#merman pred
vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Floyd has been bothering Riddle a bit too much recently. Riddle, who's been studying shrinking spells for an assignment in class, realizes he has the perfect way to get Floyd to stop annoying him.
Includes: soft/safe vore, unwilling prey, a sequel scenario to Let's Play Hide & Seek~!
✮✶True Or False✶✮
Riddle was studying in the library again. It's still quite a peaceful experience, but...
Ever since the incident with Floyd last month, Riddle hasn't exactly liked being alone in the library.
Not to mention Floyd's been annoying him even more this past month.
"Hey hey Goldfishie~ You tasted so good, can I eat you again~?"
"Goldfishie, you should talk to Azul and make a contract! That way I can eat you again when you break it~!"
"Ehehe, I just felt so good with you in there~ Mmmmhmhm... you filled me up so well, Goldfishie~"
"C'mon, just let me get a lick, Goldfishie~!!"
Riddle sighed, and just continued studying one of his spell books. This project includes learning a shrinking spell, huh...? It sure would be fun to get back at Floyd for what happened by, like, shrinking him and putting him in a jar he can't get out of, or something... yeah, that'd be funny.
"Hey Goldfishie~!!"
Speak of the devil...
"Goldfishie, I just had a really fun idea for something we can do together~!"
Riddle clutched at his stomach as Floyd spoke. He'd woken up surprisingly late today with no time to eat breakfast... he was regretting that decision now.
Suddenly, Riddle got an idea.
He grabbed his magic pen from his breast pocket and quickly cast the spell he was studying on Floyd.
"Woah, what was that, Goldfish?" Floyd asked. "My body's feelin' all weird..."
In almost less than a second, Floyd shrunk to about the same size Riddle was during the incident last month.
Riddle picked up Floyd and placed him down on the table in front of him.
"Am I dreaming?" Floyd asked. "If so, why aren't you a goldfish, Goldfishie?"
"...I've been wondering things about merfolk recently." Riddle said. "Let's play a little true or false game, Floyd."
"True or false..." Riddle unscrewed the cap to his water bottle. "Even when under the effects of a potion... a merman will revert to his true form when exposed to water. True or false, Floyd...?"
"Psh, false, obviously-" Riddle suddenly poured some water onto Floyd.
"Hm. Seems you were wrong." Riddle said, looking down at Floyd, still tiny but now in his merform. "Next question... before merfolk were recognized as people, many of them were caught and used as food. True or false, Floyd?"
"H-hey wait, Goldfishie, you... you aren't about to-"
"True. Though humans have tried to bury this fact." Riddle explained, picking up Floyd. "Final question. I'm hungry enough to eat anything right now. True. Or. False. Floyd."
"I'm... I-I'm gonna hope it's... false...?"
Riddle simply smiled, before putting Floyd tail-first into his mouth.
"Hang on Goldfishie!! Let's talk this out! You, y-you don't really want to eat me, right?!" Floyd actually started panicking.
Riddle made sure to enjoy this.
And then, he swallowed.
"Hahaha! Good joke, Goldfishie!! Y-you really got me-!"
"No! Goldfish don't eat morays! That's just not how this works! So you gotta stop this, Goldfishie!"
Again. At this point, Floyd's whole tail was in Riddle's throat.
Riddle thought it was funny, hearing Floyd panic like this. He enjoyed being the more powerful one.
"Goldfishie... I-I'm begging you, please don't-"
Riddle swallowed one final time, making sure to do so before Floyd could finish speaking.
Riddle exhaled contently. Floyd tasted... terrible, probably because of his weird eel slime. But, despite the terrible taste, Riddle still enjoyed feeling Floyd go down...
Meanwhile, Floyd was freaking out because oh my seven Goldfishie just fucking ate him.
"Thank you for the snack, Floyd." Riddle contently licked his lips.
Riddle continued going about his day as if he didn't have one of the Leech twins in his stomach.
He found himself involuntarily blushing whenever he felt Floyd's little squirming movements.
This is about the time contact breakers start panicking and begging to get out... they start taking about how it's starting to 'hurt' and they'll do 'whatever Azul tells them to' if they're let out. Floyd wasn't in any pain, but... there's almost no water in here, which is not great for him, seeing as he's stuck in his merform...
"Hey, Goldfishie..." Floyd said. "It's gettin' kinda hard to breathe in here... c-could ya maybe... I dunno, let me out and pour some water on me...?" He asked, scratching at the moving walls of Riddle's stomach.
"Hmhm... that tickles, Floyd." Riddle mockingly said. "And relax, you're safe in there~"
"...why does that sound so familiar?"
"Because you said almost that exact sentence to me when you ate me, Floyd." Riddle angrily said.
"Oooohhhhh... oh, oh yeah, that... that makes sense..." Floyd said to himself. "It's a sorta dramatic irony thing, yeah?"
"I simply wanted to get back at you for eating me." Riddle said, taking a large sip of water. "I'm not going to let you out for a while, by the way. But don't be worried, I used a spell to temporarily halt digestion, you'll be fine."
"...I'm still gonna suffocate, Goldfishie."
"Are you?"
And then, a rush of water flooded the tight area.
"Huh. Guess not." Floyd said, now surrounded by water. "You're reeeal petty, y'know that, Goldfishie?"
"Well when you put it like that..."
"Although..." Riddle contently poked at his full stomach. "I'm starting to understand why you liked having me inside of you~"
"Good to see we're starting to understand each other." Floyd said, mostly to himself. "So... could you maybe let me out~?"
"Yeah, should've expected that..."
This was a learning experience for both boys.
Riddle learned he likes the taste of eel, and Floyd learned he doesn't like being eaten.
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The Not So Little Mer-Jigen
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This is a lupin the 3rd AU that me and a small handful of friends help to brainstorm, you know whom you are and thanks a bunch! This story is the tale of the cursed siren, a long living aquatic beast that feast on flesh… Unfortunately for one monkey face chef his daily catch, catches him!
