#millennial killing the police business
mostweakhamlets · 5 years
Millenial au
If I were to write a tv series for this idea I would have an episode immediately after the Empty House where it just follows Scotland Yard on a case. They all got a little pep in their step bc they know that Holmes is alive and safe now, but they're also working through the damage the three years left then with.
But they don't work with Holmes or Watson bc they're both on a well-deserved holiday, and Scotland Yard respects that. Even if they're itching to text Holmes just to work with him again.
The next episode would be the same time frame but from Holmes and Watson's perspective. They're in France or somewhere idk and they're supposed to be chilling and catching up and just relaxing but nope! Small crime! And Holmes is like "mmmm okay let's do this, I'm getting bored."
So they solve this little case that was like vintage wine dupes were being sold but no one could trace the supplier. And they refuse payment bc they're nice, but they will accept that nice bottle of moscato thank you very much.
But there's also moment of them trying to overcome the damage of the three years. Maybe they can't sleep alone, so they share a bed. Maybe Holmes is jumpy. Maybe he has nightmares. Maybe they have to have a whole serious conversation about the dangers of the field.
Just something to acknowledge that things have changed and everyone was hurt (but no one was at fault). And then everything can go back to kinda normal.
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Let’s see other yanderes, shall we?
Dark cacao cookie: very obsessive, will always have a watcher looking for you at any given moment, if the watcher or the king itself sees you with a guy friend, the king will exiled your friend because of a crime “he committed”, if you have a boyfriend, your partner will be sentence to the dungeon never to be seen again, or will be executed (in secret of course). When he kidnaps you, it’s kinda simple, lock you up in the castle, all the watchers keeping an eye on you 24/7. Caramel arrow and Crunchy chip cookie will  be 100% devoted for their king, but why, why are they supporting someone like that, that kidnaps a person in the name of love? Maybe they are too devoted, maybe they are trying to show something to dark cacao cookie, or maybe they like to see their king, somewhat happy again.
Millennial tree cookie: again possessive, wind archer cookie, will always keep an eye for you, if you have a guy friend or a boyfriend, millennial tree cookie won’t show any expressions of jealousy, but inside he is jealous, he is sad, he is filled with anger. Wind archer might think that his master is going a bit too far, but will always mindlessly do what his master says, even kidnapping you, or taking somebody’s life, in name of love and his master happiness. But when millennial tree needs to dirty his hands, he will, if wind didn’t manage to kill your friend, he will go there and kill him, for you.
Roquefort cookie: let’s say that you are almond cookies partners in fighting crime and love, when Roquefort cookie is stalking you and sees his love with his enemy, in the next time when you and your boyfriend, encounters him in a rooftop, he won’t be the same, you will see him annoyed, angry, jealous? He will try to push your boyfriend out of the rooftop, it’s not for a element of surprise, he wants almond cookie dead, if his plan fails, he will kidnap you. In the end IF the police arrest him, and find you after your kidnap, expect him being sentence of crimes, such as, stealing, robbery, kidnapping and attempted Murder of a police officer, or detective in this case.
Eclair cookie: Ah yes, the nerd, when he saw you at his museum, he was stunned by your beauty, he really likes his artifacts, but with you is different, he tried to explain an relic to show off, but he couldn’t because of your beauty. Let’s get to the point, the guy has like 8 scrolls talking about you, with personal informations, like eye colors, height, weight, etc. In his office he would have a little museum showing things like, photos of you, strings of your hair, and bits of fabric of your clothes. This stupid cookie would probably try to put the air with your scent in a bottle. If you visited his museum with another guy, expect to happen a lot of “accidents” in the museum and him trying to show off at the same time. “Oh dear, did The Breath of the Depths that could cut the sea in half, fell of and almost killed your friend, what a bummer” said Eclair. “(Gasp) did the right wing from the skeleton dragon, that has bones virtually indestructible, fell down and almost crushed to crumbles, your friend, he is very lucky.” Said Eclair Cookie in frustrated tone. Next thing you know, you are tied up and gaged, lying in the cold floor of eclair’s office, with the body of your friend shoved inside a chest.
I am not sure about Roquefort part
Omg your ideas are just amazing.
Millennial tree: Wind archer would feel pity for you. He knows what his master is doing is wrong, but he was told not to listen to you. He just cares about his master opinion and orders too much. You could be screaming and crying to him to let you leave while Millennial Tree is out tending to some outside business, he wouldnt dare listen to you. He reports all the things that happened to millennial tree once he gets back and lets him deal with you.
Eclair: post kidnapping with Eclair. While you are all pretty and tied up for him, he would go on about how much he loves you. Shows you all the photos, missing clothes, hair chunks, your favorite shoes, and spare keys to your home. He reads you poems and story's he made about you and him being together. Post kidnapping i think he would become more delusional, oh your trying to break the window and leave? No, your just trying to get fresh air! But a side of him would still be cautious, that window will now be barricaded on the outside so if you do open that window again you cant fall out! Hes gonna always be near you, say goodbye to ever having alone time. Not even in the bathroom can you be alone, hes there or is looking through hidden cameras. He just doesn’t want you to get hurt after all! Theres heavy things that would crush you if they were to fall!
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nevermindirah · 4 years
I've been drafting and redrafting this meta post for weeks now. It's about to be 5781 and my country that was founded on settler colonial genocide and slavery and a deeply flawed but fierce attachment to democracy might go full dictatorship in about 6 weeks and it's time for me to post this thing.
All our immortals are warriors, all have been traumatized by war. But only three of them died their first deaths as soldiers in imperial armies. This fandom has already produced gallons of meta on Nicky dealing with his shit, because Joe would not fuck with an unapologetic Crusader. But there's very rich stuff in Booker and Nile's experiences and the parallels and distinctions between them.
Nile was 11 when her dad was killed in action - that was 2005, meaning she and her dad both died in the same war that George W Bush started in very tenuous response to 9/11. Sure, Nile's dad could have died in either Iraq or Afghanistan, or in a training accident or in an off-the-books mission we won't know about for a hundred more years, but he died in the War on Terror all the same. I had to look it up to be sure because Obama "drew down" the Afghanistan war in his second term, but nope, we're still in this fucking thing that never should've happened in the first place. The US war in Afghanistan just turned 19 years old. A lot of real-life Americans have experiences like the Freemans, parents and children both dying in the same war we shouldn't be in.
I know a lot of people like Nile who join the US military not just because it's the only realistic way for them to pay for college or afford decent healthcare, but also because they have a family history of military service that's a genuine source of pride. Military service has been a way for Americans of color to be accepted by white Americans as "true Americans" - from today's Dreamers who Obama promised would earn protection from deportation by enlisting, to Filipino veterans of WW2 earning US citizenship that Congress then denied them for several decades, to slaves "earning" their freedom through service in the Union Army and in the Continental Army before it. As if freedom is a thing one should have to earn. Lots of Black Americans have the last name Freeman for lots of different escaping-slavery reasons, but it's possible that this specific reason is how Nile got her last name.
Dying in a war you know your country chose to instigate unnecessarily and that maybe you believe it shouldn't be waging is a very particular kind of trauma. It is a much deeper trauma when your military service, and your father's, and maybe generations of your ancestors', is a source of pride and access to resources for you but your sacrifice is nearly meaningless to the white supremacist system that deploys you. That kind of cognitive dissonance encourages a person to ignore their own feelings just so they can function. How do you wake up in the morning, how do you risk your life every day, how do you *kill other people* in a war that shouldn't be happening and that you shouldn't have to serve in just so that your country sees you as human?
We see Nile do her best to be a kind and well-mannered invader. Depending on your experience with US imperialism, Nile giving candy to kids and reminding her squad to be respectful is either heartwarming or very disturbing propaganda. We also see Nile clutching her cross necklace and praying. From the second Christianity arrived on this land it's been a tool of white supremacist assimilation and control, but like military service, it's a fucked-up but genuine source of pride and access to resources for many Americans whose pre-Columbian ancestors were not Christian, and it's a powerful source of comfort and resilience. This Jew who's had a lot of Spanish Inquisition nightmares would like to say for the record that it's not Jesus's fault that his big name fans are such shitty people.
Nile is a good person trying to do her best in a fucked-up world. "Her best" just radically changed. Her access to information on just how fucked up the world is has also just radically changed, because everything's so fucked up a person needs a lot of time to learn about it all and not only does she have centuries but she won't have to spend that time worrying about rent and healthcare and taxes, and because she now has Joe and Nicky and Andy's stories, and because she now has Copley's inside scoop on just what the fuck the CIA has been up to. Like, I want a fic where Copley tells Nile what was really behind the brass's decisions that led to her experiences on the ground in Afghanistan, that led to her father's death, but also I Do Not Want That.
Nile was 19 when Alicia Garza posted on Facebook that Black Lives Matter. She grew up in Chicago well before white people on Twitter were saying maybe police violence against Black people is a problem. She knows this is a deeply fucked up country, and she put on her Marine uniform and deployed with her team of mostly fellow women of color, and maybe she and Dizzy and Jay marched in the streets between deployments, maybe they texted each other when a white manarchist at a protest sneered at one of them for being a Marine. Nile's been busy surviving, and she knows some shit and she's seen some shit but she hasn't had much time to think about what it all means. Now she's got time. And Joe, Nicky, and Andy are willing to listen. (Is Copley willing to listen? I could see that going either way.)
Booker might also be willing to listen. The brilliant idea of cleaning up the rat Frenchman so that Nile can have millennia of emotional support and orgasms sent me down a Wikipedia rabbit hole, and holy shit do Booker and Nile have a lot of shared life experience as pawns of imperial wars. Obviously Booker is white and a man and that makes a very big difference. (Though G-d help me, Booker could be Jewish and France was knocking its Jews around like ping-pong balls in the 18th-19th centuries. Jewish Booker wouldn't make him any less white but it does add a shit ton of depth of common experience: military service as a way for your country to see you as a full member of society who matters, because who you are means that's not guaranteed.)
Booker was hanged for desertion from the army Napoleon sent to invade Russia as part of his quest to control all of Europe. We learn in the comics / this YouTube video that Booker was on his way to prison for forgery when he was offered military service instead of jail time. While we don't know how he felt about the choice beyond that he did choose soldier over inmate, it's unlikely he thought invading Russia was a great idea, given he tried to desert because Napoleon like a true imperialist dumbass didn't plan for how he was going to feed his army or keep them from freezing to death in fucking Russian winter.
I find it very interesting that the French Empire was at its largest right before invading Russia and fell apart completely within a few years. My country has been falling the fuck apart for a while now - see aforementioned War on Terror, growing extremes of economic stratification in the richest country in the world, abject refusal to meaningfully deal with climate change that US-based corporations hold the lion's share of blame for - but between Trump's abject refusal to meaningfully deal with the coronavirus and strong likelihood that he'll refuse to leave office even if a certain pathetic moderate I will hold my nose and vote for does manage to earn a majority of votes, ~y~i~k~e~s.
Our only immortals who have never known a world before modernity and nationalism happen to have been born of wars that were the beginning of the end for the imperialist democracies that raised them, and I think in the centuries to come that's going to give them some very interesting shit to talk about.
Nile's a Young Millennial, a digital native born in the United States after the collapse of the USSR left her country as the world's only superpower. She's used to a pace of technological change that human brains are not evolved to handle.
Napoleon trying to make all of Europe into the French Empire was a leading cause of the growth of European nationalism and the establishment of liberal democracies both in Europe and in many places that Europeans had colonized. Booker's first war produced the only geopolitical world order Nile has ever known and I just have so many feelings ok. Nile the art history nerd is probably not aware of this, and why would she be? This humble meta author is, like Nile, a product of US public schools, and all they taught me about world history was Ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt/Mesopotamia and then World War 2. Being raised in The World's Only Superpower is WEIRD.
Nile the Young Millennial is used to the devastating volume of bad news the internet makes possible. But she has absolutely no concept of a world where the United States of America is not The World's Only Superpower. In order to get up in the morning and put on her gear and point guns at civilians in Afghanistan, she can only let herself think so much about whether that American exceptionalism thing is a good idea.
She's about to spend many, many years where the only people who she can truly trust are people who are older than not only her country but the IDEA of countries.
She's got time, and she's got a lot of new information at her disposal. But there comes a point where my obsession with her friendship and eventual very hot sex life with Booker just isn't about sex at all. Nile needs someone to talk to about the United States who Gets It. Booker the rat Frenchman coerced into Napoleon's army, and Copley the Black dual citizen of the US and UK who's retired from a CIA career that he half understands as deeply problematic but half still believes in hence his mind-bogglingly stupid partnership with Merrick, are the only people on the planet Nile can talk to honestly about, and really be understood in, all the thoughts and feelings and fears and hopes of her experience as a US Marine.
And one more thing before I go get ready for Rosh Hashanah: Orientalism was a defining element of the Crusades and that legacy is painfully clear in current US-led Western military activity in Afghanistan, Syria, Israel/Palestine, you name it. Turns out memoirs by French veterans of the Napoleonic Wars are full of Orientalist language about Russia as well. I am maybe/definitely writing a fic where Booker spends his exile reading critical race theory and decolonial feminism and trauma studies monographs because he can't be honest with a therapist but maybe he can heal this way and become the team therapist his own damn self. I just really need him to read Edward Said and Gloria Anzaldúa and then go down on Nile, ok?
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radicalurbanista · 4 years
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there is one possible good outcome of this year that I’ve been thinking about a lot
It requires a lot of action before and after the election and a focused political strategy for the next few election cycles. It will have to meet certain conditions at critical times, but if it does, it could mean the end of the republican party the passage of Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, and a labor party. Basically, it depends on splitting the Democratic party after ensuring Democrat control of Congress and the White House, DSA expansion, and eliminating the electoral college.
