#might make this my header. my blog title. my everything
robouiop · 10 months
god how about you stop claiming you have "celiacs" and pretend to have a REAL disorder you woke leftist cuck 🍞🥐🥨🥯🥖 ohh are you scared now you gluten-free little BITCH
do you want to go out with me
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Whats your advice for other wip ifs on tumblr? Ive got my intro post and everything but it seems like no one is seeing it :(
🥹😭 I'm flattered you think I'm qualified to answer this, especially as I don't consider myself wildly popular or anything! I wouldn't call myself an expert on this, but I'll tell you what I know:
Tumblr's tagging system / Discoverability
Make sure you're searchable! If your blog is too young, or if you have links in your post, or too many pictures, etc. etc. anything can trigger Tumblr's alarm bells. What this means is that your post won't show up in the tags, aka won't be shown when people search it up. Here is a post about actions you can take to prevent it and another one here. Generally you want your blog to be older than 2 weeks, and to be posting a few times on it before it gets any searchability. (This sideblog used to be an old fanfic blog that I've repurposed for the IF for this exact reason!). If you'd like, copy and paste your intro post, and re-post it (if you don't mind losing too many notes on it), or you can just experiment with another post. Tag it with the appropriate tags, and then wait 2-3 minutes before searching Recent posts on the tag (like #interactive fiction). If you don't see it, your posts aren't showing up!
Make sure you're tagging your post. Bigger one of them, I think, is #interactive fiction (since that unifies CS, Twine and visual novels together). You can, however, add things like #twine/#choicescript, #twine fiction, etc... Any tags you personally might use to search posts up. Just make sure people can see your post in the first place with the first bullet above!
Timing. For whatever reason, I get a good amount of traffic around 9PM Pacific time/5-7AM in Europe (UK to Greece)/12-2PM Eastern Asia (Philippines to Sydney, Australia). I have friends from those places, so I memorized the time difference. For reference, this is 4PM UTC time. My guess is that Europeans are waking up a couple of hours around that time, and some Americans and Asians/Australians are active around that time as well. You should experiment with timing with your posts!
Submit your post to Interact-IF. I got more notes when I submitted mine through their blog! They have a page called, "Are you an IF author looking to promote your project?" and they'll put yours through the queue. Here's the link!
Make sure your post is eye-catching, and a pleasure to read. I think what catches the eye is
A header and a title. Find a header that conveys your IF's atmosphere/mood/vibes/aesthetic. Then as far as making it a pleasure, make sure the text guides the eye smoothly. This means:
Organizing your post logically. Synopsis->features->characters makes the most sense to me, as these are the top things people look for besides the characters, which you have to contextualize before you introduce them! You can also...
Mix up formatting--synopsis can be a wall of text, then features can be a list format, and then characters can be a list in prose format, etc.
You may also include breaks, like using a header or line with a title to signal a new section, e.g. the start of the Synopsis, the start of Characters, etc.
Just don't make it hard to read for whatever reason! Your goal is to make the process of learning about your IF digestible and smooth.
In fact, I made a point to make this post itself as a teaching lesson! It could have all been a wall of text, in paragraph/prose form, but it isn't. I organized the sections in a logical sequence, titled them and grouped them, and used a generous amount of formatting available to me (but not too much to hurt the eye).
Intro Writing
Just to discuss certain sections you should pay particular attention to, and what you may want to include in them!
Check for errors. Minimize any typos, grammatical errors, etc. It's totally fine if you're a beginner writer! Just make sure it's polished, lest it may disrupt the flow of reading.
Write an interesting synopsis. Your idea could be the best, but you need to put real thought into how you introduce it to other people! For me, I read other people's synopses for inspiration. You generally want to a) describe who your MC is, b) describe the setting, c) "Everything used to be..." d) "... Until the fire nation attacked!" -- meaning, describe how life used to be for the MC, and what threw all that off-balance, hence revealing the conflict of the plot or the disruption in the story. You can make this section show your writing abilities, but I constrained myself to shortening mine as much as possible (digestibility).
Features. Again, look at other intro posts! Outline what can be customized about your MC (appearance, personality, sexuality, etc.), a brief mention of the ROs (without names) that can be romanced if there are any, cool features your IF may have (a codex, a dice rolling system), a sneak peek into what readers may expect to do in the story, and more!
ROs!! You'll want to tap into what personally inclines you to liking an RO right away, and include that. You can make this section as detailed as you want to be or as brief but effective. Some include character appearances, some don't. All of them mention who they are in the story, and a description of what they are like. Maybe you can hint at their deeper, individual character subplot! Hitting upon keywords of certain archetypes as well may make it easier for the reader to go, "Ah, so this is the X character," in the story. Leaning on tropes a little isn't bad, especially to play it up for the audience to know "this is the cold one, this is the flirty one, etc." so long as your characters aren't merely their trope.
Your Story
Did you notice this is the last thing I'm discussing? Before you change your actual story, you want to make sure you've considered every reason why your intro post isn't very public, which may have NOTHING to do with how interesting or appealing your story is. Think of it like chess--the last thing you want to do is move your king. It's also just simply harder and disheartening to change the vision of your story.
In fact, the vast majority of things covered here are only points to consider, rather than things to actually change.
Do you have a demo? People want demos before investing into a story! a) They want to know if they will like your writing at all, b) demos give a good look into what they may expect from the story overall, and c) it's more promising for an IF to have one, as far as actually finishing the story!
And if you do have a demo, is it polished? Is it short? Does it actually introduce the conflict or any of the characters people are interested in? Does it look good?
Who really is your target audience? Your story is probably written for yourself, but you may want to understand what generally appeals to people. You can't please everyone, hence mainly appealing to a certain audience. If your story is high-fantasy, people want you to mention all the fantastical things your MC can do, see or experience in your story! If your IF is a revenge story, make the MC feel dangerous, and capable of exacting their plans. Mention everything people would WANT to know about your brand of story.