This story has anger, blossoming romance, gay things, and goemon so I hope everyone enjoys this fish's huge squirming meal!
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
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King Isak greedily wolfed down his latest sacrifice .Nothing appealed to the giant more then the feeling of a merman in one of his two belly's
@ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster @themousefromfantasyland
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sillyromance · 10 months
Good day everyone!
So... There is my the very first ask game! Anyone who'd like to participate - you're absolutely welcome (don't be shy to make reblogs if you need). The only thing I beg for is: no more symbols than 3-4 at a time (if you reblog, you are free to set your own limits).
Take care and good luck!
❗- discovering vore
🚩- orientation (pred/prey/switch etc.)
💘 - personal meaning
The tropes:
💗 - the most favourite trope
💔 - the least favourite trope
⚡- protective vore
❤️‍🩹 - comfort vore
🩹 - healing vore
💀 - fatal vore
🩷 - safe vore
🪷 - romantic vore (not sexual)
🥰 - willing vore
😫 - unwilling vore
Specific things:
🐯 - fearplay
🎉 - having fun/teasing
🐾 - chase
🎻 - musicians in vore
🧛‍♂️ - fictional characters as preds/preys (pirates, vampires, military men, cowboys etc.)
🎭 - roleplay
🩸- reformation
🦴 - digestion
Types of preds/preys:
🐍 - naga preds/preys
🐲 - dragon preds/preys
🐬 - ocean preds/preys (mermaid/merman)
🤖 - robot preds/preys
🧸 - gentle preds/preys
🦈 - cruel preds/preys
❓ - unbothered preds/preys
Physical aspects:
🦷 - teeth
👅 - tongues
💦 - slime/saliva
🫁 - internals
❄️ - body temperature
🌺 - smell
🍭 - taste
🌵 - texture
🪶 - sensations
👄 - communication
👀 - appearance
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fubardish · 2 months
Hey!! I love your work (both vore and non vore)
I have a bunch of questions if that's okay
1: Do you have any ocs you do vore with besides MobFlams?
2: Are you open for rp?
3: What are your favourite vore tropes (both safe and fatal?)
4: This is a nonsexual vore blog, right?
HeyHeeyyy!! And hell yes, les gooo
1 - Do you have any ocs you do vore with besides MobFlams?
Yes I have WAY more pred OCs up my sleeve, but I'm hyperfocusing on MobFlams all the time because... I like mobster preds :^)
Here we got my boy Kenji:
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He's angry most of the time and a horrible glutton. I often draw him in various AUs because in canon he doesn't (always) eat humans. And when he DOES eat people, it's uhh... not safe :). Probably. You've gotta be REAL good friends to do safe vore with him, tho I think he wouldn't mind some casual mouth exploring?
And then we've got my man Yaten:
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Again, his canon version actually doesn't eat humans AT ALL. In fact he hates it (which is why I sometimes do unaware with him, whoops :^) ) But because I am absolutely OBSESSED with creating AUs of my OCs, I obviously did also one with Yaten as a giant mean Seadevil merman that eats people. Safe and fatal, both works with him. But he's always mean and full of himsel >:]
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And then I've got big nice uncle Hiroki:
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He's Flams' best buddy and he's NICE. Safe vore? Absolutely yes. He can go fatal on AUs, but in canon is super friendly. Loves eating people and keeping them safe.
And then another character I love who's not mine, Andre:
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He's my friend's character, but I designed him for my buddy. I often draw him because I like him... a lot 8). Also very friendly, loves humans and will never hurt them. Safe vore. Yes absolutely :)
Man... I AM really hyper-focusing on Flams. I got so many OCs I rarely draw vore with, holy shit XD
2 - Are you open for rp?
Right now, yes. Though again I prefer multi-paragraph RPs most of the time. But either way, if you're interested shoot me a DM with what you're interested in playing and we can talk about it :>
3 - What are your favourite vore tropes (both safe and fatal?)
When it comes to safe vore, I ADORE pred that wants to keep the prey warm from the cold. Spooky teasing is also very good, I LOVE cat and mouse scenes. Always a bit of thrill makes vore real gud, I love it. However when it comes with the trope of trusting eachother despite being scared of the pred MHMM YES THAT SHIT. It feels like an extended hug, but it's a spooky scary hug. A hug that keeps you safe from the outside world <3
In fatal vore I LOVE evil preds. They're just eating because they gotta eat :). Not caring too much and happily devouring spooked little peeps. Better when it comes with foodplay. Teasing the prey that they're just food and enjoying every bit of their fear and struggle. Unaware vore is also an absolute favorite of mine. Prey getting themselves accidentally stuck in food and getting eaten. They beg to be let out but either pred doesn't hear them over eating more food or they just don't care.
My two preferences in vore are VEEEERRY different from eachother, I'm aware of that. It's horrible XD. I really like both! But it's hard to keep them both in this blog because I know not everyone is fan of fatal. But I've come to a point where I don't care too much anymore. I'm gonna tag my art accordingly so that people can avoid it.
4 - This is a nonsexual vore blog, right?
Yes, absolutely! I always see vore as something non-sexual. As much as it goes into fatal and nasty stuff, I'm always seeing it as non-sexual. However even non-sexual stuff can be NSFW (as in not safe for work, in NOT LOOKING AT IT DURING WORK, I would never look at vore during that, holy shit no) But basically yes, it's non-sexual still. But please this blog is still +18 so no minors :'). Go look at my friendly blog where I have super harmless comic lmao
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hooter-n-company · 9 months
Since I name dropped a few of my OCs I haven’t shared on this account…
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nightmarevore · 6 months
How about this for a perma vore scenario?
1: A mermaid/merman/merfolk lives in the belly of a slime and together they travel the surface world or maybe even outer-space if we wanna do a space-slime!
2: A human lives inside the belly of a space elemental and together they travel the cosmos and see new sightings.
3: A bunch of fire elementals living inside the belly of a dragon.
those are all so cuuute
but now i’m thinking abt a giant mer pred with a human friend in their belly, maybe with a see through tummy and their gills filter oxygen into their stomach 🥺🥺
perma is so good
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lizard-shifter-noms · 10 months
What do you think about. 😩 🐬 🐾
-🍄🥭 anon
hello! thank you for the ask!
