#mentions of pietro
olsenmyolsen · 1 month
Hey sorry you are ill at the moment, you mentioned requests being open. So if I may
May a request an wanda one shot where both wanda and yn are crushing in each other but both too scared to admit. Pietro is yns friend and takes her out to crazy golf or something to unwind (nothing alcohol related please) . But maybe pietro causes trouble and they end up arrested. Which stresses yn out as she's never been arrested and is scared and paranoid.
Anyway she uses her call to call wanda (much to pietro's displeasure) and she storms in to get them out (def calming down yn and giving her a hug when she sees her in jail and after she gets her out) . (Wanda def makes sure any record of yn getting arrested is gone with her powers) .
Wanda being utterly pissed at pietro, maybe they argue in sokovian and maybe pietro says something (def about them being idiots who won't admit they like each other or something along the lines) and he speeds away and it ends with Wanda being the one to confess and ask yn out.
I know this might seem a bit much or too detailed but let me know what you think :)
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You Have The Right To Remain Silent
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(I feel like I might start writing Pietro a lot more now)
master list . maroon master list . dark master list
Post AoU (Female Reader X Wanda Maximoff)
Summary: Pietro takes you out and tries to get you to admit your feelings about Wanda. Simple, right? So why are you making a phone call from a county jail?
Word Count: 3.2K
Content: Pietro is a great friend/menace, Emo Wanda, Cuteness
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To say Wanda Maximoff was mad would be THE understatement.
Not only was she mad, she was pissed, enraged, furious, embarrassed, she was- you get it. So, as Wanda grabs her red jacket and storms down to the Avenger's garage, she can't help but replay the most recent call with You repeatedly.
In fairness, you did only have one phone call, at least, according to the cop who arrested Wanda's brother and You.
But let's back it up a bit to this morning when all Pietro wanted to do was take you out. Have a bit of one-on-one hang-out time. You were, after all, his most recent best friend since moving to America and joining the Avengers.
"Y/n, come on, get up!" You were slowly but abruptly being shaken away by your silver-haired friend. You lift your tired arms and push him away. "No, I love sleep!" You cry out why, doing your best to keep your eyes shut, but within a flash, Pietro has lifted your window blinds, making the early morning sunshine right onto you.
Damn, Stark, for putting you in the east corner of the compound.
So, with a loud groan into your pillow, you blink open your eyes to see Pietro smugly smiling. "Hi!" He waved.
What a menace.
You closed your eyes and sighed loudly. But sure enough, about twenty minutes later, you were dressed comfortably in your favorite pair of jeans and a light hoodie. It was about halfway through autumn, so the choice was perfect for the season and for whatever outdoor activity Pietro wanted to drag you to.
As of late, he was known to pull something like this. About two weeks ago, it was Basketball. A month prior, it was Pickleball.
Etc etc.
And you weren't sure if it was meant to happen or not, but the conversations always seemed to steer back to fellow teammate Pietro's sister and your crush, Wanda Maximoff.
And not that Pietro knew. At least you didn't think so...
(He knew.)
Regardless, you stumbled into the Avenger's kitchen and- "Hey, Y/n!" You jolt your head up from the floor of the compound at the accented angelic voice of Wanda. She's standing by the stove making pancakes. She's dressed in her usual wear of black skirts and cardigans. Necklaces hanging from her. Wanda's nails have some of the black polish removed, and her fingers are still wearing rings. Some of the last things from first home...
Wanda keeps her eyes on you as you smile to see her. Hoping your cheeks don't light up. "Hi, Wanda!" You finally manage to say. She loves the sound of your voice, too. Even when it's all wavered. "You heading out?" Wanda says as you walk further into the kitchen. Heading to the fridge because you're on autopilot.
You look down at your outfit of choice. "Uh yeah, Pietro wanted to do something." Wanda makes anah noise and turns back to the pancakes. "You like blueberries, right?"
Wanda knew you did.
"Yeah." You reply after retrieving a glass of orange juice, making Wanda nod and not so subtly begin making a blueberry pancake. You turned your head away at the feeling of the warmth in your cheeks and sat at the kitchen island.
You felt the need to say something to Wanda. Ask her how she slept. Or what she was doing today. Or if she watched any of the old sitcoms you used to watch after school. But nothing was firing in your brain as you watched her glide through the kitchen.
You were starting to wonder if she didn't have her abilities, what would Wanda do? Chef? Ballet? Actress?
Wanda laughed while flipping over your two pancakes onto a plate. The noise made you raise your eyebrows and look at her with an acute smile. "What's funny?" You asked, but Wanda shook her head. "Just thought about something." She meekly replied with her green eyes, making her red cheeks and freckles pop slightly more. "Here." She then said as she laid down the food in front of you. Her powers setting down the syrup next to you.
You smiled and felt your heart flutter. "You get first dibs." Wanda smiled back. "Wow... Wanda, this looks-"
"Ah, there you are!!" Pietro rushed into the kitchen, making the two of you startle, and dropped your silverware onto the plate. "Jesus!" You yell out while Wanda takes the dish towel next to her and throws it at her brother. "Stop doing that!" She yells, making Pietro roll his eyes. "But you always say that!" Wanda lets out a large sigh and glares at him before turning back to the stove to keep working on breakfast for the rest of the team.
Effectively ending your moment with Wanda.
You pick back up your fork and knife and begin to dig into your specially made pancakes while Pietro tries to apologize to his sister to get her to make him chocolate pancakes, but she refuses and then says: "Only Y/n gets the special treatment!"
You froze, but Pietro smirked and looked at Wanda before communicating with her in Sokovian. A language you wish you could understand. Maybe in time... However, what Pietro said ended up with her yelling something back while trying her best to hide her smile.
Pietro called her out, and thus, a chocolate pancake was laid in front of him minutes later. But leaving food around him doesn't last long, so as much as you wanted to talk to Wanda some more and be terrible at flirting, you were being whisked away for a day with Pietro.
Not before waving bye to Wanda.
"Axe throwing?" You asked Pietro as the two of you walked up to the building after a 30-minute drive. "Not just axe throwing!" You tilted your head and followed the speedster inside.
Pietro took you to the newest evolution in the craze. Inside was your typical kind of place for this activity, but instead of standard sections, this place also had a glow-in-the-dark area and a gamified version where you had to play/win specific challenges for tickets for prizes.
You looked at your friend and saw his smile on his face.
Sometimes, you remind yourself that this is still the same person who lost everything months ago. And here he is with a wide smile.
Also, how in the world did he find out they opened at 10 am was beyond you. It just didn't make sense... But it's a tale, so after ordering some water and snacks, the first axe hit the board.
