#mildly spicy tw
live-from-flaturn · 1 year
French Inhale
This absolutely wild ficlet was brought to you in part by @foxandfall, whose convo led me to the conclusion that not only can Porchay do a French Inhale, he uses this Secret Bad Boy Skill to tease Kim beyond the point of fairness.
stoner lingo: roach = tiny bit of remaining weed at the tip of the joint (where your lips go), toke = hit/pull/drag, you gotta cough to get off = you have to take big hits and cough to get really high, 
tws: adults using legal mind-altering substances (smoking weed), horny vibes
Kim found Chay on the balcony of their new apartment, leaning his elbows back against the smooth metal railing. A lit joint hung precariously in the space between his pointer and middle fingers and a thin tail of blue-white smoke curled up through the air. Kim’s eyes followed its shifting column until they were inevitably drawn to the dangerously exposed length of his boyfriend’s neck, which tensed and relaxed appealingly as he opened his mouth to exhale.
“Long day?” Kim asked, voice miraculously normal. 
Chay offered a throaty, tired hum in lieu of a reply. Long didn’t begin to cover the kind of day he’d suffered through, but everything was fine right now. Kim was moving steadily closer, the weed was good – nothing less than the best for Wik’s secretive muse/boyfriend, and a buffet's worth of food was on its way from Porsche and Kinn as a ‘thank you’ for handling their shit all afternoon.
“Was it that stupid fucking wedding I warned them about?”
“I’m sorry, angel.”
Chay didn’t want Kim to be sorry at the moment, however. Not like that. 
Determined to turn the entire evening (and this conversation) around, Chay straightened his posture and took another slow drag of the joint before offering it to Kim. Once the mafia heir had taken a nice lungful, Chay parted his glossy lips. He coquettishly revealed the rolling white cloud of spicy marijuana smoke that sat hovering within the curved bowl of his tongue. 
With the kind of precision that only came with lots of practice, he inhaled through his nose and felt the smoke start trickling upward from his mouth in a smooth, impressive wave. Kim swallowed, which was a huge mistake because he still hadn’t released the last hit he’d taken. 
Coughing uncontrollably but also desperate not to lose sight of his boyfriend’s confusingly hot display, Kim planted both hands on his knees and stared Chay down. Chay shrugged nonchalantly and shot him a wink, “You gotta cough to get off, babe.”
When he could breathe properly again, Kim pointed accusingly up at him and wheezed, “You know that’s not what that means.”
Chay took the joint back and used his free hand to pull Kim close, tucking the shorter man into his side. He took an enormous toke and buried his face in Kim’s unstyled hair. When the burn grew too painful for him to hold another second, he lifted his chin, sighed, and watched any remaining grey wisps disappear in the breeze. Kim plucked the roach away with a look that said ‘you’re finished’, so Chay chose to occupy his hands by fitting them over his boyfriend’s hips instead. 
He squeezed without any shame whatsoever, having openly professed his feelings about Kim’s delicate waist a long while ago. Held flat to his chest as Kim now was, he felt the idol tense in a distinctly excited way. Kim shoved the depleted roach into their novelty bootlegged-Hello Kitty ashtray and twisted around in one smooth go. 
The movement temporarily broke Chay’s hold on him, but once he’d gotten situated with his face to Chay, Kim put them right back where they belonged. He tilted his head up to look at Chay, “Wanna go inside?” 
“You tired, or about ready for a snack?” Kim teased. “I think the foo-”
He was interrupted by Chay’s decision to lift him up and throw him over one annoyingly broad shoulder. 
“Hey! Put me down! Chay!” 
“Why should I put you down, P’Kim?” Chay laughed. He moved inside and closed the sliding balcony door behind them, Kim flopping back and forth with each half-turn of his torso. He planted a firm smack to Kim’s ass and laughed at the surprised yelp it got him in response. “Didn’t you just ask me if I wanted a snack?”
“That’s not what-”
“Then you should have been more specific.”
And if their awkwardly delivered dinner was a little cold by the time they got around to eating it? Oh well. You wouldn’t hear either of them complaining.
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echo-echo31 · 1 year
Sinmas: Day 15
Warnings: Mild voyeurism, possessive behaviour
Author Notes: Spoilers for Part 3. Lore incoming!
Alpha sighs, leaning his head back against the sofa as he watches you in what you still believe to be your room. Silly, really, that you'd think an advanced cybernetic lifeform couldn't see through walls.
He watches you struggle with yourself; pacing back and forth like you used to do back in the Operations Testing Room, when there was a piece of code you couldn't quite figure out.
Oh sweetheart, if only you remembered other things that happened in that room.
His mind starts to wonder, as it tends to these days, through its preconstructive sofware. Basically creating a kind of day dream, centered around what he's going to do to you once you're his.
He imagines you; on your knees, using his proper name, begging to be good for him and only him. He doesn't need to feel arousal - any other IRL model would probably have shut it off. Only he can't stop the feelings; so he grits his teeth as the burning of lust starts in his brain. He starts talking aloud.
"Sweet girl...I'll make you remember the sounds you used to make for me. You look just about good enough to eat.”
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mikobeautifulheart · 2 months
Hey I liked that fic you did on pervy megumi ❤ could you do it with yuji but make it a little sweeter ❤❤ty
Ahh I'm sorry this took so long because for the first time in history this is slightly more edited. I tried sweeter but honestly at this point I think i'm incapable of affection. I tried *sigh* sorry bout that.
Pervy Yuji (thoughts)
TW: pervert. Obsessed (Mildly) Some weird non consented touches but not smut. (or spicy sorry guys.)
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No surprise that Yuji just can't get enough of you.
Every moment, ever opportunity, he takes it.
Y/N wanna train together? Y/N wanna study together?
Y/N Gojo sensei is making us pick partners for the sister school even, wanna be mine?
Its not just being together but also distance.
The fact that every training session ends a little too close together.
"Yuji your squishing me." You muffled trapped under Yuji's body...again.
"Ah sorry Y/N! I lost my footing there and couldn't keep my balance."
Out of training to.
"Sorry Y/n the train is getting a little crowded" he said trying to hide his face in his collar.
"Its not your fault Yuji"
Every bump of the train you felt his hand on places you usually would hit someone's hand away from... Good thing he looked so innocent or you wouldn't have brushed it off so easily.
But every time you brushed it off. Yuji is just trying his best you know? He's Sukuna's vessel and never even knew about curses until now, you had to cut him some slack.
Even if it had nothing to do with the Jujutsu world.
"Hey Yuji, did you happen to get my laundry by accident? I can't find it anywhere and Megumi said you were there last."
"Oh uh I can check but if it's not here do you need help looking?"
"Uh- thanks but no, its just some...it would be embarrassing I guess. You know what never mind I probably just misplaced it again sorry." You sigh and walk out the room.
It happens more often then you liked. Some clothes of yours would go missing and then you would find them where you last left them or in a basket near the laundry.
If only you checked his lower dresser draw filed with some of you clothes.
When they lose their scent they get put back and so the cycle continues.
"Your sick. And that's coming from me. The king of curses, I kill and eat people and i'm telling you your sick ha." Sukuna chuckled in his head.
"Shut up. Like you would understand." Yuji said climbing down from a tree across from your window.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: Omg I wrote this so long ago but it didn't save. But it's okay because I re-wrote it and it's way better now. Trust me (even tho the ending sucks a bit). Anyways have a good whatever time of day.
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Potential TW ::: Difficulty conceiving. & for my vomit-sensitive friends, here's a mildly changed version: PUKE FREE EDIT
A/N ::: I am so tired tonight that this was not super proofed. This was an ask that came via my messages. They wanted a story with the spicy and the sweet parts of Kats & F.reader tryin' for a baby. I hope it has all the elements you wanted and that you like it!
C/W ::: Aged up Kats x f.reader, several mentions of vomiting & other facial fluids being discharged (snot, tears, puke). Oral M->F Quite a bit of P->V. Lovey dovey stuff, sweet moments between 2 people who just want a freakin' baby. Ok? 😭
WC ::: 4,923 (Jesus christ, I'm so sorry. This totally got away from me and I don't even know how.)
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"Hey babe, it's me." Katsuki said in his usual growly voice. "I guess you're still at work or somethin'. Anyway, I'll be home tomorrow night. Also, I'been holdin' back. So, be ready for me. I love you, call me if ya want."
Katsuki was out of town on a job. He's been gone for almost a week now, the longest you two have been apart since you got married, almost 2 years ago. You missed him, sure. But when he came home, stomping through the entryway, yelling for you, it was the best feeling to be wrapped up in his arms and smooshed into his chest.
The two of you have been leaving yourselves open to having a baby for about 4 months now. It hasn't been constant trying, but the longer it goes that you're not getting pregnant, the more you feel like you're needing to take this more seriously. You started reading up on the most productive positions to get the result you're looking for, studying what you can do before and after you do the deed. How to check your basal temperature. When doctor intervention becomes more than a discussion and an absolute necessity.
The phone beeps, alerting you to your missed call and voicemail. "What ... oh, damn it." You listen to the message Katsuki left you and couldn't help the soft pink blush that spread over your face and chest. No man had ever made you feel the way he has. You had been pretty reserved until he helped you tap into your inner slutty girl. It sounds bad, but you've not looked back once since he brought you out of your little sexual shell. And why should you? Every time you're with him you swear it's the best sex you've ever had. Point being, you got really lucky to have him love you and be able to love him.
Pushing #1 on speed dial, you hear the other line ringing and start praying to whatever gods would listen to you that he'd answer his phone.
"Hey brat. Y'ignorin' me now or some shit like that? The fuck ya think ya are?" You could hear him choke out a laugh. The background noise was almost louder than he was.
"You know it, you caught me. Trying to ignore you. What're you gonna do about it?" You giggled when you heard his breath hitch in his throat. Your voice got low and breathy, "You gonna punish me, hm? Good luck catching me, Kats."
The phone crackled a few times before you heard him, "Hey! Y'there? Babe!? Goddamn it, this shit ass fuc---" and then you heard nothing.
