#to explain this... it took place before 3 days of the ending. The Player decided to explore the mountain at night when they see a red glow.
cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 30 days
( Warning, this fanfic contains character death, mentions of su1 and manipulation. If anyone of you liked Harvest Moon and angst, this is for you.. enjoy! Or if you don't, simply leave. )
A Note, it titled "A First yet Final Introduction" on the middle.. Read it?
Hello, my name is Markus. I am 19 years old and a farmer of Konohana Town. I first came here when me and my horse were terribly injured. When I was greeted by two mayors who lived in two villages, in which I can't remember which one I go though. And until when I notice that they hate each other, I found out that they had a feud many years ago because of what the Harvest Goddess said. And the only way to get them along is to make sure Konohona wins the Cooking Festival. We did have some ups and downs though, but it sure is worth it..
I spend hours, hours to get them to get along.. and I know the hearts of them inside are about to fill. As I was about to sleep, I hear a voice calling:
"Follow me."
I don't know who this was, but regardless... I went to the mountain last night when I see a glowing Red Wonderful on the ground.
.....Which I didn't know that it lead me to a curse.
...But I know that the voices are still in my head, telling me that going to die is the only way to "remove" the curse.
So I am writing this note to anyone who find this, so... to the Bluebell and Konohana people.
I'm so sorry for going to leave so soon,but just to let you know.. I will always watch above you. And it's not anyone's fault, but my fault to end myself.. the voices did say that this is the only way to remove the curse after all.
From — Markus.
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b14augrana · 13 days
Your first time versing Lyon was the match of your dreams
Barça Femení x teen!reader
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pt. 3 masterlist
Warnings: lots of happiness and not proofread as per usual … 😁
A/N: i forgot to mention that mapi's knee is 100% functioning and not crippled in this series!!!! i’ve decided to turn it into a series because i love our hay day obsessed reader so much.
also, reader takes alexia’s place in scoring a golazo because our wonderkid needs her time to shine and what better time to shine than in a uwcl final 🪄🪄 (peep my reference in the fic to the gif im so smart)
we need a nickname for little miss wonderkid so i dont constantly refer to her as reader so plz suggest some in my asks 🥹
You were way too nervous for the final to function. You regretted eating breakfast that morning because it felt like you were about to throw it all up.
Honestly, you were even nervous to look at the players. You stood timidly between Lucy and Irene in the line, secretly hoping you never had to leave the tunnel. You did not want the likes of Ada Hegerberg charging towards little 16-year-old you.
You glanced down at the ‘NV15’ written on your wrist in black. That forever-present question of 'What would Vidić do?' loomed in your mind.
He wouldn’t be worrying about anyone on the opposition. He’d just be worried about breaking the Brexit tackle world record and keeping everyone in white as far away from the goal as possible.
The officials at the end of the tunnel signalled to both teams, which meant it was time. As you emerged out of the tunnel, walking out to the sound of a stadium full of culers, you didn’t feel scared. The cheers from all around the stadium deafened you, but also made you feel an insane amount of pride.
As you stood beside your teammates, the Barcelona anthem blasted on the speakers and the crowd became a choir as they sung the anthem loud and proud. Your attention was in the stands, looking at all the people that had come to watch. You almost teared up when you spotted a little girl and her older brother wearing a jersey with your name on it. Your name. Just having a mascot blew you away, so seeing people you probably weren’t much older than, wearing jerseys with your name on the back, was a crazy concept.
It made you think about the future. It made you hope that one day, you’d grow up to be some little girl’s idol the way Vidić is yours.
“Get ready to shake hands, (Y/N),” Irene reminded you, noticing that you looked a bit spaced out. You brought yourself back to the present and nodded, sticking your hand out to shake the long line of Lyon hands.
When Alexia asked you to bend down and hold the match day pennant, it almost felt like blasphemy. Your mouth was slightly agape as she thrusted it into your hand. “But why me?”
“My knee is no good, it’s better if I stand,” she explained.
“But why m–”
“Just hold it, nena!” Alexia laughed, getting back in the line. You crouched down, holding the pennant in one hand and bracing the ground with the other as you smiled gingerly for the camera.
As soon as the photographer lowered his camera, you sprung to your feet and gave the pennant back to Alexia. “There you go, capi!” you said happily, motioning to Renard who was approaching with their own pennant to exchange. Alexia laughed and patted you on the back, mumbling a quick ‘gracías’ before turning away.
You walked over to the bench and shrugged your jacket off, folding it neatly for one of the team management to take to the locker room later on. With one last meaningful glance at your wrist, you ran onto the field to take your position. Irene was with you in the center and Lucy covered the right while Ona took care of the left. Jona had told you to be prepared for Mapi to come on, so you kept that in mind too.
As soon as the whistle was blown, you were relieved to see that Aitana, Mariona, Caro and Salma had already gotten things under control. That gave you time to scope out the Lyon front three and think about how to handle them.
You thought about what Lucy said. ‘Don’t get hurt trying to do extreme tackles.’
At the end of the day, it all came down to instinct. When Dumornay started running at you with the ball, her feet moving too quick for you to focus on, you knew what you were going to do next had to be purely instinctual. This wasn’t the match for calculated tackles.
It was a fearless tackle. It wasn’t even much of a tackle, actually; you had just gotten to the ground right in her path and made contact with the ball first before she even touched you. When she did touch you, the top of her boot got caught on your abdomen, knocking her over. It was the consequence of her own speed and momentum.
With the ball at your feet, you did what you always did best — kick it as hard as you could and hope it goes well. You must’ve hoped extremely hard or hoped to the right deity, because the ball landed right at Aitana’s feet. Not an inch in front.
With one touch, she had beaten her marker. When Aitana got the ball, it was almost always a goal, and this time was no different; before you could even register that your ball had been kept in play, let alone found a player of your own, it had beaten Endler’s desperate hands and hit the back of the net. The stadium has the loudest atmosphere you’ve ever experienced after Aitana’s goal.
She came running to you, her arms outstretched. You threw yourself into her, hugging her tightly. The rest of the team came shortly after, suffocating you two in a big team hug. You heard some muffled voices praising you and Aitana, but you were too stunned by how quickly it all happened to even register their words. There were many pats on your back and side hugs before the game reset and you were back to your centerback position, kissing the writing on your wrist.
“Aparejo increíble (Y/N), and the pass! Magnífico!” Irene said, pulling you close and ruffling your hair (to which you huffed and slicked it back down) before running back to her position.
You didn’t actually intend to make that pass, so was it that special? Aitana did score from it, but she just has magical feet.
The match had flown by, both teams only separated by one goal at the 90th minute. Lyon were desperate for a goal. Barcelona were desperate for another. Many changes had been made, including Mapi and Pina coming on.
You watched as Diani came down the left wing and somehow managed to beat Lucy and Mapi, which meant you were going to have to try tidy up at the back and not let Diani get to Cata, the last hope.
At first, you just jockeyed. You held her off and tried to delay her, which worked; her stepovers were useless and she couldn’t get past you by tapping and running… but then she did.
She took a touch just wide of you, giving herself heaps of space to dribble up to goal if she was quick enough to retrieve the ball. The big underlying issue was, your jockeying had led you two up to the box. You could either get a card and risk her scoring from a penalty or worse — not do anything and let her put it in. You would rather break your Hay Day login streak than let that happen.
As she lurched forwards to get another touch on the ball, it was like everything was in slow motion. Time slowed down as you extended your leg and thrusted your entire body forwards, cushioning your fall by sliding on your arm across the damp grass and towards the ball. You closed your eyes as she got closer to your face, hoping that if you didn’t see it happen, the collision wouldn’t hurt as much. If this tackle went wrong, it would be over for you, for Barça.
Diani’s opening had been a gift from God himself, so you prepared yourself to see her celebrating happily, the ball rolling into the net when you opened your eyes, but when you finally did open them, the ball wasn’t in the net. Diani wasn’t celebrating.
She was lying on her chest, scrambling to get to her feet. The ball was out, discarded somewhere near the barriers as a ball boy passed a new one to Lucy to throw in. Cheers had rung through the stadium upon your last-ditch tackle, but you had been too distracted to pay attention to them. You had been too focused on trying to execute the perfect tackle that would either make or break the game.
The only thing you guys needed was another goal to really seal the deal. Lyon were getting dangerously close, you needed a goal.
When Lucy had played the ball in, you moved a bit further up the field, watching the play. You noticed Caro receiving the ball, and then you noticed the absence in the middle of the box. You scanned for Aitana or Pina or anybody, but they were all marked by figures like Renard and Carpenter or in other words, brick walls that were not letting them in any time soon.
It was all, pure, instinct. You ran– no, sprinted up the field, flailing your hands in the air. “Caro, Caro!” you screamed, motioning to the middle of the box, begging for a cross.
The cross she delivered from the right wing was set to land just in front of you. You couldn’t reach it for a volley and you sure as hell couldn’t bicycle kick it in. It was travelling fast and getting nearer by the second, but that was the advantage.
Without a second thought, you jumped up. Your body was basically horizontal in the air as you flew forwards, forehead connecting with the ball. It was a shame you couldn’t watch it shoot past Endler, burying itself right in the bottom left corner. You flew into the net as well, and the only way you realised you had scored was when you sat up and looked to your side to see the ball. That’s also the only way you realised you were in the goal.
You had never stood up faster or yelled louder. You zipped past Endler and ran down the field towards the nearest camera. Your first goal of your career couldn’t have been more perfect, so you needed a celebration to match.
Aitana appeared by your side, and as you two ran side-by-side, you pointed to the people in the stands. It was a simple but meaningful celebration; it was the same celebration Vidić had once done, and you remembered it vividly. In fact, it was one of your favourite moments.
You ran to the corner flag where the rest of your team were, and you all fell into another affectionate huddle. Lucy squeezed your side. “You’re in the wrong sport, I think you’d do well as a professional diver!” she jeered, having to yell her words over the noise. You grinned at her and hugged the woman tightly right before being instructed to reset.
The ball had barely started moving again before the referee blew the final whistle. Everyone from the sidelines jumped from their seats and ran onto the field, and the people on the field ram towards your goal. Cata booted the ball into the air and jumped on top of the big hug, and then Pina followed. There was singing and dancing and flags being thrown and tears and hugs for days.
It was happy moment upon happy moment for everyone as it all sunk in — you had finally, finally beat Olympique Lyonnais in a Champions League final for the first time in your history. You had helped beat Lyon and make history with this team, and you had won your first ever Champions League and quadruple, but you had to give credit where it was due.
You knew if you never had a role model like Nemanja Vidić, nothing would’ve happened the way it did for you against Lyon.
Being a 16-year-old girl with such a fiery passion to defend and hold it down at the back wasn’t easy. There wasn’t many defenders that played for the badge the way Vidić did. The reason you loved him so much was because he exerted such an immense sense of pride and dedication to his club, and that was the type of defender you wanted to be.
That was the type of defender you had been today.
You couldn’t believe Keira and Patri when they ran up to you saying that the officials wanted to see you so you could receive the Player of the Match award once again. Your jaw was dropped and you went red as they basically dragged you away from the locker rooms and towards the officials. Your cheeks were still red from embarrassment as you took the photo.
You learned that you couldn’t just slink away into the locker rooms after such a big match, so you spent a solid 10 minutes talking to fans all around the stadium. It was a bit awkward for you at first because most of them were either as old as Alexia or literally your age, but you figured you’d have to get used to it.
The best part about the whole day was, when you eventually got back to the locker room and picked your phone up, you had reached level 300 on Hay Day.
As if one major achievement wasn’t enough.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
i would, lh43
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you and luke really like to piss each other off.
four times you and luke almost kiss and the one time it finally happens
this is toxicity, angst and a little fluff all rolled into one. enjoy! <3 (7.6k) this is very much not proofread
you were sure luke hughes was one of life’s greatest mysteries. to put it lightly, he was sweet until he wasn’t. 
you’d warned him before the two of you started dating in your shared freshman year that you’d been through a lot.
you warned him that sometimes you needed a minute alone, that sometimes you could self-destruct, and that sometimes you lost yourself in your brain and that someone else would take over for a while
he promised you that he’d work with you, that he understood what you were explaining and that he could surely handle it. 
he promised he’d do anything he could to help you get back into your head whenever you felt out of it, that he’d keep his head on straight for the both of you so that the two of you could work through rough stages.
clearly you hadn’t prepared him well enough, or clearly he overestimated his level headedness. 
it sucked for the both of you that you still had to see each other every day, regardless of whether or not he was on the road, cause you’d be there too. 
you’d been warned by every girl in every stage of life that dating in the workplace was a horrible idea. you promised them it was hardly work, you weren't even around that much. you were wrong again.
when the two of you broke up, you opted to stay with the team as the media intern. after all, you agreed to be friends. 
that went sour quickly, because all the arguing that took place in the confines of his dorm or your sisters apartment carried onto your friendship, and consequently in the halls of yost.
the more the two of you would argue, the more you both got petty. 
today was no different, and you weren’t trying to work him up on purpose, but when the opportunity arose you took it and ran.
a trend on tiktok had started, talking about red flags. the monday question you chose was something along the lines of ‘what is your weirdest / stupidest red flag’ 
most of the players responded as you expected them to - something like mixing jams on their toast or putting hot sauce on their bagels.
you weren’t even expecting him to acknowledge you, because since the breakup, luke had avoided monday questions, as well as your camera, altogether. 
you weren't sure what had pissed him off today, or what was going through his brain when he decided he was gonna be sour right off the bat, but his response was surely something.
“my ex girlfriend is an obsessive bitch,” you covered your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. you knew he was just being an asshole for the purpose of trying to get to you, but the words truly sounded unnatural coming from his mouth.
luke figured you would delete the video and move on with your day, get back at him with some mean comment another time, but instead you decided to take it a little further than he was intending.
after practice was over, you sat in the cubby a few down from his and began to edit the videos you’d taken of the boys together, and you saved it. then, you took the new video and added the clip of luke to the end, playing on full volume and repeating itself as you pretended to adjust the beginning to the previous clip of dylan running away.
the few guys that were left in the dressing room looked at eachother, and luke was already staring you down.
the rest of the team had learned to tune the two of you out. seeing as you were friends with most of them even before you dated luke, none of them chose sides and they all believed that eventually the two of you would get tired of pissing each other off and quit it. alternately, luke would just leave for jersey and peace would be restored. 
“what? why are you looking at me like that?” you mumbled defensively, eyeing him like he was a weirdo.
“you’re putting that in the actual video?” you raised an eyebrow, smile etched onto your face like it was drawn with a sharpie. what you weren’t expecting was for luke to take a deep breath, and look away.
you continued to edit the clip, up until the remaining players had all left yost and you felt luke’s eyes burning into your skull again.
he stood up calmly, and walked over to you.
you looked up at him and stood as well, slowly backing out of the doors in the dressing room. he followed, speeding up to keep you at an arms length
“delete that, y/n, i swear to god,” you realized he was trying to corner you, and though he physically outmatched you any day of the week, he was failing spectacularly at it.
you did your best at playing keep away with the umich media phone, and backed your way into the visitors dressing room.
“delete it? fat chance. i was actually thinking i might put it up, i can never seem to get content of you unless-“ you groaned as your back hit the wall, luke holding you against it with his hips
“unless i’m too pissed to shove the phone out of my face?” you grinned, slinging your arms around his neck and leaning into his touch, your chests pressed taught to each other so you couldn’t slip from his grasp.
“you know, if i get early onset back pain, i'm blaming you. now can we quit it with the dramatics? i have a very charming video of you to edit for the tiktok page” luke just pressed you closer to the wall, ignoring the grin you gave him to show how much you’d actually been liking the closeness.
“you wouldn’t,” he tried to grab the phone from your hands, placed behind his neck, but you were quick to tuck it into your bra so he couldn’t access it.
“i would.” his jaw clenched and you kept straight eye contact, loving how irritated he was getting so quickly.
“baby,” he stated, taking a deep breath.
“i was being a dick, and i’m sorry. but we don’t need to make that a public thing,” you bit your lip, pretending like you were contemplating it before you replied to him
“we’re using baby again?” he licked his lips, grabbing your hands from his shoulders and holding them.
his eyes softened and he paused before using what was probably the sweetest tone you’d ever gotten from him
“if you want me to use baby, yes, i’ll call you whatever you like”
“i’m not falling for that,” his soft, convincing face fell flat and his eyes went from hopeful right back to angry and endlessly frustrated
after a few moments standing there waiting for him to find a new game plan, you bit your lip and started messing with a few of his curls
“you ever miss me, lukey?” he pulled his head away from your hands, the gentle aspect of your touch giving him an unneeded reminder of  the fact that you could be a sweetheart, you were just choosing not to be
“not a chance in hell” you smiled to hide the pang in your chest, but he saw through you, holding the back of your head
“you’re always right here annoying me, hm? no time to miss you” he corrected, tracing circles on your scalp with his thumb. you poked your cheek with your tongue, looking down for a quick second before ultimately looking right back into his eyes, trying to read what he was thinking
this is what you assumed he was talking about when he used to always tell you he’d figure things out, that you’d always make up after a fight - that he’d look at you like this and see that you were struggling 
that he would feel what you were feeling for even just a split second and correct himself, even if he was lying, just to cover up the ache in your chest.
this, to you, was confirmation that he could read you like that. that he can see through any mask you put up and had truly just given up on you. 
he sighed, and you saw his eyes move to your lips, then back up to your eyes. he was leaning forward, and just like that, he was pulling away and clearing his throat.
“could you please delete the video for me? m’ sorry about how i spoke to you” your entire body felt cold without him against it, and you wished whatever thought in his mind that made him want to kiss you would’ve fucked off, so the two of you could’ve stayed pressed up against each other forever.
“i’m not that mean, lu. i’ll delete it” he smiled and ruffled your hair, walking away as quickly as possible.
it bears repeating; you were sure luke hughes was one of life’s greatest mysteries.
your favourite part about going to michigan, as well as being close with one of the sports teams, was the parties. 
you weren’t even sure how they pulled it off, but you couldn’t think of a single time you’d been invited to a umich party and didn’t have a night worth remembering (even if you could barely remember it).
tonight was no different, and it started with mark and ethan fighting over who got to be your partner in beer pong. 
you decided it would be a best of three challenge, and the loser was stuck with luke, who was notorious for only having aim once he was plastered enough to faint. the winner got to be with you, who had the ongoing win streak among the sophomores.
first was a game of rock paper scissors, that was promptly won by ethan, seeing as mark always went rock. 
he’d even mentioned before the challenge that he always lost since he always picked rock, so you’d told him to simply not pick rock - he did it anyways.
the second round was seeing who could shotgun the fastest, which was ultimately taken by mark when ethan got cocky and gave him a three second head start.
safe to say, mark had been almost done by the time ethan even had his lips over the hole in his can.
the third challenge was a headstand contest, mostly because you just wanted to see the two of them try to uphold a headstand for more than five seconds.
mark took that one on the guise that ethan had cheated and used the wall to keep himself up. if you could have made them both lose, you would have.
however, when you decided that ethan was in fact a cheater, mark cheered and tossed you over his shoulder, leading the group of you back to the beer pong table 
ethan was pouty about having to pair up with luke, and luke was pouty about having to be around you, but you and marks energies were off the charts regardless.
you all decided that you’d have to drink ethan’s cups, mark would have to drink luke’s, and vice versa.
luke started, and sunk one ball, but completely missed the other. 
mark quickly downed the drink and took the balls, missing the first off the rim of a bottom row cup, but sinking the second one perfectly. 
luke drank nonchalantly and handed the ball from his cup to ethan, who just barely missed both of his shots. you grinned to yourself, centring yourself to the table before taking your shot.
your turn was similar to marks, but your first ball had bounced just before the cup at the top row and landed into luke’s hand.
ethan drank the cup you got for your second shot, sending you a playful glare. 