1) Circa the 2020 election
Biden wins the electoral college
This is almost completely dependent on white moderates in swing states voting for Biden and on massive protests during what will likely be a highly contested legal battle for the presidency. The protests are to show leaders that we reject any legitimacy of another trump term. Protests against trump will face even more violence at the hands of police and their conspiring with white nationalists. There is still the possibility of a coup. But voting alone will not ensure trump’s removal from office, everyone needs to be out in the streets and organizing strikes and protests. It will be a lot easier than stopping trump after he’s secured a second term. If this fails, protesting conditions will become even more hostile, and Americans will see no relief from the economic depression or pandemic. The U.S. may end as a dictatorship, but I have no idea when.
Democrats take majority control of the senate
This is essential as well. There are many senate seats this year where Republicans could be replaced by Dems. Here is a more thorough guide on who could be unseated. This will help with passing bills that Dems agree on. The more the better. Without this, splitting the party won’t be possible yet.
Democrats expand control of the House
This will make splitting the Dem party easier.
DSA (Democratic Socialists) expand control at the local and state level
The emergence of DSA to a national party requires many more wins at the local level. This will give them the chance to become the left-wing national party. 50% of Democrat voters support socialism, and that’s pre-pandemic and pre-depression. It is these voters who will be attracted to the DSA as they grow.
Democrats expand control in state legislatures
Once the census results are in and states have to redistrict, Democrat-controlled state legislatures will likely produce less gerrymandered conservative districts. This will secure more representational elections for the next decade.
2) Before the 2022 election
Eliminate the electoral college
This is another very difficult part. Conservative Dems (like Biden) oppose eliminating the electoral college. His current views may not matter once the DNC tells him to do otherwise. It will likely be moderate and left Dems who push this agenda forward, as it is within the best interest of the Dem party to make the popular vote chose the presidency. National support for it may also be higher than ever after the election, meaning more pressure on Dems to act while they can. If the electoral college is eliminated, Republicans will lose their chance at winning the presidency again, meaning trump 2024 won’t be possible
Begin major canvassing for M4A, GND, police defunding, and abolishing ICE
Once Dems control Congress and the White House, the left can be more on the political offense rather than defense. The DNC opposes Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, but support for them will only likely increase as more people die from COVID-19, suffer under medical debt, face record breaking unemployment and evictions, and climate crises continue to destroy areas. These bills are popular, and the DSA supports them, which will give them leverage in winning more elections and even in poaching Democrat representatives like Bernie and AOC. Support for abolishing ICE and the police are only likely to grow thanks to continued BLM organizing.
Counter Republican campaigns at the state and local levels
Republicans are unified, backed by money, and think long-term, but this election is different because their only platform is supporting trump. Should they lose the White House and Congress, and lose the electoral college, they will have to create a whole new base and platform goals to win a national election ever again. Local organizers will have to counter republican strategies at the local and state levels in hopes of killing the party. Republicans might be able to find a way to attract half of the voter base again, but they might also be clinging too tightly to racism, which, although strong, is no longer enough to win the presidency through popular vote. They could also lose southern state control as cities like Atlanta and Houston grow and their voters flip the state blue.
3) Circa the 2024 election
Enter the DSA into national elections
If the electoral college is gone and the DSA was won more local and state seats in 2020 and 2022, the DSA has a chance to enter national elections. As a popular left-wing party and with the decline of the republican party, the DSA can now attract left-wing previously “captured” by Dems. They may likely not win the presidency, but the DSA will force Dems to be the nation’s right-wing party and become the left-wing party in doing so. Formerly republican voters will likely switch to Dems as the Democratic party becomes more conservative and if republicans no longer have a chance at winning national elections.
Center campaigns around major bills not yet passed (M4A, GND, police defunding, and/or abolishing ICE)
This keeps important issues relevant and keeps Dems on the defense as to why they won’t pass the bills.
4) After
Continue building revolutionary potential now that the two national parties are welfare capitalism/socialism-lite and neoliberalism.
The DSA will likely capture much of the working-class vote, Millennials and Gen Z, and POC. If republicans are still around, their goal will be to find a new way to split the working class vote, likely requiring collaborating with Dems. However, their old strategy of splitting by rural/urban may no longer work. Businesses will do everything they can to stop a party from representing workers: it’s why the parties realigned after the New Deal.
This is all possible and will offer actual harm reduction to the working class for the first time since the 70s. None of it will be possible without massive organizing and protest efforts on the ground. None of it will be possible without strong interracial ties and community building. Voting is essential, but it’s the bare minimum and inadequate alone. During this period, BLM and new leftist movements could grow, we could see a militant left party to further curb U.S. domestic authoritarianism. We could see national policy that interferes less in the Global South. We would likely see increased protections for workers, a redistribution of wealth, and new public infrastructure. We could even see the end of the U.S. by the close of the decade, or at least how it would finally happen.
I’m happy to explain any point further, but I thought I’d put my degree to use and share a possible political strategy for the next decade that could use protest and direct action with electoral politics to end U.S. dominance and global capitalism while making the conditions for final stages of revolution less hostile. The next decade will be turbulent regardless, but would this ^^^ is the best way for that turbulence to lead to liberation.
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im-a-simp1 · 4 years
Star Wars Companion: Part Two
Peter Parker x Y/n
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: Cussing, angst, a little fluff , death (in a flashback)
Summary: After Peter and y/n have made plans to watch the movies, y/n stops at the convenience store to grab snacks but things turn south real fast. (This story is from y/n’s POV unlike the previous one just a heads up)
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 Y/n POV:
“It’s 15th Street apartment 410 and does 8pm work for ya?” Peter said
“Yeah that’s sounds good”
“Alright see you tomorrow!”
“Oh and I will provide snacks since you are providing the movies. See you tomorrow :)” Blushing after sending the last text. He made my heart jump out of my chest. I have always been too shy to talk to him not because he’s intimidating but more of not knowing how to talk to him. I was never good at talking to boys in general and starting a conversation was not my specialty. After seeing the millennial falcon on his backpack in art class, finding that common ground made it easier to reach out to him. Now that I am going to his place to watch my favorite franchise, my heart is flowing with joy.
Next day couldn’t have gone any slower. It seemed like an hour had passed by but I would look at the clock and only 5 minutes had passed by. I was just wanting to go over to Peter’s to spend time with him and watch the movies. After school, I had gone home and started to gather things that I wanted to bring over. I grabbed my Star Wars blanket, I always have it with me when I watch the movies, my dad has given it to me when I was younger when we watched them together. Star Wars has always reminded her of her dad, she got her love from Star Wars from her dad. I had to think of something else before I started crying because today is not the day for crying it is a joyful day. I grabbed my phone out to text Peter, “Can’t wait time see you at 8. Don’t forget! (ps what kind of snacks do you want?” I had sent the text waiting for his response. Since we were watching the movies later, I was able to crank out some homework, it was a way for time to go by faster. Finally it was 7 and Peter still hasn’t responded to my text. I thought it was weird but I just figured he was just doing homework and not paying attention to his phone. With that being said, I got up and took my stuff to bring over and left my apartment, my mom works nights at the hospital so she was never home when I was home. As I went to the convenient store, I was searching through snacks and candies, I guess I have to choose for him I thought to myself. After some debating, I finally grabbed a few snacks and I made my way over to the clerk. As I was getting in the line, a couple of men came in with masks on with only the eyes and mouth showing. I knew we were screwed as soon as I saw them.
“EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!” One man shouted holding a gun at the people in the line
“GIVE ME ALL THE DAMN MONEY FROM THE REGISTER RIGHT NOW!” One of the men said pointing the gun at the cashier. He shouted at the clerk. As everyone was getting one the ground freaking out, my body did nothing. I dropped the snacks from where I was and was completely frozen, my body could not comprehend what was going on. The robber that was pointing the gun at the people in the store, I made eye contact with him. My heart dropped.
“Come here sweetheart” he says in a creepy voice as he was using the gun to usher for me to come over. I still was frozen and could not move.
“I said COME HERE RIGHT NOW” as he shouts and points the gun at me. His voice startled me and I felt my eyes start to water. My feet were finally able to slowly move to him.
“Hands in the air” he said and I obeyed.
“Good girl” as he uses his free arm to wrap around my waist to hold me while pointing the gun at my head. “You are my ticket out for when the cops come. Yeah you're going to be some nice leverage” he whispers into my ear. At this point my chances of living are decreasing by the second, so if I was going to have courage it had to be now.
“How about you fuck off and go die in a hole”
“Shut the fuck up bitch! Maybe I will just kill you now” he says as he presses the gun further into my head as if it wasn’t close enough. Maybe that wasn’t the best moment for courage. It didn’t matter at this point. I was thinking that this was it, I was going to die. This robber was going to shoot me like how my father was shot in the middle of a robbery just like this. I didn’t want to die, I wanted so much more with my life, I wanted to explore the world, especially Venice and take a gondola ride, I wanted to have a family, but most of all, I just wanted to say one last I love you to my mom. I wondered if that was one of my dad’s last thoughts when he died, if he just wanted to say I love you to my mom one last time. Not knowing when he was going to pull the trigger made the situation so much worse, the anticipation was killing me. I just wanted to know if he was going to do it or not.
“And mister have you ever learned that stealing is wrong, even I was taught that at a young age” a person in a red and blue tight suit just said leading against the door. Speaking so casually like the robbers was no real threat. The robber that was holding me had shifted us to be facing the mysterious person instead of looking sideways. Then after getting a better look at the person, I realized it’s Spider-Man, my chances of getting out of this alive just increased just a little bit, making me hopeful. As we turned Spiderman had shot his webs which ended up tying the robber who was pointing the gun at the clerk.
“And for you know it's rude to hold someone hostage...” Spider-Man started to fade out when he looked at me.
Both the robber and I were a little shocked that he had said my name.
“Oh so you know this girl. Is that so? Huh, well know I am most definitely taking her with me”
Even though the robber was speaking, I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying. Even though he just threatened to kidnap me, I knew that Spider-Man was going to get me out of this. I was just thinking about how Spiderman knows my name. Did I know him personally? Or did he just know my name? Have I come into contact with Spiderman real identity?
“How do you…” but before I could finish my question, Spiderman shot a web from his wrists and took the robber’s gun out of his hand. With a little bit of courage that I had left, I had elbowed the robber in the gut. As he was grabbing his now hurt stomach, I took this opportunity to run away from the robber. Maybe telling the robber to fuck off helped after all. Once I was out of reach, I had turned around and Spider-Man had already tied him up in his webs. After tying him up, Spiderman made his way toward me.
“Are you okay?” He asked. My adrenaline was still pumping throughout my entire body.
“Um, yeah I think so. Thank you for saving my life.”
“I am forever grateful”
“It’s nothing really, I'm just doing my job” as he itches the back of his head.
“Hey um how do you know my name?” Almost forgetting to ask him.
“Oh um I ah um sorry, um I-I got to go maybe next time” he states as he starts to run away, he turns back around and sees that you are picking up tour snacks that you dropped on the ground. He quickly comes back to your side and helps you pick up your snacks.
“You know what is a good snack miss?”
“Sour Patch Watermelons” he says and quickly runs away and swings his way out of the convenience store right before the police show up.
Thank you so much for reading my story! There are few things I need to mention
I’m sorry if you have been waiting for this part 2 to release, I have been busy with college work and a good family friends of mine are moving and my family and I have been helping them so it’s been chaotic with that as well.
There will be a part 3 (I obliviously can’t let the story end there)
And I have been on tumbler for awhile now but I have only read fanfics and never really wrote till now. But I have recently been struggling with replies to my posts. I turned on my replies so that everyone can reply but it seems to not be working. If you know your way around this app or know how to help me, please message me! I would like to hear people’s comments on my stories!
Thank you 😊
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tlbodine · 4 years
Of Course We’re Angry
In 2016, I remember having a heated argument with my brother on Facebook. I don’t remember exactly what started it, but we were clashing heads over the Democratic primary. He, a Clinton supporter, had just called me a gender traitor for continuing to support Sanders -- that my unexamined latent misogyny is the only possible reason why I might oppose her candidacy. 
“It’s not that,” I remember trying to explain, confused and alarmed to be having this argument with my brother. “It’s just that I like Bernie. He stands for all of the things that I value! He’s like the Mockingjay of our revolution.” 
My brother questioned why I thought we needed a revolution. 
I wondered how he could possibly think we didn’t. 
They feed us all of these stories about plucky revolutionaries, and then balk when people start to protest. 
If you didn’t want a revolution, you shouldn’t have raised us with Robin Hood, Harry Potter, Star Wars and The Hunger Games. 
When V for Vendetta said, “Governments should fear their people,” we listened. 
Did you expect us not to? 
The thing you have to understand about Millennials is that many of us feel we have nothing to lose; we do not believe in the future. 
Everything we were raised to expect turned out to be a lie. We were told, “Study hard, go to college, and get a good job. You don’t want to grow up to be a garbage man.” And so we did. More than half of us went to college, more than any previous generation. We studied science and arts and humanities, and then graduated into a world where no one respected science, no one valued art, and no one had any humanity. 
We graduated with crushing debt into a massive recession. The jobs we were promised did not exist. The college diploma, once a guarantee of higher pay, became the minimum requirement at every office job and call center. 
All of my friends have college degrees. All of us make less than $15/hr. Very few of us have children. Even fewer can afford houses. Many of us had to move in with our parents, and some have never been able to leave. Some of my friends have been unemployed or working the gig economy since 2008 -- people who are no longer counted among the unemployed, a whole lost generation of young people. None of us will be able to retire. Most of us do not have health insurance. Many of us do not have credit. 
And we are the lucky ones. 
We are the privileged. We are not being murdered on the streets and in our homes.
But we are, in our own small way, also victims of the robber barons of a ruling class that profits off of suffering and enforces its cruelty with a corrupt legal system.
