#mikey way x reader fluff
theghooligan · 11 months
chifuyu to takemitchy every time he comes back to the past:
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2therazor · 3 months
hi :))) ive been craving content about basement era gee x reader
imagine him being just the sweetest nerd in the world experiencing love for the first time <3 so dear
could you write something about that? :)
maybe ill turn this into a full blown fic sometime but for now here’s some of my hcs >:)
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- i just imagine he would be so awkward, especially when it comes to approaching people
- he probably had a few classes with you and was too nervous to even say anything but the second you said something to him he was so excited because he wouldn’t have been the initiator
- I feel like once you start to get to know each other he’d be so much more talkative, like was that even the same kid who sat next to you in your still life drawing class? and was he always this fucking cool?
- one day after class you saw him waiting for you by the door and he had finally gained the courage to ask you to “hang out” or yknow… pretty much a date, and you would happily oblige
-after a few coffee dates you quickly became inseparable, it was so nice to have someone that was so easy to talk to and shared the same interests as you
-gerard quickly became “gee” and all of your friends would tease you about how giddy you became when you mentioned him
-gerard on the other hand, hadn’t really experienced feelings like these before and quickly began to realize; wow this is love! after days of pondering to his friends, he finally decided to ask you to be his significant other.
-he was always so attentive to you and so kind, which had kind of shocked you due to past (not so great) relationships
-you shared many nights in his parent’s basement in his room listening to countless records and CDs he had piled up on the floor, always finding each other with tangled limbs and shirtless by the morning :)
(holy shit guys I GOTTAAAAA turn this into a fic, just made myself all hot and heavy not gonna lie)
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lxversblog · 5 months
Hiii I wan wonder if you could write for 2019 gerard way and fem reader were there a age gap just dating headcannons are good 💕💕
warnings:none just age gap and fluff
• he would spoil you at any chance he gets what’s the point in having all that money if he can’t use it
• calls you darling,baby,babe, or princess
• comic book dates while listening to him talk about the art of all of it
• cute art museum dates with your morning starbucks
• speaking of starbucks runs yall would go every morning to starbucks he’s a coffee guy what can he say
• if you loved to read he’d take you to any books store
• hand gently on your leg always in the car while you control the music
• would definitely collect records and if you do too there would be a lot of thrift dates or dates at the record shop
• hanging out with mikey’s kids whenever he comes over
• definitely a cuddler in his sleep and will pull you closer and nuzzle up
• he would let you play with his hair
• in his eyes your his princess he’d do anything for you
• not afraid to go out and by your tampons or pads
• will get you some comfort food if your cramping and will come home and make you a nice pallet in the bed
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hesitant-angel · 8 months
imagine being highschool sweethearts with mikey ☹️
being highschool sweethearts with mikey ! | mikey way x reader | gender neutral reader | (headcannons) |
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★ I LOVE THE MIKEY REQUEST!! this is the sweetest thing im so glad u sent this anon because i literally think about this every single day. hes the loml trust me ! im unsure of how accurate this will but bare with me im learning! P.S. THANK YOU ALL FOR 20 FOLLOWERS!!!! i had so much fun writing this, as of right now i'd say mikey is my favorite to write for.
my masterlist
— Okay I have so much on my mind for this I don't even know where to start. I think of Mikey to be a quiet kid in highschool, not in a stereotypical way, but I feel like he'd focus more on getting through the day and getting his work done, focusing less on the social aspect.
— If you're also a quiet kid, you two would sit together any chance you get, you'd distance yourselves away from everyone else a bit to get lost in your own conversations about whatever you guys like to talk about.
— If you're more social, he'd probably follow you to whatever you're doing. He'd stay relatively quiet in most conversations, just listening, unless you prompted him to talk or introduced him to someone, then he'd do the polite thing and say hello and talk to them.
— People write Mikey as overally shy and nervous alot (like.. in the babying grown men way.) but I dont think he'd actually be that bad. I feel like he just takes a bit of time to adjust to talking to people and can be a little awkward at first. Once he warms up to you he's pretty laid-back and will talk with you about anything and everything you want.
— He'd claim that he 'isn't really interested in dating anyone' because he knew the whole thing about how highschool relationships typically never last, so he just tried to avoid it. That was until he met you of course.
— When he met you, his whole perspective on highschool and life in general changed. The more you two got to know eachother the more he fell head-over-heels in love with you.
— He'd definitely help you with homework if needed (and if he understood the class enough...)
— You guys would try and hang out after school to work on homework together but it just ends up being a two-hour period of you guys going on and on about the most random things before realizing that you haven't even started the homework. He'd eventually figure out a way for you guys to get work done but still get time to talk to each other.
— But it's not like you guys don't spend every minute you can together, people swear they can't see one of you without seeing the other. Of course, whenever one of you needs time alone its respected and you take breaks from eachother whenever necessary.
