her life had been a true roller coaster and she had had many questions cleared up, while many new ones arose. The one that she cared most about though, was if EZ was being unfaithful, and now that she had the truth, it felt like she could take a nap. She felt emotionally drained and EZ pouted as he looked at her, the exhaustion clear on her features as well. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, speaking to her quietly.
“Let’s go home.”
Shaking her head, Camila pulled away and looked back at the carniceria.
“I can’t. I spilled the food all over Felipe’s floor. I have to go help clean up.”
EZ couldn’t help but laugh softly and smoothed his hands over her dampened hair before kissing her nose.
“Ok. We’ll go clean up and then can we go home?”
Camila nodded, looking up at him with what looked like the beginning of her twinkle coming back. The one EZ hadn’t seen in weeks, extinguished all because of him. He was beyond thankful to see it coming back and he rubbed his thumb along her cheek as she answered.
“Then we can go home.” 
Tag list:  @caramara3   @lostgirl219 @mrsjaxtellerfan   @actuallyazriel   @vannabanana1995   @unnecessarypineapplesstuff  @thegreat-annamaria @negansdirtygirl22 @svintsandghosts @piccasoe @tobesurroundedbysplendidthings @jadert15  @lovejn29 @may114​   @meltingicequeen
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Cold Eyes (Dark Rey x Reader) [Part 3]
Summary: There's a chance for the Resistance to finish the war once and for all. Will they take it?. Part 1. Part 2.
Words: 1,603 (not as long as I expected tbh)
A/N: I suck at making summaries but anyways, here it is. Hope you're enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing it!
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Also gif's not mine, credits to the owner.
"If we do it right their defences will fall, they’ll be vulnerable and all this war will be over soon” Poe spoke confidently, his voice rumbling over the main bridge, carefully watching the attendees for their approval.
“I’m sorry” said a young man “This is never gonna work, they have better ships, stronger weapons but most important they have a whole lot of people, let me remind you we are increasingly few”
“He’s right” yelled another man.
“Yeah, they are so many” shouted, then another voices joined and another, soon there was a mess of people arguing.
“Enough” The General stoop up, the crowd went quiet. “Commander Poe may have a point. Keep going.”
Poe took a deep breath before continuing.
“As I was saying” he turned on a hologram that blinked showing a First Order’s fleet of ships. “We caught a message in the last mission” he stopped “The First Order lost many allies with the fall of the Supreme leader Snoke, and then they disagree with Kylo Ren”
Sitting next to him, you stared at the ships but quivered when you hear that name as you remembered your recent fight, you could still feel Rey’s hand wrapping around your neck, her strong arm rising you from the ground.
“As far as we know, they have at least three Destructors already in their way, and also these are the last ones they have” explained Poe
“So if we take them down, they’re done” you exclaimed “Where are they going then?” you asked
“They have fixed course… to Jakku” Finn told you.
The people started to murmur to each others, confused you looked at the General and she only looked at the ground.
“General Organa” Said a woman dressed in a pilot suit. “We are concerned” Leia looked at her in response. “I heard some soldiers talking, about what happened in the mission. They say it was not Ren beneath the helmet but Rey.” A collective gasp filled the room, she kept talking. “Is it true?”
“It is, unfortunately truth” Leia confirmed. “She is now part of the First Order, she’s the new Supreme Leader” every word she said hitted you deep, you were still processing much of the information and still couldn’t believe it, nor how nor why.
“There’s no time for this.” you raised your voices, annoyed by the thing they were saying, you knew Rey and you believed she wouldn’t wanted to stop the Resistance to take a chance just for her. “Yes, she used to be our friend, maybe she still somehow herself behind the woman I saw in the forest, but this is beyond her. We gotta do this now, now that we have the opportunity to end this. Perhaps we could find a way to get her back, she’s just” you though your words. “She’s blind, someone made her blind but she can come back, it’s not late.”
“Y/N is right” Finn agreed. “It’s now or never. We have to do it, this is not gonna stop us” Finn alway knew how to make the people like him without much effort and you thank him for it. The whole room cheered.
“So, what’s the plan Poe?” Finn asked smiling.
You waited in the dark, the engines silenced. The Resistance’s ships already in position, the pilots ready in their own ships, the atmosphere was silence and tense, everyone was just waiting for the signal. You could clearly hear your beating heart in your chest but that was all. Waiting was the plan, yet waiting was killing you.