You told us to go to college, and so we did. We studied history and economics and literature and learned how the world was made by Black people and brown people and women and LGBT people. 
Occupy Wallstreet.
Black Lives Matter. 
If you didn’t want us to protest, why were the rebels the heroes in all of the stories?
In 2018, scientists told us we had 20 years to solve global warming or the damage would be unstoppable. Climate change is a looming existential threat, a potential end date to our survival on this planet, but we don’t have the time or the resources of the energy to deal with that right now because we’re a little busy with a pandemic, a race war, a national recession and an opioid crisis. We’re a little exhausted because we’ve been alive for 17 of the 25 deadliest mass shootings and instead of passing gun laws, we’re manufacturing bullet-proof backpacks for children. We’re a little tired because we’re working low-wage jobs for corporations that earn billions of dollars and don’t pay taxes. 
“Make America Great Again,” Donald Trump said, and he was a goddamn liar.
But Clinton said, “America is already great!” 
And still people did not understand why young people didn’t want to vote for her.
We say: Burn it to the ground.
We say: Bring back the guillotine. 
We say: No justice, no peace. 
And somehow, still, people are shocked to consider that we mean it. 
The thing you have to understand is that when you don’t believe you have a future, you don’t have anything to lose.
It’s May 31, 2020, and the nation is on fire. 
Literally. There are buildings and vehicles burning in cities across the country. Protests, looting, rioting, police driving into crowds, fights breaking out, National Guard deployment. Some people have been injured. Some have died. Of the four police present at the death of George Floyd, only one has been arrested.
105,557 people are dead in the USA of COVID-19. Hospitals are using trash bags as PPE and can’t afford ventilators, but the police have a seemingly endless supply of riot gear, rubber bullets, and tear gas.
It’s unclear how and why all of the property damage is occurring at these protests. From reports, it seems clear that there are bad actors stepping into the protests to agitate and escalate. Who they are seems up for debate -- antifa, police, disaffected white people, anarchists, whoever. This shit is not OK and it is going to get Black people arrested and/or killed. 
I want to make it extremely clear that my post above is not written to promote violence or excuse the behavior of white people causing trouble at these protests. This is not about us, and our anger should not be speaking over Black protesters or putting them at harm. 
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vanishingpod · 4 years
Sunday Audio Drama Recs!
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Happy Sunday from Team Vanishing Act! Here are four more shows we love that we think you will love too! 
1) Death By Dying: This show is an all time Hall of Fame favorite round these parts (these parts being our hearts? I guess, idk, lost the trail of that metaphor). Death By Dying is about the Obituary Writer in a small town, and every episode is centered around an obituary he is writing (or will write by the end of the episode). There is literally nothing we don’t love about this show, from it’s dark, wry tone to its hilarious worldbuilding to its genuine creepiness to its ability to turn on a dime from silly to genuinely melancholic and deeply touching. There are so many memorable characters (the Button-Eyed Raven, the Slapper, Pastor Jeff) and bits (the apricot battle in the town market, OW’s immaculate fashion sense, Gert, the line “he wasn’t the talk of the town, but he was the talker of the town”) Over the course of the five main-plot episodes it goes on a truly, insanely well-crafted journey with one of those tone shifts in the last act that feels at once like a huge twist but also inevitable and right. It reminds me so much of Over the Garden Wall in its final episode and I mean that in the best way possible--spooky and dark but also oddly comforting, existentially sad but also life affirming and hopeful. This show means a lot to us here and we hope you’ll give it a shot. Find them @deathbydyingpod​
2) Windfall: Alright it’s acton-adventure time, y’all! This show has it all: a full, sweeping instrumental score; a sprawling large-cast fantasy/sci-fi action adventure vibe; reluctant, flawed, morally grey heroes; saying “fuck capitalism”; intricate, lived-in worldbuilding; some of the best voice talent out there; etc etc etc. The show takes place in the nation of Windfall--ever since a castle appeared in the sky, the city has been built upward towards it rather than out, and in a sort of vertical Snowpiercer move, the wealthy live further up, with the poorer classes down below. Our protagonists are a series of “grounders” who get tangled up with the business going on upstairs when one of their own is recruited into the military police (the Wolfpac), creating ripples among our cast that force them to decide where they stand. It’s a grand adventure in every sense told incredibly well--the writing on this show is some of the best you’ll find out there in audio drama and it’s executed in a fantastically immersive way that I hope will sweep you away like it did to me. (Not on tumblr, but find them on twitter here.)
3) Palimpsest: Gothic, atmospheric, psychological anthology fiction fans, this one is 100% gonna be for you. The first season of Palimpsest tells the story of Anneliese, who records an audio diary as she moves into a new house after a breakup, still dealing with the death of her sister--the story is very much a slow burn tale of Anneliese being haunted by the memories of the house, but also bringing her own haunting to the house. Horror stories like this need to be threaded so carefully--they have to keep that slow simmer at just the right level to feel like it could bubble over at any moment, and they have to know when to let it loose. Palimpsest knows what its doing, and rest assured you’re in good hands--trust these fantastic creators. As mentioned, its an anthology series, with a different setting and protagonist each season (season two is set in the 19th century, season three during the Blitz in London), with a common thread connecting them all, so choose what appeals to you! (Not on tumblr but find them on Twitter here.)
4) The Magnus Archives: I almost definitely don’t need to sell this here, it’s fantastic and has deserved love and acclaim--but we do love it and want to shout out what we love about it! We started listening around Halloween of last year and shot through two seasons in a very short period of time. If you want that perfect marriage of horror anthology and overarching slow build narrative, this is really the perfect example. The first season eases you in to the general concept with one-off stories of various people’s experiences with the supernatural entities, which they report to The Magnus Institute--these reports are read aloud by the Archivist, who we get to know personally as time goes on and he becomes less and less skeptical and more and more entangled with said supernatural entities. You, the listener, start to slowly hear commonalities, you hear names come up that you’ve heard before and recognize similar experiences from subject to subject, and the show trusts you to piece these together yourself early on, to be an active part of the narrative alongside Jon. It makes it feel like such an interactive, immersive, addictive experience, and you want to keep listening because you don’t want to lose track of the threads you’re connecting. Even when you don’t know the characters who work for the Archives that well yet, the stories are genuinely scary (the cave diving episode in particular is true Nightmare Fuel and an excellent stand-alone horror story), and when you do get to know them, it’s even scarier because you care about them getting caught up in this terrifying world where there are no rules of fairness and true evil runs free. (Also there’s a whole meta-narrative about how it feels to be a millennial stuck in a job you hate that actively seems to be set out to kill you in horrible ways and it. is. RELATABLE.) (Don’t think they’re on tumblr, but find them on Twitter here.)
If you love these shows, please consider leaving them a review on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser so they can get the word out to more potential listeners!
Previous recommendation posts: one, two, three, four, five, six. 
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newstfionline · 3 years
Monday, April 26, 2021
California ponders slow growth future (AP) In 1962, when California’s population of more than 17 million surpassed New York’s, Gov. Pat Brown celebrated by declaring a state holiday. In the coming days, when the U.S. Census Bureau is expected to release the state’s latest head count, there probably will be no celebrations. Over the past decade, California’s average annual population growth rate slipped to 0.06%—lower than at any time since at least 1900. The state is facing the prospect of losing a U.S. House seat for the first time in its history, while political rivals Texas and Florida add more residents and political clout. The reality behind the slowed growth isn’t complicated. Experts point to three major factors: declining birth rates; a long-standing trend of fewer people moving in from other states than leaving; and a drop in international immigration, particularly from Asia, which has made up for people moving to other states. California is in the throes of a yearslong housing crisis as building fails to keep up with demand, forcing more people onto the streets and making home ownership unattainable for many. The state has the nation’s highest poverty rate when housing is taken into account. Its water resources are consistently taxed, and the state has spent more than half of the past decade in drought. Freeways are jammed as more people move to the suburbs, and worsening wildfires are destroying homes and communities.
Armenians Celebrate Biden’s Genocide Declaration as Furious Turkey Summons US Ambassador (Newsweek) Armenia celebrated President Joe Biden’s recognition of the massacres of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire during World War I as genocide on Saturday, as Turkey summoned the U.S. ambassador and strongly condemned the move. In acknowledging of the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians as genocide, Biden went further than his predecessors in the White House after years of careful language on the issue. The move risks fracturing America’s relationship with Turkey, a longtime U.S. ally and NATO partner. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent Biden a letter praising his statement. Meanwhile, officials in Turkey quickly denounced Biden’s remarks and summoned the US Ambassador to Ankara. In a statement, Turkey said its foreign minister, Sedat Onal, has told ambassador David Satterfield that Biden’s remarks caused “wounds in ties that will be hard to repair.” Onal also reportedly told Satterfield that Turkey “rejected it, found it unacceptable and condemned in the strongest terms.”
Ahead of Geneva talks, Cypriots march for peace (Reuters) Thousands of Cypriots from both sides of a dividing line splitting their island marched for peace on Saturday, ahead of informal talks in Geneva next week on the future of negotiations. With some holding olive branches, people walked in the bright spring sunshine around the medieval walls circling the capital, Nicosia. The United Nations has called for informal talks of parties in the Cyprus dispute in Geneva on April 27-29, in an attempt to look for a way forward in resuming peace talks that collapsed in mid-2017. Prospects for progress appear slim, with each side sticking to their respective positions. Greek Cypriots say Cyprus should be reunited under a federal umbrella, citing relevant United Nations resolutions. The newly-elected Turkish Cypriot leader has called for a two-state resolution. Cyprus was split in a Turkish invasion in 1974 triggered by a brief Greek-inspired coup, though the seeds of separation were sown earlier, when a power-sharing administration crumbled in violence in 1963, just three years after independence from Britain.
World’s Biggest Covid Crisis Threatens Modi’s Grip on India (Bloomberg) As India recorded more than 234,000 new Covid-19 infections last Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held an election rally in the West Bengal town of Asansol and tweeted: “I’ve never seen such huge crowds.” The second wave of the coronavirus has since grown into a tsunami. India is now the global coronavirus hotspot, setting records for the world’s highest number of daily cases. Images of hospitals overflowing with the sick and dying are flooding social media, as medical staff and the public alike make desperate appeals for oxygen supplies. The political and financial capitals of New Delhi and Mumbai are in lockdown, with only the sound of ambulance sirens punctuating the quiet, but there’s a growing chorus of blame directed at Modi over his government’s handling of the pandemic. “At this crucial time he is fighting for votes and not against Covid,” said Panchanan Maharana, a community activist from the state of Odisha, who previously supported Modi’s policies but will now look for alternative parties to back. “He is failing to deliver—he should stop talking and focus on saving people’s lives and livelihoods.” Modi is seen by many as a polarizing leader whose brand of nationalism that promotes the dominance of Hindus has appalled and enraptured the nation. Whether the pandemic will dent his appeal remains unclear.
ASEAN leaders tell Myanmar coup general to end killings (AP) Southeast Asian leaders demanded an immediate end to killings and the release of political detainees in Myanmar in an emergency summit Saturday with its top general and coup leader who, according to Malaysia’s prime minister, did not reject them outright. The leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations also told Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing during the two-hour talks in Jakarta that a dialogue between contending parties in Myanmar should immediately start, with the help of ASEAN envoys. Daily shootings by police and soldiers since the Feb. 1 coup have killed more than 700 mostly peaceful protesters and bystanders, according to several independent tallies. The messages conveyed to Min Aung Hlaing were unusually blunt and could be seen as a breach of the conservative 10-nation bloc’s bedrock principle forbidding member states from interfering in each other’s affairs. But Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said that policy should not lead to inaction if a domestic situation “jeopardizes the peace, security, and stability of ASEAN and the wider region” and there is international clamor for resolute action.
Sunken missing Indonesian submarine found broken into pieces (Reuters) A missing Indonesian submarine has been found, broken into at least three parts, at the bottom of the Bali Sea, army and navy officials said on Sunday, as the president sent condolences to relatives of the 53 crew. Navy chief of staff Yudo Margono said the crew were not to blame for the accident and that the submarine did not experience a blackout, blaming “forces of nature”. A sonar scan on Saturday detected the submarine at 850 metres (2,790 feet), far beyond the Nanggala’s diving range.
At least 82 die in Baghdad COVID hospital fire (Reuters) A fire sparked by an oxygen tank explosion killed at least 82 people and injured 110 at a hospital in Baghdad that had been equipped to house COVID-19 patients, an Interior Ministry spokesman said on Sunday. “We urgently need to review safety measures at all hospitals to prevent such a painful incident from happening in future,” spokesman Khalid al-Muhanna told state television, announcing the toll.
Struggling to stay afloat during the pandemic, people turn to strangers online for help (Washington Post) The pandemic has been disastrous for millions of families across the United States. Roughly 8.5 million jobs have not returned since February 2020. Meanwhile, more than 564,000 people have died of the coronavirus, and 100,000 small businesses closed permanently in just the first three months of the crisis. The government has provided help, including through multiple relief packages that sent out three rounds of stimulus checks and extended unemployment benefits. But for many people it hasn’t been enough—or come quickly enough—to avoid eviction, put food on the table and cover a growing pile of monthly bills. Enter crowdfunding, which has taken off more than ever in the past year as a way to supplement income. Sites like GoFundMe, Kickstarter or even Facebook allow people and businesses to establish a cause—or set up a page laying out why they (or someone they are raising the money for) need money, and what the cash will go toward. After demand spiked last year, GoFundMe in October formalized a new category specifically for rent, food and bills. More than $100 million had been raised at that time year-to-date for basic living expenses in tens of thousands of campaigns during 2020—a 150 percent increase over 2019. But a year into the pandemic, some individual crowdfunding campaigns are reporting little success raising donations to cover basic expenses. As pandemic fatigue worsens, it’s getting hard to raise cash for basic expenses this way. Daryl Hatton, CEO and founder of FundRazr said when he browsed through the campaigns for basic expenses, most were getting little or no donations. “I saw a whole bunch of zeros,” he said. Crowdfunding still tends to work best when people have a compelling story to tell.
