#then of course they’re all besties
lumax-mayclair · 7 months
I just love the idea of all of Hellfire being particularly weirded out when Chrissy starts hanging around them all the time, thinking ofc she’d be as mean and scary as all the other jocks, and only getting over it during one instance where they’re all trying to talk shit about her and realize none of them have anything bad to say. She’s never done anything to any of them and actually there were a couple of times, where if she hadn’t been there to distract Jason and his team, things could’ve been a lot worse for the little sheepies 😬
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andro-dino · 3 months
have you ever seen a grown man (19 year old) smile
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blackandwhlteaesthetlc · 11 months
I know we all focus on how Florence probably hates Olivia but she probably hates Harry and his team too. She only said good things about Chris Pine and kept being friends with Gemma and the rest of the cast but Harry is in the same box as Olivia.
Y’know, I just had this convo with a friend yesterday after Florence posted about her experience working on Oppenheimer.
It’s really hard to say how she feels about Harry. Disappointed? Yes, I’d say so and who could blame her? But hate? Probably not.
Her only negative comments about DWD were regarding her condemnation on how the film was marketed (which was a direct dig at Olivia, imo, as she was the one that kept emphasizing the film highlighted ‘female pleasure’ and sex which we now know is ridiculous and incredibly gross considering the context of the movie). Her team also referred to her as ‘Miss Flo’ in Venice which was also a direct dig at Olivia as it referenced the leaked Shia vid.
I think Florence found herself in an incredibly uncomfortable, unwanted triangle as several outlets reported she was ‘jealous’ because Harry chose Olivia over her (gee, I wonder who started that rumor 🙄). It was in her best interest to stay away from both Harry and Olivia as any interactions would’ve just added onto the speculation and gossip. And having been a fan of Florence for years now, she’s never been one to gleefully feed the tabloid machine. Unlike some other people.
I do find it comforting to know that Harry chose to approach Florence’s family at the premiere in Venice and they seemed to greet him warmly. So maybe they’ve made peace behind the scenes. I don’t think for one second Florence believed the stunt was real so maybe there’s also a level of understanding there too.
I’ll always be sad we never got to see a proper friendship from Florence and Harry. The promo for DWD could’ve been SO good, engaging, exciting and fun. Despite the darker subject matter of the movie, they could’ve been a powerhouse together with their combined charm and sense of humor to really sell it. But oh well. I hope Harry and his team learned hard lessons from that dumpster fire. Losing a connection like Florence, someone who is Harry’s peer and has such star power, is an unfortunate consequence of dumbass actions. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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kavehayati · 3 days
“In general I find the idea of being with a man disgusting but I don’t find it disgusting with him”
- spoken by a lesbian
#then I call myself straight yet I find it disgusting in every way LOOLLLL MAYBE IM NOT STRAIGHT AT ALL 😭#except maybe that one hs guy but like#I think I’d be disgusted if I learned more about him#dora daily#though I’m#not gay because I literally have no comment about women they’re just there yk IDK HOE TO EXPLAIN IT#though the reason I’m disgusted is cause there is not a single normal dude I’ve met ever 😭 they’re all grotesque PLS GOD I JUST EANT TO MEET#A NORMAL DUDE NOT FOR ANY REASON APART FROM HAVING HOPE THEY EXIST#I want to prove myself right that they exist LOL#like I have my dad and brother (they’re not the best examples of good dudes) then my little brother (but he’s too young for me to form an#opinion)#Then my cousins … no comment uhm#yeah lowkey weirdos for liking a girl who was in primary school while they were in middle or high school#then there’s the randoms irl who no matter how well things seem to go they always say something weird that makes you go of course he said#that he’s a man 😭#had to take a step back when mashaAllah boy said he sympathises with the dude who killed women because he was a loser who couldn’t get a gf#BRUH#it’s through this that I realise to some extent how bad relationships have a grip on people and just how much I clearly don’t understand#about others. IF I GET HARASSED INTO MARRIAGE PLS I JUST WANT AN AROACE DUDE LIKE LISTEN IF ALHAITHAM WAS IRL I WOULD BE THRIVING CAUSE HES#VERY AROACE IN MY HEART#I just want to co exist with someone like in an ultimate bestie kind of way is that too much to ask 😓
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clarabowmp3 · 4 months
hi besties I need some advice. So there’s this university I applied to in the early admissions cycle and when I got the invitation they said that if I was “not shortlisted in this cycle, I could apply again in the regular admissions cycle.”
