#memory storage device
rdny2lindd · 2 years
USB flash memory storage, emmc storage upgrade, Emmc memory chip
4 GB 11.5 x 13 x 1.0 Surface Mount v5.0 e•MMC™ Flash Memory - FBGA-153
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secondwheel · 2 months
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An excellent memory
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First debuting in XBlaze, then BlazBlue Central Fiction, then Cross Tag- Es joined her fourth series as a 5⭐ character in BBDW. She was the leading lady of the game's very first event, and its first limited character.
You can see some of her gameplay here!
When rolling Es, you would get her in her third costume, her design from Central Fiction. This is the same design we see in her maxed artwork.
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As far as we know, this outfit was never worn by Es during her life, instead being crafted for her when she was copied to act as gatekeeper to the Gate of Azure.
During the same event that she was introduced in, it was possible to earn Es' Lost Memories outfit- the costume depicted in her second artwork.
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The outfit could be obtained at any time throughout BBDW's run by limit breaking her character. This would generally be done by rolling her in the gacha more than once- once you had a second Es, you would automatically get her costume. These clothes were given to Es after she revived as a human in Lost Memories.
The outfit listed in the files as her first costume was never available in BBDW. This was her first design in the entire BlazBlue/XBlaze series.
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These clothes were given to her by Unomaru after her creation, and are noted to reflect his taste more than her own. It's interesting now that I think about it- I don't think Es has ever chosen or bought her own clothing!
Throughout her card art, she's depicted standing in front of the Azure Gate. In her final art, she is shown surrounded by Azure, or perhaps utilizing her Crest Arts.
We never got to see her Academy Uniform as a costume, though maybe we would have eventually- though the standard was three costumes per character, the game was willing to deviate from that rule, as seen with Hazama. It would have also been cool to see her XB or CF dresses without their coats.
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systick-tech · 2 months
The Evolution and Convenience of Buying USB Flash Drives Online in India
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Today, USB flash drive plays an essential and multi-purpose role for everyone in the digital world we reside. These gadgets are very friendly due to their compatibility, portability, and durability which has changed the whole concept of data storage, and transmission among other functionalities. Therefore, USB flash drive for computer and USB flash drive are now within easy reach and more convenient to buy with the advent of online shopping – particularly in India where it has seen an increase in use.
The Ubiquity of USB Flash Drives
USB flash drives, also called thumb drives, pen drives or USB sticks are everywhere today because they are easy and convenient for use. These devices come in different memory sizes: from the smallest which is 4GB up to a really huge one amounting to 1TB; it suits everyone’s demand. They serve as portable warehouses storing files ranging from text papers to live videos regardless of your status, whether a student, a working person or just a leisure consumer.
Advantages of Online USB Flash Drive Purchases
Competitive Pricing:  online retailers provide competitive prices and frequent discounts making it easier for consumers to get good quality USB flash drives at rates that they can afford. In addition, online shopping is more attractive due to quick sales, festive discounts, and special offers.
Convenience and Comfort: When people shop online for a USB flash drive, they do not have to visit more sotores. They can just browse, compare and finally buy goods as they sit back comfortable in their houses thus saving some of their time to use elsewhere. What is more, websites offer details about the goods, reviews by others and ratings on their goods for an informed decision.
Easy Comparison: When purchasing products online, it’s easy to compare different ones including brands because you get to see them all at once without any hassle, this makes it even easier when you need a good USB flash disc. Also, there are reviews for it too which may help pick out the best and compare prices readily available under ratings made by previous buyers.
Secure Payment Options: Acclaimed e-commerce platforms provide clients with multiple payment modes that are considered safe. This increases security levels during transactions on them.
Current Trends in USB Flash Drives
High-Speed Storage: There is a need for High data transfer, which has caused the introduction of USB 3. 1, and USB type C flash drives. Approximately these drives help to cut down the time taken in the transfer of big files n times.
Increased Storage Capacity: Because there is increasing demand for data storage devices, USB flash drives that come with 512GB and 1TB are developing into common storage devices.
