#men are useless but very amusing and kind of adorable
chicotfp · 1 year
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Inspired by that one scene from LOTR where Legolas is a sassy little shit)))
'Mykolaichik' For @graphicabyss ♡
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kitsunefyuu · 9 months
H...Hi all for one!
I'm kind if nervous talking to you, I heard you're Big and strong and... I don't mean it like that! Just stating facts!
I wanted to know your opinion on one midoriya izuku actually... Why haven't you killed him yet? He's just a young teenager that would be so easy to kill. You haven't spared any other users if ofa from gruesome and horrible deaths. Why do you refuse to kill this one small green child?
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While All for One is aware some of his men and followers noticed how Izuku, despite being a child, wasn't dead but most didn't have the nerve to point this out. It could easily be considered an insult to imply that he wouldn't kill a One for All user. After all, He has made it very clear that he has shown no mercy prior to Izuku.
Still, he doesn't interrupt or dismiss this line of questioning simply looking at this anonymous figure with a familiar amusement. As if impressed by the other's bravery or he could contemplating the other's death for all anyone knows.
"I have to say I'm impressed you would ask that," he chuckled with a smirk clear on his face. "You aren't wrong there were many chances."
Giving half-truths was as easy as breathing when it came to outsiders yet it didn't stop him from entertaining. He very much adores talking and it isn't as if he would reveal anything about the boy. Who was he to entertain this person besides taking it as entertainment.
"But unfortunately most of those chances seemed to have other... Distractions in the way in the form of All Might," he said. A hand on his chin as he tilts his head back in musing as never did have a one on one chat with Izuku. "So it is more of a game of wearing him down. I need his will weakened, broken, shattered so I can obtain One for All."
This part isn't a lie. As he didn't wish for the boy's death but he has no issues as All for One with dragging his mental state. It was unavoidable as there is no feasible way the boy would willingly give up the quirk. He is young, he is vulnerable, and that is All For One opening.
"Every other user had already passed on One for All by the time I go for their heads. So in the end they were useless to me nothing more than a rag doll pointlessly blocking the path to the quirk. It is easy to kill them," he noted. "Now tell me, how easy do you think it is to get a quirk from a corpse?"
It wasn't impossible. After all, he has done it many times before and there is a chance he could have obtained it in such a way. What will does a corpse have in being able to deny him if he wishes for it. But many don't know that, no one knows the true extent of his power.
"There is a method to my madness so you should just watch. Though I entertained this," he smiled. "I won't accept another question about why the boy with One for All lives."
He isn't killing Izuku and the reasons are for him and him alone. Because he is of his blood and that makes him an exception.
No one must know.
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microsuedemouse · 10 months
you know the character trope - pretty much exclusively used for villains - of the woman who possesses the power to make any and every man around her fall in love (lust) with her, and thus she builds an army of slobbering man-drones to do her bidding? I often seem to have a similar effect, except only on men maybe 20+ years my senior, and instead of inspiring sexual desire I bring out their fatherly affections.
I don’t know exactly why this happens, but it’s been pretty consistent throughout my adult life, and especially obvious when I’m working in retail (and also during my summer at the optometrist’s office). it comes up a lot at the grocery store. I can think of a couple instances of this phenomenon off the top of my head, like the time I quipped to a customer that I had to do something ‘so I don’t get in trouble.’
“Pshh, that doesn’t happen!” said the guy behind him in line, immediately.
“Yeah, I can’t really imagine it,” agreed the man in front of me.
“All she’d have to do is smile and all would be forgiven!”
(Both older gentlemen, both being utterly sweet even while joking around. 😭)
Or, as another example - if you’re working in the last hour-ish of the day, you’ll see a lot of the night crew trickling in, and many of them will do a quick shopping run before they clock in, so at cash we get to know their faces. One of the night managers, Mark, is a very pleasant guy around my parents’ age. One evening I was bagging Mark’s groceries while my coworker Colin rung him up, and Mark glanced over and commented how much he liked seeing me when he came in. “Her smile just lights everything right up, eh? Don’t you think?” he asked, looking expectantly at Colin.
Colin, who is nine years my junior and did not know me well enough yet at that point to be 100% smooth playing along, initially just grinned, with a touch of amusement (whether more at Mark or at my own mild floundering at the compliment, I’m still not sure). When he realised Mark was looking for an actual response, he just chuckled, “I’d say so, yeah.” At which point Mark nodded, pleased to be in agreement, and paid for his groceries.
I do not know how I have this effect on people at 28 years old, even taking into account the fact that I’m often mistaken for younger. When I was an adorable (plus smart and polite - killer combo with the grownups) little girl, it made sense that dads loved me. Now? Who knows! I mean, I’ll certainly take it over being hit on, which I’m extremely grateful to say has never happened to me at work. The only flirting I receive is the silly and decidedly harmless kind that comes from grandpa-type men who are, sincerely, just being playful. These interactions aren’t the untoward kind - they’re more reminiscent, to me, of the way my own dad treats my female friends: respectful, fond and sweet, caring. The vibe is like, this man would probably be happy to give me some sound advice and a lift home from the slumber party.
But yeah. I very consistently bring out the fatherly/grandfatherly affection in seemingly any man over the age of 50 or so who has an ounce of paternal kindness in him. And I do so more than many of my female friends or coworkers do. Is it because I look so young? Because I don’t wear makeup and I dress more like a kid than a ~Grown Woman~? It’s true that in my head I’m little more than an overgrown child, but does that energy actually come through - in a positive fashion, no less - to other people (and especially dad types)? Do I just exude some kind of undefinable Beloved (Grand)Daughter vibes?
I don’t actually remember what on earth got me thinking about this tonight, tbh. But I had to get my rambles out, so here you are. This is my weird tiny useless superpower: I attract fatherliness, entirely without meaning to. I feel like there must be a way to leverage this ability, but I’m not sure what it is? Also I’d be a terrible supervillain anyway.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
I would really like to see your take on JC/JYL age flip also JC is the sickley one JYL is sect heir and how it changes them
Sometimes, Jiang Cheng wondered if his father would have loved him if he had been born healthy.
If maybe that would have been the thing that would have changed everything – the little difference that would have entitled him to the hugs that Wei Wuxian got, the warm smiles, the praise. The hand on the shoulder, the occasional “well done”…
He didn’t know.
He didn’t know if it was his weakness that his father so obviously despised him for, or if it was only his mother’s blood that ran true in him – his face like her face, his temperament the same as hers except without the power to back it up.
He didn’t know if he would’ve been a different person if he’d had a body that obeyed him properly – one that didn’t try to kill him when he tried to train the sword, that didn’t send him blue in the face and choking when he ran too far or too fast or when it was too cold or too wet. He didn’t even want to be talented, the way Wei Wuxian was; he would be content with having the opportunity to complete, rather than being left out of the race entirely. Surely through hard work and effort he could have kept neck-and-neck with Wei Wuxian in the race for his father’s affection, the race Wei Wuxian won so easily, instead of the way he was now.
He wondered, too, if perhaps his body had shaped who he was – if perhaps his prickliness, his bitterness, his anger, his tendency to scold instead of praise, his frowns and scowls instead of smiles were all from that base anger, the anger at his body for failing him when he needed it. The way he saw himself left behind by all his peers, watching them grow strong while he struggled and strained and broke himself trying his best only to become barely average.
Maybe if he’d been born normal, he wouldn’t have been like that. Maybe he would have smiled easily, the way Wei Wuxian did; maybe he would have been calm and patient, the way Jiang Yanli was. Maybe he would have understood the Jiang sect motto the way his father was always telling him he couldn’t.
Maybe his parents wouldn’t have fought so bitterly all the time if only his mother had produced a son his father could think was worthy of him.
He didn’t know.
He regretted it anyway.
But most of all, he regretted what his weakness meant to Jiang Yanli.
She’d never complained, of course. She assured him it wasn’t his fault – that he couldn’t control it, that it was merely the will of the Heavens. She told him she wasn’t angry at him.
He wouldn’t blame her if she was.
He was angry at himself.
At his weakness.
At what it had cost her.
When he was still a child, they’d all thought that his sickliness was merely an artifact of his childhood – that it would pass and fade, that he would outgrow his illness and become a man like any other, and as a result his parents and all his sect had treated him as the presumptive heir. He’d gotten tutors, training, extra lessons; he’d been asked to listen to meetings, to read over reports, to think over problems…
Jiang Yanli, in contrast, had been left alone to amuse herself.
It wasn’t a matter of power; she had a powerful golden core, a good basic talent that could be further strengthened with hard work. But the Jiang sect had one daughter and one son, and obviously that meant that the son would inherit and the daughter marry out – and so what did it matter what her cultivation was? There was no need to train her to be anything other than a good wife.
Jiang Yanli had liked that.
She’d been so gentle, Jiang Cheng remembered – generous, kind, happy. She liked cooking, sailing, playing with children, walking by the pier and conversing with the merchants and fishermen…
She couldn’t do that now.
She was the sect heir, now. Responsibility had fallen hard upon her shoulders, but she bore it well: the endless classes to take, the increased stress to increase her cultivation, the burden of the sect’s reputation, the lack of time to do as she pleased – all that and more, she accepted with the same smile as before.
She was still gentle, still generous, still kind.
And yet, as she grew older, stronger, more confident, she also grew – bitter.
Bitter like her mother.
Like Jiang Cheng.
And the reason was all him.
Him, for being weak. For being unworthy. For not being Wei Wuxian –
“You deserve better,” Jiang Yanli said, Jiang Cheng lying in bed with his head in her lap, chest slowly rising and falling – the aftermath of an attack.
“Than what?” he asked, a sad laugh gurgling in his throat. “Than to be born sick? Than to be a disappointment?”
“To be treated as less worthy than Wei Wuxian’s shadow,” she said fiercely.
Jiang Cheng bit his lips. “Don’t say that.”
“She’s right, though,” Wei Wuxian said. He was there as well, sitting on the floor, and Jiang Cheng didn’t know how to argue with him.
It wasn’t like he didn’t understand his father’s preference for Wei Wuxian. He even agreed with it. He adored Wei Wuxian, with his mischief and his brilliance, the way he would fight anyone and anything for Jiang Cheng’s sake; he always had the best ideas on how to waste time, how to play, how to joke around. He was arrogant and self-absorbed, bold and unrestrained, powerful and healthy and strong, everything Jiang Cheng wished he could be, and yet Wei Wuxian always allowed his useless can’t-breath, can’t-run, need-to-rest-again weak-bodied shidi to trail along behind him.
“Why don’t you call him A-Xian anymore?” he asked his sister, choosing to ignore Wei Wuxian.
“Too much intimacy between men and women is not good,” Jiang Yanli said, but she didn’t look at him, and Jiang Cheng might be weak but he wasn’t stupid.
“Does – does Father want you two to marry?” he asked hesitantly, looking between one and the other, neither of them looking at him. “But Mother already engaged you to Jin Zixuan.”
Presents had been exchanged, the engagement all but final – the Jin sect’s interest in the match, originally arranged as part of a promise between their mothers, who had been childhood friends, had gone up considerably ever since they realized that Jiang Yanli would be inheriting the Jiang sect. It was difficult but not impossible for two sect heirs to marry: they’d agreed that they’d need have two sons, one to inherit each sect, carry on each surname, and that the inheritance would devolve back to the original family lines should anything go wrong with that plan.
It was settled.
“Engagements can be broken,” Jiang Yanli said, and her eyes were a little red. “And – it might not be that. It’s just improper, now that I’m older…”
Jiang Cheng twisted to look at Wei Wuxian, who was nowhere near as good at eliding a direct question.
“Sect Leader Jin all but implied that we were planning on putting a green hat on his son’s head,” Wei Wuxian blurted out, characteristically blunt. “Just because I’m close to shijie, that we were planning for her to marry Jin Zixuan so that we’d get the Jin sect’s benefits, but that the children would be mine – that bastard.”
“A-Xian!” Jiang Yanli exclaimed.
“It’s true, though! He is! In spirit, if not in blood –”
“That’s not the problem –”
“Are you?” Jiang Cheng asked, and they both turned to look at him. “Going to marry?”
“No,” Wei Wuxian said immediately, eyes bugging out, even as Jiang Yanli furiously shook her head in similar denial. “Shijie’s – no!”
A marital sister was a perfectly reasonable match to make, even if they’d been raised together, but the disgusted expressions on both their faces at the very thought somehow pleased Jiang Cheng.
(He was a bitter, awful person sometimes. No, not sometimes – often. But they still loved him.)
“Okay,” he said, clearing his throat and looking away. “Well, it’s not important yet, is it? We’re going to go to the Cloud Recesses, where Jin Zixuan is, too. Maybe jiejie will like him and it’ll all be all right.”
“Yes,” Jiang Yanli said quickly. “That’s right. I mean, I haven’t met him, and I’ve been far too busy to think about any of that…this will be a good opportunity to see if we suit each other. If we do, good; if we don’t, we don’t, and I’ll insist on breaking the engagement to marry as my own wishes suit – and not to A-Xian. Never to A-Xian.”
Not even if their father thought he would be the perfect match.
“Madame Yu wouldn’t agree anyway,” Wei Wuxian said, nodding furiously.
“That’s true,” Jiang Cheng said, and relaxed a little. He already knew he wouldn’t have a bride – nor a husband, for that matter, he found that he wasn’t especially fussed about that in the rare times he let himself dream of what-could-be. Those dreams weren’t for him, though, not really; who would want a broken barely average cultivator like him, with no talents except maybe cooking the way Jiang Yanli had taught him and a temper as bad as it could be?
It was horrible and selfish of him, to want his most beloved people to stay with him instead of finding their happiness elsewhere – whether with each other, or with someone else – but he couldn’t help himself.
He didn’t have anything else. Not his parents’ respect and love, not cultivation or fighting power, not even his health – all he had was their love.
He shouldn’t hope for anything more than that.
(And yet, in the Cloud Recesses of all unexpected places – he found it.)
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romanoffswifey · 4 years
Stupid Sexy Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Tony takes the avengers on a snowy retreat, where he finds out about your crush on Natasha. He and Clint convince you to do something a little bit stupid and it does not go according to plan. At least you get Natasha’s attention.
Contents/Warnings: Fluffy fluff, some dumbass energy from many people
Words: 1,539
AN - Yes, this was absolutely originally inspired by that one Simpsons scene and it would not let me rest until I had written it. Stupid sexy Flanders.
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“Woah, Y/N, I didn’t know you could shred like that,” Tony says as you come skidding to a stop next to him and Clint on the alpine snow.
The billionaire had decided to take you all on a trip to a Swiss ski resort, in the name of relaxation and team bonding.
“There’s a dry ski slope about an hour away from the town I grew in, I haven’t been in a long while but I guess snowboarding is like riding a bike,” you offer. Plopping yourself down near Clint, who was currently sitting on Steve’s shield after he’d been using it as a sledge.
“Maybe now you’re here you can convince Stark to actually go down the mountain, instead of just standing here like a baby,” the archer points to the man’s skis, “you know they have instructors here to teach you how to use those things.”
Tony scoffs. “I don’t need any instructing, Barton. It can’t be that hard surely, I mean children can do it.”
“You could always ask our friendly god of hammers for some pointers,” you say, gesturing behind you as Thor shoots past, screaming with joy. The asgardian had turned out to be surprisingly good at the winter sport and was currently having the time of his life.
When the men next to you descend into bickering, you zone out. Letting your gaze wander until it lands on Natasha, who’s stood chatting with Steve further down the slope.
You’d had a crush on the redhead ever since you’d met her during the whole thing with Loki, but hadn’t said anything to her in fear of ending up looking like an idiot. 
Clint was the only one who knew and he’d been pretty useless at helping. Simply teasing you about it, as he’d decided to be an adult, for once, and respect Natasha’s privacy on the matter.
You sigh softly as you look at her now. She was beautiful, and kind of cute, with her little bobble hat and her googles on top of her head. The tips of her nose and ears slightly pink from the cold, and her flawless tresses only highlighted by the white around her.
As you follow the fall of her hair down to her outfit, you inhale sharply, coughing as the icy air hits the back of your throat.
The assassin was clad in a black and red ski suit, with a close enough fit that you could see the lines of her muscles. Along with a great view of her assets. It was safe to say that it left nothing to the imagination, and your imagination was certainly running wild right now.
Your little coughing fit had gained the attention of Tony and Clint. Making them pause their argument and follow your line of slight.
“Well, Romanoff certainly isn’t bothered by the cold. You’d think she’d want to wear something more comfortable since we’re out of the office,” says the billionaire.
“Actually it is comfy, and warm, and incredibly aerodynamic. She got it for this one mission where she had to go undercover as a prospect for the winter olympics,” Clint explains, “I tried it on once. It felt like I was wearing nothing at all.”
