#meena height
freensrcha · 2 years
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ep 2 + height difference
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Moon Theatre Troupe’s Heights as Humans
Meena is the tallest at 6ft or 182.9cm.
Johnny and Gunter are the only two tied in height being 5ft 8.5in or 173.99cm.
Buster is just barely taller than Rosita, coming in at 5ft 6.5in or 168.91cm, while Rosita is 5ft 6in or 167.64cm.
Ash, being only an inch shorter than Rosita, is 5ft 5in or 165.09cm.
And Mrs. Crawly is last in terms of height, being 5ft 4in or 162.56cm.
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itneedsmoregays · 9 days
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zeroducks-2 · 2 months
Barry is so desperate for companionship that he just ends up creating homo tension with anyone is hilarious to me even if half of those people are villains who have traumatize him. August called himself Barry's partner and this poor sap didn't even bother refuting cause he's so happy someone can fill the Wally shape hole left inside him lol.
True! But let's be fair, it doesn't only come from Barry.
August had been pining for him for years when he was not a speedster yet, and being Barry an oblivious little thing, he didn't notice/didn't consider it important/thought August only liked him as a friend. Getting hit by lightning only made everything worse, because now August is a speedster and Barry's equal (in his mind), so how come Barry STILL won't admit that they're made for each other? And then lightning started striking people all over Central City, and so suddenly August wasn't the only one, and Meena Dhawan saw Barry being cute and she too decided they had a "special connection" which had to become something romantic.
The difference between Meena and August in that department is that Meena had more gumption and was open with Barry instead of waiting for him to be the first to confess, or whatever August was waiting for. And August's reaction was the most vicious display of violent jealousy that even Eobard's bs pale in comparison - he started killing the other speedsters, acting like they weren't even people to begin with (please note that most of those he killed were children), and when it comes to Meena he didn't even leave her body behind, quite literally erasing her. And then proceeded to insult Barry and tell him that Meena was actually nothing for him, and their love story didn't mean anything.
Didn't stop there though! Because the next speedster who attracted August's jealousy was Eobard of all people - who might I remind you, at that point in time was locked up in Iron Heights and had no agency over anything - insisting that "Zoom had to die", and that he was going to kill him while Barry watched. Funny that for the first time in the arc Barry's reaction was viciously protective, and in stopping August from getting into Iron Heights he very nearly pulled his neck. Guess August had finally found who he should have been actually jealous of the whole time.
And anyway, almost every single Flash villain acts like they want to fuck Barry. Beside known cases like Reverse Flash, we have the Turtle in Flash Year One, who acts so creepy Barry himself gets scared, then we have Abra who in the Silver Age had a thing for forcing Barry into non-consensual pet play sessions, we have Captain Cold that when Barry died slipped in a depressive state and said Flash was more important to him than his own sister, and I could go on. Oh and then we have half of the Flash family who acts like Barry is their property, especially Wally who seems to have a fuck/marry/kill roulette going on in his head at all times.
But anyway yeah, Barry does create homosexual (or just romantic) tension with people, and imo it's because he's the speed force. He's light and energy personified, there is NO WAY people are going to be normal about him, and this comes up in more or less violent ways. One of the reasons why Eobard made himself the negative speed force was that now he's Barry's equal - their powers are on the same level and are basically two sides of the same coin, and I believe this is part of why they are each other's lodestone.
Have the panels of Lightning Strikes Twice in which August got *this close* to becoming a statistic:
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hatchetation · 1 year
I’ll be the first to say that in many ways, show me love the series is a fucking mess. The writing is uneven, the editing is GODAWFUL, and there are tons of gaping plot holes 🕳️
But I’ve continued to watch and I think there are a few reasons why even if you don’t watch, it’s worth thinking about how this series fits into the larger landscape of queer media. First off, I am a shallow lesbian and I’ll never say no to women kissing women on my tv screen 🤷‍♀️ Second, I am p confident that this show is gong to give Meena and Cherine a happy ending, and a happy ending for queer women on tv is still revolutionary! Third, this show has heart and warmth despite its many flaws. Many people have put a lot of care into the show and that does come through despite everything. Fourth, I’ve watched a lot of terrible shows and movies featuring lesbians and it has allowed me to look past superficial flaws (often due to a low budget) and at the heart of the story being told. And this story, although not the height of sophistication, is fun and trope-y and at its best is like the show equivalent of cotton candy. Fifth, this is a Thai show that normalizes queerness and brings visibility to wlw in Thailand, a country where gay marriage and unions of any kind aren’t legalized.
Finally, and perhaps most interesting to me, is that this show is an offshoot of the Miss Grand Thailand beauty pageant and in many ways acts as an advertisement for them. I’ve never been into beauty pageants and frankly my stereotypical view of them has been that they are bastions of misogyny, patriarchy, and the objectification of women. If lesbians exist in the world of the beauty pageant, I’ve always imagined it was to perform for the male gaze. And yet this show is aimed squarely at queer women!! It portrays the beauty pageant as a hot bed of lesbian activity and queerness is very normalized in the world of the show. And in the real world of Miss Grand Thailand, the lead actors and the possible romance between them are the face of the pageant. The show doesn’t critique beauty pageants in any way (it really isn’t equipped to do so), but the very act of aiming itself at queer women is subversive.
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midnightdemonz · 1 year
Sing incorrect quotes!
Eddie: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Buster: I wrote you a poem.
Eddie, already crying: You did?
Mike: I just learned a way to get stuff on the cheap: Steal it!
Eddie: But that's censorship.
Buster: Well done. You are correct. You're being censored. Now go.
Buster: We call that a traumatic experience.
Buster, turning to Lance: Not a "bruh moment".
Buster, turning to Suki: Not "sadge".
Buster, turning to Crystal: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
Clay: Hey Buster, I've got an idea for how to solve this.
Buster, pulling out a shotgun: Yeah?
Clay: Wh- No! That's not the idea, Buster!
Nooshy: Have you heard of Murphy's law? The one where if something can go wrong, it will go wrong?
Porsha: Yeah, I have.
Nooshy: Have you heard of Cole's law?
Porsha: Is this a joke about coleslaw?
Nooshy: ...maybe.
Ash: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Meena to Buster: Turn that frown upside down!
*A little while later*
Meena: What are you doing?
Buster, trying to do a handstand: You told me to "turn that frown upside down", but it's not working.
