#mike and chrissy mike is like the little brother chrissy never had because the little brother she does have is not a crabby little shit 😝
lumax-mayclair · 7 months
I just love the idea of all of Hellfire being particularly weirded out when Chrissy starts hanging around them all the time, thinking ofc she’d be as mean and scary as all the other jocks, and only getting over it during one instance where they’re all trying to talk shit about her and realize none of them have anything bad to say. She’s never done anything to any of them and actually there were a couple of times, where if she hadn’t been there to distract Jason and his team, things could’ve been a lot worse for the little sheepies 😬
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carolmunson · 1 year
okay, since some of you asked for it:
unpopular opinion but i don’t actually think eddie was a nice soft boy at all. dustin and mike are literally afraid to ask him to move hellfire. ‘he’s always revved up,’ implying that he’s always like this, always a little close to snapping. he’s not nice to them when he asks them to find a replacement. he also guilt trips them about 'taking them in like lost sheep' and shoves them off to find a replacement instead of keeping lucas included. which is why i don't understand the 'fierce protector of his friends' take because he's so quick to drop lucas just because he's 'moved to the dark side.' aka, throwing balls into laundry baskets.
which leads me to when he gets up on the table, people are not trying to fuck around with him. this is a common occurance, people are not surprised to see him up there and yelling. they aren't surprised that he's making a spectacle of himself. if eddie was soft and sweet, he would’ve gotten beat up. if eddie was soft and gentle, he'd probably be scared of jason. guys like jason in the 80s loved being macho and punching out losers — eddie just gave him the devil horns and called it a day. eddie’s absolutely gotten in fist fights before and won (his dad is a literal criminal!) otherwise someone would've thrown something or told him to shut the fuck up. people are scared of him, even his own friends! there’s more reasons than just playing DND and metal that make town certain that he’s a cult leader. you don't just assume someone is a murderer if they haven't shown any interest in violence before, especially considering his dad was likely a shitty dude. he even bullies erica when she first shows up to hellfire and only respects her when she bullies him back and bests him. he is someone you have to EARN respect from. he will never respect anyone outright or be understanding outright. he doesn't fully respect dustin or mike to start either, he views them as underlings.
even chrissy assumes he's going to be mean and scary, there's gotta be reason behind that. he's not nice or kind in school, which is likely a defense mechanism. he’s sweet with chrissy because he likes her, he has a crush on her. it’s very clear that he has since he was a kid, otherwise why would he bring up them hanging out in middle school? why would he even remember that if he hasn’t been pining for her this whole time? he admits too, albiet flirtily, that he thought SHE'D be mean and scary too, because he doesn't like people 'like that', people he assumes are 'on the dark side'. i’m sure he hoped they’d kiss a little when she went to his trailer. he's even a little sarcastic when she's there, again, defensive. 'the maid took the week off'. but ultimately, he's nice to her because he wants to kiss her and has a crush on her. i don't think it's because he's fully 'showing her who he really is'.
also he's a literal drug dealer????? like?????
he only becomes more gentle and open with dustin and co. when he gets pulled into the upside down/vecna stuff because he needs support. they grow a bond over shared trauma. and i do believe eddie had a big brother type relationship with dustin, but just like steve he loves him begrudgingly 'i love you, you little shit bag' kind of shit. i do believe he liked and cared for his friends but i also think he always had a big layer of mean kid armor on because he had a hard life growing up. how i percieved the character is 'mean bully whose secretly nice but is mean and boisterous and loud as a cover' trope. when he explains that his father taught him to hotwire, he seems bitter about it. of course he is, all the other kids were learning to play ball. but he obviously still retains this information and a whole bunch of other crime tricks from his dad. he's BEEN partaking in this shit. he KNOWS he's a shitty guy. you don't just get taught how to hotwire once and then suddenly know how to do it years later. he's done it before! multiple times! he has practice! he likely knows about warzone cause his daddy absoLUTELY had a gun or two. his dad probably took him there once. he was pulled left and right into bad shit growing up and that will HARDEN YOU. wayne says that murder 'ain't in his nature' and i'm sure it's not. i'm sure he's different with wayne, but idk, to me, it doesn't erase the fact that outwardly, i don't think eddie was nearly as sweet and gentle as people think he is canonically. i think he's a very hardened and tortured person and that even becomes clear with his reaction to chrissy's death and how he goes about things going forward. he was a weird kid with weird interests in a cookie cutter conservative town, had a criminal father, and an unconventional family situation in the 70s and 80s, that shit'll fuck you up and over -- look at boomers y'all! they are emotionally stunted! but, i could go on forever with this character analysis. so i'll stop here. but -- in the words of the real housewives reunion meme: that's MY OPINION!
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Batshit Soulmates Part 2
Yay! More soulmates!!!
In this Eddie has nothing but time to think while Steve tries to outrun his problems and runs into new ones.
In Medias Res| Prologue|Pt 1|
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Eddie waited until he heard the sound the maroon BMW fade into the distance before he broke down and sobbed. He wasn’t sure what was worse, the fact that his sheep were involved with whatever the hell happened to Chrissy or the fact that Vecna was real. He couldn’t have imagined finding your soulmate in a worse way then an actual fucking battefield.
Was Eddie surprised his soulmate was a boy? No. He had figured out pretty quick that it was all boys for him. Felt a little bad for Steve through, must have come as shock. Because let’s be fair, Eddie was pretty shocked, too. Of all the dudes in all the world, the universe picked the most diametrically opposed human on the fucking planet.
He didn’t hate Steve or anything. Steve tended to leave the Hellfire Club and its members alone and would stop Tommy and his ilk from harassing them, too. Which made more sense once Eddie had met Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. Those three never shut up about him really. To Dustin he was the old brother he always wanted. To Lucas he was a mentor. To Mike? Hilariously, when Mike was around Dustin and Lucas, he would roll his eyes and sigh dramatically whenever Steve was brought up.
When they weren’t around? Mike talked about the dude in hushed, reverent tones. Mike had an even bigger case of hero worship then the other two put together. But he was also a bitchy teen, so he hid it better then the others.
Eddie had scoffed at their depictions the first time he heard them, but the more they repeated it, the less it began to sound like they were telling tall tales, and more like they actually had a huge amount of respect for Steve. Which really didn’t gel well with the Munson Doctrine.
Jock=bad, rich=bad, popular with girls=bad, added all up together and you get a douche of the highest order. But even though Eddie had threatened to cut his throat Steve had still wanted to help him. Eddie wasn’t sure if their places were reversed that he wouldn’t have thrown Steve off and told him where to stick it. Soulmate or not.
But Steve had stayed. Either the man was a sap or maybe Dustin and them were right about him.
Eddie sighed. Well, he supposed only time would tell which one it was. As much as his inner cynic was screaming that Steve would give up. That he would learn that loving him was too hard and walk away. Leave Eddie to deal with murder charges and monsters. Another part of him was telling him that Steve wouldn’t do that. That Steve never back down from a fight no matter how much a losing battle it was. That loving Eddie was easier than fighting bullies and apparently monsters.
He knew realistically that Steve was a better soulmate then a lot of people got, but seriously whatever immortal asshole up there making the decisions had to have a sick sense of humor. The only things the two of them had in common was their height and their eye color and even that was slightly off. Oh all right, maybe their love three little freshmen dorks.
Protectors. Steve and him were both protectors. They had that too. Eddie could see it his eyes that he was more worried about Eddie would do the rest of them if Eddie actually went through with it. Not that he was going to. He had been trying to. He wanted to so bad. Steve stood in the place of all those people that had hurt Eddie his whole life. His dad. Bullies. Teachers.
Eddie was given an chance to become who they all thought he was. A murderer. He couldn’t tell if it was the look in Steve’s eyes that stayed his hand, or the burning on his arm, or if he just wasn’t built to kill. That he was more like his gentle Uncle Wayne then the violent Al Munson. Maybe it was combination of all three.
The sad (?) thing was, that Eddie could see himself next to Steve’s side. In fact it was too damn easy to imagine. He could feel the rightness of it, even if every other part of him scream at the injustice of it. The King and the Freak. But maybe that wasn’t what the universe saw. Maybe it saw two lonely boys that fit better than it looked on the surface.
After all, wasn’t that what Eddie himself had been preaching for years. That too many people only saw what they wanted to see and not dare to get to know people before making a judgment.
He preferred the easy charm of captain Steve Harrington over the hard nosed oneupmanship of Billy Hargrove and fierce competitiveness of Jason Carver any day. It was only after Steve’s fall from grace that he had even began targeting the basketball team in the first place. Both Billy and Jason would get mad and try and start something with Eddie.
Steve though? Steve would smirk and turn away. Like Eddie was funny and not a freak. And maybe Eddie targeted Steve just to see him smile and smirk. But the only people who knew that was him and Wayne. And he intended to keep it that way.
In fact, Eddie thought straightening up, the more he thought about how Steve actually acted in school the more he realized that Steve was actually a pretty chill dude.
Maybe he needed to have a heart to heart with the universe about the Munson doctrine. Because if that was wrong, what else had Eddie gotten wrong?
His stomach growled. He bit his lip nervously and looked up at the house. He wasn’t sure if he could risk going up to the house again, not at night anyway. He was going to have to wait until tomorrow to see if he could at least make something to eat.
Maybe he should have asked them to bring something to do while he hid out. He was starting to get bored out his mind.
There was nothing for it, all Eddie could do right now is sleep and hope his soulmate was the natural caretaker all his sheep said he was.
He carefully rearranged the tarp so that it would be easy to pull back over him once he was in the boat and stepped gingerly into it. He got settled and pulled the tarp back over himself, letting the lapping water against the boat lull him to sleep.
Steve would like to say that the nap did him good and that he felt refreshed and ready to take on...what did Dustin and Eddie call him? Vickie? No, that was Robin’s crush. Vacuum? He snorted. Definitely not that. Evil wizard dude. He would like to say he felt refreshed to tackle the wizard dude, but the food he ate made him queasy and it made for a fitful sleep.
He opened his wallet and looked to see how much cash he had on hand. It should be enough to get Eddie some food and drink. Eddie had been fairing well enough, but he could use something a bit more substantial. He took out five bucks for gas and shoved it in his top drawer.
Steve looked at the time and groaned. It was too late to go to sleep, but too early to be awake. He shouldn’t have tried napping that late in the evening but this whole thing with the Upside Down being back, no Hopper, no El and even if they did have her, no powers. They had to rely on him. Well, Nancy mostly.
He would gladly relinquish control over to her, if he was being honest.
Steve pulled up his sleeve and rubbed the soulmark thoughtfully. It still glowed a dark sickening red, almost blood like it’s shade. It seemed to thrum beneath his skin like a melody he couldn’t quite make out. It comforted him. He just hoped it comforted Eddie, too.
He looked out at the dark sky that was hours away from dawn. He got changed into a pair of shirts and a swim team t-shirt. It was going to cold out there, but it wouldn’t matter for long. He changed his socks and pulled on a pair of running shoes.
He grabbed his keys and locked the door behind him. He stretched out on his front lawn in the putrid light of the street lamp. Once he was satisfied that he was warmed up enough not to pull a muscle, he started down the road. At first it was gentle lop, not quite a jog, but soon he was running as hard as he could toward the horizon, chasing a dream that he knew he would never be able to keep.
Steve ran until his lungs burned, his muscles ached, and his cheeks were flushed and sweaty from the exertion. He looked up to find that he had somehow ran all the way to the trail park. It had long since been cleared of police and looked more worn and depressing in their wake. Maybe it was the tragedy that clung to every rock of gravel, every concrete walkway, every panel and tin roof.
“Hey, loser,” Max said from her front step. “Can’t sleep either?”
Steve turned and panted, his hands on his knees as he fought for breath. “Yeah, yeah. What’s got you up before the asscrack of dawn? My excuse is that I’m a barely reformed jock.”
Max opened her mouth to answer but closed it again. She just shook her head. Steve turned to look at the roped off trailer that had been Eddie’s home, before he trotted over to her.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” he asked in hushed tone.
Max nodded. She looked down at her worn out shoes, scuffing the side of her right one on the gravel in front of her. “I hate that you and me only found our soulmates because the Upside Down happened.”
Steve hummed in agreement. “I didn’t even think it would be a boy. Never even crossed my mind. Maybe if it had, I would have realized sooner that it was Eddie.”
The silence stretched on between them as around them the sky began to lighten and the trailer park came to life.
She picked at her nails. “I don’t want anything to happen to him.”
“Lucas?” Steve asked, twisting his neck to try and get a better look at her.
She nodded again, refusing to look him in the eye. “I think bad things just happen around me. Maybe I’m cursed.”
Steve snorted. “This town is cursed. But it’s not good what happened to Chrissy. You know who would be able to figure this all out?”
“Nancy?” Max asked.
Steve ruffled her hair. “Right in one. But first I have a soulmate that needs food and I’ll be damned if I let him starve while on the lam for something he didn’t do.”
Max pushed at him. “Don’t say shit like ‘on the lam’, what are you fifty?”
Steve just shook his head. He got to his feet. “I’m going to go home and shower. Then I’ll pick up yesterday’s rogue gallery and we’ll go shopping. I’ve got enough to cover at least a couple of days worth of food for the guy.”
She nodded. “I am sorry, Steve, that he got dragged into this mess, but isn’t it better that he knows? Because then you don’t have to lie to him?”
He sighed. “Is better that he knows? Sure. But it’s not good.”
Max scoffed. “Nothing in this town ever is.”
Ain’t that the truth, Steve thought bitterly. He just waved his hand at her and started back down the road, back to Loch Nora.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @oxidantdreamboat @mogami13 @samsoble @xandriumbat @ellietheasexylibrarian
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harringtonstilinski · 4 months
Be My Forever Valentine? - Eddie Munson
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader Word Count: 4,141 Warnings: fluff, using the scene with chrissy in the woods again, set in '85, Requested: no | yes; I hope this meets your expectations, @fandom-princess-forevermore Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! So, as stated in the warnings above, this is set in 1985, when Eddie went through his second Senior year. Pre Vecna, but right before the Mind Flayer & Russian stuff in S3. Also, Lucas and Mike have older brothers in this, and Reader is referred to as "kid" by Steve and "sweetness" by Eddie. BYE! If you like this, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
eddie munson masterlist
eddie munson playlist
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Valentine’s Day. Not the best holiday to celebrate, in your opinion. Mainly because
 you never had anyone to celebrate with. No one had ever asked you to be their Valentine, no one stuck any secret admirer notes in your locker. Not even a platonic Valentine. The holiday just sucked for you.
You sighed, walking your way to your locker after fifth period, lunch break starting as you got to your locker, twisting in your combination and opening the door, a letter falling to the bottom.
With a confused look, you put last period's book into its designated slot before grabbing the letter and opening it, reading the words scribbled on the page.
Meet me at the picnic table after school.
You looked around at who would’ve shoved it in your locker, but you couldn’t see anyone. Spotting your best friend, you sighed as he walked over. “What do you want, Steve?”
Completely ignoring your question, Steve looked at your hands, smiling a little. “What’cha got there?”
Looking back down at the letter furrowed brows, you answered, “I’m not really sure. Maybe a
-” You looked back up at Steve, deadpan expression on your face. “- a letter.”
“Secret admirer?” he asked, leaning his arm against the lockers next to yours. 
“I don’t know. Maybe?”
“What does it say?”
Taking another look at the letter in your hands, you read the written words back to Steve, a knowing smile on his face. He saw this secret admirer shove the letter into your locker as soon as fifth period ended.
“Should I
 go?” you asked, a little hesitantly.
Nodding his head in a nonchalant way, he looked at you with a small smile on his face. “Yeah, you deserve it.”
Taking a deep breath, you said, “Just..-” Releasing it, you closed your eyes as you continued your words. “-...don’t mean to the poor guy.”
“Okay,” Steve replied. “You got it.”
“Thanks,” you said, giving him a hug. “Oh, and Happy platonic Valentine’s Day, Stevie.”
“You, too, kid.”
Turning to walk towards the cafeteria, you looked at the doors with the smallest amount of confidence and the smallest smile you could give yourself. Walking in the big room, you took a deep breath, making your way towards the table your other best friend sat at.
You weren’t a part of Hellfire, more of an honorary member. Eddie made sure of that. The two of you had become friends after being paired up for a book report in English class during his first year as a Senior. A crush inevitably grew on Eddie, your heart racing almost every time you saw him, and today was no different.
Sitting down on his left, you sighed, looking at the note still in your hand, gaining his attention.
With furrowed brows, he looked at you before looking down at the paper in your hands, slightly stiffening for a moment before quietly clearing his throat. “W-what’s that?” He cursed himself, inwardly at his small stutter.
Shaking your head, you folded the paper back up, setting it on the table. “A note, I guess. I found it in my locker just now.”
“What’s it say?” Eddie asked as he opened the magazine in his hands.
With the smirk you were trying to hide, you looked at him and said, “I’m not telling you. It’s from a secret admirer.” With raised brows, the older male looked at you with what could only be described as a flirtatious smile. “Oooohhh, a secret admirer, huh? You lucky girl.”
Giggling, you brought one of your feet up to rest on the chair, your leg bent at the knee, your laced fingers meeting at the top of your shoes. “The funny thing is
 is that I wasn’t expecting it. Like, every year I see these girls with either flowers, or teddy bears with balloons attached, or even those heart packages with the random filled chocolates inside. No one’s ever done that for me.”
As the rest of the group sat down in their spots, Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off of you as he swallowed his nerves, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down with the movement. “Well, whoever gave you that must really like you, then.”
Looking at the folded paper on the table, you softly sighed. “Yeah, I guess.”
Your eyes stayed locked on Eddie’s for a moment before Shawn’s laughter brought you both out of your moment. Casting your eyes down at the magazine, you cleared your throat. “What’s that say?”