What's the gender ratio of your ROs? The fact that your story may be exclusively/vastly heterosexual, or your story may specifically be a wlw or nlw/mlm or nlm story may influence how much reach it has. I hate to say it, but IFs with mainly male characters are in abundance compared to female interests. However, this doesn't mean you should change your ROs, especially if you intend the story to be heterosexual/lesbian/gay--this is just a factor to consider.
Consider other factors. Does your story have any actual romance? (People really like romance.) Is it only going to be short? (People like long stories generally.) Are you using Twine or CS? (Most people like both, some may have a preference. I almost exclusively read Twine.) Will it feature very disturbing content? (If it does, it may appeal only to certain people).
Closing Thoughts
I am flattered you asked for advice, so I took the time to exhaust everything I know! Of course, again, I am no authority or expert on the subject, so do with this as you will. Either way, I'm happy you asked ! 🥹💕 Thanks for asking!
P.S. If you want, my messages are open on my personal blog! You can send me a DM if you want feedback or an opinion :)
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SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Week 123
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Welcome to Week 123
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal boosting them. Author is listed next to title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
My Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you are reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ & header by me
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Chrome & Leather - Chp 13 - (Steve x Reader, Billy x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie​
Careful what you wish for - Chp 2 - (Loki x OFC) - @gigglingtigger​
The Perfect Life - Part 4 - (Steve x Reader x Bucky) - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​
Catatonic - (Dean x Reader) - @spnexploration​
Wish I may, wish I might - (Jack x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan​
Left For Revenge - Chp 3 - @hollybee8917​
Settling - @writercole
Before You (7) - (Steve x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Falling Apart - (Steve x OFC) - @hollybee8917
Torment Felt so Nice - (Mr. Freezy x Reader) - @the-iceni-bitch
Daddy Ari Verse - Hungry - @christywantspizza
Pink Bows and Tiny Toes - (Steve x OC) - @hollybee8917
It’s About Time - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
You Bake Me Crazy - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Changes - (Steve x OC) - @hollybee8917
Bucky Drabble - @bucky-barnes-diaries
Brothers In Arms - Part 8 - (Ransom x Reader) - @wiypt-writes
Come Around Sundown - (Steve x Reader) - @cockslutpadalecki
The Waterfall - Chapter 5 - (Steve x Reader x Bucky) - @caffiend-queen
Until the end of everything - (Brock x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
In the Garden - (Chris x Reader) - @spectre-posts
It’s Not My Blood, I Swear - @hollybee8917
All the King's Men - Part 9 - Part 10 - (Bucky x Reader) - @nastybuckybarnes
Delicate Edges - Part 11 - Epilogue - (Bucky x Reader) - @wkemeup
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spacerangersam · 1 year
Which characters from ghosts do you think would have a blog + what do you think it'd be about/look like?
i assume you meant tumblr blog, not like a...not tumble blog, but just in case, i talk about both
Kitty would have one, definitely. I think it'd be a general blog where she'd reblog gif sets of her favourite movies/quotes from her favourite books and songs, pics of artists she likes- and in between that just very random posts about anatomy and bones. She'd also just make posts about how her day was going and would use way too many exclamation marks and smiley faces. It'd be all pinks and purple, her icon would be like a drawing Alison did of her, her header a pic of her favourite ship, and the title her favourite song lyric. She wouldn't really bother with tags that much/care too much about keeping her blog organised.
[if we're talking non-tumblr blog though, I think it'd be a general one she'd just use as a diary of sorts, just talking about her day and everything good that happened, along with any nice pictures she took, cut in with her randomly gushing about something weird she'd seen or researched]
Thomas would, of course, have a poetry blog, both where he'd post his poems/other poems he likes/rants about poets and poems he doesn't like, and I feel deep in my bones that he'd reblog a ton of dark academia aesthetic pics/post his own 'aesthetic' pics that he'd add like five thousand tags to just to make sure everyone saw his very moving and very good picture of a door. that he'd already posted like 13 pics of. Maybe he'd even have a separate blog for it, and like i said, would use way too many tags for everything. I also think he'd constantly be getting into fights with other users about poetry. His icon/header would be some aesthetic pic, all dark and gloomy, and his title would absolutely be a quote from one of his own poems.
Maybe Robin would have one about space, and idk why but I feel in my bones Mike would have one, though I don't know what it would be about (well, okay, I kinda do. in my head he's a trekkie so it'd be a star trek blog). if we are talking tumblr, then the others all strike me as folks who are more into facebook/maybe twitter.
nontumblr, maybe the captain might have one where he talks about ww2 and tanks etc and spends paragraphs upon paragraphs correcting and bemoaning about historical inaccuracies he sees in movies/tv shows, and occasionally posts about birds. I could see Pat having a sort of general blog where he posts about his day and the like. I don't see the others having much interest in that sort of thing though.
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chocolatespyro · 9 months
welcome to my blog or something or other
I'll probably be most active here for most things. First thing's first though:
Please politely let me know if I accidentally forget to tag or tag something wrong or if I am supporting someone/something problematic thanks.
(Please provide proof. I don't want to listen to or spread possible misinformation.)
I don't control any blogs I reblog things from, so be careful and go to them at your own risk. And also heed any and all content warnings and block tags of posts you don't wanna see.
I don't tag posts with caps or regular swears in them and I use caps frequently. If there's a safe chrome extension that makes caps lowercase I can link it here
DNI If You:
Fall under general DNI criteria (Racist, Homophobic, Zionist, Antisemitic etc)
Hate any harmless groups (Therians, Objectums, etc)
Are a proshipper/comshipper (Specifically if you're supportive of or make romanticised Inc/st and/or P/dophillia, fictional or not.)
(Idc much if it's a ship where they're both consenting adults w/ no familial relation.)
(Clarifying because of the 200 different meanings of proship. May need to update this to be even more specific so. ill get back to you on that. But this is it for now.)
In general please be polite when interacting.
(That being said spam likes/reblogs are 1000% okay I love it when people do that please blow up my notifs. just dont spam asks just 1 or two are fine.)
