#meanwhile peter literally started the second wizarding war
atlasdoe · 2 months
"Who's afraid of little old me is about Regulus!!!!"
Have y'all ever heard of Peter Pettigrew????
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marawrder · 4 years
some thoughts on the first wizarding war and the order of the phoenix
thanks @proditeur for contributing and mapping this out with me ily
          the second wizarding war does not compare to the first. it went on for eleven years (1970-1981), with its foundations starting as early as the 1940s. the ministry was helpless against the attacks and infiltrated by death eaters. at the height of the war people were killed or disappeared weekly, and it even spilled over into the muggle world. this is how sirius describes it in gof:
“ Imagine that Voldemort’s powerful now. You don’t know who his supporters are, you don’t know who’s working for him and who isn’t; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You’re scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... the Ministry of Magic’s in disarray, they don’t know what to do, they’re trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that’s how it used to be. ”
          despite decorated aurors joining, the order of the phoenix was basically a citizen militia. the ministry didn’t claim them, dumbledore, who didn’t work for the government anymore, was the only authority. perhaps this is just a personal headcanon, but i am fairly sure that, in general, the people who joined the order did so because they believed that dumbledore was the only person capable of defeating the dark lord like he had grindelwald. i also think that dumbledore knew he couldn’t defeat tom, at least not immediately. so this would mean that the order of the phoenix basically didn’t have an end goal.
          they tried preventing death eaters attacks, yes, they met them in battle and tried to crush the dark rebellion. there was literally nobody else who could or would do it, not on the same scale. their mission was to save as many people as possible, prevent violence and killings, keep the death eater army at bay. it was literally a fight for survival, not for the win. overall, their role was passive, and they were fighting a losing battle.
         voldemort’s disappearance on halloween 1981 was a fluke. nobody could’ve known that trying to kill harry would kill him. nobody knew how to stop him, and they weren’t even aware of the horcruxes (with some exceptions like regulus and presumably dumbledore). they weren’t even close to stopping him, if it wasn’t for this coincidence. the order of the phoenix was not designed to win the war, they were merely the first front of the resistance.
          they couldn’t have had a plan to destroy voldemort, nothing concrete anyway, not knowing as little as they did. they relied on dumbledore, just like they did in the second war, to take out the root cause of the problem. they didn't know how they could win and yet they did everything in their power for the cause.
          this, to me, also proves what kind of people lily, james, sirius, remus, peter, frank, alice... they all were. they were as young as they came, it was the height of the war, they had few stakes in all this — lily did, but she was such an impressive witch that upon snap‘s urging even voldemort tried to recruit her. they joined the order because they felt they had to not only dedicate their life to ending the war, the terror and the injustice, they were willing to risk it for the cause. for a battle that barely seemed winnable. that takes so so much courage, involvement, faith, and simply a good heart, and it says so much about their characters. yes, they all had legitimate character flaws, especially james and sirius were arrogant in their youths, but this choice proves so much selflessness and bravery. they were so young. they could’ve easily done anything else, hidden, stood by, even legitimately joined the dark side. they were willing to give anything and they did, and that, to me, is infinitely tragic.
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bethhxrmon · 5 years
All I Ask of You Pt. 26
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“Take a look at that town, take a look at how far I’ve come” - “I Can Do Better Than That” from The Last Five Years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female OC
Word Count: 2,481
Summary: Everyone’s together, everyone’s happy
Warnings: None, I think I used the word fuck?
A/N: I’m super hyped for what’s coming next! All the character interactions and new ideas I’m getting are great. As always, I love hearing from you guys so please feel free to message me or send me an ask or anything at all!
The masterlist can be found in my bio so these chapters can show up in the tags!
“Okay, it’s official, there’s nothing in all of Nebraska,” Harper stated, staring out the window.
It had been hours since anyone had seen anything aside from the open road and the yellowing prairies. There wasn’t anything interesting to look at, leaving all four teenagers with nothing to do aside from find every single possible way to be the most annoying people on the planet.
Annie was trying to get through War and Peace, though she was doing better than trying. She was around two hundred pages in. Granted, that had more to do with her not sleeping than anything else. If she slept on the drive at all then she wouldn’t have been nearly as far as she was.
Harper had given up on sketching around halfway through Missouri. There were too many bumps on the interstate for them to get anything done. Not to mention that Tony had already put a cap on how many times they were allowed to cuss at the road. So naturally, they were left with nothing to do.
