#military run relief camps
if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 days
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"Relief Camp Men Need Sport Equipment," Vancouver Sun. May 31, 1934. Page 5. ---- In case the appeals of the Church Co-operative Camp Council for sports equipment for relief camps has not been sufficiently direct to convince some, here are two letters received Wednesday by the Council.
They speak for themselves and R. J. Lecky, who is in charge of this work will give the names of the camps on application:
Dear Sirs: May 27th, 1934. The boys of the camp at this point today formed a Sports Committee in an endeavor to form some amusement for the coming long days, but we came to the conclusion that it was not much use unless we had some sporting material to play with. Some months ago we received two baseball bats and I think it was two soft balls, but these are now completely gone. We are far into the interior and these camps are more than a little perhaps forgotten, but we would certainly appreciate it if it was possible to receive any kind of equipment such as mentioned above, together with playing cards and fishing tackle. Trusting that you will meet with a great deal of success in your present drive, on behalf of the camp, I remain, Yours truly, Secretary Sports Committee.
Dear Sir: May 26th, 1934. The softball team at the above camp are sorely in need of playing equipment. We have several games arranged for the near future and feel that we stand very good chance of winning if we can only get some equipment with which to play our games and get some much needed practice. If you could see your way clear to donate some of this equipment, we would more than appreciate the kindness. The articles most needed are as follows: 2 bats, 2 soft balls, 1 catcher's mitt, 1 first base glove, 1 catcher's mask. Thanking you in advance, I am, Yours truly, Secretary Soft Ball Team.
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tiredguyswag · 4 months
one of those masterposts for Sudan 🇸🇩
Disclaimer: I am not Sudanese, and am in no way an expert on the ongoing crisis. Corrections, if any, are welcome.
LAST UPDATED: 26th April 2024 [Please try to reblog the original post as much as possible]
So what's going on in Sudan? Sudan was under the rule of the military dictator Omar Al-Bashir for thirty years. He came to power through a military coup in June 1989. His rule saw extreme economic decline, repression, and conflict. In the December of 2018, a democratic revolution began that eventually overthrew the dictatorship on April 11, 2019, and saw the beginning of a military rule by militant parties SAF (Sudanese Armed Forces) and RSF (Rapid Support Forces). This unrest is, of course, funded by western governments.
On the 15th of April, 2023, fighting broke out in Khartoum between the SAF and RSF. Clashes spread across the nation of Sudan, and the civilian populace is still caught in the middle. According to UN officials, Sudan is in “one of the worst humanitarian nightmares in recent history."
There is an ongoing war in Sudan, and it's getting worse. There is a health crisis along with the humanitarian crisis as well: around 2/3rds of the population do not have access to healthcare services. Around 15-20 millions suffer from hunger. There are 70 non-operational healthcare facilities in conflict zones. Thousands killed, millions displaced, and a dramatic increase in sexual violence and rape cases.
Links for Learning Resources:
Hadhreen: Hadhreen started as an initiative by a small group of Sudanese youth in 2015. Since its inception it continued to work in a variety of sectors, most notably Emergency response, health, and in supporting vulnerable groups.
Talk About Sudan: Learn more about what's happening in Sudan and actions you can take. Also has donation links for those who are able.
Keep Eyes On Sudan: A website run by Sudanese diaspora to amplify the calls of the Sudanese people. Has donation links, actions you can take, upcoming protests and events, resources, FAQs, etc.
#SudanSyllabus.docx: An extensive and well-sourced document, providing English language resources about Sudanese history. It's really long and has got lots of links to books, articles, and more. Curated by Razan Idris.
Human Rights Watch
Donation Links:
List of verified charities providing humanitiarian assistance in Sudan
Help Sudan Tarada Initiative: The aim is to deliver emergency basic needs, food and medicine. Funds will be transferred directly to local charities and organization who are managing those shelters to make sure that the funds are well received and is spent on the needs specified.
One Million Sustainable Pads Campaign: Fundraiser to help provide women in IDPs camps with reusable pads
Zubeyda Adam and family (Sudan)
Our home bombarded and destroyed
Help my family escape Sudan's war
Save a transperson in african Refugee camp from starvation [Unsure about the legibility of this one since its not from the person themself, but if someone can verify this for me that would be great]
Hope For Sudan
Darfur Women Action
Doctors Without Borders
Fill A Heart: Financial Assistance to Sudanese Hospitals
Hometax: Sudan Relief
Cairo Sudan Aid
Amal For Women
Sudan Solidarity Collective
These are all the links I have so far. Please spread awareness about Sudan! Let me know if there are any links I should add to the post and I will update it.
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tacticaldiary · 9 months
Reader joining 141 for a mission and Simon is not having it and is pissed at price for calling them and all of the other guys are confused about why ghost is so upset till they find out reader is his wife after the mission
Maybe reader got hurt and ghost goes off on price
The Price Of A Secret
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
"People get injured on the job, Ghost." Gaz tries to defuse the situation. "She's alive-"
"This is different." He grits out.
"And why's that?"
"Because that's my wife!" He hisses, slamming his fist onto the table. It strikes them harder than if he were to have yelled it at them.
A/N: It's 2:45am and I have no energy to proofread caution advised-
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The moment the picture of the intelligence officer joining them flashes on the screen, Ghost puts his foot down.
"She's not coming."
Everyone in the room pauses, Price staring at Ghost mid sentence. It's the usual 141, and then it's her. Sitting there with a mildly frustrated look, refusing to look at him because she should have known he'd try to pull some shit like this.
"Why not?" Price folds his arm, narrowing his eyes. "Is there an issue, Lieutenant?"
She was supposed to work from the inside, drawing out data and cracking through defences that they then passed on to people like the 141. An integral part of the process of running the whole task force, but not once was she involved in hands-on field work.
It's not that she's incompetent. No, not at all. Ghost would have his head bit off if he even remotely implied that because it simply isn't true. She got the top scores in almost every part of her training exercises, and yet she chose the intelligence part of the military to serve in. His wife was as competent as they got.
His wife.
"This is a covert operation, the fewer people the better." That's what he goes with. Not because his heart picks up at the thought of her being anywhere near what they deal with every day.
"I won't have the range I need to retrieve the data from their servers if I'm not close to them." She speaks up, and their eyes meet from across the room.
His determined, hers resolute.
Sometimes he really hated that she was so fucking stubborn. It had been the same stubbornness that cracked down the iron grip he'd had on the walls in his mind and around his heart, but if that stubbornness was what got her killed Simon would give up this joy in a heartbeat.
He'd do it for her if it meant she kept on living.
"This isn't up for discussion, Ghost." Price states, "She's part of this operation on my authority."
"End of discussion. You settle whatever you have going on outside this room." And fuck, he can't refute a direct order like that, can he?
Ghost sees her release a long exhale, and he knows he won't share such a relief until this damn operation was over and done with.
                                  · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Her body is so limp it scares the ever-loving shit out of him.
Ghost grips her so tight it's as if he himself is the only thing tethering her soul to her body, boots thumping hard against the muddy ground as they retreat back to their extraction point, data successfully retrieved.
Successfully, not smoothly.
The plan was simple. They'd flank the building while she camped out near the edge of the woods, retrieving the intel they needed. A couple of fuckers slipped out of the building and went straight for her.
Ghost's stomach turns when he remembers how he found the scene. She wasn't answering through her comms, but he knew he wasn't able to leave his position until the building was secure.
Waiting felt like an eternity, he could feel Soap send troubled glances in his direction at the way Ghost was unusually silent and more brutal than.
When the building was finally secure, they'd gone to reunite with her position and found three men dead, bloody seeping into the ground in a crimson mess. The last one standing hovered over her unconscious form, over his wife with a knife raised ready to slit her thought.
The only thought Ghost had as he ripped the man away with his hands was that he was going to take the one good thing in his life away, and he would not let that happen. Not her. Not like this.
"Bleeding wound to the head, unconscious but still breathing!" Gaz called out while Ghost shoved the man's own knife into his throat. Tossing the gurgling body aside like a ragdoll, he's immediately by her side, assessing before carefully lifting her up in his arms.
It's the most emotion Ghost has ever expressed in front of the others, but he couldn't give a fuck about the looks or the questions right now. Her heartbeat against him settled him the slightest bit with the reassurance that she was alive.
Angry does not begin to describe what itches under Ghost's skin as they scramble into their exfil airship.
"Medic!" He barks the second they lift off. Setting her down, he brushes the bloody strands of her hair away from her face.
Despite the urge to stay by her side, the medic gingerly requests for him to take a step back so he could work. Ghost obliges but his eyes never leave her face.
He's painfully aware of his wedding ring pressing against his chest, strung onto a chain long enough to be tucked under his uniform. A matching one to her own.
Nobody speaks.
Perhaps they recognise the anger washing off of Ghost in waves, because if they'd just bloody listened to him, she wouldn't be laying there with a head wound.
The atmosphere is heavy and sombre. Even Soap keeps his mouth shut, too confused by the outward, uncharacteristic way Ghost was acting to make fun of it.
It's only when the medic announces she's stable that the suffocating knot in Ghost's chest loosens. There's audible relief from everyone in the place.
"Bloody hell." Price breathes, and something in Ghost snaps.
"I told you to dismiss her from the op." He says coldly, turning to the man.
"We got what we needed, son." He sighs, deep and tired, and part of Ghost understands that this was their life. But he's too worked up to care.
"At a fucking cost."
"People get injured on the job, Ghost." Gaz tries to defuse the situation. "She's alive, that's all that matters. Nothing permanent, yeah?" He glances at the medic, who confirms with a nod before slipping away.
"This is different." Ghost grits out.
"Why's that?"
"Because that's my wife!" He hisses, slamming his fist onto the metallic walls. It strikes them harder than if he were to have yelled it at them.
How long had it taken for Ghost-...no, for Simon to let someone crack open his defences until he was coaxed out and allowed himself to love again? Four years they've been married, and four years he's kept it a secret.
It's not that he doesn't trust his team. He trusts them with his life, would lay his own down for Johnny, Gaz, and Price any day.
But this? This was bigger than him, she was the most precious thing that had ever happened to him, and the safest way to preserve that was the keep it on a need-to-know basis.
She'd agreed with him, of course. In that soft, patient way she always has with him. She'd seen the paranoia in him, recognised that he needed this one thing for himself, and she'd been more than happy to oblige.
What was outside validation about her relationship worth when she got to crawl into his arms at the end of the day? Be granted the pleasure that comes with being loved by someone as protective, intelligent, and sharp as Simon Riley? She adores all of him, even the jagged pieces that cut into her from time to time, because he's always there to take care of her afterwards.
"She's my wife." He repeats quieter, sitting back down. Exhaustion lines the slope of his shoulder's dark circles well present under his mask.
"You're married." Soap is the first to speak, incredulously. "You? Ghost? You're married?" His eyes flicker down to Ghost's left hand, and then to Gaz and Price who look equally as surprised. "I mean, congratulations?" He trails off, knowing it's not really the situation to celebrate.
"Thanks." A tired, small voice has everyone's attention back onto the figure on the bed. Ghost is on his feet in moments, by her bedside. "It'll be five years in...what, a month?" She cracks an eye open, giving Simon a tired, smile.
"Two months." He corrects with a mutter, and Johnny looks like he might just collapse. "Sitrep?"
"We're not on the field anymore." She groans, pushing herself to sit up. Ghost's hands fly to her immediately, helping her sit up. At his blank, insistent stare, she relents with a deep sigh. "My head's killing me but other than that just a few scrapes and bruises." Her hand travels down to grab his at her shoulder, squeezing briefly.
"I'm alright." Her voice turns into something soft and reassuring, and it's only then that a quiet, shuddering breath comes out of Simon's lungs. "I think I'll sit to working from the inside though." She jokes weakly. "Leave the dirtier work to you brutes."
It lightens the mood as intended, eliciting a snort from Gaz. "Yes, ma'am."
He'd make sure she got checked out properly when they landed, but for now he takes his place sitting beside her. The others fall into a hushed conversation after a while, but he makes no move to join them.
A warm hand intertwines with his, hidden beneath the bulk of their combined gear.
"I'm alright, Simon." She mumbles, just loud enough for him to hear.
Simon squeezes her hand in response. "Fucking hell, love." He breathes.
And it's enough to convey everything he's thinking. Humming, she tips her head against his shoulder and lets her eyes slip shut. The warmth of his body, even through the tang of copper is enough of a familiar comfort to drain the tension from her body.
She's fast asleep against his shoulder a minute later, and the devil himself couldn't make Simon move lest he wake her now.
He wasn't a publicly affectionate person by any means...but he trusted his team enough for this right now.
Letting his own head press against the metal wall behind them, his eyes shift to meet Price's. A softer, knowing look from the Captain is all he needs to hook his chin over her head and turn his attention outside the small window.
And if he counts her breathing while she sleeps for his own peace of mind? Well, that's no one's business but his.
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beautifulfuckup99 · 4 months
ok ok i just got this random idea bare with me
Chubby mid size cute reader, she is very confident but gets inscure from time time
Namjoon is her BF 😉😉and they are camping with their friends. ( some of them are not that nice to her abt her looks).
One girl then says a comment pitting her that she cant be carried or manhandled due to her wait.
Later Namjoon carries her with one arm out of the blue in front of everyone and then a nice spicy time in the woods
Very random 😂😂😂 only u can make it happen😂😂😂
I feel blessed to have so many Namjoon requests!!
Title: For Me...
Warning(s): Insecure!Y/N, Slight B0dy-Sham!ng, Hurt/Comfort, Smut! And of course Fluff!
Author's Note: Obviously set in an AU where Namjoon has his license and drives lol. Enjoy!
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"Yes!" Namjoon cheers the second he throws the car in park. You look up from your book, blinking the sleep from your eyes.
"We're here?" You ask, feeling the surge of relief that you no longer have to sit in this car anymore.
"Uh-Huh." He says fast as he gets out of the car, pausing to breathe in deep through his nose. "Baby! You smell that? That's nature, baby!" He cheers excitedly and you close your book, giggling softly as you get out of the car while watching your boyfriend of just six months spin around giddily.
He was a giant dork, and it made your heart flutter in the best way possible.
"Ay! Namjoon! There you are, man. Took you long enough to show up!" Dae laughs as he walks over from where the tents were set up.
When Namjoon had told you about this camping trip with his friends, you were pouty, you had to admit, but you were understanding that he needed time to cut loose with his friends. Especially before he had to run off to the military. BTS being on hiatus meant he had more time to roam and explore and the one thing he's been looking forward to is getting back into nature. When he invited you to join the camp trip, you hesitated. You knew the members of BTS, yeah, but these were buddies of his from back home. Guys who knew him from way back when. School days.
You wanted them to like you, that's all. You slowly get out of the car as Namjoon starts hugging his buddies who run over to greet him. You fix your shirt and hold the sweater more around you. Your sweatpants now feel like a bad idea since all his friends look actually put together. You had done the bare minimum of getting ready, and now you couldn't help but fuss at your hair a bit.
"Oh! Guys, this is my girl. Y/N..." Namjoon smiles proudly, dimples on full display. The four guys surrounding him all eye you up and down.
"This is Y/N?" One guy says slowly as if you're not who they expected. You smile sheepishly as you walk over to grab Namjoon's hand that he's holding out for you.
"Hi, guys. Sorry to interrupt guys' camping weekend. I promise, you won't even know I'm here." You try joking as they continue to just look at you.
"Ay, it's all good. My girl came with too." Dae shrugs as he nods to the campsite where a girl still sat, flipping through a magazine. You nod, kind of relived that you wouldn't be stuck in these woods with just guys.
"I'll go get the bags." Namjoon says and squeezes your hand to assure you before he goes back to the car.
"So, what are you guys thinking for lunch?" You ask to try and start a conversation. The guys all share a look and one finally snickers.
"Too easy." He says before walking away while shaking his head as if humored by something. You feel your heart drop at that moment.
Fuck, this was a mistake...
The next morning, you're woken up by Namjoon kissing all over your face as he wraps his leg around your waist. You grumble playfully and open your eyes to face him. Last night had been a nightmare for you. It was full of backhanded compliments and little glances from everyone in the group around you, as if everyone was in on a joke that you didn't know about.
But you DID know the joke. You knew your body, you knew the difference between you and Namjoon, you knew the irony. 'Ha-Ha, Namjoon is all about the gym and health and look at him dating a plus sized girl'. You weren't dumb or blind. You knew your body weight and type, but you also knew that you had one of the best leaders of K-pop wrapped around your finger and drooling over you at any given second. It didn't full stop the self-doubt, but it helped a bit.
You've been chubby since you were a kid. You've heard and dealt with it all. A weekend with jerks like your boyfriend's friends wasn't gonna hurt you too much. And you definitely didn't wanna bring this to his attention either. After this weekend, you'd never have to deal with these people again...
"Morning, baby. We were gonna head to the lake. You're coming, right?" Namjoon whispers finally after a moment of just rubbing his nose with yours. You hum softly at that and stretch a bit.
"That sounds nice." You nod tiredly. You hadn't slept much due to how hungry you were. You picked at your dinner the night before as to not be a cliché plus size person. You watched though as Namjoon had three bowls of the ramen and his buddies all drank and had about two to four each. It was a bit unfair. You wondered for a moment why you had to act carefully when slurping up noodles when your boyfriend sat proudly right next to you, eating and drinking away. Why you had to take small sips of water and after a few bites of food claim you were full when everyone around you shameless enjoyed themselves. Could it be because you had something to prove? Yup, exactly.
"Hey. You okay?" He asks softly as he eyes you closer, hand pushing your hair back to really look at you. You look up at him and the urge to vocalize your uncomfortability is strong, but you shake it off. It was Saturday and you'd be saying your goodbyes Sunday morning. You could do this.
"I'm all good. It was just so hot last night. I couldn't get comfy..." You lie softly and Namjoon nods, pecking your nose.
