#might be the last fic i write for the Phight
sigilcatt · 2 months
your last fic is a BANGER, hope you dont mind if i also slide up w a request 🙏
i saw that you write for phighting.,,. maybe something with subspace catching feelings for a coworker reader?
YES np!!
Subspace x Coworker!Gn!reader (hcs) (takes place before that whole thing between Subspace and Medkit)
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When you first showed up at the lab, Subspace rarely payed you any mind.
Besides the excruciatingly frequent banter he just loved to start with you, that is. He saw you the same way he saw Medkit: in the way and of no importance to him.
After all, he could do this job himself! He’d been doing great so far!
That mentality didn’t seem to last long, however.
Eventually, Subspace catches onto the faint idea that he just might like you more than he lets on.
No one would ever really think of him as romantic or affectionate, but that changes when it comes to you.
It starts with him feeling like his day was just a bit better when you greeted him in the mornings, that same warm, beaming smile on your face as you waved a hand at him.
At first, he denies such feelings and tries to focus on his work more. But when he realizes he can’t get you out of his head, he decides to face it head on.
Then after some time passes he’s suddenly presenting you with various gifts the very second he sees you. (These gifts only being created by him, of course, as he is an extremely prideful demon.)
Ever wanted your own Zeta biograft? Well you’ve got one now!
Then, that evolves into him showering you with compliments and praises when noticing the things you’ve created yourself.
If it’s just the two of you alone, he’s mainly comedic and throwing around jokes about Medkit behind his back. (or right in front of him, he doesn’t care.)
“Glad I’ve got you here, now I’m not the only smart one!!”
“It’s been forever since I’ve spoken to someone with a brain for once. Isn’t that right, ‘Kit?”
Only to have Medkit glare daggers at him in response.
He’d make requests for you to join him, whether that be in late-nights in the lab or Phighting! During Phights, he asks that you stick by him, mostly so that he can show off to you.
But if you’d prefer to just spend time building late at night, he’s happy with that, too. Not like he got much sleep, anyways.
He was known for boasting about his accomplishments, but having you partner up with him was something he’d never shut up about.
“I was definetly gonna win, especially with Y/N here!”
Even though you two aren’t offically dating, he still got pretty upset if anyone else were to make advances on you, mainly sending them away with passive-agressive remarks.
If he’s lucky, you’ll say yes when the eventual day comes when he asks to date you.
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I wanted to write more but its 3AM at the time of writing this and i’m finally getting tired - first time writing for Subspace, so this might not be the best but still wanted to get it out :3
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darks-ink · 5 years
Rise Above Myself
Prompt: Danny is off to college, leaving Vlad in charge of keeping ghosts out of Amity park. Prompt by: @going-dead Word count: 3,532
[AO3][FFnet][more Phic Phight fics]
“You wanted to speak with me?”
Danny hummed an affirmative, patting the rooftop next to him. Vlad rolled his eyes, but sat down regardless. It wasn’t like anyone would see him up here, anyway. Besides, he didn’t want to drive the boy to anger any sooner than necessary.
In the years since they had first met, their relationship had become… complicated. They had surpassed the fighting, the whole ‘arch-nemesis’ thing, and had come to a truce of sorts. They were still in no way friends. Nor had he taken any sort of important role in the boy’s life, to his continuing disappointment.
But Danny would never join him. Vlad knew that, now. It was better not to fight, to be able to hold a conversation with the only person who would know what existence as a halfa was like. The only one who would be able to understand.
Besides, Vlad was no fool. He knew darn well that Danny had surpassed him in strength. And, for all the years of experience he had over the boy, he couldn’t beat the sheer combat experience Danny had, either. Even mentorship was a chance long lost – Danny seemed content with the mentors he could find for himself in the Ghost Zone.
“So, uhm.” Danny fidgeted, having finally broken the silence that had come over them. He started pulling on the edge of his glove – a nervous gesture he had taken up in his ghost form, Vlad knew. “I’m… leaving for college. This weekend.”
Vlad perked up at this. “Really? That’s excellent news, my boy!” And it was. He had long encouraged Danny to focus on his own life over Amity Park’s safety. He already sacrificed so much for this thankless city – he shouldn’t give up on college, too. To throw away his future, the remainder of his life, for people who would never appreciate what he had done for them.
“Heh, yeah.” Danny huffed out a laugh, a smile lingering afterwards. “I got my acceptance letter already – big fancy university a couple states away. Even at my current speed, it’s a few hours flying away.”
“Finally leaving the ghost hunting to the professionals then? Good for you.” Vlad noticed that Danny didn’t mention which university, or where. Still keeping secrets from him? Not surprising, but… a little disappointing.
“Something like that.” And now the smile turned a little malicious, a smirk instead. “You were part of the ghost hunting club, after all. And you study ghosts.”
“Me?” Vlad asked, incredulous. The boy was out of his mind if he thought that Vlad would take over for him. He had spend the past 4 years encouraging Danny to stop, after all.
“Well, yeah.” Danny’s posture remained loose, casual. Like he had no stake in this conversation – like he had already won the discussion. “You’re the only other half-ghost in the city. The only person who can fight the ghosts on their own terms – in the air, and without the need for technology.”
Then he leaned in closer, and added in a conspiring tone, “Unless you think you’re not up for it? I know that I’m stronger than you, but you should still outclass most ghosts that come here. And surely your incredible intellect will allow you to beat such pathetic enemies?”
Vlad sneered, baring his fangs in an automatic response. “Of course it’s not a matter of not being able to do it! But I am above such despicable, thankless work. To protect a city – a people – who would rather hate their protector than cheer him on. Please.”
“If that’s how you see it,” Danny responded with a shrug. “But just imagine what would happen if no one stopped the ghosts. You know that my parents will pick up the slack instead. Do you really trust my dad to keep Amity Park safe? To keep Mom safe?” He cocked his head at Vlad, that awful smirk still on his face. “After all, Valerie has already left for college. So has Jazz, and Sam and Tucker. It’s just my parents. And you.”
