#medda x hannah
himbos-hotline · 2 years
Moodboard Masterlist
Requests: Open
Sheild! Seth Rollins
@/shanie-the-toyaddict account vibes
@/house-of-cards account vibes
Doctor Maura Isles
Genderfluid Crutchie Morris
Googleiplier x The Author
Kirby [friend] moodboard
Actor Mark x Celine
Wearwolf Antisepticeye
Actor Mark
Yancy and Aquarium date
Sunshiney Jack Kelly
Diner at the edge of the universe
Trans cowboy Jack Kelly
Modern Racetrack Higgins
Trans surfer dude Racetrack Higgins
Fall-time Davey Jacobs
Jack Kelly
Greaser Jack Kelly
Katherine Plummer phone background
dark academia/royalty core Jack Kelly
Moritz Stiefel
Ernst Robel
Ilse Neumann
Racetrack Higgins as Spiderman
Cottagecore Jack Kelly
Sarah Jacobs
Les Jacobs
Jack Kelly in Santa Fe
Jackcrutchie as Bonnie and Clyde
Winn Schott Junior
Brooklyn Spot Conlon
Elmer, Crutchie, and JoJo
Katherine Plummer- Pultizer with Journey to the past
Wendla Bergmann and Moritz Stieffel
Tommy Boy
Crutchie Morris and a funfair
Nature vibe Elmer
Rainy Day Dara
Davey Jacobs with Snakes
Autistic Davey Jacobs
Modern Crutchie Morris
Clyde Barrow
Canon Jackcrutchie
Zookeeper Davey
Superhero Dara
92sies Mush
Vintage Crutchie
Trans Racedtrack Higgins
Medda Larkin
Yellow Crutchie
MobBoss Spot Conlon
Melchior Gabor
Moritz Steifel
Davey Jacobs
Crutchie as Shaggy from scooby doo
Art!Teacher Jack Kelly
Jock Racetrack Higgins
Davey and Les
Racetrack Higgins [Canon and Modern]
Katherine Plummer-Pulitzer
Spot Conlon
Dara soulmate AU
Ballet!AU Sarah Jacobs
Josephine [OC]
Two depressed painters
Vampire Davey
Jazzman Jack Kelly
Dancer Spot Conlon
Cora Higgins
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honorary-fool · 1 year
Newsies x Genshin AU / HCs
note 1: this is primarily based off my expanding knowledge of the broadway version ; I haven't seen the movie yet
note 2: there is a li'l Venlumi in here but honestly it can be seen as platonic/qpr/romantic/whatever - I know in terms of the musical a lotta people ship Davey & Jack as opposed to Jack & Katherine - whatever floats your boat as long as it's legal, y'know?
(& tbh a lot of this is primarily 'oh this genshin person is xyz from the musical' sorta thing)
that being said..!
Venti is Jack Kelly (instead of the part abt Jack's father dying... it's his brother... it's the Nameless Bard I'M SORRY I HAD TO)
Lumine & Aether are still siblings ; Lumi is Katherine Pulitzer, and Aether essentially takes Joseph Pulitzer's place bc something something dad died & he took on his position and attitude /j (abyss twin Aether)
I separated the 6 boroughs into 6/7 of the regions of Teyvat! Manhattan is Mondstadt, Sumeru is the Bronx (bc of all the issues/drama upon its release, and the part in Brooklyn's Here when everyone blows a raspberry at the Bronx newsies), & maybe Liyue is Brooklyn bc of who I have in mind for Spot Conlon ; haven't figured out the specifics in the sense of which other nations (Fontaine, Inazuma, Natlan - no Snezhnaya bc 6 boroughs not 7) are the remaining boroughs though (Flushing, Richmond, Woodside)
Jean is the Mayor, Varka is the Governor (Zhongli was a runner-up too but I figured Varka)
the three people in Pulitzer's office (Hannah, Nunzio, Seitz, I think?) - I wrote down Amber, Noelle, & Eula for some reason?? Amber maybe as Hannah (makes the most sense honestly), Noelle as Nunzio, and that leaves Eula as Seitz - not sure how accurate that'll be but f it
Yun Jin as Medda perhaps? I like the idea honestly
Rosaria as Snyder?? maybe??