Eddie picked up the magazine, eyes reading the words on the pages with a deep, dramatic voice. “The Devil has come to America. Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now had both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even
-” He slammed the magazine down, making you jump a little before he said, “-... murder.”
“Don’t fucking do that again,” you breathed.
Reaching his hand to your knee under the table, he whispered, “Sorry,” before looking at Shawn, Bobby and Pauly, sharing a laugh. 
What struck you as odd was the fact that Eddie’s hand didn’t move from your knee for a good two minutes while he chatted with his friends before hesitantly removing it. A part of you was sad about the fact that he moved his hand. 
Two trays slamming down next to you made you jump, Mark and Danny sitting in their seats next to you. “Jesus H.,” you said, looking at Danny. “Don’t. Fucking. Do. That. Again.” “O-okay,” he stuttered. 
You weren’t the scariest or meanest person in the group. Being the only girl simply just gave the vibe that you were. If anything, you were shy, kept to yourself, always had your nose stuck in a book. So, when you were stern and cussing like you did a moment ago, the scary vibe was there.
Turning back to Eddie, you played with a corner of your letter, saying, “Well
 society has to blame something. You guys are an easy target.” “You’re in this group, too,” Pauly said in more of a question.
“She’s an honorary member,” Eddie said, crossing his arms. He took a moment to get himself back on topic. “Exactly, Pauly. We’re the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game. But–”
As he went to stand up, you watched him, eyes following him as he stood to his full height. “You’re not gonna do anything stupid and embarrassing, are you?”
“Embarrassing?” Bobby asked. “Says the girl who’s friends with King Steve.”
“Shut up, Bobby,” you said, taking a piece of Danny’s corn and throwing it at Bobby.
Eddie’s foot on the table had your attention back on him as he stood on top of it, whispering, “Focus, love,” before shouting, “As long as you’re into band, or science, or parties–” 
You looked over at the party table, seeing one of the guys flipping Eddie off before your best friend cupped his mouth to shout, “Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!”
Protests sounded across the cafeteria, someone shouting, “Loser,” had you standing from your own seat, standing where your ass was previously occupying. “Shut up, Johnson!” Watching as Steve’s co-captain stood from his seat, you pointed your finger and said, “Don’t do it, Charlie!”
Completely ignoring you, he asked Eddie, “You want something, freak?” to which Eddie responded by bringing the backs of his hands up to his head, index fingers pointing up and making a humorous demonic sound from his mouth, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he did. 
You sat down back down, your leg back in its previous position and Eddie turned around to walk back down the table, saying, “It’s forced conforming. That’s what’s–” before jumping off the table to shout, “Killing the kids!!” at a teacher, bowing not a few seconds later with his arm out to let a couple of cheerleaders pass by. “That’s the real monster.”
Eddie sat down, taking a pretzel from the bag to pop it into his mouth before readching into his lunchbox, handing you a ziploc bag of Doritos as Danny said, “So, uhh, speaking of monsters, uhh, Sam had to do his, uhh, balls-in-laundry-baskets game. So
” He started chuckling as you looked at Eddie, the boy's eyes on his laughing friend as Danny continued, “He’s not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight. And I know there’s no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him. So me and Mark, we were talking, shooting the shit, and we were thinking that maybe tonight we
Looking back at Eddie as Danny stuttered, you could tell he was going to be angry with whatever they were asking. You had sat with Eddie in his room while he was writing the newest campaign for that night’s game, the boy pacing his room dramatically as he read to you what he’d written, scratching things out or adding things in, giving your opinion when needed.
“Postpone,” Mark said, which caused everyone but you and Eddie to go into an uproar.
“Postpone? You can’t just drop this on us!” Bobby said, Pauly’s voice rang over everyone’s as he said, “Over my dead body!”
“Shut up!” Eddie shouted, causing you to flinch again, his knee touching yours. 
Shawn groaned, his eyes casted towards Eddie, the dungeon master saying, “You saying Sinclair’s been taken in by the dark side?”
“Uh, something like that?” Mark questioned.
“Something like that?” Eddie repeated, throwing the pretzel that was in his hand at the oldest Wheeler boy.
“Jesus Christ,” you and Danny muttered.
“And rather than find a sub for him, you want
 you to postpone the Cult of Vecna?” your best friend asked.
Defending himself, Mark said, “I-I don’t want to postpone it. We don’t want to postpone it, it’s just that–”
Eddie’s knee leaving yours had a pang of sadness filling you as he got up from the table, the chair scratching the floor under him as he pushed it away, his body facing the windows.
“Most of the subs will be at the championship game?” Mark continued.
“Oh, it’s the championship game?” you and Eddie asked, your tone more shocked than Eddie’s.
“Can I level with you? Henderson and Bobby both graduate this year, Shawn’s got, what, a year a half? Me; I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O’Donnell’s. If I don’t blow her final-”
“I told you I’ll help you stu-,” you interrupted, only for Eddie to continue his words by saying, “I’m gonna walk that stage next month, I gonna look Principal Higgins deeeeead in the eye, I’m gonna flip him the bird, I’m gonna snatch that diploma and I’m gonna run like hell outta here!”
“Didn’t you say that last year?” you and Shawn asked.
“Yeah, yeah, and I was full of shit. This year’s different. This year is my year. I can feel it.” Eddie looked right at you and said, “ ‘85, baby.”
You could feel your cheeks heat up at the pet name before you blinked a couple times, saying, “You know what that means?” Walking towards the table, slowly, Eddie said, “Not what I’m probably thinking.”
Crossing your arms with an amused look, you countered, “And what would that be, Edward?”
“It means that these boys
-,” he started, coming to squat in between Danny and Mark, his hand on their shoulders, his right hand skimming your own shoulder every time he moved. “-... are the future of Hellfire. I knew the moment I saw them. They sat on that table right over there, looking like
“Two little lost little sheep?” you asked.
Eddie’s eyes locked with yours as he said, “Exactly.” Looking at Danny, he said, “You were wearing a Weird Al t-shirt, which I thought was brave.” Turning his head to look at Mark, he added, “Mark, you were wearing whatever shit your mommy bought you from the goddamn Gap.”
The boys laughed for a moment as you giggled before Eddie yanked them up from their seats, their laughter subsiding as yours turned into a chuckle as Eddie stood with Danny and Mark, turning to his left to add, “And we showed you that school didn’t have to be the worst years of your lives, right?”
They both said their no’s, Eddie agreeing with them while adding, “Well, I’m here to tell you that there are other little lost sheepies out there who need help. Who need
 you.” Turning them around to face him, Eddie looked at each of them as he added, “And all you guys gotta do
 is get your Bo-Peep’s on and go and find one.”
After Eddie pushed them away, he turned and locked eyes with you, smiling softly before coming back to the table, to sit at his spot at the end, stealing a Dorito from your bag, giving you a pretzel in return before you could steal one for yourself.
Yeah, your crush on Eddie just grew tenfold. 
The last period of the day seemed to drag on and on, the teacher acting like they didn’t want to be there anymore, most of the class either sleeping or daydreaming. You were reading the letter over and over again, trying to almost decode it, in a way. 
As you were studying the writing, you tried to remember where you’ve the handwriting before. When you almost had it figured out, the bell rang to signal the end of the school day. Once you exited the classroom, you went straight to your locker, Steve leaning against the one next to you with his arms folded across his chest.
“Twice in one day? I’m a lucky girl,” you teased, putting in your combination and opening the door. 
As you put your book and notebook back into your locker, Steve said, “Heck yeah! I have to see my best girl!”
“Uh-huh, sure,” you chuckled. After grabbing your crossbody purse, you pulled the strap over your head to rest on your shoulder, closing the locker door. “Got a hot date tonight?”
“Nah,” Steve said. “I mean, not if you count popcorn, a movie and whatever girl randomly shows up tonight for a good fu-”
“Aright, there, loverboy,” you interrupted, patting his arm as the two of you walked out of the back doors. “I don’t need to hear about your sexual adventures.”
You both chuckled as you looked ahead of you, seeing the tree lines to the woods. Sighing, you reached your hand back, putting your hand in your pocket, the folded paper rustling on your palm. “I guess I should go.”
Steve put his arm around you, saying, “Don’t be nervous. You might actually like who shows up.”
You turned to Steve, giving him a hug before pulling back, your hands resting on his shoulders as you said, “Happy Platonic Valentine’s Day, Stevie.”
“You, too, kid,” he smiled. Turning you towards the woods, he chuckled before saying, “Now go!”
Chuckling, you started walking off towards the woods, your nerves starting to show as you made your way to the picnic table that you knew was sitting there. Standing by the table, you enjoyed the breeze of the wind, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
The sound of a branch snapping pulled you out of your little moment, your eyes flying open. A squirrel running across some leaves had your anxiety levels spiking a little, your feet moving backwards before you even realized.
You had only backed up a few steps before you crashed into someone, your back meeting their chest as you screamed out.
“Wow, sweetness, it’s me!”
When the voice hit your ears, you instantly recognized it as being Eddie’s. You turned to look at him, a hand on your chest as he rested one hand on your upper arm.
“Sorry,” he chuckled. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Don’t do that,” you breathed, reaching your own hand up to rest on his shoulder, your head tilted forward.
“Sorry,” Eddie repeated. He stepped forward, bringing his arms around your shoulders with your own arms going around his middle, cheek pressed into his chest as his scent filled your senses. “Come on. Let’s go sit.”
The both of you moved to the picnic table, he went to one side as you went to the other. Deciding to act on impulse, you removed the letter from your pocket and threw it on the table. As you stared at it, you thought about the handwritten words inside.
“Hey, Eds?” you asked.
He hummed in acknowledgement as he sat down across from you. “What’s up, sweetness?”
“Do you ever feel like
 you’re losing your mind?” You looked up at him from the paper, two chocolate eyes already on yours. “And
 be honest.., Eds.”
“Uhm, ya’know, just on a daily basis,” he responded, a smile tugging at his lips. “I mean, I feel like I’m losing my mind right now, sitting here with my amazingly beautiful best friend.”
Yeah, your cheeks definitely heated up at his statement as he tapped the table a couple of times. 
“Even though we’re best friends and hang out all the time, that book report last year wasn’t the first time we’ve, uhm
 hung out,” Eddie said.
“No?” you asked, a confused look covering your features.
“You don’t remember?”
“Ed, I think I would remember the first time we– oh my god!” Your words were cut off by Eddie pretending to stab himself in the heart, his back hitting the ground.
As he stood, he said, “I wouldn’t remember me either, sweetness.” He turned around to face you, brushing his fingers through his hair as he asked, “Do I have something in my hair?”
You laughed as he turned to face you, his arms crossing as he asked, “You don’t remember me?”
“Before the book report? I-” you chuckled. “I’m trying to think, but I can’t. I’m sorry.”
Looking down at the ground for a moment, Eddie said, “Middle School, talent show. Back when you were a cheerleader, you were doing your cheer thing. Ya’know, the
 the thing you did.” He raised his arms in a cheerleader type way.”
You giggled as he continued, “It was pretty cool, actually. And I
 I was with the band.”
“Corroded Coffin!” you exclaimed.
He punched his palm as he turned around, starting to say the band's name before pointing at you, saying, “I knew you remembered, sweetness.”
“Well, with a name like that how could I forget?” you said, laughing at the end.
“I don’t know,” he said. “You’re a freak.”
“Hanging out with you long enough, I turned into one.” 
The two of you smiled at each other, your fingers grazing the folded paper once again. You wanted to ask him about it, but decided against it for the time being, enjoying the moment you were having with him.
“Back then, you looked so–”
“Different?” Eddie interrupted. “Yeah, well, my head was buzzed and I didn’t have these sweet ol’ tatties yet.” He pulled his shirt to the side, showing part of his skull head and spider tattoos on his chest.
“I remember you just jamming on your guitar that day,” you said, eyes casting from his to the paper in front of you.
“You know I still do, sweetness. You haven’t watched us play in a while. You know we play at The Hideout on Tuesdays.”
“With your crowd of about five drunks?”
He winked at you as he said, “You know it.”
“I mean, The Hideout isn’t exactly the Garden, but you gotta start somewhere, right?”
Smiling at you, Eddie said, “One day, when we’re playing the Garden, you’re gonna be there. Right by my side. Cheering me on.”
Chuckling, you nodded your head. “You know it, Eds.” You thought about your next words for a moment, enjoying the small but comfortable silence that fell between the two of you. “Ya’know
 you weren’t at all what I thought you’d be before we got partnered up for the book report. You looked so –”
Grabbing a small piece of his hair, he moved it in front of his mouth as he said, “Mean and scary?”
All you could do was nod, a small smile tugging at your lips as you tried to hide it. 
“Yeah, well, because you’re friends with The Hair, I actually thought you’d be kinda mean and scary, too.” He walked back to the table, placing his hands on the table top.
“Me?” you asked, a little confused. 
“Terrifying,” he smiled, sitting down on the bench.
Scoffing, you tossed your head back with a laugh. “I have my nose stuck in a book half of the time! I’m even remotely in the same category as mean and scary.”
“Yeah, well, your flattery worked with me.”
Tilting your head to the side a little, you couldn’t help but smile at your best friend. You cast your eyes down to the table again, your orbs finding the folded paper. With furrowed brows, you reached for it, holding it between two fingers.
When your eyes found Eddie’s again, you noticed his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, so you asked the question that’s been on your mind for the last two hours. “Did you put this in my locker?”
“I - uhh -”
“Edward Munson,” you warned. “Tell me the truth.”
Sighing, he hung his head down, his chin meeting his chest before releasing a deep breath. “Fine.” Picking his head up, he looked at you. “Yes. I did.”
“Why didn’t you just ask me to meet you here at lunch? Like you sometimes do?”
Taking another deep breath, Eddie released it, saying, “I thought it’d be more romantic.”
Confused, you looked at him with narrowed eyes. “Why would it be-” Then it hit you. Like a bus. Since your hand had dropped a couple of inches, you raised your hand back up, the note swaying as you did. “You’re my secret admirer?”
Eddie stood and shrugged, turning his back towards you.
“Why?” you whispered.
“Why what?” he asked. Turning to face you again, you saw a pang of hurt in his eyes. “Why I ended up falling for my best friend? Why I couldn’t tell you that every time your nose is stuck in your books, I look over and smile at you? I couldn’t tell you that I’ve been falling for you since I first saw you on the first day of my Sophomore year.”
You watched as he moved around the table to sit next to you, your eyes locked on each other’s as he gathered his next words.
With a soft voice, he said, “I couldn’t tell you that all I think about at night before I fall asleep is your lips on mine, my arms around you as you rest your head on my chest, falling asleep peacefully. I couldn’t tell you how in love with you I am, sweetness.”
Turning your face away from him, you sighed, wanting to tell him that his feelings were reciprocated. Feeling like you couldn’t, you closed your eyes before feeling his finger and thumb on your chin, a gentle touch that set your skin on fire. 
Eddie turned your face back towards him, his eyes dancing between yours. “Don’t turn away from me, baby. I know you feel the same way.”
Taking a sharp intake of breath, you opened your mouth, asking, “How?”
With a smirk playing on his lips, he softly chuckled. “Because you wouldn’t be here with me right now.”
Your own smirk appeared on your lips, your eyes lowering to his shirt, looking at a random spot on the cotton material. Feeling his hand cupping your cheek, you looked back up at him, eyes moving to look at his lips. “I very much would like to kiss you.”
“Good,” Eddie whispered. “ ‘Cause I was gonna do it. Ya’know
 to test the waters.” As you giggled, he leaned forward at the same time you did, your lips gently pressing to each other, testing the waters.
It didn’t take long for the gentle kiss to turn into a passionate one; lips moving in sync, small smacks sounding between the two of you as you pulled apart slightly, only to dive back in. Unfortunately, you denied him access when his tongue swept across your bottom lip, asking for entrance.
“Mmm,” you hummed. “Not there yet.”
Eddie understood as he placed one last chaste kiss to your lips. Moving his hand to cup the side of your neck, he smiled that playful smile that had you weak in the knees.
“What?” you giggled.
“I just have one last question.”
You gave him eyes that said proceed.
“Be my forever valentine?”
The laugh that sounded from you had his smile growing, a chuckle sounding from him as you gave your answer.
A/N 2:  hi, friends! i tried to figure out if i wanted to age dustin up a year, but realized i'd have to age mike and lucas up, too. so, i had to add two different characters into the cafeteria scene, BUT just think of dustin and mike...? let me know what you thought! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Notes: i'm trying to add the character masterlists onto all my one-shots from here on out! let me know if it makes it easier for y'all to back and choose what to read!
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
Italics wouldn’t let me tag!
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on February 15, 2024 *Happy late Valentine's Day!*
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lokisivy · 11 months
Gorgeous- Eddie Munson
(part 1)
warning: semi-dark Eddie, Henderson reader.
burnt my fingers 2 times today now I'm writing with one hand. also, my cat is drinking from the cold water I made for my fingers
pov changes throughout the chapter
Senior year, my year, The Hendersons have a thing for blooming late. I already had a nice body, but I didn't expect it. My summer was basically gaining weight on my tits and ass not that I was complaining. I had the perfect body for my 18th birthday, but senior year will be the year everyone knows who I am.
"Are you nervous?" I asked Dustin. When I told him about hellfire he made me join so I could put in the good word to him and his friends. Eddie was the leader he was also in my English class I was tutoring him because his grades were falling down. It doesn't matter anyway he graduated I haven't talked to him since our last session He kissed me and I freaked out
"Kind of," he said nervously
"You got nothing to worry about you will be fine I'm there no one will dare to touch you."
I enter the doors of the high school with Dustin
"I will go find Mike and Lucas," he informed you giving him a small nodd
Something about this being the last chapter of your childhood made this so hard to process
you went to your locker to put your stuff and head to class.
"Last year huh you think anything freaky will happen," Robin said behind the locker door.