Vlad remained silent now. The boy, unfortunately, had a point. All capable ghost hunters had left the city – or would leave it soon enough. The Fentons really would be the only ones left – and as capable as Maddie was, Jack had an awful habit of getting in her way. There was… quite a risk of her getting hurt.
And while he knew he wouldn’t – couldn’t – have her, he still didn’t want anything to happen to her. Damn that boy for still knowing exactly which buttons to press.
But… perhaps he could make it manageable. Many of Danny’s enemies were humanoid – or at very least, somewhat intelligent. Surely he could get most of them to stay away by using his resources, rather than his fists? And being harsher than Danny against the ones that did come through would surely discourage them, too.
“Fine,” he finally hissed at the boy, glaring at him to drive the point home. “Fine, I will do it. But not for this accursed city – I’ll do it for Maddie.”
“Of course you will, Fruitloop,” Danny laughed back, grinning widely.
He shook his head, already making plans. If he arranged things correctly, it wouldn’t be much of a bother to take over for Danny. After all, how much time did the teen really spend on ghost hunting?
Unfortunately, as he soon discovered, Danny actually spend a lot of time hunting ghosts. Because while his most noticeable enemies tended to be the humanoid ghosts, the majority of his enemies were actually non-sentient. And while Vlad might’ve been able to sway some of the intelligent ghosts to stay away, it was the feral animals that took up so much of his time, now. They were neither strong nor threatening – to a ghost as powerful as him, at least – but they were common enough to be a bother.
A good number of Danny’s rogues gallery showed up as well. Skulker, once told that Vlad had taken over, seemed disappointed but left without resistance. Technus put up a decent fight, but could afterwards be convinced to stay in the Ghost Zone if Vlad paid him with bits of technology. He was sure that Technus would eventually assemble this into a mech before returning – which is why he only send the worst bits he could find.
One of the more notable encounters ended up being Ember, of all ghosts. She had put on quite a show – as she tended to do. When Vlad showed up instead of Danny, she had frowned at him and crossed her arms.
Before he could open his mouth to ask her to leave, she had irritably asked him, “Where’s the dipstick?”
He quickly connected the dots – and the less than stellar nickname – and answered. “Daniel has left for college. I’ve taken over for him.”
After this, she willingly left for the Portal. Vlad had felt accomplished over scaring off a ghost that Daniel usually fought – until he had heard her mutter, “Old man isn’t any fun compared to the kid.”
Really, all things considered, Vlad thought that he was doing a fairly good job. And perhaps Amity’s residents weren’t as happy about him as they had been about Daniel – surprising considering how badly they tended to think of Phantom – but that mattered little to him. Maddie was safe. Anything else was a lucky coincidence.
But of course, disaster always struck when life appears to be going well. And this case was no different.
The ghost of the days – or ghosts, this time – were known by Vlad. He had never faced off against them, but he was sure that he could handle it. The first, the weaker, was an easy catch. Bertrand, despite being a shapeshifter, was predictable.
Unfortunately, in catching the green blob first, Vlad had offered Spectra an opening.
Vlad knew how she worked, what she did. He was sure that he could deal with her. As another manipulative soul, surely she wouldn’t be able to do much to him?
But oh, he was so wrong about her. Her black wispy tail wrapped around him, sharp claws digging into his shoulders, and immediately all strength sapped from him.
“Oh, what’s this?” the specter hissed, her voice overly sweet and dripping with malicious intent. “Another little do-gooder, hmm?”
Vlad opened his mouth to answer, to retort – but the ghost dug her nails in even deeper and suddenly he just felt so tired.
“And you’re not even a real hero, are you? Just trying to impress someone who could never love you!” She laughed, but it was sharp and cutting and cold. “Just a sick old man desperate for things he will never get. Can never get!”
She shifted, angling herself so she was looking him right in the eyes. Faintly, he could see himself reflected in her empty red eyes – somehow hers looked even more soulless than his own. “And the only one who knows what you feel, who might understand, left you! And now there’s no one left to care about you, is there?”
He wanted to protest, but… she was right. Jack never cared – he was responsible for this whole thing, after all. Maddie had never reciprocated on his feelings – and she never would, now.
And Daniel… The only one like him… The boy had left him. Had dumped this miserable responsibility on him and left.
“This sickness of yours is your body talking to you, Vladdie.” The ghost leaned in even closer, her claws shifting from his shoulders and further up his body. Faintly, Vlad was aware of blood leaking down his neck – but he made no move to stop her from hurting him further.
Maybe… Maybe he did deserve this.
“You know what it’s telling you?” Her tone was conversational, honey-sweet. “It’s telling you that you should finish what you started and die!”
Her talon-like claw swung down. Vlad closed his eyes, waiting for the impact.
A whiz, like an ectoblast flying past. Hair-raising shrieking as Spectra released him, finally.
Vlad fell to the floor, looking bleary-eyed at the dark specter in front of him. Green smoke still spiraled away from her chest, where the blast must’ve landed.
Now that he was away from her constricting touch, Vlad’s mind started to clear. While Spectra had spoken the truth, she had twisted it – turned his own thoughts against him. She had only told him things he already knew – and things that simply weren’t true. Daniel hadn’t just left. Vlad himself had encouraged the boy!
And now the boy must’ve returned. As Spectra swiped away the last lingering smoke, Vlad realized this. Someone had fired at her, using green ectoplasm. That could only be a Fenton – either Danny, or one of his parents’ guns. And the parents wouldn’t have aimed for Spectra. Wouldn’t have saved him, at least.
He pushed himself upright, a retort fresh on his tongue. A tease to the boy, about how he could never stop his hero-work, no matter how much he might’ve wanted to. How he always protected everyone, no matter how bad they were.
And floating there was certainly a Phantom. Messy white hair, vibrant green eyes. Black and white jumpsuit – although this one a tad looser than the one usually seen.
“Leave him alone!” Dani snapped, green energy whirling around her clenched fists.