After applying I was shortlisted for interview for one of the uni’s scholar programmes I applied to (the degree I applied to doesn’t have an interview, that’s only for scholarships/scholar programmes etc) and I had my interview one day after the regular admissions cycle opened.
it’s been one week since the regular admissions cycle opened and I haven’t heard anything from them, and I’ve only got a little less than 3 weeks until the regular admissions cycle also closes. No where in their email did they state how/when they would inform if I’ve been accepted/rejected from the uni or the scholars programme I applied to, so now my dilemma is:
Do I just take it that I’ve been rejected from both the uni and scholar programme by default? My interview wasn’t the best so I get it if I’m being rejected from the scholars programme but I should at least get into the uni?? Cuz like why would they go through the effort of shortlisting me for the scholars prog if I wasn’t even going to be accepted into the uni? And also if my grades/essays were good enough to get me shortlisted for the scholars prog surely they would be good enough to get me accepted for my degree??? (Early admissions is based on prelim grades and I literally got only 1 B in a subject that’s so unrelated to the course I’m applying for)
do I email them to ask? My parents think I should but that’s just generally stressful and not a fun time for anyone but also I feel like it’s basic decency to let me know if I’ve been accepted/rejected, esp since the regular admissions are ongoing? Since they said I could reapply in the regular cycle that sort of implies that I would know their decision by then, but also my interview for the scholars programme was one day after the regular cycle opened and idk how long they’ll take to make their decision but also their regular cycle closed on 19 March???? So what then?????????
pls help if anyone has any nuggets of wisdom, I’m kind of peeved w this uni cuz it’s pretty good but also I think it should be basic decency to tell me if I’ve been accepted or not esp since the regular cycle is open, or at the very least say smth like “if you don’t hear from us by this date, your application might have been unsuccessful” and on top of that THEY know when they’re done processing my application, I don’t, so why should I have to email them?? If they’ve come to a decision they can tell me!! I’m just shooting in the dark here w my email shxnxkkxkx
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otrtbs · 1 year
oh my god I see the vision it's like a movie I see it I see all of it like... even my bartylus brain rot is coming back and that's been dormant for a LONG time it's unrequited but I don't care it's there and it's ready I'm so obsessed with baseball player James already I need him
okay yes!!! like unrequited but like barty had regulus first (wildly toxic mindset ik but hear me out) and now he doesn’t know what to do bc him and regulus were so close they could’ve had EVERYTHING but regulus went and had his pretty little head turned by james fucking potter (who wouldn’t? man’s sweat glistening skin in the sunlight,,, arm muscles bulging w every swing of the bat,,, his stupid cocky little smile he does as he walks up to the plate,,, the whole town is falling over themselves for him I WANT THEM TO PLAY WALKUP SONGS WHEN THEY GO UP TO BAT (remus and peter are in charge of the music boombox)) and barty hates him so much he wants him dead and he’s seething and boiling over with a rage he’s never known like full on eye twitching at what’s happened bc it was barty who suggested they go watch a baseball game,, barty who introduced regulus to james ,, and now it’s all gone to pieces
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transselkie · 9 months
Trying to make a character playlist
Anyone have any songs to capture the feeling of “I don’t actually want him to love me back” or “I think I’m content to die alone because I don’t know that I believe romance has ever brought anyone happiness”?
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whippedcloudsofcream · 10 months
I just want to let ppl know that it’s okay to admit their fave characters don’t fall into Barbie, Ken, or even Allan categories. They’re more like Stinky Pete from Toy Story 2.
