#might get up early enough to grab coffee before school tho
evablueblanket · 8 months
do your homework and get good grades otherwise
but what if I don’t wanna :c
I can’t tell if that’s a threat or a statement
Do your hw and get good grades, otherwise :)
Do you’re he and get good grades otherwise :D
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kiarathefox · 6 months
prime numbers
2: I drink both tea and coffee, I prefer coffee tho, love my bean soup. I take it almost anyway that involves milk. Hot/Cold latte capp flat white. If it's good coffee I don't need sugar. My tea is just kinda english breakfast with milk. I like Spearmint as well.
3: "Scream" from Final Fantasy XIV, free to play up to level 70 including award winning expansion stormblood
5: I usually do sleep with my plush Eevee, Blahaj and Bulbasaur, but recently I've had to give them up because now that I'm moved in with my gf, there isn't enough room in the bed for me, my gf and the plushies. When I upgrade to a bigger bed I can have my beloved plushies back :3
7: Usually, the minimum possible. I live in a hot country and I NEED to be cool when I sleep. But during winter I like 2, because of the addition of a weighted blanket. I LOVE sleeping with a weighted blanket.
11: Blue babyyyyy
13: Abandonment is the biggest one, I have severe issues with being left behind, it happened alot growing up, I had a bunch of friends just exclude me or straight up ditch me. It has led to a terrible habit of overthinking every negative interaction, and thinking I have to be a "perfect" friend or else they won't want to be around me anymore. The other crippling fear is bees/wasps, I have such a fight or flight reaction with them, such an overwhelming fear for something so small. Maybe me being attacked/chased my wasps when I was small affected that.
17: I already have ear piercings, tho I only just got them a year ago after I started transitioning. This revealed that I can't easily get piercings because of the medication I am on, nor tattoos. Because they just won't heal. Either way I don't think I want anymore piercings, but I might just have to miss out on a tattoo :c
19: I have 3 people whom I consider best friends. Two of which I retained from primary school, and one I met early in high school. The high school one has become a brother to me. Which is funny to think that he only had sisters, then finally got me as his bro, then a few years ago I turned around and went "ummm, I'm a sister too actually." Gottem
23: Kind of yeah. I like to think there is some other life out there. (I mean of course right? Even if a planet that's livable like Earth is an incredibly rare thing it COULD happen more than once) BUT I think it might be more likely that we came about so early in the universe's life, that we could be long gone before another civilisation finds us.
29: I either make snap decisions without thinking about it, or if I do make the mistake of thinking about something too long, I'm stuck in an endless loop of indecision until I break down over it.
31: Distant future? God I don't like thinking ahead too much, I think because most of my life I've had nothing to look forward to I guess. In a couple of years I hope to have a permanent home and a pet again. Is that something?
37: Ahh the classic.. I grew up with both and really have no preference for either one. I am very playful with pets, so I would have an inclination towards dogs, but I can still grab my cat and wrestle it with my hand just as well. Plus both of them are capable of being cuddly, or even go off and do their own thing for a bit. I'll put it this way. If I am living alone, I'd prefer a cat, for more peace of mind and less maintenance.
41: I CANNOT PICK ONE FAVOURITE WTF! I'll list a few "winners" My fave recent one would be "The Owl House" My fave older one would be "Avatar: The Last Airbender" And My nostalgia pick would be "Teen Titans"
43: One younger sister. Bit of a rat, especially in her teen years but she's grown, gotten better. We are slowly rebuilding our relationship but I really struggle to trust those who have hurt me in the past. So while I don't know how she feels about me exactly, I kind of have her at arms length for a while.
47: Yeah, muscle memory and all that
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Laisse tomber les filles 5
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; tags to be added as story progresses
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: That slow creep, tho
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You looked down at your body and fidgeted. The skirt was so short you pulled on a pair of stockings in an effort to hide your legs, and it was tight like the blouse. Both pieces seemed to be just a size too small. The boots were higher than any heels you’d worn before and you felt awkward in the get-up.
Noon. That was when he told you the night before as he kept stalling you from leaving. Every time you were ready to push open the car door, he had something else to say. You agreed to noon just to appease him so you could run and hide in your dorm.
You pulled on your long pea coat and stuffed your textbooks into your canvas bag with the leather straps. You hiked it up on your shoulder and slung your pocketbook from your other. You stepped out into the hallway and wobbled on the heels. You clung to the handle as you kept yourself upright.
“Wow, you look special,” Gina remarked as she peeked through the kitchen door.
“Um, thanks,” you pulled your coat closed and buttoned it, “it’s… new.”
“It’s cute,” she said as Lisa came to peek through the doorway as well.
“Where are you going?” the second girl asked.
“To study,” you said as you carefully made your way to the heavy door that led to the stairwell.
“Oh, study, huh?” she teased, “can’t be alone then.”
“I’m gonna be late,” you kept your chin down.
“Don’t let us hold you up,” Gina said as you opened the door and stepped out.
“I didn’t know she had anywhere to go,” Lisa’s trilled and her voice slipped into the hall just before the wood slid back into the frame.
You exhaled through your nose and braced the railing for your slow and treacherous descent. As you got to the bottom, you teetered and pressed yourself to the wall as two girls came through the door. You watched them flit up the stairs and scurried out into the spring air.
The weather was as bitter as before. It smelled like wet grass and mud. The sun beamed down warmly and made you sweat in your jacket. You gripped the strap of your bag and cleared the single step to even ground.
“Honey,” the voice drew your eyes up from your boots and you blinked. 
The sheriff stood by his cruiser as he watched you. He didn’t wear his uniform, instead a pair of grey slacks and pure white button-up under his usual leather. He smiled and came to the end of the walk as you hesitantly closed the gap. Your heel caught in a crack and you stumbled. He caught you and gave a soft laugh.
“You okay?” he asked as he held your elbow in one hand and his other went to the small of your back.
“I’m fine,” you righted yourself and parted from him, “just didn’t see the crack.”
“Here,” he tugged on your heavy knapsack, “let me take this.”
You let him, unsure what to say. He was early. Your watch assured you he was a whole twenty minutes ahead of schedule. Your own timing was purely habit as you hated to keep others waiting.
“Thank you,” you squeaked as he put the bag in the back seat.
“So, can I see it?” he asked as he shut the door.
“What?” your brows knitted in confusion.
“The clothes,” he said lightly, “that is what you’re hidin’ under there, right?” he pointed at a large round button on your pea coat, “it’s too warm to be wearin’ all that.”
“Can I wait… until we’re at your, um, place?” you clutched the round collar of your coat anxiously.
“Oh, for my eyes only, huh,” he teased with a wink.
“No, I just… can we go?”
“Course, honey,” he brushed by you and opened the front door, “get in.”
You sat and pulled your legs in, hooking them around the edge of the seat stiffly as you crossed one over the other. The door closed and you picked at the metal clasp of your pocket book and chewed your lip. Why were you doing all this? You were an adult, he said it himself, you could say no…
You glanced around, his sheriff’s hat sat on the dashboard and you shook your head. No, you couldn’t. He was a cop and your discomfort wasn’t a reason to be uncourteous. Your mother always told you to push yourself out of your safe zone. She hated how you always held yourself back because you were scared. It was difficult enough to get you out of the house and into a dorm.
Once he was in the car, there was no turning back. You coudn’t lie about feeling sick or claim a forgotten study group, you were on your way and suddenly you were filled with panic. What if he wasn’t taking you to his house? Did that star on his hat really mean he was a good person?
“Um,” the syllable slipped from you nervously.
“What is it, hon?” he asked as he gripped the grooved wheel.
“Um, I don’t…” you stuttered as you searched for words. You couldn’t let him know what you were really afraid of, “so, uh, I would’ve thought that… you have a wife?”
His brows flicked up as you peeked over at him. He pushed his bottom lip out and hummed. He clicked his tongue and sighed.
“Well, I did,” he admitted, “but I don’t like to talk about it too much. She, er, she’s married to my deputy now.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said quietly, “I didn’t…”
“It’s all over now,” he shrugged, “you know, I’ve moved on. We’re both happier for it.”
“That’s… good, then,” you murmured.
“Must be, I met you,” he smiled, “huh?”
“Well, I…” your hand shook and hid it up your sleeve, “I don’t know, I’m a bit young, aren’t I?”
“Young?” he said, “you don’t act it. You’re a lot more mature than lots of ladies I know. The way you carry yourself… you work hard I can tell. I don’t see your age, just a good woman.”
“Hmm,” you pursed your lips tightly.
“I mean it,” he insisted, “you got character beyond your age.”
“Thank you, but I… I don’t know,” you picked at the cuff of your coat.
“You brought your books?” he said, “must’ve. That bag sure is heavy. I got a place for ya all set up.”
“I’ll be workin’ on supper, I hope you don’t mind the noise,” he drawled, “you know, I don’t cook often so I might be a bit… lost.”
“You don’t have to cook for me,” you offered, “really, it’s… too much.”
“I wanna, honey,” he said, “ain’t it special? A fellow cookin’ for his lady?”
“Uh, oh,” you frowned, “sure.”
“And you can turn the radio on if you like,” he continued, “it’s new.”
You nodded and listened meekly. Every argument you had for him was quickly shot down. He was so good at telling you how you were wrong or what to do while making it feel like good advice. Each demand, each want, was presented as common sense. It was impossible to argue with him because deep inside, you couldn’t argue with yourself. 
While your gut told you something was off, your head assured you of your paranoia. You didn’t know any better, did you? You didn’t know how these things worked, how men and women got along, so of course it would feel strange to you. But he knew and he was so confident about it, he must be right.
Lee’s house was nice, just outside the city limits. It reminded you of the suburban homes you passed on your way to high school in your hometown. You only ever lived in an apartment with your parents and so found the place extravagant compared to boxy until attached hallways noisy with troublesome neighbours.
He led you onto the porch, the wood painted white, and opened both the screen door and thicker wood one ahead of you. You were forced to brush against him as you entered. He was quick to trail you, the screen snapping shut behind him. He hung his leather coat and tugged on the back of your collar as he plunked down your bookbag.
“Go on then,” he said, “let me see it, honey.”
You closed your eyes and steeled yourself. You forced a smile as you undid the first button and slowly turned to him. You unhooked each until the coat fell open and you let it fall down your arms. You quickly swept it up and he took it to hang beside his own.
He faced you and gripped your shoulders as he looked down at you. You shied away as his eyes roved down your body and you took a step back as you crossed your arms.
“They’re a bit tight,” you said.
“You look mighty fine,” he slithered, “look like they fit just nice.”
“Erm,” you rocked on the balls of your feet.
He smiled and knelt to untie his shoes. You unzipped the boots and stepped out of them, stretching your arches as before you brought them flat. You pushed them beside his shoes as his strong cologne tickled your nose.
“Just in here, honey,” he waved you through a doorway, “come on.”
He went back to grab your bag and pointed you in ahead of him as he returned to you. He went to the sofa and dropped the bag on the cushion. 
“You can get settled in,” he sidled away from the coffee table, “the radios there,” he gestured to the console table along the wall, “record player too.”
“Thanks, I should be fine,” you neared and sat on the edge of the couch.
“I’ll be through there, in the kitchen,” he peeked over at another door, “you need anything, just holler.”
“I will,” you twined your fingers through each other, “thank you.”
He smirked and shoved his hands in his pockets as he lingered on the other side of the table, “you do look nice in that,” he looked you up and down again, “you don’t even need the stockings with how warm it’s gettin’.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled and brought your fingers to tap your lip, “guess I should get started.”
You reached for the flap of your book bag and slid out a heavy textbook. You sensed him watching you before his feet slowly turned away and he strode from the room. You opened the book and flipped through the pages mindlessly. 
This house was far enough from the city, far enough that you were stranded, and much of the area was new to you. The realisation made you tremble as you counted the page numbers.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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Summary- going on a date
Character(s)- Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Mina Ashido, Aizawa Shōta
Warnings- just so one comes for me, everyones aged up!!, besides that none :)
Notes- ahh look at me trying to expanding my fandoms
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Kaminari Denki
Definitely an arcade date. A simple yet fun idea.
Of course when he invites you, it mostly as a joke. He’s not expecting you to actually answer. But when you did this man is like so excited. If he could he would’ve planned the date that day but of course he waits till the weekend.
It’s a casual date, nothing to fancy just the 2 of you enjoy the little things. It’s one of those dates that feel like a date yet at the same time doesn’t.
It’s like those dates y’all see in like those cheesy romance movies. It’s a very cute date 🥺💕
Of course y’all don’t spend the whole date at the arcade, it was just the first out of many spots. Y’all basically play till y’all can’t anymore then go out to eat.
Y’all end up chatting about anything and everything, whatever topic pops up yall talk about it. At one point you make him charge you phone, limited his ability to talk. But you end up talking the most anyways.
After y’all had eat and enjoyed a dessert or 2, the 2 of y’all go a goof off at some random park. Talking on the swings, climbing up the monkey bars, petting to local cats.
Over all the date was just a simple one but it was probably the best one Denki has ever had and will have.
Before the date, he knew you only as a classmate, not knowing the small things about you. After the date he learns and remembers all the little things about you.
Your favorite color, your dream pet, what you what to do as a side job, how you wanna help people. All the little things.
Denki felt so unbelievably happy when the date was over. He hasn’t be on many dates before more like none so going on a date with you, and it being an actual date made him so happy. Y’all are definitely gonna be going in more dates from now on
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Kirishima Eijiro
Unlike Denki, dates with Kirishima take a bit more time to plan. Kirishima loves to go hiking, so why not go on a hiking date with him.
You honestly had never been on one so you have no idea what y’all would even do but you decided to go along with it. It something new for you to try and plus Kirishima seemed really happy when he was talking about it.
You clearly underestimate him and the date. By a lot. To start of with, y’all met up together just as the sun had reached over the horizon. It was to early.
2nd, he just had to pick the most ‘manliest’ trail. It was an gorgeous trail, don’t think it wasn’t. There were so many animals, birds, and beautiful flowers. But also bugs, and awkward wooden stairs and rocks, and a lot of walking. At that point you weren’t sure if this was a date or extra training.
However, you went along with it. Although it wasn’t your thing, it was nice change of pace and something else fun to try. The date wasn’t bad either, the two of y’all cracked jokes, chatted about the latest gossip at the school and about y’all’s works study, and just talking about random topics.
At one point y’all ended up holding hands and walking shoulder to shoulder, until however the 2 of y’all didn’t even know how or when y’all did it. The only time y’all noticed it was when Kirishima tried to head off into a bush to pee but next he knew you just continued to follow him. His flustered face was so unmanly.
After hours and hours of talking, sunset came and you noticed that y’all weren’t near the entrance of the trail. You brought your concern with him, but he simply smiled, grabbed you hand once again and asked, “Trust me. You’ll love it.”
There was no way you couldn’t trust that smile. So you continued to follow him until the sun began to dip under the horizon. And an hour before the light had disappeared completely, Kirishima brought you to a lovely field and a small picnic area
You were speechless, you were definitely not expecting that. It was so strange yet cute. So while you stood there, speechless, Kirishima began to unpack a bunch of snacks, of course ones that didn’t need to be referated. Once he set them all out, he looked back at you and smiled sheepishly, “Hehe, I hope you don’t mind a pinic date.” 
and of course you loved it. The date lasted on for about 2 more hours before yall decided to head back. Although the walk back was scary and surprising a lot shorter bc he apparently knew a short cut, it was still fun. The date was very new and nice, it was very different from any date you went on before. So this just might become a regular thing for you.
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Mina Ashido 
a night out on the town all the way. Kinda like Kaminari but not at the same time...
Even though the date is technically at night. The 2 of y’all spend the day together anyways. Not going out and partying, but lazing around the house doing nothing. Mina liked to call it your girl time where y’all gossip, watch rom-coms, fantasize about the future, sending each other memes, simply stuff like that.
It wasn’t until around 5 when the date was finally starting. Y’all would get all dressed up, do each other’s make up, complement the hell out of each other, flirt, and try on like 5 different outfits before finally heading out.
The night started off relatively calm. The 2 of y’all would start the date off by going out to dinner at a somewhat fancy restaurant. Where y’all would continued to gossip and talk about random things.
After the dinner date the 2 of y’all would sneak off to an ice cream parlor and enjoy an ice or 2 together. Completely ruining y’all’s outfits. Besides the dinner date and the ice cream, everything after that wasn’t planned at all. It was all up to Mina where y’all would go.
To the club! Is the first place Mina’s gonna drag you too. It was popular club too where citizens, heroes and even villains would attend. The only rule that’s enforced at the clubs is: no sharing your real identity with a stranger. Besides that it’s a free for all.
Dancing, drinking, partying. They do it all, and y’all definitely do it all. Of course still having a sense of responsibility, y’all don’t drink too much but y’all definitely make that up on the dance floor.
While dancing you even ran into a few friends and decided to join their little party. Y’all did everything: drinking games, dance, encourage fights, ate till y’all couldn’t stand, threw it all up in the bathroom then did it again. You were pretty sure you saw some people from the league of villains but who cares. You were on a date not a night patrol.
Of course y’all aren’t super human well technically you are butttt so eventually even y’all had to call it quiets. It was around 3 am tho. It was a good thing that y’all didn’t have work in the morning. So the 2 of y’all said you goodbyes and slowly stumbled y’all’s way back to your apartment. Both of y’all took turned carrying each
As soon as y’all go home y’all had enough energy go pull off your outfits before crashing on the bed make up and all. The next morning, or next afternoon Mina was the first to wake up so she was quick to get dress and clean up before she began to make breakfast for you and a hot drink. When you woke up Mina was quick to check up on you and make sure you were feeling ok.
Once again y’all spent the day doing nothing and relaxing with each. And after a night like that, y’all couldn’t ask for more.
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Aizawa Shōta
This man is like so romantic...when he wants to be lol. It really all just depends on his mood. Normally a date with him would be a very simple and easy going one.
Because he is a teacher, there’s a lot of time where’s he stuck grading papers and when that happens, He loves to cuddle up with you under a blanket and while you watch a movie or read or play on your phone he’ll grade the papers. Taking many breaks of course.
Most of the time his breaks will consist of him complaining about how one of his students didn’t get a question right or didn’t even answer it or just put something crazy. Most of the time he’s not to talkative but when it comes to school, especially his students, he won’t shut up. So you let him rant, you enjoy hearing this stories too anyways. His students are amazing.
Occasionally if it’s a simple worksheet with an answer sheet he made before hand, He’ll make you grade the papers while he sleeps or does something else. You love when this happens cause then your can give them a few extra points just bc.
Of course the date is not grading papers with him. The date comes after. Once all the papers are graded, the 2 of y’all would put in some relatively decent clothes and head out to the nearest coffee shop. A chance to get y’all out of the house and a nice breath of fresh air. Normally it’s your idea to go on the date but Aizawa always loves it.
Once y’all reach the cafe that’s when Aizawa would normally take over the date. He’ll either find something else he wants to do like see a movie or take a walk in the part the. Something he’ll just want to go back to the appointment and just sleep and relax.
