#ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tagging things!!!!
sesamestreep · 8 months
30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 3
Use the words: kitchen, date, music (from this list) ➸ this could be canon-verse (ish??) or it would honestly work for any AU of mine too. choose your own adventure!
“This doesn’t count as our big date night, for the record.”
Foggy actually pauses in the middle of pouring the wine and gestures around him in bewilderment. “What? Why not?”
“We’re in the office kitchen,” Matt says, leaning back in the uncomfortable plastic chair. When they’d moved into their new office—after a much longer time than either of them had counted on working out of the back of the Nelsons’ shop—money had still been tight enough that most of their furniture was secondhand and largely donated by well-meaning friends and family. They’ve been slowly replacing things to make the place seem less ramshackle but it takes time and they’ve obviously focused their early efforts on the spaces that their clients actually see. The pathetic little kitchen table with its two chairs is not a high priority for replacement, all things considered.
“What’s wrong with our kitchen?” Foggy asks. “Kitchens can be romantic.”
“Kitchens in general can, sure, but this one cannot.”
“And I’m asking why not?”
“For one thing, it’s not really a kitchen,” Matt says. “It’s a coffeemaker, a few cabinets, and a microwave.”
“And a sink,” Foggy replies, cheerfully. “Don’t forget the sink.”
“Oh, right. The sink does make it more romantic.”
“Thank you!”
“A date needs ambience,” Matt continues, undeterred. “Candles, or mood lighting, at the very least. Music or…something! We have none of that.”
“I can get that wind-up lantern we have in case of power outages, if you think that would help,” Foggy says. “And I think I have a kazoo in my office.”
“Why do you have a kazoo, of all things?”
“Marlena’s daughter gave it to me last time they were here. I think it counts as our payment for that case, by the way.”
Matt shakes his head, refusing to be amused. “We’re drinking bodega wine and eating…God, what are we even eating?”
“Your choice of—” Foggy is interrupted by the crinkling of plastic—“frozen breakfast burritos or…pizza bagels.”
“We’re grown men,” Matt says, scandalized, but somehow his smile escapes his attempt at containment. “This is pathetic.”
“I don’t know when you suddenly got too good for convenience store fare, but I’ve never made any such claims.”
“Your mother would kill me if she knew this is what I let pass for a romantic dinner.”
“Believe it or not, Matt, I don’t report back to my mother after every date,” Foggy replies, sounding like he’s very much resisting the urge to laugh. “Where on earth would you get the idea that I did?”
“I don’t know,” Matt sighs. “I’m being irrational, I understand.”
Foggy pats his hand where it’s resting on the table. “I’m disappointed too,” he says, gently.
Matt sighs again, even more dramatically. They’d had big plans to go out tonight, to finally take a night to themselves after cases had taken up most of their nights and weekends as well as their days. It wasn’t like they could afford to say no, not when people needed their help and when they needed to pay rent, so they’d been steadily working themselves down to nubs for the past few months. Tonight was meant to be a small reprieve, and Matt had learned enough to know he might not feel the need for it as much as Foggy claimed to but he did still need a break now and then, whether he could recognize it ahead of time or not.
Then, of course, a trial for one of their clients had gotten moved up, which meant they had to get all their prep done in a very small timeframe and their plans for a night off had dutifully been thrown over in favor of work once again. Hence the late dinner of whatever Foggy could find at the nearest bodega, because of course he was the one to remember, amidst the tidal wave of work, that they still needed to eat something, at least. Matt really doesn’t know how he managed to stay alive before Foggy—though, now that he thinks of it, “before Foggy” is such a distant time in the past for him at this point that he struggles to remember it at all. Which is its own kind of alarming.
“You’re not going to break up with me over this, right?” Matt asks, and again, it’s a real sign of growth that he can say it out loud at all, that he can even admit to needing the reassurance.
“God no,” Foggy says, rubbing Matt’s knuckles with his thumb. “First of all, this isn’t even a little bit your fault—”
“It was my idea to start the firm in the first place, though, so technically—”
“And secondly,” Foggy continues, ignoring him, “if I broke up with you, I’d never find someone else who would put up with this kind of thing on a regular basis. You’re the only person who understands. I got very lucky. Breaking up with you would be like hitting on a 17 in blackjack.”
“I don’t know anything about gambling, but I’m guessing that was very sweet.”
Foggy laughs. “It was, thank you for noticing. If we ever get a moment of peace in our lives, I’ll take you to Atlantic City and teach you everything you need to know about blackjack.”
“I have a set of Braille playing cards at home,” Matt says, feeling his face heat for no real reason. “I mean, just in the interest of setting more reasonable goals.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Getting as far away as New Jersey is pretty unrealistic, for us.”
“I appreciate that you want to take me away someplace nice, though.”
“Of course,” Foggy says. “Only the best for you.”
“Exotic vacations to New Jersey, fancy dinners from the freezer aisle, six dollar wine…” Matt muses. “Who says you can’t have it all?”
“You haven’t seen anything yet, baby,” Foggy quips. “If you think dinner for two in the office kitchenette is uninspiring, wait until you experience making love on the office couch!”
Matt wrinkles his nose, even as he feels himself blush. “Yeah, that’s going to take some convincing,” he says, though he doesn’t admit that it probably won’t amount to all that much. Foggy can talk him into almost anything, because a major component of being in love is being dangerously stupid for another person, he’s found.
“I think I’ll let the cheap wine do the talking for me on this one,” Foggy says, reaching across the table to top off Matt’s glass—or, well, paper cup. “Drink up!”