Ms. Crawley to Porsha: First rule of battle, little one... don't ever let them know where you are.
Ms. Crawley: 'Course, there're other schools of thought.
Gunter: *Slowly pushes a cannon into a 17th century bank* Okay everyone, be cool. This is a robbery!
Mike: I'm gonna need a human skull but you can't ask why.
Ms. Crawley: Only if you also don't ask why.
Ms. Crawley: *Pulls out four prestine human skulls from their bag*
Mike: ...
Mike, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
Ash: Mint is just cold spicy:
The squad: ...
Lance: What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Jerry: N... No!
Porsha: A fair rebuttal. However, consider this counterpoint: Y... Yes???
Darius: I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
Lance: Are you an F5 key? Because that ass is refreshing.
Ash: Are you a software update? Because not right now.
Alfonso: Problem, I can't tell if this food is over-sauced or undercooked.
Porsha: Solution, just pop it back in the over for another 10 minutes. There's at least a 50% chance that'll fix it, right?
Darius: Result? Food has somehow become unpleasantly doggy and unpleasantly crunchy at the exact same time.
Meena: No better time than this to pull out my favorite word: Slunchy!
Norman: ...put it away.
Gunter: Hey Porsha?
Porsha: Yeah?
Gunter: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?
Porsha: ...What?
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Main Oc
Livia Garcia Vanrouge Age: 16 Gender: Female
Voice actor: Kana Hawazawa Introduction Quote: "Be careful, don't get too close unless you wanna get pricked by my thorns."
Star sign: Libra Birthday: September 29th Homeland: Valley of Thorns
Dorm: Diasomnia School year: Freshman Occupation: Student Club: Horse back riding club Best subject: Animal Language
Fun facts- Dominant hand: Left Favorite food: Lemon tarts, Fruit Least favorite food: Lilia's cooking Dislikes: Creeps Hobbies: Fashion designing Talents: Horse racing
Ancestor: Queen Virda, Lumion Grandfather: Scone Vanrouge, Spencer, Mandrake, Tarza Grandmother: Mary Vanrouge, Honey Mother: Thea Vanrouge Father: Lilia Vanrouge Stepfather: Ambert Uncle(s): Cobra, Wolfsbane, Duke, Benjamin, Lilac Vanrouge, Jalor, Larkson Vanrouge, Jun Vanrouge Auntie(s): River, Springlily, Dew Vanrouge, Harla Vanrouge Auntie in law: Duchess, Sierra, Vinaya Uncle in law: Henry
Half older brother(s): Dylan/Andro, Felix Half twin sister: Ella Half Brother(s): Crimson, Cap, Juniper Half Sister(s): Arianna, Ozzie, Izzie, Tiki, Turtle, Lily Vanrouge, Natalie
Foster older brother(s): Ralph, Golden, Silver, Shadow, Kuro Younger sister(s): Meena Vanrouge, Jubilee Vanrouge, Willowbrook Vanrouge Adopted older sister(s): Silk, Lavender, Maria Adopted younger sister(s): Sacha, Moon, Tukla/Tuk, Helen Younger brother(s): Copper Vanrouge, Jasper Vanrouge, Wolf Vanrouge, Circuit Vanrouge, Iguana Vanrouge, Crowley Vanrouge, Dusk Vanrouge, Owl Vanrouge Adopted younger brother: Diaval, Tanwen, Ryoko, Zurden, Murdock, Darson
Cousin(s): Toroune, Rio, Maron, Marianna, Asher, Alan, Fidget, Vidya, Alan, Jabarri, Noalin, Barklin, Snake, unnamed cousins
Personality: Livia is naturally cheerful and enjoys being around family members and friends. Others state that people are naturally drawn to her due to her cheerfulness and compassionate behavior. She's very naive and childish, leading to some accidents(Getting caught in the human stampede from chapter 2 after Ziro tells her about a candy stand), but she is resilient and smart when she's not scared silly or having been tricked from trusting someone too much. She does have s scary side despite acting like a toddler and has been commented on by others that she's perfected Lilia's signature glare. She loves her family dearly and is protective of them, especially of Silver who is her favorite sibling out of them all, preferring to take the fall rather than them.
She can be a bit loud mouthed and accidentally sassy, having gotten it from Malleus while she was growing up. When she's upset, she has a sharp tongue and will do what it takes to get back at the person who thought it was okay to turn her positive emotions into negative ones. Even as Ogre she remains the same but plays no games when it comes to throwing down with the overblot boys. She's determined and soft-hearted when it comes to her goals, believing that one can reach if if they do their best.
Appearance: Livia stands at 5'6 which is 167 cms in height. Her hair color is midnight black with purple underneath, fading into a light blue, along with a streak of the same color at the front of her hair, but she ended up cutting her hair to waist length hating how long it was, and since she tended to stumble over her own hair a few times(which made Lilia laugh). Livia's eyes are a pale blue which is a sign of rebirth. Her jaguar ears are a bright yellow the same with her tail, but her ears are slightly smaller due to her only being half jaguar.
Livia, during the Diasomnia Arc, gets a pair of horns that curls around her ears. Her wings turn from black to a slightly lighter grayish black color, and now she always has her wings out at all times since her curse no longer affected her. Her eyes change from blue to gold, but is able to change colors depending on her emotions.
Her dorm uniform is the same as everyone else's residing in Diasomnia. Livia wears purple eyeshadow, done by Lilia, when in the dorm. Her uniform consists of a black all-weather coat with neon green and silver accents, black combat suspenders and belts, jodhpur pants, a small garrison cap, black gloves, and heeled knee-high boots.
The all-weather coat has asymmetrically colored lapels, with one black and one neon green. Both lapels have silver straps and buttons on them. Two silver zippers go down the center of the coat, lined with neon green stripes. The coat reaches below the waist in length, and the sleeves are folded up to reveal a neon green underlining with silver trim. Sebek wears a white collared shirt and black tie underneath his coat.
Over the coat and above the waist is a set of black belts with silver buckles. The lowest belt hangs at an angle, and connects to several silver spools of thread on his left hip. Between the belt and spools is a silver ornament, shaped like a spinning wheel. On the other side of the belt is a holster for a magic pen. The black combat suspenders worn above the belts have silver buttons and a unique cuff around the right arm that resembles a dragon’s wing.