"K-Kats? Hello? Are you ... are you there? Oh." You tossed the phone on the couch and pouted. "Things were just about to get good, too." You whined to the cat. But you knew they didn't care. They were Kats' anyway. They merely tolerated you until they were hungry and then they were your biggest fan.
A chime rang out into the quiet room and you pounced on it. A text from Katsuki, "Sorry, shit reception here. I'll try to call you from the hotel later. XXX"
It was about 6pm. Too early for bed, too late to go anywhere. So you curled up on the couch and watched your wedding video. You laughed and cried about how stupid you felt for missing him so much. He's only been gone a week and he'll be home tomorrow. Less than 24 hours and you would be together again.
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You woke up to the sun forcing its way through the edges of the window coverings. "He's coming home today! He ... is finally coming home today!" A contented sigh heaved its way from your chest as you stood and stretched the uncomfortable position you slept in from your body. And then immediately a wave of nausea washed over you. "The f-," you covered your mouth and ran to the bathroom. Lifting the toilet lid, you took pause and started praying that you wouldn't puke. "Mmm ..." Your eyes roamed to the bathroom cupboard. The nausea faded and soon your body followed your eyes' lead and you started to crawl to open the door and pull out a pregnancy test.
You peed on the plastic receptacle and set the timer you'd bought specially for the bathroom, only to hurry up and wait for the next 3 minutes.
"Oh." You tried so hard not to let yourself get wrapped up in the hope that all of your fun and hard work had finally paid off. But it still hurt. It always hurt. It was a relief though, that Katsuki wasn't here to have to go through this again. He always somehow got more excited than you at the prospect of you becoming parents. 'There's plenty uh’time, ma,' he always says to you whenever the result is another negative.
It would be several hours before he'd be home, so you put yourself together and set out to grocery shop. You decided to stop by your favorite little boutique and look around at the lingerie. Maybe that would help cheer you up and raise moral to romp around with your husband. You laughed at the stupid thought. It was always fun to be with Katsuki.
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You managed to knock all of your tasks out in a couple of hours and drove home to get stuff put away. You still wanted to shower, put on the new lingerie you bought and figure out what to do for dinner. Take-out was calling your name tonight.
In the shower, you started to think about how much you loved Katsuki. And a familiar, warm, tingly feeling started to bloom in the pit of your stomach. Unconsciously, you began rubbing your thighs together trying to alleviate the pressure - however pleasant it might be - building there. It was a dangerous game you were playing here. If you rubbed them too much, you know you'd get beyond frustrated and have to take care of this on your own. And there was nothing you wanted more than for him to be the one to alleviate this pent up tension in your body. Seeing as he was the one causing it, it only seemed fair.
Hurrying to finish washing up, you managed to get out of there with only a little bit of lingering agitation. Perhaps agitation was too strong a word. But you missed him so much there was no other word you could think of to replace it.
All wrapped up in a towel, you went to your room and looked over the clothes you had laid out for tonight. The dress you chose was newer, you picked it up a month or so ago, but haven't had the chance to wear it. It’s so new that he hasn't even seen it on you. The lingerie was a strappy black 1 piece and it looked so confusing to you. But you wanted to look nice for him. You knew he would love it for the whole 30 seconds it was on you before he tore it off. Yet you couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous about his homecoming.
It all felt so new to you for some strange reason.
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His Jeep pulled into the driveway and your heart all but stopped beating. Your face got hot and you felt like you were going to puke again. "Jesus, calm yourself, y/n. You're married for Christ's sake. Have been for over 2 years. He is your husband. He already loves you." But you didn't believe a word you said to yourself.
You ran to the bedroom to take one last quick glance at your appearance. Smoothing down the dress at your stomach, you noticed it didn't sit quite like it did when you first bought it. You just chalked it up to a little bit of stress eating with Katsuki being gone, and you trying to stay cool about (not) getting pregnant. It just caught up to you. No matter. He's home.
The front door opened and you heard his heavy footsteps. Music to your ears. "Babe? 'M home. Get yer ass ov-", You peeked your head out of the bedroom and gave him a sassy smile. "There you are, fuck, missed you so much. Don't move." He tossed his keys onto the kitchen table and walked toward you like he was hunting you. Like if he moved to quickly you'd get startled and run away from him. Little did he know that it would take a lot more than him running at you to make you even flinch.
"I missed you too, Kats. So much." You whispered as he got closer. He reached out for you and pulled you flush against him, his mouth immediately finding yours. His lips were so soft and warm and he smelled so good. You couldn't resist the urge to kiss him deeper, and you let your tongue brush his bottom lip. He growled and held you tighter.
"Fuck, y’taste so good. Yer gonna kill me. I can't wait for you any longer. All of you. Every part of you." He kissed your cheek and then your ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth and tugging on it with his teeth. You moaned and ground your hips into his. The sensation of his hardness rubbing against you made you ache with need.
"Oh God. Please. I need you so much." Every brush of his fingers against your body left a trail of raised, peach fuzz hairs in their wake. You were panting now, trying to catch your breath from his lips on your skin. He pulled back and looked at you, his eyes shining with love and lust. "I love you so much, babe."
"I love you too, Katsuki." Your voice was breathy and quiet, almost like you were afraid to say it.
He leaned in and kissed you again, this time with more heat and intensity. His hands found their way to your ass and he squeezed, eliciting a whimper from your lips. "Let's go to bed." He grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom.
You walked in and he pushed you onto the bed. You squealed and giggled as you bounced. He stood over you and started to unbutton his shirt. His abs and pecs were on display for you. You couldn't help but lick your lips at the sight of his muscles moving as he shrugged his shirt off his shoulders. He moved to unbuckle his belt and you got a little nervous. He was so hot and you felt like you couldn't keep up with him. But he always managed to make you feel like the most beautiful woman on earth.
As he took his pants off, you got up and stood in front of him so he could unzip the dress. "You make this dress look so fuckin' beautiful, babe. Goddamn. So sexy. But y'know, 's much as I love this, 'm dying to see what's underne- Hoh fuck. Th- you- fuck that's hot. This new?" He asked as he covered his mouth with his right hand and shook his head slowly.
"You like it?" You blushed hard.
"Do I fuckin' like it. C'mere. Fuckin' c'mere and I'll show you just how much I like it." He pulled you close and kissed your lips, your neck, your chest. You could feel him hard and throbbing against your lower stomach. It was driving you wild.
He turned you around and began to kiss your shoulders. He moved the straps of the lingerie down and bit your skin gently. "Ah! Katsuki, please. Please touch me. I need you."
"Patience. G’na take my time with you. Got about 6 days to make up for, darlin'. Lemme have this. Lemme have you."
He turned you back around and kissed you deeply. He held you close and you could feel the heat radiating from his body. "I am so glad you're home, Kats." You whispered while you pulled him to the bed.
You laid there and let him take over, let him do what he wanted. And what he wanted was to drive you crazy. He kissed every inch of your body, making sure to pay extra attention to your most sensitive parts.
"You work out this week or somethin'?" He asked between kissing your hot skin. He moved down to your belly. "Fuck, you're just so ..." he growled against your skin as he breathed you in. "Your tits look fantastic. You're so ... gah ... I dunno. You're just so soft." He ran his hands over your curves and squeezed your hips.
You pulled his hair and guided him to your core. "Katsuki, need ... need your mouth." He obliged and licked a stripe up your slit, his tongue pressing firmly against your clit and you jumped back. "Hohmygod, Kats! Fuck!!"
"S'sensitive for me," he dove back in and started to suck on your clit, swirling his tongue around it and then flattening it and moving it side to side, "Fumkin' lub et." You felt like you were going to burst. The feeling was overwhelming and you felt yourself get close to the edge faster than you could ever remember.
"Katsu- kugh, ohmygod, I'm gonna ... I'm gonna ..." You grabbed his head and pushed him further into you. He moaned and his hands dug into your thighs as he kept working your swollen cunt.
"Cum for me, baby. Show me how fuckin’ hard y’can cum for me. Lemme see that pretty pussy cum for me." He moved back down and started sucking and licking your clit again, his fingers sliding inside you and hitting that spot you love so much.
Your whole body tensed up and you felt yourself explode all over his fingers and tongue. "Katsuki!!!" You screamed and bucked your hips against his face, chasing your orgasm. You could feel him smiling against your skin as you rode out your pleasure against his face and hands. You didn't know what you were rubbing yourself against but there was no part of you that could stop it from happening.
"G'girl. Fuck, you taste s'good, babe. Kinda diff’rent. More tart. Lemony." He kissed your thigh and then crawled up to kiss you. "Gonna fuck a baby into you now." He smiled down at you, much more sweetly than his intentions actually were and held your legs open so he could slide himself inside you.
"Mmmm, yes ... please, want you … in me." You whined as he started to push himself in. He was big, you were used to it. But tonight you needed a minute or two to adjust to his size. It felt like you were clenching down on him, almost purposely. Making it more difficult for him to push himself entirely inside of you. 
"Jesus fuck, you sure you weren't doing some pussy push-ups r'somethin'? You're so tight, babe. Feels so fuckin' good. But … Jesus."
You couldn't control your laughter at him calling kegel exercises 'pussy push-ups'. It was so stupid, but it made you feel warm and loved that he cared enough to notice things like that. "I've been practicing, yeah." You smirked and he leaned in and kissed you again.
"Good. So fuckin' good. Now, g'na fuck you 'til you can't stand it. I'm gonna cum in that hot pussy and make you the sexiest ma on the face of the planet." He growled against your lips as he started to move inside you.
You lost track of time and your body just reacted to him. He was rough and tender. Everything you needed and more. The two of you singing this song of moans in unison sounded better than any of your favorite songs ever had. His grunts and growls filled the room, as he fucked you harder and harder, so too, did your moaning and muttering of how good he felt get louder.
"Kats ... gonna cum again. Pleasepleaseplease ... you gotta cum first! It w- oh god - it works better if you cum first ... I think! Hurry up!" You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him deeper into you. You could feel your walls tightening and pulsating around his cock and it was the most exquisite feeling.
"Bah, fuck, I'm close babe. Gonna fill you up so good. Fuck, gonna fill you up with my cum." He grabbed your legs and pushed them back so your knees were against your chest and your ankles were at his ears. He held onto the back of your legs and pounded into you with all the strength he had left in him.