It really doesn’t matter what y’all do. Aizawa’s the type of person to just savor the time spent with you. As long as he’s with you he doesn’t mind what y’all do. With thag in mind, he would prefer to just lay around the house and cuddle but he’s also open to your date ideas.
Like I said before Aizawa can be one hell of a charmer when it comes down to it. So when y’all go on actually dates. He knows exactly how to dress, act, and what do it. It’s almost like a completely different person but his lazy reaction remind you he’s still the same man you fell in love with.
Even the romantic dates are simple, going out to eat at a fancy restaurant and going out for a walk hand in hand. If y’all do something too exciting, he thinks it will take away from your beauty and distract him so that he’a not focused on you. So he keeps the dates simple so that he won’t have any distractions from you.
To others y’all’s dates might be too simple and boring, but y’all love them. The dates aren’t about seeing how much y’all could do together, it about spending time with each. So if all y’all do it go off to some cafe that’s around the block and talk, y’all are completely happy and satisfied.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I can be your lover
chapter 3
Robbe doesn’t think too much about grabbing his phone anymore, clicking on the name, scrolling through the page, clicking on some old pictures just to see him again, watching the new stories, Sander partying with his friends until the early hours of this morning. It’s part of Robbe’s routine to check Sander’s social media like it’s brushing his teeth or skating back home hearing his music.
He brought it to himself so he has to suck it up. Sander is more than well adjusted to his new life, his new friends.
The conversations that used to happen constantly throughout every day changed a few months back and are now just a quick exchange of texts every few days, nothing longer than ten minutes, and nothing too deep inside each other’s lives too. Robbe still misses Sander like he did when Sander first moved away but he doesn’t have the space to say it anymore.
It was obvious that distance would push them apart. They were too naive to think they could beat it.
He missed his opportunities time and time again. The ticket he had to go visit expired a few weeks ago and he knows it was the last straw for Sander to give up on them completely, no matter how much Robbe tried to explain and how many times he apologized for not finding the time or courage to go visit.
Robbe is terrible with words but he managed to say them when he felt it but he’s a disaster with actions and he didn’t take one with someone that’s all about actions speaking louder than words.
“Baby, are you busy today?” He hears his mom’s words like they’re on the other side of a tunnel. He looks up and she’s smiling, repeating her words now that she has his attention.
“No...No, I’m not really busy, why?”
“I was thinking about going to the mall and shopping.” He can feel her excitement in her voice. They don’t do this often: outings that don’t involve their doctors or grocery shopping. And his mom has been doing really, really good and Robbe thinks if he lost one for his lack of attitude, he shouldn’t do the same with his mom.
“Okay. Let me just change.” He smiles back and she claps her hands, leaving his room to go grab her things. The last thing Robbe wants to do is go out but he’ll force a smile on his face and hold however many bags she needs him to hold.
to Jens: Do you want to do something tonight?
I need some beers
He puts his phone inside his jacket to give his mom his full attention for the afternoon, hoping Jens has planned something for them to do by the time he’s back home tonight.
Robbe doesn’t need anything but he lets his mom buy him lunch and when she shows him this perfect black leather jacket that looks a lot like one Robbe used to steal from Sander, he lets her buy it for him too. He checks his phone but there’s no message from Jens yet so he texts Zoe, inviting her for some coffee with his mom before they head home. It’s nice to see her again and his mom loves Zoe so much but Robbe can tell something is up. Zoe keeps looking at him in the way she does when she’s worried. He doesn’t ask because his mom is there and he doesn’t need his mom in the middle of whatever drama Zoe is hiding from him.
On their way back home it’s colder than expected after walking for so many hours inside the mall, the sun is completely gone so the temperature dropped drastically and Robbe finds any excuse to open the bigger bag he’s carrying, putting his new leather jacket on, searching for his phone to put inside the outer pocket. He holds it tighter and the screen lights up, showing the notification of a few new messages from Jens.
to Robbe: No plans but you can come by if you want, play some video game
talked to Jana yesterday
She told me Sander is hooking up with a girl…
Robbe stops walking, carefully reading every message again to make sure he didn’t misinterpret what Jens was saying. He knows he should read this with the biggest grain of salt because Jana has moved back a few weeks ago and she barely knows Sander but in the back of his mind, for a reason Robbe can’t understand, he thinks she might be telling Jens the truth.
to Jens: How does she know that?
He can guess the answer - Britt and her big mouth - but he doesn’t know what to say.
to Robbe: Britt told her that he’s been sleeping with someone for a while now but it’s nothing serious
probably just a fuck buddy
he did repost stories with a blonde girl tho
Robbe leaves to answer Jens later when he’s home, and he opens Instagram instead, Sander’s profile picture being the first one available for him to watch - his favorite hobby -  and he clicks on it without thinking and there it is. Robbe keeps his thumb on the screen to freeze the frame.
It’s a stories of someone else that Sander shared. It’s too fast for Robbe to understand what’s going on but he stops when he sees Sander laughing, with sparkly eyes that are the sign that maybe he’s a little tipsy, always in a better mood after a few beers, his hair messy from what Robbe assumes to be strange fingers running through his locks and the girl finally turns back to look at whoever caught them making out, blushing with the brightest red lips and Robbe takes his finger off the screen and it’s over in the next second.
“Robbe…” Zoe is standing next to him, his mom a few steps forward waiting for them.
“Am I like the last one to know?”
Zoe presses her lips together, trying to justify not telling him about it but Robbe doesn’t really care. It’s his fault anyway. Sander has every right to move on and post it all over social media.
He shoves his phone back in his pocket and Zoe wraps her hands around his arm and forces him to start walking again, acting as nothing happened to his mom while they walk Zoe home and then go home themselves.
He tries to engage in whatever conversation his mom starts about picking which pizza they’ll eat tonight but his brain keeps replaying that quick clip over and over again even though he shouldn’t care.
Sander knows that he saw and he doesn’t text anything to Robbe, as he shouldn’t but Robbe expected him to.
He completely forgets about answering Jens and goes to bed right after eating half a pizza without noticing, turning his phone off, hoping he’ll wake up to some missed calls or texts from Sander, knowing it won’t happen.
The story is still there when Robbe wakes up the next morning. He clicks on Jens’ texts to finally answer him.
to Jens: sorry for disappearing last night, ate some pizza and passed out before I could tell you.
Thankfully, Jens is not online so Robbe won’t have to keep a conversation going when he’s still half asleep and in the worst possible mood.
He pushes himself to lie on his side, staring at the space next to him where Sander would usually sleep.
There were long months of miscommunication, frustration, and excuses because Robbe was too afraid of any change. He finally had the life he dreamed of, and two months after, Sander was moving to another country with no intention of coming back to visit every weekend. That change was big enough to paralyze him, unable to decide for himself what he wanted in their relationship. He thought they could maintain some degree of their relationship online while Robbe worked on himself but it wasn’t enough for Sander, clearly.
And Robbe couldn’t whine and beg for his attention so he kept his neediness to himself while their conversation got smaller and meaningless with time. The few things keeping them close are over now and Robbe can try to hide it all he wants but he knows it won’t be easy.
He clicks on another app that he opens frequently but this one just to look.
The airplane tickets aren’t too pricey, he just has to find one, buy and just fucking go there already! He can’t have another long semester letting the unknown eat his brain out. If he asks Sander he’ll give a too honest answer, cold without thinking about feelings because he’s hurt and he doesn’t care if Robbe gets hurt too because he brought this to them. Sander will be practical and Robbe needs him to be more considerate.
He stops scrolling when he finds a flight to Sander’s new town. His dad sent him his birthday gift in money and Robbe didn’t use much of it yet. Added with all the money his dad sends him every few weeks, it’s barely enough but it’ll work.
He buys the ticket before he can change his mind again and drops his phone on his mattress, looking forward. He has one hour to pack a bag and go to the airport. If he works fast enough he won’t have time to change his mind.
Robbe sits on his bed and grabs his school bag from the floor, unzipping it and turning it upside down on his bed to empty it, leaving the mess for him to deal with when he’s back. He doesn’t know for how long he’ll stay but it can’t be that long that he can’t fit in one bag.
If he tells anyone, as they did to him, they’ll end up telling Sander about his plans. Even Zoe would end up accidentally spilling the news to Jana and she would tell Britt. So Robbe tells Senne that he’ll need him to lie for Robbe for a few days. He needs to pretend he’s sleeping somewhere else so nobody will try to change his mind about jumping on a plane suddenly to go talk to Sander because of a social media post.
He’s the only one that won’t call him crazy or ask any questions.
When everything is planned with Senne, Robbe is finally done packing too, not giving himself even a second to look around and diggest the crazy plan he’s about to do, he’s almost late and the taxi is already downstairs, waiting for him.
He kisses his mom goodbye and quickly tells her he’s going to spend the week at Senne’s because he needs some help with Zoe. He’s out the door before giving a proper explanation or he would get caught in his lie, everything written all over his face because Robbe is that terrible of a liar.
The realization of how fucked his whole plan is only hits him when he’s already in his seat inside the airplane, high up in the sky, being offered some snacks that he declines.  
He looks so desperate, jealous, and thinking sex will fix everything that he ruined. He looks and sounds hot and cold and confusing and Robbe hates the realization while he’s sitting inside an airplane, with no way out to go back home.
If he gets there and Sander is living a married life already with his blonde dream girl, Robbe will have to find a way to dig a hole and hide forever.
He sits forward, finally able to see groups of houses again down on the ground. The pilot tells them they’ll be landing soon and Robbe rushes to the bathroom before he won’t be able to. He washes his face and looks at himself in the mirror. He’s not doing a good job at hiding his nervousness.
He won’t even have time to hesitate while waiting for his bag. Everything he brought is in the compartment over his head. He only needs to get inside a cab and go to Sander’s place. In two hours or so he’ll have to deal with whatever he planned so quickly in his head.
Maybe if he asks what’s going on, it won’t feel so desperate. It’s not unfair to want to know where they stand. Even if it’s a closure that Robbe is not ready to have. He settles for asking, as calmly as he can, what’s going on between them now that there’s someone else again.
The airport is tiny and Robbe is a little bit lost, wandering without knowing where he’s supposed to go to find the taxis. Sander's address is still saved in a print Robbe took of their conversation before they started drifting apart.
Sander had moved to a better apartment that he could only afford because he was sharing with a few of his friends. Robbe remembers typing, asking why was Sander sending him that if they were barely talking to each other those days. He wanted Sander to tell him they were still okay enough but Robbe didn’t send the message, just said the place looked nice, and took a screenshot to save the address.
He asks the taxi driver if it’s a long drive and he shakes his head, looking at Robbe through the rearview, “Five minutes, not much more than that.”
Robbe sighs, trying to make some breathing exercises to prepare himself. Five minutes is not a lot of time, not enough either.
He tries to keep himself from overthinking as he jumps out of the car, putting his bag over his shoulder. The building seems very new, modern even and Robbe wonders how expensive it is to live there.
There’s a guy behind the desk when he walks in and he leads Robbe to the elevator, pressing the button for him, letting him go upstairs by himself. Robbe found a way to mumble, after giving the old man all his information, that it was a surprise so he wouldn’t call Sander. He seemed to get it, smiling and Robbe was giving the directions: on the third floor, the door on his right was Sander’s.
He fixes his hair, adjusts his bag on his shoulder, and stares at the door before knocking, hoping Sander is the one to open it, not one of his friends or the girl. He should have told him he was coming, at least Sander would have time to hide anything he might want to hide but Sander doesn’t seem unhappy to see him at his door. Robbe doesn’t remember what he had planned to say and Sander is quiet too, doesn’t look like he had much sleep time or any sleep for that matter.
He can barely open his eyes, wearing his underwear and a black shirt and Robbe doesn’t wait for another second, putting his hands on Sander’s neck, pulling him down for a heated kiss. He licks Sander’s mouth open, pushing him inside his apartment and Sander slams the door closed behind Robbe, gently taking his bag off his shoulder, finally awake enough to lead the way to a bed.
Robbe snuggles closer and carefully lies on Sander’s shoulder. He obviously changed the order of things but there’s no escaping a conversation now while they’re both wide awake, lying in bed together. Robbe wonders if Sander at least changed his sheets. He has to know what Sander is feeling but he’s so afraid of the answer.
He looks up and finds Sander already staring at him, with a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips.
“You know why I came?”
Sander lifts his eyebrows, looking elsewhere now and he sighs annoyingly.
“I’ll be surprised if I don’t.”
Robbe looks down again, at Sander’s hand casually just on his chest, like he’s waiting for Robbe to hold it like he would any other time. He doesn’t because it feels wrong yet but he walks with his fingertips over Sander’s knuckles, wanting to hold his hand, kiss him, tell Sander that there’s no way anyone else is better than them and that’s why he’s here.
“So…is this like Britt all over again?”
He knows it’s not the best way to ask if Sander still wants to be with him and just him but he can’t find another way to do it.
“No. I broke up with Britt right after our first kiss. And I’m not dating anyone right now. So it’s different.”
Robbe looks up knowing he’ll find an upset Sander, he doesn’t ask anything else to not risk his luck. He pushes himself up and looks at Sander face to face, staring at his still reddish lips, and kisses him again, leaving the rest of this painful conversation for later
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [5]
Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 5.5 OR Chapter 6
➜ Words: 4.2k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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Life won’t give you a break.   The moment midterms are complete, you have to begin preparing for finals. While the urge to bury yourself underneath your covers and pull the blanket over your head has lessened, you still don’t want to venture out into the world. But there’s no way to resist the inevitable. You can’t let your schooling go down the drain — it’s the only thing you’ve got going for yourself after all.   5:49 pm. Jungkook: where u at bitch?   5:50 pm. Y/N: im on the toilet asshole 5:50 pm. Y/N: call me a bitch again and ill kill you   5:50 pm. Jungkook: Gross tmi 5:52 pm. Jungkook: can i ask you for a favour tho pls   You wash your hands after wiping, flushing and pulling up your pants.    5:54pm. Jungkook: dont leave me on read   5:55 pm. Y/N: clingy much 5:55 pm. Y/N: the hell do you want from me   5:55 pm. Jungkook: lovely as usual 5:56 pm. Jungkook: I need the notes for comm 209   You scoff as you re-read the message. He has some audacity asking for your notes for a class he skipped on a Friday afternoon, probably to hang out with his friends instead. But before you tell him to gladly ‘fuck off’, you’re stopped by an idea. He needs something from you and there’s something you need from him.   Now’s the perfect opportunity.   “Tempering chocolate?”   “Yeah. You want to be a Master Chocolatier, right? This is a great opportunity to teach someone how to do it. They say you know your stuff when you can teach others.”   Jungkook rolls his eyes at your shamelessness and how you’re trying to milk him to your advantage. “Somehow I think this far outweighs the favour of me getting your notes.”   “Do you want to help me or not?”   “Do I want to?” He looks unsure but gives in to your will anyways, or at least he's curious enough to hear your troubles. “What’s your issue with tempering chocolate?”   “It just doesn’t temper right. There’s no snap or shine to it.”   “Do you measure the temperature with a kitchen thermometer?”   “Well obviously, Jeon. Noooo,” you pull out the syllable, voice dripping of sarcasm. “I dip my hand in to tell. Duh! Are you an idiot? What do you think?!”    At once, Jungkook’s expression washes over, becoming impassive. He spins around on his heel to walk out the door, but you grab onto his sleeve desperately.   “I’m kidding. It’s a joke. Sorry. Help me?”   He shifts around to look at you. You’re busy batting your lashes with those eyes of yours, trying to appeal to him — it disgusts Jungkook instead. It makes him feel sick to his stomach that you’re trying to act cute when you’re obviously a brat in disguise.    Yet somehow he finds himself in the kitchen on a late Tuesday night anyhow, despite having class early in the morning the next day.   “What method do you use?” Jungkook asks with crossed arms as you pull out the right materials, silver bowls, chocolate, thermometers, and a cooking pot.   “Which is easier?”   “They’re all the same,” he deadpans.   Jungkook���s arrogance irritates you but you’re not about to insult him and have him running out of the kitchen, so you restrain yourself and start with the seeding method. You chop the solid chocolate you have into smaller pieces while he watches you in boredom. After a minute, Jungkook pulls out his phone and scrolls through his social media so he can mentally stimulate himself and not have his brain cells dying on themselves.   “Only three quarters of it goes into the bowl to be melted,” he says without looking up. If he did, it would occur to him that you’ve already got it prepared and on top of the double boiler too.   “I know.”   “Do you want me to help or not?”   “When I ask for it.”   Jungkook’s eyes flicker up. “Well didn’t you ask for my help?”   “Not now, Jeon.” You sigh. It was quite profound how quickly the bastard could get under your skin for doing so little. “God, you can be so fucking—”   He suddenly puts his hand up to silence you and he sniffs with that big fucking nose of his. “Why do I smell burning?”   Jungkook looks over to your pot on the stove and notices it steaming oddly. You follow his line of sight and take your bowl off, hissing at how hot it is. “Careful,” he scolds and looks over. Jungkook nearly facepalms himself into a coma. “Oh my god, you forgot to add water into the double boiler?!”   “It’s because you were distracting me!” you shout at him and run over to the sink to add it in. The water begins burning as it hits the hot double boiler, sizzling and smoking even more. Jungkook groans. “You’re supposed to help me, not look at your phone! Maybe I would’ve realized if you actually paid any attention!”   “Fine, fine.”   You add an inch of water to the double boiler. It’s an improvement.   But then as it begins to steam properly with the candy thermometer in the chocolate as you agitate it with a spatula, you look down and your blood runs cold. “Oh shit.”   “What?” Jungkook sighs. Frankly, it’s impressive you’ve made it this far into the program. He didn’t know you were such an idiot in the kitchen — you might as well burn the whole place down and he wouldn’t be surprised. “How’d you manage that?”    You rush to grab a paper towel, trying to dab the water that got into the bowl. But Jungkook clicks his tongue. “Don’t bother. You have to start again. If you get water into the chocolate, it makes it seize and becomes unstable.”   “How do you know that?!”   “Do you even read your textbook?” He is appalled and you pull out the cutting board to chop chocolate all over again, starting from the beginning. Jungkook sighs, spinning around his stool as you repeat the steps and put the chocolate over the heat. “You know what the temperature needs to be, right?”   “A hundred fifteen. I’m not an idiot.”   “I don’t know about that,” he chimes. “You forgot to add water to a double boiler.”   Your arm drops to the side, putting the spatula down. “Okay, fuck you. I haven’t seen you actually give me good advice or anything. I asked for your help, not for you to berate me.”   “What advice do you need?” His brow cocks upwards. “It’s pretty self-explanatory. Just follow the procedure and you’ve got yourself tempered chocolate!”   “I can’t believe I thought you could ever teach me!” you hiss at him. “You’re a condescending asshole.”   “Excuse me? Guess who’s with you on a Tuesday night?! I’m an angel for helping you!”   “No one asked you to!” you scream back at the top of your lungs.   Jungkook scoffs. Any other time where he wasn’t being attacked, he’d recognize that you were returning to your former self, but he still doesn’t appreciate your brattiness. “Are you kidding m— God! What’s burning now?!” Him and that giant nose of his inhales and a delayed moment later, it hits you too. The both of you whirl around to where the chocolate is burning. “You forgot to stir!”   “It’s not like you reminded me to! You’re a distraction!”   It’s excruciating. Jungkook has a feeling he’s going to be here all night, so he helps you speed up the process. While you clean up the mess, he chops more chocolate. And this time, you both manage to get it in the bowl, stirring, without anything burning whatsoever.   The chocolate goes to a hundred fifteen degrees before you remove it from the heat and add the rest of the chocolate you reserved on the side. The temperature is brought down to eighty six degrees and then you put it back on the boiler to melt it all at ninety degrees.    A strip test is done, a streak of chocolate made on parchment. And for a whole two minutes, you wait for it to set. But it doesn’t.   “What the hell…?”   Jungkook is genuinely perplexed and finally, he gets what you’ve been talking about. “See? It just doesn’t work!”   He shakes his head, refusing to admit defeat. “It must’ve increased in heat before we added the other chocolate in. Let’s try again.”   The pair of you chop chocolate across from each other, silent in your determination. But when you glance up, you see Jungkook’s brows furrowed, thoughts probably lost. You don’t see him serious often — well you do, but you never paid much attention to him before. Not like now.   The process is repeated. The chocolate is melted to a hundred fifteen degrees and then decreased down to eighty six as you add in the loose chocolate, and then it’s brought back up again….    But then the temperature begins climbing — faster than you and Jungkook can react. “Fuck, fuck.”   The two of you help each other take the bowl off the pot in urgency and then press your burning fingers to your ears before running it under cold water. “It went to a hundred? Do you think it’ll be okay?”   “I don’t know. We have to test it.”   The strip test is done, but the chocolate never sets. It stays wet. Dull.    “Mother fuc—”   “We’ll try again,” Jungkook reassures you with a hand on your shoulder.   It’s painful having to re-doing everything and going way later into the night than you initially intended. You feel like you’re being driven crazy, but you’re glad Jungkook’s here with you — you know you’re not going insane alone.   You look back at your textbook and your notes, making sure you’re doing it right and you hope for the best in the next batch.   “It set….but it’s so streaky.” You look up at Jungkook who’s an inch away. He hums and leans down to get a closer look.   “It’s bloom. The lipids moved through the cracks of the chocolate.”   “You think it’s because the kitchen’s too hot?”   “Yeah, we should try to put it in the fridge to cool.”   One last attempt is made. It takes twenty more minutes and then it’s put in the fridge. But after the chocolate sets, there’s no shine or snap.   Jungkook finds slumped on the floor, spooning chocolate, one of the failed attempts, into your mouth. You’re hugging the silver bowl in your lap like it’s your anchor. “I give up.”    It feels like you’ve gone through a thousand batches. The kitchen is an absolute mess — spatulas and tasting spoons littered on the counter, double bowlers and bowls, wasted chocolate everywhere. There’s a sink-full to wash and that alone makes you want to cry.   You slurp up more chocolate in an attempt to feel better. “Fuck chocolate.” But why does it have to taste so delicious?   “I don’t understand why it’s so hard,” Jungkook admits with a frown. It just doesn’t seem to work with you. “It’s not rocket science. It was fine when I did it.”   “Fuck you. You’re not supposed to boast. You’re supposed to help me.”   “Was the last two and a half hours not helping you?” he questions. “You just have to watch your temperatures and keep practicing.”   “That’s helpful.”   “Hey, I’m trying.”   Jungkook pisses you off. Everything comes so easy for him. As chocolate destroys you, he’s out here wanting to be a chocolatier. But maybe it suits him — chocolate’s an asshole and so is he.   “I’d like to see you try to caramelize sugar as well as I can, or better yet, pipe flowers.”   The boy scoffs, looking down at you and your patheticness. You don’t even realize you have chocolate all over your mouth. “That’s easy.”   “I worked at a cupcake shop for three summers.” You stand up on your feet, facing him head on. “You think you can beat me in piping flowers?”   “I think I can do better than you can temper chocolate.” Jungkook smirks arrogantly, enough to push you off the edge.   “Let’s bet on it then!”   “Fine. How much?”   You have a better idea than money. “Loser has to cover for the winner during the internship in May. Whenever the winner goes on break or makes a mistake.”   He scoffs. It’s a big wager but it sounds delightful when he knows you’re going down. “Deal.”   //   It’s a busy Thursday, but that doesn’t stop any of you. Even after a long day of classes, sitting in lecture halls listening to theory to working in the kitchens, you find yourselves a spare kitchen space afterwards to finally put this all to rest.   You won’t tell Jungkook that you practiced all of yesterday by yourself and actually got it to work once — you nearly started to cry out of happiness when the chocolate tempered.   “You want me to make this?”   Jungkook looks at the picture on your phone. “Yep. I made it last summer using buttercream. They’re peonies. Why? Think it’s too hard?”   He scoffs. “As if. Watch, I’ll make it better than you did.”   “Uh-huh. Keep talking, Jeon.”   Jungkook eagerly takes on your challenge.    While you take up half the kitchen, he manages the other half, and the two of you share the center island together. You get your double boiler ready, chopping up chocolate to melt while Jungkook mixes butter, vanilla, confectioner's sugar, and milk together. The fucker doesn’t even use a hand mixer. He simply uses a spoon to make it, blatantly showing off as his veins in his forearm pop. He smirks when he notices you staring and you roll your eyes.   Jungkook makes a variety of colours, pastel pinks and baby blues, and puts them into the piping bag as you stir the chocolate over the heat.   You focus on the numbers on your thermometer, but out of the corner of your eye, you watch him.   He cuts squares of parchment, puts one on a flower stand, adds a small cone of thick buttercream to the paper, and then picks his tip. You muse that he must’ve been doing his studying when he chooses a one twenty seven tip. It’s a straight teardrop shape, and he squeezes while turning the nail wide ends towards the center, narrow end outwards.   But he sighs after a moment, hands halting.   It’s your turn to smirk.   “Not so easy, is it?”   His eyes flicker up to glare at you. “Keep a watch on that chocolate before you burn it again, brat.”   You scoff, continuing to stir. You keep your heat low so the temperature climbs slowly.   In the meanwhile, Jungkook switches his tip out for a one twenty and tries again. You take a glance, and it’s not too bad — still sloppier than yours and he knows it too.   After a moment of frustration, he switches to a one twenty two.   “You should check the consistency of that buttercream,” you sing-song. “Can’t be too stiff or soft.”   “I’m fully aware.”   “Are you?” You smile at him, mockingly so. “Just making sure.”   Jeon Jungkook doesn’t appreciate you provoking him, but realizes it’s similar to how he treated you. It’s not his fault his forte isn’t in teaching. And yours clearly isn’t either.   “A one twenty five?” You scoff. “Are you trying to make a rose or a peony?”   Jungkook’s smile is stiff. “What do you suggest I use then?”   “Go back to the one twenty seven tip or pick a curved teardrop shape. Also, you’re squeezing too hard too fast, muscle pig.”   “I know something else I squeeze too hard too fast,” he mutters as he follows your instructions.   “Go fuck yourself, Jeon.”   “Didn’t need to spell it out, sweetheart, but that’s exactly what I do every night.” He smirks and you roll your eyes again.   “God, you’re going to make me throw up all over my chocolate.” You take it off the heat once it reaches a hundred fifteen degrees, putting the rest of your chocolate in and mixing. You have a good feeling about this batch. Even if it’s your first try of the day too.   Usually you’d rush, get too impatient, but it’s entertaining to see Jungkook struggle. Time goes by faster.   You mix in your chocolate, bringing the temperature back up again, and you do a strip test when it’s all nicely melted, putting it in the fridge. All there’s left to do is wait a few minutes now.   You come back, dusting your hands off, feeling confident. Meanwhile, Jungkook is still piping flowers with his thick brows furrowed, the tip of his tongue peeking out as he concentrates.   “It’s taking you a while there, Jeon.”   “Whatever.” He sighs, resting his hands on the counter as he rolls his neck. “You had a full three hours practicing with me on Tuesday. This is the first time in a while that I’m piping, alright? Give me a break.”   “Uh-huh. All I hear are your excuses. Less talk, more work.”   You grab some parchment and an icing bag he’s left abandoned in a cup. With a flower needle, you begin piping yourself to pass the time. It’s actually one of your favourite things to do — it’s therapeutic. You can listen to the sound of your own breathing and the crinkling of the piping bag while you make literal flowers from your hands.    You break out of your focus to find Jungkook watching you intently. Your arm extends, showing off your flower with pride. “Pretty, right?”   The icing flower has perfect ruffles and petals. It looks real, and by the expression he has, he’s already aware.    Jungkook grumbles incoherently and returns back to work, making you giggle.   You take another piece of parchment, but this time you steal a spatula-full of his blue icing and put it in the pink bag to make two-tone flowers. And you pipe them on, spinning the flower nail, as it comes to you with ease.   You listen to the crinkling of the icing bag, your heartbeat in your own ears, the white noise of the quiet kitchen, and Jungkook’s breathing. You’re not sure what compels you, perhaps a sudden urge, but you quietly blurt— “I never stole your millie cake recipe.”   “What?” His eyes flicker up and Jungkook finds you concentrating on piping, not paying him any mind.   “The September incident,” you murmur out of the corner of your mouth. “I never stole your mirror glazed blueberry whatever millie cake recipe like you think I did.”   Maybe you’re telling him because things are different now.   You know he won’t jump down your throat and accuse you otherwise, for lying, or trying to cover yourself. Won’t denounce you. Bark out in laughter. Your relationship with Jungkook has become strange recently — you think it’s something other people would call a friendship. But you thought he should know. Just in case he still hates you for it.   You know you don’t hate him so much anymore.   “You threatened to go up to the Dean and expel me, remember?” Your pupils flicker up for a moment.   Jungkook recalls it clearly — the confrontation in the kitchen, the fight that broke out, how you slapped him, how he was planning to do everything possible to get you expelled. How you were ostracized over the rumours for weeks until people forgot and moved on as they naturally did.   But you and Jungkook never did. You always both remembered.   “I went to Mrs. Ahn before she left on maternity leave. I was stuck — didn’t know what to add to my portfolio, so I asked her. And she gave me your recipe as a reference. Told me to give it a try. Gain inspiration from it.”   You put your hands down, connecting your eyes with his.    Jungkook is rendered speechless. “And that was when I saw you…?”   “Yep. You busted into the kitchen without letting me explain and accused me of stealing your shit when I didn’t even know it belonged to you. I didn’t know you were the one who came up with it.”   “Why…” He shakes his head, frowning deep enough that it hurts. “Why didn’t you say anything?”   “You didn’t deserve it. The truth. I knew I was right and I was so….so mad that you could accuse me of stealing, that I could even be capable of such a thing. I wanted you to bring it up to the Dean. I wanted you to do it so you could be embarrassed when you realized what actually happened.”   It’s all in the past now. Your anger doesn’t surge as much anymore, but you can still recall a time when you felt utterly enraged he could think so lowly of you — a time when Jungkook didn’t deserve your explanation, so you slapped him. In hindsight, it was probably a bad decision on your part. You escalated the situation when it didn’t need to and it spiraled out of control.    You’re at fault for being rash and impulsive as much as he is.   “It wasn’t like I was going to use it anyway,” you mutter with a sigh and pick up a new square of parchment to continue piping. “For inspiration or whatnot, much less add to my own portfolio. I swapped the blueberries for blackberries, and it turned out to be disgusting. I messed up on the glaze part too.” You muse, “Chocolate’s never been nice to me.”   Jungkook absolutely baffled. Bewildered.    All of this hatred against each other was caused by a misunderstanding. All of it which could’ve been avoided.   “I—”   “Wow, are you kids practicing your techniques?” Miss. Kang is at the door, visibly impressed as she regards you both. “And here I was on my way home. You two are so diligent! And look at you both working together like this! I always knew you put your differences aside and be friends.”   “You have great timing, Miss. Kang.” You smile at her. “Jungkook and I were just having a friendly contest. Would you like to be our judge?”   “Sure. I think I can spare a moment or two.” She steps in, looking around. “What are we doing here? Looks like someone was tempering chocolate and you’re….piping! Goodness, me. Did you make those, Y/N? They’re very lovely.”   “Thank you.” You grin, beaming from the praise of your piping skills. “But the contest was me tempering chocolate against Jungkook piping.” You move over to the fridge, taking out the metal tray with your strip test. You hand it to her, and she hums.   “Very shiny, and it slides right off the parchment!” she exclaims. For the final examination, the young female teacher bends the chocolate and it audibly snaps. You could burst out into cries of happiness. “Looks tempered to me.”   You look over at Jungkook, head quirked to the side, wearing a big smile that’s infectious enough to make him grin too. “Here’s my piping.” He places the parchment on the counter and she leans over to study it, humming.   “Not too bad, Jungkook. A little messy around the edges, but I’d say a job well done. If this was an actual exam, I’d give you full marks.”   Jungkook cocks a brow towards you, sly smirk on his face. You step forward. “So which is better?”   “Well, it’s very difficult to judge on tempering chocolate and piping since they’re two completely different things. I’d say it was equal.”   “If you had to pick one?” you ask, desperate for a winner to be proclaimed.   Miss Kang hums a long note. You and Jungkook are put in suspense, anticipating her final decision. She taps her chin, deciding to chew on your chocolate as she studies the flower.   Finally, the teacher nods. “I can’t complain about the chocolate — it’s a hundred percent tempered. But I can say the piping needs a little more work, so…”   “I win!” You give Jungkook a cheeky grin causing him to scoff lightly.   “It was a stroke of luck.”   “Keep telling yourself that, Jeon.”   “It’s a tie,” he insists, “She said only if she had to pick.”   “That’s true.” Miss. Kang backs him up before you can retort.   But you still pout. “Sore loser. I win and you know it.”   “Hmmm.” Jungkook playfully shakes his head. “Don’t think so. Let’s just call it even, Y/N.”   “Nuh-uh. That’s not how it works!”   The pair of you argue back and forth — yet there’s no real malice. It’s simply banter and it causes Miss. Kang to laugh. She bids her farewell and quips that you both better get the kitchen clean. In the end, Jungkook compromises. He still insists it’s a tie but he does the hard work of cleaning the dishes and you give into his will.   As you prepare the mop water, he scrubs the bowls.   “I’m sorry,” Jungkook pipes up after a second of quiet contemplation. He turns his head to look at you. “For the misunderstanding.”   “You don’t have to be sorry.” You divert your vision elsewhere. “Not anymore. You’ve given me more reasons to be thankful. So we’ll call this even.”   Jeon Jungkook smiles softly. “Deal.”
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radiantroope · 4 years
Lonely Heart || Rafe Cameron
Chapter Two – Coming Home
chapter summary: You return to Kildare and find out just how sick your mother is. You visit a friend who’s harboring a damning secret.
warnings: familial cancer, mentions of familial death, swearing, a teeny bit of alcohol consumption
word count: 2.6k+
author’s note: another filler chapter lol. i want to make the chapters longer but i don’t want to rush the story. they’ll probably get longer after this one. chapter three is gonna be a doozy y’all, i hope you’re ready. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated. i write for myself but if no one’s interested what’s the point in posting? i hope you like it!🥰
read chapter one here!
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You didn’t think twice about catching the first flight to the Outer Banks. Your father’s haunting, solemn voice echoed in your head. He sounded distraught and you knew he needed you. He didn’t want to discuss your mother’s condition over the phone so he bid you goodbye and promised to be waiting at the airport for you. You packed every bag you had — the three Louis Vitton suitcases displayed on the top shelf in your closet and the two large duffel bags stuffed under your queen sized bed. As much of your belongings as you could fit were haphazardly stuffed to the brim in each of them.
You didn’t sleep that night, it was no use since you booked your flight for five in the morning. Your stomach bubbled nervously as you watched the hours tick by, finally deciding to head for the airport at three. Your Uber pulled up outside your building and the driver kindly helped you get your bags into the trunk. The highway was almost completely empty in the early hours of the morning. You arrived at LAX in record time, thankful you didn’t have to deal with the dreaded California traffic.
After making your way through security and checking your bags, you found a chair at your gate in the corner away from others. You sat numbly, staring out the window as other planes took off and landed. You were preparing yourself for the worst. Your father wouldn’t have told you to come home if your mother’s condition wasn’t serious. For a fleeting moment you let yourself worry about classes and what you were going to do about school, but you quickly shoved those thoughts away. School would still be there in the end, your mother might not.
The five hour flight felt like an eternity. You tried your best to get even an ounce of sleep, but you could hear the hum of the aircraft over your music and a baby sitting a few rows behind you was crying every fifteen minutes. You ordered a rum and coke from the flight attendant to numb you a little bit more, take some of the edge off. One turned into three and finally you were landing in the Outer Banks, patting yourself on the back for not snapping at the poor mother who couldn’t console her child the whole flight.
You exited the plane, grasping your carryon tightly as you scanned the people bustling about. Your eyes landed on your father and a grin spread across both of your faces. You walked to him quickly, arms wrapping tightly around his waist as you embraced each other.
“Hi, princess,” he whispered into your hair.
Tears sprang to your eyes and a shaky sigh left your lips as you responded, “Hi, daddy.”
The two of you walked to baggage claim and collected them, your father lightly teasing you for how many you’d brought. You simply rolled your eyes and followed him out to the car. The sweltering North Carolina heat had sweat collecting along your hairline in an instant. The humid air made you regret wearing joggers and a sweater on the plane ride. You would have rather froze on the plane than be overheating at that moment.
“How’s momma?” you asked once you were in the car, blasting the air conditioning in your face and rolling up your sleeves.
Your father hesitated, letting out a heavy sigh. He reached over the center console and took your hand, giving it a squeeze as he replied, “She’s tired, but you know her. She acts like she’s fine but I know this is taking its toll on her.”
You nodded and settled back in the seat, staring out the window as your father drove home. The island still looked the same as you remembered. It looked like they’d added a new hotel and expanded on Figure Eight, a few larger, newer houses standing out against the rest.
Your house came into view and you breathed a sigh of relief. You smiled as the car pulled into the driveway and you saw your mother’s figure sitting on the wrap around porch. You jumped out of the vehicle, making your way up the cobblestone path quickly. The older woman pushed herself to her feet and wrapped her arms around your neck once you were close enough. The floodgates in your eyes opened as your arms wrapped around your mother’s fragile body, quiet sobs muffled against her shoulder as you embraced.
“Hey, hey,” your mother shushed your cries, pulling back enough to hold both sides of your face and get a good look at you. She swiped the tears off your cheeks with her thumbs and gave you a warm smile, “No crying, you hear me?”
You nodded slightly, small sniffles escaping you as you blinked away the burning sensation in your eyes. Your mother pulled you to sit in the chair beside her as your father took your bags inside the house. She waited until you’d composed yourself a bit better before speaking, “Why don’t I go grab us some tea so we can talk?”