The jodhpur pants are black with neon green stripes going down the outer seams, and the knee-high boots are black with neon green soles. The garrison cap is black with neon green trim, and the sides fold up to resemble curved horns.
Unique magic:
Emotion Weather(Formerly) Description: Livia is able to control the weather with her emotions(Happy means Sunny, Sad and crying causes rain, fury causes a thunderstorm, excitement causes a near drought, etc, etc), it activates if she chants a rhyme responding to her current emotion or current forced emotion ("Hail, Rain, Sunny, Storms respond to my sadness dear rain, bring a rain storm!"). It'll deactivate the moment she goes back to the emotion she's currently genuinely feeling.
Voodoo dolls(Currently) Description: Livias Unique Magic allows her to turn people and objects into voodoo dolls who become controlled by her and won't return to their normal forms unless she frees them so willingly. Her Unique Magic is revealed after she is revived by Meleanor and she returns to help the ramshackle group, Silver, Sebek, Idia and Ortho take on Malleus.
Background: Livia's bio father is Lilia Vanrouge and Thea Vanrouge. She also has several adopted older siblings and many younger siblings adopted and biological. She was initially feared by the people of her home, being labeled as a demon child, but she never let it get to her because she always had her family and friends love/support. After some time she started to be called the Friendly Hybrid/The Draconia's beastie, being seen as a popular lady of her hometown.
She was relieved for her mothers food so she didn't have to eat her fathers, but was pleasantly surprised that NRC's food tasted much better than her mothers.
-Livia is stated to be based off of Maleficents thorns but is also hinted to have a bit if Disney princess in her character
-Her childhood friend/pen pals are Kalim and Azul, being the one who brought them together as childhood friends before Azul meets Jade and Floyd
-According to Rollo, Livia eats lots and lots of fruit rarely ever eating meat revealing that she's mostly vegan
-According to Silver, Livia is bad at cutting her hair so he, Golden or their mother take over that job
-Livia knows kickboxing and is a master at it but she tends to be too childish to remember to use it or she uses taekwondo more due to knowing more moves
-Like Silver, Livia attracts animals of all sizes and species, and they tend to be her source of protection/comfort if others aren't around
-According to Crowley, Livia might be part of Twisted Wonderland due to her thorn control power
-Livia has deadly allergies to Honey Lemon Tea, the reason why is currently unknown
-Livia is by far the only character who gets included in almost all the events, getting many cards but is the hardest to summon
-Other students have commented that she makes Lilia's expressions perfectly and that she could be his kid or sibling
-According to Lilia, he gave Livia her name because he knew others would be envious of how cherished she was by her loved ones
-Livia has Light Fae blood inside of her thanks to her mother, Thea, cause her mothers father was a light Fae
-Livia is the first and only student to get her Unique Magic during an Event(Star Gazer)
-Rook is Livia's mentor, and taught her how to hunt better
-It's been stated by Malleus that Livia tends to overstep her boundaries due to the fact that he doted on her a lot, back at their home, so he invaded her space at times
-Lilia helped Livia trick Sebek Zigvolt cause he barely had any candy, which caused the loudest scream ever to come from poor Sebek
-Due to having Light Fae blood, Livia has emotion sensing powers
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @yukii0nna
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korrinhorizon · 2 years
Why each of the New Moon Theatre crew needs therapy (fanfiction headcanons + my oc:Zotz)
Moon: PTSD (due to the events in sing 2 of him almost getting killed) and now a fear of heights
Rosita: PTSD as well, but is probably one of the ones that would actually be willing to go to therapy. She still has the fear of heights, but it’s not as bad anymore.
Gunter: I actually don’t know for Gunter? He seems to be having a huge smile most of the time, but he may have slight trauma from sing 2
Ms. Crawly: also like Gunter but now has a slight phobia to paint balls lol
Ash: like Rosita, she’s one of the only ones to actually to go therapy willingly, has slight trauma from the events from sing 2, and has recovered greatly from her break up, and is doing pretty good
Meena: Social anxiety, and has some panic attacks due to it, she gets help from her friends, family, and a therapist now to help her through it. In sing 2 she’s way better than in the first movie, but also has slight PTSD due to the events of 2
Clay Calloway: Depression, due to the death of his late wife. While also doing self-isolation to the rest of the world, now he’s getting help from the Cast and a therapist
(Now to the three I’ll like to call, “a therapist’s worst nightmare” trio)
Ryan: Imposter syndrome, due to Klaus’s ridicule, abuse, and influence towards other students and to Ryan. As well as PTSD due some things that happen in my Fanfic (*wink*wink*) and also self depricates himself (forced to go to therapy by Zotz and Johnny)
Johnny: (Woooof get ready for this) Panic attacks, self-deprication as well, depression in events in the first movie for a bit, PTSD due to events in Sing 1 & 2 as well as my Fanfic, losing sleep and eating less during sing 1. (Don’t worry, Ryan, Zotz, his dad, and the cast forced him to go to therapy)
Zotz: PTSD due to the events of Sing 2 and his past, social anxiety, not as bad as Meena but when crowded, he gets panic attacks, lets say 2x worse then Meena due to him not telling his family or friends, and being alone in a apartment for a few years. Slight hallucinations (for example dozens, sometimes hundreds of eyes watching him.) and hears voices in his head, which is rare but happens, mostly either saying silly shit or self-depricating words. (He is also now being forced to go to therapy by Ryan, Johnny, and the crew)
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artfulprankster · 1 year
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“It feels so good to laugh!”
Short summary:
George Beard is a fourth grader at Jerome Horwitz Elementary School. He is best friends with Harold Hutchins and is one of the two main protagonists of the Captain Underpants series. He lives with his parents and two cats. He’s the de facto leader of the trio, using his bravery to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
🖌Basic information 🖌
Name: George Beard
Age: 10
Gender: Cis-Male
Pronouns: He/him
Height: 4’6
Birthday: July 11, 1986
Zodiac: Cancer
Sexuality: Bi
Species: Human
Race: Black
Languages: English
Barbara Beard (mother), Moses Beard (father), Harold Hutchins (Non blood related brother), George's Grandma (grandma), Lisa Beard (future wife), Nik Beard (future son), Meena Beard (future daughter).