"Upside down freaky or high school freaky?" I giggled "Both." she answered
"Oh hell no, I'm not going through that again you got kidnapped by the Russians ." you started walking to your classes together
"It wasn't that bad"
"Sure" you laughed at her statement.
first classes ran faster than I expected as I headed to the cafeteria so Dustin wouldn't do the wrong thing to the wrong someone.
Until I bump into someone
"I'm sorry I didn't see you," I said before looking up. you recognised that cologne. "Eddie? aren't you supposed to be graduated?" my smile was bright it was like the sun had come after a rainy day.
I had a huge crush on Eddie. my heart just flutters or skips a beat when he is around. Since the last I saw him I didn't react well when he kissed me he took me by surprise he probably thinks i don't like him. Fuck me.
"I know, sweetheart. I'm asking myself the same question," he said, giving me that bright smile of his
"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria." he said, putting his arms around my shoulders.
Why is acting like nothing had happened last spring?
we sat at our table Eddie in front me on the side like the rest sat next or opposite.
"So Eddie I've been meaning to ask you, can my brother and his friends join hellfire they are pros at DnD." I said nervously
The group looked at you like you were about to get murdered you were confused, as Eddie was never rude or mean to you he did obtain a reputation for being a 'freak' but its not like like the guy was heartless
"Sure, bring them over," Eddie said, giving you a smile
You called Dustin and his friends to come over.
"Eddie, I'm Dustin' Y/Ns brother. It's a pleasure." Dustin said, pulling out his hands to shake Eddies, but eddie doesn't give his hands out.
"Sit down!" Eddie yelled at him
They all took a seat next to me. I gave Dustin, 'I told you, so look.' i warned him he was a little too much.
"So just meet me at the forest after school." I heard Eddie tell Chrissy from a distance. Your blood boiled, what are they doing? Are they going out? why do I care it doesn't matter.
You take your books out of the locker, and when you shut it - "Hey sweetheart." Eddie said, smirking at you. God, he is gorgeous. Can I say it to his face?
"Hi." You said plainly.
"Why are you upset my love cheer up we are graduating this year." he said smiling. my stomach filled with butterflies
My love.
"I am graduating. you I'm not so sure." you left leaving him there
did he do something wrong? Was he coming off strong? not strong enough?
he wanted you to know he liked you he flirts with you all the time but you always seem to be scared or nervous. he was even nice to you about Dustin joining DnD.
while you were walking to class Eddie grabbed your waist and lead you to a closet.
"Have I upset you, sweetheart? Why are you abrupt? " said, pining you against the door arms next to your body knowing you would try to leave.
''You should take it as a compliment,'' you said
He chuckles god he had such a deep voice it made heat rise in my tummy. he doesn't know that fucking ruined me for anyone else I could only think about him if it wasn't for the upside-down shit that happened in the summer I would've sunk down and died. seeing him with Crissy made me jealous and Im so fucking furious at him for making me feel this way.
"You should go. You wouldn't want Chrissy to know you in a closet with me," I said, looking up at him, his face leaning down his arms on the door behind me.
"You are mad because of a drug deal? chicks smoke weed, you should know." his face is coming closer to yours. He is referring to the time he made me try weed for the first time because I was curious how it felt like.
"I know that," you said breathlessly as he leaned further into my ears
"Then what's the problem princess?" He whispered
"You don't know how long I've waited for you to have you burn in jealousy for me like that," he said, his voice deeper than normal, twirling a string of curls on my hair.
"Eddie..." I said trying to breathe properly
"There is nothing I hate more than I can't have" His lips are so close to mine that I'm almost gonna faint from the air being so thick
"I want to fuck you so hard against this door while everyone outside hears your moans and knows who you belong to" His voice goes lower. He hovers his lips above my neck, "Do you want that princess?
"What -"
"Answer me!" he bangs his hands beside my head making me flinch from the loud noise.
The tension was rising it was like my brain was fogged with his scent his voice. his hand trails down my neck grabbing it enough to cause a moan out of me, "Did I stutter sweetheart?"
I was taken aback I didn't think he actually wanted an answer. "Yes, I want that Eddie" I finally answered.
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
I Wanna be Yours || Part 2
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Part 1 | Part 3
↝a/n: enjoy.
↝pairing:Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝ Warning: slightly proof read. Possible spoilers if you still haven't watched season 4, everything that happens in stranger things, slow burn, death, Vicky doesn't exist here, not because I don't like her, but because it's easier to write for Robin when she's not madly in love with another chick.
↝⎙ 6.26.23
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‱2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr‱
Hey, watch it!” You glared at the man-baby, totally done with his childish yelling and walking on tables. “You nearly knocked my tray over.”
He turned, a sorrowful-fake-grin on his face. “Oh, Ms. Wheeler. I'm so, so-” He grabbed the fruit cup off your tray, looking at what was in it. “— so, so sorry. If I knew Mike's feisty sister was going to lecture me, I would've stayed sitting down. Maybe offer you a seat on my lap.”
You rolled your eyes as Mike told his friends to 'lay off'. There wasn't any bite to Eddie's words, only playful banter, you suppose.
“I'd rather sit on the floor.”
He tsked, plopping the cup back where it was and letting you walk to your group of friends.
You heard Eddie going back to his speech. Sure, you were a little hesitant to let your brother and his friends hang out with a man who failed 3 times and played D & D as if his life depended on it. But the few times you met him, he seemed not to be a total weirdo.
“Y/n!” You swirled around, seeing Mike running through the halls towards you. “Y/n.” The poor thing was winded by the time he got in front of you.
“What is it?”
“Would,” He heaved, “you wanna," Another heave, “Join Hellfire,” heave, “Tonight?”
“I'd love to,” Mike began to smile. “But I have plans.” The smile was short-lived. “I'm sorry, Micheal.”
“What kind of plans? Can that wait for one night?” He followed you as you began walking down the hall to your next class.
“I'm hanging out with Chrissy after the game. And no. We're in need of girl time. Plus, I don't know a thing about that game.”
“We can teach you. You can hang out with her straight after, promise.”
“I thought you had enough people?”
Mike sighed before telling you about the dilemma with Lucas' basketball game. “— And Eddie will not postpone.”
“Mike, I don't know.”
“Please. We've already asked everyone else.”
“Oh, so I was the last resort?” You faked a hurt expression, stopping in front of your class.
“What? No! I-”
“Relax.” You began patting his shoulder. “You guys should really be there for Lucas tonight. He'd be there for you.”
“I'll be just a minute, promise.” You nodded, leaning against the brick walls of the school.
“You sure you don't want me to come with you?” Chrissy shook her head before walking off. You mentally gave her the maximum of 5 minutes to talk to whoever she had to talk to in secret before you were following her. You stared at the trees she walked into, waiting for any sign something could go wrong.
Around 4 and a half minutes later, you began walking towards the woods. When you got deep enough in the woods, you heard faint talking. You followed it, coming to a table. Chrissy was just standing up, as Eddie closed the tin lunch box.
Chrissy gasped, Eddie just looked between you two.
“I asked you to wait!” Her cheeks were an embarrassed pink.
“I did. You said a minute, it's been 5. You could've been kidnapped or killed for all I know.” You turned to Eddie. “No offense.” He just shrugged, not looking at all scared that they had been caught.
She nearly jogged past you, practically fuming. You've never seen her that mad before. “Plans have changed, I'm busy tonight.”
Steve's date stood by you, nearly stepping on your feet every time she moved. “Wow.” She turned to Steve, “She sounds amazing, doesn't she?” You had to cover your mouth to not bust out laughing, You caught Steve's eye over her shoulder. He opted not to respond, going back to focusing on his ears nearly bleeding from the terrible voice of Tammy Thompson.
“Damn, the mic is going to explode.” You mumbled, one hand moving to plug an ear on instinct. The girl with Steve turned, glaring at you, her sweet facade dropping for a split second.
“Lucas, Lucas, Lucas!” You chanted, walking over to who made his team win, nothing else on your mind but how proud you were of him. A huge grin was on his face as he told you about it and how it was like his brain shut off, moving as if in instinct.
As he came to an end, you saw a strawberry-blonde head of hair walking away. “Lucas, I'm so proud of you.” You bid him a goodbye before catching up with Chrissy.
“I told you I have other plans. We can't hang out tonight-” She didn't sound as mad as before.
“I know. Hey, I get you're mad at me. But something is going on with you. Talk to me. If you need someone, I'm here, Chrissy.”
She relaxed her arms that were folded across her chest. “I know. I just
I need some ‘me’ time, okay.”
“Okay. Yeah, sounds fun. Just call me when you feel up to hang out.”
She smiled before wrapping her arms around you. “I will.”
“Like, seriously, the most beautiful creature-”
“Y/n!” Steve interrupted Robin, causing her head to snap towards where you had just walked in, the bell chiming right as he said your name. You waved, walking over to where she had turned the big t.v on.
The news was the first thing to pop up. “We're in the Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County.” The reporter's voice was almost robotic, the lady had obviously been doing this for a while. “We don't have many details right now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High School student was discovered early this morning. Police have not yet released the victim's name.”
“Holy shit.”
“-although we are told they're currently in the process of notifying the family.”
“Can I use your phone real quick?” Robin turned, nodded and pointed to where the phone was. You called Chrissy's house, having a hunch she had been with him with how weird she had acted. But you ended up not getting an answer. Your next call was Max, knowing she lived there, maybe she'd know if Chrissy went there last night and if she's safe. No answer. “Why do people have phones if they're not going to answer?” You had to stop yourself from slamming the phone back down.
You looked up from where you were staring lasers into the countertop, watching as Dustin and Max rushed in. “Max, why didn't you or your mom answer. I was worried sick.”
“You guys see this?” Steve pointed at the t.v.
“How many phones do you have?” Dustin ignored Steve.
“Someone was murdered.”
“How many phones do you have?!”
“Two. Why?”
“Technically three is you count Keith's in the back.” Robin spoke up.
Max nodded as Dustin took his backpack off. “Yeah, three works.”
“What is going on?” You asked at the same time Steve asked “What are you doing?” Right before Dustin slid his backpack across the counter, before sliding his body.
Steve protested, “No, no, no! My tapes! Dude.” You glanced over at Robin, both confused and a little worried for the boy. “What are you doing, man?”
He moved to sit In Front of the computer, typing away. “Setting up base of operations here.”
“Base of operations?” This time, you were in sync with Robin's words.
This kid had lost his mind.
The kid punched in more keys. “Stop, get off of there.” Steve tried to push Dustin away.
“I need it.”
“Need it for what?”
“Eddie's friends' phone numbers.”
“What? Why?” You tugged Max's arm, making her turn to you. She didn't answer you, going back to looking at the log Dustin pulled up on the screen.
“Oh, Eddie. Your new best friend you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game?”
“ Yes-I never said that.”
“Max, what happened?”
“Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around like toddlers, but it's a Saturday.” Robin picked up the tapes that Dustin knocked over, annoyed with the whole thing. “It's our busiest day.”
“Okay, Robin,” Dustin suddenly had a clipboard, writing something down. “I empathize, but this cannot wait.”
Steve ran his hands down his face, also annoyed. “Oh my god.”
“What, cause calling all of Eddie's friends is an emergency?” Robin slammed some papers onto the counter.
"Steve moved to stand beside her. “Want me to strangle him, or you want to do it?”
She grinned at him, “We can take turns.”
Dustin turned to Max in the chair, “Can you fill them in while I do this?”
“Fill us in on what?”
Max stood there, sighing, as if she didn't know how to tell whatever it was she needed to fill you guys in on. Your hand fell from where it was gripping her arm, “Max, speak, c'mon.”
“Oh my god.” Your hand was over your mouth, your stomach feeling as if it were all going to come up any second. You watched as Dustin, Max, and Robin were all on the phones, calling around for Eddie's whereabouts. She was there. Chrissy went over there and now she's dead. You shouldn't have let her go, at least not alone. Oh my god.
“Hey, guys, I might have a lead.”
“Seriously?” Dustin asked Max as he and Robin put their phones down.
Robin walked over to you, rubbing your back. “Don't blame yourself.”
After Max told you everything, you had told her about what you saw before the game and how she'd been acting funny about it. You blame yourself for letting her go, for making her so mad where she canceled your plans. And now she's dead.
“Rick! Reefer Rick!” There's nothing like being out at night, searching a drug dealer's place for someone who could've killed your best friend. Dustin continued to bang on the door of the small house. “Rick!”
“He's not there.” Steve about had enough of Dustin yelling in his ear.
The boy stopped yelling, “He could just be really high.”
“Is that a foot?” Steve turned to you, seeing you leaning against the window, looking in with your flashlight.
“No, that's just a shoe.”
“Hey, guys!” Max called from away from the porch, her flashlight pointing near a shed type thing. You couldn't really see, even with your flashlight.
The tin door creaked open, each of your guys' flashlights pointing in different directions as you walked into the dark abyss.
“Hello? Is anyone home?”
“What a dump.” Steve walked over to the walls, where all kinds of things were hung up. He grabbed a boat paddle, poking at a tarp.
Dustin jumped, before turning around. “What are you doing?” Steve continued to poke around, so Dustin asked again, “What are you doing?”
“He might be in here.”
“I Think he would've already gotten up from getting hit with an oar, Steve.” Steve looked back at you before continuing to poke.
“Take the tarp off.” Dusting advised.
“If you're so brave, you take the tarp off.”
“Hey look at this.” Max held up random wrappers. “Someone was here.”
“Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran.”
“Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar.” Dustin pointed to the man who looked really concentrated on hitting every part of the tarp with the stupid oar.
“I know you think you're being funny, Henderson, but considering everyone in this room has died about a hundred times, personally, I don't find it in the sligh--”
A scream cut through your throat as something popped up, making you reach for Steve, hiding behind him before you could help yourself. That was short-lived as he got dragged away.
“Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! WAIT!” He tried to fight again, getting dragged backwards towards the siding of the shed.
You leapt forward, grabbing at anything, Dustin still screaming.
“WOAH WOAH WOAH! Eddie! Stop!” Eddie held a beer bottle to Steve's neck, with the most pissed off look you've ever seen.
“EDDIE! Eddie!” Dustin stared, hopeless. “It's me. It's Dustin.” He pointed at Steve, “This is Steve. He's not going to hurt you, right, Steve?”
“Right. Yeah.” Steve whispered. He looked like he's already shit himself from fear. Rightfully so.
“Steve, why don't you drop the oar.”
As Steve went to drop the oar, you yanked it, throwing it to the ground. Stupid oar.
Eddie tightened his grip, bringing the glass closer.
“He's cool. He's cool.”
“I'm cool, man. I'm cool.” You heard Steve whisper.
“What are you doing here?”
“We're looking for you.”
“We're here to help.” Robin spoke up, making Eddie's neck snap towards her, disbelief evident on his frown.
“Eddie, these are my friends.” Dustin pointed behind him, “You know Robin, from band.” Robin imitated her instrument, before Dustin continued. “This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D.” Dustin pointed to you, who was the closest to Eddie. “You know Y/n, 'Ms. Wheeler'. Eddie, c'mon. We're on your side. I swear on my mother."
Eddie turned back, looking at Steve as if he were still unsure. Dustin continued pleading. “Right, guys?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Yes. Yes, we swear.”
“On Dustin's mother.”
“Yeah, Dustin's
Dustin's mother.”
Everyone sighed as Eddie let go, turning away.
“Oh my god.” You moved, checking on Steve.
Eddie slid to the floor as Dustin walked in front of him. His scary front was gone. It looked like a little boy who didn't know what to do, a lost boy.
" Dustin squatted, being eye level, even if Eddie didn't meet his eye. “We just want to talk. Okay?” Eddie flinched away.
Robin squatted next, her voice soft enough to not scare him away. “We want to know what happened.”
He sniffed, looking around. “You won't believe me.”
“Try us.”
“I didn't kill her.” His eyes stared into yours, almost begging you out of everyone to believe him.
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‱My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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dufrau · 1 month
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion exactly, just something I notice I interpreted differently than some other people, but I don't think Nancy and Fred were really friends? (I have no problem with the opposite interpretation btw! If you think they were friends that is fine and cool!)
But to me I saw it more as just, like, first of all I assumed he was an underclassman so at least a year behind her, and that they had kind of a... Like i feel like he was more meant as a Mike analog than a Barb, I guess? Like an annoying little brother she's grudgingly fond of but not actually close with and now he's dead and of course she feels very guilty about not being able to stop it but its more a precurser to her vecna vision of all her family (besides ted?) dying than it is about Barb already having died. Like it's more about powerlessness than actual guilt.
But to me it felt very much like they had never "hung out" before when Nancy took him on the trailer park investigation, otherwise he wouldnt be like "i bet you wish i was jonathan".
Anyway. I just don't think they were friends! I think Nancy liked him to some extent and feels very guilty about it and probably feels like she got him involved in the first place even though that's only maybe true (it could be speculated that he was targeted because nancy knew him, which would track for both max obviously and for patrick via lucas knowing him but it doesn't really make sense for chrissy so i think the victims are probably "random" and its a just a small town where everybody sort of knows everybody.)
But I feel like calling him her "friend" is overstating (or (in my opinion) misinterpreting the narrative purpose of) their relationship tbh.
