#mermaid maglor
animatorweirdo · 1 year
The song of the waves
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Your attempt to end your life was unsuccessful, and you were left to continue your less meaningful life, but then the one who saved you came for a visit, and a promise was made.
Requested by Anon
Hi! Saw your requests were open so I hope I made it in time to be one of the 7 - can I request a continuation/next chapter to the song of the waves series? I really want to see what happens next with mermaid Maglor x reader uwu.
Warnings: mentions of attempted suicide, scolding, getting grounded, angsty thoughts, energetic dog, social awkwardness, promises, and songs.
Chapter 4
The ocean was calm, and the city of Tirion brimmed with life. Mers and other creatures alike went peacefully along with their day, doing errands and greeting their neighbors. Nothing seemed to be out of place. 
A loud shout was heard across the royal palace, stopping servants and guards in their tasks as they looked up in confusion and startle. 
“You did what?!” 
Makalaure, his brothers, and Angarato flinched from the loud tone of Nerdanel, Makalaure’s mother, who was the first to scold them after they returned from their adventure outside Tirion. Feanor Makalaure’s father was on the side with Angarato’s parents, watching him and his brothers with a disappointed look. 
“Let me get this straight— you interacted with a human?” Nerdanel questioned. 
“Makalaure. It was already bad you, your brothers, and your cousin spent the night outside meddling with a human. But you stayed the night in a human city?!” Nerdanel questioned, “My sweet son, there is a reason why they are considered dangerous,” 
Tyelko leaned closer to Makalaure. “Maybe we should not have told them about the whole rescue thing–” he whispered. Makalaure only rolled his eyes before looking back at their mother. 
“Do you have any idea what might have happened if other less good-willed humans spotted you and your brothers?” Nerdanel continued. 
“Alright, Amme, Atar,” Makalaure started. “I’ll take the full blame over the incident. It’s just there was something wrong with the human we encountered last night. She tried to drown herself. She was obviously not okay, so that’s why I tried to help her,” he explained, and his mother fell silent. 
“Oh? It was that kind of thing…” Nerdanel’s gaze softened. Feanor then swam beside her, laying his hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner before looking at Makalaure. 
"You did something well-intentioned, son. However, it was still reckless of you and your brothers to spend the night near a human city. You would have risked your own lives if things had ended differently,” Feanor stated. Makalaure looked down in shame after his father's sentence.
"Therefore, as your punishment, you shall not leave Tirion for any reason for the next two months. This also applies to the rest of you," he said, glancing at his brothers and cousin.
“Wait! I can still go hunting, right?” Tyelko quickly asked. “No–not even hunts. Instead of being the responsible one, you followed along and indulged in the whole thing,” Feanor answered, making Tyelko quietly curse and whine.
“Your cousin will take punishment from his own parents. Now, is this understood?” Feanor stated. 
“Yes—” his sons answered quietly. 
“Good. Now go,” Feanor said, and everyone began leaving the main hall. Makalaure swam through the corridors after bidding farewell to Angarato, and the twins went to do their own things. Tyelko swam over him. 
“Well, that went a bit better than expected, even though I got grounded from going to hunts,” Tyelko stated. “Like that has ever stopped you from going to hunt…” Makalaure answered indifferently. 
“So… what’s next?” Tyelko asked. Makalaure stopped to look at his brother. “What do you mean what’s next?” he inquired. 
“You’re still worried about the human, right?” Tyelko asked back. “You have been brooding ever since we left the human city, so you’re still worried about your rescued princess,” he smirked. “What did you two talk about that got you so worried?” 
“I… I don’t know. I’m not really allowed to go check on her anytime soon,” Makalaure replied. 
“So– you are planning to go see her again?” Tyelko’s smirk became wider. 
“Only to check she has not tried to drown herself again. I don’t think you would want our old hideout to become a graveyard now, do you?” Makalaure asked. 
"Well, true, but maybe it's also because you're worried about her well-being. She did seem like she was not all right in her head," Tyelko tapped his own head as an example, then began swimming away. "Anyway, do let me know when you go outside again. I'd be curious to see her again too," he called out as he disappeared around the corner.
Makalaure stood quiet, alone in the corridor. His mind was filled with thoughts of you, the way you spoke, and the look in your eyes, so devoid of joy and life. He hoped in the deepest parts of his heart that you were doing better than the last time you met and you had not tried to take your life again now that he wasn’t there. 
He shook his head and journeyed to his room. Maybe he should try to check on you tomorrow — just to be sure. 
You opened the door to your house. The door creaked as you walked in and then closed it behind you. The house was quiet as usual, but when you dropped the keys on the table, your ears caught loud footsteps and an excited bark. 
You smiled when you saw your dog, Max, bounce at you with a toothy grin. 
"Max..." you crouched down to hug him as he jumped into your arms and began to lick your face. "Max. No—" Delighted giggles escaped you as you nearly fell to the floor under his weight.
You sat down and began petting him, slowly running your fingers through his long white-gray fur.
As Max laid his head on your lap, staring at you with those adoring eyes, memories of the previous night rushed back to you.
Emotions and feelings welled up from within, compelling you to release the tears you had tried to hold back.
You sniffed as you began to cry. 
"I'm sorry, Max. I'm so... sorry," Max whined when he noticed the sudden change in your mood. "I...did something really stupid, something stupid and selfish," you choked as Max began to paw you, trying to comfort you as your tears moved freely. 
You chuckled as you grabbed one of his paws and held on to it, looking into his eyes that were filled with worry. 
"Oh, Max..." You wrapped your arms around him and held him tight, crying on him as he stood still while wagging his tail. 
"I'm so sorry. I was gonna leave you behind," you cried then looked at him. 
"Luckily... someone saved me," you sniffed, "...someone unnatural," your mind returned to the dark-haired merman, his silver eyes staring into yours. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," you said. Max barked, licking your face like he was telling you to try him. 
