#military exercise 2024
defensenow · 5 months
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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Map of todays Chinese military exercises "Joint sword 2024" in which they surround Taiwan.
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the-nomadicone · 2 months
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Exercise Pitch Black 2024 // Australia
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saxafimedianetwork · 23 days
Egypt And Somalia To Hold Military Drills In Show Of Force
#Egypt & #Somalia plan joint military drills, signaling increased alliance amid rising tensions with #Ethiopia. Following recent troop deployments, these drills aim to enhance security. The move underscores ongoing disputes involving Nile dam. #Somaliland
Continue reading Egypt And Somalia To Hold Military Drills In Show Of Force
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head-post · 3 months
US, South Korea, Japan hold 1st trilateral Freedom Edge exercise
The US, Japan and South Korea began the first trilateral military exercise on the Korean Peninsula on Thursday, South Korean media reported.
The three-day exercise, dubbed “Freedom Edge,” began in international waters south of South Korea’s resort island of Jeju, after the three countries’ defence chiefs agreed to start the drills earlier this month in line with an agreement reached last year.
The JCS said, using the official name of South Korea as RoK:
“Freedom Edge expresses the will of the RoK (Republic of Korea), US and Japan to promote trilateral interoperability and protect freedom for peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific, including the Korean Peninsula.”
The exercise will involve various warships and aircraft from the three sides, including the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, the ROKS Seoae Ryu Seong-ryong, a southern ROKS destroyer, and the Japanese helicopter destroyer JS Ise.
The drill will focus on missile defence, air defence, anti-submarine warfare, search and rescue, maritime interdiction and defensive cyber training, the JCS said, adding that the three sides will continue to expand Freedom Edge in the future.
The Freedom Edge exercise also comes amid growing concerns about deepening military ties between North Korea and Russia.
Read more HERE
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Hey if you:
Hate the military (industrial complex)
Are American 🦅 and/or
Are scared about project 2025
Trans/genderqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
Someone who generally cares about people around the planet🇵🇸🇸🇩🇨🇩
I need you to know:
the US Senate has started considering spending $911 billion dollars on the military to erode more human rights.
And the act to do so already passed through one dem-controlled committee.
It passed after anti-trans amendments were added
Links and such below the cut
TLDR: The military hates trans Palestinians and trans Americans and will systematically harm both in 2025 unless someone does something about it so now is a great time to do something about it. We have til about August to convince our reps this is a Bad Move.
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The Fiscal Year 2025 NDAA authorizes a topline of $911.8 billion for military and national security programs at the Department of Defense and Department of Energy.
"The United States Senate’s committee report for the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, which provides funding for the U.S. Military, was uploaded onto the Senate Armed Services Committee website Monday night. In it, two anti-transgender “riders” were included through an amendment process with the support of independent Senator Joe Manchin, who caucuses with Democrats, while a third was defeated; many more Democrats then voted to approve the full bill committee report.
[...]The amendments are key parts of Project 2025, a policy document put forward by the Heritage Foundation aimed at radically transforming the United States government. Project 2025 seeks to concentrate power into the hands of the President and implement ultra-conservative policies across various domains, including reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ issues, and more. The initiative has drawn support from over 110 conservative organizations and former Trump officials.
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And of course it's the military budget so it's not like trans military members are the only ones being harmed by this and it'd be ignorant of me to suggest it to say the least:
"Israel has the right to defend itself from Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah," Rogers told the Washington Free Beacon. "The FY25 NDAA makes it clear that the U.S. stands with Israel by investing in U.S.-Israel cooperation and joint exercises.
Additionally, the FY25 NDAA fully funds critical missile defense programs, like Iron Dome, Arrow, and David's Sling, that benefit both the U.S. and Israel."
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What do I do??
Be calling/emailing your reps. Tell them you will Not vote for them in the upcoming election if they pass the budget as is and that you support any protests against it AND them if they pass it.
ORGANIZING: educate yourself, friends, family, and start figuring out what actions you can take together to make a difference in your area (protests, blocking roads, threaten to flip/withhold your votes as a collective, harassing politicians IRL, signing petitions, spreading the word, [redacted] etc). This one is really up for interpretation and depends on your ability and proximity to do things so...yeah.
protest the budget however you can: irl protests, include it in Palestine protests, starting hashtags, etc
Start prioritizing U.S queer & Palestinian solidarity because the military and it's committees are happy to make no distinction at all between who's giving the order, a Democrat or a Republicans. And if it doesn't matter to them who's calling the genocide shots then it shouldn't matter to you, especially when the order is to lim it your human rights.
Learn about pinkwashing in regards to solidarity because, "The most painful thing is to see LGBTQ people, who have personally experienced exclusion and discrimination, then inflict the same violence on others. It’s sad that the state has succeeded in making many think that integrating into the Zionist enterprise is the way to integrate into society."
Call the news. I'm serious. Tell them how you heard about a bunch of people talking about Kamala must hate trans people cuz she's letting the NDAA pass with anti-trans ammendments, express concern 'as a voter' that this will cost her the election.
