#mha quirk ideas
mha-quirk-ideas · 4 months
Normal Person
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The user of this Quirk will always be seen as a normal person. No action they make, no matter how strange, will not be questioned and will be accepted as normal. A certain time after the Quirk user has committed an action that would seem out of place, witnesses may recover, but only if they seriously consider the incident and this Quirk makes it difficult for them to do so. No matter how strange they may look, no one will ever give them a second glance.
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pillowfluffblythe · 1 year
Can anyone give me ideas for a quirk based on earsureheads? Or based on negative quirk genes? 😄
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darkmew122 · 1 year
Quirk Ideas!
I’m looking for a quirk idea to help me make a character! I’m trying to go for a Mimikyu, Scarecrow fear factor and Douma kind of style based quirk! Can be multi quirk or one quirk either or!
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some random sketches I made on my school diary because that’s what I do when I’m bored :P
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amaranthdahlia · 4 months
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[chapter 408] extended cut - sewer chase scene
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mishy-mashy · 15 days
Imagine we get to the Paranormal Orphans chapter (410) in the anime, and instead of a normal narrator like Midoriya or AFO, it's just- Present Mic.
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*Present Mic*
If only he was swept away by the river at birth and drowned- COUGH!!!
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thebnha-auhoard · 7 months
How about 5 headcanons for an AU where All Might can't pass on One for All unless all the vestiges agree? They are super-picky and have been preventing him from finding a successor for decades. It gets harder to get a unanimous vote with each new ghost added. Instead of clearing a beach, Izuku must win each vestige's approval to succeed All Might. Thank you!
*finger guns*
On it boss!
Let's make it clear that the choice for the next Successor is only taking so long because the Vestiges now have time. They have time to choose. Before it was so fast. They had to choose fast because the Users dropped dead far too fast. Shinomori, Banjou, and En's decisions were all unamionous agreement so quickly because their current holder was dying and they have to pass down the Light that may defeat AFO. With Nana and Yagi, they had time to choose. And boy oh boy they were using the time with Yagi to fucking choose.
Sir Nighteye here I feel like would be so frustrated over the fact that every single one of the Past Users have to agree. He is trying so hard to find a perfect successor for not only All Might but also the past users. The reason why Mirio was rejected was due to how Third and Second felt like he wouldn’t have the determination to truly push through all the boundaries to do the right thing.
When Yagi chose Izuku as his successor, he had to go and disclose to him that he must not only win the approval of Yagi but all then past users of OFA. You got to rizz them up Izuku. You got to win their approval so that OFA won’t just simply be “Unfortunate. You just swallowed hair.” Izuku still needs to clean up the garbage in the Beach though. Still got to get in shape and rizz Yagi after all.
Do want to say that all users have a different reason why they don’t believe Izuku is the right successor. En I always headcanon to have been the youngest OFA user before Izuku and when he got OFA that messed him up bad mentally. Do not have a kid be the next user that will ruin him. I don’t have everyone’s reasons but I do believe that Second would still have the doubt that Izuku wouldn’t be able to go through with the convictions and may be too soft.
Izuku basically goes through a history lesson and workout with this. He is learning about the world and what the past users went through and trying to empathize with them. Early past OFA user meet is always something I love.
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kickbutts-singsongs · 3 months
I know no one asked, but I have exactly zero (0) people to talk about bkdk with irl so here you guys go
My BKDK Journey
Yes, this sounds stupid, but my god it’s been almost three years of an absolute rollercoaster of feelings and denials and tears and revelations…
and if you don’t mind, I’m gonna rant about it.
(not spoiler free)
May 2021
To start off, i wasn’t always a bkdk shipper.
I shipped izu*cha at first (not saying it’s a bad ship btw; it’s actually quite cute. im just afraid people’ll be mad if I accidentally invade their tag lol), primarily because I assumed that would be the ship that became canon.
But also, my veryyyyy leasttttt favorite character… was Bakugou Katsuki.
