#mellow's with me in my room and he's gonna spend the night with me
minimoll7 · 4 months
My dog, Mellow, had surgery today. Only has 3 teeth left now. It took 4 hours for the surgery. He's home now but he's definitely scared and confused. It seems like, as of now, that he'll recover fine
But for any Christians who may be reading this, a simple prayer for him would be very appreciated
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poetryvampire · 1 month
Well, I feel like utter trash tonight so
Rating BG3 men on how well they'd take care of you on your period
This is dumb and not well thought out and probably a bit bias let's gooo
Gale 🔮 Sweetheart cannot read the room bless him. Is so ready to help easy the pain, he's cracking open dusty books, going through all his herbs, spends all day trying to craft the best potion for your needs. Very sweet but honestly Tara sitting on your lap is doing a fine job. Once you get him to cuddle you're golden 6/10
Wyll ⚔️ Cmon. Are you kidding me? He's got you babe. Need something picked up? Done. Craving something? Made. Just want to lay around in bed all day? Hell yeah he's right there with you, you couldn't get out of his arms if you wanted to.Also a fan of romance novels? Wyll would 100% read to you. Like voices and everything, really amps up the mellow drama. He's happy to keep you laughing or get sultry with it. Makes a great opening act to spicy times. 10/10
Halsin 🐻 Woof. Very happy to help chase away those cramps by some good old fashioned pounding you into the earth. You're not gonna be able to feel anything after he gets his paws on you. Not put off by blood that's nature ba-by. Also pls consider bear sized teddy cuddles. 7/10
Astarion 🍷 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 9/10
Rolan ✨️ As usual baby boy is too awkward to live. Not like super knowledgeable about them but wants to help you the best he can. Won't ask you directly though. Is a very quick study and takes note of what you need and like. If you need space or want to be glued to him hes already in place.If you're the kind of person that's laid up with cramps for a day or two he just happens to have those days off to be with you. You'll go for a hot water bottle and the kettle is already on. Honestly after awhile he knows your cycle better than you do. 8/10
Zevlor 🔥 If there's one thing this man knows it's being sore. It just comes with being a swordsman and an older gentleman. He is a god of working out sore muscles. Feeling achy? He goes all the way. Expect a long bath with a full body massage. He's gonna work out every inch of you and praise you like his personal god. Very patient really gonna go for the slow burn from sensual to sexual. Doesn't even expect anything back just wants to make you feel good. Will turn a downer day into a wildly romantic night. 11/10
Haarlep 😈 Couldnt give less of a shit. It's not that he's put off by it, he's had lots of experience with them but it doesn't do anything for him either. As for your suffering? He's a little empathetic, poor mortal with your poor weak body. That being said he does like you and to cuddle once in awhile so if you need some comfort he'll be there. 3/10
Raphael 👿 Jfc listen, he's waaaaay into it but will Not admit. In fact goes out of his way to let you know how off putting it is. He'll tell you how its nice to know you could still bare his young, like if he let's you. Loves the thought of breeding you and just the simple humanity of it that gets him. He cannot keep his hands off you but again will not admit why and will get mad about it. Like, how dare you look so good now of all times it's so rude. Guess I have to fuck you even though your pathetic little body keeps getting blood on my sheets smh -3/10
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ilys00ga · 9 months
life after his enlistment.
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pairing: yoongi x reader
synopsis: how life/the relationship was like after he enlisted.
genre: fluff, established relationship, yoongi enlisted, they are trying their best, idk if I should call it angst or hurt/comfort, but there's some kind of ✨️melancholy✨️ in this (predictable much), I effing miss him sm more now :(.
warnings: t.w: if u are just like me, prepare to be missing yoongi sickeningly after this. gosh, it feels like a hole in a chest rn. idk what to do w myself. oh btw some ideas mentioned here are purely my own opinions, so it doesn't have to be "facts" or "all true." if u have different opinions or if u disagree with any it u can reach out to me about them, I would like that, but that's that, enjoy!!!!!!!!!
A/N: this was a request made by @kimvante2013 I hope it meets ur expectations! this was so fun to write, I liked this a lot. feel free to send more reqs or anything u want :)
PS. English is not my first language, so you know the drill.
ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
the problem wasn't that you couldn't see him, no.
since his duty was different from that of an ordinary individual, you both were able to spend the nights in each other's arms.
when he comes back home after duty, sometimes he's met with an empty house where he'd wash up and start preparing something for you to enjoy munching on once you get back home at a later hour of the day. other times, he comes to a busy, warm house. you blasting your favorite drama on the TV while doing the laundry in the middle of the living room, or just chilling and waiting to welcome him with mellow hugs and kisses.
and when he's on duty, he can't always contact you, but he whispered kisses laced with promises into your lips before leaving on his first day, and he would never dare to break them. not that he wants to anyway.
sometimes you'd wake up to post-it notes sticked on random surfaces and items around the house, or good morning messages of love and kisses. sometimes he calls during lunch breaks to check up on you, reminding you to drink water and eat well because that's yoongi's most precious habit of showing that he always just cares.
"don't forget to layer your outfit today, I just saw that it's gonna be awfully cold."
"did you like the bouquet I sent? want more? cook me ___ tonight xx"
"hi, don't forget to drink a cup of water right this instance or you'll shrivel up and die."
"it snowed on my way here this morning, let's go out this weekend and have some fun :]"
when days are too hard to handle, weighing one of you—maybe even both of you at the same time, cause life is a bitch like that—down and burying you under the ground, you'd send long voice messages to the other. never expecting an immediate reply. just simply pressing record and spilling all the bottled negative energy that clogged your brains and chests.
so, the problem wasn't really that you couldn't see or talk to him..
the problem was that neither of you were used to any of that.
you weren't used to being away from each other for long hours throughout the day (even though he often went on tours and job events aboard), or not being able to talk and/or see him whenever you wanted to—atleast whenever your shift agreed to let you. you're stuck on this routine for months. you were so not used to that.
over the years, you and yoongi grew to become a pen and a paper: two different items that are meant to only function and be paired together. one can't be capable without the other.
yet you try to avail yourselves of the situation and take it all easy. slowly, like waking up and leaving a warm, comfy bed at 5 in the morning to gain some purpose somewhere out there.
so, while staying away from one another for several hours a day comes with heavy challenges and even melancholy at times, that doesn't mean it can't be fruitful for your relationship.
since for it to grow healthier, a couple, intentionally or not, sometimes needs to take some "time off" to preserve the connection and intimacy between them.
you always remind yoongi of how much you had missed him during the day, which is something that never failed to put a smile on his face and trigger a stream of butterflies in his stomach.
love and yearning are two inseparable powerful emotions that one can't defeat, and absence makes the heart grow fonder. that's the beauty of the challenge your relationship was subject to at this new stage.
"I am still me, you are still you. everything's gonna be alright." yoongi would say as he hugs your face into his chest.
he always reminds you that this new chapter the two of you have entered together, hand in hand and with shaking hearts, is one that he'd been dreading but looking forward to for a very long time.
a chapter that made him understand how much he needs your existence in his life. to be himself and to be the somebody you need and deserve.
and he makes sure to translate that into your skin as he traces it with his lips and fingertips when you finally fall into each other's embrace.
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miheartsedthings · 7 months
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All The Lovers in the Night
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“Smells like rain.” 
Billy glances from the movie he’s watching to where you’re leaning on the window sill, your nose nearly pressed against the screen. 
It’s cool out, early spring. 
“Rain,” you say again, “C’mere.” 
Graduation was months ago, and since then you and Billy spend as much time as possible together. Now, you’re at his place while his dad is away on a business trip. Susan doesn’t stand in the way of you being together, as long as you all have some idea of which friends Max is hanging out with. She’s with Lucas and the others, so you and Billy have the house to yourselves and you’ve taken up in the living room. 
You’re on your knees in front of the window beside the TV, transfixed by the little green yard and the trees just beyond. All settled under graying clouds. Billy comes to stand beside you. 
“Smells like…” he pauses, leaning down and closing his eyes. He’s been so at ease since his dad left. Since his ribs healed and the nightmares lessened. So much more thoughtful. More like his true self than he ever would’ve been before. 
“Kinda like ocean.” He says as he looks out. He’s smiling but only with his eyes. 
“Yeah,” you say, taking another big inhale. “Wet dirt, and like…” another breath “the way it smells on foggy mornings, ya know?” 
He nods. He sits down on the hardwood, one knee bent as he reclines on the opposite arm. 
“You’re missing your movie,” you say. 
His eyes are far away, looking out into the sky. 
“It used to be quiet in our house when it stormed,” he says. “My grandma lived with us and she used to make me and my mom huddle up in the living room and pray until it passed. Normally, my dad bitched about everything that woman said, but…when it stormed, something came over him, too. Everything would just get mellow and we’d sit there…damn. I forgot about that.” 
A cool, damp breeze rolls over you, and slowly a shush drums up from the ground as the rain starts to fall. Quietly at first, and then louder, filling the air with scattered water and the sour smell of soil. Billy loops an arm around your waist and pulls you into his lap. He tucks his face into your neck and kisses the chilled skin before returning his eyes to the window. You settle into him, closing yourself into the warmth of his arms. 
“There’s so much I wish I could change about what happened to you.” 
Your words feel thin. Maybe they’ll slip right out the window and be trampled by the rain. Broken through like butterfly wings. 
“I know,” he says “I know what you'd do for me if you could.” 
His arms tighten around you, somehow bringing you closer to his chest. You know the words are meant to be comforting, but they make you feel powerless. You sit there drowning in all the nothing you can do to fix the things he suffered with. Before you know it, you’ve sniffled, and he turns you to face him with a hand under your chin. 
“Hey,” he says, his face tightening into a stern glare. “You don’t get to be mad at yourself about shit you can’t change. Remember we made that rule?” You nod, but it only makes it worse that he cares so much. “Keep being a crybaby you’re gonna get yourself in trouble.” 
A laugh bursts out of you, regardless of your tears. He’s able to make you laugh whenever he wants, it’s like some weird superpower he has. He smiles a little and kisses you, letting his lips linger. 
“Don’t worry,” he says. “You can’t have more regrets than me and shit…I’m here.” 
You’re flooded with more words, more sentiment than you’d ever burden one person with. It’s too much. So you kiss him again and try to telegraph it all through the dense space between your internal self and his. You try to send him healing and care. Compassion beyond description. Forgivenesses not yours to give. All of it. Everything. 
For a moment, when he’s filling you, you think he feels it. By some miracle of the body and the sound of rain, he finally feels how much you love him. You’re so happy you could die. 
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Artist Credit: Cécile Berrubé
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ruffian-writings · 2 years
Writing For My Faves
Note ; Getting back into the swing of things and all (both writing and now reading the series itself), I thought it might be nice to start off by writing about some of my favorite characters! These guys are gonna be from all over the place, so bear with me here-
Yeeeah like this one was even a question-
I don’t think I really spoke about it much before my hiatus(es), at least not on here, but he’s part of the reason why I really caught interest with the series. Yes, probably one of the quietest characters that (so far) hasn’t had much screentime has lived in my head rent free since I started. My brain really looked past the popular, flashy characters and went ‘ah yes, this one’. Am I mad about it? Definitely not <3
Literally the sweetest mf to ever exist. Even if Gordon’s not too well-versed in relationships and is more than a little awkward overall, it’s obvious that he’s trying. His methods of showing affection might be a little unconventional, but that’s kinda the charm of it right? 
Remember the little part where it’s revealed that he makes tiny dolls of the rest of his team? Yeah, you’re going to be joining that collection. 
It’s pretty likely that Gordon’s going to be at least a little self-conscious if you two go out together. It’s nothing against you, there’s no doubt that he adores you, but his family doesn’t have the best reputation. It’s easy to pick up on the whispers, the eyes that follow you both. It’s unnerving for him, so please, bring him back down from that anxious spiral. 
He also really enjoys quiet nights with you! Whether it’s both of you doing something together or you two are working on separate things in the same room, spending time like that is really nice. 
For someone who was quite literally asleep for a majority of what I know of the series, I’m a little surprised that she grew on me so fast. While I don’t know her backstory (if it’s even revealed in the current story) her powers and upbeat, playful attitude weren’t what I initially expected. 
In a relationship she probably wouldn’t act too much differently. It would be pretty often that she naps leaning against your shoulder or holds your hand, sleeve, or just you in general when there’s somewhere you both need to be. Dorothy is perfectly capable of guiding herself when she’s sleepwalking (or whatever it would be classified as), but she finds it nice to have someone there.
Other dates and hangouts consists of both of you spending time in that dream realm she has. What better place to spend time than somewhere that can literally become anywhere? 
Still, though, it’s also good to actually go do something instead of slipping into dreamland. In that case Dorothy would prefer something a little more mellow - something like a walk around the forest trails or simply window-shopping. Also nap dates, nut, y’know, staying active is also important-
I recently got to the point in the manga where Sol first shows up and I’m legitimately so excited to see her pop up again in the coming arcs. Her magic is super interesting and her backstory/reasoning for joining the knights is really compelling imo. 
She’s your own personal cheerleader - loud and energetic, Sol’s all too happy to encourage you whenever you need. 
I could see her showing off a little here and there. Sol knows she’s strong, of course, but watching your reaction to a particularly impressive spell of successfully pulling off something equally stunning gets her a little bit giddy. 
Is also super protective of you. If anyone even thinks about giving you trouble Sol’s right there to help you. Even if she does occasionally go overboard, the only thing that matters to her is that you’re okay. 
Sol is also pretty physically affectionate! It’s all too often that she had an arm around you, or a hand in yours. She’s also a fan of surprising you with cheek kisses. Overall she’s pretty spontaneous with her affection, so be ready for that-
Honestly Rades is a difficult one to pin down. Overall he’s a bit of an asshole, very cocky and more than a little selfish, but under all that is probably someone a little softer. He’s obviously pretty beat-up over being vilified for his magic, and while the concept is definitely… morally wrong at best, he definitely has power. 
Around you Rades doesn’t act too different on surface-level. However, he’s a little softer with you in private. He’s loud and confident in the presence of others, seeming to always be like that, but in the presence of one of the few people he trusts, Rades is more vulnerable. 
Just like he brags about his own abilities and power, he’s just as likely to show you off. I mean this both in he’ll literally do so but Rades also has a habit of boasting about his lover’s abilities. Even if your magic isn’t all that impressive, he’ll find a way to make it sound like it is. It doesn’t stop there, either. If you have another talent he’s also not going to shut up about how good you are at that.
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junglefurytrash · 2 years
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I posted 364 times in 2022
That's 240 more posts than 2021!
34 posts created (9%)
330 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 85 of my posts in 2022
#starlight express - 58 posts
#stex - 48 posts
#archive of our own - 12 posts
#electra the electric engine - 11 posts
#chatfic - 11 posts
#charge the music truck - 8 posts
#wrench the repair truck - 8 posts
#volta the freezer truck - 8 posts
#joule the dynamite truck - 7 posts
#krupp the armaments truck - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#to me personally i see it as the starlight taking on poppa's voice and appearance
My Top Posts in 2022:
Starlight Express Electric Headcanons Part 2 (Feat. Charge the Music Coach OC)
I had fun with these last time, so I’m gonna have more fun and write some more :) Featuring a bit of Greased Lightning because I will go down with this ship.
- The Electrics have a rotation on who makes the food when people are hungry so nobody complains. They also have a rotation for who picks the video-games/movies during late nights. Joule, Electra and Charge will 9 times out of 10 order delivery of some kind on their turn for food because they suck at cooking lol
- Greaseball can and will be dragged into the chaos if Electra wants him to be there. Doesn’t matter what it is, sex, cuddle-piles, movie nights, if Lexi wants him to join in then GB will be joining in. Whenever he’s dragged in Electra will always cling to him and it takes a lotta convincing to share the Diesel with those who want him lmao
- Purse, Joule and Charge regularly tease GB, they find him appealing. Volta is mixed on the matter, while Wrench and Krupp are just accepting (but they don’t despise him, not anymore).
- Whenever Greaseball comes over to the suite he gets to pick the movie by default. He has good taste in movies though so nobody minds. Sometimes he’ll bring one or two others from the Apollo Victoria Trainyard that the group likes and they’ll end up picking instead (though never more than 2 guests with him, to avoid overcrowding the Electrics).
- 95% of the time all 7 of them will dogpile and sleep together. They either sleep in Electra’s huge bed, or altogether on the couch in the suite living room. They’re so used to being together the whole time both physically and mentally that they’re scared of being alone even at night (unless they have to be because someone got sick or something).
- Joule likes to lay on top of everyone else when they dogpile and act as a heated blanket for everyone. Volta helps regulate everyone’s heat so she doesn’t melt them all on accident.
- Charge is very affectionate with Wrench and looks up to her as both a caregiver and a protective lover. 
- Joule will sit in Volta’s lap when she’s bored and demanding attention. Volta will never complain about this (she actually really likes it). Purse does the same when he wants attention from Krupp (he also doesn’t complain lol).
- Wrench likes baking in her off-time. She’s teaching Krupp how to do it so he can spoil Purse some more. She and him get along well since they’re the parents in charge of shepherding everyone else lmao
- Joule and Charge are the two least likely to complain about getting dirty. Wrench is okay with it (as a Repair Truck she’s had to deal with messy crashes sadly) as is Krupp and Volta, and Purse and Electra utterly DESPISE getting dirty.
- After the events of the Championship, the Electrics start to spend some more of their freetime around the AV Trainyard and mellow out slightly (their Commission-approved suite is pretty nearby anyway). Nowadays the others of the Trainyard will recognise their whirrs and hums of hello when they arrive for a visit.
- Charge gets along well with the Coaches of the Apollo Victoria Trainyard due to being an Electric Coach herself. She likes to chat with Dinah the most and watch her make food even if she doesn’t entirely understand what she’s doing to make said food.
- After a long and/or stressful day sometimes the Electrics will connect to the internet to just look at memes, funny videos, or animal-related videos to lift their spirits a bit. Sometimes they’ll send memes to each other via the Frequency and laugh together for an hour or two.
- Charge can kick ass at DDR and rhythm games due to her natural music talent. Electra is a close second, followed by surprisingly Volta. Krupp is also no slouch, not that he’ll join in unless Purse makes him.
- Teamup nicknames include: Crash and Burn (Charge/Joule), Freezerburn (Joule/Volta), Parental Unit (Wrench/Krupp), Cold Shock (Volta/Electra), Good Cop, Gay Cop (Krupp/Purse), Livewire (Electra/Charge), and Cold Cash (Volta/Purse).
10 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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⚡🔧 You make my heart beat faster than adrenaline, You kiss away the pain of all the hell I'm in, You're gonna make me better than I've ever been, 'Cause you're my medicine, you're my medicine.~ 🔧⚡
I started this at 9pm, and finished it at 6am, but that’s absolutely worth it to make this and get it finished in one sitting. Now updated with some minor shading and lighting!
I hereby name this ship ✨ Circuit Breaker ✨, featuring Wrench with my OC Charge, because Wrench deserves all the love in the world.
Inspired by this post of wholesome Electric ship art by Potatoodles! Pose taken from Pinterest! Song Lyrics: Medicine by James Arthur Wrench’s design is from the 2012-2013 UK/Asia tour because those are my favourite designs for the characters
(Reuploading this because Tumblr decided to be fussy and not let me view my own posts for some reason)
11 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
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See the full post
11 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
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“ Bravery. Justice. Integrity. Kindness. Perseverance. Patience. Using these, you were able to win at 'Ball Game'. S t a y  D e t e r m i n e d. “
Somehow a StEx conversation on my discord server devolved into an Undertale one, and now this exists.
Y es I used Gacha Club for this, I’m still practicing my own style, I’ll get there I promise. Maybe I’ll consider making a version of this with actual images from the show in the same style though. Time Taken: 2-3 Hours
Anyway, so Undertale Souls: Perserverance - Joule Integrity - Volta Patience - Purse Kindness - Wrench Justice - Krupp Bravery - Charge (my OC, because I needed 7 for this) Determination - Electra
14 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
22 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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billiebossnova · 3 years
Hey, can you do a rue x y/n where y/n is new in town and eliott asks her out and she sees it a way to get closer to rue who she's been falling in love with since she arrived but never had the courage to speak up with her, the three of them get really close, and one day eliott finds out that y/n is interested in rue and not him, so he helps y/n get something with rue
New Girl
pairing: Rue x fem!reader
word count: 999
authors note: Kinda long, sorry
405, 405 where the hell is room 405. I moved through the crowd of people, all of them knowing where to actually go. I should ask someone. I look and see people laughing with their friends and going into classrooms. I'm so lost, my eyes darting from room number to room number. How did I even get to 104? I'm so out of place.
“Hey, are you lost?” I turn and see a girl with brown curly hair wearing a red hoodie.
“Uh yea I'm kinda lost, do you know where room 405 is?” I look at her mesmerized, at the new person in front of me. She’s so pretty, not a single flaw on her face, skin so clear and eyebrows plucked perfectly.
As she spoke I noticed her tooth slightly snagged. I smile such a pretty imperfection on a perfect face.
“...So yea you’re gonna go past the boy's bathroom and there you go.” Her voice faded in.
I did not catch a single word of that.
“Oh, uh could you repeat that? I'm new so I don't know where anything is, really.”
“Why don’t you follow me?” She smiled and I caught a glimpse of that tooth again.
we walked into the room filled with people sitting on desks and talking, she sat down at a desk.
“Oh, by the way, I’m Rue, what's your name?”
Rue, such a pretty name
“I’m Y/N”
“Nice to meet you Y/N”
“Ok class mellow down, let's get to work.”
I sat down by the window and tried to listen to the teacher go over the syllabus, but I could not get Rue out of my head. I watched her as she secretly passed notes to the blonde girl beside her. I pretty much watched her the entire class.
The class ended and I went to my locker. I’m pretty sure that was the last class, I put my books in my locker. Going towards the doors, rue stopped me.
“Hey Y/N, do you wanna hang out with me and my friends?” She asked me.
“Yeah sure.”
“Ok so this is Jules” she pointed to the blonde girl i saw her passing notes to in class. “And here's Elliot.” I looked to see a boy with blonde tips and face tats.
Damn, he’s kinda hot, not my type but still.
We walked into Elliot's room and sat down. He pulled out a guitar and immediately started strumming.
“Hey Y/N, you smoke?”  Rue pulled out some pot and looked at me
“Eh, haven't tried it.”  I didn't wanna seem like a prune.
“Wanna try some?”
She blows smoke into the air and at the moment she looks godly. She was so cute. We spend the rest of the night smoking and laughing at jokes Jules was letting about a movie she and rue saw last summer.
After that we hung out every day after school, smoking, telling jokes while Elliot played his guitar.
The next day at school, I ran into Elliot.
“Hey Y/N, you got a sec?”  The blonde boy asked, walking next to me.
“ Yeah what's up?” I turned to look at him.
He chuckled,
“I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?”
I was shocked. I didn't even know he saw me like that.
Ok think, you don't even know if Rue feels the same way, maybe if I go out with elliot, I can get even closer to Rue.
“Sure” I smiled sly.
“I’ll pick you up after school and we can go to the movies”
“Sounds good!”
I know this seems like a really shitty plan but I kinda have to go through it now, can't back down.
We arrive at the movie theater and sit down.
Throughout the movie, Elliot kept making moves at me which made me laugh. Maybe Elliot isn't back after all.
“I had a good time.” He spoke as we walked back to the car.
“I did too.”
“Maybe we can do this again?” He asked
“Yeah, we’ll see.”
It was two days since Elliot and I went out, we were all in Elliot's room, the room filled with smoke and music in the air. I looked over at rue laying on the bed  and she smiles, I smiled back and scooted closer. Any closer and we would be on top of each other.
I caught Elliot staring at the corner of my eye and his eyes were sad.
“Hey Y/N, could I talk to you for a minute?”
I walked with him outside the room.
“If you didn't like me you should have just said so, instead of hogging all on Rue like that, what you think I didn’t notice?”
I looked down at my hands “I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't even know if she liked me or not so I said yes to you asking me out.”
“I’ll help you.” he voiced.
The next day in school he proposal we should all go to the carnival after school.
“ you know what, I think Jules’s and I should get some food.” Elliot randomly said along with Jules confused face.
“No wait I want to go on that rollercoaster” She spoke and earned a stern look from Elliot.
“Actually I think that's a good idea, be right back rue.” And just like that, they left.
Rue and I were walking around passing the colorful light, making her face light up.
This is the perfect moment.
She looked at me and answered with a “hm?”
“I really like you, ever since I meet you and I’ve been really nervous and unsure to tell you because I don't even know if you like me back. But would you go out with me?” I blurbed. Nerves went through my entire body as she stopped and stared at me. Unread look on her face until she smiled and said
“I thought you would never ask.”
