cocklessboy · 3 months
The other day I told a friend of mine that I never forget to take my ADHD meds because I fucking love my ADHD meds. I'm in my late 30s, I didn't finally get a diagnosis and meds until less than two years ago, and they have changed my entire life.
And he raised his eyebrow at me. We'd been discussing addictive medications a few minutes before, like the Tramadol I finally got from the pain specialist to take once a week or so to give me a break from my chronic pain, so I reassured him that methylpenidate (Ritalin/Concerta) is not addictive (at least not in people with ADHD).
His response? To raise his eyebrow even harder and say "Well it sure SOUNDS like it's addictive!"
And I had to explain to this man - who works in a healthcare related job by the way - that just because medication makes you feel good and helps you, just because you look forward to taking it, that doesn't make it addictive or dangerous. And he wasn't convinced.
The simple fact that I was excited to take a daily pill that has literally changed my life, after decades of fighting to get that medication, made him think I shouldn't be taking it so often. That it must inherently be dangerous.
I'm not even in America, but I'm pretty sure this attitude began there and then spread over here to Europe. This Puritan idea of "if something feels good, you must beware of it. Pleasure is dangerous, it is sinful, it is addiction, it is evil."
I know too many people who subconsciously believe that pleasure = addictive = dangerous = bad. Joy is a slippery slope to hell.
So here is your reminder for today that you don't need to be afraid of feeling good. If something improves your life, use it. Even if it is addictive - learn what that addiction means, whether the addiction is inherently dangerous or not, and whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and risks.
My ADHD meds are, in fact, not addictive. But I will take them every day because they make my life orders of magnitude easier. I will enjoy them every time I take them.
My tramadol is addictive. I will still take it. I will keep it on a schedule to avoid becoming addicted, primarily because addiction in this case would mean reduced effectiveness. But I am not afraid of my painkillers. They are life changing.
Take your meds, everyone. Don't let anyone scare you away from doing something that improves your life.
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sincerelyyellingback · 4 months
This is so damn stupid. I'm trying to research the effects of stimulant drugs on female sexual development because I was prescribed Ritalin from 8th-10th grade, and I only developed what I would consider a normal libido a few weeks ago at age 23. I am also looking up whether this would be related to Raynaud's syndrome in any way.
Anyway, I had to go back and add the word "female" to my search, because every result I was getting was either a study done only on boys, or a link to a medical website that only mentions erectile dysfunction. None of the websites mention women unless you add "female" to the search. Nobody gives a fuck about women's health.
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i-love-pomegranates · 7 months
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bagog · 2 months
Failed Relationships - Ritalin
When the time came, I took a test to find out what kind of relationship would complete me—fix me, if I’m honest.
You were too old for me, they said, but introduced us anyway. I was proud of your history, your bona fides, and even the way they talked about you on the street. You were shorter than I expected, you wore a hat down over your eyes. You answered questions with questions and made every interaction a shibboleth.
I won’t say you’d known too many, but perhaps I’d known too few, but you never had time for me. When we’d fight—when you’d have me breaking out in cold sweats metaphorical and literal—I was told the solution, always, was even more of you. More and more of you: can my heart take it? It did, for some time. If I say I still keep a memento of you with me, it is because in part of my brain you are still the answer.
Measuring my blood-pressure, three or four times hoping it would go down. Because we made beautiful art, I let you put my heart to race.
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leo-fie · 6 months
I have meth now! I am unstoppable!
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journiland · 6 months
Uh-oh. The psych doc (who is GREAT) ran an EKG since I'm on a stimulant med (the Extended-release Ritalin). It was abnormal, so she sent me to the lab for one to be read by the cardiologist.
Something about q-time. Honestly, since I actually have a bit of energy on it, I feel like it's worth the (cardiac) risk, unless it's like "cease or imminent death." (They probably won't feel the same.)
Oh, well. I should find out the results and what she wants to do in a day or two. No point getting my wand in a knot before then.
In other news, we're upping the Lamictal and discontinuing the Latuda.
I feel unusually good today, so crossing my fingers everything works out.
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fuckedforthelife · 2 months
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cocklessboy · 3 months
So here's the thing about having a post break containment on tumblr: if you make a mistake in the original post, there's absolutely fucking nothing you can do about it.
The people reblogging once you realize your mistake aren't reblogging it from your blog. They're reblogging it from someone you never even knew existed. If you edit the original, it does not affect the copies already being passed around.
You can make an addition to the post with a correction! But here's the thing. Posts tend to break containment if they are tagged and people see it in the tags they follow. But reblogs don't appear in tags. Only original posts do. So your addition will only be reblogged by people who follow you, and it's pretty rare for a post with a correction added in a reblog to break containment in the same way as the original.