That comment did absolutely nothing to help your thoughts, in fact it only made them less PG then they already were. You’re pretty sure the heat coming from your face could turn the slope below you into a waterfall if you put your head close enough.
Unfortunately for you, your flustered state draws Tony’s questioning gaze from the archer to yourself.
“Erm, Y/N are you okay? You look kind of...wait a minute,” his eyes light up as he interrupts himself, “Oh. My. God. You totally have the hots for Romanoff don’t you?”
“Finally, someone noticed,” Clint happily exposes you.
“Barton, you little shit!” you exclaim in shock, repeatedly trying to jab him in the ribs.
“Oh this is great,” Tony laughs before starting to sing, “Y/N and Natasha sitting in a tre-”
“Shut it, Stark,” you hiss. Taking one of his ski poles and smacking him around the back of the legs, causing him to fall on his back in front of the pair of you with a small ‘oof’.
“Rude. But since you’re like the little sister I never had, I’ll elect to ignore it in favour of being the annoying brother right now. Does she know about the little heart eyes routine you got going on over here?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
You roll your eyes. “Does it look like she’s even remotely interested in me?”
“I don’t know, have you tried asking her?”
“This is Natasha Romanoff we’re talking about here, you think I want to risk making a fool out of myself and ruining our friendship?” you sigh dejectedly and put your chin on top of your knees. “And don’t bother asking Clint about it, I already tried,” you add when you see Tony turn toward the man, who was suddenly very quiet.
The billionaire huffs when he notices his glare isn’t doing anything to crack the archer’s resolve. But when his eyes land on the ramps that sat on one half of the snowy incline, the gears in his head start to turn.
His smirk widens when Clint throws him an encouraging look, clearly thinking along the same lines.
“Hey Y/N, why don’t you do a cool trick or something?” Tony asks while nodding toward the ramps.
“What?” you ask in reply, “What makes you think I can even do a trick?”
“Well, it can’t be that hard. I’ve seen you do loads of complicated acrobatics in training, and what about that time you flipped your motorbike over that bridge?”
“I’m sure Nat would be impressed if you did it,” Clint murmurs, trying to be subtle while eating some snow.
You cut your eyes at them both, wondering what they were up to.
“Fine,” you say. Pulling yourself up and setting off down the hill after thinking about it, it would be pretty cool if you did manage to pull it off.
Once you hit one of the bigger ramps, you lock eyes with Natasha, and your whole mind goes blank. You can’t stop staring and you’re quickly reminded of all those thoughts you’d just had. Which was not ideal, considering you had just launched yourself about 20 feet in the air. 
Instead of doing some epic flip in the air, you just sail through it and start plummeting to the earth. But lucky for you, you’re an avenger. You’re also heading for a nice pile of snow.
Snow is surprisingly hard, and you groan as you lay buried there, regretting many of your life choices. Not only had you eaten complete shit, you had done it in front of your long time crush. This was the worst trip you had ever been on.
“Leave me to my shame,” you whine as you feel someone undoing your boots from your snowboard before pulling you out by your leg.
Your embarrassment only grows as you look up into green eyes that are filled with worry.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Natasha asks. Checking you over for any sign of blood or broken bones.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you say, not quite meeting her eyes.
“You gonna explain what that was about then?” she asks with a hint of amusement as she helps you up.
You smile sheepishly and admit, “I was trying to show off.”
Being this close to her now, with her hands still lightly clasping yours and an adorable little frown on her face, you can’t find it in you to lie.
“I was trying to impress you. I really like you Natasha,” you confess quietly.
Her face slackens at your words, and you can feel your stomach sink. You gentle pull your hands from hers, letting out a long breath as you look down. Waiting for whatever her reaction might be.
To your surprise, a gloved hand comes up and cups your jaw. Tilting your head back up before a pair of soft lips land on your own.
You relax into the kiss as she holds you there. Blinking slowly when she pulls back with a sigh.
“I like you too, Y/N,” she says shyly. A smile tugging at her mouth and her face just a bit redder than it was before.
“How come you never said anything?” you ask, still not quite believing this was actually happening.
“I’m not really the best when it come to this whole feelings thing, so I wanted to makes sure that you might have felt the same about me before I did anything,” she trails off.
The redhead hums. “And for the record you don’t have to impress me. I’ve seen what you can do, it’s pretty badass,” she says with a wink, before holding out her hand. “Now come on, I’ll get you a hot chocolate. Think of it as our first date.”
You can’t help the grin that breaks out onto your face as you take Natasha’s hand and let her drag you back up the mountain. 
Maybe this trip wasn’t so bad after all.
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light-yaers · 3 years
I prompt you say? 👀
Not a prompt, I’m basically giving you the scene I’ve been envisioning 😅
Do you remember that scene in episode 4(?) where Din is on Sorgan, and he’s sitting in the cart with Cara, and he stretches his arms out and leans back to relax?? I think there’s a million gifs of it.
But imagine Reader is with him on Sorgan, and they haven’t been crew mates for very long. There’s some feelings on both sides, but neither have said anything yet.
She’s sitting next to him, and he does The Thing (ie puts his arm around HER) and neither of them acknowledge it. HOWEVER, when they fall asleep, reader and Din are all cuddled together, Cara looking at them like 🤨 “yeah sure... *definitely* not together.”
Reader’s a bit jealous of the attention that Din and Omera give each other, but doesn’t say anything. Din and Reader share a hut, and end up cuddling together at night too.
Idk if I’m making any sense. I just love fluff mixed in with hurt/comfort. Does this work?? I know it’s not a prompt, but rather a whole ass scene, but uh?????
Well, I can certainly do something with this. I do love a bit of hurt/comfort, and we all love a bit of Din, so here we go--
He had a good instinct. You knew that well, what from the multiple skirmishes he’d got the two of you out of before. Travelling with the man was never easy-- always unpredictable, always exciting, but exceedingly anxiety inducing, despite your hard-skinned personality. 
You were used to frequenting planets that weren’t kind. The ones where the wind blew so ferociously that you often relished in the boredom of staying with the kid while he hunted yet another quarry. These planets were unforgiving, populated by people who were even more so, but Mando didn’t bat an eye. Work was work, and his Beskar was easily polishable. 
But Sorgan was different. From the moment you’d landed you’d been surrounded by lush trees, beautiful forests and kinder locals than either of you were used to. That hadn’t stopped Mando from getting into a fight not even an hour after landing, but what had resulted was something you’d never expected; his soft side finally showing its colours. 
You’d bitten down the overthinking of past experiences with the Mandalorian; the way he sometimes subconsciously wrapped his arms around you while you both slept on the cold hull of the Razor Crest. The minimal words but aching stares from beneath his helmet. The softness of his silence while he occasionally watched you looking after the kid. He’d picked you up on a dying planet, promising you safety if you could deal with his work, look after the kid and keep your mouth shut.
Despite who he was, it was impossible not to see the kindness he possessed beneath the surface, and eventually he’d warmed to you; the same way you had with him. But even those moments wavered occasionally. 
“Grab the kid,” He ushered from the clearing, stepping aboard a cart driven by some men from a nearby village; they were in danger, and they needed help. Mando had actually accepted, opting to work alongside this woman, Cara Dune, unexpectedly. You’d learned not to ask questions, but this time it had you stumped. 
“Do you really think it’s wise for us to go to a random village, with a random woman who tried to kill you twenty minutes ago?” You let out, crossing your arms in front of him. Mando turned to you slowly, staring at you beneath his helmet. 
“What makes you think you have a say in this?” He replied bluntly, but it was exactly what you’d expected in return. You raised your hands in surrender, shooting him an unamused smile. 
“Oh sorry, I forgot you don’t pay me enough to get my opinion,” 
Hey, we all had bad days. Days where the last thing you wanted to do was go into the unknown once more, feeling the worry and pressure of looking after a wanted kid, and being around a wanted man whose face you’d never seen. 
You picked up the kid finally, breathing heavily through your nose as you made your way to the cart with the others. Mando didn’t help you board, as you jumped up with the kid cradled in your arms, sitting down near the back. 
Mando strode onto the cart, dropping himself down near you, close enough for you to feel the annoyance radiating off of him in waves. Maybe it was stupid for you to have spoken up, but dank farrik, this was unlike him. It only scared you. 
It would be a few days until you reached the village, so you settled in for the long haul, cradling the kid while he snoozed adorably and ignoring the occasional stares that Mando laid upon you. Cara Dune sat to your right, idly biting her nails and blowing away the excess off the cart. Nice. 
“So, what’s your deal?” She spoke up, looking at you and then to Mando, flicking her eyes between the two of you like a tennis match. “Is she a whore?”
“Fuck you,” You spat out immediately. The kid stirred in your arms and you sent him a silent apology for disturbing. 
“Just a crew member,” Mando finally replied, not commenting upon your outburst. Whore, who the fuck did she think she was? Cara nodded to herself, curling and amused smile onto her lips. 
“Just a crew member, okay,” She let out, but dropped it soon after, knowing that she’d crossed a line before. It was a silent trip, but you were used to the quiet. Mando was a man of little words. He didn’t speak unless it was necessary to, and you chose to adopt that same style. As much as both of you knew each other now, talking wasn’t a benefit to either of you. 
As night drew in, you snuggled up with the kid while you tried to make yourself comfortable. You spread yourself out on the cart, lying on your side and facing away from the Mandalorian. It was odd how used to sleeping next to him you were-- it was just the norm-- so when he eventually laid down parallel to you, back to back, it offered you something you were used to. 
He snored, but they weren’t huge snores; they were almost dainty, filtering through the modulator on his helmet with a faint hum every few seconds and providing you with the comfort to actually fall asleep on this god forsaken cart. 
It wasn’t long until the familiar shuffles of Mando’s arms found their way to you. He rolled over in his sleep, scuffing Beskar against the cart as he turned to you and began hugging you from behind. You sleepily accepted his embrace, not thinking it was anything out of the ordinary-- because it wasn’t. 
He found you while sleeping more often than he brought back a quarry. It was something unspoken yet accepted; something that both of you indulged in, waking up wrapped in each other’s limbs the morning after and not mentioning it at all. 
But that morning, it was mentioned-- just not by either of you. 
You woke when the sun began to cut through the trees, filtering down onto the slowly moving cart and warming your skin calmly. You were aware of Mando’s arms still wrapped around you, of him breathing beneath the Beskar, still asleep-- but Cara was fucking laughing. 
You stirred awake immediately, trying to stay quiet for the sake of the kid and Mando, before glaring at her head on. 
“Just a crew member, right?” She let out, along with a few childish chuckles. “Yeah, I spoon all of my crew members at night,” 
“Do you enjoy being a grade A asshole?” You questioned stubbornly, but it only fuelled her on further. 
“I enjoy it as much as you enjoy Mando’s hugs at night, I’m sure,” 
Oh, that was it-- you were going to punch her. You made sure the kid was out of your range, before going to launch yourself at her without hesitation-- but Mando held you back before you could. 
You were halfway to her, being held back by his arms wrapped around your torso from behind. In one motion, he pushed you back to the floor, smacking you down on the wood with a thud. Cara sent him an amused smirk, trying not to blatantly laugh at your blushing cheeks. 
“Stop pissing her off,” Mando said suddenly, aimed at Cara. Cara sent him an open-mouthed stare, but it was laced with laughter. 
“Oh, come on. She’s the one that got pissed off,” 
“And you’re the one that’s picking a fight. You’re lucky I held her back, she packs a mean punch when she wants to,” 
Stars, you were trying not to blush even more at his words, but it was useless. You simply looked away, trying not to focus on Mando’s stare behind you. You picked up the kid again, slowly cradling him awake. His large eyes stared at you calmly as he cooed to you in greeting. 
Soon, you’d all make it to the village, where you could get some much needed space from Cara fucking Dune-- where you and Mando could be content with your silent cuddles at night, without the threat of needing to talk about it the morning after. 
Just like normal.
I might do a part two to this, when they’re in the village with Omera! Thanks for the ask, OP! 
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graceverse · 3 years
Here Be That EniKao Fic I Told You All About
Please note that this is post "The Final" movie. This happened around 2 months after Kenshin and Enishi's fight. AND OH MY GOD, this is my first RK fic since what? 2017?! It has happened and I would like to thank Mackenyu for making this possible. LOL.
An Unexpected Invitation
Winter and spring had passed quietly without much excitement. Which was exactly what the occupants of the Kamiya Dojo, and indeed the residents of Tokyo, needed. After much turmoil from the previous year, the quiet restful months have allowed everyone to heal from their wounds.
Physical injuries were all but gone now. No one was wearing any bandages, no one was limping around, clutching a broken shoulder or needing a change of bloody bindings.
Megumi has finally been able to get a decent enough stock of bandages and ointment for the actual patients of the Ouguni Clinic. A feat she didn't think was possible especially since everyone seemed to have been incapacitated in the aftermath of Yukishiro's Jinchuu.
"You're all a troublesome bunch." She told them when she'd given everyone a clean bill of health. She haughtily tossed her hair, looking imperiously down at them. "Next time, you're replacing everything that you'll use up in the clinic."
"Just let Sano take you out for dinner as payment." Yahiko suggested. Boldy too, since he had never really tried teasing Megumi before.
Megumi didn't seem to mind as she actually winked at him before turning to give Sano a look. "Dinner, eh? Sagara Sanosuke can afford dinner?" If she had any eyebrows, it would have disappeared up into her bangs. But the curl of her lips was enough to let Sano know that she was merely teasing him.
"Jou-chan would lend me money, right Jou-chan?" He sidled up to her, elbowing her and making faces that Kaoru supposed was meant to make him look like an adorable puppy, but failing miserably with the still darkened bruises on his face. His spiked-up hair did nothing to help his cause.
"I will most certainly not!" Kaoru indignantly crossed her arms, sending both Sano and Megumi a glare.
"I'd rather that Kenshin take me to dinner, ne Ken-san?" Cool hands snaked around his arms and Kenshin was quick to jump away from Megumi's clutches.
"Why you-"
"Maa, maa -" Kenshin said, raising his hands, trying to prevent unnecessary bloodshed.
As usual, they all ignored him; insults and intimidations of violence were quickly tossed around which ended when Kaoru actually promised Sanosuke that she will give him the money he needed just to shut Megumi up and make her stop acting so inappropriately towards Kenshin.
To which Megumi had answered with a laugh, sultry enough to make both Kaoru and Sano blush. Chaos ensued and Kenshin reveled in the happiness that stirred inside of him as he watched his friends chase each other, threatening murder and all sorts of physical pain.
It was good to be back.
All traces of the violence and destruction from last winter was gone. It was as if it that night of chaos and fire, explosions and screams piercing through the night, the ghostly air balloons silently stalking the sky had become more like a nightmare that had faded away.
It was now the height of summer, the humidity so unbearable that even when Kaoru had changed the schedule of her classes to the hour of the hare, ("too damn early, busu!" Yahiko had complained), by the mid-morning everyone was drenched with sweat, limp and tired.
Classes were dismissed by noon which gave her ample time to take a long, cooling bath and sit at the engawa eating watermelons while watching Kenshin do the laundry or the gardening or whatever household chore he fancied for the day.
Today however had been hotter than usual and Kaoru briefly wished that she was alone at the dojo so she could changed into something more lightweight, like a yukata.
A slightly opened yukata.
She missed those days when she could just lie down, arms and legs thrown around and not have a care in the world about propriety. It was a constant learning process and test of patience living with two grown men and a young boy on the verge of manhood.
She could not understand how her father had dealt with so many hotheaded, pigheaded, sweaty, untidy – well, except for Kenshin – scoundrels.
Sighing heavily, she closed her eyes, leaning her head against one of the columns of the engawa, her socked feet listlessly swinging at the edge. If only there was tiny little breeze to alleviate this heat. She wanted very much to loosen the summer kimono that she was wearing.
She'd been planning on going to The Akabeko later. It was the only reason why she had dressed up today. Tae-san had promised her that she'd prepare anmitsu and Kaoru could already taste the sweet red bean paste inside her mouth, but as the day progressed it had become too hot that she could barely move from her spot.
Even Kenshin had decided not to do any outdoor activity, quietly sitting beside her instead. Apparently feeling the same kind of stupor that had descended upon them.
It was the kind of heat that robbed you of thought and speech and Kaoru had been imagining dipping into a tub filled with ice cold water when the sound of bells and sirens blasted through the tepid air.
Another fire.
There have been small conflagrations around the city, what with the heat and people being addled by it, someone was always bound to fall asleep with a lit cigarette or mothers too distracted by the heatwave would leave matches lying around for bored children to play with. Easily put out without much fuss but when she'd look up, startled by the sound, she could see dark plumes in the sky, getting bigger by the second.
"It looks like that's from the docks." Kaoru murmured, sitting up straight.