"No, fair, you're super strong!" Pietro was already whining.  You playfully rolled your eyes and grabbed your axe. "Yes, but that and my impenetrable skin don't make me super accurate. I'm not Hawkeye." You say with a little laugh. "Ah, right, the old man," Pietro replied, lifting the axe above his head. You smiled. "I'm so telling him you said that." You say as Pietro's axe lands slightly to the right of the bullseye.
Pietro retrieves it and laughs back before asking you about Natasha Romanoff, aka The Black Widow.
You tried your best to talk him out of asking her, but it didn't work. However, when he got knocked across the gym three weeks from now, you were there to say, "I told you so."
"Bullseye!" You cheered as your axe landed dead center. Pietro watched you walk to grab it with a smile before he did his best to shift the conversation to the real reason for today's adventure. "So Y/n..."
"So Pietro..." You said, copying his tone as he threw his axe. "You and my sister seemed to be getting along..." You tilted your head slightly. "Yeah... so?"
Pietro's axe landed a little below the target. Pietro looked at it before turning to you. "Pietro..." You said as the man stared at you. "Y/n, come on." Pietro grabbed his axe. "Just admit you like my sestra!"
"Pietro!" You raised your voice at his accurate assumption. "She likes you too!" He kept his voice level with yours. "You're too dumb or chicken to do anything about it!" You shook your head. "No. We're just friends!"
Yes, you had a crush on Wanda. Because, of course, you did, but when it came to admitting it to Pietro, you denied, denied, denied.
One, because you'd never hear the end of it.
Two, you didn't want to jeopardize anything between you and Wanda.
And three, could Wanda actually like you back??
"She made you special pancakes! You heard her. No one, but you gets them!" Pietro argues loudly, making one of the few other people in the establishment look over towards the two of you. "Pietro, shh." You say while gesturing with your head to the person, but Pietro isn't bothered by that. Too busy asking you about your crush. "That means something!"
"No, it means nothing." You argue back hoping this would be like any other time Pietro brought up this conversation and have it end reasonably quick. So, as you badly threw your axe at the wall, Pietro stood up.
"So if you think everything between you and my sestra means nothing then that must mean you don't like her."
You picked your axe from the floor. "What?" You replied, standing in the narrow space. "I didn't say that!" A customer looks over at you two. So does an employee. "So there is something?!" Pietro grins as he lets go of the axe right next to you, as you haven't gotten out of the way yet. "Pietro!" You scream even if the axe wouldn't have done anything to your body, thanks to your abilities.
An employee calls a manager over to them to watch you and Pietro.
"Just admit it: you like my sestra!" You huff, but before you can say anything else, he uses his super speed to grab the axe from the board and swing it back at you again. "Say it!" He calls out as it feels like you got a new haircut.
Luckily, nothing was trimmed.
"Yes, I like Wanda-" Pietro goes to interrupt you, but you cut him. "As a friend!" Pietro rolls his eyes and goes to use his powers again, but a man in a blue polo shirt stops him as Pietro raises his axe.
The two of you turn your eyes to the stranger—a manager.
"Hey! You are breaking some rules here and causing a disturbance. Why don't you two come with me!" Pietro looks at you and returns his eyes to the man with the name tag, 'Micheal.' "No, we're cool. It's okay."
You sigh, closing your eyes, knowing that's NOT what you're supposed to say. You move up.
"Hey. I'm sorry, my friend here is a little... much, but I-" You get cut off by the manager. "Doesn't matter what you're about to say. You two have been loud and reckless. Not to mention you're mutants." The man adds that last part in like you wouldn't heat him.
Pietro looks from you to the man. "Excuse me?"
"Pietro, let's just leave." You say, moving your eyes to Wanda's brother. But Pietro tightens his jaw. He brought you to this place to have fun and to finally have you admit that you are head over heels for Wanda. He also wants to spend time with his friend. He's tired of people telling him what to do or not do.
So, in a lapse of better judgment, Pietro uses his super speed and, thus leading to the two of you pinned to a cop car while Peitro wears Micheals's name tag as paramedics look over the man in the polo with a bloody nose. "I didn't push him that hard," Pietro comments, making you huff as a cop tightens the cuffs on the two of you.
"You both have the right to remain silent..." The mustache'd cop behind you starts going over your Miranda Rights as you close your eyes and let the world fall to a hum around you.
What the fuck were you going to tell Wanda...
The cell door at the sheriff's station closes behind you as you and Pietro walk inside. "I still think we could've gotten away. I'm super fast." You throw your arms up and let them fall against your side. "And then what Pietro? My car would still be at the place, and they'd track the registration to the compound. Could you imagine two cops knocking on the Avengers doors!?"
Pietro noticed your voice. You're frustrated and exhausted. Uneasy as your anxiety courses through you.
Pietro looks away.
The last time you were arrested was before you joined the Avengers... Those memories are seconds away from coming back.
After a few quiet moments, you take a seat on the cold bench next to your friend. Pietro hears the deep exhale come out of you. "I'm sorry." He calmly speaks up, making you look at him. "I shouldn't have engaged or acted out." You nod. "Why did you?" You ask. Pietro shrugs but looks at you. "I was more than okay leaving, but then he said... that word a-and it made me think back to Hydra. You know they weren't exactly known for being the nicest people..." He jokes with a slight smile but is still solum with his words. "Plus, I guess. I guess I really just wanted today to be the day." Pietro looks at you, and you know what he means.
"I do like her. A lot." You speak up. Pietro smiles. "Oh god, what are we going to tell her?" You say as you lean back against the grey wall.
"Tell her?" Pietro says, making you glance at him. "We can't do that." You widen your eyes. "Are you kidding me? That's exactly what we're going to do!" You say back.
"She'll kill me!" Pietro jokingly looks scared.
"Pietro, you're lucky I haven't killed you! Besides, we're calling Wanda. I'm not about to have Cap come down here and treat us like we're children. I am not about to have Natasha scold us and make our weekly gym sessions increase. I'm calling Wanda!"
Pietro knew this was the only option as everyone else was too busy or off-world. But he still argued and pleaded. But he relented when he saw you start to shake from your nerves.
Ten minutes later, you walked back into the cell, and an officer closed it behind you.
"I think she's mad." You said. Knowing his twin, Pietro knew that if you thought Wanda was mad. Gear up because she was past mad. Pietro sighed and stood up, needing to stretch his legs. "Did you tell her it was my fault like I asked?" You nodded. "But then Wanda asked me how come I was arrested as well. I froze. I told her I pushed the man back when he tried to push me but couldn't." Pietro laughed through his nose. "Your super strength and impenetrable skin will always amaze me."