Pressure cook these politicians about the NDAA budget!!!! Do whatever you have to for them to take you seriously
What do I say?
End all U.S support for the occupier state known as Israel
I demand the NDAA budgets to be decreased by $300 billion, it would still be 2x the budgets of the next top military spender.
And I demand the funds be redistributed to human rights initiatives such as trans healthcare
Someone on here said the people accepting these calls just do tallies, they aren't taking the names and number of everyone who calls: so call back to back.
The NDAA isn't usually signed until after August so this gives us plenty of time to spread the word.
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Because it's absurd to have a military budget this big when we have foster kids starving on the street and mentally ill vets keeping them company.
If anyone has other suggestions please add them
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kp777 · 3 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
July 1, 2024
A legal journalist described the liberal justice's dissent as "one of the most terrified and terrifying pieces of judicial writing I've ever encountered."
In her dissent against the U.S. Supreme Court's Monday ruling in Trump v. United States, liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor listed several acts that she argued the high court's right-wing supermajority has effectively sanctioned as unprosecutable exercises of presidential authority.
"Orders the Navy's SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune," wrote Sotomayor. "Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."
The high court's 6-3 decision along ideological lines granted former President Donald Trump "absolute immunity" for acts that fall within the scope of the "responsibilities of the executive branch under the Constitution," as Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.
The new ruling leaves it to the lower courts to determine whether the election-subversion acts for which Trump was charged last year in a case led by Special Counsel Jack Smith were "official" or "unofficial." The Supreme Court took more than four months to decide the case after agreeing to hear it, meaning Trump is unlikely to face trial before the November presidential election.
The Associated Pressnoted that the Supreme Court "further restricted prosecutors by prohibiting them from using any official acts as evidence in trying to prove a president's unofficial actions violated the law"—a move that Sotomayor condemned as "nonsensical."
While Roberts acknowledged that "not everything the president does is official," Sotomayor argued that the majority's expansion of "the concept of core powers beyond any recognizable bounds" means that "a president's use of any official power for any purpose, even the most corrupt, is immune from prosecution."
"Whenever the president wields the enormous power of his office, the majority says, the criminal law (at least presumptively) cannot touch him," wrote Sotomayor. "Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the president and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law."
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Sotomayor expressed "fear for our democracy" as she closed her dissent against the ruling by the Supreme Court's majority, two members of which have recently faced intense scrutiny and calls to resign for accepting lavish gifts from right-wing billionaires.
"Justice Sotomayor's alarmed dissent was signed 'with fear for our democracy,'" U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said in a statement Monday. "This is a blaring warning to voters of the anti-democratic forces pulling the strings both at the Supreme Court and in the Republican Party."
"Not only does this decision deprive the American people of knowing whether the former president is guilty of attempting to overturn the last election before they head to the polls in November, it also makes it much harder to hold a former president accountable for illegal acts committed while in office," said Whitehouse. "The far-right radicals on the court have essentially made the president a monarch above the law, the Founding Fathers' greatest fear."
Mark Joseph Stern, who covers the U.S. courts for Slate, called Sotomayor's dissent "one of the most terrified and terrifying pieces of judicial writing I've ever encountered."
Pointing to Sotomayor's dissent, U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) wrote Monday that "it is a dark day for democracy when presidents can commit any crime they want in their official capacity, and these justices are bribed for their decisions."
"Coup attempts are not 'official acts,'" she added.
Also writing in dissent was liberal Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who warned that "in the majority's view, while all other citizens of the United States must do their jobs and live their lives within the confines of criminal prohibitions, the president cannot be made to do so; he must sometimes be exempt from the law's dictates depending on the character of his conduct."
"Indeed, the majority holds that the president, unlike anyone else in our country, is comparatively free to engage in criminal acts in furtherance of his official duties," wrote Jackson, who criticized the right-wing majority's "arbitrary and irrational" attempt to distinguish between official and unofficial acts.
"It suggests that the unofficial criminal acts of a president are the only ones worthy of prosecution," the justice continued. "Quite to the contrary, it is when the president commits crimes using his unparalleled official powers that the risks of abuse and autocracy will be most dire."
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Palestinian human rights organizations have shown that one in five Palestinians has been arrested and charged in Israeli military courts since the occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967. Each year, this figure adds approximately 500–700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12, who are detained and prosecuted in Israeli military courts.
