#mermen stranger things
strangerxperv · 4 months
Mermay Stranger Things
Mermaid Stranger Boys x Human Reader
Warnings: Smut, breeding, genderfluid Eddie, kidnapping is briefly mentioned, Eddie is soft dark, Billy is a warning, rough sex, biting until wounded, two cocks, pregnancy kink, knotting, cursing, and not safe for teen. +18 or I'll kick you out.
Eddie Munson
Eddie would be a Moray Eel mermaid
His hair is definitely pulled into a low bun at the nape of his neck using fishing pole line.
Eddie likes to collect things from humans and keeps them in his "underwater" cavern.
Since he's an eel type merman I head cannon him to be very territorial of his home.
His tail is mostly inky black that transitions into slate grey towards his torso. His skin is tan but it transitions into slate grey at his elbows. His nails are sharp like talons and inky black. Eddie's gills are on the side of his neck and because of that he has some black scales. Eddie's mouth is most fearsome behind his charming grin, full of sharp teeth (made for killing just like his hands).
Moray eels are also nocturnal so he's not awake during the day.
Which is good because he saved you after you fell out of a cruise ship at night. He was the only one who heard you fall and was able to swiftly save you.
After saving you and getting a good look at you Eddie decides to keep you. He does the hard work of taking you to his home.
Speaking of his home: it's mostly submerged.
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It's pretty similar to Beutopia in Adventure Time. There is a house that is partially submerged and completely furnished. The basement is completely flooded. the living room is flood upto just half of the couches. Meaning he can sit with you on the couches and even fuck you comfortably on them.
Don't worry about being cold in the water because some Moray Eels prefer warm water. If you do end up cold you can always go to the bedroom. The bed is on a high frame that keeps the mattress dry.
Eddie loves his home and knows you will too.
He loves it even more knowing that you'll have to rely on him for just about everything. Hungry? He'll go hunt something for you.
Wanna cum? Well thats amazing cause he wants you to cum too and he wants you to have his babies, his clutch.
Moray eel mermen/maids have multiple partners but youre his only mate that Eddie will take.
Eddie is also genderfluid as most of his type of mer people are because they have a tendency to change sex/ gender.
MATING BALL!! (I here by name this canon for eel merfolks)
His insticts call for him to wrap around your waist to keep your pelvises connected. It's like Eddie is all around you withering just as much as you're.
Eddie can breed you as both a male and a female due to his special cock. He first stuffs his slimy firm eggs into your whomb and despite the amount of times he makes you cum, it will hurt. But he makes up for it by fucking you until you see stars again. He takes another orgasm fro you and begins to fertilize your eggs. His spend fills you to the brim and slips out onto the mostly dry bed.
Billy Hargrove
Billy is a Great White Shark Merman
He's massive as most great white shark mermen are but Billy is even more massive/ muscular. Let's just say he's about seven and a half feet tall.
He's a brawler too
He also got massive sharp teeth that are not only used to rip into prey but to immobilize his mate.
Thats right! Great White mermen bite while mating!
Billy's teeth will be imbedded into your shoulder to keep your from moving too much. It's unavoidable for you to come away from this coppulation bleeding.
Seriously, do not move too much and especially dont struggle or try to get away from him. It will set off his predator insticts and Billy will only bite down harder.
The severity of the bite will depend on you being pliant and letting Billy fuck you as much as he wants.
Speaking of fucking
Billy has two dicks and one will knot to ensure a successful breeding. He'll fuck you will the top dick and lubricate your hole with his cum. Then his second dick will fuck you until he knots you to keep you tied to him.
During the process Billy will edge you closer to orgasm but you wont be allowed to until he's rooted, knotted. You'll have one major orgasm that will make you pass out because it's so overwhelming (both the sex and cuming).
Sex with Billy is rough because he is a rough guy, we know this.
Rarely is Billy outwardly soft or gentle but those moments can be found just after sex.
It's normal for the male great white merfolk to clean and patch up the wound from his teeth. Billy will first leave the softest of kisses to your mark a kiss so soft you barely feel it. These gentle kisses go from your lips to your many bite marks the entire duration being stuck together. Once free Billy will do his best to clean you up with minimal pain on your end.
Another moment of sweetness can be found when you're pregnant with his pup. He's so careful with you. Usually his touch leaves dark bruises (not because he hits you) because he is so much bigger than you and stronger. It's difficult to remember that you're not a great white.
He gets reminded of this fact once you get pregnant, you are human, and this pregnancy will be more draining on you. His pup is massive like him (smaller than the usual pup since theyre half human but bigger than an average human fetus). So you are bed bound through about 80% of the pregnancy.
Billy is so worried about you and his unborn child that he flat out refuses to have sex with you. That doesnt mean you wont get to cum! He actually spoils you with orgasms. You get to cum as much as you want whenever you want however you want. But he will not fuck you because Billy can't guarantee that his instincts will let him be soft.
Billy will jack off to your body during or after pleasing you and he'll aim for your round stomach.
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safk-art · 4 months
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he wants to swim in Steve's big pool :(
[Patre0n] [instagram] [Twitter] [BluSky]
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valmari · 1 month
Wrote a new Stranger Things / Byler book wattpad : here's context
Will, Max, and Jane check out a cave: Roshar, which leads them into misery. Now they can't go back at all, and all they can do is stay the way they are. They promised to keep it a secret because if anyone finds out, they could be tested — or even killed. They aren't normal like how they were anymore. And they won't ever be how they were anymore.
In this book, you would find romance between two boys : Will and Mike.
Mike is crazy over Will, but never admits it himself. He even has a room themed of the ocean just for Will!
So let me clean it up a bit. Jane, Max, and Will are marine biologists — well study to be. That's why they think they have a connection to the water; but now they do.
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discodeviant · 2 years
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Our Coast Again
Jonathan/Argyle | Teen | 1.7k No Upside Down
First mermaid AU!! Planning a sequel to this so stay tuned :)) Enjoy! <3
Made for @jargyle-bingo!
Read on AO3
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The Byerses had gone to San Diego once when Jonathan was still an only child. When Lonnie worked a job that gave them the money to spare. When Joyce had the future planned out such that vacations weren’t once-in-a-lifetime excursions. When things were fine.