Also also please change your icon and header and title so I know you're not a bot if you're new.
(Everything else below "Keep Reading")
I'm in the object show community. And I like III Cabby a lot.
I draw and will probably mostly just do object show related stuff here since it has taken over my interests but this is always subject to change because this is my blog and I do whatever lol
I'm very quiet and closed off in general unless I know you but you can talk to me if you want.
Also I might post negatively about Inanimate Insanity Invitational so if you don't wanna see that block the #ii neg , #ii negativity and #neg ii tags
Stuff w/ reblog bait is under #reblog bait tw so block that also if you need to.
^^ NOTE: I will likely not tag posts with #reblog bait tw if they just say "Please Reblog" or other similar phrases with no catch.
PSA-type posts or posts with important information will usually be tagged as #important
My art tag is #this is my art and this is the tag for it
(I do not support AnimationEpic I just like Cabby and I judge Inanimate Insanity Invitational pretty harshly in comparison to most things.)
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normal-newt · 9 months
Trying to explain a thing.
So. Um. Imagine that, inside my mind, every word is tied to its meaning with a piece of string.
The word "cat" is tied with string to a picture of a cat, and the feeling of a cat purring, and everything already know about cats. Now imagine my brain cuts that string.
Can still remember the fluffy animal which purrs and has whiskers. Can still see the word "cat". But in my mind, the word has no connection to it any more. So my brain would see the word "cat" as nonsense, and skip over it.
For me, is not permanent seperate. Can often eventually re-tie the string. But for some words, the string comes loose easier, or is hard to find all the parts to connect.
Can still think those words. Can still write them sometimes. Can sometimes even guess were they go when reading. For me, some of the most avoided words are ones am not able to read.
"But Newt, some of the words in your blog title/ header are ones you avoid?" Yeah, so. Um. apparently wrote that while the string was working. And now can guess what is there, but not enough to make confident edit.
(If anyone can please rephrase it in second or third person, will be able to see if that's the issue. This feels as embarasing as getting hand stuck in plastic packging again.)
And this isn't always my most obvious problem but. Is definitely the hardest one.
So yeah. This was mostly just me practicing new ways to explain this. Because do not always know which words am missing. Peoples posts not meant to be read like accidental blackout poems. And means sometimes miss important things and not even realise.
And try to tell people might be me, me missed something important, but people just say to go back and re-read over and over words that no longer mean anything.
Just. Just want nice way to tell people that what they say is important, that am trying so fucking hard to know what they mean because want to understand and just... need a bit extra patience while trying to fill in the gaps left by own brain. Know it's not their job to fix but. Wish they'd give me little more chance and time to fix for self.
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starrythomas · 2 years
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Man, I love making sneaky use of adblock to remove all the annoying stuff I don't want to look at or be distracted by.
I did this using AdBlocker Ultimate for firefox and for an easy life (some of these were a little tricky to identify), you can just copy my filters into the Custom Rules tab on the settings page. Quick version to remove everything shown above:
tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.lSyOz:first-child > main.O4V_R > div.ZaYRY:nth-child(4) tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.lSyOz:first-child > main.O4V_R > div.j8ha0:last-child > div:nth-child(2) > div.So6RQ:first-child tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.lSyOz:first-child > main.O4V_R > div.j8ha0:last-child > div:nth-child(2) > div.So6RQ:nth-child(2) tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.e1knl:last-child > aside tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.lSyOz:first-child > main.O4V_R > div.j8ha0:last-child > div:nth-child(2) > div.So6RQ:nth-child(16)
Or to customise, copy what you want from the options below:
1) Following/For You/etc header:
tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.lSyOz:first-child > main.O4V_R > div.ZaYRY:nth-child(4)
2) owo what's this/Roll the dice/Content for the content gods/etc title:
tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.lSyOz:first-child > main.O4V_R > div.j8ha0:last-child > div:nth-child(2) > div.So6RQ:first-child
3) Changes on tumblr/tumblr shop/etc scroller:
tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.lSyOz:first-child > main.O4V_R > div.j8ha0:last-child > div:nth-child(2) > div.So6RQ:nth-child(2)
4) Entire sidebar (still leaving the blank space):
tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.e1knl:last-child > aside
If you don't want to remove everything in the sidebar using 4), you can instead remove either of these two elements individually:
5) Sidebar recommended blogs only:
tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.e1knl:last-child > aside > div.FZkjV:first-child
6) Radar only:
tumblr.com###base-container > div.D5eCV:nth-child(2) > div.gPQR5:last-child > div.e1knl:last-child > aside > div.FZkjV:nth-child(2)
You should also be able to do this with any other adblocker you use which offers custom adblocking; usually you can right-click on something you don't want to see and there will be a button saying something like "block this ad", but it might take a bit of tinkering to get it just right.
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ryan-shepard-writes · 2 years
A couple dozen Get To Know Ya How Ya Doin questions by @athenixrose !!! Tagging anyone who feels like doing them! If you want to answer them you should go to THIS POST HERE and either copy/paste or reblog directly from Athenixrose!
Since I'm shy and haven't really been active in the writeblr community, I'm going to make it my goal to answer ALL the questions!
How are you?
I'm... Here. Which I consider to be a good thing.
How's the writing going?
Not terribly, I think, but I have a bad kind of writer's block right now. I know what I want to happen, but I can't make myself WRITE it... I also kinda feel like I really want to delete and change a bunch of stuff. Idunno.
Do you read books?
A bit too often, yeah. I cycle through the same ones all over, y'know? I love reading, but I think my brain is using it as an excuse not to write.
Have you been focusing on plot or fluff/downtime in your WIPs where nothing happens really?
Attempting to do plot, which is probably my problem. I excel at dialogue and character interactions, but writing plot is... Rough for me.
What's the hardest part of writing for you?
Actually physically doing it. Especially when it comes to doing events and advancing plot.
Do you like making titles?
YES. I love coming up with titles and taglines.
Do you like making blurbs?