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Taylor Swift Songs (Taylor Swift) - Brothers and Dateables
Lucifer - Teardrops on My Guitar
And there he goes, so perfectly The kind of flawless I wish I could be - 'Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
This song just fits the mellow, melancholy feel that I think comes with MC developing feelings for Lucifer. He seems so beautiful and perfect, this fallen Morningstar, and he’s the only one who MC is desperate to impress. It’s an impossible task.
Mammon - I’d Lie* 
(technically not on this album but I associate it with it)
He'll never fall in love He swears, as he runs his fingers through his hair I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong And I don't think it ever crossed his mind He tells a joke, I fake a smile But I know all his favorite songs
When I hear this song, I immediately go ‘Mammon’! This tsundere won’t admit that he’s completely in love with MC and he’s that person who would boast about how they’ll never fall in love and they’re happy living life with no strings attached. And he’s got his best friend there just laughing along but secretly weeping inside because they’re so in love with this idiot. 
Levi - Only Me When I’m With You
When I'm with anybody else It's so hard to be myself And only you can tell
Levi, this poor shut-in otaku, is so self-deprecating because he’s spent a lot of his life hearing about how gross and pathetic he is. Social situations make him shut down and he’d much rather be hanging out in his own room. MC is the one person who doesn’t judge him at all and is happy to just be around Levi. It means more to him than he knows how to say.
Satan - Tim McGraw
And there's a letter left on your doorstep And the first thing that you'll readIs when you think Tim McGraw I hope you think my favorite song
This song was picked mostly for its vibes rather than the lyrics. It’s so bittersweet, one of Taylor’s few break up songs that’s full of kindness and reminiscing rather than scorn, and I think that fits Satan so well. It’s like him and MC remembering all of the good times together before MC goes back to the human realm. Plus I can imagine MC writing a letter on their last night that they hid in his favorite book only for Satan to find it months later and cry over it.
Asmo - Tied Together with a Smile
I guess it's true that love was all you wanted 'Cause you're givin' it away like it's extra change - You're tied together with a smile But you're coming undone, oh
Sweet Asmo, Avatar of Lust. I headcanon that, despite Asmo’s raging narcissism, he’s someone who doubts himself in secret. He gives all of this love to his friends and family and especially to MC because he just wants to have that feeling returned. He wants to be loved, not lusted after, to know that he’s worth more than just his beauty.
Beel - Mary’s Song
Said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me You never did, you never did Take me back when our world was one block wide I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried
Beel’s gentle, quiet personality matches the wholesomeness of this song. It’s a sweet love song that covers a lifetime of falling love and Beel really just feels like husband material. Every time I hear “beat me up” I think of Beel threatening to eat MC thought he never really would. 
Belphie - Cold as You
You never did give a damn thing, honey But I cried, cried for you And I know you wouldn't have told nobody if I died, died for you
We all know why this song belongs to Belphie - or at least chapter 16 Belphie. MC literally did die to help him and, at first, he couldn’t care less about her despite her spending all these months trying to put his family back together. MC was just a mess of dreamer with the nerve to adore him. Same, MC. I knew it was coming and still simped.
Diavolo - Stay Beautiful
If you and I are a story That never gets told If what you are is a daydream I'll never get to hold, at least you'll know You're beautiful Every little piece, love; don't you know? You're really gonna be someone 
Diavolo is less of a potential mate and more of a daydream for MC. This is less of a sad, unrequited love song and more of a sweet little love-note to a crush. I think MC really just wants to see Dia succeed, whether she can be there by his side to witness it or not, and she wants him to know that even when he doubts himself, she has faith in him. After all, he’s the one trying to bring together all three realms and the one who cheered her on during her stay at Devildom. 
Barbatos - Invisible
She's never gonna love you like I want to And you just see right through me but if you only knew me We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable Instead of just invisible
We barely get to see Barbatos on his own, which is a shame, and I think this song reflects how MC can easily look right past him when any of the others are around. But Barbatos can see the other timelines and he knows that if MC just gave him the chance, he could make them so happy . 
Solomon - Place in the this World
And I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve Feeling lucky today, got the sunshine Could you tell me what more do I need? And tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah But that's okay
This one was tough because Solomon is arguably the character I understand the least but I think this song fits him best because he’s lived for so long and is still arguably figuring out his own place in this ever changing world and MC is just so happy to be along for the ride. 
Simeon - Our Song
Our song is the way he laughs The first date; "Man, I didn't kiss him, and I should have" And when I got home, 'fore I said "Amen" Askin' God if he could play it again
It’s just too cute. Hanging out with Simeon and being so heart-eyed but too nervous to actually make a move because he’s literally an angel so every time MC gets back to the HoL, they’re just like “!!! I should’ve kissed him!” and they lay in bed and keep thinking about how great being with Simeon always is and how much they adore him. 
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svnflowervol666 · 4 years
hey! can you write one where harry invites y/n and his band mates out for drinks and they try to hand her a drink but she reveals she previously by saying like “you can’t drink when your pregnant” ...
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I combined this one with a request for where Harry constantly refers to Y/N as his “ex-girlfriend,” because they’re engaged now. ((Super cute. Super corny. Makes my heart mush. Anyway.)) Kinda short but still sweet. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Take care and TPWK.
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“There she is!” 
His voice is drowned out by clanking glasses and the heavy bass of whatever rock song was playing through the shitty speakers in the corner of the room, but it was unmistakable nonetheless. Followed by his “greeting” were the shouts and howls of the rest of the bunch, most of them raising their glass in honor of her (late) arrival.
“My ex-girlfriend!”
Harry, despite his inebriated state, smiled widely and welcomed her as protectively as he always had in the past few weeks - relieving her person of any bags or extra weight, this time being her coat and purse which he hung on the brass hooks underneath the bar table, and inspecting her facial expression for any signs of discontent or worry. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when he kicked his “dad-mode,” tendencies into overdrive, but it certainly began on that rainy, Thursday night in their shared bathroom as they sat against the wall of the bathtub with four positive pregnancy tests in both of their hands.
“Really wish you’d stop calling me that, Har,” she sneered as he helped her shake her arms loose from her coat.
“One of these days you’re gonna cause a scene.”
“'S true, though,” the drunken boy giggled.
“You’re not m’ girlfriend anymore. You’re my fiance.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes at his antics, intending to pull him in for a quick hug and kiss when her attention was drawn away from her curly-headed brunette and towards the man of the hour.
“Hello, birthday boy,” her voice was mellow against the drunken slur that had started to take over her friend, Mitch’s.
“‘S not very nice of you to be late to my party,” he slurred as he pulled her in rather harshly for a bone-crushing hug.
“Sorry, got caught up with some work stuff,” Y/N managed to get out through a chuckle in between Mitch’s squeezing.
She saw Harry stiffen out of the corner of her eye, like he was torn between yelling something akin to, “Take it easy on her, mate. She’s pregnant for christ’s sake,” or letting the interaction play out. He knew he wasn’t allowed to do the former, as they’d agreed to wait until they could have all of their friends and family over at the same time to tell them the good great news, so Harry opted to let Mitch hug her extra tight despite his unrealistic, dramatic worries that he’d crush her fragile frame or hurt the baby in some way. She made sure to send a reassuring smile Harry’s way when Mitch let her go from his grasp.
Short and sweet was her greeting to Sarah, both of them opting to kiss one another on the cheek.
“Let me see it one more time,” her voice was quiet amongst the chatter of the bar, almost sounding like a whisper.
Y/N felt the heat climbing to her cheeks as she let Sarah take her hand in hers to examine the ring on her fourth finger. The band was gold and slim, adorned with a dainty yet sizeable single diamond in the very center. 
“So pretty,” she gushed, admiring the way the gem flittered, even in the dim, tungsten-glow of the bar.
Y/N muttered a quiet “thank you,” before making her away back to the other side of the table where Harry was waiting for her with an outstretched arm, yearning to get back to what they had been doing before Y/N had to make her rounds.
As he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, Y/N caught wind of the tequila on his breath. She tasted it too, when she pecked his lips quickly and - oh god, did she taste stout as well? Maybe she’d end up taking care of him later tonight when his head was stuck in the toilet, but that seemed plenty fair considering how often Harry had been doing the same exact thing for her here lately.
“Yeh alright? Had me all worried when ya said you’d be late,” Harry’s question was asked lowly so that only she could hear.
Harry had been with Mitch and Sarah all day celebrating, hence this was the first time he’d seen Y/N since this morning when he kissed her and sent her off to work.
Y/N nodded and smiled, though her face led Harry to believe differently.
“Got sick when I got home from the office. Just took me a little bit longer to get out the door,” she shrugged, insinuating that it wasn’t a big deal, but that she wasn’t feeling one hundred percent ready-to-party either.
“Baby,” Harry half-scolded her, feeling a good portion of his buzz leave his body when Y/N mentioned that she hadn’t felt well.
“Why didn’t yeh just tell me you were sick? Coulda came home and sat with you.”
“I wasn’t going to ask you to ditch your best friend’s birthday dinner just because I was throwing up for the fifteenth time this week,” she was stern in her words and made it clear that she was fine.
“I’m alright. I promise.”
Harry’s jaw softened at her proclamation, the muscles in his torso easing up from their tense position.
“Oi! Will you two stop whispering and get drunk with me?!” Mitch shouted across the table, bursting the bubble that had temporarily surrounded the couple whilst they talked about their sweet little secret that they were dying to tell everyone about.
“You,” Mitch pointed his finger towards Y/N’s head.
“Shots. Now,” he gestured to the bartender making drinks on the opposite end of where their table was.
Both Y/N and Harry chuckled nervously, unsure of how to work around the fact that Y/N couldn’t drink without spilling the beans.
“Think I need to get some food in my stomach before I do that. Why don’t you take Harry,” Y/N urged Harry forward by his shoulder and prayed it would be enough to entertain the drunk boy.
“Fine,” Mitch glared.
“It’ll just make it hard for you to catch up later then!”
He grabbed Harry by the bicep and cleared through the crowd of people in order to get his liquor he was so keen about.
The conversation with Sarah was light, mostly about what all they’d done today and bets on if Mitch would end up needing to be babied for the rest of the night. Y/N successfully dodged Sarah’s questions about the wedding and how planning was going along, chalking it up to busy work schedules and failing to come to an agreement on a venue and date.
“Harry’s dead set on a summer wedding, but I’m fighting for a winter date,” she dismissed through a nervous chuckle when the reality was that they were unsure how to navigate planning a wedding around the arrival of their baby to make any more decisions.
It seemed like ages passed before the two men returned. Y/N was picking at the fries and sipping on the ginger ale Harry had ordered her before she’d gotten there but was interrupted when Harry and Mitch came barrelling back to the table.
He was drunk. Quite drunk. And Y/N knew that because his body felt even warmer and his eyes looked even hazier than before he’d left. She imagined they definitely had more than once shot at the bar, but she didn’t have much time to ponder that before she felt his hands snake around her waist and rest on her hips. She reciprocated his touch, looping her arms around his shoulders and laying her head against his chest.
“Love you,” Harry muttered into the soft spot between her jaw and ear, then his hands wormed their way under her shirt to rest on the underside of her tummy.
“Love you too,” he said again.
She could feel him smile against her skin as he cradled her almost non-existent baby bump from underneath her oversized sweater. Harry was the only one who saw her regularly enough to notice the minute changes her body had been going through. To everyone else, she still looked like plain, old Y/N.
“We love you more, but if you don’t stop canoodling me in the middle of this bar,” Y/N began, speaking light-heartedly and quietly in his ear, “Everyone’s going to find out and you won’t get to have that announcement party you’ve been planning for weeks now.”
Harry sighed, knowing she was right, and loosened his hold on her tummy and opting to sling an arm over her shoulder to at least keep her close instead.
“I know what you’re up to,” Mitch glared at the two of them from across the table.
This gained the attention of not only Y/N and Harry but Sarah as well. Everyone turned to look at Mitch, anticipating what he was going to say next.
“And what would that be, Mitchy?” Y/N toyed.
A pout formed on his face, arms quickly crossed his chest as he huffed.
“You’re trying to get out of here and leave me all alone on my birthday.”
“Guess I’m not even here then. I’m a hallucination,” Sarah baited with a roll of her eyes.
“We’re not trying t’ leave ya, mate. Promise,” Harry stuck his pinky out across the table as a gesture of sincerity.
“Are too.”
Mitch’s drunken rambles were beginning to sound quite childish now and became more amusing by the second.
“Are not, honey bun,” Y/N requited.
“Liars. Both of you.”
Mitch launched a bunched up straw wrapper in Harry’s direction that bounced off of his most prominent curl and landed somewhere near his feet.
“Where would we even go, hmm?” Harry taunted, resting his chin on the knuckles of his free hand that was leaned against the table.
“What could we possibly planned tha’ would be better than spending time with you lot on your birthday?”
They watched as Mitch’s remaining sobriety fought hard for an answer, but ultimately giving into his drunkness and murmuring, “Don’t know! Probably going off to screw each other or something!”
The table burst into laughter, and Y/N hid her face in Harry’s chest out of embarrassment. 
“Wouldn’t surprise me actually,” Sarah quipped before taking a huge sip of her cocktail.
“Look. Here’s the deal,” Mitch tried his best in his drunken stupor to be serious.
“Prove to me that you’re not gonna leave me and take another shot.”
“Fine,” Harry shrugged.
“Let’s go back t’ the bar then.”
He started to pull Mitch along but was stopped suddenly.
“No,” Mitch was quick to intervene.
“Y/N too. If you both drink, you can’t drive home and leave me,” he said proudly as if his idea was the smartest thing he’d ever come up with.
She knew it was only Mitch being sloppy drunk and acting like the idiot he always was, but Y/N couldn’t help but feel her palms begin to sweat. They couldn’t tell Mitch the real reason why she couldn’t drink with the group tonight, so she was quickly wracking her brain for another excuse now that she’d filled her belly with french fries since giving her last one.
But there was no need to think any further, as Harry stepped in for her.
“She can’t do tha’, mate. Now, c’mon. Let’s get some more tequila. Looks like Sarah needs another drink as well, hmm?”
Harry pinched his nose in annoyance. He was trying his hardest to keep this all under wraps, but Mitch was making it extremely difficult.
“Who are you? Her keeper? Telling her what she can and can’t do?” Mitch yelled.
“No, you nunce. She can’t drink because yeh can’t drink when you’re pregn-”
Harry clapped his hand over his mouth before he finished his sentence, but it was too late. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking when he said it. Wasn’t even sure if he was thinking at all, to be completely honest. He silently prayed that neither Mitch nor Sarah heard him, but he quickly realized that was untrue when they both stared between him and Y/N with wide eyes.
“Y/N L/N. Are you pregnant?” Sarah was the first to speak up.
Y/N felt like she was stuck in place, only able to look at Harry with a racing chest and her mouth agape. 
“I, um, I - yes?” It came out as more of a question due to her state of shock.
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry. Holy shit,” Harry exclaimed as he went back to Y/N’s side to console her.
He was spiraling in fear that Y/N was angry with him, but it was mostly the alcohol making him think so.
“You’re having a baby?” Mitch’s voice was unusually quiet for how loudly he had been yelling just moments ago.
“Yeah. We are,” she was laughing nervously as she spoke.
“Sorry that Harry ruined the surprise. We wanted to have a big party and tell everyone at the same time, but I guess the cat’s out of the bag for you guys.”
She rubbed Harry’s back with her palm, a silent reassurance for Harry that she wasn’t upset with him. Mitch and Sarah, however, they couldn’t read.
Mitch said nothing, only leaving his position beside Sarah to go stand in between Y/N and Harry. He looked at them both with an expression that resembled both anger and confusion, which only added to their discomfort.
In a split second, he had his arms around both of them, hugging them tightly.
“Holy shit! This is the best birthday present ever. Uncle Mitch and Aunt Sarah. What the fuck?!” he was rambling now, beaming from ear to ear as he ran over to pull Sarah, who was also losing her shit, just in her own seat and not on top of Harry and Y/N, into the group hug.
Their eyes caught each other in the midst of the friend-sandwich they were being forced to be a part of. A smile and knowing look were exchanged between them and they knew, despite it not coming out in the most fashionable way, their precious little bub would be surrounded by people that loved them dearly.
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silksaddle · 3 years
The Traveler 2
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Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x f!reader Western AU
Chapter summary: 1907, Old West. Talk of the Statesman gang is slowly on the rise while Jack continues to distract you from your chores, taking you on another but entirely different night-time outing. 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, language, guns, mentions of alcohol and gangs, copious flirting, SMUT, oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex/piv sex, outdoor sex, thigh spanking, please pardon me for the amount of smut content in this chapter, a crumb of plot development, Jack Daniels again...
Word count: 14k (leave me alone)
A/N: gif credit to @javier-pena once again! thank you my beloved astrid! and as always, much love to my amazing friends who sent me inspo posts and listened to my anxious ramblings about god-knows-what. you are all the best and you have my heart.
Read Chapter One ~ Series Masterlist
Chapter Two: Six Shooter
Jack is spreading his half-naked body over the mattress in a contented stretch when you return to the bedroom, flustered and hot-cheeked.
“You here to take my sheets, darlin’? I must insist I keep ‘em,” he chortles, turning his bright face over the soft pillow as you attempt stripping the sheets from under him, your lungs emptying in a huff when he catches your wrist and draws you to him instead. Your body lands perfectly on top of his with your weak protest, a poor match for his irresistibly gravel-like voice and his buzzing snugness.
“You’re making my job quite difficult,” you mumble into his neck, kissing the smooth skin there although your words are much more harsh. His chest rumbles, fingers running the length of your clothed back from when he’d hurriedly laced you back into your dress, lips skimming graceful but mindless lines on your temple.
“Mrs. Adler thinks you’re doing your chores.” Jack’s palms are now ghosting over your shoulders as you prop yourself up on your elbows, taking his gaze with you as you move, and you can tell your dilating pupils are betraying the falseness of your annoyed tone when you look at his expanding chest. He takes a deep breath in, the angle of morning light catching his eyes just right to melt them into golden flecks, his dishevelled hair incurable without a bath. 
You card your fingers through, and though it’s slightly tangled, the texture is silky enough to brush through the messy state and straighten it out, just a smidge. The touch causes his eyes to flutter closed, and shimmying up his body, he leans his head back to expose his neck further, the long lines and tone popping against each other. His breath hitches when he feels your own puffing across it, his chest immobile while he waits to feel something more from you, but you don’t kiss him, don’t nip him, don’t caress him there.
“I’ve only come to take your sheets to wash them— I should already be downstairs,” you insist and he mopes, your voice softly carrying throughout the bright bedroom, limbs absent-mindedly wrapping around his firm ones until he clings to you.
“Oh,” he hums, tipping his body until you roll under him onto the no-longer-fresh sheets, landing on your back with his hands cradling your head. His handsome smile makes you forget you ever needed to take his sheets in the first place, and when he kisses you deeply, moaning low when you open up for him and his bare skin slides over you, you don’t even remember where you are. “Thought you’d wanted some more of me…”
“Mmm, Jack— she’s already a little suspicious of me,” you giggle, wriggling underneath his heavy weight and it’s a futile effort beneath his affection, his lips laying warm insistent kisses all over your forehead, your cheeks, your jaw. He’s unstoppable, whether it’s the heaviness or the happiness that makes you lie there and take it with quiet laughter as the rough skin of his cheek touches gently to yours. 
Jack is as much the sunshine of the room as the real thing, chuckling sweetly along with you and growing more pleased the louder your squealing sounds become, your fingers pulling across the bare skin of his back— he likes it too much to let you off in a timely manner.
Mrs. Adler had only just believed your excuse of a poor sleep as you’d rushed out in a tizzy with your disheveled hair and clothes, and a terrible flourish of panic had bloomed in your chest at the thought of an unchecked mark lingering on your neck. But Jack had looked you over meticulously; deft fingers had worked at the laces of your layers. And even before making it to the kitchen, two dozen kisses wet on your thighs, you’d opened the door only to find the old woman pacing about on the landing of the stairs. Slamming it shut with your back on the wood, panting in the face of confrontation, Jack snickered and peeked out for you a minute later, confirming your chance to slip out undetected.
Now finished serving breakfast, Jack once again prevents you from carrying out your tasks.
“You’ve left me with a lastin’ impression,” he rasps, eyes crinkling as he slips a hand under your skirt and the touch tickles and inspires a giddy laugh from your throat as you swat him away, at last slipping out from under him. 
“Give me your sheets, you greedy man,” you order, lifting your chin and furrowing your brow with your arm extended. Jack purses his lips and thinks, sitting up to run a hand through his dark hair, your smile growing despite yourself when it sticks up in bulky curls to leave his contented face in view. 
“These sheets have got your smell on ‘em now,” he grins like it’s his most favoured fact in his whole life, leaning back into his palms and his cock is slowly hardening between his legs as he considers his next words, “your cum is on them.”
“Jack,” you chuckle, “you’re dirty.” Inching closer to him, his joyous face turns dark when you arrive in the middle of his strong thighs extending past the edge of the bed, “Get up, please, or I’ll have you explaining why I’m behind schedule for the second time today.”
He presses up onto his feet, his gentle scent covering you as if a fleeting spell, and before any more rational thoughts occur, your hand is reaching into his unbuttoned pants, wrapping around his hard length. His head tips back, the softest growl filling your ears and he pushes his hips forward, placing his hands on your cheeks, urging your lips to slide along his as he fucks into your tight fist. It’s a sweet kiss compared to his already desperate thrusts, his cum still streaking your thighs, inside of you, outside of you, from mere hours before.
“I told you I’d come back here tonight. We’ve plenty of time to ruin more sheets.” Your whisper earns a heavy sigh expelled onto your skin, his grip sliding down to your neck and as his mouth hangs open, you nip at his bottom lip and pull it into your mouth, a tender suckle on the plush softness. He hisses as you let it go, burying his nose into the curve of your neck, and stilling his movements with your hand, he lets you work him like that— your fingers tightly curled around his cock as you slide it in and out of your palm. 
“Fuck me,” he groans, “I better see you back here if you’re gonna touch me like this, darlin’.”
Smiling, you pump him quickly, whispering how you can still feel him as if he’s fucking you right now, how good he is, how thick, and he growls from his chest, shutting his eyes tight in concentration.
“Maybe you’ll let me touch you tonight, too, Jack, leave your ropes for another time…” Your free hand clamps around the back of his neck, twirling your fingers around the hair at the nape of it, before tugging him down for a slower kiss, capturing his striking whine in your mouth.
“Shit, darlin’... I’d do anything you say right about now… Christ,” Jack’s fingers trace the neckline of your bodice as his lips skate along your cheek, and his voice is so husky and rumbly, you almost consider a greater risk of trouble.
He makes no protest as you bend carefully, still pumping his thick cock while you yank the sheet away from the mattress, pulling back to fold it into your arms and finally leaving his hard length unattended. Jack’s eyes snap open in a crushing neediness, his displeased but wrecked voice calling after you in a bid to keep you here and he laughs incredulously, “You get back here right now.”
Backing up into the door, your lip caught in your teeth, you reach behind and find the cool handle, offering a cheeky grin before you slip away and murmur, “I’m busy.”
A mellow afternoon follows Jack’s disgruntled exit to the fractional post office, stealing a rushed kiss in the corner of the parlour for the mere seconds you were alone together, giddy glances spared through the window on his walk to work. You spend a small segment of your time concocting tea for Mrs. Adler who pours over the payment book, thanking you as she slides a list across the bar; it’s full of all things you know to do without the help of paper and pencil.
“How about that Mr. Daniels?”
Spluttering, you swivel on your heel, unsure of the intention of her question, your eyes mistakenly blowing wide with no answer to fill the subsequent silence. She must know, you worry, she must.
“What about him?” You query, looking down at your apron in no need of smoothing, yet your hands fiddle with the pockets, and her amused scoff scrapes through your uneasy stance.
“My, you’d better sleep well tonight... that man whipped those fools down in a second,” she laughs, flipping the page of the large notebook and scribbling something down with a spotted, shaky hand. 
“He did.” Wiping your face, you conceal a sliver of a smile under your hand when you think of him— ease and cockiness burned down to his big pleading eyes looking up at you for permission. “Thought you disliked him.”
“Well, I could admit we need someone like that around here more often,” she croaks as you pretend to look over the list of laundry, sweeping, cooking, cleaning. The sentiment lands somewhere uncomfortable in your chest— you no more than agree with her and you could never tell her why or how.
“Oh, and dear, the sheriff came by this morning,” she adds, relaying his spiel of reports.