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sarcasticassian · 1 year
Robin, Chrissy, Vickie and Nancy are in a rock band, Robin sings, Chrissy and Vickie on guitar and bass and Nancy drums, Steve is their manager and Dustin, Steve’s little brother is their number one fan and tags along to gigs all the time, Mike is more reluctant but even he can admit his sister is kinda cool for being in an all girl rock band that slaps, Lucas is their best friend and so he comes along for the ride, holding back Dustin when he gets too enthusiastic and underfoot until he also gets too excited and they cause a small amount of chaos and Erica is an admirer of the band so she squeezes her way into events as well
Corroded Coffin are currently the world’s biggest new metal band, Jonathan is their actual manager but Max, Eddie’s little sister, likes to follow him around and tell him what she’d do instead, Will and El encourage her much to Jonathan’s dismay and Eddie’s delight, they’ve just dropped a killer album (Satanic Panic) and they’re organising a tour, Max suggests the rock band she’s always listening to and after checking out the discography Corroded Coffin agree it would be a good fit
Steve switches off his hearing aid before he tells the girls about CC reaching out because they’re all big fans and CC is a small influence on their work, Robin and Eddie share the same raspy vocal quality, and he was thankful he did because they all scream, he snarks that he’s assuming they’re up to be CC’s opener and he’ll get back to Jonathan
Max and Dustin connect on social media before the band’s get together and it’s the meeting of two of the most chaotic minds and they’re already causing trouble, I just want them to cause shenanigans and that leads to them deciding to parent trap several members of the bands and teams because then they’re forever intertwined and Dustin and Max can keep going to both of their concerts for free, Lucas thinks its a little manipulative, Mike and Will think it’s genius and El would just like to go to concerts and learn about girl power and fucking the patriarchy and Erica knows a lot about that
the adults don’t know they’re being moved around like chess pieces until it’s too late and then one day Steve sits up in bed, accidentally elbowing Eddie on his way up from where they were spooning, and he’s like those little shits they did this on purpose, it’s 3AM but he’s calling Dustin and making Eddie call Max so he has them both on the phone because he knows they did this only for the two fuckers to laugh and say they really only meant to get Vickie and Jeff together because the two of them had openly stated that they thought the other was cute, everybody else just fell into place after that so they can’t be punished but they’ll take the credit
Gareth and Argyle, who are both still happily single, neither ready to settle down, will take it to the grave that they helped the kids by passing on info about any crushes or hook ups with in the adult group, they just sip on their drinks that the kids money bought them because the information came at a price as well as their silence and enjoy the peace and quiet now that nobody is moaning about being in unrequited love or never getting laid
it went something like Vickie and Jeff started to date which made Chrissy realise Robin wasn’t in a secret relationship or pining after Vickie and Robin realised Chrissy was interested so they make a move on each other, Steve gives Robin some space to date Chrissy without him hanging around and ends up ferrying his brother to hangouts with Max who just happens to be getting dropped off by Eddie despite the fact that both of them can drive but Steve and Eddie make plans to hang out and they make it complicated because it’s them but eventually they get together properly and while all this was happening Nancy and Jonathan were slotting into place quietly but sweetly and it works and now the kids have four couples for the price of one and their favourite bends are gonna be able to collab forever
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lipstickmarks · 2 years
Do you have any headcannons on how Eddie’s friends would have reacted to Chrissy? Do you think they knew about his crush on her? Would they be supportive and help cover for them if they had a secret relationship or would they not approve?
i think they knew about it in middle school but they never imagined it carried into high school. the guys are realists about their place in the social hierarchy so they’re absolutely stunned when Eddie brings Chrissy fucking Cunningham to a Hellfire session.
At first they think she’s in the wrong place until Eddie pulls a chair out for her and explains that she’ll be sitting in on the game.
They’re not unsupportive, they’re just
 confused. Gareth is the one to vocalize it. He tends to speak for the group. He’s Eddie’s right hand man and they were friends first out of all of them so he can usually appeal to Eddie’s sensibilities without getting his head bitten off.
“What the hell is going on between you and Chrissy Cunningham?”
To which Eddie just popped a grape in his mouth and smiled wickedly.
“I have no fucking clue.”
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The unnamed Hellfire member (i call him Grant in my head bc of @cunninghamschrissy hc lol) is more outspoken about Chrissy attending hellfire meetings but Eddie shuts that down with one stern look.
Jeff is the most accepting of Chrissy’s presence. He’s a very go with the flow guy and he has a gentle spirit like Chrissy. At the second game she attends, he wordlessly offers her a pretzel from his snack bowl. Those are one of the snacks Chrissy can stomach without bringing up any of her ed issues so she takes it with a grateful smile.
When they realize Eddie has genuine feelings for Chrissy, they’re a bit worried. They don’t want to see their friend get hurt. Eddie might put on a front but there’s a real vulnerability there. But all it takes is to see the two of them interacting to know the feeling is mutual.
Although she doesn’t participate in the games, she’s always enraptured by Eddie’s storytelling, watching him with fascinated eyes and having animated reactions to his various voices and other performances. After their performances at the Hideout (Chrissy goes to see them every week), she’s always touching Eddie. Her hand never leaves his and more often than not, she’s got both arms wrapped around his bicep. They think it’s really cute how Chrissy loves PDA and Eddie does too but he’s clearly not used to it so he’s always bright red in the face when she does it.
Once they get to know Eddie and Chrissy as a couple, they’re more than supportive. Beyond that, they get to know Chrissy as well. She tells them a bit about her life, her overbearing mom and how she hates all the pressure to be the “it” girl. That strikes a chord with them and they realize Chrissy’s just as much of an outcast as they are, she’s just an outcast in popular kid’s clothing.
The younger Hellfire members adore Chrissy too. Dustin likes just about anyone, Lucas is impressed that Eddie pulled her, and Mike is just so obsessed with Eddie that he likes anything Eddie likes so Chrissy is alright in his book.
And the feeling is absolutely mutual. Chrissy LOVES all of Eddie’s friends. She was a little apprehensive to meet them at first because she knew how rowdy they could be but she trusted Eddie wholeheartedly. She knew he would never guide her into a dangerous situation.
As mentioned, she and Jeff have similar soft demeanors so she warms up to him first. With Grant, his emboldened D&D outbursts make her jump but she eventually grows to appreciate his passion. Out of all of Eddie’s friends, Gareth is the one she respects the most. He and Eddie are like brothers and even though Eddie is the leader, Gareth would never let anything bad happen to him, including getting his heart broken by a pretty cheerleader. He was a little standoffish with Chrissy at first but they have caring for Eddie in common and that binds them together.
And come on. How could she not adore the younger Hellfire members? She thinks it’s so cute how Mike copies everything Eddie does. She’s even brought Mike stuff from the thrift store that looks like Eddie’s (that’s how Mike starts his ring collection). Lucas is a fellow jock and she’s impressed by how multi-faceted he is as a person. Her favorite thing about Lucas is his sister.
Erica makes Chrissy laugh harder than any of them, even Eddie sometimes. Her wit is something she’s never seen and she’s always impressed when Erica want obliterates any monsters in the party’s way. Erica won’t admit it, but she likes Chrissy too. And she loves having another girl in Hellfire even if she doesn’t technically participate. (She has yelled at Eddie and Chrissy for kissing in the middle of sessions though)
Dustin is her favorite. They have the closest bond out of all the kids. She and Eddie always joke that he’s their adopted child and Dustin has jokingly referred to Chrissy as his step-mom multiple times. Dustin talks to Chrissy about Suzie all the time (she thinks their relationship is so cute) and they even talk on the walkies sometimes. Dustin swears up and down that the four of them will go on a double date one day and Chrissy really hopes it happens because she wants to meet this girl.
As far as the secret relationship goes, the guys have no qualms about helping the two of them out. As far as they’re concerned, Chrissy’s one of them and Hellfire protects their own.
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ninthhousesteel · 2 years
Lucas dustin and mike are Steve’s children. Will and El are ronance’s children. They share custody of Max.
i heavily maintain that the kids are tied more to the individuals than the ships which creates a Weird family tree
nancy's kids: max and mike
- max needed an older sister in her life and found exactly that in ms. nancy elizabeth wheeler. nancy knows what it's like to always be disregarded for being a woman and sympathizes with max and urges her to stand up for herself and never take no for an answer. she becomes a mother figure to the girl when robin comes into play, being the one to keep order (and keeps the house from burning down)
- we were completely robbed of nancy and mike sibling interactions! i want nancy to embrace her nerd side again by joining hellfire's dnd campaigns and having a star wars movie night with her brother (plus their relationship reminds me of myself and my brother and im projecting)
robin's kids: max, el, and will
- max is the younger sister robin never had. the two are inseparable and can often be found hiding in the back room of family video waiting for steve to fall victim to their prank. max tries to teach robin how to skate Once. never again. (nancy gave them both a stern talking-to and neither one is willing to incite the Wheeler Wrath again)
- el grew up being different from her time in the lab. robin knows what it's like and shows her that it's okay to be different and that people will still love you for who you are! robin is often the chaperone for elmax date nights (accompanied by nancy of course, who else would drive?)
- will and robin bond over their shared love for the arts. they exchange cassette tapes and will begins to teach robin how to paint (which she loves because she gets to create something with her hands!) she becomes his gay mentorℱ and silently Dares anyone to even think about messing with will
steve's kids: all of them <3
- he's been the best goddamn babysitter this group of teens could ever ask for. they all know that they could call on him at any hour of the day and he would show up on their doorstep, spiked bat in hand. he still shares the special father/son bond with dustin but loves all of his kids equally
eddie's kids: the hellfire club
- post-vecna, everyone is inducted as an honorary member of hellfire. where steve's parenting is measured, eddie's is chaos. he chaperones the kids to their first party, allowing them to drink but always checking in and making sure that they're not having too much fun. he plays concerts for them, learning the chords to any songs they ask him to
(bonus: chrissy and vickie's kid is mike because who better to piss nancy off than Little Brother himself
jonathan makes mike his responsibility whether the little wheeler likes it or not)
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occasionaloneshots · 2 years
Modern Stranger Things Girls
Headcannons including style and room decor only on the older sibling characters and younger, and only characters who has appeared in at least 2 seasons. (So not including Eden, Chrissy, Vickie, or Heather)
Style is a mix between light academia and extremely girly
Over blushes purposefully, adds it to the tip of her nose
Big fan of Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, and Olivia Rodrigo, cries to “People Watching” but she doesn’t know how to explain why
Part of yearbook and the journalism at her school, talked the school into adding the paper as a section of their website
Paints her own nails, makes sure she does it every Sunday and then matches all her outfits to it through out the week
Has American Girl dolls from her childhood still in her closet for “safe keeping”
Plant mom, actually can keep them alive
Bedroom is full of real and fake plants, asks Mike to water them if she’s away, never tells him that half are fake so she can laugh about him watering all of them
A lot of neutral/green toned decor but she still has baby pink walls from when she was a kid, everyone says it suits her
Participates in spirit weeks, probably joined SGA just to help pick themes
Avid skirt wearer
Bullet journals and keeps a diary (tells people just journals with no further explanation)
Volunteers at the local animal shelter on the weekends
Taught El how to do her hair and makeup (often steals El from her brother and his friends if Max isn’t there)
Has modern Curtain bangs, never adds enough volume to them
Camp counselor every summer
love dainty jewelry, says she only wears it, but she wears a friendship bracelet El made her at camp until it literally falls apart (El said it was a thank you for making her feel normal when the kids didn’t, Nancy hid in the bathroom and cried a little over it)
Claw clip enthusiast
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dresses like an artsy lesbian stereotype and then asks Steve if he thinks girls will know she likes girls
leather jacket girl
works at Best Buy, is really nosy when ringing up customers
Dustin came into the store to buy animal crossing so he could visit Suzie’s island, she immediately texted Steve about it and they teased him together (he has no regrets and has a really cute island)
Acts like a music snob but doesn’t actually have a music taste (Steve refuses to give her the aux and then they argue because Steve is a Yung Gravy and TMG fan)
collects crystals, doesn’t actually believe they have abilities she just likes the way they look on her shelves
mainly wears neutrals, but she has has a full collection of colorful button ups that she buys from mens sections
Wears almost exclusively converse and boots
hair tie around her wrist 99% of the time
Only wears eyeliner, mascara, and concealer (highlight and lipgloss come out if she feels like she needs to look nicer)
dyes the underside of her hair fun colors (Max helps, it’s a bonding experience)
Lets Nancy paint her nails
Collects patterned socks (prefers crew socks)
buzzfeed unsolved/the watcher Stan (loves the professor, watches puppet history when she can’t sleep)
room is really messy but in a way that it almost looks creative
wall is absolutely covered with posters, pictures, drawings, and letters
Had white bedding, bought darker bedding because she’s prone to spills
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has 2 styles, half surfer and half skater (learned how to surf as a kid, misses it)
thinks skirts are only for special occasions
believes in the healing abilities of crystals, goes shopping for them with Robin and keeps an amethyst stone on her at all times
bought Lucas a rose quarts necklace once and a matching one for herself (after an actually messy breakup, she noticed he took it off and cried about it)
Big scrunchie fan because normal hair ties pull her hair and she hates the feeling of clips
has a clear phone case, keeps a picture of her and Lucas and a sticky note with a drawing from El in the back
has a locked folder in her notes app that is secretly a journal, won’t tell anyone
draws all over her vans and converse, protects her airforces with her life
big fan of hats
became closer with Mike because her other friends won’t watch scary movies with her (Lucas will if asked nicely, mocks the movie the whole time. Dustin and El would really rather not because Max likes to scare them during the movie and Will doesn’t want to admit they still give him nightmares)
actually remembers to put sunscreen on every day (she’ll regret it if she doesn’t)
Still puts beads on her converse laces like people did in 2019
Once near her birthday she mentioned wanting to buy a pair of customized Jeans and then Will gifted her a pair (he spent 3 days on them)
Got close with Robin when she started highschool because they had the same lunch and looked obviously lost, hangs out with the band kids despite having no musical skill
Genuinely likes punk pop (and normal pop but she only admits that to El, who exclusively listens to bedroom pop)
never turns her overhead light on, relies on the windows and lamps in her room
Still sleeps with a stuffed animal because she can’t sleep alone after getting wrapped up in the upside down drama
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dresses in super colorful clothes, is on the edge of dressing kid core but she leans a little too pastel for it
obsessed with her hair once it’s long enough to play with, collects hair accessories so she can try different styles
also collects squishmellows (gave max the stuffed animal she sleeps with, it’s a squishmellow, go figure)
watches makeup tutorials when she can’t sleep and tries to recreate them (Nancy bought her her first makeup items and she got her colorful eyeshadow pallets that El is dying to use)
indie girl type of bedroom, probably has a loft bed
big fan of platform shoes because they make her closer to Mike’s height while being easier to walk in than heels
big fan of dresses and skirts, extremely girly style (once she finds her own, with the help of Max) so that she can take back not feeling pretty as a child
has a Jean jacket that she begged will to paint after seeing Max’s jeans(and he did, it now has flowers on it)
Big fan of accessories in general but especially the chunkier, colorful type (like the y2k style rings and beaded necklaces)
once got Max to add a streak of purple to her hair while Max was dying robin’s (it was to feel like a part of the group but she actually loved it)
hates the feeling of both nail polish and fake nails so her nails are always bare
has pictures with her friends hanging on Fairy lights over her headboard
got a pair of AirPods as a gift from Mike once, bought a case for them to “make them cuter” because she thought they looked boring
exclusive listens to bedroom and indie pop
sleeps with a night light (and possibly the door open) because she hates when it’s fully dark around her
has a friendship bracelet from Nancy that she got on her last day of summer camp, wears it everyday (it matches Nancy’s)
has a set of those rings that connect from Max, Max wears the one with the cut out, El has the dainty one (it’s a butterfly)
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Still dresses pretty modest to make her parents happy but she a little pickier about it
big fan of graphic tees but has to be really careful about the graphic on them
plays animal crossing (talked Dustin into also playing) and has strong opinions about the villagers
secretly has social media, deletes them weekly when her parents ask to see her phone (feels guilty about it)
puts way too much effort into PowerPoints and essays, spends days on them
prefers winter because she’s really good at layering (and her clothes look a lot cuter and less “my mom only lets me wear swim dresses because other one pieces show too much”)
Has built her entire future with Dustin in the Sims 4 (probably more than once)
probably has those heart shaped prescription glasses to be quirky but they actually fit her style really well
something tells me she’d be a really big fan of 90s and early 2000s country (especially the love songs) but hates new country
scrapbooks as well as journaling to have something to do with her hands
max added her to a group chat with her and Eleven on Snapchat but she just lurks there because they make her nervous
collects physical media (her bookshelf has a whole shelf that’s just DVDs)
Not allowed to watch horror movies until she’s 18
After Dustin, she’s closest to Will in the party, she thinks he’s the nicest of Dustin’s friends
Has a picture she took on the last day of camp with Dustin as her Lock Screen, her parents grew to accept it
Avid Etsy user (and she covers everything with nerdy stickers, including her bedroom furniture)
big fan of headbands
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loves getting color added to her braids (especially pink) and often adds beads
First makeup her mom let her wear (when starting Middle school) was highlight, mascara, and lip gloss
really pastel and girly but prefers pants to skirts
loves quirky earrings, refuses to admit some of them are nerdy (despite Lucas telling her her rubix cube earrings are super nerdy)
little mix, Ari, and Nicki fan
wears jewelry that probably counts as kandi (and makes it herself) but isn’t part of the alt kandi community
fanfiction and fanart creator
Definitely still watches MLP, ships at least 2 of the big ships
part of her middle school art club but also the SGA (doesn’t participate in spirt weeks)
took a semester of chorus once, discovered she has minor stage fright
Pastel bedroom (walls are probably like lilac) with more throw pillows than a middle schooler actually needs
sleeps through scary movies but also history class (honestly could probably sleep through anything)
big fan of crochet clothing
big Marvel fan, won’t watch DC movies (says it’s cheating on Marvel but she actually just doesn’t wanna learn anything about DC)
Steals hoodies out of Lucas’s closet when he’s not home so they don’t fight about it
scrolls through pintrest and Instagram hair posts, is getting really good at doing her own hair despite being in the 6th grade
had a rainbow loom phase, gave a few to El and Max after the star court incident as a thank you (though if you ask her she just didn’t like them, despite spending hours on them)
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ab-cee-d · 2 years
Dear Eddie
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Byers!Reader (she/her)
Warnings: angsty at first but happy ending, S4 Vol2 spoilers!