[...] During the ongoing genocidal war across historic Palestine, Israeli carceral violence and arrest campaigns have only intensified. In the months prior to October 7, an approximate 5,200 Palestinians were detained in Israeli prisons. As of mid-March, that number exceeds 9,000. Over the past five months alone, Israeli occupying forces have arrested over 7,600 Palestinians in the West Bank, in addition to an unknown number of detained Gazans. Conditions are worsening for the imprisoned. Immediately following the war’s outbreak, the Israel Prison Service (IPS) placed prisoners in total isolation, prevented them from leaving their cells, and restricted access to water and electricity. The agency ceased providing what had already been poor-quality medical care and has dispensed inadequate food, enacting a starvation campaign against prisoners. Guards inflict violence, torture, and degrading treatment such as reportedly forcing captives to “bark.” IPS also banned visits for family members and delegates from the International Committee of the Red Cross, and severely restricted lawyer visits—cutting prisoners off from the outside world. My research inside Israeli military courts and prison visitation rooms—both as an anthropological researcher and a family member of prisoners—highlights the systematic nature of this violence and its justification through legal codes. Through an intricate web of military laws and orders, Palestinians become racialized—a sociopolitical process through which groups are seen as distinct “races” ordered in a social hierarchy. The Israeli carceral system racializes Palestinians as inherently “criminal” and thus deserving of punishment. Following the occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967, the Israeli military was vested with the ultimate authority of government, legislation, and punishment over the Palestinian population. This includes prosecuting Palestinians in military courts and charging them under the nearly 1,800 military orders that govern every aspect of daily life: conduct, property, movement, evacuation, land seizures, detention, interrogation, and trial. The orders include provisions for indefinitely detaining Palestinians without charge or trial through a policy inherited from British colonial practices. Over 3,500 Palestinians are being held in this state as of early March. Other provisions regulate the arrest and interrogation of Palestinians and how long they can be denied lawyer visits. With a near 100 percent conviction rate, Israeli military courts hand down absurdly high sentences, sometimes amounting to dozens of life sentences. Torture inside Israeli prisons and detention facilities is sanctioned by Israeli High Court of Justice (HCJ) rulings that permit the exercise of violence under pretexts of “security” and protecting “public order.” Enmeshed within this carceral reality is Israel’s labeling of most Palestinian prisoners as “security prisoners.” This designation masks the political nature of their imprisonment and sanctions violations against them. As opposed to Palestinian “security prisoners,” incarcerated Jewish settler-citizens receive rights such as making telephone calls, going on home visits under guard, the possibility of furlough, and conjugal visits. These rights are denied to the mostly Palestinian security prisoners, who are viewed and racialized from the start as criminals.
26 March 2024
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fijiwater33 · 19 days
Damianya week 2024
Day 6: War
CLACK CLACK the sound Anya’s pistol made as she ducked for cover and taking out the second to last opposing forces member with a paint round.
‘Crap it’s just me and her remaining!’ Anya heard from the thoughts of her masked opponent.
It was a joint exercise between WISE and Ostanian spec ops in an effort to keep up profiency against partisan insurgents in urban warfare. What had started as 5 vs 5 now dwindled to Anya and her opponents squad captain.
‘Even with reading his mind this last guy is annoying.’ Anya thought.
Now Anya was prideful as an agent of WISE, so even if this was an exercise she will not fail. Taking the stilleto blade from her side pocket she throws it with bullet like speed slightly to the side from where the opponent was.
Taking the bait he looks in shock over where the blade was now stuck in; giving Anya the opportunity to close in on his position. Now less than 10 feet away Anya rushes him, but the masked man was able to regain their composure quickly.
Now with a pistol facing each other they could say they were at a stalemate.
‘No way it can’t be! Anya?!’
Now that she was up close this man had the prettiest eyelashes she had seen in her life.
“Wait a second!” Anya suddenly said out loud as she swiftly ripped his mask off.
“Syon-Boy! What are you doing here?” She interrogated still pointing the pistol at him.
“Really you’re gonna call me that in front of everyone! And I could ask you the same question!” He spat back at her while lowering his gun.
“Hey what are you two doing?” An older woman yelled out, as she walked into the training room.
“Hey aren’t you Anya’s grandmother?” Damian asked innocently.
Anya could now feel daggers being glared right at her from Sylvia as she approached the two.
Swapping her sudden dread to continue questioning her ex boyfriend.
“Hey you need to answer me what are you doing on a spec ops team? I thought you going to college for history?”
“Ahem” Sylvia tried to interrupt.
“I did!…. At the military academy.” He answered without distraction.
Anya just looked at him with a cocked eyebrow
“Hey I’m not rich anymore.” He defended. “Now what about you? I thought you were studying to be a psychiatrist in Westalis?”
“Ahem” Sylvia said louder now and visibly annoyed.
“I still am. WISE is just paying for it while I help them out. And it’s paying off since I PSYCHED you out earlier. She said showing off her signature smug smile.
“You got lucky and it still ended in a draw!”
“Captain Watkins is not going to hear the end of this. Sylvia sighed in defeat as the two rivals bickered like children.
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defensenow · 2 months
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ww2yaoi · 5 months
[I caved and started writing a webgott fic even though I'm 23 years late. this ground has definitely been traversed before but I'm an advocate for the webgott 2024 renaissance. here's a taste]
The war is over, and still, David and Joe are butting heads, velvet-shed antlers clashing like rival bucks during rutting season.
