#and they all have their own dynamic with Chrissy
batbabydamian · 3 days
DC September 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Juni Ba
Art and Cover by Juni Ba
Variant Cover: Lea Murawiec
The Robins have united to battle their way out of the stronghold of the Demon’s Head, but Damian cutting his family ties to Ra’s al Ghul isn’t just a matter of punching his way through ninjas. Could this fairy tale possibly have a happy ending? Or is the story of Damian Wayne an inescapable tragedy?
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Written by Tom King
Art by Belen Ortega
Cover by Daniel Sampere
Variant covers: Belen Ortega, Chrissie Zullo (1:25), Saowee (1:50)
The world’s finest heroes of tomorrow are back for more! The daughter of Wonder Woman and the Super Sons return for more stories filled with laughs, action and awe-inspiring adventure. Can Lizzie survive Darkseid and his terrifying math? Will an innocent trip to the past for homework change the future? Are Damian and Jon’s barks worse than their bite? Find out in this collection of the latest back-up stories from the hit WONDER WOMAN series!
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Juan Ferreyra
Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant covers: Travis Mercer, Christian Ward (1:25)
Batman, Robin, and Bane must escape Dinosaur Island. But they are not alone! A dangerous presence has taken over and won’t let anyone leave the island alive! Can the father and son dynamic duo return to Gotham or will this be their last adventure together?!
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Written by Matthew Rosenburg
Art and cover by Otto Schmidt
Variant Covers: Daniele Di Nicuolo (1:25), Caspar Wijngaard, Lucio Parrillo
The peace between vampires and heroes is wearing thin. Lois Lane will try and negotiate a way to maintain a truce, but with Damian’s relentless attacks on the vampire queen and her armies, the only thing that might be able to bring them together is a…Miracle.
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*Bruno Redondo Variant Cover C appearance + chance of interior feature
Written by Tom Taylor
Art and cover by Bruno Redondo
Variant Covers: Bruno Redondo, Jamal Campbell, Tirso, Nicola Scott, Serg Acuna (1:25)
Embark on an exhilarating journey through the streets of Blüdhaven as we bid a heartfelt farewell to the dynamic duo of Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo in the epic conclusion to their award-winning run. With Nightwing’s fear of heights overcome, he returns to Blüdhaven for one final face-off with Heartless and Tony Zucco. It’s the battle you’ve all been waiting for! And if we’ve learned anything from Nightwing these last couple of years, we know he never has to do it alone. One thing’s for certain though: Blüdhaven will never be the same after this!
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Written by Tom King
Art and Cover by Tony S. Daniel
Variant Covers: Gleb Melnikov (1:25), Stanley "Artgerm" Lau, Phil Jimenez, Nicola Scott
ABSOLUTE POWER TIE-IN! Gamorra found! Wonder Woman and Robin have finally located Amanda Waller’s super jail holding the powerless heroes they once fought alongside. Can the new dynamic duo break them out before they become trapped themselves? An undercover ally may hold the key to everything!
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Written by Patrick Gleason and Ray Fawkes
Art by Patrick Gleason, Scott Mcdaniel, Mick Gray, and others
Cover by Patrick Gleason
Damian Wayne died. But like most members of the al Ghul family, he didn’t stay dead. Now that he’s back and done some soul-searching, Damian has decided he has a lot to make up for—but he won’t have to do it alone. With a young assassin named Nobody and a gargantuan dragon bat named Goliath in tow, Damian’s year of atonement will take him across the globe and reunite him with friends, foes, and his own complicated family as he seeks to prove to everyone—himself, especially—that he is a worthy member of the Bat-Family. This deluxe edition features a brand-new cover by writer/artist Patrick Gleason, development sketches, and tons more behind-the-scenes material! Collecting DC Sneak Peek: Robin: Son of Batman #1, and Robin: Son of Batman #1-13.
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lumax-mayclair · 7 months
I just love the idea of all of Hellfire being particularly weirded out when Chrissy starts hanging around them all the time, thinking ofc she’d be as mean and scary as all the other jocks, and only getting over it during one instance where they’re all trying to talk shit about her and realize none of them have anything bad to say. She’s never done anything to any of them and actually there were a couple of times, where if she hadn’t been there to distract Jason and his team, things could’ve been a lot worse for the little sheepies 😬
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dominimoonbeam · 13 days
Another mugging fic!
tw: mugging, light angst, friendship developing, pack feels, pack dynamics
They hadn’t called him.
He’d gotten a call from the Department about an incident with one of his pack. He’d rolled his eyes at first and nodded, waiting for another report about some conflict Darlin or Chrissy had gotten into. It wasn’t that the others weren’t possibilities, it was just that Milo would have told him before the Department and Asher was out of town.
But then they dropped a name he’d never heard the Department mention to him before, not since he confirmed them being in his pack. His heart squeezed in his chest. Mugged? What the fuck did they mean mugged?
“Where are they?” He was already out the door, keys in hand.
“Oh, um. It looks like they checked themself out of the hospital after making a statement to the unempowered authorities… It doesn’t look like they broke covert although the report does suggest the assailant was empowered…”
David felt sick, teeth too long and hand shaking around his keys. It was too much information at once, all tossed out carelessly by this desk clerk on the phone like none of it even mattered. Hospital. They had been taken to the hospital? What the fuck had happened? And who had mugged them? And why, in the hell, did this asshole think David gave any fucks about covert?
“How injured were they?” he interrupted. They’d been taken to a hospital, but they seem to have left on their own. David wanted to find comfort in that detail but he couldn’t, because he knew for a fact that Babe could and would push through pain and illness. They would sooner walk home with a broken leg than ask someone for help and risk being a burden.
Fuck! Now he was worried they were walking around on a broken leg.
“Um… It looks like they were treated for some cuts and scrapes. There’s a note about a possible concussion but the doctor didn’t seem overly worried.” And the empowered clerk on the phone didn’t sound worried either.
“And scrapes.”
David ground his teeth. “What makes you say the assailant was probably empowered?”
“Oh. There’s a note about them being bitten. They kept their story pretty vague though,” he sounded pleased and then huffed a smile. “The unempowered doctors gave them antibiotics in case of an infection.”
David hung up. He had to. If he didn’t, he would somehow kill this person through the phone. He immediately dialed another number, sliding into the driver’s seat of his truck. He put the phone on the dash and started the engine. It didn’t take Milo long to answer. “Boss?”
David hesitated just when he was about to speak. Babe was pack but they were human and they were so private.
“David?” Milo was louder, closer to his phone and focused with concern.
“I’m going to need your help, but I need you and Stealth to keep it quite.” It never even occurred to him to ask Milo to keep anything from his partner.
“There was an incident with Babe. I’m headed to their apartment now. I need you to find out everything you can from the department.” He took a turn and pulled into an alley beside their building, not caring if he was in a loading zone.
“Yeah. On it. Are they okay?”
“I don’t know,” he said without thinking and froze just as he was getting out of his truck.
He didn’t know.
His instincts raged, his wolf rolling under his skin. He didn’t know. A member of his pack—the most important person in the world to his best friend—and he had no idea.
“I’ll get back to you.” He hung up and used Asher’s spare key to get into the building. He couldn’t wait for the lift, taking the stairs two at a time. It wasn’t until he was in the hall that he knew something was wrong, something other than everything else wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on it until he was at their apartment door.
He knocked, but already his stomach was twisting because his senses told him they weren’t there. Not only was their apartment empty, but their scent was so faint in the hallway that he knew they hadn’t been there in hours, probably not since they left for work that morning, definitely not with any cuts.
His skin crawled and he wanted to growl and whine at the same time. He needed to see them. He needed to know how bad this was and do everything he could to fix it.
He scrolled his phone numbers and tried to call them. It went immediately to voicemail.
“Fuck,” he pushed the heel of his palm against his temple. Did they even have their phone? Where would they be?
He could have the pack find them. If they fanned out, they’d have them in no time. But then he would be making this moment, this day—their day—pack public. And he didn’t know yet if that was okay with them.
Asher hadn’t called him yet. Which meant, either they were on the phone with him right now, or he didn’t know yet.
David needed eyes on Babe. He needed to be able to tell Asher he was looking at them and that they were okay, or he would lose his mind.
He tried to think up places Babe would go on his way down the stairs.
Where would he go if he was unempowered and recently attacked by a vampire? They’d called it a mugging. Had the biter really robbed them? He flipped his keys against his palm but stopped one step toward his car. The hospital wasn’t far from here. Even on foot, even slowed by injury, they would have been there by now. So, if they didn’t go home, where did they go?
He called Angel to ask if Babe had come to their place. No. Angel had questions, but David promised to explain soon and they promised to call if they heard from Babe until then.
His phone rang almost as soon as he hung up.
David answered.
“Are they okay?”
“I don’t know,” he ground out again. “They aren’t at their apartment.”
David looked up and down the street. It was getting dark. “Was their phone stolen?”
“No. It was broken. They were on their way home from work, just got off the subway—”
David pivoted, looking in the direction of their stop.
“In their statement to the cops, they called their attacker a biter at first—said he cornered them before they could get out of the underground station and took their jacket and their bag. They didn’t have any money or cards on them so they must have left the hospital on foot. They can’t have gotten far.”
“Did they have their keys?” David started walking toward the subway station.
Milo was moving on his side too. “It didn’t sound like it.”
If David was in Babe’s shoes, he would just want to go home. He would want to be in his own space with the door locked. But if they didn’t have their keys, they couldn’t get home. They could, of course, call him. He had the spare. But he wasn’t sure they would even if they had their phone.
He descended the steps into the subway.
“I can start at the hospital and track them.”
“Are you at the hospital now?”
“I’m on my way.”
“Good.” David hung up just as the call would have cut out anyway. The air was colder underground, the lights yellow and the hallways echoing with the hum of a passing train. The afterwork crowd had thinned out and it wasn’t quite late enough for the party crowds.
He hopped the entrance and shivered when he inhaled their scent.
He wasn’t sure he’d be able to explain how relieved he felt when he saw them standing there on the platform. They looked awful. Their pants were dirty and their shirt bloodstained and torn. He’d never seen them even mussed let alone a complete mess before. One hand clutched at the bandage around their wrist, squeezing as they frowned and stared, seeming to scrutinize the tracks.
For one horrific second he thought they were going to jump. They kept cutting glances up and down the tracks and shifting their weight where they stood at the edge.
They jumped and spun around too fast.
He closed the distance and caught their hands in both of his to tug them that one step forward, away from the edge.
They stared up at him, one eye blood-red where it should be white and their cheekbone bruised in dark purple clouds. Their jaw was scraped up like they’d landed on the ground, matching their scabbed palms in his hands. “What are you doing?” David asked, trying so hard to keep his voice low and soft—trying not to growl or yell because of the fear that had built in his chest from the moment he heard their name on that call.
“Oh,” they exhaled and their shoulders dropped. They looked down at themself and flushed. “Sorry. It’s been a bad night. I was mugged but it’s fine.”
They didn’t know he knew about that. “It doesn’t look fine.”
They turned toward the tracks again. “I kicked my keys when he went for them and they went down there… If he got my keys he could be at my place and if he didn’t, well, I need them.” Their voice was tinny, carefully logical but fragile in that desperation.
David nodded, still holding onto their hands and very gently drawing them another step away from the tracks. “I’ll look.”
Babe exhaled hard and shook their head, wincing at a pain in their body and stopping short in the gesture. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll find them. You’ve probably got someplace to be.”
David stared at them. Was it shock or did they really think he was just passing by? He folded their hands inside of his. This was the first time he’d ever touched Babe. Pack was very physical but David had never been good at building those relationships. With other wolves, it was easier. It was simpler. With the non-shifters in the pack, it had always been so much harder. He knew now that he’d made a mistake when he thought that was okay—that he didn’t need to build on those bonds as well. Babe was looking at him like a work associate being nice to them on a rough day. It was polite but unexpected and certainly unnecessary. They expected nothing from him.
“I don’t have anywhere to be. I came here looking for you,” he said, their hand spasming in his.
They looked down at their joined hands for the first time, as if just now registering the contact. And then their eyes widened and their face shot up to seek his gaze again. Their words rushed out of them. “I didn’t break covert.”
It was a gut punch.
They pulled their hands out of his and took a step back, chin pressing high as they tried to stand taller. “I would have let you know after… After I got home. I just…” They looked over their shoulder at the tracks and their lost keys again, frowning.
David nodded. First problem first. He could do that.
He stepped around them and up to the edge of the platform, eyeing the shadows until he spotted the bundle of keys on a ring. He jumped down.
“Be careful!” Babe rushed to the edge.
David could hear the trains and knew exactly how long he had. He snagged the keys, pocketed them, and jumped back up onto the platform. He was just turning them toward the exit when Milo came down the steps, slowing and stopping at the sight of them.
“Hey,” he said to Babe, gaze flicking over the state of them.
David heard the way the other wolf’s pulse quickened, the edges of rage tucked behind his teeth.
