#mentioned markus
autisticwriterblog · 3 months
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The Old Gods giving the player directions during We Sing.
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marcusrobertobaq · 3 months
Markus discovering the Deviant Hunter's model is RK800 (knowing he himself is a RK200) and being like "what the actual fuck?".
Seriously, I think Connor and the Jericho leaders should sit the fuck down and have a talk.
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poorlydrawnandroids · 2 years
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They did, in fact, jump off of it. 
Based on a text post by @incorrect-rk1k.
Tragically, Connor did not talk to Markus for like a solid week after it made the news. 
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househaunterz · 4 months
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ilkkawhat · 6 months
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skydreamplayzz · 8 months
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Should have done it sooner but just did now.
I Was a bit lazy but i'm always. :) probably forgot somthing and i didn’t notice yet.
Small stuff/facts :
- Nature lover. Is outside pretty often, dosen't matter what time. He will go whenever he feels like it.
- is an artist just for fun. ( draws irl stuff.) Will mostly be sitting at a tree when drawing. (even at night, will not sleep that night. He sleeps more often when it's day. and will be awake night. somtimes.)
- Plushie collector. They bring him comfort in hard times.
- some bad habits : failing to say no to things he dislikes, Overthinking and worrying, sleeping too little but it dosen't effect him too much, avoiding eye contact. (maybe some more.. idk)
- He often talks to himself. (or to his shadow friend.)
- Just he or certain people can see his shadow friend. It was created by his mind (is like an imaginary friend.) But it has its own mind. if enough power, it can move things.
- He has a pet. (a glowing blue bunny. :D )
- anxious boi. He's able to fight tho, he's not completly useless in fights.
- Aside from drawing he reads and writes a lot.
- he can speak german. (just bc I can . )
- Is glitching pretty often, somtimes it's normal but often is caused due a situation like stress or similar.
-allergic to bunnys, (thats why He owns a magical bunny but would ignore his allergy to pet a Real one)
-Can't See blood well, will feel nauseas Quick.
- 1,75cm /teen/(He Dosent Like his height.)
(maybe adding more later)
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sobeksewerrat · 10 months
OKAY OKAY @cosmozzzz @cringelordofchaos @roryheart YOU GUYS WANTED ME TO INFODUMP ABOUT THE SILLY GUYS SO I WILL (w/o spoilers for the story and also their gach versions cuz why not) (imma split this up cuz I am tired and need to polish some.shit)
This girlie <333
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Full name: Huches Karkovedes
Species (yes species you will understand ina moment): Star-Eater, Luvusia Tribe.
Social Class on her home planet: Aristocratic
Gender: Transgirl (felt the need to specify that she is trans since it is a relevant plot point in her backstory)
Sexuality: Androsexual
Partner?: Gerses!
Special Abilities: Shape-shifting (artificial using device, not inherited)
Funfact: she absolutely hated sleeves unless they are jackets. Don't ask why. She just hates sleeves.
Simplified backstory: Huches was born as the only "son" to an aristocratic family on planet [UndecidedName]. Her family was part of the Luvusia Tribe but they distanced themselves from all of the traditions to suck up to Earth politicians and gave Huches an English first name and gave her a shape-shifting device to study on Earth (in this universe Earth is the central power).
Eventually, in one of her few holidays on her home planet, she is kinda forced to stay in the countryside and meets Kutuku and Gerses. A lot of shit goes down over the course of that holiday and she gets her trans-awakening and starts trying to reconnect with her culture (but she still feels very disconnected)
His gacha version sucks oml
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Full name: Gerses Haunem
Species: Star-Eater, Teifuaa Tribe
Social Class: working class (though eventually he gets some privileges cuz rich sugar mommy girlfriend)
Gender: Non-binary (he/they)
Sexuality: unlabeled
Partner?: Huches!
Special Abilities: Shape-shifting (artificial)
Funfact: He is autistic! And also they like funky fashion and temporary tattoos (mainly cuz he ain't allowed to have permanent ones)
Simplified backstory:(tw//ableism, abuse) He is a very distant relative of Kutuku and his family was also struggling as a result of [SPOILER]. He was generally seen as useless because he couldn't help around his family's business and his mother usually berated him when he had breakdowns or anything (because he was undiagnosed for his entire childhood) which lead to him being selectively-mute.