“Oh, and who’s this?” Spectra hummed, floating back a step or two. Her eyes were set on the clone now – she knew that Vlad was still weakened. “Another little failure who thinks she can stand up to me?”
Rather than take the words to heart, however, Dani smiled back. All teeth and no joy. “I don’t just think, lady.” She underlined the statement with a shot, a blast of superheated ectoplasm aimed straight at Spectra.
The shadowy ghost dodged, barely. “Is that so?” she purred, still eyeing up her new enemy.
Then suddenly she launched herself towards Dani. The clone wasn’t fast enough to evade her, and the two collided. Spectra pressed her into the dirt of the park, baring her teeth. “Do you really think that you can stand up to me? A little failed clone like you?”
Vlad had finally struggled himself back onto his feet, feeling his energy come back to him. But he hadn’t even recovered far enough for an ectoblast. Not yet.
An explosion of green, and Spectra was launched away. Dani pushed herself off of the ground, green energy still coiling in her aura. “Less talking and more butt-kicking!”
Spectra snarled, evading the follow-up blasts that Dani send her way. “And you really think that you can succeed where your original failed?”
She pinned the clone to a tree, leaning in close. “You really think that you can win, if more powerful ghosts, more experienced ghosts, couldn’t?”
Finally, finally, Vlad’s energy was back to a respectable level. Not one to be left out, he shot a blast of pink ectoplasm at the soul-sucking ghost. “It’s not polite to ignore your guests, Spectra,” he quipped.
She snarled, but Dani took this opportunity to blast the ghost as well. Confident that Spectra was finally pinned, Vlad used his telekinesis to draw the Thermos back to him. He had lost it earlier in the fight – although he wasn’t sure when.
The Thermos was an imitation, of course, but no less powerful for the fact.
“Goodbye,” he snarked at the ghost as he uncapped it. Dani gave her a short wave, as well. With a last shriek, Spectra was drawn into the ghost-catching device.
The fight was over.
And as little as Vlad wanted to admit it, the little clone had been an integral part of the fight. Without her contribution, Spectra would’ve killed him. And as much as he disliked her – her, and everything she stood for – he wasn’t enough of a jerk to ignore such a thing.
“I… thank you, Danielle,” he managed, finally. He could tell from her expression that she doubted the genuineness of his statement, so he added, “Without your help, she surely would’ve killed me.”
“Probably,” Dani agreed with a shrug. She looked away from him, her gaze turned downwards – she was kicking around a rock. “You were getting your butt handed to you pretty badly.”
“I– Yes, I’m afraid I was.” He frowned, confused by her blase attitude. And, now that he thought about it, her immunity to Spectra’s abilities. “Spectra’s insults have a way to… dig into one’s skin. Yet they didn’t seem to trouble you.”
Dani nodded, clearly catching on to his silent question. “Yeah, well. She didn’t say anything I haven’t heard before.” And now she looked back up again, her large green eyes locking onto his own. “After all, she didn’t say anything you haven’t said before. And your words were worse, because unlike Spectra, I actually cared about you!”
Her fists clenched, her eyes starting to look wet – but Dani was blinking away the tears before they could form. “You actually meant something to me! And yet you kicked me to the ground, like trash! Like I didn’t matter!”
He paused, taking in her emotional rant. He supposed that she had a point. He had cast her aside – she hadn’t mattered, because she wasn’t Daniel. “But then why did you save me?”
Shrugging, Dani offered him a wry smile. She swept a hand past her eyes – wiping away tears she hadn’t shed. “I’m not you,” she said. “I’m better than that. I won’t just let you die – especially if you’re trying to do the right thing for once.”
Then her smile turned a little more genuine. She added, with a joking tone, “But maybe you should leave the actual hero-work for younger ghosts, old man.”
“Maybe I should.” He looked at her, thoughtful. Sure, Danny had instructed him to keep Amity Park safe. But if he could convince Dani to take over instead… As long as Amity was safe, it would be fine, yes? “Perhaps we can come to an agreement, hm?”
The clone eyed him, now. She seemed to consider this. “What kind of agreement?”
“We can work together to protect Amity Park in Daniel’s stead,” he started to explain, folding his hands together. He was in his element now – the negotiation of tough deals. “You can take care of most of the ghosts, but we’ll work together against the stronger ones. In return for your efforts, I will pay you – both with money, and with a safe place to stay and food to eat. There is plenty of room in my mansion, after all.”
Then he quirked an eyebrow at her. “And, of course, I can offer training – guidance with your powers. Daniel never accepted – but you are not Daniel, are you?”
She rolled her eyes with a huff. “Now you’re getting it.” Then she fell quiet again as she thought over his proposal.
“Fine,” she finally said, nodding. “But the training won’t be set thing – only when I want to. All the other stuff sounds alright, but only if I get paid per ghost captured and for the amount of time it takes.”
“Very well.” He offered her his hand, and they shook on it. “Then I welcome you to Amity Park, Danielle. May it treat you better than it treated your cousin.”
He had initially seen it like hiring a professional ghost hunter. It was no different than when he had hired Valerie, after all. But that girl had been paid in equipment – this one was paid with food and a roof above her head, instead.
And it worked surprisingly well. Danielle, now that she was older and well-fed for once in her life, was a powerful ghost. She was intelligent and a quick-thinker – and had creative solutions to problems. The girl was a very capable defender – and Amity Park was glad to see a Phantom as their protector again, even if it wasn’t the same one.
Of course, Vlad had had a part in this. As mayor, he had announced the presence of the new ghostly protector of the town. Dani Phantom, he had explained, was a close relative of the Phantom that used to haunt Amity. And he assured the townspeople, that this ghost was certainly a good one. She would keep them safe.
Valerie dropping by didn’t hurt Danielle’s image, either. Her reputation as the Red Huntress was a shaky one, as the people who liked Phantom tended to distrust her, and vice-versa. But when she had announced that she was leaving Amity Park, many had mourned the loss of an excellent ghost hunter. Their only capable human protector.
