#meant to answer this over my lunch break but the time got away from me; oops!
tmos-time · 1 year
Your erisol skills by osmosis doodle got me thinking... So Eri would gain the coding brain cell and maybe some competence in pvp games (I feel like Sollux plays those).
But what would Sollux absorb? My first thought is maybe it would be Eridan's impressive vocab. Would Sollux start using words like ostensive and indomitable, without batting an eye?
Think of the looks he'd get from the others using obsequious correctly but they have absolutely no clue what it means. God forbid someone pointed it out, he'd probs start reading children's books to try and reset it XD
But would he gain any practical/more physically identifiable skills from ED?
ohhh so i HAVE thought of this on and off! i think sollux would have eridans mental encyclopedia of words, AS WELL as a new surplus of history and trivial knowledge that sollux could Not give a single shit about-- sollux nearly smacks eridan over the head with a mousepad when he realizes eridan's the source of suddenly knowing Too Goddamn Much about troll historical figures, eridan-specific scientific interests, and highblood art among other things lmfao
honestly i was going to say that nothing comes to mind about any practical/physically identifiable skills but yknow what? real funny visual coming to mind of sollux inexplicably knowing how to handle and care for all the guns eridan ever got his hands on lmao
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bluriki · 8 months
ꪆৎ coffee break ﹫ lhs
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; pair bf!heeseung x fem!reader ; sum coffee breaks are the only way heeseung can spend time with you at work ; genre fluff , office!au , established relatioinship
“coffee break?” a figure sat on your desk, leaning forward to meet your face. heat crept on your cheeks as the figure leaned closer pressing his lips to your cheek. your eyes widened slightly. “don’t do that, heeseung!” you whisper yelled. 
you were in a secret relationship with heeseung, although he didn’t really keep it a secret. instead, he winked at you, he always got way too close to be called friendly, and he was always seen with you. what can you say, he’s whipped.
“why not? i can kiss my girlfriend if i want to.” a pout formed on his lips. “plus, no ones here, they’re taking a lunch right now.” you looked around to make sure no one could’ve seen the small kiss heeseung gave you. “you’re lucky.”
heeseung chuckled. “you never answered my question.” you tilted your head, a smile appearing on your face as you met his eyes. “i have time. plus im a little hungry.” you placed your hand over your stomach. 
“great! let’s head to the lobby!” confusion filled your face. “the lobby? i thought you meant the break room!” you whined, knowing you didn’t have that much time. “you said you were hungry which means i’m gonna buy you something to eat, now lets go.”
you huffed, sliding your chair back. “before we go i need to file some papers.” heeseung nodded, standing up. “as long as you eat lunch with me.” you chuckled, grabbing the papers from your desk. “you’re whipped.” you said, with a soft smile. 
“how did you know?” heeseung placed a finger on his chin, looking up to the sky. “it’s not that obvious is it?” you bursted out laughing. “not at all.” heeseung hummed and followed you to file the papers.
once you were done filing your papers you went to the lobby with heeseung. some people were in line to order some coffee. you stood behind the last person and turned to heeseung. 
“why’d you want to have coffee in the lobby?” you crossed your arms and blinked waiting for heeseung to answer. “so i can get miss workaholic away from her computer.” you furrowed your brows shooting a glare to heeseung. 
you heard him chuckle next to you. you knew he wanted to hug you and for once you wanted him to give you a hug at your workplace. the only reason you have a secret relationship is because you’re very close with your coworkers and you know they’ll tease you nonstop.
a comfortable silence fell between you and heeseung. you watched many workers pass around like little ants working hard and trying their best. you smiled knowing they were doing their best for this company. 
“what do you want to eat?” heeseung spoke, breaking the silence. you looked at the menu. “grilled chicken with vegetables.” you noticed heeseung scrunching his face a bit. “why are you making that face?” heeseung shook his head. “its nothing.” 
“tell me!” you whined, gently punching his shoulder. “the vegetables.” you scoffed in disbelief. “you’re just like a little kid.” heeseung leaned closer to your face. “maybe i am one.” he smiled brightly, tilting his head slightly. 
you pushed him back softly. “whatever. we’re up next, you know what to order right?” heeseung nodded. you patted his shoulder, walking to a table to sit at. you watched heeseung order with a smile on your face. that same smile dropped when you noticed the girl flirting with heeseung.
you glared at her even though she would never notice. heeseung walked to your table after he finished ordering. “why do you look upset?” he asked while pulling out a chair to sit with you. “i don’t know, why don't you ask yourself?” heeseung widened his eyes. 
“that girl! she was flirting with you.” you pouted, looking down and playing with your fingers. heeseung grinned, grabbing your hands. “jealous much?” you pulled your hands from his. a glare and pout playing on your face. 
heeseung chuckled. he watched you with loving eyes. suddenly, your order was called, leaving you alone again. you noticed the girl slip heeseung a piece of paper. you sent another glare at her and waited for heeseung to sit back down.
“give me that paper.” heeseung gave it to you and watched you rip it. he tried to hold his laugh back, you were cute when you were jealous.
“coffee break?” heeseung asked you for the second time that day. you looked up at his figure. “as long as it’s not in the lobby.” heeseung nodded, knowing that would be your answer. “don’t worry, it’s in the break room.” you smiled and stood up. “i need a coffee break anyway.”
heeseung chuckled, following you to the break room. no one was in there meaning you were alone with heeseung. you should’ve know he would’ve tried to pull something. 
as soon as he closed the door he was against you, placing his chin on your shoulder. “what if someone walks in?” you questioned, pouring cream into your coffee. “i’m sure everyone know we’re together at this point, it’s so obvious.” you glanced at heeseung. “i wonder why.”
heeseung smiled innocently. “it’s because you’re whipped for me obviously.” you shook your head, fighting the smile threatening to come out. “i think it’s the other way around.” heeseung wrapped his arms around you, turning you to face him.
“okay, maybe it is but you’re really obvious too.” you cocked your head to the side. “less than you though.” heeseung groaned, placing his head on your shoulder. “i cant help the fact im in love with you.” your heart started pounding in your chest. you didn’t know what to say so you opted to say nothing. instead, you enjoyed him being in your arms.
you stayed like that for a little while until heeseung picked his head up. he gave you a silly smile before pressing his lips on yours for a soft peck. you giggled against his lips, pressing your lips to his again. 
“i love you too.” you whispered, a smile complimenting your features. heeseung leaned against you, holding you like you were the most valuable thing to exist. 
suddenly the door opened causing you and heeseung to separate. your coworker, jake, jumped up and down pointing at the two of you. 
🎬 노트 && . first fic of the year!! im sorry it's taken forever for me to post a fic :( i had the worst writers block... on that note i have a longer fic coming up as soon as i can finish the ending!!
🧷 perm tl && . send ask or comment to be added
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Partners in Crime 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, Lee Bodecker
Summary: you’re left reeling after your divorce but the chaos has only begun. (short!reader)
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The sheriff swings around in a U-turn. Traffics stops for him even without his siren wailing. You lean into the door as he straightens out and weaves into the lanes. He steers back towards the mall to retrace his steps. 
You’re already thinking of that handcrafted decor shop around the corner from your building. You might find something there if you dare to venture within. How many times have you passed and shied away at the crystal tear drop lamp and the lush velvet stool. You let out a breath slowly, careful not to let the sigh grow too loud. 
“So, what d’ya do then?” The sheriff asks, startling you from your internal plotting. 
“Um, oh, just... I work at the pharmacy. Stock shelves,” you admit with shame. 
“Hard work,” he remarks. From anyone else, it would be mocking, but he sounds oddly genuine. “Too bad your day off got spoiled.” 
“Yeah, I guess, but...” you tap your fingertips together, “it’s okay.” 
“Hmm,” he hums as he slows, his blinker clicking loudly, “sounds like you’re used to disappointment.” 
That cuts. You shrink back. You’re sure he meant nothing by it but it’s true. You don’t expect anything but so today is hardly daunting. 
“A little. I...” you stammer. People don’t ask about you. They look past you, through you. As much as your grandmother’s saved your ass, she never talked about your old life. It was a forbidden subject. “I just got a divorce.” 
You don’t know why you said it. Maybe because you hadn’t said it out loud before. It feels like a rock sinking in water. 
He clucks, “now that’s too bad. What kinda man would leave a thing like you?” 
You peek up and meet his gaze in the rear view. A tide washes over you. You look down and shrug. You won’t mention that it was long awaited. 
“It’s fine.” 
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” he echoes, “you say that a lot.” 
You inhale sharply and frown, “sorry--” 
“Don’t needa be,” he affirms as he stops again, this time by the mall lot. You look up at the sign in confusion. He’s bringing you back? 
He rolls over the dip in the curb and across the straight white lines across the tarmac. You crane and look around, trying to figure out what’s going on? Maybe he’s just cutting through to avoid the lunch time rush. 
He stops and idles near a set of metal doors to the rear of the mall. You twist this way and that then look to the front seat. Before you can ask what’s going on, the passenger door opens and someone gets in. Someone! That man. The one with the mustache. 
But the sheriff doesn’t respond with shock or outrage. He doesn’t get mad. He just nods at the man and leans into the gas pedal. Your heart pumps painfully. 
“Sheriff?” You eke out. 
The mustachioed man chuckles but says nothing else. The officer doesn’t answer you either. You pull against your seat belt and touch the plexiglass divider, “sheriff? What’s going on?” 
He stomps on the break and the motion forces you back against the seat. You let out and oomf as the impact knocks the wind from you. There’s another laugh from the furry-lipped criminal. What’s happening? 
“What are you doing?” You whine. 
“He said she was quiet,” the man in the passenger seat mutters. 
“She’ll calm down,” the sheriff says. 
“Hey! Please,” you lean forward again and hit the thick barrier. “Tell me what’s going on--” 
“Don’t make me come back there, pussy cat,” the passenger warns and smirks at you over his shoulder.  
“Now, darlin’,” the sheriff drives the limit, coolly following the current of traffic, “you hush up back there and don’t get yourself all worked up.” 
“You said—he's--” you stutter, your breath hitch as your heart beat builds tempo. You writhe and clap your hands to your chest as it racks. “He’s-- help!” 
You gulp in breaths but they only make your head throb. Your lashes flutter wildly as panic rings in your ears. Something bad is happening. They know each other. They are working together. But why? 
“Well you just told me you were all alone and you work a job you ain’t like, kitten,” the sheriff tuts, “so why you actin’ up when we’re takin’ you away from all that?” 
“Taking...” you murmur through shallow heaves, “away...” 
You can’t breathe, you can’t think. You rock back and forth, clawing at the seat belt to find the buckle. You unleash it and keel over your lap. You cradle your head as the world thrums around you. 
“Can’t... can’t... breathe--” 
“I told you not to work yourself up,” the sheriff says, “let’s count to ten, darlin’, you do that for me?” 
“Can’t... can’t...” 
“One,” he says firmly. 
“If I gotta pull over, I ain’t gonna be so nice,” his voice dips an octave, “now count with me, kitten. Ten.” 
You quiver and cough, “n-nine--” you blow out and suck air back in, “eight--” 
“That’s a good girl,” he praises, “keep goin’.” 
“Seven,” you wisp and shake around another burning inhale, “six...” you hug your spinning head, “five...” 
You continue the countdown until you get to one. You stay still and silent. Your chest is achy but not bursting. You close your eyes and meter your breathing. This cannot be real. 
“She’s a nervous one,” the other man intones. 
“She’ll settle,” the sheriff assures as the tires spin and the motor hums. “Just gotta take time.” 
“Oh, I got time,” the passenger chortles, “hey, sweet stuff,” there’s a tapping on the glass, “hey,” he calls you by your name. You wince and slowly lift your head. You look up at him with misty eyes, wide with terror. “There you are. Nice to meet ya,” he winks, “Lloyd, but you can call me sir.” 
Your lip quivers and you shake your head. You stare at him, blinking dumbly. He smirks as his eyes rove over you. 
“You’re a cute one, huh? Can’t wait to have some fun with you,” he taunts. 
You whimper and drop your head down again. You don’t understand. You thought the worst thing that could happen had happened. Your grandma, your lawyer, everyone said it was all over. That you’re free.  
How the heck did you walk into another cage? 
“Ah, stop it,” Bodecker snips, “you’re gonna get her upset again.” 
“I’m just introducing myself.” 
“Sure,” the sheriff drawls skeptically, “you always do know how to make things worse, don’t ya?” 
“I said I’d be nice. I’m being nice,” Lloyd blusters, “damn it, officer, I’m abiding the law.” 
His last few words are slanted with mimicry of the other man’s accent. Bodecker huffs and the engine accelerates. You stay curled up, completely paralysed to the situation. If you stay like that, it might just not be real. Hiding never helped did it. Turn out, neither does running. 
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obsessedvibee · 7 months
Humble Beginnings
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Warnings: smut, one curse, dry humping, p in v, unprotected sex, cream pie, impregnation kink, awkward boner if you squint
Pairing: Billy the Kid & reader
Words: 3.1k
Summary: Billy and readers wedding is approaching and hormones are rising as the day approaches. Oh, and her dad is over protective & an annoying cock block. This also accidentally turned into to a whole flashback memory sorta ordeal?
We’ve only been moved into the new house for a week now. It was small, but it was enough; a table and chairs for meal times, a bed in the second room, running water into the kitchen, and even windows on each side of the house. 
Billy insisted on building a home for us himself. Jesse and the gang helped him every chance they could leading up to our wedding. Chopping down trees, cutting the pieces down to size. It became a ritual every evening, helping Billy pick the splinters out of his hands.
Everyday I made lunches for all the boys, and did my best to keep them all hydrated. I felt it was the least I could do to thank them. 
I only managed to deliver the food alone the first time, until my father insisted on coming with me everyday, when I rode up. “I don’t trust any of those men as far as I can shoot a shotgun.” Was his reasoning.
I’d given up trying to argue him on the subject. He wasn’t exactly fond of Billy and I, but since we announced our engagement, he was trying to come around some. 
I couldn’t blame him being his only daughter; my mother passing shortly after I was born.
Billy would never admit his unease when my father was around, but I could see the way he would square his shoulders. He wouldn’t touch me any more than to hold my hand to steady me as I got down from the wagon when I made it to the property. It was endearing, but frustrating. I wanted him alone. The closer our wedding date became, the less time we had each other to ourselves. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss him. I wanted to feel his hands pressing me closer to him because he just couldn’t get enough. I wanted to throw all my inhibitions to the wind and jump his bones. I don't know how he managed to keep himself so put together. I started to wonder if he even wanted me in that way.
My mind kept wandering deeper into my imagination, wondering and yearning. Imagining him  stripping away the last barrier between us, his strong arms holding himself above me. 
The older women at tea time were getting looser with their tongues. I’m sure they meant well, trying to give marriage advice and how a wife should be, trying to prepare me; but sharing tips about the marriage bed was not something I wanted to discuss with anyone, let alone them.
One afternoon, I finally gathered the courage to question Billy when we found ourselves alone while we ate our lunch on top of a hill that overlooked the skeleton of our home. The other boys and my father were a couple hundred feet away out of ear shot, but he could still easily see us.
“Do you want me?” I blurted.
His eyes darted to me, stopping mid chew, “‘course, darling.” He resumed eating. “I wouldn’t have asked for your fathers blessing if I didn’t.”
My heart warmed at his answer, but I wasn’t sure he picked up on what I meant. I toyed with a loose thread on my dress as I sat faced with the task of asking him more directly to get my point across. I quietly watched as he licked the last few crumbs off his fingers before leaning back on the tree behind him, tipping his hat over his eyes to block the sweltering sun. “Care to humor me with your thoughts, dear?”
“I meant sexually.”
His shaking chest gave away his small chuckle, the corner of his mouth pulling into a small grin.
My fingers moved from the thread of my dress to busy themselves with a loose strand of hair. Chewing the inside of my cheek, my anxiety continued to gnaw at me as he remained quiet.
A whistle from down below signaled break time was over. I packed the few items back into the basket I brought over, my anxiety was quickly turning to embarrassment
I stood quickly, about to make a beeline for the wagon to hightail it out of there when Billy gently grabbed my arm stopping me. Stepping in front of me, his body shielded me from the blinding sun and any eyes that could be watching. His face was suddenly so close to mine I could smell the sweet fragrance of the lemonade he’d been drinking on his breath, and then his tongue was in my mouth. I stumbled back a step in surprise but was quickly steadied as his large hands grasped me. His tongue prodded gently, almost as an apology for the sudden intrusion, and before I could think further, he broke our lips apart. He held my head between his strong hands, his thumb gently brushing my cheek. His face was so close to mine I had nowhere to look but into his shining blues. “More than you will ever know.” He licked his lips, slowly placing his hat back onto his head. He gently began guiding me back down the hill, bringing me out of my sudden haze. His next words were so low I almost missed them. “I just don’t know if I could stop myself if we were really alone.”
A few weeks later our house was finally completed, and my father invited everyone over for a celebratory dinner. I was in charge of making all the food, while father attended to the field outside. Sweat ran down my face while the fire burned in the stove as the Kansas sun tried to bake the house itself. I kept busy making pies, bread, and cleaning the fresh vegetables from the garden. Seeing Billy’s shining face tonight kept my heart thudding just a little faster. Moving day would be here before we knew it. My father even slaughtered a pig for the occasion.
Soon enough the setting sun began to shine in the west window, and I gave the last touches to the food. I just managed to clean myself up, ridding my body of the sweat and changing into a dry clean dress, when I heard the thundering hooves of horses getting closer. Putting one last pin in my hair I hurried to the front room to greet them all. 
Billy was the first to walk in. “There's my pretty girl,” he grinned, scooping me up and spinning me around, earning a laugh from me. He set me back down, placing a heavy kiss to my lips. His smile was contagious as he pulled away, an immediate blush rising to my cheeks upon hearing a whistle from somewhere beside us as everyone filed in. My fingers gently brushed my lips still feeling his on mine. Knowing he felt the same way that I have been the last few weeks made my stomach flutter.
I startled as my fathers voice bellowed, “let’s eat!”
The celebration wore on well after dinner was over, and the dishes were put away. Slowly, one by one the men left, and the house became a little bit quieter, when I felt Billy’s leg begin bouncing under the table. No doubt because the crowd was dwindling down and soon it would only be the three of us. Without thinking I reached over to place my hand on his thigh to comfort him. I knew my father could be intimidating, but I thought they were a bit more comfortable by now.
He froze feeling the heat from my hand through his worn pants, his hand gripping mine keeping it in place. I glanced over at him, searching his nervous eyes in question. He swallowed hard, his face remaining impassive. I worried for him wondering if he was suddenly feeling unwell, but he didn’t look ill to me. Just some sort of sudden nerves.  
Soon my father was walking the last guest to the door, and Billy tugged my hand, pulling it up to his mouth, pressing kisses along each knuckle. “I need you to do something for me tonight,” he murmured.
“What is it?”
He let go of my hand reaching to play with a lock of my hair that rested against my chest, his eyes watching intently. Goosebumps spread when his skin brushed my collar bone. “Meet me behind the barn after your father goes to bed.”
Before I could question him any, father re-appeared, and Billy stood, his chair scraping against the wooden floor. I rose with him, “I’ll walk Billy out.”
My father nodded, leaving us. I reached out for Billy’s hand, but instead, bumped into his hat. I looked over in question when I noticed it was pressed to his crotch when it dawned on me, my eyes widening.
The nervousness. The grip his hand had on mine.
What had I done to cause such a rise in him? I bit my lip as a smile threatened to emerge, looking up into his bashful face. I so badly wanted to say something but remained quiet so as to not alert my father, who I’m sure was eavesdropping in the next room over. 
I walked him to the door with a whole new confidence, his hand holding mine. I turned to kiss him goodbye, but before he parted ways and headed out the door he whispered, “I’ll be waiting for you, darling.”
For the next half hour I waited in my bedroom in anticipated agony. I don’t think I’ve ever looked in the mirror so many times. Letting my hair down, putting it back up. Placing a dab of perfume on my wrists and neck. I’d lost complete control of my thoughts since he left, my heart pounding and thighs clenching, wondering how far he would lead me tonight. I decided to put another dab between my breasts. I let my hair down again, letting the brown waves cascade down my shoulders.
I heard the faint squeaks of the old bed frame coming from the other room, signaling my father had gone to bed for the night. My heart jumped in excitement. I stood, glancing over myself one more time, giving the neckline of my dress a good tug, trying to show a bit more cleavage.
I crept down the hall, quickly making my way to the front door, shutting it carefully behind me. I padded down the front steps, scampering across the property, not feeling completely safe until I reached the barn, blocking the view from the house. I walked around back, Billy’s horse Sugar snorting in surprise at my sudden appearance. 
Billy was sitting on an old tree stump, whittling away at a piece of wood with his pocket knife, but that was quickly forgotten about and placed to the side when his eyes darted to me. He stalked towards me with a ravenous look in his eyes. He grabbed me pulling my body deep into him, capturing my lips in his. A soft moan of relief escaped me as he continued his attack, his tongue easily finding its way back into my mouth. His fingers carded into my hair gently guiding me back until I was pressed into the wall of the barn. 
“Billy,” I panted into his mouth.
The full moon from the night sky illuminated his features once he pulled away. His jaw flexed, and his eyes were wild yet soft, holding a look I’ve never seen before, making my insides tingle.
