#might go to their concert in sf
5hehzada · 2 months
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finished up a sketch i ended up not using for the zine :) wanted to combine the choreo with the mv for this hehe
also initial sketch just for fun because it's terrible ->
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kestrelteens · 8 months
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Okay so I had this idea even last year! But I had already done my pumpkin patch (I peaked here lmao) and I was really bummed out that it was constantly crashing and unplayable (it was on the biggest lot size possible) so I decided to wait until this year to execute it! 🎃
So here's Will O' The Wisp's! It's a functioning restaurant inside a carved Halloween pumpkin? Yes! I thought why not? It's silly and it's cute and totally in the spirit of Simblreen. 👻
And it's got everything your simmies might need for an unforgettable spooky time: fine dining, a pumpkin patch to stroll through, a woodsy area with a big screen for some scary movie viewing and a concert area where you can listen to your neighbors rock 'n' rollin'. 💀
Have a looooot of fun! 🦉
download (sfs) // alt download (mediafire)
A bit more technical information (and preview pics) are under the cut! Please read it in order to make this community lot work properly in your game! It's super easy ♥
There's actually not much CC so I packaged the lot with all of it, please let me know if something's not showing up for you and I'll help you out ♥ Please use CleanInstaller.
BUT the lot was built with invisible walls so I'm assuming you need them in your game or else the pumpkin is going to look really weird lmao. You can get them HERE and they're super easy to install.
Other than that, you need the invisible door and the invisible tiles. Your sims will be walking through the pumpkin because I placed it on this special OMSP, so make sure to get that as well.
The pumpkin mesh is originally by vintagesimmer and I converted it and re-textured it completely for this purpose. It's included with the download so please, just in case, plop it in your Downloads folder 'cause it's the most important thing. I so desperately wanted to make it 'hood visible but unfortunately I didn't clone it the correct way from the beginning and would have to start the entire thing over, so... :(
Other than that, it's all good I guess? 🎃 Here are some more preview pics:
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matan4il · 9 months
For me, it's the way they were already smiling, but then their eyes meet and their smiles turn even wider. ;_; Like they can't help it.
This is from the Shopee Game Show that they recorded on Sep 1 at the latest, and that will air on Sep 9. Apparently, Mile stared at Apo so much while they were taking pics for promos, even the Shopee admin felt the need to tease Mile about it:
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Let me explain the following caption, since Google translate sucks. Mile and Apo were both asked to write the last word Mile sent over text messages. Mile wrote "okiee" while Apo wrote "I'll bring the [skincare] cream for you." Mile asked Apo to use the general chat, implying Apo's quote of Mile comes from their private one.
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And here, gif so you can see Mile's cute, flustered reaction to realizing Apo was quoting their private exchange:
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Also, in case anyone is interested, here's Mile and Apo's schedule for the near future:
Sep 7 - Mileapo do a live radio interview, later Mile will attend a Guerlain event Sep 9 - The full Shopee Game Show will be posted, Mileapo will be in Vietnam and give a press conference Sep 10 - Vietnam multi-star concert that includes Mileapo Sep 13 - Piaget event that Apo will attend Sep 15 - Roadshows for Major Group and SF Sep 17 - Mileapo will go to Laos for Man Suang promotion as the movie premieres there Sep 19 - Mileapo Srichand live Sep 21 - Mileapo will go to Vietnam for Man Suang promotion for a special afternoon screening Sep 22 - Flight back to Bangkok Sep 24 - (confirmed) Flight to Paris Sep 26 - Fashion week in Paris Dior's event (PFW starts on 25, when they arrive, so they might have more to do on the 25th, too)
(for all of my Mileapo/Kinnporsche content, including another cute Mileapo moment from this game show that I included in yesterday's post, click here)
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telesilla · 14 days
Ogdred and I are on our own this weekend. Originally Nancy and I were both supposed to go into SF for the weekend because there’s a Final Fantasy music thing at Davies. But Ogdred is just starting to come out of his post-loss behavioral issues and I was afraid both of us being gone would set him back. So she found a fellow FC person to go to the concert with and I’m settled in with pie, weed, YouTube and books. I might not even leave the house until I go pick her up at the station.
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indelicateink · 1 year
struggle of the pedant making present-day tvl art:
Seeking input: Lestat's big concert is book-canonically in San Francisco. But apparently if he were to be playing to the biggest crowd possible in a present-day* situation, perhaps it would really be in Santa Clara at Levi's Stadium (source: extensive googling + a massive acts touring rn like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift. caveat: i don't book big concerts, i'm at the mercy of google).
You might be "coming to San Francisco," but you're really playing Santa Clara (the same thing happens here in Dallas, I get it).
However concert posters for Levi's do tend to say "Santa Clara" not SF. And I'm going to feel a bit odd not putting SF on this tour poster.
Or: we're in vampireland fantasyworld and he could be playing Invented World's-Biggest-Stadium in San Francisco proper.
is seeing "Santa Clara" on a TVL poster a needle scratch for you?
is seeing "San Francisco" on a TVL soothing to your soul and hey fuck reality?
as someone in the know of San Francisco-area concerts, are you willing to suspend your disbelief that the biggest act imaginable is playing at [Insert FantasyName Stadium], San Francisco? Or is that as laughable as saying a football team squeezed into a Mini Cooper?
So, in your humble opinion, if Lestat is as massive as Beyoncé/Swift/et al, and is playing to San Francisco present-day, and the poster says the venue & city like the posters I'm referencing:
*(this is not to quibble as to whether or not The Concert Has Happened Yet or When in AMC canon lol. I respect all views on the debate. I'm just makin' some fan art, got stuck on a present-day detail.)
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ladybeug · 1 year
hello!! i love your fanmix for metamorphosis! as a fellow mountain goat and metamorphosis enthusiast i was wondering what were your thoughts on heel turn 2 as an adrien song, considering both the lyrics and the definition of a heel turn in wrestling?