Kaeya & Diluc as the Delancey brothers (Darknight Hero evil arc /j) (I forgot why I wrote them down for it, but it'll suffice for now)
Charles (Angel's Share) as Jacobi ? 'cus Diluc can't be /lh
Albedo & Klee are Davey & Les (alternatively: Huffman & Mika, but I think bc Klee fits better as Les)
the rest of the Mondstadt cast are the other Manhattan newsies (Specs, Romeo, Elmer, Mush, etc) ; I've yet to learn more about most of the other Newsies like them specifically, so no particular pairups of 'oh xyz is Specs' or somethin'
unsure who would specifically be the scabs
the nuns in the Cathedral remain the same (including Barbara)
Spot Conlon... I think Xiao or Beidou would equally be good as Spot (maybe Beidou? leaning a smidge more towards Beidou, especially after learning a little about the UKsies' Spot)
the only one I'm missing (that I know of) is Weisel I believe?
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skautism · 5 years
Medda: Hannah and I are having a kid!
Jack: Congratulations!
Medda: *Slams down adoption papers* It's you
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if you need something to write, meddahannah modern au
Thank you so much for the prompt I hope this is nice for you!
It had been a long day. Another meeting about budget cuts just about sent Medda over the edge. And if looks could kill Principal Pulitzer would be dead twice over. She didn’t dare tell her students any of the news, she had just announced their fall play earlier that week and she couldn’t yet see the change in their smiling faces yet.
Medda unlocked the apartment door and was met by the best smell in the world: freshly baked banana bread with a hint of vanilla.
“Medda!” Came a happy cry from the kitchen, followed by a beautiful red-headed woman who made everyday worth it. Hannah ran through the doorway and hugged her wife. “How was your day? You’re home late. Come, come sit down, you look exhausted.” She grabbed Medda’s hand and dragged her to the kitchen table, a piece of bread already waiting on a small plate.
“Thank you,” Medda said with a soft smile. With a small sigh she ripped of a tiny piece of the bread.
Hannah frowned, “What’s wrong?”
Medda’s lip trembled and for not the first time today she let tears fall, “they’re cutting the budget. Again!” He wiped her tears and took a breath to calm herself. “I can’t break those kid’s hearts again. I can’t.” She shook her head and buried her face in her hands.
Hannah swallowed and took a seat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders “You’ll get through it. You all always do. The kids are so good. Remember last year?” Medda chuckled. They put in Fiddler on the Roof when their budget was cut and the kids all had to creat their own costumes, which caused for some interesting beards.
“But they deserve so much better,” Medda insisted. “We have a new boy, Romeo, at least that’s what the other kids called him and I’m not going to argue, anyway he just seems like he found his place here. Just two weeks ago I couldn’t get him to say a word! But now he’s chatting up a storm. How am I supposed to tell him her hardly have money to do any performance?”
Hannah rubbed Medda’s back slowly, “Dont tell them yet. I’m sure we’ll figure something out. In the mean time, banana bread” she pushed the plate forward. Medda smiled and took a bite.
She hummed happily, “Hannah, I don’t think anyone’s ever made better bread.” She said and took another bite.
“Good food can ease the worst news,” Hannah hummed and took a bite herself.
Medda nodded, “That it can.” She looked up, “Wait! That’s it!” She hugged Hannah tightly. “You’re a genius!”
Hannah laughed and hugged back, “What? How? Good!”
“Food! That’s something. A bake sale. Or something. Let’s earn the money!” Medda clapped her hands together and stood up. “I have so much to do!”
Hannah stood and kissed her cheek, “Then I better start baking.”
Medda kisses her back and ran to her computer. “This is going to work. I know it,” she said mostly to herself as she started typing out an email.
