#middle earth 30 day challenge
barrenclan · 2 years
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Alone in the middle of a desolate wasteland, BarrenClan is a hardy and irritable group of cats. They seem to have lived there for generations, and are determined to eke out survival in this unforgiving land. But one of their new apprentices, the bold and curious Pinepaw, is determined to discover the terrible truths buried under the sand, as well as rise to meet the changes coming to his Clan. Read along as the secrets unfold in “Pinepaw and the Forgotten World”. 
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Here is the cover! Pinepaw and the Forgotten World will update roughly every two to three weeks, depending on my schedule. All posts and issues will be archived on this blog. I hope you enjoy it!
Yes, you have my permission to use a style and/or format inspired by this comic for your own projects. 
This comic is not based on the text-based game ClanGen. It was based off the Clan Generator challenge, which you can see in this video.
Helpful tags for navigating this blog (click on the search icon):
#issue: a list of all the completed issues. Use this tag to only see issues of the comic. 
#reference: reference sheets for the characters. 
#lore: background information about the world of the comic. 
#extra art: drawings I create outside of the comic itself. 
#fanart: drawings other people have made for the comic.
Allegiances: Family Tree (spoilers)
PATFW Discord: https://discord.gg/xXUqTYtvx5
PATFW Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0GZWVmucv2DvA4H7uLwquk (Song Guide)
Complete masterpost of issues, underneath Keep Reading link:
Issue 1 - Dry Heat and Cracked Earth
Issue 2 - I’ve Never Heard That Name Before
Issue 3 - Stupid Little Kit Daydreams
Issue 4 - It’s Just Like Falling Asleep 
Issue 5 - Smoke and Ash and Fire and Salt and Blood
Issue 6 - Healers Hear All The Secrets
Issue 7 - Foxholes Bite Back
Issue 8 - Do You Really Think That’s Your Destiny?
Issue 9 - It’s Only a Deer
Issue 10 - What Was That Now, Dear?
Issue 11 - We’re Held Together By Spiderweb
Issue 12 - The Shining Towns
Issue 13 - To Kill Is Right. To Kill Is Good. To Kill Is To Live.
Issue 14 - The Rotten Stench of Blood
Issue 15 - Was It Something I Did?
Issue 16 - I Bet You Can’t Catch Me
Issue 17 - You Are the Darkness Before the Storm
Issue 18 - I Met Him Under a Warm Dawn
Issue 19 - Kindness for the Dying Is Easy to Spare
Issue 21 - Lovebug
Issue 22 - A Favor for a Favor
Issue 23 - Your Voice Was So Soft
Issue 24 - Lost In a Haze
Issue 25 - You Don’t Speak to My Daughter That Way
Issue 26 - My Heart Is Too Heavy to Sleep
Issue 27 - Little Paws Take Little Steps
Issue 28 - Viscera, Shiny in the Light of Day
Issue 29 - We’re Not So Different, You and I
Issue 30 - Time Is a Circle
Issue 31 - Blood
Issue 32 - Cassandra
Issue 33 - Hurt Me! Beat Me! Just Please Don’t Leave Me!
Issue 34 - Sunset Days
Issue 35 - The Death of BarrenClan: Part One
Issue 36 - The Death of BarrenClan: Part Two
Issue 37 - The Death of BarrenClan: Part Three
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sesamestreep · 5 months
30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 3
Use the words: kitchen, date, music (from this list) ➸ this could be canon-verse (ish??) or it would honestly work for any AU of mine too. choose your own adventure!
“This doesn’t count as our big date night, for the record.”
Foggy actually pauses in the middle of pouring the wine and gestures around him in bewilderment. “What? Why not?”
“We’re in the office kitchen,” Matt says, leaning back in the uncomfortable plastic chair. When they’d moved into their new office—after a much longer time than either of them had counted on working out of the back of the Nelsons’ shop—money had still been tight enough that most of their furniture was secondhand and largely donated by well-meaning friends and family. They’ve been slowly replacing things to make the place seem less ramshackle but it takes time and they’ve obviously focused their early efforts on the spaces that their clients actually see. The pathetic little kitchen table with its two chairs is not a high priority for replacement, all things considered.
“What’s wrong with our kitchen?” Foggy asks. “Kitchens can be romantic.”
“Kitchens in general can, sure, but this one cannot.”
“And I’m asking why not?”
“For one thing, it’s not really a kitchen,” Matt says. “It’s a coffeemaker, a few cabinets, and a microwave.”
“And a sink,” Foggy replies, cheerfully. “Don’t forget the sink.”
“Oh, right. The sink does make it more romantic.”
“Thank you!”
“A date needs ambience,” Matt continues, undeterred. “Candles, or mood lighting, at the very least. Music or…something! We have none of that.”
“I can get that wind-up lantern we have in case of power outages, if you think that would help,” Foggy says. “And I think I have a kazoo in my office.”
“Why do you have a kazoo, of all things?”
“Marlena’s daughter gave it to me last time they were here. I think it counts as our payment for that case, by the way.”
Matt shakes his head, refusing to be amused. “We’re drinking bodega wine and eating…God, what are we even eating?”
“Your choice of—” Foggy is interrupted by the crinkling of plastic—“frozen breakfast burritos or…pizza bagels.”
“We’re grown men,” Matt says, scandalized, but somehow his smile escapes his attempt at containment. “This is pathetic.”
“I don’t know when you suddenly got too good for convenience store fare, but I’ve never made any such claims.”
“Your mother would kill me if she knew this is what I let pass for a romantic dinner.”
“Believe it or not, Matt, I don’t report back to my mother after every date,” Foggy replies, sounding like he’s very much resisting the urge to laugh. “Where on earth would you get the idea that I did?”
“I don’t know,” Matt sighs. “I’m being irrational, I understand.”
Foggy pats his hand where it’s resting on the table. “I’m disappointed too,” he says, gently.
Matt sighs again, even more dramatically. They’d had big plans to go out tonight, to finally take a night to themselves after cases had taken up most of their nights and weekends as well as their days. It wasn’t like they could afford to say no, not when people needed their help and when they needed to pay rent, so they’d been steadily working themselves down to nubs for the past few months. Tonight was meant to be a small reprieve, and Matt had learned enough to know he might not feel the need for it as much as Foggy claimed to but he did still need a break now and then, whether he could recognize it ahead of time or not.
Then, of course, a trial for one of their clients had gotten moved up, which meant they had to get all their prep done in a very small timeframe and their plans for a night off had dutifully been thrown over in favor of work once again. Hence the late dinner of whatever Foggy could find at the nearest bodega, because of course he was the one to remember, amidst the tidal wave of work, that they still needed to eat something, at least. Matt really doesn’t know how he managed to stay alive before Foggy—though, now that he thinks of it, “before Foggy” is such a distant time in the past for him at this point that he struggles to remember it at all. Which is its own kind of alarming.
“You’re not going to break up with me over this, right?” Matt asks, and again, it’s a real sign of growth that he can say it out loud at all, that he can even admit to needing the reassurance.
“God no,” Foggy says, rubbing Matt’s knuckles with his thumb. “First of all, this isn’t even a little bit your fault—”
“It was my idea to start the firm in the first place, though, so technically—”
“And secondly,” Foggy continues, ignoring him, “if I broke up with you, I’d never find someone else who would put up with this kind of thing on a regular basis. You’re the only person who understands. I got very lucky. Breaking up with you would be like hitting on a 17 in blackjack.”
“I don’t know anything about gambling, but I’m guessing that was very sweet.”
Foggy laughs. “It was, thank you for noticing. If we ever get a moment of peace in our lives, I’ll take you to Atlantic City and teach you everything you need to know about blackjack.”
“I have a set of Braille playing cards at home,” Matt says, feeling his face heat for no real reason. “I mean, just in the interest of setting more reasonable goals.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Getting as far away as New Jersey is pretty unrealistic, for us.”
“I appreciate that you want to take me away someplace nice, though.”
“Of course,” Foggy says. “Only the best for you.”
“Exotic vacations to New Jersey, fancy dinners from the freezer aisle, six dollar wine…” Matt muses. “Who says you can’t have it all?”
“You haven’t seen anything yet, baby,” Foggy quips. “If you think dinner for two in the office kitchenette is uninspiring, wait until you experience making love on the office couch!”
Matt wrinkles his nose, even as he feels himself blush. “Yeah, that’s going to take some convincing,” he says, though he doesn’t admit that it probably won’t amount to all that much. Foggy can talk him into almost anything, because a major component of being in love is being dangerously stupid for another person, he’s found.
“I think I’ll let the cheap wine do the talking for me on this one,” Foggy says, reaching across the table to top off Matt’s glass—or, well, paper cup. “Drink up!”
Matt does, and it’s a pleasant surprise when it turns out to be better and sweeter than he ever imagined. There’s probably a metaphor in there somewhere…
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fiction-giga · 2 years
"I missed you more"
30 Day Blurb Challenge - Traveling
blurb prompt list here
Day 3 - Traveling long distances just to see them
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Mentions of homelessness, scaring, fluff
Word Count - 1456
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Your mom had to practically drag you out of Hawkins after the gates earthquakes shook the town to its very core. Your house was unlivable, the foundation crumbled into nothing but a pile of rubble.
When she announced the move to Chicago, you were less than thrilled. Your relationship with Eddie was stronger than ever before, bonded by the trauma the two of you had just gone through.
Hopper managed to get his name cleared under some godly miracle. Apparently there was enough evidence to pin the brutal killings on Jason. But that doesn’t mean the town believe it. Most people still believed it was Eddie, noting that he was spending a lot of time with who used to be his sworn enemy, Hopper.
Everyone settled back into their old positions just fine. Luckily the Byers house had yet to be purchased, something to do with an electrical problem, so they just settled back in. Steve and Robin put their money together and started renting a house. Nancy and Jonathan followed in their footsteps with the welcomed addition of Argyle, leaving Eddie and his Uncle Wayne the only ones shit out of a home.
The trailer was split right down the middle, no salvaging left possible. So they did the next best thing. They grabbed some trash bags and started to collect all their stuff that managed to survive the split in the earth's crust.
You would have offered Eddie a Wayne salvation if there was anywhere they could stay. But at the moment, you and your mom were in a very similar position.
Finding a hotel room was practically impossible, seeing as most homes were damaged severely and the rooms were all booked up in a matter of a few hours. That left a lot of people homeless, but have no fear. That’s what friends are for?
Wayne and Eddie managed to strike a sweet deal with Hop for his old cabin. He pretty much just handed it over to the four of you. And you will admit, living with your boyfriend, his uncle, and your mom was far from comfortable. You and Eddie found it nice, being able to go home together, sharing spaces. But it got all awkward as soon as you walked through the door, your parents as far away as they could be from each other.
So it was only a matter of time before your big move was inevitably announced, but when it happened, you were not on board. Packing was easy and quick, considering you never really got to unpack. So that meant zero time to say goodbye.
The party rushed out to the cabin as fast as they could due to the very little notice of your goodbye. Just a few hours ago your mom told you about the move, and now, with what little you had left was thrown in the back of your mom's minivan ready to go. She granted you five minutes. Five minutes to say goodbye to a lifetime of memories.
Tears were shed, even Wayne cried a bit, but once those five minutes were up, you were gone.
But none of that mattered now because you were on your way back. It has been a year since you left. You and Eddie spoke on the phone as frequently as your lives would allow. Sent packages to each other, pictures and letters from the kids all shoved in decorated boxes. It wasn’t easy trying to keep in contact from such a distance, but you both made it work.
Now that your little community college has let out for spring break was upon you, you jumped at the opportunity to visit Hawkins. You hurried your mom through all her packing and loading up the van before shoving yourself in the driver's seat and speeding off. The drive was long and miserable but the thought of Eddie growing closer by the second kept you on your toes.
When you arrived you noticed not much had changed. The town was still in shambles but it wasn’t as dramatic as it had been a year ago. The flames were long extinguished and the walls rebuilt. The gate still pulsed with that sickly orange glow. You even passed a few makeshift government camps along the side of the road.
You pulled into Robin and Steve’s driveway. All the kids a solid foot taller, everyone accounted for. You smiled so big it hurt your face, barely putting the car in park before leaping out of the door and tackling the kids. All their high pitched voices now a solid octave deeper as they all burst into conversation, talking and yelling over each other.
“GUYS! Slow down.” You giggle.
Everyone explained to you, slowly, what all had happened since you were gone. New mayor, government in and out, steady stream of people still moving out of their homes.
"So when is Eddie getting here?" Dustin asked.
"About that...he um, doesn't know I'm here."
A chorus of boos and no's were thrown your way.
"What do you mean, 'doesn't know I'm here,' ?" Lucas mocked.
"Well I was hoping to surprise him, if you guys want to help?" There was a beat of silence before all your friends, big and small, shook their heads.
So ensued the chaotic planning of scaring the shit out of Eddie with you. It took several hours, the kids wanting to plan everything out perfectly instead of doing something "makeshift" like you had suggested. Before you could even take control, the plan was already out of your hands.
So by the time everything had finished, you were standing in Dustin's dingy dungeon basement, the moon high in sky. The setting was spooky, but all you could really think about was seeing Eddie. Not that you didn't enjoy the others' company, but your patience was growing extremely thin. Your mind constantly echoing the reminder of how close in proximity Eddie could truly be.
"Okay! Okay! Stay down here and don't move!" Dustin waved his hands around in the air before he pulled the string to the one little lightbulb that swung in the middle of the room. He scrambled back out into the night, slamming the heavy door shut, leaving you in complete darkness, not a sound piercing your ears.
"Okay, you're all freaking me out!" Eddie's voice cut through the stale air. He was right outside the door.
"We just need you to take a look at something." Steve chimed in.
"And why do I have to be the one? I mean seriously, there's twelve of you? I gotta get back home, I'm supposed to be calling my girl here shortly. She gets reeaaallll agitated when I don't call exactly at nine-thirty, on the dot."
"Oh will you just open the damn door!" Robin shouted. You tried your best not to snort at her exclaim.
"Jesus, alright." You could imagine Eddie with his hands like he is surrendering. It was something he used to do all the time when you two would play fight.
The door creaked open, landing flat on the ground with a deafening rattle. You moved further back into the darkness until your back was flush against the cold concrete wall. You were smiling so hard your cheeks hurt, but it would soon all be worth the wait.
"Do I get a flashlight or...." Eddie trailed off, waiting for an answer.
"No." Erica told him bluntly.
He huffed dramatically. "If I die Henderson...make sure my guitar is buried with me."
His hesitant footsteps echoed around the cold room as he slowly descended.
"I can't fucking see anything!" His voice now much louder than before. He was close.
"There should be a light in the middle of the room!" Dustin was already on the verge of giggling, as were you.
The clicks of his boots grew louder the closer he got before they abruptly stopped. It was quiet for a second until the dim light flooded the room.
"AH!" You yelped. You were expecting to see Eddie standing a few feet back, but instead his chest was practically bumping yours.
