#mentions of Glenn Rhee
sukunasbow · 1 year
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reunion, glenn rhee.
summary: in which you get separated from your boyfriend and the rest of the group after the prison’s destroyed!
warnings: typical twd violence but mentions/implied threats of sa and violence so please be cautious my loves! also not yet proof read!
notes: i said this in the warnings but please don’t read this if you think these topics could trigger you. there’s no descriptions of these topics but these things are implied by the group of men daryl briefly joins on his way to trminus. this was requested by anon so i hope it finds you and hope you like it!
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You’re currently walking down a path of old and rusty train tracks, having no clue where exactly you are, just that the prison isn’t safe anymore. The governor made his return, destroying the prison and leaving the group with no choice but to flee, resulting in everyone getting separated. You, unfortunately, are alone. No one else went the way you went and now you’ve lost Glenn. He’s your only motivation to keep going, hoping you’ll eventually cross paths with him. However, for all you know, he could be dead, the governor or walkers getting at him. You don’t want to think about that possibility though.
It’s late, the stars being the only form of light, your feet now dragging along the tracks, kicking rocks as you step forward. “Please end my suffering.” You whisper to no one but yourself, rolling your eyes and stopping suddenly when you notice an abandoned factory of some sort next to the train tracks. You think for a moment, realizing it’s best to take a break before you push yourself too hard. Letting out a sigh and wiping some sweat off your forehead, you walk off of the tracks, stepping onto the grass and heading towards the old building that’s surrounded by other, more rundown, ones.
Your first instinct when you reach the building is to knock on the door and some of the windows surrounding it, checking for walkers.
Nothing. Sounds clear.
You knock again, just to be sure.
Again, nothing.
You slowly turn the door handle, expecting to be greeted with an empty place. “Hiya.” A tall man with grey hair, accompanied by a grey beard, is standing right in the doorway, a sinister smile on his face. You quickly move your gun in front of him. “I wouldn’t do that.” Another, skinnier man, appears beside him with that same smile. Then, you notice someone behind them. Daryl. “Daryl?” You gasp, lowering your gun. “Ya know this girl?” The grey haired man turns around for a second. “(Y/N!)” Daryl gasps, ready to push through the men and hug you. “Mm, stop.” The man presses a hand onto to Daryl’s chest, stopping him, while the other young man roughly grabs your arm.
“What the fuck? Get off of me!” You huff, trying to get out of the man’s rough grip. “Cant do that, missy.” His tone is condescending, making it even more terrifying as two more guys join the group. One of them is balding, and if it’s possible, even creepier looking than the other’s. The other one looks greasy, his long and thin hair reaching past his shoulders, his clothes torn and ripped. Then, you notice Daryl again. He’s being held back by two of the other guys, a pissed off look on his face as he struggles to get free and help you, his crossbow no where in sight. “Fuck off!” You spit in the younger man’s face, the grey haired man laughing at you. “Feisty, huh?” He pushes the guy off you and now he’s holding onto you, touching your hair, “Do you know what we’re going to do to you? You see, a certain someone came by and killed one of my men, which I don’t take lightly, so, we need some payback.” He sighs.
“Payback? I didn’t touch your man, I’ve been alone this entire time, Daryl and I were separated!” You scoff. If it wasn’t for the fact that you’re in certain danger, you would laugh at this group’s stupidity. “That don’t matter now, pretty girl.” The balding man chuckles, baring his gross teeth. “Go to hell, perv.” You mumble. Daryl glares at you, wishing you’d stop making it worse for yourself. “Well, since you wanna do this the hard way, I’ll show ya the hard way-” Just as the older man gets even closer to you, you quickly push him off, grabbing the pocket knife you have in your boot, the only weapon the group didn’t confiscate or notice. Obviously, this plan is stupid, but it’s your only shot. Before any of the guys can grab you, you slice the arm of the one who was previously holding you, quickly running away and exiting the building, letting your feet take you as fast as possible as the group follows you.
“Oh, you’ve done it now girl.” One of them yells, calling after you. You enter another building, having no time to check for walkers, as one walks right towards you. You take a second to push it back, hoping it slows down the group. Thankfully it does, the walker surprising the group as they enter the next building, biting into of their necks. You leave through the back door, having no time to get Daryl, and running back to the train tracks, not stopping until you’re out of their sight and at Terminus.
“Hey! Let me out!” You bang on the shipping container the people of Terminus put you in, trying to hold back your frustrated sobs. So much for a save haven.
You turn around and slide down the cold metal walls, running your hands through your hair, anger boiling inside of you. Everyone’s gone and now you’re trapped in a container.
“(Y/N)?” You immediately recognize that accent as Rick’s. “Rick?” You gasp, happy to at least see a familiar face as he walks out of the shadows. However, your smile grows even wider when you see Glenn and the others walk out with him. “Glenn! Oh my god, I thought I’d never see you again!” You yell, running towards him and pulling him into a hug. He’s barely able to register it’s you as he wraps his arms around you, smiling resting his head on your shoulder. “I love you.” He pulls away from the hug. “I love you too.” You whisper. The rest of the group watches the sweet moment, before bringing themselves back to the grim reality of the situation. “(Y/N), I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t know those guys were fucked up.” A voice suddenly catches your attention, causing you to turn around and see Daryl, “It’s fine, I know.” You sigh, taking a second to hug him as well, the man trying to hold back his own tears. “You know I’m happy to see you, (Y/N), but we gotta figure this out.” Rick breaks the moment, causing you to put your serious face on again, “I know.” You reply.
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rheefamilysource · 9 months
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THE WALKING DEAD (2010–2022) ↳ season 6 episode 11
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Harmful words
Warnings: arguments, shouting, cruel words
Request: hi!! I was wondering whether you could do one when Daryl snaps at the reader whom is like a daughter to him and she sees him as a father figure and they get into an argument that causes issues and he says things he regrets please? Thank you. (A/n this’ll be written during the prison era)
Someone better take my phone away from me the amount of sad twd drafts I’ve got saved is becoming concerning 😭🤣
“I’m sorry okay,”
Your words were weak and tired as Daryl stood in front of you, crossbow hung just over his shoulder “sorry isn’t going to cut it y/n. You could’ve been killed-“ “well I wasn’t.” Your words were harsh as you glared into his eyes “please stop treating me like a goddamn kid! I’m sick of it… you hear me? Sick of it! All of it!”
He looked at you a hurt expression lingering in his eyes “what the fuck y/n?”
“Stop treating me like your god damn daughter! I’m not your kid! I’m just someone you rely on since you can’t do shit yourself!” You yelled, you didn’t mean it. They were just words. Angry words that you couldn’t even comprehend as you failed to notice the growing anger and sadness forming on his face “you’re right.” He spoke disgust visible on his face as he began shaking his head “you aren’t my daughter,” he continued shaking his head “and I sure as hell ain’t your dad.”
His words caused your breath to hitch as you stared off into space your eyes full of sadness before you looked down, Daryl didn’t mean to be so harsh- regret immediately forming on his face. You didn’t think he would go that far, you were just angry and it upset you that he would even say something like that. You had gone on a run, a risky run at that but it wasn’t your fault you wanted to get things for the group but you knew Daryl was protective over you so it was most definitely a stupid decision. You knew it would cause an argument but didn’t the groups lives matter more than yours?
“I- I didn’t mean to say that y/n…” he spoke and your eyes flicked to him a saddened expression on your face “I’m not Merle, I’m more than capable of saving myself and not getting killed. Okay? Get off my back for once yeah? I just want to support the group! Don’t you get that? It isn’t just us anymore!” You raised your voice as Daryl’s breathing became heavier his eyes narrowing as a slight worry and sadness consumed his face but he didn’t say anything he just stayed quiet “we’ve got to support Rick! Beth! Carl! And Judith, she cannot live without baby formula! What do you expect me to do? Just sit around here on my ass all day when I can go and get supplies for everyone!” Your voice was raw with emotion anger in your eyes. You knew Daryl meant no harm, he was only protective over you but sometimes it felt overbearing- overwhelming- as if you were walking on eggshells whenever you went out. It was as if he didn’t believe you could protect yourself.
“I know damn well we need to go get supplies but that don’t mean you should go out there risking your life! We go in groups! Not as individuals!” He shouted, raising his voice his hands moving about a lot as he talked a lot of his emotions through his hands. “And I know you ain’t Merle but that isn’t the point! You’re the last part of me that I’ve got! I cant lose you as well if I lose you then what the hell is the point of living anymore, huh?” His words cut into your heart harshly and you closed your mouth, falling silent as you shook your head “haven’t got an answer because you know damn well if you weren’t here I’d be dead!” And that’s when you snapped walking up to him getting in his face “don’t patronise me. Don’t you dare. Don’t put your life in my hands…. Just don’t.”
Daryl wanted to say so much more his eyes full of pain but before he even could Glenn quickly moved in between the both of you “c’mon just stop this. There’s kids here. Stop shouting…” he said desperate as he held his hands out to you and Daryl as if trying to keep you both away from each other. “What’s happened?” Glenn spoke trying to sort everything out and you looked at Daryl who was now pacing back and forth “y/n goin’ on that supply run alone… could’ve gotten killed. Stupid decision.” He spat out and Glenn listened as you scoffed rolling your eyes. You loved Daryl a lot, he protected you when you couldn’t protect yourself but you didn’t want him not believing in the fact you could protect yourself.
Glenn went to say something but a different voice spoke up “I have to agree with Daryl on this one.” You looked at Rick as you frowned but he held his hand up to you telling you silently to remain quiet instead of inputting your opinion “if Carl had gone out there-“ “Carl is a kid. I am an adult.” You cut Rick off, an unimpressed look forming on the older man’s face “if Carl had gone out there I would’ve had the same reaction as Daryl. What you did was charitable, good work- yes, but risky as hell… what happened if you got bit, hm?” You remained silent as you stared down at the ground. Hearing it from another person made you realise that maybe you were being slightly too harsh. You sighed quietly as you ran a hand over your face,
“We don’t need another fight breaking out so please solve this quickly.” Rick spoke calmly but it was as if he was ordering the both of you to make up and as he and glenn left the room Daryl continued pacing back and forth whilst you stayed still. “I’m sorr-“ he started but you cut him off “no. I’m sorry. I should’ve been more careful. I was being an ass” you said softly as the archer smiled slightly at you his eyes growing softer as he walked closer to you wrapping an arm around you as he pulled you into his side as you hugged him tightly “forgive and forget?” He asked and you nodded your head “forgive and forget.”
You sat on the table in the prison eating some chocolate pudding from a small can, everyone else was eating some food and Daryl was holding Judith in his arms holding a bottle of milk to her lips as she drank, everyone else ate as much as they wanted to your attention soon turning towards Beth as she nudged you nodding towards Carl.
You looked towards the kid noticing how he was eyeing up the can of pudding in your hand, he had fruit but didn’t seem to be too interested in it. “Eat up,” Rick spoke quietly to Carl but you quickly stepped in “trade?” You questioned sliding the can of pudding over to the boy who’s face and demeanour immediately lit up as he began eating the pudding, you reached over getting the fruit as you began eating the canned fruit Rick nodding slightly at you in a silent way to say thank you and all you did was smile. They were family. You’d do anything for them.
As night drew closer, the sun going back into hiding you made your way to your cell climbing up onto your top bunk as you exhaled. You shared a room with Daryl- he slept on the bottom bunk and you slept on the top. As you laid down you felt a sudden vibration against the bottom of the bunk making you jump in fright a chuckle falling from Daryl’s lips as he stared up at the mattress “sorry,” he said and you let out a little laugh “it’s fine… you know you preach on about people not sneaking up on you yet you sneak up on us all the time.” You laughed out and a small smile remained on his lips “oh shut up,” he spoke playfully and you rolled onto your side as he continued talking to you, the sound of him talking easing you into a tired mindset as you began relaxing “you warm enough?” He suddenly asked and you hummed in affirmation “enough pillows? You can have mine if you want.” He offered. He did this every night and you always said no. “I’m fine, really.” You spoke and he sighed gently “alright..” he laid back down onto the hard bunk resting his arms under his head “sleep well…” he knew once you hadn’t responded that you were flat out and he smiled slightly,
“I love you sunshine.”
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dixons-sunshine · 6 months
Pregnant Pause | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Your life was the epitome of a mess. You had just witnessed two of your friends get brutally murdered, your community was forced to serve an antagonistic group called the Saviours and your partner was taken by the same group, undoubtedly being tortured to try and force him into submission. It wasn't the best moment of your life, and it definitely wasn't the best time to start suspecting that you were pregnant.
Genre: Angst to a little bit of fluff.
Era: Alexandria, Saviour arc.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, mentions of death, typical TWD warnings
Word count: 6.9k
A/n: I had so much fun writing this! To the person who requested this (they asked to remain anonymous), thank you so much. I really hope you like this and I really enjoyed swapping ideas with you for this fic.