Only the most notable happenings make it over from town to town, lawlessness rendering crime nothing more than irrelevant. It takes a mass robbery, or a mammoth fire, or an offense so deeply doused and coloured red in rage to make the rounds of neighbouring settlements, so when Mrs. Adler shares the spreading news of heightened gang exploits a little ways north, your heart sinks and adopts a painfully heavy sensation.
“He advises to be extra careful,” she finishes with a stern look, “they could be coming here for all we know. Those Statesman men are horrible…”
“Statesman?” you echo her words, scouring the back of your mind to place the familiarity of that name, but she smiles in return to soften your worried brow. Statesmen, a Statesman. You’d read it somewhere, embellished into leather or stitched into the label of a visitor’s coat while tidying.
“I wouldn’t worry too much. If anything, girl, that Daniels boy should be of use.”
A challenge not to snicker, she gives you, when she tells you not to fuss, as if you’ve got the liberty to enjoy the outdoors where a vigilant attitude is required— but Jack is the remedy, you think, eyeing the stray strands of her brittle grey hair twisted up, scrunching your nose.
“Alright, Mrs. Adler,” you agree, passing her through to the laundry closet.
The air is stuffy inside the small, shelved room, where pleasing, cooling, tiny splashes pepper your forearms as you pour the water bucket into one of the tubs, then grabbing the soap, you flump onto the short stool and drag the laundry basket to your side. The first sheet on the pile is the last one you’d taken— Jack’s— carrying his heady and wood-fiery scent now mingled with yours. With a vibration of anticipation up your spine, your thoughts twirl upon your admittedly cruel handling of his need— tonight, you’re surely in for it.
The usual, slowly passing and hot hours fill with inescapable reveries toeing the line of unrealistic: a cloudy day in bed, a sunny evening at the river, clothes discarded to the side. Shaking those heart string-stretching thoughts and trading for a better focus, you hang the wringed sheets on the line as the last blazes of the sun spread over the field, and take a moment to rest your elbows on the log fence at the back of the yard overlooking the vast, lush area. 
Something heavy, once more, tugs at your weary limbs, watching the calm breeze push along the beige blades of plant-life, and you think of Sylvie— her bright mane and soothing demeanor, the rush of riding with her and him. The thrill no longer chased, waiting for you still. There must be a few months worth left of him, two at the least, perhaps enough to soothe your aching heart in seeking more vibrant days. But before too long, you set back on your course of chores, trekking up to tidy the bathing rooms for those coming back from a dirty day.
Jack finds you there an hour later in the open door, kneeling on the floor by the bathing tub, scrubbing away at its already-shiny exterior, and he smiles under the sticky and sweaty clothes, watching the way your body jostles with movement.
“Hey, cruel woman.”
Halting, your head briefly hangs between your shoulders before you sit back on your heels and grin up at him, his weary feet leading him towards you, a set of clean clothes hanging off his arm. His shirt is sheer in some places more than others, namely his chest, damp with muscular effort. 
“Did you have a hard day, Jack?” You question, making big eyes at him from your low spot compared to his tall height, and his face grows slightly stern.
“Oh, darlin’, you know I did,” he kneels, takes your chin in his hand and you find yourself leaning up into his face, mere inches from his lips, entranced by their pouty curve. But he doesn’t kiss you. He pinches your chin harder, a deep pressure as he looks over you, taking in the way you indulgently advance until you’re on hands and knees, caged by his own, staring at him with none of the power you held this morning.
“You oughta continue what you started…” he whispers almost on your lips, never close enough to touch, your eyelids heavily drooping as you look down his torso, leading to his cock.
“Oh,” you sigh, slick pooling where he can’t see or feel it, “Jack, I can…” 
You crawl forward between his spread legs until your nose nudges the material of his pants, resting your weight back on your knees when you reach out for him, but his face is a sinister, knowing grin when steadily rises back up to stand, rocking into his heels.
“Not now, though,” he coos, swiping a damp thumb over your lip, “off you go, little lady.”
Whining involuntarily, you watch while he shrugs off his suspenders and closes his eyes, fluttering back open with a smirk at Mrs. Adler’s distant call for you to prepare dinner.
“That’s why.”
Your mouth hanging open, you roll your eyes, taking his calloused hand as he aids you upward from the hard floor, though he finally gives you a greeting of a peck on the cheek, “Later, angel, you can show me what you’ve been thinkin’ about all day.”
Nudging your body, he sends you off to your chores in a frazzled state and shuts the door with a wink, settling in to wash himself off from the dust and dirt.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt so needy, it nearly feels stupid to still have the crushing weight of wanting Jack as you chop ingredients, peek into cupboards, fill plates. It’s even worse when he sits at the table, clean and fresh and irresistibly smooth, chatting in easy conversation with Mrs. Crockett who enjoys his company dearly as she tells him uninteresting stories of her husband. 
He watches your back as you turn about the steps, as you pass along plates to each person, and he brushes his fingers purposely along yours when you arrive at his spot, a gesture to offer his silent token of appreciation. Your breath catches, and his wink sets it free again through a quiet sigh, smiling sweetly for him. He tries not to laugh, you notice, and you stop yourself from touching his shoulder here in front of everyone— namely Mrs. Crockett, who has also made a poor reputation of gossip and a budding friendship with Mrs. Adler who is closest to her in age. The last thing you can manage is a rumour about your little life; by that point you’d be begging Jack to take you with him even before the post office is built, even with so much left to explore with him.
As the chitter-chatter diminishes down to an empty table with empty plates, and the visitors disperse into corners or run off to different buildings— they always come back for dinner to get their money’s worth— you sort out the dried laundry, slipping into the ladies’ rooms to aid with corsets, all with distant thoughts in a place where they shouldn’t be. They never ask about your day so much as they speak of theirs, whether time spent with their sweetheart, telling you how they prefer their things folded, or muttering how much they liked dinner. The last one you take lightly, thanking the ladies in whispers. Now, though, it doesn’t cause as much of an ache in your heart when you listen to their free and happy memories— you think of doing the same with Jack, of asking him and receiving his sweet smile in return, ready if you are.
When you finally sit at your simple vanity, it’s with a powerful sigh that you remove your boots, step out of your clothes, and trade them for your nightgown. You pull the threaded pink ribbon taut into a bow, and look over yourself in the mirror, giddy in your stomach for when the time comes to slip into Jack’s room. Judging by the clock, another half hour would do to be sure everyone has settled in so you can sneak in complete privacy, and it feels less daunting now than it ever did before.
Folding your petticoat to lay the soft cotton on the tabletop, you hear the handle click and turn and you gasp fiercely in response, rising from the chair as Jack all but barrels in, haphazardly shutting the door before swooping you into his arms.
“Oh, my—” you squeal, cut off by a rough kiss that you eagerly return, bombarded with the scent of his soap and shaving cream. You only urge him off with your hands sneaking between your bodies to press on his chest and ask a burning question, his lips not wanting to part from you. It’s a tiny struggle but he eventually gives way, fondly looking down at you as you speak. “Did anyone see you?”
“Hall was empty. Couldn’t stop thinkin’ of you… lost my damn patience,” he croons, plushy lips open on your neck, leaving kisses that bloom into pleasant flourishes of need like ink dipped into water. It’s a new spot that you allow him to explore, bringing your hands up his wide shoulders as you turn around the room together, stepping at random. “Had to keep from touchin’ myself and dreamin’ of you…”
You wrap your arms around his neck, reeling him in closer for a whisper against the shell of his ear.
“You don’t have to dream, Jack, I’m here.”
His breath stutters uncharacteristically and it must be your chance to keep him like this, his pleasure dependent on what you decide to do with him— so you pin your front to his and he grunts, giving a miniscule, testing rut back.
“No more teasin’?” he asks hopefully, sweet brown eyes glowing in the low light of your little lamp. “You weren’t so nice this morning…”
“Oh, Jack, I’m not so sure about that.”
In a mirror of the morning, you slip your hand lower to find his cock hard again, splaying your fingers over its thick length and rubbing over the fabric. He squeezes your waist, digging his thumbs in helplessly as he staves off a groan in a bid to keep what willpower is still left with him, then loses it all when you place a simple kiss to his collarbone, not open or rough or wet— just plain, pressed lips to his skin, and he asks you for more.
“Will you let me touch you this time?” you murmur, urging him backward onto the bed. He slumps over the mattress, eyes trained on your face as he places himself further up with his legs spread, palms sinking into the covers. He swallows thickly when he takes you in: standing over him in the sheer, light fabric of your nightgown, its lace edges bordering the slopes of your body.
“I want you in my mouth,” you continue, lowering yourself to your knees, hands over his own as he shuts his eyes and breathes deep, long breaths, grunting when he feels your fingers working at his buttons. “Think I’ve earned it.”
“You could ask me for anything you want, darlin’... shit—” His thighs tense under your ministrations as you reach in and pull his cock out, the tip of it shining in his own, generous arousal. He looks down from himself to your sparkling eyes, and cups your cheek in his large hand, its smoothness traveling down the curve of your face. “Anything you want.”
His lip twitches, mouth falling delicately open and his eyes shutting once more as you place your tongue flat at the base, licking upward, circling around the head while you watch his face strain and pull, his neck sticking out prominently. He’s gorgeous when you touch him like this, still so fresh and clean from the bath. The warm drips of precum glide slowly on your tongue as you hold it out, then wrap your lips around him, whining when he fists through your hair and cramps his fingers.
“That mouth is just about gonna kill me already,” he rasps, bucking his hips up a smidge to perch himself deeper in your mouth, your hand rising to cover his at the base of your neck. Its heat is dangerous yet satisfying in its revelation of just how affected he is, a tiny spot of sweat swiping from his palm onto your neck.
Blinking up at him, you pull off, wetly sliding over half the length of him before moving back down to take more, feeling it brush against the back of your throat. You keep him there as he squeezes you harder, his spine curling over you and the new sound he makes is just begging to be heard, but he smothers it with a bite of his own lip to quiet it.
“Like that…” he sighs, carefully canting his hips forward as you wrap your fingers around his base, enveloping him and spreading the wetness of your mouth over his entire length.
He glistens like that, shimmering in the low and golden light, fisting at the blanket and your hair, puffing focused breaths every time you take him deeper, longer, sucking him harder.
Up and down, you keep your lips wrapped snugly around his cock, its throbbing heft a pleasurable weight on your tongue, the satisfying hit of the head at your throat.
“Where have you fuckin’ been,” he nearly laughs in disbelief that you’re even here, much less on your knees, much less with your mouth around him.
Pulling off for a deep breath, you trace the edges of your nightgown, eyeing him and his debauched, handsome face as you bring the lacy straps off your arms, leading them from your wrists. “I’ve always been here.” 
The fabric gathers at your waist in a soft pool of cotton and ribbon, your chest bare and level with his cock.
“Do you like that, Jack?” you preen, settling closer to him this time over the hard and truthfully painful floor— you don’t notice it as much when you feel him hitting that spot all the way down your throat.
“You know I do,” he smiles breathlessly, crinkles and that little dimple creasing in his content face. He leans down for a kiss, its nature unlike the urgency of your own mouth wetting his cock— it’s always sweet like he is to you in every other way, lingering there before you lean into the space between his legs, eager.
“I wanted you all day,” you coo, running a thumb over his tip, a saturated kiss placed there before you put him in your mouth for a brief suck, managing to keep him inside for a few short seconds. “I should have felt so tired after what you did to me, but all I could think of was this.”
Sucking in a sharp breath, he then lets it go in a gravelly sigh as he holds your bobbing head in his hands, spanning the sides of your face. Your forehead brushes his soft stomach as you push down, hollowed cheeks hugging every inch of him and he jolts, driving himself the smallest bit further, moaning at the tight and wet sensation of you. You pump him, looking so falsely innocent between his legs, your chest and shoulders bare for him to admire, peeking out of the fine gown.
“Keep goin’ darlin’, I’m gonna fill that pretty mouth up... know you want it down your throat, bet you thought about havin’ my cum drippin’ from your mouth all day, too, hm?”
Licking the tip and rubbing him faster, you nod fervently, opening wide in a stretch to finish him off with firm squeezes and strokes, his breaths now raggedly rough from above you every time he hits that spot. Your mouth is hot on his skin and he warns you he’s going to cum soon, he’s going to fill your mouth up nice and good, and you shut your eyes tight in concentration, focused on the thick feel of him sliding in and out between your lips.
“Wanna see you when I fill you baby doll, c’mere n’ look at me.” Jack’s fingers brush the underside of your chin, and you strain to look upward before you slide your hand over his slick cock. He tenses up by another degree, his chest and forehead damp, throat straining as he swallows thickly. 
A final squeeze and he cums all over your extended tongue, the milky liquid sliding off and onto your chest as he moans through gritted teeth, dazed as you are as you both watch it drip all over your exposed half. You swallow what remains in your mouth, letting your jaw drop to show him your now clean slate.
Bending into you and still panting, he smiles, streaking his thumb down your chin to gather up what’s left, guiding it into your open mouth. Heart racing, you take it in, your enthusiastic glow causing his face to soften.
His gaze drifts south to linger on your glimmering chest, pressing his palm flat and firm into the slight pool of it. He paints you with it, spreading his cum all over each breast with a clear sheen from the separation, special attention granted to each nipple with a flick of his wet thumb. Its initial warmth has cooled and with it lingers a soothing cover over your front as you lay your cheek over his knee, toying with the worn laces of his boots.
“Now… how to thank my darlin’ girl and her perfect fuckin’ mouth…” Jack wonders aloud as he cups your cheeks in his hands and puts a contrasting, innocent kiss to your forehead.
Grinning up at him and placing your hands over his, you tell him that’s all you wanted to give him, all you needed was to finally feel him in your mouth.
“Well,” he whispers, “I wanna show you what I was thinkin’ about all day long.”
The spark in your eyes must be a blinding one, his hands gliding over the slope of your body as you work yourself back onto your feet, your knees throbbing and sore. Wincing, you balance yourself on his broad shoulders, glancing down to notice his eyes not relieved of their dark hunger.
“Jack, you’re…”
“Not done, angel,” he finishes for you, and that’s when you feel it, the slick dripping past your core to spread slightly down your squeezing thighs. He pushes his sleeves up as the corner of his lip tugs upward too, straight teeth glinting the same as his eyes.
“Your turn, then,” you murmur, parting his hair through your fingers. It falls back into place, his pillowy and gentle lips finding yours as he stands with you, always chasing you, waltzing you backward until your ass bumps against the thick windowsill.
“I was choppin’ wood, thinkin’ of settin’ you right here,” he confesses lowly, ensuring the curtains are drawn completely open with a quick swipe of his hands over the gauzy lengths previously covering the glass, “thinkin’ of fuckin’ you on my fingers like this.”
You situate yourself properly on the sill and he steps back, taking a comically focused once-over of your seated body, but the desire is still so thick it doesn’t even bring you to laugh when he hurriedly comes back to you. He spreads your thighs wide, his palms a fiery heat that couldn’t be further from where you want it.
Tugging at his collar, you reel him in to place an open kiss just under his ear. “Give it to me how you want.”
The glass cools the staggering temperature on your skin as he knocks you into it, your back sticking to its chilly surface in the midst of his swirling breaths, ghosting the edges of your shoulders before he hikes your thighs up higher to his waist.
“You ready for me?” he murmurs with a husky voice, and it’s a powerful shock from your head to your toes, seeing how easily he’s worked back up to needing you as he lowers a hand to your core. His fingers part you, a slick and effortless slip through your folds to your entrance. “Darlin’... you’re soakin’ my hand already. Did suckin’ my cock do all this to your sweet little cunt?”
A hushed, restrained sound tears from you and is quieted by his mouth covering yours when he rubs his calloused fingers over your clit, rasping those low words sweetly into you, nipping your bottom lip between his teeth as the digits travel lower. The arousal dripping from your cunt makes that first slide so easy, Jack bottoming out to his knuckles with a soft sigh. His stomach nearly touches your own still covered by the bunched nightgown and he pauses there, a reassuring squeeze to your side and then a smooth gracing of his free hand to hold your thigh tight to himself.
“This is where I’ve wanted to be,” he confesses, his nose drawing a line from your shoulder, delicately down to your chest as he bends and swipes his tongue broadly over your sensitive nipple. The signals from your brain to your muscles are jumbled now, feeling the heat of his wet tongue tasting the cum on your chest— it’s out of your control when you arch your back into him and whine, when your fingers tangle into his hair and tug.
He responds in a groan, licking across your skin to your unattended nipple which he suckles on gently, lapping at it. Jack curls his two thick fingers before straightening out to kiss you fleetingly on your lips; he parts and watches your eyes intently, a stray curl falling to hang between his brows.
“So full already, hm?” he teases, his thumb swiping slow patterns on your clit, and you lean further back into the glass with a pant, its surface no longer able to cool you down.
“Yes,” you manage to respond in a gasp as he grants a second, deeper hit, a slight slapping sound causing you both to hug each other tighter and chuckle.
“Tight, sweet thing,” he groans, extended curls and strokes stretching you wholly around his hand, “take my fingers just right. Is that it, darlin’, were you made for me to fill you?”
“Mm,” you suck in sharp breaths, “mhm, you fill me up, Jack, you fill me up so good.” 
You wrap your arms around his neck, and his chin hooks onto your shoulder, digging into it hard as he holds you with one toned arm snaking around your waist. Like this, your damp chest brushes his, his fingers pump and work you open another smidge wider as he pushes in, grinds his palm against your clit, pulls his fingers out a fraction of the way. The motions of his hips against his own wrist are gentle, unhurried for now, having already cum into your slack mouth.
With the flat of his free palm caressing your back through soft strokes, he draws his lips back and forth over the curve of your neck.
“You know what I see?” he asks, urging his knuckles deeper in the hardest plunge he's given you tonight, an agonizingly fiery touch to your clit. “Men, walkin’ around all dumb— could see me fuckin’ you right here on my hand if they’d just look up— shit, they got no clue I’m feelin’ the wettest little pussy, huh?”
“Fuck, Jack,” your nails dig into the lean and muscular bulge of his biceps as he keeps you upright against the glass, your thighs squeezing him so close he can hardly fuck you anymore— he just rubs and grinds his hand against you while remaining far inside your aching pussy, soaking his already drenched fingers with more slick.
“And only I’m gonna watch you cum,” he adds in a grunt, working himself into you with every last drop of energy he’s saved, his soft moans and sharp teeth spurring you closer to coming all over his perfect fingers. You might have gone longer if not for the irreversible, desperate need for him that sucking his cock had instilled in you— had you nearly dripping onto the floor, your body left unimaginably sensitive that each time he brushes up against you now, you dig deeper into his skin. He likes it though, and it makes him move with a crazed edge, his moans transforming into snarls.
“Only you…” you echo, starting to grind with him yourself, rolling into and meeting his short, fast thrusts, every muscle tensing and straining and it’s so close, almost there—
“There you go, doll, can feel you squeezin’ me so tight… cum on my hand, fuckin’ soak me, c’mon…”
“Jack, Jack I’m gonna—” Urgently, you tap at his shoulder with wide eyes and worried brows as you feel it start to happen, knowing how close you are to crying— your nails dig into his shoulders so intensely when you cum, jaw dropped and eyes shut and he makes a wincing yet completely pleased noise into your mouth; it’s cruel. You manage not to make a peep at the cost of losing large breaths, and it makes your orgasm all the more intense: light headed, woozy, and tingling numbness reaching the length of your body.
“Sweeter than fuckin’ honey when you do that,” he smiles widely, until his mouth drops fully open at the way you hug his hand inside from coming so hard around him. Your slick gathers between your thighs and you still can’t breathe, his face buried into the spot under your jaw as he pulls them out of you, dragging the pads up to your clit while the rest of it spreads throughout your folds. He stares down at it, at the wetness dripping and glistening from your core, and he groans again, blinking slowly.
Placing his palms on the sill by either side of your trembling figure, he hums, your smile against his skin buzzing at his insatiable drive, how he’d fucked your mouth and your pussy with such short rest, feeling the damp hair at the back of his neck. He drops his head down as an offering and you take him in a gentle cradle, kissing his forehead as he’d done to you while he nestles. He looks up and back down, waiting for another, your fingers smoothing the unruly hair from his face.
“Hell, if I don’t wanna fuck that pretty pussy every night till I die,” he exhales, another glance at his wet fingers, dropping a kiss to your collarbone.
“Oh, Jack,” you laugh, your heels hitting the wall underneath you, “if only you were here for that long.” 
His face scrunches a little in confusion before his lips curve, “How many times do I have to remind you I ain’t leavin’ so soon?”
“As many times as it takes,” you whisper, fingers scratching down his arms, his own dipping into your cunt again without a warning, “fuck—”
“Yeah, baby doll,” he croons, “I got somethin’ to prove to you still?”
You nod with a greedy smirk and he retracts his fingers, taking them into his mouth after drawing a line between your breasts to taste your mingled releases, moaning in your ear. “Go n’ get on the bed. You’re gonna ride my face.”
A shiver chills your spine, mainly at the way his voice has dropped a miraculous third time, his hand landing a light swat on your ass when you pass him, shaky legs taking you toward the mattress. He follows to lay on his back, perpetually pleased with himself, arms outstretched and beckoning you forward. You crawl up to him and you can feel your own cum streaking your thighs as you move, soon beside his large body, and he raises his brows impatiently, “Well go on, sugar, I wanna taste some more of that.”
Stretching his neck every which way, his eyes crinkle as he grins between your thighs while you throw one over his shoulder and his arms fall behind him, fingers searching for yours until he laces them together, squeezing.
“You’re not tired yet, old cowboy?” you tease lightly, the force of it lost when he gives a broad swipe of his tongue and moans yet another time, indulgently, swallowing the remnants of your previous release.
“I ain’t ever gonna tire of this,” he replies, another lick from your entrance to your clit, such an easy slip of the muscle, your sensitivity dialed up too many extra notches. His brows knit together in effort, rough cheeks pleasantly scratching on your skin when he moves his head side to side, tongue hanging out of his mouth and edging with a perfect pressure all over your sensitive bud.
“I’d hope not,” you exhale, grinding your hips over his wet mouth until his grip moves to your thighs to prevent you from moving. His eyes look up at you keenly as he closes his lips around your clit and sucks, your head tipping in silent rapture as you take it all for him without the relief of motion. 
“We go real nice together,” he grumbles into your slick center. Tightening the hold of your thighs, he laves his tongue all over you in focused circles, faster, with just enough force for your legs to start shaking around his handsome face, for another gush of arousal to spread over his swollen lips. All that’s left for you to handle it is to scream it out, how good he makes you feel, how precious, but the house is so silent and only you can hear the slick sounds of his mouth on your clit— he won’t even let you rub yourself over him. You can only bite your lip and hold your breath, yet little puffs and moans sneak out when he does something unforeseen, like a single bite on your thigh or a gentle nip to challenge you— it’s all on purpose and easily noticed by his gratified face.
He tugs your clit a short, miniscule distance and lets it go, shaking his head when you mope over the loss of contact.
“Are you tryin’ for me, sugar?”
“You’re being tough on me,” you whine, shimmying further up his body to regain his lips that are brightly shining.
“If I ain’t tough then it ain’t right,” he whispers, “stay still and quiet for me and I’ll take you out again.”
He tips his head down and forward, swiping his prominent nose to spread you further open, but you don’t even consider the promise of a gift, your focus on the return of his soaked tongue to your throbbing core, biting hard on your lip to quell the need to cry.
“Is my darlin’ gonna come? You gonna cum all over my face? Gimme another one, dolly.” His mouth latches back onto your clit and you can’t think, much less form an answer in your blank head where all you see is white, or maybe blinding stars, or just plain nothingness as you let go, his moustache wet with you, his lips dripping.
By some miracle, the scream you fend off becomes so high pitched in your throat that nothing makes it out of you save for the helpless cry of, “Jack!” as you tremble around his cheeks.
“Yes,” he grunts, and thank goodness it’s muffled by your soaking core; your fingers finally escape his hold to grip at his hair with a fierce, unforgiving tug, and that softer sound fills the room again while your body freezes up and you cum harder this time, covering him, coating him. He grumbles something again, but it’s nothing you could hope to make out in the crushing wave of pleasure that hits you— the light sensation does not leave you, though the shaking eases off as Jack places a tender kiss to your clit, and you jolt at just that velvet brush, his eyes turning sympathetic. You breathe deep, slumping with great exhaustion and the dazed happiness of having him in your room now as you lift your thigh from his body and he leans his head up to grant a quick kiss while it slips away from him.
“Knew you could be quiet,” he smiles under the shine of your second release, resting his arms open over the blanket to welcome you into them.
