#meimei rants
meimei-bunnie · 1 year
Was thinking about Jiang Cheng last night, and what I understood of his character– and especially of his relationship with Wei Wuxian, because obviously, every aspect of his character is shown through the lens of their relationship owing to the fact that Wei Wuxian is the main character.
I don't think it's a bad thing, but I do wish that we could have got some serious in-depth of a lot of characters from their own perspectives, but it works for me and my overactive brain to fill in the gaps.
I genuinely feel heartbroken over their relationship because I know that the love is there, and always will be. Even if it's now tainted with too many harsh words and spilt blood, the love is still there. The problem lies in how Jiang Cheng was raised.
At first, I used to think that Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan are not that bad of parents but after thinking over it, I have realised that they are not good either. In fact, when it comes to Jiang Cheng, they did a terrible job. JFM essentially neglected JC because of his similarity to his mother, leaving him craving for love. YZY on the other hand, constantly put him down by comparing him to WWX.
Both of these things became a core part of how JC thinks and feels. He never received unconditional love from his parents, and his relationship was strained with WWX, but he still loves them all. He is a classic Slytherin, in my opinion. He is definitely ambitious and loves his cultivation but another thing that I characterize Slytherins by is the difference in which they treat those inside their circle and outside their circle.
So, for JC, the people inside this circle are: JFM, YZY, WWX & JYL (and afterwards JL, but that's inconsequential to this post since I'm focusing more on the JC before WWX's resurrection). Even if they treat him badly, he loves them to death. He would go to the world's end for them, and all he wants in return is for them to be by his side.
Which is what WWX fails to do after the Wen situation. (I'm not blaming him, I totally support WWX's decision; I'm just painting it from JC's pov.) At a time when he had lost his parents and JYL was getting married and going away, the only tether for him was WWX– so when he chose the Wens (outsiders, for JC) and demonic cultivation over him, it was betrayal for him.
I believe there are 3 feelings that ruined their relationship, from JC's side: ① betrayal ② jealousy ③ loneliness.
The feeling of betrayal ties in to the loneliness heavily. At the root of everything is the fact that JC struggles with love; he loves deeply, but doesn't quite know how to express it at times because his own parents were lousy at doing that. (I wanna give him a tight hug so bad ugh.)
The jealousy... Well, that's the factor that ruined it the most. And I believe that if only JFM had looked past the fact that JC's mother is YZY, and had loved him as freely as he did WWX, and if YZY had not constantly compared them, then JC could have grown up without the compulsive need to constantly compare himself to WWX. It's not that he does it on purpose, but something that's wired in him because of the glaring difference in them that his parents keep pointing out, whether it's with his actions or her words.
The thing is... WWX was literally the worst person to compare himself to. He was literally a genius, a prodigy, a once-in-a-generation kind of cultivator. And also a classic Gryffindor example. Brave, reckless and strong sense of justice. That's what marks the main difference between them.
JC would choose his family/inner circle over justice. WWX would choose justice over his family/inner circle.
Those feelings of betrayal, jealousy and loneliness come out in the form of misplaced anger and hatred in the 13 years WWX is gone on every person who does demonic cultivation. I feel like JC was trying to find him too, but it was in equal parts love and equal parts hatred.
The point in the climax when he gets angry at WWX and mocks him about how good he is, and constantly better than JC that he even gives away his golden core– that scene hurt me so much. I was really upset with him, but well, his words struck me. Even now, he is still comparing himself to WWX. He has always tried to catch up to the image of WWX, in hopes of gaining his mother's pride and his father's love and even long after they are gone, he feels the need to prove himself to the rest of the world that he is Jiang Cheng. He is Jiang Wanyin, heir to the Yunmeng Jiang clan and worthy of leading them.
It's literally no secret how much he despises that everyone sees him as someone 'not Jiang like'. Their motto doesn't match him. But WWX does. WWX gets his father's love freely. WWX is the talented cultivator that everyone praises and sees, and it's never him. Never JC.
He spent his entire life trying to catch up to WWX, then chasing him in hatred, only to realise that he never could. No matter what he did, he would never measure up to WWX. And he is grateful, he is thankful for what WWX did, but it came out in the usual way all his feelings do: anger and derision. That scene hurts, but it made me finally understand JC.
Honestly, my biggest takeaway from all this was that JC deserved better parents. I love him and I love WWX and I want their relationship to be better desperately but knowing that with all that has happened, I also know it's going to be really really hard. I still want to believe in my own hc that post-canon, they sit down and talk like mature adults and get all this out of the way.
Be the brothers they always should have been, even if they can't be the Twin Heroes of Yunmeng anymore.
(Sorry this got a little long hahaha~)
Edit: And I just want to add that JC never needed to compare himself or 'catch up' to WWX. That's where his parents failed him. Nobody telling him that he is enough and wonderful and loved as he is. I would love to jump in and just, give him a tight hug and say all these things to the younger JC. That I'm proud of him. That's he's enough.
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scrubf1re · 6 months
Meiko is (indirectly) responsible for Rosemon and Hououmon/Phoenixmon appearing in tri.