I would absolutely love to share my thoughts and I will give you the bottom line up front which is that heel turn 2 is not an Adrien song.
I’m guessing we may already be on the same page here, but you have given me a fantastic opportunity to talk about heel turn 2 and I am taking it!!
We’re talking about this at all because, as you and I know (but other people might want a refresher), heel turn 2 is a song about a good guy who decides to be a bad guy.
I can sum up why it’s not an Adrien Metamorphosis song with a quick look at one lyric, which holds the tone of the entire song: Throw my better self overboard, shoot at him when he comes up for air.
Consider: Adrien throws his better self overboard. But then when his better self comes up for air, he throws a lifesaver, and eventually grabs on with both hands and painfully hauls said self back on the boat, at great personal risk and injury. This is opposite to the spirit and point of heel turn 2.
We have now talked lyrics, let's talk wrestling metaphors, and for that I'd like to turn to Mr Mountain Goats himself. Indulge me with this, it's long but worth it:
The first time I ever heard Heel turn 2 was live in concert, at the filmore in SF 2015. I went to see the tour without listening to the album, I was there for the hits. I didn't know anything about wrestling, but before he sang heel turn 2, John Darnielle spoke for about two and a half minutes and I'll never forget it because I recorded it and I have that mp3 on my computer close to ten years later and I have just transcribed it for you here:
“The beauty of wrestling is that, you know… in life, you meet somebody, maybe someone you know, family, whatever… and you would like to say, that’s just a villain, that’s an evil villain! But you know, we also had some times that were special, that were amazing… but the evil, evil villain was genuinely evil! But then we did some things… and it’s complicated, it’s what makes your whole existence complicated! Because everybody you know is like that.
But you yearn in your spirit for the heroes and the villains, you would like to have somebody where you go: that’s an asshole, I don’t like that guy, I hate that guy. This is the gift that wrestling gives us. We have the heels.
Now they’re complex – but the question of good or evil is not complex. Either they’re bad or they’re good. Eventually, they boil down to that. You see the bad guy and you know that all he wants to do is hurt the good guy. It defines him, his desire to wound and injure, and cause the good guy to suffer.
And the good guy, you see him, you don’t know much about him besides that he’s good, because you know, good is sort of less magnetic than evil.
But one of the greatest things that can happen in wrestling is when the good guy – the ‘face’, which is short for babyface, when the good guy, in front of everybody, turns heel. And the reason it’s great is because you can relate, right, you watch him, and you think... oh man. He’s decided he doesn’t care if people hate him now. He’s going to get what he wants.
Neither you nor I will ever have that moment in our lives. This is not going to happen. Because you do care – yes, you do – you can’t rid yourself of that because if you do rid yourself of that then you’re a sociopath, so you have to live in the complex world.
But in wrestling you get to enjoy, vicariously, the sight of somebody going, “I am going to embrace evil. And get out of here alive. And that’s the only thing that matters in my entire life, at this moment, in front of all these people. This is called Heel Turn 2.”
Heel turn 2 is not about Adrien. Adrien in metamorphosis lives in the complex world, where he has to care about what people think of him or he’s a sociopath. He struggles nonstop with the evil evil villains who he had some amazing times with, but they were evil, and he also IS the evil villain, but... and it’s complicated, because everyone you know is like that!
In my mind, Adrien is one of us, the people watching wrestling, and listening to this song, who can feel the relief and vicious joy of somebody going “I am going to embrace evil. And get out of here alive.” because it’s something we can never have. That’s the connection for me, that the catharsis of heel turn 2 would land with him, rather than that heel turn 2 describes him as a cathartic figure for the reader.
Which is why it’s not an Adrien song, but why we are here having this conversation. Thank you so much for asking.
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tl2so4 · 1 year
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This is an awesome account of the events that happened that day. It is written by Jeffery - the guy in the fur hat in the front row. Enjoy!
June, 1967
Through SF State College, which I am going to a few years out of the Navy using my GI Bill benefits, I get a summer job through school that has a hundred dollar a month expenses. I go down to the Psychedelic Shop on Haight Street, where a lot of community activities come from and offer them the money. Ron Thelin, who runs the store with his brother Jay, says yes, they can use the money to rent a flatbed truck (for a stage) and a generator (for the guitars) as there is a free concert in the Panhandle of Golden Gate Park on that coming Sunday, June 25, 1967 and asks me to show up for the meeting around 10am Sunday morning.
I wake up that morning in my 75 dollar a month houseboat at Gate 5, Main dock, make a cup of coffee and toast, jump into my car, then leave and drive up the Waldo Grade, go through the tunnel and blast out into brilliant sunlight, wondering now and then, who is going to be performing at this free concert as Jay had never said who it might be.
I glide over that gorgeous Golden Gate bridge, then take the 19th Avenue exit and wend my way to Fulton and finally park in front of the shop on Haight and go in.
There are 4 or 5 guys who are really putting this show together and the work has mostly been taken care of. I just stand quietly st the back of the room. Finally, Jay asks if anyone has a car. I leave my hand down but finally tell him that I do.
"Go down to the Travelodge at Fishermen's Wharf", he tells me, matter-of-factly, "knock on door 157 and bring Jimi Hendrix back to the site, parking on Fell near Ashbury".
I nod to him like I do this stuff every day, jump in my beat-up '59 Studebaker ragtop, pull out and head over. On the way, I think back to last week's Monterey Pop Festival, where a simple twist of fate played out big for me.
The morning of Monterey, my wife ran off with my last roommate in college. About a half hour later, sitting on the edge of the bed dejectedly, there is a knock on the door and my neighbor, Dan Hicks, wants to know if I want to make 20 bucks as he needs help humping music amps and guitars to the Festival. Twenty minutes later, we cross the Golden Gate Bridge and make our way to the Monterey Fairgrounds.