“I know it will,” Hannah smiles to herself, “I know it will.”
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newsiepedia · 5 years
If anyone has any information about the Newsies actors’ thoughts on shipping, the newsies’ sexualities, or the newsies’ genders, please dm me at funnyihope! ~ mod strings
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and-i-lostmy-shoe · 5 years
You know what ship is underrated? Medda x Hannah. You really think the gem of the Bowery and the distinguished spinster aren’t going to be an unstoppable sapphic force of nature that makes men cower and hide?
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broadwaycantdie · 6 years
Medda and Hannah Day! - Newsies Month . Day 32
( headcanons ) + ( medda x hannah )
warnings: none
medda and hannah are 100% lesbian wine aunts
they treat all the newsies like their children
even though smalls is their only actual child
they both know Davey is the mom of them all
so they are more laid back with the kids
medda lets them all into the theater whenever they want
since hannah works for pulitzer, anytime the newsies have a complaint they tell her and she “handles it”
she pretty much just yells at pulitzer
“you don’t want those kids to go on strike again do you? didn’t think so, joe.”
hannah and medda actually officially met because of pulitzer
joe wanted to see a show at medda’s theater and sent hannah to get him a reserved seat away from everyone else
from the moment she saw her, she was intrigued
medda has such a fun, charasmatic, and confident appeal
hannah is more reserved but still liked a good time
she just didn’t give off an extroverted deminor
when medda saw hannah come up, she couldn’t help but stare
she walked in with such poise and grace
her body seemed to float across the theater
they talked for a while
medda was the one to ask hannah on a date
they’ve been together ever since
all the newsies kinda adopted them as secondary parents to davey
they like being aunts
they also really like being together
and they wouldn’t have it any other way than exactly how it is
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the-games-changing · 4 years
Girlsies and Nbsies Month!
This July is Girlsies and Nbsies Month!
There’s a prompt list below but by no means do you have to follow it (or you can follow bits of it but not all of it), just make this the month to really appreciate every character in newsies who isn’t a guy!
You can interpret the prompts however you want, for example, you might see desert and think of danger days. You could make art, an edit, headcanons, a fic, a meme, anything you want!
Note: this is inclusive of trans women and non binary hcs/characters! I also won’t stop you from throwing in your ocs, but i think we should appreciate what we have before trying anything else
I’m hoping this will give you guys more freedom than the kath month lmao that was a mess, though to give you a little bit of a challenge each week has a genre theme!
please also include the tag #girlsiesmonth2020 in your post so i can see it!
Week one - general
(1) Royal
(2) New
(3) Big 
(4) Hibiscus 
(5) Hard 
(6) Book 
(7) Violet 
Week two - fluff
(8) Cards
(9) Old
(10) Tired
(11) Lavender
(12) Spinning
(13) Kid 
(14) Shiny
Week three - angst
(15) Carnation 
(16) Comfort 
(17) Vintage 
(18) Pink 
(19) Long 
(20) Yellow 
(21) Burn 
Week four - wildcard
(22) Short 
(23) Stars 
(24) Soft 
(25) Paper 
(26) Red 
(27) Small 
(28) Loss 
Week five - General
(29) Orange 
(30) Daisy 
(31) Why the newsies fandom should appreciate the female/nb newsies more!