"JESUS CHRIST!" Eddie screamed, landing hard on his ass. "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He yelled up at you.
"I'M HERE TO SURPRISE YOU, DIPSHIT!" You clutched at your chest.
You both took a moment to gather yourselves before bursting out into laughter. The rest of the gang was already laughing outside.
You took a few steps closer to Eddie, holding out your hand for him to take. You pulled him up off the ground with a huff. He clutched your intertwined hands to his chest, tightening his grip around yours.
He let out a breathy giggle. His free hand brushed a few strands of hair back behind your ear. His warm palm cupped your cheek, his thick rings just as cold as you remembered. You just stood there staring into each other's eyes smiling like a pair of idiots.
"I missed you." You whispered up at him.
"I missed you more."
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Israel uses bunker-destroying ammunition to hit Hamas tunnels in Gaza
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/10/2023 - 09:25 in Military, War Zones
Israel would have used bunker-destroying ammunition to attack Hamas-controlled tunnels in Gaza, which serve as a lifeline for the besieged region.
Unconfirmed reports suggest that the Israeli military launched a campaign to hit these tunnels in northwestern Gaza, employing powerful bunker-destroying bombs to hit Hamas underground positions.
Bunker destroyers, specialized ammunition designed to penetrate hardened or deeply buried targets, fall into two main categories. The first type is equipped with a reinforced nose to resist impact, using its weight and a delayed fuse to penetrate the ground or structures before detonation. The second type carries double loads, with the initial load creating an entry point at the target, allowing the main load to detonate, causing substantial destruction.
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These recent developments coincide with the fact that Gaza is shrouded in smoke, marking the fourth day of Israeli bombing. The enclave, blocked on all fronts by land, air and sea, relies heavily on a network of tunnels for vital imports, including food, weapons and fuel. These tunnels also serve as crucial outposts for Hamas, assisting in storage and transportation.
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GBU-72 ammunition.
The use of bunker destroyers by the Israeli military has significant strategic implications. In the 2014 Gaza War, Israeli forces allegedly faced challenges when they attacked Hamas in tunnels, resulting in casualties between their own ranks. Bunker destroyers provide a means of attacking Hamas from a safe distance, reducing the exposure of Israeli soldiers to such risks.
Israel's arsenal of bunker destroyers, which includes the advanced GBU-72 model, comes from both domestic production and U.S. acquisitions. The GBU-72, sought by Israel in 2021, has the capacity to penetrate up to 30 meters of earth or 6 meters of concrete, causing destruction in the vicinity and generating shock waves capable of causing collapses in underground structures.
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In addition to their effectiveness against tunnel networks and underground installations, ground-penetrating munitions are also useful in the demolition of buildings and high towers, penetrating from the top to the foundations and causing structural collapse, rather than a conventional explosion.
Tags: Military AviationIAF - Israeli Air Force/Israel Air ForceWar Zones - Middle East
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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how-masterful · 2 years
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Prompt: Superstition
Notes: Welcome to the first chapter of My Halloween mini fic series! This year i’ve decided to challenge myself and write 30 randomly generated mini fics with the five main Masters, ending with a remaster on the 31st. These will be daily slice of life style rather than my usual essays fics with a full story. Think of them as little tricks and treats for the most wonderful time of the year! Hopefully you enjoy!
Warnings: None
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“I’m not superstitious, Master. Why should I be?”
The Master sent you a disapproving look from the top of the wheeled ladder you’d just passed under. He leant against the top shelf, one hand on his hip, the other leaning on the tall bookcase in the east corner of the library. He couldn’t believe it- you’d just waltzed straight under him, completely ignoring the most basic, fundamental wives tale there is.
“Because!” he argued, placing his hardback in its gap upon the shelf with a frown.
“You humans always are! With good reason, I should add.”
You rolled your eyes. He always was haplessly dramatic with the smallest things. It was something you usually adored about him. Except for times like this.
“It's just a bunch of, y’know, ‘Hocus Pocus’. Like manifesting destiny, you just start looking for patterns”.
You pulled another book from the shelf and began to flick through the pages. Above your head you heard the smooth glide of the ladder, and looked up to see the Master had pulled himself along the bookcase- both he and the ladder now looming before you. You closed the book, tucking it within the crook of your arm.
“Having fun up there?”
“What on earth are you talking about?”
You scoffed, which soon turned into a small laugh. You leant against the bookcase, sending the Master an exasperated smile.
“You break a mirror; they say it's bad luck. Supposedly. But in reality, you’re just looking for something spooky to place the blame on when things go wrong.”
Turning away from the Master, you continued to walk down the lengthy corridor of books. The sound of the ladder followed, the Master close behind you, his shadow hitting the floor under the warm lights that flanked each shelf.
“Oh no, I lost my job. Must have been the mirror. God damn bloody Mary.”
“Now she was a RIGHT piece of work.”
You stopped in your tracks, turning around to glare up at the Master. You’d only just noticed he’d put on his glasses. He should wear them more often, you thought.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“The historical name dropping. You and the doctor always do it.”
The Master smirked, returning to his casual position of leaning against the top shelf.
“Y’know. I never suspected you to be a sceptic.”
“And why is that?”
“I thought you’d know better.”
You gaped up at the Timelord in offense. The Master braced himself against the edges of the ladder and slid down the golden rungs, before landing on the floor at your side.
“Now what on earth are YOU on about?”
The Masters arm found its way around your middle, moving to guide you towards the end of the row.
“Do you remember the story I told you of my dealings with Azal?”
You gave a small nod. You loved that story. Apart from the Master almost dying. But that was a usual part of his stories.
“Well, that whole thing made me want to dig deeper. Plus, I had a lot of time to myself in prison. So I started researching more into ancient myths, wives tales, that sort of thing. And y’know what I found out?”
“It's all bullshit?”
“It's all science!”
 At that, you paused, finally at the end of the row. You send the Master an incredulous expression. He looked awfully proud of himself.
“Azal was an alien, dearest. Most of your earthly supernatural stories come from the likes of me landing on your sad, little old planet and making our mark.”
“But that doesn't explain how my palms being itchy means i'm gonna have good luck.”
“If you stopped interrupting, maybe I could tell you.”
You gave the Master a well meaning scowl as you moved to sit upon the plush sofa, sitting cross legged in view of the roaring fire.
The Master sat opposite, elegantly crossing his ankles as he lounged against the arm.
“Most superstitions come from probability fields, leftover energy. Like how you and I are drenched in artron energy from the time vortex.”
You pondered, tilting your head. “Serious?”
“As the plague, love. When that black cat crosses your path and you trip over a brick, it's because that cat's ancestors were probably the pets of some very unlucky aliens. Friday the 13th? Probably the day a race lost an army. It's a hereditary thing.”
You were so engrossed in the Masters explanation, you hadn't even noticed the steaming mug of hot chocolate that had appeared upon the table, sitting neatly upon a coaster. Piled high with whipped cream, covered in sprinkles and chocolate flakes, with a cluster of marshmallows neatly sat against the rim. The TARDIS liked to surprise you both. You’d yet to thank her fully.
“So yeah, superstitions are very much real.”
“I’m still not convinced, Master”
You eagerly uncrossed your legs, sitting up to grasp hold of the mug. You clutched the steaming vessel and suddenly recoiled from the heat, the mug crashing out of your hands and onto the ground below. The ceramic shattered, sending the hot drink soaking into the carpet, the marshmallows and sprinkles haphazardly sprawled on top of the melting cream in the shape of a wonky frown.
You looked at the Master for support, but couldn't find any. He simply watched in amusement, the timelord casually grasping his own drink, mug held tight in hand.
He took a hearty sip and licked the foam from the corner of his mouth.
“Mmm. Shouldn't have walked under that ladder.”
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catsteinbooks · 4 months
Good Omens 30 Day Challenge! (x)
Day 28: Character you are more like
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I literally said this in this exact tone of voice in a conversation at lunch today.
Anyway, I am not entirely like Crowley, but I am a lot like him. Also, I think I've gotten increasingly more Crowley-ish as I've gotten older, so I assume by the time I've been on earth for "like, 200 years," I'll be completely Crowley.
I'm cynical and sarcastic. I can't sit still or normally. I love the all-black aesthetic and often look like a flamboyant goth. I'm prickly on the outside but I have a soft spot for kids. I'm a romantic at heart even though I don't always understand the weird things that humans do. My first instinct is to run away and pretend the thing isn't happening, but once I'm stuck in the middle of it, I'm all in and will do whatever I have to. I don't believe in good/evil or black and white ways of thinking and get frustrated by people who do. I love my soft, cuddly, sweet partner. I'm not big on food, but I do like to sleep. I would much prefer to always wear sunglasses so I don't have to make eye contact with anyone. I drive fast and shout at people who get in my way. (Sorry!) And I'd kinda love to be James Bond or a similar hero, if I'm perfectly honest. Adventure, save the day, live happily ever after!
Oh, and I'm totally a nerdy weirdo too. Can I hear a wahoo?
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luci-j · 2 months
Headcannon Time! Blackjack O'Hare
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Since our lovely laogomorph is now in the middle of his backstory, figured I could do some headcannons/facts about him!
- I knew early-on I didn't want him to be from Halfworld. I wanted Rocket to have that loneliness of being the only one like him from High Evolutionary's lab. So I settled on him being a creation of Tony Stark's. This also continues with the theme of Blackjack being a good person who was made worse by bad people who were on their way to becoming better. Stark was an arms dealer, and I feel like that got lost in the shuffle sometimes. I also wanted to highlight that cruelty, and the same kinds of it, are a universal in the galaxy.
- He has a lot of parallels to Peter! While Peter grew up with an 80s experience, and is sort of frozen in time there, he grew up with a 90s one.
- He's named after a character in a violent 90s cartoon, of which there were plenty of. As someone who grew up during that time, there were a lot of cartoons from R-Rated properties that should NOT exist lol.
- Why DOES he sound British? This is actually an homage to Rocket’s first appearance in the comics, when he had a British accent. I also liked the idea of having a running gag of where it's addressed that half of space sounds like this. And it plays into a lot of 90s kids having TVs for babysitters, and nature documentaries being a go-to thing in the days before streaming when you couldn't afford the GOOD cable.
- He's a voracious reader and loves reading literally anything. In a regular month, he can get through about 30 books easily. This is a weird callback to the Pizza Hut "book it" challenge from the 90s that a lot of kids did. A lot of 80s and 90s kids in the U.S. owe their literacy to how much they desired a personal pan pizza.
- He knows Braille and also BASL -- Black American sign language. He also knows some sign language from other pockets of the galaxy. BASL is a lot like ASL, but tends to use two hands instead of one.
- He's intensely pansexual, and has instant crushes on Mantis and Kevin, among others. Over the course of his life, though, he has two great loves. Readers have met them both currently.
- His favorite music is rap and hip hop. This, again, is something where he's very attached to something like Peter is, but in a very different manor. The Guardians soundtracks were based a lot in classic rock, and I wanted each new character I introduced to be like adding a new genre to the playlist-- Sort of like a new instrument getting introduced in an orchestra, so it all comes together to make one big, beautiful symphony.
- He's not very handy. He's been alone a lot of his life, and had to figure things out by himself a lot, just by nature of not trusting overs.
- He has intense anxiety, and abuses anti-anxiety medications as a result. He's got the heart of a prey creature, and has to live in a world where he has to be on guard literally every second.
- He's fully blind, and he has Braille stickers and other aids to help around his ship.
- His ship is named the Jazzy Belle, which is a nod to an Outkast song. It's very old and he doesn't know how to make a lot of the repairs. He doesn't like parting with it because he isn't a very big fan of change or instability.
- He's also a foil to Rocket and Meti in some respects. He is a version of them that never got a support system like he needed. Rocket eventually got the Guardians, and Meti his family. They represent found family. Rook represents BAD found family in her introduction. Blackjack represents what happens when that help just never comes.
- A lot of his mechanics have bits and pieces of household items and toys. The red of his eyes emotes, which is based on one of these:
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- The family he lived with on Earth is religious. He followed in this path, even if he doesn't feel particularly worthy of it these days with some of the underhanded things he's done as a bounty hunter.
- He can use both guns and blades, although he opts for a lightsaber-type blade. Why? I thought it looked cool as hell in my mind.
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revlyncox · 6 months
Blue Holidays and the Longest Night
The deepest part of December can be hard, but there are also gifts. The natural world and earth-honoring traditions can give us some hints about how to stay present during the longest night. This sermon was presented to The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick, New Jersey, by Rev. Lyn Cox.
I found myself awake before dawn the other day. That’s not as surprising this time of year as it otherwise might be, given that sunrise is around 7:15, as opposed to just after 5:30 am like it is in midsummer. I am not usually very contemplative first thing in the morning, and have been known to try to light up the darkness with my phone and end up checking the news before I’m really prepared. But, on this particular day, somewhat by accident, I didn’t do that. 
In the light of the imminent dawn, I looked out the window at the steel blue sky adorned with the bare branches of oak, maple, and poplar trees. The sky is usually a mystery from the perspective of my yard. Our tree canopy keeps us cool in the summer, and brings a lot of the winged and four-legged neighbors to our yard, and it also means we have to go elsewhere for stargazing. In that early morning moment, though, I had the chance to look at the sky and appreciate its expansiveness, with the bare branches providing visual accents instead of a barrier. I could enter into the depths of that particular blue, and I could see how the different kinds of trees each branched in their own way. I imagined the earth in quiet slumber, and appreciated the invitation to slow down. 
There are difficult things about the time of year with long nights and short days. Some among us might struggle more for warmth, or work, or food, or companionship when sunlight is scarce. Even for those of us who have our basic needs met, the winter might bring challenges. Yet, if we are able to find the meaning and perhaps even some gifts in the darkness, perhaps we can face some of those struggles with strength and resilience. 
We also need to acknowledge that some among us approach this time of year with specific, personal pain and grief. For those who have lost a loved one recently or who remember the anniversary of a loss at this time of year, for those who are estranged from the people they might otherwise gather with at the holidays, for those whose economic situation has downturned recently, for those whose faith or heritage puts them on the outside of capitalist American holiday expectations, for those who have family and friends in harm’s way because of war or disaster or dangerous work, the middle of December can be very hard. 
Some of those who struggle with this time of year respond by escalating the bright lights and emphatic merriment, some simply withdraw when their hearts can’t match the cultural expectations of constant cheer. There is a lot of hidden hurt among us. There are many ways to grieve, and there is no one right way for everyone, and often no one right way for the same person all the time. Perhaps what we need are options, permission to try different ways of coping when the darkness has yet to yield it gifts to us. 
Earth-honoring traditions have some insights for acknowledging struggle and yet finding serenity or meaning or joy in the dark of winter. In our pluralistic community, we may be able to draw on other spiritual sources as well. We can look to the natural world for inspiration about a change of pace. We can embody rituals to give name and form to our struggles and hopes. We can trust in the flow of seasons and cycles as we honor the moment and let it go. In other words: slow down, name your experience, believe in change. 
