#I read a fic where they used ‘blue’ and ‘red’ for each other which I actually liked a lot
“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 32 is now available on AO3.
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“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Currently 32 chapters completed: 1.465M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
Here's a romantically fluffy snippet from Chapter 32 of a conversation Buck and Eddie are having while they dance in the living room.
Once Eddie hears the introduction, he asks, “What song is this?”
“It’s “Blue Skies” by Noah and The Whale and I think it’s perfect because babe… for the past month and a half, we’ve experienced a lot of dark skies but I believe we’re finally about to see some blue skies.”
He tilts his head to the side. “Amore mio, what do you mean?”
“Well… the chorus of this song talks about blue skies are coming and I think that’s where we’re headed.”
They move to the center of the room, wrap their arms around each other’s waist and slow dance. When the leader starts singing verse one, Buck sings with him, “This is a song for anyone with a broken heart. This is a song for anyone who can’t get out of bed. Oh, do anything to be happy.”
Eddie gasps, he bites his bottom lip and tries to blink away his tears because he remembers it was just a few short weeks ago that Buck could barely get out of bed. On January 2nd, his heart rate lowered and he became unconscious and unresponsive and he thought he was going to leave him forever. Then Friday night, his heart stopped again but this time it was because someone tried to take him away. On Monday, he could barely get out of bed again but today, they’re in each other’s arms and they’re dancing like they used to and he’s so happy he can hardly contain it.
When his tears start rolling down his cheeks, he realizes he’s unsuccessful at stopping them.
Like always, Buck’s right there and he notices. He unwraps one of his arms, lifts his hand and wipes them away. Then he places soft kisses underneath both of his eyes and whispers, “I’m still here babe and I’m not going anywhere. EVER! I promise and I’ll never break your heart!”
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Two years ago, Eddie was asked, “What are you afraid of?”; twice, once by Frank and once by Buck but he only answered one of them without deflecting. Since that time, he’s been to therapy and him and Buck got married but the question resurfaces when Frank asks Buck the same question and Buck asks it of Eddie for the second time. However, when Buck asks, his reasoning will be about something else entirely.
Chapter 29 - After Buck and Eddie have an emotionally intimate conversation regarding their dreams, they make several decisions that will affect their future. When everything falls into place, they’ll realize one of those decisions will result in them no longer being work partners.
Chapter 30 - In 2018, Buck and Eddie met at the 118 and after some initial apprehensions on Buck’s part, they became work partners and they agreed to have each other’s backs. It’s been more than 6 ½ years, a lot’s happened, they got married in December 2023 and they have the family they both chose. With Eddie leaving the 118 in 3 months and Buck getting closer to moving past his grief, what will him losing his work partner mean for him?
Chapter 31 - As Buck’s life hangs in the balance from what’s suspected to be another bradycardia event, Eddie’s by his bedside, their son is being cared for by relatives and their found family is in the waiting room. During this time, many questions will surface that could possibly lead to the truth but will everything be revealed before it’s too late?
Chapter 32 - On January 2, 2024, the figurative skies over the Diaz family became gray and filled with storm clouds. Buck’s recent trauma, Chris’ school project and Eddie’s paramedic studies combined with the attack on Buck’s life, all those things contributed to the grief they’ve been experiencing. However, as the middle of February approaches, will the dark clouds dissipate so blue skies can return?
Chapter 33 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-32; they're available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
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electricsynthesis · 5 months
I love klance #klance4life and obviously 99% of my enjoyment comes from fandom content but if there’s anything that immediately takes me out of a klance fic it’s them using cutesy petnames for each other. I think those two are going to be calling each other by childish insults until they die
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mattybsgroupie · 2 months
sleepover | matt sturniolo
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contents: established relationship; handjob (m receiving); thigh riding (f); p in v; creampie; mommy kink; sub!matt
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notes: i wrote two dom!matt fics in a row i do not recognize myself. back to the sub!matt agenda, somebody has got to do it, i am the chosen one!!! (please it’s a trump meme) this is a silly little one i wrote cuz i’ve been dreaming some weird things these last few days and i’d very much like to fuck matt afterwards. not proofread but hope you enjoy it. always so thankful for every like, comment, reblog and follow, love y’all sm ♡ btw next week i might post a chris request i got idkkk
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i woke up out of breath, sweat dripping from my forehead as i tried to calm down. it was a nightmare - a terrible one, where i no longer had matt and no matter how much i’d scream, my voice wouldn’t come out. my phone buzzed, the screen lighting up the ceiling and part of my room. it was 3am.
i reached for the nightstand, first taking a sip of water and then grabbing my cellphone, checking my notifications. i had one missed call from matt and two other messages, which only read “babe, you up?”
i felt as the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders, my chest gradually lowering as i got more relaxed. i smiled and speed dialed the first number on my list.
“why are you awake!” matt picked up in a surprised tone, not really waiting for my answer. “i just texted you, did you feel it coming or something?” he giggled.
“hi, babe” i said, my voice still shaky. “i just woke up, actually”
“what happened?” matt asked me once again, clearly concerned as he heard how i sounded. i gulped and gave a few taps on my chest as i rested my back on the headboard. “what is it, hm? bad dream?”
“uhum” i nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. he knew i’d soon be curled up between the sheets, trying to fall asleep again. “what about you babe? can't sleep?” i asked, already knowing the response.
matt sighed and i could picture him running his fingers through his hair, trying to not upset me “anxious”.
“i’m sorry to hear that, matty” i pouted from the other side of the screen. “do you wanna facetime?” i suggested what we had done plenty of times. we’d be facing each other, talking nonsense until one of us fall asleep - of course, when things didn’t take a turn to either matt’s or my own horniness.
“actually… was thinking about coming over” i smiled, but he couldn’t see it. he always made me feel like a teenage girl, changing the reason of my nervousness to something silly, like him coming over.
“no way, you’re not getting the road right now” i said, playing hard to get.
“what?” matt sounded confused. “why not?!”
“it’s late and i worry about you” i responded. “don’t you have something schedule for tomorrow?”
“i don’t give a fuck” matt said, “i wanna be with you right now, do you wanna be with me?” i nodded and as if he could see me from there, he continued. “please, mommy?”
“i’m waiting!” i jokingly hang up on him after gasping by the nickname, as if it was too bold of him to call me that.
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i heard three knocks on my bedroom door and didn’t bother getting up. i rolled myself on the bed, waiting for him to join me.
“did i take too long?” matt asked, biggest smile on his face. he locked the door and quickly came next to me, lying down by my side.
“yeah, you know mommy doesn’t like to wait” matt widened his eyes, gulping at my words, realizing what he had done over the phone.
“i just said that so you could let me come over” he said, acting tough as he rolled his eyes before resting his head above my chest, snuggling into me.
“oh, that’s too bad” i pouted, my fingers running through his hair. “you got me all worked up…”
matt quickly raised his head, blue eyes staring at me in surprise, grin growing on his face. “did i? really?”
“of course, my good boy always gets me going” i teased, matt’s cheeks turning red. “why? you came here to sleep?”
“i mean” he started, grabbing my waist, turning my body over and changing our positions. he was now under me, his hands resting on my hips while i adjusted myself in order to get comfortable on his lap. “not anymore”.
matt leaned in for a kiss, holding the back of my head and bringing us closer. i could feel his beard slightly tickling my face as he deepened the pressure of his lips against mine, silently asking to go further by sticking his tongue and teasing me. i opened my mouth and matt’s tongue quickly slid in, the wet sounds taking over my darkened room.
one of matt's hand moved to my breasts, massaging it over the shirt. i gasped for the sudden contact, pulling away from the kiss, which led him to go to my neck instead. he trailed his lips down, altering between biting and licking my skin. my hands went to his hair once again, tangling my fingers on his curls.
matt lowered his head and stopped right above my nipple before looking at me with needy puppy eyes. i nodded vigorously, but instead of removing my shirt, matt hid his face underneath it, streching the cloth in order to fit inside. i felt his wet tongue teasing my nub and since i could no longer pull his hair, i rested my hands on his bare thighs. as matt started to swril his tongue, i threw my head back and couldn't help but start to move my hips forward, trying to get some friction to my already wet pussy.
i let out a moan when his free went to my other boob, his thumb circling the hardened nub that poked through the shirt. i wanted to look at him - wanted to see how his beard looked like rubbing against my skin, which color the hickeys he left would be, how much would the saliva run down my torso.
with my eyes closed and feeling matt sucking my tits, i tried to touch the hem of my shirt in order to remove it, i couldn't stand one more second without looking at his eyes again - however, my palm met something harder, covered by a soft fabric. i groped his shaft and received a muffled moan from matt, still busy in my tits. now with my eyes open i could finally take my clothes off, revealing matt with his messy hair, beard wet from rubbing his face against his own kisses, lips swollen.
“look at me baby” i called and carressed his cheek, “you said you wanted to sleepover and now look at you, already a mess for mommy...”
“i'm s-sorry, mommy” he started, “can't help it, you taste so good”.
“yeah? did you miss me?” i teased, starting to drag myself over his thigh once again. “we saw each other two days ago”
“it's too much” matt complained, hands going to my hips, helping me set a proper pace. “needy again”, he glanced at tent on his shorts, where my palm rested.
“is mommy's baby needy?” i almost mocked him and he nodded pathetically, but still not letting me take full control as he started to pump his legs' muscles, making my pussy clench. i opened my mouth, but nothing came out of it. matt's grip tighetned and he forced my body down, completely leading my movements.
“mommy seems needy as well” matt spoke, smashing his lips against mine. i let out a frustrated whine, wanting to feel more - i needed him inside of me. “aren't you?”
“yes- fuck” i said, trying to come back to my senses regain control of the situation “babe, be a good boy for me hm?"”
when i finally stroked matt's boner, his hands rapdly went to my ass, both palms groping it harshly as i entered inside his pants. i wrapped my fingers around his aching cock, and being the good boy he was, matt lifted up his hips, allowing me to pull down his shorts and reveal his hardened dick. he touched my waistband in response, silently asking if he could do the same to me. i mimicked his moves, letting the fabric slide down my legs.
“thought i had told you to not wear panties to bed” he said, pulling the strings of my underwear. “isn't mommy supposed to be good as well?” matt was driving me crazy with all the teasing.
i suddenly started to move my fist up and down, quickly jerking him off. matt was used with me starting slow and building up his excitement until he climaxed. but tonight, it didn't seem like he wanted to be treated kindly. matt threw his head back and closed his eyes, groaning loudly “f-fuck!”
i brushed my thumb over his tip, matt’s body immediately reacting, jointing his hips forward into my fist. i dragged my finger on his slit as matt’s nails dig into my skin, spreading the pre-cum down his shaft. his breathing got heavier, chest rising and falling quickly while he bit every inch of skin he could reach.
“not talking back anymore?” i asked, gradually stopping my motions, receiving a groan in response.
“mommy, don’t be mean” he pleaded as his sneaky fingers made their way to my entrance, pulling my panties to the side. he kissed my neck, making my eyes roll as i melted into his touch.
“matthew” i caught his attention since i didn’t really use his full name often. “stopping teasing so fucking much and just fucking say it”. he widened his eyes before letting the grin grow wide on his face.
“please, please, please” he said, “ride me, momma”i immediately got out of his thigh, adjusting myself to be in between his legs. i could feel matt’s cock being lazily dragged against my now bare pussy, panties removed as soon as i got up.
i lowered myself on his shaft, nearing my throbbing cunt to his leaking tip. both of my hands went to matt’s shoulders, looking for balance as his grabbed my hips, helping me fully sit on his length. matt’s dick was huge, stretching my walls as he hid his face on the crook of my neck, tickling beard making me giggle as i tried to adjust myself to his size.
“wasn’t so hard, was it?” i asked, getting comfortable to move my hips up. as i started riding, matt wouldn’t say a word, only muffling moans in my ear. he denied with his head, whining as i fastened my pace.
“c-close” he said, gripping tighter. “mommy- fuck”
“hold for me baby” i spoke, already out of breath, bouncing harder on his dick. matt decided to stick his face on my boobs and dragged his tongue along my skin, biting my nipple and holding me by my waist, jointing his hips forward in order to reach his high quicker.