Older people are the one group egalitarians discriminate against (Quartz) Young people have always been critical of their elders. What’s noteworthy about the way millennials and Zoomers talk about Baby Boomers today isn’t their disdain but its particulars: They resent the older generation because they feel shortchanged, deprived of promising futures. Gen Z, for example, famously channeled their frustration with the generation they hold responsible for issues like climate change and wealth inequality into the simple, sarcastic meme “OK boomer.” Vaccines aside, these economic frustrations are grounded in reality. At the same time, younger people’s systemic objections to the distribution of wealth and power in the US can wind up curdling into ageism. A new paper, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, highlights the importance of guarding against this bias. Over 80% of Americans between the ages of 50 and 80 say they experience ageism in their everyday lives, according to a 2020 poll from the University of Michigan. “I think many people overlook ageism as a form of prejudice in American society,” says Ashley Martin, an assistant professor of organizational behavior at Stanford University, who co-authored the paper with Michael North, an assistant professor at New York University. “It is often overlooked as an “ism” altogether, not only being condoned but often even promoted.” The paper identifies a surprising link between ageism and egalitarianism. The more participants in the study supported the principle of equality for all, the more likely they were to be biased against older people.
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sasquapossum · 3 years
Political Power in the Real World
These ideas have been boiling around in my head for a while, and I keep getting in "discussions" that seem to center on other people's misunderstandings about how political power actually works, so I might as well squirt it all out and let my mind move on to something else. Warning: this is long and not a light read either. Apologies to anyone who finds this kind of thing tedious or aggravating.
A lot of problems come down to people being conditioned to think about politics in terms of binary opposites - left vs. right, capitalist vs. socialist, conservative vs. progressive, authoritarian vs. libertarian. Even combining two or more of these still embeds the idea of binary opposition. The popular "political compass" (left/right and authoritarian/libertarian) is barely more useful because of this. The "left libertarian" quadrant is almost always empty or nearly so because even though people like that sort of exist (including me) the model misrepresents their relationship to people in other quadrants. It's like the Mercator projection of a spherical world onto a rectangular map, grossly distorting areas and distances. Even worse, the distortions vary according to where the map-maker chose to put the center. I don't think a perfect projection of political beliefs is possible either, but I have one that I feel at least doesn't misrepresent the relationships between significant points so badly.
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What do all these labels mean? Let's start with the classic state, which is the one most people will recognize.
Presidents or prime ministers
Police and other enforcement-oriented agencies
Bills, executive orders, broad policy
Then we have the quasi-state - organizations outside the official state but which still have state-like power to shape our lives especially via work. To a large extent what these have in common is self interest, as opposed to either democratic will or tradition.
Wall Street (including Madison Avenue and Sand Hill Road)
Big oil/ag/pharma
Media as they actually exist
Third we have institutions - the real-world embodiment of various traditions that define our permanent culture.
Constitutions and courts that respect them
Permanent civil service
Journalism as it used to exist
Science and the empirical method
Education (as a vocation not as a business)
In the middle we have either dynamic balance (if the other three are strong) or anarchy (if they're weak). If you're visually inclined you could think of this as a third dimension that's longer in the center, forming a spindle shape. Alternatively, it could be a sphere with balance and anarchy at the poles and the rest around the equator. But there are dangers in getting too stuck on visual/physical analogies.
The first thing to notice is how poor the mapping is between this representation and our traditional binaries. "Right" could sort of mean a stronger quasi-state, but "left" is fragmented among people who might favor any of the other points. Similarly, "authoritarian" sort of means a stronger classic state, but then "libertarian" is also fragmented. By far the most common kind would move that power to the quasi-state, but anarchist libertarians are pretty common too and there are even a few institutionalist libertarians out there. And what does "conservative" even mean? In one sense it might mean a strong institutionalist, in another it might mean someone who supports the quasi-state-favoring status quo, and there are other possibilities as well.
The second thing about this representation is that only the classic state can move around. Institutions are fixed in place because that's their essential nature. The various parts of the quasi-state are fixed by their respective self-interest. But the classic state can align itself more closely with the quasi-state, or with institutions, or it can absorb all power into itself. Because of this unique mobility, debates over the role of the classic state tend to dominate political discourse.
One of the main political problems in the US today is that the capitalist quasi-state has become too dominant. It has pulled the classic state into its orbit, which has been all too willing to weaken institutions on its behalf. To the great majority of people, this is either a disaster already or a disaster waiting to happen. This alliance between the classic and quasi states is one of the defining features of fascism, but (important!) not the only one. In true fascism the classic state with its monopoly on legal and physical power is the "senior partner" in that relationship. We are not at fascism now, and my biggest worry is that the "internet leftists" (who have misappropriated the historical term) most committed to fighting quasi-state power are likely to drag us into fascism.
Wait, how's that? Consider what happens when you weaken the quasi-state. Which other option becomes stronger? Personally I think there's a lot of useful debate to be had about where to aim between the institutionalist edge and the balanced center. The anarchist center does not appeal, because anarchy is fundamentally unstable. When everything else is weakened, which is what revolutions do, institutions are always the last to recover. At any scale larger than part of a city (e.g. Christiania in Copenhagen), what inevitably happens is that black markets form, and either they themselves or the security apparatus created to oppose them turn into a new autocratic classic state. Whether the result is ideologically driven or profit driven, it's generally a nightmare for anyone but the leaders.
But that's not even my biggest fear. I don't think that trajectory is very likely. What's far more likely is that the internet leftists/socialists will try to take us directly from a powerful quasi-state to a powerful classic state. The problem is that the point in between is where real fascism lies. With institutions suppressed, as soon as the classic state outweighs the quasi-state BOOM you have fascism. Yes, I know true fascism also includes elements of nationalism, which the socialists claim to abhor, but if you think their attitudes aren't a kind of New Millennial Nationalism then you haven't been watching them stab "centrists" and "moderates" (both misnomers for people who actually do have strong political beliefs) in the back every chance they get. It's a different nationalism than the old white-supremacist puritanical kind, but one kind of nationalism replacing another without changing the essential dynamic of demagoguery and authoritarianism has been a consistent theme in every revolution so far. The new norms are just as strictly enforced as the old, and it doesn't make much difference if the shirts the enforcers wear are prettier than the old fashioned brown ones.
We absolutely need to smash "late stage" predatory capitalism. We need stronger regulations, liability reform, a stronger safety net, workers' rights, human rights, environment protection, real science, real journalism, police reform, less militarism, better free education for all, and so much more. Note that some of these things fall into the domain of institutions, while some fall into the domain of the classic state. We desperately need to rebuild the former, and move the latter out of the quasi-state's shadow. What we don't need is naïve "kill the billionaires" or "elites and those who lick their boots" tropes. We need a functioning democracy, not a different dystopia.
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mostweakhamlets · 5 years
Millennial au (or any au or canon I guess): Holmes develops an addiction to cocaine bc cocaine, despite what he says, turns off everything he's capable of observing. He can't concentrate while high and it's nice to not see everything.
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spn-meanttobe · 4 years
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Summaries Part Two [51-100]
Claiming Info -- FAQs/Rules The first Claims post will be a separate post going up on Saturday, November 7th at 12 pm EST. The second Claims post will be a separate post going up on Sunday, November 8th at 12 pm EST.
51. My Only Vice She's as pretty as a daisy... Sexy, easygoing Rosie Bliss may look like an innocent flower-shop owner, but former vice cop now police chief Sam Maguire is suspicious of the so-called herbs she grows along with her blooms. As sweet as a rose... So the serious detective launches an investigation into Rosie and her very mysterious past. But his most disturbing discovery? He's irresistibly attracted to free-spirited Rosie. And as dangerous as a Venus flytrap! Then cool, controlled Sam accidentally drinks a cup of her special brew and loses it completely! Not only does he end up sleeping with his suspect, he craves more – of Rosie, the most potent drug of all.
52. Night Shadow In a city ruled by fear... A solitary figure shrouded in black walked the night, determined to awaken a terrified metropolis from the nightmare of crime. There was nothing -- no bullets, and certainly not legal technicalities -- that could deter the man they called Nemesis from his mission. Deborah O'Roarke, an idealistic young prosecutor waging her own war against crime, owed Nemesis her very life. She shared his passion for justice, yet she could not accept his lawless methods. Still, though she fought her unwelcome desire for this disturbing stranger, she was unable to deny her longing to share the shadows that were his home.... After the night he saved Deborah O'Roarke from an attacker Nemesis rediscovered the sweet ache of longing. As Gage Guthrie he could woo her. But the idealistic prosecutor abhorred his vigilante approach to crime fighting. So how could he reveal he was the phantom who lurked in the Night Shadow? Fear casts a long shadow....
53. Night Shift Her voice was like whiskey, smooth and potent, but it was her contradictions that fascinated Detective Boyd Fletcher―the vulnerability beneath her tough-as-nails facade. Late-night radio announcer Cilla O'Roarke was being threatened by a caller, and it was Boyd's job to protect her no matter what. But the sultry deejay was getting under his skin, and the undeniable attraction that sizzled between them concerned the detective…because anything could happen on the Night Shift.
54. No Good Duke Goes Unpunished The ruin of the lady means the taming of the scoundrel. A rogue ruined... He is the Killer Duke, accused of murdering Mara Lowe on the eve of her wedding. With no memory of that fateful night, Temple has reigned over the darkest of London's corners for twelve years, wealthy and powerful, but beyond redemption. Until one night, Mara resurfaces, offering the one thing he's dreamed of: absolution. A lady returned... Mara planned never to return to the world from which she'd run, but when her brother falls deep into debt at Temple's exclusive casino, she has no choice but to offer Temple a trade that ends in her returning to society and proving to the world what only she knows...that he is no killer. A scandal revealed... It's a fine trade, until Temple realizes that the lady--and her past--are more than they seem. It will take every bit of his strength to resist the pull of this mysterious, maddening woman who seems willing to risk everything for honor... and to keep from putting himself on the line for love.
55. Once Smitten, Twice Shy Legend claims this antique Irish wedding veil can grant your heart's deepest desire. But be careful what you wish for... Wedding videographer Tish Gallagher is at the end of her rope. Her business is about to go bust. She's just spent her last buck on nonreturnable (but oh so fabulous) shoes. And her most sustainable relationship is with a pint of Häagen-Dazs. So she makes a wish on the lucky wedding veil to get out of debt...and sees the man she never stopped loving, her ex-husband, secret service agent Shane Tremont. Sure, their chemistry was off-the-charts sizzling hot, but their clashes were legendary, and no amount of longing will change that. When her dream job of recording the first daughter's wedding appears out of the blue, Tish knows it's her only shot to get out of the red. Just one teensy glitch: Shane is the groom. From the moment they see each other, she knows nothing's changed - the same old black magic is still between them, as irresistible and potent as ever. But he's promised to another and Tish has been burned before. Will she always be... once smitten, twice shy?
56. One Night with Morelli Warning: one night will never be enough… Draco Morelli: ruthless businessman, adoring father and wary ex-husband. This gorgeous Italian only ever signs up for temporary flings with glamorous women who know the rules of the game. Until he is blindsided by the one woman in all of London not interested in a relationship with him…. Eve Curtis: dedicated workaholic, loyal friend and self-professed singleton. Determined to remain independent, Eve has been happy keeping men at a safe distance. Until now. Because when Draco sweeps her off her feet and into his bedroom, he opens her eyes to a whole new world of sin and seduction!
57. One Night with the Shifter A one-night stand with a werewolf has unexpected consequences. After he is exiled from his pack, Tyee Grayson must learn to make it on his own. But one night with a beautiful stranger who has luminous blue eyes changes everything…. Especially when his instincts shout that she is the one. All elementary school teacher Jessica Brierly wanted was a night on the wild side, but when she finds herself pregnant, all the rules change. Not only does her lover have more secrets than she ever imagined, but suddenly they're both fighting off vampires. When vampires attack the town she dearly loves, Ty must work with his old pack to save them from a ruthless enemy who could kill not only his mate and his unborn child – but the entire human race.
58. One Texas Night Melinda Amery awoke to the double-barreled deep blue eyes of Lieutenant Grady Sloan. A more formidable – or handsome – man she'd never seen. And he wanted answers about a murder. Only, Melinda had none. She had no recall, except she knew nothing good would come from remembering... Grady was the kind of cop who wouldn't let go until he got what he wanted. With his job on the line, he needed to break the case. But the only witness had amnesia – and tormented dark eyes that needed healing. And Grady couldn't help his overwhelming attraction toward Melinda. But would her hidden memories reveal more than either of them wanted to know... ?
59. Pushing the Limits No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible. Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.
60. Red, White & Royal Blue When his mother became President, Alex Claremont-Diaz was promptly cast as the American equivalent of a young royal. Handsome, charismatic, genius—his image is pure millennial-marketing gold for the White House. There's only one problem: Alex has a beef with the actual prince, Henry, across the pond. And when the tabloids get hold of a photo involving an Alex-Henry altercation, U.S./British relations take a turn for the worse. Heads of family, state, and other handlers devise a plan for damage control: staging a truce between the two rivals. What at first begins as a fake, Instagrammable friendship grows deeper, and more dangerous, than either Alex or Henry could have imagined. Soon Alex finds himself hurtling into a secret romance with a surprisingly unstuffy Henry that could derail the campaign and upend two nations and begs the question: Can love save the world after all? Where do we find the courage, and the power, to be the people we are meant to be? And how can we learn to let our true colors shine through? Red, White & Royal Blue proves true love isn't always diplomatic.
