#medical experiments ?
alkalineapparition · 20 days
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Alone and half feral in a dirty cell, Ghost finds you during a raid beneath a foreign military research lab. It quickly becomes clear that something isn't right with you, your behavior more beast than human.
A result of horrific human experiments, you're a failed attempt at making genetically modified soldiers with killer instincts and keen senses. Instead they produced you - a mutt.
Ghost is assigned to be your handler, to help you heal and shape you in to the 141's very own attack dog. But the bond between a handler and their beast eventually turns into something more...
*Reader has human anatomy*
18+, MDNI
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Fruit extract may kill cancer.👇
BIG pharma will make sure this doesn’t get out to the masses. 🤔
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bloodybosom · 24 days
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drmonkeysetroscans · 3 months
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Sure he will.
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bitter69uk · 25 days
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Recently Watched: Mr. Sardonicus (1961) directed by “The Screen’s #1 Shock Expert” William Castle. Tagline: “Mr. Sardonicus – his deeds formed the fabrics of nightmares!” Sure, b-movie poet Castle is frequently derided as a schlock-meister by the unversed, but his films like House on Haunted Hill, The Tingler, 13 Ghosts and Homicidal are a blast – and I consider Strait-Jacket (the one starring Joan Crawford as an axe murderess) a bona fide masterpiece. Anyway, this one opens in London in 1880 (think Big Ben and pea soup fog). Out of the blue, earnest, idealistic young physician and groundbreaking medical researcher Sir Robert Cargrave (Ronald Lewis) receives a letter from long-lost sweetheart Maude (Audrey Dalton). She’s now married to the enigmatic Baron Sardonicus (Guy Rolfe) and implores him to rush to their castle in Gorslava, explaining “The Baron has expressed a desire to meet you. Indeed, it is most urgent to my well-being that he meet you …” Upon arrival in Gorslava, the train station attendant recoils when Cargrave informs him he’s staying with Baron Sardonicus: “You are young. You do not understand. You do not yet have … daughters.” What ensues is permeated in a Gothic sinister ambiance and has echoes of Dracula, Edgar Allan Poe and Hammer Horror. Sardonicus is clearly nursing a painful secret - for one thing, he’s wearing an eerie expressionless mask hiding some unspeakable horror. There’s an evil one-eyed henchman called Krull (Oskar Homolka), plus: the definition of “ghoul” (“an evil being who robs graves and feeds on corpses!”); leeches; graveyards wreathed in dry ice; secret locked rooms; sadism and torture chambers; weird medical advice (“Give her brandy and the juice of red meat”); dialogue like “Damn you to hell for eternity!”; buxom peasant wenches and big hair (even though it’s set in 1880, every woman sports teased and lacquered bouffant helmets that scream “1961”). In other words – Mr. Sardonicus is irresistible! Watch here.
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By: Hannah Barnes
Published: Sep 19, 2023
The majority of children in a landmark study on puberty blockers experienced positive or negative changes in their mental health, new analysis suggests.
The original study of 44 children, who all took the controversial drugs for a year or more, found no mental health impact - neither benefits nor harm.
But a re-analysis of that data now suggests 34% saw their mental health deteriorate, while 29% improved.
The authors of the original report have welcomed the new evidence.
The re-analysis, which has been seen by BBC Newsnight, questions some of the conclusions from the 2021 study about the potential mental health impact of puberty blockers on under 16s. It also sheds some light on this much-debated, but little understood, area of children's medicine.
The new study has not been in a peer-reviewed journal yet. The authors say they felt there was an urgency in getting the information into the public domain.
The original study
In 2011, a team from the Tavistock's Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) - England's only NHS specialist gender clinic for children - and University College London Hospitals (UCLH) embarked on what became known as the early intervention study.
They enrolled 44 children, aged between 12 and 15, over the following three years. The study looked at the impact taking puberty blockers - medicines used to postpone puberty in children - was having. It resulted in the age at which puberty blockers could be offered on the NHS being lowered.
When the landmark study's results were published in 2021, it revealed blockers brought "no changes in psychological function" to those taking them.
But this differed from earlier findings of Dutch researchers, who pioneered this approach to treating gender dysphoria. They reported a positive impact on young people's mental health and wellbeing.