While humping a large amp, Dan on one end and me on the other, I notice something shiny on the ground and squat quickly down and stuff it into my jeans and proceed. We get all the equipment in and I get my 20 bucks and am now outside the gate. Don't know exactly what to do, but after pulling out the shiny object, it turns out to be a simple pin-back with a card that says BACKSTAGE PASS on it.
Things are looking up. The only SLIGHTLY bad thing is it also has someone else's name written on it as well. But, hell, what can they do to me and I am never averse to taking risks, so I pin it on and walk up to the hefty guard at the gate, who sees I have THE PASS and I am in!
I saw a lot of music that weekend, but Otis Redding's scintillating set on Saturday night, even sharing a joint with David Crosby, was a real peak event I have never forgotten. What a professional set he laid down. The best.
Then, Sunday, when I hear Jimi is about to perform, I go out in the left side of the stage and stand behind a curtain that is all there is between me and him and he totally blows us all away, then picks up a can of Ronson lighter fluid while he is down on his knees making love to his guitar during Wild Thing and his guitar is now flaming and then he breaks up that guitar and lobs pieces of it to audience members and leaves the stage.
Wow; Monterey Pop. But that was last week and now I am in the parking lot and I go up to the door and knock and, like in a dream, there is Jimi, who just picks up his guitar and gets in the back seat of my garbage car and off we go. Just being around him a few minutes and you know he is basically a shy cat and the only thing he mentions is how much he digs my Russian fur hat which is only a woman's fur piece I got at the Digger's Free Store on Cole St. just off Haight a few weeks back and made into a hat. I try to give it to him but he declines saying it wouldn't fit over his hair and I am very happy as it looks so good on me.
We pull up, he gets out and wanders over to the stage while I roll up a quick joint and take five fast puffs, laughing as I can't see anything in my smoky car. I don't want to miss a beat, but decide that since I drove him there, I am going to get up close and observe. As you can see, I kind of got the best seat in the house even if I am standing, Notice I am holding his microphone cable. And smiling big. Why not? Ringside with the most amazing guitar player. Ever. I don't even notice Jim Marshall, SF's iconic rock photographer, snapping photos.
This was on Sunday, June 25, 1967 and I went on with my life which took me to Woodstock and driving a big Hog Farm hippie bus for a few years across America and then I got to Europe and hired on as a driver for a British hippie bus taking 25 paying passengers (75 dollars one-way) from Amsterdam to Afghanistan and spent five years doing that including the beaches of Goa, India and trekking in the Himalayas of Nepal and I was pretty busy and never once told that Jimi story to anyone at any time. It was just this serendipitous, precious moment in my life.
But then, I went over to my friend Wrinkle's one day in 1988 but he was out, so I was sitting with his then 18 year old son Austin and thinking of having a conversation and he was the drummer in a garage band, so out comes that story of Jimi and me. Of course, he didn't believe me but was too kind to say so. I went home afterwards and a few days later, I get a call from his dad and he says "Hey, I am looking at a picture of you and Jimi Hendrix. Now it's my turn to not believe him, but I go over and...
So Austin has this pal Jameson Grant and Jameson's parents went to live in Iowa for a couple of years, his junior and senior year in high school. One day, he is thumbing through a guitar magazine and there is a full page photo of Jimi Hendrix and me, but he doesn't know me then, but he really likes this picture and asks his pal if he can have it and his friend says buy me a hamburger and it's yours! But, when he goes back to California, he takes it with him and one day his friend Austin comes over and tells him the tall tail he thinks I told him and Jameson says Well, I have a picture of Jimi Hendrix in San Francisco in my suitcase and shows it to Austin who freaks out saying I thought Jeff was BSing me but THAT'S HIM. Jim Marshall took the photo and I now have seen it in a Rolling Stone and seen it many other places, showing Jimi Hendrix and me, smack dab in the middle of the Summer of Love and it doesn't get much better than that."
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Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
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rainyfestivalsweets · 8 months
Stuff I ate today. And I went to a bluegrass concert.
Cleaned the morning & afternoon. Just kept picking a task to complete & see how far I could get.
The to go cup is an apple cider tea, oolong, sf spiced apple cider flavoring & cayenne.
Lots of leftovers from Ruby Tuesday. There was a little steak under those potatoes.
There was also a konjac snack in the car driving to the concert.
The quest bar.... I don't think I have had this before.... next time I might try it warmed up.
The cucumber is covered in sf maple syrup & pumpkin pie from flavoe gods for a late night sweet snack. I believe I got this from YouTuber Julia Rene, she is a super hot bodybuilding goddess. Super hot.
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scary-ivy · 1 year
Elvis Costello and the Imposters at Golden Gate Theater, SF 6/13/23 Concert Notes
-we missed the beginning of Nick Lowe's set :( but we came in to Los Straightjackets doing a really good jam
-then Nick Lowe came back and did Trombone and Cruel to Be Kind. He really sang great tonight, better than last time I saw him and I loved his little stage mannerisms which were very Carl Perkins, bending his legs and such. Then he said one more song and this song is a story and did I Knew The Bride When She Used to Rock & Roll. During the "When she used to pony" part he kept repeating the same line over and over like a skipping record, and then yelled "somebody stop me!" which I thought was quite clever and funny. He also forgot a line at one point lol.
- On to the other show, they opened with Mystery Dance! A very high-energy version of it, with extra guitar solos or something idk it just sounded great tonight.
-Right into This Years Girl. Love that they did it, thought the way Elvis sings it now is quite strange. Must be a deliberate choice on his part since he can sing his old songs normally when he wants to. His voice was great on all the fast songs, it didn't feel at all like he was falling behind on them tonight, like it sometimes does nowadays.
-At some point Elvis randomly said "Uno Dos Tres Quatro" as like a count in to one of these songs.
-Hatty O' Hara Confidential. He yelled something like "who's scandalous tonight? People in the top row?!". This song always kills live, Elvis Costello has insane flow for no fucking good reason, even with alternate rhythm patterns. At one point he said "confidential" in a fake French accent randomly.
