#mentions: lily || the cheerleader
musical-sonata · 10 months
You know Orfeo?
A small smile appeared on the "journalist's" face, and a small giggle emerged from her lips.
"Of course! Mister Orfeo is a very nice and kind person! He's a little sad, but... we're working on it! I met him and this girl named... I believe her name was Lily? In a match! I rescued both of them from that... rocket chair? And we've been friends ever since!"
Shifting on her feet, clasping her hands together, she continued on.
"He is a little shy, and sometimes, he reminds me of Shuichi and Ryoma. They're all very kind and warm, but sometimes I worry for them... Mister Orfeo always seems a little sad, and sometimes I catch him comparing me to someone named 'Eurydice'."
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akuma-tenshi · 24 days
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back on my bullshit
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moonlight-race · 10 months
You should really look out for that “old man” of yours, Flo. These tracks don’t seem fully unstable and honestly, so does he… doesn’t it seem like he could fall all the way to the bottom at any moment now?
"Are you trying to imply something here? He’ll be finnee! I’ve shown him all the tips and tricks. With a great mentor like me, even he’ll be one of the best in no time. No way better than me, of course. That old man better not go falling on me, or he’ll have to deal with my wrath before he even gets to hit the ground!"
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writing-for-marvel · 10 months
"I dream of you. all i do, is dream of you."
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If I Can’t Have Everything, Then Let Me Just Have You
Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Andy gets jealous of you talking with his colleague, you reassure him he’s everything you’ll ever need.
Warnings: age gap and although exact ages are never mentioned everyone is well and truly of age, jealous Andy
Word count: 700
A/N: this is for @nickfowlerrr’s the seven writing challenge - I spun the wheel for the seven deadly sins and got envy. A big thank you my darling friend @flordeamatista, queen of Andy fics, for not only providing the inspiration for this fic, but helping me with writing Andy for the first time and being my constant cheerleader 🩷 banners by @vase-of-lilies
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Andy hated attending after work functions with his colleagues. He could barely stand dealing with them during the working week, but then to also be forced to give up his Saturday night so his boss could show off the house his old family money had bought him was another level of torture.
You were his saving grace. Part of him felt guilty for dragging the woman he loved along to these grandstanding cocktail parties where you were forced to make small talk with people you didn’t enjoy the company of, but you were also the only person who stopped him from going completely insane.
But at this moment, while he was stuck hearing about how his boss’s fantasy football team was performing, as if he didn’t hear enough about it at the office, Andy saw red as he was subjected to watch Dylan, the office womaniser, chatting you up.
In the back of his mind he knew with absolute certainty that you wouldn’t cheat on him, but the reason his heart clenched and acidic jealousy bubbled in his stomach was because of what Dylan represented: everything Andy couldn’t offer you.
He wasn’t young anymore, he was well aware the prime of his life was past him at this point in time. He had settled into a comfortable routine which didn’t involve a thriving social life which he remembered having with Laurie when they were your age. He was surely not as flexible or had as much energy as a young man fifteen years his junior.
He wanted to be able to give you the world, but all he had to offer was the trauma developed from his tarnished past, which was still following him around like a shadow, his back problems, wonky knee and the remainder of his life which would be distinctly shorter than Dylan, or someone of his age, could promise to spend with you.
The root of his envy was insecurity.
And he was green with envy.
Excusing himself from the one-sided conversation his boss was having, Andy set off with purpose, making a beeline to you, only to find you were already making your way over to him. Relief eased the tension in his shoulders as your gaze found his and a smile tugged at the corners of your mouth.
“Your colleague, the guy behind me, is a creep.” You commented, hooking your fingers through his belt loops and pulling him protectively into you. Andy leaned down and placed a small, sweet kiss to your forehead, not needing to look behind you to know exactly who you were referring to. A sense of satisfaction filled his chest with the notion that you were clearly averse to Dylan’s pursuits.
“That’s not what most young women around the office think.”
“Well he is.” You stated firmly, a look of disgust flashing over your features. “Why does it take me telling him I have a boyfriend to respect that I’m not interested. Why would I want a boy like him, when I already have a man like you?”
Andy smiled, coming to the realisation that he had no reason to be jealous. Perhaps he couldn’t offer you his callow youth, but he did have maturity and experience, which would surely be much more valuable in a devoted relationship.
“You are a dream come true, you know that?” In response to this you scrunched your nose and smiled in a way that made Andy’s heart fill with pure adoration and devotion.
You truly were all he would ever need for the remainder of his life.
“You’re my dream come true too, Andy.” Standing on your tiptoes, arms sling around his neck, you placed a delicate kiss against his lips, neither of you paying any mind to his colleagues who could be watching on. “You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”
Taking a beat to commit the moment to memory, Andy made a promise to himself that he would never take his second chance at love for granted.
“Let’s go home, handsome.” You suggested, tugging gently on his tie with that mischievous grin which always promised a sinfully pleasurable time. “I have plans for us that definitely don’t involve the rest of you colleagues.”
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atlasdoe · 2 months
i'm writing a small american town au and it's going to be pure chaos
The plot is going to change throughout but for the beginning the main plot is that Sirius has escaped from prison. He was arrested for the murder of Effie and Monty Potter and wants to find the real murderer and clear his name.
I have no idea how this fic is going to play out or which ships are going to get together. All i know is that there's going to be wolfstar and edgarline and that James and Remus are going to be adopted brothers (and them and Mary will be my fave trio everrrrr)
i'm also giving everyone a stereotype to make this more fun for me
James Potter - The Jock
Hestia Jones - The Mean Girl
Mary MacDonald - The Cheerleader
Barty Crouch Jr - The Bad Boy
Dorcas Meadowes - The Tortured Artist
Remus Lupin - The Sheriffs Son
Amelia Bones - The Perfectionist
Regulus Black - The Missing Kid
Pandora Lovegood - The Spiritual Girl
Alice Fortescue - The Girl Next Door
Emmeline Vance - The IT Girl
Edgar Bones - The Skater Boy
Evan Rosier - The Emo
Lily Evans - The New Girl
Frank Longbottom - The Himbo
Sirius Black - The Criminal
Marlene McKinnon - The Rockstar
Severus Snape - The Outcast
Bruce Mulciber, Edmund Avery & Juliette Wilkes - Part of a Gang
more then just the people mentioned here. I need to think of more stereotypes
i want this fic to be the most chaotic thing i've ever written. so if you have any cursed things or ships you want to happen/randomly read about please send me an ask!!!!!! I really want to have fun with this
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wlw-imagines · 6 months
Inevitable - Camila Mendes/Reader
prompt: "Hello! Maybe something where reader joined the riverdale cast and her and Camila Mendes gets close?? Like they flirt every day and after a while they start dating? Thanks💋" - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed!! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing  
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Your relationship with Camila had started out as a strange one. You were clearly bound to be friends from the moment you met when you joined the RIverdale cast for Season 2. The idea of joining a cast that had already bonded terrified you but she had welcomed you with open arms and always spent her spare time with you.
At first you had thought she was just one of those extra friendly people, her and Lili always mentioned how they got on so well from the beginning, but your friendship wasn't really like that. At least not in your eyes.