A smile appeared on your face as you calmed him down from his spontaneous excitement. 
"At least... you care besides Meldrick," you stated. 
Your eyes then noticed his empty food bowl. Groaning, you pushed yourself up from the floor and approached the kitchen. 
"Come on, Max. Let's get you food and maybe push me into a bath,” you uttered to yourself as Max followed you. Your clothes were still damped, and your hair smelled like sea brine. Strangely, there was also an odd taste of fish on your lips. 
The sea retained its characteristic calmness, its vast expanse stretching out in all directions under the azure sky. The water's surface mirrored the tranquil nature of the day, with gentle ripples occasionally breaking the stillness.
Makalaure gracefully swam over the rocky terrain, his observant eyes taking in the familiar surroundings. His gaze was like a beacon of light as it fell upon a sack of rocks and a broken rope, a sight he recognized all too well. However, the place around him appeared empty, and you were conspicuously absent.
A sense of relief washed over him, knowing you had not attempted to drown yourself again. Yet, despite this reassurance, an undeniable longing tugged at him—a desire to see you again, to ensure your well-being in person.
You walked up the small pier. The lake behind your house was as calm as ever, and you could smell the fresh scent of the ocean in the distance as it was in your sight behind the rocks and trees that surrounded the lake. The other houses and piers were empty, giving you peace as you sat at the pier’s edge, yesterday’s events still fresh in your mind. 
Max was loitering at the beach, smelling the corners and doing his business while you stared into nothing particular. 
You glance at your ukulele that was lying on the top of the little stand, a gift from Meldrick for your 13th birthday. He got it during his voyage to the distant islands and decided to give it to you since you were spending your birthday alone again. 
Music sometimes calmed you whenever the dark thoughts spiraled within, even though you only knew one song. 
You gently picked up the instrument, adjusting the strings before beginning to play, filling the silence with a simple melody. 
In the sea, Makalaure wandered among the rocks and stone walls of the island. He paused when his ears caught a faint song echoing through the sea—a soft and somewhat melodic tune. He couldn't put a finger on it, but there was something familiar about it, as if he knew the person playing the instrument.
He knew the ocean could carry music from all corners of the world. That’s what made music so special to him and his people. And because of the familiarity, he decided to find the one playing the song. 
The mer followed the song’s echo and tone to a cave. Through the darkness, he saw paths that led into the island. Curious and daring, he swam in, following the song. 
You continued playing the ukulele, trying to remember which string to pluck while trying to enjoy the melody. It was nearly working, but something felt amiss, and you forgot the next part. Frustration crept in, causing you to stop and make minor adjustments to the strings.
Your feet dangled above the water, creating tiny whirlpools as you attempted to play the small instrument again, but something was off with the ukulele’s sound, so you gave up and set it down beside you, gazing at the lake. 
Something glimmered in the water. You frowned in confusion, staring at the glimmer as a familiar face popped up from the water, the merman from before. 
“Oh, hey…” you stared back at him, confused and surprised. 
“Hey,” he said back. 
“How… Did you get here? I don’t think this lake is connected to the sea?” you questioned. 
"There are caves at the bottom of this lake. They lead to the sea, even though the water here tastes much sweeter," the merman explained.
"Ah…" you cocked your head. "I didn't know that... or anyone, in fact."
He swam closer to you, the scales on his tail glimmering with sunlight. 
“Was it you playing that song just now?” he asked. 
“Uh…” you started, unsure how he heard you play. “Yeah, I was playing my ukulele,” you grabbed your ukulele. “It helps me calm down sometimes,” you explained. 
“I only know one song, so it's nothing much,” you said, then looked at him. “Uh… why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be wherever you live in the sea since it's forbidden to be here?” you questioned. 
"I... wanted to check on you. You know, in case you tried drowning again," Makalaure looked you in the eye.
"Well... thanks, but I don't think I'll be trying that anytime soon," you replied with a hint of indifference, "Especially with you around."
“Where are the other ones? The blondies and the two redheads,” you asked, noticing their absence. 
“They’re at home. They got grounded, so I came along,” he answered, making you look at him curiously. “You got grounded?” you asked. “Yes. Our family was not happy about the whole thing that happened last night,” he said. “Ah…” you looked away, “Sorry about that,” 
“You don’t need to apologize. It was I who pulled them along and interfered with your…” Makalaure hesitated. “Drowning attempt,” he finished. 
You said nothing, thinking of the whole thing. Makalaure looked at you uncertainly, like he wanted to say something. 
“How are you… feeling at the moment?” Makalaure asked. 
“Hmm…” you looked at him. “Nothing really… it doesn’t feel like anything changed,” you answered. “It’s just… nothing,” you said. 
The air between you grew quiet once more. Makalaure observed as you stared into the distance, unsure how to break the silence. His gaze then fell upon the instrument in your hands, the ukulele, as you called it.
“Could you… play the song again?” he asked. 
“Uh… sure. Why though?” you picked up your ukulele. 
“I’m curious to hear it again. The melody it produced was lovely, and it was the thing that led me to you,” he said with a smile. “Oh! Uh…” You felt a bit flustered by the thought. 
“I’m—” Something big and furry suddenly slammed beside you, barking excitedly and vigorously wagging its tail at the merman before you. 
Makalaure pulled back in surprise as the dog beside you barked at him. 
“Max, no! Bad boy!” you pulled your dog back, eliciting a whine from him as he lay down beside you, staring at the merman in curiosity. 
You returned your gaze to Makalaure, “Sorry about that— this is Max, my dog. He’s friendly but can sometimes get overly excited, especially with new people,” you said. 
“Oh, it's fine. I’ve heard about these dogs but never seen one up close before,” Makalaure said as he swam closer, staring at Max in fascination. You made space for him as he grabbed onto the pier and pulled himself up slightly. 
“Can I pet him?” he looked at you. 
“Sure, go ahead. Max won’t bite,” you said. 