Compact and Stylish Designs: Currently, there are many styles and designs available to consumers, so most of the new products developed by manufacturers are characterized by smooth and elegant forms not only providing the USB flash drive’s utility value but also serving as a fashion accessory.
Conclusion The ease of purchasing USB flash drives online in India cannot be compared. Due to the variety of choices, the low prices, and well-organized offers, it has been easier to select the specific type of USB flash drive that would suit the buyer’s requirements. Whether you simply need a unit for storage or a large capacity, the fast-drive selling site has what everyone is looking for. Order the right USB flash drive right from the comfort of your home.
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wli2cllmm · 3 months
SSD internal hard drive, storage device, programmable flash memory, memory card
XR17V352 Series 31.25 Mbps 3.3 V High Performance Dual PCI Express UART-FBGA-113
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vivekbabele · 4 months
Computer memory
Computer memory is capable of storing any type of information for a long time. Humans can store huge amounts of data but may forget due to many factors, but a computer's memory remains forever until someone removes it.
All information in the computer is handled using electrical components such as integrated circuits and semiconductors, all of which can recognize only two states of an electrical signal, while I represents the presence of a signal.
Therefore, a bit is the smallest or most elementary bit of computer memory. A bit can store either a zero or a one. Since a single bit can store only four unique combinations,
Types of computer memory
1   Primary memory
                         2 Secondary memory
Primary memory
Primary memory is also called the main memory. It is use for immediate access of data by the processor (CPU)
it is the memory that is in the silicon chips and fixed on the electronic circuit board , called motherboard present inside the CPU cabinet
There are two type OF PRIMARY MEMORY
1.  Random Access memory
2.  Read only memory
Random Access memory
Random access memory is also known as volatile. It means the information stored in the memory is lost when you turn off the computer or the power goes off.
It is directly accessed by the CPU it is the fastest memory of the computer.
The most common RAM size that you can find on computer and laptops are 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, soon.
Read only memory
Read only memory is also known as non- volatile memory, it retains the stored information even when the power has been switched off. It hold the startup instructions that prepare a computer for use. It also consists of programs that check the power off computer parts when you turn it on
Secondary memory
Secondary memory is also known as auxiliary memory or external memory. It is used to store information permanently and for a longer period. Data is not lost in secondary memory even when the computer is turned off. Nowadays, many secondary storage devices are available that you can use as per your needs. Secondary storage devices refer to any non-volatile storage devices. They can be fixed internally or externally to the computer; they are also known as backup storage devices. They are used to store large amounts of data permanently. Hard discs, pen drives, CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs.
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daveinediting · 6 months
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It starts with a conversation about Shakespeare that triggers an old lesson about how humans only used spoken language for a long time before pictographs, hieroglyphics, and written language as we now know it. So in all that time you couldn't just write things down...
You had to remember them.
You had to accurately memorize them.
It turns out our ancestors memorized insane amounts of information through the spoken word. They had to develop that ability in order to pass acquired knowledge between communities and generations.
Memory was their only storage device. An organic storage device.
Once I got thinking on language... I remembered another lesson about the translation of languages and how sometimes one language maps multiple words onto one word in the target language. For example, eight words in ancient Greek onto the one English word, love. As in
I love my wife.
I love hamburgers.
Yeah. Awkward.
Another imperfect memory later and now we're being taught that the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 lasted hours. Crowds gathered at these debates to listen, to engage with them also for hours. As in an hour-long opening statement by one candidate, an hour and a half-long response by the other candidate, and a half-hour rebuttal by the first candidate. The debates attracted crowds of up to 20,000 people including reporters and stenographers who covered the hours upon hours of debate.
Yeah. Hours.
I point these things out because they’re what made me wonder how different our historic predecessors must have been. After all, they could commit so much acquired knowledge to memory. Their brains were trained on the written word and the way in which the written word forms our understandings of the world. The resulting abilities ushered in deeper human understandings as well as sustained attention to the constructions of reasoned arguments.