I'm not sure! I don't think I've ever precisely written a blurb before?
Do you make your own mock covers?
Yes and no. I designed my own header photo on my blog, if that counts?
Do you write fanfiction?
Yes. A lot. Probably too much. I'm a selfshipper.
Who was your first ever favourite character from any piece of media?
My first ever fave? Probably Mewtwo.
Who is your current favourite character from a piece of media?
All Might!
Favourite book?
Gods that's a hard question. Probably one of the books in the Protector of The Small Quartet by Tamora Pierce.
Favourite song?
Genuinely no clue. I have a lot!
Favourite film?
Favourite TV series?
At the moment? My Hero Academia!
What has been the biggest influence that has shaped how you write or inspired you?
The dichotomous complexity of the human heart.
Have you ever written anything out of spite because you hated how another piece of media was written or produced/ acted out?
Ooooooooooh yes. Most definitely. I don't think it exists anymore, but I wrote a whole ass new ending for The Giver when I was in middle school.
Last fictional death you cried at?
Aunt may in Spider-Man 2018 :')
How many drafts do you complete before you consider a WIP finished?
Uh.... Hehehe.... Finish?
How long have you been writing?
I wrote my first "original story" when I was 9, but I daydreamed original stories before that.
What genres do you write for?
Science-Fantasy, romance, queer, cosmic horror... Usually all at once.
Do you like doing research and if so, are you researching for a WIP right now?
LOVE research. Catch me taking refresher courses on hawking radiation for 2 lines of dialogue.
How many abandoned WIPs do you have?
Only a few... I tend to keep writing things even years later.
How many completed WIPs?
Hehehehe... 1. An old Kingdom Hearts fanfic that I wrote in middle school.
How many WIPs in progress?
All of them.
How organised with everything, are you? Do you keep track of OCs with lists ect?
I'm the least organized person you have ever met. I have no character sheets. Everything is trapped in my brain. Please send help.
Has your own writing ever made you cry?
Oh yeah absolutely. Fate's Crystal Majesty has SEVERAL points that make me tear up.
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pearl-neo · 1 year
writing log 1.
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‹ last updated: 22nd of December, 2022 ›
» title: paranoia
» category: one-shot
» genre: contemporary / psychological thriller / suspense / mystery / angst
» cast: johnny⬩jaehyun⬩mark⬩reader's sister
» pairings: johnny + reader ⬩ jaehyun + reader's sister
⚘ pitch/synopsis: After a year spent living as a shut-in, you finally agree to go on a drive with your sister. When a storm steers your plan off course, you find yourselves brought closer to two charming strangers—but an unsettling tension lingers in your mind.
» warnings so far: anxiety; agoraphobia; implications of depression; ongoing feelings of helplessness and general discomfort and self-doubt; mental breakdown; minor violence; character death
» current stage: brainstorm ✓ | draft 1 ✓ | draft 2 ✓ | draft 3 ✓ | draft 4 ✓ | final edit ✓ | proofread ✓ | posted ✓
» word count update: 13,644
» cover photo? complete ✓
⚘ Read on Tumblr | ⚘ on AO3 | ⚘ on Wattpad
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⚘ thoughts & ramblings + updates:
‹ NOV 8 ›This is my first time attempting to write a fanfic, my first time working on a short story, and my first time attempting to post anything on Tumblr. I really hope I don't mess up somehow, or break any unspoken rules. ⋟﹏⋞)
‹ NOV 10 › (≈ 6k) Draft 1 complete! I'm stuck so close to the ending. Might have to brainstorm a way out of this dead end...
‹ NOV 18 › (≈ 9k) Draft 2 complete! Just changed something major that'll require me to overhaul a large portion of what I wrote. Had to kill a lot of my darlings. ಥ﹏ಥ)
‹ NOV 22 › (≈ 8k) Draft 3 complete! Okay, I know the word count is going backwards, but the changes went well, I think. It's getting fun! •̀⩊•́)
‹ DEC 1 › Draft 4 started . . .
‹ DEC 2 › At this point, I feel like I'm spending more time adding to and tweaking this blog than I am writing... ಠ‿ಠ) I even made my own png/gif headers for each of my main posts. Now that I'm done setting up everything, hopefully this will be the end of my distraction lol
I didn't put any tags on any of my posts yet, though. I'm kind of scared to, lmao... I think I'll start doing that after the story is actually ready to post, so I'm not just pointing at a blog that has nothing to offer yet. ( ˙▿˙ )
‹ DEC 8 › Today marks a full month of working on this fic! The last thing I wrote today felt like a long tangent (which I honestly have no idea whether it fits the genre or not.) But at the same time I feel like it’s relevant to the plot and character dynamics… Since I have yet to finish and proofread Draft 4 as a whole, I won’t give up hope yet that it’s salvageable. ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ
‹ DEC 19 › (≈ 13k) Draft 4 complete!! I'm nervous. I genuinely don't know whether it's worth posting or not. I think I might gauge that based on the reaction of my proofreaders... Who are very much biased towards me. ʕ◉ᴥ◉ʔ
For now, I'll proofread it one last time, making some final minor edits!
‹ DEC 22 › Having someone else proofread it gave me a lot of confidence! And I didn't think of it as a mystery until two people pointed it out, so it was really helpful seeing it through a new light.
I don't know how many times I've read and reread this story, at this point lol. I think right now it's as good as I'm able to get it. I got so attached to it, and to who the characters turned out to be. I can even still imagine more scenarios of what happens after the ending.
I'm so excited for people to read it! I wonder if anyone will; The thought makes me nervous... ( 〃▽〃)
I will be posting it tomorrow! ♡
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⚘ pictures / gifs I associate with the story:
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copyright 2022 - 2025 © pearl-neo all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize
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greengableslover · 2 years
I saw that you are a Anne OF Green Gables lover like me!
I was wondering if you can maybe help me try yo post my story on here? Do people still read Anne of green gables fan fiction?
Thank you!!