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september1st1899 · 2 years
My muppets’ newsies cast
My main man Kermit the Frog as Jack Kelly of course
Ms Piggy as Katherine Plumber
Crutchie played by Andrew Keenan- Bolger reprising his role
Fozzie Bear as Davey Jacobs, instead of fun facts and fancy words he makes bad jokes
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It still fits
Robin the Frog as Les, they look very similar, at least when they’re both wearing their hats (Muppet Caper)
Joseph Pulitzer played by human #2
Medda Larkin played by Camilla
Mr. Wiesel played by Sam Eagle
Oscar and Morris Delancey played by Zoot and Lips, the oft forgotten members of the Electric Mayhem
Uncle Deadly as mr. Snyder
Roosevelt played by Gonzo the Great to maintain the Camilla x Gonzo arc
Hannah played by Sweetums. He wears a dark blonde wig with no attempt to hide his existing hair
Bunsen played by dr. Bunsen Honeydew bc of course
Beaker playing Seitz
Statler and Waldorf as the Bowery Beauties. They don’t actually perform, they just heckle the show in slutty costumes
Nuns played by Janice, dr Teeth and sgt. Floyd Pepper
Now for the ensemble newsies
Pepe the King Prawn as Spot
Rizzo the Rat would embody Racetrack
Albert played by Human #3
Finch played by Lew Zealand, and instead of his slingshot he has his boomerang fish
Romeo played by Link Hogthrob for obvious reasons
The Swedish chef as Mush because of how Mush got his name y’know
Mike and Ike played by the Snowths
Animal as Smalls
Walter as Henry
Rowlf the dog as Jojo
Ps: this
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addie-your-queen · 3 years
Addie's Mood Boards
All can be found under the tag 'Addie's Mood Boards'.
Requests welcome
Hi! I am currently trying to edit some of my mood boards. I will put a small heart next to the already edited ones, or ones I don't plan to edit!
Lavender (Link) ♥️
Teal (Link) ♥️
Mint (Link) ♥️
Bisexual Roses (Link) ♥️
Wolfstar (Remus x Sirius) (Link) ♥️
Newsies Blue Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
Katherine Plumber (Link) ♥️
Katherine Floral Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
Katherine Royalty Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
(Another) Katherine Royalty Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
Sarah Jacobs (Link)
Sarah Floral Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
Sarah Jacobs Royalty Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
(Another) Sarah Jacobs Royalty Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
Les Jacobs (Link) ♥️
David Jacobs (Link) ♥️
Jack Kelly (Link) ♥️
Jack Kelly Red Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
Mush Meyers (Link)
Crutchie Morris (Livesies) (Link) ♥️
Crutchy Morris (92sies) (Link) ♥️
Crutchie Morris Yellow Aesthetic (Link) ♥️
Albert DaSilva (Link) ♥️
Racetrack Higgins (Link) ♥️
Spot Conlon (Link)
Elmer Kasprzak (Link) ♥️
Medda Larkin (Livesies) (Link) ♥️
Medda Larkson (92sies) (Link) ♥️
Hannah (Link) ♥️
Javid (Jack x David) (Link)
Javid Royalty Aesthetic (Jack x David) (Link) ♥️
Newsbians (Sarah x Kath) (Link) ♥️
Newsbians Royalty Aesthetic (Sarah x Kath) (Link) ♥️
(Another) Newsbians Royalty Aesthetic (Sarah x Kath) (Link) ♥️
(Yet Another) Newsbians Royalty Aesthetic (Sarah x Kath) (Link) ♥️
Spralbert (Spot x Race x Albert) (Link) ♥️
Rainbow Newsies Mood Board Collection (Link) ♥️
Pink Newsies Mood Board Collection (Link) ♥️
Adam Banks (Link) ♥️
Charlie Conway (Link) ♥️
Stucky (Steve x Bucky) (Link) ♥️
Dallas Winston (Link) ♥️
Two-Bit Mathews (Link) ♥️
Ponyboy Curtis (Link)
Steve Randle (Link) ♥️
Cole Mackenzie (Link)
Dex Dizznee (Link)
Sophie Foster (Link)
Keefe Secen (Link)
Biana Vacker (Link)
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redheadanon · 4 years
I've seen some a/b/o fics but not a whole bunch. Also, do you have a list of things such as kinks/ships you don't like (aka a blacklist) so we know what *not* to ask.
My blacklist
-anything inscest or pedo
-Les. I will not write for Les! I swear to God if any of me ask to write for Les I will blow a gasket.
-i won't do anything r**e related
-Any body fuilds except cum are a big nono
-non con? Nope won't write.