— You two compare music tastes and talk about music alot. Doesn't matter if you have different music taste than him, he wants to talk about it with you (even if he'll tease you a little about liking different stuff). If you have similar taste though, it'll definitely bring you closer.
— Movie nights are a big thing for him, he usually likes to pick the movie but he'll try and watch whatever you want, too. He'll explain parts of the movie to you if he can, he's a movie nerd and will tell you facts you had never heard of.
— If you're within walking distance from eachother (or one / both of you can drive) you two will come over and stop by whenever you can, even if it's just for a moment to say hi.
— You and Mikey meeting in highschool definitely made a big positive impact on your relationship in the future, you've changed eachother in small and big ways over the course of time and both of you agree that you're glad you met when you did.
* i tried my best with this i hope its okay! i really enjoyed writing these even if i was a bit repetitive and not proofread (im sleep deprived atm) , if anyone has any more ideas branching off of this plot please let me know! id love to make this an ongoing thing :)
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stevie-is-writing · 2 months
hehehhaha hey
being little nerdy friends with the way brothers???
MCR HEADCANONS- Watching Star Wars with the Way Bros
a/n: hi!!!!! i didn't know what flavour of nerd you wanted but I've been thinking about Luke Skywalker soooooooo. Just hcs for now but I could totally write about this in full in the future!!!! summary: watching the original Star Wars trilogy with the teenage Ways.
- Ok so you’re childhood best friends with the way brothers. You’re in the same class as Mikey at school and quickly became friends, and other the years both he and Gerard had become like brothers to you. They’re the only people who know the true you.
- the one that’s a massive nerd.
- It was Gerard who first suggested the idea. A movie marathon of all three star-wars films. You and mikey agreed instantly.
- you arrive at their house around midday, you bring copious amounts of snacks that’ll keep you awake until the next morning.
- Of course, you’ve dressed up. You’re already wearing your Star Wats themed pyjamas, with a home made jedi robe over your shoulders and a slightly too expensive lightsaber clutched in your hand.
- As soon as you enter the house, the three of you rush down to the basement. You get to work.
- First, you push all the furniture to the walls, then you drag the mattress off the bed and place it in the large space on the floor. Then you hunt, you travel the house looking for every spare cushion you could find and litter them across the floor surrounding the mattress. You place blankets on top.
- It doesn’t take long for you all to get settled. But it isn’t time to watch yet. In the light of a few candles, the three of you sit in a circle and discuss comics. It’s a pre hang out ritual. You discuss favourites, negotiate swaps and arrange yet another trip to the comic book store. This takes over an hour.
- by the time you are ready to watch the films, it’s already mid afternoon. Gerard does the honours, standing ceremoniously and placing the ‘A New Hope’ VHS in the player. He bows as it loads, you and mikey clap and cheer an unreasonable amount.
- as soon as the film begins, you all fall silent. For two hours you sit, completely transfixed on the screen, never uttering a word to one another. If you focused, you’d hear mikey lightly mumbling quotes under his breath. Then, it finishes. A roar of applause erupts from the trio.
- As the credits role, you begin to discuss the film. You’d all watched it countless times but would never be able to stop chatting about its excellence.
- Whilst Gerard loads up the next film, you and mikey embark on a mission to find more snacks.
- You return and the process repeats for ‘Empire Strikes Back’ and then ‘Return of the Jedi’.
- By the time the third film had finished, you were all nearly passed out. It was a shockingly tiring event, and the sugar high had ended abruptly.
- Slurring your words, you all critiqued and praised the films, arguing on favourite movies and characters.
- slowly, you all began to fall asleep, collapsing on the mattress. You’d stay out cold for at least 10 hours before waking to take a walk to the closest comic book store for the latest issues.
fuckin nerds <3
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Water fight - Mikey Way x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Mikey Way x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 753
Summary: You and Mikey hang out on summer break
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“Hey Missy!” Gerard calls out from across his front yard. Gerard and Mikey are probably some of the best neighbours a girl could have. Both awesome to play with when we were younger and now, my best friends. 
“Hey Gee! Hey Mikey!” I shout as Mikey runs up to me. 
“Hi,” he smiles, sitting down next to me, long legs stretched along the stairs. He’s cute. Cuter than he knows. 
“What’s new?” I ask. 
“There’s this really cool comic that Gee found last night and I read it in like two hours last night. It was the best. It was all about these superheroes that were in group therapy, it was so cool,” he laughs. That amazing smile plastered all over his face. I love listening to the things he says, the excitement that fills him is purely the best thing to experience. 
“That’s cool. I was reading the one you and Gee recommended the other day, Watchmen. It’s actually really good, not gonna lie.”
“I miss your glasses Mikey. They made you look cute,” I look away from him, towards Gerard who is playing with some of the younger kids in the neighborhood. 