Babe sighed, shoulders drooping as they started up the stairs. “I guess this is a thing now.”
Milo frowned and turned to follow them. “How was this not going to be?”
David shot him a warning look but Babe didn’t wither under the badgering tone. They sighed again, a little groan of annoyance now. They were slow on the steps but neither shifter was going to rush them.
“I mean, I figured I could go home and clean up before it had to be public knowledge that I got mugged. Asher is going to be—” They stopped and swung around.
Both shifters stopped, arms out to stabilize them if they were falling over.
“Does he know? He’s going to panic and think I died.”
David blinked at the rush of words. He shook his head. “Not yet. I wanted to talk to you first.” He really just wanted to see them—to be able to tell his best friend that they were in one piece and breathing.
Babe sagged in relief, nodding, almost slumping into the railing with the weight of it. “Good. Good. Just, let me clean up and I’ll video call him. That’ll be better.”
David wasn’t sure it would be, but he nodded.
Babe started the upward march again. David had never realized how many fucking steps their were until he watched this human drag themself up each one. He could swear he could hear Milo’s teeth grinding on the effort not to pick them up—the same as his.
“Do you know who it was?” David asked, trying to distract all of them while getting a little information.
“The biter,” Milo helped.
Babe jerked a little, free hand flying to the bandage on their wrist. “I’m not going to turn am I?”
Milo laughed.
David groaned. “No. Asher really needs to take you to those classes…”
They exhaled tired relief. “Never saw him before. He cornered me and tossed me around. Bit my wrist and then laughed. He wanted my stuff, my phone, my keys, and my wallet.” They swallowed, looking up at the last stretch of steps.
David squeezed his fists until his fingers popped to resist scooping them up.
They continued to walk. “But my phone was busted from his initial attack and the keys I’d kicked. The next train was coming in. He took all my cards though and said…” Babe stopped then they reached the sidewalk atop the steps. They took a deep breath.
“Said what?” David asked.
They opened their eyes and looked at him, not seeming to know what he was talking about at first.
“What did the vampire say?”
A shudder rocked them when they remembered and it was like watching a person remember to be afraid. “Oh.”
They looked up the street toward their building. “He said he’d see me later.”
Milo growled low in his chest and David felt relieved at the sound if only because it was the echo of the one he was holding back.
Babe looked at them both. “He didn’t mean it though, right? I mean, that’s just something someone would say to scare. There’s no reason for him to bother with me again.”
David frowned. “You don’t need to worry about it.”
Babe nodded like he was agreeing with them, relieved and started down the sidewalk.
David tipped his head toward Milo, who hadn’t moved a muscle. “Find him,” David growled. “Get Darlin to help you and hunt him down. I want him in pieces in a box by morning.”
Milo nodded once and was gone.
David joined Babe, close at their side but not quite touching, always ready to catch them or buffer anyone else out of their way. It was one of the longest walks of his life but they both sagged in relief when they reached their apartment door. For a second Babe thought they’d lost their keys again, until David pulled them from his pocket and unlocked the door.
“You don’t have to stay,” they said when they were inside.
He shut and locked the door. The lock was just for them. Nothing was getting past him.
Babe let out a little laugh. “I’m going to clean up, okay? I’ll call Ash after that. Just… Just wait, okay?”
David nodded and stayed in the living room when they headed down the hall to their bathroom.
He kept his senses focused on their breathing, hearing it even through the shut door and the spray of the shower. It took everything he had not to move when they started crying. They needed that moment alone and he wasn’t going to take it from them. He was going to pretend he hadn’t listened, even if he was, even if he had to just in case they passed out.
He texted Angel to let them know that he had found Babe, everything was okay, but he’d be over at Asher and Babe’s for a while.
Babe tried not to cry. Really they did. It was stupid. It wouldn’t help anything. Oh god but it had been such a bad night. They’d been so scared and then so embarrassed and now they were a mess and they’d have to call Asher and he’d feel terrible and the whole pack knew and it was going to be a big deal and how could they even convince anyone it wasn’t when their face looked like that!
They stripped down and bunched all their clothes into a tight ball, cramming them down into the trash and then tying off the plastic bag and throwing it into the corner. They felt like a mess. They felt out of control and like everyone was looking. It made their skin hurt.
They showered, trying not to wallow and take too long because they knew David would still be out there. Poor guy was stuck having to sit in their living room, thinking they were falling apart. If they could show him they were fine he’d probably feel okay to leave.
They cried some more in the shower, hoping to get the last of it out. They cleaned up, dressed in some soft sweats and a hoodie with long sleeves. Their palms throbbed, the scrapes deep and matching the ones on their jaw. It was going to look even worse tomorrow. And their eye… they could barely look at it, the white gone red.
When it was as good as it was going to get, they marched back down the hall to their living room. David wasn’t there. Their heart lurched but just as soon as they’d started to panic that they were all alone, they found him in the kitchen. He had the fridge open but had stopped to stare back at them. “I forgot that living with Ash, there’s never any leftovers.”
They exhaled, letting some of the strain in their chest go with that breath. “Yeah. I can make you—”
He shot them a look that was between outrage and shock. “I’ll make us something. What do you want?”
“Oh. You don’t have to.”
“French toast, right?”
Babe stared at him, the sleeves of Asher’s hoodie bunched up in their palms, pressing into those scrapes. “What?”
“When we do pack get togethers overnight and make waffles or pancakes in the morning… Ash always asks for French toast,” he said as he pulled the eggs and milk out and then found a loaf of bread. “He never used to ask for French toast. He has a whole thing about pancakes being superior to all other breakfast options. He started asking for French toast when you joined.”
Babe felt heat rush their face and something ease in their heart. They sank into one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter, nodding. “Yeah.” They loved French toast.
David nodded and then took out of phone and waved it over his shoulder. “Do you want to call or do you want me to?”
Tears stung their eyes. It was stupid. Everything was fine and they just needed to let Ash know that.
They held out their hand and David passed them the phone.
It wasn’t hard to find his number and it only rang a couple times before that voice they’d been missing so much picked up.
“Hey buddy. What’s up?” Asher sing-songed, thinking it was David calling.
He was on some trip to meet and get to know other packs on the continent, a gathering out in the wilderness to build relationships. Baby sighed.
The levity was gone from his voice. “Babe? What are you doing on David’s phone?”
How the hell were they supposed to say this? “Everything is okay. Everyone is okay. I just… My phone is broken.” True but not all of it. They closed their eyes. “I got mugged in the subway and my phone got broken. David had to walk me home.” Nope, not quite. “There was a police report and I had to go to the hospital, but I’m okay and I didn’t break covert or anything.”
The pause seemed long even if it was only seconds. “Oh Baabe,” he said so gently that their heart melted. “I’m so sorry. You’re sure you’re okay? That must have been so scary.”
They exhaled so much relief, dropping their head forward onto their folded arm on the counter. Thank god he hadn’t freaked out. They weren’t sure they could handle that right now. They just wanted normal. “It was but I’m okay.”
“You’re home now?”
They nodded and then remembered they had to actually say it. “Yeah.”
“You’re so fucking tough, Baabe. I’ll be there in the morning.”
They sat up, dragging a breath. “You don’t have to—”
“You know I’m coming home. Really, you’re giving me an excuse to do exactly what I want, which is to come back to you. So just hang tight, okay? Order delivery or something, sleep in, and I’ll be there when you wake up, okay?”
Babe hummed something close to a yes.
“David’s there?”
“Can I talk to him? I’ll be home soon, okay? I love you so much, Baabe.”
“I love you too,” they said and then held out the phone.
David took it and held it to his ear.
David turned back toward the eggs.
“Who?” There was no smile or light-heartedness to Asher’s voice now.
“Milo’s on it.”
“How bad is it?”
“Not bad.” He couldn’t give him details without Babe overhearing. “I’ll text you.”
“Broken bones?”
“No,” he was fast to answer that.
Asher growled.
“Milo’s on it,” David reminded. “I’ll have it for you when you get here.”
“David…” Asher started, human voice shuddering with the effort to stay in that form when probably his whole wolf was trying to shift out and run.
“Anything,” he said.
“Just… stay with them until I get there? They’re tough but…”
David nodded. He’d never intended to go anywhere. “We’re making French toast. We’ll be here when you get back to town.”
Asher grunted and hung up. It wasn’t like him to be short on words but David understood.
Babe had their head in their arms again. “You don’t have to stay,” they said as soon as he started cracking eggs. “I’m probably just going to sleep.”
“Great. Then I can pick what we’re watching.”
Babe lifted their head and looked at him before relenting with a nod. “Sure. You’re a good friend. Asher’s lucky to have you,” they said, voice quiet with the soft compliment.
It made his chest swell but his brow pinch. “You’re pack, Babe. Yes, you’re Asher’s mate, but you’re also pack.” He sighed. “You should have called me from the hospital, not because this was some sort of trouble you needed to report but because you needed help.”
“I didn’t.”
“You could have used help,” he reworded for them and felt the echo of his words in words spoken to him by Asher in the past. “You could have called any of us. You don’t have to call me if you don’t want to, but Milo or—”
“My phone was broken.”
“There are phones in the hospital. You know you could have called… and I know why you didn’t. But you don’t need to need us to call us. It’s okay to just want us to show up.”
They pressed their lips, thinking about it.
He cracked another egg. “And stop worrying about covert.”
They looked up. “But you worry about covert—”
“Yeah. It’s my job to worry about it on behalf of the pack. You don’t need to give a shit about it. When someone hurts you, all bets are off, and I will handle everything else.”
Babe blinked at him and then finally asked. “The vampire isn’t going to come back for me, is he?”
David huffed, looking for the cinnamon on the shelf. “No. You don’t ever need to worry about that.”
Babe sighed and nodded. “Thanks.”
“Any time.”
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thestobingirlie · 4 months
conformity in stranger things
(as we see it through the characters of steve, dustin and eddie)
dustin meets steve while steve is already heading down his own path — he’s leaving behind ideas about high school and relationships, and figuring out who he is without them.
steve, by season two, had already become disillusioned with the idea of high school, and power struggles, and being the most popular guy in school. which is why he doesn’t react to billy’s taunts.
despite what the fandom may have you believe, steve’s seasons long arc about his struggle with conforming to the person people expect him to be is done.
don’t get me wrong, steve is still hanging onto some ideas in s2, like pretending you don’t care to get girls, and seeing nancy as different to all his other girlfriends (though i personally think that speaks more to steve’s prior relationships than the way he views woman).
and so, dustin and their friendship play a major role in steve fully moving on from the concept of ‘conforming’. steve doesn’t want to change who he is to get people to like him, or love him!
and with dustin, he doesn’t!!!
they make up dorky handshakes, and give each other advice. they talk about girls and steve teaches him how to achieve his signature hairstyle.
their relationship impacts both boys, but neither of them are conforming. it’s pretty much the exact opposite!!! despite what some fans would have you believe steve and dustin have a positive impact on each other!!!
dustin doesn’t change who he is to impress steve! he’s just as dorky as before, and in fact imparts some of that dorkiness onto steve!! steve and dustin help each other to find who they are, and figure themselves out.
on the other hand.
eddie had a negative impact on dustin.
dustin in s3 is dorky. he likes science, and school, and building great big radio towers up hills.
dustin in s4 is failing classes, treating friends like shit, his hubris is at an all time high; all aided by eddie’s high opinion of himself and ideas about conforming.
see. when eddie talks about conforming, he doesn’t really understand what he’s talking about (which is why his fans don’t either).
when he criticised people for ‘conforming’, all he’s really talking about is people being interested in things he doesn’t like. parties. band. science. basketball. he looks down on them all.
he makes snap judgments, and reduces them down to stereotypes. we literally watch him learn this on screen!!!
we literally watch as he verbally recognises that he knew nothing about steve, and yet reduced him down to his interest in basketball.
and here’s where the irony comes in. eddie is literally leading the club on conformity.
everyone in hellfire wears the exact same thing, and he makes fun of the clothes they used to wear. he seats himself on a thrown, and judges anyone that wishes to come before him before he deems them worthy to play a game. he’s not accepting all losers. he’s literally telling them they’re lesser than as he stands on tables in the cafeteria, and then fights against erica playing with them… just because he thinks she has to prove herself to him first.
that’s the point of eddie’s character!! that his whole big speech at the beginning of the season is wrong. and we literally see how he’s wrong scenes later when eddie interacts with chrissy.
people watch eddie learn and grow as a person, and then reduce his character right back down to who he was when he was first introduced.
tl;dr — if one of dustin’s relationships is about conformity, it’s his friendship with eddie, not steve. his brother dynamic with steve is about the complete opposite. about reaching across dumb nerd v jock social divides and finding a family.
in looking up to eddie, dustin has let his other interests fall to the wayside. he’s snarkier, makes fun of steve more (just like he’s been watching eddie mock jocks for months), his friendships with the rest of the party are at an all time low.
and yet. some people would have me believe this is dustin’s truest self? who gets his mormon girlfriend to hack into his school because he’s failing latin. who mocks steve for ‘wanting to be a hero’ when just the season before he was prepared to die by steve’s side.