-i will write a little bit of dub-con
-blood? Nope. Freaks me out
-the only adult ship I will write is Medda x Hannah
-i will write for spot and I love writing for him but it's always just a little awkward for me because I got to meet Tommy bracco and have a conversation with him so it's a little harder to seperate the two. But I will write for him.
-Mommy/daddy kinks
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My inbox is cleared! I'm ready for new requests/asks...SEND 'EM IN
Seriously, I'm open for business. LET'S DO THIS!
(Newsies x reader)
(Send me more Character x reader asks/requests! Fluff, smut, and mild to medium hot angst are all welcome here!)
My main characters for NEWSIES are as follows:
Jack Kelly
David "Davey" Jacobs
Anthony "Racetrack" Higgins
Albert Desilva
Spot Conlon
Charlie "Crutchie" Morris
Katherine Plumber/Pulitzer
Hannah (Probably?)
Medda (Maybe?)
*Yes, you may request for other newsies, I just might not be able to write them in depth as well as I do these characters.*
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deafwestnewsies · 5 years
i loved it! do you think you could write a continuation from jacks pov please?
Making up for lost time. 
pt. 2 of You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours.
davey jacobs x jack kelly
Jack had spent a lifetime kissing.
Kissing the cheek of Medda when he left for school, kissing dogs on the tops of their heads, kissing the nervous boy on their third date, kissing strangers in bars, kissing friends good-naturedly, kissing lazily in the morning, kissing in the rain. It was second nature at this point in his life and a way to show his affections. Kissing was his love language. He might’ve failed french in high school, but he spoke tonsil hockey quite fluently.
What he didn’t understand was how much he did not realize.
How had he spent his whole life not understanding the power of a simple touch? A rough thumbpad gently grazing his jawline, a soft pressure at his adam’s apple, fingers nimbly tucking his messy hair behind his ear. The tales always told of bodies being electrified under the right person’s touch but he had scoffed. Until now. His chest was alight with flames, heat rushing through his head, his eyes only seeing red as the man’s fingers danced across his torso. This was a new feeling, even after all of this time. He was a new man, born again by this man’s hands.
It felt surreal, being twenty seven and realizing that you have never taken a breath before. Sure, you’ve been breathing, but in that thin, trickle-bubble way that you do when you’re underwater. This, this gulping, gasping, panting for breath because you just can’t have enough- This was living. So Jack was finally understanding what it meant when Lionel Richie sang Endless Love or when Freddie Mercury said “I’m a rocketship on my way to Mars, on a collision course,” because he was about to oh, oh, oh, oh, oh explode. Years of fairytales made sense. All of the books held stories he could now attest to be true. The romantic movies weren’t unrealistic.
So he kissed the man, the man he had found so haphazardly, and he sank into the fingertips and the daring breathing of it all. The bedsprings groaned in tune with the boys. The old comforter was cast aside. Jack gave in to the idea that this was living.
He was living so loudly that he never heard Davey’s key open the front door.
What Davey didn’t realize is that Jack wasn’t kidding when he said he couldn’t swim. At first, he thought it was a joke to keep him on the warm beach for just a minute longer, but watching the boys pull Jack from the murky depths made the punchline decidedly less funny. Davey ran to the group of their friends as Race made a mad dash for his cell phone. “911? My friend isn’t breathing- He got caught in a wave- Please help- CPR?” Race looked around wildly. “Does anyone know-”
Davey had already dove to his knees, palms crossed over Jack’s chest. 1, 2, 3, he counted off to fifty in his head before giving two shaky breaths into pinched lips. He didn’t remember an awful lot from his medical training class (that he took when he was twelve) but this was something that he could remember pretty clearly.
Breath had escaped his lungs. Panic filled his brain, making all of the information he knew on how to save a drowning person staticky. If Jack never woke up then Davey would have to lie down next to him and die too, because this wasn’t something you recovered from. Having the love of your life die under your hands never spells out a happy future.
Davey pumped harder.