“They had to go, I looked like a nerd.”
“You already are a nerd Mike,” I laugh. One of the kids starts to wave me over, throwing a water balloon in my direction. “Oh it’s on!” I shout, grabbing my water gun and running over. Gerard pops out from behind a bush, a water gun in hand. 
“Attack!” he yells as all of the kids start drenching me in cold water. Good thing it’s a hot day. 
“Mikey, help!” I scream trying to run away.
“I got you!” he runs over and stands guard in front of me. His blonde highlights stand out in the sun, bright and shiny. Mike’s prettier than he knows, he really is. The kids continue to run around us, throwing buckets of water, water balloons and firing water guns at us. This is the life we have, seventeen and in senior year, our last proper year together. Gerard’s already left school but he stayed back, commuting into New York for art school, cartooning specifically. Mikey and I told him that he should do music but he was set on comics, of course. He’ll end up on the stage one day though, I know it. And Mikey will be up there with him. I’ve got no idea what I’m going to do in college, or if I'll even go to college. Not to mention the fact that Mikey also has absolutely zero idea as to what he’s gonna do either. 
“Gerard, we're all out of water!” a little boy shouts running behind him. Gee’s always been so good with kids, he’ll be an amazing dad one day, everyone knows it. He spent so much time growing up babysitting the kids on the block and hanging out with them on the weekends, almost acting like their leader. 
“Nooo!” Gee shouts, collapsing to his knees dramatically. 
“Alright guys, I’m gonna go grab a towel from inside, I’m drenched,” I laugh walking back towards my house. Mikey follows behind me, wringing out his t-shirt and his sneakers squelching with each step he takes. “Your hair is so wet,” I laugh, turning to look at him.
“I know. That’s what I get for trying to protect you,” he grabs me by the waist as we get into the house. I feel my cheeks slowly blush, immediately realizing, one, that he’s touching my waist and not in a ‘we’re just friends’ way and two, that he’s actually a lot taller than me, meaning that when he looks down at me, he's the perfect height to kiss me. God, how have I never really thought about Mikey like this? I stand huddled over while he grabs a towel from the closet and passes it to me. 
“I’m cold,” I sigh, tying my hair up and out of my face. We sit down on the porch again, watching Gerard terrorize the kids by shoving the hose in their faces and laughing maniacally. Classic Gerard Way. 
“Of course you’re cold, my brother’s little army gave you a shower,” he laughs. “But you know what?” 
What Mikey? What? What would you possibly say that could make me feel even better than I feel after spending the entire day with you?
“You had absolutely no business looking that good back there.”
Feedback is appreciated! Please request on my page if you have a story idea. I write for lots of different fandoms so request anything and I'll write it!
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strawbszz · 2 years
Kinda odd and specific request?? But can you do one where tattoo artist bf frank is with fem!reader who's a kindergarten teacher and everyone just questions their relationship because they're complete total opposites, just pure chaotic fluff honestly.
Frank iero x fem!reader
Requested: anon
Genre: fluff
Word count: 492
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You are a kindergarten teacher called Mrs. Iero and it was a little stressful at sometimes.
Frank is a tattoo artist. He loved getting and doing tattoos. It was a pretty cool talent he had, and interest that you thought was pretty cool.
When days would get stressful Frank would cuddle you and make you feel good and all that stuff.
I was a Friday and you just got back from work. You had to pick up Frank from work since you guys only had one car and his work is on your way to the school.
You had your iPod plugged into your car and you were listening to some deftones. I was one of your favorite bands.
You pull into the parking spot of the tattoo shop.
You get out of your car and open the door.
Frank is doing some guy’s tattoo and glanced up at you. His face had a huge smile when he saw you. “Hey baby!” Frank says “I’m about to be done with this guy’s tattoo! I’ll be dome in like 10 mins!”
You smile. “Ok.”
“So how was your day, babe?” Frank asked.
“Hectic. It was the children’s Christmas party today so I had to help plan out everything, help decorate, all that stuff.” You say in a firm voice.
“Calm down babe.” Frank finishes up with the tattoo. “There you go my guy.” Frank whispers to him.
Frank takes off his gloves and walks over to you.
“Come here I miss you.” Frank says softly.
Frank hugs you tightly and you hug him back.
“I missed you too, Frankie..” you whisper.
“I’m clocking out guys! Bye!” Frank waves at his co-workers.
Frank grabs your hand and you both walk to the car.
You two stop holding hands and get in the car.
And you guys drive off.
You guys get home and the second the door is closed you two both start making out.
Frank rubs your sides.
“Can we just… c-cuddle on th- the… the couch…” you say though kisses.
Frank pulls off of you. “Of course. You know how much I missed your cuddles all day. Been craving them.” Frank giggles.
