#ment: nora
vanoincidence · 5 months
[pm] I am not on vacation and neither is she. This is not a vacation. I have never been on vacation and I do not want this to be my first, because it is scary here. [del: Regan is a banshee there's banshees everywhere] I want to leave as soon as possible but its hard to go back when Nora is just being chill. She wants to try and Regan to go home and I think I do too, but I also promised Emilio I'd get her back. We should go soon. [del: They will kill us]
[pm] It's [...] Nora said it was a vacation though?? She said she likes it? If she's not afraid, then I don't think you need to be afraid because she's not like afraid of anything but maybe that means you should be afraid actually. I don't know. How did you get there??? Why did you get to go and I Um [....] maybe you can call fire fighters or something if it's actually that bad? Fire fighters are like, better of the options I think. Start a fire??
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ignxta · 1 year
TIMING: current, after this LOCATION: Chai's backyard, in Deersprings SUMMARY: No one will give Chaisai an answer he accepts as the truth. He's frustrated and acts impulsively. No one is going to tell him what not to touch. CONTENT WARNINGS: vomit tw (brief mention, sentence is tagged)
He was tired. These arguments with his new friends were wearing on Chaisai and he was tired. Some friends they were. It seemed like everyone had been in on this prank except him. He’d spent a not insignificant amount of money on all the ice cream novelties, park discount aside, and this was the repayment he received? Miyeon insisted she was a fox, Mack stuck to her guns about the whole dead-undead thing, and now Nora and Milo and Cass and Alex? If this was a prank aimed at him, they could’ve chosen something a lot less traumatic. Or was that it? Did they know his friends had been struck by lightning? That he had a hand in their demise? Did they want to throw salt into that wound; a wound he refused to acknowledge? 
Fuck ‘em. If that’s where they stood, he’d bring them all to Serpent’s Flat. Either they’d touch the Abnormality and they’d be out of his hair, a kind revenge after that weird sleepover, or they’d wise up and stand beside him if they were worthy. Chaisai had been burned by those he trusted before, and he’d left them in his past. This was what he got when he trusted too implicitly. If he played his cards right, the Abnormality may have an entire group of young adults to choose from.
He sat up from where he’d been lying in bed and set his online status to offline. They’d get the memo. He would just go visit his Abnormality, tell it of his plans. Before he could get his shoes on and get out the door, something caught his eye. A crystal, glittering in the low light cast from the streetlamps and the moonlight from the full moon. It had sprouted up about a month prior, and thrust itself straight through the neighbors’ fence. Chaisai had had a good time watching Mr. Wilson lamenting the destruction of his peonies and his little picket fence. (Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Mr. Wilson since the crystal had appeared.) He stared out his window at the crystal, and thought of how hard he’d been reminded to never touch anything in this town. Serpent’s Flat had accepted him. What if the Crystal did, too? What if the Crystal was simply an extension of his Abnormality?
His body lurched into action without thought. He was striding across the yard with purpose before he had time to second guess anything. The beauty of the Crystal was undeniable the closer he got, and the closer he got, the louder the hum seemed to be. Since touching the Abnormality, when he got close to it again, he could feel a sensation that he could only describe as a hum inside his very bones. It was comforting and left him feeling warm until he left. Then he couldn’t seem to warm back up. Clearly, it was a demonstration of the power that the Abnormality held. That cemented it for him that this Crystal was connected in some way. He didn’t care to consider that any deeper, and knelt down beside the protruding gem. 
Reaching for the gem, that warm feeling enveloped his body as though he had just stepped out into the sun after a night in the air conditioning. Just before his fingertips could touch the gem, he stopped. For the first time, Chaisai hesitated. Nora had been such a fan of the mines, but had suddenly changed her tune. Why? Was there a grain of truth to be sifted out from all the drama surrounding the sudden explosion of Crystals? He did not ponder long as his outstretched hand slapped down onto the Crystal without further consideration. The action felt like his own, but also not. Like something inside him was urging him on without his input. 