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
Tears were streaming down your face with no sign of stopping anytime in the near future. In front of you, you could see the disfigured bodies of two members of your group, two of your friends. Glenn Rhee and Abraham Ford, brutally beat to death with a wired baseball bat. It was a fate that nobody deserved, especially not somebody as kind and pure as Glenn, or somebody as caring and courageous as Abraham. But they were gone, and with them, the remaining group's goodwill and hope.
Their deaths weren't the only things that weighed on your shoulders. Negan, the leader of the so-called 'Saviours', had taken Daryl, your partner and love of your life, hostage. You had pleaded to them to let him go, but your pleas had fallen on deaf ears, and with one last tearful look at your archer, the doors to the truck had closed and taken off, taking a huge chunk of your heart with the retreating vehicle.
You could vaguely hear the sound of voices conversing and the shuffle of footsteps around you, but your attention remained fixated on the dirt beneath you. Your mind was racing at the speed of light at that moment, and yet simultaneously, you struggled to think of anything at all. It seemed that with your partner's involuntary departure, your ability to function evaporated into thin air. You had no idea what to do.
You barely registered when Rick shook your shoulder, desperately trying to snap you out of your daze. “Y/N, look at me.”
You hesitantly looked up to meet the striking blue eyes of Rick Grimes, his eyes bloodshot from the tears he had shed earlier. He was tired, that much you could tell, and he seemed to be consumed by grief, the prior events to that moment taking an obvious toll on everyone, including your fearless leader.
“We have to go. It's not safe here,” he whispered, gently urging you to stand. He was patient and caring, knowing full well that the events that had just transpired bore down into your soul. This would traumatize each and every one of the people present, of that much he was sure.
You remained silent, refusing to say anything until you'd had time to fully process everything. The remaining people in your group wordlessly split, Maggie and Sasha heading to the Hilltop and the rest of you heading towards the Alexandria safe zone. Aaron dutifully walked beside you, glancing over at you in concern every few seconds. He opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off before he could utter anything.
“Please, don't,” you whispered weakly, furiously wiping at the tears in your eyes.
Aaron frowned. “Are you okay?” he asked quietly, careful not to alert the others who were walking in front of you.
You shook your head and let out a bitter laugh. “No,” you admitted, pursing your lips. “I'm pretty sure none of us are.”
Aaron's frown deepened, but he ultimately left it at that. The rest of the trek back to Alexandria was spent in a deathly silence, the only audible sounds being footsteps and animals scurrying around in the forest. When you all finally reached the safe zone, dread filled in your heart, because with the Saviours now fit to come knocking at the gates whenever they pleased, the safe zone would never truly be safe ever again.
Four days had passed. Four days since Glenn and Abraham had been brutally murdered in front of you. Four days since your partner had been taken hostage by the hostile group who claimed to be saviours. Four days since your world turned upside down.
The fellow survivors in the community had not taken well to the news of the Saviours' deal with Alexandria, but you had expected that much. They weren't there, they didn't know what could happen if you rubbed the Saviours the wrong way, but you did, and they would figure it out soon enough.
You sighed as you layed on the bed in the basement you shared with Daryl, staring up at the ceiling with a frown on your features. For four days you had tried to think of a solution to the problem at hand, but you had shot point-blank each time. And anytime you had even attempted to talk to Rick about retaliating, about fighting back, he had shut you down in an instant. You couldn't blame him, however. You had witnessed the brutality that Negan possessed and didn't wish to anger him again. You just wanted to find a way to get Daryl out of his clutches and back home, safe. You needed him there with you, especially if your suspicions about something proved to be correct.
For the last two weeks, you'd been way more tired than usual. Your body had grown accustomed to short hours of sleep or no sleep at all, but now it seemed as if you couldn't function even if you'd slept ten hours. You'd been getting nauseous quite frequently and although you had no way of keeping track between your periods, you were pretty sure it was late.
You weren't stupid. You knew what those implications meant and what they were leaning towards, but the possibility of it being true scared you. You and Daryl were as careful as you could be, but there were times when you weren't careful, when you were reckless, so the possibility of motherhood could be an impending thing.
You and Daryl hadn't ever really discussed having kids before. The topic came up once or twice, but that was during the earlier stages of your relationship back at the prison when neither of you were ready for that kind of commitment just yet. And with the whirlwind of chaos that ensued, from the Governor's wrath in Woodbury, to the Governor's annihilation of the prison, to Terminus and then to the fall of Alexandria when the walkers infiltrated, the topic never got the chance to come up again.
And now the possibility of you being pregnant was high, and there was a chance that you'd have to raise the baby without its father.
You quickly shook your head to rid the thoughts from your mind. Groaning in frustration, you got up from the bed and headed up the stairs towards the kitchen. There you found Rosita who was seated at the dining table, her features contorted into a frown while she was fiddling with a gun in her lap. She glanced up at you when she heard your footsteps and offered a silent nod of acknowledgement.
You gave her a nod back and headed towards the kitchen. You retrieved a glass from one of the cabinets and headed over to the sink, filling the glass with water. You leaned back against the kitchen island and slowly sipped at the water, your eyes trailed on one of little Judith's drawings that were stuck to the fridge. It was a picture of stick figures meant to represent everyone in the group, and your heart sank when your eyes trailed over the figure meant to represent the archer.
“What're you looking at?” Rosita asked, grabbing your attention.
“Just this picture that Judith drew of all of us,” you responded, half-heartedly motioning at the drawing stuck to the fridge.
Rosita walked over to you and positioned herself on your right, leaning back against the kitchen island as well. She smiled weakly at the drawing.
“Back when we were happy.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, averting your eyes from the drawing to the woman next to you. “Now everything's just gone to shit.”
“All thanks to that Negan puto,” she spat, her tone holding resentment and anger. Her anger was justified—she had witnessed Abraham getting beaten to death, and afterwards Negan had taunted her about it. He found what he did justified. You knew that Rosita wanted him dead, and you did too.
“Yeah,” you replied with a heavy sigh, placing the empty glass down on the countertop. The two of you stood side by side in silence for a few moments, before Rosita broke the silence again.
“What's up? It seems like something has you down.”
“Yeah, Daryl is being held hostage only god knows where and we have three days to find shit for those assholes or one of us dies,” you stated matter-of-factly, crossing your arms over your chest.
Rosita sighed. “I know, but that wasn't what I meant. It's something else, I can tell.”
You fixated your gaze on the ground, suddenly finding the tiles more interesting than anything else. “No, I mean... I don't know. It might be nothing, but...” You trailed off awkwardly.
Sensing your awkwardness, Rosita quickly tried to reassure you. "It's okay, you don't have to talk about it."
You shot her a grateful look and she gave you a small smile. You brought your hand up and lightly patted her on her shoulder before pushing away from the counter.
“Where are you going?” Rosita inquired, raising her eyebrows in question as she watched your retreating figure.
“I need some air.”
Without waiting for a reply from the woman, you closed the door behind you and leaned back against it momentarily, before pushing away and setting off towards the infirmary.
After a short walk, you arrived at the infirmary. After opening the door and seeing that nobody was inside, you breathed a sigh of relief. You wanted to get this done without anybody knowing. You didn't want people kicking up a fuss when there were bigger problems at hand.
Moving towards the cabinet you knew held the object you were looking for, you could feel your heart racing. When you retrieved the small box with the test that could literally change your life, you felt overwhelmed. You never thought that a small box would intimidate you, but that particular box did.
Wanting to be extra sure of the results, you grabbed another test from the cabinet. Slipping both tests out of the boxes and into your waistband and letting your shirt fall over them to cover them from prying eyes, you quietly slipped from the infirmary before anyone could notice that you were there. You walked with a haste in your step back towards the house, but the sight that awaited you at the gates quickly drew your attention. You quickly made your way over, where you saw none other than Negan beyond the gates, taking out an approaching walker.
You walked up next to Rosita, who looked over at you, anger dancing in her eyes. You were sure that your eyes mirrored the same emotion.
“Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!” Negan laughed. His eyes strayed to his right, and you could see Rick following his gaze. From your point of view, you could see surprise spread across his face.
“Alright, everybody. Let's get started. Big day,” Negan started, talking to people who were out of your line of sight. “Hey, Rick. You see that? What I just did? That is some service! I mean, we almost get turned away at the gate. Who is that guy, anyway? Do I get mad? Do I throw a fit? Do I bash some ginger's dome in? Nope! I just take care of one of these dead pricks that could've killed one of y'all. Service.”
Your gaze strayed downwards when Negan locked eyes with you. He chuckled before walking through the gates, handing Rick his baseball bat. “Hold this.”
As Negan walked in, the rest of the people he brought with him followed after him. However, you looked up when Rosita let out an almost inaudible gasp. You followed her line of sight and locked eyes with Daryl, and your heart both soared with relief and filled with dread. You were relieved that Negan hadn't killed him, but you could see that he wasn't being treated fairly, either. He was dirty and his face was cut and bruised, and he wasn't wearing any shoes with his "uniform".
You frowned, your eyes not straying from Daryl. Your partner kept his eyes locked on you until Negan spoke up again.
“Hot digidy dog!” Negan exclaimed, his eyes sweeping over the community. “This place is magnificent. An embarrassment of riches, as they say. Yes, sir, I do believe you are gonna have plenty to offer up.”
You looked away from Negan and took a step towards Daryl, hoping to give him a short hug. “Daryl—”
“No. Nope. He's the help. You don't look at him, you don't talk to him, and I don't make Rick chop anything off of him,” Negan cut you off, his eyes shifting to Rick.
When Rick averted his gaze, Negan turned to you, his eyes holding a certain malevolence as he gazed down at you. “Do I make myself clear, darling?”
“Yeah, you've made yourself transparent. I can see right through you,” you spat bitterly, refusing to meet his mocking gaze.
Negan chuckled wickedly. “Careful. We don't want anything to happen to your little lover over there.”
You slowly looked up at the man, your jaw clenched as you glared at him. A few beats of silence passed until you broke the stare first, angrily walking away from him, back towards the house. Tears of frustration welled up in your eyes, but you willed them away, refusing to let them fall. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction of your tears, no matter if he saw it or not.
When you reached the house, you practically flung the door open, storming into the house. Carl, who had been sitting at the dining room table, looked up at your sudden appearance and gave you a concerned look.
You mustered up what you hoped was a reassuring smile and sat down on the chair opposite him. He gave you a questioning look, silently asking what was wrong.
“Negan's here,” you plainly stated, not missing the clenching of his jaw in anger.
“He said a week. He's early,” Carl stated angrily, curling his hands into fists.
“Yeah, but he's here anyway. And he brought Daryl.”
Carl perked up at the mention of the archer's name. “He's here?” When you nodded, he continued. “Is he gonna stay?”
“I doubt it. Negan said that Daryl's here as the help, so I'm pretty sure that Negan's taking him back as soon as he's done here.”
Carl's mood visibly deflated. He sighed and shook his head. “We can't live like this. We should just kill Negan.”
You shook your head. “Believe me, I want Negan dead, too, but even if we kill him, one of his other goons will step up and take his place. We have to kill all of them, not just Negan.”
“How? There's too many of them.”
“I don't know.”
Carl shook his head before standing up, pushing the chair back. “I'm gonna go check on Judith, make sure she's alright.”
At the mention of the small child's name, you suddenly remembered about the two tests that were stuck in your waistband. You got up, too, and nodded at the teenager. “Okay. I have to take care of something real quick.”
With a parting nod, you headed up the stairs and into the bathroom. Quietly locking the door behind you, you inhaled deeply, trying to ease the anxiety that had started to build. You took the two tests from your waistband and held it in front of you, knowing that the results that would show in a few minutes were going to change your life.
Shaking your head and inhaling deeply, you went over to the toilet, two tests in hand. You quickly did your business and placed the two tests on the countertop. You paced around in the bathroom, trying to work up the nerve to see what results awaited you. However, just as you were about to look at the results, a loud banging on the door startled you.
“Hey, hurry up in there! We don't have all day to wait on you!” A voice you didn't recognise bellowed from beyond the door, and you could only assume that it was one of Negan's men. Sighing, you grabbed the tests without so much as peeking at them and slipped them back into the waistband of your jeans. You walked over to the door and opened it, coming face to face with a Saviour.
“What were you doing in there that took you so long, huh, pretty lady?” The man asked, eyeing you up and down with a primal intrigue. You shivered in disgust, shooting him a glare.
Without a word at the man, you walked off, needing to clear your head. The pregnancy tests in your waistband pressed against your skin and reminded you that you had to look at them, but you decided that would have to wait. You weren't about to look at them around prying eyes.
Suddenly, a gunshot rang through the house. Startled, you sprinted towards where you heard the sound and saw Carl holding two Saviours at gunpoint, the Saviours in question holding crates with all of your medication.