Friends: Captain Underpants, Sulu, Crackers, Erica Wang, Bo Hweemuth, Steve Yamaguchi, Jessica and the Sophies, Stanley Peet, Dressy Killman, Moxie Swaggerman, Melvin Sneedly (Sometimes), Tony, Orlando, and Dawn, Livmen, Wendy Swan, Mr. Cleveland, Cash Networth, Diddlysaurus, Plungerina, Creeply Rattlechains, Grace Wain, Jerry Citizen, Dr. Shifty Fitzgibbons, Old Captain Underpants, Sergeant Boxers.
George is a 10 year old boy. He is introduced as being "the kid on the left with the tie and flat top". True to this description, George wears a white collared T-shirt with a red tie and has a crew cut (before Harold gave him a haircut during their final anti-bully prank, he had an afro that was bigger than his body at the time). He also wears shorts and brown shoes. In the animated incarnations, his hair is curlier.
In Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie, his yellow tie has red stripes, his shorts are a bit lighter, and his sneakers are black and white.
In The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants, his tie is completely red and his sneakers are dark blue instead of black.
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Alignment: Chaotic Lawful + Good
Archetypes: The Hero and The Everyman
Type: ENFP-T, The Campaigner.
George, like his best friend Harold, is a class clown and loves to pull pranks. However, George is more bold than Harold and usually the brains behind their prank ideas. He is the braver of the two, using his lionheart to stand up to injustice. George is ironically a bit more cautious when it comes to fighting monsters. Despite his pranking nature, George's actions are generally targeted towards adult cruelty, such as his teachers and not his fellow students.
His other hobbies are skateboarding, watching TV, and making comic books with Harold, where he writes the comics. He has created comic book characters like Captain Underpants, Super Diaper Baby, Timmy the Talking Toilet, Dog Man, Ook and Gluk, Boxer Boy, Great Granny Girdle, and the Amazing Cow Lady. Despite crediting himself as a good speller, he often misspells words.
He uses his bravery to help protect Harold, even though the later is much stronger in terms of physical strength. He doesn’t stand for injustice and will use his tie to give some no good bad guys a real kick in the pants. He’s also incredibly smart and resourceful, usually the one making plans in the middle of battles.
Fun facts and information:
❤️: George, Alongside Harold, canonically has ADHD and Dyslexia to match the series creator Dav.
❤️: George loves Hippopotamuses. He knows a good chunk about them and usually talks about them to Harold.
❤️: George’s favorite food is Chocolate chip cookies!
❤️: Even though George Beard is a 6th grader in elementary school, in most places 6th graders are in middle school. Meaning he’s a prodigy child And has advanced knowledge compared to other kids in his class.
❤️: In book 6, he actually breaks the fourth wall by yelling at the narrator to stop describing Melvin's booger form so much, as he's making everyone sick with his disgusting imagery.
❤️: He is extremely sensitive to loud sounds. As seen in the movie multiple times where he’s plugged his ears due to loud noises.
❤️: he is also afraid of blood.
Backstory and present:
Like Harold’s, this will have a mix of book lore and show lore. This section also contains spoilers for both the books and show.
Warnings for themes of bullying, brainwashing, mind control, violence and more
Pre-Captain Underpants / Early Life
George Beard was born a quarter of a year after his best friend Harold Hutchins. Described as a "precocious" child, George's mother had already taught him how to read and write, and by kindergarten, scored higher on tests "than most children half his age." In fact, George was so smart for his age his teachers recommended he skip to the third grade, but his parents decided against it, reasoning that George would be overall better off in a classroom with students his age. George's parents, however, came to question that decision, as although it helped George develop adept social skills and was well-liked by his classmates, he was often bored in class due to his higher intellect and sometimes got into mischief, to the dismay of his teachers and parents.
When not riding his skateboard, reading comic books and graphic novels, or watching monster movies, George would often write stories, and had reportedly "filled up" twenty one spiral notebooks full of "marvelously silly adventure stories" he had written, one such being The Fart That Ate Detroit. Most of George's stories would often get him in trouble, due to at least most of them being filled with inappropriate and violent content for his age, despite his classmates enjoying them whenever he read them aloud.
Sometime during or before kindergarten, he and his parents moved from Michigan to Piqua, Ohio, in the hopes of starting a new life. On his first school day there, George's mother wanted George to make a good first impression at school by wearing a tie, which, after a short argument, reluctantly agreed to wear it, stating that "ties are for nerds".
On the way skateboarding to school, George was waiting for the traffic light to change when he saw Mr. Billy Bill, an unfriendly and cold gas station owner, push his new neighbor, Harold Hutchins, towards a few mean-looking sixth-graders, who yank the kid up and steal Harold's lunch money while the gas station owner watched and cruelly told the kid he needed to learn to stick up for himself, apparently humored by the child's lack of advantage against the bullies. George was visibly angered by the hostility and unfairness of the circumstance, as the bullies and Bill were easily bigger and stronger than Harold and outnumbered him 5 - 1.
When the light changed and the bullies had dragged poor Harold away, George walked over and switched the words on the gas station sign from "Free Brake Inspection" to "Free Bra Inspection", attracting the attention of an increasing mob of women, who became angry at the new words on the sign and beat the horrible gas station owner senseless. George parroted the same words Bill had said to the kid.
Finished with Bill, George skateboarded to the school and yelled at the boys to leave Harold alone. When the bullies Kipper Krupp and his gang began to run toward George, he undid his tie and proceeded to whip Kipper and his friends with his tie, scaring them to retreat into a trash bin. With the bullies in the trash bin, George stated firmly to them that if they messed with him or Harold again, they "will get the tie", and snapped his tie in the air again to make his point. Through his tears, Kipper wailed for his uncle Benjamin Krupp, who came over and demanded what was going on. Kipper framed George for bullying him, and took George and Harold (whom Krupp thought was lying about George merely defending himself) into detention.
In detention, the two sat quietly until the kid started to draw. Harold introduced himself as George's neighbor, and lent him papers to write on. George and Harold spent the entirety of the detention (which lasted all day due to Krupp being so busy that day he forgot about the boys) working on their first comic together, The Adventures of Dog Man. On the way out the school, the two came across Kipper and his gang, about to give "killer wedgies" to a couple of kindergartners, but when they saw George, the bullies released the kids and ran away. On the way home, the two talked about each other's interests and decided to start their own comic book company, Tree House Comix Inc.. After greeting his father, introducing him to Harold, making a couple of peanut butter and gummy-worm sandwiches, the boys went straight to George's bedroom and began writing a list of Kipper Krupp's strengths and weaknesses, only having but only needing "kinda dumb" under the weaknesses section.