That may have been because you had very quickly developed feelings for the girl. Your relationship had quickly become a flirtatious one, only fuelling your feelings. But you were sure that for her it was only ever going to be a friendship - flirting with one another was only a competition of who could be the bigger flirt. You were convinced she would never feel the same as you did.
You were walking across the car park to the set for your first filming, the costume you were wearing already felt like home and the friends you were with already felt like family. You were all joking together when you were distracted by a distant wolf whistle.
Looking up, you noticed Camila standing in the direction you were walking towards. Once she noticed you were looking again she wolf whistled again and you could just about see her wiggling her eyebrows with a cheeky grin.
You looked behind you, slightly confused, "Who's she-?" Madeleine laughed and hung her arm around your shoulders and Lili smirked. "What?"
"You just got cat-called by Cami, congrats." Lili squeezed you lightly, “She means well. It must be her horny teen way of flirting, I think.”
"Who... with me?" The two nodded, laughing. "Huh?" You glanced at Camila again who was still looking at you but obviously attempting to pretend not to.
Lili looked between the two of you and let out a small gasp, "Are you guys dating?"
"What? No!" You shook your head. You'd only known each other just under a month, not that that had stopped you falling half in love with the girl.
"Well, I'm calling it. It's happening." She shrugged as if you no longer had a say in the matter any longer, it was fate. You just shook your head and rolled your eyes before heading on set.
It had been three weeks since you had started filming with the cast of Riverdale and you were glad to say that your character hadn't been murdered off just yet, hopefully insinuating that they liked you.
You had really settled in at this point, having to spend hours in makeup helped forge your friendships with the crew and spending even longer with your fellow actors behind the scenes meant you were as close as could be. It was strange how quickly you could make friends when you were together 24/7 in their highs and lows.
Right now was one of your lows.
You were in makeup, it was 4:20 in the morning and you wouldn't exactly say you were elated to be there. Michelle, the woman who worked on your makeup, had made your life as cheerful as it could be at such an early hour. Even so, when you had to look in the wall mirror in front of your chair, you'd immediately noticed the bed hair and dark circles under your eyes. Michelle had her work cut out for her today.
And talking about Michelle, she had disappeared. She had told you where she was going but you were definitely not concentrating. So you were kind of surprised that when you heard someone come up behind you, it wasn't Michelle but Camila standing there.
"Looking hot Y/N." You looked at Camila in time to see her wink at you, already in full make-up and her cheerleading costume. Not for the first time since meeting her, you felt the butterflies in your stomach but shook them off and jokingly rolled your eyes.
"Right back at you Mendes." You attempt to wink back but since you were still half asleep you failed miserably, causing the other girl to throw her head back and let out a loud laugh.
She came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders so you were both looking at each other in the mirror. "You know, I think you're cute... so I mean this in the most loving, supportive way but- you actually look slightly like death. You sleep okay?"
"Mhmm," You nodded, not wanting to delve into a deep discussion about your sleeping issues. It did, however, make your heart skip a beat to see Camila look genuinely concerned for you, but before she had the chance to push further you moved the conversation on, "I mean, obviously I would have slept better if you were by my side."
The corners of her mouth twitched upwards as she shook her head and softly said "You're welcome to join me any time". She stood there for a moment, just looking at you before taking a deep breath and unwrapping her arms from you and straightening up, "I'll see you on set Y/N."
"Yep, see you." You gave a small wave but was quickly distracted by Michelle reappearing out of the storage cupboard. And so began the torturous session of hair being styled, lips being painted and eyelashes being curled (it was never ending).
Moments like these were some of your favourites. You had reached the end of filming for the second season and so most of the cast were hanging out at Madeleine and Lili's as an end of season party. You had bought in a load of pizzas and KJ had brought alcohol. A lot of alcohol. You all took this as an opportunity to chill out, gossip and just let your hair down.
It didn't take anyone long to get way too drunk, everyone apart from Camila and Lili who seemed to be making sure no one set the apartment (or themselves) on fire.
"Camila." You smiled as you fell down next to her on the sofa, "You look very sober."
She smiled and looked at you, and if you were sober you would definitely have managed to notice the heart eyes she had when looking at you. Drunk you just thought you were hallucinating. "And you are very drunk. Come on, I'm taking you to a bed." She stood up and helped you up as well, holding you close to her to keep you steady.
"At least take me on a date first." You laughed, swaying dangerously close to her lips.
She raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly, "Mhmm, maybe tomorrow."
You nodded, seemed a fair enough deal, "I'm holding you to that."
"I'm not so sure you'll remember." She opened the door to Madeleine's room (Madeleine was already passed out on another sofa) and placed you on the bed, "Wait here, I'll get you some water." Camila walked out and you let yourself fall back on the bed and closed your eyes. In no time at all, Camila was back with a plastic cup of cold water. She helped you sit up and drink some before relaxing slightly, her protective side showing ever so slightly.
You glanced at your water and then to the girl sitting next to you before smiling a very drunk smile, "Okay, okay. Cam, what's your opinion on water?" She took one look at you and shook her head, laughing.
"Oh god, this isn't your attempt at drunk flirting, is it?"
Nearly tipping your glass of water, you tried rolling your eyes before putting your hand on her knee, "Just answer the question, dumbass."
She cleared her throat and licked her lips, looking down at your hand before answering, "Alright, I, uh, I like water. It's good. Why?"
"Because, that means you like 80% of me."
Her face broke out in a smile and she kissed your temple (although that may have been something you also hallucinated in a drunken haze) "Oh babe, I like 100% of you." She moved some hair out of your face and took the glass of water away, putting it on the bedside table. "Come on, let's get you into bed." She stood you up again and begun to unbutton your trousers.
'Woah, woah, woah. Stranger danger." You mumbled, squirming away.
"Y/N? I'm not trying anything, I'm just-"
"You'll be uncomfortable sleeping in your jeans, I'm just-"
"You are such a pain, get in bed." Giving in, Camila forced you under the duvet and was about to leave when you pulled her in next to you.
"Good night Cam." You mumbled, wrapping your arms around her. She was about to protest when she looked at you and suddenly couldn't think of anywhere else she would rather be.
It had been a few months since you had seen your friends and cast members. You had been completely absorbed with your latest project working on Supergirl and hadn't managed to see anyone. That was until you started the press run for Riverdale. AKA days of interviews, comic con panels, photoshoots. Doing all this only reminded you of how much you were in love with Camila. You were hardly able to look away from her in any interview.
It took until the very end of your press tour to decide to confess. You were tired, in love, and ever so slightly drunk when you knocked on her hotel door.
Camila opened the door and looked suitably surprised to see you. She opened her mouth to say something but you interrupted her. "I've just realised something." You stared at her, taking everything about her in. This made you pause long enough that she spoke up.
"It's 2am, you're either drunk or you've finally realised that you're completely and totally in love with me." She smirked slightly but you didn’t miss the slight way her eyes dulled. You grinned and stepped (swayed) closer to her.
Rolling her eyes, she gave you a fond look and pulled you into her room, closing the door behind you. "Right, I'll get you some water. Come on, I-"
"What? Why would I need water for- oh, no. I'm... It's not the drunk option. Although I did have a bit of liquid courage before with the guys at the bar to get me to-" You stopped yourself from rambling and shook your head. "I love you Camila."