The strategie was not hard, wait until they arrive, then a group of X-wings would fly around them making them ignite the canyons and then they would direct them to shot each other. Finally a bigger ship would crash on the side of the last destroyer and hopefully they would collide.
Though it wasn’t a very elaborate plan it was risky, didn’t want to have the same results as some missions ago, when the rebel bombers exploited before they arrive for an accident, you feared the plan got ruined, you didn’t wanted to see more of your people dying, they were good people, they deserved to see this war over.
And then, there was Rey. You knew she was going to be there, it was her fleet after all, her plan. Jakku, her only home, the place where she grew up, she stood there for years waiting for her parents. Though she didn’t like it much she never left until BB-8. You have heard her talk about it, the sun, the sand, the long days scabbaging but she never thought of getting back. Why was she coming back now? Why with an army? what was she going to do?.
“She’s here” you suddenly murmured. You felt her, the dark force of her. She was close. Moments later the ships started to appear in the space.
"Alright everybody" said Poe through the communicator when the spaceships stopped appearing "It's time. Group blue, go"
You saw the ships left flying through the window, they approached to the destructors, the X-Wings seem so tiny compared to the black ones from the First Order. Soon the rebels made their way to the destructors and started flying around them, dodging shots from time to time.
"Group green, ready." Said Poe "Now!" He said, his ship leading as they left the bridge. When they arrived they shotted some canyons down and guided them to the opposite ship. TIE ships left the Destructors and chased the rebels.
"Last group, your turn" the engine rumbled as the pilot accelerated the ship you were in. Your body tensed as you left the bridge, your hands ready to pull the trigger. It was your job to destroy the gates so there would be no more First Order’s ships following the rebels. When the moment came you fired your weapon with ease, closing the enters to the platforms.
“Five down, Poe” you told him.
“Great job! We got this”
The crew cheered through the communicator. Everything was going so fast, the ships racing, the guns shooting and the Destructors collapsing. But then the time seem to slow down and the sound rumbling canyons fade away in the distance, the only thing you were able to hear was her voice.
“Y/N” Rey snapped. She called your name again, you heard her voice like if she were inside your mind. You looked around you but there she was nowhere to be seen.
“What..?” you gasped.
“Leave, I order you” She firmly said. “Tell the Resistance to abandon their intents and surrender to me”
“No, we’re not doing it” you declared.
“I feel the fear in you, Y/N. You don’t have to pretend with me. You are afraid the Resistance may fall, and it will.” she paused “And you’re afraid of me”
Your body tensed, you felt her inside your thoughts searching for answers, but not sure what. She scanned your brain in detail, the deeper she went the more it hurted.
“Get out of my head!” you urged. And just like that she was gone. But she stole a very important thing from you. Shivering you whispered “She knows”
“Y/N shot! Now!” Finn’s voice pulled you to reality. It was the very last gate and there were dozens of ships leaving already. You turned your sit in the small place behind the ship and fired just in time to prevent a new weave of ships from coming out.
“Group Alpha, finally” said Poe. Still unsure of the events you spoke to him.
“Poe no”
“Y/N this may be our only shot”
“Stop it” you begged “Listen, Rey spoke to me. I think she knows the plan. This won’t stop her” There was no response.
“Group Alpha, procede” he said. The big transborder flew speedy and crashed slightly on a side of a destructor but hard enough to made it turn and smash against the others at it side.
You heard happy and excited screams through the small piece on your ear, some sobs. What an emotional moment it was, and the chills it gave you. It have worked, the plan worked, nobody had died. It seem oddly easy though, but it was done.
“We won” you heard a woman yelled eliciting a collective cheer.
“Fine, well done everybody. Get back to the base, we gotta celebrate” Shouted Dameron.
Slowly the ships came back to the bigger ship, everybody happy. There where people hugging, others crying, celebrating. You were sinked in a trance not really believing it was over, you have been fighting for so long. You were excited and yet you felt something was wrong. May it was just having Rey in your mind.
“Rey” You shivered and ran to meet General Leia, she was happily chatting with a group of commanders and pilots, but her face fade when her gaze met yours.