😫 - unwilling vore
this depends a bit on the context to be honest! is the prey in danger and just get nomfed? did the pred randomly decided to snack on a stranger out of nowhere? but generally im good with it! (as long as the prey isnt hurt)
🐬 - ocean preds/preys (mermaid/merman)
as a certified diver (40 meters!) i love them! i even got some mer guys of my own! (might write a story with them too!)
🐾 - chase
fun! maybe a game of cat and mouse? or the prey running for their life?
either way youll get some cardio in lol
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alexcutecolly · 11 months
Hi hello you seem very cool so I will send you an ask for the ask game
📉, 🐍, 😈, 🧯?
Hi there dear moot! Thank you so much, you seem pretty cool too!
📉: Half-sized vore is quite interesting to me tbh. I don't like it as much as g/t vore, but it's definitely underrated and it can work very well in scenarios with tall/big preds and normal-sized preys. Plus it's nice to immediately notice the bulges by a pred's belly, whether the prey is squirming or not!
🐍: Omg monster preds are so so awesome!!
I'm overall a huge fan of fantasy settings in fiction and an avid RPG lover (I can't wait to play BG3 tbh, agfmfhdhsjkgk), so they sure had an impact on my vore history xD It's just so wonderful, to imagine your own adventure in a world full of magic and extraordinary creatures, and even run into them every now and them! Especially if they're hungry at that moment and you just look like the perfect snack xD
Btw my 3 best monster preds faves are dragon preds, merfolk preds and naga preds! They're all amazing! (Honestly I'm also thinking of making a Merman OC just so he can eat me and other preys too, hehehe)
When it comes to monster prey, I think they're alright! Not something I'd constantly seek to fill my belly with, though I do appreciate tiny merfolk and naga preys! The latter are literally like noodles, you can slurp them up and enjoy them in a bowl with some ramen! x3 💕
😈: *slams fists on a desk* I love fearplay!! With the chasing scenes!! The suspense!! The anxiety!! The angst!! Yes!!! It's also surprisingly good with g/t scenarios, where a borrower/tiny is hiding away from a giant person/creature/monster x3 and when it ends with vore omg??? Aaaaaaaa it's incredible!
🧯: Willing vore is particularly special imo.
It's as great as unwilling vore to me, but the former requires specific conditions in order to make it work. It needs an enormous amount of trust and care, plus the promise of safety and the will to actually let someone else handle you as they first place you in their mouth (or allow you to climb in, alternatively), then swallow you and send you to their stomach.
It's like a very intimate offer to me, to want to get eaten willingly. Whether I do it to satiate a pred's hunger, to seek comfort, to feel closer to them or to cuddle with them from the inside, there's nothing that makes me feel safer ❤️
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asinfullangel · 11 months
31 …Trouble
“...But I must add a twist to my work. So let's be some famish or lust.”
“Maybe I went a little too far with this… I got 2 demons fighting over who gets to eat Conner and Nick is becoming a bloated goat full of sweets for a sea witch hunk to eat. Who the hell gave me these ideas- oh right, I did. Maybe I can just scrap something together to end this story in a happy way. Let’s me just-” one finger snap that causes the two to fall asleep against their Will. Afterwards a quick tug away from their situation/preds just so they could be pulled out and back into their correct reality, landing inside their cave gentilly. The two still fast asleep in little nightmares created with where they were just moments ago as the basic concept. Nick dreams that he is still being stuffed with sweets. Conner dreams that he has been placed in a cage to watch these two settle who get him with a competition.
(Let’s start with Nick’s dream first). Within he is enjoying the tasty sweets while the fear of being eaten is hamming into his spine. No clear way to escape a sea witch who had him chained down. Maybe being eaten wouldn’t be so bad since it was bound to happen to him eventually (and yet I made sure he can respawn & saved myself the troubles of dragging his soul back to the right world). He did kinda hope it would have been Wolfe that kept him for good, but a handsome sea witch was still good enough, right? “Why look so scared little goat? With a unique taste like yours I am sure to bring you back to enjoy it all over again.” Oh how lovely, he’s going to get eaten then brought back to life to be eaten again by the same pred. (My Nicky is a sweet snack, not some sort of potato chip that came with multiple in a bag)! “Consider this as a little vacation with the added bounce of reminding me of how sweet you are as you slide down my throat whenever I want. Maybe when you respawn afterward you can help me around the shop, I know my assistance will enjoy seeing you around.” Now that got Nick struggling to get the hell out.
He was given a moment to himself when a new customer not under Levi’s enchantment walked in, Levi leaving to go greet the guest and add him with the rest of the men in the back. (A little editing to his chains). Nick struggled harder then the chain broke and strangely smelled like chocolate. He got up, ate the chains then snuck out of the shop using the backdoor… Though he didn’t plan on seeing Levi so soon and beached in his true form. There he saw was a merman bigger than the biggest whale known to the sea. Levi with his line of hypnotized men zombie walking straight into his mouth straight to his stomach. Nick passed out because of fear and will blame fear for getting into what will happen next…
Nick wakes up to something rubbing his head the wrong way. Blinking his eyes to see the bulge of a man’s face moving beside him, frightened him onto his hooves though the ground was rumbling around. Came the muffled voices that brought his eyes downward to see the whole floor full of bulging faces. “Waken just in time for me. I was feeling peckish for my dessert.” And here comes the part he will be blaming his fear for later. Nick picked off the ground/giant tummy over Levi’s gaping maw. Nick's only last word was “baa” then came the drop into the dark cavern… one soft gulp to send him down the throat (he did enjoy the humpy ride down though)… then sealed inside Levi’s stomach along with the other men.
(Ok, Conner turn). The wolf was placed in a circus cage off to the side as these two demons prepared themselves for another eating competition. The demons in the other room came out to offer up the men they collected to Valentino & Lubric, the numbers of tasty fellas growing rapidly. Quite a few demons & imps came to watch them try to out eat the other (so did the employee running the stall outside and took a seat right on the cage).