He then extended his hand, letting Max smell it before gently laying his hand on the dog’s head and slowly stroking and rubbing with a smile on his face. Max groaned in happiness, wagging his tail from the attention. 
He then pulled back, chuckling when he saw Max’s fur stuck to his hand. 
“Soft and sticky as much?” He looked at you humorously. 
“Yeah… I guess it's Max’s fur-shedding time,” you said. “Sorry about that,” 
“Oh, I don’t mind it at all. Your Max kinda reminds me of our hunting seals,” Maglor said, washing the fur away from his hand in the water. 
You looked at him curiously. 
“You use seals for hunting? Are they like dogs to you?” you asked. 
“I guess you could say they’re like dogs to us. Though they have less fur and fewer feet.” Makalure joked, making you snort. Makalaure felt a rush of joy when he saw you smile. 
“That’s cool,” you said. 
“What is your name? I do not think I asked last time,” he asked. 
“(Name) and yours?” you replied. 
“My name is Prince Kanafinwe Makalaure, the second son of Prince Feanor and Lady Nerdanel, but you may call me Maglor for short,” he smiled at you. 
Your eyes widened after his introduction. “You’re a prince?” you questioned, your tone filled with shock and surprise. 
“Oh god— I’m so sorry for all the trouble I caused,” you said. 
"No, you don't need to apologize," he said, shaking his head. "Well, how would you react when the merman who rescued you turns out to be a prince as well?" you asked. “Oh! I… guess I would be surprised as well,” he said, more amused. 
“My life is getting weirder and weirder,” you said. “I… don’t mean it in a bad way! I did learn about your existence yesterday!” you said, then looked at the sun. 
“I think you should go home. It's getting late, and didn’t you say you and the others got grounded ?” you questioned. 
“I am, but I told them I was composing a new song in my room. It can take hours, and they learned not to disturb me, so I think I’m safe,” he said. “Thought… dinner time is approaching, and Nelyo has a habit of checking on me by then,” he said thoughtfully. 
"Yeah... so maybe that's why you should go," you suggested, surmising that Nelyo was someone family to him.
“However, I would have loved to hear you play the song again,” he looked at you. 
"Maybe some other time. I don't want to get you in further trouble, and I'm a bit rusty, so it might not sound great," you explained. "So, how about you go through your punishment, and then you'll be more free to visit and hear me... if you want, I mean," you added.
“I kinda… got grounded for two months so It might take some time,” he replied with a painful look. 
“Oh! Never mind then…” you looked away, feeling somewhat disappointed. There was no way he would come back by then. 
Makalaure looked at you and sensed hidden sadness behind your eyes. It wasn't overt, but it had become more apparent to him. It stirred both sympathy and a glimmer of joy as it suggested you might want to see him again. 
“How about this…” he started, gaining your attention. “I will be a good son and go through the punishment, then come back to hear the song once the two months have passed. In the meantime, you could practice and maybe learn more songs to play. How does that sound?” he asked. 
“I… guess so. I’m not certain if I will remember it, though. I have a short memory,” you said back. “That’s fine. I’ll remember it for you. We merfolk are good at remembering things,” Makalaure said.
“Okay… well… I guess I can do that. Sounds simple enough,” you said. 
“Excellent! Want to shake hands like you humans like to do? To honor our promise and new friendship,” he extended his hand. You were uncertain but did not want to disappoint, so you grabbed his hand and gave him a firm shake. 
“I’ll see you then, (Name). Take care of yourself,” Makalaure smiled, then disappeared beneath the water, his blue tail splashing the surface before he was completely out of your sight. You stared at the empty spot for a moment. 
Max whined, disappointed to see him gone. You rubbed his head in comfort, still perplexed by the whole thing. 
“What have I gotten myself into?” you questioned yourself. Max tilted his head, staring at you with his black doll-like eyes. 
“Will he… come back, though?” you uttered and stared at the water. Max lay beside you as you rubbed his head and thought about your promise to the merman. You didn't know if Maglor would actually come back in two months. You were someone easily forgotten by people, so you didn’t have high hopes. However, somewhere deep down in your mind – you hoped he would do. 
With a shake of your head, you stood up and began walking back to your house – Max following right behind. The sun was setting behind the horizon, so you should get started with dinner and spend it alone with Max like you usually did.
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nightmares-2 · 3 months
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dark waters | maglor/daeron
there is a song coming from the steep stones, from the places where the waves froth their rage, and it is calling maglor by name.
makalaurë makalaurë makalaurë -
he had sought to ignore it. why? not cowardice. arrogance, rather: his own songs he had valued the better. the pressing need to lay them out had been in him, as much grief as pedantry. was he not after all the minstrel of the noldor, though none of th noldor would have him now? 
you know what you have done!
arrogance. and futility, of course. but he had needed the tasks of elegy not to go mad with the pain of varda’s hallowing upon the filth of him. he had needed to recall the grief of the many, his own and those by him and his slain, not to turn to savage ditties on maedhros, son of fëanor, son of finwë, self-slain unto the earth’s very burning heart. maedhros, clutching the jewel even as his skin turned to ash, though his brother was in agony beside him. 
and he needed to sing. if he was not to be as hateful a creature as carcaroth; if he was not to cede to evil, and go blood-mad, and slay any living thing that crossed his path and himself with it.
evil he might be, as much as morgoth’s own foul pet, but still: he was a minstrel. is one, even now; though the sea makes for a thankless audience, and what great works he makes out of the vast scope of lamentation are heard by none else.
not like the song from the waves, that holds in its thrall even the wildest of sea-birds.
thou knowest what is owed -
the loremasters were not incorrect in this; daeron had always been the superior singer out of the two of them.
that had not changed, in the long stretch of intervening years since either of them had belonged to any list besides the one of those lost to their own legends.
to the sea the sea the ever widening sea. makalaurë!
how long had it been since he had heard the call?