So when the Red Huntress was spotted conversing with the new Phantom, people were quite curious. They were too high in the skies to overhear, but it was clear from their postures that they knew each other. They chattered on for quite a bit of time before Phantom flew off and Red lowered herself to the ground. She, too, announced that the new ghost was a good one.
The next few months passed with surprising ease. By the time Christmas rolled around, Danny returned to Amity Park to celebrate the holidays. The two of them met at the Christmas Truce party in the Ghost Zone, separating from the crowd so they could talk in private.
Vlad smirked at the boy – the young man, really. “Annoyed that I’ve found a loophole in our agreement, Daniel?” he asked, a taunting tone to his voice.
“What, do you think you somehow cheated our deal?” But Danny simply laughed, shaking his head. “No way. You did like, the complete opposite of that.”
Frowning, Vlad turned to face the boy properly. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Dude, you did all I wanted from you and more. I asked you to protect Amity Park for me, right? And not only have you done that, beyond what I asked for – you even helped Dani along the way.” He grinned at Vlad, expression brighter than Vlad had ever seen it before. “I just wanted to give you a second chance – I didn’t expect much from you except maybe the barest little bit of effort. And instead I find out that you’ve given Dani another shot, too. A roof, food, money – love.”
Vlad opened his mouth to protest this – he had only done what was necessary. Then he shut it again.
Because he hadn’t done just the necessary. He could’ve just offered Danielle money – she could’ve paid for food and a place to stay on her own. He hadn’t had to offer her his own house. But he did.
And… Danielle had grown on him. There were things about her, good things, that he had previously overlooked.
“I suppose that you’re right,” he finally grumbled.
Maybe… Maybe this whole ‘doing nice things’ thing… wasn’t as bad as he had thought.
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murphy-kitt · 3 years
Welcome to my blog! ✨
I’m Murphy, my pronouns are she/they. I’m asexual/aromatic. I love writing. I’m shy so sorry if I’m a bit awkward at times.
This blog is mainly focused on Danny Phantom content; one-shots, headcanons, fic ideas, or just the occasional random thought. Sometimes some JATP content might pop up.
Second account for reblogs or random stuff: @murphythedannydissolver
Feel free to drop into my asks at anytime.
I hope you enjoy your time here! :D
Below the cut are my fics, categorised with a summary.
Multichap Fics
Grave Consequences [AO3]
Amity Park decide to make a memorial in memory of Phantom, revealing some secrets along the way. Complete.
Beyond The Grave [AO3]
Danny knows he should be happy about the memorial, but with his parents coming closer to finding out his secret, it’s only so long until his body is found. Corpse AU. Sequel to Grave Consequences.
lie like a tombstone (yet secrets will bloom) [AO3]
Valerie finds Phantom’s body in the park. No One Knows AU. Corpse AU.
Lapse [AO3]
An AU in which Danny loses his memory every time he goes ghost and doesn’t know he’s Phantom.
take the secrets to the grave [AO3]
After Amity Park makes a fake funeral for Phantom, it’s not long before Danny’s web of lies begin unraveling. Corpse AU. No One Knows AU.
Forest Fires [AO3]
An AU where Maddie Fenton had a brother named Daniel who died in a lab accident aged 14, so takes up ghost hunting to one day find his spirit. She ends up mistaking Phantom as her brother’s ghost, when actually it’s her son. Misunderstanding AU.
beneath false pretences (we search in plain sight) [AO3]
Danny Fenton disappeared without a trace. Soon after, his family followed. Five years on, Sam Manson is determined to figure out why. Corpse AU.
play with fire [AO3]
Frustrated at Wes' attempts to reveal his identity, Danny decides to take matters into his own hands.
Oneshots / Short Fics
The Photograph [AO3]
Valerie finds a photograph belonging to Phantom when he was a human and questions him about it.
Dead Ember Of A Former (Pulse) [AO3]
Danny realises he doesn’t have a pulse.
Her Brother, The (Cold Case) [AO3]
Jazz finds out her brother’s identity and assumes the worst.
Memories [AO3]
Maddie thinks she knows who Phantom is. Misunderstanding AU.
Illusion [AO3]
Ghosts are dead, the figment of the past, yet Phantom’s eyes are filled with life.
Gravity [AO3]
Maddie enlists the help of Phantom to find her missing son, unaware he’s already dead. Full Ghost AU. No One Knows AU.
Shadows [AO3]
Phantom questions Maddie after their recent encounter leaves him confused. Part 2 to Misunderstanding AU.
Scars [AO3]
She feels she doesn’t even know who her own son is anymore. Identity Reveal.
Freedom [AO3]
Valerie captures Phantom, and with him, finds a video tape.
Frozen [AO3]
Is she really that bad a parent that her own son won’t call her Mom?
Creation [AO3]
Danny realises he doesn’t age and prepares to say goodbye to his family and friends.
Instinct [AO3]
She waits in the park, preparing for Phantom to arrive, ectogun in hand. Major Character Death.
Family [AO3]
Maddie and Jack question Phantom about their missing son. They weren’t expecting to learn that he’s dead. Identity Reveal. Part 2 to Gravity.
Ouija [AO3]
Danny is dead, and Sam and Tucker will do anything to get him back. Full Ghost AU.
Witching Hour [AO3]
On a ghosts deathday, they will reexperience their death. Unfortunately, it’s Danny’s first deathday, and no one ever told him this information.
Incinerate [AO3]
The last thing Jack expected to find when seeking out the lab for an intruder was his own son, bleeding and covered from head to toe in ectoplasm. Blood & Injury. Gore.
Mask [AO3]
Danny never really took a minute to consider what he looked like in Phantom form. He didn’t need to, not really. Danny’s HAZMAT has a hood AU.
red in tooth and claw (that’s your fatal flaw) [AO3]
Everyone finds out Wes was right in the worst way possible. Phic Phight. Identity Reveal.
Medium [AO3]
Jazz can see ghosts, and needs to help her brother pass on. 1/2.