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monstrous-femme · 6 months
So You Want to Write Poly Fic: A How-To from Your Favorite Poly Mutual
(i know for many of you I'm your only poly mutual so that works too)
This guide is going to rely heavily on Stranger Things pairings, because that's the fandom I'm currently writing in, but these concepts can apply to any fandom.
Expand your definition of Polyamory
Fandom loves the triad, and if this is what you want to write, there's no reason not to. However, three people all dating each other should not be the only thing you think of when you think of polyamory! Here are some other configurations for your consideration:
Jonathan is dating both Nancy and Argyle, but Nancy and Argyle are not dating each other
Chrissy is dating Robin, but sometimes makes out with Heather at parties.
Eddie, Steve, and Nancy are all dating each other, and Nancy has a separate relationship with Barb.
Steve and Robin have a queerplatonic relationship that they consider their primary partnership, but both date other people in a casual setting.
Chrissy is not ready to be in a relationship after breaking up with Jason, but has casual hookups with multiple people who are aware of and comfortable with the situation.
2. Pay attention to your dyads.
One of the most common mistakes I see in poly fics is trying to superimpose the same way you'd write monogamous pairings onto more people. The problem with this is that in a couple with only two people, you are only writing one relationship. In a poly ship, you're writing more, and probably a higher number than you think of. This is where the dyad comes in.
A dyad simply the relationship between two people. Say you're writing Nancy/Chrissy/Robin (as you should). You're not just writing the one relationship between the three of them. There are also three separate relationships to consider:
Chrissy/Nancy Robin/Chrissy Nancy/Robin
Each of these relationships will have its own dynamic, and just because they're all dating doesn't mean it will all be the same. This is why I often caution newer writers away from writing relationships with tons of characters off the bat. The jump from a triad to a quad moves you from 3 dyads to 6. Now, depending on your POV character, you may not have to focus much on every single dyad, but you do need to be aware of their existence.
3. Metamour Dynamics
A metamour is a person who your partner is dating and you are not dating. Metamour dynamics can be very complicated (but also very fun to play with when writing) because of the feelings that can come up seeing your partner with someone else.
Let's say both Steve and Robin are dating Nancy, but not each other. Are they thrilled to never have to be apart? Do they find it hilarious how much they share one brain? Or do they get sick of never having space away from each other? Does Robin resent that Steve's relationship with Nancy is more recognized by society because of heteronormativity? Does Steve resent that Robin's never had her heart broken by Nancy?
Metamours also may be awkward or choose not to interact. Let's say Nancy's dating both Barb and Eddie now. Do Barb and Eddie form an unlikely friendship? Are they consistently awkward and tense to a point where Nancy doesn't keep them near each other?
There are as many different metamour dynamics as there are people, and giving some life to these relationships will give a lot of texture and realism to your poly fic.
4. Let it be Messy
When we write monogamous pairings, most writers in a longer fic will include things not working out, miscommunication, hurt feelings, jealousy, anger, and angst. But there seems to be an anxiety around allowing any of these things to exist in polyamory, as if by admitting it's not always perfect, we're giving ammunition to polyphobia. (This same pressure is put on poly people in real life to be the Perfect Poly Partner and never experience difficult feelings around polyamory.)
The truth is, relationships are complicated. And while I love seeing poly pairings in fluff and smut, there seems at time to be real resistance to putting poly pairings into genres that are messier.
Mess is a part of life. Mess is especially a part of intimate, vulnerable relationships, and, on a personal note, I need the mess to exist in fiction because stories are how I understand myself. When poly people are allowed to be human, it helps me (and probably other poly people) give myself permission to be human too. You are not hurting the poly community if your characters mess up, especially if it's in real and human ways.
I hope this helps you feel more comfortable and confident writing poly characters! Feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any follow-up questions.
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
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Hah, thanks @beansthekid for giving me a chance to ramble a bit more!
I think there are many different and equally valid ways to interpret Eddie’s relationship with the Corroded Coffin crew; we really do not get very much canon material at all, which means it’s all very open to interpretation. However, I personally tend to read them as friendly acquaintances more than friends, because Eddie doesn't seem to treat them with any true closeness.
In the few scenes they share, Eddie sort of treats them like undifferentiated sidekicks/minions/audience. He seems basically fond of them, and I don't think his attitude comes from any sort of disrespect or dislike. Rather, I think it’s more about Eddie’s own comfort level: in general, I read Eddie as very skittish about relationships. He likes to keep people at a certain remove, and he likes to be in control of that distance.
We don't see him confiding in anyone or being intentionally vulnerable...right up until Steve and "guess I got a little jealous." Even with Chrissy, though he was definitely trying to present himself as friendly and harmless, he was absolutely putting on a little performance the entire time. He was taking on an entertainer role. He's willing to be seen as ridiculous, because that's the class-clown side of him, but it's not the same thing as letting down his guard. People laughing at him for his antics can't hurt him, at this point. Admitting he's fond enough of Dustin to make that a weakness, and being honest about feeling inadequate—that is vulnerability.
I do think it's plausible that that little jealousy confession was prompted in part by guilt over the whole broken-bottle thing. To be clear, I don't think Eddie's boatshed reaction was wildly out of line; at that point, he had zero information/context that would lead him to conclude that anyone out looking for him was on his side, much less Steve Harrington.
He was also scared out of his mind and literally shaking with adrenaline and fear, but he still didn’t actually hurt anyone. He could have shanked Steve and made a run for it, but I read him as someone who fundamentally does not want to hurt or scare people for real. He wants to make them uncomfortable, sure—or at the very least he doesn’t really care if they’re made uncomfortable by how he looks and acts. But actually being the villain of a story? That doesn’t fit with his values or his self-image.
So it would make sense if afterwards, he felt an outsized and misplaced sense of guilt about that little encounter, and let that spur him to offer up a little bit of honesty. It’s an intimacy he doesn’t extend to anyone else in the entire show.
I mean—hell, I am fully fixated on this little exchange:
Nancy: Hey, it’s Nancy.
Eddie: Wheeler, hey!
It would be way, way more natural to mirror her intro and call her Nancy, but instead he does this weird surname thing (and continues to call her by her surname) despite the fact that he already knows another Wheeler who is presumably also potentially tuned in. Why on earth would he do this. There are so many siblings in the group. The only way I can make sense of it is as a distancing mechanism that he leans on.
By the end, he does start addressing some people by their first names, some of the time. I haven’t done a full accounting, but I’m pretty sure it’s mostly just Dustin and Steve (not counting the “this is for you, Chrissy” moment).
But back to the Corroded Coffin lads: the biggest tell, for me, is that they had band practice without him. They knew he was missing, and either they knew he’d be a suspect/in trouble or they didn’t know him well enough to recognize his trailer on the news. They’re just kids, so it’s fairly reasonable that they wouldn’t be trying to take any action to find/help Eddie, but it seems unbearably callous that they’d just be having a normal band practice. I still don’t really know how to fold that into my understanding of their dynamics, but one possible interpretation is that they aren’t used to thinking of him as someone who ever really gets hurt, so they figure it’ll all just blow over somehow.
Eddie’s obviously taken on a leadership position in their little group. He’s the DM, he runs the show. But we don’t have a sense that he’s got a second-in-command or a trusted advisor that he confides in, much less someone he sees as a true peer in a give-and-take way.
Again, I don’t think any of this means he doesn’t like the Corroded Coffin boys. On the contrary, I think he probably cares about them very much in the same way he loves Dustin. My read on Eddie is that he sees himself as a protector who is in some way responsible for them and their well-being, cultivating an interdependent community that he doesn’t really get to partake in. His sense of self-worth lies in his ability to be a shield, standing between his lost little sheep and the wolves of Hawkins. He draws fire and takes the hits, and that’s a very lonely position to be in.
And then…Steve Harrington.
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matertrahere · 1 year
Steve and Chrissy as cousins like just imagine it
part 2
Chrissy’s mom and Steve’s dad are siblings who both are equally obsessed with image and so Chrissy’s parents are similar to Steve’s. In that they also leave her home alone a lot so she and Steve just start living together since they’re both lonely and don’t have too many life skills.
They end up learning how to cook together and take care of their house. Steve is still a bit of a dick but Chrissy just kinda ignores it since she understands their shared situation. She ends up wanting to get some weed freshman year and asks Steve for a good seller, he gives her the information of Eddie Munson since well he won’t scam her and he seems trustworthy enough.
The two become fast friends and Chrissy starts using their smoke sessions as therapy sessions as they both rant about their own fucked up lives. Chrissy however never mentions Steve is her cousin though since she doesn’t know how Eddie will react and honestly she really doesn’t want to find out. Everything is going great until Steve finds out about the Upside Down.
Chrissy comes home to find Steve nursing his bruised face and he simply explains there are monsters in Hawkins. Chrissy ends up watching Steve change from a popular douche to a kind person so she decides to open up more. She ends up hanging out with Eddie and CC becoming genuine friends with all of them. It also helps her finally come out as a lesbian.
All she knows about the Upside Down is that it leads to Steve having a bruised face and a surge of migraines. She wants to help all she can but he simply tells her no that he can’t risk her like that. So she stays put albeit begrudgingly.
End of Season 1
I feel like their is a lot of untapped potential of Steve and Chrissy being related cause imagine their both jocks, both have platonic with a capital P soulmates, both could use someone to care about them, and all in all I think their dynamic would be interesting. Plus if Buckingham and Steddie get married Robin and Steve will be in laws and vice versa for Eddie and Chrissy which would simply just be perfect.
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uwusillygirl · 7 months
first and foremost, i'd love to thank everyone for such a fabulous kinktober. i was tentative about doing something within the community; i was worried no one would participate, or i would be organizing an event "wrong", or that people would feel limited by my prompts and suggestions. you all made sure that absolutely NONE OF THESE FEARS WERE WARRANTED! everyone came with the COOLEST shit.
here is a brief collection of some of my personal favorites; either just stunningly written, fascinatingly done, or personally my cup of tea (and i will not tell you which is which! lmao!)
@aicosu's "KNOCK KNOCK": oxy-addicted, adhd, dopamine hole eddie and fastidious, nerdy, ex-fundamentalist chrissy meet at the glory hole of a seedy sex arcade. visceral, headachey, and so hot.
@staceymcgillicuddy's whole series was awesome, but i LOVED their "humiliation + bladder control" prompt especially. nasty and mean!
@jewelledfoxes' also had banger after banger, but i really loved their bottoming from the top prompt, "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" .
the anonymously posted "if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right": the most charming, sweetest little take on hybristophilia a girl has ever seen! chrissy sees eddie being very evil and bad (read as: harmless graffiti) and is simply swept away by his raw criminality. so cute, soft, silly, fantastic.
@bettercraic went big-brained as all hell with their jonathan/nancy/eddie/chrissy voyuerism installment, "let's make a team". quick and sexy.
@erythromanc3r wrote this mean and insane and nasty one-shot, "kiss me where you bruise me" that is the hottest anything ever. you're never gonna guess what i loved about it (kidding. you will. it's mean.)
FINALLY! i would like to thank those who stuck to THEIR OWN HARD LIMITS, CREATED WHOLE SERIES, OR WANTED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE! we had some people make whole cohesive (@hunter-gatherer-stuff) stories, we had some people come in and write about pimple popping, we had people write shit (@badlydrawnlips) based on my own indulgent little kink dynamics (sorry, couldn't not mention that one... so baller), and best of all, we had people write their own stuff when the prompts were not for them. that made my heart so happy.
if you are working on a kinktober series that's gonna take more time, if you have prompts in process that you suddenly have the urge to finish, if you wake up in a cold sweat on december 3rd and just NEED to write about spit, fucking do it and tag it. i love you so much. every day is kinktober if you are a true pervert. take your time, love your life, remember that fanfiction (like art in general!) should be an enjoyable effort and made under your own rules!
there is still some stuff i have left to read on the tag! and i loved literally everything i read, this is just a rapid-fire word vomit. i PROMISE i will get around to anything unread soon! i am so unbelievably pleased about this month, thank you all again so, so, so much!
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thefourchimes · 2 months
Can you tell me more about the Four Chimes AU?
