2wn · 1 year
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via mestizmx on Instagram
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sheltiechicago · 7 months
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Mestiz’s Furniture and Fixtures Meld Vibrant Craft Traditions with Mexican Flora and Fauna
Wander into the new Mestiz space in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and you’ll encounter suspended cacti lights made of hot pink wicker, wooden tables shaped like spiky fauna, and wool rugs evocative of mythical animals. Founded by architect and designer Daniel Valero in 2015, the studio is known for collaborating with local artisans and makers to create functional home goods and decorative objects that capture the vibrancy and textures of the surrounding environment.
All photos by Pepe Molina, © Mestiz
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arco-pluris · 8 months
Multiracial Flag
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It can represent biracial, triracial, and among other people of mixed races. Multiraciality represents having multiple racial identities in one's ancestry.
There are other words that describes this.
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natalia-lafourcade · 10 months
For the love of god don't bring your Mexican flags to Palestinian protests. Mexico is also a settler colonial state that treats indigenous population atrociously.
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corallapis · 10 months
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hmm shot in san francisco, you say? memory problems, you say?
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magz · 2 years
Someone tagged the “Frida Kahlo was anti-semitic and racist” post saying it must be misinformation because of not being able to find anything on Google except that Frida Kahlo faked being Jewish.
So you barely researched the complicated topic you just now became aware of, and her faking being Jewish wasn’t considered an indication of anything to you?
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sephirajo · 1 year
Yo my mestise queers, I love you all 💙
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itscolossal · 1 year
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Mestiz’s Furniture and Fixtures Meld Vibrant Craft Traditions with Mexican Flora and Fauna
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mmpi-3 · 9 months
> Enter Name.
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Your name is ICHOR ROSE "RHOSE" "JASPROSE" LALONDE. You are 20 YEARS OLD (9/19) and use SHE/IT pronouns. Currently, you are on your LAPTOP SCROLLING TUMBLR as usual. You have a variety of interests. You have a passion for PSYCHOLOGY. You enjoy writing cards and are NOT SO SECRETIVE ABOUT IT. You have a fondness for the BESTIALLY STRANGE AND OCCULT. You are SOMEWHAT NEUROTIC from time to time. And on occasion, if just the right one strikes your fancy, you like to play VIDEO GAMES with your friends.
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TERFS, pedophiles (yes, you, MAPs, and pro-ship freaks,) LGBTphobes, and racists get humiliated, (IP) blocked, and/or reported to staff and/or authorities. I don't care about other kink. Everyone else is on a case-by-case basis.
Whitepassing mestize. TME. Professional loser. Professional fingers in many pies haver. Professional huge bitch. Speaker of far too many 50 cent words. Active from time-to-time and inactive other times. I get my way or I throw a hissy fit and then get over it.
I don't like people who won't let me say slurs I can reclaim, and I don't like people who believe in "problematic media."
This blog is run by a psychotic addict system. Correlation or causation? Who knows. In the process of diagnosis. Spend enough time around us and you may get to know who is who.
Things will not be tagged unless I like you or you ask nicely. This isn't me being edgy, I just am bad at tagging. I forget because I have memory problems, so just remind me.
Feel free to screenshot and mock my about on your blog. Or block me. I don't care. I'm an adult and have better things to do these days than have a panic attack over Tumblr anymore.
All of this being said, I swear I am a really nice person/people. If you read through all this, here is your prize.