Welcome to tumblr 👋 I hope you find many Anne of Green Gables Fans :) (also sorry this has taken me half a week to answer)
I can give you some tips for tumblr, but I'm not sure if I'm the best person to ask how to post fic, since I'm not a writer. I only post gif sets or edits, and that is besides how to use tags a little different. You might want to ask someone that has more knowledge of fic posting than me. You also might get yourself an AO3 Account, since you probably get more exposure for your fics than just posting on here. You might also try looking into the #myfic or #my fic tag here on tumblr, it's a tag that a lot of fan fiction writers use.
And I'm pretty sure ppl still read Anne of Green Gables Fanfiction :) If you post Anne of Green Gables Fic, you can tag dailyshirbert if you have Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe or Shirbert in it.
As for general tips:
You should probably get yourself an Icon and Header. If you follow people and your blog is empty, ppl generally think you're a bot and some will probably block you. (I've seen that you've already rebloged a few posts, so ppl might not block you, but it's always better to seem like a person than a bot, if you change the generic tumblr header and icon) If you go into settings you can change everything from color to icon to header and title. As for Headers and Icons I've posted and rebloged a few AOGG ones on Dailyshirbert x x x if you would like those. You could also just use nature, animal, architecture, ppl or other pics, the best place for those would probably be unsplash.
Be sure to reblog and not just like posts. If you follow ppl and they see posts that they can relate to or see shows/films they like themselves, they're usually more likely to follow you than if your blog is empty. You'll also probably more easily get mutuals and make friends :) You can also just like posts, but many ppl just use them for saving post to queue for later.
You might also look into the #newbies #new users for other tips how to use tumblr. There are probably a lot of tips that are better explained than what I've just written lol.
In the end just have fun, post or like whatever you like :)
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sdssoftwares12 · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to eCommerce SEO Strategy
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 eCommerce companies are always seeking strategies to improve their online exposure and generate traffic to their websites in today's digital age. Search engine optimization is one of the best methods to do this (SEO). But, it may be difficult to know where to begin because there are so many various ideas and techniques accessible. We'll provide you the whole manual on eCommerce SEO strategy in this post, covering everything from keyword research to technical optimisation to content development.
 ●      Keyword research
 Doing extensive keyword research is the first stage in any eCommerce SEO plan that will be effective. This entails figuring out the keywords and phrases that members of your target market use to locate goods and services that are comparable to yours. To assist with this, a number of tools are accessible, including Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. You can boost your search engine rankings and increase traffic to your website by choosing the correct keywords to target.
 ●      On-page optimization
 The next step is to optimise the pages of your website in accordance with your chosen target keywords. This entails adding pertinent meta descriptions and titles, improving header tags, and making sure your content is keyword-rich. It's crucial to strike a balance between optimising your sites for search engines and making sure that your visitors find them easy to use and have a satisfying experience.
 ●      Technical optimization
 Making sure that your website is technically sound and has a structure that makes it simple for search engines to scan and index is known as technical optimization. This includes accelerating the loading time of your website, making sure it is responsive for mobile devices, and using structured data markup to make your website's content more understandable to search engines.
 ●      Link building
 A crucial component of SEO is link building, which is obtaining high-quality backlinks to your website from other reputable websites. This might raise your website's search engine ranks and boost the domain authority of your website. There are several strategies for link building, including as guest posting, fixing broken links, and producing linkable products like infographics or whitepapers.
 ●      Content creation
 Every effective eCommerce SEO strategy must focus on producing high-quality content. This entails writing original, detailed, keyword-rich product descriptions, as well as regularly posting to your blog and producing material that benefits your audience. You can enhance your website's traffic, establish your brand's reputation, and improve your search engine rankings by producing high-quality content.
 ●      User experience optimization
 It's critical to make sure that your website offers a great user experience in addition to technical optimisation. This includes straightforward call-to-actions, simple navigation, and a responsive design that functions effectively across all devices. Improved search engine results and increased engagement rates are two benefits of a good user experience.
 ●      Local SEO
 It's crucial to use local SEO tactics if you operate a physical business or provide nearby services. Making local company listings, improving your Google My Business page, and focusing on location-specific keywords are all examples of this. You may increase your local search engine ranks and draw in more local clients by focusing on local search phrases.
  ●      Social media integration
 For eCommerce enterprises, social networking may be a useful tool for increasing website traffic and search engine rankings. Social media may help you improve the exposure of your business and gain more fans, shares, and follows by incorporating it into your eCommerce SEO plan.
 ●      Competitor analysis
 Competition analysis may offer insightful information about the methods and tactics that your rivals are doing to get high search engine rankings. You may find areas where your own SEO approach can be strengthened and you can get a competitive advantage by looking at the websites and backlink profiles of your rivals.
 ●      Analytics and tracking
 Lastly, it's critical to monitor and assess how well your eCommerce SEO approach is working. You can track the traffic, engagement, and conversion rates on your website and spot opportunities for development by utilising tools like Google Analytics. You can enhance your overall performance and your SEO approach by using this data to make educated decisions. however, you want you can take the help of the best SEO company in London. these companies delivering top-notch SEO services that can help your website rank higher on search engine results pages, drive more organic traffic, and increase your online visibility.
 In conclusion, eCommerce SEO can be a complex and challenging process, but by following these tips and strategies, you can improve your online visibility, drive more traffic to your website, and increase your sales and revenue. Remember to always prioritise the needs of your customers and focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that provides a positive user experience. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve eCommerce SEO success and take your business to the next level.
 Read more to know about:  5 Ways Your Small Business Can Benefit from a Mobile Apps
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grocery-x · 1 year
How do I create an effective blog post structure ?
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Let’s begin with some opening comments.
In this age of pervasive digital communication, maintaining a blog may be an excellent method for sharing your views and experiences with others. However, bear in mind that simply starting a blog is not enough; to maintain your audience’s interest, you will need to provide engaging and useful material. Organization is one of the most important characteristics of a well-written blog piece. You will improve the probability that your readers will love what you have to say and return for more if you can provide your material in a clear and well-organized manner.