-At this point I was thinking even if the rest of the show sucks, this was worth it.
-Costello told one of his rambling stories. It started with "we were just up in Canada and the border guard, who was a young man, and I call him a young man…because I can, I was very polite to him because he had a colt gun onn his hip, but he read the papers and said "Eddie Costello". So we're thinking about changing the name, it's either going to be "Eddie Costello and His Imposters" *crowd cheers for this option* or "Elvis Money and His Two Tickets to Paradise". *Crowd cheers and calls out what option they want* I toured with Eddie Money and they put us together every through our styles were very different. To be hip with the kids, they made art for the poster where it looks like we're both wearing lipstick. And I'll say, Eddie Money looked a lot better in lipstick than me." (Sidenote I can't believe he said this. Much to unpack). During this whole speech he said fucking and fuck so many times. Then he said it was great that he and Eddie Money were on the same label as a bunch of other greats (I forget which ones he listed but Bruce Springsteen was one of them). The crowd cheered for name-dropping of bands they like. He said "you had to be careful as a young man buying records…you might accidentally pick up something by Rush…or Styx." The crowd started half booing for this dig. "I almost picked up Metal by Pink and His Floyds. The record store cleck said…don't get that one son…you might hurt yourself". He started talking about Bruce Springsteen and how he made America seem so magical with girls in red dresses wind in your hair, and how he picked up a Bruce Springsteen record in 73' and it inspired him to write this song.
-then almost midsentce he went into Radio Radio, like one second talking next second Radio Radio. Loved Steve Nieve's piano part, as usual.
-Elvis Costello said "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Steve Nieve!!!" about 6 gooddamn times during this concert. He introduced the rest of the band about 3 or 4 times. Steve Nieve deserved the extra introduction because they did so many songs as like a duo.
- When I was Cruel No. 2. Elvis sat on a stoll near the piano that has this little sound effect board kinda like the one Gerard Way has and Steve Nieve played the melodica? I did not know he could play that, it was awesome. During the ABBA reference part Steve played a minor key version of the dancing queen riff, it was very subtle and extremely cool.
-they were like a jam band tonight? Jamming on long solos in the middle of songs and it always sounded extremely good, like as good as the Beatles or Jimi Hendrix or something, I was just blown away. Elvis played a couple notes on the piano when Steve was soloing, lol.
- We are All Cowards Now hit insanely hard. The political message came through so clearly it sounded like a prayer, no a plea for peace. When he said "throw down your arms" and held his hands up everyone held their hands up.
- "Anyone here like New Wave music? I hate it, horrible speed-up stuff. I was once accused of playing it, and that wounded me deeply, the type of sadness that comes to you when you wake up at 3 am in the morning, and you can't find your car keys but then you find them, but you don't have a car, and then you find your house keys but you don't have a house". Mistook Me For A Freind, which has such a great high energy live sounds like it could be off this years model.
-Accidents Will Happen, fully as the solo piano version, except for at the very end with the "I knows" we were encouraged to sing along with. What a lovely treat to hear it fully as a ballad.
- Waiting For The End of the world, which rules, but also Elvis did a funny thing were he just said "Waiting" and then cut it off and paused the first time, before after a pause finally getting to the "Good Lawd!" part, like continuously teasing the audice each time as people sang the normal line. The rest of the song simmered down along with the pause, increasing the impact of this bit.
- "Clown Around Town" wound up being a very cute acoustic song. He explained the story that he was looking out at the sunrise in Reno and all they had for scenery was a miserable looking clown statue holding up a drum. He said they should put that on postcards for the town, and then said actually it's a very nice town nice people it's not their fault they left an old clown out in the rain. Then did the song on acoustic guitar, except for the end the band joined in. Loved it, just a cute little song, which was refreshing considering what the rest of the music is like.
- MASHUP OF WELCOME TO THE WORKING WEEK AND WORKING MAN BLUES. Man can they do country, switching styles so easily , and I was so happy to hear one of my favorite songs and a clever mashup too.
-WHAT IF I CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING BUT LOVE! I WAS WORRED THEY WEREN'T GOING TO DO IT. I'm literally in heaven during the solos during this song. Idk what it is but it's just so so good and satisfying to hear. Elvis hit falsetto on end of the second bridge, which was unexpected.
-he sat down in a big red chair, said "a throne fit for a king", random said "I'm colorblind" and didn't elaborate. Panted audibly into the mic an alarming amount, like I was genuinely concerned, then said "I'm not sitting down because I'm tired, it's so that I can look into your wicked souls" 
-Said he got the news that he had been dreading but also expecting for a while, that his friend Burt Bacharach had passed away. The crowd audibly :( at this, I guess some of them didn't know and were just now finding out? He said he got the news at while on tour and it was hard to think of doing a show right after that. He said they were working on the remastered collaboration album right before Burt passed away, as something he left them, and Burt still said the track order was wrong. Apparently they worked on and off together for like 30 years? Since the 90s. He then said Burt Bacharach songs were like overhearing a couple talking in some sexy language like Portuguese or French, joked about doing a song in German and how long the bars would have to be to fit in the words, and then said he only learned about two words in Portuguese and they're both in this song, which was Toledo. As like a piano and acoustic guitar piece, lovely.
-He then said they were always doing new takes on old songs because they were trying to find some reason to keep doing this, but the end was near. The way he said that I wasn't sure if he meant the end of touring, the end of his life, or the end of the world. He said it so bitterly.
-Everyday I Write The Book as a slow acoustic guitar and piano ballad. Fucking beautiful, and genuinely so sad and heartbreaking to hear idk why it worked so well.
-Immediately up into a fast song, I forget which one.
-Costello had a couple long guitar solo moments, and they were awesome, he's genuinely gotten so much better on guitar, lots of picking individual strings while holding the same chord and bending it a lot. Simple but effective.
