elgothew · 1 year
Uma queda sem fim...
Você foi a coisa mais doce que me aconteceu
Teu sorriso
Teus lábios...
Esse olhar que me tira o fôlego
É como se você botasse suas mãos levemente envolta do meu pescoço e falasse quase que sussurrando o que a minha alma mais anseia...
Palavras tão doces e ao mesmo tempo tão intensas que meu corpo se arqueia todo ao senti-las
Com uma onda de arrepios passando por cada celula do meu corpo...
Minhas células estão soletrando o seu nome lentamente
Como se você fosse a Deusa do nosso universo particular
Uma Deusa capaz de nós fazer ajoelhar e clamar seu nome com um êxtase quase mortal...
Sua voz áspera e quente faz com que o meu coração fique mais embriagado do que o próprio beijo de Baco.
E basta apenas o seu olhar para que a minha alma se entregue a ti, sem pestanejar...
Caío...caío e caío eternamente em sua graça...
Sua voz nos levará para uma eterna queda onde nunca desejarei chegar ao fim...
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charlie-thewitch · 29 days
JiuYuan plot bunny
Shen Yuan transmigrates/reincarnates waay before the plot even begins, as a somewhat rich second or third son of a merchant family (cliché or clasic background? You decide) not specially sick nor a priority for his family as he's not likely to inherit almost anything he is send to cultivate to a small sect. Because who else will want their unremarkable son?
Turns out ranting about poetry in the street with a vendor is a sure way to make someone important want their unremarkable son.
Enter the current Lord of Qing Jing who saw a gremlin with taste and opinions and immediately wanted him. Also the immediate moment when Shen Yuan finds out where exactly he was reborn in (pray for him). So Shen Yuan gets to join directly into QJP if he passes the other test and well, the story wont go on if he doesn't so let's say he does.
His dumbass tries to make everyone believe he's lazy to avoid work like he did back home but Aha! Shizun is on his bs so in no time he's made head disciple. Natural teacher, excellent memory and talented swordsman (This nerd got too excited by swords and practiced so much he now is the best of his generation and he desperately wants you to know he didn't want for this to happen) it's like he was made to lead QJP!
Side note: LQG will be made head disciple of BZP in a year or so, that's why SY is the generation's best, currently.
Here comes the boy! Absolutely traumatized feral kitten Shen Jiu gets into CQM and QJP out of season and with his general attitude immediately gets enemies everywhere. Not problem! Da-Shixiong will show you around and- Oh? You don't want Da-Shixiong to speak with you? Alright. Just remember to get to dinner and sleep well, goodnight!
And just like that you get an oblivious Shen Yuan respecting a hesitantly curious Shen Jiu who, in turn, decides that the best thing to do with this interest is to find blackmail on SY and take his place as head disciple.
Cue shenanigans and hijinks with stalker SJ and unsuspecting SY. And them getting closer by basically respecting SJ's space and time and being a decent human?! What?!
So like bonding with a cat. Slow, respectfully and with lots and lots of treats. Once Shen Yuan figured out Shen Jiu's weakness is just sweets it's all over. Now hes SJ's shixiong and no one else's. No, shut up A-Yuan, they are not worth our time.
Does he trust SY unconditionally? He's getting there. Nighthunts and being saved like a damsel in distress once in a while helps, even if he gets hissy and pretends to not like it. More so when SY immediately turns to him for both counsel on investigations and to make sure he's safe while in the hunts. Also Shixiong spends almost all his time helping him in fixing his cultivation and teaching him the arts, even when no one else would give a shit, so he gets extra points by being a good boy to his A-Jiu.
Shen Yuan? He thinks he's being a good bro and helping SJ fix whatever made him such an ass in PIDW. He doesn't know what happened before SJ went to CQM nor his past as a slave, only thought he looked like a feral cat and acted accordingly. And yes, calling him A-Jiu is absolutely necessary to that recovery.