“I want you every minute of every waking moment,” he rasped, “and every moment I’m not awake I’m dreaming of you.” His thumb pulled my bottom lip free from my teeth, before leaning in and connecting us once again. He gently rolled his hips into me, teasing what was to come, his mouth working its way to my neck. I began to fumble blindly with his suspenders, attempting to push them off his shoulders, all while lifting my head to allow him better access. 
I could feel him growing against me, when he paused to look into my eyes. We both were panting lightly, his hat lopsided on his head. I reached up to fix it for him. “Darlin’, I won't be able to stop myself if we go any further.”
I nodded, a grin pulling at my mouth, the burning coals simmering beneath my belly. I toyed with the collar of his shirt before speaking. “Does she have to watch?” I casually nodded towards Sugar.
He let out a short laugh, pulling away to lead me into the barn. 
Grabbing the lantern at the entrance, he led me inside, making our way up the ladder to the loft. He wasted no time picking up where we left off. I worked his shirt over his wide shoulders and he began fingering the buttons at the back of my dress. 
He groaned in frustration as it slowed everything down once again, giving the material an impatient tug. “Don’t you dare ruin this dress, Billy,” I warned.
Finally it was open enough and he gently tugged the dress off my shoulders. Pressing his warm lips to my shoulder, I turned to face him again. 
His eyes danced over my bra covered chest, before meeting my gaze, nervously clearing his throat. 
He sat himself on a stack of hay bales, beckoning for me to sit on his lap. 
I hesitated, the reality of what we were about to do, where we were about to do it struck me. “Billy,” I started, “maybe we shouldn’t-” I gestured around me, “right here?”
“It’s fine, baby, the animals can’t see nothin’,” he beckoned to me, “just come sit on my lap.”
If my hormones wouldn’t have been raging, I probably would have been able to resist him. But I was just a girl who was a bit more than just eager to roll around in the hay (quite literally) with a man as handsome as Billy.
I let him guide me to straddle him, my dampened center placed directly over his waiting member.
The moment he groaned, all the rest of my logical thoughts left. 
In a desperate attempt of getting some much needed friction for himself, he began flexing his hips to further things along. His smoldering eyes were almost too much as he watched my face intently while he guided my hips in a rhythm over himself. He grunted when I moved a little faster, trying to press myself harder into him, aiding the both of us. 
“Sorry it isn’t more romantic,” he murmured between kisses.
I snorted, “you think this isn’t romantic for me? Half naked up in a loft in a barn with a bunch of farm animals below us?”
He nipped at my bottom lip at my snarky remark.
I reached down and pulled my panties to the side letting my clit drag deliciously against the fabric of his trousers, with a sigh.
“Yeah baby,” he encouraged, “make yourself feel good.”
His words stirred the burning coals within me, my hips now moving at a frantic pace, and I was unable to stop, as I felt myself barreling towards the finish.
As the wave crashed over me my mouth opened in a silent scream as I held my breath through the thick of it, finally heaving as I came back down.
“For the record,” I breathed, “I’d let you take me anywhere if I get to feel like that.”
He let me regain myself for a moment before he tapped my thigh telling me to lift myself up. I did as I was told and he made quick work, pushing his clothing down to his thighs exposing his stiff cock. He stroked himself a few times, before holding himself at the base. I guided him to me, gently lowering my heat, slipping his tip inside, feeling myself stretch around the intrusion. I easily accommodated him, my body more than ready. I glanced up as I sank down, enveloping the last inch of him. His eyes were trained down between us as I held my skirts to my chest letting him watch. I remained still, letting my body relax completely. He tore his gaze away from where we were connected to look me in the eyes, “I fucking love you,” he whispered.
I answered with a desperate kiss, dropping my skirts, and I began to ride him, my hips rising and falling. A soft clapping sound filled the air as my thighs met his with every stroke. 
Neither of us were going to last long, his thumb reaching under my dress quickly working my clit as he started to get close. “Baby-” he panted, “I’m gonna-, you gotta get off-, I’m gonna bust soon.”
His words just turned the heat up in my belly, suddenly overwhelmed with desire for him to fill me up. I wanted him to let himself go inside of me. Doing what our bodies were designed for.
God, it was so hot seeing him so close to losing all control, all because of me.
“Put a baby in me, Billy.”
His brow furrowed and his hips stuttered. “Fuck, baby-” he strained out before he stiffened further. A growl rumbled deep within his chest, every muscle in his body flexing as his high hit him. I finally felt the first warm spurt of his seed draining into me. He shuddered with every wave, a small whimper escaping his throat as the last of his release left his body. He slumped against me, his face pressed to my breasts. 
I pulled his damp curls off of his forehead, scratching his scalp lightly, earning a groan of appreciation.
“You gonna make it?”
He hummed, pulling himself off of me to sit back against the straw. His eyelids drooped a little, his hair a mess. A little smile graced his lips as he watched me. It was the most boyish look I’ve ever seen of him. 
I gently stood, letting his now softened cock slip out of me, a generous amount of his fluid following, “oh god, it’s everywhere.”
“And yet she was begging for it moments ago,” he muttered. I rolled my eyes playfully as he reached in his trousers for a handkerchief, handing it to me. I cleaned myself as best I could, straightening my dress out, while he pulled his trousers back up, slinging his gun belt back over his hips.
“You should just ride around like that all day,” I purred, sliding my hands over his bare shoulders and down his chest.
“Miss,” he grasped my wrists with feigned offence, “I’m about to be a married man.”
“Mmm,” I grinned slyly, “you tell her she’s a lucky lucky gal.” 
He chuckled, pressing his lips to mine, “and I’m a lucky lucky man.”
We shuffled back down the ladder, walking back outside, as Billy shrugged his shirt back on. 
“What if we actually made a baby tonight?” I threw the words out into the air as he mounted Sugar and settled into the saddle.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way, darlin’.” He leaned down gently caressing my cheek. 
“Only one more week.”
He tipped his hat, clicking to Sugar coaxing her into a canter, riding off down the worn path.
As I walked back to the house, I couldn’t help but rest my hand on my lower stomach wondering what the future held.
This was kind of fun diving into the late 1800's. I've never written for this time period before. Hopefully it wasn't too shabby. Hope you enjoyed!
Feedback is appreciated!
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ap41cu5 · 2 months
ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US (lars pinfield fan!!!!) if you’re still taking requests, could you possibly do one where lucky teases lars on his obvious crush on the reader/character? and reader/character picks up on his nervousness and awkwardness?? sorry if it’s a bit vague. remember to take care of urself and thank you in advance <3 :)
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Lars Pinfield x Fem! Reader Rating: Slight NSFW - Suggestive Themes Genre: Fluff Word Count: 2464
A/N: thanks so much for your request anon! i really hope this is what you were looking for. ive noticed im struggling to write him completely in character, but i did my best! i hope you enjoy <3
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“Oh, please. You totally do! There’s no point in denying it anymore!” You heard Lucky exclaim from the other room before she was hastily hushed.
“Would you keep your voice down!?” Lars seethed as he attempted to hush Lucky. 
You were quite literally just one step away from the door, but clearly you were about to walk in on a conversation you weren’t supposed to be hearing.
At first the plan was to come back later, but the next thing you heard immediately motivated you to stay. While you normally weren’t the type to eavesdrop, maybe just today you’d listen for just a few seconds longer.
“Well, it’s not like it matters anyway! You always get so nervous and uptight around her. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought you hated her,” Lucky commented.
Who are they talking about? 
Shooting her a glare, he refused to answer and only turned back toward his desk.
“Don’t you have work to be doing?” He irritatedly asked, his tone making it clear that he wanted her to leave.
Lucky hopped onto one of the tables, “why? You want me to go so that you’ll both get some precious alone time once she gets back?” Lucky teased him, a smug grin plastering across her face.
Lars has a crush. The realization struck you right in the gut, one of your hands clutching the side of your uniform. 
You couldn’t help the fact that you liked him. There was something about his high intelligence, his attentiveness to detail, and occasional sass that drew you to him, despite him always acting standoffish whenever you were around. 
The possibility of him catching feelings for someone else broke your heart. You couldn’t stand the thought of him being with someone who wasn’t you.
“Alright, fine, I’ll go. But I can already smell the look on your face once she gets back!” Lucky giggled on her way out the door.
You immediately began to panic. You could hear her footsteps rapidly growing closer, and there was nowhere to hide in the sector of the lab you were in. So you took the only choice you had and tried to walk through the door as casually as you could muster.
Taking a quick deep breath in and walking in through the door, you were immediately met with Lucky’s face just inches away from yours.
An awkward split second passed where you both just stared at each other before she finally said, “(First Name)! Funny seeing you here!” She raised her voice, making sure Lars could hear her.
“I work here,” you chuckled, “I just got back from my lunch break.” You held up a paper bag containing your leftovers.
She animatedly nodded, “I see, I see. Well, I’ll catch you later, (First Name)!” She slipped past you, “have fun, Lars!”
She gave Lars a knowing look as she walked off, shooting you a quick wink as well.
Lucky was always energetic and cheerful, but she carried a much more playful attitude than usual. Your interest piqued, especially given the previous conversation they had. 
You placed your lunch bag down onto your desk as you turned your head to look at Lars. The moment you looked over, you saw his head shift back down to his desk, as though he was already looking at you. Part of you immediately pondered what that look could have possibly meant, but you tried not to overthink it. He probably wanted to see who was approaching, as if Lucky somehow hadn’t made it obvious enough. But you tried not to overthink it. Last thing you’d want would be to get your hopes up only to get shattered once you found out who it was that Lars truly had feelings for.
Despite all of your jumbled thoughts and feelings, you felt a bit bored. You finished the majority of your experiments earlier. You had astute problem solving abilities, but Lars was the one case you just couldn’t crack. 
You just couldn’t understand why he hated being around you so much. You were almost always nice, polite, and sweet. And every morning for the past couple of months, you’d arrive at work with a fresh cup of coffee sitting atop of your desk. He had taken the time to memorize how you liked your coffee, and that had to mean something, didn’t it? He couldn’t hate you that much, could he?
Approaching his desk, wandering eyes took a curious peek at what he was working on.
“How’s your experiment coming along?” You asked from over his shoulder.
He immediately seemed to be startled by your presence. The contraption he had been so carefully inspecting clattered to the ground as he flinched, hastily spinning around to face you.
You couldn’t tell if you were imagining it, or if his eyes seemed to soften just for the ephemeral moment they met yours. His expression quickly went from surprised to a mix of embarrassment and fear. A notably unfamiliar expression from him.
“What do you want?” He awkwardly cleared his throat before quickly turning back around.
Just for a second could you see a soft hint of blush tinting his cheeks as he made a clear effort not to look at you. But what did it mean? Why was he so nervous all of the sudden?
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” you meekly apologized. “You seem a bit uptight. Is everything okay?”
He huffed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, sure,” you replied, sarcasm evident in your voice.
“Maybe you’re just more annoying than usual,” he spat, giving you the cold shoulder.
You sighed at his unsurprisingly cold response.
“Have I done something?” You asked, feeling a bit remorseful.
He seemed to tense up all over again at the question as he fumbled with whatever tool he had in his hand at the moment.
“No, everything’s fine. There’s something I must tend to,” he paused for a half second, presumably to come up with a place. “In the bathroom.”
A few seconds passed where you couldn’t find the words to respond. He’d been acting so awkward lately, more awkward than usual.
“...In the bathroom?” You reiterated, unsure if you really heard him correctly.
“Yes– yes, in the bathroom. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” he hastily set down the tool, the other gadget he was holding fumbling out of his grip and clattering onto the surface of his desk.
His boots squeaked against the tile flooring of the lab as he made a beeline down the hallway to the restroom. 
You couldn’t help but feel a bit heartbroken. The way he acted so disgusted with you to the point where he couldn’t even stand being in the same room as you made you sick.
“Gee, what’s his deal, am I right?” You heard a voice emerge from behind you.
“Oh, hey Gary,” you greeted him, unable to hide the pain in your voice.
“Agh, don’t sound so disappointed!” He gave your arm a light pat as he crunched on an apple, “seems like he’s like that with everyone. If you ask me, though, I get the feeling he likes you too.”
You scoffed, almost laughing at his response.
“I highly doubt that, Gary. You saw how he acted around me. It’s like he hates me, or something!” You groaned into the palms of your hands like a petulant teenager.
He leaned closer to your ear, “let’s keep this between us, but for him to get all awkward and riled up like that? That’s gotta mean something. Take it from me, he likes you.”
You sighed. While he did sound convincing, you really didn’t want to get your hopes up.
“Yeah, I guess so. I hope you’re right,” you replied, until it finally dawned on you.
“Wait, how did you know I liked him?” You asked, brows furrowing.
He wheezed in response, nearly choking on a bit of his apple.
“Well, shit, is everyone in this lab oblivious, or what?” He chuckled, “trust me, though! I’m a guy. I know how guys act. I mean, he brings you coffee every morning, for Pete’s sake.”
“That’s exactly what makes him so confusing! He took the time out of his day to memorize how I like my coffee, and yet every time I try to talk to him he acts like– he acts like I’m some sort of pest!” You couldn’t tell if you were angry or sad, probably both.
“That’s what I’m telling you! He just doesn’t know how to act around you.” He took another bite of his apple, “I’ve gotta go help Trevor with something back at the firehouse. I’ll catch you later, (First Name),” Gary took his leave, making his way down the hall.
You sat back down at your desk, sinking into your chair as his words replayed in your head. Was it really true? Could it be possible that the person Lucky was teasing Lars about just before your arrival– was it you?
After what seemed to be a few more minutes, Lars finally returned to the bathroom and began working on his usual projects. You decided to leave him alone, sinking into your own work, or at least trying to. But you couldn’t help the fact that Lars was living rent free in the back of your mind, hindering your focus at every opportunity.
Looking back down at your paper, you finally came to terms with the fact that no matter how hard you tried, you wouldn’t be able to get any work done until you found out the truth. No matter how painful that truth may be.
“Lars?” You called out, turning in your chair.
“What is it this time?”
You huffed, part of you wondering if you should have just taken that response as an answer in itself.
“Why do you hate me so much?” The question came out sounding far more vulnerable than you intended.
He sighed, one of his hands messily making its way through his hair.
“I don’t,” there was a painfully long pause, “hate you.”
That response in itself was enough to surprise you. But you wanted more.
“I don’t understand.” you replied. “You avoid me at almost every chance you get, and you’re always mean to me. You bring me coffee every morning and yet every time I try to get closer to you, you push me away.”
You heard him groan, his head in his hands as he exasperatedly threw his head back. 
“You’re intolerable,” he said. “I hate the way that you bite the tip of your pen, I hate how you twirl your hair around your fingers, I hate your stupid sense of humor, I hate–” 
You were about to open your mouth and you weren’t sure if you were about to tell him to go fuck himself or that you hated him just as equally. Neither of which you would’ve actually meant, but you could feel yourself grow hurt, angry, and confused all at the same time with every word he said.
He seemed to contemplate whether or not to continue, “I hate how beautiful you are without even trying! Do you know how hard it is to focus whenever you’re near me?”
It all made sense now. You felt your fists unclench and timed seem to slow down as your brain needed time to process what he just said.
Your legs seemed to move on their own as you approached Lars’ tense form. His hands clutched either side of his desk as his head hung low.
“Lars–” your voice was low and gentle.
“Please don’t say anything,” he pleaded. “I know you must be repulsed by me and that’s no one’s fault but my own–”
You’re not sure what came over you, but you quickly tilted his head towards you, standing on your tippy toes as you pressed your lips against his. His breath seemed to get caught in the pit of his throat as he stood completely frozen.
You quickly pulled away the moment you didn’t feel him kiss back, “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked–”
Your apology was quickly interrupted by the feeling of his hands tenderly gripping the sides of your face as he pulled you back in for another kiss. One of his arms wrapped around your waist and gently pressed your body up against his, a low grumble escaping his chest.
Your tongue gently grazed his bottom lip, requesting an entrance as you felt him exhale against you. He melted into you as he pressed your back against the front of his desk, one of his legs finding their way in between your thighs. Your hands made their way into his soft blonde curls, gently tugging on them as he let out another groan. Your bodies felt like they were melting into one other, like you belonged with each other. 
“Do you have any idea how painfully irresistible you are?” He grumbled into your skin, his lips pressing against the lower part of your jaw.
You sharply inhaled through your teeth. The feeling of him kissing down your neck sending a shiver down your spine.
“I hadn’t realized you were so pent up,” you replied, nails digging into the back of his uniform.
“Spent so many late nights where you were all I could think about. You have no idea how frustrating that was, do you?” his leg pressed against you, making you squirm.
“Why d’you think I kept trying to get closer to you? I love looking at your stupidly handsome face,” you murmured, licking your lips and going in to kiss him again.
“That right?” his head was tilted as his teeth sunk down on your lower lip.
“It is,” you felt yourself growing needy.
The sound of someone loudly clearing their throat could be heard throughout the lab as you both quickly pulled away from each other. Eyes darting to the source of the nose, you were both met by sight of Winston standing in the doorway.
“I was about to congratulate the both of you on your latest findings, but it seems like the two of you are.. busy right now.” He bore an awkward expression, “look, I’ll come back another time. But please not in the lab. That’s disgusting.”
You awkwardly chuckled, “yeah, no. Of course. That’s– we’re at work that would be so unsanitary. And gross. We would never–” Lars had to interrupt your awkward rambling by giving you a quick nudge.
Winston gave the both of you an awkward nod as he quickly walked off.
“Would you want to get takeout on the way home? I can drive you,” Lars meekly suggested.
You couldn’t fight the smile that pricked at the sides of your mouth, “that sounds lovely, Lars.”
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Eddie loved nicknames.
It started with little 8 year old Eddie telling his Uncle to call him Eddie not Edward since his dad called him Edward and Eddie didn't want his Uncle to be like his dad.
He gave all of his friends nicknames, usually like they were DnD characters. Gareth the Great, Jeff the Just, Harold the Heroic, Dustin the Defyer, Lucas the Lionheart, Mike the Magnificent and of course Lady Applejack. When he met Will he loved Will the Wise. The girls he called Red, Supergirl, Better Wheeler and Robs.
With Steve though he couldn't help himself.
It started with Stevie since of course he wasn't going to call his new friend by his real name. He had tried Harrington but Steve grimaced and Eddie knew enough about Steve's absent parents to know what that meant. So Stevie it was.
Steve and Eddie became closer. Steve became not only Stevie but sweetheart and big boy. The soft blush Steve would get on his face didn't deter Eddie it only made it worse.
Sweetheart branched into sweets, sweetcheeks, sweetie, sweetums if he wanted to make Steve laugh. Big boy became baby, angel, love if he was feeling bold.
"You're not fooling anyone, Edwin (Robin had been trying to guess his name, it was lasting longer than he thought) if the heart eyes aren't enough the pet names are."
"I don't know what you're talking about, my favourite lesbian."
Eddie knew exactly what she was talking about, Eddie's crush turn full blown love was getting out of hand, since Steve came out to him as bi Eddie couldn't help but cause a blush on his Stevie's face. He just couldn't ask him out, too afraid of ruining everything.
Little did he know his nickname obsession would fix all his problems.
Eddie had gotten a job at the music store teaching guitar on the weekends and manning the register during the week. It was close enough to Family Video that he would visit sometimes on his break. Today however, he had a visitor.
"Stevie, what do I owe the pleasure."
Steve smiled softly making his way over.
"Well I know for a fact you never pack lunch, so I thought I'd bring you some."
"My hero, thank you pretty boy."
Eddie couldn't help but notice the quick drop in Steve's smile before it was right back, if a little strained along the edges.
"Course Eds, anything for you."
The boys shared lunch together having fun but in the back of Eddie's mind he was trying to figure out what made his favourite babysitter sad.
He knew it wasn't the thank you, he'd basically strong armed Steve into accepting thanks for things after too many years with the anklebiters taking him for granted.
Maybe it had been the my hero thing? Eddie doubted it since Steve did have a bit of a hero complex, but just to be sure.
"There's my favourite hero."
"I saved your life one time Eds."
"And yet you continuity save me from starvation with your sandwiches."
Steve had giggled at that so it couldn't have been that. Eddie soon got his answer. The party were hanging out at Steve's for a movie night and Eddie was helping Steve with the popcorn.
"Butter, pretty boy?"
There it was the drop in his smile and Eddie was certain Steve wasn't sad about butter. When the kids had nodded off and he and Steve were hanging up in his room listening to music he decided to bring it up.
"Do you have a problem with me calling you nicknames?"
Steve turned towards him confused, "Of course not, Eds, I like them, they're very you."
"Then why do you look sad when I call you pretty boy?"
Steve looked away again and sighed.
"Cause I'm not pretty anymore, Ed's. I know that sounds conceited and vain but I always had my looks. I wasn't smart or funny or really that good at anything, but at least I was nice to look at. Now I'm just tired looking and covered in scars."
Eddie sat up, Steve following him. Eddie turned towards Steve and took his hands in his.