“Put some back,” Carl started, pointing the gun at one of the men. “Or the next one goes in you.”
“Carl, what's going on?” You questioned, moving to stand next to the teenager.
“They said that they were only taking half, but now they're taking everything,” Carl explained, keeping his gun trained on the man in front of him.
The man simply laughed, wickedly smiling at the boy. “Kid, what do you think happens next?”
“You die,” Carl stated plainly, glaring at the man.
You looked over at the sound of approaching footsteps and saw Rick, his eyes meeting yours questioningly. You simply shrugged nonchalantly and put a gentle hand on Carl's shoulder. He looked over at you and you gave him a small, tight-lipped smile.
“Don't do anything stupid,” you advised, before leaving Rick to calm his son down. You passed by Negan, who shot you a teasing smile, but you ignored him, moving out onto the porch.
You leaned over the railing, observing the people quietly. You could vaguely hear the voices from inside, but you paid it no mind. After a couple of minutes of just standing there, you saw Aaron walking alone, a frown on his face. You walked down the porch stairs and hurried to catch up to him.
“Aaron, hey!” you called, stopping the man in his tracks. He turned around and saw you approaching, and he offered you a weak smile.
“Let me guess, the Saviours are ransacking your house right now,” you stated matter-of-factly.
“They took our mattresses. Why the hell would they need that? And our coffee tables? What could they possibly need those for?” Aaron asked, exasperated. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration, his form slumped.
“I think they're just taking them because they can,” you started. “They're trying to prove that what they say is law. They're trying to prove that we have no say, that they can take whatever they want simply because.”
Aaron sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping. “I hate this.”
“Me too,” you agreed, nodding sagely. “But what can we possibly do about it now? We're outnumbered and outgunned. We can't take them on even if we wanted to.”
Aaron shook his head. Silently motioning for you to walk with him, the two of you set off, walking to nowhere in particular. “I'm glad to see that Daryl's okay.”
You slightly flinched at the mention of the archer's name and visions of his current state flooded your mind. He looked awful, not just from the filth on him but from the bruises as well. He was being tortured and you wanted to do nothing more than to kill Negan for making him suffer.
“Define "okay",” you sighed, walking up to Aaron's house with him.
“Alive,” he stated simply. The two of you sat down on the porch steps, keeping your gazes ahead on the Saviours who bustled around the community, taking whatever they pleased.
“Yeah, well, let's hope it stays that way,” you whispered, feeling tears well up in your eyes. You wiped them away in frustration.
Aaron placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, giving you a small smile. The two of you quietly sat side by side for a while, simply looking at the chaos of the afternoon. You'd catch glimpses of Daryl from time to time, and he'd shoot you nervous glances before returning to whatever task he was meant to do. Your heart shattered at the thought of what Negan was doing to the love of your life. You silently vowed to yourself that you would find a way to get Daryl away from them, one way or another.
“Aaron, Y/N, meeting in Gabriel's church in five,” Rick's voice called, snapping you from your thoughts. He appeared at the bottom of the steps, his tone holding a frantic urgency.
“Rick? What's wrong?” You asked, getting up from the steps, Aaron following your lead.
“The Saviours, they're taking all of our guns, but we're two handguns short. They're threatening to kill Olivia if we don't find them.”
“Who would have them?” Aaron asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
“I don't know. That's what we're trying to figure out. Like I said, meeting in the church.”
“Nuh uh. Not so fast.”
You clenched your jaw at the voice that resounded behind you. Turning around, you came face to face with Dwight, his mouth upturned in a mocking grin. He was nonchalantly leaning against the wall of the house.
“The missus over here is gonna take me back to whatever hole she and Daryl calls home and give me his shit,” he stated, pushing away from the wall and walking over to you.
You stepped back, glaring angrily at the man. “You already have his crossbow and his vest. What else could you possibly want?”
“His bike, but Rosita's already taking care of that,” Dwight said, crossing his arms over his chest. He turned back towards Rick and waved him off. “Go on, go find out where those guns are.”
Dwight moved forward and gripped your wrist tightly, wordlessly tugging you behind him. You exchanged a nervous glance with Aaron before turning your attention back to Dwight. You ripped your wrist from his grip and glared at him.
“Touch me again and I'll fucking chop your fingers off one by one.”
Dwight chuckled and walked ahead, expecting you to follow him. When he realised that you remained still, he turned to you with a warning glare. “Just so you know, I'm basically Daryl's primary caretaker at the moment. So your behaviour today can either persuade me to make his stay with us better or so much worse. Your choice.”
You hesitated for a moment, before sighing and walking ahead. Dwight's footsteps could be heard from behind you as you silently lead him back to the house, your jaw clenched in anger as you stared ahead.
After a short walk, you lead Dwight up the porch stairs and into the house. You opened the door and stepped inside, the man following closely behind you.
“This is your home?” Dwight questioned, slowly closing the door behind him as he looked about the house in slight awe.
“Mine, Daryl's, Rick's, Michonne's. We all live here,” you stated in a bored tone, walking forward until you reached the door that lead down to the basement. “Our room's down there.”
“You live in the basement?” Dwight asked dubiously, staring down the stairs in question.
“Daryl and I do. We wanted our own space away from everyone where we wouldn't be bothered, hence why we chose the basement.
“Well, then,” Dwight started, lowering his upper body down in a mocking bow. “Lead the way, m'lady.”
You rolled your eyes at him and descended down the stairs. You opened the second door at the bottom of the stairs and pushed inside, the warm air of your shared space with the archer suddenly feeling overwhelming. You disregarded the feeling, focusing instead on the man that followed you down.
You motioned over to the dresser that held most of Daryl's things. “There. You'll find it all there.”
Dwight raised his eyebrows. “All of it? In that one measly dresser?” When you nodded, he continued. “That can't possibly be it.”
“Daryl doesn't own a lot of things that hold sentimental value to him,” you shrugged, sitting down on the bed as you watched the Saviour rummage through the dresser, carelessly tossing pieces of clothing over his shoulder. “Jesus, can you stop? He doesn't have anything else you could want.”
Huffing in frustration, Dwight turned around to face you. However, just as he was about to let out a string of crude remarks, he stopped, spotting something poke out of your waistband. “Stand up.”
“Stand up, before I make you,” he threatened.
You hesitantly stood up. However, you nearly stumbled back when he lunged at you. “What the hell are you doing?!” you exclaimed, trying to push him away.
Dwight ignored you. Before you could stop him, he pulled the two pregnancy tests from your waistband, taking a few steps away from you. He eyed the tests, and a look of surprise spread over his face.
“You're pregnant?”
Time stopped. Your heart started pounding against your ribcage, and your eyes widened. You were pregnant. Both tests came back positive. Words eluded you as you simply stared at Dwight.
Dwight shook his head and threw one of the pregnancy tests back in your direction, and you hastily caught it. He pocketed the other one. “Congratulations. I'll be sure to tell Daryl the good news.”
Before you could deny or force him to hand it over, Dwight hurriedly left the room. You sank to your knees on the ground, tears starting to well up in your eyes. You felt helpless, completely and utterly helpless. Sobs wracked through your body as you clutched the pregnancy test in your hand, wishing more than ever that Daryl was there to comfort you, to reassure you that everything would be okay.
But with him being in Negan's clutches, that wouldn't be a reality.
“Hell of a place you got here, Rick,” Negan told Rick, turning around to face him as you all walked towards the gates.
Roughly two hours later, the Saviours were done ransacking your homes and taking whatever they pleased. You had gotten your feelings under control and walked with your leader towards the gates, hoping above all else that you could persuade Negan into letting you at least give the archer a hug.
“Give me a second,” Rick replied, his eyes shifting between the hostile leader of the Saviours and the building beyond the gates.
Negan followed his gaze, before turning back to him. “No.”
“Please, can you just... Give me a second,” Rick pleaded, looking up at Negan.
Negan finally agreed, giving him a nod, a malicious smirk on his face. When Rick jogged over to the building, that left you in Negan's sights, and the man let out a chuckle.
“Well, darling. I see you've actually listened to me. No interactions with your loverboy whatsoever. I'm impressed,” he began, taking a step towards you.
Standing your ground, you simply glared up at him, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a sarcastic retort. That simply elicited another chuckle from the man.
“You know, there is a way the two of you could be together again. You could always come work for me. Be one of my soldiers, so to speak,” he began, eyeing you up and down. “Usually I wouldn't offer that straight away, but for a looker like yourself, I'd make an exception. Or you could make Daryl's life a whole lot easier if you want. You could become one of my wives.”
Unable to resist the urge, you drew your hand back and slapped Negan across his face. Taken aback, he stumbled, but that grin of his soon returned. His eyes raked over your form hungrily. “Just so you know, I'm so much more attracted to you now.”
You could hear a scuffle behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you spotted an angry looking Daryl being held in place by Dwight. The archer glared daggers in Negan's direction, the urge to hit him evident on his face.
However, before anything could happen, Michonne came marching through the gates with a small deer over her shoulders, Rick hot on her tail. She wore a blank expression, refusing to meet Negan's stare.
“Look at this!” Negan exclaimed, eyeing the deer on her shoulders.
“I thought she was scavenging. She was hunting,” Rick explained to Negan, handing him a gun. “This one never came inside.”
Negan took the gun and smirked. “Look at this. This is something to build a relationship on. Good for you, Rick. This is reading the room and getting the message. I said it before, Imma say it again. You, sir, are special.”
Rick looked at you, sympathy clear in his eyes. “Now that you know we can follow your rules...”
“Yes?” Negan drawled.
“I'd like to ask you if Daryl could stay.”
“Not happening,” Negan refused. He turned around to look at you, a smirk on his face. “You know what, just to make the missus happy, maybe he can stay. Maybe Daryl can plead his case. Maybe Daryl can sway me.”
Negan turned to Daryl. The archer remained quiet, his eyes shifting between you and Negan. It was evident that he wouldn't beg to stay; Daryl's pride would never allow him to do that. Although a part of you wanted Daryl to just drop his pride this once, you were proud of him. Despite what he was going through, he remained steadfast in his beliefs. He would never bow to the likes of Negan, no matter what pain it could inflict on him.
“Daryl?” Negan pressed, amused by the archer's silence. When Daryl remained silent, Negan turned back to you. “Well, Rick tried. Sorry, darling.”
You looked down, missing the apologetic look Daryl sent your way. Unbeknownst to you, Daryl had wanted to do nothing more than beg Negan to leave him here with you, but he couldn't. Not when Negan had threatened to hurt you if he tried to return to Alexandria. Not when his hostage situation could ensure your safety.
“Now what you gotta do, is get over that tall wall of yours and try harder out there,” Negan began, looking at Rick. “Earn for me, because we're coming back soon. And when we do, you better have something interesting for us, or Lucille? She's gonna have her way. I want you to hear that again. If you don't have something interesting for us, somebody's gonna die. And no more magic guns. Arat, grab that deer. It's getting late. Let's go home.”
Michonne angrily dropped the deer and turned around. You shot one final lingering glance at the archer, your partner and love of your life, before following suite. Michonne put her arm around your shoulder and together the two of you walked back to your shared home, ignoring Negan's mocking laughter.
“Something's wrong, I can tell,” she whispered quietly.
You shook your head. “I wouldn't necessarily say something is wrong,” you denied. “I just really need Daryl more than ever right now.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed. “But not without Rick. I need his opinion too.”
“You're pregnant?”
You physically winced at the incredulous sound of your leader's voice. For the second time that day, someone had asked you that pivotal question, but this one finally made it register in your mind. You were pregnant. And Daryl wasn't there to help you through it.
Michonne wrapped an arm around you, allowing you to lean into her side for support. She rubbed your arm, hoping to bring you some form of comfort under Rick's disbelieving stare.
“Rick,” she scolded, sending her partner a pointed look, as if telling him to read the room.
“Sorry,” he apologized, shifting his attention back to you. “When did you find out?”
“Today,” you whispered, your voice hoarse all of a sudden. “Right after Dwight took me down to the basement to rummage through Daryl's things. He saw the tests and took one. I think he's gonna use it to torture Daryl mentally. How could I let that happen?”
Michonne pulled you tighter against her side, allowing you to cry into her shoulder as she whispered reassuring words into your ear. “It's not your fault. Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out, I promise.”
You hesitantly nodded against her shoulder, withdrawing from her hold and standing up. You began to pace the room, anxiously fiddling with your fingers.
“What should I do?”
“Go to the Hilltop,” Rick advised, effectively stopping your pacing. “They have a doctor there who can ensure that you and the baby are okay. And you'll have Maggie and Sasha by your side. It'll be safer for you there.”
“I can't just leave,” you shut him down, shaking your head. “Negan is fit to come knocking at the gates whenever he pleases. We need more supplies, and soon. We need more people going out there.”