Order [AO3]
The Fenton’s find out Phantom is a halfa and hunt him down in an attempt to fix him.
Purify [AO3]
With Phantom successfully captured in their lab after discovering he’s half ghost, Jack and Maddie begin to regret their decisions. Part 2 of Order.
hourglass of lies [AO3]
As the end of high school approaches, Danny is forced to make a decision before he loses his best friends forever. No One Knows. Reveal.
Fluff / Comfort
Penmanship [AO3]
She’d sworn she’d seen that writing somewhere, she just couldn’t place where. Part 2 to The Photograph. Identity Reveal.
Stars [AO3]
Danny has a new power to do with constellations.
Core [AO3]
Jack tries to work out what the mysterious humming that’s been bothering him for months is. Identity Reveal.
Candlelight [AO3]
While gathering the courage to talk to Danny about his secret, Jack reminisces over memories. Part 2 to Core.
Wings [AO3]
The A Listers meet Phantom’s pet ghost birb.
Cozy [AO3]
Jack finally learns his sons secret, and he’ll accept him no matter what. Part 3 to Core.
Blessing [AO3]
Danny and Maddie bake cookies together, and revelations are made. Partial Identity Reveal.
Insomnia [AO3]
After finding his son eating ghost cookies late at night, Jack learns things he didn’t think were possible. Part 2 to Blessing.
gifting stars [AO3]
It's Phantom's deathday, and Valerie wants to give him a gift.
Danny’s Breaking Point [AO3]
With the stress of keeping secrets from friends and family becoming too much, Danny reluctantly opens up to Ms Tetslaff.
Outsider POV
Not A Jock [AO3]
Phantom isn’t the perfect, flawless hero Dash thought he was.
Home [AO3]
No one knows where Phantom lives, but Amity Park will do all they can to make him feel welcome.
Doorway [AO3]
Phantom joins Amity Park’s Space Club, but no one remembers who he was. Part 2 to Home.
Neon [AO3]
There had always been something strange about Danny Fenton. Corpse AU. Suspense.
Glow [AO3]
A group of medics attempt to treat Phantom after a ghost fight leaves him seriously injured. Identity Reveal.
Seasons [AO3]
Sam and Tucker strive to help Phantom, unknowing of his real identity. No One Knows AU. Identity Reveal.
Teeth [AO3]
Phantom is upset, and Amity Park doesn’t know why.
Treat [AO3]
It was unexpected to say the least, when the Price family came upon Phantom raiding their Halloween candy outside the front porch.
Goo [AO3]
The last thing the medical team was expecting was for Phantom to turn human when treating his injuries. Part 2 to Glow. Identity Reveal.
Abyss [AO3]
A student in Caspar High manages to spot Danny’s eyes glowing green. From there onwards, rumours fly.
Contradicting Mindsets [AO3]
Jack finds his and Maddie’s research papers covered with correction in Danny’s writing. Phic Phight. Almost Reveal.
Despair [AO3]
Phantom is spotted on CCTV in the school library. Curious, Lancer decides to investigate.
Black Cat [AO3]
After noticing a classmate struggling with the death of her cat, Danny decides to anonymously help her complete an art project. Part 2 of Abyss.
Tabletop [AO3]
Angela Foley treats Phantom’s wounds. Injury.
Mystery & Suspense
Fog [AO3]
It’s sometimes so obvious that it hurts. How no one else notices it, she doesn't know. Identity Reveal.
Portal [AO3]
Danny can’t remember.
Mist [AO3]
Edward Lancer struggles to decipher the enigma that is Danny Fenton. Identity Reveal. Gore and Injury.
Hallway [AO3]
It was unexpected, to say the least when Phantom wandered into third period English class and fell asleep into Danny Fenton’s seat. Gore. Angst.
Scream [AO3]
While speculating about how Phantom is connected to their son, the Fenton’s learn something about the ghost boy.
digging to the root of the problem (this was a very bad idea) [AO3]
Assuming his parents have found out his secret, Danny plans a camping trip to the very woods in which he buried his body. The only issue, they don’t actually know. Corpse AU.
Humour & Crack
daydreaming of toast cannons and being a little shit [AO3]
Danny creates a twitter account for Phantom and trolls the crap out of everyone. 1/2 complete.
Danny Fenton - Cryptid Of Caspar High [AO3]
Caspar High discusses the enigma that is Danny Fenton through a series of twitter posts.
Extra Stuff
Midnight [AO3]
Jazz goes out to find her missing brother, and meets a ghost.
Brush With Death [AO3]
A series of one-shots coinciding with Grave Consequences. 5/6 complete.
Void [AO3]
It's class photo day at Caspar High, and of course Danny's ghostliness will interfere.
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phandomphightclub · 5 years
Round 1 Match 8: @wastefulreverie vs. @shinyspooks
Writer: @ma-tsu-the-male-goddess
“The world is a stage! And I have all the scripts!” The ghost down in the center has apparently elected to start off the commentary herself. @wastefulreverie is wearing a lovely star-covered cloak holding a book and a quill. Obviously, she’s not quite up to date with the times, but Matsu can respect an aesthetic.
“Thanks for those words Rev! Both of our match 8 phighters are newbies this year. I have literally no information on either of them. So. Sorry about that.” Matsu’s kind of irritated with herself, actually. Usually, she’s pretty good about collecting pre-info; she got her scout badge in Stalking, afterall. Still, though:
“Based off her outfit and shouting, Rev looks like she might *already* know how this match will turn out! Precognition is an amazing power, and store-bought astrology is a pretty good stand in for having your own powers.” Not that astrology has ever been super helpful for Matsu’s daily life. Doesn’t really help that she was born 4 different times; makes the practice difficult in regards to her. A telepathic *ding* tickles her brain.
“According to Tali, the other phighter, @shinyspooks, is all the way from the Temporal Domain! Lyna’s got to have some kind of time-control powers with that pedigree, so maybe this will be an interesting phight after all!” Matsu hopes they’ll keep the majority of it happening in *this* time stream, though; it’s no fun if somebody just straight up surrenders. 