61. Renegade Protector When intimidation turns to deadly force, it's time for Frontier Justice. If ruthless developers want Mariana Balducci's land, they'll have to kill her for it. And they nearly succeed—until Ty Morrison foils her attacker. The sexy San Francisco cop is part of a secret organization called Frontier Justice. Mariana is tough, but she realizes she can't win this fight alone. And when bullets fly, Ty realizes battling bad guys is easier than fighting their sizzling attraction.
62. Rocky Mountain Wedding Melody Pennington fled to Montana for a new start as a mail-order bride. Gabe Brooks, handsome older brother to the man she was supposed to marry, helps her settle in. But what Melody doesn't expect is to fall for the rugged, closed-off lawman...
63. Romancing the Chef When Veronica Howard is invited to compete in an all-star TV cooking contest, the up-and-coming restaurateur is ready for a fair food fight. Then she discovers who her main competition is: Ace Brown, her friend from culinary school – now the world's hottest celebrity chef. Has she gone from the frying pan right into the fire? Ace Brown – aka the Sexy Chef – knows what women want. After all, recipes for desire are his globe-trotting specialty. Ronnie may not have given him the time of day back in school, but this time Ace is cooking up a surprise she can't resist. Seducing the voluptuous foodie will be his pleasure…until she turns up the heat. With sexual sparks flying, is the footloose bachelor about to become a connoisseur…of love?
64. Rumors that Ruined a Lady Amongst the gossip-hungry ton, no name has become more synonymous with sin than that of Lady Caroline Rider, cast out by her husband and disowned by her family. Rumor has it that the infamous Caro is now seeking oblivion in the opium dens of London! There's only one man who can save her: notorious rake Sebastian Conway, Marquis of Ardhallow. Soon Caro is installed in his country home, warming his bed, but their passion may not be enough to protect them once news of their scandalous arrangement breaks out.
65. Secrets of a Gentleman Escort He's the talk of the ton – for all the wrong reasons! Society's most outrageous – and popular! – escort Nicholas D'Arcy is renowned for his utmost discretion. So when he suddenly finds himself named and shamed by a jealous husband, he reluctantly accepts a summons to the countryside…a fate worse than death! Annorah Price-Ellis isn't what Nick is used to – innocent, feisty and decidedly uncomfortable with the spontaneous heat between them! Suddenly, London's most audacious lover is out of his depth, and in danger of revealing the real man behind the polished facade….
66. Seduced by the Operative For psychologist Claire Cantwell--code name Cyrene--the stakes couldn't be higher. Tapped for a top-secret mission for the president, the OMEGA covert operative needed the unique expertise of a man with whom she'd shared danger--and her bed. Lethally attractive special ops agent and ultra-suave diplomat Luis Esteban wanted more than Claire was ready to give. Now, with their very survival at stake, Claire has to trust Luis with her life... even if that means surrendering the one thing she vowed never to give: her heart.
67. Serendipity Faith Harrington was the classic girl of privilege - until her father was convicted of running a Ponzi scheme and then her marriage crashed and burned. Now Faith is back in her hometown, hoping for a fresh start. But her father's betrayal has rocked Serendipity - and not everyone is ready to welcome her with open arms. Then she runs into her teenage crush - the dark, brooding Ethan Barron. Ethan, no stranger to scandal himself, never imagined he'd own the mansion on the hill, much less ever again come face-to-face with Faith - the princess he once kissed senseless. The chance meeting reignites the electric charge between them. Still, when Ethan hires her to redecorate what was once her childhood home, Faith is sure that getting involved with the town's notorious bad boy will lead only to trouble. But her heart has other ideas. And so do the townspeople of Serendipity...
68. Shades of Desire Natalie Jones is the lucky survivor of an elusive killer who preys on young women and then disappears from view. And since her harrowing ordeal, the once gutsy photojournalist has remained isolated in her home, paralyzed by fear and her failing vision. Special Agent Liam "Mac" McKenzie has scars of his own. But despite his efforts to ignore the attraction that simmers between him and Natalie, he needs her help to catch a predator. Soon, they will forge a tentative alliance, charged with desire. Through a soft-focus lens, Natalie dares to envision a future with Mac beyond the investigation & never guessing that the clues hidden within her photographs are drawing them into an explosive confrontation with a madman.
69. She's Got it Bad Twelve years ago Zoe Ford let Liam Masters break her heart. But now? There's not a chance. Zoe is as tough and wild as they come. So when Liam shows up at her tattoo parlor, she's more than ready to take him on again. That's not going to be a hardship, since he's hotter than he ever was. This time she's staying in charge. And she's not going to consider their score settled until he's hot, bothered and begging for more! Then she'll move on as callously as he left her. Unless all that deliciously bad sex is just too good to give up….
70. Snowbound with the Soldier Maybe this Christmas…? It has been seven long years since Kara Jameson last saw Jason Greene. Returning home as a wounded war hero, Jason looks a shell of the man she once knew. Yet her heart still skips a beat as if it was yesterday…. Stepping back into civilian life, Jason looks to Kara for help. But there's too much water under the bridge – not to mention too much lingering attraction. But it seems that the mountain weather has other ideas, and when Kara and Jason end up snowbound together they are forced to confront the ghosts of Christmas past.
71. Soldier Caged
He'd lost blood and comrades on the world's battlefields, but neither compared to losing his memory. Waking up in a secret military bunker, drugged, with vague images of a mission gone bad, Jonah had nowhere to turn. Until help came in the form of the one woman he'd always remember... Psychologist Sophia Rhodes never got over the bad boy who'd stolen her good-girl heart a decade ago. But without military training, how could she possibly steal Jonah from a high-security facility? She had only one hope--that he'd never forgotten her, either. Sophia knew the breakout was the easy part. Somehow she had to help Jonah focus his hazy images--before a desperate man made sure he'd never remember...
72. Sound Bites Renee Evans has a knack for trouble. After walking in on her best friend and boyfriend in bed together, twenty-five-year-old Renee flees her dream job as a music journalist in sunny Los Angeles and returns to her hometown of Boston – only to meet Dylan Cavallari, the mysterious, aspiring musician who lives in her apartment building. Dylan's piercing gaze and womanizing demeanor make him exactly the type of guy that Renee should steer clear of – which is most likely the reason she falls for him. But when Renee's troublesome ex comes back and threatens to drive her and Dylan apart, Renee is forced to face her past and save her relationship with Dylan before it's too late.
73. Succubus Blues When it comes to jobs in hell, being a succubus seems pretty glamorous. A girl can be anything she wants, the wardrobe is killer, and mortal men will do anything just for a touch. Granted, they often pay with their souls, but why get technical? But Seattle succubus Georgina Kincaid's life is far less exotic. Her boss is a middle-management demon with a thing for John Cusack movies. Her immortal best friends haven't stopped teasing her about the time she shape-shifted into the Demon Goddess getup complete with whip and wings. And she can't have a decent date without sucking away part of the guy's life. At least there's her day job at a local bookstore--free books; all the white chocolate mochas she can drink; and easy access to bestselling, sexy writer, Seth Mortensen, aka He Whom She Would Give Anything to Touch but Can't. But dreaming about Seth will have to wait. Something wicked is at work in Seattle's demon underground. And for once, all of her hot charms and drop-dead one-liners won't help because Georgina's about to discover there are some creatures out there that both heaven and hell want to deny...
74. Tell Me Your Secrets It was a dark and sexy night... And Brooke Ashby knew she was in over her head. As head writer for the soap opera Secrets, she was used to living vicariously through her characters. But that all changed the day she learned she was adopted, and that her identical twin sister had mysteriously disappeared. What else could she do but try to discover what had happened, even if it meant taking her sister's place? It shouldn't be hard. After all, she was good at research and had a talent for acting, if she did say so herself. Her plan seemed foolproof…until Brooke found herself in bed with her sister's fiancé….
75. Temptation's Kiss Patrice Sutton has just landed the role of her career. Snagging the female lead opposite devastatingly handsome, six-foot-three movie idol T. K. McKenna is a dream come true. When she learns they'll be filming out West she's secretly thrilled…and ready to show her gorgeous co-star the ropes of life on the ranch. Until T.K. turns the tables – by initiating her into the art of seduction far from the camera's glare. T.K. knows that with her incredible beauty, talent and sweet sincerity, Patrice has what it takes to make it really big. And the burgeoning film star is showing T.K. a passion more real than anything he's ever experienced on – or off – the screen. But what will it take to prove to her that she's the only woman he'll ever desire…and love?
76. Texas Mom Texas veterinarian Delaney Blair will do anything to find a bone marrow donor for her four-year-old son, Nickolas. The only likely match is his Argentinean father, Dario. But Dario and Delaney didn't part on good terms. In fact, he doesn't even know he has a son! Delaney travels to Argentina to find him, and Dario, shocked, returns to Texas. It's not long before Nick and Dario become close. Not only that, Dario can't hide the feelings he has for Delaney – feelings that have been there since they met. Dario's family doesn't want him to be with her. But now they have to see if the love between them is strong enough to keep them together.
77. The Cajun Cowboy Talk about a bad hair day! Louisiana beauty salon owner Charmaine LeDeux has a loan shark on her tail, and Raoul Lanier, the six-foot-three hunk of testosterone she thought she divorced, has just delivered a bombshell: They're still married! At least the rundown ranch they've inherited together is the perfect hideout. Holy crawfish! It's hard enough for Raoul to play cowboy to a bunch of scrawny steer, let alone suffer the exquisite torture of living with the delectable Charmaine, who's declared herself a born-again virgin. What's a man crazy with desire to do? Seduce her on their home on the range, even if it means taking advice from bachelor ranch hands, Charmaine's belly-dancing great-aunt, and St. Jude, patron saint of lost causes. With the moon shining over the bayou and the Dixie Mafia in hot pursuit, this Cajun cowboy must sweet-talk his way into his wife's arms again...before she unties the knot for good!
78. The Happy Baker We've all been there. The blind date from hell. The Big Hurt. The guy who details his various surgeries over Caesar salad on the first date. Who needs a pint of rocky road when you can head to the kitchen and work out your heartache with a whisk and a bottle of wine? Erin Bolger has been there, dated that and baked through it all. Turns out the more bitter the heartbreak, the sweeter the batter. So don't cry over bad dates, bad boyfriends or bad breakups – whip up a batch of My-Mom-Didn't-Like-You-Anyway Cupcakes and bake yourself happy.
79. The Heist FBI Special Agent Kate O'Hare is known for her fierce dedication and discipline on the job, chasing down the world's most wanted criminals and putting them behind bars. Her boss thinks she is tenacious and ambitious; her friends think she is tough, stubborn, and maybe even a bit obsessed. And while Kate has made quite a name for herself for the past five years the only name she's cared about is Nicolas Fox -- an international crook she wants in more ways than one. Audacious, handsome, and dangerously charming, Nicolas Fox is a natural con man, notorious for running elaborate scams on very high-profile people. At first he did it for the money. Now he does it for the thrill. He knows that the FBI has been hot on his trail -- particularly Kate O'Hare, who has been watching his every move. For Nick, there's no greater rush than being pursued by a beautiful woman... even one who aims to lock him up. But just when it seems that Nicolas Fox has been captured for good, he pulls off his greatest con of all: He convinces the FBI to offer him a job, working side by side with Special Agent Kate O'Hare. Problem is, teaming up to stop a corrupt investment banker who's hiding on a private island in Indonesia is going to test O'Hare's patience and Fox's skill. Not to mention the skills of their ragtag team made up of flamboyant actors, wanted wheelmen, and Kate's dad. High-speed chases, pirates, and Toblerone bars are all in a day's work... if O'Hare and Fox don't kill each other first.
80. The Inn at Eagle Point It's been years since Abby O'Brien Winters set foot in Chesapeake Shores. The Maryland town her father built has too many sad memories and Abby too few spare moments, thanks to her demanding Wall Street career, the crumbling of her marriage and energetic twin daughters. Then one panicked phone call from her youngest sister brings her racing back home to protect Jess's dream of renovating the charming Inn at Eagle Point. But saving the inn from foreclosure means dealing not only with her own fractured family, but also with Trace Riley, the man Abby left ten years ago. Trace can be a roadblock to her plans...or proof that second chances happen in the most unexpected ways.
81. The Klone and I After thirteen years of marriage and two kids, Stephanie was devastated when her husband left her for a younger woman. Suddenly she was alone. Then a spur-of-the-moment trip to Paris changed everything. Peter Baker was a handsome high-tech entrepreneur also visiting the city. Stephanie was certain it couldn't possibly work. But much to her amazement, he contacted her when they returned to New York. And Stephanie embarked on a bizarre and hilarious adventure beyond her wildest dreams. Shy, serious Peter, chairman of a bionic enterprise, was supposed to be away on business. Instead, he's standing at her door, wearing satin and rhinestones. Naturally, Stephanie thinks it's a joke -- until the truth suddenly dawns: this isn't Peter playing a role. This is his double! Calling himself Paul Klone, this wild, uninhibited creature isn't even remotely like Peter except for his identically sexy good looks. This uproarious novel explores the outrageous love triangle that develops between Stephanie, Peter... and The Klone.
82. The Man from Atlantis These days, eligible, attractive, single men weren't exactly coming out of the woodwork! So when Jenna stumbled across a gorgeous male specimen, she couldn't let a mere ten-thousand-year age difference interfere with romance! Besides, everyone knows older men are sexy!
83. The Man With Emerald Eyes A victim of her brother's gambling debts, lovely Theone Danvers had been left to choose between the hell of debtor's prison - and the lecherous arms of the Marquis de Juliers. But Theone was a fiery beauty with a mind of her own. Disguised as a lad, she took to the highroad with smoking pistols, and stole herself a fortune in gold. Then, in the green depths of the forest, she meets a rival - a highwayman with haunting emerald eyes, a price on his head, and a noble secret in his past. They join forces, and Theone rides headlong into the greatest danger of her renegade career: the unquenchable passions of a woman's first love!