"Yeah..." You sigh. "Too bad it won't make me Wanda like me again after this." Pietro watches you sit on the bench. "I'll talk to her," Pietro affirms you, but you don't know if you want him to talk to the witch or not. But before you can say anything, you hear muffled, loud yelling coming from outside the double doors down the hall. "How did she get here already?!" Pietro asks because it makes no sense. You shake your head and shrug before the doors down the hall open, and Wanda's black boots hit the white tile floor with force.
The officer with Wanda opens the cell door without a word to either of you. When you look at his eyes, you see how red they are.
Pietro looks to you and gulps.
"Sestra-" Wanda raises her hand to Pietro. "I don't want to hear it. Let's go." Wanda starts to walk away, and as much as you shouldn't, you do, in fact, look up and down her backside. Your crush on her and her demeanor towards you in this moment makes something click inside you. Fuck.
As the three of you exit into the station lobby, you realize that everyone in the building is under Wanda's control. You glance at a monitor and watch as a red-eyed officer deletes your and Pietro's files. You look back to Wanda, who pierces you with her green eyes. A smile wants to break out on her lips, but she remains stern as she gestures for you two to pick up your belongings at the front desk. You nod, and you and Pietro grab your things—one of them including your car keys for your impounded car.
"It's out front," Wanda speaks up before you send her a gracious smile. She sees it but doesn't return one as she leads the three of you outside. Her red car is parked next to your older vehicle.
"Pietro in the car," Wanda commands her brother, who does so without wanting to be under her power. As she stops in front of her driver's side door, Wanda looks to you. She opens it before closing it and walking over to you. Her green eyes looking at yours, getting softer by the second. She then surprises you with the most Wanda thing ever. She wraps her arms tightly around you and hugs you. "It's okay." She whispers to you as you feel yourself melt into the embrace. "Wanda, I'm sorry." You feel the need to say back, but Wanda shakes her head and pulls back. "Y/n, the only thing you need to be sorry for is your choice of friends." You can't help but laugh as you wipe the corner of your eye. The last thing you needed to do was cry.
Wanda moves her hands and fingers covered in rings up and down your arms to comfort you. "Pietros has already taken the blame again and again," Wanda says, confusing you until she points to her head. "Right." You nod. Wanda smiles. "A lot of yelling in Sokovian." Wanda drags her hands down and off of your arm. You already feel the loss of her touch, but look at her eyes as they find yours. "Do you think we could talk later? After we get back to the compound?" She asks, and you feel your throat grow tighter. "Not about this!" Wanda quickly corrects your thoughts as she points to the sheriff's office. "It's just Pietro called me an idiot, and it has something to do with you."
"With me?" You find yourself questioning even though you one hundred percent know what she's getting at it. Wanda nods as a shy blush appears on her face. Wanda looks back to the car before turning to look at you. She bites her lip. "I like you. A lot." Wanda confesses after a brief moment.
You can't help but smile wide.
You nod. "I like you a lot too, Wanda." Wanda feels her heart grow warm as she hears your words. "So yeah, we can talk later?" She says, making you chuckle. "I'll see you at the compound." You reply back.
Who would've thought that to get your crush, all you had to do was get arrested?
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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siderains · 4 months
once quicksilver is free from ugly designs, bad writing, cheap plots, heritage erasure, wrong character interpretations and constant underestimation of his power levels it’s over for you bitches
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soranatus · 7 months
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The Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver | Wanda Maximoff & Pietro Maximoff
March 1, 1964 - March 1, 2024, it’s been 60 years since the Maximoff Twins first debuted in The X-Men (1964) #4
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wrathofthestag · 9 months
So I have a new headcanon that eventually, Jack will write a cookbook. After years of watching Bitty cook, Jack picks up a lot. At first, he's shy in the kitchen and looks to Bitty for reassurance and guidance. Gradually, he dives into cooking with gusto. Much to Bitty—and Bob's—delight, he becomes more fearless and adventurous in the kitchen.
With Bitty's busy schedule, Jack begins cooking more meals at home. He approaches Nate the team's dietitian for info on cooking for athletes. They have long chats and Nate gives him lots of books and recommends some online courses if Jack is "really interested." Which he is!
Jack then finds himself making lunches for the guys. Tater draws a cute little cartoon of Jack with a chef's toque that he tapes to the nook wall.
Like everything Jack approaches, he is 110% and is diving into the science of food, particularly in relation to the athlete. Bitty is charmed beyond belief.
"Honey, this is delicious and you have definitely outdone me when it comes to cooking for the team."
"Euh, thanks, Bits."
Jack blushes but feels good when he brings food for the Falconers. And blushes even more when the guys chirp him as they happily dig into Jack's creations. It's then that Jack finally understands, truly understands what Bitty feels when he cooks for others.
Soon, FalcsTV is always abuzz about Jack's cooking, especially with Tater's What's in Zimbonni's Kitchen? segment. So, it's no surprise when Bitty's agent approaches Jack about a cookbook for athletes.
"Bits is the chef, not me," he quickly replies.
But Bitty's agent, and Bitty, smile. Soon the book debuts and, of course, it's a hit.
Shitty and the team chirp Jack within an inch of his life.
"What's with the beefcake photo, brah?" Shitty razzes (as the pride shines on his expression).
Bitty quickly shushes him.
"The publisher knows what the masses want, Byron."
Jack's a little embarrassed, but ultimately, he doesn't care. He's proud of the work he's done and smiles as he puts a copy of Eat More Protein next to all of Bitty's cookbooks in their kitchen.
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faellain · 3 months
The Accidental Baby Trap Incident
Summary: About four years after the events of First Class, Erik arrives at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters with two little twins who he didn't know existed. Thinking he doesn't know what to do, he runs to Charles, not knowing the state his old friend is in.
Snippet 3
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the next morning, erik tiredly takes the twins down to the kitchen, providing them a breakfast of orange juice, apple slices, and toast with butter. he drinks three cups of black coffee and eats a single apple slice. without him there, and with charles in a state, hank has forgone actual coffee for instant like a savage. it might as well be mud as far as erik is concerned.
"i hate toast," pietro tells him and briefly erik wonders how anyone could hate toasted bread.
erik sighs beleagueredly, "when i was young, i'd be grateful for any meal- wanda, do not turn your brother's toast into something else."
"yeah, i don't if i can do that again," she admits sheepishly, pulling the hand that was about to tap her brother's toast away, "i kinda don't know how i did it to the cookies."
"you're young. i didn't know how to master my own mutation till i was older and even then, sometimes i still needed help," erik assures her. wanda happily munches on her apples after that. pietro rolls his eyes.
he cleans up everything, wondering just how to start this day. it wasn't as if his children were full grown adults who he could toss into the danger room. he did not know where to begin training seven year olds. most mutants didn't even manifest until puberty... but his kids were early bloomers.
as he picks up breakfast, he hears footsteps coming around the corner. at first, he assumes it's hank. perhaps the other actually decided to emerge out of his lab at a reasonable hour. but hank walks with a heavy footstep from his mutation. these steps are light, stilted.