Matt does, and it’s a pleasant surprise when it turns out to be better and sweeter than he ever imagined. There’s probably a metaphor in there somewhere…
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autisticthings · 2 months
Was watching the Incredible Dr. Pol with my mom this weekend. Favorite part was when he said "you stop moving, you die"
I think it's true in the sense of, if you stop doing things, you may never do it again. If you never stop in the first place, there's no chance of ending everything, until you do stop.
Basically routine, keep moving. If you don't, you'll fall.
And if you have fallen, we're in the same boat rn, but we gotta get up, okay? Grab my hand, and we'll do this together.
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a-magniventris · 1 year
:' 8c I
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lu-zijing · 2 months
So I finally watched LEGO Monkie Kid Season 5 here a couple of nights ago....
I FREACKING LOVED ITTTTT— The new character Xiangliu the Nineheaded demon!!-Macaque's deal/powers..!!-So much ShadowPeach focus-!!!-Dragonfruitttt !!-The Four Guardiansss(Hah! We were right it was them!!))-peoplegotmagicpowerrr-wukong and macaque againnn, Mk's choice after speaking with Nuwa-NUWA--ahhhhhHHhhhhhhhhhh—
I COULDN'T HELP DRAWING SOME THINGS FROM ITTTT!!! So here's a few paper sketches-
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So yeah.. Feel free to tag me In Monkie Kid-related stuff again! :D
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
hi ur a tumblr blog that i like a lot who's really good with wording things when it comes to discussing fandom stuff. i'm wondering what ur thoughts are on fandom being really obsesssed with writing characters exactly "right". whether it's in character or writers only writing this character with other characters they like, etc. i've seen people feel self conscious about their writing and even stop because fandom will just go "why are you guys writing them like this/i'm so tired of seeing this trope/so repetitive." Fanfic writing should be fun. it shouldn't feel like the end of the world if they're writing the same things several times over. even if a character isn't 100% accurate, or they don't include that character's other lore or relationships or background or whatever. and i'm saying this as a sbi fan who got so tired of all the typical sbi tropes back in the day! sorry for this long tangent, i'm just wondering what your thoughts on this kind of stuff?
*finally escapes from my homework and life exploding enough to get to this ask*
HELLO. Okay, so.
First of all, I absolutely am tracking with the paralyzing fear that you're writing someone or a trope Wrong, and people are going to get mad at you, they're posting right now, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... maybe I just don't write it. I have put story ideas on the back burner because I'm scared of writing specific people in the idea. I noticed it especially in QSMP, you can come up against the issue of depicting people from languages you don't speak and with disabilities you don't share, and the fear that a) people will be mad at me, b) I will write something Actually Bad And Harmful— that's a vivid fear. If you decide that writing a specific character or specific read on a character is not worth the risk of blowback if you do it wrong, that's fair and I can't fault you.
But on the other hand, if you find joy in a character and you're afraid to depict them, and you step away from them, that's kind of a tiny tragedy. I understand the fear, but if your fandom participation is driven by fear, I would say that's a good sign that you need to step back from the fandom— find a new way to participate or find a new place to belong. I have a lot of anxiety and I have had to take a step back from keeping up with fandom several times, I go "okay I leaned into this a little too hard, time to unfollow some people" cause I can track in myself if my fandom creation is being modivated by fear rather than joy. And there's enough fear in my normal life, I want this to be a place of joy.
Because the thing is, if the way someone's love of a character plays out is that they post impassioned posts about characterization in the character tag, that's also fair. They get to do that. They love the character, and this is a guesture of love. If they are specifically calling out other fics that they think "did it wrong", there's a sliding scale there from "pointing out egregious racism/sexism" to "straight up being an asshole to baby writers" and that could be anywhere on there, but someone dropping an impassioned two thousand word guide to how best to write their favourite character is not hurting me or anyone else, they're also following their joy in fandom. That's not my joy, but it's a valid one.
Cause I think there's something that draws us to the characters (or the plotlines) and it's perfectly fair if someone wants to go "okay here is point by point how to depict the character that we all love", and you're running the risk of being an asshole if you go too far into it but there's also nothing wrong with going "I do not know why everyone writes this character as a humourless fighter, guy could not go more than two seconds without cracking a joke, did we even watch the same streams", as long as you're not being actively rude. Especially with people pointing out ableism, racism, sexism, etc— I can see why they would not want those tropes to continue unchallenged, and I think much of the fandom would not want to be accidentally doing a racism. I see those posts and I go Good To Know and I sock that information away.
But also, on the other hand, like, if the fandom police show up at my door/in my comments, they can come back with a warrant. If I want to take two characters who never met in fandom and have them passionately make out, that is my god-given right, no matter if it's butchering the characterization. Maybe I am the True Knower Of The Character and I know that their real true love is somebody who they never met. Maybe I just think it's funny. That's perfectly fine. This is a space where we do work for free, for fun. This is about having fun, no matter if it's cringe or cliche. If I want to write a trope that has five thousand hits on the archive about those characters already, just try and stop me. I will be writing superhero aus till they have to pry me out of this fandom with a crowbar, I think. Overdone trope? Insert "You've told this story before" "AND YOU"LL HEAR IT AGAIN" gif. My Ao3 is my little yell hole for writing things that please me, and by god am I going to write the same two characters over again in the same series of situations. This is for fun, I'm doing what's fun.