"Stevie Harrington I know you've had a few blows to the head but you can't actually believe that. You are so smart, maybe not in the same way Dustin and Nancy are but you're the one that knows which movie to cheer someone up or when one of the kids are lying to you or which colours look best for people. You're so funny, it's one of the reasons I love hanging out with you, you've always got some story or little snark to make me laugh. And especially I know for a fact that you're the prettiest, cutest, most beautiful person I've ever seen, your scars show the lives you've saved and the things you've survived and they just add to how beautiful you are."
Steve's eyes had turned glassy with unshed tears, but instead of answering Eddie he learnt forward kissing him soundly. Eddie sighed into the kiss, moving his hand sup to cup Steve's face. When they pulled away Steve had the soft blush on his face that Eddie loved so much.
"So does this mean I can call you pretty boy?"
"Keep kissing me like that and you can call me anything you want."
And well, that was just asking for trouble, but Steve didn't mind, not when he had Eddie to remind him he was beautiful.
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algea · 5 months
Ghoul School (pt 2)
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prompt: when you get out of the hospital, Lars has put it onto himself to take care of you until you're healed. I can confirm that there is a big chuck of text where you're really pissed off at him before he gets his shit together!
warnings: tbh i literally dont even know. umm yeah your shin is broken and you're concussed so. things may or may not get a little steamy...cussing duh
a/n: im super mega surprised all my Lars stuff has gotten popular; i think it’s very insanely unhealthy how much i love James Acaster.
~ there are a LOT of little secret references to James in here, comment what you picked out ;)
~ also this is probably longer than the first part idk, but its officially the longest post ive written @jesssuperwholock03
~requested by @thestralluvr
Lars visited you everyday. Every morning, every evening after work, sometimes even over his lunch breaks, like clockwork. You were beginning to think it was seriously unhealthy. You were lying in the hospital bed, 4 days after the incident, with your eyes closed. You heard a soft click of the door and you cracked your eyes slightly. You, being oh-so-surprised, were met with the tired face of your crush colleague and work partner. He wore his jumper tied around his waist, a dark colored button up adorning his body. His hair looked disheveled, which could only mean he had just finished a job. He looked so tired, more tired than you've ever seen him be. It was annoying, honestly. Annoying how attractive he was without even trying. 'Why can't I look like that' you thought to yourself, mentally frowning. You decided to acknowledge his presence, seeing how he took time, again, out of his day to come and visit you.
"Lars." You stated, turning your head look over at him. Lars froze, gazing down at your solemn face. You started to reach out to him, but thought otherwise and rested your hand back on the crisp sheets. You watched as he pushed his glasses up and pulled a chair to sit beside you. Lars rested his forearms on the edge of the bed, his hands clasped.
"I was told that you'll be able to get out of here today." He whispered, his tired eyes searching your face. He was desperate for you to come back, back to how things used to be, where he would tease you, and you would always find witty comeback. But he knew you couldn't, not for a while at least. Lars was so scared you weren't going to be able to work for Ghost Corps anymore, especially since the concussion you got really fucked up your head. Not to mention your shin, which was a huge impact on you.
Lars let out a shaky breath. He unclasped his hands and ran one through his hair. You reached out, more confidently this time, and rested your hand on his. He didn't move his hand; he was scared if you let go, you'd disappear.
"Lars." You said again, your face flashing with worry. Your other hand softly touched his chin, holding his face so delicately.
"I'm scared that you're not going to come back." Lars stated, grimacing at the words that flew out of his mouth.
"Why wouldn't I come back? What made you think this?" You asked, your eyebrows drawing together in a sad furrow.
"I want things to be the same, I don't want things to change." He whispered quietly, his eyes cast down.
"I think you and I both know that it won't be the same, neither of us want to admit it. Normally, you don't go around kissing people and pretend like you hate each other for the rest of your life." You explained, searching his eyes for an answer. His eyes glanced back at you as his cheeks burned with pink. You tipped his head to the side ever so slightly, your thumb brushing over his cheekbone.
"That's unfair, Lars. You can't expect me to leave you alone after that." You pleaded.
"Can we just drop it? It really doesn't fucking matter right now.” Lars snapped. You drew your hand away from his face, hurt flashing across your face.
“What I meant was that we should focus on getting you out of here.” He frantically explained. He reached for your hand, but you pulled away again. Lars had never felt an emotion like this. His ears were ringing and his brain was hazy. It could’ve only been described as embarrassment. He wouldn't cry, no, that's not what he wanted to do. He wanted to apologize over and over again until you'd forget he ever did anything or said anything.
“I think it's maybe time for you to go. When I get out, do me a favor and send Lucky and Pheebs to get me.” You muttered, looking down at your hands. Lars sat there for a few moments, his jaw clenched. He wanted to say something, anything, to make you understand how he felt. Instead, he got up and, with a longing gaze down at you, left.
You felt hot tears sting your eyes, which you allowed to fall down your cheeks. If he wanted to play that dumbass game again, you could do it, just not like you used to. You didn't realize that you were holding your breath until he walked out of the door, not looking back. You slammed your hand down on the bed in a fit of rage, which turned into a soft cry. You wished that you could make better sense of it all, but your wishes never came true.
It was only 2 hours after that you were discharged. Lucky and Phoebe, just as you had requested, rushed in to see you as soon as they could.
"Y/N!" Phoebe exclaimed, running to you and giving you a big hug. You smiled and hugged her back, or at least as much as you could with your crutches. Lucky joined in on the hug before you parted and started making your way to the car.
"Everyone is so happy you're coming home! We've all been super worried." Phoebe smiled, giving you a big smile.
"I'm so happy I get to see you guys again, Pheebs." You grinned back, ruffling her hair. Your mind wandered to Lars as you crutched your way to the car.
"Has um..." You started, realizing that the words were harder to get out of your mouth than you thought.
"He's not here. I haven't seen him since we went out this morning." Lucky explained, catching on to what you were about to ask. You looked down and nodded. 'Of course, how could I be so goddamn stupid.' You thought. Phoebe helped you into the car while Lucky set your crutches next to you. Trevor was driving, which was a whole other risk to be taking.
"Since when did they let you drive?" You asked, grinning at Trevor.
"Since Lars bailed at the last minute. I'm a great driver, so I have no idea what you're even talking about." Trevor bragged. 'He bailed at last minute? He never does that...' You thought sadly. He could've just been working really hard on whatever science thing he was studying. You really didn't know, but it did cut a little.
You didn't know you were carsick until you let Trevor drive you home. You thought Lars was a bad driver, but you quickly realized that Trevor was on the list of 'Never-Ever Drive Me Again,' along with Gary and Ray. You made a mental note of that as you struggled to stand to get out of the car. Trevor quickly rushed to your side to help you, easily pulling you up. You casted your gaze up, which fell on the Firehouse. 'Oh good, he won't be here.' You thought, as a feeling of relief washed over you. You hobbled in next to Phoebe and Trevor with Lucky trailing in not far behind. Callie and Gary stood right after the door, waiting for your arrival. As soon as you entered the Firehouse they were by your side, giving you warm 'hello's' and 'I'm so happy you're back and ok.' You were quick to hug them, hoping to talk to them about your situation with Lars.
"Alright kiddos, time to let the adults talk." Gary clapped, shooing away the smaller kids.
"Hey but I'm not-!" Trevor started, but was dragged away by Lucky. You three sat down around a table. It was silent for a moment as you tried to say what was on your mind.
"Did he come see you?" Callie asked, leaning in close.
"He came and saw me everyday. Sometimes up to three times." You whispered, your hands clasped together. Callie and Gary looked at each other.
"But when he came and saw me this morning, he was different. He was super moody, and got upset when I tried to confront him about kissing me like you said for me to do. I don't know if he doesn't like confrontation or if he, yknow, might be seeing someone else." You went on, nervously biting your nails.
"Y/N, I seriously doubt that there's many women who actually like Lars, much less want to even date him." Gary said, using his left hand to talk. 'Is he right? But I'm sure women think Lars is attractive.' You thought, scrunching your eyebrows together.
"I'm pretty certain that you're like the only woman he's ever talked to in a romantic way, probably even the only woman he’s ever even talked to." Callie confirmed.
"Either way, he likes you. We all know that." Gary finished. You were really hoping he was right, otherwise you were a fool being played.
You chatted for a little while longer, mostly about anything and everything that came to mind. After a while, you told them that you were ready to head home.
"I'll drive you home." Callie said, standing up and grabbing the keys. The ride home was filled with you and Callie singing awful 80's songs, the vast majority of them by Tears for Fears. That was something that cleaned your soul and freed your mind a while. Callie helped you into your apartment before she left with a hug and a warm 'see you soon.' You were seriously hoping that your torture would end.
After a day, you got restless. So restless that you decided to go back to the lab and start working again. Yes, it was idiotically stupid. No, you weren't going to listen to anyone and take a break. Honestly it was going to happen anyways. You walked into the lab the first day, partially hoping that Lars was going to be there, but alas he wasn't. You felt disappointment but you were hopeful that you'd see him tomorrow. Except you didn't. More days past by and you hadn't seen any sign of Lars in the lab at all. You were starting to get more and more worried.
It had been more than a week and you hadn’t seen Lars since. Concern was growing and you were growing weary waiting for him to return. It was extremely hard taking care of yourself, especially since you had to trek a long ways to get yourself to your car outside of your apartment. Finally, you decided it was time to go see Lars. It pissed you off so much that you were running to him, instead of him coming to you. You knew his place, mostly because you, Phoebe, Trevor, and Lucky would sometimes prank him by doing something so absurd he would tremble with anger. That was back when you had your little schoolgirl crush on him, before you realized that you loved him.
You decided to walk, opting for the fact that he knows your car all too well. You weren’t even sure if he was there, you really didn’t even bother checking to see in your group FindMy. You didn’t even bother use your crutches because they were stupid anyways, you could walk just find even though you had a little limp. God you just wanted to fucking punch his stupidly handsome face. He made your blood boil so much.
You were only a few blocks from from his house when it started to rain. Not just a light rain, but a pour. You grew a little worried for your cast, but continued on. You were completely drenched by the time you were on his doorstep. Even worse, it was cold out. You stood on his doorstep for a minute before you started to knock on his door. You breathed out, seeing your own breath in the air. You were so cold. No one answered, which was pretty typical for Lars. He was probably standing in the kitchen, not going to open the door.
"Lars!!" You yelled, knocking on the door some more. Water dripped from your face and you shivered again. The door still didn't open. You sighed and started walking away, the pouring rain drenching you again. You started to tread back to your apartment when you heard a loud bang and turned your head. There Lars was, standing in the doorway, eyes wide as he stared at you.
"Y/N!" Lars yelled back, meeting you in the rain. He craned his head to look down at you, his hands flying to meet your face.
"What are you doing here?" He said, his thumb swiping at your cheek.
"I came to see you. Where the fuck have you been, Lars Pinfield?!" You boomed, your right hand gripping the front of his shirt. His head dropped and he closed his eyes.
"I...I couldn't face you after that dumb shit I pulled. I wanted to apologize, really I did, but I couldn't bring myself to face you." Lars explained, his breath creating a misty cloud. All that either of you could do was stare at each other incredulously.
“Are you fucking stupid? I’ve wanted to see you all week, but your dumbass wouldn’t show up. Jesus Christ Lars, do you have any clue how much I’ve missed you? You’re so goddamn unfair you know that?!” You screamed, pounding on his chest. Lars’ hands moved from your face to your waist, holding you steady while you angrily punched him. He could only see you through his hair, which now stuck to his forehead, and his rain covered glasses which were fogging up. He was freezing, but all he could ever think about was you. How cold were you? Why would you sacrifice your time, hell, your health to come see him. He really couldn’t understand it. He couldn’t comprehend why someone would ever do that for someone. You would think with him being such a genius he would figure it out, however some people can be dense. But he realized that you were giving up all your time to invest in him. So, he decided that he needed to do the same.
"Do you think, maybe, that you'd want to spend the rest of your life, with me, maybe not just hating each other. And maybe not while hating each other, you'd like to be with me, y'know, for a long while?" Lars whispered, causing you to stop throwing punches. You looked up at him, in all his rain drenched glory. God, he looked so beautiful. You began to tremble, your hands lifting to capture his face with them. Lars breath quickened, his large hands gripping your waist. His hazy blue eyes captured yours, holding you in his everlasting gaze.
"Lars..." You murmured, swiping your thumb across his bottom lip. It was soft, softer than you thought it would've been. You found yourself daydreaming again about kissing him, though you'd never let him know how many times you've done it. You realized how close you were after you felt his breath against your cheek. You leaned in closer, pressing your chest against his. It was like something out of a movie, the way time stopped then. When your lips pressed against his, your body shuddered. It was like fireworks went off inside of you, making you all jittery and excited. Lars' hands slipped from your waist to your ass, softly gripping the flesh there. You slipped your fingers into his blond locks, tugging lightly. You heard a light groan rumble from his chest as he pressed into you further.
You weren't sure if the rain mixed with the cold had made you delirious, but after Lars had pulled away, it made him look even hotter. His tousled, wet hair, his lips that were red after the kiss, the ruby flush that adorned his cheeks and ears, and his half-lidded eyes made him even more beautiful. You found yourself feeling heat creep up through your neck to your cheeks as he stared down at you.
“Shit, right, you need to get inside, now.” Lars commanded, dragging you towards the door.
“Lars—!” You exclaimed, eyes widening as he basically picked you up. Your hands fly to grip the shirt on his back as you hoists you over his shoulder. He muttered a few things under his breath as he strolled to the door, obviously not caring that the rain was coming down harder. Lars opened the door, set you down, and shut the door with the heel of his shoe.
“Give me a second.” He commanded, leaving you standing in the foyer. You shivered and looked around, noticing some things that seemed quite out of place. Lars had multiple different band posters framed and hung up around the house, most of them signed. You could pick out a few like Pindrop, Temps, and the Timewasters. You also found multiple different movie titles like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and other things. ‘Interesting’ You thought as you took in your surroundings. Lars appeared again with a towel and some sort of clothes he had found for you to wear.
“If you fuck up my good clothes, I’m kicking your ass to the curb again.” Lars sighed, throwing the towel at you.
“Whatever, brainiac.” You bit back, trying to hold back your grin as you shoved past him. That earned a scoff and an eye roll from Lars.
“Washroom is down the right hall, second door to the left.” He called, peaking down at you as you went to change.
Lars had never had a girl in his house before. Other than the times his mother and sister had come over from Britain, obviously. His “outside” friends insisted that he bring a girl home, but he couldn’t ever bring himself to when he could only think of you. It made him a little giddy knowing that you were here with him. It was like a fever dream, if he woke up it all would be gone. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure that there was a way to prove that this was real. Lars found himself wondering if you liked how his house was decorated, the clothes he brought you, even the way the house smelt. At the thought of these, he began to worry that you didn’t like it here. Those thoughts were denied when you waddled back from the bathroom, furiously rubbing at your hair to dry it. It was silly, really. Lars thought you looked a little too good in his clothes. His Temps T-shirt was too big for you, and his plaid pj pants were rolled a few times to even try and fit you.
“You look stupid in that.” Lars scoffed once more, looking anywhere but your face.
“Hey man, you picked this out. Don’t blame me for your shit style.” You tried back. A hint of a smile could be found dawning his face. You smirked and poked his cheek.
“Is that a smile I see? Is the Lars Pinfield smiling in my presence?” You giggled, covering your mouth with your hand to fake gasp.
“No, it isn’t.” He replied, the smile growing wider on his face.
“It so totally is!!! Lars Pinfield is literally smiling right in front of me!” You exclaimed. He shook his head.
“Shut up. Anyways, I’m getting changed, don’t fucking break anything.” Lars sighed, sliding past you.
“You can put on anything, just as long as it’s not some stupid BritCom.” He added, shutting the door to his room.
“Who even watches BritComs…” You muttered to yourself. Walking back into the main foyer, you sat down on the sofa, which was surprisingly nice compared to how you thought your scientist boyfriend colleague lived. You sat down and flicked through the channels, stopping on whatever stupid romcom movie was on. You sighed and put your chin in your hand, anticipating the snappy response of ‘this is the shittiest movie I’ve ever seen.’
“Hey.” You heard from above you. Looking up, you saw Lars resting his elbows on the top of the sofa next to you.
“Hi.” You peeped back. Secretly, you were gawking at him. Lars wore a pair of white sweatpants and a black shirt. You’ve never seen him in casual wear, but you were absolutely loving it right now. His glasses weren’t pushed up, loosely sitting below the bridge of his nose, and his hair was still damp. If this wasn’t heaven, you didn’t know what was.
“What’re we watching?” He asked, glancing down at you. You shivered when his eyes locked on to yours.
“Some stupid romcom, you probably won’t like it anyways.” You answered.
“You’re right, I’ll probably think it’s super shitty, but I’ll watch it anyways.” He sighed, tipping his head towards you. You reached up and placed a kiss on his lips. Lars scrunched his eyebrows and sighed. After you pulled away, you patted the seat beside you, beckoning him to sit down. He all but scrambled to get next to you, plopping down with another big sigh.
“How’s your leg?” Lars asked once more, motioning to it with his eyes.
“It has definitely seen better days.” You replied earnestly. He nodded in sincerity, then turned his attention back to whatever you were watching. You looked over at him again before reaching over and slipping your hand into his. He didn't move, so you considered it a win. Taking matters into your hands again, you slid closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. Lars' head rested on top of yours immediately and you smiled as he snuggled in closer. You could smell whatever cologne he was wearing, a citrusy, vanilla smell.
"You smell good." You muttered, looking up at him through your lashes. Lars didn't reply, but you could definitely imagine the look on his face. That little embarrassed smile with a scarlet blush dusting his cheeks. You found yourself becoming a little sleepy as you settled in. Blinking a few times, you tried to wake yourself up, but that only made you even more sleepy. Unintentionally, you started to fall asleep. As you drifted off to sleep, you could hear Lars mutter something to you, but you didn't respond.
Somehow, in the middle of the night, you had moved from the sofa, to Lars' bed. Now you only had 2 options as to how you got there. 1. You sleep walked to the bed and magically laid down, or 2. Lars had carried you there. You groaned and opened your eyes, lifting a hand to rub them. You blinked a couple times and sat up. No, Lars wasn't in here. So then, where was he? You slipped out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen, finding that he wasn't there either. A cup of coffee and some breakfast was left on the counter, along with a note saying,
'I'll be back later, got a couple things I need to work on at the lab. I left you some breakfast and I'm sure you can fend for yourself for lunch. Please don't burn the house down. - Lars' You smiled and picked up the coffee, finding that it was still steaming. You noticed that Lars had made the coffee the way you liked it, which meant he definitely paid attention whenever you ordered it.
After basically spending the whole day exploring Lars' house, you settled into the sofa once more with a random book you had picked out of his bookcase. Hearing keys jingle, you lifted your head from the book and saw Lars venture in. You slowly got up, minding both your head and leg, and made your way over to him.
"Hi handsome, how did work go?" You smiled at him, leaning against the doorway.
"It was...eventful. I got thrown up on by pukey." Lars sighed. You laughed and patted his shoulder.
"That was probably hilarious. I'll make dinner while you take a shower." You said, pushing him along to the bathroom.
"Mmmm, fine. But..." He started before he swooped down and kissed you. Your hand flew to his hair, giving it a nice tug. With that came a loud groan. Lars' gripped your waist and pushed you against the wall. His tongue swiped at your lips, which you gladly accepted. You snatched his glasses and tossed them away, squirming slightly as his nails dug your waist. When he pulled away he grinned,
"Looks like I'm not getting my shower in tonight."
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Hi I love your fics! I was wondering if you could write a lee bakugo and ler best jeanist? If your requests are closed you can just ignore this, I thought it could be cute though!
Have a great day! Remember to take care of yourself!
TickleTober Day 2 - Accidental
Okay, kinda lucked out! I was gonna wait till November to do this request, but I liked the pairing and needed an idea. You didn't request it as TickleTober, but that's what it is now. Changes nothing, just gives me an excuse to write it as such lol. Ignore any sewing-term errors, I don't sew anything. Anywho, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Bakugou
Ler: Best Jeanist
Summary: Jeanist thought that Bakugou's suit needed some special touches. The blonde obviously protests, leading to some rather giggly measurements.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Bakugou's hero suit was…well, it wasn't bad. It just lacked a certain flair the pro hero was looking for. So, with him mentoring the teen and all, Jeanist thought it his responsibility to spruce up the slightly drab suit.
The rapidly approaching fall season was a decent inspiration for him. With fall comes the changing of leaves, carving of pumpkins and cooler weather. Jeanist made sure to insulate the suit, knowing the blonde needed to sweat for his quirk to work. He kept the theme mainly orange, yellow and black, adding in a few splashes of green for style. 
By the end of his lunch break, he had drawn up a new seasonal suit for Bakugou. It was time for the hard part: getting his measurements without the boy exploding.
“I don’t need a new suit! Nothin’s fucking wrong with it!” Bakugou was not putting up with another change. His poor hair had been the first change. That damn comb over…he’ll never get over it. Now he wanted to switch up his suit design? Fuck that.
The pro hero sighed, expecting this reaction. “No need to be so dramatic. It’s just a little…seasonal makeover. Trust me, you’ll be much happier.” Bakugou huffed, shaking his head. Yeah right, he had said the same thing about the hairstyle…
Bakugou's choice of words wasn't his best idea. He was getting a bit pissy, letting his temper get the best of him. "Fuck off. My suit is fine, no more makeovers!" He glared at the pro, but that temper faded when he saw the look on his face. The look that meant Jeanist was done with his shit.