The next day at school, the boys spent every free moment they had spying on Kipper and his gang, studying his schedule, behavior, and activities. They got his locker number and the type of padlock he used, even going so far as to stay after school, when Kipper had wrestling class. In just a week, George and Harold knew Kipper's schedule better than Kipper himself knew. One day after school, the boys went to a local hardware store and bought a padlock that was the same type as Kipper's, and went across the street to a toy store and bought a Susie Sunshine Friendship Bracelet Kit. That weekend, George and Harold spent most of their time planning and designing pranks to assist them in putting an end to Kipper's bullying. They got a roll of shelf-lining paper from the Beard family's kitchen and pants and dress shoes Harold's father left behind and nailed them to a pair of wooden stilts they had built.
On Monday, George and Harold arrived at school fifteen minutes early to take the friendship bracelet kit and the stilt pants into the boy's lavatory inside a stall, which looked from the outside as if someone was using the toilet. When the rest of the students arrived, George and Harold continued with their day, until the afternoon when they asked to use the restroom, during which they quickly grabbed the stilt pants and used it and the shelf-lining paper to make measurements on and around Kipper's locker. causing him to get embarrassed in front of his friends However, Kipper eventually catches on to the setup and, the next day, him and his gang steal the pizzas that George and Harold bought for the kindergartners as a way to torture them even further.
Infuriated, the two friends come up with another major prank on the bullies in retaliation. First, they fill the four bullies' lockers with shaving cream to pass it off as ectoplasmic ghost juice. While initially this works, Principal Krupp points out that the "ectoplasm" was obviously sprayed through the vents on doors. Enraged and tired of the anonymous pranks, Kipper and his friends begin to torture the kindergarteners for answers, even stealing more pizzas, which George and Harold were actually counting on them to steal, as they ordered them to have double ghost chili peppers (Piqua Pizza Palace's hottest chili peppers) which cause the bullies' tongues to burn up completely, resulting in them getting sent to the nurse's office.
George and Harold eventually create a comic that tells the tale of Wedgie Magee and the signs of his curse, all of which match their pranks. After Kipper and his gang "see" that ghost (George on stilts, wearing a giant pair of pants), they run outside in terror, during a severe thunderstorm and power outage.
On Monday morning, Kipper gives a 5 dollar bill to Donny Shoemeyer and promises to return all the money he stole from him. Elsewhere, Kipper's friends are passing out money to the kindergartners and doing good deeds for them. Kipper and his friends eventually gave back all the money they stole and never picked on anyone ever again.
Elementary school days
As they grew up, they excessively pull numerous pranks on the cruel teachers, many of which are directed at their bitter principal, Mr. Benjamin "Benny" Krupp, putting the two at odds with him. The duo also create comic books about an imaginary superhero named Captain Underpants, who fights crime in a pair of underwear and a cape. They distribute these to their schoolmates through a comic company called Treehouse Comix Inc., located in their treehouse.
George and Harold's pranks come to an apparent end after they're caught tampering with a toilet invention, the Turbo Toilet 2000, made by the school's intelligent and local snitch and intellectual, Melvin Sneedly, on video. Finally having solid proof of the boys' antics, Mr. Krupp excitedly prepares to annihilate their friendship by putting them in separate classes.
To prevent this, George hypnotizes Mr. Krupp with a 3D Hypno Ring he received out of a cereal box. The boys see that Mr. Krupp bears an odd resemblance to Captain Underpants without his toupee and command him to be Captain Underpants. The boys soon learn the severity of their actions when "Captain Underpants" begins causing problems around Piqua. To prevent these issues, the boys take him to their treehouse, where they discover that they can turn Captain Underpants back into Mr. Krupp by splashing water on him and can turn him back into Captain Underpants by snapping their fingers.
Knowing that Mr. Krupp will continue trying to separate them, they decide to settle with Captain Underpants but insist that he be dressed up as Mr. Krupp under the pretense of a "secret identity," to which Captain Underpants agrees. His sudden personality change even manages to attract the attention (and affection) of the school's shy lunch lady, Edith. Just when George and Harold believe that their troubles have ended, Jerome Horwitz Elementary School is visited by an odd, German-accented scientist named Professor Pee-Pee Diarrheastein Poopypants, Esq., or as he calls himself, Professor P (who is pretending to be a nice school teacher). Captain Underpants (disguised as Mr. Krupp) hires him to be the new science teacher, but George and Harold are suspicious of him due to his violent and short-tempered attitude, as well as his resume's content.
Captain Underpants, George and Harold have a plan to make Jerome Horwitz Elementary School fun again. As the first step of their plan, George and Harold made Captain Underpants conduct the 1812 Overture, with whoopee cushions to reboot the school. As the second step, they open the art room. For the third step, Captain Underpants sets up a funfair at the schoolyard, However, Harold and George have to keep watch of Captain Underpants as most of the games involve water. Mr Krupp is snapped into Captain Underpants back and forth as the boys would try to keep track of him due to the shenanigans taking place. As it starts to rain, Captain Underpants is back into an angry Krupp. Mr. Krupp finally separates the boys, which causes their plan to fail due to Professor Poopypants's reign of terror.
Professor Poopypants tries to take over the town with a giant version of the Turbo Toilet 2000, fueled by the school cafeteria's rotten leftovers left out by Edith and uses Melvin's brain to turn the children into glum, humorless zombies. George and Harold are caught by Mr. Krupp but to stop Professor Poopypants, the boys had no choice but to snap Krupp into Captain Underpants once again. Captain Underpants tries to stop the villain, but due to having no actual superpowers, is effortlessly defeated and thrown into the toilet. George and Harold are captured and nearly turned into zombies, but are able to escape after Professor Poopypants mentions the planet Uranus, causing the boys to laugh and damage the Turbo Toilet 2000's computer, restoring the children back to normal. Upon consuming the mutated leftovers, Captain Underpants acquires superpowers and, with George and Harold's help, defeats and shrinks Poopypants. Professor Poopypants easily escapes on a bee while the Turbo Toilet 2000 is sent to the junkyard for scrap.