"Maybe we can sneak away after swimming for a bit and take a nap." He offers softly as he rests his forehead against yours. It makes you blush as you nod along. You two get up soon enough and throw on your bathing suits.
You make sure your black one piece is on right since it was kind of strappy in a few places. You step out of the tent real soon and see all the guys and Dae's girl all look over at you, eyeing your body. Dae's girlfriend gently tugs at Dae's shirt and whispers something in his ear, making him laugh and nod his head in agreement.
The overwhelming feeling of regret swallows you whole and you grab one of Namjoon's shirts to put on over your shirt. You try and act none the wiser to all the snickering which only makes your self anger grow more.
"Okay! Bag is packed and ready to go!" Namjoon says as he steps out of your tent and pauses. "What's funny?" He asks his buddies and they all laugh before shaking it off.
"Nothing, man..." Dae says before walking off with his girlfriend. The other boys follow and Namjoon eyes you and smiles a bit as he tugs at the shirt you had on.
"What's with the cover up?" He asks and you shake your head.
"Just don't wanna get sunburned..." You say softly, not wanting to put a damper on Namjoon's vacation. Just one day. Just one day...
He nods and offers you his arm for the short walk to the lake...
When you get there, the water is cool and clear which is a great contrast to the sun that was beating down on you all today. You get in the water and focus on swimming with Namjoon when Dae grabs his girlfriend from her tanning spot on the dock. He lifts her with both arms as she screams for him to let her down and not to throw her. He doesn't listen and chucks her right into the water.
When she surfaces, she starts yelling at him for throwing her while all the guys laugh expect for Namjoon. He holds you a bit closer to his chest as you both bob in the calm lake. She finally sees you looking at her and glares at you.
"What?" She asks.
"Nothing. Just... Sucks that he ruined your hair." You say back gently. She eyes you a bit and then puts on a false smile.
"Well, at least my boyfriend can pick me up." She says in a joking tone and the boys laughing makes your heart feel heavy in your chest.
"What?" Namjoon asks, having heard her right but shocked that those words even left her mouth.
"Oh, Nam, calm down. It was a joke." One of his friends chuckles and Namjoon glares, obviously pissed at this moment.
"Yeah? I'm not laughing." He says shortly before swimming over to the dock and getting out.
"Namjoon, come on..." Dae tries as your boyfriend grabs his towel and then one for you too. You swim over silently, knowing better than to do anything else but just go with Namjoon to get him out of this situation before he blows up.
He helps you out of the lake and wraps the towel around you before you both leave back to the campsite, ignoring his friends as they try calling you for you guys.
You sit between Namjoon's legs, pressed back against his hard chest as you hold the newest novel you have to share cause if not, one of you will read ahead. The walk back to the tent had been silent, the shower at the bath house had been quiet, and now the reading time you two share was full of this tense silence. You knew Namjoon was still pissed and you just hoped you could keep him calm till you left tomorrow morning.
"Done?" You ask, so you could know if you should flip the page or not. When you don't get an answer, you turn your head to face Namjoon and see him deep in thought, jaw clenched and face hard set. You frown softly and gently grab his face to make him look at you.
"Babe. It was a dumb joke..." You try quietly and he looks you in the eyes.
"You didn't sleep well last night because of them, didn't you." He says quietly, putting it all together in his head. It makes you frown, but you couldn't lie to him.
"I was... A little upset. Yeah." You admit quietly.
"Why didn't you tell me? I never want you in a place where you're that uncomfortable, Y/N. You know that." He says as he looks at you.
"They're you're friends, Joonie. I-I just... Wanted you to have fun." You try as he looks at you with a frown.
"Well I'm in hell when you're being hurt." He says quietly. You sigh softly and move to nuzzle into his neck.
"I'm used to this, babe. I grew up plus size." You point out quietly and Namjoon shakes his head.
"And? It wasn't right then, and it sure as hell isn't now." He says.
"I know your body. I love your body. Because your 'body' is just skin. Skin that protects everything in you that matters most." He states seriously. "It protects your heart... Which is full of love and care for the world. It protects your brain... Which is always more intriguing to me than any book out there. And it protects your spirit. Which is what I fell in love with. These amazing curves are a bonus." He says softly and you snort playfully while rolling your eyes.
"I know. I'm perfect to you." You mutter playfully, as if you're annoyed by hearing it.
"You're not just perfect to me. You're perfect for me, Y/N. I love you. And I'm not gonna let anyone talk about or to you in anyway." He says quietly as he holds your waist.
You hum. "Tomorrow morning, we can leave." You assure.
"First thing in the morning..." He agrees.
Later that evening, everyone sits around the fire, silently eating and drinking. The tension is thick, and no one dares to make a joke or try and break the silence in anyway. You wanted Namjoon to let go of the grudge and have one last dinner with his friends, but he had insisted that anyone able to make you feel shitty was no friend of his. You were still trying to fight off the guilt, but you knew if you had anyone around you that made Namjoon feel a certain way, they'd be gone ASAP too. You just had to stand by your boyfriend's choice.
"I think..." Namjoon finally says, his deep voice demanding all eyes on him, and they are. Everyone is looking at the five-foot-eleven Korean man as he sets his plate down and rubs his hands together slowly. "Before we call it a night, a few things need to be done.
"One. I'd like to remind you all... That she," He nods to you as you sheepishly play with your bowl of beef stew cooked over the campfire. "Is my girlfriend. The woman I love. And I expect nothing but respect for her." He says, his voice calm but with this dark edge to it. Like he was not expecting any argument to his statement.
"Two." He continues. "At the end of the day, you don't have to find her attractive. She's mine for a reason. Because I find her attractive." He states. "And thirdly, if you don't find her attractive? You're just lying to yourself." He snorts and you bashfully roll your eyes at him.
"You all... Need to apologize for what the hell went on with this trip, and you'll be lucky if I ever want to see any of you again." He states honestly. You gaze along the faces of all his buddies, and you feel slightly guilty, maybe even a little childish due to this lecture. You felt like a kid who just tattled to the teacher. But... You hadn't 'tattled'. Namjoon had heard it. You weren't being overdramatic, you weren't play victim, and you didn't deserve this treatment. And you just had to keep telling yourself that...
With a deep sigh, Dae is the first to speak. "Y/N, we're... We're sorry. We were just joking, you know. Giving you a hard time? That's what we do in this friend group..." He says and you look away from him at that.
"Yeah, well that's not what you do with her." Namjoon speaks for you, and you set the bowl down and nod once at Dae. "Don't accept that half ass apology." Namjoon says to you, and you keep your mouth shut. He stands up finally and dusts his hands on his shorts.
"We're leaving tomorrow morning, early. Y/N." Namjoon says, and you quickly stand up only to feel his arm, wrap around your waist from behind. You feel him lift you up and squat down a bit to put you over his shoulder as you squeal in slight alarm.
"Y/N and I are going to bed. Don't bother us." He says shortly before looking a Dae's girl. "And maybe Dae could lift you, if he went to the gym more." He says simply before carrying you away towards your tent that you had moved away from the others for the night.
"Joonie! Put me down!" You hiss as he gets you two into your tent and sets you on the small foam mattress inside your tent.
"What were you thinking? You could've hurt yourse-" He cuts you off by kissing you deeply, you instantly get lost in the kiss.
"Don't disrespect my lifting abilities like that..." He teases quietly against your lips before kissing you more passionately. You can barely react in time as he pushes you back on the bed freely, climbing on top of you.
"What... What are you..." You pant against his lips before he quickly sits up to take off his shirt and then lays back on top of you, covering your jawline and neck with kisses that made you shiver.
You shut your eyes, melting into the cot as he lowers his lips down towards your cleavage. He's quick to pull your tank top up and bra cups down, freeing your nipples as he grips your breasts in both hands.
"I'm showing you that I love this body..." He whispers before tonguing your nipples one at a time, sucking each one hard to turn them into sensitive buds as you arch your back, head rolling back to moan before you cover your mouth.
"Don't cover up. I want them to hear it. Let them know that I know exactly how to handle you. That I thoroughly enjoy you whenever I can..." He whispers before moving down your body, biting all along your tummy as you look down at him, body feeling on fire at this very moment.
"I'm the luckiest man on earth to have you..." He whispers honestly as he settles between your legs, making you blush hard.
He makes quick work of your shorts and keeps your underwear on, blowing softly on the wet spot and making your clit twitch.
"Joonie... Oh fuck..." You gasp as you reach down to grab his hair, needing to feel something against your soaked core and fast.
"Such a goddess." He praises softly before he gets to work lapping at your clit slowly at first. Your head rolls back as you shut your eyes, always enjoying these sensual moments. Namjoon never teases, but he also loves when things slowly build up, especially since the closer you get the louder you get. He had a thing about you being... Verbal.
"Namjoon..." You pant, keeping this in mind. You loved making him feel good over his ability to make you feel good. It was an exchange of sorts. Sometimes you even found yourself twisting and arching your body in different directions as you screamed out because it just egged him on more. Thank god for porn. It was the best teacher...
He turns sloppier the louder you get, and you lose track of where you are at this point as your moans and hard tugs at his hair egg him on more.
At a certain point, feeling how drenched your underwear is from both your juices and his saliva, you pull him up to kiss him, your tongue exploring his to taste yourself on him. He grabs your neck to hold your head still and proceeds to suck on your tongue, and you all but lose all decency at that second, flipping you both over so you're on top.
"You want them to hear? The let's make sure they hear..." You pant with a giggle as he grips your hips hard and sits up to pull you harder against his bulge that is very much present through his shorts.
"Fuck yes, darling..." He whispers in awe before kissing you hard.
The next morning, no one can look you both in the eyes and that's fine, because you're still too blissed out from last night to care what they can or can't do. Namjoon says nothing as he packs up the tent and you know you can't force him to drop the attitude long enough for a proper goodbye.
"Joonie..." You say quietly when you two are finally in the car and driving down the dirt road away from the camping grounds. He hums, eyes stuck on to the road with one hand on the wheel.
"Don't stop being friends with them because of me." You whisper and Namjoon smiles slightly at your concern before he grabs your hand.
"Damn your good heart." He says softly and you pout.
"I'm serious..." You try and he brings your hand up to his lips to kiss it tenderly.
"I know you are. And so am I." He says softly. "You're my best friend, Y/N. And I wouldn't have it any other way." He says honestly and it stops your pouting for a bit as you look down at your entwined hands sheepishly.
"I love you." You finally mutter and lean over to kiss his soft cheek, feeling his dimple form under your lips and it just makes you giggle ever so quietly.
"I love you too..." He whispers, looking at you for a moment to show he means it, and you couldn't be more confident of that in this moment...
From one plus size girly to another: You are ENOUGH! You are attractive, and you are indeed that bitch lol. Love you all!
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
[CNN is US Private Media]
The Israeli military has completely encircled Gaza City, according to a spokesperson, as the United Nations’ main relief agency in the isolated enclave accused Israeli warplanes of lethally bombing UN-run schools sheltering civilians.[...]
“Over the last few hours, I received reports that three of our schools sheltering about 20,000 people have been hit. This reportedly has led to the deaths of more than 20 people in Jabalya, and also one person at the beach camp,” [UNRWA agency chief] said. An UNRWA statement later said a fourth school-turned-shelter had been hit. CNN has asked the Israel Defense Force (IDF) for comment.
2 Nov 23
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ronsenthal · 5 months
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Ron Speirs x Reader
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Summary: Nobody really stands alone at Currahee even if you try. Sometimes we try to run away from our thoughts and demons but sometimes they catch us on the race for the better or worse.
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A/N: This fic was written on the sole purpose of filling the big void in my heart caused by the showrunners who refused to gives us Ron in Toccoa, it was based on this post ignited by this military AU prompt. Also slightly based on the fact that Speirs used to be a runner for the athletics back when he was a student.
Since he was a kid he loved to run, he ran all the way from school to his home trying to get there as fast as he could because it meant more time to play with his toys and his friends. When he got a bit older he loved to run because it was a relief for his troubled mind, but also because he was so good at it, he was always a competitor and the winning feeling gave him joy and praise it was his runaway.
Life was going fast and there was no way to stop him, in his mind there was a clear path, study, get a job, get a house and so far everything was going in the right direction, but that was until the news about a war came and he had to put a hold on everything he thought was in his path.
It’s been some weeks since he arrived at Camp Toccoa for his basic training, so far the physical requirements were the last of his problems, he even enjoyed the preparations and of course his favourite part was the endless running exercises. He has always been smart, but the endless morning classes studying maps, sand tables, aerial photos were a torture, not because he couldn’t understand it, no! In fact he understood it better than the old officer trying to teach them, and that was the problem, they were too slow and he was a natural born tactician.
One afternoon after a torture session was over he had some spare time on his hands, so he quickly changed into his PT gear and headed towards the mountain he was getting so acquainted. When they said that Currahee means “Stands Alone” he could understand why the natives gave this name to the 1.700 foot tall giant. It was the chance for his mind to go blank for some time.
You wanted to get better, you HAD to do better for you and for all the women who couldn’t yet join the army, this was always on the back of your mind, you embraced every chance to get some extra training. Each company had 5 women to the personnel as part of the government development plans (and propaganda), of course being ever so lucky you got into Easy Company, the same company that had the worst CO in the entire battalion.
Herbert Sobel enjoyed every chance he got to torture and make the whole company miserable, at first you thought it was some personal hatred towards you and the other girls, but turns out he seemed to hate everyone. He pointed out the most ridiculous reasons to make everyone run the goddamn mountain, once he didn’t like the way you tied your hair during a friday night run. After the incident you decided to cut your hair short to prevent any other problems, poor Bull was furious when he saw you that it took Martin, Luz and Christenson to hold him back from trying to strangle Sobel. 
One afternoon you decided to try to improve your time running Currahee so you got your mussete bag filled with some fruits you charmed Winters to give to you back in the kitchen and your water canteen. You were finally alone this time which gave you more liberty without feeling watched every step.
After some minutes you saw that there was someone else behind you but didn’t paid any attention as you looked at the watch on your wrist and so far your time was good, so you decided to maintain your focus and keep your good rhythm. The landscape was slowly changing as you was getting closer to the summit of the mountain, suddenly you looked at your left and someone was passing you like a lightning bolt, “oh great another show-off fucker trying to prove that he is better than me” you thought to yourself and muttered a “dickhead” after he was gaining advantage so you pushed yourself harder and harder, but he was so quick you couldn’t catch him.
Some more 15 endless minutes later you arrived to the highest point of Currahee, you once again looked at your watch, a new record!!! You got so proud that instead of running down the other 3 miles you decided to stay and enjoy the landscape down bellow. You chose a nice spot to sit down under some plants that were covering at least a tiny little bit of the sun and decided to take a fruit, but then you saw him.
Being in the army surrounded by some handsome men gave you at least the useful ability to pretend not to stare down a shirtless man, but this one was a completely different story. The dickhead you saw earlier was laying down on the sun just a couple of feets away from you, using his PT shirt under his back as some kind of towel to protect him from the rocks and the gravel underneath.
As the sun was kissing his sweaty pale skin and his dark hair you watched how his toned chest was going up and down in some uneven rhythm, your mind was racing, your heart beating faster and your breath was matching his so you tried to shrug it off telling yourself it was the adrenaline from your effort, wrong again. You watched as his long eyelashes rested so peacefully as his eyes were closed, then once again you tried to change your thoughts and peel the orange on your hand.
You took your knife to split the fruit and when you finally opened it the citric smell filled the air, the man near you slowly opened up his eyes as he was taken from some trance and scanned your face, he took a look at his watch and smiled to himself as he closed his eyes again to which you rolled your eyes. As if reading your mind you heard a hard voice suddenly speaking.
"I'm not judging you, on the contrary, I'm quite surprised you were so quick, I had to push harder to get past you" he said opening just one of his eyes to glance at you.
That took you by surprise, you could feel your cheeks burning after the compliment and you only mumbled some weird thanks.
After an awkward silence he started to get up to sit down, now his dirty shirt was thrown over his left shoulder, you followed his movement as he was so close you could see the freckles in his back. Trying once again to change your focus you reached your canteen to get some water, he glanced at you and gave a soft smile to witch you could only understand as a quiet plead for some water.
"You want some?" you said reaching it for him to take.
"Don't your admirable CO forbid you guys to drink water while running up and down here or something like that?" he asked raising one of his eyebrows in a playful way.
"Sometimes yes but thankfully he is not here" you said trying to hold your laugh.
"He got quite a reputation for himself, poor bastard, couldn't imagine being in his skin" he said giving back your canteen and nodding his head with a silent thank you, his eyes carefully watching you.
"Wait how do you know I'm from Easy Company?" you said suddenly curious after realising that you had not yet introduced yourself.
"Well, you got quite a reputation too, a better one, the toughest girl on the whole battalion" he said with a grin on his face "that and the fact that I saw you running up here with Winters, a girl and a redhead is quite a sight here, you know"
"I'm Y/L/N" you said with a polite little smile.
"Speirs" he said in return as you shook hands .
"Well Speirs, nice to meet you but now I need to return now or I'll be in big trouble" you said shoving your stuff into your bag again and cleaning your hands in your shorts.
"Want to race?" he said suddenly getting up and wearing his shirt, you could swear.
"Winner buys a drink?" you said laughing.
"Smartass" he replied and started to run down the mountain
You tried to keep up with him for the biggest part of the trail and tried your best but before he was fast, he reached the finishing line and then he watched as you finished too.
You both were trying to catch some air and exchanged some looks while sharing friendly smiles.
That night at the bar as you waited while he went to get a couple of beers for you both you couldn't help but smile as you realised that nobody stands alone at Currahee.
When you saw someone running through the streets of Foy and through the enemy lines you heart almost stopped, you knew it was him, you knew nobody could be this fearless and run so fast like Ronald Fucking Speirs.