“this should be you right now, marky. nobody said we couldn’t use the wall” you rolled your eyes, feeling mark sling his arm around your shoulders 
“i won fair and square, eddy. you’re just butthurt cause you suck at shotgunning and got too cocky” luke quickly took his turn so you’d all shut up, missing horribly on both shots.
you raised an eyebrow at him, silently wondering how his on ice hand eye coordination translated this horrendously in throwing a ping pong ball 
mark got two of his shots, but none in his balls back attempt, and luke quickly drank, a little more urgently this time around. 
ethan got one this time around, and you happily drank the contents of the cup, licking the foam of the beer from your lips once you were done. 
you also sunk two balls, but you got your second shot with balls back, leaving three cups on ethan and luke’s side and eight on yours.
ethan pouted before drinking his first cup, taking a short pause before cramming the next two one after the other. 
he caught his breath before looking over at you with beer dripping from his chin 
“i should’ve made hughesy drink your cups,” you giggled, and luke slapped him on the shoulder with a glare.
when the game came back around to you, they only had two cups left, and you got them both.
mark cheered loudly, rattling you around by your shoulders as you laughed at his reaction. 
you and mark had always been close. something about his energy just gave you the sense that you’d never have to stress about him. you were very much the ‘call each other babe platonically’ type of friends. 
he was easygoing and he just wanted to have a good time, but he was still a good friend if need be.
luke apparently hadn’t caught that memo, cause he looked like he was about ready to stab his teammate.
his jaw was clenched tight and he was just watching the two of you celebrate with complete dread on his face, while ethan finished off his beer
you picked up on it right away, and decided you’d chance luke being unbelievably pissed at you if it meant he might admit to himself he still had feelings for you.
“are we playing again?” you asked, looking up at mark who shook his head, pulling you away from the table.
“what? you want to get up to something else?” he grinned, earning a soft smile and a push to his chest.
“dance with me?” he nodded, grabbing one of the remaining cups from your side and pulling you towards the group of students essentially using the living room of soph house as a make out spot.
luke wasn’t one to dance, but mark was too drunk to care and you didn’t think he’d be leaving your side anytime soon, so you took advantage
he wasn’t half bad, the two of you mostly feeding off each other rather than the music. that was until his drink ran out, and he wanted another one.
“you want a beer, babe?” you nodded softly, tilting your head up and leaning it on his shoulder.
he smiled, kissing you on the cheek and noting that he’d be right back, quickly disappearing into the swarm of bodies towards one of the coolers.
“mark? really?” it was luke.
rather than bite back, you went with it, knowing he might be more annoyed if he thought you were genuinely going out with mark
you hummed, turning to face him. “he’s a sweetheart. maybe you could learn a thing or two” both of you knew that what you were saying was utter bullshit. regardless, luke was irked.
“are we thinking of the same mark?” he slid a finger into the belt loop of your jeans and pulled you forward, keeping you close to him and simultaneously letting you know his strength.
“handsome? fluffy hair? pretty solid with his mouth?” luke scoffed, looking behind you to make sure mark wasn’t almost back.
when his eyes came back down to yours they were dark, and he was wearing a harsh glare.
“you wouldn’t. you’re not” you smiled, almost giggling at him
“yeah, but i would, though. is your new girlfriend not at this party? thought i saw her working one of the football players. is this your thing? getting one upped by other athletes? is there an embarrassment kink im not aware of?”
before you could say anything else, his hand was over your mouth and he was grumbling at you to shut up
“not that it’s any of your business, i broke up with her. you need to start watching your fucking mouth” you pulled away from his hand, but he still had a tight grip on your jaw.
“if it was full maybe i’d stop talking,” you smiled, your facial expression almost challenging him
he licked his lips, thumb swiping over yours slightly in a way that made your heart jump out of your chest
he was leaning in and pulling your face to an angle where he could connect your lips, before his eyes flashed up and he saw mark coming back with a beer in one hand and a full bottle of liquor in the other.
“maybe your sweetheart mark will be up for that” he gave your jaw a squeeze before pushing your face away from his and walking off.
you put on a smile, turning around to see mark taking a swig of straight vodka.
“my lady,” he grinned, handing you your beer
you bit the cap off, drinking some of it before you hummed, pulling him towards you by the collar and resuming your dancing, back to his chest
“gimme some of that,” he giggled, putting the bottle in his hand up to your lips and guiding you through your swig
“luke came n’ saw you?” you nodded
one of your favourite things to do in your free time was barge into soph house with absolutely no warning.
today, it was cause you and your other roommate had been momentarily kicked out of yours and your older sister's shared apartment so she had it to herself for her one year anniversary.
you announced your arrival when you walked in, your friend trailing behind you awkwardly while the boys shouted simultaneous greetings from the living room
“i brought a friend. it’s my sister's anniversary and there’s a metaphorical sock on our door,” your comment earned you chuckles from the group, and when you walked into the living room you scanned the furniture to see if there were two open spaces.
luke had been sitting by himself, mackie and dylan were sharing the loveseat, and ethan and mark were sharing the bigger couch. 
you tilted your head and squinted at ethan, who had been taking up two and a half cushions. he grinned in return, further stretching himself out so he’d been getting into marks personal space as well.
you opted to physically drag ethan from his spot, over so he’d just been taking up one cushion instead
he glared at you playfully, fighting back against your pushing until you were stuck pushing back against each other, causing the both of you to break out into laughter and for you to fall onto the couch
“scootch, edwards,” you worked out in between giggles, finally getting him to move over and sitting up yourself so there was some room for your friend 
when she sat, it was almost on top of you, since the couch wasn’t meant for four, and you could almost sense luke’s ears perking up like a dog being offered a treat
“you know if there’s not enough room over there i’m more than happy to share” he patted his lap, looking right at your roommate with a smirk playing at his lips.
you were quick to glare at him and shut the idea down, while mark pulled you into his own lap so your friend would have enough room, and hopefully so you and luke would drop it. 
your friend adjusted and then eyed luke, and then you
“i take it that’s luke,” you immediately slapped her arm and glared at her, knowing this would give luke enough ammunition to piss you off for however long you were at sophomore house 
you couldn’t even properly find time to warn him to forget he ever heard that before it started. 
“aw, baby, you tell your friends about me?” you smiled sarcastically, feeling mark grab the back of your shirt so you didn’t lunge at his teammate
“fuck right off, warren,” luke’s jaw ticked, and he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by dylan 
“i’ll sit on your lap, lukey!” the group laughed, and luke tried to hide his smile. 
the sophomores had become extremely accustomed to changing the subject or interrupting you and luke when the two of you fought, seeing as you were over most days of the week
now that the room had become less tense, everyone was partaking in their own conversations.
you, ethan, mark and your friend had been talking about a class the four of you shared, while mackie, dylan and luke talked about the upcoming series against minnesota.
that continued until you felt your phone go off in your back pocket and pulled it out to see a text from your sister, telling you that you could make your way back to the apartment.
below it, to your shock, was a silenced text from luke.
from, luke hughes → kitchen?
to, luke hughes → ?
you looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed and heart pounding, and he was already looking at you.
you blinked and moved your eyes away, turning your head to mark who’d been deep in concentration listening to ethan.
“hey, my sister texted, we’re gonna get going” that caught the attention of dylan and ethan, which made mackie turn his head, and, well, luke had already been staring at you.
mark frowned, caging his arms around your waist to hug you. 
“it’s still early, you can stay,” you heard a jumble of voices agreeing with mark’s statement, and you could feel luke’s gaze burning through you.
you looked down at your roommate and she shrugged, since she’d accustomed pretty well to the sophomores already and wasn’t exactly dying to leave
“i’ll stay for free beer?” luke smiled to himself and made his way to the kitchen quietly, knowing nobody would really notice him while they were cheering at your words
you offered to go get everyone their bottles and got up, ruffling marks hair slightly before you walked over to their fridge and took out six beer, luke already sipping on one.
“you ask me over here to argue without getting interrupted?” luke grinned softly, taking three of the bottles and setting them on the island along with his own, nodding for you to do the same with the other three
you complied, and as soon as they hit the counter you were being backed up into it, his hips pinning you and his arms locking you in place 
“i just wanted to talk,” he explained, looking down at you with a sweet gaze that made your stomach turn 
“you know, you could’ve had mackie or duker sit on the other couch, fuck, you could’ve even pulled up a chair from the island or sat on the ground! but you just let him pull you into his lap like you're his?”
you rolled your eyes, trying to push his arm off the counter so you could squeeze away from him and bring everyone their drinks, but his grip tightened. 
“i’m talking to you, y/n,” he added pressure with his body so he could use a hand to make you look at him.
“how many times do i have to tell you i’m not sleeping with any of your friends?” you defended and he shrugged 
“i never said you were, i just pointed out that you two seem real fucking comfortable with each other lately,”
you sighed and cupped his neck with both hands, thumbs messing with the curls that fell behind his ears
“lu, nothings happening. nothing's going to happen. im not fucking mark just like you’re not actually gonna fuck my roommate,”
he didn’t react much, just kept staring into your eyes. 
“if not my friends then who are you with?” you smiled and shook your head 
“none of your business, hughesy.” he laughed dryly and moved his hand from your jaw around to the back of your neck, your faces so close his nose was brushing against yours.
your eyes both drifted to each other's lips, and you cleared your throat and backed your head away before he could kiss you. 
he moved off you and grabbed his beer, standing on the other side of the kitchen, now.
“maybe i’ll see you around your place, y/n,” he smirked before looking over at your roommate who was laughing at something dylan had said, and heading back to the living room 
“you wouldn’t,” you yelled after him.
“i would!” he called back, leaving you to groan to yourself and pick up the beers for everyone 
“adam! shea!” you smiled, trying to stand up off the bench you were on to go greet your friends, but tripping over the air and immediately deciding that you would be staying on the bench.
the two boys gave each other weird looks across the street from you, deciding to make their way over.
the two boys being luca and shea, who were obviously quite confused.
once they made their way there, they came to the conclusion that you were incredibly, extremely, outstandingly drunk.
“i want whatever she’s having,” luca chuckled, knowing he and his brother did not look alike in the slightest.
seamus slapped him up the back of the head, helping you to sit up properly and then taking his own place beside you to support your torso.
“dude, shut up. call mark, or eddy, even. we don’t know how long she’d been here” you were looking up at him, absolutely delirious and telling him about your childhood pet hamster that was named casey (like him!)
mark was down at the bus stop you were all sitting at in record time, now kneeling in front of you and trying to get an answer out of you as to why you were mind-blowingly wasted at two pm on a tuesday
when you just continued to murmur about nonsense, luca spoke up
“maybe we should bring her to luke?” seamus and mark both turned their heads to him very slowly, eyebrows raised and annoyance glaringly obvious in their eyes, and he lifted his arms in defence 
“i’m just saying! notice how all of their arguing is like, ultra petty? he never says anything that actually means shit. he definitely knows what's going on with her,”
they both thought about it, ultimately coming to the conclusion that it couldn’t do anymore harm than good - luke wasn’t a big enough dick to punch down, so maybe luca was right.
they looked at each other, “this is the worst idea anyone has ever had in the entire history of the university of michigan,” shea stated, already helping you onto your feet and having luca hold you up from the other side
“yeah,” mark nodded, texting luke a very vague message so that he’d be home and in the living room once the four of you got to soph house.
when you did, it was safe to say luke really did not want to have any part of it.
“no.” he shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest while he watched you fuss with seamus when he tried to set you on the wrong couch cushion, apparently. 
“wh-” mark tried to plead his case, but couldn’t even get a word out.
“no. not a chance, mark, just have her sleep it off, or something,” the two of them watched as luca brought you a water and you tried to convince him that you did have a water, only for him to open the lid and be hit with the smell of liquor. 
“hear me out,” mark started, giving luke a hopeful look and earning a confirming eye roll in return
“your friend needs help, and-” 
“your friend”
“fine, be like that! your ex, that you’re still in love with, by the way, needs help, and you’re the only one of us that has a chance in hell at knowing what it is that made her drink away her brain on a random fucking weekday, by herself, on the street,”
the room went silent, and even you had stopped rambling upon hearing the tone mark was using.
“so, if you could please just fucking talk to her for a minute to see if she gives you an idea? something? tells you what’s up? that would be glorious, luke,” 
luke clenched his jaw but looked over at you for a quick second, caving and nodding slightly 
“i’ll talk to her. alone, though,” he grumbled, and mark patted his shoulder, nodding to luca and seamus to go over to the kitchen 
he sat next to you, and you looked up at him, bringing your knees to your chest. 
“are you okay, y/n/n?” he asked softly, tilting his head at you. you blinked, clearly on the verge of blacking out
“luke,” you stated simply, earning a sad smile from him 
“what did i tell you about drinking to forget, hm?” he reached around you, burying his hand in your hair and massaging your scalp gently 
“said no,” you replied, barely above a whisper. you were hiding from his gaze, now.
he watched you for a moment, trying to see if there was anything on you to help him out. 
his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of your phone case, the polaroid that had been in the back of it since before he knew you now flipped so you couldn’t see what it was.
“can i see that?” he asked, pointing to your phone.
you handed it to him reluctantly, watching as he peeled the case off and slid the picture out from under it.
it was a picture of you and your father. you were just a baby, and your dad had been wearing a party hat and feeding you a bite of cake 
the back read; dads 31st birthday! 02/07/04
he turned your phone around and knocked his knuckle against the screen, reading the date once it lit up
tuesday, february 7
“oh, baby. cmere,” he mumbled, pulling you into his lap gently and holding your head to his chest.
your body shook against his as you sobbed, still painfully aware of the occasion no matter how inebriated you were
he held you still until you calmed down, and when he opened up the shield he’d made with his arms he found that you were sound asleep against him, face beet red and soaked with tears
he adjusted you slowly, lifting your arms around his shoulders so he could carry you without waking you up.
he looked over to mark who nodded with an appreciative smile, then carefully carried you upstairs and towards his room.
he set you down and took off your shoes, then grabbed a water bottle and some medicine for you, setting them down and slipping into bed next to you. 
you found your way to his chest and slept peacefully while he zoned out, brushing his hand through your hair soothingly.
when you did wake up, it was slowly and difficultly. it had been a few hours, your mouth felt dry and your head felt heavy.
you felt dizzy, but not from the hangover. from luke, holding you close to him.
you let out a noise of confusion, and luke stiffened, looking down at you.
rather than pay mind to the millions of emotions coursing through him, he decided to focus on sitting you up and getting you to drink some water.
you just listened, waiting to ask what the hell had happened until after you were feeling a little less undead.
“uh, luca and shea found you by one of the bus stops. you called luca adam, so they came up to you, n called mark” you looked down, tears brimming your eyes.
“oh.. okay,” you whispered, fidgeting with your own fingers awkwardly.
he gave you a minute to compose yourself before setting the polaroid on your lap 
“he would’ve been fifty today,” he stated softly, looking at where your eyes would have been had you been facing him.
you wiped your face roughly, groaning to yourself while luke silently begged you to look at him
“maybe we can take a little trip to go see him, yeah? i’ll stop at the store and we can get him a card n’ some flowers,” he offered, rubbing your upper back soothingly 
“you’d do that for me?”
“i would. or i can explain everything to mark, and he can take you, if you wanted?” you shook your head quickly 
“no. no, uh,” you sniffled, taking the water he’d gotten you from his night stand and sipping carefully from it 
“the whole reason i like being around him so much is that he doesn’t know everything, and he doesn’t need to know everything,” you explained, finally looking up at him with glossy eyes and a red nose
“i can zone out for a minute and he won’t ask me if i’m okay, he’ll just slap the back of my head and tell me i need a nap,” you chuckled 
you’d made it a point to keep the shitty aspects of your life away from mark. 
he knew you’d been through a lot, but he didn’t know any details and he never asked about it, respecting your boundaries 
“it’s easy around him, you know?” luke nodded slightly, a questioning look in his eyes 
“i wish it could’ve been that simple with you, but there are things that cant be kept from a partner the way they can from a friend, it’s different,” 
the two of you sat in silence for a minute, luke having opened the bottle of ibuprofen for you and handing you two to take 
once you sipped away the weird feeling in your throat with water, you gave him a hopeful look
“are you still up to take me?” he smiled sadly and nodded, slowly moving from his bed and over to his closet.
“here,” he handed you a hoodie and his varsity jacket, nodding in a way that told you to put them on. 
you stood carefully and put the sweater on, overwhelmed by the smell of him lingering on the collar 
the jacket was both too big on you but a perfect fit, the bottom landing a little above your knees and the sleeves covering up to the tips of your fingers 
you put your shoes back on and gave him a look before going over to the bathroom, scanning the counter until you found something that could suffice as a face wash 
you pulled your sleeves up and washed the mascara from your cheeks, then grabbed a clean towel to pat your face dry.
you went to go cup your hands under the cool water to drink before some mouthwash, but you spotted the toothbrush you kept here while you’d been dating luke in his corner of things 
your lips parted and you blinked, almost thinking it would go away once you opened your eyes again. 
when it didn’t, you took the cover off the top of it to find it in the same condition you left it, so you rinsed it well before using it. 
luke walked out of his shared room, now in a hoodie of his own, and froze when he saw you
you avoided his eyes, pulling your hair from your face while you spat out the toothpaste and then rinsed your mouth with water. 
you pulled your sleeves back down and walked over to where he was waiting on the stairs, flicking the light off and keeping your head down 
“i, uh, just kept forgetting to toss it,” he cleared his throat, eyes flashing over to you and quickly moving away
you just nodded, making your way down the stairs and seeing the three boys who had brought you home playing video games on the couch
shea was the first to notice you, smiling to himself at the sight of you drowning in luke’s clothes.
he nudged marks knee with his own to grab his attention, nodding over to you and luke who’d been awkwardly standing there
mark looked up and grinned at you, setting his controller down and getting up to trap you in a bear hug
“how’s the head, dumbass,” you smiled bashfully, resting your face against his chest and hugging him back 
“throbbing. thanks for coming to get me,” he hummed in response, ruffling your hair and moving away from you 
“you’re bringing her home?” mark asked, eyes directed at luke
he looked at you and you answered for him
“we’re going on a little road trip. be back in a few hours,” mark tried his best not to let glee take over his face too obviously.
he sent luke a knowing look, a callback to their earlier conversation where mark had outright exposed him for still being in love with you
you smiled and waved to shea and luca, who returned the favour, luca yelling after you as you walked away with a “you kids have fun! wear protection!” which earned him a slap on the head from seamus. 
the drive to the grocery store was quiet, luke’s bluetooth playing quietly through the speakers of his car and you humming along to some of the songs you knew.
the two of you opted to grab something to eat from the deli as well, and luke offered to pay for both the meals and the card and flowers you’d gotten for your dad.
you were reluctant, but he had blocked you away from the debit machine when it was presented to you, so you settled for slipping a twenty into the pocket of his jacket so he’d get it whenever you took it off and gave it back.
you weren’t opposed to the silence, but sharing it with luke did make it a little more uncomfortable than it should’ve been.
you were dreadfully aware that the two of you did need to have a good talk, and work out whatever it was that had torn your friendship to bits after the breakup, but maybe that's better off happening later on.
when he pulled into the parking lot at the cemetery your dad had been buried at, you looked over at him before getting out
“thank you for doing this for me, lu,” he nodded sweetly, mumbling a soft “of course, baby,” in response
your heart fluttered at his tone, as well as the genuine use of ‘baby’, and you gave him a close-lipped smile before opening the door to his car and grabbing your things, waiting for him to get out with you.
the two of you walked to your dads headstone, sitting on the grass by it and laying the flowers and the card.