It had taken a moment to feel the hum deep inside Serpent’s Flat, but that was not the case here. This was instantaneous. One second he was feeling the spite for his new friends, and the creeping sense that maybe he was overreacting. The next, he was being hit–no, steamrolled–by a wave of emotions, and thoughts, and images, and words that did not belong to him. While the Abnormality had been giving him urges or impulses to guide his actions, this was like standing in the middle of a full gymnasium while everyone screamed at him. He sucked in a sharp breath and tried to pull his hand off the obtrusion, but it didn’t budge. He gripped his right wrist with his left hand and tried to pull, but his body refused to put any strength behind the action. Chaisai was inundated with such agony and terror and grief that it threatened to choke him. It felt worse than knowing he hadn’t tried hard enough to find his father. It felt worse than knowing he had in some way contributed to the death of his friends. It felt worse than knowing all the new friends he’d made were trying to bully him. He tried to scream, but the sound died in his throat. He tried to run, but his legs buckled beneath him and his hand remained firmly on the stone. While the Abnormality felt like an all encompassing feeling of belonging and power, this felt like there was a war raging inside him. The hum was unbearable now, like he was being torn to shreds from the inside out, and he begged it to stop–not with words, but with thoughts and with tears–and as quickly as it had started, there was a sudden release and he fell backwards, clutching his wrist to his chest. 
(vomit tw) Chaisai coughed hard, and rolled to his side to retch dryly. (end vomit tw) He hadn’t realized he was crying until he felt tears run across his face and into his nose. He lay like that in the lawn for a moment, chest heaving while he tried to regain his breath. His world was spinning and he closed his eyes for a moment to try to ground himself. Did this mean he wasn’t worthy anymore? Did he disappoint the Abnormality, too? The thoughts spun around his head and he found it harder and harder to ground himself. The hum began to die down, leaving behind a new sensation. It was like a kind of pressure sitting deep within him. It was deeper than skin, or bones, or organs. Like the pressure was a core essence of Chaisai himself. 
Without putting any thought to it, he was on his feet and staggering across the lawn, back towards the house. “Woah,” he mumbled, still dizzy and overstimulated. Once inside, he watched in third person as he grabbed his keys off his dresser and headed for his car. “Woah, woah, woah,” he whispered to himself, trying to turn around and go back to bed, where he could text Milo and Nora an apology and ask for help. His legs did not listen, and he got into the driver’s seat, clumsily fumbling to put his keys in the ignition. Once the car was on, he felt in more control of his actions, but he knew where he had to go. Chaisai gripped the wheel so hard with his shaky hands that his knuckles turned white, but he managed to back out and drive off into the night. Bleak Point whispered his name on the wind, and he would answer the call. 
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declinlalune · 1 year
How's your family doing?
Great, except if you've heard about some french dude (who is my cousin btw, yeah, condolences are needed) who goes around saying putain de merde a ton, he did not break up with a 20 year old or [...] cheat on her in any way. I don't think he has enough game to actually get a partner. But, I will say, he doesn't know how to treat a lady. He threw away my half eaten poptart that I was saving for later.
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howlingday · 2 years
The following post is rated R.
It is intended for MATURE audiences only.
Weiss: (In the dark) OH YEAH, BABY!
Weiss: (Staring at Beacon school yearbook) OH YEAH! OH YEAH! OH YEAH!
Weiss: (Screeches)
Oscar: (Walks in, Yawns) Nora? Is that you?
Weiss: ...
Oscar: ...
Weiss: (Continues)
Nora: (Watching through a camera) Yeah, we're gettin' kicked offa here for this one.
Oscar: (Runs in) Nora! I need your help! I think Weiss might be really sick! I found her in the dining room, and she was making sounds like dying parakeet!
Nora: (Laughs) Oh, Oscar, Oscar, Oscar... Oscar, it's not anything like that. You see, when a woman and a table love each other very much-
Nora: I hope Ozpin likes damaged goods!
Weiss: GO! GO! GO!
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bluearc009 · 4 months
?: Jaune...Jaune..wake up.