I think you just have to do a check on yourself and go "is this hurting anybody", and if it's not, straight up do what you want forever. Other people can go "I only want to see this character written as a bear" and I can go "I respect that but this fic is not for you" and write them as a nerd, and they're not hurting anyone to say that, but I'm also not hurting anyone to do it my way. I do care about depicting the character as in canon, cause that's the character I fell in love with, but also if I write a story in which I turned up the dials on his anxiety and made him adorably worried about social misteps so I can reassure him that he's fine— I also get to do that. It's not hurting anyone to be silly or cliche or cringe or make the blorbos kiss or have them be friends with different people or ignore all aspects of lore that do not bring you joy or what have you. Our fandom now, do what you want.
I think that there are a lot of different ways to do fandom, and a lot of learning to exist in fandom is letting other people do their own thing over there, and then you follow your bliss over there, and you can be as aware of them or not as you wish, but you don't have to cater to what other people like. In MCYT we do sometimes worry about creators who are only doing things because their fans/twitter want them to, and how that will lead to fear and creative burnout, and the same applies to fandom people. I think it's not a bad thing if you personally are concerned about writing the canon character and you keep going back to canon to check that, but it's also not a bad thing if you are four generations down in fandom characterization just having fun with it. And in both cases I think it's fair if the person who really likes canon doesn't read the fanon one, and the fanon person goes "but where is the [fandom tropes I like]" and doesn't read the canon one. Not everything you write or draw is going to be for everybody, and that's fine. I even have friends who love unhappy endings and I do not, and we're still friends, I just do not click through on their unhappy ending fics.
Mostly I just think you have to check yourself and go "is this actually bad or did I see someone post a rant about how tired they were of it" and if it's like "this is sexist" maybe consider if you agree with that person or not, and if it's "this trope is overdone" then do whatever you want forever.
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makima-s-most-smile · 6 months
Tag nine people you’d like to know better!
I was tagged by @defender-of-wilderness thank you!<3
Last song: Bad Apple!! (Metal Cover by RichaadEB ft. Cristina Vee)
Favorite color: Green. Gimme nature colours. I still love blue, but I learned to appreciate the green of spring.
Currently watching: DUNGEON MESHI (I watch it with a friend… and… We are a few episodes behind) I wanna see her reaction to the yuri resurrection >:3c
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Sweet/savory/spicy: While I love chocolate, I cannot live without potatoes and potatoes need savoury.
Relationship status: crazy birdlady (nongendered) to be
Current obsession: Uh… stares at their blog
I have like 5 WIPS… and my brain won't let me write anything… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH….
Last thing you googled: Paulus… Listen… I started a rant about Rem as a christlike figure thanks to Duncanor… but then I digressed like I am prone to do and… I deleted it…
No pressure tags: @deludedfantasy, @revenantghost, @duncanor, @ocelaw, @beelzebby666, @grymmdark, @gealachros (okay, now I am getting shy... Seven it is!)
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silvenys · 3 years
Mr Perfectly Fine .
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its-captain-sir · 4 years
I have two hours until my ap test and I'M STRESSING
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i’m having a bunch of jason robin feels and now i’m imagining him, dick and babs vibing before the joker ruins everything. i’m devastated thinking about it because it would be so cute. also those three during that era are basically team rocket and now i’m imagining them dressing up as team rocket for, like, halloween or something and babs and dick force jason to be meowth. in the future they force 6’2 jason who towers over them back into the meowth onesie and thrive once again as team rocket. they are unstoppable no matter what a very grumpy jason says. alfred brings out the old photos to show the rest of the fan baby jason dressed as meowth and jason is dying inside but he cant leave because he’ll make alfred sad (and he doesn’t wanna leave but shhhh).
oh my godddddddddddddddddddd. yes yes yes yes yes yes YES.
i love this idea so goddamn much.
because yea, in the beginning it’s a little awkward, because dick can’t look at jason without seeing anything other than the last vestiges of the graysons being forgotten, and jason can’t look at dick as anything other than an idol who left shoes jason’s trying so hard to fill but isn’t sure he’ll ever make it, and babs and dick have this on-again, off-again thing that makes babs want to scream because she knows jason doesn’t see her as anything other than “dick’s sorta girlfriend” and she hates it.
but eventually, dick looks past robin and starts seeing jason, starts seeing scabbed knees and papercuts from books and an angry little scowl that dick swears up and down is adorable. and jason works with dick and babs, learns that he doesn’t have to be dick’s replacement, because he’s his own person and he can make his own robin. and babs comes into herself, makes sure everyone knows that she’s a part of the family because of herself, not because of dick, and the jason starts looking up to her too and it’s one of the best things she’s ever felt. 
it takes a while, and there are some things said between them that they can’t ever take back. with every hand dick extends towards jason, he can’t help but remember a face that’s so young, so old, so lost screaming “you’re not my brother!” and how hearing those words sent a shard of ice straight through his heart. every time babs gives dick a grin, ruffles his hair, or tugs him into a hug, she can’t help but think of his heartbroken look as her fury overtook her, cursing the name catalina flores, only finding out months later that everything she did had been something dick didn’t want, and babs wasn’t there to help him pick himself back up. and dick will flinch a little, every time jason aims his guns too wildly; babs keeps a wary eye on him when they’re together, even as she offers him a smile, and jason would tell himself over and over again that it was sick satisfaction he felt, not horror at the fact that his family was scared of him.
but in a fight, him and dick move together fluidly, back to back and watching each others weaknesses like they’re really brothers, and jason’s starting to think that they are. and mending things with babs takes time, but they’re sitting on the couch together eating takeout, her legs in his lap and her eyes sparkling, and dick thinks they might have fixed what was broken between them a while back and just never noticed. babs and jason will have teasing arguments over comms in only 18th century moral philosophy quotes that only the two of them and maybe bruce have the patience to understand. and maybe, just maybe, they’ve been family again for a long while. all it takes now is for one of them to admit it.