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lauryn-order · 11 months
Afraid to be watched?
No. No that’s not it.
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pinkfey · 2 years
this covid test and i are staring each other in the eye rn
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lyekisses · 2 years
having one one of those days where the least bizarre thing that happened to me was seeing josh peck
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threnodians · 1 month
going to a wedding where i don’t know anybody besides the bride and groom is certainly a thing that is happening
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”why are you so good at that?”
his caress is gentle. tender, steady, secure; and practiced, you can tell, just from the instant relief you feel — the vivid care in how his fingertips smooth along your skin. 
suguru presses his thumbs into the bridge of your nose, right beneath your forehead, big palms cupping your face. they’re warm, calloused, but still somehow so soft — massaging you gently. the pads of his fingers trail upwards, rubbing soothing little circles against your temples. as if he’s memorized every patch of skin, seen the very inside of your skull. as if he knows exactly where to apply pressure to make the sharp jolts of pain go away. 
and it’s working. the room you’re in is dimly lit, illuminated only by the vermilion rays of the setting sun, bleeding in through the gap between the opened shoji screens. a faint, summery scent accompanies them; like burnt roses, or a salty ocean breeze, not enough to rouse the nausea in your throat. it’s quiet. all you can hear is the soft humming of your lover, and your own relieved breaths, pulled out by his skillful hands. his pointer fingers pinch between your brows, and another one follows. the sweetest little sigh. 
”am i?” his voice is soft, even more so than usual, as if the slightest noise could disrupt your peace. a smile is knit between the vowels. ”i’m glad.”
he sounds a little tired. it’s been a long day for both of you, so it’s no surprise. when you finally got back home, the inside of your skull was tormented by a persistent ache, and suguru was blinking with fatigue — though he still insisted on doing this. lying you down on his lap, like a fragile doll, crossing his legs to give you enough space to rest comfortably; the back of your head finding respite on his thigh, senses enveloped by the silk of his robes, smelling lightly of cherry blossoms and sandalwood. comfy.
and, after only a couple minutes of his loving treatment, the ache began to dull. sweet relief seeping into your nerves.
he reminds you to take deep breaths, watching intently as the contours of your face fall back into a state of tranquility. whenever he shifts, the tatami mats beneath him rustle, and your muddled mind sways like the rocking of a boat; slight, but still enough to coax a wince from out your throat, a tiny spark of pain blooming between your sinuses, followed by a murmured apology from the man above you. 
a hum buzzes in his throat. you hear it, eyes still shut, waiting for him to answer your question. and he does, of course — so weak to you, always, your voice the key to his locked-up heart.
”back in high school…” he starts, diligently continuing the facial massage, comforting circles rubbed into your skin. ”... my best friend got migraines often.” 
a soft groan slips from out your parted lips, when he pushes against a certain spot — locating the pressure points like brushing specks of dust from off his clothing. effortless. 
”ah,” you click your tongue, melting into his touch. turning into a boneless puddle, cradled in his lap, comfy as can be. ”your mysterious bestie, huh?”
it’s not the first you’ve heard of this best friend. suguru’s mentioned him before, though only in passing, in whispers, comments he hopes will sound absentminded. they never do — because suguru says the word friend like it’s a prayer. 
(that explains it, though. no wonder it feels so good; it is practiced. should you feel jealous?
well, maybe. but you mostly think it’s kind of sweet.)
before you can think of what you’re saying, the words have left your lips. they tumble out like little pizzicato drops, spoken casually, matter-of-factly. a tiny chirp of a thing.