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 17 November 1983, six people of Indigenous and mestize origin founded the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) in the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico. 11 years later, around 3,000 armed EZLN members launched an uprising taking control of a considerable amount of land in the region, freeing prisoners and destroying police and army barracks. In a counter-attack by the Mexican army, the guerrillas lost control of many towns and cities and retreated into the Lacandon jungle. Subsequently the Zapatistas established a number of self-governing autonomous communities, with a population of over 300,000 people who are mostly from the Chol, Kanjobal, Mame, Tjolobal, Tzeltal, Tzozil, and Zoque Indigenous communities. Other than personal property, private ownership was abolished, with collective ownership of land and collectively owned and run workplaces. Radical, democratic schools, where pupils are not graded, were established, as was a universal healthcare service, drastically improving public health and reducing infant mortality. The communities also have a strong commitment to Indigenous, women's and LGBT+ rights. So if you know five people who think like you, set up a group! Learn more about the Zapatistas, and Emiliano Zapata after whom they are named, in these books: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/collections/all/zapatistas https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2137908199727652/?type=3
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sylvia-on-the-run · 1 month
objectively funny that support of mestize nationalism is my most controversial oppinion i guess so just yknow remember most first real ideology was bolivarianism i dont fully agree with it now but i find it generaly praiseable
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thespiral · 10 months
got tagged by @henbased AND @krokaxe love uuuu thank u so much mwah mwah
tagging: @catboyrights @wildwildwasteland @quintsmachete @rocket-69 and anyone else who wants to join innnnnn feel free to tag me if you do <3
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Fresno Cienfuegos
Nickname: Fresno, Fesno, Juno* [*but Only Sometimes] Gender: Out of universe, intersex and genderqueer* [*where do they lean gender-wise is also up in the air], in-universe, they don't like labels. Fresno is just Fresno. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Star Sign: Libra, 10/10/2020 is when they emerged fully formed from my xbox 360 Height: 5'6 give or take half an inch. though they absolutely wear heels Orientation: yes. everything's good Nationality/Ethnicity: californian mexican-american? [gestures vaguely] There's a Lot goin on but i'd say mestize Fave Fruit: toss up between citrus-y ones like lemon/lime or orange or tangerines, mangos, or cherries Fave Season: spring... not too hot not too cold. just right. Fave Flower: sunflowers. maybe. i'm going off vibe. but reaching towards the sun and all Fave Scent: they will say leather, gasoline or iron but really they go behind sweet scents like vanilla or chocolate or sugar. Coffee, Tea, or HC: coffee, but like, the really terrible sugary sludgy starbucks drinks. they will deny this. but that is what they love. Average Hours of Sleep: anywhere from 4-5 hours to 9-10 hours. depends but they're a pretty light sleeper Dog or Cat Person: performatively hater of both but likes cats once they finally get one to be friendly to them. dogs are tolerated i think because i think loyalty and dogs would make them unwell <- guy who has problems Dream Trip: i think being able to just ride on the highway as fast and as long as they humanly could counts Favorite Fictional Character: dr. frank n furter from rocky horror Number of Blankets They Sleep With: solid 1-2. bonus if one is weighted Random Fact: they didn't have the opportunity to really do stuff like participate in christmas or halloween or stereotypical childhood stuff. thanks hellmouth
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transfemmes · 5 months
sorry but when I read "sunny u stupid white woman" I had to pause bc aren't you mestize
I'm mixed but yeah I very much look white so I'm not too mad about that
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aclickbaittitle · 8 months
Language (s) in Moonbase Theta Out:
English as a language is taking over the world at an alarming rate, most other countries in which English is not the majority language have it as part of their school curriculum, and like math, you can fail the year if you do not pass the subject.
Why? Well, most of your job prospects will be severely impacted if you do not have at least a grasp of it. Though not as “present” as other consequences of USAmerican and England’s hold over the world, language imperialism is still something to worry about.
Like Minnie Degawan, activist of indigenous people’s rights says: “For Indigenous peoples, languages ​​are not only symbols of identity and belonging to a group, but also vehicles for ethical values. They constitute the fabric of the knowledge systems through which these peoples form a whole with the land and are crucial for their survival. The future of their young people depends on them.”
Of course it is not only the English language that is guilty of the linguistic masacre, my own mother tongue: Spanish is equally if not more guilty. And, unlike how I would like to blame the Western Europeans for everything, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese and many more also play their part. Please notice how all of this is backed by Nation-States Agenda of “Linguistic-Ethnic Unity” like Mexico’s “not-white, not indigenous but (light-skin) mestiz@” project that asked for indigenous peoples to exchange their language (and culture) for social integration.
But what does this have to do with a small little podcast called Moon Base Theta Out?