"Yesyesyes! Katsuki! Cum in me!" You were on the edge of your orgasm and you couldn't hold it at bay any longer. You felt the hot wetness of his seed filling you up and you let yourself go, your pussy clenched around his cock.
He stayed inside you for a minute or two, panting and kissing your forehead. Droplets of sweat fell from his face to yours. It was disgustingly intimate. You had never felt closer to him. Physically or emotionally.
"I love you." He whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
"I love you." You whispered back.
And with that, he rolled off of you and snuggled up against your back, his hand resting on your stomach. The two of you fell asleep a short time later. Still happily tangled up in one another.
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The next morning you awoke to Katsuki gently rolling his cock against your ass. You turned your head as best you could to see him, but when you managed to, you saw that he was still fast asleep. It didn't diminish the arousal that began to creep its way through your body, though.
You rolled over and kissed his face, whispering sweet nothings to him as you tried to wake him. "Kaaats, you wanna go again?" Running your hand down his chest and stomach, stopping about halfway down his happy trail, he opened his eyes slowly and gave you a half smile that looked so sexy on him.
"Mornin' babe. Wha' was I doin'?" He asked, looking down at his erection. "Ah. Was havin' a really ... really good dream 'bout you. Wan' me to show ya what we were doin'?" He flopped onto his back and pulled you on top of him so you were straddling his waist. "Y'so fuckin' wet already. Damn woman. You could put out a fire with that pussy. Hm-hm. Let's start one first though, yeah?" His hands dug into the plush of your hips and pushed/pulled you over him.
Your cunt wrapped so perfectly around him made him let out the most guttural of moans that caused you to clench around nothing. But he felt it and moaned again. It was becoming a vicious little cycle: He'd moan, your body would react, so on and so forth.
He pulled you up, grabbing underneath your ass and lifted you so you were hovering just over his cock. You rolled your head forward to look at him as you slid down, putting just the head inside of you.
"Don't be a fuckin' tease." He growled at you and tried to pull you down, his cock twitching at the denial of the possibility of complete envelopment. "Fucking hell, you're so bratty. Gonna make you pay for this," he laughed.
"Sorry, can't hear you over how good just the head of your cock feels while I'm bouncin' on it." You smirked at him as you wiggled your hips side to side.
He reached up and grabbed your neck, pulling you down to him as he thrust up into you. "I said, don't be a fucking tease," he hissed out through a clenched jaw.
You felt your eyes roll back and your body tense up as he filled you completely. It was almost too much to handle. "Katsu ... ki ... ah, fu-ughh, fuck! Don't stop!" You couldn't hold on anymore. You ground your hips against him as you came, your pussy fluttering and gripping his cock so tightly he couldn't help but follow you over the edge.
All of a sudden, you stopped riding out the last waves of your orgasm. Sitting on top of him still, you put your hand over your mouth and you looked down at him with pure panic in your eyes. "Hmph ..." you shook your head when he asked if you were ok. "Hmphhuh," you gagged again. He helped you off of him and all but dragged your post-o, jellied, naked body to the bathroom and lifted the lid on the toilet for you.
"Y'fuckin' sick'er somethin', babe? Got the flu? What the hell's goin' on?" His brows furrowed and he scowled at you. You knew it was out of concern, not frustration.
You shook your head, trying to compose yourself after something so icky. Hating yourself for doing this right now. Right after such an intimate moment. While he was standing there, staring at you. Puking your guts out. Naked. "Don' knoooohhhh fuck, leave, Kats. Get out! Ple-!"
He squatted down next to you and held your hair back with his right hand and rubbed your back with his left. "'M not fuckin' leavin' you. Not for pukin', not for fuckin' nothin'. Y'fuckin' hear me? Better or worse. Sickness and health and all that other shit. Just shut up and finish. 'L be right here for ya."
The amount of fluid that left your face was disgusting. You'd never had such floodgates open like this before. Puking, crying, snot running from your nose. You were an actual mess. But he stood by you through all of it.
"Hey, babe ... d'ya ... ah shit. D'ya think yer pregnant?" Katsuki asked as you stood from the floor, moving slowly toward the sink to wash your face off. The sparkle in his eyes was undeniable. And it killed you that you had to tell him you weren't.
You leaned over the sink, your face in your hands, and started crying. "I ... oh, Kats. I'm ... I'm not. I took a test a couple of days ago. I didn't w-", his hands on your back silenced you. They were, to date, the most important hands in the world to you. They were strong. They were soft and warm and they are all encompassing. If there were any kind of god, you would live out the rest of your days under his hands.
"Why didn't you tell me? I don't want you carryin’ this all by yourself, y/n. What we don't succeed in doing together, we share the hardships and overcome that ... together. I'm so sorry, babe. I'm sorry I was gone for so long. I shouldn'ta left ya for so long." He spoke to you so quietly. Like his words would be the thing that finally throws you over the edge. The thing that finally breaks you.
"Maybe I ate something." You ran your forearm across your dry lips and hobbled back to the bed to bury yourself in the blankets. "I'm sorry, Kats. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I won't do that again, promise." He walked over to you and sat down on the edge and brushed the hair from your face.
"G'na get you some 7-up 'n a cold washcloth. Be right back, babe." You watched him walk out of the bedroom and turn down the hallway. His butt jiggling ever so slightly. It made you smile. And it made you feel something else.
"The hell ...?" You sat up in bed and realized that you were horny. Again. Katsuki came back a minute later with what he promised you. Something to drink and a cold, wet cloth for you to put on your face. Smiling as he handed you this stuff, you pulled him in close to you and kissed him on the cheek all the way down to his neck.
"Oh, babe. Yer jus' so ... hah. No matter what. Even with your hair matted to your face and your eyes puffy and red. I love you." He leaned over and kissed your forehead.
"Don't say it." You smiled at him. It was almost like you knew what he was going to say. And you couldn't bear to hear it. Not right now. You had no idea where you two stood in that department. You weren't ready to admit that to each other. Not yet. Not right now.
He smiled back and laid down next to you, spooning you from behind. He ran his hand along your waist and stomach, over and over. It was relaxing. And it was a little bit arousing, but you managed to keep yourself at bay. You had just thrown up, after all.
"I'm sorry, Kats. I'm sorry I can't give us the baby we want. I'm sorry I'm so fucking broken." You choked on your words as tears started to well in your eyes. "I'm so sorry."
He shifted behind you and held you tighter. "Babe, you're not broken. 'Sides, who says it ain't me? Maybe we should make a doctors appointment, yeah? Get my count tested and all that shit. Whatcha say?"
You sniffed and wiped your face with the washcloth. It felt good against your hot face. "You - Kats, you'd do that? You'd have your sperm count checked?" Rolling over to face him, you took his face in your hands and held it there while the two of you just stared at each other.
"Fuckin' never said I wouldn't! Course I will. 'F we ever wanna get to the bottom of this, we hafta explore every possibility, right?" He ran a rough finger along your cheek to collect the freshly fallen tears and wipe them on the sheets. You made an ick face at him and he told you to pipe down, they need to be changed anyway after the night you two just had on them.
A couple of weeks past and he had his appointment with the fertility specialist where they ran a count on Kats. They called and said his sperm was 'abnormally high and active'. Their exact words were, "We have never seen anything like it in our careers." He didn't shut up about it for 3 days.
This left you in a fog. Surely, you were the reason you two couldn't conceive. It made you feel like absolute shit. No matter what he said to you, it didn't lift the guilt you were trying to carry all on your own. You thought he shouldn't have to hurt when he wasn't the problem. This complex was exhausting you and you could feel yourself slipping deeper into sadness.
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You went to the clinic at the end of the day that Friday, the last appointment they had for the week. They drew your blood and told you they would be in touch on Monday or Tuesday about the next step after they had a chance to evaluate the sample for any obvious
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It was Saturday morning and you were both sitting on the back porch eating breakfast when your phone rang. "It's the clinic, Kats. You answer. I don't want to talk to them. They probably found a plastic bag where my uterus is supposed to be." You pushed your phone across the little glass tabletop and got up, carrying the dishes into the kitchen to wash them off.
"Yeah babe, on it. Hello? N-no. You're trying to reach Bakugou? Well, shit. Yeah. That's me, I mean ... I'm her husband, Katsuki. Yes! The man with incredible sperm!" He laughed, you cringed. "Wait, what? No, that's not ... I mean ...," his voice got quiet and he got up, walking across the yard to mess with a fence piece.
You watched him out there fiddle with the broken wooden slat and felt your heart breaking into even smaller pieces. "Fuck." You whispered, looking down at the tiny bubbles popping on the soaking dishes. A tear dripped from your chin and landed on your chest, darkening a spot on your gray Dynamight shirt.
Katsuki came walking into the kitchen and came over to you, putting his hands on your shoulders, he turned you to face him. "Hey, ma?" Getting down on his knees, he put his hands on your waist and smooshed his face into your tummy. "Ma?"
"Are you having a fucking stroke or something? What are you doing, dumbass?" You wiped your chin and huffed out a short, insincere laugh. "Kats, what did - what'd they say. Is it me? Am I ..."
"Yes, babe. It's you. It's you … and the little grenade you're carrying. You're ... we're ... having a baby, y/n. You're fuckin' pregnant." He beamed up at you, tears in his wide eyes. 
"It's you, babe. You and me. And … and … and a little us in you. We did it, y/n. We're gonna have a family!"
You covered your mouth with your hands and cried. Not just a few tears, but a full-on ugly cry. You were going to be a mom. Katsuki was going to be a dad. And this was just the beginning of your lives as a family.
"I'm sorry I didn't believe in us. I'm sorry I let myself think for a second that it wouldn't be us. Us. Just us. I'm so happy it's us." You bent over and kissed his forehead. He stood and wrapped you in his arms and you both just stood there letting this new beautiful reality sink in.
The future was yours and yours alone … well, and Kats’ and the babies, of course. 