The competition began with the sound of a howl (hint: someone picks the wolf to get Conner howling) then off these two go. Valentino took the relaxing in style approach with a few hunks fanning, feeding his sweet fruits & pair of hands assisting in fitting the skinny & chubby men down the shaft first. What a stress free way in competing while Lubric just needed some condiments and free refills. He ate up 2 to 3 hunky & chunky fellas at a time along with a few additives flavors. The crowd were cheering on the two with delight. Connor’s busy trying to get out till he… was given a key by the stall employee sitting above. “Go ahead and take it. I’m curious to see two filled demons try to run after their dessert.”
Conner took the opportunity to let himself out and took off running till he could see the sky again. He was free from danger and most of the real demons were busy watching an eating competition to notice the prize missing… then came a bang to the head, Conner blinking to see iron bars in his view again then looking around to see the cage all around him. “Sorry, but I couldn’t really give you real freedom. I would be kicked out if I actually let ya free, haha. At least you came back to your senses just in time.” Pointing out to the boys that they are about out of men to eat. Lubric was looking pretty big compared to Valentino who may be enjoying the pleasure more than focusing on winning. That was enough of a difference for Lubric to get the win…
Conner was presented like a hog roast on a silver platter to Lubric as requested (even put an apple into his mouth). This wolf was not happy about being a prey to someone, but his fairness was sealed. Lubric used his tentacles to put up Conner, unhinged his maw a bit and slid the beast right into till he was halfway inside. A few gulps were taken to move him along the point of no return then lock away past his lips. Conner was barely savored for his taste, but too late to change that…
Then came the sweet chirping of a bird awakened by the morning sun, Conner & Nick woke up in each other arms with surprise written on them. Then came the water works to be relieved they are still alive and back together. They concluded that maybe at some point in the night they returned home and fell asleep with some bad nightmares. So nothing to worry about for the two and another Halloween where maybe they should consider just staying in next time it comes around.
(Of course like the one before, the sea witch oc belongs to Mrbolo and the two demon OCs belong to Gigifabulous)
(So it be late, I’m just happy attempt 2 sounds better)
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roseytoesy · 2 years
Azul is such good pred material. I’ve been brain rotting so bad the past week over this octo-man. So I wrote a bunch of headcannon things for him, sorry not sorry.
First idea, inspired from a story I read a bit ago about azul being greedy
since that’s kinda his main thing, I can imagine a relationship with him being a bit cold with him working so much, but then so heated and passionate as he’s greedy for all you’re love when he finally gets to see you again.
of course since I have a vore centered brain, I can see him pouting at you having to go do some of Crowley work on one of his days off. So what does he do? Shrinks and eats you of course.
can’t do crowmans work if you’re stuck in his soft belly. Hell coo and rub at you. Chatting and laughing the day away. it will be safe and warm of course and he’ll let you out a few times to eat and to cuddle a bit too.
just as soon as that deadbeat grand headmaster visits it’s back into the tummy to hide away from all your worries as he has to be responsible for once.
loves your flavor and how you fill him up so perfectly. Loves your warmth and the feeling of power over another (not in a mean way, he just likes having power in general)
the twins will know when he’s hiding you away since his hand will wander to his belly as he works.
Floyd will happily poke and prod his boss’s tummy while jade will just amusedly watch and give his own jabbing and teasing remarks.
it’s all in good fun though. The tweels like you and how you make their friend boss happy!
Azul rarely does anything with you when in his octo form. But if you’ve been together long enough he might be willing to give it a try.
once he’s got his tentacles on you be prepared, he’s going to be in a bit of a bashful state as his suckers happily taste your skin.
won’t eat you in that form unless you ask. Once you do he’s happy to oblige and can even do it at a bit of a bigger size since he’s a lot more flexible and stretchy.
using all of his arms to lovingly squish and hug his belly close, murmuring how much he loves you and your taste.
just… this merman is amazing and I believe him and his eel buddies are my new vore crushes.
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Idia was (allegedly) designing a game where one of the characters is (allegedly) a giant octopus merman. He decides to go to Azul to make sure everything is 100% accurate. Even internals need to be completely accurate...
Includes: soft/safe vore, willing prey, semi-unwilling pred
✮✶Get Out!✶✮
"You want me to WHAT."
"Um.......... e-eat me."
"With all due respect Idia... no."
"Oh, come on Azul! Y-you don't want my depiction of an octo-mer to be inaccurate, do you?" Idia asked.
"You know more than enough for it to be accurate! And not to mention, in WHAT scenario would you need to know what the inside of me looks like?! Why would you need that information?! What is happening in your game?!"
"I-it's in relation to a specific ending, d-don't worry about it..." Idia blushed. "A-anyways!! I need you to eat me so I can know what the inside of you looks like. Just a quick in and out, it'll be fine heehee!"
Azul sighed.
"Fiiiiiine. But I'm getting you out the moment I want you out. Understand?"
Idia's hair flared up in excitement as Azul grabbed him and brought him up to his mouth.
Idia stepped inside, making sure to take notes on everything. What the inside looked like, what the teeth/beak looked and felt like, the exact shades of blue the flesh was, etc.
He was just a bit too excited to be inside Azul, honestly.
"Alright Azul! I'm ready, do it!" Idia blushed profusely. "S-swallow me...!"
Azul felt really weird about this whole thing, but did as Idia asked anyways.
He let out a deep exhale as he felt Idia go down. It was really hot. Not enough to burn, but definitely enough to be felt.
Idia was so excited. He just successfully convinced his friend to eat him!
"Seven, that felt weird." Azul said. "Your hair really is made of fire, huh?"
"Magic fire, but yeah."
"Now, you just have to... take notes, right? Then I can get you out?"
"Yeah, just... j-just a bit longer..." Idia said, looking around and writing down his notes about what it's like in Azul's stomach.
Almost thirty minutes passed.