No one let Peter do anything except sit and sleep after he got car sick the day before, and it was for the best. Deep down, Peter had to know that, but it also meant that he couldn’t really do anything except talk about different stuff with Ned.
Meanwhile, Ned was easily having the time of his life. Sure, the drive was definitely a bore, but having everyone in that minivan was easily the best part of it. Getting the chance to go all the way across the country while seeing everything along the way was great. And he never missed a chance to point that out.
“I think if I had a dollar for everytime you said that, I’d be a trillionaire,” Tony replied, “And if it’s any consolation, we’re about to stop in Wyoming.”
Annie raised an eyebrow, “Isn’t that in Canada?”
“No, it’s above Colorado and under Montana. Definitely America,” Ned said, shaking his head.
Peter gasped, “Oh, yeah! It’s that Area 51 place that’s actually not real. Mr. Stark, are you taking us to get abducted by aliens?!”
“Are you kids being serious? First singing Wizard of Oz all the way through Kansas and now this?”
Pepper laughed, “Come on, they’re just having fun. At least, I hope so.”
“Well yeah, I might be a dumb actress, but I at least know all fifty-one states,” Annie deadpanned.
Harper smirked, “I’m telling you, Ned, we gotta dye her hair blonde!”
“Oh hell no! I might actually kill you if you do that,” she exclaimed.
Everything went oddly silent. The only thing that could be heard was the car and the faint tones of classic rock.
Annie rolled her eyes, “Come on, it’s a joke. If I don’t joke about it now then it’s gonna be a touchy subject for a really long time.”
“M-maybe it should be,” Peter said.
She shook her head, “No, because as far as the rest of the world’s concerned, I did nothing wrong. Anyways, um… what’re we getting for dinner?”
It was hard to not get worked up over the situation. Annie figured that right then was the perfect time for her to get over everything. Plus, she hadn’t thought about what she’d said. But if she could make light of it, then everyone else should have too.
They didn’t have to deal with thinking about what she’d done periodically. That by all rights, she should be getting thrown in prison or into a juvenile detention center. Or somewhere that people went when they killed someone else.
Except, what was she supposed to do if it was an accident? Wasn’t it supposed to be different since that guy was a criminal? But then she couldn’t help reminding herself that she had let him go months ago. That if she had just listened to Peter, all of that could have been figured out months ago. In a way, it really was her fault, but she didn’t know how to even begin to talk about it.
“Not sure, you do you kids feel about McDonald’s?” Tony asked.
Harper huffed, “I swear if we have to go to another fast food place, I’m gonna scream. You’re literally a billionaire. The least you can do is take us to a Denny’s or a diner or a burger place.”
“Harper… isn’t that a bit much?” Ned asked.
They shook their head, “Nah, he’s a billionaire, do you know how much money that is? Because I definitely do. And in case you didn't know, its kinda a lot."
           "But you don't have to be a jerk about it," he muttered.
While Ned and Harper started to get into an argument, Peter and Annie began laughing. No one seemed to question Annie and Peter periodically using each other as pillows. Though Peter ended up sleeping on her more often than the other way around. And while Annie wasn’t about to say so in front of everyone else, she liked playing with his hair as he kept drifting off. Or feeling him leaning against her shoulder and kissing him on the forehead when no one was looking. At least, when she thought no one was looking.
“Seems they’re getting along great,” Annie said, smirking a bit as her eyes darted between the others and Peter.
Peter shook his head, “They’ve been doing this for the whole day.”
“Oh, that’s just Harper. If they’re not being a smartass then that’s when you should be worried,” she assured him as the minivan was cut off by a huge semi truck.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!” Tony exclaimed.
Pepper chuckled, “Language, honey.”
“What?! I’m the adult here!” he responded incredulously.
“Look, all I’m saying is that a million seconds lasts twelve years, one billion would last for almost thirty-two years, it’s fucking wild!” Harper pointed out.
Peter laughed, “So… this isn’t too crazy to you?”
“Oh, not at all. Trust me, I’d take this over walking on eggshells with my dad for months on end. This is way better,” she told him.
While they kept watching the grass and cows pass by, Peter wrapped an arm around her. There was only so much left of the day, and the sun was just starting to set.
“Awww, look at the happy couple!” Harper cried out, seeing Peter just about to kiss Annie on the cheek.
“There better not be any funny business back there,” Tony warned.
Pepper rolled her eyes, “They’re in a minivan with you, I don’t think anything would be happening.”