“As if you don’t make it hard.” Huffing, it’s with a reciprocal smile that you crawl back to him, nearly toppling over on your way with the weakness of his own power against your body, and he chuckles at you, not shying away from his joyous teasing when you throw him a half-glare.
“Did I wear you out again?” he questions, guiding you into his side, turning his body over yours to swipe his tangy tongue over your bottom lip.
Whimpering, it turns into a cheerful giggle as he drops pecks over your nightgown, wrapping his finger around the tail of the ribbon. 
“You just keep going, don’t you, Jack?” you cup his face in your hands, and it’s now that he adopts a sheepish expression, turning his eyes away to tilt his neck and kiss your stomach once more.
“Until you ask me to stop, darlin’.” He lends two more kisses, one to each breast, and then gathers the straps of your nightgown from the pooling of fabric underneath your chest, tenderly helping your arms through the holes. You admire him quietly as you sit up to ease the gesture, letting his fingers guide the intricate lace edges back to your shoulders. He pats the cotton down to smooth it, your thumb stroking over his left eyebrow. His hands pry under you to wrap his arms around your middle, his cheek resting over your belly as you scratch through his dark hair. 
“I think you’re softer than you realize,” you whisper, twirling a lock around your finger and he peeks up, the apples of his cheeks rising in a twinkling smile.
“I can shoot a gun a million times but I sure don’t like it more than kissin’ you,” Jack coos, tickling up your sides and swatting away your protesting hands until you make an involuntary squeak and his eyes widen, hurriedly covering your mouth with his own. You titter over his smooth lips, his weight pinning you as he opens his mouth, taking more. “I’d think I’d have sold my soul to the devil to end up here with you if I didn’t know any better.”
You let the next bubbling ripple of affection take over you when he whispers that with his gleaming eyes, and you kiss him three more times, each slower than the last.
He rests there for some time, indulging in the carding of your fingers over his scalp, and he ensures you’ve drifted off before he rises in search of a cloth. He finds a green one folded by your petticoat, his fingers briefly dragging across its white lace before he dips the cloth in the small dish of water left beside it. He crawls back up beside you, lazily yet with careful attention guiding it under your slip and over your breasts, relieving you of the stickiness. You stir but don’t wake— his touch is too light, yet still unlike a feather— he cleans you off, sets the cloth back in its spot, and resumes his position, nestled up next to you.
Sneaking into Jack’s room— or him into yours— becomes a habitual routine after the goodnight click of Mrs. Adler’s door, though you often find yourself with an early visitor with eyes too bright and a needy little grin on his face. It follows his giddy lips on your neck hours before in scarce moments of isolation from other guests, or after he’s stared too long across the bar, and to ease the tension, he’ll ride to take Sylvie to stretch her legs, a sympathetic look on his face at the door knowing you can’t join.
And he wears you out. Nightly. A simmering threat to your timeliness in the morning that you can’t let go of. A single time, he’d taken the sheets with him in a rapid roll onto the floor as Mrs. Adler knocked and knocked outside, calling for you to rise, until she barged in and the thump had to be blamed on yourself, standing in your disheveled chemise. Her shifty eyes become less of a fear in your head and more of a laughing stock, though not as much as Jack was in his stupid course of action to thump on the floor behind the side of the mattress, taking the blankets, too.
His dignity is not lost, though, each time you press on him about it— his grip tightens over your thighs as you straddle his lap, feeling the impression of his leather settling into your skin.
A rare clump of clouds settles over town the following week, lingering long enough to darken this evening further and forcing an early lighting of the lamps inside, a cozy glow over the hectic and crazed state of the bar.
“Let’s not slack, dearie,” Mrs. Adler sings in her urgently high-pitched voice as you handle the treacherous beast of the card game hours, handling too many requests for the strongest liquor from the cabinet, working your wrists as you open new bottles and impatient sighs crumble out of overworked throats.
Jack glances at her, a rapid flick of his angry eyes as he sets his glass of whiskey down, furrowing his brows in obvious disagreement with her words.
“She’s doin’ fine,” you hear him grumble, and you don’t have it in you to turn and face him to offer your surely-silencing glare, and without it he continues, “think we could offer a little patience.”
Chest fluttering, you shut your eyes with a bothersome huff, setting your hands flat over the counter as you wait for Mrs. Adler’s response, and the other men waiting at the dining table chat over things well beyond you, another fleeting mention of the Statesmen— but Jack remains silent along with her, and you can already picture the way he must be maintaining a hard stare at the old woman to leave her increasingly frazzled.
“My girl does this every day,” she states primly, blocking his view of your back with her own body after an uncoordinated waddle, “you keep out of it.”
Jack scoffs, soft but pointed, the wood groaning under the slide of his glass as he moves it aside, “If you cared to notice, ma’am—”
Spinning on your boot, away from the assortment of glasses set over the counter in their stage of finishing touches, you raise a hand, his first name almost slipping out until you choke on the unspoken word, widened eyes earning a mirrored expression from Jack, “It’s alright, Mr. Daniels,” you soothe, and his smirk is much too telling in his amusement of your spluttering, that you’d called him the old, proper name.
Mrs. Adler huffs a victorious breath as she checks over the full and heavy tray, granting approval while you giggle at Jack’s silly face made behind her back, followed by a wink of his eye. 
He closes his eyes as Mrs. Adler finally limps off into her study— what she achieves in there he does not know— and watches you with affection and a warming dose of admiration in his stomach as you handle the tray, setting down shining crystal glasses on the table, a soft smile on your face as the youngest card player offers his thanks. They rarely ever do.
“You look real nice,” he drawls as you round the counter, his elbows sliding along the surface as he leans in, all sparkling eyes and teeth with his wide grin as he follows your steps. “I think I’d like to get my hands on—”
His words fall away to a whisper as you shake your head in feigned annoyance, the laughter stealing your breath as you lean opposite him, taking in the sly look on his face and the pull of his shirt across his shoulders. His hand reaches for yours, tentatively, and you’re powerless against the sweet touch on your fingers as he traces them out, pulling your palm into a bed of his two hands. 
You watch as his eyes set on the random patterns he draws, eyelashes curling against his face every time he blinks, your conscious mind soon oblivious to your placement in relation to the large group at the dining table— but it doesn’t matter. They’re as absorbed in their gambling as you are in his focused touch and feel, your heart an obnoxious flutter when he smiles up at you, a perfect mix of kind and sultry darkness. 
“I’d like to get my hands on you,” he murmurs, those repeated words spoken lower this time and with a twinkle, raising the back of your hand to his lips. A gentle press, your eyes locked together in a soft gaze to match, and he gives you back your hand as the spell of slowed-time is broken by a shocking round of cheering from the group behind you both.
With a subdued grin, you ease yourself away from the magnetic pull of your lips to his, “You’ve always got your hands on me.”
“And in,” he huffs, stifling a snicker at the fifth roll of your eyes today, watching the ends of your tied apron’s ribbon swing around over the length of your skirt. 
“You’d better find something to do in the meantime, or I’ll be asking Mrs. Adler to send you off herself.”
Jack shudders in a fake paddy of fear, the miniscule shakes of his body diminishing the sooner he realizes the severity of your words, and he merely chuckles. “Why’d you want to get rid of me?”
The pleading pull of his face and the wide and warm eyes he gives are somehow not enough to stop you from gesturing your head towards the pile of dirty dishes from dinner, waiting beside the basin. “You’re distracting.”
“Sweetpea, I’m ‘fraid that’s what you’ve got yourself caught up in,” Jack rests his chin in his palm, eyeing the clearing weather outside, “if you insist on woundin’ me, I think I’ve got a horse who needs to go for a ride, and a little lady who’ll have to join us next time…”
“I’ll see you later, Jack,” you whisper, rounding the edge of his ear with your fingers, easing his hair back into place and he adopts a light blush— softer things always more efficient in pausing his heartbeat than harsher things— and he grabs his hat left to the side of him, placing it over his head and bidding you a caring goodbye, “Miss me, darlin’.”
Once the room has cleared at last, leaving you in that familiar spot with soapy hands, sore feet, and a wandering mind, you arrange the wet dishes to dry, stacking each on top of the other with meticulous attention. You dry your hands on the fabric of your apron, rough cotton soaking up the water, your back leaning into the hard edge of the bar behind you. The strain in your neck grows sharper as you push your head back, groaning, willing away the next few hours until you can put your feet to rest upon Jack’s lap. 
And at the thought of him, a whistle from the exterior shoots your stream of mental pictures down as your head whips to look out the window, and there he is— Jack, thighs spread wide over Sylvie’s back as he urges her to stop, his eyes straining to find you through the window. Stomach twisting, you make a speedy trip to the stash of berries hidden away, and you pull a handful of them into your apron’s pocket before sparing the parlour a thorough peek and slipping out the front door.
It’s not loud enough for you to make out, but it must be Jack’s voice in a baby soft tone as he tells Sylvie what sounds like “there she is,” with a pat between her perky ears and a smile towards you. 
“Hello,” you grin, stepping to the edge of the porch where you meet the two of them, shamelessly devouring the way he sits tall upon her in the dying sunlight clear of clouds, dark clothes, dark hair, dark eyes, a bandana hugging his neck under his glistening throat. “Back so soon?”
“It was her idea,” Jack pokes, leaning back in the saddle as Sylvie adjusts her hooves into place over the dust and sparse blades of wheatgrass. “Suppose I had to lead her here, though…”
With a hand gliding along her wide neck, you watch his smile only grow in size as he watches you gather the berries from your pocket and throw a quizzical look his way, to which he nods enthusiastically, leaning forward again to watch and guide.
You call her name softly, approaching her from a better angle, and she makes an odd pattern with the movement of her head before she digs into your offered palm of treats, her wide mouth a great tickle on your skin that you try not to flinch at.
“Nice girls,” Jack whispers, swiping his hand over Sylvie’s shoulder, then turning his attention to you. “No more flak from the lady, I’m hopin’?”
“No, haven’t seen her since,” you giggle, “you know, Jack, that was kind what you did, but I am still fine.” 
Sylvie chomps down the rest of your stash of berries, licking the leftover juices off your palm as you gasp, retracting your arm, and Jack extends his hand far across to you in a warm beckoning. You give him the dry one and he laughs when he notices, “I ain’t afraid of no horse’s mouth,” steering you around to where he’s sat on the saddle.
“You’re not even afraid of Mrs. Adler,” you say bluntly, resting your laced hands over the meat of his thigh and then your chin on top, and Jack stares down at your widened eyes, his chest stuttering with a slightly choked breath.
“I came here to see you, darlin’, to tell you somethin’.” Running his thumb over your hand, he starts to lean his body down, your own straightening for his lips to meet your ear in a warm breath, sending ice down your spine and a melting heat between your thighs.
He waits for your prompt, his radiating need causing your posture to wither as you slant up and into him, “What is it?”
Whatever upward curve your lips adopted seconds before falls away as your eyes close, that heat between your thighs now wetter, your grip on his leg tight enough to pinch.
“I’m gonna take you out again tonight, gonna lay you in the grass and fuck you dumb, listenin’ to you whine loud as you can.”
He’s utterly pleased with the visible, hitching breath you can no longer take in, your chest pausing in its stunted passing, and he straightens up his back again to look down at you with his face shadowed under his hat. “Ain’t that somethin’ old girl, the little lady is speechless…” Jack coos to the horse and she puffs, followed by another pat of her hoof on the ground, and his grin is a mix of genuine and egotistical happiness.
“Jack,” you purr, all bothered and wobbly-knees, a helpless look in your eye as you tug the looped rope, and he prepares to ride back off. He doesn’t partake in your pleading this time, instead giving a squeeze of his legs over Sylvie’s back.
“Same place, darlin’,” he calls, “I expect you.” 
A backward glance and a tip of his hat as courtesy— or to make up for his foolish teasing— and his figure dies off in the gunpowder dust behind him and his girl, his jacket the same one you’d worn your first time away. 
It’s cool and dark the next time you step out onto the porch, carefully shutting the door behind you, locking it with your key. You rub your hands over the sides of your arms as you creep over the wood, peeking past the pillars before descending the three short steps. Same place, he’d said, so you set off in the direction of the stables, bathed in the soft light of the spaced lamp posts, the same exhilarating rush as the first time bubbling head to toe. 
“Ever heard of a sweet little maid ‘round here?” Jack’s happy rumbling sounds just behind you, turning into laughter at the yelp you let out, its sound squeaky and fearful until he catches you by the waist, pulling your back into his chest to sway your body around aimlessly. “Works for a Mrs. Adler, prettiest face you ever saw…”
An endeared giggle falls out of you, mouth covered immediately by your hand when he comes to place his chin on your shoulder, his fingers pressing tightly to your middle. His clothing feels rough by your neck, unlike anything else you’ve felt him wearing against you, but his cheek is soft and freshly shaven, his lips hungrily kissing behind your ear.
“Oh, I’m not so sure I have…” you murmur, allowing yourself to sink backward into his promising support, and his hum is sweet into your skin when you say so, arms squeezing you just enough for your feet to lift from the ground. 
“She’s got angel eyes,” he whispers, a finger coming to trail down your cheek as he lets you back down, until his hand cups your chin, turning your head sideways to capture your lips in a deep, swelling kiss. Your own hand rises to mirror his gesture, knees suddenly like water with their wobbly weakness, and the ball of your foot scrapes over the dust as he tugs you even closer, tasting your lips. 
“That might ring a bell,” you smile when you finally part, stroking your thumb over his jaw. He likes the way it feels, tilting himself further into your light grip of his face. The world surrounding you will never be the same level of interest when he stands before you— a daydream of an outing only seems as sweet if he’s there. A guidance, of sorts, a protector.
Roaming your eyes over him, a surprised gasp follows that welcoming kiss when you notice his top half covered in a navy blue poncho, its edges finished with white tassels and the wool adorned with white lines making intricate patterns over the length and width of it.
“Where have you been hiding this from me?” you simper, picking up the edge of it to feel the slightly scratchy material. He grins, weight shifting to one foot with a cocked hip, hands resting at the base of his suspenders underneath.
“Hidin’ it?”
“You’ve always got that jacket on,” you murmur, leaning upward, grabbing his face in an internal fit of fondness at seeing him covered in the blanket-like garment, giving him a harsher kiss that surprises him enough to nearly stumble backwards. He gains his balance, beaming against your mouth as he steadies the both of you, the world returning.
“You sure keep me on my toes, little lady,” he breathes, brows raised in bashfulness that you forget he has stored in that cocky brain. “Don’t you stop.”
Humming, your hand falling to rest on his chest as you recall more private contexts to his last words, you notice he wears a cross-body leather satchel underneath the poncho. “What have you got in there?”
“I can’t be full of surprises if you wanna make me spill ‘em all,” he teases, pushing his nose into yours, “come on, just you n’ me tonight.”
With your fingers laced together, Jack leads you through the familiar field to an unfamiliar spot at the top of a climbing hill, large rocks worsening the upward trek under the minimal light.
His hands find the backs of your thighs as he helps you over the last hump and your frustrated huff gets lost in your throat when you realize his hands are helping you up under your skirt instead of over.
“Jack,” you guffaw, using your biceps to push up and over the hard surface and he plays dumb behind you, a deep chortling following as you roll over to the flat space of dry grass above it. Looking ahead you notice a small gathering of wood placed in a circle around the center of the clearing in the trees while Jack rolls up next to you, much more gracefully with what must be years of practice.
He shares a sideways glance with you, “What?” 
His pouty lips drag downward in his falsely innocent question, your eyes rolling without annoyance but with affection. He grabs your hand again, tugging you near the woodpile and he reaches into the satchel, revealing a box of matches in his palm.
“Is this what you did earlier?” you ask, a bewildered softness easing over your shoulders, and he nods with a grin.
“Sylvie n’ I came here to get it ready.”
Sliding the box open, he strikes the match against the rough side of the cover sleeve and the spark ignites a smoking, small flame that he holds to a coil of waxed thread under the arranged sticks and wood. It catches on and flourishes upward, sprinkling tiny sparks that rise then fall by Jack as he recoils, standing back up to his feet.
“How’s that?” he looks at you, pulling you into his warm side, your fingers instinctively wrapping around a tassel. You raise your other hand to hover over the fire, its heat so pleasant and lively on your skin and you look back at him with the same fondness as always for his generous gifts, that might not even be considered a gift to anyone else but you.
“Thank you, Jack.” On your tiptoes, you place a kiss on his cheek filled with all the words you can’t think to say— it’s only a campfire, and to you, it holds all his care, burning there.
“There’s more,” he whispers, and his fingers rise to touch where your lips had just been, then he looks to them and you, smiling. “Said you wished you could run,” he starts, pointing to an old, battered tin can sitting atop a tree stump several feet away, “reckon there’s a few things you’ll need to learn first.”
From underneath the wool, he pulls out one of his revolvers and it shines in the flickering fire, freshly polished. He extends his hand, your own hesitantly touching it’s handle, cupping the barrel with the other as you slowly hold it on your own.
“Jack, I really don’t know about—”
“Careful,” he coos, circling back to stand behind you and placing his hands on your hips, he helps you adjust your grip with the beginning of his lesson whispered into your ear, his hands gentle as they cover yours. “Two hands.”
“I’m not sure I’m the gun slinging type,” you whisper nervously, your palms becoming clammy just handling the weapon, and you remember when its silver glint was pointed at Mr Porter, under its power.
“Always assume a gun’s loaded,” he continues, aiding you in extending your arms out, the aim at the can improving as you go. “Feet apart.”
With the toe of his boot on the inside of your ankle, he pushes your feet further apart until shoulder-width, and your shoe slides over the dry grass as you suck in a deep breath at the physical order. 
“Hold it tighter,” he whispers next, ensuring your fingers are hugging the grip tightly, your other hand cupping the trigger guard firmly. “Don’t leave your finger on the trigger unless you’re aimed and ready.” 
Jack is rasping now, a growing hardness on your ass from watching you handle his own weapon with determination and he pinches your hips, inciting a gasp as you try to keep your arms steady.
“The cylinder's full,” he adds, “you hit the can and I’ll make good on my promise.”
With the shot of arousal that comes after his words and the reminder of his promise to fuck you hard over the grass, it’s too easy to convince yourself that you’ll miss every shot.
“Won’t somebody hear it?” you question, turning your head as far as you can and he hums thoughtfully, pinching you softer.
“It’s luck if you hear a gunshot from a distance,” Jack soothes. And it hits you, that when Mr. Porter and Mr. Bryant started shooting blindly in the house, that those were the closest bullets had ever been to you— and here, you hold them in your palms.
“Go on, sugar, knock it over and I’ll fuck you right by this fire.”
A whine escapes you before you can aim it again, the grip even sweatier than before, the fire merely a glint now as you focus on the target tin.
Locking your grip around the handle, your pointers steadying the direction, you shut one eye, then the other to test the placement, and you pull back the hammer with a stretch of your thumb.
“I’m scared,” you breathe as your arms remain pointed forward, and Jack nods, applying pressure to your shoulders with his palms.
“I’ll keep you steady. S’okay if you miss.” Jack rubs some of the tension away, your arms growing tired from holding them up as you make one last adjustment. The jolt when you pull the trigger is more powerful than you’d expected, and Jack keeps you still as your body reacts to the sharp sound and the full shock of it. The bullet only just skims the side of the can, a tinkling sound following the jarring shot from the barrel.
“Fuck,” Jack breathes, his eyes wide and his smile too, when he looks from your near-shot to your frightened face turning into confidence. He throws his hat to the side, smoothing his hand through his hair before bending slightly behind you, “that was fuckin’ close, darlin’. Go again.”
His tone is pure excitement as you shake off the last lingering threads of apprehension, and you aim again, not a one inch difference from your first shot, pulling the hammer down a second time.
You place your pointer over the solid trigger and Jack’s breath hitches as he waits and watches intently, his hands still supporting your shoulders. This time, when your upper body jostles back from the force, the shot is farther off but still close, hitting the bark where a small explosion of wood chips scatter to the grass and you startle at the cracking noise, casting a worried look to Jack.
“Keep tryin’,” he soothes, cuddling his cheek to the side of your neck as he cozies up, and you’re certain it’s not the best condition for a shooting lesson, the middle of your thighs gathering slick and your palms more nervous sweat. With a deep breath, you stretch your arms out once more, muscles pulling up tight as you adjust your feet, your eyesight on the tin can reflecting the flames of the little campfire.
“That’s it,” Jack whispers as you touch your finger to the hammer, “focus.”
Scoffing, you settle your aim, determined to ignore the way he’s still pressing up against you.
“You’re doin’ great,” his voice scratches just before you pull against the trigger’s resistance and the bullet releases, harder it feels like, and pierces the tin with an incredibly loud metallic pang, sending it fast off the stump. Although you’re not too far from it, you don’t trust it yet; looking back down at the weapon in your hand and then to him, his smile already turns smug. It’s a surprise to hit it at the same time that it’s not— luck or natural talent, you don’t think you’ll ever find out. He shakes his head with pride dripping all over, crushing you into his side with a tense squeeze of his arm, your neck fitting in the bend of his elbow.
“That’s too quick,” you breathe in modesty that Jack tells you to shush away, as your disbelieving eyes fall back on the tree stump, tin can-less. “I wasn’t far away enough.”
“Come on, darlin’.” He disembarks, jogs to the stump, picks up the can behind it. A hole burns through the center on both sides. “Still shot it on the third try.”
When he arrives at your feet again, you peer down at the silver gun in your hold. Struggling to accept your own accuracy, you slowly hand it back to him.
“It'll be harder next time,” he purrs, sliding it back into its holster pocket, “but I think you’ll make the most charmin’ gunfighter in the whole damn world.”
“That’s your title,” you smile, brushing the dark hair from his forehead, curling your fist into the wool draped over him. “And the most handsome, too.”
Jack’s chest puffs out against yours as he preens at your softly-spoken compliment, the tone of his hum pitched in a questioning way to urge you on to continue.
“I’d rather like to learn more about that lasso,” you say instead, fingering where it’s attached to his hip, and he looks at you through his eyelashes, closing his hand around the one fisted in his poncho.
“Hell, if I taught you the ropes I doubt you’d let me out of your room for a whole week, darlin’. We’d better work up to that…”
“Oh well,” you tease, perching yourself up to level your lips with his ear, “you’re too soft on me to be my teacher anyway.”
“Too soft?” He raises his brows, eager to know, causing you to step back as he advances on you.
“Too easy. I ought to shoot that can three more times from ten more feet away just to be sure I’ve learned.”
Jack lays the thick blanket next to the crackling fire after pulling it out of the satchel, motioning for you to come.
“Sugar, I’ll show you rough,” he grumbles, dragging you down to the blanket with him, your chest thumping square on his when you land, a stunted breath into his mouth. His promise, listenin’ to you whine as loud as you can, returns to you now as he holds the back of your neck and opens his lips to brush yours, nipping your lower lip to earn the first wince.
“Don’t disappoint me,” you taunt, landing yourself rolled over and pinned under his heavy weight as he lifts the poncho from his head and drapes it over your bodies, hidden and warm together as you share the fiery heat of yourselves and the physical fire beside you.
“I’d hate nothin’ more than to disappoint you.” He keeps his eyes trained on your face as his fingers creep up your leg, a soft ghosting until he reaches the stark wetness compared to your dry skin everywhere but your core and he’s already groaning at just the sensation of your slick covering his fingers. “Think I could fill you right now, hm? Soakin’ me so fast…”
“I need you to fuck me as hard as you can,” you demand, your head tipping back against the ground underneath the blanket, heat accumulating in your own makeshift tent of the dark poncho. His fingers twitch over your clit as he watches your face twist in effort to get your last coherent thoughts out, “This is where I can cry.”
“Jesus,” his head falls into your shoulder and he rubs his cock on your thigh, covered by his trousers. He’s hard and thick, just as he was watching you shoot his gun, and he lifts your skirt higher, bunching the fabric at your waist. “You always get what you ask for from me.”
Blindly searching with your fingers, you find the buttons of his trousers and pull them open, carefully taking his cock out, the tip leaking generously onto your skin. You spread it for him though it runs out quickly, but your own burning arousal is enough for the two of you as he settles himself closer, his hair flopping out of place. His moustache brushes against your temple when he spreads your legs wider, a soothing slide of your skin over the blanket before you feel his cock running through your slick folds, and it’s enough to start whining. Even the little sounds you let out at the house are suppressed and quietened— here, there is no one but the two of you.
“Give it all to me, baby doll,” he rasps over your throat as he positions himself and pushes past your entrance, slowly stretching you open on his thick cock and your thighs fall open wider, too, your breath heavy and low for him to bask in. “Ain’t that sweet…”
Jack’s eyes carry the glint of the fire beside your bodies as he stays there for some moments, letting you squirm all you need before he flattens you to the ground with his chest, cooing encouraging gentleness to contrast with the untamed way he’s going to fuck you here, on the blanket, again. His cock pushes deeper with the added mass, your whimper not enough when he finally thrusts and hits his hips to your wide-spread thighs and works the wetness of you all over his cock.