"Quite the mouth on you. I believe I said something about censoring your f-bombs, did I not?" Threads flew towards the teen, wrapping around his limbs and getting him positioned. When Jeanist was done, Bakugou was standing tall, his arms and legs spread just enough to get perfect measurements. "I would say 'stand still', but I don't think that'll be an issue now."
A bit dramatic, but he needed it. Bakugou thrashed and tugged on the thread, but everytime one broke, three more were quick to replace it. Jeanist was careful not to hurt the boy, just restrain him. "The fuck?! Get these damn threads offa me!" 
The pro rolled his eyes, grabbing his measuring tape and approaching him. "What did I just say?" Jeanist first ran the tape around his chest, getting the bust measurements. He wasn't expecting the other blonde's gasp when his fingers grazed his ribs. "Bakugou…are you hurt?"
Shit… "No, go away! Get these damn threads away from me!" He tried thrashing his way out, but nothing was working. Jeanist was too good at keeping him in place.
"Bakugou, if you're hiding an injury, you're only hurting yourself more. I only think less of you for getting injured if you don't tell me about it." His tone was serious. The pro didn't mess around when it came to his others' well-being. Giving Bakugou a stern look-over, he could tell the explosive teen wasn't lying. But if he wasn't injured, why'd he gasp? Jeanist knew he wasn't getting a straight answer; best to run a test…
Ignoring his protests, Jeanist got back to measuring. He did the bust measurements one more time, his fingers grazing Bakugou's ribs again. The teen was prepared, though, biting his cheek to keep quiet.
Okay, no noise that time…moving onto the waist. He moved the tape down, fiddling with the ends of it to find the exact measurement. He pressed his fingers against the boy's lower stomach, taking mental notes of the numbers. 
Bakugou's breathing was a bit shaky, his cheek starting to hurt from biting it so hard. Why couldn't Jeanist measure somewhere that wasn't ticklish? Literally any other place would have been fine. He just had to start with his ribs. Things only went downhill from there…
Now for hip girth. The tape was moved once again, running around his hips. Bakugou struggled not to react when he felt his mentor's fingers brush his hips. He could feel his cheeks heat up, the embarrassment and stupidity of his situation getting to him. 
Jeanist heard how shaky his breathing was getting, glancing up at the teen's face. What he saw shocked him. A blushing Bakugou, struggling not to smile. Why would he…wait a minute. He got a wonderful idea. And oho, it was perfect. 
The measuring tape was pulled away, Best Jeanist's fingers leaving his torso. Bakugou huffed, sparing a glance at his mentor. He instantly regretted it. The pro hero's smile was as wide as it was mischievous. The measurements were done for now, he could've released him; but he didn't. He knew. Bakugou was fucked. 
"Jeanist I- don't you FUCKING dare! I'll blow you into the stratosphere! Back off!" The blond pulled at his thread restraints, but Jeanist was too good with his quirk. He could barely wiggle around, much less escape.
The pro hero chuckled, shaking his head. "Wow, again with the language. What's it gonna take for you to clean up your act, Bakugou?" He tucked his arms behind his back, slowly getting closer to the teen. He knew exactly what it would take. He just wanted to have a bit of fun with his temperamental mentee. 
"Maybe…something like this?" He went behind the teen, squeezing his side. Bakugou huffed, jerking as much as the threads would allow. How were things as simple as threads keeping him restrained so well? 
"Lemme go! I swear, if you touch me one more time, I'll fucking blast you-" He couldn't even finish his sentence before Jeanist squeezed his side again, cutting his words off with a yelp. "There's that word again. You've really got to stop using it. Children aren't going to want to be near a hero who uses such scary language." 
To be completely honest, Jeanist didn't really care how the boy spoke. It wasn't up to him, he wasn't going to dictate how he communicated. Still, the cursing gave him an excuse to tickle the other blonde. An excuse he wasn't about to let go of.
Deciding to just go for it, Jeanist scribbled across the teen's stomach. He was pleasantly surprised to hear Baku's poorly-restrained giggles. He wasn't putting up much of an effort to conceal them anymore. "Shihit- nohoho! Get ohohoff!" 
It was nice to hear the aggressive, loud teen giggle like that. After all, he was still a kid. A teenager, yes, but still a kid. The boy deserves to laugh. And, by the looks of it, he doesn't really mind. 
"You'd think that you would stop cussing, but no. Honestly, do you ever learn your lesson?" The wiggling fingers move upwards, heading for his ribs. Bakugou's giggling got louder, still lighter and bubbly. At least he was on the right track.
Jeanist slowly moved up Bakugou's ribs, scribbling between each bone. The teen squirmed and thrashed as much as he could, his pink cheeks deepening to a vibrant red. The giggling was now borderline laughter. Just needed that one extra notch to get there.
"Goho awahahay, ohohold mahahahan!" The pro scoffed, pausing his tickling for a second. That kid was in for it now… "Old man?! I'm 35, thank you very much! That's a perfectly normal age for a hero. I think you need a lesson in manners…" 
The pro's hand suddenly darted upwards, scribbling mercilessly on the spot where his underarms meet the top of his ribs. Bakugou all but screamed, loud cackles replacing his giggling. "NOHOHO! GEHEHET- NOHOT THEHEHERE!" 
Jeanist just chuckled as he continued his ticklish fun. He was enjoying himself, seeing his mentee laugh like that. The boy never let loose besides fighting, it was a nice sight. "There we go, improvement. No insults, and not one swear word!" He didn't really have a definite reason for tickling Bakugou, besides the fact that it was fun. Excuses would help, though.
Laughter echoed around Jeanist's office, bouncing off the walls and lively the place up. The denim-clad pro experimentally squeezed Bakugou's hip, smirking at the squawk he got in return. His fingers moved away from the teen's death spot, fully moving his hands down to focus on his hips. 
"OHOHO MY- IHIHI'LL KIHILL YOUHUHU!" Bakugou was trying to continue his sort-of squirming, but he was tiring out. The tickles, paired with that morning's training and patrol, had him beat. He managed to keep his head held up, laughing as the pro went at his hips. 
His thumbs drilled into the boisterous teen's hips, smirking as he pulled laugh after laugh out of him. The kid definitely had a nice one; much better than his normal demented cackling. His eyes wandered down to Bakugou's legs, questioning if they'd be half as his upper body. Lucky for him, he forgot a measurement. 
"Oh, my bad! I forgot to measure your inseam! We'll need to take care of that, now won't we?" Jeanist pulled the measuring tape from his pocket once again, holding it against Bakugou's thigh. Only this time, he actually poked around the area, purposefully tickling him while getting the measurement.
Thigh tickles are a completely different experience from anywhere else on the body (imo). As such, Bakugou's laugh was a brand-new shade of adorable. The fiery teen giggled and squeaked, pitchy laughter replacing his cackles.
"CohOHOme ohohon! Youhuhu AHA- uhum,  j-jeheherk!” To his mentor’s surprise, Bakugou actually filtered his language. True, he had begun to call him an ass, but he took the effort to stop himself. It was kinda cute, even if he didn’t truly care about the other blonde’s language.
Jeanist chuckled, easing up on his student’s hips. “Would you look at that, he can learn. All it took was some tickling!” Said student groaned, his cheeks reddening as Jeanist said the word. Normally, he can hear and say the word just fine. That time, however, he was being teased and restrained by someone he looked up to. It’s waaay harder to stay composed when you’re giggling like an idiot.
Finally, the tickling and teasing got to him. Bakugou actually tapped out. He didn’t exactly say “uncle” or anything, but he did say one word that hadn’t been spoken since Jeanist started. “S-STOHOHOP IHIT! JeHEHEAnihihist noho mohOHORE!” 
And stop it he did. The pro hero pulled his hands away as the threads holding Bakugou in place snapped. The teen fell forwards, a bit dazed from laughing so hard for so long. Jeanist caught the giggly student before he could hurt himself. “Woah, careful. I didn’t go too far, did I?”
Bakugou shook his head, hiding his red face in his mentor’s shoulder. “Sh-shuhuhut uhup…” That was the only response he needed to know that everything was fine. The older blonde wrapped his arms around him, keeping the boy upright and letting him know that there was no judgment. 
“Alright, I’ll stop. Still, you have to admit you enjoyed yourself just a little.” Bakugou groaned, weakly punching his mentor’s side. That just made him laugh and muss up the teen’s hair. “I’ll take that as another yes.” 
A lightbulb seemed to go off in Jeanist’s head as he remembered the whole reason the silliness started. “Oh, I almost forgot! Now that I’ve got your measurements, I can start on your new suit!” He walked over to a nearby couch, laying the teen down to rest. Bakugou wasn’t totally spent, but he could use a breather. He grumbled something, but didn’t protest any. He wanted a quick nap, and knew Jeanist wouldn’t tease him for it. 
The pro went over to his personal work-area, grabbing the fabrics for Bakugou’s new suit. Hopefully, by the time his student woke up, he would have a starting point on the garment.
Their playful exchange had given him some good ideas on where to add extra padding, as well as some pops of color. Bakugou might have been a bit temperamental, but he was a good kid. A good kid deserves a good suit. As he cut the first length of fabric, he thought of the happy smile that was on his mentee’s face as he tickled him. He would have to take measurements more often…
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babybluebex · 2 years
𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 | 𝐣𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: at london comic con, naptime for joe’s son interferes with joe’s panel. luckily, joe has a fix for the situation. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dad!joseph quinn x um!reader 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: fluff fluff fluff ab dad joe bc lcc is giving so much kid content it’s driving me wild, joe’s son’s name is anthony 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: listen, @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown and i have this longstanding au going where you and joe have a son and i NEEDED to write it, especially with all the pictures of babies and kids that we’re getting this weekend :)
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By now, everyone on Twitter knew that Joe had brought you and his son to London Comic Con. You and Joe had been spotted entering the convention center on Saturday, tiny 4-year old Anthony in tow, and everyone was waiting for some sort of content with the three of you. Joe didn’t share too much about Anthony online, only the spare picture to his new Instagram every so often, updating his eight million followers on Anthony’s antics, but little Anthony was known and beloved. 
So far, the day had gone well. You stood off to the side and entertained Anthony as Joe took pictures with fans, stopping during every break to get the snuggles and kisses in— Anthony required many Daddy snuggles and kisses, and every twenty minutes, two minutes were allotted for Joe to kiss Anthony’s head, inquire about what he was watching (the answer was always Bluey), and promise more time in the future. You hated how hectic the convention was and how quickly-paced it was, but that was the nature of the event. It was fun to watch your husband interact with all of his fans, and some even spotted you and sent waves and coos towards you and Anthony. 
Eventually, time for Joe’s lunch break came, and he held Anthony in his lap as they both ate their sandwiches that you had made (the upside of a con in London meant no hotel rooms, and your boys got to sleep in their own beds), peanut butter dotted on Anthony’s little mouth as he babbled away at Joe. “So big, Dada!” he exclaimed, stretching his hands wide. 
“Yeah, lots of people, aren’t there?” Joe chuckled, smoothing down Anthony’s thin curls. Anthony resembled Joe to a tee, some baby photos that Joe’s mother had showed you a dead ringer for your son, and Anthony’s big brown eyes widened as he nodded. 
“And they’re all here to see you,” you told him, and Joe scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
“I don’t know about that,” he said. “I think they’re here to see you.” 
“Me?” you asked. 
“Yeah, my fans love you,” Joe told you. “Everybody today has told me to say hello to you and Anthony. And some people asked about Wes too, actually.” 
You smiled and leaned forward to kiss Joe’s cheek, and your husband blushed under your lips. “I’m so proud of you, Joey,” you told him softly. “You’ve worked so hard for so long, and now… It’s all happening.” 
“And I get to do it with you,” Joe said with a watery smile, and he looked down at Anthony in his lap, still watching Bluey on your phone. “Both of you.” He ruffled up Anthony’s hair and smoothed them down again, an anxious habit that he had picked up recently, and Anthony looked up from your phone and smiled a big, toothy grin at his father. 
“It’s almost naptime,” you said, looking down at your watch, and both of your boys whined and grumbled in protest. Anthony usually didn’t make a fuss over naptime and gladly settled in bed with his blankie and fell asleep for at least an hour, but you knew that the energy and excitement from the con would interrupt his schedule. You had anticipated this, and you pouted as you tugged your son up into your arms. “I know, baby, I know,” you told him. “But you’ll get all sleepy and cranky later if you don’t nap.” 
“B-But Dada!” Anthony said, and he wriggled in your arms, reaching out for Joe. You willingly transferred your son into his father’s arms, and Joe kissed Anthony’s wiggly little head as Anthony added, “Wanna stay with ‘ou, Dada.” 
“I want you to stay with me too,” Joe said, his bottom lip pouting out. “But you need to nap, and I have stuff I’ve gotta do.”
“What?” Anthony asked. 
“Well, I have a panel in a few minutes,” Joe told Anthony. “People ask me all sorts of things, and I answer them. It’s usually very fun. But I can’t bring you, bud.” 
“I mean…” you started slowly. “You could. Just hold him in your lap and let him sleep while you answer the questions. If you want, that is. Or I can just take him back home to nap and we can come get you at the end of the day.” 
“I can hold him,” Joe said, rubbing Anthony’s back. “We’re just gonna cuddle while you nap, aren’t we?”
“Cuddle?” Anthony asked, and Joe nodded. “Okay. Blankie?” 
You nodded carefully and slung off your backpack, opening it and searching through all of your stuff, Joe’s phone and wallet and keys and snacks and all of Anthony’s various accessories, and you finally extracted his fluffy blue blankie. It certainly had been fluffy at one point but, after four years, the fluff had been matted down and it was a little off-color, no matter how many times you washed it. But it was Anthony’s favorite blankie, the only one he slept with, and Anthony cuddled it up to his chest instantly as soon as he got it in his hands. “Thank you, Mummy,” Anthony mumbled, nestling his head under Joe’s chin, and your heart skipped. 
“Of course, baby,” you told him. “Are my boys ready for the panel?” 
“Anthony’s first panel,” Joe chuckled. “We’re ready.” 
Joe carried Anthony (and his blankie) to the stage, smiling and waving at fans as he passed them, and he seemed calm and cool. It was only once you got backstage, in the wings of the stage, that he started to seem nervous. “Is this a bad idea?” Joe asked. Anthony had his head rested on Joe’s shoulder, his brown eyes flagging with after-lunch sleepiness, and he yawned and cuddled up closer into Joe’s chest. “I-I mean, is it unprofessional?” 
“He’s your son, darling,” you told him, adjusting Joe’s jacket to lay right and settling his curls right. “Everyone will understand. And anyway, it’s super cute, and nobody will care if it's unprofessional if it’s cute.” 
Joe nodded, and he rubbed Anthony’s back as his name was announced by the moderator, and you watched Joe walk out onstage, holding his microphone in one hand as he held Anthony in his arms. Instantly, the auditorium was met with coos and aws and cheers, and Joe waved at everyone before he sat down on the small sofa that was provided for him. He mumbled something to Anthony and kissed his head, and your son turned to look at everyone. He waved for a moment, just long enough for everyone to cheer back at him, and he turned back and buried himself in Joe’s chest. 
The crowd died down, and Joe brought the microphone to his mouth. “It’s naptime,” he said, his voice echoing around the room, and he added, “We’ve got our blankie, I think Ant’s gonna suck his thumb, and he’ll be asleep in no time. But I’m excited, let’s begin.” 
Everything Anthony did was met with applause and aws, every moment and wiggle and cuddle into Joe’s warm chest. Joe answered every question with poise and humility, laughing when someone said to say hi to Wes, and Anthony mumbled something that was half-caught by the mic. “Unca Wes?” he mumbled, and Joe frowned, shaking his head. 
“No, no, Uncle Wes isn’t here right now,” he said softly. “But we can see him when we’re done here... It cracks me up that you guys know who Wes is.” 
True to his word, Anthony popped his thumb in his mouth and was asleep within twenty minutes, and Joe noticed it. “Oh, bless him,” he said. “And we’re asleep here. If we’re very quiet… maybe he’ll stay asleep…” Joe paused for a second and kissed Anthony’s head, and the boy didn’t stir, and Joe said, “Yeah, and he’s knocked out. He can sleep through anything at this point. He gets that from me.” Joe laughed a little, making sure that Anthony stayed asleep, and he said, “I’m sorry, what was the question?”
That happened often. Joe would be too distracted watching Anthony sleep and have to have the question asked again, and he flushed and mumbled, “I’m sorry, you guys, he’s just… Parents will understand, he’s only this little for so long. Sorry, I’m sorry, what was the question again?” 
Finally, the time for the end of the panel came, and the last question took Joe a second to respond: “What are you most proud of in your life?” 
“Well,” he started. “I’m proud of myself for a lot, if I can say that without coming off as a douchebag. But my own accomplishments pale in comparison to my wife, she… She’s amazing. I’m constantly in awe of her and all that she’s done for me, all of the late nights she spends with our son while I work, supporting me and loving me and… But this little guy. He blows my mind every day. Even as he’s sitting here, napping, he’s so much more than I ever could have imagined my son to be. I never anticipated being a father, and now I am, and even though it’s been four years, I’m still not used to him and I don’t think I ever will be. He is so smart and beautiful and… Yeah. I’m proud of Anthony. He’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”
You smiled and, as soon as Joe came offstage, you pulled him into a kiss. You felt Joe’s hands twitch underneath Anthony, obviously wanting to embrace you as he kissed you, and you pulled Anthony into your arms to allow Joe to hold you tenderly as he kissed your lips. He sighed into the kiss and touched his forehead to yours, and he mumbled, “I love you so much. Thank you for sticking around.” 
“Of course,” you told him. “I love you too, darling.” 
“I wonder if my mum can take Ant tonight,” Joe mumbled, pulling you back into another kiss. “I need some time with you.” 
“You have more con tomorrow,” you said. “Is tonight good for that?” 
“Any night is a good night for that,” Joe chuckled, and you smiled at his naughty cheek. “I think it’s time Ant has a little sister.” 
“You think so?” you asked. “Whatever you say, Mr. Quinn.” 
“And I do say, Mrs. Quinn,” Joe said. “Let me call Mum and see if she can take the little monster. He was so good for me, he just slept the whole time.” 
“He’s not a monster,” you said with a smile, bouncing Anthony as he yawned and started to wake up. His thumb was popped in his mouth and you carefully pulled it out, and Anthony whined and sucked the corner of his blankie into his mouth. “He’s the most special little boy in the world.”
“He sure is,” Joe said, and his big eyes were full of love as he looked at the two of you, his wife and son. “The best boy ever.” 
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ejzah · 1 month
Would you be interested in writing a little something related to Kip and Deeks? I’ve always wanted to read about how Deeks tells Kip about Kensi. Obviously he knows a bit of his feelings/attraction based on how he was teasing Deeks. Would love to read a few small snippets of conversations between them.
I love your writing. It makes my day to see a new post.
A/N: Hi anon! That’s so sweet of you. Thank you!
I probably have written a version of this before, not that I recall exactly what (😂), so if this seems familiar, I do apologize.
Just Between Two Friends
Deeks first met Kip Brigham in sixth grade. Back then, Kip was a skinny little kid five inches shorter than Deeks and on the quiet side. They played basketball every chance they got; sometimes with Ray or a couple other guys, but mostly just each other until they got on the high school team in ninth grade.
Since then, their friendship had experienced ebbs and flows. Before NCIS, Deeks hadn’t seen Kip in months due to his undercover work.
Now, they were spread out on Kip’s couch—a ridiculous leather thing that probably cost more than all of Deeks’ furniture combined—after spending the morning surfing.
“You know, if you hadn’t been all about pursuing justice and all that crap, you could have gone pro,” Kip commented, slouched in one corner with his feet up on a glass table in front of him, an overpriced smoothie bowl in his lap. Deeks didn’t begrudge Kip’s success at all, but he certainly didn’t mind the perks.
“I’m glad you think so highly of my former professional aspirations,” Deeks said, grinning to let him know he didn’t take it to heart. “You know if I’d try to surf full time it would have ruined it for me.”
“Right, because you’re too good to be rich, Saint Marty Deeks.”
Deeks dodged Kip’s elbow jabs, digging his phone out of his front pocket as it buzzed twice. There were two texts; one alerting him to a new case and the other asking if he wanted a ride.
“Who’s Kensi?” Kip asked, peering over his shoulder. Deeks shoved him away.
“Hey, personal space, man.”
“You didn’t tell me you had a new ‘ladybird’.” Nodding in approval, Kip held his hand up for a fist bump.
“I don’t. She’s my partner.”
“Ah, partner. Is that the new term for friends with benefits?” Kip said, smirking.
“No, and if she heard you say that, she’d knock you down without breaking a sweat and smile the entire time,” Deeks warned him.
“Ooh, she sounds like my kind of girl. Is she hot?”
“I’m done talking to you,” Deeks informed him, standing up.
“Oh Marty-Mar, don’t be like that. I won’t tease you about your girl anymore. Sit down and finish your smoothie bowl.”
“Once again, she’s not my girl and I have to go to work.”
“You keep telling yourself, brother!” Kip called after him.