this is not the sea-longing, but a deeper, wilder thing, nothing like the chaining of the oath. nothing like anything else he had ever felt, except the once - except when once he had raised his voice in perfect memory and counter-melody - 
the song is beautiful, tremendous. it soares and lowers, harmonized with the murmuring of the waters - on purpose, maglor thinks, on accord: the sea was for it. in duet they sang, water and sindar. 
what a strange thing it is, after so long, to envy the very voice of the sea! but he does envy it then, for the privilege of that duet. how long had it been, since he had ceased pretending to himself that his feet took him anywhere but ever-nearer to it?
maglor had knwon that voice. he knows it still. there is nothing more beautiful in the world; he would have known it in the void. 
it is so easy to follow, in the end. the sea, the hungry justice of the sea, grinned at him with a mouthful of sharp teeth like the gleam of the treacherous moon, a gleam of starlight on purple-dark scales freckling his cheeks and torso and tail.
a smile more familiar than it had any right to be, after one meeting only. but what a meeting it had been, such a joy for the ages!
and in truth, maglor had been longing for such a reunion. for such a long time -
daeron reaches out. his kiss is treacherously sweet, gentle, if not for the possessing nails digging into his skin, running between the taunt filament that stretched between his fingers, mingling blood with the salt of the sea. 
the singer in the waves drags him down into the dark waters, and maglor - makalaurë, last of the kinslayers on endorë, does not think to scream. 
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Greetings, dear readers. Here you shall find my writing masterlist. I regularly take requests, and can write for The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, and The Witcher. I dally in gender-specific, gender-diverse, and gender-neutral reader inserts, and am happy to cater. Read on and let your mind drift away into a world of submersible imagination…
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She’s the Man (Fellowship X Disguised as Boy! Reader!)
The Road Less Traveled (Fellowship x Pregnant! Reader)
The Road Less Traveled (Part 2) (Legolas x Mother! Reader)
“Thanks, I Owe You Guys One.” (Fellowship x Reader)
Speak My Language (Fellowship x Hurt! Reader)
Leap of Faith (Fellowship x Reader)
Wrong End of the Ithillien Stick (Legolas x Reader)
Not a Hero (Fellowship x Soldier! Reader)
Elf Got Your Tongue? (Legolas x Reader)
The Wrong Kind of Stardust (Legolas x Reader)
And Then There Were Two (Legolas x Reader) (One Bed Trope)
The Softest Shout (Fili x Reader)
Silver is the New Sexy (Kili x Reader)
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Imagine the Fellowship comforting you as you reveal your aro/ace identity to them
Imagine accidentally marrying Legolas whilst drunk in Edoras
Imagine Legolas only yelling at you in Sindarin when angry
Imagine spending your Sweet 16 with the Fellowship
Imagine Mairon and Melkor dangling you over lava to extract information from you
Imagine helping Legolas deal with a sprained ankle
Imagine waiting at the battle of Helms Deep
Imagine Thranduil helping you deal with your skin insecurities
Imagine you, a bard, writing the song ‘Soldier, Poet, King’ about Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas
Imagine Gandalf taking the Fellowship to you after they’ve all been turned into animals
Imagine you, a journalist, forcing your way into the Fellowship of the Ring
Imagine having a spa day with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli
Imagine Legolas becoming a “bridezilla” at your wedding
Imagine Aragorn and Legolas helping hide your mermaid identity from the rest of the Fellowship
Imagine having a playful songwriter rivalry with Maglor
Teaching the Fellowship to drive a car would include: (Fellowship x Reader)
Imagine having Maglor as your neighbour in the 21st century
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bonnie-rosebud · 3 months
Maglor threw his Silmaril into the sea. After that, time passed. It could have been hours, days, years or even decades, but time passed until he came back. Standing on the shore, he heard mermaids sing about the most beautiful jewel they had ever seen. He walked into the sea, and the mermaids pulled him under, never to be seen again.
My personal theory on how Maglor disappeared from the world. You can pry this from my cold, dead hands.
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sillylotrpolls · 1 year
For those who have not read the Silmarillion, a Silmaril is a very special rock filled with tree light that Elves and demi-gods did very bad things to possess during the First Age. The bad things did not end until finally all three Silmarils were disposed of, one in the sky, one in the earth, and one in the sea.
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woe-begotten-spirit · 5 months
So I know not a lot of people in the world have a strong opinion on who is best to ship Middle Earth’s Sun with but I am obsessed with The Lost Tales era Eonwë/Arien (or Fionwë/Urwendi) and the parallels with Elwing and Eärendil. 
The Arien/Tilion thing of Moon in love with the Sun of course makes sense in a sort of collective unconscious mythology type way but something about a romance between Bird and Celestial Body is just 🔥
In both versions our bird flies through the air seeking lover lost at sea
Manwë sent Fionwë his son, swiftest of all to move about the airs, and bade him say to Urwendi that the bark of the Sun come back awhile to Valinor, for the Gods have counsels for her ear; and Fionwë fled most readily, for he had conceived a great love for that bright maiden long ago, and her loveliness now, when bathed in fire she sate as the radiant mistress of the Sun, set him aflame with the eagerness of the Gods. (LT I, VIII)
Indeed for a while mishap fell even upon bright Urwendi, that she wandered the dark grots and endless passages of Ulmo’s realm until Fionwë found her and brought her back to Valinor (LT I, IX)
For Ulmo bore up Elwing out of the waves, and he gave her the likeness of a great white bird, and upon her breast there shone as a star the Silmaril, as she flew over the water to seek Eärendil her beloved. (Silm, ch 24)
who sails in a hallowed ship through the Door of the Night. 