Meanwhile, George and Harold destroy the Hypno Ring while bidding their final farewell to Captain Underpants in an attempt to permanently change him back to Mr. Krupp. Feeling that Mr. Krupp would be nicer if he had friends, the boys set him and lovesick Edith up on a date, thus making Mr. Krupp have a change of heart. Krupp returns the comics he took away from George and Harold, and even admits their comics are funny. However, the toxic waste from the Turbo Toilet 2000 transforms all the toilets into an army of Talking Toilets which attack the restaurant at which Mr. Krupp and Edith are dining. Mr. Krupp and Edith notice a toilet eating a guest and as Mr. Krupp calls for a waiter to get a check in hopes of leaving, upon snapping his fingers accidentally, Mr. Krupp once again becomes Captain Underpants, carrying George and Harold away to help him fight them, much to Edith's surprise and admiration
Post movie canon and Wacky side adventures
The two friends since then have been on many adventures along side the lovable superhero Captain Underpants. The adventures are already written on Harold’s bio, so head over there to see more wacky adventures!
Adult life and more
George beard gets married to Lisa Beard sometime after college. He had taken classes for a culinary degree, to which he got a associates degree and then dedicated his full time into a masters in writing and history. George works as a successful author with his own set of Autobiographies, The life of a superhero’s sidekick, along side the Dogman series. He works alongside Harold and sometimes Melvin.
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hoperays-song · 2 months
Buster Moon's Total Sing 1 Crime Counter
In a recent rewatch of the Sing movies, I decided to keep a running tab on the amount of crimes that Buster could hypothetically be charged with. And there were... a lot. This list is a lowball estimate in a lot of the numbers provided and I will say that I am not a lawyer, I just looked this all up. So is this perfectly legally sound? No, but then again, neither are these movies. So... have fun!
Failure of payment for employees/Breach of Contract (x4)
At the start of the film, we see that Buster has not paid the stage crew of his latest show by giving them paychecks that bounced and not providing them with compensation after finding this out. We only see four of them, but for all we know, there could be more crew that were out of frame.
Traffic violations (x6)
Okay look, that biking through town scene was cute but bikes are supposed to obey traffic laws and ummm... Buster did not. Man went straight through intersections like he was playing real life Frogger. There were probably more than six to be honest but that's at least the ones we saw.
Now this is grey area, but Buster could, hypothetically, be fined for loitering on private property (ie. in the restaurant) since he was never planning on actually purchasing anything from the business. It would be a hard case, but it, technically, has happened before.
Hiring discrimination 
While I love Johnny, the only reason Buster did not hire Daniel the giraffe for the talent show was because he refused to make accommodations for the boy's height, which could be discrimination based on either a disability or genetic information. I'm not entirely sure which one Daniel's height would classify as in universe which is why I listed both.
Breach of Contract/Fraud (x7)
Due to the prize money being stated in writing and the talent show cast being hired under the understanding that they would have a potential of getting that compensation/it was available to them, it is illegal that he did continue to lie about that when he had no means or real intention to provide it (I know he tries to get the money, but when he hired them, he had no intention of paying any of them $100,000).
Energy Diversion
Stealing electricity from your neighbors is, unsurprisingly, a crime.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor
This is only due to Meena was technically an accomplice to the energy diversion since Buster got her to help so, technically it could be argued that its aiding and abetting and she does seem to be implied to still be a kid.
Unsafe Working Conditions (x8)
That theatre is falling apart at the seams and the fact someone got hospitalized as a result only goes to further prove the conditions being unsafe. I really need to read up on OSHA because that theatre is probably breaking all the codes.
So Pete (everyone remembers him right?) gets absolutely slammed in the face with a sand bag due to a series of events caused by Buster and ends up in hospital. Not only could he be sued for damages, he could get charged with negligence as well for that.
Trespassing (x2)
When building the water stage for the theatre we see Buster on both Les Calmars's (the restaurant's) private property and on another building's roof to access the water tower. Both are trespassing.
Water Theft
This should shock no one but stealing water from a water tower is illegal.
Plastering the ads for the squids on the front of Les Calmars is vandalism technically so that's fun.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x4)
Buster did drag Meena into helping him with all of this meaning, yes, she has now committed five crimes due to him.
Unsafe Working Conditions (x108)
So I am not gonna count all of those squids. I'm not sure the number is even consistent to be completely honest with you. So we're going just go with it being 100 and move on to the fact that water stage was in no way up to code and created really unsafe environments for all his employees.
Negligence (x108)
His employees were not only trapped in a flooded building due to him but were also in a hostage situation. There is no way everyone walked away scratch free so this is here just as a catch all.
Endangerment of a Minor (x2)
Now, I am solely basing this off headcanon but if not just put these as two more tallies in the endangerment category, but Johnny and Meena seem to be around 16-17 years old in this movie. And, you know, he got them trapped in a flooding and collapsing building.
Endangerment (x112)
This is for everyone else, squids included, he got trapped in a flooding and collapsing building.
Public Nudity
The man changes into a speedo on the side of the road. Might be out of frame but still counts.
Public Menace
Look, this is legally described as "using threats or conduct to put someone else in fear of imminent danger"... and I don't know about y'all but the whole watch party felt in fear of imminent danger watching that bloody car wash scene okay?! They are cleaning the cars with their bodies. That's weird.
The destroyed theatre was property of the bank when they went back to it y'all, that is textbook trespassing. Like Judith even points it out later.
And while cleaning up the debris and making the stage was cool and all, not his stuff anymore so it could be charged as vandalism. It might be a hard case due to them technically cleaning up but still could be charged as vandalism. And even if it isn't, the destruction of the property definitely would be. So pick which one you want to count this as.
Remaining on bank property despite knowing he was not allowed to be there is not allowed in a court of law apparently.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x4)
He did encourage both Johnny and Meena to help rebuild the stage, so at the least they would be loitering and trespassing.
Aiding and Abetting (x5)
And this is for the rest of the troupe + Mike which he encouraged to help as well.
Failure to Comply
Another grey area one, but since he was given a verbal warning (that likely had legal backing to it), Buster could technically be hypothetically charged with a Failure to Comply with a court order to stay off the property/leave the property when Judith told him too.
Aiding and Abetting the Delinquency of a Minor (x2)
And the encouraging Meena and Johnny to stay at the show and not just leave (you could argue that was Ash but they are kids and he is their boss so he technically is in charge of them right now).