If you want your blog article to stand out from the crowd, you must first create a statement that is both original and attention-grabbing. There might be a shocking statistic or fact, or even a personal anecdote, but it must be something that compels the reader to continue reading.
Once you have their attention, briefly explain the subject you will be writing about. This will help your readers anticipate what you have in store for them and guarantee they are reading in the correct direction.
Finally, you must make the purpose of your work crystal clear. This will help your readers understand the main point you’re attempting to make and provide them with a sense of what they should take away from your work.
Partially Submerged Bodies
One of the numerous procedures required in crafting an informative and engaging blog post is dividing the article into parts or subheadings that each deal with a distinct aspect or argument relating to the main subject. This modification will make it easier for your audience to understand and follow your argument.
Use evidence to support your claims, such as examples, figures, and other proof. If you do so, your arguments will have more weight, and your readers will have a greater knowledge of the issue at hand.
In order to make the content scannable and understandable, formatting elements such as bullet points and bold text are essential. This will assist your viewers in absorbing the information you are delivering by dividing the text and making it more visually appealing.
Third: Closing Remarks
In the last paragraph, you should repeat the main argument or aim of the piece and summarise its most important aspects. This will improve your readers’ comprehension of the content’s main ideas and takeaways and aid in their ability to remember them in the future.
Bring everything together with a call to action, such as requesting comments or social media shares. This will increase the exposure of your post by attracting more readers.
Supplemental Elements
In addition to text, use photographs, videos, and other kinds of multimedia to enrich the post’s content and increase its attractiveness to the reader. This will serve to split the content and make the work more aesthetically appealing, making it simpler for your readers to grasp the information you’re attempting to communicate.
The performance of the post in search engine results may be improved by including keywords in the post’s title, headers, and body. If you do so, you can rest assured that your content will appear in search results for related terms, thereby increasing the number of visitors to your site.
Connect your website or blog to relevant internal and external resources. This will not only make it simpler for your visitors to locate further content on your website, but it will also encourage them to do so.
You may establish a sense of community and encourage engagement in your material by connecting with your readers and replying to their comments. This will help your readers develop a stronger attachment to you and your work and inspire them to return for more.
#bloggingtips #contentmarketing #blogpoststructure #writingtips #bloggingstrategy #bloggingadvice #blogginghelp #seo #digitalmarketing #contentcreation
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crowdvscritic · 2 years
round up // JULY + AUGUST 22
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Summer 2022: A summer of milestones! Some of these were personal, like my first trip to Hawaii and a little thing called turning 30. (I watched 13 Going on 30 to feel the most thirty, flirty, and thriving I could; I avoided tick, tick...BOOM! to avoid the what-am-I-doing-with-my-life anxiety that comes with this birthday.) Some of them were professional, like the first interview on SO IT’S A SHOW? with a Gilmore Girls cast member! In ep. 127, Kyla and I chatted with John Cabrera (aka Brian, our favorite Hep Alien bassist) about the music that influenced the show, his thoughts on the 2016 revival, and more.
You might have also noticed a new look to this blog. In the first site refresh I’ve made to Crowd vs. Critic in years, I’ve updated my About, Author, and Best Picture Project pages, and the new theme (fortuitously named “Oscar”) makes everything look a little cleaner. My favorite new feature is the Random button in the header, which pulls up a random post from the blog—perfect for a movie night selection tool. 
I also made an exciting update to the Author page: I was accepted to the St. Louis Film Critics Association this summer. Along with easier access to new release screenings, I’ll vote in the group’s best of the year selections in December. Stay tuned for more updates!
In the meantime, I’m completing my third year of Round Ups with 10 crowd-pleasers and 10 critic picks I discovered in July and August. These include eight new movies releases (unsurprisingly for this time of year, most fall in the Crowd list), five summer vacay-ready titles, three TV series, and one Best Picture winner. And if you’re ready to say goodbye to Summer heat and start wearing those Autumn sweaters, I’ve got a Letterboxd list ready for you, too. 
July + August Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Stranger Things 4 (2022)
During the first few episodes, I wondered if this would be the first season of Stranger Things that would lose me. With so many characters and the scariest villain yet, I was afraid the Duffer Brothers’ show was succumbing to the flaws that made season three my least favorite. But like always, the Hawkins crew won me over. The many locales updated the typical season’s structure in a clever way. Separating characters made their reunions more poignant. Longer episodes allowed for more character development, including for secondary characters. The soundtrack ripped. I wanted to copy the costumes and hairstyles. Steve was still GOAT! Need I keep listing why I’m counting down till Stranger Things 5?
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2. Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar (2021)
Annie Mumolo and Kristen Wiig leave the Midwest for their dream vacation in Florida—hijinks and hilarity ensue! It’s difficult to explain the plot without giving away some of the fun surprises, but if you enjoy silliness involving celebrity cameos and banana boats, this is for you. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10
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3. Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Sue me—I had a lot of fun! There are many fun things about this sequel—like screaming goats, the Guardians of the Galaxy cameos, and all the weirdness of Russell Crowe—but probably the most fun is it's only 2 hours. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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4. Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022)
Like every movie featuring Minions before, I can barely recall what I watched within three seconds of leaving the theater, but I can tell you I had a good time. Read why in my review for ZekeFilm. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
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5. Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (2022)
A nice story about a nice woman who goes to a nice place to get a nice dress and is nice to pretty much everyone along the way. Needless to say, if you’re looking for a nice feel-good movie, this it. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8/10
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6. Double Feature: Predator (1987) + Prey (2022)
In Predator (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6.5/10) Arnold Schwarzenegger faces off with an alien in the jungle in an ‘80s macho shoot-‘em-up. 300 years earlier in Prey (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10), Amber Midthunder faces off with an alien ancestor in a prequel that is nobody’s tax write-off streaming movie. Read my full review of Prey for ZekeFilm. 