The early intervention study used scores from both parent and child questionnaires, which assessed children's behavioural and emotional problems. These are widely and reliably used in psychology in many countries and include more than 100 questions on things like school, feelings, and relationships.
The overall finding of "no change" was based on a group average - or mean - of those scores, given at different points in time.
"That's a very standard way of doing things," Professor Chris Evans, a retired psychiatrist and psychotherapist, told Newsnight. "The problem is it doesn't pay attention to how much variation there was across the participants."
For example, a quarter could score extremely high, a quarter could score quite high, a quarter could score quite badly, and a quarter could score extremely badly. Yet the group average would be somewhere in the middle.
Re-analysis of data
Prof Susan McPherson, from the University of Essex, and David Freedman, a retired social scientist, have since re-analysed the data. They instead looked at the individual trajectories of each of the young people in the early intervention study.
They found, after 12 months of puberty blocker injections - 34% of the children had reliably deteriorated, 29% had reliably improved, and 37% showed no change, according to their self-reported answers.
The proportions were a little lower in the parents' scores, but in three quarters of the cases, there was broad agreement between parents and their children.
The impact on each of the children varied.
For a child who "deteriorated", it could mean moving from being psychologically well and not needing treatment for their mental health, to meeting criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis such as depression or anxiety. Whereas a child who "improved" could move from needing mental health treatment to being considered mentally well.
However, what neither the original research paper, nor the re-analysis, can do is tell us why these young people fared so differently.
The study is small - just 44 young people. And because of the way the original study was designed - without a control group - experts can't infer cause and effect or say these changes in wellbeing were caused by being on puberty blockers.
But despite those limitations, the new analysis suggests the need for more research, both into this specific group and on the impact of puberty blockers more generally.
Mr Freedman argues it is vital that young people and their families have the "best information possible" when making decisions on medical treatment.
Gaps in evidence
In June NHS England announced that puberty blockers will only be made available to young people taking part in clinical trials.
Dr Hilary Cass's interim report into children's gender services highlighted "gaps in evidence" around the drugs, and a systematic review carried out by NICE found the quality of the evidence for the use of puberty blockers in this context to be "very low".
Similar reviews have been undertaken in Sweden and Finland, with both reaching the same conclusion. A number of other European countries have begun taking a more cautious, less medical approach to helping young people questioning their gender identity.
Both the Tavistock and Portman Trust and UCLH said they welcomed new contributions to the evidence base around how to support young people with gender incongruence.
A spokesperson from Tavistock and Portman [NHS Foundation] Trust said data from the original study had been published to allow other researchers to conduct "further analyses". It said the analysis plan for the original study was independently produced by experts in medical statistics.
A spokesperson for UCLH said it supported Dr Cass's recommendation that "research should be fully embedded in the development of new services for children and young people expressing gender incongruence".
They added: "We will work closely with the new national [Children and Young People's Gender Dysphoria] research oversight board to support the collection and analysis of robust data in this area."
The board will oversee the design and conduct of the new puberty-blocker research trial, as well as ensure research is embedded at the heart of new children and young people's gender dysphoria services.
The Cass Review Team told the BBC that it has commissioned "an updated systematic review" of academic publications on puberty blockers.
This review, along with this new analysis will be taken into account in its final recommendations, which are expected by the end of the year.
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corikane · 2 years
The Dark Academia Horror Movie
Happy Birthday to Me (1981) by J. Lee Thompson Here’s the story: when I was much younger – too young to watch horror movies – my mom fell asleep on the couch one night and I watched at least part of a horror movie. And I LOVED it. All I remember of this movie (since I didn’t look up the title back then) is that it played in a house with a long dinner table, and by the end, the two final girls…
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lifewithaview · 2 years
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Poster of the Swedish film "Frostbitten" or "Frostbite"(2006)
dir.Anders Banke
After Annika, a medical doctor, gets work at the local hospital, she and her 17-year old daughter Saga move to a small town in northern Sweden. Annika is keen to work with her idol, geneticist Professor Gerhard Beckert. However Beckert's sinister past in the Waffen-SS soon catches up with him when a couple of pill-popping interns mistake an experimental vaccine for party drugs. Mayhem ensues as the town's teenagers succumb one by one to the mysterious virus.
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The "experts" are bought and paid for.