”you must have loved him a lot.”
for just a moment, the thumbs pressing against your skin halt — just for a second, but enough to notice, and suddenly you feel a little like the air has been sucked out of the room.
even with your eyes closed, you know suguru’s smile is nowhere to be seen. 
it’s funny, how well you’ve come to know him. how you’ve learned to memorize every expression you’ve ever seen him make, any signs of distress or discomfort. he does this thing with his eyes, sometimes — a thin kind of concealment, when you shuffle a little too close for his comfort. figuratively speaking, because you’re almost certain he’d let you crawl under his skin if you asked. but sometimes you twist the key to his heart a little too abruptly, and his eyes of gold and ochre shift in the light, honey clogging the interior of his cornea. something sickly-sweet. something he’s kept locked up for a long time.
a nostalgia so palpable it breaks your heart just to look at it.
you don’t want to open your eyes. you don’t want to see the kind of face he’s making right now. you don’t want to know if he’s pursing his lips, or furrowing his brows, just because of your carelessly chosen words — you know his old best friend is a sensitive subject. gosh, you’re stupid. 
stupid, stupid, stupid.
(why can’t you ever just read the room?)
blindly, you stumble for something to say, parting your lips. desperate to change the topic, to save him from this suffocating silence.
— but then suguru breaks it.
when your eyes flutter open, he’s looking out into the garden. watching the sun, as it sinks beneath the mountains, lips curved up into a small smile.
”i suppose i did.”
you take a moment to look at him. the bridge of his nose, the firm lines of his jaw — the slightest tremble of the muscle. and those eyes, set afire by the final rays of the setting sun, burned to ash. filled with… something. not regret.
just longing.
suddenly, the pads of his fingers are dancing along your skin again; gliding down to pinch your nose. it makes you yelp, a tiny squeak.
and then he’s looking at you. 
”but i love you more,” he croons, a little tilt of his head that make his bangs move like a black curtain. eyes swirling with humour, something syrupy and teasing, awfully fond. ”my little dove.”
before you know it, your cheeks are blossoming with warmth; the branches of your lips curling up into a shy smile. his attention is a little too much to bear, so you wriggle out of his grasp — turning around to press your face into his stomach. his sleeves cast a curtain around you, a protective veil, but it’s not long until you’re being coaxed back into your original position.
”ah ah,” he tuts, chiding you lovingly; a coo in the back of his throat. ”none of that. let me take care of you.”
all you can do is groan, meekly, squeezing your eyes shut. suguru only chuckles, cupping your cheeks and continuing to apply pressure on your forehead and nose, large warm palms against your chilled skin — unwilling to let you escape his pampering.
the sun sets eventually. but he keeps you on his lap until the headache has faded entirely, until your eyelids have dragged you into a deep slumber, until tiny snores are seeping from your parted lips. until the moon has pulled itself into the night sky above you.
somehow, even on the brink of exhaustion, you manage to feel his warm lips against your forehead; hear the muffled murmur against your skin.
”sweet dreams, my darling,” comes a whisper, deep and silky, coaxing you further into the cradle of sleep. his thumb smooths along your cheekbone, down to the curve of your jaw — a trail of warmth. ”come back to me soon, won’t you?”
he smiles. you feel it, that soft upward curve, a blissed out sensation drowning you in white noise. the space inside your mind is free of pain, filled only with thoughts of him, the lines of his fingers burning patterns into your skin. one final kiss pressed between your brows, and then he’s pulling away; curling his arms under your knees and hoisting you up. into his steady arms, his robes shielding you from the soft glow of the stars.
”… don’t dawdle in dreamland for too long.”
the whisper goes unheard. fast asleep, suguru can only gaze at you, drinking in the serenity on your features. trying not to remember a boy with blue eyes — the similar expression he wore once his migraines had begun to fade.
he shakes his head, and carries you towards the bedroom. safe and sound in his embrace.
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feel free to ignore this but. like. i was in a discord server where ppl are always horni on main, and I asked for a little bit of advice as to how to post this fic i have in mind (as I have a few obstacles in the way), and the moment I said it was pseudo-incest, it went s i l e n t. I'm dying and I *need* to get this idea out somehow.
Give it
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Lemme see I’m so interested nowww!!!!!
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algae-tm · 3 days
Charles Leclerc x Reader
You and Charles fall in love in St.Lucia (one shot)
Warnings: none?