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If you really think about it, the scenes in which Meiko cheers Mimi up by wearing the Daters cheerleader outfit in part 2 of tri and the scene where Meiko repeats the words Sora taught her in part 3 back to her in part 4 are both pretty big important scenes for Mimi and Sora's character arcs in tri since both scenes involve Meiko being supportive to the girls that causes major changes in attitude that lead to them fulfilling the evolution/digivolution prophecy thus making Meiko indirectly responsible for Rosemon (partially since Jo indirectly contributed as well but for different reasons but this rant is mostly about Meiko) and Hououmon/Phoenixmon appearing in tri.
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Keep in mind that these scenes aren't just minor bits of filler that only exist to pad out run time, they are major important scenes for Sora and Mimi's characters in tri so cutting them out changes way more of the plot than you'd think. There are 2 criticisms I've seen towards Meiko that I feel are rather flawed (they're not the only flawed criticisms towards Meiko and by extension tri but I'm only going to focus on these 2 critiques and why I can't bring myself to agree with either of them no matter how much time passes) is that Meiko "does nothing" (even though contributing to other characters development is still technically contributing to the story in some way) and that when you do bring up the scenes where Meiko is supporting Sora and Mimi those same people would usually move the goalpost by claiming that those scenes don't count by claiming that "other characters could've done the same thing" (which kinda contradicts the first criticism towards Meiko if you really think about it since that critique rellies on admitting that Meiko did contribute to the story in some way). The reason I feel the latter critique doesn't work is because it rellies too much on whether other characters could have filled the same roles in those scenes and no where near enough on whether those other characters would've been just as if not more narratively effective to use for those scenes than Meiko.
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Especially when you take how much screentime in part 2 is dedicated to Mimi and Meiko's friendship which I think is part of the reason why Meiko wearing the outfit was as effective as it was. Another reason why I feel that scene in particular worked was that Meiko was a new character (at the time, the first part of tri is nearly a decade old as of making this rant... god I feel old) who hasn't been friends with Mimi anywhere near as long as Sora and Hikari/Kari have been since Sora and/or Hikari/Kari wearing the outfits, while it still probably could've worked probably wouldn't be as narratively effective since both have been friends with Mimi for years whereas Meiko' being's social awkwardness and modesty is meant to showcase her breaking out of her shell because of Mimi... for the most part, she still acts rather shy while wearing it but it's still meant to showcase how much Mimi's friendship means to her anyways since I doubt Sora would be anywhere near as embarrassed wearing said outfit.
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There's also the fact that Hikari/Kari already had a big scene near the end of part 2 of tri of her helping Jo with his struggles of his reason for fighting (since at that point in tri he was struggling with his grades and felt that if he focused on fighting that would mean throwing his chances of becoming a doctor away while at the same time feeling that he's a coward for having this struggle in the first place since it put his and Gomamon's relationship at risk and some other stuff) and since the scene where Meiko cheers Mimi up and the scene where Hikari/Kari helps Jo out are so close to each other it probably would've been weird to have 2 scenes of Hikari/Kari having big moments of supporting other characters so close to each other.
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Jo/Joe already had that scene early...ish in part 2 and like I said earlier had his own character arc with Gomamon so it'd be a little weird for him to be the one to wear the cheerleader outfit (not that he'd look bad in it I'm sure he would've slayed in the outfit but this is more about how he probably isn't the best choice for that scene narratively). Taichi/Tai, Yamato/Matt and Takeru/TK barely have any screentime with Mimi in part 1 and 2 of tri so they probably wouldn't be very good choices for that scene. And Koushiro/Izzy already had a crush on Mimi that was played for comedic effect so a scene with him and Mimi probably wouldn't be that narratively effective and there's his arc in part 3 (as well as the fact that much like the other main characters, he's been friends with Mimi for years and I've already gone over why someone like Meiko who hasn't been friends with Mimi for that long was more narratively effective). Sometimes when it comes to critiquing a character's role in a story it's less about if other characters could've done the same thing and more about if using said character is the most narratively effective choice. There's also the fact that since Meiko plays a more non action supporting role (which would've only been sexist if Meiko was the only major female character in tri but since Sora, Mimi and Hikari/Kari already play the role of action girls who help out and contribute to fight scenes means I highly doubt one supporting character hurts) means that it was kind of necessary to give Meiko scenes like these especially when you take into consideration that her partner Meicoomon is the source of the infection and technically one of the main antagonists in tri.
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There's also the fact that we know the 02 epilogue is still canon and that we know all of the main protagonists from the first 2 seasons make it out okay so new characters like Maki, Daigo, Meiko and Meicoomon being created for tri was kind of necessary to prevent tri from being way too predictable since we know they're going to survive anyways (which is fine for something more minor like those Last Evolution: Kizuna shorts but probably not for something more major like tri or the post tri movies), something that Last Evolution: Kizuna and 02: The Beginning also did by creating new characters for basically the same reason as tri.