On push number seventy two, Jack’s eyes flew open and he took a deep gasp for air. Sitting back on his heels, Davey thanked Hashem and Mrs. Hannah of the Manhattan YMCA. Once Jack was done coughing up seawater and the rest of the boys had finished making sure he was absolutely fine, Davey wrapped his still-shaking hands around him. “I thought you were dead,” he mumbled into his chest.
“Ya think I can die?” Jack chuckled. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere without you, Jacobs.”
Davey smiled into his warm skin. He could finally breathe again.
i made a sex joke with Queen lyrics because it’s what they would have wanted. 
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broadwaycantdie · 6 years
Hi! I don't know if you're taking requests right now, and it's okay if you can't do one, but your Medda and Hannah headcanons were perfect and I was wondering if maybe you could write a one shot about them? It can be about really anything about those two. Thanks!!
i always take requests ! ofc i’d love to write some medda x hannah ! so here you go :) i was feeling a soft mood today so here is some fluff !————————————————————————( medda x hannah ) + ( fluff ) + ( one shot )warnings: nonea/n: idk if this counts as a one shot cause i like to space out my text so it’s easier to read but i promise i kept it short (ish) // also idk if this counts as fluff but sssshhhhh————————————————————————“Medda, sweetheart, let me do this for you..”“I already told you I don’t need it.”“But I know you want it!”“You don’t have to buy it, I have my own money.”“You can’t buy things like this for yourself.” Medda never liked when Hannah bought things for her. She had her own income and made enough for the both of them plus some extra. Hannah wasn’t wealthy but she had enough to keep herself living pretty well. Hannah just loved to give and wanted to give Medda everything.They had been together for years. They pretty much took care of the newsies (as much as they could).They’d call themselves the kids moms, but they all knew that was Davey’s job. So they were the designated wine aunts. The only problem was they weren’t aunts. Not yet. They were still just girlfriends who watched over the newsies. So it was Hannah’s idea to turn their lives around.They already adopted Smalls, they couldn’t adopt them all, and the kids didn’t want that. So Hannah thought of the next best thing. “Medda Larkin, will you marry me?”Hannah replayed the line over and over in her mind, practicing how she was going to go about asking the love of her life to marry her. After taking Medda to the jewelry store to have her pick out her perfect ring. She did it. Hannah got down on one knee and before she could even finish the word “marry”, Medda was already pulling her into a kiss. They went to the lodging house to tell everyone what happened. They were overjoyed! And Smalls had the biggest smile of them all. “Finally”, they said. And they all agreed. Took them long enough to tie the knot. Now they would be official aunts and moms, not just girlfriends anymore.
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riverroan · 6 years
In honor of my own sleep deprivation(caused by 6 hours of Newsies blocking rehersal and the realization of that damn our Medda is vvvv hot and MeddaHannah is a Thing in our version) could i have some MeddaHannah with "for the love of god, go to bed!" Thanks!!!!!!!!!
Ty!!! 💞 Also I'm so sorry this is late I got home from a game then I took a shower then I started talking to my gf jdjejenen
I suck at endings sadly vghjggg
Warning: sleep deprivation
Word count: short
Medda was getting tired of hearing her fiance type and just tired overall. She sat up from the bed, grabbing the robe from the floor and sliding it on.
She exited the room and saw Hannah, sitting on the couch, legs on the couch as she typed her report. She didn't bother to glance up, but still greeted the other.
"For the love of God, go to bed."
This got Hannah to look up. Her glasses hung off edge of her nose and her eyes has bags from days of sleep deprivation. Hannah had been stressing for days with reports Pulitzer had been giving her.
"My report-"
"Is due when you get to the office." Medda smiled, joining the other on the couch. "You go to work at nine and wake up at seven, love. Please come to bed."
Hannah bit her lip before deciding to lay her laptop beside the couch. "Can we lay here? I don't want to move."
Medda nodded, both laying down to cuddle and giving each other a gentle kiss.
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riverroan · 6 years
do u think,,,, medda and hannah,,, could be a thing
Yes they're in love and they raise the Newsies together
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