“yes baby, just like that” i praised, matt now pounding mindlessly into me. “good boy, good boy” and that’s what took for him to snap, groaning loudly as his cock twitched and he released the knot on his lower belly, spurts of his warm cum filling my insides.
his spasms brought me closer to the edge, but i wouldn’t stop riding him. i kept on bouncing on his cock, now in search of my own climax. “mommy- mommy, fuck!” matt cried from the overstimulation. his whimpers got louder and so did my moans as my orgasm washed over me, mouth hanging open with my trembling body as i came over matt’s shaft.
i was too tired to remove myself, letting my weight fall over him. matt rolled us over, both of us laying in my bed. he turned to the side and pulled out, the mix of our realeases running down my legs and staining my sheets. matt let out a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to his chest.
“should we sleep now?” i asked, running my fingers through his tummy.
“kid” he called, pointing to my bedroom widow. “the sun is already up” he spoke - as if this was gonna stop us from sleeping till noon. “but that’s why i came here, right? sleepover”
“of course, you’re always so clever” i rolled my eyes and giggled, allowing my body to relax next to his. i closed my eyes and knew that, while matt was around, the bad dreams would no longer come.
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taglist (drop a 🌸!): @thepubeburgler @submattenthusiast @pearlzier @mattsfavbitchhh @her-favorite @bugeyedgrl @mattswhore-44 @sturncakez @riowritesitall @joemamaaa42069 @mattttypooh @sturnsmia @sturnthepot
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If you are taking reqs for fics, you should totally do one where reader is sore from training or something else(😏) and Miguel offers to massage readers legs, in which turns into him eating reader out!
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Miguel O'Hara x Female Reader
Summary: Miguel insists on helping you stretch out your hamstrings.
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Explicit Smut, Mature Content, Mutual Pining, Sassy Miguel, Persuasion, Power Dynamics, Dom Miguel, Touch-Starved Reader, Avoidant Reader, Thigh Stretching, Thigh Riding, Thigh Kissing, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Miguel Using His Nose *Creatively*
Word Count: 1.7k
Notes: I hope you like this, Nonny! It got a way from me a bit:)
Read my other MIGUEL stories!
“You’re doing it wrong.” His voice is slick like oil as it spreads through the air and into your ears, coating you in its deliciously dark warmth as he approaches you from behind.
“Oh really?” You keep your palms pressed against the wall as that warmth intensifies, stretching the muscles in your calf as you feel the heat from his breath reach the back of your neck. “How so?”
“You’ve been groaning every time you stand up from your chair.” The weight of the mat beneath your feet shifts and bends with each step he takes toward you until he stops just a few inches short, inhaling a little longer than normal before speaking again. “That stretch isn’t going to help your hamstrings any.”
“No?” You keep your back to him, switching legs before continuing your usual stretches to ease your well-earned muscle pain. “Maybe my calves hurt, did you ever think about that?”
“I can help with those, too.” That dark, inky tambre oozes itself around your body, dripping down your torso and into your core as his words blow a few strands of hair away from your shoulder.
It’s only a matter of seconds now before he touches you, before that black abyss takes you under completely; rendering you helpless against his charm that you’ve been trying to ignore these past few weeks. Those innocent looks he stole from you across the room had quickly morphed into longing gazes that kept you up at night, spurning a fire inside that could only be stoked by one thing. You wonder if being submerged in this desire with him is something that could put this flame out for good; or if succumbing to your primal urges would only ignite this chemical reaction into a combustion impossible to recover from.
“By mansplaining my own stretches to me?” You bring yourself out of your own head and lean further into the wall, extending your muscle in a slow, aching release as he stands still behind you.
“I’m not…” he trails off, backing away only slightly. “I’m not mansplaining.”
“Really?” You finally turn to face him and notice that instead of his usual red and blue suit, he’s wearing shorts and a tank top to match your own. A fresh stain of sweat dampens the worn down collar that stretches across his muscular chest, testing your resolve even further as you try to keep your cool with a casual wink. “What would you call it then, huh?”
You turn to walk away from him, stopping only as he instinctively grabs hold of your arm in a quick attempt to keep you near. He steals another glance, stalling your departure with a gentle tug back in his direction, only this one lasts a little longer than those before it. This one allows you to see the varying colors of red, brown and black in his eyes as they carefully study your face, matching the color of that dark, salacious fluid that reaches the very tips of your toes and glues your feet to the ground.
Uh oh.
Now you’re sinking.
“You’re touching me,” you point out, glancing down at his hand before looking back up at his gorgeous face.
“Do you want me to stop?” The boldness of his question forces you to inhale as his fingers encircle your wrist, his calloused fingertips sending a rush of warmth up your arm as they gently pull you in even closer.
Well, do you?
“No,” you whisper, barely able to recognize your own voice as the word allows him to trace his way up your forearm. “No, I don’t,” you clarify.
“Then what do you want?” He asks again, his voice dropping an octave as it vibrates in his chest.
You shiver in silence as his thumb nestles into the crook of your arm, grazing back and forth over its delicate skin like a pendulum, raising the tiny hairs on your skin as he awaits your answer. His lips are closer than they’d ever been before, full and parted as you allow him to alter your center of gravity with another gentle pull. You’re close enough now to smell his sweat as it mixes in with the sandalwood of his cologne, that intoxicating concoction making it that much harder for you to resist sinking down any further.
“I want you to touch me.” You finally give in, figuring you have nothing left to lose with his breath now hot on your cheek. “I want you to keep touching me.”
“Good,” he smirks as if that’s all he’s been waiting for, nodding his head toward the space behind you. “Now get on the mat, flat on your back.”
Like one of his new recruits you follow his orders blindly, surrendering to this inevitable seduction as you cautiously lay down at his feet.
“Now, I know you’re allergic to accepting help from anyone else, but you’re holding back when you stretch, you know that?” He wastes no time in taking your foot into his hand before pushing your leg up toward you, straightening it out just enough to make you wince. “That’s why you’re still groaning every time you stand up.”
“Yeah, maybe you’re right,” you laugh, trying to ignore his pelvis as it presses against you, stretching your inner thigh out even more than you were capable of doing by yourself. You groan again as he pushes your body to its limit, his palm snug against your calf as he extends it up to the level of your head, pinning your opposite thigh in place with his hip. You hiss as a sharp pain quickly follows, shooting its way up the synapses of your largest muscle as he continues to splay you apart.
“Miguel,” you stifle a whimper as he grins, a glint of his fangs showing as that pain burns its way through the rest of that muscle group.
“Oh, it’s gonna hurt before it feels better, mami,” he goads, stretching you out even further as his pelvis grinds against yours, the evidence of his arousal more than damning.
“I know, I just…” You pause as the expression on his chiseled features changes from playful to knowing, his endlessly dark eyes glancing down at your junction before looking back up at your face.
“You’re soaking wet.” He keeps his hand on your leg while snaking the other between you two, testing the polyester layer of your shorts for the moisture that you both know is there.
Words fail as your jaw falls open in disbelief, that smug look on his face interrupted only by a strand of hair falling in front of his eyes as he touches you.
“I know you’ve been trying to hide it for as long as you can, mami.” He rubs your swollen lips up and down over the cloth, forcing that all encompassing heat to burn like molten hot lava deep inside your core. “But I can smell it on you the second you walk into a room; the change in your hormones, the sweetness of your sweat, and even this.”
You moan pathetically as he pulls your shorts to the side, sliding his fingers beneath them to collect your juices and spread them up and down your length. “No panties either, huh? Turns out I was right about you.”
“Jesus, Miguel,” you plead, grasping onto his forearm just to make sure that he stays close enough to keep kindling your flame.
“Your body’s never gonna lie to me about what it wants.” He leans down and pushes his fingers inside of you, grinning against your ear as you nod helplessly in agreement. “No matter how hard you fucking try.”
He presses his thumb against your clit while kissing his way down your neck, shoulder and knee as he continues to hold your leg in its prolonged stretch. His hungry lips leave a delicious trail down the bottom of your thigh that grows more sensitive as he thrusts his fingers in and out of your burning desire with such delicate ease only he could bring forth.
“There’s no way you’re gonna relax enough for this stretch to work,” he teases. “Not like this, anyways.”
He kisses the skin around your hips, releasing his grip on your leg just enough to let it fall onto his shoulder as he lowers himself down your body. “Now, if only there was a way I could get you to relax...” He looks up at you with nearly blackened eyes, reminding you of that onyx slick as it mixes with the sparks and embers his fingers send into your core before he licks a stripe up your dripping wet center.
Without another word, he parts your folds with his nose before tasting your inner layer, savoring the mere taste of your scent as he rubs his face all over it like a warrior with his paint. He allows himself to get lost in your unique flavor, marking himself with your sex as he all but forgets to hold onto your thigh as his tongue traces over every inch of your lower lips. His mouth encompasses you entirely as his fingers continue to work inside you, pumping spark after spark of pleasure up into the molten core of your body before drenching your swollen bud in his sensual spit.
You find yourself running your fingers through his auburn locks as he takes your clit between his teeth, licking and sucking on it with eyes fixated only on you as your hips rock in tandem with the rhythm of his wrist. His fingers pound deep inside you as he hums against your bud, brushing against that bundle of nerves until that flame inside you finally bursts into an eruption of ecstasy you’d never even thought possible. Every nerve in your body ignites in a series of blissful explosions, catching fire the more he devours your raw flesh until you’re crying out and violently shaking beneath him, completely combusted.
That pain in your thigh seems to disappear entirely as a healing wave of warmth coats your skin and muscles, vibrating in your bones as he moans his approval into your well spent sex with one last lick.
“I think that oughta do it.”
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elordilover · 7 months
Hii! Could you write a walker scobell x actress reader fic where she's new to acting and her first acting role is in the pjo show? Thank you!!
i love this!! thanks so much for the request! 💐
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more than best friends
pairing: walker scobell x fem!reader
summary: you are casted as annabeth for the pjo series and become best friends with your co-star, walker.
warnings: nothing really! not proof read, reader plays annabeth in the seires, half social media
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yourusername- i am so honored to finally tell you that am part of this project! this cast has become family. i’m so excited for everyone to watch it, meet you at camp half-blood: december 20th 🌩️⚡️🌊
walkerscobell- so honored to be able to work with you, and call you my best friend 💐♥️
percyjacksonseries- ⚡️⚡️⚡️
view more comments……..
everyone on the cast just announced their spots in the series, it was your first time doing this so you were a bit nervous. you watched your phone as all the positive comments started to roll in.
you heard the door to your trailer open and saw a familiar face, walker. you would never admit this to anyone, but you did sort of have a crush on him. but you had to put the admiration to the side now that he was your co-star.
“Y/N, do you want to go grab food since we’re done shooting for the day?”, he asked you.
“sure! where are we going?”, you replied as you got up and started exiting your trailer.
“i don’t know, in-n-out?”
“yeah, sure”, you said as you walked to the car.
the whole car ride was filled with scream-singing to one direction songs, it was amazing. the light that shined through his hair made you admire him even more. how the sunshine made his eyes sparkle. the way his smile grew when you were both singing along to the music that shaped both of your childhoods. you had always dreamed of nights like this, now they became your reality. your only wish was that he would see you as more than a friend.
the next day you arrived to set early and we r straight to the hair and makeup trailer, which was were walker was also. you couldn’t wait to see him.
“hey Y/N, how are you?” walker asked as you walked through the door.
“i’m good, a little tired tho, how about you?” you replied.
“i’m good!”, he said.
you two fell into easy conversation while getting makeup done, or getting your hair fixed. it was always easy with him, you always felt safe and at home while you were with walker. it was just something about him.
“action!”, you heard and immediately started to act out your scene with walker. it was going to be in the finale episode, where you place your necklace around his neck. it was supposed to be a little romantic, but it shouldn’t have affected you this much.
walker’s deep blue eyes stared you down, your cheeks immediately turned a deep shade of red. it was embarrassing, everyone on set would notice your admiration toward walker.
walker started laughing, most likely from your eye contact. almost every scene you guys shot together ended up like this, you and walker would burst out laughing. almost every scene had to be reshot many many times.
you shot the scene again and again until it was perfect. your cheeks still burning many minutes after.
after many long hours of shooting, walker entered into your trailer to hang out with you. it had become a nightly ritual for you guys. you would lay on your couch and scroll on tiktok, showing each other the funniest ones.
after minutes of scrolling walker tilted his phone toward you. you noticed the tiktok featured you and walker. it was an edit shipping you two. it used clips from different moments from the press tour, and red carpet events.
“i mean… it’s a good edit”, you said nervously. you secretly loved seeing tiktok’s like these.