"That it does, Kaoru-dono." There's an almost sleepy quality in Kenshin's voice, low and raw from not having spoken for a quite a while, but she sensed his alertness as he stood up, grimly looking at the cloud of smoke that had impossibly become larger at such a short amount of time. Before Kaoru could say anything, Kenshin had stepped off the engawa, already sliding his zori on.
"Kenshin-" she had started to stand up as well, but Kenshin had placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, stilling her.
"Please stay here, Kaoru-dono. It is too hot, that it is. Yahiko and I will go check if we could be of any help." His eyes are narrowed, an unpleasant thought obviously occurring to him but Kaoru didn't think that a fire, a safe distance from their home, should be of any concern.
"Don't over exert yourself Kenshin." She told him, the warning tone in her voice softened his eyes, the corners crinkling as he very visibly tried not to smile.
"I mean it, Kenshin." She added a little more firmly, fighting the urge to grab on to the ends of Kenshin's hair and pull on it just to show him how serious she was. "Absolutely no running inside burning buildings. None of that foolishness. I forbid it, Kenshin."
Kenshin's eyes gleamed at her. "Aa, Kaoru-dono, this one promise to stay behind the police line, that I do."
A blatant lie. The insufferable jerk. But Kaoru was too tired to argue and she only gave him her mightiest glare, one that was enough to make Sano squirm.
It apparently does not work on Kenshin as he merely reached out to briefly pat the top of her hand, his fingers lingering for just a few second more and Kaoru suddenly felt all hot inside. Like she had swallowed a whole taiyaki fresh from the oven and now it was idly swimming inside her stomach. She felt her whole face heating up and was rewarded with a genuinely amused smile from Kenshin who had leaned forward, just a fraction of an inch, head bowed down that she couldn't even see his eyes.
She felt herself freeze, her heart stuttering inside her chest. Kenshin seemed to have sensed this as he slowly, almost languidly, pulled back, the same amused smile still on his face before murmuring a quick goodbye.
She reluctantly let him go, trying not to worry so much as she watched as Kenshin waiting for Yahiko by the gate, ready to provide some much-needed assistance to the Tokyo Police.
Once they have closed the gate behind them, Kaoru sent a quick prayer to Kami-sama that no one was hurt from the fire and that her boys would come back unharmed.
She let her lids drop, trying to recapture that emotion she had felt when Kenshin had nearly invaded her private space. He'd never done that before…she wondered if it was brought upon the heatwave or something that he had seen in her face – when she had been imagining tugging at his hair…
Kaoru took a deep breath her eyes suddenly snapping open as she realized that she was finally alone. She let out a lazy smile as she pulled on the collar of her kimono, loosening it a bit. She let herself lay down, sprawled on the engawa, enjoying the little comfort it gave her.
A shadow loomed over her.
It took her a second to realize that she had fallen asleep and the presence of someone looking down made her sit up, grabbing the nearest object she could reach to use as weapon: it was an emptied tea cup, utterly useless but she threw it with all of her might, hoping that in her still half-asleep state, her aim would be good enough.
It wasn't.
A hand caught it with ease and then a glint of light caught her eyes as she stared up into the face of Yukishiro Enishi, casually staring down at her as he pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses up to his nose, his other hand crushing the tea cup in his fist.
Kaoru let out a small gasp, realizing that that was her favorite and most expensive cup. Kenshin always took great care when handling it and now it has been turned into dust.
The indignant scream of rage that had wanted to escape her throat was swallowed down as Enishi wordlessly tossed something at her feet, it made a soft sound as it hit the wooden floor. Scrambling to sit up she glared at the object only to find out that it was Tomoe-san's diary.
She frowned and then slowly turned to look up at Kenshin's possibly deranged brother-in-law, now apparently escaped from prison, fugitive brother-in-law.
This could not be happening to her.
"I'm dreaming." She muttered darkly, more to herself, ignoring the man standing before her. She reached out to touch the diary, but pulled her hand at the last minute, her fingers curling in mid air before digging into the plump flesh of her palms. "I just need to wake up and everything will be fine." She closed her eyes, wondering rather inanely, if closing one's eyes would work when trying to wake up, wasn't she supposed to be doing the opposite? But -
Enishi was not cooperating. "I've read it." He told her, breaking the silence and forcing her to once again open her eyes, back to the dream. He was looking at her as though they were having some conversation that she had missed entirely because, what?!
"What?" She asked, equal parts perplexed and irritated at her inability to wake herself up.
"Nee-san's diary. I read it like you told me to." Enishi's voice held the same quality as Kenshin's earlier. A low rumble that sounded too unused and raw. Like those were the first words he had uttered since the last time she had seen him at his ruined garden, clutching at his stomach, sobbing Tomoe's name. He looked strangely normal all things considered. He was wearing an unusually bright orange Chinese robe that made Kaoru squint.
Kami-sama. She brought her hand to the side of her head, pressing hard, feeling suddenly lightheaded.
And then completely out of nowhere, in an almost toneless, disinterested voice, Yukishiro Enishi asked her: "Are you married now?"
Again, "What?!"
Enishi frowned at her. "Am I not making myself clear, Kamiya-san?" Now he was impatient, the tone of his voice changing into something that sounded suspiciously patronizing.
Kaoru absolutely hated being treated like she was a child. "Shut-up." She hissed at him. "What are you doing here?"
Enishi made a displeased sound at the back of his throat, "Why is your kimono open, Kamiya-san?"
Why is my -?
Kaoru felt her left eye violently twitching before letting out a shrieked loud enough to disturb their neighbors, it was a wonder no one came rushing in to check if she was alright. Kaoru had the presence of mind to clutch at her kimono, closing the tiniest of gaps that Enishi deemed improper. The stupid jerk. He couldn't have seen anything.
She took a deep breath, both hands clenching into tight fists as she gathered all of the swearwords Sanosuke had taught her and was about to let Enishi have them when something inside her head clicked.
She blinked up at her former captor who looked almost friendly, if it weren't for the stoic expression on his face that might actually surpass the permanently emotionless face of Shinamori-san. "The fire, that was you?!"
Enishi merely shrugged, untroubled by her accusation. "It was an old, hideous building. Abandoned." He added when Kaoru opened her mouth to protest, "I did Tokyo a favor."
A favor?! Kaoru wondered how exactly Enishi's head worked. How was deliberately burning a building –
"It was the green one with the stupid yellow door." He explained further, seeing the balled-up fists that Kaoru was shaking at him.
Kaoru saw the building inside her head and winced. It was incredibly ugly and she had complained about it to Tae-san about how much of an eye sore it was and she wished someone would just burn it to the ground but hadn't meant it literally!
She suddenly jumped up when she noticed Enishi stepping into the engawa.
Going into her Chūdan-no-kamae stance, her left foot just a few inches behind her right foot, her left heel elevated, hip thrust forward. Her shoulder was too tense though and she had to concentrate, trying to relax her shoulders.
She took deep breaths, readying herself for any attack. She didn't have her bokken with her, dammit, but she wasn't going to be taken without a fight. Not again. Never again. If she had to claw out Enishi's eyes or shove his glasses to his eyeballs, she'd do it.
"Stay back." Kaoru hissed at Enishi as he took another step towards her. "I will not let you take me again."
Enishi frowned at her. "Take you? Why would you think I'd want to take you?" He asked in a tone that suggested something entirely different to Kaoru, she just didn't know what, which further annoyed her. This was too weird to be a dream.
Yukishiro Enishi was really here. Again. In her dojo. And he made damn certain that no one was with her but he didn't want to take her.
Why couldn't Kenshin's brother-in-law be Yahiko's age?! She'd have a better way of dealing with that instead of this brown eyed, six feet, bulging muscles of insanity - Kaoru shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "What do you want then, you creep?"
Enishi merely raised his eyebrows, a dark severe line, in complete contrast to his disheveled white hair. "Is this how you normally react when asked if you're already married?"
Kaoru's jaw dropped. A hummingbird can probably fly inside and make a nest inside her mouth. She quickly clamped it shut before, letting out a battle cry: "You jerk! That's not of your business!" She lunged at Enishi, who smoothly slid out of her way and she tried another attack, swiping her feet from underneath him, which he also dodged by jumping away from her. He backed into the dojo and Kaoru followed, grabbing a bokken. Finally, a weapon she could use. She grinned in triumph and prepared to attack once again.
The bastard didn't even break a sweat as he effortless avoided her blows – and if he hadn't, she would've cracked his head. The whistling sound her bokken made every time she swung it towards Enishi filled the air.
Still, he sidestepped, graceful and damn it, oh so elegantly. It was almost as if he was dancing, his feet light and silent.
"Kuso, stay still!" Kaoru ordered, completely losing her patience, panting like a wild boar.
And the stupid fucking Yukishiro smirked at her.
Smirked! She was going to wipe that off of his beautiful face.
"I take it you aren't married yet." Enishi finally said, stepping into the line of her attack.
But of course, like before, his hands clamped around her bokken, snatching it from her with restrained viciousness and throwing it somewhere against the wall where it noisily clattered.
Completely unperturbed by the events, Enishi then very casually asked her, "Do you want to go to Shanghai with me, Kamiya-san?"
And Kaoru thought, not for the first time in her life, that she was cursed to deal with incorrigible men that she would very much like to whack with her bokken.
Author's Note:
And that is what I have so far. I don't know what to do with it. Anyway, tell me what you think. This fic is borne out of the sheer frustration of The Final and how Jinchuu Arc, which I am now calling the Cursed Arc for obvious reasons– had been - watered down seems too kind, ne?
But I'll rant some more if I can manage to have a second chapter up. Maybe.
Lastly, I typed this all up really fast while pretending to work so, if there are any typos, annoying grammatical errors, I promise I'll come back and try to fix them. I hope.
Translations and notes:
The hour of the hare: 6:00 a.m.
Anmitsu is a traditional Japanese dessert, traced back to the Meiji era (1868 to 1912). It consists of cubes of agar jelly, which are made using water and/or different fruit juices. Typically served in a bowl, with toppings like slices of fruit and sweet red bean paste. The dessert is also served with a sweet black syrup, kuromitsu,(the -mitsu in anmitsu) that's poured over the treat just before you enjoy it.
Taiyaki - Fish shaped cakes filled with anko (red bean paste)
Chūdan-no-kamae is the middle posture used in kenjutsu. The most basic stance, it allows for a balance between attacking and defense. When performed correctly, the practitioner's trunk and right wrist are protected
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chaseatinydream · 3 years
pirate king (41) || atz
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“Chin Hae, can you pass me the salt?”
“Coming right up!” You call over the rattle of the pans, grabbing the wooden bottle from the shelf and tossing it over your shoulder without a second glance. Seonghwa catches it easily without turning around, the two of you already so attuned with each other’s actions in the kitchen that you might as well be telepathic.
“Thanks!” He tells you and you nod, knowing that even though he can’t see it, he’ll somehow sense it anyway. The fragrance of steak and chicken marinated with spices and wild onions grilling over a charcoal fire wafts into the air and you breathe in appreciatively.
You’re almost salivating at the very thought of eating it already, the tantalizing smell lingering on in your mouth.
“Your cooking is amazing, you know that, Seonghwa-oppa?”
The cook smiles shyly, shaking his head as he prepares the stir fried vegetables in the pan, seasoning them lightly with salt. Not too much, Seonghwa always tells you, because salt has a strong taste and he wants people to appreciate the original flavour of the food. Enhance, not replace, as he likes to say.
“I did grow up intending to be a chef and cook lots of delicious food for customers.” He says wistfully, and for a moment you’re brought back to that beach on Nassau, watching Seonghwa as he chose to stay with the Treasure. Then his smile broadens gently as he puts the vegetables on a plate, hand stilling in the air for a moment. “But it’s more fulfilling to cook for people I love.”
You can’t help but beam back at him. Seonghwa is truly too sweet for this pirate life, you think as you chop up the chives finely to use as garnishing. He looks at your work proudly.
“You’ve really improved by leaps and bounds.” Seonghwa praises you, one hand ruffling your hair like a proud older brother. You laugh as he moves to the charcoal oven to take out the pieces of grilled meat, shaking your head in amusement.
“You’re not lying out of the kindness of your heart like the last time, are you?” You jibe teasingly, referring back to the time San had described your cooking to be akin to “fish innards”. Seonghwa assumes a perfectly innocent face faster than you can blink, piling slabs of perfectly grilled meat high on a tray.
“I didn’t lie. You did improve greatly… with plenty more room for improvement.”
You throw the pepper grinder at him playfully, but he catches it without blinking an eye and seasons the grilled meat to perfection. Now the food is finally done.
As if on cue, your stomach growls loudly and the door creaks opens to reveal Yunho, his head peeking in between the crack.
“Hey, hyung, is dinner ready?” He smiles that beagle like grin, hopping up and down excitedly on each foot as he sniffs the air hungrily. You swear that you had thought cooking was an easy job at first, but cooking for so many hungry men on board a pirate ship put fighting a battle to shame.
Seonghwa shakes his head good naturedly as he passes Yunho the platter of meat. “It would have been done a lot faster if you had offered to help, Yunho-ah.”
The lookout shrugs, but there’s a mischievous grin on his face that spells trouble. “I’ve got to leave you some job to do, otherwise you’d be useless on this ship, hyung.”
Seonghwa sputters in outrage and draws his meat cleaver, but Yunho ducks out into the galley stairway before the knife can find his head, the blade sinking into the wooden door instead.
“Come back here, you coward!” Seonghwa shrieks, but Yunho’s laughter only echoes down the hallway after him.
You raise a hand to your mouth to stifle your giggles, picking up the plate of vegetables and tugging lightly on his arm. “Come on, Seonghwa-oppa. Let’s go before all your steak is eaten.”
At the very horrifying thought, Seonghwa starts in fright and throws off his apron, before flying up the stairs so fast you would’ve thought the kitchen was on fire. Shaking your head in amusement, you climb the stairs after him at a more sedately pace, balancing the plate carefully in your hands.
The night air is cool upon your face as you step onto the main deck, a steady breeze tugging at your hair. You set the plate of vegetables on the deck and the crew all move forward to take their servings, thanking you one by one with smiles.
Your heart warms in your chest. You just want to stay this way forever.
“Woah, there’s chicken! And beef!” Wooyoung’s voice is right next to your ear as he glances over your shoulder at the menu for the night, clearly excited. You smile at his childlike excitement.
“You should eat before Seonghwa-oppa takes all the beef, Wooyoung-oppa.”
At your words, you see Wooyoung’s cheeks colour a little even in the dim light of the torches, making his face look rosy. He puffs out his cheeks at you.
“I know you’re just doing it to tease me, Chin Hae.” He tries to sound stern, but then an uncontrollable grin breaks through his pout. “But don’t stop doing it.”
You quirk your eyebrows playfully at him as you brush your hair out of your eyes. The wind really is very strong today. Wooyoung’s bright green eyes dart over to your hand immediately and his lips pull into a brief frown.
You’re about to ask him why the sudden change in expression when he reaches into your belt and pulls out the silver hairpin he’d given you so long ago that day in Tortuga.
“Wooyoung-oppa, what are you-” You begin to say, but then he moves behind you, gentle fingers gathering errant strands and brushing through your hair softly.
“Don’t move.” His warm voice whispers past your ear as he concentrates on twisting your hair together into some elaborate braid, tugging lightly before sliding the hairpin in to keep the knot in place. Satisfied with his work, he steps back, tucking one last strand behind your ear gently, fingers lingering there for a moment before pulling away.
You raise a hand to touch the hairdo in surprise. It’s actually very well done, a beautiful braid wrapping around itself to form a simple updo. You glance at Wooyoung in surprise, who’s smiling proudly at his creation.
“How are you so good at this, oppa?” You remark, stunned by his skill, but then you see his face fall minutely, a shadow flickering across his eyes. His smile turns a little sad, a little lost as his hands fall to his sides, the sound of the chains clanging strangely loud in your ears.
“Maybe I’ll tell you another time.” He shakes his head, but before your can press him further, there’s the strum of a guitar chord ringing through the night air. You glance behind you in surprise to see Jongho sitting there with an acoustic guitar on his lap, strumming a few random chords to warm up his fingers.
Wooyoung’s eyes light up immediately.
“Oh, they’re about to start a song!” He cheers, taking you by the arm and pulling you forward. You stumble after him as Yunho takes his place in the centre of the circle that the crew has formed, all shouting song requests to the younger battlemaster.
“They’re the battlemaster music team.” Yeosang whispers in your ear as he joins you and Wooyoung at the front, watching Yunho go around listening to the crew’s requests intently. You frown, but before you can say anything else, Jongho’s strumming suddenly picks up a lively tune.
“I can make your hands clap~”
Everyone on the ship claps in time to the beat and to your surprise, the crew all start chanting one name.
“Go Captain! Go Captain! Go Captain!”