Her hands became still as she looked at you, her mouth hanging open slightly in shock and her eyebrows raised. She blinked a couple of times before she cleared her throat and forced a smile. "You're drunk, kind of reminds me of the end of season party." She shook her head, "You don't mean that. Or you won't in the morning." She bowed her head, distracting herself by fixing you up a glass of water, making it look like a much harder job than it really was.
You frowned at her reaction, not quite expecting that from her. You didn't truly know what it meant but you stepped forwards, taking the glass out of her hands and turning the tap off. Putting both hands under her chin, you softly pushed her chin up so she was looking at you.
"Camila, it has taken me way too long to say this.. but, I love you. And that really isn't alcohol talking." Softly but surely you placed your lips on hers, finally doing what you should have done months ago.
Camila pulled away and smiled, keeping her arms around you and your body close to hers, "Y/N? I love you too."
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regulusblackfest · 14 days
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And that's a wrap, everyone! All works have been posted, the authors have been revealed, and thus concludes the 5th year of the Regulus Black Fest. A massive thank you to our wonderful artists and writers, the betas and cheerleaders, and of course the readers. You can find all of this year's works beneath the cut!
Title: Savage Fields Author: Grey_Kenaz | @green-and-grey-kenaz Rating: M Warnings: Referenced cannibalism, Mention of Beastiality Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black Medium/Word Count: 3,909
Regulus Black accepts the Dark Mark with a celebratory hunt.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/regulus_black_fest_24/works/54694351
Title: Between The Lines Author: LimeOfMagicLimo | @limetimo Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Irma Pince Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 1200
The story of how a little first year wormed his way into Irma Pince's stone cold heart.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54911320
Title: Whose Cat? Writer: aCanadianMuggle | @acanadianmuggle Rating: T (language, one use of the word fuck/swearing) Pairing/Main Characters: Regulus Black, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, James Potter (Regulus Black & Sirius Black; Regulus Black & Lily Evans Potter; Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter) Medium: Fanfic, 2705 words
Lily Potter liked her new cat. It's too bad it insists on spending time with James Potter of all people. (Regulus Black becomes an animagus to spend time with Sirius.)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55083205
Title: history forgets the moderates Writer: cleopatroclus | @regheart Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Horace Slughorn  Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Medium/Word Count: 6,1K
It is still early in the year of 1979, Regulus Black is active on the Quidditch team, relaxed around his friends, and participates in class. Professor Slughorn suspects something might be wrong.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54972943
Title: Shadows before the Dark Writer: girlunderthefloor | @girlunderthefloor Rating: General audiences Warnings: none Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Severus Snape Medium/Word Count: 5265
Regulus Black is sorted into Slytherin. Soon, he becomes friends with Severus Snape. Follow their friendship through their years at Hogwarts.  
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55196983
Title: The Last Supper Writer: OnTheMerits | @onthemerits Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose not to use Archive Warnings / TW death, abusive family dynamics Pairing/main characters: Gen / Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Walburga Black, Orion Black Medium/Word Count:  Fic / 4410 words
Sirius is the last to arrive, as usual. His footsteps echo as he descends the winding stairs down to the kitchen. He takes his seat at the small wooden table. OR Suddenly Regulus, Sirius, Walburga, and Orion are a family again.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55263373/chapters/140182834
Title: I'll Rise (In Spite of the Ache) Writer: wolfpad | @wolfpadx Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter Rating: E Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: Fic, 29,398 words
Regulus has always thought that James's affection felt a bit like the sun: warm, empowering, restorative. Now it just feels dangerous the closer he gets to it, the more he looks at it straight on. The lies start piling up and Regulus begins to wonder if, as he always suspected, it was all too good to be true. Prompt: breakup/makeup.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55400440/chapters/140564362
Title: an omen of death Writer: maladaptivewriting | @maladaptivewriting Rating: general Warnings: major character death  Pairing/main characters: regulus & sirius Medium/Word Count: 6,114
Regulus had always been able to see Thestrals. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55487173
Title: if it is love, it doesn't matter Writer: acari | @ghaniblue Pairing/main characters: James/Regulus Rating: Explicit Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 1430
The only thing Regulus ever did without antagonizing James was get on his back and spread his legs.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55424503
Title: An Overly Considerate Friend Artist: CailynWrites | @cailynwrites Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Rating: M Warnings: No warnings apply Medium/Word Count: Podfic, 47 minutes
“Remus help! This is your fault!” James tried again. “I didn’t tell you to snog him, Prongs!” Moony snapped back. “TRUE. Technically, you didn’t. You didn’t say 'don’t snog Regulus,' you just said not to hit on him. WHICH I DIDN’T! So maybe protect me a little here please?” James floundered for excuses. Remus debated it for a moment - hopefully that please did itself justice and saved James’ life. “Snogging most definitely falls under flirting,” Remus decided educationally. All his friends were assholes, honestly. After tonight, James was going to start hanging out with Hufflepuffs.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55390963
Title: He’s definitely James’s son Writer: yourfriendlygryffindor | @yourfriendlygyffindor Pairing/main characters: regulus/james Rating: Gen Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 2488
Professor Lily Evans catches Harry in the middle of a prank and get Professor Regulus to help parent.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/regulus_black_fest_24/works/55329418
Title: The Fae Wilds (Don't Leave Me) Artist & Writer: Halliwell19 with OrangeColoredSky | @orangecoluredsky Pairing/main characters: Regulus/Hermione Rating: Mature Warnings: None that apply Medium/Word Count: 4.182 and picture
Hermione falls into an unknown world and is drawn to Fae Regulus, but is it all real or is it just happening inside her head?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55371418
Title: The Tale of Two Stars Artist/Writer: solavonn | @solavonn Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black Medium/Word Count: art (with 1,664 words)
Long ago, there was once a noble kingdom founded far above the earth and among the heavens. It was said that those who dwelled there were blessed with incredible feats of power. Among them were two brothers.