Eventually, he starts befriending his distant cousin Kutuku and started dating Huches. Because of Ku's family (elaboration will be added) and Huches' shapeshifting device he was able to eventually go to Earth with them to study and his family stopped seeing him as useless because of that (he still hates them)
No gacha version he is the silly short guy with goblin ears
Full name: Marko Daniella (he likes being called Markus tho, Daniella isn't hid last name I going by the Egyptian naming system, only Huches uses her family name)
Species: Human-Rovan
[Not including a social class I only did for the other two due to the classist nature of their home planets WHICH WILL BE ELABORATED ON EVENTUALLY I SWEAR]
Gender: Questioning
Sexuality: achillean, asexual
Partner?: Taifuauu [he will be introduced later alongside Kutuku]
Special Abilities: Heat Vision (inherited, controlled), great hearing
Funfact: He is black albino, and he has a generally weak immune system and anaemia due to being a hybrid [he is my punching bag btw ilovehim]
Simplified Backstory: this shit cannot be simplified honestly I made him suffer too much
I wanted to introduce the 4ht character(Ashlene) aswell but I need to draw he other 4 (Kam, Ku, Tai and Jaida'a) before because the tie into her story a lot
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nishaxeleazar · 2 months
closed starter for @sntsvilliers
It had been so long since she'd seen that face. His features. That hair. Those eyes. Eyes she'd wanted to stare into for hours. Arms she wanted to be held by and never let go. There was an uncomfortable ache that settled in her chest. One she didn't recognize, when she saw him.
She ran her tongue over her lips and suddenly, she felt parched. Starved for something. Though, she never skipped meals.
Nisha moved towards him, not caring that he might not want to see her. That her leaving him so abruptly -- and against her will -- could have led to hatred in his heart for her. She needed to be near him. To get closer to him. To touch him again. Even if he shouted at her or yanked himself away. She needed to know.
"Markus." Her desperate tone of voice rang out around her as she picked up the pace. She was close now, reaching towards him, grabbing at his hand and staring up at him. In her mind, she was being pushed back centuries to her old self. The girl that didn't know how to get out of a hard situation. The woman that had no power. No control. But she'd had him, even if for a small amount of time.
Until that was taken away from her, too.
"You're here." One hand moved to his face, as if to see if all of him was real. "I thought I'd never see you again." I thought he might have killed you.
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feenmies · 1 year
Ask game uh. Idk these either. What's your top 3 favourite simarkus moments. Go
leto you can't ask me this and expect me not to write an essaANYWAY.
number one best simarkus moment known to man is the like 20 second hug in freedom march where you can hardly see what's going on because they're just so.. so fucking tender dude.... SO tender.... simon's little nod... markus' tiny pats.... they r so in love i hate it
compatible hearts scene would be first if that hug scene wasn't so good. but probably the first scene in the game i sat down and tried to dissect in a fit of homosex it drove me Crazy like.... is it gay to hold your boy best friend's wrist. is it gay to gently caress your boy best friend's chest. is it gay to hold your boy best friend's hand while he shuts down and dies. i think so.
also that scene in battle for detroit (seeing a pattern with where all the gayass scenes are. interesting) where simon gets shot and the moment he gets saved he goes on some homosexual monologue about how his life wasn't worth saving in comparison to everyone else's and yet his relationship with markus goes up tremendously anyway. yeah. i know what you are simon. i know what you are.
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potential-fate · 1 year
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Tabitha looked at her husband. He was right of course.
Everyone in town knew that Hunter Bellamy was adopted when he was a newborn. Most had been surprised by the sudden and seemingly random adoption. Nonetheless, Hunter was raised as a Bellamy, but he lacked the cold harshness and critical judgement of his adoptive father, and the quiet, controlled influence that the Bellamy matriarch had. He was softer even when compared to his brothers, who had come up short in the family line themselves.
Tabitha knew that no one in town questioned the choice to overlook the three Bellamy children in preference of golden child, Roman Bellamy. If put in a lineup, Roman would be the most like his grandparents, and Hunter the least. If she was honest, she was glad that her daughter and Roman had never been close. She wasn't thrilled with this idea, but she didn't have very many options either. Wanda was a good person, everyone knew it. Hunter would have to do, whether or not they were Bellamys in name.  
She supposed there was something to be said for nature verses nurture after all. At least she hoped there was.
“Would they…” Tabitha struggled, “Would they know?” 
Launce looked as if he’d been expecting this question, “Markus told me when I first went to him that he could hide the child in the system. A “Jane Doe” The Bellamys will not have anything to hold or use against us, or Ulyssa.”
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 5 months
( Warning, this fanfic contains character death, mentions of su1 and manipulation. If anyone of you liked Harvest Moon and angst, this is for you.. enjoy! Or if you don't, simply leave. )
A Note, it titled "A First yet Final Introduction" on the middle.. Read it?