Ulmo draws the galleon of the Sun before the Door of Night. Then speaks Urwendi the mystic word, and they open outward before her, and a gust of darkness sweeps in but perishes before her blazing light; and the galleon of the Sun goes out into the limitless dark, and coming behind the world finds the East again. (LT I, IX)
But they took Vingilot, and hallowed it, and bore it away through Valinor to the uttermost rim of the world; and there it passed through the Door of Night and was lifted up even into the oceans of heaven. (Silm, ch 24)
And then our birds Eonwë and Elwing end up being the ones to deliver the Silmarils to their fated places (from Elwing to Eärendil to Air, from Eonwë to Maedhros and Maglor to Fire and Water)
And thus it came to pass that the Silmarils found their long homes: one in the airs of heaven, and one in the fires of the heart of the world, and one in the deep waters. (Silm, ch 24)
There are several more similarities like the early idea that both Eärendil and Arien encountered mermaids while they were at sea (LT I, commentary on The Tale of Qorinómi and LT II, V) and Tilion originally chasing Eärendil instead of Arien (LT II, V)
And also I just think Eonwë should be allowed to do the apocalypse as revenge for his girlfriend because come on:
For ’tis said that ere the Great End come Melko shall in some wise contrive a quarrel between Moon and Sun, and Ilinsor shall seek to follow Urwendi through the Gates, and when they are gone the Gates of both East and West will be destroyed, and Urwendi and Ilinsor shall be lost. So shall it be that Fionwë Úrion, son of Manwë, of love for Urwendi shall in the end be Melko’s bane, and shall destroy the world to destroy his foe, and so shall all things then be rolled away.’ (LT I, IX)
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swanmaids · 9 months
End of Year Fic Recs
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
I've cheated a little and done 4 multichaps and 6 oneshots, soweee, I hope you can all forgive me. Also yes all my self recs are E-rated, not soweee
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5 Series/Multichapter Fics
Shall these bones live by @undercat-overdog; m, cntw, 100k+, in progress, celebrimbor/sauron {got me onto the silvergifting train. gorgeous worldbuilding and dialogue.}
Swanmaiden by @wonderwafles ; g, nawa, 3k+, in progress, elwing/earendil {not just recommending for the title! perfect baby peredhil feelings.}
What the water gave me by @imakemywings; m, cntw, 27k, finduilas/nienor {canon. to meeeee. tender and healing.}
Ungoliant’s Bane by @polutrope ;g, nawa, 3k, earendil & eltwins, maglor & eltwins {great integration of early canon, great peredhil family}
5 One-Shots
Compass by @slightnettles; m, rape/noncon, 4k, morwen/aerin {incredible tribute to this underrated character.}
Ice Glossary by @sallysavestheday; g, nawa, 2k, fingon/maedhros, turgon/elenwe, fingon & turgon {excellent original concept and carried off perfectly.}
Less Wise by @meadowlarkx; e, nawa, 6k, f!maglor/f!thranduil {hot and angsty and gorgeous}
prick a finger, cut your hand by @welcomingdisaster, e, nawa, 3k, indis/miriel {impeccable sexy dyke drama}
submersible by @jouissants; t, nawa, >1k, maglor/uinen {unhinged, sexy, atmospheric horror in under 1000 words.}
A Thing That Sustains by @searchingforserendipity25; g, nawa, 2k, idril & anaire, idril & turgon & elenwe {perfect idril portrayal, every line hits.}
5 Oldies but Goodies
all they had to lend by gogollescent; g, cntw, 2k, elwing/earendil {beautiful bittersweet war of wrath fic}
Si la mar fuera de leche by chestnut_pod, t, nawa, 23k, elwing & elros, elros/wife {numenor worldbuilding and peredhil feels}
A Life's Work by @elwing; g, nawa, 2k, dirhavel {great understated portrayal of an underrated tragic character}
Sins of the Father by @zealouswerewolfcollector; t, nawa, 4k, turgon & nolofinweans {wonderful painful nolofinwean angst}
Finrod/Sauron One Thousand and One Nights AU by meadowlarkx; e, cntw, 27k+, in progress, finrod/sauron {lovely prose, hot, amazing characterisation}
5 Self Recs
one of your girls; e, nawa, 5k, celegorm/orome {celegorm, orome, and a dress. lowkey think it's my best fic}
the salt in the wound; e, cntw, 4k, luthien/curufin's wife {evil girl scissoring, also known as that fic with the knife handle}
we may rehearse most obscenely; e, nawa, 3k, celegorm/orome/vana {what if puck got spitroasted by oberon and titania... also known as celegorm, orome, and vana spend some time together.}
devoted to the sea; e, nawa, 3k, earendil/elwing, earendil/mermaids {attempting to apply bolt canon to silm canon for sexy purposes}
ebb and flow; e, nawa, 4k, earendil/elwing {my first e-rate, earendil is a very attentive husband to his pregnant wife :)}
I'll tag everyone who's been mentioned in this!
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welcomingdisaster · 7 months
Badly summarized wip game! thanks for the tag to @swanmaids <3
i'm gonna tag @polutrope @melestasflight @eilinelsghost @zealouswerewolfcollector @outofangband @searchingforserendipity25 @grey-gazania & anyone else who wishes!
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tanoraqui · 1 year
Elros&Elrond superhero anon here, I absolutely love those powers for them, they’re so cool. I mean, healing powers are fairly standard but you’ve got me entirely on board with healer!Elros (although I’m betting that Elros does NOT heal Maglor’s hand after the twins regain consciousness) and I just really love what you’ve done with Elrond’s powers!
(re: this post)
HEALER!ELROS SUPREMACY. And while I’m at it, Elros being the first to (conditionally) trust and even come to love their monstrous kidnapper-cousins, because quicker commitment and greater daring for the unknown makes sense in one who will one day choose to die as a Man; why is Elros always the stabby one and Elrond always the sweet one in kidnap-era fics! supremacy. Elrond is going to end up sweet, okay; he doesn’t need to start there. In the superhero au, when he masters his power of this aura of peace, he’s going to be able to do the “I am one with the force and the force is with me” walk from Rogue One through battlefields, but he has to learn how to maintain that true sense of calm and non-violence.