AO3 link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/55534549
Title: Caged Bird Writer: Gertrudecc | @getrudecc Rating: Teen Warnings: None apply* Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black / Remus Lupin Medium/Word Count: 8K
Regulus Black is a crow animagus.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55536199
Title: Butterflies Writer: samynnad102687 | @samynnad102687 Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter Rating: Teen + Warnings: No archive warnings Medium/Word Count: 34,590
Regulus runs away with Sirius to the Potters. He and James fall in love slowly.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55407625/chapters/140583511
Title: i hate it here Writer: ghstboys Rating: M Warnings: Chose not to use archive warnings Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Medium/Word Count: Fic / 6109 words
Regulus dies a year before Sirius goes to Hogwarts, but for Sirius, he isn't really gone.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55546924
Title: Waking Nightmare Writer: givemetherapyimawalkingtravesty | @givemetherapyimawritingtravesty Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black / Slytherin Dormmates, Regulus Black / James Potter Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, chose not to use warnings (dead dove, see additional tags) Medium/Word Count: fic wc: 1.9k
Regulus Black Fest 2024 Prompt: "Regulus waking up tied to a bed and gagged felt like his worst nightmare... but the nightmare had only just begun. By: just_a_whorecrux"
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55547509
Title: A Twist of Fate Writer: MidnightStargazer | @midnightstargazer Rating: M Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, pure-blood bigotry, morally gray Regulus, minor character death Pairing/Main Characters: Regulus, Sirius, Kreacher, Lily, James; gen with background Jily Word Count: 18,227
“When the eighth month is born, the specter of death will loom over him - but if Regulus Black lives, the Dark Lord shall fall within a year” Upon hearing these words spoken by a Seer, Dumbledore asks Sirius to reach out and try to recruit his brother to their side. Regulus, however, has no idea yet about the prophecy or the Horcruxes and has no intention of turning against his Dark Lord.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55427557/chapters/140639452
Title: if you want me too Writer: donotwishonme | @donotwishonme Rating: T Warnings: none Pairing/main character: Regulus Black/James Potter Medium/Word Count: fic, 1.5k words
Once a month Regulus Black submits himself to the torture that is a noisy pub. All for the purpose of defeating James Potter, again and again. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55537849
Title: I Knew Everything When I Was Young Writer: MidnightStargazer | @midnightstargazer Rating: T Warnings: pure-blood bigotry Main Characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Dirk Cresswell Word Count: 4,379
Sirius is a squib, and Regulus has no doubt that some mudblood is to blame. When he leaves for his first year at Hogwarts, he's determined to find whoever stole his brother's magic and force them to return it - but the more he investigates, the more the gaps and contradictions in his belief system become impossible to ignore.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55569799
Title: Of Snitches & Wasps Writer: westxnorthwest | @westxnorthwest-writes Rating: E Warnings: none apply Pairing/main characters: James Potter/Regulus Black Medium/Word Count: 10,218
Regulus just wanted to be someone’s first choice. or, how the rivalry of Puddlemere United and the Wimbourne Wasps helped two idiots fall in love.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55499212
Title: Unchained Writer: LunyMoonyMoo | @lunymoonymoo Pairing/Main Characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black  Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Word Count: 7,868
Sirius and Regulus Black end up in the same cell in Azkaban.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55475866
Title: Happily Never After Writer: Viwrites | @just--vi Rating: E Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black / James Potter Medium/Word Count: Written, 4717
It’s a flurry of limbs. James doesn’t waste a second pulling him inside - or maybe that’s for practicality sake. If Sirius saw them together he’d lose it on account of them being them, and if Remus saw them together he’d lose it on account of it being the night before his wedding. Or, Regulus and James are friends with benefits. All hell breaks loose.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55710286
Title: Many Are The Stars I See (But In My Eye No Star Like Thee) Writer: raynick11 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier Medium/Word Count: Fic//62,794
Light cannot exist without darkness, and darkness cannot exist without light. You must have the contrast for both to exist.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55593169/chapters/141099943
Title: Something Like Love Writer: DeadxButterflies Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter, minor Remus Lupin/Sirius Black Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 532
Regulus Black never planned to fall in love with James Potter. Then again, there are a lot of things he didn’t plan. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55713508
Title: Black Sails Writer: denebola | @elementalkit Pairing/main characters: James Potter/Regulus Black Rating: Explicit Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 9k
James and his crew do a rescue mission to take Sirius back, who had been recaptured by his family. He finds a pretty jewel on the way. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55741669
Title: The Letters From No One Writer: strawberrybasil | @strawberrybasilsorbet Pairing/main characters: Gen; Regulus Black, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Mention of Suicide, Mention of Violence In a School Medium/Word Count: 38,170
An unexpected find in Godric's Hollow. While cleaning out the Potter cottage after Voldemort's defeat, someone discovers a bundle of letters addressed to Sirius Black.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55794715/chapters/141650344
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saintsenara · 3 months
Also would love to know what you think of Lily/&Sirius as well! I can totally see the slight resentment on his part you mentioned but i loveee the letter Harry finds in DH. AND tell me your thoughts on jilypad bc I just need to dig your brain
thank you very much for the ask, pal!
i know this was prompted by me saying - while discussing jily - that my preferred version of lily and sirius' relationship is one in which sirius resents lily for stealing the love of his life [and i don't mean lupin!] away from him. so i think it's worth clarifying what i mean by this:
because i certainly don't think that sirius' resentment towards lily would be overt - i don't think he'd ever be openly hostile towards her, i don't think he'd do anything to undermine james and lily's relationship, and i don't think he'd ever be anything other than sincerely delighted that james was so happy. he evidently values the relationship he has with lily - enough to have kept her letters somewhere he could retrieve after his sojourn in azkaban [the most plausible date of the letter harry finds in deathly hallows is august 1981, which means that we know sirius wasn't living at grimmauld place when it was written. this is something he's stored deliberately, rather than something he had just lying around.] - and i don't propose that he was pretending.
what i think, instead, is that sirius' canonical tendency towards suffering and abiding would make him actively want to cheerlead jily's relationship. he's someone who clearly believes that it's honourable to make sacrifices and that his own happiness is subordinate to the greater good. and while this is all very noble, it's also an enormous - and somewhat toxic - burden for someone like lily to bear.
i like the idea of sirius - much like his narrative mirror, snape - having an extraordinarily idealised view of lily which the real lily struggles to live up to [which provides an interesting watsonian explanation for why he only mentions her once in canon - the doylist reason is just that the series needs to obscure lily's centrality to the mystery for as long as it can, but it's much more fun to imagine that sirius actually knows nothing about the version of lily he didn't construct in his head]. i also like the idea of him struggling constantly with guilt over how he secretly would like to see james and lily split up, so that he could comfort james with tender forehead kisses [and much, much more...]
when it comes to lilypad as something non-platonic, then, my preferred version of the ship is one in which sirius and lily end up together after she survives voldemort's attack [and is, therefore, able to exonerate sirius by revealing that wormtail was the secret keeper] as an extraordinarily unhealthy way of dealing with the earth-shattering weight of their mutual grief. this doesn't mean that i think it would be an abusive or toxic relationship - nor that it couldn't last - but that it would be a... strange and quite melancholy one, haunted constantly by james' ghost.
which means, i suppose, that it's also my preferred version of jilypad. i don't like it as a triad when it's just written as really happy and flawless [well-functioning polygamy takes introspection, and none of these three strike me as possessing that ability...], but i do like it as a mess.
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sourholland · 1 year
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based off the taylor swift song style
a/n → hopefully all of you who saw the teaser enjoyed! to any of you who did not, i’m sincerely sorry for the few weeks i was not active on tumblr. i needed some time to myself and my own mental health. i hope you can understand. ALSO—again, a lot of you who requested to be on the taglist did not have it turned on to where i could tag you. feedback is heavily appreciated, especially if you are on my taglist for this fic (it’s long)!!!
summary → he’s the quarterback of the cincinnati bengals, a worldwide heartthrob with an ego the size of lake erie—but does he have the heart to match it? you’re the bengals newest cheerleader, desperate to prove how much you deserve your spot on the team. it doesn’t take much to catch the eye of joe burrow, however that isn’t necessarily a good thing when you’re told that any romantic relations between cheerleaders and players is strictly prohibited.
warnings → strong language, mention of surgery
word count → 3.2k
remember to reblog and leave a comment if you enjoy!