"oh!" he hears charles say, "well, uh, hello you two."
"you're the guy who punched dad!" laughs pietro, "you got 'im good!"
erik turns, "pietro-"
charles kneels down to speak with the children at eye level in their chairs, "he told me you have mutations of your own. what can you both do?"
"i run fast!" pietro exclaims before dashing out of his chair, leaving charles' hair whipping against his face. after a mere moment, he comes back with an empty glass which he offers to erik, "here, dad, you can wash this too."
"very impressive," charles tells him and pietro beams.
erik takes the glass as charles stares at it briefly before turning his attention back to the children. most likely it had come from his room. he turns and smiles at wanda.
"and you, little one?" he asks her.
"my powers are kinda funny," she admits, "i usually just use them to hold pietro in place or make things float when i get upset. but i turned snicker-whatevers into chocolate chip cookies yesterday."
finally, charles looks at erik, clear realization of just why erik has come to him finally dawning on him. pietro would grow to be an ordinary mutant, one who would need training and would excell, but not right away. wanda was like nothing they had ever seen before. charles turns back to her, nodding, and squeezing her little hands.
"that's very special. you both are," he tells her and then turns to pietro before moving back to look at both of them, "how about you two go and play in the yard? i have a tire swing out there you might like."
they both cheer and wanda looks at erik, "can we, papa?"
"go ahead. just don't go past the tree," he says. they promise, not that he trusts pietro to abide by that promise. but they both take each other's hands and dash off at wanda's speed.
charles stands, moving to make his own coffee, "they're lovely children… you never told me."
"i didn't know," erik replies, "magda didn't want my life for them."
"doesn't surprise me. vengenance, death of humanity and all that," charles murmurs as he pulls out a mug.
erik notices that he did shower at some point between their arguement and now. his hair lacks the grease and the smell has disappated in favor of the soap charles prefers. even years later, he could smell that soap and know charles was near.
"i don't understand her power," erik cuts to the chase, "i assumed she was telekinetic. and then one day she changed the color of her shirt by wishing it. and now the cookies."
"…you're scared of her," charles says, looking at him again. erik wants to die beneath that gaze.
"i'm scared of what others might do to her."
charles digs out one of the chocolate chip cookies from the pantry, erik resisting his desire to glibly remind charles that those are not a breakfast food. he sniffs it, stares at it before taking a bite and nodding in odd approval. at least his daughter didn't turn them into cookies that tasted bad.
"i suppose we shouldn't be surprised considering just how powerful her father is," charles says absently.
"perhaps only surpassed by a child of yours," hums erik, tiredly. imagning a child with equal or greater telepathic ability to charles is rather insane. he is perhaps the strongest telepath they know, even more powerful than emma.
charles laughs dismissevly, "that will never happen. i was careful before and i don't want one. i never did."
"you opened a school."
"yes. for school aged children with mutations like your children," he reminds erik, tone clipped as he stares at the coffee carafe filling up, "not babies. i shouldn't- it's one thing to teach children, it's another to raise them."
erik goes quiet. that he at least agrees with. at least he had a good example, but he knows a little about charles and raven's upbringing. mostly, frustratingly, from raven. charles knew everything about erik, yet charles hid his life, his pain from him constantly. even raven didn't speak much on their life outside of their inattentive mother who charles loved deeply anyway.
"hank invited me to stay the night after wanda changed the cookies," erik explains, quietly, too awkward. it's so strange to lack the helmet, but have charles in his arm's reach, yet not feel the other sharing his mind, knowing his thoughts. he would never let anyone else do that, "but we can leave."
charles shakes his head, "no. clearly we at least need to figure out what wanda's mutation is. do your- does raven know about them?"
"no," erik explains, "i haven't told any of them. to be honest, i've gone totally radio silent on them. i need to rectify that. give them some lie to keep them passive."
"you're the one who divided us," charles huffs, "it's not like they can tell you no. are you telling me you don't trust angel and raven with your kids?"
"i do," erik assures, "but we have other things on our plate. riptide is… missing. i had him investigating some possible mutants in vietnam and he's disappeared."
"disappeared?" reiterates charles, "should i be concerned? sean and alex were deployed early into this mess."
erik feels his heart speed up, "deployed?"
"sean got drafted," charles explains, "alex decided to enlist so he wouldn't have to go alone."
"and you let them just go? with the military?" erik snaps, "well, of course you did. you would. you and your peace."
"don't turn this into something it isn't," huffs charles, "i hadn't been taking the serum them. i asked sean if he wanted me to try and get him rejected. he told me no. they wouldn't be in any danger if you hadn't turned a million missiles on the government in cuba!"
"what you have always failed to see charles is that we were always in danger!"
charles turns on him rapidly, "not every human is the kind that hurt you."
"it is only a matter of time before they become them," erik snaps, leaving the dried dishes in a rack so he isn't tempted to throw them.
he can feel every knife in the shelf. their fields pull at him. the fridge feels like an atomic bomb, each little component awaiting his command. feeling the push and pull of the fields is his life, its his very nature. just as minds were charles'. but he's shut them out. where normally his feelings would be blaring loudly in charles' mind, he imagines himself as a giant black void to the former telepath.
how can it not be like losing a limb? then, of course, charles lost his legs. erik has lost so many things in his lifetime. his home, his safety, his parents, his autonomy… even charles himself. but he has never lost part of himself. even if they put him in a plastic cube, he could feel the push of magnets where the could not reach them.
"if that's true, then it is because you believe it so," charles replies, taking the carafe and pouring it into a mug.
instead of going for sugar or cream, charles grabs whiskey, angrily dumping it into the bitter drink. erik snatches it fromt he counter.
"i think you have had enough," erik tells him before dumping the entire mug down the drain.
"erik! goddamn you!" charles growls, shoving him almost childishly. his punch had been lucky and he never really had the stomach for true violence.
he takes charles' wrists, holding them tightly as he glares, "i said i think you've had enough."
"you do not get to waltz in here and pretend like we're still friends," charles writhes his wrists angrily, "you stopped being the erik i knew the minute you killed shaw!"
"shaw had to die!" erik replies, baring his teeth. sean had once teased him for his smile being shark-like, but he certainly feels it now. he feels like an angry animal with prey between its jaws, "you will never understand! do you think an absent mother compares at all to things he did to me?!"
charles attempts to kick him in the knee, but erik is stronger and while he doesn't let go, he does fall forward, pressing himself against charles and the counter. as he goes to start shouting again, he notices charles is shaking. he does not look like a frightened doe as one might expect from a doe-eyed man.
instead, he is defiant. there is fear in his eyes, something old, something that has nothing to do with erik. but in the face of erik's anger, charles does not waiver. his body betrays him, but he holds a brave face, a stalwart indignation like an immovable ship, anchored to a seafloor.
the first time erik had kissed charles, they had been sharing a bed as they went to meet sean. all of the two-bed rooms had been booked which left them with either one of them on the floor or both in the bed. originally, erik had planned to take the floor, but charles had pulled him up into the bed.