Modest, small-town families like theirs were perfect for Ocean Beach attractions, even if their four-year-old son had the awareness to think it was a silly name. “Every beach has an ocean,” he said between Joyce and Lonnie on a striped towel. A large, yellow umbrella kept seagulls away from their meal and the sun from burning them to crisps. Jonathan shared a milkshake with his mom; Lonnie laughed at him and ate his chicken wings.
“He’s a smart-ass already.” It was said with some twisted sense of pride that had Joyce smacking his upper arm.
“Lonnie!” Language! He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, and Jonathan asked if being a smart-ass was a bad thing. “Honey, what your dad means is that you’re very clever. A beach isn’t a beach without an ocean. I guess they didn’t feel like being creative with the name, did they, Johnny?” She held his shoulders and dipped her head down to level with scrunching eyes and an innocent grin. Jonathan shook his head.
Then his grin turned down, and he asked, “Does that mean it’s not special?”
“It’s as special as you want it to be.”
He didn’t know how special that was yet.
The next evening, Lonnie was too busy with his slot machines to care about what Joyce was doing. While Jonathan was stuck tagging along, neither minded the time without him, especially since the previous night’s dinner tension. Her upset was passed off as jet lag or homesickness, and it might have been true, but hardened gazes across the hotel room were hard to miss even for a child. Forgotten the moment they disappeared, a psychic conversation resumed. So Lonnie gambled to will the problems away, and Joyce took Jonathan to see the beach at night so their vacation would still have something nice to look back on.
“The sky’s on the ground,” Jonathan said, little feet kicking through waves that pushed sand through his toes. Starlight twinkled until it got too dark to see so far down, and there were too many to count. “I wanna swim!” he cried, and because Joyce loved her boy too much to say no, they drifted hand-in-hand. At least the moon gave them enough light to see each other’s smiles.
Jonathan pulled the swimming goggles down from his forehead and dove right down, which Joyce hated because she couldn’t see him well. She was paranoid about undertow and freak shark attacks, but Jonathan’s head bobbed back up just enough to keep her heartbeat steady.
So he swam and swam, lapping circles around his mother at first, then deciding to go a little further out while the waves were still calm. He stayed close to the surface and turned around every so often to make sure Joyce was still there, and she waved to say she was. Hers was the only silhouette on the whole beach, so he didn’t think twice when she appeared closer than she was a few seconds prior. Much closer, it seemed, and then he felt something brush against his leg.
Nothing he could make out. Probably seaweed. Or a monster. But he didn’t believe in those.
In the distance, something glowed a dim orange underwater, and he was almost imaginative enough to think it was a fire. Turning around once more, Joyce was far away again, but she still waved; she was still there. “Mom, there’s a light!”
“What light, honey?” she called back. Then, “Be careful!” when Jonathan dove back in to follow it.
Maybe it wasn’t a light, exactly, but it flickered like a candle. In and out, big and small, pulses of energy hitting him every time it got bigger.
And then, all at once, it was right in front of him. It swooshed, then stopped, and it wasn’t a light at all.
Deep red scales reflected off the moon and sparkled yellow over Jonathan’s body. Even up close, the dull parts were nearly invisible—it was no wonder he couldn’t see. It came to a point right across from his feet, then spread into a golden crown-tail that appeared hot to the touch. His eyes trailed back up and past the seamless transition into a body not so unlike his own. Small and flat, but darker, and arms that had fins of their own.
It was a boy, or Jonathan thought so. A dark halo of long, wavy hair surrounded a face with as much curiosity and confusion as Jonathan’s. Wide brown eyes, parted lips, but when the boy took a breath, his chest rose and fell like Jonathan’s would have on land. In water, though, Jonathan gasped and flailed right back up to the surface to cough out what he’d sucked into his lungs. All at once, with a much harsher wave at his legs, the light was gone, and Joyce was right behind him.
“Honey, honey, breathe for me, okay?”
“But!” He coughed and coughed, unable to keep up with his brain as he stuttered between hacks. His nose burned by the time he could finally breathe without getting choked up, and by then they were at the shore again. Jonathan sat and let the waves push sand between his fingers and drag it back out, having completely exhausted his little body in such a short time.
“Oh, baby, I shouldn’t have let you go out that far,” Joyce said, wrapping him in a towel and holding him tight against her chest. “Are you okay?” He nodded and wiped his nose.
“Mom, I saw a mermaid.”
Joyce laughed.
“I did!”
She ran her fingers through a thick, sopping wet head of hair, keeping him close and kissing right in the center.
“It was a boy mermaid!” The wild gestures he would normally speak with were suppressed by protective arms, but his energy bounced through Joyce anyway and made her laugh harder. “He had a red tail and long hair and—and—he looked at me!”
“Jonathan…” She let him go just enough to make eye contact. “I love you so much. Do you know that?”
Again, he nodded. “I love you too, mama.”
They stayed huddled like that for a while longer, Jonathan listening to Joyce’s heartbeat slow back into relaxation. She said to keep what happened a secret from dad, which he pinky-promised to keep. They were still in California for another five days, but none compared to that night, and none ever would.
Back in Hawkins, Jonathan learned that he would be a big brother; Will was born eight and a half months later.
In nineteen-eighty-six, he didn’t know how he ended up back on that very same beach. Or, he did, logistically. Fifteen years had come and gone, hearts had broken and mended, memories were forgotten or burned away as much as one person could manage. Fifteen years, and not a day went by that he didn’t dream of the trenches in those eyes and wonder just how deep they went. Joyce said once that it was just a sea lion, but only he’d ever known.
He’d been out surfing with a buddy from community college before deciding he’d stay behind a little longer. Maybe get some more practice in before going back home to sleep or study. Fifteen years, something deep inside him yearned for those eyes again. Something pulled so hard that nothing else had ever been enough—not Gemma from sixth grade, not Nancy Wheeler, not his Reno-rebound. Oh, they all left him hollow still, and he’d long resigned to feeling that way until the day he died.
