#merci!! <3
tealviscaria · 3 months
Hi hi hi hullo!! Comme tu connais la Secte maintenant, je me demandais... D'après la musique Votez Pour Moi, tu voterais pour qui? 👀 lequel t'a subjugué par sa plaidoirie
C’est une très bonne question !
J’ai écouté la chanson trois fois d’affilée pour pouvoir faire ce choix, d’une telle importance, correctement. Examinons-les un par un :
Hippocampe Fou
Il propose sans aucun doute de très convaincants arguments, tel que « Je cours très vite malgré mon zizi divin » ou « Pour étudier ma technique, faut faire de l'astrophysique ». En tant que mauvaise astrophysicienne, je ne peux que lui faire confiance. Également, je suis tout à fait favorable à tous ceux qui se décrivent comme les meilleurs phonéticiens.
Le gourou pour nous gouverner, pur et simple.
Cependant, je crains son pouvoir d’exciter la faune et la flore. Et même si j’applaudis son style, l’image de « nage[r] le papillon dans un océan de chenilles » me fait froid dans le dos, d'autant plus qu’on sait pour ses phéromones.
Je l’honore, mais je suis contente d’être plus au nord.
« Très au-dessus de la moyenne, et ce dans tous les domaines ». N'est-ce pas ce que nous attendons de tout dirigeant ? Sa passion et sa vision de l'avenir est son point fort : « Je vais gagner l'élection et créer la connexion / Entre tous les adeptes qui se trouvent sur la planète ». Il est passionné, il met le feu 🔥 💯
Néanmoins, malgré sa sympathie pour les adeptes, il semble se mettre à part. La phrase « On considère mon ADN comme l'avenir l'espèce humaine » n’inspire pas confiance. Après tout, il a des textes qui tuent, pouvons-nous faire confiance à ses projets ?
Il est « plus riche que les Bettencourt » et il a « arnaqué Rocancourt ». Je ne connais pas ces bonhommes mais je pense qu'il est important de souligner ses réussites. Mais ce qui mérite d'être souligné davantage, dirais-je même être crié, c’est qu’il a crevé l’œil de Le Pen ! Il possède des capacités extraordinaires : la congélation du désert, la douceur dépassant celle du chinchilla et j’en passe.
Sans vouloir énerver sa chère mère, J'aimerais lui demander si, par hasard, elle avait une liaison avec Chuck Norris. Et sans vouloir vexer le fils illégitime de Chuck Norris, où est passé l'esprit d'équipe ? Douze de ses seize lignes commencent par « je ». Qu'est-ce qu'il nous offre vraiment ?
Il était difficile de voter mais mon choix est fait.
* Les tambours *
J’ai choisi Nivu. C'est surprenant, car au début, je le voyais en dernière position. Mais il a la volonté de relier les générations et il semble avoir à cœur le bien-être de tous ses adeptes. Et si ses projets s'avèrent maléfiques, je crois que quelqu'un le guidera sur le bon chemin ou au pire le chassera.
Et toi, tu choisirais qui ? :D
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n0ahsferatu · 3 months
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ℑ 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔞 𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔶 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔰,
𝔉𝔲𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔣𝔲𝔩—𝔞 𝔣𝔞𝔢𝔯𝔶’𝔰 𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔡,
ℌ𝔢𝔯 𝔥𝔞𝔦𝔯 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤, 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱,
𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔶𝔢𝔰 𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔡
- John Keats, La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1819)
(based on the eponymous painting by Frank Dicksee (1901))
(prints available on my inprnt ! :))
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arealtrashact · 3 months
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Look at my therapy group, dawg. ( I'm never improving my social functioning )
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nyamcattt · 2 months
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talon mythic mercy came into my house and stole my fridge. she kidnapped my cat, held me at gun point, and told me to draw this
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boytransmission · 6 months
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Fresh from the shower ;)
Please help me afford top surgery <3
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 167
Honestly, Danny is having such a good time right now. He gets to travel with Ellie, explore space, just have fun. Plus his secondary protector-instincts are having soothed despite him not technically doing any hero-ing anymore. Really his sister had the right idea when she decided she wanted to become a doctor, this is honestly a blast.