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rivetgoth · 7 months
It's honestly crazy that discussion around testosterone HRT skews so much towards the beginning stages of it (to the point that you have dozens of guys thinking their transition is "failed" if they don't pass by like a year in lol) and what the initial changes of the first couple of months to years look like, like the classic laundry list of those early basic changes like bottom growth, voice drop, etc, when IMO literally none of that compares remotely to the depth and intensity of the long term total masculinization you start to experience like 3-5+ years in.
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rayayraphael · 1 day
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With 19 hours of access to a scanner you can scan anything if you try hard enough. Even 2" by 2" canvas with an OC on it. Live your dreams. Also if you have any name suggestions for this dude I'd love to hear them.
More about the character under the cut, if you wanna hear about that. They have a bit of a gross (gross in the same way as there's a mysterious goo on your hand and you don't know what it is gross) backstory tho so be aware if you aren't an enjoyer of what I listed below. Tell me that it's not that graphic if you will, but I'm playing it safe.
TW: Gore, Body Horror, Experimentation, Descriptions of Rotting
They don't actually have a name, I'm work-shopping it. However, I do know for certain that they would sound like Stephen Fry because the it's really funny to think about. I was thinking once about flies that rub their "hands" together then wondered what must it be like to be one of those Crispr fruit flies with legs for antennae. From my research, lack of actual antennae could lead to a fruit fly having difficulty smelling things and sensory issues that can lead to difficulty flying stably. And from this concept and research, this guy was created.
This creature is actually a small business owner. They run a hotel shaped like a pyramid near a major fault line and more specifically, a very seismic canyon. This hotel is shaped like it is because of the stability that the shape gives as opposed to rectangular structures during earthquakes. There aren't many hotels near the canyon, for obvious reasons, so they do have a steady flow of customers throughout the year, like tourists, researchers, and athletes. They don't have many employees, but they have a good relationship with the ones they do have. They also pay their employees a good wage, plenty above minimum wage, because this is fantasy baby so I can make my character be a nice boss who isn't running a business exclusively to make a profit. Indeed, they run this hotel because that's been their dream since they were but a larvae. They actually got the money to build it from a class action lawsuit against the scientist who experimented on them and others, along with reanimating their corpse.
They're dead by the way. Did I mention that? (Can't have a normal guy, now can we?)
Anyway, they are technically alive, but they are in a constant state of decay. It doesn't look like it from the outside because of their exoskeleton, but internally, they are constantly rotting and regrowing due to being reanimated several weeks after their original death. Due to being somewhere between life and death, they can't actually be killed. This rot also attracts non-sentient flies. Their reanimation also gives them the ability to control these flies once they come close enough to them. This is not a particularly useful power, but it is terrifying. However, they don't particularly like to smell like death, as they do try to rejoin society after being resurrected. As such, they shower often, and cover themself in powerful perfumes.
They came to be experimented on by the scientist because the scientist (as of yet unnamed) created them. The reason they have legs for antennae is indeed because of crispr. Despite clearly having a more complex genetic code than a real fruit fly, the same gene still codes for antennae as in regular fruit flies. After hatching, they were raised by unaffiliated fruit fly parents. They had trouble determining what food what safe to eat and flying due to not having antennae. Indeed, their parents actually joined a group of parents with leg-antennae children. This would not actually be an uncommon problem in this world for fruit flies, so there would be numerous resources available. Additionally, this would not be a conspicuous change to their DNA, so no one would suspect there had been any interference with this fruit fly. Their group was actually funded by the Slime Slug union, and their community projects in the area surrounding the slime harvest factory. Slime Slugs are a species of slug unique to this world and produce a unique slime. Slime from slime slugs was the key ingredient in making the strongest adhesive known and was the key to advancing space travel by making lightweight, faster ships. Because of this, slime slugs were prone to exploitation and in the past had been forced grueling hours in slime factories until they were almost dehydrated. However, the slime slugs eventually came together in what was known as "The Great Slime Strike" in which the world came to a halt when all slugs everywhere stopped working. An agreement was made that benefited everyslug and thus the International Slug Union was formed. In the present, they not only aid slime slugs, but also communities around slime factories, especially in neighborhoods where slime slugs tend to live. This union helped to organize this group of fruit flies. While the adults discussed ways that had helped their children thrive, the children often played together, or were taught skills by volunteers. These volunteers, often older fruit flies with the same condition, would show the children things how to hover and fly short distances or ways to tell by sight which foods were safe to eat as opposed to the usual smell (though those methods certainly were not foolproof). They made many close friends at these events, and some even work with them at their hotel now.