Hello, my name is Markus. I am 19 years old and a farmer of Konohana Town. I first came here when me and my horse were terribly injured. When I was greeted by two mayors who lived in two villages, in which I can't remember which one I go though. And until when I notice that they hate each other, I found out that they had a feud many years ago because of what the Harvest Goddess said. And the only way to get them along is to make sure Konohona wins the Cooking Festival. We did have some ups and downs though, but it sure is worth it..
I spend hours, hours to get them to get along.. and I know the hearts of them inside are about to fill. As I was about to sleep, I hear a voice calling:
"Follow me."
I don't know who this was, but regardless... I went to the mountain last night when I see a glowing Red Wonderful on the ground.
.....Which I didn't know that it lead me to a curse.
...But I know that the voices are still in my head, telling me that going to die is the only way to "remove" the curse.
So I am writing this note to anyone who find this, so... to the Bluebell and Konohana people.
I'm so sorry for going to leave so soon,but just to let you know.. I will always watch above you. And it's not anyone's fault, but my fault to end myself.. the voices did say that this is the only way to remove the curse after all.
From — Markus.
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PNG. 8163836
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thiriumhound · 5 months
heya!! for the fandom asks: 7 + 16!
dang you were quick! (yeah i saw u send this in like RIGHT after i rbd the post but uhhh yeah i took a min ^^;; sry 4 the wait!) aaaanyway ok!
7 (your favorite tropes to read/write/draw) - ohhhh boy it's gotta be like. angst. angst galore. whump. hurt/comfort. if there's no pain there's no spice. i don't typically like interpersonal drama too much tho (as much as i praise it out loud sfkld) bc it gets to me xD i like when a character is hurt, hides it, then gets support in the end (or it's too late...) anyway yeah no pain no gain 🤘 i swear i have other tastes i just forgot rn ngl SDLKFJS
16 (a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate) - uhhh off the top of my head the fact that connor loses his tie for no reason after cyberlife tower! to me that implies he doesn't actually like it/it's connected to his life in cyberlife for him. it also could've just come off in whatever conflict got blue blood on his jacket tho (yeah it's there if u look w freecam). also not a tiny detail but if everyone could notice connor's usage of words like "gonna" it would be epic- WAIT NO I HAVE A BETTER ONE. EVERYONE ACKNOWLEDGE CONNOR'S EYEBROWS RIGHT NOW THEY'RE SO IMPORTANT HE EXPRESSES SO MUCH W THEM IM CRAZY IM INSANE im so sorry every other character in the game i have a connor addiction. uhhh also markus actually basically never smiles after leaving carl iirc why don't we pay attention to that too <3 i don't have any kara fun facts except salty ones so oop... ah is it okay i gave u 50 fun facts instead of one l o l man i feel like i didn't choose good ones either 😭 might come back and scream some more if i remember smth good. tho tbh uhhh actually i can think of 50 more but theyre all just "look at this microexpression connor made in scene 235" and that's. a bit pathetic LOL
anyway the ask game if anyone else wants to send me more <333333333 https://thiriumhound.tumblr.com/post/747618958223540224
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newpartnerincrime · 8 months
Hi! I saw the ask game you reblogged so can I ask for your 5 fav moments in dbh?
Thank you and thanks for this blog! Take care 💖/p
aww thank you so much!!! hmmm top five…. well here are five that i can think of right now that i love:
markus and simon reunion </3
one of the dialogue options where hank tells connor to stay in the car at the ortiz house and connor says so emphatically like “NO WAY! IM COMING WITH YOU!” it’s so funny
any time kara pulls a gun. slay (literally)
markus x connor fight like in a perfect world they both live and world peace prevails but it’s Such a cool scene to watch/play i love fights
machine!connor being a cunt to hank on the rooftop
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captainsweet · 2 years
Does it make sense?
Does it happen to be Jelly and Jam centric?
Do I make Cass weirdly passive and Badass?
Do multiple AU versions of Leo appear and die?
Does Leo only stay and become relevant until the end?
Do I remove anything romantic?
Will I mention this ever again?
No. This'll probably be the last. And I don't know why I'm talking about it in the first place.
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mastcrmiind · 2 years
@strwbrrymccn​ // closed starter for markus && genya
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“ — i made some dinner.” markus called out as he heard the other come through the front door of the apartment. he had found a recipe he wanted to test out, so what better guinea pig than his roommate? “there’s plenty left.”
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hollow-bee-demon · 2 years
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I just rembered about this screenshot from a darwing that I was makieng of marcus but I am redoing this drawing but Marcus looks high 🫠
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