(Partial credit for the idea goes to @isi7140 btw, for suggesting the Elrond-appropriate twinly mirror to healing be making some sort of protected area a la Rivendell.)
Also ha, yeah, Elros definitely is NOT going to heal Maglor’s hand right there. Maybe, maybe, in several weeks when they’ve bonded a little he’ll heal whatever’s left of the wound as a show of the bond formed between them by then? …or in several months?
What happens in this weeks and/or months, of course, is Elrond and Elros making multiple attempts to escape supervillain captivity and find their mother while Maglor and Maedhros try to figure out who they are, where they came from, and can we ransom them to Doriath for Silmarils? Meanwhile Elwing doesn’t even know her sons followed her through the rip in spacetime; she and Eärendil are…idk if they both got to Earth at roughly this time, or if only one did and the other is off finding Valar in space somewhere, or if they’re BOTH off finding Valar and/or distant mermaid relatives (respectively) in space? NO WAIT, THE TELERI ARE ATLANTIS! PERFECT! That makes Eärwen and her kids’ genetics make so much more sense! So, Elwing ended up in the ocean somewhere, drowning, and is rescued to Atlantis, but she’s trying to find Eärendil who is in space somewhere, meeting gods…
Thingol is the former King of Atlantis who moved permanently to land to marry a minor forest goddess, who shaped herself a permanent material form in order to marry him…the romance… (Sometimes he makes noise about bossing around Atlanteans again and Olwë is like, “um, you LEFT, actually.”)
Yes of course this means that all of Eärwen’s kids, grandkids, etc. can shed their human legs & grow gills in water and turn into mermaids!! Though it gets harder the more they interbreed with humans. Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor & Galadriel can all do it easily. Orodreth, Celebrian and Finrod&Amarië’s Golden Horde have to make an effort and it hurts a little. Finduilas and Rodnor require Musical assistance, though much less than an ordinary human would. (Aegnor marries an alien of some sort so idk what’s up with their kids—probably standard quarter-Atlantean, really, because it’s about magic Music more than genetics. Amarië is also an alien but the Vanyar are only as alien as, like, Vulcans; Andreth is something much stranger.)
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youareunbearable · 1 year
Mermaid!AU where as a boy Fingon saves a wounded merman with long red hair who was beached and tangled in a net. He helps free the merman and return him to the sea, and as thanks he gives him a golden ribbon that has some of his brilliant red scales dangling from the end.
Fingon takes that ribbon and hides it, not wanting to share his merman with anyone else, and as he ages he would have thought the encounter was a dream if not for that ribbon.
One night, on his 25th birthday, he wears that ribbon in his hair, and he and his siblings and cousins go sailing around the islands that make up their home in celebration. The party is loud and joyful and the fireworks over the ocean are brilliant. Except something goes wrong and suddenly, the boat has caught fire.
Fingon, as the eldest, makes sure all his siblings and cousins are on a row boat and safely away from the blaze, but before he can jump overboard to swim to one, a piece of the mast falls and hits him in the head right before he jumps. Fingon slips into the ocean, unconscious as his family screams for him.
Unknown to the humans above, King Feanaro's seven sons circle underneath. Celegorm and his pet shark are more than happy to feast on the unlucky sailors in this shipwreck, Maglor prepares a sirens song to lure those in the row boats into the depths, while Caranthir, Curufin, and Ambarussa wait to loot the sucken vessel.
Maedhros, the eldest of the sons and crown prince of the seven seas, is the first to see Fingon in the water. At first, he is entranced by the beauty of the drowning human, how the fire light overhead dances across his unconscious face. Maedhros swims closer, and his silver eyes widen when he sees his ribbon and scales in the hair of this unconscious man, the very gift he gave away years ago to a young boy that saves his life. A boy that must have grown up into a man since then. This man.
Maedhros calls off his brothers, sends them back home as he drags the mortal back up to the surface. The least he can do for the man's valiant efforts is to repay them. He sings as he swims, urging thr waves to help the swiftly reach the shore, to take them for enough out that he won't be washed back in with the tide.
On the sandy beach, Maedhros looks down at the mortal man and feels something in his very soul sing out. He is no singer, not like his younger brother Maglor, but he is a merman and does have the ability to attempt to put that feeling into song. As he sings to this man, coaxing the water out of his lungs and to heal the wounds on his head, Fingon wakes a little.
Fingon hears the most enchanting voice as he comes back to wakefulness. His eyes are bleary with salt water when he tries to open them, but he sees red hair and glowing grey eyes and his heart swells. He almost forgot those features, hazy like a long forgot dream that they are. Weakly, he reaches up to brush a red strand away from sharp cheekbones. He hums along so the melody that is imprinting itself into his heart, not aware that the same is happening to the merman above him.
Hearing him sing, it unlocks something is Maedhros, something he didn't know he was missing. Impulsively, he bends down, breathing in the same air as this mortal, his mortal, and pressea his forehead against the brown skin under him. Nothing but breath and Song and the waves lapping at the shore.
Then, shouts in the distance. Voices calling out a name. "Fingon!" They cry.
The man, Fingon, Maedhros knows now, just blinks. Brought back to reality with the sound of his brothers and sister's frantic calling. Between one blink and the next, the being above him is gone, a splash the only signal of where he disappeared too.
Fingon scrambles to sit up, hoping to catch another glimpse. In the distance, highlighted by the red dawn rising, a flash of red scales glint before they vanish below the waves.
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
The song of the waves
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(Most likely the last chapter until I decide to continue it. Thank you again my friend for helping and hope you enjoyed)
You wished to end it all, forgotten into the depths of the sea. However, fate decided otherwise as you were saved by a mysterious creature with a voice of an angel and glittering scales.
Warnings: angst, headache, mentions of the attempted suicide, fear, shock and a rude merman. 
Chapter 3
You woke up to the warmth and light on your face. The sun rose on the horizon, the sunlight caressing you with gentle kisses. You groaned when a painful headache struck you in the brain, and your muscles strained painfully after laying in an uncomfortable position. 