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Taglist ::: @dreamcastgirl99 @viburnt @arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82
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dynamightsdaydream · 1 year
lazy mornings | K. Bakugou x GN! Reader
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6:44 am
notes: I wrote this at six am. I have had nothing but Bakugou on the brain since it is his birthday. And this is the result. I haven't written anything in a while so I may be a bit rusty. So, I apologize in advance. Anyways, I am going to go bake some cupcakes to celebrate kat's birthday. I hope you enjoy this thingy I wrote half asleep, and on like 4 hours asleep. Stay safe <3
cw and tw; unedited, not proofread, mildly spicy if you squint, pure fluff, reader is sorta a simp, pretty cheesy, and just a whole lot of soft tsundere kat.
word count: 563
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Morning rays of the early sunrise began to pour in through the glass of the bedroom window. The warm sunlight was kissing your skin softly. Feeling half asleep the only thing you could make out was the feeling of a large protective arm around your waist. With closed eyes you smiled at the feeling of him. The way his body molded perfectly into your curves and shape as he held you. Opening your eyes, you were met with the peaceful image of your sleeping boyfriend. You felt your cheeks heat up at the mere sight of him. Shirtless, with this adorable sleeping face. His features pressed against the fluffy pillows. With his brow furrowed and his lips parted, forming a slight pout.
You began to shift in attempt to get into a more comfortable position. Nuzzling into your boyfriend next to you, his skin was filled with warmth and comfort. Katsuki grumbled in response but didn’t open his eyes. He just hoisted you up a bit, so you were resting in the crook of his neck. Inhaling deeply, you receive a waft of the singed caramel and musk scent he emitted, feeling entirely at peace this morning.
“You creep…” He spoke in his gruff morning voice. Earning a giggle from you. Lifting your gaze, you were met with two crimson orbs. “M’ not a creep…” you whined. “You watched me sleep for about two minutes and you sniffed me. So, what's your explanation for that hah? Sweetheart?” His words, laced with a small chuckle. “You're just so pretty and peaceful looking when you sleep...” You spoke as you caress his stubbly cheek. Beginning to blush, he averted his gaze from yours.
“I mean in contrast to when you're awake anyway,” You tease him. “Tch shut up...” He rolled his eyes playfully making you laugh. Your thumb and pointer finger tilting his head down, so your eyes met once more. You couldn't help but admire him... He was so ruggedly handsome. Sharp jawline, ruby red eyes that sparked such intensity, and pouting lips that were so eager to meet your own. Pulling you closer. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist, pecking your lips.
“Kiss me like you mean it...” You whispered onto his lips. "Askin' for it aintcha' sweetheart? Can't say no to you though, can I?" He smirked. His hot breath grazed your lips, slowly he leaned in and connected his to yours. Your heads tilting right and left, lips moving together in sync. The kiss was full of need and passion. As all his kisses were, he always left you utterly breathless. His mouth so warm, something you cannot imagine not feeling daily. He pulled gently on your bottom lip, making you gasp. A wandering hand ran along your thigh whilst another up your lower back. Your soft hands brush along the nape of his neck and pinch at strands of ash blonde hair.
Pulling away your eyes met his. His pupils dilated with pure love and adoration. Eyes are always a window to tell the way someone feels, they never lie. And his eyes were crystal clear. Bakugou Katsuki is ever so deeply in love with you. It was clear as the morning sky. Moments like these were rare. But you both learned how to value them. Lazy mornings with your pro hero lover were something to truly behold.
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Hi, this is my first time requesting anything so bear with me :)
I was wondering if you could do one using the 36 questions (the love things that Distractible did on the podcast) with Engineer!Mark? Maybe him trying to discretely ask the Captain the questions but he’s not being actually subtle about it?
Thank you :D
36 Questions (ISWM Mark x GN Reader)
Summary- When Mark is looking up advice on how to ask you out, he finds the list of 36 questions that lead to love. He then decides to ask you these questions.
TWs- None? Mark being nervous and biting his lip. Long-ish 1692 words.
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Hey, so update on me. I'm starting school again soon, so I'll either start updating more or less. Also, I'm gonna attempt and post one or two more request this week (Probably won't but still) one of ranger/camp Mark from iswm 2 and one is gonna be a mildly spicy one of engineer so keep an eye out.
Thanks for requesting anon, You did great!
“36 questions that lead to love,” Mark mumbled to himself. Mark had been casually scrolling through the world wide web, ( totally not looking up advice on how to ask someone out) and saw the title of this article. Mark knew it was probably all bullshit, but it still caught his interest.
Mark has been infatuated with you since you first stepped onto his ship. This only grew as he got to know you. You were the strong, kind, intelligent, and fantastic captain, you were also his best friend. You learned how to make his coffee perfectly and would stay up late helping him review things when you didn’t have to. You spent so many lifetimes and went through so much hell to not only save the ship and crew but to save him. You held onto him when he needed it most and never blamed him for all the pain he had caused. You held onto hope when he didn’t and you never gave up on him.
He let out a sigh, he has fallen bad for you. At first, he had tried to deny it, but he couldn't any longer. Not when his heart felt like it would beat out of his chest every time you smiled at him. Not when you work late at night, and all he can think about is how he wants to cuddle you and sleep. He can’t ignore it any longer, and he doesn’t want to.
So he decided he was going to confess his feelings to you. He was very fucking nervous, hence the looking-up advice. As he scrolled through the list of questions his hope grew, maybe, just maybe, this could work. He had no clue if you liked him back and maybe this would help him figure it out. He smiled and grabbed his tablet writing down some of the questions to ask you tomorrow, all he had to do was be subtle about it. He could totally do that though. He built a whole fucking spaceship, he can be subtle.
~ next day~
“ So, uh Captain, if you were given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?” Mark asked as he fixed the control panel. You looked down over at him somewhat surprised. You had been standing next to him, sending a few emails from your tablet until he asked you that question. You let out a quick hum as you thought, you don't know where this came from, but a good question. He looked up at you ready to hear your answer.
“ Well it depends, can I choose where or what we eat?” you asked him. Mark bit his bottom lip thinking before answering, “Yeah, I guess.” you nodded and smiled. He leaned underneath the control panel attempting to grab something. “Well, then I would want the head engineer of the Invincible 2 as my dinner guest.”
Mark swung his head up to look at you and yelped when he hit his head instead. “Holy shit, You okay Mark?” you asked, kneeling next to him. He leaned up and rubbed his head, “Yeah, I'm fine Captain.” He moved from under the control panel, “ Why me though.” His wide curious brown eyes bore into you awaiting an answer. Your face heated up slightly before answering, “Well, I could finally take you to that one restaurant I was telling you about, the one I used to go to all the time.” You paused, helping him to his feet, “Plus it’d be nice for us to be able to hang out and relax without worrying about someone busting in needing something fixed.”
Mark smiled and felt his heartbeat quicken. You were so fucking cute, “I’m surprised, I thought you would've said someone like Neil Armstrong or Ryan Reynolds. “ You both chuckled, “If I was ever going to have dinner with Ryan Reynolds I would bring you along. It’d be a crime for only me to have that experience.” Once again you both laughed and quickly moved on to the next task.
You had simply brushed off the question, but Mark hadn't. Throughout the day he asked you a few more random questions, which you answered honestly. You had no idea why Mark was asking you such specific questions, but you didn't mind. Not when it meant you had more of his attention than normal.
As you both sat down in your office, making coffee, Mark looked down at his arm tablet for the 20th time that day before asking, “ What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?” You looked over at him with raised eyebrows as you took a sip from your cup. Did he have a list of questions? Was he doing one of those personality quizzes?. You sighed, it didn't matter much. “Relaxing at home watching some great movies, with great food and maybe.” You looked at him from the brim of your cup, “ With someone great.”
You smiled as you watched Mark try to sneakily type your answer into his tablet. You held back a laugh as you watched him notice you looking at him, and then him attempting to make an excuse. “What would be the perfect day for you Mark?” He looked surprised and set his cup down and bit his lip thinking. A habit he had, which you find very cute.
“Well, maybe staying in a nice remote cabin celebrating the creation of an amazing tool that's gonna help humanity. “ He smiled, “ It’d be fall time and I’d bring Chica with me. “ He looked over at you before saying, “Maybe bring someone special with me.” Your heart fluttered, you had a hunch that Mark had a crush on you at times. Other times, you think he only sees you as a friend. You’d be okay with that as long as he was happy. Though when he looks at you like that you think twice, Maybe he could return your feelings.
He looks away flustered before coughing. “Well i should go i gotta look at your answers- i mean the data from life support. “ He walked backwards till he was at your door. He hit the door clumsily, before saying, “I’ll talk to you later, captain.” You smiled and waved as he left. He was adorable, you shook your head walking over to your desk. That's when you noticed Mark’s tablet there unlocked and open on some page.
“He must have left it here”, You thought as you picked it up with the intention of returning it to him you saw what was pulled up. An article named “The 36 Questions That Lead to Love”, Your face heated up as you scrolled and realized these were the questions Mark had been asking you all day. You sat down, hands2 over your face. Does this mean he likes you? It has to be, You knew he might have a crush on you and know you know for certain so, why was it affecting you so much. Yeah you might have a little crush on your head engineer, but that's all it was. You looked over at the photo of you and Mark that you kept on your desk.
Maybe it was more than a little crush. You picked up the now dark tablet and walked over to Mark’s office. You mumbled one of the questions you had looked at in an attempt to remember it. You could ask questions too. As you arrived outside of Mark’s office, you took a deep breath. You knocked and heard Mark yell, “Doors open Captain.” You grinned, of course he would recognize your knock. You walked into his office and your grin turned into a smile. It was always so cozy and warm in his office, not super clean and organized as yours. It had its own charm.
Mark looked up from his computer with a smile asking, “What can I do for you Captain?” you placed his tablet down on his desk, as you sat on said desk. Mark’s face flushed and before he could say anything you asked, “Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time?” He looked surprised as you waited for his answer. As he was thinking his eyes fell onto his tablet and oh…. Oh shit, he had left the screen of questions up. The captain must have seen it, they have to be mad.