84. The Prince Charming List Heather Lowell asked herself this question after moving to Prichett, Wisconsin, to temporarily manage the Cut and Curl Beauty Salon. She's hopeful that this summer she will finally find the love of her life. She even has a list detailing everything she wants in her Prince Charming. But when two men enter her life, Heather suddenly needs to figure out what she really wants – and whether handyman Ian Dexter or rebel-artist Jared Ward figures into her happily ever after.
85. The Ranger Texas Ranger Mitch Striker's uncomplicated bachelor lifestyle suits him just fine: catch the bad guys and move on. But there's nothing straightforward about struggling single mom Brandie Ryland or her adorable four-year-old son, Toby. The beautiful redhead is the prime suspect in Mitch's undercover investigation. But when a hostage standoff leaves Brandie's family vulnerable and uncovers a roomful of contraband and drugs, Mitch second-guesses her involvement in the crime…and his ability to keep his emotional distance. With the danger growing and the clock ticking, Mitch must save Brandie, catch the perps and handle the daddy heartstrings Toby keeps tugging on. Then he'll have to face the secrets he's sure Brandie's keeping – before they become his undoing.
86. The Rose Contract Love is free. Innocence has a price. Raena Barren was born with a secret: of all the magic users in the kingdom of Soma, she is the only one who can hide her power. As a child, she used this magic to help her survive on the streets--until she saved the life of a strange boy called Jorr Portent. He rewarded her with a job in the castle of Soma--and Raena spent the next ten years falling in love with him. But while Raena's life as a servant is sheltered, Jorr's world is one of spies and assassins. When Raena comes of age, their paths will diverge forever… unless Raena can earn a place by his side. To become one of Jorr's operatives, however, Raena must get to know her own body, and outsmart the deadly people around her. She must also sell her innocence to whatever man pays the most… even if that man can't be Jorr.
87. The Secret His Mistress Carried Hiding from the Greek… The ink is barely dry on Giorgios Letsos's divorce papers, but there's only one thing on this unstoppable Greek's mind: finding Billie Smith, his mistress before his marriage. But the sweet, pliable woman he once knew slams the door in his face! Billie fought hard to heal her broken heart after Gio chose to marry someone else. When he storms back into her life, she's determined not to fall for his seduction again. Especially now that she has a secret to protect…their son. But she hadn't counted on just how badly he wants her back in his bed!
88. The Space Between Us Tesla Martin is drifting pleasantly through life, slinging lattes at Morningstar Mocha, enjoying the ebb and flow of caffeine-starved customers, devoted to her cadre of regulars. But none of the bottomless-cup crowd compares with Meredith, a charismatic force of nature who can coax intimate tales from even the shyest of Morningstar's clientele. Caught in Meredith's sensual, irresistible orbit, inexpressibly flattered by the siren's attention, Tesla shares long-buried chapters of her life, holding nothing back. Nothing Meredith proposes seems impossible – not even Tesla sleeping with Meredith's husband, Charlie, while she looks on. After all, it's all in fun, isn't it? In a heartbeat, vulnerable Tesla is swept into a spectacular love triangle. Together, gentle, grounded Charlie and sparkling, maddening Meredith are everything Tesla has ever needed, wanted, or dreamed of, even if no one else on earth understands. They're three against the world. But soon one of the vertices begins pulling away until only two points remain – and the space between them gapes with confusion, with grief and with possibility….
89. The Texas Ranger's Reward Is he seeing double? He can't believe his eyes. When Travis Stillman meets Melissa Dalton, it's as if he's seeing the ghost of his late wife. That explains why his young son warms to Melissa so quickly. The orthopedic therapist is working wonders to help Casey readjust after an accident -- his boy has come alive again. But that's no reason for this former Texas Ranger to let his guard down as he settles into life as a P.I. and single dad. No woman can replace his wife -- especially not one who could be her twin. And when Melissa hires him to investigate a break-in at her family's cabin, he's even more determined to ignore the growing attraction between them. Now he's got to protect both Melissa, and his heart.
90. The Vampire Affair The world knew Michael Brandt as a playboy tycoon. The underworld knew him as a fierce vampire hunter. Armed with a wooden stake and superior strength, Michael targeted the most powerful overlords in a clandestine do-or-die operation...and then tabloid reporter Jessie Morgan uncovered his secret. Only once before had Michael allowed a woman into his secret lair. Now he'd fight heaven and hell to keep Jessie from the same fate. But he couldn't fight the attraction that drew him to her like a bloodlust. An attraction that might prove deadly...or worse. For Michael was going up against the most powerful of the undead--and that vampire had his fangs bared for Jessie.
91. Thief of Hearts An Innocent Beauty. Prim and pampered, Lucinda Snow knew little of men and nothing of danger, until the fog-shrouded night she found herself abducted—and at the mercy of the legendary Captain Doom. Ruthless and mocking, tender and virile, the notorious pirate awakened all Lucy's passionate longings, then abandoned her with nothing but a kiss... A Pirate's Prize. Now safely at home, the alluring waif is tormented by treacherous memories—and by the presence of Gerard Claremont, her mysterious new bodyguard. Everything about him, from his forbidding size to his impertinent manner, sparks her defiance. And even when Gerard's smile turns seductive, no one can make her forget Doom. Yet only when Lucy's path crosses the captain's once more, will she learn who is on a voyage of retribution, and who is out to steal her heart...
92. Things Good Girls Don't Do Good girls don't steal. Good girls don't visit sex shops. Good girls don't have one-night stands. For Katie Conners, being a good girl just isn't worth it anymore. It used to mean getting the life she always wanted. But that was before she got dumped and her ex got engaged to his rebound. So, after a bad day and one too many mojitos, Katie starts making a list of things a girl like her would never do, not in a million years... As a tattoo artist with a monster motorcycle, Chase Trepasso isn't the kind of guy you bring home to mom and dad. And when he finds Katie's list in a bar, he's more than happy to help her check off a few items. Especially the ones on the naughtier side... Katie's more than tempted by Chase's offer, as long as they keep things uncomplicated. But as they spend more time together, she may just wind up breaking the most important rule of all: Good girls don't fall in love with bad boys.
93. This Tender Truce The Boutonnet vineyards, passed down in her family for generations, mean everything to Tory. But she hadn't counted on her grandfather's one condition of her taking over: marry his godson, Chance Mobley. Unfortunately, Tory had decided long ago that she could never truly love the arrogant Frenchman. He had been raised alongside her, and she had loved him once – a child's crush. But Chance has no business being officially inducted into the Boutonnet family, and certainly doesn't deserve her beloved vineyard. As it turns out though, wine might not be the only thing for which Tory has a passion. And Chance has a few things to teach her about love.
94. Undead and Unwed It's been a helluva week for Betsy Taylor. First, she loses her job. Then, to top things off, she's killed in a car accident. But what really bites (besides waking up in the morgue dressed in a pink suit and cheap shoes courtesy of her stepmother) is that she can't seem to stay dead. Every night she rises, with a horrible craving for blood. She's not taking too well to a liquid diet. Worst of all, her new friends have the ridiculous idea that Betsy is the prophesied vampire queen, and they want her help in overthrowing the most obnoxious, power-hungry vampire in five centuries--a badly dressed Bela Lugosi wannabe, natch. Frankly, Betsy couldn't care less about vamp politics, but they have a powerful weapon of persuasion: designer shoes. How can any self-respecting girl say no? But a collection of Ferragamos isn't the only temptation for Betsy. It's just a lot safer than the scrumptious Sinclair--a seductive bloodsucker whose sexy gaze seems as dangerous as a stake through the heart...
95. Unguarded Rhiannon Jenkins is an events planner on the rise. And her latest client, Shawn Emerson, could make her career. Too bad the gorgeous man insists on mixing a lot of pleasure with his business. In Rhiannon's books getting involved with a client is the fastest way to exit a job. So, no. She'll resist all his come-get-me looks and tempting offers. While his charm is easy to overlook, Shawn in the role of confidant and friend breaks down all her best defenses. Suddenly the tables turn and she wants to be close to him. That means opening up about the ugly events of her past – a risk she hasn't taken before now. Oh, but he could be so worth it!
96. Walking Dead For once, Joanne Walker's not out to save the world. She's come to terms with the host of shamanic powers she's been given, her job as a police detective has been relatively calm, and she's got a love life for the first time in memory. Not bad for a woman who started out the year mostly dead. But it's Halloween, and the undead have just crashed Joanne's party. Now, with her mentor Coyote still missing, she has to figure out how to break the spell that has let the ghosts, zombies and even the Wild Hunt come back. Unfortunately, there's no shamanic handbook explaining how to deal with the walking dead. And if they have anything to say about it – which they do – no one's getting out of there alive.
97. What Waits Below Out of the depths... – All her life, Kendra Tremaine had trembled at the very thought of Lynx Lake. She had known even as a child that something unspeakable waited below the surface of the water and she had long sworn never again to set foot on its shore. And yet now she was back to take possession of the family estate that was her unwanted legacy. The legends of Lynx Lake had summoned another visitor, a man of strange powers and dark knowledge. Hart Rainwalker's obsession with the lake's secrets terrified Kendra, even as his brooding passion called to her soul. He claimed only he could protect her from the awful presence that threatened her. But who would protect her from her self-appointed guardian?
98. Wife for Hire The Prospective Husband with a Racy Past... Hank Mallone spotted trouble when she sat down and said she'd marry him! Maggie Toone was a tempting firecracker who'd make his life delightful hell if he let her pretend to be his wife in order to improve his rogue's reputation. Would his harebrained scheme to get a bank loan for his business backfire once Maggie arrived in his small Vermont town and let the gossips take a look? Maggie never expected her employer to be drop-dead handsome, or to affect her like a belt of bourbon on an empty stomach, but she was too intrigued by his offer to say no... and too eager to escape a life that made her feel trapped. The deal was strictly business, both agreed... until Hank turned out to be every fantasy she'd ever had, and Maggie was so bright, funny and downright irresistible that Hank fell head over heels in love! While the town watched, Hank wooed his wife with a charm that had never failed him yet. Could he make her dreams real by proving she belonged in his arms?
99. Wild Heat Sometimes old flames are the hottest of all... In the quaint little town of Cailkirn, Alaska, it's impossible to keep a secret, especially one as juicy as the unexpected return of Kitty Grant. Tack MacKinnon remembers her wild red curls and even wilder spirit-and still feels the sting from when she shattered his heart in college. But there's a pain in Kitty's gorgeous eyes that guts him to the core and Tack is determined to do whatever it takes to see the woman he still loves smile again - even if it means taking on her demons as his own. After fleeing an abusive ex-husband, Kitty decides that the best way to heal her broken heart is to come back home. But she gets a whole new shock when she sees how undeniably sexy Tack has become. More handsome, more muscular, more charming-more everything - he's impossible to resist. Before she knows it, they're reigniting sparks that could set the whole state of Alaska on fire. Yet trust doesn't come easy to Kitty anymore, and as things heat up between her and Tack, she can't help but wonder if one of them is going to get burned...
100. Zombie Moon Caleb Locke lived for one thing — killing zombies. And this man — this legend — was exactly what Samantha Wagner needed. In mist-shrouded alleys, hunted by zombies, haunted by fear, she vowed to find Caleb and convince him to help her. But she hadn't counted on falling in love…. Caleb kept his own secrets — like the one he couldn't hide when the moon was full. But his wolf was drawn to Samantha, recognizing her as his mate. With her in his arms, Caleb reveled in passion… and rued his deception. Would she still love the man who fought by her side if she realized that zombies weren't the only monsters? Samantha would have to make a choice—and she only had till the next full moon.
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enberlight · 4 years
Somehow I've been getting more followers. Hi! I don't know what brought most of you here, but here's what you'll find:
Lots of Miraculous Ladybug content. I'm a reblogging fiend for all y'all's artwork and fics. But not the salt, I'll let other blogs keep that flowing without me. My own ML artwork is on my alt, @caffeinatedmagpie, along with my jewelry and costume crafts. My fics are up on Ao3 and I swear more Mermaid goodness is coming once I kick this wacky schedule's behind. I want to see what Alya thinks of Blondie.
I watch a bunch of other shows too, but I don't have quite the creative... bug for those. But you'll see me reblog art and theories for BNHA, Spop, TDP, Kipo, BNA, and the Arcadia series (I still need to finish 3Below and start Wizards though ack). I wanna see Owl House soon. Retsuko is a Mood. The InuYasha sequel is dropping soon so expect me to fall hard into that for Nostalgia Reasons.
I am a Fandom Old and cut my teeth on Robotech, Thundercats, G1 Transformers, Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, and Yoroiden Samurai Troopers. I miss Gargoyles and Batman TAS.
I'm also a Trekkie. I've seen Everything except Discovery and the new animated one. Send free time plz.
Outside Fandom I am a wife and mom of two lovely and cunningly creative Black boys, and am a nonbinary biromantic grey-ace who leans left and wonders at the lack of scientific sense goin on 'round here. I'm in Georgia in the US (but from Up North) and good grief sense is uncommon. That said, block "#whoops politics" and "#go vote" if you need to keep my occasional bemoaning of political things off your dash. I also tag for "#police brutality" and "#police corruption" but never reblog anything graphic. I take those issues and LGBT ones personally as they have a direct impact on my family. I try to keep this blog fandom and fun fact centric though because who likes stress?
I'm also an Accidental Engineer. I went to college for Graphic Design but that stole my soul in 2.5 semesters so I switched to Business Admin. Somehow Excel and Access lead to AutoCAD and now I map out offices from around the globe (except the State of Things has killed workflow and I'm about to furlowed haha. More time for Art?)