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liked by yourbffuser, and 124 others
youruser: you think you just fell out of a coconut tree???🥥
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yourbffuser: HELLO??!! Who is the man????
- youruser: what man?
- yourbffuser: now i KNOW you aren’t serious. in the second pic!!!!
- youruser: oh him… that’s pookie 😋🤭
- yourbffuser: count your motherfuckin days
yoursisteruser: you collect white men like pokemon smh
- youruser: gotta catch ‘em all!! 😏😤
-yoursisteruser: sigh
charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc and 1,234,432 others
charles_leclerc: St. Lucia 🌊☀️
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user1: why is he so boyfriend coded in the 2nd pic?
- user2: don’t be alarmed bestie but it might have something to do with the literal girl he’s holding hands with in the 3rd pic…
landonorris: is this what the youth call a soft launch?
-charles_leclerc: you are the youth
carlossainz55: ay who’s the girl?
— charles_leclerc: No one and everyone
— user1: wtf does this mean 😭 😭
— user5: why is this simultaneously the dumbest yet most romantic thing I’ve ever read, and I have a boyfriend 😭
— user6: girl- tell your boyfriend to step up or leave him… the bar is in literal hell. — user7: bro releases a couple songs and thinks he’s cool and mysterious
youruser just posted
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liked by yourbffuser, and 129 others
youruser: cute solo travel idea- get a man to take you places
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yourbffuser: two posts with the same guy? I fear we’ve lost her
- youruser: NOOOO I’m still a bad bitch, I’m licensed and everything!!
- yoursisteruser: heartbreaker turns into lover girl… story for the ages
yoursisteruser: who is he???? Your fans want to know!!
—youruser: just a cute monegasque
—yoursisteruser: is that a cheese or something?
— youruser: a place apparently… he gets stroppy when I call him French 🤷🏾‍♀️
charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly and 1,456,789 others
charles_leclerc: summer lovin’ happened so fast
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user4: two posts with what I’m guessing is the same girl… please twitter users starts sleuthing!!
— user5: or, hear me out, bit of a wild suggestion, just let them be?
— user3: do you think they were together b4, or he found her on holiday??
— user4: wait holdup I didn’t even think of the possibility that this could be just a vacation romance you’re so right @user3
— user5: why do I even bother with these people
pierregasly: day 67895 of asking you to tell me who she is!!
— user53: lmao Pierre is one of us confirmed
— user43: close! He actually knows Charles personally so no he isn’t one of you
— user53: now what did I do to you? 😭
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youruser just posted
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liked by yourbffuser, yoursisteruser and 150 others
youruser: bye bye bye you were bigger than the whole sky…
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yourbffuser: oh pooks
yoursisteruser: glad to know you have a heart
— youruser: bite me
— yourbffuser: time and place, bestie @yoursisteruser
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by lewishamilton, arthur_leclerc and 5,234,432 others
charles_leclerc: mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
(tagged youruser)
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lewishamilton: nice to see it brother! You know what they say
— youruser: once you go black!
— lewishamilton: I was gunna say the course of true love never did run smooth…
— youruser: mine works better!!
— user4: lmao she’s hilarious
— user5: and just as chaotic as Charles 😭 they’re made for eachother
—user6: idk I think he needs someone more introverted… she’s attention seeking (this user was blocked by charles_leclerc)
—charles_leclerc: blocked 🤭😙
—youruser: my man, my man, my man!
landonorris: she’s gorgeous
— charles_leclerc: why do you live to cause me distress??
georgerussell63: blimey, was only yesterday you told us you never got her number
— maxverstappen1: very stupid
— danielricciardo: Max be nice
— maxverstappen1: sorry
carlossainz55: well done cabron!
youruser: mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
arthur_leclerc: she’s lovely
— charles_leclerc: isn’t she just
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Please just the team telling r about HOW MUCH OF A SOFT SPOT AARON HAS FOR THEM like god he’s literally such a grouch to Morgan and prentiss but he kisses the ground you walk on and they’re like BESTIE GET A GRIP HES WRAPPED AROJND YOUR FINGER bc reader is convinced he doesn’t share their feelings and he’s just being polite </3
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Guys, please stop. You’re giving me false hope,” you sighed, dropping your hands on your lap. “I know you’re only trying to make me feel better, but honestly this is making me feel worse.”