“And here she comes now! Lyna appears to be wearing headphones and a time scarf - that’s not too different from a regular scarf, but it is an important distinction.” Lyna is standing very still at the edge of the ring, a direct contrast to Rev’s frantic writing in the air above the pages of her book with her quill. Could the match have already started?
Lyna throws the edge of her time scarf at Rev, and she dodges it without ever looking up. A snap can be heard as she shuts her book and snatches at the wires of Lyna’s headphones. Oh but this is a surprise!
“Nice try Rev! Maybe it would have been a good play to look up at your opponent before attacking - Lyna’s wearing airpods!” Rev’s angry muttering can be heard from the box, but Lyna isn’t even giving her time to think up a new plan. She teleports directly behind the seer ghost and yanks the book out of her hands. Lyna seems confused when she glances at it.
“This isn’t even notes about the phight! This is angsty fanfiction!” Rev is practically steaming.
“It’s good writing! I had a sudden inspiration; I wouldn’t dare try to ignore it - what if I got Writer’s Block?” A gasp rushes through the crowd. Even Matsu winces up in her box; that is the most horrible fate that could befall any ghost. 
“Well this might be a shock to you, girl, but Danny dissection fic is *so* last year!” Rev clutches at her heart and stumbles back. A cry is heard from Tali’s section; it seems Danny is watching the phight. 
“What do you mean Danny dissection is last year! That hasn’t happened!” Lyna coughs awkwardly.
“Maybe I came back too far in time. Still! Rev, can you even see the future?!” Rev just pouts. Matsu is a little annoyed that she guessed her powers wrong. Lyna lets out a frustrated growl and just decks Rev across the face. That’s the end of that. 
“And Lyna is our winner for match 8! First bracket done, please take a few minutes and enjoy some laughs at Tali’s expense!”
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anthropwashere · 5 years
Hey anthrop! There’s a month long event this April called the Phic Phight where we make Danny Phantom prompts, are split up into two teams, and write for the other team’s prompts for full points, your own team’s prompts for half points, and comment on fics for a few extra points! More info can be found on the phicphight tumblr, but it was a lot of fun last April! The sign up form and past prompts and fics are on the tumblr, if you’re interested! Have a good day!
Oh you know I’m always looking for any excuse to magpie off to a new idea, haha. I was busy last year so I didn’t pay the event much attention, but since I just found out that I probably won’t be moving at the end of spring after all, I might sign up! It’d be a fun break from another event I signed up for that starts about the same time.
For anybody else out there interested, @phicphight is the blog and here’s a post from @currentlylurking with more info.
Thanks for reminding me about this!
ETA: oh my god, finally a use for the 60+ fic prompts I saved for Later™ in 2014.
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gottacatchghosts · 5 years
Boy King
This is for Phic Phight 2019! I’m on Team Human, with team leader @currently-lurking!
Prompt: Danny is heir to the throne of the Ghost King, much to the displeasure of the Observants. He's just trying to survive his senior year.
Word count: 2605
Prompt by: @cheshire-kas​
Characters: Danny, Head Observant (and other Observants), Frostbite, minor mentions of Sam, Tucker, and Dora
Warnings: slight language
Extra notes: didn’t get as much into the annoying the observants or senior year parts, but they’ve been touched on and i think that counts lol
[writing tag] | [Phic Phight 2019 tag] | [My fills] | [fic index]
FFN/AO3 links to come following the end of the event.
Honestly, if Danny had known, way back in the day, what defeating the Ghost King in single man combat meant, he would have insisted that someone help him, even if it meant someone like Plasmius. As it were, he didn’t know, and didn’t ask for help, and now here he is, three and half years later, barely seventeen, starting his last year of high school tomorrow, and the Head Observant, whom Danny has never met and doesn’t know the real name of, is sitting in his living room drinking tea with a frazzled Jazz and discussing mundane topics without a care in either world.
Danny considers going back to bed before deciding it wouldn’t be worth it.
“Um,” he begins, eloquent as usual, “can I help you?”
The Head Observant swivels to face him with his single eye and Danny sees Jazz slump in relief behind the ghost’s back. “Danny Phantom.” The ghost rises to stand—float—and approaches him. “We have much to discuss.”
Danny leans away, nose scrunching at the disgust in the Head Observant’s voice. (Danny really either needs to learn this guy’s name or come up with a nickname, fast, because even in the comfort of his own mind, “Head Observant” is getting old and annoying quick.) “Can we not?”
“Impudent child!” HO—Danny mentally snorts and decides to keep the shortening—snaps, his monobrow narrowing in displeasure. “Ancients help us, for we are all doomed.”
Danny rolls his eyes. Danny’s heard enough stories from Clockwork to know how dramatic the Observants are, HO especially. “Yeah yeah, double death and all that. Did you just come here to call me names or did you want something?” Danny calls forth just enough energy to light up his eyes, a subtle sign of just how much he doesn’t want HO to be here.
HO huffs and Danny hides a triumphant smirk, pleased with how easy it is to get under the ghost’s skin. “If you are quite finished,” he begins, ignoring the scoff that Danny gives, “you will accompany me to the Infinite Realms at once. The High Council demands your presence.”
“Yeah, not happening,” Danny says, crossing his arms. “See, I got school tomorrow, last first day and all, and I’m not letting any ghost problems get in the way of that. I might not know a lot about Ghost Zone politics, but I do know that these Council meetings or whatever can take days to be done with, so whatever this is, it can wait until Friday afternoon.”
HO starts sputtering and Danny hopes Clockwork is watching. Jazz is wide eyed and anxious, glancing between Danny and HO, and Danny flashes he a thumb’s up at the hip. She squints at him and Danny bites his lip to keep from laughing.
“Now. If you’ll excuse me,” Danny says, stepping pointedly around HO and towards the front door, “I have stuff to do today.” He opens the door and glances over his shoulder. “Feel free to see yourself out.”
The last thing Danny hears as he leaves is a particularly nasty ghost swear. It leaves him laughing for hours.