You blush and playfully hit Frank. “you’re silly..” you say.
“Let’s go lay down in bed instead. I know your back is killing.” Frank says rubbing your back.
“Mmm.. yeah..” you say in a sleepy tone.
Frank Leads you upstairs to your guys’ room.
You get up there and Frank grabs you at the top of the stairs. “Hey!! Put me down! I can get to bed by myself!” You laugh.
“Shh.. Princess..” Frank mumbles.
He plops you on the bed and pulls the covers over you. He gets In bed and snuggles up to you.
You scratch Frank’s scalp with you’re nails.
“Mmm..” Frank gets more cuddly from that.
“I love you, Frankie.” You say softly.
“Love you too, (Y/N)..” Frank falls asleep.
You fall asleep too.
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gghoulishdelight · 2 years
"At the End of the World, or the Last Thing You See.."
pairing: mikey x gn!reader x ray
genre: fluff xtreme!!
a/n; based off of a dream i had, except not ghost of u mikey cuz i dont want him to die
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/ look at these nerds<33 luv them /
"micheal james way, stop messing with your hair before i pin your hands down!"
mikey jumps at the stern sound of your voice coming from the entrance of his dressing room, a sheepish look on his face as he meets your glare through the mirror he's facing. he couldn't help himself, he was nervous and he didn't feel as if his hair looked like it should, but then again, he wasn't all that interested in costume design like you were. you technically weren't their costume designer, but you were definitely the one who ran around making sure everything looked according to plan when they had photoshoots and videos. his hands drop back down to his sides under your stern glare before you have the chance to make your threat come into fruition, his face turning the slightest bit pink as he heard gerard's giggles echoing from their own dressing room. god, he's never going to hear the end of this.
"if you would stop messing with your hair, you wouldn't have to be teased by your brother and i could finally help ray get his hair into a ponytail before you lot have t' go onstage," you scold the taller way brother while you fix his hair in place again, having to stand on your tiptoes the tiniest bit so you can reach. speak of the devil, mikey thinks as ray pops his head into the room, curious to know what's being said about himself. he grins at mikey through the mirror, silently giggling at how silly the two of you look right now and venturing into the room further.
"i heard my name, what's up?" ray's gentle voice draws your attention away from mikey for the time being, your face softening as you look at him and smile sweetly. ray always had a calming effect on both his partners, no matter the situation.
"nothin', just your boyfriend here can't seem to stop messin' with his costume long enough that i can help you get ready," you tease a little more lightheartedly this time, earning a little grin from mikey. he stays quiet as you trail your hands down from fixing his hair to gently cupping his cheeks, only letting out a little hum of content when you reward him with a gentle peck on the lips.
ray clicks his tongue in mock disappointment as he wiggles his way behind you, resting his chin atop your head and wrapping his arms around your midsection to pull you in close. "let me guess, you already threatened to pin his hands down?" he teases with a grin, only to giggle when you turn your head away from them both to try and hide the blush dancing on your cheeks. mikey takes this as a chance to start peppering soft kisses along the side of your neck, smiling at the way you try to squirm out of ray's grasp.
"guysss, c'mon! you gotta go out in 15, and i still needa fix up ray!" you complain in a whine, yet there's no actual bite behind your words, just soft love and warmth for the two. they end up letting you go after a few more seconds of affection, but only after mikey steals one last kiss from you.
"thank you," he whispers almost silently, taking your hand and tapping thrice on your palm, his silent way of saying 'i love you' when he didn't have the words to say it aloud. you just smile, tapping back and grinning widely at the way his eyes light up at your understanding. you don't think you'll ever get over the way he seems so fascinated with you responding in turn. he and ray share a kiss before you tug ray out of the room, only to be met with gerard and frank mockingly 'making out' (aka pretending to kiss and moan while also giggling their asses off) outside of frank's room, clearly pretending like something unholy had been happening between the three of you. you just sigh and bite back a grin, ignoring ray's noise of protest at their actions as you drag him away from the scene and into his own room, only to blush furiously at frank's shouts of "use protection!".
you don't know what you'd do without these guys, even if they tormented you to no end.
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theghooligan · 9 months
when characters say sano manjiro it does things to me
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xdivyxd · 1 year
Hi fellow Tumblr users I'm Ivy, i go by they/she <3
I write gn!reader, requests are always open :)
My chemical romance, Taylor Swift, the Marauders, mcu (phases 1-3), Gilmore girls, dead poets society, grey's anatomy and more :)
Feel free to request other people and if i know then I'll try my best xD
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lunarwritesthings · 2 years
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Who Did It
Paring: Gerard Way x M!Oc
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Request: Yes, by anon
Summary: Gerard learns that his boyfriend is hurt and demands to know who did it, so he can "talk" to them.
Prompt: #47 “Who did this to you?”