,,,,,,,,,i am really sorry you just wanted to talk about baby jason dressed as meowth and i came here with the feels and that was not at all what this was supposed to be about. but you gave me such a good IDEA and i just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 
anyway thanks for this babe, this was really fun to think about!
this,,,,,did sorta turn into a writing thing, so i’ll tag my peeps anyway: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @dangerduckjpeg @bikoncon
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arangiajoan · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me in that picrew and I did a thing 😅(again)
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So I know that I am taller than you but.. I wanted you to be the main focus of the image (just like you are the main focus of my heart😚😚😚😚)
I really wanna dance with you love 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I love you wife ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I love you. so much. this is perfect. you are perfect. AAAAAAAAAAAA YOU ARE SO AMAZING AND CARING AND LOVELY AND- AAAAAAAAAAAAA
I wanna slowdance with you too🥺🥺🥺🥺 pls let that happen Ily
thank you my darling, I love you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kai-keda · 4 years
Thoughts on DBS: Broly after seeing it in theaters, taking a break from Dragon Ball all together for a long while there and then returning:
Yeah I watched Return of Cooler and Wrath of the Dragon with my sister before we watched DBS: Broly all in the same night back to back to back and I can successfully say the hype train for DBS: Broly for me is FINALLY done because I was FINALLY able to point out things I didn’t like.
Especially after coming right out of watching those two movies from Z that same night as well as watching a few episodes of the original Dragon Ball series with her a few nights prior, Goku seemed so very out of character. I was actually getting upset at him and was reminded of why I left the DB fandom in the first place.
(I’m really really sorry but I can’t put a read more here cause mobile on iOS is STUPID and I didn’t expect to throw up so many opinions and words ahhhh I’ll tag it with ‘long post’ though so I hope that’s okay)
Dragon Ball Super Goku is not in character. And the movie version highlights this weird luke-warm attempt, for me. Like the writers were trying but what they ended up coming out with was a weird watered down version of the IDEA of who Goku is supposed to represent in the modern understandings of his character rather than any actual attempt to get his character consistent with everything that came before BoG.
It was as if the writers involved (including Toriyama) just took each other’s word for it as far as who Goku is. So we come out with this “child-like wonder that never grows up.” character instead of the mature result of a completed coming-of-age story.
And yeah sorry everyone but after watching and geeking out at the animation in the previously mentioned Z movies (especially the storyboarding and camera movements for Wrath of the Dragon) just an hour or so prior to watching the fight with Broly, I have to say that said fight in the latest movie was all about trying to be as flashy and fancy as possible (including this weird but admittedly ballsy attempt to go with a Broly POV akin to an FPS for a short period of time) without actually putting any care in the world to making it easy to follow and understand as an audience member.
The art style is nice, but nothing in the animation really stood out to me as especially impressive without flashy effects being involved.
In fact, there were quite a few scenes where I felt like they overdid it on the amount frames it took to get from pose A to pose B and I just. didn’t. like. it.
And look, hot take, the scene where Goku’s trying to convince Vegeta to fuse with him - when I first saw it in theaters I was sure that I agreed with everyone that the animator involved could do no wrong and that the art style shift was necessary to the animation style.
But the reality is - it just wasn’t. As far as the movement was concerned, none of the characters in that particular scene did any movement that was especially exciting to me or even that different from the rest of the film. It was all pretty basic to Dragon Ball Super: Broly to me. They just were off-model. I’m sorry.
I know this community worships the ground that animator works on but I just didn’t see anything especially exciting. My sister can attest to this - while we were watching Return of Cooler and Wrath of the Dragon I was geeking out. With the former, it was the use of anticipation and settling while with the later it was the storyboarding. Like when Vegeta fights Hirudegarn there’s a sequence where the camera stays on Vegeta as he moves around the beast before it eventually zooms in on him and ahhhhhhhhhhh it’s so nice just thinking about it.
That sequence that I’m referencing is the kind of storyboarding style that I whole-heartedly believe Toei was trying to go for the ENTIRE fight in DBS:B but it was just too much too fast. I’m not saying it was impossible to follow but anyone who says the other previously mentioned films had fights with storyboarding on par or even worse than the fight in question either doesn’t know what they’re talking about or is straight up lying.
And I’m gonna say it - I’m gonna say it - STOP ZOOMING IN ON EYES AND MOUTHS SO DAMN MUCH HOLY SHIT IT JUST KEPT HAPPENING CAN YOU LITERALLY DO ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR STORYBOARD?!?! Things like that are supposed to be a novelty used either to make the audience member uncomfortable or laugh depending on the overall tone of the scene but when you do it over and over and over and over again it loses the rarity that gives it that effect and it just becomes annoying.
I tried keeping my mouth shut over it the first couple times but by the fifth or sixth time it happened I just - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it ticked me off, man. Like - ticked off the animation part of my mind the way Goku’s character writing ticked off the analysis part of my mind.
It was annoying af.
Okay but back to the writing.
I loved everything that came before the time jump to “modern day” (for lack of a better phrase coming to mind) despite what others might say.