Friday afternoon, at exactly three-thirty, HO shows up directly in front of Danny, Sam, and Tucker, two lesser observants at his sides.
Danny sighs and palms his face. “I can’t even be mad,” he mumbles. “I did tell you to wait.”
The lesser observants already look pissed and Danny takes pride in the fact that it’s because of him. HO looks mildly annoyed and Danny wonders, spontaneously, if it’s because of Clockwork. (It would explain how the three ghosts were able to appear in the middle of Amity Park without alerting his Ghost Sense, but then again, Danny isn’t quite sure of the extent of the Observant’s powers. Maybe they can teleport or create portals like Wulf. Danny’s never asked because he’s never cared.)
“Danny Phantom,” HO booms, pointedly ignoring Danny’s wince and his attempts to get him to lower his voice, “your presence is requested by the High Council of the Infinite Realms to discuss matter of great importance. If you would follow me—”
“Yeah that’s great, and I’d love to go,” Not, “but I gotta stop by my house first. My parents will wonder where I’m at and I gotta get some stuff.”
HO’s singular eye twitches and the less Observants look incensed behind HO’s back, frantically whispering amongst themselves. Danny thinks he picked up the word “blasphemy” and bites down on a smirk. “You have one hour,” HO practically hisses, and then the three are gone, as if they were never there.
Sam and Tucker blink at Danny and then each other. “Did that really happen?” Tucker asks, nudging Danny’s arm as they continue making their way to FentonWorks. “What do they want?”
“Is this what you were laughing about all day Tuesday?” Sam adds, raising a brow. “The supposedly hilarious thing you couldn’t tell us about?”
Danny shrugs at Tucker while nodding at Sam. “Yeah. The Head Observant showed up at my house Tuesday morning and wanted me to go with him then, but I told him to wait. Didn’t think he’d listen. They must really want me to be there.”
“Yeah, but for what?” Tucker asks again, giving Danny the puppy eyes. “C’mon dude, spill!”
“I don’t actually know,” Danny says, shoving Tucker away by the face, heedless of the other boy’s squawk of outrage. “What you guys heard is pretty much all I know, too.”
“Need us to come with you?” Sam offers.
“Nah. I need you guys ready to cover for me in case the meeting or whatever runs long.” Danny shakes his head. “Clockwork and Frostbite have both told me that the Zone doesn’t really have much of a concept of time compared to here, so the meetings can last until they eventually work out whatever they were trying to figure out or they get tired of arguing about it.”
Tucker whistles, already over his manhandling. “Sucks for you, dude.”
Danny waves his off. “It’s fine, I have an overnight bag ready just in case. Loaded it full of snacks and some stuff to do in case I get bored—which I will. But yeah, that’s why I need you guys here. My parents have lightened up a lot, but if I’m gone all weekend they might start to worry.”
“No problem, Danny, we got your back!” Tucker swings and arm around Danny’s shoulders and ruffles his hair, startling Danny into a screech of his own. “This is revenge, short stack! Take it like a champ!”
Sam rolls her eyes. Idiots.
An hour and a half later, Danny is following HO and a couple lesser observants through the Ghost Zone at a pace Danny would considering a casual stroll. After saying goodbye to his friends, Danny had gone straight to Jazz to fill her in before he left for the Zone. It didn’t take long, but the problem came twenty minutes later when he realized he had no idea where he was going.
He wandered kind of aimlessly for a while, asking passing ghosts for directions to a place none of them knew how to get to, before he decided to do the smart thing and ask Clockwork. Luckily, or maybe unluckily, HO and his posse found Danny on his way there.
Needless to say, HO was not happy.
Finally, the four of them arrive at what Danny can only describe as a clusterfuck of observatories. It would be pretty cool, he thinks, if not for the giant eye at its center that seems to follow their movements as they approach. HO and the lesser Observants ignore it, so Danny does his best to not look at it, lest he make a fool of himself in front of who knows how many ghosts.
Danny follows HO to the interior of the place, and he grimaces at the sheer number of eyeballs all over the place. HO eventually leads them to a room that looks kind of like a stadium with seats arranged in a bowl shape, leaving the middle empty and giving the entire audience a clear view of the center. Hanging from the ceiling are what look like actual eyes, optical nerves and all. Looking directly at one, Danny can see that where the iris and pupil should be, there’s either a window or some type of screen, allowing for more viewers.
Danny is half expecting to see the seats filled with more of the one-eyed wonders, but instead, there’s a huge assortment of all kinds of different ghosts from all over the Zone. Amongst them, Danny spots Dora and her advisor, Pandora, Frostbite and his second in command, and Clockwork. Danny gives each of them a smile and a wave, and the HO is ushering him to the center of the room, chiding him to be quiet.
HO and his lackies take up a position behind a podium where at least a dozen other Observants wait for their leader to return. The crowd of ghosts looks impatient and Danny almost feels bad for making them wait on him.
Oh well. Too late now.
“Order! Order!” HO shouts, raising his voice to be heard above the idle chatter of the gathered ghosts. “The High Council of the Infinite Realms tribunal is now in session!”
“Wait,” Danny says, eyes blowing wide. “Am I on trial? For what?”
“Be at ease, Great One,” Frostbite calls down to him, his voice a balm on Danny’s suddenly electrified nerves. “You have done nothing wrong.”
“Nothing wrong!” a ghost that Danny doesn’t know snaps, amidst a smattering of agreeing grumbles. “He’s just a boy!”
“Silence!” HO demands, raising his hands. The noise dies down and Danny frowns, wishing he could be anywhere else. “We are here today to discuss the fate of the Infinite Realms and what this means in regard to Danny Phantom.”
Danny’s brow furrows. He has no idea what he has to do with the Ghost Zone as a whole but he has a feeling he’s not going to like it.
“Perhaps it would be best to be forward with Sir Phantom,” Dora suggests from across the room, raising a pointed eyebrow at HO as he gestures with one hand to Danny.