"you don't think about me the way most people do," charles whispered, the only light coming the street lamps flickering outside, "i don't mean to pry. i can't help it sometimes."
"what do you mean?"
charles smiled softly, rolling his eyes, "you'd think it very silly i imagine. but you always think my eyes are a different shade of blue. it's like you can't decide how to describe them. but you notice them when you think i'm being particularly clever."
erik had blushed, his very obvious feelings being laid bare by the telepath in bed with him. he had admired charles from the minute they had met. how could he not admire the first man to tell him he wasn't alone? the man who had saved his life?
"it helps that you are usually particularly clever when you're not being particularly foolish," erik managed to reply.
this time charles blushed, looking away. his teeth pierced those already pretty red lips slightly. oh. that bastard. he knew what he was doing.
"are you going to do anything about it if i am?" charles asked, apparently not realizing he was reading erik's thoughts. or, if he did, he clearly did not care.
they were so young then. their powers still felt so fresh and untrained, even when they had more control than most. a few items shuddered at that moment when erik did.
ignoring them, he ran a hand up charles' neck to cup his cheek, "i think i'm going to kiss you."
"oh, i very much hope you do."
kissing charles xavier had been so soft. both of them had considered sex that night, but had instead enjoyed the gift of exploring the other's mouth. later, erik would realize charles had been hoping for this because he tasted particularly like gum. he had pressed kisses along soft lips, nipped until charles' lips were swollen, they had gone for each other until both were breathless.
charles had let out soft little gasps and moans. erik had worshipped his lips, his cheeks, his neck. they were like two demigods, entangled, high priests of the other's temple. erik had wanted to devour charles whole. he'd been smooth, kind, gentle, but mischevious. that moment was a fairytale.
this is not like that.
this was a nightmare. from the minute erik's teeth had clicked against charles' own, he knew that it was. there was none of their old kindness to be had. erik hated charles' scratchy beard. he hated that charles clearly no longer knew what he wanted, instead fighting for dominance of the kiss. erik had at first pulled away only for charles to pull him back, bruise his lips, bite his tongue.
erik presses charles back harder, taking back his tongue and shoving it down charles' throat. he wants to choke him with it, he wants to make sure he can't breathe. their teeth click again when charles mirrors the tilt of his head as they both try to deepen the kiss.
did charles want to suffocate as much as erik hopes to do so?
erik pulls back when charles' breath doesn't stop despite that, tugs fiercely on his lip with his teeth. those paled lips look almost back to their former glory, but he even such ferocity has not revived their blushed hues.
"i hate you," charles whispers, voice cracking, bitter, "i hate you."
"the feeling, old friend," erik snaps mockingly, "is mututal."
they dive back in anyway, charles finally breaking a hand free to claw down erik's back. nail marks redden beneath erik's shirt. the action also earns him a hardening in erik's pants, making him smirk against the larger man's lips. instead of giving him what he's asking for, erik wraps a hand around charles' throat.
"if i did not need you," he snarls before trailing off, "do you know how easy it would be?"
it would not be easy. erik isn't even pressing down against charles' neck. all he is doing is holding it, the grip barely there. but- but it changes something in charles' expression. the fear that had disappeated returns. suddenly nails claw at his hand.
"let go, erik, let go."
"i thought you hated me. didn't you expect this?" asks erik, voice mournful as it settles in once again that charles simply does not know what he thinking. how he could never hurt charles like that again.
"please," charles suddenly begs, voice desperate, "please, erik, let me go."
erik backs away like he's been burned, charles turning quickly on his heels as he gasps for air as if erik had been truly choking him. he's running as best that his legs, still stilted, still obviously not walking the way humans with functional spines walk, can take him. without meaning to, he shoves past hank who has finally emerged for breakfast.
hank looks at erik, "what the fuck did you do?"
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hurtspideyparker · 2 months
The Avengers as High School Friend Group Archetypes
Tony Stark: Mentally ill friend. Made too many suicide jokes so his friends forced him into therapy. Flakes out on plans a lot. Either has a God complex or the worst self-esteem known to humankind. Freaks everyone out when he texts goodbye in the gc without context (he's just going on a business trip)
Bucky Barnes: Black cat. Hisses at everyone but Steve. Great at holding his boundaries but comes off aloof. Nobody is sure if he actually likes them but would secretly kill for all his friends. Hides in shadows and jumpscares everyone with his lurking. Secretly naps on Sam's bed when no one's looking
Steve Rogers: Mom friend. Always has granola bars, Tylenol, and a Tide to Go on him. Organizes the group hangouts and reminds everyone when they have a dentist appointment. Everyone's parents love him, "you can go if Steve's going" vibe. Constantly getting his friends out of trouble (secretly encourages them). His romantic life is a disaster
Thor Odinson: Gym bro. Eats eggs, chicken and rice everyday. Forces his friends to join him in the gym and comments about them not eating enough protein. Genuinely cares for their health, will get them out of bed for food and fresh air when they're sad. Goes through protein powder like Tony went through cocaine in the 80s
Peter Parker: Annoying little brother. Someone's mom definitely made them bring him to the big kid hangout. Everyone bullies him but he doesn't realize it, he just likes the attention from the cool older kids. Sam and Bucky hold him upside down from his ankles till he gets dizzy and Steve makes them put him down. Everyone is super protective of him when he's outside the friend group (hey, only we get to be mean to him)
Sam Wilson: Therapist friend. Gets way too many texts at 3 am. Extremely emotionally mature but laughs at fart jokes. Knows everyone's trauma and will use it against them if provoked. Strangers randomly vent to him in public. Gentle parents adults when they're upset. Nobody ever asks him how he is
Natasha Romanoff: Man hater. All her best friends are men and none of them are actually sure if she's joking about hating them. Mean but never takes things too far. Flirts constantly because she thinks it's funny but is really awkward and bad at it when she genuinely likes someone. Hates when someone treats her like a man / "one of the bros", wishes she had more female friends
Bruce Banner: Bad luck friend. Can not catch a break. Everytime they hear from him something new has gone wrong in his life. His dog threw up on his bed, his computer broke before a huge deadline, his favourite sweater shrunk in the dryer. Just a disaster of a human. Constantly has some minor injury, from inexplicable bruises to a sprained wrist. Never having a good day but tries to remain positive. Anxious
Clint Barton: Class clown. Will make a fool of himself in front of every pretty girl in his vicinity. Is actually only funny half the time, the other half he's just loudly wrong. Confidence is key for him. Can charm and talk his way out of anything. Will make everyone laugh at the worst moments. Women reject him because he has a girl best friend
Wanda Maximoff: Boy crazy. Is ready to talk about her crush, boyfriend, or situationship at any given moment. Is never single for longer than a month. Will not take shit from a man and makes sure her and her friends are treated properly. Surprisingly good at balancing her friendships and relationships, doesn't neglect people. Has Pinterest boards for her wedding, dream home, and decor. Wants to be a stay at home mom. Big Swiftie and went to the Eras Tour
Pietro Maximoff: Unemployed friend. Always doing the most random thing on a Tuesday morning. One day he's kayaking in British Columbia, the next he's joined an MLM scam. He has a new cat? He adopted him from Istanbul on that trip no one knows about. He's drinking fresh lemonade? He actually volunteers with disabled elderly and Doris gives him lemons from her tree. Knows how to cook a turkey. Unclear if he's homeless or not, usually sleeping on a friend's couch or at a random woman's place (still on the couch)
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sun-snatcher · 26 days
Jealous Gambit is. Something.