“Like hell I'm letting you out there,” Rick argued. “Daryl would never forgive me if I let anything happen to you or the baby, whether he knows about it now or not. The best thing you can do now for yourself and your baby is to go to the Hilltop. It's safer and it's out of harm's way. Please, if not for yourself, for Daryl. For your baby.”
Sensing your hesitation, Michonne stood up, facing you head-on. “Rick's right,” she began, capturing your undivided attention. “Go. We'll be okay here. Your primary focus should be your wellbeing right now. Once things cool down around here, I'll come get you myself. I promise.”
You remained quiet for a few moments, pondering over their words before nodding. “Okay,” you whispered. “I'll go.”
“We'll have a car ready for you in the morning,” Rick responded, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “You're doing the right thing. Daryl would've wanted this.”
“I know,” you sighed. “It doesn't make it any easier, though.”
The next morning came way too soon for your liking. Packed up and ready to go, you exchanged goodbyes with everyone. You were busy hugging Carl, the teenager clutching to your shirt tightly.
“Don't die,” he told you when he pulled back from the hug.
“Don't do anything stupid,” you retorted, playfully pushing his hat down over his face, successfully coaxing a laugh from him.
After a few more exchanges, and another hug from Carl, you got into the car and drove off, heading towards the Hilltop Colony. The drive was spent in an anxious silence. You were wondering if you'd made the right choice, if leaving Alexandria for a while was really the best decision, but as your hand drifted to your flat abdomen that would soon grow, to the life that fluttered there, you knew that Rick and Michonne were right. Your primary focus should be your baby right now, and you'd be damned if you let anything happen to them.
After a while, the gates to the Hilltop came into view. You got out of the car as the gates opened, soon being engulfed in hugs by Sasha and Maggie. Jesus stood off to the side with a smile on his face.
“What are you doing here?” Maggie asked, pulling back from the hug.
“It's a lot to explain,” you said, giving her a tight-lipped smile.
“Come inside. We'll get you something to eat,” Jesus offered.
You smiled at him and nodded. “Sure. That sounds great.”
“That Gregory guy is such an asshole,” you spat angrily, sitting on the bench outside of Jesus' trailer.
Sasha rolled her eyes. “Welcome to my world. We've been dealing with this prick for two weeks now and he still hasn't gotten better.”
You shook your head, your hand absentmindedly rubbing over your stomach. One week with the Hilltop's leader breathing down your neck and you were just about ready to shoot him. He kept on sending crude remarks in your direction, voicing his obvious disdain that he had yet another Alexandrian he had to keep hidden from the Saviours. Thankfully Jesus was there to put him in his place whenever you were the object of his distasteful glares, and since the day before, Enid as well.
Suddenly, shouts could be heard from the gates, before they were opened. You perked up at the rumble of a motorcycle, standing up to move closer and get a better view, instantly spotting the familiar glint of a familiar motorcycle coming to a halt, and an even more familiar man getting off of it. Your heart started pounding against your ribcage, and before anyone could stop you, you started running.
“Daryl!” you called, running as fast as your legs could carry you.
Daryl turned around at the sound of your voice. As soon as he saw you, he started running as well, meeting you halfway. You practically flung yourself into Daryl's arms, and he instantly reciprocated the hug, burying his face into your shoulder. You hugged him to you tightly, holding the back of his head as you tried to withhold the tears flooding in your eyes.
“C'mon,” Jesus urged gently, prompting you and Daryl to pull apart. “There's a room in the Barrington house. You can use it to get cleaned up and changed into something else.”
Daryl hesitated, but you nodded. “It's okay. I'll be there with you.”
You took Daryl's hand in your own and followed behind Jesus. The two of you were soon in the aforementioned room, Daryl sitting down on the bed while you cleaned up one of the cuts on his face. He remained silent, his eyes locked on your face. He lifted his hand and cupped your cheek, halting your movements.
“What's wrong?” you asked, placing a hand over his one that rested on your cheek.
“M'jus' remindin' myself tha' this is real. Tha' this ain't some trick my mind is playin' on me. Tha' this ain't another dream.”
You gently took his hand and lead it to your heart, placing his hand over it to feel the steady beating of it. “I'm here,” you whispered. “You're here. This isn't a dream. It's real.”
Daryl swallowed and nodded, before letting his hand trail down to your stomach. “Is... Is this real? Are ya pregnant?”
Your heart dropped. The only way he could know was if Dwight did what you suspected—he mentally tortured the love of your life with the knowledge that you could've been pregnant.
Your silence confirmed it for the archer. He sighed and swallowed heavily. “Ya are. Yer pregnant.”
You nodded slowly, guilt creeping up in you. “I am. Did Dwight tell you?”
“He showed me the test. Said it was yers, tha' he found it with ya tha' day we were at Alexandria. I didn't wanna believe him at first, but the more I thought 'bout it, the more I started believin' him,” Daryl replied. “When did ya find out?”
“The first time Negan showed up with all of you,” you admitted. “Dwight took one of the tests from me before I could stop him. I'm sorry, I should've tried harder. You were already going through so much shit with the Saviours, and then he had to go put more shit on you because of me.”
Daryl pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly. “Dun' blame yerself. Wha' do ya have to be sorry fer? Findin' out yer pregnant?”
“For allowing him to take the test and use it against you.”
“Dun' be sorry. S'okay,” he whispered into your hair, stroking your back softly. Once you had calmed down, Daryl allowed one of his hands to travel back down to your stomach.
“Yer really pregnant?” he asked with a slight laugh, rubbing your stomach affectionately.
You laughed in wonder and nodded. “Yeah. There's a tiny you in there.”
“Nah, they're gon' be a tiny ya. Sweet, kind and a badass, jus' like their mama,” Daryl countered, placing a kiss against your forehead. “Our baby. Our lil' peanut.”
“You really wanna do this? Are you ready to start your own family?” you questioned, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“With ya?” Daryl began, pulling you closer to him. “M'ready fer anythin'.”
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etclouie · 2 months
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 them + their opinions on hickeys
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 warnings: innuendo towards sex, hints at age gap (negan), mentions of giving and receiving hickeys
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 includes; Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Negan Smith, Shane Walsh, Abraham Ford and Glenn Rhee (x fem! reader)
prev | next - drabbles masterlist | main masterlist
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚  rick - he’d like giving them rather than receiving, due to his role as leader he deems himself as someone who needs to look professional, even during the apocalypse. 
loves seeing his girlfriend covered in hickeys, and chuckles to himself as she attempts to cover them - especially in the summer months 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ daryl - not the biggest fan of them, likes to keep the intimate details of his relationships a secret. he’ll give and receive them as long as they’re not visible. 
after awhile together though (say a year or two), he’ll grow more appreciative of them - as long as they’re still hidden. 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ negan - a big fan of them, although he prefers giving them he’s not opposed to receiving them. if his girlfriend wants to put on a show of bossing him around, he’ll indulge, allowing her to mark him up a little
loves seeing his girlfriend covered in hickeys, will show them off too. let’s her walk around the sanctuary in whatever she wants, doing whatever she wants so if she interrupts a meeting to sit in his lap, he’s showing off the hickeys he painted her neck with 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ shane - he likes them, sees them as a form of indication that you’re his. will happily mark you up; neck, chest, thighs, anywhere he can he will. 
he’s not the biggest fan of them on himself, but will wear them with pride if they’re visible over the neckline of his shirts
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ abraham - couldn’t care about them on himself, but adores seeing them on his girlfriend especially when she’s enthusiastic about having them
he’s okay with a couple on himself across his chest, but prefers giving them. likes seeing your neck and chest covered in them, shows him that he did good taking care of you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ glenn - he’s 50/50 with them, depending on the place. if they’re somewhere that won’t be seen easily, he’s fine with them on himself, but if they’re above any neckline of his clothes he feels iffy. he sees it as a sign of displaying your intimacy with others. 
but with you however, he likes seeing your body covered in them - the neckline thing still applies, but doesn’t completely cloud his feelings with hickeys on you. 
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requests are open here !
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smutinlove · 3 months
—dedicated to the whores of alexandria and the walking dead.
special mentions: @hiro--aoki @carlsdarling @taylormarieee @loveforcarl @jas2010 (im mentally ill and these are my pookies)
rules for requesting
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Smut —Carl gets jealous when Ron tries to hit on you
Smut—Carl gets rough
Smut—Slutty slut
Smut-Dinner with Grimes—You and Carl decided to host dinner at your place. But you wanted to tease Carl, so you wore an extremely short dress.
Smut—Just sex
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Suggestive—Eyes apparently don't lie
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Fluff—Reader writes a love letter/appreciation letter
Fluff-Cabin—Carl Grimes asks to marry you
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Angst—Carl, Rick, and Glenn notice that the reader hasn't been eating/sleeping. They force an intervention.
Angst—Reader cries about Carl's death
Angst—Reader dies. Carl cries. (Lineup)
Angst—Reader hurts herself. Carl comforts her.
Angst —Carl comforts an insecure reader. SH WARNING
Angst leading to fluff—Carl goes on a scavenging trip but gets lost. The reader goes to look for him.
Angst—After Negan kills readers father figure, Glenn Rhee, she and Carl start to fight a lot. One day, after an intense fight, Negan suddenly arrives to Alexandria. He manipulates the reader to Carl.
Angst/fluff—Dad figure Glenn. Carl hangs out with Enid a lot, making the reader jealous. !argument
Angst/fluff—Shy/sensitive reader. Carl and reader fight because she sneaks out and Rick scolds Carl, making him apologize.
Angst/fluff—Dad figure Glenn. Reader runs away because she hates Enid and her father figure adopted her. Carl finds her.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Small Series
You were my light part 1 —The daughter of the now dead Negan Smith is walking in the woods. She thought she was alone. But she wasn't.
You were my light part 2
You were my light part 3
You were my light part 4
You were my light part 5
You were my light ALTERNATIVE ENDING—The daughter of Negan Smith wakes up from what she thought was real but was a dream. She wants to find him. Y/N Smith wants to find Carl Grimes.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Chapter One: The Woods
Chapter Two: Undetected
Chapter Three: Solitude
Chapter Four: a secret
Chapter Five: I watch as you're leaving
Chapter Six: Meddlsome
Chapter Seven: The Journal
Chapter Eight: A caged boy
Chapter Nine: Lavenders
Chapter Ten: Little Blue light
Chapter Eleven: Shopping and Paranoia
Chapter Twelve: The Start of Shame
Chapter Thirteen: War of Shame
Chapter Fourteen: Linked Destiny
Chapter Fifteen: Resurrection
Chapter Sixteen: coming soon
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enid-rhees · 11 months
Maggie Rhee Dating HCS (Fem!Reader)
warnings; mentions of Glenn’s death, nsfw mentions (MINORS DNI)
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oh maggie rhee
this girl deserves the world and i wish i can hug her so tight
your relationship was rocky at first
before you got together, you were the one who helped her with everything after what happened to Glenn
neither of you had thought that you would catch feelings for one another
you were sure Maggie would forever be mourning Glenn, but you didn’t mind
but one day she came to you on her own, and admitted that she started to feel different about you
when you asked her what she meant, she kissed you
and after that , it was history
Maggie is extremely protective over you
everyday she’s still reliving her trauma , and the thought of you getting hurt petrifies her
so she makes sure you’re by her side 24/7
she holds you so tight at night, you’re always the little spoon with her
the two of you go on runs together, cook together, shower together
u do EVERYTHING together
Herschel Jr loves you deeply
he remembers seeing you when he was a toddler, helping Maggie take care of him
he grew up to trust you with everything he has, and he’s glad that Maggie has you
you don’t ask him to see you as his mom or anything, but at times, he definitely does
he loves you and makes sure Maggie knows it
but back to you and Maggie
you adore her so incredibly bad
on days when Maggie is feeling rough, you take it upon yourself to do everything for her
you love to wash her hair, and body. she just leans against you in utter relaxation
after what she’s been through, Maggie just needs a hug man :(
so, you try to hug her as tight as possible every day , multiple times a day
just to let her know that you’re here for her always
you loveeee cooking for her
and tbh
both of you are switches in bed
some days Maggie feels more dominant and just wants to fuck you into the mattress
and some days you want to be the one to take care of her in bed
sex isn’t often but at the same time it is
and when you do have sex, no matter who’s dominate, it’s always extremely intimate
Maggie will ask you if you’re okay every few minutes, kissing your body softly to relax you
and ofc you do the same
Maggie takes her time worshipping your body
she can spend hours eating you out, kissing and sucking at your thighs
maggie just really loves you
you’re her world, she’d do anything for you
385 notes · View notes
nikkisheep · 2 years
Idk if I'm asking in the right place or if ur requests are open but could u do smthn smutty for Glenn or Maggie(or both)
Feel Me
Glenn Rhee x female!reader
Warnings: Maggie and Glenn are not together (love them tho), smut, fingering, oral (f), p in v, Glenn being a sex god, praise, pet names (baby), mentions of walkers, mentions of Rick and reader dating, fluffy ending
Got a tad bit carried away
Summary: Glenn needs to let off some tension and who better than the girl waiting back at home for him.