“And that, my friend, is a slam dunk, and you owe me five dollars,” Deeks panted, basketball tucked under his arm as he jogged back to Kip. “Pay up.”
“You were a much better winner when we were 15,” Kip informed him. “I told you I tweaked my calf yesterday, right?”
“Uh-huh.” Deeks held out his hand, waiting until Kip slapped the money into his palm.
“Whoever wins this round, buys lunch.”
“Since you’re a professional NBA player, that seems slightly unfair, but alright,” Deeks replied dryly. He paused to check his phone for any missed messages. It was a Sunday, but that meant little when it came to bomb threats and international incidents.
There was a string of texts from Kensi, and he chuckled under his breath as he read them.
“Alright, who’s making you smile like that, Martin A. Deeks?” Kip asked suspiciously.
“It’s just Kensi,” he answered reluctantly, anticipating Kip’s delighted grin.
“Oh really? So what did your “partner” say to make you look happier than the day you got accepted into law school?”
“She was just telling me about this professional development training she’s at.“ He couldn’t get much more specific than that since the topic was interrogation techniques. “Apparently she made one of the guys in her group cry.”
“I take it that’s a good thing,” Kip guessed. He paused a moment. “What’s this Kensi look like?”
“Brown hair, brown eyes, little taller than average.”
“Oh man, you gotta give me more than that. Is she pretty?”
Deeks huffed the softest of laughs; Kensi was the most gorgeous women he’d ever met. “She’s gorgeous,” he allowed.
“Alright, now we’re getting somewhere. Now tell me about how she looks in a bikini—”
“And it’s time for round three,” Deeks interrupted, ignoring the flashes of Kensi in said bikinis flashed through his mind.
“Oh, you got it bad, man.” He heard Kip say from behind him.
Early 2013
Deeks glanced around the bar, noticing the peeling wall paper and rickety tables. He and Kip used to come here all the time backs when Deeks was a broke college student and Kip hadn’t made his millions yet. Somehow it seemed a lot more depressing now as a fully grown adult.
“You know my partner, Kensi?” he asked, twisting a half-empty beer bottle between his palms, head lowered so he didn’t have to see Kip’s expression. He’d only had a couple, but it was enough to encourage his already melancholy mood.
“You mean brunette, makes you laugh like a school boy and go all starry-eyed Kensi?” Kip confirmed, rolling his eyes when Deeks looked up in surprise. “Man, you only talk about her every time I see you. Kensi likes sushi, Kensi is so pretty. Kensi beat up a guy twice her size and I thought it was really hot.”
“I did not say that,” Deeks protested. He took a long drink of his beer, holding up a finger. “Though she admittedly has beaten up a lot of guys.”
“Like I said.”
Deeks shifted uncomfortably, hunching over the table. He didn’t know why he’d brought Kensi up here and now of all places.
“So, what about your Kensi?” Kip prompted, and Deeks didn’t bother denying that Kensi might be his.
“I think I’m in love with her,” he sighed. Kip outright laughed at that, slapping his knee.
“Well thank god you finally figured that you. Took you long enough. What finally tipped you off?”
Deeks glared at him, but didn’t have the will keep it up for long. “I guess I’ve known I had feelings for a while. I convinced myself that we were just friends, and colleagues, but she makes me happier than I’ve ever been. She makes the suckiest day better and,” he stopped, raising his hand slightly as he tried to find the words to explain exactly how much Kensi meant to him. “When I’m with Kensi, I feel like I’m not just some broken, screwed up guy.”
“It sounds like she’s a good woman.” For once, Kip didn’t go for a joke and Deeks appreciated it.
“She is. She has the most amazing smile.” He looked slightly beyond Kip, smiling himself as he imagined the way her face lit up, and how much he adored it when he was the source of that happiness. “And she has the most insane laugh. It’s like a cackle. It’s crazy, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever heard. I’d do anything for her, which is kind of terrifying if I think about it too much.”
“Oh brother, you’re really gone,” Kip commented.
“Yeah,” Deeks agreed softly. He didn’t add that he’d willingly followed her into bomb-rigged buildings and would jump in front of every bullet if he could.
“So what’s keeping you from taking the next step? Don’t tell me she’s not into you.”
Deeks shrugged. “Sometimes I think she’s interested, but uh, I think she might be as scared as I am. Besides, it’s kind of frowned upon since we work together.”
“Well, that’s a load of crap,” Kip declared bluntly. He took a long drink of his beer. “Ok, here’s what we’re gonna do. We finish these beers, take my limo over to your lady friend, and then you express your undying love to her.”
“Oh god,” Deeks groaned. “Kensi would kill both of us.”
“What if we throw in a couple dozen roses and a trip to my bungalow in the Caribbean?”
“That’s a wonderful offer, but I don’t think we’re just ready for grand declarations of love.”
“Well, when you are ready, my bungalows and limousine are at your disposal,” Kip told him, raising a slightly unsteady finger. “With the promise that you tell me all about it.”
“You got a deal,” Deeks agreed, because he doubted that moment would ever come.
A/N: I hope I did Kip, and his and Deeks’ friendship, justice.
Thanks for the prompt!
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queenendless · 1 year
🩵Satoru Main Frame (Adult!Gojo x Fem!Reader)🩵
A/N: Yall. MANGA LEAKS. New episode tomorrow about ... ya know what. And I'm not okay. So more self-indulgent comforting cute stuff okay!?
Fluff, wholesome turned steamy confessions, make out time, and all with the best man there IS!
All credit to JJK and the image goes to Gege sensei ... even after the crap they just pulled .... sorry.
I hope you all enjoy my attempt at consoling venting content during this time. Okay enjoy!
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You may not be the strongest nor a sorcerer for that matter, but your use as a Window meant you were a member of Jujutsu Tech for as long as you were usable to them.
Meaning you not only got to see the first and second years who you've gotten closer to; all precious in their own crazy ways, but you also got to see their sensei. Whenever he was around, you mean.
Watching you mingling with his students from afar kept you on a fidgety edge. Toying with your hands and checking yourself over to make sure nothing looked off.
"Whatcha talkin' about~?" Gojo weaseled cheekily into your group talk with the two female students turned kouhai friends of yours.
"None of your noisy business." Maki tersely replied.
"Personal private space, creepy sensei!" Nobara snapped out.
You mouthed I'm sorry over the shoulder as the girls dragged you off the opposite way. Him gaping at you a bit at your concern before grinning coyly as he waved it off like it was no big deal made you a bashful smiling mess.
Exorcizing curses high enough in the air for you to see made you bashfully look away from his cheery expression above, to your internal elated heart but to your other two companions' ire.
"Going overboard as always," Megumi groaned.
"At least the area got evacuated." Yuji's trying optimism did not lessen Megumi's annoyance.
Even having lunch in the courtyard, seeing Gojo annoying Nanami-san passing by the outdoor roofed pathway nearby made your dopey smile have your two eating buddies look to you then to their sensei, piecing it all together.
"Ooohhh you have got it bad~!" Panda teased only to deflate. "But does it have to be Gojo-sensei?"
"Bonito Flakes." Inumaki shook his head, eyes pitying your choice.
You were internally panicking as swarms of butterflies frazzled your nerves, externally staying mute and red as you looked nowhere else but your lunch box set.
And yet, you couldn't help it.
Despite everyone's obvious distaste for the strongest sorcerer on their side for his crazy rule breaking irresponsible antics, that didn't deter you in the slightest.
Even as you finished your meal and excused yourself, hurriedly leaving, you seeked out that chaotic man purposely.
His voice.
His strength.
His spikey propped up snowy hair paired with that velvety black blindfold resting over those illuminating eyes you've only heard about and never seen with your eyes —!
"L/n~!" That familiar cheery voice breathed in your ear from behind. You yelped, jumping in fear, before swiftly turning around at that toothy smile. "Hi~!"
"Uh – I – I was just … just –!" Your stuttered rambles were cut off swiftly as he pointed a finger right in your face.
"Question! Answer truthfully, pretty please~!" His wide toothy grin had you sold.
"Um …. okay?"
"You were looking for dear old me, weren't you?" The smug confidence from his expression to his irresistible voice had you flushing and swelling up inside in anxious worry. You felt either lying or not would just amuse him.
Looking at your feet in burning bashfulness, you quietly spoke. " … Yes."
He hummed loudly, his smile widening, rubbing his chin in thought. "What about exactly?"
"Just … just to …" You felt darkness overtake you, looking up slowly, startled out of your own skin at how close his face leaned into your personal space.
"Yeeeeees~?" Gojo was enjoying this too much.
Shakily gasping, you breathed in and out deeply through your nose.
"When you're not too busy … I was wondering if you'd … want to … hang out?"
He held his chin, pondering, humming loud enough. "Hang out, huh? Well, while I'm flattered you think so highly of me and my presence … I can't help feeling suss … what brought this on all of a sudden? Especially since this is the first time you've spoken to me. When it's just us two … all alone … when I can be the most unpredictable one here and you are unprepared for what I could do~?"
His wiggling fingers and the low tone he spoke in had your brain screaming at you to tuck tail and bolt.
Yet you didn't want to move. You were stuck in place. Entranced by his everything.
"Like THIS~!"
A whoosh of the winds and the setting made you dizzy when the secured warm embodiment of the strongest kept you caged against his front. Blinking while getting your bearings to what happened, you saw the cloudy blue sky way up close. Your eyes peaked down.
Yep, you were way way high up. And Gojo alone kept you two floating still and not plummeting to oblivion. Exhilarating being on top of the world with the strongest there is and petrified of the extreme height. You trembled, clutching your hands at his jacketed lower back, when his enriching voice lulled down your nerves.
"You're not gonna fall."
"Gojo-san, what are you – ?!"
"Figured I'd get the point across on top of the world. Literally." His towering self-gazed down at you; blindfolded and all. "All those gazes you give me, seeing you smiling down below when I'm up this high, I could tell right away that you're not like everyone else. I mean, your admiration and affection has not gone unnoticed …" His chuckles set you in a blushing burning state as butterflies raked your nerves, leaving him chuckling deeper and longer.
That's why his deep frown unsettled you so much. "But I'm not the best choice to have feelings for."
Your heart began cracking.
"You know the spoken truths about me from the others. The idiotic, irresponsible playboy teacher that causes chaos wherever he goes. But you still view me as more than that, don't you?"
Your nod of agreement brought him to brush his nose against your forehead tenderly. "All I want is to not have anyone feel lonely anymore in this doomed system of ours … yet in this imbalanced world … it still finds ways to give me hope." His arms gave your waist a squeeze. "You have to be somewhat crazy to survive this sorcerer's life. Perhaps I'm just that crazy for thinking this all up on the spot."
You can feel the crazy emanating off of him.
"To think, a wild card such as myself holding your precious self in my arms right now … I revel in it~ I mean sure, you're not the strongest one here. That'd be me." You deflated at his light jab and smug pride. "But still, the sound of your voice soothes me deeply. I cherish how your smile lights up wherever you are. You still see the good in me despite all my flaws. Heh, you're something else, you know that?"
You yelped as he lifted you up with one arm, having your bum rest on his forearm, immediately hugging his neck in your wrapped arms. You gulped at how close your faces were now.
"I know earlier I said being with me isn't the best choice to make … but I … I don't want you to stay away either. I don't want us keeping such a distance apart. After all, you didn't intend on us just hanging out like coworkers or comrades even today … right?"
Your squeezing lips betrayed your true intentions loud and clear. "No …" The ends of his lips curled upwards as you took a deep breath, braving to see this through. "I like you Gojo-san … a lot. You … you truly do care about our comrades … your students … you want them to stand with you … help in your fight to bring about a better world … makes me want to support and help you in any possible way I can … I'm not the strongest … so supporting the strongest is the next best thing. Then there's your own enriching laughter, your enrapturing voice, your odd sense of humor …"
Listing it all off had him beaming proudly. "Most of all … deep down you do care … in your own Satoru way …" You giggled at that last one when his rattled groan startled you just as much as his embrace did, having your legs hugging his waistline, burying your face in his neck so as not to panic at how high up you were.
"Why you gotta be so cute~?!" He whined playfully. "So naive … so adorable … ugh why must you make me sway so~!?" He dramatically cried out to the heavens. You snorted at his performance when the cradling gesture of his hand running slowly through your hair comforted you much more than you thought. "Now I'm really tempted not to let you go." The deep possessive tone he took shivered you to the core.
Breathing in his scent that soothed your anxious quaking soul, you dove fully in. Past the point of no return. "Then don't."
He pushed your hair aside enough to kiss the bare skin there, your shuddering gasp leaving his lips curled into your flesh at his greedy claims. "I hope you're prepared for what you just signed up for." The howling winds hit you hard as you clutched onto him for dear life when his warp to solid earth only took a moment, back on school grounds with the main building in plain view in the distance. "Because I like you too … and I plan on keeping you sweetie all to myself."
You pulled back, looking down at him gave you a surge of control at having this giant looking up at you with such a charming face. "Gojo-san –"
"Just Gojo or Satoru is fine coming from you, Y/n~" He assured you with his blessing.
You shyly smiled. " … T … Toru too?"
Literal sparkles appeared, adorning his face as he laughed out loud, unrestrained and rambunctious, as he hugged you tighter. "Oh, you are quite the catch, indeed!" Your own laughter was soft compared to his but it only heightened his affections for you. "Yes, yes, Toru too … has quite the ring to it~ So, can we make it official then … Y/n? Will you let me take you out?"
Your hands held his face, gently brushing his cheeks, bringing a light blush to his own cheeks had you endearingly gleam. "Yes."
He kept one arm around your waist, so his other arm wrapped around your shoulders, brushing aside your hair, massaging your scalp, smiling broadly. "Can I kiss you?"
Your eager nod followed by your own face leaning in was all the prompting he needed as the hesitant smooch felt so freeing.
You felt yourself at peace. Your skin tingled at how sweet he tasted, how safe and warm you felt in his hug. Tepid pecks soon turned to lingering drawn out sucks as your sighs pleased him, even more so when his tongue lapped at your bottom lip before treading new ground in your cavern, leaving a mewling mess inside you against his hungry groans as your tongues danced.
Weaving your hands upwards just to run them through his stand upish do, you accidentally making his blindfold slide down, letting his hair fall free, revealing his Six Eyes. He didn't mind, if only to look upon you with his gaze out in the open. The vibrant blue pulsated with such vigor and drive it had aroused you beyond all reason.
Running your own hands through his hair, you pulled him deeper to keep him as close as possible, both of you sighing elatedly as the squelched sounds of kissing passion wafted through the air. The gleaming sun highlighting you two in your own little world made it all the more sacred.
"Thank you, Y/n~" He gasped, pulling free from your wet tasty mouth as his fingers brushed your clothed sides and neck, his hold on you lingering as his strength was unbound, mushing his lips to the corner of yours. You felt lightheaded at how smooth and rich your name sounded coming off his tongue. "For giving me the chance to ask you out."
You hummed contently, smiling. "You're welcome."
He chuckled. "Movie date. My place. Sound good?"
"Wow, so forward. And we just started dating and everything." Your sarcastic tone had him smugly smirking as he spun you two around, cherishing your laughter at his action.
"I can't help it. Just you and me … nestled together … binging and snacking to our hearts content …. now that's my kind of heaven. And I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon." The covetous manner he voiced in your ear before tugging in your lobe had your mind racing on what it could insure for you, to both your excitement and nervousness.
Your surprised squeal and his dark chuckles were the last sounds heard in the vicinity before Gojo warped you two away yet again.
You, the admirer, just became the admired.
By the most selfish, gluttonous, overwhelming man there ever is.
But he's also yours now.
And honestly?
You wouldn't have it any other way.
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an: trying to write longer chapters, but sometimes the scenes just gotta end at a good place yk and they just end up being shorter lol
pairing: Hiccup x OC
warnings: none
word count: 1.8k
Hiccup had left Aja completely alone for the day, for once, having gone to lead a dragon raid in Astrid’s place. However, turns out that wouldn’t matter because she unfortunately had run into Gobber on her trek to the Great Hall for some lunch, roping her into being his personal assistant for the time being, since she “had nothing better to do,” as he had said.
A breeze swept through the forge from the open windows and doors, carrying with it the scent of ash and metal. Aja’s hands were smeared with soot and grime as she finished sharpening a sword, the sound of a hammer clanging against anvil filling the background.
Gobber limped over, his own prosthetic leg being a wooden peg, and peered over her shoulder with an approving nod. “You know lass, ye ain’t half bad at this,” he remarked as he examined the blade, spinning it around with his good hand.
She wiped the sweat from her brow, a small smile breaking through. “I used to do this with my father,” she replied, a flicker of nostalgia crossing her features, remembering the days spent with him in a sun-drenched metalshop. “He said it was good to know how to craft a weapon, so I could make the best to fit myself.”
She hadn’t shared more than a few brief exchanges with Gobber since being on Berk, and they were always when she was with Hiccup. She’d notice him hovering in the background though, always keeping a watchful eye. She didn’t know if they were related in a way, like an uncle of sorts, because Hiccup interacted with him differently than he did the other adults in the village, less formal, and he let Gobber touch him. That was something Aja picked up on, Hiccup only let certain people touch him. She had watched the few times Hiccup didn’t even flinch or react when Gobber’s beefy arms wrapped around his narrow shoulders, the strength of them even sending him stumbling sometimes.
“Good skill to have. Smart man,” he said, setting the sword down and leaning back, crossing his heavily scarred arms over his broad chest.
She nodded, “Yeah, he was…” Her voice trailed off. She was used to being on her own at home, her father always being on missions, busy leading the village, she barely got to see him, but yet, she missed him now.
Gobber watched her, picking up on her distant expression. “Stoick passed just a year ago,” he said, his words gentle.
Her brow furrowed, trying to recall the relevance of the name. “Stoick?”
“Hiccup’s father,” he said, his gaze shifting towards the window. “That’s him on tha mountain.” He gestured with his hook hand, and Aja moved to peer outside, spotting the towering stone Viking that had been carved into the mountainside along the Great Hall. She had seen it before, but didn’t know that it was Hiccup’s father.
She wasn’t sure if it was Gobber’s intention, but she did feel a little less alone, knowing someone else had gone through something similar to her. Yet, she felt sympathy for Hiccup, that he had to lose his own father so young, that he had to become chief so suddenly, finding it frustratingly unfair.
Her attention was suddenly broken and drawn to a series of squawks that echoed from the courtyard. She looked to see Astrid soaring in on Stormfly, still clad in her dragon scale armor, meant to mimic the aesthetic of her own dragon.
“Hiccup here?” Astrid asked as she dismounted, stepping into the forge and eyes scanning around frantically.
“He left for a raid this morning,” Gobber replied.
She groaned, sound rich with frustration. “Well, tell him to find me when he’s back,” she said, tone impatient.
“Aye.” Gobber returned back to work on the ax he was repairing.
As Astrid turned to leave, Aja felt her diminishing opportunity for answers slip away. Did she find the scouts? Did she find something from her father’s ship?
“Wait, so what happened?” She blurted out.
The blonde woman paused, an uncertain expression on her face as she glanced at Aja. She hesitated before finally replying, “I need to talk to Hiccup first.” Her voice was firm, but there was an underlying reluctance. “But don’t worry, he will tell you.”
With that, Astrid mounted her dragon again, taking off into the sky without another word, leaving Aja behind on the ground. The beat of Stormfly’s wings faded into the distance as Aja felt an onslaught of frustration and anxiety as more was left unanswered.
She took a deep breath, attempting to quell the storm of emotions. “I’m getting more wood,” she muttered, the excuse sounding hollow even to her ears, but she didn’t care, leaving the forge and rushing toward the forest.
Each aimless step away was a desperate attempt to escape the reality that her father was probably gone, in the he’s gone to Valhalla sense. She felt small beneath the canopy, the world suddenly grown vast and unwelcoming. Fallen branches and brush cracked beneath her feet as she ran, the scent of the damp earth and decaying leaves filling her lungs. She wanted to scream, to rage against the universe. The trees around her blurred as tears began to fall, hot and relentless, carving trails down her cheeks. She wiped at them angrily, but they only flowed faster, each drop a bitter reminder. She was angry at her father, angry he threw away his life as if it were a mere trinket, for vengeance, vengeance he didn’t even get to fulfill, leaving her behind, alone.
The ache in her chest grew unbearable, a physical manifestation of her grief that constricted her lungs. She stumbled into a small clearing, her legs buckling beneath her, as she collapsed onto her knees. She wrapped her arms around herself, and the weight of everything came crashing down. Sobs erupted from her body, raw and anguished, shaking her violently.
“You were supposed to be there for me!” She wailed, the word spilling out between gasping breaths as her fury bubbled to the surface. She felt betrayed.
Aja buried her face against her knees, unraveling as each sob pulled at the threads of her heart, the forest becoming a witness to her sorrow. Time slipped away, moments stretching into infinity as her cries faded into quiet whimpers.
The sound of a cracked branch made her look up, locking eyes with Hiccup and his dragon, who were both frozen midstep, wide eyed and stiff as statues.
