#might yoink that
electricsynthesis · 1 month
I love klance #klance4life and obviously 99% of my enjoyment comes from fandom content but if there’s anything that immediately takes me out of a klance fic it’s them using cutesy petnames for each other. I think those two are going to be calling each other by childish insults until they die
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hinamie · 19 days
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round 2 of prelim designs for @philosophiums n my lovechild of an au
first year trio
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 255
You know what? Three-way crossover. Danny Phantom, DC, and Monster Hunter. 
Specifically something akin to Monster Hunter Wilds (Which isn’t out at this time) where there’s not much or any sort of settlements (from what we’ve seen) though there’s some signs of ancient ones. But several heroes might have erm, fallen through a portal or two and now they’re in some sort of… place full of unknown creatures and monsters. 
Dragons, for one, but that’s just the beginning of the proverbial iceberg. And they might be a bit… stuck. Just a little bit. 
On the other hand, the Eternal Quartet- that is Tucker, Danny, Sam & Valerie- have decided to go on a bit of vacation before college. You know, get some last bit of feral-ness out and alright maybe they just wanted to not have to deal with other people. 
And there’s a bunch of creatures here, and plenty of plants for Sam to get excited about too. And look, Valerie isn’t going to say no to a giant velociraptor sort of creature that she can ride. And- holy fuck Tucker do not harness the power of a storm to power your PDA- Actually stop summoning storms please- 
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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MORE worm lore ft. conversations with arceus. this time with the ingo himself!! you might wanna click through to read it better
(i actually put real borders between the panels this time, woohoo!!)
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izzyhandsmybeloved · 8 months
I don't believe Izzy is dead.
In season one they "killed" off Lucius and none of us believed that he was gone. I believe an argument for that was that David Jenkins doesn't want an unhappy ending.
This season we literally got Ed coming back from the dead after a trip to purgatory; and he was dead for how many ever days. Buttons literally turned into a fucking seagull. Izzy was literally established to be an "indestructible little fucker." He survived multiple toe amputations, got shot in the fucking leg, lost said leg to infection and had to have it amputated. Then survived an attempt at suicide by sheer fucking luck. He was up on a peg leg in no fucking time. Like seriously!
They cannot just kill him with a shot in the gut. That's just piss poor story telling, especially because of the things above that they already set into place.
Additionally, one of the last shots was Izzy's grave and a seagull, which 100% was Buttons. If that's not foreshadowing that that man isn't dead, I don't know what is.
I want him to wake up, crawl out of that freshly turned dirt, spitting out said dirt, cursing to any God that might exist. Extra points if it's storming and Izzy limps to the house Ed and Stede are fixing up. The door opens up as lightning strikes, scaring the hell out of Ed and Stede.
Anywhozle, denial is a hell of a drug and I'm not giving up on Izzy.
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 11 months
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KHSFYITESFJKHKSD ok i DO understand the point being made and how the immutability of comics canon events seems to depend largely on how much a reader liked a given plot more than anything else, but Jason is like the WORST example you could use. Yes! The fans did literally kill him it was put to PUBLIC VOTE! Writing always involves the creation of conflict but Jim Starlin did NOT make that call unilaterally the crowbar IS in the reader's hand (or at least the voter's). Especially as modern comics increasingly lean on the 4th wall and include metatext as a plot point, YES there is ABSOLUTELY a reading where the writer and audience are as much "characters" as the city of Gotham itself even if we never show on-panel.
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twsted-canvas · 4 months
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Leota Dorm Uniform SSR
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"Yeah, sure, I'll come along. Just don't do anything stupid, okay?"
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codgod-moved · 1 year
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woo yeah highschool au sketches yeah !
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H is for Happy Birthday Lewis 🥳
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eerna · 6 months
Oak's narrative voice is already so funny.... he uses words like "rhapsodizes" and then in the next sentence it's caveman speak. Why does he talk in third person
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more discord camera shenanegans it felt awkward having rick face to the side for the camera so i gave him a friend to look at!
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the-voldsoy · 2 months
hey so it's well know that Tim was good-looking and didn't really have any friends outside of the Institute, right? after Sasha died he didn't have anyone, i don't think? and we have no idea how old Elias was, but he worked at the Institute either in the 90's or the 70's, which means he must have been at least 50? which means Jonah would have been due for a new body sometime soon? and Elias was picked because he didn't really have anyone who would notice if he started acting differently, right?
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chipsncookies · 8 months
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Ohhh she is so pretty i like her design a lot 💖💖💖💖
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ilovehazbinhotelomg · 4 months
@roseddraws gave me the idea for a fic where alastor discovers that marriage is like a loophole to a deal. He can’t marry Rosie so somehow he ends up marrying lucifer and it turns into a enimes to QPR sorta thing and it’s such a good idea
I’ve never published any of my story’s and their usually fairly short (like no more than 1000 words) but I wanna give it a go
I haven’t really fleshed out the plot or anything so any ideas to how I might start it or get them to the point of marriage are welcome (please I’m begging)
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lovesickeros · 1 year
it is, frankly, criminal that no one has really gone into detail about what would happen in the imposter au if only the archons knew who you were..like, makes sense!! because they are archons, those closest to celestia. but the implications of an archon, who are usually very protective of their nations, having to fight them to protect the Creator because no one else sees you for who you are?? thats the good shit
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like the difference of how archons who pretend to be normal people (zhongli + venti) would handle it vs archons who still directly rule over their nations (nahida, ei, tsaritsa) is *chefs kiss*
#sagau#genshin sagau#genshin impact sagau#sagau imposter au#zhongli#ei#venti#nahida#tsaritsa#did i write this just to psychoanalyze the tsaritsa again??? maybe#but i want 2 talk abt ei first bc. ma'am#unarguably the safest with ei. definitely one of the strongest (currently. we dont know abt previously) archons.#+ its. yknow. ei. miko would probably believe her scatterbrained gf and help you at least somewhat#but everyone knows the shogun. they know how strong she is. she'll have no trouble taking out any combatants who try to harm you#i mean sara got beat up by signora. she wouldnt really stand much of a chance against ei. but she might also be persuaded bc. well#shes still loyal to the shogun. it would take some EFFORT but you could maybe turn her to your side.#BUT THE TSARITSA......lordy#we dont have an accurate measure of her power but all it would take is just yoinking the gnosi and fucking off w you in tow#like harbinger or not its. the tsaritsa. with a bunch of gnosis.#shes going to punt each and every one of them like footballs into the afterlife#but its abt the DRAMA. shes suddenly lost everything shes worked so hard to build......just bc you popped down to teyvat for..what??#fun???? just to watch her suffer??????#she is not Nice but she isnt. that mean. shes just bitter and a little pissed that her harbingers kinda made her abandon her own NATION#bc they have rocks for brain apparently. shes firing every single one of them when its all over#i just think its funny making the one character directly against Celestia have to take care of a dumbass g-d after fleeing her own nation#all bc you just had to descend to teyvat (she is ignoring that u got eebied there against your will. give her a week okay)#tsaritsa having the worst time of her life babysitting her g-d whos too gay for their own good (stop running at the acolytes)#also i think zhongli's reaction would be funny bc he JUST got done handing liyue to the people......and now their hunting the creator#hes too old for this. he just wanted a nice retirement after being an archon for too damn long.#LET THE MAN REST
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
i am once again doing my part to keep the art of pokéship names alive and sharing a few more that i've had flitting about in my head recently.
kieran/ortega — yoseishipping
florian/kieran/ortega — haruhoshishipping
amarys/carmine/nemona — fruitfulheartshipping
lacey/nemona — partydressshipping
larry/peony — armorbirdshipping
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