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Walkers were the main stress in this new world. They ate everything in their path. Humans, animals, anything you can name they ate. Their nasty hands and skin move about as they search for a meal to tide them over until they found another.
Glenn was working on the crops that Rick had him start growing. He did not know the first thing about farming but that was where his friendship with Maggie Green came in. He had learned the ropes on the farm with her but now she was busy with her own job. He was just starting to become overwhelmed.
You were sitting in a long shirt and panties while knitting a blanket. Judith was in need of a bigger blanket and you asked Rick if you could make her a new one. He admired your love for his daughter which was the entire reason he started to love you. But that was a long time ago. When you were on the road. Now that you were in a safe community, you and Glenn hit it off.
Your crush on Glenn started when you noticed that Maggie was taking an interest in him. You didn't mean to but your heart wanted him. You told him after he and Maggie broke up. You had just stopped seeing Rick and you needed a friend. In the end, you got a boyfriend who loved you.
Glenn walked through the door of the house, dirty from the hard day's work, and he gave you a peck on the cheek. He looked tired and stressed. You wanted to help him feel better.
"Baby, are you alright?"
"I'm just tired, is all." Glenn answered.
"Maybe I can help," You walked up to him and kissed his shoulder. Your hands started to massage the tension in his shoulders away, placing a kiss on his neck. Breathing him in, his smell fills your lungs. Dirt, sweat, pine wood, and just Glenn surrounded you. He sighed when you leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips. A slight beard had started to grow and you were quite fond of it. You found it to be sexy on the man.
"I wanna help you relax."
Kissing his lips deeply, you push his shirt off his body. Revealing a toned chest and lower stomach. Your hands wandered his skin, feeling the warmth from his body as Glenn deepened the kiss by grabbing your face. You pull away and grab his hand, leading him upstairs to the bedroom that you shared. His brown eyes followed your every move and traced your body. He loved you in so many ways more than just lust. He loved every part of you. He wanted to worship you in so many ways. He wanted to build a temple for just you and be your only worshiper if it made you happy. If it let him continue to see you like this.
Slowly undressing each other, gentle touches and kisses were exchanged between the two bodies that were pressed against each other. Seeking warmth and comfort in the hands of each other, the two of you laid down onto the soft mattress below. Glenn kissed your neck, making you grip his black hair slightly, and made his hot trail down to your core. He kissed each thigh, biting slightly so he could see the beautiful reaction that he all too well knows when he has you like this. He kisses you again, this time, on the very place where you need him most.
Your thighs close around his head and you arch your back slightly at the new found pleasure that Glenn's mouth provided for you. He licks at your gaping hole and moans, literally moans, at the sounds that you make for him. Your eyes meet with his brown ones in the dim lit room. You feel him smile against your lower body and then he started to suck on your pulsing clit. He toys with it, circling his tongue on the delicate bud as you whine above him.
"So beautiful," He muttered into your skin while you grind your hips up against his tongue. He chuckles before placing an arm on your waist to hold you down.
"Careful now, don't want this to end too quickly now would we?"
You whimper as he went back to his assaults on your cunt. He moves a hand up to you and gentle push inside two fingers. The stretch burns for a second but Glenn is curling his fingers against your sensitive walls. He ruts against the mattress as wetness floods from you, around Glenn's fingers as he moves them inside your body. He plays your body to the tune of his desires and he kindly let you cum on his fingers and mouth.
He kisses up your body, shaking with pleasure, humming for his touch. You would gratefully take whatever it is that he decides to give your lusting body. He kisses your neck before reaching your mouth. He slips his tongue through the gate of your swollen lips and licks at the roof of your mouth. You groan at the tart but sweet taste of your arousal.
Glenn props himself up with one hand and uses the other to move his cock to entrance of your body. He looks to your face as he pushes slightly in, watching your face contort into pleasure at the feeling of his body becoming one with yours. He rests his forehead against yours, his hair sticking to his head with his sweat and his scent floods your senses. It was just so Glenn. Just so home. He was your home.
"I gotta move," You nodded at his words and he pulled back slightly. Not wanting to leave your warmth for very long, for he thrusts back in as soon as he pulls out. His thrusts began to build as the coil in your stomachs began to tighten with the overwhelming pleasure that coursed red hot in your veins. The drag of his cock against the wet walls of your pussy was heavenly. The feel of the veins rubbing as the head of his dick kissed your g-spot every time.
Glenn leaned down and his chest pressed to yours, sticking together with the sweat that presented itself on your bodies. The heat of the act was rising while your moans started to get higher and higher. Glenn smiled at you.
"You're doing so good for me, baby."
You moaned at the praise and clenched tightly around Glenn. He stuttered his hips for just a second before gaining his composer again. His hips grazed yours as the movement above you continued with great haste. Glenn wanted you to cum once more before he got his fill. He was always more of a giver rather than a receiver and you lived for it. He always knew what he was doing. You remember that you joked about the man being a sex god who came to taunt you and you were right about him being a sex god.
His arms bulged as he strained to hold himself up while you wrap your legs around his waist and your nails scrape against the skin of his back, leaving angry red welts behind. Glenn whispers sweet nothings into your ear with his eyes closed because the sensations began to become too much.
With one more thrust of his cock, the band breaks and you climax heavily. Your orgasm releases the tension in your muscles when you felt the lovely feeling of Glenn's cum spilling inside your womb. He pushes himself as far as he can while thrusting a few more times, prolonging the pleasure of your orgasm.
Glenn lets himself go and he falls beside you, his shoulder on your chest but it still counts. He smiled at you before picking you up to take a bath. You sat in the warm water while he washed your body, careful of the sensitivity that had now taken over. You leaned into his warmth and kissed his hand when bringing it to your lips.
Glenn kissed your cheek and praised you on how well you had done for him. How good you were. How much you made him feel good. How you were the only one to make him feel that good.
"Thank you," He whispered once you had cuddled in bed.
"For what?"
"For helping me."
"Glenn, if you ever need to unwind, you know where to find me."
"I hope you know that this is more than using you as a stress relief."
"Baby, I knew the first time you made me feel good. I knew that this is what true love feels like."
"Thank you."
"For what?" You moved closer to his body. His arms wrapped around you.
"For loving me and just being in my life."
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slasher-male-wife · 9 months
TWD characters when you tell them about your assault
This is heavily inspired by the post @slasherhaven that they made awhile ago. I've been hyperfixated on TWD lately and I'm still in the middle of watching it, I'm early in season 9 so sorry if these are kind of OOC. Also I am now writing for Maggie and Glenn.
Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, and Maggie Rhee
Warnings: Mentions of past sexual assault no explicit details mentioned, murder, canon typical violence, talk of getting killed by walkers, slight season three spoilers
Rick Grimes
When you tell him about what happened to you his heart breaks and he's immediately filled with rage. He doesn't want to leave you alone after you're so open and vulnerable with him about this but he genuinely has to step away to calm himself down about this.
Once he's calmed himself down he'll be quickly back to help comfort you about what happened. Holding you close and letting you vent as much as you need to. Now that he's here he's going to protect you as much as he can and no one is going to hurt you again.
When you give him information on the person who did it to you he thinks not much of it for the time being but when he runs into the piece of filth that hurt you he's seething. But he'll put on a mask until he can really get close enough to get them back.
He's not going to waste a bullet on this sick son of a bitch. He'll made it slow and painful. He'll beat them bloody and make sure they're eaten by walkers before they die.
Then he'll go back home to you and make sure that you're comforted and know that you're deeply loved and appreciated by him. He'll never tell you that he killed them, but he'll always let you know that they can't hurt you anymore.
Daryl Dixon
He's not exactly sure how to go about helping you when you tell him about your assault. Of course he's upset, he's very outraged, but he's not very in tune with his emotions and obviously he's not going to really know how to handle regulating his emotions and help you.
In a rare moment of vulnerability he'll hold you close to him and let you cry out your feelings. He won't say or do much other than hold you close and promise you that no one is ever going to hurt you again.
You gave him details about your assault but he never actually expected to come across that person, especially given the fact that it's the apocalypse. But when he sees the person that hurt you his immediate reaction is to try and kill them.
But he settles on beating them close to death and berating them the entire time about how much of an awful person they are and just how much they deserve what's happening to them. After beating them close to death he'll leave them there and hope that a walker eats them alive.
Just like with Rick he'll get back home and go to give you a hug, which is rare with Daryl. He'll hover close to you for the rest of the day and will be sure to try and show you just how much he cares about you in his own way. He'll also never tell you what he did, he'll just tell you there's no way in hell they can hurt someone ever again.
Glenn Rhee
He's 100% pulling you into a hug when you tell him about what happened to you. He'll be silent the entire time unless you want him to comfort you verbally which he will do if that's what you need to happen.
He'll spend the rest of the day taking care of you and trying to keep your load relatively light. He'll be close to you for the rest of the day and try to make sure that you're not beating yourself up for what happened to you.
When he finds out he knows the person who assaulted you he's livid. He takes them out to a secluded area and threatens them after beating them for a bit. He swears if they ever come near you again he'll kill them.
He personally watches or makes sure that they're long gone before the comes back home to you where he assures you they'll never hurt you ever again. He won't give details but he'll keep assuring you that they'll never hurt you again.
Maggie Rhee
When you explain your assault to her she's heartbroken, immediately pulling you into a hug and holding you there for as long as you need to be held.
If she feels like it could help you she'll talk about her own experience with what happened with The Governor. She'll appreciate how vulnerable you're being with her and she'll feel like she can be vulnerable with someone again.
If she ever comes across the person who hurt you she's going to be overcome with rage and will have to calm herself down to get him back to Hilltop and keep him there while she talks to you about what you want to do about them.
If you want them dead she's happy to help you with killing them, however you want to kill them she'll help, unless you want to do it yourself. She wants to get you justice and if killing them is justice to you then go ahead.
If you don't want them dead she understands that but she'll eventually to it herself. She can't stand the idea of the person who hurt you so horribly being able to go unpunished for what they did to you. Either way after what happens she's going to comfort you again.
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glennrheesworld · 10 months
hiii! I love your writing so much <3
(s2 e4) when Glenn is getting ready to go to the pharmacy with Maggie, fem!reader goes and tells Glenn what she needs and Maggie gets jealous bc of how close they got.
thank you! :D
𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮~
genre: fluff
pairing: Glenn Rhee x fem!reader
summary: reader and Glenn got pretty close over the past few days, making Maggie jealous.
warnings: mention of jealousy
a/n: aww tysm anon! 😚kisses btw I've been very busy with school so I haven't had much time to work on other requests, hopefully, I'll post more next month!
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The past few days, after having found the Greene’s Farm, both Glenn and you had gotten pretty close. Feelings growing over the times you’ve bonded with him over random little things or through moments you’ve shared together.
If you were honest, you had fallen for him a bit. Or maybe a lot. Either way, he was everything you wished for in a partner.
You and Glenn had spent a lot of time together; so much that everyone in the group could tell how much you both liked each other. It was nice, seeing two people bonding and falling love in the middle of a damn apocalypse. That was what everyone thought. Everyone but Maggie Greene.
The way she would glare at you after you talked to Glenn made you a bit nervous. You could just tell she hates your guts for getting to Glenn first. But there was still a possibility that she could get her chance of winning him over. Not if you kept Glenn interested.
— — —
Maggie and Glenn were getting ready to go on a run to a pharmacy nearby. You had been wanting some basic necessities that you haven’t been able to get your hands on. So this was perfect. All you had to do was make a quick list of the items and give it to Glenn.
You spot them both getting the horses’ saddles on their back, tightening the straps. So you ran up to Glenn with your list, written on a cute Post-it.
“Hey, Glenn!” You shout his name, getting closer to him as he turns his attention to you. Just at the sight of you makes a smile tug at the corner of his lips. The same smile you dearly love. A smile made just for you to see.
“Hey,” he utters breathlessly, your presence taking his breath away. You smile back at him, fidgeting with the Post-it in your hands as you stare into each other's eyes. “Um, I made a short list of some items I need.”
He nods, listening to you. His full attention was on you and that only made your heart race. “So, if you don’t mind, could you get them for me?” You tilt your head, biting your bottom lip as you ask him.
You hand him the list before tucking your hands in the back pocket of your jeans. “Yeah, yeah, sure.” He scans the list, smiling down at it. “Anything for you,” he blurts out, making you let out a short laugh.