At this point everybody knew he was at little bit crazy on the head and he got quite a reputation too. The thing is he was almost too crazy for his own good and once again you were the one holding your breath and silently praying for no harm.
When everybody thought he was crazy enough here comes the lunatic running again after passing some info to I Company. You could see the happiness and relief on the faces of your friends, Lipton even got a dumb smile in his face. They were all happy that Easy finally got a good leader again.
As soon as he got his helmet off and sit down to rest you came furious stomping you way towards him.
"You crazy son of a bitch are you out of your goddamn mind?? Fucking stupid dickhead" you said slapping him on the arms and even giving little punches to his chest
Everyone else was sharing a confused look while watching this scene, Ron had no reaction and was somehow also confused looking at you. He let you curse and hit him, he knew why you got to that point.
"Woow woow woow, Y/N, calm down it's okay, look thanks to Lieutenant everything went fine" Lipton said holding you by your shoulders and carefully taking you away from Speirs.
"No you don't understand" you shouted as tears started to roll down your cheeks.
"Yes I do, okay, I might seem dumb but it's not that hard to figure where you were running away to every night since Aldbourne" he said giving you a comforting look you two often shared "Besides, it was so fucking awesome what he did there you must admit" Lipton said giving you a little wink.
You rolled your eyes at your best friend while trying to wipe away the tears. You felt a hand on your back and you turned around to see him but before you could curse him once again you felt his lips gently pressing yours.
For a moment you could swear that even the world stopped spinning around, the only sound you could hear was your own heart pounding on your chest, for a moment you were back at running Currahee, you could even smell some citric scent on the air. His lip were soft, his hands warm just gently squeezing your hips.
After the two of you went for the drink as part of the bet made on the summit of Currahee a friendship began. At first he was just a good friend but then you started to feel things you've never experienced before, it was love. Your first kiss was before making the jump on D-Day, on France you almost lost your head but he was there to help you, at Holland you almost lost him and thought you would never see those eyes again, on Bastogne you survived the freezing temperatures and used every opportunity to use his scarf to cover your face with the excuse of hiding from the cold when you were sick. He was always there, for you.
When he parted the kiss the smell of metal, gunpowder and dirty came all back like a punch, you looked at him once again and all your anger was gone, he was okay and so were you.
"Dickhead" was everything you said before he gently kissed your forehead, adjusted the M-1 on his shoulder and started to run between the line barking orders to the men.
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Taglist: @mads-weasley, @footprintsinthesxnd, @sweetxvanixlla, @xxluckystrike, @malarkgirlypop, @lostloveletters, @next-autopsy, @ewipandora, @executethyself35, @easycompany123, @whollyjoly and @basilone
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wingedjellyfishflight · 3 months
Hunting Trip
"Have you even ever been hunting?" Ghost opens his mouth. "Animals, not people." His jaw snaps shut. "Yes, you can come with, but it's not like a mission. And you have to be nice. My dad and my brothers will be with us all week."
"I will play nice with your family, promise," he says, smirking down at you.
"I don't believe you when you say it like that, but I know it's the best I will get. You should be excited, though. I pulled really good tags. Moose, elk, and a black bear. I was not expecting the moose, or else I wouldn't have gone for the other two, but I can't turn down moose." He happily listens to you chatter away about the upcoming trip, your eagerness palpable.
"What will you do with the meat? And furs?" He doesn't really care, but he wants to listen to you talk.
"Oh, we have a guy that cuts it all up, and I'm old friends with a taxidermist. If I had more time, I would cut it up myself, but Captain said he can only give me one week, so butcher it is."
"Wait, wait, wait! You know how to cut up an animal? Why are you so bad at using knives in the field?"
"I hate using it against people. It's... too similar," you say with a small shudder before focusing back on the mission.
You catch a military flight back home three weeks later. You spend the trip curled up in the webbing and trying your best to nap after the week you had. Barely had time to clean up from the mission before you ran to the tarmac. Somehow, Ghost made it there long before you. Must be excited, you think, smiling up at the big guy.
Wrapping your arms around your dad and your big brothers doesn't feel like home, you realize with a pang. Not now that you are across the pond with the team. Price's gruff hug after a mission feels more comforting. Of course, part of it may be the glares they are shooting the "strange man" who walked in the door with you.
Introducing him isn't a disaster, per say, but for some reason, they had assumed you were bringing a woman when you told them a friend was tagging along. Luckily, tags haven't sold out since they assumed a woman friend wouldn't actually want to hunt, and you are able to get an elk tag for Ghost.
Your brothers mock him for living in a country without guns. The ribbing ends when he takes the rifle he is given apart for a thorough cleaning before putting it back together in record time. You know he is showing off and you also know that you won't have to clean the guns by yourself this year, which is a relief as your brothers and dad never seem to remember to clean them.
Your oldest brother talks about the moose he is going to get and the recipes he is going to make with it. You congratulate him on drawing a moose tag, too. He stares at you for a long moment before saying that he will be filling your tag and keeping the meat since you won't be able to take it all back.
"News to me. I got special permission and certification to bring back everything. I will be filling my tags and keeping what I get." Your brother looks like he's been slapped and opens his mouth to argue, but your dad steps in.
"Enough. You were supposed to ask, not make assumptions. She will be keeping what she kills, just as we have always done in this house."
The next morning, you wake up to see Ghost sitting and waiting in the chair next to your bed in the dark. The two of you sharing a bed had been an argument and a half the night before. It had only ended when you threatened to leave and stay at a hotel. You're more than capable of platonic sleeping, and you are old enough not to need to put up with their shit. It's still another two hours before the rest of the house will wake and three before you leave for hunting camp.
"Run?" You ask Ghost sweetly.
"Run," his deep voice responds. You manage good time, clocking in several miles before heading home, showering, and making breakfast. The bacon is finishing just as your dad ambles into the kitchen, dressed to go and yawning, but a smile on his face when he sees you cooking in the kitchen.
"You're up early, dear. Didn't need you to make breakfast for everyone," he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Oh, I didn't. Bruvs are on their own. Asshats kept opening my door to look in last night. They're gonna oversleep, I'm sure," you say with a frustrated smile. Your dad chuckles and claps a hand on Ghost's shoulder in good spirits.
"Ready to put in some miles, son? Could be a long day."
"Lamb warned me. We did a short run so we wouldn't be too worn out be day's end," Ghost says politely. You shoot him a glare at the use of your nickname.
"Yeah, so we-" you try to interject.
"Lamb? Like what? Lamb to slaughter? That doesn't sound..." Your dad flounders on what to say.
Before you can salvage it, Ghost jokes, "More like a lamb sending men to slaughter. Your daughter can hold her own in the field." Your elbow to his side doesn't even slow him down.
"Field? You are consulting in the field now? It's too dangerous to be around all those amped up men, sweetie," your dad admonishes you gently as the three of you sit to eat a quick breakfast.
"Just sometimes. You know how much I love my desk, dad. If I didn't work out with Ghost, I'd get fat," you joke. You know your dad is skeptical, but he worries enough without knowing the true nature of your work. You miss the glance the two men exchange. Breakfast finished, you rope Ghost into loading the last of the gear with you, trying to keep him away from your dad.
It's only minutes before time to leave when you see your brothers stumbling out of the house to the truck. You make sure to sit between your middle sibling and Ghost. Annoyingly, your brother manspreads, squishing your legs over despite your protests. Ghost is nice enough to let you rest your legs against his, giving you a little more room. At least it's only a few hours to hunting camp. You made sure to bring your own tent and gear, so you and Ghost will be cozy the entire trip. You knew from the start that you didn't want your family to see your newly acquired scars, especially the burns on your back from last year's incident. Roasted pork had been permanently removed from your menu after that one.
"So, you two fuckin or what?" Your middle brother asks out of the blue about an hour into the trip.
"Or what," is your flat answer. No matter which is true, you're not one to kiss and tell.
"You ever hunted an elk before, boy?" You grimace at your brother's terrible mouth filter.
"Not elk, no," comes the answer from your other side.
"Oh, sheep? Antelope?" You try to intervene, but you're not fast or loud enough to drown out Ghost's answer.
"People." The rest of the ride is mercifully silent with your brothers seemingly absorbed in staring out the windows.
Reaching camp, you and Ghost work as a well-oiled machine. After so many months and especially after the time spent together in the last month in the field, you work silently and smoothly. You help your dad set up their tent, your brothers gearing up already to hunt instead. Between the three of you, camp is set in record time. Your dad begs off hunting, claiming he is going to take a nap after the early morning and long drive there.
Having pre-selected your hunting areas as a safety measure, the two of you set off into your designated zone. You let your brothers pick what they considered the prime area, hoping they would bag out early and give you time to fill your own tags. Luck is in the chilly air, though, as you see sign of a black bear not far from the trailhead. Stalking it, you realize it is stalking a herd of elk itself.
Setting up a shot can be difficult. It's even more so when you are hunting a predator. When you shoot your bear, Ghost takes down a big bull elk, too. You send him back to camp to grab your dad and get the animals ready to move. Your dad switches off with both of you to help pull the game back. You load them in the back of the truck and hug both of them excitedly, happy with the quick start to the trip. Two tags done and two to go. Your brothers have no such luck, and they are less than thrilled with your first day success.
You almost laugh when your brothers corner you later, demanding answers. "How could you bring someone like him?!" Your oldest brother is indignant.
"It's not like I work with fucking girl scouts. What did you think spec ops guys do?"
"You never said-" your brother starts.
"I said he was a coworker. The fuck do you think that means, idiot."
"All you do is push papers, course we assumed he did the same," your younger brother interjects.
"Whatever. He's here now. Deal with it and stop being rude to him," you growl out.
The next morning, you get up early and drive into the local butcher to drop off the elk and bear. You come back and set off on an all-day scout to find a moose. You find mostly older evidence of them around, but also spot another elk herd and sign of deer. Your brothers get one deer between them, and they celebrate as if it was a world record animal.
The third day, you roll out of bed antsy. "Run?" Ghost asks with a grin. "Run," you answer easily. This time, you push nearly ten miles before calling it quits. Coming back, sweaty, and flushed gets your brothers riled up. Your response is simple. "Keep your hair on, lads. We just went for walkies. Haven't been getting enough exercise in and eating too well with dad feeding us."
They both bristle at your casual use of British slang and storm off to hunt again, unwilling to even talk to you. Your dad shakes his head. "They'll never see anything crashing around like that."
"Nope. Dad, you take our section today. We are going to push further up and try to glass a moose, and we saw some good elk out our way." By the end of the day, you're tired, but you did find fresh sign, which is encouraging. Just as your dad had predicted, your brothers didn't see anything all day. Your dad, on the other hand, had opted to be picky and didn't take any shots, but saw many animals.
Day four, you decide not to go for a run. It could be a tiring day if you get a moose and have to haul it down. With that in mind, you stage extra gear partway up to be able to move a moose back to camp more easily. You finally glass the moose you've been tracking near mid-day, getting eyes on it for the first time. It's a huge bull, well over the minimum horn size. Your hands shaking slightly, you take the shot. The bull goes down after just a few steps. Processing it takes longer than any other game you've done, but with Ghost helping, you get back to camp not long after dark. Your brothers managed to shoot an elk today, and you celebrate with them, happy that they are happy.
That night, you wake up to a hand pressed to your mouth and a gentle voice shushing you in your ear. Another nightmare, you realize. Your whimpers had woken Ghost, and he covered your mouth before the screams started that would have woken up the entire camp. You thank him with a shaky voice, and he moves his sleeping bag next to yours, wrapping around you. It's what the team has done for months when in the field as a warm body next to yours staves off the screaming and whimpering. Though it doesn't help with the nightmares themselves.
You get up extra early and drop the game off at the processor before heading back to camp. Today is your last chance to fill tags if you want to bring the meat back, so you move fast tracking an elk herd. It takes most of the morning, but you manage to find them and drop a good-looking bull. Hauling it back, you are elated to have filled all of your tags in time.
When you reach camp, you see that your dad has finally gotten his deer, but your brothers were empty-handed again. They complain about not seeing anything. Unable to help yourself, you say, "Maybe if you didn't sound like a pair of trucks crashing through the woods, you'd see something." This sets them off. They think you are making shit up, again, and talking down to them.
You decide they are a lost cause at this point, but Ghost offers to show them a few tricks on moving silently through the forest. He jokes that he isn't as good as you, but he's good enough.
"That's just because she doesn't move. She just sits there waiting for someone else to do the work." Ghost just shakes his head, knowing he can't tell them any stories. Your dad watches you closely, realizing that there is something more going on here, but unable to pinpoint exactly what that something is.
The next morning, Ghost goes with your eldest brother, and you take your middle sibling into your section. You hope that separating them will help increase their chances of filling tags. Your brother pays closer attention than you'd thought he would, and his walking quiets tenfold. He keeps trying to talk to you until finally you snap at him.
"Please shut up. You can talk after you shoot something." Mercifully, he is quiet. You spot the elk herd you've been tracking and move him to set up the shot. He tries to silently argue about where to move to, but you glare until he follows your directions. He settles in and nearly spooks the herd, stepping on a stick as he shifts his body around. Thinking quickly, you almost perfectly imitate a young bull's call, which settles the cows and brings the bull closer to where the two of you are standing, looking for the challenging bull. Your brother successfully takes the shot. And he is ecstatic, whooping and hollering as the cows all take off into the surrounding forest, leaving you far behind.
You help your brother break the bull down for packing out. He looks a lot nervous at the size of one of the packs, clearly not looking forward to carrying it out, until you shoulder it easily. His surprise doesn't surprise you, though. Your brothers hadn't paid much attention to you after they moved out, and basically, none once you enlisted in the military. Upon reaching camp, you find that you are the first ones back. You help him load the elk into the back of the truck and make lunch silently. He looks like he wants to say something, but he never gets it out of his mouth. He spends the time simply standing around, thinking hard and barely interacting with you, though he is watching you closely.
When you hear heavy footsteps coming through the woods, you hurry to meet your dad, helping him drag his big elk back to camp. "Surprised you hauled it back yourself, old man," you tease.
"I've been dragging elk out of the woods for twice as long as you've been alive, girlie." The grin on his face couldn't be matched though when you load it up by yourself, waving him off. The last to return were not successful. It seems your older brother decided that he would show Ghost a thing or two and refused any advice or tips. Thus, he didn't see anything all day. You shoot a look of sympathy at Ghost. That couldn't have been easy to handle silently. He just rolls his eyes back at you, tapping his fingers on his thigh. You tap your fingers back at him and go back and forth in Morse Code. He tells you about how many deer your brother missed seeing sign of or scared off because he wouldn't shut up.
You share how your other brother did, and he smiles at the success you had with him. He tells you that you should take your older brother for one last morning hunt on the sixth day. Maybe you can make him shut the hell up.
Sighing out loud, you say, "Bro, I'll take you out tomorrow morning instead of Ghost. We will get your tag filled." Your brother agrees and mentions that he will show you how it is done, which makes everyone laugh at him.
"Bruv, we are filling your tag. I filled all of mine already. Seems I need to show you how it's done."
He sputters, and your younger brother adds, "It took us just two hours to find a herd of elk. She knows what she's doing, bro. Better hunter than me, for sure." This makes your oldest brother glower, but he finally shuts up.
In the morning, he tries to tell you what to do, and you finally tell him to knock it off after about twenty minutes. He growls, "I'm the oldest. I'm in charge."
You laugh quietly and respond, "Whatever, if you think age is all that matters, you're an idiot. Let's go, and if you want that deer, you'll listen to me. Ghost told me how many you missed or scared off by being too loud and cocky yesterday."
"He what?! Why didn't he tell me? We could have filled my tag yesterday!"
"Probably because you're being such an asshole to him." You shrug like it's the clearest thing in the world because to you it is. Grumbling, your brother follows you. Gradually, he picks up on your mannerisms and his walking quiets, but it still sounds like a moose shoving through a bush most of the time. You stop suddenly, and he nearly runs into you, not paying attention. Grabbing a bit of hair from a bush, you show him silently before walking on quieter than before. Slowly, sign becomes more frequent, and finally, you spot the deer herd. Your brother gets his deer, a big buck, and you help him break it down and load it into the packs. You add both hindquarters to one pack, and he complains that you're trying to load him too heavy. When you shoulder the heavier pack, he then jokes meanly that you're just showing off.
"Just give me that one. I don't want to have to switch off partway down because you're tired," he crows. You ignore him and set off down the trail, too annoyed to even respond to his rudeness. A grunt follows you as he shoulders his pack. At the halfway point, he is nearly wheezing with the added weight of the head on his pack.
"I need... to... stop..." he huffs. "This pack... is too... heavy..."
You wave at him to stop, and when he does, you walk around him and unhook the head from the top of his pack. Hefting it over your shoulders, you use the antlers to keep it in place at the top of your pack. "Let's go. We don't have all day," you call back to him. You can feel his stare as you hump down the mountain, moving faster now that he isn't slowing you down as much. Luckily, it's only a few miles to camp because you're exhausted after hauling so much on your back. Your dad scolds you that you should have sent someone back to get the rest of them to help, and you shrug it off.
"No sense in wasting time, dad. We got it down just fine." Happily, the three of them already have camp broken down except for the makeshift shower area. You've mostly avoided using it, just wiping down with a washcloth, but the deer head bled on your neck and down your back the whole way. "Ghost, can you help check me for ticks," you ask quietly as you strip off your gear before walking to the shower. Your brothers grumble about the two of you showering together, but you don't care as Ghost is the only one you trust to do it and the only one that knows why you won't wear tank tops very often anymore.
When you're nearly finished, Ghost convinces you to put lotion over your burn scars as they are flaring up from the lack of it in the last few days. He walks out in just a pair of shorts and shoes to dig through your pack, ignoring the suspicious stares of your brothers and their stares at his scarred torso. You manage to bite back the moan when Ghost swipes over the first scar, but not the whimper of pain when he brushes the second, which is severely inflamed. He whispers an apology and continues, knowing that you hate pausing part way when treating them, even if it hurts badly.