But he was nineteen, then. He had a long time to learn about love and the intricacies of inviting someone into his cavernous heart. In some ways, maybe he’d aged too much too quickly, but he was still so naive. He was still stuck on an image that he started believing he made up after all, because it had been nothing and everything. Barely a split second, yet he’d captured every detail down to the broken scale on the mer-boy’s hip and the crooked fin running down the side of his tail. Jonathan was nineteen and still hadn’t learned to believe it was all in his imagination.
Maybe it wasn’t a coincidence that he ended up back at Ocean Beach with a full moon looking down at him with a particular kind of warmth that he’d only felt one other time in his life. Finally, the yearning subsided as he waited on the shoreline, sand moving around a much larger pair of feet, and much longer legs carrying him into the sea once again. This time Joyce wasn’t floating in the distance to catch him if he came close to drowning again. This time he was alone.
This time the blurry twinkling was a deeper shade of red that turned purple if he looked hard enough, and he swam despite the growing waves that only carried him closer. He’d have been lost if not for the gusts against his legs, stronger now like the mer-boy had grown up, and it wasn’t long before Jonathan saw that he had.
That fin was still crooked, but his tail was just as mesmerizing as the first time. Longer, thicker, darker than before, and still glowing at the end like embers. His hair was still long, clouding around his head as it flowed with the ocean and its breeze, and he looked at Jonathan like he’d been reminded of something he never forgot in the first place.
Jonathan knew better, now, than to be mesmerized enough that he tried to breathe with imaginary gills, but he didn’t want to lose his dream for another nineteen years, and it seemed that the merman didn’t want to either.
One reached for the other, and the other reached back, and they broke the surface with arms and shoulders and hands locked tightly together. Jonathan’s staccato heartbeat caught in his throat as if he was drowning anyway.
“You’re—“ He choked on nothing at all.
Then the merman said, “Holy shit, I knew you were real,” and Jonathan…
Well, Jonathan looked like a fish out of water.
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myz-wykkyd · 11 months
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Artwork done of my Mermaid oc Ni'mue- featuring her son Akamei<3 Ni'mue is a character I made for a story a owned by a close friend- whose also the proud owner of Ni'mue's husband, Desi (whom you can see here). More Info under cut!
In this world, most merfolk live in large, tribal-esque groups called shoals all across the ocean. Ni'mue is a princess of one of the largest shoals along the Pacific coast called the Dor Djakir ("Flaming Spears" in English). After the tragic death of her mother, Ni'mue's father, the Chieftain, grew overprotective of his daughter and tried to keep her sheltered for most of her life. Unfortunately, Ni'mue developed into a curious young woman with a passion for exploring- and she would often escape the watchful eyes of her guards to wonder her shoal's territory unhindered- making discovers, befriending her people, and occasionally getting into lighthearted shenanigans. A bad habit she indulged in more frequently to escape the disapproving glares of her step mother after her father remarried.
Though her father was eventually forced to accept his daughter's penchant to wander, her happiness and wellbeing remained his first priority in all things. Infamously, Even after Ni'mue came of age, he refused to allow her to marry unless her suitor proved capable of protecting her. The prospect of a princesses' hand in marriage and an alliance with such a powerful shoal drew mermen hoping to court Ni'mue from far and wide- but none of them ever managed to pass the Chieftain's tests. Until one day, after a particularly nasty fight with her stepmother- Ni'mue accidently wondered beyond the safety of her kingdoms borders and into danger. But her life was saved by a mysterious stranger-
This stranger, A prince of a neighboring shoal called the Kithi, was named Desi. Having invertedly proven himself in the eyes of her father, a marriage was arranged between the two. Though Ni'mue was was hesitant at first to accept, she soon agreed in order to escape the critical eye of her stepmother. Though most expected her relationship with the Prince of the Kithi to be fraught with sadness due to their differences- Ni'mue knew she had the power to decide whether their marriage be for better or for worse. Overtime, she came to understand her knew husband and slowly fell in love with him- and he with her. Soon after their marriage, Ni'mue bears Desi a son whom his named Akamei.
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banzaitaka · 11 months
I had this in my drafts for a long time. Started writing it when I was on my period and needed comfort.
Shall I make something more outta this?? Gimme your thoughts
Reader is:
-ftm trans (he/him)
-hyena beastman
-octavinelle student
Azul, Jade and Floyd are gonna be your frens in this, eventually. Platonic, fluff, comfort.
(Y/N) dreaded his monthly week of red and dysphoria the moment he got the news he was going to NRC, even more than he already did. At first it actually started off as the usual mix of fear and excitement. Excitement because he actually got to go to a boys school, and fear mostly because of his social anxiety. After a bit of looking through the internet though, he couldn't really find information on transgender students attending that specific college.
Didn't mean there weren't any at all, but surely it wasn't enough to actually normalize certain things...Like buying pads, which is where the dread kicked in. It was hard enough for him to enter a store all by himself, but then going up to the counter of the school store and asking for period products? In a boys school?
And like the teen has feared, he was quivering, curled up in a ball in the corner of his dorm room. It must've been either luck or fate that gave him his own room. Although the roommates he could've had might've been that one group he needed as mental support during this horrible time. That group could've called him masculine terms, refilled his hot-water bottle for him, got him those damn pads he was slowly running out off...
That group would've been a blessing, truly. Knowing it could've also went the oppisite way, though, made (Y/N) not sad about sharing his room with his plushies, and his plushies only. It was easier for him to sleep alone in a smaller room anyways.
The bitter aftertaste of being given a separate room because he was trans, without questioning if it was necessary, was ignored as best as possible. It was somewhat disappointing, but there were perks in it too. And leaving it as an act meant well was feeling better at the time being.
Only when the actual pads were replaced with a bunch of toilet paper, (Y/N) counted the money in his wallet. NRC was clearly not transphobic, but the possible humiliation was steadily crawling around in the back of his mind. Honestly, the last thing he wanted was people finding out about him being transgender. Not because he was ashamed of it, he was actually very open about it back in the Shaftlands, his confidence about anything regarding himself was just not existing at that time. Any unwelcomed comment could shape his view on himself to the worst.
If only he had friends in this school full of strangers.