Your gaze falls to the grass, smiling as he lets out a shy chuckle. “Thanks, Glenn.” He pats the back of his head, pulling down on the cap he always wore. He just nods, grinning, his eyes staring at your beautiful face. Oh, how he wishes he could kiss you and tell you how much he loves you.
“Are you coming or not?” Maggie’s Southern voice interrupts Glenn’s thoughts and that short moment you shared. Causing you to turn around, just to find her on her horse. Her eyes were only on Glenn, not wanting to spare you a glance. Not that you wanted her to.
Sensing her jealously, you sigh and ignore her. Your gaze falls back on Glenn, who by the way, isn't aware of the tension between you and her. “Be safe out there,” you remind him, your voice laced with gentleness all while staring into his eyes.
Maggie can’t help but roll her eyes, hating the way Glenn stared into your eyes. At that moment, she really wished it was her instead of you. She ends up turning her head to look away, her brows slightly furrowed. “So?”
Her jealousy was obvious, so much that it irritated you. Can’t she get it? Glenn and you were obviously interested in each other and maybe as well made for each other. However, this didn't stop her from making moves on Glenn. Somehow, he fails to see the obvious signs Maggie gives him.
Honestly, it made you feel bad for her.
Glenn breaks his loving gaze from yours to glance up at Maggie. “Oh, right. Yeah.” He shakes his head as he folds your Post-it and carefully places it inside his bag, not wanting to lose it.
He gets on his horse looking down at you as he fixes his cap, his short dark hair peeking out a bit. “I’ll come back.” His lips form a sheepish smile, “Uh, with your necessities.” He adds on. You really loved the way he stared at you, his eyes full of admiration and love.
“I’ll see you then,” you wave at him, starting to walk backward slowly, careful not to fall. “Yeah,” he turns around, patting the horse's head as it snorts, just making Glenn jump a little. You smile at the small interaction before he begins to make his way behind an annoyed Maggie.
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rheefamilysource · 7 months
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cultofdixon · 1 year
It Takes Two
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Part 2 to “It Takes a Village” • Rick Grimes’ Sister!Reader • You have always been a curious kid. Now so is your kid…and with a certain resident in Alexandria. Who everyone didn’t expect to have a soft side for the young Grimes • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Anxiety Attacks / Nightmares / Injuries / Mentions of Canon Violence / Mentions of Pregnancy / Depression / Past Abuse • Re-Writing Canon
Requested by: Anon
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Winter has started, and Alexandria was fuller than ever. They may not know exactly when the holidays were but it was enough to have their families in the Kingdom and Hilltop come to Alexandria. Meaning a lot of kids. But it was perfect…especially the snow.
A small groan escapes the waking child as he lifts his head from his pillow to look out the window and notice the falling snow. That alone ignited the energy he needed to get out of bed and wake up his mom.
His mom who would much rather stay in bed during a cold morning, but her excited four year old alerted not only the Mal living in the house…but the five year old that belonged to the Hilltop residents taking up her guest room.
“Mama!” Shepherd practically yells but Dog jumped on the bed when he got the door open.
“Shep…it’s early”
“It’s snowing!” He smiles running to her side of the bed gripping her blankets and tugging at them until the tired Y/N sat up. Her playful scowl appearing when Dog started to lick her face to help her wake up. “Dog wants to go too!”
“Let me guess…you woke up Hershel too?”
“He’s getting his mommy and daddy right now!” His face lights up with even more excitement as he knows the second he gets his snow gear on he was going to get his cousins next door.
“Get dressed baby and I’ll meet you downstairs” Y/N smiles watching her happy boy run out and Dog following him. “Don’t forget the gloves and beanie!” She adds hearing an ok yelled back before rolling over to the other side of the bed to address the archer that rolled off once he heard Dog’s collar jingling. “I’m gonna get dressed…and head out with Shep. That’ll give you your window”
Daryl groans upon sitting up from the floor feeling Y/N’s lips meet his temple when she leaned over. “He’s startin’ to get up before me”
“He’s going to find out before we even tell him…”
“I promise yea. We’ll get our day” The archer leaned into her kissing her before letting Y/N get dressed and ready.
The two have always had a bond with one another. But it wasn’t until Shep turned 3 that they took the risk. Daryl always loved her and would’ve waited til the end of his life for her. For her to be ready on her terms, but all she needed was for her small family of two to be secure. Safe. And Y/N knew she was safe with the archer and so was her son. Daryl loves her son as if he was his own even if Shepherd doesn’t know their relationship.
For now they kept it between them, and the priority was always going to be Shepherd.
Glenn was the fastest in getting ready next to the kids as he chases Hershel Jr and Shepherd through the snow for a bit while the rest of the Grimes got dressed for the snow day. Maggie stayed on the porch waiting for Y/N while she got Dog in a sweater before letting him join in the chaos.
“Where’s Daryl?” Maggie asks once Y/N stepped out while getting her gloves on.
“I just told him what we were doing so he should be joining us soon. But he’ll be getting Carol and her family, then Aaron and his daughter”
“Can you believe it?” Maggie smiles looking out to the small crowd for now. “We survived and thrived after all that happened”
“It’s surreal for sure” Y/N smiles watching her son gather a snow ball and pelt Dog making the Mal get excited to play ball.
As Shep made his way more down the street running away from the snowballs that were coming from the Rhees then his cousins, he stopped to hear someone curse because of how cold it was. He made his way to the little vent that looked into the room finding their resident prisoner shivering his ass off.
Y/N immediately turns to her son seeing his frustrated expression which started to worry her.
“What’s wrong baby?” She walks away from the crowd of adults on Rick’s porch to kneel before her son as he struggled to get his words out.
“Th—uh. Uhm. I’m cold”
“Uncle Rick has the fireplace going, the adults were gonna go inside while Carl watches you little ones out here…you wanna come warm up a bit?”
“No! It’s…uhm. Mama…” Shep’s frustration came out in a whine making Y/N sigh a bit before standing up and extending her hand to the small child.
“Lead the way to what you need”
Shep immediately took her hand and pulled her back to their house. Then upstairs to the hall closet that Y/N kept spare blankets in.
“You can’t bring a blanket out in the snow, baby”
“No! It’s for…” Then the little one held a guilty expression which only confused his mother more.
Daryl steps out of the Grimes’ residence when he didn’t find Y/N in there. Then he spotted her carrying blankets while following her son toward the cell. He quickly picked up his crossbow off the porch and ran over to the two.
“Hey, what’s wrong what are y’all doing?” Daryl stops Y/N while Shepherd proceeded.
“Shep heard Negan complaining that he was cold”
“So what?”
“Daryl. I’m not doing anything outside of the council’s guidelines regarding Negan. I’m simply doing what my son wants” Y/N states, and that want being kind toward their prisoner and giving him extra blankets during the winter. “He’s not going to hurt Shep…or me”
“I’m comin’ then”
“If it makes you less helicopter-y” She jokes making her way downstairs and helping Shepherd with the door.
Their presence sort of startled Negan given the door leading outside was never the quietest and the looming archer on the steps made him feel uneasy. But his attention locked onto the Grimes sister handing the blankets to this small child he’s never met before, and for good reason. Negan wanted to stand up and approach the bars but the way Daryl was glaring at him. He stayed put, until the small child approached the bars holding up the blankets.
“You don’t have to”
Shepherd frowns looking up at his mom while hugging the blankets tightly. “But mama I want to…” he said in a hush whisper as Y/N gently pets his head.
“You tell him, baby. Not me”
The little one went back to the bars of the cell looking up at Negan who approached the bars when he looked at his mother.
“But I want to” Now how can anybody ever be mad at that adorable face of his? Negan extended his hands taking the blankets through the bars watching the little one light up.
“Thanks kid…appreciate it”
The young grimes smiles happily before heading back out and instantly running into Daryl. The archer knew what was bound to happen with the child and that was Shep wanting to be picked up by him.
“Can’t say no to him” Y/N smiles receiving a look from the archer indicating that he’d never say no to him wanting to be picked up. Even if the man groaned picking up Shepherd. “Go on ahead. I’ll be a minute”
“Just go. Please”
Daryl can’t say no to the puppy dog eyes, especially when Shepherd gets it from his mother. He nods before carrying Shep out of there leaving Y/N with Negan for a moment.
“You’ve got a nice kid…”
“I really do huh?” Y/N smiles approaching the bars to Negan’s cell as he suddenly started to feel anxious when her smile remained hit her eyes said it all. “So let me make it clear to you, Negan. If you hurt my boy. With your words or even physically, I’ll be doing everyone a favor and ending your life” She hissed glaring at the man watching him nod before leaving the cell.
All the kids were inside warming up and all the little ones were watching Henry show them how to play cards. Go Fish to be exact. While the adults had a drink and catch up.
“Your turn Shepherd” Henry’s voice snapped the kid out of his thoughts as Shep looks at his cards before setting all his cards down to show that he’s been hogging pairs but more specifically to leave the small table to go to his mom.
“He’s a card shark” Judith states not knowing exactly what that means.
“That’s…used in a different game? But I guess that works here” Henry laughs collecting the cards and shuffling the deck.
“Mama…” Shep whispers to get Y/N’s attention while Rick was telling Maggie about how he and Michonne were thinking of taking a trip. Y/N sets her glass down turning to her son and his upset expression. “I wanna go home…”
“Are you okay?” She whispers back not wanting to cause alarm or interrupt the on going conversation.
“No…” He whines in his whisper hugging Y/N’s leg. He relaxed a little when his mother rubbed circles on his back. “Can we go?”
“Yes, go get your shoes and coat on” Y/N got up from her seat once Shep ran over to where all the shoes were. “I’m turning in guys”
“Really?” Rick frowns, it wasn’t that late. Even for the kids.
“Yeah, Shep’s gettin’ tired and the alcohol isn’t sitting right with me.” Y/N left after saying such to get her coat on and pick up her son who instantly latched onto her.
“We’ll be quiet when we turn in” Maggie makes one last comment watching Y/N smile before stepping out with Dog also joining the two.
While the three made their way home, Shep tugged at Y/N’s coat when her attention was already on him.
“Forget somethi—-“
“Why is he down there, mama?” Shep frowns watching her face soften but also worry for she doesn’t know how to approach that conversation without going too far.
“He did something bad, Shepherd…that’s why he’s down there”
“But I do bad things too…like leave my shoes out for Dog to chew and you get mad…”
“It’s…uh” Y/N frowns setting Shepherd down on their porch to sit as she sat beside him. “You’re too young to understand the kind of bad things he did before you were born…”
“…can you try?”
How do you go telling a four year old about the abuse his mother endured done by that terrible man? Or the abuse Daryl, someone he looks up to, has gone through…the horrors of the Saviors threatening to kill members of their family…
You just. Don’t.
“He hurt people, Shep. In a way I can’t tell you…”
Shepherd frowns bringing himself closer to his mom leaning against her.
“Did he hurt you, mama…?”
Y/N didn’t say another word as she was fighting back tears when thinking about it. All she did was bring her son into his embrace holding onto him like her light depended on it. And part of him knew. Even if he didn’t understand.
Once it was late enough, Daryl came upstairs to check on Y/N thinking Shepherd would be in his room but entering the room he noticed the little one curled up in his mother’s embrace. He still brought himself to sit on the edge of the bed resting his hand on her shoulder watching her turn slowly to him revealing tears in her eyes.
“What happened?” He whispers watching her turn back to her son as Shepherd unconsciously scooted closer in her embrace.
“…I’m triggered D. It’s hard to sleep” She whispers back feeling Shep shift once more, enough to pull away from her and star fish on the rest of her bed. Giving her enough space to turn onto her back looking up at Daryl as he carefully wipes away her tears. “I know they don’t stay little and overwhelmingly kind forever…but I don’t want him taking that away from my baby”
“He won’t. I promise yea” Daryl frowns giving her enough space to sit up and hug him. He held her for as long as she needed.
“Remember, listen to Uncle Rick and stay out of trouble” Y/N tells Shep who didn’t want his mom to go on the hunting trip with Daryl and Carol. “I’ll be back before you know it”
“Why can’t I go with you?”
“You will buddy, when you’re a bit older” Daryl ruffle his hair a bit before Shep latched onto his leg. “Aw come on, bud”
“Please don’t go…”
It was spring, which meant more hunting trips. Shepherd didn’t mind when it was one of the two leaving, but they both were going on this one and he didn’t like it one bit.
“We’ll be back before you know it, Shep. I promise” Y/N knelt down for her son to hug her tightly once more.
Before watching the three go from Rick’s porch.
The agenda for the first day was boring. Or to Shepherd a bit boring. He loves helping when given the chance to but he doesn’t like working on the farm unless it was with his mom. Because they would play “I Spy” while collecting the crops and help him with his counting when putting in new seeds. Rick knew about this and was trying to do it with Shep, but that’s another thing. He only likes doing it with his mom. Otherwise he just helps tug the basket along while Rick cleans up the dead plants and getting the soil ready for new seeds.