Chapter 3
The cheer squad stood in front of the large tunnel the players would emerge from for their first preseason game against the Arizona Cardinals. Having already come out from the tunnel yourselves, you awaited the players now. In two lines that were parallel to the other, each of you was dressed in black spandex and an orange and black bra-top. Pom poms in hand, you tried not to think about that fact that Joe was about to come out that tunnel.
It had been about a week since you’d gone out to the bar together. A part of you felt silly for your reaction, like you’d overreacted a bit. Mostly because you and Joe were in no way exclusive, as well as the fact that you’d been the one to take the chance glancing at his phone. However, you knew why you’d left the way you did—you truly did like him. It was hard to be mad at yourself when you’d only thought he might’ve felt the same way.
He reached out the morning after, only to apologize and say that he understands if you don’t want to continue whatever it was you’d started. With you not responding, he seemed to have taken the hint. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to talk to him, but more so your pride leaving you to let the text remain on delivered.
“Alright, ladies!” Lily shouted cheerily. “I want to see your biggest smiles, I want to hear your loudest cheers! This may just be preseason, but it’s our first game time appearance of the season.”
Given it was just the preseason, the stadium wasn’t necessarily at max capacity. However, there were still many supporters across the board in orange and black. The voice of the announcer boomed, a large screen showing off this season’s introduction for the Bengals home games.
Through the tunnel came the first half of the team, they wore their white on white uniform this time with the orange helmet. The team was going wild, all of the girls screaming and cheering loudly.
“And here are our offensive starters!” His voice sounded as all of the players had come through the lane you and the other cheerleaders had created for them.
They began to rattle off some of the individual men’s names: Chris Evans, Jacques Patrick, Cordell Volson. It was only when they continued to progress down the list with more and more guys running out that you realized something. You hadn’t seen Joe since that night, which you had regarded as lucky. However, it was incredibly unlikely that in all of the time the team would’ve been preparing for the first preseason game, he’d have been nowhere to be seen the entire time.
Your suspicions were made a reality when they brought out Brandon Allen as the starting quarterback of the game. Not even just this, but Joe was nowhere to be seen. Some of the guys who would start during the regular season were merely with the rest of the team, it wasn’t unusual that they didn’t start during preseason. Joe was completely MIA, though.
Sometime after you finished on the field and stood for the National Anthem, you found yourself unable to stop thinking about the fact that Joe wasn’t at the game. By the time the rest of the squad had taken their sideline spot to start your dance routine, you had to will yourself to focus.
Between dances, you glanced back at the players bench in hopes of realizing you’d simply missed something. It remained the same, though.
“Hey, Lola,” you tried to sound nonchalant during halftime. “Don’t you think it’s weird Joe Burrow is like nowhere to be found.”
“I guess I hadn’t really noticed,” she took a long sip from her Stanley water bottle. “But I mean not really, I heard he went into emergency surgery like a week ago or something.”
“For what,” you nearly gasped. “I mean, that’s awful, do you know what for?”
Lola looked a bit surprised at your sudden care and consideration for the guy. She brushed it off nonetheless. He was attractive as hell and any girl would’ve had a little bit of a crush on him.
“I think his appendix burst,” she told you.
It was no surprise to you that you hadn’t heard, you didn’t watch much ESPN or follow any sports updates on social media. Maybe if you hadn’t decided to completely ghost Joe, you’d have known he’s been in the hospital.
The remainder of the game was pretty much a shit show, the Bengals lost, and even though it was only preseason, it still wasn’t a great way to start off. Guilt overwhelmed you, making it hard to focus on the routines you played key parts in. It was almost like you weren’t in your right headspace at all. All over a fucking boy. Suddenly, you were sixteen and caught up on a guy again. At least that’s how it felt.
As soon as you got into the locker room, your coaches began to ream every girl. Nobody was completely invested. Maybe it was the fact that it wasn’t a proper game, or maybe it was just the blistering heat that had you all making simple mistakes.
By the time you’d gotten to rubbing off the heavy makeup and tying your hair back, the locker room had almost cleared out. You slipped out of your uniform, getting under the hot water of the shower and trying to expel any of the last few hours from your mind.
A pair of athletic shorts and tank top later and you were heading back out to your car with your cheer bag in hand. Only then did you decide to bite the bullet and swallow your pride.
The phone rang once before he picked up.
“Y/N?” Joe’s voice came through the speaker that had now connected to CarPlay.
“Hey, Joe,” you said meekly. “Are you okay? I only heard about your surgery today and I was just wanting to call and see if you were okay—or I mean, if you need anything.”
He breathed out a laugh, you could practically hear his shit-eating grin through the phone. Your face was hot with embarrassment, heart beating a mile a minute as you sat in the driver seat of your car.
“Seems like it’s you missing me now,” he teased you.
“Hardly,” you couldn’t help smiling. “But seriously, Joe. Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, yeah. Recovering from surgery at home this past week. Next week I’m cleared to start throwing around the football again, I’m just hoping to be all set to play for the start of the season next month.”
There was a silence, both of you just sort of waiting for the other to say something. He so desperately wanted to believe that this was you expressing that you weren’t totally washing your hands of him. You just wanted to know that he still wished to hear from you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he finally said. “For the way stuff went down last week.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Joe. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I guess I was just kind of upset over—”
“No, this is on me. I know you probably don’t believe it, but I’m really not the type of guy to get around like that. She was honestly just someone who I’d been on a few dates with, it was absolutely nothing serious. Every now and again she hits me up wanting to fuck, I haven’t even seen her since like March.”
He was right. You really didn’t believe that, but there was also a part of you that wanted to protect your peace. He was making an effort at least. Or maybe you were just naive to the reality of the situation. Whichever it was, you found yourself cursing Joe Burrow and his fucking charm.
“Yeah, Joe. I get it.”
“Well, I mean now that all that’s sorted, I am kind of feeling a little weak. Maybe you could come over and give me a sponge—”
“Joe!” You laughed.
He was also laughing, cheeks beginning to ache from smiling the entire phone call. You were beyond flustered, rolling your eyes at his boyish comment about you bathing him. He was definitely flushed, wanting to continue to make you laugh.
“Do you want to come over?” He asked, laughter dying down.
There was an internal debate going on in your mind, to say yes would just put you back at square one. To say no, well then you’d just be pissed off at yourself for not taking him up on his offer.
“Sure,” you agreed. “Yeah, sure. I’ll come over.”
He excitedly told you that he’d text you his address, to which you responded wearily about how you look like you’d just fought in a war. He only said that he didn’t mind, you did mind, though. At least you’d been able to thoroughly shower and wash all of the foundation and body glitter away with the loss of the game.
The drive from the stadium to Columbia-Tusculum, Joe’s street, wasn’t bad. Pulling into his driveway, you were almost surprised that he didn’t sport some huge home with at least ten empty rooms with nobody to fill them. Instead, you found yourself staring up at his nice, townhouse looking space. Parking outside of one of the two garages, you could see his Porsche through the tinted glass of the garage door.