Annie felt her face heating up and she buried her face in the crook of Peter’s neck. Why couldn’t she just catch a few more minutes alone with him? Just enough time to curl up to him and hold him without anyone pointing it out and making a huge deal out of it.
At the same time, it was huge. She’d been wanting to be with Peter for months. And then there was that point where it was hard to tell if she liked him or Spider-Man more. She really wished that she had just gotten over her worries and just went for it earlier. It would have saved her so much time, but she couldn’t think about what would have happened if things were different. If Peter wasn’t Spider-Man and if he wasn’t as honest with her as he was being.
Maybe it was obvious that Annie was thinking about something, or Peter was just being really affectionate, but he hugged her close. It made her lean up against him and she rested her eyes for just a little. Though, all she could really remember was Peter gently playing with her hair.
“Oh, come on, she barely slept at all last night, just let her rest for a little while,” Harper pleaded.
Tony huffed, “I’d let her sleep, but we need to get into the hotel rooms.”
“Seriously? I’ll get everything for her,” they insisted.
“No, no, I’ll get it for her, I can take it super easy,” Peter said.
It was Peter shifting slightly that had woken her up. Though she kept her eyes shut for just a bit longer before opening her eyes. The last thing she wanted was Peter feeling bad for waking her up.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes, “You know, you guys aren’t good at being quiet. Where are we anyways?”
“Some place in Wyoming. And it’s kinda late, so you know what that means? We gotta go get dinner!” Harper exclaimed.
“It’s more than just some place in Wyoming, it’s the state capitol! We should stay and tour around,” Ned said, getting out of the minivan to grab his luggage.
Pepper laughed, “You know, we need to get all the way over at a decent time. We can do more touristy stuff in Tahoe.”
“Yeah, besides, there’s not much to tour here anyways. Come on, what is there here?” Harper asked, gesturing around.
“Well, there’s a nice sky. Haven’t seen that in awhile. Seriously, Peter, you gotta see this,” Ned practically pulled his friend out of the minivan, Annie following right behind.
Once in the room, Harper couldn’t stop teasing Annie. Pointing out that they definitely noticed that she was constantly cuddling up to Peter. That they couldn’t understand why she hadn’t done anything sooner.
Annie pulled her brush from her suitcase, raking it through her wavy hair, “I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet.”
“Figured out what?”
“Why it took me so long… come on, you know that I can’t just ignore all the shit with Greg. I mean, I could for awhile. Like, until I moved away, but when I first started liking Peter, well, come on. I couldn’t just make the same mistake twice,” Annie said, yanking her brush through a rats nest that had formed in her hair.
Harper frowned, looking at the sketch they had been trying to do earlier, “You’re right… I didn’t really think about it. While you’re at it, you should probably tell Peter about your baggage.”
“You can’t be serious. It’s been over a year, and no. No don’t look at me like that. What happened with Greg and what he ended up doing wasn’t my fault,” Annie insisted, setting the brush on the nightstand.
Harper closed the book, “But he deserves to know anyways. How many things did he tell you about that he was scared of telling you?”
“But it means nothing now!” she exclaimed, sitting on the bed.
They shook their head, “It means a lot now. With Carnival running around New York. You know what he’s capable of and what he can do. Peter deserves to know too.”
“I know… but can’t it just wait? Things are already difficult, I just want a little more time with him. Well, more time for things to be as normal as they’re gonna be. Please, this is the best things have been in weeks, Harper. I’ll tell him at the cabin or wherever we’re going. It’ll matter there more anyways.”
“Fine. But if that ends up hurting you-”
“It won’t. Greg’s not even around anymore. You know that. Carnival is, but he isn’t, there's no reason for me to make a big deal of it. Especially when it won't make much difference."
Right then, there was a knock at the door. There wasn't supposed to be anything to worry about, but what if someone heard? She just wanted more time to keep things normal. However, if she had been overheard, then she wasn't so sure how that was going to work out.
Although, it was obvious that Harper did not hold the same worries that she did. When they opened the door, it was only Peter and Ned coming to get them for dinner. Which was supposed to be at an unspecified location.
Harper huffed, “I swear, if it’s McDonald’s, I might actually kill this guy. Enough said.”
It ended up with them going to a burger place in the downtown part of Cheyenne called Two Doors Down. Something which Harper was quick to voice their relief over.
“Oh, come on, some chicken nuggets never hurt anyone!” Ned protested.
They rolled their eyes, “So you say, but I even look at another chicken nugget, I’m gonna throw myself out of the minivan.”