What paths did you originally have planned for Robin? I wanna see how close my own ideas are lol :D :D :D
And tell us more about the Chimes themselves please? Like what are they like? What kind of abilities do they have? I may need some ideas for a fight scene... hehe
so. four chimes au my beloved. the reason why my url name is the way it is, even when im an encanto centered blog AHSFUIAHSF but yeah, here we go then! also, finn mentioned you can send him asks too, he would love to answer you about this as well yeye
anywho, lore dump time! made with a tag team between me and finn
Can you tell me more about the Four Chimes AU?
the four chimes verse is essentially an amalgamation of my want—need—for badass max, max angst, elumax angst, just general party and co angst, apocalypse four shenanigans, several unexplored character interactions and dynamics, the four horsemen of the apocalypse concept, and everything else that comes with this plus things i wasnt able to mention its very self indulgent ngl
but yes, it's about the apocalypse four (max, patrick, fred, and chrissy) and how they get turned into the upside down four horsemen of the apocalypse aka the four chimes of catastrophe by vecna, and they become his way of furthering chaos and destruction in hawkins, while also using them to get rid of his thorns aka the party and co
nobody's having a fun time lol
i've already got a lot of it planned out, i just need to write it lmao asufhaishdf
its funny because this all started when finn sent an ask to his friend about how the four victims of vecna are paralleled to the four horsemen of the apocalypse
on top of me already thinking about this, i saw the ask and pretty much ran with it
also, here's a bonus just for you! the following are the arc names of the og four chimes au (and technically still the general arc names regardless of the sub aus, tho ofc with some differences here and there):
during catastrophe - the four chimes
during catastrophe - contact to familiarity
during catastrophe - jailbreak
during catastrophe - void dark
during catastrophe - escape the dark
during catastrophe - resonance
during catastrophe - the end
What paths did you originally have planned for Robin? I wanna see how close my own ideas are lol :D :D :D
so robin is very feral yes AHSIFUHASf
im pretty sure i explained it a bit before but robin got hit by an arrow that was meant for nancy in the ciquest au, and because of nancy, she's able to find the will to fight back against the infection instead of succumbing to it, making it her own
One and the chimes sees how she's evolving and don't like it, so lence's suggestion of getting nancy takes priority, and so it happens
nance becomes quest and now the battle is on
robin is obviously devastated and the gang is slightly in shambles because of how much nancy brings to the table, and now she's gone—no, worse, she's being used for the other side
so robin steps up to the plate in multiple ways, trying her best to fill the void nancy was forced to leave behind
the burden on her is so heavy considering she got a power she technically never expected to have nor wanted, but now it's on her to make the most use of it
she usually questions why it was her who was in this situation and literally not anybody else who she thinks could definitely do better
lots of questions and wondering for her
now, unlike with renegade, she doesn't lose herself technically, but she gets close, like a lot
though should i mention that there was a little kidnapping that happened? the person who was kidnapped in question being someone who is very important to robin and may have caused a some strain and conflict for her and the chimes?
yeah, the chimes kidnapped steve to lure robin to them so that they can take her down
it was conquest's idea :)
robin was very much not happy about that btw
lots of things happen and as said, robin was very much close to losing it so many times but she doesn't for a couple of reasons
renegade is a completely new take and direction of ciquest and just four chimes in general, and im so interested in seeing where it goes, so very interested <333
i feel like im not able to tell robin's full story here, both because we want to keep some things hidden and also because my brain is kinda not working rn AHSFUHASF mb on that one
but yeah, that's generally it, tho if you got more questions, feel free to send an ask to either me or finn, and if we remember something in particular, we'll make sure to mention it
And tell us more about the Chimes themselves please? Like what are they like? What kind of abilities do they have? I may need some ideas for a fight scene… hehe
here's the longest part because...lore dump yes
the chimes our beloveds <33
so the chimes. in our 68600 messages (as of the moment) of a four chimes dump, we've built up the characters and personalities of the chimes, and somewhere in this thread is the scattered information on them
now, i unfortunately dont have the time and patience to go through the thread to find all of the little information, but we'll do our best to give a good rundown of their characters
here you go with the characters and personalities first:
wields throwing knives
very loyal to One (meaning he gaslit her so much for that loyalty to come to be, a consequence of being his first chime)
wants to be the leader because she thinks (and is gaslit to think) that she deserves it (One really likes to cause discord between his chimes)
having no prior connection to the main gang—or thorns as they call the gang—besides eddie who is dead and a spectre here, so she's the one who has the least moments of "remembering their past life" before
is very brutal and ruthless and likely the one the gang got the most injuries from in a general sense
wields a large scythe
my secret blorb
most likely to actually defy One, and fun fact, he has an au called the runaway au where he, a chime in the middle of the battle between the upside down and right side up, got to run and escape from One before certain things happened, which then causes a chain reaction in this au ofc
he's a coward, and this plays a lot into his actions and interactions
technically had a connection with nancy in the gang, but with conquest here, it gets harder for him to connect, but robin actually steps up to the plate here
wields a sword
is the most balanced out of everyone when looking at his loyalty and his defiance to One, in the middle of the pack in that sense
his past life of abuse shows up a lot when it comes to One, so he tends to throw others under the bus to not get caught in the crossfire (not that he wants to do this, but he also doesnt want to gain One's ire)
just generally very chill, the most chill out of every one here
is the medic of the team because of how he's the personification of war
has a connection with lucas in the gang, so that's something that gets him to "remember" some stuff in a way
wields bow and arrows
finn and mine's blorb
leader in og, former leader in ciquest/conquest
if you can only see the rambles we have on her…it will take days to get through
will take the bullet for the other chimes when it comes to One's ire
vec has a tighter hold on her because she's max
literally connected with everyone, will have a lot of moments where she feels familiarity (and will subsequently get punished for it later)
second most gaslit by One in a way, which is big oof
wields a sawed-off shotgun
the leader in ciquest/conquest aus
very protective of all the chimes and especially lence
vec also has tighter hold on her because she's nancy
last one to fall, was suggested by lence to be taken
more aware of things than the other chimes, but still completely controlled by One
same case as lence, but even more so considering she's been there since the start of it all (does her best to take most of lence's punishments as her own when One goes after them)
gets very hyperfocused with robin (vaguely aware the thorn makes her weak in some sense but quest doesn't care), but is frustrated she cant hurt her too much because lence will get hurt too (and maybe another reason deep down, but she doesnt acknowledge it)
all of them
they're all dog coded
One can summon them/call them whenever and its shown through the shivering cold in their necks, like what happens with will
One wants them to be just the way he wants them, meaning the way they died and got transformed into chimes must be how they are no matter what (this includes clothes, hair, weapons, and everything in general)
the only new addition he accepts them to have are new scars :')
the chimes have such a complicated relationship, but at the end of the day, post-vec, they love each other
note for them individually: there's a lot more that i want to add but my brain is blanking a little and i am probably forgetting some things, but here are some of the important things to note (remember this is incomplete to everything we wanna add ASFHUIASFh)
some relationship notes (by pairs, groups are another story)
min clashes with death when it comes to lence, but otherwise are fine with each other, neutral in general but are connected as the first two chimes of One
min and war are not quite friends, more distant than friends but closer than allies… (very interesting when you note how they were in their Before)
has a very one-sided antagonistic rivalry with lence, especially when it comes to the leadership position (this changes a bit when quest is in play as she's the leader, but there's still the rivalry with lence despite not being leader in ciquest/conquest), will be very callous in a way with her, but they actually work well together, especially as the similar twin concepts of famine and pestilence
quest is able to take min's bitterness mostly in a stride and keeps her in check from being too antagonistic when it comes to leadership roles and just generally (helps because quest understands them in a way, though she doesnt understand why she does)
death and war are more or less chill with each other, most cordial relationship out of every single chime relationship and the least tension filled, just vibing so real (though war knows death is a coward and death knows that war knows it)
death and lence are surprisingly close, only second to quest for lence (and death too technically, which is inspired by their Before), this relationship is due to the fact that in canon, max got to see and technically interact with chrissy, patrick, and nancy, but never with fred, so we saw it and ran with it and now they're close here
death and quest are more or less okay with each other, and their Before helped them understand each other better, unlike the other chimes' Before affecting their relationships in another way
war and lence are complicated, since war throws lence under the bus the most (especially in og) to avoid One's ire, and lence understands why, because of her own Before (and it doesnt help that she takes bullets for the other chimes), but they're both fine more or less
war and quest are similar to min and lence with the similar concepts, war and conquest, fire and lava, war follows quest to the T (just like he does with lence in og but more so here with quest), and they work well together because of their similar concepts
lence and quest are the closest out of everyone, helped by their Before and their instincts with each other, confides with each other a lot and are just helping each other no matter what, tho ofc this comes with the consequence of One seeing this "weakness" of theirs and using this bond between them to punish them when he sees fit
although here's a note about this too: finn said "honestly tho their relationships r So complicated its hard to capture in a few sentences", and i agree, what you just read is just some general thoughts on their relationships, but god is there so much more to them all, and if we want to really show you the relationships in full, we would have to ramble it all out ASHUFIUASHF but yeah
here you go with their abilities:
knife throwing, very fast and precise
the fastest of the chimes
can cripple the energy and power of a person
takes down the food supply and wilts crops
can take the energy and vitality of a being and/or object
scythe proficiency
is the slowest of the chimes
everything related to death
teleportation through the shadows
summon bone beings
forming shadow tendrils kinda
exudes the ambiance of the end of life, striking a deep sense of fear
flame sword, very proficient with swords
second fastest of the chimes
use the molotovs and flamethrowers against the gang because fire for real
hot skin, literally
can cause a sense of crisis and rage in those near
causes sickness (through arrows) and disorientation of people (through aura exuded)
poison arrows
has a balisong (one she had as max—this is an hc we have) and uses it as an extra weapon
second slowest of the chimes
infect people to insanity or to do her bidding
also wilts flowers and plants in general
aura vision (she's blind because of her interrupted transformation due to el but she can see the sort of "auras" of beings, especially the upside down ones)
gun proficient (obviously)
very precise shots
her gun can either fire in a scattered way like a shotgun or only one bullet at a time, it depends on quest herself
lava (we were thinking mix of fire and earth for conquest, hence lava)
also hot skin, literally
in the middle of the fast and slow spectrum
can summon different types of guns, smaller guns takes less energy for her actually, but One doesn't like that so she doesn't do it much, if at all
sort of intangibility (only works when they're full on chime mindset, if their anchor selves start waking up and breaching the surface, they become vulnerable and the intangibility doesnt work)
connected to One's power
summoning their weapons
connected to their hounds (their horses)
faster healing
technically immortality (as long as One is around)
and bonus!
connected to lence, draws power from her
trying to infect her even more causes robin to grow stronger and lence to grow weaker (this is important to note heheheh)
means she's a bit more feral though (she gets close to losing herself but doesnt fully)
becomes more durable and stronger and the best at dealing with the chimes in the long run
also faster healing
another note: i am very sure i forgot some things so yeah, assume this list is incomplete AHSFIUHASF but thats what we can remember off the top of our heads
anywho, yeah! that's pretty much a lore dump and a half, except i also know its not complete and there's still so much more we want to say but are unable to mention it for several reasons
but maybe those are asks for another day (wink wink, go check out @lumaxramblings' askbox too yesyes)
thank you for the ask! and i hope this helped with the renegade au yesyes <33
see ya around
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 3 months
lips that plead for you to give me more
by biclarity
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Gareth (Stranger Things), Jeff (Stranger Things), Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Omega/Omega, Omega Steve Harrington, Omega Eddie Munson, they have a dick and a vagina, I make up my own rules for the omega verse sorry not sorry, Don't think about it too much, Dry Humping, Oral Sex, Oral Fixation, Eddie definitely has an oral fixation, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Cock Warming, Consensual Somnophilia, Steve Harrington Has a Breeding Kink, Eddie Munson Has a Breeding Kink, Orgasm Delay/Denial, blink and you miss it - Freeform, Overstimulation, only a little though, Scenting, Hurt/Comfort, more comfort than hurt honestly, they were roommates, Possessive Steve Harrington, Jealous Steve Harrington, Oblivious Eddie Munson, Oblivious Steve Harrington, they're both idiot your honor, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Eddie Munson is a Menace, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, he gets a lot more than a hug LMAO, Miscommunication, very minimal, Communication, omg can you imagine??, Enthusiastic Consent, Good Friend Robin Buckley, Texting, just a bit, POV Eddie Munson, POV Steve Harrington, Vaginal Fingering, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Resolved Sexual Tension, Eventual Relationships, Love Confessions, Flirting, Domestic Fluff, Protective Steve Harrington, Come Eating, Light Angst, Dirty Talk Words: 11,372 Chapters: 1/1
Eddie's in desperate need of a place to live after his last plan falls through, and Steve's limited in his options for a new roommate when Robin decides to move in with her girlfriend, Chrissy. Upon meeting, after Eddie answers Steve's ad, the sexual tension between them is instantaneous and palpable, so much so that they can't help but agree to live together. It all falls into place from there. In other words, here's a very smut-driven omega verse roommates/university au fic. Written for the Steddie Omega Verse Valentine's Day Exchange 2024.