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As for Meiko repeating the words Sora taught her in part 3 back to her in part 4, much like the cheerleader outfit scene it's not just meant to showcase Meiko contributing to Sora's arc that leads to a big change in attitude that leads to her reconciling with Piyomon/Biyomon (well that and being attacked by the Mysterious Man/Dark Gennai and Mugendramon/Machinedramon) but it's also meant to showcase Meiko learning from Sora in those scenes showcasing she took what Sora said to heart. A lot of the points I said about the Daters outfit scene with Mimi and Meiko can also be applied to this scene with Sora and Meiko so I probably won't be going into as much detail but I'll try anyways. Sora spends a surprisingly much larger amount of screentime with Meiko in tri than you'd think but she also surprisingly barely had any screentime with Takeru/TK in tri up to this point so he probably wouldn't be good substitute as well as the fact that he and Koushiro/Izzy already had an entire OVA mostly focused on them. And again much like the scene with Mimi and Meiko in part 2 I feel part of the reason this scene works as well as it does is because Meiko is someone Sora hasn't been friends with anywhere near as long as someone like Taichi/Tai, Yamato/Matt, Mimi, Jo or Hikari/Kari since those are people Sora (and the audience probably) probably would've been way more expected to try to cheer her up since she's known them for way longer... depending on who you'd ask (this part is honestly noticeably more subjective than the other points for an already subjective rant).
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At this point in tri it's also just in character of Meiko to be supportive of others and this is meant to lead into the scene where Meiko reunites with Meicoomon taking those words Sora said to heart by admitting it was wrong of her not to go with the others to the Digital World (that she did because she felt she didn't deserve to see Meicoomon due to feeling responsible for all of the other partner digimon getting infected and couldn't tell the others for the same reason Takeru/TK couldn't tell the others about Patamon being infected).
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The scene is also most likely meant to parallel Sora and Piyomon/Biyomon's reconciliation later in part 4 (Anyone else really thankful Piyomon/Biyomon's statement about wanting to try Sora's meatballs in tri was written with sincerity like the sea salt ice creams in Kingdom Hearts and not irony poisoned like hell like a Joss Whedon script... screw that creep). It probably wouldn't work as well if you used Taichi/Tai and Agumon, Yamato/Matt and Gabumon, Mimi and Palmon etc. for these moments for the reasons I already listed given and I'm already running out of things to say about this unnecessarily long rant. I guess wishing Meiko contributed more is a reasonable complaint but don't try to move the goalpost when someone brings these scenes up since you'd be kind of contradicting your wish (these aren't even the only scenes where she contributes like how her wish to put Meicoomon out of her misery near the end of part 5 was one of the most important decisions in tri that lead to the other main characters following along with that decision and how it lead to them realising that they can't save everyone but this also isn't that important to this rant). I probably could've worded some things better or come up with better reasons but hopefully people understand where I'm coming from. Or you could use this as shipping fuel and reasons to like the Mimi x Meiko, Sora x Meiko and/or Sora x Mimi x Meiko ships more I don't mind (in fact I encourage it).
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xazse · 26 days
Erm why isn’t there enough loser Satoru! PART 2 HERE
Loser Satoru who hangs off of you, besides Shoko who can only tolerate him for so long, Utahime who doesn’t like being in his presence at all and MeiMei who only wants material things from him. You’re the only girl who won’t outright tell him to fuck off. You’re the only girl who won’t tell him to shut up when he goes on a rant about the certain kinds of digimon.
Loser Satoru who you allow to touch your boobs only because you feel bad for the little virgin. He takes full advantage when he’s been begging all day and finally when he gets his hands on the mounds he’s groaning about how soft they are beneath his fingers, any attempt at him trying to go underneath your shirt is met with a end of the session and he’s pouting, whining at how it’s not fair.
Loser Satoru who cums way to fast-
He’s practically in tears trying to hold back, you have him completely naked while you remain fully clothed. You’re sat on the bed while he’s on the floor a few steps away from you, for someone so pathetic Satoru is really hung, he’s jerking off his fat cock just to the mere sight of you.
“Oh… god.. can I cum? Please please” his eyes are half lidded threatening to close, when he hears those magic words he’s cumming all over his torso and his cum spilling into his lap, he has a nasty amount of cum.
“Gross Toru,” you say with a quirk of your lip.
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thesummerstorms · 2 months
Anyway, there's an itch at the back of my brain for a scenario with Shen Yuan who is also Shen Qinqiu (insert reincarnation nonsense here) and somehow his meimei ends up in PIDW with him.
Far from sweet and demure, she turns out to have just as sharp a personality and an equal propensity for rants. They start bickering vehemently enough to scare the disciples, clearly having the time of their live while doing it. Yue Qingyuan is supportively misty eyed.
Shang Qinghua, on the other hand, is terrified because of fuck, now there's two of them.
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My First But Not My Last.
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Pairing : Gojo x Femreader, Geto x Femreader
Setting : Started from Pre-Cult Suguru Geto // Some folks will not die // Modified that Kenjaku will not totally take over Geto's subconscious later on // Girl bff Shoko, Mei Mei & Utahime, Strong sorcerer reader // Death, Murder Spree, Romance, Lemons.