“Ja— Jack—” you whine, and his hot hand soon comes to glide over the innermost part of your thigh, rubbing it firmly as if he’s about to—
He spanks your thigh and earns the high-pitch moan he’s been working for all along, drawing himself back to return with a harsh thrust as he keeps his hand on the stinging sensation, groaning out his nose.
“Fu-uuck, there we go, that’s what I wanted,” he grunts through stunted breaths as he sets a new, punishing pace, sliding with ease in and out, hitting deep inside to brush against that satisfying spot that when he slaps the same part of your leg, the pleasure from both makes you cry louder, moan louder.
He draws the wool tighter around his back as he lowers his lips to your mouth, emitting an animalistic groan over your face when you clench around his cock and pull him in closer for another open-mouthed kiss, true and full.
“Oh, god,” you groan, his hand caressing the underside of your thigh, until he draws it up to push your knee on your chest, fitting his hand in the bend of your leg.
“Gimme more, sugar,” he demands, landing a sharp swat to the side of your ass lifted off the ground that gives him your neediest, filthiest sound yet as you fist his hair, taking his brutal pace. 
“Jack, fuck, fuck, fuck—”
“Fuck,” he curses back harder, “I’m gonna steal you every god damn night for this.” Jack hisses through bared teeth on your collarbone, keening when you raise your hips to meet his. The fire rises beside you at the same time a wave of building pressure in your abdomen knocks through your lower half, and you place your hands on his face, sliding them up to meet his hair.
A shaky breath puffs out of you, the sting of his spankings spreading over your leg as you crane your neck and cry out while he buries himself and grinds against your clit, “You just get wetter n’ wetter for me,” he remarks hoarsely, “just can’t help but need me, hm?”
“I... Yes,” you sigh into his heated neck, your limbs softening in their hold of him as he fucks you hard over the blanket, his grip deathly on the side of your thigh.
“I want to hear it, darlin’, say it to me,” he scrapes, his voice at the bottom of his register, and when the words get stuck in your mind and jumbled out of order from the fullness of your core, he draws himself out and rolls you onto your stomach. Mindlessly, empty, you whine with an equal hoarseness to his own, the end of it pushed out prematurely when he flattens his chest over your back, lining his cock back up with your soaking entrance.
“I’ll pull every last pretty sound you got left in you if I have to.” 
The words are a terrible blow to your senses, sparking a rapid increase in the sound of rushing blood in your ears as he pushes your thigh up to the side and presses down on it with his palm.
“Please…” you breathe, “I’m so close— fuck me, please fuck me again—”
Shutting your eyes, hoping to feel him push himself back inside you, you instead are met with a final, cracking swat on your leg that sends you wailing as Jack waits for you to scream it, “Tell me, sugar!”
“I need you, Jack— I need you!” 
It doesn’t sound like your own voice. Never has it been clouded by so much desire and such a sinful edge to your witless begging, but it’s enough for him. A push forward, and he fills you; his own sounds have grown needier too, reaching far out. He plants a hand by your face and you grab onto his wrist as he shoves his cock repeatedly deeper and at this angle, you could consider the punishing stretch of him painful, but it’s everything you need, causing you to whine a step higher every time his hips hit your ass.
“You’re all I fuckin’ think about, darlin’,” Jack mouths at your earlobe, your bodies turning slick under the poncho and your clothes, “here you are, shootin’ my gun n’ lettin’ me fuck your tight little pussy, beggin’ for me— gonna make me fuckin’ cum.”
Your jaw drops and an involuntary squeal stumbles from your hanging lip, Jack snarling behind you as he plunges again, hooking his hands under your shoulders and splaying his fingers wide over the tops of them.
It’s a taut stretch of your chest when he pulls on you like that, the soft curl of his hair tickling your neck as he nestles his face to yours and muffles his grunts and groans. You pull up tighter around him, squeezing his cock, nearly driving him to collapse over your back when he feels it happen and what is easily his hardest, neediest and wrecked groan tears out and spreads over your limbs with the rumbling breath he takes after.
“Jaaack,” you whisper, his movements heavily weighing on you, your body resting just at the precipice of something overwhelming, “So… full..”
“I’m gonna fuck my cum into that sweet cunt.” Jack fists the blanket with his supporting hand and the next time he rams his hips forward, a full-bodied scream fills the air, and once more, you squeeze him tighter as you cum hard around his cock, your nails starting to dig into his wrist as he fucks you through it. 
“Baby doll, you’re too fuckin’ good to me— squeeze me so fuckin’ tight when you cum, keep it comin’—”
“Oh god, oh god, oh god— fuck!”  You can’t stop gushing around him as his thrusts lose rhythm, as he focuses more on the sounds you’re making and the grip you have on his cock and it just won’t end, tears beginning to form in your eyes while the movements never cease.
“That is just heavenly,” he says with a strained laugh, “shit, you really did need me, huh? You want my cum inside you too? Want to be spoiled?”
“Yes!” you cry, miraculously raising your ass just a little against his cock as the orgasm finally calms, a growl and a bite on your shoulder at your ceaseless will to beg.
“Take it.” One final, gorgeous moan from his throat and he buries himself, a wet warmth painting your walls, his chest deflating as he settles around your back and rubs your thigh in a soft contrast to what was his stinging swats minutes before. He blows and pants to recuperate, and as he brings himself out, you feel the warmth spreading and dripping down to your clit. For a moment, you share the breaths you’re both trying to catch, but the sensation of his cum sliding over your skin is yet another obstacle to returning to a manageable state of being.
“This…” he whispers, taking his hand back, leaning on his other elbow to support himself as he slides his fingers under your skirt to lead them to your swollen cunt, “is my favourite, darlin’.” He spreads his cum over your folds, milky liquid sliding wherever he traces, and you push back on your knees to raise yourself for him while he guides it back inside you, your throat tired but still whimpering as he pushes his fingers in.
“Keep me inside,” he murmurs on your temple, urging you to lay back down over the plushy blanket, and as you relax, mussed and twinkling by the fire, he drapes the poncho over your body, tucking the fabric under your sides. He strokes your cheek with the dry hand, lifting your head to his lap as he carefully sits by you, your eyes delicately fluttering closed. 
“Did I hurt you?” He asks, and without opening your eyes, you shake your head no. Jack makes a purring sound, considering the moans his actions pulled out of you, and he begins to stroke your face some more. “Hope I never do,” he adds softly, studying your peaceful expression under the firelight and stars, “you’re soft.”
The last two words make you blink and smile up at him, finally granting him a peek which he returns with curved lips, and you know that “soft” doesn’t mean “weak” when he says it.
“I got an idea of where to take you next, if you think you can handle it...”
tags for yeehonk idiot:
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pastelxmelx · 3 years
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✰︎ you’ve got to be kitten me ~ S.R.
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⤷ a/n: just wanted to start off with something simple ♡︎
⤷ pairing: spencer reid x reader
⤷ word count: 1.2k
⤷ summary: you take in a stray cat and wait for Spencer to come home so you can tell him
⤷ genre: fluff
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It was a good day. Not because of the nice weather, the easy day at work, or the wonderful morning you had with Spencer. No, those were all great, but they weren’t the full reason why it was a good day. It was a good day because you found a cat. And, you may or may not have taken in said cat. Though it was a good day, not a great day. Because, there was still a small problem you had yet to resolve. Spencer didn’t know.
He was going to know, one way or another. He could come home and find you miserably attempting to hide the mellow animal, or you could call to tell him and hang up before he had a chance to respond, giving him time to think it over on his way home. He’d be okay with it, right? Why wouldn’t he be? All you did was take in a stray animal whose essence was to hate humans. Yeah, this was gonna go well.
Choosing to surprise him when he gets home, you pick up the tired cat and take her to your bedroom where you place her on the bed. Watching as she steps onto your pillow and lies down, you realize something. “Oh, you don’t have a name yet, do you?” you ask rhetorically. “How about...Duchess? Like Duchess from Aristocats!” It seems like a fitting name, so you go with it. After all, what could be better than Disney?
You don’t want to spend too long fawning over your new feline love, as you have no idea when Spencer will be back. You make sure she’s alright on the bed, then scurry out of the room, closing the door behind you. Eyeing your phone on the counter, you consider calling Spencer to ask when he’ll be home. But, what are the chances he’ll pick up? So instead, you brew some Turkish coffee to help convince Spencer that you should keep the cat. You were hoping that he’ll be home in time for the two of you to enjoy it.
By the time you’re finished with it, Spencer’s still not home. Checking on Duchess, you notice that she’s fallen asleep. It’s an adorable sight, but you can’t help feeling antsy as you wait for the said brunette. You dither for a few moments before giving in, you return to the counter and pick up your phone to call him. It goes to voicemail, which isn’t too unexpected. Hopefully Spencer will be home soon, right? He did mention that he’d try to be home early. But then, early is a wide range for an FBI agent.
Thinking there’s no harm in rewatching Friends as you wait for him, you end up falling asleep on the couch. It’s not until near midnight that you wake up when you feel something hitting your face. Opening your eyes, you see a familiar blur of grey fur extending a paw out to wack your face with. How Duchess managed to get in her current position is beyond you, but it’s not the most important thing to think about. You spring off of the sofa and scoop the small cat up in your arms.
Before attempting to hide her away again, you step into the kitchen. The coffee you made had gone cold and you sigh, it looks like he didn’t make it home in time for the coffee after all. You may have jumped the gun on making it, but it was alright. You could always brew a fresh pot in the morning. For now, your main focus should be what to do with the sedentary animal you were holding. Like, finding a new place to set her down while you both wait.
This time you take her into the bathroom and place her on the counter to wait for Spencer. To keep her busy, you grab one of your boyfriend’s ties that he hasn’t worn in forever and let her toy with it. She’s surely going to tear it apart, but you know Spencer won’t mind. Speaking of him, you were starting to get worried. It was a quarter past midnight and he still wasn’t home. Checking your phone wasn't any help, as he hadn’t called or left any messages. If he wasn’t called out on a case, is he alright? It wasn’t often that he stayed at work this long.
Luckily enough, before you can begin to panic, the door opens and Spencer steps inside. He was home! Walking over to him, you engulf him in a tight hug and ask, “Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine love, I’m sorry I got caught up with paperwork and lost track of time,” he explains. As long as he’s safe, coming home late at night isn’t an issue.
“Alright, well I’m glad nothing bad happened,” you smile up at him, mind racing about the best way to bring up the feline you’d taken in. “Though, um, there is something I need to tell you,” you say sheepishly.
He begins walking towards your bedroom, most likely to take a shower. “Did something happen while I was gone?”, he doesn’t sound worried, which is good.
Though you can’t let him stumble upon the cat before you tell him about her. So, you try to rush in front of him, hoping to delay him just long enough to spill the secret. Unfortunately however, he was just a bit faster and made it into the room before you could do anything. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
He stops at the bathroom door, his hand on the doorknob and asks, “Oh? What’d I miss?”
“Well,” you start, but you’re interrupted by a soft purring noise coming from inside of the bathroom. Spencer whips his head over to the room and temporarily removes his hand from the door in shock.
He turns back to you with a raised eyebrow and asks, “y/n, what was that?” His curious tone is laced with amusement, and you’re sure he’s already caught onto what was happening.
“That would be what happened,” you answer. You watch as he opens the door and is instantly met with the sight of the cat that you’d brought home with you.
“Is that my tie?” he asks, noticing a piece of fabric between her claws. Without waiting for you to answer, he picks up Duchess and says, “You know cats are really smart. Their sense of smell and eyesight aren’t as strong as ours so they rely on body language for the most part of their communication. They’re like small, feline, profilers!” He was talking with joy, and you were taking that as a good sign.
“I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing,” you softly laugh.
“What’s her name?” he asks.
“Duchess,” you tell him. “Like the movie.”
“What movie?” he stares at you as you answer.
“Aristocats,” you reply, but he still looks confused. “Don’t tell me you’ve never seen it!”
“Maybe we can change that tomorrow?” he says with contentment.
“We’re gonna have to,” you agree.
Spencer looks down at the small animal in his arms, then back up at you. “So, does this mean we get to keep her?”
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xiaojusaur · 4 years
Let’s Get Wet
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Johnny x Reader
1769 words
TW: fiction, mentions of masturbation, fingering, shower sex, unprotected sex
Neo Smut Collective drabble Wet & Wild
Your brother’s best friend was hot and it couldn’t be denied. Every time he stayed in your house your knees trembled from the thought of seeing him shirtless. But of course, your brother Jaehyun wouldn’t allow it, so he avoided any possible encounter between you two, because he knew you too well and noticed the way you looked at Johnny.
Many nights, in the darkness of your room, you would moan his name while playing with yourself, imagining it was him.
He was home tonight, your brother along some friends had a camping at the beach the next day and since they were leaving early, they were all staying together.
You went to take a shower so you could go to sleep refreshed. You opened the bathroom door and gasped when meeting with an almost-naked Johnny, covering his bottom part with a towel. “OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!” You screamed in horror, quickly covering your eyes with one arm and closing the door with the other.
“It’s okay, I’m almost finished,” he said with his mellow voice and you saw him open the door again. His hair was shiny from the water and the droplets ran down his toned body. It was everything you imagined in your wildest dreams.
You were panicking, looking everywhere but to him. If your brother caught you, he would either kill you or Johnny.
Johnny was styling his hair in the foggy mirror, running his fingers through his dark, silky mane.
Without noticing, you were staring at him to which he smirked through the mirror. “Like what you see?” He chuckled.
“Very, very much!” You wanted to scream, but you just stuttered, “N-not bad.”
“Please, Y/N, I know how you feel about me. Do you think I don’t notice how you look at me?” He said in a racy voice.
You were shocked to hear those words, were you that obvious?
Johnny extended his arm and pulled you inside the bathroom with him, pushing you against the door, locking it before anyone noticed. He caged you against his body, looking at you with fire in his eyes.
His lips were so inviting, his wet body so tantalizing.
“Tell me, Y/N,” he whispered looking at you fiercely, “do you like me?”
“I- Johnny... Jaehyun wouldn’t allow it...” you explained just to not give him an answer.
“That’s not what I asked,” he said groggily, grabbing your wrist, somehow intimidating you.
“I like you, yeah. A lot,” you confessed.
“I know you do. Do you think I haven’t heard you moaning my name in the middle of the night?” He was making you flustered and was enjoying it.
You tried to talk, to make an excuse, but nothing came out, so you just lowered your gaze.
“Look at me, baby girl,” he took you by the chin to make you look into his eyes. “You’re so naughty. Touching yourself while thinking about your brother’s best friend. What would he think if he found out? Hmm?” He teased you.
“He would be angry, with you and with me both,” you said daring.
“What do you imagined? Tell me what do you think about in the darkness of your room,” he started getting close to your lips. Even though he was wet from the shower, you could feel the heat of his body.
Even though it seemed surreal, two could play this game. “I imagine its your fingers touching me, reaching deep inside. Your body on mine, your lips kissing my neck, while you fill me whole with your cock.”
“Fuck...” he said under his breath. You could feel his hardened member poking your thigh, which made you bite your bottom lip.
“Are you okay with me making it a reality?” He asked for your consent before making any move. So sexy!
“Yeah, of course!” You said desperately.
His expression changed to one full of lust, devouring you with his eyes. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please...” you whispered and Johnny didn’t waste any second in crashing his lips with yours. They felt like you imagined, so meaty, so soft. His hand ran down your torso, skillfully pulling the elastic of your pijama pants, arriving to your heat easily.
“Oh? No panties? Such a naughty girl,” he said with a croaky voice.
“I was going to shower, plus, I was about to slee- Oh God!” He interrupted sliding a finger between your folds.
“Shhh... you don’t want Jaehyun to find us, right?” While drawing circles on your clit, he started kissing you again to drown your moans. “Fuck, you’re so wet...”
“Mmm! I wanted you so much, Johnny.”
“Shit... get undressed, baby. Let’s get into the shower,” he commanded and you did as told.
He opened the shower again and then let the towel that was covering his lower part fall, revealing his strong thighs, his big member standing proudly, waiting for you.
“Are you not coming?” He extended his hand, inviting you into the shower with him.
You took his hand, hypnotized by his beauty. He looked like an underwater god.
Under the shower, you two kissed like if it was something natural between you. He ran his hands down your body, kneading every inch of your skin, turning you on more, if that was possible.
Johnny pinned you against the shower wall and guided by lust, his hand reached to your heat. His fine fingers found your hole expertly, making you moan lowly, “Oh~”
He flexed his fingers inside you, back and forth, fast and deep, your eyes crossing from pleasure.
“Fuck, Johnny,” you whimpered in a whisper, trying to keep it low so nobody would notice what was happening. The water running down your body was a plus to the feeling and Johnny looked so sexy huffing to take the drops out of his face. You reached for his member that was begging for attention too, pumping your hand up and down slowly.
“Ah~ Feels nice, baby,” he gave you a naughty smile. “I wonder what that mouth could do,” He was suggesting something.
“You want me to suck you off?” You asked, sounding more like an offer than a question.
“We can do that later, you might hurt yourself here, but I appreciate the offer,” he said and then leaned in for a kiss. “Now, come here. Im gonna fuck you, I’ll make your dreams come true,” he said as he grabbed your leg.
“God, I’m so wet, I can’t wait...” you confessed.
“I love making you this way,” he winked, making you laugh. “You okay with this, right?”
“Please...” you begged desperately.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” he groaned.
He placed your leg on his arm, letting it hang. With his other hand, he held his member firmly to look for your entrance. Your breath accelerated, you were getting ready to receive his all. He was teasing you and enjoying your reaction while he was rubbing your clit with his tip. He entered in you slowly, torturing, so deliciously. The stretch was burning, you wanted to scream but you suppressed it squeezing his bicep, holding on tightly to not faint. “Fuuuck~” you whispered in a breathy moan.
“Mmm... baby, you’re so tight,” he pecked your lips and moved down to kiss your neck, letting you adjust to him.
A few seconds later, he started moving back and forth. You wrapped your arms around his neck, while he held you by the waist. The scene belonged to a movie, with you two connecting while the water ran down your bodies. Every time he huffed or moaned, the drops flew to your face. The sounds coming from where you two united were obscene, making you want more from him.
“God! Johnny!” You moaned a little too loud.
Johnny then picked you up, holding you midair, without stopping from thrusting you. The movement made him reach deeper inside you, touching that supple place that made your toes curls. You gasped and he chuckled.
He was going faster now, making you bounce on his dick by moving you up and down. The slapping sound invaded the tiny space of the bathroom and now you were just praying that your brother didn’t go out of his room, otherwise he would be able to hear everything.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” you said in a chant of whines.
He grunted loudly, his voice echoing in the room. “Shit! So good, you’re taking me so well!”
“Ah! Yes! Yes! Please!” You hissed.
After a few minutes his arms got tired, so he put you on the floor again and then he turned you around, making you hold yourself from the tile wall. He put his big hand on the small of your back as to make you bend, kneading your skin on the process. Johnny penetrated you again, now holding you by the waist with both hands.
The slapping sound of your bodies clashing increased by the minute of how fast Johnny was going and the water was making it louder. You were feeling your orgasm bubbling from your stomach and you let him know. “Johnny, I’m gonna cum, please!”
“Mmm... good!” He focused his thrusts to reach deeper and consistent to help you reach your high.
You felt it, the explosion of delicious tingles through your body, escaping in a simple sigh from your lips. Johnny held you tightly, helping you to stay on your feet. He kept plunging into you until he felt his high coming too. He pulled out and came on the floor, every proof of what had happened there going down the drain along with the water.
“Babe, we should get out of here. Your fingers should be pruning by now,” he said as he wrapped his arms around your torso and kissed your neck.
“Yeah, plus, it will be a little suspicious if you spent so much time in the bathroom,” you added.
“Nah! I actually spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I’m just worried that someone might have heard us...”
“Hopefully not...”
After you dried yourselves and were dressed again, Johnny said, “Maybe we can repeat this someday?”
“Anytime,” you winked and he smirked back at you.
But as soon as Johnny opened the door he found a Jaehyun leaning on the wall, waiting for him to get out. “Enjoyed your shower?” He sounded so pissed, you didn’t even want to look.
Your brother then pushed the door open, revealing you in the bathroom too. You gave him the bread smile, trying to act innocent. “Get out of there, we gonna talk about this, you two.”
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Best Friend
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Pairing: Jihoon x gn. reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 0.85k words
Part of the Sound of Love event
Mellow speaks: This one's for my lovely bestie @yogurteume!! I absolutely love BFF, and Ji of course is my bias, so this was too much fun to write! Thank you bb, I hope you enjoy!! PS. BFF isn't yet available on Spotify, so I'm just gonna add the YT video here hehe
Tagging: @freckledwinterfalls
Woo, woo
Let's go
Splashing water at him, you can't help the giggle that slips past your lips as Jihoon looks up, a dumbfounded expression on his face. You try to run away, your feet carrying you out of the kitchen as you squeal in delight.
But of course he's faster, his arms getting wrapped around your form and sweeping you off your feet as the room resonates with his laughter. "Put me down!," you yelp, but he's never been one to relent, adamant on twirling you around until you get dizzy.
When he finally does place you down, it takes you a moment to get your bearings, your hands gripping onto his arms to maintain your balance. Even after years of having known you, your touch still sends shivers down Jihoon's spine, because this time, it's different.
Looking down at you, he feels a smile tug at his lips, the mere sight of your happiness enough to warm his heart. You catch him staring, heat creeping up your cheeks as you return the smile.
When we're together, I'm stress off
The me who no-one knows
I can show you the best of
Worries, pass it
Keep balling, increase it every day, chemistry
We are tangled like a thread
Every day, play the game
No time to be bored
Spending time wherever we want to go, whatever we do
Milly, milly, rock it dancing happiness (Yeah)
Not a day is dull if you're with Jihoon, because his presence is enough to brighten up anyone's day. You'd know, of course you would, having had been his best friend for as long as you can remember.
He always knows how to keep you on your toes, and given how much of a smooth talker he is, you've long given up on ever being able to say no to him. All he has ever had to do is pout at you with his eyes big, and you'll be willing to do even the most stupid things for him.
You can play with me again
Fill in thе blanks, your day by day (Ayy)
I hope it lasts forever, truth, thе swear
Unbelievable, every day I stand up (Ha)
Fingerprints always looking up at the sky (Ha)
Even if we don’t say it, our chemistry is implicit (Chemistry)
How can you deny this? We're the one, one, one, one
That's the reason he had forced you into confessing to your first crush back in middle school, and has managed to get you to sneak out at night countless times. He's your weakness, and he knows it.
And that's why dating him has been the best decision you've ever made, and why you continue to fall for him just a little more every day. The chemistry you share with him is undeniable, and you can only hope it stays the same, always.
What are you doing today, no matter what time
I want to see your face for a moment, wherever you are, yeah, yeah
I'm fine, it's okay to freeze a little
If we're together
He's your boyfriend now, but he's forever been your best friend. The days you spend with him are your favorite, and you wouldn't trade them for the world. A single smile of his is enough to color your world, and every day, you find yourself wanting to see his face, even if it's just for a second.
A dark cloud pillow on my face Why is the rain coming again? Hommie, let's go, let's go chill I can't do dramatic consolation, but I just say everything Even if you can't have a roof, I'll be your umbrella, everyday
Of course, he can say the same for you. He's always loved you, since before he even knew what love was. And having you in his life is the closest he's gonna get to heaven. Your warmth is what makes his sadness go away, makes his tiredness melt into comfort. And he swears to do the same for you. He swears to always have your back.
"You're so cute," he says, smiling proudly as he takes note of your flustered expression. He can't help it, the urge to place a chaste kiss to your forehead, his arms still wrapped around your waist. And so he gives in to that urge, his lips coming into contact with your skin as he tightens his grip.
And it feels like home. Another memory to the bank you've been cherishing for years.
Oh, even if that sky falls down
Even if the land that was fine is gone
We will never change, we're best friends
Even if now becomes the past
Even if the unknown future comes
May it become a long-lasting memory
You can't wait for what the future holds for the two of you, and truth be told, neither can he. Sure, life might not always be rosy and happy, but you know in your heart that your love for each other won't change.
We're best friends forever
Because that's what it means to be best friends.