I wonder how different these people might be who understood the world around them this way. I wonder how different their predecessors were whose tradition was spoken, whose knowledge was sustained and perpetuated through brute force memory.
How different were they, these people whose abilities are so far removed from our own?
I used to wonder if those abilities made our historical predecessors more capable than us in some way. After all, their oral and written traditions demanded much from them. Definitely their time. Definitely their mental bandwidth.
They exercised their intellects in ways we don't. Because we don't have to. The ways in which we now communicate and perpetuate knowledge bear lighter demands.
Which brings me back to Shakespeare.
Recently I heard a conversation with a professor challenging him to justify reading Shakespeare as a high school or college requirement when we can now understand Shakespeare through ChatGPT. We can generate fifty-word summaries and two hundred-word analyses of Shakespeare with AI and thus know and answer all there is about Shakespeare and his writing.
So why read him?
Seriously. Why?
That's just the tip of the argument, of course. Follow it all the way: Why should we be required to read anything? Novels. Short stories. Essays. What actual purpose does reading even serve when ChatGPT can boil it all down in seconds.
Is there a benefit of deeper knowledge on any subject whether it's a book, a short story, or an essay? And what do we get in exchange for our efforts to achieve such deeper understanding and knowledge. Does that effort, does that understanding, transform us in any objectively measurable way? And if not, does that understanding transform us in some perhaps more fundamental way.
Does it change us? Swap out our abilities like people who communicate primarily through 140 characters whose abilities replaced the abilities of people raised on radio then television whose abilities replaced the abilities of people raised on the written word whose abilities replaced the abilities of people raised on the spoken word.
What’s the actual prize for putting in the time and effort to read what someone else has committed to paper or screen? To deep dive into another human being's mind?
Because the oral tradition required it.
Because the written tradition demanded it.
And now?
Well? Is it or is it not simply good enough to just know what we need to know on demand?
Is access to knowledge the same thing as a deep understanding of that knowledge? And is there a difference that actually, you know, makes a difference?
Is the quality of our understanding really something to strive for anymore? Or is the tradition of study simply a mindless one that's made obsolete by knowledge on demand?
Ultimately, is there some advantage to a more muscular brain? One that’s gotta work harder, be more engaged in order to process the spoken and written word, on ideas and concepts and hypotheses and arguments on its way to understanding?
Are we replacing that specific way of mental processing with something that makes our brains more muscular? More light weight? Or something in-between.
Is it that our mental abilities are now better tallied by the weight (such as it is) of our current mental musculature plus whatever exterior processes augment it like computers and smartphones and AI?
So we shouldn't sweat what we were formerly capable of and can't do now?
Is our resulting intellectual prowess, however it adds up, sufficient for successfully and sustainably navigating our stormy Present that’s seized in a constant state of rapid and relentlessly whirling transformation?
Or is it essentially a product of that change.
Are we fine-tuned for this age of human existence…
Or are we not.
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
So You Need To Buy A Computer But You Don't Know What Specs Are Good These Days
This is literally my job.
Lots of people are buying computers for school right now or are replacing computers as their five-year-old college laptop craps out so here's the standard specs you should be looking for in a (windows) computer purchase in August 2023.
Intel i5 (no older than 10th Gen)
Ryzen 7
You can get away with a Ryzen 5 but an intel i3 should be an absolute last resort. You want at least an intel i5 or a Ryzen 7 processor. The current generation of intel processors is 13, but anything 10 or newer is perfectly fine. DO NOT get a higher performance line with an older generation; a 13th gen i5 is better than an 8th gen i7. (Unfortunately I don't know enough about ryzens to tell you which generation is the earliest you should get, but staying within 3 generations is a good rule of thumb)
8GB absolute minimum
If you don't have at least 8GB RAM on a modern computer it's going to be very, very slow. Ideally you want a computer with at least 16GB, and it's a good idea to get a computer that will let you add or swap RAM down the line (nearly all desktops will let you do this, for laptops you need to check the specs for Memory and see how many slots there are and how many slots are available; laptops with soldered RAM cannot have the memory upgraded - this is common in very slim laptops)
Computers mostly come with SSDs these days; SSDs are faster than HDDs but typically have lower storage for the same price. That being said: SSDs are coming down in price and if you're installing your own drive you can easily upgrade the size for a low cost. Unfortunately that doesn't do anything for you for the initial purchase.