Basically I'm a quirky middish-old queer millennial introvert who loves shiny things. My askbox and inbox are always open for friendly chatter and queries. (Feel free to drop me a line about anything except politics and religion.)
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thingsdoingstuff · 4 years
Justice is Overrated
     So, after taking a good look at the world and thinking that I somehow have everything solved as every other entitled millennial my age has, I have decided to start a blog. Though I am quite obviously the first and only person to do this to date, it’s probably worth mentioning that I’m not coming onto this website (universally known as the wine stain of pretentious liberal soy-boys that miraculously share the exact same opinion on everything even remotely political whining about how hard it it is to be privileged or not privileged) to be yet another preachy loyalist trying to convert people to my new branch of self-actualization.
     So, please allow me to extend an olive branch in the form of my most flattering of disclaimers:
     This is for me to share my opinions and start a gentlemen’s discussion. Whether you happen to be a gentleman, a lady, transgender, gay, bisexual, lesbian, African America, Native American, Asian, African, Persian, “The One Percent,” a cop, identify as a dog, named “Gordon,” or have sixteen toes makes no lick of difference to me unless it is valid to the conversation at hand (so do feel free to pitch in so long as it doesn’t get personal ‘lest I shall ignore thee). Your opinion is still valid and should always be valid in just about any community as most of the things we do as humans create a little discrepancy called “morality” in which we are entitled to believe anything is wrong so long as we can agree to disagree and by the end of the day we haven’t wrung each other’s necks. All that having been said barring mentioning the fact that I respected your opinion until you wrote it using the stiff end of your raging hate boner and still will so long as you put it back in your pants.      Furthermore, as these are my opinions, I am automatically wrong and will be regarded as such by about three thousand people by the time I have finished typing any given sentence. Feel free to gloat as much as you like so long as you don’t step on anyone’s toes and that includes the white ones, since last I checked all races and creeds were granted immunity and there wasn’t an asterisk at the end.
     All good and caught up? Excellent! So what’s getting people pissed off recently... Well, everything really, so the proverbial “Shit that hits the fan” most recently would be the people making posts about the five-year-old child that got murdered on his front lawn and using that as a political tool to tell everyone that Black Lives Matter is a false organization and that there are unjustified murders in every untidy hole of civilization. I’m not sure what’s scummier, implying that African Americans have no right to complain about being unjustly killed by a group of people with near immunity to any form of punishment or just posthumously dragging a five-year-old into a political issue of which he never wished to be a part, because he’s five.
     If I were to take a truly neutral stance and see things from the perspective of both political parties (of which I am a fan of neither) I would also point out that the left responded by slamming the “Five-Year-Old” bandwagon by saying that the cops can get away with their murders, leaving a trail of weeping families in their wreckage to mourn without closure. Having seen both sides seemingly standing on either side of a pond with mouths wide open angrily snarling at each other like two sparring hippos, I am compelled to ask the most “Jesus-y” question: 
     “Why must there be justice?” 
     Don’t get me wrong, if somebody sneaks up behind me and tries to slit my throat, I’ll happily unhinge his or her (I’m not biased, any gender can be a serial killer these days) skull and remove whatever tendons are keeping that blade in check, but what if the little monster actually succeeds? Do I now have some obligation to their life and how it’s spent?
     If true justice is to be preformed, that sucker gets put away for many years and my family just gets to say, “Oh, great, now that they’re behind bars, it’s as if we have our daughter/son/brother/sister back.” But is anybody truly happy after they’ve lost something close to them and the only recompense is that “Justice happened”? So if I’m ever murdered, I want just one damn thing. I want it to have done SOMETHING!
     My High school math teacher who for the sake of hiding his identity, we’ll call: Mister Dank Engine (If you knew him, you’d think that’s hilarious) once told us a story.
     “I once knew a guy that had killed somebody. Every time he heard sirens coming, he’d hide under his desk and he was always on his best behavior because he was always afraid the police would find out it was him.”
     So, aside from the fact that “killed somebody” leaves ambiguity as to whether the guy meant to do so, can’t we assume that any other living killer is paying it off in their lifetime without violence? Not to say that they get way, but that they continued contributing to society instead of blowing my hard-earned tax dollars rotting in a cell. I’d prefer to believe that anybody can get a second chance at life and use it to do good by me like “Boo Radley” from To Kill a Mockingbird. I’d much rather know that any asshole with half the grit to saw my head off sorrowfully moved on and somehow turned my memory into an empire of free cookie baskets than that he or she got the lethal injection. How does killing someone else put the good they took out of the world back into it?
     Now, that’s not to say that any firm shit with half a mind to do terrible things like killing children and innocent, unarmed black women will go on to do anything great with their lives besides witnessing their own demise, but with that in mind, does it truly matter who gets justice if the family gets nothing? If so, where has all the good in world gone once we’ve locked everyone else up and how do we get it back?
     My general opinion on all political matters is that both the left and the right will not do jack about shit, because they’re truly way too busy thrashing each others ears to get any work done, meaning every debate is just two sides of the same penny, both have beauty and are delicately crafted, but at the end of the day, it’s a worthless corrosive penny with years of stains that have most certainly been in some filthy places and have outworn their usefulness years ago. So, in the very least, a legitimate debate can’t possibly do any harm to our society, because our beloved politicians aren’t changing anything no matter what we decide, so good for us. At the very worst though, we can cram our opinions down each others throats as if to face-fuck each other into joining our little cults until years later, we realize no one’s mind was ever changed because you hated them so much that they respected your outlook.
     As a side-note, if I’m ever murdered by a cop, please don’t shut down an entire occupation. The last thing I want to be associated with is: “That one time, we stopped generalizing a race and started generalizing a practice.”
     Yours truly, Jesus Fucking Christ.
PS. I sure hope you liked the disclaimer, because It’ll be in every blog post, because I don’t want any newbies not understanding or anyone reading right now to forget.
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ninja-muse · 5 years
Cozy Mystery Recommendations
For @the-forest-of-books, who asked.
The Noodle Shop mysteries by Vivien Chien - Probably the series I’ve talking about most lately. Heroine is grudgingly working in the family restaurant and otherwise living a pretty Millennial life, and people in the mall keep dying. Features a bit of an overbearing mom, a strong cast of secondary characters, a pug named Kikkoman, and the obligatory Sexy, Protective Cop™ who somehow doesn’t quite edge into Alpha Maleness. And the first character of colour and author of colour I’ve seen in the genre!
The Her Royal Spyness series by Rhys Bowen - The series that started it all. Georgie’s umpteenth in line for the throne so knows there are Expectations of her, but she draws the line at living with her twit of a brother and getting married off to whoever. She’d much rather make a go of it in London, even though she has a) no money b) no household skills c) no employable skills. Series features an impromptu maid business, a Cockney grandfather and an ex-music hall jetsetting mother, a dashing but mysterious Irish boyfriend, a school chum turned madcap fashion designer, house parties, the highly suspect Wallis Simpson, and, yes, the occasional dead body. Haven’t read all the books, but enjoyed every one I have.
The Fairy Tale Fatale series by Maia Chance - A actress finds herself out of a job with a trunk full of costumes and a ditzy friend, so clearly the best course of action is to pretend to be a lady’s maid and get hired by somebody rich. Who’s just bought Snow White’s castle and prompted died by apple. Features a series of improbable costumes, a lot of “I had to learn this for a play once”, a dashing but awkward folklore professor, a conniving and dastardly folklore professor, a lot of fairy tale references, and a heroine who is almost infinitely resourceful and decidedly not a damsel. Subsequent books riff on Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast and I’m so mad she’s writing other series instead of continuing this one.
Medicus by Ruth Downie - An army doctor in Roman Britain with money problems back home and a recent divorce finds himself with a moody slave girl and someone killing prostitutes. I read this years ago and haven’t gone on with the series so I clearly didn’t love it but I remember it being pretty satisfactory and definitely a different setting.
A Murder of Magpies by Judith Flanders - Another series I haven’t continued but still a good book. An editor at a small London press is about to publish a fashion exposé when its author goes missing and the police come calling. Also contains a cop-not-yet-boyfriend, familial disappointment, lots of publishing jokes, an amazing goth assistant, and some death threats.
Murder Your Darlings by J.J. Murphy - The first of a sadly out of print series I really would love to find the rest of someday because the first was a lot of fun. It’s basically Dorothy Parker solving a murder with the help of the Algonquian Round Table, to get a a very young William Faulkner off the hook for it. And yes, it’s as witty as you’d expect with Parker as a protagonist.
Shout-outs to Dorothy L. Sayers, Agatha Christie, Ellis Peters, and Elizabeth Peters for writing long series I’ve read one book each of (and out of sequence) and which I know are good and/or classic. Other shout-outs to The Con Artist by Fred Van Lente and The Unfortunate Decisions of Dahlia Moss by Max Wirestone, which don’t have enough cozy tropes to be in the genre per se but are certainly light and hugely geeky mysteries.
And I know people who are fans of:
Georgette Heyer
Krista Davis
Ellery Adams
Sofie Kelly
Ellie Alexander
Julie Hyzy
Duffy Brown
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candy--heart · 5 years
If we nominate a candidate plagued by a litany of disqualifying issues, Trump will win. We can’t make that mistake again.
---- ---- ----
has been personally involved in nearly every bad policy decision of the last 50 years. Currently coasting on name recognition and association with Obama, he can only go down from here as people realize he is more comparable to Trump than he is to anyone else. With all the negatives of Hillary’s failed campaign but none of the positives, he would almost surely see us lose the general election again. If you love your grandchildren at all please do not vote for Biden.
Led the fight against desegregating schools even years after it had been proven a success and defended by Republicans [Expanded 7/6]
Voted for the disastrous Iraq War, then escalated it, then lied about it, still says he’d “do it again,” and just hired a foreign policy advisor who helped Bush orchestrate the war before joining a lobbying firm for the military-industrial complex [Expanded 8/13, 8/29, 9/6]
Wrote the racist Crime Bill that intentionally led to record-breaking mass incarceration, positioning himself to the right of even Reagan and Bush
Opposed Roe v Wade and voted to allow states to overturn it like they are now, worked to undermine the ACA’s coverage of birth control, does “not view abortion as a choice and a right” and still opposed federal funding for it multiple times including during this election
Long history of creepily/patronizingly groping/sniffing/kissing/grabbing/condescending women and young girls just so many times, even including intimidation and continuing even now after his non-apology [Expanded 10/14, 10/29, 11/9]
Racist comments like this and this, and fondness towards if not impassioned support for so many of the worst racists and segregationists like this whom he chose to work with, as well as Republicans like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Mike Pence, and Jeb Bush. Generally has no understanding of racism in America [Expanded 7/27, 8/8, 9/13]
As part of his crusade against desegregating schools he was the only member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to block two black appointees to the Department of Justice
Has lied about marching in the Civil Rights movement multiple times, and seems to lie about attending an HBCU [Expanded 8/31, 10/29]
Horrible treatment of Anita Hill during Clarence Thomas hearing
Supports cutting Social Security and Medicare and raising the retirement age on multiple occasions, backing Paul Ryan’s efforts to do so, while voting to gut welfare
Led the disastrous War on Drugs, and somehow still opposes cannabis legalization (while simultaneously trying to destroy the growing industry by handing it over to the Big Pharma), yet two of his children escaped consequences for drug use [Expanded 8/31]
Pushed to expand death penalty, even to those on drug charges
Opposes Medicare for All while he and his campaign lie about it what it would entail, and wants to bring back penalizing those who can’t afford to pay for private insurance. He continues to praise Big Pharma to his ultra-wealthy donors and is the only candidate to refuse to meet with disabled healthcare activist Ady Barkan [Expanded 7/6, 7/27, 9/21, 10/14]
Originally claimed he “doesn’t have time” to propose his own healthcare plan, then proposed one that would kill 125,000 Americans and leave over 10 million uninsured (which he’s lied about) in a rollout sponsored by Big Pharma (even his own wife admits he’s not good on healthcare, and he’s let slip the true reality of his proposal) [Expanded 7/6, 7/27, 8/19, 8/26, 10/14]
Personally fought to make cancer medication unaffordable for patients in developing nations [Added 10/14]
Opposed equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community even very recently, only eventually coming around just 7 short years ago, and is still awkward at best on the issue [Expanded 9/22, 10/14]
Supported the NRA in passing massive anti-gun control legislation, and has blamed videos games for mass shootings multiple times [Expanded 8/5]
Opposes meaningful action on the climate crisis like the Green New Deal, instead pursuing the “middle ground” while his campaign attacks publications for accurately reporting this
He’s rated D- by Greenpeace in part because he supports fracking, oil and gas exportation, and the building of new fossil fuel infrastructure, and his campaign shot down the proposed climate debate and skipped MSNBC’s climate forum [Added 8/23, Expanded 9/6, 9/16]
Plagiarized fossil fuel groups’ language in his woefully inadequate climate crisis plan after his climate advisor made $1 million from one natural gas company alone. He then made uncomfortable physical contact with and rudely dismissed a young woman who asked him about this [Expanded 10/14]
Broke his own pledge to not accept fossil fuel money by attending a fundraiser hosted by his former advisor and current oil corporation co-founder/owner Andrew Goldman, and lied about it twice [Added 9/6, Clarified/Expanded 9/7, 10/14]