Aja’s cheeks were streaked with the remnants of tears, glistening like dew on a spider’s web. The air was thick with tension as their gazes stayed locked. Toothless cooed softly, and in that heartbeat of a moment, time became elastic, stretching and pulling at the edges of reality, the world fading away and leaving only them in this fragile bubble, as everything became suspended in motion. Without fully understanding the impulse, Hiccup stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her. The gesture was awkward, her body remained stiff against him as her arms swung limp by her side, but slowly, he felt her surrender, pressing her forehead against his leather padded shoulder. It was a fleeting moment of solace amidst the chaos, and Hiccup realized, that maybe he needed to be held too.
He pulled away abruptly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “So, um,” he began, “We should talk.”
Aja took a deep breath, regrounding herself. “It’s bad, yeah?” She replied, sarcasm lacing her words, but the tremor in her voice betrayed the bravado she tried to muster.
“Yeah, just a bit,” he admitted, eyes softening.
“Go on, shoot,” she urged.
Hiccup hesitated, “You don’t wanna..?”
“I’d rather just hear it now,” she insisted.
He slowly let out a breath of air, clenching and unclenching his hands before speaking. “Astrid couldn’t find the scouts,” he began. “She said Stormfly was only able to track them until the middle of the ocean, then the trail went dead. So, I don’t know.”
The words hung in the air, heavy as Aja processed what Hiccup said.
“They’re gone?” She asked.
“I don’t know, maybe?” He replied, running a hand through his tousled hair.
An added emotion crept in, guilt, piling into the chasm in her heart. Because of her, they were potentially dead, lives lost as a consequence to her existence. She couldn’t stay there, she wouldn’t let anything else happen as a result of her.
“I need to go home.”
Hiccup stared at her incredulously. “Absolutely not, I’m not letting you.”
The sun had begun its slow descent in the sky, now dipping below the tree line, rays of light shining through the foliage in golden specks. Aja was irritated he even thought he had a say in her decision. “My people need me.” She did not relent.
Hiccup shook his head, his freckled face set in a grim line as auburn hair caught the sunlight, casting a soft glow. “You especially can’t go back now, it’s too risky. What good are you for your people if you’re dead?”
The wind rustled through the trees, carrying the scent of pine as she clenched her fists, her nails biting into her palms as she fought to control her rising anger. He was right, but she had to find a way to turn this around.
Then she had an idea.
She took a deep breath, steadying her voice. “I’ll stay,” Aja said, pausing, “but let me look for my father.”
Hiccup groaned, rubbing his temples with his fingers, as if trying to ward off a headache. “It’s been over two weeks,” he said, exasperation clear in his voice. “Your dad isn’t off somewhere in the wilderness of Berk going unnoticed.” He gestured wildly at the forest around them, his frustration spilling over. “And I’m sorry, but there’s no way he survived on some driftwood out there.”
Aja’s jaw clenched as she fought to keep her emotions in check. She knew the truth hurt, but who’s to say she was looking to find him alive, at that point, she was more desperate for answers, what had happened to their ship? She took a step closer to Hiccup, any trace of her previous sadness wiped away, her eyes never leaving his. “You let me look for my dad, and I stay. Deal, or no?”
After a long moment, he scoffed and threw his hands up in exasperation, the wind ruffling his hair, making him look even more disheveled. “Fine, deal,” he said.
“Perfect. We’ll go first thing tomorrow,” Aja stated, her tone crisp, as if she were merely discussing the weather.
Hiccup’s mind stumbled over itself. “Huh? We?”
“A deal’s a deal, Chief,” she said firmly. “You’re going with me. I don’t know the land.” With a swift motion, she turned on her heel, stalking past him. “C’mon, Toothless,” she called, and the Night Fury responded immediately, scurrying to her side.
Hiccup stood dumbfounded, watching as they began to walk away, the sound of Toothless’s feet padding against the dirt ground. The young chief’s mind raced, processing what in Thor’s name he just got himself into.
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calzone-d · 2 years
Quality Time (Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader)
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pairing: Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader, Mom!Reader (ish?)
word count: 3k
warnings: injuries, hospital (not angsty), olivia slander (if you don’t like it just go ahead and skip this one 😄)
summary: When Jason gets injured, you spend some quality time with the kids.
a/n: hi babies! thanks for being patient with me while I was kinda quiet over the holidays. this is RPF and has a tad of Olivia slander so if you’re not into those things, this one isn’t for you! otherwise, enjoy!
It was around lunchtime when you got the call. Daisy and Otis were settled at the kitchen table, happily eating the spaghetti you’d made them, and the three of you were throwing around suggestions of what to do with your weekend together.
Daisy wanted to go to the zoo, and Otis was pushing to go to the trampoline park. You hadn’t heard from Jason in about six hours, which was a little unusual since he wasn’t filming anymore, but you figured he’d just gotten carried away figuring out upcoming press with the rest of the Ted Lasso cast.
The kids carried on trying to compromise on weekend plans when your phone rang, looking at the ID you were relieved to see Jason’s name. You stepped away from the table to answer the call.
“Hey honey, what’s up?”
“Okay, don’t freak out-“
“What?”, how could you not freak out at that statement?
“So I’m in the hospital-“
“What? Are you okay? What happened?”, your mind immediately went to the worst.
The sound of him chuckling only confused you more.
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Just a little accident.”
“A car accident?”
Jason’s laugh filled your ears again, “No, no. Brett and I were editing, and we ordered a pizza. When it got here I jumped up to grab it, but I wasn’t paying attention and tripped over the edge of his couch. The way I landed on my ankle kind of broke it-“
“Kind of?”, you chuckled. Now that you knew it wasn’t too serious, you relaxed a bit.
“No, it’s kind of fucked up”, he admitted. “They’re wanting to do surgery on it tomorrow morning, and put a pin or two in there I think. I’ll be here for a day or two. I know it was our weekend off, and the kids are here, and-“
“Jas, it’s fine.”, this wouldn’t be the first time you had to watch the kids alone. There were many nights Olivia didn’t show to get the kids for her weekends, and Jason had to be somewhere for work. You’ve been in the kids’ lives since they were both born, having been best friends with Jason during your time on SNL. For the past year, though, you weren’t just the ”fun aunt” anymore. Your rekindled relationship with Jason meant that you spent most of your time with him. You’d taken on a bit more of a “mom” role to them, and there were no complaints from either side. You loved them like they were your own, and they loved how involved you were. Whenever Olivia wasn’t present, you always were, and they had started to catch on to that.
“I just feel bad, I know they really wanted to go out this weekend.”
“And they still can, you know I have no problem taking them out.”
“Are you sure? There might be paps there or something.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time, love. I promise I don’t mind, I love seeing them happy. I think they’ve come to an agreement on a day at the zoo.”
He fondly chuckled at your love for his children, “You know they love you right? You mean the world to them. To me, too.”
Your cheeks reddened at his sentiment, “I know, Jas. You guys are my world, too. Can we come see you? I know they’re going to be worried sick when I tell them.”
“Yeah, can you also bring a bag for me too?”
“I can do that. I’ll call you when we’re on our way, I love you.”
“I love you too, bye honey.”
You ended the call and walked back into the kitchen. Daisy was cackling at something Otis had said, and he proudly laughed along with her. Thankfully they had both finished their lunches, so you could go ahead and make your way to the hospital. You took a seat across from them and tried to find the best way to break the news.
“Alright, my loves. So we’ve had a change of plans”
They both looked at you.
“Your dad a little accident and hurt his foot, so he had to go to the hospital and get it all fixed up-“
Daisy interrupted you with a worried pout before you could continue, “Is he okay?”
“He’s just fine Daisy girl, but he’s got to spend the night there because they want to do surgery on it, just to make sure it heals faster.”
Otis’ expression was one of worry, and the way his brows furrowed was a perfect replica of his father’s.
“We’re gonna go see him, and then we can go to the zoo? How does that sound?”
They both slowly nodded, and Daisy spoke again, “But can we make sure he’s okay first?”
“That’s exactly what we’re gonna do. You two get dressed and I’m going to get some stuff together for Dad. Let’s try to leave in fifteen minutes, okay?”
Daisy and Otis both nodded before running off to their rooms. You went to you and Jason’s bedroom to get a bag ready for him. After a few minutes, Daisy came in and climbed on the bed next to the bag you were packing.
“Can you make sure we take this bracelet for dad?”, she showed you a new beaded bracelet she had made for Jason. It had blue and yellow beads with star beads on both ends.
“Wow, Daisy! That’s a good one, he’s going to love it!”, the little girl smiled proudly as you took the bracelet from her. She has developed a habit of making bracelets for you all, and you wore each one like it was made of gold.
“Let’s put it right here in his bag, and we’ll make sure he gets it before we leave.”, you opened a small zipper pocket on the side of his bag, and Daisy slipped it inside before zipping it back up.
She seemed to be dressed, wearing a lilac tutu over her leggings and some light-up converse. As you put the last few things you knew Jason would want in his bag, she remained quiet and picked at the bedspread. A tiny pout had settled on her face. You zipped up the duffel bag, and sat down next to her.
“What’s wrong, love bug?”
When she looked up at you, a few tears had gathered in her eyes. “I just want Dad to be okay.”
She climbed into your lap and wrapped herself around you before you could respond. Her tiny hands gripped at the back of your sweater and she let her head fall against your shoulder. When you wrapped your arms around you, she relaxed even more against you. Gently, you rocked her and rubbed circles on her back.
“He’s going to be just fine, sweet girl. I promise. He’ll be home in a few days, and in the meantime we can still have fun! After we go visit Dad we can go to the zoo and see the lions! It’s kind of cloudy, so I’m sure they’ll be out walking around today.”
She seemed to perk up at the mention of her favorite animal.
“Do you think the baby lions will be there?”
“Ooh, maybe! And we can get matching lion shirts!”
Daisy pulled away from you and gave you a toothy smile, “Can we wear them when Dad gets home?”
“Of course we can! Let‘s go round up your brother and head over to the hospital, okay?”, she nodded and hopped off your lap.
Daisy insisted on carrying his favorite blanket and holding it in her lap during the car ride there. Both kids were very adamant about holding your hand once you entered the hospital, you figured the new unfamiliar environment was probably a bit scary for them. Balancing the duffel bag on one shoulder and a hand holding both of yours wasn’t the easiest thing, but you wanted to make sure the kids felt as comfortable as possible.
When you arrived at the door of Jason’s room, the radiologists were inside taking X-rays, and asked you to wait in the hall until they were finished. While you waited, you felt Daisy poke at your side. She looked up at you with your arms outstretched, clearly wanting to be held, with a scared look on her face.
The last thing you wanted was for either of them to feel even more uneasy, so you maneuvered the bag on your shoulder and lifted her up onto your hip. Immediately, she wrapped her arms around your neck and buried her face into your shoulder. Otis stood close by, keeping a hand on the duffel bag as if he were afraid you’d get lost.
Otis looked up at you and asked, “Are you gonna stay with us, y/n?”
“Of course, hun. Where would I go?”
He shrugged and leaned into your side. Otis was a very touchy kid, he always loved hugs and insisted on being close to you. This only intensified as he grew more attached to you, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. He was such a sweet kid, and you loved the relationship you had with him; he’d even called you “Mom” a few times over the last couple months, not that you minded. As things with Olivia got worse, you made it very clear you weren’t trying to be any sort of replacement for the kids, and that they could call you whatever they wanted and felt comfortable with.
You’d always been close with Otis, ever since he was a toddler. Especially after Daisy was born, and Olivia took on more of the “girl mom” role. When you and Jason got back together, he was arguably one of the most excited people. He loved seeing his dad happy, and fed off the positive energy Jason radiated when he was around you.
The three of you stood in silence until the radiologist rolled the x-ray machine out of the room. As soon as they were out, you all went in, and Jason broke into a smile at the sight of his three favorite people.
“Hey guys!”
Daisy looked at him, but stayed silent in your arms. Otis climbed up on the bed next to him, and immediately started catching up with his dad. As they talked, you held Daisy close, and let her have a moment to observe the situation. During a break in his conversation with Otis, Jason looked over to the two of you.
“What’s wrong, Daisy? Do you want to come sit with me?”
You looked down at her, and she looked back up at you. She turned back to him and murmured, “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
Jason’s brows furrowed, “Oh honey, I promise I’m okay. Look, they’ve even given me a cool cast until I can have my surgery tomorrow.”
He pulled up the blanket to reveal a lime green cast covering his ankle and foot. It caught Daisy’s attention, and she was sold as soon as he said, “I also have a sharpie, do you want to draw some pictures on my cast?”
As soon as she nodded, you put her down. Her little hands tentatively took the sharpie from her dad, and she asked if he had any requests for his cast art.
“Pick an animal, Dad!”
“Oooh, can I get a giraffe?”
She giggled at his request, “With a long neck?”
“Yeah! Make it go all the way to the top, Dais!”
“You’re silly Dad!”, she laughed but started drawing anyway.
You sat the duffel bag on the couch by the window and started unloading it. “Okay, I’ve got you some pajamas, your phone charger, toothbrush, toothpaste-“
“Honey, I can go through all that later. Come sit.”, he pointed to the chair that was right at the bedside.
Reluctantly, you sat down beside him and grabbed his hand. The familiar warmth of his hand in yours calmed your nerves, and his thumb began rubbing circles into the back of your hand. Daisy and Otis talked about giraffes as she worked on his drawing, and Jason leaned over to rest his head against your shoulder. You pressed a soft kiss to his messy hair, and looked down to meet his eyes, “Feeling okay?”
“Much better now that I’ve seen you guys, missed you lots.”, he murmured as he looked over towards the kids. You both caught up as Daisy finished her drawing, and when she was done, she crawled up the bed and over into your lap.
“Wow Dais, that looks so good!”
Daisy smiled at her dad and leaned up to whisper in your ear, “Can I give him the bracelet now?”
“Oh of course! Go get it, honey.”
She scrambled off your lap and raced to the duffel bag, going straight for the pocket she put the bracelet in earlier.
Otis made a funny joke about Jason being clumsy, and as Daisy fished out the bracelet the two of them laughed together. The older he got, he was taking on more and more of his dad’s humor.
You helped Daisy back up on the bed when she returned with the bracelet, and Jason’s face lit up at her gift.
“Dad, it's for you! It’s a feel-better bracelet!”, her little smile showed how proud of herself she was.
“That’s so thoughtful of you, honey! Thank you so much! Want to put it on for me?”, the girl nodded and slipped the bracelet onto her dad’s wrist.
“Fits perfect! How did you know I wanted a blue and yellow bracelet?”, he poked his fingers into her side and she shrugged at him while giggling.
Jason moved to where they could both snuggle into his sides, and stretched an arm behind Daisy’s head to softly rub his fingers against your arm. Daisy wiggled around so that she faced you, and reached an arm over to grab at your hand, “Love you, y/n”.
Her sentiment was whispered, but it was one of the most clear things you’d ever heard. It wasn’t the first time one of them told you they loved you, but every time they said it, your heart bursted at the seams. You leaned towards her to brush her hair out of her forehead and place a warm kiss against it, “I love you, Dais”.
The girl hummed contently before snuggling back up into Jason’s side.
After they’d spent enough time with Jason to know he was okay, they started to get restless in the small room.
“How do you guys feel about heading over to the zoo?”
Both kids squealed in excitement at your suggestion, and very quickly voiced their agreement. Jason sent you all off with hugs and kisses, and the kids were noticeably calmer on the ride back to the house. They talked about which animals they were most excited to see, and took turns making funny animal noises.
They sat together on the couch while you loaded a backpack with snacks and drinks. When everyone was ready you made your way to the zoo.
As soon as you stepped inside the zoo, both kids were on cloud nine. They loved seeing all the animals, and posing for pictures for their dad. In the bigger crowds, they both insisted on holding one of your hands, and would point out all the tiny details of the animals to you.
“Y/n, look at the penguins little feet!”
“The peacock has really pretty feathers y/n, look how blue they are!”
They wanted a selfie with you in front of every exhibit. Luckily there weren’t many people that seemed to recognize you. A few people recognized you from SNL and some of your later projects, but they were polite enough to ask for a picture before just taking one of you and the kids.
By the end of the day, they were exhausted. Otis picked out a sweatshirt in the gift shop and Daisy went with a lion shirt that matched one of the adult ones they had. You got them both a banana popsicle and loaded up the car.
The ride home was silent, and both kids were asleep within ten minutes. When you got home, you woke them up and offered to cook tacos for dinner. You could tell they were fighting sleep but they insisted on staying awake for your tacos.
Jason facetimed you after you got home, and both kids were excited to tell them about their day at the zoo. He talked to them while you made dinner, and would ask them to pan the camera to you every few minutes to catch up with you, too. He stayed on the phone while you all ate, but as soon as you finished the kids were tired and wanted to go to bed.
“Sleep good, guys. Y/n, call me back later, okay? I love you all so so much.”
You hung up and went to take the kids to bed. Otis wanted to shower while you read Daisy a book. As soon as you were done, she was out like a light. You tucked her in, then went across the hall to tuck Otis in.
After you cleaned up the kitchen, you got ready for bed and gave Jason a call back.
“Hey, hot stuff. How was the zoo day?”
You laughed at his greeting, “It was great, Jas. We all had a really good time”
“I could tell by the pictures. Thanks for taking them, y/n, seriously. They love you so much, I do too.”
“You guys are my family, honey. I love you all so much more than you know. How are you feeling? How’s the foot?”
“It’s good, they’re talking about doing my surgery as outpatient tomorrow and letting me come home after I wake up.”
“We’d all love that, we miss you.”
“I miss you guys. This bed sucks and I have no one to entertain me”, you both shared a laugh.
“Plus, how am I supposed to sleep without you?”
“You sleep without me all the time, Jas.”
“Okay yeah, but it sucks.”
The two of you caught up some more before your eyelids got heavier. Jason insisted on staying on the phone until you fell asleep, and his voice made the transition even easier.
“Sleep good, sweetheart. I love you.”
“Love you too, Jas”
Thanks for reading!
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🎵: send me a song and a character and I’ll write a blurb based on it
mood ring by kira kosarin + steve harrington
Mood Ring - Steve Harrington
A/N: so this idea wouldn’t leave my head so here’s some angsty fluff :)
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Nothing bad can ever happen to us as long as we’re together. That was the motto you and Steve Harrington lived by growing up. It started when you both learned to ride your bikes, each helping the other up when you fell. It followed you into school, sticking together to keep bullies away. It helped you navigate the awkward firsts; deciding to be each others first kisses and first hand holds to get it out of the way.
The two of you were two peas in a pod; inseparable since you moved in next door to him at the age of 4. The two of you were the best of friends and you continued to be when Steve asked you to the Valentines Dance when the two of you were in 8th grade and you decided to date each other; becoming each others first boyfriend and girlfriend.
Things were going amazing for the two of you, until one day your parents dropped a bomb on you that you were moving for your dads job. It broke your heart and you and Steve decided to try long distance. However, navigating love and relationships across the country at the age of 15 proved to be too much for both of you. You both decided to end things mutually, vowing to stay best friends. That, however, did not happen.
Once you were gone and he was in high school, Steve started getting girls attention like never before. He barely even had to try and they were throwing themselves at him; especially once you weren’t on his arm constantly. He didn’t mind, actually relishing the attention and soon you were only a fleeting thought in his mind. His phone calls got fewer and fewer to the point that you just gave up on him calling anymore.
That was 3 years ago and now you were back in Hawkins for your senior year of high school. You couldn’t be happier to be back in your home town with all of your old friends. Since moving, they had tried to keep you updated with everything Hawkins with the exception of what was going on with Steve. It was too hurtful to even hear his name. Steve Harrington was a stranger to you and you were now one to him. Maybe that’s the way things were meant to be.
Your thoughts were racing as you sat in the cafeteria at the table farthest away from the door, your eyes scanning your new schedule. You heard someone clear their throat at you, your eyes landing on the frame of a red haired girl who looked down right pissed. “Don’t you know this table is reserved?” Her tone was prissy in a way that made you roll your eyes, looking behind you. “Well, I don’t see a name on it.”
The girl gasped, looking at the boy beside her. Your eyes now focused on him, taking in his appearance. He was handsome, but the girl on his arm that was trying way too hard to get his attention was a huge distraction. “There doesn’t have to be a name sweetheart. The Steve Harrington sits there every single lunch period, how do you not know that?” The name hit you like a ton of bricks and you thought your eyes might bulge out of your head. You took a second to compose yourself, your eyes taking in the boy again and seeing how he kind of resembled the Steve you knew years ago.
“I-um… I’m new here.” You gathered up your stuff and stood up, deciding to see how Steve would react to the news you were about to break to him. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N). I just transferred back in from California.” You gave them a small smile, seeing Steve’s eyes flash with realization as he slowly dropped his smirk.
“Wait- as in…? The (Y/N)? Your best friend?” The girl looked at Steve, her eyes furrowing in confusion as you let out a dark chuckle, crossing your arms over your chest. Oh, this would be good. You decided to let him answer, just seeing him stammer and stutter over his words. “Uh- no. That was a long time ago, Carol..” He didn’t have anything else to say, his voice faltering off as you nodded and cleared your throat.
“Yeah, such a long time ago.” You looked down at your feet and kicked at the floor. “But uh, I actually have to go.” You shook your head before excusing yourself, walking off to somewhere you could catch your breath. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, sinking down against a wall in a nearby bathroom. You pulled your knees up to your chest, hearing the door open. You ignored it and felt the wet spots drip down your cheeks as a body sat next to you.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?” His voice had changed. It was deeper now, more fitting of the man he had filled out to be. At the sound, you dared to look up at him. His eyes were still the same dark brown, concern lacing them as he looked down at you. He was never good at hiding his emotions, ever.