A lot of cheaper laptops will have a 128GB SSD and, because a lot of stuff is stored in the cloud these days, that can be functional. I still recommend getting a bit more storage than that because it's nice if you can store your music and documents and photos on your device instead of on the cloud. You want to be able to access your files even if you don't have internet access.
But don't get a computer with a big HDD instead of getting a computer with a small SSD. The difference in speed is noticeable.
SCREEN (laptop specific)
Personally I find that touchscreens have a negative impact on battery life and are easier to fuck up than standard screens. They are also harder to replace if they get broken. I do not recommend getting a touch screen unless you absolutely have to.
A lot of college students especially tend to look for the biggest laptop screen possible; don't do that. It's a pain in the ass to carry a 17" laptop around campus and with the way that everything is so thin these days it's easier to damage a 17" screen than a 14" screen.
On the other end of that: laptops with 13" screens tend to be very slim devices that are glued shut and impossible to work on or upgrade.
Your best bet (for both functionality and price) is either a 14" or a 15.6" screen. If you absolutely positively need to have a 10-key keyboard on your laptop, get the 15.6". If you need something portable more than you need 10-key, get a 14"
FORM FACTOR (desktop specific)
If you purchase an all-in-one desktop computer I will begin manifesting in your house physically. All-in-ones take away every advantage desktops have in terms of upgradeability and maintenance; they are expensive and difficult to repair and usually not worth the cost of disassembling to upgrade.
There are about four standard sizes of desktop PC: All-in-One (the size of a monitor with no other footprint), Tower (Big! probably at least two feet long in two directions), Small Form Factor Tower (Very moderate - about the size of a large shoebox), and Mini/Micro/Tiny (Small! about the size of a small hardcover book).
If you are concerned about space you are much better off getting a MicroPC and a bracket to put it on your monitor than you are getting an all-in-one. This will be about a million percent easier to work on than an all-in-one and this way if your monitor dies your computer is still functional.
Small form factor towers and towers are the easiest to work on and upgrade; if you need a burly graphics card you need to get a full size tower, but for everything else a small form factor tower will be fine. Most of our business sales are SFF towers and MicroPCs, the only time we get something larger is if we have to put a $700 graphics card in it. SFF towers will accept small graphics cards and can handle upgrades to the power supply; MicroPCs can only have the RAM and SSD upgraded and don't have room for any other components or their own internal power supply.
Most desktops come with either a 1 or 3 year warranty; either of these is fine and if you want to upgrade a 1 year to a 3 year that is also fine. I've generally found that if something is going to do a warranty failure on desktop it's going to do it the first year, so you don't get a hell of a lot of added mileage out of an extended warranty but it doesn't hurt and sometimes pays off to do a 3-year.
Laptops are a different story. Laptops mostly come with a 1-year warranty and what I recommend everyone does for every laptop that will allow it is to upgrade that to the longest warranty you can get with added drop/damage protection. The most common question our customers have about laptops is if we can replace a screen and the answer is usually "yes, but it's going to be expensive." If you're purchasing a low-end laptop, the parts and labor for replacing a screen can easily cost more than half the price of a new laptop. HOWEVER, the way that most screens get broken is by getting dropped. So if you have a warranty with drop protection, you just send that sucker back to the factory and they fix it for you.
So, if it is at all possible, check if the manufacturer of a laptop you're looking at has a warranty option with drop protection. Then, within 30 days (though ideally on the first day you get it) of owning your laptop, go to the manufacturer site, register your serial number, and upgrade the warranty. If you can't afford a 3-year upgrade at once set a reminder for yourself to annually renew. But get that drop protection, especially if you are a college student or if you've got kids.