“if you want a minute by yourself, i can-” you grabbed his hand before he could move to stand up, shaking your head and looking up at him with teary eyes 
“just, stay,” you breathed out, and he nodded, wrapping his free arm around you and squeezing the hand that he’d been holding 
you cried silently, staring at the stone with tears streaming down your face, leaving lines of red from the irritated skin.
you felt luke start to gently brush his thumb along your knuckles, and you grimaced to yourself, looking down into your lap to try and keep yourself together 
luke frowned, pulling you into his lap and cradling your head, one hand still holding yours 
you took a deep breath, torso shaking as you squeezed his hand like you’d been getting your first tattoo.
when you looked up at him, you saw the luke you knew at the beginning of your relationship, and not the one you constantly bickered with. 
he pushed his nose next to yours, lips nearly brushing against each others, but he waited for you to initiate it. 
instead, you pulled away and tried to move away from his hug, heart aching in your chest and guilt taking over your head 
“i’m sorry,” you whispered, opting to lean your head into his neck since he hadn’t loosened his grip. 
“no, it’s.. it’s okay, y/n,” he sounded unsure, but the words eased your mind nonetheless 
“i can’t go through what we did again, i can’t keep going in that circle, luke, we suck for each other,” you explained, pulling your hand from his and beginning to mess with the sleeves of his jacket 
“i can be better at that, y/n/n, i want to help,” you shook your head, finally managing to move off him 
“you said that last time, and you lied. i don’t blame you, luke, i was shitty too. but i think we’re better off as friends,”
he pursed his lips, nodding. he knew you were right. 
+ one
“have you ever been to an nhl game before?” ellen asked, getting soup ready for quinn, who was recovering on the couch. 
“uh, no, and i hardly had time to pay attention to any of the wolverines games, i was always editing,” you chuckled awkwardly, knowing your knowledge of crowds at sporting events was very limited and you’d likely be caught sitting with jim looking incredibly confused. 
you knew you would feel out of place, especially at a playoff game. 
luke wasn't even aware that you were in new jersey, let alone that you’d be in attendance to his first playoff game.
you had finals and things to do for the team’s media page during his first nhl games, and though you weren’t dating, you knew he wanted you there for them due to the devils jersey he had sent you after he signed his contract.
not only did you still have things to do in ann arbor, but you definitely could not afford a place to stay or plane tickets to new jersey.
then, ellen had messaged you with the news that she’d be stuck babying quinn for the next while, and offered you her ticket to the game along with help for your plane tickets.
truly, it was the least she could do, as her son hadn’t shut up about you since the moment she got to newark, and she could no longer stand hearing him complain about how much he missed you, only to correct everyone when they referred to you as his girlfriend.
the game could not have been anymore hectic. it ended 8-4 devils, but with four combined short handed goals, the canes rookie goalie being subbed in, and luke getting two points.
the rock was loud, but the energy felt less overwhelming over time and you got used to the cheers and yelling eventually.
you went with jim to wait for jack and luke, neither of which were expecting you.
jack came out first, and completely neglected his father as he greeted you with a hug, asking how you’d been and when you got to town.
you were still hugging when luke made his way out, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of a pair of arms around his brother’s waist.
when he got close enough to see that it was you, you were promptly pulled away from jack and lifted into luke’s arms, feet a few inches off the ground from how tightly he’d been hugging onto you.
“oh, jesus. hi, lukey,” you giggled, squeezing him back just as tight. you hadn’t been wearing the jersey, knowing the broadcasts had a tendency to pan to jim up in the stands and not wanting to make a big deal out of it
“how long have you been in jersey? how did you get here? where did you get the ticket, y/n, what the fuck” he rambled, a big smile etched onto his face during the whole ordeal.
he set you down but kept his arms around you, rocking the two of you back and forth while his older brother and dad watched in amusement.
your face went completely serious, and you tried to keep it that way as you spoke “oh, well, i came down to help with quinn after his tonsils and your mom offered me her ticket,” luke shook his head, ruffling your hair and holding your head to his chest 
“i hate you,” he mumbled as you laughed against him.
“no, you don’t” you pulled back a few inches, grabbing his wrist and leading him to the exit jack and jim had already started making their way to.
“no, i don’t,” he pulled back on your wrist, bringing you back into his chest so the two of you were looking at each other.
he lowered his face and kissed you, and for how long overdue it was, he was very tame.
it was gentle, and slow, and he’d been gliding his hands up and down your hips soothingly. your hands came up behind his neck to mess with the hair at its nape and you pulled away for air, but went right back in.
when the two of you finally pulled away completely, luke was blushing madly and you were hiding away in his neck.
“that’s.. certainly one way to prove it,” you breathed out, chuckling slightly.
“can i prove it some more on the way home?” he raised an eyebrow, tilting your head back up to face him.
“with your brother driving us? you wouldn’t,” he grinned, shaking his head.
“i would. you underestimate how long i’ve been waiting for that,”
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wileys-russo · 8 months
water fights and nutmegs II v.pelova
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just something short and soft for our lil viccy p water fights and nutmegs II v.pelova
"i bet you that i can nutmeg more players than you can by the end of training today." your girlfriend challenged with a cocky look in her thick accent that always made you smile, holding her hand out toward you. "not a chance, you only just learnt what nutmeg means!" you teased causing the dutch girl to roll her eyes as you shook her hand none the less.
"rules?" you asked with a raised eyebrow. "no telling anyone it is a challenge and no getting help." the dirty blonde decided and you nodded in agreement with the terms.
the team were all in germany at the adidas headquarters for a preseason camp, and despite the CL loss everyone was enjoying the quality time together in seemingly good spirits.
"lots!" you called out to your friend across the pitch who turned toward you, passing her the ball which conveniently happened to travel in between alessia's legs as you did. "did you just meg me!" the blonde turned and shoved you with a grin of disbelief as you shrugged.
"just in the wrong place at the wrong time russo." you teased shoving her back. "mm i'm sure." she shook her head, slinging an arm around you as jonas called for everyone to huddle up.
spotting your girlfriend meg an unsuspecting beth and viv, quietly impressed they hadn't even noticed her do it, you knew you had to step up your game. "loser." victoria mouthed to you with a grin, holding up four fingers signalling how many she had already done.
the next drill didn't provide you much opportunity to increase your lead, a rousing 3 on 3 round robin of football tennis, which at the very least your team won.
you then managed to subtly meg stina, lia and frida, playing it off as kicking the balls back to the training staff, neither girl tweaking there was anything up.
as training progressed your total tallies grew higher, some of your teammates catching on and shoving you both with a grin, just assuming it was a lighthearted joke and nothing else more.
"how many?" victoria asked as she appeared beside you, crossing her arms over her chest as the two of you surveyed the field, which was now being converted ready for an 11 on 11 as the final activity of the day.
"twelve." you smirked happily, your girfriend humming with a nod as if impressed. "fourteen." her head rolled toward you as the smile was wiped off your face, the midfielder wiggling her eyebrows and stealing a kiss.
"katies worth double. winner takes all?" you challenged, knowing neither of you had been successful in megging the irishwoman yet, in fact you weren't even going to try out of fear of the repercussions if you got caught.
"winner takes all?" your girlfriend frowned a little in confusion, a slight language barrier meaning she didn't quite understand. "like whoever nutmegs katie first, wins the bet." you explained as she ohh'd and nodded. "okay." she agreed eagerly as the whistle blew for training to resume.
"oh liefje?" (darling) you glanced at her as you went to walk off, raising an eyebrow. "fifteen." she teased, kicking a ball in between your legs which you hadn't even noticed she'd had.
"teef!" (bitch) you swore at her in shock as she took off, chasing after her and jumping onto her back as the two of you arrived to the group, messing up her hair and sliding back to the ground, the two of you poking and nudging one another as you were split into teams.
"do you ever keep your hands to yourself?" viv chuckled as she tossed bibs to you both, the three of you all grouped into the same team. "not on a good day." you grinned, the older dutch girl smacking the back of your head playfully for the comment as you joined the rest of your team in a huddle.
the game went well, your team dominated at 4-1 and were praised highly by jonas, still you took on board some feedback about making sure you were looking ahead for link ups before making passes directly forward.
and so riding out the high of one win, your girlfriend decided to very stupidly secure another. katie was busy chatting with steph, the two comparing tactics for how to be better next time as they took a well earned drink, having been on the losing side of the 11 v 11.
you watched with a shake of your head as victoria sealed her fate, far too cocky in her delivery as she tapped the ball through katies legs from behind, though her aim was off and the ball instead knocked against the irishwomans ankle.
"did you just try ta meg me?" the older girl turned around in bewilderment, the grin dropping right away from your girlfriends face as katies turned to stone. "no?" victoria laughed nervously, starting to back up as katie advanced on her.
"come here!" katie sprinted toward her, victoria stumbling over her own feet and smacking into a training dummy as katie easily caught her, wrapping an arm around the younger girl and pouring her entire drink bottle over her head, leaving her soaking wet.
"you wouldn't dare!" katie jeered with a smirk as victoria opened her own water bottle, her arm dropping to her side with a roll of her eyes and a nod, katie laughing at her expense.
so fixated on your girlfriend the irishwoman didn't notice you walk up behind her. "she might not, but i would!" you announced, dumping your own water bottle on the older girls head as it dropped to the ground and you sprinted off.
"oh you're a dead woman!" you heard katie yell after you, your girlfriends laughter echoing through the air as she yelled encouragement for you to run faster.
though it was to minimal use as it was inevitable katie would catch you, tackling you to the ground with a war cry as the two of you rolled around on the pitch for a moment, you desperate to get away and katie determined that not happen as your team mates and friends watched on in amusement.
"cmon mccabe, it was a joke! its a hot day!" you laughed at her soaking wet head as the irishwoman sat on top of you, pinning your hands under her knees. "leah! give me your bottle." both the older girls ignored your protests as leah handed over her water, sending you a smirk and blowing you a kiss before leaving.
"oh come on!" you struggled under her as katie poured the cold water on your face. "anyone else done? she's looking thirsty girls!" katie called out with a grin as several of your other team mates handed her their bottles.
"this is waterboarding! this is illegal!" you yelled out in protest, soaked to the bone as water bottle after water bottle was poured down on you, katie eventually getting up and offering you a hand. "i hate you." you sputtered, kicking her hand away as the older girl laughed.
"good. means you learned your lesson!" and with that she ran off, leaving you laying on the pitch, draping an arm over your face to block out the sun. "come on baby." you peeked up to see the amused face of your girlfriend staring down at you, offering you her hand.
you accepted it with a sigh, allowing her to pull you up to your feet.
"that was very romantic." the girl grinned teasingly, pulling you into a hug as you huffed and rested your chin on her shoulder. "you owe me." you pulled away with a pout, the dutch girl cupping your face and pecking your lips several times, mumbling how much she adored you with each tender act.
"better?" "we're getting there, i think you owe me a few more kisses though."
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lucy90712 · 1 year
joao fluff of him not being able to take away his gaze of reader when they first meet
WC: 2.2k
Warnings: google translated Spanish 
Getting your dream job is exciting and also nerve wracking at the same time and that's exactly how I'm feeling this morning before my first day. A few weeks ago I interviewed for a job as part of the Chelsea media team not really expecting to get the job as I don't have much experience but to my surprise they actually offered me the job and now it's my first day. I have been a fan of the club for as long as I can remember and I've been going to matches since before I could pay attention for the full 90 minutes so to actually be working for the club feels so amazing. As much as I love the club the thought of actually meeting all of the players and actually interacting with them is almost making me nauseous as what if they hate me as then watching games would never be the same. Luckily for me they told me my first day was just going to involve a lot of meetings and sort of introductory work so I don't have to meet the players just yet. 
Arriving at the stadium felt so surreal especially when I went in the door for all the staff and not just the regular way to the stands. Somehow the place seemed so much bigger when I went behind the scenes than it ever has when I came to watch a game. I had a meeting first thing this morning so I made sure to go in a little early as I knew I would get a bit lost and I did but one of the other staff members kindly told me where to go and I made it on time. There was a lot of people in this meeting that I hadn't met which meant that before we could start everyone had to introduce themselves which was as awkward as I was expecting it to be but it got it over with. 
"Y/n can you stay behind for one minute please" my boss said as the meeting ended 
"Is everything alright?" I asked 
"Yes everything is fine it's just something has come up and now the person who was supposed to be doing filming with the players today won't be there and as you are part of the media team I need you to head to the training ground to take over" he explained 
"Oh um ok" I replied not really knowing what to say
"All of the players already know when they are filming and the cameras are already set up all you need to do is be there and oversee everything I have the document with what the video is supposed to be about which I will email to you right now" he said 
"Thank you I will head over there right now" I said 
"Oh and y/n don't worry all of the players are lovely if you just tell them it's your first day they will be understanding" he said 
With that I headed back out to my car and drove to the training ground which luckily isn't far away so it only took me a few minutes. Those few minutes were more than enough to make me incredibly nervous. I hadn't mentally prepared myself for meeting the players today as I thought my first day was just going to be in the office which means I don't know what I'm supposed to say to them. Do I introduce myself or while they not care? Will they even notice that I'm new I mean they are so busy with other things surely they don't pay attention to each person who makes them do media. There's no time to worry about all of that now though as I need to get my job done as I don't want to make a bad impression on my first day. 
When I made my way in all of the cameras were there but they weren't actually set up so I dropped my stuff in the corner of the room and began setting up the cameras and the microphones as those weren't ready to go either. As I was setting up I heard people enter the room but I didn't pay any attention as I just wanted to get the cameras ready so that the videos didn't turn out awful. When I finally looked back up I almost fainted as the 3 players I was filming with had already arrived. I didn't even want to know how long they had been watching me press buttons and completely ignore them so I put that out my mind and just decided to try and start over by introducing myself. 
"Hey guys I'm y/n it's my first day today so I'm going to apologise in advance for anything that goes wrong" I said 
"Welcome to the team" Broja said 
"Don't worry about things going wrong the longer this takes the more training we miss" Madueke laughed 
With them was Joao Felix who's on loan from Atletico Madrid but he was stood completely still and didn't say anything. As he stood there looking slightly bewildered I wondered if he understood what I said so I tried to remember the bit of Spanish I know as I thought he would understand that better than English. 
"Si necesita que le traduzca algo hágamelo saber y haré todo lo posible" I said as clearly as I could (If you need me to translate anything for you let me know and I'll try my best)
"gracias pero debería estar bien" Joao replied (thanks but I should be ok)
After I explained what we were doing I got all the cameras recording and we all sat down. It took a minute for everyone to get comfortable including me as it's my first time doing this but when we did it was actually really fun. The guys did most of the work joking about with each other and being competitive even though it's only a silly game. Throughout filming I noticed that Joao kept staring at me in fact he barely took his eyes off me which had me feeling a bit flustered but I did my best to hide it at least from the camera. Once we finished filming I went to turn the cameras off and grab the sd cards which meant I was completely in my own world as I heard murmuring in the background. 
Joao's POV
Out of everyone they could get for us to do media with the had to go and find the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and of course I had to make a fool out of myself in front of her. When she introduced herself all I could do was stare as my brain couldn't process how beautiful she was and what she was saying at the same time. Instead of being a normal person and just saying hi no words came out of my mouth so she started speaking in Spanish instead which made things 10 times more awkward as I know English and understood everything she said the first time. Hearing her trying to speak Spanish just to help me only made her more attractive to me as it means she's kind as well as beautiful. To make things less awkward I replied in Spanish and then we just got on with filming. 
Usually doing this sort of thing isn't my favourite thing about the job but today I actually wanted to spend as much time filming as possible. You could tell that y/n was a little nervous as it took her a few tries to do the intro properly but she quickly became more confident and we got into our stride with the video. The entire time we were filming I couldn't help but stare at her as she's just so mesmerising when she speaks and when she laughs she just looks so cute especially when her nose scrunches up slightly. Having her doing the video made it so much more fun and I was more relaxed than I usually am as I wanted to show her more of my personality instead of being awkward and quiet. 
When we finished with the video she got up and started doing whatever she has to do but the second she turned away I felt an elbow in my side and laughter from both the guys. When I looked at them they started making fun of me by doing hearts with their hands and wiggling their eyebrows in suggestive ways. I knew it was coming as I was never going to get away with what happened earlier without them making fun of me for it but I was hoping they would at least wait until she wasn't in the room and could see what they were doing. 
"So what do you think of the new girl?" Noni asked clearly teasing me
"She's alright" I replied trying not to give in
"Oh come on man you literally couldn't speak to her and I don't think you took your eyes off her for two seconds" Armando said 
"I mean yeah she's beautiful but please be quiet she's right there" I whisper yelled back at them 
"Aww does Joao not want to be embarrassed in front of the girl he likes" Noni laughed 
By this point there was not stopping them they were just going to keep going so I walked away from them to go and talk to y/n to try and get some of my pride back.
Your POV
As I was trying to pack stuff away I felt a slight tap on my shoulder which made me jump a bit so I turned around only to see Joao. He smiled at me and offered to help me which I appreciated but there wasn't much he could do a I was just downloading the footage so I can begin editing it as that's one of my main jobs. Seeing as Joao was kind enough to check on me I showed him a bit of the editing process and he was amazed at how much work it takes just for one video. Together we watched some of the footage to know if it needed cutting out or if it should be kept but instead of paying attention we were just laughing at some of the outtakes which weren't necessarily that funny but once we started laughing we couldn't stop. 
After some time I realised the other boys had left and it was just me and Joao which I quite enjoyed as I'd like to spend more time with Joao. Thinking about Joao honestly has me torn as there's no denying that he's an attractive guy and I think we get on well but at the same time I just got this job and he's new to the team so being anything more than friends probably isn't the best idea. That being said right now I just want to get to know Joao to see if in the future my mindset changes. Although I was supposed to be working more of my time was spent talking with Joao as he was asking me questions about my life and getting to know more about me outside of my job. In my experience the people I work with usually don't care about who I am as they are just there to do their part of the job and then go home so it was really nice that Joao seemed to care about who I am as a person. 
We spent hours sat together talking as I edited which I probably should've done back in my office but I was enjoying myself and plus my boss wouldn't mind as long as I get the work done. It was only when I got a text and looked at my phone that I noticed the time and it was almost the end of my hours so I saved the video and started shutting down my laptop. As I was gathering my things Joao was kind enough to go and grab my bag so I could put them away. I almost didn't want to leave but at some point I have to go home as I have my own life to live plus I have to come back to work tomorrow morning. 
"Have we really been here that long" Joao questioned as he looked at his phone 
"Apparently so" I said 
"Thank you for making my first day so fun" I said 
"There's no need to thank me I'm glad I could make your day so enjoyable I remember my first day with the club was so fun so I'm happy to do that for someone else" Joao said 
"Well you succeeded I've never had this much fun at a job" I said 
"Before you go I have to ask if you would like to go out for drinks with me later" he said 
"I would love to" I replied without giving myself time to think 
"Great can I have your number so I can text you later?" He asked 
I gave him my phone to put his number and then we parted ways to get into our cars. I didn't leave right away as I was trying to process everything that just happened. While thinking I caught myself smiling which means any reservations I held earlier I think have gone out the window because as much as this is my dream job Joao might be my ideal boyfriend and to me that's more important than a job. 