I’ve heard, understand and respect all the criticisms of Minus and even the added parts with little Broly and Paragus, but I just can’t bring myself to be bothered by those things. I don’t necessarily disagree with the more widely accepted complaints but that doesn’t mean I agree with them, either.
I see both sides of this so I guess you could say I’m neutral? But at the same token I do REALLY enjoy it all so I can’t bring myself to think of myself as entirely neutral on the subject, either.
Vegeta and Raditz being as tiny as they were made sense but also kinda weirded me out though, not entirely sure why.
Anyways, I think that’s pretty much all I wanted to say.
Feel free to send me asks and stuff about my thoughts on this. I’m not letting myself get angry over it anymore.
I just enjoy sharing my thoughts on these types of things and apprently Dragon Ball is the only series to REALLY inspire this deep kind of analysis while everything else I’ve attempted to write up in this style just kind falls flat.
Not entirely sure why that is but maybe that’s a set of musings for another day.
I’m Kairi Yajuu and I can’t speak or read Japanese.
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prettyboyporter · 5 years
Comment tag game!
Share (excerpts from) 5 of your favorite comments you got on your fics (etc) this year and tag some friends!
I was tagged on this ages ago by @klayr-de-gall , @kingsandsaints , and @thelittlestgremlin and never got around to doing this, and it took me so long because I knew it would be VERY HARD for me to pick only 5 comments that mean a lot to me. As content creators know, comments are AMAZING GIFTS given by readers when they want to publicly state what they liked about a fic and seriously make creators feel validated and like what they do is worthwhile. It’s FUEL and I love every single comment I’ve received.  So, in no particular order, here are MORE THAN FIVE. I literally could not narrow it down to five:
From @missroserose on Slippery When Wet:
I'm sure a bunch of people have commented on this bit already, but I don't even care. It's amazing. It killed me. I'm dead and it's all because you're amazing. <3
Ambrosia was referring to a Billy’s first kiss with Steve, a moment I’d described using extended sound/musical metaphors, and I really appreciated that she’d copy/pasted that bit to outline as a favorite as it was a part I was particularly proud of writing. 
From @lynn76 on Slippery When Wet: 
This is so great- it reads like a dream come true, like I could see it happening like a movie. I wish I could be a director and make a movie of it. Love, love it! I'm gonna comment again with favorite lines AFTER I sleep! Thank you again, for all your hard work, Tracy.
To know that the person for whom I’d written the fic really enjoyed it means everything. 
From Manniface on ao3 on Boldly Go: 
I love all of this and want 4 seasons if a TV show.
I WANT FOUR SEASONS OF A TV SHOW OF MY OWN FIC TOO LMAO. A harringroe Trek AU was a goddamn BLAST to write. 
From @ihni on Rivers Til I Reach You: 
"You are a son to all of us now" - this is where I got tears in my eyes, although I didn't let them fall until Max and Lucas and Dustin decorated his apartment and hugged him, and he let himself be loved. Ugh, that broke me a little. Christmas, and people doing nice things for each other, and someone who didn't think he'd ever have these things, having these things... I am weak, so weak, for those things.
And his scars. Him reading them all wrong, and Steve infusing them with love and adoration with every kiss. Maaan, I love scars. Because they're proof that you lived through something horrible but survived; got through it. And Billy did that. He got through the horrible thing, and now he's being rewarded with all the things he could never have dreamt about: love, a town full of people who wants him to do well, and people to help and support him.
Ihni really hit the nail on the head with what I wanted readers to take away from this fic: a town full of people who wanted to help and support Billy as well as Steve, who wants to infuse all of his love into Billy, into his scars. 
From @uncle-keery on Take Me with U: 
LOL so that was uncle-keery’s .. 4th?? comment on the fic. She truly took the “leave a comment since you can’t leave another kudos” rule of thumb to heart haha. I love that. 
From Anon on ao3 on Take Me with U: 
So this has to be one of my favourite fics ever. This line "So for the first time, Billy allowed himself to be touched, in this secluded part of the beach with rustling grass and warm sun and Steve’s long fingers." TRULY got me like nothing else. Their tenderness here with each other and like the camaraderie and just EVERYTHING. ALL OF IT. <333
From @sarahstarkiller on Take Me with U: 
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. SOFT BOYS BEING SOFT; CAN MY HEART HANDLE IT? BARELY. Honestly though, Tracy, WOW. Well done. So beautiful. I myself *felt* the sun and the sand on Billy’s shoulder and I could smell the smoke in Steve’s hair. GOD, the part about Steve calling Billy’s birthmark his?? I am deceased. That is so sweet and I’m so glad his birthmark is finally getting the recognition it deserves!! May I also note: “Steve kissed him.” So simple, so effective, and yet my heart flew out of my chest. I LOVE THIS AND I LOVE YOU. WOW.
I was so, SO happy to give a reader specific details to walk away with. That means a lot, and Sarah picking out those details meant I’d done a good job. 
From Panoraia on ao3 on Take Me with U: 
It made me feel things i havent felt in a looong fucking time. Like literal butterflies. I thought i was too old for that shit. But naah. My hands were shaking in a train on the way to work. Thanks for that. Also fuck you. But mostly thank you. For writing and sharing and all that. My day is much better now.
I love it when people say where they were when they read it and their reaction in that moment. Plus the “fuck you. But mostly thank you.” had me rolling laughing, lol. I adore this comment. 
From @flippyspoon on Boldly Go: 
To have another Trek fan comment about how much they loved the fic and want like MORE fic or even a show is a top compliment lol but like it was a SPECIAL moment for me to work the word imzadi into the fic, and I’m SO glad it was meaningful for flippy, too. 