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hyuckssunchip · 3 years
Hasty Encounters, Hasty Decisions
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Pairings: Yuta x Reader, ft. nct 127
Words: 10K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), drinking, slight smut, insinuation of sex
Y/N and Yuta meet for the first time and learn quickly of not only their attractions, but also their many more differences. Painful words and revelations leave a deep ridge between the two of them, that is until someone makes a shocking confession. Will they continue to make hasty decisions, or will they learn to forgive and forget?
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Yuna was the exact opposite of you. She was gorgeous, outgoing and such a party person. You’d rather chill at home and binge your favorite drama for the billionth time, and that’s exactly how you planned to spend this weekend, however, Yuna had different plans.
“Come on, this is the last one of the semester! The NCT frat house always has legendary end of the semester parties. Besides you haven’t been to one yet, you need to broaden your horizons.” She kept jabbing your side, as if that was a good tactic to make you agree to her idea.
“No, I already set up my computer for six straight episodes of Penthouse, it’s too late now.” You gave her a triumphant grin, as if that were enough to get Yuna off your case.
“Are you serious right now?” She rolled her eyes at you, “This is ridiculous, I get that the actors are hot and all, but these are the hot guys in real life! Stop pining over some made up character and get it on with a real guy!”
“Who’s getting it on with a real guy?” 
“Mark, Yuna keeps trying to take away my drama time, she’s trying to force me to go to a frat party.” You whined to him. Surely he would take your side, he’s a homebody just like yourself.
“The NCT frat party? I heard those are awesome. Why don’t you want to go?”
“Ugh, I can’t believe you Mark, you’re supposed to take my side unconditionally.”
“Right… Yuna why do you want her to go so badly?”
“Mark, don’t you want to go to the party? They’re even better than what people say.”
“Mark!” You tugged at his shirt.
“What? I’ve always wanted to go. You know you should really get out there more. I think Yuna’s right on this one.”
“See?” Yuna gave you a smug look.
“Mark, you’re not helping.”
He swung his arm over your shoulder and pulled you closer, “Maybe you should go to this one, I think it’ll be fun.”
“You’re only saying that cause you want to go.”
“Is it working?” He grinned at you before you shrugged his arm off your shoulder.
“No. I already told you, I’ve got a busy weekend up ahead.”
“Yeah of bingeing dramas.” Yuna put her hands on her hips in protest.
Mark tilts his head at you, “How about this? If you go this weekend, I promise that I will help you set up that editing software on your computer that you’ve been wanting.”
“Deal.” There was no hesitation. You’ve been dying for him to help you for months but he never got around to it.
“Damn, that was easy.” Yuna grinned, “I’ve got tons of stuff you can borrow for tomorrow night!”
“What’s wrong with my stuff?” You frowned.
“Umm… have you seen your closet?” There was a snicker from beside you, but it was quickly cut off when you elbowed him in the side.
“I agree with Yuna on this one too.” Mark said, rubbing his side where you had just jabbed him. “Your clothes just aren’t suitable for a frat party.”
“And how would you know?” You mocked him, knowing he’d never been to one before.
“I’ve seen many movies, thank you very much.”
“Not the same Mark, but regardless you both are coming with me.” Yuna spoke up, “My class is gonna start in fifteen and it’s across campus so I’ve gotta go, but I’ll see you later. Don’t think you can ditch this one!”
She ran off in the other direction before there was room for response.
“She’s something else, isn’t she?” Mark chuckled, throwing his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, ever since she and Johnny broke up, it’s like she’s going there to make sure he sees that she’s doing fine. To be honest, I’m a little worried about her.”
“Everyone goes through different ways of mourning y’know? That’s just Yuna.” He shrugged, kicking the stone in front of him. 
You dropped it, feeling the mellow mood.
“Well, I should head to class then, I’ll see you at lunch yeah?” You nodded in response and with that he left.
“Sure.” Your eyes followed his back as he continued kicking stones out of his way.
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Beep Beep!
“Are you sure this isn’t too short? I’m pretty sure you can see all of my ass.”
“Y/N, that’s the point.” You shot her a look. “Besides you’ll be so drunk you’ll feel fantastic either way. You look hot.” She flashed you a smile and grabbed your arm.
“Now come on! Mark’s waiting.”
You groaned, dragging your feet in resistance. The couch looked so comfy right now.
Beep Beep!
“Yeah we get it Mark!” Yuna yelled, “Come on.”
You were pushed into the passenger seat and she slammed the door on you, sliding into the back right after. 
Yuna leaned forward resting her arms on the both of the seats in front of her. “Ready?”
You rolled your eyes, leaning your head against the window. You glanced at Mark, who was staring at the rear view mirror. You smiled at his face.
“Wow.” He cleared his throat, shaking his head and glancing at you. “You look great. You guys look great.”
You sent him a small smile, but went back to looking out the window. 
“Of course we do, we spent hours on this.” Yuna scoffed. 
“Right.” With one last glance in the mirror at Yuna, he started the car and headed to the address.
“How long are we staying?” You asked, starting to get nervous.
“How ever long we want to. You know you could even stay the night.” She wiggled her eyebrows at you, but in vain.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Right. Just make sure you text me to let me know if you’re going home with someone.” She laughed, “That goes for all of us, I don’t want to be stranded without a ride home Mark.” 
Mark blushed and shook his head, not really replying.
There was a comfortable silence throughout the ride and you hadn’t noticed that you had already arrived until the echoing sound of music hit your ears.
“Alright! Are we ready!?” Suddenly you had a headache, and Yuna was not helping.
You were unceremoniously dragged out of the car while Mark, slowly clambored out of his side.
“Let’s go already.” 
“You know I can walk on my own right?”
“I know, but you’re a flight risk.” She gripped my arm tighter and pulled you to the front of the frat, skipping the large line that seemed to wrap around the street.
“Yuna! Pleasure to see you again!” And with that you were let in.
It felt as though you were entering a whole new world when you walked through that door. You saw many familiar faces, and many unfamiliar. 
“How about we start off with drinks?” She hooked her arms into both yours and Mark’s and dragged you to the makeshift bar. You held eye contact with Mark before letting out a sheepish grin. 
If there’s gonna be lots of alcohol involved, how bad could it be?
“Yuna! I’ve got special mixes for you, unless you’re here for the hard stuff. But you know how good my cocktails are. So what are we starting off with?” The man with silver brown hair at the table shouted over the music.
“Taeil!” Yuna smiled, giving him a small hug, leaving you and Mark feeling empty and vulnerable. “I’ll take you up on your mix, I know how many shots you can get into a cocktail. These are my friends, Y/N and Mark. Can you show them a bit of your magic?”
There was a friendly laugh as the man, Taeil, shot you both a smile. “Of course! Is this your first time here?” He asked whilst pouring his concoction.
You nodded silently, looking at Yuna for help, but she wasn’t paying any attention.
“Thought so, I would definitely remember someone like you.” He gave you a wink, handing the first one to you.
You immediately sipped it, not knowing how to answer his comment, evident in your blushing face. 
“Oh my god. This is amazing.” You looked up at him, actually confused at how you couldn’t taste the alcohol, seeing as you saw just how much he poured into that drink.
“That’s Taeil for you, he knows how to get everyone the most fucked up.” She grinned at him, taking both drinks from him and handing one to Mark, keeping the other for herself. 
He grinned, “Of course, come back when you’re done, I’ve got plenty more where that came from.”
“You’ll be seeing plenty of me.” She sang back while dragging the two of you off again. She pulled you to a crowd of yelling people, and as curious as you were, you’d much rather sit on the couch and sip your drink.
“Okay but actually what’s in this?” Mark asked, he sounded as amazed as you felt and you laughed at his expression. 
“I don’t know, but it’s amazing right?” You took another sip, turning your attention to the loud cheers from the people around you.
Some unfortunate frat boy was doing a keg stand, held up by Johnny. “Jungwoo! Man, you good? That was a shit ton this time.”
The boy with fluffy brown haired grinned toothily, “I don’t know man, I’m feeling pretty good right now.”
“Alright, you go have fun then.” Johnny laughed, shoving the keg under a table. “Beer pong anyone?”
You rolled your eyes. Johnny and Yuna had dated for a short time earlier this year, but you never really liked Johnny. I mean in general he was a fun guy, everyone liked him, it was hard for you not to. But as a boyfriend? With Yuna? Nope. You saw what she went through and that wasn’t healthy. It’s not like you hated him, in fact you and Johnny had plenty of fun conversations, but he was too out there for you.
You sighed, turning away from the commotion of guys trying to earn the chance to play against Johnny.
“Hey where are you going?” Yuna asked, still staring at the table. You pointed to your now empty drink, “I’m gonna get more!” You yelled back.
She loosened her grip nodding, but you were sure she stopped listening.
“You want me to go with you?” Mark asked, but you could tell he wanted to stay with Yuna and watch. 
“No I’m fine. I’ll be back soon, I’ll probably get a drink and then some fresh air. I promise.” He nodded, frowning at you. At least he cared enough to look worried. 
You headed back to the familiar table, “Back so soon?”
“Yeah, I don’t even remember drinking all of it.” You laughed, “That probably means it’s working right?”
He chuckled, “It works wonders. So what do you want this time? Something strong or sweet or just something that’ll knock you out?”
You giggled at the offer, “You know, as tempting as that last one is, I think I’ll just go with sweet. Make it so I can’t taste it.”
“Right, coming right up.” 
There was another obnoxious cheer. “Yuta! Yuta! Yuta!”
“What are they up to? Beer pong?” He asked, back facing the crowd.
“Go figures, that’s the only game Yuta slaughters Johnny in.” He laughed, shaking his head.
“Hey can I get something?” The keg boy from earlier stumbled up to you, obviously having trouble standing still.
“Jungwoo, man what’s up?” Taeil chuckled, handing you your drink as he faced the boy. 
“I feel great.” The grin was so endearing that you felt the need to smile with him. 
“I’m sure you do buddy. You wanted a drink right?” Taeil reached down for a bottle of Vodka from under the table. You frowned, looking at the half full bottle still on the counter.
“Yeah,” The boy giggled, turning to face you. “Hi. I’m Jungwoo. You’re kinda hot.”
You blushed, sipping your drink. You shouldn’t have been affected, this boy was drunk out of his mind, he probably thought that anything with two legs was hot.
“Here you go buddy. I made this one good, you probably can’t even taste it.” Taeil walked around the table to hand it to Jungwoo, standing next to you.
Jungwoo sipped it, nodding his head contently. 
Taeil bent down and whispered in your ear, “ Don’t worry, it’s just pineapple juice mixed with water. He won’t even tell the difference.” He pulled back giving you a grin.
“Hey Jungwoo, why don’t you take this pretty lady outside for some fresh air, I think she could use it.” He winked at you and pointed his head in direction of the empty backyard. 
“Of course I will.” He grinned, sticking his elbow out for you to grab, to which you complied and sent Taeil a little smile on your way out. 
You sat on the stairs of the deck, Jungwoo landing next to you. He was having a little more difficulty trying to sit down without falling over. 
“So what’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You answered softly, taking another sip. It looked like this one was going to be finished just as fast as the last. You shook your head worried about future you.
“Huh. Cute.” He took a long sip of his.
Again you blushed. You really needed to stop doing that every time some guy talks to you.
“You know you’re kinda cute to be hanging out here.” He commented mindlessly, chewing on a block of ice.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, like you’re hot, but you seem like you’re too sweet y’know, to be hanging out at a frat house.”
You giggled, “It’s not like I wanted to come here. But you know I’m not having a bad time.” 
Another sip.
“Yeah? That’s good. You a student here?”
“Cool. I’m a Sophomore, what are you?” He was a bit blunt, but you didn’t mind, the alcohol was kicking in and you were beginning to think everything was funny. Honestly, sober you would’ve probably thought this whole situation was funny too.
“I’m a Junior.”
He paused, thinking.
“You know I’m into older women.”
You laughed, throwing your head back. And he grinned at you, leaning back on his elbows, his drink long gone. 
“Well that’s a shame, cause I’m into older men.” He pouted at you. 
“People actually think I’m a lot older than I am.”
“I’m sure they do Jungwoo.”
He grinned at you.
“Hey, I kinda like the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth.”
Again, you couldn’t stop the bubble of laughter from erupting. 
“Jungwoo, you’re a total flirt.” You had your hand covering your mouth as you tried to stop the giggles, swaying towards him. 
He let out a little giggle. You lost your balance and fell towards him, leaning against his shoulder. Jungwoo could hardly manage to keep himself up let alone both your weights. The two of you tumbled flat on the deck, in giggling fits. 
You sighed, finally calming yourself as you rolled over staring at the black sky, not a single star in sight.
You turned your head sharply and faced Jungwoo, his nose only and inch away from yours. You could tell he wasn’t paying much attention to you as he eyes were trained on your lips. 
“You wanna dance?”
“I wanna dance. Are you coming?” You attempted to push yourself up, struggling for a good minute.
Jungwoo followed, “Yeah, only if you help me get up, I think I might be a little drunk.” He laughed to himself.
“A little?” You had no right to tease him.
Pulling each other up, you guys somehow managed to make it back inside. As you stumbled inside together Mark happened to find you, holding on to your waist to stabilize you. 
“Dude where were you? I’ve been looking all over for you.” You giggled, hanging on to both Mark and Jungwoo. He sniffed, smelling the alcohol on you.
“How much did you drink? You smell like a sketchy gas station.” His nose crinkled.
Jungwoo stumbled, pulling you and consequently Mark with him. 
“Woah man, maybe you should sit down.” Mark reached his arm out to grab Jungwoo.
“But I’m gonna dance with Y/N.” He whined, but nevertheless letting Mark lead him to the couch.
“Next time yeah?” 
Jungwoo nodded, gladly sinking into the cushion.
“Y/N how about you? You good?” Mark asked, leaning down to your eye level. You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes for a bit. 
“Mmmmm? What’s that mean? You need something?” You shook your head, opting to wrap your arms around his waist. 
The two of you swayed there for a bit, until you started to feel dizzy. “Water?”
“Huh?” His head was resting on top of yours. “You want water?” He pulled away, once again looking you in the eyes.
He nodded slowly at you, “Okay, I’ll get you water, you just stay right here okay?”
You leaned against the couch and smiled at him nodding in response. 
He was only gone for a moment when you felt a presence invading your space. “Is that your boyfriend?”
You opened your eyes. 
He smiled at you, liking your reaction, “Woah?”
Your heart skipped a beat.
Your hand reached for the lock of blonde hair nearest to you. He chuckled, grabbing your hand, “I’m gonna go with no then.”
You looked up at him, wide eyed earning you a grin. “Wanna dance?”
There was nothing left to do but nod.
He grabbed your head, softly pulling you towards the space everyone was dancing on. From the corner of your eye, you could’ve sworn you saw Yuna making out with that guy from your Calculus class but you shook it off, there were more important things in front of you.
You were tugged against his chest, and the heat coming off his chest making you feel dizzy. After a few moments he turned you around, placing his hand under your chin, leaning your head back in the crevice of his neck. You closed your eyes. His hands once softly gripping your waist dug into your hips, dragging you closer if that was possible. As your bodies grinded against each other, you felt his lips make contact with your exposed neck. You gasped, stretching your neck more in order to give him as much access as you could. Already you could feel the spots where hickies would be impossible to hide the next day, but you didn’t care. 
Soon the kisses and licks turned into love bites and the grip on your waist grew firmer. It was becoming much easier to feel the growing eagerness of your partner. You rotated your hips, pushing back into him and he threw his head back groaning. 
“Fuck, how about we take this upstairs?” He moaned into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You felt your stomach clench.
Somehow you made it upstairs, stumbling through frenzied kisses and already swollen lips. He pushed your backwards through a wooden door frame and immediately turned you around as he slammed the door shut. He trapped you against the cool wood panel before attacking your neck once more, you let out a gasp, running his hands over his chest. His lips didn’t stop attacking until he found your sweet spot, you moaned, fingers tangling in his hair pulling slightly. He moaned into your neck before swearing and pushing you towards the bed. 
Before you had even made it there he managed to rid you of your dress.
“Fuck, you know that shit really wasn’t leaving much for the imagination.” He quickly pulled his top off and pushed you down, crawling you top of you to leave a trail of kisses down your body.
“God, you’re fucking hot.” He groaned as his lips traced the black lace of your bra that Yuna forced you into.
You sunk further into the bed, his body crashing into yours, unbelievably close, as his fingers left blazing hot trails on your body.
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You were wrapped around each other in the morning as you woke up. Your eyes opened slowly meeting the already awake eyes of the man next to you. For a moment you stared at each other in silence, relishing the peaceful moments before your hangover would kick in.
There was a loud clang from downstairs, causing you to flinch. The moment was over.
He pulled away from you harshly turning to throw on sweats and a shirt before moving past you to the bathroom. You wrapped yourself in the sheets sitting up and watched his back.
He hesitated for a moment before turning back to face you, “Don’t you know to leave before I wake up?” He gave you a one over while shaking his head at you. “It was just a fuck.”
You sat in silence, only jumping at the sound of the bathroom door slamming. Suddenly you felt sick. You scrambled out of bed to find the pieces of last night’s outfit scattered around the floor.
As soon as you were dressed and you cleaned yourself up as much as you could in the mirror, you ran towards the stairs. The smell of bacon wafted past you, making you wish you didn’t feel the nausea that was slowly rising. 
“Y/N?” Taeil turned to see you rush past the kitchen. You stopped, backtracking to the doorway and gave him a tentative smile.
He looked at his watch and frowned, “You’re still here?”
“She was with Yuta.” A boy with black curly hair and a grey hoodie said, munching on his apple. He spun in his chair before stopping in your direction.
Yuta? Well shit, you didn’t even know his name until now.
“I’m surprised you’re still here. Yuta usually makes sure his girls leave before he wakes up. Honestly, most of them don’t even get to spend the night, he just kicks them out after his little escapade. I’m Doyoung by the way.” He flashed a little smile and tilted his head at you.
“Oh.” You blushed looking down at your feet. “I was just on my way out.” 
He nodded, getting what you meant. 
“Oh? Y/N?” You turned to find a familiar face. 
“Jungwoo?” He smiled sheepishly at you, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Sorry about last night. I don’t really remember much except us falling over each other. I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable did I?”
You blushed in response. “No, trust me I think it was mutual last night.” You laughed nervously, rubbing your arms, suddenly immensely aware of your less than modest outfit. 
“Here!” Jungwoo stripped off his blue hoodie, leaving him in a plain white tee. He stuck his hand out, offering you the jacket, which you took gratefully. Even though you weren’t planning on staying long, it was freezing outside and you’d have to wait for a ride to come get you.
Mark! You totally forgot to tell him, you mentally slapped your forehead, knowing that he wasn’t going to let this go too easily. 
The sweatshirt hung just above the length of your dress, not doing much for modesty down there, but it still felt more comfortable than before. 
There was a slam and a girl came running down the stairs and towards the door, she gave you a knowing glance before exiting the building.
You sighed, you should probably get going now, Mark was going to throw a fit but you knew he'd show up anyways.
A hand came down on your shoulder, the man behind it chuckling as he watched the scene. 
“You staying for breakfast Y/N?” He moved around you, grabbing a plate from Taeil and sitting down.
“Jaehyun.” You froze. You and Jaehyun were kind of friends. You had met through Yuna and Johnny. Actually you got along really well with him, you just lost contact after Johnny and Yuna broke up.
He flashed you a dimpled smile.
“No, I should get going.”
He nodded, already digging in, “You have a ride back?”
You paused. He noticed, looking up at you. 
“Give me five minutes, let me just finish this and I’ll drop you off. Okay?” 
You nodded and gave him a smile. Five minutes wouldn’t hurt right? Besides then you wouldn’t have to bug Mark so early. 
It was 11 am, but he was probably still knocked out. A ride with Jaehyun wouldn’t kill you. He patted the seat next to you and you took up his offer.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat?” Jungwoo set his plate down opposite of you.
You shook your head, “I don’t think I could keep it down.” 
“Right.” He paused, looking at his own food with hesitation before shrugging and taking a bite. 
Doyoung laughed, sinking into the seat next to the boy, “He’ll probably throw it up, but then he’ll say he made more room and eat again.”
Jungwoo shoved him whilst mid-bite before focusing on the task before him.
You looked at him, “How about you?” Referencing the lone apple in his hand. 
“Oh I don’t drink enough to get sick in the mornings, I’m just less of a bacon dude, more of an apple guy.” He grinned, taking a bite. 
“Johnny?” Taeil asked.
Jaehyun leaned back in his chair, grabbing the coffee Taeil just sat down. 
“Sleeping, you know how he is the day after.”
Taeil nodded, “Yeah, I figured, but I thought he’d smell the bacon and be the first one down.” He laughed to himself grabbing another cup of coffee and raised it in your direction.
You shook your head smiling. Jaehyun threw his arm around the back of your chair and you looked at him. He was sipping the coffee and frowning ahead of him.
“What are you still doing here? Did I not make it clear that you should leave?” Your eyes widened at the sound of the voice you heard this morning. 
“Yuta!” Taeil scolded, still setting down a plate for him. He shrugged in response taking the seat at the head of the table, farthest from you.
Jungwoo looked up intensely chewing and just as intensely glancing between the two of you.
You shrunk down in your seat, avoiding eye contact with him. Jaehyun glanced at you and set down his mug. 
“You ready?” He asked, standing up with a stretch. You immediately followed his lead. 
“Let me grab my keys real quick. You haven’t moved right?” 
You nodded, watching Jaehyun jog up the stairs for a moment.
Taeil came and stood next to you, cup in hand, “You guys close?”
You shrugged, turning back to face him. “We used to be.”
He nodded silently, watching Jaehyun reappear.
“Got everything?” He asked, opening the door as you started towards the exit. You nodded and turned back to the kitchen one last time, sending a wave and a smile. 
You didn’t miss Yuta’s scowl.
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“Don’t mind Yuta, he’s just usually cranky the night after.” Jaehyun reassured you, but it didn’t do much good. 
You looked out the window and nodded silently.
“Did you atleast enjoy last night?” He asked, attempting at rekindling the conversation.
“Yeah, I think I did. Honestly a lot of it was a blur.” You let out a strained laugh.
He joined you, “That’s what makes it so fun.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
There was a comfortable silence. The car jolted to a stop.
“This is you right?”
You had zoned out and missed half the ride back.
“Oh! Yeah, thanks for the ride. Mark would’ve killed me if I asked him to pick me up.”
He nodded, “No problem. I didn’t mind at all. We should hang out again, I’ve missed you.”
You grinned, “Same, we’ll definitely hang out, just let me know when and where.” 
“Will do.”
You shivered as you stepped out of the car and slammed the door. You stepped back, wrapping your arms around yourself and gave a short wave as he left before making your way to your door.
You let yourself in quietly, taking off your heels and turning around only to let out a startled scream.
“Yuna?! What the hell are you doing?! You scared the shit out of me!” 
Yuna was sitting on the couch staring at the front door, looking as if she had been waiting all night.
“Well? How was last night? I’m assuming things went well because here you are waltzing in at 11:30 in the morning.” She was taunting you.
You groaned, “At least let me shower first.”
She squealed, clapping her hands whilst bouncing on the couch.
You paused, “Last night… Mark…”
Her face scrunched up, “Yeah, he’s kind of pissed. We both forgot to tell him… but we’ll make it up to him. I was thinking we’d bring him lunch.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Wait?! Both forgot? Did you hook up with someone again?!”
She continued shaking her head with a bright smile and shoved you towards the bathroom. “Clean up first!”
She laughed at your protest but you eventually gave in.
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“Maaarrrk. Come on, we said we’re sorry. I mean honestly we were both drunk out of our minds, how could we have even texted you?” Yuna pouted at him, something she always did to get her way with him.
He looked away, staring at the cupcakes you had brought as a peace offering.
“If it makes you feel any better I made a complete fool out of myself this morning.” You said, still twiddling your thumbs. 
He cocked his head slightly, an indication that you had his attention.
“The guy I slept with totally threw me out.”
He frowned, looking at you, “Why on earth would that make me feel any better?”
You shrugged avoiding eye contact.
“Who was it?”
“What? Are you gonna beat him up?” Yuna asked, laughing as she stole a cupcake.
“Maybe.” He turned his attention to you, “So who?”
“Yuta? As NCT frat boy Yuta? Why would you sleep with him?” He asked, his voice increasing a decibel. 
“Umm.. Have you seen him? He’s hot as hell.” Yuna said, licking the frosting off her fingers before giving him a look. “I’m glad she did. It’s about time she got some action.”
“How can you be glad she slept with him? He’s a total asshole! Plus he kicked her out this morning!” He asked, reaching for the coveted cupcake. She slapped his hand away, taking a bite.
“Okay, but everyone knows when you sleep with someone at a party, you don’t stay the night, or you at least don’t stay long enough for breakfast in the morning. No offense.” The last part directed at you, but you just continued to stare at the floor.