You scoffed, shaking your head at him. “As if you would’ve answered the damn phone anyways. You stopped calling years ago. You forgot about me.” Your voice broke and showed timidness, seeing hurt flash in his brown orbs. “But, I can see why now. You got popular, didn’t you? You didn’t need me anymore. You had better friends.”
Steve started to shake his head before he sighed, picking up your chin with his index finger. “That’s not how that happened.” He showed sincerity in his eyes as he ran his gaze over your face; his fingers staying under your chin. “I was devastated when you left. Hell, I’m still devastated.”
You let out another cold chuckle, shaking your head. “You don’t look too devastated. You have a girl on your arm and girls practically throwing themselves at you. There were girls that were freaking out if you even looked at them in the lunchroom.” You never thought you would be having this conversation with Steve. You didn’t think this much would change since you last saw him, but here you were. “You’ve changed so much.”
A silence passed between the two of you before he started to talk, treading carefully on his words. “Yeah, I changed. But, it’s been 3 years! You have to understand that.” He tan a hand through his hair, chewing on his bottom lip. “Once you left, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Talking to you on the phone made me happy but also sad. It was hard, hearing you upset and not being able to help. I also felt like I was making you even sadder..”
“Okay, no. You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to turn this around on me like you were doing me a favor.” You glared at him, moving your face from his grip, shaking your head at him and biting back more tears. “We were best friends and you just disappeared..”
A sigh left his lips as he carefully moved to sit in front of you again, his hand moving up to cup your cheek in his hand. “I know and I regret it every day.” He was stroking your cheek with his thumb, his eyes staring deep into yours. “And the reason I changed was because I didn’t know how to be without you. I was so sad, I started to go to parties. When I went to parties, I started meeting girls. It started an unhealthy lifestyle that I got sucked into as a distraction.”
You just listened, your cheek instinctively moving into his hand as his familiar touch sent shocks through your body. You put your hand over his, finding yourself moving a little closer to him.
“I miss you everyday, pretty girl. What do you say we try the whole thing over? I can actually take you on a real date without my mom having to be there this time.” He smiled his charming smile, making your heart race as you nodded. He leaned in, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss that made your head spin and your heart race.
“As long as you promise that we go on better dates this time.”
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dominimoonbeam · 1 year
The Truth in Your Skin - 10
The tattoo au continues! Darlin/David, Milo/Sweetheart, Asher/Huxley. <3 <3
tags: trauma, past violence, scars, angst, hurt/comfort, communication, sex, language, tattoos, piercings, learning to trust, new relationships, found family.
The Truth in Your Skin - 10
They weren’t sure what they’d been expecting from the coverup tattoo, but they definitely hadn’t expected David to lay out four different sketches on the big glass table. He explained each one, the idea he had and the vision. How it would line up and how it would connect to their other tattoos. None of them were an imitation of their own style, but all of them incorporated the watercolors they’d been doing on the rest of their body.
His teeth clicked on the plastic of his pen while they considered the sketches. Was he nervous? Darlin wasn’t sure they’d ever seen him like this before—like he was worried about what his client thought of his work.
They were all good. They were all gorgeous and a lot of work. But they knew instantly which one they wanted—because they wanted it. They hadn’t really expected to want the tattoo more than to get rid of the mark Quinn had left. They hadn’t thought of it as art, not really, they had just thought of it as a patch. But that wasn’t how David had thought of it.
They traced one of the big peonies in the design. He had one like this on his arm.
“We can use a different flower, if you want,” David said. “Or something else entirely.”
Darlin shook their head. They wanted that one. The peony was his style, like the ones he’d put on his own body, and he’d used its lines and its shadows to cover the ugly letters, but he’d added the delicate, colorful watercolors to match their own work. “It’s perfect,” they said and then blushed, taking their hand away from the sketch. “It’ll be a lot of work. We can do sittings whenever you have time but it’s no rush.”
David nodded, turning the design around to look at it again. “I only had the one tattoo this morning. We can start if you don’t have another client.”
Darlin blinked at him.
David held their gaze. “Or we can wait. We can do it afterhours.”
“No.” They shook their head. It wasn’t a secret. It wasn’t supposed to be a secret. That would somehow make it worse.
David was about to say something else when the back door opened and shut.
Darlin hadn’t missed how David waited to break out the sketches when Asher left to get lunch and before Milo and Sweetheart got in.
Asher swung into the room, slurping the last of his soda from the straw like it would be a defeat if he didn’t get every last drop at the bottom.
“Hey, Ash,” David said, nudging his chin toward him.
Asher nudged back, walking past when he stopped short. “Ooooh, what do we have here?”
“Davey’s doing a coverup for me,” Darlin said before they could chicken out.
Asher nodded, eyes on the sketches, nudging one to the side to get a look at the other. “These look great,” he agreed and then gasped dramatically. “Fuck! That means he gets to tattoo you and I don’t?”
David snorted and walked to the printer to scan off the sketch they’d picked onto transfer paper.
Asher was still studying one of the ones on the counter. “This is big. Where you putting it?” he asked, slurping again.
Darlin wasn’t sure if he was really asking or not. They’d sort of figured David would have told him, but then maybe he wouldn’t. David wasn’t exactly a gossip. “My side,” Darlin answered, coughing when their voice wavered a little.
Asher looked at them then, but whatever he thought was hidden. He slurped again and then shook his cup to move the ice around. “David’s really good at cover ups and that one you picked looks amazing,” he said, heading over to his station.
Darlin nodded, shuffling toward David’s bench. Their heart beat faster. David eyed them when he came over with the print out, laying it to the side and prepping his station. He didn’t rush, like he was giving them time to back out. He’d meant it, of course. They could do this after hours. They knew he’d come in early or stay late and never complain about it, just to do it when there was no one else around.
A part of them wanted that. But they wouldn’t do it. It would make something that already felt shameful and twisted a real secret and they couldn’t deal with that too. They’d convinced themself it wasn’t, but that had been easy when they conveniently kept their shirt on.
They shook out their hands like they were going to lift weights, not peel off a light t-shirt.
“Darlin—” David started.
They swallowed and pulled their shirt off, tossing it toward their own station and well out of reach. They stepped up to him, turning just so to give him access to their side. He was so close now that they were breathing in his body wash.
“I’m going to sanitize the area and then we’ll get the stencil on and you can make sure it’s where you want it, okay?” he said, like they didn’t know how this worked.
Darlin huffed a thin laugh and glanced up at him.
He smiled back and shrugged. “It’s not every day you get a tattoo. You should get the whole package. Just wait until we’re done and I tell you how to take care of it.”
Darlin laughed for real then, almost able to hide the sharp intake when he sprayed their side and wiped down their skin before pressing the paper over. He was so careful about getting it lined up just right.
They checked it out in the wall mirror. They didn’t really want to. They tried not to look at it, ever, but they knew that would be weird. They had to at least drag their gaze over the outline of the new tattoo. They nodded before they looked, but they stared longer than they meant to. The bright purple ink outlined what would be, the brutal sharp letters still there, still dark and angry, but the idea of what he planned to do was there too and they could almost see how it could be.
“If it’s not quite right we can move it, or I can change the design.”
Darlin shook their head, eyes misting over. They looked away. “It’s good. Thanks.”
The bell over the front door chimed in the other room and Asher jumped up from his station, tossing his cup into the trash. “That’d be my next appointment,” he announced just like usual and headed off to collect them.
Darlin sat down at David’s bench, leaning back into the deep recline, almost completely laid out, and tried not to let that exposed feeling take root. The shop music seemed louder when they were the one getting the tattoo. They’d never really sat in anyone else’s chair before. They’d done all their own work but for that one time, that one night, and it wasn’t the same thing. They’d been half-knocked out on the floor of their apartment.
They shoved that thought away hard, staring at the ceiling and trying not to think about it.
They were shaking. Oh god. They clenched their jaw, trying to will their body to stop.
David settled his hand on their side—not the side closest to him with the stencil waiting to be inked, but their other side. His latex fingers pressed firmly against their skin until they realized he was waiting. They looked up at him, his gaze waiting for theirs. He was steady. “I’ve got this,” he said, voice low but easy to hear even with the music. They were so close. “But if you want more time, if you want to wait, it’s okay. If you want some time to just chill in the chair, we can do that too.”
Darlin stared up at him, knowing he meant it. They swallowed and shook their head again. “I’m good. Do it.”
The corner of his mouth twitched with a smile and his tongue rolled against the inside of his lip, flicking that silver ring. “Always so fucking tough…” He moved the ink tray closer, picking up the needle gun and starting it up.
They had heard that sound a million times. They worked with that hum. They did this for an art and for a living. But for a split second there, it sounded like it had that night. They took a deep breath and forced themself to look at him. At David.
“If it hurts too bad you can tap out,” he said, that smile in the corner of his mouth still.
Darlin smirked back, heart still pounding. “Fuck you.”
He grinned outright, palm to their skin again, over the scars and the stencil, picking his start point. “I won’t tell if you cry,” he continued to tease when the needle touched down.
It wasn’t that it hurt.
Darlin was okay with pain.
It was the trust. It was letting someone put ink on their skin. Their fingers squeaked at the padding of the seat when they tried to hold on, tried to hold themself still, tried not to get up and run.
David didn’t immediately lift the needle, but he didn’t work for more than a handful of seconds before he did. “There,” he said to the work. “One line in. Only like a thousand more to go.”
Darlin huffed, nodding.
He continued. “Put your hand on my shoulder,” he said casually, like that was at all normal.
Darlin blinked, still trying to stay focused on the here and now. “What?”
“Hand. Shoulder,” he said, working. Darlin settled their hand on David’s shoulder.
“If I pull, you’ll fuck up,” they thought aloud.
David smirked again, eyes on his work. “I won’t fuck up. You can squeeze as hard as you need to. I’ve got you.”
Darlin held their breath, watching him, their fingers pressed against his shoulder through the thin fabric of his sleeve. He didn’t look back, all of his attention seeming fixed on their skin and the ink, leaving them free to stare at the side of his face all they wanted.
Eventually they relaxed enough to drop their head back, enough to breathe easier, and even hold a conversation with him. It was okay. It was going to be okay, just like he’d said.
Asher didn’t see the tattoo David was covering up until his own client had left. He came back from the front room, stretching and walking over to get a look at the ongoing work.
He expected something bad, something painful. He expected a scar, like that deep one in Darlin’s lip or the one on their temple.
He came up slow enough that if David or Darlin showed any signs of not wanting him to get a look, he could easily keep walking to the back room and not peek. Asher loved peeking at things, but he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t even be tempted.
Instead, Darlin and David continued talking about Huxley’s game that weekend and whether they should get something to eat before or after.
Darlin tensed the slightest bit when Asher stood next to them, looking down at David’s work. Instead of telling him to go away, they said, “Do you want to get something to eat before or after?” They were trying to sound easy, but he heard that strain like when they’d spoken to him earlier.
And he knew why.
The tattoo was a hack job that screamed anger and violence. He couldn’t imagine they’d sat in a chair for that. Couldn’t imagine they’d agreed to it or let it happen. And he couldn’t imagine it had been quick either. Asher swallowed the grief and rage that tried to bubble up in his chest. He leaned over from overhead, curling an arm around Darlin’s collar and giving them a gentle squeeze. “Before,” he said. If they didn’t want to talk about it, then he wouldn’t. “I’m going home with Hux after the game.”
Darlin relaxed, touching his arm. “We can meet up before and head over together.”
Asher nodded against the side of their head. “Sounds good. You and Davey riding together?”
David huffed and affirmative, gaze flicking up for a split-second to look at them before going back to work.
“Great, then you guys can give me a ride to the game.” He kissed Darlin’s head like it was a deal sealed and jumped up. “I’ve got a date with Huxley tonight. I’m going to blow him!”
Darlin laughed and David groaned, having to lift the needle and shooting Asher an agonized look. “What the fuck, dude?”
Darlin was still laughing so Asher didn’t quit. “Oh please, don’t act like you don’t love blowjobs. Everyone loves blowjobs.”
“This is a workplace, you moron!”
“And? There’s no one here.”
“I’m here!” David looked like he would have thrown something at him if it wouldn’t mean having to change his gloves.
Asher grinned, raising an eyebrow. “Tell me you hate blowjobs and I’ll apologize.”
David turned a shade of red.
Darlin was laughing so hard they were crying, starting to roll onto their side. David grabbed their hip to keep them on their back and continued to glare at Asher. “You are dead,” he mouthed, but the corner of his mouth twitched as though Darlin’s laughter was actually infectious.
Asher held up his hands in defeat and went back to his station to clean up.
He really did have a plan to blow Huxley that night.
It wasn’t so much a written plan as an intent to look for an opportunity to take things to the next level. They’d kissed, they were on the same page, and it wasn’t like Asher was a move-slowly sort of person. In fact, this was the longest he’d flirted with someone without fucking. As happy as he’d been that they hadn’t jumped right into sex, Asher was starting to feel insecure about it. He usually knew why people liked him, why they dated him or partied with him. The longer this went on, as amazing as this was, the more Asher started to get the nervous feeling that he wasn’t giving Hux any good reasons to stay.
Ash was great at good reasons. He was great at a lot of things. He just needed to show Hux those things…
They met up for dinner after Hux got off practice and then went back to Huxley’s place.
It was Asher’s first time at his place.
It wasn’t what he’d expected at all.
He wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but it hadn’t been more plants than he could count, a lush carpet and possibly the most inviting couch he’d ever seen in his life.
“Do you want something to drink? I’ve got like a million kinds of tea and…” Hux started and then trailed off, blushing. “I mean, I’ve got beer too. I’m not drinking because I’ve got a game this weekend but if you want one—”
“No,” Asher shook his head, coming closer to follow Huxley into the kitchen. “Tea sounds great.”
Huxley smiled and it was gorgeous, definitely worth whatever he was in for with tea. Asher leaned against the counter and watched the other guy put on a kettle and pull some mugs out of the cupboard. Huxley was a big guy but he moved so deftly. “What kind of tea do you want?” he asked, opening a cupboard.
Asher grinned. It looked like something you’d see in a witch’s cabin! Full of jars and tins and smelling like flowers. He stepped closer to look at his options like he had any idea. “Your favorite.”
“Huh?” Hux laughed a little, looking back at him. “Mine?”
Asher nodded. “Yeah. I want to try your favorite.”
Huxley kept smiling when he pulled out a tin and told him about the blend and why he liked it. Asher could listen to him all day. He was unhurried and thoughtful. He prepared teabags and cups, the water starting to boil in the kettle.
“Can I kiss you?” Huxley asked.
Asher blinked, surprised. “Yeah! I mean,” he coughed and lowered his voice. “Yeah. Of course. You don’t have to ask.”
Huxley palmed his hip, stepping to the side to be in front of him, boxing him into the corner of the counter and leaning in.
It was unhurried too, like they had all the time in the world. Asher felt electric, gasping at just that slow, deep kiss. The kettle screamed and he whined, squeezing Huxley’s sides because he didn’t want that kiss to end. He sucked at his tongue when Huxley reached out to the side and turned off the kettle without having to move. Asher moaned around his tongue, lifting his shirt up his sides to drag his knuckles against bare skin, gratified when Hux pushed forward into what little space he had, pressing up against him until their thighs were slotting together. Asher’s dick jumped in his jeans at the feel of that thick thigh forcing his apart, pressing up against him. He bucked his hips, rubbing against him.
Asher broke the kiss to gasp, taking the opportunity to tug Huxley’s shirt up, biting his lip and clicking his teeth against studs when Huxley lifted his arms and took it off. Their hips still rolled together.
Huxley groaned, the sound deep and sending a shudder right through Asher. “We… We haven’t really talked about…” Hux said, voice so low now, his hands moving up Asher’s hips and under his shirt, palming his sides. “What do you like?”
Asher’s mind raced. “What?” He ran his palm up Huxley’s chest. What did he like? That was usually his question. Oh shit, he hadn’t asked it first. He kissed Huxley again, squirming against him. “I like you. I like this. I like the idea of seeing you naked…”
Huxley smiled into his kisses, nodding. “We can do that.” He tugged a little at Asher’s shirt. “You too?”
Asher nodded, pulling his shirt off and tossing it away eagerly.
Huxley looked at him, dragging his gaze down over his bare chest.
Asher flushed, nervous for the first time in what felt like his whole life. It’s not like he’d never been with guys bigger or hotter than him before. But this felt… different.
Huxley exhaled with a moan, his hands framing Asher’s ribs, his gaze passing over tattoos and catching on his nipple piercings. “Holy fuck dude…” He lifted him.
Asher gasped, legs spreading to bracket Huxley’s hips when he put him on the counter. Before he could say anything, Huxley leaned in and flicked a tongue against one of those studs before sucking.
Asher clutched at his shoulders, his head thumping back against the cupboard. “If you… If you like that… Just wait until you see… see… oh fuck…” His head thumped again.
Huxley lifted his head to look at him. “See what?” His gaze flicked over Asher’s face, at the two thin rings in his eyebrow, the bar in the bridge of his nose between his eyes, and the stud under his bottom lip. And then his eyes widened.
Asher’s heart clenched again. Why did he care so much how this guy reacted?
Huxley looked down at Asher’s jean clad crotch pressed up against his abdomen.
Asher held his breath.
“Bedroom?” Huxley asked, breathy and voice almost too low to hear.
Asher grinned. “Fuck yeah.”
Huxley grinned back, scooping his thighs to pick him up against him.
Asher wrapped his long legs around him, arms around his shoulders and hands in his hair.
Huxley carried him down the hall, kissing and nibbling his neck. He wanted to trace every tattoo with his tongue and fingers, but not right now. Right now, he desperately wanted to strip Asher down and get a look at all of him.
He’d seemed nervous when he took his shirt off. Hux couldn’t imagine why. He was hot and he definitely seemed into this.
He toed the door open and walked them in. Knees to his bed, he laid Asher down under him. He stole another kiss before moving his lips down his jaw, and his neck, to his chest, fingers working Asher’s jeans open.
Asher’s hand was in his hair, his body squirming under him. He made a string of sounds like he was trying to get words together and Huxley grinned against his side, slowing down just a little. Asher lifted his hips when Huxley curled his fingers into the waist of his jeans, letting him slide them off of him.
Huxley sat up, groaning when he pulled the other man’s pants down his thighs, exposing those dark boxer briefs and the straining bulge in them. He tossed Asher’s pants off the bed, more than ready to grab that elastic band and tug the last piece of clothing off of him, but Asher moved first, grabbing at Huxley’s shoulders and kissing him hard, rolling them on the bed until he was on top.
Huxley let himself be rolled. Of course he did. Asher was tall and lanky, but still not quite as tall as Huxley. He’d always been big and he’d always been careful about that when it came to his partners. If they wanted to roll him, or back him into a wall, or pull him down for a kiss, they definitely could. Asher definitely could. Huxley would gladly let Ash do anything he wanted.
He groaned happily when what Asher wanted right then, seemed to be opening his jeans and stripping him down. “Oh fuck,” Asher gasped softly when Huxley’s erection stood free. He slid down between his legs, until his own were off the mattress and his mouth sucking a spot on Huxley’s hip.
Huxley moaned, looking down his body to watch Asher’s gorgeous face so close to his dick. “You’re beautiful,” Hux exhaled. It wasn’t enough, but Asher’s eyes widened a fraction in surprise, like he didn’t know. How could he not know?
Asher smiled, hand sliding slowly up the inside of Huxley’s thigh. “I want to make you feel good,” he said, breath hot against the side of Huxley’s cock. “Can I?”
He swallowed at another moan, nodding. “Yeah… Yeah, anything, of course.” He gasped and arched a little when Asher cupped his balls, rubbing gently.
“Tell me what you like?” Asher practically purred, lips ghosting the side of his straining dick but still not quite touching.
Huxley tried not to squirm, shivering at the way Asher was teasing him. He almost said, anything. He’d like anything Asher wanted to give him. But that was a bullshit answer to a man with his mouth so close to his cock that if he twitched the right way, he’d slap those lips. “Right now? Right now, I want to know what that tongue stud feels like against my dick…”
The look on Asher’s face told him he’d said the right thing and he was rewarded with that tongue stroking him from base to tip, dragging that warm metal stud along his skin before he wrapped his lips around his head and sucked him down. He took all of him, swallowing and making Hux fist his hands in the bedding to keep from grabbing at Asher’s hair and rocking his hips up into his face.
“Oh fuck… Yes…” Hux moaned.
Asher hummed around him, sucking wetly.
Huxley watched him, Asher’s tattooed arm across his abdomen, the other still between his thighs to palm his balls. His hips ached to flex, his tingling right down to the base. “S-Stop. Ash…”
Asher lifted his head, panting, lips glossy and swollen but eyes alert. “Hux?” He stroked his thigh, the worry in his gaze making Huxley’s heart swell.
“It’s good. It’s too good,” he laughed, sitting up. “I’m not ready to finish.” He caught Asher’s jaw and tipped his face up, kissing him, drawing him into his lap. “I want to see you… All of you. Can I?”