A brain tumor, a Glioblastoma multiforme, to be more specific. It had been growing and spreading for some time now within your mother’s head. She played down her symptoms to your father, not wanting to worry him, until she had a seizure at the Cameron’s the previous Sunday. They rushed her to the hospital via ambulance and spent hours doing scans and bloodwork. The prognosis wasn’t good, since the tumor had already grown so large. Even through chemotherapy and radiation they were giving her a year at most.
You stared at the mug in front of you, watching the steam rise into the air and dissipate in front of you. You had tried to argue surgery, insisting it would at least give her more time. Your father had joined the two of you and gently told you it wasn’t an option. She likely wouldn’t survive the surgery and if she did, she could be in a coma for the rest of her life.
“This can’t be happening,” you whispered, voice breaking as you put your head in your hands. “I should have come home more. I should have gone on those vacations. I should have been here with you.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you look at me,” your mother’s voice was stern as she reached across the table and grabbed your wrist gently. You lifted your head and met her gaze through blurry eyes.
“Now is not the time to blame ourselves. This is out of our hands, pumpkin. You can’t waste your time wishing to change the past. You need to be here, live here, in the present. We’re together and you’re here now, that’s what matters.”
Your father rested a strong hand on your shoulder from where he stood beside you, giving it a gentle squeeze. You slipped your hand into your mother’s, holding onto tightly as you choked out, “I love you so much. Both of you.”
You spent the afternoon unpacking your bags in your old bedroom. It was the same as you had left it, walls painted your favorite color and bed neatly made with the crisp white sheets. Some of your old posters still hung on the walls and your eyes drifted to the photo album you’d left last time you visited. The contents inside used to make you smile as you basked in the memories the pictures held, now they brought you heartache every time you looked at the smiling faces inside.
With a sigh, you forced yourself to take a long shower. You were drained emotionally and physically, having gotten no sleep the night before and the amount of crying you’d done took everything out of you. You skipped dinner and passed out early in the evening.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. You pulled yourself out of bed and trudged down the stairs with heavy steps. You’d gotten almost twelve hours of sleep but felt as though you could sleep twelve more, rubbing your eyes as you entered the bright kitchen. You greeted your parents with a soft ‘Good morning’, making a beeline for the coffee machine.
Your father plated bacon and eggs for you and your mother, setting them at the table in front of you. You hummed as warm coffee settled in your veins before digging into your breakfast. Back in California you didn’t cook for yourself much, opting to eat toast or pre-prepared meals. You missed the home cooked meals provided by your parents almost everyday.
“I spoke to Topper’s mother this morning,” your mother interrupted the comfortable silence, eyes trained on you. Your attention turned to her at the mention of your friend’s name. “You should swing by their place today. I’m sure he’d love to see you.”
You and Topper had grown closer since Rafe stopped speaking to you. When you’d visit, the two of you often ran around the island together. He’d take you to the Boneyard ‘For old time’s sake’ or out on his boat with Kelce. The two of them never brought up Rafe to you, unlike Janelle. You didn’t see her much visiting home either, as she chose to stay in South Carolina most of the time. If you weren’t with Sarah or your parents, you were often with Topper. He filled that void inside of you with some warmth, but it was never full. There was still an emptiness there.
“Are you sure?” you asked, feeling reluctant to leave your parents.
Your mother scoffed slightly and waved her hand with a smile, “You can’t spend every second with us. You need to see your friends.”
As much as your mother would love to spend every second with you, she knew how important your friendships were. They were the people who would be there for you when she no longer could. It brought her comfort knowing you had people close to you to confide in. It made her proud that you developed such close relationships. Though, there was a storm on the horizon, and she wasn’t the only one who felt it.
“If you insist,” you hummed and stood from the table, placing your plate in the sink then pressing a kiss to your parent’s heads. “But you better call me if you need anything!” you called as you ascended the stairs to get ready.
You threw on a green bikini, in case you found yourself at the beach. You put on a pair of cut off shorts and a loose crop top then slipped some sandals on your feet. You grabbed the keys to your father’s car and made your way through Figure Eight to the Thornton house. A soft smile graced your face as you pulled up and saw the woman of the house stepping out the front door.
You climbed out of the car and the older woman’s face lit up as she spotted you. The two of you met in the middle of the driveway and she wrapped her arms around you tightly, “Y/N, honey, it’s so good to see you. How’s your mother?”
“She’s in good spirits. She’s as good as she can be,” you replied, pulling back and giving Mrs. Thornton a smile.
“That’s good to hear,” she gave your upper arms a squeeze before pulling away and moving to her car, “I’ve gotta run. Topper’s out by the pool. Don’t be a stranger!”
You walked around the large modern looking house and went through the gate. You rounded the corner and saw Topper standing at the bar built into the patio, presumably putting together a drink. There was music playing softly from the outdoor speakers and you couldn’t help but smile. He must have heard the gentle pat of your sandals against the cement because he looked up and audibly gasped when he saw you.
“My God, Topper, could your outfit be any brighter?” you giggled as he set whatever was in his hands on the counter and raced over to you. His orange polo was almost neon in the sun and his swim trunks were a similar shade.
“Shut up, come here,” he laughed as he reached you and scooped you up under the waist. You stood on your toes, arms wrapped tightly around his neck as your eyes slipped closed, basking in the warm and inviting hug.
Topper pulled back and looked down at you, taking in the dark circles under your eyes and the noticeable flush to your skin. He smiled softly and took you by the hand, pulling you into the shade where he had been previously, “How are you?”
You sat down at one of the bar stools and sighed heavily, putting your elbow on the counter and resting your chin in your hand. You tapped your cheek with your index finger as you pretended to think deeply before spewing, “I just up and left California a week before classes were supposed to start, I found out my mom has cancer and I came back to an island that I had no intention of ever returning to.” You paused and painted a wide smile on your lips, “I’m great, Top!”
Topper laughed softly and shook his head, grabbing a glass to make you a drink as well. “Dumb question, got it. You hate it here that bad?” he asked, staring at you as he passed the glass across the bar to you.
You took a sip of the drink and grimaced slightly at the amount of spiced rum the boy had used, overpowering the orange juice mixed in. You sighed again and played with the straw, avoiding his eyes, “Don’t get me wrong, I miss my parents and Sarah and you guys.. There’s just a lot of things I’d rather forget. People I’d rather not see.”
“How long has it been?” Topper questioned, the look on his face telling you exactly what he was talking about. He didn’t want to outright say it. He didn’t know how deep those wounds still ran. It took him over a year to get over Sarah’s infidelity and they weren’t even together all that long. He couldn’t imagine losing a friend of almost twenty years.
“Five years,” you said through a dry laugh. “Can you believe that? Five fucking years.”
“I’m sorry,” he responded genuinely. It was a lame response and he knew it, but there was nothing else he could have said. Nothing could change how the last five years of your life had played out.
You shook your head and leaned back in the chair, running your fingers through your hair, “I don’t even want to think about it. When I think about it I get angry, and I’m so fucking tired of being angry.”
Topper dropped the subject after that. The two of you finished your drinks and he took you to the island club for lunch, knowing you loved the food even though you talked shit about how prestigious the organization was. After that he took you to the beach and you watched the sunset from your favorite lookout. It was near a cliff but you preferred to sit down below, atop the large and cracked rocks where the waves crashed. The ocean spray cooled off your warm skin and the blinding sunlight reflecting off the water was your favorite. You felt at peace there. The roaring sound of the ocean drowned out even your darkest thoughts.
Topper watched you, the way your mouth would twitch as you thought of something subconsciously. He watched you close your eyes when a particularly large wave would crash and water splashed at your feet. He felt a pit growing in his stomach because he knew you wouldn’t be like this for long — so at peace. You were unknowingly a ticking time bomb, ready to blow everything and everyone close to you to pieces.
tag list (to be added, shoot me an ask or a message!): @pink-meringues @k-k0129 @solllaris @taiter-tots @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @jjmbanks @fttayla @ilovejjmaybank @jjmaybcnks @drewswannabegirl @diverdcwn @royalmerchant @sortagaysortahigh @queenk00k @ims0golden @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @obxmermaid @anxietyspacetart-15 @butgilinsky @teenwaywardasgardian @bricksatanakinswindow @fangirlvoice @juliarose21 @skiesofthesketchy @daughterofaphrodite @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @sportygal55 @nqbmf @xenagzb @sweetlysilent @loverofmineluke @aaleksmorozova @meltame17 if you want to be removed please let me know!
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baeklooming-day · 4 years
Peach Tea | Baekhyun
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Summary: There is this boy who’s occupying the vending machine just when you want to buy your peach tea.
Genre: fluff, basically just the cheeky Baek picking up girls again
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: I know I said I’m quitting but it just happened. Well, let’s see what happens next.
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Peaches, peaches, peaches.
White peaches.
The bottled tea.
All that good stuff that could be found in a vending machine, a pretty display with all those fruity teas closed in plastic bottles wrapped in colourful etiquettes calling out to you to try them all, and sometimes small bottles of coffee waiting there for you in the morning to help you start your day on a better note.
Milk tea, grape tea, apple tea, lemon tea, strawberry tea, green tea, white tea, you could see it all at some point sooner or later.
The amazing thing about vending machines was without a doubt that they were available to use literally always, ready to provide you with your favourite drink whenever you wanted.
Well unless the drinks ran out, but that wasn’t that likely to happen, they would be filled out immediately, you usually thought.
Basically, at this point you thought that a vending machine was heaven’s gift, because right now you just couldn’t imagine yourself getting through your day without at least one stop by a vending machine and dropping some coins for a refreshing tasty tea.
Peach tea, that one, she was the queen bee, or more like the queen tea, you loved it completely and never paid attention to other teas ever since you tried this one.
You used to get one every morning before your classes, and every evening after your classes, which was actually really convenient for you seeing that some vending machines that were selling this peach tea were located right at the two train stations, one near to your apartment and one near to your school.
As stupid as it was, your peach tea was practically the highlight of your day. Once when you figured it out, it was actually really simple to make you happy, if you knew how to that is.
And in that case it would be the oh so wonderful peach tea.
You took your peachy coloured wallet out of your big bag, yes you were slowly starting to be all about that peach theme not just with tea, and went for the first vending machine that came into your view.
Surprised, you discovered someone already standing there examining the vivid display, what was a little weird to you at first, knowing that it was very early and you never witnessed anyone so invested with a vending machine that early in the chilly morning before.
You felt too lazy to move over to another machine which was at the other side of the hall, far away, so you decided to just wait there until that person was ready and the machine was finally free for you to use because how long could that take?
Apparently much longer than you originally thought.
In a while, you started to gradually lose your patience. With your wallet still in your hand, you walked up a little closer to supposedly look what was taking them so long to just press a few buttons, insert the money, take the bottle, and go.
As you approached, you quickly took in the apperance of the person. It was a boy, wearing a black t-shirt and a little washed out camel coat. His fluffy hair was tinged in an interesting colour, kind of peachy, kind of milk chocolate brown which, to be honest, you thought looked quite flattering with the whole look that he pulled together.
You were contemplating whether to talk to him first and politely ask if it could go a little quicker, seeing that he’s been looking at the window for what felt like a whole 15 minutes already, or just leave it and hope that he would finally settle down for something.
When another minute passed, you finally lost it.
You tucked your soft hair behind your ear and walked closer, ready to open your mouth and ask him what was so difficult in choosing one damned tea.
“Excuse me, but you’ve been blocking this vending machine for about 15 minutes now, and I-” You couldn’t finish your sentence, when the boy immediately turned around and looked at you, his eyes literally sparkling.
Alright, you thought, that was a little weird. But you decided that you didn’t care, it was just some boy who apparently had too much time to lose.
“And you-” He started, his voice surprisingly soft. “Wanted to grab something and run to your train?”
You gave the boy a questioning look. “What? Well, isn’t it what it is here for?” You said in a somewhat unpleasant tone, which he immediately noticed.
“Woah, did you have an awful morning?” He asked.
“I will have, if I lack my peach tea. So if you could move please” You opened your wallet, wanting to collect the coins but the boy blocked the machine where you needed to insert your money for the tea.
What was he playing right now?
You looked up at him, meeting his chocolate eyes. You put your red lips in a thin line, not knowing why the next question left them. “Did YOU have an awful morning?” You asked through your teeth, trying to be calm, but obviously failing completely.
“Well, my morning has been terrible to be honest, but then I saw you and, wow.” He gently leaned his head on the vending machine, looking at you from underneath his lashes.
What on Earth?
If you had any tea in your mouth right in that moment, you would probably spit it out on him for coming up with a similar line.
It wasn’t new to you, even though you yourself weren’t very aware of the obvious fact that you were extremely pretty, you still asked yourself what made all those boys who talked to you come up with texts like that.
Because on you, not a single one of them has ever worked.
Little did you know.
“I’m Baekhyun.” The boy said. “What’s your name?”
“Will you move if I tell you my name?”
“I might.” He flashed you a honey-dripping smile.
“I’m Y/N.” You replied. “Will you move now?”
Baekhyun slowly moved aside, allowing you to finally buy your oh so longed for peach tea. Just when the machine dropped out the bottle with a thump, you heard his smooth voice again. “Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?”
You quickly rolled your eyes before you turned around to look at him. “This tea is my boyfriend.” You replied, holding up your hand with the bottle.
You didn’t know what to expect, but you didn’t expect him to give you yet another sweet smile. “Do you always get this exact one?” He asked, gesturing to the tea bottle.
“Why, yes” You said. “Peaches are everything. Aristotle once said ‘we are what we repeatedly do’, so I must be a peach by now.” You held the tea close to your cheek, giving him a sweet smile back.
Peach tea really was enough to put you in a great mood alone, wasn’t it.
“What about you?” You asked. “You’ve been standing here for so long, don’t you know what you want?”
Baekhyun shifted in his spot. “Oh, I know what I want and I’m going to get it.” He replied but didn’t move, his eyes not leaving yours.
He was really handsome actually, you finally noticed now that you’ve been looking at him this entire time too.
“Precisely?” You asked again, wondering what he might finally buy after an eternity.
“You.” He simply stated.
You froze, being completely flabbergasted at his bluntness. You heard a lot of crazy pick up lines before, but he just topped every single one that has been ever said to you.
“I don’t freaking know you.” You told him, not even thinking.
“That’s why I really would like to change that.” He said, taking out his own phone, apparently very pleased with his own comebacks. “Can I have your number?”
You really wanted to resist, but something told you that you wouldn’t regret it if you just went with the flow and gave him your number.
And that something was right, because later on when you met again in the evening after messaging each other throughout the day, the smile that appeared on your lips was bigger and brighter than the one which any of your peach teas was able to put on them.
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A/N: idk what i was thinking, thank you for reading tho
reblogs are appreciated (if you liked it of course! <3) and thoughts as well
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
tua rewatch with the roommate
Episode five
Oh fuck the “I found you. all your bodies.” scene
“We died?” “Horribly.” throwback to the ben convo o o f
“If perfectly arranged under rubble and otherwise unharmed counts as ‘horribly”’  - roommate
I like that Diego says he’s going to kill Hazel and Cha-Cha like it’s a challenge?? lol five doesn’t care if they live or die he only cares if u do you big dumbass
“Well I know none of the main characters die bc there’s a season 2... and i’m pretty sure they’re all in s2... like all of the family?”
I mean luther is kind of valid for being frustrated that five didn’t share about the apocalypse but also like,,, the first person five told about it (Vanya) suggested he might be insane. so. i can understand some reluctance on his part on top of the whole “the last time my siblings fought this the Whole World Died Including Them i would like them as far away from apocalypse stuff as possible”
okay okay so five says “they turned me into the perfect instrument” so do y’all think that implies experimentation like in the comics or ????
all i can think about during the kennedy scene though is my high school history teacher. he went over the assassination in intimate detail and i’m pretty sure he was writing a book about it and everything. mr. hansen if you’re out there - 
i like feral beard five more than mustache five tbh if i’m picking 
“Someone ELSE shot the president? Was he supposed to shoot kennedy or was he supposed to kill the person who shot kennedy?” - Roommate
love that five tells luther to grow up over murder,,, though to be valid pretty sure they did actually murder people as kids SO. grow down?
fuck i love mary,, will you love me like you loved me in the january rain??? just shoot me in the heart
GOD rob is such a good actor
“wait a second... how is he wearing pants?” oh roommate you have a big storm coming
i have some serious questions about the commission and their methods of communication. where do?? the tubes come from? where do they go after?
Allison: i have a bad feeling [about leonard]
where are these instincts for everything else tho??? her marriage?
“Vanya. she really is trying to look out for you. i really would trust her. you could invite her to come along so she can see he’s perfectly fine??” - Roommate, whose instincts regarding not trusting leonard-harold are spot on
apparently my roommate knows people who put salt in their coffee. i have. so many questions.
“That’s suspicious?? that’s suspicious right?? did he do that? is he a secret serial killer? is he a FUCKING secret serial killer?” roommate when they talk about helen cho going missing
“What do you mean stop showing up it’s been like. a day” - I mean. the roommate has a point. 
Klaus’s depression bath is a mood :(
did klaus put eye shadow on before his bath or did he get his hands on eye shadow in vietnam?? the questions that will never be answered
Five is so enthusiastic about having someone who understands... he doesn’t even notice absolutely Not Being In The Mood,, klaus is grieving and five is just like !!! where did you go!!!! like it was a vacation
klaus: yeah i’m ten months older now. when i’m done being depressed i will lord that over diego for the rest of our natural lives.
does five write in all caps all the time?? why? 
roommate: I wonder what the upper size limit on the knives her can use. like is it machete length? forearm length? what are the limits on his powers. if he sharpened a very sharp mechanical pencil could he use it? if he sharpened a piece of the chandelier? at what point does something become a knife?
me: could he hurl mia (my cat)? mia and her knife feet?
allison also writes in all caps to write leonard’s address
we stan agnes and hazel in this household
“I never said we didn’t !! i just thought she was just a random extra in the first episode and every time we cut away i think that’s the last we’ve seen of her” - roommate because i keep saying that this is an agnes stan household
“OH THERE’S THE PATCHWORK COAT i was afraid it didn’t come back” - okay though good question he definitely didn’t have the coat on the bus. what is it with klaus and his magically appearing coat????
oh :(  oh klaus :(  every time klaus is sad i am also sad :(
honestly a family conversation IS the threat in this family
god though this random vet in this bar is actually an asshole though like. klaus doesn’t owe him shit. klaus served. he’s clearly having a moment with the photo. that could have been a family member or something who died i don’t even know
agnes: i’m a twitcher :)
“like a twitch streamer?” -Roommate
PLEASE give me twitch streamer!Agnes au
look i just enjoy hazel and agnes
roommate: honey you’re too young for her
me: NO DON’T BE MEAN TO THEM,,, agnes deserves a boytoy
“does diego drive a manual?” my roommate once again focusing on things that i do not
five: i have to find the people whose deaths could save the timeline
my roommate: is it agnes?? is he going to kill agnes????
i’m still laughing about that fact that luther is holding dolores.... over the fire escape... she couldn’t drop that far lads
luther’s dumb sometimes but he does have some nice heart to hearts with his brother,,,, honestly he and five get along pretty well in the early episodes. kindred spirits. body dysmorphia and isolation squad.
my roommate has to keep remembering social media doesn’t exist in this universe
i am still confused as to why
that won’t stop me from giving everyone iphones and youtube accounts in my aus though
diego can curve ANYTHING he throws, usually knives, according to cha-cha’s research. but that doesn’t explain the spoilers i have seen about s2 sO
Klaus: You also told me that licking a nine volt battery would give me pubes
oh diego got a bullet graze forgot about that as well?? does he ever get like. medical attention for that? diego?????
it really has been like. maybe two days since helen cho died. is no one??? concerned????? they just immediately jump into replacing her??????????????????? hellO? 