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Heya! Love your lore discussions and analysis, you doing the traveler's work here lol
Mind if I ask about The Speaker? I'm merely a D2 player so I've never actively met the man before bc I've never had access to D1 so my first experience was just... Watching him being kidnapped and killed right at the beginning so I was like "oh no... Anyways" but not in a bad way, more like hey I barely know him for like 3 minutes in, it's expected I wouldn't know what's going on when I was just a lil New Light rip
How was he like? His personality, his ideals and goals? His relationship with the other NPCs and the YW
I'd love to see you explain about him!
I was in the same situation as you! I had no clue what anything was when I played D2 on release so outside of him delivering the most badass line to Ghaul, I had no clue. I also only had a minor idea of what he stands for, so when he told Ghaul at the end that the Traveler doesn't actually speak to him, I kinda decided that he was a fraud.
And many other people did so as well. It was a strange thing to say, but it has since been explained in detail.
The Speaker's personality and goals tended to change a bit depending on the release and he was drastically different in the Fall of Osiris comic (and very negatively portrayed). The comic issues didn't do him any favours.
Overall, for D1 stuff, I would recommend checking out a playthrough for a full experience. He had a more active role there, was a sort of a guide and also a vendor you spoke to often. He was firmly on the side of protecting the City and humanity from the return of the Darkness, something he was aware of as inevitable for a long time.
He was a very political figure, given that he was pretty much the closest thing the City and humanity had to a real leader. The Speaker was the lead of the Consensus, a group of representatives for both Guardians (the Vanguard) and the civilians of the City (the three factions). Sometimes, as a leader, he had to make difficult choices.
Probably his biggest conflict was with Osiris who was against his methods of fighting back. They had frequent arguments and Osiris was not afraid to be openly against him. The growing conflict between them eventually led the Speaker to proclaim Osiris' research and warnings dangerous and to exile him.
On the other hand, Saint-14 had an immense respect for the Speaker and they considered each other family. Saint said a lot of nice stuff about him when he returned and spoke at an eulogy for the Speaker. Most importantly, that he had a vision for what the City should be: a place where people could live free from fear and danger. The Speaker was actually the one who found Saint-14 in the Cosmodrome:
"Geppetto and I searched many barren miles before we crossed the Cosmodrome. She had almost given up hope." He turns to face Saint-14. "That little Light knew exactly where to find you, once she was given the proper place to look." The Speaker chuckles. "There is no before or after, my son. We try, we doubt, we grow. It is all one path."
Lore book The Pigeon and the Phoenix has a lot about the early days of the City and the Speaker.
He also had a unique relationship with Lady Efrideet who gave up fighting (except her brief return during the Red War) and formed a pacifist colony, the location of which is unknown. The Speaker and Efrideet had a good relationship and he tasked her to look around for other potential Speakers in her travels.
The lore book Constellations details a lot about the Speakers in general and how they work and the consequences of the Traveler going dormant after the Collapse, most importantly how it took years and years for any Speaker to actually be able to reach the Traveler in a post-Collapse world. One of them eventually managed to make an amplifier, the mask, and finally be able to hear communication from the Traveler again, although still very much not as clear as it was before the Collapse.
This is why our Speaker wore a mask. It has been passed down from Speaker to Speaker and its function is for the Speaker to be able to have dreams where the Traveler sends messages. But as I said, those messages were still not as clear, given that the Traveler was dormant.
Our Speaker struggled with it a lot and it explains his words to Ghaul in the Red War. Ghaul demanded that the Speaker tells him Traveler's direct words, failing to understand that it's not how it works. The Traveler spoke in dreams that were incredibly difficult to decipher even with the amplifier mask.
He saw the Traveler's vague warnings about a world without the Light and he assumed it's a prophecy about the return of Darkness. He didn't want to cause panic among the population until he fully understood what the dreams meant, and kept it to himself. In his final moments before being captured by Ghaul, he realised he made a mistake. The dreams were about the Red War and not Darkness.
It's a very human mistake to make and was never malicious.
The dreams continue. The headaches get worse. But I believe so strongly that this knowledge would destroy our way of life, and I hold it so tightly that it poisons me.
His main and perhaps only goal has always been to protect the City, he simply had different methods of doing so. He felt a responsibility to everyone, given his position as the leader, and couldn't afford to just chase wild leads and theories, something he clashed with Osiris for. Given the uncertain nature of Traveler's dreams, a lot of people (both in and out of the game) thought of him as just a political figure and a fraud.
But he wasn't! He truly did receive Traveler's dreams, unclear as they were and he truly did want to make the world a better place. Given that they still hold memorial service for him and that they rebuilt his quarters, he is still respected and remembered by the City.
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localsharkcryptid · 2 years
Okay fuck it, that funny wings of fire crossover au I have been working on is finally getting a fucking lore dump more or less. The brainrot worms have me at gunpoint so time to finally do some explaining!
Now with this crossover I have done my damnedest to fit this into the Wings Of Fire world without changing much or intruding too much on cannon, so you may ask, how the fuck am I going to have the war plots, the countries and all that? Simple answer - Magic continent.
Let me explain:
Taking inspiration from HTTYD's dragon island and it's mystery within the first film, land of the lost, Skull Island and things of the like along with a sprinkle of Bermuda Triangle conspiracies, I figured the best way to go about this would be a magic continent isolated from the other two, so this way it still can have certain things that are crucial to a lot of the dsmp plot since this keeps sorta to cannon with some bits like lives and all that. Along with that this ends up giving XD a proper godlike role and adding to Dream's consequential god complex.
XD within this au is an animus, having the ability to enchant whatever to do just about whatever, having initially been the first surfacing of a animus amongst the Rainwing tribe. Now the era XD comes from is a bit before Darkstalker, so the Rainwings were actually feared for the most part and well once word gets around about the massacre at the seawing royal family XD is quick to flee for their own sake before the Queen can even learn of their power, though this whole situation also sparks something within them, a curiosity in how dragons react to things though we'll get back to that.
XD ends up on a relatively small island far off the coast of the old Nightwing Kingdom and this is where it begins. Now having been experimenting with their powers here and there, they are confident in their abilities and thus make the choice of "If dragons won't let me into their kingdoms, I'll make my own". So they do just that, taking this tiny island and enchanting it to be something so much more, an isolated bubble of a world, but a project of this magnitude takes quite the toll on one's soul. They have their kingdom but no subjects. What's the fun in that? So starts a series of more enchantments to bring dragons to this land, a few make it yet in the end XD isn't pleased with them, the dragons not living up to the standards of show that they wanted to see. Out of this initial test run of a group that was maybe 15 or so dragons XD took aside several corpses- a Silkwing, a Hivewing, a Icewing, a Sandwing and finally a Rainwing. Now it's known that an animus can't exactly bring dragons back from the dead though who's to say they can't make something entirely new?
Now this little project is what results in Dream, the enchanted abomination of a dragon and even calling him that is a stretch. Effectively to ensure things got somewhat interesting XD decided to make their own player in this inevitable game, this being Dream. But I'll elaborate on him another day.
That aside, effectively the land that all this occurs in is an isolated continent that is technically in it's own little pocket dimension between Pantala and Pyrrhia- the barrier cleverly disguised as a seeming 'reef' of jagged seastacks much like Helheim's Gate from HTTYD. Dragons can go through the barrier but cannot leave it once inside, upon crossing the threshold they change as well- granted with 3 'lives' and if they hold any animus magic it's nulled though preexisting enchantments or enchanted items will remain, along with this firescales are also affected though they simply become very warm to the touch in place of their usual scorching scales.
This entire land has been sculpted and shaped as well as enchanted to be the perfect stage for XD to study what they consider mortals. And oh a show they do get in the end.
Now if you're still here it's time for some more general explaining.
·Due to the nature of this land there are background civilians, residents etc for the countries as they develop. There being a high number of refugee leafwings and silkwings along with some hivewings due to the issues of the tree wars on Pantala.
·The Death and Revival books do exist, I'm still working on a loop hole for the Revival book but thus far due to the mass amount of enchantments on the continent and XD effectively making themselves god of it the usual rules of animus magic don't apply to them anymore but they did at the time of Dream's creation.
·The general time period for this crossover is during what would be the start of the Sandwing Succession War, basically it's only like 5 years into the war upon the founding of L'Manberg. Though time works differently on the continent [Imma just start calling it The Isle <not the game>] but Im still working that out. Basically a year only passes if XD says it does and no one's really keeping track whereas time keeps moving outside of it.
·Also due to the nature of this au, the characters will have different names to better fit into the world since everyone but like Dream is from outside the Isle. I'll do the name list at somepoint. Same for the countries... Maybe, the country names will probably stay unless I get ideas for them- only change thus far is that the Greater SMP is called the Greater Isle.
Anyways for anyone who made it to the end of this probably hard to read lore dump congrats!! If anyone has questions or maybe just wants some explanations or my plans for certain characters feel free to shoot me an ask, I have sooo many ideas.
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det-andrewmoore · 1 year
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Andrés Majano ♦ Cis Man (he/him) ♦ Forty ♦ Civilian ♦ Football manager with Arsenal FC
Ruthlessness is a virtue in this game, on the pitch. If the players aren’t willing to embrace that, then they have no business being in my team.
We all have this earliest memory which never leaves our mind. To some, it’s the first day at school, a particularly nice day or, more often, a small fright. Either way, those memories usually date back to the age of 3 to 6 years old.
Andrés didn’t have a memory predating the day he woke up in a hospital. He had been in a coma for months and neither the doctors or the police, despite their best efforts, could figure out how that boy wound up shipped in a box, or where he came from at all. Whoever had put him in there had left absolutely no traces behind them, and soon, he was placed in an orphanage. To the social workers’ surprise, the boy was well spoken, polite and had received an education. He was adopted by a Spanish businessman and his wife, and his life only began then.
He spent the end of his childhood in Málaga, on the southern coast of Spain, learned the language, and displayed an interest for football, a sport he’d played in his former life. If he also had spent countless hours riding horses and fencing, those were hobbies he wasn’t exposed to, and therefore never found himself drawn to. If his father would have preferred his son took over the business, a scout for Málaga CF decided otherwise. By the time he was 15, Andrés would spend more time on the pitch than he did in classrooms, and he debuted his professional career by the time he turned 17.
Soon enough, he shone too bright for his Andalusian club and transferred to Milan and then Turin. But, his goal, like many other players before him, had always been England and the Premiere league, and his dream came true when he wound up playing for Arsenal FC from the age of 23 until the age of 31. Finishing his career with Bayern München, he retired at 34 and dedicated the next couple of years to his new mission. Andrés was a born leader, having often found himself the designated team captain in his teams, and he didn’t want to be one of those football players who ended up forgotten by the time he turned 40.
But life wasn’t only rainbows and butterflies, and even the most successful men had their demons. If he made it a point to keep himself in good shape, and always encouraged his team mates and now his players of doing the same, Andrés wasn’t as strong psychologically speaking. He had his vices : he slept around, a fear of abandonment keeping him from ever trusting anyone enough for longer company, and he found enjoyment in gambling : sometimes, he was successful, some others... not so much. He spends a fortune paying back the Red Rose Casino yet can’t stop himself from going back. Eventually, his generous salary won’t be able to cover all of his expenses and people will start talking.
+ / -  decisive, pragmatic, federator, charming, insecure, secretive, ruthless, severe
Over the course of his career, Andrés has played as a midfielder in many clubs (finishing his career with FC Bayern München) and with the Spanish national team. The highlights of his career will remain a World and European title with Spain (2010 and 2012).
Andrés has a distinctive burn mark on his hand, which dates back from before his adoption. He doesn’t remember where it comes from, and will come up with a different story to explain it each time he’s asked about it.
He bought a house in Kensington, London not too far from Hyde Park, the train station or the Arsenal stadium, but though he owns other places in each place he played, Andrés had to sold already one of them in order to reimburse the Jabberwocks.
Each of his houses has a garden attached to it : Andrés finds solace putting his hands in the dirt and making sure each and every plant gets everything it needs to thrive. His garden is a place sacred to him and one he cherishes more than any other possession. He puts a lot of thought and time into it.
Having lived in Spain and played in Italy, England and Germany, Andrés speaks all four languages with acceptable fluency.
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Andrés Majano ♦ Cis Man (he/him) ♦ Forty ♦ Civilian ♦ Football manager with Arsenal FC
Ruthlessness is a virtue in this game, on the pitch. If the players aren’t willing to embrace that, then they have no business being in my team.
We all have this earliest memory which never leaves our mind. To some, it’s the first day at school, a particularly nice day or, more often, a small fright. Either way, those memories usually date back to the age of 3 to 6 years old.
Andrés didn’t have a memory predating the day he woke up in a hospital. He had been in a coma for months and neither the doctors or the police, despite their best efforts, could figure out how that boy wound up shipped in a box, or where he came from at all. Whoever had put him in there had left absolutely no traces behind them, and soon, he was placed in an orphanage. To the social workers’ surprise, the boy was well spoken, polite and had received an education. He was adopted by a Spanish businessman and his wife, and his life only began then.
He spent the end of his childhood in Málaga, on the southern coast of Spain, learned the language, and displayed an interest for football, a sport he’d played in his former life. If he also had spent countless hours riding horses and fencing, those were hobbies he wasn’t exposed to, and therefore never found himself drawn to. If his father would have preferred his son took over the business, a scout for Málaga CF decided otherwise. By the time he was 15, Andrés would spend more time on the pitch than he did in classrooms, and he debuted his professional career by the time he turned 17.
Soon enough, he shone too bright for his Andalusian club and transferred to Milan and then Turin. But, his goal, like many other players before him, had always been England and the Premiere league, and his dream came true when he wound up playing for Arsenal FC from the age of 23 until the age of 31. Finishing his career with Bayern München, he retired at 34 and dedicated the next couple of years to his new mission. Andrés was a born leader, having often found himself the designated team captain in his teams, and he didn’t want to be one of those football players who ended up forgotten by the time he turned 40.
But life wasn’t only rainbows and butterflies, and even the most successful men had their demons. If he made it a point to keep himself in good shape, and always encouraged his team mates and now his players of doing the same, Andrés wasn’t as strong psychologically speaking. He had his vices : he slept around, a fear of abandonment keeping him from ever trusting anyone enough for longer company, and he found enjoyment in gambling : sometimes, he was successful, some others... not so much. He spends a fortune paying back the Red Rose Casino yet can’t stop himself from going back. Eventually, his generous salary won’t be able to cover all of his expenses and people will start talking.
+ / -  decisive, pragmatic, federator, charming, insecure, secretive, ruthless, severe
Over the course of his career, Andrés has played as a midfielder in many clubs (finishing his career with FC Bayern München) and with the Spanish national team. The highlights of his career will remain a World and European title with Spain (2010 and 2012).
Andrés has a distinctive burn mark on his hand, which dates back from before his adoption. He doesn’t remember where it comes from, and will come up with a different story to explain it each time he’s asked about it.
He bought a house in Kensington, London not too far from Hyde Park, the train station or the Arsenal stadium, but though he owns other places in each place he played, Andrés had to sold already one of them in order to reimburse the Jabberwocks.
Each of his houses has a garden attached to it : Andrés finds solace putting his hands in the dirt and making sure each and every plant gets everything it needs to thrive. His garden is a place sacred to him and one he cherishes more than any other possession. He puts a lot of thought and time into it.
Having lived in Spain and played in Italy, England and Germany, Andrés speaks all four languages with acceptable fluency.
FC : John Krasinski
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cynicaldesire · 2 years
We’re back in Texas to visit my husband’s family and collect a vehicle they kept around for him. We figured while we were here, we’d meet up with the old DnD gang and play a really short campaign. My husband decided to DM. Everyone loved his alternate history 1920s campaign, so he decided to run another AH campaign. He set this one in 1865, just before the end of the Civil War, because he was going through all his old boxes of stuff and he has a lot of gear from his family’s college fraternity, established 1865.
The hook and more below.
In 1865, the Couth was staring down the barrel of an inevitable Confederate defeat. Nathan Bedford Forest, Southern General and future head of the Ku Kl*x Kl*n, utilized ancient occult magics to summon forth a calamity.
By his hand, a deadly eruption under the Teton fault (modern day Yellowstone) sundered North America in twain. The occult ritual that caused the eruption brought forth never before seen horrors, broadcasting a Psychic Weirdness across the populace of our world. The American landscape became covered in a transformative ash. Magic and monsters, as if stepping from the myths and legends the world over, became commonplace.
The Civil War ended in a Cease Fire as both sides scrambled to recover from the fallout. In the wake of it all, contact has ceased with the western states of Oregon and California. You and your companions make up the forward scouting party, commissioned directly by the desk of President Abraham Lincoln. Your are tasked with establishing contact with the Western States and beginning the process of remapping the area, post-destruction. You will have to fend off the new mysterious monsters that roam the land and perhaps make deals with the surviving natives. But don't forget, you won't be the only ones reclaiming the land. The limping Confederacy, Canada, and even Mexico all have a stake in the future of the Lost States of America.
He started the campaign with the intention of reworking some Kingmaker stuff and mixing it with Oregon Trail stuff. Our players ended up playing so differently than what he anticipated that he had to change so many things.
First session was meant to be a session zero. We met up and established characters and started the process of explaining the setting and the rules of guns and such, but then everybody expected to be able to just play? But they didn’t want to do the thing of starting in the land we’re mapping, meeting with the Oleg equivalent, finding out about the Stag Lord, etc. We started with Robert Lincoln drowning his sorrows at a bar, getting collected by a Secret Service Agent to go talk to his father about the mission, and then the rest of us meeting together to discuss the mission, then setting off to collect the money and equipment. President Lincoln provided his son and Secret Service man with 20 Magical Rods of Scrying to place along the Oregon Trail to be used to map out the Lost States.
We ended up fighting some random guys, one was a Vampire Spawn (because of the characters that were made) and then we ended the session. My character was meant to be a student of Clara Barton, the first really successful battlefield nurse in the Civil War. I wanted her to be a nurse, a woman of science, attempting to navigate this magically new setting. We were playing Pathfinder so I made her an alchemist. This meant I had like 3 bombs a day and a couple casts of Cure Light Wounds. I took the Healing Bombs Chirurgeon Archetype. But being a nurse, I had no real intention of fighting, like that was the character I made. I’m a healer, capable of bandaging men on the battlefield, but not really in the business of killing them. Had this idea for a little scene in which she travels with her parents, away from the main line of Union soldiers because she was meant to be interracial, and runs into a dying Confederate soldier. She still works to patch him up, despite his protestations, because of her ideals. Hippocrates and all that.
We had the guy that has to be the main character in the group, so he was mad that I wasn’t throwing my three bombs and was instead trying to calm one of the character’s horse and then hiding and not attacking. This lead to me consulting with my husband for advice on how to get more actions in combat so that I didn’t have to upset that guy anymore.
Quick character rundown: Jeffery Steward, One of the first Secret Service agents - Rogue Robert Lincoln, Monster Hunter - Inquisitor/Gunslinger Henry Ward Beecher, Texas Preacher - Paladin Priscilla Thibodeaux, Battlefield Nurse - Alchemist/Sorcerer (Sage)
Next session, we get an extra player, fresh from a bad breakup and getting their stomach stapled. They keep falling asleep at the table and such, because of all those aforementioned things, but they’re a Gunzerker, so they do good damage and get to feel cool.
Added to the party: Virgil Cane, Mercenary - Barbarian (Savage Technologist)
In the next session, we get to the port town, Independence, and start collecting our supplies. Rations, carts, horses, a portable alchemy lab, a dog, etc. While shopping, we stumbled upon some ne’er-do-wells discussing an ambush on our party. Jeffery, being an upstanding man of the President, couldn’t just let this go and discussed with the rest of us ambushing them back. We attempt to do so and quickly get overpowered by a group of like 6 doppelgangers. We manage to finish them off, but it was pretty difficult. We finish our shopping and the session.