Glancing about you, you barely spot your captain’s horrified face next to yours before Wooyoung grabs him by the arm and shoves him into the middle of the circle, the crew breaking out in a round of applause. Your captain looks around frantically with a chicken skewer hanging out of his mouth.
“Now come on guys, let’s not do this-” He begins, but then everyone starts whistling and singing along, and your captain in the end, with a defeated smile on his face, does some strange dance that looks as if he’s running on the spot, before he finishes off with an attempt at a handstand.
“You’re so cool, captain!” San screams and Hongjoong throws the skewer stick at him.
It doesn’t matter how silly he looks, because all his crew absolutely adores him and breaks out in cheers. With an embarrassed smile you’ve never seen on your captain, he hops out of the circle and pushes Mingi in instead.
You’ve never seen the silent quartermaster so energetic, because the second he steps into the circle he’s singing along and gesturing for everyone to follow him as he claps.
“I can make your hands clap!” And he can indeed, because everyone does imitate him, cheering and clapping along.
Yunho comes in with a some strange dance that involves hopping from one foot to the other while saluting, but it’s when Seonghwa is pushed into the centre of the circle, ready to dance his heart out, the music abruptly stops.
Seonghwa gives the biggest baby pout you’ve seen, and that’s almost enough to send you into fits of hysterical laughter.
There’s an awkward silence as everyone turns to stare at Jongho.
The maknae looks up from his guitar in surprise. “Ahh… sorry, I just thought one string was off key.”
But there’s a little quirk to the side of his mouth that you don’t quite believe.
The song switches up again and everyone’s back to dancing once more, Wooyoung jumping into the circle completely of his own volition, doing some “sexy” stretching that you’re laughing too hard over, shaking your head in amusement.
The night ends with Seonghwa breaking out a barrel of rum, announcing that he felt that the atmosphere was lively and they needed something to help the crew sleep.
He clearly doesn’t know his crew mates well enough.
San is doing the same ridiculous dance from before, except this time he actually managed to find two star anise herbs from the galley and put them on his chest. It fits your dream from before almost too accurately and you’re not sure if that’s a good thing.
Mingi is bawling his eyes out in a corner of the ship with a tankard of rum in hand, screaming to the skies and demanding that Hongjoong should be blessed with a better life. You smile in amusement and turn around to search for Yunho and Wooyoung, and there they are again, screaming drunken insults at each other from their respective masts.
From here you can faintly hear the same nicknames ‘Poo Young’ and ‘Yun Hoe’ drifting over the wind and an amused smile tugs at your mouth. Just as you’re considering going over to break up their argument, you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder.
Surprised, you turn around to see Yeosang standing there, holding out a tankard to you with a smile on his face.
“Drink with me?”
You’ve never really drunk any alcohol before, but you suppose there’s a first time for everything. Taking the tankard in hand, you look into it and are surprised to see a fruity juice inside instead of alcohol.
Seeing the confused look on your face, Yeosang explains. “I know you’ve never tried alcohol before, so I made a fruit juice earlier from apples and oranges and added just a little rum to it so you won’t get a hangover tomorrow.”
Your heart warms at his thoughtfulness. “Thank you, Yeosang-oppa.”
The two of you huddle together against the cold at the port side of the ship, the wood of the bulwarks shielding you from the biting winds. You lift the tankard to your lips hesitantly and take a sip, to your pleasant surprise, it tastes just like a well blended fruit juice, with just a tiny nip of alcohol to take the edge off the cold.
Yeosang has some hidden kitchen skills you’ve never known about.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence until Yeosang finally breaks it.
“So, I heard that you gave up on your memories.”
You start a little in surprise, turning to look at the navigator. You’d never told anyone on board about what the sea witch had said, merely telling them that you’d die if you regained your memories, not wanting to tell them exactly how tempted you had been to do it anyway. Fortunately, no one had asked too much about it, but that Yeosang is finally confronting it, you feel like you should give him the truth.
“I really wanted to accept it, you know?” You murmur softly as you take another sip, watching the rest of the crew fool around the deck, laughing and singing drunken songs. It’s cold, so you curl a little closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder. One of his arms comes up to encircle you, pulling you to him.
“I know.” He answers, and you know he does. Since the time the two of you had brushed death together, Yeosang can simply understand what you’re feeling like no one else, sensing the thoughts that pass your mind. You pause for a moment to sort out your thoughts.
“I thought I’d feel sad after I left the island, you know?” You whisper softly to him. You’re starting to feel a little drowsy, a warm heaviness settling over you like a thick blanket. “But I don’t regret it in the least. Not even a little.”
You can feel Yeosang’s smile more than you see it.
“I’m glad.” He says, and you know that he genuinely is. That’s the kind of man Yeosang is, pure, kind hearted, a gentle soul in every sense of the word. Your eyes close and you settle against him, basking in his warmth, feeling the buzz of alcohol in your limbs.
Yeosang hums a light tune and you feel yourself drifting off into sleep, eyes fluttering shut.
“Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me and other times I feel like I should go… and through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets, and when you're gone we want you all to know…”
Apparently Yeosang also has some singing skills you’ve never known about either.
Yeosang’s voice is deep and soothing, washing over your ears. You’re clinging onto his words as you slip into your dreams, hoping one day you can see Jongho and he sing together.
You brought back into consciousness by a gentle rocking motion and the feeling of warm arms around you, something hard digging into your back. The person carrying you shifts a little, adjusting himself so that you’re nestled more comfortably in his arms.
“Did I wake you up?” His voice is soft in your ears and you merely curl deeper into him, burying your face into his chest, still in that sleepy stupor. He chuckles a little as he continues moving forward, raising a leg to unlatch a door expertly with his foot.
The door to the sickbay, you realise drowsily, as the person carrying you ducks inside, careful not to knock your head on the doorframe. His boots thump softly on the floorboards, an oddly familiar jingling sound in your ears.
It’s only when he sets you down on your bed do you realise who it is.
“Wooyoung-oppa?” You ask, a little too tipsy and drowsy to think properly. A hand reaches down to your hair and he slides the hairpin out of your hairdo, placing the accessory on the bedside table.
Wooyoung smiles fondly at you for a moment, even though you can’t see it, one hand running through your hair to free it from its braid. “No, it’s the dream fairy. Go back to sleep, Chin Hae.” With one last glance over his shoulder, he stands up and turns to leave, but then something stops him.
“Don’t go.” You mumble, one hand reaching up to catch his wrist. He freezes under your touch, squeezing his eyes tight against the memories that flood his mind of scarlet lipstick, painted nails dragging down his back leaving bright red marks on his skin. Scars upon scars upon scars, bruises and kisses over the same places on his body until there is no more space for more-
No. He forces those thoughts from his mind, willing the fear built into his body to understand. You’re different. You wouldn’t hurt him… you won’t hurt him. That’s why he lets you take his hand every time you reach for it with a smile, praying that you build new, brighter memories over the dark rooms and suffocating perfume that linger in his mind, hoping that one day, he might be free.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he turns to glance at your sleeping form with a pained smile. Then he bends down, dropping a brief, chaste kiss to your forehead, before tugging the covers over you.
“It’s dangerous to say those kind of things to a man, you know.” He chides you gently, even though you’re already lost in your dreams, eyes shut, chest rising evenly with each breath. He still tells you this, even though he knows full well you’re not afraid of him in the least bit.
In fact, the one in danger of being hurt is probably him.
What are you doing to me, Chin Hae?
Wooyoung sighs in exasperation at his thoughts, shaking his head, but his thoughts turn to something darker. If even battle hardened Mingi had feared that part of him, if even Seonghwa and San couldn’t handle him, what more you? If he ever let you see the other side of him, if he scared you away… what would he do then?
“I can’t.” He whispers to himself. The words are like a weight in his chest, but they’re the truth.
He can’t ever let you see that part of him.
He sucks in a deep breath, bowing his head for a moment as he collects himself. He’s got to fight it, no matter what happens. He needs to only show you the happy, joyful Wooyoung, the Wooyoung that gave you the pin with an earnest smile, the Wooyoung that kept you safe in Nassau. He can’t let you see it. He can’t scare you away. He can’t hurt you, or he’d never forgive himself.
“I need to keep her safe.”
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Meet Me In The Church
Kinktober day 18: Threesome
Suptober day 25: Villain
A/N: I know I'm a couple days late in kinktober, but I'll get there. A Very Supernatural Halloween is here! We are starting with @deanmonandnegansbitch 's request!
Pairings: Michael!Dean x reader, Anael x reader, Michael!Dean x reader x Anael
Warnings: fingering, playing with boobs, violence
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“So this is your plan? Just go around destroying things until God shows up?” A strident voice reverberated through the abraded church's walls, causing flinch of yours in response. This place was abandoned, and the maps that Alice, your friend, picked up online didn't mention anything about a room underground. Obviously, that only made you follow the stairs towards the noise. “And then what?”
The response came through a velvet voice, “Even God can die.”
You kept walking, the distinguishing sounds of your friends' laughters being replaced by a louder tone of the two unknown people behind the black door in the end of the stairs. You could see a big crucifix, some word craved in it — an old pray, probably.
You should turn around and call your friends. Maybe even the police. Those people were hiding in a secret room. Not that you and your group were right to break in the old church, but it was for fun and not to plan a murder of God. In the bare minimum, the pair was high, drunk, and wasted.
Yet, you kept walking to the black door. Your legs trembling as if some lasting animal instinct in your body knew that wasn't a good idea. But you wanted to know what was happening, give names to the faces and get a story out of them. Where they actually talking about God or were they using nicknames as a gang? Why they wanted to kill God? What happened to get them to the point of arguing about their plan in a church in the middle of Mexico?
You followed their voices like a sailor would follow a siren cry. You just begged to any holy divinity left in the forgotten church not to let you have the same destiny of the sea men.
You were close enough to hear the loud huff, the woman's next words tangled with incredulity. She laughed like she wasn't able to discern if he was kidding or not. “I thought Lucifer was reckless, but you're literally throwing tantrums to get God's attention and then try kill him.”
“Do not compare me to Lucifer.” He almost howled. Your fingers touched the door, pulling it carefully; you knew those sort of building had many noises. You breached, taling a glance inside the place. The room looked old and dusty, except for the two standing there. A woman and a man, just like you pictured from the voices. You were amazed by their apparency. Tall, beautiful, and dominant. You didn't know why, their postures simply exhaled power. “Pay me some respect. Remember that you didn't pick me, I picked you.” An echo of something being thrown against the wall could be heard next, her body was slammed as she was held by her neck. The mam with a hat didn't seem to care. If anything, the cocky grin on his lips reported his clear amusement. The girl put grabbed his arms, gasping a bit. You couldn't just allow that. “I can easily get another angel to do your job if I find you useless like my brother did. His only mistake was to let you live. Lucifer, always such a sentimental.”
Your dry tongue was capable of pushing a word out of your mouth. It was supposed to come out as a warning when you spread the door open, but the quiet unsteady tone beatrayed you. “Hey!”
Both of them turned to stare at the intruder. He threw her body away with ease, green eyes fixated on you. “It seems like we have a guest.”
“You can't just do that to a woman, you abusive asshole.” You said through your teeth, walking to her and getting on your knees. “Are you okay?”
He rolled his eyes at your worry, but the girl seemed to appreciate it: her glossy eyes by the lack of oxygen were wide as they watched you, mouth slightly open in surprise. Anael wasn't used to kindness of any being towards her. In heaven, she was just another angel. On earth, she was sister Jo, humans were nice to her because they wanted to be cured, and the angels were disgusted by how quickly she manipulated her nature to play among the weaker kind.
But not you... You got yourself in the middle of a argument to assist her. Someone you didn't even know!
Anael couldn't help but welcome the weird sensation through her vessel. She felt shy, but st the same time warm. Was this what being cared about felt like?
“She isn't a human, little one. She's just a weak angel trying to make some sense out of her existence by bring closer to a higher being.” Michael's utterly calm tone brought her back to reality. He scoffed, looking up and down at the both of you. “You're right. That sounds a lot like a human.”
“You are crazy.” You hissed, grabbing the other's arm to help her getting up. Your skins tickled each other together. Your eyes were amiable when observating. “You can come with me. My friends are downstairs, we can take you to the police station.”
“You'd be getting ride of a problem for me.” Despite the disinterest, Michael arched an single eyebrow. You weren't the only curious in the church. He wanted to know more. “But fulfill my curiosity: What are you doing here? Why would you help someone you don't even know?”
“We're leaving.” You said, pulling Anael to go with you. Although she was on her feet, she didn't make a move to walk away with you. “We can keep you good. You don't have to stay here with that crazy.”
She didn't want you to die, the first being that showed her kindness somehow, but she knew better than mess with Michael's ego. Anael had teamed up with Lucifer to keep herself safe. She was a survivor. She could adapt anywhere, in any situation. The angel had to do that here too.
“He isn't crazy. We are angels.” She said, eyes glowing white. You pulled away from her hold with a shocked expression, her human skin almost hurt in response.
“Anael is an angel. I'm Michael, the archangel.” He corrected her, smiling proudly at his title. Michael took steps closer to you. “You didn't answer me.”
His green orbs turned bright blue as he glanced at you. One of his tough hands raising to meet your cheek in a singele touch that didn't seem fitting him, at all. That man looked like danger, still you couldn't stop yourself from leaning into his touch. The magnetic pull of something graceful trapped with his gorgeous being.
“I helped her because I thought she needed help.” You answered. “And I came here with a group of friends. We heard about the abandoned church and just came around.”
Michael nodded, a smuh smile on his plump lips.
“Wrong time, wrong place.”
His hand swiftly went to your neck, trace of goshbumps left behind. Anael knew what was coming next; she could take a couple hints, but you were just a fragile human.
“We could use her!” angel attempted to intervene, hoping Michael wouldn't notice the despair in hee voice. Anael wanted more of the emotions you brought out hee vessel, she wanted to be cared for.
“And have another burden to carry?” Michael huffed, his fingers wrapped around your neck as you watched they speaking. God, how did you allow this to happen? “Anael, I keep you around only to have an eye close to the other angels. Why would a human be useful to me?”
“You think to much.” Anael said, her malicious grin exhibiting a confidence she didn't have. “She could be useful for another things.” Her scooted closer to you two, pressing hee body to your side and biting your ear. You pressed your legs together, trying to contain your arousal. But, how could you? He was marvelous and was holding your neck, and she was pressing her against you as if she wanted to make one out of you two.
“Carnal desires.” Michael stated, considering how your body reacted. Interesting but not peculiar, despite Dean's clear positive noise about it. “I'm not my vessel. I do not require sexual activities all the time.”
Anael managed to pull you to her, while Michael pulled away. “You work so hard to make a better world, Michael. You deserve a break.”
You glared at her breathlessly. All your emotions, all your body were a mess for both the victim and the villain; Anael and Michael. You wanted both.
Anael's lips were tingling as she leaned in, ultimately pressing them against yours. It was sloppy, hurried, and a mess. Obviously her first kiss. But that didn't stop her from grabbing your neck and pushing you against the wall.
She wanted more. Anael invaded your mouth with her tongue, whimpered to your taste. You didn't know how to reach at first, but soon your hands were on her hips. Her chest pressed against yours made you whimper, you could feel every inch of her body.
Michael licked his lips as he watched the scene. Dean's mind has a whole section dedicated to such acts, especially videos including more than one woman. The archangel hadn't seen the appeal until you. You and Anael, two puny creatures, were attacking each other only to make him keep you alive.
Anael pulled away from you, the slick in her panties demonstrating exactly what her vessel wanted, what she wanted. You were not far from that, so you didn't protest when she ripped your shirt off. Good day not to wear a bra.
She let out a whimper, eyes full of adoration when she looked at your boobs. Anael just followed what her body wanted to to, guided by her vessel's memories,— in some of them, the woman that once had control on this body was moaning, squirming even for someone called Yas. She'd moan and whine as her partner played with her breasts. — moving foward, her mouth around your nipple as she sucked it.
You shameful loud scream left your body as your pulled her closer to your chest. You eyes were on Michael, how he watched you both like a predator studying his prey. If Anael was so eager, so rough biting and pulling your boob, you couldn't wait to see how Michael would be.
“Michael—” You whined, the fear of his reaction only soaking your panties more. “Please. I need you too.”
Usually, it was easy to descry his emotion's and Dean's. Dean was often a loyal dog, surrounded by selfless feelings and necessity. Now, though, Michael couldn't tell if it was his vessel or himself that let out a hungry groan at your words. All he knew was that he approached to contemplate the way your expression contoured in pleasure.
Your aura was delivered into delight, beautiful noises that reminded him a lot of his enemies falling left your mouth. Your legs pressed together in a silly try for friction catching his attention. Michael slid his hand inside your panties, fingers in a clandestine meeting with your wetness. It was a pleasant situation for him.