A/n: the duffer brothers made me mad with Vol 2 so i fixed it :)ïżŒ
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“Dear Eddie,
It’s been almost a year since you’ve been gone. I remember being angry at first. I felt like you left be behind and I swear for a moment I hated you. I hated you for leaving me alone to deal with all of this by myself. It felt like you got the easy way out. You didn’t have to live in a world without the most important person in it.
I guess...I didn’t really understand until after the funeral. You weren’t ever very popular but especially not after Chrissy died. We all knew it wouldn’t be a big turn out but I guess we figured some people would show up and either protest or pretend to care like they did for Barb and Billy. But it was just us, Hellfire, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Wayne. I actually got Will and Jonathan to come too, I think that you would have loved them. You never had it easy in Hawkins or at school- they never accepted you. I didn’t understand why you would die for the people who hated you until the funeral. I think that you wanted to prove yourself because no matter how much you pretended like you didn’t care I know that you did- just a little. You didn’t run, you proved yourself, if not to them then to yourself.
I don’t even know if you can hear this, you aren’t even in the grave, but I really hope you can. All I’ve been able to think about for the last few months is that I never got to tell you that I loved you. I should have told you at the boathouse, or at skull rock, or in the RV outside war zone. I think that you knew, but I wish I would have told you because in my head if you knew that I loved you, that I believed in you, then you wouldn’t have needed to prove yourself. Maybe it wouldn’t have mattered.
I’m sorry that I haven’t come to visit you more, and when I have I haven’t said very much. Whenever I come to visit all I can think of is how you’re still in there, how we had to leave you behind, how we had to bury an empty casket. Most of the time I just try to pretend like you’re still here. I had to come today though because tonight we’re going to fight him again. So either I’ll be back in a few days... or I’ll see you in hell.”
You folded up the sheet of paper and stuffed it into your back pocket with a sniffle. Picking up the handful of trash and dead flowers from the last time you visited him and stood to your feet.
“I love you Eddie.” You whispered as you dragged your fingertips across the cold stone before making your way back to the road. You threw everything away before getting into the passengers seat of the car that was waiting for you.
“You good?” Steve watched you as you shuffled around in your seat.
“Yeah Steve.” You sighed heavily and stared out the window. “I’m alright.”
“Okay then,” He said as he started the car. “Showtime.”
The fight against Vecna started at Victor Creels house before it led into the upside down. The team split into two groups: Team Vecna which consisted of Eleven, Hopper, Joyce, Murray, Mike, and Lucas then Team Demobats which was made up of you, Will, Jonathan, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Dustin. It was too hard to fight Vecna with the Demobats on you so the plan was to lure them elsewhere while the others took on Vecna. The whole thing gave you Deja vu.
So now here you were in the woods behind your house the six of you surrounding ‘Castle Byers’ like a fortress. Back to back with Dustin using your makeshift weapons to strike at anything that flew too close. There were hundreds of them, thousands, and just as you thought that maybe your plan wasn’t going to work- they stopped. The red sky started to fade into blue, the screeching of the bats morphed into birds chirping, and just like that you were in Hawkins again. The real Hawkins.
“Oh my god.” Robin huffed. “I though we were gonna die.”
“W-what happened?” Dustin looked around frantically.
“I think... I think whatever El did...” Will began.
“It worked!” Nancy shouted ecstatically. Now everyone was jumping up and down, hugging each other, crying. But you stood completely still.
“Y/n?” Jonathan put his hand on your arm to get your attention. “What’s wrong?”
Everyone was looking at you now, concern and confusion on their faces.
“Castle Byers” Is all that you could muster up. Will followed your eyeline to the makeshift fort and he understood now too.
“What about it?” Steve asked.
“I destroyed it last year.” Will muttered.
You turned fast on your feet running toward the house, everyone shouting and running after you.
“More running?” Robin groaned. “Where are we going?”
“Look here!” You pointed to a tree at the edge of the tree line between the woods and your house. In the trunk of the tree there were scores that marked you and your siblings heights over the years. “This tree fell down during a storm in 1983... the one during the search party for Will.”
“Wait a minute...” Nancy mumbled, all the pieces falling together in her head. “The upside down was stuck on November 6, 1983.-”
“Did we go back in time?” Dustin said with a huge smile. “That is so cool.”
Everyone was too stunned for a moment, unsure what to do next.
“Steve.” You finally piped up. “I need you to drive me somewhere.”
“Where do you need to go right now?-” Then it clicked in his head. “Oh my god. Oh my god! Okay, okay, lets go.” He shouted frantically.
“I have to go find Barb.” Nancy said in a somewhat stunned state.
You, Steve, Robin, and Dustin got into your moms station wagon while Nancy, Will and Jonathan took off towards the Holland’s in Jonathan's Ford. During the ride to Forrest Hills Trailer Park the clear blue sky turned grey and stormy just like the night that Will went missing. Your heart pounded in your chest, anxiety wracking through you as Steve pulled rapidly into the trailer park tires screeching. Even if he was there, what would you say?
“Stop!” You shouted suddenly. Steve hit the break quickly sending you and Dustin into the seats in front of you.
“Why am I stopping!” He shouted but you didn’t answer. You simply stepped out into the rain, feeling the overwhelming need to process everything by yourself for a moment.
“Should we go get her?” Dustin asked the others.
“Can you even imagine what she’s going through right now?” Robin questioned. “Give her a minute.”
You walked a little further into the trailer park, now situated between what would eventually be Max’s trailer and the Munson’s. Normally you would have thought about Max. How right now she might be in sunny California instead of a cold hospital bed. You didn’t get the chance to think any of that because when you looked at the Munson’s trailer you saw a figure passing by the window that led to Eddie’s bedroom. He was pacing back and forth past the window shuffling through a few cassettes in his hands. It was like the universe was taunting you. He was so close, so gorgeous, so alive. And he didn’t even know you. He knew your name and he knew that you were a junior in his senior English class but he didn’t know you. He wasn’t yours.
You couldn’t tell if you were crying or if it was just the rain, maybe both. All you had to do was knock on the door but you couldn’t do it. Instead you found yourself sitting at a park bench, in the rain, back facing the trailer.
For almost a year this was all that you wanted. And now here he was, he was in his first senior year, he had only started hellfire club a few months ago. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that The Last in Line, and The Trooper, Master of Puppets, and most of the music he loved hadn’t even come out yet.
Even if you did muster up the courage to knock on his door, what would you say? You knew that this was the year when he started to like you. Maybe you would just ask him out, pretend like everything was totally normal. Maybe you would tell him the truth. Hey Eddie, this is gonna sound crazy but I’m from the future and in the future we’re together and madly in love but you d-
“Why is Y/n Byers on a bench in the middle of a trailer park during a storm?” A voice boomed behind you. You turned around in your seat quickly, a surprised yelp leaving your mouth. There he was. Stood out in the middle of the rain, his hair, his shirt, his jeans getting absolutely soaked for a girl that he didn’t even know knew his name. He chuckled a little as he stared at you with a confused smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you-”
“Eddie, do you wanna go out with me sometime?” You cut him off, the words fell from your lips before you even got the chance to think about it. He chuckled a little, surely confused.
“How about first you come inside and get dried off.” He offered.
“Yeah,” You shuddered a little from the cold rain. “That sounds nice.”
a/n legend says steve, robin, and dustin are still in the car waiting. anyways please interact if you enjoyed :)
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wildestflowrs · 2 years
đŸȘ“Ronancetober Day 4: Horror Movie AUđŸ•ïž
Hide and Seek
Nancy’s heart is racing. Pressed up against the wall in a closet, hiding behind shirts and pants next to Robin Buckley, of all people, and Max Mayfield.
She took on a job as camp counsellor at a summer camp because she thought she might be able to save a little money before her senior year - her internship at the Hawkins post hadn’t worked out, and the mall fire had eliminated most of the summer jobs she could get aside from running kids craft time at Camp Crawley, so she took the job and thought she’d be spending her summer bored out of her mind and being annoyed by kids.
Being witness to murder and running away from a serial killer certainly wasn’t what she expected.
The three of them barely make a noise; they could hardly notice their own breathing. Robin’s knees and hands where covered in dirt from tripping and stumbling while they were running, and Nancy’s pretty sure Max’s arm is broken, the murderer having hit it with the handle of his axe while he was trying to kill her; breaking each limb until he sank his axe into her chest, just like he had done to his other victims the past few hours. Barbara, Chrissy, Fred, Patrick- all of them gone. Robin and Nancy had got there just in time to help Max, scoring Nancy a nasty slash on her arm and cheek.
They were all alone out here; the phone lines had been cut off, the only car on camp was broken down and it would take hours for someone to walk back to Hawkins to get help, if they made it out of the camp.
Nancy holds her breath when she hears the canon door creak open, heavy footsteps thudding on the wooden floor. Max looks horrified, and Robin closes her eyes, a few tears streaking down her cheeks.
The footsteps stop outside the closet door, and Nancy almost screams, biting down hard at the inside of her cheek to prevent any noise escaping her.
A hand rests on the doorknob.
This is it. She’s going to die at a summer camp with Robin Buckley and her little brother’s friend, never getting to say goodbye to her mom or Mike or Holly. Her final moments being spent in fear with a pretty girl she just met and a kid she felt so protective over now.
She spares a final glance at Max and Robin, who seem to have had the same realisation as her that this is the end.
Or apparently not.
As soon as the door opens Robin launches herself at the figure, tackling him to the ground, his axe slipping out of his grip and sliding across the floor.
“Nancy, get it!” Robin screams, doing her best to hold the man down.
Nancy scrambles to get the axe, and Max is helping Robin to keep the killer on the ground. He lashes out, kicking Max off of him with a grunt, sending her flailing backwards. She hits the wall and goes slack.
“Nancy!” Robin cries out, and the man shoved her off of him and pushes her to the ground now, pulling something sharp and glinting out of his pocket.
Nancy runs with the axe, and brings it down hard between the killer’s shoulder and throat. He shouts in pain, but as soon as he turns around to face Nancy she’s planted the axe in his neck, letting him stumble to the ground gurgling and gagging, blood oozing down his front.
“Robin, oh my God,” she crouches down beside the taller girl, who’s still on the floor. She pulls her in for a shaky hug; her heart drops when she sees the deep red seeping through Robin’s white ‘Camp Crawley’ t-Shirt.
“Holy shit, Rob, you’re bleeding,”
“Huh?” Robin’s dazed, but then she’d looks down at the blooming red patch on her left side and her eyes widen, “hhholy fuck, Nancy, shit,”
“Hey Robin it’s okay, just stay awake and stay still for me, uhh,” she looks around the room for anything she could use as a bandage. She grabs a shirt crumpled underneath a bunk and tears the seams so it is one long piece of fabric she can wrap around Robin’s torso.
“You’re, okay, Rob, you’re okay,” she can hardly tell if she’s reassuring Robin or herself, but she finally ties off the shirt and sighs in relief. She hugs the girl properly now, resting her head on her shoulder and taking a deep breath. Robin’s hair smells like apples, Nancy notes.
“Guess I can say I’ve been stabbed now,” Robin remarks, and Nancy bursts into laughter, “hey, what?”
Nancy stifles her giggles, “Nothing, I mean it’s not every day someone gets stabbed and that’s the first thing they say after,”
The two girls share looks at eachother silently, Nancy slipping her hand into Robin’s. Nancy notices just how many freckles the girl has; no doubt brought out by the summer sun, and Nancy can’t help but find her beautiful.
“Thank God that’s over,” Nancy says, barely above a whisper, and Robin squeezes her hand tighter.
There’s a grunt beside them and Nancy almost thinks it’s the murderer man trying to get them again, but she looks to see him flopped on the ground, the axe still in his throat.
It’s Max, stirring awake and holding her head. She squints at Nancy and Robin, and then she spots the man laying dead on the floor.
“Holy crap, you guys, you got him,”
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
The One Where Eddie Doesn't Die
TW: unedited, THAT scene rewritten, mentions of abuse and N*il ofc is his own đŸš©đŸš©
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Munson?" Billy Hargrove bellows over the thumping and screeching of the bats. "Are you a fucking moron?"
Eddie, with the look of a scolded child on his narrow, paled face, tries to fight out of Billy's killer grip, punching weakly at his stupidly broad chest. "Not... a... moron."
"You were gonna cut that sheet." Billy's voice is quieter now, albeit a bit hoarse from all the yelling. "You were gonna die-"
"What do you care? Dude, you don't even know me!" Eddie snaps, and Billy doesn't loosen his hold on him, but Eddie doesn't feel restrained. He's still pissed, though. Who wouldn't be?
Hargrove had done nothing but send him death stares and chew gum with his mouth open since Eddie had met him.
"Oh? I think I do. I was a coward, too. My whole life. I was never a hero. A hero saves people. I couldn't save my mom, I couldn't make her stay."
Eddie stops struggling, and Billy's grip weakens to match his shaky tone. "My dad, he was a... mean son of a bitch. Like, really mean."
Eddie nods, tight lipped. He was never good at conversation that wasn't about Ozzy or Metallica.
"He started hitting me when I was seven. When I broke his mother's clay pot. Knocked it over by accident, of course. I told him I didn't mean it." Billy subconsciously covers his left eye, and Eddie looks, truly looks at Billy Hargrove, for the first time.
And he sees everything, even the sharp yet beautiful edges, because ugliness and Billy Hargrove could not ever exist in the same sentence.
A scared little boy, so hated by a world that did nothing but watch as he suffered. A dutiful son. A brother who would kill to protect his sister. A child who hadn't felt a loving touch in so long, he'd forgotten the very existence of such. Love? Hope? Foreign to him. And how could someone who was treated so horribly ever know that there was any other way, if it had never been shown to him?
He gulps, willing himself not to cry.
These were not his tears to shed, and he wasn't a bitch, but he couldn't deny it; he felt sorry for Billy Hargrove. Still, he had a burning question, and his lips were not meant to be zipped this long.
"Your dad was a dick, and I'm sorry. But what does that have to do with me? You literally just met me, man."
"And I clearly have more of a respect for your life than you do," Billy says, a dangerous edge starting to return to his voice.
Ouch. He took it back, Hargrove was a huge dick. Was he right about his pointed assessment? Spot fucking on. Didn't mean it didn't sting. "Fuck you, man. Fuck you!"
"I'll pass. You're not my type."
Eddie growls, shoving at Hargrove, who apparently consumes a steady diet of concrete and human suffering, because he doesn't move an inch. Bastard. "Why did you bother, then?"
"That didn't sound like a thank you."
"Well, I didn't ask for you to!"
Billy rolls his eyes, and turns to Henderson, the fire in his eyes smoldering into something akin to concern. "Dusty, kid, are you alright?"
Henderson nods, wiping his eyes. "I think I just shit myself, but I'm alright."
"Kid's a trooper," Billy says fondly, ruffling Henderson's mop of curls. "I hope Robin, Nancy, and... Steve are alright."
Eddie narrows his eyes in suspicion and a tad bit of... jealousy? No, annoyance. Definitely annoyance. He has finally met his match, and not in rock n' roll hell."You call them by their first names."
"Yeah. I respect them."
"Wow. You're a fucking dick."
"So I've been told."
"Answer my question, Hargrove, or I swear to God, I'm gonna go out there and-"
"What? Sacrifice yourself for a town that doesn't give a shit about you?"
Again, right on the money. Hargrove wasn't as stupid as Mike said he was. "You don't understand. I left C...Ch...Chrissy there. I saw her and I-I ran."
"Seems like a normal, appropriate reaction."
"Too normal for me," Eddie grumbles.
Billy frowns, and lets him sink into the mattress. "That instinct kept you alive. You made it this far."
"But that-that thing killed her! You didn't know, you didn't see-"
"The same fucker that killed your girl, he made me his bitch. Gave me these." Hargrove pulls up his shirt, revealing gnarly purple scars littering his upper torso. "Ugly, I know. They're the only scars that can never go away." Billy shakes his head like a wet dog, the same thing Eddie does when he wants to ward off pesky thoughts. "I thought I was ready... to you know... kick the bucket. Bleeding out, and all I thought was how... disappointed my mother would be. If she was there, waiting. The doctors said my heart stopped twice. That I wouldn't have made it... if it weren't for Steve and his band of Rugrats."
"Are you two just gonna sit on your asses or are you gonna help me?" Dustin huffs as he closes the last possible entry.
"Your screeching is gonna aggravate them, Henderson." Billy snickers as he ducks a soda can, and Dustin flips him off. Yet there's a clear connection between them, almost parental. Albeit, an unconventional father who definitely needed someone to reel him in at times.
Not that Eddie would know much about that.
"I didn't think I was worth fighting for. I didn't think I had anything to live for. Truthfully, I'd felt dead inside since my mom left. But it does get better. Granted, it takes time-"
"You're talking in circles, buddy."
Billy rolls his eyes, muttering, "Jesus fuckin' Christ" as he ties his matted curls into a sloppy bun. "You don't have to be the hero right now. This? This is a battle. Losing your life won't avenge Chrissy." His blue pupils switch from Henderson to a yellow sweater on the floor, dilating slightly. Harrington's sweater. "Your death won't help anyone. This is a war. So..." Billy holds out Eddie's makeshift trash lid shield, staring at him intensely, "are you gonna fight?"
Eddie takes the shield with a surprisingly steady hand, gripping the metal. His jaw sets in newfound determination. " 'Till the final countdown," he replies, and Billy half laughs, half groans.
"Good. Then don't pull that sacrificial bullshit, this isn't your time."
He smirks; he's starting to figure out the land mine that is Billy Hargrove. He'd even go as far as to say he'd like h-
Like annoying him, that is.
He gives Billy a mock salute, winking, and underneath the muck, he swears he sees a hint of redness on the blonde's freckled cheeks.