Asher squirmed in his lap, rubbing them together, just the thin black fabric from his briefs between them. He hesitated again. It was fractional but it was there before he nodded.
Huxley squeezed his thighs. “We don’t have to.” He smiled, nudging his forehead against Ashers and moaning when he continued to roll his hips against his. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. This is good too. This is so good, Ash.”
Asher’s dick twitched inside his underwear, his breath in tight gasps. Color flushed his cheeks, but he smiled sheepishly. “It-It’s not that I don’t want to. I want to. Fuck, I want to do everything.” He shivered out another breath, still rocking in Huxley’s lap. “I’ve never been shy, I swear… You’re just so…”
Huxley froze. So… So much? Too much? So big? So hot? He’d gotten all of those before. He was intimidating, or just too much. People usually pursued him because he was hot and big, like it was something to try.
Asher swallowed, blushing deeper, the red sliding down his neck and his gaze dropping to Huxley’s chin. “Important,” he finished in an embarrassed whisper.
Huxley stared at him.
Asher exhaled hard. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to, like, make this heavy. I just really like you and usually people that are interested in me that don’t have piercings are kind of… having a good time? Which is fine. I get it. But… I just… I don’t want to scare you off or be a one-time thing… Unless…” He winced, closing his eyes. “Unless that’s what you want, of course.” Those last words came out small, defeated but trying to be reasonable.
Huxley’s heart soared and broke all at the same time. “Fuck, dude.” He cupped Asher’s face, tipping it up to his, his thumb stroking gently under his eye. “It’s not a one-time thing. I like you. I really like you.”
Asher looked up at him, his hands fanning against his abdomen. “I didn’t mean to wreck the mood…”
“You didn’t,” Huxley promised. “I’m glad you said it. I don’t want you to think that I’m just, like, messing around or using you.” He smiled, flicking the elastic band of Asher’s underwear. “And you can keep these on as long as you want, but, like, know that you definitely don’t have anything going on that’s going to scare me off.”
Asher turned his face into Huxley’s palm, biting softly. “Promise?”
Huxley grinned. “Yeah. And I get what you mean. I don’t usually like the way people come onto me and I’ve had plenty of people pretend they were interested when they were really just interested in saying they’d slept with me.” The words tumbled out. He’d never really said them before, even if he’d thought about it plenty.
Asher straightened. “Really? That’s stupid. What a bunch of jerks.”
Huxley laughed, sliding his hands down Asher’s sides to his hips. Important. He thought Huxley was important. He resisted the urge to roll his hips up against Asher for friction. If he wanted to stop here today, they would.
Asher’s fingers curled against the back of his neck, squeezing when he lifted himself and then pushed down, finding contact again and pressing until they both gasped. “Fuck…” Asher whined.
Huxley shivered at the sound, squeezing his hips.
Asher bit his lip and lifted up onto his knees, breaking contact and whining again.
Huxley liked that sound way too much.
Asher blushed again, biting down a smirk and nudging his chin toward the tent in his dark underwear.
Huxley grinned, running two fingers along the elastic band and looking up at him. “Yeah?”
Asher nodded, lip still caught between his teeth.
Huxley curled his fingers into the elastic at his hips and slowly dragged it down, breath catching when the other man’s hard cock was freed. Asher held onto his shoulders and together they got him out of that last piece of fabric.
He had two piercings, horizontal bars one after the other, just under the head of his cock. Asher sat back down in his lap and they both gasped when their naked dicks touched, pressing and rubbing. “Fuck,” Asher whimpered, rutting against him.
“Can I touch you?” Huxley asked, breathy.
Asher swallowed hard, nodding, still hanging onto Huxley’s shoulders and squirming. Hux couldn’t help but imagine him bouncing in his lap with his cock buried inside him. Another time. They were both already so close. He reached between them, wrapping his hand around Asher’s cock and squeezing gently, rubbing his thumb against those metal studs. He wanted to suck him off. He wondered what those piercings would feel like inside him, in his throat and in his ass. Another time. He planned to have plenty of times with Ash. He wanted to do everything. He wanted to know every way that drove him wild.
Asher whined, rutting into his hand. “Please… Fuck… I’m already…”
Huxley moaned, pushing Asher’s thigh to press him down into his lap, opening his hand to squeeze both their dicks together. Asher’s sounds got louder, sending chills through his body as he continued to move, his piercings rubbing against Huxley’s sensitive skin. “Yeah. Oh yeah…” He pumped them both, watching Asher. “Come for me. Come on me.”
Asher’s breath hitched. “Oh fuck!” He spasmed and practically danced in Huxley’s lap, coming with a cry, one hand clapping over his mouth in a belated effort to quiet himself.
Huxley shivered, coming with a gasp and a shove of his own hips.
They twitched there together for long seconds before Hux fell back, bringing him with him in a sticky heap. They caught their breath, clinging to each other.
“You should probably show me your shower,” Asher eventually said conversationally into his neck.
Huxley laughed, nodding and stroking a hand down his spine. “Yeah. Do… Do you still want to stay for tea?”
Asher sat up, pushing his mess of hair out of his face to look down at Huxley with a big smile. “I really do. I’ve never had tea before.”
Huxley laughed, thinking he was joking and then stopped when he realized he wasn’t. “Shut up!”
David was still awake when Asher got home, sitting on the couch with a controller in hand and eyes on the screen. “What time is it?” he asked, not looking away from the game.
“Almost two?”
David huffed. “How’d it go?”
Asher tossed his keys onto the table and shrugged out of his jacket, hanging it on the hook on the wall. David glanced at him, quickly assessing the state of his best friend. Asher grinned.
David went back to his game.
“Are you asking how my plans went?”
David rolled his eyes and groaned in disgust.
Asher practically skipped over, dropping himself onto the couch next to him. “Do you want all the details or just the highlights?”
“Please god no,” he deadpanned.
“I think we’re in a relationship!” Asher crowed.
David scrunched up his face. “I would think so… You were planning to blow the guy.”
Asher laughed, picking at the leftovers of David’s dinner on the coffee table. “So you do remember the plan!”
David clacked buttons, eyes on the screen while Asher ate cold fries. Finally he asked, “So, you had fun?”
Asher nodded. “So good. He’s amazing. And we had tea!”
“I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean.”
“It just means tea,” Asher insisted.
David wasn’t sure he believed him but he also didn’t want to ask. As long as Ash was happy and his date wasn’t a complete asshole, David was good. He actually liked Huxley. He wasn’t sure he’d ever liked any of Asher’s partners before.
Asher picked up the other controller, leaning back into the couch.
David exited his game and went into multiplayer mode.
“That tattoo on Darlin…” Asher said, voice low now, like if he was quiet enough no one would ever hear.
David’s jaw twitched. “Yeah.” Their first session had gone so well, better than he could have imagined. He was ready for them to have to wait, to start and have to stop, but Darlin got more comfortable with the work the longer they sat. David was the one who had to call it a day.
“That son of a bitch.” Asher murmured in the dark, thumbs smashing buttons and zombies blowing up on the screen.
“Yeah.” That son of a bitch.
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miidwrites · 13 days
You had seen it coming. You had noticed the absence of something for a few days now. I was trapped in my head and you could see it coming from miles away. The sex was still good. I still chatted to you every day but there was something off. It finally came to head tonight.
You know your girl is always stressing over 40 million things at once so the clipped answers to texts throughout the day just told you maybe your baby needed some quality time tonight. My text from lunch told you how shitty of a week I was having, and it is only Tuesday.
Usually I was first to get home so when you got home and had time to make us a light dinner and put together a lovely little pampering session you knew something was truly wrong.
I get home annoyed and frustrated. You hold your arms out for me and I sweep into them quickly for a brief hug and kiss before stalking off to change out of my work clothes. You frown at the briefness and chose to go to the eat-in kitchen to wait for me to join you for dinner. Asking how my day was, you can hear me ranting about the bosses and my coworkers and the work. You can hear the level of stress and frustration growing by the second in my voice. You call me in for dinner and notice the rambling stop. I rush into the kitchen to start getting things together apologizing that I should have been home hours ago and rambling out apology after apology. I notice that dinner is done and the pans are already in the dishwasher. I stop and stare fighting back tears. Apologizing again that you had to work all day and then cook for us. You shush me and tell me to sit down and eat. I stumble to my chair and look at my dinner forlorn. I have zero appetite after the stress and frustration of the day. I know it won’t go well so I force myself to eat a couple bites. I notice the glass of water you put by my plate and start to get up to get us both some wine. You stop me with a hand on my arm and say no let’s just finish our meal and the water is good for now.
I bristle at the comment. “I drank water today! I drank the whole bottle like I always do.” You notice the indignation in my tone and quirk an eyebrow. “Did you think I wouldn’t?! Sorry I didn’t realize we were back to bottle check ins.” I snap as I get up from the table to stomp to my bag. I wrench my water bottle from my bag and stalk back to the table, storms in my eyes. “Here, need to smell it for soda too?” Anger flashes in your eyes as you appraise my tantrum. You take a deep breath before speaking softly and calmly to me, “you should choose your next words very carefully.”
“Or what?” I snap. You register the moment I recognized my fatal mistake. You knew from my eyes that I hadn’t meant that to slip from my lips. But it had. You had heard me. You weren’t likely to forget it or let it pass by.
Quietly, your order me “Sit. Finish your food. Now.”
Committed to this dangerous path I am already on, “I’ve lost my appetite. I’m going to bed.” I grumble. As I slam my bottle on the table and begin to walk away. “thanks for dinner, goodnight” I throw over my shoulder as I stalk from the room.
It takes you 4 steps to snatch me by the arm and drag me back to the table. You shove me into my chair and sit back down. “You will eat, or I will pour it down your throat.” You seethe quietly. You know if this has been my attitude tonight, I probably haven’t eaten since the half ass attempt last night. I start to pull away when you trap me in my chair. Your face inches from me. “Eat the protein. Or I will purée it and tube feed you.”
Infuriated I grab my fork as you slowly pull away. You had such lovely plans for this evening and I had to just go and ruin them all.
The sound of cutlery across flatware slowly drowning out the soft music you put on is the only sounds in the room. We are both angry and the tension is rolling off both of us.
I know I should apologize and I know I should take my bad mood out on my workout classes, but im just over all of it.
You wait patiently for me to finish my chicken and some of the vegetables on my plate. Your plans have definitely changed but now you understand what is needed.
“Get up. Strip.” Is all you say to me as you clear the dishes from the table.
“Look im sorry, I know I shouldn’t have—“
You stop and glare at me. Pinning me to the spot with a look I can’t even begin to decipher. “Was I unclear?” You ask. Knowing this has drastically changed, I wisely choose to keep my mouth shut and shake my head slowly. “Do you really want me to repeat myself?” You question, your eyebrow raising slowly. Fear strikes me then, I shake my head no a little bit faster. I stand immediately and begin removing my clothes, watching you closely as you continue to clear the table and put away dinner.
Wisely I fold my clothes neatly in my chair and stay as still as possible standing next to it.
You don’t look at me. You don’t acknowledge that I’ve done as you’ve asked. You ignore me completely. Once the dishes are in the dishwasher, the food all put away, my bottle refilled and in the refrigerator, you don’t even glance at me before walking past me to the other room.
My anxiety has spiked now. I know I fucked up. I am ashamed for yelling about something stupid. I know I’ve been a little petulant lately but it’s not fair to you. I know I want to apologize. I want to grovel and ask you to hold me so I know I have completely fucked everything up. I stand there shaking as the errant thoughts race through my head. It’s been hours (maybe a few minutes) since you’ve looked at me or spoken to me or touched me. I am spiraling into internal despair in my head. My skin prickles with electricity. It snaps me out of my mental doom spiral. My head snaps up straight and I don’t dare turn.
It’s several more minutes of you staring before I hear your voice “come to me.” I turn and hold myself back from rushing to you. I take measured steps as I notice the blank look on your face and the slight furniture rearrangement. I stop just before you with my head hanging low. I can hear the disappointment in your tone and feel the temperament in the room. I hate this feeling.
You stand there appraising me before stepping back once more. You can see the defeat in the slump of my shoulders. You know, I know, I fucked up.
You take a calculated breath before addressing me. “Kneel.”
I drop to my knees instantly. Knees wide, hands upward resting on my thighs, head bowed. You smirk at the training that has obviously paid off.
You step back once again and settled into your reading chair tucked against the wide set living room windows.
You stare at me open and waiting for you. You appraise my creamy skin, the tension lines across my face and the set of my shoulders and back. You knew this was coming. You should have noticed it before now.
You address me, “I should probably apologize,” you begin. I start from the words, almost raising my head to look at you in alarm. You notice the movements and smirk before continuing. “I probably SHOULD apologize” you emphasize, “because I should have noticed it before. However, if you hadn’t been such a fucking disrespectful cunt this evening, tonight would have gone a much different direction. Now we are here. You have ruined my plans for the evening and ruined my dinner with your fucking mouth. Do you have anything to say?”
You notice the labored breathing I seem to be sporting. Smirking you notice the glistening between my thighs, yes tonight is going to be fun. “Speak.” You command.
With a shaky breath I open my mouth and softly whisper, “im sorry—“. You cut me off with “what? Come to me. Can’t hear your pathetic excuse for an apology.” I slowly crawl forward and stop at your feet. Returning to my kneel’d position, l begin again, “im sorry i was rude—“ my words are cut off by a harsh slap to my face. Tears sting my eyes as I glance up at you briefly in shock. You’ve never struck me before. You squeeze my chin in your hand and yank my face up to look at you. “I don’t believe you. You have been a cunty brat all fucking day and this is the best you can do?! Try again.”
The red mark is blossoming on my cheek as I stare in your eyes and begin again “imsorryforbeingabrat” I rush out quickly, your fingers squeezing my cheeks tighter, smushing my mouth into a pout.
You stare at my mouth, squeezing tighter. You barely register the panic that flashes in my eyes before you harshly release my face. Sitting back again, you yank me by the shoulder and pull me across your right knee. You throw your left leg over my back and pin my body down.
Your breathing is even and annoyed. “You make everything so much harder than it has to be. I work so hard to make sure that you are taken care of and your needs are always met. I treat you with respect and this is the bullshit you bring home to me?!” You ask incredulously. Your hand is heavy on my ass. You warn me, “this is not going to be nice. This is not going to be fun. You deserve this and you know it, yes?” You ask. I nod as tears prick my eyes again. You send a hard warning smack to my ass. “I can’t hear you.”
“Yes.” I reply immediately.
You send another hard hit to the top of my ass cheeks. Pain radiates as you remind me, “you will fix that tone or this night will go so much worse for you. I don’t have to use my hand.” You trail off.
Panic shoots through me again. You feel me kick a little and hear my weak apologies.
“What do you think you deserve?” You question. Making me choose my punishment. You know how much I dread this and wait for me to answer.
You send another hard hit to my left cheek. Just below your mark inked into my skin. “Answer me.”
“20?” you hear me answer with a question but strong voice. Smirking again at my response.
“Count.” You order.
As each smack is delivered, hard and with intent, my voice rings out in pain and anguish as I count through them. By 18, my ass is bright red and your hand is throbbing. You can smell the slick dripping down on to your thigh. You can hear the sniffles between each spank delivered. At twenty, the heat radiating from my bright cheeks is enough that you know how much tonight is going to hurt for me. A part of you almost feels bad… almost.
You rub and pinch my ass cheeks roughly. Telling me what a good girl I could be if I continue doing so well tonight. You push two fingers into my dripping pussy. “Look at this! How nice must I be if you are this soaked for me after 20 hits?! Maybe I took it too easy on you?” You hear me whimper in need and pain. “Awe, such a pathetic little sound. What do you need puppy?” You ask as you roughly bully your fingers hard into my pussy. You spit on my cunt, rubbing your thumb over my back entrance. “I’m not done with you yet.” You rip your hands away from me quickly. Lifting your left leg and yanking me up by the arm at the same time you turn me to look at my face.
“Oh what a mess you are, puppy!” You yank me back down on my knees and begin to undo your belt. “After all my hard work, I need a nice warm place for my cock. Take me out.” Understanding the inference, I finish undoing your belt and trousers before pulling your cock out and opening my mouth for it. You grab my hair and pull my head back, my tongue hanging out your look over my face before spitting in my mouth.
“Show me how grateful you are… I better believe you this time.”
I quickly dive on your cock sucking your head all the way back to my throat. Your hand stays in my hair, holding me down with my nose flush to your pubic bone. You hold me til my gag reflex finally takes hold and I choke on your cock. Pulling my head up slightly you angle my head so the head of your cock is bulging from my cheek. You brutalize my cheek with face fucking me like a cock sleeve. You are mesmerized by the bulging and trade off little taps to my cheek while bruising the inside of my mouth. Drool leaks out of my mouth all over your shaft and balls. The lewd choking sounds make you harder as you drag my head back and forth over your cock by my hair. You can smell me. You can see the mascara running down my face. You yank my face off your cock.
“Get on the bed.” You demand, your breaths harsh with exertion and control. I scramble to the bedroom and climb on to the bed. Everything hurts. Everything is loud and noisy in my head. You follow me into the room. “On your knees, puppy, you get fucked like the little bitch you are.”
I turn on my knees, dropping my chest down to the bed, presenting you with my still rosy ass. You run your hands roughly over my ass and watch as I wince in pain. You send another slap to my right cheek before bending down and biting. I scream out in pain. There. “Now we are getting somewhere, puppy. Here I was thinking I was being too gentle on you tonight.” You lean down to bite again leaving teeth marks next to your mark. You slap my cheek again and bite below your mark before sucking. Drawing the blood to the skin and biting you leave a mark you know will be there for days. You know this little reminder will be visible and I’ll feel its sting for a while.
Your ministrations don’t stop. You trade slaps and bites all over the round of my ass and even the backs of my thighs. I am crying and shaking before you have finished. You take a long lick of my cunt so beautifully presented to you.
“Fuck. I swear you get creamier the more you scream.” Taking another long languid swipe of my cunt you finish by tonguing my back entrance. I squirm and pant at your actions. You notice the wetness seeping out of me in rivulets. You lick up the inside of my thighs before latching on just below my dripping pussy. Leaving a painful love bite you slap my ass and then my pussy, hard, before plunging two fingers back into me. The actions have me launching myself forward in pain and pleasure.
“Think we are about ready now puppy. Get back on your knees” you command as you pull your trousers down further. I’m full with your fingers pounding into me hard. The movement never slowing, never lightening. There’s a brief lull as you pull your fingers out before you slam your cock into me deep and hard. You’ve repositioned yourself for the best leverage and deliver unforgiving thrusts. Your hips slap against my bright red and purple ass. The pain making me cry out at every thrust. You double your efforts and slam into me even hard and more brutalizing. I am crying at this point. Sobbing into the bed as my face is pushed down by the force of your hips and the weakness in my arms. You weave your fingers into my hair at my skull and pull. Yanking my back up to your chest while you drive into me. “Is this what you needed puppy? Did you need to feel the pain and pleasure only I can give you? Do you know what a good girl you’re being for me?” Tears stream down my face between wrecking sobs. You continue to pound into me until sound leaves me. You can feel the grip from my pussy, pulling you in deeper and deeper. You whisper in my ear, “give me that orgasm puppy.” As I completely come undone. I collapse to the bed with you on top of me. My breathing has hitched and stopped momentarily through my orgasm. I squirt and push your cock out with the force. Lining yourself up with my asshole, you drag some of my cum up to my ass and enter me again. I’m so tight you almost blow your load right there. You nudge into me slowly. Once fully seated in my ass, you notice my breathing is short and im in my post-orgasm comatose state. You slowly begin to move in me. Your short little thrusts so deep in my ass. You keep doing the languid movements until you hear my breathing normalize and you know im back with you.
You press a kiss to my hair, “you’re doing so good for me babygirl. Such a good girl. Let daddy finish with you. Can you come for me one more time baby?” My breathing hitches at the fullness you have provided. I nod my head for you as you keep rutting into my ass. “Good girl” you growl as I begin lifting my hips slightly to meet your thrusts. You wrap your arms around my shoulders keeping me pinned tight to your chest as you back your hips further and further for deeper, harder thrusts. My moans are guttural at the intrusion. You whisper what a filthy little girl I am for you and how no one would ever make me feel this way. You growl what a good girl I am for you and how im a perfect puppy that you could never love anyone as much. You grunt out your lewd comments and adorations as your pace gets less and less measured. My moans spurring you on, you draw your hand between my breast and wrap your long fingers around my neck. Grunting how good I am for you your pace quickens and my cries ring out. “Come for me. Come like a good girl. Come with me puppy. My perfect little puppy.” You ground out in my ear as we both cross over the precipice. You come deep in my ass and throb at the spasms from my cunt. You roll us to the side still seated deep in my ass. You run your fingers lightly around my neck as we stay connected and cuddled. It’s several minutes before either of us can speak. As I turn my head to look at you, my hand comes up to pull our mouths together. Our kisses are languid and sweet. Your cock throbs again in my ass as you slowly soften. I smile through the tear stains all over my face. “You good baby?” You ask softly pecking kisses over every single one of my tear spots. I nod against you, relaxing in your arms.
“Cmon puppy, you need a bath.” I smile against your mouth as we disconnect and scramble to the shower.
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