“yeah i agree, it’s one of the better ones i’ve seen. we look pretty good together, we make a great team”, walker replied not knowing how that last sentence would effect you.
“we sure do”, you agreed as both you and walker’s cheeks turned red.
the other members of the cast had noticed how close you and walker had gotten, when you weren’t together, you guys were texting, and if you weren’t texting, you were probably asleep. aryan had brought it up to you last week, he said how everyone saw how you guys looked at each other, and how you were both always blushing when you had scenes together. you didn’t believe him though.
filming had come to an end and you were definitely going to miss your new best friends, especially walker. you two had agreed to call and text as much as you could till you could be back together for the press tour.
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yourusername- filming this show was the best experience of my life, thank you to everyone who was involved in creating this amazing series. love you all ♥️
the first two episodes are out now! 🌩️⚡️🌊
walkerscobell- SO EXCITED‼️‼️‼️
percyjacksonseries- oh my god
walkerfan- Y/N’s feeding us with this bts content
Y/Nfan- it’s sooooooo good
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walkerscobell- first two episodes. out now. 🌩️🌊
i love everyone on this cast so much, they have become my family, so so so thankful for everyone who got me here
yourusername- GO BEST FRIEND ‼️‼️‼️
percyjacksonseries- watching rn.
walkerfan13- PERCYBETH 😭😭😭
after the cast party, you decided to go over to walker’s place before your parents came and got you.
“hey Y/N, i kind of wanted to tell you something”, walker said nervously, “ever since i first met you you’ve inspired me so much and i just wanted to say that i really like you, in more than a friend way”, he rambled out.
you thought you were dreaming, no way he just said that. you stared at him for a second before kissing him, it was just a simple peck but you hope it got your point across.
“wait, you like me too?”
“of course, of course i do” you replied, noticing how red walker’s cheeks were.
he leaned in and gave you another kiss, you couldn’t believe this was real life.
after a couple of months, many interviews, many nights on facetime, many ship edits being sent to each other, many days of secretly dating. you both decided to make your relationship public.
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yourusername- my mom approves
comments on this post have been limited…..
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walkerscobell- percybeth irl
comments on this post have been limited……
thanks for reading, please send feedback and more requests!
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
:) you already know 😅 could you do prompt 50 with Kaneki or Urie with fem reader? Thank you, love! Your writing is always magnificent and can’t wait to read this one!
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; hot romance; also fluff (kaneki deserve it!); kid!fic, family!au; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual activities, on the sofa, kaneki wants another baby (breeding), unprotected sex, lactation, sloppy kisses, body worship, bites, pet names
includes: female reader ft. ken kaneki {tokyo ghoul}
author’s note: hii! i wrote about urie for you, so i chose kaneki this time :) i hope you find the plot and tags interesting and you enjoy it. i am also sorry you waited so long :(
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50. “S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.”
You breathed a sigh of relief when in the tiny bedroom with two cute beds you could only hear faint snoring and calm breathing. Your (almost) two-year-old daughter had her eyes closed in a white cradle with a pacifier in her mouth, and your five-year-old son was sleeping peacefully in a small bed, cuddled up to his beloved mascot in the shape of a yellow tiger. At the same moment, the very pleasant smell of freshly brewed coffee reached your nostrils, so you just kissed your children on their smol foreheads and then left the room, closing the wooden door behind you. After a while, you returned to the kitchen where your husband was waiting for you.
In his hands there was a black mug with the image of a white cat, and next to his person, on the counter, there was a white mug with the image of the same animal. With a smile, you thanked him for the life-giving caffeine, and a moment later you felt a light kiss on your left cheek. Leaning against the counter, you started a conversation with Ken about light-hearted topics, and somewhere between the first sip of the hot drink and drinking it to the last drop, you moved to the living room, wanting to turn on a movie from the plan to watch list on Netflix app. It was a simple horror movie with a predictable plot and comedy elements. However, the horror faded into the background the moment you started talking again; about your husband’s friend’s birthday party, about household chores, about wanting to go to the mountains, about Ken’s job... There were quite a lot of topics, and the quiet evening and the presence of a few lights hanging on the curtain rod added a pleasant atmosphere between the two of you.
You haven’t had an evening to yourself for a long time; you were busy raising your children and taking care of the house and your husband working hard and earning money for the four of you. Plus, there were many other, unforeseen situations that were often full of emotions, stress, happiness, or great physical and mental effort.
That’s why you needed each other more than usual on this particular night.
The light kiss you received from your partner was full of tenderness and longing. His cool hands touched your waist at one point, and you smiled because of caress, almost melting between the blond man’s fingers.
“... Aren’t you tired, butterfly?” He asked with a slightly raised eyebrow, wanting to respect your possible tiredness and desire to watch the movie to the very end. But you shook your head, giving him a quick smootch on the cheek. Ken took that as an answer and then moved slightly closer to you, while settling your body on the spread out sofa, full of soft pillows and beige blankets. His kisses changed their position in a short moment and now, instead of your lips, his teeth were lightly biting the skin of your neck. A few long seconds later, with his right hand, he pushed aside the nightgown you were wearing and also kissed your breasts, which were still very swollen from feeding the younger child with your own milk. “You’re very beautiful, you know, love?”
Your both cheeks immediately turned red and your eyes sparkled a bit as you felt your panties being slowly pulled down. The long blue fabric stayed in it’s place, as did your husband’s pajama top. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a rather large bulge in Ken’s boxers, but you didn’t comment on it in any way. Too busy touching his body under the material of his clothes, you almost forgot about the condom you kept in several strategic places around the house. So you wanted to reach into the small, mahogany hiding place in the armrest, but your beloved grabbed your hand between his long fingers.
“Maybe you want to have sex without it?” He asked a little uncertainly and a little with hope in his voice; he also couldn’t hide the smile that involuntarily appeared on his lips.
“... Why?”
“Hmm. Wouldn’t you like another child?” He asked, pressing his cock harder against your damp pussy, and you bit your lip, feeling your body heat up even more. “You look very pretty when you’re pregnant, baby.” He added in a light whisper, nibbling on your left ear.
“Oh. Really?” You laughed, and then after a moment of thought, you nodded, retracting your hand and intertwining your fingers with your husband’s.
In a short moment of a few more kisses and sincere compliments about your future pregnancy, you could finally start enjoying your husband’s cock, perfectly fitted to your body, which was entering your wet as fuck pussy with the greatest gentleness. Young man touched specific parts of your body and face every now and then. He adored your breasts, your hips, your neck decorated with several red marks, as well as your deep eyes and lips swollen from pecks.
“Maybe this time we can have twins, huh?” He asked quietly, rolling up your shirt and pinching one of your nipples, and when some of the white fluid came out, he almost ejaculated right inside your hole, thinking about how good you would look with a big tummy and then with another two newborns. “What do you think, Y/N?”
“Mhm… Maybe.” You hummed, your eyes squeezed tightly shut. His fingers wandered through your partner’s soft hair and back, and he held your hips tightly as he bounced against your body. The tip of his cock touching the back of your uterus. You imagined your family growing even bigger and you almost groaned out loud.
However, instead of making any sound between your lips, you heard a slight creaking of the panels in the living room and you opened your eyes at once, looking towards the noise almost inaudible to the human ear.
“S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.” You whispered, your voice hoarse, and then you raised yourself slightly on your elbows, smiling at the five-year-old who was rubbing his eyes with his fists. “W-What happened, Kenji?” You asked your little boy, almost throwing off your husband, who quickly hid under the fabric of the blanket, and you invited the child closer to you.
“...I had a nightmare, mommy.”
“Oh, a bad nightmare? Well then, why don’t you stay here with us and we can talk about something pleasant?” You asked quietly as your son sat down next to you. The boy nodded tiredly and then snuggled closer to you.
You were embarrassed, but with full professionalism, you told a child’s story about dinosaurs and treasure hunting, every now and then sending a glance to your husband who didn’t even know how to react to the situation.
You two will definitely finish what you started, but first you had to take care of your duckling, who – in a short while – will fall asleep.
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nhasablogg · 4 months
Tickle fics
Fandom: Red, White and Royal Blue
Characters: Henry/Alex
Summary: Alex reads a tickle fic about them aloud and Henry is having a totally chill reaction to it.
A/N: Soooo I do admit not a lot of tickling happens in this one (if any?). It's more of those fics with (the concept of) tickling that I love writing. BUT if you're nice maybe I will write you a sequel with the thing Alex mentions toward the end ;) Actually I probably WILL write it either way, although maybe I won't have the fics be connected. I hope you like this regardless!
Words. 1.2k
Alex finds it funny, and Henry likes watching him giggle over the phone, but, respectfully, Henry is about to die if he keeps it up.
Gripping the pillow he’s fighting against covering his face with, he tries to keep his features neutral, the opposite of Alex’s animated movements. He’s all hands and expressions, all laughter and voices. Maybe it’s Henry’s silence over the voice Alex has chosen to adopt each time Henry’s character speaks - too high pitched, not even the right British accent - that finally makes him look up from the phone, eyebrow raised, sentence dying at the tip of his tongue. “You don’t like this story?”
“It’s a great story.”
“But you’re barely reacting.”
“I was simply just enchanted by the descriptions. You know-” He sits up straighter, eyes on the back of Alex’s phone. “My interpretation of the story relies on how you read it to me. What words you choose to emphasize. What tone you adopt.”
“So you’re saying the way I’m reading is boring.”
“Not at all.”
“Hmm. Okay, look.” He shoves the phone in Henry’s face. “Read this.”
All Henry sees is giggle and tickles and it makes him want to scream. “Okay.”
“Read it aloud. I wanna see how you’d read it.” He leans back, grinning at him. “Since apparently I’m not a good narrator.”
“Oh my god, Alex, that’s not what I meant. I simply thought it was an interesting observation which was entirely on topic by the way-”
“You’re trying to get out of this.”
“I am not-”
“So read.”
They’ve done this before. Henry has never cared about the world of fanfiction, which Alex finds interesting since he is a man of letters and stories. Alex, on the other hand, was looking up fanfiction about the two of them the very moment they started sleeping together, sending him links and screenshots with lewd emojis. It was only after they became official that he started reading them aloud to him, sometimes as a joke, sometimes to see what Henry thought of certain, uh, activities. Henry has never called him out on it, mostly because it’s been quite effective.
“Look,” he said earlier that evening, tapping Henry on the arm. “I found a tickle fic of us.”
Henry nearly broke his own neck from how quickly he turned toward him. “S-sorry?”
Alex took his spluttering in the wrong way and nodded eagerly. “I know! Apparently that’s a thing. Listen to this.” He cleared his throat. “This is in the middle of the fic, it doesn’t start like this. Henry managed to call out a panicked, “No!” before Alex had switched spots, fingers curling over the area and making Henry howl with laughter, much different than June’s quiet pleading, but nowhere near Alex’s yelling. I don’t yell by the way. Also it’s a little weird that June’s in here. But oh my god, I need to read you the whole thing, it’s glorious. It’s about me compiling a list about my favorite things about you and putting you being ticklish on there, which I guess is kinda true. The author’s this weirdo called N-”
Henry grips the phone tighter now, scanning the screen. “Where did you stop?”
“About here.” Alex points and Henry tries to breathe.
“‘I should pin you before you fall off,’ he said, and Henry positively whined- I don’t whine.”
Alex waves his hand. “You do. Keep reading.”
“‘You liked that?’ ‘Let go of me, you brute.’”
“It does kinda sound like you, doesn’t it?” Alex has his cheek pressed to Henry’s shoulder, eyes on the phone. He can probably feel the heat radiating off of him and Henry tries to calm down, he really really does. “You’re certainly just as ticklish. Not sure if you like it when I tickle you, though.” He turns to grin at him, all cheeky innocence and Henry deserves a prize for the way he doesn’t look away.
“Right.” The prize should promptly be taken from him due to the way his voice wavers.
Alex sits up, as if he only just now realizes how not chill Henry has been during this entire interaction. “Wait, do you?”
It’s so unfair when Alex baby’s him. “I don’t.”
To Alex’s credit he seems to be trying very hard not to smile now. “You’re blushing.”
“It’s very hot in here.”
“Come to think of it, you’ve been blushing this entire time.”
“I have not.”
“Did you write this fic?”
“What? No!”
“But it’s not far off, is it? You don’t mind when I tickle you.”
Henry finally covers his face with that stupid pillow. “Please god, what did I do to deserve this.”