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7. The Gray Man (2022)
This passed the sad test that has become a barometer for at-home watching since the pandemic: Do the action scenes make me make it easy for me to tune out, or do they make me put away the laptop and get invested? (It’s harder to pass than you’d think.) Also of note: It's becoming a toss-up whether I prefer Chris Evans as smarmy villain or a sincere do-gooder. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
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8. Double Feature - Brad Pitt Action: Spy Game (2001) + Bullet Train (2022)
In Spy Game (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10), Robert Redford is finishing his last day at the CIA, but first he’s trying to rescue Brad Pitt from a Chinese prison. In Bullet Train (Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 8/10), Brad Pitt is starting his first day back on the job as a contract killer, but first he needs face off with Brian Tyree Henry, Joey King, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and more on a train to Kyoto. Try the former if you’re in the mood for action mixed with geopolitics and the latter if you want it with a dash of stylized comedy.
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9. Beast (2022)
Must calling a movie “formulaic” always be an insult? This Idris Elba action thriller puts that assumption to the test because it knows what it is—a 90-minute adventure built around a charismatic movie star—and the formula it needs to follow. Ready how it excels at its formula in my review for ZekeFilm.  Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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10. Double Binge - Returning Comedy Series: iCarly + Only Murders in the Building (2021 - )
One is intelligent comedy and one is very silly comedy—I contain multitudes, so they are both for me. To its credit, the iCarly reboot is cleverly commenting on the inanity of the Internet’s pressure on content creators (and perhaps the gig-like profession itself), and it brings in just enough guest stars and storylines to bring back the nostalgia of the Nickelodeon series. Only Murders in the Building is similarly spoofing content creators like podcasters (oops, #ItMe), is laugh-out-loud funny, and still surprises with its plot twists. Third seasons, here we come!
July + August Critic Picks
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1. Elvis (2022)
Probably my favorite thing about Baz Luhrmann movies is it feels like he has zero interest in being cool and every movie is exactly what he is wanted to make. If it’s not that, it could be the guy knows how to stage a musical performance, actors turn out some of their best work under his direction (see: Austin Butler), and the costumes and sets are deliciously avant-garde. Not everything about Elvis works, but what does work is electric. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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2. An American in Paris (1951)
This musical-loving, Gene Kelly-crushing Oscars enthusiast has had plenty of reasons to watch this 1951 Best Picture winner, but falling in love with Paris in May finally moved it to the top of my watchlist. My latest Best Picture Project reviews might as well be both for this film and for my trip to France: not overrated. Read my Crowd and Critic reviews. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
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3. Notorious (1946)
Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant in an Alfred Hitchcock spy thriller—what else do I need to say? Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 10/10
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4. Home, before and after by Regina Spektor (2022)
Her one-of-a-kind vocal acrobatics are back, and this is the first album to challenge Harry Styles for my soundtrack of summer 2022.
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5. Mildred Pierce (1945)
Joan Crawford is caught in a domestic Film Noir trying to win the love of her materialistic daughter while avoiding a murder charge. Another entry on my Letterboxd list “’40s Gals Just Trying to Live Their Best Lives BUT SOCIETY”! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
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6. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
Romance meets wuxia kung fu! Ang Lee’s thrilling adventure scales trees, crosses the desert, and swings swords in one of the most beautifully shot and acted action films you’ll ever see. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 10/10
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7. The Bedford Incident (1965)
Richard Widmark is a tyrannical submarine captain in a stare down with U-boats in the North Atlantic, and few have the courage to challenge his collision course with nuclear war. Journalist Sidney Poitier and doctor Martin Balsam are two of the few, but will they live to tell about their experiences on shore? The latest addition to my favorite journalism films! Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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8. TCM’s Summer Movies: 30 Sun-Drenched Classics by John Malahy
You know I love a Turner Classic Movies book! This summer I worked on finishing their vacay-ready recommendations when it was too hot to do anything outside. My favorites from July and August include Ingmar Bergman’s twist on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Smiles of a Summer Night (1955); Katharine Hepburn’s romance in Venice, Summertime (1955); the coming-of-age hidden gem that made me homesick for my college days in Indiana, Breaking Away (1979); and the romantic dream European vacation, Before Sunrise (1995). Previously reviewed films from this book include Key Largo (1948), Summer Stock (1950), Picnic (1955), The Endless Summer (1966), Caddyshack (1980),  National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983), and Do the Right Thing (1989). Each film comes with inspiration for a vacation and a double feature!
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9. The Big Chill (1983)
Before The Breakfast Club, school friends including Glenn Close, Jeff Goldblum, and Kevin Kline spent the weekend together after a friend’s funeral (Kevin Costner before his scenes were deleted) to reevaluate their post-grad choices and sort through their nearing-middle age malaise. Though the conclusions this group comes to by the end range from confusing to wild, the questions they ask are more important than the answers they find. Plus, my guy Goldblum’s charisma covers a multitude of flaws. This film also helped inspire my newest Letterboxd list of non-spooky season movies with Autumn Vibes. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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10. The Pianist (2002)
I’ve yet to sort through my mixed feelings about Roman Polanski, but there’s no denying The Pianist is incredible. The Holocaust drama is moving but not emotionally manipulative; it’s personal but illustrative of a generation; and like many of my favorite films, it muses on the meaning art can bring to our lives. I won’t be able to say it better than Roger Ebert or the San Francisco Gate, so I recommend checking out their reviews, too. Crowd: 6/10 // Critic: 10/10
Also this July + August…
For ZekeFilm, I reviewed the perfunctory bestseller adaptation Where the Crawdads Sing. 
Also on SO IT’S A SHOW?, we dug into the 20+ references Gilmore Girls makes to The Wizard of Oz and into the Jayson Blair/Howell Raines scandal at The New York Times in the early ‘00s. 
Photo credits: Regina Spektor. All others IMDb.com.
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storiesofraen · 2 years
Upcoming news! (August 2022)
If you're reading this then you are curious about what weird ideas i got this time. You really just hit the jackpot here.
Here comes a new challenger!
Tonight I've felt like spicing up my next month. You see, since August will be a really boring month for me (as in I will work pretty much a lot during summer) I thought about giving myself a challenge for the next month.