Next session, our extra player heads into a facility because they were contemplating self-harm. We arrive at Fort Laramie and run into 3 folks: Old Man Taylor, Arapaho, and Famous Actor John Wilkes Booth. JWB Had some kind of cart and a bunch of stuff on there he shouldn’t have, and asked for us to escort him to a shortcut he found. All our players immediately had their hackles raised, because JWB, so no one liked or trusted him. I was still suffering from psychic damage (anxiety) about our friend that is hard to play with, so I didn’t know what to do to RP with this NPC. so I didn’t really.
Our Inquisitor had taken a feat or a trait or something that gave him an heirloom weapon, which was stolen by some big Yeti guy who told him Fort Hall. So my husband put in a new magical(cursed) weapon called Rectitude. But Robert Lincoln’s player was also experiencing some psychic damage (anxiety) about the difficult player, so he wasn’t really interacting with the game either. Jeffery went into the General Store and tried to get some bullets out of Old Man Taylor, but it turned out, in the Lost States, money had no real value, only bullets. And Jeffery wasn’t willing to part with bullets for subpar guns or a Musket Axe(???).
But during this session, because Jeffery was turning his nose up at the musket axe meant for Robert Lincoln, when the DM went to the bathroom, I looked to Robert’s player and said “I will highly encourage you to pick up this weapon.”
The rest of the session was arguing with John Wilkes Booth and trying to stop him from escaping in the night after being repeatedly threatened by the party.
Between sessions, we level up to 3. I took a level of Sorcerer at this point, having my nurse’s bloodline be awakened while sleeping in the Lost States and having crossed the new sea or whatever.
Next session, Virgil returned and joined us on the journey to Independence Rock. He also stole booze from the General Store. Our Paladin, Henry Beecher, keeps using Detect Evil and it becomes a gag that he did, in fact, detect an evil presence! It’s John Wilkes Booth.
We’re on the Oregon Trail at this point, which means my husband has us all roll a few times on a table to determine what happens to us. Illness, break an axle, lose some rations, etc. We roll on the table, we roll a d6, and it comes up to Robert Lincoln like every time. The first time, he gets off the wagon to take a leak and a snake springs from the grass, fangs extended, and tries to bite your... leg. We all have a laugh and Robert makes his reflex save. We continue and it comes up to Robert again. Same encounter tho, so he goes to water the horses and wouldn’t you know it, a snake flies out of the underbrush to bite your... leg. We laugh and Robert says I’m not gettin’ off the wagon anymore. Someone else do it next time. Except next time, a wagon wheel gets broken! On Robert’s wagon! He jumps down to start the process of fixing it and a snake- Haha, no, it was just a rock and he drove over it. He takes a couple extra wheels from JWB and his wagon ends up a little crooked, but he’s good to go.
There was also a joke that it was the same snake both times, and when he went to track it, the snake tracks disappear at some point. I knew it, it was a druid! Larf larf larf.
We continue to Independence Rock where JWB has us move into a cavern while he does whatever will activate the shortcut. While we’re in the cavern, Detect Evil. You sense an Evil presence! It’s moving around the Rock! It’s John Wilkes Booth. Jeffery stealthed and followed JWB around to track his actions and... Booth does what he said he would do: activates whatever spell on the rock. They return to the cave and Independence Rock rises from the earth on four big legs and becomes basically a big turtle. It walks slowly to the West, along the Oregon Trail, headed for Soda Springs, Booth’s destination.
We encounter some thylacines, some minor wolves, and everyone discusses what to do about them. My husband suggests I use the new Smoke Bomb discovery I took to introduce the ability to the party. (I had tried to use it earlier in a fight and it would’ve made things worse, so I didn’t do it.) I use a smoke bomb and it scares off the chupacabra.
We land at Soda Springs and my character, now awakened to first level spells, is compelled to perform certain actions and shake JWB’s hand. I took a very specific spell to determine if someone is a doppelganger and the DM waves his hand on the specificity of it’s wording and says you can tell this is a doppelganger. Priscilla freaks out silently. She goes to Robert Lincoln, because Jeffery and Henry are having some kind of moment with a chupacabra, and Robert is the President’s son, and tells him. We tell Virgil. It is decided to keep a closer eye on him.
We head into Soda Springs and find Mildred Lee, Robert E. Lee’s daughter. She brought her sister Anne to rest in the rejuvenating waters. But there was a cave-in. Everyone works together to use Priscilla’s bombs to blow open the cave-in to get access to save Anne. When we go in, Robert detects a magical presence and Priscilla detects a disease and gets to work on healing her. Henry, being a preacher, determines that Anne is undead and she needs to be cleansed, but Priscilla starts the process of mixing up a potion to fix her up. It needs mercury though, something she doesn’t have. Doppelganger blood is mercury, though, so she suggests we get it from JWB, he might have some on his cart. Virgil is tasked with asking JWB for the mercury, who then goes around the cart and cuts himself. While this is happening, monsters spring up out of the springs!
Priscilla gets grabbed by the monsters, but won’t stop trying to mix the potion she needs to save her patient. Even after it dies, explodes poison on her (she resists), and she ends up in acidic water (she takes a couple points of damage). But she barely succeeds and treats the undead girl. She’s alive (though the real Anne Lee died like 4 years prior), and is unconscious but recovering.
JWB only wanted to rescue the Lee sisters and encourages them to get back in the turtle and run. But they’re Confederate and General Custer (yes, that one), currently has Fort Hall, a bunch of mystical artifacts, and killed a lot of her men and continues to terrorize the natives because he’s a racist fuck. We were headed to Fort Hall anyway, so we offer to bring them. She wants to go but doesn’t want to fight and JWB doesn’t want them to go at all. We end the session around here because we have to turn back into pumpkins.
Final session is a busy day. Henry Beecher’s player wanted to go to an anime convention that day and then play the last session that night. The rest of the week, we set up a plan to go to the convention in the morning/afternoon and then head to Robert’s place for the game. But then Jeffery has plans and won’t make it, then Virgil has plans and won’t make it, and then Henry - the one that planned the convention visit - has to tap out because he couldn’t sleep. The only people that go to the convention are Robert, his wife, me, and my husband, the DM. We show up for an hour, drinking coffee and chatting, and then head back to Robert’s place to eat tacos and play the final session.
We were supposed to have leveled to 4, so everyone spends time doing that while Robert cooks the tacos. (I had fallen into a bad mood due to many factors so I took one more level of Sorcerer just because it didn’t give much of anything, so all I had to do was add one to some stuff. And the DM suggested I take the Light cantrip.) We head into a cellar found while stealthing around, encounter a bunch of traps that Jeffery disabled, then encountered our Yeti (Were-Sasquatch) friend. He didn’t have the gun, but Fort Hall also had General Custer that we were meant to stop. We make a bargain with him, William A. A. Wallace, Texas Ranger, nicknamed Bigfoot, and try to stealth into the fort.
We peak out of the cellar hatch and can see Custer talking to JWB(?) on the balcony of a building. JWB? hands over Robert’s gun to Custer and they continue talking.
Remember those magical scrying rods? Robert did, and chose to stake one into the ground at that precise moment. It activated and alerted Custer to our presence. He proceeds to tell all the men in the fort to attack and now we have a shootout on our hands.
JWB? runs way into the building. Priscilla hands a bunch of bombs (4 of 6) to JWB and Mildred Lee to defend themselves should the need arise and heads up with everyone else. They all disperse and start shooting and taking cover. Custer throws a Fireball in the middle of us, Priscilla being the only one to make the Reflex save.
Robert Lincoln gets a crit on Custer (44dmg), and Wallace goes on a big rampage. Priscilla, having come to realize she was a combatant now and not just a nurse, throws a smoke bomb. From below, she hears a bomb go off and while everyone else is fighting, heads back down to check on the NPCs. No one is down there.
Wallace makes his way to Custer while fighting off Custer’s attempts to Dominate him with whatever magical artifact he’s acquired. Custer attempts to run and runs directly into Henry Beecher. Henry, being a paladin, can sense the undeath on Custer and proceeds to Smite and Lay on Hands him for a bunch more damage. Custer Dimension Doors away.
Wallace, having a grudge against JWB?, proceeds to fight him alongside Beecher.
While moving around the buildings to get another good shot on Custer, Robert runs into Notorious Outlaw, Jesse James emerging from an outhouse. Robert remembers this man is also a Notorious Vampire and engages him with a blast to the man’s chest. Jesse James, however, is wearing plate, including a bucket on his head with a hole cut in it. Jesse James retaliates with a magical shotgun of his own that spews a cone of flames. (This was supposed to be a flamethrower but the DM settled for shotgun shell-Burning Hands.) Notorious Vampire Jesse James is a Gun Tank.
Virgil and Jeffery engaged with soldiers and do their best. Nothing super exciting there.
When Custer Dimension Door’d away, he teleported into the cellar, right next to Priscilla. He had gotten pretty solidly walloped before he teleported, so when he pops in, expecting a private place to begin his retreat, Priscilla screams and accidentally sets off an Arcane Bolt. This kills General Custer.
When he dies, he drops a strange orb. Priscilla, sensing this thing is magical in nature, wants nothing to do with it and kicks it away.
Due to the last people she left alone running off, she grabs the man’s ankles and starts to drag him out of the cellar to make sure she can keep an eye on this one. Because he is a Lich, once he has died, he disintegrates in her hands. She screams, not ready for all this magical bullshit, and starts screaming for Mr. Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln, however, is engaged in mighty combat with Notorious Vampire Jesse James.
It takes some doin’, but we kill him as well. Robert used his one spell to Disrupt Undead and got the killing blow. With every named NPC dead, General Custer emerges from the basement.
Priscilla starts screaming again, having watched the man turn to ash alone in the cellar. He tells everyone to stand down, though he doesn’t seem to have his accent anymore.
Turns out, JWB, the doppelganger in the cellar with the Lees, has taken on Custer’s visage. We take the orb from him and thank him for all his hard work. He reveals himself to be the doppelganger, not JWB at all, the other Booth that Wallace and Henry killed being more probable to be the real Booth, and says he just wanted to save the Lees. He was one of their slaves, you see, one of the ones they illegally taught to read. When magic changed him into a doppelganger, he used his power to become the most famous and beloved white man in America. But the Lees were scared of him, not because of his skin color, but his blood.
(He tried to have a moment with my character, a mixed race woman, but I was too busy thinking of Priscilla as being overwhelmed by her own magic and the magic all around her, that when “Custer” starts talking to her like a friend. He was ash a second ago??? ????)
Campaign over.
There’s some other little tidbits, like Robert’s player having terrible rolls and at one point I said “It’s fun to try!” and it became a thing. Or the Detect Evil thing. Or the curse on the Musket Axe Rectitude causing Robert to chop down trees if he failed his Will save. Or being worried about Jeffery’s horse Beethoven. We had a good time, overall.
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iwadori · 3 years
So I'm reading your works and I love them !! I was thinking of requesting some kind of drabble or whatever you like, about a female reader who has thick thighs and is somewhat plump and is in love with Tsukishima but he makes a comment about the food and she feels bad and when she meets Bokuto in the boot camp Bokuto is too cute and attentive to her asking for her number and a date. If you don't feel comfortable with this, just ignore it and good luck with your blog. Sorry my english is bad<3
When they make you insecure PT 5 (tsukishima,bokuto)
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Part One Part Two  Part Three Part Four  Part Five Part 6
Word Count: 2.6K
Genre: Angst to Fluff
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You and Tsukishima have been dating in your first year (as you both went to the same middle school together.)
You were in love with Tsukishima, you always have been to be honest, but once you became officially boyfriend and girlfriend your feelings amplified.
But recently, Tsukishima hasn’t been so nice.  
“Y/N we’re going on another training camp at Nekoma” Hinata exclaimed running up to you, as you leaning against Tsukishima “and you get to come too this time!”
You recently became the new trainee manager as the third-year manager, Kikyoko, is going to graduate. Tsukishima acted as if you being around all the time in practice was the worst thing in the world, but Yamagucchi always assured you that ‘Tsukki’ was just joking.
“Oh well that’s fun...” you say entertaining Hinata’s excitement. You were kind of excited to go to the training camp too, as it was in Tokyo after all. You were always a big fan of volleyball as your dad used to play for the national team and you were planning to play on the girls team this year but you felt that you didn’t have the body for it (which was obviously not true.)
Hinata kept on rambling on before Tsukishima insulted him. “Gosh Kei, you don’t have to be so rude.” you complained, he slightly nudged you off of him and put on his headphones showing you that he was not in a good mood.
You let the rest of the practice continue, making notes of things and basically being Kiyoko’s shadow. As it ended, you waited outside for Tsukishima to walk home with you, but one of the guys told you he left 5 minutes ago. You knew there was no point of chasing after him so you just walked on your own, making you sigh in defeat.
Tsukishima was what you would describe as hot and cold. Some days he was fine a ‘perfect gentlemen’ but other days, days like this Tsukishima was just Tsukishima.  
When you got home, you decided to watch matches of all the other schools just to get some insight. You were watching a Fukarodani V Nekoma match from a few years ago and something caught your eye, well someone did to be more specific. A beefy, bicolour haired boy who was hooting like an owl was mesmerizing to watch.
You saw that his name was Bokuto Koutarou which triggered your next actions, which were to internet stalk him. You learned that he was the captain of the team and the team’s ace and the 5th ace in the country which piqued your interest in the boy even more.
‘This is going to be an exciting training camp’ you think to yourself before going to sleep.
`Kiyoko gave you an itinerary of all the things you should bring, since you weren’t going to be joining in any of the matches you were reminded to bring things that would keep entertained.  
You get to the bus at the crack of dawn, ready to be driven to Tokyo. Hinata and Kageyama were already arguing (let’s pretend that they didn’t have to do the retakes in the test) Tanaka and Nishinoya were being loud, and the rest of the members were already asleep. You wanted to sit next to Tsukishima but when you were about to sit down, he put his carryon bag in the seat next to him.
The bus ride was around 4-5 hours, and you spent your time reading and sleeping. Daichi got the loudmouths to calm down making the bus ride more tolerable. You suffered from slight motion sickness but you powered through.
When you arrived there, you saw all the other teams and their buses too. You felt a bit overwhelmed, seeing these tall boys just crowd around an entrance way. But too your surprise, noticing your slight anxiousness, Tsukishima grabbed your hand in a hand-hold.  
The Nekoma coach, explained how the day would pan out and where each team would be residing for the week. There was a lot of commotion getting everyone settled, Hinata and Nishinoya were basically bouncing off of the wall commenting on all the people and the place and how they’re going to ‘crush the competition.’  
You could tell that when the other teams were looking at Karasuno they were all staring at Kiyoko. Inquisitive about how there wasn’t only one girl manager but there was two. As you were walking your eyes locked with Bokuto Koutarou’s making yours widen, you blush and turn your head quickly.  
What you didn’t know was, after your small interaction, Bokuto elbowed Akaashi and said “Akaaashi AKKAAASHI, did ya see that? did ya?” he was flying with happiness “That girl from Karasuno smiled at me. She’s really pretty.”
“I think she’s from Karasuno” Akaashi said “So maybe you’ll see her around”
Bokuto stared off in the direction you were walking in “Yeah, hopefully.”
The first day, everyone got settled in and then the teams went straight into games. There were two different gyms and today, in gym 1, you were watching Karasuno V Nekoma. (By the way I literally don’t remember the teams at the training camp besides Nekoma, Karasuno and Fukarodani.) The game was very back a point each team making point after point, you already knew of Nekoma’s captain, Kuroo Testurou and the setter Kenma, you’ve actually played games with Kenma online before so you were fairly acquainted with him already.
The games ended and it was now dinner time, the canteen was packed with all the boys rushing to line up for the food. You waited at the back of the line, not really caring about when you got your food. Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder and you looked over to see Boktuo,  
“Hi.” he said “I’m Bok-”
“Bokuto Koutarou!” You finished “I'm a big fan..” you cringed immediately at your excitement ‘pull it together Y/N’ you scold yourself.
“Oh well hi, I’m glad you know who I am” he said “and may I ask for your name?”  
“Oh I’m Y/N L/N” you say with a slight blush “I'm the trainee manager from Karasuno.”  
“Cool! Well I hope to see you aro-” he starts  
“Y/N, I’ve been looking all over for you, I already got your food for you.” Tsukishima said pulling at your arm a bit harshly, dragging you over to a table with the Karasuno team.
“Gosh Tsukki, no need to be so harsh” you say rubbing at your wrist, he didn’t apologize and just started eating his food.  
You look down at your plate and see the small portion that Tsukki got for you. The Karasuno bunch was being loud, as they usually are, so when you whisper “Tsukki what the fuck is this” whilst nudging him in the side, he didn’t hear you (or atleast he pretended he didn’t.) You tried again but a little louder saying, “Tsukishima what the fuck is this.” you realised you said it a bit too loud as the whole Karasuno table stopped their conversations to look over at the slight commontion you caused.
“What do you mean Y/N?” he said with a slight smirk on his face.
“I mean what’s with the portion size of a bird that you gave me?” you ask getting upset “Do you really think im that big?”
“Well, you could start eating less that’s for sure.” he said earning gasps from you and some of the people sitting at the table “Y/N let's face it, you eat like a pig and you look like an elephant, me making your food portion smaller is the least I could do.”  
By now you had tears in your eyes, Tsukishima was a dick. You knew this, everybody knew this to be honest, yet you still loved him. He wasn’t like this in middle school, yes he was a bit snarky and rude (but wasn’t every middle schooler?) High school Tsukishima was like a completely different person. As much as you wanted to run away and hide, you knew you couldn’t.  
So you stood up and said “Tsukishima, I’ve spent 3 years loving and pining after you, because I thought you were this great guy, but turns out you’re a huge asshole” you start making some of the people listening in smile in laughter “Tsukishima, I’ve hated this past year dating you, you’ve been such a huge dick and I’m finally stopping you. I can’t do this anymore. I won’t.” You start making your way to exit before finally saying “Oh and by the way I’m not the pig here, you are... oh and I’m breaking up with you.” You left, hearing a few laughs and some claps behind you.
You felt relieved, like the massive cloud that’s been over your head is finally gone. You went to the gym since you knew it was empty and picked up a ball to just throw it around a bit. After a while of ‘de-stressing,’ you hear someone else enter the gym.
“Oh I didn’t know you’d be here.” said Bokuto  
“Well here I am,” you say awkwardly “I can leave if you want me too, I know this is for actual volleyball players.”
“No no it’s fine you can definitely stay, in fact do you mind setting for me?” he asks  
“Sure, of course I don’t mind” you reply, excited you get to play with someone.  You haven’t played in ages, you always begged Tsukishima to just throw a ball around with you but he never did.  
You set to Boktuo a lot, with him always asking for ‘another one’ everytime he spiked the ball. Eventually, you were tired of setting and wanted to spike. You originally was a spiker to begin with taking after your dad. Thats why you took a liking to Bokuto in the first place cause he reminded you of the joys you had when watching your father play.
Bokuto set a ball to you and you spiked it with great strength and accuracy smiling at the burning feeling you felt in your palm.  
“Woahh” Bokuto shouted going towards you in amazement “Where did you learn how to spike like that?”
“From my dad, I don’t know if you heard of him before but my dad’s name is D/N L/N...?” you say
“D/N L/N, Y/N he is my idol!” he shouted again “I want to be just like him.”