Voted to expand deportations and indefinite detention for immigrants multiple times and opposed amnesty for immigrants and supports requiring them to learn English
As VP his administration deported more people than any other in American history, deporting people at a higher rate than Trump’s administration even according to ICE themselves, and expanding the anti-immigrant system Trump now uses by 3,600%. He still refuses to answer for this and has gone as far as calling the police on immigration activists for passing out flyers [Expanded 7/9, 10/14]
As VP his administration built the inhumane concentration camps in which children separated from their families are still illegally caged, beginning the practice which Trump has now continued and resulting in the ongoing lawsuit claiming that ICE is violating the Flores Agreement by not providing basics like toothpaste and soap [Added 7/9]
Voted to build border walls and supported sending military to the border long before Trump
Voted to ban immigrants with HIV, locking Haitian refugees up in Guantanamo Bay
Spearheaded the Alliance for Prosperity which increased deportations, border militarization, privatization, and oil pipelines for American exploitation while worsening the refugee crisis
Architected Plan Colombia, internationalizing the War On Drugs resulting in mass death, displacement, and destruction of food crops, while opening the country to US business interests
Sides with Trump in backing right-wing coup in Venezuela
Voted to authorize invasion of the Netherlands if an American is tried for war crimes by the International Court of Justice in The Hague, refusal to participate in UN peacekeeping unless the US obtains immunity, and withdrawal of aid to countries that ratify ICC treaty
Supports Israel’s right-wing regime and apartheid in Palestine purely to protect US interests. A self-described Zionist, he blames Palestinians for multiple US-backed Israeli massacres, including an attack that killed 9 peace activists. Calls BDS “anti-semitic” and has a 100% rating from AIPAC [Expanded 7/4]
Recklessly threatens nuclear war with North Korea
Sided with banks to overturn Glass-Steagall and deregulate, leading to financial crisis, and has dishonestly tried to take credit for the formation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau despite actually helping strip state consumer protection [Expanded 10/18]
Defends billionaires hoarding wealth and promises to ensure it keeps happening at the expense of everyone else while voting to slash the top income tax rate and cripple the estate tax, resulting in $83 billion lost annually
Led the disastrous Bankruptcy Bill resulting in increased debt and specifically fought to make student loan debt more difficult to live with before dismissing the plight of Millennials who are now the most indebted generation ever [Expanded 8/26]
Lied about his own student debt multiple times, his own scholarship, and his own academic achievements, and has not proposed any plans to make public college tuition free or to abolish student debt [Added 8/26]
Voted against abolishing the electoral college that undemocratically elected Bush and Trump
Took $200,000 to help a Republican beat a Democrat to Congress despite being anti-abortion
Voted against enhancing labor protection enforcements
Voted for NAFTA, supports TPP, is generally to the right of Trump on trade, and argued against the prediction that China would become an economic competitor [Expanded 9/13]
Works with union-busters, voted to cut union pensions, continues to snub unions, and is generally bad for workers [Expanded 10/14]
Consistently sides with special interests and corporations against antitrust regulation and voted for the first antitrust exemption since 1922
Opposes net neutrality
Driving force behind the Patriot Act, supports warrantless wiretaps / mass surveillance while his son partially owns the Chinese government’s Islamophobic mass surveillance system [Edited 9/13]
Personally tried to prevent Ecuador from providing asylum for Edward Snowden
Says the CIA torture report is not a “black stain on this country” but a “badge of honor”
Worsened the opioid epidemic and made it harder to treat
Wants to make up reasons to jail anyone associated with a rave and literally bulldoze it down while his RAVE legislation lets kids die from preventable drug overdoses
Was the only senator to vote against expanding a child care tax credit [Added 7/29]
Has questionable electability based on receiving less than 0.22% in 3 previous Democratic primary elections. He has a history of insulting voters and is currently skipping major party events, hiding from the press, and holding only between a quarter and half as many public events as his rivals
Has questionable electability based on his infamous propensity for awkward “gaffes,” including many, many, many, many, many, many, many in this election cycle alone, to the point where he is literally unable to campaign [Added 8/9, Expanded 8/11, 8/13, 8/15, 8/23, 8/24, 9/2, 9/17, 10/14]
Plagiarized law school papers and campaign speeches (in which he lied about having coal miner roots), which ended his 1988 presidential run
His anti-progressive campaign surrogate Ed Rendell is a sexist, pro-fracking, pro-AIPAC Fox News supporter who approved bombing a black neighborhood in Philadelphia, killing 5 children and 6 adults [Added 6/26]
Used Charlottesville as a prop in his campaign video despite never even visiting once
Lied about getting shot down in Iraq and experiences in Afghanistan [Added 8/31]
Has no plan to reform the court system or counter its Republican takeover, has proposed re-nominating the failed Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, a nearly 70 year-old “moderate” who has opposed voting rights and human rights for Guantanamo detainees, and is fine with Kavanaugh remaining on the Supreme Court for life [Added 7/6, Expanded 9/16]
Is still openly courting Republican billionaires for donations, including John Catsimatidis, who’s compared taxing the wealthy to Nazi persecution of Jews
Endorsed by Alan Dershowitz, the millionaire Trump supporter accused of taking part in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex ring, after Biden’s son ensured a similar billionaire pedophile avoided prison after raping his own toddler
Voted to deregulate the credit card industry while a credit card company was his top donor from 1989–2000 and then hired his son
His administration awarded a $1.5 billion contract to his brother’s construction firm despite his brother having no prior residential construction experience
Has a long history of generally Trump-esque nepotism that he refuses to address [Added 10/14]
Broke his own pledge to take over 2x more money than Trump from lobbyists and special interests, including at least 13 billionaires, has the same general donor base as Trump, and very openly partakes in general corruption [Expanded 8/5, 8/11, 8/23, 10/14]
Flip-flopped on his initial opposition to using Super PACs and established one with military industrial complex and private healthcare lobbyists, even after admitting, “You shouldn’t accept any money from a Super PAC, because people can’t possibly trust you” just one year prior [Added 10/25]
His Senate chief of staff is now running Fox News’ lobbying operation [Added 10/14]
Hasn’t released any tax returns since 2015, which people seem to care about now [On 7/9 he released them to no media attention, revealing an $11 million increase in income in his first year out of office alone]
Seems to have found a loophole to avoid paying his interns [Added 7/12]
Unconvincingly co-opted Bernie’s education plan and slogan, and a Biden PAC plagiarized Kamala Harris’ slogan for its name
Despite his supposed frontrunner status he is a distant 5th in individual donors, raising questions of electability [Added 10/14]
“A lot of us sit around thinking up ways to vote conservative just so we don’t come out with a liberal rating. I’m really quite conservative…”
Meghan and the McCain family and Strom Thurmond have endorsed him, and Trump has donated to him
The worst part? He’s still not sorry for any of this (but wants a black man to apologize to him)
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nightmare-grass · 5 years
So I’m officially Spidersona trash
Here I have compiled the main characters, their abilities and personalities, and their relationships within the story I am currently working on and have been working on ever since the Spidersona movement of 2018.
1. My personal OC
- Name: Nora Weaver
- Age: 19
- Alias: Jumper
- Based on the Bold Jumping Spider
- Quirky, inventive, sneaky, caring, impatient, smart, and kinda egotistical
- Saw the Prowler fighting Prism on tv one time and thought, ‘hey, those rocket-boot things are pretty cool’
- Later on she made her own rocket boots for a college science fair (it’s a high school science fair, tbh, but colleges scout for talented students to give scholarships to), she promotes them as footwear for rescue efforts and stuff like that
- At this science fair another kid was doing experiments on spiders and one escaped and bit Nora, giving her spider powers
- Since Nora’s thing is mechanics, she got her more chemistry-inclined older sister to help make her web fluid
- Sister’s name is Amelia
- She eventually designed her own suit and was from then on known as Jumper
- Only her sister knows her true identity
- She has arachnophobia (coincidentally)
- She’s adopted and it turns out her biological father is Dr. Octopus
- Her birth mother is a woman named Mary Alice Anders (Otto and Mary split up in Otto’s tragic villain backstory)
- She gets scrap and parts from an auto body shop and the son of the guy who owns the shop is really cute and Nora has a crush on him. His name is Dominic Mazzetti.
- One humid summer day Nora drops down in an alley in her spider suit and peels the spandex off to sit at her waist, having been wearing a tank top underneath, in order to cool off. She realizes too late that she’s right next to the auto body shop when Dominic comes around the corner, looking to take a shortcut, and sees her. She webs him up, jumps onto the rooftop with him, and starts freaking out, but she makes him promise not to tell anyone her secret. From then on they work together more closely.
- Gwen Stacy is kind of the designated bully, seeing her as a rival for good grades, so she mockingly call her “Snora” since Nora falls asleep in class quite a bit due to her hero work
- Eventually Gwen and Nora become friends
- Nemesis: Doctor Octopus
- Recurring Villain: Screwball
“Alright, lets start at the beginning one last time. My name is Nora Weaver. I built some rocket boots, was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last year and a half I’ve been one of a few spider-themed heroes in my city. I call myself Jumper. I’m pretty sure you can figure out the rest. I saved some people, joined a spider hero team, graduated, started college, nearly dropped out, and now I’m in the process of saving the city again. By the way, I was in the middle of that. Catch ya later!”
2. Peter Parker Gender-bend
- Name: Penelope Parker
- Age: 18
- Alias: Ladybird
- Based on the Ladybug Mimic Spider
- She was the one with the spider science project
- when one of her spiders bit her, it momentarily distracted her and she let two more escape, one biting Nora, another biting Skylar
- Wears glasses
- When they get to community college Penelope meets Harry Osborn and after a while of being friends they start dating. This will not end well.
- Nemesis: Green Goblin
- Recurring Villain: Black Cat
“Alrighty then! I guess we can start at the beginning one more time. My name is Penelope Parker, and for the past year and a half I’ve been the hero known as Ladybird. I was experimenting with some spiders and radioactive elements when three of them got out and bit me and two of my now best friends, and so we decided to form a superhero team. I figure you know the rest; we saved the city, started college, I got an internship that ended up being a trap, my aunt May died, and now we’re trying to save the city again. Yeah, it hasn’t been great.”
“AGH, Harry is such a dreamboat!” Penelope twirled around gaily and flopped onto her bed with a sigh. “I don’t deserve him,” she murmured with a smile.
Nora rolled her eyes. “Of course you deserve him, Pen! In my eyes, you deserve the world,” Nora said matter-of-factly.
3. OC
- Name: Skylar Tran
- Age: 19
- Alias: Spider-Shine
- Based on the Mirror Spider
- Non-binary, they/them pronouns
- Black hair dyed blue
- Filipino
- Reflective/shiny skin (yes, like the Twilight vamps, get over it)
- Cocky, flamboyant, funny, millennial humor, depressed but doesn’t wanna show it, being a superhero gives them something to live for
- Has scars from depression on their arms
- Very much an anime fan
- Starts out as a “Hero for Hire” where they got paid for rescuing people but quit that as soon as they found out about Tombstone and how he scares the people of NYC into paying him so he doesn’t let worse things happen to them
- Nemesis: Tombstone
- Recurring Villain: The Tinkerer
4. Symbiotesona
- Name: Amber Herald
- Age: 31
- Alias: Prism
- Symbiote
- Bonded with Prism when she was 23 and working for the Life Foundation
- They’re lesbians, Harold.
- Prism’s thing is light refraction, so she can turn invisible
- She’s an established hero when the three newbies get bit
- Their origin story is kinda like the Venom movie except they don’t take down a big bad corporation or stop an alien invasion
- Prism is a forced spawn of Venom
- Life Foundation captured Venom to make more Symbiotes but Prism was one of the few Symbiotes that escaped with a host
- Dreamcasting Idina Menzel as Amber
- Nemesis: Any evil Symbiotes that happen to pop up.
- Recurring Villains: Prowler and Kraven the Hunter
Side Characters
1. Harry Osborn
- Son of Norman Osborn
- Has a degenerative disease that Norman tries to fix with experimental science
- Goes mad, becomes Green Goblin
- Before he’s the Goblin, he and Penelope start dating
2. Gwen Stacy
- daughter of Police Captain, George Stacy
- Gifted in biochemistry
- Wants to become a forensic scientist for the NYPD, following in the footsteps of her father but in her own way
- On weekends she is the drummer for MJ’s band
- Sees Nora and Penelope as her academic rivals and sometimes bullies them
- Loves music
- Is a lesbian and has a crush on MJ but she’s still in the closet
- If I ever want to make her into Spider-Gwen, I could kill off Amber and have Prism bond with Gwen
3. Mary Jane “MJ” Watson
- Intern/reporter for the Daily Bugle
- Sometimes self-absorbed, mostly self-assured and witty
- Has a band called The Mary Janes where she’s the lead singer and lead guitarist
- Keyboard player is Glory Grant
- Drummer is Gwen Stacy
- She’s bisexual and she has a crush on Gwen
- With her hot temper and Gwen’s bull headed stubbornness, they have quite a few disagreements
4. Felicia Hardy
- becomes Black Cat, an antihero
- Her dad used to develop tech for Oscorp when he was found “stealing” some of the tech he worked on and was laid off
- Her dad used the tech he’d developed to aid him in cat burglary because he couldn’t find a job and had to support he and his daughter but he was caught stealing from one of Kingpin’s businesses
- Felicia used her dad’s tech to steal enough money to pay for his bail but kept stealing afterward
- Takes up a Robin Hood-like role where she steals from rich assholes like Kingpin and Norman Osborn and gives back to the homeless of NYC
- She’s really quiet as a civilian, almost unnerving, but that’s because she spends all day coming up with cat-related quips and catchphrases to use when she goes out as Black Cat
5. Screwball
- I want to add more to her character, really dig deep and find the person behind the vlogger/criminal nut job
- Her crimes are just stunts and dangerous pranks on important figures
- She live-streams every crime
- Started off with a prank channel on YouTube but when she started drawing the attention of Jumper and the bunch for her dangerous stunts, her videos started to get more views, so she just scaled up her pranks to draw the attention of the heroes even more
- Expert Gymnast and Media Influencer
- Some of her fans are so rabid for her that they’ll commit murder at her slightest suggestion
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