Slow Down
I love having the ability to organize websites into open tabs on my browser. People who only look at one website at a time, or who mainly read things in hard copy, you are also valid. But maybe others are familiar with the experience of encountering a link, opening it up in a new tab, saying, “Oooh, that looks interesting, I’ll get back to that,” and then by the end of the day your browser tabs look like a staircase illustrated by M.C. Escher. There are strategies that might work better for organizing information, like bookmarking or creating reference documents, but it is hard to resist the glittering, abundant display of open tabs. Until my computer starts slowing down. When it takes a while for a new page to show up, or when the text I’m writing in a browser window lags behind my typing, that is a clue that I’m trying to process too much at the same time. I might think that all of my attention and all the computer’s attention is on the thing at the top of the pile, but the rest of those open tabs take energy. And so sometimes it’s necessary to simplify, and to pay attention to the background. 
Grief can be like that, too. We think we should–or someone else thinks we should–be operating at quote-unquote “normal” capacity, our hearts and our subconscious take the time and energy they need anyway to attend to the grief or the struggle that others may not see on the surface. I have definitely felt this in the months following a loved one’s death. I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine. It takes me three times as long to do a simple task. And sometimes it’s not death, but some other kind of grief or struggle, especially one that puts distance between myself and someone I love. A missed opportunity. A diagnosis. A conflict. Any time when the channels of love have to be rerouted. Being human takes a lot of background processing power. It’s good to notice when my brain is telling me to slow down. Telling myself that I should be able to function like a person who is not grieving rarely works to upgrade my speed. Sometimes it helps just to notice, and to give myself permission to slow down or take breaks. I end up being a better version of myself when I move forward at the speed of love. 
There are some parallels between grief at any time of year and the wistfulness of cold weather. Winter has its own beauty and its own gifts. And we also need to acknowledge that it’s just not the same as the spring and summer. Some things move more slowly. 
Katherine May writes:
The changes that take place in winter are a kind of alchemy, an enchantment performed by ordinary creatures to survive...Plants and animals don’t fight the winter; they don’t pretend it’s not happening and attempt to carry on living the same lives that they lived in the summer. They prepare. They adapt. They perform extraordinary acts of metamorphosis to get them through. Winter is a time of withdrawing from the world, maximising scant resources, carrying out acts of brutal efficiency and vanishing from sight; but that’s where the transformation occurs. Winter is not the death of the life cycle, but its crucible.
May’s book, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times is available from the UUA Bookstore. 
When our minds and hearts are busy coping with some kind of change or loss, when our bodies are busy figuring out how to respond to longer nights and shorter days, slowing down gives us a chance to find out what kind of transformation is possible. It’s not always practical to slow down as much as we might need to. We have jobs and families and responsibilities. Capitalism flourishes when we are too busy to reflect. Working within what’s possible for now, let’s breathe some room into the systems we are part of. Let’s give ourselves and each other some slack. Let’s make time and space for processing, for grieving, for dreaming, for resting, for stillness. 
Name Your Experience
One way to begin to create that space is by simply naming our experience. Even simply acknowledging to ourselves that something is hard might give us a little more faith in the possibility that we can do hard things. Certainly, we can do that in conversations with friends, or in a journal, or to a trusted counselor. Sometimes what must be acknowledged benefits from an invitation that is beyond words. I’m talking about ritual. 
In many earth-honoring spiritual communities, a ritual begins by preparing the space. There might be some sort of cleansing or blessing, and the participants might cast a circle by acknowledging the four cardinal directions. Often, there is a physical demarcation of the space, maybe by traveling the perimeter of the circle, or creating a visual display of the boundary, or creating altars in each of the four directions. When the ritual is over, it is important to offer thanks in each direction and to open the circle, releasing the energy of the ritual. I am being a little bit vague here because an earth-based spiritual community is very often an interfaith community; people come together who honor different gods or goddesses, trace their specific path back to different parts of the world, and have different names for related concepts. Very little is universal, but in general, the intentional creation of sacred time and sacred space is foundational to any other kind of practice in an earth-honoring spiritual community. 
Having created a boundary, participants may have more courage for dealing directly with elemental issues around birth, life, love, and death. The sacred space and sacred time connects people with those who have gone before, and with the larger community of practice, and with the spiritual resources that are important to the people in the circle. In communities where creative ritual development happens, celebrations are designed with specific intentions. If you are asking the powers of the universe for help, it is wise to be clear about what you are asking. Yet the question can come in the form of symbols or gestures or music; words are not the only way and are sometimes not the best way of touching on the deepest truths. 
We did this together when we created a memorial altar at the end of October. There were some words, but one of the most powerful parts of our time together that day was the physical action of bringing photos and mementos to the front of the room. And because we are a community and we needed a little bit of time for everyone to come forward, that meant we also had a few moments of not speaking, of sitting with our love and our grief, of holding close to our hearts the impact of our ancestors and departed loved ones. Most people can’t live with that kind of emotional intensity 24x7, but we do need those moments to name our big questions and our griefs and our joys. We can benefit from those moments when we create time and space with intention. 
Rituals are not exclusive to earth-honoring spiritual paths. Paying attention to seasons and cycles, and having experience with and symbols drawn from the natural world can bring richness to the creation of meaningful ritual, and if the mysteries of the interdependent web don’t call to you strongly, the path you follow probably has ritual in another form. In our family, we just finished celebrating Hanukkah. There is more than one story about the origins of Hanukkah and about what makes it meaningful, and we don’t have time to get into all of them, but I will point out that, because the Hebrew calendar is based on the lunar cycle, the eight days of Hanukkah surround the part of the part of the month with the darkest moon closest to the Winter Solstice. So, if you feel called to light a candle in contemplation or in celebration of your survival or with a prayer for resilience, you are not alone. 
We need one another. And we also need some rituals that are just for us as individuals or families. You don’t need to wait until October or November to create an altar at home to honor your beloved dead. If you are facing an obstacle, or an opportunity, or a loss, or a deep wondering, you can create a ritual for yourself to give some form to what’s on your heart. Maybe there are treasures that you can put together on the top of a bookshelf or a side table that symbolize this bend in your journey. You might want to listen to music that reminds you of your question as you draw or paint or play with salt dough. If you bundle up, maybe the circle you trace will be on an outdoor walk around your block, or in a park, as you silently greet the living things you encounter and practice gratitude for the earth and water around you, the sun and stars above you, and the breath that travels within you and beyond you. 
Whatever is on your mind and heart as the sun begins its return, give it a name or a shape. Find a moment to speak it to yourself, or to write it, or to draw it. Arrange sentimental or sacred objects. Meditate on it as you travel through a frosted winter landscape. Name your experience. 
Believe in Change
A third insight that we might learn from earth-honoring traditions at the Winter Solstice is to believe in the possibility of change. Earth-honoring practitioners pay attention to the cycles of the year, to the hours of sunlight as they decrease and increase, to the plants that flourish in each season, to the animals who visit at different times of year. Many earth-honoring traditions give attention to the moon, perhaps beginning new projects or planting new seeds as the waxing moon increases, perhaps letting go of what no longer serves us or putting things to rest as the waning moon decreases. Some things come around again in a similar form each month or each year, but the world is always changing and we are always changing with it.
I take comfort in the assurance of change because that means that whatever I am struggling with is temporary, at least in its current form. They might give way to different struggles that are also hard, but this particular thing that is at the forefront of my grief or frustration or concern will not last always. At the same time, the people and the blessings that lift me up in this moment will not hold their form forever, and so it behooves us to be mindful of gratitude. And this gift of transformation is a sign of life. Living things change. Thriving species adapt through the generations. When we believe in and support positive transformation, we are cooperating with the powers that create and uphold life. 
There is a Pagan chant from the Reclaiming community, it’s called the Koré chant: “She changes everything she touches and everything she touches changes.” There are verses in between chanting the chorus. It’s a very popular chant, and I think it speaks to the kind of outlook that comes from attuning ourselves to the seasons and cycles of time. “She changes everything she touches and everything she touches changes.” There are lots of verses about the Goddess and her stories and her attributes, and there is a verse about what that means about the community itself. “We are changers. Everything we touch can change. We are changers. Everything we touch can change.” Transformation is a fact of the universe. The direction of that transformation, channeling our love and our values as we collaborate with the forces of life, is the responsibility we take on when we connect our spirituality with an understanding of the fundamental truth of change. 
When we pay attention to the cycles of the seasons and the daylight and the moon, cooperating with the moment in which we find ourselves makes more sense. Because everything changes, we are mindful of the spiritual opportunities that are before us right now. There is room for contemplation throughout the year. Grief finds us in every season. Dreams have their own sense of time, not tied to the calendar. Yet at the Winter Solstice, we find an especially appropriate moment for the gifts of stillness. The season of long nights and short days lends itself to quiet meditation, to honoring our griefs and challenges, to swimming down into the deep metaphors and messages of our dreams. 
We know that seeds need darkness to sprout. We know that mammals need darkness to grow new life and bring that life into the world. We know that deciduous trees need a season of release and then a season of rest before they return to a time of leaves and fruit. The changes that are ahead of us are fed by the gifts of darkness, gifts that we cannot always see working underneath the surface, and yet deserve time and space and honor all the same. 
The middle of December can be hard for some general reasons, and for some of us for specific reasons. In the midst of the struggle, may we also find serenity and joy. May we create the space and time to slow down, to name our experience, and to believe in change. Merry Solstice. Blessed Yule. Happy Sun Return. Blessed be. Amen. 
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
Eros and Psyche AU - Part 2!
This technically still belongs to Day 29 of the OC Pride Challenge (which you can find here) but since there's no real prompt for day 30 and I had to split this into two parts, I figured I might as well post part 2 today.
Charlie returned the next day. And the day after that. And multiple more days to come. Every day, there was a different experiment where Charlie got to make Egon happy with the simplest tricks in his book. Throughout these various days, Charlie found himself befriending Egon and the other Ghostbusters, even the perpetually sarcastic and annoyed Peter Venkman. After a while, it wasn’t just experiments either. They would ask Charlie to help with some equipment, organize some data, or just make some coffee. Little by little, Charlie became part of the team. Sometimes, he’d even spend his nights at the firehouse, cleaning the uniforms or just watching over the Ghostbusters in their sleep. Not that he hadn’t been doing that since coming to Earth, but now he was there officially. He was sure that the Ghostbusters never even noticed when another ghost came to assault them in the middle of the night. It happened every now and then. Probably a result of them catching so many of their fellow specters. But whenever it happened, Charlie was there, warding off the ghosts with arrows of light. Eventually, Charlie really became a part of the Ghostbusters and it went down as follows:
Charlie came into the firehouse with a smile on his face. Ecto-1 was there, that meant everyone had to be here too.
“Morning, Janine,” Charlie said, coming up to Janine’s desk first, as usual. That had become tradition by now.
“Morning, Charlie,” Janine greeted back.
“How’s the situation, are there many calls?”
“Oh, the usual.”
“Do you think anyone’s sleeping?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“GOOD MORNING!” Charlie yelled up through the hole of the fire pole.
“Morning, Charlie!” Ray shouted back. “Come on up!”
Charlie flashed another smile at Janine, then hopped up the stairs. When he reached the top, he paused. The Ghostbusters were lined up behind the little dinner table, waiting for him to come upstairs.
“Did I do something wrong?” Charlie asked, looking fully perplexed.
“No, don’t worry,” Winston said.
“Not at all,” Egon agreed. “Come closer.”
So, Charlie did. That was when he spotted a bundle on the table. A flight suit complete with patches, elbow guards, a belt, some sort of pouch, boots and a camera. Venkman came strolling around the table and threw an arm around Charlie, pulling him closer.
“Today is a great day, Charlie,” he said, “because today, my friend, you have the chance of becoming part of the glorious Ghostbusters.”
“Who, me?” Charlie gasped.
“Yeah, you,” Ray confirmed. “We couldn’t think of anyone better suited for the job.”
“You’re not scared of ghosts, are you?” Venkman asked.
“No, not at all, I am a ghost,” Charlie said before realizing what he had said and correcting himself to: “Y’know, with my ESP and all that.”
“Your ESP is part of the reason why we chose you,” Egon explained, completely ignoring Charlie’s slip-up. “We’ve been wanting to document the various specters and beings we encounter and that includes taking pictures. But since we’re always too busy fighting the ghost, we need someone else to do it for us.”
“And that’s where you come in,” Ray concluded. “If you’re up for it that is.”
“Sure!” Charlie called out. “I’d be honoured!”
Quickly, Charlie took the various items from the table and got suited up. Now he stood there in front of his friends, a proud Ghostbuster. Well, assistant Ghostbuster. Ghostbusters cameraman. No, he was a real Ghostbuster. Only a few minutes later, they were off to a call. Charlie sat in the back of Ecto-1, so close to Egon that he could faint.
The call was an easy one, according to Egon and the others. But Charlie could prove his worth immediately. While the others trapped the ghost, he had his camera pointed at the specter constantly, trying to get the best angles and shots possible. When they were done trapping the ghost, they went outside again. But now, a team of reporters waited outside. Immediately, Venkman greeted them as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Egon answered the technical questions. He described the supernatural in words that Charlie found mesmerizing, giving his world a whole new perspective. But then, suddenly, the reporters were focused on Charlie.
“What’s your name and what is your affiliation with the Ghostbusters?” the reporter asked, almost shoving the microphone into Charlie’s face.
“Well, uh, I’m Charlie Drake,” Charlie stammered, “and I work for the Ghostbusters. But all the credit goes to them, I just take the pictures.”
“So you’re a reporter?”
“No, not at all, I-”
Luckily, Egon was there to the rescue. He wrapped an arm around Charlie’s shoulders protectively, making Charlie’s heart beat even faster, though for a different reason.
“Charlie takes our documentation and research pictures,” he explained. “He’s also an ESP extraordinaire and paranormal expert. But if you’ll excuse us, we still have a lot to do today. If you want an extensive interview, make an appointment.”
With that, he led Charlie back to Ecto-1. Once they were back in the car and Ray started driving, he told him:
“The reporters can be a bit pushy. You’ll get used to it eventually but it you don’t, just redirect them to someone else.”
“Yeah, Venkman always likes talking to those guys,” Winston remarked with a smirk.
That was the first call with many more to follow. Between calls, Charlie developed the photos. Sometimes with Ray and Egon, sometimes just with Ray and sometimes just with Egon - which was obviously the best constellation. Charlie liked Ray, he liked him a lot in fact, but he loved Egon and even the littlest moments alone with him were pure gold. He loved listening to him talk about what they found in the pictures, about the classifications, about the different forms of aura, their strength, the tiny occurrences Charlie had managed to catch.