“You okay Shep?”
“Can I go get water?”
Rick sighs nodding with a smile. “Be back quick. And get me a glass too”
Shepherd smiles setting the basket down by his uncle before leaving the farm and heading back toward the houses. Except after he got his uncle a canteen instead of a glass, because Michonne stopped him in the middle of her conversation with Siddiq and Gabriel to switch the glass with a canteen since the kid can be clumsy, Shepherd was given a second one for himself but instead of using it for himself.
Negan froze to the sound of said canteen falling onto the concrete floor. It’s sturdy so it didn’t crack or anything. He looks up through the vents to see Shepherd looking back at him before running back to his uncle.
Once the chores Rick had were done and the help of tidying up done by both him and Shepherd, the two made their way back to Rick’s place for dinner and then turning in. Shepherd was set up in the spare in their place which had a grown ups bed and not his low toddler one.
Shep couldn’t sleep, and can’t ever when his mom wasn’t home in any way. She could be standing somewhere else in Alexandria and he’d be able to sleep. He pushed his blankets off of him and maneuvered his body on the edge of the bed so his feet were first to hit the floor but it was still a bit too high that he fell anyway. The little one didn’t want to alert anyone given he went to bed around the same time as his cousins, but the adults could still be awake.
The little one has been spending a lot of time with Daryl.
Because Shepherd managed to get out of the house through the doggy door in the kitchen while the adults (Rick and Michonne) were in the living room. Thank god he was small enough or that would be a very uncomfortable conversation telling Y/N her son got stuck in the doggy door.
The resident prisoner heard footsteps draw closer, followed by a whine that Negan can only connect to Dog. So it must’ve been Daryl but when Shepherd came into view by the vent sitting beside it and Dog laying next to him, Negan only grew more confused.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“How do you know when bedtime is?” Shepherd looks at him confused leaving the man stumped.
“Forget it. Your mom will kill me if she finds you here. Hell even your uncle or whatever Daryl is to yea”
“He uh…uhm. Just Daryl?” The confusion in his tone made Negan a bit curious about the two’s relationship since he thinks Shep probably doesn’t know that his mom and Daryl are seeing each other. He wasn’t about to put them in any way.
“Are you close with Daryl? Like how you are with your uncle Rick?”
“I don’t know”
“What do you mean?” Negan brought himself to sit on the floor against the wall where the vent was as Shepherd sat on the small grass patch by the vent with Dog surrounding him.
“I used to call him Uncle Daryl…but something happened” Shep tugged at the grass while he spoke. “He was there for me when I’m sad. Helped me with my shoelaces. Get my sippy cups from the high shelves. Patch my boo boos. Let me sit with him while he works on his bike. Other things that Uncle Rick doesn’t do with me”
“You see him as a dad?” Negan’s question was met with silence. “What would your old man think?”
“I don’t have a dad”
If he starts crying, better start digging your grave Negan thought as he was prepared for tears but was met with a sigh instead.
“Mama says I never had one. But I always saw Daryl as one” Shepherd frowns as he stops tugging at the grass seeing the damage he has done. “Is that bad?”
“What? Seeing Daryl as your dad?”
“Well. He helps with your boo boos. I think that’s pretty much dad material…when I taught PE which was just watching a bunch of kids in a yard to get rid of the energy in’em, some kids would stumble. Cry. Get banged up by either concrete or a plastic bat. I wouldn’t know what to do and pull a teacher move with the whole “go to the nurse” when most nurses in schools back in my day didn’t do a very good job”
“That’s bad”
“Real bad. But I just pawned the problem off to somebody else. Daryl? He takes care of yea. Would do about anythin’ for yea. I don’t see a problem in calling him dad.” Negan shrugs. “But that’s a conversation for your mom. And then Daryl”
Shepherd was about to ask another question when he heard his name being called. Negan heard it as well and rose to his feet going toward the vent to look at Shep.
“You better go back before he gets worried”
“ok, goodnight”
“Night kid” Negan states hearing the tussle of his footsteps and the dog getting up with him before it faded away.
The next morning came and Negan woke to the sound of the outside door opening. Maybe it was confessional day but to his surprise he saw Shepherd coming down the steps with Michonne. Michonne came down for other business while Shepherd carried drawing supplies to distract him from their conversation. But some part of him knew that Negan enjoyed the company.
“Well good mornin’ to y’all”
“Good morning” Shepherd instantly replies back before sitting on the ground and dropping all of his supplies while Michonne took the chair bringing it to the bars of his cell.
“The council is holding a meeting about you soon”
“Oh wonderful” Negan frowns sitting back on his bed leaning against the wall. “What about?”
“Well. One, Y/N thought you should have warmer items in here for the future winters.” Michonne pointed with her eyes to Shepherd as it was really his idea being told through his mom. “Second, we were thinking you could actually do stuff around Alexandria. It won’t mean you’re instantly free. More so—-“
“Community service and I come back here once I’m done for the day? You’re really trustin’ me with that?”
“Why not?” Shepherd chimes in seeing confused looks as Michonne gave Negan a warning one mainly for his words.
“Nobody trusts me, Shep. Which in this case makes sense…but imagine being untrustworthy and being given chores around the other residents” Negan states while approaching the cell bars and sitting on his side across from Shepherd.
“Mama doesn’t trust me around Daryl’s crossbow. Is it like that?”
“Sort of. But your mama must’ve said I’m a bad dude”
“That’s why I’m questioning if Michonne here trusts me enough to do chores around the place without causing trouble”
“Can’t he just be watched when he’s not locked up, auntie?” Shep looks up at his aunt with a small smile as Michonne took note of that because it’s not a bad idea.
“You’re not manipulating him to say these things right?” Michonne questions Negan as she watches Shepherd bring himself close with a piece of paper and a few crayons handing one to Negan to play tic tac toe with him. Negan kept a distance but did play with the kid through the bars.
“From the time Y/N lived at the Sanctuary, yeah she was defensive to me but to everybody else who weren’t part of my troop. More like the other residents…she was overwhelmingly kind. Stood up for those who needed it, even if there were consequences…but just. She was too damn kind to everybody in that shitshow—-“
“Language” Both Shepherd and Michonne state hearing Negan apologize before letting Shep win the game.
“This boy has her kind side. It’s all him”
The council decided to let Negan work around Alexandria with a handful of chores each day and at least one day where he’s remaining in his cell. The one watching him changes every day, like it used to be. Unlike when he would be checked in on every other hour when he remained in his cell.
His help was much needed during the summer. And not just for chores.
Judith was playing with Gracie in the gardens while their dads were working on the nearby walls to do the yearly maintenance on the structures. While Shepherd’s mom helped in the actual gardens with Negan, meaning Y/N was on Negan duty and Shep was also around helping. But once he told his mom he was going to ask his cousin if he could play with them, her line of sight was no longer on him for a short time.
“You’re cutting too close to the main stem”
“My bad, hey where’s that rugrat? He said he’d help separate the tomatoes with the good and bad ones”
“He wanted to play with his cousin. I’ll separate them when I wash them once we’re done” Y/N states picking up the full basket and setting it on the table Daryl placed for them.
“Judith his cousin right?” Negan asks hearing a ‘yes’ from the boy’s mom as he turns around to where he knew the girls were playing when they first started harvesting. “Then where is he?”
“What?” Her tone changed instantly as she turns around to look at the two girls. “Where could he have gone…” she tried to remain calm hopefully when she got closer to the two girls that Shepherd would appear in her line of sight but he hasn’t.
“Aunt Y/N?” Judith questions her presence and a sense of regret rose in her. “Uhm. Where’s Shepherd?”
“I should be asking you that Judith.” The sternness made those working around them come to a slow stop. “Shepherd wanted to play with you, but he’s not here. So what did you say to my son?”
“Y/N. Woah, tone it back”
“I’m sorry Rick but I’m not.” Y/N bites. “It’s only been ten minutes and my son hasn’t turned up to my voice. He could’ve gotten out and be lost out there. Or got stuck somewhere here. While you’re handling dangerous stuff.”
“He’ll turn up, sis. He couldn’t have gotten far”
“He wouldn’t have wandered off if your daughter wasn’t mean and told my son he couldn’t play with her!”
“Don’t blame this on Jude. You’re too busy keeping an eye and being nice with the prisoner that it’s your own damn fault for losing sight of your son” Rick snaps back and the regret didn’t set in until Y/N retracted herself away with that same anxious sad look on her face when she was taken by the Saviors. “Shit…”
“Dad…” Judith frowns looking up at her dad. “I told him he couldn’t play with us. I-I didn’t think he would run away”
“He didn’t run away, hun. He’ll turn up” Rick frowns about to ask Aaron to watch the girls when he watched him take his gloves off.
“I’m gonna grab Daryl and help Y/N find Shepherd, Gracie…” Aaron kneels to his daughter. “Stay with these Grimes. Okay?” He smiles when she nods before getting up and heading off.
“Aaron I—-“
“I think you need to sit with what you said to your sister. You’ve done plenty” Aaron gave him a pity smile before going to help his sister.
While the commotion was happening, Negan knew he had to go back to his cell if his watcher wasn’t going to watch him. But to his surprise, he found the currently sobbing child in his open cell knowing it would be the last place his mom would look for him.
“Hey kiddo…” Negan frowns moving to sit on the cot of his bed as Shepherd hid under a blanket right beside it. His little grass stained shoes peeking out gave him away. “Want to tell me what happened up there?”
“Mm. You’re gonna have to tell your ma regardless. Just thought you’d want a friend” He states watching the blanket move to show his crying face as he looks over to him.
“Jude told me I couldn’t play with her cause I’m a baby” Shep frowns sniffling. “I’m not a baby, I’m four”
“Practically an adult” Negan states leaning against the wall. “She wasn’t thinkin’”
“She never thinks…Uncle Rick doesn’t either”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Of course there was more to it…
“He talks about mama behind her back…when she’s on her trips that aren’t safe for me” Shepherd frowns curling up as much as he could. “How she was stupid…to have me grow up without a dad…that she shouldn’t do anything without me cause she signed up for that…” the tears kept coming as his lip wobbles. “Am I a mistake…? Did mama make a mistake in having me? Not letting me have a dad?”
“Woah” Negan brought himself up and off the cot bringing himself to sit beside the kid. “I’m gonna be honest with you. If your mama didn’t want you, you wouldn’t be here. And your uncle was only thinking of himself when he said that. Cuz if you were my nephew, I would be stoked to hang out with yea. And this whole dad crap? Is bullshit”
“Whatever. Because you have a village. A huge family. You don’t need a dad. But you have one and we had this discussion before. Besides. Your mom? Loves you so much, hell enough for two parents, even beyond that. When she’d be walking the streets on a late return home, you’re the only thing she’s talking about to whoever she went on the trip with. And hell! You’re one of the greatest things to happen to her that it would have to take knocking her out to have her shut up about how much she loves yea.”
The little one continued to cry but he was smiling and felt a bit better to his words.
“Plus. The whole dad thing? Those guys hover a lot when they’re worried about their kid.”
“Yeah and I KNOW. FOR A FACT” Negan yells emphasizing who’s eavesdropping. “THAT HES NOT LETTING HIMSELF BE KNOWN RIGHT NOW.”
The sigh didn’t go unnoticed when Daryl made his way down the steps with a worried look on his face. But he also wasn’t accompanied by Y/N, so he heard everything Shepherd said including the part about Rick.
“See? A dad. Don’t matter if he’s blood or not. And between you and me” Negan started to whisper to Shepherd as he leaned in. “You scored on the dad front, already scored with the mom. So double points” his words got a giggle out of the child that rose to his feet ditching the blanket and making his way to Daryl who knelt to be his level. But Shepherd stopped a second turning to Negan.
“Thanks Negan…”
“Anytime kid. Now go find your mom, before she flips Alexandria over just to find yea”
“He’s right on that. She will” Daryl smiles warmly and the warmth grew in his chest when Shepherd wrapped his arms around him making the archer instinctively pick him up. “…thanks” he tells Negan receiving a thumbs up from the guy before heading out with his son.
As the two made their way toward the running worried filled mother that came their way. Y/N started sobbing on sight instantly taking Shepherd into her embrace giving Daryl a thankful look.
“I’m sorry mama”
“No baby it’s okay…you just scared me a little” Y/N cries holding him close as Shep pushes back a bit so that he could wipe away her tears. “You care too much about me, baby”
“I wanna, mama” Shepherd gave a small smile when she kissed his cheek. “Can we go home?”
“Yes, yes we can…we can go home and hang out. Just you and me”
“And dad” Shepherd pointed to Daryl as that was the first time he referred to the archer as such that he tried to compose himself even if Y/N didn’t he bother trying to compose herself.