David’s not sure what he expected. He thought after the exultation of taking Berchtesgaden and raiding it of its liquour and silverware Joe might lighten up. He’d smiled so much that day, drank vintage champagne straight from the bottle, tore down Nazi flags and ripped them to ribbons. Something had broken in him at Landsberg, David knows that much, but he’d been hopeful that as the war tempered so too would Joe’s ire. Now he knows he’d been naive to think so.
Joe parks the Jeep outside the hotel where they’re billeted and wrestles the keys from the ignition. He climbs out and slams the door without another word, jump boots clomping against the cobblestones as he stalks away. David sits silently in the passenger’s side, Skinny’s eyes burning holes in the back of his head. He presses his lips into a thin line, sucks them between his teeth and bites down.
Captain Speirs had no right to give that order, least of all to Joe. They had no reason to keep fighting, no reason to dirty their hands when the old blood stains still linger. Leave that to the MPs and the military tribunals, their war was supposed to be over.
David gets out of the Jeep but decides not to follow after Joe. He knows the more he seeks Joe out, the more Joe will push him away. Instead, he walks, weaving through the streets of Zell am See, past shops and cafes and chalets all untouched by the ravages of war. Hitler’s home country, the birthplace of so much death and destruction, and it has the ersatz gloss of a resort town. The irony is not lost on David. He’ll write about it later if he gets the chance.
Birds chirp in the trees. Locals stroll past him, well-dressed in their spring clothes and chatting away jovially amongst themselves. They regard him without much fanfare, used to the sight of American soldiers by now. The water of Lake Zell is so blue it makes David’s eyes ache. He fishes his cigarettes from the pocket of his paratrooper jacket and slides one into his mouth, fiddling with his Zippo until the flame sparks and lights the tip.
The first inhale brings David back to the mountains, that cabin on the hill, chickens clucking in their pen. The hit of nicotine had done little to calm his nerves as Joe shouted at the kommandant in his Austrian-tinged German. David had just about jumped out of his skin when the shot rang out and the kommandant burst from the cabin, bleeding from his neck. Joe had bled from his neck in Holland. He has the scar to prove it. Sometimes, when they’re sitting side-by-side in the truck and Joe’s not looking, David will stare at it, curling his fist at his side to stop himself from reaching out and smoothing his thumb over the puckered skin.
He keeps walking, smoking his cigarette down to the filter. Eventually, he comes upon a church, throwing his cigarette to the ground and stamping it out. The imposing wooden doors are open to let the tepid May air waft inside. David steps across the threshold and the piquant smell of incense hits his nose, olibanum and myrrh.
The church is empty except for a custodian sweeping the floor by the pulpit, but the man eventually disappears into a room at the back. David sits at the pew closest to the door, the knotty wood ungiving against his back. He admires the stained glass windows, cyan and crimson and gold with the pious faces of saints. The apses vault high above him, the air that rains down from the rafters drafty and filled with dust motes. It would be easy to imagine what this place would look like had the fighting swept through here, but David tries not to. It’s too beautiful a church for that kind of exercise.
David let his Catholicism lapse years ago, before the war even started really. His family was never that religious, only attending services on Christmas and Easter, but David prays now. He doesn’t go as far as kneeling on the tuffet or even interlocking his fingers, but pray he does, letting his eyes flutter closed for a moment. He asks God, if there even is one, to take Joe’s pain and put it elsewhere, to spare him the anger and the hurt, the need for revenge that undoubtedly itches underneath his skin. He’s sure if Joe knew what he was doing, sitting here asking his Christian god to save a Jew, he would laugh in his face, but David’s not ashamed of it. If anything, he’s desperate. He’s not sure if Joe is ever going to speak to him again, even though he’s well aware that Joe tends to run hot only to cool back down a few days later.
Maybe this time is different though. Maybe this is what finally breaks the unsturdy bridge David has built between them since he missed Bastogne, possibly to the point of irreparability. He sits there, trying to parse what he feels. Perhaps it would be a relief to let their friendship shatter in his unwieldy hands. No more tiptoeing around Joe’s persistent bitterness, his bad moods that seem to bubble up with the slightest prodding. Then again, David doesn’t think it’d be a relief at all. He’s not even angry at Joe. If anything, he’s upset they’re still here after the Germans have surrendered, stuck cleaning up a mess that was never theirs in the first place.
Sometimes, David is so angry he forgets to breathe. Was he like this before the war? He can barely remember. Back at Harvard, he used to get heated in his classes, arguing passionately with his peers about Proust or Dostoevsky, but he knew how trivial it was even then. It was just a game he liked to play, something to make the hours he spent stuck in lecture halls go by faster. He doubts there’s anything he can do here to make the time pass quicker. There’s probably nothing Joe can do either.
With that, David gets up from the pew and exits the church. He steps back into the golden blare of the Austrian sunshine, headed towards Easy’s billet.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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IMAGES: Swedish and F-35 Danish Gripen perform first inter-ally exercises of 5ª generation
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 15/03/2024 - 18:16in Military
For the first time as NATO Allies, Danish F-35 fighters and Swedish JAS39 Gripen fighters flew air combat training exercises in Danish airspace on March 11 and 13.