That had been the first call. But there was another that stood out. This particular one took the Ghostbusters to the aquarium. A few days earlier, Charlie’s equipment had been upgraded to include a first aid kit. Just in time, too. It had been an emergency call, made by the frantic aquarium director who said his visitors were in great danger. The culprit, he said, was a huge octopus. So, all five of the Ghostbusters hopped into Ecto-1 and raced to the aquarium, sirens blaring. When they reached the aquarium, a group of reporters with a camera was already there, as well as a large crowd of evacuated visitors. By now, Charlie was a little more used to reporters, though a camera crew was something new. He helped the others put on their proton packs, then - after Peter had gotten his share of attention - they went inside. Using a flyer as their map, they made their way to the exhibit hall where the octopus had been sighted. They had barely gone far into the building when they already walked on wet floors.
“The creature must have smashed the glass of one of the tanks,” Egon theorized.
“How big do you think it is?” Winston asked. “Is it just a big octopus or is it a huge monster?”
“I dunno,” Peter murmured. “With normies you never know.”
They kept walking, constantly looking around for signs of the beast.
“We’re getting close,” Charlie announced after a while.
“Can you sense it?” Ray asked.
“You better believe it.” Charlie shuddered, a grin on his face. “Makes my skin crawl.”
Ready to shoot, Charlie held the camera up to his face. They were really close now. Just one more corner to turn. Ray saw it first, gasping audibly.
“It’s a kraken,” Egon remarked.
“How are we gonna get something this big into the trap?” Winston murmured.
“Well, only one way to find out,” Peter declared, grabbing his particle thrower.
Quickly, before he could shoot, Charlie got a photo in. But the moment the camera flashed, the kraken woke up. Quickly, the Ghostbusters all grabbed their particle throwers, stepping into the main area of the exhibit hall. It was a circular room with multiple pillars holding up the ceiling and tanks all around. Soon, it turned out that the proton packs only did very little damage. The kraken only let out pained screeches. But when Egon managed to hit its eyes, that was when it happened. In a fit of rage, the Kraken slammed one of its fleshy tentacles through the room, smashing one of the pillars. Winston was quick enough to duck away, but Egon wasn’t. The tentacle hit him and swabbed him off the ground like a fly, sending him crashing into one of the tanks.
“Egon!” Charlie cried out against the loud rushing of water spilling out through the broken glass.
He started running, slipping across the ground and dodging the various sea creatures now wobbling across the floor. Egon had been swept out of the aquarium, lying motionless on the ground. Raw panic eating at Charlie’s nerves, he fell to his knees next to him. Immediately, he checked his heartbeat. Thank the gods! He was still breathing.
“Egon!” Charlie hissed. “Hey, Egon!”
Egon groaned quietly, then started moving.
“Take it slow, don’t push yourself.”
“It was a good call to make the proton packs waterproof,” was the first thing Egon said once the disorientation wore off.
“Yeah, that was a genius call,” Charlie agreed with a smile.
He had spotted a wound at the back of Egon’s head and was now digging through his medkit.
“Take off your glasses for a second, I need to put a bandage around your head.��
“I don’t like being blind,” Egon mumbled, but he did as he was told.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick.”
So, Charlie hurried with his medic duties. He made sure to be gentle, carefully holding Egon’s head. Once he was done, he patted his cheek and smiled.
“There we are. But you probably shouldn’t jump into battle straight away again.”
“Egon!” Peter yelled from across the room. “Egon, use that large brain of yours and come up with a plan! We need a plan!”
At the same time, Ray was grabbed by the kraken and lifted off the ground.
“Charlie, are you getting this?!” he shrieked.
Out of pure reflex, Charlie held up his camera and snapped a picture. Peter and Winston pointed their particle throwers at the arm the kraken held Ray in, prompting it to let him go.
“Now would be a good time, Egon!” Winston called.
But Egon just sat there, looking around the room, trying to find some sort of solution.
“I have a plan!” Charlie suddenly gasped. “Until now, we’ve only tried capturing it, but how about we try fighting it with its own weapons?”
“You know how to do that?” Egon asked.
“Of course! Give me your proton pack.”
Quickly, Egon slid the proton pack’s shoulder straps off and picked the heavy equipment up off the ground, putting it on Charlie’s back. In return, Charlie handed over his camera.
“Guys, try keeping it in the middle of the room!” Charlie shouted.
Then, he pointed his particle thrower at the ceiling. He started burning sigils into the concrete above the kraken, careful not to mess up the perspective or shape. It wasn’t that easy after all. But finally, the sigils started to glow, bright light raining down on the kraken. Charlie cheered, but he cheered too early. The kraken’s arm shot out to grab him, snaking itself around Charlie and the proton pack, pulling him into the light. Immediately, Charlie felt nauseous, the world started spinning, he felt like he was dissolving. Then, everything stopped and he fell down, into the void. From then on, he barely noticed anything happening. He caught a glimpse of bright light, possibly from a trap, felt himself be picked up and covered beneath some sort of fabric, heard the siren of Ecto-1, bits and pieces of conversation… But after a while, it all stopped.
Egon and Winston carried Charlie out of Ecto-1, his body covered by a banner from the aquarium. It had been an impulse decision because they hadn’t wanted the crowd and the reporters to see what had become of him. Now, looking back at it, it might have been a stupid decision, considering it looked like they were carrying a corpse. Janine shrieked when she saw this.
“My god, what happened?!” she gasped, running over from her desk.
“Charlie got in contact with a surge of psychokinetic energy,” Ray said as Egon and Winston carried him towards the stairs.
“Is he dead?!”
“No, he’s alive. He’s gonna be alright. I think.”
“You think?!”
“We’re sure,” Peter lied. “Just… get back to your desk, alright? We’re gonna take care of him. For now, he’s asleep and we’re gonna see how he feels when he wakes up.”
“Okay… whatever you say…” Janine murmured.
Upstairs, Egon and Winston put Charlie into Egon’s bed. They pulled the banner away and stared for a few seconds. Before them lay a creature that looked like the Charlie they knew but also wildly different. This creature had long, twisted horns that had been quite the obstacle while carrying him, pointy ears, fluffy white hair and light blue skin. A bow and a quiver with various metallic arrows were swung over his shoulder.
“It’s the silhouette we saw on the Aura Video-Analyzer,” Winston remarked. “What do you think happened?”
“Whatever sigil Charlie burned into the ceiling must have weakened him,” Egon theorized. “Just like it took the kraken’s power away and shrunk it, it must’ve destroyed Charlie’s human disguise.”
“Do you think we should figure out who he really is?”
“Maybe. For now, I’d like to know about the sigil he painted. - There should be a book on one of the shelves in my lab, a lexicon of runes and sigils. Would you get that for me?”
As Winston left, Egon stayed behind. Carefully, he pulled the quiver and bow off of Charlie’s shoulder and leaned them against the nightstand. Then, he pulled the blanket up to Charlie’s collar. He wanted to leave, but then his attention went back to the bow and quiver. Curious, he pulled one of the arrows out of the quiver. It seemed to be made entirely of rose gold.
“Egon!” Peter called from outside the room, causing Egon to jump.
Before he knew it, the arrow’s tip was nudged into his fingertip and dissolved into sparkling dust. At first, Egon felt no different. But then, when he looked at Charlie again, his heart suddenly beat faster and he felt all warm and fuzzy inside. It was almost like a feeling he knew, like when Charlie had had his hands on his cheeks before, but a lot stronger.
“Egon!” Peter called again.
Reluctantly, Egon left the room and closed the door behind him. As it turned out, the proton pack Egon had worn hadn’t been fully waterproof and would have to have some parts replaced. Quickly, Egon got to work. Once he was done, he headed back to the bedroom to check on Charlie. But when he opened the door, Charlie was gone, along with the bow and quiver. Egon started to get a horrible feeling. Could he have lost his connection to this realm entirely? Did that mean he had just dissolved? Was he, perhaps, really dead? No, he couldn’t be dead. According to all the measurements they had taken, Charlie was a demon or demigod and that meant he couldn’t die. But what if he did? And if he hadn’t, would he even come back?
Three days went by and there was no sign of Charlie. In the meantime, Egon went out of his way to research who Charlie really was. Maybe it was invasive, but he had to know. Perhaps Charlie needed help to get back to the human realm and that was why he wasn’t back. He had to want to come back, right? They hadn’t done anything wrong, had they? Either way, Egon needed to see Charlie again. He found himself thinking of him even more than usual, in situations where it was really less than practical. One thing was clear: Egon would be more than willing to summon Charlie if necessary. Or Chandrah, as he had found out. A demigod capable of strong spells of love. But then did that mean… that Egon was in love? No, that couldn’t be. He barely felt any different from before the arrow had touched him. Or maybe that was exactly the point. Had he always been in love? Either way, he would have to see Charlie to make sure.
On the fourth day after Charlie’s disappearance, the Ghostbusters had yet another emergency call: Apparently, the museum was being terrorized by a mammoth. As it turned out, this job was even harder than the kraken job had been. Within only a few minutes, the Ghostbusters were all on the ground. The mammoth came stomping towards them with an aggressive cry, ready to crush them. Egon crawled backwards frantically, the heavy proton pack wearing him down. Suddenly, a beam of light shot through the hallway, hitting the mammoth right between the eyes, causing it to stumble backwards and fall. Egon turned around and couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Charlie!” Ray cried out, scrambling to his feet.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Charlie said with a smile.
He stood there in his demon form, quiver over his shoulder, proudly holding his bow. As everyone else got to their feet, Egon stayed down, motionless in shock. He only started registering what was going on again when Charlie held his hand out to him to help him up.
“Charlie, you came back,” Egon gasped, cupping Charlie’s face in his hands.
“I’m sorry I left,” Charlie stammered, “I was scared, I was-”
He was suddenly quiet when Egon pressed a kiss onto his lips.
“Woah, lovebirds!” Peter shouted. “Can you wait ‘till after we have this ghost locked up?!”
It was just now that Egon truly realized what he had done. He cleared his throat awkwardly.
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3. "It was like my body had a will of its own. I was running, my torso turned, my hands made this lewd gesture... I'm sorry you had to witness it."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Don't beat yourself up too much over it, dear. People do strange things when the old fight-or flight kicks in. I'm just glad you weren't injured."
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I elect not to point out this kindly old woman's disability, or try to panhandle from her.
6. "I've gotta get going now." [Leave.]
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Of course, dear. Good luck with your case!" She gives you a small wave.
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SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - A man is sleeping at the table, wearing mud-caked boots and rolled down overalls. The back of his shirt reads "WILD PINES", encircled by a logo with a tree.
On the counter -- rolled out of his open hand -- you see a blister pack of headache medicine.
"Lieutenant, who is this?"
Pick up the pills.
[Physical Instrument - Challenging 12] - Wake him up.
Let's not steal this man's medication.
KIM KITSURAGI - "No idea. Looks like he works for Wild Pines, the logistics company who owns and operates the harbour."
"But why is he sleeping during the day?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Possibly because there's a strike going on in the harbour. There's not much to do -- aside from drinking and sleeping."
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PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Challenging: Success] - There is only one way to awake this bone idle from his slumber. Roar like a hurricane, rip the buildings from the Earth!
(No words, just a primordial scream.)
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "Why the yelling, man?" The 30-something man slowly lifts his head and gives you a pensive look.
"You're *alive*? You looked out for the long count there..."
"I just wanted to see what would happen if I yelled."
"I need you to answer some questions right now."
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "Really? You woke me up for that?" The worker gives you a vacant stare, then groans. "Fine, What is it, officer?
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AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - Officer? Even after a rude awakening -- this dockworker respects the police. More than they usually do at least.
"See anything interesting in your dreams?"
"Tell me about Wild Pines." (Point to the writing on his overalls.)
Why are you sleeping here while the others are out striking?"
"Who's behind organizing the strike?"
"What about the dead body in the yard?"
"Yours?" (Point at the bottle and the spilt rum.)
"Alright, I'll let you sleep." [Leave.]
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "Thank god, no."
"Was it a fathomless darkness into which we ought to be deferred, like corpses to a mausoleum?"
"Was it pure nothing, your consciousness larger than a single grain of malt?"
"Tell me -- was it a bliss free of ex-somethings?"
"You're right. Let's talk about something else."
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - The worker stares at you, his eyes dry from sleep. A web of wrinkles covers his tanned forehead.
"I don't know what you're talking about, kind sir, but when I'm out, then I'm really *out*. No corpses. No mausoleums. Just *quality-time*."
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - A little *me*-time in the abyssopelagic zone... you can never return to it now. Only detective-work remains. Wakefulness and detection.
2. "Tell me about Wild Pines." (Point to the writing on his overalls.)
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "That's the name of my employer. I work in logistics."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - He doesn't sound too enthusiastic about this.
"How's that going?"
"That's wonderful."
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "How's it going?" The dockworker lets out a big yawn, then stares at the cafeteria's terrace doors. Some fingerprints glisten on the glass.
"Haven't you noticed what's going on outside?"
"Of course. It's a total *madhouse*."
"I'm not sure what you mean?"
"I've almost never been outside of this building."
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "Good." He doesn't dwell on the particulars of your existence. "We're in the middle of a strike down at the harbour. Trying to force some sense into the executive board of Wild Pines."
"For one -- I could use some more shut-eye in the mornings..." He rubs his eyes and sighs. "Right to work? Right to *sleep*, I say."
3. "Why are you sleeping here while the others are out striking?"
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "They got it. Measurehead's got it, he's guarding the gate. I'm just getting some sleep. Or I *was*..."
4. "Who's behind organizing the strike?"
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "We are... the workers. The Union. We know what we need, what's right for us."
"You mean there's no leader?"
"Huh, alright. I guess that makes sense... somehow."
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "Okay, I guess there's also Evrart, he's in charge of the Union. He's smart. Knows how to negotiate. He's got our back."
5. "What about the dead body in the yard?"
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "Yeah, what about it?"
"You seem cool with it. Do you have many of those hanging from the trees here?"
"I'm just trying to find out what you know about it."
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "You know, people die here every day. Someone's found in a ditch, another one falls in a manhole, a third one gets eaten by stray dogs." He respites.
"If someone has decided to die on top of a tree, then how is it my concern?"
"Someone has to look into it. I'm that someone. Tell me what you know."
"Well... little point asking you about the body, then. I got other questions."
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "I can tell you this -- trouble's ahead."
"What trouble?"
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "You heard what I said. Draw your own conclusions. That's all I know, and I prefer to keep it this way."
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant gives you a little nod -- then makes a note in his blue notebook.
ESPIRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - So Union people think he was a killer, he thinks -- even Sleepy here? This doesn't help a *lot*, but it's something. Good work, detective.
6. "Yours?" (Point at the bottle and the spilt rum.)
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - "Indeed. Help yourself to some." He blinks. "Wait, no, it's empty. Sorry about that, pal."
7. "Alright, I'll let you sleep." [Leave.]
+5 XP
SLEEPING DOCKWORKER - The dockworker doesn't answer, his head is already back down on the table. In sweet sleep.