In the middle of this SY tries to make contact with TLJ to help him either run away with SXY or take out the OPM so the tragedy doesn't happend. But shit hits the fan and SY gets outed as a demon sympathizer when the sealing under a mountain still happens but he tries to reason with the CQM's sect leader that the demon was innocent.
No one can prove that he was a traitor but under the added presure of public sentiment he's punished severely. Sect leader gives him two choices; He either leaves and retrieves a mega ultra rare mcguffin that'll take him 20 years to get or gets banished immediately and losses any standing he has with the sect.
In simple terms: Prove your loyalty with this very difficult quest or leave.
As a pseudo-compromise sect leader promised no one will take his place if he leaves for the quest nor will they banish SJ for being so close to a posible traitor. SY, naturally, accepts the quest with all the spite and grief of someone who failed his true quest of saving his best friend and the world too he supposes.
But QJP cannot be without a Head disciple nor a Peak Lord! Because plot twist, the lords are preparing to ascend in the next like 5 years. Sect leader knew this, and this is his way to force QJ's peak lord to appoint a different head disciple when SY is away anyways. If that happens SY will lose everything anyways, even if he comes back.
So the strategists get together and make a plan.
Shen Yuan will leave in his quest but before that he'll marry someone trusted that can be acting peak lord in his absence but will not usurp his place. Doble plot twist! That person is Shen Jiu because just as SJ got mellower with SY's influence so did SY get more paranoid. He only trust his dear shidi and no one else but oh how could he force his shidi into- Oh? You'll do it? Why do i have to be the wif-
And they marry in semi secret, taking a small moment for SJ to make him doble promise to come back for him and to give his own doble promise to wait for his return. SJ doesn't like this, not one bit. But this time he's safe, in a position of power and tentatively ready to trust again. He'd rather have his husband with him at least for their wedding night but oh well, they don't get that. They make arrangements for SY to send letters to the WRP so SJ can know how he's doing even if he can't receive any in exchange. It'll be a lonely 20 years.
Shen Yuan leaves and Shen Jiu gets appointed acting head disciple and then acting peak lord. With his silks and his husband's name as a shield (Qingqiu is SY's, but he can use it because they married) he rules QJP much more detached than in PIDW, almost completely ignoring the disciples. This is his A-Yuan's work after all and if he wants it done he better hurry and come do it himself. They've always joked that SY would teach while SJ would govern the peak, even before ever discussing marriage (It didn't matter that A-Yuan didn't know they would eventually get married. They would have regardless)
And Yue Qingyuan you didn't ask? He's in the background wanting to talk to Xiao-Jiu constantly but SJ doesn't need him nor want him. SY's therapy helped him let go if not forgive YQY, he's at the point where he can just ignore him. YQY on the other hand is guiltily ecstatic SY is out of the picture and Xiao-Jiu can be peak lord and rule at his side. Just like he wanted!
Like that 15 years pass. SJ still gets a reputation of going to brothels even if its to read his hubby's letters and sleep. And at this point all other peak lords either forgot he's technically just acting peak lord or never knew there was another Shen-Shixiong who should be peak lord instead.
At this point I'm not sure how to proceed. It'll have to be either:
a) Shen Yuan comes back during the demon invasion or
b) He comes when they are having a peak lord meeting for conveniences sake
Let's do invasion for dramatic purposes.
So you have a supremely pissed off SJ dealing with the demons and watching as the runt of his peak desperately tries to beat his opponent while making a mockery out of their QJP fighting style (LBH is actually doing pretty good, SJ is just Like That™) when suddenly a sword only he recognizes flies faster than a bullet to stop the defeated demon from attacking the little beast and the whole place falls into silence. SJ can hear his pulse in his ears, he almost can't breathe.