When I tell you that I would’ve loved nothing more than to somehow spawn into the bnha universe and punch that brat in the face— AGHHHHHHHHHH
Now this wasn’t all his fault: A) I watched the dub first lol, and B) he reminded me of someone that i was not in a place to stand up to at the time, and his constant anger, yelling, and harsh treatment of Izuku—who i began to relate to—made me hateeee him.
There was a time when I literally said “if he died, I wouldn’t miss him.” <- this was later proven false lol
So, I was watching the anime dub with an absolute animosity for our resident deuteragonist, but on top of that…
I was watching it with a friend with a crunchyroll account who lived in another state that I was visiting and staying with for two weeks, so by the time i had to go back home, we’d only gotten up to the part where All Might was getting Inko’s permission to let Izuku stay at the UA dorms.
Anddddddd in my drive to consume more bnha once I got home, i somehow stumbled across an Instagram account that posted bnha sub episodes divided into parts,
but they only had season four and onwards.
Sooooo I never saw the second half of season three… more importantly,
(I will say that I had seen a couple photos/edits/etc, but I never knew what had been said, or why they fought)
June 2021
At this point in time, I’d been exposed to a lot of the fandom. My fyp on both IG and Pinterest were filled to the brim with all things bnha (because this is what happens when one has a hyperfixation), so I saw a lot of stuff.
Especially fanart.
This is where I started learning about the different ships.
I saw a lot of the side character ships and thought they were adorable (kamijirou, todomomo, even kiribaku), but then I saw some with Izuku.
Izu*cha was a given for me. I didn’t think there was a single person that didn’t ship it. But then I started seeing fanart of ships like tododeku, shindeku, and bakudeku.
And my first reaction to finding out that people shipped my beautiful baby sunshine boi with the person who bullied him for years?????
So with my (unknowingly) limited knowledge of their relationship, i was very much an anti (i never spoke out or anything, i just reallyyyy didn’t like the ship lol)
(And then, you know, I started to see all the bkdk hate online and kinda went “okay not touching that”)
But that began to change…
August 2021
…after I saw a manga leak for the first time.
I was scrolling thru my feed and all of a sudden. BOOM!
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I was like 😧
And i looked in the comments and yes it was.
I checked out the page and found that they had an entire account of manga leaks and was so happy.
I quickly began to read from the very bottom of that account, and it started from right about where Izuku first began his vigilante arc (i had no idea how much was in between then and where I left off on the anime, but I was willing to read it lol)
And so I waited diligently for the leaks every week (a practice I have continued to uphold lol), until one day, i came across an untranslated series of panels from the latest chapter. I looked at it and it was of Katsuki and Izuku, facing each other in the rain (you know the one). I knew the leaks would be coming a day later, but I wanted to look through them anyways, so I did.
I didn’t understand a word they said, but the pictures and imagery of them as kids then middle schoolers then where they were now seemed so touching…
And then I came across a pair of kanji that I recognized.
I was like “wait WHAT???”
I zoomed in and went “that— isn’t that—? That’s part of Midoriya’s name, right???”
And then I was like “wait a second… omg that’s Izuku, isn’t it. That’s the freaking kanji for Izuku.”
And it was!!!!!
So inside I’m having a mini freakout cuz—
Bakugou just called him IZUKU
Fast forward to the next day, and I looked at the translated version, and found out that not only did he call him Izuku,
And I was like “huhhhhhhh”
What happened between now and the most recent anime episodes for this to occur???? For Bakugou to do a complete 180 and apologize????????
Well, I finally got my answers…
November 2021
…when I started reading the manga.
I started from the beginning, cuz I wanted to see Horikoshi’s art style and the extra drawings and all the other stuff…
And when I tell you that Katsuki became a whole new character to me—
First, I read everything about early-on Bakugou— without hearing him yell in his dub voice—and realized “oh wow he really is just a kid with issues and a worldview that he’s now having to change.”
Then, I finally read what happened in that space between moving into the dorms and the beginning of season four (most importantly, DvK2).
Then, oh then, I got up to where season five ended and the rest of the manga began.