Note: The nickname sugar is used because I've seen so many people use it in gee fics that I feel it fits. Gerard is referred to as Gee and Colton is referred to by Col at times.
Warning: Bruises and blood is mentioned!
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It's well known that Gerard is shy and extremely nice but what's basically unknown is Gee is a totally different person when someone he loves is hurt. Then he's ready to fight the whole world if he has to.
There's one specific person he'd drop everything for. That person is his love, better known as his boyfriend. Gerard would refuse to go anywhere without him, that included tour. Gee and Colton were inseparable. This was not surprised those close to them. Gee and Col had been together for 3 almost 4 years. They were super important to each other.
Now, normally Colton can protect himself and fight back if he's expecting something to happen. That why the day so-called "fans" decided to hurt Colton simply because they were jealous and apparently Colton "wasn't good enough for Gerard". No one was prepared for what was about to ensue. Let's just say there one rule the band has. That being DO NOT mess with Colton.
It took Gee a while to learn about Colton being hurt because it happened while the band was on stage. Gerard learned about what happened when a voice came through on his in-ears. Gee was immediately filled with anger. He wanted to know who dare hurt his sugar. Mikey, Frank, and Ray knew just off Gerard's mood changed that something had happened to Col and they knew this wasn't going to end well.
The concert was close to being over. The guys were in between songs and on a short break so Ray, Mikey, and Frank had used this time to check on Gee and see what happened to Col. Gee didn't answer the question of how he was he just told them that Colton had gotten hurt. Of course, this upset them. They weren't as upset as Gee well except Frank, but they were still upset.
To Mikey, Col was like the young brother he never got. Mike was honestly surprised Col wasn't truly his brother yet but he wasn't going to rush Colton or Gerard. He cared about both of them a lot. They were part of his family. His main worry was knowing how hurt Colton was. He didn't care about who did it. He wanted to make sure Col was okay.
Ray being the dad of the group was trying to calm down Gee but he was worried about Col as well. He knew something was wrong when he didn't Col in the front row like normal. Now to Ray, Colton was a best friend and almost a son. Col always went to Ray when he needed advice because he knew Raw would listen and try his best to help. They were aware of the father/son bond but didn't care.
Frank was on the same level as Gee on being angry. He wanted to know who dare had the fucking audacity to hurt Colton. Colton was probably Frank's best friend. They had bonded over so much. Frank and Colton may not be related but they sure as hell acted like brothers. Frank was big on being there for Col even if that meant defending him from people because rude to him simply because he was gay and trans. Colton was Frank's not-so-little buddy. That meant if someone hurt col then they better start running because karma was coming.
Once the concert was over Gee and Frank immediately ran to the medical area to check on col and find out who did it. Ray and Mikey shared a look before following the other two to make sure they didn't go crazy and to make sure Frank and Gerard didn't try and murder anyone.
When Ray and Mikey got to the medical area they were shocked when they saw col. Col had a lot of bruises and a quite a bit of blood coming from his nose. Gerard was beyond angry. He had one question. "Who did this to you?". Simple yet not so much for Colton. Did he really want to tell the band that "fans" of theirs did this? Of course, he didn't but col didn't have much of a choice. One Colton told them, they all had different reactions.
Gerard's reaction hadn't changed much but Colton could see the disappointment in his eyes. Frank? He was furious. people who called themselves had the audacity to hurt Col over stupid jealousy and a stupid opinion.
Ray was just fully disappointed. There were people that were fans of theirs that were willing to hurt someone that made Gee happy. He couldn't understand. Mikey was sad and disappointed. It made Mike sad that people told col that he wasn't enough for gee yet Mikey has never seen gee more happy and more himself. Mike was disappointed in the fact they felt like they were Dan's.
Gerard had picked up Colton the second he was free to go. Until Col was fully healed Gee wasn't letting his sugar leave his sight. Deep down Gerard was scared of this happening again. Ray and Mikey worked on calming down Frank and worked on a tweet to post about the situation because it needed to be talked about.
Gee had gently put Col in their shared bunk and knew that col was shaken up and needed comfort. Knowing this Gee was careful but laid down next to Col and let col cuddle into his side. Gerard refused to sleep just in case Colton needed something.
Colton wasn't going to be in bad shape for long only a few days. By the time Col was healed the band had made a tweet about the situation and thank to the help of the fans they found the ones that hurt Colton. They were rightfully banned from all shows and events where My Chemical Romance would be. At the end of the day karma had gotten the "fans" and Col was alright and safe.
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The Voice of Reason (Mikey Way x reader)
Summary: A week and a half before the band is due to leave for another tour celebrating The Black Parade, Mikey finds that sleeping through the night is impossible; his brain is just wallowing in negativity. His partner finally catches him awake, and contributes some logical thinking to the situation. 