He had gotten know his dormmates, sure, but spoken he only had to three of them. Properly, I mean. They came straight from under the sea, switched out their tails and tentacles with human legs. Of course, they had to get used to walking first. Learn how to walk, to be more specific, seeing as none of them came to the surface before enrolling.
The help they received from the school only provided improvement, but that still didn‘t prevent all tripping or knees giving in.
(Y/N) actually made it his mission to try and catch them as often as he could. And once the headmage saw him executing that task, the hyena became their unofficial guide. No job interview or anything. It wasn‘t all that difficult nor time consuming since there were actually professionals working with the mermen, though. So that was a good thing. The pressure was bearable.
Their names were quickly saved in his brain, there was no way he would allow a mix up. Azul, silver hair, glasses. Jade, sharp eyes, highlight on the left side. Floyd, dog eyes, highlight on the right side. That was his personal Quizlet.
It wasn't difficult to get along with those three. Being quick to sort people into different personality categories really helped. Jade seemed to be alright with most approaches, being watched was the only dislike point (Y/N) noted in bold font. Azul seemed to be against accepting mere favors from others. (Y/N) proposed getting a written compliment for everything he helped him with. Which really seemed to help him for the most part.
And Floyd, now Floyd was the toughest one. Though (Y/N) was able to relate to his mood swings and lack of motivation, that didn't really help him deal with it. He had no idea how to make walking any more fun, didn't know how to bring in a new element to reawake the merman's excitement for his new limbs. So he just lets him be whenever he didn't feel like it. Floyd seemed very interested in running and jumping around, letting him just lay or sit around wasn‘t going to have a bad impact.
And that's pretty much all the involvement they had with each other. Besides the occasional greeting, information exchange and chase around the school ground.
So not even they were on the list of people to ask for aid...
There was nothing and no one else to turn to, he knew that, stuffing his wallet in his bag and reapplying his perfume. Being seen buying period products is one thing, but having a fellow beastman smell it? He never felt so lucky being a beastman, or else he might've been under even more stress, wondering if they knew.
Take a deep breath, (Y/N), you got this.
The dress shoes of the dorm uniform weren‘t comfortable on his feet. If it wasn‘t for the satisfying click clack of their heels (and the dress code), he would‘ve thrown them straight into the trash. Why did they have to wear uniforms at any time besides sleeping? Dorm uniforms were cool, but come on. Isn‘t this the time for relaxing? At least the usual uniform was pretty bendable. Though not all teachers clearly didn‘t appreciate all types of styles, it was allowed to bring your own taste into it.
He remembered seeing a fellow freshman wear a hoodie under his jacket, seemed a little too warm, but certainly looked nice. Oh, or a junior who ditched the jacket completely and paired it with sandals.
(Y/N) was still figuring out how he was going to style his uniform himself. A balance between comfortable and certified by as many teachers as possible seemed like a good bet, if it wasn‘t so difficult to achieve.
One year later, this already looked much different.
(Y/N) curled into himself, breath shaky and quite as another cramp overcame him. His fangs dug deep into his bottom lip, providing no release to the pain, however. A soft knock on the door made the male slowly open his eyes, eyebrows still furrowed in a frustrated groan. His eyes were only met with the wall at his bed, darkened due to the little light illuminating the room.
"Ye.", he squeaked out, hoping it was loud enough to be heard from the other side of the door.
The light from outside the dorm room spilled into the room, shining and revealing a tall shadow. The hyena didn't have to turn around to know it was Jade. He could smell the moray's cologne and the hot chocolate.
"You seem to still be in a lot of pain. Are you sure you don't want something to provide heat?", he stepped into the room, catious not to step on or kick any of the plushies that fell onto the ground due to (Y/N)'s thrashing. He placed the mug on the nightstand, before leaning over the male a bit to search for his face.
(Y/N) shook his head, "You guys did so much for me already. I can handle it from here."
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inkstainedheartbeats · 4 months
Chapter Two of Settle Safely Beneath the Waves is live!
Currently in the pre Steddie stage of Steddie. Mermen, tiny, tiny mermen.
Please enjoy. Feel free to point out fuck ups.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
( 🥐 anon )
hiii !! i have two ideas! you can choose whichever!
fairy and eddie making flower crowns
mermen steve and eddie making shell bracelets
Aaand another one, yaaay! okay so idk if you know the song mermaid bar by maya hawke but that heavily inspired this thing. Go listen to it if you don't bc her music is *chef's kiss*
TW for mention of death / suicide (if you're reading this and have issues in that area, please talk about it with a safe person in your environment or call your country's suicide prevention line if necessary)
It had been days since Eddie had last eaten. He was preparing himself to never eat again because that beast-like feeling had terrified him right to his bones. It had been more instinct than anything else, something primal and desperate trying to keep his weakened, hungry body alive. His sharp teeth cutting into the diamondback terrapin, its raw flesh dropping into his stomach and awakening something awful deep inside of him.
Eddie used to love turtles, before he fell into the Hudson river and his ribs separated to make space for gills; before his legs turned into black and silver scales shimmering in the light that filtered through the waves; before webs sprouted between his fingers.
He had left the Long Island winter beaches behind him now, coursing to the open seas and wondering how long he would last on his empty stomach, half hoping he would get caught in a fishnet or encounter a ship. But no such thing happened. He was all alone with the fishes down here.
Until he saw something that weirdly looked like... a building. Like a house, a human house, or maybe a shed. His curiosity suddenly kicked in again – a familiar feeling, finally, thank whoever caused this whole predicament – and he purposefully started swimming closer.
It didn't take long before he could distinguish that it was a wooden building, decorated with all kinds of shells and half overgrown with corals. Sardine Dream Mermaid Bar was written right above the front door, in uneven and slightly wobbly letters. The door was open and since Eddie's curiosity was growing by the second, he swam inside without even thinking about it.
And holy shit. Behind the counter of what was unmistakably a very real, actual bar, was possibly the most beautiful creature Eddie had ever encountered. His brown hair was dancing around his face in graceful waves, his toned arms were covered in all kinds of shell bracelets, and his bare chest... Well. Eddie was pretty sure he'd lose his consciousness again if he were to keep looking at that chest.