-I Don't Want To Go to Chelsea, Magnificent Hurt, and Pump It Up, lovely high energy section. Dancing in the seats. 
- "we've got just one more song for you tonight" this was a lie.
- said "we just learned this song today, I'm getting a bit excited" and did some song about Licorice, which I think is either a cover or new. Very bawdy song, but it was fun.
-to the audience: "We want you individually, and as a group" ???
-I Don't Want You Lyndon Johnson was very interesting. Last year Elvis Costello did a little spoken word bit in the middle of Watching the Detectives called "Invisible Woman" and I noticed parts of the words of that in this. Also just found it pretty funny and listenable, I hope he does another country album I'm liking all these acoustic little songs. 
- He invited Nick Lowe back up to the stage?!? I literally freaked out like. I was hoping they would do this last time. They did Indoor Fireworks as a duet, trading off verses, which was beautiful. I was surprised by how good their harmonies sounded - their voices are so different but work so well together. I saw Nick signaling to Elvis to repeat the last verse another time.
-for the second time we were told that there was just one more song, which once again was a lie.
-Whats So Funny Bout (Peace Love and Understanding) as a duet! I've wanted this since they first started touring with Nick Lowe, this rules. Lowe did the "for the children of the new generation" spoken word part perfectly. They started doing this funny little thing where Elvis would move his guitar to one position then Nick would mirror it, like a little dance
- "When we first did this song Nick Lowe wouldn't let me play guitar on it he kept me behind a glass wall in the corner of the studio." 
-Allison as a duet with Nick Lowe, it was beautiful with the harmonies, with Lowe doing great on his verse. During the last chords they dropped out and let the audience sing it, and the audience somehow sang Allison perfectly, one of them said "so pretty".
-giving Good Omens vibes with all the songs about the end of the world and especially with Nick in white with normal glasses and Elvis in all black with dark glasses.
-My mom said "this felt like a farewell tour" and that broke my heart because it honestly did. I've literally seen Elvis Costello and the Imposters every year for three years in a row and yet I don't want this to end. But yeah,they could definitely take a break, they tour and release new stuff so much more often than any other band I follow. 
- Probably one of, if not the best Elvis Costello and the Imposters concerts I've been to because it was great energy the whole time, and I knew every song (except for the new ones, which were also great). Highlights for me was getting to hear so many songs off of My Aim Is True, This Years Girl, What If I Can't Give You Anything But Love, WELCOME TO THE WORKING WEEK, Accidents Will Happen Ballad version, Everyday I Write The Book ballad version, and Nick Lowe coming back on stage near the end which was like a dream come true.
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Finally got to see the campus tonight because we went out to see the university's symphony orchestra. Ah, nostalgia! The conductor chose repertoire that was kinda punching above these kids' weight class but they gave it a valiant effort. Incidentally, I found out they do invite members of the community to audition, but I'm not really jonesing for orchestral repertoire anymore and their violin sections are plenty full; that small stage was practically groaning under the weight of everyone on it.
I'm aware that my experience of high school orchestra may have been something of an... outlier... (living in SF where a ridiculous number of kids were either taking lessons from former/active members of the SFS or were students at the SFCM), but I didn't quite realize how incredibly fucking spoiled I also was going to a university with such a huge and extremely hardcore music department. I'm glad I got to take advantage of it for music theory and history, and also that I got to attend so many fucking awesome concerts, but I'm sad that I was so burnt out on... life... by that point that I didn't have the energy to commit to the performance side of a music minor. What might have been, had I taken a different path...
One fun thing about watching this orchestra is that I think I spotted some violinists who come from a bluegrass or trad Irish background instead of classical. The way they hold the violin is more forward-facing like a Baroque violin, even though they're on modern instruments. Whereas the classically-trained kids all hold their violins with a very uniform modern left-shoulder grip. If I'm right, I wanna know where I can hear them do some fiddling too.
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fantabulouskilljoys · 10 months
8, 11, 14, 26, 29 for the concert ask 👀
8. Which concert did you vibe most with the crowd?
Answered Hozier at the Troubadour and They Might be Giants earlier but on further reflection my real fav was actually a super indie show. I saw Moxie with Sun Casino and Jacklen Ro at Bottom of the Hill in SF, a fantastic little dive bar with super indie lineups that I try to go to every time I'm in the area. These bands sound like sunshine, their music is such a good vibe and felt so wonderful in such a small space. I met up with a few tumblr mutuals there and the opening bands joined the mosh pit, it was so sweet and everyone in the crowd was having such a great time.
11. Have you ever sat front row at a show?
Most of the shows I go to are general admission or have a pit at the front; I can't think of a time it's been seated and I had the front row. But I've been at the barricade for:
Glass Animals
Bad Suns, opener was Last Dinosaurs
Ginger Root
Mustard Service, opener was late night drive home
The Longest Johns
The Wrecks, opener was Arlie
Bad Sex, opener was The Ravagers
Moxie with Sun Casino and Jacklen Ro
The Moss
L.S. Dunes with Pinkshift (had so much fun helping security get the crowd surfers at this one and kept getting callouts from the band <3 got covid tho so 9/10).
This list will be twice as long by the end of the year lmao, whenever something is general admission I get there as early as I can and I go to lots of little venues <3
14. Are you a phone in hand recording/taking pics so you can watch later concert goer or a phone in back pocket living in the moment type?
Sooooo that really depends, at these tiny venues the sound mixing isn't going to come across really well on a camera but when you know all the lyrics and are just vibing with everything close to the amps, earplugs in? It's not about how it sounds. I think the last concert I recorded completely was mcr night 5 (oh god almost a year ago), but I like to record at least whatever the biggest hit by a band is or my fav song and just enjoy the moment for the rest <3
26. Do you get concert hangovers? Or post concert depression?
I don't even get regular hangovers 😅 After MCR LA Night 5 I drove 3 hours back home and spent 4 hours finishing a lab report. I love concerts so much and have like. a post concert glow for a few days.