Rating : M || m i n o r s d o n o t i n t e r a c t
Part 7 : Residuals
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"Can you tell me again why I shouldn't kill that kid?" Suguru said while drying his damp hair with a towel, "He has broken a lot of rules, had a binding vow with Mahito & Pseudo-Suguru, worst of all, he placed you in great danger."
You sighed as you stepped out of the shower, began to dry your body with a fresh towel as you listened to your boyfriend rant on why he should or shouldn't kill Kokichi Muta. You knew that his heart is in the right place, however when it comes to killing people off, you're just to wary because he has this certain level of feral living inside of him. He could kill anybody easily if he'd go all out. You heard a rumor that a non-sorcerer would not even last millisdeconds inside his domain so that's something. You could somewhat counter his ability as you are his natural enemy. Ironic, right?
You feel fresh now that you have taken a bath in Meimei's luxurious guest room with a very spacious, hotel-caliber bath, complete with jacuzzi, shower & tub. That woman is all about luxury, not that she doesn't deserve it.
"He's just a kid who wanted to have a normal body to be with the woman he fancies," you remarked as you entered your room, "I don't agree with his ways, but that's his intentions. Plus I don't think he would put us all in harm. I think he tried to find a way to break into their system, but it would have been better if he came to us. We could have helped him out," you answered.
Anything that came out of your mouth was thrown out of the window the moment you emerged from the bathroom because Satoru was not listening at all.
"Did you hear what I said?"
Nope. He wasn't listening at all because you were wearing nothing except his t-shirt.
For this specific situation, you all had agreed to leave clothes at each other's houses, but you have already maxed out yours since you visited Meimei the most so you have taken all the dirty clothes back home. Only Utahime & Satoru had extra clothes in Meimei's house, but you opted for Satoru's because they're more comfortable to sleep in.
Satoru couldn't even make out whatever you were trying to say because his focus was on how his shirt looks so good on you.
You realized what was happening & gave up. You sauntered your way to the bed & straddled him, his hands automatically grabbing your thighs.
"Did you even hear what I said?" You whispered breathily against his ear.
"Not even a word," he admitted, "I was distracted."
"By what?" You rocked your hips against his, directly pushing your center to his already rock hard member, "Do tell."
"By a lot of things, 6 eyes remember?" He answered through his gritted teeth, painfully aware that you were not wearing any underwear as he groped your ass, his shirt hiked up revealing your creamy skin underneath.
"You're killing me here," He panted, "Damn princess," then he slapped your ass playfully.
"Not too loud, or Meimei would kick us out," you scolded him half-heartedly, "Seriously, Satoru."
"You should have thought that through before wearing my shirt," he mumbled before capturing your lips in a hot kiss.
And that's the reason Meimei ensured to have all the walls sound-proofed because she couldn't bear another sleepless night because of your bedroom activities with Satoru Gojo. God knows she had lots of those back in highschool or during missions but not in her own home.
Morning came & Utahime was always the first to wake up, much to her annoyance, because she's always the adult one in the circle. However, upon entering the kitchen, she smelled a familiar scent of nicotine & she immediately rushed & was happy to see the other adult in her circle - Ieri Shoko.
"Yo," Shoko greeted coolly while cooking eggs in the pan.
"Shooooko!" Utahimi squealed in delight, "I'm so relieved you are here!"
"Ui Ui flew me in," Shoko explained as she turned the heat off & transferred the eggs to a plate, "Now you have to fill me in."
Utahime filled Shoko in the events & even gave her the same warning that Satoru had given them. Shoko has always been the neutral one of all. She also understood why Satoru wanted to keep this to themselves as they don't know who amongst the higher ups are with them or against them. This is also to protect the welfare of the students who are innocent & are only following orders from their teachers or the principal.
"I think Y/N can nullify the prison realm, but we have to do more research to make sure that it won't do damage to her," Shoko said as she drank the coffee Utahime made for them.
"Why the fuck are we talking about this early in the morning?" You grumbled sleepily, dragging your feet to the counter, grabbing Utahime's mug, "Can't we have a normal morning where we talk about girl stuff?"
"Like how Satoru kept you up all night?" Shoko dully commented, making Utahime blush deep red.
"Something like that," you agreed sleepily as Utahime smacked your arms.
"S-shut up! You're supposed to be embarrassed by that & you," she pointed at Shoko, "should not be encouraging her!"
"Satoru's not that discreet, you all know that," Meimei yawned as she joined the rest of them, "They're the reason this whole unit is soundproofed as I want to sleep soundly at night if ever there's a need for us to be in one roof like last night."
"But that doesn't mean we can't hear their movements!" Utahime shrieked, face still blushing from the memory of last night.
"Well, Satoru had a lot of energy given that he was mad," you rambled on, "But we did not break anything, I assure you Meimei."
"Thanks, that's all that matters," Meimei answered as she stole Utahime's mug from her hands, "Fuck all you want just don't break anything. As long as I don't hear your moans I can sleep alright."
"I need normal friends," Utahime said in a dramatic, defeated tone, "None of you are normal."
"I can be your normal friend," Satoru chimed in with his usual energy, "Good to see you here, Shoko."
"You're the opposite of normal, Satoru," Shoko greeted as she handed him a fork.