'You can talk!' Eddie thought out loud, and hey, apparently, he could talk too. 'I can talk!'
The creature – mermaid – boy – person – smiled a smile that was ridiculously beautiful despite his scary sharp teeth.
'Yeah, we can talk.'
'There's more like you?'
He kept smiling. 'Way more. You can hear them singing, if you listen closely.'
Eddie froze in his place as he listened intently; and sure enough, very faintly, he could hear some kind of ethereal song carrying through the water.
'I'm Steve.'
The stranger held out his webbed hand and Eddie hesitantly shook it while telling him his own name.
'So I take it you're new?'
Eddie nodded dumbly.
'Alright, I bet you're hungry, then. I'll get you something to eat. What do you want? Oysters, caviar, scallops?'
'Um, scallops is fine, I guess.' Eddie's empty belly started twisting nauseatingly at the promise of something to eat – something he wouldn't have to kill between his own teeth. Or at least, he hoped that was what Steve was going to serve him. He didn't exactly know the rules of whatever this was.
'What is this place?' Eddie asked while Steve turned around to prepare a plate for him. He caught a glimpse of the golden fishtail that had been hiding behind the counter and – wow. He had never seen colors like that before in his life.
'It's um... A refuge, I guess,' Steve told him. 'I opened it when I ended up here. It's a place where people can come if they're in trouble, or if they feel like they don't belong anywhere, you know.'
And oh, Eddie could relate to that. He took the plate that Steve held out to him and gratefully dug in.
'Jesus Christ this is good,' he murmured around his full mouth, gaining himself another smile from Steve before he closed his eyes to properly revel in the rich taste on his tongue.
'So how did you get here?' Steve asked.
'Fell in the goddamn river,' Eddie managed to say between two bites. 'Fuckin' stupid really. Partying in New York. Drunk, high, you know how it goes. Slipped, hit my head, and that was it. Or, well, that was supposed to be it.' He dropped the mussel he had been holding to make jazz-hands. 'Yet here we are.' He swallowed another bite. 'What about you, how did you get here?'
'I jumped.'
'You jumped in the –' But before Eddie could finish his question, understanding dawned over him. 'Oh.'
'I'm sorry.'
'It's okay,' Steve said. 'I'm happy to be here, actually. Things are much better now. Not everyone is lucky enough to land in bubbles when they fall.'
'Yeah, I guess,' Eddie mumbled quietly, thinking about his mother and how she had fallen, back when he was little. There certainly had been no bubbles to catch her.
'Hey.' It sounded soft and Steve tilted his head a little bit, staring at Eddie as if he was trying to figure him out. 'You can stay here for as long as you need to,' he continued. 'I'll teach you everything you should know. We have this – this ritual.' He gestured to a tall jar that was standing on the counter between them, filled with all kinds of shells in various shades of white. 'This is our tip jar. Everyone leaves some shells when they come here, and we use them to bind ourselves to each other. I'll make you a bracelet right now, to make you part of the community. And when you feel that the time has come – when you feel at home here, when you're ready to navigate this world without me – you can return the favor.'
Eddie let his gaze wander to Steve's forearms, both covered in bracelets.
'So these are all from people you helped?'
The sudden bashful look on Steve's face didn't escape Eddie's notice.
'Yeah, I guess I did,' he said, almost like it surprised himself.
With his belly filled and his human instincts finally returning to him, Eddie felt brave enough to stretch out his hand and gently trace the bracelets on Steve's left arm with his index finger.
'It'd be an honor to give you a bracelet of my own someday, Steve,' he said softly.
And when he saw the look in Steve's soft brown eyes, it suddenly didn't seem so bad to Eddie anymore that he had fallen into the river.
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wh0lemilk0vich · 7 months
misha, i have been thinking about this post of yours the entire day and i have no clue if it's gonna float your boat, but i've been reading some of my local folklore on like, mermen the last couple days and how there's this myth around my area about how their king lures young women in by promising them to care for them and give them all the riches they desire. and then earlier my mind catapulted back to a post of yours i believe it was where ian caring for mickey has been mentioned in a way that indicates he just likes to know mickey is not going hungry anymore - and just imagine ian as one of these mermen [which is funny because he's often depicted as the sun or fire, anyway] finding mickey drinking water from his creek or something, and he's obviously not the best of and ian just wants to care of him and ends up taking him with him.
aaand this was a wall of text [sorry i'm out and about and had to be fast] and probably likely not at all what you've been getting at, but i also already typed it soo i'm sending it in anyway. because i also just generally love to read you talk about them. thanksokaybye i'm also hugging you.
Ahhh Nosho I'm IN LOVE with this, this is exactly what I meant too!!
It could be so fairytale which I absolutely love
Underwater realms and underwater kings seem so important cross culturally, like immediately I think of the Erlking (which I think is also fantastic in translation, there's a great Irish translation), Sadko and the Undersea Tsar, nymphs, and spirits. I'm such a slut for fae and spirits.
I can absolutely picture Mickey escaping Terry to the woods. And he's tired and starving, wild and angry and sad, finally breaking down at his brook to rest and sleep, and hopefully be safe for a minute. And so here he is drinking from Ian's creek and Ian is immediately enamored, obsessed. Ian is this eternal, powerful, playful and capricious thing but if there's one thing he values it's beauty and seeing Mickey just takes his breath away, he wants him so badly because he's so pretty, and he can't entertain a scenario where he doesn't get what he wants, where he doesn't get to keep Mickey.
I have this image in my head of Mickey waking up in the glade with this creek and Ian's there in his nature taking a humanoid shape and he's just naked and glistening and enjoying the warmth of the sun dappling through the leaves. I can't decide whether he's sunning himself on a warm flat stone in the middle of the creek, or bathing under a little waterfall (imagine him with thick long curly hair), or laying next to Mickey on the shore just staring at him and his beauty.
And regardless Mickey wakes up eventually and he's surprised because he's not alone, and he's scared because Ian's a stranger, and he's embarrassed because Ian's... beautiful. He shouldn't think that, shouldn't notice that; that's why he had to run away in the first place...