Word count: 1125
Warnings: it’s very much a hurt/comfort vibe here. I promise there’s plenty of fluff, but it comes out of a pretty miserable moment. There’s a fair bit of discussion of Gerard’s addiction problems. 
Mikey checked the time again and groaned, letting his head thud softly against the kitchen table.
2:47am. This was the sixth night in a row that he’d had the same nightmare; the sixth night in a row where he’d left their bedroom and paced aimlessly, exhausted but too strung out to go back to sleep.
By now the images were blurred together and the details were fading, but he knew that the nightmare was about Gerard. His brother was doing fantastically well in his sobriety, but what with how successful the new album had been over the last eighteen months and the fact they’d be back out on tour very soon, he was afraid that the stress of performing multiple days a week would push him over the edge again. The thoughts that filled his brain were of Gerard slumped in the bus, drunk and high and totally oblivious to the world around him. He’d seen that one too many times before. He desperately didn’t want to see it again. 
He moved to get himself some water, chugging half of it in one go and pressing the cool glass to his forehead. His eyes were burning with the effort of being awake for so long, and a headache had nestled itself at the back of his skull.
“Mikey? Why are you awake so late?”
The sleepy voice of his partner made him turn to look back at the doorway. (Y/n) was standing there, framed by the soft glow of the bedside lamp. They were wearing one of his old shirts and a concerned frown. He tried to smile at them, but the way their face shifted told him he’d done a terrible job.
“Hey, it’s nothing. Just couldn’t get comfy, didn’t wanna wake you moving about and stuff. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in soon.”
“Bullshit.” (Y/n) marched over to him and took his hands in theirs. “Your hands are shaking, and you look like you’re about to drop from sheer exhaustion. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you getting up in the middle of the night for the last week. Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong?” Their voice cracked a little. “I just want to help.” 
He sighed, brushing his long hair out of his face. “I’ve been having nightmares.” 
They tugged him towards the sofa in the little living area and the two of them sat down, (y/n) rubbing circles on the back of his hand with their thumb. “About what?” 
“Going back on tour.” 
“But you love playing with the guys.” They shook their head, bewildered. “Has something happened? Did you get in an argument with one of them over something?” 
“No, nothing like that. I... I’m scared that Gerard will start drinking again.” As soon as the words left his mouth he sniffled, bringing a hand up to wipe his eyes. 
(Y/n) wrapped their arms around him, shifting so he could hide his face in their shoulder. “Oh, Mikey. Have you spoken to him about it?” 
“No, I... I don’t wanna upset him by bringing it up, making it sound like I don’t think he’s strong enough to stay sober.” 
“Hey, listen to me. I don’t think he’d take it that way at all. You’re allowed to be worried about him, and it’s understandable given how much pressure you’re all under while on tour. But he’s in a much better place now than he was last year, isn’t he?” 
“And he knows that the rest of you understand, and that you’ll be there for him when he needs you to be. He knows the effect that touring can have, and he can be ready to handle it.” 
“I... I guess.” 
(y/n) cupped his face and moved so he could look into their eyes. “You remember when Gee and I went for coffee a few weeks back?” 
“Yeah, what about it?” 
“He brought it up to me. Said that he was a little nervous about things, but that overall he was super excited to be back playing music for big crowds with the people that he loves. He said he can’t wait to get on stage and be able to remember every second of it when the show is over.”
“He said all that?”
“Yeah.” They stroked his hair softly, watching as the wheels turned in his mind. “Do you think it’d help if the three of us met up tomorrow and hung out for a while, talked things over? I think he’d want to know that you’re worried about him.”
Mikey thought for a second, nodding. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Let me text him, we can try and plan something when he reads it in the morning.” They got up, coming back briefly to hand Mikey his water and kiss the top of his head before disappearing to find their phone. As he sat there, marvelling over how incredibly wonderful his partner was, they returned, grinning. “Scratch that, he’s up. Got stuck with a comic idea and couldn’t get it out of his head. I’m gonna ring him, put it on speaker.”
They came back to sit next to him as the phone rang a few times before Gerard picked up.
“Hey (y/n). What are you doing up?”
“Mikey was awake. He, uh… he’s been worrying about you. So I was kinda hoping we could all get together tomorrow for coffee, or food, and just talk a few things over.”
When Gerard replied, he sounded like he’d caught on to the message between the lines. “Hey, of course. What about three thirty, the Starbucks near my place?”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Hey Mikes, you there?”
He nodded, forgetting his older brother couldn’t see him through the phone. “I- Yeah, I’m here.”
“Thanks for worrying about me. But try and get some sleep, yeah? You’ll be no good to me on stage if you’re on the edge of passing out the whole time! And we can’t have you worrying (y/n) too.”
He managed a laugh, squeezing his partner’s hand. “Okay, I’ll try. See you tomorrow, Gee.”