Aiding and Abetting (x88)
This is a combo one of Aiding and Abetting the adults of the troupe to stay and encouraging the crowd to trespass! He's the host, he is technically the ring leader here, he would get in trouble for it. Also, I'm not counting everyone + there are too many different heights that that count would likely not be accurate so let's just go with 88 and move on.
Final Crime Count for Sing 1: 365 individual crimes!
Buster... why? Just why? One for every day of the year. You did not need to do that.
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ofbloodandsnow · 9 months
// bio
Tumblr media
tw: character death, ptsd, depression, alcoholism
Name: Sébastien de Fortier Nickname(s): Bastien, Bas Birthdate: October 26th 1785 Age at Transformation: 29 Species: Vampire (Clan member) Blood Type: B+ Religion: Catholic Gender: Cisgender male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: Unemployed Accent: slight French Location: Shadow Lake Transportation: None Biography: (x) Headcanons: (x)
Faceclaim: César Domboy Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Black Height: 6'1 Body Type: Slender Style: TBA Scent: TBA Piercings: Ear (one in each lobe) Tattoos: one on his forearm (self-designed in memory of his family) Scars: a few here and there from training and swordplay Other Features: TBA
Hometown: Marseille, France Financial Status: Upper Class Education Level: tutored till 18 by tutors in all relevant areas to merchantry, GED Languages: French (fluent, native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), German (conversational), ASL (beginner)
Birth Order: Second Child Siblings: Henri de Fortier (older brother, deceased), Céleste de Fortier (younger sister, deceased) Mother: Adéline de Fortier née Cadieux (deceased) Father: Phillipe de Fortier (deceased) Sire: Theodore Moore (deceased) Significant Other(s): None Children: None Significant Relationships: Meena Raja (ex-lover) Pets: None
Current Status: Physically Healthy Phobias: TBA Mental Disorders: PTSD, depression (recovering from) Physical Disorders: None Handicap(s): Mild Alcoholism
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral Myers-Briggs: INTJ (The Architect) Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Positive Traits: Kind, easy-going, brave Negative Traits: Vengeful, impulsive, self-destructive Hobbies: Archery, swordplay Element: Fire
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itneedsmoregays · 5 months
Alpha girlfriend
Since meeting in high school, Ash and Steff always assumed they were the exact same height. Until one day, Miss Crawly's keen eye notices that Steff is actually taller than Ash.
Miss Crawly: (checking them with a tape measure) Oh, yes, it seems she's half a centimetre taller than you, dear.
Steff: Whoa, no way!
Ash: You're kidding.
Meena: Aw, that's kinda cute.
Johnny: (laughs) I guess that makes Steff the alpha girlfriend.
Steff: Whoo! Al-pha girl-friend! Al-pha girl-friend!
Ash: (blushing) Oh, knock it off.
Buster: Aw, there's nothing to be ashamed of, Ash. I'm a short guy myself and I manage just fine.
Ash: Not helping, Moon.
Steff: Does this mean I can carry you in my arms if you ever get tired?
Ash: (thinks and then smirks) Nope. A, that'd be impossible with my quills anyway. And B, you might be taller... (picks Steff up with ease) ...but I'm stronger.
Steff: (blushing) F-Fair play.
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musekicker · 2 years
Writing Prompt: Clay chaperoning Ash, Nooshy, Johnny, and Meena at a corn maze
Not quite strictly the prompt, but the basic idea of it.
The theater group had arrived at the fall carnival earlier into the day. And while not really Clay's thing these days, he did show up. Mostly for the performance that was suppose to be put on that night. For now, he would have to deal with the sounds and actions of the place.
It was sometime during his exploring the grounds that he realized something. He had seen everyone else from the theater around except the four that were Ash, Johnny, Meena, and Nooshy.
Granted they weren't exactly little kids. And Clay knew that Ash especially could handle her own. That did not mean he did not worry about the fact that he was having a hard time finding them.
He did spot Miss Crawley however. She was giving the apple bobbing tub a wide berth. 
"Are the avoiding the apple bobbing tank thing my fault?" Clay asked her recalling the first time they had met and Miss Crawley's temporary replacement of her glass eye with a apple.
Miss Crawley shook her head.
"Oh no. It's not that. I just avoid the apple bobbing events after... that one Halloween party." Miss Crawley said.
Clay's brows went up in curiosity.
"Oh?" he said.
"I lost my glass eye in the apple bobbing tub. Children screamed, one animal fainted." Miss Crawley said.
Clay wished he had been there to witness that. 
"I can understand why you avoid it then. While I have you, have you seen the kids around?" Clay asked.
Miss Crawley nodded.
"Oh yes! I saw them enter the hay bale maze about two hours ago." she said.
That seemed like a long time to be in a hay bale maze. Surely they still wouldn't be in there? But then, he hadn't seen them anywhere else on the carnival grounds. 
He decided then that he would go and check. And seeing the rake leaned up against one of the many scarecrow decorations, he had a idea on how to not get lost searching for them.
In the maze, the four teens were not having the best time.
"I say we break down one of the walls." Ash said. "I know we're all thinking it."
"I wasn't thinking that." Meena said.
"Neither was I." Johnny agreed. "And I don't think the people who set this up would be happy with us if we go and break their maze they worked on." 
Ash sighed.
"Yeah, I know that. But clearly we are having a hard time finding out way out of here." Ash said. "And I don't know about you guys but I don't want to be stuck in here when night falls."
"Let's put it to a vote." Nooshy suggested.
"Great idea." Johnny agreed. "Okay, who doesn't want to try to break through the wall?"
Johnny and Meena both raised their hands. Nooshy and Ash did not. Instantly everyone could see that this was not going to be helpful. Johnny grew quiet,  trying to come up with another idea of how to find their way out of this maze. Thankfully there would be no plan needed.
"There you kids are." a familiar and welcomed voice said.
"Clay!" the four teenagers cried.
They hurried over towards Clay. The four were so excited to see Clay that they didn't question why Clay was holding a rake at first.
"I was looking for you kids." Clay said. "This is where you've been all afternoon?"
"This maze is a lot more confusing then it looked like outside of it." Meena said.
"We were this close to just having Meena or Johnny knock a wall down." Ash admitted.