The training missions showed close military cooperation between the Danish and Swedish air forces and also demonstrated efforts to integrate and interact with different generations of fighters in the Nordic countries. The exercises were mainly conducted in separate training areas on the waters of Kattegat. They consisted of one-on-one fighter maneuvers and coordinated flight of Danish F-35s from the Skrydstrup Fighter Wing and two JAS39 Gripen from 'Blekinge Flygflottilj' in Ronneby, near Karlskrona, in southern Sweden.
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Cooperation is based on a mutual interest of the two nations through the Oresund, making use of experience and skills to strengthen the combined power of air warfare.
"Because we are neighbors and close allies, using each other's capabilities not only provides great training value for pilots and personnel, but is also visible proof of the ambition to be able to operate effectively together," says Major General of the Danish Air Force, Jan Dam.
The training exercises involving the JAS39 produced by Sweden and the F-35 produced by the United States highlight the need to ensure that existing and new combat aircraft fleets are able to cooperate and interact on the modern battlefield.
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"The Gripen and F-35 belong to two different generations of combat aircraft and therefore have different characteristics to contribute to the battlefield. As a fifth-generation combat aircraft, the F-35 has the special ability to collect and process huge amounts of data, which it can later share with other allies and actors," explains Lieutenant-Colonel Casper Borge Nielsen, head of the Combat Flight Department of the Allied Air Command.
He went on to say that the integration between the F-35 and the Gripen increases the combined operational capabilities, because the F-35 is able to generate and share an unprecedented situational image, from which the Gripen can also benefit. On the other hand, the Gripen represents an advanced combat aircraft that brings more firepower to combat. This will benefit both fifth and fourth generation combat aircraft and, in a broader perspective, will give land and naval forces the opportunity to operate with more freedom and efficiency.
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"Performing this type of exercise flying with another type of aircraft provides different challenges and experiences than when it is normally practiced against our own units," said Lieutenant-Colonel Erik Almquist, Commander of the 172º Swedish Air Force Fighter Squadron. “Cooperation with Danish pilots has been very easy and uncomplicated. The biggest challenge was to decide whether we should speak English or Danish/Swedish on the phone during the briefing and debriefing,” he said, adding that on the air, radio communications are made, of course, in English. "This week's exercises were the beginning of an increased cooperation where the proximity of the divisions in Skrydstrup and the simplicity of the cooperation provide good conditions for us to develop and strengthen our ability to fight together as a 'Nordic Air Force'," he concluded.
"We found our Swedish colleagues in Danish airspace to fly Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM), also known as 1-on-1 air combat training," says TRI, one of the Danish F-35 pilots of the Skrydstrup Fighter Wing in southern Jutland. He added that this creates different requirements and challenges when training against an unknown opponent. "Most of the time, we fly BFM against our own F-35 pilots. The Gripen and the Swedish pilots fly differently, so a 1-on-1 match against them is a professional challenge. We can test elements of our own tactics that we don't normally do. It's amazing! And of course it's great to meet the Swedes in Denmark," concluded TRI.
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In the fall of 2023, Denmark received the first four F-35 fighters on Danish soil, while six aircraft are still located in the US for training flights. In total, Denmark has invested in 27 F-35 fighters, of which the remaining 17 are expected to be delivered in the coming years.
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IIFlygvapnet - Swedish Air ForceJAS39 GripenNATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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starlightbooklove · 2 months
Omg You guys tysssm for the support to My last post, it means the world to me.
Hello again, I started writing this post last night, I'm going to try to keep the timeline of how the events happened so that everything makes sense Because I couldn't finish writing it at the time, because of how everything ended. I have 2 and a half hours of sleep, it has been a complete emotional roller coaster of the worst kind for us as a country.
So, yesterday, July 28, 2024...
This day has been fucking Legendary in our story, By midday there were already 9 million votes in the voting centers with a majority in the polls in "La Unidad" (the opposition party)
Voting is still happening and it is currently 7:54 pm
People were in lines since last night, at 6 AM the centers were supposed to open. There was a part of these that did not open their doors at the scheduled time due to people from the Chavista party, acting as if they had some power to deny them the exercise of their right to vote, which led to the hilarious uprising of several voters in several states, coming to fucking knock down Gates to enter schools (the usual voting centers)
It also happened that they did not let the voters in but they did activate the machines and began to insert an unreal amount of identity cards to collect false votes for the government, WHEN THE CENTERS DIDN'T EVEN OPEN, CÑLM Which resulted in cases of violence in several states of the country, people went to exercise their right and did not allow themselves to be intimidated by anyone, to the point that CEBIM officials (a military body of the country) had to interfere with the anti-riot squads to remove the government sympathizers who started the problem by not opening and now they were getting their asses kicked by the voters who didn't sit still. The people were so firm that they didn't care that a military official was trying to protect the troublemakers at the voting centers, yet they insulted them and tried to beat them, Wich, ngl was heckin hilarous.