And never, ever put pens or pencils on your laptop keyboard. I've seen people ruin thousand dollar, brand-new laptops that they can't afford to fix because they closed the screen on a ten cent pencil. Keep liquids away from them too.
There's a reasonable chance that any computer you buy today will still be able to turn on and run a program or two in ten years. That does not mean that it is "functional."
At my office we estimate that the functional lifespan of desktops is 5-7 years and the functional lifespan of laptops is 3-5 years. Laptops get more wear and tear than desktops and desktops are easier to upgrade to keep them running. At 5 years for desktops and 3 years for laptops you should look at upgrading the RAM in the device and possibly consider replacing the SSD with a new (possibly larger) model, because SSDs and HDDs don't last forever.
This means that you should think of your computers as an annual investment rather than as a one-time purchase. It is more worthwhile to pay $700 for a laptop that will work well for five years than it is to pay $300 for a laptop that will be outdated and slow in one year (which is what will happen if you get an 8th gen i3 with 8GB RAM). If you are going to get a $300 laptop try to get specs as close as possible to the minimums I've laid out here.
If you have to compromise on these specs, the one that is least fixable is the processor. If you get a laptop with an i3 processor you aren't going to be able to upgrade it even if you can add more RAM or a bigger SSD. If you have to get lower specs in order to afford the device put your money into the processor and make sure that the computer has available slots for upgrade and that neither the RAM nor the SSD is soldered to the motherboard. (one easy way to check this is to search "[computer model] RAM upgrade" on youtube and see if anyone has made a video showing what the inside of the laptop looks like and how much effort it takes to replace parts)
Computers are expensive right now. This is frustrating, because historically consumer computer prices have been on a downward trend but since 2020 that trend has been all over the place. Desktop computers are quite expensive at the moment (August 2023) and decent laptops are extremely variably priced.
If you are looking for a decent, upgradeable laptop that will last you a few years, here are a couple of options that you can purchase in August 2023 that have good prices for their specs:
14" Lenovo - $670 - 11th-gen i5, 16GB RAM, and 512GB SSD
15.6" HP - $540 - 11th-gen i5, 16GB RAM, and 256GB SSD
14" Dell - $710 - 12th-gen i5, 16GB RAM, and 256GB SSD
If you are looking for a decent, affordable desktop that will last you a few years, here are a couple of options that you can purchase in August 2023 that have good prices for their specs:
SFF HP - $620 - 10th-gen i5, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD
SFF Lenovo - $560 - Ryzen 7 5000 series, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
Dell Tower - $800 - 10th-gen i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
If I were going to buy any of these I'd probably get the HP laptop or the Dell Tower. The HP Laptop is actually a really good price for what it is.
Anyway happy computering.
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shreya-1111 · 5 months
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itscnc · 6 months
Fadal 32GB USB Mass Storage Controller Dual Serial Port, USB-FADAL-KIT
The USB Mass Storage Device is a USB to RS-232 bridge. In the realm of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining, efficiency and precision are paramount. Any technology that streamlines processes, improves reliability, and enhances productivity is highly sought after. The Fadal USB Mass Storage Controller, 32GB Memory, Dual Switching Serial Ports emerge as game-changers in this landscape,…
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hnry2kkrr · 7 months
What is eMMC storage, eMMC memory, solid-state hard drives
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jhnn2varra · 7 months
eMMC storage drives, emmc storage upgrade, eMMC multimedia cards
4GB eMMC v5.1 3.3V 153-ball BGA Operating Temp - 25C to +85C
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systick-tech · 2 months
Buy Computer | Mobile Accessories online | India
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Shop mobile electronics products online from Systick for the lowest price in India. Select from a large selection of accessories for computers and mobile devices, including memory cards, pen drives, USB disks, and USB cables. Place your order today!