“very clear camera angles to show that this actress did not actually play the violin for this role” - i mean that’s fair but ellen is trying rip
me: who’s your favorite character so far?  roommate: that’s a tricky question. klaus is very entertaining to watch. allison is the most reasonable and i’m very interested to know, well, she seems like the best combination of reasonable and has the least selfish intentions. diego and luther i feel like are both good in a bland way in that they’re both doing good in the best way they can which usually involves punching people. five is fun. five is very fun. five is as fun to watch as klaus, they’re both very fun actors to watch on screen. they’re more expressive than diego and luther tend to be.  me: so which is your favorite?????  roommate: first instinct says allison, though she probably has the least dynamic or interesting arc so far
are hazel and cha-cha the best because their victims never see them coming?? like. they aren’t really THAT competent.
“I do LOVE the aesthetic of an ice cream truck playing ride of the valkyries” - my roommate is valid
“LOVE the hypersaturated background in this scene. it’s more fun that having it be desaturated.”
five looks so baby in this scene with the handler :(
still unsure where five got that handgun but i’m vibing
hate when she touches his face !! awful!!!
the handler’s little “all of them??” like yeAH ALL OF THEM even though they irritate the living FUCK out of each other. siblings man
ben gets shotgun for the getaway !!! go ben!
“I’m starting to think... given how space and reality seemed to be warping during her playing... that her medication... isn’t for anxiety...” - oh, oh roommate
ah i blocked out the leonard vanya make out as well
“DIDN’T YOU MEET HIM TWO DAYS AGO?” - yeah i feel u roommate
yup there’s helen’s body
“CSI call crime scene investigation - that’s going to start to smell real soon”
pogo: and you understand that the children can never know
me: actually pogo fuck you
and that’s episode 5 everyone thank you and goodnight
episode six
i do love a good flashback to klaus
klaus: sees a shirtless soldier and instantly falls in love
they don’T EVEN QUESTION HIM just “KATZ GET THIS MAN A PAIR OF PANTS” and they go with it?? he just APPEARED and they don’t even care
klaus was really just vibing in the 60s huh
wait this is like 1962 or 63 right
when does s2 take place?? also the 60s right???
didn’t kennedy die in 1963 i feel like what i know about s2 contradicts that date but i could have sworn they said a round trip to 1963??????
luther is SUCH A MOOD in the family briefing.
“aww he’s a bad liar” - roommate
“I realize that [the umbrella] was necessary for the title drop but where the fuck did that come from”
@ the handler please stop touching five,,, but also five has such. non reactions to her touching him. which worries me. like she grabs his shoulder walking alongside him and he doesn’t even look at her
why are there gas masks in the briefcase room...
can you IMAGINE if your boss toted a child into the room and introduced him as the Legendary Time Travelling Assassin that the whole office had a betting pool over who would die that one time and is Definitely approaching 60 not 13... and then called him LEADERSHIP MATERIAL. implying that this child will probably get a promotion before you do?? can you IMAGINE?
“again... two days ago...” roommate about leonard and vanya
vanya really chose literally just the worst time to come back to the academy huh
okay but vanya going off?? valid, but also,, i mean. it IS their dads fault that they don’t have any relationship with vanya?
luther: it’s about the moon  roommate: critical role moon theory
hey like. how did the family get together in the first timeline holy fuck. it’s hard enough to get them together when they Literally Know The World Is Going To End
so remember diego getting grazed with a bullet yeah well he has a sling on now which makes sense!! and yet. when five got grazed by a bullet he SLAPS A BANDAID ON IT. someone please address this.
five is such an asshole coworker i love it
i wonder if dot is a mother. or just a nice coworker. she keeps trying to talk to him and invite him to lunch aww
i wonder if it’s purposeful on the handler’s part to call him “mr. five” instead of “mr. hargreeves” to like... further isolate him from his family? by removing his last name they’re sort of removing his ties to his siblings considering it’s not like they’re related by blood
forgot how much i hate the bathroom scene !! wow !! hate it so much!!! there’s so many violations of social etiquette in such a short scene! it’s so deeply uncomfortable!
luther: stop it pogo! you know everything our dad did
i am remembering once again how much i hate pogo all over again!! reginald literally locked klaus in a mausoleum!! he abused the kids! pogo didn’t even speak up about sending luther to the MOON,,, oh luther :(
he just learned his dad exiled him for no reason he has lots of rights his entire world view was just shattered wow i am like infinitely more sympathetic to luther on the second watch
“I knew allison and luther was a thing. you told me allison and luther was a weird thing. still not a fan.” - my very valid roommate
they could have made the fort so much more sibling-y instead of romantic and it would have been so much better honestly
oh dave :(
“I wonder who her primary care physician is and if she can find out what that medication was...” roommate i wish i knew
“I’m trying to decide if he knew ahead to time to try and get at her specifically or like... i don’t know when he took the figurine I was like ‘doesn’t he own an antique shop is he there to steal antiques from the family home’.” roommate on leonard
forgot the handler gifted five a suit. also don’t like that. don’t like her talk about his body and everything either.
“is it too much to ask to give him two outfits? one he can wear now and one with the new body?” - roommate
honestly with hazel’s talk on budget cuts i’m not surprised he only gets one suit
five and his sweet tooth. don’t take the candy five. come on. what did your father TEACH YOU. honestly reggie probably was like “let them get kidnapped it will probably teach them a life lesson”
“there were like... villages that needed rebuilding after disasters. he could have been sending these packages to legit lunar research facilities. legit facilities would have adored to have that information.” 
okay but people KNEW he was on the moon. cha-cha mentioned it. it was in vanya’s book. why were scientists not knocking down reginald’s door demanding the research??? if i was a moon scientist i would have the mansion staked out trying to demand info jesus
“love his eye fluttering in the way of ‘oh shit i got something in my eye i can’t break character scene is still going scene is stILL GOING’“ - hilarious observations from the allison luther fort scene 2.0: grown up version that gets erased
did they just leave the fort up all those years. did no one USE the green house??? did grace lovingly work around it all that time?
oh :(  dave :(
grace is capable of lying and pogo is a shadowy motherfucker
“okay now that they’re actually putting it into the plot i understand why you don’t think he’s trustworthy but you really got on my back about that”
in my defense i just hate him tbh i did not like him when he first showed up and i never particularly liked him tbh
allison: i think you’re the only person who knows who i am and likes me anyway
me, remembering the theory that allison rumored luther to love her: HMMMMMM
okay but i think the luther and allison dance scene is fucking HILARIOUS. absolutely ridiculous. i mean i hate that it’s incest but also the fucking LIGHTS DESCENDING. the RANDOM WARDROBE CHANGE. 
roommate likes the green underskirt thing under allison’s random dance dress
are they just doing this in public???
ugh. the kiss. ugh. erased that from my memory as well
“they clearly want romance in this show but they painted themselves into a corner with the siblings thing” - roommate
five and his fucking STAPLERS isn’t this the second time he’s knocked someone out with a stapler?? the bank robber and now gloria??
five please your siblings were finally doing some decent work on their own issues :/
five is the kind of dramatic as fuck entrances 
“love how he just grabs [allison’s] coffee. kid needs a coffee after all that.” - roommate
five actually does a good job of rallying the siblings though?? they just broke the fuck up in the og timeline
“something tells me that harold jenkins might be leonard”
oh roommate
episode seven
uh oh harold was born
i feel vaguely bad for him
“me the night before a convention” - roommate on harold’s tape and cosplay and everything
okay but how did reginald even KNOW harold jenkins had no powers?? did he? keep tabs on all the forty some kids not just the seven he kept?
but also why the fuck are these people laughing at An Actual Child fuck all of them honestly
“did HE kill hargreeves?? I mean. he’s got motive.” - roommate
harold really said “i think my superpower is actually this hammer motherfucker”
how did he get twelve years?? was he tried as an adult?? was he in juvie? how old WAS he
twelve years ago... they’re 29 soooo seventeen? he did NOT look seventeen? he was NOT seventeen in that flashback what???
roommate theorizes that harold ran off after the murder and committed petty crimes until caught and tried for murder when he was seventeen so was maybe 13 in the flashback
okay so i looked up the timeline and he got out in 2014 or something so he was like 13 in the flashback which makes SO much more sense honestly but also what the FUCK was he doing for five years
“he’s actually laying out all the facts as he knows them and I appreciate that.” -roommate about five briefing the team
five?? the only member of the family with communication skills? it’s? somehow more likely than you think?
“allison’s pants that she’s wearing now are the most perfectly tailored things i’ve ever seen. not even a wrinkle when she’s standing still. do you know how hard that is to do?” again my roommate noticing the things i absolutely do not
five. five. you have a GUT WOUND and also jumped a BUNCH OF TIMES. you are not blinking into the police station and getting the file. you need some SLEEP. and REST. and WOUND CARE FIVE FOR FUCK’S SAKE. you still have a GUNSHOT GRAZE on your upper arm and a SLICE on your wrist from DIGGING OUT A TRACKER. FIVE.
diego wants to be batman SO BAD.
five crossing his arms and Not Uncrossing Them because he’s literally HOLDING HIMSELF TOGETHER.
wow luther is really handling this so much worse in this timeline rip
luther is losing validity points for CHOKING KLAUS i knew this happened but i didn’t remember how awful it was !!! bad and terrible! and luther is very drunk and very sad and very angry. oh. he’s saying he never left the house and never had friends for nothing :(
klaus had the realization that reggie was an asshole YEARS ago and he’s just kind of like “aww. luther :(” 
klaus is trying so hard
“Klaus has had the most heart to hearts with the most siblings honestly.” - roommate
allison at the beginning making her laugh in the office with the EYES, five on the steps of meritech, diego after the vet bar, luther on the couch...
wow cha cha really thought hazel was talking about how meaningful his partnership was with her when he was talking about agNES
five limping up the lawn and staggering up the stairs and clinging to the rails baBY SIT DOWN. YOU ARE BLEEDING.
“inspiring leadership” “one of the greats” what a sibling moment honestly.
five really said “i think i will pass the fuck out now”
five really said “hey i am literally willing to die for this mission because this mission is the safety and lives of my entire family and i love you guys :(”
except he doesn’t because five is decent at information sharing but getting feelings out of him feels like pulling teeth at times smh
is leonard trying to vicariously live his “normal child born on the umbrella academy day discovers they have had powers the WHOLE TIME” dream through vanya??
we yell about how leonard and vanya have known each other for like a week but i mean same for hazel and agnes!! he’s literally asking her to run away with him and she says yes !!!!! agnes is here for the romantic adventure with this man she’s really living her first hot girl summer and living for it
“she’s having her own little rom com! she thinks she’s living in a rom com not a dark sci fi!” - roommate accurate as usual
she just called ben the emotional support ghost and i mean... she ain’t wrong
honestly klaus should have just left luther to his rave, he didn’t get to party in his teens or during his college years or anything
i do appreciate the viking yell of “B R O T H E R” that luther greets klaus with though because that’s exactly how i greet my own siblings whenever i see them
oh klaus :(
oh klaus :(
he’s having war flashbacks, cravings, is in withdrawal, AND experiencing sensory overload while reliving one of the more traumatizing moment of his life
oh klaus :(
five in a bed for the second time of the season which is nice for him. if only the first time wasn’t because he passed out drunk and the second time wasn’t because of a whole shrapnel wound. i am now that captain of the Let Five Sleep brigade holy SHIT like at least they imply that the others sleep five is just feral and ready to go at all times
are the police allowed to just. remove someone’s arm sling? is that permitted? his arm could be fucked up? i mean. it is? he was shot?
“I saw everything my brothers and sister could do ruin their lives” VANYA some REALIZATION up in here,,,, admitting that the umbrella academy wasn’t exactly a desirable place to be is actually some real growth for her and leonard just fucking shuts her down? fuck that man
oh klaus :(  oh luther :(  oh :(
“love his corset side pants, like benedict from violet evergarden” - on the topic of Klaus’s pants
“I made everyone else so I must have made you” says god except for the fact that the kids just... surprise popped up instead of coming about the natural way. maybe god DIDN’T made them????????
oh klaus :(  prepare for disappointment :(
oh i didn’t notice the photos of the umbrella academy in the barbershop the first time i watched this
so klaus gives an age for the mausoleum... thirteen... do you think that was before or after five left? statistically it’s probably after bc it was only a couple of months after they turned thirteen that five vanished
Klaus’s “we were just kids” breaks my heart every time
if i was one of reggie’s kids i would have just not gone to the funeral. rip to the hargreeves kids but i’m different
he doesn’t even call klaus klaus in death, he still calls klaus number four. fuck that man.
“i was gonna say i’d have been very very surprised if they kept him dead” - roommate on klaus waking up
“Five bucks says he set these guys up to try and get something out of her” - the roommate being very perceptive
cha cha is VERY rude to my girl agnes
honestly why DIDN’T hazel just kill cha cha after her whole speech and threats about killing agnes slowly in front of him???? like he literally watched her try to kill him as well
why wasn’t diego arrested in the original day that wasn’t actually?? he was being considered already. he still left the house, albeit with grace instead of allison. why wasn’t he arrested then???????? 
roommate thinks it’s interesting how committed the show is to their old timey shit. she used a nicer words like anachronisms but the point is: w h y
are these episodes even longer than i remember?? holy SHIT
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oohfluffy · 4 years
Group: EXO
Member: Byun Baekhyun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Rated M | University!AU | Football!AU
Word Count: 1,951
Tumblr media
chapter 9
It was past six o'clock when your 3-hour class ended. You let out a satisfied sigh as you closed your notebook, which ended up filling 10 pages with lots of notes. Putting down your pen on your desk, you slowly stretched your fingers, feeling the strain on the little muscles as you reached out.
"Is it true that she's being favored by Byun?"
"I'm scared for oppa. He might be preyed on by the bitch."
"She doesn't look that special, to be honest."
"She's not even pretty! She's just all brains."
"Maybe, she did his homework?"
Hearing a batch of laughter in front of the room, you just swallowed the lump on your throat before packing your things. You shook your head as you tried blocking their talks from your hearing, which was to avail. You almost cursed out loud as the pen on your desk rolled down on the floor.
Bending down to pick it up from the aisle, you avoided looking at the people in front. You bit your lip as you touched your pen—
You let out a hiss when a long, thin heel dug its way onto your wrist before you could even grab your pen. A few snickers were let out as Irene looked down at you, her eyes gleaming with hatred and indifference.
"Hi, Saejin-ah. Thought we'd stay away from you, huh?" She chuckled darkly, twisting her red lips into a smirk. "I don't think our friendship is that fragile, do you girls?" Turning her head to the side, her bitches grinned. You looked down as her black heel dug deeper on to your skin, gritting your teeth closely to avoid whimpering.
"You aren't sucking off of Baekhyun oppa, right?" Seulgi spat out as she stood at Irene's side, her pointer finger pushing your forehead up. "Look at me when I talk to you!"
"Don't shout!" Wendy shushed her quietly, looking back at the closed door before turning to you with a smirk.
"You know what he did to us?" Irene raised her eyebrow, her eyes sharp staring at yours. You felt your eyes watering, not only in humiliation but the pain on your almost bleeding wrist. "You know it, don't you? He didn't just shame us, he kicked us out—"
"I'm not part of whatever he did to you, nor do I care." You spoke loud and clear, not breaking your voice as you glared back through the tears. You forced yourself to bear with the stinging sensation on your wrist as you pulled your hand from the weight of her heel. You can feel your skin getting dragged along as the roughness and sharpness of the rubber kept its friction stuck on your flesh.
"Leave. me. the. fuck. alone." You emphasized every word of that sentence as you stared at their bewildered and incredulous expressions. You straightened up your posture, feeling the numbness take over your senses. Irene gasped not just because of your audacity to talk back, but because of your disgusting blood trickling down your fingers. You didn't give her the chance to cut you off though. 
"I don't want to have anything to do with you. You can get all the spotlight for all I care."
Quickly turning back to your seat, you grabbed your bag and walked out of the room, pushing some students who were shamelessly watching the whole thing happen. Your other hand, the one that's not injured, was grasping your bag strap tightly as if you would fall on your knees if you don't. You kept on walking fast as if you can sense that they would seriously run after you.
You are scared.
You breathed out hard as you sharply turned to the corner, hands shaking at the sight of your bleeding hand. You almost tripped over your foot while looking at your hands.
"P-Pull yourself together, Saejin." You mumbled to yourself as you patted your chest with a shaking hand. "Y-You're okay."
Taking one last deep inhalation, you trudged down the stairs with a loud beating heart. You still got an hour and a half to make it to Jiwon's aunt's coffee shop.
It will be alright.
"Saejin-ssi?" Kyungsoo muttered under his breath as he recognized your back on him. His eyes drifted down to your shaking hands, worry filling his system as he spotted something dark crawling down your fingers. "Sae—"
"Man, I swear to God, I'm killing Park when I see him." Baekhyun cursed as he bumped his shoulder to his friend, who was still staring at a space. Baekhyun looked in front of them and wondered what was so interesting in an old staircase. "Yah, Do Kyungsoo."
As if he was brought back to reality, Kyungsoo blinked once before looking at him. The worry and uneasiness were still present and evident in his huge eyes that Baekhyun couldn't help but ask.
"Are you alright?"
Kyungsoo looked down the stairs once again before shaking his head. "It's nothing."
"Uhuh. Staring off a space is nothing. Right." Baekhyun snickered as he wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulders. "Let's just go eat dinner and talk about your nothing, man."
"I just saw Saejin-ssi a minute ago."
Baekhyun stopped on his tracks in surprise. He turned his head to Kyungsoo, tilting as he questioned, "How'd you know her?"
"We formally met yesterday. I think she's a Med student. I saw her Human Anatomy book—"
"Oh good." He hummed as he continued dragging his friend in the hallways.
"I just got worried when I saw her hands shaking. She was even leaning on the wall until she reached the stairs—"
"Shaking?!" Baekhyun incredulously exclaimed, his feet fully stopping on the ground. His slitted eyes were wide open now as he thought about his encounter with you back on the dark restroom by the field. "S-She..."
"Why are you over reacting? Are you her father?" Kyungsoo frowned as he suspiciously looked at his friend. He raised his eyebrow at him. "You didn't do anything to her—"
"Of course not!"
"Tss. If you're planning to," Kyungsoo shook him off of his shoulders, walking ahead of Baekhyun. "don't bother hurting her. I think she got enough pain already."