"I take it you're here for Muta?" Satoru asked as ate one of the eggs on the plate, "Want to study the kid's body?"
"Mhmm. I bet there are residuals all over his body," Shoko answered with an unusual glint of excitement in her eyes, "I'd love to see how it happened & if it'd have effects on his heavenly restriction."
"No effects, but he's all yours," Utahime answered uncheerfully, "Just don't kill him."
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l-flyhight · 8 months
Im getting rather annoyed
No. Everyone has the right yo ship what they want. Whatever brings you joy. This is but my opinon thats it. No judgement no shame. Im venting.
Now im a bit of a multishipper. Like to see some diversity in art you know? But never have i met such people that are so angry or vicious as tipo shippers. Kung fu panda po x tigress
Where do i start with this? Never in the course of the films have at any point do they show or hint that their crushing on each other. No romantic coded scenes. Nothing. So thats unfortunate why i don't see what all you lovley people see because i dont.
Tigress tai lung and po are conected in the parent upbringing sibling cycle. But hey ship whatever you want.
Now this is where people start to hate on me but let me clarify no hate nor disrespect to anyone. Im sick of looking at kung fu panda art and what? 97% of it is tigress? How abertary. Dull. What about the others? Do they not deserve as much attention? Clearly not.
As for the ship people get my goat "make it canon" blah blah. In the art of story telling to have it rondomly their into each other after like nothing? Makes for bad writing.
I do enjoy anything kung fu panda related but the ship for me anyway just doesn't fly. Those whom are super into the franchise are like yes they are but those who have seen all three films and enjoy them are like what? No.
Again if your going to ship them why on earth is tigress oc? Like shes all happy and silly? No.
Still here? Angry yet? Fuming because my trained animation degree with honors head doesnt comprehend what apparently im missing? Well thats ok.
Now i know alot of people who are actually nice but ive met vicious fans directing their hate towards me. Death threats. Vulgar language. The works. Made me just not want to draw anything kung fu panda related due to it.
Now recently due to the encouragement of others i did draw ship art. Dragon knight? Yes. Why? Because its actually hinted at in such a badly written way. I wont get into it. Thats a rant another time.
Now as something that i personally dont like and that goes across any anthro media is interspecies relations. Not a fan. However their ate acceptions to the rule and that has alot to do with the universe in which the fandom is set. BNA for example. The grimior of zero explains this perfectly, interspecies actually doesnt matter due to the world building. But in cases like zootopia or kung fu panda (films only) interspecies relationships arnt explored nor shown.
As for tipo po loves kung fu thats it. The only time he has ever shown any interest in a girl is meimei. Drops his baobao bun. Pupils dilate. yes theirs a but the illusion broke when she spoke soooo that doesn't really count.
Still here? Well good for you. still pissed at me for not conforming to liking what everyone else does? Well that too is ok.
If you ship tipo thats cool. Heck ive seen art. Some of its nice. Art is art and a ship diesnt define a person. But stop with the viciousness po will probably never end up with tigress. But thats a good thing. He doesnt end up with anyone. That way everyone wins. But the viciousness and anger and the make it canon because insert reaons here is so stupid.
Stuck around? Read my vent? Great. Please refrain from commenting anything vulgar towards my person and remember. Opinon.
Ship whatever you like. Awesome. Great.
Now piss off. Im tired.
(Brit humour)
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thecountesstribe · 7 months
Y'all cannot phantom how absolutely gut wrenching the transitions between Nanami's fight and basically his last dance was to me.
All he wanted was a house in Malaysia and his book collection to read, was that so hard to give him??!!! Then the "I have done enough, haven't I?" line. How am I to recover. You did enough Nanami, you did more than enough. He was so at peace in his dream and he didn't even open his eyes to view it.
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How could anybody ever really forget his last words to Itadori. The fact that he could've gone to seek medical aid but he decided to check on everybody else and keep heading towards the danger to protect everyone will never sit right with me. That's so like him and I'm proud but I'm so sad.
He was such a good sensei and the best example of what a jujutsu sorcerer should be. He should've gotten his happy ending dammit. Gege if you wanted to take a sensei MeiMei was right there. Mahito count your days, I hate you.
Another note the JJK Team really did that. I'm still in awe. Knowing everything they have to go through concerning the episodes and they still made it so beautiful, I'm so grateful.
I wish I could go back to the person I was before I read that part in the manga and watched the episode. I knew it was coming but I'm still so sad.
Nanami Kento your legend will live on forever.
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lev1he1chou · 9 months
jjk 236 spoilers
Have you seen the official translation? Now I heavily believe he still alive but the official translation are giving me doubts but in imo if he’s really dead then it will be bad writing because how come the hero can’t be “overpowered” because it would “ruined” the story/plot but one does a terrible death like that for such a great character two how come the villain can be overpowered and get a random power up without it “ruining” the story/plot three considering there’s only like 5-6 important characters left the ending will not be great imo (sorry for the long rant/ask)
Yes, I've seen the official translation and just replied to someone regarding that. Theres a small bit of hope and ive typed it there. I also hope he spawns out of nowhere like toji or as a cursed spirit- that would be interesting.