. . .
Funny thing: back when I read the leaks to ch322, I remember thinking to myself, “huh. what did Bakugou mean by Shigaraki making swiss cheese outta him?”
That was the moment where i truly ceased to hate Katsuki cuz holy character development batman
Then, of course, we see them in recovery
And then the vigilante arc and apology scene *sobs*
And then I was caught up.
(Btw I finished the entire manga up ‘til ch334 in just over a week. I read for nine days straight. During the school year. My emotions were all over the place goodness gracious I could barely concentrate.)
So that’s how I went from being a Bakugou hater to going “you know what he’s a complex character and he’s slowly becoming a better person” and realizing that he was now one of my fav characters and therefore cursed to die but I’ll talk about that later
Was I now a bakudeku shipper?
Hah nope.
December 2021
I began my dive into the true essence of any fandom: fanfiction.
Over the course of winter break, I had started off with fics that had no romantic pairing (I just wanted to see my boi Izuku), but then somehow stumbled across Mastermind: Strategist for Hire and then read the entirety of the For Want of a Nail series (shoutout to Clouds btw ❤️) cuz I was like “ok whew no bkdk fics” which was my mindset at the time.
But somehow (I can’t even remember how I found it) I came across a bkdk fic. It was called For Want of Izuku’s Toe Joint by Talavin (okay now that I think about it there’s probably a simple explanation lol).
I don’t quite know what compelled me to start reading it, but I did.
And I really liked it.
But not in the “I’ve been converted” kinda way.
It was like an “I shouldn’t be enjoying this why am I enjoying this?” kinda feeling. Like my head says no but my heart says yeah.
A really really really really guilty pleasure.
So, from that day on, whenever I came across any form of bkdk media, I would simultaneously feel discomfort and yet an odd sense of satisfaction.
A snippet of my daily life:
Me: *comes across bkdk fanart on pinterest*
Me: eww
Also me: *stares at it for like five minutes straight*
Me: who even likes this?
Also me: *saves pin to my mha board*
Me: not my ship
Also me: *scrolls down to more like this*
Bless my heart I was in such denial.
July 2022
Bit of a timeskip, but nothing of note really happened in those last six months so here we go.
We’ve gotten to the point in the manga where the final arc is underway and Bakugou is about to KICK SOME BUTT
He’s revealed his Panser Strafe support item and I’m gushing about it to my friend (she kinda fell out of the fandom but still tolerated my rants bless her)
Oh, side note: it was then that I also expressed my concern for Bakugou’s “alive” status
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For reference, some of my favorite characters are:
Beth March (Little Women)
John Reese (Person of Interest)
Joss Carter (Person of Interest)
Leonard Snart (Arrowverse)
Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars)
Fantine (Les Mis)
Eponine (Les Mis)
Jean Valjean (Les Mis)
Simon (Lord of the Flies)
Piggy (Lord of the Flies)
Grace Stone (Manifest)
Bubaigawara Jin — Twice (BNHA)
Wanna guess which of these guys died?
Trick question! It’s all of them (:
Yeah so anyways those following chapters really made me excited and nervous cuz YEAH KICK HIS ASS BAKUGOU but also IZUKUUUUU WE NEED YOU
hah hah.
August 2022
Utterly gobsmacked. Cried. Disbelief. Horrified. Confusion. Anger. Went through the five stages of grief and then some.
Sometimes I hate being right 🥲
But the good thing that came from this was that my positive view of Katsuki only grew after seeing his utter faith in Izuku (and his thoughts being on him in his final moments???? 🥺🥺🥺)
And it was at this point in time where I could admit to myself “you know what? i see it. i see the appeal. i wouldn’t mind this actually becoming canon.”
Did I think that it would actually become canon?? No.