“False hope? Sweetheart, the man is in love with you,” Derek said.
“No, he’s not.” You pouted.
You regretted ever telling your friends about your crush on Hotch. What you expected was them making fun of you for it. What you got were daily lectures on how your boss had the hots for you.
“He makes you coffee every single morning,” Emily pointed out.
“He’s just being polite!” you argued.
“We arrive here at the same time every day and he has never made one for me.”
“I’m sure there’s an explanation for this,” you said. “Maybe he thinks you won’t like it the way he makes it. But he knows I do, so that’s why he only does it for me.”
“Okay…” Derek spoke again. His eyebrow was raised, showing he had a very good point to add. “What about when you got hurt last week? It was only a scratch on your cheek but Hotch was ready to drive you to a hospital.”
“Now you’re exaggerating!”
“I saw him cupping your cheeks, it’s true!” Emily exclaimed.
“I also saw that,” Spencer, who had just been observing the conversation, added.
“You too, Spence?”
“Sorry.” He lifted his hands up in defense. “I’m only pointing out what I saw.”
You crossed your arms against your chest. There was no way you’d let them get to you. If you let your heart believe that Aaron had feelings for you then it would break even harder. “He’s like this with all of us.”
Emily moved close to you and took your hand in hers. “No, he’s not,” she said with a smile. “How can you not see it? He looks at you like you’re his sun and stars.”
“We could have an experiment,” Spencer suggested.
“What kind of experiment?”
“Emily got yelled at yesterday for making a mistake during paperwork,” he explained. “I can see you’re preparing a similar report today so you could make on purpose the same mistake as her. Let’s see if he reacts the same way when he sees it. If he yells at you too then that means he treats you the same way he treats all of us. If he doesn’t…then you’re his soft spot.”
“Fine,” you agreed. “Only so you can all finally stop torturing me with this.”
A few hours later, your report was on Hotch’s desk.
You heard your name in that warm voice of his and lifted your head to look at him. He was standing at his office door with a smile, certainly not looking like a man about to start yelling.
“Can you please come to my office for a moment?”
“Of course.”
Walking up the stairs to his office, you could feel the stares of your colleagues. Time to prove them wrong, you thought. Even though, you were secretly praying for the opposite.
“What do you need me for?” you acted naive.
“I was just looking at your report,” he said, sitting down on his chair. “And-”
“Oh no, did I make a mistake?”
“No, it’s nothing important!” he rushed to reassure you. “It’s just some little thing. I only wanted to show you so you know the correct way to do it from now on.”
There was a sweet smile on his face. His voice was soft and not at all angry.
“Come on, let me show you.”
It didn’t feel scary to go close to him. So you did.
It was a bit hard to pay attention to him explaining your mistake, since you were staring at his fingers brushing the paper in front of you. It didn’t matter anyway, your mistake wasn’t an accident at all.
“Okay?” he asked when he was done.
“Okay. I’m really sorry, Hotch,” you said, giving him your best puppy eyes. If you were gonna do this experiment, you were gonna do it right. “I’ll be more careful from now on.”
“Why don’t you come to my office next time you prepare a report like this one? We can do it together, hm?”
“But you’re so busy, I don’t wanna slow you down,” you argued, your heart beating faster and faster as you realized that Aaron wasn’t angry at all with you.
“Nonsense. We’re doing it together next time.”
“Okay,” you said. “Thank you, Hotch.”
Just before you arrived at the door, you heard him calling your name. “Oh and Y/N?”
“Yeah?” you responded, looking back at him.
“The team is right.”
“Right on what?”
He smirked and dropped his gaze back to his papers. “You know what.”
You turned around to exit his office with a huge grin on your face. Sometimes it feels better when you lose.
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