Yet when he looked up at you all he could see was a soft look. Maybe you weren’t mad, maybe you even returned his feelings? He smiled and decided to take a leap of faith, “Uh, yeah actually yeah.” You motioned for him to continue, “I know this really amazing person and I’ve been really wanting to ask them out.” Your eyes met his and you placed your hand over his. “Why haven’t you done it?” You asked him in a soft voice, he stood from his chair and stood in front of you. You breath caught in your throat, he gripped your hand.
“I was nervous that they didn’t like me, but I'm not nervous anymore. I have a feeling they might like me. “ He scooted closer to you, his free hand held your face. He could feel the heat coming from your face, not like he was any better. His face must be as hot as a star. “ Do you like me captain?” he finally asked. You smiled and he released the breath he was holding.
“I do, I might even call it love Mark.” He smiled brightly and hugged you tight. You let out a light laugh and hugged him back. As he pulled back you leaned up and kissed him. He was caught by surprise but he quickly kissed you back, his hands on your hips. Kissing him was like heaven.
As you pulled apart you pressed your foreheads to each other's foreheads.
“I’m guessing I wasn't very subtle when asking the questions.” He asked and you laughed lightly, and he joined you. “No, not at all Mark, but it's okay. I’m glad you weren’t” you finished, before you leaned on his chest you both held each other.
Thanks for requesting <3 Asks are open!
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gothra · 1 year
Do you have any butchie fic rec’s?
sorry this one took so long, it turns out that gathering links takes a bit longer than i thought it might. just a warning: I’m going wide, because I don’t know where to stop so I’m just going to be loading a bunch in here. and they are mostly smut except for a few domestic ones, and a few bits of angst.
The first and best ones I read were the ones in aishahiwatari’s repertoire. This is kind of one of the larger collection of Butchie fics that I’ve found in the tag, so it would take forever to explain the premise of all of them, if you have spare time just take a look. There’s a lot of porn (and you will soon come to realize that that’s kind of the running theme here) but the one that really fucked me up was earth or diabolical creature because FUCK Hughie and Butcher have a toddler and she’s cute and I’m losing i
I also like this series, it’s got a lot of creative and interesting choices for smut scenarios and it all ends in a dramatic and emotional fashion.
this one is slightly like the one above but I’m not complaining because it’s good and it’s cute
okay now we’re getting into the standalones. I’ll include any of the more important content warnings, but it’s a lot to type so bare with me if you click and there’s something I’ve missed im sorry
bitter skin by none_the_wiser (one-shot. short and spicy! really encapsulates the sort of rough-and-tumble, love-to-hate-you-hate-to-love-you high that butchie seems to be on. they honestly write it better than I can.)
if you wanna be my lover…, by watchthequeenconquer (spice girls!!! The comparisons are apt. if passing out, choking, mildly dubious consent, verbal humiliation, intoxication or play fighting bothers you, avoid.)
this writer has a series of other fics that are more domestic and fluffy, centered more on them raising Ryan, which I LOVE and need MORE of:
but it may be a lunatic you’re looking for by cathect (love how horny this one is and the blurb always makes me laugh)
(bad?) neighbors by motherfuckingsorcery (I love fics that exploit hughie’s obvious praise kink)
Most of the butchie fics from holyfudgemonkies 2021 kinktober collection (keep your eyes on the tags as some have some darker and dead dove stuff but overall a fun reading experience). honestly just their whole tag has some fun stuff
if you’re noticing that I’m getting less and less specific and I’m just posting full collections, it’s because I didn’t realize just how much work this was so I’m basically just posting every fic I’ve ever read. that being said…
struck by a bolt is a very sexy series by (ourdramaqueen)
one way ticket to a dead end by ezran (hot! a bit of toxic behavior in this one tho)
ask a question, get an answer by satsumasegments (I WISH this had happened instead. it’s such a hot, smoothly written fic I love it)
when I say that this next fic fucked me up, I’m not joking. I don’t know why I read it, because death bothers me a lot, even fictional deaths, but I read it and I couldn’t function properly for days after. I think I’m just sensitive but Christ it was painful.
so you should definitely read what do they know about friends by satsuma segments
the spare knife of happiness by flwrgardens (did I mention how much I LOVE Hughie and butcher being domestic with Ryan?? Because I love it. this is such a you-have-already-left-kudos-here ass fic I love it I love it)
house of stone by tylerose (more domesticity. GIVE ME MORE DOMESTICITY AND FALLING IN LOVE!! tw for drug use but it’s just Temp V)
touch me gently, it’s been too long by spacelesscass (so tender like chicken nugget. so soft.)
please note that not every fic I’ve ever read and liked is on this list, I just tried to maintain what little brevity I had left because putting this together was so exhausting?? if you want the rest let me know but i'd basically be putting the whole tag in there since 1. it's very small and 2. i read a lot of fics
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Actually correct Drawfee quotes because these morons (affectionate) are a major staple in my life. This is the post so you can search for certain speakers, if you want. Godspeed.
Also tagging @dilfosaur , @julialepetit , and @nyaffe cuz I would DIE FOR THEM. Karina my celebrity squish UwU /hj
Links, info about submissions, tagging, tags to block, surveys, etc below!
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The Fun Things
Blog Specific Tags
Survey Pt2: Yearbook Edition
Our blog's greatest achievement (counting on y’all to tell me if this ever happens again)
My personal chitchat blog
Tone indicators I use on this blog
If you like what I'm doing, you can shoot me a buck or two!
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Requests and Submissions
Please make sure to include the episode name (or just 'stream' if it was in a stream)
Timestamps or who was drawing at the time are HELPFUL, but not NECESSARY
I will automatically tag you, so if you DON'T want that, please either say so in the ask, or you can use '🚫' or '[no]' (in brackets) if you hit the character limit
Go nuts! Thanks :)
Also: tag me in your Drawfee fanart! I love showing folks art off and talking about it!
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As long as Tumblr doesn't mess with anything, formatting should be as follows:
Quote in large text (separated with quotation marks if there's multiple speakers), episode name/stream in small text, and speakers in order in the tags.
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Tags for triggers:
I typically tag like this:
[thing] tw, [thing] cw, // [thing], [thing] ment
I'll put a list of things I tag below! Please note there might be touchy topics! If you don't see it on the list, shoot me a message or an ask! Currently I'm tagging:
[religion, bug, spider, blood, god, gun, weapon, vomit]
I'm also tagging mildly NSFW things (AKA sex mentions and stuff) as
•drawfee gets spicy•
to make sure to keep it avoidable while also not getting nuked by Tumblr :)
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Also! Header image is Karina's from the "Drawing in Shades of Red" video, the Drawfee mug logo for the PFP and the icon in the dividers doesn't belong to me (though I did make the dividers), and these quotes can all be found on the Drawfee YouTube channel! Feel free to shoot me an ask or message if you see any errors (typos, episode mistakes, speaker mistakes, etc), it's much appreciated!
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narrators-journal · 1 year
Winter is a lovely season for romance and funerals TOC
This is a table of contents for my beloved passion project for my beloved persona ship, Ryoji x Minato. This is utterly self indulgent fun and an entire AU.
TW: There will be some mildly spicy scenes at least, and implied violence. More will be added as seen fit.
Additionally, there is discussion of self harm, explicit smut, dark topics, captivity, and death as well as simply talking of the topic.
Date made: 6/16/23
Date updated: 2/9/24
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 (Link to the ao3 book)
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ootori-sibs · 2 years
dinner and a show .-.
Tw; sex mention
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“I’ll pay for dinner.”
“Oh, alright, thank you.” Yuzuru smiled at him, receiving absolutely nothing in response. Turning his attention to the menu, he noticed that there were very few items that didn’t contain meat. The dishes also didn’t have any information on what they actually contained, which he found mildly odd but didn’t really care. Not glancing up, he asked Yoshio; “what are you getting?”
“For starters or for the main?”
“Either? Both? I’ve never been here before, what’s good?”
Yoshio paused for a moment, clearly going over his options. “Well I might get the spicy soup for my starter, and the roast here is divine so I’ll get that- although I usually get the steak.”
“Well if the steak is good enough for you to have it regularly, I might get that,” Yuzuru nodded, some steak did sound good right about now. “I’ll probably just order bread and dipping oil for a starter though, I make a point of never having two meat dishes in one meal.”
“I’ve noticed that,” Yoshio glanced up from the menu, “why is that?”
“Well I feel that eating too much meat during a meal gives the impression of a ravenous hunger, one that I don’t believe is befitting of a gentleman. Does that make sense to you?”
“You think too much about food, Souh.” Yoshio responded with a slight but genuine chuckle, “it’s your sexual habits that give the impression of a ravenous hunger, not your diet.”
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artbean · 3 years
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↳ fire in the water is the body of our love (ID in alt text)
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coulsonxarchive · 3 years
[ MARK ] :     via gentle biting or hickeys, sender leaves a mark on receiver. ( i believe the appropriate emoji for this is >D )
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       nsfw prompts, accepting selectively.