The archangel, just like the angel that had went to taste your other boob, craved for what you could give him. It was almost worship, you offering your body as the ancients did before. Michael put a finger inside you, enamored by how you moaned and moved, how your wetness squeezed his digit so good. He couldn't wait to get his hardening cock there.
But first, he needed to do something else. You seemed worthwhile, but he wasn't one for blind faith anymore. Michael pulled his finger to his mouth, licking it.
You tasted divine.
“No carnal desires? Guess your vessel doesn't agree with you.” Anael pulled away from you to provoke Michael, nodding at the hardness in his pants. You winced in protest.
Michael's answer came as a groan: “Shut up or I won't let you touch her anymore.”
You just wanted them to touch you now, after, and forever. You needed them. You were made to be given to them, you knew it in your bones. And then, they did. And you couldn't ever believe you had actually found a purpose.
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Flower | 24
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff
; Word Count: 3k
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: This is a shorter one but I swear, you’ll love the next chapter. It’s a certain birthday boy’s night out :P so I hope you enjoy this lead up either way!
; Flower Masterpost
“Urgh,” You groan loudly, running your hand over your face as you stare at the display of unusual technology. “Why are men always so hard to buy for?” 
“I’d take offence to that but honestly, you’re right.” Jungkook says, humour in his voice as he plays with a little helicopter that actually flies. You’re in one of those stores full of random things that seem to particularly appeal to guys with odd and bizarre technology things and joke stuff. You like it too but these places always seem to attract guys in particular, which is why you’re currently here with Chungha, Soyeon and Jungkook trying to find something for Hoseok’s birthday.
Buying presents for anyone is always a stress for you as you hate the idea that you’ll end up buying something they hate. Half the time, you explicitly ask them to give you a list and just pick off it because quite frankly, you’re not very creative when it comes to presents.
But this time you’d decided to try properly. It was the first birthday either of you had had since beginning your relationship and you wanted to try. So you’d spent time making sure to listen to his conversations, whether they were with you or his parents or his friends, to find things that he wanted.
It didn’t help that his birthday was only a month and a half after Christmas too. One of the reasons you’d held back on his Christmas presents was because his birthday was so darn close afterwards. You’d finally managed to get a new job in January after many, many months of failed interviews, with a salary that wasn’t pitiful and with work that didn’t make you want to face plant the desk, so you had a bit more money to spend on him.
Twenty-nine wasn’t a big birthday or anything, that would be next year obviously, but you still wanted to make it fun for him. So you were determined to buy interesting presents that weren’t boring and useless. 
“I don’t know about Hoseok but I think I want this lamp.” Soyeon says, picking up and turning around a lamp that reminded you of one of those wire games where you had to avoid touching the wire. It was fluorescent pink right now but faded into yellow soon enough and in the shape of a heart. Perfect for Soyeon.
“Go for it. It’d look good in your room I bet.” You murmur, eyeing the stand of various lights and alarm clocks closely. Maybe Hoseok might like some fancy alarm clock given he was always getting up earlier than you? Though that would mean you’d have to put up with it too and you pulled a face at that thought, moving away to the range of mugs.
He got up way earlier than you for work and you could be a bit moody in the morning. The last thing you needed was to buy him something that would inevitably cause you to snap at him in the early hours. You were pretty sure he’d managed to train himself to wake up as quickly as possible to avoid your grumpiness.
Chungha follows you, picking up a heat activated mug with lightsabers on it and humming in curiosity. You look it over too for a moment and consider before instead grasping a box with a Zelda logo on it, licking your lips before nodding to yourself. 
Hoseok loved Zelda and you’d half contemplated buying him a Switch so he could play the one that came out a few years ago along with the other games that had come out recently. It was way out of your budget though so this would just have to do for the moment. He could take it to work for his coffees and stuff.
“Have you noticed that Soyeon and Jungkook seem to be really hitting it off?” Chungha whispers to you quietly, the both of you glancing over to where they’re both now stood playing around with sword umbrellas. You didn’t know Jungkook too well or anything, well enough to invite him to come help you pick things for Hoseok but you weren’t close.
He was one of Hoseok’s sweeter friends though and shared a lot of interests with you, including being quiet and introverted. Given how beautiful Soyeon was, and her own personality that made her kind, caring and loyal, you weren’t surprised that Jungkook had been instantly caught by her.
And you were kind of glad really. You knew he was a good guy from what Hoseok had told you and Soyeon deserved someone good. Plus, you would openly admit that Jungkook was handsome with the kind of body that game with his sports related degree while still maintaining such an adorable face.
Soyeon’s weakness really.
“Yeah. Don’t say anything though, it’s cute. Let them work things out themselves.” Laughing, you move over to the cashier and give her the mug with a bright smile before also grabbing a LEGO Darth Vader keyring from the range on the counter. This would make him laugh tonight.
“Don’t you feel a little jealous though? I mean, look at them. They look so perfect together.” Chungha sighs, leaning against the counter as you pay and accept the bag from the girl. Narrowing your eyes at your best friend, you lead her out of the store and watch as your remaining friends trail you out, laughing away at whatever conversation they were having.
“Excuse me. Are you saying that Hoseok and I don’t look perfect together? Or you and Dahyun? All lies.” There’s a slight petulant tone to your voice and Chungha immediately backtracks, spluttering almost in her attempts to smoothe over any issues she may have just caused until you laugh at her, pushing her gently.
“I’m joking. You’re right. They do look good. Hey, if they start dating then it’s officially bringing you guys and Hoseok’s friendship circles together!” You pause suddenly, cringing as a thought enters your head. “Though if anything happened with Hoseok and me then that would be very awkward. And heart breaking.”
“Hey, hey. None of that! I don’t want to hear any talk of breaking up or the potential for it when we’re out shopping for your boyfriend’s birthday presents! I’m telling you now, if you two ever break up then romance is dead.” Looking at her, you raise your brow in amusement at the completely serious look on her face.
“Okay. Calm down Nicholas Sparks. We’re fine.” That gets a snort from her as you lead her into a store that sells all kinds of musical instruments and electronic stuff. From your extensive research into trying to find Hoseok the perfect gift, you knew that you should be able to find what you wanted in here.
“Have you even read a Nicholas Sparks book? Or seen one of the films?” She asks incredulously, running her fingers along the strings of a guitar as you both pass by. Shrugging, you stop in front of the vinyl players and eye them with a tongue in your cheek.
“No? I mean, I watched five minutes of The Notebook but it was really boring so I turned it off. Aren’t all his stories meant to be like...depressing and shit?” Leaning forward, you read the little information card on one of the vinyl players and hum to yourself.
Hoseok had been discussing how he wanted to get into collecting vinyl records lately and to do that, he’d need a vinyl player. You’d already discussed it with his parents to make sure they didn’t accidentally get him one as he’d been talking about it to his dad and you’d tried to make sure that you would get a good one for him.
Even if you had zero idea of what constituted a good vinyl player to be honest.
“I mean...yeah, they are pretty depressing. But still. You should watch one, or read it. They’re tragically romantic.” Pausing, you look at her with a carefully blank stare before snorting.
“I don’t like romance films, Chungha you know that. I’m certainly not going to watch one that you’ve described as tragic. How is that even romantic? It’s just fucking sad.” You think you’ll go with the Sony vinyl player that you’d researched. He doesn’t need anything super fancy for a first one and it has Bluetooth, so should be good enough for him?
They’re certainly not cheap and you’re very happy that you’d saved so well to be able to afford this. While you weren’t normally sure about presents, you were pretty sure that this one was going to be a big hit with him.
“I’m just going to point out that not all of his films are sad. Well, I mean...they don’t all end sad. But still. Anyway, it’s not important. I don’t even know what we’re talking about anymore and holy fuck, this is almost a thousand dollars!” Her surprise is incredibly audible and you shush her repeatedly, looking around to make sure no one is looking.
“I’m not buying that one. I’m buying this one. It’s not that expensive.” You point towards the one you want, crouching down to grab one of the boxed ones before heading over to the cashier once more. This birthday present shopping was going surprisingly easy compared to other times. Maybe it’s because the presents you’d decided for Hoseok were just so damn expensive that he didn’t have many.
“Boy, I hope he gives you some good oral for that.” She mutters and you look at her mortified, eyes before glancing around to check that no one is nearby. Your hands are full so you can’t make a shushing gesture to her but your scowl is more than enough and she cringes slightly, whispering sorry.
Thankfully though, you don’t think anyone overheard her as the cashier just gives you the usual, bland customer service smile that you’re used to. The one which you give back while internally chanting ‘please don’t question what she just said’ but he simply rings you up, putting the box into a large bag for you.
As you walk away once you’ve paid, you hiss at her in embarrassment. “Chungha! We’re in public! Please!”
Laughing at you, she wraps an arm around your shoulder and hugs you to her before letting you go. She’s always been the more open minded out of you all and has never felt the need to censor her thoughts or words. Though she did usually tone it down in public as you always wanted to melt into a puddle of embarrassment.
There was no wonder Hoseok and her got along so well. Both of them just said whatever came to their minds with no filters sometimes and it pained you considering you were a prude in comparison. Well, when it came to sexual things anyway. Anything else just came out of your mouth without a second thought.
“Where have they gone?” You ask suddenly, realising you’re both about to leave the store with only half of your group. Frowning, you look around outside and see that they’re not there so you walk back inside, scanning through until you spot them both sitting at one of the pianos that’s been set up. 
Jungkook is playing and it comes to you that the sweet piano music you’d been hearing for the last ten minutes has actually come from him. His hands, so large compared to Soyeon’s, dance across the keys elegantly and produce the kind of music you could only wish you could do. Chungha pauses next to you to watch the show and you laugh softly, leaning into her as you nod towards Soyeon.
“Oh yeah, they’re definitely gonna get together. She’s got literal heart eyes going on right now.” Chungha snorts in amusement, nodding before walking over to them both and breaking up their little music session. Jungkook appears to be oblivious to your best friend’s sudden infatuation with him and gives Chungha a polite smile as he makes small talk with her but you’re not.
Walking alongside Soyeon, you peer at her for a moment and take in the way her eyes are bright with happiness and the gentle smile on her face. Giggling you push her with your shoulder until she’s looking at you in expectation.
“So...Jungkook.” You keep the words quiet in case Jungkook happens to have better hearing than you’d expected but it still causes her cheeks to blush a sweet, rose gold. Grinning, you turn around and walk backwards as you take the rare chance of being able to tease her about a potential relationship. 
Normally, she’s already in a relationship before you even find out anything given how much she enjoys dating. But for the first time since you were in college, you were getting to see her in the midst of a crush.
“He’s nice. Very nice.” She says softly, the smile on her face matching her tone and you want to coo at her. But you can’t because Jungkook and Chungha have paused for you both to catch up to them. So instead, you leave her with one final comment.
“He is. And he’s very handsome. Hoseok says he’s a good guy so you should go for it.” With that, you stride forward to have a talk with the man in question. Looking up at him, he’s taller and broader than you, you give him a bright smile before holding up the bag with the player in it.
“Think he’ll like it? He’s been saying for a while he wants some vinyl records and I told his parents I’d get him the player. They’re getting him some records for it to start him off.” Jungkook peers into the bag, having a closer look at the vinyl player you’d bought before nodding in approval.
“I think he’ll like it. And that’s perfect because now I can buy him some records too. Any idea what his parents are getting him?” He asks curiously and you hum, frowning as you try to recall what his mom had told you on the phone.
“I think...a bunch of Iron Maiden records and one or two Metallica?” Pausing for a moment, you nod firmly. “Yeah, those two.”
“Sweet. There’s a store that sells records near here, are you okay if we go there and I can get him something as well? I know the perfect record for him.” His eyes are wide with excitement and you can’t help but grin at how sparkly they seem to be. Yeah, he would definitely make a good boyfriend with Soyeon.
“You know, I think I’ve realised a flaw in my present plans.” You muse to yourself, linking arms with Chungha when she sidles up next to you. A questioning noise comes from Jungkook and you look at him with a self-deprecating smile.
“I don’t really like a lot of the music he loves so I’m just making a rod for my own back here, aren’t I?” That gets a laugh from them all and you pout in an overly dramatically manner. For a moment, you consider how easily Jungkook seems to fit into your little friend group and how much you actually enjoy interacting with him.
You’ll openly admit to being a little awkward and stilted with some of Hoseok’s friends still, but you imagined that would change with time. The easy camaraderie between you all makes you miss Hoseok though, even though you knew there was no way he could have come with you.
“Well, you can buy records too. I mean, I know it’s his but if it’s in your place...I think they probably do records for the stuff you like.” Jungkook laughs and you can’t help but snort at the evil look in his eyes. Despite how sweet and innocent he often appeared, you knew from Hoseok that Jungkook, along with Jimin, was quite capable of coming up with some of the best pranks.
Best depending on your point of view obviously.
“Okay, no. I’ll be nice. It’s his player so he can play what he wants. Though he’d probably let me. Did you know I managed to get him to sit through an entire Taylor Swift album the other day? He looked comatose by the end.” Giggling, you remember the memory fondly while Soyeon scoffs on your other side.
“You don’t even like Taylor Swift.”
“Wrong. Well, kinda wrong. I like some of her songs. But on the whole, yeah, not a huge fan. That’s why it was funny because his reaction when he figured out I’d just put it on to make him whine.” Now it’s Jungkook’s turn to laugh loudly, the sound amusing on its own while he wrinkles his nose in pure amusement.
“Oh, you are evil. I love it. I definitely approve of you.” Rolling your eyes at how enthused he sounds about your prank on your boyfriend, you smile at Soyeon as she shakes her head in resigned bemusement. She should get used to this if she wants to try anything with the grad student because it’ll probably be a lot worse for her.
Idly, as you all continued to walk to the store Jungkook wanted to visit and made plans for dinner at a local pizzeria, you wondered if Hoseok would be amenable to your matchmaking skills. He obviously knew Jungkook far better than you so you resolved to ask him about it tonight. Maybe you could rope him into helping you get them both together. 
Though he may just do that thing where he sighs at you fondly and just goes along with whatever you say. You’d suggest it to him and see what happens. Either way, you get the feeling that the group of single guys in Hoseok’s friendship circle would be dropping once more soon enough.
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jawritter · 4 years
Requested by: @prettysourabbie​ 
Can I request a Dean Winchester x plus size reader, where she really shy and dorky but believes that she really bad at sex because she is bigger? And dean shows her that she not 😊💕 I hope this makes sense haha! I know this sound awkward turtle 🐢
Word Count: 4036
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized!Reader
Warnings: Smut!, unprotected sex, insecure reader, self-hate, plus-sized reader, unrequited/requited love, angst, self-loathing, fluff.
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please don’t copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you guys enjoy this one. 
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Sitting alone in the cold and mostly dark library of the bunker, you waited for the return of your two favorite boys. 
Sam and Dean Winchester. 
You’d been working as the researcher for the Winchesters, and well most other hunters in the area, for years.  
You were raised in the life, but you weren’t ever like your average hunter. You weren’t skinny, or athletic, with perfect aim, perfect stamina that it takes to chase down and kill all that shit that goes bump in the night. Much to your father’s dismay, you were always a little on the heavier side. 
It’s not like all you did was sit on your ass, and eat or something either, it’s just how you were built, you couldn’t control it, no matter how much you exercised, ran, ate all that healthy crap; it did no good. You always maintained the same weight. 
Which was… Well… Let’s face it… 
Not exactly the standards of The Next Top Model.
Your stomach wasn’t flat and perfect, your hips were on the wider side, your thighs thicker than your average girl. You weren’t exactly small chested. You were just naturally larger than your average person. Even though you barely tipped the scales at five feet tall.
Your dad said you’d never be good for anything if he couldn’t marry you off, because you were too heavy for “breeding,” which was common in hunting compounds like the one you grew up on, and you couldn’t hunt, then you were useless to him. 
He’d left you at a bar just outside of Seattle, Washington. That’s where you meet your rescuer, and honestly, your favorite of your two favorite boys. 
He saw you sitting outside of the side of the bar crying because you didn’t know what you were going to do, he didn’t hesitate to take you in just like you were one of them when he’d heard your story, taking you to your new home, the bunker. 
Instead of discouraging your skills in research, he embraced it. 
Sam helped you get started in this overload of information that the men of letters had collected, your personal heaven honestly, and you’d been here ever since; doing what you could to help the boys behind a computer, a lore book, or a phone. 
You were happy here with your life, mostly anyway. It suited you, and Dean always made sure you wanted for nothing. He would always go out of his way to take care of you, no matter what you needed or wanted.
It didn’t take you long to fall for the overly gorgeous elder Winchester. 