September 2022
I don’t know how I thought Izuku was gonna react to seeing Katsuki’s body on the ground, but GOOD LORD IT WASNT THAT
Even sweet little blind me realized “oh wow he like really feels intense stuff for Katsuki huh”
(But some things I missed—cuz I was still a bit wired for izu*cha—were shigarakis implications “yeah u looooove the present I got u” and the freaking HEART that blackwhip caused??? when Izuku reeled himself back in???? like how did i miss that i read that chapter like fifteen times??)
So this is all to say that I’ve missed any and all actual bkdk hints up until this point. I finally lifted my head out of the izu*cha fog when…
July 2023
…Ochako and Toga had their chat about romance.
The first actual hint was when Ochako had told Toga “I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life.”
Little blind me became a bit less blind that day, cuz I was like “um. ochako? that— that sounded kinda like a proposal. like. a marriage proposal. ochako??”
And then those chapters just kept getting better!!
Bebe Ochako’s determination???
The Spirited Away moment?????
“I’m envious of your smile”????????
For the first time, I was looking at the manga without the assumption that izu*cha would be endgame. And it only got better after I…
August 2023
…got Tumblr!!!
Everything was downhill from here folks.
In the best possible way.
I came across some analyses of what was going on with togachako, and consequently led me to some bakudeku analyses. I read them and my goodness they made so much sense.
Like not even just personality-wise!! Those metas brought in actual things Horikoshi said about wanting to go outside the norms of shounen (and about not liking the Naruto ending 💀), and compared bkdk to tropes in different works of fiction, and even discussed how bkdk made sense narratively. They properly convinced me of the ship.
And then for good measure, I reread the manga in its entirety thru a bkdk filter, and lo and behold things took on new meanings and my eyes were opened.
I totally and irrevocably shipped them! And I actually thought they had a chance at being canon!!
(And then I binged so much bkdk fanfiction omg you wouldn’t BELIEVE like I read the ones with the highest kudos first and then just picked the biggest collections I could find and read down the line
It was like being on drugs like each fic gave me more dopamine than the last I was so happy oh my god)
October 2023
And then finally, the day came.
The answer to “is bakugou alive yet?” became a yes.
We screamed. We cried. We jumped for joy. We told bakugou antis to suck it. But most of all, our bkdk hearts soared to see our boys make eye contact with each other for the first time in over a year 🥹
And from that moment on, I truly began to believe that bkdk would indeed become canon.
And so, this concludes my 42672288 page rant about how I came to be a bkdk shipper.
Thank you for reading, and before I go, I want to ask:
How did you guys get into bkdk?
Did you convert over from izu*cha? Or perhaps tododeku? Or maybe kiribaku? Or are you one of the few who have shipped them since the beginning??
In any case, I’m happy you’re here. And while it may have taken me a couple years, I’m happy that I’m here too :)
(and thank you @animelover32456)
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blast-offbluetanica · 2 months
—With shifters who have similar quirks as me, here are some gifs to visualise with.
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Most of these gifs are from anime Beyond the boundary!!
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
(I’m watching mha for the first time through) and ok so like…. Hawks’ quirk is literally controlling every feather in his wings individually????????…. how ler of you sir
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mha-quirk-ideas · 4 months
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Any fear the user of this Quirk experiences is redirected to those around them. The more afraid the user is, the more fear those around them will experience. And the more people around the user, the more people will experience fear. The Quirk does apply to animals– anything that can experience fear. Range and the fear those around the user experience can be increased with training. The ability to limit the fear those around them experience to specific targets can be manifested with training. If there is no other living being that can experience fear within the given range, fear will be experienced by the user.
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poly-space-nerds · 1 year
hmmm thinking about Todoroki and Midoriya being childhood friends where they promised to marry each other so that todoroki could protect midoriya from bullies and he protects todoroki from his dad but one day todoroki just vanished and he doesn’t hear from him again until they end up in UA.
cue todoroki not wanting to get close because he’s still consumed by anger at his father and thinks Izuku won’t want to be his friend anymore since he’s changed so much and ignores him. Midoriya is hurt yet can’t stop thinking about him and the scar on his eye. i.e. they don’t interact in season 1. then sports festival happens and todoroki tells him everything. Midoriya is obvious like ‘i’m always gonna be your friend’ and ‘it’s your power isn’t it?’ while Todoroki is ‘i’m sorry’ and ‘thank you’.