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      he’d certainly not expected his visit to madripoor to be anything like this. intimacy escaped him at any possible turn and coulson had long since suspected that his chance at happiness had faded away with his divorce. much how doctors or detectives often lamented that their jobs were their first spouses, coulson understood ---though his had been a choice. the realization that s.h.i.e.l.d. had literally been his dream since childhood, that he’d always choose it over anything else, had not been a pleasant pill to swallow. even if he wanted to make room for someone else. so he’d settled with the loneliness and acquainted himself well with it. they were a close pair, now, so much so that he didn’t mind it when it loomed over his shoulder or wrapped its thin fingers around the base of his spine.
      and now half of the world was gone, literally, in the blink of an eye. hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, to months, to more than a year since coulson had taken the mantle of de-facto director unto himself with some grand crusade to help in whatever way he could. ---but what could a man do? what resources could he draw upon to help reverse the cosmic will of something much greater than he was? it felt hopeless. and that loneliness inched ever closer, wrapped fingers more tightly around, stuck nails into marrow to become.
      it’s sad that it took half the world disappearing for this, he’d thought. and in the same token it was incredible how, despite their losses, places like madripoor were still filled to the brim with life and bustling. he could almost pretend that nothing had happened, that he was away on some mission for a world he knew ... that this was normal ... that he was someone else. the soft neon of the night market was somehow comforting to him, the clashing tones of voices speaking over one-another to grab business from passers-by, the heavy humidity in the air that made the thin rows of stalls seem both cold and stifling all at once ---coulson understood the appeal of a place like this. it was easy to get lost, it was easy to stay that way. but he’d managed to connect himself to sharon carter. she’d let herself be found.
      even with half the world gone he recognized her skillset. it was foolish to use her the way fury had ( and perhaps now that fury was technically gone he could admit the mistakes of a man he’d looked up to for so long ), and allow her skillset to be thrown away during the civil war. they’d all broken the law, they’d all operated under some sense of morality. coulson had committed his own treason and gotten off on a technicality, and forces he was familiar with were more than willing to step in and keep that technicality a secret. fury hadn’t done anything to cover it because of coulson’s usefulness, he’d done whatever he wanted or could to keep t.a.h.i.t.i. and that mess a secret. and he didn’t feel betrayed by that ---he agreed with hit. that devil deserved to be buried, the world didn’t need to know.
      but not sharon carter. loyal to the last, useful, capable, human ---used and cast aside like tissue paper, pretty to decorate and touch but an afterthought in the thick of it. it was wrong. he wouldn’t be anything like former directors ( ‘ i’ll do better ’ he promised quietly, and look where he was now ). and he made good on that promise ---he was nothing like former directors. they never had her splayed, bare, atop them in shared sheets, twisted silk around a mess of legs and limbs, with skin exposed to the air to cool beaded sweat from it.
      his fingers made a lazy trail along the length of her spine ---the real hand, the one that could feel the fine hairs rising in pleasant answer to his soft ministrations. the steady rise and fall of his chest followed the olympic marathon they’d run together; his lips still sore for the loss of pressure, red lines blossomed across his thighs and stomach - his chest and neck where she’d run nails over the taut expanse of them. hair was touseled, a lazy grin stretched wry over his mouth and coulson looked every bit the cat who caught the canary. half-lidded eyes beheld the soft shape of sharon, the outline of neon light streaming through dimmed windows to catch against the fine gold of her hair, illuminating the individual stray strands where he remembered sliding his fingers through to tug and pull not five minutes before.
      she was beautiful always, but she looked lovely deconstructed like this. without tactical suits of varying colors and concentration smearing her visage ---instead replaced with her own wily grin that suggested she was up to no good. the confirmation came when she pecked her way from his collarbone to his neck, the edge of his jaw where it was marked by salt-and-peppered stubble ( the sign of a man ageing with stress, surely ). coulson hummed for the gentle pleasure of it, the light fleck of lips in their trail from a to b where he was sure she felt it against her tiers. of course the easy laziness of it faded with the sharp contrast of flashing teeth ---the one well-placed bite on his jawline that he knew would bring harsh red against the white and black there.
      he sucked a sharp breath, eyes opening immediately for the switch in pace, murky grey catching sight of the devious expression that occupied sharon in that moment. perhaps someone whose mind wasn’t muddied by the recollection of self after a significant endorphin dump would have wagered on the second sharp bite just below the first, but coulson somehow managed to be surprised by that one, too. the soft ‘ ah ! ’ a steady indicator of that status - his hand ceased its pattern-drawing to press at the small of her back, as if a warning. “ there are still s.h.i.e.l.d. employees who will see this on me, you know. ”
      a different weight, coming from the director. he imagined she didn’t care. the fact that the impish grin never left her lips told him as much. so he shifted, hand sliding to the neat round of her rear to pull her up against his form, where the other sought mussed strands of gold once again. he tugged as he let his lips seek hers, to wipe that smirk off of her face with fevered kisses and nips of his own ---a signifier of round two.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
BTHB: Tearful Smile
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You anons wanted the dubcon drabble? I give you de dubcon drabble. CW: Dubcon (on both sides). Also contains drugging, mentions of torture, violence, and abuse, as well as threatened noncon (not depicted). And more than a fair dash of spice.
@spiffythespook​ asked for tearful smile for @badthingshappenbingo​
Blood spot: requested Puppy sticker: fulfilled​
This isn’t really my “Merry Christmas” piece - that’s going up next week. But it takes place just before the first Christmas (Handcuffs Year) Danny is in captivity, after just about a full year with Bram in the woods in Alberta. 
Tagging: @bleeding-demon-teeth, @spiffythespook, @finder-of-rings, @whumpywhumper, @special-spicy-chicken​
“Wh-what did you give him?”
“Does it matter?” Bram sits back on the couch, one arm up, sipping his beer, with the air of a man watching a really fascinating show on TV. “Look at him, Nate. Doesn’t he shine?”
Danny lay on his back with part of his head underneath the Christmas tree, blue eyes sparkling and hazy, running fingers along the lines of red and blue and green lights, whispering “pretty, pretty, pretty” to himself in a tone of hushed awe and wonder.
God, he’s beautiful. Even with the bruises.
Nate swallows back revulsion at the thought, the self-loathing that had become a second skin he wears over the first. The only protection he had left - hating himself for things he hasn’t even done yet, with the understanding that sooner or later, he will.
He can’t hold out forever, and it’s a miracle Bram has even gone this long without forcing him to take a more active role, to do more than clean up the blood, bandage wounds, maybe hold one knife while Bram uses another.
But he can’t argue with Bram’s question, standing next to the couch and looking across the room… because Danny did shine.
He’s high as a fucking kite, and he glows with it, all the daily miseries smoothed out and away by whatever was in his system. His jaw is a little slack, and the wavy red hair is spread out behind and beneath him against the Christmas tree skirt, a perfect circle of dark hunter green that sets off Danny’s pale skin, even in the yellowed light from the lamps and the crackling fireplace. 
It etches the pale, thin scars on his face - he’s worn the muzzle three times in one year - into shadows, like a line drawing rather than a man.
Danny doesn’t even seem to notice him yet. He’s lost in the curved oval of the lights, twisting the cord that connected them, the wires a bright green mockery of the colors of the pine needles themselves, wrapped around fingers that were beginning to roughen from cleaning. Danny's hands were losing the way they’d once seemed so oddly sensitive for someone who lived as hard as Danny did.
“Bram, is h-he going to be… oh-okay, in the morning?” Nate had never really done drugs besides pot, it had never been his thing. He’s pretty sure he’s the only person he knows his own age who hasn’t tried something harder.
When he’d first gotten to know Danny, he’d been the only one still worrying about whether or not the skinny redhead, who towered over the rest of the group, would make it home safe after one unwise decision or another.
“What, cause you wanna bring him home with you?” Scott laughed, and the others laughed, too, standing at the bar with beers in hand watching Danny Michaelson throw himself around in a mosh pit down by the stage. It didn’t matter that the bar was dark and the band was loud and there was a crowd down there - you could always see Danny’s hair, his height, above the rest.
Nate watched him push at another man, who shoved back and sent Danny reeling, a fierce smile like a snarl on his face, before he spun and shoved at someone else entirely. You could nearly see the sweat droplets flung from his hair, the way he shone. Danny was angry - and elated - in the dark.
Nate wondered, with a sudden rush of blood in his heart and head and other places entirely, what he looked like with that much sweat on him and much less clothing.
He hadn’t been with anyone since he’d gotten away from Bram, but he thought maybe he was ready to try.
“Wh-what? No! I just… you kn-know, it seems like he d-d-does a lot of drugs,” Nate said, shrugging, trying not to look too concerned, too worried, too interested. He tried taking a very calculated drink of his beer, and spilled some less than gracefully onto his shirt, but it was dark enough that the other men didn’t notice.
“Oh, yeah, he totally does.” That was Will, who just shook his head full of curly dark hair, chugged the rest of his beer, smacked the empty bottle down on the bar, and ordered another - all in one graceful motion.
The bartender was not as impressed as Will wanted him to be.
Nate frowned, glancing back at the mosh pit. A woman nearly a foot shorter than Danny had been pushed down, and Danny leaned over her, blocking the crowd from getting near her while he threw an arm out to help her back up
God, Nate thought, not for the first time, and not for the last. He’s beautiful. “Has anyone tried to st-stop him? From getting high all the time?”
“Stop Danny?” Scott rolled his eyes. “Fuck no. Look, he’s a grown-ass man, he’ll make his own dumbass choices. He’s a cool guy, but he’s a fucking roller coaster. Just… hang on and enjoy the ride, Nate.”
“I’m n-not… that’s not wh-what I m-m-m-”
“Settle down, numbnuts, I’m kidding. Anyway, keep it casual with Danny or don’t keep it at all.”
“He’s angry as fuck, man. Probably going to burn out by his mid-twenties on that bitter shit.”
“And the drugs, Will.”
“Right. Scott’s right - can’t discount the drugs. But, you know what - fuck it, don’t we all burn out by thirty now?”
“Yeah,” Scott said, and laughed again. “Danny just gets to burn out with all that mysterious money. We should all be so lucky.”
Nate stands next to the little plastic mat with the thin blankets that left Danny shivering and sometimes so desperately cold he was willing to get in bed with Bram just to have a hint of warmth, and wonders what Scott and Will and the rest of them would think about how lucky Danny is now.
Is his ankle chain lucky? Are the open sores on his wrists from the handcuffs lucky? Is he lucky to have Bram slice into the backs of his hands, over and over again? Should he count himself lucky to be alive, or would Danny have been luckier if he were dead by now?
“He’s fine,” Bram says, waving his free hand carelessly, bringing Nate back from his thoughts. The pale blue eyes - a little cloudy-looking, and with those darker pieces of himself that constantly move under the surface - are locked on Danny, too. “He knew I put shit in his drink the second I gave it to him and he didn’t fight me on it… so maybe there’s something you didn’t know about our little Red, huh?”
“N-no, I saw h-him do stuff, at bars…” Nate hesitates, torn between twin urges to walk away and to stay here to stare at the absolute gorgeousness that was Danny’s face lit from the inside out. That was the thing, wasn’t it? Danny had been bitter and angry - and sort of fascinating for the way he so easily accessed the fury that Nate no longer could - but on drugs he was softer. Nate had sworn, back when he was hiding out and hoping Bram would give up looking for him one day, that he could see that the bitter part of Danny was a shell he wore over the real man underneath.