The fruit fly's childhood was reasonably happy. It was when they were an adult that the scientist came for them. They were taken to a lab, with numerous other people who'd been experimented on prenatally. It was there that they were injected with a solution to activate the other changed genes that had simply been disused until then, never used to create proteins. However, the solution contained a chemical which triggered cells in their body to begin making proteins from those segments of DNA. They were then left for weeks. When the scientist returned, they began their final experiment upon the fruit fly, returning them to life.
Post returning to life, they use their newfound powers and control the flies surrounding their body to escape and help the others to as well. As mentioned before, the escapees and their families sue the scientist, as he was working at the hospital when the victims were infants. The fruit fly tries to move on with their life, building the hotel they always wanted to make. It was five stories tall, with a magnificent swimming pool in the center of the bottom floor. From each of the upper floors, there was a water slide that one could slide into this pool from so one could go to the pool without having to go all the way downstairs in a bathing suit. One could technically go to any floor though, not just the one their room was on. This did take a lot of maintenance, but also brought in droves of customers.
Anyway that was my needlessly convoluted backstory for this goofy lil fruit fly character. I change it up sometimes when I want to put them in pre-existing media and play with them like a doll. They were actually originally a Cult of the Lamb OC, but I gave them a real backstory because I felt like it. Expect more of this fuck, but not anything as detailed as the art above.
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libraryofbaxobab · 5 days
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September 12, 2024:
This is really unique and has some truly tense moments. It's really impressive that the overall fear is a kind of horrific love. Being the object of adoration as horror, that's a new concept and I expect to see more of it in the future honestly. There's an element of "be careful what you wish for" here, as a famous singer tries to revive her career after a drug-induced public breakdown, but it can easily apply to anyone who gets even sorta famous online. On one hand is the emotional and financial incentive to be admired by everyone and on the other hand is the horror of being admired by everyone.
Fascinating speculative psychology in this one.
8/10 #WhatsKenyaReading
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Surgeon general of Florida, Joseph Ladapo: “media has clearly demonstrated that it is impossible to report accurately on something if you're also taking money from that same something.”🤔
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bloodybosom · 7 months
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bardic-tales · 10 days
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9.14.24: WA: Issue 5
It's hard to believe that it's almost 8 am, and I accomplished so much this morning. I started my submissions for Whumptober. This is my first year attempting this, so I don't know how much I will finish. I'm aiming for each fics to be flash fiction, which means between 300 to 1000 words.
I plan to queue these posts to be released on the different days in October. I am also working on my tag masterlist for my final fantasy writing, so that is why you might be seeing a lot of posts focusing on Bianca and Final Fantasy recently. After I'm done with this, I'll be moving on to the Inuyasha side of Fantasy Worlds Collide. I'm looking forward to this, as this will feature a more timid but loving Bianca.
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Author’s commentary
Today's flash fiction was in response to the words: panic attack. It's hard for me to write about panic attacks, as I tend to write by remembering how I felt when those emotions / circumstances happened to me. This helps me explore my trauma and confront it, but it also can sometimes make me relive it.
I still remember how my husband's therapist told him that this can be harmful, and I can see why it could be. After all, if I am reliving the trauma, it could be akin to picking at my wounds and tearing open scabs.
I have been building on Bianca's character to make her more realistic by writing head canons. Just because she is a fallen angel doesn't mean that she doesn't have visceral reactions to things. Let's face it. Bianca Moore is a very traumatize individual who was vivisected by Dianca Ravenscroft, Professor Hojo, and the rest of humanity. She will have reactions to medical equipment.
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As always, this is my trash draft. There will be grammar issues and sometimes incorrect grammar. It is unpolished.
Content Warnings: body harm / injury, emotional distress, graphic depiction of blood, medical experimentation
They cut and cut. Bianca laid on her back on the hospital gurney. Her thick wings draped over both sides of the make-shift bed, as blood slowly dripped down onto the floor. Drip. Drop. Splash. Drip. Drop. Splash.
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jbfly46 · 3 months
American doctors have finally reached the experiment stage of their lives, just with the authority of a medical degree. The people who are always projecting their own issues onto their patients are now experimenting.
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