"Oh! Saejin-ah!"
You forced to lift the side of your lips as Jiwon's aunt, Jinah, welcomed you inside her newly opened coffee shop. She grinned as she tugged you in the counters, talking loudly about how prettier and taller you got since the last time she saw you two years ago.
"I didn't get that much taller, aunt Jinah." You laughed as she rolled her eyes. She was smaller than you by a few inches, which makes you think that Jiwon took after her father's side not her mother's as she was a tall girl. You looked around the place and smiled at the atmosphere it built. "This place looks like a safe haven. So beautiful and peaceful."
"I know right! I really wanted it to be designed like this from the start. You know just a place where you can easily escape from the busy, buzzing, and noisy world out there." Aunt Jinah smiled fondly at her place.
The coffee shop's color theme was a mix of brown and white. The chairs were wooden with white steel foundations, along with the wooden tables. Pieces of fresh tulips placed in a clear bottle at the center of each table, adding a minimalistic design on the table set-up. The counters were all wooden with intricate markings on the surface, and a long curved food cooler display was on top of most counters before the cashier area.
What made the place more relaxing were the hanging flower baskets from the ceiling. Different colors of flowers were on top of viney leaves crawling down the basket. A small fountain can be found by the corner as soon as you enter the place. The relaxing classical music playlist was the icing on top of this beautiful place.
Everything was made to make people release their stress and forget the world for a while.
"I'm so excited to have you on board! I know you loved these kinds of places." Aunt Jinah grinned as she patted your shoulders. She glanced at the clock by the wall. "You're 25 minutes early, which is adorable if I may say, and I can introduce you to the other staff now. I'll let Jisoo, my manager here, talk to you about all the things you'll do."
"Yes, auntie." You smiled as you nodded at her instructions. She made you follow her inside the kitchen, passing by the male cashier guy named Hyunjin.
"He's a newbie and a part-timer too." Hyunjin bowed a bit as he was introduced to you. You just smiled and said your name. "Oh, nice to meet you, Saejin noona." He said as he was 2 years younger than you.
Meeting the rest of the crew was a fun event. There was not much to remember as the crew consists of only 7 members excluding Aunt Jinah and you. The baker, Woobin, was in his forties , but still as lively as a teenager and has been baking since he was one. The baristas were Mingyu, a professional one, and Somi, a beginner. The last two were waiters, and on cleaning tasks, Yeonjun and Rocky, both in their second year in college—part-timers like you and Hyunjin. Jisoo was the manager of the crew, in her late twenties and has been close with Aunt Jinah's family.
"I knew this day was going to be better than I'd expected." Mingyu had a boyish grin as he shook hands with you. "You study at The Eve Acad?"
"Yes, I do." You nodded. "In my third year. Still a lot of years ahead to become a professional tho."
"I'm guessing you are a Med student." He chuckled as he leaned on the counter next to him. Aunt Jinah has left you for a while as she returned to her office to call her son overseas, saying that he only has a freetime at 7 in local time. "Must be hard, huh?"
"Well, I'm managing for now." You sighed as you walked to the staff room, where Jisoo told where you can put your things at. Mingyu followed with a curious hum. "But I can't deny it's going to be tough paying for med school."
"Are you still under your parents' home? They pay your tuition?"
"No parents, no guardian." You open the wooden sliding door with a sigh. "Just me."
"Oh, sorry about that." Mingyu parted his lips as he watched you open an empty locker. "That's..."
"...exhausting? Distressing? Unfortunate?" You chuckled, placing your bag inside the locker. Your eyes set on the keychain hanging from the zipper. "It's not so bad." You mumbled weakly before closing the locker door.
"I didn't mean to make you sad or anything. I was just really curious and I wanted to know more about you. And I don't know what else to ask about you even though I really want to know you. I don't even get myself right now, I just keep blabbering nonsense, and—"
You watched as Mingyu stuttered on his words while he looked away embarrassed like a puppy left on the street on a rainy day. You laughed at his panicking state. He just talks indefinitely, letting his emotions take reign over his rationality.
He reminds you of someone.
"You can start by asking my favorite color, you know." You joked as you walked past him, patting his arm as you did. Mingyu let out a relieved sigh before closing the door after you.
"What's your favorite color, Saejin-ah?"
You looked back at him with a smile.
♫ Ch.10
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sunny-x-endeavor · 4 years
Coffee Mates
Sunny x Endeavor Fanfic
Type: Mainly them meeting/introduction
Fandom: My Hero Academia Characters: Enji Todoroki (Endeavor), Sunny (OC)
word count:  1745 words (it’s about 4 pages in my google doc if that means anything)
Notes: This happens right before All Might retires and the first villain attacks at the school. This piece was mainly an ice breaker to start writing fanfic of these two. I needed to start somewhere. If need to put more information at the top of this please let me know. Also sorry for any type-o’s and poor grammar. I wrote this a 1am in the morning.
I stood quietly in the elevator by myself. In my left hand I held my empty coffee cup. I looked on my right hand at my smartwatch to see the time flip over to 11:31am. I was early for the meeting and had time to waste. I headed up to the break room to grab some much needed coffee. 
The doors opened. Stepping out of the elevator I could see at the end of the hall the meeting room already had a few people waiting inside the open door. Not enough people to start the meeting with, so I wasn’t worried about being late. Taking a sharp right I entered the breakroom and was blasted with heat. At first I thought the worst had happened, like someone left their fork in the microwave and caused a small fire. Stepping more in the room I got a better look at the source. A tall hulking man was standing over one of the coffee makers. He had fire spewing out of him.
“Is… Is that pro hero Endeavor at the coffee maker????” I thought to myself as I stared at his back. The man was wearing a navy blue suit and black oxford shoes. His mystery man was hunching over the coffee maker and messing around with it. Endeavor was the first pro hero that I could think of in my head who normally has flames coming out of him, but as a fellow fire based hero I know he wasn’t the only one. I didn’t want to assume it was and be wrong, so I got a little closer. He shifted his body to face me and then a step away from me when he realized someone was coming up behind him. I was able to get a better look at his face. With his red hair, flame beard, and piercing eyes I got the confirmation I needed. 
“Excuse me. Sorry!” I quietly brusted out as I stood next to him at the counter. I could feel my body quickly getting used to the heat and starting to feel normal again. I turned my head to quickly look at his face and back to face forwarding. He looked a little puzzled by my actions, or maybe by me being next to him? Either way I put my cup downed on the counter and then reached out my hand for a coffee maker. The moment I put my hand on the handle I realized the pot was empty. I then looked over to see the coffee maker next to the one I reached for; Endeavor had a glass pot in hand and was looking at me. The one in his hand was also empty and so was the cup next to him. 
“Ooooh!” I softly gasped. “I didn’t realize we were already out of coffee!” I quickly bent down to the cupboard in front of me and opened it.  
“.....Uh yeah.” I heard softly come from Endeavor as he took another step from me when I opened the cupboard. It was quiet and I almost missed it. I quickly filled both coffee makers with coffee grounds and water. I stood there watching them go to work. Endeavor stood there next to me. 
I looked over to him and said, “Sorry for being out of coffee. Normally we have a rule that whoever takes the last bit of coffee has to refill the pot. The last person probably forgot…” I wasn’t the best at small talk but I felt too awkward to just stand in silence. He looked back at me. I nervously adjusted my sunglasses on my face as I quickly looked away from him. I suddenly felt hot again, but this time it was being shy and nervous. It started to hit me that the number two hero was right next to me, and I was a nobody casually talking to him. I can feel my layback and casual nature backfiring on me at this moment. This is the time to be formal and I feel like I already screwed up. I could still feel his stare on me as we stood there.
The long pause was broken by his voice. “Have I met you before?” I looked back at him, his hand was on his chin as he looked at me. He looked like he was trying to think of where he knows me from. 
“Oh me?” I said shockingly. 
“Yes you.” He took his hand away from his face as he waited for my answer.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” I could feel my brain buffer as I nervously went into my brain trying to remember a time we were in the same room together before this. “Yes! Well… No… Well maybe uh deepens on how you see it.”
“I have responded to fires and such that you were present for. We’ve been near each other on jobs, but never formally introduced.” I quickly snapped my finger and then pointed at him as I spoked. Trying to gentured I remembered.
“Ah I see…” He turned to face the coffee makers producing coffee. “I didn’t realize…”
“Uh, yeah it’s fine! Don’t worry about it. You see a million faces a day. You can’t always remember them all. Especially faces you’ve never talked to.” 
Beep beep. 
I brought my arm up to look at my watch. It was a reminder for the meeting in 15 minutes. I tapped my watch screen and pushed the notification away. I could feel Endeavor bending over me a bit and looking at my watch.
“What’s that?” He pointed at my watch.
“Oh? It’s just a smartwatch. It’s handy when I can’t hold my phone or lose my phone.” I said as I pulled out my phone from my back pocket. I looked at my phone and saw a text from my daughter.  I quickly tapped the keypadded to unlock my phone. My background was a photo of my daughter and I smiling. It was her first day of school, so she was wearing her uniform. I opened the text app and started to read the text. It was just a reminder from her that she would be at a friend's house for the weekend.
“Who is that as your background?”  I looked up at him to see he was still bending towards me looking at my phone. I didn’t realize he was still looking at my phone and watching me. “I’m sorry if that was a rude question. I just noticed she was wearing the same uniform my son's school has. I was just got curious.” 
“Oh that’s my daughter! She’s a first year at UN. Does your son also go there?” I put my phone back into my pocket. Then reaching for the pot in front me since it was finished pouring. “Also I didn’t know you had kids or a wife or anything… You always seemed like a lone wolf type of guy.” That came out ruder than I wanted it to be….
“Uh yeah… I do have kids. Well anyways I wasn’t sure what the relationship was since I didn’t see much of a family resemblance.” He snapped at me. It was a stab for what I said a moment ago and I deserved it. “She must look like her father then.”
“Oh, you’re right she doesn’t look like me at all. It’s because she’s adopted. Also no father here. I’m single as a pringle.” I stabbed back at him. I normally don’t like telling people my child isn’t my own blood, but I feel like I have entered a passive aggressive fight and I want to win. 
“No father? Could you not find anyone to have a child with you? You look so young tho...” I couldn’t tell if he was trying to make me upset or just thinking out loud at this point. Either way he was being nosy. 
“Tried! No man could do it for me. Also at that moment of my life I was in my raging lesbian phase, so I don’t think I was ever going to find one. Plus I couldn’t have my own kids due to my body’s abnormal body temp. Either way I was fucked…. Oh sorry excuse my language.”I said quickly and a little too loud. I then picked up my coffee cup and looked at him. His face was bright pink from hearing all of this shoved in his face. I don’t know which part got him flustered, but either way I think I won this conversation.
 “Anyways! See you at the meeting!”I said to him. I turned to face the door and took a sip of my coffee. My face twisted the moment it hit my tongue. I was too busy talking to remember to put sugar and creamer into my drink. I kept walking anyway. I’ll just fix my coffee after the meeting or something. I don’t know, I just want out of this room. 
“I um, I’m sorry for being rude.” Endeavor spoke behind me. I turned my body a tiny bit to see him while he spoke to me. He already had a cup of coffee in his hand and was following me now. “I understand why you’re being defensive. I’m also a single parent and I can be…. A little too much when it comes to my kids. If someone said such a thing to me I would be upset too. I should have thought before I spoke. I hope this conversation doesn’t ruin things.”
“Uh its…. It’s fine I guess. You’ll just have to repay me later for your rudeness.” I looked back at my watch; It was only 11:47am. Still 13 minutes before the meeting started. I then tucked my hand into my jacket pocket.
“Sure?” His voice sounded puzzled by what I said.
“For example…” I looked at him as I pulled out my wallet from my jacket. He looked at me confused and still a little bit pink in the face. I opened my wallet and then with a quick snap of my wrist a 2 foot long row of photos poured out of it. “For the next 13 minutes you could listen to me talk about how cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute my baby is!!!!” 
Endeavors face squished and eyes closed as a short hardy laugh bursted out of him after watching the photos coming out of my wallet. His face started to go pink once more.
Nailed it.
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parkneroses · 5 years
Parkner #04 please! MJ, Ned, Peter and Harley are #squad, but Peter and Harley have a love/hate relationship (even tho it's obvious to everyone else they're idiots in love). I've blown through every AO3 fic and need more content :/ Thanks!
04 - “I’d punch you, but that’d ruin your perfect face.”word count: 2034 | if you enjoy this, buy me a coffee?
“Hey Penis, nice sweater! What’s it made of, your mom’s chest hair?- Oh, wait, never mind,” said Flash, pushing in front of Peter in the cafeteria queue. Flash’s little group of cronies forced their way in behind their leader and snickered, glaring at Peter whenever they could.
Harley smacked his tray down on the table Ned and MJ were sitting at. Ned jumped about a foot in the air and stared at Harley in shock. MJ didn’t even flinch.
“This motherfucker is really tryna make me hate Mean Girls.”
MJ looked up from her book. It wasn’t something that happened often, so Harley decided he would sit down. To, like, show her some respect. It wasn’t weird.
“Peter’s been leaving decathlon early for the last two weeks. He only does that so he doesn’t miss the train when he’s too sad to swing home. Some good news might be pretty good for him right now. And it might be good for you too. You can thank me later.” MJ said, breaking the illusion of disinterest that usually surrounded her. Her voice was always a little softer when she spoke about Peter.
Peter had that kind of effect on people. They would take one look at him, five foot something always clad in baggy cargo pants and a sweater that didn’t fit him, and suddenly every paternal instinct they didn’t know they had would come out to shine. Harley wondered if he bought his clothes like that on purpose. Maybe it felt nice being surrounded by so much soft material? Being six feet tall, fairly muscular and with very broad shoulders, Harley tended to be a larger size anyway, so he’d never really tried it. Sometimes he liked to imagine Peter in his clothes. Maybe in a hoodie, with the large hood pulled so far over his head it hung in front of his pretty brown eyes, or in one of his many flannels, complaining about how country Harley was while breathing in his scent. It was a pretty sight- or at least, Harley imagined it to be. He didn’t exactly know if he’d ever get the chance to see it in real life.
He was pulled out of his reverie when Ned spoke.
“What do you mean? What good news do you have Harley? Ned furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Nothin’. None. Don’t got any news, I dunno what she’s talkin’ about.” Harley muttered. He hated that MJ could read him so easily. Nothing was ever going to happen between Peter and him, so he tried not to get his hopes up. Harley wasn’t even quite sure if Peter even liked him. He didn’t even mean, like, in that way. It was just that-
Peter was so damn pretty. And Harley really liked looking at him. And in New York, that was okay, but Harley wasn’t from New York, he was from bumfuck Tennessee, where looking at pretty boys got you hung from your itchy school tie on a clothes hook in the boys’ locker room. It was kind of traumatising, and so Harley had learned to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself, which resulted in him ignoring Peter, or being extra cold towards him for no reason, which then resulted in arguments, and fights, and- yeah, there was no way Peter would ever like him. Harley hated being the reason Peter stopped smiling, but he had this bad habit where every time he caught himself getting lost in Peter’s eyes, or staring at his pretty lips, he would force himself to stop by saying something snarky to Peter that he one hundred percent did not mean. Then he would have to watch the corners of Peter’s lips turn down in confusion, and then his eyes would narrow and he would say something equally snarky back, and then they would be bickering again and Harley could feel his chances slipping away through his fingers.
It wasn’t so bad in the lab. At least, Harley didn’t think it was. Peter seemed pretty reluctant to fight in front of Tony. They would work quietly on opposite sides of the room, or when Tony was in the lab with them they would use him as a buffer for their awkwardness. If Tony noticed anything weird about how they acted around him, he didn’t mention it. Though Harley wasn’t entirely sure Tony ever paid attention to things outside of what he was fiddling with at any given time. It would explain a lot.
Today, they were alone in the lab. Tony had been forced out by Pepper for some business proposal, so he had reluctantly decided to just leave the two teenagers to their own devices.
“Try not to blow anything up!” Tony had yelled before leaving the lab, to which Peter had rolled his eyes, and Harley had replied “No promises!”
Peter was tinkering with his web-shooters, forehead creased and eyes squinting in concentration. He was so beautiful when he worked- and so clever, formulas and diagnostics dancing off his tongue, stars in his eyes as if the little pieces of metal in front of him yielded a whole world of opportunities. It was breathtaking to watch, yet also heartbreaking because Harley knew as soon as Peter caught him staring, the ethereal smile would slip off his face and he would bundle himself up as though he was trying to hide from the big bad world around him.
Harley gave up. There was no way in hell Peter would ever like him back, and he cared about the little shit too much to continue pretending to hate him. Harley would just have to suck it up, and try and be friends with Peter without falling infinitely more for him. He would start simple - get him coffee. That was a thing friends did for each other, right?
Peter didn’t notice when he slipped out of the lab.
Harley placed the grande Starbucks cup down on the workbench in front of Peter, who was still tinkering with the same part of his web shooter- albeit now with much less enthusiasm, bags under his eyes now much more prominent as he stared with blank eyes at the mechanical puzzle he couldn’t seem to figure out.
“What’s this?” He asked.
Harley shrugged and took a swig of his own black coffee. Peter eyed the cup apprehensively, before reaching out and taking a tentative sip. He looked up at Harley in confusion.
“How’d you know my order?”
“Dunno. Guess I just remembered it.”
That was a lie. He had a vague idea it was something with lots of caramel and sugar and whipped cream, but in hopeless fear of getting it wrong he had texted both Happy and Tony to ask. Tony hadn’t replied- not because he was in a meeting, he had read the message, but most likely because he was an asshole who liked to watch the world burn. Or at least, Harley’s world.
“Oh, uh, thanks,” Peter said, a pretty peach blush spreading across his cheeks. Harley felt himself melt at the sight. He took a step forward and put his cup down on the bench. Peter didn’t look up, continuing to fiddle with his project, so Harley grabbed the wheely chair from behind his own workbench and pulled it up to sit across from Peter. He faced the chair away from the bench and sat down on it backwards, with his chest resting against the padded back support, reaching his arms around to grab his coffee again.
“What’cha doin’?” Harley asked.
Peter wheeled his chair to the hologram table beside his workbench and gestured for Harley to come with him. He pulled up a projection of his web-shooters, and began taking pieces away and zooming in to the pressure sensor on the release mechanism.
“This fucking thing,” Peter said and Harley chucked.
“What’s wrong with it?”
Peter looked up at him incredulously.
“It… doesn’t work?”
“Oh. Can I take a look?” Harley asked. He wasn’t really as smart as Peter when it came to chemistry, but he was a mechanic, an engineer. He could do wires and metal. Plus, a fresh pair of eyes were always helpful. Peter nodded and the pair walked back to where the little demon device was sitting on Peter’s desk.
Harley picked it up gently, turning it over in his hands and examining it. He gently moved Peter out of the way and sat in the chair that was in front of the magnifying glass. He searched the table for something small enough to prod at the device- his fingers weren’t as dainty as Peter's, and they were callused from years of working with heavy metals and power tools. He found a scrap piece of copper wire and used it to pick up the flap of metal covering the pressure sensor. He held it under the magnifying glass, and-
“Peter, you’re gonna kill me.”