Oh, he's going to stay alive for a little longer. There are so many more people left to annoy.
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ymaohoh · 4 months
Chrissy Ran Away - 3/3 - Fic
Chapter 3: On the wharf, I was caught in a tailspin
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Eddie wasn’t being so friendly to her now. He’d barely spoken to her since she turned up covered in mud and leaves with a fucked up knee. He seemed to be doing his best to avoid her completely. What if Chrissy ran from Eddie after her vision? What if it pushed them apart? They share a joint and it gets much much worse. My take on 'Chrissy lives'.
Word Count: 10,188 (Oh god, I'm sorry)
Chapter: 3/3
Warning: some non-con touching about halfway through.
Also on Archive of Our Own.
Previous Chapter 1/3 here.
Previous Chapter 2/3 here.
(see end for notes)
Chrissy knew she was pretty. Knew she had a nice symmetrical face (according to a magazine quiz it was a ’heart-shape’) and people always remarked on her smile. Ever since middle school people had taken it upon themselves to comment on her looks as if she should be eternally grateful for their compliments and praise. She always pictured her mom’s screwed up face when she heard the word ugly - always saw the sewing machine she would bring out when she thought Chrissy looked heavy. The way she uttered the word ugly made it sound like the most awful thing that could ever happen. Forget about disease or poverty or mental illness. No no, being considered ugly was a sin in the Cunningham homestead. 
So Chrissy knew her appearance meant a lot. It held weight. It was the only real source of currency she owned and could trade off (you know - apart from actual currency). She had learned by the tender age of twelve (when her body started changing in funny new embarrassing ways) the impact her looks had on others and that other people felt good and treated her nice when she smiled and giggled and tried. 
Her mom would repeat over and over that appearance was everything. It didn’t matter how shitty you felt inside as long as you kept it to yourself. Chrissy’s mom was not a brilliant example of a good mom. Chrissy knew this. Her counsellor Ms Kelley knew this. Her father probably knew this though he would never lift a finger to help. Chrissy worried about turning into her mom one day but maybe the real worry was taking after her dad instead. Turning the cheek and ignoring what was right in front of you to keep up the facade of normal. Her parent’s greatest fear was to be abnormal and (God forbid) it tarnish their carefully curated reputation of a perfect upper-middle class wholesome family. Reagan’s wet dream, honestly. 
So even though Chrissy woke up the next morning feeling embarrassed and broken and totally called out, she could at least try not to look it. 
It was like when Jason asked about her headaches (which was weird in itself as he rarely noticed little things like that) and her automatic response had been to give him a pretty smile and lie and say they were probably due to her ‘monthly troubles’ instead. Jason had chuckled at that and rolled his eyes, appropriately (because society said it was okay) abashed. “Well take it easy, babe,” he’d said, pressing a distracted kiss to her cheek, his thoughts already turning to the big championship game coming up. “Have some candy or something.”
Because that’s what boyfriends did when you were unwell right? They’d buy flowers or chocolates or teddy bears with creepy stitched up mouths. 
Chrissy hadn’t really thought about Jason much over the last few days but instead of feeling guilty or worried she felt sort of
fine? In the films and TV shows she liked to watch, girls in trouble always went to their boyfriends first for comfort, but the idea of calling Jason now was just something she didn’t want to do. Was that unfair? Nancy’s boyfriend Jonathon (who she vaguely remembered from photography class) knew everything that was going on with Vecna and the upside-down world. She even caught the cute little looks Lucas and Max exchanged when they thought no one was watching, and Nancy’s brother Mike Wheeler was linked to this superhero El. They all seemed fine and even bolstered by sharing this madness with one another. 
She tried picturing Jason’s face if she told him about Vecna and nearly dying. Would he offer to come here and help Steve build up the defences? Show the freshmen how to shoot straight? Buy her candy? No, he’d probably get more angry at Eddie and the fact she was in his trailer, than her coming so close to having all her bones snapped and her eyes gouged out. He seemed so far removed from all this that she couldn’t fathom him beside her in this world of magic and hellfire. 
Eddie’s reproachful words from last night kept ringing in her ears
 ‘did you hear what he did to that kid two weeks ago? Their parents had to pick them up’.
She was so ashamed. That poor kid. She was ashamed too that Eddie knew she had no idea about it. Like he assumed Jason would hide it from her and she would just go on with her little (sparkly pink bubble) life. ‘You just don’t know’.
Well she knew now, and she would not be like her father and ignore it. She was resolved to try and make things right at school even if it brought on Jason’s ire. The idea of him picking on Dustin or Mike Wheeler or any of them made her chest feel tight. 
Beep beep beep. 
Chrissy managed to get maybe two hours of sleep when the alarm on Steve’s watch went off and she groaned at the sudden rude awakening. She pushed her face deeper into the pillow, away from the sunshine beaming in through a blind. She tried to ignore that the pillow smelled like the eucalyptus shampoo Eddie used. There was also the unmistakable smell of cigarettes and weed but instead of being turned off she found it unexpectedly comforting. 
She felt Steve roll over and then there was a delicate pause. 
“Hi Steve,” she mumbled. 
there a reason you’re here and not Eddie? Not that I’m complaining, just a bit of a surprise first thing in the morning, is all.” 
Steve was peering over his pillow at her, bleary eyed and yawning. His hair was sticking up in all different directions and the sleepy hand he ran through it only made it worse. He still seemed half asleep. Chrissy might have giggled if she didn’t feel like total crap. 
“Couldn’t sleep so I took over the watch from Robin. Then Eddie came down and
 he took over. Told me to come up here.” 
“I heard the ticking noise again last night. Nothing floaty happened, but I thought you should know just in case. I think Nancy’s right. I think
I think it happens when I’m feeling really sad about something.”
“Damn.” She heard him swallow. “So I guess we’ve got to keep you and Max happy then. Happy thoughts an’ all. What got you so down?”
I had a chat with Eddie and we kind of argued. We both said some really shitty things.” 
That was putting it mildly. 
She sighed and it seemed to reverberate down to her toes. She felt like the mattress might swallow her up whole. She eyed Eddie’s bag in the corner of the bedroom and the Hellfire Club T-shirt he so treasured screwed up beside it. His heavy belt was there too and the chains he clipped to the side of his jeans when he was trying to lean into the scary freaky look. 
“I think he hates me now.”
She wasn’t sure how to feel about someone hating her. It was a new. Everyone at school seemed to like her a lot and she never got into arguments or drama. Maybe some of the other cheerleaders were a bit put off when she beat them for the captain spot but they didn’t say anything mean. Her parents didn’t exactly treat her nice but that wasn’t out of hate. They said it was out of love. 
Steve’s voice noticeably softened. “Nah. He doesn’t hate you, Chrissy.  Far from it. The guy’s just
I don’t know
“Hanging on by a thread?”
“Exactly, yeah. He’s got a lot going on in that fucked up head of his
and he was a nutcase before all of this too, you know? We’re all trying our best but
it’s hard. He likes you though. Trust me.” 
Steve wouldn’t say that if he’d heard the way Eddie spoke to her last night
or this morning? Ugh. Or the way she spoke back to him. She tried not to linger on the awful expression on his face when she threw the words ‘hypocrite’ and ‘jealous’ at him like sharp darts. She’d meant every word - but she still felt bad. She wasn’t the kind of person to enjoy inflicting pain on others just because she was losing her mind, or punching down on someone who was already sinking. 
“We bought coffee, right?” Steve yawned again as he sat up and stretched, wisely changing the subject. “I can’t function without at least two cups in the morning. And Henderson has really been dialling up his attitude recently. The little shit.”
Chrissy sat up too and only then fully appreciated what an awkward situation they were both in. She’d deliberately not slipped under the sheets when she came to bed so they weren’t exactly side by side but it was still weird. She got out from under her borrowed blanket and wobbled to her feet. Christ, her head was reeling from the lack of sleep and food. And weed, probably, even though she barely had half. 
“I’m going to shower and I’ll make some. I think I spotted a coffee maker stashed in one of the cupboards.”
Steve hummed happily as Chrissy padded out the room barefoot. They had all agreed to keep the bedroom doors ajar last night so the person on guard duty could do their checks. Chrissy spotted a note tacked on their wood with what looked like gum. 
Gone to get milk - E.
The idea of Eddie coming up here while she was asleep and seeing her side by side with Steve made her feel odd, even if he’d been the one to suggest it. Another thought to push way down and ignore. 
She jumped in the shower before anyone else was up and washed and scrubbed her body thoroughly (who cared if her skin was pink and sore as a result?). She then scrubbed at her face and brushed her teeth. She applied her make up so well that you would never suspect she’d been awake all night crying over ticking and spiders and Eddie Munson telling her she was a sheep. She tossed her head side to side and smiled when the reflection met her approval. Once finished she towelled herself off and got dressed. 
She hadn’t been able to stuff much into her cheer bag but dug out an (admittedly wrinkled) flowery summer dress that would still look okay if she smoothed it down with her fingers. The thin straps showed off her slim shoulders but the skirts hid her knees. She decided to leave her hair down to dry as she hadn’t brought a hairdryer (though Steve probably had an emergency one stashed beside his hairspray). She very rarely wore her hair down because Jason said he preferred in a ponytail or in plaits. It felt different. New. She used her fingers to fluff out her bangs. 
Downstairs Dustin and Lucas were already awake and poking around the kitchen cupboards hopefully. Chrissy asked them to start up the coffee machine and found some breakfast stuff. By the time Robin and Steve came downstairs she was whisking pancake batter in one of Rick’s bowls. Robin said Max was still in the shower and Nancy was keeping an ear out. 
“You’re an angel, Chrissy,” Robin added gratefully, plonking herself down at the table. Her wet hair was still wrapped up in a towel. “Do we have syrup?”
“No way. Chocolate chips are the way to go,” Dustin corrected, still in his pyjamas. He reminded Chrissy of her little brother when he was still nice and occasionally an ally against their parents. 
Chrissy served up the pancakes as they debated the perfect pancake toppings. She never actually ate pancakes herself (far too many calories) but her grandma showed her how to do it when she was little and she could even do the perfect flip (naturally). While the others tucked into their food with thanks, she buttered some toast and nibbled it while leaning against the counter. 
She suddenly thought about those creepy lifeless women on the covers of Good Housekeeping. All made up with stiff fake smiles and with hair that looked totally pristine. She probably looked like one of them now. 
But no matter how pretty and composed she looked or how attentively she listened to Robin debate the virtues of pancakes versus crepes, Chrissy felt herself tense all over again when she heard the front door open. She turned at once to make herself a cup of coffee even though she hated it black. It would give her an excuse to do something with her hands besides wringing them together like a one dimensional damsel-in-distress character in their Dungeons and Dragons game (though Dustin, Lucas, and Eddie all seemed keen to them). 
“Daddy’s back safe and sound, kids, despite the looming threat of annihilation and bogus wizards that make even Saruman the White look like a pansy. Miss me?”
“You get milk?” Steve asked bluntly. 
“Yes dear. Got some more snacks too seeing as Lucas’ gone through like three bags of chips already.”
“Thanks man,” Lucas said, relieved. 
“I grabbed some gas too if you guys still want to hit up the War Zone?” Eddie added. “There’s plenty of room in the back of the van for guns, grenades, nunchucks
Could probably smuggle in some rocket launchers too.” 
“Flame throwers,” Nancy corrected him, walking into the kitchen. 
Chrissy didn’t need to look over her shoulder to know everyone was glancing at Nancy with a fair amount of respect (maybe a smidge of fear too). 
Hands wearing heavy silver rings placed shopping bags down onto the countertop beside her. A carton of milk appeared by the coffee pot but she ignored it stubbornly as she filled her mug to the brim. It took all her resolve not to shudder when the bitter liquid touched her tongue. Ew. 
“Can I grab a cup, ‘Rissy?” Nancy asked. 
‘Rissy? She liked that. “Sure, Nance.” 
Chrissy turned to see Nancy (followed by a clean and dressed Max) joining the others at the table. Eddie remained standing though as he slowly unpacked food into the cupboards.
Like her, he looked completely composed. He was wearing his usual ripped jeans but instead of a rock shirt he’d pulled on the black and red flannel that usually adorned his waist. Other than that though, the same Eddie; creepy rings that no store in Hawkins would surely sell, guitar pick around the neck, the now-familiar bat tattoo on his elbow (his sweet ol’ tatties, she remembered him saying). The only subtle tells that something may be amiss were the faint purple circles beneath his otherwise warm brown eyes and the fact he needed a shave (but saying that so did Steve). 
Eddie was putting away chips and soda and laughing at something Robin said. He even responded with a joke of his own in that flirty tone he seemed so comfortable using. Totally at ease. Totally in control. But it can’t be real, Chrissy thought, not after what he said this morning. He must be running on fumes. 
Which meant he had an excellent poker face. It almost rivalled her own. The others would observe them going out for milk, making breakfast, helping. Both of them seemingly fine. Christ, they could be her parents. 
Chrissy forced her shoulders to relax and flashed a blinding smile. When she spoke she made sure her voice was peppy and cheerful like she was getting ready for a cheer rally. Looking at her now you’d think she was running for the 1986 Miss America title and not miserable and sad and so fucking tired. Aren’t you proud of me, mom? 
“Want some pancakes too, Nance? Max?” she asked. “And you? How do you take your coffee, Munson?”
He almost - almost - cracked at that but caught himself just in time. She was nearly impressed.
“I can make it myself thanks,” he was all he said. 
They were indeed still going to the War Zone today. It was Nancy’s idea originally after spotting an advert in the paper but Eddie seemed to know about it too. It was about a two hour drive away and sounded like a Republican paradise. It would definitely have all the weapons and tools they needed until El and the others got there and they could regroup. Steve offered to drive but Eddie shut him down real quick. Only he drove his van, he explained. It wouldn’t run for anyone else. 
“Some of us should stay to guard this place,” Robin pointed out. “I don’t mind. I’m still sleepy from last night.”
Max and Lucas were quick to bow out too. Nancy was going to stay as well as she wanted to phone Jonathon again and check on his progress. Chrissy noticed her fingers twitching when she said this but didn’t make a deal of it. Nancy rarely spoke about Jonathon so maybe there was something not quite right there (though who was she to talk? Jason who?). She felt herself getting closer to Nancy every day but she still wasn’t sure they were in the boy-chat territory. Guns? End of the world? Sure. Heartbreak though? She felt herself growing closer to Robin too but there was something
about Robin she couldn’t quite place. It was like she belonged in a different era - one in the future maybe where they used flying cars and everyone was cool like her. She’d assumed at first she was Steve’s girlfriend but after only a millisecond it became abundantly clear they were just best of friends. 
Maybe one day after saving the world (they could do it) she and Nancy and Robin could crack out some wine coolers and discuss all the wonderful highs and tragic lows of being a teenage girl. Maybe even Max could join in. She’d like that a lot. 
So it was Eddie, Dustin, and Steve who got ready for the War Zone and then to everyone’s surprise Chrissy said she wanted to go too. She hurriedly retrieved her purse and opened it wide so they could see the large amount of cash wedged inside. 
“Did you rob a bank?” Max said, eyeing her curiously, and Chrissy laughed.  
“It’s just my savings and what I could find in my dad’s office. Don’t worry, he’ll never notice it missing. He’s always leaving cash around the house. I brought some of my gold jewellery too in case we need to pawn it
though someone will have to help me. I’m not exactly sure how to pawn things,” she admitted. The words sounded unbelievably odd on her tongue. “I never wear any of it so I don’t mind. I only wear this one
” She gently flicked a nail against the ‘86’ at her neck. 
“We can’t accept your savings, Chrissy! You’ll need it for college, right?” Nancy pointed out. 
“Don’t worry, I have a separate college fund which is under lock and key. My dad won’t let me touch it until after I graduate. It’s his guarantee that
well, that I don’t drop out and do something to embarrass the family,” she said. “Please. I know you guys have all chipped in here and there and I wanna help too. Use this money to buy the
and food and things.”
“That’s really generous honestly but really we can manage if we stretch our money together. I think we’ll be okay if we’re careful.”
“But I don’t want you guys to be just okay. You’re so brave by doing all this - the least I can do is make sure money isn’t an issue, you know? This is something I can actually contribute to the group. Please just use it.”
She looked imploringly at Steve then. Steve came from a similar background to her own and must surely get it. Chrissy didn’t need this money and likely never would whereas she knew some of the others came from humble backgrounds and it just wasn’t fair. She found speaking about all of this uncomfortable - Jason and her other friends were just as privileged as her and her mom would rather die than discuss something as tacky as money - but Chrissy held fast because this gesture would alleviate some of the pressure from the others. It was her way of pulling her weight. 
” she added brightly, smiling. “It would really annoy my mom if she ever knew and that thought makes me seriously happy. That’s got to be worth it, right?”
Steve laughed and she knew she’d won. “Alright, thanks Chriss. We’ll use the money today. Keep your jewellery though
we’ll only pawn that as a last resort, kay?”
Chrissy thought she saw a flash of relief cross both Steve and Nancy’s faces (they must have been worrying about this too) before they turned away and that made up for any embarrassment. 
Thankfully Dustin called shotgun in the van and the conversation shifted to a debate about what radio station to listen to. Chrissy collected her things - she borrowed a pair of Rick’s aviator sunglasses too as it was sunny (she hoped he wouldn’t mind) - and made to follow the others outside. 
But a touch to her elbow made her hesitate and Max was there looking awkward. “
I know we haven’t really spoken much before but I just wanted to say
 that you do contribute to the group. Maybe you don’t feel that way, but it’s
having you here.” Every nice word seemed to pain her but she held herself steady. She had a kind of intensity in her eyes which would surely make grown men tremble.  
She could be a governor or a DA, Chrissy thought, speechless. She finally choked out, “Thanks for saying that Max.”  