When you walk out fully dressed and he is still in just shorts, your brothers shoot him similar dirty looks. "Couldn't keep it in your pants a minute longer, eh?" says your younger brother angrily.
"You're disgusting! Havin sex with my sister feet away from her family," adds your older brother.
"Shut up, idiots. He was rubbing lotion on my s-back. I needed it done, and I can't reach the dry skin there easily," you growl at them.
"We know you're lying. You're disgusting. Can't believe you, seriously."
Your dad sees the stubborn set of your eyes and the hurt beneath. His sons have gone too far, he knows. "Knock it off, boys. You've been nothing but rude this entire trip, and I'm sick of it."
"But dad...!"
"Sugar, just tell them. You've been stepping around questions and hiding yourself long enough," Ghost's voice cuts through the air.
"You gay or somethin? Would make sense, but you know we don't care," your oldest brother says as he just can't help himself. It makes you mad enough to about face away from them and rip your shirt off angrily, showing them your back.
"No, bruv. He means I should show you why I couldn't make it on the trip last year. The things I hide by telling you that I consult for the Task Force rather than telling you that I am a member of the task force. I... I haven't wanted to worry you, dad." You nearly whisper the last in the complete silence that follows. Ghost rests a hand on your shoulder, watching their reactions carefully. Their eyes trace up and down the burns that mar the middle of your back and dipping down below the waist of your pants.
"You called from the hospital," your dad says finally. The pieces are clicking into place for him. "I remember hearing the beeping in the background, and you sounded... stressed."
"It was a long recovery. They had to harvest donor skin, but luckily, I got to be a guinea pig on a new treatment that sped things up," you say quietly.
"How did this happen? Why weren't we notified? You didn't let us visit or anything?!" You're surprised to hear your middle brother sounding upset. You take the time to fix your shirt, thinking about what to say.
"I was on a mission. There was a complication, and it bollocksed up the whole thing." You pause as you think back to it. "Anyway, I got caught under some burning shit and yea, this happened."
The glare Ghost gives you has you rolling your eyes at the intimidating man. "You forgot the part where you held a burning timber up to save someone and crawled out on your own, refusing to medivac until the mission objective was completed. I think that adds a few important details to the whole thing."
"And...what were you doing when this happened," your oldest brother demands.
"He was shooting anyone who tried to come near us. Saved my life, he did," you say with a grateful smile up at Ghost.
"So, you've been lying to us about your job and getting hurt, and what else? How do we know what to believe now? You only make it back here once a year, after all." Your oldest brother sounds betrayed, his tone accusing.
You just shrug and shake your head, ignoring his questions and accusations. "You gonna shower before we go, or can we break camp and head home?"
"Let's go. I want away from you as fast as possible," he sneers, turning away from you angrily.
"Fine with me," you say in a flat voice. You take down the last few tarps and drain the water with Ghost's help. The trip to the processor and back home is silent in the car, your dad and brothers thinking heavily on what they learned today while you and Ghost simply enjoy the peace and quiet. As soon as you get home, your oldest brother leaves, tires squealing as he takes off in his truck. You just shake your head, disappointed that he's still got his head so far up his ass after all this time.
You pack the meat from the butcher into coolers for the trip home to London. "You should probably call Captain and tell him to pick up another freezer or two," Ghost jokes as more and more coolers are filled and packed into the back of the truck you rented.
"I had three delivered while we were gone," you grin up at him. "Good thing I got my permission ahead of time. Captain is dying to try this stuff."
"You think they'll let you on with it all? It's more than I expected, and I thought I had a pretty good idea of what to expect," he says, a little worried.
"Oh, I grabbed bribe jerky from the butcher. They'll be excited enough not to care once I pass it around," you say with a knowing smile.
"You know the way to a man's heart, luv."
"Yes, ordnance and explosives," you quip with a loud laugh, making him grin down at you.
Telling your middle brother and dad goodbye the next morning is hard. They both hold tightly to you, and you nearly have to pry your dad off when you go to leave, his worries making him want to hold you tight and keep you safe.
"I'll be back next year, I promise. We probably will need to hunt extra, knowing how much the team will love this meat," you assure him with a smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek. You drive back to the air strip, happy to have ended things on a better note.
"So, yer dad is the dog's bollocks. Brothers are shite though," Ghost says as you drive away. You laugh. It's all you can do. When you show up with a pallet of coolers, the flight crew is ready to deny you until you hand over your certificates and small box of jerky to share between them. They eagerly call over the forklift to load the pallet, and you spend the whole trip listening to hunting stories from their childhood and telling your own with Ghost listening quietly at your side.
Captain Price is there waiting on the tarmac when you land. His eyes bulge when he sees how many coolers you brought back. "I take it the hunt was successful then," he teases.
"Yeah, just a bit. Bet you thought the freezers were overkill, eh?"
He laughs, "You know I did. Set them up anyway. Welcome home, kids," he says, ruffling your hair as he wraps you in a hug and gripping Ghost's arm in a friendly squeeze. You smile up at him, happy to be home with your team.
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mysteriawrites · 10 months
Ft. Krisis
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An: my friends and i have realized that there’s not enough krisis content and are starving so imma make some. Enjoy da food. :D p.s will make an XSOLIEL version later
An #2: this is pre ash krisis
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You were Zali’s assistant in helping him find the cure to the crystal curse. You joined up with him due to your own parent/guardian being afflicted by the incurable illness. You two had a certain team dynamic. You would fight off the monsters while he studied them and would heal you if you got hurt (not that he can’t fight for himself). You two made a great team, however the latest battle was particularly rough.
You had never been so exhausted in your life. You were fighting against a particularly strong crystal monster, to keep it from entering it’s nest, while zali was getting what you both hoped to be the last component needed for the cure. Minutes dragged on to feel like hours. Your body screamed at you as it was battered and bruised, with pair of broken ribs now added to the list as you were flung through the air by the beast’s brute strength.
Despite all that however, you got back up again. You had to keep fighting for the cure, for you family, and for your lover who was doing everything in his power to help the ones he loved. You steeled your resolve and with the last bit of adrenaline you had left you slew the creature. You limped your way into the nest of the now fallen foe to be met with a beaming Vezalious.
“WE DID IT! WE DID IT (Y/N)! WE’VE COMPLETED THE CURE!” He exclaimed with glee, his accent thickening with his overwhelming excitement.
You were overwhelmed with relief and joy.
“W-we did it!” You said in a whisper and the last of your adrenaline leaving your body.
The last thing you see before being engulfed in darkness is Zali running to you and calling your name.
You slowly open your eyes to be met of the blinding light of your love and savior Vezalious Bandage. His eyes lit up at the realization that you were awake.
“Welcome back my love,” he greeted.
You sat up quickly only to be met with a sharp pain in your ribs.
“Easy Mon Ange don’t want your stitches to come lose. Don’t worry we’re safe back at our camp,”
“What happened?” You asked
“You were severely injured from that last fight, but don’t worry I patched you up. You’ll need to take it easy for a few days my love,” he said kissing your forehead.
“Did we really do it Zali?” You asked.
He took your hands in his “yes Mon Amor we did it.”
“We can finally save them.”
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You and Vanta were a mercenary duo. Two of the best soldiers in the world. Each of you was the strength of half an army when on your own. When together your power was unparalleled.
Today’s mission required breaking into a military base and stealing some secret weapon you think, honestly you weren’t paying attention to the briefing. You and Vanta stood atop a building waiting for the right moment to pounce.
“So first to take down 50 pays for dinner?” Vanta smiles with a mischievous grin.
“Bet!” You reply.
And from there it’s a race to see who can take down 50 guys the fastest. 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and more go down in the first couple of minutes. They come piling out of the building one after another like card soldiers.
They don’t last long though because for every 5 guys that attack you two take down 10 each. Soon they’re all wiped out and you secure the item you were looking for.
“I won!” Vanta cries out “pay up!”
“No you didn’t” you retort.
“Did too i took out 120,”
“So did I…”
“Damn guess we’re tied then,”
As he said that you two notice movement from the corner of your eye as you notice a lone solder escaping.
“First to nab him is the winner!”
“You’re on!”
You ended up splitting the bill that night anyway.
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You and Wilson didn’t exactly start off on the right foot. You were rival hitmen in the industry, well the rivalry was actually a bit one sided. You had a tendency to steal Wilson’s kills so he wasn’t particularly fond of you.
However for this mark the buyer requested two of the of the best of the best, and that happened to be you two. Yeah Wilson wasn’t very thrilled.
“Ah not you” he exclaimed exasperated.
“I told them i could handle this on my own.” He said pouting
You didn’t respond just rolled your eyes and started walking towards your destination. You two were assigned to take out a local mafia boss in the area (Luca? Pfffft course not what made you think that) who was rival of your client. Right now you we’re having a steak out outside his hide out which was disguised as a local bar.
“Target in sight,” you said as you looked through the lends of your rifle.
“I’m going in!” Wilson said before rushing off.
“Wait no don’t!”
And that’s how you two ended up in your curreng situation, surrounded by the members of the mafia very much outnumbered.
“So genius how do you plan on getting us out of this one?” You asked Wilson in a snarky tone.
“Look I’m sorry ok I thought I could handle it,”
“Guess I’m gonna have to get us out of this mess.”
And so you guys tried to break through the horde of armed men to escape, shooting them down with your rifle to escape. Shooting at some hanging objects as well to create obstacles to slow them down. You had almost made it to the door when you heard your comrade shout,
You whip you heard around to see a bullet coming right at you right before Wilson shoves you out of the way, the bullet grazing his shoulder. You stand there stunned.
“Hurry up we gotta get outta here!” He says grabbing your hand with his good arm and escaping out the door.
A few hours later you’re bandaging up his shoulder at the safe house.
“You’re such an idiot yknow,” you say as you finish wrapping the gauze.
“Oh come on you love me~” he replies
You stare at him for a moment before your face breaks into a smile.
“Yknow what I do.”
You close your statement with a kiss.
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An #3: Sorry if this sucked I very much wrote this on a whim. Hope you like it.
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mads-weasley · 10 months
Epiphany Pt. 1: Enchanted
Lewis Nixon x Reader
Series Masterlist
A/N: heyyy guys! i've decided to start a lewis nixon series!! and yes, the chapter titles are all taylor swift songs. i'm super excited to post this first chapter! please enjoy and let me know what you think! hbo owns the rights, and this is about the fictional portrayal of easy company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Arriving at Camp Toccoa to join Easy Company, (y/n) (y/l/n), a participant in a new WAC program, has her first encounter with the men of Easy.
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It was a hot and unbearable day under the Georgia sun when (y/n) (y/l/n) arrived at Camp Toccoa. She tried to ignore the looks she got from the men as she rumbled by in a jeep, but what she couldn’t ignore was the rambling of her driver.
“Hi,” he introduced, glancing over at her. “The name’s Lorraine. Well, it’s Gerald, but everyone calls me Lorraine.” 
She shot him a kind smile. “Nice to meet you, Gerald. (Y/n) (y/l/n). I’m part of the Athena program.
“I haven’t heard of that.”
“Well,” (y/h/c) began. “it’s a new part of the WAC that’s sending a few women into the Army as a sort of trial run for the future.”
A look of disbelief passed over his face before he reigned it in quickly. “What made you want to join up, then?”
“Well, who wouldn’t after Pearl Harbor?” She asked, wiping sweat from her forehead.
Lorraine simply nodded and kept his eyes on the road, almost as if he was contemplating a woman’s place in war. To (y/n)’s relief, he chose to keep his conclusion to himself. Vest turned down another long dirt road that seemed to lead directly to the base of a mountain she assumed was the famous Curahee. With a deep breath, (y/n) silently prayed she had the strength to prove to him and everyone else that women belonged in the army; that she belonged.
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The morning after Sobel’s canteen tirade, Winters and Nixon were in line for breakfast in the mess hall, trying to figure out what to do about their CO.
“So, what did you do?” Lew asked, walking toward an empty table. There were times when he was thankful he was in intelligence instead of with the rest of the men, and most were because of the hell Sobel put them through.
Dick trailed him with a sigh. “Picked six men and gave them latrine duty.” 
“The lucky six?”
“McDonald, Toye, Perconte, Lipton, Muck, and Guarnere,” he stated, sitting across from Lew. 
“Why them?”
“It was their turn.”
Nix chuckled, looking down at his messy food in thought. It was his job to know things, and he happened to hear about a controversial topic flowing down the ranks. “Hey, have you heard about the new WAC program integrating women into the Army?”
“I’m glad you mentioned it. Our own Athena participant should be arriving at 16:00.”
Lew’s head shot up. “In Easy?”
Lew didn’t have anything against women in the military but also didn’t know how the men would handle it. “What do you think about it?”
“Well,” Dick began, putting down his utensils softly. “I’m trying to have an open mind, but I’m worried about some of the men.”
Nix nodded and took a sip of coffee with a smirk. “We’ll just have to wait and see, then.”
Little did he know that later that day, his life would change forever.
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Lorraine and (y/n) arrived at Colonel Sink’s office a few minutes after 16:00, and the woman was almost sick to her stomach with anxiety. While Lorraine was inside informing Sink of their arrival, she tried to calm herself down. All she wanted was to make an excellent first impression on the Colonel and her superiors.
Lorraine returned and ushered her into the small building serving as Sink’s quarters. (Y/n) followed him down a hallway to a single office room. He nodded and closed the door behind her once she entered. The woman turned and raised her hand to salute him.
“Ah, Miss (y/l/n),” Sink called, words dripping with his North Carolina drawl as he held his hand out. “At ease. Welcome to Camp Toccoa.”
She shook it firmly, praying he overlooked their clamminess. “Thank you, sir. I’m happy to be here.”
Sink gestured for her to sit as he took a seat at his desk, which was neatly arranged in piles of folders and other stationery. “When I first heard about the Athena Project, I didn’t know what to think. My wife was the one who showed me that women have the same right to serve their country as us men. She’s a modern Abigail Adams if you understand my meaning.”
“Yes sir,” (y/n) replied.
He interlocked his fingers above the desk. “If I may ask, what made you volunteer for the program?”
“Well, sir,” she spoke softly, willing her voice to stay strong. “My brother was stationed on the Arizona at Pearl Harbor. He was 20. I couldn’t let the opportunity to follow his footsteps pass by.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Thank you for your family’s sacrifice.”
(Y/n) wanted to respond, but her throat seemed to close up on her. Unable to answer, she nodded stiffly, willing the tears from her waterline.
He noticed her distress and cleared his throat suddenly. “Let’s get to it, shall we? You’ll be in Easy Company of the 101st Airborne. You won’t get any special treatment, but we’ll try to accommodate you as much as possible.”
The door scraped open behind (y/n), and she resisted looking back at the newcomer. The footsteps sounded like a single person, and she hoped they wouldn’t catch on to her moment of emotion. Luckily, Sink addressed them, giving her time to gain control of herself.
“ Winters, where’s Lieutenant Sobel?” He asked with furrowed brows. “He’s supposed to be here.”
 Dick spoke up. “I don’t know, sir. I last saw him in the mess hall around noon.”
With a huff, Sink rose and introduced her. “Lieutenant, this is (y/n) (y/l/n), our Athena participant.”
The redhead smiled politely. “Dick Winters. Nice to have you with us, (y/l/n).”
“Hi,” she nodded, shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you, Lieutenant. Call me (y/n).”
Sink led them out of the office and into the main room of the building. “Lieutenant Winters here is going to show you around camp before supper.”
From there, the pair walked around the camp, and Dick informed her of their daily training routine, as well as the expectations of Easy company. Toward the end of their tour, he asked about her family back home and was surprised that she dodged the subject before having to answer. Sensing her discomfort, he made a mental note to not bring it up anymore. 
Before they knew it, it was 18:00, and supper was being served at the mess hall. Dick led her to the large building and ushered them inside. When (y/n) walked into the room, the stench of sweat and body odor mixed with food hit her like a bus. Bile rose in her throat, and it was all she could do to keep from throwing up. 
‘Don’t throw up. Don’t throw up,’ her mind repeated, eyes sinking to the floor.
Dick chuckled beside her. “You get used to the smell,” he quipped. “Let me introduce you to some of the men.”
Before he could take her to them, a shorter brunette man with a boyish look walked up to them, a sly grin on his face. “Lieutenant Winters, sir,” he saluted. “George Luz, ma’am. We’re all glad to have you.”
Two faces popped out from behind his shoulder with smiles of their own. Without missing a beat, George rolled his eyes and pointed at them. “These two idiots are Skip Muck and Alex Penkala.”
Skip smacked him on the back of the head with an aggravated look on his face. “You’re the one that had to be the first to meet her, George, so really, we’re not the idiots here.”
She squinted her eyes as giggles burst from her lips when Luz’s face turned beet red at the comment. She knew immediately that she liked the trio.
“Nice to meet you, too, boys. You can call me (y/n).”
Penkala’s eyes widened and glanced at the two in faux horror. “She called us boys.”
“We are boys.”
“We’re boys,” George mocked. “No, Skip, were men.” 
“How old are you three anyways?” She asked, curiosity getting the better of her.
Alex was 18, Skip was 20, and George was 21. After hearing about their ages, she realized that they were just boys. They still had most of their lives to live, much like millions of other soldiers in their position. Much like her.
Dick left (y/n) with the trio and went to attend to his other duties. Once they took a seat, the boys started rambling on about everything from their terrible CO to the best types of slop they were given at mealtimes. (Y/n)’s eyes wandered around the room for a moment before another pair caught hers. When their eyes met across the crowded mess hall, everything around them seemed to vanish as time slowed to a standstill.