"Idia. Can I get you out now."
"N-no! Just a bit longer, ok?!"
"...ok. But not too much longer, understand?"
Much longer passed.
"Idia, I'm getting you out."
"NOOOOOO!" Idia pouted.
Azul made a mental note to absolutely never let this happen again.
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gianttinyfluffy13 · 4 months
WiP MerMay
(So this is very, VERY early stages, and I don't know when I'll have an actual story to it, but it'll hopefully be done at some point. Anyways, this is very iffy, and comments/suggestions/corrections are accepted, though pls refrain from harsh comments.) It's a tad late; took longer than I thought to finish. but eh, close enough. Please enjoy.
"Tyren's speech", 'Tyren's thoughts' Tyren's tail is a tiger shark, 14 ft. long, human half is proportional to a 14 ft. human man.
"Eret's speech", 'Eret's thoughts' Eret's tail is a pilot fish, 1 ft. 8 in. long, human half proportional to a same sized human man.
:: memories of Eret's mother ::
(Story & Characters are MINE. Please add credit where credit is due, should you post elsewhere. I currently don't have this posted anywhere else: 02/06/24)
‘Another day, another trip to hell- sorry, the cleaning station.’ Tyren was swimming through the water column towards the nearby coral reef. 
He despised these periodic trips to the cleaning station in the coral reef; it was always so loud & crowded, and all the noise irritated Him. He tolerated it only because it was more irritating when his skin started to itch or an injury infected. 
Upon reaching the reef, he was grateful to see that it wasn't as crowded as he had expected. Nevertheless, as he approached the cleaning station, he noticed it was quite busy for this time of day. There were several other creatures within the area, a turtle, a few manta rays, & a couple of sharks. Not wanting to be surrounded by others besides the cleaners, Tyren waited a little way out for things to quiet down; close enough to be in line, but not enough to be in the crowd.
Eventually, the turtle & manta rays finished up and left, keeping a rather wide berth around him as they left the area, and he moved into the newly vacated space, laying on his front in the sand and closing his eyes. For a moment, there’s no movement around him, everything frozen in fear at the large pred that just took up residence, but he just lays there. After a moment longer with no movement, he opens his mouth, signaling that he’s there to be cleaned. 
After a beat, normal activity resumes, with a little more tension, and a few new cleaners cautiously approach. 
~~~ Nearby ~~~
Eret was a young pilot mer that had, up until then, been following a green sea turtle with a bunch of his hatch-mates, but he felt it was time for him to find something bigger. He was swimming around his home reef, looking for a predator to call his own, but most of the ones he’d found already had a large swarm of other fish or small mers. For most, that would be an ideal situation; more eyes & bodies means safer in a roundabout way, but he wasn’t like most of his kind. The small pilot merman wanted to be on his own, not in a crowd. 
He approached the nearby cleaning station, knowing that his best shot at finding a pred would be there, and apparently, lady luck was on his side for once in his life! 
On the outer range of the station lay a massive tiger shark mer, seemingly alone, and very intimidating. 
Eret, mind made up, cautiously approached the mer’s head. His jaws were open, though none of the others surrounding him were coming near them for the moment. So he took it upon himself to start cleaning here. Though once he looked into the largemouth that was open wide, showing off the many shiny, very sharp teeth, he was definitely more than a little hesitant, but proceeded anyway; he’d have to get used to this kind of behaviour eventually if he wanted to hang around with a large predator like this.
:: Remember, warn a large predator, especially large mers, that you’re going near their mouth. They may not want to eat us, but an unconscious movement can injure us just as easily as a conscious one. :: the words of his mother flashed through his mind as he stared down the large teeth. Eret heeded the warning and gave the cheek beside him two light taps, waiting for an indication that the large mer knew he was there. 
The only movement was the jaw opening wider, so he moved closer & started examining the teeth at the front, allowing both mers to become comfortable with their positioning before Eret went deeper into the cavernous maw. He inspects the inner side of the lower teeth, in front of the tongue, to start with.  
<loose concept>:
Once Tyren is completely cleaned, he leaves the cleaning station & starts heading for the open ocean, away from the hustle & bustle of the reef. However, he's stopped by the scent of something from the cleaning station following him; he turns & sees the male pilot fish mer that had been cleaning around the area of his head following him at a distance. The small being stopped, having noticed he'd been spotted. "Why are you following me?"
"Um, well, I was hoping that I could, you know, tag along...?"
"Ugh..." Tyren merely groaned, turned back & continued forward. "Whatever."
Seeming to sense his displeasure, the small pilot fish mer kept his mouth shut but seemed to figure he had been accepted since he wasn’t chased off. ‘Well, at least he can keep some of the more annoying parasites off me.’ Tyren mused as he kept swimming out into the open water.
Eret had been following the larger mer for a few days, and although there had been little conversation other than being told he could clean, it seemed he was warming up to the massive mer.
Eret hadn't gone past the large mer's hip, however; still only just being tolerated for the sake of having his skin cleaned, and the smaller didn't want to risk irritating him. He knew he was relatively safe, since the large predators rarely ever preyed on the cleaner fish species that followed them, but better safe than sorry.
After leaving the reef, they hardly ventured out from the shallows, mostly cruising along the edge where the seabed drops into the depths. Eret also noticed how few creatures he’d seen in the last few days, which is expected; they’re likely giving the large predator a wide berth. At first, everything in the ocean seemed scared or wary of the large mer he was following; however, the gold-eyed mer was soon proven to be wrong!
One day while swimming closer to shore; near the mouth of an estuary, according to the green-eyed mer, when Eret had asked why the water felt different. The tiger shark mer was looking for a quick snack. So the pilot fish mer decided to hang a little way back and observe their surroundings. 
He had never been this far out from his home reef, his previous crowds not going far if they did leave the reef, so this was all extremely new to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement he knew wasn’t his acquaintance and turned to get a better look. 
It was a saltwater crocodile! And a very large one at that.