Annie slipped an arm around Peter as they sat in the large booth, “See? Told you they like him.”
“Yeah, so Harper’s always like that?” Peter asked.
“Hey! I can hear you two talking shit!” Harper snapped.
“I thought I grounded you from cussing,” Tony said, taking his seat.
Harper grinned, “Well, actually, you said I was banned from cussing at the road. I’m cussing at my dear friends. They’re not the road.”
“We’re friends?!” Ned exclaimed.
“Um… yeah? You’re a chill dude, a um, hoot and a half if you will,” Harper replied, as Tony rolled his eyes.
The man sighed a little, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Okay, fine, Harper, you’re grounded from cussing for the rest of the night.”
“What?! This is a violation of my first amendment rights,” they scoffed before messing around with the napkin around their silverware.
Annie laughed, “Actually, it’s really not, but whatever you say, Harper.”
“No one asked you!” they snapped, crossing their arms.
When the waitress made it to their table, which was full of laughing and chaos mainly thanks to Harper. They were the first to order, getting a burger that was supposed to have a few slices of pineapple on it. Ned went for the spiciest burger that they had, asking for them to try and make it as spicy as possible. Peter asked for the burger that had avocado on it. And Annie, wanting to continue the trend of odd toppings went with a burger that had an egg on it. Getting to the adults, Tony got a blue cheese burger, also wanting to continue the odd pattern. However, Pepper unintentionally wrecked it by ordering a normal cheeseburger.
Tony shook his head, “I’m disappointed. I thought you were gonna get that tortilla burger and keep this trend of funky burgers.”
“Oh? That was supposed to be a thing? Well, sorry about that,” Pepper responded, giving a shrug.
It was easily the most relaxed things had been in Annie’s opinion, and she couldn’t help smiling a little bit as she felt Peter’s hand reach for hers under the table. Everything that had happened was still on her mind, but she couldn’t stop herself from feeling like things were falling into place. She had her closest friends and she was finally with Peter.
For just a little bit, she had a chance to really forget everything from earlier. No one knew aside from everyone at the table. And they weren’t holding anything against her. Annie knew that everything was going to get fixed. It had to.
Taglist: @flushings-here / @gaypanda / @parkerpuff / @gryfinpuffs / @ijustdontknowsometimes / @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy / @buzzinglee / @lcy-thot / @twilightparker / @dolphinsarecuteandstuff / @moonstruckholland
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spacyparker · 7 years
Snow angel
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Request : “71 and 101 with Peter!x”
»  “Come over here and make me, then.”
»  “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Characters : Peter Parker x reader
Word count : 1.4k
A/N : I feel like I’m bad at writing fluff lmaoooo what is loveeeee
Christmas holiday haven’t ever felt so right. You were spending your days with your boyfriend Peter, and it was all fluff and cute moments. It was real Heaven, you haven’t even had an argument, or just to know who loved the other one the most. Butterflies couldn’t leave your stomach, just as your smile your face. The first days, Peter snuck by your window at night so you two could sleep together. It was a brand new experience, you had never slept with a boy before, and him neither -well with a girl. You were happy being each other first time about that. Then, Peter had the balls to ask May if you could sleep at home, and she said yes after much thought. She just instaured rules, making Peter promise some things. She knew how boys were at this age and didn’t want you and him to do stupid things.
That was not only about sleeping together. These holidays were totally magic. You went out many times just to walk, snow falling, in Central Park. The weather was fantastic, you loved snow and you couldn’t help but make snowball to throw at Peter who’d reply fast. You were so in love, you knew you would never love someone as much as him, he was treating you so well and you got along like soulmates.
“I’m cold.” You pouted. “And hungry.”
You were on the couch, watching the TV, Peter just coming back from the shower after his spider-man duty, his body still damp and his hair so wet it dropped water on the ground. He smiled at your words, May didn’t seem to be home, so he figured something might hold her back at the hospital.
“Pizza ?” He smiled, joining you on the couch. Peter wrapped your body around his arms, pushing you closer to him. He was half naked since he didn’t put a shirt on after his shower, and his skin was still so warm because of the heat of the water. He kissed your cheek multiple times, rubbing his nose against it.
“Pizza sound really good.” You admitted. When you were alone, you always ended up ordering pizza, it was like a ritual now, and you’d always make sure to order a pizza you’d never asked before. You had this stupid goal to taste all the different ones written on the menu. Peter grabbed his phone and called the pizzeria, soon, they’d tell him he would be delivered his food in like an hour.