This was only at one of the voting centers
At seven, as i mentioned people were still voting, But many voting centers had already closed tables and were already counting votes, so theoretically the elections would close no later than 9 p.m. The broadcast of the national electoral council (CNE) had already started, never a broadcast was so damn long (the last time we had an opposition candidate this close, The results came out at 1:30 AM..., so that in the end they took away his victory with fraud, so you see, it's a pattern).
They told the story of ALL the presidents who have governed the country, since the country was literally unified and even when they reached the end they said that the results would be known shortly
Outside, in the voting centers, the results were being recorded by the same citizens, they all had the majority of votes for Edmundo González by A LOT, and in almost all the states.
Here things only went from bad to worse. When voting, there is a tradition called taking care of the boxes. The boxes are those that have all the votes from the voting center to which they belong, the votes are counted in the centers in front of witnesses from the people, the results are stated and then those results are sent in minutes to the national electoral council. María Corina urged people to take care of their votes, to stay in the centers so that they could see clearly what they were doing with the boxes once the voting closed. Around 8, 9 pm the vast majority of the states had reported Edmundo as the winner, several went out to celebrate in the streets and the voters continued to wait patiently and calmly outside the voting centers.
One of the biggest political figures in our country and the biggest spoiled son of a bitch here started talking on TV From where his people were celebrating, as in all votes, their Victory without even finishing giving out the results.
And I think I knew what hate is that corrupts, burns and boils in the blood, because while that man was speaking, in one of the states where they were celebrating, the "collectives" arrived. The collectives are another military branch which is at the same time independent of the country's own militia, and that is known to be led by said political figure, they are known for committing crimes And not suffer the consequences, so when they get to a place, it doesn't mean anything good.
They killed a man, and began to attack the people who were there, and this began to happen in several states, they took the militia out into the streets, they began to fight with the people, armed soldiers against young and old women, against people who were just celebrating damn it, while the fucking son of a bitch said on television that it was a night to celebrate in peace the absolute victory of the political party
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secular-jew · 5 months
What should we learn from Benjamin Achimeir?
Posted on April 13, 2024 by Forest Rain
Yesterday we were told on the news that 14 year old Benjamin Achimeir went missing. He left his home early in the morning to herd sheep. His home is in the Benjamin region, named after the ancient Jewish tribe of Benjamin who lived more or less in the same area during biblical times.
A missing shepherd could be someone who walking on the hills fell and was injured and unable to call for help. Or someone attacked by terrorists.
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Today Benjamin’s body was found. He wasn’t taken hostage, he was murdered and thrown nearby. He was stoned, tortured, beaten, stabbed and his skull was crushed by a large rock. A 14 year old boy.
Now the reports are of “settlers” aka Jews who live in the region, “rampaging” in the closest Arab village, the place where one logically assumes the murderer or murderers came from. It is worth noting that the reported “rampaging” includes setting fire to houses and cars, not murdering people.
Those who live in civilized places will respond in horror “Oh, no, one mustn’t take the law into your own hands,” and “two wrongs don’t make a right.”
Which is true. I believe those things. The problem is that this isn’t a civilized area and there is a big difference between theory and survival.
Let’s unravel some of the complications here:
“Settler violence”
This term encapsulates multiple lies.
The first is that Jews living in their ancestral homeland somehow are settlers who don’t belong there. The idea that “settlers” are Jews who live in the Benjamin region and not the Jews who live in Tel Aviv is an idea born from elites who don’t listen to what the Arabs say about us. To them, every Jew living in Israel is a “settler”. We saw this on October 7th when Hamas called the people of Be’eri and other kibbutzim in Israel “settlers”.
The next lie is that Jewish violence against Arabs is a common occurrence. This is an absolute lie, supported by warped statistics that include instances of Jews defending themselves from terrorists trying to kill them. For example, terrorists that were injured in these instances were counted as a case of settler violence and if they subsequently died in the hospital, it was counted as a second instance of violence. Another example of these outrageous lies with statistics is that every Jew who ascends the Temple Mount is counted as an instance of “settler violence”
“Taking the law into your hands is wrong”
Israel is a nation of law and murdering people is not allowed. Obviously. The law is supposed to protect all citizens. The problem is that the law isn’t fully enforced to protect Jews, particularly those who live in Judea, Samaria and the Benjamin region – people who stand in between the Arabs of the PA territories who promised to repeat October 7th and the Israelis living in the center of the country. The Arabs of the PA territories have proven their desire as they have committed small scale attacks for years. Their culture and education are identical to that in Gaza. Elections in PA territories have been postponed for over a decade because it is known that the people would elect Hamas. Gaza is Hamas. So is the PA.
Further complicating the situation is the decisions and attitude of the IDF general in charge of the region. The residents living there have been crying out for help, for years. According to them, many of his decisions about how to manage the area are more focused on maintaining Arab rights to freedom of movement than protecting Jewish right to not be murdered. Most recently he was criticized for a military exercise that proposed a scenario where “settlers” kidnapped an Arab child and the army needed to intervene. A scenario that never happened, one that would never happen and is exactly the opposite of what actually happens – as we see in the murder of Benjamin Achimeir. So here we have a terrible situation where Jews are under attack and the State is not defending them. If you were in such a situation, what would you do? Sit and wait for the next attack or make sure your attackers know they cannot attack with impunity?