You heard voices, then a splash when you got up. You adjusted your eyes to the light, and as you became more aware of your surroundings, you uncovered yourself from the boat sheet. You smacked your lips, tasting something salty and unpleasant. You rubbed your head and felt tangles in your hair through your fingers. 
You took a deep breath and exhaled through your nose. Your eyes wandered around, and you froze when you noticed your surroundings. 
You were back in your boat, on the docks, in the port city that you were confident you left during midnight. 
"What –" You said to yourself. Your first thought, you were dreaming until you saw the broken rope around your ankle and noticed your dampened clothes. It struck you with more confusion. 
How are you back on the docks? 
"Kid!" You jumped when the dock master suddenly showed up. “Where did you go? I couldn't find you anywhere last night,” He started. “Uhm —” You hesitated. “ And — why are you wet like a rat in a cargo ship? Did you take a midnight dip in the sea?” He questioned in confusion while pointing out your damp appearance. “ I – fell overboard,” You quickly excused hiding the truth about what you actually did during the night. You covered your leg before he could notice the rope around it. 
“Then what? You slept on the boat?” He asked. “Have you forgotten sleeping on the boat on nights is dangerous?” He added. “What if you accidentally drafted away or crashed into the rocks?!” His tone became louder as he continued to glare at you in concern. 
You slightly flinched. “Yeah — I’m sorry, Meldrick. I try to make sure it won’t happen again.” You said ashamed. You never feared someone’s disappointment or scolding as much as Meldrick’s. He’s the last person you’d want to be worried about you. 
The older man’s expression softened when he heard your quiet voice. “It’s alright, kid. I’m just glad nothing happened to you.” He toned down his voice. For a moment, that tone brought you small comfort. 
“Tighten up the boat and go home to change. We don’t want you to get sick now, do we?” Meldrick said before leaving. 
You sighed and pulled yourself out of the boat, tightening the ropes around the mooring before sitting down on the dock and rubbing your aching head. 
Everything was hazy, the last thing you remember was the light, the song, and a pair of eyes staring back at you from the water. You snapped your head up upon the realization. Did someone save you from your attempted suicide? 
It would explain how you were still alive and back at the docks, but you had no recollection of a ship or people who might have rescued you. But if there was a person who saved you, why would they leave you in one of the most isolated dock places and leave you unconscious on your boat? 
You groaned when another pain struck your head. All the thinking and trying to find any sense must be causing the killer headache, so you should probably stop thinking now. 
Your ears picked up talking. It sounded faint yet rushed. It was like someone was hurriedly trying to stop someone from doing anything rash or foolish. You then heard a loud splash, and suddenly there was a person in the water, looking right back at you. 
The blue scales upon his tail and skin glistened with water and sunlight, making them pop like little diamonds. His ears were pointy and sharp like his fins. His hair was dark as the night, and his two silver eyes were like two stars. He was one of the most handsome and beautiful men you have ever seen in your whole life. However — you did not ignore the fact that the lower half of his body was a fishtail, and you knew damn well you were not dreaming at that moment. 
So, you reacted as any other person would in that situation – with shock and fear. 
You backed away in fright. “Hey, hey, it’s alright. You do not need to be afraid of me, child of the land.” He spoke fluently in your language. His voice was soft as he used the flooring to bring himself up a little. You were too frozen to say anything as you stared into his eyes, which you oddly found familiar. 
Much to your ever-increasing shock, more of them suddenly appeared beside the dark-haired being. “Have you finally lost it?!” The golden-haired one almost yelled at him. “We were only supposed to bring them back to safety and see they’re alright. Why did you need to reveal yourself to them?!” He scolded. A distant of your mind noted the irony of the golden creature’s words, but you decided to store that thought away for now. You looked at the others while the two were almost screeching like angry seagulls. 
There was another blond one with a silvery white tail and a pair of twins who had matching crimson-colored tails. They were all looking at you quietly with curiosity in their eyes. 
You only paled, and all the stories about merfolk and mermaids crossed your mind. You had to pinch yourself to see you were not hallucinating. 
You looked at the two who were still at it. The golden blondie was not very happy with the dark-haired one. “I’m sorry for interrupting —” You said, making the two stop and look at you. “But aren’t you guys supposed to be a fairy tale?” You questioned. 
The silver-haired blondie chuckled in amusement. “Well, as you can see we’re quite real,” The merman explained with a smirk and flourish of his hands pointing at the very obvious tail.
“It doesn’t matter. We should get going now that we have ensured their safety to the land.” The golden-haired merman said. “How are you feeling?” The dark-haired man asked, ignoring what his friend was saying moments ago. 
“I’m – fine.” You said, uncertain what you were supposed to do in this situation. Your eyes trailed off to his ears. 
“Makalaure, are you even listening?” The golden merman questioned as you two were locked in an odd staring contest. 
You leaned closer to him. “Excuse me –” You said, then brought your hands to touch his ears. Makalaure froze as you rubbed his ears and felt the skin and tip under your fingers, but he couldn't help but let you do it freely. He even found it oddly pleasant. 
Angarato had his mouth open and was watching in shock. The twins were watching in curiosity while Tyelko was smirking and almost giggling at the sight. 
Angarato looked at you with a frown. “Human, don’t you have any manners?!” He asked almost in a demanding tone, appalled by your action. 
You pulled away, feeling your fingers. “I’m sorry. I needed to see if they were real,” You explained while looking at Makalaure. He nearly smiled. The touching of his ears was odd, but he couldn't bring himself to be mad at you. You were only sating your curiosity after all.  
Tyelko smirked. “Well, don’t be shy. Touch him more.” He said, which earned him looks from all of you. 
“Why did you jump into the sea last night?” One of the twins asked. “What?” You asked. “We found you near our usual meeting place, drowning, so we decided to help you.” The dark-haired man explained. “Oh —” Your eyes clouded when you realized what they meant. 