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Revolutionizing Industries with AI: An Overview of the Market Landscape
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses operate across various industries. The market landscape for AI solutions is growing at an unprecedented pace, and it is estimated to reach a value of $190 billion by 2025. In this article, we will provide an overview of how AI is revolutionizing industries and the market landscape for AI solutions.
AI is playing a critical role in the healthcare industry, from diagnostics to drug development. With AI, healthcare professionals can analyze patient data more accurately, identify patterns, and develop personalized treatment plans. AI-powered devices can also monitor patients remotely, reducing the burden on healthcare professionals and improving patient outcomes. AI-powered drug discovery solutions can also accelerate the drug development process and improve the accuracy of clinical trials.
AI is transforming the finance industry, from fraud detection to customer service. AI-powered solutions can analyze large amounts of data in real-time, enabling financial institutions to detect and prevent fraud quickly. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can also improve customer experience by providing personalized financial advice and support. AI-powered trading algorithms can also help financial institutions make more informed investment decisions.
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AI is revolutionizing the retail industry by providing personalized recommendations, improving inventory management, and enhancing the customer experience. With AI, retailers can analyze customer data to understand their preferences and shopping behavior, providing personalized recommendations and improving customer satisfaction. AI-powered inventory management systems can also help retailers optimize their inventory levels, reducing waste and increasing profitability. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can also improve the customer experience by providing personalized support and assistance.
AI is transforming the manufacturing industry by improving production efficiency, reducing downtime, and enhancing product quality. With AI, manufacturers can analyze production data in real-time, identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement. AI-powered predictive maintenance solutions can also identify potential equipment failures before they occur, reducing downtime and improving production efficiency. AI-powered quality control solutions can also improve product quality by identifying defects and anomalies in real-time.
Market Landscape for AI Solutions
The market landscape for AI solutions is vast and diverse, with various players offering AI solutions across industries. The market is dominated by tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, who offer a wide range of AI-powered solutions across various industries. However, there are also numerous startups and smaller players offering specialized AI solutions for specific industries and use cases.
AI is revolutionizing industries across the board, from healthcare to finance to retail to manufacturing. The market landscape for AI solutions is growing at an unprecedented pace, with numerous players offering AI solutions across various industries. As AI technology continues to evolve, it is important for businesses to stay informed and adapt to the changing landscape. With the right AI solutions, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience, leading to increased profitability and growth.
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hellenhighwater · 10 months
What's your decision making process like for thrifting pieces? I've started looking at thrifting more earnestly, and at antiques in particular to add a bit more character to my otherwise midcentury-influenced space, but I always struggle with envisioning if a piece will "go" with everything else. But you seem like you've got the mixing and matching of pieces down pat, do I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I've gotten a bunch of asks in this vein so I'm going to go a little broader than this ask to cover the general topic.
On a purely practical level, you need to know what you have. I keep what I call a house journal, which is a notebook where I've drawn out room layouts, with measurements for available space, lists of what I'm looking for, dimensions for things like doorways (do not buy anything larger than your doorways) and even fabric and paint swatches. I also keep a digital photo album of house pictures, so if I'm trying to see if something will go, I don't have to rely entirely on memory.
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So, important note: my background is not in interior design--it's in set design, studio art, and graphic design, so for me, I fall back on narrative. When you're designing interior spaces for theater or film, the room is not primarily functional: it is, first and foremost, an extension of the character that inhabits it. The room exists to tell you about the person in it.
And often, that's the tack I take in my house--not using my home as a framing device for myself, but for imagined characters. For example, my living room is The Adventurer, or the Archaeologist. The character for that room is someone from decent money in the late Victorian period, the sort of person who spent their live traveling for no particular reason, and brought home all manner of oddities. The room is rich in color and texture; the furniture is mostly late 1800s, and it's both formal and lived in. Choosing things for this room, I ask if that character would own that object. I also used unifying wood tones, and a similar depth of color, to tie things in. Pick a color palette and stick to it.