“Yeah whatever. Bring me back some peanut butter, ok? Smooth. I like that best on my pancakes.” 
Evidently dismissed, Chrissy jumped up onto the passenger seat beside Steve and Eddie started the engine. Eddie was the one to pick the music (“my van - my rules, Henderson”) and fiddled with the radio until some loud rock blasted out from the speakers. A few minutes later they were driving along the lake towards town. 
End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your death's construction
Chrissy folded down the skirt of her summer dress so it lay neat against her thigh and settled back on the leather seat, doing her very best not to look ahead at the driver. She tried to ignore Dustin babbling about making  improvised weapons, or Steve complaining about the volume, or the thought of a certain pair of eyes watching her in the mirror. Instead she slipped on the too-big sunglasses, pulled out a shitty Capitalist magazine from her bag, and unfurled it resolutely. She would read it word to word like it was a textbook for class. No matter what anyone else thought. 
“Woah, what happened to your hand?” Dustin was saying. That did draw her attention. 
“Girls dig bruised knuckles, man, what can I say? They love that dangerous vigilante look. I caught it in the van door earlier, Henderson, I’m alright. It’s no biggie.” 
Did she imagine it or did Steve glance her way? She looked back at her magazine pointedly. 
Taste me, you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you
“This music is killing me,” Steve grumbled. 
“It’s not so bad.” It wasn’t Chrissy’s style of music either but she liked the lyrics. “I think the band’s called metal something.” 
“Metallica,” Eddie corrected without looking round. 
She thought about the other time she’d taken a ride in Eddie’s van before her vision of Vecna. She’d met him in the car park after the championship game (ears still ringing from the cheers) so he could drive her back to his trailer for something stronger. He’d surprised her by holding the passenger door open like a gentleman from those old black and white movies. He’d even offered to let her pick the music though now it was his van, his rules. She’d been too nervous to suggest anything though. She remembered that whole journey being very very aware of just how bare her legs looked in her short cheerleading skirt. 
It was getting hot so she tried unrolling the window but the handle seemed to be busted. Eddie must have noticed because his window was suddenly down and a burst of cool air snaked around her shoulders and made her sigh. 
The War Zone was exactly as Nancy and Eddie described. Everything was made from lumber and it smelled strongly of polish and pine and oil. Testosterone in a bottle. There were rows and rows of clothing displays - hunting jackets, cargo pants, heavy work boots - as well as all the hunting and fishing equipment you could ever need. Behind the (again wooden) counters the guns and knives were locked away side by side in glass cabinets, and she thought they looked intimidating and scary. 
They let Steve take the lead inside. He seemed in his element and casually reeled off all the things they would need. He asked her and Dustin to go pick out some of the heavy duty coats and boots so Chrissy found herself ambling down the aisles with a heavily laden basket. She picked out a few things she thought might be helpful. She almost kissed Dustin on the cheek when he spotted a padded jacket he thought she might like (“There’s no pink, but it’s got little dots like your dress?”). It was so unbelievably cute that she thanked him and put it straight into the basket. They actually started having some fun picking bits out together (Dustin was going full Rambo with his own choices) - and inevitably their laughter started to draw stares. 
Not at Dustin though. At her. 
There were a few men openly staring at her now and she tried to ignore it like she always did when she drew unwanted attention. “Thank the heavens for that summer dress,” a man nearby drawled. He looked about the same age as her father. Maybe even older. “What’s a sweet girl like you doing here?”
She could hear Robin’s voice in her mind saying ‘buying a deadly weapon, dipshit, what’s it look like?’
Chrissy remained silent though. She knew that if she responded it would encourage them. It was a lesson that had been drummed into her ever since middle school. Don’t respond. Don’t be a tease. Don’t lead them on. Another voice behind her piped up. “Want a date, honey? Ditch the kid and come back to my van, eh? We can have ourselves a little party.” 
Dustin looked angry but was clearly out of his element and unsure how to best handle this sort of thing. “Let’s go back to Steve and Eddie, Chrissy. We’ve got enough stuff,” he said instead. His trust in the older guys seemed unshakeable. 
“Sure thing, Dustin. Everything’s cool, okay? Just ignore them.” 
They walked back over to the counter and waited. Steve was signing some paperwork and had four guns lined up on the counter in front of them. Chrissy stood as close to Steve’s side as she could and hoped that maybe those men would assume he was her boyfriend and leave her alone. They certainly looked like they could be a couple with their preppy clothes and looks. 
She saw Dustin whispering something into Eddie’s ear just as someone said loudly, “Want to come hold my gun, babe? I’ll let you polish it. Might even go off.” His friends seemed to think this was real funny because they began cracking up. 
Steve and Eddie heard that. She felt herself blush. “Sorry about this. Don’t worry, they’ll wind down in a little bit. Let’s just finish up and go
“You can polish both our guns at the same time!”
“Shit,” Steve muttered. He was flushed too and she felt awful. “Sorry, Chriss. Just paying now. Won’t be long
Hey, can we speed this up please?”
She pressed closer to his side. Chrissy had this trick during times like this where she would try and physically make herself very small as a way of trying to hide. Her shoulders were already turning inwards and she crossed her arms over her chest. She tried to focus on what Steve was saying to the cashier but it was drowned out by a roaring noise in her ears. She wished Dustin would stop whispering to Eddie. She wished they would stop looking at her. 
But then someone brushed up close against her back. She felt a lingering hand on her hip. Her ass. She couldn’t stop herself from squeezing her eyes shut and grimacing. 
Here would be the part where someone should step in or where Chrissy finally told this jerk to get the fuck away from her (maybe even a tall body shielding her with his own, a gentle hand guiding her away) but this was 80’s Indiana and that shit didn’t happen just yet. The ideas of what to do when your customer or friend was being fucking manhandled in public just weren’t invented yet - and she could see her friends were pissed off but they hung back because they didn’t have the fucking right to get involved, you know? They weren’t her boyfriends or father or brother, they weren’t her. If she asked them to punch this guy's lights out they would in a heartbeat (and Eddie and Steve looked like they were gunning for it) but she didn’t. Chrissy just clenched her jaw and took it. 
They paid and left, and as soon as she slid onto the backseat she pushed on Rick’s sunglasses and stared out the window. She could feel the guys glancing at her (worried, angry, guilty) but they were following her lead and giving her some space. They made it a few miles before Steve reached out and turned the heavy rock music back on. 
“Did that asshole hurt you, Chrissy?” Dustin said at last and because it was Dustin she answered honestly. 
“No. He just touched my leg and my
” She shuddered at the memory and seemed to shrink even further back into the seat. “I’m sorry you had to see it. I swear I didn’t say a word to any of them or smile or even look at them. I didn’t
“You don’t have to be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.” 
She could have told him about the lecture she got at church when one of the pastors touched her leg because she wore a dress that was one inch too short, but Dustin didn’t need to know about any of that crap. He was just a kid. “I should have just stayed in the car,” she sighed. 
“It’s just not
fair. You can’t just not exist, you know? I don’t know
it’s messed up.”
“Yeah, it is.”
He paused for such a long time that Chrissy thought he was done, but then he turned around properly and peered through the seats at her. “Chrissy? I’m sorry I didn’t
you know, defend you when that first creep said something. I didn’t know what to do and kind of freaked. Next time I’ll be better, though, I promise. I’ll look after you.” 
So this time Chrissy did lean forwards and press a kiss to his cheek. Dustin turned an alarming shade of red but he smiled. “You were perfect, Dustin. I promise. Never change, little guy, okay?”
She felt tears spring to her eyes so once again turned her head to the window. 
She didn’t notice Eddie pat Dustin on the shoulder. Or Steve messing up his hair. 
When they got back to Rick’s it was way past lunchtime but Nancy had left them some cheese sandwiches in the fridge. Chrissy took hers outside to eat in the back garden, along with a book she borrowed from Dustin. “Keep the door open though, yeah?” Steve had called. She promised she would. 
She dragged one of the wooden chairs from the circle towards the dock in what she considered was a perfect spot by the lake edge. Here she would be able to enjoy the last of the day’s sunshine and hear the gentle flow of the river in peace. She’d even borrowed one of Rick’s floppy fishing hats so the sun wouldn’t burn her nose again (poor Rick - she might as well try on his boots next). She’d thought about sitting in this spot last night - this morning - when she was out here sharing that joint with Eddie and thought it would be such a sweet place to relax and unwind. It was so quiet here. 
It was quiet back in the house too. Nancy and Robin were spending the afternoon researching the Creel family in the library archives and had taken Steve’s car. The others seemed happy enough to admire their new cache of weapons and gear and Steve was trying to get the TV to work so he could watch a sports game. 
There wasn’t much for Chrissy to do this afternoon except to stay quiet and not draw any more trouble. 
She could still feel those prickling eyes on her face and body and hear those vile comments at the War Zone. The laughter. They’d found it funny to make her uncomfortable and humiliate her. Like it was a game. And why hadn’t she spoken up? Why not answer like Robin or Max or Nancy might have? No, she’d just tried to ignore it and wait it out like a storm. Hadn’t she already made the decision not to end up like her parents? To challenge Jason? To stand up, to say something, to shout and make some fucking noise. She was off to a crap start. 
Christ, she was so weak. She couldn’t even go to a store with her friends without stirring up some kind of mess. She thought about Dustin’s helplessness when it first started to happen and Steve’s sympathetic (pitying, her dad’s voice corrected) smiles in the car after. She’d upset Eddie again. She should have just stayed in the damn car. 
She couldn’t focus on the book in her hands or even the sunshine. Everything suddenly felt so cold and dark. She hurled her sandwich into the lake. 
She made a noise that sounded like a whimper. Fuck fuck fuck. 
And just as she fell to her lowest - it happened. 
It started with a dark shape emerging beneath the surface of the lake. It was big - maybe the same size as a person - and way too big to be an eel or a fish. Maybe it was a body? Chrissy was suddenly standing and she peered over the edge and saw it was starting to move towards her. She stepped back (not noticing that the chair was no longer behind her). She began rubbing her eyes. She’d heard about people cracking up from stress and exhaustion. Maybe it was finally her time?
But then the ticking started and it filled her belly with an icy cold horror. Tick. Tick. Tick. 
She suddenly knew that whatever that thing in the water was, it was not something good and it was going to hurt her. She did not want that thing to come any closer! 
But it did. The top of its head broke the surface and she saw grey slimy flesh

” she moaned. “You’re not real. This isn’t real.”
Like a nightmare, Vecna’s face emerged inch by inch as he drew closer. His black lifeless eyes were staring at her and when she flinched back, he smiled. His teeth (black and sharp like fangs) twisted into a terrifying grin. “Chrissy
” he seemed to sing her name like it was a verse or a melody. “It’s time Chrissy.”
Chrissy shook her head as she took another step away from the water’s edge. She turned to run back to the house (to her friends and safety) but it was no longer daytime. Dark smoke caged her senses and the grass beneath her bare feet turned now to ash and soot. The smoke flooded her nose and mouth and she gagged on it. The sickening taste of death clawed at her throat making her eyes water. 
“You’ve been so clever trying to run away from me, Chrissy, but you knew I’d come back to claim you. You always knew, didn’t you? In the back of your mind. You knew that we needed each other. Poor Chrissy. You’re so tired, aren’t you? So exhausted. Let me help you
She couldn’t see the house or the dock or anything. Everything was so dark. 
“You don’t want to help me,” she cried. “You want to murder me.”
“No. I want to help you become something bigger than yourself. Something incredible and exciting. Chrissy
come to me. You’re so good at doing exactly what you’re told. Come to me now.”
He was rising out of the water and then - as sudden as a blink - he was standing before her, tall and threatening. She stumbled back against something hard and knew she could not run away. She felt her legs buckle beneath her and she fell to her knees. 
She was crying. She was terrified. “I don’t want to die. Please. I don’t want to die.” 
“Can you really call your miserable little existence living?” he asked cruelly. He bowed and curled one of his long fingers beneath her chin and forced her to look up at him. “You who are utterly without love. Not even for yourself. It is kinder to put you out of this misery, Chrissy. Believe me, you know that there’s nothing in this world for you. It won’t make the slightest bit of difference if you are alive or dead.”
His words seemed to pierce her heart like ice. Was he right? 
“You have a weapon - a gun - hidden upstairs. You’ve kept it so secret and safe but why do you have it, really? You and I both know why. You know that there will come a day when you finally snap and you want it all to end..”
“Oh god
She couldn’t look away from his piercing eyes. He was cradling her face now and scratched his claws down her cheeks, tearing at her flesh. She felt no pain though. She was completely in his thrall. 
“Come with me
Someone was screaming her name, but no that was impossible. It was just her and Vecna and Vecna was going to murder her. 
But then there was music. Such loud ringing music that it seemed to shake the foundations of the world around her and flood it with a bright gold light. Its sparks gathered by the red vines twisted around her limbs (when had that happened) and seemed to rip them away. 
We are young
Heartache to heartache
We stand
No promises, no demands
Love is a battlefield
She remembered the first time she heard this song. One of her friends played it during cheer drills and they laughed themselves silly dancing along to it. She’d bought a tape herself and listened to it secretly at home using her headphones. 
We are strong
No one can tell us we're wrong
Searching our hearts for so long
And then she saw a swirling white light just behind Vecna. At the edge of the lake. Just like when Eddie saved her last time. 
Chrissy! That was Eddie’s voice calling her name. That sounded better than any cheering crowd, any morning birdsong, any fucking power ballad. 
She knew what she needed to do if she wanted to fight this but she didn’t know if she had the strength. Then she thought about Max telling her she belonged in the group. She thought about Nancy who was brilliant and badass and kept guns under her bed, and Lucas who was an athlete but also a total nerd. She thought about Steve who was a fucking hero and Robin who might be a timetraveller and who she wanted drink wine coolers with. She thought about Dustin who promised he’d fight for her even when he was scared. She thought about Eddie and the way he made her laugh in the woods and how he was hanging on by a fucking thread now because of Vecna. She owed it to Eddie to fight this. 
Vecna suddenly became those rednecks back at the War Zone with their creepy entitled eyes. He became her mom. Her dad. He became Jason and the way he and the team bullied the freshmen kids. He was a fucking asshole. 
She got to her feet with a whimper. 
Both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield
She screamed and kicked Vecna right in the chest. All those years of cheerleading drills had made the muscles in her legs strong and the strength of that kick was just enough to surprise Vecna and give her a split second advantage. She ran towards the white light.
She jumped. 
And then she was underwater. She was being pulled down to the bottom of the lake and her lungs were empty and she was screaming but she had no voice. 
She couldn’t believe that this might be the end after all. Not when she’d jumped into that bright white light wanting to live and come home. 
But then hands were grasping hold of her and pulling her away from the darkness and up towards the surface. More hands dragged her out of the water and she sank, shivering and cold, onto the grass of the riverbank. She felt warm lips against her mouth and then she was choking and then she tasted gloriously sweet air. She gulped it down greedily and let it fill her lungs. The world seemed to clear and settle around her. 
It took a moment for her senses to catch up but when they finally did she could feel everything. She could hear someone crying and people shouting in hurried frantic voices. She could feel the way her lungs ached as her chest rose and fell. She could smell the coppery tang of blood. 
Her dress was clinging to her body like a second skin and she felt so achingly cold but she was alive. That was all that mattered. 
She opened her eyes and Eddie’s face was all she saw. He was kneeling in front of her, his hands still gripping her wrists, and he had tears running down his cheeks. He was soaking wet too. Chrissy raised a thumb and wiped at his cheek gently. 
“Are you here, Chrissy?” he was asking over and over. “Are you back with me?” 
“I’m here. Eddie, I’m here.”
He crushed her to his chest and she let him. Burying her face into the crook of his neck, she let her own tears come and she wept and wept. She let out every single tear and drop of fear into Eddie’s strong shoulder. His arms were tight around her back but she wanted the weight. It made her feel held. 
She might have cried for hours (it wouldn’t have mattered).
“Eddie? I need to look at her cheeks, man.”
Her cheek? She felt Eddie release her slowly and then Steve (also wet and shivering) was there inspecting her face. He was trying hard to keep calm so he could focus on whatever it was he was doing, but when she caught his eye he broke into a proud grin. “Hi Chrissy. Welcome back to Earth.”
“I can smell blood. Is it mine?” It was easier to breathe now. The smoke and ash and water were no longer in her lungs and throat. 
“You were floating in the air above the water,” it was Max speaking now. Chrissy’s gaze came to rest over Eddie’s shoulder and she saw Max and Lucas watching her closely. Max’s face was as white as a ghost. Dustin was kneeling at their side beaming though. All of these wonderful human beings who she had heard in her vision. Who brought her back. “And then your cheeks just slashed open. Like you were scratched either side by invisible claws. Was it Vecna?” 
“Yeah. I think so. I remember
he came out of the lake,” she murmured. She glanced back at the lake now and saw that it was still and calm. It looked beautiful again. “I knew I was having a vision but couldn’t stop it.”
Steve cleaned her up while she told them everything that happened. 
“...Then I heard my name
and I heard music
my favourite song. It made a bright light appear. As soon as I saw that I knew it was my way home.”
“It was Eddie’s idea!” Dustin said proudly. “He saw you from the window and grabbed Max’s walkman. He managed to cram the headphones over your ears just before you started floating up
but I guess it’s in the lake now though.”
“I’m just glad I had Pat Bentar on there,” Max mumbled.
Chrissy didn’t want to think about ‘what if’s’ right now. Instead she looked back at Eddie. His hands were still holding her waist. “How did you know that was my favourite? You’ve never asked.”
“Didn’t need to. You humm it sometimes.”
Chrissy smiled. She began to cry. 