Alex is laughing as he pulls at the pillowcase. “Come on, don’t hide. It’s cute. I swear I didn’t pick this fic to embarrass you. I hadn’t connected the dots until literally just now.”
“There are no dots.” Henry gives up on the pillow and lets Alex take it. “This fic is simply not good.”
“Oh, come on now.” Alex makes a move as if to touch him and thinks better of it. “You almost never protest when I tickle you. You always seem to be in a better mood afterward. You don’t have to be into it or anything to not mind it.”
Henry whines - stupid N being right - and shuts his eyes. “I- okay, fine, I don’t fully mind it. Not when you do it.”
“Baby, that’s so cute.”
“I will literally murder you.”
“Tell me.” Alex is suddenly closer. Henry can feel his breath at his neck, but he refuses to open his eyes. “Did it do something to you to hear me read that fic?”
“Did you enjoy it? I certainly like watching you squirm.”
Henry opens his eyes and Alex is right there. “I won’t answer that.” A breath, and, “You already know the answer.”
“Oh, that I do.” A fingertip on Henry’s thigh. Henry imagines it moving further in, touching his most delicate skin. He rarely allows himself to think this - shame and guilt always gripping him - but sometimes, when he’s alone in bed or has Alex sleeping beside him, he imagines what it would be like to fully lose control to teasing fingers.
He’s never thought this fantasy will play out. He doesn’t know how to approach it now.
But Alex is there, so certain with it. So nonjudgmental.
“Tell me,” he says now, finger still but still touching. “What would you want me to do to you, if you could have me do anything? Pin you? Tie you up? Tickle you so gently you nearly scream? Or maybe you’re more into the playfulness of it. Maybe you like it when I’m quick and brief.”
“I don’t know what I like.” It wasn’t a lie.
“Oh. Well.” Alex grins, all teeth and glee. “Maybe one of those fics can help us figure it out. Combined with some experimentation, of course.”
Henry doesn’t know if he should curse N out or thank her. Maybe both.
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fabled-lady-twilla · 3 months
Shiga in 99.9% of the scenes I've written for my ShigaDeku Soulmate AU fic, lmao!
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He's like… ugh I don't wanna sit through any boring PLF meetings plotting to take control of all Japan, I just wanna grab my green-haired boyfriend/reluctant hostage and run away to my room. Heh.
Anyways! Under the keep reading link below is an excerpt from a flirty, slightly spicy scene between Izu and Shiga that happens later on in my fic. It's where they're past the chaotic, angry, violent 'enemies to lovers' stage of the story and Shiga has just discovered that he can touch/manipulate what I'm calling a 'soul-cord' in my AU, which is basically a spiritual link that connects two soulmate's souls together and helps them find each other.
The idea of a soul-cord comes from the concept of the 'red string of fate' and is basically a floating metaphysical cord/thread/string (not 100% sure what I'm calling it yet) woven from strands of each soulmate partner's soul, binding their destinies together and ensuring that always meet. By default, a soul-cord wraps around each soulmate partner's pinky finger, but this can be changed.
The thing is, with the way I integrated the soulmates trope into this AU along with Quirks, only soulmate partners with Quirks can see/interact with their soul-cords. By the time the main story line comes around, Izu has lost OFA and Shiga still has his Quirk (Decay). So, only Shiga can see/mess around with their soul-cord but both of them can feel it. Which is why Izuku is like, what the actual fuck is going on right now in the scene below lmfao. 🤣
Also, do you think the name 'soul-cord' is a good name for this? Or would 'soul-thread', 'soul-string', 'soul-braid', 'soul-weave', etc. be a more fitting name for it? I wanna know your opinion!
Pretty pretty pretty please let me know what you thought of this scene and if you'd like to see any more ShigaDeku excerpts! If you'd like to be added to the tag list for the story, please like, share, comment, or send me a PM. Thank you for reading! ❤️❤️❤️
Keep reading for 900+ words of flirty, slightly horny ShigaDeku interaction below:
“Is there a problem?” Izuku said, crossing his arms across his chest as he glared up at the other man. Tomura’s attention had been honed in on him since breakfast and Izuku had finally had enough of it. "You’ve been staring at me all morning. If you’ve got something to say to me, either say it or leave me alone."
Tomura leered down at Izuku through a half-lidded gaze, crimson eyes glinting in the soft orange lights of the hallway. Paying explicitly close attention to the way their silvery blue soul-cord looped around Izuku's pale throat over and over and over again, all nice, tight, and pretty. Right where Tomura wanted it. Right where it looked the best: wrapped around Izuku’s pale, freckled neck.
Right where it belongs, Tomura thought possessively, his cock twitching in agreement in his pants. The same it had been doing all morning long, causing him to have to constantly readjust his slacks.
The longer Tomura ogled him, the more Izuku’s frown deepened, and Tomura noticed the younger man’s glare taking on a heatedness that caused the green in his eyes to darken, contrasting beautifully against the silvery blue soul-cord wrapped around his neck.
Oh, yes. Tomura could definitely get used to this sight.
"Just admiring my handiwork," Tomura finally said, offering a wolfish grin with far too many teeth.
"Handiwork? What handiwork?" Izuku asked, brow furrowing with suspicion.
Tomura's only answer was a slight quirk of his lips.
Suddenly, Tomura thought of a wonderful idea, and his grin took on such a quality of wickedness that Izuku was immediately put on guard.
It was never a good sign when Tomura smiled like that. If that manic grin was directed at someone else, it meant someone was about to harassed, maimed, or something much worse. If it was directed at Izuku, it meant Tomura was up to something no good and Izuku, willingly or not, was about to find out exactly what that ‘something’ was.
Tomura backed away from Izuku, watching as the distance between them increased the floating length of their soul-cord. Tomura grasped the slack and gently looped it around his hand multiple times until it was almost completely pulled taut.
“What are you doing?” Izuku looked at Tomura like he’d lost his mind, what with his waving his hand around in the air like a lunatic. “Looks like you’ve finally gone completely insan—"
Without warning, Tomura roughly yanked their soul-cord towards himself, like he was yanking a dog backwards on a leash. Izuku found himself being jerked forward by an unseen force, tripping over his own two feet and nearly tumbling to the floor were it not for him crashing straight into Tomura's chest.
Izuku’s eyes widened in shock. Not only from what had just occurred but from the feeling of something warm, ticklish, and wispy stroking the length of his neck as Tomura made strange hand movements in the air.
Bewildered, Izuku ran his fingers over his Adam’s apple and around the back of his neck, where the warming sensations were the strongest. He grabbed at nothing, could feel nothing, only adding to his growing confusion at what the actual hell was going on. Did Shigaraki get a new Quirk?
Tomura hummed, seemingly delighted. He made another quick hand motion, fingers circling around nothing and making to grab at something in the air before pulling it closer.
Izuku felt it again, even stronger than before. A thick, deliciously warm pressure around his neck, not quite cutting off his air supply but toying the line of doing so. He couldn’t stop the flush from entering his cheeks at their sudden, close proximity, nor the shiver that ran down his spine at the feeling of something so snug and… protective closing in around such a vital part of his body.
Izuku bit his bottom lip, chewing at worryingly.
Tomura ate up the sight of Izuku’s nervous arousal with a quiet sort of hunger. With their soul-cord still looped around his hand, Tomura softly, ever so slightly, pulled it just a bit tighter.
Izuku gasped, pretty green eyes growing to such a comically large degree that Tomura could not help but let out a mean laugh at his expense, entertained by the younger man’s reactions.
“You!” Izuku hissed accusingly, snapping out of his stupor and narrowing his eyes into angry little slits, “What the hell did you do to me!?”
Tomura grin grew so wide and predatory it nearly split his face in half. “Maybe if you’re a good boy today and don’t get into any trouble, I’ll come by your room later tonight and tell you all about it.”
At Izuku’s utterly scandalized face, Tomura smirked. He swiftly untangled their soul-cord from his hand right as Izuku forcibly pushed against his chest, propelling himself away and out of Tomura’s grasp.
Izuku grunted from the force of his back thudding against the wall of the hallway. He splayed his hands against it and quickly but cautiously inched himself along the wall away from Tomura, mouth slightly parted as he stared at the other man with an expression that was so distrustful Tomura couldn’t help but let out a huff of amusement, his canines popping out past his cracked lips.
“D-don’t you ever do that to me again!” Izuku managed to stutter out, the words coming out way less confident and threatening than he wanted them to sound.
But god, this unhinged man-child was quite literally driving him up the wall and Izuku wanted no part of anything to do with Shigaraki Tomura.
Izuku took a couple of cautious steps backwards, regarding Tomura like he would a rabid wild animal he didn’t want to turn his back to lest it pounce on him.
Tomura just stared back, crimson eyes gazing at him with an intensity that frightened Izuku more than anything else that had just transpired between them.
Izuku noped out and made a break for it.
Swiftly pivoting on his heel and rounding the corner, Izuku fast-walked down to the end of the hallway towards his room, Tomura’s raspy laughter reverberating off the walls and following him every step of the way until he slammed the door shut.
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gyusimp · 4 months
first of all I LOVE your work and your writing, it’s incredible how you capture your writing and I find your gyutaro fics to be very spicy yet creative.
I would love if you could make a college fic (or a high school fic, which ever one your comfortable with) where the reader is a shy, nerdy girl who has volunteered to work at the library during summer break at night time. As they’re working they bend over to fix the printer and get stuck or they ask gyutaro to hold some cords so they can reach into the printer to fix something inside the cabinet.
anyways use your imagination I know you wont let me down <3
°•Library nights with Gyutaro•° (Nsfw)
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Thank you so much sweet little anon! I'm glad you like my horny nonsense lol. You said you liked spicy so I took the liberty of making your request NSFW since you didn't specify, but if you had something fluff and SFW in mind please don't hesitate to tell me and I'll rewrite a version for everyone, ok? 🍬
⚠️WARNINGS: NSFW content | Smut content | Kimetsu Gakuen AU but both are adults for some reason | MINORS DNI!
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Art credits: @ bluethebone on IG
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Summer vacation was just around the corner at Kimetsu Gakuen. Some teachers would take turns to rest and to work on planning their classes and some projects for when the students had returned, some students would even take turns to support the teachers in their tasks. It was a task that no one wanted to do, besides you, the only ones who accepted were a red-haired boy with flashy earrings, another with long black hair with mint eyes and a little black-haired girl with blue eyes and a soft voice. It wasn't because your greatest desire in life was to help the teachers, you found out that extra points would be given in some subjects and that would help you maintain a good average in your classes as you did until now, besides, your mother was all day at work just like your dad so being at home all day would be quite boring.
That led you to volunteer as an assistant at the school. Principal Amane introduced you to your classmates and assigned each of them a time and place where they would be collaborating. Tanjiro would help with some repairs inside the cafeteria, Muichiro would be in the playground and gym, Makomo would be in Kimetsu Elementary, and you would be in the library. The others seemed to be very nice and they were, they all ate together with you at lunch time and as the days went by you became very close, Tanjiro even brought you all some cookies from his family's bakery. Today you would be on the afternoon shift, after another boy named Murata joined the volunteering later, you would take turns with him to help in the library. The afternoon shift was very quiet, generally you only had to organize books in their areas, clean and keep everything in its place, you even took the liberty of listening to some music on your airphones and reading a book that was of interest to you .
Today you would continue reading that romantic novel you found yesterday but when you arrived your plans changed. You entered the library with your things, it was always empty but today you found someone inside, a student. And not just any student, it was Gyutaro Shabana.
The guy was known as a delinquent within the school, he always spent time in detention or causing problems for students and teachers, especially the art teacher. Despite that, you embarrassingly had to admit that you found him quite attractive despite his reputation and everyone else thinking otherwise so your heart skipped a beat when you found him here and saw how he examined you from head to toe with one look
"H-hello," You barely said, entering and walking towards your spot at the library reception.
The boy didn't respond, he simply continued doing his thing next to a pile of books and sheets on the table, biting a pencil between his crooked teeth. You couldn't stand it, being so close to Shabana made you nervous. You tried to do anything to keep yourself busy but at the same time admire him from a distance. His hunched posture working in the chair, his blue eyes looking down and his thin fingers writing notes in hasty and poorly legible handwriting. The guy had something that made him uniquely attractive, interesting, sexy in your opinion. Doubt gnawed at you to know what he was doing here on vacation, but it wasn't until the next day that you dared to ask him.
"Summer school and shit" he replied.