29. Do you usually have a few alcoholic beverages or do you hydrate intentionally with a bunch of water?
I bring a huge water bottle for the drive there and another for the drive back every time and usually have one big beer if I'm driving myself but maybe more if someone else is driving. But uh. I mostly go to concerts by myself or drive friends since I can drive 6 hours across LA for something, mosh, and still be fine in the morning. I don't know how I do it either but I try not to ask too many questions.
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celestialpotat0 · 5 months
I'm definitely old now
In 2023 I struggled to reconcile my desire to stay out late at night and make memories with my desire to have a restful sleep schedule. In my 20s I would regularly leave the house after 11pm because many spots and events don't get lit til around 12am. In 2023 I think I pretty much always chose sleep over staying up. Was supposed to go clubbing for my friend's birthday party, and I really wanted to go. But I probably wouldn't have been home til 3am, which would inevitably cause me to wake up early to go into work after some sleep-deprived days. I'd risk making mistakes at work or thinking too slowly at work, which could cause patient harm. Then I'd go home from work and be too tired to meal prep, work out, clean, study, etc. so that day would be wasted. And it'd take prob a few days to correct the 1 night of staying up too late. So i told him wouldnt be able to stay up late for clubbing, and in a way i shocked myself at how unfamiliar this new me is, given how much i loved going out dancing.
The Killers have a special place in my heart because their music transports me back to the middle school version of myself. I listened to Hot Fuss so many times in middle school and the drama spoke to my angsty, emotional, and insecure self. that younger version of me who constantly dreamed about a grander life. When they came to SF, I knew that it'd mean so much to go to their concert; I have this obsession with nostalgia and attaching sentimental significance to certain things so I can commemorate memories and try to relive or reexperience them. (yes i realize that was extremely redundant word choice but idc bc i gotta head into work in a bit.) But I decided with difficulty to miss their concert since I had early morning work the next day.
I have extra special fond memories of NYE in past years- gathering with lots of strangers, dancing, bundled up under thick layers and scarves to ring in the new year. in those moments that you're gathering and celebrating and chanting the last ten seconds of the year out loud in unison with everyone around you, you KNOW you're going to remember those exact moments of revelry and joy for years to come. but i turned down my friend's invitation to celebrate this year because i had work in the morning on New year's day.
These are just some examples of when me in my 20s might have leaned toward going. While I admit the clubbing may have been the pursuit of hedonism as dancing is joy found in a simple act of moving to music and allows me to leave all my worries behind off the dance floor, the concert was more about nostalgia and NYE was more about creating memories. In 2023, there were many other times when I consistently chose over and over again to NOT stay out late. Mainly because I felt an obligation to be responsible for my job. friend invited me to watch a movie that starts at 7pm next Friday--I told him I'll have to sit this one out because idk if i'll even be awake by the end of the movie.
a 7pm movie on a friday evening is too late for me now... welcome to my 30s.
I've recently started to reframe my perspective on getting older. im obviously starting to realize now that I feel way more wrecked on 5 hours of sleep than i used to. body aches appear spontaneously now. the appearance of my body and face is not what it used to be. but im actually really appreciating the present, because i think about how in my 40s I'm going to WISH I could be back in my 30s. And in my 50s I'm going to think man I really had it good in my 40s. So thinking of future me makes me appreciate the body I have today, and I actually feel grateful. I'm quite proud of shifting my perspective because when I was like 28-30 I used to feel miserable about the thought of getting older. I had best fully appreciate this time now, because it will slip away into the past, so I want to savor it all now while Im lucky enough to have it. i will say the weights ive been lifting have been the heaviest theyve ever been, so there are small victories.
My really dear friend is in her 90s and has sciatica. She has been in a lot of pain. But the other day I received a package from her in the mail. She'd sent me pecan pie and cookies. To know that she baked a pie and cookies and packaged them up and shipped them over to me from San Clemente, all despite her sciatica pain, is one of the most meaningful acts of kindness i've received. As i get older I also better understand just how much love is delivered through food. anyone who has cooked and prepared food for me, i realize how much it takes to do that and the abundance of love that is poured into and expressed through food. im so inspired and touched to witness that kindness and am grateful our paths crossed.
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sehunniepotwrites · 1 year
Ahh nice! I’ll be in the Bay area soon for vacation. If you have any restaurant recs for San Francisco, please lmk!
Would love to meet up at the concert but I’m still kinda shy about my identity aha. Especially since I’ve left the fanfic world. But I’m glad you (and honestly probably some more of my old moots) will be there! Can feel the Neo City energy together.
[Submitting the boyfriend part separately bc I think a friend of his is on NCT Tumblr, so could you possibly not include my text here teehee]
So glad we’re both thriving! :))
- 🌥️ anon
OOF RESTAURANTS IN SF! Long list of recs coming through hehe.
Here are some of the ones I love:
San Tung - Chinese Food, best known for their wings
Bottega - Italian, good food (love the lasagna and the mezzemaniche boscaiola) BUT they play EDM music which doesn't match the vibe of the place lmao
Boudin - clam chowder, there's multiple locations but the one on Fisherman's Wharf is pretty cool because it's also the factory! there might be better clam chowder options but my family always goes to Boudin
Tonga Room - a Tiki bar I frequent! i mostly go there to drink (Mai Tais!!!!) but i did eat there once! the mongolian beef was delicious lmao; go around 7pm-ish because the live band (that floats on a boat in the middle of the restaurant!! there's literally a body of water in the middle!) performs at 7:30 and on!
The Pots - Hot Pot, v self-explanatory HAHA
Mona Lisa - Italian
Marufuku Ramen
Lolinda - Latin American Steakhouse ($$$)
Shizen - Vegan Sushi
Bread n' Chu - Japanese sandwiches; so obsessed with their chicken katsu and tonkatsu sandwiches!