Suddenly, you felt a bit self conscious of the simple shorts and align tank top you were wearing. It was late and dark, there were a set of steps up to Joe’s porch that you started up. He must’ve heard your car pull in because as soon as you approached the front door, it swung open to reveal Joe dressed in black sweatpants and a grey Bengals hoodie.
“You found the place alright?” He asked, red cheeks illuminated from the light inside of the house.
“GPS found the house just fine,” you laughed, letting him pull you into the entry way.
There was a mud room to the right of you, filled with all of his sneakers and cleats in concise rows. He had some jackets hung up on the hooks and a few pictures on the walls of himself and his family.
“This is you?” You asked, staring at the picture of a small boy in his flag football uniform.
“Yeah,” he chuckled.
Slipping off your sneakers, you felt a draft in the house that sent goosebumps up your arms. You had a sweatshirt in the car, but since you’d just gotten inside, you didn’t want to already start coming in and out.
“You look oddly energetic for someone who just had surgery,” you noticed.
“I feel a lot better, I’ve lost a good amount of weight since the surgery, though. Plus when they cut into me, I was bound to lose some core muscle, it’ll all have to be built back up.”
He lifted up his sweatshirt, your eyes immediately going to the waistband of his briefs that sat snug on his hips. He pulled both his briefs and sweats down slightly, leaving you with the sight of his toned stomach and V-line. On his right side, close to his hip was a stitched incision.
“It’s healing, at least,” you said, pulling your gaze from his middle and finding his eyes once more. “That counts for something.”
Joe took you around the downstairs of his house, showing you around a bit and commenting on things like pictures to a few of the plaques he’d earned that now adorned his walls. He rambled on and on about growing up playing football, asking you if you’d had a similar experience in your sport.
He kind of reminded you of those guys who always end up scrolling through their entire camera roll and showing you pictures from each part of their life. It was cute, though. He seemed thoughtful and interested in what you responded and how you resonated with his passions.
“We could watch a movie,” he suggested as you came into the living room.
“Sounds good to me,” you chuckled, taking a spot on the end of the coach.
Joe sat down in the center, not wanting to press you in the slightest. He had a neatly folded stack of blankets on the loveseat, but you felt awkward asking him for one. The shorts and align tank was simply not doing it, though. As Roku City lit up the screen, you pulled your knees to your chest and tucked your arms in. Joe looked over and rolled his eyes teasingly, assuming you were just too prideful to say you’re cold.
Without saying a word, Joe removed his hoodie and threw it at you. He was left in a simple black T-shirt, snickering and picking the remote back up. He watched as you tried to protest, but pulled the large hoodie over top of your head nonetheless. His being 6’4 allowed for it to hang a lot lower on you than usual, bunching at the wrists and acting as mittens.
“Rocky?” He asked, how predictable of him.
“A classic,” you grinned. “Could never say no to Rocky.”
Joe felt himself growing hard underneath his sweatpants at the sight of you in his sweatshirt, curled up on his couch. He couldn’t help but watch as you tied your hair up, leaning back watching the screen. His eyes fell to your bare legs, thinking about how he’d fucked you in the back of his car.
“What?” You laughed softly, catching him staring at you.
“Nothing,” he mumbled, looking back to the screen. “Do you want a blanket?”
Finally, you thought. As you shifted over a bit to grab the blanket he’d gotten, you felt yourself nearing his side and wondered if he minded if you sat beside him. He was warm, his eyes trained on the TV as he handed it to you.
When you didn’t move back to your original spot, Joe internally thanked God. He watched as you unfolded the fluffy white throw, staring at it in contemplation and offering a part of it to him to share. He nodded in response, face flushed as you moved into his side. You both were right beside each other now, sharing the same blanket.
“I’m glad you called me,” Joe whispered to you, as if it was a secret.
“Me too,” you yawned. “I just had to see if you were okay, I mean when I didn’t see you at the game I got worried.”
Joe draped an arm over your shoulder, making you lean into him a little farther. It wasn’t long before he heard your steady, even breaths. He saw your eyes had fluttered shut, legs curled up next to his. He clicked the power button on the remote and decided to shift the both of you to be fully laying on the couch rather than off of it.
Grabbing a throw pillow, Joe stuck it behind his head and felt you settle in beside him. Both of you were sprawled out down the couch, your legs askew and wrapped up in his. He closed his eyes as you nestled in further and couldn’t help letting himself rest.
When you woke up, Joe was gone and you were drooling all over his couch cushion. He’d covered you in another blanket before he left you, making it hard for you to even will yourself up.
You truly hadn’t meant to stay the night, you planned to come over and see him and leave to go home. You’d woken up earlier than usual for game day and you were exhausted by the time you’d gotten to his house, it was no surprise that you fell asleep soon after.
“Fuck,” you yawned, grabbing your phone off the side table.
Sydney: BITCH
Sydney: Why the fuck does Life360 say you’re in Columbia-Tusculum???!!!!
Choosing to ignore that, you answered a text from your mom and stretched for a second before standing up and deciding you should try and find Joe. It didn’t take much, following the loud booming speaker to his workout room.
He wore basketball shorts and a muscle shirt, only doing very simple stretches that would not strain his body or agitate his healing process. He’d done some walking on the treadmill, staying hydrated and active even from home.
“Hey,” you came into the doorway. “I’m really sorry I fell asleep last night, I didn’t mean—”
“Y/N,” he laughed. “I enjoyed last night too much to let you apologize for it. So stop, I’m not sorry and neither should you be. Did you know you drool? When you sleep, I mean.”
So fucking embarrassing, you thought.
Joe offered to make you breakfast, to which you politely declined. He showed you to the bathroom, where he gave you a spare toothbrush. He was more than inviting, but a part of you still felt like you’d overstayed. He sat on top of the island in the kitchen, looking at you as you leaned against a countertop.
“You don’t have to go, you know?” He told you with a grin. “I’m not even allowed to go sit in on practices until tomorrow.”
“I do,” you gave him a look.
Joe sighed defeatedly like a child, pushing himself off the island and wincing a bit. There was no point in arguing with you. He only enjoyed your company, though. For some reason he liked the way you described things, the way you always listened when someone else was telling you about something. He realized that it didn’t matter if you had no clue in the world about the subject matter, talking to you was like discussing it with your best friend.
“Can I at least walk you out to your car?” He asked you, cocking his head to the side and using the pad of his thumb to brush an eyelash off your cheek.
“Yes,” you answered.
He led the way out, letting you slip your shoes on in the mud room once again. He only put on a pair of slides, unlocking and opening the front door to let you both out onto the front porch. Joe motioned your forward, shutting it behind him and laying a hand on the small of your back without even thinking.
As you unlocked your car, you felt him trail close behind and you both stopped at the driver side door. The proximity between the two of you had closed a considerable amount, he was standing in front of you and casting a look downwards to meet your gaze.
“Thank you for letting me stay over, Joe.”
He leaned in and pressed a chaste, but sweet kiss to your lips. His own cheeks had been shaded a nice pink color as he smiled into the brush of your lips. He held your car door open for you and watched as you got inside.
“I’ll see you soon, Y/N,” he tells you with that famous smile, running a hand through his already messy hair.