The soft, warm gaze in his eyes felt like a long-lost memory, a memory that had been tucked away in the depths of her heart, waiting for the perfect moment to resurface. (Y/n)’s heart fluttered as she felt an undeniable pull toward him, and she couldn’t help but be captivated by the genuine curiosity and surprise that emanated from his gaze. The man was, without a doubt, the most attractive man she’d ever laid eyes on, and her heart skipped a beat at the realization.
His eyes seemed to whisper, “Have we met?” And (y/n) found herself asking the same question.
She held the stranger’s gaze for a few seconds before he slowly got up and started making his way to her. As he approached her, she noticed him anxiously tousling his well-groomed dark chestnut hair with his hand. (Y/n) was suddenly self-conscious and did the same, taming her hair ruined by the southern humidity. Her heart was racing in her chest, almost anticipating the life-changing moment that was about to happen. 
Making it to her table, Lewis grinned and sat beside her, his smile making her blush slightly. “It seems George likes you almost as much as he likes Rita Hayworth,” he said.
The soldier scoffed, ”No offense, (y/n), but Rita is the love of my life. She may not know who I am, but I plan to change that someday. It’s going to happen. Just wait and see, right Penk?”
Alex raised his eyebrows and nodded reluctantly, “Absolutely, buddy. You’ll show her what she’s been missing.”
(Y/n) pressed her lips tightly together, stifling the sound of her impending laughter. She scrunched her nose slightly as if trying to hold back a giggle. Her efforts, though valiant, were ultimately futile as a few muted snickers managed to slip through her defenses.
She soon gave up, and her laughter filled the air. He couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the sight before him. (Y/n)'s face lit up with joy, and her eyes sparkled with delight. The sound of her laughter was infectious, and he found himself chuckling along, almost entranced by how she expressed her happiness so freely.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, (y/l/n),” George said, getting up from the table. “See you all at breakfast.”
Skip and Alex bid their goodbyes as well, following him out of the mess hall. Realizing it was just her and the handsome soldier beside her, (y/n) turned to him with a smile.
Nix stuck out his hand. “Lewis Nixon. As an intelligence officer, it’s my job to know things, so I can’t believe I don’t know your name.”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but notice a subtle nervousness in his eyes matched with a hint of mischief. “Pleasure to meet you, Lewis. I’m (y/n) (y/l/n), Easy’s Athena.”
“Call me Lew,” he charmed, still shaking her hand softly. “We’re happy to have you, (y/n).”
When the realization dawned upon them that they were still holding hands, shy smiles spread across their faces. Lewis cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Have you met Captain Sobel yet?" He asked, grimacing.
"I don't think so. Is he over Easy Company?"
"Yeah. He's also the biggest jacka-"
"There's no way he's that bad," she interrupted, eyes widening.
Lewis chuckled under his breath. "Trust me. Every Friday night, he makes Easy march twelve miles in full gear, just out of spite."
"Do any other companies march?"
“Nope. Just Easy. And after marching last night, he made Dick make up six infractions and punish the men for it. He ended up giving latrine duty to the men who were on this week’s rotation.”
(Y/n) rubbed a hand down her face, groaning. “Lieutenant Winters didn’t say anything about Sobel when he was showing me around.”
“Well, Dick is pretty straight-laced,” Lewis said shrugging with a smirk. “Not everyone can be a cool, calm, and collected intelligence officer.”
"Someone's ego is a little over-inflated," she laughed, raising her eyebrows at him.
“So, how’re you liki-,” he started to ask but was interrupted by someone calling his name. Following the voice, he looked behind him to see Dick near the doors, motioning him over.
“Well,” Nix sighed, looking back at (y/n) with a sheepish smile. “Duty calls.”
As he got up, she called after him. “See you later, Nix.”
She didn’t miss the lack of a ring on his hand, and for the rest of the night, she replayed the enchanting encounter in her mind. How could a stranger seem so familiar? 
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Tag List: @softguarnere @mrsgeorgeluz @flowers-and-fichte @inglourious-imagines @peggyvan @rebeccapearson @hxad-ovxr-hxart
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smartycvnt · 6 months
Blast from the Past
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Title: Blast from the Past
Pairing: Jane Shepard x Reader
Summary: Shepard runs into an old friend at the Citadel.
Word Count: 1469
"Commander, I'd like you to meet with-,"
"Y/n," Shepard said, cutting off the councilman. Y/n stared at Shepard, as if she couldn't believe that they were standing right across from each other. Captain Anderson watched carefully, unsure if the prolonged silence and staring between the two women was a good or bad thing. The last thing that he wanted was for something to mess up Shepard's chances at becoming a Spectre, and a fight with a potential future councilwoman was definitely a potential hitch in the plan.
"It's been a long time," Y/n said quietly. It was nearly a whisper under her breath. The councilman had never heard his protege speak so quietly before. Y/n had always been loud and brash, a product of her military upbringing.
"Too long," Shepard muttered just as quietly. Anderson relaxed as she saw Shepard crack a small smile. Y/n mirrored the expression, and suddenly, Anderson could place a face to a couple of Shepard's military school stories. "I didn't know that you came to the Citadel for work."
"Right out of school. They plucked me out of boot camp actually. Apparently I was much better suited for this than being enlisted." Y/n felt ashamed to say it out loud. Shepard had been the one to go out and do what they had always planned while Y/n was primed for a cushy job in politics. Apparently, that had always been the plan, not that Y/n's parents had let her in on it.
"You were always too smart for The Alliance," Shepard said. Y/n let out a small sigh of relief. She had been so scared to even attempt to reach out to Shepard, whose entire life had pointed in this direction.
"I'd hate to interrupt this reunion, but we do have serious business to attend to." Shepard looked annoyed as she turned to the councilman. It was the stern look from Anderson that managed to stomp that altercation out before it had a chance to start. Y/n, however, had nothing stopping her from glaring daggers at the man.
"You two go on ahead. I'll help Shepard gather evidence, and trust me, you'll want someone to keep her out of trouble," Y/n offered. There was no chance for anybody to object before Y/n grabbed Shepard's arm and led her away from the two older men.
"Does your boss know that you had the biggest disciplinary file at the academy?" Shepard asked. Y/n put her finger over her lips to shush Shepard, who just sort of laughed it off. "You even got me in trouble a few times."
"Keyword: a few. Most of that was your own fault. I seem to remember you punching a general's son on our fourth day there." Y/n smiled fondly at the memory. Shepard blushed as she rubbed the back of her neck. Of course Y/n didn't remember the reason why Shepard had gotten into that fight. Shepard was pretty sure that Y/n had completely forgotten about the massive crush that Shepard had on her all throughout their time in school.
"Whatever, let's just find this Garrus guy and get things over with," Shepard said. Y/n rolled her eyes and muttered a comment about Shepard getting bossy with her rise in the rankings as they made their way towards where Y/n believed informants would be. Admittedly, it was easier to move around the Citadel with Y/n's help, even if being around the woman brought up a lot of old feelings for Shepard.
There were quite a few places that Y/n managed to get Shepard into without any sort of clearance checks. It was also nice to have someone she knew was reliable during combat situations. The Citadel didn't seem like the type of place prone to shoot-outs, but Y/n didn't seem phased by any of it. In fact, Y/n seemed to be holding her own just as well as if she had spent years in combat. It made Shepard wonder what exactly Y/n tended to get up to in her free time here.
"When did you get to be such a good shot?" Shepard asked Y/n as they left the alley after rescuing Tali.
"What are you talking about? I was always a better shot than you," Y/n answered. Shepard scoffed at the comment, but didn't say anything. Y/n had been the top of their class in terms of scores, but Shepard's years of combat training had to have given her an edge over Y/n.
"We'll see about that. I'm sure that there's some sort of shooting range at the Citadel," Shepard said. Behind them, Kaidan and Ashley shared a skeptical look. Neither one of them had spent a particularly long time around Commander Shepard, but there was definitely something going on between Shepard and Y/n. It was very clear to see that they had some chemistry at the very least.
"You're on," Y/n laughed. If any of Y/n's coworkers saw her around Shepard, they would have thought the same things that Ashley and Kaidan were. The woman wasn't quite at the level of seriousness as some of the career politicians, but she definitely took her job very seriously. It was going to be the thing she did for the rest of her life if things went the way everybody else wanted them to.
Y/n took it upon herself to bring Tali to Captain Anderson and the councilman while Shepard and her crew waited for the hearing to end. Y/n sat with them in the waiting area, always having hated the way those hearings dragged on and on. Shepard was good company, and the two of them fell into an easy banter like whenever they had been younger. Y/n even caught herself staring at Shepard a couple of times, which always ended with her reluctantly looking away from the woman.
"Did you ever think that we'd end up so far apart?" Y/n tried to ask casually. She felt like all of the subtly had been forced from her body and the words tumbled out of her mouth haphazardously. Shepard didn't seem to notice, or at least didn't let on that she had, as she thought about her answer.
"I hoped that we'd be in the same unit forever, but then they came and took you on that ship before graduation, and I was so scared that I'd never see you again," Shepard confessed. Y/n could see that it still weighed heavily on Shepard. "I kind of always hoped that I'd end up visiting whatever colony they were putting you in charge of. After a while, it was hard to not just give up again."
"You know, they'll probably make you a Spectre for bringing all of this to light," Y/n said.
"I doubt it, but why do I feel like you're going somewhere with that?" Shepard asked. Y/n played coy as she shrugged and turned away from her friend. "Y/n, come on, what are you planning?"
"Nothing you need to worry about right now. I'll be back Janey, don't worry." Shepard watched as Y/n shot up and sprinted away. Everybody was staring at her, but Y/n didn't seem to care. Shepard sighed as she sat back and waited for someone to come and get her.
Y/n ended up being right about the council making Shepard a Spectre, but she missed the ceremony. Shepard was afraid that she'd never see Y/n again, but as she was boarding the Normandy, Y/n ran up with a couple of bags in tow. Shepard seemed to realize what was going on much slower than everybody else. Y/n handed her resignation papers over to the councilman on her way over to Shepard.
"What are you doing here?" Shepard asked. Y/n smiled as she linked her arm with Shepard's.
"You'll need some help with your missions and communicating with everybody back here. In an official capacity, I'm your liasion to the Citadel. In an unofficial capacity, I'm pretty sure that I'm your babysitter," Y/n said. Shepard let the little barb at the end go straight over her head.
"You're coming with me?" Shepard asked.
"To the end of the universe if that's what it comes to." Y/n smiled at Shepard, who was grinning like an idiot. The two of them said their goodbyes before rushing onto the ship. Y/n put her things in her locker and bunk area before going straight to Shepard's room to place whatever wouldn't fit. Shepard wasn't surprised in the slightest that she seemed to gain a roommate, not that she minded. "Where to Commander?"
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smallraindrops-blog · 2 months
I Know A Place (just for you and me)
Part Three
WMFTD: Drabbles
WMFTD!Y/N X Hypnos
Word count: 7.5k
Warnings: implied sex, AUs out of the wazoo, no beta.
Notes: sorry for being gone for so long. It wasn’t planned. Request that have already been sent are being worked on and I won’t be accepting any for the moment.
Enjoy the randomness
Run (Zombie AU)
The boxes of flavored oatmeal and fruit snacks were out of date but you didn’t care. It might as well have been a delicious bloody steak as far as you were concerned. 
It also meant that the group would have food for the night. Maybe even tomorrow depending on how the other runners did. 
Quickly you packed the goods into your backpack, flashlight between your teeth. There was a low rumble in your stomach but you ignored it. 
You had gotten very good at ignoring your stomach. 
The gas station had been destroyed at some point, broken glass everywhere, the shelves tipped over. It must have happened early on since there was a noticeable lack of gore. 
After you searched the rest of the building, scowling when you had found the backroom empty of any stock, you began the run back to camp. 
With a tight grip on the tire iron that had been with you since the first day, you tried to keep a steady and quick pace. It would be twilight soon and it didn’t matter how fast or strong a person was, no one wanted to be caught in the dark. 
Everything had changed so fast. A mere year ago, you were among one of the famous boxers in the world, well on your way to the championship. Now, you were in a town with no name, fighting for your survival. 
All because some rich asshole lied and sold meat contaminated with the ‘Wasting’ sickness to every single damn grocery in the nation.
Thankfully the run back was empty of any zombies. Which was odd considering how active they normally were during dusk. 
You lifted a hand in greeting at the wall guards, and let the nurse do the check up before opening the doors. You saw that her hands were trembling. At your frown, she offered up a strained grin. 
Several pairs of eyes lifted up in acknowledgment when you stepped past the imposing fences. You gave a nod - a silent ‘we got food tonight’ and got smiles of relief in return. 
As one of the runners, you didn’t have to cook - thank gods, you weren’t that great of a cook back when spices were readily available, let alone now- and dropped off the goods in the kitchen.
It looks like some of the others had found a dented box of cereal, another found canned peas. 
It was clear the group will have to widen the search radius soon. Food was running low.
You rubbed your face in frustration as you left the kitchen. So far the crops had yielded little and no one trusted meat easily now. No one knew how much the wasting disease affected other animals. Since the CDC had thought it wasn’t transmissible in the first place only to be proven horrible wrong.
The dorms were blissfully empty but you didn’t go to your bed. Sleep wasn’t what you wanted. The moment you saw him, a weight lifted from your chest.
He didn’t see you at first, his brow furrowed over the gardening book. His white curls were hidden by a red beanie but it had gotten long enough that his ends curled around his collarbone. 
It wasn’t until he flipped to the next page that his eyes snagged on you and his lips curled up in a shy grin.
Gods help you, Hypnos had a gorgeous smile. 
His smile had been the first real one you had seen in months when you found the military base. He had looked so angelic in the morning light with his white curls and amber eyes, you thought you really did die and he was there to guide you to the afterlife. 
“Hey.” He greeted you quietly, tipping his face up for a kiss. 
“Hey.” You returned just as quiet, finally able to breath past the knot in your chest.You kept the kiss gentle, cupping his chin. You just wanted to feel his warmth. 
Just wanted him.
Once the kiss broke, you joined him in the cramped bed, dumping your backpack and weapons on the floor. Yours and his legs tangled together as you pulled him close. Until Hypnos, you had forgotten how good it was to just hold someone. 
“Any luck?” Hypnos whispered, sighing in peace as he buried his face against the hollow of your neck. 
“A little bit.” You muttered, closing your eyes. “Oatmeal. Some fruit snacks. Another runner found peas.”
“Ooh. Sounds delicious. Much better than my day. They had us work on escape routes today.” Hypnos murmured. “It's too bad, I was looking forward to the chance to work in the garden. I think the tomatoes might be fruiting soon.” 
Your body tensed up at the words, your eyes snapped open, staring blindly at the lines of beds. 
That… wasn’t normal. The practices for escaping were all in weekly rotation, along with training for first aid and weapons safety. Today’s training was supposed to be a refresher on medicine and emergency care. 
The nurse’s tight, worried expression flashed in your mind's eye. 
“Just in case.” Hypnos rushed to assure you, pulling away enough to smile up at you. “Others didn’t like it either but it never hurts to be safe. You know?” 
You said nothing for a long moment, mind rushing. Hypnos’ smile changed into a faint worried expression as he whispered your name. You heard the question in his voice.
Realizing that he was waiting for you to say something, you offered up a smile, running your knuckle against his soft cheek. You prayed that it would be enough to hide your own stress.
“Yeah, you’re right, my love. It never hurts to be safe. I’m just tired.” 
Relief bloomed in his face, lighting up his sleepy eyes and he gave you a quick kiss before returning to his spot. “We have time to doze before dinner starts.” Hypnos yawned, already halfway asleep. 
You muttered a mindless agreement.
That nurse… Her hands were usually as steady as yours. Flesh made into steel.
But not today.
Then the noticeable lack of the dead wandering around… you thought you had gotten lucky.
Something was wrong. 
Your eyes flickered toward one of the windows, it will be night soon. You had a hidden map in your bag. You weren’t that far from the mountains, from possible safety for you and Hypnos.
“Hey, how about we stay in my bed tonight?” You asked, cupping the back of his head. Hypnos gave a hum of agreement, “Sounds good to me. More quieter on your side anyway.”
You had lost everything when the world ended. Your parents, your friends along with most of your humanity. 
At the end of the world, you had found him. 
You will be damned before you lose him.
Ocean (mermaid, Hypnos’ pov)
Many had whispered under their gills of the lazy, spoiled Hypnos. The last child born to the Great Queen Nyx and possibly her greatest disappointment. But what they couldn’t say was that Hypnos didn’t do his duty to his family.
Hypnos grimaced, lifting his wrist up to study it as he wrapped his tail around the large tip of a jagged stone deep in the reef, his eyes locked onto his wedding band. It was thin but heavy, with pearls and rubies embedded in the gold.  
No, Hypnos thought with a dim, hard satisfaction, they couldn’t say that. 
Dozens of impossibly small fishes, their colorful scales glinting as they hurried away into hiding holes. Hypnos didn’t move for a moment, watching how the eels ducked deeper into their caves, how turtles began to quietly move away, the gentle anemones closing, even the handful of the sharks darted away.
Then a large shadow was casted over his form. 
“You know it isn’t safe out here.” The deep timbre of his mate’ voice rumbled, causing Hypnos to shiver unwillingly, his fins fluttering in response. 
Not turning around to acknowledge you, Hypnos straightened his back and crossed his arms. He stared past the colorful reef and out into the depth of the sea. “Well, that's why you are here, right? Everything now should be safe as- as… a school of planktons!”
”Until a whale shows up.” You replied, moving in front to easily block Hypnos’ view with your large form.
The differences between you and him couldn’t be more clear. 
Hypnos had the bright colorful scales of his people, his tail was a rich red with dramatic ruffled fins edged with white. A trait that made him stand out the dark greens, blues and purples of his family and he was proud of it even if it made Nyx grimace at the mere sight.