She let Steve finish cleaning her wounds while Lucas grabbed them all warm blankets. Steve told her she had two large jagged scratches on either side of her face, running from the tips of her lips all the way to her eyes. “They aren’t deep enough to need stitches but I’ll get you something for the pain. I don’t think they’ll scar
Chrissy found she didn’t care. She might’ve once. She was just thankful Vecna missed her eyes. 
“I can't believe you kicked Vecna,” Dustin was saying. “That’s so fucking cool.”
“Very metal,” Eddie agreed quietly. 
Eddie was still watching her closely. It was like he didn’t quite believe it was over and she wouldn’t start floating away again. She watched as two faint red patches started forming on his cheeks. It was like he was just now realising how close they were. 
“I need to sit down. Can I
Steve immediately suggested she go upstairs to lay down on the bed but instead she asked them to help her back into the wooden chair she’d positioned so carefully before her vision. She wanted to stay outside and sit in the last remnants of the day’s sunshine. The sun would be starting to set soon and she wanted most of all in the world to sit out here on Rick’s dock and watch it. Like he did. She didn’t want to give Vecna the satisfaction of sending her to bed and having her miss out on something she damn wanted. “Can I have some alone time?” she asked. “I just want to
sit here.”
“I don’t think you should be left alone
” Max started but Eddie spoke up. 
“I’ll stay,” he said quietly. 
The others went back inside (though Steve brought her out the much-appreciated pain medication). Her hands were trembling too badly to take it alone so he helped her. She thanked him gratefully. 
“You’re one of the team now,” he said. “We look after our own. Eddie, bring her in if she starts turning blue, okay? Doc’s orders.” 
Chrissy sighed and she lay back in the chair. Her mind was swimming with Vecna and his soft velvety voice. He’d said he wanted her purposefully because she needed him to end her long drawn-out suffering. The most tragic and clever thing, she realised, was that his words had been sprinkled with seeds of truth. She was everything he’d said. He’d looked into her heart and only held up the cracked mirror. 
Chrissy was sad. She’d been sad for a long time. But did she really not want to be here anymore? Chrissy looked out towards the lake. The blue sky was gradually fading into pink. 
“Eddie?” she said softly. 
“I’m here.”
“Will you sit with me?”
She heard the sound of scraping wood as Eddie pulled over one of the chairs next to hers on the dock. He even readjusted the blanket around her shoulders before sitting down even though she was capable of doing it alone. It was just her face (and heart) that ached. 
They stared at one another, sizing each other up almost. She noticed for the first time that his eyes weren’t entirely brown. They had little flecks of gold in them too. She’d never thought of Eddie as pretty before but she did now. 
“So you jumped in the lake for me?”
“Didn’t even hesitate,” Eddie chuckled. “You can thank Steve for the lip service though. He just loves to be the hero and save the girl.” 
Chrissy was so tired but she didn’t dare close her eyes in case she fell asleep. She was happy sitting here on the dock with Eddie. She lifted her feet and curled them up beneath the blanket. 
“I thought I was a goner. Again. I almost gave up,” she said. “I know that’s such a pathetic thing to admit but when Vecna told me about wanting to put me out of my misery, a tiny part of me wanted to believe him. He knew about me being unhappy and sad all the time. Knew that I was shutting down inside, you know? He told me it wouldn’t make any difference to the world if I was alive or dead and I let myself believe him. Does that make me stupid?”
She saw Eddie swallow. “Look, I’m not gunna’ sit here and pretend to know what your life is like because I was dead wrong before. I know now it’s been
 and that asshole Vecna used that to try and manipulate you. But, Chrissy, it didn’t work. You chose to come back and you kicked him like some cheerleader warrior. It probably won’t mean much, but I’m fucking proud of you, kid.” 
Chrissy smiled despite herself. “As I live and breathe, scary Eddie Munson acknowledging cheerleaders might not just be some dumb stereotype. You’ve dropped Cunningham too. It sounds nice.”
“No turning back now. It felt like such a trip when you called me Munson during breakfast. Even if I totally deserved it.”
“You didn’t.” 
“No, I did. I was a complete asshole. Chrissy, look, I know you’ve been through a lot today and the kindest thing would be to leave you alone, but can you stay awake just a little longer to hear my shitty apology? After that I’ll give you some space or carry you up to bed or
whatever you want.”
“You don’t need to -”
“I do. Please. I need to apologise for everything. For the way I’ve been avoiding you and for every fucking crappy thing I said to you this morning. I would take it all back in a heartbeat because every word was total bullshit, Chrissy. I didn’t mean any of it. I was so angry and scared and worried and pathetic
 and you were right when you called me out on it because I was taking it out on you.”
“But why me? Because I ran away?”
“No, Chrissy, please listen
” He moved his chair so close that his leg brushed against her knee. “It wasn’t anything you did or didn’t do, okay? You’ve been so fucking spectacular. The way you’ve been caring for everyone and helping out. It’s just
in my fucked up brain
every time I look at you I think of that Fred kid - but I see you like that and it just breaks me. Every time you flinch at the name Vecna or touch your jaw I die a little bit inside. I feel so guilty and scared that it could have so easily have been you. I still can’t believe tonight
seeing you floating like that above the water and seeing the blood when that fucker cut into your face
God, if Max hadn't had that stupid song on her walkman... Chrissy, I can’t deal with the thought of
you dying.”
Eddie had closed his eyes but when Chrissy lightly touched the back of his hand they flew open. 
“Eddie, I’m right here. I’m alright. Look at my neck. My wrists. My jaw. I’m not broken. Look at my eyes. I’m here.” 
She shrugged down her warm blanket and held out her arms, bared her neck, lifted her chin. She let him trace his fingers along her skin, reassuring himself that yes she was smooth. She was whole. His eyes searched her greedily. She might have found the idea of letting Eddie Munson do this to her odd once but now it only made her feel safe. 
Then his eyes came to rest on her face, on the deep scratches. “Steve’s done a good job and I don’t think they’ll leave any punk scars. We’ll have to think of an excuse for your folks though
and Jason. If I’d only put that music on sooner
“The important thing is you did. It was quick thinking.”
She let him trace his fingers over her face too. She could see it helped clear away some of the tightness on his face. 
“When I looked out the window and saw you go still
I’ve never felt so fucking scared, Chriss. And the last time in my trailer? I was so freaked out I nearly ran out of there myself. I thought I was used to horror and gore and monsters, but that was all pretend before. I don’t know jack shit about any of this or how I can help, and maybe I’m a coward but I think that just added to whatever sizable chip I’ve got growing on my shoulder right now. When I saw you again at the Wheeler’s you thanked me, Chrissy, and kept looking at me like I was some hero like Steve and I knew I wasn’t. You’re still looking at me like it even now
it’s like, what the fuck can I do?”
“But Eddie, don’t you remember that Twain quote in English class? About courage being resistance to fear? We had a test about him.” 
“You know I’m failing English, Chrissy.”
“Well that’s what he said. The fact is you’ve saved me three times now. Twice from Vecna and once from drowning, and you’ve been scared the whole time. I think that’s pretty courageous,” she added with a small smile. “So I do get to call you a hero. That’s my prerogative as the  crappy damsel.” 
Eddie’s lips twitched into a smile and it looked like he was blushing. 
“Well maybe I’m okay when Vecna comes calling
 but I was too much of a coward to face you though. To give you what you wanted. What you needed
“What do you mean?” 
They were both still soaking wet although the blankets and sun were doing their damn best to dry them off. But when Eddie reached out and took her hand she felt like it was a summer day in July. He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. 
“By my count, we’ve shared two fucking terrifying moments together but instead of
I don’t know, bonding over it? Helping each other out?...I’ve been pushing you away like an asshole. I don’t know a damn about psychology or trauma or whatever
but what I do know is talking to you about it now feels really good. Like some of my damage has mended and I can breathe a little easier. That’s got to be a good thing, right?” he said. “So let me finally step up and be here for you. I want to. I want to hear everything that’s going on with you. No frills. No bullshit... Lay it on me, Chrissy. Please.” 
Chrissy met his eyes and saw such honest sincerity and warmth there she thought she might start crying again. He was putting down his shield and offering her his friendship and she wanted to take it so badly. 
This wasn’t an olive branch or a sledgehammer - this was a flamethrower - and they would burn the metaphoric wall down to the ground. Together. 
So Chrissy told him everything. She told him about her life before her visions - about cheerleading and her shitty parents and her miserable anxieties about food. She told him about Jason and how she was pretty sure she was going to break up with him because she hated bullies and didn’t want babies and a house and to be ignored for the rest of her life. She even told him about the incident at church and how it made her hate her body but at the same time she wanted to buy fucking silk pajamas too because she knew they would feel nice. She told him about college and how she wanted to take a year off and see some of the world. She was sure she’d love California and Rome and maybe even England so she could visit some real life castles. 
She told him about her first vision and why she’d come to him for drugs and about how crap she still felt about running away from him. She told him about this vision. About how Vecna made her feel so worthless and weak. She told him about the gun she had upstairs (this was the only time he interrupted her to say gently they would get it later and store it with the other weapons so it was safe). She told him about how much she liked her new friends and how thinking about them helped her find the strength to get away from Vecna. 
Eddie listened to it all and seemed to be drinking it in. With every word she felt a coil inside her begin to unwind a little. It was just like he said before about feeling mended. Like he was switching her up. 
“...And I thought about you,” Chrissy admitted at long last. “How I owed it to you to come back and be here for you. I didn’t want to leave you alone again.”
Eddie had tears in his eyes and so did she. 
“You weren’t totally wrong about me this morning. I have been ignoring some of the crap that goes on at school,” she admitted. He looked like he wanted to interrupt but she kept going. “I didn’t know how rough things were for you guys, but that’s no excuse now. I promise I’ll help from now on. No one should be treated that way.”
“Chrissy Cunningham, defender of the downtrodden misfits and freaks. Atta’ girl,” Eddie smiled. “But you don’t deserve to be treated that way either, you know? Not to be a dick again, I swear, but you kind of let people walk over you sometimes and you seriously don’t deserve it. You’re so cool and smart and really talented. You
you’re the real deal. You should own it.”
I’ll try.”
Loving oneselves was not easy and Chrissy had spent years putting herself down, but she knew Eddie was right and she should exercise more self-love like Ms Kelley said. She should try, at least. Baby steps. 
Behind them the sun was setting behind the trees and the sky was a colour palette of pink, yellow, and orange hues. She lay back against her chair and she let her eyes flutter close for just a minute. She could almost purr she felt so content right now. 
“The next day at the hour of sunset Aragorn walked alone in the woods, and his heart was high within him; and he sang, for he was full of hope and the world was fair
“Is that from
?” Chrissy clumsily scooped up Dustin’s book from where she must have dropped it before her vision. On seeing the cover, Eddie grinned and she found herself grinning back just as wide, though she didn’t know why they were both so happy. Eddie took it from her gently, seeing that she was at risk of dropping it again in her tiredness. 
“Same author but different book. If you like The Hobbit you can borrow my copy of Rings after. I promise you’ll love it. That’s a Munson guarantee.” 
“I’d really like that, Eddie.”
“And I’ll try and read Little Women
are they actually tiny women or
Chrissy found herself giggling softly. “Maybe we can talk about them together? Start our own private ‘End of the World’ book club. I’d like to hear more about D&D too and what it all means. Maybe even watch a game sometime
if that’s okay?”
“It’s a deal.”
Chrissy found her eyes once again closing and she yawned. She thought she could sleep for a thousand years. She snuggled down further into her blanket. 
“Sleep Chrissy. We’ll be here when you wake up.”
She liked the sound of that. Her friends. Nancy and Robin would be home soon too. 
“Eddie?” she mumbled sleepily. 
“So you really don’t hate me?”
“No way. Not possible.” 
“Can we
can we be friends? I’d really like to be your friend.”
There was a little pause and she just about heard him clear his throat. 
“Best of friends, Chriss. Best buddies.”
And her heart sang. 
Annnnnnd we're done folks. Chrissy and Eddie can now look to the future and kick some Vecna butt as team mates (the best team mates). A few notes:
- Firstly, thank you so much for reading this crazy mess. I promise to go back at some point and edit and cut that word count down - but I'm already up to my eyeballs with others ideas for the two (maybe taking place in the same series as this one?) - I wanted to leave it as them friends but it's pretty clear they are going to be something more, you know? Plenty of hints scattered in that Eddie is crazy about Chrissy and she's starting to notice him too. - Eddie IS crazy about Chrissy throughout this fic though he might not feel like he can show it (she has Jason remember and as far as Eddie knows they're a couple couple until she admits it at the end). He's not treading on any toes. - Lyrics are from 'Master of Puppets' and 'Love Is a Battlefield'. I saw an interview where Chrissy's actor mentions this would be the song to pull Chrissy out. - Yeah the men at the War Zone suck balls, but it's something we read about every day right? I'd like to say things are better but fuck that. Make noise, people. I actually wrote Eddie stepping in and guiding her out initially (with Chrissy under his arm naturally) but it just didn't feel right. You can bet that both he and Steve wanted to kick ass though and Eddie was gritting his fucking teeth. - I love Dustin and Chrissy moments. I also love Steve and Chrissy moments. - Yeah sorry Steve gave her mouth to mouth because he actually knows what he's doing - being a lifeguard and all - but Eddie was first in the water. Steve helped pull her out. - The Rings quote Eddie says '...The next day at the hour of sunset Aragorn walked alone in the woods, and his heart was high within him; and he sang, for he was full of hope and the world was fair
” is about a sunset, yes, but also before Aragon meets the love of his fucking life and thinks he's stumbled into a dream. Nice work, Eddie, lay those seeds.
Love to you all - Hellcheer forever.
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lokisivy · 10 months
Look what you made me do - Eddie Munson
(Part 4)
Warnings: cursing, Henderson reader.
Since yesterday night, Eddie hasn't talked to you, and you guys shared some classes he was being cold you are starting to regret last night. you went to talk to Robin during lunch. Just a quick chat before you head to your tables.
"You actually had sex with him?" Robin said, surprised.
"Yes, I did, Robin, and he hasn't said anything since, and I'm sure that he wasn't having a bad time," you said sadness laced in your tone.
I was more angry than sad he was the one who wanted me to say yes to it why is it like that whatever fucked up shit he has going on he needs to fix it because I won't be a way for him to escape whatever shit he is going through he is making me play the role of the fool.
"Men are horrible, but whatever happens, don't show weakness to him, act like you dont care, he is trying to get to you." she instructed you. you nod. "I have to go to my band," she says "Okay see you later."
While you had your conversation with Robin Eddie and his club, it had their own discussion about you.
Eddie's POV
"Honestly, Eddie, why didn't you kick her out yet I know she is good at DnD, but we have Mike and Dustin now," Gareth said.
"Yeah It is like you gone soft for her ever since she joined." Jeff agreed with Gareth.
My blood boiled I've had this stupid feeling of making Y/N since the day I met her. Yesterday was just making me crave more she is mine but I have a reputation of being unsympathetic and the fact that my club members have noticed then I need to take it down
"I haven't gone soft she isn't even that hot for me to fuck around with" I lied. I enjoyed last night very much, but Ill ruin the dark, scary image I built throughout the years with everyone. If I become soft towards you, people will start swinging at him like they used to hell even his friends have noticed already.
"Now shut up she is coming with her brother." Eddie silenced them
during lunch, you felt very unwelcomed it's like everyone was trying to kick you out slowly. You never felt that in the past year, but now it's different. Eddie never meant what he said to the guys at the table. god, he couldn't even stop thinking about the other night he never liked someone enough to get scared like that. His childhood taught him never to show emotion, so he never did he thinks that hiding it makes life easier, but it is not his not doing anyone a favour.
"If you have something to say to me, Eddie says it to my face," you said, throwing your tiny action figure on the board, standing up, leaning on the table towards eddie. he has been throwing indirect insults the entire game at you.
"You address me as Kas in the game Lady Silverhand." He yells
"Suck my dick, Munson."
"You would love that wouldn't you," he smirks
"Fuck you Eddie you want to tell me something or coward away?" You said impling about the other night.
"I have nothing to tell you y/n you're just a random chick who can't even play properly. Maybe you should join something suitable more for your gender." He said venomously, laughing
everyone was looking at you Dustin was shocked he looked at you with pity. your brother who looked up to you pitted you.
"And you're just a drug junky who has been repeating senior year for the past 2 years" you scoffed.
"Get out! " he yelled.
"Good I am done playing your stupid little games." You take off your hellfire shirt and throw it at him, leaving flipping them off. You had a sports bra on that covered up a lot.
you left the room to go to the gym. Most clubs and practices happen after school. Eddie was never rude to you, and now he kicked you out of hellfire just after you both had sex.
You had sought revenge. You had a plan in mind. You knew what would happen if you did not act on it
I enter the gym, interpreting the cheerleaders. "Chrissy can speak to you alone," you called out for Chrissy.
she aproched you leading you outside the gymnaism "is everything okay?" she asked.
"i wanna be a cheerleader."
"WHAT!!!" She said surprised
"I know, but Chrisy, you're the cap, and i am done with hellfire. I'm so tired of Eddie Munson. i just want to join Cheer again." You pled.
Chrisy and I go way back she helped me join during sophomore year, but it was exhausting, so when Dustin asked me to join Hellfire, I left now I'm doing it for revenge Eddie will get more attention now that you left or got kicked out... Rumours will start the basketball team will give him hell. The world moves on, another day another drama, But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma.
"ĂŻ don't know y/n i need to know if you're serious," She said
"I am very serious cheer looks better on college applications than fucking Eddie's Cult." I said venomously.
"I'm only gonna say yes because you, my friend, since childhood, but Y/N, I can't help you if fuck it up again."
"Oh my god, thank you so much Chrisy you won't regret it, I promise." I said happily
"Now go put on your outfit. we still have 3 hours of practice." She said, leading me to the changing room handing me my outfit again.
I put it on and look in the mirror. I look so pretty.
Oh Eddie, look what you made me do...
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