Places I haven't gone but my friends vouch for:
Dumpling Home - Dim Sum
Beit Rima - Mediterranean
Nopalito - Mexican
Che Fico - Italian
Jaranita - Peruvian
Tortas los picudos - Mexican
No worries, I respect your boundaries hehe <3 We'll still be crying over Dream together and having the best time!
He sounds like an AMAZING person, I'm so glad you found a partner like him! He reminds me of a mix between JohnJaeYu??? Like personality wise, JohnJae. Johnny because of the positive confidence he exudes, which is completely different from cockiness, how is outgoing and can bring everyone together. Jae with the class pres feel and popularity. Bed part goes for both those guys up there. And Yuta comes in with the last (and very sweet part!) about his former job since Yuta had that job too!!! Idk who had in mind but that's my lil inkling. Ahhh he sounds so sweet!!!
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veronicasanders · 2 years
Tell me about something that left a lasting impression on you, a concert, music festival, theater play, art exhibit, drag show, movies in theater, anything at all💖
Oooooh great question!! Okay, so the last show I saw live was Sasha Velour's "Smoke and Mirrors" tour, and it was fucking amazing. If you ever get the chance to see her perform live, GRAB IT. She's unbelievable.
It probably goes without saying, but seeing Courtney live is one of my favorite things. I've loved all of her one woman shows, as well as the AAA and ABCD tours, but my favorite might be the Christmas show she did the year Trump won the election (understandably titled "Lump of Coal" because that's all America deserved), which I got to see in LA (first performance) and SF (last performance) and it was just wonderful both times for very different reasons.
(On another drag note, I always absolutely get a kick out the the Peaches Christ shows, and highly recommend those--they're always in SF but also travel to other cities sometimes so follow her!)
Also not shocking for anyone who knows me...Madonna's live concerts are always life-changing. It's a tough call, but I think my favorites are between the Confessions tour and MDNA, because the way they start is just EPIC.
I'm a musical theatre nerd, and I fucking looooved Six. It's an absolutely brilliant show, and I'm sure it's only gotten better since I saw it years ago, before the West End debut. (I used to check iTunes for the soundtrack weekly and SCREAMED when they finally released the score.) I think one of my all-time favorite performances was the Broadway revival of Pippin with Patina Miller--just chills the entire time.
Also, I've been lucky enough to see the Alvin Ailey Dance company at least every couple of years since I was a kid and they're just phenomenal. Fortunately, the dance world is a lot more diverse now than when they started, but I think they still bring a totally needed perspective to contemporary ballet. Some of the alumni also created another company called Complexions (who I just looked up and they're gonna be in Germany this summer so I may need to get my ass on a train!) and it's stunning.
This might be random but there was a sculpture exhibition I saw years ago in the Berkshires, and I still think about that frequently because they were just so incredibly beautiful.
I feel like I should just stop talking because I could honestly go on forever with this question...
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I'm just gonna say it, Todoroki is by far one of the least most boring characters. I don't see how he is a boring character when even before he opens up and makes friends...
His realization that Hagakure got sent to the mountain area, too - "I didn't even know she was there"
Declares war on Midoriya and not even sooner theorizes Midoriya to be All Might's secret love child
Rewind to before the SF, he helps All Might trick the other students (first OVA)
Flash forward, he calls the Chief of the damn Police a "damn mutt" and I swear he was stepping up to fight him... AT A HOSPITAL
Sasses Aizawa during the exam - "what are you some kind of ninja?"
Pretty much told Midoriya "you are awfully nosy" (while also being the one to have told Midoriya about his childhood before Midoriya could even blink)
Decorated his room within hours in the same day of moving in (how did anyone not hear him remodeling?)
Suggests the class do a concert after suggesting a soba stall
"Actually, sir, fertilizer---"
5 Weenies Man
He doesn't care how many times Bakugou opposes, they are friends
I'm sure he tried to unalive Tetsutetsu (not really)
Tells Endeavor "this is not a father-son activity, I'm just here to use you, you are trash" (not those exact words, but we all know this is what he meant)
Wanted to know Bakugou's hero name even though Bakugou told Midoriya no
I could go on and on, but you know... manga spoilers and whatnot.
I'm just saying, Todoroki isn't boring and and he's a fun character to explore when considering writing him in fanfics.
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strawberrielarrie · 4 years
Music Industry Stunts and why they happen
Stunts are a big part of the music industry, you may not know it, but they are.  The purpose of stunts is to push a certain narrative to the general public. Now this could mean many different things, PR relationship; coverups; or to peak the publics interest. Why? You may ask, why would the artist do this, why wouldn’t they just be truthful? Well, many don’t have a choice, the music industry is a place that I wish no one would have to be in, it is a cruel and awful place to be if you don’t know how to get around it, or if you don’t have the correct connections. In the past (and still now), many big brand music industries, such as Sony Music and Warner Music have controlled artists immensely.
George Michael
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As a legend in the music industry, George Michael is a well-known name in the average household. From his time in the hit duo “Wham!”, Michael’s music was distributed through CBS, but in 1987 Sony took over and that’s when things went downhill. Michael reveled in the popularity of his hit album “Faith” in 1987, and so did Sony, because he was earning them money.
But that ended quickly with the news of his next album “Listen Without Prejudice” in 1990, Sony refused to promote the album and appear in the music videos for it. Michael in turn, disputed his contract with Sony, but he could not do close to anything, because Sony possessed the power of approval over everything that he put out. Meaning, George Michael could not release music without it going through the board of Sony, and if he did, he could get sued and fired.
(Sony is a whole other world of fucked up, they fucked MJ up so badly, Sony Kills)
During this whole time, George came clean, saying that the board of Sony, used many different homophobic slurs against him, and wouldn’t let him release any music that seemed to allude to the fact that he was gay.