His eyes snap back to Ian because he hears laughter, and it's like the twinkling of little bells. Ian's looking at him and he wants to get smaller, doesn't want to be perceived, doesn't want to betray himself. Ian wades over to him through the water, naked with a naturality and confidence, almost indifference, that Mickey could never imagine possessing.
"Thou'rt beautiful," Ian says.
Mickey's eyes go wide because how could he know that, he hadn't said it out loud. But then he saw Ian's eyes and he realized those weren't just his own thoughts.
"Thou'rt beautiful," Ian says again.
And there's a strangeness to it because when he says it, Mickey hears it like it's true. Like stating a state of nature. Putting a name to the weather. As if Ian had said 'The sun is shining.' It's not what he'd ever been told, and would not otherwise think.
"Thou'rt frightened. Thou need'st be not. Pray, Beauty, what desirest Thou most, that I may give it Thee?"
"I hunger..." he doesn't know whether he should add a title. He's never met someone like this. He doesn't want to cause offense. But he laughs again. Like Mickey's request is trivial. Like he would do far more.
"Then Thou shallt eat, and Thou shallt have thy fill, and Thou shallt want for naught," and his words were the promise of rain in spring.
Mickey readied himself to speak, but Ian does first.
"Bathe in my waters, and while Thou makest Thine ablutions, mine shall be to fulfill thy whim."
And Mickey watches Ian walk from the banks to the edge of the wood, watching him the whole time. When Mickey hops up and tries to follow he's gone.
Mickey feels odd, he feels happy and it makes him feel ashamed. He doesn't want to, but he undresses, it takes him a long time to allow himself to be bare, to allow himself the kind of confident vulnerability that Ian had. But he does it and he enters the water and it's... just...so...warm. It's like being hugged at home, a feeling of protection he'd never known before. And he bathed and he swam and he actually smiled. And then he heard from the bank
"Thou'rt beautiful."
Mickey stills, covers himself, tries to hide himself in the water. Ian laughs.
"Come. Thou hunger'st."
THIS IS GETTING SO FAR AWAY FROM ME but like I just imagine Mickey eats roasted venison and game and berries and he eats so joyously and deliciously that Ian can see him shining and he wants Mickey to feel like that always. And he wants there to be evidence of him of his love on Mickey and he grows so beautiful and loved and soft and cared for when he comes with Ian and allows himself to know fully and loved and filled like ugh. I don't know if any of this makes sense?
Oh my God haha
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safk-art · 5 months
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just thought about Shark Billy being slightly bigger compared to humans.
will be drawing him a bit more this month
[Patre0n] [instagram] [Twitter] [BluSky]
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shadowredfeline · 2 months
Two in One Post
Two Responses
For a Response to my Filipino Friend
Yeah it was the best idea to censor things so that way me and our A-Pal won't fall into an identity crisis. Because we don't want to end up with random strangers doing bad things unlike when i was watching Aggrestsuko because the 3rd season was creepy to me, but i won't spoil it to you guys if you guys haven't watch the whole series. But normally we'll only voice chat if we feel like playing a video game together or if anytime you want to try out some of the game shows we have in America, since you don't have some of the game shows we have in your country. It'll be something new for you to give a shot with. But next time, we'll see if we can do group chats and then maybe we chat about some random stuff or do ideas of drawings or stories we can all do.
2nd Response to both my A-Pal and to my Filipino Friend.
Normally now you understand you can still handle the stuff i like doing like Mermaids, conventions, ballet and hula dancing, but not only that, i hope you guys won't mind pregnancy stuff too. But normally we'll only do Mermaid and pregnancy stuff once it's May only after our Filipino Friend's Birthday and i know we already know that. And i also wanted to tell you guys this, i'm also not a fan of Inktober stuff myself, but since you guys are always into that, i guess i'll have to get use to that as well. Since you guys are my best friends after all. Ever since the Cartoon Network theme of Inktober was best, that's why we could've done doing Cartooon Network Zombies, or Cartoon Network in Persona as something Halloween related like the Dark Hour from Persona 3, or we can do Persona Q Shadows of the Labyrinth next once October comes, and After i make a birthday drawing for Lisa. I would draw Inktober too, but it sounds kinda hard especially when i have to keep up with the dates during October. And i thought that would be why i asked a commission for something Halloween related if i were to do something like that. Because every time it's October, after i make a birthday drawing for Lisa, i would have to draw something Halloween related, even though i don't usually like going Trick or Treating, but i would just relaxed, eat some candy, have Corn Dogs form Sonic Drive In, and maybe watch some Halloween Movies and Specials. Otherwise Shadow, Spot and Maxwell will have to do something for Halloween instead.
But for now, maybe Spot and Riya can join with Shadow, Maxwell and May and Sam into Hula dancing together.
Also yes, i know Caleb would work nice as crow, but i hope he doesn't end up in a Crow like with a black mask like how Akechi has in the game.
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theearlgreymage · 1 year
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Two weeks after the merman fell into Erwin’s care, he learned his name. “Levi,” the merman croaked softly. His voice was soft but rough from clear disuse. At the sound of his voice, Erwin’s head snapped up from his book. He’d been reading aloud to the merman for the last few days. Prompted when he’d sat at the edge of the pool with his legs in the water and the merman had swam up into the space between his knees. There was an expectant look on his face, which had returned to its normal alabaster paleness as the fever had broken and his strength had returned. It took Erwin a moment to figure out what the creature wanted, and then he realized that he’d been quiet while reading his book. A change from his normal one-sided conversations that Erwin normally held with the merman. “Do you..want me to read?” Erwin asked, a hopeful lilt to his voice. The merman’s gaze shifted, from Erwin to his book and back a few times. “Alright then,” Erwin agreed. Settling back on the damp grass, he’d started reading again but this time aloud for the merman to listen. As he read, the merman relaxed against his legs. Crossing his arms over Erwin’s thighs and using him as a personal pillow. His long tail floated out behind him in the pool, the afternoon sun catching on his scales and twinkling in a flashing display. “What’s your name, the weary traveler asked of the stranger - “ “Levi.” The merman, Levi, interrupted Erwin’s reading.