“You want him?” Bram asks, casually. Like offering to let Nate borrow a book.
“I’m s-s-sorry, do I what?”
Of course I fucking want him, but not like this.
“You’ve said no every other time I’ve tried to get you to take him. I only brought him here because of you, anyway... What about this time? Maybe because he won’t remember it this time? Should make it easier on you, right?”
Yes, because the problem is whether or not he remembers it, not that I did it. That makes perfect fucking sense.
Bram glances back at him, and their eyes briefly meet, and Nate sinks under the water, for just a second, before Bram looks away.
You goddamn monster. I love you.
“I don’t th-think Ecstasy m-m-makes you forget anything,” Nate says, hesitantly, his low voice soft enough to cover the hardness of his thoughts. His stomach twists again. There’s nothing he’d rather do less than victimize Danny yet again, in a whole new way, in an even worse way than the bleeding and the pain.
Danny seems finally to notice him, twisting around on the floor to look over, shooting Nate a loopy, addled, beautiful bright smile. His ankle chain rattles as he moves, the cuff too tightly to even shift around. “Pretty lights,” He breathes. “Nate, come lay down in the lights with me. C’mon. I want you to see the lights this way.”
“Go ahead,” Bram says, grinning. It’s a shark’s smile, full of sharp teeth - too many sharp teeth. “He wants you to see the lights this way, Nate.”
“Bram, I d-d-don’t want t-to-”
“Do I look like I give a fuck what you want? I said get down on the fucking floor with him.” Bram’s voice drops, and Nate has been with him long enough not to flinch at the change in tone, but he feels the cold wash over him regardless. Every defiance, every time Nate says ‘no’, every moment he claws back onto the hint of who he is - all of it is a moment he’s waiting for Bram to turn on him and force him to do it, anyway. “Or would you rather I got down on the floor with him?”
“Oh, no, I don’t want that,” Danny breathes, but he can’t seem to keep his eyes on them - they trail back to the Christmas lights, the evergreen smell in the room, the hint of sticky sap on the trunk where it’s riveted into the tree stand with the special plant food to make its slow death take even longer. “Nate, I want you to come lay down with me, not, not Abraham, please. Nate, can you, please?” He turns the wide, clouded blue eyes on Nate.
“Look, see?” Bram grins. “He wants you down there with him.”
“Why are y-y-you doing this?” Nate whispers, through lips that barely move. “You d-don’t want him to f-f-feel good, or be happy. Why w-w-would you g, give him something that makes him f-f-feel like this?”
“Mmmn, that’s true.” Bram cocks his head as Danny tries to wriggle himself totally out from under the tree, pushing himself up on one elbow. His eyes move back down to the braided rug, the mass of colors and textures, and he rolls onto his stomach, running his fingers over the bumps and ridges of cloth. “Maybe it’s not him I want to make miserable today.”
Nate frowns, eyes narrowing slightly, but he can’t stop watching Danny’s fingers, long and thin, the tracery of scars along the backs of his hands, the wounds reopened and cut a little deeper every time he screws up, defies an order, tries to be who he used to be. 
The bones of his wrists that stick out more than they used to, the little knob right there where wrist and hand meet that Nate just wants to hold, the underside with its thin hint of purplish-blue veins that he’d have given anything some days to lick-
He shakes it off, with effort, and swallows against the dryness of his mouth. “And you th-th-think giving me wh-what I want with him will m-m-make me miserable?”
“I know it will.” Bram shrugs, casual as can be. “You don’t want him like this. But I know you better than anyone else in the world will ever know you, Nate. I know you’ll say yes.”
“H-How do you kn-kn-know I’ll say yes?” Nate asks, and his voice is barely a whisper of sound, but Bram hears him anyway.
“Because if you won’t,” Bram says, taking a sip from his beer, “I will.”
“Y-Y-You already do.”
Bram’s smile could freeze Arizona. “Not like I will if you say no. I know you think I hurt him, but I want you to believe me, baby, I haven’t even scratched the surface of all the ways I can make him regret every fucking breath. So yes, or no?”
“Nate,” Danny says, in a low soft voice. “Nate, come over here. Feel this rug. Shit, I haven’t been high like this since…”
“Since before you came home to me, puppy,” Bram says sweetly, and Danny’s eyes jerk up to his, wide in a face that’s gotten thinner with never eating enough. They don’t quite manage to focus on him, but even like this this, Nate can see the naked fear that crosses his face.
“Before I came home,” Danny repeats quickly, but after a second he seems to forget he was looking at Bram at all. Nate watches his jaw slacken and all his thoughts slip right through his fingers as he drops his attentions back to the rug.
“Yes or no, Nate, I haven’t got all night,” Bram says. The walls of the living room, the one large room in this tiny cabin, seem to be closing in. Smaller and smaller, the way all his choices and his understanding of himself gets closed in, chipped away.
“Y-Yes, you do. We have all the t-t-time in the world, out h-here.” Nate’s voice is calm, somehow, and he steps forward, moving away from Bram and the furniture and over to Danny where he lays stretched on the rug on his side, watching his own fingertips playing with a loose thread in the seam that holds two rolls of the rug together.
“Is that a yes, my love?” Bram’s voice is low, and pleased.
Nate takes all the guilt that threatens to squeeze the breath out of him, sets it aside in an empty gaping canyon of self-hatred that lives eternally in the back of his mind, and says simply, “It’s a yes.”
Danny rolls onto his back, looking up at Nate, wavy red hair falling into his eyes. It’s winter, and Danny’s hair is already getting long, past his ears and whispering along the back of his neck, twisting in soft curls across his forehead. Nate reaches out to push the hair away, and Danny hums softly. “Your fingers feel nice,” He whispers.
“G-Good,” Nate whispers back, aware of Bram’s eyes burning into him, trying to ignore it, to push it all away. Life with Bram has always been about trading away whatever he has left, to save himself in the end. And now to trade the dregs of the man that still remains, to try and save another.
By doing something he’s always wanted to do and doesn’t want to do at all.
“So, this is stupid, but I’ve been… you know, I know you’re older and you, like, know shit I don’t. But I’ve been… thinking about you, kind of a lot, I guess.” Danny looked away from him, nervously sipping his drink, and Nate reached out to take it from his hands, letting their fingertips graze each other just a little bit.
“Don’t d-d-drink so fast, you’ll g-get drunk and be harder to t-t-talk to,” Nate said, and pitched his voice into real flirtation, something he used to be fairly good at. He’d gotten rusty, trapped in that house.
“Aren’t drunk people supposed to be easier to talk to?” Danny countered, but he lets Nate take the drink and place it on the table, tilted his head to let a little hair fall into his eyes, gave Nate a toothy smile that he knew already he’d love to see more of.
“Not y-you. I like you b-b-better sober.” Nate hesitated, then leaned forward, a little more into Danny’s space. When Danny’s smile only widened, and they were nearly nose-to-nose in the little bar, neither of them wanted to pull away and break the moment.
“I think I want to see more of you,” Danny said, a whisper nearly drowned out by the music around them.
“I th-think I want to s-see more of y-y-you, too,” Nate replied, and thought - fuck Scott and Will’s advice, they didn’t know shit. Nate had gone years trapped in hell and he just wanted to be with someone again.
Besides which, Scott and Will didn’t seem to see that under all his anger, there was something that shone in Danny Michaelson.
You just had to find it and bring it out.
Nate strokes gentle fingers across his forehead, down the side of his face and his neck, over a hint of collarbone that peeks out from the neckline of his shirt. Danny shivers with a smile on his face, eyes fluttering closed and then open again. “I’m s-s-so sorry,” Nate murmurs to him, with real feeling. “I’m so s-s-sorry, Red.”
“Sssshhhhh,” Danny whispers, and his own hands slip down. Nate watches with that dryness in his mouth again as the redhead’s fingers curve around the hem of his T-shirt, grip on, and he arches his back so he can slide it right off his head, tossing it lazily to the side. The firelight catches the muscles of his arms as he moves, sets off the freckled skin. “Ssssshhh, you’re so good, Nate, you’re so nice.”
“I’m sorry,” Nate repeats, because he has to, and with Bram watching them both, he leans down to kiss the end of Danny’s nose, one of the scars along his cheekbone, up to his forehead. “I’m so sorry. J-j-just look at m-me now, okay?”
The blue eyes open, and for a moment, the two men only look at each other and smile - Danny’s hazy and drugged and beautiful, Nate’s guilty, tearful, and a little frightened.
Frightened for Danny, frightened of Bram, frightened of himself and how easily he will hand over any last remaining shred of principle or conviction if it will save Danny Michaelson even a moment of pain.
“What are you waiting for?” Bram asks, not quite snapping.
Danny tenses, then reaches out to grab Nate by the back of the neck and pull him down for a kiss. His mouth is soft, and warm - the rest of Danny always seems so cold now - and Nate lets himself be lost in the moment, tries to shift away how much he hates himself for what he’s about to do.
But it’s better, if it’s him and not Bram.
At least once.
At least for tonight.
When they break apart, foreheads still touching, Danny’s cloudy eyes try to focus on his clear green ones. “‘Kay,” Danny murmurs, their lips still nearly brushing. “Can do it. Can look-... your eyes are bleeding, Nate.”
“What?” His voice is hushed, a whisper, and he brushes the backs of his knuckles on his good hand down Danny’s neck, over breastbone, down his stomach, watching Danny arch into the touch, feeling him shift and move as Nate’s hand curves around one hip over the thin cotton pants that are the only pants he’s ever allowed to wear, no matter the weather.
“Like green sky…” Danny smiles at him, a flash of white teeth, nuzzling at his face, his hands moving up to Nate’s neck, over his shoulders, feeling at the fabric of his shirt, lost in the softness, the warmth of the heavy knit fabric. “You’re stained glass,” Danny whispers, words slightly slurred. “You’re a fucking saint sparking fucking starlight…” Nate shifts, or Danny does - he likes to hope it was Danny, for his own sake, for his own sanity. It moves their hips together, just a little, where Nate lays next to him on the floor.