“Yeah” Y/N smiles through the tears extending her free hand, holding Shep up with her other arm, feeling Daryl instantly take it into his.
And dad.
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rickmymanrick · 1 year
one rule | the walking dead
[ rick grimes x original female character! ]
there's only one rule in the new world… survive.
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In which best friends Daphne Ayala and Glenn Rhee form a ring of survivors that would pave the way for the new world.
** This story will eventually have a Rick Grimes romance (SLOW BURN) but focuses on Daphne's story after the fall. It may deviate from the events of the tv show and at times won't follow a specific script or season. There will be switching POVs (Characters/1st/3rd Person).
prologue —
in the present time, rick grimes experiences what hell on earth truly is.
chapter one ; partners —
unbeknownst to them, best friends glenn rhee and daphne ayala spend the last 48 hours of normalcy they’ll ever have before their lives are changed forever.
chapter two ; the evacuation —
the statewide evacuation is underway and it goes terribly wrong terribly fast. daphne and glenn undergo an impromptu rescue mission and soon their group of two becomes a group of 5.
chapter three ; the group —
it's been a month since the complete collapse of civilization. when daphne and glenn realize this is their new way of life, they begin to strategize the best ways of survival. along with the new members of the group, they fall into a steady routine, until a one-sided fight breaks out and everything is knocked out of order.
chapter four ; the idiot in the tank —
a supply run goes wrong and daphne finds herself reunited with an old acquaintance. old feelings unwillingly resurface but she forgets one big glaring problem back at camp.
chapter five ; maneater --
glenn and rick try out a new technique in order to survive and reunite with the rest of the group. back at camp, daphne and shane reach an understanding.
chapter six ; love rectangle —
rick confides in daphne for reasons unknown to her. as she offers him counsel, daphne is also grappling with conflicting feelings of her own.
chapter seven ; chef boyardee —
the plan goes wrong. daphne and glenn find themselves in a precarious situation but at least they have each other, right?
chapter eight ; the attack —
in a rush to deescalate what they presumed was merle's fury on camp, daphne and the crew arrive to something terrifyingly different.
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rick’s pov (chapter six)
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Important Character Info:
Daphne Ayala. She's a 23-year-old Latina woman who's working towards becoming a detective (hopefully for the FBI or some higher agency one day). As part of her training, she has to complete a few years of service in whatever local police department has an opening. You can see where this is going right? Her best friend is Glenn Rhee, with whom she shares an apartment with, and they're practically attached at the hip.
Rick Grimes has been aged down a bit though his actual age was never mentioned in the show. I imagine he's around 29, nearing 30 at the beginning of season 1. That would make Carl 9 years old (rather than 12 as he was in the show).
Hello AO3/Tumblr! I write under the pseudonym, Elle (She/Her)! I'm a Caribbean, South American brown writer who loves wayyy too many universes/fandoms lol. Current hyperfixation-- you guessed it: The Walking Dead. I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment anything that comes to mind while reading. I absolutely love reading what you all have to say (I have previously written for Wattpad and Tumblr).
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collecting-stories · 1 year
I have a TWD request if your up for it! I just started the series again and was thinking of a Daryl or Glenn x reader where the reader was a senior microbiology student in college at the time of the outbreak and was doing an internship at the CDC. That's where she meets them and ends up joining their team when they leave
CDC - Glenn Rhee
Summary: Glenn reassuring the reader as they drive away from the CDC.
A/N: I couldn't remember everything that happens at the CDC and didn't wanna rewatch the episode/s so this just a short blurb that takes place directly after the place blows up. Also I killed Andrea to further my "Emily hates Andrea" personality trait.
The Walking Dead Masterlist
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“I delivered pizza,” Glenn mentioned, the RV hitting a pot hole as it pulled off the curb. It rattled your whole body, shaking you left to right and knocking you against Glenn. He steadied you with an arm around your shoulders over the back of the booth seat.  
The fire that was raging behind you was bright in the middle of the day and you were almost convinced that you could still feel the warmth of it inside the RV with the windows up. You could definitely hear the sound of the walkers that were attracted to the fire, moaning and dragging themselves into combustion.  
“What?” You turned your head away from the window for the first time since you sat down in the booth seat of the RV and looked at Glenn.  
It had been Rick that had offered you the chance to leave with them when Jenner locked all the doors. It’d seemed silly to agree to the notion of leaving when you knew the steel doors were impenetrable once they came down. But you agreed anyway because dying wasn’t on your list of things to do. And now you were here, in the RV with Dale driving and Glenn sitting next to you, following the other cars of the other survivors in the ragtag group that had broken into the CDC the night before.  
More had happened in 12 hours than had happened in the last two months.  
“Before, you know...dead people started roaming around.” Glenn explained, moving his arm from off your shoulder and leaning his elbows on the table. His arm was still pressed against yours in the small space.  
“You delivered pizzas?” You clarified.  
“Yeah. Yup.” He replied, “I know that, whatever that was, was way more important than delivering pizza, just figured...it might make you feel better?” Glenn scrunched his face up to show his confusion as he ran a hand through his hair. When he’d started talking he was sure he had an actual point to make but now he was struggling to remember what it was.  
When you’d agreed to come with them he’d offered a spot in the RV right away. With Jackie and Andrea gone it seemed somehow like he’d jinxed the situation and he was trying desperately to say something to make up for the silence that lingered in the two women’s absence. You hadn’t said much in the CDC and you’d said even less since they got outside but Glenn had spent the entire dinner the night before unable to stop stealing glances at you. Not in a creepy way, he’d assured Dale when the older man inquired, he just thought you were beautiful and he hadn’t exactly been in the position to see too many attractive people lately.  
“I was doing my co-op at the CDC...it’s like an internship while I was in school...I was working on my senior thesis when the outbreak happened and, didn’t know what else to do so I went to work. Which I guess was better than staying at my dorm, in hindsight, but maybe also worse cause I got stuck with Jenner.” Being away from most of civilization for even the short period of time that you had found yourself had clearly given you a knack for oversharing.  
That and a cute guy was currently giving you all of his attention, which was also a bonus.  
“You all seem pretty familiar with what exactly is going on out here.” You mentioned, looking back out the window as the RV continued down the freeway, back toward Atlanta. “I’ve studied some postmortem samples up close but haven’t actually seen anyone like...be undead?”  
“Oh man, you should’ve seen Rick and I. A couple weeks back, I think, got stuck in the city on a run...it was gross...” Glenn launched into the harrowing story of his survival through a crowd of the very undead that you’d referenced, adding a few embellishments for the sake of keeping you interested in the story. 
As he spoke you looked up toward the front of the RV, catching Dale’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He turned and smiled at you before looking back at the road ahead. In the back, T Dog was sleeping, though you were completely bewildered as to how someone could sleep after what you had just witnessed.  
“If that’s what I have to look forward to,” you finally said as Glenn’s story came to an end. You had missed bits and pieces of it but could put together all you needed to know, you were far in over your head. Alive, but over your head.  
“It’ll be okay,” Glenn promised. He laid a hand over yours and squeezed, the reassuring look back on his face again, “we’re together and we take care of each other. I promise.” 
You nodded, “I’ll just stick close by you, how’s that?”  
“Yeah, yeah, that works. Stay by me, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Glenn replied. It wasn’t exactly a promise that he could make, especially when he had no idea where they were going to end up now that the CDC was out of question, but he fully intended to do everything in his power to keep it. He couldn’t let anything happen to you, he felt far too much hope when he looked at you to let go of that.  
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amazingmaeve · 1 year
learning to fight — main masterlist
series summary: hannah rhee never expected for the whole world to go to shit. i mean she was still learning in life she was still growing and trying to get through art school (something that it took years for her to decide to do), then the dead started to rise and hannah truly sees how hard she has to fight to survive. while trying to keep her little brother, glenn, and herself alive she comes across people that she will soon to see as her own family, one will worm it’s way into her fractured heart.
pairing: daryl dixon x hannah rhee (oc)
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a/n: obviously hannah will be Korean as she is Glenn’s sister but it won’t be discussed much so don’t worry about that there will only be a few mentions as it is in the show. also if I get something wrong about glenns family please let me know I couldn’t find much information on the internet so there may be made up backgrounds (but not to much obviously).
warnings: this will be different for each chapter but most of the time it will be canon typical violence and if there is something more it will be listed in the chapters warnings. also i legit just thought of this idea a few weeks ago and couldn’t get it out of my head and here we are. I also don’t have a face claim so if you have someone in mind mention it so everyone else can see the face claim.
❧ prologue (3.8k) —
as hannah and glenn go about their normal lives, with him going to his job delivering pizzas and hannah going to college while working at a bar at night to help with bills and food. but as soon as the two meet up in their shared apartment everything goes to hell.
❧ chapter one (3.7k) —
it’s been a few weeks since the outbreak happened and Hannah and Glenn have found themselves a group of survivors. The two sisters, Amy and Andrea, Theodore Douglas (T-Dog), the Morales family, Dale, Jacqui and Jim, Lori Carl and Shane, Carol and her husband Ed alongside their daughter. Glenn has made a few runs into the two while Hannah was weary of letting him go alone but he convinced her. On this run she wants to go with him to their old apartment to see if she could find something she forgot, with some convincing she’s able to go.
❧ chapter two (coming soon) —
Hannah and Glenn make it back to the Quarry with all the stuff they’ve collected to find out the group has gained two more members. The Dixon brothers, Shane tells them they’re here to stay and help with food (by hunting animals). Things clash when Merle becomes too weird and she storms off to cool off.
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ghcstify · 4 months
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maggie rhee x fem reader (platonic)
¡! warnings: usual lineup details, reader is in a deep state of depression, mentions of not eating, & thoughts of self-harm
¡! a/n: you are the adoptive daughter of maggie and glenn in this one. sorry if i break your guys’ heart… anyway, thank you for all the love <3
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you couldn't comprehend it. how could such an evil man take away your father figure? it felt as though you blinked, and glenn was gone. the man who took your father away called himself "negan." you tried to convince yourself that perhaps it was for the better, but negan bashing your father's head in suggested otherwise. and the screams, the cries, the tears — no matter what you did, they wouldn't go away. you felt utterly exhausted with life and everything around you. you had absolutely no motivation to even eat or get out of bed. in fact, you were still wearing the same clothes from the night it happened.
on top of that, you were currently curled up in a ball on your bed, laying on your side. you hadn't moved since you returned to alexandria, and it was so difficult because your mom was all the way at hilltop. rick, michonne, rosita, and even daryl had tried to reassure you that everything was going to be okay, but you knew it wasn’t — they were lying straight to your face. you had suddenly gotten the idea that hurting yourself would make you forget everything else, including the pain of losing your father.
but you still didn't move; it was as if your body was magnetically drawn to your bed. you just wanted to be left alone, but it was uncertain how long it would take before you could come out and pretend that everything was okay. your mother's screams echoed through your mind — the begging, the yelps. now, the two of you were separated after losing glenn. you felt as if you were still there, present when negan killed both abraham and glenn, emotionally tormenting you and everyone else. you were unable to let it go, despite your best efforts.
although your mind remained somewhat hazy, you could still make out the faint knocking at your door. you chose not to respond, assuming it was rosita or michonne, until you recognized a familiar voice. “sweetheart, it’s me,” you recognized the accent almost instantly; it was maggie. upon hearing her voice, you slowly rose and approached the door. as you opened it, your pale and tear-stained face was revealed to your mother. you could see the pain in her eyes as she looked at you, noticing that you were still wearing the same outfit from the night everything had happened.
recognizing the pain you both were experiencing, maggie pulled you into a tight embrace. sobs filled the room as you realized that all you needed was your mother. “i can’t do this anymore,” you choked back tears. maggie took a deep breath before pulling away from the hug and motioning for you to sit down on your bed. “i need you to know something, y/n,” she began to speak as she took a seat beside you. grasping your hands, she gazed into your eyes with love, yet the lingering pain in her expression only deepened your own sorrow. “he wouldn’t want to see us like this, okay? he needs his baby girl to be strong,” before she continued speaking, she gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“he needs you to be strong too, mom,” you replied, your voice breaking increasingly with each word that escaped your lips. “i know, i’m trying. for him and for you,” she whispered while reaching into her pocket for something. in her hands was glenn’s pocket watch that hershel had given to him. “mom, i can’t-“ you started to speak, but her gentle voice interrupted you, “please, take it, sweetheart.” you slowly reached for it, taking it from your mother's hand. as you examined it, memories of you and your father began to flood your mind. from the first moment you met to the last time you ever saw him.
“we have to keep going, for him,” maggie spoke as she gently kissed you on the forehead. nodding in agreement, your eyes started to well up with tears. she grasped your hands once more, offering a reassuring smile. somehow, that was the only smile that conveyed a sense of reassurance — that she was being sincere. “we’re in this together, sweetheart. we’re going to be fine.”
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