Jaune open his eyes and his vision clearing up he saw.
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Pyrrha: Jaune it's time to get up.
Jaune:(shock) Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: wha.....
Before she could finish he grabbed her and pull her into a kiss
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But when Jaune pull back to his surprise it wasn't really Pyrrha he kissed but....
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Jaune:(shocked) RUBY!....I'm sorry...I...I thought you were...
Ruby:(blushing) It's ok Jaune I...I understand you were still half a sleep so come on Ren and Nora are waiting for us.
Jaune:(blushing) right tell them I'll be ready soon.
As Jaune got up to change and as Ruby leaves his room she touch her lips.
Ruby:(whispering) wish that kiss was ment for me.
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mwrjorie · 11 months
starter fechado com @elecnora
emoji: ⛈️
a guarda acreditava que encontrar algumas respostas deixaria sua mente tão controlável quanto antes, mas o efeito que surtiu foi exatamente o contrário. apesar do clima não ter mudado com eleonora, suas questões se multiplicaram e seus pensamentos inadequados também. sentia cada vez mais dificuldade em disfarçá-los ou aprisioná-los no fundo de sua cabeça, precisando de mais trabalho para fugir disso. a sugestão de saírem do castelo veio da própria marjorie, uma visita na cidade. um tanto arriscado, mas já havia conversado com outros guardas para acompanharem-nas e aumentar a segurança. só esqueceu de conferir a previsão do tempo, o próprio céu dando a notícia de que seria impossível sair dali. "por deus..." murmurou ao parar na frente da janela, notando o céu cinza escuro, anunciando a chuva que cairia a qualquer momento. "nora... acredito que seja melhor cancelarmos nossos planos."
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l0velyninaa · 19 days
Eu quero ser egoisticamente somente sua, a sua favorita.
Ser aquela na qual vc conta como foi o seu dia, seus interesses, o que vc gosta de fazer o que vc não gosta ...
Aquela na qual vc faz coisas que nunca faria com nenhum outro alguém antes, aquela pessoa única.
Aquela que vc procura quando precisa de um abraço, mesmo não gostando de se rebaixar, sabe que a mesma poderá de acolher da forma que vc deseja e te acalmar daqueles momentos temidos
A única pessoa que vc almeja passar cada segundo, cada minuto, cada hora do seu dia e noite sem parar, pois vc não se imagina longe dela.
Aquela exclusivamente pessoa que vc faria loucuras para ter perto de si, que não sai da sua cabeça, todos os dias 24h somente ela na sua mente.
A pessoa que vc não se imaginar sem ela, ela é o seu porto seguro, a sua tudo.
Aquela que é a única que entende bem dos seus gostos peculiares, te entende como ninguém, sabe levar na brincadeira.
Aquela que vc quer que seja a mãe de seus filhos, a nora da sua mãe e de seu pai, aquela pessoa...
Eu posso ser essa pessoa para vc?
(pessoa que leu isto até aqui apenas ignore, do nada eu pensei nesse texto quando vi um vídeo aleatório do TikTok)
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curreres · 1 month
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(rachel mcadams) [THE DITZ]. Please welcome [IRELIA BEIRNE (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [40]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [BARTENDER AT SAMMIE’S]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
— full name: irelia blythe beirne
— alias: rell
— age/birthday: 40 years old, may 29th
— zodiac: gemini sun
— gender/pronouns: cis female, she/her
— sexuality: bisexual
— occupation: former model, currently bartender at sammie's
— face claim: rachel mcadams
— height: 5'4"
— distinguishing features: very pretty but the approachable kind of pretty, has a really warm and welcoming smile. always wears makeup, is obviously very particular about her appearance and pays a lot of attention to it. seems not quite as confident as she looks like she should be.
— general: is a follower to her bone, hates making decisions. very forgiving of others. apologizes over everything. very romantic, has a collection of romance novels. buys herself flowers every week. very afraid of large dogs.