His smile, his bright jade green eyes, that adorable shading of freckles that covered his skin, dusting even his nose, and checks; giving him almost a boyish look. His infectious laugh, his soft auburn hair, the way he cared more about others than he ever could himself.
You had learned to love everything about him, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Even though there were parts of his past that were darker than he’d ever let anyone know. Even though there were things that had happened to him, that had affected him to the uttermost part of his being. 
You loved him anyway. 
Past all flaws, and beyond all reason.
Of course, you never told Dean that. Hell no. You’d never tell Dean any of that. 
Dean liked girls that were supermodel types. 
Bleach blonde, toned bodies, too much makeup, and cheap perfume. Easy lays basically. 
You were none of that. 
You didn’t have the confidence that those girls had, so you just never even tried with Dean. The two of you had a good relationship going, and you just be happy with that, and not do anything like confess your feelings to mess it all up.
The loud opening and closing of the bunker door pulled you from your self-loathing. You hurriedly straightened your glasses, fixed your messy bun, and checked to make sure your led zeppelin t-shirt, that you had borrowed from Dean and yet to have returned, had no stains on it.
You’d been researching some stuff for Garth on a strange case he was working on, probably a Djinn from the looks of it, and hadn’t really gotten yourself together today. You were still in your favorite PJ pants and fuzzy slippers.
"Hey Y/n,” Sam greeted you as he flopped down in the chair across from you, taking his boots off. 
“Hey, where is Dean?” you asked him, listening for, but not hearing the elder Winchester anywhere.
“Dean, uh... Went out. Said he needed to blow off some steam. It was a pretty rough hunt for him... I’m sorry Y/n, I know you hate it when he  goes out and does this…” Sam said, letting his sentence trail off before finishing it.
You chew on your lower lip for a moment, nod your head, reopening your laptop, burying yourself in your work. 
You couldn’t look up at Sam, who you knew was staring at you with some pitiful look, and you didn’t want his pity. You knew your place, and Dean’s arms, even though you wanted to more than anything, would never be your place.
Sam was no idiot, he knew you had feelings for his brother. He just didn’t know what to say to make it better for you right now.
So he got to his feet, patted you on the shoulder, and then made his way to his room for the night. 
You worked through the tears streaming down your face when he was out of sight until your eyes burned too bad to keep working, and your head hurt from crying. So you made your way to your room, and crawled into the bed, the cold lonely bed, and fell into a restless sleep. Your heart beating like it was going to just give up and stop any minute. 
You laid there torturing yourself. Wondering what she looked like? Would she hold him when it was over? Would she be enough to comfort him the way he deserved? Would she play with his hair while he sleeps like you want to do? Would she realize how lucky she was to be in his arms? Cause some people, like yourself, would never get that chance.
The next morning you made your way into the kitchen. Your head is still pounding, and your eyes are still red. 
You were wondering if Dean had made it home yet, but you didn’t have to wonder very long. 
As soon as you rounded the corner there he was, probably still in last night’s clothes, pouring a cup of coffee.
For a moment you faltered by the door, and started to just turn around, and go back to your room. 
You didn’t know if you could face him right now, you knew you looked like a whole mess. Last night was harder on you with him going out than it was ever. Maybe it was because it had been so long since you’d seen him. Maybe it was because he had texted you the day before he headed back to Kansas, and promised a movie night when he got home. He must have needed to get laid more than he needed his friend.
You turned around to head back towards your room, but Dean had heard you. His hunter reflexes are faster than your feet. 
Damn him.
“Hey, sweetheart! Want me to pour you a cup of coffee?” Dean said, looking at you over his shoulder, that smile that could stop your heart on his perfect pink lips, lips that some other woman was kissing last night. The signs of that visible with the deep purple hickey that was poking out just under the collar of his shirt.
You just nod, not trusting your voice. 
Dean poured you a cup of coffee and fixed it the way you liked. You wondered how he knew that. You didn’t remember ever telling him how you liked your coffee, he just always seemed to know. 
You made your way over to the table in the corner of the room, and Dean brought your cup of coffee and set it down in front of you.
“So, I was thinking tonight we would lock ourselves in the Dean cave, and do that Harry Potter marathon you’ve been talking about. I’ll order some pizzas and…Y/n, what’s wrong? Have you been crying?”
You cursed yourself for being so damn obvious this morning. You just shrug your shoulders, refusing to meet his gaze. 
“Did some asshole hurt you? Tell me his name! I’ll kick his ass!" 
You had to hold back a snicker at that because the mental image your mind painted of Dean kicking his own ass was quite amusing. 
"No one’s hurt me, Dean, I’m fine,” you tell him, making to get up with your coffee cup, and just head back to your room. 
“Bullshit Y/N, I’ve known you for years, we’re best friends. Tell me what’s wrong.” 
He looked at you pleadingly, and you sighed deeply before looking down at your coffee cup.
“I just let myself get all in my head last night. I’m fine now. I’m just tired. I think I’m going to go and lay down for a little bit. We’ll do whatever you said you wanted to do tonight,” you said as Sam walked past you, giving you an apologetic look. 
Sam was the kind of person who was not going to get in the middle of it, so he just continued to make his way to the refrigerator after his morning run.
“Are you sure you’re okay? ‘Cause you don’t look okay, Sweetheart. Maybe I could just come keep you company, and cuddle with you like we used to while you rest, or until you feel better.” 
Dean made his way over to you while he was taking, and wrapped his arms around you.
As soon as he did you jerked back from him. He looked down at you confused and hurt, but he smelt like her perfume and it made your stomach lurch, bile rose in your throat at the thought of how it got there.
“No offense Dean, but you need a shower,” you said coldly and turned walking back to your room, leaving a very confused and hurt looking Dean, and a somewhat amused Sam. 
Probably because he thought Dean deserved that. 
You wanted nothing more than to cuddle with Dean, but you didn’t know if it wouldn’t totally rip your heart out, especially with him smelling so much like her. 
After about two hours of you crying yourself to the point, you weren’t able to cry anymore in the darkness of your room, hating your weight, hating that you weren’t good enough, hating the fact that you had to wear glasses all the time, hating the fact that you were a nerd, and always were a nerd. Your stomach grumbled, reminding you that you had skipped breakfast this morning, but you didn’t want to run into the boys again, so you had just resolved to lay there when you hear your door open, and close softly.
You could smell Dean’s body wash as he made his way quietly as possible over to the side of your bed. Your back was to him, and the door, cover pulled high up to your chin, your hair pretty much blocking your face from his view.
“Y/N, are you asleep?” Dean whispered. 
You didn’t move, you didn’t say anything, you didn’t really have time to before Dean pulled the cover back, and you felt the bed dip under his weight. Your heart rate jumped up through the roof as his scent surrounded you, and he pulled the covers back over himself and you.
“I showered…I… I don't smell like her anymore… I made Sam check to make sure,” he said, moving his way over closer to you in a spooning position, wrapping his arm around you gently, and pulling himself closer to you.
Your heart was beating so hard now you were sure he could feel it through your ribs, even with all your “extra padding” as you called it. 
“Sweetheart, why didn��t you say something to me before? I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t know. I would have much rather come home to you than run to some whore that literally meant nothing to me." 
You made a mental note to kill Sam.
"Sam told you didn’t he,” you almost whispered, your stomach was in a knot at this point. What the fuck was he trying to tell you? You couldn’t do for him what he needed.
“Yeah, but in his defense, you left me standing there torn between hunting down whatever random dude that had hurt you that you weren’t telling me about, and trying to scrap my pride up off the floor,” Dean said. 
It took all you had not to flinch at that. You shouldn't have snapped at Dean, but you couldn’t stand the smell of her either. 
“I’m sorry Dean, I shouldn’t have taken my feelings out on you. You have every right to have sex with whoever you want. She could probably do more for you than I ever could. I know you are not attracted to me. I’m not blind. You don’t have to come in here, and say all those things just to make me feel better,” you said, refusing to turn around and look at him. 
You felt Dean sit up, and for a moment you thought he was going to get up and leave, shattering your heart even further. 
Instead of getting up and leaving, Dean rolled you over to your back with more ease than you thought would have been possible, and straddle your hips with his thighs. Bracing his weight off of you with his hands on either side of your head. You stared into his piercing eyes for a moment in shock. He looked cross between hurt and angry.
“Let me tell you a little something about that whore that you said could do so much better than you for me. Yeah, I fucked her, I’m not even gonna try and deny it, but after she was done I got up and got dressed to go jerked myself off in the car because some whore isn’t gonna get all of me Sweetheart believe that. I’d give my damn right arm to have you, what the fuck do you mean I’m not attracted to you? Every time we’re watching TV together I’m fighting to hide my boner because I didn’t want to freak you out. I wouldn’t be in here with you right now if I didn’t want to be. Why the hell do you think so low of yourself?” 
Dean was still hovering over you, so many emotions on his face that it was impossible to read them all.
“Dean, I’m fat. I’m no good at sex. I couldn’t get you off if I tried to. You still would have ended up having to go and finish yourself off. Very few men want to touch this, very few ever have.” 
You tried to avoid his gaze out of your own shame. Hating yourself at that moment more than ever.
“What? Fat? Baby girl, you are NOT fat. You're gorgeous,” Dean said as he reached and grabbed your wrist, bringing your hand down to his crotch, and resting it over the impressive bulge that had formed his sweats. 
You did vaguely register that he’d skipped the underwear. 
He felt huge, and you couldn’t stop your eyes widening. 
You always figured that Dean was packing, but damn.
“Does that feel like someone who isn’t attracted to you? Baby, I can’t tell you the nights I’ve thought about you just to get off. About kissing every curve, every inch of skin,” his hands let go of your wrist as he trailed them down your sides, and over your up to your breast, causing your breath to hitch in your throat at his light touch.
“Dean,” you said cautiously, his hand slipping under your shirt, fingers trailing lightly over your stomach, the part of your body that you hated the most. 
“Let me show you just how beautiful you are, Sweetheart,” he said, his voice husky and deep. His tongue running slowly over his lower lip as his eyes roamed your body. “Let me show you just how much I’ve always wanted you since the night I met you.”
You laid there underneath him completely dumbfounded for a moment. Finally, all you could do was shake your head yes. 
If you were dumb enough to turn him down now, you would lose him, and your heart couldn’t handle it, it would crush you. So here you were, going to take a chance, and do what you so desperately wanted to do for so long. 
Let Dean love you. 
Dean didn’t hesitate, reaching down grabbing your shirt and pulling it off and over your head, throwing it to the floor. His eyes rack over your body, looking down at your bare chest, you immediately try to cover up, regretting not putting a bra on this morning.
“No, no, pretty girl, don’t hide from me,” Dean said, bending down, and capturing your lips in his with a sweet kiss, slowly kissing away some of the worries, and insecurity. 
Moving his hands down your body he pulled the waistband of your PJs and underwear down your body in one pull, leaving you completely exposed before him. Keeping your mouth busy as his tongue invaded your mouth, kissing you drunk, exploring every inch of your mouth like he’d never get to do it again. 
When he finally had to pull up for air you noticed that his sweats were gone. His thick length standing proudly against his shirt, and slapping his stomach as he pulled his shirt off, tossing it to the floor.
You didn’t have time to get nervous before his mouth was on you again, kissing you deeply, needier than the first time. 
Making his way from your mouth to your throat he sucked his mark onto your neck, one that you’d wear proudly, one you’ve wanted for so long. 
He continued kissing his way down your body, licking at each nipple before sucking them into his mouth, sending a sensation you’d never felt before jolting through your body. Your back arching to meet his hard chest. Little moans fell from your lips as his mouth continued the assault on your hard nipples. 
Satisfied with his work, he began to move down your stomach. Kissing and nipping at the skin there, worshiping your body like no one ever had, kissing your hips, your tights. 
That’s when it hit you where he was.
“Dean, don’t!” you said, right before his mouth made contact with your already dripping core. 
Dean stopped immediately, moving back up your body, placing his lips on yours in a sweet kiss, slower this time than before. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just not there yet. Not tonight,” you said as he pulled away to look at you, your embarrassment filling your checks.
“That’s okay Baby, we’ve got all the time in the world. If you want to stop we can stop,” he said, brushing your hair away from your face.
“I don’t want to stop, I’m just not ready for that specifically. It’s gonna take time,” you said, he nodded his head, kissing your neck and running his tongue along the shall of your ear. 
“That’s okay baby girl, I’m not going to stop loving you, and eventually, I’m going to make you forget all that insecurity you’ve got built up inside. Even if it takes years. I’m a patient man,” Dean said, slipping his fingers down your body, and finding your swollen clit with his thumb as he pushed two tick digits deep side of you, working you slowly, your hips rolling against his hand on their own as he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting that stop no one has been able to reach before. 
He didn’t stop playing your body like a well-tuned instrument until you were coming undone around him, and your walls squeezing his fingers as your orgasm ripped through your body, leaving you a panting shaking mess underneath him as he worked you through your high.
Peppering your face with little kisses he let you come down completely before lining himself up with you, sinking deep inside of you in one smooth thrust. Stretching you, filling you in every way. His thick tip is sitting against your cervix. You could almost feel him pulsing inside of you.
“Fuck, your so tight baby girl,” he husks in your ear, kissing your lips in a tender kiss before grabbing your hips, and rolling you over on top of him like you weighed nothing at all. A surprised squeak leaving your lips.
“Dean, no I’m going to hurt you,” you said, feeling silly, and embarrassed as you sat astraddle of his hips, his cock buried deep inside of you.
“You’re not going to hurt me, Baby. I want you to know just how capable you are of taking care of me, please,” he said, reaching up and kissing the skin of your stomach before grabbing your hips, and rocking your hips with his strong hands. 
All thought processes flew right out the window at that point. 
His tip moves over your most sensitive spots in the most amazing, almost overwhelming to the point of painful, but still pleasurable way, your clit dragging over his hilt with each drag of your hips. Soon you were rocking back and forth against him on our own without any assistance whatsoever. Your bodies molded together like they were meant to be.
Dean’s head was thrown back against the pillow, the veins in his neck visible, and his jaw tightly locked. 
He was beautiful. 
Completely lost in what your body was doing for him.
 Something you never knew was possible, never thought you would ever see, or experience first hand. Just something they wrote about in cheesy romance novels, and fanfiction.
Before long you right at the edge your body shaking on top of him. The sounds and noises that were falling from both of your lips were enough to make a porn star blush. Dean's grip on your hips was now strong enough that you were sure it would leave bruises. You didn’t care though. You let him hold onto you as he fucked himself up into you as you rode him, closer and closer to both of your ends. 
Dean cursed he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you down close to him as he slammed himself up into you and stilled. Spilling himself deep inside of you. His seed coating your walls in warm streams, throwing you into your own end. Waves of pleasure rolling over you both as he slowly thrust into you, dragging out both of your highs.
When both of you had control of your bodies again, Dean rolled you both over to your side, his arms never leaving you. He peppered your face and neck with little opened mouth kisses as he slowly pulled out of your body, and you couldn’t help but whine a little at the loss of contact.
Dean’s lips found yours in a sweet, but searing kiss as his hands started to trace the curves of your body, while still holding onto you tightly. Not breaking the kiss until the need for oxygen became to grate.
“I love you y/n, I have since the moment I met, and I know I’m not much, and I don’t have anything to offer you, the life we live… It’s just not your white picket fence life, but all I have is yours if you will have me. You know how hard it is for me to admit my feelings, but sweetheart, I’ve never been more sure of anything in all of my life.”
A single tear that made its way down your cheek. One that Dean caught, and wiped away with the gentle movement of his thumb over your cheek. 
“I love you too, I’m yours, I always have been, always will be.”
Tag List: 
@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​
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saaturday19 · 4 years
A knight in sunglasses
After the post with MB!Killer with flashlight eyes, and the addition of him possibly blinding his enemies in fight, an idea crossed my mind. terrible pun intended
No particular warnings, I think, just a note: don’t take this too seriously, it’s only for fun 👀😂 Enjoy!
Moon blossom AU by @somebodyalreadytookthis2
Right at the entrance of the castle, Cross sees Ink casually sitting in his stall. Blue smiles and waves at the merchant, while Cross suspiciously squints his eyesockets.
"Wasn't it you that we've seen literally 10 minutes ago over there?" he asks while making a vague gesture pointing behind him.
"Might've been me," Ink chuckles. "But maybe I forgot to recommend you buying something you might really need?" he smiles widely, but seeing it has no effect on Cross, lets out a fake sigh. "Why wouldn't you listen to me, I'm genuinely trying to help here!"
Cross rolls his eyes, and just when he's about to express his irritation aloud, Blue nudges him slightly. 
"Come on, Cross. This far, everything we bought from him might've been a little overpriced, but never useless." 
Cross has to admit that Blue is right. "Fine," he says and Ink giggles at the irritation in his voice. "What've you got this time?" 