You had disturbed them with your pathetic attempt to end your life and now you were back again. It left your mind hollow and embarrassed by such a thing, even when the said people are mythical creatures that should not exist but in fairy tales. You sighed and untied the broken rope from your ankle. 
“I’m — sorry for bothering you. I try to make sure it won’t happen again.” You stood up, throwing the broken piece of the rope back into the boat. “I should probably go home.” You turned around. “Hey, how can we be sure you won’t tell about us?!” Angarato demanded with suspicion in his eyes. “Well, I’m pretty sure everyone on this island believes you do not exist, and I don’t get along with many people, so who do you think would believe me?” You questioned. 
“That’s a good point.” Tyelko inquired with a nod. “Who would believe them if they’re the only ones who had the privilege to meet us?” He questioned. 
Angarato thought about it for a moment. “I guess — that makes sense.” He stated, then looked at the others. “We should return home. We have already spent too much time here, so if we wish to have a less terrible punishment we should go now.” He said. 
“I hate to admit it, but he’s right. I can already see our father fuming with anger, so we better get going before our people come looking for us.” Tyelko said nodding and then looking at you. “It was nice meeting you. Take care of yourself.” He smiled, slowly swimming away. 
“Bye,” The twins waved their hands and followed their brother, splashing some water with a sweep of their tail. The dark-haired one stayed while the others left. You both looked at each other. 
“I know what you were trying to do last night.” He stated. “Yeah — I’m sorry if I caused you trouble.” You rubbed the back of your head as the headache was slowly soothing. “You do not need to apologize, but I wish to know what would have caused you to try such a thing and not keep on living.” He explained, following you as you slowly retreated from the dock. 
“Listen, you do not need to bother yourself with me anymore.” You stopped and looked at him with tired eyes. “I’m just having personal issues, and I doubt you would understand it, so let us just leave it there and continue with our lives.” You said, gesturing with your hand. 
“But if I want to understand it?” Makalaure asked. “Then let me put it in a way you might understand –” You crouched down to his eye level. “I wanted the pain to stop.” You stared right into his eyes as you said that. 
“Makalaure!” Angarato called out. You both looked and saw the others waiting for him. 
“You should go. I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer.” You stood up. “Thank you for saving me, I guess.” You said with a shrug as you finally left the dock. 
Makalaure watched as you left the docks and stepped on the land. He couldn't brush off the look in your eyes when you said that you wanted the pain to stop. Your eyes and the expression on your face seemed hollow, drained from life. He tried to conclude the pain you mentioned. You didn’t look like you had physical pain, so it must have been an emotional type of pain. Something that greatly affected your state of mind and fea. He almost sensed it, the sadness that encased you from within. 
Makalaure turned around and swam after his brothers and cousin. The group managed to swim away from the docks unseen and return to the depths of the sea. The encounter left them all shaken, and the twins couldn't stop talking, seemingly excited about their first encounter with a human. Angarato was scolding while Tyelko was teasing Makalaure about the kiss that saved your life. 
However, Makalaure couldn't stop thinking about you after that encounter. The sadness and the pain in your eyes haunted him and made him reconsider if interfering with your attempted suicide was the right choice. Should he have left you in peace? Deep down, he was worried you might try to end your life again in another way. He feared that there would be no one to save you if that happens again. He feared seeing a lifeless figure in the depths of the sea again, and that figure would have your face. 
There was a low chance you two would meet again, but it did not help him to subside his desire to see and talk to you again and possibly help you recover from what was causing your pain.
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nightmares-2 · 3 months
Because i think the lack of maglor as mermaid/siren content is criminal:
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Here you go with me trying to draw a mer for the first time in over a year!
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starspray · 7 months
I don't have a particular fic in mind, but I'm fascinated by the potential in a perspective flip and would love to see what you come up with
It's taken almost all day to pick a piece to perspective flip, because I usually have a reason for choosing the POVs that I do, but here's what I've got!
I wrote this Silmarillion/Roverandom crossover drabble for the SWG instadrabbles this weekend, for the prompt a favorite place:
There is a small cove tucked away in a quiet part of England’s seashore, facing the east. It lies directly in the moon’s silvery path as it rises in the evening, and on starry nights mer-folk and sea-fairies can be heard sweetly singing and, if one is very lucky, seen dancing upon the sands. Mermaids dancing on land is a clumsy and silly affair, but they like to laugh at themselves, Maglor has found. He goes there sometimes, and plays for them. And sometimes he goes when there are no parties, for Psathamos always has much to say.
and here's Psathamos' POV:
It was always a treat to have one of the Eldar come to one of his parties. Especially the famous (and infamous) Maglor, particularly since he’d finally stopped his lamentations and learned some more cheerful songs for dancing. The mer-folk and sea-fairies were always delighted and surprised, and Psathamos got the credit for inviting him, even when he hadn’t (which was almost always). Psathamos even enjoys his visits on quieter evenings, when they might sit and chat about the past and the present and all in between. Maglor has been many places, and has many tales to tell.
(This ask meme answer comes with a bonus book rec! If you haven't read Roverandom and you like whimsical fantasy and small dogs that run afoul of grumpy wizards, go read Roverandom!)
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serregon · 2 years
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
ohh now I'm curious...
~ maglor-my-beloved
As a Silm-friend, I'll give you the silly Silm idea.
It's basically the Fëanorians falling through different tropes to make good on their mistakes (getting Haleth for Caranthir, reconciling with his brother for Fëanor, not letting Fingon die for Maedhros, saving Daeron for Maglor, saving Aredhel for Celegorm, saving Maeglin because he deserves it, and so on and so forth)
Every chapter is a different AU: Mermaid AU, pirate AU, vampire AU, Regency AU, coffeeshop AU and so on and so forth.
Will they manage to right their wrongs while also finding their bearings in a different universe with different rules?
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