Gyutaro was very intelligent but very lazy at times so that led him to get unsatisfactory grades and having to attend remedial classes during the vacations. He thought the same thing happened to you but he didn't hesitate to shamelessly mock you when you told him that you helped the school of your own free will. According to him it was the most pathetic decision he had ever seen someone make in their life. His comments were cruel like a joke but you didn't dislike it at all, you usually joke in a similar way with your closest friends so the time you started spending with Gyutaro wasn't anything new or offensive. You spent this entire week talking to him, he told you that he preferred to go to school in the afternoon since in the morning he was in charge of spending time with his sister and preparing lunch for both of them, then his mother would come home after work and she would take care of Ume while he studied here. Well, in theory, Gyutaro ended up procrastinating most of the time in the library after his math classes with Mr. Shinazugawa, on more than one occasion you found him asleep on the table, playing something on his cell phone or worse, watching videos too spicy even if you were around; you had to call his attention after a woman's moan broke out in the middle of the silence of the library when he thought his airphones were connected to his cell phone.
It was Monday again but this week you wouldn't be seeing Gyutaro because Murata would cover the morning shift, your shift was from 7:00 am - 2:00 Gyutaro's classes started at 3:00 pm then one more hour in the library until he got tired and went home so you could only talk to him via text. Yes, you gave him your contact and he gave you his, which is very unusual for him unless he really likes someone but either way neither of you ended up writing anything to the other. Embarrassment consumed you when you opened his chat so you preferred to talk to him until next week in person. Next monday arrived and you were eager to see him, your heart was beating a mile an hour and as soon as you entered you took care of greeting him and sitting next to him at the usual table, that was the same until Wednesday. On Thursday you were planning to do the same but your plans were affected. Mr. Rengoku needed some printed handouts with readings, exercises and questions for his students in the summer school History class, the man arrived with a smile before going home that day and handed you a USB with the document to to print 20 brochures for tomorrow. Each brochure had approximately 12 pages so your entire afternoon had been taken up next to the printer thanks to the young blond man with the loud voice, you got to work so you wouldn't have to stay late.
From time to time Gyutaro would get up from his chair to hover near you and ask you what the hell you were doing, why you were surrounded by sheets, a whole valley of paper around you. You explained as you organized everything on the computer and programmed the 20 copies on the printer. The device was not very recent and you had to monitor each of the sheets that came out so that it worked correctly until the most feared thing happened. The paper jammed. You tried with your life to move and fix it but the damn thing just didn't obey your orders so you swallowed your shame and went to find Gyutaro to give you a hand.  Both of you examined the machine, checking inputs, cables and so on until it made a very strange robotic noise. 
"Some printers open from the back, have you checked there?" Gyutaro asked while checking some cables.
"You're right, not yet." Gyutaro moved the device to give you access to the back, you leaned over the wooden furniture and began to look for a door or removable piece to unclog the paper.
Gyutaro was trying to help you by checking cables and other things until he finally got grumpy and gave up before smashing the printer against the wall. He took a couple steps back and crossed his arms as he watched you, cursing on the other side. His eyes were on the printer but then they went to your hair, to your arms moving repetitively, to your legs and the pressure that your white stockings caused on your thigh fat and then to your skirt, your butt peeking out shamelessly from under it and it seemed like you didn't know it. The movements you made made Gyutaro's mind fly much further, Shabana is an undoubtedly perverted guy and that was not a secret to anyone. A pressure began to build under his pants, colliding with the beige fabric of his uniform, making him walk towards you and was about to grab your waist with both hands, but he was interrupted by your voice.
"I got it!" You said excitedly, after hearing the printer return to work.
You sorted the paper and made sure to count the pages to resume printing, you were about to return to your chair but Gyutaro cornered you against the desk with both arms next to your hips, it made you very nervous seeing him so close.
"Wow, you have very skillful hands..." he said, smiling at you with many hints.
You didn't know what to do, were you imagining everything? Your cheeks burned in a second and something inside you made you play along.
"I know, I know how to do some things."
Gyutaro smiled mischievously at you, looked at you from head to toe and dared to caress your leg, bringing one hand to your butt under your uniform skirt.
"Really? Why don't you show me instead of bragging, huh?" He said, lifting you onto the desk with both hands, positioning himself between your legs.
Something warmed inside you, the speed in your chest made you smile back at him and grab him by the back of his neck to kiss him on the lips as he approached you. Gyutaro kissed you with desperation and inexperience but that didn't mean it didn't feel fucking good, the blue-eyed boy licked every part of your mouth, kissed your neck and left wet, hungry marks on your collarbones while making you choke on moans when he rubbed his member in the middle of your thighs.
"G-Gyutaro...someone could come." You said, trying to push him away and make him see reason.
"Do you think anyone is still here?" He scoffed. "Don't be stupid, that's why teachers offer high scores if you come to volunteer, everyone is at home while the stupid students do the work they should." He huffed between kisses on your neck.
"B-but, what if a student comes?" Your voice sounded worried despite the desire in it.
"Then they will learn not to mess with my woman."
Hearing him say that turned you on so much, you didn't know if it was because Gyutaro was also aroused that he said that but without a doubt that he claimed you as his without giving a damn about the others turned you to a pulp in his arms. 
Gyutaro's hands went to your shirt to get rid of your green tie and open each of your buttons to leave more desperate, wet kisses on your breasts, leaving red marks on your soft skin and shiny trails of his hot saliva, you grabbed his shoulders and you unbuttoned his shirt too to see his torso. He looked like a very thin boy, actually, his waist was quite small but his chest and arms were very strong. You brought both hands to his chest and caressed him sensually, lightly running your nails over him and playing with his nipples while he devoured you with kisses and nibbled you, with his hands never leaving your butt under your skirt for a second, playing with the lace of your panties. You leaned a little to kiss his neck and trapezius, Gyutaro's collarbones were very pronounced and while you licked his skin in the middle of kisses, you moved your hands towards his back to grab his butt and try to put your hands under his pants but he quickly stopped you. He grabbed both your hands tightly and didn't allow you to move forward.
"I thought you wanted me to show you my skills," you told him, mockingly.
"I changed my mind. I'll show you, okay?" He spoke firmly and authoritatively, making your panties wet.
Gyutaro brushed the hair from your neck and kissed your shoulders roughly until he slowly pushed you to lie down on the desk, leaving your legs dangling. Your hands tangled in his greenish curls, you couldn't help but moan at every touch of his long fingers, he lifted your skirt up to the top of your thighs and began to unbutton his belt and pants until he left his naked member exposed. Looking down and noticing how big he was, the blue eyed boy spit into his palm and began pumping his cock so it dripped more between his fingers, eager to fill you completely. Seeing the "V" shaped lines on Gyutaro's abdomen just above his member made you shiver with pleasure, just below his navel you could see a small trail of black hair. You desperately hoped that Gyutaro would take off your panties or you would do it yourself but when you saw his hand reach towards your core and feel his fingers sliding down your slit it was a much bigger relief. Gyutaro was aware of the risk that someone could get in, so he decided to leave your panties in place and just move them to the side with his index finger, watching with desire how wet you were and how you filled his fingers with small, slippery transparent threads.
"I bet you're really tight." He told you, licking his fingers and pulling your panties aside again.
Gyutaro stimulated your hole with his fingers with a couple of movements but when he felt your soft walls taking him warmly, his ambition made him take his cock and insert it directly into you, making you moan loudly, arching your back, instinctively opening your legs wider to receive him. You could feel Gyutaro stretching you, your moans accompanied his gasps and the sound of the printer doing its job, your uniform was a complete hindrance to both of you until you changed positions and Gyutaro put you face down on the desk. He entered you again and gave you a couple of spanks making you gasp his name.
"I love how you beg for me, you nerdy little bitch." He hissed, drunk with pleasure.
Gyutaro's moans were increasing, he took the audacity to lower his hands to your chest and put both hands inside your bra to massage your breasts while he fucked you. Your legs fought to keep you firm but each thrust weakened you more, you felt your clit throb and your hole get wetter and wetter until a lot of wet sounds filled the library, sweat ran under your knees and you felt drops running between your thighs without stopping, you didn't know if they were your juices. You clenched roughly making Gyutaro moan and curse, picking up speed as you were hit by your orgasm, an electrifying and abundant one that left you trembling beneath him, creating a slippery ring around Gyutaro's cock inside your swollen pussy. You were empty-minded, blinded by lust until you suddenly felt empty all of a sudden. You looked back and realized that Gyutaro had cum all over your thighs and part of the desk. So he pulled out of you before his orgasm.
Gyutaro was agitated just like you, his chest rising and falling and his bangs falling messily over his sweaty forehead, the perfect feeling of your tight pussy still had him seeing stars. You composed yourself and organized your panties and uniform, you noticed that even the 20 pamphlets had finished printing so you reluctantly organized them to finish stapling them tomorrow.
Your face began to burn, becoming aware of what had just happened, you didn't know if Gyutaro had done this because he was simply horny or because he actually liked you. It was something that you would analyze with your pillow tonight so you preferred to say goodbye to him briefly.
"See you tomorrow." You said, grabbing your things.
Gyutaro didn't say anything, he left his backpack where it was and began to walk towards you without taking his eyes off you, for a second you thought he was going to kill you until he took you by the waist and gave you a kiss on the lips, slowly and delicious making you melt again.
"We just fucked and that's all you're saying?" He scoffed, making you blush. "I love you as much as I love your pussy, stupid girl. At least say 'thank you' or some shit."
"I-I... me too- i mean...ok."
Gyutaro couldn't help but laugh at your inability to speak and the deep red painting your face, he finds you very adorable. "Next time we can do it completely naked, okay?" Gyutaro said, giving you a small spank.
That night he offered to take you home on his motorcycle.
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amalgamate-exe · 4 months
Dye Dye My Darling
IRL's plz dont read ^^
Eli -Hawk- moskowitz x M!reader
This is like my first full fic so enjoy!
Warnings: Unedited, Earlier series hawk, Flirting some and a whole lot of hair dye.
Hawk and you have been dating for about 6 months which would make you the luckiest girl in the entire tri-state area if this was some cheesy rom-com, but alas that's not how life worked out for you two. Unfortunately hard-core Karate kids and of course… kyler wouldn't be so chill with you two together, but that was beside the point. You were sitting with your friends at lunch admiring Hawk from afar Admiring him, the way his liberty spikes stood larger than life, the way his nose crinkled when he was laughing, probably about the Miyagi- do kids, or some new internet video that hasn't become post ironic yet, His cleft lip his-
“Earth to Y/N?” One of your friends ask 
“Hm sorry? Yeah what's up?” you ask still wanting to keep an eye on your boyfriend, you had no reason to stare but he was just… so pretty, like a Greek sculpture with his liberty spikes seeming to tower on forever
“Did you get the answers for number 6 for Math? You’re a nerd and like- Hey are you even listening to me?” Your friend follows your gaze to see “Oh for the love of gods Y/N I understand you want to live out your little romance but how many times do I have to tell you? He’s taken and… no offense, You're not his… his type!” this was almost a weekly conversation at this point, your friends and anyone else just assumed you had a crush on Hawk, but it didn't matter you two had each other and he invited you over to his house to hang out and play Tekken, and maybe… just MAYBE he’d let you dye his hair, his roots were overgrown and his hair was more of a blue-green bleached color rather than the aggressive red or any other color he has had in the past 6 months. 
“Sure thing F/N, anyways here are the answers for the homework,” You say keeping an eye on Hawk. And sliding F/N the answers
The rest of your classes after lunch went by fairly quickly, nothing interesting or notable except that on Friday there would be a huge party at the creek. The final bell rang as you started walking to His house, when you heard the clop-clop of heavy boots on the pavement behind you you turned around and see Hawk 
“Hey! Were you just gonna walk off and leave me back at that hell hole?” He asks giving you a playful nudge in the side
“Oh sorry I figured you wouldn't want to be seen with me, social hierarchy and stuff,” you say with a smirk, understanding the cliques in high school are very important, just like 80’s movies. 
“Not that I don't want to see you! I get like during lunch where you’re playing all stealth, but I love seeing you, I crave you” he says with a smirk as you walk back to his house.
Once you get into his house you both drop your bags and sit on the couch next to each other, you start playing Tekken 7 on his play station, He selects Devil Jin and you select King, as you two start playing and getting into the groove of the game, you decide to pop the question,
“Hey Pigeon~,” You ask in an almost sing-song voice
“yeah, babe?” He asks Lasered focused on the game, some things never change
“I was thinkin’ like your hair is just bleached now all the colors faded out, and I was wondering if I could dye it for you?”