In contrast, you looked like the very beasts that you and your people were meant to protect his kingdom from. At least twice as tall and more than double the size of Hypnos. You looked like you were born to fight with a tail of onyx black, thick and powerful, built to cut through water with a speed and power Hypnos’ kind never could reach.
Scars lined your muscular form, but the ones that caught Hypnos’ eyes were the huge circular marks along your shoulder and chest. He never had even seen a giant squid but you had. You had fought one and survived.
His eyes flickered toward yours, growing wide when he realized that you were studying him. Under your cool gaze, it felt like every ugly, childish part of him was laid out for you to judge. Yet his heart raced, a heated flush growing under his pale skin.
Hypnos scowled, unwrapping his tail as he drifted to the side to put some much needed space between you and him. It wouldn’t do for you to see his unwelcomed emotions.
”Just because we are married doesn’t mean I have to stay by your side at all times, like some poor lovesick anglerfish.” Hypnos muttered, pointly swimming away. 
Not that you seemed to care, following him with ease. The deadly trident strapped to your back didn’t seem to slow you down at all. 
“I never said that.” You told him, voice relaxed and low enough to rival the deep. If he had turned around, he would have seen the flash of warning in your eyes.
Hypnos scoffed. ”It was implied.”
An uncomfortable silence fell between the pair, one that weighted on Hypnos. He picked up speed, knowing you would keep up. Jerk.
Typically the reef, his home for as long his ancestors had existed, was flushed with life swirling all around. Now the creatures were hidden, waiting for the long shadows of his mate to leave. They never hid from him before. Hypnos wasn’t a predator; however you were and the animals of the reef sensed it.
Fed up, Hypnos swirled around to face you, shoving his hair out of his face. His annoyance deepened when you drifted past him lazily. “Is there something you want from me?” He snapped, his tail lashing slightly. 
You stopped and turned to face him, far too close for comfort, the masculine line of your jaw stern as you stared down at him. Then something flickered in your eyes, a shadow that made Hypnos’ instinct scream at him to swim fast and far as he could.
Before he could move, your hands snapped out and caught him like he was a dumb prey. You pulled him flushed against your chest with one arm, your rock tight grip pinned his own arms down, keeping him from escaping.
Your fingers caught his chin and with a firm yet gentle touch you tilted his face up.
Hypnos wanted to scream but all he could muster up was a weak, breathless growl. You leaned down like you were going to kiss him.
Flames licked along his back, the memory of the first kiss shared at the altar rushing back. It has been chaste, soft with your fingers pressed against his cheek but there was a quiet, possessive promise of more. 
A promise that Hypnos had been hellbent on avoiding, going so far as to sleep in a separate room from you and trying to stay as far away from you as he could. But it felt like you were always lurking now, watching him with the keen eye of a predator.
You stopped when just a hairbreadth away with a smile, your expression softening. Hypnos swallowed, his breathing shaky, his anger forgotten in the pounding rush of his blood, drowning out anything else. Then you chuckled, the dark sound vibrating through Hypnos.
“If you get eaten by something not me, my little nymph then the whole deal is off. So what I would like is for you to return to our pod.” Your smile dropped.  “Now.”
With that you let him go.
With his cheeks burning from embarrassment, Hypnos glared up at you, dozens of bubbles escaping his mouth and gills as he bit back the many foul names he had come up for you.
”Oh, noooo. We wouldn’t dare to hope for that, now would we?” Hypnos finally snapped, not able to hide the bruising his pride just took. With that, he turned around and casted one last longing glance at the silent reef.
“When the pod of orcas are banished from the area, I can bring you back.” You offered. There was an unspoken apology in the undercurrent of your voice. 
It was only for the sake of his people that he didn’t turn around and slap you. That and he knew it would fail.
“Very well.” Hypnos said stiffly.
Later, much later with the Reef only a memory, Hypnos returned to his chambers alone. He paused when he spied something on his vanity and drifted over, smiling at Monie, a littler pufferfish Hypnos had since his youth, dozing on the bed of seaweeds. 
It was a small box, made from stone and kelp. With a furrow brow, he risked a peek. Inside there was a lovely red anemone resting on a stone, the tentacles swaying.   
The note attached read, ‘Not an apology. A promise.’
Snapshots (BTIBN!AU)
The first photo Hypnos picked out was one taken in his junior year of college, with your arms wrapped around his waist, both grinning up at the phone. If one looked close enough, his face had thinned out and there was a shadow lurking behind your eyes. Hypnos never could explain why he picked that one.
He placed it on the wall with a simple black frame. (It was the first day out of the hospital, and you couldn’t stop touching him, he had caught a bad flu the previous winter and you had counted down the days until you could hold him close again.)
When you found one of the photos your parents took on prom night, you couldn’t resist placing it on the dresser. 
The shy, happy smile on Hypnos’ face, the way you and he matched with red ties (a detail that Hypnos included for the wedding as well). And you, still a young idiot who was ignoring his parents’ amused eyerolls, were beaming down at Hypnos like he had hung the moon and stars. 
You loved it (loved him) and glanced at it every morning as you got ready. 
Another photo Hypnos added to the wall was the first day they got Moine. The little puff of cotton stared up at Hypnos with naked adoration in those wet black eyes. The first night they had fallen asleep on the loveseat together, Monie curled under Hypnos’ chin. 
You had quietly taken the photo, heart overflowing. (Monie was never impressed by you, always choosing to walk away with a huff when you got home before Hypnos. Whenever Hypnos was ill, the little dog never left his side, loyal as you were.)
It took some time for you and Hypnos to agree where to place the wedding photos. Eventually some went into a shoebox, tucked away somewhere in the closet. But the ones that made it found a home on the fireplace mantle. Save for one.
Hypnos placed it on his nightstand.
(Meg had a surprisingly good eye for photography and had caught a moment between you and Hypnos. You and him had ducked away for a moment of privacy-or so you thought yet you couldn’t be that upset over it. Under the warm patio lighting, you and him were swaying alone, his head tucked against your shoulder. Your eyes were closed, cheek resting against the top of Hypnos’ head, your face relaxed for the first time all day. )
Countless more photos were added, of bright summer days and laughter. Of graduations, of parties and weddings. Of Monie and his beloved tennis ball. 
Each one of them broke your heart when they came into the world screaming. Long nights of diaper changes and bottle feeding. Baseball games and ballet recitals with last minute poster boards projects. Bedtime stories and late night snacks. Scraped knees and first bike rides, of their first crushes and heartbreak, of birthdays and mundane ( and utterly perfect) days, of finding their own dreams and paths.
Then somehow they were grown.
(How was that even possible? Photos of their beaming faces, round cheeks with gap tooth smiles that changed into proud expressions with graduation caps, line the walls. Their childhood was told in fleeting moments caught in frames.)
Days went into months that turned into years that somehow became decades in a blink.
Your parents beaming over the dinner table. A few more lines on their faces and a little more grayer. 
One of the most favorite photos you have of your parents was in your office. Gray at Pa’s temples, his body worn down by years of nursing and Achilles’ blue eyes made bigger with glasses, it was them simply holding hands during the last holiday with everyone together. As if they all knew subconsciously.
(Gods, only if you had the power to stop time in its tracks. You made sure to keep them together in the end. Not even death kept them apart for long. ) 
It was when you saw the newest photos Hypnos placed by the doorway that you had stopped in your tracks. You didn’t recognize yourself. 
The photo was one of the bunch you and Hypnos had with the children and their partners. Hypnos looked beautiful as always, smiling cheerfully with his cheek on your shoulder. 
You… you looked older, lines around your eyes formed, your hair a little more grayer than you remembered. 
(It had been a good day, filled with laughter and joy, kisses made sticky with maple syrup and smiles warmed by coffee.) 
When did you become this old man before you? You still felt like you were that kid in the letterman jacket, fingertips covered with spray paint and staring longingly at the beautiful boy with golden eyes that belong to the sunset.
You shook your head, scowling as you turned the lights off for the night and went looking for your husband. 
He was in the bedroom, curled up with a new book under the thick quilt they had for years. He didn’t hear you come in, so you shamelessly took the moment to watch him, crossing your arms as you leaned against the door frame. 
To you, Hypnos hadn’t aged a day. He was just as beautiful as the day you saw him standing on your porch on that summer day, eternal as the sunset itself.
His eyes flickered up, blinking behind the glasses that you had finally managed to convince him to wear. The black frames suited him, making the gold of his eyes vivid. He placed his book down and waited for you to speak.
”When did we get old?” You asked him with a sigh, walking over to your side of the bed. On your nightstand was a photo of just Hypnos, beaming at you from across a diner table, a mug of coffee by his elbow.
You don’t remember the occasion for the road trip. Just that he had looked like perfection in that early morning sunlight coming behind him. 
(you could live countless lifetimes, it still wouldn’t be enough time with Hypnos.)
Hypnos smiled, lines forming around his eyes. “Did you just now notice?” 
You grumbled, “I don’t feel old.”
Laughing, Hypnos gestured to you to join him and you obeyed as you always did. Like a puzzle piece, he tucked against you, his hand over your chest and you tightened your arms around him.
”I love you.” You murmured into his hair, running a hand along his back. It was the only words you could come up with because how could you even begin to summarize everything that he was to you? To thank him for choosing you, for their shared life, for the children and filling their home with laughter and love?
Hypnos kissed the hollow of your neck.
”I love you, too.”
(How did you get so, so lucky?)
Marks (Soulmate!AU)
“It is a pretty uncommon name. Are you sure that you are on the right website?” Pa sounded distant over the phone, the sounds of dogs barking and running around in the background.
With a heavy eye roll, you spun around in your chair and glanced at the soul mark website. Set up by the UN in the early thousand, it was meant to be a far easier way for soul mates to find each other.
Before the net, people had to rely on letters and documents and often prayer to find their one. Never before in known history, had it been so easy to find a soulmate.
Upon adulthood, most people put their mark’s name in the database along with an uploaded photo of the mark and their own names. If they were lucky, they would meet their soulmates that day.
“Yeah, pretty sure.” You muttered. Honestly, you weren’t in a rush. Most soul pairings seemed way obsessed with each other. Codependent if one would. Including your parents, much as you loved them.
Too much work. Too much time. Too many expectations.
”Hopefully they aren’t in one of those cults.” Dad said, his voice louder than Pa’s, “I have a friend who’s son in law was in one. So if-“
And you were done. You weren’t going to listen to this. Again. “Hey, I gotta get back to work. Love you guys, see you for dinner next week.”
Hanging up the call, you went to close the website yet your fingers lingered over the keyboard. It wasn’t that you haven’t looked for this Hypnos before. The name alone was enough to make you curious but nothing ever came up. Even now that you were comfortably settled in your early thirties.
With a huff of annoyance at yourself, you clicked it close.
The late golden sunlight caught on your mark, the red and gold poppies gleaming around your soulmate’s name. It had been with you since you were five years old, forming on your forearm overnight. 
Mindlessly, you brushed your fingers along the flowers then you caught yourself and pulled your hand away like the mark burnt you.
On a damp Tuesday morning, your ancient electric kettle gave out. As in it caught on fire.
With a curse, you tossed it into the sink, black smoke causing you to cough. The smoke alarm began to scream, ringing in your ears and you were not awake enough to deal with this. 
Once you were sure the kettle wouldn’t burn down your home, you stumbled out into the world, desperately looking on your phone for a nearby coffee shop. 
Wet droplets landed on your face, cold and sharp against your skin. Realizing that you forgot your umbrella, you flipped the hood of your jacket up in vain against the oncoming storm.
Then as if the universe decided that it hated you and everyone else, the clouds began to pour rainwater down on the busy city street. 
Today was most definitely not your day.
You picked up speed, water splashing against your legs until you found the small coffee shop and ducked into it. With some disbelief, you stared out into the city, feeling like a drowned rat. 
Coffee, then you can sit down at a table while feeling sorry for yourself. 
You got in line, trying to find something on the menu that wasn’t a bomb of sugar and cream. A young woman, with forest green dreads and toothy smile, was rushing around mumbling to herself. As she helped the customer before you, she took a moment to turn around and yelled to the closed back doors. 
“Hypnos! I got a line and I need help!” 
You stopped breathing. 
It had to be a nickname. Surely.
Then the door opened, a man with impossibly white curls and an armful of bottles of syrup stepped out. 
“I know Dusa, I know.” The man yawned, unaware of you staring at him. You couldn’t help it, he was the most lovely, most perfect man you ever saw. He plopped the bottles down onto the and turned to you as he tied up his black apron. 
The first thing you noticed was that his bottom lip was just a little more fuller than his top one. Second, you noticed that his eyes were heavy with dark circles but that didn’t stop him from smiling cheerfully at you.
Gods, it hadn’t even been a minute and you wanted to kiss him. 
Your eyes flickered to the name tag and there it was, same spelling and everything.
Hypnos. Hypnos. Hypnos.
“So what can I get ya today, sir?” Hypnos chirped, unaware that he had changed everything for you in a single moment. Thick white lashes framed around his golden eyes and you couldn’t breath.
Your mouth opened but nothing came out so you shut it, trying to come up with something. There were movies of people making the perfect speech, books filled with breathtaking moments of first meetings.
All you could do was stare.
”Sir?” Hypnos said, and he sounded like he was unimpressed with a touch of worry as his golden eyes - and how the world did he have those irises, it seemed too divine for a mortal- darted to Dusa.
“I-“ your voice cracked and you stopped. Now everyone was staring at you. You were being an idiot. 
Without hesitation, you yanked up your jacket sleeve and revealed the soul mark. You could have swore the colors were more vibrant, more lifelike than ever before. Like the flowers had come alive just for Hypnos. 
Hypnos’s name caught gold in the bistro lighting.
Hypnos’ mouth dropped open, his hand automatically wrapped around his forearm as he stared at your arm. He kept his arm close to chest as if trying to protect himself.
“It is you.” You said finally, like something inside of you had been missing and you had found it - found him, and the last piece clinked in place, like it belonged. You understood now.
For a long moment, he said nothing, only staring at you.
Then with an unusual calm, Hypnos turned to Dusa, “I quit.”
Without another glance at you, he promptly booked it toward the backroom and out of your sight.
You moved before you realized it, climbed over the counter and darted into the back to where Hypnos went. You ignored Dusa’s surprise cry, the murmuring of the customers as your eyes darted around the kitchen.
Realizing that the back door was opened, you rushed back out into the rain, and caught a glimpse of him just as he turned the corner. 
With your jaw tight with determination, your heart pounding in a rhythm that belonged only to Hypnos, you gave chase.
Repetition (Reincarnation!au, Hypnos’ Pov)
The Wise ones, all three of them, were smiling over him. Their hands laid on his chest, over his heart. He stared up at the night skies, at the billions of stars.  At the countless moments, lives flowing like river water over stone. 
He was gasping for breath, tears streaming down his face. His wings fluttered like the  delicate petals of Amare willows that bloom outside his childhood window.
He had been reborn.
They didn’t speak. They didn’t need to.
His Captain wasn’t much different from his other lives. Your eyes still burned with the intensity of a black sun, your shoulders were still broad enough to carry the weight of the world and countless scars still marked your body like constellations of the milky-ways.
Hypnos knew it was you the moment he laid eyes on you.
Turn out, finding you weren’t the hard part. It was everything after that. He wanted to fall in your arms, to feel your mouth against his and to rediscover you. He just wanted to be loved and to love you once more. 
Maybe patience was the lesson he was meant to learn in this life but if his memory served him right, patience was a lesson he had learned before. Yet here he was, learning it once more. 
It was hard, especially when he ached just being near you. Only he hadn’t seen you at all today or yesterday, you must have been too busy writing reports or something.
He stood before your personal rooms, playing with the keycard in his hands. You had given it to him after the second attack, a full three months after the first. It wasn’t for romantic reasons like Hypnos knew it was for some species, you had made that perfectly clear. Purely for emergencies, you had repeatedly told him.
Shaking away the bitter thought, Hypnos pressed on the intercom outside of the door. 
It came alive with a faint glow, the robotic voice sounded bored as it spoke. “Name and reason?”
“It’s me. Hypnos. I mean. And I just…” Before he could recall the made up reason he had for showing up, the door opened.
With a deep breath,Hypnos stepped into the room. He couldn’t hide his curiosity as he tried to take in everything. 
The living room was spartan, with only a sofa and loveseat that came with the ship. The low table in front was bare of any personal items. The open kitchen was empty as well, not a single bottle of spice out on the counter.
Hypnos was torn between worry and helpless amusement. 
It was a faint thing, hazy like the river lethe but Hypnos knew this wasn’t new. It was familiar in a way. 
‘A few blankets, pillows, a handful of warm lights and we could make this a lot cozier.’
Then your voice reached him, “Hypnos, in the office.”
”Coming.” Hypnos called out, glancing over the room once more time.
When he found you in your office, you were pouring over a starmap, a glass in your  scarred hand. You took a sip as he knocked and waited for your permission to come in, even though he wanted to rush toward you.
You glanced at him, then nodded. Hypnos hurried in, before you changed your mind, the door closing behind him with a click. 
He studied your office, unlike many others, You kept it simple, a dark desk with a nameplate and a few awards on the wall. On one side, there was a window, open to reveal the void of space, with far away stars gleaming. 
If he knew you and he liked to think he did, you probably had at least ten different weapons hidden away somewhere.
Hypnos settled in the surprisingly comfortable chair before your desk, not saying anything. 
You took a sip of your drink, the liquid amber in the dim lighting. “Can your species drink human alcohol?”
Your voice was husky, rich and dark as the mines of his home world and Hypnos shivered. His wings perked up in pure animalistic instinct but he stilled them, his stomach hot with embarrassment and maybe something else entirely. 
“I can. Yes.” Hypnos replied, hoping his voice didn’t give away his thoughts.
You politely moved up from your desk to get him a glass and poured him a drink. The whole time Hypnos studied you, admiring the flex of your powerful muscles under the captain’s uniform.