— positive: loyal, reflective, empathetic
— negative: vulnerable, submissive, overly-emotional
biography. (cw for alcohol abuse ment.)
from a young age, irelia was complimented on her beauty. her wealthy mother adored the praise and attention it inadvertently brought to her, of course, smiling and nodding with every 'she's gonna be a heartbreaker!' and 'she looks just like you, nora!' irelia was put in pageants and even did some child modeling. school became an afterthought but irelia didn't really mind it -- she'd never been so good at it anyway, and besides, why did school matter if all anyone was focused on was how pretty she was?
as the years passed, irelia's mother became more and more controlling and instead of rebelling, she hid right under her mother's thumb in a desperate attempt to please her. every modeling job, every haircut and outfit was an attempt to get an 'i'm proud of you' from her mother -- eventually, irelia realized she wasn't going to get it.
then she was left with nothing -- she'd never finished school and it wasn't like she had the smarts to go back and do anything different with herself so she applied herself fully to modeling and by the time she was in her late twenties she was one of the most sought after models in the world. she was flown from country to country, met with elites and during one of her jobs she met two sisters. she met carrie first, technically, hitting it off before carrie introduced irelia to her twin sister, christine. the rest was history and soon after they were married, though irelia always had a small feeling of 'what if?' in regards to carrie.
that feeling never quite went away, though, and one night irelia drunkenly kissed carrie. carrie insisted that they didn't tell christine to spare her feelings but then that one drunken mistake turned into more and more until one night christine found out -- when irelia hit on christine thinking she was carrie. irelia felt terrible about it but realistically she knew it was a result of her own selfishness and she refused to tell christine that it had been happening for quite a while since she didn't want to hurt the twins' relationship any further and irelia quietly ducked out of their lives. she tried to move on but things never felt quite the same for her and she fell heavily into alcohol abuse to cope until finally she decided to find them and try to begin to make amends -- of course, that meant following them to huntsville.
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confusa-com-glitter · 2 months
… o que se gosta
Sabe o que tenho gostado nos últimos dias? Tenho encontrado prazer em visitar aleatoriamente páginas, aplicativos e sites de música. É um passatempo antigo que ainda amo atualmente.
Quando aqui no trampo a internet mingou e ficamos presos esperando ela retornar — internet é definitivamente uma arma no nosso tempo — e como sou daquelas que ainda armazena arquivos mp3 em cartão de memória, fiquei aqui chocada com a quantidade de música que tenho, mas não apenas isso, mas como tenho um gosto variado e eclético (nem ouso falar dos tipos de livros no meu Kindle). Uma certa predileção pelos gêneros underground é bem verdade, mas ainda assim, achei gozado ter uma diversificação tão como se apresenta e não estou brincando, aqui tem desde metal a instrumental clássico.
Essa semana estou escutando músicas de bubblegum pop, new age e synthpop, então ao que parece, meu humor está mais suave que a semana passada. Por incrível que pareça, estou que escuto as músicas da Smile.dk e a Golden Sky com Kissy, Kissy estão grudados na minha mente, são hit do gênero chiclete não é à toa… Mas tenho ficado muito com música alternativa, e Faerybabyy foi o achado mês com Jfarrari. Amo o EP Lucky Star dela e o single Last Pursuit dele… Mas meu gosto tem variado esses dias, e em todo caso, tem reinado o universo under de qualquer forma.
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Finalmente estou encerrado minha releitura de Laços de Fogo da Nora Roberts — fazia um século desde que o li. Ainda gosto dos personagens, da história e como amo certos diálogos, mas não é como antes quando os li pela primeira vez, mas ainda assim, criam borboletas no estômago. Acho que se dá por ter lido poucos romances nos últimos anos, já que o drama da universidade nos monopolizam tempo, nos demanda prioridades com certas leituras… e ficará pior com o começo do segundo semestre. Terei que me esforçar a ter uma disciplina que dificilmente tenho com qualquer coisa.