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fastcardotmp3 · 10 months
tagged by my adored alex @gothbat99 to do a little self-love moment 🥹💛
rules: post five of your favorite fics that you've written and talk about why you love them. tag some mutuals so they can do the same and we can all spread some positivity about our writing ❤️
✨someone else's favorite song - 120k | rated E - I swing wildly on the pendulum between loving this fic for all that it is and wanting desperately to Fix It, but lately I've felt a lot of pride in this thing, warts and all. I went into this one thinking I was the extent of the audience for it and let the stream of consciousness muscle pull it out of me without much forethought, but ended up finding so much connection to the people reading it who felt seen or understood in some way in their own grieving processes. No matter where I am on the pendulum of feelings about this story, I am never not grateful that my own little catharsis has been able to create a sort of 'not aloneness' every time someone is kind and courageous enough to share their own stories with me in the comments 💛
✨that's just wasteland, baby! - 19k | rated E - I started writing this entirely because at the time I couldn't find any fics that really dived into what an apocalyptic Hawkins setting might look like and I wanted to READ it more than anything. It's so slice-of-life in that world and I had really so much fun building up the rules of the world and the dynamics between characters still in the fight but settled to an extent within a new normal to the point where even Steve can't even remember how long they've been doing it. 'the world ended but we're still going' is one of my favorite premises of all time and this universe is one I'm genuinely SO proud of without any equivocation about it UGH
✨how the light gets in - 29k (wip series) | rated T-E - if there are going to be one million and one versions of kas!Eddie (including my own) there HAS to be a kas!Chrissy and by god if I have to do it myself I WILL. Wheelingham is one of those things that just smacked me in the face one day when I realized the unending potential of taking a fridged girl, bringing her back to life, and making her kiss the final girl, like... COME ON. This series is a labor of love and it's truly such a joy to do a proper character study on two girls who have so much untapped potential built into their psyches. they're my babies I am holding them gently in my hands and never letting go :(((
✨METAMORPHOSES - 160k | rated E - I think of everything I've written for ST, this might be the thing that's most structurally sound writing-wise, like it's long enough that there are definitely spots it could use smoothing, but I am genuinely so proud of how it turned out and how it told the exact story I set out to tell. I love these characters, I love their little house in Indy, I love the ways they grow and regress in tandem, I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR. Never has a vision I had at the start ended up feeling So Right to this extent and I will never stop screaming about this fic just you try to stop me 💚🐍
✨The Hawk - 10k (wip series) | rated T - "The Bear" AU that no one asked for but which I am wholly and completely enamored with only 2 'episodes' in. Another chance at a Nancy-centric story with the added bonus of getting to write so many POVs of a larger ensemble? Incoming Ronance and Lumax and Steddie and Jargyle?? Wheeler sibling dynamic exploration?? it's my DREAM tbh and it's surprisingly simple to slot our ST characters into this wildly different world because you know what! At the end of the day it's all just about family isn't it!!! UGH. Once I'm done with writing (redacted) trust that I will be launching myself back into this one full-force, I've got so many plans and I can't wait to show you all more of this world
(if you've already been tagged apologies but also) tagging! @kkpwnall @fragilecapric0rnn @judasofsuburbia @gideoncharov @figthefruitfaeth @cheatghost @stargyles @capriciouslyterminal @sharpbutsoft @hellsfireclub
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thesimulationswarm · 8 months
Balsam, Chapter 4: A Little Cemetery
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This is a story about trauma. What trauma does to a person, and what trauma does to a community. And how, in the midst of it, people find their way to joy, delight— even love.
Pairing: Joel Miller x original female character Summary: After the events of tlou, Joel and Ellie try to establish a “normal life” in Jackson, but neither of them are any good at normal. A town doctor tries to care for residents who have experienced unspeakable trauma, and struggles to overcome her own past at the same time. Joel finds himself drawn to her, as their lives become increasingly intertwined. Meanwhile, outside Jackson, troubling things are happening… Rating: explicit 18+ MDNI Word count: 5.7k Warnings: slow burn (there will be smut eventually), canon-typical violence, descriptions of medical situations, trauma/PTSD symptoms, painful adolescent social dynamics, LGBTQ issues, Ellie and Joel figuring out how to be family, Tommy and Joel figuring out how to be family
Series masterlist
At the council meeting, it was Jenna Starkey who saved Dr. Connor. 
She sat up straight, eyes puffy but dry, and looked at the people of Jackson. “He got to die with his wife, his baby, and his dignity. I know it’s what he would’ve wanted.” Maria watched the audience nodding gravely at her words and murmuring among themselves. Most people there had seen enough of violent deaths to know going quickly was better than going slowly. 
But there were dissenters. Big Michael, of course, who felt betrayed by Nina. He’d come to her to save his closest friend, and instead she’d killed him. He was calm today, at least— subdued, the weight of grief settling down into his shoulders.
Archie Hayes, who ran the butcher shop, said Nina “had no right to take the Lord’s work into her own hands.” Maria saw Nina’s eyebrows rise at that, and knew what she was thinking: pretty rich for someone who spent his days eviscerating chickens and sawing through the leg joints of lambs. 
But thankfully Nina kept her mouth shut. Tact wasn’t always her strong suit.
Then there was a group of women from the kitchens, where Starkey had worked. Chrissy, Lena, and shy Marisa Robinson, her face stained with tears. They all came up together and spoke about what the community had lost when Starkey died, and how he hadn’t even been given a chance to survive. The testimony had emotional impact, but it ultimately couldn’t outweigh the opinion of Starkey’s widow.
Maria watched the crowded room carefully, assessing every face and posture. She had experience reading juries, but it was harder when the jury was the size of a small town. Sure, Nina wasn’t on trial— not in any official sense. This was just a discussion of what had occurred on the day that Starkey died. She knew the council members, and knew that given the circumstances, the majority would not favor any sort of formal charge.
But even if most folks approved of Nina’s actions, any serious objections still spelled trouble, and she was alert for signs of them in the meeting room. The doctor could walk freely out of here today, then be attacked in the street tomorrow. She’d seen it before: an accused murderer acquitted, only to be hit by a rival gang. Or simmering tensions could grow over time until they split the town into rival factions.
Maria kept her exterior carefully controlled as she sat there on the dais, but underneath she was edgy, preoccupied. She had wanted to believe that, in the safety of Jackson, they’d moved beyond mercy killings. But after this last brutal winter, their environment was more hostile than ever. Spring had begun, but the patrol attacks hadn’t stopped, and she was afraid that something truly awful was happening outside of Jackson. She could see the signs gathering, like dark clouds massing on the horizon. 
They would need to be prepared.
And she worried about Nina, too. The doctor was efficient and effective at what she did. She clearly cared about Jackson and the people who lived there. But Maria knew that as a person— as a friend— Nina was troubled. She’d seen flashes of it over the years they’d known each other. Nina had that stubborn self-sufficiency, an unwillingness to let other people in. She could be reckless, with her temper and her predilection for dangerous men. And then there were her episodes, when she went flat and unresponsive for hours or even days at a time.
After the incident with Starkey and then Big Michael, she’d shut down like that. Anya and Brandy had to physically lift her from the street where she’d knelt, and hold her arms as they’d walked her back to her place. Maria had followed them and taken Nina upstairs to her apartment above the clinic. She sat her at the kitchen table and made a cup of tea.
Nina had stared down at the cup with empty eyes, and made no effort to lift it to her lips.
And as Maria stood there and watched Nina’s insensate face, she’d wanted to shake her, make her snap out of the trance she was in.
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t pissed off. Not that she disagreed with what Nina had done, exactly, but she was not too pleased with how she’d done it. Not telling Starkey. Not telling Starkey. Doing it out in the street, in front of half the town. The cavalier way she’d administered a lethal injection, then snapped at the dead man’s shocked best friend. It was going to stir people up in Jackson, make things difficult for Maria and certainly for Nina as well. And then the woman wouldn’t even speak or meet her eyes. Yes, Nina couldn’t help it— but it still rankled.
Maria had looked around her kitchen, struck by how sad her living quarters were: the battered table, the single chair, one chipped dinner plate on an otherwise empty shelf. No personal touches— art or flowers or knickknacks. Her home looked abandoned, even though someone lived there.
She’d leaned against the counter, arms crossed, watching the tea grow cold on the table. Her back and her feet ached, but as frustrated as she was, she hadn’t been willing to leave her friend when she was like this. Didn’t want her to “wake up” all alone. So she waited, as shadows slowly lengthened down the peeling wallpaper.
Finally, a flicker of awareness returned to Nina’s features. She shifted in her chair.
“You okay?” Maria asked.
Nina shrugged her shoulders. “Guess so. It’s been a weird day.”
“That’s one word for it.” Maria pointed to the cup, and Nina finally raised it to her lips. “I know you couldn’t save him, Nina. But some people are going to be upset about how things went down.”
Nina was quiet for a long moment, looking out the window at the tangle of tree branches, the darkening sky.
“There’s a quote I think about sometimes,” she spoke softly. “Something an old French doctor wrote. ‘Every surgeon carries about him a little cemetery, in which from time to time he goes to pray, a cemetery of bitterness and regret, of which he seeks the reason for certain of his failures.’”
Maria sighed deeply.
“Girl, you’ve got to get your act together.”
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Joel watched from the back of the room, arms crossed over his chest. He was relieved to see which way things were going, but the whole thing was bullshit. Maria and Tommy knew Nina wasn’t a murderer, and they were still parading her up there in front of the town, while they debated what she’d done.
Calling it democracy. He’d seen how democracy could go—what happened in Kansas City, wasn’t that the will of the people?
Nina sat at a table beside the council members, with her dark hair pulled back and her chin held high. He watched her face, but her expression was hard to read— she didn’t look scared, or angry. Maybe just a little sad. She answered the questions people asked politely, matter-of-factly. Didn’t get emotional up there, unlike some of the townspeople.
Ellie was sitting a row in front of him, beside a group of other teenagers. She’d wanted to come here today and see what it was all about. He knew she was feeling anxious about it.
“It’s fucked up,” she told him last night at dinner, shoveling food into her mouth. She’d never stopped eating like a starving animal. “It’s like people here forgot that everyone is gonna die, and now they’re mad at Dr. Connor because she reminded them.”
She was a smart kid. Smarter than him by a mile, which made him proud and also nervous. He stared at the tilt of her small shoulders, the glossy strands of her ponytail. He would’ve liked to sit with her, but he didn’t want to crowd her or embarrass her around the other kids. He was trying to be a good… whatever he was to her.
He was surprised by how relieved he felt when the council announced that, “after hearing from all interested parties,” they felt the doctor’s actions “had been justified by extraordinary circumstances.” Nina stood and Maria walked her out through the back, with a hand pressed between her shoulder blades.
There was a flurry of movement as a woman pushed through the back row roughly and stormed out to the street. It was the quiet girl from the dining hall, the one who always looked scared of Joel. She’d been up there crying like a widow with Starkey’s other coworkers. Bunch of girls who were either sleeping with the guy or wanted to be, hard to be sure.
As the door slammed behind the girl, voices rose in the room. People were getting up from their seats, talking to each other, standing around in small groups or walking down the aisles to leave. There was a lot to gossip about, he supposed.
He moved toward Ellie, who was still with the other kids. As he stepped into her line of site, she shot up from her chair and strode quickly over to him. For a second, he was worried— then he realized what was happening. She didn’t want to talk to him in front of the other teenagers.
Jesus, was he really that embarrassing? He shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to affect a casual stance. 
“Doin’ okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“I’m gonna head home. You wanna come, or…” He trailed off, looking over her shoulder at the clump of kids.
“Actually, some of us were going to go hang out for a bit?”
“Sure, sure. Just, uh, be home before dinner time?”
“Dinner time. Okay.” She gave him a sharp little nod of agreement, then turned to rejoin the group.
He wasn’t really sure what to do with himself now. He saw Tommy up at the front of the room, talking to a few men. Thought for a brief moment of going up there, but he wasn’t ready yet. He still hadn’t spoken to him since that night he’d met Maria at the bar.
Ellie was moving toward the door now, walking with a boy and a girl who both looked vaguely familiar. He watched as she turned her head toward the girl and laughed. Then the boy looked at the two of them, smiling, and said something he was too far away to hear. Now that he could see more of his face, he recognized the kid who was always walking that dog around town. A tall teenager, a little gangly, but with a nice thick head of hair and a brooding look. Ellie smiled back at him.
So that’s why she was so dead set on working with the dogs. She had herself a little crush on the boy who trained them. And it looked like she was actually making friends.
He walked slowly behind the group for half a block, trying to hold back the smile that wanted to erupt across his face. Then he turned off toward home.
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The three of them went to an empty house on the north side of town. It was small and a little sad looking, with a caved-in section of roof. The front door was boarded shut, but Brandy led them around to the back, past a lurching, rotting porch and in through the kitchen door. Ellie ran her finger down the coiled cord of a telephone that hung on the wall, feeling the satisfying way it sprang back after she tugged on it.
In the living room, dust swirled through the air and a floral couch sagged against the wall. Brandy plopped down in the middle, and Ellie and Chuy took the sides. Now that they were out of the crowd, Brandy had grown quiet, and Ellie could see the strain on her face.
“Well that was fucking dumb,” Ellie sighed. “I mean, at least they let her go and all. But I don’t see how any of that meeting was necessary.”
“She didn’t have a choice,” Brandy agreed softly. “As soon as I saw him lying there, I thought, ’This guy is going to fucking die.’”