"No we were not!" Johnny protested.
Clay looked to the wall itself, noting it's height.
"Why couldn't Johnny or Meena had just boosted Ash or Nooshy up over the maze wall and one of you could had gotten help?" Clay asked.
The silence that followed from the teenagers told Clay what the answer was.
"None of you thought of that did you?" Clay asked.
"To be honest I did have my heart set on breaking a maze wall." Nooshy said. "So wasn't really looking for not break mazes solutions."
"Maybe some other day." Ash said.
"What's with the rake?" Johnny asked.
Clay smiled and pointed the ground behind him with the rake itself. The teenagers saw scratches in the dirt where the rake had been dragging.
"I thought ahead." Clay said.
Following the path that Clay had made got the group out of the maze fifteen minutes later. Just in time for sun down and for the rest of the crew to catch up with them.
"There you all are!" Buster said. "Where were all of you?"
"Lost in the hay bale maze." Johnny said.
"We would had still been in there if Mr. Calloway didn't show up." Meena added in.
After being in the maze for as long as they had been, food and drink were high on the list of what to go to next. Apple cider and doughnuts were the snack of choice. 
"Has anyone seen Gunther?" Rosita asked not long after. 
Everyone fell silent. Long and quiet enough to hear a cry from the maze.
"The walls are closing in!" Gunther cried.
Clay sighed deeply before picking up the rake once more, having not bothered to return it to the right scarecrow yet.
"I'll get him." he said before embarking on a rescue.
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anxious-assembly · 2 years
I just nominated so many people, sorry (im not sorry)
Please include Johnny and Rosita from Sing, I am begging /nf
Sing 2 is the best, most complete rep of various anxiety disorders I’ve seen in an animated movie. (I’m a psych student so I’m gonna diagnose these peeps):
Rosita has focused anxiety (specific phobia: heights)
Meena has social anxiety disorder/social phobia
Johnny has generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks
Buster also has GAD because I do and look at that man, he cares way too much about other people’s opinions
Ngl didn't even know there was a second one. I do very much remember relating so some of these folks though.
I make no promises. Picking in general is just gonna be hard, especially since I don't want to disappoint anyone but also I've only gotten ONE duplicate submission as this very moment...
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blazlngblade · 2 years
Gosh Schwartz’s concept art makes him look so huge!! He looks like a gentle giant, and it makes him being hellbent on revenge kinda scary! Iirc he’s also suuuuper tall, isn’t he? Both him and Auguste :0
And I want that art book too! I wanna see everyone’s heights, at least! But in the meantime, Gilderoy is a head shorter than Auguste and no one can stop me. (And Sazantos is even shorter, because that’s hilarious to me.)
The flatlands ought to be one of the bigger areas of the game tbh, or at least less populated. It’s likely mostly all farmlands! I get it would be a good place to live, thus the cities, but like. That place is all horizontal space and they’re gonna need those farms! Meanwhile the highlands is more densely populated because its mountains, so they also have vertical space they can fill, not just horizontal. Frostlands have to be the least populated, because snow and ice and DEATH. Honestly what was Darius even doing up there it’s too cold :////
Osterra is not a nice place, true, but it has to be somewhat nice to give us such kind characters and so many of them. Clearbrook has to be a fount of kindness, to give us Alfyn. He’s one of the kindest, least selfish characters, period. And Ophilia is super kind! And all the kind people in CotC! There’s lots of darkness in Osterra, but there’s also light. Has to be, to have such wonderful characters.
And I’m gonna give Gilderoy a fear of small spaces and of jail cells. Because MoA was totally missing a torture scene when he was jailed and he was there for days <3 He suffered a lot in there, having his freedom taken and being given so much pain. (And that absolutely has implications when sneaking in thru Riven castle’s jails owo)
Osterra is a dark place, and while I inject lots of fluff, I also make it a bit darker. Because what’s more light without more darkness amirite uwu
(Also, would you like to exchange Discords? Can talk there too! :0)
Really shows just how much "Auguste" let himself go when he was given the ring. Which is kinda sad.
I doubt an art book would talk about heights, just because that's too many characters and there's no real need for that, let's just leave it up to interpretation of the fans! Yes, Auguste is canonly 190cm tall. Personally, I'd say Gilderoy (I think I headcanoned him at 192? But this is just my not so good memory) would be taller than Auguste, but that's just because he looks like a wall to me. (but no one will look more of a wall than Fra or Barrad)
Yeah, that sounds about right with the regions, I can agree with that all! The Highlands also needs to have more locations, because I remember reading in a letter that they state there was multiple little kingdoms, not just Hornburg and Altinia located there. Maybe Kromlud (Aedelgard's kingdom of unknown region) and probably Braystadt (a name mentioned by Lionel, not sure if location name or a person's name, just that he is a "knight of Braystadt" and from the Highlands.) are kingdoms there as well.
Clearbrook has its problems stated in Meena's Traveler Story, so can't forget that. And tbh, I don't really like Alfyn, nor could I paint him as a saint. Ophilia, on the other hand, deserves much good things.
But yes, good idea. Seems interesting to do that. Again, I am glad that mention of dislike has inspired something!
My apologies, I only really give my discord out to very few people. You're welcome to DM here on Tumblr if you like.
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puppiesandnightlock · 2 years
Sing! Hamilton Au(Shitpost, i c u all doubting my sanity)
so been on a tear with musicals lately(the greatest showman, Six, Heathers, Mean Girls, Hamilton, in the heights etc) and was listening to my fave Hamilton songs and trying to place sing charecters in them XD like, i think id want johnny and nooshy as Alexander and Eliza but like at the same time i dont want him to cheat on her(ITS NOT A JOHNNY THING TO DO YK) and its also very out of charecter for him and a little for her. But then angelica's description of Eliza in Satisfied and Congratulations(love these two) is 'trusting and kind', although Nooshy is kind, i doubt she's super trusting. The description kinda fits Meena but the ship for her has already been cast. I think if Nooshy were to be Eliza, Ash might be Angelica. NOT POSITIVE, so can some one help me pls XD. She'd be a good one, due to the fandom loving to make these three in a love triangle. Porsha as Peggy bc she b the lil sis('and peggy') besides she gets to sing in Schuyler Sisters(aother one of my favorites) I NEED HELP FOR THE REST so thats todays shitpost byeeeeee
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