When you came closer to hand over the drink, Hypnos wanted to pull you closer but he didn’t.
Hypnos curled his hands around the drink instead then sniffed it. It was a familiar smell, filled with sharp, warming spices.  Where he had known this smell before…
“Rum. The makers claimed they were one of the original creators from Earth.” You told him, and tapped his glass with yours. At the same time, you and him took a sip. 
Warmth flooded his mouth and raced down his chest before settling low in his stomach.
Then everything rushed toward him.
Ropes, sea salt, the sway of a ship, moonlight on dark waters, powerful waves crashing against earth, bruises on his thighs and rough kisses with rubies -or blood- and gold spilling everywhere. 
Hypnos closed his eyes. Oh yes, he remembered that life. That had been one well lived. 
Silence overtook as you returned to the map, writing notes down on a tablet. The starmap casted an pale blue glow in the room, millions of little stars gleaming over your desk. 
Hypnos continued to drink, warmed by the liquid and memories that tasted like the ocean, the blue so deep he wondered he would ever see its likenesses again. He shifted, letting his legs swing idly, his wings swaying along in beat.
Then you turned the map off. The tablet dimmed.
Hypnos blinked, his wings fluttering softly with his curiosity. 
“Tell me about one.” You ordered, leaning back against your chair. Your eyes were locked onto him. Hypnos swallowed, his pulse racing as he took one last sip. He pushed his empty glass toward you.
A beat of silence, then you grabbed the bottle, and using your teeth, uncorked it. Your eyes unwavering, like you decided you were ready to peel all of his secrets away. Hypnos hated how much he was looking forward to it.
He ached with so many unspoken words.
With a full glass of rum between his hands, Hypnos met your eyes. “Tell you what?”
“About one of these past lives. Or alternative universes or whatever.’” You replied with an unimpressed eyebrow, placing the cork back in, your thumb pressing down on it. “Any of them, your pick.”
Hypnos swirled his drink, his brow furrowed. He didn’t know which one he should pick. What if he chose badly and you kicked him out? Or pick one of the more fantastical ones and you thought him as a liar. Not mentioning the fact Hypnos was still recovering so many moments, like small, precious white shells on the beach, picking them up one at a time.
”It is hard to just choose one.” Hypnos admitted, unfolding his legs and shifted closer to your desk. He took a sip then sighed.  
“One of the first ones I remember… Language wasn’t a thing, not really. All we could do was point and grunt if you will. We just hadn’t evolved to speak complex languages, not yet. The one of the courting gifts you gave me was a big clay jar, filled with bright red pigments for cave painting. My favorite color.” Hypnos paused, not able to look at your face. 
He was terrified of what he would find in your expression. Yet the words spilled from him, like confessions of sin. “I still wonder if I could find the cave with our handprints. It must be out there somewhere- or maybe that planet had been swallowed up by its sun by now.”
Silence took over for a long breathless moment and Hypnos took another sip, deeper. He felt so warm, like it was mating season and all he wanted- all he wanted…
You finished your drink, the sound of glass loud as you placed it down. 
”Tell me another.” You ordered as you stood, and Hypnos watched you move around your desk and stopped in front of him. All Hypnos could do was stare up at you, helpless. You leaned against your desk, powerful arms crossed and gestured for him to continue.
He swallowed, “There are so many, I can recall one where you were a superhero and I worked as handler. Then another world where you were an artist, often struck by fits of madness, you called me your beloved muse. There were so many where we met as children, in one of those lives, we shared a first kiss on a snowy night. Another one where you were a pirate…”
”A pirate?” You said with a quiet laugh. Hypnos flushed at your tone, not used to you sounding so light. He lifted his half-full glass with a smile before taking a quick sip.
“You were quite fond of rum.” Hypnos teased after he swallowed, a knot in his chest slowly slipping open, his stomach warmed. You leaned in, and took the glass from him. Before Hypnos could process what happened, you were downing his drink. 
All Hypnos could do was watch, your Adam’s apple bobbing as you polished off the rum. One drop of rum almost escaped, but you caught it in time with a swipe of your tongue. He copied you without realizing it, feeling like he was at a feast but not allowed near the table. 
You always kept the full uniform on, and Hypnos wished he was bold enough to reach over and reveal the secret flesh underneath, to trace the line of your neck with his tongue. His wings twitched and jerked, wanting to flare out in a mating display and woo his mate closer.
His wings were going to give him away with how obvious they were.
“The caveman one, was that the first one you remembered?” You placed the glass down. Your foot hooked around the chair leg and pulled Hypnos closer. The sound was loud in the quiet, a final warning. 
But for what he didn’t know.
He grabbed the chair arms, looking down with a blush. Somehow he suddenly felt shy. 
“Ah.” Hypnos tried to find his words, very aware of how much bigger you were than him. He could swear that he could feel your body heat this close. “No.”
Your fingers brushed along his jawline, curling under his chin and his breath hitched as his face was tilted up. 
Like breathless gravity, Hypnos caught in your gaze, like the moon once to earth, lovers so close yet were millions of miles away. He couldn’t look away if he wanted to. Under the heaviness of your stare, he felt weightless.
”Tell me.” You ordered in a whisper, moving slightly closer, your other hand moving past his side and gripped the arm of the chair. Like this, Hypnos was completely trapped in.
Hypnos smiled. There was a touch of sadness in it. One that you noticed judging by the silght furrow in your brow.
“I was an immortal god and you were a dead moral. A man turned to a shade.” Hypnos whispered. He waited, sure you would pull away. You didn’t. Your thumb caressed along his cheek in slow, gentle swipes. 
Hypnos let out a shuddering breath, closed his eyes. “Yet we found each other.”
Maybe he should say more but no words came. That life had been so vivid in his mind’s eye, a part of him still wondered if that universe still existed, far out of his reach, one where you and him existed forever in a small corner of the vastness so very happy and loving. 
He hoped so, a quiet heaven with you was what his soul was made for.
“You terrify me.” You admitted, causing Hypnos to open his eyes with surprise. You gave him a rueful smile. Your voice was low enough to sink into Hypnos’ bones. 
“Me?” Hypnos whimpered, not able to comprehend the idea of him being scary. Maybe if someone had a phobia of naps or of ridiculous creatures who walked into walls on occasion. 
The mere idea of it… It was laughable.
”You just came from the stars one day without a single warning. I tried to stay away but I couldn’t. In every room I step into, I look for you.” You pressed your thumb on the corner of his lip. “I should be able to dismiss all these stories without a blink, of these past lives or alternate universes. But I can’t. I just can’t.”
With an easy grace, you leaned down, your breath hot against Hypnos’ mouth. And oh, how Hypnos wanted to lean in yet he couldn’t move.
“When I look at you, when you smile at me; Hypnos, it’s like coming home again.”
Hypnos knew it was coming but he still gasped against the press of your lips, his wings shuddering as you tipped his head up to deepen the kiss. It was so much better than any memory.
A hand cupped his cheek and he looked up at you  unable to hide his tears. Your expression was soft and fond - and a little apologetic -as you smiled down at him. You looked so handsome in your military uniform. You promised to return to him the moment the war was over.
In the end, all he had left was a letter that spoke of your bravery and a folded flag.
Tears burned under his eyelids, Hypnos cupped your face between his hands, needing to feel you. He kept you close as the kiss continued between soft gasps and murmuring. His fingers trailed against your cheeks, feeling the start of rough stubbles along your jaw. 
“Wait for me!” Hypnos called out, his birdlike wings on his back flapped in effort to keep with you. He was still too young to truly fly but he still chased after you anyway.
You laughed with pure joy, your wings casting shadows over the land as you returned. You dipped lower to grab his hands and lifted him up higher and higher.
In a singular moment, he was one with everything. His heart raced along yours, when you breathed in, he breathed out, two beings becoming whole and perfect once more.
His moral. His warrior. His dearest.
You didn’t wake even as Hypnos shifted, your head heavy on his thighs. Hypnos pushed your hair out your face, running his fingers through your locks.
That finally prompted you to wake just a little bit with a low hum. Your lips quirked up in a lazy smile. “Looks like I’m still dreaming.”
Hypnos scoffed, his heart overflowing as he leaned down to kiss you-
Then the kiss broke.
You pulled back, lips shiny and your eyes blown dark with lust, staring down at him. You panted harshly and Hypnos realized he was doing the same.
”Hypnos.” You said with a ragged and torn voice. 
His heart stopped, sure that you were going to push him away. Only you didn’t. 
“Hypnos.” You repeated brokenly, staring down at him. It was like you were seeing him, really seeing him for the first time. 
The next kiss was just as amazing, he couldn’t tell where you and him began and ended. Memories rushed toward him, burning him along with the growing need deep in his core. 
His hands roamed over your neck, shoulders and chest as he murmured your name over and over against your lips. You swore against his mouth.
Before he knew what was happening, you had silded your arms under him and lifted up and out of the chair with an ease he should have expected. You turned around and planted him on your desk, still kissing him, still touching him as you pushed him down onto his back.
Hypnos knew they should slow down, talk it out but he had missed you, craved you so much he didn't have it in him to stop if he wanted to. He felt starved until you touched him. His mating seasons had never felt like now, all gauzy heat and the hard, wonderful press of another body against his. 
He was the personification of lust, of the euphoria that could be found in another.
Tangling his fingers in your hair, you and him kissed and kissed and kissed, hands caressing new flesh. Somehow it was new and familiar at the same time. The primal rhythm was built into their DNA, even now.
Hypnos tossed his head back, trying to breathe, trying to move with you as you consumed him, like the void of space swallowed countless stars. It was perfect, it was just you and him once more.
Everything ends, even this.
You buried your face in the crook of his neck and shoulder, your arms braced around his head as you tried to return to normal. There was a growing dampness against his neck. Hypnos blinked slowly up at the ceiling, still floating along the river of sensations and of returned memories.
He caressed the line of your back, pressed kisses against your scalp, his heart growing and love spilling out of him like new constellations as he murmured comforting words.
Later, you and him will speak of everything, of nothing and it will be good, it will be right. Because it will be what it always had been, you and him among the stars once more.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 26 days
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"Marvellous Progress by Unemployment Camps," Kingston Whig-Standard. May 15, 1934. Page 3. --- Project 42 a Revelation - One of Wisest Moves on the Part of the Federal Government. ---- One of the wisest and most thoughtful measures which the Federal Government has taken in connection with the unemployment problem, which has faced Canada during the past few years, was the establishment at strategic paints of unemployment camps for single men. Two of these camps have been established just outside of Kingston, and on Monday morning the publishers of The Whig-Standard had the pleasure of being shown over Project No. 42 by the officer in charge, Brigadier W. B. Anderson, CMG, DSO, D.O.C. Military District No. 3. This project was established Just one year ago, and the progress which has been made in twelve months is nothing short of marvel.
The camp is located on what will eventually be the headquarters of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, which is at present established as Camp Borden, and all the work is being done with a view to a permanent establishment in its new location.
Naturally, the first work undertaken was the building of temporary quarters for the men. Seven dormitories were erected and each dormitory holds sixty-three men. They are well equipped with comfortable beds and attached to each dormitory is a large wash-room.
Model of Cleanliness The dining-room for the men is large, airy and comfortable and a model of cleanliness. Everything has been done to make the men happy and comfortable. There is a lending library of books, a small gymnasium and a shower bathroom. The shower bathroom is unique in that the water is mixed to a proper temperature in the boiler-room before it goes to the baths, making it unnecessary to have more than one valve for each shower. A record is kept and each man must take at least one bath a week. As a result of this careful system of inspection there has been no vermin in the camp. The men are given regular issues of clothing and shoes from the stores. Their shoes are kept in good condition in the shoe repairing department.
Camp Self-contained A very interesting feature of the camp life is its self-containment. It has its own waterworks; the water is pumped up from the River St. Lawrence, is chlorinated and filtered and tested periodically. A plentiful supply of pure water is always available and there has been very little sickness in the camp all through the winter.
The camp has its own laundry. Each man's garments are numbered and his laundry work treated individually. Nine hundred pieces a day are handled and the work is all done by a staff selected from the men in the camp.
The spirit of the camp is excellent. There is no military discipline and the very best feeling exists. The work hours are from eight to twelve and from one to five. After five o'clock, the men are free to do just as they please and are under no restriction, They are also free to leave permanently at any time. It is Interesting to note in this connection that the camp is not at present up to strength. It will maintain five hundred men and this has been the number taken care of during the winter. At the present time the total strength is only four hundred and seventy, how- ever, and Brigadier Anderson stated that at the present time neither Kingston, Ottawa, nor Oshawa had any more men available for the camp.
Excellent Meals The men are clothed, well-housed and well fed. Excellent meals are provided. The men were just about to sit down to dinner as the representatives of The Whig-Standard were leaving on Monday, and the food which was being served out was most appetizing The menu for Mon day was as follows:
Breakfast: Rolled oats, pancakes and syrup, bacon, bread, butter and
Dinner: Soup, beef, potatoes, fresh vegetables, pudding, cake, bread, butter and tea
Supper: Stew of hash, potatoes, apple sauce, cake, bread, butter and tea.
Meals equally as good are served every day and in looking over the menus for one week, it was noted that the diet is not only a most nourishing one but is varied from day to day. During the winter the men were given a treat when the Dominion Government sent down over twelve tons of buffalo meat from Wainwright Park, Alta.
The Permanent Work The most important feature of the work of Project No. 42 is, of course, the permanent work which is being done in connection with the establishment here of the Canadian Signal Corps. An excellent metal road way has been built. A waterworks plant and a sewage disposal plant are in the course of construction The latter will be built along most modern lines and all the sewage will be treated and purified before it empties into the river. In connection with the waterworks system a fire protection tank has also been, erected in which is continually stored five or six thous and gallons of water.
The permanent buildings of the Canadian Corps of signals will be most delightfully situated. The officers' mess and the permanent quarters of the officers will be erected on the sloping bank of the St. Lawrence River and will command a magnificent view. At the present time work is being concentrated upon one of the barracks which is being built in the shape of an H. Each of the wings of the letter H will contain dormitories, while the centre bar will have rooms for the sergeants, bathrooms and other conveniences. This bar- racks la being built of reinforced concrete and is completed up to the first floor. The work has practically all been done by unskilled men and is a testimony to the conscientious enthusiasm which they must have put into it. The "forms" are now erected for the second storey which will be built of cement blocks, all of which have been made on the premises. A heating plant will be put in which will arrive all the buildings.
In connection with the work twenty-four horses have been used all winter. These horses have been rented from farmers of the district at relief rates of 400 a day. They have been well fed, well stabled and well treated and have had veterinary attention under Col. Tamblyn and his staff. As the work progresses, of course, it is expected that skilled in labor will have to be employed and already quite a number of Kingston mechanics are on the job. The open stretch of land alongside the permanent roadway will be the parade ground, and at one end will be the permanent offices of the Signal Corps.
12,000 Trees Planted A feature which we would like to mention, which is due to the thoughtfulness of Brigadier Anderson, is the planting of 12,000 trees on each side of highway No. 2 from the end of the "Barriefield cut" clear through to the Brooks and McLelland farms. Cedar, pine and Carolina poplars have been planted under the supervision of the Ontario Department of Forestry, and in a few years these will form a fine avenue of trees which will become at one and the same time a delightful approach both to the headquarters of the Canadian Corps of Signals and to the city of Kingston.
The operation of Project No. 42 and the work that has been done is one upon which we feel Brigadier Anderson should be heartily congratulated. These projects are a moment to the humanitarian attitude with which the Federal Government approached the problem of the single unemployed man. The success of the two Kingston camps No. 42, under the direction of Brigadier Anderson, and No. 37 under the direction of Brigadier Elkins, D.8.0, are a testimony to the wise, sympathetic and understanding manner in which these distinguished military men have administered them.
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wifeyifey · 1 year
Just read the Leo one and OHOHOHOHO love your style!! If it's ok, could I request an oneshot for dbd Wesker with a kinda new survivor reader who is very persistent. No matter how many times they die or get tunneled they always try to save everyone or try to give a hard time to Wesker (even if they dont really know how to do that yet) and the match where they finally manage to escape, but insteand of being mean they smile and say how well Wesker did before going back to the camp.
OMG thank youuuu <333
I've never followed Wesker much so I hope I did him some justice!! I've seen the movies but its been a while lol.
Anyways... Here's the short scenario I made for you!!
Made this a gender-neutral reader as well.
Description: the reader is super persistent in trying to help their friends and always manages to best Wesker.
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Wesker x gn!reader
Again… again… and again. You constantly try to be one step ahead of Wesker during trials. He’s tired of you always managing to be out of reach even when you’re grabbing someone off a hook, you slip right between his fingers. He’s losing his patience and you never seem to grow tired of always playing the hero. He sees how often you take care of the other survivors and most of them return the favor, but there’s always the select few that are too much of a coward to help you when you do so much for them. If he didn’t find you so annoyingly admirable he would do his best to torture you outside of trials. 
You were in your third consecutive trial at the moment and quite frankly you’re getting tired. You weren’t here for very long. Only recently being brought to this realm. You were always a caring person before the Entity grabbed you. You were a trauma nurse in the military before you were here. Being brought here didn’t change the way you care for others in the trial. 
You were helping Adam with a generator when all of a sudden it exploded. You jumped back with a yelp. Going around the generator you grab Adam and start running.Hearing a scream in the distance and without a moment of hesitation you run towards it. “(Y/N), go ahead and grab them. I'm going to try and find another generator and fix it so we can get out of here.” Adam yelled behind you. You turned and waved your hand in acknowledgement and continued towards the scream. You turn the corner and see Jane on the hook. She sees you and sighs in relief and then winces the next second. “Thank god (Y/N), get me off this thing.” You quickly get to work and grab her off the hook. 