“What is it?” she immediately snapped
“It’s Rey. I still feeling her, this isn’t over” you told her before you heard a big explosion. The rebels ran to the closest window and saw a huge ship shooting a powerful blaster directly to Jakku, destroying it in an instant. Your felt goosebumps forming all over your skin and you stood there paralysed by fear.
“The Resistance is so predictable, don’t you think?” You heard Rey’s voice again whispering in your ear. “It was fun distracting you, though”. Her voice disappeared along with her destroying of planets ship, letting you with a knot in the throat and tears already making their way down your cheek. You have failed.
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It’s a Grey Area
A/N: Getting further into last episode. Not gonna lie... I saw it like 2x... It wasn’t great either times. So. Trying to get through it. If some things are off between this and the next couple of chapters, it’s cause I’m going off my memory and basic summaries on the internet. It’s not going to end once we get through the plot of Ep 9 though. There’s still more to explore. So. I said, I was changing some things, but not everything. I am not a medical expert, when I talk about the brain scans, I’m going off what I remember of what certain brain disorders look like. Other than that: “talk” ‘thoughts’  “Force Talk” 
Gif is from @captain-flint of whom i wouldnt remember this entire scene without.
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The next few weeks were hectic. There came word of a spy for the First Order, and they gave damn good information. However, no one knew who it was. They passed on their information through a network of rebel sympathizers.
That’s where Poe currently was, gathering the new intel. Blix was in the middle of training with Ben and Rey. Ben didn’t need too much training, but his skills were being refined. He was learning to use the Force for good. Rey was learning just how powerful she truly was. However, there were some… concentration issues, as Blix soon discovered.
Rey came forward after running the obstacle course, with BB-8 directly behind her looking… rough.
“Oh. No. Uhoh. Um. Maybe I can fix you before Poe comes back,” Blix fretted as she kneeled down and looked him over.
BB angrily beeped at her, saying a tree was dropped on him. “I know honey. I know. Uhh. Oh boy. Poe’s going to kill me.” He beeped. “True. He’ll kill Rey then me.”
There was commotion behind them near the flight deck, and as they turned their attention to it, they saw the Falcon… on fire.
Rey stared at it and Poe and Finn in disbelief as they made their way over to them.
“It’s on fire. The.. the whole thing is on fire,” She began looking at Poe with mild horror. “Han’s ship.”
“What did you do to the droid?” Poe asked staring down at BB with an expression mixed between concern and anger.
“What did you to the Falcon?” Rey threw back, glancing at the 2 annoyed.
“Falcon’s in a lot better shape than he is,” Poe argued gesturing toward BB.
“BB-8’s not on fire-“ Rey began before she was cut off.
“What’s left of him isn’t on fire!” Poe nearly shouted his own look of horror growing as he continued to examine the state of BB.
Finn and Blix glanced at each other; Finn shrugged not wanting to get involved, and Blix was trying to not laugh.
Their arguing continued, and when they thought it was over, BB-8 then felt the need to tell Poe what had happened. That stirred the arguing back up before Poe stormed off in a huff.
“BB. Was that really necessary honey?” Blix lightly admonished him. “C’mon. Let’s go get you fixed up and then go find your dad. Hopefully by then he’ll have settled.”
An hour later after a quick stop in the repair shop, BB-8 was bright and shiny again. “Alright. Let’s go find Poe yeah?”
They took off toward his room, and as they stepped in, they see Poe tiredly running a hand through his curls, exhaustion radiating from him.
BB rushed forward to show himself off. Poe quietly told him he looked great before turning his gaze toward Blix. He beckoned her over with a wave of his hand, and she strolled over to him, a look of concern on her face.
“What’s up honey? What happened?” She quietly asked as she stood between his knees.
“It.. we had to light speed skip.. to get outta there. Ya know… I’ve gone on many missions… but this is one of the rare few times… that I was scared that I wasn’t going to come back… It’s like… the closer we get to finally finishing this war… the more I worry. About… everything,” He quietly confessed as he leaned to rest his head against her stomach.
She gently brushed her fingers through his hair, trying to relax him. “That’s not all that strange honey. It just means, that you are finally seeing the end, and the closer you get to it, the scarier it is. Besides, you’re not allowed to die. Not until we’ve married, had many kids and grow old with each other,” She informed him, pressing a kiss to his unruly curls.