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My drawing room is the Alchemist. There are lots of celestial elements, but it's a workroom, so most of the furniture is very practical and simply designed. It's beaten and worn in, showing marks of use. There is lots of storage, and curious little things in jars, and plants and bones and the tools of my trade. The Alchemist uses this space to make impossible things.
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The question then is not "does this match" but "would the character that embodies this space choose this? Why? What does it say about them?"
And what all of that tells you about me, is, well....I don't know, really?
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sealofarchives · 4 months
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT about what it would be like to date Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie (separately) and what the pros and cons of a relationship with them would be?
Headcanon: GN!Reader dating the Rise!Turtles (Separate) (Requested prompt with established relationship)
A/N: This was really fun to work on and ended up surprising myself with how this turned out!!!
Since you take the time to listen to whatever he says, he'll do the same for you.
Even before you started dating him, he took some notes on what you liked and disliked. (He used to have a tablet for that said purpose but eventually, retooled as a backup photo album storage between the two of you)
- I personally think he's not one for the usual icebreaker conversations with stuff like "how's your day and etc"
So most conversations start with some tangent on his mind or about your favorite things then eventually discussing daily stuff that happened within the day.
Even though he struggles trying to cheer people up, but he's not gonna ignore your well-being when you happened to have a bad day.
- Like he makes sure you had something to eat or drink. And if talking about the problem makes it worse, already noted and tries to pull you towards light stress free activities. (Letting you borrow one of his headphones to listen to your music, sort and try out a box of fidget toys, or setting up a small space in the lair as the designated chill zone)
While there might be some technical mishaps, he always has good intentions trying to fix your phone or other electronic devices you have trouble with.
Imo I feel like during the first few weeks in the relationship, he'll be awkward towards pda. (don't constantly pester him about it)
- He'll eventually come to it maybe near the end of the first month of dating. (With his personal quota of handholding and hugs that last a few seconds)
Until realizing your needs are just as important to maintain that special relationship.
- However, If some creep doesn't get the message you're already taken, its one of the rare times he'll force himself into initiating pda for your own safety.
Easily gets jealous and refuses to admit it with some snarky remark.
When he refuses to take breaks, you probably have to step in so he doesn't accidentally hurt himself or gets sick.
- When you do so, it often ends with him passing out on you.
(And tiny bit of scolding from his brothers [namely Raph and Dr Delicate Touch] after Donnie recovered from overworking himself on a large scale project)
Can be very passive aggressive and it could lead to some unpleasant arguments towards something very trivial.
- He's definitely the most stubborn out of his brothers and probably won't hear you out until your feelings get hurt.
It might take him a few days to think up of a proper apology. And during those days, he slowly regrets yelling at you along with letting his anger get the best of him.
He won't admit it but, your level of honesty around him really puts him at ease whenever he's lost in thought about something.
- The leader can name a least few things about his brothers' special talents but during a few nights where he can't sleep, because of a nightmare from a past enemy. (either Shredder or the Krang)
He didn't have the energy for one of his usual portals but, really wanted give you a hug for saying such kind words through a phone call.
He'll instantly back off if he accidentally made a joke that offended you.
- The last thing he wants is to upset you. So he really tries working some type of compromise between the two of you, so it doesn't happen again.
He has a strong memory sometimes, like remembering the little details. It will usually happen when you least expect it.
- Casually bringing up a past event from one of the photos saved on your phone. Often being one of the early hang out sessions, before you started dating him. He'll lightly tease you about it but, mostly grateful that you took a chance to build up that relationship with him.
If you happened to have a case of bad luck, he's very determined to end that streak's rein of terror by his own hands.
- And if you can't visit the lair, he'll let you borrow his lucky rock as a good luck charm.
He still has a bit of that competitive energy in him and can be a sore loser when he doesn't win.
- It could take him a while to realize that the playful showboating upseted you and to why you're refusing to give him any attention.
This also adds on to that he's not the best at genuine apologies.