So you wind up getting a lot of reblogs with angry comments about how you're wrong (and that's if they're being polite - the less polite ones will attack you rather viciously, which is not something I would wish on anyone). And even if you didn't make a mistake, if there's something you didn't make clear enough for Tumblr Reading Comprehension™️, you'll wind up inundated with angry comments from people who missed the point, and it's too late to go back and adjust your wording to make it clearer.
(That's why I'm making a new post for this instead of responding to the comments I got on the post in question, by the way. I'm hoping some of the same people who spread around the original might spot this one in the tags and share it around as well.)
So what is this about? I recently made a post about how a friend was worried that I was addicted to my ADHD meds purely because I said I look forward to taking them and they bring me joy.
The purpose of that post was:
Something bringing you joy doesn't necessarily make it addictive. (For fuck's sake stop being afraid of pleasure.)
Even if something is addictive, that's not inherently harmful.
Don't be afraid to take your meds just because they might be addictive. If they help you more than they harm you, take them.
I also made a comment about how my ADHD meds aren't addictive anyway. This is the point people have been pouncing on me about. So allow me to explain where that assertion came from.
My psychiatrist, an ADHD specialist who manages my meds: I know you're nervous about addiction and tolerance to meds, but don't worry. If you have ADHD, methylphenidate is not physically addictive.
My GP, who I got a second opinion from out of nervousness: Yup, your psychiatrist is right. You don't need to be afraid to take these. Take them as directed and you will not form a physical dependence on them. If you notice them getting less effective with time, though, you can always just take a break from them to remove any tolerance.
Me, after a year and a half of taking these meds: Yup, no addiction here. I guess my doctors were right.
So here we are. Two doctors and my own personal experience have assured me that ADHD meds are not something to be afraid of. Yet I keep seeing people afraid to take their meds because they're afraid of dependence. So why don't I do a nice thing in this post of mine and reassure my fellow gremlin-brained tumblrs that their meds are perfectly safe to take!
And to be fair, I've gotten quite a few reblogs with tags and additions and comments saying thank you, I was afraid to take my meds, even though they help me, but now I'm reassured that I shouldn't be scared.
And I think that's a positive outcome.
On the other hand, I'm getting some very angry comments from some people who seem to think I'm attempting to spread a vicious, intentional lie claiming that people with ADHD are immune to stimulant addiction and that I'm going to do all kinds of harm, presumably on purpose, because there's nothing I enjoy more than ruining other people's lives! 🙌
I would assume that anyone who thought about this for more than three seconds would realize that's not the case, but this is tumblr.
I've gotten angry rants ranging from "this author you've never heard of wrote a book where he defined addiction as inherently harmful, and therefore you're harming people by saying being addicted to something is not inherently bad!" to "STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION!!!" to "OP is making statements that are incompatible with reality!" and folks? I'm real fucking tired of it.
Is it possible that my doctors are wrong? Of course! Doctors get things wrong all the time, especially when it comes to stuff like ADHD! But yelling at me from across the internet and accusing me of lying is not helpful.
There is nothing I can do about the original post. I can reblog it with an addition clarifying that yes, everyone is capable of becoming psychologically dependent on basically anything in a way that would be considered addiction, and yes, that includes ADHD people and their meds.
To be clear, this does NOT contradict the intent of my original post: that ADHD meds are good, you should take them, medication making you feel good is nothing to fear, pleasure is not the same as addiction, addiction is not inherently dangerous, and according to my doctors, who are fallible human beings but my most trusted source of information as of the writing of that post, ADHD meds are not physically addictive - as in, your BODY will not become dependent on them to function. This is the definition of "addiction" I had in mind when I wrote that post - and I think in a lot of cases the thing upsetting people is that we don't even actually disagree on what we're trying to say, but there was a miscommunication in terms of what I actually meant.
If I could go back and edit that original post and have it change everywhere it's been reblogged, I absolutely would. I would clarify where my information was coming from and what definition of "addiction" I intended, and reiterate that even if something can cause physical dependence, that doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't take it.
But I can't. That post is out there now and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
Keep this in mind as you go forward in your tumblr journey, friends. If you come across a semi-popular post with a mistake in it, you can bet every bit of your ass that OP has heard about it many, many times already, probably in very impolite terms, and there is nothing they can do about the original post. Unless they're a massively popular blog, a reblog with an addition or correction will not be seen by the people spreading around the original.