Moving on, we've already seen bad writing with whats going on between meimei and uiui- like dont even get me started on that monstrosity. But this is just going to push the bad writing narrative further, because you cant just create a character so overpowered (in words, atleast) hype him up so hard, just to give an unsatisfying ending. Its not bad to kill off characters imo, but atleast make it make sense. To kill off a character who's been called the strongest all along, off screen and not actually explain properly is terrible writing. Gege already kinda fumbles around with explanations about techniques, doesnt follow the powerscaling that they created and now this. Its pretty disappointing.
Couldve atleast given him a proper death, if that is the case. Considering the popularity of Gojo this wasnt the right call to make either.
The villain having the power up could just be an example of gege either hating gojo as always and trying to get rid of him, or he's trying to fasten the pace of the story. Not the best way to go about though.
Ending not being great is kind of a given imo. If gojo is gone and Nobara- a long story, i believe he'd prolly finish off megumi and go with what he said in an interview “Among Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Gojo, one will die, or all but one will die."
It seems to me that we're heading towards the latter. He doesnt have a proper concept of female characters. Maki has accomplished what she wanted to, Toge well idk, Panda cant do much with his father figure and teacher gone. Yuta and Yuji are left in that sense with all others being characters who wouldnt get their big moments. I wonder where the story would head with this.
AND, dw bout it being long lol, i love reading your thoughts!
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I got into fandom late, so apologies if you've already hashed this, but does most of the jc/jiggy (& xy) hardcore stanning stem cuz cql actors are hot? I didn't care a whit about jc or lxc until wzc and lhk. Tho as much as I think zzj is adorbs, I want jgy to DIE, repeatedly and as painfully as possible. (I am ALL for ship and let ship, but I despise xiyao. Sucks to be me since it's such a popular ship but just ugh. -Thank you for letting me rant.)
I wish some of this was just to actors alone lmao.
Honestly even when it was serialized on JJWXC, the stans were... something for Jiang Cheng first, but then most of those migrated to Xue Yang when he debuted. With Netizen side of things, Xue Yang is THE sad boi (tm) as he is basically seen as cool. Infamously they were the ones that harassed MXTX enough for her to tell one infamous stan off.
Jin Guangyao wasn't as focused on, he has the reputation of a short vengeful meimei there. He seems vastly more popular to woobie on twitter and tumblr. And at this point trying to say Jiang Cheng is anything but Jiang Cheng is a joke in itself there to try to argue about Wei Wuxian owing him anything. Jiang Cheng's aesthetic is appreciated though.
CQL actors I suppose are a whole other beast as it brought in the idol and influencer side of stans. And that side of things is just not something I have ever wanted to deal with. So we have the base of character "I relate to them" on the EN side of things, Xue Yang solo fans that are anti MXTX netizens, and idol stans that have since moved on as they do when following their solo obsession's works and projects.
And the many adaptations dilute the interesting parts of all three to be more palatable but it turned into Disney-esque censorship. So there is even more incongruous results of what these characters are canonically.
None the less, these three aren't really... portrayed as sympathetically in the context of the actual plot vs fanon and bait merch for the fans so they look cuter than they are. Fandom life is a bit more, separated, I guess about what is and isn't canon etc, on chats around netizen sites.
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winterchimez · 11 months
💌 moot game! tag/describe your moots whom fits in the categories below:
can always rely on
never misses a post
share the most interest with
have the most in common with
one(s) you look up to
you'd run away and live in a cottage with
spouse material mutual
best personality
never fails to make you laugh
you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl
you absolutely cannot live without
omg thank you for the fun ask anon! hehe here it goes:
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can always rely on — @sungbeam @cloverdaisies
beamie my little sweetest meimei whom i love dearly 🥺🫶🏻🩵
and obv my love, clo 💚💚💚 (ps the fact that she always, well almost everyday pops into my dms to ask how has my day went like?? and how we both always listen to each other's rants/irl issues/looking out for one another/giving each other support all the time uggh sweetest ever 😭😭😭)
never misses a post — @zzoguri @flwoie
istg like you both are always literally one of the first to rb/like my works sakajdk i love you both sm 🥹🥹🥹
share the most interest with — @sungbeam @zzoguri
beamie with literally almost everything from kpop to classics to mcu!! also recently discovered that moni is also into anime like i am YAS BAE 😩😩😩🤙🤙🤙
have the most in common with — @sungbeam
i mean almost every single day we'd find something in common with one another, i'd say we're like long lost twinsies 😤
one(s) you look up to — @stealanity @daisyvisions
i find that matty is that big sister that we can all always rely on cs every time she would either randomly pop up in the discord gc/in your asks and drop you a kind/positive message which really just makes your day a whole lot better 🥺🫶🏻
ofc daisy. my ult favourite sangyeon stan!!! i love interacting with her and obv been a fan of her works since coming back to the app back in early feb this year!!