From @granpappy-winchester -- an excerot of her comment on Boldly Go: 
I know literally nothing about any of the Star Trek things except they involve space and there are aliens and like, DUDE, I love how accessible your story is!! You made it very easy to follow along for someone who is super unfamiliar with any of this universe. AND I LOVE that Billy is an empath! It fits him so well and it adds this bit of mystery to him too because he can read Steve's emotions so well but there's always going to be a 'WHY does he feel this way??' question tacked on which has the possibility of being very conflicting for the two of them (and then you have Steve who doesn't have that ability to read Billy's emotions but at the same time it seems like he CAN, like he knows Billy so well it doesnt matter if he's an empath or not, he KNOWS Billy). AND OMG. Billy standing up for Steve to his dad. Like. Goddamn so sweet.
This is but a sample of the kind of comment that granpappy-winchester (LazyBaker on ao3) leaves on fics. Sara’s comments ALWAYS describe how the fic makes he feel, points out specific details and lines, and more than anything -- they make you feel VALUED as a writer. Getting a comment from Sara is one of the greatest things you could ask for as a writer. 
I’m gonna tag some writers and also artists, and if you’d like to recognize some of your fav comments, please feel free to do so! @wrecked-fuse @granpappy-winchester @sparkleeye @kyrosh @gothyringwald @dobetterbillyhargrove @wingedbears @cherry-toxic @sarahstarkiller @ihni
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the-forsteri · 4 years
@cybermanpropaganda​ tagged me to do this.  I’m a little flustered but like... avoiding upgrading would be nice so yes okay will do.
Favorite Doctor: Ten, without a doubt.  Tennant is 100% pure goodhearted chaotic dumbass who can turn believably sad/angry at the drop of a hat and I love it.
Favorite Master: Michelle Gomez.  Sacha Dhawan is impressive but I need to see more before he can knock Missy out of top spot.
Favorite sonic: …they’re all functionally the same?  I don’t know.  Thirteen’s is pretty I guess.
Favorite companions:  Do I have to?  I mean it’s like picking a favorite book, there’s so many who I adore.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Donna.  (But Martha and Sarah Jane and Rose and Jack too.)
Favorite episode: Turn Left, because the concept of one small thing making your life so different was fascinating and scary all at once... plus Rose.  (But also Time Heist, The Unicorn and The Wasp, and Rosa.  Do you sense a theme yet?)
Dream actor/actress: Dame Maggie Smith.
Dream story: Bring back Martha & Mickey!  Let us find out how happy they are, let them meet Thirteen and save the world again.
Dream composer: I don’t know that many composers that aren’t long dead (thanks ballet) so I actually don’t have an answer for this one.
I’ll tag @alrightsnaps because I love it when you go on a Doctor Who reblog spree!
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queenharumiura · 4 years
|・ω・`) hibari-kyouya-skylark
Send me |・ω・`) + a URL and I’ll talk about this blog! ||Accepting||@hibari-kyouya-skylark [I was dumb and forgot to @ tag the last time so i’m making a point to remember this time OTL]
These memes are a time for me to just ramble and talk. So, to start, I guess I’ll go with: I was very confused when I looked in my notifs one day to see that I was followed by a Hibari blog. Not in a bad way! It’s like--- ???????????????? someone from KHR, with a popular muse, is following me? 
Is this a mistake or---?
Forgive me, because I dealt with a lot when this blog started out. I won’t get into how many times I was told that people didn’t want to interact because: “My muse is gay” or “But my muse hasn’t canonically interacted with Haru before-- I don’t want to interact”. To put it simply, I became kinda jaded around that time. 
I’ve gotten better, but there are certain habits that I formed because of that dark time. Such as, I virtually never follow first. I am too terrified to follow people first because of what happened in the past. I’ve had people follow back, but then later tell me they had no intentions of ever interacting. It’s like-- but why follow back then? 
So, that’s why, I stopped following first. I have people follow me first as that’s a clearer indication that people are actually interested in rp’ing. So that’s the backstory on that. So, I was surprised to see a Hibari following. Essentially, i’m very unused to people from KHR following and interacting, so I was very ?????? for a bit. 
Pretty sure I asked about the guidelines via ask or im. Probably because they weren’t there? I’ll admit that I was terrified to ask, but I did it. I like to read the rules before I do anything with a blog so I was very ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; what if I mess up. Highkey anxious. 
I think I first came across the blog when they appeared on Rikku’s blog. Pretty sure I looked through the blog and was fascinated by the whole ‘ohhhhhhhh Yakuza backstory’ in the headcanons or about page. It was somewhere. I know that it was before the blog was then redone. 
Basically, I am a curious bean and I like to look into who people interact with and read random stuff. So when I saw the follow on Haru, I noticed the slight difference in url name and also the blog layout. I didn’t have to admit that, but here we are. I lowkey stalked bc i’m curious bean. Then got followed and was “shock-desu.”
I’m very easily intimidated so I was highkey intimidated lol. I won’t lie and say that I’m still not. I’m just--- like that. It can take me a while to warm up to people. Some, I can warm up to quicker than others. I’m not really sure what it is. Basically, i’m just dumb. We can chalk it up to that. 
So----- let’s see. Cycling back, I do think you said something about how you didn’t have rules up yet since you weren’t ready to do full blown rps yet since you were going back into the series to refresh your memory. I was okay with that and was pretty much, cool beans, i’ll wait. 