“Well, wouldn’t you know?” Mark spat out, for once losing his temper. 
Yuna paused and gave him a look. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. It’s just that, just because you go sleeping around and know the ‘etiquette’ or whatever, doesn’t mean that someone like Y/N would know.” He turned around blocking himself off from her gaze.
“Whatever. I don’t need this.” She stood up grabbing her bag. “We came to apologize, I didn’t come to be attacked. You know I’m sorry I ditched you last night but I don’t need to be called a whore cause you’re still pissy about the whole thing.” 
She slammed the door on the way out, glaring at nothing in particular.
Well. There goes your ride.
Mark sighed, slouching into the cushion of his couch.
“I didn’t call her a whore. At least I didn’t mean to. It’s just she was totally attacking you, and you did nothing wrong. Except maybe sleep with a dickwad.” He groaned, rubbing his hands on his face. “I would never kick you out like that.”
“I know.” You replied, leaning into his side. “I don’t think she’s actually that mad, she’s just struggling right now. You know how she’s been since they broke up.”
“I just think she’s so desensitized, that she doesn’t even know how to be treated right.”
“I know.” You sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. 
The two of you sat in silence for a while.
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They weren’t his frat brothers but you were sure he told them all about you and your mistake, judging by the way they were laughing at you.
“Screw them.” Yuna said, glaring at the group. “It’s not even that big of a deal, he should be honored he slept with you.”
You kept your head down, mentally cursing yourself for ever letting him get to you.
The semester had already ended and you had almost forgotten about the frat house and the embarrassment that followed, that is until Yuta and his friends sat themselves behind you in lecture today.
Yuna made a face at you, an attempt to brighten you up. A whole semester with them behind you? This was an actual nightmare.
“Where is Mark?” Yuna muttered checking her phone. “Look I’ve got to go or I’ll be late to my class but you’ll have Mark so don’t let them get to you alright?” 
You nodded, playing with the strings of your sweatshirt. With one last glare Yuna exited the back of the lecture hall.
You felt a presence next you and you stiffened.
“This’ll be fun, don’t you think?” You groaned, of course he would have the nerve to sit next to you only as soon as Yuna leaves. 
You chose to ignore him.
You didn’t have to look at him to tell that he was smirking, “Luck really was on my side-”
“That’s my seat.”
Both you and Yuta looked up and you sighed in relief seeing that it was Mark, “I don’t see a name on it.” Yuta cocked his head, the smirk still plastered over his face. 
Mark just stared at him, not moving. 
Eventually Yuta sighed, standing up and staring down at Mark, the height difference only enhancing the mood he was going for. “It’s a shame you’re no fun.” He moved to the seat behind yours and rested his feet on the back of your chair.
You grimaced as you felt the pressure, and rolled your eyes in annoyance. Mark sat down, turning to you.
“You good?” He asked, leaning in close to you.
Again, you nodded silently.
This was going to be a long semester.
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“Are you still coming over to my place tonight?” Mark asked, packing his notebook in his bag.
Nodding, you replied, “Yeah, I still have clothes there right? I’ve got to run to the library and get some stuff first, then I’ll just come over.”
“Yeah, if not, you can just borrow something of mine.” 
You nodded in agreement, watching as the last of his things were secured in his bag. 
“Alright, I’m gonna head out, text me if you need anything.” He waved back at you and made his way out of the hall.
You felt Yuta lean his head forward inches away from yours. You flinched away, bending down to get your things.
“You have plans tonight?” You frowned at his question, or rather statement. He had obviously heard the conversation between you and Mark.
You chose to ignore him, one of your greater ideas.
“Umm.. There’s a party this weekend, if you wanna come.”
You struggled to hold back a snort. Was this his new way of tormenting you? Why on earth would you go to another one of his frat parties?
“It’s for Jaehyun’s birthday.”
You froze, hand half way in your backpack. After a moment you stood up, clearing your throat, attempting to move towards the exit only to find him blocking your way.
You peered behind him, his regular clique of friends long gone, you frowned. 
“What?” You breathed out, tired of whatever mind game that he wanted to play.
He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, the ever present scowl replaced by a timid look.
“I think it’d be nice of you to go. Cause you’re friends and all.” He shrugged half heartedly, like he was struggling to ask you to go.
He glanced at your scrunched face, confusion written all over it. 
“It’s gonna be a small party, not like a huge thing. Just the boys and a few friends.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “It’s gonna be really chill.”
You hesitated to ask for the date and time, but it was for Jaehyun’s birthday so you felt obligated. 
You and Jaehyun had gotten closer over the last few months, a small joy in a hectic semester. 
“It’s Friday, at seven. Don’t feel obligated to bring anything but yourself.” He sent you a small smile, one that sent an unsettling feeling through your stomach. 
You nodded, skeptical of the situation. Your mind was racing, an internal struggle overwhelming you.
By the time you had focused back in, there was a stream of students passing by you, already entering for the next lecture, Yuta no where to be found. 
You sighed, hiking your backpack up on your back and heading towards the library. 
It was hard to concentrate on the task ahead of you, especially when all you had was thoughts of what was to come this weekend. 
“Excuse me.” You flinched, nodding apolegitcally at the girl who reached for a book that you were blocking. 
You shook your head, trying to remember what you had come here for. After a half and hour of racking your brain you gave up, opting to just go to Mark’s.
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“So I didn’t find any of your clothes, but you’ve got your toothbrush here.” You weren’t focused on what Mark was saying, walking into his apartment in a daze. 
“Y/N?” You turned to face him, eyes slightly more alert.
“What are you thinking about so hard?”
You sighed, flopping on to the couch and closed your eyes.
He sat next to you, and you felt his intense gaze over you.
You sat up suddenly, facing him. “What would you do if you had a friend who wasn’t really on good terms with a friend of a friend and you were invited to this friend’s kickback but it would be awkward to bring your other friend, but then it would be wrong if you didn’t tell this friend about the party, but it would also be bad to not go to the other friend’s party cause it’s his birthday?”
You sighed, collecting your thoughts. “Jaehyun’s frat is having a party to celebrate his birthday and I was invited.”
“Okay... so?” He furrowed his eyebrows. 
“It’s supposed to be a small thing, like just the frat and a few friends.”
“Right? What’s the problem?”
“Mark, what do I tell Yuna? I can’t tell her that I’m going to a party cause she’ll want to come, but that would be weird because it’s a small thing, and you know,,, Johnny. I’m sure she’ll end up making a scene.”
Mark sighed, looking away from you. “Just don’t tell her, or do, and just say she can’t go. I don’t really care.” 
He stood up making his way to the kitchen. You groaned. Mark and Yuna haven’t quite been the same since the incident after the party. You haven’t found them willingly enter the same room, and even if they were forced to, they refused to interact. You were often caught in the middle of they’re snide remarks regarding each other.
“I don’t really want to go alone though. I’m not close enough with any of the frat guys to hang out there.” You griped, hands fiddling with your sleeves again.
“I thought you were cool with them.”
“Yeah, we’re friendly enough, but it’s still awkward.”
There was a poignant pause. 
“Mark?” You whined, hoping that he would catch the hint.
“No, I’m done with parties.” He held up a hand, waving it in refusal.
“But it’s going to be a small one, it’s not even a real party. Please?”
“Are you even allowed to bring anyone?”
You shrugged, “He didn’t say, but it doesn’t matter, they won’t make you leave. And if they do then I’ll just say hi to Jaehyun and then leave.”
He rubbed his hands over his eyes. “Who even invited you?”
“Yuta.” You whispered out.
“Yuta? Why would he invite you?” He frowned, deep in his own thoughts.
“He said it would be nice for Jaehyun. Plus I doubt he’s going to do anything, especially because it’s Jae’s birthday. You know as much as a dick he is to girls, he probably cares about his frat brothers.” You found yourself defending Yuta.
He shot you a look, before shaking his head. 
“You owe me.”
You grinned, pumping your fists in victory.
“Yes! I owe you a thousand times.” You stood up, “Where my sweats?”
“You mean my sweats.” He just shook his head and pointed towards his room, “They’re on my chair.”
You slid past his door, grabbing hold of the sweats that had been designated as yours. 
After changing a picture on his desk caught your eye. It was a photo of the three of you at the beach, a memory made last year during spring break. You smiled to yourself, eyes tracing over the bright smiles. Your eyes shook as they reached Mark’s profile, too busy staring at Yuna to focus on the lense of the camera. 
You winced, recognizing the way that he looked at Yuna, your heart broke for him. It wasn’t the first time you noticed the way he watched her, but seeing it so definite made you hurt for him.
“Y/N? You coming? I’m gonna start the movie if you don’t hurry your ass up!” Mark shouted from the living room, and you tore yourself away, skidding back to the couch.
“Stop doing that, you’re gonna crash into something.” He laughed at you.
“What’s the point of having hardwood floors then?” You climbed over the back of the couch after dumping your clothes next to your bag. 
“Who said you got to choose?” You grumbled to yourself.
“Me, cause you owe me a thousand favors now.” You smiled cheesily at him, hoping to ease his irritation with the situation you dragged him into.
“Right. Do you want anything to drink, eat, possibly a foot massage that would appease you?”
He shoved you upon hearing your teasing tone. “Don’t make me regret this.”
You laughed, turning to focus on the screen ahead of you.
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You opted for something a bit more casual than what you wore the last time you entered the frat house, definitely a bit more modest. 
The mood was totally different the moment that you passed the door. 
“Y/N! You came!” You smiled at the familiar face.
“Of course I came, it’s Jae’s birthday.”
Jungwoo peered at Mark who stood next to you, taking in the house as if it was his first time seeing it. 
“Who’s this?” He frowned, racking his brain and trying to connect face to name.
“Oh you probably don’t remember.” You laughed at the memory, “This is Mark, he kind of took care of you at the party we met at.”
His eyes flashed at sudden recognition.
“Oh! Right, you were the one that stole Y/N away from me! I never did get that dance.” He grinned cheekily at Mark’s flustered expression.
“Don’t worry, I’m not planning on drinking that much this time.” He winked at you.
“That’s what you said last time.” A skinny boy with wide eyes interrupted him, throwing his arm around his shoulder.
The newcomer smiled at you, eyes turning into half moons. “I’m Taeyong, I don’t think we’ve met.”
“That’s cause you haven’t.” The familiar laid back tone answered before you a chance to. 
“You were out of town the last time she was here.” Doyoung faced you, giving you a brief smile before turning back to Taeyong. “You know if you stuck around and chilled like everyone else then you would’ve known.”
You felt the tension between the two of them, glancing at Mark who had the same expression on his face. 
“I’m here now, so what’s the problem?” The tone was less teasing than you expected, obviously things weren’t smooth between the two of them.
“It doesn’t matter, if you didn’t up and leav-”
“Her name’s Y/N.” Jungwoo interrupted, not caring that it wasn’t quite the right timing to introduce you.
The irritation washed off Taeyong’s face as he sent you a soft smile. “It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He winked at your nervous expression. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I think I need a drink.” After sending Doyoung a glare he found Taeil close by.
“Sorry about that.” Doyoung muttered embarrassed, but he didn’t seem too genuine about his apology.
You smiled back at him, another awkward glance at Mark.
“Well drinks anyone?” Jungwoo asked, hoping to lighten the mood. 
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” You giggled at him. 
He glared at you teasingly, “What are you trying to say?”
“Okay okay, here.” Taeil swept by shoving a handful of drinks in your direction.
“Well that was easy.” Jungwoo commented before moving to greet the next newcomer. 
With everything happening so quickly you hadn’t noticed that Doyoung had also escaped.
“See. I told you it would be awkward, if you weren’t here I’d be standing alone in a corner.” You shoved Mark’s side, handing him your drink.
“What’s this?” 
“I’m not drinking tonight. I don’t want to do anything stupid again, drink up.” He grinned at you.
“Well I guess this is payment enough.”
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It was some time later that you found yourself laughing alongside Jaehyun when you realized that you hadn’t seen Mark it a while.
“I’m gonna go grab a water.” You excused yourself and set out to find him.
“You came.” You jumped at the sound of Yuta’s voice, uncomfortably close to you.
You spun around, facing him. 
“You brought your little boyfriend though.” He was obviously drunk, more so than the last time. Or perhaps you were just more aware and now you could notice his tendencies. 
“Right. Have you seen him?” You asked curtly, trying to focus on the task at hand. 
“So he is your boyfriend?” The alcohol had definitely left him no control over his emotions as you frowned at the crestfallen look on his face. 
“No, Yuta focus. Have you seen Mark?” 
“I don’t like him.”
You rolled your eyes, starting to enjoy teasing him. “Why not?”
“He’s too touchy with you.”
You cocked your head to the side. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Only your boyfriend should touch you like that. You guys are like hugging and stuff.” He pouted at you, a new version of Yuta you had never imagined.
“You touched me.” You mumbled out, watching his reaction.
“Can I be your boyfriend?” 
You stepped back, nervous for the first time. This version of Yuta made you uncomfortable. You were so used to the asshole that made snide comments and teased you. You knew it was just the alcohol talking but you felt restless upon seeing this new side of him. 
Out of the corner of your eye you spotted your savior.
“Mark!” The boy spun around face bursting into a smile as he made his way over to you, slinging his arm over your shoulder. 
“Y/N where’ve you been? I lost you.” His smile faded as he noticed your company. “What are you doing here?”
His tone had turned cold and he pulled you tighter against him, an action not going unnoticed by Yuta.
“I’m having a conversation. And you’re not her boyfriend.” Mark glared at him, not appreciating the tone.
You cut in between their little stare down, moving to face Mark, “Hey, I already wished Jae a happy birthday and stuff, it’s getting kinda late. We should get going now if you’re ready to go.” 
You motioned towards the door in case he could understand you.
He nodded, not really paying attention, something that you were expecting. 
“Alright, let’s go say bye to Jae and then I’ll drive us home, okay?” You talked slowly, hoping that he would understand more easily.
You grabbed Mark’s hand, pulling him towards the patio, the last place you had seen Jaehyun.
“Oh.” You stopped and turned to face the boy staring at two of your hands. “Bye Yuta.”
His eyes whipped up to find yours, a small smile taking over his features. He lifted his hands and waved slightly, as if he wasn’t sure he was allowed to.
“What is wrong with him?” Mark muttered under his breath, face grimaced at the sight. 
You sighed, resuming your journey to Jaehyun. “He’s drunk.”
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You slammed the passenger door shut and slid into the driver’s seat, once more checking that all of Mark’s limbs were attached and in the car. 
“That was fun.” He laughed, staring at nothing in particular. 
You snorted at his reaction. “So I don’t owe you anything anymore?”
“I never said that.”
“Do you want me to stay over tonight?” You asked, taking a quick glance at him before regathering your attention on the road. 
You drove in silence for a while, and peeked over at him. He was so silent you were sure that he had fallen asleep. But his eyes were open, hooded, but definitely open. He was staring out the window, watching the buildings flash past him.
“Do you think Yuna wants to come?” 
You were startled by his sudden question.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Mark.”
“I know. But I kind of miss her.” He sounded so upset, and you began to get angry at Yuna. 
“I know Mark. Things will get better though. She’s just being stubborn.”
He sighed, fogging up the window for a few seconds before it dissipated under the cold.
You hesitated to continue. 
“Hey Mark?”
He didn’t respond,
Your eyes found his sleeping figure slumped in the corner of the seat. 
You let out a deep breath, one you didn’t realize you had been holding. 
“How do you do it? Deal with her knowing that she’ll probably never love you back?” You asked no one in particular, listening to the silence that followed your harsh question.
You spent the last few miles of the ride with your mind involuntarily wandering back to Yuta. Now that you thought about it he had been acting weird since the day he invited you to the party. 
It wasn’t that you missed the nagging or teasing that he constantly made you endure. But it made you uneasy, reminding you why he starting doing so in the first place.
You shook your head, bringing yourself back to the road as you pulled into Mark’s designated spot. The car rocked to a standstill.
“It’s because I love her that I can do it.”
You turned to face the seemingly asleep boy, mentally cursing yourself for letting him hear your thoughts.
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“Yuna, don’t you think you’re being a little too harsh on him?”
She had just spent the last twenty minutes purposely avoiding Mark, stating that it would absolutely ruin her day to see him.
“He called me a slut, are you really taking his side?” Her tone had turned fierce as you expected.
“He didn’t call you a slut. Besides if it’s something you’re ashamed of, then don’t do it.” You muttered the last bit, trying to soften the tone.
She whipped her head at you. “What? So now you think I’m a slut too?”
“No, it’s just if you’re so upset with the way that people think of you, then why do you keep giving them reason to think that way?”
It was harsh, but you had finally given up on stubborn Yuna. It was time to finally hammer it into her head.
She was at a loss for words when you looked back at her. “I shouldn’t have to care about what other people think of me.”
You bit your lip, frustrated with the way she was thinking.
“Then why are you so mad at Mark? If you don’t care what other people think of you, why are you so mad?”
“Because it’s Mark. Of course I care what he thinks.” 
You stared at her, mouth slightly open, confused with her statement. But it seemed like you weren’t the only one, her eyes widened, throwing her hand over her mouth.
“I mean, he shouldn’t have said that because he’s supposed to be someone I can count on to not think of me that way. I’m supposed to be able to trust that he knows me, and has my back no matter what, not that he’d stab me in the back like that.”
“He didn’t stab you in the back. And he does have your back, no matter what. You know he’s never said one bad thing about you during this time? He just keeps asking if you’re doing okay.”You paused, thinking about your next words, hesitating for a moment. 
”You know I think it’s kind of embarrassing how much you’re bad mouthing him and avoiding him when all he does as make sure that you’re doing fine.” You glanced at her as she turned away from you, trying to hide the fact that she was furrowing her eyebrows. 
“Don’t you think it’s been long enough? For both of you? Would it be that hard to forgive him?” You raised your eyebrows in hopes that you would no longer be the split messenger between the two.
There was a deep sigh from her side. 
“I’ll talk to him later, just the two of us. I guess I owe him that much.” You smiled at her flushed face.
She grinned back, wrapping her arm in yours, “Now tell me about the party last weekend.”
You jolted your head to the side, wide eyed. “H-how did you...?”
“Don’t worry, I’m not mad. It’s not like I was invited. Besides it would’ve been weird right, for me to show up.” You smiled at her, thankful that she wasn’t upset.
“To be honest, it was fun. I missed hanging out with them.” She elbowed you in the side.
“Any one in particular you like hanging out with?” Wiggling her eyebrows, she sent a suggestive look your way.
You blushed, understanding her intentions. “No. They’re all fun.”
“Right. Did Yuta bother you much? I hope Mark didn’t leave you alone to be bugged by him.” She scrunched her nose, evidence that she was still annoyed by him.
“No. He didn’t bother me, he was pretty drunk.” You frowned, “He actually said something though that bugged me.”
“I don’t know, he just kept talking about me having a boyfriend.” You paused, eyes shaking at what you were about to say. “He asked if he could be my boyfriend.” 
Yuna made her scandalized face, teasing you as you cut in, attempting to save face for both yourself and Yuta.
“But he was really drunk, who knows if he even knew what he was saying.” You hurried out,  nibbling at your bottom lip.
“Didn’t you say he had been acting weird around you lately? Like not teasing you weird, but like he was actually kind of nice to you?” You nodded thoughtfully.
“Yeah, he was actually the person who invited me to Jae’s party.” 
“Really?” She asked, squinting in confusion. “That’s strange, I thought he would’ve been the last person to invite you.”
“Right?” You thought to yourself for a moment, “He wouldn’t do something would he?”
“No, I think he’s just gotten bored. Maybe he’s finally tired of teasing you.” You laughed at the thought.
“Sure, I’d die of happiness if that were true.” But there was a small part of you that you chose to ignore, that felt a little sad at the thought.
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“Do you want one?” You raised your eyebrow at the scene in front of you.
“I didn’t poison it, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Yuta gave you a small smile. “Taeil baked them, they’re to die for.”
You frowned at the muffin he was showing you, but eventually took it.
He nodded his head once, indicating for you to try it.
As you bit into the soft texture of the muffin your eyes widened. 
“I know. I’m not usually one for muffins, but I’ll never pass on one from Master Moon.”
You giggled at the title.
“No really, that’s what he calls him self, but I’m not one to argue.” A genuine smile bloomed over his face, the first time you had seen it.
Unknowingly you returned the smile, something about it making you feel better already.
He rubbed the back of his neck, an embarrassed smile, replacing the previous, “I’m sorry we got off on a bad foot.” He let out a big sigh, “I kind of let things get out of hand.”
You felt yourself closing off again, but realized that his words were genuine.
“I’m not gonna lie, the stuff you said and things you did hurt me. This class was hell because of you, I even avoided seeing Jaehyun because of you.”
You let out a sigh, and a heavy silence followed. You glanced at the worried expression on Yuta’s face, and you recognized the guilt.
There had been some point where your anger towards Yuta had faded. Perhaps it was the fact that he stopped bothering you, perhaps it was his confession, or perhaps it was the way that he started to look at you. You believed that there was something more to Yuta, and you wanted to get to know that side.
“But if you continue to bring me amazing snacks I’ll have no choice but to forgive you.” You laughed nervously, tearing anxiously at the empty wrapper.
“Then I’ll just have to keep bugging Master Moon.” He grinned, a reflection of yourself.
You felt your face heat up, blushing at his blatant flirting.
“Um.... I know I was like really drunk the other night. I’m not going to pretend I don’t remember pieces, because I do. And I want you to know that even though I was drunk I really meant what I said.” He glanced at you from the side, not brave enough to confront you.
“What do you mean?” You tried not to think of the way that he basically confessed to you, and you chose to ignore it.
“Uh... Do you... not remember?” He scratched his head, ruffling his hair into a more messy look.
“I’m not sure, you were saying a lot of things.” Biting your lip, you focused on the wrapper in your hand.
“Oh... I- uh...I like you.” You whipped your head to face Yuta, who was now avoiding eye contact.
“What?” It came out as a whisper, barely audible to him. You heart began beating faster, and you were worried that he would be able to hear it because it was so loud.
“I like you Y/N. Look, I know I have a pretty shitty way of showing it, but I promise that I’ll make up for it.”
You hated to leave him hanging, but you had no words. You wanted to give him some sort of reassurance, but the words were stuck in your throat.
“Will you go out with me? Or at least one date to show you I’m not a total asshole.” He wasn’t great at hiding the fact that he was nervous, and you giggled at the sight.
“Yeah. I guess one date couldn’t hurt right?” You smiled at him, boldly reaching for his hand.
He wrapped his hand around yours, pulling you close to his chest. you could hear the beating of his heart through his shirt, making you smile at the thought that you were the cause of this.
“I swear I’ll make it up to you. I’m done making stupid decisions.”
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 13) (chilumi fic)
“Lumine is the student council president and Childe is the school’s number one troublemaker. They cross paths more than they’d like. Especially when Childe finds out Lumine’s big secret. Highschool AU à la Kaichou wa Maid-sama.”
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link] // [Main AO3]
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im really sorry for the massive time between each update. i am truly in the struggle  * * * 
the president and the troublemaker (part 13)
“I’m a professional fighter,” Lumine said to Venti. 
Venti stared at her for a long second, before slowly raising one of his brows. “What are you talking about, LuLu?” 
She bit her lip. “You know, like the UFC. That’s my job. I’m a MMA fighter.” 
Again, Venti stared at her, then glanced between her and the unconscious men on the floor. 
Lumine braced herself for him to laugh, to ridicule her, or even shy away in fear—how terrifying it was that she was powerful enough to do all that and even more. He would be disappointed, a bright student like her getting involved with the activities of delinquents. 
“That’s…,” Venti started. Then, he went to Lumine, grabbing her hands, eyes bright. “So cool!”
Lumine looked at him, silent with shock. 
“Wow, I would have never guessed!” he went on. “But I should have known. You’ve always been so strong.” 
“So you’re not...disappointed?” she asked. 
“Of course not. I would never be disappointed in you,” he said, giving her a soft smile. 
Lumine’s eyes stung. From relief? From gratefulness? “Thank you, Venti.” 
His smile widened. “Just wait until everyone at school hears about this! They’re gonna think you’re so cool, and you’re gonna get so popular, and—”
Lumine pulled her hand away from his, a trembling panic overtaking her nerves. “Venti, no one can find out about this,” she blurted. 
His brows furrowed. “Why not? You should be proud of what you do.”
Lumine stood in silence, ruminating. Proud of what I do? 
Venti started reaching out towards her when there was an audible THUMP from the ground. 
Childe stood from where he had hit one of the men on the floor. “He was waking up,” he said after taking in Venti and Lumine’s worried looks. “We should leave now.” 