“Bye, Joe.”
taglist - @angelspovxo @humannoodlesoup @nikkisimps @wooahaeuji @teasandcrumpets @chmpgnnlace @hummusxx @rivivie @madsblogsstuff @nngkay @raeofsunshine629 @siutforjjmaybank @alternativemadchen @ryiamarie @ohreggieboy @coldheartedmar @nowandkei @obsessed-fan-alert @buckystwilight @dessxoxsworld @manic-pixie-bitch2 @hallecarey1 @heyitskay-21 @joselyn001 @stylesyourmine @toterry @countryday @adventuremood @blu3jeanbaby @sriusun @mikeyspinkcup @kittyhorror777 @f-hollands
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wearingaberetinparis · 10 months
Coming Soon: Call It What You Want - A Jily Workplace Enemies to Lovers AU
Remember when you guys sent me all these amazing prompts that helped me write these twelve drabbles that I had so much fun with? (AO3 Link HERE) @athenasparrow sent me so many great additional ones with plenty of smutty potential that I started dreaming up a new Jily AU in which James Potter and Lily Evans are workplace nemeses, which - of course - will turn into lovers. So, here we are... I will be releasing the prologue and the first chapter of Call It What You Want on Sunday August 20. So far, seven chapters have been completed, meaning that updates will be regular.
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The sex was supposed to have been a one-time thing. It was a mistake, shouldn’t have happened in the first place. The other one had just been there at the right place at the right time. It had everything to do with needing to find a release after a most difficult and stressful day at work. It had absolutely nothing to do with them actually liking each other. Please, they were frenemies at best, nemeses at worst.
Why announce it now? Well, I'm terrible at keeping things to myself, I'm preparing for a hospital visit that I'm not excited for and need a personal boost and I'm - quite simply - so eager to share this with you. Not to mention that @athenasparrow has been my biggest cheerleader over the past few weeks! So, if this fic is right up your alley, don't forget to send @athenasparrow the love she deserves for pushing me to write - as I like to call it - the smuttiest of smuttiest fics I have ever written (and possibly ever will write).
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steddiemicrofic · 10 months
Steddie Microfic August 1st-6th Masterlist
Week one is done! Apparently, everyone is a big fan of cake in all its forms 🍰🎂🍑👉🏻👌🏻
Check under the cut for the posts from this week!
Untitled by @marvel-ous-m | Rated G | cw: Eddie Munson has bad parents | tags: established relationship
happy birthday to who? by @sharpbutsoft | Rated G | no cw
Observatory by @griefabyss69 | Rated T | cw: suggestive
tangled up in you by @sourw0lfs | Rated G | no cw
my favorite flavor is you by @steddieas-shegoes | Rated G | no cw | tags: modern au, tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship
The Promise of Forever by @heartscoops | Rated G | cw: brief mention of religion/loss of it
Come Back To Life by @griefabyss69 | Rated G | cw: little bit of vampire sadness
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too by @bifuriouswaterbender | Rated M | no cw
Velvet by @onirislanding | Rated T | no cw
Cherry Chocolate Cake by @simplebtromance | Rated G | no cw
It's never too late for a second chance by @hbyrde36 | Rated G | no cw
hit the floor by @geddyqueer | Rated T | no cw
What's your flavor? by @vecnuthy | Rated G | no cw
Joyride by @postmodernau | Rated M | cw: implied sexual activity, semi-public sex
bad blood by @sourw0lfs | Rated M | cw: blood, implied serial murdering
Walrus by @a-little-unsteddie | Rated T | no cw
our hearts are racing, captivated by @gerrystamour | Rated E | cw: PWP, intercrural sex, bad jokes
Petit Fours by @spinmewriteround | Rated E | cw: rimming
Surprise by @momotonescreaming | Rated G | no cw
vibin' by @starryeyedjanai | Rated E | cw: transmasc steve, creampie mention, squirting mention, light bdsm
Untitled by @estrellami-1 | Rated G | no cw
butter cake by @fastcardotmp3 | Rated G | cw: implied past parental death
gilding the lily by @stobinesque | Rated E | cw: cockwarming, facials, group sex, "puppy" used as a term of endearment
Cake by the Ocean by @after-the-end-times | Rated M | no cw
Like a Cake to the Face by @simplebtromance | Rated M | cw: Daddy used as a petname | tags: cheerleader!Steve, sacrifice of a cupcake
Want a taste? by @just-my-latest-hyperfixation | Rated G | no cw
Angel Tongue by @griefabyss69 | Rated E | cw: rimming
Try A Slice by @wormdebut | Rated M | no cw
avarice for pearls by @stobinesque | Rated E | cw: d/s dynamics, free use, sloppy seconds, daddy kink (no age play)
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ctrlemis · 11 months
kiss the girl 🤭🤭
OMG HI FAE!! ofc omg this is my longest running wip rn
okay so in kiss the girl, football player wonyoung has the biggest crush on head cheerleader y/n whos super sweet and giving and basically super wel known and liked
but the schools soccer team hasnt won a game in years, which makes their school look weak in the sports area.
anyways, the girls on the soccer team(yujin, gaeul, leeseo, minji, haerin, danielle, yunjin, sakura, kazuha, yena, lily, haewon, winter, ningning, ryujin, yeji, and yuna)(its a big team) find out, they come up with this plan to basically get wonyoung to ask y/n out.
later on, at an event with their rival school, wonyoung makes the dumb mistake of saying that not only would their school win every game against the rival school this season, but they would also win the state championship;
and of course, she happens to annouce this very loudly in front of y/n, who not only is head cheerleader, but really wants to see their school’s team win as its the only active sports team.
so now the team is partially mad at wony and her big mouth, but they end up training really hard for it.
and winter’s girlfriend karina, who is a cheerleader with y/n(along with liz, sullyoon, hanni, chaewon, chaeryeong, and some other girls) who happens to know that wony likes y/n cuz her gf has a big mouth ends up convincing y/n to go to some of the practice with her to big refresments and stuff like that
and wony is trying to like look cool and stay focused
but its so hard bc y/n is literally burning a hole into her head with her stare
and maybe its because she literally swore up and down that they would win the championship in front kf her
did i also mention that y/n’s mom is an alumni at the school and her senior year was the last time the school won a game? no?
thats all i have for now!! that what so fun i love talking about my fics 🫶🏾 thank you fae fae its so good to hear from you!! i got scared when i didnt see your reblog i missed you 😣
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bookofbolden · 9 months
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Eleanor Marie Bolden: A Timeline
trigger(s): kidnapping mention towards end
January 13, 1995 (Albany, New York): Born with the name Emily Moore to Stephanie Moore, a 16-year-old high school cheerleader.
January 17, 1995 (Albany, New York): Sent to live with the Britton Family.
June 12, 2000 (Albany, New York): Attends her first ballet class.
October 4, 2002 (Rochester, New York): Sent to live with the Wortham Family.
December 25, 2002 (Rochester, New York): Completes her first original fairy tale written exclusively in green crayon.
May 12, 2004 (Buffalo, New York): Sent to live with the Dixon Family.
August 28, 2004 (Albany, New York): Sent to live with the Barker Family.
January 13, 2006 (Albany, New York): Receives a camera for her birthday and develops an interest in photography.