“Is that so? Well. I’ll make sure to not disappoint you,” Poe sadly promised.
“You could never disappoint me. I got to work the Medbay for a couple hours. I’ll come get you for dinner,” She whispered to him before urging him to lay down and rest.
He laid down with a nod and muttered something that sounded like he understood.
Blix made her way to Medbay and began working there. About 30 minutes before her shift was to end, she got a visit from someone she didn’t expect.
“General Leia. What brings you here?” Blix asked concerned.
“I have been having some headaches. Wondered if you could help me figure out what’s wrong?” Leia answered with a heavy sigh.
Blix nodded quickly and led her over to one of the beds, so she could sit or lay down.
“How long have you’ve been experiencing the headaches? Any confusion, lightheadedness, trouble remembering stuff?” She began as she grabbed a device to scan her head.
“Sometime after Crait and yes to all of the above,” She answered.
“You mean… sometime after you were tossed into space and nearly died? That long?” Blix asked alarmed.
Leia nodded once. Blix completed her scans and made her way over to computers to print them out. A few minutes later, she was examining them with a deep frown. She took a deep breath before mentally reaching out to Luke.
“Luke. Get Ben. The both of you need to come to Medbay. Now.”
A few minutes later they both walked in and began to ask her what was going on when they realized Leia was lying on the bed.
Blix led them over to her, and said, “I’m sorry, but… they need to know.”
She sets the scans onto the nearby board, grabbing a seat to begin explaining.
“This is your brain. See the large dark spot? That is inactivity. In most cases that’s not fairly abnormal, but when its almost the entire brain? There’s a problem. From… from the looks of it… your brain is dying. I don’t know if… its because of lack of oxygen from the attack, if you picked up something while exposed to space,” She began to explain.
“What… what do you mean? Can-can it be reversed?” Luke asked stuttering slightly.
“If we had known sooner? Maybe? At this point, it’s not a matter of if but when. I’m so sorry. I-… I don’t know of anything I can do except make you comfortable,” She hesitantly informed.
Ben turned and walked out at that. Luke began to follow after him, but Blix stopped him before he got out the door.
“Luke. Go after him. Do me a favor…. Talk to him like he’s your nephew, not your student. He doesn’t need Master Skywalker. He needs Uncle Luke,” Blix requested with a small frown.
Luke nodded and looked back over to his sister sadly, before exiting.
“I apologize for bringing them in without warning you, but they needed to hear that as well. What… What do you need me to do?” Blix appeased turning back to Leia.
“Honestly. They did need to know. You saved me the trouble of having to tell them later. Can you have Commander Dameron come in please?” Leia asked with a sad smile.
“Of course. Then I’ll give you something for the pain, something light, to at least take away the headache,” She promised before going over to her communicator.
She quickly got ahold of Poe and asked him to come see her. A minute later he walked in, looking slightly disheveled.
“What’s up baby?” He rasped rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
She nodded her head over to Leia, and he quickly made his way over to her. They talked quietly for a few minutes before Leia called Blix over.
“Dr. I wish for you to make a notice and note it my medical charts. I am currently unfit for duty, and as such has appointed Poe Dameron to acting General,” She commanded.
“Yes Ma’am. Lemme get you that medicine real quick too,” Blix noted, quickly giving her some medicine before doing as she requested.
Soon enough the entire base knew that the General Leia was unwell, and that Poe had taken her place. They both escorted Leia back to her room, before returning to Poe’s room. They both plopped down onto his bed with heavy hearts.
“You’re sure there’s… there’s nothing that can be done?” He sniffled.
“Jedi have the ability to heal, but… when the damage is that extreme… It would be giving up a life for a life,” Blix croaked.
She sees out of the corner of her eye, him nodding. His hand slowly reached out and held her own, fingers laced. They both slowly fell back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.
“I… I don’t know how to be a general. I’m barely good at being a commander. What… what the hell am I supposed to do?” Poe questioned softly, shaking his head.
“Leia trusts you. She believes in you. You know the Resistance inside and out. I can’t think of anyone better suited to take over. You can do this baby. I know it,” She encouraged turning on her side to look at him.
“I’m going to make us some sandwiches, and then we should head to bed. We got a busy day tomorrow,” Blix announced as she sat up, and made her way over to the kitchen.