Lumine let her gaze linger on Venti—his brows furrowed from either confusion or frustration or both—before turning to Childe. 
“Yeah…let’s go back the way we came and try to backtrack,” she suggested. She and Childe started to make their way back.
Venti didn’t budge. “How does Childe know?” 
“What?” Lumine answered. 
“You said you don’t want anyone to know.” His teal green eyes narrowed, ever so slightly, at Childe. “So he’s an exception?” 
“He found out on his own,” Lumine said. Why is he doing this right now? We need to go—
“And I’m her coach,” Childe said, crossing his arms. There was the tiniest curve of a smile on his lips.
Venti let out a meek laugh. “He’s your coach? So do you spend a lot of time together?” 
She threw a glare at Childe. “Yes—Well, I don’t know. I guess.” She shook her head. “This isn’t the time to be talking about this. Let’s go.” She marched off without another word.
As she walked back the direction they came from, she heard the two boys footsteps behind her. She kept her pace up, however, not wanting to speak to either of them at the moment. Any time either of them entered her peripheral vision, she sped up away from them. Stupid boys and their stupid jealously. 
Eventually, after trying to navigate the twists and turns of the alleyways, the group had somehow ended up in a completely new location. 
Lumine first noticed when the scent of salty sea waves hit her nose. Then, was the shuddering of ocean waves lapping against the shore line, and the groaning of metal ships floating in the water.
“Looks like we’re at a dock,” Childe remarked. 
“How did we even get here?” Venti wondered. 
Lumine rubbed at her forehead. “How do we get out?”
The three of them stood silently, thinking, watching as a group of fishermen unloaded from a large docked ship, and funneled into a nearby building—tall and silvery sleek. 
Childe murmured something to himself before heading towards the building himself. “Follow me,” he said to Lumine and Venti. 
The two shared a questioning look, before following Childe forward. 
They all entered the building, finding themselves in a large lobby, business men and women scooting past. Childe instructed Venti and Lumine to wait in the corner as he went alone to approach the receptionist. 
Lumine watched curiously as the receptionist looked at Childe, a mix of wary and annoyance. Childe started saying something to the lady, his face lifted in confidence. The longer he went on, the receptionist’s expression shifted to disbelief, slowly picking up the telephone and making a call. 
The receptionist kept her eyes on Childe while talking on the phone, with Childe smiling right back at her. As the phone call went on, her face stretched into shock, eventually handing the phone right to Childe with wide eyes. 
Lumine furrowed her brows as Childe took the phone, turning away so she no longer saw his face. What in the world is he doing?
When he finished his conversation, Childe turned back to the receptionist, but kept hold on the phone. He gestured to Lumine, and after a nod from the receptionist, he waved her over. 
Lumine awkwardly walked up to the desk, ignoring Venti’s whispered questions behind her. Upon reaching Childe, he held out the phone to her. 
“All yours,” he said. There was something in his expression Lumine hadn’t quite seen before—a sheepishness of sorts, a humbled look that didn’t seem possible for him. 
She hesitantly took the phone, eyes looking to the receptionist who placed the receiver towards her with a smile—much different than her initial standoffish disposition. 
Lumine looked down at the keypad, her fingers already pressing the only number she could remember in the moment. The phone barely rang once before someone immediately picked up.
“Hello?” Aether’s panicked voice crackled on the other end. 
Lumine let out a shaky sigh of relief. “Aether, it’s me—”
“LUMINE!” he interrupted. “Are you okay? Where are you?” 
The slew of Aether’s worried questions bombarded her ear, and she almost laughed. “I’m fine,” she enunciated over his questioning. “I’m safe here with Childe. And Venti.”
“God, you two…,” Aether murmured. “Where are you?”
“Where are we?” Lumine repeated, looking up at the receptionist. The lady quickly pulled out a business card, the address of the building clearly printed; Lumine repeated the address to Aether. “We wound up here because I chased after some asshole who stole all our stuff.” 
There was shuffling on Aether’s end, and she heard him talking to someone in the background. The line crinkled as he returned to the phone. “Okay, I just told Miss Ninguang,” he said. “She wants to talk to you.” 
Lumine swallowed the lump in her throat. The school principal. Oh, I’m definitely in trouble… 
“Miss Lumine?” Ninguang asked. 
“Yes, hello, Miss Ninguang,” Lumine answered. “I am so sorry for the inconvenience; I—”
“Please, do not worry yourself,” Ninguang said, her voice reassuringly mellow. “I am just glad to hear you and your friends are safe.” A chuckle. “We were really quite besides ourselves at your disappearance.” 
Lumine nearly cried in relief. “We-We’re not in trouble?”
“Of course not,” the principal said. “We just want to make sure to get you back safely.” 
“Thank you. Thank you, Miss Ninguang.” 
There was a pause, and Lumine could imagine Ninguang’s small smile. “Now, for the safety of everyone, we’ll meet back up in the morning. For now, it would be best for everyone to rest for the night.”
The night? Lumine glanced out of the large office windows, and blinked at the darkened sky in disbelief. Have we really been lost that long?! 
“From the address Aether gave me, there should be an inn within walking distance from where the three of you are. Stay there for the night, and we will be there to pick you up in the morning.” 
“Stay in the inn for the night? Miss Ninguang, I’m so sorry, but all of our money was stolen—”
“Do not worry. We will call them and make the reservation for you. Please, just rest up. I am sure it has been a stressful day for you.” 
“Th-Thank you, Miss Ninguang.” 
“I trust you. Stay safe.” Then, the line clicked off. 
Lumine slowly handed the phone back to the receptionist, legs shaky from the relief flooding her body. Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel… 
“Well?” Childe asked. “What’s the plan?”
Lumine relayed the information about the nearby inn. 
“Will you be needing a car ride there, Mister Ajax?” the receptionist asked Childe. 
Lumine’s eyes flashed to him. Ajax?
“No, thank you,” he quickly said. “We’d better get going now.” He sauntered away from the desk.
Lumine jogged up to him. “Ajax?” she questioned. 
She saw his body lock up. “It’s nothing,” he said.
A scoff. “Obviously not. How did you—”
“What’s going on?” Venti asked, skipping over to them. He looked over at the receptionist desk. “What was that all about?”   
“We’ve got rooms at a nearby inn thanks to Lady Ninguang,” Childe said. “Let’s get there quickly before the night gets even darker.” He rushed out of the building. 
Venti shot Lumine a confused look. “Uh, what’s wrong with him?”
“Who knows?” Lumine muttered. 
Childe had always been very straightforward with her, rarely hiding any secrets. 
So why was he hiding something now?
* * *
The inn—Wangshu Inn—was a quaint wooden building lit up with glowing lanterns and paintings plastered along the walls. The lobby and outdoor restaurant had a few groups strewn about, a diverse grouping of travelers. Thankfully, Lumine, Childe, and Venti didn’t look too out of place. 
The three approached the lady at the front desk, a woman named Verr Goldet, with Lumine asking about their reservation. 
“Yes, we just received that phone call about your situation,” she said kindly. “We have the last two rooms ready for you.” 
“Oh,” Lumine uttered. She had assumed there would be three rooms, one for each of them. “I guess Venti and Childe can share a room—”
“I am not sharing a room with him,” Childe said. 
“Ehe, I wasn’t going to say anything, but I will not be sharing a room with the likes of him either,” Venti retorted. 
“Oh, I am so sorry,” Verr Goldet interrupted. “I didn’t realize there are three of you! The last two rooms are single bed only.” 
Lumine’s jaw barely had time to drop before Venti was pulling on her arm. “Let’s have a sleepover like when we were younger, LuLu! We can build forts, watch movies—”
Childe’s hand slid down Lumine’s arm, shoving’s Venti’s hands away. “The only way that’s happening is in your dreams, buddy.”
Lumine shrugged off both of the boys, leaning in towards Verr Goldet. “There are absolutely no other rooms available?” Any combination of the three of them would surely result in a dead body in the morning. 
Verr Goldet started typing away at her computer. “I’ll double check for you!” 
The sound of Childe and Venti hissing insults at each other made Lumine snap around. “Just. Go to the rooms. I will figure where I’m staying for the night. Alone,” she said definitively, pulling the two keys off the counter and holding them out in front of her. 
There was a pause as the two of them stared at the keys. Childe was the first to grab one. 
“Guess this is goodnight then,” he said. He pressed a swift kiss to Lumine’s forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning, Lumi.” Just as quickly, he left, disappearing into the elevator, leaving Lumine’s forehead (along with the rest of her face) to melt with boiling heat. 
Before she had time to process that, Venti’s cheeks puffed, and he planted a kiss on the side of Lumine’s face. “Goodnight, LuLu. If you still want to pig out on junk food, you know where to find me,” he said, jingling his room key. He quickly disappeared into the elevator as well.
Stupid boys. Stupid boys. Stupid boys. Lumine’s mind buzzed. And who was causing this sensation? 
“I am so sorry, ma’am,” Verr Goldet said, bringing Lumine back to reality. “On such short notice we truly gave you the last two rooms.” She clicked around on the computer a little more. “I can find another inn for you to stay at if you’d like.”
Lumine took a deep breath in. Her body was already feeling weighty with fatigue, and she didn’t want to complicate the situation even more. “No, that’s alright. I’ll just...stay in one of the rooms.” 
Verr Goldet nodded. “Which room would you like a key to?”
* * * 
Standing outside the door, Lumine suddenly felt a pang of anxiety burn in her gut. Was she really about to do this? Was it a completely idiotic choice of hers? It wasn’t too late: she could turn right back around and take Verr Goldet’s offer of staying at a separate inn. 
But it wasn’t like she could avoid this choice forever, lest the two boys kept fighting for eternity.
And this was the right choice. She knew it in her heart, no matter how much pain it would cause the other one. She cared for them both, deeply. But in different ways. One as a good friend, the other...something more. 
She started to push the key into the lock, but stopped herself as images of her walking in someone changing brought blood rushing to her head. 
She cleared her throat and knocked on the door instead. 
Seconds passed, and Lumine’s heartbeat picked up, just a bit. Was it anticipation? 
The door opened, and Childe stood there, fully clothed, thankfully. 
He stared at her in silence, as if in disbelief, not sure if she was really there. 
“Move,” was all Lumine could say, feeling heat creep up her spine.
He blinked, and stood to the side, still silent. Lumine stepped through the doorway, moving her way to the corner of the room, and plopping herself on the armchair. Wordlessly, she yanked a blanket from the bed, and wrapped herself in it, then closing her eyes. 
Maybe neither of them would speak. Maybe it would make the situation more bearable. Childe, please, don’t say anything—
“Take the bed,” he said, pulling the blanket off of her. “I’m not having you sleep in an armchair for the night.” 
She tried pulling the blanket back. “It’s fine. You take the bed.” 
A tsk. “Why are you always so difficult?” 
“I am not diff—”
Childe picked her up from the waist, tossing her on the bed. Then he tossed the blanket on top of her. “There. Just sleep now.” 
Her chest fluttered as her breath shortened under the blanket. “And you say I’m the difficult one,” she grumbled. She kept the blanket over her face for as long as she could, not wanting to make eye contact with Childe. 
After a while, she peeled it off for air, and couldn’t help but glance over to the armchair where Childe was sitting, eyes closed. It was obvious he was uncomfortable, his lanky legs crossed awkwardly, and his neck looking oddly stiff. 
Lumine let out a disgruntled groan, and turned on her side so her back was to Childe. “Sleep in the bed before you break your neck in your sleep,” she said. “Just...stay on your side.” 
A long pause. Lumine thought he had fallen asleep. 
“Are you sure about that, Lumi?” he asked. 
“Do it before I change my mind and make you sleep in the bathtub instead.” 
He chuckled lightly. The bed weighed down as he climbed on. Lumine glanced over her shoulder, finding Childe’s back turned to her. 
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do, Lumi,” he said, as if sensing her eyes on his back. 
She quickly turned her head back, heat flushing into her cheeks. “Good. Because I’d beat you up.”
“I know you would.” 
They laid there in silence, in the dark for a while, backs to each other. 
Lumine couldn’t fall asleep. And she was sure Childe couldn’t either. 
“Why’d that lady call you Ajax?” Lumine asked quietly. 
“Curious about me? I’m flattered.” 
“Nevermind. Goodnight.” 
“It’s my birth name,” he said. “And that place is actually owned by my father.” 
Images of his luxurious mansion flashed in Lumine’s mind. 
“That entire dock, actually, is mostly his. He, uh, runs a very big fishing company. Very famous. Very rich.” 
“Oh,” was all Lumine could utter. That amount of wealth was something she could only dream about. “And you don’t tell anyone because...?”
“We all have our secrets, don’t we, Pres?” he reminded. “People are greedy. If anyone truly knew who I was, all I’d ever be used for is my money.” 
“That’s...very true,” she responded. How...sad. “Is there a reason why you’re not at some big fancy boarding school then?” 
Childe laughed. “Can you imagine me in that kind of environment? I’m not interested in that at all.” 
The bed shifted as Childe moved around. Lumine glanced over her shoulder again, finding Childe laying on his back, eyes open and staring at the ceiling.
“Besides,” he continued. “If I had gone to one of those schools, I wouldn’t have met you.”
Lumine turned onto her back as well. “You would’ve met me anyways,” she murmured. “You ran into me at the arena, remember?” 
“You think so?”
“Our paths would’ve crossed eventually...right?” 
A beat of silence. Fluttering of breaths. 
“Do you regret meeting me?” 
Something about his words, the way he said them, made Lumine’s entire body seize up. It was almost the quietest she had ever heard Childe speak, the tiniest tinge of fear, like his heart had hissed it out before he even really knew what he was saying. 
“No,” she answered, just as quiet, her heart responding to his. 
Another slight pause. Then a small exhale from Childe, breath lilting in a soft laugh. 
“You know. It’s been quite a lonely existence. Before you,” he said. 
Lumine looked over at him. His hand was resting on his chest—right where that huge scar was. 
It was rare to see him so vulnerable, and her to be just as such. Her past self wouldn’t have been able to fathom this happening with Childe of all people.
But just like she said, she didn’t regret it. 
He understood her, better than herself sometimes. And there wasn’t anyone in Childe’s life who came close to knowing who he really was. They both wore facades of sorts, but not around each other. Not anymore. 
Her hand started reaching out without thought. It was the right thing to do, to comfort him, to connect with him. 
Lumine’s hand sat atop Childe’s. “You’re not so lonely anymore, right?”
She felt his hand flex under hers, hesitant. Then, he relaxed, and his fingers intertwined with hers. “Of course not.” 
The warmth from their hold sparked something in her. The warmth of a promise she had made.
She finally turned onto her side, completely facing him. “Did I do it?” Her amber eyes met with his. “Did I save you?” 
He stared at her, gaze lost in gaze. He smiled, small, but real, genuine, from the heart. “Yes.” He brought her hand to his lips, lips brushing over her knuckles. “You saved me, Lumine.” 
She stared at him, wide-eyed with anticipation, heart beating in a frenzy. She swore her chest was going to burst. 
“I love you,” she said. 
Childe was frozen, speechless for once.
He’s surprised. He was never surprised. He was always so calm and collected. 
Should I have even said it? No, she had to. She was going to explode otherwise.
“Lumi, are you serious—”
“Yes, I’m serious. I can’t explain it; I just do and I know it sounds crazy, but you—”
He pulled her close and kissed her. 
He kissed her, and this time, she kissed him back. 
* * *
[part 14]
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 5
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Afterglow chapters Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader CHAPTER FIVE
Sometimes, the universe works in different dumb ways. You're one of the few lucky people if you get what you want, and one of those who aren't; the ones who run out of luck every damn time. There's nothing more miserable than finding what you're not looking for, meeting the right person at the wrong time (or vice versa), getting the wrong take out food, or riding the wrong cab.
Unlike your first cab ride, this one was different. There was no loud music, no speeding, no overtaking, and no yelling -- definitely not what you needed right now. See how the universe works in different dumb ways?
If Bucky wasn't hungover right now, you would've ran all the way from White Wolf to the bar. God, how much did he drink last night? After thirty minutes, the cab finally stopped in front of the bar. Bucky paid a generous amount. "Keep the change." He said casually before stepping out of the cab.
Without second thoughts, you walked the steps down that lead to the door of the bar. In front of it were sealed boxes and cases of different kinds of liquor -- beer, champagne, wine, whiskey, vodka; you name it. Luckily, you always had the bar keys in your pockets in case of emergencies. Lucky for Steve, one of his employees just lived right above the bar and had the freedom to come down any time she wanted. Steve lived all the way in Brooklyn. Why he chose to work in the Upper West Side, you might never know. He was a pretty secretive person. No one from the bar staff knew anything about his personal life -- except that his family was from Rhode Island (perhaps).
"That's a lot of boxes." Bucky caught up with you. "Good thing I'm here."
"Please." You scoffed. "You're still hungover." I bet he couldn't even carry one small box, and even if he could, he'd just spill them all over the floor. But you didn't really know Bucky. You just knew him from Peter's stories. So, when he carried two big boxes at the same time right before you opened the door, the shock came over you. You wondered, spending all his time partying and drinking, where he stores all the alcohol he consumes.
"Where do you want me to put this?" Bucky asked.
"Just right behind the counter." You replied. "If you need some help, let me know."
"I got it all, doll, don't you worry." He chuckled, placing the boxes on top of the counter then jumping over it to reach the other side. You rolled your eyes and got more of the boxes that were sitting lonely outside. You put a stopper right between the small gap between the floor and the door. "Nice place you got here!" You heard Bucky yell amidst the city noises. "Different kind of bar."
"You mean not like the kind of bar you go to?"
You heard him chuckle. "Yeah, that. This one's kind of vintage."
"Yeah." You replied, sticking your head out by the door frame. "Like you!"
He gave you a small chuckle. The bar did give off some vintage mood -- that was why it was a bar for everyone. The kids were now discovering and loving all kinds of vintage stuff, people in their fifties come here 'cause it reminded them of their time, and some are just curious.
On the inside of the bar, everyone was completely shut out from the outside. There were no windows, only color-stained glasses on the wooden walls near the ceiling. You can never tell day from night inside unless you look at the wall clock.
You pushed some of the boxes on the floor. You didn't have enough upper body strength to carry them all the way to the counter. By the time you reached Bucky, you carried the boxes one by one and placed them on the counter, then he carried them over to the other side.
"So vintage." He commented once again. "You even got a jukebox. Does that even work?" He motioned towards the jukebox.
You sensed he wanted to try it for himself so you told him he could give it a little push. He smiled and jumped over the counter once more. "You don't always have to jump, Bucky." You showed him the wooden counter pass-through he could easily open but his focus was set on the jukebox. He found the plug and waited for it to light up.
"Cool. Just like they do in the movies."
"Of course. What did you expect when you plugged that in?" You carried one box to the counter and stopped near the jukebox, leaning over it. "Besides, didn't you guys have this during your time?"
"You make it sound like I came from the fifties."
You raised your eyebrows, crossing your arms. "So, what did you guys have?"
"Cassettes." He mumbled.
"We had iPods. But at some point I think we did have cassettes, then the CD, then the iPods. Still doesn't change the fact that you're basically a dinosaur." Then you made a roaring sound which you thought was the sound of dinosaurs.
"That's not how a dinosaur sounds like, Aria."
"Of course, you'd know." You teased before going back to get some more boxes.
Bucky started to push some buttons until a mellow song played. "It's been a long, long time." He mumbled.
"What?" You asked and stopped pushing the boxes.
"The song. It's named 'It's been a long, long time.' A buddy of mine's favorite song. He and his girlfriend used to dance to it. Haven't heard this song for a long time. Quite nice."
"It is nice." You commented. "But it's too dramatic. Put some Beatles on!"
He chuckled and pushed more buttons until a song from The Beatles played.
You resumed moving all the things inside. As the boxes got heavier, assuming they were mostly the new plates and glasses, Bucky removed his polo shirt and dropped it somewhere. He was still wearing the tank top he had yesterday. "Remind me to buy Peter some new clothes."
"You're really gonna buy him new clothes?" You grunted, carrying a heavy box on the counter, passing it to Bucky.
"Yeah." He made a face, clearly struggling with the box. "I kinda destroyed what was half in his closet."
"I heard, yeah." You replied while walking to the front door to get the cases.
"You got some more back there?" Bucky yelled.
"It's the last one. I got it."
For the next hour, you and Bucky spent unpacking and placing everything where they were supposed to be. You had a few phone calls from Peter, most were just him checking up on Bucky. You promised to tell him you'd tell the whole fiasco at the White Wolf when he gets here in the bar.
"I'll be there as fast as I can." Peter replied before hanging up. You told Bucky about the phone call and he mumbled something under his breath you couldn't quite decipher. You decided to leave him be as he unloaded the last box.
Before you could even ask about the mean drink he was supposed to make, he emerged from behind the counter, holding up two bottles in his hand. "You up for some drinks?"
"As long as you pay for it."
On his hands were two expensive unopened bottles. As long as they were still half full and paid by Bucky, you wouldn't get in any kind of trouble with Steve.
"I got you, doll. Don't worry." He popped both of them open and grabbed two cups and a shaker as you sat down one of the stools, shaking off the nickname he'd been giving you ever since you arrived here at the bar.
You barely paid attention to the song still playing on the jukebox as you watched Bucky make his supposedly mean drink. He started to tell a story about how he learned to make his own drinks. Unlike Peter, he didn't bother to beat around the bush. He kept everything short and precise: A bartender friend of his taught him how to make drinks then experimented on his own in his penthouse where he had a mini bar just for himself, which was inside his own office. Odd, you thought. Most people would have them on the corner of the living room, with wine glasses dangling on hanging wine holders and shelves full of liquor. Bucky's mind worked in a different way.
Bucky's very short story made you wonder of all the other classic Bucky stories you've been told -- the long ones Peter would tell you. You wondered if they were only adventurous and wild in Peter's words. Would they have been different if you'd heard them from Bucky?
"I'm gonna name this drink after you." Bucky snapped you out of your train of thought.
"This one." He carefully  handed me the drink. "I made it based on your personality."
"Bucky." You chuckled, gazing at the drink before me. Then returned it to him. "You don't even know me."
"And to think we were just engaged a while ago." He pursed his lips and leaned on the bar counter, then licked his lower lip. You tried your hardest not to give a quick glance at it but you obviously failed, so you stared at the drink in front of you once again.
"This drink is basically your judgement about me." You replied.
"It's a good judgement." He retorted. "Trust me."
"You're gonna pay, right?"
"Yeah, yeah." He playfully rolled his eyes. "Go on, try it."
Before you could even take a small sip, someone came in the door and your instinct was to say: "Sorry, we're closed right now" but it turned out to be Steve wearing denim on denim and a cap.
"Steve!" Quickly, you gave Bucky the drink he made you, then he hid it behind the counter where Steve could not take even a small peak. "Hey, I thought you were with your family."
Steve managed to catch his breath, leaning against the wall while keeping his eyes on you. "I have been calling you for the past few minutes. I thought you didn't make it here."
Your eyes widened, taking a quick glance at your phone which was on top of the bar counter. On the bright screen were a bunch of missed calls from Steve. You gave him an apologetic look and he just sighed as he walked towards the counter. Then, he caught a glimpse of Bucky who was right behind you.
"Right, right." You shook my head. "Bucky, this is Steve. He's my boss. And Steve, this is Bucky. He's Peter's stepbrother. He's just helping me out with the boxes."
There was an odd exchange between the two for a second or three. A knowing look. But you shrugged it off when Steve shook Bucky's hand over the counter. "Bucky. Nice to meet you."
Steve nodded. "Aren't you the owner of White Wolf?"
"That's me." Bucky chuckled, withdrawing his hand back after the friendly handshake.
Steve focused his attention back to you. "You could've called me y'know."
"It's okay. Bucky came to help. Besides," you gave Bucky a side glance, "he owes me."
"Zip it, doll."
You laughed, looking at Steve. "Aren't you supposed to be at your family gathering?" you asked, practically shooing Steve away, not wanting him to see Bucky making drinks behind the counter.
"Yeah, well I thought -- "
"Go, Steve. We're basically finished." You stood up and walked Steve out the door. Bucky yelled a simple goodbye as we walked.
"So," Steve whispered once we were at the door, "are you two..."
You gave him a look of disbelief. "What? No, no, no, no, no. We're not. We just met."
"That's what they all say."
"Rogers." You grunted as you opened the door. "Go."
"Wow, so eager to get me out of here. Are you gonna have sex on the floor?"
"Please, don't have sex on the floor."
"No, we won't. Now go."
Steve laughed as he walked up the steps and hailed for a cab. "You say that now, Aria. Just remember to clean up afterwards."
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