Click the Banner to read to the Fic on AO3
Alright, I am finally 4 for 4 on NSFW Eruri Week 2023 (@nsfweruriweek2023) Albeit I am extra late, but this was extremely self indulgent on my end.
If you know me, you know that I have a THING for merfolk. So. While I told myself that I should keep this below 3k for the sake of time and keeping up with the days, it ran away from me.
Enjoy it. Or Don't. This ones for me.
Summary Below the Cut
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman & Erwin Smith Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, merfolk, Mermen, Mermaids, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Monsters, monster fucking, Mer!Levi, Bottom Levi Ackerman, Top Erwin Smith, Bottom Levi Ackerman/Top Erwin Smith, Intersex, I have a THING for Mermaids, This is just a filthy self indulgence, NSFW Eruri Week 2023, eruri - Freeform Summary:
“Tell me, Levi,” Erwin asked softly. “What is it like to court someone under the sea?”
The blush that was originally isolated to Levi’s cheeks spread at the question. Giving more of his face a brush of color. “W-why would you want to know something like that?”
Erwin shrugged, letting his one hand drop to the cool water. Watching the little ringlets fan out from his touch. “Call me curious.”
“Are you planning to court a mermaid or something?” Levi continued to try and dodge the question. Unfortunately, Levi didn’t account for Erwin’s boldness with his question.
“More interested in courting a merman if I’m being honest.”
---------- Day 4 of NSFW Eruri Week 2023 Prompts | Monster Fucking
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freak-out-t · 1 year
Hello, fellow Stranger Things writers,
I've been thinking of starting a private group roleplay, for adults (18 and above) only to make sure it's a mature space + for my own comfort. In short, I wanted to see which AU people would be most interested in writing. This would be canon characters only, weekly and monthly events guaranteed. I have seen a bunch of modern and band AU settings so I decided to approach different themes,
'Monster High' AU: Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches, each and every one of them feared by most which is why they'd find themselves in the infamous town of Hawkins. It is a place known for being inhabited by monsters rather than humans, especially the local schools. These creatures mostly spite each other for their differences in the past, something that might bring tension- or perhaps unlikely friendships.
Folklore & Pirate AU: Mermaids/Mermen, Weresharks, Sirens... all kinds of creatures inhabit the depths of the sea, some wish to live hidden from the world while others spite the beings that sail the great seas. These people may be members of a pirate crew seeking hidden treasures, simple fishermen who are just trying to make a living and so much more.
Fantasy (D&D) AU: Following the general setting of Dungeons and Dragons and its canon world (Forgotten Realms), this roleplay would take place in a small city of sorts. Writers would need to fill out character sheets (based on their character) as if they were to enter a campaign themselves, hunt monsters, criminals, or simply have an occupation outside of the Adventurer's Guild that the city is most known for.
Greek Gods AU: Each and every character would represent one of the many Greek Gods/Goddesses, Titans/Titanesses, living their lives on the peak of Mount Olympus. Each and every one of them has their own role in the world, though writers would be allowed to alter the personality and history their character is known for (for example just because someone's character is Zeus, it doesn't mean their character sleeps around all the time)
(I also accept mod applications! If this piques your interest, contact me in DMs)
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camk1lls · 2 years
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more merman billy >:)
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thisonlyguy-49 · 2 years
Hey so… recently my brain decided to wake up and dump out a Gravity Falls AU for Netflix’s Stranger Things.
This is merely a brief introduction, enough to where it doesn’t get overbearing.
Here it is:
When a 12-year old girl named Jane “Eleven” Ives and her childhood friend/brother figure Dustin Henderson are sent from California by Jane’s single mother Terry, the two travel to a sleepy Oregon town called Gravity Falls to—by Terry’s words—get some fresh air.
There they met the stoic yet impulsive conman named Jim Hopper, a close friend of Terry’s, and the man who’ll watching El and Dustin for the summer. Hopper is in charge of the Mystery Shack, a massive tourist attraction in town.
We have two other employees working at the shack: Nancy Wheeler (the gift shop cashier and Dustin’s crush) as well as Johnathan Byers (the introverted yet always helpful handyman/photographer).
It seems like it would be the same boring summer as back in California.
But it all changes when Dustin finds a mysterious journal in the middle of the woods.
From tiny bearded gnomes, living wax figures, and to even hispanic mermen from the sea, El and Dustin will end up experience strange phenomenas and solve mysteries while also nearly dying from crazy monsters.
However, deep underneath the shack, lies a hidden secret in the making from Hopper, desperately trying to bring back the love of his life.
Not to mention that an ancient evil from a parallel world watches over the town, and has its eyes set on chaos and the annihilation of the Earth!
This will be a summer that El and Dustin would never forget!
Thanks for reading! If you have questions for this slight au, feel free to submit me a question on my blog!
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lambden · 2 years
Would you be interested into writing "I won't bite. Unless you're into that sort of thing." for Filavandrel/Vesemir? Thank you! Ledgea!!
M, 1.4K, Merman AU with your daily recommended serving of nipple play
The rolling waves lap at Vesemir’s bare shins, their spray not quite reaching up to his shorts but making a good attempt. He doesn’t mind— the midday sun has left him feeling uncomfortably hot, and the cool water is a balm.
Perhaps that’s why his bizarre and fascinating companion keeps disappearing underneath the water like a duck bobbing for food, his tailfins flicking up above the surface and sending the occasional splash Vesemir’s way. Vesemir watches in delight, carefully observing the body distorted by the water.
He used to think that Filavandrel wasn’t able to stand breathing air for too long since he rarely obeys the rules of human physiology. The truth is much stranger, as the man has both gills and lungs connected to the complex map of capillaries in his chest. Vesemir always treasures their time together, deeply grateful for the close proximity to a creature he would otherwise never get the chance to study.
And that isn’t the only reason he treasures all their moments spent together. When Filavandrel resurfaces, his silky long blond hair soaked dark and sticking to his neck and shoulders, he doesn’t hesitate before sidling into the space between Vesemir’s knees. Vesemir chuckles but tries to reach behind him to hold onto the dock somehow— his tempestuous lover could very easily pull him into the water if he felt like it.