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A bottle of rum has been knocked over. Beautiful, dark liquid is spilling out...
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - That sugary black rum stain on the counter makes you teary-eyed with joy. It's almost touching how syrupy and sticky it is. How long have you been up already?
An hour?
Two hours?
Pretty long. It's drink o'clock.
Not now.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - An hour would have been bad. Two hours is *mystical*. You have truly wiped out all trace of yourself if you haven't thought about rum and lemonade yet.
I've secretly been thinking about it all this time!
Actually, *should* I be thinking about this? Looks like drinking hasn't turned out too well for me.
Now that you mention it, I do *need* a rum and lemonade. I'd love for Garte to serve me up a *beverage*.
Maybe later.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - MAYBE YOU HAVEN'T TURNED OUT WELL FOR YOUR DRINKING?! Have you thought about that?! Get a god damn rum and lemonade into yourself, boy!
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dreamgirledward · 2 years
tag game ! :)
ahh ty for the tags lu & billy ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 @castieldean @manforsale ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
name: sammy!
star signs: virgo sun, gemini moon, capricorn rising
height: 5'1"/ 155 cm if u want to laugh at me dw im used to it 🥲
time: 1:32pm
birthday: aug 25
favorite bands: (not all of these are bands!) florence + the machine, bts, tame impala, brockhampton, mitski, paul simon, bruce springsteen, fleetwood mac, orville peck, rina sawayama, christine and the queens, lcd soundsystem, david bowie, joni mitchell, the rolling stones, chvrches, hozier
last movie: thor 💞 and ⚡️ :^)
last show: wwdits 🧛🏼
when i created this blog: 2012 LMAO
what i post: literally anything - im sure most people know me as a spn blog which is fair ! but anyone who knows me knows ive got range (🤡) so ya my blog is whatever i want it to be !!
last thing i googled: "how to remove pages from a pdf without acrobat" SDJKFHSDJKHGF
other blogs: ough i used to have sideblogs but theyre dead now and honestly! im not rly a sideblog girlie, i dont have the energy lol
do i get asks?: depends! for some reason i got a lot when i was busiest last semester but virtually none now. id love to receive more if theyre nice <3
following: .......2197...... that's what happens when you have the same blog for 10 years ig 🤪 i need to go through and unfollow tho im sure 70% of them are inactive or dont interest me anymore
average hours of sleep: maybe 6 or 7 on a good day if i sleep at a relatively normal time (which is like 1 or 2am i know i know that's not good trust me i know) ?? it's usually less tho, and not enough, i frequently wake up very tired
instruments: none i am musically challenged 🥰
what im wearing: a black oversized mitski shirt and black flowy culottes :))
dream job: [a successful] film editor!
dream trip: cant think of a specific type of trip so im just gonna list places ive been wanting to visit: ive wanted to go to hawaii my whole life but i know tourism is fucking the islands up so :''') yeah lol rip, egypt without having to worry about heat stroke so sometime in the spring, iceland would be so sick (actually anything as far up north as you can get would be the sickest), hong kong with my best friends, lots of places! i just really want to travel 😭
nationality: canadian but my ethnicity's egyptian!
favorite songs: pink in the night by mitski (nobody say anything 🔫), immaterial by sophie, graceland by paul simon, hungry heart by bruce springsteen, kalahari down by orville peck, she's a rainbow by the rolling stones, hammond song by the roches, sweet by brockhampton, river by leon bridges, i by kendrick lamar, breathe deeper by tame impala, epilogue: young forever, butterfly, trivia: love, respect, and telepathy all by bts OUGH forgetting so many but i wont bore u these are just what i thought of without checking anything hehe
last book ive read: the marrow thieves by cherie dimaline (for my 20th cen children's literature course, of which this book is not 20th cen but we're doing comparisons rn lol)
top 3 fictional universes id like to live in: billy said wwdits which is a rly good answer. all i can think of is middle earth and specifically the shire bc those hobbits rly do know how to just chill. cant think of anything else skjhdfj
tags! <3
@crosbystillsandhash @taikacohen @bronconatural @monstermoviedean @caskarass @twocarsonenight @hotgirlhirsch @citruscas @danneelswife @emeraldcas @gayangelsmp3 @jewishdeanwinchester @agentgayngel @heartshapedcas @girlblocker @kellyscabin @clairewolf @katebushstandean @skepticalfrogg @risencas
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nitannichionne · 1 year
Superman: Rise of Isis (Henry Cavill/Superman Fanfiction) Chapter 30: Fall & Rise (Kal El POV)
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I look at her, confused. 
"Kal-El, I must take my fate in my own hands and face it," she tells me. "I am in your debt for all you have done, but--"
Let her go.
I take a deep breath, not liking the situation, but pick up the crook and flail she had given me  and hand them to her. For no reason I know, I kiss her forehead. "I will be right here."
She goes still, and looks in my eyes. Her eyes narrow in concentration but then widen with recognition and gasps, "Kal-El? You're not alone in there, are you?"
I shake my head, and manage a small smile. "Take your place."
She turns toward Sethos and crosses the crook and flail over her chest. "Sethos! I, Isis of the House of Ra, daughter of Geb and Nut, challenge you for guardianship of Earth!"
Sethos smirks and laughs. "Finally, a challenge," he mutters. He says, "I, Sethos, House of Ra, son of Khonsu and Nut, accept."
Both press something on their flails and curved spears emerge from the ends.
"For your disobedience." Sethos sneers. 
"For your betrayal!" Isis hisses, extending her arms.
Sethos mirrors her, and suddenly wind as Sethos charges first. She easily thwarts him and the true duel begins, lightning coming from them to bring forth the elements to offering jars.
Suddenly the skies roll, the clouds looking like waves. Rain starts to fall. The elements are all present, and the battle begins, each using their crooks and flails not only as weapons, but also as conductors to access the rain, the earth, the winds and lightning. I watch the two make the skies and mountains their battlefield. 
Watching them wield the elements, it is easy to see why the Egyptians mistook them for gods.
Go to the altar.
I obey. Just then I see a hand print and the four elements again.
Put your hand there.
I hesitantly do it. It is then I see an entire board of sorts emerge. 
Say  these words: Paskil mish Krypton una.
I translate it in my mind, but repeat the words. Reveal in front of Krypton's son.
A square forms in the middle of the temple floor and rises. It is a chamber or sorts or a doorway. It looks like the Phantom Zone I had read about in Kryptonian history. I back away from it, seeing darkness, thunder and lightning flash inside it like it is indeed a doorway to a different place.  "Isis!"
They both notice the box and begin to battle for leverage to send each other into the crypt-like box. It opens, and I make sure to get away from it, as the air becomes thin and I realize that it has a vaccuum of some sort.
Isis initiates a spin, holding Sethos close and then releases him, slinging him into the box. It shuts automatically, and Sethos rages from inside.
"You haven't won!" He yells from inside. "One day I will get out of here!"
"But not today," Isis hisses, picking up the weapons. She goes to the control panel, and whispers to it. "Kal El, send him away."
I nod and lift the box with ease. Isis takes the other end and we fly to space with him, lauching him into outer space. By the time we return to Boynton Canyon, the weather has cleared.  We return to the temple.
Isis hugs me immediately. "Thank you. I have one more favor to ask."
"May I talk to my father?"
I close my eyes, and allow Geb to speak through me. "Auona?"
She starts to cry. "Ukr!" She hugs me tight. 
"No need for tears, all is well. This Kryptonian did well at your side, and I am thankful. Very interesting man. I have gifted his mind with knowledge of our home."
"Yes, he is, and I am sure he is thankful for that."
"I am thankful I was allowed to be here, but you know I cannot stay."
"I know."
"We are part of each other, auona," he nods. "And now Kal-El will have knowledge. I am sure you can help him understand." he frames her face with his hands. "He needs time. He has just recently come back to this realm from Duat, from the other side. But we...We will always be connected."
"I love you."
The vortex enlarges for a moment, and the spirit of Geb passes through. The vortex then becomes small and once again is a field that can hardly be seen.
I hold Isis and she composes herself. She has been through much today, and I know that I would be happy and shaken if I could talk to either of my fathers again. "You alright?"
"Definitely, thank you."
We find the Justice League on Thunder Mountain.
"What was that?!" Flash asks. "Is everything okay? It looked like the world was coming to end!"
"Everything is as it should be," Isis replies. "and now it is time for me to go."
"What?" I didn't see that coming. "You're not staying on as part of the League?"
"I will be part of the League wherever I go," she shrugs tearfully. "But it is time to go back to Africa. There is much work to be done there, just as there is everywhere in this world." She looks up at me, and kisses my cheek. "I know your place is here, but if you ever need me or want to visit, you know how to find me."
She takes a few steps back and I watch her fly off.
"You're not going after her?" Aquaman asks. "She was really into you, you know."
"I need to sort out some things," I tell him. I did not know what my life was yet, where Lois and I stood, or if I was going to be alone for her own or our own good. "But someday."
"No vacation yet," Batman interjects. "We have alot of...metahumans to investigate and catch. From what I have seen they could be a problem."
"But pizza for now?" Flash asks.
Wonder Woman looks at Batman, and smiles. "Yes, pizza for now."
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momental · 2 months
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On April 6, 1984, the space shuttle Challenger embarked on its fifth voyage, STS-41C, with a five-person crew consisting of Commander Robert L. “Crip” Crippen, Pilot Francis R. “Dick” Scobee, and Mission Specialists Terry J. “TJ” Hart, James D. “Ox” Van Hoften, and George D. “Pinky Nelson. The seven-day mission involved deploying the largest and heaviest shuttle payload up to that point, the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), and retrieving, fixing, and redeploying the malfunctioning Solar Max satellite. This mission exemplified the ability of the ground teams and astronauts to successfully navigate unexpected situations.
Image captions: STS-41C crew (clockwise from bottom left) Commander Robert L. Crippen, Mission Specialists Terry J. Hart, James D. “Ox” Van Hoften, and George D. “Pinky” Nelson, and Pilot Francis R. “Dick” Scobee. STS-41C crew patch. Challenger’s payload bay for STS-41C.
The crew for the mission, initially named STS-13 but later renamed to STS-41C, was announced by NASA in February 1983. Crippen, the only veteran amongst them, had previously flown as the pilot for the first shuttle flight STS-1 in April 1981 and was in training to command STS-7 in June 1983. The other four crew members were all selected as astronauts in 1978, The STS-41C mission marked the crew's maiden voyage into space, with two primary objectives outlined. The first was the launching of the Long-Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), overseen by NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. The second objective was to retrieve, repair, and re-release the Solar Maximum Mission (Solar Max) satellite, under the management of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Additionally, a student experiment observing the behavior of 3,300 honeybees in zero gravity took place in the spacecraft's middeck. Crew members Crippen and Scobee were primarily responsible for operating the shuttle and carrying out rendezvous and proximity operations, while Hart was tasked with deploying the LDEF using the shuttle's robotic arm, the Remote Manipulator System (RMS). Nelson was to use the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) to secure Solar Max, enabling Hart to grapple it with the RMS and place it into the Flight Support Structure (FSS) in Challenger's payload bay for repairs by Nelson and Van Hoften. The success of STS-41C was aided by techniques and hardware tested on earlier shuttle flights, including the first shuttle spacewalk on STS-6, the SPAS-01 rendezvous and proximity operations on STS-7, the PFTA test of the RMS on STS-8, and the MMU test flights on STS-41B.
Left: The structure of the Long-Duration Exposure Facility before the installation of the experiments. Middle: Launch of the Solar Maximum Mission in February 1980. Right: Schematic of the Solar Max satellite.
At the time, the LDEF was the largest and heaviest object ever launched by the shuttle, weighing 21,400 pounds and measuring 14 by 30 feet. The satellite housed 86 trays filled with a variety of materials and structures for 57 different experiments run by 194 principal investigators from around the world. The plan was for a later shuttle mission to retrieve the LDEF after 9-10 months in orbit. The Solar Max, launched on Feb. 14, 1980, was designed for retrieval by the space shuttle for servicing or repair. Unfortunately, it suffered an electronics failure in September 1980 and had to rely on its magnetorquers to maintain attitude, limiting its data collection capabilities. If repairs proved unsuccessful, astronauts could return Solar Max to Earth in Challenger's payload bay.
Left: The crawler transporter departs Launch Pad 39A after delivering Challenger. Middle: On launch day, the STS-41C astronauts walk out of crew quarters to board the Astrovan for the ride to Launch Pad 39A. Right: Challenger rises into the sky.
Challenger made its first successful shuttle landing at KSC on Feb. 11, 1984, ending the STS-41B mission and setting a new record of 55 days for the shortest time between touchdown and the next launch. After refurbishment, Challenger was mated with its External Tank (ET) and Solid Rocket Boosters and returned to Launch Pad 39A on March 29. Liftoff happened on schedule at 8:58 a.m. EST on April 6, with Challenger carrying its five-member crew into the sky. Control of the flight was handed over to Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, led by Flight Director Gary E. Coen and his team, including capsule communicator John E. Blaha.
, the launch was closely monitored in all its aspects. The STS-41C executed the first direct ascent to orbit, using the shuttle's main engines rather than relying on the Orbiter Maneuvering System (OMS) engines. The External Tank (ET) reentered over the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii, producing a brilliant light show as it disintegrated. A later two-minute OMS burn adjusted the orbit to reach Solar Max’s 290-mile altitude - the highest of the shuttle program at the time. The astronauts then opened Challenger’s payload bay doors, deployed the Ku-band high-gain antenna for communication with the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS), activated the Flight Support System (FSS) and tested the Remote Manipulator System (RMS).
Left: STS-41C astronaut Terry J. Hart lifts the Long-Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) out of Challenger’s payload bay. Middle: LDEF shortly after release. Right: LDEF recedes from Challenger.
On the second day, the main activity was the deployment of LDEF. After unlocking the latches securing LDEF in the payload bay, Hart operated the RMS to lift it straight out. LDEF was then released and the shuttle backed away slowly. LDEF assumed a stable, gravity gradient orientation. To prepare for the next day’s spacewalk, astronauts Nelson and Van Hoften began their prebreathe, breathing pure oxygen, while Crippen reduced the cabin’s pressure. Due to a configuration issue, Nelson and Van Hoften had to repeat the prebreathe activity. They also ensured their spacesuits were ready for the spacewalk, while Crippen and Scobee began maneuvers to reach Solar Max.
Left: STS-41C astronauts James D. “Ox” Van Hoften and George D. “Pinky” Nelson prepare for the first spacewalk. Middle: Nelson flies the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) from Challenger to Solar Max. Right: Nelson prepares for the first docking attempt with Solar Max.
Mission Control during the first STS-41C spacewalk as NASA astronaut George D. “Pinky” Nelson flies the Manned Maneuvering Unit to the Solar Max satellite.