“I still can’t believe you were there for that.” Ellie was honestly a little jealous. She’d never seen anybody die like that, a shot of poison into the vein. Not that she wanted it to have happened, but if it was going to happen— well, she was super fucking curious about it.
Brandy looked queasy, and she realized she’d said the wrong thing. Dumb, dumb, dumb. She tried to think of a more supportive response, but her mind went blank. Why was this so hard?
“I always liked Starkey, you know? He was nice. And I— I’ve never actually— ” Brandy broke off, her voice cracking. She stared down at her lap. Ellie wanted to put a hand on her shoulder, or maybe rub her back reassuringly, below the smooth cascade of her hair. But she wasn’t sure if she should— was that weird? Was it too much?
“I’ve never seen someone die before,” Brandy choked out.
Oh shit. Poor Brandy. She was biting her lip, and Ellie watched the way the sharp line of her teeth indented the delicate skin. Again, she thought about touching her, comforting her. Again, she kept her hands down at her side.
“The first time is hard for everybody,” Chuy spoke gently. “I don’t think anyone really gets over it.”
Brandy turned and looked at him. “I didn’t think it would be so bad, because I’ve known a lot of people who’ve died. But I keep thinking about his face when he died and the weird look his eyes had, and the way he was breathing. It was awful, kind of a rattling, drowning sound.”
Chuy nodded. “I know what you mean. After my dad died, I kept seeing it whenever I closed my eyes.”
“Your dad died?” Ellie was shocked. The way Chuy talked about his dad, she’d thought he was still alive. He was always bragging about the great scientist who had discovered all kinds of things about cordyceps.
Chuy let out a ragged breath. “It was before I came to Jackson. We were surrounded by infected just outside Denver, and he fought them off as long as he could. Really he— he saved my life. He saved Coco, too. She was his dog. He trained her to smell the infections and everything, and I only took over because he was gone.” Ellie thought about the sweet, obedient dog, and how bonded Chuy had always seemed to her. 
“I’m so sorry,” Brandy said, leaning closer to Chuy.
“As soon as the infected were all dead, he began to walk back towards me and Coco. And that’s when Coco started barking at him—she’d never barked at him before. And I knew right away what that meant. I don’t think he realized until then, either, because he looked down at his arm and he had this horrified look when he saw where he’d been bitten. And then he just… shot himself.”
“Jesus,” Ellie breathed. She saw Riley’s face, contorted with pain, how it had looked that day in the the fucking Halloween store. Facing defeat. Way I see it, we got two options.
“There are these little things I thought about for a long, long time,” Chuy went on. “Like how Coco looked at him with her teeth barred, snarling at him. Or the way his arm jerked as he pulled the trigger.”
Ellie nodded— she knew about those kind of memories, too. You really didn’t get over your first time. The look in Riley’s eyes, when she wasn’t Riley anymore. It was same look Sam had that day in the motel. And the way they’d both charged her… She blinked, trying to clear the pictures out of her mind.
She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees, and looked at Chuy. His face was serious and sad, but calm. She didn’t understand how he could just talk about this kind of stuff. Whenever she even thought about it she felt like she couldn’t breathe, like she was drowning on land.
And that was when she saw it— Brandy and Chuy, holding hands. 
Their arms were resting on the couch between them, their fingers intertwined. There was something so casual about their posture, like… like they’d done this before.
She wanted to throw up.
She was a fucking idiot. Brandy wasn’t like her, and she didn’t like Ellie, no matter how much she laughed at her jokes. Chuy and Brandy were wired the right way, the normal way. Like Joel and Tommy and Maria and maybe everyone else in this godforsaken town, except her.
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Joel was cooking dinner when he heard the door bang open, followed by the sound of feet stomping rapidly up the staircase.
“Ellie?” He called out. No answer.
“Ellie?” He repeated himself, louder this time. Again, no answer.
He sighed, turning the burner on the stove down to its lowest setting and wiping his hands on a dishrag. He stopped to pick up the jacket she’d tossed on the floor in the entryway— no matter how many times he’d told her, she never hung it up.
The door to her room was shut. He stood at the top of the stairs for a second, trying to decide what he should do, then stepped forward and rapped on the door with his knuckles.
“Can I come in?”
“Fine.” Her voice was clipped, affecting annoyance, but underneath that he could hear the quiver she was trying to suppress. She was crying, or had been crying. His heart sunk.
She was sitting by the window, knees drawn up to her chest. She didn’t turn to acknowledge him when he walked in, kept herself angled toward the gray sky outside. Still, he could see that her face looked puffy and blotched, eyes ringed with pink.
“You doin’ okay?”
She took a sharp breath in. “What the fuck do you think?”
He sat down on the edge of her bed, a few feet from her. 
“What happened?” Just a couple hours ago she’d seemed so happy. Walking down the street with her friends, her body loose and light. Whatever upset her, it made the rage well up in him like a fountain. If those kids were mean to her, so help him God he’d snap their little necks.
“You wouldn’t understand,” she replied bitterly.
“I might.”
She huffed out something between a snort and a sigh. “No, you wouldn’t. You don’t know what it’s like to be a fucking freak.”
He felt sick to his stomach, remembering how hard he’d gone at her over working with the dogs. Telling her she needed to be careful, that people would turn on her if they found out, drive her out of town or worse. How was a girl supposed to settle in and make friends with that hanging over her head?
“Ellie.” She wouldn’t look at him, twisting her head further away, her shoulders hunched protectively. He moved over to the windowsill and lowered himself beside her.
“There’s nothin’ wrong with you, Ellie. You’re not a freak, you’re— you’re a—” He faltered, trying to find the right words.
Her head whipped around and she pinned him with her eyes. Angry, anguished, pleading. “What do you think I am?”
“You’re a miracle,” he said softly.
She shook her head at him, then took a deep breath, opening her mouth as if to say something. But no words came. After a moment, her face crumpled and she leaned forward to bury herself against his chest.
He wrapped his arms around her. He rubbed circles against the bird wings of her shoulders, feeling them heave as she sobbed against him.
“Shhh, shhh. Shhh, s’okay.”
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Jack and Old Michael had asked Tommy to help with enlarging the sheep enclosure. He knew it was going to be a long day’s work, digging out fence post holes by hand. Now that the ground had finally thawed and farm work could begin in earnest, there were a thousand back-breaking jobs like this to keep him busy in the coming months.
Not that he truly minded a day’s work in the sun. He whistled as he walked toward the barn, auger slung over his shoulder. When he rounded the corner into the field, work was already well underway. Michael was laying down markers along the far end, while Jack was up near the gate, throwing his post hole digger at the ground with all the force his wiry body could muster.  
A few feet away from him, Joel was kneeling, hacking away at the roots of a scrubby bush that was in the way. Tommy’s heart sped up— it’d been a good two weeks since he and Joel had spoken. He’d seen his brother in passing, but he wouldn’t so much as meet Tommy’s eyes.
Tommy knew he’d fucked up. Maria had made it plenty clear to him, that night she came home after running into Joel at the bar. He should’ve told Joel as soon as he and Ellie returned from their trip to the Fireflies. But they’d both seemed so worn down and troubled, that day when they’d stumbled back into Jackson. He knew Joel’s moods, was used to tiptoeing around his rage, taking care not to poke the bear. He’d figured he should give them some time to settle in before explaining why Maria had to know about Ellie. And then… well, the time had never seemed right.
And he was a coward when it came to his brother. Had been since he was knee high to a grasshopper.
As he approached, Joel looked up. Tommy could tell by the way his eyes widened that he wasn’t expecting to see him there, either. He stole a glance at Old Michael; even from this distance he could see the amusement on the man’s face. He sighed. Little old fucker thought he was playing matchmaker, getting the feuding Miller brothers out here to build a fence together.
At least there was work to be done. Tommy set himself up a little ways down from Jack, drilling out the next hole. He felt sweat starting to bead on his forehead as he leaned his weight into his arms, wrenching the handles of the auger around and around.
The four men settled into a rhythm with each other, despite the tension hanging in the air. Despite Tommy and Joel not exchanging one word. They took turns digging holes and clearing brush, setting poles and tamping dirt. It was chilly but not freezing, and the work kept them plenty warm.
Around noon they took a break, cooling down in the shadow of the barn. Jack’s sister, Roberta, brought out sandwiches and iced tea. Bread, cheese, pickles, and hefty slices of chicken— it tasted so damn good after all that work. 
Joel had sat down as far away from Tommy as he could, on the far side of Jack and Old Michael. But after they finished eating, the two other men excused themselves to go use the facilities, conveniently leaving the brothers alone. Subtle as a goddamn sledgehammer, those guys. 
But in truth, he was grateful for the chance.
Tommy looked out across the field, not sure how to start. There was so much he wanted to say to his brother, and a lot of it he’d probably never find a way to put into words. 
“I’m sorry, Joel.”
“Don’t.” The response came swiftly, a warning.
“I should’ve told you. I feel terrible about it.”
“You shouldn’t’ve told her in the first place,” Joel hissed. 
“It was the night before you left. I thought I was gonna be the one leaving with Ellie in the morning. And I knew it was dangerous. There was a real chance I wouldn’t come back.” Tommy kept his voice soft and even, trying not to let Joel draw him into yet another fight. “I couldn’t walk out on my pregnant wife, maybe for good, without her even knowing why. I couldn’t risk my child growing up not knowing me, and thinking it was ‘cause I didn’t care.”
Tommy looked at his brother. Shoulders set, jaw taut, radiating tension. But he was quiet at least. Not yelling and not storming off, which counted as a victory when it came to Joel.
“But I was gonna do it, Joel. I was gonna take the chance I’d never see my kid grow up, for you. It wasn’t— it wasn’t really about the cure.”
Joel let out a long breath. They sat for a moment in silence.
“And Maria let me go,” Tommy continued. “I know you think she hates you—“
“She does.”
“Okay, she does. But she trusts me when I say I need to do what’s right. And I trust her. You’ve got to know that she’s safe,” he said, his voice pleading. “She’s family now, Joel. Like it or not.”
He could see Joel clenching and unclenching his fist, that nervous habit he had. He took a few deep breaths, then finally turned to look Tommy squarely in the eyes. There was anger in his expression, but mostly there was sadness. And the cold glint of fear.
“I’ve accepted that, Tommy. But I need you to understand, too. Ellie—Ellie is family now, too. We protect her. Like she’s one of our own.”
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Nina stood in the dining hall, tray in hand, looking for a place to sit. She was conscious of eyes on her, sizing her up. A feeling akin to being in a middle school cafeteria. She’d avoided coming here for the past week or so, but she couldn’t stay away forever. And anyway, she had business to see to today.
The Millers were all sitting together for a change— Tommy, Maria, Joel, and Ellie. They looked happy, the four of them, as they talked over their dinner. Even Joel looked a little lighter, the brow not as pinched and the scowl not cut so deep. He looked younger when he wasn’t so surly, she noticed. He must’ve wrecked some hearts in his day, with that jawline and those curls and the solid muscle bunching below his shirt. He could probably wreck some hearts right now, here in Jackson, but from what she’d seen he wasn’t terribly interested in that.
As she approached, he looked up suddenly. His eyes caught on hers, wide and dark and a little surprised to find her watching him. Then he looked back down at his plate, suddenly seeming very interested in his potatoes.
“Mind if I join for a minute?” Nina gestured toward an empty chair at one end of the table, beside Tommy and Maria.
“Doc! Please, have a seat.” Tommy gave her a warm smile, and she felt a little rush of gratitude for his friendliness. She liked to pretend she didn’t care what people thought of her, but the past couple of weeks had been rough. Not just the occasional nasty looks, but the general sense of discomfort people had around her, the awkwardness and trepidation and pity.
“I won’t stay long. Don’t want to interrupt your family time. But I do need to check in with you all about something.”
“Nina.” Maria fixed her with one of her looks. “You know you’re always welcome here, and you know you can’t stay in your apartment all day. Stay and eat.”
So she tried to sit and be companionable as she worked through her serving of stew, but her mind was elsewhere. She knew Maria was worried about her and was trying to be supportive by insisting she join their family dinner. But the more stressed she felt, the less she wanted to be around people, putting on a performance of normalcy. She’d rather be back in her clinic, studying her medical textbooks or preparing elderberry tinctures or something productive. Not making small talk with the Millers, however nice they might be.
She was also acutely conscious of Joel sitting a few few away, and keeping quiet much like she was. Twice she looked up just as his eyes were skidding away from her. Was he watching her because she’d been watching him? Or was he just… watching her?
“So Doc,” Tommy began, “you said you had something to talk to us about?”
She set down her spoon. “I have to go to Lava Hot Springs next week, to meet Mo. Starkey was supposed to go with me, like he did in the fall.”
“Shit.” Tommy rubbed an anxious hand along the back of his neck. “I completely forgot.”
“You’re going to meet the smuggler? That’s so fucking cool,” Ellie broke in, eyes shining.