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wandaspetal · 1 year
An Island Made From Love
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: Marvel/MCU
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)/𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬): Wanda Maximoff x Reader, mentions of Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova (platonic), and Kate Bishop x Wanda Maximoff (platonic)
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞: Established Relationship
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.4K+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Mentions of death (no one actually died though I’m not heartless) , Mental breakdowns, panic attacks, mention of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideations, crying, angst with a happy ending, VERY GAY AND FLUFFY AT THE END I PROMISE
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You make your island flag in animal crossing Wanda’s crown.
𝐀𝐍: Reader uses they/them pronouns! This is very much partially based on me restarting my anch island and wondering how Wanda would react after a hard day….I’m mentally ill shush.
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Wanda had been having the worst day. The team’s mission went south very fast. Hydra began implanting bombs inside their base’s so that in the case if they are ever found they can destroy the evidence of them being there. Soldiers waited outside for them with military grade weapons. The Hulk went into a fit of rage, Clint almost lost an arm and Natasha was almost crushed by rubble. Wanda was able to push herself hard enough to use her magic to make sure Natasha and her got out of the building quick enough.
They were the only ones left inside as the rest of the team fought everyone outside. After everything was said and done the ride on the quinjet back to the compound was silent. Even a small cough had an apology following suit behind it. Wanda is surprised she didn’t cry the same way Kate did as Yelena held her on the way back. The brunette simply placed a comforting hand on Kate’s back on the way home.
Wanda Maximoff had lost so many people in her life and this was another reminder of why she had to keep them out the way. The team can protect themselves. Y/n, a barista at a family owned coffee shop–one they barely work at anymore because their rich girlfriend takes care of them and Tony and the team randomly throws money and gifts their way. But that’s besides the point. The team is strong with super powers or serums or martial arts and knows how to use weapons. Y/n makes the threat that anything can be a weapon yet they ironically apologize whenever they bump into a chair, table, etc.
The mere thought of losing them the same way she almost lost half the team today nearly sent Wanda into a spiral. She convinced herself to hold on and remain strong.
Once they landed everyone was sent off to med bay, visible injury or not. Wanda had a scar on her brow and a cut on her nose and a sprained wrist. Both her arms were sore but she didn’t think that was worth mentioning. After leaving medbay she informed Jarvis to tell the team she went to see Y/n if they asked where she went.
Wanda didn’t bother driving a car, she stepped outside and immediately teleported inside Y/n’s apartment. The Sokovian wasn’t allowed to do that anymore after she scared them but she couldn’t help herself as she was on the verge of shaking from overstimulation.
“Wanda is that you?!”
“Y-Yeah!” She already felt tears coming to her eyes at hearing your voice but quickly blinked them away.
“Oh! Come look and see!!” Y/n exclaimed happily.
Wanda smiled and quickly walked pass the small foyer and to the living room. Her shoulders relaxed at the sight of her partner gazing at the TV that displayed her animal crossing game on it. She walked over and sat down on the couch.
“I restarted my island and it took like five times but I finally got villagers that aren’t ugly!” They squealed with joy.
Wanda placed her hands in her lap and smiled authentically at the screen. Y/n had already begun decorating the island and including as much villager homes as possible. There was customized pathing on the beach and grass.
“I named it Westview because you know…we said we wanted to move there.” Y/n’s voice grew quieter as their shyness increased. They shrugged. “And yeah…”
Wanda turned her head and reached out her to tuck their hair behind their ear. “That’s nice, I like it.”
Y/n blushed then cleared their throat. “Oh! Also the flag!! Look, look, look!!” They still hadn’t looked at Wanda as they could not turn their attention off the screen. Not even a bowl of the best pasta in the world could take their focus off their hyper fixation right now.
Wanda turned her head back towards the screen, still twirling their strand of hair between her two fingers. She dropped her hand at the sight of the flag that blew in the wind at the airport. It was her head piece. The one that she didn’t like at first but Y/n adored because it suited her so well. And because Y/n adored it Wanda slowly began to, too. Tony designed it for her after he heard her ranting about wanting more accessories for her costume the same way Nat and Steve did.
“I made it just for you!” They exclaimed.
“You made me a flag…with my head piece on it?” Wanda asked, her eyes glazing over with the tears she had been holding back since the mission ended.
Y/n beamed at the tv screen missing the full effect of their words. “Yeah! Because you’re my favorite person in the world and–“ They faltered and their brow furrowed with concern as they finally turned to look at the brunette. “Wanda, are you okay?” Y/n reached out and caressed her cheek with their palm as the witch begun to cry.
“I just love you…so much.” A lone tear trailed down her cheek. “You make me so happy…I-…today was awful and some of the team almost didn’t make it and it was so traumatizing and I just–” A much needed sob broke free from her mouth as she curled into Y/n’s warm embrace.
Y/n began to rock them side to side and soothingly rub their hand up and down Wanda’s back. “You’re safe now, let it all out.” Wanda sobbed harder than before, gripping on Y/n’s shirt for dear life. “I’m so sorry all of you had to go through that.” Wanda continued to cry as Y/n continued to speak.
They sat in silence until her sobs died down to sniffles and her eyes had stopped producing as much tears.
Y/n moved to pull away then stopped as Wanda whimpered. “Put your head up for me please.” Wanda complied, sitting up straight with their arms still around each other. “I love you.” Wanda felt another sob building up in her throat. “And I’m so so proud of you.” Another sob broke free but Y/n continued to speak as they wiped away Wanda’s tears. “Today was really hard and you did such a phenomenal job–yes you did.” Y/n reassured as Wanda began shaking her head. “You did a good job because you did your best.”