On their third day in space, the Challenger crew had narrowed their distance to the Solar Max satellite to just 320 miles. The engineers at Goddard Space Flight Center prepared the satellite for interaction with Challenger by powering down its instruments and enabling its communications system. They also disabled its attitude control system, allowing the astronauts to control it without resistance. The crew first observed Solar Max from a distance of 600,000 feet and proceeded to close in.
Astronauts Nelson and Van Hoften prepared for the spacewalk with assistance from fellow astronaut Hart, as Challenger neared Solar Max. Jerry L. Ross served as the capcom during the operation. The spacewalk commenced as the astronauts switched their suits to battery power and Crippen and Scobee halted Challenger 140 feet away from Solar Max.
Upon exiting the airlock, Nelson and Van Hoften began testing the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU), with Nelson wearing the unit and installing the Trunnion Pin Attachment Device (TPAD) with Van Hoften's assistance. Hart then prepared the Remote Manipulator System (RMS), ready to grapple Solar Max. Nelson flew the MMU to familiarize himself with its operation before starting a 10-minute flight to Solar Max.
However, Nelson's attempts to dock the satellite using the TPAD were unsuccessful, causing Solar Max to wobble. Running low on maneuvering gas, Nelson returned to the payload bay. The crew then tried to capture Solar Max using the rolling grapple technique with Hart operating the RMS, but this also proved unsuccessful. After several failed attempts, the decision was made to pause the operation. Goddard activated the magnetorquers to regain control of the spacecraft while Nelson and Van Hoften ended their shortened spacewalk, which lasted 2 hours 38 minutes.
The crew distanced Challenger from Solar Max to station keep overnight. The plan for the next day involved a second rendezvous attempt and using the RMS to capture Solar Max, with Nelson and Van Hoften performing repairs during a second spacewalk.
The STS-41C crew captured remarkable Earth observation photographs, including shots of the Texas Gulf Coast, Panama, the Richat structure in Mauritania, and circular irrigation in Saudi Arabia.
The Mission Control team decided to delay the rendezvous with Solar Max by a day, adding an extra day to the mission. Meanwhile, engineers at Goddard managed to slow down Solar Max's tumble and charged its batteries by pointing its solar arrays towards the Sun. The crew's activities were focused on the honeybee student experiment, the large format camera, and observing Earth.
Image: Terry J. Hart grappling Solar Max during orbital night and maneuvering Solar Max to the Flight Support Structure in Challenger’s payload bay using the RMS.
On the fifth day, the astronauts began the second rendezvous with Solar Max, bringing Challenger within 40 feet of the satellite. Hart successfully grappled the satellite on his first attempt using the RMS and moved it to the rear of the payload bay. This marked the first in-orbit capture of a satellite for repair. Hart then unlatched the RMS and stowed it for the next day's spacewalk. President Ronald W. Reagan congratulated the crew on the successful capture of Solar Max.
Images: Astronauts George D. “Pinky” Nelson and James D. “Ox” Van Hoften replacing Solar Max’s attitude control system module and the main electronics box of one of the satellite’s instruments. Nelson inspecting Solar Max from the end of the Remote Manipulator System.
Images: During the second STS-41C spacewalk, James D. “Ox” Van Hoften flies the Manned Maneuvering Unit in Challenger’s payload bay. Terry J. Hart lifting the repaired Solar Max out of Challenger’s payload bay and Solar Max departing from Challenger.
On the sixth day of the mission, Scobee assisted Nelson and Van Hoften in preparing for their second spacewalk to complete all the planned repairs on Solar Max. They successfully replaced the satellite's attitude control system module and installed a protective manifold for the X-ray polychromator instrument. The final task involved replacing the main electronics box of the satellite's chronograph polarimeter instrument, a task completed in an hour. Nelson also identified a thermal button as the cause of the TPAD's inability to latch onto the trunnion pin during the first spacewalk. The spacewalk ended after 6 hours 44 minutes, making it the longest Earth orbital spacewalk at that time. Nelson and Van Hoften spent a total of 9 hours 22 minutes outside Challenger. Overnight, engineers at Goddard checked the satellite's systems before its release the next day.
Left: Astronaut James D. “Ox” Van Hoften examines the honeybee student experiment. Right: The STS-41C crew members sport customized shirts, celebrating their successful mission on Challenger’s flight deck.
The following morning, Solar Max was released and the shuttle was navigated away from the satellite. The astronauts held a press conference to discuss their successful first repair of an on-orbit satellite, while wearing shirts that read “Ace Satellite Repair Co.”. The remaining day was spent preparing Challenger for the subsequent entry and landing, with tasks including stowing unneeded equipment and testing the orbiter's thrusters and control surfaces. The two spacewalkers stowed their spacesuits and Hart stowed the RMS, equipment that proved crucial to the mission's success.
The STS-41C mission ended with a successful landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The Space shuttle Challenger, having completed its satellite deployment and repair mission, had orbited the Earth 108 times over 6 days, 23 hours, and 40 minutes. On their final day in space, the astronauts prepared the spacecraft for reentry. Despite initial plans to land at the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) at Kennedy Space Center, poor weather conditions led Mission Control to opt for the California base. Upon reentry, the spacecraft was exposed to a brief period of ionized gases, causing a communications blackout but offering the astronauts a spectacular light show. Once back on Earth, the spacecraft was transported back to Kennedy Space Center atop a Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, a modified Boeing 747. The astronauts then returned to Houston to reunite with their families.Shortly after the deployment of Solar Max, engineers at Goddard got to work activating the satellite's instruments. The repaired systems functioned flawlessly, and within three days, the satellite was already gathering scientific data. After a comprehensive 30-day checkout, Solar Max was fully operational once more. Although the satellite missed the 1980 solar maximum, it collected invaluable data as the Sun went through a solar minimum and neared the next maximum in its 11-year cycle. By the time the mission concluded in November 1989, Solar Max had returned 240,000 images of the Sun’s corona, logged over 12,000 solar flares, detected 15 deep-space gamma-ray bursts, and even observed Halley’s Comet as it passed through the inner solar system in early 1986. Initially planned for retrieval after 9-10 months, LDEF remained in space much longer due to a series of payload shuffles in 1985 and the tragic Challenger accident in January 1986, which resulted in an extended grounding of the shuttle fleet. It wasn't until STS-32 in January 1990, after 57 months in space, that LDEF was finally returned.Explore the STS-41C mission further with a [crew-narrated video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BETwxIOUtAc) or dive into the experiences of [Crippen](https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/CrippenRL/crippenrl.htm), [Hart](https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/HartTJ/harttj.htm), [Van Hoften](https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/vanHoftenJD/vanhoftenjd.htm), and [Nelson](https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/NelsonGD/nelsongd.htm) as they recollect the STS-41C mission in their oral histories with the [JSC History Office](https://www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/).
Source Link: 40 Years Ago: STS-41C, the Solar Max Repair Mission
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umichenginabroad · 4 months
Week 8 - The Return of The Wolverine
Kia Ora everyone! This week I went back to New Zealand. This time to the North Island, and with my Dad who's visiting the next couple of weeks.
Wednesday - Journey into the Cafe's of Sydney
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Life in Australia leaves little to desire, however, one thing I've felt the absence of is study cafes. They don’t exist here, the closest you can get is either buying a coffee and then going to a library or hunting for a coffee shop that doesn’t want to throw you to the curb for ordering one coffee in three hours. This is yet another Anika Satish tip coming in clutch. During her time here, she discovered the cafe study gems that are Berkelouw and Ampersand. Although a far cry from the Michigan selection, the buildings double as a bookstore and cafe. It is challenging to be there for long due to limited outlets and spotty wifi, but it's a very welcome change from UNSW's main library. 
Thursday - Ho Dad!
9:15 am *buzz*, *buzz* hello?? Oh hey, Dad… you’re here already… my god, yes come in one second!
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My dad arrived earlier than expected this morning and will be here for two weeks, during that time I’m maximizing all the activities I’ve been wanting to do but haven’t had the financial freedom to explore, oh and to spend loving, quality time with my father of course. He quickly showered and I got packed before we both headed to the airport for our midday flight to Auckland, New Zealand (the largest city in the north island). Despite a few flight delays, we made it to our dinner meal of tapas before heading in for a much-needed rest. A rest my dad that is, I stayed up for a few more hours planning the next few days of our trip, all that we had booked up to that point were the flights and that first night’s hotel…
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Friday - Auckland to Rotorua
We wanted to spend our trip balancing thrilling activities with cultural experiences and exploring natural wonders. And seeing the Shire of course. However the last-minute booking scramble from the night before uncovered the harsh reality of all the Shire tours being booked. So we settled for lunch at the Shire’s rest cafe (the closest you can get without a ticket). 
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We returned to the car and set off for grade 5 white water rafting. The highlights were the world's highest commercially rafted waterfall (22-foot) which we plummeted down in the raft, jumping into parts of the rapids, and surfing the rapids. 
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Here's a photo online of the waterfall we conquered
Sore but exhilarated, we checked into our hotel and booked it for our dinner reservation. That night we got our first taste of the geothermal activity in the area as we spent 90 minutes soaking in the Polynesian Hot Springs in the middle of town. Reeking of sulphur, we made our way to the Redwood Park which boasted suspended walkways lit up by a host of lamps.
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The walk felt like we were wandering an Ewok village at night. Not finding any Ewoks, we did see several, wait, baby kangaroos?? large rats?? Joe?? Nope, wallabies, basically short, rodent-looking kangaroos, hopping along the forest floor. 
Saturday - Rotorua to Whitianga
The next morning we made our way to the Geothermal Wonderland 10 minutes outside of Rotorua to experience “One of the most surreal places on Earth”. I don’t know about any of that but it was a very unique experience. Watching deep wells of bubbling mud and mineral-rich water boiling from the active vents deep below made Earth’s crust feel as thin as it has ever felt. The fear of all the high pressure and heat churning underneath our feet bursting up from the ground we walked wasn’t eased by the dire warnings of "If you hear a siren for more than 30 seconds, please evacuate immediately"
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“I’m talking about Mountain Dew Baby”
We then headed to the Maori village for a guided tour highlighting their traditional practices and totem symbolism, and most interestingly how they harnessed the pools and vents of boiling water steaming up all around their land. 
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The bottom two images depict one of several thermal vents that the village has reconfigured into a natural steam oven.
Chanting “Stay left”, my dad drove the winding rodes back north to Whitianga, a town in the Coromandel Peninsula near the famous hot spring beach. Our plan that night was to go during the next low tide (midnight) and so we searched for things to pass the time. For context, when visiting the hot water beach at low tide, we were told to dig into the sand near the water’s edge and watch it bubble up to fill in as our very own hot spring. 
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Anyway, after our delicious dinner, we lodged ourselves at the local sports bar until enough time had passed. But as the drinks flowed, it became obvious that there were other plans in store for the night. We formally met the off-the-clock waitress from the place we had just dined, and I left my dad to join her and her friends for the night. They took me under their wing, putting me on to the “classic New Zealand bands” and expanding my vocabulary. Did you know that when we in America would typically call light rain “misting” they call it “spitting”? Needless to say, the streets and our clothes were covered in spit, so we all ran into the Ocean.
The next morning, a tad sleep-deprived, we drove back to catch our returning flight to Sydney, and to start our next adventure.
Cheers from the down under,
Grant Touchette
Aerospace Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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rahneiispersonal · 9 months
Teenage Life: A Blogೀ
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Being a teenager in middle to late adolescence is a great stage in life to find and identify yourself. Are you a preppy person? A grungy down to earth? or a stick to the basics type? Answering those questions may seem easy on paper but when it comes to real life, it's a challenge.
Some facts about being a teenager in this new generation!
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
❥Our brains are wired to take risks! During our adolescence stage, our brains undergo a major rewiring during puberty the brain's social-emotional system leads to increased reward-seeking, especially in the presence of friends. For example jumping from a high staircase and rolling down a hill, maybe even licking the toilet seat (I saw it once, my classmate did it for 50 pesos ToT)
❥We have a shorter attention span Because of how the internet works today, content creators have been producing short 10-30 second videos which we get addicted to, like Tik-tok and Youtube shorts. You can say it is somewhat even shorter than a little kid playing on their Ipad.
❥We are more prone to addiction Our feel-good dopamine chemicals in our brain during this stage of life are lower than adults and children, but we produce way more dopamine than an adult. And because of this we can do whatever the action or word is over and over and can lead us to addiction (Addiction is not good especially if its vices like drinking, vaping and even porn addictions. So we must always limit ourselves and set boundaries!)
❥We have a lot of opportunities! In this new generation, we have more knowledge for politics, the economy, and even for our environment! and today there are so many STEM students that will thrive in making a better world!
☆We can be sensitive since we are technically still kids but just a little older and knows better! No it is not being a "cry-baby" or being "dramatic" it is how we process things and sometimes we take it too far or too slow! and that is okay! since we are still learning about life and morals!
❥We are more active than others Though some can be "lazy" or "weak" We are more active and a bit strong since our muscles are developing! We just don't want to do it all the time!
❥We are technically chronologically online ever since we were young! Because of our early access to the internet, we tend to be waay more online than usual and waay too into trends and such, which can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.
☆ Lots of peer pressure from the world Adults expect us to act like them, despite them still treating us like children. It's all so confusing and really overwhelming on what kind if things they dump on us and just expect us to do in such an age. Even if we have more control of our choices, many of them still expect us to do the right thing right away. Not much "room for making mistakes and learning through them" now, huh?
☆Nagging and Criticism Cause Teen Brains to Shut Down (Literally) When we are being nagged or critisized for what we don't want to hear, our brain goes on an "offline mode" and seems like we are ignoring it but it's not what you think! It's not because we are "disrespectful" or anything like that, we just don't like how you are telling us that you are wrong, a nice gentle way of telling us what we did wrong is better!
❥Even if we have it easier, we just can't! having it easier, is in fact easier but on paper. We still have the pressure of academics, peers, and even our own family! which is why having support is always appreciated. Just knowing someone is there for us, is enough!
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The positives and negatives of being a teenager of today౨ৎ Being a teenager is of course enjoying life to the fullest with friends and family cause you wont get the time to enjoy it as you get older, but sometimes life can be pretty hard these days, so lets look at the positives and negatives!
Having time with your friends and family, Spending quality time with them is a great reliever and the best way to spend your weekends or after school! even as simple as eating out or just watching TV. It's all about the little things that make it big!
Trying and learning new things while we can! As we grow, its a bit harder to learn and try new hobbies. Even with sports! We should take any opportunity we can!
Being able to be in your best shape. We have more energy and optimism than adults, so we should take advantage of it and to be as healthy as we can!
We have less financial stress and worry. This depends on different households but we all mostly are still able to live under our parents roof and for them to provide for us!
We have freedom! but this also depends on different lifestyles but teenagers have more freedom than adults!
As much as we have a lot of freedom in our life, we also have the burden of our ancestors and grandparents. Both emotionally and economically. We have the burden of trying to keep the planet as healthy as it can be. But due to the recent climate changes that are very drastic, we should help as much as we can.