“Okay, well. Time for Star Wars !” He shouted happily, like he had waited all the day thinking about his favorite saga.
You blushed, a little embarassed. “Hm..” Peter turned his head to see you after this light injunction, an eyebrow frowned. “I was… I was wondering if we could watch Harry Potter instead. I’m really more in a wizard mood.” His mouth became a real O and you immediately noticed he was bothered. “No, uhm… Forget about it, Star Wars is fine.”
Peter remained quiet for a few seconds before he talked again. “No, that’s okay. I mean… Uhm… I’ve, I’ve seen Star Wars so many times, and I’m not sure to remember all the Harry Potters.” You smiled, and he took charge of everyting. Soon, you could hear the theme song playing and a smile took place on your face. Peter was so glad to see you that happy, and he regretted not having watched the saga with you before. He didn’t even know you liked it that much.
Minutes were passing by and you were able to say all the lines at the same times as the characters did, which made Peter giggle everytime. His hand was on your thigh, and sometimes he would come closer to you to kiss your cheek. He was quiet, which was weird because Peter had the ability of speaking without even taking care of taking a break. It wasn’t awkward though, actually it made the atmosphere kind of… Well you couldn’t put a word on it, but it was hard focusing on the movie with his hand and his lips.
Peter was doing it on purpose. This little kid… Harry Potter wasn’t such a big interest for him, and he was all focused on you since the beginning of the film. Seeing you happy and passionated, God he loved you so much.
“Stop staring at me, I hate that…” You pouted without even having to turn your head to notice what he was doing.
“Nope.” He directly answered, approaching you all over again. He was soon on top of you, kissing your cheeks but going down your neck. It was hard focusing on the movie with this stupid kiddo trying to get your attention.
“Peteeeeer, please I’m trying to watch here !” Your hands came in his long hair, playing with his slight curls. “Oh fuck, you’re lucky you’re cute.” Then you turned your head towards him and you both started kissing. Deeply, more and more. Your relationship was quite new and even if you had slept together many times, you’ve never kissed like that before. It was more passionate, you could feel all the sexual tension in it. Something you needed even if you knew nothing about it.
Everything became hotter soon. Peter’s hand went down your chest, stopping at the elastic of your panties which he played with, waiting for some sort of permission you could give him. “Go for it, Parker.” You murmured, suddenly blushing. No one ever made his way down there and you felt shy to finally let someone touch you. Anyways you knew Peter, and it was clear he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. His hand passed under your panties and you already sighed at the contact of his warm skin on your montes veneris.
Knock knock knock.
It felt like your heart stopped. You jumped, your face all red now. You were to ashamed to afront Peter’s eyes after having him let you touch you, even if nothing happened. Without a word, he went in his bedroom to pick one shirt and put him on, quickly opening to the delivery guy.
“Dinner is served !��� He shouted as he closed the door. Then he came back to the couch, a big smile on his face meanwhile Harry Potter was fighting with chess set. When he turned his head towards you, he noticed how shy you’ve became, and blushed too. Peter didn’t want you to feel bad about what almost happen. “I, uhm… You.. You want to talk about it, maybe ?”
“N-no ! Thanks, I…” You didn’t finished and took a slice of pizza, trying not to think about it. Why were you so embarassed ? Peter was your boyfriend after all, and you felt ready to do it with him. “I, uhm… It’s just… I don’t know, it’s new, I’m kind of afraid. People keep telling that it hurts the first time, and uhm… That you bleed. I would literally cry if I put some blood on your couch..”
Peter giggled, he was also shy about this, but he decided to hide it since you were lacking of confidence and he wanted you no to. “We’re not doing anything until you’re ready, and I didn’t have to tell that for you to know. It’s not like I’m with you for sex or anything.”
“Really ?” You stopped him. You knew how annoying stopping his hormones should be for him, and you wanted him. Fuck, yes you wanted him so bad, you were just afraid of the pain, the feeling. Was it a good reason to give up ?
“I love you.” The movie came to his end, and Peter stood up to go get the DVD back in its pocket. He was already putting the second part in the player. “I got it, you’re not my hoe.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, but you also decided to take this more seriously than he would have hoped. “Come over here and make me, then.” All his attention remained on you now, and you tried not to laugh seeing his surprised face. “I’m… May isn’t home. I think we should take our chance now. I mean… If it hurts, I’m going to discover it sooner or later anyways, why not now ?”
Peter blushed, so did you. But he didn’t wait for you to ask him twice, and the boy was quickly kidnapping your lips.
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