Wanda pulled away from their embrace, her body immediately felt the rush of cool air surrounding her. “I didn’t even tell Pietro where I was going, I just left and came straight here to you because I just felt so overstimulated and…and broken and scared.” Y/n nodded, holding their palms together. “And I know I did a great job but fuck why did my life have to be this way, I’m still here, I’m still the scared little girl who hid under a bed with her twin brother for 3 days after realizing our parents are gone and dead and…” She felt herself begin to descend into a panic and placed one hand on her chest and the other on her head. “I’m tired. I’m so tired.” She choked out.
Y/n took both Wanda’s hands in their own. “Baby, look at me, hey-” Their eyes met. “I’m right here, okay? Everything is okay now, the team is okay, your brother is okay and you are okay..you’re safe now.” Wanda blinked. Y/n brought Wanda’s hands to their chest and took a deep breath in then a deep breath out and continued this until Wanda began to follow suit.
It took five minutes until the normal color returned to Wanda’s cheeks and blood no longer felt like it was rushing to her ears. Y/n placed their hand on Wanda’s cheek, smiling as the witch sighed out of content. Wanda turned her head and kissed their hand before she spoke.
“Can you show me more of…Westview?” She asked softly while making eye contact.
“Only as long as you promise to move there with me…and also order us a pizza.” Y/n bit their lip and grinned as Wanda giggled.
“I promise.” Wanda took her phone out of her pocket and snuggled into Y/n’s side as the number for their favorite pizza place began to ring. “Extra cheese?” She hummed as Y/n kissed the top of her head.
“Sounds great.” They replied and began to decorate Westview as Wanda ordered them enough food to have leftovers for the next day.
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hylianane · 4 months
Sorry for suddenly bringing up Spiderverse for the first time in like five months, but it kills me that the one character’s whose movie I most want to see dimension I most want to see in the movieverse is Jess Drew’s but I also know that it’s the one we’re LEAST likely to get because Sony doesn’t have the rights to the Avengers and unlike other Spideys, Jess’s most popular stories are built almost entirely around SHIELD and HYDRA. But like. Come on, isn’t utilizing them for this version of Jess so cool in theory?
Because I’m not a die hard comic book fan I specially haven’t ventured into reading Marvel comic since I was kind of little and had a crush on both Mystique and Nightcrawler but even I know Secret Invasion, and how Jessica Drew drew was key. She was replaced by Veranke, the very Skrull Queen. With this in mind, don’t you think an adapted Secret Invasion storyline would be sort of sick in contextualizing Jess’s actions in ASTV. NOT by making her secretly be an alien the whole time but rather, making her part of her dimension’s Avengers that had to deal with a Skrull Invasion, who she has to watch fall apart because everyone loved each other too much to distrust each other when they needed to. I remember watching the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Secret Invasion adaptation, and the Skrulls only attacked when the Avengers gave them their the opportunity. When their attachment got rid of all reason and they trusted someone else knowing that they shouldn’t.
Wouldn’t that be a sort of badass explanation for Jess’s emotional distance in ASTV? Is that just my childhood nostalgia speaking?
“You never made a mistake? Never got too close to someone?”
“I did. But I got over it.”
“I know he’s your friend but it’s the only way.”
“But my gut says-“
“So use your head!”
And listen if Marvel allowing Sony to use the Avengers even in passing is unlikely, letting them do their own Secret Invasion take (even if just as a comicbook backstory flashback) is an even more impossible after their live action adaptation sorta flopped (or is it even out yet? i have little interest in watching it ever after their dumbass ai poster). But least let me enjoy my HC about movie Jess’s life before the Spider Society for a year or two, until the next film proves me otherwise. Even if it’s unlikely or if you just think it kinda sucks. SPECIALLY if you think it kinda sucks.
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juiles · 2 years
I am crazy in love with you.
Summary: You and Wanda have a talk after a rough day for you. Leading to some cute partner fluff
Pairing: wanda maximoff x gn!reader
Type: just pure fluff
Triggers: talk of self harm, talks of ultron fight and bombing
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Wanda POV
I sat on the bed of my partner and stared out the window while I waited for them to come out of the bathroom. They had been in there for way to long now and I was starting to get concerned. I know they have a past of hurting themselves and my biggest fear is that they are doing it again. I refuse to look in their head though. That’s a promise I made them when we first got together and I have no intentions of ever breaking that one.
I sat and picked at the skin around my thumbs until I finally heard the lock click, announcing that they were done whatever it was they were doing. When the door finally creaked open I lifted my head to face them. I smiled softly as they stared at me in confusion for a moment. After a few moments they smiled softly however, the smile didn’t seem to reach their eyes making me frown in concern. I quickly replaced it with a smile hoping they didn’t notice, which thank goodness they didn’t and held one hand up.
They took that hand and sat on the bed beside before scooting up to be leaning against their headboard. I followed suit and tucked myself into their side, burying my head into the crook of their shoulder. Honestly, this is where I felt at home the most. I felt safe here. Like nothing could ever hurt us.
At this moment, the only thing that could hurt us is Y/n, inadvertently, with them bottling up their emotions. It will just turn explosive, we both know that. Y/n and I had known each other forever. We lived in the same apartment building and y/n, Pietro and I had been best friends. They had volunteered like me and Pietro did. They had a similar reason to us as well except they also lost their sibling. They were completely alone and the same age as us so we became closer as they had me and them share a room as our powers were very similar to each other, the only difference really is the colour of our wisps. When we were left alone at 10 and stuck to each other tight.
I had started having feelings for them a couple years in there before Pietro and I got rescued, when we went to fight Ultron, Natasha had spoken some sense into them and they joined us in the fight. We started dating not even a few months after Ultron. Some say it was because of my loss of Pietro and I was just looking to fill the whole but y/n fulfilled me in different ways. I still grieve Pete but with y/n by my side it was a lot easier.
“I’m sorry…” Their apology shook me out of my thoughts and I hummed in acknowledgement while I watched their hands fiddle with the rings on my fingers. A nervous tic they did when talking about feelings which very rarely happened. “I was almost 2 months clean… It would have been her birthday…” They blew out the breath they were holding through their nose and squeezed their eyes shut. “She would have been 16 today…”
I sighed and turned to face them. “Detka…”
“No… I need to…” They opened their eyes with a pleading look making me nod softly. “She would have been 14. I imagine her as the shy quiet type. One that always made people smile. She was like that you know? 6 years old and could put a smile on anyones faces. She was my parents pride and joy. God I loved her with my entire being… I couldn’t save her… the bomb went off to close to her room… she had begged me to spend the night in my bed that night… I told her no because shes a “big girl and big girls sleep in their own bed”… God wanda I was so fucking stupid…” They stopped when their body let out a sob.