“No way in hell” Responds quick and toneless
“Aww, why not?” You ask attempting to counter His attack and failing miserably 
“Because you're going to mess it up then you made a fool out of both of us! I'll trust you a lot, however my hair dye, my spikes? No one touches those”
“Well, you weren't complaining when I was touching them the other night!” You quickly retort back
“That's– that’s beside the point,” he says slightly flustered “No one touches my hair for upkeep except me!”
“So you're saying that you trust me to give you a PERMANENT tattoo over more or less Temporary hair dye?” You ask with a smirk
“What-? No, that's not what I'm saying at all!” He seems annoyed but that could be because you're beating him at video games rather than you attempting to get permission to dye his hair
“I've been dying my hair since I was like 13 if anyone knows anything I do. Also, would you rather have a little purple on your forehead or the weird half-blond green with roots you have going on now?”
He thinks for a moment as he hits a combo on you, the TV plays a little sound and goes “Player 2 WINS!” 
“Wanna know what, Fine, you can dye my hair ONCE” and if you fuck it up you will have to be the one who goes out to buy black box dye to fix it, AND deal?”
You smile and steal a kiss “Deal” 
You guys go to his bathroom and he changes into his hair-dye shirt, 
“Can't you just be topless?”
“No! You're going to be messing with MY hair. I don't need your eyes somewhere they shouldn't be!” 
“Oh sure! I'm the one ogling you when your shirt is off, I swear if you think i'm bad you should SEE your teammates when you take off your Gi top”
“Well last time I checked, I wasn't taking my teammates to bed with me” he responds with a smirk as he takes the bright Red hair dye bottle from under the sink and hands it over to you, then he kisses you on your cheek, “Ok now don't make me regret letting you do this… ok”|
After you start mixing the dye and put on gloves you start applying the dye to his head,
“Are you sure you didn't forget a step?” he asks with a smirk as you apply the dye to his hair
“Well if I did it's too late now… here my phone is in my pocket. play some music” You shift your weight so he can take your phone out of your pocket and he plays something, the noise of chiptune and 8-bit music fills the room, it is lively in its way 
“Hey this is kinda good what is it?” you ask about halfway done slopping (painting) on the red pigment to his hair
“You're not gonna believe me,” he says with a smirk
“Oh come on, you've seen my taste in music at times, this is good, what is it?” 
“It may or may not be the undertale soundtrack by Toby Fox?” he says almost embarrassed, which causes you to burst out laughing
“God pigeon, no matter how much of a karate badass you are, you're still a nerd at heart… I could kiss you right now” 
“Now now, focus on my hair, need your blood in your brain…’ he looks you up and down “Other places,” he says smirking and giving you that damned look of flirtation 
“You know you’re making dying your hair seem like way more of an in-depth process than it is… also for your hair being bleached so many times it's still soft” You liked the conversation also the silence no matter how long you've been together still felt off-putting, he smiles 
“Thanks the hair dye I use has some conditioner property or something, also I use a shit load of conditioner you know it couldn't damage your hair too much if you wanted to dye your hair too” he was just straight flirting with you now but he seemed genuine with his offer causing you to blush, a lot 
“That doesn't sound like a ‘no’ to me, c’mon we can match,” he says with a smirk that you could never say no to. The way his cheeks moved, the way his-
“Hey space cadet, can I dye your hair while mine is setting?” He asks while he's turning his head making sure every bit of the hair is saturated with the crimson dye’
“Yeah, that would be nice… though you better not fuck it up,” you say playfully.
Once you are done dying your hair and rinsing it out, the bathtub looks like a murder scene, with red dye along the bathtub and partially up the wall
“Holy shit your mom is going to kill me!” You say looking back at the mess you've made, hair dripping in front of your eyes, which causes Eli to scoff
“She's fine with it, who do you think took me to buy the dye in the first place? It just needs some TLC and it’ll all be good, baby” He says in a playful tone of voice while wrapping his arms around your waist. “The red streak looks cute on you too,” he says kissing your cheek, it feels nice his hands around your waist, and you lean more into him 
“Hey since you don't have to get going for a few more hours, wanna watch a movie? Something cheesy like clueless or… 10 things I hate about you?” He shrugs holding you close
“Both sound perfect”
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snoreyua · 1 year
₊˚ෆ ⁀➷ come back to me // ep. 1
synopsis : you and riki were childhood best friends doing everything together. when you entered middle school, you overheard him talking shit about you to his so-called friends. out of frustration, you moved schools and cut all contact with him. now starting a new year in high school, what will you do when riki unexpectedly transfers to your school? can you rebuild your friendship or will something much deeper will bloom?
word count : 1.4k
warnings : shit talking, lowercase intended, lmk if i should add anything else
yua's notes : this is my first fic so i apologise if it's not v good hope you still enjoy tho! :D
previous masterlist next
story written under the cut
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"catch me if you can!" you taunted the black hair boy who was slowly gaining behind you. "i'm gonna get you!" he yelled back before tackling you in a tight hug. you both giggled as you felt the warmth of the sun on your faces. he let go of you and sat down on the dewy grass, his breathing growing louder by the second. "since when- could you- run so- fast…" he said huffing after each word before letting his body fall back onto the green field. you sat down next to him, smiling from his red face. "you're too slow riki, even with your 'special' sneakers" you said while pointing at his lightning mcqueen sneakers. he rolled his eyes before sitting up again.
you gave him a bright grin as you signalled him to come closer. the black-haired boy edged closer to you, curiously staring at you digging through your pockets, sticking out your tongue while trying to find something. you smiled when your fingers met the braided bracelet, pulling out from your pocket. it was a cream colour, with a blue charm that read "riki". he looked at you as you gently pulled his arm closer to you, putting on the bracelet on his wrist. you put down his arm, looking at him with sparkly eyes. "well? do you like it? i made matching ones with the bracelet kit you gave me for my birthday!" you showed him an identical bracelet, instead of a blue charm was a pink charm which had your name. riki smiled, his eyes barely visible from how happy he was. "thank you y/n i love them!" he said before tackling you in a hug into the grass.
you and riki were inseparable. if you were at school, he would be sitting next to you, using your crayons to draw a portrait of you and him. if you were at the playground, he was copying all your tricks on the monkey bars. if you were at home, he would be in your room, groaning about how your room was too girly. it was like he was permanently stuck on you but you didn't mind. he was your best friend, and as your best friend, he should stay with you until the end. at least that's what you thought.
as you and riki entered middle school, things started to change. for starters, you weren't the best at making friends. seeing that most of your elementary friends were gone, you were often forced to sit by yourself in classes if riki wasn't there. luckily for him, he easily made friends with lots of people and found a group where he hung out with. you often went with him but his group were different. they relentlessly picked on you, saying that you were a freak and that riki had poor choices in friends. he stood up for you most of the time, saying that you were his best friend and they shouldn't be saying those things about you. but one day something changed.
you were waiting for riki beside his locker because you usually walked to class with him. despite for waiting for him for almost half an hour, he never came to his locker. defeated, you walked to class by yourself. you were about to arrive to your classroom when you saw riki with his other friends. rolling your eyes, you were about to approach him when you overheard their conversation. "riki that y/n girl you like," one of the guys said, a tone of disgust in his voice. "she's so weird… like how are you even friends with her," he looked at riki, almost snickering at his own words. "look here, I don't like y/n ok? she's not even my friend she just follows me everywhere, like a lost puppy," riki hissed at the other guy. "i just don't wanna be mean to her and tell her to piss off," he shoved his hands into his pockets before entering the classroom with his friends.
your grip on your books tightened as you felt a wash of emotions crash onto you. before you knew it, your legs directed you to the bathroom, locking yourself inside one of the stalls. your body slumped against the door, still in shock of what your best friend had said about you. his words repeated in your head, like a broken record player. you felt your face was wet with tears, your nose runny with snot. you felt your chest closing up as you buried your face in your knees. did you really just hear that? you slammed your fist against the door, a couple of people mumbling to each other about your bizarre behaviour but you didn't care.
"y/nie~" you heard riki's voice behind you. out of habit, you turned around, your face meeting with a smiling riki. great. he's pretending like he didn't do anything you thought to yourself. "what do you want?" you said coldly, not returning his smile as your gaze pierced his eyes. he tilted his head to the side, observing your face. "is there something wrong? oh my god, did you cry? your eyes are puffy and your eyes are red…" riki trailed off as his hand inched closer to your face before you quickly slapped it away. "you think there's something wrong? stop acting like you're clueless nishimura," you spat before walking away from him, bumping into his shoulder on the way.
since then, you ignored him. as soon as you saw him in the crowd of people in the hallway, you turned the other direction. riki kept trying to approach you, but you always seemed to disappear before he could reach you. he even visited your house, but you told your mother to tell him that you didn't feel well. eventually, he managed to catch you walking back home. "Y/N!" you recognised the voice and started running. the calls grew louder, as well as the footsteps trailing behind you. a hand grabbed your arm before forcing your body to face him. his soft brown eyes bore into yours, an unfamiliar emptiness obvious in his eyes. you tried to pull your arm away but his grip was firm.
"please y/n, tell me what's wrong. you've been like this all week and you're avoiding me." his hand loosened on your arm, desperation in his voice. his eyebags are more noticeable and he looks pale. for a second, you forgot why you were mad at him and felt sorry for him. "isn't it obvious? you're talking shit about me to your amazing new friends," you said coldly while taking his hand off your arm. "don't you understand how it feels when your own best friend backstabs you? do you think i'd avoid you like this for no reason? maybe you do think that. that's what you're telling your friends." before riki could talk, you ran away, ignoring his pleas for you to listen to him.
after a while, you finally convinced your parents to let you move schools. riki would finally be the least of your worries. although it was a rough start, you made friends at some point and your pain from him was healing steadily. you love your new friends but you can't help but feel they can only patch the missing piece of you. the riki part.
"y/n! y/n!" eunchae skipped happily towards you with grin on her face. you looked up from your book, pulling out one of your earplugs. "hey eun! how are y-" before you could finish your sentence, she put a finger on your mouth. "uh uh! I have some big news," she sat down in front of you, leaning on the backside of the chair. "there's a new transfer here! apparently he went to your old school and i've heard he's super hot," eunchae giggles, hitting you playfully. you smiled, wonder filling your mind. "huh? is that so? well i'll go see if he's really 'super hot' for myself," you chuckled before returning her a playful hit on her shoulder.
after your first class, you walked with eunchae, listening her ramble about school gossip. "and you believe what jihyun did to her after it was-" you looked at her, slightly confused at her sudden pause. her eyes widened at something in the crowd. you tried to see at what she was. maybe it was more of a who was she looking at. there stood a tall boy, his hair bleached with dark ends, with his hands stuffed in his pockets. your eyes were glued to a familiar bracelet, disbelief washing over your body. his eyes were locked onto you, shock obvious throughout his body. you opened your mouth, your words barely audible.
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
fic rec friday 4
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Serenade by @porcelaincas
“Will Solace,” Nico said. They were so close now that Nico could see that there were golden flecks among the blue in his irises. “Are you trying to serenade me?” or the one where Nico falls for Will even before the battle against Gaea and it all culminates on a warm summer night.
i am always a deep deep sucker for fics where will and nico know each other, at least slightly, before BoO. theyre so fascinating and for what. in this one in particular...oh will helping nico in the bronze jar is crazy. i don't want to spoil it but my ass was sat on that seat reading.
2. Stupid Teens by tihsho
Will likes getting gifts, and Nico likes the way Will blushes whenever he gives him anything. It should be a simple situation, but nothing's ever simple for Nico. Something's bothering Will, and Nico can't do anything about it. Never mind that he still can't seem to put a name to these feelings, either. Maybe there's a point in here about anger and nuance, or maybe it's a point about being young, or self acceptance, or whatever else. Or maybe Nico's just reading into it too much.
yes the homophobia scene is a little gratuitous. HOWEVER. the beginning scene is so dorky and ridiculous that i actually smile WIDE every time, first time i read it i laughed out loud. and the whole nico likes to spoil will a little bit (a lot bit) even well before they got together headcanon is GODSENT its one of my favourites. and i also like in this one how will maybe needs a minute to get comfortable in his sexuality too!!