At this distance, he could tell it was roughly the length of the tiger shark mer’s tail, maybe a little longer! From the rumours he’d heard among migrating species of mers that had passed through the reef, they were known to attack just about anything that moved. Though none knew if they would attack something larger than them… He’d best caution him about it, just in case this one was feeling particularly territorial… or hungry.
Eret quickly located & swam up to the larger mer, who had found a couple of crabs to munch on; if the mangled remains in his hand were anything to go by. “Hey, um… There’s a large, like really large, saltwater croc nearby. I –” 
He merely waved off the smaller mer’s concern & continued eating, seemingly unconcerned with the presence of another large predator.
Eret doesn’t push the issue. ‘He knows the open ocean better than I do. Maybe crocs don’t attack larger creatures?’ He decides to trust the mer’s judgement, but still keeps an eye on the croc as he’s exploring & once they start swimming again. After a little while of swimming, though, Eret lost sight of the thing and began to get nervous… :: Once you find your host, especially if it travels through the open ocean, always remain vigilant. If you see a potential predator or danger, NEVER lose sight of it! It’s the dangers you can’t see that are most deadly. :: those words were never more apparent than they are now! Eret tries to relax, reasoning that the thing lost interest in them, or they moved out of its territory, but the smaller mer couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched! 
Eret immediately understands why when there’s an explosion of movement before him. Once he manages to right himself after being flung back by the movement of water, he sees that the croc is attempting to take a bite out of the larger mer!
I panic at the sight in front of me! I have no idea what to do, mom always said to stay out of it, :: the business of the bigger folk is their own, we don’t meddle with theirs, & they don’t meddle with ours. ::. However, despite only knowing the guy for a short time, I can’t just float here & watch! 
‘But what can a tiny pilot fish like me do against a massive saltwater croc?...’ An idea strikes, ‘I may be small, but that means I can get close without being noticed. All I need to do is get the brute’s attention off of him so he can finish them!’ With that in mind, I look for a potential weak spot on the croc… Bingo! The thing’s eyes are the only thing not protected by their tough skin!
I swim closer, avoiding their toothed jaws as I wait for my chance. 
Fortunately, they break off from each other, sizing up their opponent, and I take the opportunity to get up behind the croc’s eyes in its blind spot before shoving my hands into the beast’s eyes!
The thing jerks its head, trying to shake me off, but I manage to keep my grip tight on its eye sockets, the only thing I could grab in this situation! Unfortunately for the croc.
Amidst the chaos going on around me, I cast a glance over to where I’d last seen the tiger shark mer, but he was gone! 
I start to panic, thinking that despite my attempt to help, he had left me; taking the opportunity & retreating, but then a dark shadow down below catches my attention. Hope sparks in my chest. Maybe he hadn’t left!
Not a minute later, another rush of movement & the shark mer’s jaws were locked around the croc’s throat! This is when I catch the faint smell of blood in the water, as well as see swirls of red coming from where the croc had been bitten. I released my grip on the croc’s eyes, knowing that the larger mer was one of a species known for thrashing their prey to rip off chunks to eat! 
Not wanting to get mixed up amongst the chunks of flesh and leaking blood, I swim a suitable distance away & lay on a small rock to wait out the feasting frenzy. 
It wasn’t long before the larger mer finished with the body & left it floating in the water while he swam off somewhere. I take the moment to swim up & grab some of the meat that remains on the body. It isn’t the tastiest meat I’ve had, but it wasn’t the worst either. I quickly took a few more bites before leaving the corpse to sink and heading in the direction that the larger mer swam. After a bit, I found him lying with his eyes closed on a sandy stretch of the sea floor, dozing after the enormous meal. 
When I get closer, his eyes open & he looks up at me. I froze!
His gaze was intense, but not cold; just… curious. He then unfolds his arms & pushes off the sandy floor, starting in a slightly different direction than we’d previously been going. I immediately follow after him, maintaining a slightly wider gap than before.
“... Why did you help me, little mer?”
I squeaked in surprise at the sound of his voice, not expecting the larger mer to say anything to me. “P-pardon?” I asked tentatively as I swam closer to his head.
He slows slightly & I see him gazing out of the corner of his eye. “I asked, why did you help me? With the crocodile. You had every chance to swim away & get to safety, to save your own life. So why didn’t you?” He fully turns his head to look at me as he asks. 
“... um, I don’t know… I—It looked like you needed help, & no one else was around; not that they would have even if there were…”... ‘That sounded bad, like it’s his fault…’... “A-after all, you’re pretty big & terrifying, and I doubt anyone would want to get in the middle of… that. I honestly didn’t want to either, at first. My parents were very adamant that I should stay out of larger creatures’ business, but I couldn’t just leave you to fend for yourself either–not that I thought you couldn’t handle the situation, but that croc was pretty big too, and there were a few close calls… I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
He only stared at me, his green eyes seeming to glow, assumingly mulling over what I’d said. Probably wondering if it’d be easier to just eat me and be done with it.
He then turned his attention back to what was in front of him with a low chuckle. “You… are one crazy mer… What’s your name? I’m Tyren.”
I wasn’t expecting that response, though I’m not completely surprised. “Heh, you aren’t the first to call me crazy; most others I’ve interacted with call me that, along with other things… A-as for my name, I’m Eret.”
“Well Eret, I guess I am indebted to you, being as you quite possibly saved my life. What do you say to a meal?”
“Oh… uh sure, if you don’t mind…” Assuming he meant some leftover chunks of the croc that were stuck in his teeth, I drift closer to his mouth.
“Umm… What are ya doing?”
“Oh, uh… My bad, I-I j-just thought you meant, uh, leftovers…”
He looked at me quizzically before chuckling, “Well, I mean, if you want to, sure. I don’t mind. But I was thinking something… More.” 
The larger mer– Tyren – turned to look me in the eye, raising an eyebrow in suggestion.
“Come on. Let’s see if I can find something for ya. Any preferences?”
“O-oh, uh, ok! Um, I don’t really have a preference, I usually just eat the leftovers of whoever or whatever I’m following. Though rays have always been a favourite in my family, despite being hard to come by.”