- Like the first sorry has no feeling to it until the guilt weighes down on him.
I don't think he could last a few days with you giving him the cold shoulder + silent treatment (Imo, he has the type of desperate embarrassment that would be hard to watch)
Sometimes his "surprise planning" ends up in a panic since he waits until the last minute to get you something.
- Given how some of his strategies usually works towards his advantage. (Often not telling the others about it and another similar manner along those lines)
His ego can 100% break the relationship.
- Like there's only certain amount of patience you can handle with his nonsense and his brothers will absolutely not stand for that kind of behavior. The moment he realizes he was in the wrong, he scrambles trying to avoid a potential break up.
Almost has the same level of patience as Mikey's. (Also a result of being the oldest brother and dealing with some of Splinter's shenanigans)
Will often ask if you need help with the heavy lifting. (Even towards small stuff like when you can't reach for something on the top shelf. He will immediately grab said item for you.)
Gives the best teddy bear hugs
- Not too tight or too close to his spiky scales. Just right enough where it can easily put you at ease, stopping any stressful thought plaguing your mind.
Can easily motivate you into short exercise routines.
- It doesn't even have to be the daily recommended 30 minutes. Often being close to under 5 minutes is still worth it.
When both of you were done following that one morning aerobics exercise from animal crossing, his brothers immediately teased him about it. But he doesn't care, he was just happy you got to stay up for a little bit before lazily resting your head near his plastron.
While the big guy means well, he can be a bit overbearing.
- Especially if you got a small injury, after a brief night patrol fight from an unexpecting bad guy attack.
He will absolutely be a mother hen if you end up getting sick. Drops whatever he was doing and rushes over to make sure you're okay. Which often results in him getting sick after you fully recovered because he forgot to bring the protective gear for his own safety.
(This is a personal headcanon of mine) but he's definitely close to a morning kind of guy. Light stretches to start the day before he eats breakfast.
- So if you have a similar night owl schedule like Donnie or Leo, he won't say much but, he will judge you for it unless its related to some medical reasons.
If you decide on borrowing clothes from him, a lot of the shirts he has, will have a few holes because of his spiky shell. So pack some extra clothes (like a spare tank top or something similar) if you're not into the torn up clothing look.
You're bound to see Savage Raph at least a few times.
- Please approach with caution and take Leo's advice seriously. However, still be gentle around Raph and comfort him by the time he returns back to his usual self.
The fact he knows how to cook is already best boyfriend material.
- He can probably cook up your favorite food if you ask for it.
Another plus is proper communication skills.
- Dr Feelings will always be there to help and will accommodate what's best suited to your needs.
Can be your personal cheerleader when you happened to be stuck at starting something.
- After all, he is the best hype man for a reason. But, can easily tone down the energy if you start to feel overwhelmed.
There will always be a lot of creative thought in whatever gift he makes for you.
- Very heartfelt and he will be a blushing mess if you ended up displaying it in a place where he can see it. (either in your room or a place in your house where there's a lot of care in preserving it)
Imo I feel like the Dr Delicate Touch persona leans towards some of that passive aggressive energy.
- Namely the anger tone, (which might have some influence from a certain purple turtle) so Mikey still needs to be careful about that.
It won't happen all the time but, if you forgot to eat breakfast. (or any of the other important 3 meals of the day)
- Mikey will pester you into eating some food he made. He usually does this to Donnie and the box shell turtle won't budge until you finish the meal. Or at least half of it, so it can be saved for later as leftovers.
The sad puppy eyes trick is present in all the turtles but, Mikey's more dangerous since he's a master at it. So try your best not to give in to the temptation. (If you can help it)
He's the second turtle to make a beeline into danger. (and him being commited to be the bait as a distraction [like dressing up in a hippo costume with a cologne that attracts said animal or the time he wore a cucumber suit to tease Repo Mantis' mutant pet cat for one of Donnie's vlogs])
- Be prepared to patch him up as result of his rowdy energy.
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