Peter choked on his coffee. “What’d you do? Did you break it? I swear to god Keener if you broke my web shooter you are replacing it yourself because I am so sick of-”
Harley cut him off.
“No, I didn’t break it. I found the problem,” he said. Peter’s eyes went comically wide, and Harley budged himself half off the chair so Peter could sit next to him. He was acutely aware of how close they were once Peter sat down- hips pressed together, Peter’s head only reaching his shoulder, but he forced himself to ignore it.
“See here?” Harley said as he lifted up the flap again. “The wire that actually connects to the pressure sensor is coming up at a weird angle so it’s attached when you look at it like this,” Harley held the device up for Peter to see, “but every time you actually hit the sensor the wire detaches and it stops working.”
Peter’s shoulders dropped and he grabbed the shooter back from Harley and stared at it, before turning to Harley with fire in his eyes.
“I have been working on this fucking thing for six fucking hours and I couldn’t figure it out and then you come here, look at it for TWO MINUTES, and you fucking figured it out. I can’t fucking believe this. I’d punch you, but that’d ruin your perfect face.” Peter ranted, although he didn’t sound angry so much as he was annoyed.
That shocked Harley, but he tried to play it cool. “You say fuck a lot when you’re mad. It’s kinda hot. You think my face is perfect?” he said.
Peter blushed.
“Wh- I didn’t say that” He lied. His cheeks turned a shade Harley could only describe as fire-engine red as he realised what Harley had said. “You think I’m hot?” He asked.
Harley smiled. “Yes, I do. And yes you did, you said you don’t wanna punch me ‘cause it’d ruin my perfect face. So which one you gonna do?”
Peter stared at him in confusion.
“The punch or the face?”
Peter still looked confused.
Harley sighed. “I’m phrasing that badly. I was tryna be smooth but it ain’t workin’ right now so I’m just gonna say it. Parker, I want you to kiss me until I can’t breathe. But if you don’t wanna do that, you’re welcome ‘ta punch me instead.”
Harley didn’t think Peter would punch him, but he braced himself anyway. Squinting his eyes shut and scrunching up his face, he waited for a hit he knew wouldn’t come. He wondered if the other boy could hear his heart racing. He could feel Peter’s breath on his face from how close they were sitting, and barely heard the faint whisper of his name before a pair of soft lips were pressing up against his, and Peter’s hands reached up to grab where Harley’s undercut was growing out. Harley relaxed and kissed him back desperately, sliding his hands up under Peter’s giant sweater to hold him properly.
This was not how he’d expected trying to be friends with Peter to go, but he couldn’t exactly complain. He supposed he would have to thank MJ after all.
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mookoo-writes · 5 years
~Perfect Family~ (EraserMic x Genderfluid! Teen! Reader) [Part 2]
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Authors Note: Holy shit this took longer than it should have but I hope it was worth it.
Fandom: My Hero Academia Pairing(s): EraserMic (Eraserhead x Present Mic) x Genderfluid! Teen! Reader (platonic) Warning(s): Rejection, cursing, Aizawa & Hizashi being good dads, platonic reader, the Badusquid def get’s high in their spare time
Anyway, please enjoy~
“I’m just saying how do you have a birthday cake flavored cake if cake can be different flavors!” I threw my hands in the air as I looked at Mic from my place on the counter. My legs kicking in the air as I watched Hizashi fry something on the stove.
Aizawa glanced at me with a mug full of coffee to his lips. “It‘s too early to have this kind of conversation.” He turned his attention back to the newspaper resting on the counter. “Then what’s a good time?” I rose a brow and shifted my place on the counter. “When one or more of your classmates bring out their stash of pot.”
I froze in place. “Don’t think I haven't noticed. The smell travels up to my floor.” I laugh nervously as Mic covers his mouth trying to stiffen his. “At least tell them to do it off camp-” Before Mic could finish his sentence, Aizawa gave off a warning sign by activating his quirk.  
Before anything could continue further, my phone started to buzz like crazy from across the room. Both men paused to look at the vibrating phone before proceeding to mock each other. They fight like an old married couple which is just what they are. Tho, Mic will say he’s still hip with the kids.
I hop off of the counter and made my way towards my phone, but not before dodging Mic’s frequent hand movements. Honestly, he’s just as bad, if not worse, than Iida’s gestures. Once I avoided the last wave of the spatula, I grabbed my phone to see the class 1-A group chat being blown up… again.
Alien Queen: Hey! We all should go to the mall! You know, as a class!
God Herself: Oh I do love a good shopping spree!
The Rock: I can see if I can drag Bakugou along
Scotch Tape: I’m down!
Sparky: Count me in!
Icy Hot: I might be a little late. I need to visit my mom first.
All Might Jr.: That’s alright Todoroki! I can walk with you after since I live close.
One by one the class replied and planned on what they were are going to do. I smiled at their antics (and not to mention the names I chose for them) as I began to type my response.
Before I could hit send, I thought for a moment. Would it be rude to leave and hang out with friends? I turn to look back at the two heroes. They stopped their bickering and continued on to what they were doing earlier. Mic was finishing making breakfast while Aizawa was reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee in hand. I couldn’t just leave and I sure as hell wasn’t going to ask. I was never good at asking people for anything.
Y/n: Sorry, I can’t make it. Something came up.
I hit send and patiently waited for a response.
Invisible Girl: Is everything okay Y/n?
Defying Gravity: Yea, not to mention you haven’t come to a girls' night in a while.
I looked at Uraraka‘s text before sighing. She was right, I’ve been avoiding some of the nights were it was strictly only girls. When one of the guys tries to interrupt, they would get kicked out. If that night I was more masculine, I would ditch. If I did go, It felt like I was invading of privacy or would make the girls uncomfortable. It‘s not their fault for inviting me, It’s not like they know.
Instead of replaying, I just left the conversation there and shoved the phone in my pocket. I really should get changed. I made my way to the spare bedroom and shut the door. Throwing the duffle bag on the bed, I shuffled through it
I lay the two shirts on the bed and looking at them, trying to decide which I should wear. They were nothing much, only two flannels that were the closest things to male shirts I had. I grabbed one of the two shirts and put it on over the binder Aizawa gave to me.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror. All I see is many feminine flaws: wide hips, facial features, hair, etc. I reached for my hair, trying to fix it but failing. The pair of pants hugged my body, exposing every curve on my lower half. Of course they were, they were female pants made for girls.
A single tear fell from my eye as my arms wrapped around my body, trying to hide everything from the world.
“Hey hey, what’s wrong listener?” I jumped from my spot in front of the mirror. I was so caught up in my thought I didn’t even hear Mic knock. “Oh hah, It’s nothing!” The blond stared for a minute before stepping into the room. “You need to stop saying that. There's something wrong and I want to help! That’s what Sho and I are here for.” Mic smiled as he stood in front of the mirror, blocking me from seeing myself in the reflection.
“I just…” I paused for a minute, “I don’t look like a man and I don't know how to fix that.” The voice hero looked at me, then at the mirror, and at me again. A quiet ‘Ooooh’ left his mouth before he walked over towards the bed, the flannel still laying in its spot. “Good thing I did my research last night,” Mic mumbled to himself.
He picked up the fabric off of the bed and looked at me. “Is this all you have?” I nodded. Hizashi thought for a moment before snapping his fingers. “Come with me!” He pulled me out of the spare room and into the dining room. I sat at the table, Aizawa was still at the kitchen counter. Two plates were lined up next to him along with cups full of water.
“Sho, can you help me for a sec!” Mic yelled as he walked out of the room. Aizawa sighed, setting down whatever he was reading to follow his husband.
I could hear murmurs coming from the other room before both men re-enter the room. They were holding a variety of different things from makeup kits to different hats. Aizawa set the pile of different makeup products on the table and pulled a chair directly in front of me.
I looked at both men confused. “I have learned some tips and tricks about this stuff over the years.” Aizawa pulled out a small bottle of foundation from a bag. “Hand.” I did as he instructed and held out my hand. He gently took hold of my wrist and applied the foundation, making sure it matched my skin color.
Once Aizawa hummed in approval, he looked at me. “I’m going to need you to stay still.”
As he applied makeup, Hizashi was off to the side looking at the variety of different hats scattered on the table. He seemed focused, occasionally glancing at my hair trying to decide what to do with the mess.
After a few minutes, Aizawa put down the blending brush. “All done.” I sighed in relief while slouching back into the chair. “My turn!” Mic stepped behind my chair, brush in hand. “Let's hope you don’t have a sensitive head,” Aizawa mumbled as he threw eye shadow in a bag. I nervously laugh, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
What felt like an eternity has passed by before Hizashi threw on a beanie. I softly rub the side of my head, trying my best to sooth the pain. “Did you really have to be so aggressive towards my ears?” A smile ghosted over Aizawa’s lips as Mic let out a laugh. “Being handsome means pain.” “Yea no kidding.” The voice hero snickered at my response as he picked up a hand mirror from the table. “Ready for the reveal?” I nervously nod, not knowing what to expect.
Mic slowly hands you the mirror. My eyes scan my reflection, I can’t believe what I’m seeing. My hair was up and tucked into the beanie neatly. The makeup sculpted my face into a way that resembled a male figure.
As I admired my reflection, both heroes had wide smiles on their faces like proud parents. They watched my expression changed from shocked to happy in an instant.
“I’m guessing he loves it” Mic piped up to his husband. Aizawa nods, leaning into Hizashi as he saw one of his student's life change.
I can feel happy tears threatening to spill. “Don’t cry, don’t cry. I’ll mess up the makeup” Hizashi snorted at my own encouragements not to start bawling. I stood up from the wooden chair and ran up to my two favorite heroes, wrapping my arms around them.
Both men didn’t seem to know what to do at that moment. They weren‘t prepared for this amount of affection coming from one of their students.
“This is why you two are my favorite heroes.”
That one sentence really struck them. To them, it was common sense to help. But to you, to you, it meant the world. Shouta understands that. Having Hizashi help him through high school and at the start of his hero career boosted his confidence in himself. Seeing that confidence regain in his student means Aizawa and Hizashi are doing their job right.
The two heroes wrapped their arms around me as if trying to protect me from the outside world. The hug wasn’t awkward, it almost felt familiar, like a family
After what felt like an eternity, I release from the embrace. Aizawa reached over to fix my beanie that got slightly mangled from the sudden hug. “All right, who’s ready to go to the mall!” Hizashi did really ask, more of a statement. I looked at him confused, “Why do we need to go to the mall? Do you need anything?”
“Nope,” Mic popped the ‘p’ while grabbing his phone off of the counter. “But you need clothes!”
I looked down at what I was currently wearing, feminine jeans and the flannel. “I don’t think I have enough money for new clothes…” A single ‘ha!’ left the blond’s lips. “Don’t worry about cash, our treat!”
I usually don’t like people buying me anything, but after having them help with the hair and makeup, I was eager for a full-on transformation. “Are you sure?” I wanted to double check. I knew they weren't going to change their mind but it makes me feel better. “Of course.” Aizawa sat back down at the breakfast counter, the food Hizashi cooked still sitting in its spot.
“In the meantime, Sho can hook you up with some temporary clothes.”
“There should be a pile on your bed.” My homeroom teacher shooed me out of the dining area. I chuckled to myself and made my way to the bed.
Just as Aizawa said, there was a pile of clothes sitting on the foot of the bed. Of course, most of them wear black but what was to complain. I grabbed a pair of baggy pants along with a hoodie with “Put Your Hands Up Radio” printed on it. I’m guessing this is one of Mic’s merch hoodies.
I look in the mirror again. Hm, not bad. Not the best but also not the worst. You can barely see my hips from the pants, not to mention they were comfortable as hell.
I took a deep breath before exiting the room and trotting down the hall towards the kitchen. “Looks like someone has a pep in their step.” Mic nudged my shoulder as I sat between him and Aizawa at the breakfast bar.
The three of us conversed, more like Hizashi just talking, as we ate our breakfast. The food was good! I’m guessing Hizashi does most of the cooking since Aizawa mostly shows up with fruit pouches when his husband isn‘t around.
“Thank you for the food!” I hopped down from the stool and put the dirty plate in the sink. By now Hizashi has finished eating and Aizawa was left with an empty pot of coffee. Yes, pot.
“Shall we head off?” The voice hero grabbed his shoes. “We shall.” Aizawa merely sighed and rolled his eyes at our antics.
“Where off Princess.” I was about to question the underground hero until I heard a soft mew come from the other room. They named their cat Princess… that's so fucking adorable.
When we arrived at the mall, it was littered with people. Some carrying bags in each arm in a rush to get to their cars. Must be last-minute shopping for the holidays. As some parents lugged their bags, families and friends walked around to look at all the neatly organized and shimmering lights. Shop windows were decorated with small Christmas trees and others with Menorahs.
The cheerful mood of the mall made me completely forget my slight panic attack on the way here. I was worried people would look at me with disgust, but Aizawa assured me that there was nothing to worry about. I shouldn’t let what people think get to me. Besides, I have two pro hero’s by my side the whole time.
“What about this store?” Mic pointed to a shop that had only male clothes. The inside looked partially empty except for workers and some people looking through racks.
“It looks nice and not crowded.” We started to make own way inside, dodging and weaving past the clusters of civilians before entering the store.
There were tons of different styles of clothing, from overalls to pastel button-ups. I looked around with excitement, a smile started to form on my face.
I started off by the enterons of the store and made my way around, picking out clothes to try on along the way. Mic and Aizawa (usually Mic) would throw something they think I would like into my arms. Before my arms went numb, I entered a changing room and plopped the pile of clothing on the stool.
I felt like I was some kind of fashion model. Stepping out of the changing room to show the two heroes each outfit. The smile never left my face.
After some trial and error, I finally found outfits that suited me. After returning some clothes to their racks, I returned to Aizawa and Mic who were patiently waiting by the dressing rooms. Aizawa took the pile of clothes out of my arms and made our way to the counter to check out.
The person behind the counter gave me the side eyes while grabbing a shirt to scan it. I merely smiled and rocked on my heels, completely ignoring his judgment.
Once I was handed the bag, Mic told me to go put on an outfit to wear for the rest of the day. I happily agreed and made my way to the changing rooms for, what felt like, the millionth time today. I rummaged through the large bag before I manage to find each what I was looking for.
I quickly changed and threw the old clothes into the bag. Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw the opposite of what I saw earlier. There stood a man in black baggy pants, a grey shirt, a leather coat, and a beanie. The outfit was a mixture of Aizawa and Hizashi’s style. Honestly, if someone were to look at me, they would assume I was their child. I laughed at the thought as I walked out of the changing room, the plastic bag filled with clothes in hand.
Aizawa noticed me stepping out of the small room, a smile ghosted over his lips as he took the bag out of my hand.
“Looking good listener!” Mic carefully patted my head with a smile. I look down at myself, then back up to the blond. “I feel good.”
“Why dont we grab something to eat, I’m starving!” I rose an eyebrow at the man. "Didn‘t we just eat?” Aizawa shuffled through his pocket as we walked out of the store. He pulled out his phone with that usual tired expression. “It’s 12:34.” I was so excited about everything I hadn’t realized how much time has passed. Most of that time was probably spent goofing around and trying on bazar outfits.
“Hey, is that Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa… and Y/n?”
I froze, not daring to turn around and face whoever it was. Both teachers seem to notice my anxiety skyrocket. Mic smiled reassuringly and waved to whoever was greeting us.
I took a deep breath before turning around to face my whole class. They all seemed confused at my appearance, wondering if it‘s really me or not.  
“Woah, Y/n?” Uraraka tilted her head, eyes gleaming with curiosity. I nervously smiled, my hand anxiously rubbing my neck. “Uh, hey. It‘s good to see all of you?” I was just about to ask why they're here until I remembered the group chat. I didn’t think it would be this mall, then again, what other one would they go to. The outside mall is closed for the winter because of the cold.
“Wait, how come you're wearing those clothes and hanging out with teachers instead of us?” Hagakure waved her arms. Well, I guess she waved considering her sleeves moved up and down. “Uh…” I tried to think of an excuse. “… fashion and extra credit.” I mentally slapped myself. Is that really the best I could think of?
I could hear Mic stiffen a laugh as Aizawa sighed. The eraser hero looked down at me, “You can tell them. They're a good group of friends, I would have trust in them.”
I trust his judgment. If he trusted them, then I should too. “Okay, I have something to tell you all.” Before I could finish, Todoroki looked at the two men standing behind me, then back at myself. “I knew it.” Midoriya frantically waved his hands at his friend. “Todoroki, we talked about this”
I was confused for a split second before figuring out what he meant. A laugh escaped my lips as I attempted to cover my mouth. I knew this would happen. “No no, not that.” My laughter calmed down but a smile still rested on my face. “It‘s actually something more… personal.”
The group stared at me for a moment before Momo spoke. “Y/n, you know you can trust us.” She reassured earning a nod from everyone. “Yea! Where heroes! And heroes help other heroes no matter what!” Denki smiled brightly with a thumbs up.
A soft smile formed on my lips, “Thank you.” I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to say. “I’m… Genderfluid.”
A sigh escaped my lips as if a heavy weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Some of my classmates cocked their head and others smiled. I’m guessing most of them wasn’t sure what it was. “And Mic and Mr. Aizawa helped me through it.” I gestured to the two pro heroes behind me.
Before I could speak again, a bombard of questions erupted from varies people. I laughed at their curiosity and ridiculous questions.
“Alright alright alright, you will have time to ask questions during lunch,” Mic spoke like I was a celebrity that was too busy to answer reporters' questions. "Then let’s all get lunch.” The class cheered while an audible sigh could be heard from Aizawa.  
-Bonus- Todoroki: *Pulls Endeavor’s credit card from his wallet* Todoroki: My treat
-Bonus #2- Y/n: Hey Sero, I would suggest not smoking on the balcony. Mr. Aizawa can smell it from his room. Sero: Mina: Denki: Y/n: But Mic said to get lit off campus Denki: *Verbally wheezes*
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anaithya · 6 years
2018, etc
2018 was one hell of a ride.
I spent the NYE working on thesis proposal with my best friends A & G at G’s home. It was tense, since the deadline was close but none of us was even halfway through. At midnight we took a break and walked to Bundaran HI to join the crowd and watch fireworks. We had a bit of fun, grabbed some food in the nearest McD, talked all the way back, and prayed for our hopes and dreams for the year, before finally continue to work. 
We had our common goal: to graduate. Little did we know it will took a long, winding road before we finally reach one.
January was fine. IECOM was successful, despite me being a zombie for several days. It might not be perfect but I’m very proud of what my team has done. There were unexpected things happened in D-Day but we handled them well. It feels so nice to see people work together--voluntarily put their time, mind, and energy to make the plan come true. We did our best and that’s what mattered. 