“Well, I guess you chose a good mer to follow then. I happen to have a keen talent for finding rays. Though I think we’ll need to get to the next reef before we find any; I don’t often find them all the way out here.” He smirks but turns thoughtful as he presumably is trying to think of where to find a reef. “I’m pretty sure there’s one a few hours' trip north.”
“Oh, it’s not that important. There’s no reason to travel off-course just to find rays. I had a couple of bites of the croc meat after you finished with it.”
He focuses back on me, his expression confused. “Eret… We’ve been going north for the last day. Are you not able to feel the magnetic field?”
I stare at him in shock. “Uh, I don’t know. My family has never migrated, so as far as I know, no.”
Tyren appears dumbfounded at this, & I lower my gaze in embarrassment; nervous that he’d tell me to get lost & go back home… not that I could really navigate back to my home reef without him. However, neither of us says anything for quite a long time, an awkward silence drawing on between us, until he clears his throat. 
“Well then… I guess I’ll be keeping a closer eye on you from now on. Can’t have you getting separated from me & getting hopelessly lost now can I.” 
I look up. He’s sporting a soft but playful grin & a raised eyebrow. He didn’t seem the slightest bit annoyed! “W-well I– You don’t have to worry too much about that. I don’t really stray far from my hosts.”
“Well, that’s a relief. I apparently can’t keep myself out of danger, I’d probably struggle even more if I had to watch out for both of us. ” Tyren starts swimming again & I follow along behind him, still maintaining a healthy space.
I know he’s just joking around, but the way he said that made me think there’s the slightest bit of self resentment. However, I decided not to voice my thoughts; just in case our… friendship? … isn’t that far along yet. However, a different thought does have me speaking up. 
“So… uh, Tyren… Where exactly are we headed? You know, after the reef. You seemed to be swimming with a specific destination in mind.”
He looks back for a brief moment. “Well you’re certainly the curious & observant one, aren’t you? I’m on my way North to where I spend the winter months. It’s a bit warmer up there during those times, being it’s closer to the equator. I had just figured since you’ve followed me this far, that you’d be coming there too. Not to mention that I could use the on-the-go cleaning plus an extra set of eyes watching my back~.” He winks before facing forward again. I blush, but decide to swim closer to his head, just so he doesn’t have to keep turning to face me. 
“Oh come on, you can’t tell me that you didn’t see that croc before I said something. It was over half the size of you!”
He’s silent for a beat; “hmm. I had seen it, yes, but it’s rare for them to attack me without being provoked. So I wasn’t expecting it when the thing attacked. Believe it or not, I’m pretty sure you saved my life! Having you around will likely avoid that from happening again, considering you little fellas are often more hesitant & wary; something I occasionally lack at this size. That is, if you still wanna hang around me.” 
To be honest, I don’t know what to say to that. I’ve never had a host really need me before, outside of cleaning. But to now having such a large being say that I may have saved their life… “... Well, when you put it like that… I would be honoured to migrate North with you! Besides, I’ve always wanted to explore the world outside my reef.” 
He laughs deeply and rolls so his underbelly is towards the surface, facing me with a large grin. His sudden movement throws me a bit off balance, but I catch myself and smile widely back at him. 
“So, aside from warmer water, is there any other reason for heading North?”
“Not really. I head up there for the warmer weather, and for the large migration of prey species that goes through the area that my mate typically follows, too.”
I come to a complete stop at that. “You have a mate?”
Tyren once again, laughed full-heartedly at my obvious surprise. “Yes. Unless something’s happened in the last 3 years, I do have a mate.”
“Huh, I knew that some species of shark mer stayed with the same partner, but I didn’t think tigers were among those species… Fascinating!”
Tyren gave me a crooked smirk, “you really are a strange one, Eret. Also, to sash some of your curiosity, only some of us stick with the same partner for multiple seasons. It depends on the individual & what pickings there are during a mating season. Personally, I like the consistency of staying with my mate when possible, though I have mated with others a couple times between the seasons where she’s become pregnant…” 
As he’s explaining, I realize how far ahead of me he was, being that I had stopped. So I scramble to catch up, but he’s swimming relatively quickly and I struggle to keep up. When I started to tire from the effort, I managed to grab hold of Tyren’s “upper” tail fluke to hitch a ride. 
Said mer finally seemed to notice my struggle & slowed his pace, “Oops! Sorry ‘bout that, Eret. I forgot to warn you that I tend to swim a little faster if I get talking. It helps me keep the air flowing over my gills better. Are you good? You’re lookin’ a tad green.”
Now that Tyren’s slowed enough, I release his tail. ‘Ugh, thank the stars. My stomach wasn’t gonna last much longer before purging itself.’ I think to myself before looking back up to the now concerned face of my companion. “Ugh~ no worries, Ty. Just need a bit to let my stomach stop sloshing.” 
The larger mer stops moving the way he’d been going & carefully approaches me. “Do ya want a break? It’s pretty late as it is, so we can stop for the night & pick up in the morning.”
I take a moment to reply, swallowing down a small amount of bile trying to come up my throat, then slowly shake my head. “Nah, I should be good to keep going soon. Though if we are gonna keep chatting, could I maybe hitch a ride somewhere more… stationary?” Honestly, I’d probably be good to keep going on my own if we returned to our silent travel, but if he forgets to keep his speed manageable for me to keep up with while chatting, I’d be better off grabbing a lift.
His worry fades slightly & a small smirk pulls at his lips. “Sure thing. Hmm…” He takes a quick look down at himself, likely trying to figure out where I could grab on without getting shaken up. 
I also let my eyes skim over his form. He’s pretty well built; his tail, as I learned firsthand, is quite powerful, and looks as much. His torso is muscular but has very little body fat; though I could see a couple of ribs. As my eyes trailed higher, I noticed something I hadn’t seen before. Around his neck was a bluish dark grey material. “What about that?” I ask, pointing to the material.