“I think you can, I see a lot of similarites in the way you both play.” you say
“Really! And you’ve seen me play before..?” he asks
“Yeah, I watched some of your games before coming here... you’re really good” you shyly admit.
You and Bokuto spend the rest of your time, talking about volleyball you’re interests, things you have in common, your likes and dislikes. Talking to Bokuto was refreshing, he didn’t randomly insult you or make snide comments about your weight or your looks. He just genuinely looked happy to be there talking to you, unlike Tsukishima.  
Seeing your change in mood, Bokuto stops talking and asks “are you alright? I forgot to ask earlier, but I saw what happened in the canteen and I hope you’re okay.”  
“Yeah I’m fine, it’s just things with me and Tsukishima reached a breaking point, I guess...” you say sniffling a bit talking about it “But it’s fine now I’ve broken up with him and I feel better already.”
“So you’re saying your single...?” he asked blushing a bit
“Yeah I guess I am...” you smile blushing also.  
“Okay great...well I hope this isn’t too forward after everything happened with Tsukki and all but...” he starts “but would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Who me?” you ask as if you weren’t the only other person in the room
“No the volleyball” he responds sarcastically “Of course you Y/N.”  
“Are you sure, cause to be honest Bokuto you’re a really good-looking guy” you say making him smile widely “so I think you need someone to match your level in attractiveness” you look down and his smile drops.
“What do you mean?” he asks before realising all the stuff Tsukishima said about you “Y/N you’re beautiful, your face, your body just you.” you blush at his words “when I first saw you when you were walking past us in the entrance way the first thing I thought and said about you was “Akaashi who is that girl she’s beautiful.””  
“Really?” you ask with disbelief
“Mhm” he nods excitedly “So will you go on a date with me?”  
“I guess so...” you say a bit unsure
“HEY HEY HEY!” he exclaims “I gotta go tell akaashi!” he runs out of the gym in a hurry making you laugh, but he comes back to give you a quick unexpected kiss on the cheek making you smile.
You checked your phone for the time realising that you’ve been with Bokuto for 3 hours and you knew that everyone would be going to sleep now. As you are the manager you slept seperately from the rest of the team but before you went to your sleeping quaters you went to Karasunos.  
“Y/N where have you been? We’ve been worried about you.” asked yammagucchi  
“It’s fine yams don’t worry about it, guys” you say catching everyones attention “I just wanted to apologise to you for my outburst at dinner, it wasn’t my intention to cause a scence.”
“It’s fine Y/N” said sugawara “He definitely deserved it.”
“Yeah as your marvellous senpai we gave him a good telling off” said Tanaka and Nishinoya  making you chuckle.  
“Okay well thanks guys, I’m going to sleep goodnight.”
“Wait Y/N can I speak with you.” asked Tsukishima gesturing to outside the room
“Umm sure” you respond following him into the corridor.
“I just want to say I’m sorry for the things I’ve said and done over the past year and how I’ve been a terrible boyfriend, you don’t deserve that. So, I’m sorry.”  
“I can’t say I can forgive you yet.” you say making Tsukishima look sad “but maybe with effort from you we can become friends possibly?”  
“Just friends?” he said with hope in voice thinking that you could be something more.
“Just friends.” you repeated and confirmed “Besides I have been asked on a date”  
“With who?”  
“None of your business stingyshima” you mock the nickname that Hinata calls him making him scowl and you smile “Goodnight.”
After Bokuto’s confession and Tsukishima’s apology, the rest of the training camp went off without a hitch. In your breaks and lunchtimes, you got to know more about Bokuto and with Kuroo’s help you even got to sneak out to actually go on your date. You sometimes even went to practice with them getting to show off your skills, with Bokuto cheering you on and complimenting you every single time.  
Tsukishima kept his distance for the most part, and kept the snarky comments about you and Bokuto to himself (even though he was dying to say them.) You eventually fully forgave Tsukishima in your 3rd year but you definitely weren’t as close as you used to be. Tsukishima’s comments and actions did affect you for a while however with the help of your loving boyfriend, you were reminded how beautiful you are no matter what weight, shape or height you were.
You and Bokuto stayed together, you made sure to come to every one of his games and when you introduced him to your dad he fainted on sight. Your dad and Bokuto got along, and became very close friends, Bokuto always came to him for advice (especially volleyball advice.) You loved Bokuto and he definitely loved you too.
AN: I hope you liked it, since I didn’t want to make it too similar too the Atsumu insecure one. And I feel like it dragged out a bit but got rushed in the endd....but oh well...
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2K notes · View notes
Word Count: 3,130
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: some insecurity angst (only a little though) but all fluff otherwise!
A/N: thank you for the help and love you two give me @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​. Was having a shitty day so I queued this fic up to hopefully bring some smiles to people’s faces <3
Haikyuu Masterlist
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Ushijima would never understand why people flocked to him the way they did during tournaments. No matter where the team went, there were people begging for answers to their invasive questions, people screaming in excitement as soon as they saw them, but why?
“You’re a big strong attractive dude, Ushi, I dunno what to tell ya. Not to mention, you’re the ace of a powerhouse school,” Tendō laughed when Ushijima asked him why. But it wasn’t like any of these girls knew him so why were they always asking for pictures?
But despite not really understanding, Ushijima often complied with the request for photos, standing there as stoic as ever, not even bothering to crack a smile. He didn’t want to make anyone upset and he felt like just going along with it might actually be easier than trying to run away.
But today, Tendō watched as one girl got prepared for a selfie, and surprised Ushijima with a kiss on the cheek for the photo. She squealed in excitement, thanking him even as she ran away. The two Shiratorizawa boys stood there in confusion, Tendō’s eyes looking around to make sure you weren’t around to experience that.
Ushijima stood there for a moment longer, his hand going up to his cheek and touching the place she had kissed him. Had that really just happened? How odd. Why would someone he had never even met before do something like that?
The thought left his mind as soon as it had entered, turning around to follow Tendō onto the court. But he noticed how his friend’s eyes seemed to glance around the hallway, as if looking for someone, then fall on him questioningly.
“What is it?” Ushijima asked, watching his friend’s eyes carefully. 
Tendō just laughed and shook his head, “I’m just glad poor Y/N didn’t have to watch that. Can’t say I’d envy her.”
Ushijima’s brow tensed a little hearing those words, trying to comprehend Tendō’s words and tone, “I don’t understand.”
“I mean, you’re constantly followed around by girls and you must see some of them all the time at every one of our tournaments. But you and Y/N haven’t had a lot of time to see each other now that practice is every day right? Plus... what girl wants to see her boyfriend get kissed by some random fangirl?” Tendō explained, holding his hands behind his head as they walked into the stadium courts. 
Ushijima frowned a bit, still not fully comprehending. You knew that he was busy with volleyball and you knew he loved you, didn’t you? So why did it matter what some insignificant people thought? Or what some random person did for that matter? Sure, it was an uncomfortable kiss and was awkward but would it matter? He didn’t even know the girl. 
Unbeknownst to either of them, the girl had posted the pic onto social media. Swarms of jealous students and gossip news reporters started to share the picture and repost it with the question “Is this Ushijima’s girlfriend?”
It didn’t take long for you to be tagged. One of your friend had sent the photo with a questioning keyboard smash, wondering if you had known.
You hadn’t.
You had been up in the stands when it all took place - you didn’t see Ushijima often before a game since he was usually stretching while you got there early to get good seats. You had been sitting up in the stands, talking to another friend of yours and some of the other players’ friends and family. But when you saw the picture, it was like everything around you started to move in slow motion.
Your heart felt like it was moving up your throat, your chest tightening. Who was this girl? Your fingers instantly clicked onto her profile, glancing at all of her public photos. She was gorgeous, thin, smart by the looks of it too. She even had a picture or her playing volleyball.
Something inside of you asked the question, “Would Ushijima be better off with someone like her?”
He wasn’t following her on social media, so he didn’t know who she was. It wasn’t uncommon for people to post their photos with Ushijima, but no fans had ever been so bold to kiss him for a picture before.
You couldn’t even remember the rest of the game. Your stomach was churning so much you thought you were going to be sick.
“Everything alright, Y/N?” Your friend asked when they realized you hadn’t cheered as loud as you normally did during the games. You quickly plastered on a smile, nodding quickly.
“I’ve got to head out early! Tell the boys I said congratulations!” You asked them as the game came to an end, your feet quickly moving out of the stadium before the crowds left.
Ushijima could’ve sworn you had been up in the stands and you always came to his games. So where were you? Why hadn’t you come down yet? He stood in the hallway, watching as crowds of people left. Loads of them congratulated him or tried to strike up a conversation with him. But not a single one of them was you.
“Oh Ushijima! Y/N asked me to say congratulations!” Someone smiled up at him giving a thumbs up. He recognized them, they were friends with you weren’t they? So you had been here...
Ushijima’s forehead creased ever so slightly, “Where is she?”
“She said she had to go for some reason! She didn’t look so good when she left to be honest. Maybe she was feeling sick?” Your friend shrugged and gave another wave before rushing off.
Ushijima glanced at his phone, finding no notifications from you. If you had been feeling sick, why wouldn’t you tell him?
“You alright there, Ushi?” Tendō called, slapping his shoulder playfully. “We won, it’s time to go! What’re you standing around for?” His head spun around, looking for the missing part of their trio. “Where’s Y/N? It’s almost time for our celebratory dinner!”
“She left,” was all he said with a frown.
Tendō sucked in some air nervously, glancing at his own phone and all the notifications he had gotten over the recent scandal photo. “Think it might have to do with this?” He asked, showing the post to his friend. “Didn’t you get tagged in it too? Seems like the whole team was.”
“I don’t have notifications for those apps,” Ushijima shrugged. “I get tagged in a lot of things and it gets annoying.”
Tendō pouted at this, realizing that’s why Ushijima never responded to the hilarious things he would send him.
Ushijima was still frowning, wondering why everyone seemed so concerned with his dating life. He scrolled through the notifications that Tendō had on his phone, news reporters questioning Ushijima’s relationship status, people from their school mentioning Y/N and curiously wondering if they had broken up. 
All of this over some random girl? He glanced at her post a little closer, noting the caption read, “Ushi” with a little heart emoji next to it. He hadn’t been happy at all that some girl had decided to plant a kiss on his cheek but he never had the chance to tell her that before she ran off. 
“Why would Y/N leave over that?” Ushijima finally spoke, glancing again at his own phone to see if maybe you had texted him in the last few minutes.
Tendō sighed and raised an eyebrow to him, “Ushijima, some people get jealous.”
Jealous. The word echoed in Ushijima’s mind as he tried to consider the possibility that you were jealous over someone whose name he didn’t even know. 
“Wouldn’t you be jealous if you saw someone posting a similar photo of Y/N?” Tendō asked with a tilt to his head, curiously watching his friend’s expression. 
Ushijima let the thought cross over his mind while the two of them walked to where the rest of the team had gathered. What if some dude had posted a picture of Y/N, kissed her cheek, and everyone had assumed they were together? He frowned and shook his head of the awful thought, now understanding that maybe jealousy was that pit in his stomach he was currently experiencing. 
Although Coach Washijo growled a little in response, Ushijima insisted that he would not be joining the team for a celebratory dinner. When Goshiki asked Tendō where Ushijima was going, he’d just shrug and smile saying, “He’s off to be a good boyfriend.”
It must’ve been strange, seeing this tall man running around town, looking confused and frustrated. Numerous people around him glanced back at him, watching him with questioning eyes as he passed but Ushijima didn’t even noticed. He needed to make sure that you were okay.
You weren’t really sure why you left so quickly after the game was over. You knew the longer you waited to have this conversation with Ushijima, the more awkward you’d feel and the more upset that he’d be that you hadn’t brought it up sooner.
It’s not like you were mad at him or anything - how could you be? It wasn’t like he was the one kissing her, or that he had known she was going to do that - you knew it wasn’t the latter since Ushijima wasn’t all that big on PDA anyways so there was no way he’d be okay with it with some random girl... you hoped at least.
So if you weren’t mad, why did you run? You frowned as you tried to think of a good excuse, trying to tear apart the reasons for your behaviour. But all you could really think of is how insecure you had felt, seeing that picture. That girl was everything and you were... well what even were you?
Ushijima didn’t know how to beat around the bush - he didn’t know anything but being blunt and honest. So he had to be with you for a reason right? If he wanted to break up with you, he would’ve... right?
You groaned quietly, stuffing your face into the pillow you were holding into your lap. You needed to text him - he was probably wondering why you didn’t stay till after the game. But he hadn’t even texted you... hadn’t called... maybe he hadn’t noticed? You glanced at your phone one more time, as if waiting to see a notification you had missed or a text that you hadn’t heard the alert for.
Maybe you should just call him. Maybe if he hadn’t noticed, you both could just go out for food or have a nice night in and you could forget you ever saw that photo. You nodded slightly at your plan, moving your finger to call him. 
But a knock on your door distracted you. You looked up at the sound, glancing between that and your phone.
You dragged yourself out of bed, starting to type out a very nonchalant casual text to Ushijima as you made your way downstairs. Though it was very obvious once you opened the door that the text wasn’t needed.
What was it about the way he said your name that sent chills down your spine? 
You bit down on your lip nervously, realizing that all that time spent coming up with excuses was useless because here he was right in front of you, panting slightly, and you were drawing a blank.
“H-Hi, Ushijima,” you hesitated slightly, both standing there awkwardly until he nodded towards the inside of your house.
“Can I come in?” He asked softly, his voice more gentle than usual even with his heavy breathing. 
You nodded slowly and let him in, watching as he tucked his shoes away and stood in front of you as if waiting for you to say something.
“So... congratulations on your win,” you offered after moments of silence.
His eyes just watched you, as if checking to make sure you were okay, “Your friend said you had to leave. They also mentioned you weren’t feeling well. Is that why you didn’t stay?”
You stuttered out some sort of syllables that were no where near to being words as your boyfriend placed his hand on your forehead, cupping your cheeks in his other hand, “You don’t feel feverish but you are a bit warm,” he stated quietly. “Would you like me to make you some soup?”
You shook your head quickly, stepping back from him slightly, “I’m okay, Ushijima, promise. My... stomach just didn’t feel right.”
His eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he watched you, “Your stomach?”
You nodded, staring at your feet. You should just be honest, shouldn’t you? Ushijima was always honest with you. But what if you were honest and he came to the same realization - that he could do better than you?
“So this has nothing to do with that Instagram post?” Ushijima’s voice was stiffer this time around, almost... awkward? He shifted on his feet, trying to get you to look at him but when you wouldn’t, he just gently put his fingers under your chin, lifting your gaze to his. “Please talk to me, darling.”
It was as if you had been hiding tears this whole time and didn’t even realize it. But the softness in his voice and his eyes, the way he touched you, just made your eyes start to tear up, “It’s stupid,” you admitted after a moment and Ushijima’s thumb wiped away a tear that escaped you. “I know you don’t even know her.”
He nodded in response, stepping a bit closer to you now, “I didn’t know she was going to do that,” he told you, confirming what you had already assumed. “But I’m sorry.”
You gave a little laughing, shaking your head, “Ushijima, you have nothing to be sorry for. I know you take pictures with your fans sometimes.”
“No, I’m sorry because I didn’t understand why you would be upset at it at first. But Tendō helped me understand. Please don’t go taking photos like that with other men,” Ushijima asked you and made you laugh again. “I... I wouldn’t like it.” He admitted shyly, his lips turning to a small smile as he watched you laugh.
“She’s rather pretty though,” you mumbled softly, finally wiping the rest of your tears that were building in your eyes. “I just... You two look really good together.”
Ushijima seemed to think about this, lifting his eyes up to the ceiling as he considered your words, “She’s not ugly.” He stated simply, finally looking back down at you. “But I have no feelings towards her.”
“Feelings can be developed,” you suggested, hating every word that was coming from your mouth. Why were you arguing for him to leave you? Why were you trying to convince him?
Ushijima gave a chuckle this time, patting your head softly, “Why would I want to develop feelings for anyone else when I have so many feelings for you? You have nothing to be jealous over, love.”
Ushijima always said things with such honesty and you knew he would never say anything he didn’t mean... but didn’t he know there were girls out there much better than you?
“You are the one I want to be with. Not anyone else. All those girls I see at my games all look the same. But when I look at you,” Ushijima let his thumb graze over your lips gently, a small smirk on his lips, “I have to remind myself to stop looking at you. I have to tell myself that I’m staring. Before we started dating, Tendō told me you might think I was creepy because I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
You giggled, trying to not focus on the tingles this man’s finger left on your lips, “Oh ya?”
Ushijima just nodded firmly and leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, Y/N. I couldn’t care less about anyone else. Do you trust me?”
The question hung in the air for a moment - you knew you did but how long would it be before he realized just how incredible he was?
“Yeah,” you whispered, trying to shove down all of your anxieties. 
He watched you and even though you were saying yes, there was something about the way you were standing that didn’t match with your words. Ushijima wasn’t the best at understanding people, but he knew you. “Everyone of those fans would stop coming up to me if I wasn’t as good at volleyball. One day, when I can’t play as well anymore, or if I ever get injured, all those fans will disappear. But the only one I’d still want with me is you. That’s how I know I love you.”
And even if it was just for a moment, all your anxieties stopped. You smiled to yourself and threw your arms around him into a tight hug. Ushijima’s massive arms wrapped around you as he pressed more kisses to your forehead and cheeks. “Next time, please talk to me honestly,” he whispered to you.
You nodded into his shoulder, closing your eyes tightly and murmuring back, “I love you too.”
The two of you would end up in your room, curled up with some show playing in the background before you’d sit up in realization, blinking at him in surprise, “Hang on, didn’t the team go for your celebration dinner?”
Ushijima shrugged and nodded, glancing at the time displayed on his phone screen, “Yeah they should be done soon. I imagine Tendō will text me to make sure you’re okay after.”
Your forehead creased in worry, staring at him, “Did... Did they drop you off on the way or something?”
Ushijima’s eyes shared your level of confusion, tilting his head as he tried to think about your question, “Why would they?”
“Ushijima, how the hell did you get here?” You asked with wide eyes, remembering how out of breath he was and wanting to hear the words from his lips.
“I ran,” he stated simply as if it was such a casual thing to do. “Is that important to know?”
“Babe, your tournament was across the city,” you gaped, mouth open slightly as your eyes widened even further. “That must’ve been such a long run, especially after a game!”
Ushijima thought for a moment, thinking about how the team had to take a bus to the games today, and how Y/N had to take transit. His mind tried to calculate the distance, though it wasn’t likely he’d get an answer. He just shrugged, thinking nothing of it as he settled back into your bed, “I could’ve gone farther,” was all he said as he pulled you in for some more cuddles, “as long as it was for you.”
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @wolfishwriting​ @livy384​
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Bo Sinclair X Reader
Part 1, Part 2
I've been enjoying some Soft!Bo recently, so here's some more!
Soulmate AU: shared pain and shared scars part 3:
Time passed since you first stepped into Ambrose, only a few weeks since you ended up meeting your soulmate in the most unlikely place and getting stranded in the small town. You told yourself you were stranded, tried to convince yourself of that, but it wasn't completely true. Now you thought that even if you got the chance to escape, you wouldn't. You wouldn't leave and if you did...you would probably end up being drawn right back to Ambrose.
Weeks passed. You mourned. You still found yourself saddened by Carly's death, but you had come to terms with everything that had happened. Bo had, in an act of kindness you supposed, demanded that Vincent didn't use any member of your group to create new wax figures. You were supposed to be at home in this town, you didn't need a constant morbid reminder of your past.