I’m pretty sure it was not long afterwards that I saw a post for rules that was written and was like- oho. Proactive- for a lack of a better word bc I can’t words at the moment. Idk, somehow that left an impression on me. Perhaps because 1) It lessened my anxiety 2) it just somehow gave off the feel that ‘someone asked for it, so I will put something up/find something while I’m reliving KHR’
So I appreciated that. Even if it wasn’t done for that purpose, I still appreciated it. I think it’s in the rules where it’s stated that you normally don’t like to write starters because you feel as though you can’t write them well. 
Did post a starter call tho, and I stared at it for a few seconds before I clicked on the lil heart. Will say that I was surprised that something was written pretty promptly. For another thing of backstory-- I don’t mean it in a bad way at all. I just-- am used to not getting starters written even if I like starter calls. I’ve just reached a point where I will like starter calls but not get my hopes up. 
So, to see something so prompt was a shock for me, and also--- uhh--- touching? It’s like, it could’ve been ignored, but it wasn’t. Not only was it prompt, but it was a well written starter and so, it left a favorable impression to say the very least. It goes to show that you took care when writing it, and that meant a lot to me. 
Afterwards, each reply was written very well and with a lot of detail. It’s clear that thought and effort was put into every reply, and-- idk, it made me pretty emotional. Like, wow, I think... Rena is enjoying this thread? New concept! A KHR blog who actually wants to interact. #Concept. 
[Sorry that this goes down a dark point sporadically. I just-- have baggage when it comes to the KHR fandom from a few years ago aha;;;;;;; I honestly don’t get my hopes up to high with KHR fandom bc of the past. It hurts less that way. ]
It was recently we talked via im and you let me know that you actually liked Haru and enjoyed interacting with all sorts of muses as it allows one to explore through different themes. I feel the same way, and it was nice to know that we shared that thought. 
Pretty sure I was also sent a fanart with Haru and Hibari in it and it’s like. omg. A picture tribute. #blessed. 
Lil things like that mean a lot to me bc it’s like, ‘wow someone thought of me and thought to share with me something. I exist in their realm.’ So that really helped me warm up in the past couple of days. 
Now i’m just intimidated because ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh such a good writer. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can’t do justice. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh.
I can’t think of anything else to confess, write about, so i’ll stop there. alskjlaskjdlfajlfjals
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tagged by @xanderswriteblr and @johnthelettuce thank u!
i’m gonna do this for we could be heroes, we could be heroes is more of a story ‘verse than a novel type thing so i’ll bounce between characters
1. Who has the dark backstory: your antagonist or protagonist?
Cassandra Duvall is a first gen super, part of the third era of heroes. Black Hole, the antagonist was originally a member of her four person team before he turned on them, killing his brother (also a member of the team) and taking Kira’s powers. Cass blames herself and tried to stay away from teams for a long time after because she didn’t want that kind of responsibility again.
2. What creeps out your main character?
Evelyn hates needles and snakes. 
3. How long have you been working on your WIP?
About a year at this point, I’ve loved superheroes for a long time, but this was started to fill the void binging Young Justice and then it being taken off netflix left
4. Which character is the most like you and why?
Evelyn probably, she wants to keep the people she loves safe and for her being a hero is a way to do that. 
5. What genre is your latest WIP?
Vaguely sci-fi? With some magic involved as well, so I guess the blend that superhero stories usually are.
6. What’s your MC’s idea of a perfect date?
I’ll do this one for Seth
He would want to go paint balling or do laser tag, something active. 
7. If your MC could be any animal what would they be?
Olivia would be a fox, they’re typically associated with being sneaky or a trickster.
8. What books/films/songs have influenced your WIP?
Marvel movies, DC movies, Young Justice
Heroes (we could be) - Alesso ft Tove Lo
Kids in the Dark - All Time Low
Glitter & Gold - Barns Courtney
Out of the Woods (the Grammys Museum version most specifically) -Taylor Swift
Somebody to Die For - Hurts
Waiting for Superman - Daughtry
Superheroes - The Script
Kill Your Heroes - AWOLNATION
Ghost - Halsey
9. What annoying habit do you have when writing?
Editing as i go, going back to edit instead of moving on, general perfectionism :/
10. Describe your WIP in one sentence.
MCU but gayer (i’m sorry i really don’t have a good summary for this)
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nctsolar-remade · 6 years
💖Let's play a game! Choose some mutuals and tell me who you think they're most like in NCT personality-wise!💖
i was wondering when it’d come to me :-( and i hate doing these things bc i get so nervous n anxious but !! im gonna!! do my best- hopefully i dont forget anynoe n ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh anyway !!! i wrote all of this without my glasses btw so im literally not editing PLEASE. dont hate me im Blind. awoeifnawoeifwaneif and !!! also :-( this iS VERY FUCKING LONG. so i apologize in MAD ADVANCE for that aaaaa i tried to keep them short but when u love ur friends that shit is hard. :-((( 
@fingerstoe​: is literally who god decided to model Clowny Boy Yukhei after. idc what anyone says- Kween Karen is the Kween of Komedy and no one can out wit her- not even the meme lord mr yukhei himself. she’s honestly so funny n nice and ahhhhh no one could fioawnefoiawenoi outdo that HUMOR. im sorry. the comedy award this year (and every year) goes to miss karen, miss fingerstoe. its karen’s world and we’re all just living in it. 