Tyren looks back at me, before realizing where I’m pointing & reaches his hand up to his neck. “Oh ya, I forgot I was wearing that. It’s always around my neck so I often forget that I have it on.” He lowers his hand slightly, “if you wanna try holding onto it while I’m moving, by all means; though, be careful not to unlatch the back.”
With that, he drops his hand fully, & I hesitantly swim closer to his neck. While he’s not moving, I get a full look at the material, going around Tyren’s neck to find a good place to grab onto. As I went, I ran my hand along the material; it was extremely soft! I quickly found a spot to grab on, or rather, I slipped myself between the fabric & Tyren’s neck. “Is this ok, Tyren?” 
I felt the muscles in his neck stiffen, then slowly shift as he turned his head. “Uh, ya. If that’s comfortable for you. Can I keep going now?”
“Yup, I’m good. Let’s keep going!”
With that, Tyren keeps swimming, and we keep chatting, though it’s weird being able to feel the words as much as hear them from the large neck beside me. However, it’s oddly comforting.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
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Isak and his collection of the skulls of mermen he's eaten
Honestly just wanted to try to draw some skulls
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @goodanswerfoxmonster
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wonderful-bellies · 5 years
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aw jeez idk how to do underwater shit but I’m contributing to mermay dammit! Mer friend finally has colors ayyyyy. And he’s doin a heckin protect of some friend probably
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nomstellations · 5 years
Gulper merm. noms ? :3
It’s a hot and balmy day outside, and with the AC busted and the pools overcrowded you find yourself trudging through the woods that make up your backyard. On days like these, you had the perfect place to slink away to and beat the heat without being bothered by anyone. Pushing through a few low lying branches and bushes, you come upon a wide and only somewhat murky river. Here it was, your private summer retreat! No one but you knew about this river, and it was conveniently close to your house so it was easy to get to. You even set up a rope swing over it! The best part of this river though, was the friend you made here. Speaking of which….where was he?
A few large ripples out on the water give you your answer, and you make your way to the water’s edge with a smile.
You dip your hand into the river, shaking it around a bit before pulling it back out. After a moment a head peeps out of the water, quickly diving back down once it spots you. Something big swims towards the shore, and you take a step back as a fishy looking boy pops out from the river, leaning himself up on the shoreline.
“Hey! I was wondering when you were plannin’ on visiting me! How’s it goin’?”
Ah, Lars. You smile down at him, moving to sit nearby. You’ve known this merman for as long as you’ve known about the river, in fact this is where the two of you met. You had accidentally slipped and fallen right into the river, and not knowing how to swim at the time he risked letting himself be seen in order to save your life. From them on you two were fast friends, he taught you how to swim in exchange for you keeping his existence a secret. Even though you can swim like a champ now, you still come by to visit and tell him tales about human life. He’s a bit of a talker himself, you always liked listening to his stories. You’ve also developed a tradition of bringing him land food to try, as a catfish he has a big appetite and a bigger interest in human cuisine. Which….you forgot to bring today. Hopefully he won’t mind!
“Today’s a hot day for you, isn’t it? Will you come by and swim?” He smiles widely, his thick tail swishing around in the water. You smile and nod, knowing getting to swim with a friend is the highlight of his day. You wore your swimsuit under your clothes just for this. He respectfully avoids looking at you while you peel them off, and you step towards the shore when you’re ready. The merman looks up at you with a grin, but his expression soon changes as a revelation hit him.
“Oh! I almost forgot, what kinda food did you bring me today? You can’t swim on an empty stomach, and you people make some seriously tasty stuff!” Ah damn, he remembered…you apologize and tell him you didn’t bring anything, and his smile fades. “Oh, huh…well, no worries.” He’s got a strange look on his face like he’s thinking about something, but as soon as you notice it it vanishes. “Well, are you comin’ in for a swim or not? The water’s nice and cold!” He pushes himself away from the shore, beckoning you to come in. You dip your toe in and just as he said, the water is ice cold! It’s perfect, but instead of easing yourself into the water you have a better idea in mind. You look towards the rope swing with a growing grin, starting to make your way towards it while Lars watches you curiously. “You’re gonna swing? Huh….” He dips back underwater, unbeknownst to you he had plans on filling himself up…
Meanwhile, you’ve already made your way to the swing with an eager smile on your face. You grab the rope and step back a bit, and give yourself a running start to swing yourself out over the water. With an excited cry you let go of the rope, screwing your eyes shut as you come splashing down in the cool water. This part of the river is surprisingly deep, and you splash down far enough you to brush against the riverbed. You feel something brush against you, but you shrug it off as you start to make your way to the surface. Before you can make it however, the powerful feeling of suction overtakes you and suddenly everything from the waist up feels tight and warm.
You open your eyes to be met with darkness, feeling slick walls of a throat and the sound of a heartbeat thrumming all around you. You begin to wriggle in confusion, but before you can do much of anything another powerful gulp pushes the rest of you inside. For a few seconds you’re tugged deeper before you’re pushed out into a somewhat less tight space and are forced to curl up. As soon as you settle in, a deep chuckle rings out from above you.
“Heheh, thanks for the grub! You tasted great~”That’s Lars! You start to struggle around in his stomach, only to be met with a quiet groan and the feeling of a hand rubbing at you. “Now now, don’t worry! I’ll letcha out later, I just had to get something to eat and…well, you actually make for a great substitute for the food you forgot to bring me! Human cuisine is good, but humans as cuisine…” The gulper catfish trails off into a satisfied hum, swimming in a lazy circle and admiring his now very full stomach. You push out on his stomach in an effort to adjust yourself, nothing was happening inside his gut aside from the gentle rocking and churning of the walls, and the content growling and groaning of his stomach at its large meal. He’d stay true to his word and let you out later, but until then you were stuck in his stomach and gently getting rubbed at while the merman lazily swam around. This definitely wasn’t what you were expecting out of today’s visit, but it truthfully wasn’t so bad. If this becomes a tradition, and knowing Lars it definitely would, you wouldn’t protest knowing you were safe inside your friend.
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