3. Find Happiness in Misery by percyspandapillowpet
"Nothing can make me happy, Solace," he spat bitterly before turning away and wiping furiously at his face. "I like to try." --- In which Nico is searching for happiness, for his childhood, and for a Christmas present.
this is an older fic, but i think it still holds up!! i love any fic that goes over the whole mythomagic thing tbh. theres so much story potential there and this fic had a very sweet premise.
4. Looks Like We'll Be Trapped Here For A While by percyspandapillowpet
Nico stopped in his tracks and turned towards Will. “The Aphrodite cabin is planning to prank us. Today.” Will raised his eyebrows. “How do you know?” "They were talking about it. I just heard them.” Sighing as if it were just what he was expecting to hear this morning, Will reached up to scratch the back of his head. “Okay. What do you want to do about it?” Nico pondered this for a moment. “I think we should hide.” “Hide? Where?” Will asked. “We can’t leave camp, and it’ll be awfully boring to stay in the forest or something all day.” After a quick mental scan of all possible locations, Nico realized there was only one unfortunate solution. “Um…how about my cabin?”
cheesy and fun!! the mythomagic scene in particular made me giggle. in particular i love this part and feel like you should all be made aware of it:
“It’s…a game I used to play, when I was little,” he replied carefully.
Will looked up at him. “Do you still remember how to play?”
He felt his entire face turning red. “Well…kind of, I guess, but I’ve outgrown it…”
Will glanced at the back of the box. “What’s the attack power of Athena?”
“Five thousand,” Nico replied automatically, and then immediately groaned. That stupid game was so hardwired into his brain, and now Will was going know how much of a weird geek he was—
But Will was smiling. “That’s adorable. Teach me how to play.”
nico being physically unable to hold the stats back....unbeatable headcanon. adore
5. Pawsitively Perfect by percyspandapillowpet
“Is that…” Nico couldn’t even finish is sentence when suddenly the thing mewed. A moment afterwards, it revealed its tiny brown face, turning to face the son of Hades with round, curious eyes that seemed much too large for the rest of its head. Nico would be lying if he said it wasn’t the most adorable little creature he had ever laid eyes upon. But soon enough, the reality hit him. Will had a cat. Cats were not allowed in camp. Will had brought the cat into the Hades cabin, so if they were caught, they would likely both get in trouble. Not that Nico was scared of getting in trouble with the cleaning harpies—it was safe to say he’d been through a lot worse. What he didn’t think he could handle was the shame of being ridiculed as the kid who tried to hide a kitten with Will Solace. Jason would never let it go. Nico glanced from the kitten’s face back up to Will’s, which was somehow equally as endearing with his pleading-blue-puppy eyes. He knew what he was going to ask just from his expression. He sighed. “Will, you can’t keep it.”
bleeding heart will my beloved. sweatshirt thief nico u are so real. honestly a power couple what more could u want. a kitten? there's a kitten, rest assured.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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foreverjustaplace · 8 months
The Bear in the Room
AHHHHHHH!! I'm not at all normal about Syd and Carmy. Like not at all. I have been reading and writing fanfiction since elementary LOL, but it's been years and years since I wrote anything. I've devoured just about every single fanfic with the Syd/Carmy tag I could find and then some. I've had this tumblr for over a decade and posted ZERO things. Now I've retweeted every other sydcarmy post and debated sharing my own theories and fics. But it's time. Feedback is welcomed! But be gentle, my darlings, I'm not exaggerating when I say I haven’t written fanfiction in over a decade. I'm nervous. Here's an excerpt from the first chapter, which will hopefully be up soon on AO3. It's called The Bear in The Room and will be a 5+1 Time fic.
5 Times Syd called Carmy "Bear" and 1 Times he calls her "Bear"
Syd is irritated. “Look, Carm. Effective teamwork begins and ends with communication.” She doesn’t tell him she stole that line from Coach K. “How can we build this up to be as successful as we want it to be if you’re not even telling me you’re going to be late? Or, I don’t know, text me if you’re not going to come in at all during our scheduled time.”
“Syd, that was one time. And I didn’t realize my phone wasn’t plugged in properly which is why it died and I couldn’t text you until much later. That’s my fault. I was tired–”
Sydney cuts him off. “Carmy, dude, I’ve literally gotten less than five hours of sleep each night for the last couple of weeks. We’re all tired. We’ve been tired. This shit isn’t new for us. We need you on your A-game. I need you at your best!” 
Carmy runs both of his hands through his hair, and his voice is strained but louder than it’s been all morning. “Syd, you are the one person who gets me at my best. If I’m fucking up out there,” he gestures to the windows behind them as he continues, “I’m doing everything in my power to not bring that shit near you. I give you whatever my best is, okay? You have to know that I want this restaurant to succeed, and I want to get you those fucking stars.” His face redding as his electric blue eyes look into her expansive brown ones. 
Syd’s annoyance is fizzling out. She knows she shouldn’t let it. She wants to keep it at the forefront of her mind. She tries to force herself to keep thinking about how he’s been absent, hanging out with his girlfriend–a friend who’s a girl–Claire–whoever she is to him–but he’s still Carm and she’s still Syd. And though she hasn’t worked on the menu with him in his apartment in weeks, and though the moments of them talking about nothing and everything outside during a smoke break, where he somehow is always just finishing the cigarette he came outside to smoke as she opens the back door and comes to sit right next to him, haven’t been as frequent, she still feels deeply connected to him. 
So all she can do at that moment is bite her bottom lip and swipe her tongue on that same spot so quickly, you’d miss it if you blinked, before hesitantly responding. “You have my best, too, and I—” But she doesn’t get to finish because Fak chooses that moment to push the restaurant’s new door open and boisterously yell out to no one in particular, “Look who I found! It’s Claire Bear and she is going to help us with our GET-THE-BEAR-FUCKING-READY-FOR-OPENING-DAY day!” Syd can’t help but stare at Claire, a beat too long, with her full face of makeup and fancy-looking shirt. At least she put on some closed-toed shoes for today. Before Claire can get out of Fak’s embrace, Syd turns back to Carmen and says, “I need your best to be better,” as she walks off to find Nat.
Soo what do you think? Is it worth posting?
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enemyoflactose · 4 months
I Finished the Rest of Battle City
@lostsomewhereinthegarden wanted to be tagged
I was honestly getting a little tired of Marik and his problems by this point in the series which is why this took so long.
Voice acting:
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Yami: He's pretty much the same, only he completely forgives normal Marik.
Yugi: pretty much the same only he forgives normal Marik.
Joey: he died and I started crying. He's pretty good as always and was absolutely robbed of that victory.
Téa: she kept getting possessed.
Tristan: nothing new
Duke: nothing new
Ryou: ate all the donuts
Yami Bakura: he giggled and did nothing.
Ishizu: she yells in lowercase and I think that's funny
Odion: Maybe it's just the dub, but he never says he wants Marik to be safe because he loves him. He just says it's his duty and it's how he'll be accepted into his family. Idk. It's a little weird that this may be his and Marik's final moments and he doesn't once say that he loves him.
Marik: I hate you. I hate you so much.
Yami Marik: hype wore off this guy sucks and can't duel without plot armor. He also talks way too much and it gets on my nerves.
Seto Kaiba: he's so angry that Yugi beat him in his own tournament it's kinda funny. He is my savior in these last episodes.
Mokuba: he's here
Serenity: she's also here
Mai: ded
Roland: the MVP
Duel 1: Four Way Duel
In this duel Joey, Kaiba, Yami, and Yami Marik are all dueling each other at the same time. For a little bit, everyone is targeting Joey, but Yami keeps defending him so they move on to attacking Marik.
Every time Yami defends Joey, Kaiba says something snarky and that makes Joey go "Hey man, let me duel on my own for Mai."
And Yami just begrudgingly does it. Like this man does not want Joey dueling Marik.
Marik is just in his own little corner going "AHAHAHAAA I'm so evil" and everyone ignores him.
Kaiba is trying to knock out someone. I forgot who. He wants to get all three Egyptian God Cards and make his deck even brickier.
Yami Marik loses.
Duel 2: Joey vs Yami Marik
This duel is Yami Marik's only good duel, and by God is it Joey's second best (I like Joey vs Valon more).
In this duel, Yami Marik makes it a Shadow Game in which your energy gets drained if your monster is destroyed or loses attack points. Because Joey is a normal guy, he is weaker to this and therefore loses faster.
Some stuff happens and Joey was given Lava Golem. This makes him lose life points faster. Yami Marik is slowly burning him with other cards like nightmare wheel, but lava golem is cooler.
Yami Marik uses some worm things to make Joey lose more energy. Joey sacrifices them so he can summon Geilfried (idk how to spell it).
Yami Marik summons Ra Phoenix mode and destroys all of Joey's monsters. But my boy still stands.
Joey summons Gearfried and almost attacks, but then he dies.
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Duel 3: Kaiba vs Yami
I kept dozing off during this duel because I was worried about Joey, soooooo I kinda have no clue what happened other than like a few things.
Kaiba and Yami are dueling in a coliseum because Kaiba is crazy.
Kaiba gives Yami Change of Heart sometime during this duel. Which makes me wonder if he always had that on hand, or if he yoinked it from Bakura. Did Bakura ever get it back?
Kaiba so summons his blue eyes at some point in this duel. And Yami summons red eyes. And that Dark Magician Paladin thing.
During this duel Kaiba and Yami attack each other with their god cards and it takes them to a vision of the past in which the gods are turned to stone and the two of them are fighting.
Yami Marik is stuck in a wall. One time I read a fic where Yami Bakura stopped time and butt fucked him there. Wild.
Yami wins by means I don't remember and Mokuba and Kaiba fight about something.
Téa gets possessed again and goes to fight Yami Marik.
Kaiba gets annoyed at Ishizu and then Joey.
Mokuba is annoyed at Kaiba.
Yami Marik and Marik are fighting during Kaiba and Joey's duel.
TéaMarik does some sick flips and then Ishizu and Yami intervene and make Yami Marik go away.
Turns out Marik is a little regretful about being the absolute worst and wants to make things right by doing not much at all because he sucks and can't do shit without help.
Téa is back.
Duel 4: Kaiba vs Joey
Joey was pissing off Kaiba and that convinced a duel for third place.
Kaiba is winning.
Joey summons Blue Eyes White Dragon from Kaiba's graveyard and this makes Kaiba so angry.
Uuuuhhhh.... Joey told Mokuba that Kaiba doesn't care about him and that made me really upset.
Some stuff happens idk I wasn't paying attention I don't really care about this rivalry.
Kaiba won and Joey got made fun of.
Final duel: Yami Marik vs Yami Yugi
Shadow game
I don't remember the first part of this duel other than Marik and Yugi are at risk of death and like I get caring about Yugi dying, but Marik kinda deserves it.
So um... Every time Yami loses life points Yugi's body starts to disappear. Same thing with Marik.
Yami summons his poker knights and then summons Slifer.
Marik Summons Ra.
Yami destroys Ra and then Summons Obelisk with A card Kaiba gave him.
Marik summons Egyptian God slime and Yami never asks what it does despite the fact that he can.
Some stuff happens and Yami uses Ragnarok and destroys everything and Marik surrenders.
While this duel is happening, Normal Marik is talking to Odion's dead body and says that everything that happened was his (Marik's) fault, and that he's sorry.
A while later, Odion wakes up and goes to save Marik. And by save I mean give him a pep talk.
He goes on and on about how Marik is good and can beat the darkness inside of him.
Marik is given a new found strength and tells Yami to attack him.
Yami attacks him and Marik has one life point left. Marik surrenders and Yami Marik dies while begging.
Marik is forgiven and I still don't think he did much to deserve it.
After that duel, Marik apologizes again, and then takes his shirt off to show Yami the scriptures on his back.
Yami can't read it tho so it was kinda pointless.
Marik then gives him the millennium rod and ring and Yami Bakura's lame ass who was playing spin the bottle with Dark Magician said "Thank you" because he's polite and we love him.
Kaiba says he's going to blow up the island.
Joey and the gang go check on Mai and Serenity says she ain't wake up yet, but then she wakes up because Joey juST GOT PRANKED LMAO
The Gang then find Bakura eating food because there isn't much to eat in the Shadow Realm. That makes me think that the Shadow Realm is biased towards the Bakurae because they always only get a slap on the wrist for losing.
We don't see Bakura or the Ishtar's for the rest of the episode so I'm choosing to believe they were busy adopting Bakura into their family as Marik's husband.
It takes the gang way too long to realize that they can just take the helicopter and don't have to ride in the broken aircraft.