"As I already said, there's one very useful item I forgot about when we've last seen each other. I rushed so much to get here before you do, because I have a feeling that it can save your life more than once. This is an uncommon ammunition to have for a knight, but-"
Cross slams the counter in exasperation and growls: "Cut out this nonsense and show me already what this is! We are right at the entrance of the castle where the prince is supposedly held, there's no time for chatting!" 
"Woah, easy there. No need to get angry. There you go," Ink shrugs and hands over to Cross a silk pouch. "50G each."
Blue waits excitedly for the pouch to be opened. Cross frowns, not sharing his friend's enthusiasm, but still turns the pouch upside down, and shakes out of it two pairs of... sunglasses? They make a slight smacking sound when falling on the counter, and Ink grumbles. 
"Careful please, you haven't paid yet, you know."
After staring at the glasses for a silent moment, Cross bursts with a series of unholy statements and questions, the most meaningful of which are "I'm not buying anything from you ever again" and "I don't see a single reason why we would need sunglasses in a dark castle in the night, except for hoping that if we wear them, the enemy will spare us for the only reason that we are too dumb to die". 
Blue's excitement changes into confusion. 
"But what do they do?" 
Ink frowns. 
"You don't know what sunglasses are for? They prevent bright light from damaging or discomforting your eyes."
"And once again, why would we need usual sunglasses in a seemingly dark castle in the nighttime?" Blue sounds more and more skeptical and tends to think that maybe this time the merchant is really just messing with them.
"Well, your vision is the sense you rely on the most during a battle. That's all I can say, sorry," Ink shrugs. "This is the last time I repeat this to y o u," he points somewhere over Cross's head. "He is going to need these."
"Who are you even talking to now?" Cross grunts. "That's enough, let's go, Blue."
"I can't believe you ended up buying them, Cross! Why?"
"Just get over it. I already told you. It suddenly felt like I have to."
Sunglasses. Info: usual sunglasses. Protect from light of any kind, including magic.
In order to open the massive door to the castle, the two heroes have to solve a weird puzzle, but unfortunately none of them is good at it. 
"I wish my brother was here. He adores puzzles, I feel like he would've dealt with this one in a minute," Blue sighs after a fruitless hour of turning the gears and pulling the levers.
Night has fallen by the time the door finally opens with a long creaking noise. The skeletons carefully walk into a huge hall. It is almost completely dark, the only reason to think the hall is huge is the echo of their footsteps. 
"Hello?" Cross asks uncertainly.
No answer. He slowly moves forward, and Blue follows him. After a solid hundred of steps, they hear the door closing behind them. 
Great. There's someone in here. And now it's pitch black.
"Well, well, well," a distant voice behind says in amusement. 
Blue drags Cross into a conveniently close niche in the wall. 
"There were no guests in this castle for a very long time," the voice continues, as Cross tries to come up with a plan. 
"We attack," he whispers, "there's two of us, and he's alone!" 
"Well, first off, maybe we don't even need to fight him. But even if we have to, Cross, we can't fight blindly!"
All of a sudden, the part of the hall that the two can see is filled with bright turquoise light, and even though the source cannot be seen from where they are, Blue and Cross squint and groan of the sharp pain in the eyes the light has caused.
"Come out," chants the voice, "I have seen you". Wicked laughter echoes from the walls and fills the hall. 
Cross smiles. 
"Do you still think we don't need to fight him, huh?”
Blue frowns, but does not answer. 
"Looks like his weapon is bright light in darkness. I think we are well-equipped for this situation," Cross says while taking the silk pouch out of his inventory. "Put the glasses on, Blue."
*insert epic badass Men In Black music*
Thanks for reading!
A couple of notes:
Yeah, Ink was talking to the player. 
And I have no idea why Blue’s brother is good at solving puzzles since they are swapped and he is supposed to be the one liking puzzles, my brain does not work properly. (Also, I don’t even know if in MB he has a brother, but let’s just say he does 😂) 
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madlymiho · 4 years
♡ Hello Miho! Can I ask for a headcanon with crocodile, law and kidd pinning against a wall/or somewhere else their introvert/serious [gender neutral] S/O to finally confess their feelings (maybe kissing them/?), since they (crush) never realize when someone is flirting with them? (Obviously resulting in the s/o being completely flustered) Thank you ♡
Hello!! ❤️ Awww yesssss to all lf this ~ ! I definitely adore these kind of situation 😏
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Crocodile :
• For Crocodile, the situation is definitely amusing. He's clearly not a fool, and after many years of experience, convoted by many men and women, he has always known how to recognize when someone is interested in him
• You can't hide yourself behind your seriousness nor your work. They are deeper instincts within you, which sometimes just give him a clue about your real intentions even if you're not fully aware of them. Your flinchy eyes, your discreet stuttering... your lack of composure whenever he looks at you in the eyes
• At first, Crocodile didn't real care. He has a business to run and if you have developed feelings, well, it's your problem after all. Even though... the more time flies and the more Crocodile himself is intrigued, almost flattered. You seem like another cruisade he wants to win and why not sharing some tenderness in this arid world?
• Yet... Crocodile takes his time. An agonizing and slow time. He has learnt to always watch his allies and enemies and he has discovered that you're rather blind when it comes to flirt. So he needs to play with you, showing his sly game to conquer your heart, poisoning your head with his words and presence
• One day, though, he's the one who clearly doesn't want to wait anymore. His patience can be truly slim, and now that he wishes to possess you, he will make you understand. After a meeting together, he suddenly grabs your shoulder and pushes your back against the wall of the corridor, a dangerous smirk on his lips
• Mouth just above yours, his hook travelling on your clothes, Crocodile purrs some really obvious sentences in your ear, feeling the warmness of your body, and also your erratic breathing. He looks back at you in the eyes, half charming and half threatening, demanding that you confess your feelings right now... otherwise he would never let you have him at all
• He definitely lets you speak alone now that he dropped his demand, his fingers caressing your torso, your jawline, encouraging you silently. When you finally manage to stutter that indeed... you have feelings for him, Crocodile controls himself enough not to show too much emotions, but his charismatic laughter escape from his lips
• Would he kiss you right now? Absolutely not. Now that the real game is on, he just can't wait to make you pant to the point that you would one day beg for his touch or his lips... but don't worry, he already knows that you'd willingly give it to you...
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Law :
• For Law, it's a very complex situation. He noticed you as soon as you have joined his crew, but not in the way it has always been with his other nakamas. There was something different... scratching his instincts to the point that he got him pretty tensed
• Law isn't at ease with his feelings in general. Friendships are already complicated, but love feelings are honestly too hard to deal with. He prefers to tire himself at work rather than accepting what he starts to sense for you
• But... you are always here. Bumping in him into the corridor with a book in your hands, smiling, laughing, chatting. He doesn't know what you are feeling yourself but for him... that torture is almost unbearable
• To ease his issues, Law tried several times to hit on you but very very discreetly. A few smooth comments, some smirks here and there, burning come backs to tease you... even though, he's still not sure and it has the power to frustrates him a lot
• So one day, during your weekly medical check-up with him, after an hour of deep conversation, Law decides to make a move. He pins you against the door of his lab, before you go, his fingers gripping your wrists above your head
• He doesn't talk for a moment, his eyes giving nothing but lustful signal regarding the situation. And finally... finally he sees it. You are flustered, you can't even look at him in the eyes... and he adores it
• He purrs your name and asks you what you want to do right now, closing the distance between your bodies, his dominant nature stricking back as soon as he has the certitude that you're having issues to control yourself as well. Lips skimming yours, he smirks, teasing you again with whispered invitations to kiss him
• Law definitely crushes his lips against yours, to eager to taste not to control himself anymore. He wants you to understand all of his previous agony, his expert tongue claiming yours desperately. For a moment the both of you can't stop making-out, until Law stops everything and tells you that if you want more of this... you should visit him tonight
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Kid :
• Ah Kid... Well. He wanted you to join his crew because he clearly was interested in you in the first place but never said it though. He just bragged for a long time that having you was a blessing for anyone who would hate doing chores on his ship
• Kid has always been quite harsh with you. It's his nature when he wants to hit on someone : being the biggest asshole of the world because he adores to tease. He can't help himself... seeing you everyday makes him angry and yes, true, horny as hell
• But you never answer to his tease, nor his mean comments. It seems that it hurts you, but you don't seem to want to pick a fight with him. It turns him into a devilish beast. His mood has never been so tensed and he's clearly losing patience
• His attempts of seduction are getting crazier with time. Now he just throws your book into the sea to tease you, tell you that you're ugly, useless, incompetent... and it's honestly painful even for the rest of his crewmates who definitely have understood a long time ago that Kid is trying to express his feelings and just... keeps insulting you all the time
• Out of patience, full of anger and frustration, Kid doesn't even care that it's the middle of the night when he suddenly erupts in your room and pins you against your mattress while you are half asleep and half completely terrified because heck he has been nothing but an asshole with you and that... for weeks
• He abruptly demands you to confess about your feeling and at first you're just caught off guard, slightly panicking as well, scared as hell by his behaviors. He's literally screaming at your face to open yourself to him and can't even see the problem! Okay you like him a little but still it's so... rude??
• Kid finally growls that you're a fucker before bending down to furiously kiss you, at first not moving his lips... not before he feels your hands gripping his coat to pull him closer, and your lips moving to answer his kiss. Tst, finally! You're more than just a serious scholar in his ship and he appreciates your boldness
• Even if the kiss is utterly passionate, his teeth clenching with yours and his tongue fighting for dominancy, all of his previous tension starts to disappear. His fingers are suprisingly smooth and careful, even if he rips your top off to slide them on it. He parts his lips only to tell you that you're his now... a satisfied smirk growing at the corner of his lips
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cummingforkylo · 4 years
Ooh requests~ I know we all love being worshipped by Kylo, but does he enjoy the same? Having you kneeling before his throne, making you beg to touch him and finally he relents. Maybe you can only use your mouth at first, trying to open his robes with your teeth. You have to earn using your hands to praise him. Oof. I dunno I think he’d enjoy it~
yaasssss Ohhh god yes. I am so sorry this got a little...like catholic kinky even though its still in the star wars universe...but you know.
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Rating: Explicit, NSFW
CW: Oral, degradation, worship, uh i’m going to hell...you’ll see why.
Word Count: 1,840
Prompt: You worship Emperor Ren so much you’d do anything for him.
You were knelt in front of him, staring up at him with wide eyes. All you wanted was to please him, all you wanted was for him to understand the absolute adoration you held for him. Kylo sat on his throne, leaned back against it, looking down at you, amused.
“What is it that you want from me?” His voice came out deep and smooth, it ignited the familiar longing for him deep inside of you. His presence simply awoke your soul, your heart thrummed for him, tapping out a beat that sounded like his name. Kylo knew this. He knew you worshipped him, wanted him in a way no one else had. You curled forward, wanting to get closer to him but knowing better than to try and touch him.
“I want to please you, sir.” Your hands itched to touch him, even just his legs. Any touch would ease your need for contact, but it would also spur you on. It would drive the digging stake of want deeper into your belly, pinning you down more. You spread your knees open even while sitting on them and looked up at him hoping that you looked appealing, hoping that maybe you would get the opportunity to show him how much you worshipped him. Kylo tilted forward on the throne, his elbows rested on his knees and his eyes drank up the look of your eager face.
“You want to please me?” He confirmed. You nodded, still so eager.
“Yes, sir. Yes, I want to do anything to…to give you pleasure.” You said. Kylo stared at you,
“I don’t know if you’re good enough for that. Why should you be allowed to touch me at all?” he asked, his voice was still perfectly smooth, even. His eyes boring into you felt like they were scorching you from the inside out, as if he could see through your skin into the pulsing need that was seated permanently in you belly. It burned you up and set you on edge.
“I’m not good enough.” You answered, your eyes focusing on his, your eyes huge with desperation. “But, I want to make myself good enough. I want to prove myself, sir. I’ll be a good girl.” You whispered, crawling even closer to him. You watched his beautiful, pale face twist into a mocking smile,
“Tell me, girl, how badly do you want to please your Emperor?” His question hung in the air as you tried to collect your thoughts to maybe be able to explain how you wanted to pleasure him, you wanted to worship his body and give yourself to him fully and wholly. How were you supposed to tell him you wanted to be baptized with his cum, to be used by him in any way he wanted until he felt you were good enough to fuck. You had to figure out a way to convince him to let you try,
“I want to do it so badly, I’m aching for it. I want to feel your cum all over my face, I want to…to give you everything you could want from me. I dream of getting to please you, getting to suck your cock, or touch it.” You mumbled. “I think of you constantly and its torment because then I just burn in my excitement all day.” It wasn’t an exaggeration. All you could do was try to avoid thinking of him and how badly you wanted his cock to stretch your cunt open, if you started thinking about him you became a useless mess. “Please, sir, Emperor Ren,” You murmured, watching as his face gave the slightest twitch as you spoke. “Let me take your cum, let me suck your cock. Anything. I’ll take anything. Please…please. You can use me however you want.” Your voice was quiet, small and sweet. You didn’t understand how your body could react like this to even the thought of him, you had never done anything like that, or even spoken like this but now you would beg to be cum on if it meant getting something from him.
“You flithy girl.” He said, shaking his head. “Open your mouth.” He said. You immediately did, opening and sticking your tongue out obediently. Kylo’s gloved hand appear in front of your face, he pinched your tongue between his thumb and pointer finger, gently and slowly moving it a little as if to examine your open mouth and the pink tongue sticking out. His gloves tasted like dry leather, and a heady, musty sweat like taste. When he released your tongue you kept it stuck out for him. Kylo pressed his pointer finger into your open mouth and towards the back of your throat. You forced yourself to keep your mouth open as he pressed his middle finger in too, sliding them along your tongue and into the back of your throat. Spit collected on your tongue, starting to drip off the tip and onto your lap.
His eyes were focused on your mouth now, trained on your tongue and on his fingers pressing deeper into your throat, “You think you deserve my cock in this hole?” he asked, forcing his fingers in harder. You gagged around them but kept staring up at him. You shook her head,
“You think you should be allowed access to my cock?” he asked. You couldn’t answer, you couldn’t tell him how you wanted it only so you could pleasure him, only so he could see how much you would do for him. His fingers pulled out of your throat,
“You can answer me.” He said.
“I want to give you all of me. Anyway you want.” You stated again, trying to regain your breath as strings of saliva broke away from his fingers and hit your chin. Kylo’s hands found his pants and he began to undo his clothing. Your eager hands reached up to help and he stopped,
“Get your hands off of me.” He said. You sat back on your feet and stared up at him, waiting. Kylo tugged his pants down until his cock sprang free. His manhood was huge, thick, red, furiously beating with his own need. You felt a rush in your stomach and a flutter in your pussy, you were hypnotized by the way it bobbed by his stomach. Your eyes were transfixed, his hand wrapped around the base, holding it in front of you.
“I want it,” You breathed. Kylo sucked in a breath through his teeth as he watched your mouth open, your eyes staring reverently up at him. Your whole being was gooey with lust and zealot like adoration for such a man.
“You want this cock?” he asked, you knew he was turned on. Not only did you know that men only got this hard when they were aching with need, but his voice was stretched, as if he was straining to speak.
“Yes, sir.” You leaned in close and he moaned at the feeling of your breath, close to his cock. “I want it so badly, I want your cum all over my face. I want you to cover me in it.” You said, doing your best to say what he wanted to hear.
“You’ll get it.” He said. “That’s what you’re good for, to be covered in my cum.” He reached out and patted your cheek.
You nodded and bit your bottom lip, staring up at the glistening tip of his cock, there was a bead of pre-cum there and you wanted to swipe it along your lips.  “Please, sir. Please!” You begged. You still hadn’t gotten to touch him but your cunt was soaked, you wouldn’t be surprised if it had dripped out of you and onto the floor where you were kneeling.
“Tell me you want to be my cock slut.” He said, his voice was really strained now, his hand had started moving up and down on his own cock. You were jealous, you wanted to be able to touch him.
“I want to be your cock slut! I want to take you anyway you want.” You moaned. He held his cock hard in his fist and then reached out and ran his fingers through your hair, clenching it and forcing your head back. He tugged you closer so your lips were hovering over his cock,
“You want that?” He asked, holding you away just enough so you couldn’t reach it.
“Yes!” You moaned, you stuck your tongue out, trying to reach it.
“Say, yes sir,” He commanded.
“Yes sir.”