“Ellie,” Joel admonished her quietly.
“What? You know it’s cool.”
“I know it’s unfortunate timing, but I’ve got to meet him. We’re going to be in bad shape if I don’t.”
“No, you’re right. We can’t afford to miss the rendezvous.” Maria looked pensive, running through the logistics in her head. “Someone else needs to go with you. It’s too dangerous to travel that way alone.”
“I hate to say this,” Tommy said with a sheepish look in her direction. “But I think most folks’d be hesitant to go with you right now, Nina. Not for any good reason, but they might be afraid that…” He trailed off.
“What, like she’s gonna execute them if they sprain an ankle or something? That’s bull-“
Joel was glaring daggers at the girl, but Nina flashed her a smile. Tommy was right: people might not want to join her on a trip right now. But Ellie was also right: it was bullshit.
There was a moment of silence, everyone thinking through the options. Then Tommy spoke. “I’ll go.”
Nina caught the way Maria’s eyes flicked at his, widening in alarm, before she composed herself. She knew Maria didn’t want him going on any more patrols, not when she was so close to her due date, and not when things outside Jackson had been so treacherous. Tommy, for his part, didn’t look terribly happy about the plan, but he was resolute: it had to be done.
“No, Tommy. You gotta stay with Maria now. I’ll go.” Everyone turned to look at Joel, who went back to spooning soup into his mouth, nonchalantly.
“That could work,” Tommy mused.
“Is that okay with you, Nina?” Maria was giving her a look she didn’t quite understand— studying her, warning her maybe.
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The thing that was disturbing him was that Ellie wasn’t mad. She was annoyed and a little mopey about being left behind, but she wasn’t getting in his face and blowing up at him. She left him alone while he packed his rucksack with clothes and supplies.
He didn’t like it. Kept thinking about what Nina had told him that night in the bar. It’s a good thing that Ellie’s acting out. It’s what teenagers did in normal times.
She hadn’t gone out to work with the dogs, either. Not since that day last week when she came home in tears. He’d even told her, with a great deal of discomfort, that it was okay if she wanted to keep doing it. 
She’d given him a shocked look, but then she just shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. “I dunno, I’m not really that into it anymore.”
“What about… somethin’ else? Some other kind of farm work? Or maybe somethin’ with food, like the bakery?”
“Um, maybe. I guess I’ll talk to Maria about it when you’re gone.”
She had that flatness about her that she got now and then. She’d been that way for a long time after he’d gotten stabbed and she’d been taken by those goddamn fundamentalist creeps. He’d worried then that there was a side of her that was gone for good. That was the way he felt about himself— that parts of the man he’d once been were buried too deep to ever get back.
But she’d resurfaced from that, eventually. She was probably stronger than him, in addition to smarter. Still though, occasionally she would get that look in her eyes. Or that lack of a look, that kind of sad emptiness. It made him feel sick. And he didn’t really know how to help her, because he himself had never learned how to overcome that kind of pain. He just lived like a twisted version of himself in its shadow.
Now he was leaving her while she was in one of those moods, and he felt awful about it. He thought about offering not to go, but he couldn’t do it to Tommy. As he’d reminded Joel, his brother had been willing to put his life on the line for him. For him and for Ellie. And now it was his turn, to look after Tommy and Maria and the baby.
And then there was Nina. He kept thinking about her, and kept trying not to think about her. Kept thinking it was a bad idea to go on this trip with her, when for weeks he’d been daydreaming about her while he fucked his fist in the shower. He barely knew how to act when he was around her in mixed company. How would he get through a week on the road, just the two of them?
There were a number of reasons why he’d hadn’t made any kind of move on her, and didn’t intend to. She was young and tough and smart as a whip, and she was frankly out of his league. He hadn’t hooked up with someone new in over a decade and he wasn’t sure he even remembered how. He’d had no reason to think she was interested.
But despite all that, he wanted to be near her. He wanted to hear her talk with her low, melodic voice. He wanted to look at her dark eyes and darker lashes, the bronze expanse of her skin. The way her hands moved, skillful and gentle, and the way her wide hips swayed as she walked.
She was the fishhook; he was the fish.
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azrielgreen · 9 months
I apologize in advance, but I have a handful of Touched questions I can't stop thinking about. No pressure to answer, I love this universe regardless, but yah know... any additional crumbs are much appreciated. Thank you a million in advance!! xx
I'm confused why Hopper had to call Eddie about Steve's labor- when Alex was beating up Steve, didn't Eddie feel it through the bond and come running? I promise I'm not trying to be rude, I'd just love to understand the difference between those situations.
With Robin now presenting as an alpha, is she growing a penis in the same way that Steve grew a vagina? I love love loved that last scene, but the obvious suggestion of her knotting.. I guess I'm just a little confused. 
I've heard you say in different asks that you've written this Jason as asexual (so amazing) but in another ask you mentioned him eventually presenting as omega. I'm so sorry, I really don't want to take you to task, but I just love this universe, so I'm curious- if Jason is omega, can he physically go through heats while being asexual? Is he asexual while "sober" (I'm sorry, that's for lack of better word), but then still needs help while in heat?
theoretically- would everyone in this gorgeous family eventually present? Steddie obviously started it, Buckingham is next.. are they all going to follow? I'm mostly curious about like Dustin and Lucas who both seem to be with "outsiders".. will it still happen to them? 
If everyone does present, will there be a hierarchy amongst the fam? Like.. because Eddie in particular was the first alpha, will he be the most in charge? (even though we all know that Steve well and truly runs EVERYTHING lololll) 
Of course, I'm always happy to answer questions!🥰💜💞✨️ please be warned for explicit discussions of bodily transformations Alpha/Omega designation specific.
1) the pregnancy interfered with the bond to a strong degree, taking a lot of Steve's energy and limiting their ability to feel over distance. Eddie could, however, tell something was wrong that morning, but Steve just said he was achy/tired.
2) Robin's Alpha designation means for ruts and Chrissy's heats, she can indeed grow her own version of a dick: her clitoris can transform into a fully functioning penis capable of reproduction and knotting. It can revert to something more medium size in between heats and ruts.
3) Jason going through heats is an evolution for him that takes years to find equilibrium. He does become typically desperate to be knotted but he does also learn to use toys and eventually, they get something custom made for him. His relationship with sex and intimacy and falling in love is a beautiful one; complex and sweet and unorthodox and he actually ends up in a deeply loving asexual relationship with someone in the group, though I'm not saying who🥰🥰🥰
4) So, everyone in the family Steve's age and younger will present. The older ones don't. I think i answered this before, but a vague recap of everyone's designation was: Omega: Chrissy, Steve, Nancy, Jason, Eleven, Will & Mike (who end up in an Omega/Omega relationship later on). Alpha: Dustin, Lucas, Max, Eddie, Robin. Jonathan is a Beta, though he still experiences a few changes too.
I wanted to write the Alpha/Omega dynamics a little different in this, especially in terms of "dominance" so the Alphas don't really fight for who is head of the family, only on jest. If anyone is the Alpha of their pack, it's Eddie, but Steve is sort of the Mother Tree, if that makes sense. A matriarchal structure to the pack made a lot more sense to me while I was mapping dynamics.
Ultimately, the Omegaverse will spread across the earth and everyone will be affected, but it all starts in Hawkins💜💞✨️
Hope these were helpful!💜💜💜
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keerysquinn · 7 months
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ship: Jonathan Byers/Chrissy Cunningham wc: 0.9k A/N: their dynamic feeds my love for grumpy/sunshine so much you don't understand
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“Please?” Chrissy asked. 
She was looking at her boyfriend with the most pitiful face she could possibly muster. She was all puppy dog eyes and pouty lower lip, and Jonathan Byers was not immune to the adorability of Chrissy Cunningham.
The thing about Chrissy was that she loved the snow. Winter was her most favorite season, and she was enamored by the way their town turned into a wonderland after the first snow of the season. She was the kind of girl who loved her color-coordinated earmuffs and mittens and scarfs, and she loved playing childish games in the snow no matter how old she got. Snow angels, sledding, snowball fights - she loved them all, and she looked forward to the first day that she was able to enjoy them every year. 
Today specifically, her heart was set on building a snowman, and she’d been begging Jonathan to make one with her from the moment she got to his house. Unfortunately for him, he hated the cold. He would much rather spend a day like today snuggled up with his girlfriend under a blanket and listening to whatever albums they took turns choosing. But, if she really wanted to be out in the cold, he was willing to go out there with her. Besides, what better way was there to warm back up than his ideal winter day?
“Go get your coat,” he said with a sigh and a small smile.
Chrissy's pout vanished instantly, and she was all smiles as she leaned in to kiss his cheek before leaving the couch to go get herself bundled up for the cold. In her puffy white coat and ice blue accessories, she was his tiny snow queen.
They’d only gotten two or three inches of snow the night before, and it wasn’t the best packing snow, but she was insistent that it would be good enough for them to make a proper snowman as long as they didn’t stomp through too-much of the untouched snow as they moved around the backyard. Jonathan’s job was to work on the base of the snowman, and she’d work on the torso and head.
They made quick work of moving about the yard and rolling up their pieces of the snowman, but it was soon apparent that this wasn’t going to be the picture perfect snowman that Chrissy had been envisioning. Because the snow wasn’t packing easily, the large snowballs weren’t exactly round. They were lumpy and awkwardly shaped, and they’d picked up dirt and grass from the yard leaving brown and green splotches against the white snow. And, by the time he’d finished the base and she’d finished the torso, there wasn’t really enough usable snow to make him a head.
“It’s fine,” Chrissy insisted. “He can just be extra short. He doesn’t have to have a torso.”
Jonathan lifted the head onto the body as Chrissy ran around the yard collecting little bits of nature to decorate him with. In the end, their stumpy, little snowman had a crooked mouth made out of pebbles, hair made out of weeds, one rather large pine cone eye and a much smaller one, and stick arms that were considerably different lengths.
They stood back to admire their handiwork, and both were silent for a moment.
“This might be the ugliest snowman I’ve ever seen,” Jonathan said as he tried to stifle a laugh.
“You would call our child ugly?” Chrissy asked, her eyes going wide.
“He’s our child?”
“We made him together, didn’t we?”
“Well, yeah, but look at him. He’s more of a snowgremlin than a snowman.”
“I like that he’s ugly. It gives him character,” she said, stifling a giggle of her own. “What do you think we should call him?”
“You pick.”
Chrissy thought for a few seconds before clapping her hands together.
“Mr. Grumpus.”
“You’d name our child Mr. Grumpus?”
“He looks like a Mr. Grumpus!”
Finally, they both burst out laughing with Chrissy clinging to Jonathan for support.
“Okay, maybe he is the ugliest little snowgremlin I’ve ever seen,” Chrissy said once she’d finally calmed down enough to speak. “I just think he’s neat.”
“Wait right here for a second, okay?” Jonathan said as he headed towards the house. “I’ll be right back.”
When he returned, he was carrying his camera.
“To preserve him for posterity.”
He snapped a few pictures of the snowgremlin by itself before Chrissy jumped in to pose with their creation, first smiling sweetly and then mimicking the grumpy expression on its face.
“Thank you for doing this with me,” she told him once he finished. “I know you hate being out here almost as much as I love it.”
“I wouldn’t do this for just anyone, you know. But I think you’re worth it.”
Chrissy stood on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around him and give him a kiss.
“How about you take me back inside and lend me some warm pajamas?” she suggested. “As a thank you for putting up with the cold for me, I’ll let you pick the first three albums we listen to as long as we can have cocoa, too.”
“That sounds pretty doable to me.”
He gave her one more kiss before leading her back into the house knowing that even with her offer, he’d still choose her favorites from his collection for each and every one of his turns.
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chrissy-n-eddie · 1 year
have any more steddisy thoughts? being a steddisy shipper is rough 😔
oh always!!! I love the idea of them all essentially living in Steve's house over the summer. My fave dynamic for steddissy is hellcheer dating and Steve slowly, very confusedly becoming part of their relationship. I've been thinking about the little pockets of time that they would have overlapping. For example: Chrissy falls asleep the earliest out of all of them, usually on the couch after a long shift at a sales counter followed by catching the evening sun. So Eddie carries her to bed (this is not very smooth. she almost drops out of his arms a couple of times and steve is definitely swearing at him and following them up the stairs with his arms out as a spotter). So then Eddie and Steve climb up on the roof to share a spliff and talk.
But then Steve is an early riser (he has trouble sleeping) so he's up in the smaller hours, maybe getting ready for work alongside Chrissy. They share a coffee together and he makes them a quick breakfast, and then Steve drops Chrissy at work and everyone Chrissy works with thinks they're dating.
I just think like. Chrissy is at work so Steve is Eddie's passenger princess for a drug deal on the way to grocery store to pick up more marshmallows for the bonfire they're gonna have that night. Chrissy comes home to Eddie and Steve covered in grease and fixing some weird noise that Eddie's van is making.