And if someone does end up passing away, well, Ellie is always happy to help soothe their spirit and guide them to the Realms where they can reach their respective afterlife. Or become a ghost. 
They are completely oblivious to the fact that there are now legends and entire temples dedicated to them now. Apparently accidental ascension is in fact a thing, as Dan later laughs at them about. 
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antivanbrandy · 7 months
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i just think cal and lia would have waaaaay too much fun teasing a tav-crushing rolan
i wonder what they're having for dinner? i hope it's spaghetti 🤌
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Isolated voice line of Astarion saying "please" You're welcome <3
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vcrnons · 15 days
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JEONGHAN Cheers to Youth MV
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aziracrowded · 9 months
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we are so screwed
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puppyeared · 9 months
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smapis · 3 months
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🫁 cover for @mercyisms’ necro elysium (yuck!!): a combination of my two favorite things (mercy and disco elysium’s skill system)
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
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Bonus under cut vvv
Later that same day:
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And... I made an Emily redesign too...... *sniff sob /j* it's not final (like all my redesigns) I'm just trying get better at this design stuff and where better to do it except my current fixation ehhh?????
Long Emily design explanation/rant thing ignore it probably but pls dotn im desperate: I wanted to make her more round and soft cuzzz I love those typa designs I'm just a sucker for circle characters. Made her actually black and not fuckin gray cuz its a transformation to look more human and gentle(for me they go between two forms, their true ones that we see the first time we see them snd their human/softer ones if they ever interact with actual humans which... they usually dont.) Not a demon form tfff. In this version I wanted to put Emily in animal inspired features like... the sheep nose, ears, and hooves. Because she and Sera know that humans and about all beings love animals. Birds have sharp features mostly so they don't look as welcoming as they want to seem. I wanted Emily to look sheep likes and pretty much all the seraphim look more sheep like to make Lucifer stand out as the only one who was symbolized as a snake/goat(still don't know if I'll make him goat or make Lillith goat. I'll decide when I get there lmao). Justtt overalll wanted Emily to look more round, welcoming, and cute. I kept the freckles lighter than her skin color(even tho that's SUPER not accurate to what actually black people look like with freckles but whatevr) because it reminded me of fawns and.... sure Emily is a sheep but I still wanted to incorporate other cute animal traits with her cyz y not.
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quotergirl19 · 11 months
Book Colin Bridgerton friendzones Penelope for a decade but after kissing her once, he’s so gone for her that literally the next time they’re alone he’s making up for lost time and has her topless, laid out on the back seat of a carriage with one of her breasts in his mouth and he’s climbed on top of her talking about wanting to sink into her and never letter her go…
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Shondaland, I love you but season 3 cannot get near fast enough.
We need to see the carriage scene you’re giving us.
I know, know: we’re not ready.
We may never be ready and yet, I assure you, WE ARE READY.
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4odays · 11 months
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rosedom · 4 months
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thinking about a tied up pretty boy . . . he's on his back in my bed, and he's got his wrists tied to my headboard—a soft ribbon trussing them up, keeping him niceeee and bound—and his ankles to the bed posts at the end of it. he's spread-eagled and soaked, too, his drippy, flushed cunt making a mess of my duvet:(
i wanna watch him whimper and whine, squirm and writhe as i lay on my belly between his spread legs and kiss around his dripping cunt, nipping and sucking all soft-like on his inner thighs and navel. not even touching his thick cock, twitchy and oh-so sensitive—only waiting until he begs me in that sweet voice of his, "please, suck me off."
i can do anything to him, right now; but all i do is smile and kiss his mons, gently, telling him, "such a good boy, thank you for asking daddy for what you want," before i go down and lick and suckle at his cock. he's so pretty, arching as best he can into my mouth, and i reward each of his soft begs with another lick right against his sensitive cockhead.
oh, just a pretty boy tied up all perfect for me (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
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