Two days after IECOM, batch 2014 went to field trip in Malang and Bali. Having too caught up with IECOM, my friends and I planned our extended trip on the bus lol (I wrote about it here). It was reaaal fun! I liked how chill we all were, stopped for a moment not thinking about thesis or our routine anxieties, living the moment we were in. Thank you crew #gogotrip.
But the chaos was waiting for me. From then on, I was drained working on my thesis. Thesis was like the epitome of my uni life: crappy and messed up. Full of regret and wrong decisions. Perfectly summed it up! I thought I planned everything perfectly, but then Murphy Law happened. I remember panicking when things were still uncertain. I overthinked a lot, I was desperate and felt so clueless on April, but things began to unfold in May. In early July, I was finally certain in what I had to do. But still not sure whether I could make it or not in October. The pressure was even higher after you see your own friends graduating. 
Whole September I couldn’t manage to do anything but working on my thesis. The month slipped perfectly from my life, I barely remember anything but me sitting in my computer, whether looking on Word, Excel, or Lingo. I remember staying up all night in the then-newly-opened coffee shop until 2 in the morning with my friend N (we’ve been there for hours), working on our thesis, too tired to talk to each other. Then we do the same thing in the day, only in our lab, and there will be our other friends. On repeat, for days. 
On Tuesday, 25th, I finally did my thesis defense. Got an A, with extremely minor revision. Happiest day of the year. Took a day off on Wednesday, printed the final draft Thursday, got my supervisor’s signature, submitted it to the library, and signed up for October graduation on Friday. 
Took two companies, months of hustles and hurdles, loads of papers, countess lingo solving, and series of sleepless nights to finally did it. And also a great supervisor. I couldn’t thank my supervisor enough for all the help that he gave me. If it wasn’t him, I don’t know if i can still manage to graduate in October.
In between the mess, with the thought that I need a break, I signed up for HPAIR conference. After two essays and an online interview, I got accepted! So for a full week in August I went to KL. It’s been a long time since I visit KL, and it was my first time participating in an international event like that. (one bucket list checked!). The conference was lit with the intriguing theme and notable speakers. I made new friends and tried superb food in town.
I also got the chance to participate in Maybank Impact Challenge, which I think the most interesting part of the conference. It was modelled upon Maybank Go Ahead Challenge. We were divided in teams, and the members came from different backgrounds and nationalities. In the span of 6 hours I had to make a country development plan, played board game, took the role as a COO in an engineering company, cracked codes and analyzed financial statements, ran for 1-2 km?--wearing a smart casual attire--from Sunway Uni to a bowling alley in Sunway Pyramid, pitched my company to investor WHILE playing bowling, ran back to the Uni, and took the role as management in company-in-crisis. Too much for a day, eh? It was crazy but I got to learn a lot: 1) How to work under pressure 2) How to work with strangers, especially with a very dominating person 3) How to estimate and make up numbers that still make sense 4) How to do impromptu speech.
(I also signed up for IELTS and Germany course. The courses were so refreshing since I love learning languages. I stopped showing up in September tho when the stakes on my thesis were high)
October 19 was my graduation day, and 20 was the parade. Bachelor of Science, I am now. I finally ended my university life. (another bucket list checked!)
The past four years was rough for me, especially in terms of my own ambition and personal development. To be honest, I hate my university life so much. I hate it to the point I don’t like to talk about it. About this class, about this exam, about this task, about this A B C, about this time when we had to do X.
If I could turn back the time I would definitely pick another major and another university. I hate how I didn’t work hard enough. I hate how I didn’t give my 100%. I hate how I DID work enough but still failing anyway. I hate how the world seemed so unfair. I hate how unprepared and unplanned I was. But what I hate the most is... I hate that I didn’t pursue for things I really like the most, because I was too scared. I hate how I wasn’t willing to take chances and chose the easy path. I hate how scared I was, to the future, to the what-ifs, to things that were actually in my head.
So messed up. So many wrong decisions. So many regrets.
Nonetheless, university life gave me valuable friends and... meaningful relationships! I really didn’t expect this from ITB back then, but yeah. The people I met were good ones. MTI ITB IS AWESOME!!! (at a certain period of time lol). I’m thankful that I found trusting, reliable friends that might not be 24/7 for me but surely make me laugh and make me feel much better when they’re around. It is my memories with them that I cherish the most.
Several days after graduation, I secured my first job (or not? I’m not permanent yet but nevermind), and started to work rightaway--in a company that I really admire. (bucket list checked once again!!!)
November and December were about adjustments. Adjusting myself back to Jakarta, coming back home after years of living alone. Adjusting to the new role that I take, as an employee. Adjusting to the new routine.
I also got two free concert tickets in November: Gun N Roses and Blackpink lol.
I spent the last day of the year with my high school friends in a friend’s house. Learned to play poker, chit chatted about life, reflected on how the year was for each of us. 
Calm and serene. 
Despite the sour, sour lemons, I learned a lot in 2018. 
Four years of desperation crafted this worrisome and pessimist attitude in me. Contrary after graduating high school, after uni graduation I feel like I have self-confidence issue and I feel like not knowing what I really want or what I have to do next. I am still clueless apparently. 
However, knowing the fact how terrible last year was, and I still survived after all gives me this weird strength to carry on. It gives some me kind of positivity and energy for 2019. 
I get this epiphany that... maybe life indeed sucks, it still has loadsss of lemons to be thrown at me. There will be more cancelled and altered plans, and there will be other twists, turns, and surprises. Nevertheless, I shall focus on things that I can control and let go the ones I can’t. I shall control my perception and reception towards what’s happening instead of letting it affect me. I shall not waste my energy panicking and thinking too much on things that don’t matter like I did last year (and throughout my uni life also). I shall let go of my fear and let loose, be less rigid.
I shall focus on me and my personal growth, also on people that matters. I want to regain my confidence and cut all the negativities that the past might have caused me. I need to reorganize my life and construct my future plans.
This year, I want to be chill like I was in Bali.
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axcible · 2 years
😙Black reader x Mha🤫
Swearing and was not looked over 
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“Gotta go I might be late Ma!” You haistaly slipped on your navy blue sneaks and rushed out the door with your backpack in your hands. 
You were running to catch a bus to get to UA on time, you lived downtown where a lot of the trouble happens, luckily, you and your family had their quirks to protect them. Your quirk, at first thought people might think it's worthless, but it’s quite interesting. 
Dreamaker, you can put anyone in a day dream or a nightmare, sometimes if you shock them with a nightmare after a daydream it can revolve around death. The only way you could affect this victim is if there was a single connection like a touch, sound waves, vibration waves, sometimes even speech. As you ran you silently prayed that the bus driver wouldn’t leave you behind. This wasn’t your first rodeo, Roy, the bus driver always waiting a few minutes for you. “Hey Zee, you should really fix your sleeping calendar.” You slumped in the bus seat taking out a thermos filled with coffee to wake you up.
“Y’know I can’t do that Roy.” He chuckles as you brush your long, curly, black hair. “Hey Roy, can you drop me off a little closer?” You tied your tie and loosely tucked you shirt into your skirt. “You know i can’t change my bus route.” he said jokingly as he pulled up closer just for you. “Thanks Roy!” You grabbed you bag and ran out the bus and towards UA High School, you saw kids outside the school just walking inside the building. You sighed in relief sprinting across the street. 
As soon as you entered the building you were out of breath, you checked the time on your phone and you somehow seemed to make it early enough to text your parents, your brothers, and to find your class. You walked in and took one glance, class 1A was average, anyways you went to sit down in your desk and make yourself comfortable. While texting your brothers someone approached you and introduced themselves, of course with your buds in you couldn’t quite hear their name but you could make out that they were talking to you.
“Hm?” You took out one bud and glanced their way. It was Izuku Midoriya. “Uh- My- n-name is I-Izuku Midoriya!” He stuttered like crazy you could barely make out his name. “Uhm ok- sup, names Y/n, call me Zee tho.” He kinda scribbled in his notebook making a new section for you. “And uhm, what’s your quirk?” You kinda knew this was gonna take long so you turned off your phone and casually put it in your bag. “Well, my quirk is Dreamaker, I must make physical contact with my victim to be able to put them in a dream and/or a nightmare.”
Mr. Aizawa finally walked in and took attendance. As Mr. Aizawa explained the starter course and handed out some physical and mental worksheets for everybody to sign. He never cared if we talked with each other, all he did was curl up in his sleeping bag and fell asleep. Maybe he might wake up before the bell.
Uraraka turned around to face you, she asked you so many questions about your past. “Oh I have a story to tell ya.” You giggled in a low creepy voice, Uraraka was pissing you off she talked way too much. “This is a true story y’know, I was in middle school-my last year actually. Some girls they kept talking and talking and talking-non stop, it was all i could hear-then i snapped. Next thing y’know ya have a pencil through your head-and blood dripping from the middle of your forehead.” You gently touched her forehead with the sharp tip or your pencil, you caused your pupils to dilate in delite of scaring Uraraka. 
She turned around as fast as she shut up after hearing your funny little story. Mina over heard your story and got scared as well. 30 minutes after and you handed in your form just at the bell. You were a bit avoided on your first day, you really messed up your first impressions. Welp-time for training. 
You followed the girls into the changing rooms, your hero costume wasn’t very professional per say. 
The Sleepy Pro Hero Dreamwalker
Desc: Your hero costume is very soft and cuddly, this helped you with putting victims to sleep with your warm and cuddly hero suit.
Cat ears: These ears are equipped with sound vibration that can travel over 100 square feet radius around you.
Cat paws: When you smack your paws together or smash them against the ground you could send huge motion vibrations to start a connection between you and your victim.
Cat tail and fur bodysuit: djbd Your tail could be used clm the victim down, it has a special powder that can help calm the victim down. Your fur bodysuit was soft and comforting to keep the victim in your grasp.
Mr. Aizawa met you all in the training arena where he introduced his friendly competition between each other. You for one was excited, so you could show everyone your quirk wasn't so useless.
"First battle will be Mina verses Y/n." You proudly stepped into the battle arena as you quickly made up a plan in your head. The battle started while you were thinking so you panicked. "AHH!" You curled up into a ball making a sleepy force field around your body. Mina saw the aroma and back up shooting acid at you from afar. She hit you scorched a spot on your leg, learning from your mistakes, you quickly dodged the rest. "Alright-plan B!" You quickly smashed the ground sending vibrations towards Mina. "Sleep!" In seconds Mina dropped down snoring. You hopped in joy! "Yes plan B worked!!" Mr. Aizawa called the next battle and you were looking pretty good, you earned a spot in the quarter finals. Along with Todoroki, Bakugou, and Deku. You saw them battle, they were fierce, merciless, their still cleaning up the battle arena from Bakugou. "Hey Y/n I wish you the best of luck!" Ururaka smiled as she tried to make conversation. You glanced at Bakugou and Todoroki in the back. Quickly turning back once your eyes met Bakugou's fiery eyes. "I'm terrified..." Your battle was called up. You were facing Bakugou...
The End.
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justbelustful · 7 years
just a misunderstanding
character: kim donghan // jbj
writer: admin love
genre: smut
summary: you unintentionally make donghan jealous, and then it becomes less accidental. however, donghan has a punishment in mind for you.
warnings: jealous!donghan, dom!donghan, rough sex
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i’m a little out of practice for writing smut, i’m sorry! i love donghan and hopefully i did him justice.
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you hadn’t seen donghan in six months. first produce 101 took your boyfriend away and then not long after that he was occupied by jbj. of course you were happy for him, you had never seen him so happy, but you missed him. 
 while he was gone you started to hang out with an old guy friend from high school. he had texted you asking if you wanted to catch up and you agreed because you had nothing better to do with your time. 
 you went out for coffee a couple times and then it became a regular routine. you would hang out often and people on the streets would often mistake you for a couple. 
 you were in the middle of getting lunch together when you got a text from donghan. 
babe? where you at? i’m home 
i’m out with a friend, i’ll be home shortly 
 come home soon! i miss my princess 
 you blushed at the pet name. it had been so long since he called you that. “sorry that was my boyfriend texting. can you take me home?” 
 “yeah yeah of course,” 
  you hadn’t even gotten your keys in the doorknob before donghan opened the door himself and pulled you into his embrace. “i missed you” he whispered, inhaling your shampoo. 
 “i missed you too, sorry if i took too long,” you whispered back before letting your purse hit the ground. 
 “movie night?” he asked. 
 “of course,” 
  “so how’s b/f/n?” donghan asked, draping his arm over your shoulder.
 “good i think, i haven’t been hanging out with her much” you replied leaning into his warmth. 
 “i thought you were out with someone?”
 “i was,” you hit his chest, “what? you think i don’t have any other friends?”
 “that’s not it. i just haven’t met anyone else. so, who’s the lucky gal who stole my girlfriend?” 
 “oh it’s mason, we went to school together and we’ve been catching up,”
 “oh” donghan said before turning his attention towards the tv.
 nearing the end of the movie donghan pulled his phone out of his pocket. “i’m sorry babe, apparently we have an emergency practice, i gotta go.” he said pecking your cheeks and grabbing his jacket.
 “it’s okay, i’ll find some way to keep myself entertained.”
 “thanks for understanding, i’ll try and be back early tonight so we can cuddle. i love you!” 
 “i love you too,”
 you pulled out your phone, “hey mason, donghan just had to leave for a schedule, want to go get dinner?” 
 “sure, i’ll pick you up in fifteen,” 
 you fixed your makeup and hair a little so you looked suitable in public. you were cold with the absence of donghan’s warmth, so you found one of his smaller hoodies and put it on, smiling every time you breathed in his scent. 
you heard mason pull up and you took your place in the passenger seat, blasting jbj in mason’s ears. 
 “thanks for hanging out with me so much, i’ve been kinda lonely without donghan,”
 “no problem,” 
 the night went on and you continued to crack jokes when mason tapped your shoulder and pointed behind you. you glanced over your shoulder and saw a guy around your age who was leaning against the wall making obvious stares at mason. “ooh,” you cooed at your red eared friend. “go get him tiger.” 
 “are you sure?”
 “yeah i’ll find someone to pick me up,”
 “thanks y/n” 
where do you keep disappearing too? are you with mason? 
 sorry i got bored.. i’m at the bar a few blocks from our house, come get me?
 why can’t mason bring you?
 he’s kinda busy.. please baby?
 you could feel the jealousy in his texts. you smiled to yourself staring at the couple picture as your lock screen. “why would i ever leave you?”
 “princess,” you glanced up to see donghan with his window rolled down. “let’s go” you got in and pecked donghan on the lips.
 “how was dinner?” 
 you thought back to his jealousy earlier and thought of a plan. “it was fun! mason’s really funny and he’s been keeping me company when i got lonely!”  
he cocked a brow, “oh?” 
 “yeah, he’s a great guy!” 
 “that’s nice princess. i’m tired from practice so we can save this for tomorrow?”
 “okay daddy, whatever you say” you saw him visibly tense at the name that you rarely called him.
 “babygirl..” his hand rested now on your thigh with the other on the wheel, “i’m already frustrated enough, don’t bring something on yourself you can’t handle,” his hand gave you thigh a slight squeeze, ghosting his fingers over your heat at almost every stop sign, adding some pressure every now and then to make you squirm. he pulled in the driveway and retracted his hand before getting out of the car. you pouted, you were so close to getting the attention you didn’t know you needed. you went inside and changed into some pajamas, laid on your bed and texted mason.
 “how’s your mysterious lover boy?” 
his name is elijah and he’s great, i’ll introduce you sometime. don’t steal my man tho 
you giggled, “i don’t think that’ll be a problem. you’re a great man”
 “who are you texting” donghan called. 
 god damn you missed this view. 
 his brown hair was wet and pushed off his forehead, dressed in nothing but gray sweats, he plopped next to you on the bed.
 “i know i look great princess but please answer the question,”
 “mason, he-“ donghan took the phone out of your hand and set it on the table beside him. “how hard is it to get your attention, because for mason it seems pretty easy.” 
 “i texted him first, you kinda left me hanging there in the car,”
 “so you text another guy? real clsssy y/n,” he sighed turning away. 
“donghan seriously? i love you,” 
 “prove it,” he snapped turning towards you, his eyes darker than they were a few moments before. “but like i said in the car, don’t start something you can’t finish” 
 you leaned in connecting your lips. it took almost no time for donghan to respond, pulling you into his lap and holding you close. he pulled away and latched his lips to your neck, quickly finding your sweet spot, causing you to let out a moan. his hands rested on your waist, moving you against his thigh, before ordering you move by yourself. his hands found the buttons on your blouse and started to unbutton it, marking the new exposed area. “d-donghan” you moaned, the pleasure from his thigh bringing you to your edge. 
 “i hate to break it to you baby girl but i think ive become more attached to ‘daddy’” he said against your breasts that he had begun to abuse, “plus i don’t think you deserve to cum yet,” he growled, pulling you off of him and laying you against the bed. he began to massage your breasts, whines leaving your mouth as he did so. 
“i was so close” “i told you not to start something you couldn’t handle.” he smirked, “too late to back out now” he leaned back in to revisit your neck as his fingers found your waist band. he pulled off your shorts and panties, leaving you completely exposed to him. he made his way down to your heat, nipping at the sensitive skin every once in a while. his lips wasted no time kissing your inner thighs, taking the skin between his teeth every so often.
 “please just hurry up,” “princess is impatient tonight. what do we say y/n?” you sighed, the teasing becoming too much, “daddy please just hurry up” “good girl,” he practically pitted against your heat causing you to jump. he took your clit into his mouth and began sucking mercilessly, causing you to start moving and moaning loudly. his hands spread your legs, giving him more access to your heat. he gave kitten licks to the rest of your folds before taking your strip back between his lips, grazing it with his teeth. 
 “i’m so close, please donghan” you said with your hands in his hair, pulling him as close as you could. he pulled away, his fingers entering you instead, pumping slowly. 
“i think you messed up again princess,” 
 “fuck” you muttered, trying to grind against his hand. 
 “i don’t think so,” he said, removing his fingers. his hand made its way to his crotch. “god damn it, look what you did. guess i’m done with my fun, i need you baby girl,” he stripped himself of his sweats and underwear, lining himself up at your entrance. without warning his slammed himself in, getting a loud reaction from you. 
he began moving his hips fluidly, as if it was a routine he’s been practicing for and is finally showcasing. normally donghan would keep asking if you were okay because he’s like twice your size and doesn’t want to hurt you, but it wasn’t like that today. his hips bucked against yours at a great speed, focused more on his own pleasure than your own. you came first, screaming as your high was finally allowed. what you didn’t account for was that donghan might take a bit longer than you, his speed not slowly even at your cries for him to stop. 
you squirmed against his member, clawing at his back as the feeling was overwhelming. you felt the familiar feeling coil in your stomach for what felt like the millionth time tonight, when donghan pulled out, and collapsed out of energy.  
“i-“ you breathed out, finally given time to relax, “did you even mean to do it that time?” “well of course, i got what i wanted.” he grinned, pulling your body against yours, draping the both of you with your sheet. he fell asleep not long after and you turned to look at his godly visuals. you thought to yourself, “i love you loser, and only you.” you sighed, “now how am i supposed to break it to you that mason is gay?” 
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