“Night, guys. Thanks for telling me.”
“Night dude.”
They hung up, and Mikey looked like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Thank you.”
(Y/n) smiled, and leant in to kiss him on the cheek. “I’m just glad I could help. You think you can come back to bed now?” 
He kissed them properly, resting his forehead against theirs as he pulled away. “Yeah, as long as you share the blankets.” 
They rolled their eyes as they led him back to the bedroom. “Only if you promise to stay here and cuddle me for the rest of the night.” 
“I think I can manage that.” 
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gravybubble · 2 years
hi. I’m Gravybubble! You may know me on a03! please request mcr smut/fluff here :)
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Trapped - Mikey Way x Reader
Pairing: Reunion Mikey Way x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Claustrophobia, Swearing
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“What?” he doesn’t answer, “Mikey?” He still doesn’t respond. “What Mikey?” We stand there in the elevator and as far as I’m concerned we’re not moving. The elevator isn’t moving. We’re stuck. Between floors. 15 minutes before he’s supposed to go on stage. 
“The call button won’t work, no one’s gonna answer, trust me. Everyone’s down at the gig,” he sighs sitting down on the floor. What a great way to remind me that the floor is a square not even the size of a human spread out. 
“Cell service?” I ask, checking my own phone. Nothing. “Babe, I don’t do very well in elevators. I’ve had nightmares like this. How long till someone realizes we’re not coming?” I swear if I’m stuck in here for longer than 20 minutes I’m going to die. “Oh my god. What if we fall? Fuck.” The swear leaves my lips and I’m instantly grateful that my sister is babysitting Rowan and Kennedy. 
“Come sit,” Mikey reaches his arms out and I move next to him on the floor. How is he so calm? He’s got more than 25,000 people waiting out there for him, he’s not going to make it. We’re stuck in a small box suspended over however many stories, and he’s calm. 
“I’m scared Mikes,” I can feel my stomach grumble in anxiety. Standing there looking across at him, I can feel my knee start to spasm. The tension grows in my body and Mikey sits there looking at me concerned. He knows exactly what’s happening right now. “Oh god, I can't do this. I cannot do this. I'm having difficulty breathing. Mikey I can’t breathe.” Tears start to well in my eyes. I hear the intro for the show start to play and I feel sick to my stomach. Mikey reaches over to grab hold of my hand. 
“Hey, hey, look at me. You’re having a panic attack but I think you know that. Now, take deep breaths. 1...2...3...there, there, you'll be okay. I'm here,” he breathes slowly alongside me. My breathing slows down and the panic attack passes, like they always do. Mikey’s the best, and I’m pretty sure he knows it. “We’re fine. You know that right? I might be missing the show, but right now, right here, we are safe and fine. I’m sure Gee has someone looking for us right now.” I just nod quietly, not really talking, pretty much the opposite of our usual dynamic. Mikey and I are good like that though, I normally talk a lot but when things get hard and I start to break, he’s the one who steps up. That mainly started happening once we had kids. “Remember how many times we’ve been on the tower of terror? You love that ride, we always run straight for it everytime we go to Disney. Just imagine how many times we’ll go on that ride after we get out of here,” he smiles, pushing a strand of my newly dyed red hair behind my ear. My husband knows me too well, talk to me about Disney and I’m immediately interested. 
“Mikey? Are you there?” a voice shouts from outside the doors. Gerard.
“Yeah, we’re in here. We’re okay, just stuck,” Mikey shouts back. 
“Oh god, I can’t believe this,” I mutter under my breath. The doors of the elevator start to be pried open by a bar and we stand back, Mikey wrapping his arms around my stomach, holding me close. Finally, they get the door open enough for people to see through. I check the time on my phone and see that the show is supposed to start in 5 minutes. 
“I’m stable if that’s what you’re asking Frank,” I snuggle into Mikey’s chest feeling safer in his warm embrace. The doors are pried open another couple inches allowing just enough room for a person to squeeze through and get to the other side. 
“You’re gonna go first,” Mikey whispers down into my ear and kisses my cheek. He holds my waist while Gerard holds my hand, helping me take the large step up. The second both of my feet land on the floor I fall to the ground in relief. 
“You’re safe Y/N,” Frank smiles, knowing my struggles with claustrophobia. Mikey is quickly helped up and out of the elevator and runs over to me. 
“I’m so proud of you honey. You’re okay.” He wraps his arms around me, holding me close and kissing my forehead. 
“Okay we’ve got a show in 2 minutes so we better get going,” Gerard interrupts, “Y/N, why don’t you go find Lindsey? Her and Bandit are in the green room and are gonna watch the show on the tv screen.” 
“Sounds like a plan. Good luck guys,” I smile before walking off. However before I get very far Mikey runs up to me and plants a kiss right on my lips.