What will be reported?
Most of the media will focus more on the “settler violence” than on the fact that a 14 year old boy was murdered for the crime of being a Jew in his ancestral homeland.
For Muslims, Jews returned to our ancestral homeland are a problem because it proves their religion wrong. God did not replace Jews with Islam. We were exiled but we were also returned.
For Progressives (in America, Israel and Europe) Jews who are both religious and connected to the Land, Jews who are willing to be a “Nation alone” are the last major threat to the new world they are trying to create. People that still live according to biblical guidelines are in stark and violent contrast to those who say that there is no difference between man and woman, nations, facts and feelings or even right and wrong. THAT is why “settlers” are a red flag to so many.
The murder of a child should make everyone pause. The murder of Benjamin Achimeir should make us all consider what is necessary to enable Jews to live freely in our ancestral homeland.
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todaysjewishholiday · 24 days
29 Menachem Av 5784 (1-2 September 2024)
The 29th of Av 5556 brought Jewish emancipation to the Netherlands, the second European nation to grant its Jewish residents fully equal rights with other citizens. Jewish emancipation was at the heart of the shift towards the enlightenment model of secular nation states where all citizens would be equal under the law and away from European feudalism. The Netherlands had permitted Jewish settlement early following its independence from the Spanish monarchy, and Dutch official religious toleration had soon expanded to permit private Jewish worship and to allow Jewish residents nearly unfettered economic activity, but Jews were still prohibited from taking office in government or serving in the military or public guard, and were subjected to the humiliating practice of oath more judaico when offering testimony in civil courts.
All of that was rooted in a concept of the state in which the Calvinist Dutch establishment held control of society and magnanimously extended limited rights to other groups. While Jewish residents received more rights in the Netherlands than they would have had almost anywhere else in Europe, they still had less than other Dutch citizens, including Christian denominations other than the official Dutch Reformed Church.
The European enlightenment however carried with it a different model, in which the state would equally represent all citizens rather than being in the hands of a specific group which could choose how to treat all others. The transition from one paradigm to another did not take place without conflict. In the Netherlands, the autocratic control exercised by the House of Orange with the backing of the merchant elite was challenged by revolutionary reformers who wished to remake society upon these new lines of equality. After a period of persecution and failure, they succeeded in driving out William V in 5555 and establishing the Batavian Republic. The following year, the newly established National Convention declared
"No Jew shall be excluded from rights or advantages which are associated with citizenship in the Batavian Republic, and which he may desire to enjoy.
Amsterdam immediately appointed two Jewish officeholders to exercise these newly established rights. Moses Moresco, a Sephardi Jew, was appointed to the city council, and Moses Asher, an Ashkenazi Jew, was appointed to the city’s court of Justice. Soon, Jewish regiments were also organized in the revolutionary army seeking to defend the new republic from Prussians, Austrians, and English, who wished to restore the prior status quo.
The following decades brought significant turmoil to Europe via the Napoleonic Wars and the eventual conservative settlement which restored many of the overturned monarchies of the continent. But in the Netherlands and throughout much of the rest of the continent, the revolutionary change to Jewish legal status persisted. Emancipation was a settled reality, and Jewish life would also be changed significantly over the coming century to adjust to this shift.
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good-old-gossip · 5 months
Israel deliberately militarizes civilian objects, turns schools into military bases
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Palestinian Territory - As part of its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, ongoing for the seventh month now, the Israeli army has militarized civilian objects, including schools and educational facilities. Israel’s turning of these facilities into military bases is in flagrant violation of international law and the rules of war.   The Israeli army was not satisfied with its systematic and widespread bombing and massive destruction of schools, committing of serious crimes against civilians who were sheltering inside them, and deliberate targeting of these vulnerable people with air and ground military operations, killings, and direct unlawful executions.
Instead, it converted a number of schools into military bases, gathering places for its forces and vehicles, detention and interrogation centres, and torture facilities. This is in violation of both international humanitarian law, which was established to protect civilian objects from the danger of military operations, and the obligations placed on Israel as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention, which require taking the necessary measures to ensure that children who are orphaned or separated from their families as a result of a war are able to exercise their right to education.     During its field invasion of most of the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army converted a number of schools into military bases and detention facilities. One such facility was the Salah al-Din Preparatory School in Gaza City, which in February was used as a detention and interrogation centre for hundreds of locals.   Israeli journalist Amir Bohbut released a video clip on 30 April in which he documents an Israeli military base located inside a Gaza Strip school, which Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reiterates is a war crime. In the video, he states,
“We are in a forward operations base belonging to the 162nd Division in the heart of the Gaza Strip. The video proceeds to display several large containers set up in the centre of the schoolyard, which he says are being used as offices and bedrooms. Bohbut adds: “Raids, ambushes, and other operations will start from here.”   A different video shows Israeli soldiers from the Givati battalion filming themselves inside a school while wearing military gear and carrying weapons; the Israeli and battalion flags are flying proudly behind them.