Little did you know Wesker was waiting for you to grab her, giving him enough time to grab you once she runs off. His plan worked out a little too well, because here you were, in his grasp. “It’s about time I get my hands on you, rat.” Wesker spit out. You’re turned around in his grasp and you’re face-to-face with him. “Well… if it isn’t my favorite person.” You chuckle with a little tremble in your voice. He sneered and threw you over his shoulder. You’re kicking trying to get off. You always thought about what you would do if you were finally caught by him. 
You thought he was a bit handsome and always wondered what was under those glasses of his… Looks like it’s time to find out. You pushed yourself up quickly and toppled over onto the ground. There was no way he was going to try and struggle with you. He can just grab you again. What he didn’t expect was for you to grab him by his shoulders and take him to the ground with you rolling on top of him with strength he didn’t know you possessed. You quickly grabbed his glasses and ran off with a giggle and a loud “Gotchya glasses.” 
You heard the hatch open as you were running away at top speed. You dropped a palette, which you knew got Wesker as he nearly roared in anger. You kept pushing forward and as soon you saw the gate you powered through and pushed forward. You had to hurry, the gate was about to close… so close, you let out a little yell as you slide underneath the gate as it closes, just to look up and see Wesker on the other side. You stand up and put your hands up as you face him.
“Good run today, Wesker. You got my blood pumping in just the right way.” you wink. He has the smallest smirk on his face as you walk closer to the gate and look him in the eyes. You grab his glasses and reach over to put them back on his face. For some reason, he let you. Not before grabbing your wrist with a firm hand, his tentacles wrapping around your arm and gently poking your cheek. “I won’t let what happened today happen again, little mouse.” You gave a small laugh, “Sure thing, hot stuff.” He had already unwrapped himself from your arm and walked back into the fog. 
You look forward to dealing with him again, you smiled and walked towards the survivors camp. Little did you know you are marked territory after that match.
I hope you liked it! Lmk what yall think!!
Requests are open!!
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good-old-gossip · 15 days
Joint statement: Gaza's famine should be officially declared amidst Israel's use of starvation as a weapon
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Geneva - All relevant official authorities and competent UN and international institutions should officially declare famine in the Gaza Strip in light of the current rapid spread of famine and the rates of acute malnutrition and its expansion geographically and among all groups, especially among children, said 70 organisations in a joint statement on Saturday.
Food insecurity is increasing throughout the Gaza Strip due to Israel's use of starvation as a weapon of war against the Palestinian people, which the organisations said is part of a larger crime of genocide.
The organisations stated that food security levels have significantly declined as a result of the Israeli army's ground operation in Rafah City, south of the Gaza Strip, which began on 7 May and was preceded the day before by blocking the entry of humanitarian aid trucks through the Rafah crossing. Thousands of trucks on the other side of the Rafah crossing have been at a standstill for weeks and are inaccessible to the residents whose lives depend on them due to Israel's decision to starve the people of the Gaza Strip, close the crossings. and prevent the entrv of aid.
They called on Israel to act immediately to implement the precautionary measures announced by the International Court of Justice regarding the opening of the Rafah crossing in order to provide basic services and much-needed humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza.
The majority of goods entering the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom (Kerem Abu Salem) crossing are intended for merchants, and the residents, many of whom have lost their livelihoods, must purchase them. Despite the limited aid provided by Israel, it is insufficient to meet the increasing needs of the growing number of displaced people in the south.  The majority of goods entering the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing are intended for merchants, and the residents, many of whom have lost their livelihoods, must purchase them   
 These goods are completely inaccessible to the areas north of the Gaza Valley, including Gaza City and the northern parts of the Gaza Strip, where residents are facing severe shortages of essential food supplies such as vegetables, meat, and other dietary necessities.
On May 11, the northern Gaza Strip experienced another downturn as Israeli forces resumed a fierce military campaign against Jabalia and its camp. Tens of thousands were compelled to flee their homes, carrying only their scant food supplies and belongings, or seeking refuge
Over 800,000 residents and internally displaced individuals were forcibly evacuated from Rafah to the west of Khan Yunis and Deir al-Balah, most of them leaving with minimal possessions and food supplies. Simultaneously, approximately 100,000 people were evacuated from Jabalia, including its camp, and Beit Lahia, in the north of the Gaza Strip, to the west of Gaza City.
With the crossings closed and humanitarian aid being prevented from entering, the threat of famine and acute malnutrition has resurfaced and swiftly spread, affecting the 2.3 million people living in the Gaza Strip, half of whom are children. This impact is particularly felt in the northern Gaza Valley where essential supplies such as food and medicine have run out.
The collapse of job opportunities, lack of cash flow, and local production has rendered all Gaza residents dependent on foreign humanitarian aid. Without it, they would lack access to essential food and necessities for survival.
Only a small amount of very low-quality aid was delivered through the floating pier, with the majority of it not distributed throughout the Strip. Seemingly, the pier is just an official tool designed by the US to defuse criticism leveled at Israel for continuing its starvation crime and prevent relief supplies from reaching the country by land.
According to reports from various United Nations agencies, international humanitarian organisations, and the International Court of Justice, land border crossings continue to be the most efficient means of delivering aid.
The second report from the working group responsible for this classification, which addresses the food situation in the Gaza Strip, confirmed that the entire population in the Gaza Strip (2.23 million people), including the governorates of Deir al-Balah, Khan Yunis, and Rafah, are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity, with half of them in IPC Phase 5, or the disaster/famine stage.
According to this report, which was released on 18 March, all three famine thresholds have either been reached or are highly likely to be reached in the North Gaza and Gaza City governorates. In these areas, the famine threshold for acute food insecurity has already been reached, the famine threshold for acute malnutrition has most likely already been reached, and the famine threshold for mortality is anticipated to accelerate and be exceeded soon. Due to these factors, the IPC came to the conclusion that famine is predicted to strike at any point between the report's publication date and May.
Even before the recent rapid deterioration of the Gaza Strip's food situation, the estimates contained in this report — based on internationally approved technical foundations and equations — were raising alarms about the urgent need for action to halt the spread of famine and reverse its effects. Israel's closure of the land crossings for weeks exacerbated this situation.
Israel maintains complete control over all land and sea crossings into the Gaza Strip, enforcing an illegal blockade that has led to widespread destruction of civilian homes, livelihoods, and agricultural lands. This blockade has resulted in a catastrophic humanitarian and food crisis affecting the entire population, providing conclusive evidence of Israel's use of starvation as a method of war. These devastating effects prompted the International Criminal Court's Prosecutor to file requests for arrest warrants against the Israeli Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, accusing them of using starvation as a method of war.
The majority of Gaza's population already suffers from extreme hunger, with thousands of tons of weight collectively lost in recent months. Hundreds of thousands of children and elderly individuals, in particular, are experiencing emaciation.
While health authorities have officially recorded 30 deaths due to famine, estimates suggest that famine-related deaths occur nearly daily, compounded by bombings and inadequate medical treatment.
The international community bears a moral and legal obligation to halt the spread of famine in the Gaza Strip and provide immediate life-saving aid. Delaying the official declaration of famine equates to failing to apply significant pressure on Israel to end its crimes and lift the arbitrary siege on Gaza. Further delays will only exacerbate hunger, poverty, malnourishment, and death.
The entire Gaza Strip must have humanitarian access restored, which entails enabling the entry of life-saving supplies and their swift, efficient movement through border crossings and land roads. This also includes re-establishing health services, water, and sanitation facilities, providing safe, nourishing, and ample food for the entire population, as well as infant formula, treating malnutrition cases and related diseases, and re-establishing local production systems and the entry of commercial goods.
As the source of the famine, the international community has a legal obligation to put an end to the crime of genocide that Israel has been committing against the people of the Gaza Strip since October 7. Without doing so, it is impossible to discuss the creation of a suitable environment for providing humanitarian aid or to begin the process of restoring basic services to stop the famine from spreading and reverse its effects.
To protect Palestinian civilians from the threat of genocide in the Gaza Strip, real pressure tools should be activated to force Israel to immediately cease all of its crimes and comply with international law and the rulings of the International Court of Justice. This includes halting all forms of political, financial, and military support for Israel's military attack on the Gaza Strip and holding it accountable for all of its crimes.
International pressure must be applied to Israel immediately to stop it from carrying out the crime of starving the people living in the Gaza Strip, to lift the siege entirely, to establish the necessary systems to guarantee the safe, efficient, and timely delivery of humanitarian supplies, and to take significant action to address the rapidly spreading famine among Palestinian civilians in the Strip.
The undersigned organisations:
- Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor
- International Lawyers Organisation
- The International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
- Union of Arab Jurists
- Arab Organisation for Human Rights
- Maonah Association for Human Rights and Immigration. 
- Geneva International Center for Justice. 
- Association of Victims of Torture - Geneva. 
- Ethiopian Disabled Lawyers Association (ELDA).
- Geneva Bridge Association.
- The Arab Organisation for Human Rights in Central Europe. 
- Bahraini Society of Jurists.
- Principles Organisation for Human Rights. 
- Salam Organisation for Democracy and Human Rights - London
- Arab Council Foundation - Geneva.
- AFDI International - Paris.
- One Justice Organisation - France.
- Taqse Organisation for Development and Human Rights - Yemen 
- Defence Foundation for Rights and Liberties - Yemen.
- International Association of Bloggers - Geneva.
- Haqqi Center for Supporting Rights and Freedoms.
- Dialogue Forum for Development and Human Rights
- Brussels Court.
- Solidarity for Human Rights - Geneva.
- Al Karama Organisation - Geneva.
- SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties - Geneva. 
- Solidarity of Peace Support Organisation (SOAP).
- Women Journalists Without Chains Organisation
- Local Development Organisation
- The Yemeni Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations. 
- Free Voice Organisation for Defending Human Rights - Paris.
- Rights Radar Organisation for Human Rights.
- Communication Organisation for Human Rights.
- Group of families of missing persons.
- United Tunisian Network - Washington.
- The American-Libyan Alliance - Washington.  
- National Forum for Defending Freedoms - Jordan
- The Iraqi Center for Human Rights.
- Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights.
- Arab Lawyers Organisation in the United Kingdom.
- International Association of Syrian Jurists in Türkiye. 
- International Alliance for Rights and Development (IAHRD).
- The National Authority for the Defence of Rights and Freedoms (HUD).
- Local Development Organization (LDO).​
- Justice Organisation for Human Rights - Istanbul
- American Center for Justice - Michigan.
- Al-Marsad Organisation for Human Rights.
- European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights.
- Association of Mothers of Abductees.
- Association of Detainees and Missing Persons in Southern Syria.
- Alternative Press Syndicate - Lebanon.
- Refugees Platform in Egypt - RPE.
- Human Rights and Civic Participation
- Law and democracy support foundation - LDSF
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crazyunsexycool · 6 months
A lil childhood friends to lovers prompt for a drabble?
'There was always that one place they would both run off to - to escape parents, annoying siblings and just the world in general. They haven’t had contact in a long time, but when things get rough, they both end up in their safe place again.'
Meet me at our spot
Sam Wilson x Reader
A/N: since there’s no specific pairing I chose Sam. Kind of a college AU.
It was hot but that was Louisiana still there was no where else you’d rather be. It would be better if your life long best friend would be here but it’s been a while since you’d talk to him and even longer since you’ve seen him in person. He had been the one to find the secluded lake, dock included. It was both of your safe haven. From school bullies to overbearing parents and annoying siblings. The lake and the dock was just for the two of you but recently it was only yours.
With your feet dangling over the edge of the dock and the sun beating down on you, you breathed a sigh of relief. You lay back and wonder why you’d bothered to come back home for the short school break. Your parents kept nagging you about the major you’d chosen. It was getting to be too much staying in the house so you’d gone to your spot.
After a few minutes you feel and hear footsteps on the short wooden dock and you tilt your head back. You’re surprised to see a military uniform and none other than your life long best friend Sam Wilson looking down at you amused.
“Sam?” You sit up and turn around to get a proper look at him. He looked great. Definitely much broader and sturdier than when he left for boot camp two and a half years ago.
“The one and only.”
You stood and closed the small gap between the two of you and threw your arms around his shoulders.
“I can’t believe you’re here. You look great.” You murmur.
“So do you.”
“So what brings you back home?” You ask once you pull away.
“I’m on leave. Just for a few days.”
You nod as you sit back down, Sam taking his usual spot beside you. The two of you catch up on what you’ve been up to for the last two years. You offer him a drink from the cooler you always brought out.
As the sunsets you both finally get up and start heading back.
“Why did you never reply to my letters?”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” Sam says as you both start walking toward the hidden trail.
You stop and look up at him. This was probably the only time you’d see him before you went back to college and him back to the Air Force.
“Don’t lie to me.”
Sam sighed and looked back toward the lake. You didn’t say anything while he worked through whatever it was that was going through his head.
“There’s something that I wanted to tell you for a really long time but every time I wanted to say it I got scared. Then we both went out separate ways and I thought that time apart would be good and I’d get over what I had to get over.” He says after looking at you. “Then I got your letters and I knew that I needed to tell you the truth but I thought that saying it over and over letter wasn’t the right thing to do either.”
By now your heart was beating wildly. Whatever he had to say could be anything. Maybe he didn’t want to be friends with you anymore. Or worse maybe he found someone and you never got a chance to tell him how you felt.
“The truth is that I’m in love with you. I thought that’s something you deserve to hear in person.”
“You what?” You stared at him wide eyed.
Sam laughs and shakes his head. He can’t help but take in how beautiful you look in the last few rays of the sun.
“I said I’m in love with you. I have been for a while. I don’t know if that will ruin the friendship but this time apart made me realize that it wasn’t just some dumb little crush. It’s ok if you don’t feel the same.”
“I do.” You nod excitedly before smiling. “I do I love you too. It’s why I was so hurt that you never replied. I thought I’d done something wrong.”
“Yeah, about that.”
Sam pulls out envelopes out of his pockets and presents them to you. There aren’t as many as you wrote him but each envelope was thick.
“Here is every single reply to your letters.”
Tears well in your eyes as you take them from him. You smile up at Sam and then throw your arms around his neck and your lips slot over his.
“I love you.” Sam murmurs in between kisses and pulling you closer to himself. “Go out with me.”
“I love you too.” You reply. “I’d love too.”
Some of the most important moments in your relationship with Sam happened at the lake it made sense that you confessed your love for each other in the place that watched it bloom. It was more than just a lake, it was your sanctuary, safe place, it was your spot.
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fictionwriter2015 · 4 months
Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st Century conflict - Oxfam
Published: 11th January 2024
Israeli military killing 250 Palestinians per day with many more lives at risk from hunger, disease and cold
Israel’s military is killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day which exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict of recent years, Oxfam said today, as the escalation of hostilities nears its 100th day.
In addition, over 1,200 people were killed in the horrific attacks by Hamas and other armed groups in Israel on 7 October and 330 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since then.
Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Middle East Director, said: “The scale and atrocities that Israel is visiting upon Gaza are truly shocking. For 100 days the people of Gaza have endured a living hell. Nowhere is safe and the entire population is at risk of famine.
“It is unimaginable that the international community is watching the deadliest rate of conflict of the 21st century unfold, while continuously blocking calls for a ceasefire.”
15 January 2024 CLARIFICATION:  Using publicly available data, Oxfam calculated that the number of average deaths per day for Gaza is higher than any recent major armed conflict including Syria (96.5 deaths per day), Sudan (51.6), Iraq (50.8), Ukraine (43.9) Afghanistan (23.8) and Yemen (15.8). 
The aid agency is warning that people are being increasingly forced into smaller areas due to constant bombardment, as they are forced to flee from places they have previously been told are safe, but nowhere in Gaza is truly secure. Over one million people - more than half the population – have been forced to seek shelter in Rafah on the Egyptian border. Oxfam staff in Rafah report massive overcrowding, with very little food and water, and essential medicines having run out. This crisis is further compounded by Israel's restrictions on the entry of aid, closing borders, imposing a siege, and denying unfettered access. Currently, only 10 percent of the weekly food aid needed is getting in.
Oxfam is also warning of the massive threat to life, beyond direct casualties, from hunger and disease. The onset of cold and wet weather is making the situation even more critical, with a shortage of blankets, no fuel for heating devices and no hot water. One of Oxfam’s partner organizations, Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC), described the situation for those living in tents as “worse than anything you could imagine”, with makeshift shelters letting in rain, being blown away in the wind and people resorting to desperate measures like selling precious food or water supplies to get a blanket.
Mutaz, an engineer who has been displaced to Al-Mawasi with his family, said: “The rain was going down from all sides of the tent. We had to sleep lying over the bag of flour to protect it from the rain. My wife and three of my daughters use one blanket at night. There are only enough blankets for four people to share. We have nothing.”
Earlier this week, a camp in Jabaliya was flooded with sewage when pipelines and a pumping station were damaged by Israeli air strikes. The lack of clean drinking water and proper sanitation poses a huge health risk. Cases of diarrhoea are 40 times higher than this time last year, although in reality, the number of cases is likely to be significantly higher.
Sally Abi Khalil said: “While the mass atrocities continue, lives continue to be lost and critical supplies cannot get in. Israel’s total blockade of the Gaza Strip is restricting life-saving aid, including food, medical supplies, and water and sanitation facilities.
“On top of the already horrific death toll, many more people could die from hunger, preventable diseases, diarrhoea, and cold. The situation is particularly worrying for children, pregnant women and those with existing medical conditions.
“The only way to stop the bloodshed and prevent many more lives being lost is for an immediate ceasefire, for hostages to be released and for crucial aid supplies to be allowed in.”
The United Nations International Court of Justice is holding a hearing today on the legality of Israel’s prolonged assault on Gaza, and may issue an emergency order for the suspension of Israel’s military campaign. Oxfam supports all efforts to investigate and address all mass atrocity crimes and human rights violations, irrespective of the perpetrator.
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