That is... coding in C for the next 30 days.
But why?
I'll tell you exactly why. I really want to learn how to code and I get a lot of hints suggesting C as a really good starting point as well as being a requested coding language. The only way I know to kinda take a dive into a world is to completely submerge myself into it, no questions asked.
Even then, I have my own answers. Though, I won't be an expert at coding in just 30 days, I will say that I think I'll at least get a good grasp of what I'm studying.
New blog UI is live!
Now, I'm pretty sure you came here from Instagram, where I put my link to here. In this case, vi ringrazio signore e signori.
While I was working on the blog, I figured how to change how my website looks because I didn't really like how I felt visiting my own blog. So, to keep things clean I decided to pick a theme from Tumblr and put it. And while I was at it, I also changed the blog header on mobile.
I really am happy of what I did!
I will make use of the other blogs as well
As I mention on my brief description, I also have other blogs. These are the names if you're interested:
@animeditrash is my editing/drawing account. I might actually change name but I also like it so I might as well not.
@lilraen-computer-stories is a WIP blog on which I will blog about my IT adventures and self-study. As I mentioned on my very first post (title's Hello everyone!), I will study computer science and coding on my own.
@lilraen-multifandom is my multifandom page and I will be posting everything but not limited to: anime and manga, videogames and TV shows. The main topics will be Devil May Cry, Yakuza, Naruto, Berserk and maybe other things I don't even remember. But just know this: I will certainly post things I like on that one.
As always, I just feel like you don't have to read everything as I want you to be able to enjoy my content. Thank you for stopping by and see ya around!
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currywaifu · 4 years
a post about plagiarism
[ btw apparently they deleted their blog/changed url already but i got screenshots before it happened so yeah ]
I was hesitant to make this call out initially because i feel guilty when it’s just about a “blog theme”, until i realized that it’s not about the theme- it’s my creative integrity and the time- the hours i spent working to make my blog as enjoyable for everyone as possible.
I understand that I’m in the A3! fandom, and this person is in the TWST fandom, but does that make the situation any more or less moral?
I was lucky that someone pointed out the blatant similarities of our blog, otherwise it would have been a while before I could find out. Even if you thought you could get away with something like this, that it’s something minor anyway, doesn’t make it the right thing to do. 
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If I need to point out every single thing similar, I will. Reminder, it is not the individual elements themselves but the combination of all of them that make it plagiarised.
First: The Cafe Theme
Second: The way too similar shade of pink
Third: The Banners. Sure, they used a different font but the fact stands that the placement of the character, the similarities of fonts, the use of making the character all pink...
Fourth: the frequent use of this copy/paste /unicode font.
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it’s pretty easy to use, you can either use a custom keyboard or go online and look up a unicode text converter- btw this specific font is called “mathematical bold”
Fifth: hiding the title + icon on mobile, and only keeping the description
Sixth: this divider (image below is mine)
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Seventh: if you see the image below... (mine is on the right)
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you can already see multiple things wrong. first, the blatant copying of the head bullet point (from the “aesthetic” bullet to the font used for headcannons), to the arrow, to even bolding the first letter AND... the whole text. how do you even make a coincidence out of writing “short and sweet side”
Eight: lets see the image below~
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again, there are multiple things straight up copied here. the header for “types of writings”, from the font and symbols of it. the same thing can be seen with “imagines/scenarios”, even the description below it (except the takes more time to part, since embarrassingly enough i think i forgot to finish my sentence there). even the phrasing “how to order”...
Even as I finish pointing out everything, I’ve found that they’ve since deleted their blog, but running away without a word doesn’t guarantee that something like this will never happen again- it might not even be my blog that gets straight up copied next time.
If I come off as petty or angry here instead of mature, I have to apologise because I am upset over all of this. Remember that even if it’s just a theme, a real person put in the effort to make all of these. I’ll be honest I’m lucky that I have dear friends, mutuals, followers who are here to support me, but not everyone has that. Remember that your actions will have consequences.
To that person, I’m sorry discourse happened in relation to your newly created blog but I hope that you’ll learn from this. This probably sounds a little fake coming from me, but I can tell you probably have the talent when it comes to editing. But remember that inspiration is different from taking something blatantly. If you ever want to come back, I hope you take the chance to make something of your own. I’m not really in the TWST fandom on tumblr, but so far people tend to be very supportive, especially to writers and artists. Know that people would rather you do something creative, something your own than take something someone else has already done.
That’s all. I hope something like this never happens again, no matter which fandom.
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tomfowlery · 2 years
hey i was just wondering how you can put direct links to other blogs like you have in your bio? i have absolutely no idea... it's because i just found out some of your doodles are actually in my Header Photo and i wanna credit u of course, i think it'd be better if my bio links straight to you instead of it just saying your @ , cus then the person would have to go and search your name up and everything & it just takes a lot longer so some people might not bother
ok so to be totally honest i thought your drawings were part of the official storyboards until today - they're just so accurate 😭 im sooo sorry for not realizing/crediting until now ~ they're honestly amazing
while im here i just wanna quickly say thanks for posting such diverse and awesome and fun and beautiful content almost every single day, it's the best :)))))) i love it sm. have the best rest of ur day
hiya!! OHHH THIS MSG IS SO SO KIND TYSM!! i still can't believe ppl think my silly storyboards are real aha, but i'm so glad i could portray Chris Hubbard's style well enough that it looked near-identical yk! and i rly appreciate u wanting to credit me; in fact i actually saw u use my art as ur banner a bit ago but forgot to say anything LOL. i rly hope to make more geah content before and after season 2 releases!!
NOW, if u wanna put links in ur bio, i suggest u go to ur blog. this is off memory so bear with me, but basically u wanna scroll down to "edit appearance", then to "edit theme". then in the bio you'll wanna put in <a href="URL">"TITLE"</a> .
ie smth like this: i'm <a href="https://corvivacious.carrd.co/">sawyer!</a>
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