“Fuck,” Danny nearly groans. “Ah…” He grabs Nate by the arms and pulls the older man on top of him, and for a half-second Nate wants to forget that anything is wrong with this, that it’s anything but his first Christmas with the younger guy who seemed like everything Bram wasn’t, everything Nate wanted.
For a while, it’s only this - a kiss, or a series of them, but they run together and Nate isn’t sure he’d count it as more than one. Hands, and Danny’s ribs stand out too much in his thin frame and Nate’s fingertips trail over each shade and hint of light. Danny whispering to him, nonsense things, and the lights of the Christmas tree still shine in his eyes and bounce off his hair.
Nate buries his bad hand in that hair, feels the softness that’s started to go brittle after nearly a full year of never eating enough.
Bram laughs - the awful off-key barking hyena laughter - and Danny freezes underneath Nate, breathing harder, clutching tightly onto him like Nate could possibly protect him from the consequences of Bram’s horrible good humor.
“J-Just look at me, Red,” Nate whispers urgently against his ear, licking at the earlobe, feeling Danny shiver again and hold him with shaking hands. “Just look right at me.” His good hand slides back down to grip Danny’s hip, to steady him against the sense of Bram’s eyes, and his heart is pounding.
He can feel Danny’s heartbeat, too, and some part of him wants to smile, because he’d always sort of wanted to lay somewhere with Danny Michaelson, feeling his heartbeat right through his skin.
Not like this, though.
Not like this.
I should have known Bram would never, ever let me go. But it never occurred to me that if he found me with someone, he’d take them, too.
Nate drops his mouth to Danny’s neck now, kissing gently along the scarring starting there from the barbed wire that Bram sometimes wraps around his throat, making him practice breathing until he bleeds. When he nips at the scarred skin, Danny lets out the first real, true noise. 
When he closes his mouth on it, the noise gets louder.
“Well this is getting interesting.” Nate would gladly stab Bram like he once stabbed his sister, leave him dying on the kitchen floor, and he and Danny would flee through the woods and find civilization, go back home-
But he can’t hurt Bram. And even if this is the only night he can protect, he can’t let Bram have Danny to destroy if he’s given even the barest hint of a choice.
Danny had tensed again at Bram’s voice, and Nate catches his eyes as he nearly turns to look at the monster sitting on the couch wearing skin like a man. “No, no, just look right at me,” He says, a little urgently, turning Danny’s face back to his. “It’s going to be oh-okay. It’s okay. I d-d-don’t want to, I promise, I just… I have to-”
“Of course you want to,” Bram interrupts, shifting where he sits, slowly leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs, beer still in hand. Outside, snow falls in a perfect picturesque white. “And if you don’t… I will.”
“I know that, B-Bram,” Nate says, in a voice that’s not quite pleading. “I kn-know. Just-”
“Sssshhhh.” Danny cranes his neck, moving his head up from the floor enough to kiss Nate’s cheek, scarred, rough-skinned hands pulling Nate back in for another kiss. “S’okay if it’s you,” Danny says, softly, and he smiles softly, and nearly everything about Danny is soft, and sweet, and beautiful.
And fogged and drugged, high and off-limits in Nate’s mind - but the choice he’s been given is to cross his own lines or watch Danny be torn apart again.
Tonight, just this one night, he has the chance to trade away one more piece of the principled, moral man he used to think he was. He gives away his certainty that he’d never do anything like this - that he would never, ever be this person - because if he doesn’t, Bram will do something far worse.
“Always if it’s you,” Danny continues, and now it’s his lips against Nate’s neck, tongue lapping at the slowly fading pink marks from Ashley’s knives, her little game of seeing how long it took him to scream. “I want you, too.” Danny’s hands are on his shirt and Nate lets him pull it up, pull it over his head, muss up his black hair.
He shouldn’t do this.
He has to do this.
He wants to do this.
But… not like this.
“Saint Nate,” Danny says, tone playful, consonants soft and slurred together, as his hands move over Nate’s chest and torso, play along his sides, slide down under the waistband of his pants until Nate nearly gasps. “Ha,” Danny grins at him. “Look at you, Saint Nate. Saint… Saint Nathaniel. Patron saint of, of puppies, and… fuck, what’d he put in my drink? Shit, you feel so good-”
Nate groans, and gives up, and his good hand slips into Danny’s pants, too, searches and finds, begins to move. When Danny’s hips jerk up hard, Nate pauses, but one scarred hand grabs at his wrist and presses his palm down right where it is.
“Don’t stop,” Danny murmurs, and uses his hand to show Nate what he wants him to do.
“Fuck, R-Red,” Nate groans into his neck, into his warm skin, as Danny moves against him. “I’m so sorry.”
This isn’t how I wanted this to happen.
“Say, what’s in this driiiiink,” Danny sings, and his voice is cracked and hideously off-key. Danny has an awful singing voice, and still Nate finds himself smiling. “Baby, it’s cold outsiiiiiide…”
“Sssshhhh.” Nate shifts back, resting his weight on his legs, a knee on either side of Danny’s hips. Still on his back on the floor, Danny’s eyes drift through the room, landing but never staying, and finally… finally they make it back to Nate.
When they land on him, they stay.
“Stop holding out on him, baby,” Bram says. His voice is impatient, not quite snapping, but Nate knows it for what it is - not annoyance but hunger. Bram wants him to be miserable, to hate himself, for spend the next few days castigating himself for being a fucking criminal, a piece of shit, the worst thing in the world. “He’s asking for it.”
“Please,” Danny says softly, and Nate’s hatred of himself shatters - for the moment only for now - under the affection there. Written on Danny’s face is all the sweetness Nate once thought you had to find in him, right there to be had, right on the surface.
“H-How can you w-w-want me like this?” Nate asks, and he doesn’t mean the drugs (although he means that, too). No, he wants to know how Danny can want him when they are trapped somewhere in the woods together but Danny is tortured and cut to shreds and beaten and destroyed piece by piece, while Nate eats at the table and doesn’t have to ask and sleeps in a bed without having to earn it.
He wants to know how Danny can want him, after everything that’s happened because Nathaniel Vandrum had a fucking crush on him.
“I wanted you before,” Danny whispers, fumbling at the button of Nate’s jeans, having trouble getting his hands to close well enough. “Why would I stop now? C’mere, Saint Nate. S’okay if it’s you, I want it to be you. C’mere.”
The lights from the Christmas tree light Danny’s skin with little hints of blue, and red, and green, and yellow. The lights glint in his hair and on the line of his freckled shoulder. They dance over some of the freckles on his face, and Nate can’t quite stop himself from kissing his favorite little cluster of them, right along the scar on Danny’s left cheek.
I could never deserve this.
I never wanted it like this.
I want you so badly it hurts.
I’ll hate myself tomorrow, if you’ll let me - but I don’t think you will.
“Merry Christmas,” Danny says, with an odd, lopsided, goofy little smile.
Nate shakes off the icy blue eyes that watch them from the couch, and lowers his head to kiss Danny again. “Merry Ch-Christmas.”
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spoiledsovls · 4 years
do we already have a lot of threads? yes. but another one? also yes. 1 (for the image meme thingy!)
without checking first, send me a number from 1-20 and I’ll write you a starter for our muses based in the setting of the image you picked !
status: accepting.
they pulled over to a motel after driving for days on end. not that hyejung wasn’t being followed anymore, but they ended up in cities they haven’t heard of. a poor skill that hyejung had to unlearn was forgetting which places were where -- how could she tell where her members were if they gave her coordinates in code and she’d mistake the gwangju in the north for the one in the south? also- why did gwangju exist in two places, god damn it. she steps out of insun’s van, wiping off the crumbs of convenience store food that they picked up along the way.
a part of her was grateful for the girl busting her out of jail, another part had been irritated because she was interrogated every time she woke up. every time she was offered food-- it was another question. sometimes, she hoped that it wasn’t actually her that had murdered the victim. but it was - hovering over him as he took his last breaths. she was only doing her job - kill those that were on their hitlist. her father had probably set out a search order for his daughter, how come they didn’t find her yet? were they slacking on purpose, trying to take over her position as her father’s heir? possibly. 
they checked into their motel room - it was comfortable enough. though it was unfortunate (kind of. she wasn’t sure.) they had been given one queen bed instead of two twin beds. it was cheaper in the long run, a ‘couple’s discount’ if you want to call it that. insun sits on the bed and hyejung takes the initiative to make a move, with the door locked and her mind slightly hazy, she takes the girl’s wrist in a gentle manner. 
“let’s go shower? save water.”
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if i somewhat unironically called gluten free dino nuggies 'campy' would i get mauled to death by you fabulous homos (my mutuals)
0 notes
iguessigotta · 2 years
Dark would have the most gentle touches out of all the egos and you cannot change my mind
He sure fuckin would anon and you're right to say it! 😤 I feel like this got away from me so if you were looking for something more specific lemme know!
tw: mildly spicy, mention of choking, 18+ just to be safe (apparently I can't do a readmore on mobile? Honor system it is, then)
Imagine getting a massage from Dark. There's no headcanon here, I just want y'all to imagine it. Heaven
He's gentle but not to an extreme. You're not glass, you won't break if he's rough with you, he knows that
His hand on the small of your back while out in public is always gently leading you. He uses the lightest of pressure from his palm or fingertips to steer you around obstacles or other people, subtly running his thumb back and forth, before he lifts his hand to chase the shiver running up your spine
Just about any time Dark touches you, it's soft. Even when he needs to use a firm grip on you. He's mastered the art of using his hands to restrain you comfortably without leaving any kind of mark
And sure, he does like to be rough sometimes. You and he both know he's not afraid to get the ropes out, especially if you ask nicely
But being soft and gentle with you is more....fun. it's so much easier to see and hear all your subtle reactions that way
Don't think any of this means you can't be rough with him. Take control now and then. Shove him onto the bed (or couch or table) before he has a chance to lay you down on it. Climb up and place a hand or two on his throat. Tell him he's not allowed to cum until you do. (He'll grin wide and let you move and use him as you please, not making any attempt to hide his excitement - you have to stifle a laugh because of how unabashedly eager the look on his face is.) Dark will not only welcome it; he'll encourage it
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