The island explodes and the Kaibas come out in a Blue Eyes jet (there is a card of it).
This makes Joey upset.
The squad get back to Domino and Marik apologizes again, and his siblings thank Yugi and his friends for helping them.
The End
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ya-zz · 9 months
Hi, I am back. Work be killing me, but I’m here to kill everyone else.
Ramattra and reader.
Similar to one of your personal pieces where reader has to repair him, but they mess up somewhere and his memory is corrupted of them so he hates reader, despite them fixing him.
I will personally send you a curveball to put in there too.
You’re welcome. Enjoy.
Yikes, you're back-
Fr tho, this was fun, but not because I didn't have to write some of it- Alternate ending vibes.
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Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1707 (1243 newly written)
A/N: I was told to use part of a personal fic for this. It's like an alternate ending so to speak.
Read the original here
You had no idea how much time had passed before Angela had let you go. Hanzo walked with you to the workshop to make sure you were truly okay before leaving you for a training session with Genji.
Upon entering, you are met with what you had left. Ramattra was still standing there with no power. Some dust had begun to settle on his chassis so you made quick and gentle work of brushing it off.
Checking the monitor, all tests had come back green. All was good. You direct the current through again.
Switched off.
You scream. Like actually scream, throwing a piece of scrap metal at the wall.
"Three weeks of work for nothing!" Tears stream down your face as you keep running the current but was getting nowhere. "Fuck, what the actual hell am I supposed to do..."
Omnics didn't come with an on button.
You rummage through the spare parts, a small piece rattled at the bottom of the box. Despite feeling somewhat relieved you missed something, you were utterly pissed off with yourself for actually missing something.
Pondering for a moment, you realise where this piece belongs. A small hole underneath his back plate, hidden among cables and wires.
After about another hour of fucking about with everything in his back, you had the piece inserted and flipped up.
Reassembling his back, you head over to direct a current.
You could hear hissing which meant his fans were working. A small digital noise escapes from the omnic as his arms twitch, head tilting to the side.
You stand there, body frozen.
His head tilts back up, now directly facing you.
Nothing was said for a moment. The two of you just staring at each other.
“I demand you release me.” He says and his tone was serious. 
“I have some final checks to do before I can let you go-” You attempt to explain. 
“My systems have come back intact.” He states. “Release me this instant.” 
You stare at him blankly. He was never this rude to you before, what has gotten- 
“Oh no…” You mutter, rushing over to the computer to run a quick file check.
“Human!” He rattles against the wires and restraints he was bound by. 
The panic and fear rise within your body as you look at the screen. 
“Why…?” Tears prick your eyes as you stare at the computer screen. You ignore the shouting coming from behind you as you run diagnostics, trying to find out why and how it got corrupted, why is it only the memory file that is corrupted? 
Everything else was intact. His HUD settings, system files and drives were all working perfectly. 
Something shattered on the floor which startled you, causing you to turn and face Ramattra. He was approaching, and fast. The stark white faceplate you had grown to love looked menacing, intimidating as he took quick and calculated steps towards you. 
Then your stomach drops. You were cornered. The only escape was behind him and you didn’t take a liking to jumping out of the window… and the delivery shaft was on the ground floor. Perfect.
“There is no escape, human.” His hand grabs you by the throat, squeezing tightly. “What did you do to me?” 
Your hands grab and scratch at his arm. “Let- Let go of me.” Through struggled breaths, you speak to him, tone calm and hopeful, hopeful that he will let go. 
“What-” his grip got tighter, “did you do to me?” 
“Nothing, I swear-” 
“Where am I?” He glares at you, optics looking down at you, watching the panic rise, the heat in your face getting higher as the blood burns inside. 
“My workshop.” Tension was building quickly in your head and your chest was getting tighter as you continue to struggle for air. “Please-”
His grip loosens slightly, enough for you to gasp and choke but he doesn’t let you go. “Pitiful.” He spits. 
“Ramattra, please-” Attempt one. He has to remember. 
He cocks his head to the side as he processes your words before he hums. “How do you know my name?”
System settings were intact.
You stare at him, hands dropping from his arm. “What… What do you remember?” With that question, you hear his fans pick up speed, a little noisier than you remember. 
“Shambali. My brothers. Brother Mondatta and Zenyatta.” He halts, servos twitching on your neck. “Where are they?” 
“Zenyatta is here.”
“Brother Mondatta?”
“Mondatta…” You trail off. It had been several years since Mondatta’s assassination. You feel his hand squeeze. “Mondatta was killed a few years ago.” 
Ramattra freezes. “That cannot be right.” 
“I’m sorry, Ramattra.” You look up at him with sympathy. 
Something clicks within his system, his hand tensing without him commanding it to. His vocaliser stutters with static and his optics going in an aperture frenzy. The grip on your throat tightens to the point you feel something snap, and pain shoots up. 
Blood pools in your mouth, dripping down onto his hand. 
Your gargled noises and attempts to free yourself break Ramattra free of his system glitch and he drops you immediately. Your body falls to the floor with a harsh thud as you cough up the blood that had seeped into your lungs. 
Despite the pain you were in, you manage to sit up, sitting with your back resting on the filing cabinet. 
Ramattra kneels down, head tilting to the side as he examines you. He sees the panic within your eyes and almost feels bad. 
“Are you certain brother Mondatta is dead?” 
You nod, not being able to speak. 
“Do you know who killed him?” 
You shake your head. 
Ramattra watches you, looking for any signs that you might be lying. When met with truthful answers, he looks down as his systems work overtime. 
“I-” He starts before looking back up. “I am sorry for what I have done to you. May I?” He reaches his hand forward, noticing how you flinch back. Ramattra stops for a moment before reaching further, fingertips touching your bruising neck. 
“I feel like I know you from somewhere, but I cannot place you.” He tilts his head up, looking at the computer screen and seeing his system. He notices the corrupted file is slowly repairing, which means that the task he set off within his own system is slowly working on it. 
He watches as your eyes dart around, from him to behind him, to the left and right of him. The panic was still high, body still shaking. Systems show that you’re bleeding, a crushed throat but it wasn’t as severe as you thought it was. 
Ramattra stays silent as he watches you, yet without his cowl and… ‘clothing’, he looks like the standard R-7000 unit. He is intimidating, even more so as he watches you without any movement or sound. 
When the computer pings, you don’t move and keep your focus on the omnic who was still kneeling in front of you. 
“Unfortunately, it seems part of my memory file is corrupted.” He finally speaks. “I remember everything, but I still cannot place you.” 
You smile weakly, tilting your head to the side a little and wincing. “Its… Okay.” you manage to say through the pain. 
Before Ramattra had a chance to respond, the door to the workshop slams open, Angela and Zenyatta rushing in. 
“Athena made a distress call.” Angela rushes over to you and gasps at your condition. 
“They are fine.” Ramattra states. 
“Brother?” Zenyatta appears behind him which causes the larger omnic to stand and face him. “What happened?” 
Ramattra stutters, looking back down at you with  heavy feeling in his chest. “I hurt them.” 
The room fell silent. 
“What?” Angela looks up at the taller omnic. 
“My system went on the fritz and I crushed their throat.” 
“Your system doesn’t just go on the ‘fritz.’” The medic turns her attention back to you, gently turning your head to face her. “Look at me, [y/n].” 
“Accident…” You mumble, only to be hushed. 
Ramattra looks down at the floor before turning his attention to the monk. 
“I am sure it was.” Zenyatta speaks up. “Brother Ramattra would not hurt you, [y/n].” 
“[y/n]...” Ramattra repeats your name, looking off to the side. “[y/n]...” 
“Brother?” The monk looks up. 
“I do not know a [y/n].” Ramattra says but then he looks back to you. “I still cannot place you.” 
You smile at him. 
“[y/n]... Such a unique name.” He kneels back down and offers a hand to you. 
You could feel the medics eyes on you as you reach up and take his hand. 
“Allow me to make up for the damages I have caused.”
He doesn’t say, but there was a transmission that played within his system.
[ Memory: Repair log, day 10 ]
"Despite you being a pain in the ass sometimes, you're alright. Fuck, you should've seen how heartbroken Zen was. It hurt me too, you know. If this doesn't work, I will never forgive myself. I don't think Zen will ever get over it either... If you're listening, Ramattra, please wake up... I don't think you understand that you have people here who actually want you back, and not for your strength. I'll miss you if this don't work. I'll miss seeing that damn face of yours and your snarky comments." You laugh. "You always made me smile. Even that day you came in with Zen. You didn't see but when you left I was super happy you trusted me. It was the very first time you let a human touch you. I heard from your brother you hadn't even let any other human touch you before I did…
Hey, Ramattra... you're welcome here anytime. Even if it's just to talk."
Between the glitches and static, the voice matched yours and the hatred he had felt for you when he turned on in that workshop had subsided. 
Ramattra may not remember you, but he was ready to fix his mistake and make new memories with you, ones where he would remember you, ones where he would protect the files from never being corrupted again. 
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Psst, @a-whispering-echo ! Heard you were looking for some Bad Sanses fics! Hopefully you haven't read these ones before!
Bleh by artsycloudysleepy (General Audiences, Complete)
Cross is ill and delirous. The Bad Sanses are a close-knit found family. I am not good at naming things. (Too scared to upload an old fic, and I have massive writer's block, so took a short snippet of an old one which I liked. This is not the full fic, but doesn't need much (or any) context.)
A Sinking Feeling by Nestle25 (Not Rated, Complete)
Dust has a sinking feeling in his stomach, maybe Nightmare should stay home for the day? But will he? Of course not.
The Jealous Type by DazzlingKomodo (General Audiences, Complete)
Dust and the gang all appreciated the times Horror cooked, all but Dust’s dead brother, Papyrus, who used to make his brother dinner, but now just wants to make things worse and get under Dust’s non-existent skin. Some days it was easy to ignore his voice, others, not so much. Fortunately for the phantom, control wasn’t in Dust’s favor.
The end of a Nightmare by GlitchedSouls (General Audiences, Complete)
He used to brag he was immortal, he was anything and everything perfect. Nothing could hurt him or his gang. what’s a gang to do without a leader?
Sanguine by Ghosts_Multiversal_Mindsoup (Teen And Up, Complete)
San·guine /ˈsaNGɡwən/ (Adjective) 1. optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. (Noun) 2. a blood-red color. _________ Or: 5 times someone in Nightmare's Gang got hurt, and 1 time Nightmare did instead.
Nightmare´s Gang by Kaz_MJ (Teen And Up, Complete)
Nightmare´s gang was a group most monsters had heard about and feared. Everyone knew not to mess with them, nor coming too close to them. But how did they meet? This story is about how Nightmare started his gang and added his four most loyal members; Killer, Horror, Dust and Cross. First up is Killer.
Building your own Emotional Intelligence Toolkit with Blue by Hstaya (Teen And Up, Complete)
Having discovered Dream was emotionally manipulating him with his aura, Blue leaves the Stars and bunkers down with Nightmare and the gang. Featuring Dream not knowing anything, Nightmare knowing everything but pretending his empathy is just him feeling territorial, touch starvation and Blue singlehandedly trying to solve everyone's problems, to varying degrees of success.
We All Pretend To Be the Heroes on the Good Side (But What If We're the Villains on the Other?) by Ghosts_Multiversal_Mindsoup (Teen And Up, Complete)
Died, last night in my dreams, Walking the streets, of some old ghost town Time was thrown at the wind And now I'm searching for trust, In a city of rust A city of vampires The war hammer felt unnaturally heavy in his hands. Still, he held it up and prepared for battle. Though... he couldn't ease the weight in his SOUL. ___ Blue is sick of Ink and Dream running around without considering that he isn't basically immortal (or actually immortal, in Ink's case). Blue can't keep up with them, he just can't. So he tries his luck with Nightmare's Gang.
Without Together by yastaghr (Teen And Up, Complete)
Ink gets his hands on the soul of the AU where Nightmare's castle is. The gang is flung back to their worlds, their own code RESET but their memories and worlds not. Each of them fails to cope with this until they are rescued. Nightmare has the worst time of all of them.
Reckoning by The_Obnoxious_Writer (Teen And Up, Complete)
The three of them were sinners, killed innocents with the excuse of boredom, desperation, or hunger. And sinners deserved to be punished, deserved whatever agony that befell them. But… not all three of them exactly felt the same. Or; Dust thinks he needs to be punished for what he did in his AU, and if Horror was the one to do it.. who was he to stop him?
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