Tomorrow they would be heading to Pasaana, to figure out what happened to the Sith Wayfinder and the man who had it last. They ate dinner silently, and when they went to bed, Poe laid down, resting his head on her chest. They soon feel asleep with sadness in their hearts.
The next day, Poe, Rey, Finn, Chewie, C-3PO, BB-8 and herself were on their way to Pasaana. Ben stayed behind to watch over Leia with Luke.
As they landed and began making their way, following Luke’s steps, they realized that a festival was occurring. 3PO excitedly informed them it was a celebration of their ancestors and that it only occurred every 42 years. As they moved through the crowd, Blix looked over at Poe with a smile.
“What? What’s that look for?” Poe asked trying to squash his annoyance.
“Anyone ever tell you that you look very sexy with a scarf?” She flirted as she moved forward, her grin growing at the dumbfounded look that appeared on his face.
She came up to Rey as they were conversing with a local. She heard them talking about last names, and before Rey could say anything, Blix bounded forward.
“She’s a Kenobi. Adopted. But a Kenobi. C’mon lil sis, we got work to do,” Blix answered before dragging her away with a laugh.
As they made their way back over to the guys, another native walked up to her, and began to speak to her.
3PO began to translate, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but is that man over there your significant other.” And she motioned at Poe.
“Yes. He’s mine,” She answered with a smile.
She then draped a crown of flowers on her head, and then gave her a necklace to give to Poe.
“Do these items have some sort of significance? Are they important?” She asked curiously as she gently held the necklace with both hands.
3PO informed her, “That it was to signify your union. In some ways, it is considered a marriage in their culture, if General Poe accepts the necklace.”
She silently mouthed an “Oh.”
She looked over at Poe and then back at the native and said, “Wish me luck.”
Blix made her way over to him, and Poe stared at her curiously, his eyes glancing up at the flower crown.
“So. Apparently… if you accept me giving this necklace to you, we are considered hitched in this culture. May I?” She offered holding the necklace up.
He smiled, shaking his head slightly, but leaned down to allow her to put it on him. While he was leaned down, he asked, “Do you really think I look sexy with this scarf?”
She gave him a kiss in response and a wink. He tensed as he looked over her shoulder. “We got stormtroopers.”
A few minutes of panicked running and they were safely hidden with Lando Calrissian. Rey grabbed her attention really quick and asked hesitantly, “Did… did you mean what you… what you said earlier?”
“That you’re a Kenobi? Yeah. Damn straight you are. Listen. If or when, we find out your lineage, it won’t change how everyone in this caravan or within the Rebellion sees you. You’ll still be my kid sister. May as well make it official,” She assured holding her hand.
Rey smiled at her, her eyes watering up.
“Don’t you dare cry. If you cry, I’ll cry, and that’s not a good look for either of us,” Blix fretted jokingly.
Rey laughed at that and as they pulled to a stop, they followed Lando’s instruction over where they last tracked Ochi’s presence.
They explored the area, walking onto a strange patch of blackened sand. They looked every which way trying to figure out what had happened, when suddenly they began to sink. Poe grabbed onto her, as Finn tried shouting something at Rey.
When they finally dropped, they were in a small tunnel. Blix pulled out her lightsaber and turned it on, prompting Rey to do the same. As they moved forward, they looked around cautiously. They soon ran into a large serpentine creature, who allowed them to move past, when Rey reached down to heal it.
When he had moved, they discovered a corpse lying there. Ochi. Amongst his remains was a dagger that had a strange language inscribed on it.
Blix gently picked it up and stared at it concentrating. “It’s the Sith language. It’s… old… Difficult to translate.”
“But can you translate it?” Poe asked looking at the dagger over her shoulder.
“It would take time. Time we don’t have. 3PO? You got any ideas?” She admitted before turning her attention to the droid.
“Why, yes, I can translate it, Doctor. However, it is against my programming to translate it,” 3PO stated.
“So, the one time we need you to speak, you can’t?” Poe and Blix asked at the same time.
“Cool. Great. So… who knows how to override said programming?” Blix asked the group.
Poe winces, his face scrunching up as he thought. “I do. But. It’s risky.”
“Risky? How?” Finn asked exasperated.