“I love you and I’m so happy you’re my wife,” he stares into my eyes. 
“I’m happy you’re coming back to your band and having fun again. And I love you too babe.”
Feedback is appreciated! Please request on my page!
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strawbszz · 2 years
Cute Paintings And Love
Paring: Gerard way x Gn!reader
Rating: fluff
Requested: none
Word Count: 764
Era: 2003 Gee / basement Gerard
Summary: you came over to your friend Gerard’s house to make comics and draw and you confess to him.
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You and Gerard had been friends for about 5 years! About a year ago you started to have a crush on him but you were too scared at the time to tell him so you bottled it up and felt sad about it.
You and Gee make comics and paint all the time together! But it’s always at his house because he never leaves his cave of a home.
It made you happy that you and Gerard were into the same things like music, art, and music!
You both loved to watched movies at his house and draw. It made you both happy since you were Gerard’s only friend besides his brother Mikey.
You and Mikey are pretty good friends and you tell him about everything. Same with Gerard but some things can’t be said to Gerard like you liking him of course. So you ether bottle it up or tell Mikey and hope he does not tell him or you would do.. mean things to him. Which you definitely would not hurt Mikey because he’s like a brother to you! But Mikey can’t take you serious because you’re not scary or intimating to him.
You knew Gerard had nothing to do that day since he stays home all day and you only see him at school. So you decided to bike to his house and make comics with him and watch movies with him.
You arrive to Gerard’s little house. It’s nice and warm looking.
You get off your bike and walk over to the door and knock in it.
You wait patently after you knocked on the door waiting for Gerard.
“Gerard!!! Your friend is here!!!” You hear Mikey say through the door.
Mikey opens the door. “Hi (Y/N).”
“Hi Mikey!!” You hug Mikey.
He hugs you back. He giggles. “Okay well come inside.”
You hum in response.
You walk in to their house. It’s nice and homey feeling. It’s nice and familiar small home. It has old 80s wood walls and warm lighting.
You walk to Gerard’s room to see him trying to clean up quickly before you walk in.
You knock on the door frame. “Hey, Gerard.”
Gerard jumps and looks at you. He’s blushing from embarrassment that he was not done cleaning before you came in. “H-hey..!”
You walk into his room. “You don’t need to clean up for me. My room is worst.” You say.
“I bet your room didn’t have dirty underwear and clothes on the floor.” Gerard giggles.
You laugh.
“Wanna watch a movie??” Gerard says.
“Hmm.. sure! And we can work on that comic!!” You say.
“Oh my god yeah!!!” Gerard says.
You both smile.
You two are laying in Gee’s bed with the paper to draw the comics. You two are watching a horror movie. It’s The Shining. You both love that movie.
“Hmm.. should I do this..” Gerard mumbles.
“What?” You say in a slight high pitch voice.
“Should he die or blast her with his gun..” Gerard says.
You laugh. “Duh blast that girl! He’s the main character so he wins.” You say.
Gerard giggles. “Yeah.. that makes sense.”
He draws it out very quickly with nice skill.
You rest your head on his shoulder.
“You okay, (Y/N)..?” Gerard says.
You hum yes. You sit up quickly and sit in your legs and look him in the eyes.
Gerard looks confused.
“I-I have something t-to tell you..” you say.
Gerard nods his head.
You can feel your face getting hot. “I- I… I like you..” you say. Your eyes fill up with tears from embarrassment.
“I-I uh… I like you too, (Y/N)..” Gerard says.
“Really?” Your face lights up.
Gee hums yes. His face is burning red.
Gee sits up a little bit and makes eye contact with you.
Gerard cups your face and rubs your cheek.
He kisses you softly. It’s nice and warm. Gee smells like paint and waffles.
You can feel your face glowing red.
You tearing up from happiness.
You both stop kissing. Your face is about 2 inches away from Gerard’s face.
“You’re so pretty..” Gerard mumbles. He’s breathing heavily. His hazel eyes look so soft and mesmerizing. His lips are swollen. His cheeks are nice and red.
“A-are you okay..?!” Gerard says worried about you. He cups your face and wipes the tears away from your eyes.
You giggle. “I’m fine.. it’s happy tears..!” You smile.
Gerard kisses you softly and slowly.
You stop kissing him slowly and you look at him.
“You wanna snuggle..?” You say softly.
Gerard smiles softly. He hums yes.
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suulponk · 2 years
Hai! I've decided to start a bandom writing blog!! :]
I'll write for any member of Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance and Cobra Starship! I do X Readers (any gender, but i prefer to write gn or male). I also do member x member. I do any genre!
When requesting specify the person, reader pronouns (if applicable), genre and any specific ideas you have! I will not do anything that could be deemed "proship" (incest, pedophilia, noncon/cnc, zoophilia [including furries]) and if you were going to request something along those lines please block me!
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