Of a night, you had been staying in Bo's room while he slept on the couch. Surprisingly, he had insisted on it. Despite you being his soulmate and practically being destined forgive him, he supposed he should try to make it easier for you. He just hoped it wouldn't take too much longer, the couch wasn't as comfortable as his bed.
The events from your arrival had settled and the town seemed to fall into it's more day to day routine. You had gotten to know Vincent and Lester a little better, but you found yourself more comfortable around Bo, which made sense even if it wasn't logical to an outsider.
Despite spending more time around Bo than the other brothers, you surprisingly didn't talk much. Neither of you really knowing what to say. You wanted to be around him instinctively but didn't know what to say to the man who killed your friends, or even if you wanted to say anything at all.
Today went by as usual, you spending the day down in the garage with Bo, eating lunch and dinner with him, and awkwardly sitting on the couch in front of the brother's little television. Sitting on opposite ends of the couch, occasionally risking glances at him.
You had excused yourself and gone up to bed, changing into one of Bo's tee-shirts. You didn't exactly have a wide selection of clothes just yet but did you have other options of sleepwear? Yes, you did. Still, you chose to wear Bo's tee-shirt. You found it comforting.
Unsurprisingly, you hadn't been sleeping well. It took a few nights for you to get a good few hours of sleep but you were sure that your sleeping had actually become more disturbed than it had been. The bed was comfortable, and smelled of Bo, but you still found yourself tossing and turning, feeling like something was missing.
It was something you had been debating for the last few nights but always talked yourself out of it. Tonight though...you had decided to take the risk. You knew you would end up doing it eventually anyway.
Pushing back the sheets, you climbed off of the bed and exited the bedroom.
When you had arrived, the house had been untidy but you had fixed that during your stay. You had to fill your time with something and it helped make you feel more comfortable. So, now, you didn't feel too worried about walking around barefoot.
You made your way down the stairs and quietly into the living room. Bo mustn't have heard you since he was still sitting with his feet up on the coffee table, eyes on the television, with his temporary bedding piled beside him.
"Bo?" you asked quietly and he instantly turned to you. Under different circumstances, you might have found it amusing that you had surprised him.
His gaze scanned your body, wetting his lips at the sight of you in one of his tee-shirts. "You alright, darlin'?" he had never been shy about pet-names, always calling you by them. You didn't mind. You liked it.
"Can't sleep" you mumbled, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Wanna sit with me?" he asked and you nodded without having to think about it.
He gave you his signature charming smirk. "C'mon then" he patted the space beside him and you walked over to him.
Bo lifted his arm, laying it over the back of the couch as you sat down beside him, his arm behind you. Some old film was on the television, you had no idea what, but you didn't mind. Bo didn't seem very interested in it either.
"You got any idea what's going on in this?" Bo asked, gesturing towards the television, you just shook your head. "Need better fucking stations" he muttered to himself, making you smile a little in amusement.
"Or you could upgrade from VHS...maybe get a DVD player" you mused. "Do they even sell VHS's anymore?" you asked with a small chuckle, earning a smile from Bo.
"Guess we'll have to save up for your fancy technology" Bo teased, proud of himself when you laughed.
"I think I can deal with it" you shrugged before, not so subtly despite your best efforts, shifting closer to him.
"Good" Bo hummed, his arm lowering from the back of the couch to wrap around your shoulders and pull you closer. You allowed him, resting your head against his shoulder.
The two of you fell silent as you watched the screen, not really taking anything in. Risking your glances at Bo once again, the hand that lay lazily in his lap caught your attention. He was wearing a tee-shirt, ready for bed, leaving his wrist visible.
Gently, you reached out and took his hand in yours, your other hand tracing his scars. "Will you tell me about them now?" you asked quietly, watching your fingertips trace his scars.
"Ain't much of a story" Bo shrugged, watching your expression of concentration.
"I'd still like to hear it. Been wondering since my childhood" you confessed.
"Me and Vincent were very different kids. He was well-behaved and quiet, me...not so much. I got angry, I'd shout, throw tantrums, parents had to restrain me at the dinner table sometimes. I'd try to get out, fucking up my wrists" Bo explained, finding the repetitive touches to his scarring strangely relaxing. It wasn't something he usually liked to have on show, but he knew he could be vulnerable with you.
"That's horrible...I'm sorry" you frowned, meeting his gaze with nothing but sympathy in your eyes.
"Eh, had to do what they had to do" he shrugged dismissively. Surely, he should be apologising to you if anything.
"You did what any kid with behavioural problems does, they should have handled it much differently" you shook your head, brow furrowing in frustration. Who would treat their child like that?
“Ain’t a big deal” he shrugged again. You could already tell that he didn't like talking about this sort of thing and you found yourself hoping he would begin to grow more comfortable with opening up to you.
“Come on, Bo…if you can’t talk to me, who can you talk too?” you asked with a small but sincere smile. You were his soulmate after all. “I know it hurt, I felt it, remember? At least when the pain started for me, I had someone there to calm me and help me. I can’t imagine how distressing it would have been…” your smile quickly faded, expression turning to sympathetic as you squeezed his hand gently.
There was a short silence, Bo not looking at you, and you decided that if he didn't talk, you wouldn't push it further. “It hurt” Bo finally spoke, clearing his throat. “Each time the restraints would get tighter, ‘least that’s how it felt. The more I struggled the more it hurt, but the more it hurt the more I struggled. Just wanted to get out of the damn chair” he told you shortly, sighing as your thumb brushed over the inside of his wrist. And then he looked at you properly, “for what it's worth, I’m sorry you had to feel that too…and everything else.”
“You don’t need to apologise. I was never angry with you for the pain, just angry with those hurting you” you confessed.
Bo smirked a little at the anger in your expression. The hand that you held onto moved, gently grasping one of your wrists as he brushed his thumb over the matching scarring. "Hey, don't you start worrying about me, alright?"
"I'm not allowed to care?" you asked, suddenly hit with the realisation that you did care. You cared a whole lot about this man.
"...you want to care? You go ahead and care, darlin'" he nodded, giving his permission, making you smile.
"Good...because I will, even if you don't want me too" you told him, knowing that now. Accepting that.
"Beginning to think you're warming up to me" Bo hummed, the hand on your shoulder stroking up and down your arm.
"Don't ruin it" you rolled your eyes but still moved closer to him, naturally draping an arm around his waist and laying your head against his chest. "I wanted to ask you something" you spoke quietly after a short pause in conversation.
"Shoot" Bo looked down at you, his hold around you tightening ever so slightly.
"Was wondering if you...wanted to sleep in the bed, maybe, with me tonight?" you glanced down at your lap. You shouldn't have been embarrassed, he was your soulmate, but circumstances were more than unusual. "Don't like sleeping alone...it never used to bother me" you confessed.
"Can't complain about getting back in my own bed" Bo mused before hooking a finger under your chin, lifting your head and making you look at him. "All you had to do was ask, darlin'" he assured you.
The way he looked at you, the intensity of his gaze, made heat rise to your face, but it still earned a smile from you. "Just sleeping, though" you added, not wanting him to get any ideas.
"Just sleeping. I swear" Bo chuckled lowly, the sound vibrating in his chest. It was a nice sound.
"Thank you" you whispered, breath catching in your throat when you realised how close your faces were now.
Bo noticed how you gaze flickered down to his lips before meeting his eyes again, cheeks darkening with a flush. He hadn't been subtle despite putting effort into making you comfortable, you had often caught him staring and he'd only smirk when you caught him looking at you.
Bo didn't seem like the type of guy to sit back until somebody else made a move, he seemed like an initiator type, but you knew that he wasn't going to play into that role right now. You had just talked to him properly, invited him back into his bed. He could be impulsive but he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't risk scaring you away right now.
You had no idea where you got the confidence from, or maybe it was just the innate gravitational pull you felt towards him, but you started leaning in. Eyes fluttered shut as your lips brushed against his.
That seemed to be enough to reassure Bo that you wouldn't run away as he fully closed the space, pressing his lips further against yours in a proper kiss. One that you instantly returned.
You couldn't help yourself, arms looping around his neck as you lent into his chest. Strong arms circling your waist and pulling you closer, practically onto his lap. His kiss, his touch, his mere presence, lit a fire in you. The like of which you had never experienced before. In that moment it truly felt like you were the only two people who existed. Two people colliding in an unlikely little town.
And, in that moment, you knew. Monster or not, soulmate or not, you were supposed to be right here with Bo. It didn't matter if the universe had a sick idea of fate, the past didn't matter, only now mattered. Only him and only you. Finally, you accepted the truth you had been resisting for so many days.
He was yours and, more importantly, you were his.
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kkusuka · 3 years
Anatomy lessons <3 
ushijima wakatoshi x reader 
genre: smut 
synopsis: ushijima is helplessly devoted to volleyball, and his grades reflect that. 
cw: anatomically fem reader, vaginal fingering, blowjob (i think that’s it, if anything seems left out let me know!)
a/n: all i could think about is that ushiwaka is canonically stupid and i love that. 
based o this request: Studying anatomy and using your body as a physical map- Ushijima ((smut)) I’ve had this imagine suck in my head about Ushijima but like just picture this, Ushijima and Y/N studying together and they both like each other but Ushi doesn’t know how to act on his emotions and Y/N can’t tell if he likes them so they are just running around in circles pinning for each other, but anyways Ushi is studying for anatomy but he just can’t get the female anatomy to stick into his head and he’s getting a bit frustrated and so Y/N is like well I’m a female, you can practice on me and he’s like well shit. Y/N lays down Ushi is gliding his hands over their body as he names the muscles and whatnot, they both get a bit hot and bothered and when Ushi finishes “studying”he’s got an awkward boner and Y/N is like “now it’s my turn to study your anatomy” and they push ushi down and 🤪🤪🤪 please give this to me I’ve been thinking about it ALL DAY!!! -✨Puppy🤩
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Shiratorizawa’s reputation was built upon intelligence and elegance.
The students are of the highest degree in not only book-smarts but also athletics. Only the most talented and were persons were allowed in the walls of the academy. Hell, the entrance exam resembled an AP college exam.
“I do not understand.”
Of course, there are always loopholes.
The first being an athletic scholarship. One of the more annoying ways to make it into the school, according to the students. You don't mean to sound mean but, it was blatantly obvious when someone is on athletic help.
But that wasn't what you were dealing with right now. No, it was something the students found way worse.  
A recommendation.
Actually, it was an athletic recommendation.
Ushijima Wakatoshi was known before he had even appeared.
You had been the lucky one to sit next to him first, and second, and somehow third year. And through that, you’ve learned more than a few things about him.
Firstly, he was the most amazing volleyball player you have ever seen. He also had so much passion for the sport that it had seemed to rub off on you. By the end of first-year gym class, you knew how to receive a light spike of his.
Second, he was extremely easy to fall in love with. For being constantly aloof and oblivious, he had this pull to him that just roped you in. at first you weren't sure what you felt for the bot, then he had helped you with a project ending the night with a smile and you were done for.
He was also incredibly easy to stay in love with. Once he had your attention he was almost the only person you thought of. Plaguing your mind with fluffy fake dates and worries that he would never like you back.
But he hasn’t said anything for you to believe either of those situations so you sit at a constant stalemate.
And thirdly, he was not only dense but utterly stupid. How was someone so sought after so completely unaware of admiration? Not only his social unawareness, but he was also not the smartest when it came to school.
Then you swooped in, raised his grades a few points, and became his official homework helper. You thought it was a blessing, more time with the man who had your heart, but you underestimated just how much help he needed.
You had no idea how many times you would have to explain the Pythagorean theorem to someone before they understood. (you're sure now that he didn't really understand and he just didn't want to hear it again.)
And anatomy was no exception.
“That’s alright Toshi, do you want to try looking at a different diagram? That might help!”
Opening a new book, you spent another ten minutes staring at the page just looking at it, before staring back up at you. And that's your cue. No more diagrams, he was never going to learn like that.
This was what you called plan visual. somethings, namely science, were better learned but seeing and not memorization.
Letting out a sigh, you closed all of the books and told him to do the same.
“Ok, here’s what’s going to happen.” placing yourself directly in front of the cross-legged man, garnering his full attention, “I'm going to give you an arm and a leg  and, let's start with the skeletal system, so just tell me all the bones you can remember.”
Lending your hand you took it in his and gave you a nod. Going up the length of your arm finishing at your shoulder blade, he moved to run a hand along your un-bending leg. Starting at your ankle he kept a constant hand on the back of your knee, keeping your leg hanging in the air.
A few mixed up bones later you finally moved on to muscles. Not only did it take far longer but you could tell he was getting frustrated, if the hand gripping your thigh as he tried to name all the muscles there was any telling.
On his fifth try, you gave him some help and just decided to move on, seeing that it wasn't needed for him to know blood vessels just yet, there was only one other thing he had to do.
Male and female anatomy.
You had tried to avoid the topic but that seemed almost impossible at the moment.
“Is something wrong Y/n?” As he spoke you became all too aware of his hand still on your thigh and how he was staring right at you like he could tell exactly what you were thinking, “the next topic is the reproductive system correct?”
“Erm, ye-yeah, but we don’t have to-”
“Don't be silly, we have to get through all the material that will be on the test. May I have the textbook to reference from?” he spoke as if he was ordering food, completely nonchalant. As if his hand wasn't reaching into your skirt and sliding your panties to the side.
“This unit does not require the breasts so you can keep your shirt on.” he continued to slide your underwear from your legs flipping your skirt, pushing you onto your back. Maneuvering you to how he wanted, you holding your legs spread open and close to your chest, he got to work.
“The outer lips, formally known as the labia majora,” he spoke as he ran a finger down, spreading them open to e your hole clench around nothing.  He let out a breath and intently stared at your core.
“Labia minora, inner lips.” running another finger along your lips he collected the wetness that had collected on them, bringing it to his mouth, maintaining eye contact as he licked it clean. “A woman creates a natural lubrication to aid in intercourse.”
Deliberately avoiding your clit, he moved to the urethral opening, passing it quickly. Moving to run a hand along your stomach placing where he thought your cervix and womb lay.
“The clitoris, an organ that is completely dedicated to pleasure.” his thumb rubbing small circles around your bud was the final opus for you to let out all the soft whimpers you had so desperately wanted to let out.
Eye’s shooting to meet yours his thumb moved quicker, drawing more pants and wanton moans from your throat.
“Please Toshi, I wanna-”
Your beg must've ripped him away from whatever daydream he lost himself in, roping his thumb away from your clit, a whine escaping you, he moved to his final destination.
“The vaginal hole, where a man enters a woman and makes her his own. It leads straight through the cervix into the womb.” right as he finished two fingers shoved their way into your pussy.
Reattaching his thumb to your clit, he coaxed moan after moan out of you.
Hitting a spot somewhere deep in you, cunt spasming as he rode out you high with slow strokes, “the g-spot, a small area that aids with the female orgasm.”
Taking his fingers to his mouth once more, he watched you let your legs down and close your eyes to help calm your roaring heart. In your bliss, you felt two lips connect to yours, a soft dance between new lovers.
A forehead rested on your hands and ran up and down your sides placing you back into a sitting position.
“We still have one more thing to do.”
Oh right, this lesson was a two-way street.
Crawling to kneel between his crossed legs you palmed his bulge as he leaned back on the chair, bringing his hands behind his head. He watched you take his cock out of its restraints, wrapping your lips around the tip leaning his pre-cum.
He let you pace yourself, don't complain when you came up to explain what you were doing to what.
On the contrary, you could tell all he wanted to do was push your head down and keep it there until his load stuffed your throat. Realizing this was probably the last time you would have control over the boy.
But all seems worth it when he shows you the A+ on the anatomy test.
Maybe Ushijima Wakatoshi is a good student after all.
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫
pairing: leo valdez x child of iris!reader
requested?: yes!
translation: full of color
warnings: uhh, mentions of mental health and ?? maybe some typos lmao
category: headcanons, fluff, best friends to lovers
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though, leo saw you around camp often, you caught interest in him before he caught interest in you
i mean, he literally couldn't miss you because your outfits were always bright, whether it was a combination of colors or monochromatic
you and your siblings actually look like a rainbow threw up on you guys, and it's honestly iconic
no one at camp can not notice the children of iris, especially when they're in a herd
one day, you were sitting alone at a picnic table near the lake, and you found yourself drawing him in your sketchbook
you sketched a portrait of him while he spoke to piper at a table nearby
you've always found the floppy curls and how his brightest smiles always look a little manic to be adorable
when you sketched his portrait in your notebook, you didn’t intend for him ever to see it
until a couple of weeks later in the arts and crafts center, leo passed by and caught sight of a new project you were working on
he stopped in his tracks to compliment your drawing
since you were nowhere near done with it, you couldn’t admire the piece as much as he was
but his enthusiasm was so endearing
he politely asked if he could see more, and you didn’t hesitate to slide over your sketchbook
he noticed a lot of your drawings were scenery and people at camp; especially your siblings
he stumbled across a detailed sketch of a woman and her child sitting in a bus
“wow… who’s this?”
“oh, I don’t know. It was just a little girl I saw on the train with her mother.”
“so you just drew her?”
you never realized how weird your habit of drawing random people was until he had asked
you giggled nervously, quick to explain yourself, “I tend to draw people or things that I find beautiful. I wanted to capture how calm and happy she was with her child ‘cause at the time, I was stressed and angry. Watching and drawing her made me calm.”
leo nodded, a faint smile on his lips before looking back down at the drawing. “that’s really cool,” he complimented, and you shifted in your seat, suddenly shy.
And then it hit you
you were so willing to show leo all your works that you had completely forgotten that his portrait was in that book
your pulse thumped loud in your ears, mind racing to figure out a way to take away your sketchbook before he could see it
you ended up spending so long thinking of what to do that he arrived on the page in no time
right before he could see the drawing in its entirety, you slammed the book closed and snatched it
leo’s startled expression turned into a mischievous smirk
“was that me?”
you froze in your place; a squeaky sound escaped your throat in your embarrassment
leo’s brown eyes sparkled as he leaned into you, your gaze fixed on his, “y/n, you think I’m beautiful?”