March 11, 2006 (Albany, New York): Enters a short story into her school's writing contest, wins first place (the prize money of $100 soon turns up missing from her piggy bank).
June 1, 2006 (Syracuse, New York): Sent to live with the Hughes Family.
November 25, 2007 (New Rochelle, New York): Sent to live with the Bolden Family.
January 13, 2009 (New Rochelle, New York): Adopted by Dennis and Mary Bolden, legally changes name to Eleanor Marie Bolden (her choice, after Elinor Dashwood from Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility and Marie Antoinette).
August 19, 2013 (New York, New York): Begins classes at Columbia university.
February 6, 2015 (Worldwide): "A Season of Secrets", novella by Eleanor Bolden is published.
May 13, 2017 (New York, New York): Graduates with Bachelors in English Language and Literature
January 26, 2019 (New York, New York): Meets Lillian "Lily" Murphy.
April 19, 2019 (Worldwide): "The Lost Art of Being Yourself", novella by Eleanor Bolden is published.
July 4, 2019 (New York, New York): Becomes the girlfriend of Lily Murphy.
May 16, 2020 (New York, New York): Graduates with Masters in English Language and Literature.
September 4, 2021 (Portland, Maine): Moves in with Lily Murphy.
June 12, 2023 (Portland, Maine): Lily Murphy is kidnapped.
July 15, 2023 (Wicked's Rest, Maine): Moves to Wicked's Rest alone.
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iliketopgun · 3 months
What I associate some of my Top Gun OCS with
Tw: mentions of trauma, alcohol, tattoos, food, theater and band kids
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Lyra is lilies, teaching your dad how to work a phone not knowing he just wants to spend time with you, red lipstick, sarcastic t shirts, softball and cheerleading in highschool
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Samantha is lilacs, crawling on your dad during meetings when you were supposed to stay under the desk coloring as a kid, pink lipstick, having ancestral wealth, ballet, debutante classes, cotillion classes, pushing yourself to the limit
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Madison is daisies, sharing your room with your two little sisters, "ZOË!", red lipstick, working in the NICU/Labor and delivery, interracial marriage, prom queen and valedictorian in highschool, dancing in the kitchen with a glass of wine
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Zoë is tulips, sharing your room with your two older sisters, cookies, "Don't tell mom and dad", living with your oldest sister and her husband, sneaking out, band kid, polished flute
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Cassidy is violets, old records on a light blue Victrola record player, soft pink lipstick, blueberries, being a twin, sharing your room with a girl who is your sister by heart and not by blood, losing both parents by age 18, you and your brother growing apart but being right back to laughing and teasing immediately, being a WSO, people who knew Maverick and Goose groaning at you and your pilot because y'all are them reincarnated, cheerleading and student council in highschool
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Rosalie is dahlias, being underestimated, having to fight for your spot at the table because of being female and your father's last mission before he died, your call sign being Riveter because of your childhood nickname of Rosie the Riveter, debate team in highschool
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Hannah is petunias, two loving parents, a crazy uncle, a cousin you don't see that much, breaking a family pattern, classy clothes, whiskey, taking after your mom, being a theater kid
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Henry is his mom's blue bonnets, following your crush to another state, curly hair, able to pull off a mullet, country music, playing football and baseball
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Hayley is forget me nots, horses, hats, red lipstick, sharing a room with your sisters, having a mockingbird as a pet, having the cutest southern accent, being to outdrink most of your friends, small tattoos of flowers and family/sentimental stuff, doing cheerleading in highschool
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oh I meant when James is the main character (usually in ye days of old Jily and modern Jegulus fics), Sirius's personality is changed to accomodate James and especially Lily. For example, Sirius becomes the hot, himbo casanova best friend who's there as a cheerleader or Cupid for academic rivals Lily and James (and even Sirius's sense of humour is sometimes handed over to Lily). In Jegulus fics, Regulus's characterization becomes close to actual canon Sirius while Sirius is...I don't even know. And when Remus is the main character Sirius becomes a grovelling, punk-as-only-personality-trait boyfriend. And when Snape is the main character, Sirius becomes a himbo with no redeeming qualities. Basically, what I mean is that he keeps changing personalities depending on the main character while James seems mostly consistent in personality as a side or main character. Or with the core traits pinned down. One example is how Slughorn calls Sirius talented, and doesn't bring up James so usually safe to assume Sirius is better at potions but it's James carrying onto NEWTs and not Sirius because they need the Amortentia lesson with Lily to work, etc. So Sirius is like a cerebrus in Marauder era focs. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Hey there again, anon))
I think that writing secondary characters without reducing them to flat stereotypes is hard in general, it's not always done on purpose. Making the main one/two characters complex is hard enough, so I wouldn't judge too hard when someone is reduced to a "sidekick" character in another ship's story.
But I do get what you're saying, the louder and more vibrant characters like Sirius or James are usually done very dirty in these cases. In comparison to, say, Remus or Lily, who have relatively calm personalities, so even if they only have several lines, it's easier to keep them in character.
There are some things that tick me off, like downplaying Sirius' intelligence as you mentioned; this is something that's not so hard to maintain even if he's secondary - just don't make him dumb.
With Sirius and James both, for me, one of their core traits is their friendship and loyalty to each other. When I'm reading a wolfstar/jegulus/jily etc fic and James and Sirius aren't absolutely codependent and obsessed with each other, it just doesn't seem realistic to me, it makes them both lose a part of their character.
Sirius main three core traits, if I had to choose, are:
intelligence (stated over and over in canon how talented and smart he is)
loyalty (to his friends, to harry, to his side)
sense of justice (wanting to avenge James, rejecting his family etc)
Whereas in fanon it seems to be "sarcastic hot drama queen", which is just.... honestly, it doesn't even make me angry anymore, because it's like it's not Sirius anymore, but some kind of fanon made OC based on a line in the book, like Pandora, Mary or Barty
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leogichidaa · 2 years
In my opinion, Peter had a fixation on James. Not Sirius and James. He was probably envious of the friendship between James and Sirius. Even Sirius admitted not thinking much of Peter. In my own headcanon, I believe Peter wanted to be James's world and was jealous every time James had a new friends or a new girlfriend.
Rowling mentioned in her essay about the potters (I think that’s where it was, either that or an interview), that Sirius was pissed when J+L got it engaged. The way the whole thing was worded gives me the image of Sirius being cool with Lily until she gets engaged to his bff forever soulmate bro- Aka the sign that Lily is not just a girlfriend James will break up with in a year or so, and he’s quite serious with her.
Oooh I think “bff forever soulmate bro” is my new name for Starbucks / Prongsfoot
Oh huh, I never heard/read that about Sirius getting miffed at the engagement. Honestly, that doesn’t jive with how I see things. For one, my assumption was that James was pretty obviously serious about Lily from the beginning. He made significant changes in order to win her over and he was infatuated with her for years before hand. Second, I feel like Lily would have grown on Sirius by the time she and James got engaged. But that’s just my read.
As for Peter, yeah, from what we see he’s definitely there to be James’ cheerleader. I can see him being obsessed and possessive with James. A kind of “if I can’t have you nobody will” destructive possessiveness.
I love “bff forever soulmate bro” 💕
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