George Michael brought Sony to court in 1993, claiming that between 1987-1992, he had made worldwide profits of £7.35 million ($9.8 million) compared to Sony making £52.45 million ($70 million). Ultimately, the case lasted till June 1994, and Michael had lost, the judge claiming that it was fair. Michael retaliated saying how Sony is “Professional Slavery”.
Suzanne Kessler, Entertainment attorney at Bone McAllester Norton and former in-house attorney at A&M Records and Universal Music Group stated, “There are two sides to this tale,” she said. “The music business is a relationship business, and he was uneasy with what was happening. A label often wants an artist to continue to trade on their established brand with the public. But after “Faith” Michael was trying for a new direction, to be taken more seriously as an artist instead of just as a pop star sex symbol.”
This brings me to my next point,
 Closeting in the Industry
(Now I could go on for day about closeting in the music industry, but I will only give you the basis and then I will link another post that goes further in depth.)
Closeting is not a rare thing in the music industry, it in fact happens more than you might think. Many different artists have come forward, saying how their management said they should remain closeted to the general public, in order to maintain the brand that has been established. A popular example of this would be Sam Smith, they were offered multiple times by their management to have a beard. More closeting in the industry comes from Colton Haynes, who has been open about how his management closeted him because he “could not be gay and work in the industry”.
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Colton link
Beard: A woman or man who fake dates a person of the LQBTQ+ Community, to hide their real sexual orientation or identity
 The Types of Stunts and Stunt Songs
“Pap Pics”
Stunts are common, we all should know that. From the amount of staged paparazzi pictures and videos that get posted to twitter on the daily it is not surprising that stunts happen. One of the main reasons stunts happen is for publicity, I can tell you now, living in LA for as long as I did, the paparazzi aren’t at every corner just waiting for a celebrity to walk past. They are called to meet at a place where the celebrity is going to be, in order to get pictures. This call is made by the artists management normally, and many times it is done against the artists will.
These types of stunts are the relationship stunts, normally it is two popular celebrities dating to gain publicity for a movie or song that they are doing. A popular reference to this would be Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato, Joe was approached by a head of Disney, who asked him to date, at the time, co-star Demi Lovato. This stunt was to push the new Disney movie that both were starring in, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. Now at the time Demi was unaware that Joe was approached to do this, so when Joe and hid dad approached her about it… wow that must have hurt.
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Another example of a relation-shit would be Shawmilla. Now before you attack me for this, let’s look at all the facts. Everything that relationship has done has been staged, let’s look at the timeline.
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 August 2015
-       the first time they publicly hung out (at the 2015 VMA’s), sparking rumors of them dating
September 2015
-       pictured together at the iHeart Radio Festival, sparking rumors of Camila branching off of Fifth Harmony
November 2015
-       “I Know What You Did Last Summer” was released and performed many different times, Camila was still in Fifth Harmony at the time
June 2016
-       Shawn and Camila win an award for IKWYDLS and accepted together
-       Camilla ultimately starts her solo career
December 2017
-       Shawn is pictured with Hailey Baldwin (Bieber)
February 2018
-       Camila is in a serious relationship with Matthew Hussey, confirmed by a trip to Mexico together
April 2018
-       Shawn and Hailey go to the Met Gala together (Iconic)
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December 2018
-       Camila hints at music between her and Shawn on twitter (6 months before Senorita)
May 2019
-       Matthew and Camila last spotted together, returning from a vacation in Italy
-       Met her family on May 14th
June 20th, 2019
-       Senorita is released, now this had been in the works for over 6 MONTHS, so this was all very planned out
-       On release day, the Senorita music video was also released, which is literally soft porn, I do not know how it is still on the internet, gross
-       But, Camila? Aren’t you still dating Matthew? Why would you release this very VERY touchy music video with Shawn, if you are still dating Matthew?
June 21st, 2019
-       Shawn and Camila in V Magazine, still very touchy
June 26th, 2019
-       Breakup articles about Matthew and Camilla, Weird since he met her family only a month before.
July 3rd, 2019
-       Staged photos of Shawn and Camila out and about
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-       more staged pics
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-       Camila at Shawn’s Concert
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-       Shawn denies that him and Camila are dating
-       Shawmila in San Francisco all day
-       That god awful making out pics that shook the entire internet
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-       More pics in SF
 Ok you get the point, they are pictured together only when one of them has music to promote, In this case its Senorita. Now for more recent proofs of this entire relationship being a sham. Shawn just released an album called “Wonder” and guess what we wonder Shawn? Why do you not post any pictures of Camila until you have an album to promote? And now you have a puppy? Pulling an Elounor are we?
Senorita is a total stunt song to “prove” to the public that they are together.
Now this type of stunt gets its name from the queen of stunt songs herself, Ms. Taylor Swift. The notorious song Style, supposedly about “Ex” Harry Styles, is probably one of the most stunty stunt songs I have ever heard. Like come on! “James Dean Daydream look in your eyes” if you didn’t know, here is a short recap on the icon himself James Dean.
Taylor has time and time again written amazing songs, I would be lying if I did not call her one of the greatest lyricists on the 21st century, the woman can write extremely well. So why would she put a nod to James Dean, a famous actor, who was a closeted, RAGING bisexual in a song so clearly about Harry Styles? She knows what she is doing.
Talking more about the “Haylor” stunt, can we please end that? It was a 3-month PR stunt that happened 5 years ago, please just get over it, they never really dated. And to the hardcore Haylor fans, there is no chemistry between them.
Haylor; The Stunt
“I hate you because I’m getting paid to!”
Now I do not go into this one much, but basically it is when you see two artists publicly fighting and releasing diss tracks. A popular example of this would be, Machine Gun Kelley and Eminem, with their songs called “Rap Devil” and “Killshot”. Their “beef” was totally staged to boost views on both sides, its even more prominent because they have the same record label, INTERSCOPE.
Eminem v. MGK
 I will be adding to this the more things happens, but it you have and questions feel free to ask them!
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