The day after the sports festival has ended and everyone is back in class, Todoroki walks into the classroom, eyes set on Midoriya, gets on one knee and proposes. much to literally everyone else’s confusion.
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ace-touya · 5 months
My Favourite Quirk Ideas I’ve Come Up With for OCs
The user has the ability to solidify the water in the area to a pink material than can be formed into any shape, meaning it can be used as a shield, armour, a weapon, etc. quirk obviously cannot be used if there is no water around. It also doesn’t wear off - the water stays in the solidified form.
By repeating a person’s name, the user is able to freeze, speed up, or slow down that person’s movement. It only works for as long as the user is able to continuously repeat their name. As soon as they stop saying it, the effect ends.
The user has the ability to amplify the sound of anything they touch with all five fingers. They cannot amplify their own voice, but they can amplify musical instruments that they play, including ones that use breath. They can also amplify other people’s voice. My oc used this on my friend’s oc who is related to Present Mic.
Sleep Paralysis Demon
A sentient quirk. The user has an 8’0 demon with enhanced strength that follows it everywhere. The demon’s strength depends on how much sleep the user gets - more sleep = weaker demon, but if the user hasn’t slept in ages, the demon becomes angry and attacks the user. My oc’s demon is named Shy.
Another sentient quirk, a being that only the user can see and hear. The being can interact with physical objects and therefore can communicate with other people by writing. If the user doesn’t eat enough, the being disappears.
The user has a resistance to heat and is sensitive to cold temperatures. They cannot get burned. Anything they touch with the palms of their hands sets alight
The user shoots golden strings that vary in length from their knuckles. They have electrical properties, so can be used to electrocute people, but my oc mainly uses them as a capture weapon instead.
Based on the game Alice: Madness Returns, when the user is experiencing a lot of physical pain, they get a power boost. Their eyes go red and their skin goes completely white, and they get enhanced strength and can’t feel pain. They cannot die while hysteria is active, but it doesn’t heal wounds, so when it deactivated, if fatal wounds are left untreated, the user will still die.
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circledotdestroy · 1 year
Hearts and Nerves (Shouto Todoroki x F!Reader)
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Todoroki was nervous. He wasn’t sure why, you two have been friends for a while after all. The look on his face didn’t show it, but his heart raced when he saw you. It was an overwhelming feeling that made him want to stay as close as possible to you, but also made him want to run away. 
At first he thought it was because he saw you as a threat. He did challenge you alongside Midoriya before the Sports Festival. While he challenged Midoriya due to a connection with All Might, he challenged you because it was clear that you were a prodigy with a powerful quirk. You were the obvious threat for the Number 1 Spot.
While you still competed against him now, the two of you were friends. He knows you wouldn’t hurt him— outside of training. Despite the rivalry, you were supportive of him and always seemed so enthusiastic to see him grow and flourish, both as a hero and a person. He shared the same pride in you, so why would he feel fear?
He tried separating himself to think of a reason. When he tried to meditate on it, he could only reminisce of times where you sat with him at lunch and tried your best to stay on track describing a show you like to him, someone who doesn’t watch television very often. The way you described it left him with more questions than answers, but the smile on your face, the way you moved your hands as you spoke, the light radiating from your eyes…
What can he do to keep your eyes shining like that? As soon as he could look you in the eye without having his heart trying to burst from his chest, he was going to find out and do everything he could.
Needless to say, Todoroki still had no clue why he was nervous around you; so he decided the next step was to consult a friend. 
That moment, Todoroki got off his floor mat and left his room to find the person who would help him face this sudden fear. Bakugou was very confused by his rival standing behind his door asking for help– with a generous offering of tea and protein cookies. Bakugou’s confusion inclined him to allow his rival inside, feeling a mix of curiosity and pride at his rival coming to beg him for help. When he found out it had nothing to do with heroism or fighting, Bakugou got irritated toward Todoroki for wasting his time and yelled at him for being a “stupid coward over a girl” they were “supposed to be competing against for Number 1”.