“I’ll explain later, let’s get out of here for now,” Poe dismissed moving forward, following the path the serpent took.
Blix, Rey, and Finn all squinted at him in suspicion and looked at each other, then back at him.
“That was sus, right?” Blix asked in a whisper.
“Extremely,” Finn replied squinting his eyes at Poe’s back as they began to follow him. “Blix. Ask him why he bein’ weird?”
“What? Why me?” She blinked in slight confusion.
“He’s your boyfriend.” Came two voices in response.
Blix sighed with a laugh and ran up to walk alongside Poe.
“So…Why you bein so secretive, babe?” She asked, after a moment, not looking at him.
“We have to go to Kimiji,” He quietly muttered.
“….the planet… where you were a spice…runner? The one where your partner stabbed you? That Kimiji?” She clarified her voice slowly becoming more and more panicked.
He quickly grabbed her hand with his, and shushed her gently, “Hey. Don’t panic. It’ll be fine. I promise.”
“I wish I had your undying hope, but past encounters throw doubt,” She angrily whispered back, making her way forward, toward the end of the tunnel, shaking her head.
“Are you… are you seriously mad at me?” He asked incredulous, running up to catch her.
“Yes. You want us to go to the one place, where you could potentially be KILLED. Just for existing. And what? I’m supposed to be okay with that? No. We can… we can find another way, another… something. I don’t know,” She ranted panic beginning to consume her.
“Honey. Honey. We will be fine. You just said, we don’t have the time. You want to spend however long trying to find someone else to reprogram a droid, or do you want to try and translate it yourself?” Poe reasoned, trying to get her to focus on him.
Blix breathed heavily through her nose, looking away, not thrilled with this plan at all.
“Let’s just… get back to the Falcon. Regroup there,” She said finally walking in its direction.
As they were walking, Blix slowly came to a halt. She felt a presence coming toward them, a dark one.
As everyone began stepping up onto the rock formation, to get into the Falcon, Blix turned her attention toward the energy she was feeling. Rey quietly walked over to her and tensed as she realized what was going on. In the distance they could see a TIE-fighter rushing toward them.
“Rey. Run. Now!” Blix commanded shoving her toward the Falcon.
She turned her lightsaber back on and prepared herself. She took a deep breath and twirled the lightsaber.
As the fighter approached, she tensed her legs, preparing to jump. As soon as it was close enough, she leapt into the air, flipping over the fighter and running her lightsaber down its left wing. She landed in a crouch as the fighter crashed a few feet away.
From the wreckage, a figure dressed in black, wearing a hood and a face mask appeared. As the figure came to face her, she could see a pair of eyes that glowed like amber.
“Darth Sidious didn’t mention another Force wielder. Who are you?” came a raspy, feminine voice.
“I’m complicated,” Blix said sarcastically, throwing her hand out to use Force push the Sith away.
The push threw her back a couple of steps, but otherwise didn’t deter her. The Sith began to walk toward her, when Rey intervened, slashing at her with her own saber.
Blix tried to intervene, but the Sith was now focused on Rey, taunting her; trying to provoke her for some reason. They kept moving away, so she couldn’t hear what was being said, she just knew that all of sudden, Rey screamed in anger, lightning shooting from her hands.
Blix’s eyes widen in surprise, she could vaguely hear Poe screaming about more enemies coming in. Rey looked at her with such terror at what she just did. Especially when bolt was directed at another enemy ship that may have had Chewie on it.
Blix looked at the Sith who stood quite smugly, staring at Rey. While she was distracted in her gloating, Blix decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. She felt the Force surge around her, and she directed as much energy as she could to both of her hands, throwing them out at her.
The Force blasted her off her feet and tossing her several feet away.
“REY! C’MON!” Blix yelled out.
Rey rushed over toward her, grasping Blix’s outreached hand, the both of them rushing to the Falcon
As they raced onboard, Poe taking off as soon as they had jumped onto the ramp. It took mere seconds for them to reach space and make the jump to hyperspace. The both of them collapsed against the wall, breathing heavy.
Blix looked at Rey and pulled her into her arms. Rey shook, soft sobs coursing through her. She could hear her thoughts running amok, one thought that stood out clearly: ‘I killed Chewie.’