Additionally, members of the Israeli military have published videos of sniper soldiers firing from inside schools, some of which are United Nations-run schools.   Numerous footage clips have also been released that show Israeli soldiers seizing control of schools after forcibly evacuating displaced individuals who were seeking shelter there, inflicting thousands of injuries and making thousands of arrests.
One such video shows an Israeli soldier recording a message to his mother on a school blackboard in Gaza, written in both Hebrew and Ukrainian. Soldiers have even shared videos of themselves inside classrooms on social media, even going so far as to publicly boast about bombing a UN-run school.  
In its genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023, Israel has destroyed or partially destroyed 80% of the Strip’s schools. In a joint statement released on 18 April 2024, United Nations experts described this as “edu-genocide”, i.e. the deprivation of yet another generation of Palestinians of their educational future.  
Even the UNRWA-run schools, which have served as shelters for hundreds of thousands of civilians who were forcibly displaced, have been the target of intense Israeli attacks, some of which have occurred repeatedly and continually. These attacks have also occurred in areas that the Israeli army has designated as “safe”.  
The Israeli army has been ordering the illegal evacuation of roughly 246 square kilometres, or roughly 67% of the Gaza Strip’s total area, since 7 October. This covers every area north of the Gaza Valley, whose residents were told to leave in late October, as well as certain areas south of the Gaza Valley that have been under constant evacuation orders from the Israeli army since 1 December 2023.   Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip killed over 6,500 students, 756 teachers, and caused thousands more injuries between October 2023 and mid-April 2024. The death toll is expected to rise daily, and over 625,000 students have been denied their right to education over the course of an entire academic year. Additionally, six universities have been demolished, including Al-Israa University, which Israel bombed after first utilising it as a military base for 70 days.   The head of the UN Human Rights Office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Ajith Sunghay, previously declared that the educational system in Gaza “no longer exists at this stage”, citing the destruction of schools by Israeli bombing operations as well as their use by displaced Palestinians as shelters. “Children can no longer find a place to learn.”   In a report published on 13 December 2023, Euro-Med revealed that the Israeli army has turned schools sheltering 10s of thousands of displaced people into military centres and field execution sites as part of its genocide against Palestinians. Euro-Med Monitor received testimonies at the time about Israeli army forces carrying out unjustified field executions and killings of Palestinian civilians after detaining them for days inside the same schools where they had sought refuge from Israeli violence.   The testimonies revealed horrific human rights violations and atrocities against civilians killed after their release. The timing of the killings indicates that there was no reason to shoot them, other than to satisfy the bloody desires of Israeli soldiers or express the comprehensive moral permissibility—in the eyes of Israel’s military—when it comes to slaughtering and humiliating Palestinian civilians.   Around 15 dead Palestinians’ decomposed bodies were recently found in Al-Falujah neighbourhood, west of the Jabalia refugee camp. Based upon its initial investigation, Euro-Med Monitor confirms that these individuals were subjected to field executions after being questioned by members of the Israeli army at the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh government school.   Roughly one hundred leading European academics condemned Israel’s genocide against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip in an open letter in March, citing its physical and cultural liquidation of the Palestinian people and systematic destruction of the Strip’s educational system.   It is crucial to shield schools in the Gaza Strip from Israel’s military assaults. The international community must put pressure on Israel to cease its military operations against and inside schools in the Strip, in order to guarantee Palestinian children’s right to education and to ensure that they return to their classrooms as soon as possible, especially given that these schools will require extensive repairs and reconstruction.   Converting educational buildings into military bases is a practice that continues the colonial legacy of dominance and tearing apart the fundamental components of peoples, particularly their cultural and educational heritage.   The humanitarian community needs to be aware of the terrible conditions that children in the Gaza Strip are living in. Children are among the most vulnerable populations during times of armed conflict, and the ongoing Israeli military assault on the Strip is making their suffering worse.
They are no longer protected in any way by international law, and the Israeli army has turned them into direct and intentional targets of murders, executions, and deliberate and indiscriminate targeting.
They have also been subjected to crimes such as starvation, siege, denial of health care and basic necessities for survival, and prolonged denial of education, which will negatively impact their ability to exercise their other rights and leave them vulnerable to poverty, unemployment, and exploitation.
Finally, there is a risk that future generations will not have the knowledge necessary to rebuild Palestinian society in the Gaza Strip after the Israeli military attack is over.   It is important to allow investigative committees and specialized technical committees to visit the Gaza Strip in order to look into the horrifying crimes Israel has committed and to hold it responsible for its repeated violations of the International Convention to Prevent and Punish the Crime of Genocide.
These violations include the systematic persecution of Gaza Strip residents due to their Palestinian heritage, including killing and abusing them physically and psychologically, undermining their ability to survive, and forcing them to flee their homes by crushing and militarizing civilian property.
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