you'd run away and live in a cottage with
all of my loves from the deoboyznet comm!! istg we'll have a blast and party till dawn probably 🤪🤪🤪
spouse material mutual — @stealanity @daisyvisions
obv if they are the ones i look up to, then yes they're def ready for marriage too 😚😚😚 (calling changmin & sangyeon to come pick you both up right this second brb)
best personality — @justalildumpling
honestly, all of my mutuals would fall into this category but im giving j an honorary mention!! bcs we are now emotional support buddies 🥲🥲🥲💓💓💓
never fails to make you laugh — @sungbeam @haet-sal @i520cm @hongyangi
i mean if you look at beamie & my everyday dms, i can guarantee you that 80% of it is either just us laughing our ass off on random topics or unhinged memes 🤡
obv, lacey & ipah are just so freaking hilarious omg??? they truly are the ones who bring chaos & laughter into our gc all the time lmao
and there's dal, making me lose my shit over nsfw content all the time 🫠🫠🫠
you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl — @cupidjyu @hanniluvi @cloverdaisies
hear me out, yumi & soph are literally one of the sweetest ppl you'll ever meet here. every time i interact with them our convo is always just so pure & sweet i love you both loads my cuties 🥰🥰🥰
and clo?? my talented beautiful kween for obvious reasons. 😘💚
you absolutely cannot live without
all of my mutuals!!! 🩵🩵🩵
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songmingisthighs · 9 months
i'm ranting here idc lmao skip if you don't wanna know the crap my mom pulled on me
so she suddenly came into my room asking me if i wanted to go to Starbucks and i said no bc... i don't want to go? THEN she suddenly went like (m: mom, s: smt)
m: why are you like this?
s: like what?
m: you changed. you're not like this usually
s: like what?
m: torturing yourself
s: who said i'm torturing myself?
m: well you're not talking and you seem to not want to connect to people
s: says who??? (literally i talk to meimei and my other sister all the damn time and I'm literally talking to my ex again so jokes on her) and i don't talk because there is nothing to talk about (and bc i can't talk to her about anything bc she cuts my words all the damn time and changes topics to whatever she wants to talk about and doesn't care about things that interest me??? does that seem like a conversation or relationship i wanna maintain ?? and my dad literally criticize me all the damn time because i have a headphone. I'm basically being bullied. not an hour ago, when they thought i couldn't hear them talking, my dad made YET ANOTHER COMMENT about me wearing my headphones despite me working on my freelance task which is doing translation which i can do unlike him who supposedly went to school in America and didn't even know that 'marital' is another word for marriage and literally had to come to me whenever he wants to spellcheck or translate a whole copy for his company as if google translate and Grammarly doesn't exist)
m: why so?
s: idk? because there just isn't anything to talk about?
m: well don't be like this
F Y TO THE FUCKING I, i "changed" because if i remember correctly (which i do, i have excellent recall skills but shit attention skills) i was criticized by my whole damn family INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY HER, MY MOM because i was loud and as they told me, "girls shouldn't be loud and boisterous, that's unlady like." YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS UNLADY LIKE ???? REMINISCING ABOUT BREASTFEEDING AT A FOOD COURT IN SINGAPORE, TALKING ABOUT PUSSIES IN PUBLIC, SENDING A PICTURE OF AN ABALONE TO A FAMILY GROUPCHAT WITH NOT JUST PARENTS BUT CHILDREN AND SAYING "THIS LOOKS LIKE MY PUSSY HAHA" (my aunt did this not my mom or else i would've kms immediately), AND SAYING "I WANT TO TAKE A PISS" (but in a disgusting, uneducated Indonesian vernacular) OUT LOUD IN PUBLIC. i might not be the girliest girl, but when I'm in public, i have class. it's low but it's still above her
literally she only "cares" about me when my biological older sister is not around and another FYI, my biological older sister doesn't even seem interested in having me as a sister ??? never has been ??? i changed ??? no bitch, my mom changed when my sister is not around. my sister was in Singapore for like a month and during that time, she kinda paid more attention on me? BUT AS SOON AS MY SISTER RETURNS every single time she asked me if i want to go out is ALWAYS for my sister. "you wanna go out? we're taking your sister to the dentist" "wanna go out? your sister wants to go to (some damn nerd) camera convention (filled with sleazy people)" "wanna go out? we're going to pick your sister up from her hangout" G 0 R L TAKE A GUESS WHY I DON'T WANNA GO OUT. and last night, she came to my room to say 'you look pale, you need to get some sun' a. i have heat allergy in which my skin will itch bad if it's exposed to the dirty ass fucking air in this polluted country and sun which ofc she wouldn't remember bc she doesn't think my medical issues are real including my asthma, b. I'm part german and part chinese-indonesian, TAKE A DAMN GUESS WHY I'D LOOK PALE
and no, i'm not petty, i'm not butthurt, i just don't wanna spend my precious time talking about some damn stupid tiktok trend or going out only to spend the majority of time deciding where to go to and then going there just to sit around and do nothing ??