The disciples are looking at him for instructions but he can't think of anything as the most beautiful face he has ever seen slowly walks out of the trees into the improvised arena. His hair is finally long now, but not even close to well cared for. His clothes dusty and well worn but not threadbare nor stained with ink like it usually was in their disciple days. His A-Yuan is glorious as he makes the demons run like the pathetic bugs they are.
LQG has come too but there's not more fighting to be had, only a couple reunited at last. SJ sends decorum through the window and yanks his A-Yuan into a long awaited kiss in front of basically every disciple and an enraged and flustered LQG (Man is having the weirdest awakening)
SY is surprised at first but quickly reciprocates, finally at peace with his feelings. Because guess what, 15 years of pinning + letters that slowly become romantic without the fear of retribution will do just fine for him to admit he fell in love with his husband at some point. He was scared shitless of SJ reaction to him coming back and it was only that promise what made him go home regardless. A-Jiu can hate him, but he is NOT breaking that promise. He even made it 5 years earlier, isn't he such a good husband?
Later in the emergency meating LQG is still screaming at them for shameless and inmoral and how could this be the first thing Shen Yuan does when he comes back when they could've just spared
And everyone else (minus YQY, SQH and the beast peak lord) are just like What? Who's this? And SY looks at YQY disapprovingly (He knows YQY covets his wife and purposely didn't tell them) and explains he's the QJ peak lord and SJ as his husband has been ruling QJ in his stead for the past 15 years. And yes, that's why SJ is sitting in his lap.
When the whole story comes out everyone is more surprised to know they are married than the fact SY made the last sect leader so angry he was basically given a suicide mission (Not even YQY knew that) but don't worry! He has absolutely no inclination of taking his A-Jiu's position away. He'd rather teach his little disciples and let his wife to berate their martial siblings as is his right (Someone said they'll be happy having SY instead of SJ in meetings from now on and He Did Not Like That) So they'll share the name Qingqiu as QJ has two peak lords from now on.
Now if they'll excuse them they have a wedding night to finally enjoy.
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"I'm going to be so productive tonight and get some work done---"
*writes out entire good omens timeline from memory for zero fucking reason*
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patt-is-cool · 1 year
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jewreallythinkthat · 7 months
The most moderate, nuanced and productive people I have discussed the Israel-Hamas war with have been Jews, Israelis, and people with Palestinian family. Everyone directly affected by this just wants it to stop and to have peace and safety in the region in a way that minimises the casualty count.
The most extreme and performative and vile things I've been told are by people who have no connection to this and like to think they are experts because they have covered adjacent topics during learning, or read stuff online.
If all the randos in the west would just shut up for ten minutes and let those of us actually affected, with an understanding of the history of the land and the culture and the generational trauma experienced by Jews and Palestinians alike talk, we might actually have a chance to salvage this and stop it spiraling
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brofightiscancelled · 30 days
(Postgrad plan AU) I know all the bros are estranged from each other, but is there some that they're more angry at than the others? Like, Totty is more mad at Kara, but he's not mad at Ichi. Meanwhile Kara is more mad at Oso, but not Totty? I know we've seen it with Totty and Jyushi, but I'm curious about the others. (Sorry if this is an annoying ask)
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anger chart for your convenience
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as-i-watch · 1 year
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Law has to listen to this when he is doing exactly what Luffy would do
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bowserinthesky · 8 months
Senshi from Dungeon meshi winning most sexy polls means that Tumblr taste really grew with the passing of time... We live in different times from onceler was THE tumblr sexyman
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a-ko-ge · 1 year
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Gepard if hyv made him physical type
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driedlillies · 10 days
Tma AU where Jonah fucked up his ritual when transferring to Elias’ body and still exists but is like. On the backburner unable to control the body. Because he’s a loser. So OG Elias is able to hear everything he thinks but Jonah can’t do anything. And so he learns the evil plan to end the world and immediately decides nope that’s NOT happening.