“Honey. We don’t know that. There were two transporters. It’s quite possible he was on the other one, okay? If so, we will save him, alright?” Blix whispered to her, as Rey held onto her tightly.
“As for the other thing… even if… you are his grandchild… that doesn’t change how everyone here sees you. That doesn’t change our love for you. You’re still my adopted kid sister, got it? In my eyes, you are a Kenobi,” Blix affirmed turning Rey’s head to look her in the eyes.
Rey tearfully nodded her head, before burying it back into Blix’s chest, her tears continuing, but not as harshly. They sat like that until Rey calmed down, and slowly fell asleep in her arms. Blix pressed some kisses to her hair affectionately. Blix slowly gathered her in her arms, picking her up, and carrying her over to one of the beds. She laid Rey down, making sure she was comfortable before grabbing blanket to cover her.
Blix made her way to the cockpit where Poe and Finn sat.
“Finn. Can you… can you go watch over Rey? I don’t want her to be alone right now,” Blix quietly requested.
Finn nodded his head, standing up. “How… how is she doing?” He asked as he got next to her, pausing.
“Not good. She just now fell asleep. I don’t know how long she’ll sleep, but I don’t want her to wake up alone.,” She began. “She’s feeling lost. Don’t..uh. Don’t. bring up what happened unless she does first. She’s still processing it, okay?”
Finn mumbled he understood before continuing out to her.
Blix all but collapsed into the co-driver’s seat.
“If you didn’t join the Navy, or the Rebellion… what would you be doing?” Blix wondered, staring at the ceiling.
“Ooh. Tough question. Mechanic. Or smuggler. Think I could’ve given Han a run for his money,” Poe answered thinking on it for a second. “You?”
“Pod Racer. Politics are too boring. Maybe even train kids on it,” She noted with a tired sigh.
“When this war is finally over… I’m taking you to my home in Naboo, and we are not leaving my bed for a week,” She announced as she straightened up.
“Deal. But you have to also come home with me to Yavin and meet my dad. Need for him to meet the woman who’s going to become his daughter in law,” He countered leaning over to press a kiss to her lips.
“Sounds good,” She replied leaning forward, resting her elbows on her thighs, looking at her hands.
“My mom would’ve liked you,” She whispered staring at the ring he got her on their first date.
“My mom would’ve loved you. Would’ve thought it was hilarious that you kept rejecting me for a year. She always said, I would wind up with someone who would keep me on my toes,” Poe admired, his hand gently stroking her cheek.
“How long until we reach Kimiji?” She wondered looking at the controls. “And uhh… can the controls go on auto pilot?”
Poe flicked a couple of switched with a small smile. “It’ll be a couple of hours. Wanna go lay down for a bit?”
She nodded her head, and they both stood up, walking toward the nearby bed. Poe laid down first on his back and waved her over once he was situated. She grabbed a blanket, holding it over her shoulders like a cape, before crawling on top of him. She gently maneuvered the blanket to cover the both of them, before sinking onto his chest.
The gentle lull of his heartbeat coaxed her to sleep, as Poe watched over her for a few minutes before going to sleep as well.
C-3PO and BB-8 were charging after the hectic morning. Rey had at some point woke up, and persuaded Finn to curl up next to her. The moment his arm wrapped around her; she was out again.
“I want to tell you, that I love you,” Finn whispered into her hair. “Maybe one day, I’ll be brave enough to tell you when your awake.”
He eventually fell asleep as well.
The occupants of the Falcon were momentarily at peace. It had been a rough couple of hours, and they all knew, that it was probably going to get worse. But for now, they were going to take refuge in the peace. Once they dropped out of hyperspace, things would be hectic again. But the end was near. They were on their way to finally defeating the Empire, they just needed to continue fighting.
Darth Sidious was angry.
"What do you mean "there was another Jedi" Maeve?" He seethed.
"Exactly that, my lord. She was powerful. She was able to toss me like I weighed nothing. She's protective of your granddaughter though. Maybe we can use her to convince Rey to join us?" Darth Maeve suggested.
"Hm. We shall see. I need to know what drives her. If she can be turned easily," Darth Sidious contemplated cackling. "If so, we can turn the tides on this ridiculous Rebellion, and the Dark side shall rule all. Continue with our plans for now."
"Yes, my lord," Maeve responded disconnecting her projection.
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