Even if we have a lot of freedom in our life the academic stress especially in the Philippines are very very extreme these days. As other countries progress to have better education days, we are still stuck with loads of projects and assignments with our school days being 7am-5pm.
Since we are more prone to more emotional baggage, the emotional baggage of the world ends up making it heavier on our shoulders as we struggle to balance our vices and our important needs. This can lead to anxiety, depression and etc.
We can unintentionally or intentionally be too rude, intentional or not it is very unavoidable since we are mostly direct and or a bit awkward.
We can get annoyed easily and be defensive, It's not because we are forcibly disrespecting you! its just how we feel and we would like to set a boundary but we didn't mean it in the most rudest tone !
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Thank you for reading our short blog, and we hope you learned more about teenagers!
Blog created by: Rahne Yap, Laina Pagalanan, Toby Chance, Sam Quindo, and Iyyar Bullozo
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mayhemproduces · 10 months
Sardonyx (c) vs Lacey Karmens- MPW Fatales Championship- MPW: Hell on Earth 2
April 24th, 2021.
Wes Barkley was the first person to fall, quickly fading to Mass Destruction as Sardonyx began her warpath throughout MPW. Big names and MPW originals alike have fallen at the feet of the Savior. 538 days, 49 victories, 0 losses. Two of her biggest victories came against long time rival - turned friend and stablemate, Riley Ishimori, BLADE, former MPW Tag Team Champion, Bayley, and the heavily decorated 44OH!. It didn’t matter who stepped up, what accolades they held or their history, their in-ring style. It didn’t matter if they attacked from behind or challenged her head on, Sardonyx was always prepared, always ready. Whether it was a 30-minute classic against submission specialists or former champions, or 8-minute squash matches against Queens or Goddesses, the fact remained the same. Sardonyx always wins.
Darkness Falls marked the beginning of the Savior’s unstoppable reign over the Fatales division, and it was hard to imagine anybody could stop her. But Lacey Karmens is the ultimate underdog, with several big wins under their belt. Nick Gage, Talia Rogue, Lilith Brookes, BLADE, and even a pinfall victory over their dear friend, Jade Cargill. They were the odds on favorite to win the Femme Fatales tournament - but how many of those people have beat Sardonyx? How many of them could?
“The following contest is a singles match, set for one fall, and it is for the MPW FATALES CHAMPIONSHIP!” Chicago screams at the beginning announcements. On one side of the ring, the challenger, Lacey Karmens, stared down the champion with a heated, intense gaze. Shoulders rolling as Steve Guy continues his announcements. “On my left, the challenger. Fighting out of San Francisco, California, and weighing in tonight at 148 pounds, they are Karma, LACEY KARMENS!”
It’s undeniable that Lacey is a fan favorite everywhere we go, but tonight had to be the loudest one yet. Thousands of people shrieking as Lacey’s name is announced, the challenger turning to face them, raising their arms before they gesture to their waist, indicating that the title is coming home with them. Cocky, for sure, but Lacey knows it’ll be a lot easier said than done. It’s going to take every ounce of strength, every ounce of energy, every play in their arsenal if they want even a chance of walking out of here with the belt around their waist.
“And to my right, the champion,” a much more somber reaction from the crowd tonight. There was a time when Sardonyx might’ve been on their good side; the aloofness making her a mystery to all, but since she’s aligned with The Fallen, that has changed immensely, “Fighting out of Auckland, New Zealand, and honoring The Fallen, she has been undefeated for 538 days, and she is the MPW Fatales Champion, SARDONYX!”
Sardonyx drops to her knees in the middle of the ring, two toned locks hanging in front of her face, with the Fatales Championship raised into the air, left arm stretched at her side. The NOW Arena is loud, a mixed reaction leaning more towards hostile. When she stands, Jessica Carr asks for the belt, but Sardonyx ignores her to get directly in Lacey’s face. Nose to nose with her challenger, Sardonyx holds the title up next to their face, but Lacey’s eyes are locked with Sardonyx’s. They vowed to come after all titleholders, but this one has become more personal than just a chance at the silver and purple title in Sardonyx’s possession. Lacey Karmens presents a real, massive threat to Sardonyx’s title reign, but it’s going to take more than just a threat to scratch the invulnerable champion.
The moment the bell rings, the room becomes electric. There’s been so much speculation, so much talk, but it would all come down to this. Opinions and statistics won’t matter now, the only numbers they need to care about are 1 - 2 - 3. Ultimately, it’s going to come down to who wants it the most. Who can persevere, who can withstand, who can survive the longest. Lacey steps forward, but Sardonyx is a stone wall. Unmoving, emotionless, while Lacey’s burning with desire. Their love for this business, their want, their need, to pick up their first piece of gold in MPW was shining brighter than ever. Their head tilts to the side as the white hot crowd begins to chant for Karmens, most of the arena with a resounding, “LET’S GO LACEY!”  But the other half, growing in numbers, responds with, “UN-DE-FEAT-ED!”
The NOW Arena is split in half, rooting for both of them, as The Fallen have, so far, been much more beloved in Chicago than they are in most other places, and that was no more true than it is right now. Of course, Lacey is a beloved fan favorite on any side of the globe, even more so here in Chicago. The chants die down after nearly a minute as they begin to circle each other, before they finally touch, for the first time in their respective careers. Moving into a lockup, they battle for control. They fight to the ropes, Lacey pushing back, before Sardonyx switches them around, pinning Lacey. She slips back and pats Lacey’s chest, telling them to bring it as she backs up. Lacey looks down before they go swinging, but Sardonyx is able to duck and trip them up, slipping and sliding over Lacey’s back before locking in a front facelock. Lacey reverses into a front facelock, but Sardonyx rolls out and on top, into a waistlock, bringing Lacey up and into another facelock. Lacey picks the leg and works the ankle, maneuvering over Sardonyx before getting her in a headlock. Sardonyx rolls back, holding onto the waist, but Lacey hangs onto the headlock all the way up to their feet. Sardonyx pushes up against their face, pushing them back to the ropes. Sardonyx grabs the arm as they’re whipped away, pulling Lacey back and slamming them down on their head - but Lacey kips back up! Sardonyx turns them around and pops them in the mouth with a right hand, before pushing them to the ropes, but Lacey reverses and whips Sardonyx across the ring. They charge, knocking Sardonyx down with a single leg dropkick! The challenger scores the first point, asking Sardonyx if she needs a time out, before nailing her with a forearm smash.
Moving to the ropes, Lacey gets a running head start, but when they touch the ropes, Sardonyx goes low, kicking their knees out from under them! Lacey goes face first on the mat, and Sardonyx stays on the knee, sliding right out of the ring and slamming it on the apron. An elbow is driven into the tender muscle, leaving Lacey hobbling on the right leg. The left is placed on the guardrail before Sardonyx lifts it up, slamming it right on the barricade! That’s a straight shot to the hamstring! Sardonyx rolls inside the ring as Lacey’s left to their own devices, the leg becoming more useless with each brutal shot. Lacey forces themselves back inside the ring, and Sardonyx is instantly on the attack, jumping on the knee before it’s wrapped around the rope, bending it over the stiff cable. Lacey grunts in pain, burying their face deep in their arm. Eventually, Sardonyx relents, no rules in place in this championship contest to stop her. When she relents, they’re forced to their feet, but Lacey swings back and nails Sardonyx with a chop, the champion visibly wincing from the pain. Lacey rears back, landing a forearm smash, before following up with another chop, taking Sardonyx off her feet. They turn to run the ropes, but Sardonyx grabs the left leg, holding on and tripping Lacey up. Lacey tries to kick back, but Sardonyx kicks the left and hooks her legs around them, turning Lacey over in an inverted figure 4! The left leg is hyperextended over the right, Sardonyx locking in the submission deep. She may not keep the title via submission, but she’ll do plenty of damage to the knee like this. Eventually, Lacey’s able to move on their forearms and to the ropes, grabbing hold of the bottom. Sardonyx doesn’t have to break, but as Lacey starts to pull themselves out, Sardonyx lets go and drags them up to their feet. She holds onto the leg, but Lacey fires back with forearms, getting Sardonyx off them. Throwing her to the ropes, Lacey twists for a rolling elbow, but Sardonyx hangs onto the ropes, avoiding danger, and forcing Lacey to stop their momentum in an instant. Sardonyx charges, but gets tossed overhead with a belly to belly suplex!
Sardonyx lands hard on her tailbone, and holds it as she gets to her feet. Lacey sees the opportunity and takes it, trying to take Sardonyx out with the San Fran Bicycle knee - dodged! Sardonyx moves out of the way and swings, aiming for a spin kick, but Lacey ducks under it and grabs Sardonyx, spiking her with a DDT! A twinge of pain flashes through the left leg, and Lacey grabs for it before grabbing Sardonyx, throwing an arm over their own neck to prepare for a back suplex, but Sardonyx holds on. Locking down so she can’t be lifted, before driving her elbow into the back of Lacey’s neck. Lacey drops to a knee, and Sardonyx looks to run the ropes - but they’re drawn in by the tights! Sardonyx is spun up high, and driven down with a sitout powerbomb! Shoulders down!
1… 2… Kickout!
Sardonyx survives the first cover of the matchup, a moment of disappointment flashing over Lacey’s face, but they knew it wouldn’t be that simple. Sardonyx wouldn’t have gone undefeated this long if that was all it took. Getting Sardonyx up in the corner, Lacey charges in with a running boot, but Sardonyx moves out of the way at the last second! Lacey’s leg is hung up on the top rope, and Sardonyx rolls them up, shoulders down!
1… 2… Kickout!
After Jessica’s hand hit the mat for the first count, Sardonyx put her feet up on the ropes, but Lacey kicked out anyhow. Jessica caught it, and warns Sardonyx against doing it again. The champion only glares back at Carr, rolling her eyes. It was a mere test to see if Lacey had what it took to be here tonight, or if they could be outsmarted so easily. That would not be the case, but this discussion gave Lacey enough time to get to their feet, surprising Sardonyx with a charge - but she won’t be caught off guard tonight! Sardonyx lifts Lacey up, dumping them on the top rope, but they don’t bounce off. Lacey hangs on while Sardonyx runs the ropes, blasting Lacey with a dropkick to the face! Lacey flops back into the ring, but Sardonyx moves out to the apron. She leans over the ropes, trying to pull Lacey up, but Lacey punches their way out of it. Back on the mat, Lacey charges, and nails Sardonyx with a running big boot! Sardonyx is slouched over the top rope, and Lacey moves to the apron, getting behind Sardonyx and grabbing their waist, trying to hit a German suplex onto the floor, but Sardonyx desperately clings to the ropes. Maybe she even wouldn’t be able to survive a fall like that, and has to dive into the ring to avoid certain doom, but she still gets a headbutt from Lacey. Lacey gets back inside, and Sardonyx kicks the rope, vibrating it against the left leg! Lacey’s hung in the ropes, stuck there, and Sardonyx kicks her to the floor with a running bicycle knee strike on the side of the head! Lacey’s knocked to the outside, and Sardonyx hops down as well, telling all the fans and staff members to clear the area. Steve Guy jumps on the mic to advise they stay out of their way, as Sardonyx drags Lacey over to the third row. On top of the chairs, they stand side by side before Sardonyx leans back, hitting a Russian leg sweep onto the chairs! That’s a rough landing for both parties! Lacey’s face is contorted in a deep look of agony, and Sardonyx only adds to it as she rains down punches on Lacey’s head, beating them further into submission. At this pace, Lacey’s chances of walking out of here with the Fatales Championship were looking worse and worse by the minute.
Hopping over the barricade, Sardonyx moves up the second turnbuckle, hanging out on the outside as she waits for Lacey to find a way to her feet. When they do, Sardonyx jumps off the turnbuckles and crushes Lacey with a diving crossbody! They’re driven into the chairs, and Lacey might be done for! Sardonyx might’ve just taken out her opponent for the night, and she’s looking to seal the deal! Moving them back inside the ring, Sardonyx gets up on the top turnbuckle, going high risk once more, with a Phoenix Splash! She crushes Lacey, and hooks the far leg, trying to retain!
1… 2… Kickout!
Not yet! Lacey hangs on, but as they kick out, Sardonyx transitions into a crossface! With the submission locked in tight, Sardonyx wrenches back, applying intense pressure to the jaw and the neck, while forcing Lacey to spin on that left leg to get over to the ropes. They eventually find a reprieve, but they spend long enough in the hold before doing so, but Sardonyx looks slightly annoyed. She moves to Lacey’s side as they hang onto the ropes, trying to pick themselves up, before Sardonyx starts to kick. Not at full power, but it’s enough to send Lacey rolling back. Sardonyx looms over them, sinking fingers into their hair. Lacey grabs the hand locked into their hair and bends back on the fingers, forcing the hand onto the mat. They’re both pinned down by Lacey’s toes, Lacey flinking Sardonyx’s hair out of her eyes so she can see Lacey’s gift, a middle finger to the face, before launching their boot to Sardonyx’s jaw, hitting a bicycle kick! Sardonyx is rolled back, and Lacey lifts her back up, going for a wheelbarrow German suplex, but Sardonyx rolls through! Shoulders down!
1… 2… Kickout!
They get out, but Lacey’s back up and at it with a clothesline, but it’s a swing and a miss. Sardonyx grabs them by the waist, but Lacey elbows back, knocking Sardonyx sideways. Lacey to the ropes, but the champion strikes, grabbing Lacey under the arm, and hitting a pop-up knee strike! It hits square in the forehead, and their eyes roll to the back of their head, as Lacey falls through the ropes. Sardonyx looks at them before turning to run the ropes, diving through the middle - but they’re caught! Lacey grabs them in a vertical suplex, slamming Sardonyx onto the apron! What a reversal, and Sardonyx is HURT! It clearly took a lot out of Lacey to counter that dive and inflict that much pain on Sardonyx, and they’re able to persevere through the pain. No pressure is put on the left leg, but the energy pouring out from the crowd, their chants filling the room once again, Lacey is energized. They’re able to dig down deep to find what they need to get the action back inside the ring. With Sardonyx in one corner, Lacey faces the corner opposite. Head down as they shake out the left leg, getting themselves prepared for whatever they’re planning. They turn around and charge, nearly taking Sardonyx’s head off with a running boot! Her head is nearly sent to the third row, and Lacey wants to take it off all the way, throwing Sardonyx to the ropes and into a rolling clothesline - but Sardonyx ducks!