Thankfully Filavandrel doesn’t pull him off the pier, just drawing him close so that he can nuzzle at his neck. Vesemir allows the contact, privately delighted every time the merman makes a show of strength like this. His iridescent, scaly arms don’t tremble as he holds himself up on the dock, nor does his tail thrash about to try to support his own weight. According to Filavandrel he’s one of the smallest mermen in this sea; a thought that drives Vesemir crazy if he thinks about it for too long. Are there really other, bigger mermaids? What would their tails look like— would they gleam the same or would their fins be rough and jagged from battle? Do merfolk get into many battles? Perhaps they’re territorial over coral reefs, or maybe different schools bond together to fight off drowners.
“What are you thinking about,” breathes Filavandrel against his throat, dragging the tip of a fang over the unbroken skin there with the last consonant of ‘about.’ A reminder of his monstrous nature, or perhaps a threat to pay attention.
The man smells like salt and the spray that mists the brow and lip of everyone who’s ever helmed a boat. Vesemir’s cock suddenly pounds with desire in his too-tiny shorts, all his blood rushing south. He regrets nothing. With a teasing edge to his voice, he muses, “Other mermen.”
Filavandrel growls, low and guttural and inhuman, before raising one hand to do something very stupid and funny and very, very human. Just as Vesemir instinctively moves to hold the merman up by his waist so he doesn’t slide back into the water, Filavandrel reaches forward and twists his nipple. Judging by the shock on his face when Vesemir winces and swears, he hadn’t actually known the effect that would have on the witcher.
“I’m sorry,” Filavandrel quickly offers, but Vesemir shakes his head, groaning as the pinched place begins to smart. After a moment the sensation fades and he breathes easier, fixing his lover with a stern glare. Filavandrel still looks apologetic, but there’s a new, curious light in his eyes too. He had looked just like this when they’d first figured out how exactly a witcher and merman could fuck, and the memory sends another jolt of desire along Vesemir’s length. He adjusts his position as best he can without letting go of the merman’s bare waist. Filavandrel continues, haltingly, “Are you alright?”
“I’m perfectly fine,” Vesemir assures him. “They can take a beating.”
And that was entirely the wrong thing to say— or the right one, depending on how you see it— as Filavandrel pouts thoughtfully, drawing his lip to one side. The expression reveals his sharp fangs again, and despite himself, Vesemir shudders. The merman reaches to touch his chest again, this time prodding more gently at the little bud and then tracing circles around his areola. When he rolls a nipple between his fingers Vesemir’s breath hitches, and it makes Filavandrel glance up into his eyes sharply. But instead of pausing his ministrations, Filavandrel just raises his other hand so that he can toy with both of Vesemir’s nipples as he speaks. “Funny. We don’t have these.”
Vesemir had noticed that, although he hadn’t been sure if there was a biological reason or if merfolk simply lacked nipples because their offspring weren’t mammals. He had nonsensically daydreamt once of rubbing Filavandrel’s chest until his nipples made an appearance the same way his genitals do, but he should have guessed that would be out of the question in reality. He hums, enjoying the dull pressure building up as Filavandrel experimentally touches him. “I guess that’s because they wouldn’t serve any function.”
But instead of agreeing or correcting him, Filavandrel frowns. “What are they used for?”
“Oh.” Vesemir hesitates. “Well, it’s how mother mammals nurse their young. The babies latch on and feed from them— but don’t get any funny ideas, I’m not lactating and you can’t make me!” He’s fairly certain that if anyone could magically get him to lactate, it would be this eight foot long magical fishperson. But he also has no desire to find out, so he quickly adds, “They’re sensitive, too. That’s why I like wearing soft shirts under my armour.”
Filavandrel stares right at his nipple as he twists the bud between his fingertips. His clawed hands paired with his sharp, intent gaze should be setting off all kinds of warning bells inside Vesemir’s head. Instead, he thinks he might come inside his shorts— especially when Filavandrel ducks down to experimentally lick Vesemir’s nipple, tongue darting out to taste the bud before swirling over the entire areola.
Trying hard to keep his breathing steady, Vesemir tilts his head back and stares up at the sky, where seagulls swoop far above them in the clouds. It helps for about two seconds, then Filavandrel’s lips close around his nipple and he remembers teeth, teeth, very sharp teeth, and he lets go of his lover’s hips, dropping him unceremoniously back into the water.
Filavandrel laughs the whole way down, and when he bobs back up he’s still got a big fiendish grin on his face. “You were close, weren’t you,” he accuses, thrilled. “Have you ever had an orgasm just from someone touching your chest?”
“Can’t say that I have,” Vesemir admits, folding his legs shut instead of succumbing the way he wants to. “I… I’d feel greedy! I don’t want to take advantage of your curiosity.”
Filavandrel honest-to-Gods scoffs at that, shooting Vesemir a look that makes it clear he’s not buying the bullshit. “Don’t start having proper manners now, human,” he hisses, flashing those fangs again. Vesemir shivers, but it isn’t a bad sort of fear… although he does think that his old master Deglan must be turning in his grave somewhere as Vesemir prepares to surrender his second most vulnerable part to a monster.
Except Filavandrel isn’t a monster, not really— if he wanted to drown or eat Vesemir he would have done so by now. The merman notices how the witcher has been nervously watching his fangs and he smiles, baring them fully. Vesemir gulps as Filavandrel says, “Don’t worry, I won’t bite. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.”
“And you told me you weren’t a siren,” Vesemir huffs. He only lasts a few seconds more before relenting, spreading his legs again and preparing to ruin his shorts. That’s alright, there are dozens of good craftsmen across the Continent. How many chances like this is he going to get? “Okay. You may continue your exploration.”
Dry as ever but with a wide, pleased smirk on his face, Filavandrel mutters, “I’ll have to start a bestiary on you soon.” Before Vesemir can think of any quick remark to combat that, the merman climbs up onto the pier beside him, his tail glistening as it slides through the water, sending a shower of spray at the witcher’s feet. Vesemir hardly has time to laugh before Filavandrel is pressing him back against the hard, cold wood of the pier and descending upon his chest, taking his nipple back into his mouth.
All in all, it’s not the worst way to beat the heat.
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