@xuxies​: aaaaaaaa ok………… i swear……. i always tell ivie that i love her and :-( u kno i fckin do u BIG BEANIE BABY. but honestly, she’s … just like… john the man. john john john!!! u kno how i have a constant loop of his name running in my head instead of white noise? thats… thats.. also happening with “ivie ivie ivie” she’s so dorky n funny n cute :-(((( n just like mr. seo she makes me smile like a dummy !!! she’s always rootin for everyone n probably one of the nicest ppl in this fandom and she remains all softie  n humble :-(( good person just like the big giant teddy bear :-( 
@thotaeyong​: isra!!! miss isra!! the lovingest kindest :-( i’d have to say she is much like mr. nakamoto !! a king :-( he acts all tough n like he could be mean n aggressive n cool n tough n secci (that last one he definitely is)- but he’s also :-((((((((( oooooo my god so cute n giggly n soft?? and we present Miss Isra?? who is all tough n all Leo n cool but :-((( under all of it… just a cute (sessi) bih.. soft to the CORE. good person who just wants to make everyone laugh and smile oh…. has her heart in the right place. 
@kunqians​: zen is basically ten and doyoung combined into One Person. much like doyoung, they would…. fight anyone who spoke badly about those who are most important to them :-( they have their heart in the right place, and a good head on their shoulders!!! and much like ten, they constantly have the wii music playing in their head… or at least im p sure thats whats going on ://// but !! much like ten !!! just a very good person who is LOVING and KIND and just … the BRIGHTEST human i… i love :-( zen so much oof. 
@jonisuh​: U KNO ABSOLUTELY FULLY CAPABLE MARK LEE??? WE GOT MISS ABSOLUTELY FULLY CAPABLE JENNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like u know how hard working mr lee is??? miss jennie??? just as !! fucking hard working!! just as kind and cute and funny and GOOD. such a GOOD HEART. literally single-handedly healed my dumb ass with her genuine kindness?? mark lee would be PROUD. :-( honestly jennie has one of the BEST hearts ive… just… ever…. experienced im so lucky to have her in my life, and :-(((( mark is the same way- good heart. good personality. always laughing n being THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT IN MY WHOLE LIFE. :-( 
@sichenges​: a mixture of :-( taeil and doyoung! like taeil she seems SOFT n INNOCENT at first but we uncover the ass eating leo beneath. The Center of My Heart. much like a leo should be. but yeah :-( taeil walks into a room n BRIGHTENS the whole fckn thing- like haleigh. and doyoung, bc shes got a sharp tongue and calls me a furry (fck u ok. im not) and like both of them: comedy kween (but dont tell her it’ll get to her HEAD. we dont need that happening.) 
@pawjohnny​: u kno how… winwin can be very quiet and shy sometimes :-((( but then is quickly THE FUNNIEST NCT MEMBER? thats what sabrina kinda reminds me… of…. just… SUCH A SOFT HUMAN !!!! gently hugs her forever?? thats a Mood. but yeah :-((( she is so fcking cute n soft n good?? but also :-((( her posts where she makes a point are clear and concise like mr. king winwin himself!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatta guy!! whatta girl!!!!!!!! honestly :-(( good ppl who i love wholeheartedly!!! 
@nerds-ct​: ez is an angel who acts like :/// they dont :/// care .. trynna be Tough… not wORrking my dear. they’re really funny n cute and just :-( v talented and genuinely always there for me!!! for this reason, i’d have to say its a mixture of mr yuta n mr taeyong! yuta bc :-( like hales, they’re always acting like theyre a toughie but :-(( just a BIG WEENIE. and mr ty track bc they’re so hardworking and always doing the most so that they can be better?? and i admire that a lot!! is always friendly and warm and patient, like our dear grandfather ty so :-) 
@gomarklee​: fjjfjoawe mash!!!!!!! is!!!!!!!!!!! like haechan and !!!!!!!!!! renjun !!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!! also jaemin!!!!!!!!!! and also doyoung???? like v sassy, v funny and humorous??? just a pinnacle of humor and comedy!!! kween!!!!!!!!!!! but also lowkey :/// soft…. she doesnt want u to know this but she has a BIG heart hidden beneath a BIG HEAD. (just like mr mark the man she loves-) but yeah- like doyoung and renjun, she’s kinda sassy and very WITTY. but like haechan and jaemin and honestly renjun and doyoung… soft… good.. cute… genuinely a SOFTIE. i love her… :-( 
@myfirstandlast​: miss megan?? i think ive already addressed this MANY TIMES. but :-( miss megan is like mr haechan… mr sunshine sunflower cute ass bby bean!!! they’re both so cUTe. and soft n GOOD. and aaaa my heart~~ but she’s also a lot like?? mr. ty!!! just very much there for everyone?? always soft. always kind. always good. and much like our soft gay king mr. jungwoo, just doing her best, trying to be gay n soft n kind, and successfully managing wow an angel? i love her so much and she just :-( aaa i love love love megan she’s so good :-( easy to chat with, like i imagine jungwoo would be so.. i have to say a combo of hyuck and ty and jungwoo, but MOSTLY jungwoo!!!! 
@27nct​: ahhh :-( jung jaehyun whooooooo??? much like jaehyun, she is so quiet n soft?? just FULL OF ALL THIS LOVE !!! she rarely says anything but whenever she tags me in stuff my lil dumb WORMY heart goes !!! and always refers to me as WORMY. n i feel like jaehyun would also b the kinda dude to give silly cute nicknames to every1 :-(( he does weird things (like put his hands in haechan’s nose idk ?) anyway, she’s also like :-(( always being cute? like mr. jung jaehyun ….. the sfotest bread couple of the century lads. 
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