And for fuck's sake, stop assuming ill intent on the part of people who say something incorrect online. There are people out there who intentionally spread misinformation, but those people are rare, and usually trying to get you to not vote democrat in US elections, not trying to encourage you to take your fucking meds. If you see a mistake, it's probably an honest one, and if you really want to correct it, be a decent fucking human being, be polite and kind, and try assuming good intentions on the part of the person who said it.
The person telling you to take your meds is not your fucking enemy.
Oh, and do me a favor and reblog this, please. I actually have very few followers so no one will see it if it doesn't get reblogged. Thank you.
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er-cryptid · 1 year
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stormclouds-chainmail · 8 months
Something odd I've noticed since starting ADHD medication, I can hear song lyrics better. Nothing else has changed in that respect but lines that had eluded me for years suddenly became intelligible.
An example. The Kim Carnes song, Bette Davis Eyes, has a line, "She knows just what it takes to make a pro blush." I always misheard that as, "crow blush," and wondered how crows even blushed. I never remembered to look it up. One day, after taking my Xaggitin, it all became crystal clear.
Has anyone else experienced this?
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bagog · 2 months
Failed Relationships - Concerta
When I grew up, they gave me a test to determine what sort of relationship was called for in my genes. Some would work, some wouldn’t (probably), and others… who knows?
You looked like someone I used to know, but I met you in a different time. I was different, you were different enough from her, the test had indicated you were a good fit. Tight jeans and a billowing top, hair slung over one shoulder, it’s like you rolled out of bed but all the clothes strewn around your room were expensive and stylish. Like you had no choice but to look good, no real choice. Barefoot in a way that belies the scope of the truth.
You insisted we take our time, though I was impatient. I waited with you all day, anxieties pouring in, for you to take my hand, and you didn’t. You said “You devour everything I give you before you’ve realized I’ve given you everything. Curse your body.” And maybe you were right.
Looking at the ceiling above the bed, thinking of all the things I’d rather be doing with you, lying to myself that the time will be worth it.
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rosesandthorns44 · 7 months
Just spent about an hour calling pharmacies to find one that has the medication my doctor wants me to try in stock. I guess it's typically used to treat ADHD, but I'm being prescribed it for Idiopathic Hypersomnia.
My usual pharmacy said they don't have it and it could be *weeks or months* before they do have it. That's fucking bonkers.
I called around, and I found one that claims they have it, so now I need to cross my fingers and hope they still have it when my doctor's office sends in the prescription.
*flips off the DEA or whomever is responsible for this horseshit where disabled people can't access their meds because it's a medication SOME people abuse*
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metanonsense · 10 months
38th hour on ritalin, alpra, assorted chocolates, takeaway pizza, Red Bull, anger, misanthropy, and still counting. In the meantime said au revoir to my employer, got some guests who cleaned up my den made of old pizza boxes, and (again) went full innuendo mode with the very same ex as always, who's again in another happy-ish relationship. This day has just begun.
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adhdxxsdiary · 2 years
3 hours after taking 15 mg of Ritalin and 18 mg of Concerta and feeling like I want to stare at a wall and do nothing. I thought it supposed to make me more ✨focused✨ , not put me to bed
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adhs-gedanken · 8 months
ADHS-Gedicht: Stimmen im Kopf
Im Geist ein Wirbel, wild und laut, ADHS, ein stürmischer Schmaus. Die Gedanken fliegen wie Vögel im Wind, Ein Chaos, das niemals wirklich zerrinnt.
Stimmen im Kopf, sie flüstern und rufen, Mal freundlich, mal wild, mal voller Schüchternheit verpuffen. Sie tanzen im Rhythmus des unruhigen Seins, Mal sanft wie ein Hauch, mal wie Donner und Grein.
Sie sagen Geschichten, mal laut, mal leis, Erzählen von Welten, die niemand sonst weiß. Sie flüstern von Träumen und flüstern von Pein, Von Kreativität und dem Drang, anders zu sein.
Die Stimmen sind laut, doch auch voller Charme, Sie spiegeln die Seele, den innersten Kern. Sie treiben und quälen, doch bringen sie Glück, Denn sie sind der Funke, das kreative Stück.
ADHS ist ein Wirbelsturm voller Kraft, Ein Tanz der Gedanken, der niemals erschlafft. Die Stimmen im Kopf sind Teil des Ganzen, Sie formen die Welt, lassen Träume erhaschen.
Also höre den Stimmen mit offenen Ohr'n, Lass sie sprechen, flüstern, brüllen und stör'n. Denn in ihrem Klang liegt die wahre Pracht, Ein Spiegel der Seele, der leuchtend erwacht.
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