She hangs on and floats around, hooking her hands under Lacey’s arms and pulling her up into the crucifix. Quickly, Sardonyx spins, before pulling them up and into a powerbomb! Normally Sardonyx would get the sitout here, but slamming Lacey down meant landing on her own tailbone, and after it was just introduced to the hardest part of the ring, the impact does almost as much damage to deliver it. She’s clutching her tailbone as she moves to her feet, Lacey doing the same. After two excellent, high impact reversals from both parties, we still don’t have a victor, Lacey getting the shoulder up off of one of Sardonyx’s newer, spectacular moves. You’d be smart to bet on this one being nowhere near finished, with these two likely pushing the time limit, if they don’t end up going the distance. And that could very well be a possibility here, as, somehow, Lacey surprises Sardonyx with a rolling elbow, catching her right on the jaw! Sardonyx is spun around from the force of that shot, and Lacey grabs her by the waist, planting Sardonyx with a release German suplex! She damn near lands on her head after that one! Sardonyx is seeing stars while Lacey is fueled by adrenaline. The pain in their knee seems to be ancient history as Lacey holds onto the ropes, watching as Sardonyx groggily pulls herself together. They hit the ropes, and absolutely DECAPITATE Sardonyx with a clothesline! Sardonyx completes the full circle before hitting the mat, what power from Lacey Karmens! And it could win them the title, shoulders down!
1…. 2… KICKOUT!
Only two! Lacey almost can’t believe it, but they haven’t even busted out their best move yet. They’ll have to put everything they have behind it, if they’re able to find the opportunity to do so, since it could be their only shot. On their hands and knees, Lacey places their head on the mat as the NOW Arena starts to chant for Karmens, trying to will them back into the fight. The Un-de-feat-ed chants aren’t quite as loud now, as almost all of Chicago was on Lacey’s side right now. That could change with the tides, but for now, it was fueling Lacey, giving them what they need to get back up. They punch the mat as they rise, rolling out their arms as they crouch over Sardonyx, picking her up by the waist. Lacey snaps back for another release German suplex - but Sardonyx sticks the landing! She lands on her feet, and catches Lacey by surprise with a hurricanrana, but Lacey holds on! They throw Sardonyx up for a powerbomb, but Sardonyx shifts her hips, and turns it into a Canadian Destroyer! Lacey is spiked on their crown! They’re practically folded up on their neck after that one, and a dazed Sardonyx crawls into the cover, throwing an arm over their chest!
Lacey gets the shoulder up at two and a half, and even more than that, they’re on their feet! After all that, Lacey is standing, but they’re not for long, as Sardonyx charges into an omoplata, bringing them down into another Crossface! Softening up for the Hemonga Lock, without introducing it to Lacey too early on. She knows this is going to be much easier said than done, and doesn’t want to show Lacey her best tricks yet. There’s still more left to come, but she may want to rethink that soon. Very soon in fact, as Lacey overpowers the Crossface! They lift Sardonyx right off the mat, and spin them into a Tombstone position. Lacey lets her slide down a bit, arms hooking over the legs, before they drop, crunching Sardonyx’s neck with a cradle Tombstone piledriver! Sardonyx is dropped right on her neck, and this could be it! Shoulders down!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
It’s starting to feel like nothing was going to end this one. We could be looking at a rare MPW draw. There’s only been one before, all the way back when VENY faced Kenny Omega for the first time, their original bout coming to a 30-minute draw. In title matches, the limit is upped to 60, so we could be in for a long wait before we have a decisive victor.
Nevertheless, Lacey remains undeterred. They still have plenty of tricks up their sleeve as well, and look to enact something here, when Sardonyx grabs their leg. They look down, clearly annoyed, and knocks Sardonyx back with a hard knee to the jaw. They start to crumble, but they’re able to rear back, catching Sardonyx with a superkick! The champion goes down, but the left leg of the challenger gives up, leaving neither with an advantage. But Lacey could be wanting to change that here as they move to the top rope. They leap off, going for a Moonsault Leg Drop - but nobody’s home! Lacey hits the mat hard, landing directly on their legs, and Sardonyx charges, knocking them down with a penalty kick! She forces them upright, and sinks into a Black Widow! One of Lacey’s own moves, and Sardonyx is trying to beat them with it! She has the submission locked in tight, middle of the ring, but they’re able to shift Sardonyx onto their back, slamming them to the mat! A modified Air Raid Crash gets Lacey a reprieve, and they’re able to find a way up to their feet. Hair hanging loose in their vision, Lacey surges forward, knocking Sardonyx down with a superkick under the jaw! Sardonyx rolls outside of the ring, trying to shake off the cobwebs, while Lacey stays in the ring. They run the ropes, looking to fly, and dive out between the ropes - but nobody’s home! Lacey risks life and limb to make that dive, and it might’ve just cost them big time!
Lacey hits the venue floor HARD, and Sardonyx drags her motionless corpse up, trying to add injury to more injury with a back suplex on the unprotected tiles, but Lacey, somehow, has it in them to hold on. She doesn’t get the back suplex, but Sardonyx still rocks them with a forearm. Lacey’s stumbled, but fires back a forearm, sending Sardonyx back a few steps. She forces them to stand tall, and take another forearm smash to the jaw, before they both collapse! Down on their knees on the floor doesn’t stop these two from fighting, as Lacey rears back, landing another forearm! And Sardonyx keeps the pattern going with a third forearm from her! Lacey falls to their back, but it’s not the last of it as she powers back with another forearm, forcing them self to sit up to deliver it. Sardonyx barely moves back as the shots come more frequently, more intense, until Lacey’s rocked onto their back again. Sardonyx holds onto their locks as they’re pulled up, Sardonyx laying into them with even more forearms! She’s all but battering Lacey now, the challenger dropping to their knees, and Jessica Carr leaves the ring to separate them, wanting to check on Lacey. But Sardonyx isn’t having any of it. With Carr being the usual enforcer in the Fatales title defenses, Sardonyx has grown more consistently fed up with the referee, and shoves Carr to the floor! Jessica tries to pick herself up, but Sardonyx uses her back like a launching pad, taking Lacey off their feet with a European uppercut! What innovative offense, but that’s gotta be a fine?! These two are willing to risk anything and everything they have to walk out of here the winner, no matter what the cost may be!
Getting Lacey up on their feet, Sardonyx goes for a Northern Lights Bomb, but Lacey manages to turn it around, leaning back into a Tombstone! But they can’t deliver, the leg giving out as they attempt to, but they’re able to come back with a roundhouse kick! The champion’s dropped, and Lacey picked them up and put them upside down, this time, successfully hitting the Tombstone piledriver, spiking Sardonyx on the venue floor! Lacey’s leg gives out at the last second but they’ve taken Sardonyx down for a moment! Hopefully it’s long enough to give Lacey a chance to recover. Eventually, after several long moments of resting, they do make their way back inside, Lacey sliding in under the bottom rope before Sardonyx grabs their feet. Turning them back around, Sardonyx grabs their head and pulls them back, before spiking Lacey with a hangman DDT off the apron! Their head’s driven into the floor! Lacey might be out cold after that!
Sardonyx moves this one back inside the squared circle, kneeling as Lacey crawls over, and lands a headbutt! They’ve used their feet, their legs,their arms, and now resort to using their head as a weapon. But Sardonyx has no qualms with that, and knocks Lacey all the way to their back with a stiff headbutt. Lacey’s seeing stars, and doubting their choice in attack, as Sardonyx pulls them back up and hits a second headbutt. Standing in the corner, Sardonyx calls Lacey up before charging, trying to take their head off with a running bicycle knee strike, but Lacey ducks under it and tries to trip Sardonyx up, but the champion stands tall and sits on Lacey! Sardonyx holds onto the waist before a count is registered, pulling them up into a wheelbarrow - and slamming them down into the Hemonga Lock! It’s locked in DEEP, dead center in the middle of the ring! Nowhere for Lacey to go! Sardonyx has the arm digging into Lacey’s throat, cutting off the carotid arteries and choking the air out of Lacey’s lungs. They desperately try to search for more, but none is found, as they’re quickly losing consciousness. To come so far to be choked out in the end is a bitter pill to swallow, but there’s no shame in losing to someone with the track record and prestige of the MPW Fatales Champion. As much as many wanted to see them sit at the top of the mountain, it doesn’t seem to be fate, at least not tonight, as their eyelids begin to droop. Growing heavier by the passing moments, their arms slow to a gradual stop, and they look to be fading here. Carr crouches down, grabbing the arm… one… a second test… and Lacey stops it at the last second! There’s still life in the challenger!
Sitting up, Lacey rises from the ashes and leans back, breaking the submission! They get to their feet, unleashing a battle cry before they slip behind Sardonyx, landing a German suplex! Sardonyx lands on her god damn neck, but she springs up! Arms around the waist, she snaps back, hitting another German suplex, and putting Lacey right on the base of their neck! But Lacey won’t stay down! They’re wobbling, but they’re on their feet, unleashing another battle cry! Moving behind Sardonyx, Lacey hits a second brutal German suplex, only for Sardonyx to roll through into another German suplex! They’re teetering, but somehow, both parties remain on their feet. Sardonyx tries a third German, but Lacey sticks the landing! They run the ropes, bringing Sardonyx down with a hurricanrana, tucking her in tight for the cover!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
As Sardonyx kicks out, she pulls Lacey up into the 9 of Swords! Before she can deliver, Lacey starts to kick, forcing their way out, and forcing Sardonyx back. Lacey charges, and nearly takes Sardonyx’s head off with a running high kick, nearly kicking her over the ropes! Sardonyx is pulled down to the mat, and Lacey punches at the left knee before climbing up the ropes. They perch before flipping back, hitting the Moonsault leg drop! Shoulders down to win the title!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
No dice! Sardonyx out at two, and Lacey lays back with their head in their hands, wondering if they have anything left in the tank. But they wouldn’t have come to Chicago if they didn’t. Lacey gets up and pulls Sardonyx to her feet. One arm hooked in, then the other, before Lacey moves up into a wheelbarrow, and snapped back with a Dragon suplex, bridged over!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Still two, and Lacey’s eyes nearly bug out of their head! Lacey falls back again, shaking their head, while Sardonyx moves to the top rope. Lacey jumps up and climbs up, only to get knocked back by a headbutt, but Lacey comes back and slaps Sardonyx across the face. Lacey tries to climb up, but Sardonyx wraps an arm around their head, locking them into a hanging Guillotine from the top rope! She can’t get the submission victory like this, but she can utilize every second given to her to inflict as much damage as she can, and choke Lacey out. When she lets Lacey drop, Sardonyx drops down to the apron. She slingshots into the ring - AND EATS A SAN FRAN BICYCLE! LACEY PULLS IT OUT OF NOWHERE, BUT SARDONYX FALLS THROUGH THE ROPES!
Lacey falls to the mat, head in their hands, as they just watched their best shot yet fall through their fingers! What unfortunate luck was that. After all of this intense back and forth, Lacey finally hit the big one, but Sardonyx was in the ring place at the ring time. Whether it was by luck or by design, Sardonyx will hang onto the Fatales Championship, if only for a few more moments.
Self-pity aside, there’s still a match going on, and Lacey still has a chance. More than a chance now that Sardonyx is out of it, having taken all of that knee strike to the jaw and neck area. Maybe if they’d landed it on the temple instead, there might be a different story here, but they’ve been targeting that jawline all night, so it made sense to use that big red X for the final blow. But as luck would have it, Lacey’s time has not yet come to pass. It could be soon, though, as Lacey gets them back inside the squared circle. But as Lacey slips in through the ropes, Sardonyx jumps up, cracking their temple with a roundhouse kick! They droop, and Sardonyx plants them right on the neck with a Northern Lights Bomb! One big move transitions right into another, as Sardonyx all but deadlifts them up into a vertical suplex. At the last second, Sardonyx moves them over, and spikes them with a Suplex Piledriver! Lacey’s dumped right on the top of their skull, and they’re out cold! Folded up like an accordion, this is it! Sardonyx retains!
Sardonyx is tired of playing this game, of dealing with the stubbornness, the resilience of Lacey Karmens. She demands a definitive victor, and demands it be her, and she’s going to ensure that in a big way. Leaving the ring, Sardonyx digs around for plunder, and eventually finds… a glass sheet. The pane is slid into the ring, Jessica already pulling out thick, black construction gloves in anticipation of what’s coming next, as Sardonyx leans the pane up against the corner. She turns and moves up to Lacey, pulling them up by the hair. She hooks them into another Crucifix, and charges, trying to throw Lacey through the glass - but they slide off! They shove Sardonyx, but she’s able to grab the ropes to stop herself. But she isn’t scot-free! Lacey charges, delivering a San Fran knee to the back of the neck, and sending Sardonyx through the glass pane! It shatters into a million tiny pieces as Sardonyx is forcefully driven through it, her head smacking into the turnbuckles in the process. Coming out of it, her face is leaking profusely, draining down the front of her body, while Lacey runs the ropes, nailing a second straight bicycle knee strike! Sardonyx drops to a knee, but it’s not enough to knock the champion down! Lacey looks a bit frustrated, maybe even heartbroken, but doesn’t stop fighting, doesn’t stop swinging. They hit a superkick, a shoot kick, then a buzzsaw, trying to knock Sardonyx down, but she won’t budge. Another superkick into a quick knee on the temple, then another buzzsaw, and a bicycle kick. Superkick, buzzsaw, knee strike - Lacey’s lighting up the champion, laying into Sardonyx until blood starts to drip out between her lips, mixing in with the blood making its way down her face. Sardonyx raises her arms to her sides as Lacey moves back to run the ropes. Sardonyx, somehow, is on her feet as Lacey does it, and they bulldoze through Sardonyx with another bicycle knee strike! Sardonyx drops to the mat, but they kip right up! For a moment, Lacey isn’t sure what to do, but they decide to run the ropes, hitting another bicycle knee strike! Sardonyx goes to kip up again, but as her feet hit the mat, her body gives out. The sudden blood loss mixed in with all those kicks to the head, 9 kicks, 3 bicycle knee strikes, all in the matter of a few seconds. It was enough to keep a normal man down, but Sardonyx isn’t human, until she is. Until the blood loss, the head shots, the months and months of agony and pushing through to win comes crashing down on her, in this very moment, but Sardonyx doesn’t stay down. She tries to get back up, her blood covering the mat, her partial white locks starting to turn pink, as she gets to her hands and knees, Sardonyx is trying to get back up. One more push to the finish line, and she could make it there. She could make it to 50-0, but Lacey runs the ropes, and cracks her temple with a third straight San Fran bicycle, their fourth of the night, and they fall on top of Sardonyx in delivering it, getting a deep cover to snap the streak!
Tears fill the eyes of Lacey Karmens as their name is announced by Steve Guy, the confetti and streamers popping off into the air. Lacey’s unable to move off their knees, frozen in shock, as they’re presented with the Fatales Championship. 49 other wrestlers came and failed, but Lacey Karmens is the 1 in 49-1. Lacey takes the Fatales Championship and holds it in their arms, cradling it like the precious trophy it is, before turning to the Chicago fans, the fans that have showered them with love since day one, and holds their prize high in the sky. The building is practically shaking at this point, cheering Lacey, before they begin to shout in unison.
And deserve it, they do.
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