this shit is barely .01% of the whole crap that happened. even my therapist could only say 'get as far away as you can if you wanna start healing' and bitch I'm starting now, I'm distancing myself from shit that can bring my mental health to a worse place
and another another fyi, i've been depressed for WEEKS now but i have functional depression and if i try to explain that to her, she'll try to convince me that it's all in my head and that it only "feels" like so because I "convinced" myself i have that and that the only way i can remedy it is by going out and interact with people
a. she's an economy major who never used her "knowledge" so what the fuck does she know about mental health or biology or heck even psychobiology when it took me bashing my head into the wall to finally take my mental condition seriously
b. literally she doesn't even know me well enough to understand my situation she should consider just not act like she knows anything because she so fucking doesn't, she's wrong 8/10 times it's actually borderline funny hearing her make out-of-pocket reaches lmao
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meimei-bunnie · 1 year
just thinking about LWJ's side of the story, which we didn't explicitly get because MDZS follows WWX's pov but we did get it through multiple minor actions throughout...
like imagine falling in love with someone who's the same gender as you, in a time where it's inconceivable and looked down upon and goes against everything you knew and/or believed about yourself. obviously, LWJ definitely had some strong denial in his teenage, which resulted in him exploding around WWX– which is literally said in the novel multiple times: WWX was the only one who elicited such reactions out of him.
I feel like he struggled with his feelings a lot at that time, and he choose to give them second place importance. he always placed more importance on sect rules, and the righteous path and the rigid mindset of the cultivation world. it doesn't matter whether it was right or wrong, because by the time he accepted his own feelings, he lost WWX in the first seige of burial mounds.
idk if there are any people who think LWJ has no character development, but if there are, then let me just say that they're SO wrong. because WWX's death affected him SO much. he regretted not choosing WWX. he regretted sticking to the rules, rather than prioritising his own feelings. and this changed him.
especially when he got a second chance when WWX came back. this time, he did what he wanted. he chose WWX over everything else. he chose himself, over rules and expectations.
and I just think that's beautiful. this is why, even though we don't get LWJ's pov in the novel, I really understand it so much better rereading it the second time. because now I get what LWJ was feeling the entire time.
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scrubf1re · 2 years
Digimon fans who decide to make fanart of “all of the main characters across the entire original adventure anime continuity” but seemingly always seem to leave Wallace/Willis and/or Meiko out every time despite also being main characters in adventure instalments (hurricane touchdown and tri respectively) because “movies and OVAs don’t count or some other pretentious crap” are absolute cowards.
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melonymint753 · 2 years
ok can we talk about Tamora Pierce's... take on not!China:
Yanjing is an old word for Beijing, so it looked like she was seriously going for a Very Chinese vibe, but then Evvy's name (Evumeimei) is all over the place. "vu" isn't a pinyin syllable, and "e" in pinyin sounds like "uh" with less h, so phonetically it's not getting shortened to Evvy, where the E is implied as a "eh" sound. Also very few words start with E so it's even more ???
And then her "first name" is 4 syllables long and last name is 2: 4 is Way too long for a Chinese first name (1-2 is the norm, 3 is very Very fancy, I've seen it once in my whole life, on a Very flamboyant guy, so it checks out). I don't know about ethnic minorities, but ones I've seen all have 4 characters max. 4 characters for their full name, that is.
And Evvy really isn't minority-coded, since her last name (Dingzai) is also Very Pinyin. Speaking of that, Chinese last names with 2 characters is pretty rare (vast majority have 1), and hers is not one that I've seen. And Chinese names are said family name first, but ok fine Evvy is a runaway, so she learned to say her name the White Way TM, whatever. I mean, Ding is a perfectly extant family name, and Pierce could have just, done that? Instead of over-exotifying Evvy's name?
anyway TLDR, idk what Tamora Pierce was trying with Evvy, bc she seemed to want an accurate China in her worldbldg, but gave the Chinese-coded character a half-nonsensical name, which bothers me bc I can't imagine which characters to actually use (丁载 伊?美美)?? And I think it's a problem when a native Chinese speaker can't figure out how to fit characters to your made up Chinese-coded name?
like quick fixes:
丁艾美 (Ding Aimei, bc "eh" doesnt exist in Chinese)
丁依美/丁伊美 (Ding Yimei)
or even 丁美美 (Ding Meimei) - a little stereotypical, in a sense that it's not fancy, but def works. Like Mary or Beth in English. Maybe.
If you Really want that 复姓 (2-character last name) fancy vibe, sure, add that Zai back. Or better still, give her an existing one.
Oh and most cases here, I think her shortened nickname would be Meimei, bc nicknames tend to be built on the last character in the name.
Whoops, still ranted, oh well.
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tikisaurus · 2 years
Hi hi, I just wanted to post a little something since I haven't drawn in a while :3
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So these are 2 of my Genshin ocs, the guy with the corset is Mei Hua (he/him ftm), and the one with the scarf is Amei (he/him) (their ship name is MeiMei I'm screaming)
Mei Hua is an electro polearm from Liyue, and Amei is a dendro polearm from Sumeru (technically Inazuma but he moved to Sumeru when he was young) and they're my little rats I love them
This is the third one, named Katsuro (or just Kat) and he's a geo catalyst from Liyue, and basically like MeiMei's son sjshwh
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they are so silly sorry I just wanted to rant abt them bc they are very special for me
I hope I'll have something better to post soon :d
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meimeihershey · 2 years
I hate how much I am still so deeply madly inlove with you
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