“Then get to work.” He loosened the grip on your head and you immediately lapped at the tip of his cock, sucking up the drop of pre-cum there. It tasted like some kind of delicious nectar. You would gladly drink his cum with how good it tasted right now. You heard him exhale hard, as you wrapped your lips around the big head of his cock. Your tongue swirled around, tasting him and feeling his pulsing need that mirrored your own. You felt like you were a electrical wire that was fraying at the ends, every few seconds a spark went off in your belly, making your need spike through you. You wished you could touch your cunt while you sucked his cock, but you knew you didn’t deserve that, not yet. You pressed your lips down farther on his cock, taking every stiff inch very slowly. You gagged around his cock, your throat contracted, squeezing around his cock. You took deep breaths slowly as best you could even though his cock was filling up your throat, making it harder to get breaths.
You pulled back, letting the spit drip down the tip of Kylo’s cock, it was engorged, it looked impossibly big as you stared it, readying yourself to take it down your throat again. You leaned over him again sucking his cock into your mouth, taking it into the back of your throat right away. You could hear his breathing become ragged, he reached out and took your hair again, holding you down and then tugging you off.
“You want my cum?” He asked.
“Yes, please!” You moaned.
“You want it all over your dirty little face?” His voice was rough and his hand stroked himself, not letting you get near him again. You nodded, whining with need.
“Please, sir! Please! Please give me all your cum!” You whined, he stroked himself up and down, his fist clenched tight and then hot jets of cum spurted out over your face, covering your lips, cheeks, chin in the hot sticky substance. It clung to your eyelashes and dripped down into your lip.
“Lick me clean.” He instructed. You licked your lips, the tangy taste swirling in your mouth as you quickly tried to lick the remnants of his cum off of his dick.
“We’ll have to see how much of a cumslut you can really be.” He said, staring down at you, his cum still dripping off of your chin.
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A Little Stevie Nicks
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I didn’t really know what to call this one but it’s the request for Dwayne x a vampire girlfriend who is a lot like him and dresses sort of like Stevie Nicks.)(+Sorry for the long intro if you just wanted dating headcanons)
- Okay so I like the idea of the reader being older then Dwayne or rather was turned into a vampire before him. I’m not quite sure exactly when Dwayne was turned (it could have been in the 80s which would explain why they wear the things they do) but I do think that you’d most likely be turned in the 60s/70s explaining your fondness for the fashion.
- The first time he saw you he thought he died and went to heaven, with all the sheer fabric, the lace and the flowing dresses he thought you looked downright angelic. It took him a good few minutes to recover, you quite literally took his breath away.
- Paul had to snap him back into reality because he’d fully stopped in his tracks to watch you. All he could get out when the blonde clapped him on the shoulder was “her” as his eyes remained fixated on you.
- You were just wandering the boardwalk by yourself when you noticed two pairs of eyes on you, when you briefly turned to look you noticed Dwayne and Paul standing and watching you.
- Dwayne is handsome (which he’s aware of) and when you first saw him he reminded you of one of those “ideal men” who are painted on the front of a romance novel. Long haired, shirtless, and chiseled, it’s hard not to stare especially when you catch a guy like that watching you with the most intense gaze you’ve ever seen.
- You turn away and stalk off after you have your little staring contest, which immediately makes him follow after you even if he knows it’s a little odd himself. He doesn’t want to lose you in the crowd but you want to lose him, not wanting to get involved and inevitably fall for someone you can’t have (not knowing you could have him since he’s a vampire as well).
- You play a little game of cat and mouse with him while you walk along the boardwalk. You’re quite aware he’s following you even though he thinks you don’t know. Finally you decide to sit on the railing of the boardwalk, watching the ocean and the night sky while you waited.
“Your following me.” You said quietly once you heard him approach, lurking behind you.
“Maybe I am.” He replied softly.
“There’s something about you.” He seemed almost confused.
- Neither of you said anything else after that and it was then you realized you couldn’t hear his heartbeat. You were sure he realized the same when he came and sat beside you on the railing.
- Since that night you sort of just found each other everytime the both of you were out. Sometimes you’d talk, othertimes you wouldn’t but you always ended up spending some kind of time together. You started a sort of nighttime fling, nothing really romantic yet but sort of just affectionate. Like old friends navigating their way around each other again while they fall in love with the new version of their previous pal.
“Who are those boys you hang around?” You asked, braiding your hair as he laid between your legs on the sand of the beach.
“David, Paul and Marko, they’re like us.” He replied, toying your sleeve as it swayed above him.
“They seem fun.” You murmur.
��You want to meet them?”
- And you do. They immediately take a liking to you because you’re basically the female equivalent of Dwayne with a little more flowers and frills. You enjoy watching them mess around, it does help that they seem to be trying to flatter you and get you to stick around.
- After you meet the gang you and Dwayne have your first kiss and start your relationship. Soon enough you end up indoctrinated into the vampire crew and can consider yourself a part of the “family”.
- Whenever you’re on the boardwalk with him he always makes sure to have your hand in his.
- He used to think the frog brothers antics were sort of amusing but now that they’re a possible threat to you he’s much less keen on them lurking around.
- The both of you are well aware that it’s pretty difficult for someone or something to kill you but that doesn’t stop him from being very protective of you. He rarely lets you out of his sight and the both of you make sure to always have each other’s backs.
- Everytime the two of you kiss it feels like you’re floating on a cloud. He has this way of kissing you that’s so soft and dreamy that you grow weak in the knees and can hardly stop yourself from swooning.
- Even though the gang likes you and you like them he knows that he himself would sometimes just like to get away from them for a quiet night so he makes sure to bring you on dates at least every week.
- He likes watching you get ready because it’s such a different routine from everyone else in the cave. Like the boys go wild and put on whatever clothes they pick up but you actually coordinate your outfits and do your makeup really pretty.
- You and Laddie take turns riding with Dwayne on his bike. Although Laddie doesn’t mind riding with Paul so you don’t have to feel bad for taking his usual seat.
- He likes his style just fine but he wonders what he’d look like if he dressed “like you”. It’s definitely a much softer look than his and wouldn’t look nearly as threatening as his usual clothes.
- If you want to go with the idea that the reader is older than Dwayne then the boys would definitely tease Dwayne about having a thing for older women.
- He picks you little flowers to put in your hair or wear in your pockets. Your room probably always has at least one vase full of them even though they wilt pretty quickly in the darkness.
- I feel like you would really get along with Star and hang out with her while the boys mess around on the boardwalk. I also feel like Dwayne probably wasn’t really that fond of Star before he met you and saw her treat you with so much kindness.
- Even though he likes you haveing a friend in the gang he does get jealous when you “blow him off” for girls night (although he’ll never say anything to you). When you’re not around he gets into little tiffs with Star for “hogging his girlfriend”.
- He likes that you’re quiet, the two of you get along well because of it. The both of you agree that there’s no need to fill all your time together with useless conversation. But because you rarely talk or at least rarely talk around others many people don’t realize your a couple at first or don’t think your a good one when they find out.
- The more ballsier of guys have tried to flirt with you right in front of him thinking he’s just your friend and have almost gotten their faces on a missing poster because of it. It takes a while but after some time pretty much all of the boardwalk knows you’re off limits and it’s an unspoken rule of the town not to try anything with you.
- Of course Laddie has Star as a mother figure but you are definitely his back up mom. Dwayne thinks it’s adorable to watch you hang out with the little boy and loves when you help him take care of him.
- You definitely have a bright and long future ahead of you two.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Good Guys Dressed In Black
TITLE: The Good Guys Dressed In Black CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 2/2 (There will be an epilogue after this) AUTHOR: @timeladylaufeyson ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki meeting and faling in love with an agent of Men In Black. But will the ultra secret agency allow that? RATING: E, plus some swearing NOTES/WARNINGS: I hope you enjoy this!
The ride back to the city was quiet, except for Jay constantly turning to the backseat to gawk at the couple. Loki sat next to the window while Double Tee cuddled to to him, her head on his shoulder, half asleep. Loki was smiling and gently rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. Jay always giggled a little, making Loki’s cheeks turn more and more pink each time. Double Tee dozed off and started drooling, but Loki pretended not to know. 
“Well, this is your stop, Loki,” Kay said after a while as he parked the car in front of the Avengers HQ. “I hope you understand the importance of not telling anyone about anything you have seen tonight.”
“Absolutely,” he nodded. “Thank you… for letting us stay together. It truly means a lot.”
“You should wake her up so she can kiss you goodbye,” Jay said.
“Jay,” Kay rolled his eyes.
“What? I’m right!” Jay smirked. “Besides, he couldn’t even get up.”
“Why are you yelling?” Double Tee asked grogilly, lifting her head up. “Where are we?”
“We’re outside our building,” Loki said. “I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course,” she nodded, smiling. “Same time as always.”
Loki unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door.
“Jesus, did I drool on you?” Double Tee asked upon noticing the wet stain. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s alright,” he chuckled. “You looked very adorable while doing it.”
Double Tee blushed deep crimson. “Please don’t say anything as stupid as this ever again.”
“Can’t promise you that,” he mumbled and lightly kissed the corner of her mouth before leaving the car. “Good night, darling.”
“Good night,” she whispered as the door closed.
“You really are the cutest couple I’ve seen in my entire life, no lies,” Jay said.
“Shut up,” she said, barely audible, and brought her knees up to her chin. “You bringing me home now?”
“No, to the HQ,” Kay shook his head as he started the car again. “Oh wants to see you over the trouble you got yourself into.”
“But… you will tell her you think it’s okay for me to keep seeing him, right?” she asked.
“We’ll do our best,” Kay said. “I’m sure Oh will understand.”
“And if not, we’ll figure out a way,” Jay added, earning a glare from Kay. “How long have you guys been a thing?”
“Like an hour,” she mumbled. “He… we just told each other about our feelings when you got there.”
“We ruined your big moment?!” Jay gasped. “Man, that sucks!”
“A little,” she smirked.
“But you’ve known each other for like… a while, right?”
“A few months,” she said. “I spilled coffee on him and we became friends. Kind of.”
“You really like him, don’t you?” Kay asked.
“Yeah,” she blushed. “He’s… he’s amazing. He’s really kind and thoughtful, he makes me laugh, he… he just makes me happy, that’s it.”
“And he’s quite a looker, isn’t he,” Kay added with a smirk, raising both Jay’s and Double Tee’s eyebrows. “What?”
“Didn’t know you were into that,” Jay snickered.
“I’m not into anything, Jesus,” Kay rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying he’s an attractive man, everyone says that. Even Oh said he’s nice to look at, definitely more than most of other aliens.”
“Watch out, Double Tee, Kay is on his way to steal your man,” Jay said, making Double Tee burst out laughing.
“Grow up,” Kay groaned.
“Well he’s definitely closer to his age than I am,” Double Tee mumbled and it was now Jay’s turn to laugh hysterically.
“He’s all yours, Double Tee, don’t worry,” Kay grumbled, but there was an amused smile on his face.
By the time both Jay and Double Tee calmed down, Kay pulled in to the garage of the MiB headquarters.
“You should put on a serious face before we go see Oh,” Jay said as they led her to the office. “If she sees you’re not taking this seriously, she’s not gonna let you see him again.”
“What do you think she’s gonna do?” Double Tee asked.
“Probably suspend you for a few weeks,” Kay said. “Or maybe have you do desk duty.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad,” Double Tee replied.
“You’ve never been on desk duty, have you?” Jay smirked. “It’s a nightmare.”
“But it’s necessary,” Kay rebuted. “Come on, Oh is waiting.”
Oh was angry. Very angry. Her voice was calm and collected, but her eyes burned holes into Double Tee’s skull. Jay rushed to her aid, making sure Oh wouldn’t jump on her throat. Luckily, it didn’t take long - Oh allowed Double Tee to explain herself with Jay interrupting ocassionally and then took a deep breath, trying to process it all.
“So you’re telling me that you’re in a relationship with someone from the outside,” she said. “Which is strictly forbidden.”
“Well, he’s not really from the outside, is he?” Double Tee said. “He is a part of the system.”
“He’s not,” Oh shook her head. “He’s under S.H.I.E.L.D.’s protection, not ours.”
The name of the organisation elicited an annoyed groan from all three agents.
“What do they know?” Jay asked, rolling his eyes.
“Apart from blowing their own cover constantly?” Oh smirked. “They’re useless. I honestly have no idea what they think they’re going to acomplish with the Asgardians. But it’s been going on for too long for us to take over. Besides, we would have to neuralyse pretty much the whole world.”
“But… you are going to let me see him, right?”
“I’m not sure how to do it in line with the rules,” Oh sighed. “And exceptions are the way to total anarchy.”
“Oh, wait,” Jay spoke up again. “There’s got to be a way, right? It’s not like she’s seeing some random accountant named Joe. Loki is a person who is supposed to be under our jurisdiction.”
“I really want to help you, but I’m not sure how,” Oh sighed. “You know what, Double Tee, I’ll assign you for archive duty for a month. I’ll try to think of something in the meantime. I can’t promise anything though.”
“That’s better than nothing,” Double Tee smiled. “Thank you.”
“Glad to help,” Oh said. “Now, off you go, the archive is waiting for you.”
“This is a fucking nightmare!” Double Tee groaned about five hours later that she had spent trying to find her way around the labyrinth of shelves. “Who the fuck leaves a fucking bowl of soup in the fucking archive?”
“Serves you right for being a reckless dickhead,” the archivist told her. 
“What do you know,” she rolled her eyes. “Can I at least get myself a cup of coffee? I’m exhausted.”
“You’re not leaving this room until you’re done with this,” he told her, pointing to the pile of documents (or trash, as she called them).
“But that’s gonna take days!” she groaned. 
“Serves you-”
“Will you shut up!” she interrupted him. “That’s the seventh time you told me this. Shut. Up.”
“Jeez, someone’s on edge,” Jay’s voice said from behind her. “Let her take a break, Ef.”
“She’s not leaving,” he insisted. 
“Fine then,” Jay sighed. “I’ll bring you coffee at least. What was it that you drink?”
“Soy latté with vanilla,” she replied. “Two extra shots this time, and if they could add more vanilla, that would be great. Otherwise I’ll die. I have my cup in my locker.”
“You think the Starbucks will be open now?” Jay raised his eyebrow.
“It’s open 24 hours,” she told him. “Do you want me to write it down for you?”
“Nah, I’m good,” he shook his head. “Didn’t you tell Loki you’d meet him there?”
“Oh, right,” she realised. “If… if he’s there, tell him I won’t make it and that I’m sorry. I don’t know when Ef’s gonna let me out, so he shouldn’t wait for me. I’ll try to show up as soon as possible.”
“Want me to give him a kiss from you?”
“Don’t be a dick,” she chuckled.
“I’m just being nice,” he shrugged innocently. “Anything else you need? Want me to walk your dog and pop by drycleaner’s?”
“Ha ha ha,” she rolled her eyes. “Just the coffee and Loki. If he’s not there, just… I don’t know, write it on a napkin and ask the baristas to give it to him.”
“Romantic,” he mumbled. “See you.”
A few days passed before Double Tee was allowed to leave the archive and the building. For this short time, she ate, showered and slept in the HQ, sometimes even among the unending shelves.
“Norns, what are they doing to you over there?” Loki asked when they finally got to meet one morning. Dark circles framed her tired eyes that she could barely hold open, her hair was all over the place and her clothes were not nearly as well ironed as they usually were. Her hands trembled from the amount of caffeine she had been consuming.
“Nothing,” she said as she gulped her black coffee, burning her mouth. “I’m just stuck in the archive. It’s exhausting.”
“All that just for borrowing a vehicle?” he frowned.
“Mostly for letting someone from the outside in,” she sighed. 
“But they are going to let us see each other, right?” he asked.
“Don’t know yet,” she shook her head. “Oh said that she’ll try to come up with something while I’m in the archive.”
Loki stayed silent. “And if she doesn’t?”
“No, don’t,” shook her head. “Don’t say that. She will. I know it.”
“I want to know,” he insisted. “What happens if no one figures out what to do with us?”
Double Tee sighed. “Then you’ll have to be neuralysed. You’ll forget we ever met. And I’ll… have to move on.”
Loki watched her face in silence. “I don’t think I could ever forget you.”
“It won’t be your choice,” she shook her head, tears falling from her eyes. “They’ll flash a light at you and I’ll vanish into nothing. Not even an echo of me will remain.”
“And you’ll have to live with that?” he frowned.
“Yes,” she sobbed. “That’s why it scares me so much.”
“Darling,” he reached for her hands. “If this happens, please promise me you’ll have them neuralyse yourself too. I don’t want you to be sad.”
“If they let me, I won’t hesitate for a second,” she agreed. “Even though it’s going to hurt frogetting you.”
“But when it’s done, you won’t know it,” he said. “You’ll be happy again.”
Double Tee smiled bitterly. “I never thought I’d have to deal with something like this. I thought I’d just run around and take care of aliens. Maybe stop the apocalypse a few times.”
“Well this is a bit of an apocalypse, isn’t it,” Loki chuckled, rubbing her hands with his thumbs. “But we’re talking like this is a goodbye. I believe your colleagues will find a way.”
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