Todoroki asked Bakugou how he was supposed to conquer his new fear of you and got a once-bitten and half-dipped cookie thrown at him along with many choice-words from his newly found love-guru.
Todoroki was nervous. This time he was sure why. You two have been friends for a while, and now he has new labels for feelings that have never applied to him before. Although his face didn’t show it, his heart raced as he told you to walk with him to UA’s gardening club after the day was done. He never thought he could be excited for a time that he wished would never come.
He counted the minutes back every time he looked at a clock, he hoped if he stared at it he could have just a little longer to prepare himself for what he knew had to happen. 
When the time came, Todoroki is sure there are more white hairs on his head than red. He tries to stick with the scripted conversation starters that he played in his head since he decided that day at this time he was going to tell you what’s been keeping him up at night. 
The two of you go to the gardens where Shouto has to tell you, his dearest rival, how you are a threat he has no strategy against. You held his beating heart in the palm of your hand, he can only hope you’re kind enough to show him mercy. 
Standing near soft, pink carnations you embraced him and felt the beating heart in his chest. Shouto didn’t feel like running away.
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kaytaygay · 1 month
I was kindly given a MASSIVE list of quirks to make from @mizuniatora so I’m just gonna reblog this with a new quirk every time I make one
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mishy-mashy · 8 days
Technically an OC fic that's not Resistance-based-
Yoichi singing the American anthem to make a baby sleep. It's the only song he ever heard on the radio, and it actually works
Kudo throwing a baby Factor over the edge to kick them out of the void because Bruce wouldn't do it
Bruce felt himself wither and die a bit more at what was expected of him.
Kudo rolled his eyes. "If you're not going to do it-"
"Second, don't you dare-"
"Kudo," Yoichi tried.
"I will," he finished, heaving her up by the back of her onesie like she were a trash bag. Raising her up to eye level, he did a brief three-finger salute.
Her head was too heavy, and neck too weak, for her to look anywhere but at his feet, biting her gums onto her little knuckles. She had no idea what this man was about to do to her.
"Hasta la Vista, kiddo. Enjoy your last seconds of life."
En speedrunning the marriage process because his friend wanted to (both ace, it's a QP relationship)
"Sorahiko-senpai, give me the marriage certificate," En nearly hissed over their burgers.
Sorahiko chewed slowly. "Why?"
"I'm about to set the world record for fastest divorce—!!!"
Quirk bullcrap where the story focuses on what happens if a Quirk Singularity can't adjust, and how Factors are their own personality.
AKA, when a Quirk Singularity is in a normal person, and not like OFA or AFO.
Gran Torino is bad at relationship advice
"In my experience, which is none—"
Aizawa has problem children (definitely plural) acting out on day 1
Aizawa slammed the door open.
"Hi, Shouta!" she waved, a raging blonde stuck to the classroom wall and screaming up a storm. The first day had barely started, too. "Fancy seeing you here-!"
Aizawa slammed the door shut.
Setting up a Monopoly game for the vestiges to play
"I want the doggy."
"I want the doggy!"
Kudo didn't even blink. "Shut up, Fifth, Yoichi gets the dog."
She looked at Midoriya, who suddenly went quiet. His expression was a bit cowed, staring blankly at the tiny player pieces.
"Ah..." His head jolted, called to attention. His head immediately fell down a bit as he admitted, a bit awkwardly, "They're, fighting over the doggy..."
"Yoichi grew up with nothing. Are you really going to deprive this orphan of even a playing piece?"
"Are you seriously playing the pity card right now?!"
"I'll play any card to let Yoichi have what little he never got when he was alive,” Kudo sniffed, arms crossed. “I may have been a murderer, but wow. I never took you for a heartless monster, Fifth."
"Guys," Shinomori spoke up quietly, completely ignored and otherwise unheard underneath their spreading bickering, "it's just a board game..."
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