“If only I had said yes… she would be here… I would be able-“
“No. Stop that. In no way was this your fault. You had no idea that was going to happen. It was the same for me and pete.” I stopped them placing my hands on their cheeks. “You wouldn’t let me take the guilt for sending Pete off to help with the last bit of fighting. I won’t let you take the blame for this. We were 10 when that shell hit our apartment building. 10. How could you have kept her safe when you were still a baby yourself.” I wiped the tears off their cheek as it rolled down. “Can I clean it please?” I motioned to their arm and they hesitated for a moment before nodding shyly.
y/n POV
I took a shaky breath searching in Wandas eyes before nodding slightly. She helped me stand and walk over to the bathroom and sat me down on the closed toilet lid before rummaging through my bathroom cabinet and stood back up holding my first aid kit.
“I love you y/n. With everything in me. I hope you know that.” I nodded biting my lip as she slowly rolled my sleeve up. “This doesn’t change anything my love…”
She squeezed her eyes shut quickly then went to work cleaning and wrapping my cuts. I whined when it stung but other than that just stared at her face as she was so focused. When she finishes I instantly melt into her arms and cupping her cheeks kiss her deeply. I pulled back and we rested our foreheads against each other as we stared at each other.
“I am crazy in love with you, Wanda Maximoff.”
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siderains · 4 months
lorna, pietro and wanda in the boat????? hellooooooooo??????
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dylanlila · 3 days
lila wants to alter the way her mind works and elena and enzo love her for that very thing. i never think about this.
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wanderingmind867 · 6 months
Something I remember from reading the Fantastic Four (that I also see in the avengers and and the original X-Men and in honestly most marvel stories) is a nice, almost slice of life style view at the main characters lives. Sometimes the villian won't show up until page 7, and the first 6 pages are just sweet shots of the team bonding or doing things. And I love that. Honestly, I'd read a whole book of that. Someone needs to make a whole book of the sweet, mundane moments in a superhero's life. Whether it be Hank and Janet going on a date, Pietro going to the circus like he did that one time, etc. It builds character, and it's just altogether sweet to watch. We need more of that.
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munchkinmarauder · 10 months
Super cute Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver variant cover by Scottie Young
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Come Take A Break With Me
My Masterlist
Pairing(s): Pietro Maximoff x Fem!ADHD!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex, medication, and unhealthy eating and drinking habits. Maybe a bit of swearing, but I’m not sure. 
Word Count: 752
Summary: When Pietro realizes that you’ve been so busy writing you haven’t taken care of yourself, he convinces you to take a break with him.
“Where’s Y/N?” Pietro asked Peter at the dinner table. “I haven’t seen her all day.”
Peter stabbed his fork into his bowl of pasta. “I think she’s in the library, said something about working on a deadline.”
Pietro rolled his eyes. “A self-imposed one, I bet. Oh my darling princessa never knows when to stop. Her adoring fans will be there no matter how long it takes her to get another fic out. They know she has a life.”
“Are you gonna go get her?” Peter asked.
“I’ll wait until after dinner, she won’t want to eat with everyone if she’s in the middle of her hyperfixation.” Pietro said, twirling his fork around. “When was the last time you saw her?”
Peter finished chewing before answering. “Two days ago?”
“She hasn’t taken her pills!” Pietro exclaimed, rushing to your room to grab your pills before heading to the library in the compound. “Princessa? Are you in here?” 
You looked up, hearing Pietro call for you. “Piet? What are you doing here?”
“Checking on you. How long have you been down here?”
“A couple of hours, I think.” You said, shrugging before turning back to your laptop.
FRIDAY picked that moment to chime in, “Miss L/N has been down here for 2 days without eating, drinking, sleeping, or taking her meds, Mr. Maximoff.”
“Princessa? I leave for a one day mission and you don’t take care of yourself for two? What in the everloving hell is this? Why another self-imposed deadline when you know that your followers will just be happy to see that you’re active? You’ve made it clear to them that you have a real and very pressing lifestyle outside of the computer, and you aren’t writing any series’ so there’s not a rush to get out the next chapter either.”
You looked down, embarrassed to have forgotten the most basic human needs while Pietro was away. “‘M sorry.” You said quietly, subtly wiping at your eyes.
Pietro rushed to your side, holding your hands in his. “Hey, princessa, I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you, I just worry because I know you can forget sometimes. Why don’t you finish your idea and then we can go upstairs and get some food, drink, and sleep? I brought you your meds. Come take a break with me.” He told you, kissing the back of both your hands.
“I love you, Piet.” You said, nodding gently. “Yeah, um, this fic really just needs me to step away, I’ve been killing myself trying to write it for weeks when all I really want to write is the next thing on my list. But I really want this done first, so I think it’s done, but I should come back to the fic later, in a different mindset.”
“More fed and rested.” Pietro said, pulling you in for a hug and resting his chin on top of your head.
“Exactly. I’ll bring my laptop upstairs with me and edit the fic in the morning before I post it.” 
He kissed your forehead gently before asking you a serious question. “Did you not notice that you were hungry?”
“You know how I get.” You replied.
“Oh, I do. But you didn’t notice you were hungry for two days?”
You kissed each of his cheeks softly. “Well, now that you mention it, I’m starving. What did Wanda make for dinner?”
“Some pasta dish, I don’t know, I probably let mine get cold rushing down here.” He replied, handing you your meds.
“A quick dinner and then we can cuddle, okay? I know you don’t sleep as well without me and you must’ve noticed I never came to bed last night.”
Pietro laughed, kissing all over your face. “You know me too well, princessa.” He zoomed the two of you upstairs. “Eat and then bed, okay?”
“Make sure you soundproof the room this time.” Tony remarked dryly, glancing back and forth between the two of you.
“She hasn’t slept in two days, we won’t need soundproofing to sleep, Stark.” Pietro said, taking up a bowl of dinner for you.
You rested your head on your hands, with your elbows on the table innocently looking at Tony, “Well, maybe we’ll just have to show you how loud Piet can be another time then, Tone.”
“Oh, princessa, I think you’re getting the two of us mixed up.” Pietro said, placing your bowl in front of you and sitting next to you.
“We’ll have to test and see, baby.”
Taglist: @chrisevansdaughter, @buckybarnesandmarvel, @sarahrogersevans, @nana1000night
Let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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bietromaximoff · 2 months
i've started going into pietro's tag semi regularly and just blocking anyone who posts (x)mcu versions indiscriminately but they're like a fucking hydra (the greek beast) more just keep appearing i feel like i've blocked hundreds of people by now how are they still OUT THERE
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