HO grumbles to himself briefly, then straightens to his full height. “Danny Phantom’s defeat of the former Ghost King Pariah Dark nearly three years ago means that he, by the Right of Conquest, is to be crowned the new King of All Ghosts.”
The room immediately bursts into cacophonous noise, but Danny hears none of it. His vision tunnels and he hears his heart pounding in his ears and the next thing he knows, he’s sitting outside and Frostbite is rubbing soothing circles on his back with his ice hand.
“Are you alright, Great One?” Frostbite asks once Danny finally looks at him, expression clearing up.
“I—” Danny chokes on his own voice and searches for his duffle bag, digging out a bottle of water. He chugs half of it before he has to stop and catch his breath. “I don’t know?” he asks more than says, clutching the half empty bottle like a lifeline.
“It would be okay if you were not,” Frostbite assures him. “It is not every day that one is named Crown Prince.”
Danny’s breath hitches and he chokes again, curling into a ball. “Oh god.”
Frostbite watches sympathetically for a moment, then shifts to tuck Danny against his side. “Do not fret, Great One. No one expects you to claim the throne right away. That would be asking entirely too much of you. You are young, especially in terms of your ghost half, so you must first be prepared before you are to assume any position of power.”
“Oh god,” Danny says again, voice strained, as he presses closer to the yeti ghost.
Frostbite frowns. “Are you alright, Great One?” he asks again, concern heavy in his voice.
“I can’t do this, Frostbite. I can’t be the king. I don’t know the first thing about it! I don’t know politics or the, the culture, none of it! I barely know how I work as a ghost, and I spend like half my time fighting people!” Danny clutches his hair and stares up at Frostbite, eyes wide and glowing a brighter green than usual in his panic. “I can’t do this!”
Frostbite shushes him gently and hugs him close, carding a hand through Danny’s soft white hair. “You will be a fantastic ruler one day. There is much you need to learn, but you have plenty of time. The Infinite Realms has been without a uniting monarch for centuries. It will last a number more years without you at its head.”
“No one’s gonna be happy about this,” Danny argues, allowing his shoulders to relax as he leans against his friend and mentor.
“You cannot please everyone, Great One,” Frostbite says with a chuckle. “But despite the dissenters, you have earned your title as Crown Prince, and the Ancient Law is to be respected and upheld by all. There will always be those who will oppose your rule, but over time, even the hottest of tempers will cool.”
Danny shakes his head, tense and jittery. “But there’s so much I don’t know! I’m gonna offend someone or something and start a war and then everyone’s gonna hate me even more than they already do because I’m always fighting them and I’m half human and I’m not a real ghost and I do nothing be get into trouble and start shit with my big mouth and I haven’t even finished high school yet and—!”
“Danny,” Frostbite says, startling him to silence as a large, clawed hand delicately captures his chin, “you are going to be amazing.”
Danny blinks once, twice, and on the third, he feels his eyes burn with unshed tears. He takes a deep, shaky breath, and then another. “You really think so?” he asks, voice weak.
Frostbite smiles, the expression warm. “I know so.”
Danny smiles back and shoves the heels of his hands into his eyes, giving a shaky laugh as he watches the stars behind his closed lids. “Okay.” He swallows hard. “Okay. I believe you.”
“Good!” Frostbite says, pulling Danny to his feet with a booming laugh. Danny laughs with him, more a single huff than true laughter, but it’s something. “Now! The High Council is waiting for us to return!”
Danny sighs. “Yeah.” He slouches for a moment before straightening up, a slow smirk drifting across his face. “Hey, what if I don’t go back in there?” Frostbite tilts his head and allows Danny to explain. “It’s not just because I don’t want to, even though that’s also true, but also… I really don’t like the Head Observant.”
Frostbite laughs again. “Clockwork has mentioned that you have taken on his habit of doing your best to annoy them.” A mischievous glint enters his yellow eyes and he grins. “Who am I to deny you this simple pleasure?”
Danny grins and hugs his mentor. “Thanks Frostbite! You’re the best!”
Frostbite hugs him back and then gives him a nudge. “Such high praise!” He gives a dramatic sigh. “It is such a shame that you were feeling unwell and had to return home immediately. Goodbye, Great One. We will see each other again soon.”
Danny laughs and waves as he flies off, duffle bag strung over his shoulder. He can’t wait to hear the story from Clockwork later. It’s a good distraction from the whole King thing.
Eh. He’ll deal with that later.
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ladylynse · 5 years
This stuff is so good! I don't know how fast you write whatever prompts you get, but what about one where Danny gets fed up with Vlad calling him Little Badger, and decides to do something about it? Cue the next day, where Vlad, being mayor, notices his work bag he was about to shoulder wriggling. When he opens the zipper, a certain animal jumps out to attack him.
Hi, Anon! I’m glad you like my writing. Thanks for taking the time to say so! 
I don’t really have a lot of time to write long prompts right now. April/May are busy months at work for me (I’ve done close to forty hours of overtime this month), I’m currently trying to finish off one last fic for April’s Phic Phight, and then I’m right back to writing a birthday fic for a friend in early May (might end up being just a part one at the rate I’m going because I’m not sure I’ll have time to finish) and finishing up a couple chapters for a giveaway I did in the fall (this is not quite as bad as it sounds; I was not told what they wanted until spring, and then I put it on hold for April). If you want to donate something to my ko-fi (and you are certainly not obligated to do so), I’ll write this as a thank-you snippet as soon as I can, but otherwise I don’t have time to take prompts right now. Sorry! 
I am still doing three sentence fics, though, so here’s this:
“If he likes little badgers so much,” Danny muttered, turning everything but his fingertips intangible as he carried the squirming beast towards Vlad’s mansion, “then I’ll give him a little badger.”
Securing the badger within Vlad’s bag without it simply tearing its way through was…difficult, but fortunately for Danny (and unfortunately for Vlad), Vlad’s expensive tastes and inventiveness meant high quality.
He wouldn’t have much left in terms of important paperwork by the time he left for work, though.
(follow up)
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