Moonbase Theta Out is a sci-fi audio fiction podcast produced by Monkeyman Productions. It is 2098. The Moonbase program has been determined unprofitable. The last base, Theta, is twenty weeks from being decommissioned. Most of the crew is in stasis awaiting retrieval. Five remain – Roger Bragado-Fischer, Nessa Cheong, Ashwini Ray, Michell L’Anglois, and Wilder. (monkeymanproductions.com)
In Moonbase Theta Out, our current way of organizing the earth in nation-states has fallen out of fashion. Instead we got corporate enclaves run by mega corporations, and if it sounds terrifying it is because it is. There is a saying that goes “english is the language of money” and in a world where neoliberalism has taken over every character is expected to know english from Brazil to North Africa to France.  It is not uncommon for US american media to portray a world in which everyone knows english somehow, but in Moonbase Theta, Out it actually makes sense. 
However, english is not the only language spoken in Moonbase Theta Out, within the constraints of the audio medium (in which subtitles are not possible, and the only way translations can be provided is through transcripts) the podcast manage to include portuguese, french, arabic (don’t ask me which dialect) and even some few words in spanish and bengali. The reason for this linguistic diversity? Because Moonbase, even amidst the cyberpunk hellscape, wants to show a future that is blooming with diversity and love. 
In a small mini-episode showcasing the poems used in the show, writer D.J. Sylvis talks about how poetry is the connecting vehicle between our main-lead Roger Brigado-Fisher and his husband, Alexandre Brigado-Fisher (their relationship also works to tie the events that happen in the moon and earth). I want to extend this sentiment, and argue that language is the way in which several characters expressed their unique relationship.
Alexandre, for example, is Brazilian (go my latin boy!) and a native Portuguese speaker, Roger on the other hand is not but has learned the language, however when he takes a job for the Consortium he is asked to only speak english. His job causes a rift between him and his husband which ends up in a fight, when Alexandre slips into Portuguese, Roger tries to do the same but ends up forgetting the words; just another example of how their relationship is deteriorating because of the corporate overlords.
Then we have Michelle and his sister Maria, both French. They have had a very rough life that led them to security jobs for the Consortium and said jobs have led them apart.
Michelle tries to establish contact with her while knowing that everything he says would be listened to by his boss (and his enemy Roger). He slips into French when in distress, and the only one to calm them is another French speaker, her sister. 
There’s also this very short moment in which Dr. Ashwini Ray has made a friend ze didn’t expect to make and can’t do anything about it because ze is going to the moon in just a few days with hopes of never came back, so ze says a few works in Bangla that ze knows hir friend, Jen Ponton, won’t be able to understand but that anyways, is a subtle way to express hir love for her.
Moonbase Theta Out is far from the only multilingual podcast out there (see: Desperado, MOONFACE, Hi Nay, Dos After You, Monster Dash and Celestial Blood) and I hope we continue to see more. 
I also want to motivate you, reader, if you speak any other language, to write a story with it. The best way to help a tongue live is through the beauty of literature, afterall.
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corallapis · 7 months
favorite female master poll but it's between mestizer, pavo ii, and despina norman.
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magz · 1 year
tldr; block and unfollow magz if the antiblackness of @brendanicus @there-rises-a-red-star @ruisa-faa is fine enough for any y'all to keep following and defend them just because they do it in "leftist language"
is astounding the antiblackness people just accept from nonblack leftists who don't know nothing of (and refuse to learn) solidarity, the u.s. internal colony + external colony, african americans indigeneity, african american international political activism / texts, black oppression in global south, and lived experience of black americans and black people in general.... n only know texts about u.s. american imperialism
to point that ANY black person that call out antiblackness they have, "must be narcissistic (black) american" and "is an exaggeration to call what happening to african americans black genocide" and "[insert something here about how black people and african americans have brain damage because x y z]"
have anyone noticed why black activists, of global south too, rarely in those nonblack leftist circles?
magz and lilly @the-azzangna both black from global south, n can't stand these people. (check her blog for context on situation if so curious)
btw, if you follow and keep want follow these blogs despite them barely hiding antiblackness in leftist speak and try reframe what they doing to make black ppl be villains or using nonblack (mestize) heritage as shield when people apparently don't know abt the antiblack violence of mestizaje in latin America...... just unfollow and block magz
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