Chrissy and Eddie having whispered midnight conversations that somehow always lead to Steve. Eddie very tenderly confessing his attraction to Steve and Chrissy in return confessing the first crush she ever had on a girl in middleschool. Just like. Eddie figuring out why he wants to be in Steve's space all the time and Steve leaning away from him less and less. Um. Hot days in the pool and making each other laugh and sharing clothes. Chrissy in her little green bikini waiting until Eddie goes inside for something and turning to Steve with the sunscreen and a sweet little "could you please get my back?" and Steve falling harder every day for both of them and refusing to examine his own feelings.
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contentconsumer · 2 years
a second chance (ii)
a/n: part 2! sorry it’s not very long but i’m still tryna get the dynamic flowing but overwhelmed steve and comedic dialogue have my heart.
word count: 2.6k(ish)
requested?:  no but requests are open and my prompt list can be found here
pairing: steve harrington x f!reader
warnings?: nosebleed? jason? 
read part one here
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The day had finally arrived. Jason, alongside his jock friends, entered during the middle of your shift meaning you didn’t waste any time in calling Steve at Family Video to come visit, to ‘keep an eye on them.’ you said.
As Steve walked across the retail park to the diner you worked at, his mind moved 1000mph. He had spent the past week trying out different apologies to Robin, each ending with an elaborate way to ask you out but they all got the same response from his best friend, “Ew no. You can’t say that she’ll probably hate you more creep.” Therefore, even as he speedwalked over, he still had nothing, no flirty pick up line, no useful complement, nothing. It was like his mind went blank when it came to you. He snapped out of his thoughts as the sound of the bell on the door rang and you were alerted of his presence. He found himself with his jaw slack, previously when he visited you were sporting your own clothes on top of your uniform but now seeing you in a slightly baggy black polo, a apron hung lazily off your hips and jeans that were just tight enough that his mind yet again pulled a blank. “Hey Harrington” You nod a small smirk shooting towards the flustered boy, before he had time to respond you nodded towards a seat that was close to the bar. 
He pulled it out and sat down still watching you, “You gonna uh say anything?” You question, “Yeah,” He sighs, “All good?” Worry begins to lace his features as he glances around the shop floor, eyes settling on the Hawkins Tigers who were staring straight back at the pair of you. You nod, “Just stay here alright?” You move from where you were previously standing and begin to wander around, taking orders and chatting to regulars, Steve can’t help but admire you, as he twists the straw around his now empty milkshake. Steve is pulled out of his trance when a girl, Sandra, he remembers going to school with - she was in his history class, pulls out the chair next to him. “Hey Steve, long time no see! How are you?” Steve realises he hasn’t answered once Sandra furrows her eyebrows, “Oh! Yeah good, and yourself?”
5 minutes, he swears he took his eyes off of you for 5 minutes and now you’ve disappeared. He abruptly and probably rudely ended his conversion with Sandra, cursing at himself for getting caught up in his previous conversation. He pushes the doors to the back of the shop leaning all his weight against it, his eyes search wildly for you but his breath dies in his throat at the scene before him - Jason had you cornered, a clear sneer on his face as he attempted to say things he presumed would get under your skin. Steve begins to walk towards the pair of you but before he can open his mouth, you answer “Now I always thought you were stupid, but this?” You gestures between the pair of you, “Is just fucking ridicoulus, I don’t know what the hell you think you’re gonna get out of me but I am not 1. telling you where Eddie is or 2. telling you why Chrissy was with him?” Jason takes a step closer, you don’t back away, Steve feels overwhelmed but also steps closer, “Look,” Jason seeths, “I don’t know what is going on between you and Munson but for your own safety I really suggest you put it beside you. And tell me where he is.” A loud scoff escapes your lips, “You don’t know why she was there do you?” Jason’s expression tells you all you need to know, “Oh my god, I’m so glad I don’t get to miss this. You’re little girlfriend, who by the way was struggling with something way bigger than your tiny pea brain to begin to understand. Was.” You poke the basketballer so hard in the chest he winces and falls back a step, “There.” poke, “To.” poke, “Buy” poke, “Drugs.” You smile eerily, scaring Steve as well as Jason, the latter runs his hands through his hair, “No she would neve-” “Oh give it a rest! You don’t know the next thing about her! Hell, Eddie and I only knew her for a few weeks and we still understood her better than you! Now leave me the hell alone, I don’t have time for this,” You firmly place your hands on his shoulder before driving your knee in between his legs, he lets out a shriek of pain before falling to the floor. You smirk and turn, finally facing an awestruck Steve. “See?” You walk past, “I told you I had it.” Steve smiles, “Then why did you want me here?” He follows after you back into the diner. “Because why would I miss out on spending quality time with you.” You tease, dramatically holding the door open for him. “But,” He blushes deeply, “You hate me.” “I never- actually I did say that yeah, did I make it that obvious?” “Honestly,” Steve swings his legs over the stool again, “I had no clue,” He laughs slightly, “Not until Robin reminded me.” “Ah shucks,” You shrug, “I’m that forgettable huh?” “No! No! I didn’t mean it like that!” “Well that’s how it sounded, Harrington.” Something about the way you said his last name made butterflies spread through his stomach.
You two spent the next hour making idle chit chat between you serving customers, a lot of them knew you from visiting everyday but now they speak to you with a bit more of an edge, understanding you were friends with the suspected town killer. They were used to seeing him half sat half laid across a booth chatting away to you, you frown slightly at the memories but understand the situation from an outsider perspective. Instead you decided to throw yourself into a small conversation with Steve, trying not to laugh at his jokes as you had to keep reminding yourself - you hated him. You didn’t realise how much time had passed until the store phone began to ring, you picked it up - customer service greeting at the ready only to be met with Robin’s rambles, “Hey Y/N is that you? Are you okay? Did Jason get you? Did he get Steve? Oh my god I can’t work here without Steve I’ll die of boredom, please tell me Steve is okay? He said he would be back in an hour but now it’s been 2 and he still hasn’t shown up and I-” You smile at the girl's protectiveness, “Robin,” but she doesn’t stop mumbling, “ROBIN!” This makes Steve turn in his place, “He’s fine, he’s here with me. We are both fine.” “Then what have you been doing for the last two hours?” “Talking.” “Talking? I thought you hated him, what do you have to talk about?” “I did hate him, I’m still not particularly fond but he’s not too bad. At least, anymore.” You mumble slightly, embarrassed Steve might overhear your confession, Robin lets out a low whistle, “Not too bad huh? I’ll have to keep an eye on you two.” “Can it. I’m sending your beloved colleague back to you now, so you can stop worrying and STOP calling.” You laugh before placing the phone back on the wall. “Robin then?” Steve calls, pulling your attention back to him, “Yeah,” You smile, “She wants you back, to the store I mean not like-” you panic, “I mean I wasn’t implying but-” “Y/N” Steve raises his eyebrows, “She wants me back to work. I get it.” He turns for the door. As he reaches the handle, he calls back “Please don’t imply anything - you would be wrong.” You shake your head, heart thudding against your chest, wondering why Steve Harrington had made you crumble into a stuttering mess. This wasn’t you. You take a deep breath with a promise to pull yourself together before turning back to the rest of your shift. 
The last time Steve saw you was that Saturday, it was now Monday and he can’t help but think about you, but as usual he is distracted by the group of kids who stand in front of him. He sighs, staring at the group of young teens in front of him, “No-” He starts, “There is no way I am driving all you lardasses to some random comic book shop 40 miles away just because you heard it was cooler than the one here.” Steve goes to continue before he is cut off by Dustin, “Please man, it would help us take our minds of the truamatising murders here in Hawkins, and-” “Dustin shut up. You’re not traumatised.” Your voice cuts through the video store, causing the gang to jump in surprise, all apart from Max who had spotted your motorcycle as you were pulling up, “Ew what happened to your face?” The redhead cringes, nose scrunching in disgust at the sight before you. You couldn’t argue - you had looked better. The sight of you with blood pouring from your nose and between your lips made all the teens in front of you panic, they began bombarding you with questions, asking if you’re okay, if Vecna got to you, if Jason got to you. You hush them all with a wave of your hand, before wiping the back of it across your bloodied face, “Thank you Max, I’m good just uh hit my head on the front of my visor going over a speedbump.” You mumble, quite embarrassed, because you’re not even fully sure how your injury came about. “That’s a lot of blood for just hitting your head.” Lucas states, “I have a loose blood vessel in my nose from getting hit in the face by a locker.” You try to explain, gritting your teeth, “In junior year.” It doesn’t take long for Steve’s eyes to widen. His body shudders at the memory of him swinging his locker door open in the midst of a conversation with Nancy, and smacking someone straight in the nose with it. If he was honest, at the time he didn’t even notice who was standing there but you had just made it clear. “Fuck-” The group turns to him. “It was you. Shit I’m sorry about that.” “YOU HIT HER IN THE FACE WITH YOUR LOCKER?” Dustin screeches. “I didn’t mean to- '' Steve tries to interject, “it just happened. It was an accident.” He turns his gaze to you, “I’m sorry Y/N.” A small smile plays on your lips, “Don’t worry about it Harrington, I’ve had worse but could I please get a tissue?” “Of-of course” He stutters slightly, rushing into the break room to grab you some rough tissue. Launching himself back over the counter Steve takes large strides to meet you on the shop floor, you go to take the tissue from him but before your hands meet his he’s already holding the paper towel to your nose, mumbling about tilting your head back. 
A small blush spread over your cheeks, missed by most - but not all before you take the tissue out of Steve’s hand and stumble out a ‘I got it thanks.” “So, other than the nosebleed what brings you to Family Video?” Steve questions, still stood uncomfortably close to you, “What? I can’t come see my favourite employee?” You say, making Steve raise his eyebrows until you step pass him and up to Robin at the counter, “You got it?” You start a conversation with your friend, who looks up, meeting your gaze before flicking her eyes to the now red tissue stuffed up your nostril, “Yeah, I got it-but I’m not giving it to you unless you promise not to bleed all over it. Honestly, Keith will murder me if I return a tape with blood all over it.” Robin laughs, “I promise I won’t bleed all over it. Now gimme!” You reach over the counter, causing your feet to lift from the ground. The group of young teens just watch you, as you obviously snatch the tape Robin is trying to hold above your grasp. That is until Dustin decides to speak up, “Hey Y/N?” “Yeah?” You call back, still trying to reach the movie. “Do you like comics?” “Henderson, gimme a-” You grab the tape and let out a small ‘yay’ which makes Steve smile to himself, you turn. “Uh yeah I guess why?” “Because Steve here,” Dustin gestures to the larger boy next to him as if introducing him, “Won’t take us to the new comic book store! How unfair is that? Why don’t you come with us?” “Aw, Steve, why won’t you take your children to the comic book store?” You smile looking between the pair in front of you, “It’s 40 miles away.” Steve deadpans but can’t help but grin when he hears your laugh, “Damn Henderson, you got some nerve-40 miles? Man, shit hell no will I come. But have fun!” “We aren’t going.” Steve furrows his brows, “You see you say that,” You start backing away to the door, “But 20 bucks says you’ll go.” “Alright Y/L/N you’re on.” Steve challenges, you push the door open and stand in the doorway, pulling your motorcycle helmet on and nodding your head to push the sun visor over your eyes, “Later Harrington. I’ll be back on Wednesday to collect my money.” “Not on my watch.” Steve quips but you’re already gone.
“So we gonna talk about that?” Dustin interjects, minutes after you’d left, “Talking about what?” Steve questions breaking his gaze from the door to the boy who stood near him smiling, “You practically throwing yourself at Y/N.” “I did not!” “You kinda did.” Lucas butts in, “Sinclair, shut it.” “I mean he’s not wrong.” Robin’s head pops up from behind the counter, “You too Buckely.” Steve warns, but it’s in vain as Dustin pipes up again, “It was kind of embarrassing.” “I didn’t do anything!” Steve waves, “If you’re gonna try to make a move, you’ve gotta stop being so scared around her.” “Henderson, I do not need your advice on girls, especially ones who hate my guts.” “I would hate your guts too if you gave me nosebleeds.” “Sinclair, I thought I told you to shut it.” “I don’t think she hates you.” Max decides to pipe up, “Oh no, she does, she’s told me. Many times ‘fuck I hate that Steve Harrington kid’” Robin uses air quotes to do her best impression of you, but Max continues, “I mean she probably did but I don’t know if she still does I mean she was blushing when you gave her a paper towel.” “She wasn’t blushing,” Steve tries to redirect but can’t help the way his heart soars with the young girl's words, “Was she blushing?” He asks the group who all murmur “Not sure” or something similar apart from the redhead who shouts an esperacted “YES.” She continues, “I don’t know why though, you shouldn’t have a chance with her- she’s way cooler than you.” “Thank you Maxine.” Steve grits his teeth, “Hey!” Max tuts at the nickname. “I guess we will find out on Wednesday?” Lucas looks between his ex and Steve, “I guess we will.” Steve sighs lost in his blossoming feelings of fondness towards you.
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