Vai parecer nada a ver, mas como qualquer pessoa que trabalha com serviço ao público, não vejo a hora de sair de férias e por isso tenho ensinado com gosto minha nova colega e procurado deixar o mínimo de atividades pela metade ou mesmo que acumulem de alguma forma. Não quero me sobrecarregar quando voltar e nem endoidar a criatura que entrou aqui no setor não tem muito tempo. Ainda não sei o que irei fazer nas férias, mas, com certeza vou me empenhar na constância de fazer as caminhadas na praça com minha best Wuni, e claro, manter em mente nosso empenho mútuo de sermos pessoas mais sociáveis — coisa complicada para ambas já que ficar em casa é mais tranquilo — então e por isso mesmo, nos colocamos como meta > sair mais! Nem que seja apenas para fazer nossos piqueniques meia boca no parque. Estamos firme na prática da meditação (em especial dessas de equilíbrio de chakra e o Ho’oponopono)
… Disse que estou muito na vibe de certos gêneros musicais não é? Bem, nem sempre eles fazem sentidos de serem escutados juntos, mas enfim, vou me aqui com que estou escutando nesse exato momento em minha playlist> Miserere mei. Nada mais distante dos gêneros que citei estar ouvido nessa semana, não é?! Parece meio down e próxima de um réquiem — falo sem qualquer propriedade no tema — enfim, o que importa é que gostei dela.
Hum… terá que se acostumar a ver com frequência a falta de nexo e coerência de minha parte.
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 2 months
The Bi Andrew controversy and my opinion on some people’s reactions
-Okay so ik this is a dead topic but it’s been on my mind since this all went down and i feel like i have the words to describe my feelings on it. But first i want to preface that im not trying to start a fight with this i just have some thoughts i really want to get off my chest.-
I made a post when the whole thing was going down and honestly I really didn’t get what I ment across. It was a mess of angry ranting that people couldn’t understand without me explaining in the comments. Sorry for that btw.
When I’m being honest the whole reaction to Nora revealing that in most drafts Andrew was bisexual made me kinda sick to my stomach as a gay man. It was just legions of people celebrating the fact that “thank god he wasn’t actually gay” or “now I don’t feel bad for wanting to fuck him as a woman cause he was bi the whole time!!”. And idk sometimes about that reaction just really bothered me (I wonder why)
I would have no problem with bi Andrew if he was canon. (I’d love him just as much as I love canon Andrew) it just doesn’t make sense to me that so many people were so happy when Nora told about his different orientation in the drafts. I dead ass saw people claiming Andrew was now bi in canon because of this. There was a brief uptake in andrewxrenee shipping (idc what u ship I’m using this as a point) so many people just acting like he was not gay in the text because it was different in the drafts.
A characters sexuality is an important aspect of them. Like let’s take Neil for example, he is demisexual/demiromantic. That is an important part of his character as a whole. Hell it’s pretty inseparable from him, it is a part of what makes Neil, Neil. The same can be said about Andrew. His homosexuality is a large part of what built him as a person. If he was bi then that would have been an integral part of his character. And to see people practically giddy over the fact that in the drafts he was bi and then using that to diminish his canon sexuality was icky.
-I do want to quick say that when I say that Andrew’s being gay was an important factor in shaping him as a person I’m referring to that being a thing he needed to cope with after what happened to him in his childhood not that what happened in his childhood was because he was gay. I don’t want to get the wrong idea across lol. Also if he was bi that would have also been a thing he would have needed to cope with because no matter what he is still into men.-
Ik it’s a classic talking point but let’s switch the situation around. Say Andrew was bi in canon and Nora confirmed that he was gay in most drafts. Then with that info people started celebrating the fact that “HES NOT ACTUALLY BI!!”. That is a really uncomfortable thing to read, right.
It was not ok just cause it was gay->bi and it would not be ok if it was bi->gay.
-Just another thing if Andrew was bi there would be no problem. People resorting to biphobia over this whole situation were wrong and deserve to called tf out for their shit. A character being bi in drafts is absolutely no excuse to resorting to real world bigotry. If u did that ur gross and wrong-
I can understand a small bit about how if you are bi seeing a character you love also be bi probably feels great. But hey I and other gay men see the stuff ur saying and it kinda (really) hurts.