And since James Wright appointed him as the next Head of the Institute he has full control over everything he destroys every single bit of Jonah’s carefully laid masterplan. And Jonah suffers seeing everything he’s build fall like a house of cards. At the end Elias just goes and kills Jonah — there were concerns that it may also kill him, but he was ready to sacrifice himself — and comes out alive and free from voyeristic georgian men.
Elias establishes something of a truce with Gertrude after explaining the situation and also perhaps maybe telling her that Jonah mentioned one of her assistants is of the Web and what does that mean? Also what are the rituals and why does Jonah keep saying they don’t work unless you— (Gertrude cuts him off before he says it out loud. Walls have ears. You never know who might be listening).
Michael doesn’t die. Neither does Gerry, because after he faints for the third time at the Institute — Elias doesn’t have spooky eldritch eye powers, but he has office gossip, and that’s basically the same thing — Elias personally goes down to the Archives and tells him to go to the fucking doctor dude. Gerry smokes weed with him after a few months and thanks him for potentially saving his life
By the time Gertrude dies, which is post Stranger ritual (not shot by him, but still probably not peacefully, knowing her) Sasha becomes the next Archivist, and her role in the overall world of the Fears — Elias is not an avatar, doesn’t want to be, but has some leftover traits from Jonah’s inhabitance in his body, and knows a lot — is explained before she signs any contract. Also you’re not tied for life, fuck that. There’s a mandatory Entities 101 for every employee, no matter what department they work in; the vast majority of them come here seeking answers for what really ruined their lives, none of them deserve to die because nobody tells them what they’re actually fighting against. Tim — very much alive — goes to the Archives with Sasha, Jon stays in reaserch and eventually becomes Head Researcher. Martin goes to college part time at some point. Life is good
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buck2eddie · 1 year
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- ivri lider.
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binghe-malewife-goals · 4 months
made some viktor gifs from this tiktok
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scrawnytreedemon · 8 months
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Place Lips Here: Ricky Edition™, courtesy of a little collab/syncing with @tarnussy. The link to theirs is here! :}
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I need you all to understand anytime it's said that the (non canon) ye olde new vegas wedding that Kremy and Gideon had was a "shotgun wedding" I am laughing my ass off. I don't think that means what you think it means
Actually you know what I firmly believe Gricko has called it that before and nobody has corrected him
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Literally why the fuck doesnt acnologias face markings match up in his forms
Why do they change
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Its bad enough that the colours change but the design too?
What is the reason
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werewolfbansheelove · 4 months
Pairing: Karen Smith/Sheety × Fem!Reader
Summary: You sit behind Karen in English and you recognize a mistake she did.
Warnings: Sweet tooth fluff and ASMR bits
You can view this as a Blurb if you want.
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The English class was quite silent instead of the sound of pencils writing on paper. You were sitting behind Karen Smith as you were working on the test, the class is taking, the classroom was silent it was quite enjoyable. 
As you were sitting behind Karen, you couldn’t help but smell her hair which smelled like coconut, you looked at her paper and noticed something off. You tapped her shoulder and Karen looked at you which you almost got starstruck by her beauty. "I noticed that you spelled a word wrong." You whispered to her. 
Karen looked at her confused then at her paper. "What word did I mess up on?" Karen whispered back. 
"Orange. It’s supposedto be a G instead of a D." Y/N answered. 
"No, I’m sure it’s right." Karen smiled at you then looked back at her paper.
Soon, you took out your binder and whispered again to her. "Try to sound it out for yourself." 
Karen did just that but still was struggling until you hand her a piece of paper which she looked at and in big letters it was...
At the bottom of the word was ten numbers which confused the girl. "What’s this?" Karen asked. Not being annoyed at her, you grab your phone and tap the screen with nails which made Karen realize. "Your number?!" She silently exclaims happily.
You nod your head at her, with a smile. "Oh okay." Karen turned around happily but her attitude changed when she realized. "Oh." But Karen smiled at the thought of it. 
You liked Karen. 
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