^^ that was you in your head btw
leo laughed, amused at your attempt to deny it
“then why did you snatch it away?” he raises an eyebrow before reaching over quickly to grab the sketchbook back
you didn't pull it out of his reach fast enough, leo getting a grip on one side
the two of you pull it back and forth, leo laughing at you as you continued to deny what he saw
though you were incredibly embarrassed, you couldn't contain the laughter bubbling in your chest
gods, of course, this would happen to me, you thought
he got it out of your grip, and you sighed in defeat, watching him flip to the page of him and piper
he was quiet, studying the picture for a second before giving you that playful smirk
“you think I’m beautiful?” he asked again
you playfully rolled your eyes, “it was more piper than you.”
your tone was sarcastic, only fueling leo’s banter with you
“oh really?” he chuckled to himself, “but i’m the only one colored in.”
you were silent at his observation before scoffing, “whatever.”
leo only laughed as you take the book away from him
“don’t you have somewhere to be, fire boy?” you asked and nudged his shoulder
the glint in your eyes made him smile, and he shrugged, “i guess i do. i'll see you around."
you nodded, too shy to do anything else, and he walked off
after that, leo took it upon himself to talk to you every day
leo teased you about the drawing all the time, and he found the way you would play along to be funny
before you both fell in love, you were close friends
you had such an optimistic point of view about life, and it was pretty contagious
somehow when leo was in the dumps about something, you always knew what to say
you were just so easy to talk to, and because of this, your friendship just grew naturally
your first kiss was towards the end of summer
leo invited you to hang out with him in bunker nine at, specifically, 6 pm
you teasingly asked if it was a date, and you remember the way he tensed up a bit
with a mumble, he asked, "what if it is?"
from the tone in his voice, you knew he wasn’t joking
in fact, his tone was hesitant, a part of him was expecting you to reject him
then the heavy pit in his stomach turned light when you smiled and said, "then I'm down."
the grin leo gave you made your heart flutter like crazy
your first date consisted of eating snacks and watching a movie on one of those portable DVD players
You picked up on the tension between you and him, and noticed the opportunities for a kiss kept passing
it was until Leo walked you to your cabin that night did you have a moment of boldness and asked, "so are you going to kiss me or?"
leo's eyes widen in surprise before his face broke out in the familiar smirk he gives when he flirts with you
you rolled your eyes playfully and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into you
your first kiss was sweet and soft; a little awkward
his hands hovered over your sides for a second, not sure what to do with them until he decided to rest them on your waist
it was the perfect way to mark the beginning of your relationship
since you guys are both broke teenagers, you got creative with date nights
you came up with the idea of paint splattering with him
you guys got canvases, covered the walls and floors with plastic to make sure you didn't dirty them
then you filled water balloons with paint and just threw them
despite you guys singing and dancing around in the midst of it, the canvases came out so good
and to commemorate the beginning of your relationship, you hung them up side by side in bunker nine, and when you guys get a place together, you hang them up in the hallway of your apartment
leo is a huge gift giver; as i’ve said before in my “how he shows he loves you” headcanons
he’s made you a lot of things; canvases, jewelry, little trinkets with scrap metal
one of your favorite gifts from him is a suncatcher with rainbow quartz
you fell in love with it and when you move in together, you make sure to hang it up in the kitchen with the bunch of other suncatchers that he’s made you
i love the idea that you would attempt to bring more color in his wardrobe
a lot of his clothes are muted in color; you don’t mind it but you were interested to see what he’d look like in a colorful outfit like yours
To say the least, he was not that enthusiastic and maybe, you shouldn’t have put him in a monochromatic orange outfit but… you still thought he looked cute
leo thought he looked like a traffic cone though so it didn’t stick
it’s okay because you like him the way he is anyways
another thing is that you guys are super supportive of each other and leo loves just how you manage to lift his mood
once leo was having a bad mental health week
you guys were sitting under a tree, looking out at the water
his head laid on your shoulder and small sniffles came from the other
it hurt to see him like this and you wished you could do more to make him feel better
then you had the greatest idea to make a rainbow for him
so you did
leo was so stunned when he saw the rainbow form over the lake
he looked at you surprised and when you admitted to making the rainbow for him, the emotion on his face was indescribable
and then you laughed and held him when he started crying because he said it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him
another time, you insisted that meditation would be good for him
he literally sat down for like 3 minutes with his eyes closed before he was itching to get up and do something
even when he was sitting down, he was still bouncing his legs and fidgeting
so that fell through too but you still helped him in other ways and he’s so grateful for your optimism and bubbly personality
leo always says that you bring color to everything; literally and figuratively
one of the things you bring color to is his life
and he’s constantly reminding you of this; that his world just feels brighter now that you’re around
and it’s literal too
since you painted the walls of bunker nine a bright orange
he asked you why orange, and you told him because orange encourages productivity, creativity, and most importantly, optimism
it may have also reminded you of the orange outfit you put him into
anyways, you told him that it hurt you to see him get down in the dumps, and you insisted there was no way he could be sad in a bright orange room
needless to say, you were kinda right
masterlists taglist: @nct127bee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @cartocns @slytherclaw-kitten @idk-bye-no @percysbluehairbrush @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @drayshadow @ashookykooky @anything-forourmoony @loverstyless @yelenabel0vaswife @ohmydamgods @jordannfields @amy-writes-blog @muted-mayham @dreamerball @earthtokace @thehighladyofday @lala-llama123 @tootsdoll @slytherindaughterofposeidon0 @black-rose-29 @somekidnamedkai @possiblylostchasecousin @hamdehlesmis @cami05sworld @does-anyone-hear-me @sol-the-salmon
if your username is bolded that means i can’t tag you ! you probably have your visibility settings on!
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spectaclespencer · 3 years
P.H. // Part 1; Alone
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N; Here’s the first chapter! Let me know what you think <3 this is based off of this request I got. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Please know I know this theme/part has little to nothing to do with the actual meaning of the song, but some lines work if you ignore the rest 😅
Summary; After Gideon leaves, Reader takes up chess to comfort Spencer through the difficult time.
Category; Fluff, Angst(?), Hurt/Comfort
Content Warnings; Sad Spencer otherwise none!
Word Count; 3.5k
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It started when I found Spencer one morning. He had fallen asleep on a chair at the bau, and he explained to me that he’d been waiting for Gideon because he promised to play chess with Spencer that night.
“Is Hotch in yet?”
“No, he will be soon. We have a case, JJ is gonna brief us and we leave in 30.”
He thanked me and left the room, with his head down. He kept the same mood during the briefing, he kept drifting off as JJ was talking. Spencer was known to be stuck in his head often, but this was far more unusual behaviour. I figured maybe he slept wrong, or maybe just was simply looking forward to playing chess with Gideon. That was their usual routine, to have a game or two after cases to relax. It was understandable to see him on edge after not hearing from him all night.
As we got on the jet he didn’t sit with me on the couch right away as he usually did, instead he walked over to Hotch in the back corner. I craned my neck to try and see what he was doing and hear what he was saying. He spoke in soft whispers, seemingly asking questions I assumed were about Gideon’s presence. I saw Hotch shake his head, to which Spencer’s expression dropped. He thanked him, then made his way over to the couch beside me.
“You okay?” I asked.
He gave me a quick nod -- yet didn’t meet my eyes -- then curled up at the end of the couch to presumably take a nap before we landed.
We were all worried about Gideon, none of us had heard from him since the last case. We figured he just needed a break from the chaos; having a loved one die would take a toll on any of us. It was logical really, any one of the team would need time to recover when presented with that situation.
Spencer remained more quiet throughout the case, not engaging in conversation when it wasn’t crucial to the work. We ended up sharing rooms but even then he didn’t budge. He mostly sat in the corner and played chess against himself, often zoning out and staring at the wall. It was hard to see, and even harder to sit back and let him try to get through it. I could tell he was fighting himself in his head, probably going over scenarios on Gideon’s whereabouts. I imagine the stress was affecting him heavily -- or at least it was clear with the way his forehead had been creased all night.
Chess. Nobody on the team had a fair shot at him besides Gideon. Sitting there staring at the pieces probably wasn’t doing him too good, only making him worry more.
It wasn’t that I didn’t care because I did, but when it comes to certain things Spencer can be defensive and refuse help, so I wanted to give him a chance to get better. It wasn’t unlike him to refuse help, and I didn’t want to make the situation worse by opening my mouth. Instead, I opted to ask, “Mind if I join in for a game?”
“What? Uh- no it’s fine. I mean, okay yes. Sure,” Spencer stuttered, spooked by my sudden appearance beside him.
“Stop slouching, you’re gonna make your posture even worse,” I chuckled lightly, patting his shoulder to remind him. He shot me a small smile, watching as I rounded the table to sit across from him. I wasn’t too good of a player, but I wanted to make Spencer feel just a little less alone.
“Do you even know how to play?”
“Ouch,” I mocked offense, slapping a hand over my heart. “So cruel, Spencer.”
He raised his eyebrows in a form of asking again, to which I replied with, “Kind of. I haven’t played for years but I’ve observed you.”
“Y-you’ve observed me?” Spencer questioned, resetting the chess pieces on the board.
“Well, yeah. Kind of hard not to. You’re a pretty interesting guy.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
I smiled when he finally made eye contact with me. He looked tired -- more so than usual -- with his eyebags a deeper shade than they were normally.
The game didn’t last long. In only seven minutes, he managed to beat me. I groaned at my loss, lips pulled into a tight line. Spencer didn’t react, however.
“Okay that’s enough for me,” I said, heading over to the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed. “Goodnight Spence. Get some sleep. No offense but you look like you need it.”
He hummed at me, cleaning up the table before he climbed into his own bed.
I could tell he didn’t sleep much that night, as he kept a lamp on and littered his bed with various books. He looked cute, all swaddled up in the blanket he brings with him on every case for a sense of stability. His glasses were perched on his nose, and he was chewing his fingernails -- a habit I’ve tried to get him to kick over the past two years.
We didn’t talk during the night, but we both knew that each other were awake. I was kept up by my thoughts, trying to figure out how to get Spencer out of his slump. Re-learning how to play chess seemed like a decent enough idea -- yet one that would take some time. I was proved tonight that my skill needed to be greatly improved. It was nice in the moment, but realistically it would take a few weeks, if not more, to get the hang of.
The next day at the precinct I was stationed at the map, trying to figure out our geographical profile. I heard faint chattering coming from outside, and looked over my shoulder to see Spencer and Derek talking. I couldn’t hear much, but I did get that Spencer mumbled about calling Gideon, to which Derek answered that he might’ve just missed the call. It was possible, but likely deeper than that.
“Six times? Six calls? Something’s wrong,” Spencer sighed, rubbing his eyes.
I didn’t intervene with the conversation, instead deciding to finally speak to him about it after the case had ended.
On the last day, we all headed to our rooms after grabbing some dinner, to get a good rest before we took off early the next morning.
“Hey Spence, you awake?”
He hummed in response, and I could hear the rustle of the sheets as he rolled over in his bed to face me.
“I know you’re worried about Gideon. How about when we get back tomorrow I’ll drive you down to his cabin? We can go check on him.
“Would you really?” he asked softly. I couldn’t see him fully in the darkness, but I could sense he was looking at me with pleading eyes.
“Of course. I don’t like seeing you this stressed and down. I want to help.”
“Thanks ____, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Spencer.”
After our conversation it was like a blanket of grey was lifted over his head. He settled in more, drifting off to sleep within minutes. I hated seeing him sad, and I did my best to try and fix his mood whenever I could. Spencer didn’t like change, I knew that, and the team knows that. A part of me had a sneaking suspicion that Gideon wasn’t coming back, and I had fear for what that would mean for Spencer.
“Do you want me to come in with you?” I asked, pulling up in front of the cabin and turning off the engine. The only sounds were the faint hum of rain outside, splattering against the windows.
Spencer shook his head and took a deep breath, before unbuckling himself and opening his door. He mumbled something about being right back, as he headed off towards the building. It wasn’t dark yet -- only being four pm -- but it wasn’t too light either.
It looked as if the lights inside the cabin were off, and I could just hardly see Spencer as he knocked on the door. He waited on the porch for a moment, waiting to see if anyone would come to the door.
Nobody did.
It was hard to just sit there and watch, as his desperation grew stronger by the millisecond.
I took deep breaths, trying to even out my intake of air and remain calm. When nobody answered the fifth time that I knocked, I reluctantly grabbed a hold of the knob and turned it. Much to my surprise the door opened, creaking inch by inch as I stood there unmoving.
“Gideon?” I called into the home, taking one step inside. “Jason?”
I wasn’t greeted with an answer, he didn’t come to the door and thank me for coming to visit. It was eerily quiet -- so quiet I took a few more steps inside to create some sort of volume.
“Hello?” I spoke again, louder this time. Shutting the door behind me I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack next to the entrance.
The place had been mainly cleared out, there weren’t many personal items behind. I stalked over to the kitchen, to see if there was any trace of someone within the last few days. It’s been officially a week and a half since anyone had last heard from him that I was aware of. I thought someone must have eaten, or at least left a bit of a mess behind them that would signal a presence.
As I turned the corner to enter the new room I noticed something on the table. I stopped in my tracks, leaning down to take a closer look.
Gideon’s badge, gun, and an envelope.
I swallowed thickly, walking around the table and took a seat in front of the items. When I saw the envelope had my name on it, my heart dropped. With shaky hands I picked up the paper and opened it, seeing there was a letter inside.
I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me.
You must be frightened, I apologize for that. I never meant to cause you any pain. But then I also never envisioned writing this letter. I’ve searched for a satisfactory explanation for what I’m doing, all I’ve come up with is: a profiler needs to have solid footing. I- I don’t think I do anymore. The world confuses me. The cruelty, indifference, tragedy.
I stopped there, my eyesight becoming blurry from tears. I shoved the letter in my pocket, not caring at the moment if it got crumpled or not.
I was out of the cabin in no time -- choosing not to stay there and sulk in a deeper sadness.
Waiting in the car for Spencer felt like torture. It was difficult, letting him go in there alone to be met with possibly no answers. I was thrown out of my thoughts by the sound of the cabin door slamming shut, Spencer jogging over to the car.
“Hey. Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked, red flags hanging immediately as he climbed in the car, tear soaked face pointed down towards his lap. It took me a moment to realize he was crying -- the rain had completely soaked through his top layer of clothes. He didn’t reply with words, instead reaching into his pants pocket to retrieve a piece of paper. He handed it over to me, still not meeting my eyes.
I unfolded it and began to read -- it was hard, through the tear stains smudging the ink across the page.
“Oh, Spence…” I whispered and stopped after the first few sentences, leaving the rest for him. I didn’t know what to say, how to comfort him.
“He’s gone,” Spencer sniffled, wiping his eyes on the sleeves of his nearly drenched jacket. “He just left. He didn’t say goodbye. He left me a note,” he froze, taking a few deep breaths. “Just like my dad did when I was a kid.”
“It’ll be okay. Wherever he is, I’m sure he’s okay,” I assured him. “You know he cares about you, right?”
“I know he is. It’s just-” he started, trying to find the right words between his gasping for more air. “Can you just take me home, please.”
I nodded, while turning the car back on to drive away. Spencer kept his gaze towards the window, refusing to let me see his face. I’m selfishly almost glad for it, because I don’t know if seeing his heartbreak is something I could handle.
It was a long, quiet drive, taking around an hour and a half to finally reach his apartment. He scrambled out of the car fast, but I still walked him up as I usually did. He got to the door before me, thanking me for driving him home. He shut the door just as I got fully up the stairs, leaving me standing with my mouth open.
‘Baby, when you fought me at the door
Kinda hard to force what's natural
Maybe you don't want what you need most’
The next day when he came over after work he was almost back to normal. It was weird to see, to see such a shift in his behaviour after less than twenty-four hours. As much as he tried to hide it, I could tell just how hard it was for him. The sudden change didn’t go well with anyone, we’d all been informed that Gideon wouldn’t be returning and that he’d moved on from the BAU. It was especially hard on Spencer too, since Elle had just left not too long ago, and then Emily joined the team. First he loses a friend, someone who truly understood him as I did, and then someone he considered a father figure.
And neither of them had said goodbye to his face. It was scary, knowing a member of your team could walk out and never return before you know it.
We were seated on the couch, a game of chess displayed on the middle cushion between us.
It wasn’t anywhere near a fair game -- Spencer’s skills were still far ahead of mine. However I noticed it made him smile, and that’s all I wanted. For him to feel loved, and secured. It was a sense of grounding, a routine that was regular in his life. I still wasn’t very good -- not having played since high school and that night on the last case. But I downloaded an audiobook and several player’s guides for the plane ride home to study, because I wanted to learn for Spencer’s sake. However I soon realized it was easier to watch Spencer and how he plays, and to ask him questions. He seemed to enjoy it, having someone else in his life to play with.. And he loved to teach, to help people learn. He was so good at it too, his big brain being used to help people no matter the context.
Eventually he won the game as usual, causing me to groan in frustration..
“You bastard.”
“Not my fault you kinda suck,” he laughed bashfully, lips curling up into a small smile. It was nice to see a bit of happiness on his face, no matter how temporary.
“You’re so rude to me,” I joked, moving the board to the coffee table. “I thought we were friends.”
It was silent for a few moments, with me figuring out what I was going to say next.
“Spencer I know you haven’t wanted my help, but please tell me what I can do for you. Tell me how you feel, at least?”
‘Maybe you don't want what you need most’
“It’s nothing, ____,” he breathed, looking away from me and instead at the wall the couch was facing. He could see our reflection on the blank tv, and instead opted to just look down at his lap. “I’m better now.”
‘You ain't even there for me
Now you're scared to be alone’
“Respectfully, that’s bullshit.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh come on. I know you don’t want to talk about this but at least give me something. Don’t keep it all in. It’s not healthy.”
His face screwed up at my words, eyebrows furrowed and lips twitching. I could tell he knew I was right, as much as he hated it.
“I’m just- I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“I don’t want you to leave,” Spencer whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.
‘Got me thinkin' that you scared of yourself, not me’
It all made sense -- the way he’d been distancing himself lately. It took me promising candy and Star Trek for him to come over tonight, and even then he almost declined. Too many blows to the heart made him afraid to get attached. He didn’t want anyone else from his life to disappear in a flash.
“Look at me,” I said, and he snapped his head to face me. “I’m not going anywhere. I can’t claim to be far in the future, but right now? I’m here. You’re stuck with me for a while, Spencer.”
He smiled, closing his eyes as a stray tear graced across his cheek. I used my thumb to wipe it away, and pulled him into a tight hug. He relaxed against me, I felt the tensions in his shoulders deflate as I held him.
“I’ve got you,” I whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. His breath shuddered, and he wrapped his arms around my middle tighter, pushing his face into my shoulder to muffle his crying.
We sat for a while, my hands tracing patterns along his back. It took a few minutes for his cries to calm down, but eventually his breathing evened out with only a few hiccups here and there. He was practically sitting in my lap with his legs flung over mine, suddenly not caring about his personal space. I couldn’t blame him -- the boy was so touch starved he so clearly craved all contact he consented to.
“Do you want to spend the night?” I asked, quietly so I didn’t scare him with the sudden sound.
“Could I please?”
“Of course,” I smiled, pulling away. He still held on tight, not wanting to let go.
We made our way to my bedroom, repeating our usual routine. This wasn’t the first time we’d had a sleepover, and it won’t be the last I’m sure. Sometimes after particularly harder cases he would spend the night, just to be close to someone.
I went into the bathroom to change, giving him the opportunity to do the same. When I returned, he was dressed in a t-shirt and flannel pants he left at my place for sleepovers like this. He was already in bed, and when he saw that I was done in the bathroom he lifted the side of the blanket to welcome me in.
I joined him, grinning as he scooted over and pressed his back to my chest. I felt him breathing softly, my right arm slung over his torso to bring him in closer. He held onto my hand, and didn’t let me drift away. I was happy to comply, happy to feel his body warmth radiate through me.
“Thank you, ____. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Spence.”
From that day on for the foreseeable future, I swore to myself to have check-ins with Spencer whenever it seemed necessary. Whether it was in the form of words, sleepovers, movie nights, or chess.
His smile got brighter everyday, and eventually he no longer felt as much weight on himself a few weeks down the road. He still cried to me about how he missed Gideon, but it had gotten less frequent. And I was always there for him, offering my shoulder and the promise of my embrace. I knew he appreciated it too.
After a few months since our first game, I beat him in a game of chess. We were on the jet on the way to Montana for a case, and Derek was sitting beside Spencer. He kept annoying him, doing little things like twisting his hair and fanning him with files. Spencer kept shrieking quietly -- trying not to alert Hotch of the bickering.
“Checkmate,” I said, biting back a smile.
“What?!” Spencer froze, arm raised in what looked like to be a poor attempt of whacking Derek’s head.
“Awe, pretty boy. You’ll get her next time,” Derek threw his head back in laughter.
“What?” Spencer repeated quieter, eyes darting across the board, likely running calculations in his head.
“Better luck next time,” I smirked, tilting my head to the side. I wiggled my eyebrows, my small victory boosting my ego.
Spencer tried to keep a neutral face, but I could see by the tension in his cheekbones that he was happy. He was enjoying it.
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