(Quick tw: brief mention of irl csa. Plz don’t read if that is a trigger for u)
-sorry for so many side notes. I just want to be open for a sec. I am a gay guy with a decent amount of sexual trauma. Andrew is the best example of a character in media who I see myself in. And idk there is something about how fast some people were to jump on the bandwagon of this was really uncomfortable for me to see. It’s probably stupid that this situation upset me as much as it did and I’m sorry for bringing this back up.-
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gwnier · 3 months
vinte fatos sobre a nora 💿
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1. eu amo filmes de terror
2. sou muito casada e o amo
3. sou mamãe de 3 bebês
4. meu signo é de peixes igual do meu marido *-*
5. amo encher a minha mente de projetos que provavelmente não vou dar conta
6. tenho a melhor família desse mundo: joui, avery, adan, aslan e os meus três pintinhos.
7. AMO doramas de ação.
8. falo tudo errado, minha dicção é muito ruim 🥸
9. me casei de madrugada, o adan não fazia ideia que iríamos nos casar no cartório mas deu tudo certinho
10. queria uma boneca blythe 💔
11. minha linguagem de amor é definitivamente palavras de afirmação !
12. amo organizar e planejar coisas
13. com certeza uma das minhas coisas favoritas é fazer edições de vídeo pra quem eu amo
14. amo presentear
15. fã número 1 de jogos de narrativa interativa: lis, twdg, the quarry e etc
16. gosto muito de cozinhar, principalmente coisas doces como bolos e cookies.
17. escrevi uma música super sexy pro meu marido 🫦
18. sou filipina e metade européia errr
19. amo filmes de romance de baixo orçamento: dezesseis luas.
20. sou do meu marido 🐉🦇!!
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vanoincidence · 4 months
What's your top five favorite types of worm?
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[worm Jade is crossed out, nobody can tell who it is]
These are my favorite worms.
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wikibibs · 1 year
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Uma Bruxa no Tempo- Constance Sayers (+18 anos)
Helen Lambert vive em 2012. Mas já foi Juliet, em 1890 em Paris; Nora em 1930 em Los Angeles e Sandra em 1970. Mas Helen só descobre isso depois que conhece Luke Verner e ela começar a ter sonhos extremamente vividos e detalhados sobre essas outras mulheres. Então ela se descobre presa em uma maldição.
Fadada a amar a mesma versão de um mesmo homem, August Marchant, Billy Rapp, Rich Nash e agora Robert Lambert. Suas vidas estão entrelaçadas pela amarração realizada há mais de um século na França, bem como sua relação está fadada ao fracasso. Mas assim como Roger sempre esteve presente na vida de Helen, Luke também esteve. Ele é o administrador de sua maldição e sempre deve saber como Helen está e seguir seus passos e a acompanha desde que era Juliet.
Esse livro tem uma vibe meio Addie Larue, ou seja, é uma narrativa bem lenta que não vai conquistar todo e qualquer leitor. Além de possuir uma lista considerável de gatilhos, principalmente relacionados à violência contra mulher, bem como prostituição e abuso de menores, então requer uma sensibilidade maior na leitura.
Dito isso, há dois anos esse livro habita minha mente como uma das histórias que mais me marcou. A autora conseguiu retratar toda emoção nas páginas, a angústia causada é quase palpável, a raiva, asco e, por fim, o amor, são muito bem construídos ao longo dos anos e o livro é genial em retratar a história passeando entre passado e futuro para no final estar tudo bem arramado.
É um bom livro para se ler no mês do halloween, pela temática ser de bruxas, mas também por ser um outro tipo de terror, diferente do que estamos acostumados a serem retratados na mídia. Eu chamaria de terror para mulheres em seus 20 anos.
Espero que gostem da leitura. Esse livro precisa de mais reconhecimento. 🤍
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declinlalune · 1 year
@honeysmokedham replied to your post “How's your family doing?”:
[Deleted: That was your cousin?] What's your cousin's name?
​Why are you asking? You don't want to yell at him too, do you?
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howlingday · 2 years
Jaune: Pyrrha? Pyrrha, where are you?
Pyrrha: (Laying on his bed) Mm...
Jaune: There you are. (Scratches her ear)
Pyrrha: (Leans into his hand)
Jaune: (Smiles, Scratches her chin) My sleepy, little Riolu.
Pyrrha: (Lifts up her chin)
Jaune: (Chuckles, Lays down)
Pyrrha: (Crawls up to his chest, Lays on his arm)
-> Years later
Jaune: So, like I was saying, I really think your Infernape would improve if you included a few ment- AAAHL! Pyrrha?!
Pyrrha: (Carrying Jaune, Looks to Ruby)
Ruby: Uh...
Pyrrha: (Walks away)
-> Moments later
Pyrrha: (Tosses Jaune on the bed, Crawls on top)
Jaune: Pyrrha! What are you-
Pyrrha: (Pulls his arm open, Lays her head down on it)
Jaune: Pyrrha, what's gotten into... you...
<- Years ago
Jaune: I think I'll call you... Pyrrha...
Pyrrha: (Newly hatched, Curls into his lap)
-> Months later
Jaune: Good job, Pyrrha. You deserve a rest.
Pyrrha: (Head on his shoulder, Sleeping)
-> Years later
Pyrrha: (Holding her pillow, Holding out)
Jaune: Not right now, Pyrrha. I need to train Ren and Nora today. Maybe later, though. (Walks away)
Pyrrha: (Holding her pillow close to her, Whines)
-> Now
Pyrrha: Mm...
Jaune: Yeah... This was way overdue. (Scratches her ear)
Pyrrha: (Grabs Jaune, Hugs him close)
Jaune: (Chuckles) Love you, too, Pyrrha.
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bluearc009 · 9 months
The mistletoe two
as everyone having fun at the Christmas party Jaune is talking to Nora.
Nora: boy you guys did a great job with the decorations, but why are there no mistletoes?
Jaune:(blushing) well..um.....there was an incident so we decided not to use them.
Nora: what kind of incident?
Before Jaune could lie, team RWBY and Penny show up.
Weiss: what's this about an incident.
Nora: I just wanted to know, why there is no mistletoes.
Penny: oh that's because friend Jaune didn't want to put them up after we all kissed his pei...(Ruby put her hand over her mouth).
Blake: what she means was that Jaune fell and a mistletoe landed on his lap, and well You know whatever under the mistletoe you give it a kiss.
Nora realized that they ment and started laughing.
Nora:(still laughing) so how did you do it all at once or one at time.
Penny: one at one, I went first, Weiss went second, Blake went third, Yang fourth and Ruby last.
Yang:(put her around Ruby while smirking) he really liked Ruby's kiss, she had to wash her hair and face after.
Penny: because he ejacu....(Weiss put her hand over her mouth)
Jaune(blushing looking at Ruby) again I'm sorry about that.
Ruby:(blushing too) it's ok.
Jaune was so embarrassed he decide to go talk the others at the party, few hours later after the party was over he went to his room and found the girls are there.
Jaune: what are doing in my room?
Ruby: well we wanted to make it up to you for embarrassing you.
Weiss: so since we kissed you under the mistletoe it's only fare you give us a kiss under the mistletoe to.
Jaune:(look at nora) but Nora You weren't lnvolved and Wouldn't Ren getting mad.
Nora: I felt bad about laughing at you and told Ren, he said it's ok since it's just you.
Jaune: look guys you don't have to....wait there's no mistletoe in my room.
Jaune looks at the girls and saw that Blake and Yang had pull down their pants and overalls, Weiss and Penny pull up their dresses, and Ruby and Nora pulled down their shorts and pull up their skirts, revealing they have mistletoes attached to their panties, He hesitate at first but then he just smiled.
Jaune: ok than who wants the first kiss.
The End
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